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Demonstrate the definition

to marriage is not yet

clarified due to diversity of
couples. As well uniting in
marriage is a civil right,
not a moral issue in which
individual should have this
right respected regardless
of sexual preferences for
The same-sex marriage
should be legalize.
The first step to take action is
remembering that all
individuals are different from
one another. But everyone
deserves respect and to be
treated with equality.
Meaning the opportunity to
unite in marriage should be of
the individual choice and must
be with the freedom of
deciding who the person they
chose and love is.
Then simply spread the love
and practice equality among
each others.
Take Action:
Even if we approach this topic in
a political aspect, we would find
out that even the constitution
does not have an exact definition
for marriage, but it does states
the fundamental right everyone
was to be free to look for
Our Purpose &
Main Goal:
The purpose is to encourage a
society without hatred or
violence. Were individual
can feel safe even if they are
different. A difference based
on their race, religion, or
sexual preferences.
!The right to marry, and to
marry the person of one" s choice,
is a
fundamental right and a
necessary aspect of human
happiness. #
-Nathan Goetting -


About the Author:
Did You Know?
Did you know that
more than fifty
percent of individuals
at this point support
the same sex issue?
With a strong
agreement or
somewhat agreement
about this issue the
majority of individual
believe heterosexuals
Araci Reyes is a researcher
in the topic concerning the
legalization of same-sex
marriages. She is seeking a
degree in Education at the
University of Texas at El
Paso and even thought her
future career does not
relates directly to the topic
she is researching about she
is a supported for it.
Contact Information:
If Interracial
couples are
allowed to unite
in marriage today,
should same-sex
couples have this
possibility in the

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