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Joining A high school diploma is
required, must pay tuition, enroll
in designated courses, and attend /
pass courses.
Specialize Language: Respectful
toward peers and professors in
english most times and
conversation among friends,
english or spanish depending
whom it is. Use words such as yes
mam. no sir, please, thanks you.
Genre: E-mails, essays, reports,
and discussion boards.
Conventions: Turn in assignment
before the due date, follow rubrics
of assignments, respect the rules
of the campus and the members
involve in this campus.
Joining: Have your baptism, holy
communion, confirmation and
practice the beliefs taught.
Specialize Language: Loving and
friendly towards everyone.
Informal with peers but
respectful. Use words such as God,
pray, faith, service and bible.
Genre: Texting and social media
chats (Facebook).
Convention: Have knowledge on
what you preach, be prepare, give
a good testimony.
Joining: Promote skills via
internet (social media),
orally, and look for events
where a choreography is
Specialize language:
Professional, respectful but
authority tone with
customers and
coworkers.Counts.Use words
such as change formation,
repeat from the top.
Genre: Texting and calling.
Convention: Be prepare for
all practices and plan ahead
of time.
Joining: I was born and
gifted with this family.
Specialize language:
Informal but respectful.
Words such as mom, dad,
and nicknames we go by.
Genre: Texting, calling,
letters, e-mails, social media
chats (Facebook), and face
to face conversations.
Convention: Do what is ask
for (chores), have good
grades and be respectful
toward one another.

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