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Lesson Planning Form for Differentiating Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Abby Wierenga

Date Day 1 Subject/ Topic/ Theme: What are Disabilities ?
I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
Students are learning about different disabilities
How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.)
It is about disabilities, which is what the unit plan is all about.
What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards.
If an objective applies to only certain students write the name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.
1) Students will be able to talk about different disabilities with varying ranges of knowledge.
2) Students will be experts on one disability and be able to talk knowledgeably about that disability.

II. Before you start
Prerequisite knowledge and skills.

Students should know some general things about disabilities.
(formative and summative)
They will be working in the computer lab looking up disabilities and filling out a worksheet
that will be given to them.
Identify those students (individuals
or groups) in your class who will
need special attention and describe
the level of support you plan on
giving them. Refer back to the
survey you did of your class.
I will need to make sure that I am aware of any students who are closely affected by this topic,
i.e. siblings with disabilities, family members, friends, etc.
Materials-what materials (books,
handouts, etc) do you need for this
lesson and do you have them?
I will need the worksheet that goes with this lesson. I will also need to make sure that I have
access to computers for this class period.
Do you need to set up your
classroom in any special way for
this lesson? If so, describe it.
No special setup is needed

III. The Plan
The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher activities and student

Start out the lesson by introducing Galatians 3:26-29. Recite it and add motions. So in
Jesus Christ (reach for the sky) you are all children of God (pretend to pat a child on the
head) through faith (make a cross with your arms), for all of you who were baptized into
Christ (dump water on head) have clothed yourselves with Christ (pretend to put on a
coat). There is neither Jew nor Gentile (hold out one hand then the other as if weighing
options), neither slave nor free (hold onto your own wrists then let go), nor is there male
and female (point at a guy point at a girl) for you are all one in Christ Jesus (fold hands
together as one). If you belong to Christ (point up to heaven) then you are Abrahams
seed (sprinkle seeds on the ground) and heirs according to the promise (put on a crown).

Next, explain why we learned this verse today which will lead to the unit on disabilities.

Ask if anyone in the class knows someone who has a disability. Explain how there are different types of
disabilities from being in a wheelchair to not being able to read because letters get all mixed up in your
Explain why learning about disabilities is so important. If you dont already know someone with a
disability right now, you will meet people as you grow older and you will have to interact with them.
Ask what are some disabilities that you know about? (Have students say what some are that they know and
write them up on the board)
Explain that today we are going to be looking at different disabilities. We will be going to the computer lab
and each person will get to choose a disability to look at. (hand out worksheet) The students will be
completing that worksheet and handing it in to me at the end of class.
Head to the computer lab (or wherever there are computers). While students are working on worksheets
walk around to check and make sure they are staying focused and are working on the right thing.
When done (if there is still time left) have them go back to the classroom and break them into small groups
so they can share what they found out.

Have them hand in their worksheets and before this time is over we will go through the scripture one more
Your reflection on the lesson including ideas for improvement for next time:

Citation: Kids Health website

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