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What is fashion?
Are you a fashionable person?
Do you read fashion magazines?
Can you be fashionable without spending money?
When and where did you buy an article of clothing you're wearing right now?
Why did you choose it?
Which is the most fashionable city in Spain?

sleeve = manga
- long/short sleeves = mangas largas/cortas
- sleeveless = sin mangas
- puffed sleeves = mangas abultadas
cuff = puo
- cuff-links = gemelos

collar = cuello
button-hole = ojal
lapel = solapa del saco
turn-up = botamanga
single-breasted = derecho (se refiere al saco)
double-breasted = cruzado (se refiere al saco)

breast pocket = bolsillo en el pecho
side-pockets = bolsillos a los lados
inside-pockets = bolsillos internos
zip = cierre, cremallera

V-neck = cuello en V
round neck = cuello redondo
polo neck = polera
low neckline = escotado

striped = a rayas
checked = a cuadros
pleated = tableado
- inverted pleats/pleated = tablas/tableado invertido

a set of jewellery = joyas
bracelet = pulsera
brooch = prendedor
necklace = collar
string of pearls = collar de perlas
pendant = colgante

ring = anillo
earrings = aros
charms = dijes
press-stud = broches a presin
hook and eye = cierre de collar
clasp = cierre de collar

tailor = sastre
dressmaker = modista
tailored suit = traje a medida

to wear = usar
to have something on = tener puesto
to put on = ponerse
to dress = vestirse
to be (dressed) in = estar vestido con
to take off = to undress = desvestirse
to button up = abotonar
to unbutton = desabotonar
to zip up = subir el cierre o cremallera
to unzip = bajar el cierre o cremallera

to come into fashion = ponerse de moda
to be in fashion = estar de moda
to be fashionable = estar de moda
to go out of fashion = dejar de estar de moda
to be out of fashion = estar fuera de moda

to try something on = probarse
to fit (it's the right size) = quedarle bien
to suit (looks well) = quedarle agradable

to take in = achicar
to let out = agrandar
to lengthen = alargar
to shorten = acortar
to tighten = ajustar
to loosen = desajustar

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