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Basic B

Face2Face Unit 1A
Review of verb forms and questions
A. Match the verb tenses to their use.
Verb Tense Use
1. Present Simple a. Activities happening at the moment we speak
2. Present Continuous b. Decided future plans
3. Past Simple c. uture plans that are possible but not decided
!. Present Perfect d. Activities in the past and we sa" when the" happened
#. $e%going%to e. &'periences in our life until now
(. )ight f. &ver" da" and free time activities
B. oo! at the sentences and match them to the verb tenses on e"ercise A.
a. * am going to stud" a )aster+s degree ne't "ear.
b. ,e are stud"ing for our &nglish -ui..
c. /ohnn" has been to Disne"land man" times.
d. 0eronica likes going to the beach during the rain" season.
e. )ike might take his girlfriend to the cinema or ma"be he+ll take her to a
f. David wrote a nice letter to his wife last night.
#. Fi$$ in the %a&s with the words from the bo".
never famil" ask au'iliar"
a. How does he travel around London?
1. ,e usuall" use an 1111111111111111111 2do3 does3 did3 can3 is3 etc.4 to make -uestions
b. How often is fifteen on TV?
2. ,e 1111111111111111111 use do3 does3 or did to make -uestions with be.
c. How many children has he got5
3. ,e make -uestions with have got to ask about 1111111111111111111 relationships and
d. ,hen is he going to open his new restaurant5
!. ,e can 1111111111111111111 -uestions about future plans with be going to.
'. #om&$ete the structures and write the e"am&$e questions in the correct &$aces in the tab$e.
1. 6ow does he travel around 7ondon5
2. ,hen did he get married5
3. ,hich instrument can he pla"5
!. ,hat is he writin% at the moment5
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