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Running head: Rhetorical Analysis Draft


Jennifer Delgado
Rhetorical Analysis Draft

Running head: Rhetorical Analysis Draft


Corporal punishment is a way parents use with their children to discipline them. The article provides
with important information about how children are not affected by corporal punishment, and that is method that
is useful for the discipline of the children. The main idea of this article is to change the idea for some parents
about the way they think about corporal punishment. The article doesnt say to physically damage them but that
is not bad to use corporal punishment in some cases. Instead the article proves that there is a 90 percent of
adults that were hit and they have a normal life and they dont show sociological damage. Corporal punishment
is not a bad way of educating the children because there are studies that proves the point.
The purpose why this article is because I believe that corporal punishment is method of disciplines the
children. I believe that is not bad to slap or hit the children, but obviously not to hit them hard. I think that when
parents use offensive words is much worse than corporal punishment. I think children need discipline and
parents can use this method when the children are rebel with the parents. The article wants to persuade the
audience to be more open with this idea. The intended audience is parents because article is talking about how
to discipline children and how the children are are not affected by corporal punishment. The author is saying
that corporal punishment can be used by the parents to discipline their children, that why the intended audience
is parents .The secondary audience may be young people and students because maybe one day they will become
parents as well. The
The author of the article is Peter T. Oas, The author uses ethos, how the author establish ethos is how he
uses his vocabulary and because of his tone of voice I believe. The authors come across as knowledgeable
because he sounds secure about his ideas and what he is trying to prove and he sounds clear, He show proves
from other people experience. The author shows his authority by proving his points with evidence and logical
thoughts. The author maintaining his idea but he is open to other ways of disciplines. He became fair but not
saying that just method of discipline is the right way of doing it but also he provides with other methods of
Running head: Rhetorical Analysis Draft


discipline. The author says that parents can use the one they feel more comfortable with. Thats how the author
sound more fair by not being arrogant.

The author of the article uses true stories from families that had trouble with their children and they use
corporal punishment with the children. I think it is for the audience to imagine the family in that situation. The
author uses these stories to get to the emotions of the reader. He uses two different stories from two families one
they use corporal punishment and the other the parents use other methods. The author wants the audience to see
the different reactions of the children and how they were affected or benefit. The author attend to connect with
the audience by not saying that his method is the only way of discipline he stay open to other ideas. The author
wants the audience to not think that corporal punishment is a bad way of educating the children. This two
stories might similar to one the reader situations and does how he attempt to their emotions of the readers. I
think thats how he attempts to get closer to the audience. The author use a good pathos I think it is successfully
The author uses logos, the author uses a lot of cited and studies from other people. The author proves his
point by providing evidences from other resources and he uses some statistics to make the audience believe in
his article. The author uses the Rogelian argumentation because the author is trying to empathy with the
audience. He is trying to proves his point but without letting out other points of view. The author is trying to
avoid getting the audience in defensive or attacking him. The author is focusing in making bridges between the
audience and him. The author of this article doesnt say l win you lose instead he sees other people points of
views. In the article he says that corporal punishment can be uses as a way of discipline, but he is not meaning
that all the parents show uses it. The author show two different stories and he show the bad effects of each
other. The author is not saying that he is all correct about his point but he wants the audience to think about it as
an option.
Running head: Rhetorical Analysis Draft


The corporal punishment is another method of discipline that parents can use. The article uses ethos,
pathos, and logos to get closer with the audience and to proves his point. The main idea of this article is to
change the idea for some parents about the way they think about corporal punishment. Corporal punishment is
not a bad way of discipline and this article proves it with resources and studies from other people. The intended
audience are the parents

Running head: Rhetorical Analysis Draft



Running head: Rhetorical Analysis Draft


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