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Running Head: Annotated Bibliography

Annotaded Bibliography
Jennifer Delgado
March 24, 14

Running Head: Annotated Bibliography

Corporal punishment is an acceptable way of discipline the children?
1. Does corporal punishment affect the behavior of the children?
2. What are the consequences when a child is physical abuse?
3. What is considered to be physical abuse according to the laws?
4. What does physical punishment means?
Zolotor,A. j.,&Puzia, M. E. (2010). Bans Against corporal punishment: a systematic review of
the laws, changes in attitudes and behaviors. Child Abuse Review, 19(4),229-247
This article talks about arguments against corporal punishment, and the consequences in
the children. This article also provides with specific laws that are against any physical
punishment and, parents can go to prison or lose the child. This article specifies what is
considerate to be corporal punishment according to the laws.
Bans against corporal punishment, this article talks about the laws and what is considered
as corporal punishment. The article ensures that any physical punishment against a child is
considerate as corporal punishment and it is against the law. Corporal punishment demonstrates
that when a child is physically punished, the bad behavior of the child increases and the parent
and child relationship is damage. Corporal punishment is associated with adult aggression, anti-
social behavior or an abuse of its own child and spouse. This article demonstrates the amount of
parents that uses corporal punishment as a way of discipline and why they think its normal to do
Running Head: Annotated Bibliography

Oas, P. T. (2010). Current Status on Corporal Punishment With Children: What the Literature
Says. American Journal Of Family Therapy, 38(5), 413-420.
This article supports the idea of using corporal punishment as a way of discipline the
children. This article provides with research and studies that demonstrate that corporal
punishment does not affect the mental health of the children. The article has personal stories of
families that had being through similar citations about the children discipline.

Current status on corporal punishment with children, this article proves that physical
punishment is not a negative way of educating the children. When parents use strong words the
children is more mentally affected. The article wants to clarify that the use of corporal
punishment is not as bad as people think. There is studies that proof that adults that had being
physical punish when they were children, they have a normal life and they are not mentally
distorted. This article provides with stories of families that had similar problems with the
behavior of their children and, how they children is affected.
Straus MA. Soc. Probl. 1991; 38(2): 133-154.
This page talks about discipline and deviance, physical punishment and violence. This
article talks about what is consider being physical punishment, and what are the consequences of
corporal punishment. And the article in the web page demonstrate that parents who dont use
corporal punishment the children have a better behavior.
Running Head: Annotated Bibliography

The URL tells me that this is an organization. This webpage is a nonprofit organization.
The idea of Safety lift came from Sandy Bozo, but there is no author who claims the
responsibility of the webpage. The pages are not dated but the journals or articles in the page
seem to be helpful. The article was written by someone that looks qualified for this topic. The
content on the webpage seems to be rational because they use experts articles and journals. The
page was put on the web to help people to find information about certain topics. The web page
gives facts and informs the readers.
Ohene, S., Ireland, M., McNeely, C., & Borowsky, I. W. (2006). Parental expectations, physical
punishment, and violence among adolescents who score positive on a psychosocial screening test
in primary care. Pediatrics, 117, 441-447.
This article examines the relationship between the children and the parents and, what are
the parents expectations of their children behavior. This article talks about the consequences of
physical punishment in children and adolescents. . This article suggests that if parents uses
corporal punishment or negative ways of discipline they children are more likely to have a
violent behavior.
The URL tells me that this is an organization. This webpage is a nonprofit organization.
This web page is an association between psychologists, educators, clinicians, consultants and
students as its members. The pages are not dated but the material covered seems to be relevant.
The article was written by a profession in this particular topic. This article is rational because its
base on physical abuse and they have studies to proof their point, this article have information
Running Head: Annotated Bibliography

from other resources. This web page was put on the web to benefit and improve the peoples live
by providing research and studies.
This webpage begins with a question what is corporal punishment and it explain what is
corporal punishment, this mentions that a lot of adults had been summited to corporal
punishment without being traumatize but there can be risk of this to happen, this article talks
about what are the consequences of corporal punishment.
The URL tells me that this is an organization. This webpage is a nonprofit organization.
This belongs to a campaign against corporal punishment and it has sponsors. This webpage is not
dated but the information that is provides is helpful to my topic and it has good points. This
article seems to be written by someone that search for good information and it is believable. This
article is rational because it open and it has sources of different points of views. This article has
different sources and the information that is provides is similar to others. This webpage was put
on the web page to help families to understand the importance of corporal punishment and the
consequences it has.
MCLEOD, B., & NELSON, R. (2013). An Incremental Approach to Fully Funding the
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act. Social Policy, 43(3), 11-14.
The article provides information about the incremental approach to increasing federal
funding for the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), This article mentions that
a considerable number of child abuse victims did not get the treatment they deserved. It is the
authors view that child abuse prevention programs need additional funding and the U.S.
Congress should adopt policies to provide it.
Running Head: Annotated Bibliography

This article talks about the amount of children that were not treaded as they were
supposed to. This article explains that if parents uses physical punishments or negative ways of
discipline they children are more likely to have a violent behavior and the relationship between
the parents and the children will be damage. This article talks about the bad behavior of the
children and what are the consequences of it. This article also mentions that children can have
low grades in school or being unsocial with other, or react in a violent way. Children can be very
affected if they dont get the necessary help.

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