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Fitness/Nutrition Lesson Plan- PED 105

Objectives/Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to figure out the differences between nutritious foods and
fattening foods by doing concept webs together as a class and then having an activity
where they are putting their knowledge to the test. I want the students to be able know
what healthy foods are and why fattening foods are horrible for your body.

Colorful Index Cards
Basket or Container
White Board/Chalk Board
1. Have the children come as a group by the chalk or white board to complete the concept
2. I will form two webs, one saying Health Food and the other Bad Foods.
3. Children will be able to take turns naming a food that they think goes in the appropriate
4. After completing the food webs, I have already done the task of creating index cards
which have pictures of both unhealthy and healthy foods on them.
5. Already having the children in a circle, put all the cards in a basket in the middle of the
circle and have them take turns drawing cards.
6. If a child pulls a healthy card, they are allowed to keep it. If they pull out a junk food card
I take it and they have to put all the healthy food cards they have already collected back
in the basket.
7. Keep repeating this until all the cards are gone from the basket and whomever has the
most Healthy Food cards by the end, wins the game.

All the children will be sitting together to make the webs and once the activity is played
have them sit in a circle.

If by any chance, there are any children in the classroom with a handicap where they may
not be able to sit, or reach the basket to join in the game, I would just have the children
bring their chairs to the carpet and form a small circle so they all have the same
advantages or make it so I walk around with the basket for them to pick a card.

To assess the children to know that they fully grasped the concept is to get them to
individually name back healthy foods we had learned about through the web and activity
and give me a reason why unhealthy foods are bad for your body.

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