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CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum

Small Group Activity Form 22/25

Name of Activity: Fun with Blubber- Penguins and Polar Bears-Keeping Warm!
Curriculum Area: Science
Length of Activity: 15-20 minutes
Learning Objectives (specify at least three):
1 !he child will be able to ta"e turns putting one hand in a baggie with #risco and one hand without
#risco in ice water to see which hand $eels colder %5-ta"ing turns&
2 !he child will be able to hold out their right or le$t hand and recall which hand $elt colder %1'-
comprehension o$ meaning&
' !he child will be able to distinguish the di$$erence between warm and cold %2(- memor) and
Material/!uipment Nee"e":

1 #risco shortening
2 * plastic baggies $or each child
' +uc",pac"ing tape
* Buc"et with cold water and ice
5 Spoons %one $or each child&
#reparation ($hat "o you nee" to "o beforehan"%): -a"e sure )ou ha.e all materials a.ailable
#roce"ures (step by step) & 'e (pecific
)'eginning (*o+ +ill , intro"uce activity%)
1 / would introduce this during $ree pla) and ha.e a couple o$ children 0oin me at a table
2 !o create an interest $or the children to participate1 / would start o$$ b) as"ing a $ew 2uestions li"e
what do people put on to "eep them warm3 +oes a penguin or polar bear wear a 0ac"et3 +o )ou
"now what "eeps them warm3
' / would introduce the materials being used b) $irst e4plaining to the children that the) were going to
create blubber %which both penguins and polar bears ha.e underneath their s"in to help "eep them
warm& 5e4t / would as" them i$ the) "new what #risco was and i$ the)6.e $elt it $ollowed b)
the 2uestion1 78ow do )ou $eel when )ou6re cold39
* / would let the children "now that the #risco is not $or eating
5 :$ter tal"ing about all o$ these things1 / would sa)1 7;et6s get started!9
)Mi""le: (*o+ +ill , support/enhance/scaffol"%) & -he person rea"ing your lesson plan shoul" be able to
i"entify +hat you are saying or "oing to support your state" learning objectives. -*,( ,( /01
1 :s the children begin using the materials to create their blubber b) using a spoon %or a baggie
co.ered hand& to scoop #risco into one baggie and spread it so that all sides are co.ered1 placing a
second baggie into the #risco baggie and then taping the baggies together so that the #risco cannot
s2uish out1 / would as" the 2uestion1 7What does it $eel li"e3 :s the) too" turns placing their hand
in the blubber bag and proceeding to put it in the ice water1 / would sa)1 7/s )our hand warm or
cold39 5e4t as the) co.ered the other hand with a baggie onl) %no #risco in it& and placed that hand
in the ice water1 / would proceed to as" the 2uestion1 7Which hand is the coldest39 <our right hand1
or )our le$t hand3
2 !o stimulate thought and con.ersation1 / would as" 2uestions li"e 78ow does )our hand $eel when
it6s co.ered in #risco3 /s the #risco so$t or hard3 / would also as" the children to describe how each
hand $elt a$ter ta"ing it out o$ the ice water
' / would encourage the children to wor" together b) letting them "now that onl) 2 children at a time
can participate in the but the) could ta"e turns
* / would support the children indi.iduall) b) allowing them to choose whether or not the) wanted to
participate in this / would as" them $irst and i$ the) said no1 / would help them $ind
something that the) were interested in
5 :dditional materials / would ha.e on hand to e4pand or enrich this e4perience would be other
sensor) items li"e rice1 beans1 etc= so that the children could $eel di$$erent te4tures
)n": (*o+ +ill , bring this activity to a conclusion an" transition to the ne2t activity% 'e very specific
in ho+ you +ill transition the chil"ren.)
1 / would gi.e the children a warning that the was coming to an end b) sa)ing 7/ had $un
toda) learning about how penguins and polar bears "eep warm1 did )ou39 / li"e learning new things
and ma)be tomorrow1 we will learn something more e4citing than we did toda)9 Since this
is during $ree pla)1 the children would get a 5 minute warning be$ore the clean-up song starts
2 / would in.ol.e both children in the clean-up process b) $irst sending them to wash their hands and
then them both put materials awa) and wipe o$$ the table
' :s the clean-up song was coming to an end1 / would sa) 7Simon sa)s waddle li"e a penguin or wal"
li"e a polar bear bac" to the carpet9 where there would be a game or music %along with a teacher&
waiting $or them
-hroughout the "ay/+ee34 +hat opportunities +ill the chil"ren have to reflect bac3 on this activity% !he
children would be able to re$lect bac" on this b) tal"ing about what the)6.e learned and a
teacher record it in their 0ournal !he) can also pla) at the sand and water table or at the art table with pla)
dough to pla) with di$$erent te4tured things

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