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Department of Physis
Name: Pastrana, Paul Gerard R.
Program/Year: DC- I
Course Code/Section: Phy-!"/#
Student Num$er: %&'(&(%
Grou) Num$er: % Seat Num$er: %&%
Date o* Per*ormance: +ay ', %&,
Date o* Su$mission: +ay &, %&,
-.)eriment %&
1. Question and Problem
Part 1
1. In part 1, should the work done be increasing every trial? Explain.
Yes, $ecause $ased on the e/uation o* 0or1 0hich is e/ual to *orce multi)lied $y
dis)lacement, 0e can say that as the dis)lacement increases, the 0or1 done also
increases. 2his means that the 0or1 is directly )ro)ortional to the dis)lacement as 0ell
as to the *orce a))lied. Since in our e.)eriment, 0e increase the dis)lacement $y &.&
m *or e3ery trial then the 0or1 done also increases.
2. In )art , should the )o0er e.)ended $e increasing e3ery trial4
No, I guess the )o0er e.)ended must $e constant in e3ery trial since the $attery
su))lies the energy to the *an cart. Since the results that our grou) had calculated ha3e
a 3ery small di**erence in each trial, it is sa*e to say that the )o0er consumed is
Part 2
. In *igure 5, 0hy is it incorrect to calculate the 0or1 done $y multi)lying the s)ring
$alance reading 6 and the hori7ontal dis)lacement .4
It is incorrect to calculate the 0or1 done $y multi)lying the s)ring $alance reading 6 and
the hori7ontal dis)lacement . $ecause the dis)lacement o* the )article e.ists not only
along the hori7ontal direction $ut also along the 3ertical direction. 2his should also $e
ta1en into account in order to get the )ro)er 3alue o* dis)lacement. 2he *ormula stated
8 9 6. is only used *or dis)lacements along the hori7ontal direction only.
2. Data Seet
2rial 6orce 6inal
in height
:ngle Dis)lacem
8or1 Gra3itation
al Potential
,&& .,( m .;' m !& (., m .((
(.%& <oules
% 5&& .5; m .5% m 5& %&.( m .;(
;.%' <oules
' ;&& .; m .,= m (& %'.( m .=,
;.;( <oules
, &&& .=' m .'( m ;& %5.; m .=;
=.,5 <oules
2rial Dis)lacement, S 2ime, t 8or1 Po0er
.! m &. =%%= sec &. (!
&. ;!;
% .5 m . &' sec &. %&!;
&. ;55
' .( m . %,%; sec &. %,&
&. ='%
, .; m . ,%%' sec &. %(,,
&. =%=
"ength o* string, " 9 , m 8eight o* mass, 0 9 ,.= N Initial height, h 9 %.' m
!A"#E 1. PAR! 1. Determinin$ te %or&e, Wor' and Po(er o) te %an &art.
6orce o* the 6an Cart9 0eight o* )an > 0eight added 9 .',' Ne0tons
!A"#E 2. Part 2. Wor' b* a )or&e on a +ur,ed Pat.
-. Sam.le +om.utation
Part 1
8?R@ P?8-R
2rial Dis)lacement, S 2ime, t 8or1 Po0er
.! m =%%= sec (!
% .5 m &' sec %&!;
' .( m %,%; sec %,&
, .; m ,%%' sec %(,,
6orce o* the 6an Cart9 0eight o* )an > 0eight added 9 .',' Ne0tons
8 9 6 . D P 9 0/t
2rial :
.',' . .! 9 &.(! <oules
2rial :
&.(!/&.=%%= 9&.;!; 8atts
2rial %:
.',' . .5 9 &.%&!; <oules
2rial %:
&.%&!=/.&' 9 9 &.;55 8atts
2rial ':
.',' . .( 9 &.%,& <oules
2rial ':
&.%,&/.%,%; 9 &.='% 8atts
2rial ,:
.',' . .; 9 &.%(,, <oules
2rial ,:
&.%(,,/.,%%' 9 &.=%= 8atts
Part 2
8or1 6ormula: 8 9 0" A B cos thetaC
" 9 , m theta 9 ,& degrees
8 9 ,.= N 9 A,.=C A,C A-cos
Do 9 %.' m 9 ,.!;! or ,.!=
2rial : Increase in height, h .(( 9 ,.= A"C A-cos ,&C
" 9 .!,
h 9 h* B ho
h 9 '.' m B %.' GP- 9 mgh
h 9 &.;' m 9 ,.= A.,(C
9 (.%& <oules
/. Anal*sis
. In 2a$le , is the 0or1 done $y the *an cart constant4 8hy or 0hy not4
No, $ecause the *an cart is constant. 8hen the *orce o* the cart is constant, it 0ill
increase the dis)lacement and also the 0or1 done.
%. In 2a$le , is the )o0er e.)ended $y the *an cart constant4 8hy or 0hy not4
Yes, the )o0er utili7ed $y the *an cart is constant $ecause o* the $attery that su))lies
the energy to the cart. 2he )o0er su))lied is constant since the $attery is the one
su))lying the energy.
'. In 2a$le %, ho0 does the 0or1 done com)are 0ith the increase in gra3itational
)otential energy4 Does your result agree 0ith the theory4 8hy or 0hy not4
?nce an o$Eect is raised or li*ted, its GP- or gra3itational )otential energy escalate. 2he
mass is )ulled so that the 1inetic energy can $e classi*ied as constant, 0hich 0eF3e done
e.ecuted during the e.)eriment. ?ur results yielded is e/ual to the change in GP- and
the 0or1 done.
0. Remar's
2he o$Eecti3es o* our e.)eriment is to determine the )o0er o* the *an cart $y using the
de*inition o* 0or1 and the energy conser3ation )rinci)le and to com)ute *or a motion
along a cur3ed )ath. In this e.)eriment our grou) 0as a$le to sol3e *or 0or1, )o0er, and
gra3itational )otential energy. Sol3ing *or 8or1 is straight*or0ard i* the o$Eect is Eust
mo3ing in a hori7ontal manner $ut i* not 0ith the height and angle, 0ith res)ect to the
hori7ontal, itFs more challenging. 8eF3e had a *e0 trial and error on the said e.)eriment.
Com)uting *or Po0er is the same as 0ith 8or1, itFs also $ecause the time measured $y
the smart timer and once the 0or1 done is ans0ered. ItFs Eust a matter o* di3iding 0or1
done 0ith the time gi3en $y the timer. 2he results 0e gathered are de$ata$le in many
0ays since 0e s0itched tas1ed in doing the e.)eriment.
1. +on&lusions
. 8hat is the correct relationshi) $et0een the a))lied *orce and the 0or1 done4

2he correct relationshi) $et0een the a))lied *orce and 0or1 is the 0or1 done e/uals the
a))lied *orce multi)lied $y the distance. Sim)ly 1no0n as 8 9 6 G s
&. 8hat is the correct relationshi) $et0een the dis)lacement and the 0or1 done4
2he 0or1 done is directly )ro)ortional to the direction o* dis)lacement. Since 0or1 is
e/ual to the *orce multi)lied $y the dis)lacement or 8 9 6 G s, 0e can conclude that as
the dis)lacement is increased gi3en the *orce is constant, the 0or1 done also increases.

. 8hat is the correct relationshi) $et0een the 0or1 done and the )o0er e.)ended4
2he )o0er e.)ended is directly )ro)ortional to the 0or1 done $ecause the )o0er is
e/ual to 0or1 o3er time.

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