U2 L2 Worksheet

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Speed/Velocity Worksheet

Name __________________________
Hour ________
DIRECTIONS Complete the !ollo"i#$ calculatio#s% SHOW &O'R WOR( )ND 'NITS% *e
mi#d!ul o! si$#i!ica#t !i$ures%
+% Ho" !ar does a ,o$$er ru# i# +%- hours .-/00s1 i! his a2era$e speed is
3% With a# a2era$e speed o! 56m/s7 ho" lo#$ does it take a !alco# to di2e to the
$rou#d alo#$ a +-0m path4
8% ) 9icycle rider tra2els 33km i# 8%3- hours% What is the a2era$e speed o! the
9icycle rider4
/% ) 9oy "alks +8km i# 3%0 hours% What is his speed i# km/h4 I# m/s4
-% ) hi$h:speed trai# takes 3%0 hours to tra2el !rom ;aris /-/km due south to
<yo#s% What is the a2era$e velocity o! the trai#4
5% E# route to a Ha"aiia# 2acatio#7 a tra2eler arri2es late at the airport at
+0=pm% His pla#e is scheduled to depart at +33pm% To catch the !li$ht7 he must ru# 3%+km
to the $ate% What must 9e his mi#imum a2era$e ru##i#$ speed i# m/s4
6% ) 9usi#essma# li2es /0%0 miles !rom "ork% This mor#i#$7 rush hour "as horri9le a#d it took
him 3%0 hours to $et there% What "as his a2era$e speed i# miles per hour4
=% Which has the $reatest a2era$e speed7 a truck that tra2els > miles i# +0 mi#utes or a car
$oi#$ = miles i# +0 mi#utes4
>% I! you are told a car is tra2eli#$ 5- miles per hour to the east7 are you 9ei#$ $i2e# the car?s
speed or 2elocity4
+0% To 9e eli$i9le to e#ter the *osto# @aratho#7 a race that co2ers a dista#ce o! 35%3 miles7 a
ru##er must 9e a9le to !i#ish i# less tha# 8%0 hours% What mi#imum a2era$e speed must 9e
attai#ed to accomplish this4

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