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Shepard Academy

AP Lang/Comp
Multigenre Research Paper
Genre Choices, Rationales, and Visions (1 points!
Research Topic: Arab Spring
Genre Choice Written or Visual Rationale
"hy do you thin# this genre
$ill $or# $ith your topic and
&o$ do you en'ision the
(inished product%
1) Short Story Written I believe that it will allow
me to depict the event
itself in a lot better way.
I envision this finished
product as a two to three
page short story about
an event.
*) +imeline Visual This event started with
one specific event and
then grew to one mass
event over a length of
I envision this as a clear
and concise timeline of
the events within the
,) -e$spaper Article Written A newspaper article
written based off
something that happened
during the event will
show specific details in
this event.
I envision this to seem
like an actual news
article as seen in
everyday life. Maybe
even enough details to
seem real.

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