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1 Bianca Arciniega

Gay marriage comes with numerous positive effects towards society. Legalizing gay
marriage can help to bring forth recognition of gay people and their particular lifestyle so other
people of society will realize that we are all normal human beings. More gay marriages will
result in a slower population growth rate compared to the rapidly growing population we see
today. If gay marriage becomes something natural and more people of society begin to see it as
something normal, there will be a large reduction of hate crimes in the United States that are due
to issues corresponding with gay rights. Society can benefit in several ways by legalizing gay
Many people as well see gay marriage in a negative effect towards society. The negative
effects would be them not being able to produce children together so that would minimize the
population. Having more kids in this society would help generations to come. Many people in
the U.S are religious and gay marriage is frowned upon in most of these religions. Some people
believe a marriage is between a man and a woman because that is what they were raised to
believe. So this would weaken the institution of marriage due to it being so controversial.
Another thing it would be seen as some people in polygamous, incestuous and other non-
traditional relationships see to also have the right to marry. There are not many negative effects
to the society with gay marriage. Only religious effects mostly.
I have been to this point unwilling to sign on to same-sex marriage primarily because of
my understandings of the traditional definitions of marriage. But I also think youre right that
attitudes evolve, including mine. President Barack Obama said in a statement in an interview
2 Bianca Arciniega
with bloggers in 2010. He is definitely a credible source to use with gay marriage since he is the
President of the United States. I hope the Supreme Court will do the right thing, and let
everyone enjoy the same rights. Its going to help keep families together. Its going to make kids
feel better about who they are. And it is time. Ellen Degeneres wrote in a letter to the Supreme
Court. Ellen who is a famous TV talk show host and who proudly came out as a lesbian in 1997.
She has credibility because of who she is by being such a public figure and the situation she is in.
Overall, There will always be negative and positive views on Gay Marriage. The
argument of whether or not gay marriage is right or wrong will always be up for debate. Studies
have shown gay marriage will not make any tremendous changes negatively or positively to
society. The decision to accept everyone the way they are is solely in the eyes of the beholder
and how they feel towards the matter.

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