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Shepard Academy

AP Lang/Comp
Multigenre Research Project
Research Plan (15 points)
1 !hat is your topic"
#Ara$ Spring%
2. Why did you choose this topic? What about it interests you?
I wasn't sure what it was at first and that made me become quite fascinated with the topic. All I had
known was that the military has faced the Arab nation in war for years. The fascination of what
exactly an Arab Spring was caught my attention.
3. Describe what you already know about your topic.
&hat the de'inition (( loo)ed it up *hen ( 'irst sa* the topic) o' Ara$ Spring is actually just a term 'or
the re+olutionary *a+e o' demonstrations and protests, riots, and ci+il *ars in the Ara$ *orld that
$egan on the 1-
o' .ecem$er in /001
4. What do you hope to learn or accomplish through learning about this topic? How do you think it will
help you in a meaningful and real way?
I hope to become more cultured when researching this topic. I believe that with the education of
topics such as this one, comes understanding what people around the world go through.
5. What questions do you want to answer through your research?
I would like to understand what these people go through on a daily basis or at least on this specific
subject. Why would there be so many riots and controversy? What started it all? Who started it all?
6. Describe your plan for collecting information about your topic.
I plan to search around on the internet and maybe see if there are any books or written articles on this
7. Provide a preliminary bibliography of at least two sources. List the sources using current MLA
format. Do not list only a URL address. Do not list Wikipedia as a source.
2014329161913398399.html ; internet source, Source: Al Jazeera

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