Bảng Word Forms

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1 enable (in) ability (un) able c kh nng
2 absence absent vng mt
3 absorb absorption
absorbe (in)
thm h!t
mi"t m#i
say m$
% accept acceptance acceptable ch&p nh'n
( access accessible ph)*ng ti"n
+ accomplish accomplishment th,c hi"n -
./t .)0c
1 accuracy accurate accurately ch2nh 34c
5 achieve achievement th#nh t,u
6 act action, actor (in) active (in) actively h#nh .7ng
18 a aition aitional c7ng, th$m
11 avertise avertising
9ung c4o
12 avise avice avisable: n$n khuy$n
13 (is) agree (is) agreement (is) agreeable (is) agreely .;ng <
1% agriculture agricultural n=ng nghi"p
1( amuse amusement amusing -
l#m bu;n c)>i
1+ anger angry angrily s, gi'n ?
11 (is) appear (is)appearance apparent apparently 3u&t hi"n
15 an3iety an3ious s, lo lng
16 apply application,
3in vi"c,
@ng vi$n
28 argue argument (argumentative) cAi nhau
21 approve approval khBng .Cnh
22 arrive arrival tDi, .En
23 art, artist (artistic), artFul (artistically) mG thu't
2% assist assistance,
gi!p .H,
tr0 l<
2( astonish astonishment astonishe,
l#m cho ng/c
2+ atten attenance,
attenant tham ,
21 attention attentive attentively s, ch! <
25 attract attraction attractive attractively s, ch! <
26 (automate) automation automtic automtically t, .7ng ha
38 aIareness aIare s, nh'n th@c
31 base basic basically nJn tng
32 bear-born-b
birth sinh ra
33 beautiFy beauty beautiFul beautiFully l#m cho .Kp
3% behave behaviour c) 3L - .Mi 3L
3( believe (un)belieF
(un)believable (un)believable tin t)Nng
3+ blee bloo blooy chy m4u
31 bore boreom boring - bore l#m bu;n
35 break break, breakage (un) breakable vN - bO
36 breathe breath breathless breathlessly thN, h2t
%8 broaen broaness, broath broa broaly mN r7ng,

%1 calculate calculation,
calculating t2nh to4n
%2 calmness calm calmly bPnh tQnh,
$m .Jm
%3 capacity capable kh nng,
nng l,c
%% care (For) care (oF)
cRn th'n
%( cause:gSy
cause nguy$n nhSn
%+ center, centre central trung tSm
%1 certainty certain certainly s, chc chn
%5 change change (un)changeable thay .Ti
%6 chemistry
ha hUc
ch&t ha hUc
nh# ha hUc
(8 chil chilishVchillike
trW con
(1 choose choice chUn l,a
(2 clean cleanliness clean cleanly lau chXi, s/ch
(3 clothe cloth, clothes,
mc 9uYn 4o
(% clou clouy, clouless mSy
(( collect collection, collector collective collectively s)u tYm,
h0p t4c
(+ colour coloure,
m#u sc
(1 common common commonly phT biEn,
chung chung
(5 compare comparison comparative so s4nh
(6 compete competition,
thi .ua, ng)>i
thi .&u
+8 combine combination kEt h0p
+1 comFort comFort (un) comFortable (un)comFortably l#m thoi m4i
+2 common commonly th=ng th)>ng
+3 communica
communication communicative giao tiEp
+% complain complaint than phiJn
+( complete completion (in complete (in completel! "o#n t$t
++ concentrate concentration t'p trung
+1 conclue conclusion conclusive conclusively kEt lu'n
+5 conition conitional .iJu ki"n
+6 conFience conFient conFiently s, t, tin
18 conserve conservation bo t;n
11 continent continental ./i lZc
12 continue continuation continuous continuously tiEp tZc
13 cook cook V cooker
n&u n
1% count (un) countable
1( culture cultural vn ha
1+ custom customary (customarily) thi 9uen
11 anger angerous angerously s, nguy hiOm
15 arken ark, arkness ark l#m .en
16 ay aily ng#y
58 eaFen the eaF, eaFness eaF .iEc

l#m .iEc
51 ecie ecision (in) ecisive (in) ecisively 9uyEt .Cnh
52 ecorate ecoration ecorative trang ho#ng
53 eepen epth eep eep, eeply l#m sSu h*n
5% eFen eFence bo v"
5( (eFiciency) (eFicient) s, gim thiOu
5+ elicacy elicate elicately uy$n 4ng
51 eliver elivery,
phSn ph4t
55 elight elight elightFul elightFully [#m sung
56 epen (on) (in) epenence (in) epenent (in) epenently phZ thu7c
68 estroy estruction estructive estructively ph4 h\y
61 evelop evelopment eveloping ph4t triOn
62 etermine etermination etermine 9uyEt tSm
63 ictate ictatation .Uc ch2nh t
6% ie eath ea chEt
6( iFFer iFFerence iFFerent iFFerently l#m kh4c
6+ iFFiculty iFFicult s, kh khn
61 irect irection, irector (in) irect (in) irectly ch], bo,
thBng, gNi
65 irty irt irty irtily s, * bRn
66 isappoint isappointment isappointe,
isappointely l#m th&t vUng
s, th&t vUng
188 iscover iscovery kh4m ph4
181 iscuss iscussion tho lu'n
182 istance istant istantly khong c4ch
182 istribute istribution istributive phSn phMi
%&' (i)i(e (i)i*ion (in (i)i*i+le p",n c"i-
18% rain rainage r!t n)Dc
18( ust usty bZi
18+ earth earthy tr4i .&t
181 ease easy easily ^ #ng
185 economy economical economically kinh tE
186 eucate eucation eucational,
(un) eucate
eucationally gi4o Zc
118 aFFect eFFect (in) eFFective (in) eFFectively nh h)Nng
111 electriFy electricity electric,electrical .i"n
112 embarrass embarrassment embarrasse,
l#m bMi rMi
113 emit emisssion tho4t ra
11% employ (un) employment
employer, employee
(un) employe thu$ m)Dn
11( encourage encouragement encourage khuyEn kh2ch
11+ en en enless kEt th!c
111 energy energetic energerically nng l)0ng
115 en_oy en_oyment en_oyable en_oyably th2ch
116 enrich enrichment rich richly l#m gi#u
128 enter entrance b)Dc v#o
121 environment environmental m=i tr)>ng
122 e9uip e9uipment trang bC
123 eroe erosion l#m 3i m`n
12% establish establishment thiEt l'p
12( e3amine e3amination kh4m 3at
12+ e3pect e3pectation e3pectant,
mong .0i

(un) e3pecte
121 e3perience e3perience (in) e3perience kinh nghi"m
125 e3periment e3periment e3perimental e3perimentally thL nghi"m
126 e3plain e3planation e3planatory gii th2ch
138 e3ploe e3plosion,
e3plosive e3plosively nT,
bXng nT
131 e3plore e3ploration,
th4m hiOm
132 e3tinctive e3tinct s, ti"t ch\ng
133 e3tremity,
e3treme e3tremely .iOm t7t cXng,
c,c kb
13% Fact Factual s, ki"n
13( Fail Failure th&t b/i
13+ Faith (un) FaithFul (un) FaithFully trung th#nh
131 Familiarice (un) Familiarity (un) Familiar (un)Familiarly l#m cho (ai)
9uen vi"c gP
135 Fashion Fashionable Fashionably th>i trang
136 Favour Favour Favourable Favourably bao *n
1%8 Fear Fear FearFul, Fearless FearFully,
lo s0,
gh$ s0
1%1 Feel Feeling cm th&y
1%2 Fertilice Fertilicer l#m m#u mH
%.' /ill /ill /0ll (o/
/ille( (1it"
l#m 23!
l4p 23!
1%% Fluency Fluent Fluently l)u lo4t
1%( Fly Flight bay, chuyEn
1%+ Fool, Foolishness Foolish Foolishly ng)>i ngMc
1%1 Foolball, Footballer bng .4,
cYu th\
1%5 Forget ForgetFulness (un) Forgettable,
ForgetFully 9u$n,
9u$n lAng
1%6 Form Form, Formation hPnh th@c
1(8 Fortune (un) Fortunate (un) Fortunately may mn
1(1 Foun Founation, Founer Funamental th#nh l'p,
s4ng l'p
1(2 Freshness Fresh t)*i
1(3 Frighten Fright Frightene,
s0 hAi,
lo s0
1(% Frien, Frienship
b/n bd,
tPnh b/n
1(( generalice generalication general ni chung
1(+ generosity generous generously r7ng l)0ng
1(1 geography geographical .Ca l<, (hUc)
1(5 gooness goo l`ng tMt, tMt
1(6 govern government thMng trC,
cai 9un
1+8 grauate grauation,
tMt nghi"p,
hUc 3ong
1+1 groI groIth mUc l$n
1+2 guie guiance, guie h)Dng en
1+3 habit habitual habitually thi 9uen
1+% happiness happy happily h/nh ph!c
1+( harm harm harmFul, harmless h) h/i,
t" h/i
1++ haren hareness har har, harly c@ng rn,
si$ng nng

1+1 hate hateFul hateFully cm ghat
1+5 health (un) healthy (un) healthily s@c khfe
1+6 heart hearty, heartless tr4i tim
118 heat heat, hotness hot nng
111 height high high, highly chiJu cao
112 help help, helpFulness helpFul, helpless helpFully,
s, gi!p .H,
gi!p .H
113 history historical, historic historically lCch sL
11% (is) honesty (is) honest (is) honestly trung th,c
11( hope hope hopeFul, hopeless hopeFully,
hy vUng,
niJm hy vUng
11+ horriFy horror horrible horribly kinh ng/c
111 hour hourly gi>
115 hunger hungry hungrily .i
116 hurry hury hurrie hurriely v7i v#ng
158 ignore ignorance ignorant ignorantly phDt l>
151 illness ill b"nh
152 illiteracy iliterate n/n mX ch?
153 illustrate illustration illustrative minh hUa
15% imagine imagination imaginary t)Nng t)0ng
15( immeiate immeiately ngay l'p t@c
15+ importance important 9uan trUng
151 improve improvement ci thi"n
155 inclue inclusion inclusive inclusively bao g;m
156 inustrialic
inustry inustrial
c=ng nghi"p,
cYn cX
168 inFluence inFluence s, nh h)Nng
161 inForm inFormation inFormative th=ng tin
162 instruct instruction instructive instructively ch] en
163 intelligence intelligent intelligently th=ng minh
16% inten intention intentional intentionally < .Cnh
16( intensiFy intensiFy intense intensely tng c)>ng
16+ intervieI intervieI,
phfng v&n,
(cu7c) phfng
161 intimacy intimate intimately s, thSn m't
165 introuce introuction introuctory giDi thi"u
166 invent invention,
ph4t minh,
nh# ph4tminh
288 invite invitation m>i, l>i m>i
281 irrigate irrigation l#m th\y l0i
282 _ealousy _ealous _ealouly ghen tu=ng
283 _ob _obless c=ng vi$c
28% re_oyce _oy _oyFul, _oyess _oyFully, _oyessly vui mgng
28( _ustiFy _ustice _ust _ustly ch@ng minh
28+ keenness keen (on) keenly hng h4i
281 kinness kin kinly tL tE
285 lan laning h/ c4nh
286 knoI knoIlege knoIlegeable
(un) knoIn
knoIingly biEt,
kiEn th@c
218 enlarge enlargement large mN r7ng
211 lateness late late,
lately (gYn .Sy)
212 laugh laughter laughable c)>i, vui c)>i
213 laI (un) laIFul,
(il) legal
(un) laIFully
(il) legally
ph4p lu't,
h0p ph4p
21% laciness lacy lacily l)>i biEng
21( lea leaer, leaership lAnh ./o,

nh# lAnh ./o
21+ lie lie ni Mi
211 light light, lighting .Mt, th&p
215 limit (un) limite giDi h/n
216 live liFe alive, live, lively sinh sMng
228 lock,
lock (un) lock kha
221 logic (il) logical (il) logically t) uy log2c
222 loss, loser lost m&t, th&t l/c
223 love, loveliness lovely y$u, )u th2ch
22% luck (un) lucky (un) luckily v'n may
22( magic,
magical magically y$u thu't,
nh# o thu't
22+ main mainly ch2nh
221 ma_ority ma_or .a sM
225 man human, manly .#n =ng
226 manage management,
9un l<,
nh# 9un l<
238 manuFactur
manuFactural sn 3u&t,
nh# sn 3u&t
231 marry marriage (un) marrie kEt h=n
232 material material nguy$n li"u
233 mathematics,
mathematical to4n hUc,
nh# to4n hUc
23% (im) maturity (im) mature s, tr)Nng
23( mechanice mechanic mechanical mechanically c* kh2 ha
23+ mean meaning meaningFul,
c nghQa l#
231 meicate meicine meical meically y hUc, thuMc
235 meet meeting gp
236 memorice memory ghi nhD
2%8 mentality mental tinh thYn
2%1 militarice military military 9uSn s, ha
2%2 min min minFul, minless tr2 c,
t) t)Nng
2%3 mine, mineral mineral kho4ng
2%% miracle miraculous miraculously kb i"u
2%( mistake mistake mistaken mistakenly hiOu lYm
2%+ mi3 mi3ture tr7n len
2%1 money monetary tiJn t"
2%5 month monthly th4ng
2%6 moon lunar, moonless mt trng
2(8 mother motherly mK
2(1 mountain mountainous n!i
2(2 move movement movable i >i
2(3 multiphy multiphlication nhSn
2(% music, musician musical musically Sm nh/c, nh/c
2(( nation, nationality national nationally 9uMc gia,
9uMc tCch
2(+ nature natural naturally t, nhi$n
2(1 nee nee, necessity necessary,
necessarily cYn,
cYn thiEt
2(5 nerve nervous nervously Sy thYn kinh
2(6 noise noisy noisily ;n #o
2+8 notice notice noticeable noticeably ch! <

2+1 novel, novelist tiOu thuyEt
2+2 (is) obey (is) obeience (is) obeient (is) obeiently tuSn theo
2+3 occasion occasional occasionally Cp, c* h7i
2+% occupy occupation occupational,
occupie (Iith)
chiEm gi?
2+( oour oourless mXi th*m
2++ oFFen oFFense oFFensive oFFensively 3!c ph/m
2+1 oFFer oFFer cho
2+5 omit omission bf .i
2+6 operate operatation,
operatative ho/t .7ng
218 organice organication organice tT ch@c
211 oIn oIner, oInership sN h?u
212 pain painFul painFully s, .au .Dn
213 parents parental ba mK
21% part partial partially phYn, m7t sM
21( particular particularly .c bi"t
21+ (im) patience (im) patient (im) patiently hi$n nhen
211 pay pay, payment tr, chi tr
215 peace peaceFul peaceFully h`a bPnh
216 perceive perception nm, hiOu
258 permit permission cho phap
251 person personal personally ng)>i
252 persuae persuasion thuyEt phZc
253 pharmacy,
pharmaceutical )0c sQ, b#o
chE thuMc
25% pity pitiFul pitiFully .4ng tiEc
25( please pleasure (un) pleasant (un) pleasantly vui l`ng
25+ poison poison poisonous poisonously bf thuMc .7c
251 (im) politeness (im) polite (im) politely lCch s,
255 politics, politician political ch2nh trC,
nh# ch2nh trC
256 pollute pollution, pollutant pollute l#m = nhi^m
s, = nhi^m
268 possess possession possessive sN h?u
261 potential potential potentially tiJm nng
262 poverty poor nghdo
263 poIer poIerFul poIerFully 9uyJn l,c
26% practise practice (im) practical (im) practically th,c h#nh
26( preFer preFerence preFerential preFerentially th2chij h*n
26+ prepare preparation preparatory chuRn bC
261 present presentation trPnh b#y
265 preserve preservation preservable bo 9un
266 prevent prevention preventive ngn cn
388 prie prou prouly t, h#o
381 privacy private privately ri$ng t)
382 provie provision cung c&p
383 prove prooF provable ch@ng minh
38% public public publicly c=ng c7ng
38( race racial sc t7c
38+ rain rain rainy m)a
381 react reaction phn @ng
385 reality (un) real really th,c tE
386 realice realication nh'n th@c
318 reason reason (un) reasonable (un) reasonably l< o
311 receive reception nh'n
312 recognice recognition (un) recognicable nh'n biEt

313 recover recovery h;i phZc
31% reuce reuction gim 3uMng
31( reFuse reFusal tg chMi
31+ relate relation,
relative relatively li$n 9uan,
hU h#ng
311 religion religious t=n gi4o
315 rely reliance reliable reliably l" thu7c
316 remove removal i >i
328 repeat repetition lp l/i
321 research research nghi$n c@u
322 respon response ph!c .4p
323 responsibility responsible tr4ch nhi"m
32% restrict restriction restrictive restrictively h/n chE
32( retire retirement retire kgh] h)u
32+ enrich enrichment, richness rich rich l#m gi#u,
gi#u c
321 rotate rotation rotatory luSn chuyOn
325 saen saness sa saly l#m bu;n
326 saFeguar saFeguar che chN
338 (un) saFety (un) saFe (un) saFely an to#n
331 sell sale(s) b4n
332 salt salty muMi
333 san sany c4t
33% satisFy satisFaction (un) satisFactory,
(un) satisFying,
(un) satisFie
(un) satisFactorily thfa mAn,
s, thfa mAn
h#i l`ng
33( save saving .O #nh,
c@u sMng
33+ science, scientist scientiFic scientiFically khoa hUc
331 search search tPm kiEm
335 secret secret b2 m't
336 see sight nhPn, 3em
3%8 select selection l,a chUn
3%1 selF, selFishness selFish selFishly 2ch kl
3%2 sense sensible sensibly gi4c 9uan
3%3 shame shameFul,
3&u hT,
hT thKn,
s, hT thKn
3%% shock shock shocke,
bC sMc,
c! sMc
3%( shorten shortage short shortly m soon r!t gUn,
ngn gUn
3%+ skill skillFul skillFully kG nng
3%1 sickness sick Mm, b"nh
3%5 sign signature k< t$n
3%6 signature signiFicant signiFicantly .Yy < nghQa
3(8 silence silence silent silently im lng
3(1 similarity similar similarly t)*ng t,
3(2 sing song, singer h4t, b#i h4t
3(3 sit seat seate chn ng;i
3(% sleep sleep, sleepness sleepy, asleep,
sleepily ng\, ng\ m$
gi&c ng\
3(( snoI snoI snoIy tuyEt
3(+ society social socially 3A h7i
3(1 soliiFy soli soli l#m c@ng
3(5 solve solution gii 9uyEt
3(6 specialice specialist special specially, chuy$n m=n

especially ha, .c bi"t
3+8 speak speech, speaker ni
3+1 spirit spiritual tinh thYn
3+2 state statement ph4t biOu
3+3 storm stormy c*n bAo
3+% strenghthen strenghth strong strongly m/nh mo
3+( succee success (un) successFul (un) successFully th#nh c=ng
3++ suggest suggestion .J nghC
3+1 supply supply cung c&p
3+5 support support \ng h7
3+6 surgery surgical surgically phRu thu't
318 surprise surprise surprise,
surprisingly l#m cho (ai)
ng/c nhi$n
311 suspect suspicion,suspect nghi ng>
312 sympathice sympathy sympathetic sympathetically th=ng cm
313 talent talente t#i nng
31% teach teaching, teacher /y hUc
31( technician, techni9ue technical technically kG thu't,
kG thu't vi$n
31+ technology,
technological c=ng ngh"
311 ten tenency tenentious c khuynh
315 test test kiOm tra
316 think thought thoughtFul,
suy nghQ,
< nghQ
358 thirst thirsty thirstily kh4t
351 threaten threat threatening threateningly .e Ua
352 tire tireness tire, tiring l#m cho m"t
353 tolerate tolerance tolerable, tolerant tolerably khoan ung,
tha th@
35% total total totally tTng c7ng
35( transForm transFormation thay .Ti
35+ translate translation,
phi$n Cch,
Cch sang
351 transmit transmission transmissible truyJn ti
355 transport transport,
v'n chuyOn,
chuy$n chN
356 treat treatment (un) treatable .Mi 3L, 3L tr2
368 tree treeless cSy
361 tropic tropical nhi"t .Di
362 trouble trouble troublesome l#m phiJn
363 truth true, truthFul truly, truthFully s, th't
36% unerstant unerstanting unerstanable hiOu
36( urgency urgent khRn c&p
36+ use use, uselessness
usage, useFulness
useFul, useless useFully, uselessly sL Zng,
c 2ch, v= 2ch
361 (un) usual usually th)>ngth)>ng
365 value value, valuation valuable,
.Cnh gi4,
.4nh gi4,
gi4 trC
366 vaporice vapour vaporous bMc h*i
%88 Iarm Iarmth Iarm Iarmly &m &p, s)Ni
%81 Iaste Iaste IasteFul IasteFully lAng ph2
%82 Iatch IatchFulness IatchFul IatchFully tr=ng coi
%83 Ieaken Ieakness Ieak Ieakly l#m yEu
%8% Ieigh Ieight, Ieightless cSn nng

Ieightlessness trUng l)0ng
%8( Iien Iith Iie Iiely mN r7ng
%8+ Iin Iiny gi
%81 Iisom Iise Iisely th=ng minh
%85 Iomen Iomanly phZ n?
%86 Ioner Ioner IonerFul IonerFully tuy"t v>i
%18 Ioo Iooen gn
%11 Iork Iork, Iorker Iorking l#m vi"c
%12 Iorl Iorlly thE giDi
%13 Iorry Iorry Iorrie, Iorrying Iorriely,
lo lng,
lo Su
%1% Iorth Iorth, Iorthless gi4 trC
%1( year yearly m annual nm
%1+ youth young, youthFul youthFully thanh ni$n


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