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Teacher: Keisha Lacroes

Class: Cycle 2 Year 1

Subject: Socio-Emotional Development
Topic: Cyber bullyin
Time: !" min sessions #or $ Days
%SS&'E (o)el Lesson *lan
%naly+e Learners
General Characteristics:
This lesson is prepared for students in a Cycle 2 Year 1 class. This class has a population of 20
students. These specific groups of third graders are of mixed ethnicities and from low to middle
income homes. They are fairly equal in gender and all are 7 or years old. !cademic s"ills are
slightly di#erse. $eading and writing s"ills range from %elow a#erage reader& to grade le#el reader.
Entry Competencies:
!ll students ha#e a thorough understanding of the topic 'ullying. They also ha#e %een exposed on
how to na#igate the educational site& they "now how to construct a %ar graph and tally
chart and how to conduct inter#iews.
Learning styles:
(tudents are %est engaged in acti#ities that are #isually appealing. The students le#el of interest and
moti#ation increases when they use technology or hands)on materials. *earning styles in this lesson
#ary from auditory to #isual and also "inesthetic.
State Stan)ar)s an) ,bjectives
Cultural and Artistic Development
Standard 21: The pupil can produce two) and three)dimensional pieces of wor".
Standard 23: The pupil can use aspects of #isual art purposefully in a piece of wor".
Language and Communication
Standard 3: Can apply listening and spea"ing strategies with different o%+ecti#es.
Standard 7: Can apply general s"ills and strategies of the writing process.
Standard : Can apply grammatical and spelling con#entions in texts.
Standard !: Can collect and use information for research purposes.
Standard 1": Can apply #iewing s"ills and strategies to retrie#e and interpret information from
,audio- #isual media.
Science and #echnology
Standard 13: Can follow and execute steps in simple research.
Standard 1$: Can apply simple research s"ills
%hilosophy o& Li&e
Standard 1: .nderstands the principles of the / %asic #alues ) truth& lo#e& peace& right conduct& non)
#iolence ) and li#es up to the norms.
(tudents will %e a%le to define Cy%er %ullying with 1000 accuracy.
(tudents will %e a%le to list #arious ways students can %e cy%er %ullied.
(tudents will %e a%le to descri%e ways how Cy%er %ullying can affect friendships.
(tudents will %e a%le to identify Cy%er %ullying in real life scenarios with 1000 accuracy.
(tudents will %e a%le to create a Cy%er %ullying #isual aid.
(tudents will %e a%le to explain how to %e an upstander.
(tudents will %e a%le to write a Cy%er%ullying scenario.
(tudents will %e a%le to conduct inter#iews using ("ype or 1o#oo.
(tudents will %e a%le to construct a %ar graph and tally chart using data o%tained from a
(tudents will %e a%le to de#elop text and use illustrations as inspirations for writing creati#e
stories using
Select (etho)s- (e)ia- an) (aterials
*nstructional methods are:
2ntegrating Technology strategy will %e used. Today& educators reali3e that computer literacy is an
important part of a student4s education. 2ntegrating technology into a course curriculum when
appropriate is pro#ing to %e #alua%le for enhancing and extending the learning experience for
students. !nother strategy will %e Cooperati#e *earning. Cooperati#e learning is a successful
teaching strategy in which small teams& each with students of different le#els of a%ility& use a #ariety
of learning acti#ities to impro#e their understanding of a su%+ect. 5ach mem%er of a team is
responsi%le not only for learning what is taught %ut also for helping teammates learn& thus creating an
atmosphere of achie#ement.
#echnologies selected are:
*aptop or 6ome computer7 The lesson can %e accessed on a laptop or computer
8ideos7 (tudents will watch a #ideo on cy%er %ullying and friendships
9e%sites7 9e%sites accessed during this lesson are tr" and
:rograms7 :rograms that will %e accessed during this lesson are ("ype and;or 1o#oo.
+aterials used are:
9or"sheets7 Created on a laptop and posted on the site. (tudents will then ha#e to download
and complete the sheet and email it to the teacher.
&tili+e (e)ia- (aterials- an) (etho)s
%revie, the technology- materials and media:
2 will assure that the we%site is wor"ing correctly and all acti#ities on the site are age appropriate for
the students.
%repare the technology- materials and media:
2 will test to see if the we%site and all media on the site are functioning and are pu%lished and ready
for the students to use.
%repare the environment
The learning en#ironment consists of a few elements. The lesson will %e completely online. Teacher
will assure that all students ha#e a wor"ing computer. 2f the students do not ha#e a computer& the
teacher will arrange for a few days for said students to do the lesson at school.
%repare the learners
'efore the students are sent to the site to do the lesson& the teacher will ha#e a %rief discussion with
the students in class. !ll students will "now what they will encounter throughout the site and also
what is expected of them.
%rovide the learning e.periences
The learning experience will occur throughout many different parts of the lesson and also in each
#ideo that will %e #iewed %y the students. *earning will occur at the %eginning of the lesson with a
cy%er %ullying #ideo prepared %y the teacher. The students will then #enture out to watch different
#ideos and to complete acti#ities. !t the completion of all #ideos and acti#ities& the student will ha#e
to do an online qui3. The student who recei#es the highest score wins and recei#es a pri3e from the
'e.uire Learner *articipation
(tudent participation in this lesson will include indi#idual and partner acti#ities.
Student practice activities
5ach lesson requires students to apply what they ha#e learned pre#iously and to learn a%out new
things. They all require students to read and some require writing. 9hen students reach to the
storytelling and inter#iews acti#ity they are wor"ing together thus cooperati#e learning.
The teacher will ma"e informal and formati#e assessments periodically throughout the lesson&
offering assistance and suggestions when warranted. The ru%ric pro#ided will %e used for summati#e
assessments and written comments and feed%ac" will %e pro#ided to the student along with the
graded ru%ric.
Evaluate / 'evise
Assessment o& learner achievement
*earners achie#ement will %e assessed using criteria listed in ru%ric.
Evaluation o& strategies- technology and media
This will %e o%ser#ed as the lesson progresses& 2 will inter#iew students during class to gain insight
and ideas to impro#e the lesson. 2 will also examine students product to determine if the strategies
are effecti#e. 5#aluation of the technology and media in#ol#e noting technical pro%lems that occur
during the lesson.
'ased upon the performance and participation of students& along with comments made %y the
students during informal oral inter#iews& the lesson may %e modified or re#ised.
%SS&'E (o)el 'ubric
Cyber bullyin
Teacher: Teacher Keisha Lacroes
Cateory 1 ! 2 1
2roup an)
useful ideas
in the online
lessons. !
definite leader
contri%utes a
lot of effort.
useful ideas
in the online
lessons. !
strong group
mem%er who
tries hard.
useful ideas
in the online
lessons. !
group mem%er
who does what
is required.
useful ideas
participating in
the online
lessons .<ay
refuse to
2roup an)
$outinely uses
time well
throughout the
lessons to
ensure things
get done on
.sually uses
time well
throughout the
pro+ect& %ut
may ha#e
on one thing.
Tends to
%ut always
gets things
done %y the
=oesnt get
done %y the
deadline !>=
group has to
ad+ust wor"
%ecause of this
4ocus on The
2roup an)
stays focused
on the tas" and
?ocuses on the
tas" and what
needs to %e
?ocuses on the
tas" and what
needs to %e
$arely focuses
on the tas" and
what needs to
what needs to
%e done. 8ery
done most of
the time. 1ther
mem%ers can
count on this
done some of
the time. 1ther
mem%ers must
nag& prod& and
remind to "eep
this person on)
%e done. *ets
others do the
7ith ,thers
2roup an)
!lmost always
listens to&
shares with&
and supports
the efforts of
others. Tries to
"eep people
wor"ing well
.sually listens
to& shares&
with& and
supports the
efforts of
others. =oes
not cause
@wa#es@ in the
1ften listens
to& shares with&
and supports
the efforts of
others& %ut
sometimes is
not a good
team mem%er
$arely listens
to& shares with&
and supports
the efforts of
others. 1ften
is not a good
team player.
Total: Contributions: 0000000000 points
Time (anaement: 0000000000 points
4ocus on The Tas5: 0000000000 points
6or5in 7ith ,thers: 0000000000 points

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