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Marleneanu LSTE 7325 Final Assessment

Assessment Topic

Museum Educational Program Development (Arkansas History)

Summary of Assessment Planned

This performance/portfolio assessment will provide a standard way to evaluate the development quality of the
Old State House Museums regular Saturday public educational programs created by new employees (i.e.,
program assistants) in order to help them learn about the development process and determine whether
improvements should be made before further presentation. Program assistants are encouraged to develop
programs aligning with their expertise and audience interest, and are given access to museum resources and
information (e.g., exhibits, library, history, mission), as well as historical interpretation curriculum (i.e.,
Foundations of Interpretation Curriculum Content Narrative) to help cultivate their program development skills.

Once a new program assistant finishes developing their first program, they will turn in their product (e.g., a
folder/box with the programs materials, and written method summary, script, sources, etc.) to the educational
program supervisor. The program assistant will then present the program to the public, first in a test run manner
which serves as a performance assessment.

I (as the hypothetical educational program supervisor) will conduct the performance section of the assessment
by observing the test run presentations, and evaluating the turned in products. I will make score-based
inferences for quality via a rubric with criteria concerning each programs demonstration of characteristics of
effective historical interpretation (e.g., knowledge of audience, resource, and techniques), as well their
alignment with the museums mission.

Following the performance assessment with the first program, the new program assistants will make any
needed changes to that program, and then continue utilizing the assessment feedback in their development of
two more programs. These programs should fulfill the same requirements as the first, but cover a different
resource topic. Once the third program is completed, the program assistant will begin to compile the other
requirements for his/her program portfolio.

I will assess the portfolios by making score-based inferences via a rubric with criteria concerning each portfolio
requirement (e.g., programs, introductory and reflective statements, and topic idea and source lists). The
purpose of the portfolio is for the program assistants to demonstrate and reflect on what they have learned
about program development, showcase their work, and build resources to assist their future program

Goal of Assessment

This assessment will measure the quality of museum public educational programs that new program assistants
develop in terms of knowledge of resource, audience, techniques, and alignment with museum mission; and
provide a means for showcasing their completed work along with opportunities for reflection and preparation
for future program development.

Marleneanu LSTE 7325 Final Assessment

Assessment Objectives

Given the Foundations of Interpretation Curriculum Content Narrative and access to museum resources and
information, the program assistant will:

1) Demonstrate knowledge of resource by developing educational programs that are accurate (cite reliable
sources) and comprehensive (present tangible and intangible meanings).
2) Demonstrate knowledge of audience by developing educational programs that, for the museums typical
public visitors, are versatile (get to know audience with initial questions, from which the answers guide
the presentation style) and engaging (present opportunity for audience to form a personal connection
with the resource).
3) Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate interpretive techniques by developing educational programs
that are complete (include theme statement, method summary, script, and materials) and accessible
(utilize multiple presentation techniques).
4) Demonstrate knowledge of the museums mission by developing educational programs in alignment
with that mission (presents a cultural, historic, or natural state resource in a way that benefits the
5) Apply given feedback to improve program development, and demonstrate mastery of knowledge and
skills by showcasing three fully developed programs.
6) Reflect on knowledge and skills gained in the program development process by writing clear
introductory and reflective statements, and create resources to assist with future program development
by compiling topic idea and source lists.

Marleneanu LSTE 7325 Final Assessment

Performance Task

The program assistant will effectively present a 10-20 minute public educational program he/she has developed.
The resource topic of the presentation is the program assistants choice; however, it must align with the Old
State House Museums mission. The program presentation should be complete and demonstrate knowledge of
resource, audience, and appropriate interpretive techniques.

Program Presentation Rubric

Needs Improvement
Program is not completely
accurate (lacks reliable
sources) and incomplete
(lacks tangible and/or
intangible meanings).
Program is accurate (with a
reliable source cited) and
fairly comprehensive
(presents a tangible and
intangible meaning).
Program is accurate (with
multiple reliable sources
cited) and comprehensive
(presents tangible and
intangible meanings).


Program is not versatile (lacks
initial questions with answers
that guide the presentation
style) and/or unengaging
(lacks opportunity for
audience to form a personal
connection with resource).
Program is fairly versatile
(includes an initial question
with an answer that guides
the presentation style) and
engaging (an opportunity for
audience to form a personal
connection with resource).
Program is versatile (includes
initial questions with answers
that guide the presentation
style) and engaging
(opportunities for audience to
form a personal connection
with resource).


Program is incomplete (lacks
theme statement, method
summary, script, and/or
materials) and/or inaccessible
(lacks appropriate
presentation technique).
Program is complete (includes
theme statement, method
summary, script, & materials)
and fairly accessible (utilizes
an appropriate presentation
Program is complete (includes
theme statement, method
summary, script, & materials)
and accessible (utilizes
multiple appropriate
presentation techniques).

Program is not in alignment
with the museums mission
(does not present a cultural,
historic, or natural state
resource in a way that
benefits the public).
Program is mostly in
alignment with the museums
mission (presents a cultural,
historic, or natural state
resource in a way that may
benefit the public).
Program is in alignment with
the museums mission
(presents a cultural, historic,
or natural state resource in a
way that benefits the public).

Program is presented far from
within 10-20 minutes, with
poor clarity, enthusiasm,
and/or friendliness toward
Program is presented
effectively within close to 10-
20 minutes, with satisfactory
clarity, enthusiasm, and
friendliness toward audience.
Program is presented
effectively within 10-20
minutes, with exceptional
clarity, enthusiasm, and
friendliness toward audience.



Marleneanu LSTE 7325 Final Assessment

Portfolio Requirements

Please be sure to include all of the following within your program portfolio:
(refer to rubric below for more information on how to fulfill each requirement)

At least three (3) fully developed public educational programs that demonstrate
o knowledge of resource
o knowledge of audience
o knowledge of appropriate interpretive techniques
o alignment with museums mission
An introductory statement to explain why you chose to develop the topics presented in your programs.
A reflective statement to share what you have learned about the process of program development.
A brainstormed topic idea list to aid you in future program development.
A compiled source list to aid you in future program development.

You should turn in your completed portfolio to the museums educational program supervisor.

Program Portfolio Rubric

Criteria Description


At least three (3) fully developed public
educational programs included, each
covering a different resource topic.

of Resource
Programs are accurate (with multiple
reliable sources cited) and
comprehensive (present tangible and
intangible meanings).

Knowledge of

Programs are versatile (include initial
questions with answers that guide the
presentation style) and engaging
(opportunities for audience to form a
personal connection with resource).

Knowledge of

Programs are complete (include theme
statement, method summary, script, &
materials) and accessible (utilize
multiple appropriate presentation

Marleneanu LSTE 7325 Final Assessment
Programs are in alignment with the
museums mission (present a cultural,
historic, or natural state resource in a
way that benefits the public).

An introductory statement included (at
least 2 paragraphs) clearly explaining
why you chose to develop the topics
presented in your programs.

A reflective statement included (at
least 3 paragraphs) sharing what you
have learned about the program
development process, specifically how
you have employed the feedback from
your presentation assessment.

Topic Idea List
A list of resource topic ideas included
that you have brainstormed for
potential future program development
(at least 4 basic ideas presented).

Source List
A list of reliable sources included that
you have found and/or used during the
development process which you can
refer to again for future program
development (at least 10 sources cited,
using APA format).

& Clarity
Overall demonstration of organization
and clarity in portfolio (i.e., separate
folders/boxes for each programs
documents and materials, clear labels,
proper grammar/spelling throughout).


Overall Score



Marleneanu LSTE 7325 Final Assessment


Bacher, K., Baltrus, A., Barrie, B., Bliss, K., Cardea, D., Chandler, L., . . . Lacome, B. (2007). Foundations of
interpretation curriculum content narrative. Retrieved from
Old State House Museum. (2012). About the museum. Retrieved from
Oosterhos, A., Conrad, R., & Ely, D. (2008). Assessing learners online. Columbus, OH: Pearson.
Popham, W. J. (2014). Classroom assessment: What teachers need to know (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Education, Inc.
University of Connecticut. (n.d.). How to create rubrics. Retrieved from

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