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5/9/2014 Rajasthan Board Result: Senior Secondary(Science) Examination, 2014 1/1
Result :SeniorSecondary(Science)Examinat ion,2014
BroughttoyoubyNati onal Informati csCentre
Detai l edMarksheet
Rol l Number 1575928
Candi dat e Name NI RMA SAI NI
Fat her' s Name RAMESH KUMAR
Mot her' s Name SALOCHANA DEVI
School / Cent er' s Name (1150188) NEW I NDI AN PUB SR SEC SCH, NAWALGARH(JHUNJHUNU)
Subj ectName
MarksObtai ned
HINDI(COMP.) 044 020 064 064
ENGLISH(COMP.) 048 020 068 068
PHYSICS 006 014 020G 029 049
CHEMISTRY 019 014 033 029 062
MATHEMATICS 027 020 047 047
Total Marks 290
Resul t:SecondDi vi si onByGrace
Disclaimer: Neither NIC nor Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer is responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the results being published on
Net. The results published on net are for immediate information to the examinees. These cannot be treated as original mark sheets. Original mark sheets have
been issued by the Board separately.
Data provided by: Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer. Site Designed & Hosted by National Informatics Centre

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