Formal Letter

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12 Ngwete Street

8 January 2009
The Managing Director
The Jewellery iant
! "en#ri$ %erwoer# Dri&e
Dear Sir'
( a) res*on#ing to your a#&ertise)ent in +The Star, news*a*er -or the *ost o- a
secretary. ( woul# li$e to a**ly -or this *osition. ( a) twenty/two years ol#' -ro) the
De)ocratic 0e*ublic o- 1ongo an# s*ea$ 2nglish an# 3rench. 4-ter lea&ing high School (
atten#e# a course on Secretarial Stu#ies. ( ha&e been e)*loye# as a secretary -or the *ast -i&e
years in a large South 4)erican co)*any #ealing in #ia)on#s.
( a) well *resente#' *ositi&e' en5oy wor$ing with others an# ha&e a ty*ing/s*ee# o-
60 wor#s *er )inute.
7lease -in# the rele&ant #ocu)entation attache#.
( loo$ -orwar# to hearing -ro) you.
8ours -aith-ully'

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