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Assessment Criteria with Evidence of Learning

Scheme (Textiles): Using Fabric Manipulation to Create Pictorial Artwork Based on Outdoor Natural
Environmental Studies
Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criteria

Drawing 30%

Students should demonstrate;
Sound field practice while on the
school grounds

Concentrated observation

Drawing and observational skills
to the subject matter of the
natural environment, focusing on
texture and the three dimensional

Investigation 30%

Students should demonstrate;
Awareness of the nature of the textile
piece being created, using tonal

Design skills in planning out the
composition of the textile piece and
the creation of an accurate
translation of the design idea

Experimental sample work showing
fabric manipulation techniques using
a variety of materials, e.g. wire,
wadding, string etc.

Assessment Criteria
Problem Solving and Making 30%

Students should demonstrate

Develop skills using specialist materials, tools and

An ability to experiment with fabric manipulation
techniques in response to individual design ideas

Recognise and define the properties of the fabrics
used, and make effective use of same

Create a visually complete piece using appropriate
tonal fabrics and trims

Evidence of learning

Evidence of learning

Evidence of learning

Evidence that the student

Functioned effectively on site,
selecting interesting and
appropriate subject matter,
leaves, tree bark, etc.

Managed drawing board, paper
and media effectively.

Created a finished drawing with a
strong composition, observing
texture and structure of the
chosen subject matter.

Evidence that the student

Created an overall pictorial layout
using tracing paper, to translate
design work onto fabric base

Selected appropriate fabric
manipulation techniques to represent
the various three dimensional
aspects of finished drawing work

Evidence that the student

Became more skilful in using specialist tools, fabrics
and materials.

Applied appropriate fabric manipulation techniques
and fabric in an imaginative way, creating an
individual interpretation of the original drawing

Created a finished piece, together with annotated
design notes, and samples o fabric manipulation

Assessment Criteria
Understanding and Attitude 10%
Students should demonstrate

A willingness to participate and contribute to
field work and workshop learning activities

Openness to new subject, ideas and methods

Willingness to persevere and overcome
technical and creative challenges.

Understanding the concept of textiles as a art
form, that incorporates research, drawing,
design development, and completed artwork

Evidence of learning
Evidence that the student

Engaged with the project in all its aspects

Could explain concepts of the nature and
importance of the observation drawing,
especially in looking at the environment

Can provide a brief outline of the history of
textiles, techniques and fabrics used.

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