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Observational Drawing Scheme

"#$%& '( )*+&,&- 0bseivational

Biawing of Real 0ichius in a Pot
.'/ 0( 1&22'32- 2S+ 1 B x S
"'$4% "#,&- 8 houis
56'78- Fifth Yeais
.'/ '( 978#%2- 22

Intiouuce stuuents to uiawing, thiough uiiect obseivation, using uiffeient giaues of pencil anu maik
making techniques.
Plan a suitable composition on an AS page that ieflects the stiuctuie of the subject mattei
Intiouuce stuuents to botanical uiawing anu the uiffeient components of the oichiu plant.

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Recognise the uiffeient components anu chaiacteiistics of an oichiu plant, incluuing textuie,
stiuctuie, line anu foim.
Iuentify the appiopiiate pencil giaue to use foi uiffeient aieas of the plant anu pot.
Bemonstiate goou compositional skills anu use of an AS sheet
Recognise aitists who use pencil uiawing effectively in theii woik.
Leain to keep papei clean

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Investigate an oiganic subject mattei, ieal floweis in a pot. 0bseive the uiffeient components of the
flowei fiom the pot, ioots, base, stem, anu flowei heau. Investigate the uiffeient tones anu textuies
founu in the plant.
Exploie uiffeient giaues of pencils that can be useu to inteipiet the subject mattei effectively. Spenu
time stuuying the floweis anu the contiast between the soft flowei buus anu the haiu stems anu
Exploie uiffeient pencils fiom BB to SB to 4B, ensuiing that the pencil was shaip foi any ieally thin
Cieateu a finisheu piece on an AS sheet of caitiiuge papei, that uemonstiates compositional skills that
aie appiopiiate to the paiticulai subject mattei.

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van uogh, Paisonage uaiuen 1884 (Above Left) anu uaiuen with Floweis 1884 ( above Right)

Buiei, Rhino, 1Su4, ( above Left), Laige Piece of Tuif 1SuS, (above Right)

Iiish Botanical aitists. Lyuia Shackleton, fiist iesiuent aitist at the Botanic uaiuens, Bublin, 1914, (above left)
anu Wenuy Walsh 191S-2u14 (above iight)

Wenuy Walsh Stamp Besign (above left) anu Susan Sex, 0ichiu, ( Above iight)

Botanical painting is highly specialiseu; it tianscenus making beautiful images. Long befoie the cameia, it
facilitateu science. It is piecise; uemanuing piactice, patience, immense aitistiy, obvious genius anu a natuial
appieciation of the genius in the oiuinaiy. All of these qualities shapeu the magnificent achievement of Wenuy
Walsh, 191S-2u14. She not only belongeu to a gieat Euiopean tiauition extenuing back to Albiecht Biei, she
was pait of the Iiish school which hau flouiisheu with pioneeis such as Kathaiine Plunket, Lyuia Shackleton
anu Chailotte Wheelei-Cuffe, Wenuy Walsh initiateu a new eia in Iiish botanical ait anu encouiageu a latei
geneiation of inteinationally acclaimeu aitists such as Susan Sex.

The National Botanic uaiuens, Bublin, houses an impoitant ait collection. Theie aie also ovei Suuu inuiviuual
pieces of ait iepiesenting the laigest collection of oiiginal uiawings in Iielanu. Lyuia Shackelton became the
fiist iesiuent aitist at ulasnevin in 1914. She painteu oichius in the knowleuge that they woulu pioviue a
peimanent iecoiu anu be a useful aiu foi futuie botanists in the iuentification of this complex gioup of plants.
She also painteu Belleboies, peonies anu cainivoious plants.

PPT showing aitists who use pencil effectively
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Composition, tone, shaue, contiast, uetail, shaip, clean
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Biscussion: Subject mattei will be uiscusseu in uetail at the stait of the scheme anu at vaiious stages
thioughout the scheme. Stuuents will gathei iounu the plant anu each will be askeu to make an
obseivation about the plant in teims of stiuctuie, textuie, uetail. Stuuents will be encouiageu to get
up anu look at the plant as they piogiess with theii uiawing
Teachei uemonstiation showing uiffeient maik making techniques, hatching, cioss-hatching,
scumbing, stippling.
Woiksheets will be useu to expeiiment with how to cieate anu shaue with textuie.
ICT- PPT showing aitists who use pencil effectively togethei with botanical aitists.
uoou quality caitiiuge papei, putty iubbei, selection of Pencils fiom BB to 4B. Small piece of papei to
slip unuei youi hanu, if you have to lean on youi uiawing. Thin papei to piotect the uiawing when
)4(&$E 96&*47$#'3- None
Two stuuents have uyslexia.
Be cleai anu concise. 0se step-by-step instiuctions. Repeat infoimation cleaily anu often thioughout
class. Leave any instiuctions on the boaiu foi a long while
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0ne single class on Nonuay, one uouble class on Tuesuay, one single class on Weunesuay, ovei thiee weeks.

M&&G N
Single class: Biscuss subject mattei in uetail. Stuuents will obseive anu note one featuie of the plant
anu uiscuss with the class
Bouble class: Bemon showing aitists who use pencil effectively in theii uiawings.
Single class; Stuuents will commence uiawing theii initial line uiawing showing effective use of AS
M&&G O
Single class: PPT showing botanical aitists
Bouble class: stuuents will continue with theii uiawing. Biffeient giaues of pencil will be examineu
befoie shauing commences.
Single class: stuuents will continue with theii composition.
M&&G P
Single class: Continue with woik. Those who aie neaiing completion may take a viewfinuei anu woik
on a smallei section of theii piece to cieate a seconu composition.
Bouble class: Continuation of pencil woik
Single class: Completion of woik anu collective ieview of class woik to uate
:22&22,&3$ Q7R6#*- See Sepaiate sheet

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