Solar Light Stolen From Mildred Greenly's Flower Bed!

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Solar light stolen from Mildred Greenlys flower bed!

Sadly, for the second consecutve week, the Warkworth Journal has to inform its dedicated readership of another inci-
dent of thievery in our village.
Mildred Greenly, who lives on Church St. in Warkworth, contacted The Journal on Thursday morning to report that one
of her solar lights in a fower bed on the front lawn had been stolen. Mrs. Greenly said the thef took place overnight.
The darn thing was there when I went to bed Wednesday night, Mrs. Greenly told The Journal. But when I went to
cut my lawn on Thursday morning I notced it was gone.
Mrs. Greenly admits she fnds it strange why someone would steal a single solar light, which she estmated to cost
somewhere around $5. For now, she hopes its just an isolated case of tomfoolery.
Last week, Donald Allen of Warkworth reported that someone had stolen a $14 hummingbird feeder from a tree on the
front lawn of his mothers home on Concession St. That thef took place in broad daylight!
Lets hope this senseless criminal actvity does not contnue to plague our peaceful village. If anyone has informaton
regarding these two recent thefs, please contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8487.
Mildred Greenly points to the spot in her front lawn fower bed where a solar
light was stolen on Wednesday evening. (Photo courtesy of Brad Wilson)

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