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Name: VOISINET, Caroline Pauline

Address: Glion Institute of Higher Education, 1823 Glion, Switerland
!ele"hone: #$1 21 %&& 3' 3' (o)ile: #$1 *% %&$ $1 $3
E+mails: ,aroline-.oisinet/glion-ch ,aroline-.oisinet/gmail-com
S01"e address: recruit+glion ,aroline-.oisinet-roch
Nationalit1: 2rench
3ate of 4irth: 1' No.em)er 1%%'
5ermanent Address: ,hemin du )ois gentil $8, 16%1 Grand.au7, Switerland
8anuar1 261$ onwards
Glion Institute of Hi!er E"u#ation, Glion, S$it%erlan"
4achelor of 4usiness Administration in Hos"italit1 (anagement
9cto)er : Se"tem)er 2613
&ell S#!ool, Ca'(ri"e
;anguage courses
Se"tem)er 2612 : 8ul1 2613
C!a')ittet, Lausanne, Suisse
4accalaureate in Economic < Social Sciences
*OR+ ,TRAINING E-PERIENCES 2e)ruar1 261$ : 8une 261$
Glion Institute of Hi!er E"u#ation, Glion, S$it%erlan"
1 wee0 of 2<4 theor1
2 wee0s of "ractical
2 wee0s of =itchen "ractical
8anuar1 261$
Fies#!eral), Fies#!, S$it%erlan"
S0i instructor
Se"tem)er : 9cto)er 2611 : 2612 +2613
Do'aine Prieur. Ro#!, &ourone, Fran#e
Gra"e Har.est
2rench >(other tongue?, English >Intermediate?, S"anish
@indows A5 : 9ffice A5
Bolle1)all in clu) >3 1ears?, horse riding >& 1ears?, marathon
>once a 1ear?, s0iing
5iano academ1 >16 1ears?
(em)er of se.eral found raising e.ents during m1
scholarshi" >for e7am"le: Ian < 9scar?
Ceferences a.aila)le u"on reDuest-
Ceferences a.aila)le u"on reDuest-

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