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Sociology 1301

A Class Divided/ Take Home Exam

Take-Home Exam is due Tuesday, Nov. 27. Those of you chosen to turn in your
answers early must answer only 2 questions by Oct. 1.

This assignment is based on the PBS Frontline special A Class Divided. You must watch
the documentary in order to answer the questions below. Instructions for access to
documentary will be provided during class or film may be shown during class.

Briefly and succinctly give a thoughtful reply to the following questions. Please answer in
complete sentences. Handwritten answers will not be accepted. Every sheet of paper you
turn in must have your name and section number on it. Be sure to include the question for
every answer you provide.

You must answer at least 5 questions. Each question is worth up to 20 pts. If you choose to
answer more questions, each will be worth less. For example: if you answer all seven
questions, each will be worth up to 15 points with five bonus points given for answering all

Be sure to refer to and include examples from the film in your answers. Please
define sociological terms and concepts you may use in your answers

1. What are some of the important concepts in A Class Divided?

2. Why were all the people in the film susceptible to the pernicious effects of racial prejudice?

3. Can prejudice exist in the absence of minority group members? If no, why? If yes, why?

4. People tend to live down to others expectations. Explain.

5. Racial prejudice is a learned response. Explain.

6. Learning even the simplest material is extremely difficult under stress regardless of age, sex,
race or eye color. Explain.

7. What is the problem? Is it people of color, or is it the negative reactions of majority group
members to the differentness of others. Whose problem is it?

8. Why in your opinion, didnt members of the designated minority groups defend each other as
they were being verbally abused? Does this have any relevance to your understanding of
what has happened to women and minorities? Explain.

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