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Description of Each Functional Team

Reception Team
To ensure quality incoming exchange experience, to create a global environment and to
promote exchange culture within the Local Committee.
Outgoing Exchange
To sustain the exchange process in the AIEEC experiences, to ensure the quantity and
quality o! outgoing exchange, to maximi"e the learning o! outgoing exchange participants
and to cultivate exchange culture in the Local Committee.
Human Resources
To recruit the right people into the organi"ation and manage our human resources to
maximi"e the Local Committee per!ormance.
People Deelopment
To maximi"e the learning o! each member and their development within the AIEEC
Finance Team
To maintain a healthy !inancial situation in the Local Committee through planning,
budgeting, allocating, controlling and reviewing !inancial resources e!!ectively
!ar"eting an# Sales
To ensure the quantity and quality o! Incoming Exchange experience, and generate and
utili"e external resources to contribute to the development o! the Local Committee.
To maintain communications between all sta#eholders both externally$ to promote
AIEEC within campus with strong and correct image$ and to establish rapport in our
alumni networ#
!anagement Team
To support the international organi"ation with the use o! latest In!ormation,
Communication Technology %ICT&$ to ensure in!ormation can be provided at the right
place to the right people at the right time by implementing di!!erent 'nowledge
(anagement %'(& practice.
AIEEC organi"ational structure)

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