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Time is running. It never turns back. Tomorrow, I will go to Sekolah
Kebangsaan Khir Johari for my second practicum in two month. It starts from 2
July until 2!
September 2"!2. #onestly, I feel very an$ious although this is my
second time teaching. %ow, I had to become a real teacher and carry out
something to teach. Instantly, I need to prepare myself with a new personality
and set up the lesson plan.
The first thing, I feel I need to face the real situation and learn to apply the
theory or method that I had learn in the college. &ther than that, I will learn
something that can improve my teaching. 'eside that, I hope that I will get some
e$perience and knowledge of teaching from the old teacher. (lthough this is my
second time teaching, but I still re)uired a guidance from the lecturer. I know for
the first week there are a lot of things I should know. I must prepare myself to
deal with student, adapt with the environment and also with the e$perience
&ther than that I want train myself to be a good, punctual and
responsibility teacher. *racticum is the base or basic place to train and
encourage myself. It e$poses me to several of challenging and problem, which
make me tougher and matured in teaching profession.
In nutshell, I hope the headmaster is kindly to accept me doing practicum
in his school. Throughout eight week, I e$pect I will go to teaching and do
something can contribute to the school.. I hope all the knowledge and e$perience
that I go trough will built more confidence in becoming a strong teacher.

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