TAREA 2.a: A For and Against Essay Surname/ Name 1

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a: A For and Against Essay

Surname/ name

1 Choose the correct answer.
1. Microsoft is a highly respected software company. On the one hand / e!erthe"ess, it has
been criticised for many reasons.
2. #owe!er / A"though Bill Gates was the chairman of Microsoft, he still found time to read and
play golf and bridge.
3. In order to create computer games, people should now about computers. On the other
hand, / $ut it!s more important to now how to write a good story.
". #ome computer games are games of luc. On the other hand / #owe!er, in other computer
games, players win by maing good decisions.
$. %n the one hand, you can!t get by without using a computer these days. On the other hand, /
$ut you ha&e to be careful not to get addicted to your computer'
2 %oo& at the e'(ressions )e"ow and answer the *uestions that +o""ow.
In my opinion ( It!s a fact that ( In addition ( )or this reason ( %n the one hand ( %n the other hand
1. *hich e+pression can!t be used to present an opinion, -----------
2. *hich two e+pressions are usually used together, -------- and
3. *hich e+pression presents a result of a situation, -----------
, -atch A to $ to show the correct ("an +or a +or and against essay.
A $
1. %pening ..... a. presents arguments for and against an issue, gi&ing e+amples
2. Body ..... b. sums up the topic. states the writer!s opinion
3. /losing ..... c. states the issue
. ow write your own For and Against essay on down"oading music +rom /nternet.
0121 words a(ro'.2 0emember that it is important to mae a good and &aried use of all
the &erb tenses we ha&e studied, of the appropriate lining words and it is also rele&ant
to pro&ide your writing with a suitable structure. The use o+ trans"ators or co(ying
+rom internet wi"" in!a"idate the tas&.

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