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Renaissance Courtier Nov.


Renaissance Courtier
The end of the bloody reign has come! The Queen of England, Mary I is dead! After years under her harsh
reign she is dead! She has been having troubles with her health for quite some time now and progressively

got worse. She passed away last night due to
illness. Her burial will be held December 14,
at Westminster Abby.
Mary I was born 18 February, 1516
to Henry VIII and Cathrine of Aragon.
Henry VIII got permission from the church
and divorced Marys mother and Mary was
not happy.
Mary ruled Ireland as well but is
most famous for her reign over England.
When Mary came to rule England, she,
whom was Catholic all her life, wanted to
return England to a completely Catholic
state. During her reign she was cruel to all
that werent Catholic. She tried to convert
people and executed and banned those who
wouldnt do so. Many of us refer to her as
Bloody Mary because of all the people she
killed, and blood spelt, to get her way.
Shortly before her death the Queen
passed the crown onto her half sister
Elizabeth. All hail the new Queen!

Mary I England
Renaissance Courtier Nov. 3

Who painted the stunning
masterpieces inside the Sistine Chapel? Or
carved the beautiful sculptures of the Pieta
and The David? That would be our famous
Italian artist, sculptor, poet, and engineer,
Michelangelo. Hes the big news now a
day! Hes known as the best artist of our
time! Michelangelo was born 5 March
1475. His full name is Michelangelo di
Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, but is known
as Michelangelo, or even II Divino, The
Devine One.
When Michelangelo was younger he
was sent to Florence to study grammar but
didnt enjoy schooling and took an interest
in the arts. A while ago, in 1499, he was
asked to finish a sculpture started forty
years ago,

by Agostine di Duccio. This sculpture was
the famous piece, The David; that
symbolizes Florentine freedom. He also
worked on the popes tomb, and is most
famous for his work in the Sistine Chapel.
Sadly he recently passed away due
to unknown reasons. But some think that it
was from lead poisoning from his paint,
some think he went insane, and some think
it was simply from old age. But none the
less he will be missed. He died in February
of 1564 at age 88, but his art will live on.
RIP Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti
Simoni, 1375-1564

About IV meters tall
Light brown
Large horns

If found please come to the third shack on
Mary Road.
Last seen: in his pen two nights ago

I am a very talented artist and am
looking for work. My pay is
35 pounds per painting (Open for
negotiation.) Very good at portraits
and outdoor paintings. If you need
a painting, Im your man.
Contact: fourth house on River Drive

Renaissance Courtier Nov. 3


We are capable too!
I have chosen to keep my name anonymous for
my own safety, but think of this simply as a
comment from all women. I think that women
should be able to be accepted in the
sciences. I was raised in a wealthy
family and was taught astronomy
by my father. I have gained quite
the skill in the field, but am not
accepted by the science community.
I know there are many other
women who have gained skills in the sciences and
would like to broaden their opportunities as well.
Women are just as capable as men if not more so.
We are very patient and observant and can take
careful note to detail. We are just as capable as
men to observe the world and take note of what we
see. All it takes is the skills and
learning, which we can be taught
o or may already have. What is it
that makes us any different or
any less qualified than men?
I think that women should be
accepted into the sciences just as
m much as men. We arent that
different and if we have the skills then why not
have another scientist? Women should have the
same chances as men in science. We are just as
skilled. And why not have more scientists? These
are examples of my own work.

Words of
The People

A painting of our daily life
Ask Arthur

Dear Arthur,
My neighbor is a witch! She
is an old woman, her husband
passed away years ago. She never
comes to church anymore. She was
the best healer in the village, but
never told anyone her ways. I know
this woman is a witch but I dont
know what to do! Im afraid shell
hex me. What should I do?
-Next to a Hex
Dear Next to a Hex,
I understand your worry about your
neighbor being a witch, who wouldnt
be? Who knows what theyll do! But
have you ever actually seen her doing
something that seems witch like? Just
because shes old and doesnt go to
church, doesnt make her a witch. I
would look into it more before doing
anything rash.

Renaissance Courtier Nov. 3

Cover Story:
Text book
Whos Who:
My own Knowledge
Text book
Letter to the Editor:
Text book
Advice Column:
Own information

Reference Page:

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