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Can Technology Overthrow Idiocracy?

(of course not)

No technological fix

When we talk about a technological

infratructure!" we are alway deignating a
#ore or le $atched%together #ix of
arrange#ent fro# #ore or le everywhere
that other eek to render irreverible by
$rotecting it fro# analyi! #aking it a carefully
ealed and concealed black box&'
()atour! An Inquiry into Modes of Existence! *+,-! $& *,-%*,./&

0rogre Tra$
1 0rogre Tra$ ha$$en when technological
innovation create condition or $roble# that
ociety i unable to foreee % or unwilling
(3onald Wright htt$455de#og&ca5*+,-5+65*,5locked%$rogre%tra$%interview%

7ark 8cology

7ark 8cology

9ut our in i not that we created technologie

but that we failed to love and care for the#&'
)atour! *+,* )ove :our ;onter"!

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