BB Equipment Preventive Maintenance Booklet

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Broadband Equipment
Preventive Maintenance
Third Issue (July 2011)
Issued By:
Broadband Cell,
Gujarat Teleco Circle,
C! G! "oad, #hedabad!
Content &a'e %o!
1 Preventive maintenance of P 2.2 system DSLAM
(A) Commands for Huawei mae DSLAMs
2 Preventive maintenance of mu"ti#"ay DSLAMs
(A) Commands for %&' mae DSLAMs
()) Commands for *&starcom mae DSLAMs
(C) Commands for +oia,Siemens mae DSLAMs
3 %&' -CLA+ . /unctiona" descri#tion of L'Ds
in various cards
! +MS 0 'MS of mu"ti#"ay )) e1ui#ments
Netman-6000 OMC-O ( RPR NMS - UT )
Netman-4000 OMC-A ( DSLAM NMS - UT )
ZTE Netnumen ( DSLAM NMS ZTE )
2 DSL tester
3 (A) )road4and re"ated im#ortant ti#s
()) )road4and error codes 5 remedy
(C) 6m#ortant vendor contact detai"s
$ Ca"" 0 7MA 4ooin8 #rocedure
Part . 1 : Preventive maintenance of H*A;'6 DSLAMs

1. Download Friendly Net Viewer and Prepare Virtual Network Diagram for all equipments of
P 2.2 network of your SSA.
2. Using Friendly Net Viewer monitor te !"2 Swit#es and DS$A%s of te SSA daily.
&. Daily 'e#king te media link ()pti#al Fi*er link+ *etween DS$A% and !"2 and !"2 and !"
,. Perform following #e#ks at least on 1-"1. DS$A%s e/eryday and take ne#essary a#tion if
any #ard 0 equipment is found faulty ( !e s#reen sots and #ommands are gi/en in
su*sequent pages+.
1. 'e#k te status of #ontrol #ard of DS$A% and !"22 !"1.
11. 'e#k te status of all Fans in DS$A%.
111. 'e#k te status of all #ards of te DS$A%.
1V. 'e#k te status of #ipset in DS$A%.
V. 'e#k te status of all ports of ea# #ard in DS$A% and try to reset te anged ports in
.. 'leaning of DS$A% wene/er required after #on#urren#e wit N130N)'.
6. Do#ket *ooking for equipment 0 #ard related faults immediately and ma4or faults wi# are
not sol/ed witin reasona*le time2 at india.support5uawei.#om and a #opy of te fault
do#ket may *e sent to 3angalore N)' *y mail to id **
!e faulty #ard may *e got repla#ed wit a spare #ard if a/aila*le immediately and faulty #ard must
*e sent to te#ni#al support #entre of /endor along wit te fault do#ket at following address6"
(A) Commands for Huawei mae DSLAM
1) To Check all the card status 6 7i/e #ommand as show board 0
All #ards sould *e in Normal status as gi/en a*o/e. 1f any #ard (suppose 2+ found faulty tan gi/e
following #ommands.
1. A3D"D$%"73!"-18 config terminal
11. 8 board del 0/2
111. 8 board add 0/2 ten gi/e te name of #ard like 9ADA2 9D3 2 93D$
1V. 8 adsl activate adsl 2/0/0 to adsl2/0/47 3 ( were & is profile name+
2) Check all chiset status 6 7i/e #ommand show adsl chiset status
All #ipset sould *e in normal state. 1f it is faulty it as to *e re#tified.
1f any #ipset found faulty2 gi/e following #ommands to !eset the fault" chiset.
(Suppose #ipset & of #ard no.1 is faulty tan+
Dslam 8 config terminal
Dslam(#onfi+ 8 board#adsl 1 ( !o enter in #ard no. 1 2 1 is #ard no. +
Dslam(#onfi"*oard"adsl"1+ 8 chiset reset 3 ( & is faulty #ipset no. +
And ten #onfirm te #ipset status using a*o/e #ommand.
Control Cards
Normal /Healthy
All chiset status
must be Normal
3) To check status of all $orts of %&'() 6 7i/e #ommand show adsl ort state all*
All port sould *e in eiter a#ti/e or a#ti/ating state. 1f it is dea#ti/ate2 it is faulty state.

1f port no. -0-02, is deactivate tan
DS$A%(#onfig+ 8 adsl activate adsl 0/0/24 3 ( were & is profile+
4) To check status of +), - .an ) of %&'() 6 7i/e #ommand show emu

/) To check status of .an in 32 $ort %&'() 6 7i/e #ommand show fan state
All ports must be
Any port should not
Fan status should
be Normal
0) To check status of Card 1 $orts in 32 $ort %&'() 6
7i/e #ommand show board 0/1
and show board 0/2

7) To !eset fault" card of %&'() 6 7i/e #ommand
Dslam(#onfi+ 8 board reset 0/2 ( :ere 2 is faulty #ard no. +
Dslam(#onfig+8 board confirm 0/2

Part . 2 : Preventive maintenance of mu"ti#"ay DSLAMs
1. Download 9%S0N%S for U! S!A; and <!9.
2. Using 9%S monitoring te ;P; !"2 0 !"1 and DS$A%s daily. ( Detailed pro#edure at page no.
&. Daily pysi#al #e#king te media link ()pti#al Fi*er link+ *etween DS$A% and ;P; !"2.
4. Power #e#king of ;P; ring using ;P; N%S2 if power loss o*ser/ed2 inform to )F'
maintenan#e team to *ring it in pres#ri*ed limit.
.. Perform following #e#ks at least on 1-"1. DS$A%s e/eryday and take ne#essary a#tion if
any #ard 0 equipment is found faulty ( !e s#reen sots and #ommands are gi/en in
su*sequent pages+.
a. 'e#k te status of #ontrol #ard of DS$A% and !"22 !"1.
*. 'e#k te status of all Fans in DS$A%.
#. 'e#k te status of all #ards of te DS$A%.
d. 'e#k te status of #ipset in DS$A%.
e. 'e#k te status of all ports of ea# #ard in DS$A% and try to reset te anged ports in
=. 'leaning of DS$A% wene/er required after #on#urren#e wit N130N)'.
7. Do#ket *ooking for equipment related pro*lems and ma4or faults wi# are not sol/ed wit
reasona*le time as to *e *ooked troug a do#ket form to te #on#erned /endor and a #opy
of te fault do#ket may *e sent to 3angalore N)' *y mail to id **no#>P&5*
!e faulty #ard may *e got repla#ed wit a spare #ard if a/aila*le immediately and faulty #ard must
*e sent to te#ni#al support #entre of /endor along wit do#ket address6"
(A) Commands for %&' DSLAM :

1) To see the &ubnet 2 3$ (ddress 1 3$ route of %&'()
7i/e #ommands show i subnet ?
show i route
2) To see the card status of %&'()
7i/e #ommand show card

3) To !eset the 4on#working card - which has 5 6ffline 7 or 5 ,nknown 7 status )
9nter into 9na*le %ode *y 'ommand DS$A% @ +nable
9nter te Password 8 admin

7i/e 'ommand DS$A% 8 reset card 3 ( were & is faulty #ard no.+
Aait for ,". minutes ? ten #e#k te status of #ard again using show card #ommand.
4) To !eset the articular ort
!o 9nter into #onfigure mode gi/e #ommand configure ( in 9na*le 08 mode +
(#onfig+ 8 interface adsl 2/9 ( Aere 20B is Slot no.0 Port no. +
(#f dslam(#fg"if"adsl"20B+ 8 shutdown
(#f dslam(#fg"if"adsl"20B+ 8 no shutdown
Now #e#k te admin status of port ? #onfirm
/) To see the status of ort of articular card ( to see Admin status ? $ink status of all ports +

7i/e #ommand show interface 2/1#04 ort#status
( :ere 2 is #ard no. ? 1"=, is port list2 if te #ard is of =, port #ard+
0) To Check the status of .an 1 Temerature in 120 ort 1 higher :T+ %&'()
7i/e #ommand show fan
7) To Check status of .an 1 Temerature in 04 $ort :T+ %&'()
7i/e #ommand show temerature#check
Temperature should be
less than 45 C
Online Actual !"itch
!tatus o# all Fans
!hould be ON

1f status of any fan is failed ten first #lean ta fan filter ? #e#k
1f pro*lem is not sol/ed ten repla#e te fan unit.
;) To Check &4! )argin2 (ttenuation 1 out ower of all orts in articular slot
( Note 6 Not for =, port DS$A% +
7i/e #ommand show interface 2/1#04 adsl#status
:ere Di/ide te SN; %argin ? Attenuation /alue *y 1- e.g. Attenuation 2-C *e#omes 2-.C d3m
9) To Check &4! 1 (ttenuation level of u orts in 04 ort %&'()

<ive Command 8 show adsl h"sical 2/10 (ere 201- D slot no.0Port no. ? Port is UP+
Note 6 $ink status of te port must *e UP2 wose SN; ? Attenuation is *eing #e#ked
10) To find slot no*/ $ort no* in %&'() from ='(4 id
7i/e #ommand show vlan 229 - here 229 is inner ='(4 id )
!tatus o# $oth Fans
!hould be %unning
Chec& the
Do"n side
'alue o# !N%
divide it by ()
Chec& the
side value o#
divide it by ()
11) To Check ,link ort &tatus 1 ='(4 assed from ulink ort of %&'()
7i/e #ommand show interface 9/1#0 ort#status
show interface 9/1#0 vlan#config

12) To Check ,link ort &tatus 1 ='(4 assed from ulink ort of 04 $ort %&'()
7i/e #ommand show interface //1#2 ort#status
show interface //1#0 vlan#config

13) To Check )(C (ddress of all u orts in articular slot
,ort no- o# '.AN //0
,ort 0/5 is *, so it is
active uplin& o# D!.A1
1anagement inner
'.AN tagged in D!.A1
uplin& port 0/5
,ort 5/( is *, so it is
active uplin& o# D!.A1
1anagement inner
'.AN tagged in D!.A1
uplin& port 5/(
7i/e #ommand show mac#address#table slot 4 ( , is slot no. " Not for =, Port DS$A%+

14) To Check )(C address list of all u orts in 04 $ort :T+ %&'()
<ive command show mac#address#table

()) Commands for *&starcom DSLAM
1) To Check The All Card Status
Give Command show slot

1PADS$CA is $ine 'ards ? 1'%&7# is 'ontroller #ard.
(A+ is A#ti/e and (S+ is Stand*y
2) To Check the Module Status & Temperature of Particular Slot
9nter into parti#ular Slot DS$A% 8 slot 1 ( ere 1 is slot no. +
? 7i/e #ommand 6 show module 1
show temerature

3) To Reset the Non orkin! Card " ith #nknon Module status )
Card/1odule !tatus
should be Normal2 #or
#aulty card the status "ill
be *n&no"n
!lot temperature should
be less than 45 C

7i/e tis #ommand 8 > reset 2 hard ( ere 2 is faulty slot no. +
Always use :ard ;eset to ;9S9! te 'ards. AF!9; ;esetting te 'ard2 !o #e#k te #ard
Status gi/e #ommand &how &lot as a*o/e
1f tere is pro*lem in any 'ard ten S0A Version and :0A Version of #ard will not display.
Sometimes 'ard is already plugged *ut #ard status sows Unplugged. So2 tere is a fault in tat
'ard. 1n tat #ase inform to Ser/i#e Pro/ider ? follow teir instru#tions to #onfirm fault.
4) To Check &tatus of all orts in articular card
7o into Proper &'6T and into $ort %ode
9a# 'ard 'ontains te ,C DS$ Port (1 to ,C+6 A##ording to tis2 #al#ulate te rigt port.
7i/e #ommand6 8 slot 4 ( ere , is slot no. +
8 ort ( to enter in port mode +
8 show line dsl 1#4; ( 1",C is port range for ,C port #ard +

C,3 is not ON so
Operation !tatus o# port
sho"s Do"n
4ou can chec& !N%
Attenuation level o#
particular port i# it is *,
.+ To !eset the articular .ault" $ort ( Use Disa*le or 9na*le te P);!+
9nter into #on#ern slot ? ten enter into port mode.
7i/e te 'ommand6
A:D"D$%"NVP"U!12"%1(1PADS$CA",0P);!+8 disable dsl 19
A:D"D$%"NVP"U!12"%1(1PADS$CA",0P);!+8 enable dsl 19

Aen te port is disa*led ten te Port Admin Status *e#omes E$)'FG

To !eset &eries of $ort
9nter into #on#ern slot ? ten in port mode ? suppose port no. 1 to C are faulty
7i/e 'ommand 6 > disable dsl 1#; - here 1#; shows series of dsl ort 1 to ; )
> enable dsl 1#;
> show line dsl 1#; ( to #e#k te admin status of ports +

0) To Check the Current )(C address on , orts of articular slot
7i/e #ommand 8 > slot icm ( or enter slot1020& to #e#k ma# in parti#ular slot+
> bridge
> show fdb

7) To Check the 3$ route
7i/e #ommand 6 > i show route

;) To Check the %&'() &"stem , time
7i/e 'ommand 6 > show s"stem
$) To Check the %&AN Confi!uration of ports in Particular Slot
'i(e command ) * slot 3 ( Enter into particular lot !
* (lan
* sho ( or enter "o# 226 to $ind particular port $rom vlan !

( C ) Commands for +-<6A S6'M'+S DSLAM
!o login into te NSN DS$A%2 get #onne#ted to )peration Domain VPN ? !elnet te DS$A%

9nter $ogin id" root
Password" verte?2/
7i/e #ommand 6 enable ( to enter in ena*le or 8 mode +
configure terminal ( to enter in #onfiguration mode +
1) To see the status of card
7i/e 'ommand 6 show slot#overview
1t sows te status of all equipped #ard in module.
9a# #ard #ontains H2 ports. :ere 'ontrol #ards are equipped in slot no.. and =.
2) To Check the &tatus of .an
7i/e 'ommand 6 show status fan
3) To Check the configuration of each card searatel"
7i/e 'ommand 6 show table shelf
4) To Check the Card temerature of all +@uied Cards
7i/e 'ommand 6 show status temerature

/) To Check the $ort (dmin 1 6eration &tatus 1 ?T,C 1 ?T,! 'ine !ates
7i/e 'ommand 6 show lre s1 ?dsl h"s#table linerates
-:ere s1 indi#ates te slot no. 12 enter s& for slot & +

0) To find the &lot 1 $ort no* from articular inner ='(4 1 to Check the )(C
7i/e 'ommand 6 show mac vlan 137 ( ere 1&H is inner V$AN no. +

7) To Check the (ttenuation 1 &4! )argin for articular ,$ ort
7i/e 'ommand 6 show lre 1/10 ?dsl band#table ( 101- is slot no. 0 port no. +

;) To !eset the articular fault" card
9nter into 9na*le %ode *y using #ommand A enable
9nter into 'onfiguration %ode *y using #ommand > configure terminal
in #onfiguration mode gi/e #ommand 6
DS$A%(#onfig+8 reset card 2 ( ere 2 indi#ates te slot no. +
6! DS$A%(#onfig 8 reset all ( to reset all equipped #ards +
9) To !eset the articular $ort
9nter into 9na*le %ode *y using #ommand A enable
9nter into 'onfiguration %ode *y using #ommand > configure terminal
1n #onfiguration mode gi/e #ommand
DS$A%(#onfig)> bridge
DS$A%(#onfig > ort lre 2// disable ( ere 20. is slot0port no. +
DS$A%(#onfig > ort lre 2// enable
DS$A%(#onfig > show lre s2 ?dsl h"s#table linerates (#e#k te portGs admin status +

To !eset the series of $ort
DS$A%(#onfig > ort lre 2/1#1/ disable ( ere 201"1. is slot 0 series of port no.+
DS$A%(#onfig > ort lre 2/1#1/ enable

PA7& . 3 %&' -CLA+ /unctiona" descri#tion of L'Ds in
various card
:T+ # :B!10 T04< 6C'(4
(C!3%<+% <+4+!(' =3+D 6. :B!10 T04< 6C'(4 C6)$64+4T& $6&3T364

1n :B!10 T100<2 C line interfa#e #ards #an *e plugged inI wile in :B!10 T04<2 wen master0sla/e
#ontrol is not needed2 . line interfa#e #ards #an *e plugged in2 and wen master0sla/e #ontrol is
needed2 , line interfa#e #ards #an *e plugged in.
.,4CT364(' %+&C!3$T364 6. .!64T $(4+' '+%& 34
44E4 .(&T +TF+!4+T 34T+!.(C+ C6(!%
The funct!n" !f f!#t$-e%ht &!#t" c!##e"&!n'n% t! the 4( LED" n the f#!nt
&ane) !f 44*4 fa"t Ethe#net nte#face +!a#' a#e 'e"c#+e' +e)!,-
.,4CT364(' %+&C!3$T364 6. .!64T $(4+' '+%& 34 TF+ C64T!6' &D3TCF34< C6(!%

TF+ .!64T $(4+' 6. :B!10 T04< )C&
.,4CT364(' %+&C!3$T364 6. C,TT64& 34 TF+ C64T!6' &D3TCF34< C6(!%
.!64T $(4+' =3+D 6. 24 $6!T <3<(C3T +TF+!4+T 6$T3C(' 34T+!.(C+ C6(!%
!wenty"four"port giga*it 9ternet opti#al interfa#e *oard pro/ides 2, giga*it
9ternet opti#al interfa#es2 , of wi# support )ptoele#troni# self"adapti/e.
.,4CT364(' %+&C!3$T364 6. .!64T $(4+' '+%& 34 24#$6!T <3<(C3T +TF+!4+T 6$T3C('
34T+!.(C+ C6(!%
.!64T $(4+' =3+D 6. 12 $6!T <3<(C3T +TF+!4+T 6$T3C(' 34T+!.(C+
!wel/e"port giga*it 9ternet opti#al interfa#e *oard pro/ides 12 giga*it 9ternet opti#al interfa#es2 ,
of wi# support )ptoele#troni# self"adapti/e.
.,4CT364(' %+&C!3$T364 6. .!64T $(4+' '+%& 34 12 $6!T <3<(C3T +TF+!4+T 6$T3C('
34T+!.(C+ C6(!%
Part , ! +MS 0 'MS for Mu"ti#"y )) '1ui#ments
%&' ( E&' (%et#or) ( E*uipment &ana+ement ',tem! $or -.- i a #e/ /aed application #"ic"
"a to /e acceed ever, time t"rou+" operation 0.%. 1"e node in c"ar+e "a to +et t"e uername
and pa#ord $or lo++in+ into t"e 0.%. 2"erea3 E&' $or 4'56& i a client /aed application.
1"i client i common $or /ot" 7C56% and 4'56& #"ic" can /e do#nloaded t"rou+" internet
(%ot $rom operation 0.%!. 1"i do#nloadin+ i re*uired onl, once $or t"e $irt time. 1"e detailed
procedure i a /elo#.
,Tstarcom 4)&
4ote 8 .or Dindows =ista users
download ? install te file Gre#1H/H0H12#windows#i/;0#*e?e from internet
from te U;$ as gi/en *elow.
=tt#:00www."ivin8resources.or80"ivresforms0Down"oads0>re,1?2?@?12, windows,i2(3,#.eAe
:T+ 4)&
7P7 +MS
+etman,3@@@ -MC,-
+etman,!@@@ -MC,A
7pen 8nternet E9plorer and t,pe t"e 8.
4o#nload : -un
Note ) 1"i do#nloadin+ i common $or
-.- : 4'56& %&' and re*uired to /e
intalled $or t"e $irt time onl,
1"en clic) on Click here for &o!in
( ,ou #ill ee ;ava loadin+3 and
prompted to lo+in !
<ername = 77MP'#8
.a#ord = 99999999
:pen 8nternet E9plorer and t,pe t"e 8.

"ttp=(( "Chennai)
http)++1,2-3.-5.-11)$.$. "7an!alore)
4o#nload : -un
T"en clic) on Click here for &o!in
( ,ou #ill ee ;ava loadin+3 and
prompted to lo+in !
<ername = 77MP'#8
.a#ord = 99999999

+etman 3@@@ -MC.-
*&starcom 7P7 +etwor Mana8ement System (+MS)
Netman"=--- )%'") N%S for ;P; is a we* *ased appli#ation wi# as to *e a##essed e/ery
time troug )peration Domain VPN. !e node in#arge as to get te username and password for
logging into te VPN.
4o#nload Client 'o$t#are $rom
ft# 1$2.3@.2@.229
'ogin interfa#e appears after te #lient gets
,ser name 8 JJJJJ
$assword 6 JJJJJ
;or #sername and Passord alread<
circulated to Node =n char!es-
Select Ser(er address) 172*30*20*232
;or an< technical help ma< >e contact
on .$$5/504.2$
?2mail ) @teruralA!mail-com
7et #onne#ted to )peration Domain VPN.
)pen 1nternet 9Jplorer ? !ype te 1P htt8//172*30*4*1/89090
4ote 8
(1+ 1f you are using Netman"=--- first time wit your P' wit Dindows B$ ?
if Gre#1H/H0H09#windows#i/;0#*e?e is not installed in your #omputer ten #li#k on link
sown in tat page ? let te software to *e download ? ;un.
(2+ 1f you are using Dindows =ista ten from internet download te
Gre#1H/H0H12#windows#i/;0#*e?e file from te U;$ as gi/en *elow.

htt8//www*livingresources*org/livresforms/%ownloads/Gre#1H/H0H12# windows#i/;0#*e?e

!en #li#k on IClick here for 'oginJ ( Kou will see La/a loading and prompted to $ogin +
1n login Aindow 9nter ,sername 1 $assword as pro/ided to #on#ern Node0N13 in#arge

3mortant 8
Please 9nter te #orre#t Username ? Password #arefully. 1f you see te %essage for 1n#orre#t
Username or Password on#e 2 don7t enter wrong ,sername 1 assword 3/ 4 times oterwise
te A##ount will get lo#ked.
1n #ase of A##ount get lo#ked please immediately #onta#t 3angalore N)' to unlo#k te a##ount.
Also donGt #ange te Password *e#ause all Node 1n #arges in 7u4arat are using te same
user id ? password. !is will #ause te A##ount lo#ked as mentioned a*o/e due to wrong password
su*mission *y oter Node in #arges.
1n main window you #an see =iew Tree of all !ings ( at left side + ? $h"sical =iew window.
'li#k on 9Jpand sign of <uGarat to see !ree /iew of all ;esilient Pa#ket ;ings (;P;+ SSA wise.
'li#k on any ;P; la*el to see tat ringGs #onfiguration ? all N9s #onne#ted to tat ;ing.
7;99N #olor of $ink *etween any two N9 sows Normal0ealty $ink.
1n #ase of $ink failure *etween two ;P; N9s 2 te link #olor *e#omes ;9D.
.or !$! &witch7s 6tical $ower )easurement
1n %enu 3ar at top 'li#k on " Performan#e ;eal"time Performan#e %onitor
'li#k on New ;eal !ime %onitor i#on ( 1
i#on at te top +
1n New ;eal !ime %onitor Aindow 9nter
)onitor 4ame 8 3nsert an" name "ou want related to 4+ label
-.- 5in)
-.- 5in)
4+ T"e 8 4etring 10000! - %efault )
)easurement T"e &et 8 4etring 10000#!H)easuresetH1*2*0*; - %efault )
4+ =ersion 8 1*2*2*4
)easurement T"e 8 6&$3
$olling eriod -&ec) 8 3 - %efault )

!i#k on 6silocur in %easurement 1tem $ist 3oJ
Now find te ;P; N9 la*el from te list gi/en in %easurement )*4e#t $ist.
'li#k on 9Jpand sign to see slots of tat N9 ? ti#k on te slots wose opti#al power you want to
( For eJample if tat N9 is #onne#ted in ;ing /ia slot"B ? slot"11 ? you want to measure tese
slots ten ti#k on slot"B ? slot"11 +
!en #li#k on )F ? wait for a minute.
Now you #an see te ;eal !ime %onitor Aindow of tat N9 wi# sows slot wise )pti#al Power in
dCm for tat N9.
O&tca) P!,e# !f ")!t-.. n /#a&hca) 0e,


O&tca) P!,e# ('1m) !f ")!t-2 3 ")!t-..
$ermissible !eceive 6tical $ower !ange on the 'inks connected on T1 1 T2 !ings
are as listed below 8

&o C=ec &em#erature of #articu"ar s"ot of 7P7 switc=.
O&en NE s=e"f view +$ D!u+)e c)c4 !n T.5T6 NE c!n
.or 1 <C 'inks Card T"e 8 !<+.02 - <+ !$! 'ine card ) #10 dCm to # 20 dCm
.or 10 <C 'inks Card T"e 8 !04.01 - 10< !$! 'ine card ) # 9 dCm to # 14 dCm
7f an$ ")!t !f RPR ",tch ha" =i8= tem#erature n "he)f 0e, that ")!t8" c!)!# ,)) chan%e t!
T! "ee the Th#e"h!)' tem&e#atu#e 3 cu##ent tem&e#atu#e !f that ")!t #%ht c)c4 !n ")!t
Then c)c4 !n - '1ui#ment B '1ui#ment #ro#erty
- &em#erature &=res=o"d Confi8uration
9e#e $!u can "ee that ")!t8" "et Th#e"h!)' Tem&e#atu#e-

N!, c)c4 !n Status ta+
C)c4 !n P=ysica" -4>ect &em#erature t! "ee ")!t8" Cu##ent tem&e#atu#e-
+etman !@@@ -MC.A
*&starcom DSLAM +etwor Mana8ement System (+MS)
!o A##ess Netman ",--- get #onne#ted to )peration Domain VPN. )pen 1nternet 9Jplorer ? !ype
te U;$
Now Download ? install
Aindows MP users 6 Gre#1H/H0H09#windows#i/;0#*e?e (from netman",--- login page +

Dindows =ista ? iger /ersion users please download ? install te
Gre#1H/H0H12#windows#i/;0#*e?e file from te U;$ as gi/en *elow.
htt8//www*livingresources*org/livresforms/%ownloads/Gre#1H/H0H12# windows#i/;0#*e?e

!en #li#k on IClick here for 'oginJ ( Kou will see La/a loading and prompted to $ogin +
1n login Aindow2 9nter ,sername 1 $assword pro/ided to N130Node 1n#arge

:T+ # %&'() 4etwork )anagement &"stem - 4)& )
4et4umen 431 3nstallation and Configuration &tes 8
Fow to download +)& client2
From )peration Domain VPN 2 you ad *etter use ftp #lient to download
1. )pen run window ? enter ft 172*30*20*229
2. Aen asked for Username0password gi/e ,sername 8 test ? $assword 8 test
&. ftAbin
,. ftAget netnumen*rar (please wait patiently2 it will take a*out ,- minutes+
.. ftA lcd ( PlN note te netnumen.rar file sa/ing pat displayed +
=. ftAb"e ( now #lose te D)S windows+
H. using Aindows en/ironment2 in a*o/e dire#tory(te pat tat Ol#dO sows+2unNip
te netnumen.rar file
C. Now go to netnumen folder and ten enter bin folder
B. dou*le #li#k on start4ms Client*bat *at# file.
Now enter Ser/er Address 172*30*20*232 to login 2 enter Username ?
Password gi/en to you at tis time 29%S #lient will *e upgraded automati#ally
( Now press any key to #ontinue+
11. use 172*30*20*232 to login again.
12. now open netnumen folder from your gi/en destination dri/e @
open folder *in ten sele#t configcenter file ten open it ten figure no.C will
*e displayed wait for it. Follow te steps *elow to #onfigure te 9ms.
1&. Sele#t te language 2 Software edition and te related information of
operating system and data*ase are displayed in te rigt part of interfa#e.
1,.. 9nter into 4+ )odule /iew2 sele#t Produ#ts DS$ produ#t only to manage 2 and
#li#k &ave and #li#k on #lose.
1.. sele#t N%S $ogger $e/el" AA;N and default #lient " 2.=
Now #li#k on sa/e *utton.
1=. After some time sa/ing su##essfully message will *e displayed. @ ten #lose tis
1H. Now #li#k on te start4msClient windows *at# file to open te te 9ms <!9
+4% 6. &T+$&
!esult 8 NetNumenN&1"V,.2.- as *een installed.
&tarting 4et4umen 431 Client
!o start NetNumen N&1 'lient2 perform te following steps.
1* 7et #onne#ted to your )perator VPN te same VPN wi# was used for logging
into p2.2 network.
2* Start #lient. 'li#k &tart P (ll $rograms P 4et4umen 431 P 4et4umen 431Client
3* Anoter metod to start 'lient. ;un QN9!NU%9N N&1 1nstall DirQRums#lntR
*inRrun.*at file2 as sown in Figure 1-.

4* 'ogin interfa#e appears after te #lient gets started2 as sown in Figure &. Set
9nter User name and Password pro/ided to N130Node 1n#arge.

Note 6 Default ser/er address is 127*0*0*12
#ange te Ser/er Address to 172*30*20*232 for DS$A% 9%S
4et4umen 431 ,nified )anagement &"stem interfa#e appears.
!is sows N9 group ;P; ;ing wise.
Part , 2 DSL &ester
ADS$2S tester is a mu# #ompa#t and /ery easy"to"use andeld test instrument. 1t #an
support /arious ADS$ line standards2 espe#ially for installation2 maintenan#e and measurement of
DS$ line parameters.
&tes to configure (urora $resto for testing
-() Casic !e@uirements before starting the test8# -6ne time or on first use onl")*
1. DS$ line sould *e pro/isioned on te link to *e tested and username and password sould *e
andy wit to you.
2. 'onne#t DS$ link to $ine port of Aurora Presto using #a*le pro/ided along te instrument.
7o to initial s#reen press F, go to %odem in %ain Setup
&. Sele#t in %odem Setup
!ype6 'N A!U";S2%ode6 ADS$2S2!raining6 Auto2
!ra#er Settings
!ra#e6 All2!ra#e DS$6 )n2!ra#e DS$ Alms6 )n2!ra#e PPP6 )n
,. 7o *a#k and Sele#t A!%
VP16 -
V'16 &.
V' %ode6 V' 9na*led
-C) .ollowing configurations are otional/re@uired for $$$o+ mode test given in ara -%)
.. 7o *a#k and Sele#t 1P
%ode6 PPP2Port6 V' 121P Address Setup2)rigin6 1P'P
=. 7o *a#k and Sele#t PPP
!ype6 PPP)92%ode6 'lient
User6 user name of DS$ line
(for small alpa*ets or spe#ial #ara#ters use te Page Dn key+
Password6 password of DS$ line
(for small alpa*ets or spe#ial #ara#ters use te Page Dn key+
Attempts6 2.2 1nit %ode6 Auto2 Pool SiNe6 1
!ra#er Settings
!ra#e6 All2 !ra#e DS$6 )n2!ra#e DS$ Alms6 )n2!ra#e PPP6 )n
!o #e#k te status on Presto is syn#roniNed wit DS$ line.
'e#k $9DGs2 Syn# $9D will *e sta*le green and DS$ link will *e *linking green0red.
-C ) Testing of Croadband connection through %&' tester via !K#11 $ort*
( For #eking attaina*le *it rate at new #ustomer lo#ation in #ase of dou*t witout need of a modem+
(i+ First #onne#t te telepone line of #ustomer on any spare DS$A% port in %DF (same as
for new *road*and #onne#tion+.
(ii+ 'onne#t ;L"11 #a*le of telepone line at #ustomer premises into te tester on port (;L" 11+.
(iii+ Power on te tester.
(i/+ Sele#t %anual test on te menu and press enter.
(/+ Sele#t operation.
(/i+Sele#t DS$ layer and enter.
(/ii+ Sele#t DS$ test and Sele#t DS$ statisti#s and press enter.
!e following parameters will *e displayed on te s#reen2
1. Noise margin ( it sould *e more tan 1-d*+
2. Attenuation ( it sould *e *elow ,-d*+
&. Attaina*le *it rate (it sould *e more tan 2.=k*ps+
-%) Testing of Croadband connection via !K#4/ $ort on e?isting C$+ at customer remises*
9ternet #a*le of ADS$ 'P9 #onne#ted to P' side may *e 4a#ked out and #onne#ted to DS$ tester
on 9ternet port for #e#king of download0 upload speed of *road*and2 ping test2 we*site ping and
autenti#ation test and DS$ line parameters like SN;2 attenuation ? attaina*le *it rate. !e following
pro#edure may followed.
(i) 'onne#t te ;L,. #a*le from 'P9 to DS$ tester.
(ii) Power on
(iii) %anual test
(iv)Sele#t DS$ layer
(v) SN;2 attaina*le *it rate ? attenuation #an *e seen.
(vi)Sele#t 1P layer
(/ii+'e#k te ping test ? tra#e route.
(/iii+Sele#t ttp test
(iJ+'e#k te we* site autenti#ation
Part , 3 (A) )road4and re"ated im#ortant ti#s
()) )road4and error codes 5 remedy
(C) 6m#ortant vendor contact detai"
(A) )road4and re"ated im#ortant ti#s
.(CT6!& F()$+!34< TF+ C!6D&34< &$++%
1* =irus 3nfected $C
'e#k for te /irus infe#tion. S#an torougly to remo/e #omplete tra#es of /irus. %ake sure
tat te system is /irus free and not performing in a sluggis way witout #onne#ting to te internet
2* 'ow &4!
$ine attention is in relation to te Tloop lossT on your line. !e furter you are away from te
eJ#ange te iger your attenuation figure will *e as te signal loss in#reases. !e lower your
attenuation figure te more #an#e you a/e of getting te faster speeds. 1n general iger Signal
!o Noise ;atio will result in less error.
&4! )(!<34 !+)(!L
=d* or low
3ad and will eJperien#e no line syn#roniNation or intermittent
syn#roniNation pro*lems.
Hd* U1- d* Fair *ut does not lea/e mu# room for /arian#es in #onditions.
11d* U2- d* 7ood wit little or no syn#roniNation pro*lems
2-d* U2Cd* 9J#ellent
2Bd* or a*o/e )utstanding
3* Drong (%&' 'ine rofile attached in %&'() ort for high seed lan
'e#k for te #orre#tness of te Speed profile atta#ed to te #onne#ted port.
Normally for ADS$ ports are #onfigured for 2%*ps profile.
For ig speed plans #onfigure te port manually
4* $acket loss at the connected 4+
Pa#ket loss at te #onne#ted network element impart slow speed to te #ustomers #onne#ted
from te #on#erned Network element.
Ping wit #ertain pa#ket siNe for #e#king pa#ket loss ('ommand6 ping Ul SiNe 1P Address+
9Jample for 1- 3ytes pa#ket siNe6 ping Ul 1- 21C.2,C.2,-.HB
1f tere are any loss please #e#k te media0#onne#ti/ity.
%ake sure tat te no pa#ket loss are in#urred
/* 'ow ower in the !$! ring
$ow power in te ;P; ring may in/ersely affe#t te speed. 9nsure te power le/els are well
wit in limit. !resold set for ;P; rings
1n #ase of low power please #e#k transmission media termination04oints.
1n #ase of ig power le/el please use pads to redu#e te power le/el pads.
!ing Threshold set
17 ;ing "22d*
1-7 ;ing "1,.1 d*
0* Cascading of 6C'(4s
%any )'$ANs are #as#aded wit out master )'$AN Uplink media up gradation to 79.
%any pla#es te mater )'$AN uplink is still F9 and #as#ading is done wit out taking in
#onsideration tat te traffi# from te #as#aded )'$ANs also will flow troug te %aster
)'$AN UP$1NF.
'al#ulate te eJpe#ted traffi# wi# will flow troug te master )'$AN UP$1NF after
#as#ading and go for te media up gradation . 'as#ading of too many )'$ANs wit out proper
planning will definitely amper te ser/i#e
7* Drong ((( olic" attached in '%($
'e#k for te #orre#tness of te AAA poli#y assigned in $DAP for te #ustomer
AAA poli#y in turn will define te speed
1f te AAA poli#y is not assigned as per te plan speed may /ary
'onsult wit N)' for te #orre#tness of te AAA poli#y as per te Plan.
;* Figh %4& resolution time
;esolution time may *e ig in #ase of te #onne#ted DNS failure0 DNS o/erloading
Aill affe#t all te #ustomers #onne#ted to te #on#erned DNS
perform nslooku from te field as a first le/el for trou*le sooting . (Please see neJt slide
for pro#edure of nslookup+
1nform to N)' in #ase of any issue or #ange te DNS in $AN setting to some oter working
Note6 DNS #anging may in turn affe#t te password0 ;edire#tion
$rocedure for nslooku8
'li#k Start2 ;un 2 type I cmdJ in te *oJ and press enter to open #ommand prompt
alternati/ely in te windows operating system #li#k programs2 a##essories2 and #ommand
prompt to open #ommand prompt window.
1n te #ommand line type I nslookuI and press enter to get te DNS
1P address of te network is sown (Please see te s#reensot on neJt slide+.
type I server 21;*24;*2//*141 J (); type te 1P address you got in te #ommand line+ and
press enter
type I www*"ahoo*comJ and enter (); type your pro*lemati# url+

;esult of te a*o/e #ommands as *een sown in te s#reen sot on neJt slide. 1f you see
like s#reen sot result 21t means tat site is resol/ed *y DNS. 1f not2 please mail to
bbnocHmMbsnl* 1n *y atta#ing te s#reensot of te result.
9* Figh latenc" at )$'&
'e#k te laten#y from one ope to anoter using tra#e route #ommand for te pro*lemati#
$aten#y of &.-",-- ms are permissi*le *etween two opes
1nform %P$S N)'0 %P N)' in #ase of any a*normality0:ig laten#y
a+ )pen te #ommand prompt.
*+ type V tra#ertwww.yaoo.#om V and press enter (); type te pro*lemati# site instead of
1n te result you will see te laten#y taken to rea# te destination 1P op *y op. 1n te
See s#reen sot on neJt slide tere are laten#y o*ser/ed at any op is less tan te ma?imum
allowed range i*e*2 3/0ms to 400 ms*
1f te laten#y is more tan te allowed range at any op please es#alate te issue wit
te s#reen sots to bbnocHmMbsnl*in wit a #opy to mlsnmsMgmail*com*
10* !everse trace route -T!(C+ !6,T+ 6. 3$ (%%!+&& (''6T+% T6 &,C&C!3C+!)
a+ 7o to te site htt8//network#tools*com/
*+ 1n te *oJ te dynami# pu*li# 1P address allotted to te #ustomer is displayed.
#+ Sele#t te I TraceJ radio *utton and #li#k 7o.
d+ !e result sowing te laten#y taken to rea# te sour#e 1P op *y op. Please see s#reen
sot on neJt slide tere are te laten#y o*ser/ed at any op is less tan ma?imum allowed
range i*e* -3/0 to 400 ms)*

1f te laten#y is more tan te allowed range 3/0 to 400 ms at any op please es#alate te
issue wit te s#reen sots to bbnocHmMbsnl*in wit a #opy to mlsnmsMgmail*com.
.or !eliable and &eed" 3nternet Connection 8
1. &4! value must be greater than 13* See DS$ line parameters in %odem. 1f /alue is *elow
tan 1& ten #ange line2 /erti#al2 DP or pair.
2. (ttenuation level must be less than 40. See DS$ line parameters in %odem. 1f /alue is
greater tan ,- ten #ange line2 /erti#al2 DP or pair.
&. (%&' &litter must *e used on a !elepone line at su*s#ri*er premises.
,. Also Cefore slitter there must be """"
No Parallel Pones 'onne#tion2
No 1nter#om2
No 9P3AM2
No Loints0'uts in $ine2
No 'onduit01nternal Airing.
(ll the devices must be used after (%&' slitter*
.. !elepone 'ine $ath should be awa" from +lectrical 'ines09quipments0De/i#es.
=. All !erminals or 'onne#ting $oints must be Clean and !ust free.
H. 1f te distan#e (underground #a*le+ of te su*s#ri*erOs modem is more tan 2 Fms from te
!elepone 9J#ange (DS$A%+ ten Use onl" <*dmt )odulation in te modem DS$
settings. %isable all other modulations*
C. !ry to ,se ower from ,$& sul" for %odemOs adapter to a/oid flu#tuations.

$ower !ange of 6tical Transceivers for
Croadband )ultila" +@uiments
Trouble shooting of some common broadband roblems

T3$& .6! <66% C!6(%C(4% &$++% T6 TF+ C,&T6)+!&
1. Check the dro wire 8
!e drop wire from te DP *oJ to te #ustomer ouse sould *e as straigt as possi*le2
sould *e a single lengt witout 4oints. !e drop wire sould not *e #oiled anywere and
also sould *e away from ele#tri#al lines. 1f tese are not taken #are ten telepone may
work fine *ut *road*and #onne#tion may dis#onne#t2 frequently.
2. &litters and $arallel telehones 6
!e splitter separates te ig frequen#y ADS$ signals from low frequen#y telepone
signals. 1f te splitter is not installed #orre#tly te *road*and will go down e/ery time tere is
an in#oming #all.
Any parallel pone #onne#tion in te #ustomer premises sould *e after te splitter. !ere
sould not *e ele#tri#al wires running parallel to te wires going into te modem.
&. The &4! may *e #e#ked *y going into te modem settings and furter into ADS$ line
parameter were SN; %argin and attenuation #an *e #e#ked. !e SN; sould *e
minimum 1& or a*o/e and attenuation sould *e as low as possi*le. 1f attenuation goes
a*o/e ,- or SN; goes *elow 1& ten te su*s#ri*er outdoor line need to *e attended 0
,. The 4uisance 1 %anger of =irus8
)ne migt some time feel tat te *road*and was quite good some time *a#k *ut it is slow
nowadays. )ne of te ma4or reason for tis is te infe#tion of Virus into te P'. Adwares2
spywares too may affe#t speed. :en#e2 it is /ery important to a/e a good anti"/irus software
and spyware2 adware dete#tors in te P'. ;egular update to tese software and Aindows
updates are also a must. Use only legal /ersion of Aindows.
-C) Cridge mode and $$$o+ mode of broadband connection 8
Normally te su*s#ri*er *road*and #onne#tion sould *e pro/isioned in *ridge mode i.e a
dialer sould *e made and user id and password need to *e stored in te dialer. !e dialer is
to *e #li#k e/ery time to get #onne#ted to *road*and.
)ter mode is PPPo9 mode were user id and password are stored in te modem itself and
one #an start *rowsing straigt away. First modem sould *e powered on and ten P'
sould *e started.
-C) Di#.i securit" 8
!e se#urity options of wireless router sould *e #onfigured in #ustomers !y"11 modem to
a/oid someone in te neig*ourood of misusing #ustomer *road*and #onne#tions. For
ena*ling Ai"Fi se#urity te pro#edure is gi/en on 7u4arat 'ir#le we*site
www.gu4arat.* (#li#k on *road*and+.
-%) Datch#out for bandwidth overhead 8
%any appli#ations like Aindows updates2 anti"/irus updates and oter software updates will
*e using te *road*and #onne#tion in te *a#kground. Some of tese updates migt ask for
#onfirmation *efore downloading2 many may not e/en ask and will *e simply running in te
*a#kground wi# may affe#t *rowsing 0 download speed. )ne #an find"out te appli#ations
wi# are running2 *y going to te !ask %anager (Press 'trl"Alt"Del keys togeter to get into
te !ask %anager+. )ne may sut down su# of tose appli#ations wi# are running witout
your #onsent. 3ut *eware tat sutting down some /ital appli#ations required *y te
operating system inad/ertently will #ause anging of system. Aindows updates2 anti"/irus
updates et#. #ould *e s#eduled to run wen te system is free. !is will elp in utiliNing te
*andwidt effe#ti/ely.
-+) Crossing the .ree#usage8
)n #rossing te montly free usage limit (eJ#ept unlimited plans+2 one re#ei/es an intimation
automati#ally. Findly press te *utton2 V1 AgreeW to #ontinue to en4oy te *road*and wi# is
#argea*le as per su*s#ri*ed plan. :owe/er2 kindly swit#"off and swit#"on te modem
after pressing te V1 AgreeW *utton.
()) Some common 4road4and error codes 5
$roblem +rror#07;
Des#ription !is is most #ommon pro*lems. 1t is due to poor #onne#ti/ity. Pro*lem #an *e anywere *etween
3.;AS " !ier 2 " DS$A% " %odem " P' of te #ustomer.
;emedy Swit# off 0 Swit# on %odem (Power Swit# at te *a#k of modem + and wait for 2 minutes. !en
1f pro*lem is not sol/ed ten ;eset %odem X3a#k pin (in te ole+ to *e pressed in swit#ed )N
XNote 6 $ink P' in *la#k type %odem or AAN 0 $AN in wite type %odem will go )ff and ten )N
and system may *e sta*le. !en retry.
1f pro*lem is still not sol/ed ten
a+'e#k link lamp in 3la#k type %odem or AAN lamp in Aite %odem. 1f it is *linking2 ten it is
line pro*lem.
*+'e#k %odem to splitter #onne#ti/ity.
i+ La#k in ? La#k out te #a*le of 0 to te modem and to te splitter
ii+La#k in ? La#k out te telepone #onne#tion of te splitter.
1f lamp is still *linking " ten it is due to poor line #ondition 0 fault.
!e #ase as to *e referred to #on#ern 3SN$ 3road*and !eam for attending te fault.
$roblem +rror#091
Des#ription User id and Password pro*lem.
;emedy !e #ase is to *e referred to 'entral 3road*and !eam (-C.-- A% to -C.-- P%+. 'entral
3road*and !eam will reset te password and intimate tat password as *een reset.

$roblem +rror#709
Des#ription $AN not ena*led.
;emedy !e $AN 'ard as to *e ena*led *y following te steps gi/en *elow.
i+7o to Desktop.
ii+'li#k T%y Network Pla#eT.
iii+Sele#t Properties.
i/+'li#k T9na*le te lo#al networkT.
$roblem +rror# 797
Des#ription %odem or $AN dri/er pro*lem
;emedy ;eset te %odem (in on #ondition + *y pressing *utton a/aila*le in te *a#kside ole of te
modem and wait for 2 mintues and ten log on. 1f te pro*lem is not sol/ed ten #all your /endor
to #e#k #omputer $AN 'ard dri/er.

$roblem +rror#71;
Des#ription i+Peak :our " !is pro*lem o##urs if loading is ig on te system and num*er of #ustomers
eJ#eed te #all andling #apa#ity of 3.;AS.
ii+Sla#k :our "!is pro*lem o##urs if PPPo9 is #orrupted.
;emedy i+Peak :our " Please try after some time.
ii+Sla#k :our " Please load PPPo9 again.

$roblem +rror # 030#033
Des#ription 'omputer $AN 'ard pro*lem.
;emedy $AN 'ard as to *e #anged.
(C) 6m#ortant vendor contact detai"s

For Faulty Cards of OCLAN -DSLAM
,$& -&C&) 3ndia $vt* 'td*
C#19N $hase#3
6khla 3ndustrial (reaN
4ew %elhi#110020
Contact $erson # )r* (mOad (li
Tel8# 01140/20791/92
.a? 8# 01140/20793
+#)ail 3%8#amOadaliMus*com
For faulty Modems & Power Adaptor
3ntarvo Technologies vt ltd2
C#;12 6khla industrial area $hase#33
4ew %elhi P 110020
Tel8 E91#120#40/;0;00
Contact $erson 8 )r* (nkur / )s* =ed $rakash
)ob8 E91#92/0904040 / 9/00243230
+#mail 8 meenaMintarvo*com
Other Related Contacts
)r* K $ )edak
FC' 3nfos"stems 'td*2 Cangalore
$hone 8 0;0#307;7700 )ob8 07070/11;4/
,T&T(! Debsite 8 htt8//www*utstarcomtsc*bsnl*co*in/
For faulty Modems
:T+ Telecom 3ndia $vt 'td*
$lot 4o 1/2 &ector#42 )anesar
<urgaon2 Far"ana#1220/0*
T34 # 00141;24/4/
Contact $erson 8 &neha - Qualit" +ngineer )
)ob* 4o* # 9;9979124/
$hone no* # 0214#4/109302 +?tn#222
+#mail 8 snehlatashahMOte*com*cn
For Faulty Cards
:T+ Telecom 3ndia $vt 'td*
4o*4/02 kodi chikkanahalli main !oad2
6*L )ohan 1 Co*2 Commanlahalli2
Contact $erson 8 )r* &*K &arvanan - Darehouse +?ecutive)
)ob* P 9;;021/;91
Tele#.(B# 91#;0#2/7309;/
:T+ Debsite 8 htt8//www*Oteindia*bsnl*co*in/
For Faulty Cards & CP
Chennai D/6 8
Consignor 8 Fuawei Telecommunications -3) Co*2 $vt*'td
C/o T4T 3ndia $vt* 'td*
110 / 4 )ahalakshmi 4agar +?tension2
4oombal =illage2 Thiruverkadu2
Chennai # 000 077*
Tin 4o 8 33171122773
Contact $erson 8 !aGendran*) - .&' (ssociate )
)ob* # 990229/;/0
T 8 E91 44 30214400 / +?tn # >/44002
+#mail 8 raGendran*mMtnt*com
)uthu Lumar
)ob*# 994037//4;
+#mail 8 muthu*kumarMtnt*com
!elated Contacts 8 )r* 4aresh &harma2 )ob* # E91 # 9;73/7;00
!uawe" !elpDes#
Contact $erson 8 )r* 4itin Lumar - Customer &uort &ervices %eartment )
Fuawei Telecommunications -3ndia) $vt* 'td*
;th .loor2 Tower %2 ,nitech C"ber $ark2 &ec#392 <urgaon#1220022 3ndia*
Toll .ree8 1;00103;00;
Tel8 E91#124#470;30
.a?8 E91#124#41;31;3
+#)ail 3%8 india#suortMhuawei*com
!uawe" $e%s"te &
:uawei 1 'are Ae*site 6 htts8//icare*huawei*com/
:uawei support we* site htt8//suort*huawei*com/suort/
1f donGt a/e a##ess please inform at 3ndia#suortMhuawei*com
For Faulty CP & accessor"es
F64<L64< +BC+''+4C+ T+CF46'6<R -3) $=T 'T%2
-46L3( &3+)+4& P C&4' C!6(%C(4% $!6K+CT)
2nd .loor2 suer 5(7 lot 4o8 19120N
Thiru#vi#ka2 3ndustrial +state2
<uind" industrial +state2 <uind"N
L34% (TT48 )r* L()+&FN
)obile number8 099023/443/
+#mail8 kameshonneriM"ahoo*co*in2
Tel80091#44# 4//32312
.a?8 0091#44#4//32312
T34 46 8 3371090/972
C&T 468 9;43;3 %T824/11/200;
Related Contacts & 1r- Devinder 1ob+ 05((/054)0 devinder-&aur6nsn-com

For 'u(arat C"rcle - NSN )u"pment Faults
)r* .iroO Lhan )ob# 097/4 912921
+#mail 8 firoOkhan091Mgmail*com
For faulty CP
&"rma Technolog" $vt* 'td*
4o*/2 <ulmahor +nclave2
Lundanahalli <ate2 4e?t to &tate Cank of Travancore
Cangalore P /00037
Contact $erson 8 =iGeesh &oman +ngineer -!1%)2
)ob* P 9741277222
+#mail 8 viGeeshMtandongrou*com
For Faulty ADSL CPs & Adaptors
Contact $erson 8 )r* <house )ob* P 09;;027;742
+#mail 8 ghouse*mohiuddinMsemiindia*in
3T3 'imited
C/o &emindia &"stem
4o* 1100/92 () 3ndustrial +state2
<arvebharvial"a2 7
Fosur !oad2
Cangalore P /0000;*
Tel*4o*8 0;0#4111407/2
.a?8 0;0#41114070
Teracom 'imited
For Faulty ADSL CPs
Contact $erson 8 )r* (ngadsinh Chauhan
)ob* P 0942;919070

(%%!+&& 6. !+$(3!/!+$'(C+)+4T C+4T+!
Teracom &ervice Center
Teracom 'imited2 0 '*< 4agar2
4ear %elu? Char !asta2
4iOamura2 =adodra#2
=)C - =ualamritha )agnetic Comonents 'imited )
For faulty ADSL CP &
Contact $erson 8 )r* $ravin )istr"
Contact 4o* 8 E91 9;24991072
+mail 3% 8 ravinmistriMgmail*com
(ddress 8 4o*1;2 &ukan &hoing Centre
4ikol 4aroda !oad2 4ew 4aroda2
(hmedabad P 3;002/
M0s S*7A+A &'L'C-M
(/or 7aisecom mae '1 Converters)
(%%!+&& 6. !+$(3! / !+$'(C+)+4T C+4T+!
=3C+ $!+&3%+4T -.34*)
&,!(4( T+'+C6) 1 $6D+! 'T%*
/TF .'66!2 &,!R( T6D+!&2 &*$*!6(%
&+C,4%+!(C(% P /00 003
$F*27;4/119 / 27;4119;

+ngineer7s )obile 4o* # 0932320199;*

+#mail 8 suranaMsurana*com
Part . $ Ca"" 4ooin8 0 7MA raise #rocedure
for fau"ty )) e1ui#ment #arts
,T&T(!C6) $ortal
1. )pen htt8//www*utstarcomtsc*bsnl*co*in/Fome*as? in 1nternet 9Jplorer C.- and a*o/e.
2. !en !ype Username and Password Pro/ided *y U!S!A;.
&. Sele#t Pro4e#t 3SN$ %ultiplay2!en 9nter
,. !en Sele#t Call )anagement
/* Call !egister
=. U! 9quipment
H. Sele#t 'ir#le
C. Sele#t SSA
B. !en Sele#t 1P Address
1-. !en !ype 1P Address in 3oJ.
11. 1n #ase of U! 9quipment $ike )'$AN Sele#t 9quipment instead of 1P Address as sown in
12. !en Sele#t 9quipment !ype e.g )'$AN
1&. !en Sele#t Site NA%9 and 1P Address.
1,. Sele#t 'all !ype"Normal or 'onfiguration
1.. 3SN$ 'onta#t Name
1=. S!D 'ode ? Pone No
1H. 9mail 1d
1C. %o*ile
1B. Nature of Pro*lem
2-. Pro*lem Des#ription
21. Sa/e
22. After 'li#king on Sa/e 3utton registration of tis #all is #ompleted
!o see te status of te 'all again 7o to Call management and *y #li#king Call &tatus and
Sele#ting Duration it sows te status report of te ;egistered 'all.
:T+ P C&4' $ortal
To !egister a Call for )ultila" 1 !ural $roGect
1. )pen te <!9"3SN$ !e#ni#al Support Portal (%aintanan#e and spares support +
2. $og"in wit #orre#t Username ? Password ( gi/en to e/ery Node0N13 1n#arge +
&. 'oose te #on#ern pro4e#t U %ultiplay or ;ural ? #li#k on E 9nter E
4. #li#k on E Call Fandling 5 5 Call !egister E
.. sele#t from E +@uiment E or E 3$ (ddress E.
=. Sele#t from E +@uiment T"e E
H. Sele#t your site name from E Site E *rowser.
C. Sele#t te E3$ (ddress.G
B. Now fill te required details #arefully like 3SN$ 'onta#t person Name2 Part No. 2 'onta#t
no.2 9"mail 1D2 %o*ile no. ? Pro*lem Des#ription.
1-. #li#k on sa/e.
11. !o 'e#k te 'all Status 2 #li#k on ECall Fandling 5 5 Call &tatus E
12. Sele#t 'ir#le 2 SSA ? 'ity ? 'e#k te status of registered 'all.

To !aise !)(
1. Sele#t ;%A Status from E !)( Fandling menu E
2. Sele#t your 'ir#le2 SSA ? 'ity
&. Please ;aise ;%A for parti#ular #all were e/er te E ;%A raised E status is N).
,. Sele#t te parti#ular #ase id.
.. 9nter 'onta#t Name2 Address2 Pin #ode2 'onta#t No. ? 9"mail 1D of Node 1n#arge.
=. Sele#t 3oard Name ( e.g. AS!D2 AS!92 Fan %odule2 S''F2 S'': +
H. 9nter serial No. ? %odel of faulty *oard 0 part
C. Sele#t from Failure Symptoms ( pro*lem generated due to faulty part +
B. 'li#k on E &ave E to raise ;%A
Huawei I Care Portal ( For Faulty HUAWEI Parts )
1. )pen Ae*site 6 ttps600i#are.uawei.#om0
2. 9nter Username and Passeord Pro/ided to Node
&. Now Sele#t isupport 3usiness user
,. Sele#t :ome
.. Sele#t 'reate Ser/i#e ;equest to *ook request
=. Sele#t 'S U !e#ni#al ;equest
H. Sele#t Produ#t 6 Smart AM %A .&-- (For Fan !ry+ or sele#t from %enu.
C. 9nter Serial No2 of faulty part
B. Des#ri*e te Pro*lem Summary
1-. Sele#t Se/erity type
11. Now Sele#t Su*mit
6m#ortant contact nos.
<uGarat Circle P Croadband 46C

$hone 4o* 8 - 079 ) 204037;;
- 079 ) 204037;9
+#mail 8 co*bbnoc1Mgmail*com
C&4' # Cangalore 46C
* For +road%and Mult"play networ# ,
$hone no* 8 - 0;0 ) 2/;0;;99
- 0;0 ) 2/;0;;77
+#mail 8 bbmnocMhcl*in
&%+ -)$ ) 8 klsreevatsaMbsnl*co*in
%+ -)$) 8 salraoMbsnl*co*in

* For -. Rural Networ# ,
Cangalore 8 0;0#2202;97;

Contact erson 8 )r* =arun )ob # 9;442;;2;2
)r* ,endra )ob P 99040/;029
+#mail 8 OteruralMgmail*com
For P /0/ * !1A$2 , Networ#
Cangalore 8 0;0#2/;0;;22
C&4' $une )ultila" 46C
For P3 - Mult"ply Networ#
$hone no* 8 - 020 ) 2/4/904/
- 020 ) 2/4/0024
- 020 ) 2/4/0020
+#mail 8 mnocuneMgmail*com
&%+ 8 Ganaki*deekumarMgmail*com
%<) 8 awalevikasMgmail*com

For P /0/ * !1A$2 , System
$une 8 020#2/4111/1
Chiva Cargade )ob* # 9;22/3432;
=ikas $achaure )ob* # 9;0032/074
ZTE Gujarat Circle
Mr. Bhavik Desai Mob. !!!"!#$$%&
E'mail ( bhavik)madd*+*
)r* .iroO Lhan )ob# 097/4 912921
+#mail 8 firoOkhan091Mgmail*com
)r* =imal )ob# 9/3;319/;3

,E-E./0 1-23.M/413-
8$ t"ere i an, $eed/ac) $or improvement ( amendment in t"e maintenance manual
t"e ame ma, pleae /e intimated to
B.5.P./6/P/417 8DE (BB'-39)
91.90E 32219E7 9. ,. .3/D7 /:MED/B/D
P:3-E ( ;<!'=&>";&#%7
2/? ( =&>";&#>

3r send e'Mail on(

8AB D1C1813-/0 E-,1-EE. (BB'-39)
B8-07 91.90E 32219E7 4E0EP:3-E B:/C/-7
"4: 2033.7 9.,..3/D7 -/C/.-,PA./
/:MED/B/D7 ,A6/./4.

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