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Night Thrasher

Dwayne Taylor
F) IN (40)
A) RM (30)
S) GD (10)
E) RM (30)
R) EX (20)
I) IN (40)
P) IN (40)
Health: 110 Karma: 100
Resources: IN (40) Pop: 3

Known Powers:
Mental Barrier: Night Thrasers will
power and Superior DNA give him
UN (100) resistance to Telepathy and
Mental Probes.
Japanese Martial Arts Training:
Iron Fist: +1 CS to damage with
each fist attack.
Spatial Awareness: Aware of all in your immediate area to include behind you.
Light Step: move rate, leave no tracks and move in total silence
Prone-fighting: Night Thrasher gets no penalty for fighting on the ground and opponent gains no bonuses.
Fall: damage from falls and needs to make no Endurance rolls to check for broken limbs
Blind-fighting: Only penalty is -1CS to FEATs in complete darkness.
Leap: +1CS standing jump and +2CS running jump.
Snap Kick: Normal damage with a -1CS to opponents defense roll.
Hurl: +1 CS damage and green Endurance check or stunned, also thrown 1-10 ft.
Quick-strike: +2 to initiative rolls
Suppressed Desire: Go without food, water, or sleep for Endurance number in days with no penalties
Palm: Normal damage and requires Endurance check at -2CS to resist stun
Hand Parry: Can block any melee attack with bare hands, a successful result is automatically upgraded to red
equaling a +1CS to Strength in protection.
Sticking Touch: 1 attack at no damage, if successful all following attacks are at
+2CS to hit and -1CS to opponents defense.
Armor: EX (20) protection vs. Physical attacks, RM (30) protection vs. Energy,
Heat or Fire. It also has the following features:
Light Bending Camouflage: The suit is also composed of a wafer-thin L.E.D.
casing that allows the suit to camouflage itself within its surroundings with RM
(30) ability.
Hydraulics: GD (10) leaping, run 3 areas/turn, and +1 to strength (max of EX)
Escrima Sticks: IN (40) material Strength and RM (30) blunt damage, located
on his gauntlets.
Pepper Spray: Fires from right wrist and the victim makes End. feat or spend 1-
10 turns blind and choking at -2 CS to all feats.
Grappling Guns: Built into the forearms, IN (40) material, fires up to 7 areas,
used for transportation, Up to 3 areas.
3 Plastique Packs: RM (30) explosion in 1 area.
3 Napalm Gel Packs: IN (40) Energy, 1 area, GD (10) fire burns until put out.
3 Cordite Packs: EX (20) explosive damage.
Magnesium Flare: RM (30) intensity light. It burns out in about 1 hour.
Smoke Pellets: GD (10) intensity smoke screen, 1 area.
Spur Jacks: TY (6) puncture ability used to puncture normal tires.
Incendiary Caps: GD (10) fire creation.
Ball Bearings: Victim must make an agility feat -1CL. or fall.
Titanium Spring-lock Blade: made of MN (75) material strength and does RM (30) Edged damage.
Adamantium Garrote: From his left wrist. Usable as normal, but on a red feat it can strangle a victim. The victim
is permitted an Endurance feat each turn to avoid unconsciousness for 1-10 turns. The victim will die 10 turns after
unconsciousness if not released. The wire does Ty (6) rank edged damage, and can cut through armor up to MN
(75) rank.
Mini-missiles: Micro surface-to-surface (STS) missiles are mounted on the forearms that do IN (40) explosive
damage to everyone in a 1 area radius.
Essentials: Two-way radio communications device, parabolic sound enhancer, and cybernetic link to armor
systems all with RM (30) ability.
Helmet: The helmet also has many functions as shown below:
Voice Scrambler: RM (30) ability to render wearers voice unrecognizable.
Telescopic Vision: EX (20) range to see objects several areas away.
Breathing Apparatus: 5 minutes of breathable air.
Infrared Vision: GD (10) ability vision in darkness.
Camera/Film Pack: UN (100) recording ability for 5 hours.
Enhanced Hearing: EX (20) intensity.
Mini-Computer: Equipped with fax modem, GPS system and mini-disk
rewritable drive. Can be used to remote-control his skate board.
Backpack: Has the following features:
Submachine gun Uzi: EX (20) Shooting, 3 areas.
Ninja Glider Chute: Night Thrasher had a compact ninja hand glider/chute that
allows him to glide at GD (10) airspeeds.
Laser Sword: AM (50) material Strength sword with an energy field that allows
Night Thrasher to cut through AM (50) material and do AM (50) energy and
edged damage.
Skateboard/Snowboard: Locked on the Backpack assembly or on the right
forearm. It has AM (50) material strength and can be used as an AM (50) shield. It
has a spring loaded blade hidden in the front that can do RM (30) edged damage. He has RM (30) land speed
possible with RM (30) control and AM (50) Body while on the board. It can be rocket propelled for +2 CL land

Talents: Martial Arts A, B, E, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Guns, Sharp Weapons, Business, Criminology, Detective,
Computers, Electronics, Engineering, Weapon Design, Leadership, & Heir to a fortune

Contacts: New Warriors, Business contacts, Street informants.

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