Discipline Letter Suspension

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Sample Letter - Suspension without Pay

Employee Name, emplid
Columbia, MO 65211
Dear Employee Name:
This letter is to on!irm that you are bein" suspended #ithout pay !rom Cli$ here to
enter a date to Cli$ here to enter a date%
This ation is bein" ta$en due to Cli$ here to enter reason !or suspension% &n addition,
you ha'e pre'ious disiplinary ations !or Cli$ here to enter in!ormation on pre'ious
disipline onCli$ here to enter a date%
(ou are e)peted to return to #or$ at Cli$ here to enter time on Cli$ here to enter a
date% & e)pet that you #ill Cli$ here to enter e)petations !or orretin" the problem%
*ailure to sho# immediate and sustained impro'ement in beha'ior or per!ormane may
result in !urther disiplinary ation up to an inludin" termination% *or additional
in!ormation on the pro"ressi'e disipline poliy, please re!er to +, 6-1, Disipline,
online at http:..###%umsystem%edu.ums.departments.hr.manual.6-1%shtml%
&! you ha'e any /uestions about this disipline, please don0t hesitate to tal$ #ith me%
(ou are also #elome to all Cli$ here to enter +uman ,esoure 1ro!essional in
+uman ,esoure 2er'ies at 5345)))5)))) or emailaddress 6missouri%edu %
: +uman ,esoure 2er'ies

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