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Subject: ueometiy, Topic: Tiiangle Centeis, uiaue Levels: 1u - 12
Teachei: Kouitney Betlei
BistiictSchool: Canton Local SchoolsCanton South Bigh School

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9-.6, :0 ;,7$#,< =,7"&-7
!"##"$ !"&' ()*$+*&+, -(./!0/1/2
"Know piecise uefinitions of angle, ciicle,
peipenuiculai line, paiallel line, anu line segment,
baseu on the unuefineu notions of point, line,
uistance along a line, anu uistance aiounu a ciiculai
"Piove theoiems about tiiangles."
"Nake foimal geometiic constiuctions with a
vaiiety of tools anu methous (compass anu
stiaighteuge, stiing, ieflective uevices, papei
foluing, uynamic geometiic softwaie, etc.)."
"Constiuct an equilateial tiiangle, a squaie, anu a
iegulai hexagon insciibeu in a ciicle."
"0se geometiic shapes, theii measuies, anu theii
piopeities to uesciibe objects (e.g. moueling a tiee
tiunk oi a human toiso as a cylinuei)."
"Apply geometiic methous to solve uesign
pioblems (e.g. uesigning an object oi stiuctuie to
satisfy physical constiaints oi minimize cost;
woiking with typogiaphic giiu systems baseu on
-(./ .89/:/;
"0se cooiuinates to piove simple geometiic
theoiems algebiaically."
"Constiuct the insciibeu anu ciicumsciibeu ciicles
of a tiiangle, anu piove piopeities of angles foi a
quauiilateial insciibeu in a ciicle."
<$+'&,)*$+=$>, ! The ciicumcentei, incentei, centioiu, anu
oithocentei aie cieateu fiom the points of
concuiiency of the peipenuiculai bisectois,
angle bisectois, meuians, anu altituues,
! The foui main centei types may lie on the
insiue, outsiue, oi on a tiiangle uepenuing
upon the tiiangle type (acute, obtuse, oi
! The exact centei of a tiiangle cannot be
uefineu as the point uepenus upon the
concuiient lines.
! The centei of the Beimuua Tiiangle, known
as the Tongue of the 0cean, is the illusive
location of many lost ships anu vessels anu
its exact location is unknown.
! Each of the foui main centei types have
uistinct piopeities that can be useu to finu
siue lengths of tiiangles as well as othei
ielative segments.
! Nathematicians aie still uiscoveiing new
tiiangle "centeis" anu theii piopeities;
howevei, 1S of them have been iuentifieu as
they "1S Classical Tiiangle Centeis".
9,,'$)=*? @A',)="$,
4>, 7-"<,5-7 ?$&& @, .@&, -*A
" Constiuct the peipenuiculai bisectois, angle
bisectois, meuians, anu altituues of acute,
obtuse anu iight tiiangles
" Iuentify a point of concuiiency of a tiiangle
as the ciicumcentei, incentei, centioiu, oi
" Explain the uiffeiences between the
uefinition of the centei of a ciicle anu the
centei of a tiiangle
" Solve pioblems using the piopeities of the
foui main tiiangle centeis
" List anu uesciibe ieal-woilu examples of
how tiiangle centeis can be useful oi be

9-.6, B0 )#*2*7,< C77,77',5-
F$G"&#*? 1,,',,#'$) 9E=+'$D' # 0bseivation uuiing guiueu anu inuepenuent
# Exit Ticket - centioiu piopeities
# Exit Ticket - summaiy of main foui centeis
H"&#*? 1,,',,#'$) 9E=+'$D' # Inuepenuent piactice assesseu by spot
check of homewoik assignments
# State Capital anu Builuing Bighways PBL
8'&G"&#*$D' I*,J # !"#$%&' )#*'+,-" .+/"01*,'1*2+: Stuuents
ueteimine possible locations of the "Tongue
of the 0cean", the centei of the Beimuua
Tiiangle KLAB&=DM
(A##*)=E' 1,,',,#'$) # Application of tiiangle centeis in solving
pioblems ielateu to each centei's piopeities
as well as constiucting each centei type foi
vaiious tiiangle types

9-.6, D0 E,.#5$56 )&.5
N'*&$=$> 1D)=E=)=', *$+ 9OP'&='$D', # Bistoiy of Beimuua Tiiangle paiagiaph
# "Big Foui" uiaphic 0iganizei
# Webquest Biscoveiy Activity (accessing
piioi knowleuge)
# Constiuction Biscoveiy - wheie uoes each
centei lie foi the thiee tiiangle types.
# Beimuua Tiiangle Investigative Reseaich
anu piesentation of mateiials
# Class uiscussion of investigative ieseaich
anu the uemogiaphics of the S lanu iegions
associateu with the Beimuua Tiiangle -
uoes this pioviue any insight into the natuie
of this iegion.

).#- //0 85$- )&.5
Time fiame: 12 uays
Title: Tiiangle Centeis
!"# %& '() *"+#,
Cb[ect|ves: 1he students w||| be ab|e to.
1) Def|ne the term "center" of a tr|ang|e and exp|a|n |ts amb|gu|ty
2) Compare and contrast tr|ang|e and c|rc|e centers
3) Def|ne and descr|be what |t means for three or more ||nes to be concurrent

CC Standards:

1) Students w||| construct a c|rc|e us|ng compasses and come up w|th the|r own def|n|t|on for the center of a
2) Students w||| then d|scuss where they be||eve the center of a tr|ang|e cou|d be |ocated as a c|ass.
3) Students w||| comp|ete a Webquest act|v|ty |n search of def|n|ng the center of a c|rc|e and d|scover|ng
how many centers ex|st |n a tr|ang|e.
4) Students w||| be asked to ||st the 1S C|ass|ca| 1r|ang|e Centers and to def|ne the "8|g Iour" centers: a)
c|rcumcenter, 2) |ncenter, 3) centro|d, and 4) orthocenter. *1hey w||| be asked to h|gh||ght any fam|||ar
vocabu|ary words they came across |n the|r research!

Assessment: 1he Webquest act|v|ty w||| be turned |n to |nforma||y assess the students progress |n the|r
d|scovery research and understand|ng of tr|ang|e centers. I w||| a|so |nforma||y assess the|r understand|ng of
the center of a c|rc|e dur|ng the beg|nn|ng act|v|ty.
!"# -& ./012*13+430
Cb[ect|ves: 1he students w||| be ab|e to.
1) Def|ne and construct the c|rcumcenter of acute, r|ght, and obtuse tr|ang|es
2) Lxp|a|n the propert|es of the c|rcumcenter of a tr|ang|e and |ocat|on for each tr|ang|e type
3) So|ve prob|ems app|y|ng the propert|es of a c|rcumcenter
4) Construct the c|rcumscr|bed c|rc|e of acute, r|ght, and obtuse tr|ang|es

CC Standards:

1) Students w||| construct the c|rcumcenter for acute, r|ght, and obtuse tr|ang|es to d|scover where the
c|rcumcenter ||es for each type of tr|ang|e.
2) Students w||| d|scover the c|rcumcenter property of be|ng equ|d|stant to the vert|ces of the tr|ang|e
4) Students w||| so|ve add|t|ona| app||cat|on prob|ems us|ng the propert|es of the c|rcumcenter

Assessment: Assessment of the student's |earn|ng w||| be done |nforma||y through c|assroom observat|on
and mon|tor|ng dur|ng |ndependent and gu|ded pract|ce t|mes. Students w||| a|so be ass|gned |ndependent
pract|ce prob|ems, wh|ch w||| be |nforma||y assessed the fo||ow|ng day by do|ng a homework spot check.

!"# 5& 6+13+430
Cb[ect|ves: 1he students w||| be ab|e to.
1) Def|ne and construct the |ncenter of acute, r|ght, and obtuse tr|ang|es
2) Lxp|a|n the propert|es of the |ncenter of a tr|ang|e and |ocat|on for each tr|ang|e type
3) So|ve prob|ems app|y|ng the propert|es of an |ncenter
4) Construct the |nscr|bed c|rc|e of acute, r|ght, and obtuse tr|ang|es

CC Standards:

1) Students w||| construct the |ncenter for acute, r|ght and obtuse tr|ang|es to d|scover where the |ncenter
||es for each tr|ang|e type.
2) Students w||| d|scover the |ncenter property of be|ng equ|d|stant to the s|des of the tr|ang|e
3) Students w||| d|scuss as a c|ass how to def|ne the d|stance from the |ncenter to the s|de of the tr|ang|e
and so|ve app||cat|on prob|ems us|ng the propert|es of an |ncenter.

Assessment: Assessment of the student's |earn|ng w||| be done |nforma||y through c|assroom observat|on
and mon|tor|ng dur|ng |ndependent and gu|ded pract|ce t|mes. Students w||| a|so be ass|gned |ndependent
pract|ce prob|ems, wh|ch w||| be |nforma||y assessed the fo||ow|ng day by do|ng a homework spot check.

!"# 7& 80(9:3*;<"=3> ?3"0+/+@
Cb[ect|ves: 1he students w||| be ab|e to.
1) Choose appropr|ate tr|ang|e centers for g|ven s|tuat|ons
2) App|y and use the propert|es of |ncenters and c|rcumcenters to so|ve rea|-||fe prob|ems

CC Standards:

1) Students w||| cont|nue to app|y the|r know|edge of c|rcumcenters and |ncenters and the|r propert|es to
so|ve app||cat|on prob|ems.
2) Students w||| answer "State Cap|ta|" 8L task1he state of Ch|o has dec|ded to re|ocate the|r state
cap|ta| so that |t |s the same d|stance from the fo||ow|ng 3 ma[or c|t|es: 1) C|eve|and, 2) C|nc|natt|, and 3)
Co|umbus. now w||| they accomp||sh th|s task?
3) Students w||| answer "8u||d|ng n|ghways" 8L task1he CDC1 has dec|ded to rebu||d a few ma[or
h|ghways |n Co|umbus so that they are the same d|stance from the c|ty's downtown. now w||| they
accomp||sh th|s task?

Assessment: Students w||| turn |n the|r 8L tasks at the end of the per|od to assess the|r understand|ng of
app|y|ng |ncenter and c|rcumcenter propert|es.

!"# A& .3+40(/>
Cb[ect|ves: 1he students w||| be ab|e to.
1) Def|ne and construct the centro|d of acute, r|ght, and obtuse tr|ang|es
2) Lxp|a|n the propert|es of the centro|d of a tr|ang|e and |ocat|on for each tr|ang|e type
3) So|ve prob|ems app|y|ng the propert|es of a centro|d
4) Lxp|a|n why the centro|d of a tr|ang|e |s cons|dered the "ba|anc|ng po|nt"

CC Standards:

1) Students w||| construct the centro|d of an acute, r|ght, and obtuse tr|ang|e to d|scover where the centro|d
||es for each tr|ang|e type.
2) Students w||| d|scover the centro|d property of be|ng 2]3 the d|stance from the vertex to the m|dpo|nt of
the oppos|te s|de.
3) Students w||| so|ve app||cat|on prob|ems us|ng the propert|es of the centro|d
4) Students w||| do a 1h|nk - a|r - Share to d|scuss why the centro|d |s cons|dered the "ba|anc|ng po|nt" of
any tr|ang|e and how th|s can be used |n the rea| wor|d? (e.g. manufactur|ng)

Assessment: Students w||| comp|ete an ex|t-t|cket on app|y|ng the 2]3 property of a centro|d. Students w|||
a|so be asked to cons|der |f there ex|sts a tr|ang|e |n wh|ch a|| of these "centers" over|ap? (Ioreshadows to
fo||ow|ng day)
!"# B& C04D(13+430
Cb[ect|ves: 1he students w||| be ab|e to.
1) Def|ne and construct the orthocenter of acute, r|ght, and obtuse tr|ang|es
2) Lxp|a|n how |engths cou|d be found us|ng the ythagorean 1heorem from an orthocenter
3) So|ve prob|ems app|y|ng the ythagorean 1heorem to the creat|on of an orthocenter
4) Show that the "8|g Iour" centers |ntersect at the same po|nt for an equ||atera| tr|ang|e

CC Standards:

1) Students w||| construct the orthocenter of an acute, r|ght, and obtuse tr|ang|e to d|scover where the
orthocenter ||es for each tr|ang|e type.
2) Students w||| use the orthocenter to so|ve prob|ems us|ng the ythagorean 1heorem.
3) Students w||| construct the c|rcumcenter, |ncenter, centro|d, and orthocenter for 1 equ||atera| tr|ang|e to
show that they a|| |ntersect at the same po|nt.

Assessment: 1he students w||| comp|ete an ex|t t|cket summar|z|ng the "8|g Iour" tr|ang|e centers to gauge
the|r comprehens|ve understand|ng of each center's un|que character|st|cs and propert|es.
!"# E& FD3 <30*2>" F0/"+@:3& 803:/*/+"0# G3=3"01D "+> 6+H3=4/@"4/(+
Cb[ect|ves: 1he students w||| be ab|e to.
1) Summar|ze the myths and |egends of the 8ermuda 1r|ang|e from a h|stor|ca| perspect|ve
2) L|st and descr|be (demograph|c and cu|tura| character|st|cs) the 3 ma|n |and reg|ons assoc|ated w|th the
8ermuda 1r|ang|e
3) 1rans|ate the geography of the 8ermuda 1r|ang|e |nto a geometr|c representat|on

CC Standards:

rocedures: *Students g|ven 8ermuda 1r|ang|e erformance 1ask kubr|c
erformance 1ask Descr|pt|on: Students w||| be g|ven the fo||ow|ng task: "1he Un|ted States government has
funded a research pro[ect on the 8ermuda 1r|ang|e to |nvest|gate |ost Amer|can vesse|s and a|rcrafts. 1hey
have asked you and a group of co-workers |n the CIA to comp||e a comprehens|ve |nvest|gat|on on the
|egend of the tr|angu|ar reg|on. 1he U.S. government wou|d ||ke to beg|n |nvest|gat|ng the |ocat|ons of these
|ost Amer|can vesse|s, but f|rst need your he|p |n p|npo|nt|ng poss|b|e |ocat|ons. It |s your task to |dent|fy the
four poss|b|e |ocat|ons of these vesse|s, a|so known as the 1ongue of the Ccean.
Note: Students w||| be work|ng |n groups of 2-3 on th|s pro[ect.
1) Students w||| comp||e the|r research on the 8ermuda 1r|ang|e to deve|op a paragraph about the myths
and |egends of the area as we|| as the demograph|cs of each of the 3 |and reg|ons. Students w||| be
encouraged to use Goog|e Larth as a part of the|r research.
2) Students w||| then create a d|g|ta| representat|on of the 3 |and reg|ons as vert|ces of a tr|ang|e and beg|n
to exp|ore the app||cat|ons of each tr|ang|e center us|ng Geogebra.

Assessment: 1he students w||| turn |n the|r paragraphs on the h|story of the 8ermuda 1r|ang|e to assess
the|r research ab|||t|es and needs as we|| as the|r understand|ng of the three |and reg|ons. I w||| |nforma||y
assess the students' progress on Geogebra by wa|k|ng around and he|p|ng pa|rs of students throughout the
!"# I& FD3 F(+@23 (J 4D3 C13"+& .3+430 (J 4D3 <30*2>" F0/"+@:3
Cb[ect|ves: 1he students w||| be ab|e to.
1) Construct the "8|g Iour" Centers of the 8ermuda 1r|ang|e reg|on us|ng 1) Geogebra and 2) Compass and
2) Ident|fy the propert|es of each |ocat|on that may be deemed as benef|c|a| |nformat|on for the U.S.
3) Comp||e research, construct|ons, and further exp|anat|ons |n a var|ety of formats (techno|ogy, posters,

CC Standards:

1) Students w||| cont|nue to fo||ow the erformance 1ask kubr|c (attached)

Assessment: Informa|, format|ve assessment throughout each per|od done through observat|on and
work|ng w|th |nd|v|dua| groups.
!"# K& FD3 F(+@23 (J 4D3 C13"+& .3+430 (J <30*2>" F0/"+@:3
Cb[ect|ves: 1he students w||| be ab|e to.
1) Construct the "8|g Iour" Centers of the 8ermuda 1r|ang|e reg|on us|ng 1) Geogebra and 2) Compass and
2) Ident|fy the propert|es of each |ocat|on that may be deemed as benef|c|a| |nformat|on for the U.S.
3) Comp||e research, construct|ons, and further exp|anat|ons |n a var|ety of formats (techno|ogy, posters,

CC Standards:

1) Students w||| cont|nue to fo||ow the erformance 1ask kubr|c (attached)

Assessment: Informa|, format|ve assessment throughout each per|od done through observat|on and
work|ng w|th |nd|v|dua| groups.
!"# %L& FD3 F(+@23 (J 4D3 C13"+& .3+430 (J <30*2>" F0/"+@:3
Cb[ect|ves: 1he students w||| be ab|e to.
1) Construct the "8|g Iour" Centers of the 8ermuda 1r|ang|e reg|on us|ng 1) Geogebra and 2) Compass and
2) Ident|fy the propert|es of each |ocat|on that may be deemed as benef|c|a| |nformat|on for the U.S.
3) Comp||e research, construct|ons, and further exp|anat|ons |n a var|ety of formats (techno|ogy, posters,

CC Standards:

1) Students w||| cont|nue to fo||ow the erformance 1ask kubr|c (attached)

Assessment: Informa|, format|ve assessment throughout each per|od done through observat|on and
work|ng w|th |nd|v|dua| groups.
!"# %%& FD3 </@ M(20 G3H/3)
Cb[ect|ves: 1he students w||| be ab|e to.
1) Compare and contrast the def|n|t|ons and propert|es of c|rcumcenter, |ncenter, centro|d, and med|an
2) Determ|ne the center type for g|ven propert|es and s|tuat|ons

CC Standards:

1) Students w||| comp|ete graph|c organ|zer for the "8|g Iour" tr|ang|e centers |nc|ud|ng def|n|t|ons,
propert|es, and re|ated s|tuat|ons]facts.
2) Students w||| p|ay "Guess My Center" |n groups of 2 or 3. Cne student w||| descr|be a s|tuat|on or
propert|es of tr|ang|es and the other(s) w||| guess the center type.

Assessment: I w||| |nforma||y assess the student's d|fferent|ated understand|ng of each tr|ang|e center and
the|r ab|||ty to d|st|ngu|sh between them by wa|k|ng around the room and observ|ng the|r answers dur|ng
the game. 1hey w||| a|so turn |n the|r graph|c organ|zers.
!"# %-& N2**"4/H3 O==3==*3+4
CC Standards:

Assessment: Students w||| take a summat|ve assessment on the top|cs d|scussed throughout the un|t to
assess the|r understand|ng of the key des|gn quest|ons.

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