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The Valliant
Fighting: RM (30)
Agility : GD (10)
Strength: MN (75)
Endurance: MN (75)
Reason: GD (10)
Intuition: EX (20)
Psyche: IN (40)
Health: 190 Karma: 70
Resources: Remarkable (30)
Popularity: 40

Known Powers
Asgardian Physiology: Volstagg is an Asgardian, whose very body gives him the following:
Invulnerability: to Physical, Energy, Heat, Cold, Radiation, Toxins, Aging and Disease AM (50)
Retarded Aging: This power grants Unearthly immunity to the ravaging effects of time. Volstagg only
physically ages one year for every 100 years. He will age, just very slowly. They may still be killed normally.
Immune to Diseases: Volstagg is immune to all Terran diseases.
Obesity: Although Volstagg use to be in remarkable physical shape when he was younger, however, he
currently is very obiese, weighing 1,425 pounds. This allows him to sit and subdue opponents with little effort
simply by using his girth. Using his girth and his strength, Volstag may hold opponents down as if he had UN
(100) strength and does EX (20) damage with a successful grappling feat. If he is ever returned to his former,
athletic, persona, his F.A.S.E. stats would all be +1 CS.

Bright Blade of Wondrous Victory: UN (100) material strength , MN (75) Edged damage. This sword may
illuminate a blue light giving Remarkable (30) lighting in dark areas.

Weapon Specialist: (Sword), Edged Weapons, Martial Arts B, C, E,

Thor & Sif.

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