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Score yourself the following points for each question:

Always = 5 points
Often = 4 points
Sometimes = points
!a"ely = # points
Ne$e" = % points
1. _____ I like to take risks.
2. _____ I accept challenges willingly.
3. _____ I dont let fear stop me from doing what I want to do.
4. _____ learning something new is exciting.
5. _____ I have a set of realistic written goals.
. _____ I feel !" with making mistakes.
#. _____ I set my own val$es and dont allow others to sway me.
%. _____ I am willing to accept the conse&$ences of my own 'ehavior.
(. _____ I follow my int$ition when making decisions.
1). _____ I manage my money so I have some left over for en*oyment and some for savings.
11. _____ my st$ff is organi+ed.
12. _____ I 'alance my time 'etween work, and family, and take some time for f$n *$st for me.
13. _____ I have good post$re.
14. _____ I take time to exercise and eat properly.
15. _____ I have a wardro'e of clothes that I feel great wearing.
1. _____ I spend some time each day in &$iet reflection.
1#. _____ I have a spirit$al o$tlet.
1%. _____ I $s$ally feel happy.
1(. _____ I have interests of my own and take time to p$rs$e them.
2). _____ I have a gro$p of friends I en*oy 'eing with.
21. _____ I en*oy meeting new people.
_____ A&& Up 'o(" )otal S*o"e
Score Analysis for Self-Confidence Quiz
(%-1)5 S(pe" +(man Self-Confi&en*e, .hare what yo$ have learned with others.
##-(# +i-. Self-Confi&en*e, /o$ are on the right track.
1-# A$e"a-e Self-Confi&en*e, 0ith some co$rage yo$ can grow in confidence.
43-5% Low Self-Confi&en*e. .pending time on improvement will 'e very 'eneficial.
21-42 Dan-e" Zone, 1ery low self-confidence.

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