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May 18, 2014


Gedung Trisula Perwari
Jln. Menteng Raya No. 8 Cikini Jakarta Pusat 10!!0
Mo"ile# $%2821 11&' 88!8
()ail# **+ad),*ro*oten+ia.-o)
.ear /ir or Mada),
0 1a2e read 3ro) your ad2ertise)ent at -o)*any4s at news*a*ers t1at your -o)*any
is looking 3or e)*loyees 3or t1e *osition o3 Officer Dukungan Operasional Bisnis dan
Manajemen Proyek. 5ased on t1at ad2ertise)ent, 0 a) interested to i)*le)ent a**li-ations
3or t1e *osition.
My na)e is 6idayati, 0 a) twenty se2en years old. 0 1a2e graduated 3ro) 0n3or)ation
Te-1nology .e*art)ent Gunadar)a 7ni2ersity on January 1!
, 200'. Now 0 a) still *resent
at PT. /78790 :0N;NC( 0N.<N(/0; as 0T 6el*desk. 0 -onsider )ysel3 t1at 0 1a2e
=uali3i-ations as you want. 0 1a2e good )oti2ation 3or *rogress and growing, eager to learn,
and -an work wit1 a tea) >tea) work? or "y )ysel3. 5eside t1at 0 *osses ade=uate -o)*uter
skill. @it1 )y =uali3i-ations, 0 -on3ident t1at 0 will "e a"le to -ontri"ute e33e-ti2ely to your
0 would eA*ress )y gratitude 3or your attention and 0 1o*e 0 -ould 3ollow your
re-ruit)ent test lu-kily.
6idayati, /T

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