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Reuben-ish sandwich

2 big slices rye bread, 1cm in size
low fat mayonnaise
3 heaped tablespoons sauerkraut
1 fresh red chilli, deseeded and finely sliced
3 slices pastrami
a few gherkins
6 g !wiss cheese
1 handful watercress lea"es, to ser"e
#ethod $-
%he origin of the Reuben sandwich is hotly disputed, but many &ew 'orkers say it
began in Reuben(s )eli on *ast +,th !treet- . classic Reuben sandwich should
ha"e %housand Island dressing, but this is my "ersion- %ry it with nice smoked
ham if you can(t find pastrami-
/rill the slices of bread on a griddle pan until lightly toasted on both sides then
spread one side of each with mayonnaise- 0ut some of the sauerkraut and some
of the chilli on 2 of the slices, and top with a couple of slices of pastrami- %op with
the remaining sauerkraut and chilli and the sliced gherkins, then grate the !wiss
cheese o"er the top-
0reheat a hot grill- 0lace the slices with toppings under the grill until the cheese is
melted and dribbling-
!tack the sandwich together, adding a few watercress lea"es and finishing with
the final slice of toast- 0ress down lightly and use wooden skewers to hold
together- %uck in1

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