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Put off = you delay or postpone it.

Carry on = When you carry on, you continue as before, despite a difficult
experience in your life.
Give in = to do something or allow something even though you do not want to
Give up = to stop trying to do something
Call off = to cancel something, to decide that something will not happen
Look after = to take care of somebody or something
Pull through = to recover from a serious illness or injury
Put up with = to accept sb/sth that is annoying, unpleasent without complaning
Blow out = to defeat somebody easily
Look down on = to think you are better than somebody or something
Pass out = to faint, to lose consciousness
Turn into = to become something else
Get away with = to do something wrong and not be punished for it
Look up = to search

1. the doctors think she will ___________________________________.
2. After he left her she tried to _____________________ as before.
3. I ____________________! Tell me the answer.
4. The Galatasaray ________________________ The Fenerbahce last match! They
were amazing.
5. They have _________________________ their engagement. They decided not to get
6. She wasnt feeling good whole day and she _____________________________ while
going home. Luckily she is good now.
7. The students begged the teacher to ______________ the test _________until
the next week.
8. Who is going to _________________________ the children while you are away?
9. Dont cheat! You will never ________________________ with it!
10. I think these problems are all ________________________________________________.
11. If you dont know this word you should ________________________ in dictionary.
12. I dont know how she ___________________________ with him. I couldnt stay with him
longer than a minute!
13. My son drove me crazy asking me to buy him a new bicycle, and I
finally ____________________________.
14. She ________________________ on people who havent been to college.
15. Caterpillars _________________________ butterflies.

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