CSC 150: Project 3 - Figure Eight Due Wednesday, January 29, 2014 at 3:05pm

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CSC 150: Project 3 Figure Eight

Due Wednesday, January 29, 2014 at 3:05pm

To understand the design goal of reusability
This project will give you an opportunity to reuse classes and methods you've already made to
show how objects can work together beyond an individual assignment. You're back to card
playing in this project, where you'll implement the card game Crazy Eights, which is the model
for Uno, if you've ever played that. Unlike the last project, the goal here is to allow two or more
users to play the game using a computer. Sorry: human players only. Take our AI course to
learn about game-playing programs.
The Game
There are many variations of Crazy Eights, so here are the rules we'll be using. The game is
played with a 104-card deck, so there are two instances of each card. At least two players are
required, and each player is dealt seven cards from the shuffled deck. One card is placed face
up for all to see.
Each player plays a card that either matches the suit or value of the face-up card. So if the face-
up card is a Jack of Clubs, the current player may play any Jack or any Club (including the other
Jack of Clubs). Alternatively, the player may play any Eight, which acts as a wildcard. The player
playing the Eight then announces the suit that the card will act as, which does not have to be
the suit that is actually on the card. Play then goes to the next player, who must repeat the
process. That is, she must play a card matching the suit or value of the new face-up card, play a
card of the called suit if the previous player put down an Eight, or play an Eight herself. The
winner is the first player to have no cards remaining.
If a player has no playable cards in her hand, she must draw from the deck to find a playable
card. A player can only pass if there are no cards remaining to draw. However, a player may
choose to draw as many cards as she wants on her turn, even if she has a playable card in her
Your Mission
Create a program that allows 2 or more humans to play Crazy Eights via keyboard input and
System.out for output. Play may look something like this (the blue-green text is the user's

The game should announce when any player has exactly one card remaining (as a warning to
the other players). The game will end when the computer announces a winner.
The Details
When first run, your program should ask the user for the number of players and then ask for
the name of each player. You should also print instructions for how the user is to play the
game. During each player's turn, the following should happen:
1. display the name of the person whose turn it is
2. display the player's hand
3. display the face-up card (including the suit that the card is acting as, if the card is an
4. allow the user to input which card to play or else to indicate that the user wishes to
draw a card. In the picture above, I let the user play a card by entering the number of
the card in the displayed list. (The user could also have input "d" to draw.) You may
choose a different route. For example, you may choose for the user to type in the value
and suit of the card to be played.
5. if the user drew a card, add a card to the player's hand and go to step 2. If the user
selected a card from her hand to play, but the card is an invalid play (not the right
suit/value), tell the user so and go to step 2. If the selected card is valid, display it as the
new face-up card and remove the card from the player's hand. If the card happened to
be an eight, you'll also have to somehow let the user input the suit that it will act as.
One way of doing this is in the picture above.
6. Once a card has been played, check to see if the player has any cards left. If not, you've
got a winner. If just 1 card remains, announce that. Otherwise, this player's turn is over,
and you can move on to the next player. Then go to step 1.
You should reuse your Card and Deck classes from Project 2 in this project. Part of your job is to
notice how easy or how difficult it is to incorporate these classes. Does a class work as-is? With
minimal changes? With major changes? The best case is that a class works with no changes, but
depending on how you built it in Project 2, that may or may not be possible. As this course goes
on, we'll be talking a lot about how to make a class reusable, so that changes to the code are
minimized despite changes to the context that may occur. For this project, you just need to
document on a separate sheet of paper the changes you made to the Card and Deck classes
(methods changed, instance variables added or removed, etc.) Turn this document in with your
You'll also need the following classes. This time, I'm only telling you some of the methods and
instance variables you'll need. You'll have to figure out the rest on your own.
This class represents the group of cards that a player is holding.
instance variables:
o the player who owns this hand
o others?
o drawCard: a method to add a card from the deck to a hand
o removeCard: a method to remove a card from a hand and return it. This
method will need at least one parameter specifying the card to remove.
You can do the specifying in many ways: as a Card object, as a suit and
value, or as an int representing the number from the displayed list, to
name a few.
o seekCard: a method like removeCard in that it returns the Card specified
in the parameter, but it doesn't remove it from the player's hand.
o toString: a method that returns the hand as a printable string
o others?
This class contains everything specific to a game of Crazy Eights. This class should allow
two or more players to play a game.
instance variables:
o You figure this out. What objects are absolutely necessary for a game of
Crazy Eights to take place?
o Besides a constructor, only one method is really necessary: playGame.
This method will play a game using the rules and skeletal algorithm
described above. Remember to be modular. This is also the method
where you'll be reading input from the user. How do you read from the
console (also known as Check out the docs for the Scanner
class, especially the examples at the top of the document. It's pretty easy.
A good rule of thumb is that your main method should be very short, since its only job is
to create appropriate objects and then tell them to start running. Here, the only thing
main needs to do is to create a CrazyEights object and tell it to run playGame.
Remember to practice good programming skills:
Comment before you write a method, not after. Use Javadoc format for all comments.
Test each method individually.
Private methods are your friends. Use them to modularize.
This project will be worth 50 points. It will be divided up this way:
20 points for a correctly working and thoroughly tested game.
15 points for the overall design of your code, including correct instance variables and methods.
10 points for modularity and understandability. Logic should be straightforward and
complex only when necessary. Don't forget about named constants!
5 points for a good write-up of your changes.
Remember to turn in both a paper and an electronic copy of your project. Don't forget the honor
code affirmation.
Having trouble? Don't wait until the last minute! Come see me and get your $80 worth.
Gentle Reminder
Programming assignments, like homework assignments, are individual projects. I encourage you to
talk to others about the general nature of the project and ideas about how to pursue it. However,
the technical work, the writing, and the inspiration behind these must be substantially your own. If
any person besides you contributes in any way to the project, you must credit their work on your
project. Similarly, if you include information that you have gleaned from other published sources,
you must cite them as references. Looking at, and/or copying, other people's programs or written
work is inappropriate, and will be considered cheating.

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