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A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1.There is ____________________(a , an) gas cylinder in the kitchen.
2.The toad is________________(a , an) amphibian.
3.Can you see________________(a , an) caterpillar on the leaf?
4.__________________(The , An) orang-utan in the zoo is very tame.
5.Mother is spraying insecticide at_______________(a , the) mosquitoes.
6.I wear_______________(a , an) pair of spectacles when I read.
7._____________________(The , A) ants are going up the wall.
8.Gurjit Singh is wearing_______________(a , an) indigo turban.
9.Rokiah painted___________(a , the) most beautiful painted in the competition.
10._________(A , The) mouse deer is an important character in childrens stories.
11.Mr.Adam left for Seremban__________________(a , an) hour ago.
12._________________(The , A) wind is blowing from the west.
13.They bought_______________(a , an) bungalow in Ipoh.
14. Who has__________________(a , the)longest pencil here?
15.His brother married_________________(a , an) European lady.
16.Pulau Tioman is_______________(a , an) island.
17.Jupiter is_______________(the , a ) largest planet in the universe.
18.___________(An , The) buffalo helps farmers to plough their padi fields.
19.Can you pass me______________(an , the) dictionary please?
20._________________(The , A) milk you bought is not fresh.
21._______________(A , An) snail is crawling up the wall.
22.I can see______________(a , an) owl sitting on the roof of your house.
23._________________(A , The) hibiscus is the national flower of Malaysia.
24.It is______________(a , an) honour to receive a prize from the king.
25.My cousin met with_______________(a , an) accident last night.
26.We heard________________(a , an) explosion in that factory.
27._________________(An , The) acrobats performed some daring acts.
28.Mother used_____________(a , an) mortar and pestle to pound some chillies.
29.During________________(a , an) emergency, we should not panic.
30.The moon reflects the light from_______________(a , the) sun.

A.Fill in the blank with in , on or at.

1.Well be going out_________________a moment.
2.It is very dark_______________night.
3.____________________3 September, I am going to London.
4.It sometimes rains________________the evenings.
5.The final examination is_________________October.
6.The bus leaves_________________9.00 a.m.every day.
7.What do you do_______________Saturdays?
8.The drama competition will be held_________________June.
9.My grandfather takes me fishing_______________Fridays.
10.It is very cold__________________winter.
11.There is no electricity_______________this village.
12.They will stay__________________a hotel in Kuala Terengganu.
13.There is a kettle_______________the stove.
14.The bucket is_________________the bathroom.
15._________________Deepavali,Muthu wakes up very early.
16.I saw a few horses_______________the field.
17.Santubong is a village_______________Sarawak.
18.The children wore colourful clothes_______________the concert.
19.We found many drawings_________________the walls of the caves.
20.What did you see_________________the exhibition?
21.The bell will be ringing______________a few minutes.
22.They are afraid to go out___________night.
23.The exhibition is_____________4
24.What do you usually do_____________the evenings?
25.Turtles come to the Rantau Abang beach_____________May.
26.The plane will be arriving___________half past two.
27.Many people come to Lake Titiwangsa_____________Sundays.
28.The Barcelona Olympics was held_____________June.
29._____________Fridays, the Hindus go to the temple to pray.
30.There is no water______________the bucket.


A.Fill in the blanks with or , but or and.
1.I wear shorts_________________sneakers when I go jogging.
2.Shall we go to the movies________________sit at home and play scrabble?
3.Birds are warm-blooded______________fish are not.
4.He likes to play the piano______________the guitar.
5.Grandma_________________grandpa are living with us.
6.Are you taking dancing lessons_______________music lessons?
7.The bat______________the flying fox are mammals that can fly.
8.Andrew can swim well_______________he cannot save a drowning person.
9.Sulaiman threw his fishing-line into the river_______________waited for the fish to bite.
10.Most spiders are harmless______________a few are dangerous.
11.Do you want an ice-cream_______________a bar of chocolate?
12.Mariam is good at English_______________weak at Mathematics.
13.Is mother folding the clothes______________ironing them?
14.This shop sells a lot of things______________it doesnt sell toys.
15.Is this wayang kulit________________dikir barat?
16.Puan Azizah_________________Puan Asmah are teachers.
17.Both Rashid______________Abu are good runners.
18.A rabbit is fast_______________a horse is faster.
19.I dont know whether her name is Rohana_______________Norizan.
20.This ring is made of gold________________that one is made of silver.
21.Both Hisham____________Samad enjoy playing scrabble.
22.Bring your boots______________you will not be allowed to play.
23.My parents never cane me____________they sometimes give me a good scolding.
24.Can I have a kilogram of sugar______________ a bottle of milk?
25.Is he your friend______________your brothers?
26.Steve ran very quickly____________________he could not catch the cat.
27.Lena can sing_______________dance very well.
28.I can lend you my racket_______________you must promise to take care of it.
29.The boys______________girls are practising hard for Sports Day.
30.Do you want to tell a joke_____________ask a riddle?


B. Join the sentences using or ,and , but , so, because or if.

1. They were tired. They did not stop working.

2. She added some sugar to the tea.She added some milk to the tea.

3. Are they building a bridge? Are they building a road?

4. The light is out.I cant do my homework.

5. He telephoned the fire brigade.There was a fire.

6. You want to go with us.You must eat quickly.

7. The soup was not tasty.I added some salt to it.

8. You have to practise hard.You want to be on the team.

9. We were in time for the show.The girls were late.

10. My grandmother will go with me. I pick her up at her house.




A. Underline the correct words.

1. Angeline is (short, tall).I am 138 cm tall but she is only 102 cm tall.
2. Farid is an (active, alert) boy.He plays football and hockey for the school.
3. This shirt is still (old, new).Dont throw it away.
4. I can see the bottom of the pond because the water is (clear, dull).
5. Emmy Nazirah is an (honest, obedient) girl.She always speaks the truth.
6. Your dress is very (ugly, pretty).Everybody likes it.
7. The coffee is (sweet, bitter).Please add some sugar.
8. This dog is (fierce, tame).Dont disturb it.
9. Suzaimi is very (lazy, hardworking).All the teachers like him.
10. It is very (hot, cold) in here.Please switch on the fan.
11. That box is (light, heavy).We cannot carry it.
12. The plate is (clean, dirty).I have just washed it.
13. Our teacher told us an (dull, interesting) story.We all loved it.
14. We must be (polite, rude) to our parents.
15. Meera is (happy, sad) because she failed the test.
16. I feel very (strong , weak) when I am sick.
17. Rahimah is (old ,young).She is only twelve years old.
18. The Rafflesia has a (strong ,weak) smell.It is very unpleasant.
19. A dolphin is a (fierce ,tame) animal.
20. Malaysians are very (friendly ,proud) people.They make tourists feel welcome.
21. The (courageous ,cowardly) warrior fought to protect his country.
22. A settee is more (comfortable ,pleasant) than a chair
23. The pyramids are (ancient ,modern) buildings.
24. The driver was (careful,careless) so he met with an accident.
25. I want to go home because this movie is (boring ,interesting)
26. Malina is a (helpful ,stubborn) girl.She does a lot of housework.
27. Senawang is an (industrial ,agricultural) estate.It has many factories.
28. Dr.Mahathir is a very (popular ,irresponsible) prime minister.Many people like him.
29. I like this dress.It is more (attractive ,exciting) than that one.
30. Encik Harun is a (selfish ,generous) person.He always donates to the poor.

B.Underline the correct words.

1. A kilometre is not as (long ,longer) as a mile.
2. Tonight is (hot ,hotter) than last night.
3. You are as (young ,younger) as I am.
4. The rambutans are (sweet ,sweeter) than the langsat.
5. Rohana is as (good ,better) as Mohan at drawing.
6. My handwriting is (bad ,worse) than my sisters.
7. The sky is (dark , darker) than it was this morning.It is going to rain.
8. Kongs acting is (good ,better) than Saifuls.
9. This knife is as (blunter ,blunt) as that one.
10. Mr.Khoo is (rich ,richer) than my uncle.
11. Class 5 Maju is as (noisy ,noisier) as Class 5 Budi.
12. Is a seladang as (strong ,stronger) as a buffalo?
13. Lee looks (hungry ,hungrier) than you.
14. The rhinoceros is a (wild ,wilder) animal.
15. The durian flavoured ice-cream is as (tasty ,tastier) as the coffee flavoured ice-cream.
16. Ice is as (cold ,colder) as snow.
17. Badrul is (smart ,smarter) than Osman.
18. A mango is (easy ,easier) to pluck than a coconut.
19. Mount Everest is as (hard ,harder) to climb as the Rockies.
20. Selva is a (good ,better) goalkeeper than Kassim.
21. Oceans are much (deep ,deeper) than seas.
22. The hibiscus is as (common ,commoner) as the bougainvillea in Malaysia.
23. China has a (big ,bigger) population than India.
24. Japan is a (wealthy ,wealthier) country than the Philippines.
25. Anands desk is (close ,closer) to the windows than mine.
26. She was fifteen minutes (late ,later) than I.
27. Our soldiers are (bold ,bolder) than the enemies.
28. Rojak is not as (tasty ,tastier) as satay.
29. The highway is (worse ,worst) than the roads in the countryside.
30. To get an A you need to score (many ,more) marks than this.



A. Underline the correct words.

1. The soldiers fought (bravely,cowardly) and won the battle.
2. The hungry boy ate (greedily,heavily).
3.Why is the girl crying so (sweetly,loudly)?
4.Dress up (quickly ,slowly) or we will be late for the show.
5.If you dont drive (carefully ,carelessly) you might meet with an accident.
6.It rained (brightly ,heavily) last night.
7.Read (loudly ,quietly).You are disturbing the others.
8.Will you please speak (softly ,loudly)?I want to listen to the news.
9.She was cycling (carefully ,carelessly).That is why she fell down.
10.Puan Aishah cried (sadly ,happily) when she heard the bad news.
11.The children are laughing and playing (bravely ,happily).
12.Rita sang very (bitterly ,sweetly) at the talentime contest.
13.Marlina and her friends danced (gracefully ,clumsily) and won the contest.
14.Irwan always speaks (rudely ,cruelly) to his friends.
15.The wind is blowing very (heavily ,loudly).
16.Maniam is singing too (heavily ,loudly).
17.We should always speak (rudely ,politely) to everybody.
18.The mengkuang weaver is weaving the leaves very (skilfully ,cleverly).
19.Please arrange the books (clumsily ,neatly) on my table.
20.His grandfather walks (slowly ,quickly) because he is weak.
21.Anoop answered (cleverly ,syupidly) and won the quiz.
22.The farmer shouted (angrily ,proudly) at the naughty boys.
23.Won ran (slowly ,quickly) to catch the bus.
24.The little girl sat (loudly ,quietly) beside her mother.
25.Think (carefully ,carelessly) before you speak.
26.Read the instructions (carefully ,carelessly) before answering the questions.
27.The naughty boy crept (loudly ,quietly) behind the girls to scare them.
28.Nurses should attend (patiently ,angrilly) to sick people.
29.Harun is sleeping (slowly ,soundly).Dont disturb him.
30.All of us cheered (joyfully ,sadly) when our team won the match.

B.Fill in the blanks with the words given.

Exercise 1

soundly quietly happily loudly carefully
politely quickly bravely brightly sadly

1.The team that lost walked_____________________out of the field.
2.The palace is always___________________lit at night.
3.Ramesh was very tired after the match so he slept_____________________.
4.He entered the room so_____________________that nobody noticed him.
5.We cycled down the hill____________________because it was very steep.
6.Everybody ate and talked_____________________at the party last night.
7.Dont talk too____________________.We are studying.
8.The policeman ran after the thief very____________________and caught him.
9.The doctor talked to his patients_____________________.
10.Jeffrey dived________________________into the flooded river to save the drowning girl.

Exercise 2

cleverly safely repeatedly always carelessly
usually greedily bitterly cheerfully seriously

1.The young man always rides his motorcycle___________________.
2.You must____________________look to your left and right before crossing the road.
3,Robert Seow always does his work____________________I enjoy working with him.
4.His father is____________________considering the job offer he received.
5.The villagers wept_____________________because they lost everything in the fire.
6.The mouse deer___________________tricked all its enemies.
7.The boatman took us____________________across the river in his sampan.
8.Ive reminded him______________________to bring his camera.
9.We________________________spend our Sundays at grandmothers.
10.The beggar ate the food______________________because he was very hungry.

A. Underline the correct words.
1. Your sister is here.(She ,He) wants to see you.
2. (I ,You) are never late to school.
3. Rahim painted the cupboard and left (he ,it) to dry.
4. Kamariah and I enjoy baking cakes.(They ,We) usually bake cakes at the weekends.
5. Rosalind and her brother are good runners.(They ,We) always come out first in the 100-m event.
6. That is Harouns father.(She ,He) is an electrician.
7. Zainals mother is not feeling well.(He ,She) is at the clinic.
8. (It ,They) is a beautiful day. Shall we go fishing?
9. The dogs are barking loudly.(They ,We) must be hungry.
10. Look at that clown. Isnt (he ,it) funny?
11. Do not throw away old newspapers and bottles.(It ,They) can be used again.
12. The orang-utan is a mammal.(He ,It) is very hairy.
13. Many spectators were at the stadium.(They ,We) came to support their team.
14. My cousin and I are visiting you tomorrow.(They ,We) will come by bus.
15. (I ,We) am the smartest boy here, said Kamarul.

B. Choose the correct words.
1. Rahman picked up the coin and put________________(it ,him) in his pocket.
2. Please help________________(me ,I) to do my homework.
3. The lady told me not to stare at________________(her ,him).
4. Mother swept the dry leaves and left_________________(it ,them) in a pile by the tree.
5. A policeman stopped Abdul and me.He told___________________(us ,them) to cycle carefully.
6. Calll the girls here and tell__________________(her ,them) to tidy the staffroom.
7. Dino gave me a goldfish.I put_________________(he ,it) in a bowl.
8. The headmaster punished the boy because_______________(he ,she) tore his book.
9. Pak Mat pulled his buffaloes to the tree and tied_________________(it ,them) there.
10. If you see Richard ,tell_________________(her ,him) to see me.
11. Are___________________(you ,your) here for the meeting?
12. We presented___________________(him ,her) with a camera for his birthday.
13. The kidnappers locked______________________(I ,me) in an old building.
14. The lights are on.Please switch__________________(it ,them) off.
15. You promised to take_____________(me ,us) to the zoo ,didnt you?the girls asked their father.


A.Underline the correct words.
1. Mr.Amjit Singh is a lawyer.(He ,She) advises people about the law.
2. (I ,Me) am preparing for my examination.
3. (It ,He) is getting late.We had better go home.
4. Mr.Raju and his family visited us.(They ,We) are very friendly.
5. My friends and I are building a raft.(They ,We) want to cross the river.
6. Miss Lilian Tan is a secretary.(She ,He) arranges meeting for her boss.
7. Our headmaster is fifty-five years old this year.(She ,He) will be retiring soon.
8. Rahman switched on the fan.(It ,He) was a hot day.
9. The boats look very new.(They ,Its) have just been painted.
10. Maniam is a badminton player.(He ,She) practises hard every day.
11. (It ,He) is raining very heavily.Harun cannot go home.
12. Kumari could not sing because (he ,she) had a sore throat.
13. Pulau Tioman is a beautiful island.(It ,He) lies off the coast of Mersing.
14. The villagers are mainly farmers.(We ,They) grow vegetables.
15. (I ,You) must help me,Ramu,Mr.Muthu told his son.

B.Choose the correct words.
1. Rosli made a kite and sold__________________(it ,him) for twenty ringgit.
2. Mother told________________(me ,I) to slice the onion.
3. He did not hear what you said.Repeat it to__________________(he ,him).
4. His uncle takes___________________(he ,him)to the public library on Saturdays.
5. Ragu and Lim are quarreling.Tell_________________(they ,them) to stop it.
6. Grandpa is very sick.We took___________________(he ,him) to the hospital.
7. It is not Rozitas fault.Do not scold____________________(her ,she).
8. When Mariam returns, please tell___________________(her ,him) to telephone me.
9. Are__________________(me ,you) the one who scribbled on the toilet walls?
10. Some villagers helped____________________(us ,we) out of the jungle.
11. Please write to__________________(I ,me) when you have time.
12. We threw away the mangoes because there were worms in ______________(its ,them).
13. Do____________________(me ,you) usually use watercolours for your paintings?
14. Santa Claus picked up the little girl and put__________________(her ,him) on his lap.
15. The boys helped__________________(we ,us) to carry the furniture upstairs.


A.Underline the correct words.

1. Veloo took (his ,him) dog to a vet.
2. The girl fell down from (hers ,her) bicycle.
3. The cat is feeding (its ,his) kittens.
4. We brought along (ours ,our) fishing-rods for the picnic.
5. The swan is a bird.(Its ,Her) young is called a cygnet.
6. Mammals give birth to (their ,theirs) young.
7. Samy is a barber.(His ,Him) shop is near the bank.
8. I finished (mine ,my) homework early so that I could go out to play.
9. A tractor is used by farmers.(Its ,Their) wheels are large.
10. Are these (yours ,your) colour pencils,Linda?
11. The travellers carried (their ,theirs) bags on their backs.
12. Maslifah washed (her ,hers) clothes.
13. We are painting (our ,ours) house because it looks old.
14. I will lend you (mine ,my) bicycle if you promise to ride carefully.
15. (Your ,You) composition has many mistakes.Write it again.
16. Kamsiah went to see (his ,her) dentist.
17. The boy showed us (his ,her) expensive toys.
18. They took (their ,theirs) parents to the prize-giving ceremony.
19. A snake sheds (her ,its) skin as it grows bigger.
20. Amphibians lay (their ,theirs ) eggs in water or in damp places.
21. The farmer takes (his ,hers) products to the market early in the morning.
22. I could not do (me ,my) work because my sister was disturbing me.
23. The carpenter is sharpening (his ,hers) chisel.
24. Where did you put (ours ,your) recorder,Kavitha?
25. The tourist visited (our ,ours) farm yesterday.
26. Leela seldom washes (his ,her) mouth after a meal.
27. We had to give away some of (my ,our) furniture because our new house is smaller than our old house.
28. She took (me ,my) badge and refused to return it.
29. (Your ,Yours) bicycle chain has snapped.You cannot cycle home.
30. (Her ,His) eyesight is not good so he wears spectacles.


A.Fill in the blanks with who or which.

1. She is the girl___________________drew the picture.
2. The cat____________________stole the fish is in the room.
3. Is this the story book_____________________you bought?
4. Rahim is the boy_______________________caught the fish.
5. Where is the box_______________________I left on the table?
6. The man____________________delivers milk to our house is sick.
7. Puan Salma___________________teaches us English is married.
8. The headmaster punished the pupils_________________broke the window.
9. The mosquito coil_____________________you gave me is broken.
10. Is that the song______________________won the best song award?
11. My school gardener is the person_____________________helped me to cross the road.
12. The umbrella____________________she lent me is very beautiful.
13. The cows_____________________are grazing on the field belong to Pak Kassim.
14. The dentist___________________pulled out my tooth is very friendly.
15. Encik Kamarul scolded the waitress____________________split the soup on him.
16. Sarah is the girl___________________told me the joke.
17. The bird_____________________hurt its wing is well now.
18. This is the camera____________________I used to snap photographs with at the zoo.
19. Mr.Singam__________________lives near my house is a boxer.
20. Pick up the paper_____________________you threw on the floor.
21. The woman_____________________sells nasi lemak has many children.
22. Dr.Hisham ,_____________________has a clinic here , studied in America.
23. Encik Yusof chased away the boys___________________were making noise near his house.
24. A person______________________sells flowers is called a florist.
25. Is this the chair______________________you made?
26. The office boy______________________works in my school is handsome.
27. The bus____________________we travelled is an express bus.
28. Animals__________________eat plants are called herbivores.
29. The spanner____________________you lent me is too small.
30. The hunter___________________shot the deer was fined heavily.


A. Underline the correct words.

1. There are (a few , a little) pencils in the drawer.
2. Rashid drank (a few , a little) honey and ate some biscuits.
3. She poured (a few , a little) oil into the pan to fry the egg.
4. We can spend (a few , a little) more hours at the beach.
5. He won the game by only (a few , a little) points.
6. (A few , A little) gas leaked from the gas cylinder and started the fire.
7. The cook added (a few , a little) garlic into the dish.
8. The tiger killed (a few , a little) goats in the village.
9. He only plays for (a few , a little) hours every day.
10. I have ( a few , a little) cousins in Taiping.
11. The drink was hot so she added (a few , a little) ice to it.
12. There is only ( a few , a little) rice left in the rice cooker.
13. We ate (a few , a little) crabs for dinner last night.
14. My dog gave birth to (a few , a little) puppies last week.
15. The sick boy could only eat (a few , a little) porridge.
16. I can see ( a few , a little) ants on the table.
17. Vijan ate only ( a few , a little) food because he was not hungry.
18. He washed his face with (a few , a little) warm water.
19. You have only (a few , a little) more minutes to complete the work.
20. Yahya caught (a few , a little) grasshoppers to use as bait for fishing.
21. (A few , A little) ink split on my shirt.
22. My sister mixed the flour with (a few , a little) butter.
23. (A few , A little) birds ate the farmers crops.
24. I was paid only (a few , a little) ringgit for the work.
25. Please add (a few , a little) more coconut milk to the curry.
26. They have (a few , a little) relatives in Vietnam.
27. There is (a few , a little) dust on the table.
28. We have too (few , little) money to organize a grand party.
29. I have too (few , little) coins to give you any.
30. He used only (a few , a little) strength to pull and start the motor.

B. Choose the correct words.

1. There were_________________(a lot of ,much) people watching the football match.
2. ____________________(Much ,Many) of his money was spent on food.
3. He has stamps and coins from___________________(much .many) countries.
4. You have added too___________________(a lot of ,much) pepper to the soup.
5. Marina has____________________(a lot of ,much) fish in her aquarium.
6. You dont need___________________(many ,plenty of) water to wash these pots.
7. My father grows___________________(much ,a lot of) jasmine plants in his garden.
8. Not__________________(many ,much) people turned up for the party.
9. How_________________(many ,much) mutton do you need to make some curry?
10. There are not___________________(many ,plenty of) rhinoceroses left in the country.
11. The manager spends___________________(mant ,plenty) of his time at his office.
12. When I was young ,I had___________________(a lot of ,much) toys to play with.
13. The rich man donates___________________(a lot of ,many) money to the orphanage.
14. ___________________(A lot ,Much) of their belongings were destroyed in the fire.
15. ___________________(Much ,Many) of the rubber tappers do not go to work if it rains in the morning.
16. We saw _________________(a lot of ,much) monkeys at the park.
17. There is not_________________(much ,many) rubbish in the dustbin.
18. Baljit Kaur made________________(much ,many) paper flowers.
19. She had eaten too__________________(a lot of ,much) already.Dont give her any more.
20. Khairul collected_________________(a lot of ,much) seashells for his artwork.
21. They cooked________________(many ,plenty of) food for dinner.
22. Steve scored_________________(much ,a lot of) goals last year.
23. How_________________(much ,many) people did you invite to the party?
24. Dont eat too_________________(many ,much) jelly.You will get stomachache.
25. He has wasted_________________(much ,many) of his time rewriting the essay.
26. Hasmah has sold________________(many ,plenty) of tickets.
27. ________________(A lot of ,Much) people come to his lake daily.
28. My grandfather used to tell me_______________(a lot of ,much) stories.
29. _________________(Many ,Much) of the work was done by us.
30. There are not_________________(many ,plenty of) coins in the money-box.



A. Underline the correct words.

1. My father bought a (bouquet , group) of flowers for my mother.
2. Salma has a (group , collection) of stamps.
3. We ate a (broad , comb) of bananas.
4. A (crew ,pack) of sailors got off the ship.
5. They ran up the (flight , flock) of steps.
6. The (crate , heap) of oranges weighs about ten kilograms.
7. There was a (gang ,crowd) of people outside the cave.
8. I saw a (row , fleet) of ships at the harbour.
9. A (flock ,group) of sheep is in the pen.
10. The little boy chased the (gaggle , herd) of geese away.
11. A (troop , gang) of smugglers were caught by the police.
12. There is a (pack , group) of boys under the angsana tree.
13. Ibrahim buried the (heap , collection) of rubbish.
14. A (herd , broad) of elephants damaged the oil palm estate.
15. There is a (nest , litter) of kittens in the box.
16. I bought a (pack , set) of playing cards.
17. He has lost his (set , pair) of spectacles.
18. A (row , crate) of trees were planted along the highway.
19. We saw a (shoal , swarm) of fish in the lake.
20. The (staff , troop) of teachers are having a meeting.
21. She is wearing a (string , group) of pearls.
22. A (swarm , flock) of bees attacked the children who disturbed the hive.
23. The (troop , team) of players bowed in front of the spectators.
24. You can always see the (army , troop) of monkeys roaming around the park.
25. The carpenter put his (set , string) of tools in the storeroom.
26. The (army , pack) of soldiers landed on the beach.
27. My uncle has a (crate , collection) of antiques.
28. The fire destroyed a (row , school) of shophouses.
29. A (group , flock) of children are building sand-castles on the beach.
30. We will soon be seeing an (army , orchard) of fruit trees.

B. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

herd pack gaggle heap flock litter
crate school nest bunch troop roll

1. The cowboy led the___________________of cattle to the river.
2. A_____________________of scouts are hiking through the countryside.
3. There is a________________of turkeys in the farm.
4. They bought a___________________of bottled drinks for the party.
5. Can you see a___________________of birds near the pond?
6. A__________________of dolphins swam along our boat.
7. My kitten likes to play in a___________________of dry leaves.
8. I have lost a____________________of keys.
9. The boys tried to cut the branch which had a__________________of ants on it.
10. A__________________of wolves are circling the deer.
11. I found a__________________of puppies by the roadside.
12. He loaded a___________________of film into the camera.



A. Underline the correct words.

1. (Who,Which,Whose) likes to eat cuttlefish?
2. (Who,Which,Whose) house is near the railway station?
3. (Who,Which,Whose) picture do you think is more attractive?
4. (Who,Which,Whose) shoes are dirtier?Mine or his?
5. (Who,Which,Whose) can play the piano well?
6. (Who,Which,Whose) countries have you visited?
7. (Who,Which,Whose) prepares breakfast for you?
8. (Who,Which,Whose) of the two buffaloes is sick?
9. (Who,Which,Whose) boy has taken your watch?
10. (Who,Which,Whose) plant stores its food in the roots?
11. (Who,Which,Whose) fault it is?
12. (Who,Which,Whose) state in Malaysia grows the most rice?
13. (Who,Which,Whose) woman helped you just now?
14. (Who,Which,Whose) relatives are living in Hong Kong?
15. (Who,Which,Whose) won the badminton finals?

B. Choose the correct words.

1. _____________________(What,How) are you doing in the room?
2. _____________________(What,How) does a dolphin like to eat?
3. _____________________(What,How) made you change your plans?
4. _____________________(What,How) do you know I am Samys brother?
5. _____________________(What,How) must I do to open a savings account?
6. _____________________(What,How) are we going to Cameron Highlands?
7. _____________________(What,How) is the capital of Brunei Darussalam?
8. _____________________(What,How) was your grandmother when she was young?
9. _____________________(What,How) are they coming to the party?
10. _____________________(What,How) do you do in your spare time?
11. _____________________(What,How) shall I wear to the concert?
12. _____________________(What,How) do you feel after the operation?

13. _____________________(What,How) can you see at the Peoples Park?
14. _____________________(What,How) much salt must I add to the curry?
15. _____________________(What,How) does a mechanic use to tighten nuts and bolts?



A. Underline the correct words.

1. Everytime somebody (walk , walks) past,the dog barks.
2. He always (forget , forgets) to bring his books.
3. Electricians (use , uses) pliers to cut or bend wires.
4. Padi (grow , grows) well in Kedah Darul Aman.
5. People in cold countries (wear ,wears) thick clothings.
6. My cousin seldom (write ,writes) to me nowadays.
7. The jockeys (ride ,rides) their horses very well.
8. The school bus always (pass ,passes) the stadium.
9. We (collect ,collects) donations for the poor.
10. The Innuits (live ,lives) in igloos.
11. The children (prefer ,prefers) rambutans to apples.
12. It (rain ,rains) all through the year in Malaysia.
13. Water (drip ,drips)from the tap even when we turn it off.
14. They (sell ,sells) cakes and cookies for a living.
15. Malaysia (export ,exports) palm oil to many countries.

B. Underline the correct words.

1. She (write ,wrote) me a long letter.
2. The cats (made ,make) a lot of noise last night.
3. Rajeswari (came ,come) to see you a moment ago.
4. We all (attend ,attended) the meeting yesterday.
5. He (pump ,pumped) the tyres of his bicycle before riding it.
6. Sin Hock (put ,puts) the flowerpot there just now.
7. I (read reads) a frightening story last night.
8. They (close ,closed) the shops when the lights went off.
9. Basri (lost ,lose) his money while playing on the field.
10. Rahman and Lim (hear ,heard) the news on radio just now.
11. Shanti (find ,found) some old books in the store.
12. Kim Song (slept ,sleep) for almost two hours.

13. Mustapha (refuse ,refused) to go up the stage.
14. The child (say ,said) his prayers before going to bed.
15. The people (rushes ,rushed) out of the building when they heard the explosion.

C. Underline the correct words.

When Encik Hisham (1)___________________(is ,was) a young boy,he(2)______________
(help ,helped) his father on his small farm.They were very poor and (3)____________ (earned ,earns)
very little from the products they (4)_________________(sell ,sold).
Today Encik Hisham is a very successful businessman. He still (5)_____________(deal ,deals)
in farm products but he does not work on the farm any more.His farm is large and he(6)____________
(employ ,employs) many workers.His workers (7)_________________(do ,does) all the work on the farm.He just
manages the business.His son,Rahim(8)___________________(keeps ,keep) the accounts.
Next year Encik Hisham (9)__________________(retire ,will retire).Rahim (10)__________
(will take ,shall take) over the business.



A. Underline the correct words.

1. The cat (purr ,purrs) every time she pets it.
2. Your sisters (peel ,peels) the onions very quickly.
3. Boon Hoe (fish ,fishes) in the pond behind his house.
4. A cobbler (mend ,mends) torn shoes.
5. The monsoon winds (bring ,brings) rain ot the coastal areas.
6. Fires (destroy ,destroys) properties.
7. That lady (arrange ,arranges) flowers very well.
8. The hawker (sell ,sells) rojak and satay.
9. Reporters (gather ,gathers) news for the newspapers.
10. The sportsmen (practise ,practises) hard every day.
11. Encik Misran (bathe ,bathes) three times a day.
12. Architects (design ,designs) buildings and houses.
13. Encik Hamzah (weigh ,weighs) 65 kilograms.
14. Muslims (go ,goes) to the mosque on Fridays.
15. The garbage collector (collect ,collects) rubbish from my house twice a week.

B. Underline the correct words.

1. Reena (have ,had) a beautiful pair of shoes.
2. My neighbour (dig ,dug) a hole to bury some rubbish.
3. I (slept ,sleeps) all through the journey.
4. The rain (spoil ,spoilt) our plans for the day.
5. She (read ,reads) the letter and then tore it.
6. We (thinks ,thought) you would give us a treat.
7. Ismail (jumped ,jumps) up and caught the ball.
8. The strong wind (blow ,blew) down a few small trees.
9. This building was (design ,designed) by Mr.Andrew.
10. We (removed ,removes) the old pictures from the wall.
11. The scientists (explores ,explored) the island.
12. We (looks ,looked) forward to the trip.

13. The player (disagreed ,disagree) with the referee.
14. He (lent ,lend) me his video game.
15. The girl (screams ,screamed) when she saw the scorpion.

C. Underline the correct answers.
1. They usually (collect ,collects ,collected) the eggs in the morning.
2. All of us (enjoy ,enjoys ,enjoyed) ourselves at the beach yesterday.
3. The shepherd always (count ,counts ,counted) his sheep.
4. The men (build ,builds ,built) the bridge last week.
5. We (greet ,greets ,greeted) our teachers every day.
6. Baby (pretend ,pretends ,pretended) not to see me just now.
7. The soldiers (march ,marches ,marched) along the river every morning.
8. Rosli sometimes (whistle ,whistles ,whistled) as he cycles home from school.
9. Kassim (sell ,sells ,sold) his car for RM 10 000.
10. Living things (need ,needs ,needed) food and water to live.

D. Underline the correct words.
In the past , it (1)_____________________(take ,takes ,took) a long time for people to
travel from one place to another.People (2)______________________(use ,uses ,used) bullock carts and
boats to transport things.Some even (3)______________________(carry ,carries ,carried) goods on their
backs.The bullock carts were just two-wheeled carts (4)_________________(pull,pulls,pulled)
by bulls.The boats had no engines and had to be (5)___________________(row ,rows ,rowed) with wooden oars.
Today it is easy to travel and transport things.People (6)________________________
(travel ,travels ,travelled) by cars , buses or motorcycles.Lorries (7)____________________
(transport ,transports ,transported) things from place to place.Boats have engines and they
(8)___________________(move ,moves ,moved) very fast.Aeroplanes (9)______________________
(fly ,flies ,flew) from one country with great speed.Huge ships (10)__________________ (carry
,carries ,carried) passengers and cargoes to distant lands.



A.Underline the correct words.

1. I (am polishing ,is polishing) my shoes.
2. The villagers (is building ,are building) a bridge across the river.
3. A turtle (is crawling ,are crawling) up the beach to lay eggs.
4. Some children (is playing ,are playing) with fireworks.
5. The reporter (is interviewing ,are interviewing) the victims of the flood.
6. The women (is harvesting ,are harvesting) the padi.
7. The children (is collecting ,are collecting) old newspapers for recycling.
8. We (is training ,are training) for the final match.
9. The artistes (is entertaining ,are entertaining) the audience.
10. The butterfly (is sucking ,are sucking) nectar from the flowers.
11. Beware!The enemies (is preparing ,are preparing) to attack.
12. Some people (is complaining ,are complaining) about the clogged drain.
13. They (is arguing ,are arguing) over a small matter.
14. His top (is spinning ,are spinning) very fast.
15. We (is discussing ,are discussing) our plans for the weekend.
16. The man (is scolding ,are scolding) his children.
17. The policemen (is checking ,are checking) on the motorists.
18. The ministers (is debating ,are debating) in the Parliament House.
19. I (is hoping ,am hoping) that I will get that job.
20. The monkeys (are roaming ,is roaming) around the jungle.

B.Underline the correct words.

1. Sujata (was baking ,were baking) a cake when I phoned her.
2. Some boys (was playing ,were playing) near the flooded drain.
3. You (was studying ,were studying) in Japan in that time.
4. While she (was wiping ,were wiping) the tables , she found a gold ring.
5. As he (was closing ,were closing) his shop two customers came.
6. The men (was gambling ,were gambling) when the policemen arrived.
7. The women (was quarrelling ,were quarrelling) over their children.

8. We (was taking ,were taking) photographs when the storm started.
9. I (was introducing ,were introducing) Abu to Lina when you interrupted us.
10. As she (was going ,were going) upstairs , someone knocked on the door.
11. As they (was climbing ,were climbing) over the fence , the gardener saw them.
12. While Fong and Lim (was fishing ,were fishing) ,they saw a little boy drowning.
13. While my mother (was washing ,were washing) the clothes, the postman came.
14. He (was looking ,were looking) at the sky when a jet flew past.
15. A motorcyclist honked at me while I (was crossing ,were crossing) the road.



A. Underline the correct words.

1. I (is drying ,am drying) the clothes now.
2. The customers (is bargaining ,are bargaining) over the price of the groceries.
3. The men (are breaking ,is breaking) down the walls of the old building.
4. A cat (is running ,are running) after the chickens.
5. The farmers (is ploughing ,are ploughing) the padi fields.
6. The announcer (is making ,are making) an announcement.
7. The village headman (is advising ,are advising) the villagers.
8. His uncle and aunt (is visiting ,are visiting) them this week.
9. Muthu and Selvam (is planting ,are planting) some flowers.
10. Stop!You (is going ,are going) the wrong way.
11. The plants (is growing ,are growing) healthily.
12. They (is selling ,are selling) carpets cheaply.
13. The football players (is practising ,are practising) for the Merdeka Cup.
14. A seagull (is flying ,are flying) above our heads.
15. My mother (is pounding ,are pounding) some pepper.
16. The girls (is watching ,are watching) a scary movie.
17. A few firemen (is trying ,are trying) to put out the fire.
18. It (is raining ,are raining) cats and dogs.
19. The teachers and pupils (is preparing ,are preparing) for a trip.
20. She (is decorating ,are decorating) the house for Hari Raya.

B. Underline the correct words.

1. Simon (was having ,were having) lunch at the stop when we arrived.
2. The boys (was practising ,were practising) when it started to rain.
3. Rahman (was telling ,were telling) me an interesting story this morning.
4. While Dr.Kumari (was working ,were working) in the hospital her son stayed with us.
5. As Mrs.Goh (was cleaning ,were cleaning) the house , the postman came.
6. Puan Fatimah (was teaching ,were teaching) us when the fire alarm rang.
7. I (was writing ,were writing) a letter to Anitha last night when the lights went out.

8. I was a small boy when Punch Gunalan (was playing ,were playing) badminton for Malaysia.
9. While Aziz and Mani (was waiting ,were waiting) for me my father returned.
10. The fire broke out while my mother (was cooking ,were cooking) in the kitchen.
11. When we reached the airport , the plane (was leaving ,were leaving).
12. Sue and Leela (was cycling ,were cycling) home when the accident happen.
13. I met Johari while I (was going ,were going) to the market.
14. We (was watching ,were watching) television when lightning struck a tree.
15. The driver honked at the old lady while she (was crossing ,were crossing) the road.
16. The scouts saw a tiger while they (was camping ,were camping) in the jungle.
17. We (was sleeping ,were sleeping) when the burglar entered our house.
18. Someone came to see me while I (was watching ,were watching) the match.
19. While the girls (was cooking ,were cooking) the boys cleaned the house.
20. As he (was coming ,were coming) out of his house , he heard the telephone ring.



A.Undekine the correct words.

1. I (has ,have) returned your book.
2. Chee Keong (has ,have) taken his belongings.
3. They have (ate ,eaten) the whole jackfruit.
4. Baskaran has (polished ,polishing) the car.
5. She has (goes ,gone) to the Art Gallery.
6. The rain has already (stop ,stopped).We can continue our journey.
7. Some workers have (built ,build) a fence around the pond.
8. My teacher (has ,have) taught us about loyalty to our country.
9. We have never (be ,been) to PulauKapas.
10. Who has (broke ,broken) my favourite vase?
11. Rozita has just (told telling) us the good news.
12. A few pupils (has ,have) broken the school rules.
13. Rokiah has (come ,came) to my house many times before.
14. Has Sarah (injured ,injuring) herself?
15. They (has ,have) beaten us at chess a couple of times before.
16. Azlina hasnt (corrected ,correction) her mistakes yet.
17. All the members (has ,have) decided to cancel the trip.
18. He (has ,have) promised to take me to the circus.
19. Do not disturb the hen.It (hasnt ,havent) laid any eggs yet.
20. Has your sister ever (drove ,driven) alone to Pulau Pinang?
21. Her friends have never (spoke ,spoken) to me politely.
22. What have you (done ,doing) to my plants?
23. Selina should (has ,have) listened to her parents advice.
24. Have they (noticed ,noticing) the change in you?
25. His parents have already (sees ,seen) his report card.
26. You havent been (practised ,practising) for the last two weeks.
27. The guard (has ,have) been standing at the post since 2.00 p.m
28. They have been (calling ,called) you for the last ten minutes.
29. The rain (has ,have) been pouring for an hour now.
30. I have been(rode ,riding) a motorcycle since I was fifteen.

31. Choo (has ,have) been mowing the lawn for half an hour.
32. Abidah has not been (doing ,done) her duty lately.
33. They have been (built ,building) the overhead bridge since last month.
34. We (has ,have) been living in Kuala Lumpur since I was born.
35. Rakesh (has ,have) been combing his hair for ten minutes.
36. The gardener has been (worked ,working) in this school since 1982.
37. Fishes have been (living ,lived) in water ever since the beginning of time.
38. Have you been (took ,taking) your medicine.
39. The clowns (has ,have) been juggling the balls for more than twenty minutes.
40. He (has , have) been staying with his grandparents ever since he was small.
41. The maid has been(milked ,milking) the cows since 6.00 a.m.
42. Neither Siti nor her sister (has ,have) been studying hard.
43. Hamdans uncle has been (looked ,looking) for him for three days.
44. Wolves (has ,have) been attacking the goats for the past two weeks.
45. The wind has been (blowing ,blown) strongly since this morning.
46. Some irresponsible hawkers have been (thrown ,throwing) rubbish into the drain.
47. Both Yusoff and Chee Keong (has ,have) not been paying attention in class.
48. Farmers have been (using ,used) buffaloes to plough their padi fields for years.
49. Suzlianti (has ,have) been typing since she came to work.
50. Mother has been (beaten ,beating) the eggs for a few minutes.


A.Underline the correct answers.
1. The school holidays (begins ,will begin) next month.
2. My brother (is being ,will be) twenty-one tomorrow.
3. Many animals (shall ,will) die if the jungle is cleared.
4. I think I (shall be ,will) visiting my cousins next month.
5. My aunt (shall ,will) take me to Pulau Pinang next week.
6. The doctor (shall ,will) attend to you in a moment.
7. There (will be ,shall be) a hockey practise this evening.
8. We (shall ,will be) have a party tonight.
9. Susan (shall be ,will be) going to London next week.
10. I (wont ,will be) invite you to my house again if you misbehave.
11. The pupils (shall be ,will be) sitting for the examination next month.
12. The headmistress (will ,shall) give a speech in a few minutes.
13. I (will be ,shall) return your book later.
14. I (am going to ,is going to) borrow some money from her.
15. Can you lend me a raincoat?It looks like it (are going to ,is going to) rain.
16. Mr.Arnold is a proud man.He (shall ,wont) take anybodys advice.
17. (Shall .Will be) I make you some hot coffee?
18. The alarm (will ,will be) ringing in a moment.
19. The bus (will be ,shall be) arriving in an hour.
20. We (will be ,shall) there on time ,boys.Dont worry.
21. They (is going to ,are going to) wash the car later.
22. I (is going to ,am going to) make a kite this evening.
23. The cows (will be ,shall) taken to the field to graze.
24. Please hurry up!We (is going to ,are going to) be late.
25. The scouts (will be ,shall be) camping tonight.
26. The fishermen (shant be ,wont be) fishing during the monsoon season.
27. Our class teacher (will ,shall) sing a song at the concert tonight.
28. (Will ,Shall ) our team win the match next Sunday?
29. My headmaster (will be ,shall) retiring at the end of this year.
30. I (will ,will be) a man in ten years time.



A. Fill in the blanks with am , is , are , was or were.

1. Thilaga___________________a good badminton player.He is on the school team.
2. I _____________________in Medan last week.
3. The flowers__________________very beautiful.
4. You__________________making a lot of noise just now.
5. He____________________having lunch an hour ago.
6. A butterfly___________________a beautiful insect.
7. The bread-vendor____________________late today , isnt he?
8. Do you think I ____________________handsome?
9. It___________________ very late when they left.
10. A big crowd___________________gathering outside the hall now.
11. Vegetables__________________good for us.
12. Look!Some boys_____________________playing marbles under that tree.Lets join them.
13. Somebody_____________________looking for you just now.
14. Those people there_________________Indonesians.They are tourist.
15. Many years ago we_______________living in Terengganu Darul Iman.
16. Suria__________________older than I by two years.
17. I __________________having my bath just now.
18. Monkeys________________very hairy animals.
19. Why_________________you not paying attention while I was teaching?
20. She__________________at the bookshop a few minutes ago.
21. A mosquito________________smaller than a house-fly.
22. The sky________________very dark.It might rain.
23. He says I __________________smarter than he is.
24. It___________________a public holiday yesterday.
25. Look!Smoke_____________________coming out of that building.
26. Fruit___________________very costly in Sabah.
27. Get up! You____________________sitting on my chair.
28. No one___________________helping the old lady just now.
29. We___________________going to climb up Mount Kinabalu during the holidays.
30. A long time ago , there_________________only a few people living on that island.

B. Fill in the blanks with has , have or had.

1. A cactus plant__________________many thorns on its item.
2. Only insects_________________six leg.
3. Razak____________________ many friends in this town.He is very popular.
4. People do not__________________scales on their bodies.
5. The man__________________a few cars but now he has only one.
6. We____________________some old magazines. We gave them away.
7. Malaysia___________________many beautiful beaches.
8. Some children___________________bad habits.
9. My grand mother_________________thick black hair when she was young.
10. This movie__________________many beautiful scenes.
11. Does your aunt_________________many children?
12. He does not___________________any brothers or sisters.
13. Theplayers do not____________________much energy left.
14. The girl does not__________________a home to live in.
15. This village__________________many fruit trees some years ago.
16. Some animals_________________very thick fur.
17. This lizard_________________two tails.
18. Wendy________________a very expensive watch.
19. The lady________________a Proton Saga but now she drives a Proton Wira.
20. Malaysia________________an equatorial climate.
21. Do you________________enough money for the trip.
22. Rosmina_________________three goldfish but they are all dead now.
23. This kampung________________a very small population.
24. Does your sister_________________a lot of dresses?
25. He does not__________________any extra shirts to lend you.
26. The zoo___________________many camels two years ago.
27. Plants that do not__________________chlorophyll cannot make their own food.
28. The Sultan Abdul Samad building_________________many windows.
29. Razak_________________a lot of experience working as a mechanic.He is a valuable employee.
30. I ________________many friends when I was in Kelantan Darul Naim.


C. Fill in the blanks with do , does or did.

1. We_______________understand why you cannot come.
2. She_______________not eat anything this morning.
3. ________________the child have any problems?He looks very sad.
4. ________________you live in this village?
5. _________________Maimunah wash her hair yesterday?
6. He__________________not know naybody in my class.He is new here.
7. An earthworm__________________not have any legs.
8. Mushrooms__________________not make their own food.
9. The bougainvillae__________________not have blue petals.
10. ____________________a bamboo plant bear fruit?
11. ____________________your parents allow you to play hockey?My parents do.
12. The old man____________________not talk to anybody after his sons death.He was very upset.
13. He__________________not do his homework last night.
14. ___________________Malik play the guitar well?Rani thinks he plays very well.
15. ___________________people still live in caves?
16. ________________we need to bring our own drawing papers for the test?
17. He_________________not return the library book so he was fined.
18. _________________she have enough sleep every day?
19. __________________birds like to live in cages?
20. __________________Kumar cut his hair?He looks very neat.
21. She__________________not each much because she wants to lose weight.
22. We_________________not know who he is.We have never met him.
23. His bicycle_________________not have a head lamp.
24. Infants_________________not have any teeth.
25. Why__________________Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan?
26. The woman_________________not take care of herself.She looks sickly.
27. Safrin_______________not wear his school badge yesterday.
28. The girl________________not ask for permission.
29. __________________children think like adults?
30. __________________your father take you to the movies?


D. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. Nobody________________in the library now.
2. A few of the mangoes you bought__________________unripe.Eat the ripe ones first.
3. The children________________not enjoy themselves just now.
4. Each of the baskets_______________fifty eggs.Please be careful with them.
5. You________________not answered a few you need more time?
6. _________________they at home when you went to their house?
7. Neither my brother nor I _________________good at Mathematics.
8. Mr.and Mrs.Robert_________________not like durians.They cannot stand the smell.
9. The beggar________________given only a little food to eat.He finished it very quickly.
10. One of the bank robbers_________________a gun.He pointed is at the bank teller.
11. The bride and the bridgeroom__________________left the church.
12. Kim will win the race because she__________________the fastest.
13. _____________________you know the answer?
14. Did you___________________a good time at the party?
15. Saw Lian___________________dinner with her aunt yesterday.
16. Someone_______________peeping through the hole in the wall.I wonder who it is.
17. Some of the goats_______________not eating well.They must be sick.
18. We__________________not bring our raincoats so we got wet in the rain.
19. Every pupils in this class___________________a diary.
20. Do you_________________any questions regarding the trip?
21. They_________________in the room when the earthquake occured.
22. I __________________always early to bed but late to rise.
23. Rani and Vani____________________not look alike although they are twins.
24. One of the durians___________________no seeds in it.Try it.
25. The telephone____________________invented by Alexander Graham Bell.



A.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.

1. Frogs_________________(croak) and bees______________(buzz).
2. Dont disturb Mei Ling.She_________________(be) very upset.
3. Mr.Chan______________(be) a swimming instructor.He_____________(teach) children to swim.
4. His hair________________(be) too long.He_________________(need) a haircut.
5. PakWan and Pak Sim__________________(love) to watch cartoons.Their favourite cartoon
________________(be) Tom and Jerry.
6. The news___________________(come) on at six oclock.
7. The mice__________________(be) caught in the trap last night.
8. His shorts_________________(have) just been washed.
9. Neither Halim nor his brothers_______________(own) a bicycle.
10. We are certain that either Chooi Lye or Kim Soon________________(have) told him our secret.

B.Choose the more suitable answer from the brackets.

1. I (arrange ,arranges) all my stamps neatly in an album.
2. Our new furniture (has ,have) finally been delivered.
3. It (was ,were) nearly midnight when she returned home.
4. The theft (was ,were) discovered only this morning.
5. Winter (come ,comes) after autumn.
6. Both the boys (take ,takes) the bus to school.
7. Mr.and Mrs.Nair (live ,lives) in Taman Sepakat.
8. Either Mr.Chong or Encik Ghazali (is ,are) familiar with the place.
9. The alligator and the crocodile (look ,looks) quite similar to each other.
10. Neither Mazlan nor Chandran (think ,thinks) Azman will win the race.

C.Choose the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. None of the boys_____________(want) to eat the cake.All of them______________(be) too full.
2. Either Jamal and Vijandran_______________(have) lost weight or the weighing-machine
_________________(be) spoilt.

3. The book that you__________________(be) telling me about_________________(cost) twenty
4. Here______________(be) your keys.I______________(hope) you will not misplace them again.
5. Much of the advice he__________________(give) us_______________(be) useless.
6. Some of my friends________________(feel) that our tuition class ___________________(be) too big.
7. Joseph and I ________________(be) going to buy the tickets for the show tonight.
8. Either you_________________(be) right or he_______________(be).
9. Neither Amran nor his brothers___________________(play) the guitar but his sister
10. Which of these two pairs of trousers_________________(fit) you?
11. Razak_________________(be) one of the few students who_________________(speak) English.
12. Mr.and Mrs.Chans decision to sell the house and move to Ipoh___________________(be)
made yesterday.


Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the Simple Present Tense form of the verb given in the brackets.

The child to school by bus. (go)
The child goes to school by bus.

1. Every one at him when he (look, sing)

2. The nurse .. care of the child. (take)

3. My mother at the goat. (shout)

4. A good teacher to understand his students. (try)

5. The old man always .on the bench near the tree. (sit)

6. The driver of the bus right at the junction. (turn)

7. I to school. (walk)

8. He .every time I him. (laugh, call)

9. Extra-curricular activities at six oclock. (end)

10. His wife never .to dress well. (bother)

11. Mariam .as a clerk in that company. (work)

12. Everything good. (seem)

13. The firm .a lot of money every year. (lose)

14. She geography at the college. (teach)

15. My village .clean. (look)

16. You ..a sentence with a full stop. (end)

17. Their dresses always (look)

18. One of his sons be an engineer. (wish)

19. The durian tree ..bigger every year. (grow)

20. He to take some water to the buffaloes. (want)

21. Advertising many forms. (occur)

22. They soon .rich. (become)

23. The boy ..the top student in his class. (become)

24. Businessmen .no time for sport. (have)

25. Everyone what bicycle is. (know)

26. Aminah ..a new dress every year. (buy)

27. The planting season .round every August. (come)

28. Few people .the law. (disobey)

29. The water level . when it rains. (rise)

30. A student .her knowledge by reading. (increase)

31. Hashim never .his parents. (disobey)

32. The wood .with a bright yellow flame. (burn)

33. People in the country .which padi is good. (know)

34. Most rich people in the cities. (live)

35. They .as construction workers. (work)

36. The boys and girls .in the Hall. (study)

37. He improve his handwriting. (have)

38. Some of them more than one house. (have)

39. All the shops in my town .to rich men. (belongs)

40. She .the ground for planting. (prepare)

41. The fishermen in all kinds of fish. (bring)

42. He advice to all those who come to see him. (give)

43. Each of the villagers a padi plot. (own)

44. The governmentthe responsibility of keeping people satisfied. (have)

45. His face ..happiness. (show)

46. The secretary all the letters first. (read)

47. A good teacher always..the lessons interesting. (make)


48. I that you are wrong. (feel)

49. Reading ..students to broaden their knowledge. (enable)

50. She to work while I .the bus. (drive, ride)

51. Every morning, she to her favourite radio station. (listen)

52. Misha Omar ..her hit song at the concert. (perform)

53. Both groups the assembly compound. (march)

54. We .this exhibition is a success. (think)

55. Rahman his homework before five o clock. (finish)

56. Muthusamy ..fluent English and Tamil. (speak)

57. Those people ..riding motorcycles dangerously. (love)

58. He his car properly. (park)

59. Many parents .their children to kindergarten. (send)

60. I could come here with your family. (wish)

61. My neighbours warm and friendly. (is)

62. you know the way to the museum? (do)

63. Pn. Salmah . Fish from the fishmonger every morning. (buy)

64. My friends and I fishing every Saturday morning. (go)

65. We will go on a holiday if mother .. well. (get)

66. Squirrels fruits. (like)

67. The clock . every hour. (strike)

68. Every Tuesday, my father . to work. (drive)

69. Sunlight .. useful to us. (is)

70. My sister for a law firm in Hong Kong. (work)

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