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Students should be able to;
1. know the format and requirement of this section.
2. know how to obtain the correct answers to the questions in this section.
3. practice answering questions in this section.


1. Questions on the Rational Cloze are found in Section B of the PMR English Paper 1
2. In the exam, you will be given one passage with ten blanks (presently Qs 11 20).
3. Students need to choose the best answer from the options given for each blank.
4. Rational cloze is actually a test on grammar and vocabulary.
5. Therefore, use the grammar notes to answer the questions.


1. First, read through the passage once.

2. Then, read it again to get the feel and the general idea of what the passage is about.

3. Take note of the tenses used in the passage. If the text is in the past tense, it is likely
that the answers be in the corresponding tense too.

4. Be aware of the subject-verb agreement.

5. Look at the options given. Read them carefully.

6. In the options given, be careful of words that seem similar but have different

7. Study the sentences before and after the blanks for clues to the answers.

8. Eliminate the obvious wrong answers. Pick the most likely answer from the option

10. Choose the correct answer and place it in the blank. Read the passage again with all
the answers to ensure the smooth flow of the passage.

11. If you do not know the answer to a blank, go on to the next one. You can always
come back to that particular blank later.

The teacher is advised to drill the students on the tips when answering this section. Anaphoric and
cataphoric references ought to be taught as well.


Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best
answer from the options A, B and C or A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

1 A apply
B applied
C applying
D applications

2 A and
B but
C or
D so

3 A go
B see
C have
D attain

4 A way
B job
C role

5 A our
B your
C their
D they

6 A something
B somewhere
C anything
D anywhere

7 A busily
B quickly
C loudly
D actively

8 A which
B who
C whose
D how

9 A signs
B methods
C abilities
D moods

10 A Every
B Any
C Some
D Either
Participating in extracurricular activities benefits you in many ways. It looks good on college
and job __(1)__ and shows potential employers you are responsible __(2)__ well-rounded.
Specific activities help to __(3)__ specific goals. For example, if you want to teach a
language or get a bilingual __(4)__, being the president of a language club shows the depth of
___(5)___ commitment.
The most basic reason for joining a club is that it gives you __(6)__ better to do than merely
staring at the wall or wandering down the hallway. People who are __(7)__ involved in
extracurricular activities are likely to become addicted to bad habits like drinking and smoking.
When deciding on __(8)__ society to join, listen to other students experiences. Think about
your interests, __(9)__ and time available. Think about the different roles within the groups that you
might want to try. __(10)__ role is important and exposes you to different things. For example, being
president teaches you leadership and management skills.


Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best
answer from the options A, B and C or A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

1 A sell
B sales
C selling
D saleable

2 A Tough
B Though
C Thought
D Thorough

3 A showing
B showed
C show
D shows

4 A whom
B whose
C which
D who

5 A played
B play
C playing
D plays

6 A own
B owns
C owned
D owners

7 A onto
B into
C over
D after

8 A awareness
B aware
C beware
D unaware

9 A saw
B see
C sees
D seen

10 A is
B are
C was
D were

Board games are becoming an increasingly popular pastime among adults all over the world.
In Malaysia, statistics on the __(1)__ of games such as Monopoly and Scrabble show a rise too.
__(2)__ relatively underdeveloped, the market for board games __(3)___ great potential.
Board games are now described as a means by __(4)__ ones social circle is expanded.
Young people seem to be __(5)__ long sessions of Scrabble and Monopoly.
According to toy shop __(6)__, more people, especially those of the younger generation, are
getting __(7)__ board games. They are becoming more __(8)__ of the educational and
entertainment value of board games. Every year, we can __(9)__ an addition of about five games.
The most saleable __(10)__ the oldies like Mad Magazine, Mastermind, Monopoly, Scrabble and
Uno; all of which are quite expensive.
In the more recent times, famous movies like The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars have also
been translated into classic board games like chess, Monopoly and Risk.



Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best
answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

1 A What
B Which
C Who
D Whom

2 A at
B on
C in
D of

3 A take
B takes
C taking
D taken

4 A serve
B served
C service
D servicing

5 A during
B since
C after
D from

6 A Of
B At
C On
D In

7 A but
B and
C if
D or

8 A hold
B held
C holds
D holding

9 A progressed
B progress
C progressive
D progression

10 A around
B above
C under
D over
A warmest congratulations to Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, __(1)__ will be installed as the
Yang di-Pertuan Agong ___(2)___April 26. The royal ceremony, admirably steeped in Malay
traditions and customs, will be ___(3)___ place at the Istana Negara.
The Malay Rulers elected Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin 44, to ___(4)___ as the 13
di-Pertuan Agong for five years ___(5)___ Dec 13 last year, succeeding Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin
Syed Putra Jamalullail. _(6)_ the two months up to the date of the installation, a conventional
parade ___(7)___ a royal exhibition will be ___(8)___ and a documentary on the Malay Sultanate
will be a ___(9)___ in the works before being shown ___(10)___ the world.

Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best
answer from the options A, B and C or A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

1 A good
B better
C best
D nice

2 A a
B an
C the

3 A lets
B let
C letting
D to let

4 A across
B above
C out
D in

5 A go
B goes
C went
D going

6 A reinforce
B reinforced
C reinforcing
D reinforcement

7 A exercise
B exercises
C exercising
D exercised

8 A of
B on
C for
D into

9 A with
B for
C as
D or

10 A help
B helps
C helped
D helping

The telephone seems to bring out either the __(1)__or the worst in people. If people are
looking for __(2)__ opportunity to be rude and unmannerly, the telephone __(3)__ them do just
that. On the other hand, you can bring __(4)__ the very best in the person on the other end of
the line by __(5)__ the extra mile in courtesy. You can __(6)__ your friendships and social
contracts by __(7)__ your very best manners and you can do a world of good __(8)__ your
company by handling callers __(9)__ sympathy, consideration and a genuine determination to


Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best
answer from the options A, B and C or A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

A French proverb says, Punctuality is the politeness of the Kings. Thus, being on time
consistently __(1)__ everyone around you that you are the master of your life. Being punctual
requires a good measure __(2)__ discipline. Once we __(3)__ discipline ourselves, being
punctual automatically becomes second nature to ___(4)___ . On the other hand, ___(5)___ old
habits can be really tough. Giving yourself a small reward for being punctual will give you an
____(6)____ to be on time. The rewards need not be extravagant. It can be something special
that celebrates the task that you ___(7)___ accomplished. On top of that, give yourself enough
time to get ready. You dont want to rush ___(8)___ that will likely make you forget things. If you
have an early appointment, ___(9)___ the night before by getting your clothes ready and making
sure that everything you need such as your books and bags __(10)__ ready to go.

Adapted from NST June 30th 2012

1 A show
B shows
C shown
D showed

2 A of
B at
C with
D from

3 A can
B will
C must
D shall

4 A it
B us
C her
D him

5 A splitting
B opening
C leaving
D breaking
6 A incentive
B opportunity
C appointment
D understanding

7 A has
B had
C have
D having

8 A so
B while
C when
D because

9 A prepare
B prepares
C prepared
D preparing

10 A is
B am
C are
D has



Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best
answer from the options A, B and C or A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

There are many ways a teenager who has problems can __(1)__ help. He or she can see the school
counselor and ___(2)___ him or her the problems. They can also talk to their friends, who __(3)__
not be able to give much advice but will help __(4)__ listening to the problems. This helps a lot
especially if the emotions are __(5)___ for a long time. Another way is to talk to their family members.
They can either talk to their parents, brothers, sisters __(6)__ relatives. Teenagers usually do not like
to talk to their family members because they are either ___(7)___ or afraid. They do not know that
these are the ___(8)____ people who will be able to help them. Whatever the problem, teenagers
should understand that there is always a ___(9)____ and a person willing __(10)___ help.

1 A fine
B find
C found
D finding

2 A tell
B tells
C told
D telling

3 A can
B may
C will
D shall

4 A to
B by
C for
D with

5 A keeping
B keep
C keeps
D kept

6 A and
B but
C or
D so

7 A shy
B deaf
C brave
D humble

8 A best
B worst
C worse
D better

9 A problem
B solution
C reason
D confession

10 A to
B by
C for
D with



Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best
answer from the options A, B and C or A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

My family and I went to Pulau Langkawi last week. We took a bus from Ipoh to the jetty at Kuala
Perlis. When we reached Kuala Perlis, we boarded __(1)__ ferry to Pulau Langkawi. When I
spotted the large statue of an eagle, I __(2)___ excited.
We stayed in a four-star hotel. It was _____(3)_____ and the view was stunning. We could
see the seaside __(4)__ our hotel rooms. The water ___(5)___ crystal clear.
The next day, we ___(6)___ shopping. Pekan Kuah is a shopping paradise. We saw
busloads of people ___(7)___ there to shop. You can find household items, crystal ware,
handicrafts ___(8)___ even beautiful silk material in Pekan Kuah. My mother felt at home here, as
shopping is ____(9)____ favourite pastime.
__(10)__ left the island early the next morning. We will be going there again next year.

1 A that
B the
C one
D an

2 A is
B are
C was
D were

3 A comfort
B comforting
C comfortable
D comforted

4 A at
B to
C with
D from

5 A look
B looks
C looked
D looking

6 A go
B goes
C went
D going

7 A going
B running
C visiting
D boarding

8 A or
B so
C but
D and

9 A our
B her
C his
D my

10 A They
B We
C She
D You


Exercise 8

Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question,
choose the best answer from the options A, B and C or A, B, C and D to fit the
numbered blanks.

Ramli enjoys fishing. That morning, he had been fishing __(1)__ hours without
success. He sat by __(2)___ river bank patiently. He was getting bored __(3)__ sleepy.
Suddenly, he sat up straight. He __(4)__ a flashing light a mile away. What could
that be? he whispered to ___(5)____.
Ramli __ (6)___ his head slowly from side to side. He was trying to __(7)___ it
again. Yes, there it was. The second flash was like a mirror coming __(8)__ the island.
Ramli pondered for a while. Could someone be __(9)__ distress? I must act quickly or
else someone is going to die. Within seconds, Ramli ___(10)___ in his fishing rod and ran
home to inform his father.

1 A in
B on
C by
D for

2 A a
B an
C the

3 A and
B but
C or
D so

4 A see
B sees
C seeing
D saw

5 A yourself
B himself
C herself
D itself

6 A move
B moves
C moved
D moving

7 A catch
B catches
C caught
D catching

8 A along
B from
C towards
D among

9 A in
B on
C under
D for

10 A draw
B draws
C drew
D drawing


Exercise 9

Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best
answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blanks.

Aidel waited in the shadows of the trees. It was eleven before he __(1)__ the two men emerge from
the house. Quickly, he phoned Haqimi to __(2)__ him, all the while keeping an eye on the two men.
The two men walked ___(3)____ towards the beach. One of them __(4)__ something under his arm. It
looked like a box. Aidel was ___(5)____ that they were going to make their escape in a boat. Where on
earth was Haqimi? If he fouled up this mission he would be fired __(6)__ their chief.
Not wanting to wait any longer, Aidel stepped out of __(7)__ hiding place and followed the
two men, cat-like, ___(8)____ them to keep just far enough so as not to be invisible. The two walked
to a small hut on the beach ___(9)___ stopped at the door for a smoke. Aidel called up Haqimi again
but ___(10)___ he could even say a word, sirens were heard in the distance. The whole team of two
patrol cars drove up and the two men had no chance of escaping. It was a job well done.

1 A see
B saw
C sees
D seeing

2 A inform
B enquire
C scold
D whisper

3 A noisily
B slowly
C briskly
D knowingly

4 A has
B have
C had
D having

5 A pleased
B certain
C happy
D shocked

6 A by
B of
C up
D for

7 A its
B his
C her
D their

8 A allow
B allowed
C allowing
D allows

9 A but
B and
C so
D as

10 A as
B later
C soon
D before


Exercise 10

Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best
answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blanks.

When Hari Raya arrives, the whole family gets up early in the morning. ___(1)___ a refreshing bath
and dressing up in new clothes, it is customary for the children to greet ___(2)___ parents by kissing their
hands and asking for forgiveness as well __(3)___ blessings.
A light breakfast is taken before everyone goes to the ___(4)___ mosque for special Hari Raya prayers.
Greetings are exchanged with fellow Muslims. ___(5)___ whose loved ones have passed away visit the
graveyard to pay respects to the departed.
Open houses are a common sight __(6)__ Hari Raya and Malaysians of other races visit their Muslim
friends to celebrate the happy occasion together. A wide variety of cakes and cookies are __(7)___ to the
guests. Traditional Malay dishes like ketupat, lemang, and rendang are also prepared.
Usually the celebrations last for three days but ___(8)____ relatives and having open houses continue
till the end of the Syawal month. Hari Raya reunites families and friends like the other religious festivals
celebrated ___(9)____ . It is a day looked forward to by ___(10)___ Muslims and non-Muslims as a day of
celebration, fun and gaiety.

1 A After
B Before
C Because
D Since

2 A my
B our
C their
D your

3 A as
B or
C for
D yet

4 A near
B nearing
C nearer
D nearest

5 A He
B She
C Those
D That
6 A along
B while
C since
D during

7 A serving
B served
C serves
D serve

8 A visit
B visits
C visited
D visiting

9 A everywhere
B somewhere
C nowhere
D anywhere

10 A both
B some
C several
D most


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