Blue Flag, Official: Iris Versicolor

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Blue Flag, Official

Iris versicolor
Family: Iridaceae TOXIC
Herbaceous perennial. Native to the southern and eastern United States. Water
plant. This is an indigenous plant, ith brilliant violet!blue blossoms variegated ith
yello and hite, interspersed ith purple veins. "lue Flag rhi#ome as an honored
remedy o$ the Native %mericans and then the &clectics. It as employed in $re'uent
and minute dosage to simulate the lymphatic $lo, to clear the s(in, to treat menstrual
problems, $ullness o$ the thyroid, rheumatism and herpes. The rhizome is potentially
toxic, and should only be used in prescribed dosages under the care o$ a
(noledgeable health care practitioner. Cultivation: &)tra care, but reardingly
possible. *ight dependent germinator. +ress into sur$ace o$ soil and (eep moist. For
best results, so in $all, midinter or very early spring in outdoor nursery beds. Seed
has naturally lo germination rate. Set out plants in moist garden soil, at the edge o$
ater or in shallo ater, , inches apart. Floers $rom - to . $eet tall. Note: This is
a ne seed source. The seed as pic(ed $rom the giant "lue Flags hich thrive in the
samps o$ South /eorgia. It is big seed and 'uite virulent.
0eturn to Herb Seed Inde)

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