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My Day Parvana

Today was a fairly normal day at the marketplace. As

usual it was hard to help father down the stairs, but at
least I dont have to stay inside like Nooria does.
I cant remember when the Taliban werent around.
Even though they have been in Kabul my whole life,
they still frighten me when I see them. It is hard to
imagine Kabul filled with sweet aromas of Lavash
and Naan and music streaming from the streets.
Where there are bombed out buildings now, would
have been brightly coloured flowers.
Today, we saw a woman in a burqa fall down. Father
explained that for some people, wearing a burqa is
very disorientating. Its very easy to see women on
the street with their bright blue burqas.
When we got to the marketplace I laid out our
blanket and things for Father to sell. Father then set
up his pens and writing paper. Today we had some
plates, bowls, sheets and pillowcases to sell. Over
time Ive got used to sitting on the cold floor, though
when I get up in the afternoon after Father has no
more customers, my feet have fallen asleep.
I like learning about peoples lives when Father reads
letters to customers. I probably shouldnt eavesdrop
At the end of the day, we packed the pens, writing
paper, the remains of the things to sell and the
blanket and walked home.
On the way home Father pointed out Mount Parvana
and how beautiful it looked.

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