John Clay Current CV 2014 Ver 1

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John David Clay

2 Sergison Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1HS

Tel: 01444 443137 or 0713 01! 2""
#$%ail: s&reen0076"2'yahoo(&o(u)
Ha*ing +uali,ied with a -S& in .ine%atogra/hy and 0ost 0rodu&tion 1 ha*e a strong *isual
sensiti*ity and high lighting &a/a2ility( 13% ,a%iliar with the range o, lighting o/tions 4
resour&es a*aila2le in the industry, and 2oth H5 and traditional ,il% &a%era syste%s(
.a%era /ro&edure and o/erating is a &o%,orta2le area where 13% sustaining and ex/anding
%y s)ills de*elo/%ent(
Re&ent a&ti*ities:
Sin&e &o%/leting %y -S& 1 ha*e attended se*eral short &ourses to u/date and ex/and on %y
+uali,i&ations in&luding(
Red #/i&4 S&arlet ,a%iliarisation 6-1, 7orth 8&tion, 9Se/te%2er 2011: 8rri 8lexa training
6- 7orth 8&tion 9-ay 2012: The ;uerrilla <il%%a)ers se%inars at Regent .ollege 9=une
2012,13: the 21
.entury Storyteller -et <il% S&hool 98ugust 2012:(
1 ha*e wor)ed on se*eral ,il%s4*ideos on a *ariety o, to/i&s and genres as s&ri/t su/er*isor,
&a%era o/erator, lighting and /rodu&tion assistant, /rodu&er:
Sign/osts do&u%entary Will ;e,,in 9=une 2012:, >ittle 5e*il -ax ?ar2er 9=uly 2012:
<esti*al =ody >ee 98ugust 2012: The >o*e 8,,air 95e&e%2er 2012: 1nter&hange 9<e2ruary
2013: The -arine3s Tale 98/ril 2013: >a 5ia2la 9-ay 2013: .a%ile 9=une 2013: @o/11
9=uly 2013: 1n Sear&h o, #l*is 98ugust 2013: The Waiting Roo% 9Se/te%2er 2013:
;reenwi&h set short 9A&to2er 2013: The 5ate 9A&to2er 2013: As)a ?right <il% <esti*al
97o*e%2er 2013: 1AB 9A&to2er 2013: C8&tion <il%3 9A&to2er 2013: Return 92014: .harlie
and the 5rea%girl 92014: The 0i -an 92014: 82out a ;oy 9-ay 2014: Tiny 5an&er 9-ay
2014: ;ates o, 6anity 98ugust 2014: .raDy ;ol, 9Se/te%2er 2014:
University Of Greeni!h" Se/te%2er 200 E 5e&e%2er 2010
-S& .ine%atogra/hy and 0ost 0rodu&tion with -erit
.ine%ati& #x/loration
0ost 0rodu&tion
<inal 0roFe&t 98rt o, Sound in ,il%:
#ri$hton Fil% &!hool" East &'sse(, Se/te%2er to 5e&e%2er 200"
An$lia R's)in University" Ca%*rid$e Se/te%2er 2004 E =uly 2007
?8 9.o%2ined Hons(: <il% Studies and 0hotogra/hi& and 5igital -edia 2:1
Film Studies E the &ourse in&luded History o, .ine%a, <il% and ;lo2alisation, .lassi&
Hollywood .ine%a, .onte%/orary 0o/ular .ine%a, Theorising the S/e&ular, .ine%a
and Sound, 1ntrodu&tion to 6ideo, and S&ri/twriting 9-aFor 0roFe&t 0 %inute
Photography $ the%es ex/lored in&lude 1dentity, The .onstru&ted 1%age, the ?oo)
9/rodu&ed a 2ound narrati*e set o, /hotogra/hs on the su2Fe&t o, the .a%2ridge ,ree
2us and its route:, -ulti/le Roles, Resear&h 0roFe&t E 8rt in 0u2li& S/a&es(
&'sse( Dons Colle$e" Lees" 2001$2004
8 >e*el <il% Studies: .
8 >e*el 0hotogra/hy: 8
8S >e*el -edia Studies: .
8S >e*el .riti&al Studies: ?
;.S# 0hotogra/hy: 8
;.S# #nglish: .
;.S# -aths: 5
Methodologies, Techniques and Professional Skills: <a%iliarity o, *arious 5igital &a%era
,or%ats and syste%s and related /lat,or%s( 1n /arti&ular:
Sony 0-W #G 3
Red Ane
8rri -o*ie.a% .o%/a&t 9Traditional 3!%%:
8rton 916%%:
IT Skills: 9so,tware and hardware utilised ,or 2oth /hotogra/hy and ,il% related /resentations
o*er 2oth undergraduate and /ostgraduate degrees::
0hotosho/ .S and later *ersions(
<inal .ut 0ro 7
Soundtra&) 0ro 3
7u)e 6er 6
8,ter #,,e&ts 6er !(!
Red .ine E G *er 1! 4 6(17 6(22(3
565 Studio 0ro 4
565 #n&ore
.olour 1(!
-i&roso,t A,,i&e a//li&ations $ Word, 0ower0oint
5rea%wea*er .S!
Others: #diting *ery o2ser*ant o, detail e(g( &ontinuity %ista)es4origins o, non$original
%usi&4&o%/osers styles, nota2le &ine%a te&hni&ians( 8 good *isual sense e(g( &a%era s)ills in
ter%s o, ,ra%ing and &o%/osition(
-y &ine%ati& interest has de*elo/ed in /arallel with %y /hotogra/hi& grounding with *arious
,il% and digital &a%eras in&luding .anon #os ! and #os 30( 1 study ,il%s4 T6 series ,ro% a
*ariety o, /ers/e&ti*es 9histori&al4 /oliti&al4,e%inist 4&ultural: and the whole genre s/e&tru%(
1 enFoy listening to &lassi&al or soundtra&) %usi& 9/o/ulist to slightly %ore un&on*entional
&o%/osers: and &o%/osing %ood %usi& on %y )ey2oard, so%e o, whi&h was utilised on %y
,inal -S& /roFe&t and /rodu&tions during the &ourse o, the degree(
1 also enFoy ,inding interesting lo&ations to /hotogra/h, su&h as 7ational Trust /ro/erties and
gardens, sin&e 1 was a Funior %e%2er ,or se*eral years( <urther a,ield 1 ha*e ,ound
/hotogra/hi& ins/iration in 0aris and ?erlin, where 1 %ade a study o, art in /u2li& s/a&es in
that &ity a ,ew years ago( 1 ha*e also /hotogra/hed 2oth .a%2ridge and ;reenwi&h in$
2etween %y studies(
-y interest or /arti&i/ation in s/orts is li%ited 2e&ause 1 a% disa2led as a result o, neonatal
%eningitis, whi&h &aused %otor and &ogniti*e dys/raxia( The use o, te&hnology ena2les %e
to o*er&o%e these disad*antages, 2ut a /ros/e&ti*e e%/loyer needs to 2e aware o, this(
8*aila2le u/on re+uest(

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