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gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
201 West 103rd Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46290
Command Reference
For more information on the Linux operating system and
Red Hat Software, Inc., check
Compiled by J. Purcell
Red Hat Software, Inc.
President Richard K. Swadley
Publisher and Director of Acquisitions Jordan Gold
Director of Product Development Dean Miller
Managing Editor KittyWilson Jarrett
Indexing Manager Johnna L. VanHoose
Director of Marketing Kelli S. Spencer
Associate Product Marketing Manager Jennifer Pock
Marketing Coordinator Linda Beckwith
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patent liability isassumed with respect to the use of the information contained
herein. Although every precaution hasbeen taken in the preparation of this
book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errorsor omissions.
Neither isany liability assumed for damagesresulting from the use of the
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W. 103rd St., Indianapolis, IN 46290.
International Standard Book Number: 0-672-31104-6
Library of CongressCatalog Card Number: 97-66202
2000 99 98 97 4 3 2 1
Interpretation of the printing code: the rightmost double-digit number isthe
year of the booksprinting; the rightmost single-digit, the number of the books
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Acquisitions Editor
GraceM. Buechlein
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Brian Proffitt
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Jack Belbot
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Erin Danielson, Bryan Flores,
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JulieSearls, SossitySmith
Part I
User Commands 2
Part II
System Calls 738
Part III
Library Functions 892
Part IV
Special Files 1064
Part V
File Formats 1104
Part VI
Games 1210
Part VII
Miscellaneous 1214
Administration and Privileged Commands 1258
Part IX
Kernel Reference Guide 1424
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
Part I User Commands
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 2
addftinfo ............................................................................................................... 2
afmtodit ................................................................................................................ 2
ansi2knr ................................................................................................................ 4
anytopnm ............................................................................................................. 4
appres ................................................................................................................... 5
ar .......................................................................................................................... 5
arch....................................................................................................................... 8
GNU as................................................................................................................ 8
asciitopgm........................................................................................................... 10
atktopbm ............................................................................................................ 10
bash .................................................................................................................... 11
bdftopcf .............................................................................................................. 47
beforelight ........................................................................................................... 47
biff ...................................................................................................................... 48
bioradtopgm ....................................................................................................... 48
bitmap, bmtoa, atobm ........................................................................................ 49
bmptoppm.......................................................................................................... 57
brushtopbm ........................................................................................................ 57
cal ....................................................................................................................... 58
cat ....................................................................................................................... 58
chattr .................................................................................................................. 59
chfn .................................................................................................................... 60
chgrp................................................................................................................... 61
chkdupexe........................................................................................................... 61
chmod................................................................................................................. 61
chown ................................................................................................................. 62
chsh .................................................................................................................... 63
ci ......................................................................................................................... 64
cidentd................................................................................................................ 69
cksum ................................................................................................................. 70
clear .................................................................................................................... 70
cmuwmtopbm .................................................................................................... 71
co........................................................................................................................ 71
col ....................................................................................................................... 76
colcrt ................................................................................................................... 77
colrm .................................................................................................................. 77
column................................................................................................................ 78
comm.................................................................................................................. 78
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
convdate.............................................................................................................. 79
cp........................................................................................................................ 80
cccp, cpp............................................................................................................. 81
crontab................................................................................................................ 84
csplit ................................................................................................................... 85
ctags.................................................................................................................... 87
cu........................................................................................................................ 88
cut ...................................................................................................................... 90
cvs....................................................................................................................... 91
date................................................................................................................... 106
dd ..................................................................................................................... 108
depmod, modprobe........................................................................................... 109
df ...................................................................................................................... 112
dig .................................................................................................................... 113
dnsquery ........................................................................................................... 117
domainname..................................................................................................... 119
dsplit ................................................................................................................. 119
du ..................................................................................................................... 120
editres............................................................................................................... 121
elvis, ex, vi, view, input ..................................................................................... 126
elvprsv............................................................................................................... 128
elvrec................................................................................................................. 129
emacs................................................................................................................ 130
emacstool .......................................................................................................... 134
etags.................................................................................................................. 135
expand .............................................................................................................. 137
find ................................................................................................................... 137
fitstopnm .......................................................................................................... 142
fmt .................................................................................................................... 143
fold ................................................................................................................... 143
free.................................................................................................................... 144
fsinfo................................................................................................................. 145
fslsfonts............................................................................................................. 145
fstobdf ............................................................................................................... 146
fstopgm............................................................................................................. 147
ftp..................................................................................................................... 147
fuser .................................................................................................................. 154
g++.................................................................................................................... 155
g3topbm ........................................................................................................... 160
gawk ................................................................................................................. 161
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
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gcal ................................................................................................................... 173
gcc, g++............................................................................................................. 174
gemtopbm ........................................................................................................ 201
geqn.................................................................................................................. 202
getlist ................................................................................................................ 206
getopt ................................................................................................................ 207
giftopnm........................................................................................................... 208
gindxbib............................................................................................................ 209
glookbib............................................................................................................ 210
gnroff ................................................................................................................ 210
gouldtoppm...................................................................................................... 211
gpic................................................................................................................... 211
gprof ................................................................................................................. 216
grefer ................................................................................................................. 217
grep, egrep, fgrep .............................................................................................. 224
grephistory........................................................................................................ 226
grodvi ............................................................................................................... 227
groff .................................................................................................................. 228
grog .................................................................................................................. 230
grops................................................................................................................. 230
grotty ................................................................................................................ 235
gsoelim.............................................................................................................. 236
gtbl ................................................................................................................... 236
gtroff ................................................................................................................. 237
gzip, gunzip, zcatgzip, gunzip, zcat .................................................................... 248
gzexe................................................................................................................. 252
head .................................................................................................................. 253
hexdump........................................................................................................... 254
hipstopgm......................................................................................................... 256
host ................................................................................................................... 257
hostid................................................................................................................ 258
hostname.......................................................................................................... 259
hpcdtoppm v0.3................................................................................................ 260
httpd................................................................................................................. 261
icontopbm ........................................................................................................ 262
ident ................................................................................................................. 262
ilbmtoppm........................................................................................................ 263
imake................................................................................................................ 264
imgtoppm......................................................................................................... 267
inews................................................................................................................. 267
info................................................................................................................... 269
innconfval ......................................................................................................... 270
insmod.............................................................................................................. 271
install ................................................................................................................ 272
installit .............................................................................................................. 273
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin ......................... 274
join ................................................................................................................... 282
kill .................................................................................................................... 283
killall ................................................................................................................. 284
ksyms................................................................................................................ 284
last .................................................................................................................... 285
lbxproxy............................................................................................................ 286
ld ...................................................................................................................... 287
lispmtopgm....................................................................................................... 292
lkbib ................................................................................................................. 292
ln ...................................................................................................................... 293
lndir .................................................................................................................. 294
locate ................................................................................................................ 295
logger ................................................................................................................ 295
login.................................................................................................................. 296
look................................................................................................................... 297
lpq .................................................................................................................... 298
lpr ..................................................................................................................... 299
lprm.................................................................................................................. 301
lptest ................................................................................................................. 302
ls, dir, vdir ......................................................................................................... 303
lsattr .................................................................................................................. 304
lsmod ................................................................................................................ 305
lynx................................................................................................................... 306
macptopbm....................................................................................................... 309
make................................................................................................................. 310
makedepend...................................................................................................... 312
makestrs............................................................................................................ 314
mattrib.............................................................................................................. 315
mbadblocks....................................................................................................... 316
mcd................................................................................................................... 316
mcookie............................................................................................................ 317
mcopy............................................................................................................... 317
md5sum............................................................................................................ 318
mdel .................................................................................................................. 318
mdeltree............................................................................................................ 319
mdir .................................................................................................................. 319
merge................................................................................................................ 320
mesg.................................................................................................................. 321
mformat ............................................................................................................ 321
mgrtopbm......................................................................................................... 322
mkdir ................................................................................................................ 323
mkdirhier .......................................................................................................... 323
mkfifo............................................................................................................... 323
mkmanifest ....................................................................................................... 324
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
mknod .............................................................................................................. 325
mlabel ............................................................................................................... 325
mmd ................................................................................................................. 326
mmount ............................................................................................................ 326
mmove.............................................................................................................. 327
more................................................................................................................. 327
mrd................................................................................................................... 329
mread................................................................................................................ 329
mren ................................................................................................................. 329
mtest ................................................................................................................. 330
mtools............................................................................................................... 330
mtvtoppm......................................................................................................... 333
mtype................................................................................................................ 333
mv .................................................................................................................... 334
mwrite.............................................................................................................. 335
namei ................................................................................................................ 335
newaliases.......................................................................................................... 336
newgrp.............................................................................................................. 336
nl ...................................................................................................................... 337
nlmconv............................................................................................................ 338
nm.................................................................................................................... 339
nntpget ............................................................................................................. 340
objcopy ............................................................................................................. 341
objdump ........................................................................................................... 342
oclock ............................................................................................................... 344
od ..................................................................................................................... 345
passwd .............................................................................................................. 346
paste.................................................................................................................. 347
pbmclean .......................................................................................................... 348
pbmfilters.......................................................................................................... 348
pbmlife............................................................................................................. 352
pbmmake.......................................................................................................... 353
pbmmask .......................................................................................................... 353
pbmpscale......................................................................................................... 354
pbmreduce........................................................................................................ 355
pbmtext ............................................................................................................ 355
pbmto10x ......................................................................................................... 356
pbmto4425....................................................................................................... 357
pbmtoascii ........................................................................................................ 357
pbmtoatk .......................................................................................................... 358
pbmtobg ........................................................................................................... 358
pbmtocmuwm .................................................................................................. 358
pbmtoepsi ......................................................................................................... 359
pbmtoepson ...................................................................................................... 359
pbmtog3 ........................................................................................................... 360
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
pbmtogem ........................................................................................................ 360
pbmtogo ........................................................................................................... 360
pbmtoicon ........................................................................................................ 361
pbmtolj ............................................................................................................. 361
pbmtoln03........................................................................................................ 362
pbmtolps........................................................................................................... 362
pbmtomacp....................................................................................................... 363
pbmtomgr ......................................................................................................... 363
pbmtopgm........................................................................................................ 364
pbmtopi3.......................................................................................................... 364
pbmtopk ........................................................................................................... 364
pbmtoplot ......................................................................................................... 365
pbmtoptx .......................................................................................................... 366
pbmtox10bm.................................................................................................... 366
pbmtoxbm........................................................................................................ 367
pgmtoybm ........................................................................................................ 367
pbmtozinc......................................................................................................... 367
pbmupc ............................................................................................................ 368
pcxtoppm.......................................................................................................... 368
pfbtops.............................................................................................................. 369
pgmbentley ....................................................................................................... 369
pgmcrater .......................................................................................................... 370
pgmedge ........................................................................................................... 371
pgmenhance...................................................................................................... 371
pgmhist ............................................................................................................. 372
pgmkernel ......................................................................................................... 372
pgmnoise .......................................................................................................... 373
pgmnorm.......................................................................................................... 373
pgmoil .............................................................................................................. 374
pgmramp .......................................................................................................... 374
pgmtexture........................................................................................................ 375
pgmtofs............................................................................................................. 376
pgmtolispm....................................................................................................... 376
pgmtopbm........................................................................................................ 377
pgmtoppm........................................................................................................ 378
pi1toppm.......................................................................................................... 378
pi3topbm.......................................................................................................... 379
picttoppm......................................................................................................... 379
pjtoppm............................................................................................................ 381
pktopbm........................................................................................................... 381
pnmalias............................................................................................................ 381
pnmarith........................................................................................................... 382
pnmcat .............................................................................................................. 383
pnmcomp ......................................................................................................... 383
pnmconvol ........................................................................................................ 384
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
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pnmcrop ........................................................................................................... 385
pnmcut ............................................................................................................. 385
pnmdepth ......................................................................................................... 385
pnmenlarge....................................................................................................... 386
pnmfile............................................................................................................. 386
pnmflip............................................................................................................. 387
pnmgamma....................................................................................................... 387
pnmhistmap...................................................................................................... 388
pnmindex.......................................................................................................... 388
pnminvert ......................................................................................................... 389
pnmmargin ....................................................................................................... 389
pnmnlfilt ........................................................................................................... 390
pnmnoraw ........................................................................................................ 391
pnmpad ............................................................................................................ 392
pnmpaste.......................................................................................................... 392
pnmrotate......................................................................................................... 393
pnmscale........................................................................................................... 393
pnmshear .......................................................................................................... 394
pnmsmooth ...................................................................................................... 395
pnmtile............................................................................................................. 395
pnmtoddif ......................................................................................................... 396
pnmtofits.......................................................................................................... 396
pnmtops............................................................................................................ 397
pnmtorast ......................................................................................................... 398
pnmtosgi ........................................................................................................... 398
pnmtosir ........................................................................................................... 399
pnmtotiff .......................................................................................................... 399
pnmtoxwd ........................................................................................................ 400
ppm3d .............................................................................................................. 400
ppmbrighten ..................................................................................................... 401
ppmchange....................................................................................................... 401
ppmdim............................................................................................................ 402
ppmdist ............................................................................................................. 402
ppmdither ......................................................................................................... 403
ppmflash ........................................................................................................... 404
ppmforge.......................................................................................................... 404
ppmhist ............................................................................................................. 408
ppmmake.......................................................................................................... 408
ppmmix ............................................................................................................ 408
ppmnorm.......................................................................................................... 409
ppmntsc............................................................................................................ 409
ppmpat ............................................................................................................. 410
ppmquant ......................................................................................................... 411
ppmquantall ...................................................................................................... 412
ppmqvga........................................................................................................... 412
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
ppmrelief .......................................................................................................... 413
ppmshift ........................................................................................................... 413
ppmspread ........................................................................................................ 414
ppmtoacad ........................................................................................................ 414
ppmtobmp........................................................................................................ 416
ppmtogif ........................................................................................................... 416
ppmtoicr ........................................................................................................... 417
ppmtoilbm........................................................................................................ 418
ppmtomap ........................................................................................................ 419
ppmtomitsu ...................................................................................................... 420
ppmtopcx.......................................................................................................... 421
ppmtopgm........................................................................................................ 421
ppmtopi1.......................................................................................................... 422
ppmtopict ......................................................................................................... 422
ppmtopj ............................................................................................................ 423
ppmtopjxl ......................................................................................................... 424
ppmtopuzz........................................................................................................ 424
ppmtorgb3........................................................................................................ 425
ppmtosixel ........................................................................................................ 425
ppmtotga .......................................................................................................... 426
ppmtouil ........................................................................................................... 427
ppmtoxpm........................................................................................................ 427
ppmtoyuv ......................................................................................................... 428
ppmtoyuvsplit ................................................................................................... 428
pr ...................................................................................................................... 429
ps...................................................................................................................... 430
psbb .................................................................................................................. 433
psidtopgm......................................................................................................... 433
pstopnm............................................................................................................ 434
pstree................................................................................................................ 435
psupdate ........................................................................................................... 436
qrttoppm .......................................................................................................... 436
quota................................................................................................................. 437
ranlib ................................................................................................................ 437
rasttopnm ......................................................................................................... 438
rawtopgm.......................................................................................................... 439
rawtoppm ......................................................................................................... 439
rcp .................................................................................................................... 440
rcs..................................................................................................................... 441
rcsclean ............................................................................................................. 443
rcsdiff ................................................................................................................ 445
rcsfreeze............................................................................................................ 446
rcsintro ............................................................................................................. 447
rcsmerge............................................................................................................ 449
rdist .................................................................................................................. 451
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
reconfig............................................................................................................. 454
ref ..................................................................................................................... 455
reset .................................................................................................................. 456
resize................................................................................................................. 456
rev..................................................................................................................... 457
rgb3toppm........................................................................................................ 457
rlog ................................................................................................................... 458
rlogin ................................................................................................................ 460
rm..................................................................................................................... 461
rmdir ................................................................................................................ 462
rmmod.............................................................................................................. 462
rnews................................................................................................................ 463
rpcgen ............................................................................................................... 464
rsh..................................................................................................................... 466
rstart ................................................................................................................. 467
rstartd ............................................................................................................... 468
rup.................................................................................................................... 472
rusers ................................................................................................................ 472
rwall .................................................................................................................. 473
rwho ................................................................................................................. 474
script ................................................................................................................. 474
sed .................................................................................................................... 475
sessreg............................................................................................................... 480
setterm.............................................................................................................. 482
sgitopnm........................................................................................................... 483
shar ................................................................................................................... 484
shlock................................................................................................................ 487
showrgb ............................................................................................................ 488
shrinkfile........................................................................................................... 488
sirtopnm ........................................................................................................... 488
size.................................................................................................................... 489
sldtoppm........................................................................................................... 490
smproxy ............................................................................................................ 491
sort .................................................................................................................... 492
spctoppm.......................................................................................................... 494
split ................................................................................................................... 494
spottopgm......................................................................................................... 495
sputoppm.......................................................................................................... 495
sq ...................................................................................................................... 496
startx................................................................................................................. 496
strings............................................................................................................... 498
strip .................................................................................................................. 499
subst ................................................................................................................. 500
sum................................................................................................................... 501
SuperProbe....................................................................................................... 501
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
tac..................................................................................................................... 503
tail .................................................................................................................... 504
talk.................................................................................................................... 505
tcal .................................................................................................................... 506
telnet ................................................................................................................. 507
tfmtodit ............................................................................................................ 513
tftp.................................................................................................................... 514
tgatoppm .......................................................................................................... 515
tifftopnm .......................................................................................................... 515
tin, rtin, cdtin, tind........................................................................................... 516
tload.................................................................................................................. 533
top .................................................................................................................... 533
touch ................................................................................................................ 536
tr ....................................................................................................................... 536
tset, reset ........................................................................................................... 539
tsort .................................................................................................................. 542
twm .................................................................................................................. 542
txt2gcal ............................................................................................................. 558
ul ...................................................................................................................... 558
unexpand .......................................................................................................... 559
uniq .................................................................................................................. 560
unshar ............................................................................................................... 560
updatedb........................................................................................................... 561
uptime.............................................................................................................. 562
userlist ............................................................................................................... 563
uucp.................................................................................................................. 563
uuencode .......................................................................................................... 565
uustat ................................................................................................................ 566
uux.................................................................................................................... 569
uuxqt ................................................................................................................ 572
w....................................................................................................................... 573
wall ................................................................................................................... 574
wc ..................................................................................................................... 574
whereis.............................................................................................................. 575
write.................................................................................................................. 576
x11perf .............................................................................................................. 577
x11perfcomp..................................................................................................... 585
xargs.................................................................................................................. 586
xauth................................................................................................................. 587
xbmtopbm........................................................................................................ 592
xcmsdb.............................................................................................................. 592
xclock................................................................................................................ 593
xclipboard ......................................................................................................... 595
xconsole............................................................................................................ 597
xcutsel ............................................................................................................... 598
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
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xdm .................................................................................................................. 599
xdpyinfo............................................................................................................ 614
Xf86_Accel ....................................................................................................... 614
XF86_Mono..................................................................................................... 624
XF86_SVGA .................................................................................................... 627
XF86_VGA16 .................................................................................................. 631
xf86config......................................................................................................... 633
xfd .................................................................................................................... 633
XFree86 ............................................................................................................ 636
xfs..................................................................................................................... 641
xhost ................................................................................................................. 643
xieperf ............................................................................................................... 645
ximtoppm......................................................................................................... 654
xinetd................................................................................................................ 655
xinit .................................................................................................................. 664
xkill ................................................................................................................... 666
xlogo................................................................................................................. 667
xlsatoms............................................................................................................ 668
xlsclients............................................................................................................ 669
xlsfonts.............................................................................................................. 670
xmag................................................................................................................. 671
xmkmf .............................................................................................................. 672
xmodmap.......................................................................................................... 672
xon.................................................................................................................... 676
xpmtoppm........................................................................................................ 677
xprop ................................................................................................................ 677
xrdb .................................................................................................................. 681
xrefresh ............................................................................................................. 684
Xserver .............................................................................................................. 685
xset .................................................................................................................... 690
xsetroot ............................................................................................................. 693
xsm................................................................................................................... 694
xsmclient ........................................................................................................... 698
xstdcmap........................................................................................................... 699
xterm ................................................................................................................ 700
Xvfb.................................................................................................................. 717
xvidtune............................................................................................................ 719
xvminitoppm .................................................................................................... 720
xwd................................................................................................................... 721
xwdtopnm ........................................................................................................ 722
xwininfo............................................................................................................ 722
xwud................................................................................................................. 725
ybmtopbm........................................................................................................ 726
ytalk.................................................................................................................. 727
yuvplittoppm.................................................................................................... 730
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
yuvtoppm ......................................................................................................... 731
zcmp, zdiff ........................................................................................................ 731
zeisstopnm ........................................................................................................ 732
zforce................................................................................................................ 732
zgrep ................................................................................................................. 733
zmore................................................................................................................ 733
znew.................................................................................................................. 734
Part II System Calls
intro.................................................................................................................. 738
exit .................................................................................................................... 739
accept ................................................................................................................ 740
access ................................................................................................................ 741
acct ................................................................................................................... 742
adjtimex ............................................................................................................ 742
alarm................................................................................................................. 744
bdflush.............................................................................................................. 744
bind .................................................................................................................. 745
brk, sbrk............................................................................................................ 746
cacheflush ......................................................................................................... 746
chdir, fchdir ...................................................................................................... 747
chmod, fchmod................................................................................................. 748
chown, fchown ................................................................................................. 749
chroot ............................................................................................................... 750
clone................................................................................................................. 751
close.................................................................................................................. 752
connect ............................................................................................................. 752
dup, dup2 ......................................................................................................... 753
execve................................................................................................................ 754
fcntl .................................................................................................................. 755
fdatasync........................................................................................................... 756
flock.................................................................................................................. 757
fork, vfork ......................................................................................................... 758
fsync ................................................................................................................. 758
getdents ............................................................................................................ 759
getdomainname, setdomainname...................................................................... 760
getdtablesize...................................................................................................... 760
getgid, getegid................................................................................................... 761
getgroups, setgroups.......................................................................................... 761
gethostid, sethostid ........................................................................................... 762
gethostname, sethostname................................................................................. 763
getitimer, setitimer ............................................................................................ 763
getpagesize........................................................................................................ 765
getpeername...................................................................................................... 765
getpid, getppid .................................................................................................. 766
getpriority, setpriority ....................................................................................... 766
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
getrlimit, getrusage, setrlimit ............................................................................. 767
getsid ................................................................................................................ 768
getsockname...................................................................................................... 769
getsockopt, setsockopt ....................................................................................... 769
gettimeofday, settimeofday................................................................................ 772
getuid, geteuid .................................................................................................. 773
idle.................................................................................................................... 774
ioctl ................................................................................................................... 774
ioperm .............................................................................................................. 788
iopl ................................................................................................................... 788
ipc..................................................................................................................... 789
kill .................................................................................................................... 790
killpg................................................................................................................. 790
link ................................................................................................................... 791
listen ................................................................................................................. 792
llseek ................................................................................................................. 793
lseek .................................................................................................................. 793
mkdir ................................................................................................................ 794
mknod .............................................................................................................. 795
mlock................................................................................................................ 796
mlockall ............................................................................................................ 797
mmap, munmap ............................................................................................... 799
modify_ldt ........................................................................................................ 800
get_kernel_syms, create_module, init_module, delete_module......................... 800
mount, umount ................................................................................................ 802
mprotect ........................................................................................................... 804
mremap ............................................................................................................ 805
msgctl ............................................................................................................... 806
msgget ............................................................................................................... 807
msgop ............................................................................................................... 808
msync ............................................................................................................... 811
munlock............................................................................................................ 811
munlockall ........................................................................................................ 812
nanosleep .......................................................................................................... 813
nice................................................................................................................... 814
oldfstat, oldlstat, oldstat, oldolduname, olduname............................................ 814
open, creat ........................................................................................................ 815
outb, outw, outl, outsb, outsw, outsl ................................................................. 816
pause................................................................................................................. 817
personality ........................................................................................................ 817
phys.................................................................................................................. 818
pipe................................................................................................................... 818
profil ................................................................................................................. 819
ptrace................................................................................................................ 820
quotactl ............................................................................................................. 821
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
read................................................................................................................... 822
readdir .............................................................................................................. 823
readlink............................................................................................................. 823
readv, writev...................................................................................................... 824
reboot ............................................................................................................... 825
recv, recvfrom, recvmsg..................................................................................... 826
rename.............................................................................................................. 828
rmdir ................................................................................................................ 829
sched_get_priority_max, sched_get_priority_min ............................................. 830
sched_rr_get_interval ........................................................................................ 831
sched_setparam, sched_getparam...................................................................... 832
sched_setscheduler, sched_getscheduler ............................................................ 833
sched_yield ....................................................................................................... 835
select, FD_CLR, FD_ISSET, FD_SET, FD_ZERO......................................... 835
semctl ................................................................................................................ 837
semget ............................................................................................................... 839
semop ............................................................................................................... 840
send, sendto, sendmsg....................................................................................... 842
setfsgid.............................................................................................................. 843
setfsuid.............................................................................................................. 844
setgid ................................................................................................................ 845
setpgid, getpgid, setpgrp, getpgrp...................................................................... 845
setregid, setegid ................................................................................................. 846
setreuid, seteuid ................................................................................................ 847
setsid................................................................................................................. 848
setuid ................................................................................................................ 848
setup ................................................................................................................. 849
shmctl ............................................................................................................... 849
shmget .............................................................................................................. 851
shmop............................................................................................................... 853
shutdown .......................................................................................................... 855
sigaction, sigprocmask, sigpending, sigsuspend.................................................. 855
signal ................................................................................................................. 857
sigblock, siggetmask, sigsetmask, sigmask .......................................................... 858
sigpause............................................................................................................. 858
sigreturn............................................................................................................ 859
sigvec ................................................................................................................ 860
socket ................................................................................................................ 860
socketcall ........................................................................................................... 862
socketpair .......................................................................................................... 862
stat, fstat, lstat ................................................................................................... 863
statfs, fstatfs....................................................................................................... 865
stime................................................................................................................. 866
swapon, swapoff ................................................................................................ 866
symlink ............................................................................................................. 867
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
sync................................................................................................................... 869
sysctl ................................................................................................................. 869
sysfs................................................................................................................... 871
sysinfo............................................................................................................... 871
syslog ................................................................................................................ 872
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, cfgetospeed,
cfgetispeed, cfsetispeed, cfsetospeed, tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp ............................... 874
time.................................................................................................................. 878
times................................................................................................................. 878
truncate, ftruncate............................................................................................. 879
umask ............................................................................................................... 880
uname............................................................................................................... 880
none.................................................................................................................. 881
afs_syscall, break, gtty, lock, mpx, prof, quotactl, stty, ustat .............................. 881
unlink ............................................................................................................... 882
uselib ................................................................................................................ 883
ustat .................................................................................................................. 883
utime, utimes.................................................................................................... 884
vhangup ............................................................................................................ 885
vm86 ................................................................................................................ 885
wait, waitpid ..................................................................................................... 886
wait3, wait4 ...................................................................................................... 888
write.................................................................................................................. 889
Part III Library Functions
Intro ................................................................................................................. 892
abort ................................................................................................................. 892
abs .................................................................................................................... 892
acos................................................................................................................... 893
acosh................................................................................................................. 893
alloca................................................................................................................. 894
asin ................................................................................................................... 894
asinh ................................................................................................................. 895
assert ................................................................................................................. 895
atan................................................................................................................... 896
atan2................................................................................................................. 896
atanh................................................................................................................. 897
atexit ................................................................................................................. 897
atof ................................................................................................................... 898
atoi .................................................................................................................... 898
atol .................................................................................................................... 899
bcmp................................................................................................................. 899
bcopy ................................................................................................................ 900
bsearch.............................................................................................................. 900
bcmp, bcopy, bzero, memccpy, memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memfrob, memmem,
memmove, memset ......................................................................................... 901
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
htonl, htons, ntohl, ntohs ................................................................................. 901
bzero................................................................................................................. 902
catgets............................................................................................................... 902
catopen, catclose ............................................................................................... 903
ceil .................................................................................................................... 904
clientlib............................................................................................................. 904
clock ................................................................................................................. 905
closedir .............................................................................................................. 905
confstr ............................................................................................................... 906
copysign............................................................................................................ 907
cos .................................................................................................................... 907
cosh .................................................................................................................. 908
crypt ................................................................................................................. 908
ctermid ............................................................................................................. 909
asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, mktime....................................................... 909
difftime............................................................................................................. 911
div..................................................................................................................... 911
drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48,
seed48, lcong48.............................................................................................. 912
drem ................................................................................................................. 913
ecvt, fcvt ........................................................................................................... 913
erf, erfc.............................................................................................................. 914
execl, execlp, execle, exect, execv, execvp ........................................................... 914
errno ................................................................................................................. 916
exit .................................................................................................................... 917
exp, log, log10, pow.......................................................................................... 917
expm1, log1p .................................................................................................... 918
fabs................................................................................................................... 919
fclose................................................................................................................. 919
clearerr, feof, ferror, fileno................................................................................. 919
fflush, fpurge..................................................................................................... 920
ffs...................................................................................................................... 921
fgetgrent ............................................................................................................ 921
fgetpwent .......................................................................................................... 922
floor .................................................................................................................. 923
fmod ................................................................................................................. 923
fnmatch ............................................................................................................ 924
fopen, fdopen, freopen ...................................................................................... 924
fpathconf, pathconf ........................................................................................... 925
fread, fwrite....................................................................................................... 926
frexp.................................................................................................................. 927
fgetpos, fseek, fsetpos, ftell, rewind.................................................................... 927
ftime................................................................................................................. 928
ftok ................................................................................................................... 929
ftw .................................................................................................................... 930
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
gcvt ................................................................................................................... 930
getcwd, get_current_dir_name, getwd............................................................... 931
getdirentries...................................................................................................... 931
getenv ............................................................................................................... 932
getgrent, setgrent, endgrent ............................................................................... 932
getgrnam, getgrgid ............................................................................................ 933
getlogin, cuserid ................................................................................................ 934
getmntent, setmntent, addmntent, endmntent, hasmntopt ............................... 935
getnetent, getnetbyaddr, getnetbyname, setnetent, endnetent ........................... 936
getopt ................................................................................................................ 937
getpass............................................................................................................... 940
getprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, setprotoent, endprotoent .... 941
getpw................................................................................................................ 942
getpwent, setpwent, endpwent .......................................................................... 943
getpwnam, getpwuid......................................................................................... 944
fgetc, fgets, getc, getchar, gets, ungetc ............................................................... 944
getservent, getservbyname, getservbyport, setservent, endservent ....................... 945
getusershell, setusershell, endusershell ............................................................... 946
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname............... 947
getw, putw........................................................................................................ 948
glob, globfree.................................................................................................... 949
hosts_access, hosts_ctl ....................................................................................... 950
hcreate, hdestroy, hsearch.................................................................................. 951
hypot ................................................................................................................ 953
index, rindex ..................................................................................................... 953
inet_aton, inet_addr, inet_network, inet_ntoa, inet_makeaddr, inet_lnaof,
inet_netof ....................................................................................................... 953
infnan ............................................................................................................... 954
initgroups.......................................................................................................... 955
inndcomm ........................................................................................................ 956
insque, remque.................................................................................................. 957
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, isprint,
ispunct, isspace, isupper, isxdigit ..................................................................... 957
isatty ................................................................................................................. 958
isinf, isnan, finite .............................................................................................. 959
j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn........................................................................................... 959
killpg................................................................................................................. 960
labs................................................................................................................... 960
ldexp................................................................................................................. 961
ldiv.................................................................................................................... 961
lgamma............................................................................................................. 962
libinn ................................................................................................................ 962
libpbm.............................................................................................................. 966
libpgm .............................................................................................................. 969
libpnm.............................................................................................................. 970
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
libppm.............................................................................................................. 973
localeconv ......................................................................................................... 974
longjmp ............................................................................................................ 975
lfind, lsearch...................................................................................................... 975
calloc, malloc, free, realloc................................................................................. 976
mblen................................................................................................................ 977
mbstowcs.......................................................................................................... 977
mbtowc............................................................................................................. 978
memccpy .......................................................................................................... 978
memchr ............................................................................................................ 979
memcmp........................................................................................................... 979
memcpy ............................................................................................................ 980
memfrob ........................................................................................................... 980
memmem.......................................................................................................... 981
memmove......................................................................................................... 981
memset ............................................................................................................. 982
mkfifo............................................................................................................... 982
mkstemp ........................................................................................................... 983
mktemp ............................................................................................................ 983
modf ................................................................................................................. 984
asctime, ctime, difftime, gmtime, localtime, mktime......................................... 984
tzset .................................................................................................................. 986
on_exit .............................................................................................................. 988
opendir ............................................................................................................. 989
parsedate........................................................................................................... 989
perror ................................................................................................................ 990
popen, pclose.................................................................................................... 991
printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, vsnprintf .................. 992
psignal .............................................................................................................. 996
putenv............................................................................................................... 996
putpwent .......................................................................................................... 997
fputc, fputs, putc, putchar, puts........................................................................ 997
qio .................................................................................................................... 998
qsort ................................................................................................................ 1000
raise ................................................................................................................ 1000
rand, srand...................................................................................................... 1001
random, srandom, initstate, setstate................................................................ 1001
readdir ............................................................................................................ 1002
readv, writev.................................................................................................... 1003
realpath........................................................................................................... 1004
Re_comp, re_exec ........................................................................................... 1005
regcomp, regexec, regerror, regfree.................................................................. 1005
remove............................................................................................................ 1007
res_query, res_search, res_mkquery, res_send, res_init, dn_comp,
dn_expand.................................................................................................... 1008
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
rewinddir ........................................................................................................ 1011
rint .................................................................................................................. 1011
rquota............................................................................................................. 1012
scandir, alphasort ............................................................................................ 1012
scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vsscanf, vfscanf ..................................................... 1013
seekdir ............................................................................................................. 1015
setbuf, setbuffer, setlinebuf, setvbuf ................................................................. 1016
setenv.............................................................................................................. 1017
setjmp ............................................................................................................. 1018
setlocale........................................................................................................... 1018
siginterrupt ..................................................................................................... 1019
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember ................................... 1019
sin ................................................................................................................... 1020
sinh................................................................................................................. 1021
sleep................................................................................................................ 1021
snprintf, vsnprintf ........................................................................................... 1022
sqrt .................................................................................................................. 1023
stdarg.............................................................................................................. 1023
stdio................................................................................................................ 1025
stpcpy ............................................................................................................. 1027
strcasecmp, strncasecmp.................................................................................. 1028
strcat, strncat ................................................................................................... 1028
strchr, strrchr .................................................................................................. 1029
strcmp, strncmp .............................................................................................. 1029
strcoll .............................................................................................................. 1030
strcpy, strncpy................................................................................................. 1030
strdup ............................................................................................................. 1031
strerror ............................................................................................................ 1032
strfry ............................................................................................................... 1032
strftime........................................................................................................... 1032
strcasecmp, strcat, strchr, strcmp, strcoll, strcpy, strcspn, strdup, strfry,
strlen, strncat, strncmp, strncpy, strncasecmp, strpbrk, strrchr, strsep,
strspn, strstr, strtok, strxfrm, index, rindex ................................................... 1034
strlen............................................................................................................... 1035
strpbrk ............................................................................................................ 1035
strptime .......................................................................................................... 1036
strsep............................................................................................................... 1037
strsignal ........................................................................................................... 1038
strspn, strcspn ................................................................................................. 1038
strstr ................................................................................................................ 1039
strtod .............................................................................................................. 1039
strtok .............................................................................................................. 1040
strtol ............................................................................................................... 1041
strtoul ............................................................................................................. 1041
strxfrm............................................................................................................ 1042
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
swab................................................................................................................ 1043
sysconf ............................................................................................................ 1043
closelog, openlog, syslog.................................................................................. 1045
system............................................................................................................. 1047
tan .................................................................................................................. 1047
tanh ................................................................................................................ 1048
telldir .............................................................................................................. 1048
tempnam ........................................................................................................ 1049
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, cfmakeraw,
cfgetospeed, cfgetispeed, cfsetispeed, cfsetospeed, tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp.......... 1049
tmpfile............................................................................................................ 1053
tmpnam.......................................................................................................... 1054
toascii .............................................................................................................. 1055
toupper, tolower .............................................................................................. 1055
tsearch, tfind, tdelete, twalk ............................................................................ 1056
ttyname........................................................................................................... 1058
tzset ................................................................................................................ 1058
none................................................................................................................ 1060
usleep.............................................................................................................. 1061
wcstombs........................................................................................................ 1061
wctomb........................................................................................................... 1061
Part IV Special Files
charsets........................................................................................................... 1064
console............................................................................................................ 1066
console_codes ................................................................................................. 1067
console ioctls................................................................................................... 1074
fd .................................................................................................................... 1080
hd ................................................................................................................... 1083
ispell ............................................................................................................... 1084
lp .................................................................................................................... 1090
mem, kmem, port ........................................................................................... 1091
mouse............................................................................................................. 1092
null, zero......................................................................................................... 1094
ram ................................................................................................................. 1094
sd .................................................................................................................... 1095
st ..................................................................................................................... 1096
tty ................................................................................................................... 1100
ttys.................................................................................................................. 1101
vcs, vcsa .......................................................................................................... 1101
Part V File Formats
intro................................................................................................................ 1104
active, active.times .......................................................................................... 1104
adduser.conf .................................................................................................... 1105
aliases.............................................................................................................. 1106
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
cfingerd........................................................................................................... 1106
cfingerd.conf ................................................................................................... 1109
cfingerd text rules.............................................................................................1115
control.ctl ....................................................................................................... 1115
cvs................................................................................................................... 1116
DEVINFO ..................................................................................................... 1120
environ............................................................................................................ 1121
expire.ctl ......................................................................................................... 1121
exports............................................................................................................ 1123
filesystems....................................................................................................... 1125
fstab ................................................................................................................ 1126
groff_font ........................................................................................................ 1127
groff_out ......................................................................................................... 1129
group .............................................................................................................. 1131
history............................................................................................................. 1131
hosts.nntp, hosts.nntp.nolimit ........................................................................ 1132
hosts_access..................................................................................................... 1133
hosts_options.................................................................................................. 1137
inittab ............................................................................................................. 1139
inn.conf .......................................................................................................... 1141
innwatch.ctl .................................................................................................... 1142
ipc................................................................................................................... 1144
issue................................................................................................................ 1146
lilo.conf ........................................................................................................... 1147
MAKEDEV.cfg .............................................................................................. 1151
moderators...................................................................................................... 1151
/etc/modules................................................................................................... 1152
motd............................................................................................................... 1152
mtools............................................................................................................. 1152
newsfeeds........................................................................................................ 1158
newslog........................................................................................................... 1163
nfs................................................................................................................... 1165
nnrp.access...................................................................................................... 1167
nntpsend.ctl .................................................................................................... 1168
nologin ........................................................................................................... 1168
overview.fmt ................................................................................................... 1168
passwd ............................................................................................................ 1169
passwd.nntp.................................................................................................... 1170
pbm................................................................................................................ 1170
pgm ................................................................................................................ 1171
pnm................................................................................................................ 1173
ppm................................................................................................................ 1173
/proc............................................................................................................... 1174
protocols......................................................................................................... 1180
rcsfile.............................................................................................................. 1181
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
resolver ............................................................................................................ 1183
securetty.......................................................................................................... 1184
services............................................................................................................ 1184
shells............................................................................................................... 1186
syslog.conf ...................................................................................................... 1186
termcap........................................................................................................... 1188
ttytype............................................................................................................. 1197
tzfile................................................................................................................ 1197
utmp, wtmp.................................................................................................... 1198
uuencode ........................................................................................................ 1200
XF86Config.................................................................................................... 1201
Part VI Games
intro................................................................................................................ 1210
banner ............................................................................................................. 1210
ddate............................................................................................................... 1210
Part VII Miscellaneous
intro................................................................................................................ 1214
ascii ................................................................................................................. 1214
bootparam ...................................................................................................... 1216
groff_me......................................................................................................... 1225
groff_mm........................................................................................................ 1227
groff_ms.......................................................................................................... 1234
hier ................................................................................................................. 1236
hostname........................................................................................................ 1238
iso_8859_1 ..................................................................................................... 1239
locale............................................................................................................... 1243
mailaddr .......................................................................................................... 1244
man ................................................................................................................ 1246
signal ............................................................................................................... 1248
suffixes............................................................................................................ 1249
tr2tex .............................................................................................................. 1252
Unicode.......................................................................................................... 1253
UTF-8 ............................................................................................................ 1255
Part VIII Administration and Privileged Commands
intro................................................................................................................ 1258
adduser, addgroup........................................................................................... 1258
agetty .............................................................................................................. 1259
archive............................................................................................................ 1262
arp .................................................................................................................. 1263
badblocks........................................................................................................ 1264
buffchan.......................................................................................................... 1264
cfdisk .............................................................................................................. 1265
chat ................................................................................................................. 1269
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
chroot ............................................................................................................. 1273
clock ............................................................................................................... 1273
comsat ............................................................................................................. 1274
crond .............................................................................................................. 1275
ctlinnd ............................................................................................................ 1276
ctrlaltdel .......................................................................................................... 1279
cvsbug............................................................................................................. 1279
cvtbatch .......................................................................................................... 1281
cytune............................................................................................................. 1282
debugfs ........................................................................................................... 1284
dip .................................................................................................................. 1285
dmesg.............................................................................................................. 1288
dumpe2fs........................................................................................................ 1289
e2fsck.............................................................................................................. 1289
edquota........................................................................................................... 1291
expire.............................................................................................................. 1292
expireover ....................................................................................................... 1293
fastrm.............................................................................................................. 1294
fdformat .......................................................................................................... 1295
fdisk ................................................................................................................ 1296
filechan ........................................................................................................... 1297
fsck ................................................................................................................. 1298
fsck.minix ....................................................................................................... 1300
ftpd................................................................................................................. 1301
ifconfig............................................................................................................ 1304
inetd ............................................................................................................... 1305
init, telinit ....................................................................................................... 1307
innd, inndstart ................................................................................................ 1309
innxmit ........................................................................................................... 1312
ipcrm.............................................................................................................. 1313
ipcs................................................................................................................. 1314
kbdrate............................................................................................................ 1314
klogd............................................................................................................... 1315
lpc................................................................................................................... 1317
lpd .................................................................................................................. 1318
MAKEDEV .................................................................................................... 1320
MAKEDEV .................................................................................................... 1321
mke2fs............................................................................................................ 1324
mkfs................................................................................................................ 1325
mkfs................................................................................................................ 1326
mklost+found.................................................................................................. 1327
mkswap........................................................................................................... 1327
mount, umount .............................................................................................. 1328
mountd........................................................................................................... 1332
named-xfer ...................................................................................................... 1333
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
named............................................................................................................. 1334
named.reload .................................................................................................. 1338
named.restart .................................................................................................. 1338
ndc.................................................................................................................. 1338
netstat ............................................................................................................. 1339
makeactive, makehistory, newsrequeue............................................................ 1342
news.daily ....................................................................................................... 1344
newslog........................................................................................................... 1346
nfsd................................................................................................................. 1347
nnrpd.............................................................................................................. 1347
nntpsend......................................................................................................... 1349
nslookup ......................................................................................................... 1350
overchan ......................................................................................................... 1353
pac .................................................................................................................. 1354
pcnfsd ............................................................................................................. 1355
plipconfig........................................................................................................ 1357
ping ................................................................................................................ 1358
portmap .......................................................................................................... 1358
powerd............................................................................................................ 1359
pppd ............................................................................................................... 1360
pppstats........................................................................................................... 1369
prunehistory.................................................................................................... 1370
quotacheck ...................................................................................................... 1371
quotaon, quotaoff ........................................................................................... 1372
rarp ................................................................................................................. 1373
rdev................................................................................................................. 1373
renice.............................................................................................................. 1375
repquota.......................................................................................................... 1376
rexecd ............................................................................................................. 1376
rlogind ............................................................................................................ 1377
route............................................................................................................... 1379
routed ............................................................................................................. 1380
rpc.rusersd ...................................................................................................... 1382
rpc.rwalld........................................................................................................ 1383
rpcinfo ............................................................................................................ 1383
rquotad, rpc.rquotad ....................................................................................... 1384
rshd................................................................................................................. 1385
rwhod ............................................................................................................. 1386
sendmail .......................................................................................................... 1387
setfdprm.......................................................................................................... 1391
setserial ........................................................................................................... 1391
setsid............................................................................................................... 1395
showmount ..................................................................................................... 1396
shutdown ........................................................................................................ 1396
simpleinit ........................................................................................................ 1397
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
slattach............................................................................................................ 1399
sliplogin .......................................................................................................... 1399
swapon, swapoff .............................................................................................. 1401
sync................................................................................................................. 1401
sysklogd .......................................................................................................... 1402
syslogd ............................................................................................................ 1404
talkd................................................................................................................ 1405
telnetd............................................................................................................. 1406
tftpd................................................................................................................ 1407
timed .............................................................................................................. 1407
timedc............................................................................................................. 1408
traceroute........................................................................................................ 1409
tune2fs............................................................................................................ 1412
tunelp ............................................................................................................. 1413
update_state.................................................................................................... 1414
uucico............................................................................................................. 1415
vmstat ............................................................................................................. 1417
vipw................................................................................................................ 1418
zdump............................................................................................................. 1419
zic ................................................................................................................... 1419
Part IX Kernel Reference Guide
add_timer, del_timer, init_timer ..................................................................... 1424
adjust_clock .................................................................................................... 1424
ctrl_alt_del ...................................................................................................... 1425
file_table......................................................................................................... 1425
file_table_init .................................................................................................. 1427
filesystems....................................................................................................... 1427
get_empty_filp................................................................................................ 1428
grow_files........................................................................................................ 1428
in_group_p ..................................................................................................... 1429
insert_file_free................................................................................................ 1429
kernel_mktime................................................................................................ 1430
proc_sel ........................................................................................................... 1430
put_file_last .................................................................................................... 1431
remove_file_free.............................................................................................. 1431
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Linux CompleteCommand Reference
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
exit(2), access(2), alarm(2), close(2), dup(2), fcntl(2), link(2), mkdir(2), mknod(2), open(2), read(2), rename(2),
rmdir(2), symlink(2), write(2) copyright 1992 Drew Eckhardt; 1993 Michael Haardt, Ian Jackson.
unlink(2), remove(3) copyright 1992 Drew Eckhardt; 1993 Ian Jackson.
chdir(2), chmod(2), chown(2), chroot(2), clone(2), execve(2), fork(2), getrlimit(2), gettimeofday(2), kill(2),
nice(2), pause(2), pipe(2), reboot(2), setup(2), stime(2), swapon(2), sync(2), time(2), times(2), umask(2),
uname(2), uselib(2), utime(2) copyright 1992 Drew Eckhardt (, March 28, 1992.
mprotect(2) copyright 1995 Michael Shields(
select(2) copyright 1992 Drew Eckhardt, copyright 1995 Michael Shields.
acct(2), brk(2), intro(2), ioperm(2), phys(2), ptrace(2), setsid(2), termios(2), ascii(7), crypt(3), environ(5),
ftime(3), ftw(3), group(5), hd(4), intro(1), intro(3), intro(4), intro(5), intro(6), intro(7), intro(8), isatty(3),
issue(5), longjmp(3), mem(4), motd(5), nologin(5), null(4), passwd(5), ram(4), securetty(5), setjmp(3), shells(5),
termcap(7), tty(4), ttys(4), ttytype(5), utmp(5), lp(4), perror(3) copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Michael
bind(2), connect(2), flock(2), fsync(2), getdomainname(2), getdtablesize(2), getgid(2), getgroups(2),
gethostid(2), gethostname(2), getpagesize(2), getpid(2), getuid(2), idle(2), iopl(2), profil(2), recv(2),
sigvec(2), undocumented(2), vhangup(2), vm86(2), acosh(3), getdiren-tries(3), ctrlaltdel(8), dmesg(8),
fdformat(8), fdisk(8), fsck.minix(8), ipcrm(8), ipcs(8), sync(8), sd(4), clear(1), clock(8), domainname(1),
mkfs.minix(8), mkswap(8), passwd(1), rdev(8), reset(1), setfdprm(8), setserial(8), shutdown(8), kbdrate(8),
update state(8), chkdupexe(1), cytune(8) copyright 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Rickard E. Faith
getdents(2), llseek(2), readdir(2), syslog(2), console.4 copyright 1994, 1995 AndriesBrouwer (
mount(2) copyright 1993 Rickard E. Faith (, copyright 1994 AndriesE. Brouwer
adjtimex(2), bdflush(2), ipc(2), modify ldt(2), obsolete(2), socketcall(2), unimplemented(2) copyright 1995
Michael Chastain (
accept(2), getpeername(2), listen(2), lseek(2), getpriority(2), getsockname(2), getsockopt(2), ioctl(2),
killpg(2), mmap(2), readlink(2), send(2), setpgid(2), setregid(2), setreuid(2), shut-down(2), sigblock(2),
sigpause(2), socket(2), socketpair(2), statfs(2),truncate(2), alloca(3), fclose(3), ferror(3), fflush(3),
fread(3), fseek(3), getpass(3), mailaddr(7), popen(3), printf(3), scanf(3), setbuf(3), stdarg(3), stdio(3),
banner(6), cal(1), col(1), colcrt(1), colrm(1), column(1), fstab(5), getoptprog(1), logger(1), look(1), lpc(8),
lpd(8), lpq(1), lpr(1), lprm(1), lptest(1), mesg(1), mount(8), pac(8), ping(8), syslog.conf(5), syslogd(8),
tsort(8), vipw(1), write(1), vi(1), rev(1), biff(1), tset(1), w(1), aliases(5), ftp(1), ftpd(8), inetd(8),
newaliases(1), rcp(1), resolver(5), rexecd(8), rlogin(1), routed(8), rpc.rusersd(8), rpc.rwalld(8), rsh(1),
rshd(8), rup(1), rusers(1), rwall(1), rwho(1), rwhod(8), sendmail(8), sliplogin(8), talk(1), talkd(8), telnet(1),
telnetd(8), tftp(1), tftpd(8), timed(8), timedc(8), traceroute(8) copyright 1980, 1983, 1985, 1989, 1990,
1991, 1992 The Regentsof the University of California. All rightsreserved.
getitimer(2) copyright 1993 by Darren Senn (
modules(2), ksyms(1), insmod(1), lsmod(1), rmmod(1) copyright 1994, 1995 Bjorn Ekwall (
msgctl(2), msgget(2), msgop(2), semctl(2), semget(2), semop(2), ftok(3), ipc(5) copyright 1993 Giorgio Ciucci
setgid(2), setuid(2), realpath(3) copyright 1994, Graeme W. Wilford.
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
shmctl(2), shmget(2), shmop(2) copyright 1993 Luigi P. Bai ( July 28, 1993.
sigaction(2), signal(2), sigsetops(3) copyright 1994 Mike Battersby (
stat(2) copyright 1992 Drew Eckhardt (, March 28, 1992. Partscopyright 1995
Nicolai Langfeldt (, January 1, 1995.
sysinfo(2), adjustclock(9), ctrl-alt-del(9), filesystems(9), file table(9), file table init(9), get empty
filp(9), grow files(9), in group p(9), insert file free(9), kernel mktime(9), proc sel(9), put file last(9),
remove file free(9) copyright 1993 by Dan Miner (
wait(2), wait4(2), confstr(3), ctermid(3), fnmatch(3), fpathconf(3), getcwd(3), getopt(3), gets(3), isalpha(3),
malloc(3), signal(7), sleep(3), suffixes(7), sysconf(3), system(3), hier(7), assert(3), glob(3), killpg(3),
locale(7), localeconv(3), puts(3), raise(3), readv(3), setlocale(3) copyright 1993 by ThomasKoenig
abort(3), abs(3), acos(3),asin(3), asinh(3),atan(3), atan2(3), atanh(3), atexit(3), atof(3), atoi(3), atol(3),
bcmp(3), bcopy(3), bstring(3), byteorder(3), bzero(3), ceil(3), closedir(3), confstr(3), copysign(3), cos(3),
cosh(3), ctime(3), difftime(3), div(3), drand48(3), drem(3), ecvt(3), erf(3), exec(3), exit(3), exp(3), fabs(3),
ffs(3), fgetgrent(3), fgetpwent(3), fmod(3), fopen(3), frexp(3), gcvt(3), getenv(3), getgrent(3), getgrnam(3),
gethostbyname(3), getm-ntent(3), getnetent(3), getprotoent(3), getpw(3), getpwent(3), getpwnam(3),
getservent(3), getusershell(3), hypot(3), index(3), inet(3), infnan(3), initgroups(3), isinf(3), j0(3), labs(3),
ldexp(3), ldiv(3), lgamma(3), mblen(3), mbstowcs(3), mbtowc(3), memccpy(3), mem-chr(3), memcmp(3), memcpy(3),
memfrob(3), memmem(3), memmove(3), memset(3), mkstemp(3), mktemp(3), modf(3), on exit(3), opendir(3),
psignal(3), putenv(3), putpwent(3), qsort(3), rand(3), random(3), readdir(3), resolver(3), rewinddir(3), rint(3),
scandir(3), seekdir(3), setenv(3), siginterrupt(3), sin(3), sinh(3), sqrt(3), strcmp(3), strcat(3), strchr(3),
strcmp(3), strcoll(3), strcpy(3), strdup(3), strerror(3), strfry(3), strftime(3), string(3), strlen(3), strp-
break(3), strptime(3), strsep(3), strsignal(3), strspn(3), strstr(3), strtod(3), strtok(3), str-tol(3),
strtoul(3), strxfrm(3), swab(3), tan(3), tanh(3), telldir(3), tempnam(3), tmpfile(3), tmpnam(3), toupper(3),
tzset(3), usleep(3), wcstombs(3), wctomb(3) copyright 1993 David Metcalfe (
add timer(9), console ioctl(4), ttyname(3), vcs(4) copyright 1995 Jim Van Zandt (
catgets(3), catopen(3), hostid(1) copyright 1993 Mitchum DSouza (m.dsouza@mrc-applied-
fd(4) copyright 1993 Michael Haardt ( and 1994, 1995 Alain
Knaff (
getutent(3) copyright 1995 Mark D. Roth (
hsearch(3) copyright 1993 Ulrich Drepper (
iso88591(7), proc(5), sed(1) copyright 1993[nd]1995 Daniel Quinlan (
st(4) copyright 1995 Robert K. Nichols(
agetty(8) copyright by W.Z. Venema (, Peter Orbaek (
cfdisk(8) copyright 1994 Kevin E. Martin (
chfn(1), chsh.1 copyright 1994 by Salvatore Valente (
crond(8), crontab(1) copyright 1994 Matthew Dillon (
kill(1) copyright 1994 Salvatore Valente (, copyright 1992 Rickard E. Faith
klogd(8), sysklogd(8) copyright 1994 Greg Wettstein, Enjellic SystemsDevelopment.
Linux CompleteCommand Reference
gr11 Linux Complete Command Reference 31104-6 christy 11.6.97 FM lp3
setterm(1) copyright 1990 Gordon Irlam ( Copyright 1992 Rickard E. Faith
tunelp(8), ps(1), psupdate(8) copyright 1992 Michael K. Johnson (
xinetd(1) copyright 1992 by PanagiotisTsirigotis.
bash(1) copyright 1995 Chet Ramey (
adduser(8) copyright 1995 by Ted Hajek, 1994 by Ian Murdock.
e2fsck(8) copyright 1993, 1994 by Theodore Tso.
free(1), tload(1) copyright 1993 Matt Welsh (
top(1) copyright 1992 Robert J. Nation.
vmstat(8) copyright 1994 Henry Ware (
bdftopcf(1x), beforelight(1x), bitmap(1x), editres(1x), fsinfo(1x), flsfonts(1x),fstobdf(1x), iceauth(1x),
imake(1x), lbxproxy(1x), lndir(1x), makedepend(1x), makestrs(1x), mkdirhier(1x), mkfontdir(1x), oclock(1x),
resize(1x), sessreg(1x), showrgb(1x), smproxy(1x), startx(1x), x11perf(1x), x11perfcomp(1x), xauth(1x),
xclipboard(1x), xclock(1x), xcmsdb(1x), xcon-sole(1x), xcutsel(1x), xdm(1x), xdpyinfo(1x), xf86config(1x),
xfd(1x), xfs(1x), xhost(1x), xinit(1x), xkill(1x), xlogo(1x), xlsatoms(1x), xlsclients(1x), xlsfonts(1x),
xmag(1x), xmkmf(1x), xmodmap(1x), xon(1x), xprop(1x), xrdb(1x), xrefresh(1x), xset(1x), xsetroot(1x), xsm(1x),
xsmclient(1x), xstdcmap(1x), xterm(1x), xwd(1x), xwininfo(1x), xwud(1x) copyright 1993, 1994 X Consor-
portmap(8) copyright 1987 Sun Microsystems, copyright 1990, 1991 The Regentsof the University of
California. copyright 1988, 1990 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
rstart(1x), rstartd(1x) copyright 1993 Quarterdeck Office Systems.
showmount(8) copyright 1993 Rick Sladkey (
twm(1x) copyright 1993, 1994 X Consortium. Portionscopyright 1988 Evans& Sutherland Computer
Corporation. Portionscopyright 1989 Hewlett-Packard Company.
xieperf.1x copyright 1993, 1994 by AGE Logic, Inc.
Many thanksto all these contributorsfor providing excellent-quality man pagesand also to the Free Software
Foundation for providing the rest.
User Commands
Part I:
Part I: User Commands
Thissection introducesand describesuser commands.
Look at the header of the manual page for the author(s) and copyright conditions. Note that these can be different from page
to page.
addftinfoAdd information to troff font filesfor use with groff
addftinfo [ paramvalue... ] res uni t wi dt h f ont
addftinfo readsa troff font file and addssome additional font-metric information that isused by the groff system. The font
file with the information added iswritten on the standard output. The information added isguessed using some parametric
information about the font and assumptionsabout the traditional troff namesfor characters. The main information added
isthe heightsand depthsof characters. The res and unitwidth argumentsshould be the same asthe corresponding param-
etersin the DESC file; font isthe name of the file describing the font; if font endswith I, the font will be assumed to be italic.
Each of the f optionschangesone of the parametersthat isused to derive the heightsand depths. Like the existing quantities
in the font file, each value isin inches/resfor a font whose point size isunitwidth. param must be one of the following:
x-height The height of lowercase letterswithout ascenderssuch asx
fig-height The height of figures(digits)
asc-height The height of characterswith ascenders, such asb, d, or l
body-height The height of characterssuch asparentheses
cap-height The height of uppercase letterssuch asA
comma-depth The depth of a comma
desc-depth The depth of characterswith descenders, such asp, q, or y
body-depth The depth of characterssuch asparentheses
addftinfo makesno attempt to use the specified parametersto guessthe unspecified parameters. If a parameter isnot
specified, the default will be used. The defaultsare chosen to have the reasonable valuesfor a Timesfont.
font(5) groff_font(5), groff(1), groff_char(7)
Groff Version 1.09, 6 August 1992
afmtoditCreate font filesfor use with groff Tps
afmtodit [ ns ][ddesc_f i l e ][eenc_f i l e ][in ][an ] af m_f i l e map_f i l e f ont
afmtodit createsa font file for use with groff and grops. afmtodit iswritten in Perl; you must have Perl version 3 installed in
order to run afmtodit. afm_file isthe AFM (Adobe Font Metric) file for the font. map_file isa file that sayswhich groff
character namesmap onto each PostScript character name; thisfile should contain a sequence of linesof the form:
ps_char gr of f _char
where ps_char isthe PostScript name of the character and groff_char isthe groff name of the character (asused in the groff
font file.) The same ps_char can occur multiple timesin the file; each groff_char must occur, at most, once. font isthe groff
name of the font. If a PostScript character isin the encoding to be used for the font but isnot mentioned in map_file, then
afmtodit will put it in the groff font file asan unnamed character, which can be accessed by the \N escape sequence in troff.
The groff_font file will be output to a file called font.
If there isa downloadable font file for the font, it may be listed in the file /usr/lib/groff/font/devps/download; see grops(1).
If the i option isused, afmtodit will automatically generate an italic correction, a left italic correction, and a subscript
correction for each character (the significance of these parametersisexplained in groff_font(5)); these parametersmay be
specified for individual charactersby adding to the afm_file linesof the form:
italicCorrectionps charn
leftItalicCorrectionps charn
subscriptCorrectionps charn
where ps_char isthe PostScript name of the character, and n isthe desired value of the corresponding parameter in thou-
sandthsof an em. These parametersare normally needed only for italic (or oblique) fonts.
n Dont output a ligaturescommand for thisfont. Use thiswith constant-width fonts.
s The font isspecial. The effect of thisoption isto add the special command to the font file.
ddesc_f i l e The device description file isdesc_f i l e rather than the default DESC.
eenc_f i l e The PostScript font should be reencoded to use the encoding described in enc_f i l e. The format of
enc_f i l e isdescribed in grops(1).
an Use n asthe slant parameter in the font file; thisisused by groff in the positioning of accents. By
default, afmtodit usesthe negative of the ItalicAngle specified in the af m_f i l e; with true italic
fonts, it issometimesdesirable to use a slant that islessthan this. If you find that charactersfrom
an italic font have accentsplaced too far to the right over them, then use the a option to give the
font a smaller slant.
in Generate an italic correction for each character so that the characterswidth plusthe characters
italic correction isequal to n thousandthsof an em plusthe amount by which the right edge of the
charactersbounding isto the right of the charactersorigin. If thiswould result in a negative italic
correction, use a zero italic correction instead.
Also generate a subscript correction equal to the product of the tangent of the slant of the font and
four-fifthsof the x-height of the font. If thiswould result in a subscript correction greater than the
italic correction, use a subscript correction equal to the italic correction instead.
Also generate a left italic correction for each character equal to n thousandthsof an em plusthe
amount by which the left edge of the charactersbounding box isto the left of the characters
origin. The left italic correction may be negative.
Thisoption isnormally needed only with italic (or oblique) fonts. The font filesdistributed with
groff were created using an option of i50 for italic fonts.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devps/DESC Device description file
/usr/lib/groff/font/devps/F Font description file for font F
/usr/lib/groff/font/devps/download List of downloadable fonts
Part I: User Commands
/usr/lib/groff/font/devps/text.enc Encoding used for text fonts
/usr/lib/groff/font/devps/generate/textmap Standard mapping
groff(1), grops(1), groff_font(5), perl(1)
Groff Version 1.09, 14 February1994
ansi2knrConvert ANSI C to Kernighan & Ritchie C
ansi2knr i nput _f i l e out put _f i l e
If no out put _f i l e issupplied, output goesto stdout. There are no error messages.
ansi2knr recognizesfunctionsby seeing a nonkeyword identifier at the left margin, followed by a left parenthesis, with a right
parenthesisasthe last character on the line. It will recognize a multiline header if the last character on each line but the last is
a left parenthesisor comma. These algorithmsignore whitespace and comments, except that the function name must be the
first thing on the line.
The following constructswill confuse it:
I Any other construct that startsat the left margin and followsthe above syntax (such asa macro or function call)
I Macrosthat tinker with the syntax of the function header
31 December 1990
anytopnmAttempt to convert an unknown type of image file to a portable anymap
anytopnm f i l e
anytopnm usesthe file program, possibly augmented by the magic numbersfile included with PBMPLUS, to try to figure out
what type of image file it is. If that fails(very few image formatshave magic numbers), looksat the filename extension. If
that fails, punt.
The type of the output file dependson the input file.
pnmfile(1), pnm(5), file(1)
Itsa script. Scriptsare not portable to non-UNIX environments.
Copyright 1991 by Jef Poskanzer
27 July1990
appresList X application resource database
appres [[cl ass [i nst ance]] [1] [t ool ki t opt i ons]
The appres program printsthe resourcesseen by an application (or subhierarchy of an application) with the specified class
and instance names. It can be used to determine which resourcesa particular program will load. For example,
% appres XTerm
will list the resourcesthat any xterm program will load. If no application classisspecified, the class-AppResTest- isused.
To match a particular instance name, specify an instance name explicitly after the classname, or use the normal Xt toolkit
option. For example,
% appres XTerm myxterm
% appres XTerm name myxterm
To list resourcesthat match a subhierarchy of an application, specify hierarchical classand instance names. The number of
classand instance componentsmust be equal, and the instance name should not be specified with a toolkit option. For
% appres Xman.TopLevelShell.Form xman.topBox.form
will list the resourcesof widgetsof xman topBox hierarchy. To list just the resourcesmatching a specific level in the hierarchy,
use the 1 option. For example,
% appres XTerm.VT100 xterm.vt100 1
will list the resourcesmatching the xterm vt100 widget.
X(1), xrdb(1), listres(1)
Jim Fulton (MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release6
arCreate, modify, and extract from archives
ar [ - ] dmpqrtx[abcilosuvV] [ member name ] ar chi ve f i l es ...
The GNU ar program creates, modifies, and extractsfrom archives. An archive isa single file holding a collection of other
filesin a structure that makesit possible to retrieve the original individual files(called membersof the archive).
The original files contents, mode (permissions), timestamp, owner, and group are preserved in the archive, and may be
reconstituted on extraction.
Part I: User Commands
GNU ar can maintain archiveswhose membershave namesof any length; however, depending on how ar isconfigured on
your system, a limit on member-name length may be imposed (for compatibility with archive formatsmaintained with other
tools). If it exists, the limit isoften 15 characters(typical of formatsrelated to a.out) or 16 characters(typical of formats
related to coff).
ar isconsidered a binary utility because archivesof thissort are most often used aslibrariesholding commonly needed
ar will create an index to the symbolsdefined in relocatable object modulesin the archive when you specify the modifier s.
Once created, thisindex isupdated in the archive whenever ar makesa change to itscontents(save for the q update
operation). An archive with such an index speedsup linking to the library, and allowsroutinesin the library to call each
other without regard to their placement in the archive.
You may use nm s or nm printarmap to list thisindex table. If an archive lacksthe table, another form of ar called ranlib
can be used to add just the table.
ar insistson at least two argumentsto execute: one keyletter specifying the operation (optionally accompanied by other
keylettersspecifying modifiers), and the archive name to act on.
Most operationscan also accept further filesarguments, specifying particular filesto operate on.
GNU ar allowsyou to mix the operation code p and modifier flagsmod in any order, within the first command-line
If you wish, you may begin the first command-line argument with a dash.
The p keyletter specifieswhat operation to execute; it may be any of the following, but you must specify only one of them:
d Delete modulesfrom the archive. Specify the namesof modulesto be deleted asfiles; the archive is
untouched if you specify no filesto delete.
If you specify the v modifier, ar will list each module asit isdeleted.
m Use thisoperation to move membersin an archive.
The ordering of membersin an archive can make a difference in how programsare linked using the
library if a symbol isdefined in more than one member.
If no modifiersare used with m, any membersyou name in the filesargumentsare moved to the end of
the archive; you can use the a, b, or i modifiersto move them to a specified place instead.
p Print the specified membersof the archive to the standard output file. If the v modifier isspecified,
show the membername before copying itscontentsto standard output.
If you specify no files, all the filesin the archive are printed.
q Quick append; add filesto the end of archive without checking for replacement.
The modifiersa, b, and i do not affect thisoperation; new membersare alwaysplaced at the end of the
The modifier v makesar list each file asit isappended.
Since the point of thisoperation isspeed, the archivessymbol table index isnot updated, even if it
already existed; you can use ar s or ranlib explicitly to update the symbol table index.
r Insert filesinto archive (with replacement). Thisoperation differsfrom q in that any previously existing
membersare deleted if their namesmatch those being added.
If one of the filesnamed in filesdoesnt exist, ar displaysan error message and leavesundisturbed any
existing membersof the archive matching that name.
By default, new membersare added at the end of the file, but you may use one of the modifiersa, b, or
i to request placement relative to some existing member.
The modifier v used with thisoperation elicitsa line of output for each file inserted, along with one of
the lettersa or r to indicate whether the file wasappended (no old member deleted) or replaced.
t Display a table listing the contentsof archive, or those of the fileslisted in filesthat are present in the
archive. Normally, only the membername isshown; if you also want to see the modes(permissions),
timestamp, owner, group, and size, you can request that by also specifying the v modifier.
If you do not specify any files, all filesin the archive are listed.
If there ismore than one file with the same name (say, fie) in an archive (say, b.a), ar t b.a fie will
list only the first instance; to see them all, you must ask for a complete listingin our example, ar t
x Extract members(named files) from the archive. You can use the v modifier with thisoperation to
request that ar list each name asit extractsit.
If you do not specify any files, all filesin the archive are extracted.
A number of modifiers(mod) may immediately follow the p keyletter, to specify variationson an operationsbehavior, as
a Add new filesafter an existing member of the archive. If you use the modifier a, the name of an
existing archive member must be present asthe membername argument, before the archive specifica-
b Add new filesbefore an existing member of the archive. If you use the modifier b, the name of an
existing archive member must be present asthe membername argument, before the archive specifica-
tion (same asi).
c Create the archive. The specified archive isalwayscreated if it didnt exist when you request an update.
But a warning isissued unlessyou specify in advance that you expect to create it by using thismodifier.
i Insert new filesbefore an existing member of the archive. If you use the modifier i, the name of an
existing archive member must be present asthe membername argument, before the archive specifica-
tion. (same asb).
l Thismodifier isaccepted but not used.
o Preserve the original datesof memberswhen extracting them. If you do not specify thismodifier, files
extracted from the archive will be stamped with the time of extraction.
s Write an object-file index into the archive, or update an existing one, even if no other change ismade
to the archive. You may use thismodifier flag either with any operation, or alone. Running ar s on an
archive isequivalent to running ranlib on it.
u Normally, ar r... insertsall fileslisted into the archive. If you would like to insert only those of the
filesyou list that are newer than existing membersof the same names, use thismodifier. The u modifier
isallowed only for the operation r (replace). In particular, the combination qu isnot allowed, since
checking the timestampswould lose any speed advantage from the operation q.
v Thismodifier requeststhe verbose version of an operation. Many operationsdisplay additional
information, such asfilenamesprocessed, when the modifier v isappended.
V Thismodifier showsthe version number of ar.
binutils entry in info; TheGNU BinaryUtilities, Roland H. Pesch (October 1991); nm(1), anlib(1)
Copyright 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof this
manual provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission isgranted to copy
and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting
derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
CygnusSupport, 5 November 1991
Part I: User Commands
archPrint architecture
arch displaysmachine architecture type.
uname(1), uname(2)
Debian GNU/Linux, 15 January1994
GNU as
GNU asThe portable GNU assembler
as [ a | al | -as ][D ][f ][I pat h ][K ][L ][o obj f i l e ][R ][v ][w ][\|\
f i l es ...]
i960-only options:
[ ACA| ACA A | ACB | ACC| AKA| AKB | AKC| AMC][b ][no-relax ]
m680x0-only options:
[ l ][mc68000| mc68010| mc68020]
GNU as isreally a family of assemblers. If you use (or have used) the GNU assembler on one architecture, you should find a
fairly similar environment when you use it on another architecture. Each version hasmuch in common with the others,
including object file formats, most assembler directives(often called pseudo-ops) and assembler syntax.
For information on the syntax and pseudo-opsused by GNU as, see as entry in info (or the manual Usingas: TheGNU
as isprimarily intended to assemble the output of the GNU C compiler gcc for use by the linker ld. Nevertheless, weve tried
to make as assemble correctly everything that the native assembler would. Thisdoesnt mean as alwaysusesthe same syntax
asanother assembler for the same architecture; for example, we know of several incompatible versionsof 680x0 assembly
language syntax.
Each time you run as, it assemblesexactly one source program. The source program ismade up of one or more files. (The
standard input isalso a file.)
If as isgiven no filenames, it attemptsto read one input file from the as standard input, which isnormally your terminal.
You may have to type Ctrl-D to tell as there isno more program to assemble. Use if you need to explicitly name the
standard input file in your command line.
as may write warningsand error messagesto the standard error file (usually your terminal). Thisshould not happen when as
isrun automatically by a compiler. Warningsreport an assumption made so that as could keep assembling a flawed program;
errorsreport a grave problem that stopsthe assembly.
a|al|as Turn on assembly listings; al, listing only, as, symbolsonly, -a, everything.
D Thisoption isaccepted only for script compatibility with callsto other assemblers; it
hasno effect on as.
f Fastskip preprocessing (assume source iscompiler output).
I\pat h Add path to the search list for .include directives.
K Issue warningswhen difference tablesaltered for long displacements.
L Keep (in symbol table) local symbols, starting with L.
o\obj f i l e Name the object-file output from as.
R Fold data section into text section.
v Announce as version.
W Suppresswarning messages.
\|\f i l es ... Source filesto assemble, or standard input ().
Avar (When configured for Intel 960.) Specify which variant of the 960 architecture isthe
b (When configured for Intel 960.) Add code to collect statisticsabout branchestaken.
no-relax (When configured for Intel 960.) Do not alter compare-and-branch instructionsfor
long displacements; error if necessary.
l (When configured for Motorola 68000.) Shorten referencesto undefined symbolsto
one word instead of two.
mc68000|mc68010|mc68020 (When configured for Motorola 68000.) Specify which processor in the 68000
family isthe target (default 68020).
Optionsmay be in any order, and may be before, after, or between filenames. The order of filenamesissignificant.
The double hyphenscommand () by itself namesthe standard input file explicitly, asone of the filesfor as to assemble.
Except for , any command line argument that beginswith a hyphen () isan option. Each option changesthe behavior of
as. No option changesthe way another option works. An option isa hyphen followed by one or more letters; the case of the
letter isimportant. All optionsare optional.
The o option expectsexactly one filename to follow. The filename may either immediately follow the optionsletter
(compatible with older assemblers) or it may be the next command argument (GNU standard).
These two command linesare equivalent:
as o myobjectfile.o mumble.s
as omyobjectfile.o mumble.s
as entry in info; Usingas: TheGNU Assembler; gcc(1), ld(1).
Copyright 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof
thismanual provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission isgranted to
copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying, provided that the entire
resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
CygnusSupport, 21 January1992
GNU as
Part I: User Commands
asciitopgmConvert ASCII graphicsinto a portable graymap
asciitopgm [-d divisor] hei ght wi dt h [asci i f i l e]
ReadsASCII data asinput. Producesa portable graymap with pixel valuesthat are an approximation of the brightnessof the
ASCII characters, assuming black-on-white printing. In other words, a capital M isvery dark, a period isvery light, and a
space iswhite. Input linesthat are fewer than wi dt h charactersare automatically padded with spaces.
The divisor argument isa floating-point number by which the output pixelsare divided; the default value is1.0. Thiscan be
used to adjust the brightnessof the graymap; for example, if the image istoo dim, reduce the divisor.
In keeping with (I believe) FORTRAN line-printer conventions, input linesbeginning with a + (plus) character are assumed
to overstrike the previousline, allowing a larger range of gray values.
Thistool contradictsthe message in the pbmtoascii manual: Note that there isno asciitopbm toolthistransformation is
The table of ASCII-to-gray valuesissubject to interpretation, and, of course, dependson the typeface intended for the input.
pbmtoascii(1), pgm(5)
Wilson H. Bent, Jr. (
26 December 1994
atktopbmConvert Andrew Toolkit raster object to portable bitmap
atktopbm [at kf i l e]
atktopbm readsan Andrew Toolkit raster object asinput and producesa portable bitmap asoutput.
pbmtoatk(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1991 by Bill Janssen
26 September 1991
bashGNU Bourneagain shell
bash [opt i ons ] [f i l e]
bash isan shcompatible command language interpreter that executescommandsread from the standard input or from a file.
bash also incorporatesuseful featuresfrom the Korn and C shells(ksh and csh).
bash isultimately intended to be a conformant implementation of the IEEE POSIX Shell and Toolsspecification (IEEE
Working Group 10032).
In addition to the singlecharacter shell optionsdocumented in the description of the set built-in command, bash interprets
the following flagswhen it isinvoked:
c st r i ng If the c flag ispresent, then commandsare read from st r i ng. If there are argumentsafter the
string, they are assigned to the positional parameters, starting with $0.
i If the i flag ispresent, the shell isinteractive.
s If the s flag ispresent, or if no argumentsremain after option processing, then commandsare
read from the standard input. Thisoption allowsthe positional parametersto be set when
invoking an interactive shell.
A single signalsthe end of optionsand disablesfurther option processing. Any argumentsafter
the are treated asfilenamesand arguments. An argument of isequivalent to an argument
of .
bash also interpretsa number of multicharacter options. To be recognized, these optionsmust appear on the command line
before the singlecharacter options.
norc Do not read and execute the personal initialization file /.bashrc if the shell isinteractive. This
option ison by default if the shell isinvoked assh.
noprofile Do not read either the systemwide startup file /etc/profile or any of the personal initializa-
tion files/.bash_profile, /.bash_login, or /.profile. By default, bash normally readsthese
fileswhen it isinvoked asa login shell. (See the Invocation section, later in thismanual page.)
rcfile f i l e Execute commandsfrom file instead of the standard personal initialization file /.bashrc, if the
shell isinteractive. (See Invocation.)
version Show the version number of thisinstance of bash when starting.
quiet Do not be verbose when starting up (do not show the shell version or any other information).
Thisisthe default.
login Make bash act asif it had been invoked asa login shell.
nobraceexpansion Do not perform curly brace expansion. (See Brace Expansion, later in thismanual page.)
nolineediting Do not use the GNU readline library to read command linesif interactive.
posix Change the behavior of bash where the default operation differsfrom the POSIX 1003.2
standard to match the standard.
If argumentsremain after option processing, and neither the c nor the s option hasbeen supplied, the first argument is
assumed to be the name of a file containing shell commands. If bash isinvoked in thisfashion, isset to the name of the file,
and the positional parametersare set to the remaining arguments. bash readsand executescommandsfrom thisfile, then
exits. bashsexit statusisthe exit statusof the last command executed in the script.
Part I: User Commands
blank A space or tab.
word A sequence of charactersconsidered asa single unit by the shell. Also known asa token.
name A word consisting only of alphanumeric charactersand underscoresand beginning with an
alphabetic character or an underscore. Also referred to asan identifier.
meta character A character that, when unquoted, separateswords. One of the following:
|, &, ;, (, ), <, >, space, tab
control operator A token that performsa control function. It isone of the following symbols:
||, &, &&, ;, ;;, (, ), |, <newline>
Reserved wordsare wordsthat have a special meaning to the shell. The following wordsare recognized asreserved when
unquoted and either the first word of a simple command (see Shell Grammar, next) or the third word of a case or for
! case do done elif else esac fi for function if in select then until while { }
A simplecommand isa sequence of optional variable assignmentsfollowed by wordsand redirectionsseparated by blank and
terminated by a control operator. The first word specifiesthe command to be executed. The remaining wordsare passed as
argumentsto the invoked command.
The return value of a simple command isitsexit status, or 128+n if the command isterminated by signal n.
A pipelineisa sequence of one or more commandsseparated by the character |. The format for a pipeline is
[!]command [ | command2 ... ]
The standard output of command isconnected to the standard input of command2. Thisconnection isperformed before any
redirectionsspecified by the command. (See the Redirection section, later in thismanual page.)
If the reserved word ! precedesa pipeline, the exit statusof that pipeline isthe logical NOT of the exit statusof the last
command. Otherwise, the statusof the pipeline isthe exit statusof the last command. The shell waitsfor all commandsin
the pipeline to terminate before returning a value.
Each command in a pipeline isexecuted asa separate process(that is, in a subshell).
A list isa sequence of one or more pipelinesseparated by one of these operators: ;, &, &&, or ||, and terminated by one of
these: ;, &, or <newline>.
Of these list operators, && and || have equal precedence, followed by ; and &, which have equal precedence.
If a command isterminated by the control operator &, the shell executesthe command in the background in a subshell. The
shell doesnot wait for the command to finish, and the return statusis0. Commandsseparated by a ; are executed sequen-
tially; the shell waitsfor each command to terminate in turn. The return statusisthe exit statusof the last command
The control operators&& and || denote AND listsand OR lists, respectively. An AND list hasthe form:
command && command2
command2 isexecuted if, and only if, command returnsan exit statusof Zero.
An OR list hasthe form
command command2
command2 isexecuted if, and only if, command returnsa nonzero exit status. The return statusof AND and OR listsisthe exit
statusof the last command executed in the list.
A compound commandisone of the following:
list isexecuted in a subshell. Variable assignmentsand built-in commandsthat affect the shellsenvironment do not remain
in effect after the command completes. The return statusisthe exit statusof list.
{ l i st ; }
l i st issimply executed in the current shell environment. Thisisknown asa group command. The return statusisthe exit
statusof l i st .
for name [ in wor d;] do l i st ; done
The list of wordsfollowing in isexpanded, generating a list of items. The variable name isset to each element of thislist in
turn, and l i st isexecuted each time. If the in word isomitted, the for command executesl i st once for each positional
parameter that isset. (See Parameters, later in thismanual page.)
select name [ in wor d;] do l i st ; done
The list of wordsfollowing in isexpanded, generating a list of items. The set of expanded wordsisprinted on the standard
error, each preceded by a number. If the in word isomitted, the positional parametersare printed. (See Parameters.) The
PS3 prompt isthen displayed and a line read from the standard input. If the line consistsof the number corresponding to
one of the displayed words, then the value of name isset to that word. If the line isempty, the wordsand prompt are
displayed again. If EOF isread, the command completes. Any other value read causesname to be set to null. The line read is
saved in the variable REPLY. The list isexecuted after each selection until a break or return command isexecuted. The exit
statusof select isthe exit statusof the last command executed in list, or zero if no commandswere executed.
case wor d in [ pat t er n [ | pat t er n ]
A case command first expandswor d, and triesto match it against each pat t er n in turn, using the same matching rulesasfor
pathname expansion. (See Pathname Expansion, later in thismanual page.) When a match isfound, the corresponding list
isexecuted. After the first match, no subsequent matchesare attempted. The exit statusiszero if no patternsare matches.
Otherwise, it isthe exit statusof the last command executed in l i st .
if l i st then l i st [ elif l i st then l i st ] ... [ else l i st ] fi
The if list isexecuted. If itsexit statusiszero, the then list isexecuted. Otherwise, each elif list isexecuted in turn, and if its
exit statusiszero, the corresponding then list isexecuted and the command completes. Otherwise, the else list isexecuted, if
present. The exit statusisthe exit statusof the last command executed, or zero if no condition tested True.
while l i st do l i st done
until l i st do l i st done
The while command continuously executesthe do list aslong asthe last command in l i st returnsan exit statusof zero. The
until command isidentical to the while command, except that the test isnegated; the do list isexecuted aslong asthe last
command in l i st returnsa nonzero exit status. The exit statusof the while and until commandsisthe exit statusof the last
do l i st command executed, or zero if none wasexecuted.
[ function ] name () { l i st ; }
Thisdefinesa function named name. The body of the function isthe list of commandsbetween { and }. Thislist isexecuted
whenever nameisspecified asthe name of a simple command. The exit statusof a function isthe exit statusof the last
command executed in the body. (See Functions, later in thismanual page.)
Part I: User Commands
In a noninteractive shell, or an interactive shell in which the -o interactivecomments option to the set builtin isenabled, a
word beginning with # causesthat word and all remaining characterson that line to be ignored. An interactive shell without
the -o interactivecomments option enabled doesnot allow comments.
Quoting isused to remove the special meaning of certain charactersor wordsto the shell. Quoting can be used to disable
special treatment for special characters, to prevent reserved wordsfrom being recognized assuch, and to prevent parameter
Each of the meta characterslisted earlier under Definitions hasspecial meaning to the shell and must be quoted if it isto
represent itself. There are three quoting mechanisms: the escape character, single quotes, and double quotes.
A nonquoted backslash (\) isthe escape character. It preservesthe literal value of the next character that follows, with the
exception of <newline>.If a \<newline> pair appears, and the backslash isnot quoted, the \<newline> istreated asa line
continuation; that is, it iseffectively ignored.
Enclosing charactersin single quotespreservesthe literal value of each character within the quotes. A single quote may not
occur between single quotes, even when preceded by a backslash.
Enclosing charactersin double quotespreservesthe literal value of all characterswithin the quotes, with the exception of $, ,
and \. The characters$ and retain their special meaning within double quotes. The backslash retainsitsspecial meaning
only when followed by one of the following characters: $, , , \, or <newline>. A double quote may be quoted within double
quotesby preceding it with a backslash.
The special parameters* and @ have special meaning when in double quotes. (See Parameters, next.)
A parameter isan entity that storesvalues, somewhat like a variable in a conventional programming language. It can be a
name, a number, or one of the special characterslisted under Special Parameters, following. For the shellspurposes, a
variable isa parameter denoted by a name.
A parameter isset if it hasbeen assigned a value. The null string isa valid value. Once a variable isset, it may be unset only
by using the unset built-in command. (See Shell Built-in Commands, later in thismanual page.)
A variable may be assigned to by a statement of the form:
name=[val ue]
If val ue isnot given, the variable isassigned the null string. All valuesundergo tilde expansion, parameter and variable
expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and quote removal. If the variable hasitsi attribute set (see
declare in Shell Built-in Commands) then val ue issubject to arithmetic expansion even if the $[...] syntax doesnot
appear. Word splitting isnot performed, with the exception of $@, asexplained under Special Parameters. Pathname
expansion isnot performed.
A positional parameter isa parameter denoted by one or more digits, other than the single digit 0. Positional parametersare
assigned from the shellsargumentswhen it isinvoked, and may be reassigned using the set built-in command. Positional
parametersmay not be assigned to with assignment statements. The positional parametersare temporarily replaced when a
shell function isexecuted. (See Functions, later in thismanual page.)
When a positional parameter consisting of more than a single digit isexpanded, it must be enclosed in braces. (See
Expansion, later in thismanual page.)
The shell treatsseveral parametersspecially. These parametersmay only be referenced; assignment to them isnot allowed.
* Expandsto the positional parameters, starting from one. When the expansion occurswithin double
quotes, it expandsto a single word with the value of each parameter separated by the first character
of the IFS special variable. That is, $* isequivalent to $1c$2c..., where c isthe first character of
the value of the IFS variable. If IFS isnull or unset, the parametersare separated by spaces.
@ Expandsto the positional parameters, starting from one. When the expansion occurswithin double
quotes, each parameter expandsasa separate word. That is, $@ isequivalent to $1$2" ....
When there are no positional parameters, $@ and $@ expand to nothing (in other words, they are
# Expandsto the number of positional parametersin decimal.
? Expandsto the statusof the most recently executed foreground pipeline.
Expandsto the current option flagsasspecified upon invocation, by the set built-in command, or
those set by the shell itself (such asthe i flag).
$ Expandsto the processID of the shell. In a () subshell, it expandsto the processID of the current
shell, not the subshell.
! Expandsto the processID of the most recently executed background (asynchronous) command.
0 Expandsto the name of the shell or shell script. Thisisset at shell initialization. If bash isinvoked
with a file of commands, isset to the name of that file. If bash isstarted with the c option, then is
set to the first argument after the string to be executed, if one ispresent. Otherwise, it isset to the
pathname used to invoke bash, asgiven by argument zero.
_ Expandsto the last argument to the previouscommand, after expansion. Also set to the full
pathname of each command executed and placed in the environment exported to that command.
The following variablesare set by the shell:
PPID The processID of the shellsparent.
PWD The current working directory asset by the cd command.
OLDPWD The previousworking directory asset by the cd command.
REPLY Set to the line of input read by the read built-in command when no argumentsare
UID Expandsto the user ID of the current user, initialized at shell startup.
EUID Expandsto the effective user ID of the current user, initialized at shell startup.
BASH Expandsto the full pathname used to invoke thisinstance of bash.
BASH_VERSION Expandsto the version number of thisinstance of bash.
SHLVL Incremented by one each time an instance of bash isstarted.
RANDOM Each time thisparameter isreferenced, a random integer isgenerated. The sequence
of random numbersmay be initialized by assigning a value to RANDOM. If RANDOM is
unset, it losesitsspecial properties, even if it issubsequently reset.
SECONDS Each time thisparameter isreferenced, the number of secondssince shell invocation
isreturned. If a value isassigned to SECONDS, the value returned upon subsequent
referencesisthe number of secondssince the assignment plusthe value assigned. If
SECONDS isunset, it losesitsspecial properties, even if it issubsequently reset.
LINENO Each time thisparameter isreferenced, the shell substitutesa decimal number
representing the current sequential line number (starting with 1) within a script or
function. When not in a script or function, the value substituted isnot guaranteed to
be meaningful. When in a function, the value isnot the number of the source line
that the command appearson (that information hasbeen lost by the time the
function isexecuted), but isan approximation of the number of simple commands
executed in the current function. If LINENO isunset, it losesitsspecial properties, even
if it issubsequently reset.
Part I: User Commands
HISTCMD The history number, or index in the history list, of the current command. If HISTCMD
isunset, it losesitsspecial properties, even if it issubsequently reset.
OPTARG The value of the last option argument processed by the getopts built-in command.
(See Shell Built-in Commands, later in thismanual page).
OPTIND The index of the next argument to be processed by the getopts built-in command.
(See Shell Built-in Commands.)
HOSTTYPE Automatically set to a string that uniquely describesthe type of machine on which
bash isexecuting. The default issystem-dependent.
OSTYPE Automatically set to a string that describesthe operating system on which bash is
executing. The default issystem-dependent.
The following variablesare used by the shell. In some cases, bash assignsa default value to a variable; these casesare noted in
the following list:
IFS The internal field separator that isused for word splitting after expansion and to split
linesinto wordswith the read built-in command. The default value is
PATH The search path for commands. It isa colon-separated list of directoriesin which the
shell looksfor commands. (See Command Execution, later in thismanual page).
The default path issystemdependent, and isset by the administrator who installs
bash. A common value is/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin:.
HOME The home directory of the current user; the default argument for the cd built-in
CDPATH The search path for the cd command. Thisisa colon-separated list of directoriesin
which the shell looksfor destination directoriesspecified by the cd command. A
sample value is.::/usr.
ENV If thisparameter isset when bash isexecuting a shell script, itsvalue isinterpreted as
a filename containing commandsto initialize the shell, asin .bashrc. The value of
ENV issubjected to parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic
expansion before being interpreted asa pathname. PATH isnot used to search for the
resultant pathname.
MAIL If thisparameter isset to a filename and the MAILPATH variable isnot set, bash informs
the user of the arrival of mail in the specified file.
MAILCHECK Specifieshow often (in seconds) bash checksfor mail. The default is60 seconds.
When it istime to check for mail, the shell doesso before prompting. If thisvariable
isunset, the shell disablesmail checking.
MAILPATH A colon-separated list of pathnamesto be checked for mail. The message to be
printed may be specified by separating the pathname from the message with a
question mark (?). $_ standsfor the name of the current mailfile.
=/usr/spool/mail/bfox?You have
mail:/shell-mail?$_has mail!
bash suppliesa default value for thisvariable, but the location of the user mail files
that it usesissystem-dependent (for example, /usr/spool/mail/$USER).
MAIL_WARNING If set, and a file that bash ischecking for mail hasbeen accessed since the last time it
waschecked, the message The mail in mail-file hasbeen read isprinted.
PS1 The value of thisparameter isexpanded (see Prompting, later in thismanual page)
and used asthe primary prompt string. The default value isbash\$.
PS2 The value of thisparameter isexpanded and used asthe secondary prompt string.
The default is>.
PS3 The value of thisparameter isused asthe prompt for the select command. (See
Shell Grammar, earlier in thismanual page.)
PS4 The value of thisparameter isexpanded and the value isprinted before each
command bash displaysduring an execution trace. The first character of PS4 is
replicated multiple times, asnecessary, to indicate multiple levelsof indirection. The
default is+.
HISTSIZE The number of commandsto remember in the command history, (See History,
later in thismanual page.) The default value is500.
HISTFILE The name of the file in which command history issaved. (See History.) The
default value is/.bash_history. If unset, the command history isnot saved when an
interactive shell exits.
HISTFILESIZE The maximum number of linescontained in the history file. When thisvariable is
assigned a value, the history file istruncated, if necessary, to contain no more than
that number of lines. The default value is500.
OPTERR If set to the value 1, bash displayserror messagesgenerated by the getopts built-in
command. (See Shell Built-in Commands.). OPTERR isinitialized to 1 each time the
shell isinvoked or a shell script isexecuted.
PROMPT_COMMAND If set, the value isexecuted asa command prior to issuing each primary prompt.
IGNOREEOF Controlsthe action of the shell on receipt of an EOF character asthe sole input. If set,
the value isthe number of consecutive EOF characterstyped asthe first characterson
an input line before bash exits. If the variable existsbut doesnot have a numeric
value, or hasno value, the default value is10. If it doesnot exist, EOF signifiesthe end
of input to the shell. Thisisonly in effect for interactive shells.
TMOUT If set to a value greater than zero, the value isinterpreted asthe number of seconds
to wait for input after issuing the primary prompt. bash terminatesafter waiting for
that number of secondsif input doesnot arrive.
FCEDIT The default editor for the fc built-in command.
FIGNORE A colon-separated list of suffixesto ignore when performing filename completion.
(See Readline, later in thismanual page.) A filename whose suffix matchesone of
the entriesin FIGNORE isexcluded from the list of matched filenames. A sample value
INPUTRC The filename for the readline startup file, overriding the default of /.inputrc. (See
notify If set, bash reportsterminated background jobsimmediately, rather than waiting
until before printing the next primary prompt. (See also the b option to the set
built-in command.)
history_control HISTCONTROL If set to a value of ignorespace, linesthat begin with a space character are not entered
on the history list. If set to a value of ignoredups, linesmatching the last history line
are not entered. A value of ignoreboth combinesthe two options. If unset, or if set to
any other value than the preceding, all linesread by the parser are saved on the
history list.
command_oriented_history If set, bash attemptsto save all linesof a multipleline command in the same history
entry. Thisallowseasy reediting of multiline commands.
glob_dot_filenames If set, bash includesfilenamesbeginning with a period (.) in the resultsof pathname
allow-null_glob_expansion If set, bash allowspathname patternswhich match no files(see Pathname
Expansion) to expand to a null string, rather than themselves.
histchars The two or three charactersthat control history expansion and tokenization. (See
History Expansion, later in thismanual page.) The first character isthe history
expansion character; that is, the character that signalsthe start of a history expansion,
Part I: User Commands
normally !. The second character isthe quick substitution character, which isused as
shorthand for rerunning the previouscommand entered, substituting one string for
another in the command. The default is^. The optional third character isthe
character that signifiesthat the remainder of the line isa comment, when found as
the first character of a word, normally #. The history comment character causes
history substitution to be skipped for the remaining wordson the line. It doesnot
necessarily cause the shell parser to treat the rest of the line asa comment.
nolinks If set, the shell doesnot follow symbolic linkswhen executing commandsthat
change the current working directory. It usesthe physical directory structure instead.
By default, bash followsthe logical chain of directorieswhen performing commands
that change the current directory, such ascd. See also the description of the P
option to the set builtin (Shell Built-in Commands).
hostname_completion_file HOSTFILE Containsthe name of a file in the same format as/etc/hosts that should be read
when the shell needsto complete a hostname. The file may be changed interactively;
the next time hostname completion isattempted bash addsthe contentsof the new
file to the already existing database.
noclobber If set, bash doesnot overwrite an existing file with the >, >&, and <> redirection
operators. Thisvariable may be overridden when creating output filesby using the
redirection operator >| instead of >. (See also the C option to the set built-in
auto_resume Thisvariable controlshow the shell interactswith the user and job control. If this
variable isset, single word simple commandswithout redirectionsare treated as
candidatesfor resumption of an existing stopped job. There isno ambiguity allowed;
if there ismore than one job beginning with the string typed, the job most recently
accessed isselected. The name of a stopped job, in thiscontext, isthe command line
used to start it. If set to the value exact, the string supplied must match the name of
a stopped job exactly; if set to substring, the string supplied needsto match a
substring of the name of a stopped job. The substring value providesfunctionality
analogousto the %? job ID. (See Job Control, later in thismanual page.) If set to
any other value, the supplied string must be a prefix of a stopped jobsname; this
providesfunctionality analogousto the % job id.
no_exit_on_failed_exec If thisvariable exists, a noninteractive shell will not exit if it cannot execute the file
specified in the exec built-in command. An interactive shell doesnot exit if exec
cdable_vars If thisisset, an argument to the cd built-in command that isnot a directory is
assumed to be the name of a variable whose value isthe directory to change to.
Expansion isperformed on the command line after it hasbeen split into words. There are seven kindsof expansion
performed: brace expansion, tilde expansion, parameter and variable expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expan-
sion, word splitting, and pathname expansion.
The order of expansionsisasfollows: brace expansion, tilde expansion, parameter, variable, command, and arithmetic
substitution (done in a lefttoright fashion), word splitting, and pathname expansion.
On systemsthat can support it, there isan additional expansion available: processsubstitution.
Only brace expansion, word splitting, and pathname expansion can change the number of wordsof the expansion; other
expansionsexpand a single word to a single word. The single exception to thisisthe expansion of $@, asexplained earlier.
(See Parameters.)
Braceexpansion isa mechanism by which arbitrary stringsmay be generated. Thismechanism issimilar to pathname
expansion, but the filenamesgenerated need not exist. Patternsto be brace expanded take the form of an optional preamble,
followed by a seriesof comma-separated stringsbetween a pair of braces, followed by an optional postamble. The preamble is
prepended to each string contained within the braces, and the postamble isthen appended to each resulting string,
expanding left to right.
Brace expansionsmay be nested. The resultsof each expanded string are not sorted; left to right order ispreserved. For
example, a{d,c,b}e expandsinto ade ace abe.
Brace expansion isperformed before any other expansions, and any charactersspecial to other expansionsare preserved in the
result. It isstrictly textual. bash doesnot apply any syntactic interpretation to the context of the expansion or the text
between the braces.
A correctly formed brace expansion must contain unquoted opening and closing braces, and at least one unquoted comma.
Any incorrectly formed brace expansion isleft unchanged.
Thisconstruct istypically used asshorthand when the common prefix of the stringsto be generated islonger than in the
preceding example, such as
mkdir /usr/local/src/bash/{old,new,dist,bugs}
chown root /usr/{ucb/{ex,edit},lib/{ex?.?*,how_ex}}
Brace expansion introducesa slight incompatibility with traditional versionsof sh, the Bourne shell. sh doesnot treat
opening or closing bracesspecially when they appear aspart of a word, and preservesthem in the output. bash removes
bracesfrom wordsasa consequence of brace expansion. For example, a word entered to sh asfile{1,2} appearsidentically in
the output. The same word isoutput asfile1 file2 after expansion by bash. If strict compatibility with sh isdesired, start
bash with the nobraceexpansion flag (see Options, earlier in thismanual page) or disable brace expansion with the +o
braceexpand option to the set command. (See Shell Built-in Commands.)
If a word beginswith a tilde character (), all of the characterspreceding the first slash (or all characters, if there isno slash)
are treated asa possible login name. If thislogin name isthe null string, the tilde isreplaced with the value of the parameter
HOME. If HOME isunset, the home directory of the user executing the shell issubstituted instead.
If a + followsthe tilde, the value of PWD replacesthe tilde and + If a follows, the value of OLDPWD issubstituted. If the value
following the tilde isa valid login name, the tilde and login name are replaced with the home directory associated with that
name. If the name isinvalid, or the tilde expansion fails, the word isunchanged.
Each variable assignment ischecked for unquoted instancesof tildesfollowing a : or =. In these cases, tilde substitution is
also performed. Consequently, one may use pathnameswith tildesin assignmentsto PATH, MAILPATH, and CDPATH, and the shell
assignsthe expanded value.
The $ character introducesparameter expansion, command substitution, or arithmetic expansion. The parameter name or
symbol to be expanded may be enclosed in braces, which are optional but serve to protect the variable to be expanded from
charactersimmediately following it which could be interpreted aspart of the name.
${par amet er } The value of par amet er issubstituted. The bracesare required when par amet er isa positional parameter
with more than one digit, or when par amet er isfollowed by a character that isnot to be interpreted aspart
of itsname.
In each of the following cases, wor d issubject to tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic
expansion. bash testsfor a parameter that isunset or null; omitting the colon resultsin a test only for a parameter that is
Part I: User Commands
${par amet er :wor d} Use default values. If par amet er isunset or null, the expansion of wor d issubstituted. Otherwise, the
value of par amet er issubstituted.
${par amet er :=wor d} Assign default values. If par amet er isunset or null, the expansion of word isassigned to parameter.
The value of par amet er isthen substituted. Positional parametersand special parametersmay not be
assigned to in thisway.
${par amet er :?wor d} Display Error if null or unset. If par amet er isnull or unset, the expansion of wor d (or a message to
that effect if wor d isnot present) iswritten to the standard error and the shell, if it isnot interactive,
exits. Otherwise, the value of par amet er issubstituted.
${par amet er :+wor d} Use Alternate Value. If par amet er isnull or unset, nothing issubstituted; otherwise, the expansion
of wor d issubstituted.
${#par amet er } The length in charactersof the value of par amet er issubstituted. If parameter is* or @, the length
substituted isthe length of * expanded within double quotes.
${par amet er #wor d} The wor d isexpanded to produce a pattern just asin pathname expansion. If the pattern matches
${par amet er ##wor d} the beginning of the value of par amet er , then the expansion isthe value of par amet er with the
shortest matching pattern deleted (the # case) or the longest matching pattern deleted (the ## case).
${par amet er %wor d} The wor d isexpanded to produce a pattern just asin pathname expansion. If the pattern matchesa
${par amet er %%wor d} trailing portion of the value of par amet er , then the expansion isthe value of par amet er with the
shortest matching pattern deleted (the % case) or the longest matching pattern deleted (the %% case).
Command substitution allowsthe output of a command to replace the command name.
There are two forms:
$(command )
performsthe expansion by executing command and replacing the command substitution with the standard output of the
command, with any trailing newlinesdeleted.
When the oldstyle backquote form of substitution isused, backslash retainsitsliteral meaning except when followed by $, ,
or \. When using the $(command) form, all charactersbetween the parenthesesmake up the command; none are treated
Command substitutionsmay be nested. To nest when using the old form, escape the inner backquoteswith backslashes.
If the substitution appearswithin double quotes, word splitting and pathname expansion are not performed on the results.
Arithmetic expansion allowsthe evaluation of an arithmetic expression and the substitution of the result. There are two
formatsfor arithmetic expansion:
The expression istreated asif it were within double quotes, but a double quote inside the bracesor parenthesesisnot treated
specially. All tokensin the expression undergo parameter expansion, command substitution, and quote removal. Arithmetic
substitutionsmay be nested.
The evaluation isperformed according to the ruleslisted under Arithmetic Evaluation, later in thissection. If expr essi on is
invalid, bash printsa message indicating failure and no substitution occurs.
Processsubstitution issupported on systemsthat support named pipes(FIFOs) or the /dev/fd method of naming open files.
It takesthe form of <(l i st ) or >(l i st ). The processlist isrun with itsinput or output connected to a FIFO or some file in /
dev/fd. The name of thisfile ispassed asan argument to the current command asthe result of the expansion. If the >(l i st )
form isused, writing to the file will provide input for list. If the <(l i st ) form isused, the file passed asan argument should
be read to obtain the output of list.
On systemsthat support it, processsubstitution isperformed simultaneously with parameter and variable expansion,
command substitution, and arithmetic expansion.
The shell scansthe resultsof parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion that did not occur
within double quotesfor word splitting.
The shell treatseach character of IFS asa delimiter, and splitsthe resultsof the other expansionsinto wordson these
characters. If the value of IFS isexactly <space><tab><newline>, the default, then any sequence of IFS charactersservesto
delimit words. If IFS hasa value other than the default, then sequencesof the whitespace charactersspace and tab are ignored
at the beginning and end of the word, aslong asthe whitespace character isin the value of IFS (an IFS whitespace character).
Any character in IFS that isnot IFS whitespace, along with any adjacent IFS whitespace characters, delimitsa field. A
sequence of IFS whitespace charactersisalso treated asa delimiter. If the value of IFS isnull, no word splitting occurs. IFS
cannot be unset.
Explicit null arguments( or ) are retained. Implicit null arguments, resulting from the expansion of parametersthat have
no values, are removed.
Note that if no expansion occurs, no splitting isperformed.
After word splitting, unlessthe f option hasbeen set, bash scanseach word for the characters*, ?, and [. If one of these
charactersappears, then the word isregarded asa pattern and replaced with an alphabetically sorted list of pathnames
matching the pattern. If no matching pathnamesare found, and the shell variable allow_null_glob_expansion isunset, the
word isleft unchanged. If the variable isset, and no matchesare found, the word isremoved. When a pattern isused for
pathname generation, the character (.) at the start of a name or immediately following a slash must be matched explicitly,
unlessthe shell variable glob_dot_filenames isset. The slash character must alwaysbe matched explicitly. In other cases, the
(.) character isnot treated specially.
The special pattern charactershave the following meanings:
* Matchesany string, including the null string.
? Matchesany single character.
[...] Matchesany one of the enclosed characters. A pair of charactersseparated by a minussign denotesa range;
any character lexically between those two characters, inclusive, ismatched. If the first character following
the [ isa ! or a ^, then any character not enclosed ismatched. A or ] may be matched by including it as
the first or last character in the set.
After the preceding expansions, all unquoted occurrencesof the characters\, , and are removed.
Before a command isexecuted, itsinput and output may be redirected using a special notation interpreted by the shell.
Redirection may also be used to open and close filesfor the current shell execution environment. The following redirection
operatorsmay precede or appear anywhere within a simple command or may follow a command. Redirectionsare processed
in the order they appear, from left to right.
In the following descriptions, if the file descriptor number isomitted, and the first character of the redirection operator is<,
the redirection refersto the standard input (file descriptor 0). If the first character of the redirection operator is>, the
redirection refersto the standard output (file descriptor 1).
Part I: User Commands
The word that followsthe redirection operator in the following descriptionsissubjected to brace expansion, tilde expansion,
parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, quote removal, and pathname expansion. If it expandsto
more than one word, bash reportsan error.
Note that the order of redirectionsissignificant. For example, the command:
ls > di r l i st 2>&1
directsboth standard output and standard error to the file di r l i st , while the command
ls 2>&1 > di r l i st
directsonly the standard output to file di r l i st , because the standard error wasduplicated asstandard output before the
standard output wasredirected to dirlist.
Redirection of input causesthe file whose name resultsfrom the expansion of word to be opened for reading on file
descriptor n, or the standard input (file descriptor 0) if n isnot specified.
The general format for redirecting input is
[n]<wor d
Redirection of output causesthe file whose name resultsfrom the expansion of word to be opened for writing on file
descriptor n, or the standard output (file descriptor 1) if n isnot specified. If the file doesnot exist, it iscreated; if it does
exist it istruncated to zero size.
The general format for redirecting output is
[n]>wor d
If the redirection operator is>|, then the value of the -C option to the set built-in command isnot tested, and file creation is
attempted. (See also the description of noclobber under Shell Variables, earlier in thismanual page.)
Redirection of output in thisfashion causesthe file whose name resultsfrom the expansion of word to be opened for
appending on file descriptor n, or the standard output (file descriptor 1) if n isnot specified. If the file doesnot exist, it is
The general format for appending output is
[n]>>wor d
bash allowsboth the standard output (file descriptor 1) and the standard error output (file descriptor 2) to be redirected to
the file whose name isthe expansion of word with thisconstruct.
There are two formatsfor redirecting standard output and standard error:
&>wor d
>&wor d
Of the two forms, the first ispreferred. Thisissemantically equivalent to
>wor d 2>&1
Thistype of redirection instructsthe shell to read input from the current source until a line containing only word (with no
trailing blanks) isseen. All of the linesread up to that point are then used asthe standard input for a command.
The format of here-documentsisasfollows:
<<[]wor d her e- doc ument del i mi t er
No parameter expansion, command substitution, pathname expansion, or arithmetic expansion isperformed on wor d. If any
charactersin wor d are quoted, the del i mi t er isthe result of quote removal on wor d, and the linesin the her e- document are not
expanded. Otherwise, all linesof the her e- document are subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution, and
arithmetic expansion. In the latter case, the pair \<newline> isignored, and \ must be used to quote the characters\, $, and .
If the redirection operator is<<, then all leading tab charactersare stripped from input linesand the line containing
delimiter. Thisallowshere-documentswithin shell scriptsto be indented in a natural fashion.
The redirection operator:
[n]<&wor d
isused to duplicate input file descriptors. If wor d expandsto one or more digits, the file descriptor denoted by n ismade to be
a copy of that file descriptor. If word evaluatesto , file descriptor n isclosed. If n isnot specified, the standard input (file
descriptor 0) isused.
The operator:
[n]>&wor d
isused similarly to duplicate output file descriptors. If n isnot specified, the standard output (file descriptor 1) isused. Asa
special case, if n isomitted, and word doesnot expand to one or more digits, the standard output and standard error are
redirected asdescribed previously.
The redirection operator:
[n]<>wor d
causesthe file whose name isthe expansion of word to be opened for both reading and writing on file descriptor n, or asthe
standard input and standard output if n isnot specified. If the file doesnot exist, it iscreated.
A shell function, defined asdescribed above under Shell Grammar, storesa seriesof commandsfor later execution.
Functionsare executed in the context of the current shell; no new processiscreated to interpret them (contrast thiswith the
execution of a shell script). When a function isexecuted, the argumentsto the function become the positional parameters
during itsexecution. The special parameter # isupdated to reflect the change. Positional parameter 0 isunchanged.
Variableslocal to the function may be declared with the local built-in command. Ordinarily, variablesand their valuesare
shared between the function and itscaller.
If the built-in command return isexecuted in a function, the function completesand execution resumeswith the next
command after the function call. When a function completes, the valuesof the positional parametersand the special
parameter # are restored to the valuesthey had prior to function execution.
Function namesmay be listed with the f option to the declare or typeset built-in commands. Functionsmay be exported
so that subshellsautomatically have them defined with the f option to the export builtin.
Functionsmay be recursive. No limit isimposed on the number of recursive calls.
The shell maintainsa list of aliasesthat may be set and unset with the alias and unalias built-in commands. (See Shell
Built-in Commands.). The first word of each command, if unquoted, ischecked to see if it hasan alias. If so, that word is
replaced by the text of the alias. The aliasname and the replacement text may contain any valid shell input, including the
meta characterslisted above, with the exception that the aliasname may not contain =. The first word of the replacement text
Part I: User Commands
istested for aliases, but a word that isidentical to an aliasbeing expanded isnot expanded a second time. Thismeansthat
one may aliasls to ls F, for instance, and bash doesnot try to recursively expand the replacement text. If the last character
of the aliasvalue isa blank, then the next command word following the aliasisalso checked for aliasexpansion.
Aliasesare created and listed with the alias command, and removed with the unalias command.
There isno mechanism for using argumentsin the replacement text, asin csh. If argumentsare needed, a shell function
should be used.
Aliasesare not expanded when the shell isnot interactive.
The rulesconcerning the definition and use of aliasesare somewhat confusing. bash alwaysreadsat least one complete line of
input before executing any of the commandson that line. Aliasesare expanded when a command isread, not when it is
executed. Therefore, an aliasdefinition appearing on the same line asanother command doesnot take effect until the next
line of input isread. Thismeansthat the commandsfollowing the aliasdefinition on that line are not affected by the new
alias. Thisbehavior isalso an issue when functionsare executed. Aliasesare expanded when the function definition isread,
not when the function isexecuted, because a function definition isitself a compound command. Asa consequence, aliases
defined in a function are not available until after that function isexecuted. To be safe, alwaysput aliasdefinitionson a
separate line, and do not use aliasin compound commands.
Note that for almost every purpose, aliasesare superseded by shell functions.
Job control refersto the ability to selectively stop (suspend) the execution of processesand continue (resume) their execution
at a later point. A user typically employsthisfacility via an interactive interface supplied jointly by the systemsterminal
driver and bash.
The shell associatesa job with each pipeline. It keepsa table of currently executing jobs, which may be listed with the jobs
command. When bash startsa job asynchronously (in the background), it printsa line that lookslike this:
[1] 25647
indicating that thisjob isjob number 1 and that the processID of the last processin the pipeline associated with thisjob is
25647. All of the processesin a single pipeline are membersof the same job. bash usesthe job abstraction asthe basisfor job
To facilitate the implementation of the user interface to job control, the system maintainsthe notion of a current terminal
processgroup ID. Membersof thisprocessgroup (processeswhose processgroup ID isequal to the current terminal process
group ID) receive keyboard-generated signalssuch asSIGINT. These processesare said to be in the foreground. Background
processesare those whose processgroup ID differsfrom the terminals; such processesare immune to keyboard-generated
signals. Only foreground processesare allowed to read from or write to the terminal. Background processesthat attempt to
read from (write to) the terminal are sent a SIGTTIN (SIGTTOU) signal by the terminal driver, which, unlesscaught, suspends
the process.
If the operating system on which bash isrunning supportsjob control, bash allowsyou to use it. Typing the suspend
character (typically Z, Control-Z) while a processisrunning causesthat processto be stopped and returnsyou to bash.
Typing the delayed suspend character (typically Y, Control-Y) causesthe processto be stopped when it attemptsto read
input from the terminal, and control to be returned to bash. You may then manipulate the state of thisjob, using the bg
command to continue it in the background, the fg command to continue it in the foreground, or the kill command to kill
it. A Ctrl+Z takeseffect immediately, and hasthe additional side effect of causing pending output and typeahead to be
There are a number of waysto refer to a job in the shell. The character % introducesa job name. Job number n may be
referred to as%n. A job may also be referred to using a prefix of the name used to start it, or using a substring that appearsin
itscommand line. For example, %ce refersto a stopped ce job. If a prefix matchesmore than one job, bash reportsan error.
Using %?ce, on the other hand, refersto any job containing the string ce in itscommand line. If the substring matchesmore
than one job, bash reportsan error. The symbols%% and %+ refer to the shellsnotion of the current job, which isthe last job
stopped while it wasin the foreground. The previousjob may be referenced using %.In output pertaining to jobs(for
example, the output of the jobs command), the current job isalwaysflagged with a +, and the previousjob with a .
Simply naming a job can be used to bring it into the foreground: %1 isa synonym for fg %1, bringing job 1 from the
background into the foreground. Similarly, %1 & resumesjob 1 in the background, equivalent to bg %1.
The shell learnsimmediately whenever a job changesstate. Normally, bash waitsuntil it isabout to print a prompt before
reporting changesin a jobsstatusso asto not interrupt any other output. If the -b option to the set built-in command isset,
bash reportssuch changesimmediately. (See also the description of the notify variable in Shell Variables, earlier in this
manual page.)
If you attempt to exit bash while jobsare stopped, the shell printsa message warning you. You may then use the jobs
command to inspect their status. If you do this, or try to exit again immediately, you are not warned again, and the stopped
jobsare terminated.
When bash isinteractive, it ignoresSIGTERM (so that kill 0 doesnot kill an interactive shell), and SIGINT iscaught and
handled (so that the wait built-in isinterruptible). In all cases, bash ignoresSIGQUIT. If job control isin effect, bash ignores
Synchronousjobsstarted by bash have signalsset to the valuesinherited by the shell from itsparent. When job control isnot
in effect, background jobs(jobsstarted with &) ignore SIGINT and SIGQUIT. Commandsrun asa result of command substitu-
tion ignore the keyboard-generated job control signalsSIGTTIN, SIGTTOU, and SIGTSTP.
After a command hasbeen split into words, if it resultsin a simple command and an optional list of arguments, the
following actionsare taken.
If the command name containsno slashes, the shell attemptsto locate it. If there existsa shell function by that name, that
function isinvoked asdescribed earlier in Functions. If the name doesnot match a function, the shell searchesfor it in the
list of shell builtins. If a match isfound, that builtin isinvoked.
If the name isneither a shell function nor a builtin, and containsno slashes, bash searcheseach element of the PATH for a
directory containing an executable file by that name. If the search isunsuccessful, the shell printsan error message and
returnsa nonzero exit status.
If the search issuccessful, or if the command name containsone or more slashes, the shell executesthe named program.
Argument 0 isset to the name given, and the remaining argumentsto the command are set to the argumentsgiven, if any.
If thisexecution failsbecause the file isnot in executable format, and the file isnot a directory, it isassumed to be a shell
script, a file containing shell commands. A subshell isspawned to execute it. Thissubshell reinitializesitself, so that the effect
isasif a new shell had been invoked to handle the script, with the exception that the locationsof commandsremembered by
the parent (see hash under Shell Built-in Commands) are retained by the child.
If the program isa file beginning with #!, the remainder of the first line specifiesan interpreter for the program. The shell
executesthe specified interpreter on operating systemsthat do not handle thisexecutable format themselves. The arguments
to the interpreter consist of a single optional argument following the interpreter name on the first line of the program,
followed by the name of the program, followed by the command arguments, if any.
When a program isinvoked, it isgiven an array of stringscalled the environment. Thisisa list of name/value pairs, of the
form name=value.
The shell allowsyou to manipulate the environment in several ways. On invocation, the shell scansitsown environment and
createsa parameter for each name found, automatically marking it for export to child processes. Executed commandsinherit
the environment. The export and declare x commandsallow parametersand functionsto be added to and deleted from the
environment. If the value of a parameter in the environment ismodified, the new value becomespart of the environment,
Part I: User Commands
replacing the old. The environment inherited by any executed command consistsof the shellsinitial environment, whose
valuesmay be modified in the shell, lessany pairsremoved by the unset command, plusany additionsvia the export and
declare x commands.
The environment for any simple command or function may be augmented temporarily by prefixing it with parameter
assignments, asdescribed earlier in Parameters. These assignment statementsaffect only the environment seen by that
If the k flag isset (see the set built-in command), then all parameter assignmentsare placed in the environment for a
command, not just those that precede the command name.
When bash invokesan external command, the variable isset to the full path name of the command and passed to that
command in itsenvironment.
For the purposesof the shell, a command which exitswith a zero exit statushassucceeded. An exit statusof zero indicates
success. A nonzero exit statusindicatesfailure. When a command terminateson a fatal signal, bash usesthe value of
128+signal asthe exit status.
If a command isnot found, the child processcreated to execute it returnsa statusof 127. If a command isfound but isnot
executable, the return statusis126.
bash itself returnsthe exit statusof the last command executed, unlessa syntax error occurs, in which case it exitswith a non
zero value. (See also the exit built-in command.)
When executing interactively, bash displaysthe primary prompt PS1 when it isready to read a command, and the secondary
prompt PS2 when it needsmore input to complete a command. bash allowsthese prompt stringsto be customized by
inserting a number of backslash-escaped special charactersthat are decoded asfollows:
\t The current time in HH: MM: SS format
\d The date in Weekday Month Date format (for example, Tue May 26)
\n Newline
\s The name of the shell, the basename of $0 (the portion following the final slash)
\w The current working directory
\W The basename of the current working directory
\u The username of the current user
\h The hostname
\# The command number of thiscommand
\! The history number of thiscommand
\$ If the effective UID is0, a #, otherwise a $
\nnn The character corresponding to the octal number nnn
\\ A backslash
\[ Begin a sequence of nonprinting characters, which could be used to embed a terminal control sequence
into the prompt
\] End a sequence of nonprinting characters
The command number and the history number are usually different: the history number of a command isitsposition in the
history list, which may include commandsrestored from the history file (see History, later in thismanual page), while the
command number isthe position in the sequence of commandsexecuted during the current shell session. After the string is
decoded, it isexpanded via parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and word splitting.
Thisisthe library that handlesreading input when using an interactive shell, unlessthe nolineediting option isgiven. By
default, the line editing commandsare similar to those of emacs. A vi-style line editing interface isalso available.
In thissection, the emacs-style notation isused to denote keystrokes. Control keysare denoted by Ckey ; for example, Cn
meansCtrlN. Similarly, meta keysare denoted by Mkey, so Mx meansMetaX. (On keyboardswithout a meta key, Mx
meansEsc-X; that is, pressthe Escape key, then the X key. ThismakesESC the meta prefix. The combination MCx means
EscControlx, or pressthe Escape key then hold the Control key while pressing the X key.)
The default key-bindingsmay be changed with a /.inputrc file. The value of the shell variable INPUTRC, if set, isused instead
of /.inputrc. Other programsthat use thislibrary may add their own commandsand bindings.
For example, placing
MControlu: uni ver sal ar gument
CMetau: uni ver sal ar gument
into the /.inputrc would make MCu execute the readline command universalargument.The following symbolic character
namesare recognized: RUBOUT, DEL, ESC, LFD, NEWLINE, RET, RETURN, SPC, SPACE, and TAB. In addition to command names,
readline allowskeysto be bound to a string that isinserted when the key ispressed (a macro).
Readline iscustomized by putting commandsin an initialization file. The name of thisfile istaken from the value of the
INPUTRC variable. If that variable isunset, the default is/.inputrc. When a program that usesthe readline library startsup,
the init file isread, and the key bindingsand variablesare set. There are only a few basic constructsallowed in the readline
init file. Blank linesare ignored. Linesbeginning with a # are comments. Linesbeginning with a $ indicate conditional
constructs. Other linesdenote key bindingsand variable settings.
The syntax for controlling key bindingsin the /.inputrc file issimple. All that isrequired isthe name of the command or
the text of a macro and a key sequence to which it should be bound. The name may be specified in one of two ways: asa
symbolic key name, possibly with Meta- or Control- prefixes, or asa key sequence. When using the form keyname: f unct i on-
name or macr o, keyname isthe name of a key spelled out in English. For example,
Control-u: uni ver sal ar gument
Meta-Rubout: backward-kill-word
Control-o: >&output
In the preceding example, C-u isbound to the function universalargument, M-DEL isbound to the function backwardkill
word,and C-o isbound to run the macro expressed on the righthand side (that is, to insert the text >&output into the line).
In the second form, keyseq : f unc t i on- name or macr o, keyseq differsfrom keyname in that stringsdenoting an entire key
sequence may be specified by placing the sequence within double quotes. Some GNU emacs-style key escapescan be used, as
in the following example:
\C-u: uni ver sal ar gument
\C-x\C-r: rereadinitfile
\e[11: Function Key 1
In thisexample, C-u isagain bound to the function universalargument. C-x C-r isbound to the function rereadinitfile,
and ESC[11 isbound to insert the text Function Key 1. The full set of escape sequencesis
\C Control prefix
\M- Meta prefix
\e An escape character
\\ Backslash
\ Literal
\ Literal
Part I: User Commands
When entering the text of a macro, single or double quotesshould be used to indicate a macro definition. Unquoted text is
assumed to be a function name. Backslash will quote any character in the macro text, including and .
bash allowsthe current readline key bindingsto be displayed or modified with the bind built-in command. The editing
mode may be switched during interactive use by using the o option to the set built-in command. (See Shell Built-in
Readline hasvariablesthat can be used to further customize itsbehavior. A variable may be set in the inputrc file with a
statement of the form:
set variablename value
Except where noted, readline variablescan take the valuesOn or Off. The variablesand their default valuesare asfollows:
horizontalscrollmode (Off) When set to On, makesreadline use a single line for display, scrolling the input
horizontally on a single screen line when it becomeslonger than the screen width
rather than wrapping to a new line.
editingmode (emacs) Controlswhether readline beginswith a set of key bindingssimilar to emacs or vi.
editingmode can be set to either emacs or vi.
markmodifiedlines (Off) If set to On, history linesthat have been modified are displayed with a preceding
asterisk (*).
bellstyle (audible) Controlswhat happenswhen readline wantsto ring the terminal bell. If set to none,
readline never ringsthe bell. If set to visible, readline usesa visible bell if one is
available. If set to audible, readline attemptsto ring the terminalsbell.
commentbegin (#) The string that isinserted in vi mode when the vicomment command isexecuted.
metaflag (Off) If set to On, readline will enable eight-bit input (that is, it will not strip the high bit
from the charactersit reads), regardlessof what the terminal claimsit can support.
convertmeta (On) If set to On, readline will convert characterswith the eighth bit set to an ASCII key
sequence by stripping the eighth bit and prepending an escape character (in effect,
using escape asthe meta prefix).
outputmeta (Off) If set to On, readline will display characterswith the eighth bit set directly rather
than asa meta-prefixed escape sequence.
completionqueryitems (100) Thisdetermineswhen the user isqueried about viewing the number of possible
completionsgenerated by the possiblecompletions command. It may be set to any
integer value greater than or equal to zero. If the number of possible completionsis
greater than or equal to the value of thisvariable, the user isasked whether or not he
wishesto view them; otherwise, they are simply listed on the terminal.
keymap (emacs) Set the current readline keymap. The set of legal keymap namesisemacs, emacs-
standard, emacs-meta, emacs-ctlx, vi, vi-move, vi-command, and vi-insert. vi is
equivalent to vi-command; emacs isequivalent to emacs-standard. The default value is
emacs; the value of editingmode also affectsthe default keymap.
showallifambiguous (Off) Thisaltersthe default behavior of the completion functions. If set to On, words
which have more than one possible completion cause the matchesto be listed
immediately instead of ringing the bell.
expandtilde (Off) If set to On, tilde expansion isperformed when readline attemptsword completion.
Readline implementsa facility similar in spirit to the conditional compilation featuresof the C preprocessor that allowskey
bindingsand variable settingsto be performed asthe result of tests. There are three parser directivesused.
$if The $if construct allowsbindingsto be made based on the editing mode, the
terminal being used, or the application using readline. The text of the test extends
to the end of the line; no charactersare required to isolate it.
mode The mode= form of the $if directive isused to test whether
readline isin emacs or vi mode. Thismay be used in conjunction
with the set keymap command, for instance, to set bindingsin the
emacs-standard and emacs-ctlx keymapsonly if readline isstarting
out in emacs mode.
term The term= form may be used to include terminal-specific key
bindings, perhapsto bind the key sequencesoutput by the
terminalsfunction keys. The word on the right side of the = is
tested against the full name of the terminal and the portion of the
terminal name before the first . Thisallowssun to match both
sun and suncmd, for instance.
application The application construct isused to include applicationspecific
settings. Each program using the readline library setsthe
application name, and an initialization file can test for a particular
value. Thiscould be used to bind key sequencesto functions
useful for a specific program. For instance, the following
command addsa key sequence that quotesthe current or previous
word in bash:
$if Bash
# Quot e t he cur r ent or pr evi ous wor d
\C-xq: \eb\\ef\
$endif Thiscommand, asshown in the preceding example, terminatesan $if command.
$else Commandsin thisbranch of the $if directive are executed if the test fails.
readline commandsmay be given numeric arguments, which normally act asa repeat count. Sometimes, however, it isthe
sign of the argument that issignificant. Passing a negative argument to a command that actsin the forward direction (such as
killline) causesthat command to act in a backward direction. Commandswhose behavior with argumentsdeviatesfrom
thisare noted.
When a command isdescribed askilling text, the text deleted issaved for possible future retrieval (yanking). The killed text
issaved in a killring. Consecutive killscause the text to be accumulated into one unit, which can be yanked all at once.
Commandsthat do not kill text separate the chunksof text on the killring.
The following isa list of the namesof the commandsand the default key sequencesto which they are bound.
Commandsfor Moving
beginningofline (Ca) Move to the start of the current line.
endofline (Ce) Move to the end of the line.
forwardchar (Cf) Move forward a character.
backwardchar (Cb) Move back a character.
forwardword (Mf) Move forward to the end of the next word. Wordsare composed of alphanu-
meric characters(lettersand digits).
backwardword (Mb) Move back to the start of this, or the previous, word. Wordsare composed of
alphanumeric characters(lettersand digits).
clearscreen (Cl) Clear the screen leaving the current line at the top of the screen. With an
argument, refresh the current line without clearing the screen.
redrawcurrentline Refresh the current line. By default, thisisunbound.
Part I: User Commands
Commandsfor ManipulatingtheHistory
acceptline (Newline, Return) Accept the line regardlessof where the cursor is. If thisline isnonempty, add it
to the history list according to the state of the HIST-CONTROL variable. If the line is
a modified history line, then restore the history line to itsoriginal state.
previoushistory (Cp) Fetch the previouscommand from the history list, moving back in the list.
nexthistory (Cn) Fetch the next command from the history list, moving forward in the list.
beginningofhistory (M<) Move to the first line in the history.
endofhistory (M>) Move to the end of the input history, that is, the line currently being entered.
reversesearchhistory (Cr) Search backward starting at the current line and moving up through the
history asnecessary. Thisisan incremental search.
forwardsearchhistory (Cs) Search forward starting at the current line and moving down through the
history asnecessary. Thisisan incremental search.
nonincrementalreverse Search backward through the history, starting at the current line using a non
searchhistory (Mp) incremental search for a string supplied by the user.
nonincrementalforward Search forward through the history using a nonincremental search for a string
searchhistory (Mn) supplied by the user.
historysearchforward Search forward through the history for the string of charactersbetween the start
of the current line and the current point. Thisisa nonincremental search. By
default, thiscommand isunbound.
historysearchbackward Search backward through the history for the string of charactersbetween the start
of the current line and the current point. Thisisa nonincremental search. By
default, thiscommand isunbound.
yankntharg (MCy) Insert the first argument to the previouscommand (usually the second word on
the previousline) at point (the current cursor position). With an argument n,
insert the nth word from the previouscommand (the wordsin the previous
command begin with word 0). A negative argument insertsthe nth word from
the end of the previouscommand.
yanklastarg (M., M_) Insert the last argument to the previouscommand (the last word on the previous
line). With an argument, behave exactly like @codefyank-nth-argg.
shellexpandline (MCe) Expand the line the way the shell doeswhen it readsit. Thisperformsaliasand
history expansion aswell asall of the shell word expansions. See History
Expansion, later in thismanual page, for a description of history expansion.
historyexpandline (M) Perform history expansion on the current line. See History Expansion.
insertlastargument (M., M_) A synonym for yanklastarg.
operate-and-get-next (Co) Accept the current line for execution and fetch the next line relative to the
current line from the history for editing. Any argument isignored.
Commandsfor ChangingText
deletechar (Cd) Delete the character under the cursor. If point isat the beginning of the line,
there are no charactersin the line, and the last character typed wasnot Cd, then
return EOF.
backwarddeletechar (Rubout) Delete the character behind the cursor. When given a numeric argument, save
the deleted text on the killring.
quotedinsert (Cq, Cv) Add the next character that you type to the line verbatim. Thisishow to insert
characterslike Cq, for example.
tabinsert (C-v Tab) Insert a tab character.
selfinsert (a, b, A, 1, !, ...) Insert the character typed.
transposechars (Ct) Drag the character before point forward over the character at point. Point moves
forward aswell. If point isat the end of the line, then transpose the two
charactersbefore point. Negative argumentsdont work.
transposewords (Mt) Drag the word behind the cursor past the word in front of the cursor, moving
the cursor over that word aswell.
upcaseword (Mu) Uppercase the current (or following) word. With a negative argument, do the
previousword, but do not move point.
downcaseword (Ml) Lowercase the current (or following) word. With a negative argument, do the
previousword, but do not move point.
capitalizeword (Mc) Capitalize the current (or following) word. With a negative argument, do the
previousword, but do not move point.
Killingand Yanking
killline (Ck) Kill the text from the current cursor position to the end of the line.
backwardkillline (Cx CRubout) Kill backward to the beginning of the line.
UNIXlinediscard (Cu) Kill backward from point to the beginning of the line.
killwholeline Kill all characterson the current line, no matter where the cursor is. By default,
killword (Md) Kill from the cursor to the end of the current word, or if between words, to the
end of the next word. Word boundariesare the same asthose used by forward
backwardkillword (MRubout) Kill the word behind the cursor. Word boundariesare the same asthose used by
UNIXwordrubout (Cw) Kill the word behind the cursor, using whitespace asa word boundary. The word
boundariesare different from backwardkillword.
deletehorizontalspace Delete all spacesand tabsaround point. By default, thisisunbound.
yank (Cy) Yank the top of the kill ring into the buffer at the cursor.
yankpop (My) Rotate the killring, and yank the new top. Only worksfollowing yank or yank
digitargument (M0, M1, ..., M) Add thisdigit to the argument already accumulating, or start a new argument.
M startsa negative argument.
universalargument Each time thisisexecuted, the argument count ismultiplied by four. The
argument count isinitially one, so executing thisfunction the first time makes
the argument count four. By default, thisisnot bound to a key.
complete (TAB) Attempt to perform completion on the text before point. Bash attempts
completion treating the text asa variable (if the text beginswith $), username (if
the text beginswith ), hostname (if the text beginswith @), or command
(including aliasesand functions) in turn. If none of these producesa match,
filename completion isattempted.
possiblecompletions (M-?) List the possible completionsof the text before point.
insertcompletions Insert all completionsof the text before point that would have been generated by
possiblecompletions. By default, thisisnot bound to a key.
completefilename (M/) Attempt filename completion on the text before point.
Part I: User Commands
possiblefilenamecompletions (Cx /) List the possible completionsof the text before point, treating it asa filename.
completeusername (M) Attempt completion on the text before point, treating it asa username.
possibleusernamecompletions (Cx ) List the possible completionsof the text before point, treating it asa username.
completevariable (M$) Attempt completion on the text before point, treating it asa shell variable.
possiblevariablecompletions (Cx $) List the possible completionsof the text before point, treating it asa shell
completehostname (M@) Attempt completion on the text before point, treating it asa hostname.
possiblehostnamecompletions (Cx @) List the possible completionsof the text before point, treating it asa hostname.
completecommand (M!) Attempt completion on the text before point, treating it asa command name.
Command completion attemptsto match the text against aliases, reserved words,
shell functions, builtins, and finally executable filenames, in that order.
possiblecommandcompletions (Cx !) List the possible completionsof the text before point, treating it asa command
dynamiccompletehistory (M-TAB) Attempt completion on the text before point, comparing the text against lines
from the history list for possible completion matches.
completeintobraces (M{) Perform filename completion and return the list of possible completionsenclosed
within bracesso the list isavailable to the shell. (See Brace Expansion, earlier in
thismanual page.)
Keyboard Macros
startkbdmacro (C-x () Begin saving the characterstyped into the current keyboard macro.
endkbdmacro (C-x )) Stop saving the characterstyped into the current keyboard macro and save the
calllastkbdmacro (C-x e) Re-execute the last keyboard macro defined, by making the charactersin the
macro appear asif typed at the keyboard.
rereadinitfile (Cx Cr) Read in the contentsof your init file, and incorporate any bindingsor variable
assignmentsfound there.
abort (Cg) Abort the current editing command and ring the terminalsbell (subject to the
setting of bellstyle).
douppercaseversion (Ma, Mb, ...) Run the command that isbound to the corresponding uppercase character.
prefixmeta (ESC) Metafy the next character typed. ESC-f isequivalent to Metaf.
undo (C-_, Cx Cu) Incremental undo, separately remembered for each line.
revertline (Mr) Undo all changesmade to thisline. Thisislike typing the undo command
enough timesto return the line to itsinitial state.
tildeexpand (M) Perform tilde expansion on the current word.
dumpfunctions Print all of the functionsand their key bindingsto the readline output stream. If
a numeric argument issupplied, the output isformatted in such a way that it can
be made part of an inputrc file.
displayshellversion (Cx Cv) Display version information about the current instance of bash.
emacseditingmode (Ce) When in vi editing mode, thiscausesa switch to emacs editing mode.
When interactive, the shell providesaccessto the command history, the list of commandspreviously typed. The text of the
last HISTSIZE commands(default 500) issaved in a history list. The shell storeseach command in the history list prior to
parameter and variable expansion (see Expansion, earlier in thismanual page) but after history expansion isperformed,
subject to the valuesof the shell variablescommand_oriented_history and HISTCONTROL. On startup, the history isinitialized
from the file named by the variable HISTFILE (default /.bash_history). HISTFILE istruncated, if necessary, to contain no
more than HISTFILESIZE lines. The built-in command fc (see Shell Built-in Commands, later in thismanual page) may be
used to list or edit and re-execute a portion of the history list. The history builtin can be used to display the history list and
manipulate the history file. When using the command-line editing, search commandsare available in each editing mode that
provide accessto the history list. When an interactive shell exits, the last HISTSIZE linesare copied from the history list to
HISTFILE. If HISTFILE isunset, or if the history file isunwritable, the history isnot saved.
The shell supportsa history expansion feature that issimilar to the history expansion in csh. Thissection describeswhat
syntax featuresare available. Thisfeature isenabled by default for interactive shells, and can be disabled using the H option to
the set built-in command. (See Shell Built-in Commands, later in thismanual page.) Noninteractive shellsdo not perform
history expansion.
History expansion isperformed immediately after a complete line isread, before the shell breaksit into words. It takesplace
in two parts. The first isto determine which line from the previoushistory to use during substitution. The second isto select
portionsof that line for inclusion into the current one. The line selected from the previoushistory isthe event, and the
portionsof that line that are acted upon are words. The line isbroken into wordsin the same fashion aswhen reading input,
so that several meta characterseparated wordssurrounded by quotesare considered asone word. Only the backslash (\) and
single quotescan quote the history escape character, which is! by default.
The shell allowscontrol of the variouscharactersused by the history expansion mechanism. (See the description of histchars
under Shell Variables, earlier in thismanual page.)
An event designator isa reference to a command line entry in the history list.
! Start a history substitution, except when followed by a blank, newline, =, or (.
!! Refer to the previouscommand. Thisisa synonym for !1.
!n Refer to command line n.
!n Refer to the current command line minusn.
!st r i ng Refer to the most recent command starting with st r i ng.
!?st r i ng[?] Refer to the most recent command containing st r i ng.
st r i ng1st r i ng2 Quick substitution. Repeat the last command, replacing st r i ng1 with st r i ng2. Equivalent to !!:s/
st r i ng1/st r i ng2/. (See Modifiers, later in thismanual page.)
!# The entire command line typed so far.
A colon (:) separatesthe event specification from the word designator. It can be omitted if the word designator beginswith a
^, $, *, or %. Wordsare numbered from the beginning of the line, with the first word being denoted by a 0 (zero).
0 (zero) The zeroth word. For the shell, thisisthe command word.
n The nth word.
The first argument. That is, word 1.
$ The last argument.
% The word matched by the most recent ?string? search.
xy A range of words; y abbreviates0y.
* All of the wordsbut the zeroth. Thisisa synonym for 1$. It isnot an error to use * if there isjust
one word in the event; the empty string isreturned in that case.
x* Abbreviatesx$.
x Abbreviatesx$ like x*, but omitsthe last word.
Part I: User Commands
After the optional word designator, you can add a sequence of one or more of the following modifiers, each preceded by a :
h Remove a trailing pathname component, leaving only the head.
r Remove a trailing suffix of the form .xxx, leaving the basename.
e Remove all but the trailing suffix.
t Remove all leading pathname components, leaving the tail.
p Print the new command but do not execute it.
q Quote the substituted words, escaping further substitutions.
x Quote the substituted wordsaswith q, but break into wordsat blanksand newlines.
s/ol d/new/ Substitute new for the first occurrence of ol d in the event line. Any delimiter can be used in place of
/. The final delimiter isoptional if it isthe last character of the event line. The delimiter may be
quoted in old and new with a single backslash. If & appearsin new, it isreplaced by ol d. A single
backslash will quote the &.
& Repeat the previoussubstitution.
g Cause changesto be applied over the entire event line. Thisisused in conjunction with :s (for
example, :gs/ol d/new/) or :&. If used with :s, any delimiter can be used in place of /, and the final
delimiter isoptional if it isthe last character of the event line.
The shell allowsarithmetic expressionsto be evaluated, under certain circumstances. (See the let built-in command and
Arithmetic Expansion.) Evaluation isdone in long integerswith no check for overflow, though division by 0 istrapped and
flagged asan error. The following list of operatorsisgrouped into levelsof equal-precedence operators. The levelsare listed
in order of decreasing precedence.
+ Unary minusand plus
! Logical and bitwise negation
* / % Multiplication, division, remainder
+ Addition, subtraction
<< >> Left and right bitwise shifts
<= >= <> Comparison
== != Equality and inequality
& Bitwise AND
^ Bitwise exclusive OR
| Bitwise OR
&& Logical AND
|| Logical OR
= *= /= %= += = <<= >>=&==|= Assignment
Shell variablesare allowed asoperands; parameter expansion isperformed before the expression isevaluated. The value of a
parameter iscoerced to a long integer within an expression. A shell variable need not have itsinteger attribute turned on to
be used in an expression.
Constantswith a leading 0 are interpreted asoctal numbers. A leading 0x or 0X denoteshexadecimal. Otherwise, numbers
take the form [base#]n, where base isa decimal number between 2 and 36 representing the arithmetic base, and n isa
number in that base. If base isomitted, then base 10 isused.
Operatorsare evaluated in order of precedence. Subexpressionsin parenthesesare evaluated first and may override the
precedence rules.
: [ar gument s] No effect; the command doesnothing beyond expanding argumentsand performing
any specified redirections. A zero exit code isreturned.
. f i l ename [ar gument s] Read and execute commandsfrom f i l ename in the current shell environment and
source f i l ename [ar gument s] return the exit statusof the last command executed from f i l ename. If f i l ename does
not contain a slash, pathnamesin PATH are used to find the directory containing
filename. The file searched for in PATH need not be executable. The current directory
issearched if no file isfound in PATH. If any argumentsare supplied, they become the
positional parameterswhen file isexecuted. Otherwise, the positional parameters
are unchanged. The return statusisthe statusof the last command exited within the
script (0 if no commandsare executed), and False if filename isnot found.
alias [name[=val ue] ...] alias with no argumentsprintsthe list of aliasesin the form name=val ue on standard
output. When argumentsare supplied, an aliasisdefined for each name whose value
isgiven. A trailing space in value causesthe next word to be checked for alias
substitution when the aliasisexpanded. For each name in the argument list for
which no value issupplied, the name and value of the aliasisprinted. alias returns
True unlessa name isgiven for which no aliashasbeen defined.
bg [j obspec ] Place j obspec in the background, asif it had been started with &. If j obspec isnot
present, the shellsnotion of the current job isused. bg jobspec returns0 unlessrun
when job control isdisabled or, when run with job control enabled, if jobspec was
not found or started without job control.
bind [m keymap][lvd][-q name] Display current readline key and function bindings, or bind a key sequence to a
bind [m keymap] -f f i l ename readline function or macro. The binding syntax accepted isidentical to that of
bind [m keymap] .inputrc, but each binding must be passed asa separate argument; for example,
keyseq: f unct i on- name \C-x\C-r: rereadinitfile. Options, if supplied, have the following meanings:
m keymap Use keymap asthe keymap to be affected by the subsequent
bindings. Acceptable keymap namesare emacs, emacs-standard,
emacs-meta, emacs-ctlx, vi, vi-move, vi-command, and vi-insert.
vi isequivalent to vi-command; emacs isequivalent to emacs-
l List the namesof all readline functions.
v List current function namesand bindings.
d Dump function namesand bindingsin such a way that they
can be reread.
f f i l ename Read key bindingsfrom filename.
q f unct i on Query about which keysinvoke the named function.
The return value is0 unlessan unrecognized option isgiven or an error occurred.
break [n] Exit from within a for, while, or until loop. If n isspecified, break n levels. n must
be 1. If n isgreater than the number of enclosing loops, all enclosing loopsare
exited. The return value is0 unlessthe shell isnot executing a loop when break is
builtin shel l bui l t i n [ar gument s] Execute the specified shell builtin, passing it arguments, and return itsexit status.
Thisisuseful when you wish to define a function whose name isthe same asa shell
builtin, but need the functionality of the builtin within the function itself. The cd
builtin iscommonly redefined thisway. The return statusisFalse if shel l bui l t i n is
not a shell builtin command.
cd [di r ] Change the current directory to di r . The variable HOME isthe default di r . The
variable CDPATH definesthe search path for the directory containing di r . Alternative
directory namesare separated by a colon (:). A null directory name in CDPATH isthe
same asthe current directory, that is, (.). If di r beginswith a slash (/), then CDPATH is
Part I: User Commands
not used. An argument of isequivalent to $OLDPWD. The return value isTrue if the
directory wassuccessfully changed; False otherwise.
command [-pVv] command [ar g ...] Run command with args suppressing the normal shell function lookup. Only built-
in commandsor commandsfound in the PATH are executed. If the p option isgiven,
the search for command isperformed using a default value for PATH that isguaranteed
to find all of the standard utilities. If either the V or v option issupplied, a
description of command isprinted. The v option causesa single word indicating the
command or pathname used to invoke command to be printed; the V option
producesa more verbose description. An argument of disablesoption checking for
the rest of the arguments. If the V or v option issupplied, the exit statusis0 if
command wasfound, and 1 if not. If neither option issupplied and an error occurred
or command cannot be found, the exit statusis127. Otherwise, the exit statusof the
command builtin isthe exit statusof command.
continue [n] Resume the next iteration of the enclosing for, while, or until loop. If n isspecified,
resume at the nth enclosing loop. n must be 1. If n isgreater than the number of
enclosing loops, the last enclosing loop (the toplevel loop) isresumed. The return
value is0 unlessthe shell isnot executing a loop when continue isexecuted.
declare [frxi][name[=val ue]] Declare variablesand/or give them attributes. If no namesare given, then display the
typeset [frxi][name[=val ue]] valuesof variablesinstead. The optionscan be used to restrict output to variables
with the specified attribute.
f Use function namesonly.
-r Make namesread-only. These namescannot then be assigned
valuesby subsequent assignment statements.
x Mark namesfor export to subsequent commandsvia the
i The variable istreated asan integer; arithmetic evaluation (see
Arithmetic Evaluation) isperformed when the variable is
assigned a value.
Using + instead of turnsoff the attribute instead. When used in a function, makes
nameslocal, aswith the local command. The return value is0 unlessan illegal
option isencountered, an attempt ismade to define a function using -f foo=bar,
one of the namesisnot a legal shell variable name, an attempt ismade to turn off
read-only statusfor a read-only variable, or an attempt ismade to display a
nonexistent function with -f.
dirs [-l][+/n] Display the list of currently remembered directories. Directoriesare added to the list
with the pushd command; the popd command movesback up through the list.
+n Displaysthe nth entry counting from the left of the list shown
by dirs when invoked without options, starting with zero.
n Displaysthe nth entry counting from the right of the list
shown by dirs when invoked without options, starting with
l Producesa longer listing; the default listing format usesa tilde
to denote the home directory.
The return value is0 unlessan illegal option issupplied or n indexesbeyond the end
of the directory stack.
echo [neE][ar g ...] Output the args, separated by spaces. The return statusisalways0. If n isspecified,
the trailing newline issuppressed. If the e option isgiven, interpretation of the
following backslash-escaped charactersisenabled. The E option disablesthe
interpretation of these escape characters, even on systemswhere they are interpreted
by default.
\a Alert (bell)
\b Backspace
\c Suppresstrailing newline
\f Form feed
\n Newline
\r Carriage return
\t Horizontal tab
\v Vertical tab
\\ Backslash
\nnn The character whose ASCII code isnnn (octal)
enable [n][all][name ...] Enable and disable builtin shell commands. Thisallowsthe execution of a disk
command that hasthe same name asa shell builtin without specifying a full
pathname. If n isused, each name isdisabled; otherwise, namesare enabled. For
example, to use the test binary found via the PATH instead of the shell builtin version,
type enable -n test. If no argumentsare given, a list of all enabled shell builtinsis
printed. If only n issupplied, a list of all disabled builtinsisprinted. If only all is
supplied, the list printed includesall builtins, with an indication of whether or not
each isenabled. enable acceptsa asa synonym for all. The return value is0 unless
a name isnot a shell builtin.
eval [ar g ...] The args are read and concatenated together into a single command. Thiscommand
isthen read and executed by the shell, and itsexit statusisreturned asthe value of
the eval command. If there are no args, or only null arguments, eval returnsTrue.
exec [[] command [ar gument s]] If command isspecified, it replacesthe shell. No new processiscreated. The arguments
become the argumentsto command. If the first argument is, the shell placesa dash in
the zeroth arg passed to command. Thisiswhat login does. If the file cannot be
executed for some reason, a noninteractive shell exits, unlessthe shell variable
no_exit_on_failed_exec exists, in which case it returnsfailure. An interactive shell
returnsfailure if the file cannot be executed. If command isnot specified, any
redirectionstake effect in the current shell, and the return statusis0.
exit [n] Cause the shell to exit with a statusof n. If n isomitted, the exit statusisthat of the
last command executed. A trap on exit isexecuted before the shell terminates.
export [nf][name[=wor d]] ... The supplied namesare marked for automatic export to the environment of
export p subsequently executed commands. If the f option isgiven, the namesrefer to
functions. If no namesare given, or if the p option issupplied, a list of all names
that are exported in thisshell isprinted. The n option causesthe export property to
be removed from the named variables. An argument of disablesoption checking
for the rest of the arguments. export returnsan exit statusof 0 unlessan illegal
option isencountered, one of the namesisnot a legal shell variable name, or f is
supplied with a name that isnot a function.
fc [e ename][nlr][f i r st ][l ast ] Fix command. In the first form, a range of commandsfrom f i r st to l ast isselected
fc s [pat =r ep][cmd] from the history list. f i r st and l ast may be specified asa string (to locate the last
command beginning with that string) or asa number (an index into the history list,
where a negative number isused asan offset from the current command number). If
l ast isnot specified, it isset to the current command for listing (so that fc l
10 printsthe last 10 commands) and to first otherwise. If first isnot specified, it
isset to the previouscommand for editing and 16 for listing.
The n flag suppressesthe command numberswhen listing. The -r flag reversesthe
order of the commands. If the l flag isgiven, the commandsare listed on standard
output. Otherwise, the editor given by ename isinvoked on a file containing those
commands. If ename isnot given, the value of the FCEDIT variable isused, and the
Part I: User Commands
value of EDITOR if FCEDIT isnot set. If neither variable isset, vi isused. When editing
iscomplete, the edited commandsare echoed and executed.
In the second form, command isreexecuted after each instance of pat isreplaced by
r ep. A useful aliasto use with thisisr=fc s, so that typing r cc runsthe last
command beginning with cc and typing r reexecutesthe last command.
If the first form isused, the return value is0 unlessan illegal option isencountered
or f i r st or l ast specify history linesout of range. If the e option issupplied, the
return value isthe value of the last command executed or failure if an error occurs
with the temporary file of commands. If the second form isused, the return statusis
that of the command reexecuted, unlesscmd doesnot specify a valid history line, in
which case fc returnsfailure.
fg [j obspec ] Place j obspec in the foreground, and make it the current job. If j obspec isnot
present, the shellsnotion of the current job isused. The return value isthat of the
command placed into the foreground, or failure if run when job control isdisabled
or, when run with job control enabled, if j obspec doesnot specify a valid job or
j obspec specifiesa job that wasstarted without job control.
getopts opt st r i ng name [ar gs] getopts isused by shell proceduresto parse positional parameters. opt st r i ng contains
the option lettersto be recognized; if a letter isfollowed by a colon, the option is
expected to have an argument, which should be separated from it by whitespace.
Each time it isinvoked, getopts placesthe next option in the shell variable name,
initializing name if it doesnot exist, and the index of the next argument to be
processed into the variable OPTIND. OPTIND isinitialized to 1 each time the shell or a
shell script isinvoked. When an option requiresan argument, getopts placesthat
argument into the variable OPTARG. The shell doesnot reset OPTIND automatically; it
must be manually reset between multiple callsto getopts within the same shell
invocation if a new set of parametersisto be used.
getopts can report errorsin two ways. If the first character of opt st r i ng isa colon,
silent error reporting isused. In normal operation, diagnostic messagesare printed
when illegal optionsor missing option argumentsare encountered. If the variable
OPTERR isset to 0, no error message will be displayed, even if the first character of
opt st r i ng isnot a colon.
If an illegal option isseen, getopts placesa question mark (?) into name and, if not
silent, printsan error message and unsetsOPTARG. If getopts issilent, the option
character found isplaced in OP-TARG and no diagnostic message isprinted.
If a required argument isnot found, and getopts isnot silent, a question mark (?) is
placed in name, OPTARG isunset, and a diagnostic message isprinted. If getopts is
silent, then a colon (:) isplaced in name and OPTARG isset to the option character
getopts normally parsesthe positional parameters, but if more argumentsare given
in args, getopts parsesthose instead. getopts returnsTrue if an option, specified or
unspecified, isfound. It returnsFalse if the end of optionsisencountered or an error
hash [r][name] For each name, the full pathname of the command isdetermined and remembered.
The -r option causesthe shell to forget all remembered locations. If no arguments
are given, information about remembered commandsisprinted. An argument of
disablesoption checking for the rest of the arguments. The return statusisTrue
unlessa name isnot found or an illegal option issupplied.
help [pat t er n] Display helpful information about built-in commands. If pat t er n isspecified, help
givesdetailed help on all commandsmatching pattern; otherwise, a list of the
builtinsisprinted. The return statusis 0 unlessno command matchespattern.
history [n] With no options, display the command history list with line numbers. Lineslisted
history rwan [f i l ename] with a * have been modified. An argument of n listsonly the last n lines. If a
nonoption argument issupplied, it isused asthe name of the history file; if not, the
value of HISTFILE isused. Options, if supplied, have the following meanings:
a Append the new history lines(history linesentered since the
beginning of the current bash session) to the history file.
n Read the history linesnot already read from the history file
into the current history list. These are linesappended to the
history file since the beginning of the current bash session.
-r Read the contentsof the history file and use them asthe
current history.
w Write the current history to the history file, overwriting the
history filescontents.
The return value is0 unlessan illegal option isencountered or an error occurswhile
reading or writing the history file.
jobs [lnp][j obspec ... ] The first form liststhe active jobs. The l option listsprocessIDsin addition to
jobs x command [ ar gs ... ] the normal information; the p option listsonly the processID of the jobsprocess
group leader. The n option displaysonly jobsthat have changed statussince last
notified. If j obspec isgiven, output isrestricted to information about that job. The
return statusis0 unlessan illegal option isencountered or an illegal j obspec is
If the x option issupplied, jobs replacesany j obspec found in command or ar gs with
the corresponding processgroup ID, and executescommand, passing it ar gs , returning
itsexit status.
kill [-s sigspec | si gspec] Send the signal named by sigspec to the processesnamed by pi d or j obspec. si gspec
[pi d | j obspec ] ... iseither a signal name such asSIGKILL or a signal number. If si gspec isa signal
kill l [si gnum] name, the name isnot case sensitive and may be given with or without the SIG
prefix. If sigspec isnot present, then SIGTERM isassumed. An argument of l liststhe
signal names. If any argumentsare supplied when l isgiven, the namesof the
specified signalsare listed, and the return statusis0. An argument of disables
option checking for the rest of the arguments. kill returnsTrue if at least one signal
wassuccessfully sent, or False if an error occursor an illegal option isencountered.
let ar g [ar g ...] Each ar g isan arithmetic expression to be evaluated. (See Arithmetic Evaluation.)
If the last ar g evaluatesto 0, let returns1; 0 isreturned otherwise.
local [name[ =val ue] ...] For each argument, create a local variable named name, and assign it val ue. When
local isused within a function, it causesthe variable name to have a visible scope
restricted to that function and itschildren. With no operands, local writesa list of
local variablesto the standard output. It isan error to use local when not within a
function. The return statusis0 unlesslocal isused outside a function, or an illegal
name issupplied.
logout Exit a login shell.
popd [+/n] Removesentriesfrom the directory stack. With no arguments, removesthe top
directory from the stack, and performsa cd to the new top directory.
+n Removesthe nth entry counting from the left of the list shown
by dirs, starting with zero. For example, popd +0 removesthe
first directory, popd +1 the second.
n Removesthe nth entry counting from the right of the list
shown by dirs, starting with zero. For example, popd -0
removesthe last directory, popd -1 the next to last.
Part I: User Commands
If the popd command issuccessful, a dirs isperformed aswell, and the return status
is0. popd returnsFalse if an illegal option isencountered, the directory stack is
empty, a nonexistent directory stack entry isspecified, or the directory change fails.
pushd [di r ] pushd +/n Addsa directory to the top of the directory stack, or rotatesthe stack, making the
new top of the stack the current working directory. With no arguments, exchanges
the top two directoriesand returns0, unlessthe directory stack isempty.
+n Rotatesthe stack so that the nth directory (counting from the
left of the list shown by dirs) isat the top.
n Rotatesthe stack so that the nth directory (counting from the
right) isat the top.
di r Addsdi r to the directory stack at the top, making it the new
current working directory.
If the pushd command issuccessful, a dirs isperformed aswell. If the first form is
used, pushd returns0 unlessthe cd to di r fails. With the second form, pushd returns0
unlessthe directory stack isempty, a nonexistent directory stack element isspecified,
or the directory change to the specified new current directory fails.
pwd Print the absolute pathname of the current working directory. The path printed
containsno symbolic linksif the P option to the set builtin command isset. (See
also the description of nolinks under Shell Variables, earlier in thismanual page.)
The return statusis0 unlessan error occurswhile reading the pathname of the
current directory.
read [r][name ...] One line isread from the standard input, and the first word isassigned to the first
name, the second word to the second name, and so on, with leftover wordsassigned
to the last name. Only the charactersin IFS are recognized asword delimiters. If no
namesare supplied, the line read isassigned to the variable REPLY. The return code is
zero, unlessend-of-file isencountered. If the -r option isgiven, a backslash-newline
pair isnot ignored, and the backslash isconsidered to be part of the line.
readonly [f][name ...] The given namesare marked readonly and the valuesof these namesmay not be
readonly -p changed by subsequent assignment. If the f option issupplied, the functions
corresponding to the namesare so marked. If no argumentsare given, or if the
p option issupplied, a list of all readonly namesisprinted. An argument of
disablesoption checking for the rest of the arguments. The return statusis0 unless
an illegal option isencountered, one of the namesisnot a legal shell variable name,
or f issupplied with a name that isnot a function.
return [n] Causesa function to exit with the return value specified by n. If n isomitted, the
return statusisthat of the last command executed in the function body. If used
outside a function, but during execution of a script by the . (source) command, it
causesthe shell to stop executing that script and return either n or the exit statusof
the last command executed within the script asthe exit statusof the script. If used
outside a function and not during execution of a script by (. , the return statusis
set [abefhkmnptuvxldCHP]
[-o option][arg ...]
a Automatically mark variablesthat are modified or created for
export to the environment of subsequent commands.
b Cause the statusof terminated background jobsto be reported
immediately, rather than before the next primary prompt.
(Also see notify under Shell Variables.)
e Exit immediately if a simple command (see Shell Grammar,
earlier in thismanual page) exitswith a nonzero status. The
shell doesnot exit if the command that failsispart of an until
or while loop, part of an if statement, part of a && or || list, or
if the commandsreturn value isbeing inverted via !.
f Disable pathname expansion.
h Locate and remember function commandsasfunctionsare
defined. Function commandsare normally looked up when
the function isexecuted.
k All keyword argumentsare placed in the environment for a
command, not just those that precede the command name.
m Monitor mode. Job control isenabled. Thisflag ison by
default for interactive shellson systemsthat support it. (See
Job Control, earlier in thismanual page.) Background
processesrun in a separate processgroup and a line containing
their exit statusisprinted upon their completion.
n Read commandsbut do not execute them. Thismay be used
to check a shell script for syntax errors. Thisisignored for
interactive shells.
o opt i on- name The opt i on- name can be one of the following:
allexportSame asa.
braceexpandThe shell performsbrace expansion. (See Brace
Expansion, earlier in thismanual page.) Thisison by default.
emacsUse an emacs-style command line editing interface.
Thisisenabled by default when the shell isinteractive, unless
the shell isstarted with the nolineediting option.
errexitSame ase.
histexpandSame asH.
ignoreeofThe effect isasif the shell command
IGNOREEOF=10 had been executed. (See Shell Variables.)
interactivecommentsAllow a word beginning with # to
cause that word and all remaining characterson that line to be
ignored in an interactive shell. (See Comments, earlier in
thismanual page.)
monitorSame asm.
noclobberSame asC.
noexecSame asn.
noglobSame asf.
nohashSame asd.
notifySame asb.
nounsetSame asu.
physicalSame asP.
posixChange the behavior of bash where the default
operation differsfrom the POSIX 1003.2 standard to match
the standard.
privilegedSame asp.
verboseSame asv.
viUse a vi-style command line editing interface.
xtraceSame asx.
If no opt i on- name issupplied, the valuesof the current options
are printed.
Part I: User Commands
p Turn on privileged mode. In thismode, the $ENV file isnot
processed, and shell functionsare not inherited from the
environment. Thisisenabled automatically on startup if the
effective user (group) ID isnot equal to the real user (group)
ID. Turning thisoption off causesthe effective user and group
IDsto be set to the real user and group IDs.
t Exit after reading and executing one command.
u Treat unset variablesasan error when performing parameter
expansion. If expansion isattempted on an unset variable, the
shell printsan error message, and, if not interactive, exitswith
a nonzero status.
v Print shell input linesasthey are read.
x After expanding each simple command, bash displaysthe
expanded value of PS4, followed by the command and its
expanded arguments.
l Save and restore the binding of name in a for name [in word]
command. (See Shell Grammar, earlier in thismanual page.)
d Disable the hashing of commandsthat are looked up for
execution. Normally, commandsare remembered in a hash
table, and once found, do not have to be looked up again.
C The effect isasif the shell command noclobber= had been
executed. (See Shell Variables.)
H Enable ! style history substitution. Thisflag ison by default
when the shell isinteractive.
P If set, do not follow symbolic linkswhen performing
commandssuch ascd that change the current directory. The
physical directory isused instead.
If no argumentsfollow thisflag, then the positional parameters
are unset. Otherwise, the positional parametersare set to the
args, even if some of them begin with a .
Signal the end of options, cause all remaining args to be
assigned to the positional parameters. The x and v options
are turned off. If there are no args, the positional parameters
remain unchanged.
The flagsare off by default unlessotherwise noted. Using +
rather than causesthese flagsto be turned off. The flagscan
also be specified asoptionsto an invocation of the shell. The
current set of flagsmay be found in $. After the option
argumentsare processed, the remaining n args are treated as
valuesfor the positional parametersand are assigned, in order,
to $1, $2, ... $n. If no optionsor args are supplied, all shell
variablesare printed. The return statusisalwaysTrue unlessan
illegal option isencountered.
shift [n] The positional parametersfrom n+1 ... are renamed to .... Parametersrepresented
by the numbers$# down to $#n+1 are unset. If n is0, no parametersare changed. If
n isnot given, it isassumed to be 1. n must be a non-negative number lessthan or
equal to $#. If n isgreater than $#, the positional parametersare not changed. The
return statusisgreater than 0 if n isgreater than or lessthan 0; otherwise 0.
suspend [f] Suspend the execution of thisshell until it receivesa SIG-CONT signal. The f option
saysnot to complain if thisisa login shell; just suspend anyway. The return statusis
0 unlessthe shell isa login shell and f isnot supplied, or if job control isnot
test expr[expr ] Return a statusof 0 (True) or 1 (False) depending on the evaluation of the
conditional expression expr. Expressionsmay be unary or binary. Unary expressions
are often used to examine the statusof a file. There are string operatorsand numeric
comparison operatorsaswell. Each operator and operand must be a separate
argument. If file isof the form /dev/fd/n, then file descriptor n ischecked.
b f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand isblock special.
c f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand ischaracter special.
d f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand isa directory.
e f i l eTrue if f i l e exists.
f f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand isa regular file.
g f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand isset-group-id.
k f i l eTrue if f i l e hasitssticky bit set.
L f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand isa symbolic link.
p f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand isa named pipe.
r f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand isreadable.
s f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand hasa size greater than zero.
S f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand isa socket.
t f dTrue if f d isopened on a terminal.
u f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand itsset-user-id bit isset.
w f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand iswritable.
x f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand isexecutable.
O f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand isowned by the effective user ID.
G f i l eTrue if f i l e existsand isowned by the effective group ID.
f i l e1 nt f i l e2True if f i l e1 isnewer (according to modification date) than
f i l e2.
f i l e1 ot f i l e2True if f i l e1 isolder than f i l e2.
f i l e1 ef f i l eTrue if f i l e1 and f i l e2 have the same device and inode
z st r i ngTrue if the length of st r i ng iszero.
- n st r i ngTrue if the length of st r i ng isnonzero.
st r i ng1 = st r i ng2True if the stringsare equal.
st r i ng1 != st r i ng2True if the stringsare not equal.
! expr True if expr isFalse.
expr 1 a expr 2True if both expr 1 AND expr 2 are True.
expr 1 o expr 2True if either expr 1 OR expr 2 isTrue.
ar g1 OP ar g2 OP isone of eq, ne, lt, le, gt, or ge. These arithmetic binary
operatorsreturn True if ar g1 isequal, not-equal, less-than, less-than-or-equal,
greater-than, or greater-than-or-equal than ar g2, respectively. Ar g1 and ar g2 may
be positive integers, negative integers, or the special expression l st r i ng, which
evaluatesto the length of st r i ng.
times Print the accumulated user and system timesfor the shell and for processesrun from
the shell. The return statusis0.
trap [l][ar g][si gspec ] The command ar g isto be read and executed when the shell receivessignal(s)
si gspec. If ar g isabsent or , all specified signalsare reset to their original values(the
Part I: User Commands
valuesthey had upon entrance to the shell). If ar g isthe null string, thissignal is
ignored by the shell and by the commandsit invokes. si gspec iseither a signal name
defined in <signal.h>, or a signal number. If si gspec isEXIT (0), the command ar g
isexecuted on exit from the shell. With no arguments, trap printsthe list of
commandsassociated with each signal number. The l option causesthe shell to
print a list of signal namesand their corresponding numbers. An argument of
disablesoption checking for the rest of the arguments. Signalsignored upon entry to
the shell cannot be trapped or reset. Trapped signalsare reset to their original values
in a child processwhen it iscreated. The return statusisFalse if either the trap name
or number isinvalid; otherwise, trap returnsTrue.
type [all][type | path] With no options, indicate how each name would be interpreted if used asa
name [name ...] command name. If the type flag isused, type printsa phrase that isone of alias,
keyword, function, builtin, or file if name isan alias, shell reserved word, function,
builtin, or disk file, respectively. If the name isnot found, then nothing isprinted,
and an exit statusof False isreturned. If the path flag isused, type either returns
the name of the disk file that would be executed if name were specified asa command
name, or nothing if type would not return file. If a command ishashed, path
printsthe hashed value, not necessarily the file that appearsfirst in PATH. If the all
flag isused, type printsall of the placesthat contain an executable named name. This
includesaliasesand functions, if and only if the path flag isnot also used. The table
of hashed commandsisnot consulted when using all. type acceptsa, t, and p in
place of all, type, and path, respectively. An argument of disablesoption
checking for the rest of the arguments. type returnsTrue if any of the argumentsare
found, False if none are found.
ulimit [SHacdfmstpnuv [l i mi t ]] ulimit providescontrol over the resourcesavailable to the shell and to processes
started by it, on systemsthat allow such control. The value of limit can be a number
in the unit specified for the resource, or the value unlimited. The H and S options
specify that the hard or soft limit isset for the given resource. A hard limit cannot be
increased once it isset; a soft limit may be increased up to the value of the hard
limit. If neither H nor S isspecified, the command appliesto the soft limit. If limit is
omitted, the current value of the soft limit of the resource isprinted, unlessthe H
option isgiven. When more than one resource isspecified, the limit name and unit
isprinted before the value. Other optionsare interpreted asfollows:
a All current limitsare reported.
c The maximum size of core filescreated.
d The maximum size of a processsdata segment.
f The maximum size of filescreated by the shell.
m The maximum resident set size.
s The maximum stack size.
t The maximum amount of cpu time in seconds.
p The pipe size in 512-byte blocks. (Thismay not be set.)
n The maximum number of open file descriptors. (Most systems
do not allow thisvalue to be set, only displayed.)
u The maximum number of processesavailable to a single user.
v The maximum amount of virtual memory available to the
An argument of disablesoption checking for the rest of the arguments. If limit is
given, it isthe new value of the specified resource (the a option isdisplay only). If
no option isgiven, then f isassumed. Valuesare in 1024-byte increments, except
for t, which isin seconds; p, which isin unitsof 512-byte blocks; and n and u,
which are unscaled values. The return statusis0 unlessan illegal option isencoun-
tered, a non-numeric argument other than unlimited issupplied aslimit, or an error
occurswhile setting a new limit.
umask [S][mode] The user file-creation mask isset to mode. If mode beginswith a digit, it isinterpreted
asan octal number; otherwise, it isinterpreted asa symbolic mode mask similar to
that accepted by chmod(1). If mode isomitted, or if the S option issupplied, the
current value of the mask isprinted. The S option causesthe mask to be printed in
symbolic form; the default output isan octal number. An argument of disables
option checking for the rest of the arguments. The return statusis0 if the mode was
successfully changed or if no mode argument wassupplied, and False otherwise.
unalias [a][name ...] Remove namesfrom the list of defined aliases. If a issupplied, all aliasdefinitions
are removed. The return value isTrue unlessa supplied name isnot a defined alias.
unset [fv][name ...] For each name, remove the corresponding variable or, given the f option, function.
An argument of disablesoption checking for the rest of the arguments. Note that
PATH, IFS, PPID, PS1, PS2, UID, and EUID cannot be unset. If any of RANDOM, SECONDS,
LINENO, or HISTCMD are unset, they lose their special properties, even if they are
subsequently reset. The exit statusisTrue unlessa name doesnot exist or isnon-
wait [n] Wait for the specified processand return itstermination status. n may be a process
ID or a job specification; if a job spec isgiven, all processesin that jobspipeline are
waited for. If n isnot given, all currently active child processesare waited for, and the
return statusiszero. If n specifiesa nonexistent processor job, the return statusis
127. Otherwise, the return statusisthe exit statusof the last processor job waited
A login shell isone whose first character of argument zero isa , or one started with the login flag.
An interactiveshell isone whose standard input and output are both connected to terminals(asdetermined by isatty(3)), or
one started with the i option. PS1 isset and includesi if bash isinteractive, allowing a shell script or a startup file to test this
Login shells:
On login (subject to the noprofile option):
if /etc/profile exists, source it.
if /.bash_profile exists, source it,
else if /.bash_login exists, source it,
else if /.profile exists, source it.
On exit:
if /.bash_logout exists, source it.
Non-login interactive shells:
On startup (subject to the norc and rcfile options):
if /.bashrc exists, source it.
Non-interactive shells:
On startup:
if the environment variable ENV is non-null, expand
it and source the file it names, as if the command
if [ $ENV ]; then . $ENV; fi
had been executed, but do not use PATH to search
for the pathname. When not started in Posix mode, bash
looks for BASH_ENV before ENV.
If Bash isinvoked assh, it triesto mimic the behavior of sh asclosely aspossible. For a login shell, it attemptsto source only /
etc/profile and /.profile, in that order. The noprofile option may still be used to disable thisbehavior. A shell invoked
assh doesnot attempt to source any other startup files.
Part I: User Commands
When bash isstarted in posix mode, aswith the posix command line option, it followsthe POSIX standard for startup files.
In thismode, the ENV variable isexpanded and that file sourced; no other startup filesare read.
Bash Features, Brian Fox and Chet Ramey
TheGnu ReadlineLibrary, Brian Fox and Chet Ramey
TheGnu HistoryLibrary, Brian Fox and Chet Ramey
A SystemV CompatibleImplementation of 4.2BSD Job Control, David Lennert
PortableOperatingSystemInterface(POSIX) Part 2: Shell and Utilities, IEEE
sh(1), ksh(1), csh(1), emacs(1), vi(1) readline(3)
/bin/bash The bash executable
/etc/profile The systemwide initialization file, executed for login shells
/.bash_profile The personal initialization file, executed for login shells
/.bashrc The individual per-interactive-shell startup file
/.inputrc Individual readline initialization file
Brian Fox (Free Software Foundation; primary author; bfox@ai.MIT.Edu), Chet Ramey (Case Western Reserve University;
Copyright 1989, 1991 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
If you find a bug in bash, you should report it. But first, you should make sure that it really isa bug, and that it appearsin
the latest version of bash that you have.
Once you have determined that a bug actually exists, mail a bug report to If you have a
fix, you are welcome to mail that aswell! Suggestionsand philosophical bug reportsmay be mailed to bug- or posted to the Usenet newsgroup gnu.bash.bug.
ALL bug reportsshould include the following:
The version number of bash
The hardware and operating system
The compiler used to compile
A description of the bug behavior
A short script or recipe that exercisesthe bug
Commentsand bug reportsconcerning thismanual page should be directed to
Itstoo big and too slow.
There are some subtle differencesbetween bash and traditional versionsof sh, mostly because of the POSIX specification.
Aliasesare confusing in some uses.
GNU, 9 March 1995
bdftopcfConvert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format
bdftopcf [ pn ][un ][m ][l ][M ][L ][t ][i ][o out put f i l e ] fontfile.bdf
bdftopcf isa font compiler for the X server and font server. Fontsin Portable Compiled Format can be read by any
architecture, although the file isstructured to allow one particular architecture to read them directly without reformatting.
Thisallowsfast reading on the appropriate machine, but the filesare still portable (but read more slowly) on other machines.
pn Setsthe font glyph padding. Each glyph in the font will have each scanline padded in to a multiple
of n bytes, where n is1, 2, 4, or 8.
un Setsthe font scanline unit. When the font bit order isdifferent from the font byte order, the
scanline unit n describeswhat unit of data (in bytes) are to be swapped; the unit i can be 1, 2, or 4
m Setsthe font bit order to MSB (most significant bit) first. Bitsfor each glyph will be placed in this
order; that is, the leftmost bit on the screen will be in the highest valued bit in each unit.
l Setsthe font bit order to LSB (least significant bit) first. The leftmost bit on the screen will be in the
lowest valued bit in each unit.
M Setsthe font byte order to MSB first. All multibyte data in the file (metrics, bitmaps, and everything
else) will be written most significant byte first.
L Setsthe font byte order to LSB first. All multibyte data in the file (metrics, bitmaps, and everything
else) will be written least significant byte first.
t When thisoption isspecified, bdftopcf will convert fontsinto terminal fontswhen possible. A
terminal font haseach glyph image padded to the same size; the X server can usually render these
typesof fontsmore quickly.
i Thisoption inhibitsthe normal computation of ink metrics. When a font hasglyph imagesthat do
not fill the bitmap image (that is, the on pixelsdont extend to the edgesof the metrics), bdftopcf
computesthe actual ink metricsand placesthem in the PCF file; the t option inhibitsthisbehavior.
o out put - f i l e- name By default bdftopcf writesthe PCF file to standard output; thisoption givesthe name of a file to be
used instead.
Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium
X Version 11 Release6
beforelightScreen saver
beforelight [ t ool ki t opt i on ... ]
Part I: User Commands
The beforelight program isa sample implementation of a screen saver for X serverssupporting the MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
Keith Packard (MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release6
biffBe notified if mail arrivesand who it isfrom
biff [ny]
biff informsthe system whether you want to be notified when mail arrivesduring the current terminal session.
Optionssupported by biff:
n Disablesnotification
y Enablesnotification
When mail notification isenabled, the header and first few linesof the message will be printed on your screen whenever mail
arrives. A
biff y
command isoften included in the file .login or .profile to be executed at each login.
Biff operatesasynchronously. For synchronousnotification use the MAIL variable of sh(1) or the mail variable of csh(1).
csh(1), mail(1), sh(1), comsat(8)
The biff command appeared in BSD 4.0.
BSD 4, 14 March 1991
bioradtopgmConvert a Biorad confocal file into a portable graymap
bioradtopgm [-image#][i magedat a]
Readsa Biorad confocal file asinput. Producesa portable graymap asoutput. If the resulting image isupside down, run it
through pnmflip -tb.
-image# A Biorad image file may contain more than one image. With thisflag, you can specify which image to
extract (only one at a time). The first image in the file hasnumber zero. If no image number issupplied,
only information about the image size and the number of imagesin the input isprinted out. No output is
A Biorad image may be in word format. If PbmPlus isnot compiled with the BIGGRAYS flag, word filescannot be converted. See
the makefile.
pgm(5), pnmflip(1)
Copyright 1993 by Oliver Trepte
28 June1993
bitmap, bmtoa, atobm
bitmap, bmtoa, atobmBitmap editor and converter utilitiesfor the X Window System
bitmap [ opt i ons ...][f i l ename ][basename ]
bmtoa [ chars ...][f i l ename ]
atobm [ chars cc ][name var i abl e ][xhot number ][yhot number ][f i l ename ]
The bitmap program isa rudimentary tool for creating or editing rectangular imagesmade up of 1sand 0s. Bitmapsare used
in X for defining clipping regions, cursor shapes, icon shapes, and tile and stipple patterns.
The bmtoa and atobm filtersconvert bitmap files(FILE FORMAT) to and from ASCII strings. They are most commonly used to
quickly print out bitmapsand to generate versionsfor including in text.
Bitmap supportsthe standard X Toolkit command-line arguments; see X(1). The following additional argumentsare
supported aswell:
size WI DTHxHEI GHT Specifiessize of the grid in squares.
sw di mensi on Specifiesthe width of squaresin pixels.
sh di mensi on Specifiesthe height of squaresin pixels.
gt di mensi on Grid tolerance. If the square dimensionsfall below the specified value, grid will be
automatically turned off.
grid, +grid Turnson or off the grid lines.
axes, +axes Turnson or off the major axes.
dashed, +dashed Turnson or off dashing for the frame and grid lines.
stippled, +stippled Turnson or off stippling of highlighted squares.
bitmap, bmtoa, atobm
Part I: User Commands
proportional, +proportional Turnsproportional mode on or off. If proportional mode ison, square width is
equal to square height. If proportional mode isoff, bitmap will use the smaller square
dimension, if they were initially different.
dashes f i l ename Specifiesthe bitmap to be used asa stipple for dashing.
stipple f i l ename Specifiesthe bitmap to be used asa stipple for highlighting.
hl col or Specifiesthe color used for highlighting.
fr col or Specifiesthe color used for the frame and grid lines.
filename Specifiesthe bitmap to be initially loaded into the program. If the file doesnot exist,
bitmap will assume it isa new file.
basename Specifiesthe basename to be used in the C code output file. If it isdifferent than the
basename in the working file, bitmap will change it when saving the file.
bmtoa acceptsthe following option:
chars cc Thisoption specifiesthe pair of charactersto use in the string version of the bitmap.
The first character isused for 0 bitsand the second character isused for 1 bits. The
default isto use dashes(-) for 0sand number signs(#) for 1s.
atobm acceptsthe following options:
chars cc Thisoption specifiesthe pair of charactersto use when converting string bitmaps
into arraysof numbers. The first character representsa 0 bit and the second
character representsa 1 bit. The default isto use dashes() for 0sand number signs
(#) for 1s.
name var i abl e Thisoption specifiesthe variable name to be used when writing out the bitmap file.
The default isto use the basename of the filename command-line argument or leave
it blank if the standard input isread.
xhot number Thisoption specifiesthe X coordinate of the hot spot. Only positive valuesare
allowed. By default, no hot spot information isincluded.
yhot number Thisoption specifiesthe Y coordinate of the hot spot. Only positive valuesare
allowed. By default, no hot spot information isincluded.
bitmap displaysgrid in which each square representsa single bit in the picture being edited. Actual size of the bitmap image,
asit would appear normally and inverted, can be obtained by pressing Meta-I. You are free to move the image pop-up out of
the way to continue editing. Pressing the left mouse button in the pop-up window or Meta-I again will remove the real size
bitmap image.
If the bitmap isto be used for defining a cursor, one of the squaresin the imagesmay be designated asthe hot spot. This
determineswhere the cursor isactually pointing. For cursorswith sharp tips(such asarrowsor fingers), thisisusually at the
end of the tip; for symmetric cursors(such ascrossesor bulls-eyes), thisisusually at the center.
Bitmapsare stored assmall C code fragmentssuitable for including in applications. They provide an array of bitsaswell as
symbolic constantsgiving the width, height, and hot spot (if specified) that may be used in creating cursors, icons, and tiles.
To edit a bitmap image, simply click on one of the buttonswith drawing commands(Point, Curve, Line, Rectangle, and so
on) and move the pointer into the bitmap grid window. Pressone of the buttonson your mouse and the appropriate action
will take place. You can either set, clear, or invert the grid squares. Setting a grid square correspondsto setting a bit in the
bitmap image to 1. Clearing a grid square correspondsto setting a bit in the bitmap image to 0. Inverting a grid square
correspondsto changing a bit in the bitmap image from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0, depending what itspreviousstate was. The default
behavior of mouse buttonsisasfollows:
MouseButton1 Set
MouseButton2 Invert
MouseButton3 Clear
MouseButton4 Clear
MouseButton5 Clear
Thisdefault behavior can be changed by setting the button function resources. Here isan example:
bitmap*button1Function: Set
bitmap*button2Function: Clear
bitmap*button3Function: Invert
The button function appliesto all drawing commands, including copying, moving and pasting, flood filling, and setting the
hot spot.
Here isthe list of drawing commandsaccessible through the buttonsat the left side of the applicationswindow. Some
commandscan be aborted by pressing A inside the bitmap window, allowing the user to select different guiding pointswhere
Clear Thiscommand clearsall bitsin the bitmap image. The grid squareswill be set to the
background color. Pressing C inside the bitmap window hasthe same effect.
Set Thiscommand setsall bitsin the bitmap image. The grid squareswill be set to the
foreground color. Pressing Sinside the bitmap window hasthe same effect.
Invert Thiscommand invertsall bitsin the bitmap image. The grid squareswill be inverted
appropriately. Pressing I inside the bitmap window hasthe same effect.
Mark Thiscommand isused to mark an area of the grid by dragging out a rectangular
shape in the highlighting color. After the area ismarked, it can be operated on by a
number of commands(see Up, Down, Left, Right, Rotate, Flip, Cut, and so on).
Only one marked area can be present at any time. If you attempt to mark another
area, the old mark will vanish. The same effect can be achieved by pressing Shift-
MouseButton1 and dragging out a rectangle in the grid window. Pressing Shift-
MouseButton2 will mark the entire grid area.
Unmark Thiscommand will cause the marked area to vanish. The same effect can be
achieved by pressing Shift-MouseButton3.
Copy Thiscommand isused to copy an area of the grid from one location to another. If
there isno marked grid area displayed, Copy behavesjust like Mark. Once there isa
marked grid area displayed in the highlighting color, thiscommand hastwo
alternative behaviors. If you click a mouse button inside the marked area, you will be
able to drag the rectangle that representsthe marked area to the desired location.
After you release the mouse button, the area will be copied. If you click outside the
marked area, Copy will assume that you wish to mark a different region of the
bitmap image, thusit will behave like Mark again.
Move Thiscommand isused to move an area of the grid from one location to another. Its
behavior resemblesthe behavior of Copy command, except that the marked area will
be moved instead of copied.
Flip Horizontally Thiscommand will flip the bitmap image with respect to the horizontal axes. If a
marked area of the grid ishighlighted, it will operate only inside the marked area.
Pressing H inside the bitmap window hasthe same effect.
Up Thiscommand movesthe bitmap image one pixel up. If a marked area of the grid is
highlighted, it will operate only inside the marked area. Pressing UpArrow inside the
bitmap window hasthe same effect.
bitmap, bmtoa, atobm
Part I: User Commands
Flip Vertically Thiscommand will flip the bitmap image with respect to the vertical axes. If a
marked area of the grid ishighlighted, it will operate only inside the marked area.
Pressing V inside the bitmap window hasthe same effect.
Left Thiscommand movesthe bitmap image one pixel to the left. If a marked area of the
grid ishighlighted, it will operate only inside the marked area. Pressing LeftArrow
inside the bitmap window hasthe same effect.
Fold Thiscommand will fold the bitmap image so that the opposite cornersbecome
adjacent. Thisisuseful when creating bitmap imagesfor tiling. Pressing F inside the
bitmap window hasthe same effect.
Right Thiscommand movesthe bitmap image one pixel to the right. If a marked area of
the grid ishighlighted, it will operate only inside the marked area. Pressing the right
arrow inside the bitmap window hasthe same effect.
Rotate Left Thiscommand rotatesthe bitmap image 90 degreesto the left (counter clockwise.)
If a marked area of the grid ishighlighted, it will operate only inside the marked
area. Pressing L inside the bitmap window hasthe same effect.
Down Thiscommand movesthe bitmap image one pixel down. If a marked area of the grid
ishighlighted, it will operate only inside the marked area. Pressing the down arrow
inside the bitmap window hasthe same effect.
Rotate Right Thiscommand rotatesthe bitmap image 90 degreesto the right (clockwise.) If a
marked area of the grid ishighlighted, it will operate only inside the marked area.
Pressing R inside the bitmap window hasthe same effect.
Point Thiscommand will change the grid squaresunderneath the mouse pointer if a
mouse button isbeing pressed down. If you drag the mouse button continuously,
the line may not be continuous, depending on the speed of your system and
frequency of mouse motion events.
Curve Thiscommand will change the grid squaresunderneath the mouse pointer if a
mouse button isbeing pressed down. If you drag the mouse button continuously, it
will make sure that the line iscontinuous. If your system isslow or bitmap receives
very few mouse motion events, it might behave quite strangely.
Line Thiscommand will change the grid squaresin a line between two squares. Once you
pressa mouse button in the grid window, bitmap will highlight the line from the
square where the mouse button wasinitially pressed to the square where the mouse
pointer islocated. By releasing the mouse button, you will cause the change to take
effect, and the highlighted line will disappear.
Rectangle Thiscommand will change the grid squaresin a rectangle between two squares.
Once you pressa mouse button in the grid window, bitmap will highlight the
rectangle from the square where the mouse button wasinitially pressed to the square
where the mouse pointer islocated. By releasing the mouse button you will cause the
change to take effect, and the highlighted rectangle will disappear.
Filled Rectangle Thiscommand isidentical to Rectangle, except at the end the rectangle will be filled
rather than outlined.
Circle Thiscommand will change the grid squaresin a circle between two squares. Once
you pressa mouse button in the grid window, bitmap will highlight the circle from
the square where the mouse button wasinitially pressed to the square where the
mouse pointer islocated. By releasing the mouse button you will cause the change to
take effect, and the highlighted circle will disappear.
Filled Circle Thiscommand isidentical to Circle, except at the end the circle will be filled rather
than outlined.
Flood Fill Thiscommand will flood fill the connected area underneath the mouse pointer
when you click on the desired square. Diagonally adjacent squaresare not considered
to be connected.
Set Hot Spot Thiscommand designatesone square in the grid asthe hot spot if thisbitmap image
isto be used for defining a cursor. Pressing a mouse button in the desired square will
cause a diamond shape to be displayed.
Clear Hot Spot Thiscommand removesany designated hot spot from the bitmap image.
Undo Thiscommand will undo the last executed command. It hasdepth one, that is,
pressing Undo after Undo will undo itself.
The File menu commandscan be accessed by pressing the File button and selecting the appropriate menu entry, or by
pressing the Ctrl key with another key. These commandsdeal with filesand global bitmap parameters, such assize,
basename, filename, and so forth.
New Thiscommand will clear the editing area and prompt for the name of the new file to
be edited. It will not load in the new file.
Load Thiscommand isused to load a new bitmap file into the bitmap editor. If the
current image hasnot been saved, user will be asked whether to save or ignore the
changes. The editor can edit only one file at a time. If you need interactive editing,
run a number of editorsand use the cut and paste mechanism asdescribed later in
thissection. (See Cut and Paste.)
Insert Thiscommand isused to insert a bitmap file into the image being currently edited.
After being prompted for the filename, click inside the grid window and drag the
outlined rectangle to the location where you want to insert the new file.
Save Thiscommand will save the bitmap image. It will not prompt for the filename
unlessit issaid to be <none>. If you leave the filename undesignated or , the output
will be piped to stdout.
Save As Thiscommand will save the bitmap image after prompting for a new filename. It
should be used if you want to change the filename.
Resize Thiscommand isused to resize the editing area to the new number of pixels. The
size should be entered in the widthheight format. The information in the image
being edited will not be lost unlessthe new size issmaller that the current image size.
The editor wasnot designed to edit huge files.
Rescale Thiscommand isused to rescale the editing area to the new width and height. The
size should be entered in the widthheight format. It will not do antialiasing and
information will be lost if you rescale to the smaller sizes. Feel free to add you own
algorithmsfor better rescaling.
Filename Thiscommand isused to change the filename without changing the basename nor
saving the file. If you specify for a filename, the output will be piped to stdout.
Basename Thiscommand isused to change the basename, if a different one from the specified
filename isdesired.
Quit Thiscommand will terminate the bitmap application. If the file wasnot saved, user
will be prompted and asked whether to save the image or not. Quit ispreferred over
killing the process.
The Edit menu commandscan be accessed by pressing the Edit button and selecting the appropriate menu entry, or by
pressing Meta key with another key. These commandsdeal with editing facilitiessuch asgrid, axes, zooming, cut and paste,
and so on.
Image Thiscommand will display the image being edited and itsinverse in itsactual size in
a separate window. The window can be moved away to continue with editing.
Pressing the left mouse button in the image window will cause it to disappear from
the screen.
bitmap, bmtoa, atobm
Part I: User Commands
Grid Thiscommand controlsthe grid in the editing area. If the grid spacing isbelow the
value specified by gridTolerance resource (8 by default), the grid will be automati-
cally turned off. It can be enforced by explicitly activating thiscommand.
Dashed Thiscommand controlsthe stipple for drawing the grid lines. The stipple specified
by dashesresource can be turned on or off by activating thiscommand.
Axes Thiscommand controlsthe highlighting of the main axesof the image being edited.
The actual linesare not part of the image. They are provided to aid user when
constructing symmetrical images, or whenever having the main axeshighlighted
helpsyour editing.
Stippled Thiscommand controlsthe stippling of the highlighted areasof the bitmap image.
The stipple specified by stipple resource can be turned on or off by activating this
Proportional Thiscommand controlsthe proportional mode. If the proportional mode ison,
width and height of all image squaresare forced to be equal, regardlessof the
proportionsof the bitmap window.
Zoom Thiscommand controlsthe zoom mode. If there isa marked area of the image
already displayed, bitmap will automatically zoom into it. Otherwise, the user will
have to highlight an area to be edited in the zoom mode and bitmap will automati-
cally switch into it. You can use all the editing commandsand other utilitiesin the
zoom mode. When you zoom out, undo command will undo the whole zoom
Cut Thiscommandscutsthe contentsof the highlighted image area into the internal cut
and paste buffer.
Copy Thiscommand copiesthe contentsof the highlighted image area into the internal
cut and paste buffer.
Paste Thiscommand will check if there are any other bitmap applicationswith a
highlighted image area, or if there issomething in the internal cut and paste buffer
and copy it to the image. To place the copied image, click in the editing window and
drag the outlined image to the position where you want to place i, and then release
the button.
Bitmap supportstwo cut and paste mechanisms; the internal cut and paste and the global X selection cut and paste. The
internal cut and paste isused when executing copy and move drawing commandsand also cut and copy commandsfrom the
Edit menu. The global X selection cut and paste isused whenever there isa highlighted area of a bitmap image displayed
anywhere on the screen. To copy a part of image from another bitmap editor, simply highlight the desired area by using the
Mark command or pressing the shift key and dragging the area with the left mouse button. When the selected area becomes
highlighted, any other applications(such asxterm) that use primary selection will discard their selection valuesand
unhighlight the appropriate information. Now, use the Paste command from the Edit menu or control mouse button to
copy the selected part of image into another (or the same) bitmap application. If you attempt to do thiswithout a visible
highlighted image area, the bitmap will fall back to the internal cut and paste buffer and paste whatever wasstored there at
the moment.
Following isthe widget structure of the bitmap application. The widget classname isgiven first, followed by the widget
instance name. All widgetsexcept the bitmap widget are from the standard Athena widget set.
Bitmap bitmap
TransientShell image
Box box
Label normalImage
Label invertedImage
TransientShell input
Dialog dialog
Command okay
Command cancel
TransientShell error
Dialog dialog
Command abort
Command retry
TransientShell qsave
Dialog dialog
Command yes
Command no
Command cancel
Paned parent
Form formy
MenuButton fileButton
SimpleMenu fileMenu
SmeBSB new
SmeBSB load
SmeBSB insert
SmeBSB save
SmeBSB saveAs
SmeBSB resize
SmeBSB rescale
SmeBSB filename
SmeBSB basename
SmeLine line
SmeBSB quit
MenuButton editButton
SimpleMenu editMenu
SmeBSB image
SmeBSB grid
SmeBSB dashed
SmeBSB axes
SmeBSB stippled
SmeBSB proportional
SmeBSB zoom
SmeLine line
SmeBSB cut
SmeBSB copy
SmeBSB paste
Label status
Pane pane
Bitmap bitmap
Form form
Command clear
Command set
Command invert
Toggle mark
Command unmark
Toggle copy
Toggle move
Command flipHoriz
Command up
Command flipVert
Command left
Command fold
Command right
Command rotateLeft
Command down
Command rotateRight
bitmap, bmtoa, atobm
Part I: User Commands
Toggle point
Toggle curve
Toggle line
Toggle rectangle
Toggle filledRectangle
Toggle circle
Toggle filledCircle
Toggle floodFill
Toggle setHotSpot
Command clearHotSpot
Command undo
If you would like bitmap to be viewable in color, include the following in the #ifdef COLOR section of the file you read with
*customization: color
Thiswill cause bitmap to pick up the colorsin the app-defaultscolor customization file:
where <XRoot> refersto the root of the X11 install tree.
Bitmap widget isa standalone widget for editing raster images. It isnot designed to edit large images, although it may be
used in that purpose aswell. It can be freely incorporated with other applicationsand used asa standard editing tool. The
following are the resourcesprovided by the bitmap widget:
Header file Bitmap.h
Class bitmapWidgetClass
ClassName Bitmap
Superclass Bitmap
All the Simple Widget resourcesplus
Name Class Type Default Value
foreground Foreground Pixel XtDefaultForeground
highlight Highlight Pixel XtDefaultForeground
framing Framing Pixel XtDefaultForeground
gridTolerance GridTolerance Dimension 8
size Size String 32x32
dashed Dashed Boolean True
grid Grid Boolean True
stippled Stippled Boolean True
proportional Proportional Boolean True
axes Axes Boolean False
squareWidth SquareWidth Dimension 16
squareHeight SquareHeight Dimension 16
margin Margin Dimension 16
xHot XHot Position NotSet (1)
yHot YHot Position NotSet (1)
button1Function Button1Function DrawingFunction Set
button2Function Button2Function DrawingFunction Invert
button3Function Button3Function DrawingFunction Clear
button4Function Button4Function DrawingFunction Invert
button5Function Button5Function DrawingFunction Invert
filename Filename String None ()
basename Basename String None ()
Davor Matic (MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release6
bmptoppmConvert a BMP file into a portable pixmap
bmptoppm [bmpfile]
bmptoppm readsa Microsoft Windowsor OS/2 BMP file asinput and producesa portable pixmap asoutput.
ppmtobmp(1), ppm(5)
Copyright 1992 by David W. Sanderson
26 October 1992
brushtopbmConvert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap
brushtopbm [br ushf i l e]
brushtopbm readsa Xerox doodle brush file asinput and producesa portable bitmap asoutput.
Note that there iscurrently no pbmtobrush tool.
Copyright 1988 by Jef Poskanzer
28 August 1988
Name Class Type Default Value
Part I: User Commands
calDisplaysa calendar
cal [jy] [mont h [year ]]
cal displaysa simple calendar. If argumentsare not specified, the current month isdisplayed. The optionsare asfollows:
j Display Julian dates(daysone-based, numbered from January 1)
y Display a calendar for the current year
A single parameter specifiesthe year (19999) to be displayed; note the year must be fully specified:
cal 89
will not display a calendar for 1989. Two parametersdenote the month (112) and year. If no parametersare specified, the
current monthscalendar isdisplayed.
A year startson Jan 1.
The Gregorian Reformation isassumed to have occurred in 1752 on the 3rd of September. By thistime, most countrieshad
recognized the reformation (although a few did not recognize it until the early 1900s.) Ten daysfollowing that date were
eliminated by the reformation, so the calendar for that month isa bit unusual.
A cal command appeared in version 6 AT&T UNIX
6 June1993
catConcatenate filesand print on the standard output
cat [benstuvAET] [number] [number-nonblank] [squeeze-blank]
[show-nonprinting] [show-ends] [show-tabs] [show-all]
[help] [version] [f i l e...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of cat. cat writesthe contentsof each given file, or the standard input if
none are given or when a file named isgiven, to the standard output.
b, number-nonblank Number all nonblank output lines, starting with 1.
e Equivalent to vE.
n, number Number all output lines, starting with 1.
s, squeeze-blank Replace multiple adjacent blank lineswith a single blank line.
t Equivalent to vT.
u Ignored; for UNIX compatibility.
v, show-nonprinting Display control charactersexcept for LFD and TAB using notation and precede charactersthat
have the high bit set with M-.
A, show-all Equivalent to vET.
E, show-ends Display a $ after the end of each line.
T, show-tabs Display tab charactersasI.
help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
version Print version information on standard output then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
chattrChange file attributeson a Linux second extended file system
chattr [ RV ][-v version ] [ mode ] f i l es...
chattr changesthe filesattributeson an second extended file system. The format of a symbolic mode is+-=[Sacdisu].
The operator + causesthe selected attributesto be added to the existing attributesof the files; - causesthem to be removed;
and = causesthem to be the only attributesthat the fileshave. The lettersSacdisu select the new attributesfor the files:
synchronousupdates(S), append only (a), compressed (), immutable(i), nodump (d), securedeletion (s), and undeletable
-R Recursively change attributesof directoriesand their contents.
-V Verbosely describe changed attributes.
-v version Set the filesversion.
A file with the a attribute set can only be open in append mode for writing.
A file with the c attribute set isautomatically compressed on the disk by the kernel. A read from thisfile returns
uncompressed data. A write to thisfile compressesdata before storing them on the disk.
A file with the d attribute set isnot candidate for backup when the dump(8) program isrun.
A file with the i attribute cannot be modified: it cannot be deleted or renamed, no link can be created to thisfile and no data
can be written to the file. Only the superuser can set or clear thisattribute.
When a file with the s attribute set isdeleted, itsblocksare zeroed and written back to the disk.
When a file with the u attribute set ismodified, the changesare written synchronously on the disk; thisisequivalent to the
syn mount option applied to a subset of the files.
When a file with the u attribute set isdeleted, itscontentsissaved. Thisallowsthe user to ask for itsundeletion.
chattr hasbeen written by Remy Card, <>, the developer and maintainer of the ext2 fs.
Asof ext2 fs 0.5a, the c and u attributesare not honored by the kernel code.
These attributeswill be implemented in a future ext2 fs version.
Part I: User Commands
chattr isavailable for anonymousftp from and in /pub/linux/packages/ext2fs.
Version 0.5b, November 1994
chfnChange your finger information
chfn [ f f ul l - name ][o of f i ce][p of f i ce- phone ] [ h home- phone ] [ u ] [ v ]
[user name ]
chfn isused to change your finger information. Thisinformation isstored in the /etc/passwd file, and isdisplayed by the
finger program. The Linux finger command will display four piecesof information that can be changed by chfn: your real
name, your work room and phone, and your home phone.
Any of the four piecesof information can be specified on the command line. If no information isgiven on the command
line, chfn entersinteractive mode.
In interactive mode, chfn will prompt for each field. At a prompt, you can enter the new information, or just pressreturn to
leave the field unchanged. Enter the keyword none to make the field blank.
f, full-name Specify your real name.
o, office Specify your office room number.
p, office-phone Specify your office phone number.
h, home-phone Specify your home phone number.
u, help Print a usage message and exit.
-v, version Print version information and exit.
finger(1), passwd(5)
Salvatore Valente (<>)
chfn, October 13 1994
chgrpChange the group ownership of files
chgrp [Rcfv] [recursive] [changes] [silent] [quiet] [verbose] [help]
[version] gr oup f i l e...
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of chgrp. chgrp changesthe group ownership of each given file to the named
group, which can be either a group name or a numeric group ID.
c, changes Verbosely describe only fileswhose ownership actually changes.
f, silent, quiet Do not print error messagesabout fileswhose ownership cannot be changed.
v, verbose Verbosely describe ownership changes.
R, recursive Recursively change ownership of directoriesand their contents.
help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
version Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully.
GNU FileUtilities
chkdupexeFind duplicate executables
chkdupexe will scan many standard directoriesthat hold executable, and report duplicates.
Nicolai Langfeldt
RequiresGNU ls(1).
Search pathsthat point to the same directory will cause many bogusduplicatesto be found. You might want to edit the
script to eliminate some pathsthat are equivalent on your machine.
11 March 1995
chmodChange the accesspermissionsof files
chmod [Rcfv] [recursive] [changes] [silent] [quiet] [verbose] [help]
[version] mode f i l e...
Part I: User Commands
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of chmod. chmod changesthe permissionsof each given file according to mode,
which can be either a symbolic representation of changesto make, or an octal number representing the bit pattern for the
new permissions.
The format of a symbolic mode is[ugoa...][[+-=][rwxXstugo...]...][,...]. Multiple symbolic operationscan be given,
separated by commas.
A combination of the lettersugoa controlswhich users accessto the file will be changed: the user who ownsit (u), other users
in the filesgroup (g), other usersnot in the filesgroup (o), or all users(a). If none of these are given, the effect isasif a were
given, but bitsthat are set in the umask are not affected.
The operator + causesthe permissionsselected to be added to the existing permissionsof each file; - causesthem to be
removed; and = causesthem to be the only permissionsthat the file has.
The lettersrwxXstugo select the new permissionsfor the affected users: read (r), write (w), execute (or accessfor directories)
(x), execute only if the file isa directory or already hasexecute permission for some user (X), set user or group ID on
execution (s), save program text on swap device (t), the permissionsthat the user who ownsthe file currently hasfor it (u),
the permissionsthat other usersin the filesgroup have for it (g), and the permissionsthat other usersnot in the filesgroup
have for it (o).
A numeric mode isfrom one to four octal digits(07), derived by adding up the bitswith values4, 2, and 1. Any omitted
digitsare assumed to be leading zeros. The first digit selectsthe set user ID (4) and set group ID (2) and save text image (1)
attributes. The second digit selectspermissionsfor the user who ownsthe file: read (4), write (2), and execute (1); the third
selectspermissionsfor other usersin the filesgroup, with the same values; and the fourth for other usersnot in the files
group, with the same values.
chmod never changesthe permissionsof symbolic links; the chmod system call cannot change their permissions. Thisisnot a
problem since the permissionsof symbolic linksare never used. However, for each symbolic link listed on the command line,
chmod changesthe permissionsof the pointed-to file. In contrast, chmod ignoressymbolic linksencountered during recursive
directory traversals.
c, changes Verbosely describe only fileswhose permissionsactually change.
f, silent, quiet Do not print error messagesabout fileswhose permissionscannot be changed.
v, verbose Verbosely describe changed permissions.
R, recursive Recursively change permissionsof directoriesand their contents.
help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
version Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully.
GNU FileUtilities
chownChange the user and group ownership of files
chown [Rcfv] [recursive] [changes] [help] [version] [silent] [quiet]
[verbose] [user ][:.][gr oup] f i l e...
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of chown. chown changesthe user and/or group ownership of each given file,
according to itsfirst nonoption argument, which isinterpreted asfollows. If only a username (or numeric user ID) isgiven,
that user ismade the owner of each given file, and the files group isnot changed. If the username isfollowed by a colon or
dot and a group name (or numeric group ID), with no spacesbetween them, the group ownership of the filesischanged as
well. If a colon or dot but no group name followsthe username, that user ismade the owner of the filesand the group of the
filesischanged to that userslogin group. If the colon or dot and group are given, but the username isomitted, only the
group of the filesischanged; in thiscase, chown performsthe same function aschgrp.
c, changes Verbosely describe only fileswhose ownership actually changes.
f, silent, quiet Do not print error messagesabout fileswhose ownership cannot be changed.
v, verbose Verbosely describe ownership changes.
R, recursive Recursively change ownership of directoriesand their contents.
help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
version Print version information on standard output then exit successfully.
GNU FileUtilities
chshChange your login shell
chsh [ s shell ] [ l ] [ u ] [ v ] [ user name ]
chsh isused to change your login shell. If a shell isnot given on the command line, chsh promptsfor one.
chsh will accept the full pathname of any executable file on the system. However, it will issue a warning if the shell isnot
listed in the /etc/shells file.
s, shell Specify your login shell.
l, list-shells Print the list of shellslisted in /etc/shells and exit.
u, help Print a usage message and exit.
-v, version Print version information and exit.
login(1), passwd(5), shells(5)
Salvatore Valente (<>)
chsh, 13 October 1994
Part I: User Commands
ciCheck in RCS revisions
ci [opt i ons ] f i l e ...
ci storesnew revisionsinto RCSfiles. Each pathname matching an RCSsuffix istaken to be an RCS file. All othersare
assumed to be working filescontaining new revisions. ci depositsthe contentsof each working file into the corresponding
RCS file. If only a working file isgiven, ci triesto find the corresponding RCS file in an RCS subdirectory and then in the
working filesdirectory. (For more details, see File Naming, later in thismanual page.)
For ci to work, the callerslogin must be on the accesslist, unlessthe accesslist isempty or the caller isthe superuser or the
owner of the file. To append a new revision to an existing branch, the tip revision on that branch must be locked by the
caller. Otherwise, only a new branch can be created. Thisrestriction isnot enforced for the owner of the file if non-strict
locking isused; see rcs(1). A lock held by someone else can be broken with the rcscommand.
Unlessthe f option isgiven, ci checkswhether the revision to be deposited differsfrom the preceding one. If not, instead of
creating a new revision ci revertsto the preceding one. To revert, ordinary ci removesthe working file and any lock; ci l
keepsand ci u removesany lock, and then they both generate a new working file much asif co l or co u had been applied
to the preceding revision. When reverting, any n and -s optionsapply to the preceding revision.
For each revision deposited, ci promptsfor a log message. The log message should summarize the change and must be
terminated by end-of-file or by a line containing . by itself. If several filesare checked in, ci askswhether to reuse the
previouslog message. If the standard input isnot a terminal, ci suppressesthe prompt and usesthe same log message for all
files. (See also m.)
If the RCS file doesnot exist, ci createsit and depositsthe contentsof the working file asthe initial revision (default
number: 1.1). The accesslist isinitialized to empty. Instead of the log message, ci requestsdescriptive text (See t.)
The number rev of the deposited revision can be given by any of the optionsf, i, I, j, k, l, M, q, r, or u. rev can be
symbolic, numeric, or mixed. Symbolic namesin rev must already be defined; see the n and N optionsfor assigning names
during checkin. If rev is$, ci determinesthe revision number from keyword valuesin the working file.
If rev beginswith a period, then the default branch (normally the trunk) isprepended to it. If rev isa branch number
followed by a period, then the latest revision on that branch isused.
If rev isa revision number, it must be higher than the latest one on the branch to which rev belongs, or must start a new
If rev isa branch rather than a revision number, the new revision isappended to that branch. The level number isobtained
by incrementing the tip revision number of that branch. If rev indicatesa nonexistent branch, that branch iscreated with the
initial revision numbered rev.1.
If rev isomitted, ci triesto derive the new revision number from the callerslast lock. If the caller haslocked the tip revision
of a branch, the new revision isappended to that branch. The new revision number isobtained by incrementing the tip
revision number. If the caller locked a nontip revision, a new branch isstarted at that revision by incrementing the highest
branch number at that revision. The default initial branch and level numbersare 1.
If rev isomitted and the caller hasno lock, but ownsthe file and locking isnot set to strict, then the revision isappended to
the default branch. (Normally the trunk; see the b option of rcs(1).)
Exception: On the trunk, revisionscan be appended to the end, but not inserted.
rr ev Check in revision r ev.
r The bare r option (without any revision) hasan unusual meaning in ci. With other RCS
commands, a bare -r option specifiesthe most recent revision on the default branch, but with ci, a
bare -r option reestablishesthe default behavior of releasing a lock and removing the working file,
and isused to override any default l or u optionsestablished by shell aliasesor scripts.
l[r ev] Workslike -r, except it performsan additional co l for the deposited revision. Thus, the
deposited revision isimmediately checked out again and locked. Thisisuseful for saving a revision
although one wantsto continue editing it after the checkin.
u[r ev] Workslike l, except that the deposited revision isnot locked. Thisletsone read the working file
immediately after checkin.
The l, bare -r, and u optionsare mutually exclusive and silently override each other. For example, ci u -r isequivalent
to ci -r because bare -r overridesu.
f[r ev] Forcesa deposit; the new revision isdeposited even it isnot different from the preceding one.
k[r ev] Searchesthe working file for keyword valuesto determine itsrevision number, creation date, state,
and authorsee co(1)and assignsthese valuesto the deposited revision, rather than computing
them locally. It also generatesa default login message noting the login of the caller and the actual
checkin date. Thisoption isuseful for software distribution. A revision that issent to several sites
should be checked in with the k option at these sitesto preserve the original number, date, author,
and state. The extracted keyword valuesand the default log message can be overridden with the
optionsd, m, s, w, and any option that carriesa revision number.
q[r ev] Quiet mode; diagnostic output isnot printed. A revision that isnot different from the preceding
one isnot deposited, unlessf isgiven.
-i[r ev] Initial checkin; report an error if the RCS file already exists. Thisavoidsrace conditionsin certain
j[r ev] Just check in and do not initialize; report an error if the RCS file doesnot already exist.
I[r ev] Interactive mode; the user isprompted and questioned even if the standard input isnot a terminal.
d[dat e] Usesdate for the checkin date and time. The date isspecified in free format asexplained in co(1).
Thisisuseful for lying about the checkin date, and for k if no date isavailable. If date isempty,
the working filestime of last modification isused.
M[r ev] Set the modification time on any new working file to be the date of the retrieved revision. For
example, ci d M u f doesnot alter fsmodification time, even if fscontentschange due to
keyword substitution. Use thisoption with care; it can confuse make(1).
mmsg Usesthe string msg asthe log message for all revisionschecked in. By convention, log messagesthat
start with # are commentsand are ignored by programslike GNU emacssvc package. Also, log
messagesthat start with clumpname (followed by whitespace) are meant to be clumped together if
possible, even if they are associated with different files; the clumpname label isused only for
clumping, and isnot considered to be part of the log message itself.
nname Assignsthe symbolic name to the number of the checked-in revision. ci printsan error message if
that name isalready assigned to another number.
Nname Same asn, except that it overridesa previousassignment of name.
sst at e Setsthe state of the checked-in revision to the identifier state. The default state isExp.
tf i l e Writesdescriptive text from the contentsof the named file into the RCSfile, deleting the existing
text. The file cannot begin with .
tst r i ng Write descriptive text from the string into the RCS file, deleting the existing text.
The t option, in both itsforms, haseffect only during an initial checkin; it issilently ignored otherwise.
During the initial checkin, if t isnot given, ci obtainsthe text from standard input, terminated by end-of-file or by a line
containing a dot (.) by itself. The user isprompted for the text if interaction ispossible; see I.
Part I: User Commands
For backwardscompatibility with older versionsof RCS, a bare t option isignored.
T Set the RCS filesmodification time to the new revisionstime if the former precedesthe latter and
there isa new revision; preserve the RCS filesmodification time otherwise. If you have locked a
revision, ci usually updatesthe RCS filesmodification time to the current time, because the lock is
stored in the RCSfile and removing the lock requireschanging the RCSfile. Thiscan create an
RCS file newer than the working file in one of two ways: first, ci M can create a working file with
a date before the current time; second, when reverting to the previousrevision the RCS file can
change while the working file remainsunchanged. These two casescan cause excessive
recompilation caused by a make(1) dependency of the working file on the RCS file. The T option
inhibitsthisrecompilation by lying about the RCS filesdate. Use thisoption with care; it can
suppressrecompilation even when a checkin of one working file should affect another working file
associated with the same RCS file. For example, suppose the RCS filestime is01:00, the (changed)
working filestime is02:00, some other copy of the working file hasa time of 03:00, and the
current time is04:00. Then ci d T setsthe RCS filestime to 02:00 instead of the usual 04:00;
thiscausesmake(1) to think (incorrectly) that the other copy isnewer than the RCSfile.
wl ogi n Useslogin for the author field of the deposited revision. Useful for lying about the author, and for
k if no author isavailable.
V Print RCSsversion number.
Vn Emulate RCSversion n. See co(1) for details.
xsuf f i xes Specifiesthe suffixesfor RCSfiles. A nonempty suffix matchesany pathname ending in the suffix.
An empty suffix matchesany pathname of the form RCS/path or path1/RCS/path2. The x option
can specify a list of suffixesseparated by /. For example, x,v/ specifiestwo suffixes: ,v and the
empty suffix. If two or more suffixesare specified, they are tried in order when looking for an RCS
file; the first one that worksisused for that file. If no RCS file isfound but an RCS file can be
created, the suffixesare tried in order to determine the new RCS filesname. The default for
suffixesisinstallation-dependent; normally it is,v/ for hostslike UNIX that permit commasin
filenames, and isempty (that is, just the empty suffix) for other hosts.
zzone Specifiesthe date output format in keyword substitution, and specifiesthe default time zone for
date in the ddate option. The zone should be empty, a numeric UTC offset, or the special string
LT for local time. The default isan empty zone, which usesthe traditional RCS format of UTC
without any time-zone indication and with slashesseparating the partsof the date; otherwise, times
are output in ISO 8601 format with time zone indication. For example, if local time isJanuary 11,
1990, 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, eight hourswest of UTC, then the time isoutput asfollows:
Option TimeOutput
z 1990/01/12 04:00:00 (default)
zLT 1990-01-11 20:00:0008
z+05:30 1990-01-12 09:30:00+05:30
The z option doesnot affect datesstored in RCSfiles, which are alwaysUTC.
Pairsof RCSfilesand working filescan be specified in three ways. (See also Examples, next.)
1. Both the RCSfile and the working file are given. The RCS pathname isof the form path1/workfileX and the working
pathname isof the form path2/workfile where path1/ and path2/ are (possibly different or empty) paths, workfile isa
filename, and X isan RCS suffix. If X isempty, path1/ must start with RCS/ or must contain /RCS/.
2. Only the RCSfile isgiven. Then the working file iscreated in the current directory and itsname isderived from the
name of the RCS file by removing path1/ and the suffix X.
3. Only the working file isgiven. Then ci considerseach RCSsuffix X in turn, looking for an RCS file of the form path2/
RCS/workfileX or (if the former isnot found and X isnonempty) path2/workfileX.
If the RCSfile isspecified without a path in one of the first two preceding scenarios, ci looksfor the RCS file first in the
directory ./RCS and then in the current directory.
ci reportsan error if an attempt to open an RCS file failsfor an unusual reason, even if the RCSfilespathname isjust one
of several possibilities. For example, to suppressuse of RCS commandsin a directory d, create a regular file named d/RCS so
that casual attemptsto use RCScommandsin d fail because d/RCS isnot a directory.
Suppose ,v isan RCSsuffix and the current directory containsa subdirectory RCS with an RCS file io.c,v. Then each of
the following commandschecksin a copy of io.c into RCS/io.c,v asthe latest revision, removing io.c:
ci io.c; ci RCS/io.c,v; ci io.c,v;
ci io.c RCS/io.c,v; ci io.c io.c,v;
ci RCS/io.c,v io.c; ci io.c,v io.c;
Suppose instead that the empty suffix isan RCS suffix and the current directory containsa subdirectory RCS with an RCS
file io.c. Then each of the following commandschecksin a new revision:
ci io.c; ci RCS/io.c;
ci io.c RCS/io.c;
ci RCS/io.c io.c;
An RCS file created by ci inheritsthe read and execute permissionsfrom the working file. If the RCS file existsalready, ci
preservesitsread and execute permissions. ci alwaysturnsoff all write permissionsof RCS files.
Temporary filesare created in the directory containing the working file, and also in the temporary directory. (See TMPDIR
under Environment.) A semaphore file or filesare created in the directory containing the RCS file. With a nonempty
suffix, the semaphore namesbegin with the first character of the suffix; therefore, do not specify an suffix whose first
character could be that of a working filename. With an empty suffix, the semaphore namesend with an underscore (_), so
working filenamesshould not end in _. ci never changesan RCS or working file. Normally, ci unlinksthe file and createsa
new one; but instead of breaking a chain of one or more symbolic linksto an RCS file, it unlinksthe destination file instead.
Therefore, ci breaksany hard or symbolic linksto any working file it changes; and hard linksto RCSfilesare ineffective, but
symbolic linksto RCSfilesare preserved.
The effective user must be able to search and write the directory containing the RCS file. Normally, the real user must be
able to read the RCSand working filesand to search and write the directory containing the working file; however, some
older hostscannot easily switch between real and effective users, so on these hoststhe effective user isused for all accesses.
The effective user isthe same asthe real user unlessyour copiesof ci and co have setuid privileges. These privilegesyield
extra security if the effective user ownsall RCS filesand directories, and if only the effective user can write RCS directories.
Userscan control accessto RCS filesby setting the permissionsof the directory containing the files; only userswith write
accessto the directory can use RCS commandsto change itsRCS files. For example, in hoststhat allow a user to belong to
several groups, one can make a groupsRCS directorieswritable to that group only. Thisapproach sufficesfor informal
projects, but it meansthat any group member can arbitrarily change the groupsRCS files, and can even remove them
entirely. Hence, more formal projectssometimesdistinguish between an RCS administrator, who can change the RCS files
at will, and other project members, who can check in new revisionsbut cannot otherwise change the RCS files.
setuid USE
To prevent anybody but their RCS administrator from deleting revisions, a set of userscan employ setuid privilegesas
Part I: User Commands
I Check that the host supportsRCS setuid use. Consult a trustworthy expert if there are any doubts. It isbest if the
setuid system callsworksasdescribed in POSIX 1003.1a Draft 5, because RCS can switch back and forth easily
between real and effective users, even if the real user isroot. If not, the second best isif the setuid system call supports
saved setuid (the {_POSIX_SAVED_IDS} behavior of POSIX 1003.1-1990); thisfailsonly if the real or effective user isroot.
If RCS detectsany failure in setuid, it quitsimmediately.
I Choose a user A to serve asRCSadministrator for the set of users. Only A can invoke the rcscommand on the users
RCS files. A should not be root or any other user with special powers. Mutually suspicioussetsof usersshould use
different administrators.
I Choose a pathname B to be a directory of filesto be executed by the users.
I Have A set up B to contain copiesof ci and co that are setuid to A by copying the commandsfrom their standard
installation directory D asfollows:
mkdir B cp D/c[io] B chmod gow,u+s B/c[io]
I Have each user prepend B to his/her path asfollows:
PATH=B:$PATH; export PATH # ordinary shell
set path=(B $path) # C shell
I Have A create each RCSdirectory R with write accessonly to A asfollows:
mkdir R chmod gow R
I If you want to let only certain usersread the RCS files, put the usersinto a group G, and have A further protect the RCS
directory asfollows:
chgrp G Rchmod gw,orwx R
I Have A copy old RCS files(if any) into R, to ensure that A ownsthem.
I An RCS filesaccesslist limitswho can check in and lock revisions. The default accesslist isempty, which grants
checkin accessto anyone who can read the RCSfile. If you want limit checkin access, have A invoke rcs a on the file;
see rcs(1). In particular, rcs e aA limitsaccessto just A.
I Have A initialize any new RCS fileswith rcs -i before initial checkin, adding the a option if you want to limit checkin
I Give setuid privilegesonly to ci, co, and rcsclean; do not give them to rcs or to any other command.
I Do not use other setuid commandsto invoke RCS commands; setuid istrickier than you think!
RCSINIT Optionsprepended to the argument list, separated by spaces. A backslash escapesspaceswithin an option.
The RCSINIT optionsare prepended to the argument listsof most RCS commands. Useful RCSINIT options
include q, V, x, and z.
TMPDIR Name of the temporary directory. If not set, the environment variablesTMP and TEMPs0 are inspected
instead and the first value found istaken; if none of them are set, a host-dependent default isused,
typically /tmp.
For each revision, ci printsthe RCSfile, the working file, and the number of both the deposited and the preceding revision.
The exit statusiszero if and only if all operationswere successful.
Author: Walter F. Tichy.
Manual page revision: 5.17; Release date 16 June 1995
Copyright 1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy
Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Paul Eggert
co(1), emacs(1), ident(1), make(1), rcs(1), rcsclean(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsintro(1), rcsmerge(1), rlog(1), setuid(2), rcsfile(5)
Walter F. Tichy, RCSA System for Version Control, SoftwarePractice& Experience15, 7 (July 1985), 637654.
GNU, 16 June1995
cidentdidentd server
cidentd [usqvnah] [f file] [l file] [t seconds]
cidentd givesauthentication information.
cidentd isan RFC 1314- and 931-compliant identd daemon. It acceptsconnectionson a port (113 default) and answers
queriesfor port owner of a connection. command;
cidentd normally terminateswhen the remote command does. The optionsare asfollows:
u Turnson the use of the .authlie file in the usershome directory to give the requesting system whatever
information the user provides. Thisfile isoverridden by the -a option and the system file the format isas
mynameis name-to-be-given # give this userid
hideme # hide user id
host-ip name-to-be-given # userid for them
host-ip no-info # hide you to them
host-ip can be an ip in dot notation or a name. The file isset so that whatever comeslast iswhat they get.
s Closesthe connection after a single query.
q Quitsthe daemon after 1 connection (default in 1.0b).
v Turnson verbose logging to the syslogs.
n Makescident act like the old school identd with nothing special.
a Enablesthe /etc/cident.users file for options, which overridesthe user filesif -u isspecified. The format
username name-to-send # send this for username
username # must send there username
all name-to-send # send for every query
all no-info # send nothing every query
host-ip name-to-send # send to that host
host-ip no-info # send nothing to them
host-ip can be an ip in dot notation or a name. The file isset so that whatever comeslast iswhat they get.
h Displaysthe help list to the screen you might not want to do thisfrom some terminal types.
f Setsthe file to find the portsand idsof connections. Use thisto specify a file other than /proc/net/tcp.
l Used to specify a file other than /etc/cident.users must be used with the -a option unlessyou like
t Setsthe time out of a connection in seconds. Thisdoesnot work in thisversion to cidentd.
Part I: User Commands
If no argumentsare specified, the program just runsasnormal, almost like the n.
cidentd t 30 a setstimer to 30 secondsand tellsit to look at .authlie files.
None that I know of.
Linux/FreeBSD, May1996
cksumChecksum and count the bytesin a file
cksum [help] [version] [f i l e...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of cksum. cksum computesa cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for each named
file, or the standard input if none are given or when a file named isgiven. It printsthe CRC for each file along with the
number of bytesin the file, and the filename unlessno argumentswere given.
cksum istypically used to make sure that filestransferred by unreliable means(such asnetnews) have not been corrupted. This
isaccomplished by comparing the cksum output for the received fileswith the cksum output for the original files. The CRC
algorithm isspecified by the POSIX.2 standard. It isnot compatible with the BSD or System V sum programs; it ismore
Available optionsare
help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
version Print version information on standard output then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
clearClear terminal screen
clear callstput(1) with the clear argument. Thiscausestput to attempt to clear the screen, checking the data in /etc/termcap
(for the GNU or BSD tput) or in the terminfo database (for the ncurses tput) and sending the appropriate sequence to the
terminal. Thiscommand can be redirected to clear the screen of some other terminal.
reset(1), stty(1), tput(1)
Rik Faith (
Linux 0.99, 10 October 1993
cmuwmtopbmConvert a CMU window manager bitmap into a portable bitmap
cmuwmtopbm [cmuwmfile]
Readsa CMU window manager bitmap asinput. Producesa portable bitmap asoutput.
pbmtocmuwm(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer
15 April 1989
coCheck out RCS revisions
co [options] file ...
co retrievesa revision from each RCS file and storesit into the corresponding working file.
Pathnamesmatching an RCS suffix denote RCS files; all othersdenote working files. Namesare paired asexplained in ci(1).
Revisionsof an RCS file can be checked out locked or unlocked. Locking a revision preventsoverlapping updates. A revision
checked out for reading or processing (for example, compiling) need not be locked. A revision checked out for editing and
later checkin must normally be locked. Checkout with locking failsif the revision to be checked out iscurrently locked by
another user. (A lock can be broken with rcs(1).) Checkout with locking also requiresthe caller to be on the accesslist of the
RCS file, unlesshe isthe owner of the file or the superuser, or the accesslist isempty. Checkout without locking isnot
subject to accesslist restrictions, and isnot affected by the presence of locks.
A revision isselected by optionsfor revision or branch number, checkin date/time, author, or state. When the selection
optionsare applied in combination, co retrievesthe latest revision that satisfiesall of them. If none of the selection optionsis
specified, co retrievesthe latest revision on the default branch, normally the trunk; see the b option of rcs(1). A revision or
branch number can be attached to any of the optionsf, I, l, M, p, q, -r, or u. The optionsd (date), s (state), and w
(author) retrieve from a single branch, the selected branch (which isspecified by f or u), or the default branch.
A co command applied to an RCSfile with no revisionscreatesa zero-length working file. co alwaysperformskeyword
Part I: User Commands
-r[r ev] Retrievesthe latest revision whose number islessthan or equal to r ev. If r ev indicatesa branch
rather than a revision, the latest revision on that branch isretrieved. If r ev isomitted, the latest
revision on the default branch isretrieved; see the b option of rcs(1). If r ev is$, co determinesthe
revision number from keyword valuesin the working file. Otherwise, a revision iscomposed of one
or more numeric or symbolic fieldsseparated by periods. If r ev beginswith a period, then the
default branch (normally the trunk) isprepended to it. If r ev isa branch number followed by a
period, then the latest revision on that branch isused. The numeric equivalent of a symbolic field is
specified with the n option of the commandsci(1) and rcs(1).
l[r ev] Same as-r, except that it also locksthe retrieved revision for the caller.
u[r ev] Same as-r, except that it unlocksthe retrieved revision if it waslocked by the caller. If r ev is
omitted, u retrievesthe revision locked by the caller, if there isone; otherwise, it retrievesthe latest
revision on the default branch.
f[r ev] Forcesthe overwriting of the working file; useful in connection with q. (See also File Modes,
later in thismanual page.)
kkv Generate keyword stringsusing the default form, for example, $Revision: 5.13 $ for the Revision
keyword. A lockersname isinserted in the value of the Header, Id, and Locker keyword stringsonly
asa file isbeing locked, that is, by ci l and co l. Thisisthe default.
kkvl Like kkv, except that a lockersname isalwaysinserted if the given revision iscurrently locked.
kk Generate only keyword namesin keyword strings; omit their values. (See Keyword Substitution,
later in thismanual page.) For example, for the Revision keyword, generate the string $Revision$
instead of $Revision: 5.13 $. Thisoption isuseful to ignore differencesdue to keyword substitu-
tion when comparing different revisionsof a file. Log messagesare inserted after $Log$ keywords
even if kk isspecified, since thistendsto be more useful when merging changes.
ko Generate the old keyword string, present in the working file just before it waschecked in. For
example, for the Revision keyword, generate the string $Revision: 1.1 $ instead of $Revision: 5.13
$ if that ishow the string appeared when the file waschecked in. Thiscan be useful for file formats
that cannot tolerate any changesto substringsthat happen to take the form of keyword strings.
kb Generate a binary image of the old keyword string. Thisactslike ko, except it performsall
working file input and output in binary mode. Thismakeslittle difference on POSIX and UNIX
hosts, but on DOS-like hostsone should use rcs -i kb to initialize an RCS file normally refuses
to merge fileswhen kb isin effect.
kv Generate only keyword valuesfor keyword strings. For example, for the Revision keyword, generate
the string 5.13 instead of $Revision: 5.13 $. Thiscan help generate filesin programming languages
where it ishard to strip keyword delimiterslike $Revision: $ from a string. However, further
keyword substitution cannot be performed once the keyword namesare removed, so thisoption
should be used with care. Because of thisdanger of losing keywords, thisoption cannot be
combined with l, and the owner write permission of the working file isturned off; to edit the file
later, check it out again without kv.
p[r ev] Printsthe retrieved revision on the standard output rather than storing it in the working file. This
option isuseful when co ispart of a pipe.
q[r ev] Quiet mode; diagnosticsare not printed.
I[r ev] Interactive mode; the user isprompted and questioned even if the standard input isnot a terminal.
ddat e Retrievesthe latest revision on the selected branch whose checkin date/time islessthan or equal to
date. The date and time can be given in free format. The time zone LT standsfor local time; other
common time zone namesare understood. For example, the following datesare equivalent if local
time isJanuary 11, 1990, 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, eight hourswest of Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC):
8:00 PM lt
4:00 AM, Jan. 12, 1990 Default isUTC
1990-01-12 04:00:00+00 ISO 8601 (UTC)
1990-01-11 20:00:0008 ISO 8601 (local time)
1990/01/12 04:00:00 Traditional RCSformat
Thu Jan 11 20:00:00 1990 LT Output of ctime(3) + LT
Thu Jan 11 20:00:00 PST 1990 Output of date(1)
Fri Jan 12 04:00:00 GMT 1990
Thu, 11 Jan 1990 20:00:00 0800 Internet RFC 822
12-January-1990, 04:00 WET
Most fieldsin the date and time can be defaulted. The default time zone isnormally UTC, but thiscan be overridden by the
z option. The other defaultsare determined in the order year, month, day, hour, minute, and second (most to least
significant). At least one of these fieldsmust be provided. For omitted fieldsthat are of higher significance than the highest
provided field, the time zonescurrent valuesare assumed. For all other omitted fields, the lowest possible valuesare
assumed. For example, without z, the date 20, 10:30 defaultsto 10:30:00 UTC of the 20th of the UTC time zonescurrent
month and year. The date/time must be quoted if it containsspaces.
M[r ev] Setsthe modification time on the new working file to be the date of the retrieved revision. Use this
option with care; it can confuse make(1).
sst at e Retrievesthe latest revision on the selected branch whose state isset to state.
T Preservesthe modification time on the RCS file even if the RCS file changesbecause a lock is
added or removed. Thisoption can suppressextensive recompilation caused by a make(1) depen-
dency of some other copy of the working file on the RCSfile. Use thisoption with care; it can
suppressrecompilation even when it isneeded, in other words, when the change of lock would
mean a change to keyword stringsin the other working file.
w[l ogi n] Retrievesthe latest revision on the selected branch that waschecked in by the user with login name
l ogi n. If the argument l ogi n isomitted, the callerslogin isassumed.
jj oi nl i st Generatesa new revision which isthe join of the revisionson j oi nl i st . Thisoption islargely made
obsolete by rcsmerge(1), but isretained for backwardscompatibility.
The j oi nl i st isa comma-separated list of pairsof the form r ev2: r ev3, where r ev2 and r ev3 are
(symbolic or numeric) revision numbers. For the initial such pair, r ev1 denotesthe revision selected
by the optionsf, w. For all other pairs, r ev1 denotesthe revision generated by the previouspair.
(Thus, the output of one join becomesthe input to the next.)
For each pair, co joinsrevisionsr ev1 and r ev3 with respect to r ev2. Thismeansthat all changesthat
transform r ev2 into r ev1 are applied to a copy of r ev3. Thisisparticularly useful if r ev1 and r ev3
are the endsof two branchesthat have r ev2 asa common ancestor. If r ev1<r ev2<r ev 3 on the same
branch, joining generatesa new revision which islike r ev3, but with all changesthat lead from r ev1
to r ev2 undone. If changesfrom r ev2 to r ev1 overlap with changesfrom r ev2 to r ev3, co reports
overlapsasdescribed in merge(1).
For the initial pair, r ev2 can be omitted. The default isthe common ancestor. If any of the
argumentsindicate branches, the latest revisionson those branchesare assumed. The optionsl
and u lock or unlock r ev1.
V PrintsRCSsversion number.
Vn EmulatesRCSversion n, where n can be 3, 4, or 5. Thiscan be useful when interchanging RCS
fileswith otherswho are running older versionsof RCS. To see which version of RCS your
correspondentsare running, have them invoke rcs V; thisworkswith newer versionsof RCS. If it
doesnt work, have them invoke rlog on an RCS file; if none of the first few linesof output contain
the string branch:, it isversion 3; if the dates yearshave just two digits, it isversion 4; otherwise, it
isversion 5. An RCS file generated while emulating version 3 losesitsdefault branch. An RCS
revision generated while emulating version 4 or earlier hasa timestamp that isoff by up to 13
hours. A revision extracted while emulating version 4 or earlier containsabbreviated datesof the
form yy/mm/dd and can also contain different whitespace and line prefixesin the substitution for
Part I: User Commands
xsuf f i xes Usessuffixesto characterize RCS files. See ci(1) for details.
zzone Specifiesthe date output format in keyword substitution, and specifiesthe default time zone for
date in the ddat e option. The zone should be empty, a numeric UTC offset, or the special string
LT for local time. The default isan empty zone, which usesthe traditional RCS format of UTC
without any time zone indication and with slashesseparating the partsof the date; otherwise, times
are output in ISO 8601 format with time zone indication. For example, if local time isJanuary 11,
1990, 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, eight hourswest of UTC, then the time isoutput asfollows:
Option TimeOutput
z 1990/01/12 04:00:00 (default)
zLT 1990-01-11 20:00:0008
z+05:30 1990-01-12 09:30:00+05:30
The z option doesnot affect datesstored in RCSfiles, which are alwaysUTC.
Stringsof the form $ keywor d $ and $ keywor d : ... $ embedded in the text are replaced with stringsof the form $ keywor d
: val ue $, where keywor d and val ue are pairsin the following list. Keywordscan be embedded in literal stringsor comments
to identify a revision.
Initially, the user entersstringsof the form $keywor d$. On checkout, co replacesthese stringswith stringsof the form
$keywor d : val ue$. If a revision containing stringsof the latter form ischecked back in, the val ue fieldswill be replaced
during the next checkout. Thus, the keyword valuesare automatically updated on checkout. Thisautomatic substitution can
be modified by the k options.
Keywordsand their corresponding values:
$Aut hor $ The login name of the user who checked in the revision.
$Dat e$ The date and time the revision waschecked in. With zzone, a numeric time zone offset is
appended; otherwise, the date isUTC.
$Header $ A standard header containing the full pathname of the RCSfile, the revision number, the date and
time, the author, the state, and the locker (if locked). With zzone, a numeric time zone offset is
appended to the date; otherwise, the date isUTC.
$I d$ Same as$Header $, except that the RCS filename iswithout a path.
$Locker $ The login name of the user who locked the revision (empty if not locked).
$Log$ The log message supplied during checkin, preceded by a header containing the RCSfilename, the
revision number, the author, and the date and time. With zzone a numeric time zone offset is
appended; otherwise, the date isUTC. Existing log messagesare not replaced. Instead, the new log
message isinserted after $Log: ... $ . Thisisuseful for accumulating a complete change log in a
source file.
Each inserted line isprefixed by the string that prefixesthe $Log$ line. For example, if the $Log$ line is// $Log: $,
RCS prefixeseach line of the log with //. Thisisuseful for languageswith commentsthat go to the end of the line. The
convention for other languagesisto use a * prefix inside a multiline comment. For example, the initial log comment of a C
program conventionally isof the following form:
* $Log$
For backwardscompatibility with older versionsof RCS, if the log prefix is/* or (* surrounded by optional whitespace,
inserted log linescontain a space instead of / or (; however, thisusage isobsolescent and should not be relied on.
$Name$ The symbolic name used to check out the revision, if any. For example, co -r Joe generates$Name:
Joe $. Plain co generatesjust $Name: $.
$RCSf i l e$ The name of the RCS file without a path.
$Revi si on$ The revision number assigned to the revision.
$Sour ce$ The full pathname of the RCS file.
$St at e$ The state assigned to the revision with the s option of rcs(1) or ci(1).
The following charactersin keyword valuesare represented by escape sequencesto keep keyword stringswell-formed.
Character EscapeSequence
tab \t
newline \n
space \040
$ \044
\ \\
The working file inheritsthe read and execute permissionsfrom the RCS file. In addition, the owner write permission is
turned on, unlesskv isset or the file ischecked out unlocked and locking isset to strict; see rcs(1).
If a file with the name of the working file existsalready and haswrite permission, co abortsthe checkout, asking beforehand
if possible. If the existing working file isnot writable or f isgiven, the working file isdeleted without asking.
co accessesfilesmuch asci(1) does, except that it doesnot need to read the working file unlessa revision number of $ is
RCSINIT Optionsprepended to the argument list, separated by spaces. See ci(1) for details.
The RCS pathname, the working pathname, and the revision number retrieved are written to the diagnostic output. The exit
statusiszero if and only if all operationswere successful.
Author: Walter F. Tichy.
Manual Page Revision: 5.13; Release Date: 1995/06/01.
Copyright 1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy.
Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Paul Eggert.
rcsintro(1), ci(1), ctime(3), date(1), ident(1), make(1), rcs(1), rcsclean(1), rcsdiff(1), rc-smerge(1), rlog(1), rcsfile(5)
Walter F. Tichy, RCSA System for Version Control, SoftwarePractice& Experience15, 7 (July 1985), 637-654.
Linksto the RCSand working filesare not preserved.
There isno way to selectively suppressthe expansion of keywords, except by writing them differently. In nroff and troff,
thisisdone by embedding the null-character \& into the keyword.
GNU, 1 June1995
Part I: User Commands
colFilter reverse line feedsfrom input
col [-bfx] [-l num]
col filtersout reverse (and half-reverse) line feedsso the output isin the correct order with only forward and half-forward
line feeds, and replaceswhitespace characterswith tabswhere possible. Thiscan be useful in processing the output of
nroff(1) and tbl(1). col readsfrom standard input and writesto standard output.
The optionsare asfollows:
-b Do not output any backspaces, printing only the last character written to each column position.
-f Forward half-line feedsare permitted (fine mode). Normally charactersprinted on a half-line boundary
are printed on the following line.
-x Output multiple spacesinstead of tabs.
-lnum Buffer at least num linesin memory. By default, 128 linesare buffered.
The control sequencesfor carriage motion that col understandsand their decimal valuesare listed in the following table:
Control Sequence Decimal Value
Esc+7 Reverse line feed (escape then 7)
Esc+8 Half-reverse line feed (escape then 8)
Esc+9 Half-forward line feed (escape then 9)
Backspace Movesback one column (8); ignored in the first column
Carriage return (13)
Newline Forward line feed (10); also doescarriage return
Shift in Shift to normal character set (15)
Shift out Shift to alternate character set (14)
Space Movesforward one column (32)
Tab Movesforward to next tab stop (9)
Vertical tab Reverse line feed (11)
All unrecognized control charactersand escape sequencesare discarded.
col keepstrack of the character set ascharactersare read and makessure the character set iscorrect when they are output.
If the input attemptsto back up to the last flushed line, col will display a warning message.
expand(1), nroff(1), tbl(1)
A col command appeared in version 6 AT&T UNIX.
17 June1991
colcrtFilter nroff output for CRT previewing
colcrt [] [2] [f i l e ...]
colcrt providesvirtual half-line and reverse-line feed sequencesfor terminalswithout such capability, and on which
overstriking isdestructive. Half-line charactersand underlining (changed to dashing ) are placed on new linesin between
the normal output lines.
Available options:
Suppressall underlining. Thisoption isespecially useful for previewing all boxed tablesfrom tbl(1).
2 Causesall half-linesto be printed, effectively double spacing the output. Normally, a minimal space
output format isused which will suppressempty lines. The program never suppressestwo consecutive
empty lines, however. The -2 option isuseful for sending output to the line printer when the output
containssuperscriptsand subscriptsthat would otherwise be invisible.
A typical use of colcrt would be
tbl exum2.n | nroff -ms | colcrt - | more
nroff(1), troff(1), col(1), more(1), ul(1)
Should fold underlinesonto blankseven with the - option so that a true underline character would show.
Cant back up more than 102 lines.
General overstriking islost; asa special case | overstruck with or underline becomes+. Linesare trimmed to 132
Some provision should be made for processing superscriptsand subscriptsin documentsthat are already double-spaced.
The colcrt command appeared in BSD 3.0.
BSD 3, 30 June1993
colrmRemove columnsfrom a file
colrm [st ar t col [endcol ]]
colrm removesselected columnsfrom a file. Input istaken from standard input. Output issent to standard output.
If called with one parameter, the columnsof each line will be removed starting with the specified column. If called with two
parameters, the columnsfrom the first column to the last column will be removed.
Column numbering startswith column 1.
Part I: User Commands
awk(1), column(1), expand(1), paste(1)
The colrm command appeared in BSD 3.0.
BSD 3, 14 March 1991
columnColumnate lists
column [tx] [ccol umns ] [ssep] [...f i l e]
The column utility formatsitsinput into multiple columns. Rowsare filled before columns. Input istaken from file operands,
or, by default, from the standard input. Empty linesare ignored.
The optionsare asfollows:
c Output isformatted for a display columnswide.
-s Specify a set of charactersto be used to delimit columnsfor the -t option.
-t Determine the number of columnsthe input containsand create a table. Columnsare delimited with
whitespace, by default, or with the characterssupplied using the -s option. Useful for pretty-printing
-x Fill columnsbefore filling rows.
Column exits0 on success, >0 if an error occurred.
The environment variable COLUMNS isused to determine the size of the screen if no other information isavailable.
(printf PERM LINKS OWNER SIZE MONTH DAY HH:MM/YEAR NAME; ls -l j sed 1d) j column -t
colrm(1), ls(1), paste(1), sort(1)
The column command appeared in BSD 4.3 Reno.
6 June1993
commCompare two sorted filesline by line
comm [123] [help] [version] f i l e1 f i l e2
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of comm. comm printslinesthat are common, and linesthat are unique, to two
input files. The two filesmust be sorted before comm can be used. The filename meansthe standard input.
With no options, comm producesthree column output. Column one containslinesunique to f i l e1, column two contains
linesunique to f i l e2, and column three containslinescommon to both files.
The options1, 2, and 3 suppressprinting of the corresponding columns.
help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
version Print version information on standard output then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
convdateConvert time/date stringsand numbers
convdate [ c ][n ][s ] ar g...
convdate translatesthe date/time stringsspecified asargumentson itscommand line, outputting the resultsone to a line.
If the s flag isused, then each argument istaken asa date string to be parsed by parse-date(3) and isoutput asa string
formatted by ctime(3). Thisisthe default.
If the n flag isused, then each argument isconverted the same way but isoutput asa time t; see time(2).
If the c flag isused, then each argument istaken to be a time t and isoutput in ctime format.
Heresan example:
% convdate feb 10 10am
Sun Feb 10 10:00:00 1991
% convdate 12pm 5/4/90
Fri Dec 13 00:00:00 1991
Fri May 4 00:00:00 1990
% convdate -n feb 10 10am 12pm 5/4/90'
% convdate -c 666198000
Sun Feb 10 10:00:00 1991
Written by Rich $alz (
Part I: User Commands
cpCopy files
cp [options] source dest
cp [options] source... directory
[abdfilprsuvxPR] [S backup-suffix] [V fnumbered,existing,simpleg] [backup]
[no-dereference] [force] [interactive] [one-file-system] [preserve]
[recursive][update] [verbose] [suffix=backup-suffix]
[version-control=fnumbered,existing,simpleg] [archive] [parents] [link]
[symbolic-link] [help] [version]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of cp. If the last argument namesan existing directory, cp copieseach other
given file into a file with the same name in that directory. Otherwise, if only two filesare given, it copiesthe first onto the
second. It isan error if the last argument isnot a directory and more than two filesare given. By default, it doesnot copy
a, archive Preserve asmuch aspossible of the structure and attributesof the original filesin the copy.
The same asdpR.
b, backup Make backupsof filesthat are about to be overwritten or removed.
d, no-dereference Copy symbolic linksassymbolic linksrather than copying the filesthat they point to, and
preserve hard link relationshipsbetween source filesin the copies.
f, force Remove existing destination files.
-i, interactive Prompt whether to overwrite existing regular destination files.
l, link Make hard linksinstead of copiesof nondirectories.
P, parents Form the name of each destination file by appending to the target directory a slash and the
specified name of the source file. The last argument given to cp must be the name of an
existing directory. For example, the command cp parents a/b/c existing_dir copiesthe
file a/b/c to existing_dir/a/b/c, creating any missing intermediate directories.
p, preserve Preserve the original files owner, group, permissions, and timestamps.
-r Copy directoriesrecursively, copying all nondirectoriesasif they were regular files.
s, symbolic-link Make symbolic linksinstead of copiesof nondirectories. All source filenamesmust be
absolute (starting with /) unlessthe destination filesare in the current directory. This
option producesan error message on systemsthat do not support symbolic links.
u, update Do not copy a nondirectory that hasan existing destination with the same or newer
modification time.
v, verbose Print the name of each file before copying it.
x, one-file-system Skip subdirectoriesthat are on different filesystemsfrom the one that the copy started on.
R, recursive Copy directoriesrecursively.
help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
version Print version information on standard output then exit successfully.
S, suffix backup-suffix The suffix used for making simple backup filescan be set with the SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX
environment variable, which can be overridden by thisoption. If neither of those isgiven,
the default is~, asit isin emacs.
V, version-control The type of backupsmade can be set with the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable, which
{numbered,existing,simple} can be overridden by thisoption. If VERSION_CONTROL isnot set and thisoption isnot given,
the default backup type isexisting. The value of the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable
and the argument to thisoption are like the GNU emacs version- control variable; they
also recognize synonymsthat are more descriptive. The valid valuesare (unique abbrevia-
tionsare accepted) the following:
t or numbered Alwaysmake numbered backups
nil or existing Make numbered backupsof filesthat already have them,
simple backupsof the others
never or simple Alwaysmake simple backups
cccp, cpp
cccp, cppThe GNU C-compatible compiler preprocessor
cccp [$][A pr edi cat e [( val ue )]] [ C ][D name [ = def i ni t i on ]]
[dD][dM][I\ di r ect or y ][H ][I ][imacros f i l e ][
include f i l e ][idirafter di r ][iprefix pr ef i x ][iwithprefix di r ]
[ langc][langc++][langobjc ][langobjc++ ][lint ][
M[MG ]] [ MM[MG ]] [ MD f i l e ][MMD f i l e ][nostdinc ]
[ nostdinc++][P][pedantic ][pedanticerrors ][traditional ]
[ trigraphs ][U name ][undef ][Wtrigraphs ][Wcomment ]
[ Wall ][Wtraditional ]
[ i nf i l e | ][ out f i l e | ]
The C preprocessor isa macro processor that isused automatically by the C compiler to transform your program before
actual compilation. It iscalled a macro processor because it allowsyou to define macros, which are brief abbreviationsfor
longer constructs.
The C preprocessor providesfour separate facilitiesthat you can use asyou see fit:
I Inclusion of header files. These are filesof declarationsthat can be substituted into your program.
I Macro expansion. You can define macros, which are abbreviationsfor arbitrary fragmentsof C code, and then the C
preprocessor will replace the macroswith their definitionsthroughout the program.
I Conditional compilation. Using special preprocessing directives, you can include or exclude partsof the program
according to variousconditions.
I Line control. If you use a program to combine or rearrange source filesinto an intermediate file which isthen compiled,
you can use line control to inform the compiler of where each source line originally came from.
C preprocessorsvary in some details. For a full explanation of the GNU C preprocessor, see the info file, or the
manual TheC Preprocessor . Both of these are built from the same documentation source file, cpp.texinfo. The GNU C
preprocessor providesa superset of the featuresof ANSI Standard C.
ANSI Standard C requiresthe rejection of many harmlessconstructscommonly used by todaysC programs. Such
incompatibility would be inconvenient for users, so the GNU C preprocessor isconfigured to accept these constructsby
default. Strictly speaking, to get ANSI Standard C, you must use the optionstrigraphs, undef, and pedantic, but in
practice the consequencesof having strict ANSI Standard C make it undesirable to do this.
When you use the C preprocessor, you will usually not have to invoke it explicitly: the C compiler will do so automatically.
However, the preprocessor issometimesuseful individually.
When you call the preprocessor individually, either name (cpp or cccp) will do; they are completely synonymous.
cccp, cpp
Part I: User Commands
The C preprocessor expectstwo filenamesasarguments, infile and outfile. The preprocessor readsinfile together with
any other filesit specifieswith #include. All the output generated by the combined input filesiswritten in outfile. Either
infile or outfile may be , which asinfile meansto read from standard input and asoutfile meansto write to standard
output. Also, if outfile or both filenamesare omitted, the standard output and standard input are used for the omitted
Here isa table of command optionsaccepted by the C preprocessor. These optionscan also be given when compiling a C
program; they are passed along automatically to the preprocessor when it isinvoked by the compiler.
P Inhibit generation of # lineswith line-number information in the output from the preprocessor.
Thismight be useful when running the preprocessor on something that isnot C code and will be
sent to a program which might be confused by the # lines.
C Do not discard comments: passthem through to the output file. Commentsappearing in
argumentsof a macro call will be copied to the output before the expansion of the macro call.
traditional Try to imitate the behavior of old-fashioned C, asopposed to ANSI C.
trigraphs ProcessANSI standard trigraph sequences. These are three-character sequences, all starting with ??,
that are defined by ANSI C to stand for single characters. For example, ??/ standsfor \, so ??/n isa
character constant for a newline. Strictly speaking, the GNU C preprocessor doesnot support all
programsin ANSI Standard C unlesstrigraphs isused, but if you ever notice the difference, it
will be with relief. You dont want to know any more about trigraphs.
pedantic Issue warningsrequired by the ANSI C standard in certain casessuch aswhen text other than a
comment follows#else or #endif.
pedanticerrors Like pedantic, except that errorsare produced rather than warnings.
Wtrigraphs Warn if any trigraphsare encountered (assuming they are enabled).
Wcomment Warn whenever a comment-start sequence /* appearsin a comment. (Both formshave the
Wcomments same effect.)
Wall Requestsboth Wtrigraphs and Wcomment (but not Wtraditional).
Wtraditional Warn about certain constructsthat behave differently in traditional and ANSI C.
I di r ect or y Add the directory di r ect or y to the end of the list of directoriesto be searched for header files. This
can be used to override a system header file, substituting your own version, since these directories
are searched before the system header file directories. If you use more than one I option, the
directoriesare scanned in left-to-right order; the standard system directoriescome after.
I Any directoriesspecified with I optionsbefore the I option are searched only for the case of
#include file ; they are not searched for #include < file >.
If additional directoriesare specified with I optionsafter the I, these directoriesare searched for
all #include directives.
In addition, the I option inhibitsthe use of the current directory asthe first search directory for
#include file . Therefore, the current directory issearched only if it isrequested explicitly with
I followed by a period (.). Specifying both I and I. allowsyou to control precisely which
directoriesare searched before the current one and which are searched after.
nostdinc Do not search the standard system directoriesfor header files. Only the directoriesyou have
specified with I options(and the current directory, if appropriate) are searched.
nostdinc++ Do not search for header filesin the C++-specific standard directories, but do still search the other
standard directories. (Thisoption isused when building libg++.)
D name Predefine name asa macro, with definition 1.
D name=def i ni t i on Predefine name asa macro, with definition def i ni t i on. There are no restrictionson the contentsof
definition, but if you are invoking the preprocessor from a shell or shell-like program, you may
need to use the shellsquoting syntax to protect characterssuch asspacesthat have a meaning in
the shell syntax. If you use more than one D for the same name, the rightmost definition takes
U name Do not predefine name. If both U and D are specified for one name, the U beatsthe D and the
name isnot predefined.
undef Do not predefine any nonstandard macros.
A name(value) Assert (in the same way asthe #assert directive) the predicate name with tokenlist value .
Remember to escape or quote the parentheseson shell command lines. You can use A- to disable
all predefined assertions; it also undefinesall predefined macros.
dM Instead of outputting the result of preprocessing, output a list of #define directivesfor all the
macrosdefined during the execution of the preprocessor, including predefined macros. Thisgives
you a way of finding out what ispredefined in your version of the preprocessor; assuming you have
no file foo.h, the command
touch foo.h; cpp dM foo.h
will show the valuesof any predefined macros.
dD Like dM except in two respects: it doesnot include the predefined macros, and it outputsboth the
#define directivesand the result of preprocessing. Both kindsof output go to the standard output
M[MG] Instead of outputting the result of preprocessing, output a rule suitable for make describing the
dependenciesof the main source file. The preprocessor outputsone make rule containing the
object filename for that source file, a colon, and the namesof all the included files. If there are
many included filesthen the rule issplit into several linesusing \\ (newline).
MG saysto treat missing header filesasgenerated filesand assume they live in the same directory as
the source file. It must be specified in addition to M.
Thisfeature isused in automatic updating of makefiles.
MM[MG] Like M but mention only the filesincluded with #include file . System header filesincluded
with #include < file > are omitted.
MDf i l e Like M but the dependency information iswritten to file. Thisisin addition to compiling the file
asspecified. MD doesnot inhibit ordinary compilation the way M does.
When invoking gcc, do not specify the f i l e argument. gcc will create filenamesmade by replacing
.c with .d at the end of the input filenames.
In Mach, you can use the utility md to merge multiple filesinto a single dependency file suitable for
using with the make command.
MMDf i l e Like M except mention only user header files, not system header files.
H Print the name of each header file used, in addition to other normal activities.
imacros f i l e Processfile asinput, discarding the resulting output, before processing the regular input file.
Because the output generated from file isdiscarded, the only effect of imacros file isto make the
macrosdefined in file available for use in the main input. The preprocessor evaluatesany D and U
optionson the command line before processing imacrosfile.
include f i l e Processf i l e asinput, and include all the resulting output, before processing the regular input file.
-idirafter di r Add the directory di r to the second include path. The directorieson the second include path are
searched when a header file isnot found in any of the directoriesin the main include path (the one
that I addsto).
-iprefix pr ef i x Specify pr ef i x asthe prefix for subsequent iwithprefix options.
-iwithprefix di r Add a directory to the second include path. The directorysname ismade by concatenating prefix
and di r , where prefix wasspecified previously with iprefix.
lang-c Specify the source language. lang-c++ makesthe preprocessor handle C++ comment syntax,
lang-c++ and includesextra default include directoriesfor C++, and lang-objc enablesthe Objective C
lang-objc #import directive. lang-c explicitly turnsoff both of these extensions, and lang-objc++ enables
lang-objc++ both. These optionsare generated by the compiler driver gcc, but not passed from the gcc
command line.
lint Look for commandsto the program checker lint embedded in comments, and emit them preceded
by #pragma lint. For example, the comment /* NOTREACHED */ becomes #pragma lint NOTREACHED.
Thisoption isavailable only when you call cpp directly; gcc will not passit from itscommand line.
cccp, cpp
Part I: User Commands
$ Forbid the use of $ in identifiers. Thisisrequired for ANSI conformance. gcc automatically
suppliesthisoption to the preprocessor if you specify ansi, but gcc doesnt recognize the $
option itself; to use it without the other effectsof ansi, you must call the preprocessor directly.
cpp entry in info; TheC Preprocessor, Richard M. Stallman.
gcc(1); gcc entry in info; Usingand PortingGNU CC (for version 2.0), Richard M. Stallman.
Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim
copiesof thismanual provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
GNU Tools, 30 April 1993
crontabManipulate per-user crontabs(DillonsCron)
crontab file [-u user ] Replace crontab from file
crontab - [-u user ] Replace crontab from stdin
crontab -l [user ] List crontab for user
crontab -e [user ] Edit crontab for user
crontab -d [user ] Delete crontab for user
crontab -c di r Specify crontab directory
crontab manipulatesthe crontab for a particular user. Only the superuser may specify a different user and/or crontab
directory. Generally, the -e option isused to edit your crontab. crontab will use /usr/bin/vi or the editor specified by your
VISUAL environment variable to edit the crontab.
Unlike other crond/crontabs, thiscrontab doesnot try to do everything under the sun. Frankly, a shell script ismuch more
able to manipulate the environment than cron, and I see no particular reason to use the usersshell (from hispassword entry)
to run cron commandswhen thisrequiresspecial casing of nonuser crontabs, such asthose for UUCP. When a crontab
command isrun, thiscrontab runsit with /bin/sh and setsup only three environment variables: USER, HOME, and SHELL.
crond automatically detectschangesin the time. Reverse-indexed time changeslessthen an hour old will NOT rerun crontab
commandsalready issued in the recovered period. Forward-indexed changeslessthen an hour into the future will issue
missed commandsexactly once. Changesgreater then an hour into the past or future cause crond to resynchronize and not
issue missed commands. No attempt will be made to issue commandslost due to a reboot, and commandsare not reissued if
the previously issued command isstill running. For example, if you have a crontab command sleep 70 that you wish to run
once a minute, cron will only be able to issue the command once every two minutes. If you do not like thisfeature, you can
run your commandsin the background with an &.
The crontab format isroughly similar to that used by vixiecron, but without complex features. Individual fieldsmay contain
a time, a time range, a time range with a skip factor, a symbolic range for the day of week and month in year, and additional
subrangesdelimited with commas. Blank linesin the crontab or linesthat begin with a hash (#) are ignored. If you specify
both a day in the month and a day of week, the result iseffectively ORd; the crontab entry will be run on the specified day of
week and on the specified day in the month.
# at 6:10 a.m. every day
10 6 ***date
# every two hours at the top of the hour
0 */2 ***date
# every two hours from 11p.m. to 7a.m., and at 8a.m.
0 23-7/2,8 ***date
# at 11:00 a.m. on the 4th and on every mon, tue, wed
0 11 4 * mon-wed date
# 4:00 a.m. on january 1st
0 4 1 jan *date
# once an hour, all output appended to log file
0 4 1 jan *date>>/var/log/messages 2>&1
The command portion of the line isrun with /bin/sh c <command>, and may therefore contain any valid Bourne shell
command. A common practice isto run your command with exec to keep the processtable uncluttered. It isalso common to
redirect output to a log file. If you do not, and the command generatesoutput on stdout or stderr, the result will be mailed
to the user in question. If you use thismechanism for special users, such asUUCP, you may want to create an aliasfor the
user to direct the mail to someone else, such asroot or postmaster.
Internally, thiscron usesa quick indexing system to reduce CPU overhead when looking for commandsto execute. Several
hundred crontabswith several thousand entriescan be handled without using noticeable CPU resources.
Ought to be able to have several crontab filesfor any given user, asan organizational tool.
Matthew Dillon (
1 May1994
csplitSplit a file into sectionsdetermined by context lines
csplit [sqkz] [f prefix] [b suffix] [n digits] [prefix=prefix]
[suffixformat=suffix] [digits=digits] [quiet] [silent]
[keep-files] [elideemptyfiles] [help] [version]
file pattern...
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of csplit. csplit createszero or more output filescontaining sectionsof the
given input file, or the standard input if the name isgiven. By default, csplit printsthe number of byteswritten to each
output file after it hasbeen created.
Part I: User Commands
The contentsof the output filesare determined by the pattern arguments. An error occursif a pattern argument refersto a
nonexistent line of the input file, such asif no remaining line matchesa given regular expression. After all the given patterns
have been matched, any remaining output iscopied into one last output file. The typesof pattern argumentsare
line Create an output file containing the current line up to (but not including) line line (a positive
integer) of the input file. If followed by a repeat count, also create an output file containing the
next line linesof the input file once for each repeat.
/regexp/[offset] Create an output file containing the current line up to (but not including) the next line of the
input file that containsa match for regexp. The optional offset isa + or followed by a positive
integer. If it isgiven, the input up to the matching line plusor minusoffset isput into the output
file, and the line after that beginsthe next section of input.
%regexp%[offset] Like the previoustype, except that it doesnot create an output file, so that section of the input file
iseffectively ignored.
{repeat-count} Repeat the previouspattern repeat-count (a positive integer) additional times. An asterisk may be
given in place of the (integer) repeat count, in which case the preceding pattern isrepeated asmany
timesasnecessary until the input isexhausted.
The output filenamesconsist of a prefix followed by a suffix. By default, the suffix ismerely an ascending linear sequence of
two-digit decimal numbersstarting with 00 and ranging up to 99; however, thisdefault may be overridden by either the
digits option or by the suffixformat option. (See Options, next.) In any case, concatenating the output filesin sorted
order by filename producesthe original input file, in order. The default output filename prefix isxx.
By default, if csplit encountersan error or receivesa hangup, interrupt, quit, or terminate signal, it removesany output files
that it hascreated so far before it exits.
f, prefix=pr ef i x Use pr ef i x asthe output filename prefix string.
b, suffixformat=suf f i x Use suf f i x asthe output filename suffix string. When thisoption isspecified, the suffix string
must include exactly one printf(3) style conversion specification (such as%d, possibly including
format specification flags, a field width, a precision specifications, or all of these kindsof
modifiers). The conversion specification must be suitable for converting a binary integer
argument to readable form. Thus, only d, i, u, o, x, and X format specifiersare allowed. The
entire suffix string isgiven (with the current output file number) to sprintf(3) to form the
filename suffixesfor each of the individual output filesin turn. Note that when thisoption is
used, the digits option isignored.
n, digits=di gi t s Use output filenamescontaining numbersthat are di gi t s digitslong instead of the default 2.
k, keep-files Do not remove output fileswhen errorsare encountered.
z, elideemptyfiles Suppressthe generation of zero-length output files. (In caseswhere the section delimitersof the
input file are supposed to mark the first linesof each of the sections, the first output file will
generally be a zero-length file unlessyou use thisoption.) Note that the output file sequence
numberswill alwaysrun consecutively, starting from 0, even in caseswhere zero-length output
sectionsare suppressed due to the use of thisoption.
s, q, silent, quiet Do not print countsof output file sizes.
help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
version Print version information on standard output, then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
ctagsGeneratestags and (optionally) refs files
ctags [-BSstvraT] f i l esnames...
ctags generatesthe tagsand refsfilesfrom a group of C source files. The tags file isused by the elvis :tag command,
control-] command, and -t option. The refs file issometimesused by the ref(1) program.
Each C source file isscanned for #define statementsand global function definitions. The name of the macro or function
becomesthe name of a tag. For each tag, a line isadded to the tags file that containsthe following:
I The name of the tag
I A tab character
I The name of the file containing the tag
I A tab character
I A way to find the particular line within the file
The f i l enames list will typically be the namesof all C source filesin the current directory, like this:
$ ctags -stv *.[ch]
-B Normally, ctags enclosesregular expressionsin slashes(/regexp/), which causeselvis to search from the
top of the file. The -B flag causesctags to enclose the regular expressionsin question marks(?regexp?) so
elvis will search backward from the bottom of the file. Thisrarely matters.
-t Include typedefs. A tag will be generated for each user-defined type. Also tagswill be generated for struct
and enum names. Typesare considered to be global if they are defined in a header file, and static if they are
defined in a C source file.
-v Include variable declarations. A tag will be generated for each variable, except for those that are declared
inside the body of a function.
-s Include static tags. ctags will normally put global tagsin the tags file, and silently ignore the static tags.
Thisflag causesboth global and static tagsto be added. The name of a static tag isgenerated by prefixing
the name of the declared item with the name of the file where it isdefined, with a colon in between. For
example, static foo(){} in bar.c resultsin a tag named bar.c:foo.
-S Include static tags, but make them look like global tags. Most tags-aware programsdont like the
filename:tagname tagsproduced by the -s flag, so -S wasadded asan alternative. If elvis and ref are the
only programsthat read the tags file, then you dont need -S; otherwise, you do.
-r Thiscausesctags to generate both tags and refs. Without -r, it would only generate tags.
-a Append to tags, and maybe refs. Normally, ctags overwritesthese fileseach time it isinvoked. Thisflag is
useful when you have too many filesin the current directory for you to list them on a single command
line; it allowsyou to split the argumentsamong several invocations.
-T Thisflag isnt available on all systems. UNIX hasit, but most othersdont. The -T flag preventsctags
from generating a tags file. Thisisuseful when you want to generate a refs without changing tags.
tags A cross-reference that listseach tag name, the name of the source file that containsit, and a way to locate a
particular line in the source file.
refs The refs file containsthe definitionsfor each tag in the tags file, and very little else. Thisfile can be
useful, for example, when licensing restrictionsprevent you from making the source code to the standard
C library readable by everybody, but you still want everybody to know what argumentsthe library
Part I: User Commands
ctags issensitive to indenting and line breaks. Consequently, it might not discover all of the tagsin a file that isformatted in
an unusual way.
elvis(1), refs(1)
Steve Kirkendall (
cuCall up another system
cu [ options ] [ system | phone | di r ]
The cu command isused to call up another system and act asa dial in terminal. It can also do simple file transferswith no
error checking.
cu takesa single argument, besidesthe options. If the argument isthe string di r , cu will make a direct connection to the port.
Thismay only be used by userswith write accessto the port, asit permitsreprogramming the modem.
Otherwise, if the argument beginswith a digit, it istaken to be a phone number to call. Otherwise, it istaken to be the name
of a system to call. The z or system option may be used to name a system beginning with a digit, and the c or phone
option may be used to name a phone number that doesnot begin with a digit.
cu locatesa port to use in the UUCP configuration files. If a simple system name isgiven, it will select a port appropriate for
that system. The p, port, l, line, s, and speed optionsmay be used to control the port selection.
When a connection ismade to the remote system, cu forksinto two processes. One readsfrom the port and writesto the
terminal, while the other readsfrom the terminal and writesto the port.
cu providesseveral commandsthat may be used during the conversation. The commandsall begin with an escape character,
initially (tilde). The escape character isonly recognized at the beginning of a line. To send an escape character to the
remote system at the start of a line, it must be entered twice. All commandsare either a single character or a word beginning
with % (percent sign).
cu recognizesthe following commands:
. Terminate the conversation.
! command Run command in a shell. If command isempty, startsup a shell.
$ command Run command, sending the standard output to the remote system.
| command Run command, taking the standard input from the remote system.
+ command Run command, taking the standard input from the remote system and sending the standard
output to the remote system.
#, %br eak Send a break signal, if possible.
c di r ect or y, %cd di r ect or y Change the local directory.
> f i l e Send a file to the remote system. Thisjust dumpsthe file over the communication line. It is
assumed that the remote system isexpecting it.
< Receive a file from the remote system. Thispromptsfor the local filename and for the
remote command to execute to begin the file transfer. It continuesaccepting data until the
contentsof the eofread variable are seen.
p from to, %put from to Send a file to a remote UNIX system. Thisrunsthe appropriate commandson the remote
t from to, %take from to Retrieve a file from a remote UNIX system. Thisrunsthe appropriate commandson the
remote system.
s var i abl e val ue Set a cu variable to the given val ue. If val ue isnot given, the variable isset to True.
! var i abl e Set a cu variable to False.
z Suspend the cu session. Thisisonly supported on some systems. On systemsfor which Z
may be used to suspend a job, Z will also suspend the session.
%nostop Turn off XON/XOFF handling.
%stop Turn on XON/XOFF handling.
v List all the variablesand their values.
? List all commands.
cu also supportsseveral variables. They may be listed with the v command, and set with the
s or ! commands.
escape The escape character. Initially (tilde).
delay If thisvariable isTrue, cu will delay for a second after recognizing the escape character before
printing the name of the local system. The default isTrue.
eol The list of characterswhich are considered to finish a line. The escape character isonly
recognized after one of these isseen. The default iscarriage return, U, C, O, D, S, Q, R.
binary Whether to transfer binary data when sending a file. If thisisFalse, then newlinesin the file
being sent are converted to carriage returns. The default isFalse.
binary-prefix A string used before sending a binary character in a file transfer, if the binary variable is
True. The default isZ.
echo-check Whether to check file transfersby examining what the remote system echoesback. This
probably doesnt work very well. The default isFalse.
echonl The character to look for after sending each line in a file. The default iscarriage return.
timeout The timeout to use, in seconds, when looking for a character, either when doing echo
checking or when looking for the echonl character. The default is30.
kill The character to use to delete a line if the echo check fails. The default isU.
resend The number of timesto resend a line if the echo check continuesto fail. The default is10.
eofwrite The string to write after sending a file with the > command. The default isD.
eofread The string to look for when receiving a file with the < command. The default is$, which is
intended to be a typical shell prompt.
verbose Whether to print accumulated information during a file transfer. The default isTrue.
The following optionsmay be given to cu:
e, parity=even Use even parity.
o, parity=odd Use odd parity.
parity=none Use no parity. No parity isalso used if both e and o are given.
h, halfduplex Echo characterslocally (half-duplex mode).
z syst em, system syst em The system to call.
c phone- number , phone phone- number The phone number to call.
p port, port por t Name the port to use.
a por t Equivalent to port por t .
l l i ne, line l i ne Name the line to use by giving a device name. Thismay be used to dial out on
portsthat are not listed in the UUCP configuration files. Write accessto the device
Part I: User Commands
s speed, speed speed The speed (baud rate) to use.
# Where # isa number, equivalent to speed #.
n, prompt Prompt for the phone number to use.
d Enter debugging mode. Equivalent to debug all.
x t ype, debug t ype Turn on particular debugging types. The following typesare recognized: abnormal,
chat, handshake, uucpproto, proto, port, config, spooldir, execute, incoming,
outgoing. Only abnormal, chat, handshake, port, config, incoming and outgoing are
meaningful for cu. Multiple typesmay be given, separated by commas, and the
debug option may appear multiple times. A number may also be given, which will
turn on that many typesfrom the foregoing list; for example, debug 2 is
equivalent to debug abnormal,chat. debug all may be used to turn on all
debugging options.
I f i l e, config f i l e Set configuration file to use. Thisoption may not be available, depending upon
how cu wascompiled.
v, version Report version information and exit.
help Print a help message and exit.
Thisprogram doesnot work very well.
The filename may be changed at compilation time, so thisisonly an approximation. Configuration file:
Ian Lance Taylor (
Taylor UUCP 1.05
cutRemove sectionsfrom each line of files
cut {b byt e- l i st , bytes=byt e-l i st } [n] [help] [version] [f i l e...]
cut {c char act er - l i s t , characters=char act er - l i s t } [help] [version] [f i l e...]
cut {f f i el d- l i st , fields=f i el d- l i st } [d del i m] [s] [delimiter=del i m]
[only-delimited] [help] [version] [f i l e...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of cut. cut printssectionsof each line of each input file, or the standard
input if no filesare given. A filename of - meansstandard input. The sectionsto be printed are selected by the options.
The byt e- l i st , char act er - l i s t , and f i el d- l i st optionsare one or more numbersor ranges(two numbersseparated by a
dash) separated by commas. The first byte, character, and field are numbered 1. Incomplete rangesmay be given: m means1
m; n meansn through end of line or last field.
b, bytes byt e- l i st Print only the bytesin positionslisted in byt e- l i st . Tabsand backspacesare treated like
any other character; they take up one byte.
c, characters char act er - l i s t Print only charactersin positionslisted in char act er - l i s t . The same asb for now, but
internationalization will change that. Tabsand backspacesare treated like any other
character; they take up one character.
f, fields f i el d- l i st Print only the fieldslisted in f i el d- l i st . Fieldsare separated by TAB by default.
d, delimiter del i m For f, fieldsare separated by the first character in del i m instead of by TAB.
n Do not split multibyte characters(no-op for now).
s, only-delimited For f, do not print linesthat do not contain the field separator character.
help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
version Print version information on standard output then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
cvsConcurrent VersionsSystem
cvs [ cvs_options ] cvs-command [ command_options ][command_args ]
cvs isa front end to the rcs(1) revision control system, which extendsthe notion of revision control from a collection of files
in a single directory to a hierarchical collection of directoriesconsisting of revision controlled files. These directoriesand files
can be combined together to form a software release. cvs providesthe functionsnecessary to manage these software releases
and to control the concurrent editing of source filesamong multiple software developers.
cvs keepsa single copy of the master sources. Thiscopy iscalled the source repository; it containsall the information to
permit extracting previoussoftware releasesat any time based on either a symbolic revision tag, or a date in the past.
cvs providesa rich variety of commands(cvs_command in the Synopsis), each of which often hasa wealth of options, to satisfy
the many needsof source management in distributed environments. However, you dont have to master every detail to do
useful work with cvs; in fact, five commandsare sufficient to use (and contribute to) the source repository.
cvs checkout modul es. . . A necessary preliminary for most cvs work: createsyour private copy of the source for
modules(named collectionsof source; you can also use a path relative to the source
repository here). You can work with thiscopy without interfering with others work. At
least one subdirectory level isalwayscreated.
cvs update Execute thiscommand from within your private source directory when you wish to
update your copiesof source filesfrom changesthat other developershave made to the
source in the repository.
cvs add f i l e. . . Use thiscommand to enroll new filesin cvs recordsof your working directory. The files
will be added to the repository the next time you run cvs commit. Note: You should use
the cvs import command to bootstrap new sourcesinto the source repository. cvs add is
only used for new filesto an already checked-out module.
cvs remove f i l e. . . Use thiscommand (after erasing any fileslisted) to declare that you wish to eliminate
filesfrom the repository. The removal doesnot affect othersuntil you run cvs commit.
cvs commit f i l e. . . Use thiscommand when you wish to publish your changesto other developers, by
incorporating them in the source repository.
Part I: User Commands
The cvs command line can include cvs_options, which apply to the overall cvs program; a cvs_command, which specifiesa
particular action on the source repository; and command_options and command_arguments to fully specify what the cvs_command
will do.
You must be careful of precisely where you place optionsrelative to the cvs_command. The same option can mean different
thingsdepending on whether it isin the cvs_options position (to the left of a cvs command) or in the command_options
position (to the right of a cvs command).
There are only two situationswhere you may omit cvs_command: cvs H or cvs help elicitsa list of available commands, and
cvs v or cvs version displaysversion information on cvs itself.
Asof release 1.6, cvs supportsGNU style long optionsaswell asshort options. Only a few long optionsare currently
supported; these are listed in bracketsafter the short optionswhose functionsthey duplicate.
Use these optionsto control the overall cvs program:
H [help] Display usage information about the specified cvs command (but do not actually execute the
command). If you dont specify a command name, cvs H displaysa summary of all the
Q Causesthe command to be really quiet; the command will generate output only for serious
q Causesthe command to be somewhat quiet; informational messages, such asreportsof
recursion through subdirectories, are suppressed.
b bi ndi r Use bi ndi r asthe directory where RCS programsare located. Overridesthe setting of the RCSBIN
environment variable. Thisvalue should be specified asan absolute pathname.
d CVS_r oot _di r ect or y Use CVS_r oot _di r ect or y asthe root directory pathname of the master RCS source repository.
Overridesthe setting of the CVS-ROOT environment variable. Thisvalue should be specified asan
absolute pathname.
e edi t or Use edi t or to enter revision log information. Overridesthe setting of the CVSEDITOR and the
EDITOR environment variables.
f Do not read the cvs startup file (/.cvsrc).
l Do not log the cvs_command in the command history (but execute it anyway). See the descrip-
tion of the history command for information on command history.
n Do not change any files. Attempt to execute the cvs_command, but only to issue reports; do
not remove, update, or merge any existing files, or create any new files.
t Trace program execution; display messagesshowing the stepsof cvs activity. Particularly useful
with n to explore the potential impact of an unfamiliar command.
-r Makesnew working filesread-only. Same effect asif the CVS-READ environment variable isset.
v [version] Displaysversion and copyright information for cvs.
w Makesnew working filesread-write (default). Overridesthe setting of the CVSREAD environment
z compr essi onl evel When transferring filesacrossthe network use gzip with compression level compr essi onl evel to
compressand decompressdata asit istransferred. Requiresthe presence of the GNU gzip
program in the current search path at both endsof the link.
Except when requesting general help with cvs H, you must specify a cvs_command to cvs to select a specific release control
function to perform. Each cvs command acceptsitsown collection of optionsand arguments. However, many optionsare
available acrossseveral commands. You can display a usage summary for each command by specifying the H option with the
Normally, when cvs startsup, it readsthe .cvsrc file from the home directory of the user reading it. Thisstartup procedure
can be turned off with the f flag.
The .cvsrc file listscvs commandswith a list of arguments, one command per line. For example, the following line in
diff c
will mean that the cvs diff command will alwaysbe passed the c option in addition to any other optionsthat are specified
in the command line (in thiscase, it will have the effect of producing context sensitive diffsfor all executionsof cvs diff ).
Here are brief descriptionsof all the cvs commands:
add Add a new file or directory to the repository, pending a cvs commit on the same file. Can only be done
from within sourcescreated by a previouscvs checkout invocation. Use cvs import to place whole new
hierarchiesof sourcesunder cvs control. (Doesnot directly affect repository; changesworking
admin Execute RCS control functionson the source repository. (Changesrepository directly; usesworking
directory without changing it.)
checkout Make a working directory of source filesfor editing. (Createsor changesworking directory.)
commit Apply to the source repository changes, additions, and deletionsfrom your working directory.
diff Show differencesbetween filesin working directory and source repository, or between two revisionsin
source repository. (Doesnot change either repository or working directory.)
export Prepare copiesof a set of source filesfor shipment off site. Differsfrom cvs checkout in that no cvs
administrative directoriesare created (and therefore cvs commit cannot be executed from a directory
prepared with cvs export), and a symbolic tag must be specified. (Doesnot change repository; creates
directory similar to working directories).
history Show reportson cvs commandsthat you or othershave executed on a particular file or directory in the
source repository. (Doesnot change repository or working directory.) History logsare kept only if
enabled by creation of the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/history file; see cvs(5).
import Incorporate a set of updatesfrom off-site into the source repository, asa vendor branch. (Changes
log Display RCS log information. (Doesnot change repository or working directory.)
rdiff Prepare a collection of diffs asa patch file between two releasesin the repository. (Doesnot change
repository or working directory.)
release Cancel a cvs checkout, abandoning any changes. (Can delete working directory; no effect on
remove Remove filesfrom the source repository, pending a cvs commit on the same files. (Doesnot directly
affect repository; changesworking directory.)
rtag Explicitly specify a symbolic tag for particular revisionsof filesin the source repository. See also cvs
tag. (Changesrepository directly; doesnot require or affect working directory.)
status Show current statusof files: latest version, version in working directory, whether working version has
been edited and, optionally, symbolic tagsin the RCS file. (Doesnot change repository or working
Part I: User Commands
tag Specify a symbolic tag for filesin the repository. By default, tagsthe revisionsthat were last synchro-
nized with your working directory. (Changesrepository directly; usesworking directory without
changing it.)
update Bring your working directory up to date with changesfrom the repository. Mergesare performed
automatically when possible; a warning isissued if manual resolution isrequired for conflicting
changes. (Changesworking directory; doesnot change repository.)
Thissection describesthe command_options that are available acrossseveral cvs commands. Not all commandssupport all of
these options; each option isonly supported for commandswhere it makessense. However, when a command hasone of
these optionsyou can count on the same meaning for the option asin other commands. (Other command options, which
are listed with the individual commands, may have different meaningsfrom one cvs command to another.)
The history command isan exception; it supportsmany optionsthat conflict even with these standard options.
D dat e Use the most recent revision no later than date_spec (a single argument, date description specifying a
date in the past). A wide variety of date formatsare supported by the underlying RCS facilities, similar
to those described in co(1), but not exactly the same. The date_spec isinterpreted asbeing in the local
time zone, unlessa specific time zone isspecified. The specification issticky when you use it to make
a private copy of a source file; that is, when you get a working file using D, cvs recordsthe date you
specified, so that further updatesin the same directory will use the same date (unlessyou explicitly
override it; see the description of the update command). D isavailable with the checkout, diff, history,
export, rdiff, rtag, and update commands. Examplesof valid date specificationsinclude the following:
1 month ago
2 hoursago
400000 secondsago
last year
last Monday
a fortnight ago
3/31/92 10:00:07 PST
January 23, 1987 10:05pm
22:00 GMT
f When you specify a particular date or tag to cvs commands, they normally ignore filesthat do not
contain the tag (or did not exist on the date) that you specified. Use the f option if you want files
retrieved even when there isno match for the tag or date. (The most recent version isused in this
situation.) f isavailable with these commands: checkout, export, rdiff, rtag, and update.
H Help; describe the optionsavailable for thiscommand. Thisisthe only option supported for all cvs
k kf l ag Alter the default RCS processing of keywords; all the k optionsdescribed in co(1) are available. The k
option isavailable with the add, checkout, diff, export, rdiff, and update commands. Your kf l ag
specification issticky when you use it to create a private copy of a source file; that is, when you use
thisoption with the checkout or update commands, cvs associatesyour selected kf l ag with the file, and
continuesto use it with future update commandson the same file until you specify otherwise.
Some of the more useful kf l agsare ko and kb (for binary files, only compatible with RCS version 5.7
or later), and kv, which isuseful for an export where you wish to retain keyword information after an
import at some other site.
l Local; run only in current working directory, rather than recurring through subdirectories. Available
with the following commands: checkout, commit, diff, export, remove, rdiff, rtag, status, tag, and
Thisisnot the same asthe overall cvs l option, which you can specify to the left of a cvs command.
n Do not run any checkout/commit/tag/update program. (A program can be specified to run on each of
these activities, in the modulesdatabase; thisoption bypassesit.) Available with the checkout, commit,
export, and rtag commands.
Thisisnot the same asthe overall cvs n option, which you can specify to the left of a cvs command.
P Prune (remove) directoriesthat are empty after being updated, on checkout, or update. Normally, an
empty directory (one that isvoid of revision-controlled files) isleft alone. Specifying P will cause these
directoriesto be silently removed from your checked-out sources. Thisdoesnot remove the directory
from the repository, only from your checked out copy. Note that thisoption isimplied by the -r or D
optionsof checkout and export.
p Pipe the filesretrieved from the repository to standard output, rather than writing them in the current
directory. Available with the checkout and update commands.
-r tag Use the revision specified by the tag argument instead of the default head revision. Aswell asarbitrary
tagsdefined with the tag or rtag command, two special tagsare alwaysavailable: HEAD refersto the
most recent version available in the repository, and BASE refersto the revision you last checked out into
the current working directory. The tag specification issticky when you use thisoption with cvs
checkout or cvs update to make your own copy of a file: cvs remembersthe tag and continuesto use it
on future update commands, until you specify otherwise. tag can be either a symbolic or numeric tag,
in RCS fashion. Specifying the q global option along with the -r command option isoften useful, to
suppressthe warning messageswhen the RCS file doesnot contain the specified tag. -r isavailable
with the checkout, commit, diff, history, export, rdiff, rtag, and update commands.
Thisisnot the same asthe overall cvs -r option, which you can specify to the left of a cvs command.
Here (finally) are detailson all the cvs commandsand the optionseach accepts. The summary linesat the top of each
commandsdescription highlight three kindsof things:
Command Optionsand Arguments Special optionsare described in detail; common command optionsmay appear only
in the summary line.
Working Directory, or Repository? Some cvs commandsrequire a working directory to operate; some require a
repository. Also, some commandschange the repository, some change the working
directory, and some change nothing.
Synonyms Many commandshave synonyms, which you may find easier to remember (or type)
than the principal name.
Part I: User Commands
I add [k kf l ag][m message] f i l es ...
Requires: Repository, working directory
Changes: Working directory
Synonym: new
Use the add command to create a new file or directory in the RCS source repository. The filesor directoriesspecified with
add must already exist in the current directory (which must have been created with the checkout command). To add a whole
new directory hierarchy to the source repository (for example, filesreceived from a third-party vendor), use the cvs import
command instead.
If the argument to cvs add refersto an immediate subdirectory, the directory iscreated at the correct place in the RCS source
repository, and the necessary cvs administration filesare created in your working directory. If the directory already existsin
the source repository, cvs add still createsthe administration filesin your version of the directory. Thisallowsyou to use cvs
add to add a particular directory to your private sourceseven if someone else created that directory after your checkout of the
sources. You can do the following:
example% mkdir new_directory
example% cvs add new_directory
example% cvs update new_directory
An alternate approach using cvs update might be:
example% cvs update -d new_directory
(To add any available new directoriesto your working directory, itsprobably simpler to use cvs checkout or cvs update -d.)
The added filesare not placed in the RCS source repository until you use cvs commit to make the change permanent. Doing
a cvs add on a file that wasremoved with the cvs remove command will resurrect the file, if no cvs commit command
You will have the opportunity to specify a logging message, asusual, when you use cvs commit to make the new file
permanent. If youd like to have another logging message associated with just creation of the file (for example, to describe the
filespurpose), you can specify it with the m message option to the add command.
The -k kf l ag option specifiesthe default way that thisfile will be checked out. The kf l ag argument isstored in the RCS file
and can be changed with cvs admin. Specifying -ko isuseful for checking in binariesthat shouldnt have the RCS id strings
I admin [r cs- opt i ons] f i l es...
Requires: Repository, working directory
Changes: Repository
Synonym: rcs
Thisisthe cvs interface to assorted administrative RCS facilities, documented in rcs(1). cvs admin simply passesall its
optionsand argumentsto the rcs command; it doesno filtering or other processing. Thiscommand doeswork recursively,
however, so extreme care should be used.
I checkout [options] modul es ...
Requires: Repository
Changes: Working directory
Synonyms: co, get
Make a working directory containing copiesof the source filesspecified by modules. You must execute cvs checkout before
using most of the other cvs commands, since most of them operate on your working directory.
modul es are either symbolic names[themselvesdefined asthe module modules in the source repository; see cvs(5)] for some
collection of source directoriesand files, or pathsto directoriesor filesin the repository.
Depending on the modulesyou specify, checkout may recursively create directoriesand populate them with the appropriate
source files. You can then edit these source filesat any time (regardlessof whether other software developersare editing their
own copiesof the sources); update them to include new changesapplied by othersto the source repository; or commit your
work asa permanent change to the RCS repository.
Note that checkout isused to create directories. The top-level directory created isalwaysadded to the directory where
checkout isinvoked, and usually hasthe same name asthe specified module. In the case of a module alias, the created
subdirectory may have a different name, but you can be sure that it will be a subdirectory, and that checkout will show the
relative path leading to each file asit isextracted into your private work area (unlessyou specify the Q global option).
Running cvs checkout on a directory that wasalready built by a prior checkout isalso permitted, and hasthe same effect as
specifying the d option to the update command described later.
The optionspermitted with cvs checkout include the standard command optionsP, f, k kflag, l, n, p, -r tag, and D
date. In addition to those, you can use several special command optionswith checkout, asdetailed in the following para-
Use the A option to reset any sticky tags, dates, or k options. (If you get a working file using one of the -r, D, or k
options, cvs remembersthe corresponding tag, date, or kflag and continuesusing it on future updates; use the A option to
make cvs forget these specifications, and retrieve the head version of the file).
The j branch option mergesthe changesmade between the resulting revision and the revision that it isbased on (for
example, if the tag refersto a branch, cvs will merge all changesmade in that branch into your working file).
With two -j options, cvs will merge in the changesbetween the two respective revisions. Thiscan be used to remove a
certain delta from your working file.
In addition, each -j option can contain on optional date specification which, when used with branches, can limit the chosen
revision to one within a specific date. An optional date isspecified by adding a colon (:) to the tag. An example might be
what cvs import tellsyou to do when you have just imported sourcesthat have conflictswith local changes:
example% cvs checkout -jTAG:yesterday -jTAG module
Use the N option with d di r to avoid shortening module pathsin your working directory. (Normally, cvs shortenspathsas
much aspossible when you specify an explicit target directory.)
Use the c option to copy the module file, sorted, to the standard output, instead of creating or modifying any filesor
directoriesin your working directory.
Use the d di r option to create a directory called di r for the working files, instead of using the module name. Unlessyou
also use N, the pathscreated under dir will be asshort aspossible.
Use the s option to display per-module statusinformation stored with the s option within the modulesfile.
I commit [lnR][m log_message | f file][-r revision][f i l es...]
Requires: Working directory, repository
Changes: Repository
Synonym: ci
Use cvs commit when you want to incorporate changesfrom your working source filesinto the general source repository.
If you dont specify particular filesto commit, all of the filesin your working current directory are examined. commit is
careful to change in the repository only those filesthat you have really changed. By default (or if you explicitly specify the -r
option), filesin subdirectoriesare also examined and committed if they have changed; you can use the l option to limit
commit to the current directory only. Sometimesyou may want to force a file to be committed even though it isunchanged;
thisisachieved with the f flag, which also hasthe effect of disabling recursion (you can turn it back on with R, of course).
commit verifiesthat the selected filesare up-to-date with the current revisionsin the source repository; it will notify you, and
exit without committing, if any of the specified filesmust be made current first with cvs update. commit doesnot call the
update command for you, but rather leavesthat for you to do when the time isright.
When all iswell, an editor isinvoked to allow you to enter a log message that will be written to one or more logging
programsand placed in the RCS source repository file. You can instead specify the log message on the command line with
Part I: User Commands
the m option, thussuppressing the editor invocation, or use the F option to specify that the argument file containsthe log
The -r option can be used to commit to a particular symbolic or numeric revision within the RCS file. For example, to bring
all your filesup to the RCS revision 3.0 (including those that havent changed), you might use
example% cvs commit -r3.0
cvs will only allow you to commit to a revision that ison the main trunk (a revision with a single dot). However, you can
also commit to a branch revision (one that hasan even number of dots) with the -r option. To create a branch revision, one
typically use the b option of the rtag or tag commands. Then, either checkout or update can be used to base your sourceson
the newly created branch. From that point on, all commit changesmade within these working sourceswill be automatically
added to a branch revision, thereby not perturbing mainline development in any way. For example, if you had to create a
patch to the 1.2 version of the product, even though the 2.0 version isalready under development, you might use this:
example% cvs rtag -b -rFCS1_2 FCS1_2 Patch product_module
example% cvs checkout -rFCS1_2_Patch product module
example% cd product module
[[ hack away ]]
example% cvs commit
Say you have been working on some extremely experimental software, based on whatever revision you happened to checkout
last week. If othersin your group would like to work on thissoftware with you, but without disturbing mainline develop-
ment, you could commit your change to a new branch. Otherscan then check out your experimental stuff and utilize the full
benefit of cvs conflict resolution. The scenario might look like this:
example% cvs tag -b EXPR1
example% cvs update -rEXPR1
[[ hack away ]]
example% cvs commit
Otherswould simply do cvs checkout -rEXPR1 what ever _modul e to work with you on the experimental change.
I diff [kl][r csdi f f _opt i ons][[-r r ev1 | D dat e1][-r r ev2 | D dat e2]] [f i l es...]
Requires: Working directory, repository
Changes: Nothing
You can compare your working fileswith revisionsin the source repository, with the cvs diff command. If you dont specify
a particular revision, your filesare compared with the revisionsthey were based on. You can also use the standard cvs
command option -r to specify a particular revision to compare your fileswith. Finally, if you use -r twice, you can see
differencesbetween two revisionsin the repository. You can also specify D optionsto diff against a revision in the past. The
-r and D optionscan be mixed together with at most two optionsever specified.
See rcsdiff(1) for a list of other accepted options.
If you dont specify any files, diff will display differencesfor all those filesin the current directory (and itssubdirectories,
unlessyou use the standard option l) that differ from the corresponding revision in the source repository (that is, filesthat
you have changed), or that differ from the revision specified.
I export [f lNnQq] -r r ev | D dat e [d di r ][k kf l ag] modul e...
Requires: Repository
Changes: Current directory
Thiscommand isa variant of cvs checkout; use it when you want a copy of the source for modul e without the cvs administra-
tive directories. For example, you might use cvs export to prepare source for shipment off-site. Thiscommand requiresthat
you specify a date or tag (with D or -r), so that you can count on reproducing the source you ship to others.
The only nonstandard optionsare d di r (write the source into directory di r ) and N (dont shorten module paths). These
have the same meaningsasthe same optionsin cvs checkout.
The kv option isuseful when export isused. Thiscausesany RCSkeywordsto be expanded such that an import done at
some other site will not lose the keyword revision information. Other kf l ag optionsmay be used with cvs export and are
described in co(1).
I history [- r epor t ][f l ags][opt i ons ar gs][f i l es ...]
Requires: The file $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/history
Changes: Nothing
cvs keepsa history file that trackseach use of the checkout, commit, rtag, update, and release commands. You can use cvs
history to display thisinformation in variousformats.
cvs history usesf, l, n, and p in waysthat conflict with the descriptionsin Common Command Options, earlier
in thismanual page.
Several options(shown as[r epor t ] in the preceding bulleted code line) control what kind of report isgenerated:
c Report on each time commit wasused (that is, each time the repository wasmodified).
m modul e Report on a particular module. (You can meaningfully use m more than once on the command line.)
o Report on checked-out modules.
T Report on all tags.
x t ype Extract a particular set of record typesX from the cvs history. The typesare indicated by single letters,
which you may specify in combination. Certain commandshave a single record type: check-out (type
O), release (type F), and rtag (type T). One of four record typesmay result from an update: W, when the
working copy of a file isdeleted during update (because it wasgone from the repository); U, when a
working file wascopied from the repository; G, when a merge wasnecessary and it succeeded; and C,
when a merge wasnecessary but collisionswere detected (requiring manual merging). Finally, one of
three record typesresultsfrom commit: M, when a file wasmodified; A, when a file isfirst added; and R,
when a file isremoved.
e Everything (all record types); equivalent to specifying xMACFROGWUT.
z zone Use time zone zone when outputting history records. The zone name LT standsfor local time; numeric
offsetsstand for hoursand minutesahead of UTC. For example, +0530 standsfor 5 hoursand 30
minutesahead of (that is, east of) UTC.
The optionsshown asf l ags constrain the report without requiring option arguments:
a Show data for all users. (The default isto show data only for the user executing cvs history.)
l Show last modification only.
w Show only the recordsfor modificationsdone from the same working directory where cvs history is
The optionsshown asopt i ons ar gs constrain the report based on an argument:
b st r Show data back to a record containing the string str in either the module name, the filename, or the
repository path.
D dat e Show data since dat e.
p r eposi t or y Show data for a particular source repository (you can specify several p optionson the same command
-r r ev Show recordsreferring to revisionssince the revision or tag named r ev appearsin individual RCS files.
Each RCS file issearched for the revision or tag.
t t ag Show recordssince tag t ag waslast added to the history file. Thisdiffersfrom the -r flag in that it
readsonly the history file, not the RCS files, and ismuch faster.
u name Show recordsfor username.
Part I: User Commands
I import [opt i ons] r eposi t or y vendor t ag r el easet ag ...
Requires: Repository, source distribution directory
Changes: Repository
Use cvs import to incorporate an entire source distribution from an outside source (for example, a source vendor) into your
source repository directory. You can use thiscommand both for initial creation of a repository, and for wholesale updatesto
the module form the outside source.
The repository argument givesa directory name (or a path to a directory) under the CVS root directory for repositories; if
the directory did not exist, import createsit.
When you use import for updatesto source that hasbeen modified in your source repository (since a prior import), it will
notify you of any filesthat conflict in the two branchesof development; use cvs checkout -j to reconcile the differences, as
import instructsyou to do.
By default, certain filenamesare ignored during cvs import: namesassociated with CVS administration, or with other
common source control systems; common namesfor patch files, object files, archive files, and editor backup files; and other
namesthat are usually artifactsof assorted utilities. Currently, the default list of ignored filesincludesfilesmatching these
CVS* cvslog.*
tags TAGS
.make.state .nse_depinfo
#* .#* ,
.old *.bak *.BAK *.orig *.rej .del*
.a *.o *.so *.Z *.elc *.ln core
The outside source issaved in a first-level RCS branch, by default 1.1.1. Updatesare leavesof thisbranch; for example, files
from the first imported collection of source will be revision, then filesfrom the first imported update will be revision, and so on.
At least three argumentsare required. r eposi t or y isneeded to identify the collection of source. vendor t ag isa tag for the
entire branch (for example, for 1.1.1). You must also specify at least one r el easet ag to identify the filesat the leavescreated
each time you execute cvs import.
One of the standard cvs command optionsisavailable: m message. If you do not specify a logging message with m, your
editor isinvoked (aswith commit) to allow you to enter one.
There are three additional special options.
Use d to specify that each filestime of last modification should be used for the checkin date and time.
Use b br anch to specify a first-level branch other than 1.1.1.
Use I name to specify filenamesthat should be ignored during import. You can use thisoption repeatedly. To avoid
ignoring any filesat all (even those ignored by default), specify I !.
I log [l] r l og- opt i ons [f i l es...]
Requires: Repository, working directory
Changes: Nothing
Synonym: rlog
Display log information for f i l es. cvs log callsthe RCS utility rlog; all the optionsdescribed in rlog(1) are available.
Among the more useful rlog optionsare h to display only the header (including tag definitions, but omitting most of the
full log); -r to select logson particular revisionsor rangesof revisions; and d to select particular datesor date ranges. See
rlog(1) for full explanations. Thiscommand isrecursive by default, unlessthe l option isspecified.
I rdiff [f l ags][V vn][r t |D d [r t 2|D d2]] modul es...
Requires: Repository
Changes: Nothing
Synonym: patch
Buildsa Larry Wall format patch(1) file between two releasesthat can be fed directly into the patch program to bring an old
release up-to-date with the new release. (Thisisone of the few cvs commandsthat operatesdirectly from the repository and
doesnt require a prior checkout.) The diff output issent to the standard output device. You can specify (using the standard
-r and D options) any combination of one or two revisionsor dates. If only one revision or date isspecified, the patch file
reflectsdifferencesbetween that revision or date and the current head revisionsin the RCS file.
Note that if the software release affected iscontained in more than one directory, then it may be necessary to specify the p
option to the patch command when patching the old sources, so that patch isable to find the filesthat are located in other
If you use the option V vn, RCS keywordsare expanded according to the rulescurrent in RCS version vn (the expansion
format changed with RCS version 5).
The standard option f l ags f and l are available with thiscommand. There are also several special optionsf l ags.
If you use the s option, no patch output isproduced. Instead, a summary of the changed or added filesbetween the two
releasesissent to the standard output device. Thisisuseful for finding out, for example, which fileshave changed between
two datesor revisions.
If you use the t option, a diff of the top two revisionsissent to the standard output device. Thisismost useful for seeing
what the last change to a file was.
If you use the u option, the patch output usesthe newer unidiff format for context diffs.
You can use c to explicitly specify the diff c form of context diffs(which isthe default), if you like.
I release [dQq] modul es ...
Requires: Working directory
Changes: Working directory, history log
Thiscommand ismeant to safely cancel the effect of cvs checkout. Since cvs doesnt lock files, it isnt strictly necessary to use
thiscommand. You can alwayssimply delete your working directory, if you like; but you risk losing changesyou may have
forgotten, and you leave no trace in the cvs history file that youve abandoned your checkout.
Use cvs release to avoid these problems. Thiscommand checksthat no uncommitted changesare present; that you are
executing it from immediately above, or inside, a cvs working directory; and that the repository recorded for your filesisthe
same asthe repository defined in the module database.
If all these conditionsare true, cvs release leavesa record of itsexecution (attesting to your intentionally abandoning your
checkout) in the cvs history log.
You can use the d flag to request that your working copiesof the source filesbe deleted if the release succeeds.
I remove [lR][f i l es...]
Requires: Working directory
Changes: Working directory
Synonyms: rm, delete
Use thiscommand to declare that you wish to remove filesfrom the source repository. Like most cvs commands, cvs remove
workson filesin your working directory, not directly on the repository. Asa safeguard, it also requiresthat you first erase the
specified filesfrom your working directory.
The filesare not actually removed until you apply your changesto the repository with commit; at that point, the correspond-
ing RCS filesin the source repository are moved into the Attic directory (also within the source repository).
Part I: User Commands
Thiscommand isrecursive by default, scheduling all physically removed filesthat it findsfor removal by the next commit. Use
the l option to avoid thisrecursion, or just specify that actual filesthat you wish remove to consider.
I rtag [f alnRQq][b][d][r t ag | D dat e] symbol i c_t ag modul es...
Requires: Repository
Changes: Repository
Synonym: rfreeze
You can use thiscommand to assign symbolic tagsto particular, explicitly specified source versionsin the repository. cvs
rtag worksdirectly on the repository contents(and requiresno prior checkout). Use cvs tag instead, to base the selection of
versionsto tag on the contentsof your working directory.
In general, tags(often the symbolic namesof software distributions) should not be removed, but the d option isavailable as
a meansto remove completely obsolete symbolic namesif necessary (asmight be the case for an Alpha release, say).
cvs rtag will not move a tag that already exists. With the F option, however, cvs rtag will relocate any instance of
symbolic_tag that already existson that file to the new repository versions. Without the F option, attempting to use cvs
rtag to apply a tag that already existson that file will produce an error message.
The -b option makesthe tag a branch tag, allowing concurrent, isolated development. Thisismost useful for creating a patch
to a previously released software distribution.
You can use the standard -r and D optionsto tag only those filesthat already contain a certain tag. Thismethod would be
used to rename a tag: tag only the filesidentified by the old tag, then delete the old tag, leaving the new tag on exactly the
same filesasthe old tag.
rtag executesrecursively by default, tagging all subdirectoriesof modulesyou specify in the argument. You can restrict its
operation to top-level directorieswith the standard l option; or you can explicitly request recursion with R.
The modulesdatabase can specify a program to execute whenever a tag isspecified; a typical use isto send electronic mail to
a group of interested parties. If you want to bypassthat program, use the standard n option.
Use the a option to have rtag look in the Attic for removed filesthat contain the specified tag. The tag isremoved from
these files, which makesit convenient to reuse a symbolic tag asdevelopment continues(and filesget removed from the
upcoming distribution).
I status [lRqQ][v][f i l es ...]
Requires: Working directory, repository
Changes: Nothing
Display a brief report on the current statusof fileswith respect to the source repository, including any sticky tags, dates, or k
options. (Sticky optionswill restrict how cvs update operatesuntil you reset them; see the description of cvs update A....
You can also use thiscommand to anticipate the potential impact of a cvs update on your working source directory. If you
do not specify any filesexplicitly, reportsare shown for all filesthat cvs hasplaced in your working directory. You can limit
the scope of thissearch to the current directory itself (not itssubdirectories) with the standard l option flag; or you can
explicitly request recursive statusreportswith the R option.
The v option causesthe symbolic tagsfor the RCS file to be displayed aswell.
I tag [lQqR][F][b][d][r t ag | D dat e][f] symbolic_tag [files ...]
Requires: Working directory, repository
Changes: Repository
Synonym: freeze
Use thiscommand to assign symbolic tagsto the nearest repository versionsto your working sources. The tagsare applied
immediately to the repository, aswith rtag. One use for tagsisto record a snapshot of the current sourceswhen the
software freeze date of a project arrives. Asbugsare fixed after the freeze date, only those changed sourcesthat are to be part
of the release need be retagged.
The symbolic tagsare meant to permanently record which revisionsof which fileswere used in creating a software distribu-
tion. The checkout, export, and update commandsallow you to extract an exact copy of a tagged release at any time in the
future, regardlessof whether fileshave been changed, added, or removed since the release wastagged.
You can use the standard -r and D optionsto tag only those filesthat already contain a certain tag. Thismethod would be
used to rename a tag: tag only the filesidentified by the old tag, then delete the old tag, leaving the new tag on exactly the
same filesasthe old tag.
Specifying the f flag in addition to the -r or D flagswill tag those filesnamed on the command line even if they do not
contain the old tag or did not exist on the specified date.
By default (without a -r or D flag), the versionsto be tagged are supplied implicitly by the cvs recordsof your working files
history rather than applied explicitly.
If you use cvs tag d symbolic tag..., the symbolic tag you specify isdeleted instead of being added.
Be very certain of your ground before you delete a tag; doing thiseffectively discardssome historical information, which
may later turn out to have been valuable.
cvs tag will not move a tag that already exists. With the F option, however, cvs tag will relocate any instance of symbolic
tag that already existson that file to the new repository versions. Without the F option, attempting to use cvs tag to apply a
tag that already existson that file will produce an error message.
The -b option makesthe tag a branch tag, allowing concurrent, isolated development. Thisismost useful for creating a patch
to a previously released software distribution.
Normally, tag executesrecursively through subdirectories; you can prevent thisby using the standard l option, or specify
the recursion explicitly by using R.
I update [Adf lPpQqR][d][r t ag|D dat e] f i l es ...
Requires: Repository, working directory
Changes: Working directory
After youve run checkout to create your private copy of source from the common repository, other developerswill continue
changing the central source. From time to time, when it isconvenient in your development process, you can use the update
command from within your working directory to reconcile your work with any revisionsapplied to the source repository
since your last checkout or update.
update keepsyou informed of itsprogressby printing a line for each file, prefaced with one of the charactersU, A, R, M, C, or ?
to indicate the statusof the file:
U f i l e The file wasbrought up-to-date with respect to the repository. Thisisdone for any file that existsin
the repository but not in your source, and for filesthat you havent changed but are not the most
recent versionsavailable in the repository.
A f i l e The file hasbeen added to your private copy of the sources, and will be added to the RCS source
repository when you run cvs commit on the file. Thisisa reminder to you that the file needsto be
R f i l e The file hasbeen removed from your private copy of the sources, and will be removed from the RCS
source repository when you run cvs commit on the file. Thisisa reminder to you that the file needsto
be committed.
M f i l e The file ismodified in your working directory. M can indicate one of two statesfor a file youre working
on: either there were no modificationsto the same file in the repository, so that your file remainsas
you last saw it; or there were modificationsin the repository aswell asin your copy, but they were
merged successfully, without conflict, in your working directory.
Part I: User Commands
C f i l e A conflict wasdetected while trying to merge your changesto f i l e with changesfrom the source
repository. f i l e (the copy in your working directory) isnow the output of the rcsmerge(1) command
on the two versions; an unmodified copy of your file isalso in your working directory, with the name
.#file.version, where version isthe RCSrevision that your modified file started from. (Note that
some systemsautomatically purge filesthat begin with .# if they have not been accessed for a few days.
If you intend to keep a copy of your original file, it isa very good idea to rename it.)
? f i l e f i l e isin your working directory, but doesnot correspond to anything in the source repository, and is
not in the list of filesfor cvs to ignore; see the description of the I option.
Use the A option to reset any sticky tags, dates, or k options. (If you get a working copy of a file by using one of the -r, D,
or k options, cvs remembersthe corresponding tag, date, or kflag and continuesusing it on future updates; use the A
option to make cvs forget these specifications, and retrieve the head version of the file).
The jbranch option mergesthe changesmade between the resulting revision and the revision that it isbased on. (For
example, if the tag refersto a branch, cvs will merge all changesmade in that branch into your working file.)
With two -j options, cvs will merge in the changesbetween the two respective revisions. Thiscan be used to remove a
certain delta from your working file. For example, if the file foo.c isbased on revision 1.6 and I want to remove the changes
made between 1.3 and 1.5, I might do this:
example% cvs update -j1.5 -j1.3 foo.c # note the order...
In addition, each -j option can contain on optional date specification which, when used with branches, can limit the chosen
revision to one within a specific date. An optional date isspecified by adding a colon (:) to the tag:
-jSymbolic Tag:Date Specifier
Use the d option to create any directoriesthat exist in the repository if theyre missing from the working directory.
(Normally, update actsonly on directoriesand filesthat were already enrolled in your working directory.) Thisisuseful for
updating directoriesthat were created in the repository since the initial checkout; but it hasan unfortunate side effect. If you
deliberately avoided certain directoriesin the repository when you created your working directory (either through use of a
module name or by listing explicitly the filesand directoriesyou wanted on the command line), then updating with d will
create those directories, which may not be what you want.
Use I name to ignore fileswhose namesmatch name (in your working directory) during the update. You can specify I more
than once on the command line to specify several filesto ignore. By default, update ignoresfileswhose namesmatch any of
the following:
CVS* cvslog.*
tags TAGS
.make.state .nse_depinfo
#* .#* ,
.old *.bak *.BAK *.orig *.rej .del*
.a *.o *.so *.Z *.elc *.ln core
Use I! to avoid ignoring any filesat all.
The standard cvs command optionsf, k, l, P, p, and r are also available with update.
For more detailed information on cvs supporting files, see cvs(5).
Filesin home directories:
.cvsrc The cvs initialization file. Linesin thisfile can be used to specify default optionsfor each cvs
command. For example, the line diff c will ensure that cvs diff isalwayspassed the c option in
addition to any other optionspassed on the command line.
.cvswrappers Specifieswrappersto be used in addition to those specified in the CVSROOT/cvswrappers file in the
Filesin working directories:
CVS A directory of cvs administrative files. Do not delete.
CVS/Entries List and statusof filesin your working directory.
CVS/Entries.Backup A backup of CVS/Entries.
CVS/Entries.Static Flag: do not add more entrieson cvs update.
CVS/Root Pathname to the repository (CVSROOT) location at the time of checkout. Thisfile isused instead
of the CVSROOT environment variable if the environment variable isnot set. A warning message
will be issued when the contentsof thisfile and the CVSROOT environment variable differ. The
file may be overridden by the presence of the CVS_IGNORE_REMOTE_ROOT environment variable.
CVS/Repository Pathname to the corresponding directory in the source repository.
CVS/Tag Containsthe per-directory sticky tag or date information. Thisfile iscreated/updated when you
specify -r or D to the checkout or update commands, and no filesare specified.
CVS/Checkin.prog Name of program to run on cvs commit.
CVS/Update.prog Name of program to run on cvs update.
Filesin source repositories:
$CVSROOT/CVSROOT Directory of global administrative filesfor repository.
CVSROOT/commitinfo,v Recordsprogramsfor filtering cvs commit requests.
CVSROOT/cvswrappers,v Recordscvs wrapper commandsto be used when checking filesinto and out of the repository.
Wrappersallow the file or directory to be processed on the way in and out of CVS. The intended
usesare many; one possible use would be to reformat a C file before the file ischecked in, so all
of the code in the repository looksthe same.
CVSROOT/editinfo,v Recordsprogramsfor editing/validating cvs commit log entries.
CVSROOT/history Log file of cvs transactions.
CVSROOT/loginfo,v Recordsprogramsfor piping cvs commit log entries.
CVSROOT/modules,v Definitionsfor modulesin thisrepository.
CVSROOT/rcsinfo,v Recordspathnamesto templatesused during a cvs commit operation.
CVSROOT/taginfo,v Recordsprogramsfor validating/logging cvs tag and cvs rtag operations.
MODULE/Attic Directory for removed source files.
#cvs.lock A lock directory created by cvs when doing sensitive changesto the RCS source repository. Temporary lock file for repository. A read lock. A write lock.
CVSROOT Should contain the full pathname to the root of the cvs source repository (where the RCSfiles
are kept). Thisinformation must be available to cvs for most commandsto execute; if CVSROOT
isnot set, or if you wish to override it for one invocation, you can supply it on the command
line: cvs d cvsroot cvs command.... You may not need to set CVSROOT if your cvs binary hasthe
right path compiled in; use cvs v to display all compiled-in paths.
CVSREAD If thisisset, checkout and update will try hard to make the filesin your working directory read-
only. When thisisnot set, the default behavior isto permit modification of your working files.
RCSBIN Specifiesthe full pathname where to find RCS programs, such asco(1)and ci(1). If not set, a
compiled-in value isused; see the display from cvs v.
CVSEDITOR Specifiesthe program to use for recording log messagesduring commit. If not set, the EDITOR
environment variable isused instead. If EDITOR isnot set either, the default is/usr/ucb/vi.
CVS_IGNORE_REMOTE_ROOT If thisvariable isset, then cvs will ignore all referencesto remote repositoriesin the CVS/Root
Part I: User Commands
CVS_RSH cvs usesthe contentsof thisvariable to determine the name of the remote shell command to use
when starting a cvs server. If thisvariable isnot set then rsh isused.
CVS_SERVER cvs usesthe contentsof thisvariable to determine the name of the cvs server command. If this
variable isnot set then cvs isused.
CVSWRAPPERS Thisvariable isused by the cvswrappers script to determine the name of the wrapper file, in
addition to the wrappersdefaultscontained in the repository (CVSROOT/cvswrappers) and the
usershome directory (/.cvswrappers).
Dick Grune Original author of the cvsshell script version posted to comp.sources.unix in the volume 6
release of December, 1986. Credited with much of the cvs conflict resolution algorithms.
Brian Berliner Coder and designer of the cvs program itself in April, 1989, based on the original work done by
Jeff Polk Helped Brian with the design of the cvs module and vendor branch support and author of the
checkin(1) shell script (the ancestor of cvs import).
ci(1), co(1), cvs(5), cvsbug(8), diff(1), grep(1), patch(1), rcs(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsmerge(1), rlogbug(8)
13 March 1996
dateShow and set date and time
date [ u ][c ][n ][d dst t ype ] [ t mi nut es- west ] [ a [+|-]sss. f f f ][+f or mat ][
[yyyy]mmddhhmm[yy][. ss ]]
Date without argumentswritesthe date and time to the standard output in the form:
Wed Mar 8 14:54:40 EST 1989
with EST replaced by the local time zonesabbreviation (or by the abbreviation for the time zone specified in the TZ environ-
ment variable if set). The exact output format dependson the locale.
If a command-line argument startswith a plussign (+), the rest of the argument isused asa format that controlswhat
appearsin the output. In the format, when a percent sign (%) appears, it and the character after it are not output, but rather
identify part of the date or time to be output in a particular way (or identify a special character to output):
Argument Sampleoutput Explanation
%a Wed Abbreviated weekday name*
%A Wednesday Full weekday name*
%b Mar Abbreviated month name*
%B March Full month name*
%c Wed Mar 08 14:54:40 1989 Date and time*
%C 19 Century
%d 08 Day of month (alwaystwo digits)
%D 03/08/89 Month/day/year (eight characters)
%e 8 Day of month (leading zero blanked)
%h Mar Abbreviated month name*
%H 14 24-hour-clock hour (two digits)
%I 02 12-hour-clock hour (two digits)
%j 067 Julian day number (three digits)
%k 2 12-hour-clock hour (leading zero blanked)
%l 14 24-hour-clock hour (leading zero blanked)
%m 03 Month number (two digits)
%M 54 Minute (two digits)
%n nn Newline character
%p PM AM/PM designation
%r 02:54:40 PM Hour:minute:second AM/PM designation
%R 14:54 Hour:minute
%S 40 Second (two digits)
%t nt Tab character
%T 14:54:40 Hour:minute:second
%U 10 Sunday-based week number (two digits)
%w 3 Day number (one digit, Sunday is0)
%W 10 Monday-based week number (two digits)
%x 03/08/89 Date*
%X 14:54:40 Time*
%y 89 Last two digitsof year
%Y 1989 Year in full
%Z EST Time zone abbreviation
%+ Wed Mar 8 14:54:40 EST 1989 Default output format*
* The exact output dependson thelocale.
If a character other than one of those shown in the preceding table appearsafter a percent sign in the format, that following
character isoutput. All other charactersin the format are copied unchanged to the output; a newline character isalways
added at the end of the output.
In Sunday-based week numbering, the first Sunday of the year beginsweek 1; dayspreceding it are part of week 0. In
Monday-based week numbering, the first Monday of the year beginsweek 1.
To set the date, use a command-line argument with one of the following forms:
1454 24-hour-clock hours(first two digits) and minutes
081454 Month day (first two digits), hours, and minutes
03081454 Month (two digits, January is01), month day, hours, minutes
8903081454 Year, month, month day, hours, minutes
0308145489 Month, month day, hours, minutes, year (on System V-compatible systems)
030814541989 Month, month day, hours, minutes, four-digit year
198903081454 Four-digit year, month, month day, hours, minutes
Argument Sampleoutput Explanation
Part I: User Commands
If the century, year, month, or month day isnot given, the current value isused. Any of the preceding formsmay be
followed by a period and two digitsthat give the secondspart of the new time; if no secondsare given, zero isassumed.
These optionsare available:
u or c Use GMT when setting and showing the date and time.
n Do not notify other networked systemsof the time change.
d dst t ype Set the kernel-stored Daylight Saving Time type to the given value. (The kernel-stored DST type is
used mostly by old binaries.)
t mi nut es- west Set the kernel-stored minuteswest of GMT value to the one given on the command line. (The
kernel-stored DST type isused mostly by old binaries.)
a adj ust ment Change the time forward (or backward) by the number of seconds(and fractionsthereof) specified
in the adjustment argument. Either the secondspart or the fractionspart of the argument (but not
both) may be omitted. On BSD-based systems, the adjustment ismade by changing the rate at
which time advances; on System-Vbased systems, the adjustment ismade by changing the time.
/usr/lib/locale/L/LC TIME Description of time locale L
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo Time zone information directory
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/localtime Local time zone file
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/posixrules Used with POSIX-style TZs
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/GMT For UTC leap seconds
If /usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/GMT isabsent, UTC leap secondsare loaded from /usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/posixrules.
ddConvert a file while copying it (data dumper)
dd [help] [version] [if=f i l e] [of=f i l e] [ibs=byt es] [obs=byt es] [bs=byt es]
[cbs=byt es ] [skip=bl ocks ] [seek=bl ocks ] [count=bl ocks] [conv={ascii,
ebcdic, ibm, block, unblock, lcase, ucase, swab, noerror, notrunc, sync}]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of dd. dd copiesa file (from the standard input to the standard output, by
default) with a user-selectable blocksize, while optionally performing conversionson it.
Numberscan be followed by a multiplier:
b=512, c=1, k=1024, w=2, xm=number m
These optionsare available:
help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
version Print version information on standard output then exit successfully.
if=f i l e Read from file instead of the standard input.
of=f i l e Write to file instead of the standard output. Unlessconv=notrunc isgiven, truncate
file to the size specified by seek= (0 bytesif seek= isnot given).
ibs=byt es Read byt es bytesat a time.
obs=byt es Write byt es bytesat a time.
bs=byt es Read and write byt es bytesat a time. Override ibs and obs.
cbs=byt es Convert byt es bytesat a time.
skip=bl ocks Skip bl ocks ibs-sized blocksat start of input.
seek=bl ocks Skip bl ocks obs-sized blocksat start of output.
count=bl ocks Copy only bl ocks ibs-sized input blocks.
conv=conver si on[,conver si on...] Convert the file asspecified by the conversion arguments.
ascii Convert EBCDIC to ASCII.
ebcdic Convert ASCII to EBCDIC.
ibm Convert ASCII to alternate EBCDIC.
block Pad newline-terminated recordsto size of cbs, replacing newline with trailing spaces.
unblock Replace trailing spacesin cbs-sized block with newline.
lcase Change uppercase charactersto lowercase.
ucase Change lowercase charactersto uppercase.
swab Swap every pair of input bytes. Unlike the UNIX dd, thisworkswhen an odd
number of bytesare read. If the input file containsan odd number of bytes, the last
byte issimply copied (since there isnothing to swap it with).
noerror Continue after read errors.
notrunc Do not truncate the output file.
sync Pad every input block to size of ibs with trailing NULLs.
GNU FileUtilities
depmod, modprobe
depmod, modprobeHandle loadable modulesautomatically
depmod [a]
depmod modul e1. o modul e2.o ...
modprobe module.o [symbol=val ue ...]
modprobe t t ag pat t er n
modprobe a t tag pattern modprobe l [ t t ag ] pat t er n
modprobe r modul e
modprobe c
These utilitiesare intended to make a Linux modular kernel manageable for all users, administrators, and distribution
depmod createsa makefile-like dependency file, based on the symbolsit findsin the set of modulesmentioned on the
command line (or in a default place). Thisdependency file can later be used by modprobe to automatically load the relevant
modprobe isused to load a set of moduleseither a single module, a stack of dependent modules, or all modulesthat are
marked with a specified tag.
modprobe will automatically load all base modulesneeded in a module stack, asdescribed by the dependency file modules.dep.
If the loading of one of these modulesfails, the whole current stack of moduleswill be unloaded (by rmmod) automatically.
modprobe hastwo waysof loading modules. One way (the probe mode) will try to load a module out of a list (defined by
pattern). It stopsloading assoon asone module load successfully. Thiscan be used to autoload one Ethernet driver out of a
list, for example. The other way isto load all modulesfrom a list. Thiscan be used to load some modulesat boot time.
depmod, modprobe
Part I: User Commands
With the option -r, modprobe will automatically unload a stack of modules, similar to the way rmmod -r does.
Option -l combined with option -t listsall available modulesof a certain type. An enhanced mount command could use the
modprobe -l -t fs
to get the list of all file system driversavailable and on request load the proper one. So, the mount command could become
more generic aswell. (The kerneld solvesthiswithout changing the mount utility.)
Option -c will print all configuration (default + configuration file).
The normal use of depmod isto include the line /sbin/depmod -a in one of the rc-files in /etc/rc.d, so that the correct
module dependencieswill be available immediately after booting the system.
Option -d putsdepmod in debug mode. It outputsall commandsit isissuing.
Option -e outputsthe list of unresolved symbol for each module, Normally, depmod only outputsthe list of unloadable
Option -v outputsthe list of all processed modules.
Modulesmay be located at different place in the filesystem, but there will alwaysbe some need to override this, especially for
module developers. We expect some official standard will emerge, defined by the FSSTND. Until that time, you might as
well use thissuggested directory structure.
The behavior of depmod and modprobe can be adjusted by the (optional) configuration file /etc/conf.modules.
The configuration file consistsof a set of lines. All empty lines, and all text on a line after a #, will be ignored. Linesmay be
continued by ending the line with a \. The remaining linesshould all conform to one of the following formats:
options module symbol=value ...
alias module real_name
pre-install module command ...
install module command ...
post-install module command ...
pre-remove module command ...
remove module command ...
post-remove module command ...
parameter=value options module symbol=value ... alias module real_name
All valuesin the parameter lineswill be processed by a shell, which meansthat shell trickslike wildcardsand commands
enclosed in backquotescan be used:
path[net]=/lib/modules/uname -r/net
Parametersmay be repeated multiple times.
These are the legal parameters:
depfile=DEPFILE_PATH Thisisthe path to the dependency file that will be created by depmod and used by modprobe.
path=SOME_PATH The path parameter specifiesa directory to search for the modules.
path[tag]=SOME_PATH The path parameter can carry an optional tag. Thistellsusa little more about the purpose of the
modulesin thisdirectory and allowssome automated operationsby modprobe. The tag isappended
to the path keyword enclosed in square brackets. If the tag ismissing, the tag misc isassumed. One
very useful tag isboot, which can be used to mark all modulesthat should be loaded at boot time.
If the configuration file /etc/conf.modules ismissing, or if any parameter isnot overridden, the following defaultsare
depfile=/lib/modules/uname -r/modules.dep
path[fs]=/lib/modules/uname -r/fs
path[misc]=/lib/modules/uname -r/misc
path[net]=/lib/modules/uname -r/net
path[scsi]=/lib/modules/uname -r/scsi
All option linesspecify the default optionsthat are needed for a module, asin
modprobe de620 bnc=1
These optionswill be overridden by any optionsgiven on the modprobe command line.
The aliaslinescan be used to give aliasnamesto modules. A line in /etc/conf.modules that lookslike this:
alias iso9660 isofs
makesit possible to write modprobe iso9660, although there isno such module available.
The idea isthat modprobe will look first at the directory containing modulescompiled for the current release of the kernel. If
the module isnot found there, modprobe will look in the directory containing modulesfor a default release.
When you install a new Linux, the modulesshould be moved to a directory related to the release (and version) of the kernel
you are installing. Then you should do a symlink from thisdirectory to the default directory.
Each time you compile a new kernel, the command make modules_install will create a new directory, but wont change the
When you get a module unrelated to the kernel distribution, you should place it in one of the version-independent
directoriesunder /lib/modules.
Thisisthe default strategy, which can be overridden in /etc/conf.modules.
modprobe -t net Load one of the modulesthat are stored in the directory tagged net. Each module istried until one
succeeds. (Default: /lib/modules/net).
modprobe -a -t boot All modulesthat are stored in the directory tagged boot will be loaded. (Default: /lib/modules/
modprobe slip.o Thiswill attempt to load the module slhc.o if it wasnot previously loaded, since the slip module
needsthe functionality in the slhc module. Thisdependency will be described in the file
modules.dep that wascreated automatically by depmod.
modprobe -r slip.o Will unload slip.o. It will also unload slhc.o automatically, unlessit isused by some other module
aswell (such asppp.o).
depmod, modprobe
Part I: User Commands
lsmod(1), kerneld(8), ksyms(1), modules(2)
insmod(1), nm(1) rmmod(1)
The pattern supplied to modprobe will often be escaped to ensure that it isevaluated in the proper context.
JacquesGelinas(, Bjorn Ekwall (
Linux, 14 May1995
dfSummarize free disk space
df [aikPv] [t f st ype] [x f st ype] [all] [inodes] [type=f st ype]
[excludetype=f st ype] [kilobytes] [portability] [printtype]
[help] [version] [filename...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of df. df displaysthe amount of disk space available on the filesystem
containing each filename argument. If no filename isgiven, the space available on all currently mounted filesystemsisshown.
Disk space isshown in 1K blocksby default, unlessthe environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT isset, in which case 512-byte
blocksare used.
If an argument isthe absolute filename of a disk device node containing a mounted filesystem, df showsthe space available
on that filesystem rather than on the filesystem containing the device node (which isalwaysthe root filesystem). Thisversion
of df cannot show the space available on unmounted filesystems, because on most kindsof systemsdoing so requiresvery
nonportable, intimate knowledge of filesystem structures.
a, all Include in the listing filesystemsthat have 0 blocks, which are omitted by default. Such
filesystemsare typically special-purpose pseudo-filesystems, such asautomounter entries. On
some systems, filesystemsof type ignore or auto are also omitted by default and included in the
listing by thisoption.
-i, inodes List inode usage information instead of block usage. An inode (short for index node) isa
special kind of disk block that containsinformation about a file, such asitsowner, permissions,
timestamps, and location on the disk.
k, kilobytes Print sizesin 1K blocksinstead of 512-byte blocks. Thisoverridesthe environment variable
P, portability Use the POSIX output format. Thisislike the default format except that the information about
each filesystem isalwaysprinted on exactly one line; a mount device isnever put on a line by
itself. Thismeansthat if the mount device name ismore than 20 characterslong (asfor some
network mounts), the columnsare misaligned.
T, printtype Print a type string for each filesystem. Any such printed filesystem type name may be used asan
argument to either of the type= or excludetype= options.
t, type=f st ype Limit the listing to filesystemsof type f st ype. Multiple filesystem typescan be shown by giving
multiple t options. By default, all filesystem typesare listed.
x, excludetype=f st ype Limit the listing to filesystemsnot of type fstype. Multiple filesystem typescan be eliminated by
giving multiple x options. By default, all filesystem typesare listed.
v Ignored; for compatibility with System V versionsof df.
help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
version Print version information on standard output then exit successfully.
GNU FileUtilities
digSend domain name query packetsto name servers
dig [@ser ver ] domai n [<quer y- t ype>][<quer y- cl ass>][+<quer y- opt i on>][<di g- opt i on>]
[%comment ]
dig (domain information groper) isa flexible command-line tool that can be used to gather information from the Domain
Name System servers. dig hastwo modes: simple interactive mode that makesa single query, and batch that executesa query
for each in a list of several query lines. All query optionsare accessible from the command line.
The usual simple use of dig takesthe form:
dig @ser ver domai n quer y- t ype quer y- cl ass
ser ver May be either a domain name or a dot-notation Internet address. If thisoptional field isomitted,
dig will attempt to use the default name server for your machine.
If a domain name isspecified, thiswill be resolved using the domain name system resolver (BIND). If your system doesnot
support DNS, you may have to specify a dot-notation address. Alternatively, if there isa server at your disposal some-
where, all that isrequired isthat /etc/resolv.conf be present and indicate where the default name serversreside, so that
server itself can be resolved. See resolver(5) for information on /etc/resolv.conf.
Changing /etc/resolv.conf will affect the standard resolver library and potentially several programsthat use it.) Asan
option, the user may set the environment variable LOCALRES to name a file which isto be used instead of /etc/resolv.conf
(LOCALRES isspecific to the dig resolver and not referenced by the standard resolver). If the LOCALRES variable isnot set or
the file isnot readable, then /etc/resolv.conf will be used.
domai n The domain name for which you are requesting information. See Options [-x] for a convenient
way to specify inverse addressquery.
Part I: User Commands
quer y- t ype The type of information (DNSquery type) that you are requesting. If omitted, the default isa (T_A
= address). The following typesare recognized:
Type Example Description
a T_A Network address
any T_ANY All/any information about specified domain
mx T_MX Mail exchanger for the domain
ns T_NS Name servers
soa T_SOA Zone of authority record
hinfo T_HINFO Host information
axfr T_AXFR Zone transfer (must ask an authoritative server)
txt T_TXT Arbitrary number of strings
(See RFC 1035 for the complete list.)
quer y- cl ass The network classrequested in the query. If omitted, the default isin (C_IN = Internet). The
following classesare recognized:
in C_IN Internet classdomain
any C_ANY All/any classinformation
(See RFC 1035 for the complete list.)
any can be used to specify a classand/or a type of query. dig will parse the first occurrence of any to mean query-type =
To specify query-class = C_ANY you must either specify any twice, or set query-class using c option. (See Other Op-
tions, next.)
%ignored-comment % isused to include an argument that issimply not parsed. Thismay be useful if running dig in
batch mode. Instead of resolving every @ser ver - domai n- name in a list of queries, you can avoid the
overhead of doing so, and still have the domain name on the command line asa reference.
dig @ mx
<dig opt i on> isused to specify an option that affectsthe operation of dig. The following optionsare currently
available (although not guaranteed to be useful):
x dot - not at i on- addr ess Convenient form to specify inverse addressmapping. Instead of
one can simply use
dig -x
f f i l e File for dig batch mode. The file containsa list of query
specifications(dig command lines) which are to be executed
successively. Linesbeginning with ;, #, or \n are ignored. Other
optionsmay still appear on the command line, and will be in
effect for each batch query.
T t i me Time in secondsbetween start of successive querieswhen running
in batch mode. Can be used to keep two or more batch dig
commandsrunning roughly in sync. Default iszero.
p por t Port number. Query a name server listening to a nonstandard port
number. Default is53.
P[pi ng- st r i ng] After query returns, execute a ping(8) command for response time
comparison. Thisrather unelegantly makesa call to the shell. The
last three linesof statisticsisprinted for the command:
ping sserver_name 56 3
If the optional ping string ispresent, it replacesping s in the
shell command.
t quer y- t ype Specify type of query. May specify either an integer value to be
included in the type field or use the abbreviated mnemonic as
discussed earlier (mx = T_MX).
c quer y- cl ass Specify classof query. May specify either an integer value to be
included in the classfield or use the abbreviated mnemonic as
discussed earlier (in = C_IN).
envsav Thisflag specifiesthat the dig environment (defaults, print options, and so on), after all of the
argumentsare parsed, should be saved to a file to become the default environment. Useful if you do
not like the standard set of defaultsand do not desire to include a large number of optionseach
time dig isused. The environment consistsof resolver state variable flags, timeout, and retriesas
well asthe flagsdetailing dig output (see below). If the shell environment variable LOCALDEF isset to
the name of a file, thisiswhere the default dig environment issaved. If not, the file DiG.env is
created in the current working directory.
LOCALDEF isspecific to the dig resolver, and will not affect operation of the standard resolver library.
Each time dig isexecuted, it looksfor ./DiG.env or the file specified by the shell environment
variable LOCALDEF. If such file existsand isreadable, then the environment isrestored from thisfile
before any argumentsare parsed.
envset Thisflag only affectsbatch query runs. When envset isspecified on a line in a dig batch file, the
dig environment after the argumentsare parsed, becomesthe default environment for the duration
of the batch file, or until the next line which specifiesenvset.
[no]stick Thisflag only affectsbatch query runs. It specifiesthat the dig environment (asread initially or set
by envset switch) isto be restored before each query (line) in a dig batch file. The default nostick
meansthat the dig environment doesnot stick, hence optionsspecified on a single line in a dig
batch file will remain in effect for subsequent lines(that is, they are not restored to the sticky
+<quer y opt i on> + isused to specify an option to be changed in the query packet or to change dig output specifics.
Many of these are the same parametersaccepted by nslookup(8). If an option requiresa parameter,
the form isasfollows:
Most keywordscan be abbreviated. Parsing of the + optionsisvery simplistica value must not be
separated from itskeyword by whitespace. The following keywordsare currently available:
Keyword Abbreviation Meaning(Default)
[no]debug (deb) Turn on/off debugging mode [deb]
[no]d2 Turn on/off extra debugging mode [nod2]
[no]recurse (rec) Use/dont use recursive lookup [rec]
retry=# (ret) Set number of retriesto # [4]
Part I: User Commands
time=# (ti) Set timeout length to # seconds[4]
[no]ko Keep open option (impliesvc) [noko]
[no]vc Use/dont use virtual circuit [novc]
[no]defname (def) Use/dont use default domain name [def]
[no]search (sea) Use/dont use domain search list [sea]
domain=NAME (do) Set default domain name to NAME
[no]ignore (i) Ignore/dont ignore trunc. errors[noi]
[no]primary (pr) Use/dont use primary server [nopr]
[no]aaonly (aa) Authoritative query only flag [noaa]
[no]sort (sor) Sort resource records[nosor]
[no]cmd Echo parsed arguments[cmd]
[no]stats (st) Print query statistics[st]
[no]Header (H) Print basic header [H]
[no]header (he) Print header flags[he]
[no]ttlid (tt) Print TTLs[tt]
[no]cl Print classinfo [nocl]
[no]qr Print outgoing query [noqr]
[no]reply (rep) Print reply [rep]
[no]ques (qu) Print question section [qu]
[no]answer (an) Print answer section [an]
[no]author (au) Print authoritative section [au]
[no]addit (ad) Print additional section [ad]
pfdef Set to default print flags
pfmin Set to minimal default print flags
pfset=# Set print flagsto # (# can be hex/octal/decimal)
pfand=# Bitwise and print flagswith #
pfor=# Bitwise or print flagswith #
The retry and time optionsaffect the retransmission strategy used by resolver library when sending datagram queries. The
algorithm isasfollows:
August 30, 1990
for i = 0 to retry 1
for j = 1 to num_servers
wait((time * (2**i)) / num_servers)
Note that dig alwaysusesa value of 1 for num_servers.
dig once required a slightly modified version of the BIND resolver (3) library. BINDsresolver has(asof BIND 4.9) been
augmented to work properly with dig. Essentially, dig isa straightforward (albeit not pretty) effort of parsing argumentsand
setting appropriate parameters. dig usesresolver routinesres_init(), res_mkquery(), res_send() aswell asaccessing _res
Keyword Abbreviation Meaning(Default)
/etc/resolv.conf Initial domain name and name server addresses
LOCALRES file to use in place of /etc/resolv.conf
LOCALDEF default environment file
Steve Hotz (
dig usesfunctionsfrom nslookup(8) authored by Andrew Cherenson.
dig hasa seriouscase of creeping featurism, the result of considering several potential usesduring itsdevelopment. It would
probably benefit from a rigorousdiet. Similarly, the print flagsand granularity of the itemsthey specify make evident their
rather ad hoc genesis.
dig doesnot consistently exit nicely (with appropriate status) when a problem occurssomewhere in the resolver (Most of the
common exit casesare handled.) Thisisparticularly annoying when running in batch mode. If it exitsabnormally (and isnot
caught), the entire batch aborts; when such an event istrapped, dig simply continueswith the next query.
named(8), resolver(3), resolver(5), nslookup(8)
30 August 1990
dnsqueryQuery domain name serversusing resolver
dnsquery [-n nameser ver ] [-t t ype] [-c cl ass] [-r r et r y] [-p r et r y period]
[-d] [-s] [-v] host
The dnsquery program isa general interface to nameserversvia BIND resolver library calls. The program supportsqueriesto the
nameserver with an opcode of QUERY. Thisprogram isintended to be a replacement or supplement to programslike nstest,
nsquery, and nslookup. All argumentsexcept for host and ns are treated without case-sensitivity.
n The nameserver to be used in the query. Nameserverscan appear aseither Internet addressesof the form
w. x. y. z or can appear asdomain names. (default: asspecified in /etc/resolv.conf)
t The type of resource record of interest. Typesinclude:
A Address
NS Nameserver
CNAME Canonical name
PTR Domain name pointer
SOA Start of authority
Part I: User Commands
WKS Well-known service
HINFO Host information
MINFO Mailbox information
MX Mail exchange
RP Responsible person
MG Mail group member
AFSDB DCE or AFS server
ANY Wildcard
Any case may be used (the default isANY)
c The classof resource recordsof interest. Classesinclude the following:
IN Internet
HS Hesiod
ANY Wildcard
Any case may be used (the default isIN).
-r The number of timesto retry if the nameserver isnot responding. (default: 4)
p Period to wait before timing out. (default: RES_TIMEOUT) options field. (default: any answer)
d Turn on debugging. Thissetsthe RES_DEBUG bit of the resolversoptions field. (default: no debugging)
s Use a stream rather than a packet. Thisusesa TCP stream connection with the nameserver rather than a
UDP datagram. Thissetsthe RES_USEVC bit of the resolversoptionsfield. (default: UDP)
v Synonym for the s flag.
host The name of the host (or domain) of interest.
/etc/resolv.conf To get the default ns and search lists.
<arpa/nameser.h> List of usable RR typesand classes
<resolv.h> List of resolver flags
nslookup(8), nstest(1), nsquery(1), named(8), resolver(5)
If the resolver failsto answer the query and debugging hasnot been turned on, dnsquery will simply print a message like this:
Query failed (rc = 1) : Unknown host
The value of the return code issupplied by h_errno.
Queriesof a classother than IN can have interesting resultssince ordinarily a nameserver only hasa list of root nameservers
for classIN resource records.
Query usesa call to inet_addr() to determine if the argument for the -n option isa valid Internet address. Unfortunately,
inet_addr() seemsto cause a segmentation fault with some (bad) addresses(for example,
Bryan Beecher
10 March 1990
domainnameSet or print domain of current host
domainname [ name ]
domainname printsthe domain name of the current host, from the getdomainname(3) library call. If an argument ispresent and
the effective UID is0, domainname changesthe name of the host, with the setdomainname(2) system call. Thisisusually done at
boot time in the /etc/rc.local script.
getdomainname(3), setdomainname(2), uname(1), uname(2)
LarsWirzeniusby substituting in hostname.c
Linux 0.98, 26 December 1992
dsplitSplit a large file into pieces
dsplit [ size nnn ][i nput _f i l e [ out put _base ]]
dsplit splitsbinary filesinto smaller chunksso that they may be placed on floppy disks.
size nnn Specifiesthe size of each output file, in bytes. The default is1457000, which isenough to will a
1.44MB floppy disk.
i nput _f i l e Specifiesthe name of the file to split up. A indicatesstandard input. The default isstandard
Part I: User Commands
out put _base Specifiesthe name of the output filesto be written. dsplit will append 000, 001, ..., to the
out put _base. The default isdsplit.
Submitted by: David Arnstein (
Posting number: Volume 40, Issue 51
Archive name: dsplit/part01
Environment: MS-DOS, UNIX
Here isa portable binary file splitting program. It readsa binary file and splitsit into pieces. I use thisprogram to put large
binary fileson floppy disks. For thisreason, the default size of the output filesis1,457,000 bytes, which just about fillsup a
1.44MB floppy disk.
Unlike other binary split programsI have seen, dsplit doesnot malloc a huge block of memory. dsplit issuitable for use
under MS-DOS and other primitive operating systems.
(The program came from
Linux 1.1, 5 July1994
duSummarize disk usage
du [abcklsxDLS] [all] [total] [count-links] [summarize] [bytes]
[kilobytes] [one-file-system] [separate-dirs] [dereference]
[dereference-args] [help] [-version] [f i l ename...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of du. du displaysthe amount of disk space used by each argument and for
each subdirectory of directory arguments. The space ismeasured in 1K blocksby default, unlessthe environment variable
POSIXLY_CORRECT isset, in which case 512-byte blocksare used.
a, all Display countsfor all files, not just directories.
b, bytes Print sizesin bytes.
c, total Write a grand total of all of the argumentsafter all argumentshave been processed. Thiscan
be used to find out the disk usage of a directory, with some filesexcluded.
k, kilobytes Print sizesin kilobytes. Thisoverridesthe environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT.
l, count-links Count the size of all files, even if they have appeared already in another hard link.
s, summarize Display only a total for each argument.
x, one-file-system Skip directoriesthat are on different filesystemsfrom the one that the argument being
processed ison.
D, dereference-args Dereference symbolic linksthat are command-line arguments. Doesnot affect other
symbolic links. Thisishelpful for finding out the disk usage of directorieslike /usr/tmp
where they are symbolic links.
L, dereference Dereference symbolic links(show the disk space used by the file or directory that the link
pointsto instead of the space used by the link).
S, separate-dirs Count the size of each directory separately, not including the sizesof subdirectories.
help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
version Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully.
On BSD systems, du reportssizesthat are half the correct valuesfor filesthat are NFS-mounted from HP-UX systems. On
HP-UX systems, it reportssizesthat are twice the correct valuesfor filesthat are NFS-mounted from BSD systems. Thisis
due to a flaw in HP-UX; it also affectsthe HP-UX du program.
GNU FileUtilities
editresA dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applications
editres [ t ool ki t opt i on ... ]
editres acceptsall of the standard X Toolkit command-line options(see X(1)). The order of the command-line optionsisnot
editres isa tool that allowsusersand application developersto view the full widget hierarchy of any X Toolkit application
that speaksthe editres protocol. In addition, editres will help the user construct resource specifications, allow the user to
apply the resource to the application and view the resultsdynamically. Once the user ishappy with a resource specification,
editres will append the resource string to the usersX Resourcesfile.
USING editres
editres providesa window consisting of the following four areas:
Menu Bar A set of pop-up menusthat allow you full accessto editressfeatures.
Panner The panner providesa more intuitive way to scroll the application tree display.
Message Area Displaysinformation to the user about the action that editres expects.
Application Widget Tree Thisarea isused to display the selected applicationswidget tree.
To begin an editres session, select the Get Widget Tree menu item from the Command menu. Thiswill change the pointer
cursor to crosshair. You should now select the application you wish look at by clicking on any of itswindows. If this
application understandsthe editres protocol, editres will display the applicationswidget tree in itstree window. If the
application doesnot understand the editres protocol, editres will inform you of thisfact in the message area after a few
After you have a widget tree, you may select any of the other menu options. The effect of each of these isdescribed in
Commands, next.
Get Widget Tree Allowsthe user to click on any application that speaksthe editres protocol and receive its
widget tree.
Refresh Current Widget Tree editres only knowsabout the widgetsthat exist at the present time. Many applications
create and destroy widgetson the fly. Selecting thismenu item will cause editres to ask the
application to resend itswidget tree, thusupdating itsinformation to the new state of the
For example, xman only createsthe widgetsfor itstopbox when it startsup. None of the
widgetsfor the manual page window are created until the user actually clickson the Manual
Page button. If you retrieved xmanswidget tree before the manual page isactive, you may
wish to refresh the widget tree after the manual page hasbeen displayed. Thiswill allow you
to also edit the manual pagesresources.
Part I: User Commands
Dump Widget Tree to a File When documenting applicationsit isoften useful to be able to dump the entire application
widget tree to an ASCII file. Thisfile can then be included in the manual page. When this
menu item isselected, a pop-up dialog isactivated. Type the name of the file in thisdialog,
and either select Okay, or type a carriage-return. editres will dump the widget tree to this
file. To cancel the file dialog, select the Cancel button.
Show Resource Box Thiscommand will pop up a resource box for the current application. Thisresource box
(described in detail later in thissection) will allow the user to see exactly which resources
can be set for the widget that iscurrently selected in the widget tree display. Only one
widget may be currently selected; if greater or fewer are selected, editres will refuse to pop
up the resource box and put an error message in the Message Area.
Set Resource Thiscommand will pop up a simple dialog box for setting an arbitrary resource on all
selected widgets. You must type in the resource name, aswell asthe value. You can use the
Tab key to switch between the resource name field and the resource value field.
Quit Exitseditres.
The Tree menu containsseveral commandsthat enable operationsto be performed on the widget tree.
Select Widget in Client Thismenu item allowsyou to select any widget in the application; editres will then
highlight the corresponding element the widget tree display. After thismenu item is
selected, the pointer cursor will again turn to a crosshair, and you must click any pointer
button in the widget you wish to have displayed. Since some widgetsare fully obscured by
their children, it isnot possible to get to every widget thisway, but thismechanism does
give very useful feedback between the elementsin the widget tree and those in the actual
Select All, Unselect All, These functionsallow the user to select, unselect, or invert all widgetsin the widget tree.
Invert All
Select Children, These functionsselect the immediate parent or children of each of the currently selected
Select Parents widgets.
Select Descendants, These functionsselect all parentsor children of each of the currently selected widgets. This
Select Ancestors isa recursive search.
Show Widget Names, When the tree widget isinitially displayed, the labelsof each widget in the tree correspond
Show ClassNames, to the widget names. These functionswill cause the label of all widgetsin the tree to be
Show Widget Windows changed to show the classname, IDs, or window associated with each widget in the
application. The widget IDs, and windowsare shown ashex numbers.
In addition, there are keyboard acceleratorsfor each of the Tree operations. If the input
focusisover an individual widget in the tree, then that operation will only affect that
widget. If the input focusisin the Tree background, it will have exactly the same effect as
the corresponding menu item.
The translation entriesshown may be applied to any widget in the application. If that
widget isa child of the Tree widget, then it will only affect that widget; otherwise, it will
have the same effect asthe commandsin the Tree menu.
Flash Active Widgets Thiscommand isthe inverse of the Select Widget in Client command; it will show the user
each widget that iscurrently selected in the widget tree by flashing the corresponding widget
in the application numFlashes (three by default) timesin the flash-Color.
Key Option Translation Entry
space Unselect Select(nothing)
w Select Select(widget)
s Select Select(all)
i Invert Select(invert)
c Select Children Select(children)
d Select Descendants Select(descendants)
p Select Parent Select(parent)
a Select Ancestors Select(ancestors)
N Show Widget Names Relabel(name)
C Show ClassNames Relabel(class)
I Show Widget IDs Relabel(id)
W Show Widget Windows Relabel(window)
T Toggle Widget/ClassName Relabel(toggle)
Clicking button 1 on a widget addsit to the set of selected widgets. Clicking button 2 on a widget deselectsall other widgets
and then selectsjust that widget. Clicking button 3 on a widget togglesitslabel between the widgetsinstance name the
The resource box containsfive different areas. Each of the areas, asthey appear on the screen from top to bottom, are
discussed in the following list:
The Resource Line Thisarea at the top of the resource box showsthe current resource name exactly asit
would appear if you were to save it to a file or apply it.
The Widget Namesand Classes Thisarea enablesyou to select exactly which widgetsthisresource will apply to. The
area containsfour lines; the first containsthe name of the selected widget and all its
ancestors, and the more restrictive dot (.) separator. The second line containsless
specific classnamesof each widget, aswell asthe lessrestrictive star (*) separator.
The third line containsa set of special buttonscalled Any Widget that will generalize
thislevel to match any widget. The last line containsa set of special buttonscalled
Any Widget Chain that will turn the single level into something that matcheszero or
more levels.
The initial state of thisarea isthe most restrictive, using the resource namesand the
dot separator. By selecting the other buttonsin thisarea, you can ease the restrictions
to allow more and more widgetsto match the specification. The extreme case isto
select all the Any Widget Chain buttons, which will match every widget in the
application. Asyou select different buttons, the tree display will update to show you
exactly which widgetswill be affected by the current resource specification.
Normal and Constraint Resources The next area allowsyou to select the name of the normal or constraint resources
you wish to set. Some widgetsmay not have constraint resources, so that area will
not appear.
Resource Value Thisnext area allowsyou to enter the resource value. Thisvalue should be entered
exactly asyou would type a line into your resource file. Thus, it should contain no
unescaped newlines. There are a few special character sequencesfor thisfile:
\n- Thiswill be replaced with a newline.
\###- Where # isany octal digit. Thiswill be replaced with a single
byte that containsthissequence interpreted asan octal
number. For example, a value containing a NULL byte can be
stored by specifying \000.
\<new-line>- Thiswill compressto nothing.
\\- Thiswill compressto a single backslash.
Key Option Translation Entry
Part I: User Commands
Command Area Thisarea containsseveral command buttons, described in the following list:
The Set Save File button allowsthe user to modify file that the resourceswill be
saved to. Thisbutton will bring up a dialog box that will ask you for a filename;
after the filename hasbeen entered, either hit carriage-return or click on the
Okay button. To pop down the dialog box without changing the save file, click
the Cancel button.
The Save button will append the resource line already described to the end of the
current save file. If no save file hasbeen set, the Set Save File dialog box will be
popped up to prompt the user for a filename.
The Apply button attemptsto perform a XtSetValues call on all widgetsthat
match the resource line described earlier. The value specified isapplied directly
to all matching widgets. Thisbehavior isan attempt to give a dynamic feel to the
resource editor. Since thisfeature allowsusersto put an application in statesit
may not be willing to handle, a hook hasbeen provided to allow specific
applicationsto block these SetValues requests. (See Blocking editres Requests,
Unfortunately, due to design constraintsimposed on the widgetsby the X
Toolkit and the Resource Manager, trying to coerce an inherently static system
into dynamic behavior can cause strange results. There isno guarantee that the
resultsof an apply will be the same aswhat will happen when you save the value
and restart the application. Thisfunctionality isprovided to try to give you a
rough feel for what your changeswill accomplish, and the resultsobtained
should be considered suspect at best. Having said that, thisisone of the neatest
featuresof editres, and I strongly suggest that you play with it, and see what it
can do.
The Save and Apply button combinesthe Save and Apply actionsdescribed
earlier into one button.
The Popdown Resource Box button will remove the resource box from the
The editres protocol hasbeen built into the Athena Widget set. Thisallowsall applicationsthat are linked against Xaw to be
able to speak to the resource editor. Although thisprovidesgreat flexibility, and isa useful tool, it can quite easily be abused.
It istherefore possible for any Xaw application to specify a value for the editresBlock resource to keep editres from divulging
information about itsinternals, or to disable the SetValues part of the protocol.
editresBlock (ClassEditresblock) specifieswhich type of blocking thisapplication wishesto impose on the editres protocol.
The accepted valuesare asfollows:
all Block all requests.
setValues Block all SetValues requests. Asthisisthe only editres request that actually modifiesthe application, this
isin effect stating that the application isread-only.
none Allow all editres requests.
Remember that these resourcesare set on any Xaw application, not editres. They allow individual applicationsto keep all or
some of the requestseditres makesfrom ever succeeding. Of course, editres isalso an Xaw application, so it may also be
viewed and modified by editres (rather recursive, I know); these commandscan be blocked by setting the editresBlock
resource on editres itself.
For editres, the available application resourcesare asfollows:
numFlashes (ClassNumFlashes) specifiesthe number of timesthe widgetsin the application will be flashed when the Show
Active Widgetscommand in invoked.
flashTime (ClassFlashTime) specifiesthe mount of time between the flashesdescribed in the preceding entry.
flashColor (ClassflashColor) specifiesthe color used to flash application widgets. A bright color should be used that will
immediately draw your attention to the area being flashed, such asred or yellow.
saveResourcesFile (ClassSaveResourcesFile) isthe file the resource line will be append to when the Save button activated in
the resource box.
In order to specify resources, it isuseful to know the hierarchy of the widgetsthat compose editres. In the following
notation, indentation indicateshierarchical structure. The widget classname isgiven first, followed by the widget instance
Editres editres
Paned paned
Box box
MenuButton commands
SimpleMenu menu
SmeBSB sendTree
SmeBSB refreshTree
SmeBSB dumpTreeToFile
SmeLine line SmeBSB getResourceList
SmeLine line
SmeBSB quit
MenuButton treeCommands
SmeBSB showClientWidget
SmeBSB selectAll
SmeBSB unselectAll
SmeBSB invertAll
SmeLine line
SmeBSB selectChildren
SmeBSB selectParent
SmeBSB selectDescendants
SmeBSB selectAncestors
SmeLine line
SmeBSB showWidgetNames
SmeBSB showClassNames
SmeBSB showWidgetIDs
SmeBSB showWidgetWindows
SmeLine line
SmeBSB flashActiveWidgets
Paned hPane
Panner panner
Label userMessage
Grip grip
Porthole porthole
Tree tree
Toggle <name of widget in application>
TransientShell resourceBox
Paned pane
Label resourceLabel
Form namesAndClasses
Toggle dot
Toggle star
Toggle any
Toggle name
Part I: User Commands
Toggle class
Label namesLabel
List namesList
Label constraintLabel
List constraintList
Form valueForm
Label valueLabel
Text valueText
Box commandBox
Command setFile
Command save
Command apply
Command saveAndApply
Command cancel
Grip grip
Grip grip
DISPLAY To get the default host and display number
XENVIRONMENT To get the name of a resource file that overridesthe global resourcesstored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER
<XRoot>/lib/X11/app-defaults/Editres specifiesrequired resources.
X(1), xrdb(1), Athena Widget Set
Thisisa prototype. There are lotsof nifty featuresI would love to add, but I hope thiswill give you some ideasabout what a
resource editor can do.
ChrisD. Peterson (formerly MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release 6
elvis, ex, vi, view, input
elvis, ex, vi, view, inputThe editor
elvis [f l ags][+cmd][f i l es...]
elvis isa text editor that emulatesvi/ex.
On systemswhich passthe program name asan argument, such asUNIX and Minix, you may also install elvis under the
namesex, vi, view, and input. These extra nameswould normally be linksto elvis; see the ln shell command.
When elvis isinvoked asvi, it behavesexactly asthough it wasinvoked aselvis. However, if you invoke elvis asview, then
the readonly option isset asthough you had given it the -R flag. If you invoke elvis asex, then elvis will start up in the
colon command mode instead of the visual command mode, asthough you had given it the -e flag. If you invoke elvis as
input or edit, then elvis will start up in input mode, asthough the -i flag wasgiven.
-r To the real vi, thisflag meansthat a previousedit should be recovered. elvis, though, hasa
separate program, called elvrec(1), for recovering files. When you invoke elvis with -r, elvis will
tell you to run elvrec.
-R Thissetsthe readonly option, so you wont accidentally overwrite a file.
-s Thissetsthe safer option, which disablesmany potentially harmful commands. It hasnot been
rigorously proven to be absolutely secure, however.
-t t ag Thiscauseselvis to start editing at the given tag.
-m [f i l e] elvis will search through f i l e for something that lookslike an error message from a compiler. It
will then begin editing the source file that caused the error, with the cursor sitting on the line where
the error wasdetected. If you dont explicitly name a file, then errlist isassumed.
-e elvis will start up in colon command mode.
-v elvis will start up in visual command mode.
-i elvis will start up in input mode.
-w winsize Setsthe window optionsvalue to winsize.
+command or -c command If you use the +command parameter, then after the first file isloaded, command isexecuted asan EX
command. A typical example would be elvis +237 foo, which would cause elvis to start editing
foo and then move directly to line 237. The -c command variant wasadded for UNIX SysV
/tmp/elv* During editing, elvis storestext in a temporary file. For UNIX, thisfile will usually be stored in
the /tmp directory, and the first three characterswill be elv. For other systems, the temporary files
may be stored someplace else; see the version-specific section of the documentation.
tags Thisisthe database used by the :tags command and the -t option. It isusually created by the
ctags(1) program.
.exrc or elvis.rc On UNIX-like systems, a file called .exrc in your home directory isexecuted asa seriesof ex
commands. A file by the same name may be executed in the current directory, too. On non-UNIX
systems, .exrc isusually an invalid filename; there, the initialization file iscalled elvis.rc instead.
TERM Thisisthe name of your terminalsentry in the termcap or terminfo database. The list of legal
valuesvariesfrom one system to another.
TERMCAP Optional. If your system usestermcap, and the TERMCAP variable isunset, then elvis will read your
terminalsdefinition from /etc/termcap. If TERMCAP isset to the full pathname of a file (starting with
a /) then elvis will look in the named file instead of /etc/termcap. If TERMCAP isset to a value which
doesnt start with a /, then itsvalue isassumed to be the full termcap entry for your terminal.
TERMINFO Optional. If your system usesterminfo, and the TERMINFO variable isunset, then elvis will read your
terminalsdefinition from the database in the /usr/lib/terminfo database. If TERMINFO isset, then its
value isused asthe database name to use instead of /usr/lib/terminfo.
LINES, COLUMNS Optional. These variables, if set, will override the screen size valuesgiven in the termcap/terminfo
for your terminal. On windowing systemssuch asX, elvis hasother waysof determining the
screen size, so you should probably leave these variablesunset.
EXINIT Optional. Thisvariable can hold EX commandswhich will be executed instead of the .exrc file in
your home directory.
eluis, ex, vi, niew, input
Part I: User Commands
SHELL Optional. The SHELL variable setsthe default value for the shell option, which determineswhich
shell program isused to perform wildcard expansion in filenames, and also which isused to execute
filtersor external programs. The default value on UNIX systemsis/bin/sh.
Note: Under MS-DOS, thisvariable iscalled COMSPEC instead of SHELL.
HOME Thisvariable should be set to the name of your home directory. elvis looksfor itsinitialization file
there; if HOME isunset, then the initialization file will not be executed.
TAGPATH Optional. Thisvariable isused by the ref program, which isinvoked by the shift-K, control-],
and :tag commands. See ref for more information.
TMP, TEMP These optional environment variablesare only used in non-UNIX versionsof elvis. They allow
you to supply a directory name to be used for storing temporary files.
ctags(1), ref(1), elvprsv(1), elvrec(1)
ElvisA Cloneof Vi/Ex, the complete elvis documentation.
There isno Lisp support. Certain other featuresare missing, too.
Auto-indent mode isnot quite compatible with the real vi. Among other things, 0D and D dont do what you might
Long linesare displayed differently. The real vi wrapslong linesonto multiple rowsof the screen, but elvis scrollssideways.
Steve Kirkendall (
Many other people have worked to port elvis to variousoperating systems. To see who deservescredit, run the :version
command from within elvis, or look in the system-specific section of the complete documentation.
elvprsvPreserve the modified version of a file after a crash
elvprsv [why elvis died] /tmp/f i l ename...
elvprsv -R /tmp/f i l ename...
elvprsv preservesyour edited text after elvis dies. The text can be recovered later, via the elvprsv program.
For UNIX-like systems, you should never need to run thisprogram from the command line. It isrun automatically when
elvis isabout to die, and it should be run (via /etc/rc) when the computer isbooted. THATS ALL!
For non-UNIX systemssuch asMS-DOS or VMS, you can either use elvprsv the same way asunder UNIX systems(by
running it from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file), or you can run it separately with the -R flag to recover the filesin one step.
If youre editing a file when elvis dies(due to a bug, system crash, power failure, and so on), then elvprsv will preserve the
most recent version of your text. The preserved text isstored in a special directory; it doesnot overwrite your text file
automatically. (If the preservation directory hasnt been set up correctly, then elvprsv will simply send you a mail message
describing how to manually run elvprsv.)
elvprsv will send mail to any user whose work it preserves, if your operating system normally supportsmail.
/tmp/elv* The temporary file that elvis wasusing when it died.
/usr/preserve/p* The text that ispreserved by elvprsv.
/usr/preserve/Index A text file which liststhe namesof all preserved files, and the namesof the /usr/preserve/p* files
that contain their preserved text.
Due to the permissionson the /usr/preserve directory, on UNIX systemselvprsv must be run assuperuser. Thisis
accomplished by making the elvprsv executable be owned by root and turning on itsset user id bit.
If youre editing a namelessbuffer when elvis dies, then elvprsv will pretend that the file wasnamed foo.
Steve Kirkendall (
elvrec Recover the modified version of a file after a crash
elvrec [pr eser vedf i l e [newf i l e]]
If youre editing a file when elvis dies, the system crashes, or power fails, the most recent version of your text will be
preserved. The preserved text isstored in a special directory; it doesnot overwrite your text file automatically.
The elvrec program locatesthe preserved version of a given file, and writesit over the top of your text fileor to a new file,
if you prefer. The recovered file will have nearly all of your changes.
To see a list of all recoverable files, run elvrec with no arguments.
If you havent set up a directory for file preservation, youll have to manually run the elvprsv program instead of elvrec.
/usr/preserve/p* The text that waspreserved when elvis died.
/usr/preserve/Index A text file that liststhe namesof all preserved files, and the namesof the /usr/preserve/p* filesthat
contain their preserved text.
elvrec isvery picky about filenames. You must tell it to recover the file using exactly the same pathname aswhen you were
editing it. The simplest way to do thisisto go into the same directory that you were editing, and invoke elvrec with the
same filename aselvis. If that doesnt work, then try running elvrec with no arguments, to see exactly which pathname it is
using for the desired file.
Due to the permissionson the /usr/preserve directory, on UNIX systemselvrec must be run assuperuser. Thisis
accomplished by making the elvrec executable be owned by root and setting itsset user id bit.
If youre editing a namelessbuffer when elvis dies, then elvrec will pretend that the file wasnamed foo.
Part I: User Commands
Steve Kirkendall (
emacsGNU project emacs
emacs [ command-line switches ] [ f i l es ... ]
GNU emacs isa version of emacs, written by the author of the original (PDP-10) emacs, Richard Stallman.
The primary documentation of GNU emacs isin the GNU EmacsManual, which you can read online using info, a
subsystem of emacs. Please look there for complete and up-to-date documentation. Thisman page isupdated only when
someone volunteersto do so; the emacs maintainers priority goal isto minimize the amount of time thisman page takes
away from other more useful projects.
The user functionality of GNU emacs encompasseseverything other emacs editorsdo, and it iseasily extensible since its
editing commandsare written in Lisp.
emacs hasan extensive interactive help facility, but the facility assumesthat you know how to manipulate emacs windowsand
buffers. Ctrl+h (backspace or Ctrl+h) entersthe Help facility. Help Tutorial (Ctrl+h t) requestsan interactive tutorial that
can teach beginnersthe fundamentalsof emacs in a few minutes. Help Apropos(Ctrl+h a) helpsyou find a command given
itsfunctionality, Help Character (Ctrl+h c) describesa given characterseffect, and Help Function (Ctrl+h f) describesa
given Lisp function specified by name.
emacssUndo can undo several stepsof modification to your buffers, so it iseasy to recover from editing mistakes.
GNU emacssmany special packageshandle mail reading (RMail) and sending (Mail), outline editing (Outline), compiling
(Compile), running subshellswithin emacs windows(Shell), running a Lisp read-eval-print loop (Lisp-Interaction-Mode), and
automated psychotherapy (Doctor).
There isan extensive reference manual, but usersof other emacsesshould have little trouble adapting even without a copy.
Usersnew to emacs will be able to use basic featuresfairly rapidly by studying the tutorial and using the self-documentation
The following optionsare of general interest:
f i l e Edit f i l e.
+number Go to the line specified by number (do not insert a space between the + sign and the number).
q Do not load an init file.
u user Load usersinit file.
t f i l e Use specified file asthe terminal instead of using stdin/stdout. Thismust be the first argument specified
in the command line.
The following optionsare Lisp-oriented (these optionsare processed in the order encountered):
f f unct i on Execute the Lisp function f unct i on.
l f i l e Load the Lisp code in the file f i l e.
The following optionsare useful when running emacs asa batch editor:
batch Edit in batch mode. The editor will send messagesto stdout. Thisoption must be the first in the
argument list. You must use -l and -f optionsto specify filesto execute and functionsto call.
kill Exit emacs while in batch mode.
emacs hasbeen tailored to work well with the X Window System. If you run emacs from under X windows, it will create its
own X window to display in. You will probably want to start the editor asa background processso that you can continue
using your original window.
emacs can be started with the following X switches:
rn name Specifiesthe program name which should be used when looking up defaultsin the
usersX resources. Thismust be the first option specified in the command line.
name name Specifiesthe name that should be assigned to the emacs window.
-r Display the emacs window in reverse video.
-i Use the kitchen sink bitmap icon when iconifying the emacs window.
font f ont , fn f ont Set the emacs windowsfont to that specified by font. You will find the variousX
fontsin the /usr/lib/X11/fonts directory. Note that emacs will only accept fixed
width fonts. Under the X11 Release 4 font-naming conventions, any font with the
value m or c in the eleventh field of the font name isa fixed width font. Furthermore,
fontswhose name are of the form widthheight are generally fixed width, asisthe
font fixed. See xlsfonts(1) for more information.
When you specify a font, be sure to put a space between the switch and the font
b pi xel s Set the emacs windowsborder width to the number of pixelsspecified by pixels.
Defaultsto one pixel on each side of the window.
ib pi xel s Set the windowsinternal border width to the number of pixelsspecified by pi xel s.
Defaultsto one pixel of padding on each side of the window.
geometry geomet r y Set the emacs windowswidth, height, and position asspecified. The geomet r y
specification isin the standard uformat; see X(1) for more information. The width
and height are specified in characters; the default is80 by 24.
fg col or On color displays, setsthe color of the text. See the file /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt for a
list of valid color names.
bg col or On color displays, setsthe color of the windowsbackground.
bd col or On color displays, setsthe color of the windowsborder.
cr col or On color displays, setsthe color of the windowstext cursor.
ms col or On color displays, setsthe color of the windowsmouse cursor.
d di spl ayname, display di spl ayname Create the emacs window on the display specified by di spl ayname. Must be the first
option specified in the command line.
nw Tellsemacs not to use itsspecial interface to X. If you use thisswitch when invoking
emacs from an xterm(1) window, display isdone in that window. Thismust be the
first option specified in the command line.
You can set X default valuesfor your emacs windowsin your Xresources file; see xrdb(1). Use the following format:
emacs.keywor d:val ue
where val ue specifiesthe default value of keywor d. emacs letsyou set default valuesfor the following keywords:
font (classFont) Setsthe windowstext font.
reverseVideo (classReverseVideo) If reverseVideosvalue isset to on, the window will be displayed in reverse video.
bitmapIcon (classBitmapIcon) If bitmapIconsvalue isset to on, the window will iconify into the kitchen sink.
borderWidth (classBorderWidth) Setsthe windowsborder width in pixels.
internalBorder (classBorderWidth) Setsthe windowsinternal border width in pixels.
foreground (classForeground) For color displays, setsthe windowstext color.
background (classBackground) For color displays, setsthe windowsbackground color.
borderColor (classBorderColor) For color displays, setsthe color of the windowsborder.
Part I: User Commands
cursorColor (classForeground) For color displays, setsthe color of the windowstext cursor.
pointerColor (classForeground) For color displays, setsthe color of the windowsmouse cursor.
geometry (classGeometry) Setsthe geometry of the emacs window.
title (classTitle) Setsthe title of the emacs window.
iconName (classTitle) Setsthe icon name for the emacs window icon.
If you try to set color valueswhile using a black-and-white display, the windowscharacteristicswill default asfollows: The
foreground color will be set to black, the background color will be set to white, the border color will be set to gray, and the
text and mouse cursorswill be set to black.
The following liststhe mouse button bindingsfor the emacs window under X11.
MouseButton Function
left Set point.
middle Paste text.
right Cut text into X cut buffer.
Shift+middle Cut text into X cut buffer.
Shift+right Paste text.
Ctrl+middle Cut text into X cut buffer and kill it.
Ctrl+right Select thiswindow, then split it into two windows. Same astyping Ctrl+x 2.
Ctrl+Shift+left X buffer menu; hold the buttonsand keysdown, wait for menu to appear, select buffer, and
release. Move mouse out of menu and release to cancel.
Ctrl+Shift+middle X help menu; pop up index card menu for emacs help.
Ctrl+Shift+right Select window with mouse, and delete all other windows. Same astyping Ctrl+x 1.
You can order printed copiesof the GNU EmacsManual from the Free Software Foundation, which developsGNU
software. See the file ORDERS for ordering information.
Your local emacs maintainer might also have copiesavailable. Aswith all software and publicationsfrom FSF, everyone is
permitted to make and distribute copiesof the emacs manual. The TeX source to the manual isalso included in the emacs
source distribution.
/usr/local/info Filesfor the info documentation browser (a subsystem of emacs) to
refer to. Currently not much of UNIX isdocumented here, but the
complete text of the emacs reference manual isincluded in a
convenient tree structured form.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/src C source filesand object files.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/lisp Lisp source filesand compiled filesthat define most editing com-
mands. Some are preloaded; othersare autoloaded from thisdirectory
when used.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/etc Variousprogramsthat are used with GNU emacs, and some filesof
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/etc/DOC.* Containsthe documentation stringsfor the Lisp primitivesand
preloaded Lisp functionsof GNU emacs. They are stored here to
reduce the size of emacs proper.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/etc/DIFF DiscussesGNU emacs versusTwenex emacs.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/etc/CCADIFF DiscussesGNU emacs versusCCA emacs.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/etc/GOSDIFF DiscussesGNU emacs versusGosling emacs.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/etc/SERVICE Listspeople offering variousservicesto assist usersof GNU emacs,
including education, troubleshooting, porting, and customization.
These filesalso have information useful to anyone wanting to write
programsin the emacsLisp extension language, which hasnot yet
been fully documented.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/lock Holdslock filesthat are made for all filesbeing modified in emacs, to
prevent simultaneousmodification of one file by two users.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/$ARCHITECTURE/cpp The GNU cpp, needed for building emacs on certain versionsof
UNIX where the standard cpp cannot handle long namesfor macros.
/usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt List of valid X color names.
There isa mailing list, on the Internet (ucbvax!!bug-gnu-emacs on
UUCPnet), for reporting emacs bugsand fixes. But before reporting something asa bug, please try to be sure that it really isa
bug, not a misunderstanding or a deliberate feature. We ask you to read the section Reporting emacs Bugs near the end of
the reference manual (or info system) for hintson how and when to report bugs. Also, include the version number of the
emacs you are running in every bug report that you send in.
Do not expect a personal answer to a bug report. The purpose of reporting bugsisto get them fixed for everyone in the next
release, if possible. For personal assistance, look in the SERVICE file for a list of people who offer it.
Please do not send anything but bug reportsto thismailing list. Send requeststo be added to mailing liststo the special list (or the corresponding UUCP address). For more information about emacs mailing
lists, see the file /usr/local/emacs/etc/MAILINGLISTS. Bugstend actually to be fixed if they can be isolated, so it isin your
interest to report them in such a way that they can be easily reproduced.
One bug that I know about: Shell will not work with programsrunning in Raw mode on some UNIX versions.
emacs isfree; anyone may redistribute copiesof emacs to anyone under the termsstated in the emacs General Public License, a
copy of which accompanieseach copy of emacs and which also appearsin the reference manual.
Copiesof emacs may sometimesbe received packaged with distributionsof UNIX systems, but it isnever included in the
scope of any license covering those systems. Such inclusion violatesthe termson which distribution ispermitted. In fact, the
primary purpose of the General Public License isto prohibit anyone from attaching any other restrictionsto redistribution
of emacs.
Richard Stallman encouragesyou to improve and extend emacs, and urgesthat you contribute your extensionsto the GNU
library. Eventually GNU (GNUsNot UNIX) will be a complete replacement for Berkeley UNIX. Everyone will be free to
use, copy, study, and change the GNU system.
X(1), xlsfonts(1), xterm(1), xrdb(1)
emacs waswritten by Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation. Joachim Martillo and Robert Krawitz added the X
19 April 1994
Part I: User Commands
emacstoolRun emacs under Sun windowswith function key and mouse support.
emacstool [{window_args} {-rc run_command_path} args ... ]
In /.suntools or /.rootmenu, include a line like this:
Emacstool emacstool -WI emacs.icon -f emacstool-init
emacstool createsa SunView frame and a tty subwindow within which mouse eventsand function keysare translated to
ASCII sequencesthat emacs can parse. The translated input eventsare sent to the processrunning in the tty subwindow,
which istypically GNU emacs. emacstool thereby allowsGNU emacs usersto make full use of the mouse and function keys.
GNU emacs can be loaded with functionsto interpret the mouse and function-key eventsto make a truly fine screen-oriented
editor for the Sun Workstation.
GNU emacs hasa special interface to the X Window System aswell. The X Window System hasmany technical advan-
tages, it isan industry standard, and it isalso free software. The Free Software Foundation urgesyou to try X Windows,
and distributesa free copy of X on emacs distribution tapes.
Function keysare translated to a sequence of the form ^X*[a-o][lrt]. The last character isl, r, or t, corresponding to
whether the key isamong the Left, Right, or Top function keys. The third character indicateswhich button of the group was
pressed. Thus, the function key in the lower-right corner will transmit the sequence ^X*or. In addition, the [lrt] isaffected
by the Control, Meta, and Shift keys. Unshifted Ctrl keyswill be nonalphabetic: C-l is [,], C-r is[2], C-t is[4].
Mouse buttonsare encoded asX@([124] x y)\n. X@ isthe standard GNU emacs mouse event prefix; it isfollowed by a list
indicating the button pressed and the character row and column of the point in the window where the mouse cursor is, and
followed by a newline character. In GNU emacs, the X@ dispatchesto a mouse event handler which then readsthe following
emacstool supportsall the standard window arguments, including font and icon specifiers.
By default, emacstool runsthe program emacs in the created subwindow. The value of the environment variable EMACSTOOL
can be used to override thisif your version of emacs isnot accessible on your search path by the name emacs. In addition, the
run command can be set by the pathname following the last occurrence of the rc flag. Thisisconvenient for using emacstool
to run on remote machines.
All other command-line argumentsnot used by the window system are passed asargumentsto the program that runsin the
emacstool window.
For example,
local% (emacstool -rc rlogin remote -8 &)&
will create an emacstool window logged in to a machine named remote. If emacs isrun from thiswindow, emacstool will
encode mouse and function keys, and send them to rlogin. If emacs isrun from thisshell on the remote machine, it will see
the mouse and function keysproperly. However, since the remote host doesnot have accessto the screen, the cursor cannot
be changed, menuswill not appear, and the selection buffer (STUFF) islimited.
The GNU emacs fileslisp/term/sun.el, lisp/sun-mouse.el, lisp/sun-fns.el, and src/sunfns.c provide emacs support
for the emacstool and function keys. emacstool will automatically set the TERM environment variable to be sun and unset
the environment variable TERMCAP. That is, these variableswill not be inherited from the shell that startsemacstool. Since the
terminal type isSUN (that is, the environment variable TERM isset to SUN), emacs will automatically load the file lisp/term/sun.
This, in turn, will ensure that sun-mouse.el isautoloaded when any mouse eventsare detected. It issuggested that sun-mouse
and sun-fns be loaded in your site-init.el file, so that they will alwaysbe loaded when running on a Sun workstation.
In addition, emacstool setsthe environment variable IN_EMACSTOOL = t. Lisp code in your /.emacs can use (getenv
IN_EMACSTOOL) to determine whether to do emacstool-specific initialization. Sun.el usesthisto automatically call emacstool-
init if (getenv IN_EMACSTOOL) isdefined.
The file src/sunfns.c definesseveral useful functionsfor emacs on the Sun. Among these are proceduresto pop up SunView
menus, put and get from the SunView STUFF buffer, and a procedure for changing the cursor icon. If you want to define or
edit cursor icons, there isa rudimentary mouse-driven icon editor in the file lisp/sun-cursors.el. Try invoking (sc:edit-
It takesa few millisecondsto create a menu before it popsup.
emacs(1), .../etc/SUN-SUPPORT, .../lisp/term/sun.el
etagsGenerate tag file for emacs
ctagsGenerate tag file for vi
etags [ aCDSVH] [ i f i l e ][o t agf i l e ]
[ --c++ ] [ --nodefines] [ --ignoreindentation ] [ --help ] [ --version ]
[ --include=f i l e ] [ --output=t agf i l e ] [ --append ] f i l e ...
ctags [ aCdSVH] [ BtTuvwx ] [ o t agf i l e ]
[ --c++ ] [ --defines ] [ --ignoreindentation ]
[ --backwardsearch] [ --forwardsearch ] [ --typedefs ] [ --typedefsandc++]
[ --nowarn ] [ --cxref ] [ --help ] [ --version ]
[ --output=t agf i l e ] [ --append ] [ --update ] f i l e ...
The etags program isused to create a tag table file, in a format understood by emacs(1); the ctags program isused to create a
similar table in a format understood by vi(1) . Both formsof the program understand the syntax of C, FORTRAN, Pascal,
LaTeX, Scheme, emacs Lisp/Common Lisp, and most assemblerlike syntaxes. Both formsread the filesspecified on the
command line, and write a tag table (defaults: TAGS for etags, tags for ctags) in the current working directory. The programs
recognize the language used in an input file based on itsfilename and contents; there are no switchesfor specifying the
Part I: User Commands
Some optionsmake sense only for the vi-style tag filesproduced by ctags; etags doesnot recognize them. The programs
accept unambiguousabbreviationsfor long option names.
a, --append Append to existing tag file. (For vi-format tag files, see also --update.)
B, --backwardsearch Tag fileswritten in the format expected by vi contain regular expression search instructions;
the B option writesthem using the delimiter ?, to search backwardsthrough files. The
default isto use the delimiter / to search forwardsthrough files. Only ctags acceptsthis
C, --c++ Treat fileswith .c and .h extensionsasC++ code, not C code. Fileswith .C, .H, .cxx, .hxx,
or .cc extensionsare alwaysassumed to be C++ code.
d, --defines Create tag entriesfor C preprocessor definitions, too. Thisisthe default behavior for etags,
so thisoption isonly accepted by ctags.
D, --nodefines Do not create tag entriesfor C preprocessor definitions. Thismay make the tagsfile much
smaller if many header filesare tagged. Thisisthe default behavior for ctags, so thisoption
isonly accepted by etags.
-i file, --include=f i l e Include a note in tag file indicating that, when searching for a tag, one should also consult
the tagsfile f i l e after checking the current file. Only etags acceptsthisoption.
o tagfile, --output=t agf i l e Explicit name of file for tag table; overridesdefault TAGS or tags. (But ignored with v or
S, --ignoreindentation Dont rely on indentation asmuch aswe normally do. Currently, thismeansnot to assume
that a closing brace in the first column isthe final brace of a function or structure definition
in C and C++.
t, --typedefs Record typedefs in C code astags. Since thisisthe default behavior of etags, only ctags
T, --typedefsandc++ Generate tag entriesfor typedefs, struct, enum, and union tags, and C++ member functions.
Since thisisthe default behavior of etags, only ctags acceptsthisoption.
u, --update Update tag entriesfor filesspecified on command line, leaving tag entriesfor other filesin
place. Currently, thisisimplemented by deleting the existing entriesfor the given filesand
then rewriting the new entriesat the end of the tagsfile. It isoften faster to simply rebuild
the entire tag file than to use this. Only ctags acceptsthisoption.
v, --vgrind Instead of generating a tag file, write index (in vgrind format) to standard output. Only
ctags acceptsthisoption.
w, --nowarn Suppresswarning messagesabout duplicate entries. The etags program doesnot check for
duplicate entries, so thisoption isnot allowed with it.
x, --cxref Instead of generating a tag file, write a cross-reference (in cxref format) to standard output.
Only ctags acceptsthisoption.
H, --help Print usage information.
V, --version Print the current version of the program (same asthe version of the emacs etags isshipped
emacs entry in info; GNU EmacsManual, Richard Stallman.
cxref(1), emacs(1), vgrind(1), vi(1).
Copyright 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof this
manual provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
GNU Tools, 19 April 1994
expandConvert tabsto spaces
expand [t ab1[,t ab2[,...]]] [t t ab1[,t ab2[,...]]] [i] [tabs=t ab1[,t ab2[,...]]]
[--initial] [--help] [--version] [f i l e...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of expand. expand writesthe contentsof each given file, or the standard input
if none are given or when a file named isgiven, to the standard output, with tab charactersconverted to the appropriate
number of spaces. By default, expand convertsall tabsto spaces. It preservesbackspace charactersin the output; they
decrement the column count for tab calculations. The default action isequivalent to 8 (set tabsevery 8 columns).
, t, --tabs t ab1[,t ab2[,...]] If only one tab stop isgiven, set the tabst ab1 spacesapart instead of the default 8.
Otherwise, set the tabsat columns t ab1, t ab2, and so forth (numbered from 0) and
replace any tabsbeyond the tab stopsgiven with single spaces. If the tab-stopsare
specified with the t or --tabs option, they can be separated by blanksaswell asby
-i, --initial Only convert initial tabs(those that precede all nonspace or tab characters) on each
line to spaces.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
--version Print version information on standard output then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
findSearch for filesin a directory hierarchy
find [path...] [expr essi on]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of find. find searchesthe directory tree rooted at each given filename by
evaluating the given expression from left to right, according to the rulesof precedence (see Operators, later in thismanual
page), until the outcome isknown (the left side isFalse for AND operations, True for OR), at which point find moveson to the
next filename.
The first argument that beginswith , (, ), ,, or ! istaken to be the beginning of the expression; any argumentsbefore it are
pathsto search, and any argumentsafter it are the rest of the expression. If no pathsare given, the current directory isused. If
no expression isgiven, the expression print isused.
find exitswith status0 if all filesare processed successfully, greater than 0 if errorsoccur.
Part I: User Commands
The expression ismade up of options(which affect overall operation rather than the processing of a specific file, and always
return True), tests(which return a True or False value), and actions(which have side effectsand return a True or False value),
all separated by operators. and isassumed where the operator isomitted. If the expression containsno actionsother than
prune, print isperformed on all filesfor which the expression istrue.
All optionsalwaysreturn True. They alwaystake effect, rather than being processed only when their place in the expression is
reached. Therefore, for clarity, it isbest to place them at the beginning of the expression.
daystart Measure times(for amin, atime, cmin, ctime, mmin, and mtime) from the beginning of today
rather than from 24 hoursago.
depth Processeach directoryscontentsbefore the directory itself.
follow Dereference symbolic links. Impliesnoleaf.
help, help Print a summary of the command-line usage of find and exit.
maxdepth l evel s Descend at most l evel s (a nonnegative integer) levelsof directoriesbelow the command-line
arguments. maxdepth 0 meansonly apply the testsand actionsto the command-line arguments.
mindepth l evel s Do not apply any testsor actionsat levelslessthan l evel s (a nonnegative integer). mindepth 1
meansprocessall filesexcept the command-line arguments.
mount Dont descend directorieson other filesystems. An alternate name for xdev, for compatibility with
some other versionsof find.
noleaf Do not optimize by assuming that directoriescontain two fewer subdirectoriesthan their hard link
count. Thisoption isneeded when searching filesystemsthat do not follow the UNIX directory-
link convention, such asCD-ROM or MS-DOSfilesystemsor AFS volume mount points. Each
directory on a normal UNIX filesystem hasat least 2 hard links: itsname and its. entry. Addition-
ally, itssubdirectories(if any) each have a .. entry linked to that directory. When find isexamining
a directory, after it hasstatted two fewer subdirectoriesthan the directoryslink count, it knows
that the rest of the entriesin the directory are nondirectories(leaf filesin the directory tree). If
only the files namesneed to be examined, there isno need to stat them; thisgivesa significant
increase in search speed.
version, version Print the find version number and exit.
xdev Dont descend directorieson other filesystems.
Numeric argumentscan be specified as
+n Greater than n.
n Lessthan n.
n Exactly n.
amin n File waslast accessed n minutesago.
anewer f i l e File waslast accessed more recently than f i l e wasmodified. anewer isaffected by follow only if
follow comesbefore anewer on the command line.
atime n File waslast accessed n*24 hoursago.
cmin n Filesstatuswaslast changed n minutesago.
cnewer f i l e Filesstatuswaslast changed more recently than file wasmodified. cnewer isaffected by follow
only if follow comesbefore cnewer on the command line.
ctime n Filesstatuswaslast changed n*24 hoursago.
empty File isempty and iseither a regular file or a directory.
false Alwaysfalse.
fstype t ype File ison a filesystem of type t ype. The valid filesystem typesvary among different versionsof
UNIX; an incomplete list of filesystem typesthat are accepted on some version of UNIX or another
is: ufs, 4.2, 4.3, nfs, tmp, mfs, S51K, S52K. You can use printf with the %F directive to see the types
of your filesystems.
gid n Filesnumeric group ID isn.
group gname File belongsto group gname (numeric group ID allowed).
ilname pat t er n Like lname, but the match iscase-insensitive.
iname pat t er n Like name, but the match iscase-insensitive. For example, the patternsfo* and F?? match the
filenamesFoo, FOO, foo, fOo, and so on.
inum n File hasinode number n.
ipath pat t er n Like path, but the match iscase-insensitive.
iregex pat t er n Like regex, but the match iscase-insensitive.
links n File hasn links.
lname pat t er n File isa symbolic link whose contentsmatch shell pattern pat t er n. The meta charactersdo not treat
/ or . specially.
mmin n Filesdata waslast modified n minutesago.
mtime n Filesdata waslast modified n*24 hoursago.
name pat t er n Base of filename (the path with the leading directoriesremoved) matchesshell pattern pattern. The
meta characters(*, ?, and []) do not match a . at the start of the base name. To ignore a directory
and the filesunder it, use prune; see an example in the description of path.
newer f i l e File wasmodified more recently than file. newer isaffected by follow only if follow comesbefore
newer on the command line.
nouser No user correspondsto filesnumeric user ID.
nogroup No group correspondsto filesnumeric group ID.
path pat t er n Filename matchesshell pattern pattern. The meta charactersdo not treat / or . specially; so, for
find . path ./sr*sc
will print an entry for a directory called ./src/misc (if one exists). To ignore a whole directory tree,
use prune rather than checking every file in the tree. For example, to skip the directory src/emacs
and all filesand directoriesunder it, and print the namesof the other filesfound, do something like
find . path ./src/emacs -prune -o -print
perm mode Filespermission bitsare exactly mode (octal or symbolic). Symbolic modesuse mode 0 asa point
of departure.
perm mode All of the permission bitsmode are set for the file.
perm +mode Any of the permission bitsmode are set for the file.
regex pat t er n Filename matchesregular expression pattern. Thisisa match on the whole path, not a search. For
example, to match a file named ./fubar3, you can use the regular expression .*bar. or .*b.*3, but
not b.*r3.
size n[bckw] File usesn unitsof space. The unitsare 512-byte blocksby default or if b followsn, bytesif c
followsn, kilobytesif k followsn, or 2-byte wordsif w followsn. The size doesnot count indirect
blocks, but it doescount blocksin sparse filesthat are not actually allocated.
true Alwaystrue.
type c File isof type c. Possible types:
b Block (buffered) special
c Character (unbuffered) special
d Directory
p Named pipe (FIFO)
Part I: User Commands
f Regular file l symbolic link
s Socket
uid n Filesnumeric user ID isn.
used n File waslast accessed n daysafter itsstatuswaslast changed.
user uname File isowned by user uname (numeric user ID allowed).
xtype c The same astype unlessthe file isa symbolic link. For symbolic links: if follow hasnot been
given, True if the file isa link to a file of type c; if follow hasbeen given, True if c isl. In other
words, for symbolic links, xtype checksthe type of the file that type doesnot check.
exec command; Execute command; True if 0 statusisreturned. All following argumentsto find are taken to be
argumentsto the command until an argument consisting of ; isencountered. The string {} is
replaced by the current filename being processed everywhere it occursin the argumentsto the
command, not just in argumentswhere it isalone, asin some versionsof find. Both of these
constructionsmight need to be escaped (with a \) nor quoted to protect them from expansion by
the shell. The command isexecuted in the starting directory.
fls f i l e True; like ls but write to f i l e like fprint.
fprint f i l e True; print the full filename into file f i l e. If f i l e doesnot exist when find isrun, it iscreated; if it
doesexist, it istruncated. The filenames/dev/stdout and /dev/stderr are handled specially; they
refer to the standard output and standard error output, respectively.
fprint0 f i l e True; like print0 but write to file like fprint.
fprintf f i l e f or mat True; like printf but write to file like fprint.
ok command; Like exec but ask the user first (on the standard input); if the response doesnot start with y or Y,
do not run the command, and return False.
print True; print the full filename on the standard output, followed by a newline.
print0 True; print the full filename on the standard output, followed by a null character. Thisallows
filenamesthat contain newlinesto be correctly interpreted by programsthat processthe find
printf f or mat True; print format on the standard output, interpreting n escapesand % directives. Field widthsand
precisionscan be specified aswith the printf C function. Unlike print, printf doesnot add a
newline at the end of the string. The escapesand directivesare asfollows:
\a Alarm bell
\b Backspace
\c Stop printing from thisformat immediately and flush the output
\f Form feed
\n Newline
\r Carriage return
\t Horizontal tab
\v Vertical tab
\\ A literal backslash (\)
A \ character followed by any other character istreated asan ordinary character, so they both are
%% A literal percent sign.
%a Fileslast accesstime in the format returned by the C ctime function.
%Ak Fileslast accesstime in the format specified by k, which iseither @ or a directive for the C
strftime function. The possible valuesfor k are listed below; some of them might not be
available on all systems, due to differencesin strftime between systems.
@secondssince Jan. 1, 1970, 00:00 GMT.
H Hour (00..23)
I Hour (01..12)
k Hour (0..23)
l Hour (1..12)
M Minute (00..59)
p Localesa.m. or p.m.
r Time, 12-hour (hh:mm:ss [AP]M)
u Second (00..61)
T Time, 24-hour (hh:mm:ss)
X Localestime representation (H:M:S)
Z Time zone (for example, EDT), or nothing if no time zone is
a Localesabbreviated weekday name (Sun..Sat)
A Localesfull weekday name, variable length (Sunday..Saturday)
b Localesabbreviated month name (Jan..Dec)
B Localesfull month name, variable length (January.. December)
c Localesdate and time (Sat Nov 04 12:02:33 EST 1989)
d Day of month (01..31)
D Date (mm/dd/yy)
h Same asb
j Day of year (001..366)
m Month (01..12)
U Week number of year with Sunday asfirst day of week (00..53)
w Day of week (0..6)
W Week number of year with Monday asfirst day of week (00..53)
x Localesdate representation (mm/dd/yy)
y Last two digitsof year (00..99)
Y Year (1970...)
%b Filessize in 512-byte blocks(rounded up).
%c Fileslast statuschange time in the format returned by the C ctime function.
%Ck Fileslast statuschange time in the format specified by k, which isthe same asfor %A.
%d Filesdepth in the directory tree; 0 meansthe file isa command-line argument.
%f Filesname with any leading directoriesremoved (only the last element).
%F Type of the filesystem the file ison; thisvalue can be used for fstype.
%g Filesgroup name, or numeric group ID if the group hasno name.
%G Filesnumeric group ID.
%h Leading directoriesof filesname (all but the last element).
%H Command-line argument under which file wasfound.
%i Filesinode number (in decimal).
%k Filessize in 1K blocks(rounded up).
%l Object of symbolic link (empty string if file isnot a symbolic link).
Part I: User Commands
%m Filespermission bits(in octal).
%n Number of hard linksto file.
%p Filesname.
%P Filesname with the name of the command-line argument under which it wasfound
%s Filessize in bytes.
%t Fileslast modification time in the format returned by the C ctime function.
%Tk Fileslast modification time in the format specified by k, which isthe same asfor %A.
%u Filesusername, or numeric user ID if the user hasno name.
%U Filesnumeric user ID.
A % character followed by any other character isdiscarded (but the other character is
prune If depth isnot given, True; do not descend the current directory.
If depth isgiven, False; no effect.
ls True; list current file in ls dils format on standard output. The block countsare of 1K blocks,
unlessthe environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT isset, in which case 512- byte blocksare used.
Listed in order of decreasing precedence:
( expr ) Force precedence.
! expr True if expr isfalse.
not expr Same as! expr .
expr 1 expr 2 And (implied); expr 2 isnot evaluated if expr 1 isfalse.
expr 1 a expr 2 Same as expr 1 expr 2.
expr 1 and expr 2 Same as expr 1 expr 2.
expr 1 o expr 2 Or; expr 2 isnot evaluated if expr 1 istrue.
expr 1 or expr 2 Same asexpr 1 o expr 2.
expr 1, expr 2 List; both expr 1 and expr 2 are alwaysevaluated. The value of expr 1 isdiscarded; the value of the list
isthe value of expr 2.
locate(1L), locatedb(5L), updatedb(1L), xargs(1L) Finding Files(online in info, or printed)
GNU File Utilities
fitstopnmConvert a FITS file into a portable anymap
fitstopnm [-image N][-noraw][-scanmax][-printmax][-min f][-max f][FI TSf i l e]
Readsa FITS file asinput. Producesa portable pixmap if the FITS file consistsof 3 image planes(NAXIS = 3 and NAXIS3 = 3),
a portable graymap if the FITS file consistsof 2 image planes(NAXIS = 2), or whenever the image flag isspecified. The
resultsmay need to be flipped top for bottom; if so, just pipe the output through pnmflip -tb.
The -image option isfor FITS fileswith three axes. The assumption isthat the third axisisfor multiple images, and this
option letsyou select which one you want.
Flags-min and -max can be used to override the min and max valuesasread from the FITS header or the image data if no
DATAMIN and DATAMAX keywordsare found. Flag -scanmax can be used to force the program to scan the data even when DATAMIN
and DATAMAX are found in the header. If -printmax isspecified, the program will just print the min and max valuesand quit.
Flag -noraw can be used to force the program to produce an ASCII portable anymap.
The program will tell what kind of anymap iswriting. All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
FITS standsfor Flexible Image Transport System. A full description can be found in Astronomy& AstrophysicsSupplement
Series44 (1981), page 363.
pnmtofits(1), pgm(5), pnmflip(1)
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer, with modificationsby Daniel Briggs( and Alberto Accomazzi
20 September 1989
fmtAdjust line-length for paragraphsof text
fmt [wi dt h][f i l es]...
fmt isa simple text formatter. It insertsor deletesnewlines, asnecessary, to make all linesin a paragraph be approximately the
same width. It preservesindentation and word spacing.
The default line width is72 characters. You can override thiswith the width flag. If you dont name any fileson the
command line, then fmt will read from stdin.
It istypically used from within vi to adjust the line breaksin a single paragraph. To do this, move the cursor to the top of
the paragraph, type !gfmt, and pressReturn.
Steve Kirkendall (
foldWrap each input line to fit in specified width
fold [bs] [w wi dt h] [bytes] [spaces] [width=wi dt h] [help]
[version] [f i l e...]
Part I: User Commands
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of fold. fold printsthe specified files, or the standard input when no filesare
given or the filename isencountered, on the standard output. It breakslong linesinto multiple shorter linesby inserting a
newline at column 80. It countsscreen columns, so tab charactersusually take more than one column, backspace characters
decrease the column count, and carriage return charactersset the column count back to zero.
b, bytes Count bytesrather than columns, so that tabs, backspaces, and carriage returnsare each counted as
taking up one column, just like other characters.
s, spaces Break at word boundaries. If the line containsany blanks, the line isbroken after the last blank that
fallswithin the maximum line length. If there are no blanks, the line isbroken at the maximum
line length, asusual.
w, width wi dt h Use a maximum line length of width columnsinstead of 80.
help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
version Print version information on standard output then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
freeDisplay amount of free and used memory in the system
free [-b | -k | -m] [-o] [-s del ay ] [-t]
free displaysthe total amount of free and used physical and swap memory in the system, aswell asthe shared memory and
buffersused by the kernel.
The -b switch displaysthe amount of memory in bytes; the -k switch (set by default) displaysit in kilobytes; the -m switch
displaysit in megabytes.
The -t switch displaysa line containing the totals.
The -o switch disablesthe display of a buffer adjusted line. Unlessspecified free subtracts/addsbuffer memory from/to the
used/free memory reports(respectively!).
The -s switch activatescontinuouspolling delay secondsapart. You may actually specify any floating point number for
delay, usleep(3) isused for microsecond resolution delay times.
/proc/meminfo Memory information
ps(1), top(1)
Brian Edmonds
Cohesive Systems, 20 March 1993
fsinfoX font server information utility
fsinfo [server ser ver name]
fsinfo isa utility for displaying information about an X font server. It isused to examine the capabilitiesof a server, the
predefined valuesfor variousparametersused in communicating between clientsand the server, and the font cataloguesand
alternate serversthat are available.
The following isa sample produced by fsinfo.
name of server: hansen:7100
version number: 1
vendor string: Font Server Prototype
vendor release number: 17
maximum request size: 16384 longwords (65536 bytes)
number of catalogues: 1
Number of alternate servers: 2
#0 hansen:7101
#1 hansen:7102
number of extensions: 0
FONTSERVER To get the default fontserver
xfs(1), fslsfonts(1)
Dave Lemke (Network Computing Devices, Inc.)
X Version 11 Release 6
fslsfontsList fontsserved by X font server
fslsfonts [options ...] [fn pat t er n]
fslsfonts liststhe fontsthat match the given pattern. The wildcard character * may be used to match any sequence of
characters(including none), and ? to match any single character. If no pattern isgiven, * isassumed.
The * and ? charactersmust be quoted to prevent them from being expanded by the shell.
server host : por t Thisoption specifiesthe X font server to contact.
l Listssome attributesof the font on one line in addition to itsname.
Part I: User Commands
ll Listsfont propertiesin addition to l output.
lll Supported for compatibility with xlsfonts, but output isthe same asfor ll.
m Thisoption indicatesthat long listingsshould also print the minimum and maximum boundsof
each font.
C Thisoption indicatesthat listingsshould use multiple columns. Thisisthe same asn 0.
1 Thisoption indicatesthat listingsshould use a single column. Thisisthe same asn 1.
w wi dt h Thisoption specifiesthe width in charactersthat should be used in figuring out how many
columnsto print. The default is79.
n col umns Thisoption specifiesthe number of columnsto use in displaying the output. The default is0,
which will attempt to fit asmany columnsof font namesinto the number of character specified by
w width.
u Thisoption indicatesthat the output should be left unsorted.
xfs(1), showfont(1), xlsfonts(1)
FONTSERVER To get the default host and port to use
Doing fslsfonts l can tie up your server for a very long time. Thisisreally a bug with single-threaded nonpreemptable
servers, not with thisprogram.
Dave Lemke (Network Computing Devices, Inc.)
X Version 11 Release 6 1
fstobdfGenerate BDF font from X font server
fstobdf [ server ser ver ] fn f ont name
The fstobdf program readsa font from a font server and printsa BDF file on the standard output that may be used to
recreate the font. Thisisuseful in testing servers, debugging font metrics, and reproducing lost BDF files.
server ser ver name Thisoption specifiesthe server from which the font should be read.
fn f ont name Thisoption specifiesthe font for which a BDF file should be generated.
FONTSERVER Default server to use
xfs(1), bdftopcf(1), fslsfonts(1)
Olaf Brandt (Network Computing Devices), Dave Lemke (Network Computing Devices), Jim Fulton (MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release 6
fstopgmConvert a Usenix FaceSaver file into a portable graymap
fstopgm [f sf i l e]
Readsa Usenix FaceSaver file asinput. Producesa portable graymap asoutput.
FaceSaver filessometimeshave rectangular pixels. Although fstopgm wont rescale them into square pixelsfor you, it will give
you the precise pnmscale command that will do the job. Because of this, reading a FaceSaver image isa two-step process.
First you do
fstopgm > /dev/null
Thiswill tell you whether you need to use pnmscale. Then use one of the following pipelines:
fstopgm | pgmnorm
fstopgm | pnmscale -whatever | pgmnorm
To go to PBM, you want something more like one of these:
fstopgm | pnmenlarge 3 | pgmnorm | pgmtopbm
fstopgm | pnmenlarge 3 | pnmscale <whatever> | pgmnorm | pgmtopbm
You want to enlarge when going to a bitmap because otherwise you lose information; but enlarging by more than 3 doesnot
look good.
FaceSaver isa registered trademark of Metron Computerware Ltd. of Oakland, CA.
pgmtofs(1), pgm(5), pgmnorm(1), pnmenlarge(1), pnmscale(1), pgmtopbm(1)
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer
6 April 1989
ftpARPAnet file transfer program
ftp [-v] [-d] [-i] [-n] [-g] [host ]
ftp isthe user interface to the ARPAnet standard File Transfer Protocol. The program allowsa user to transfer filesto and
from a remote network site.
Optionsmay be specified at the command line, or to the command interpreter.
Part I: User Commands
-v Verbose option forcesftp to show all responsesfrom the remote server, aswell as
report on data transfer statistics.
-n Restrainsftp from attempting auto-login upon initial connection. If auto-login is
enabled, ftp will check the (see below) file in the usershome directory for an entry
describing an account on the remote machine. If no entry exists, ftp will prompt for
the remote machine login name (default isthe user identity on the local machine),
and, if necessary, prompt for a password and an account with which to login.
-i Turnsoff interactive prompting during multiple file transfers.
-d Enablesdebugging.
-g Disablesfilename globbing.
The client host with which ftp isto communicate may be specified on the command line. If thisisdone, ftp will immedi-
ately attempt to establish a connection to an FTP server on that host; otherwise, ftp will enter itscommand interpreter and
await instructionsfrom the user. When ftp isawaiting commandsfrom the user, the prompt
isprovided to the user. The following commandsare recognized by ftp :
! [command] [ar gs] Invoke an interactive shell on the local machine. If there are arguments, the first is
taken to be a command to execute directly, with the rest of the argumentsasits
$ macr o- name [ar gs ] Execute the macro macr o- name that wasdefined with the macdef command.
Argumentsare passed to the macro unglobbed.
account [passwd] Supply a supplemental password required by a remote system for accessto resources
once a login hasbeen successfully completed. If no argument isincluded, the user
will be prompted for an account password in a nonechoing input mode.
append l ocal - f i l e [r emot e- f i l e] Append a local file to a file on the remote machine. If r emot e- f i l e isleft unspecified,
the local filename isused in naming the remote file after being altered by any ntrans
or nmap setting. File transfer usesthe current settingsfor type, format, mode, and
ascii Set the file transfer type to network ASCII. Thisisthe default type.
bell Arrange that a bell be sounded after each file transfer command iscompleted.
binary Set the file transfer type to support binary image transfer.
bye Terminate the FTP session with the remote server and exit ftp. An end of file will
also terminate the session and exit.
case Toggle remote computer filename case mapping during mget commands. When case
ison (default isoff), remote computer filenameswith all lettersin upper case are
written in the local directory with the lettersmapped to lowercase.
cd r emot e- di r ect or y Change the working directory on the remote machine to r emot e- di r ect or y.
cdup Change the remote machine working directory to the parent of the current remote
machine working directory.
chmod mode f i l e- name Change the permission modesof the file f i l e- name on the remote system to mode.
close Terminate the FTP session with the remote server, and return to the command
interpreter. Any defined macrosare erased.
cr Toggle carriage return stripping during ASCII type file retrieval. Recordsare
denoted by a carriage return/linefeed sequence during ASCII type file transfer.
When cr ison (the default), carriage returnsare stripped from thissequence to
conform with the UNIX single linefeed record delimiter. Recordson non-UNIX
remote systemsmay contain single linefeeds; when an ASCII type transfer ismade,
these linefeedsmay be distinguished from a record delimiter only when cr isoff.
delete r emot e- f i l e Delete the file r emot e- f i l e on the remote machine.
debug [debug- val ue] Toggle debugging mode. If an optional debug- val ue isspecified, it isused to set the
debugging level. When debugging ison, ftp printseach command sent to the
remote machine, preceded by the string >.
dir [r emot e- di r ect or y] [l ocal - f i l e] Print a listing of the directory contentsin the directory, r emot e- di r ect or y, and,
optionally, placing the output in l ocal - f i l e. If interactive prompting ison, ftp will
prompt the user to verify that the last argument isindeed the target local file for
receiving dir output. If no directory isspecified, the current working directory on
the remote machine isused. If no local file isspecified, or l ocal - f i l e is-, output
comesto the terminal.
disconnect A synonym for close.
form f or mat Set the file transfer form to f or mat . The default f or mat isfile.
get r emot e- f i l e [l ocal - f i l e] Retrieve the r emot e- f i l e and store it on the local machine. If the local filename is
not specified, it isgiven the same name it hason the remote machine, subject to
alteration by the current case, ntrans, and nmap settings. The current settingsfor
type, form, mode, and structure are used while transferring the file.
glob Toggle filename expansion for mdelete, mget, and mput. If globbing isturned off with
glob, the filename argumentsare taken literally and not expanded. Globbing for mput
isdone asin csh 1. For mdelete and mget, each remote filename isexpanded
separately on the remote machine and the listsare not merged. Expansion of a
directory name islikely to be different from expansion of the name of an ordinary
file: the exact result dependson the foreign operating system and FTP server, and
can be previewed by doing mls remote-filesNote: mget and mput are not meant to
transfer entire directory subtreesof files. That can be done by transferring a tar 1
archive of the subtree (in binary mode).
hash Toggle hash-sign (#) printing for each data block transferred. The size of a data block
is1024 bytes.
help [command] Print an informative message about the meaning of command. If no argument isgiven,
ftp printsa list of the known commands.
idle [seconds ] Set the inactivity timer on the remote server to seconds seconds. If seconds is
omitted, the current inactivity timer isprinted.
lcd [di r ect or y] Change the working directory on the local machine. If no directory isspecified, the
usershome directory isused.
ls [r emot e- di r ect or y] [l ocal - f i l e] Print a listing of the contentsof a directory on the remote machine. The listing
includesany system-dependent information that the server choosesto include; for
example, most systemswill produce output from the command ls l. (See also
nlist.) If r emot e- di r ect or y isleft unspecified, the current working directory isused.
If interactive prompting ison, ftp will prompt the user to verify that the last
argument isindeed the target local file for receiving ls output. If no local file is
specified, or if l ocal - f i l e is-, the output issent to the terminal.
macdef macr o- name Define a macro. Subsequent linesare stored asthe macro macr o- name; a null line
(consecutive newline charactersin a file or carriage returnsfrom the terminal)
terminatesmacro input mode. There isa limit of 16 macrosand 4096 total
charactersin all defined macros. Macrosremain defined until a close command is
executed. The macro processor interprets$ and \ asspecial characters. A $ followed
by a number (or numbers) isreplaced by the corresponding argument on the macro
invocation command line. A $ followed by an i signalsthat macro processor that the
executing macro isto be looped. On the first pass$i isreplaced by the first argument
on the macro invocation command line, on the second passit isreplaced by the
second argument, and so on. A \ followed by any character isreplaced by that
character. Use the \ to prevent special treatment of the $.
mdelete [r emot e- f i l es] Delete the r emot e- f i l es on the remote machine.
Part I: User Commands
mdir r emot e- f i l es l ocal - f i l e Like dir, except multiple remote filesmay be specified. If interactive prompting is
on, ftp will prompt the user to verify that the last argument isindeed the target local
file for receiving mdir output.
mget r emot e- f i l es Expand the r emot e- f i l es on the remote machine and do a get for each filename thus
produced. See glob for detailson the filename expansion. Resulting filenameswill
then be processed according to case, ntrans, and nmap settings. Filesare transferred
into the local working directory, which can be changed with lcd directory ; new local
directoriescan be created with !mkdir directory.
mkdir di r ect or y- name Make a directory on the remote machine.
mls r emot e- f i l es l ocal - f i l e Like nlist, except multiple remote filesmay be specified, and the local-file must
be specified. If interactive prompting ison, ftp will prompt the user to verify that
the last argument isindeed the target local file for receiving mls output.
mode [mode- name] Set the file transfer mode to mode- name. The default mode isstream mode.
modtime f i l e- name Show the last modification time of the file on the remote machine.
mput l ocal - f i l es Expand wildcardsin the list of local filesgiven asargumentsand do a put for each
file in the resulting list. See glob for detailsof filename expansion. Resulting
filenameswill then be processed according to ntrans and nmap settings.
newer f i l e- name Get the file only if the modification time of the remote file ismore recent that the
file on the current system. If the file doesnot exist on the current system, the remote
file isconsidered newer. Otherwise, thiscommand isidentical to get.
nlist [r emot e- di r ect or y] Print a list of the filesin a directory on the remote machine. If r emot e- di r ect or y is
[l ocal - f i l e] left unspecified, the current working directory isused. If interactive prompting ison,
ftp will prompt the user to verify that the last argument isindeed the target local file
for receiving nlist output. If no local file isspecified, or if l ocal - f i l e is-, the
output issent to the terminal.
nmap [i npat t er n] out pat t er n Set or unset the filename mapping mechanism. If no argumentsare specified, the
filename mapping mechanism isunset. If argumentsare specified, remote filenames
are mapped during mput commandsand put commandsissued without a specified
remote target filename. If argumentsare specified, local filenamesare mapped during
mget commandsand get commandsissued without a specified local target filename.
Thiscommand isuseful when connecting to a non-UNIX remote computer with
different file naming conventionsor practices. The mapping followsthe pattern set
by inpattern and outpattern. Inpattern isa template for incoming filenames(which
may have already been processed according to the ntrans and case settings). Variable
templating isaccomplished by including the sequences$1, $2,..., $9 in inpattern.
Use \ to prevent thisspecial treatment of the $ character. All other charactersare
treated literally, and are used to determine the nmap inpattern variable values. For
example, given inpattern $1.$2 and the remote filename, $1 would have
the value mydata, and $2 would have the value data. The outpattern determinesthe
resulting mapped filename. The sequences$1, $2,...., $9 are replaced by any value
resulting from the inpattern template. The sequence $0 isreplaced by the original
filename. Additionally, the sequence seq1, seq2 isreplaced by seq1 if seq1 isnot a
null string; otherwise, it isreplaced by seq2. For example, the command nmap
$1.$2.$3 [$1,$2].[$2,file] would yield the output filename for
input filenamesmy-file. data and, myfile.file for the input
filename my-file, and myfile.myfile for the input filename .myfile. Spacesmay be
included in outpattern, asin the example: nmap $1 sed s/ *$// > $1. Use the \
character to prevent special treatment of the $, [, [, and , characters.
ntrans [i nchar s] [out char s ] Set or unset the filename character translation mechanism. If no argumentsare
specified, the filename character translation mechanism isunset. If argumentsare
specified, charactersin remote filenamesare translated during mput commandsand
put commandsissued without a specified remote target filename. If argumentsare
specified, charactersin local filenamesare translated during mget commandsand get
commandsissued without a specified local target filename. Thiscommand isuseful
when connecting to a non-UNIX remote computer with different file naming
conventionsor practices. Charactersin a filename matching a character in i nchar s
are replaced with the corresponding character in out char s. If the charactersposition
in i nchar s islonger than the length of out char s, the character isdeleted from the
open host [por t ] Establish a connection to the specified host FTP server. An optional port number
may be supplied, in which case, ftp will attempt to contact an FTP server at that
port. If the auto-login option ison (default), ftp will also attempt to automatically
log the user in to the FTP server (see below).
prompt Toggle interactive prompting. Interactive prompting occursduring multiple file
transfersto allow the user to selectively retrieve or store files. If prompting isturned
off (default ison), any mget or mput will transfer all files, and any mdelete will delete
all files.
proxy ftp-command Execute an ftp command on a secondary control connection. Thiscommand allows
simultaneousconnection to two remote FTP serversfor transferring filesbetween
the two servers. The first proxy command should be an open, to establish the
secondary control connection. Enter the command proxy ? to see other ftp
commandsexecutable on the secondary connection. The following commands
behave differently when prefaced by proxy :, open will not define new macrosduring
the auto-login process, close will not erase existing macro definitions, get and mget
transfer filesfrom the host on the primary control connection to the host on the
secondary control connection, and put, mput, and append transfer filesfrom the host
on the secondary control connection to the host on the primary control connection.
Third-party file transfersdepend upon support of the FTP protocol PASV command
by the server on the secondary control connection.
put l ocal - f i l e [r emot e- f i l e] Store a local file on the remote machine. If r emot e- f i l e isleft unspecified, the local
filename isused after processing according to any ntrans or nmap settingsin naming
the remote file. File transfer usesthe current settingsfor type, format, mode, and
pwd Print the name of the current working directory on the remote machine.
quit A synonym for bye.
quote ar g1 ar g2... The argumentsspecified are sent, verbatim, to the remote FTP server.
recv r emot e- f i l e [l ocal - f i l e] A synonym for get.
reget r emot e- f i l e [l ocal - f i l e] Reget actslike get, except that if l ocal - f i l e existsand issmaller than r emot e- f i l e,
l ocal - f i l e ispresumed to be a partially transferred copy of r emot e- f i l e and the
transfer iscontinued from the apparent point of failure. Thiscommand isuseful
when transferring very large filesover networksthat are prone to dropping
remotehelp [command- name] Request help from the remote FTP server. If a command- name isspecified, it issupplied
to the server aswell.
remotestatus [f i l e- name] With no arguments, show statusof remote machine. If f i l e- name isspecified, show
statusof f i l e- name on remote machine.
rename [f r om] [t o] Rename the file from on the remote machine, to the file t o.
reset Clear reply queue. Thiscommand resynchronizescommand/reply sequencing with
the remote FTP server. Resynchronization may be necessary following a violation of
the FTP protocol by the remote server.
restart mar ker Restart the immediately following get or put at the indicated marker. On UNIX
systems, mar ker isusually a byte offset into the file.
Part I: User Commands
rmdir di r ect or y- name Delete a directory on the remote machine.
runique Toggle storing of fileson the local system with unique filenames. If a file already
existswith a name equal to the target local filename for a get or mget command, a .1
isappended to the name. If the resulting name matchesanother existing file, a .2 is
appended to the original name. If thisprocesscontinuesup to .99, an error message
isprinted, and the transfer doesnot take place. The generated unique filename will
be reported. Note that runique will not affect local filesgenerated from a shell
command. The default value isoff.
send l ocal - f i l e [r emot e- f i l e] A synonym for put.
sendport Toggle the use of PORT commands. By default, ftp will attempt to use a PORT
command when establishing a connection for each data transfer. The use of PORT
commandscan prevent delayswhen performing multiple file transfers. If the PORT
command fails, ftp will use the default data port. When the use of PORT commandsis
disabled, no attempt will be made to use PORT commandsfor each data transfer. This
isuseful for certain FTP implementationswhich do ignore PORT commandsbut,
incorrectly, indicate theyve been accepted.
site ar g1 ar g2... The argumentsspecified are sent, verbatim, to the remote FTP server asa SITE
size f i l e- name Return size of file-name on remote machine.
status Show the current statusof ftp.
struct [st r uct - name] Set the file transfer structure to st r uct - name. By default stream structure isused.
sunique Toggle storing of fileson remote machine under unique filenames. Remote FTP
server must support ftp protocol STOU command for successful completion. The
remote server will report unique name. Default value isoff.
system Show the type of operating system running on the remote machine.
tenex Set the file transfer type to that needed to talk to TENEX machines.
trace Toggle packet tracing.
type [t ype- name] Set the file transfer type to t ype- name. If no type isspecified, the current type is
printed. The default type isnetwork ASCII.
umask [newmask] Set the default umask on the remote server to newmask. If newmask isomitted, the
current umask isprinted.
user user - name [passwor d] [account ] Identify yourself to the remote FTP server. If the password isnot specified and the
server requiresit, ftp will prompt the user for it (after disabling local echo). If an
account field isnot specified, and the FTP server requiresit, the user will be
prompted for it. If an account field isspecified, an account command will be relayed
to the remote server after the login sequence iscompleted if the remote server did
not require it for logging in. Unlessftp isinvoked with auto-login disabled, this
processisdone automatically on initial connection to the FTP server.
verbose Toggle verbose mode. In verbose mode, all responsesfrom the FTP server are
displayed to the user. In addition, if verbose ison, when a file transfer completes,
statisticsregarding the efficiency of the transfer are reported. By default, verbose is
? [command] A synonym for help.
Command argumentswhich have embedded spacesmay be quoted with quotation marks().
To abort a file transfer, use the terminal interrupt key (usually Ctrl-C). Sending transferswill be immediately halted.
Receiving transferswill be halted by sending an FTP protocol ABOR command to the remote server, and discarding any
further data received. The speed at which thisisaccomplished dependsupon the remote serverssupport for ABOR processing.
If the remote server doesnot support the ABOR command, an ftp> prompt will not appear until the remote server has
completed sending the requested file.
The terminal interrupt key sequence will be ignored when ftp hascompleted any local processing and isawaiting a reply
from the remote server. A long delay in thismode may result from the ABOR processing described earlier in thissection, or
from unexpected behavior by the remote server, including violationsof the FTP protocol. If the delay resultsfrom unex-
pected remote server behavior, the local ftp program must be killed by hand.
Filesspecified asargumentsto ftp commandsare processed according to the following rules:
If the filename - isspecified, the stdin (for reading) or stdout (for writing) isused.
If the first character of the filename isj, the remainder of the argument isinterpreted asa shell command. ftp then forksa
shell, using popen 3 with the argument supplied, and reads(writes) from the stdout (stdin). If the shell command includes
spaces, the argument must be quoted; for example, ls -lt. A particularly useful example of thismechanism is: dir more.
Failing the preceding checks, if globbing isenabled, local filenamesare expanded according to the rulesused in the csh 1;
c.f. the glob command. If the ftp command expectsa single local file (for example, put), only the first filename generated by
the globbing operation isused.
For mget commandsand get commandswith unspecified local filenames, the local filename isthe remote filename, which
may be altered by a case, ntrans, or nmap setting. The resulting filename may then be altered if runique ison.
For mput commandsand put commandswith unspecified remote filenames, the remote filename isthe local filename, which
may be altered by an ntrans or nmap setting. The resulting filename may then be altered by the remote server if sunique ison.
The FTP specification specifiesmany parametersthat may affect a file transfer. The type may be one of ASCII, image
(binary), ebcdic, and local byte size (for PDP Ns-10sand PDP Ns-20smostly). ftp supportsthe ASCII and image typesof
file transfer, pluslocal byte size 8 for tenex mode transfers.
ftp supportsonly the default valuesfor the remaining file transfer parameters: mode, form, and struct.
THE .netrc FILE
The file containslogin and initialization information used by the auto-login process. It residesin the usershome directory.
The following tokensare recognized; they may be separated by spaces, tabs, or newlines:
machine name Identify a remote machine name. The auto-login processsearchesthe file for a machine token that
matchesthe remote machine specified on the ftp command line or asan open command argument.
When a match ismade, the subsequent tokensare processed, stopping when the end of file is
reached or another machine or a default token isencountered.
default Thisisthe same asmachine name except that default matchesany name. There can be only one
default token, and it must be after all machine tokens. Thisisnormally used asdef aul t l ogi n
anonymous pas swor d user @si t e, thereby giving the user automatic anonymousftp login to machines
not specified. Thiscan be overridden by using the -n flag to disable auto-login.
login name Identify a user on the remote machine. If thistoken ispresent, the auto-login processwill initiate a
login using the specified name.
password st r i ng Supply a password. If thistoken ispresent, the auto-login processwill supply the specified string if
the remote server requiresa password aspart of the login process. Note that if thistoken ispresent
in the file for any user other than anonymous, ftp will abort the auto-login processif the isreadable
by anyone besidesthe user.
account st r i ng Supply an additional account password. If thistoken ispresent, the auto-login processwill supply
the specified string if the remote server requiresan additional account password, or the auto-login
processwill initiate an ACCT command if it doesnot.
Part I: User Commands
macdef name Define a macro. Thistoken functionslike the ftp macdef command functions. A macro isdefined
with the specified name; itscontentsbegin with the next line and continue until a null line
(consecutive newline characters) isencountered. If a macro named init isdefined, it isautomati-
cally executed asthe last step in the auto-login process.
ftp utilizesthe following environment variables:
HOME For default location of a file, if one exists
SHELL For default shell
The ftp command appeared in BSD 4.2.
Correct execution of many commandsdependsupon proper behavior by the remote server.
An error in the treatment of carriage returnsin the BSD 4.2 ASCII-mode transfer code hasbeen corrected. Thiscorrection
may result in incorrect transfersof binary filesto and from BSD 4.2 serversusing the ASCII type. Avoid thisproblem by
using the binary image type.
BSD 4.2, 30 July 1991
fuserIdentify processesusing files
fuser [a|s][si gnal ][kmuv] f i l ename ... [][si gnal ][kmuv] f i l ename ...
fuser [l]
fuser displaysthe PIDsof processesusing the specified filesor file systems. In the default display mode, each filename is
followed by a letter denoting the type of access:
c Current directory.
e Executable being run.
f Open file. f isomitted in default display mode.
r Root directory.
m mmaped file or shared library.
fuser returnsa nonzero return code if none of the specified filesisaccessed or in case of a fatal error. If at least one accesshas
been found, fuser returnszero.
a Show all filesspecified on the command line. By default, only filesthat are accessed by at least one process
are shown.
k Kill processesaccessing the file. Unlesschanged with -signal, SIGKILL issent. A fuser processnever kills
itself, but may kill other fuser processes.
u List all known signal names.
m f i l ename specifiesa file on a mounted file system or a block device that ismounted. All processesaccessing
fileson that file system are listed. If a directory file isspecified, it isautomatically changed to filename/. to
use any file system that might be mounted on that directory.
s Silent operation. a, u, and v are ignored in thismode.
si gnal Use the specified signal instead of SIGKILL when killing processes. Signalscan be specified either by name
(for example, HUP) or by number (for example, 1).
u Append the username of the processowner to each PID.
v Verbose mode. Processesare shown in a ps-like style. The fieldsPID, USER, and COMMAND are similar to ps.
ACCESS showshow the processaccessesthe file.
Reset all optionsand set the signal back to SIGKILL.
/proc Location of the proc file system
fuser -km /home killsall processesaccessing the file system /home in any way.
In thisexample:
if fuser -s /dev/ttyS1; then :; else something
fi invokessomething if no other processisusing /dev/ttyS1.
Processesaccessing the same file or filesystem several timesin the same way are only shown once.
Werner Almesberger (<>U)
kill(1), killall(1), ps(1), kill(2)
Linux, 11 October 1994
g++GNU project C++ Compiler
g++ [ opt i on | f i l ename ]. ..
The C and C++ compilersare integrated; g++ isa script to call gcc with optionsto recognize C++. gcc processesinput files
through one or more of four stages: preprocessing, compilation, assembly, and linking. Thisman page containsfull
descriptionsfor only C++ specific aspectsof the compiler, though it also containssummariesof some general-purpose
options. For a fuller explanation of the compiler, see gcc(1).
C++ source filesuse one of the suffixes.C, .cc, .cxx, .cpp, or .c++; preprocessed C++ filesuse the suffix .ii.
There are many command-line options, including optionsto control detailsof optimization, warnings, and code generation,
which are common to both gcc and g++. For full information on all options, see gcc(1).
Part I: User Commands
Optionsmust be separate: dr isquite different from d -r.
Most f and W optionshave two contrary forms: fname and fnoname (or Wname and Wnoname). Only the nondefault
formsare shown here.
c Compile or assemble the source files, but do not link. The compiler output isan
object file corresponding to each source file.
Dmacr o Define macro macrowith the string 1 asitsdefinition.
Dmacr o=def n Define macro macr o asdef n.
E Stop after the preprocessing stage; do not run the compiler proper. The output is
preprocessed source code, which issent to the standard output.
fallvirtual Treat all possible member functionsasvirtual, implicitly. All member functions
(except for constructor functionsand new or delete member operators) are treated as
virtual functionsof the classwhere they appear.
Thisdoesnot mean that all callsto these member functionswill be made through
the internal table of virtual functions. Under some circumstances, the compiler can
determine that a call to a given virtual function can be made directly; in these cases
the callsare direct in any case.
fdollarsinidentifiers Permit the use of $ in identifiers. Traditional C allowed the character $ to form part
of identifiers; by default, GNU C also allowsthis. However, ANSI C forbids$ in
identifiers, and GNU C++ also forbidsit by default on most platforms(though on
some platformsitsenabled by default for GNU C++ aswell).
felideconstructors Use thisoption to instruct the compiler to be smarter about when it can elide
constructors. Without thisflag, GNU C++ and cfront both generate effectively the
same code for
A foo ();
A x (foo ()); // x initialized by foo (), no ctor called
A y = foo (); // call to foo () heads to temporary, // y is initial-
ized from the temporary.
Note the difference. With thisflag, GNU C++ initializesy directly from the call to
foo() without going through a temporary.
fenumintequiv Normally GNU C++ allowsconversion of enum to int, but not the other way
around. Use thisoption if you want GNU C++ to allow conversion of int to enum as
fexternaltemplates Produce smaller code for template declarations, by generating only a single copy of
each template function where it isdefined. To use thisoption successfully, you must
also mark all filesthat use templateswith either #pragma implementation (the
definition) or #pragma interface (declarations).
When your code iscompiled with fexternaltemplates, all template instantiations
are external. You must arrange for all necessary instantiationsto appear in the
implementation file; you can do thiswith a typedef that referenceseach instantiation
needed. Conversely, when you compile using the default option fno external
templates, all template instantiationsare explicitly internal.
fnognulinker Do not output global initializations(such asC++ constructorsand destructors) in
the form used by the GNU linker (on systemswhere the GNU linker isthe standard
method of handling them). Use thisoption when you want to use a non-GNU
linker, which also requiresusing the collect2 program to make sure the system
linker includesconstructorsand destructors. (collect2 isincluded in the GNU CC
distribution.) For systemswhich must use collect2, the compiler driver gcc is
configured to do thisautomatically.
fmemoizelookupsfsavememorized These flagsare used to get the compiler to compile programsfaster using heuristics.
They are not on by default since they are only effective about half the time. The
other half of the time programscompile more slowly (and take more memory).
The first time the compiler must build a call to a member function (or reference to a
data member), it must (1) determine whether the classimplementsmember
functionsof that name; (2) resolve which member function to call (which involves
figuring out what sortsof type conversionsneed to be made); and (3) check the
visibility of the member function to the caller. All of thisaddsup to slower
compilation. Normally, the second time a call ismade to that member function (or
reference to that data member), it must go through the same lengthy processagain.
Thismeansthat code like this:
cout << This << p << has<< n << legs.\n;
makessix passesthrough all three steps. By using a software cache, a hit signifi-
cantly reducesthiscost. Unfortunately, using the cache introducesanother layer of
mechanismswhich must be implemented, and so incursitsown overhead.
fmemorize lookups enablesthe software cache.
Because accessprivileges(visibility) to membersand member functionsmay differ
from one function context to the next, g++ may need to flush the cache. With the
fmemoizelookups flag, the cache isflushed after every function that iscompiled. The
fsavememorized flag enablesthe same software cache, but when the compiler
determinesthat the context of the last function compiled would yield the same
accessprivilegesof the next function to compile, it preservesthe cache. Thisismost
helpful when defining many member functionsfor the same class: with the
exception of member functionswhich are friendsof other classes, each member
function hasexactly the same accessprivilegesasevery other, and the cache need not
be flushed.
fnodefaultinline Do not make member functionsinline by default merely because they are defined
inside the classscope. Otherwise, when you specify O, member functionsdefined
inside classscope are compiled inline by default; that is, you dont need to add
inline in front of the member function name.
fnostrictprototype Consider the declaration int foo;(). In C++, thismeansthat the function foo takes
no arguments. In ANSI C, thisisdeclared int foo(void);. With the flag fno
strictprototype, declaring functionswith no argumentsisequivalent to declaring
itsargument list to be untyped, that is, int foo(); isequivalent to saying int foo
(...);.fnonnullobjects. Normally, GNU C++ makesconservative assumptions
about objectsreached through references. For example, the compiler must check that
a isnot null in code like the following:
obj &a = g ();
a.f (2);
Checking that referencesof thissort have non-null valuesrequiresextra code,
however, and it isunnecessary for many programs. You can use fnonnullobjects to
omit the checksfor null, if your program doesnt require the default checking.
fhandlesignatures These optionscontrol the recognition of the signature and sigof constructsfor
fnohandlesignatures specifying abstract types. By default, these constructsare not recognized.
fthisisvariable The incorporation of user-defined free store management into C++ hasmade
assignment to thisan anachronism. Therefore, by default GNU C++ treatsthe type
of thisin a member function of classX to be X *const. In other words, it isillegal to
assign to thiswithin a classmember function. However, for backwardscompatibil-
ity, you can invoke the old behavior by using fthisisvariable.
g Produce debugging information in the operating systemsnative format (for DBX or
SDB or DWARF). GDB also can work with thisdebugging information. On most
systemsthat use DBX format, g enablesuse of extra debugging information that
only GDB can use.
Unlike most other C compilers, GNU CC allowsyou to use g with 0. The
shortcutstaken by optimized code may occasionally produce surprising results: some
Part I: User Commands
variablesyou declared may not exist at all; flow of control may briefly move where
you did not expect it; some statementsmay not be executed because they compute
constant resultsor their valueswere already at hand; some statementsmay execute in
different placesbecause they were moved out of loops.
Nevertheless, it provespossible to debug optimized output. Thismakesit reasonable
to use the optimizer for programsthat might have bugs.
Idi r Append directory di r to the list of directoriessearched for include files.
Ldi r Add directory di r to the list of directoriesto be searched for l.
ll i br ar y Use the library named l i br ar y when linking. (C++ programsoften require lg++ for
successful linking.)
nostdinc Do not search the standard system directoriesfor header files. Only the directories
you have specified with I options(and the current directory, if appropriate) are
nostdinc++ Do not search for header filesin the standard directoriesspecific to C++, but do still
search the other standard directories. (Thisoption isused when building libg++.)
O Optimize. Optimizing compilation takessomewhat more time, and a lot more
memory for a large function.
o f i l e Place output in file f i l e.
S Stop after the stage of compilation proper; do not assemble. The output isan
assembler code file for each nonassembler input file specified.
traditional Attempt to support some aspectsof traditional C compilers. Specifically, for both C
and C++ programs:
In the preprocessor, commentsconvert to nothing at all, rather than to a space. This
allowstraditional token concatenation.
In the preprocessor, macro argumentsare recognized within string constantsin a
macro definition (and their valuesare stringified, though without additional quote
marks, when they appear in such a context). The preprocessor alwaysconsidersa
string constant to end at a newline.
The preprocessor doesnot predefine the macro STDC when you use traditional, but
still predefinesGNUC (since the GNU extensionsindicated by GNUC are not affected by
traditional). If you need to write header filesthat work differently depending on
whether traditional isin use, by testing both of these predefined macrosyou can
distinguish four situations: GNU C, traditional GNU C, other ANSI C compilers,
and other old C compilers.
In the preprocessor, commentsconvert to nothing at all, rather than to a space. This
allowstraditional token concatenation.
String constants are not necessarily constant; they are stored in writable space, and
identical looking constantsare allocated separately. For C++ programsonly (not C),
traditional hasone additional effect: assignment to thisispermitted. Thisisthe
same asthe effect of fthisisvariable.
Umacr o Undefine macro macro.
Wall Issue warningsfor conditionsthat pertain to usage that we recommend avoiding and
that we believe iseasy to avoid, even in conjunction with macros.
Wenumclash Warn when converting between different enumeration types.
Woverloadedvirtual In a derived class, the definitionsof virtual functionsmust match the type signature
of a virtual function declared in the base class. Use thisoption to request warnings
when a derived classdeclaresa function that may be an erroneousattempt to define
a virtual function; that is, warn when a function with the same name asa virtual
function in the base class, but with a type signature that doesnt match any virtual
functionsfrom the base class.
Wtemplatedebugging When using templatesin a C++ program, warn if debugging isnot yet fully
w Inhibit all warning messages.
+eN Control how virtual function definitionsare used, in a fashion compatible with
cfront 1.x.
Two #pragma directivesare supported for GNU C++, to permit using the same header file for two purposes: asa definition of
interfacesto a given object class, and asthe full definition of the contentsof that object class.
#pragma interface Use thisdirective in header filesthat define object classes, to save space in most of
the object filesthat use those classes. Normally, local copiesof certain information
(backup copiesof inline member functions, debugging information, and the internal
tablesthat implement virtual functions) must be kept in each object file that
includesclassdefinitions. You can use thispragma to avoid such duplication. When
a header file containing #pragma interface isincluded in a compilation, thisauxiliary
information will not be generated (unlessthe main input source file itself uses
#pragma implementation). Instead, the object fileswill contain referencesto be
resolved at link time.
#pragma implementation Use thispragma in a main input file, when you want full output from included
#pragma implementation !objects.h! header filesto be generated (and made globally visible). The included header file, in
turn, should use #pragma interface. Backup copiesof inline member functions,
debugging information, and the internal tablesused to implement virtual functions
are all generated in implementation files.
If you use #pragma implementation with no argument, it appliesto an include file
with the same basename asyour source file; for example, in, #pragma
implementation by itself isequivalent to #pragma implementation allclass.h. Use
the string argument if you want a single implementation file to include code from
multiple header files.
There isno way to split up the contentsof a single header file into multiple
implementation files.
file.h C header (preprocessor) file
file.i Preprocessed C source
file file.C C++ source file C++ source file
file.cxx C++ source file
file.s Assembly language file
file.o Object file
a.out Link edited output
TMPDIR/cc Temporary files
LIBDIR/cpp Preprocessor
LIBDIR/cc1plus Compiler
LIBDIR/collect Linker front end needed on some machines
LIBDIR/libgcc.a GCC subroutine library
/lib/crt[01n].o Start-up routine
LIBDIR/ccrt0 Additional start-up routine for C++
/lib/libc.a Standard C library; see intro(3)
Part I: User Commands
/usr/include Standard directory for #include files
LIBDIR/include Standard gcc directory for #include files
LIBDIR/g++include Additional g++ directory for #include
LIBDIR isusually /usr/local/lib/machine/version.
TMPDIR comesfrom the environment variable TMPDIR (default /usr/tmp if available, else /tmp).
gcc(1), cpp(1), as(1), ld(1), gdb(1), adb(1), dbx(1), sdb(1), gcc, cpp, as, ld, and gdb entriesin info.
Usingand PortingGNU CC (for version 2.0), Richard M. Stallman; TheC Preprocessor, Richard M. Stallman; Debugging
with GDB: theGNU Source-Level Debugger, Richard M. Stallman and Roland H. Pesch; Usingas: theGNU Assembler, Dean
Elsner, Jay Fenlason and friends; gld: theGNU linker, Steve Chamberlain and Roland Pesch.
For instructionson how to report bugs, see the GCC manual.
Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim
copiesof thismanual provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
See the GNU CC Manual for the contributorsto GNU CC.
GNU Tools, 30 April 1993
g3topbmConvert a Group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
g3topbm [-kludge][-reversebits][-stretch][g3f i l e]
Readsa Group 3 fax file asinput. Producesa portable bitmap asoutput.
-kludge Tellsg3topbm to ignore the first few linesof the file; sometimesfax fileshave some junk at the beginning.
-reversebits Tellsg3topbm to interpret bitsleast-significant first, instead of the default most-significant first.
Apparently, some fax modemsdo it one way and othersdo it the other way. If you get a whole bunch of
bad code word messages, try using thisflag.
-stretch Tellsg3topbm to stretch the image vertically by duplicating each row. Thisisfor the low-quality transmis-
sion mode.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
The standard for Group 3 fax isdefined in CCITT Recommendation T.4.
pbmtog3(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1989 by Paul Haeberli (
2 October 1989
gawkPattern scanning and processing language
gawk [ POSIX or GNU style options ] f pr ogr am- f i l e [ ] file ...
gawk [ POSIX or GNU style options ] [ ] pr ogr am- t ext file ...
gawk isthe GNU Projectsimplementation of the awk programming language. It conformsto the definition of the language
in the 1003.2 Command Language and UtilitiesStandard. Thisversion in turn isbased on the description in TheAWK
ProgrammingLanguage, by Aho, Kernighan, and Weinberger, with the additional featuresdefined in the System V Release 4
version of awk. gawk also providessome GNU-specific extensions.
The command line consistsof optionsto gawk itself, the awk program text (if not supplied via the f or file options), and
valuesto be made available in the ARGC and ARGV predefined awk variables.
gawk optionsmay be either the traditional one-letter options, or the GNU-style long options. Traditional style optionsstart
with a single , while GNU long optionsstart with . GNU-style long optionsare provided for both GNU-specific features
and for mandated features. Other implementationsof the awk language are likely to only accept the traditional one-letter
Following the standard, gawk-specific optionsare supplied via argumentsto the W option. Multiple W optionsmay be
supplied, or multiple argumentsmay be supplied together if they are separated by commas, or enclosed in quotesand
separated by whitespace. Case isignored in argumentsto the W option. Each W option hasa corresponding GNU-style long
option, asdetailed below. Argumentsto GNU-style long optionsare either joined with the option by an = sign, with no
intervening spaces, or they may be provided in the next command-line argument.
gawk acceptsthe following options:
F f s , field-separator=f s Use f s for the input field separator (the value of the FS-predefined variable).
v var =val , assign=var =val Assign the value val , to the variable var , before execution of the program begins. Such
variable valuesare available to the BEGIN block of an awk program.
f pr ogr am- f i l e, Read the awk program source from the file pr ogr am- f i l e, instead of from the first
file=pr ogr am- f i l e command-line argument. Multiple f (or file) optionsmay be used.
mf=NNN, mr=NNN Set variousmemory limitsto the value NNN. The f flag setsthe maximum number of fields,
and the r flag setsthe maximum record size. These two flagsand the m option are from the
AT&T Bell Labsresearch version of awk. They are ignored by gawk, since gawk hasno
predefined limits.
Part I: User Commands
W compat, compat Run in compatibility mode. In compatibility mode, gawk behavesidentically to awk; none of
the GNU-specific extensionsare recognized. See GNU Extensions, later in thismanual
page, for more information.
W copyleft, W copyright, Print the short version of the GNU copyright information message on the error output.
copyleft, copyright
W help, W usage Print a relatively short summary of the available optionson the error output. Per the GNU
help, usage Coding Standards, these optionscause an immediate, successful exit.
W lint, lint Provide warningsabout constructsthat are dubiousor nonportable to other awk implemen-
W posix, posix Thisturnson compatibility mode, with the following additional restrictions:\x escape
sequencesare not recognized.
The synonym func for the keyword function isnot recognized.
The operators** and **= cannot be used in place of and =.
W source=pr ogr am- t ext , Use pr ogr am- t ext asawk program source code. Thisoption allowsthe easy intermixing of
source=pr ogr am- t ext library functions(used via the f and file options) with source code entered on the
command line. It isintended primarily for medium to large awk programsused in shell
The W source= form of thisoption usesthe rest of the command-line argument for
pr ogr am- t ext ; no other optionsto W will be recognized in the same argument.
W version, version Print version information for thisparticular copy of gawk on the error output. Thisisuseful
mainly for knowing if the current copy of gawk on your system isup-to-date with respect to
whatever the Free Software Foundation isdistributing. Per the GNU Coding Standards,
these optionscause an immediate, successful exit.
Signal the end of options. Thisisuseful to allow further argumentsto the awk program itself
to start with a . Thisismainly for consistency with the argument-parsing convention used
by most other programs.
In compatibility mode, any other optionsare flagged asillegal, but are otherwise ignored. In normal operation, aslong as
program text hasbeen supplied, unknown optionsare passed on to the awk program in the ARGV array for processing. Thisis
particularly useful for running awk programsvia the #! executable interpreter mechanism.
An awk program consistsof a sequence of pattern-action statementsand optional function definitions:
pat t er n { act i on st at ement s }
f unct i on name(par amet er l i s t ) { st at ement s }
gawk first readsthe program source from the program-file(s) if specified, from argumentsto W source=, or from the first
nonoption argument on the command line. The f and W source= optionsmay be used multiple timeson the command
line. gawk will read the program text asif all the program-filesand command-line source textshad been concatenated
together. Thisisuseful for building librariesof awk functions, without having to include them in each new awk program that
usesthem. It also providesthe ability to mix library functionswith command-line programs.
The environment variable AWKPATH specifiesa search path to use when finding source filesnamed with the f option. If this
variable doesnot exist, the default path is.:/usr/lib/awk:/usr/local/lib/awk.
If a filename given to the f option containsa / character, no path search isperformed.
gawk executesawk programsin the following order. First, all variable assignmentsspecified via the v option are performed.
Next, gawk compilesthe program into an internal form. Then, gawk executesthe code in the BEGIN block(s) (if any), and then
proceedsto read each file named in the ARGV array. If there are no filesnamed on the command line, gawk readsthe standard
If a filename on the command line hasthe form var =val , it istreated asa variable assignment. The variable var will be
assigned the value val . (Thishappensafter any BEGIN block(s) have been run.) Command-line variable assignment ismost
useful for dynamically assigning valuesto the variablesawk usesto control how input isbroken into fieldsand records. It is
also useful for controlling state if multiple passesare needed over a single data file.
If the value of a particular element of ARGV isempty (), gawk skipsover it.
For each line in the input, gawk teststo see if it matchesany pattern in the awk program. For each pattern that the line
matches, the associated action isexecuted. The patternsare tested in the order they occur in the program.
Finally, after all the input isexhausted, gawk executesthe code in the END block(s) (if any).
awk variablesare dynamic; they come into existence when they are first used. Their valuesare either floating-point numbers
or strings, or both, depending upon how they are used. awk also hasone-dimensional arrays; arrayswith multiple dimensions
may be simulated. Several predefined variablesare set asa program runs; these will be described asneeded and summarized
in the Built-In Variables subsection.
Aseach input line isread, gawk splitsthe line into fields, using the value of the FS variable asthe field separator. If FS isa
single character, fieldsare separated by that character. Otherwise, FS isexpected to be a full regular expression. In the special
case that FS isa single blank, fieldsare separated by runsof blanksor tabs. Note that the value of IGNORECASE (see the
following) will also affect how fieldsare split when FS isa regular expression.
If the FIELDWIDTHS variable isset to a space separated list of numbers, each field isexpected to have fixed width, and gawk will
split up the record using the specified widths. The value of FS isignored. Assigning a new value to FS overridesthe use of
FIELDWIDTHS, and restoresthe default behavior.
Each field in the input line may be referenced by itsposition, $1, $2, and so on. $0 isthe whole line. The value of a field may
be assigned to aswell. Fieldsneed not be referenced by constants:
n =5
print $n
printsthe fifth field in the input line. The variable NF isset to the total number of fieldsin the input line.
Referencesto nonexistent fields(that is, fieldsafter $NF) produce the null-string. However, assigning to a nonexistent field
(for example, $(NF+2) = 5) will increase the value of NF, create any intervening fieldswith the null string astheir value, and
cause the value of $0 to be recomputed, with the fieldsbeing separated by the value of OFS. Referencesto negative-numbered
fieldscause a fatal error.
awksbuilt-in variablesare the following:
ARGC The number of command-line arguments(doesnot include optionsto gawk, or the program source).
ARGIND The index in ARGV of the current file being processed.
ARGV Array of command-line arguments. The array isindexed from 0 to ARGC 1. Dynamically changing the
contentsof ARGV can control the filesused for data.
CONVFMT The conversion format for numbers, %.6g, by default.
ENVIRON An array containing the valuesof the current environment. The array isindexed by the environment
variables, each element being the value of that variable (for example, ENVIRON[HOME] might be /u/arnold).
Changing thisarray doesnot affect the environment seen by programswhich gawk spawnsvia redirection
or the system() function. (Thismay change in a future version of gawk.)
ERRNO If a system error occurseither doing a redirection for getline, during a read for getline, or during a
close(), then ERRNO will contain a string describing the error.
FIELDWIDTHS A whitespace-separated list of fieldwidths. When set, gawk parsesthe input into fieldsof fixed width,
instead of using the value of the FS variable asthe field separator. The fixed field width facility isstill
experimental; expect the semanticsto change asgawk evolvesover time.
Part I: User Commands
FILENAME The name of the current input file. If no filesare specified on the command line, the value of FILENAME is.
However, FILENAME isundefined inside the BEGIN block.
FNR The input record number in the current input file.
FS The input field separator, a blank by default.
IGNORECASE Controlsthe case-sensitivity of all regular expression operations. If IGNORECASE hasa nonzero value, then
pattern matching in rules, field splitting with FS, regular expression matching with and !, and the
gsub( ), index( ), match( ), split( ),and sub( ) predefined functionswill all ignore case when doing regular
expression operations. Thus, if IGNORECASE isnot equal to zero, /aB/ matchesall of the stringsab, aB, Ab,
and AB. Aswith all awk variables, the initial value of IGNORECASE iszero, so all regular expression operations
are normally case-sensitive.
NF The number of fieldsin the current input record.
NR The total number of input recordsseen so far.
OFMT The output format for numbers, %.6g, by default.
OFS The output field separator, a blank by default.
ORS The output record separator, by default a newline.
RS The input record separator, by default a newline. RS isexceptional in that only the first character of its
string value isused for separating records. (Thiswill probably change in a future release of gawk.) If RS isset
to the null string, then recordsare separated by blank lines. When RS isset to the null string, then the
newline character alwaysactsasa field separator, in addition to whatever value FS may have.
RSTART The index of the first character matched by match(); 0 if no match.
RLENGTH The length of the string matched by match(); 1 if no match.
SUBSEP The character used to separate multiple subscriptsin array elements, by default n034.
Arraysare subscripted with an expression between square brackets. If the expression isan expression list (expr , expr ...)
then the array subscript isa string consisting of the concatenation of the (string) value of each expression, separated by the
value of the SUBSEP variable. Thisfacility isused to simulate multiply dimensioned arrays. For example,
i = A ; j = B ; k = C
x[i, j, k] = hello, world\n
assignsthe string hello, world\n to the element of the array x which isindexed by the string A\034B\034C. All arraysin awk
are associative, that isindexed by string values.
The special operator in may be used in an if or while statement to see if an array hasan index consisting of a particular
if (val in array)
print array[val]
If the array hasmultiple subscripts, use (i,j)in array.
The in construct may also be used in a for loop to iterate over all the elementsof an array.
An element may be deleted from an array using the delete statement. The delete statement may also be used to delete the
entire contentsof an array.
Variablesand fieldsmay be floating-point numbers, or strings, or both. How the value of a variable isinterpreted depends
upon itscontext. If used in a numeric expression, it will be treated asa number; if used asa string, it will be treated asa
To force a variable to be treated asa number, add 0 to it; to force it to be treated asa string, concatenate it with the null
When a string must be converted to a number, the conversion isaccomplished using atof(3). A number isconverted to a
string by using the value of CONVFMT asa format string for sprintf(3), with the numeric value of the variable asthe argument.
However, even though all numbersin awk are floating-point, integral valuesare alwaysconverted asintegers. Thus, given this:
CONVFMT = %2.2f
a =12
b =a
the variable b hasa string value of 12 and not 12.00.
gawk performscomparisonsasfollows: If two variablesare numeric, they are compared numerically. If one value isnumeric
and the other hasa string value that isa numeric string, then comparisonsare also done numerically. Otherwise, the
numeric value isconverted to a string and a string comparison isperformed. Two stringsare compared, of course, asstrings.
According to the standard, even if two stringsare numeric strings, a numeric comparison isperformed. However, thisis
clearly incorrect, and gawk doesnot do this.
Uninitialized variableshave the numeric value 0 and the string value (the null, or empty, string).
awk isa line-oriented language. The pattern comesfirst, and then the action. Action statementsare enclosed in and .BR.
Either the pattern may be missing, or the action may be missing, but, of course, not both. If the pattern ismissing, the action
will be executed for every single line of input. A missing action isequivalent to
{ print }
which printsthe entire line.
Commentsbegin with the # character, and continue until the end of the line. Blank linesmay be used to separate state-
ments. Normally, a statement endswith a newline, however, thisisnot the case for linesending in a ,, {, ?, :, &&, or ||. Lines
ending in do or else also have their statementsautomatically continued on the following line. In other cases, a line can be
continued by ending it with a \, in which case the newline will be ignored.
Multiple statementsmay be put on one line by separating them with a semicolon. Thisappliesto both the statementswithin
the action part of a pattern-action pair (the usual case), and to the pattern-action statementsthemselves.
awk patternsmay be one of the following:
/r egul ar expr essi on/
relational expression
pat t er n && pat t er n
pat t er n jj pat t er n
pat t er n ? pat t er n : pat t er n
(pat t er n)
! pat t er n
pat t er n1, pat t er n2
BEGIN and END are two special kindsof patternsthat are not tested against the input. The action partsof all BEGIN patternsare
merged asif all the statementshad been written in a single BEGIN block. They are executed before any of the input isread.
Similarly, all the END blocksare merged, and executed when all the input isexhausted (or when an exit statement is
executed). BEGIN and END patternscannot be combined with other patternsin pattern expressions. BEGIN and END patterns
cannot have missing action parts.
For /r egul ar expr essi on/ patterns, the associated statement isexecuted for each input line that matchesthe regular
expression. Regular expressionsare the same asthose in egrep(1), and are summarized asfollows:
Part I: User Commands
A r el at i onal ex pr essi on may use any of the operatorsdefined later in the section on actions. These generally test whether
certain fieldsmatch certain regular expressions.
The &&, ||, and ! operatorsare logical AND, logical OR, and logical NOT, respectively, asin C. They do short-circuit evaluation,
also asin C, and are used for combining more primitive pattern expressions. Asin most languages, parenthesesmay be used
to change the order of evaluation.
The ?: operator islike the same operator in C. If the first pattern istrue, then the pattern used for testing isthe second
pattern; otherwise, it isthe third. Only one of the second and third patternsisevaluated.
The pat t er n1, pat t er n2 form of an expression iscalled a rangepattern. It matchesall input recordsstarting with a line that
matchespat t er n1, and continuing until a record that matchespat t er n2, inclusive. It doesnot combine with any other sort of
pattern expression.
Regular expressionsare the extended kind found in egrep. They are composed of charactersasfollows:
c Matchesthe non-meta-character c.
\c Matchesthe literal character c.
. Matchesany character except newline.
Matchesthe beginning of a line or a string.
$ Matchesthe end of a line or a string.
[abc. . . ] Character class, matchesany of the charactersabc....
[abc. . . ] Negated character class, matchesany character except abc... and newline.
r 1|r 2 Alternation: matcheseither r 1 or r 2.
r 1r 2 Concatenation: matchesr 1, and then r 2.
r + Matchesone or more r s.
r * Matcheszero or more r s.
r ? Matcheszero or one r s.
(r ) Grouping: matches r .
The escape sequencesthat are valid in string constantsare also legal in regular expressions.
Action statementsare enclosed in braces, { and }. Action statementsconsist of the usual assignment, conditional, and looping
statementsfound in most languages. The operators, control statements, and input/output statementsavailable are patterned
after those in C.
The operatorsin awk, in order of increasing precedence, are
=+== Assignment. Both absolute assignment (var = val ue) and operator-assignment (the other forms) are
*= /= %= = supported.
?: The C conditional expression. Thishasthe form expr 1 ? expr 2 : expr 3 .If expr 1 istrue, the value of the
expression isexpr 2; otherwise, it isexpr 3. Only one of expr 2 and expr 3 isevaluated.
|| Logical OR.
&& Logical AND.
! Regular expression match, negated match. NOTE: Do not use a constant regular expression (/foo/) to the
left of a or !. Only use one on the right side. The expression /foo/ exp hasthe same meaning as(($0
/foo/) exp). Thisisusually not what wasintended.
< >, <=>= The regular relational operators.
bl ank String concatenation.
+ Addition and subtraction.
*/% Multiplication, division, and modulus.
+! Unary plus, unary minus, and logical negation.
^ Exponentiation (** may also be used, and **= for the assignment operator).
++ Increment and decrement, both prefix and postfix.
$ Field reference.
The control statementsare asfollows:
if (condition) statement [ else statement ]
while (condition) statement
do statement while (condition)
for (expr1; expr2; expr3) statement
for (var in array) statementbreak
delete array[index]
delete array
exit [ expression ]
{ statements }
The input/output statementsare asfollows:
close(f i l ename) Close file (or pipe, see paragraph following thislist).
getline Set $0 from next input record; set NF, NR, FNR.
getline <f i l e Set $0 from next record of f i l e; set NF.
getline var Set var from next input record; set NF, FNR.
getline var <f i l e Set var from next record of f i l e.
next Stop processing the current input record. The next input record isread and processing starts
over with the first pattern in the awk program. If the end of the input data isreached, the
END block(s), if any, are executed.
next file Stop processing the current input file. The next input record read comesfrom the next
input file. FILENAME isupdated, FNR isreset to 1, and processing startsover with the first
pattern in the awk program. If the end of the input data isreached, the END block(s), if any,
are executed.
print Printsthe current record.
print expr - l i st Printsexpressions. Each expression isseparated by the value of the OFS variable. The output
record isterminated with the value of the ORS variable.
print expr - l i st >f i l e Printsexpressionson f i l e. Each expression isseparated by the value of the OFS variable. The
output record isterminated with the value of the ORS variable.
printf f mt , expr - l i s t Format and print.
printf f mt , expr - l i s t >f i l e Format and print on f i l e.
system(cmd- l i ne) Execute the command cmd- l i ne, and return the exit status. (Thismay not be available on -
POSIX systems.)
Other input/output redirectionsare also allowed. For print and printf, >>f i l e appendsoutput to the f i l e, while | command
writeson a pipe. In a similar fashion, command | getline pipesinto getline. The getline command will return 0 on end of
file, and 1 on an error.
The awk versionsof the printf statement and sprintf() function accept the following conversion specification formats:
%c An ASCII character. If the argument used for %c isnumeric, it istreated asa character and printed.
Otherwise, the argument isassumed to be a string, and the only first character of that string isprinted.
Part I: User Commands
%d A decimal number (the integer part).
%i Just like %d.
%e A floating-point number of the form []d.ddddddE[+]dd.
%f A floating-point number of the form []ddd.dddddd.
%g Use e or f conversion, whichever isshorter, with nonsignificant zerossuppressed.
%o An unsigned octal number (again, an integer).
%s A character string.
%x An unsigned hexadecimal number (an integer).
%X Like %x, but using ABCDEF instead of abcdef.
%% A single % character; no argument isconverted.
There are optional, additional parametersthat may lie between the % and the control letter:
The expression should be left-justified within itsfield.
wi dt h The field should be padded to thiswidth. If the number hasa leading zero, then the field will be padded
with zeros. Otherwise, it ispadded with blanks. Thisapplieseven to the nonnumeric output formats.
.pr ec A number indicating the maximum width of stringsor digitsto the right of the decimal point.
The dynamic wi dt h and pr ec capabilitiesof the C printf() routinesare supported. A * in place of either the wi dt h or pr ec
specificationswill cause their valuesto be taken from the argument list to printf or sprintf().
When doing I/O redirection from either print or printf into a file, or via getline from a file, gawk recognizescertain special
filenamesinternally. These filenamesallow accessto open file descriptorsinherited from gawksparent process(usually the
shell). Other special filenamesprovide accessinformation about the running gawk process. The filenamesare
/dev/pid Reading thisfile returnsthe processID of the current process, in decimal, terminated with a newline.
/dev/ppid Reading thisfile returnsthe parent processID of the current process, in decimal, terminated with a
/dev/pgrpid Reading thisfile returnsthe processgroup ID of the current process, in decimal, terminated with a
/dev/user Reading thisfile returnsa single record terminated with a newline. The fieldsare separated with blanks. $1
isthe value of the getuid(2) system call, $2 isthe value of the geteuid(2) system call, $3 isthe value of the
getgid(2) system call, and $4 isthe value of the getegid( 2) system call. If there are any additional fields,
they are the group IDsreturned by getgroups(2). Multiple groupsmay not be supported on all systems.
/dev/stdin The standard input.
/dev/stdout The standard output.
/dev/stderr The standard error output.
/dev/fd/n The file associated with the open file descriptor n.
These are particularly useful for error messages. For example, you could use
print You blew it! > /dev/stderr
whereasyou would otherwise have to use
print You blew it! j cat 1>&2
These filenamesmay also be used on the command line to name data files.
awk hasthe following predefined arithmetic functions:
atan2(y , x ) Returnsthe arctangent of y/x in radians.
cos(expr ) Returnsthe cosine in radians.
exp(expr ) The exponential function.
int(expr ) Truncatesto integer.
log(expr ) The natural logarithm function.
rand() Returnsa random number between 0 and 1.
sin(expr ) Returnsthe sine in radians.
sqrt(expr ) The square root function.
srand(expr ) Use expr asa new seed for the random number generator. If no expr isprovided, the time of day will be
used. The return value isthe previousseed for the random number generator.
awk hasthe following predefined string functions:
gsub(r , s, t ) For each substring matching the regular expression r in the string t , substitute the string s,
and return the number of substitutions. If t isnot supplied, use $0.
index(s , t ) Returnsthe index of the string t in the string s,or 0 if t isnot present.
length(s ) Returnsthe length of the string s, or the length of $0 if s isnot supplied.
match(s , r ) Returnsthe position in s where the regular expression r occurs, or 0 if u isnot present, and
setsthe valuesof RSTART and RLENGTH.
split(s , a, r ) Splitsthe string s into the array a on the regular expression r , and returnsthe number of
fields. If r isomitted, FS isused instead. The array a iscleared first.
sprintf(f mt , expr - l i st ) Printsexpr - l i st according to f mt , and returnsthe resulting string.
sub(r , s , t ) Just like gsub(), but only the first matching substring isreplaced.
substr(s, i , n) Returnsthe n-character substring of s starting at i . If n isomitted, the rest of s isused.
tolower(st r ) Returnsa copy of the string st r , with all the uppercase charactersin st r translated to their
corresponding lowercase counterparts. Nonalphabetic charactersare left unchanged.
toupper(st r ) Returnsa copy of the string st r , with all the lowercase charactersin st r translated to their
corresponding uppercase counterparts. Nonalphabetic charactersare left unchanged.
Since one of the primary usesof awk programsisprocessing log filesthat contain time stamp information, gawk providesthe
following two functionsfor obtaining time stampsand formatting them.
systime() Returnsthe current time of day asthe number of secondssince the Epoch (Midnight UTC,
January 1, 1970 on systems).
strftime(f or mat , t i mest amp) Formatst i mest amp according to the specification in f or mat . The t i mest amp should be of the
same form asreturned by systime(). If t i mest amp ismissing, the current time of day isused.
See the specification for the strftime() function in C for the format conversionsthat are
guaranteed to be available. A public-domain version of strftime(3) and a man page for it are
shipped with gawk; if that version wasused to build gawk, then all of the conversions
described in that man page are available to gawk.
String constantsin awk are sequencesof charactersenclosed between double quotes(). Within strings, certain escape
sequencesare recognized, asin C. These are
\\ A literal backslash.
\a The alert character; usually the ASCII BEL character.
\b Backspace.
\f Formfeed.
\n Newline.
Part I: User Commands
\r Carriage return.
\t Horizontal tab.
\v Vertical tab.
\xhex di gi t s The character represented by the string of hexadecimal digitsfollowing the \x. Asin C, all following
hexadecimal digitsare considered part of the escape sequence. (Thisfeature should tell ussomething about
language design by committee.) For example, \x1B isthe ASCII ESC (escape) character.
\ ddd The character represented by the 1-, 2-, or 3-digit sequence of octal digits. For example, \033 isthe
ASCII ESC (escape) character.
\ c The literal character c.
The escape sequencesmay also be used inside constant regular expressions(for example, /[\\t\f\n\r\v]/ matcheswhitespace
Functionsin awk are defined asfollows:
f unct i on name(par amet er l i s t ) { st at ement s }
Functionsare executed when called from within the action partsof regular pattern-action statements. Actual parameters
supplied in the function call are used to instantiate the formal parametersdeclared in the function. Arraysare passed by
reference, other variablesare passed by value.
Functionswere not originally part of the awk language, so the provision for local variablesisrather clumsy: They are declared
asextra parametersin the parameter list. The convention isto separate local variablesfrom real parametersby extra spacesin
the parameter list. For example
function f(p, q, a, b) { # a & b are local
..... }
/abc/ { ... ; f(1, 2) ; ... }
The left parenthesisin a function call isrequired to immediately follow the function name, without any intervening
whitespace. Thisisto avoid a syntactic ambiguity with the concatenation operator. Thisrestriction doesnot apply to the
built-in functionslisted earlier.
Functionsmay call each other and may be recursive. Function parametersused aslocal variablesare initialized to the null
string and the number zero upon function invocation.
The word func may be used in place of function.
Print and sort the login namesof all users:
BEGIN { FS = : }
{ print $1 j sort }
Count linesin a file:
{ nlines++ }
END { print nlines }
Precede each line by itsnumber in the file:
{ print FNR, $0 }
Concatenate and line number (a variation on a theme):
{ print NR, $0 }
egrep(1), getpid(2), getppid(2), getpgrp(2), getuid(2), geteuid(2), getgid(2), getegid(2), get-groups(2)
TheAWK ProgrammingLanguage, Alfred V. Aho, Brian W. Kernighan, Peter J. Weinberger, Addison-Wesley, 1988. ISBN
TheGAWK Manual, Edition 0.15, published by the Free Software Foundation, 1993.
A primary goal for gawk iscompatibility with the standard, aswell aswith the latest version of awk. To thisend, gawk
incorporatesthe following user-visible featuresthat are not described in the awk book, but are part of awk in System V
Release 4, and are in the standard.
The v option for assigning variablesbefore program execution startsisnew. The book indicatesthat command-line variable
assignment happenswhen awk would otherwise open the argument asa file, which isafter the BEGIN block isexecuted.
However, in earlier implementations, when such an assignment appeared before any filenames, the assignment would happen
beforethe BEGIN block wasrun. Applicationscame to depend on thisfeature. When awk waschanged to match its
documentation, thisoption wasadded to accommodate applicationsthat depended upon the old behavior. (Thisfeature was
agreed on by both the AT&T and GNU developers.)
The W option for implementation-specific featuresisfrom the standard.
When processing arguments, gawk usesthe special option to signal the end of arguments. In compatibility mode, it will
warn about, but otherwise ignore, undefined options. In normal operation, such argumentsare passed on to the awk program
for it to process.
The awk book doesnot define the return value of srand(). The System V Release 4 version of awk (and the standard) hasit
return the seed it wasusing, to allow keeping track of random number sequences. Therefore, srand() in gawk also returnsits
current seed.
Other new featuresare: the use of multiple f options(from MKS awk); the ENVIRON array; the \a, and \v escape sequences
(done originally in gawk and fed back into AT&Tsversion); the tolower() and toupper() built-in functions(from AT&T);
and the C conversion specificationsin printf (done first in AT&Tsversion).
gawk hassome extensionsto awk. They are described in thissection. All the extensionsdescribed here can be disabled by
invoking gawk with the W compat option.
The following featuresof gawk are not available in awk:
The \x escape sequence.
The systime() and strftime() functions.
The special filenamesavailable for I/O redirection are not recognized.
The ARGIND and ERRNO variablesare not special.
The IGNORECASE variable and itsside effects.
The FIELDWIDTHS variable and fixed width field splitting.
No path search isperformed for filesnamed via the f option. Therefore, the AWKPATH environment variable isnot special.
The use of next file to abandon processing of the current input file.
The use of delete ar r ay to delete the entire contentsof an array.
The awk book doesnot define the return value of the close() function. gawksclose() returnsthe value from fclose(3), or
pclose(3), when closing a file or pipe, respectively.
When gawk isinvoked with the W compat option, if the fs argument to the F option ist, then FS will be set to the tab
character. Since thisisa rather ugly special case, it isnot the default behavior. Thisbehavior also doesnot occur if Wposix
hasbeen specified.
Part I: User Commands
There are two featuresof historical awk implementationsthat gawk supports. First, it ispossible to call the length() built-in
function not only with no argument, but even without parentheses! Thus, this:
a = length
isthe same aseither of these:
a = length()
a = length($0)
Thisfeature ismarked asdeprecated in the standard, and gawk will issue a warning about itsuse if W lint isspecified on
the command line.
The other feature isthe use of either the continue or the break statementsoutside the body of a while, for, or do loop.
Traditional awk implementationshave treated such usage asequivalent to the next statement. gawk will support thisusage
if W compat hasbeen specified.
If POSIXLY_CORRECT existsin the environment, then gawk behavesexactly asif -posix had been specified on the command
line. If -lint hasbeen specified, gawk will issue a warning message to thiseffect.
The F option isnot necessary given the command-line variable assignment feature; it remainsonly for backwardscompat-
If your system actually hassupport for /dev/fd and the associated /dev/stdin, /dev/stdout, and /dev/stderr files, you may get
different output from gawk than you would get on a system without those files. When gawk interpretsthese filesinternally, it
synchronizesoutput to the standard output with output to /dev/stdout, while on a system with those files, the output is
actually to different open files. Caveat emptor.
Thisman page documentsgawk, version 2.15.
Starting with the 2.15 version of gawk, the c, V, C, D, a, and e optionsof the 2.11 version are no longer recognized. This
fact will not even be documented in the manual page for the next major version.
The original version of awk wasdesigned and implemented by Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan of AT&T
Bell Labs. Brian Kernighan continuesto maintain and enhance it.
Paul Rubin and Jay Fenlason, of the Free Software Foundation, wrote gawk, to be compatible with the original version of awk
distributed in the seventh edition. John Woodscontributed a number of bug fixes. David Trueman, with contributionsfrom
Arnold Robbins, made gawk compatible with the new version of awk. Arnold Robbinsisthe current maintainer.
The initial DOS port wasdone by Conrad Kwok and Scott Garfinkle. Scott Deifik isthe current DOSmaintainer. Pat
Rankin did the port to VMS, and Michal Jaegermann did the port to the Atari ST. The port to OS/2 wasdone by Kai Uwe
Rommel, with contributionsand help from Darrel Hankerson.
If you find a bug in gawk, please send electronic mail to,
with a copy to Please include your operating system and itsrevision, the version of gawk, what C
compiler you used to compile it, and a test program and data that are assmall aspossible for reproducing the problem.
Before sending a bug report, please do two things. First, verify that you have the latest version of gawk. Many bugs(usually
subtle ones) are fixed at each release, and if yoursisout of date, the problem may already have been solved. Second, please
read thisman page and the reference manual carefully to be sure that what you think isa bug really is, instead of just a quirk
in the language.
Brian Kernighan of Bell Labsprovided valuable assistance during testing and debugging.
We thank him.
FreeSoftwareFoundation, 24 November 1994
gcalDisplaysmonth/year calendar sheets, eternal holiday listsfor Julian and Gregorian years, and fixed date warning
listsall in a variety of ways.
gcal [[ Opt i on... ][%Dat e ][@Fi l e... ]] [ Command ]
gcal isa program similar the standard calendar programsBSDcal and calendar.
gcal displaysGregorian calendars, Julian calendars(before September 1752).
If gcal isstarted without any optionsor commands, a calendar of the current month isdisplayed.
If the calendar of a definite year iswanted, the year must be fully specified. For example, gcal 94 displaysa year calendar of
the year 94, not of the year 1994.
If two argumentsare given in the command part, the first argument denotesthe month and the second argument denotesthe
year. In case any illegal commands are given running gcal, the program will use internal defaults.
The Gregorian Reformation isassumed to have occurred in 1752 on the 3rd of September. Ten daysfollowing that date
were eliminated by the reformation, so the calendar for that month isa bit unusual.
You get more program information if you start gcal asfollows:
gcal -h gcal -? gcal help
gcal -hh gcal -?? gcal long-help[=ARG]j[=?] gcal usage[=ARG]j[=?]
A hypertext file containing detailed online information should be available, which you can inspect using your
GNU Infobrowser.
gcal copyright 1994, 1995, 1996 by ThomasEsken. Thissoftware doesnt claim completeness, correctness, or usability.
On principle, I will not be liable for any damagesor losses(implicit or explicit), which result from using or handling my
software. If you use thissoftware, you agree without any exception to thisagreement, which bindsyou legally.
gcal isfree software and distributed under the termsof the GNU General Public License; published by the Free Software
Foundation; version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
Any suggestions, improvements, extensions, bug reports, donations, proposalsfor contract work, and so forth are welcome!
If you like thistool, Id appreciate a postcard from you!
Enjoy it =8)
Part I: User Commands
ThomasEsken (
Im Hagenfeld 84
D-48147 Muenster; Germany
Phone : +49 251 232585
cal(1), calendar(1)
16 July1996
gcc, g++
gcc, g++GNU project C and C++ Compiler (v2.7)
gcc [ opt i on j f i l ename ]. . .
g++ [ opt i on j f i l ename ]...
The information in thisman page isan extract from the full documentation of the GNU C compiler and islimited to the
meaning of the options.
Thisman page isnot kept up-to-date except when volunteerswant to maintain it. If you find a discrepancy between the man
page and the software, please check the info file, which isthe authoritative documentation.
If we find that the thingsin thisman page that are out of date cause significant confusion or complaints, we will stop
distributing the man page. The alternative, updating the man page when we update the info file, isimpossible because the
rest of the work of maintaining GNU CC leavesusno time for that. The GNU project regardsman pagesasobsolete and
should not let them take time away from other things.
For complete and current documentation, refer to the info file gcc or the manual Usingand PortingGNU CC (for version
2.0). Both are made from the Texinfo source file gcc.texinfo.
The C and C++ compilersare integrated. Both processinput filesthrough one or more of four stages: preprocessing,
compilation, assembly, and linking. Source filename suffixesidentify the source language, but which name you use for the
compiler governsdefault assumptions:
gcc Assumespreprocessed (.i) filesare C and assumesC-style linking.
g++ Assumespreprocessed (.i) filesare C++ and assumesC++-style linking.
Suffixesof source filenamesindicate the language and kind of processing to be done:
.c C source; preprocess, compile, assemble
.C C++ source; preprocess, compile, assemble
.cc C++ source; preprocess, compile, assemble
.cxx C++ source; preprocess, compile, assemble
.m Objective-C source; preprocess, compile, assemble
.i Preprocessed C; compile, assemble
.ii Preprocessed C++; compile, assemble
.s Assembler source; assemble
.S Assembler source; preprocess, assemble
.h Preprocessor file; not usually named on command line
Fileswith other suffixesare passed to the linker. Common casesinclude
.o Object file
.a Archive file
Linking isalwaysthe last stage unlessyou use one of the c, S, or E optionsto avoid it (or unlesscompilation errorsstop
the whole process). For the link stage, all .o filescorresponding to source files, l libraries, unrecognized filenames(including
named .o object files, and .a archives) are passed to the linker in command-line order.
Optionsmust be separate: dr isquite different from d r.
Most f and W optionshave two contrary forms: fname and fno-name (or Wname and Wnoname). Only the nondefault forms
are shown here.
Here isa summary of all the options, grouped by type. Explanationsare in the following sections.
Overall Options
c S E o f i l e pipe v x l anguage
Language Options
ansi fallvirtual fcondmismatch
fdollarsinidentifiers fenumintequiv fexternaltemplates
fnoasm fnobuiltin fnostrictprototype
fsignedbitfields fsignedchar fthisisvariable
funsignedbitfields funsignedchar fwritablestrings
traditional traditionalcpp trigraphs
Warning Options
fsyntaxonly pedantic pedanticerrors
w W Wall Waggregatereturn Wcastalign
Wcastqual Wcharsubscript Wcomment
Wconversion Wenumclash Werror
Wformat Widclashlen Wimplicit
Winline Wmissingprototypes Wmissingdeclarations
Wnestedexterns Wnoimport Wparentheses
Wpointerarith Wredundantdecls Wreturntype
Wshadow Wstrictprototypes Wswitch
Wtemplatedebugging Wtraditional Wtrigraphs
Wuninitialized Wunused Wwritestrings
Debugging Options
a dl et t er s fpretendfloat g gl evel gcoff gxcoff gxcoff+ gdwarf gdwarf+ gstabs gstabs+ ggdb p pg
save temps printfilename=l i br ar y printlibgccfilename printprogname=pr ogr am
Optimization Options
fcallersaves fcsefollowjumps fcseskipblocks
fdelayedbranch felideconstructors fexpensiveoptimizations
ffastmath ffloatstore fforceaddr
fforcemem finlinefunctions fkeepinlinefunctions
gcc, g++
Part I: User Commands
fmemorizelookups fnodefaultinline fnodeferpop
fnofunctioncse fnoinline fnopeephole
fomitframepointer freruncseafterloop fscheduleinsns
fscheduleinsns2 fstrengthreduce fthreadjumps
funrollallloops funrollloops O O2
Preprocessor Options
Aasser t i on C dD dM dN Dmacr o[=def n ]E H idirafter di r include f i l e imacros f i l e iprefix f i l e
iwithprefix di r M MD MM MMD nostdinc P Umacr o undef
Assembler Option
Wa,opt i on
Linker Options
ll i br ar y nostartfiles nostdlib static shared symbolic Xlinkernopt i on Wl,opt i on u symbol
Directory Options
Bpr ef i x Idi r I Ldi r
Target Options
b machine V ver si on
Configuration-Dependent Options
M680x0 Options
m68000m68020 m6802040m68030m68040m68881 mbitfield mc68000 mc68020 mfpa mnobitfield mrtd mshort msoft
VAX Options
mg mgnu munix
SPARC Options
mepilogue mfpu mhardfloat mnofpu mnoepilogue msoftfloat msparclite mv8 msupersparc mcypress
Convex Options
margcount mc1 mc2 mnoargcount
AMD29K Options
m29000m29050 mbw mdw mkernelregisters mlarge mnbw mnodw msmall mstackcheck muserregisters
M88K Options
m88000 m88100 m88110 mbigpic
mcheckzerodivision mhandlelargeshift
midentifyrevision mnocheckzerodivision
mnoocsdebuginfo mnoocsframeposition
mnooptimizeargarea mnoserializevolatile
mnounderscores mocsdebuginfo
mocsframeposition moptimizeargarea
mserializevolatile mshortdatanum
msvr3 msvr4 mtraplargeshift
musedivinstruction mversion03.00
RS6000 Options
mfpintoc mnofopintoc
RT Options
mcalllibmul mfparginfpregs mfpargingregs
mfullfpblocks mhcstructreturn minlinemul
mminimumfpblocks mnohcstructreturn
MIPS Options
mcpu=cpu t ype mips2 mips3 mint64 mlong64
mlonglong128 mmipsas mgas mrnames
mnornames mgpopt mnogpopt mstats
mnostats mmemcpy mnomemcpy mnomipstfile
mmipstfile msoftfloat mhardfloat mabicalls
mnoabicalls mhalfpic mnohalfpic G num nocpp
i386 Options
m486 mno486 msoftfloat mnofpretin387
HPPA Options
mparisc10 mparisc11 mkernel msharedlibs mnosharedlibsmlongcallsmdisablefpregsmdisable
indexing mtrailingcolon
i960 Options
mnumerics msoftfloat mleafprocedures
mnoleafprocedures mtailcall mnotailcall
mcomplexaddr mnocomplexaddr mcodealign
mnocodealign miccompat mic2.0compat
mic3.0compat masmcompat mintelasm
mstrictalign mnostrictalign moldalign
DEC Alpha Options
mfpregs mnofpregs mnosoftfloat msoftfloat
SystemV Options
G Qy Qn YP,paths Ym,dir
Code-Generation Options
fcallsavedr eg fcallused
r eg ffixedr eg finhibit
sizedirective fnonnull
objects fnocommon fnoident
fnognulinker fpccstruct
return fpic fPIC freg
struct return fshareddata
fshortenums fshortdouble
fvolatile fvolatileglobal
gcc, g++
Part I: User Commands
x l anguage Specify explicitly the l anguage for the following input files(rather than choosing a default based on the
filename suffix). Thisoption appliesto all following input filesuntil the next x option. Possible valuesof
l anguage are c, objectivec, cheader, c++, cppoutput, assembler, and assemblerwithcpp.
x none Turn off any specification of a language, so that subsequent filesare handled according to their filename
suffixes(asthey are if x hasnot been used at all).
If you want only some of the four stages(preprocess, compile, assemble, link), you can use x (or filename suffixes) to tell gcc
where to start, and one of the optionsc, S, or E to say where gcc isto stop. Note that some combinations(for example, x
cppoutput E) instruct gcc to do nothing at all.
c Compile or assemble the source files, but do not link. The compiler output isan object file corresponding
to each source file.
By default, gcc makesthe object filename for a source file by replacing the suffix .c, .i, .s, and so on, with
.o. Use o to select another name.
gcc ignoresany unrecognized input files(those that do not require compilation or assembly) with the c
S Stop after the stage of compilation proper; do not assemble. The output isan assembler code file for each
nonassembler input file specified.
By default, gcc makesthe assembler filename for a source file by replacing the suffix .c, .i, and so on, with
.s. Use o to select another name.
gcc ignoresany input filesthat dont require compilation.
E Stop after the preprocessing stage; do not run the compiler proper. The output ispreprocessed source
code, which issent to the standard output.
gcc ignoresinput filesthat dont require preprocessing.
o f i l e Place output in file f i l e. Thisappliesregardlessto whatever sort of output gcc isproducing, whether it be
an executable file, an object file, an assembler file, or preprocessed C code.
Since only one output file can be specified, it doesnot make sense to use o when compiling more than
one input file, unlessyou are producing an executable file asoutput.
If you do not specify o, the default isto put an executable file in a.out, the object file for sour ce.suf f i x in
sour ce.o, itsassembler file in sour ce.s, and all preprocessed C source on standard output.
v Print (on standard error output) the commandsexecuted to run the stagesof compilation. Also print the
version number of the compiler driver program and of the preprocessor and the compiler proper.
pipe Use pipesrather than temporary filesfor communication between the variousstagesof compilation. This
failsto work on some systemswhere the assembler cannot read from a pipe; but the GNU assembler has
no trouble.
The following optionscontrol the dialect of C that the compiler accepts:
ansi Support all ANSI standard C programs.
Thisturnsoff certain featuresof GNU C that are incompatible with ANSI C, such asthe asm,
inline, and typeof keywords, and predefined macrossuch asunix and vax that identify the type
of system you are using. It also enablesthe undesirable and rarely used ANSI trigraph feature,
and disallows$ aspart of identifiers. The alternate keywords__asm__, __extension__,
__inline__, and __typeof__ continue to work despite ansi. You would not want to use them
in an ANSI C program, of course, but it isuseful to put them in header filesthat might be
included in compilationsdone with ansi. Alternate predefined macrossuch as__unix__ and
__vax__ are also available, with or without ansi.
The ansi option doesnot cause non-ANSI programsto be rejected gratuitously. For that,
pedantic isrequired in addition to ansi.
The preprocessor predefinesa macro __STRICT_ANSI__ when you use the ansi option. Some
header filesmay notice thismacro and refrain from declaring certain functionsor defining
certain macrosthat the ANSI standard doesnt call for; thisisto avoid interfering with any
programsthat might use these namesfor other things.
fnoasm Do not recognize asm, inline, or typeof asa keyword. These wordsmay then be used as
identifiers. You can use __asm__, __inline__, and __typeof__ instead. ansi impliesfnoasm.
fnobuiltin Dont recognize built-in functionsthat do not begin with two leading underscores. Currently,
the functionsaffected include _exit, abort, abs, alloca, cos, exit, fabs, labs, memcmp, memcpy,
sin, sqrt, strcmp, strcpy,and strlen.
The ansi option preventsalloca and _exit from being built-in functions.
fnostrictprototype Treat a function declaration with no arguments, such asint foo();, asC would treat itas
saying nothing about the number of argumentsor their types(C++ only). Normally, such a
declaration in C++ meansthat the function foo takesno arguments.
trigraphs Support ANSI C trigraphs. The ansi option impliestrigraphs.
traditional Attempt to support some aspectsof traditional C compilers. For details, see the GNU C
Manual; the duplicate list here hasbeen deleted so that we wont get complaintswhen it isout
of date.
But one note about C++ programsonly (not C). traditional hasone additional effect for
C++: assignment to thisispermitted. Thisisthe same asthe effect of fthisisvariable.
traditionalcpp Attempt to support some aspectsof traditional C preprocessors. Thisincludesthe itemsthat
specifically mention the preprocessor previously, but none of the other effectsof traditional.
fdollarsinidentifiers Permit the use of $ in identifiers(C++ only). You can also use fnodollarsinidentifiers to
explicitly prohibit use of $. (GNU C++ allows$ by default on some target systemsbut not
fenumintequiv Permit implicit conversion of int to enumeration types(C++ only). Normally GNU C++
allowsconversion of enum to int, but not the other way around.
fexternaltemplates Produce smaller code for template declarations, by generating only a single copy of each
template function where it isdefined (C++ only). To use thisoption successfully, you must also
mark all filesthat use templateswith either #pragma implementation (the definition) or #pragma
interface (declarations).
When your code iscompiled with fexternaltemplates, all template instantiationsare external.
You must arrange for all necessary instantiationsto appear in the implementation file; you can
do thiswith a typedef that referenceseach instantiation needed. Conversely, when you compile
using the default option fnoexternaltemplates, all template instantiationsare explicitly
fallvirtual Treat all possible member functionsasvirtual, implicitly. All member functions(except for
constructor functionsand new or delete member operators) are treated asvirtual functionsof
the classwhere they appear. Thisdoesnot mean that all callsto these member functionswill be
made through the internal table of virtual functions. Under some circumstances, the compiler
can determine that a call to a given virtual function can be made directly; in these cases, the
callsare direct in any case.
fcondmismatch Allow conditional expressionswith mismatched typesin the second and third arguments. The
value of such an expression isvoid.
fthisisvariable Permit assignment to this (C++ only). The incorporation of user-defined free store manage-
ment into C++ hasmade assignment to this an anachronism. Therefore, by default it isinvalid
to assign to thiswithin a classmember function. However, for backwardscompatibility, you
can make it valid with fthis-is-variable.
funsignedchar Let the type char be unsigned, like unsigned char.
Each kind of machine hasa default for what char should be. It iseither like unsigned char by
default or like signed char by default.
gcc, g++
Part I: User Commands
Ideally, a portable program should alwaysuse signed char or unsigned char when it dependson
the signednessof an object. But many programshave been written to use plain char and expect
it to be signed, or expect it to be unsigned, depending on the machinesthey were written for.
Thisoption, and itsinverse, letsyou make such a program work with the opposite default.
The type char isalwaysa distinct type from each of signed char and unsigned char, even though
itsbehavior isalwaysjust like one of those two.
fsignedchar Let the type char be signed, like signed char.
Note that thisisequivalent to fnounsignedchar, which isthe negative form of funsigned
char. Likewise, fnosignedchar isequivalent to funsignedchar.
fsignedbitfields These optionscontrol whether a bitfield issigned or unsigned, when declared with no explicit
funsignedbitfields or unsigned qualifier.
fnosignedbitfields By default, such a bitfield issigned, because thisisconsistent: The basic integer typessuch as
fnounsignedbitfields signed are signed types.
However, when you specify traditional, bitfieldsare all unsigned no matter what.
fwritablestrings Store string constantsin the writable data segment and dont uniquize them. Thisisfor
compatibility with old programswhich assume they can write into string constants. tradi-
tional also hasthiseffect.
Writing into string constantsisa very bad idea; constantsshould be constant.
These optionscontrol the C preprocessor, which isrun on each C source file before actual compilation.
If you use the E option, gcc doesnothing except preprocessing. Some of these optionsmake sense only together with E
because they cause the preprocessor output to be unsuitable for actual compilation.
include f i l e Processf i l e asinput before processing the regular input file. In effect, the contentsof f i l e
are compiled first. Any D and U optionson the command line are alwaysprocessed before
include f i l e, regardlessof the order in which they are written. All the include and imacros
optionsare processed in the order in which they are written.
imacros f i l e Processf i l e asinput, discarding the resulting output, before processing the regular input file.
Because the output generated from f i l e isdiscarded, the only effect of imacros f i l e isto make
the macrosdefined in f i l e available for use in the main input. The preprocessor evaluatesany
D and U optionson the command line before processing imacros f i l e, regardlessof the order
in which they are written. All the include and imacros optionsare processed in the order in
which they are written.
idirafter di r Add the directory di r to the second include path. The directorieson the second include path
are searched when a header file isnot found in any of the directoriesin the main include path
(the one that I addsto).
iprefix pr ef i x Specify pr ef i x asthe prefix for subsequent iwithprefix options.
iwithprefix di r Add a directory to the second include path. The directorysname ismade by concatenating
pr ef i x and di r , where pr ef i x wasspecified previously with iprefix.
nostdinc Do not search the standard system directoriesfor header files. Only the directoriesyou have
specified with I options(and the current directory, if appropriate) are searched.
By using both nostdinc and I, you can limit the include file search file to only those
directoriesyou specify explicitly.
nostdinc++ Do not search for header filesin the C++specific standard directories, but do still search the
other standard directories. (Thisoption isused when building libg++.)
undef Do not predefine any nonstandard macros(including architecture flags).
E Run only the C preprocessor. Preprocessall the C source filesspecified and output the resultsto
standard output or to the specified output file.
C Tell the preprocessor not to discard comments. Used with the E option.
P Tell the preprocessor not to generate #line commands. Used with the E option.
M [MG] Tell the preprocessor to output a rule suitable for make describing the dependenciesof each
object file. For each source file, the preprocessor outputsone make -rule whose target isthe
object filename for that source file and whose dependenciesare all the filesthat have been
included with #include. Thisrule may be a single line or may be continued with \-newline if it
islong. The list of rulesisprinted on standard output instead of the preprocessed C program.
M impliesE.
MG saysto treat missing header filesasgenerated filesand assume they live in the same directory
asthe source file. It must be specified in addition to M.
MM [MG] Like M but the output mentionsonly the user header filesincluded with #include f i l e .
System header filesincluded with #include < f i l e > are omitted.
MD Like M but the dependency information iswritten to fileswith namesmade by replacing .o
with .d at the end of the output filenames. Thisisin addition to compiling the file asspecified;
MD doesnot inhibit ordinary compilation the way M does.
The Mach utility md can be used to merge the .d filesinto a single dependency file suitable for
using with the make command.
MMD Like MD except mention only user header files, not system header files.
H Print the name of each header file used, in addition to other normal activities.
Aquest i on(answer ) Assert the answer answer for quest i on, in case it istested with a preprocessor conditional such as
#if #quest i on(answer ). A disablesthe standard assertionsthat normally describe the target
Aquest i on ( answer ) Assert the answer answer for quest i on, in case it istested with a preprocessor conditional such as
#if # quest i on ( answer ). Adisablesthe standard assertionsthat normally describe the target
Dmacr o Define macro macr o with the string 1 asitsdefinition.
Dmacr o=def n Define macro macr o asdef n. All instancesof D on the command line are processed before any
U options.
Umacr o Undefine macro macr o. U optionsare evaluated after all D options, but before any include and
imacros options.
dM Tell the preprocessor to output only a list of the macro definitionsthat are in effect at the end
of preprocessing. Used with the E option.
dD Tell the preprocessor to passall macro definitionsinto the output, in their proper sequence in
the rest of the output.
dN Like dD except that the macro argumentsand contentsare omitted. Only #define name is
included in the output.
Wa,opt i on Passopt i on asan option to the assembler. If opt i on containscommas, it issplit into multiple
optionsat the commas.
These optionscome into play when the compiler linksobject filesinto an executable output file. They are meaninglessif the
compiler isnot doing a link step.
obj ect - f i l e- name A filename that doesnot end in a special recognized suffix isconsidered to name an object file
or library. (Object filesare distinguished from librariesby the linker according to the file
contents.) If gcc doesa link step, these object filesare used asinput to the linker.
ll i br ar y Use the library named l i br ar y when linking.
The linker searchesa standard list of directoriesfor the library, which isactually a file named
lib l i br ar y .a. The linker then usesthisfile asif it had been specified precisely by name.
gcc, g++
Part I: User Commands
The directoriessearched include several standard system directoriesplusany that you specify
with L.
Normally, the filesfound thisway are library filesarchive fileswhose membersare object files.
The linker handlesan archive file by scanning through it for membersthat define symbolsthat
have so far been referenced but not defined. However, if the linker findsan ordinary object file
rather than a library, the object file islinked in the usual fashion. The only difference between
using an l option and specifying a filename isthat l surroundsl i br ar y with lib and .a and
searchesseveral directories.
lobjc You need thisspecial case of the l option in order to link an Objective C program.
nostartfiles Do not use the standard system startup fileswhen linking. The standard librariesare used
nostdlib Dont use the standard system librariesand startup fileswhen linking. Only the filesyou specify
will be passed to the linker.
static On systemsthat support dynamic linking, thispreventslinking with the shared libraries. On
other systems, thisoption hasno effect.
shared Produce a shared object which can then be linked with other objectsto form an executable.
Only a few systemssupport thisoption.
symbolic Bind referencesto global symbolswhen building a shared object. Warn about any unresolved
references(unlessoverridden by the link editor option Xlinker z Xlinker defs). Only a few
systemssupport thisoption.
Xlinker option Passoption asan option to the linker. You can use thisto supply system-specific linker options
which GNU CC doesnot know how to recognize.
If you want to passan option that takesan argument, you must use Xlinker twice: once for the
option and once for the argument. For example, to passassert definitions, you must write
Xlinker assert Xlinker definitions. It doesnot work to write Xlinker assert
definitions, because thispassesthe entire string asa single argument, which isnot what the
linker expects.
Wl,option Passoption asan option to the linker. If option containscommas, it issplit into multiple
optionsat the commas.
u symbol Pretend the symbol symbol isundefined, to force linking of library modulesto define it. You
can use u multiple timeswith different symbolsto force loading of additional library modules.
These optionsspecify directoriesto search for header files, for libraries, and for partsof the compiler:
Idi r Append directory di r to the list of directoriessearched for include files.
I Any directoriesyou specify with I optionsbefore the I option are searched only for the case
of #include f i l e; they are not searched for #include <f i l e>.
If additional directoriesare specified with I optionsafter the I, these directoriesare searched
for all #include directives. (Ordinarily all I directoriesare used thisway.)
In addition, the I option inhibitsthe use of the current directory (where the current input file
came from) asthe first search directory for #include f i l e . There isno way to override this
effect of I. With I. you can specify searching the directory that wascurrent when the
compiler wasinvoked. That isnot exactly the same aswhat the preprocessor doesby default,
but it isoften satisfactory.
I doesnot inhibit the use of the standard system directoriesfor header files. Thus, I and
nostdinc are independent.
Ldi r Add directory di r to the list of directoriesto be searched for l.
Bpr ef i x Thisoption specifieswhere to find the executables, libraries, and data filesof the compiler itself.
The compiler driver program runsone or more of the subprogramscpp, cc1 (or, for C++,
cc1plus), as, and ld. It triespr ef i x asa prefix for each program it triesto run, both with and
without machi ne / ver si on /.
For each subprogram to be run, the compiler driver first triesthe B prefix, if any. If that name
isnot found, or if B wasnot specified, the driver triestwo standard prefixes, which are /usr/
lib/gcc/ and /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/. If neither of those resultsin a filename that isfound, the
compiler driver searchesfor the unmodified program name, using the directoriesspecified in
your PATH environment variable.
The runtime support file libgcc.a isalso searched for using the B prefix, if needed. If it isnot
found there, the two standard prefixes(preceding paragraph) are tried, and that isall. The file is
left out of the link if it isnot found by those means. Most of the time, on most machines,
libgcc.a isnot actually necessary.
You can get a similar result from the environment variable GCC_EXEC_PREFIX; if it isdefined, its
value isused asa prefix in the same way. If both the B option and the GCC_EXEC_PREFIX variable
are present, the B option isused first and the environment variable value second.
Warningsare diagnostic messagesthat report constructionsthat are not inherently erroneousbut are risky or suggest there
may have been an error.
These optionscontrol the amount and kindsof warningsproduced by GNU CC:
fsyntaxonly Check the code for syntax errors, but dont emit any output.
w Inhibit all warning messages.
Wnoimport Inhibit warning messagesabout the use of #import.
pedantic Issue all the warningsdemanded by strict ANSI standard C; reject all programsthat use
forbidden extensions.
Valid ANSI standard C programsshould compile properly with or without thisoption (though
a rare few will require ansi). However, without thisoption, certain GNU extensionsand
traditional C featuresare supported aswell. With thisoption, they are rejected. There isno
reason to use thisoption; it existsonly to satisfy pedants.
pedantic doesnot cause warning messagesfor use of the alternate keywordswhose namesbegin
and end with __. Pedantic warningsare also disabled in the expression that followsextension.
However, only system header filesshould use these escape routes; application programsshould
avoid them.
pedanticerrors Like pedantic, except that errorsare produced rather than warnings.
W Print extra warning messagesfor these events:
A nonvolatile automatic variable might be changed by a call to longjmp. These warningsare
possible only in optimizing compilation. The compiler seesonly the callsto setjmp. It cannot
know where longjmp will be called; in fact, a signal handler could call it at any point in the code.
Asa result, you may get a warning even when there isin fact no problem because longjmp
cannot in fact be called at the place which would cause a problem.
A function can return either with or without a value. (Falling off the end of the function body
isconsidered returning without a value.) For example, thisfunction would evoke such a
foo (a)
if (a > 0)
return a;
Spuriouswarningscan occur because GNU CC doesnot realize that certain functions
(including abort and longjmp) will never return.
An expression-statement or the left side of a comma expression containsno side effects. To
suppressthe warning, cast the unused expression to void. For example, an expression such as
x[i,j] will cause a warning, but x[(void)i,j] will not.
An unsigned value iscompared against zero with > or <=.
gcc, g++
Part I: User Commands
Wimplicit Warn whenever a function or parameter isimplicitly declared.
Wreturntype Warn whenever a function isdefined with a return-type that defaultsto int. Also warn about
any return statement with no return-value in a function whose return-type isnot void.
Wunused Warn whenever a local variable isunused aside from itsdeclaration, whenever a function is
declared static but never defined, and whenever a statement computesa result that isexplicitly
not used.
Wswitch Warn whenever a switch statement hasan index of enumeral type and lacksa case for one or
more of the named codesof that enumeration. (The presence of a default label preventsthis
warning.) case labelsoutside the enumeration range also provoke warningswhen thisoption is
Wcomment Warn whenever a comment-start sequence / appearsin a comment.
Wtrigraphs Warn if any trigraphsare encountered (assuming they are enabled).
Wformat Check callsto printf and scanf, and so on, to make sure that the argumentssupplied have
typesappropriate to the format string specified.
Wcharsubscripts Warn if an array subscript hastype char. Thisisa common cause of error, asprogrammers
often forget that thistype issigned on some machines.
Wuninitialized An automatic variable isused without first being initialized.
These warningsare possible only in optimizing compilation, because they require data flow
information that iscomputed only when optimizing. If you dont specify O, you simply wont
get these warnings.
These warningsoccur only for variablesthat are candidatesfor register allocation. Therefore,
they do not occur for a variable that isdeclared volatile, or whose addressistaken, or whose size
isother than 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes. Also, they do not occur for structures, unions, or arrays, even
when they are in registers.
Note that there may be no warning about a variable that isused only to compute a value that
itself isnever used, because such computationsmay be deleted by data flow analysisbefore the
warningsare printed.
These warningsare made optional because GNU CC isnot smart enough to see all the reasons
why the code might be correct despite appearing to have an error. Here isone example of how
thiscan happen:
int x;
switch (y)
case 1: x = 1;
case 2: x = 4;
case 3: x = 5;
foo (x);
If the value of y isalways1, 2, or 3, then x isalwaysinitialized, but GNU CC doesnt know this.
Here isanother common case:
int save_y;
if (change_y) save_y =y,y =new_y;
if (change_y)y =save_y;
Thishasno bug because save_y isused only if it isset.
Some spuriouswarningscan be avoided if you declare asvolatile all the functionsyou use that
never return.
Wparentheses Warn if parenthesesare omitted in certain contexts.
Wtemplatedebugging When using templatesin a C++ program, warn if debugging isnot yet fully available (C++
Wall All of the preceding W optionscombined. These are all the optionsthat pertain to usage that
we recommend avoiding and that we believe iseasy to avoid, even in conjunction with macros.
The remaining W... optionsare not implied by Wall because they warn about constructionsthat we consider reasonable to
use, on occasion, in clean programs.
Wtraditional Warn about certain constructsthat behave differently in traditional and ANSI C:
Macro argumentsoccurring within string constantsin the macro body. These would substitute
the argument in traditional C, but are part of the constant in ANSI C.
A function declared external in one block and then used after the end of the block.
A switch statement hasan operand of type long.
Wshadow Warn whenever a local variable shadowsanother local variable.
Widclashl en Warn whenever two distinct identifiersmatch in the first l en characters. Thismay help you
prepare a program that will compile with certain obsolete, brain-damaged compilers.
Wpointerarith Warn about anything that dependson the size of a function type or of void. GNU C assigns
these typesa size of 1, for convenience in calculationswith void pointersand pointersto
Wcastqual Warn whenever a pointer iscast so asto remove a type qualifier from the target type. For
example, warn if a const char iscast to an ordinary char.
Wcastalign Warn whenever a pointer iscast such that the required alignment of the target isincreased. For
example, warn if a char iscast to an int on machineswhere integerscan only be accessed at
two- or four-byte boundaries.
Wwritestrings Give string constantsthe type const char[ l engt h ] so that copying the addressof one into a
non-const char pointer will get a warning. These warningswill help you find at compile time
code that can try to write into a string constant, but only if you have been very careful about
using const in declarationsand prototypes. Otherwise, it will just be a nuisance; thisiswhy we
did not make Wall request these warnings.
Wconversion Warn if a prototype causesa type conversion that isdifferent from what would happen to the
same argument in the absence of a prototype. Thisincludesconversionsof fixed point to
floating and vice versa, and conversionschanging the width or signednessof a fixed point
argument except when the same asthe default promotion.
Waggregatereturn Warn if any functionsthat return structuresor unionsare defined or called. (In languages
where you can return an array, thisalso elicitsa warning.)
Wstrictprototypes Warn if a function isdeclared or defined without specifying the argument types. (An old-style
function definition ispermitted without a warning if preceded by a declaration which specifies
the argument types.)
Wmissingprototypes Warn if a global function isdefined without a previousprototype declaration. Thiswarning is
issued even if the definition itself providesa prototype. The aim isto detect global functions
that fail to be declared in header files.
Wmissingdeclarations Warn if a global function isdefined without a previousdeclaration. Do so even if the definition
itself providesa prototype. Use thisoption to detect global functionsthat are not declared in
header files.
Wredundant-decls Warn if anything isdeclared more than once in the same scope, even in caseswhere multiple
declaration isvalid and changesnothing.
Wnested-externs Warn if an extern declaration isencountered within an function.
Wenumclash Warn about conversion between different enumeration types(C++ only).
Woverloadedvirtual (C++ only.) In a derived class, the definitionsof virtual functionsmust match the type signature
of a virtual function declared in the base class. Use thisoption to request warningswhen a
derived classdeclaresa function that may be an erroneousattempt to define a virtual function;
gcc, g++
Part I: User Commands
that is, warn when there isa function with the same name asa virtual function in the base class,
but with a type signature that doesnt match any virtual functionsfrom the base class.
Winline Warn if a function cannot be inlined, and either it wasdeclared asinline, or else the finline
functions option wasgiven.
Werror Treat warningsaserrors; abort compilation after any warning.
GNU CC hasvariousspecial optionsthat are used for debugging either your program or gcc:
g Produce debugging information in the operating systemsnative format (stabs, COFF, XCOFF,
or DWARF). GDB (the GNU debugger) can work with thisdebugging information.
On most systemsthat usestabsformat, g enablesuseof extra debugging information that only GDB
can use; thisextra information makesdebugging work better in GDB but will probably make
other debuggerscrash or refuse to read the program. If you want to control for certain whether
to generate the extra information, use gstabs, gstabs, gxcoff+, gxcoff, gdwarf+, or gdwarf.
Unlike most other C compilers, GNU CC allowsyou to use g with O. The shortcutstaken by
optimized code may occasionally produce surprising results: Some variablesyou declared may
not exist at all; flow of control may briefly move where you did not expect it; some statements
may not be executed because they compute constant resultsor their valueswere already at hand;
some statementsmay execute in different placesbecause they were moved out of loops.
Nevertheless, it provespossible to debug optimized output. Thismakesit reasonable to use the
optimizer for programsthat might have bugs.
The following optionsare useful when GNU CC isgenerated with the capability for more than one debugging format.
ggdb Produce debugging information in the native format (if that issupported), including GDB
extensionsif at all possible.
gstabs Produce debugging information in stabs format (if that issupported), without GDB exten-
sions. Thisisthe format used by DBX on most BSD systems.
gstabs+ Produce debugging information in stabsformat (if that issupported), using GNU extensions
understood only by the GNU debugger (GDB). The use of these extensionsislikely to make
other debuggerscrash or refuse to read the program.
gcoff Produce debugging information in COFF format (if that issupported). Thisisthe format used
by SDB on most System V systemsprior to System V Release 4.
gxcoff Produce debugging information in XCOFF format (if that issupported). Thisisthe format
used by the DBX debugger on IBM RS/6000 systems.
gxcoff+ Produce debugging information in XCOFF format (if that issupported), using GNU
extensionsunderstood only by the GNU debugger (GDB). The use of these extensionsislikely
to make other debuggerscrash or refuse to read the program.
gdwarf Produce debugging information in DWARF format (if that issupported). Thisisthe format
used by SDB on most System V Release 4 systems.
gdwarf+ Produce debugging information in DWARF format (if that issupported), using GNU
extensionsunderstood only by the GNU debugger (GDB). The use of these extensionsislikely
to make other debuggerscrash or refuse to read the program.
ggdbl evel
gstabsl evel
gcoffl evel gxcoffl evel
gdwarfl evel Request debugging information and also use l evel to specify how much information. The
default level is2.
Level 1 producesminimal information, enough for making backtracesin partsof the program
that you dont plan to debug. Thisincludesdescriptionsof functionsand external variables, but
no information about local variablesand no line numbers.
Level 3 includesextra information, such asall the macro definitionspresent in the program.
Some debuggerssupport macro expansion when you use g3.
p Generate extra code to write profile information suitable for the analysisprogram prof.
pg Generate extra code to write profile information suitable for the analysisprogram gprof.
a Generate extra code to write profile information for basic blocks, which will record the number
of timeseach basic block isexecuted. Thisdata could be analyzed by a program like tcov. Note,
however, that the format of the data isnot what tcov expects. Eventually, GNU gprof should
be extended to processthisdata.
dl et t er s Saysto make debugging dumpsduring compilation at timesspecified by l et t er s. Thisisused
for debugging the compiler. The filenamesfor most of the dumpsare made by appending a
word to the source filename (for example, foo.c.rtl or foo.c.jump).
dM Dump all macro definitionsat the end of preprocessing, and write no output.
dN Dump all macro names, at the end of preprocessing.
dD Dump all macro definitionsat the end of preprocessing, in addition to normal output.
dy Dump debugging information during parsing, to standard error.
dr Dump after RTL generation, to f i l e. rtl.
dx Just generate RTL for a function instead of compiling it. Usually used with r.
dj Dump after first jump optimization, to f i l e . jump.
ds Dump after CSE (including the jump optimization that sometimesfollowsCSE), to f i l e . cse.
dL Dump after loop optimization, to f i l e . loop.
dt Dump after the second CSE pass(including the jump optimization that sometimesfollows
CSE), to f i l e . cse2.
df Dump after flow analysis, to f i l e . flow.
dc Dump after instruction combination, to f i l e . combine.
dS Dump after the first instruction scheduling pass, to f i l e . sched.
dl Dump after local register allocation, to f i l e . lreg.
dg Dump after global register allocation, to f i l e . greg.
dR Dump after the second instruction scheduling pass, to f i l e .sched2.
dJ Dump after last jump optimization, to f i l e .jump2.
dd Dump after delayed branch scheduling, to f i l e .dbr.
dk Dump after conversion from registersto stack, to f i l e .stack.
da Produce all the dumpslisted previously.
dm Print statisticson memory usage, at the end of the run, to standard error.
dp Annotate the assembler output with a comment indicating which pattern and alternative was
fpretendfloat When running a cross-compiler, pretend that the target machine usesthe same floating-point
format asthe host machine. Thiscausesincorrect output of the actual floating constants, but
the actual instruction sequence will probably be the same asGNU CC would make when
running on the target machine.
savetemps Store the usual temporary intermediate filespermanently; place them in the current directory
and name them based on the source file. Thus, compiling foo.c with c savetemps would
produce filesfoo.cpp and foo.s, aswell asfoo.o.
printfilename=l i br ar y Print the full absolute name of the library file l i br ar y would be used when linking, and do not
do anything else. With thisoption, GNU CC doesnot compile or link anything; it just prints
the filename.
printlibgccfilename Same asprintfilename=libgcc.a.
printprogname=pr ogr am Like printfilename, but searchesfor a program such ascpp.
gcc, g++
Part I: User Commands
These optionscontrol varioussortsof optimizations:
O, O1 Optimize. Optimizing compilation takessomewhat more time, and a lot more memory for a
large function.
Without O, the compilersgoal isto reduce the cost of compilation and to make debugging
produce the expected results. Statementsare independent: If you stop the program with a
breakpoint between statements, you can then assign a new value to any variable or change the
program counter to any other statement in the function and get exactly the resultsyou would
expect from the source code.
Without O, only variablesdeclared register are allocated in registers. The resulting compiled
code isa little worse than produced by PCC without O.
With O, the compiler triesto reduce code size and execution time.
When you specify O, the two optionsfthreadjumps and fdeferpop are turned on. On
machinesthat have delay slots, the fdelayedbranch option isturned on. For those machines
that can support debugging even without a frame pointer, the fomitframepointer option is
turned on. On some machinesother flagsmay also be turned on.
O2 Optimize even more. Nearly all supported optimizationsthat do not involve a space-speed
tradeoff are performed. Loop unrolling and function inlining are not done, for example. As
compared to O, thisoption increasesboth compilation time and the performance of the
generated code.
O3 Optimize yet more. Thisturnson everything O2 does, along with also turning on finline
O0 Do not optimize.
If you use multiple O options, with or without level numbers, the last such option isthe one
that iseffective.
Optionsof the form f f l ag specify machine-independent flags. Most flagshave both positive and negative forms; the
negative form of ffoo would be fnofoo. The following list showsonly one formthe one which isnot the default. You
can figure out the other form by either removing no or adding it.
ffloatstore Do not store floating-point variablesin registers. Thispreventsundesirable excessprecision on
machinessuch asthe 68000 where the floating registers(of the 68881) keep more precision
than a double issupposed to have.
For most programs, the excessprecision doesonly good, but a few programsrely on the precise
definition of IEEE floating point. Use ffloatstore for such programs.
fmemorizelookups Use heuristicsto compile faster (C++ only). These heuristicsare not enabled by default,
fsavememorized since they are only effective for certain input files. Other input filescompile more slowly.
The first time the compiler must build a call to a member function (or reference to a data
member), it must (1) determine whether the classimplementsmember functionsof that name;
(2) resolve which member function to call (which involvesfiguring out what sortsof type
conversionsneed to be made); and (3) check the visibility of the member function to the caller.
All of thisaddsup to slower compilation. Normally, the second time a call ismade to that
member function (or reference to that data member), it must go through the same lengthy
processagain. Thismeansthat code like this:
cout << This << p << has<< \ << legs.\n
makessix passesthrough all three steps. By using a software cache, a hit significantly reduces
thiscost. Unfortunately, using the cache introducesanother layer of mechanismswhich must
be implemented, and so incursitsown overhead. fmemorize lookups enablesthe software
Because accessprivileges(visibility) to membersand member functionsmay differ from one
function context to the next, g++ may need to flush the cache. With the fmemorizelookups
flag, the cache isflushed after every function that iscompiled. The fsavememorized flag
enablesthe same software cache, but when the compiler determinesthat the context of the last
function compiled would yield the same accessprivilegesof the next function to compile, it
preservesthe cache. Thisismost helpful when defining many member functionsfor the same
class: with the exception of member functionswhich are friendsof other classes, each member
function hasexactly the same accessprivilegesasevery other, and the cache need not be flushed.
fnodefaultinline Dont make member functionsinline by default merely because they are defined inside the class
scope (C++ only).
fnodeferpop Alwayspop the argumentsto each function call assoon asthat function returns. For machines
which must pop argumentsafter a function call, the compiler normally letsarguments
accumulate on the stack for several function callsand popsthem all at once.
fforcemem Force memory operandsto be copied into registersbefore doing arithmetic on them. Thismay
produce better code by making all memory referencespotential common subexpressions. When
they are not common subexpressions, instruction combination should eliminate the separate
register-load. I am interested in hearing about the difference thismakes.
fforceaddr Force memory addressconstantsto be copied into registersbefore doing arithmetic on them.
Thismay produce better code just asfforcemem may. I am interested in hearing about the
difference thismakes.
fomitframepointer Dont keep the frame pointer in a register for functionsthat dont need one. Thisavoidsthe
instructionsto save, set up and restore frame pointers; it also makesan extra register available in
many functions. It also makesdebugging impossible on most machines.
On some machines, such asthe VAX, thisflag hasno effect because the standard calling
sequence automatically handlesthe frame pointer and nothing issaved by pretending it doesnt
exist. The machine-description macro FRAME_POINTER_REQUIRED controlswhether a target
machine supportsthisflag.
finlinefunctions Integrate all simple functionsinto their callers. The compiler heuristically decideswhich
functionsare simple enough to be worth integrating in thisway.
If all callsto a given function are integrated, and the function isdeclared static, then gcc
normally doesnot output the function asassembler code in itsown right.
fcallersaves Enable valuesto be allocated in registersthat will be clobbered by function calls, by emitting
extra instructionsto save and restore the registersaround such calls. Such allocation isdone
only when it seemsto result in better code than would otherwise be produced.
Thisoption isenabled by default on certain machines, usually those which have no call-
preserved registersto use instead.
fkeepinlinefunctions Even if all callsto a given function are integrated, and the function isdeclared static,
neverthelessoutput a separate runtime callable version of the function.
fnofunctioncse Do not put function addressesin registers; make each instruction that callsa constant function
contain the functionsaddressexplicitly.
Thisoption resultsin lessefficient code, but some strange hacksthat alter the assembler output
may be confused by the optimizationsperformed when thisoption isnot used.
fnopeephole Disable any machine-specific peephole optimizations.
ffast-math Thisoption allowsgcc to violate some ANSI or IEEE specificationsin the interest of optimiz-
ing code for speed. For example, it allowsthe compiler to assume argumentsto the sqrt
function are nonnegative numbers.
Thisoption should never be turned on by any O option because it can result in incorrect
output for programswhich depend on an exact implementation of IEEE or ANSI rules/
specificationsfor math functions.
The following optionscontrol specific optimizations. The O2 option turnson all of these optimizationsexcept funroll
loops and funrollallloops.
The O option usually turnson the fthreadjumps and fdelayedbranch options, but specific machinesmay change the
default optimizations.
gcc, g++
Part I: User Commands
You can use the following flagsin the rare caseswhen fine-tuning of optimizationsto be performed isdesired:
fstrengthreduce Perform the optimizationsof loop strength reduction and elimination of iteration variables.
fthreadjumps Perform optimizationswhere we check to see if a jump branchesto a location where another
comparison subsumed by the first isfound. If so, the first branch isredirected to either the
destination of the second branch or a point immediately following it, depending on whether
the condition isknown to be true or false.
funrollloops Perform the optimization of loop unrolling. Thisisonly done for loopswhose number of
iterationscan be determined at compile time or runtime.
funrollallloops Perform the optimization of loop unrolling. Thisisdone for all loops. Thisusually makes
programsrun more slowly.
fcsefollowjumps In common subexpression elimination, scan through jump instructionswhen the target of the
jump isnot reached by any other path. For example, when CSE encountersan if statement
with an else clause, CSE will follow the jump when the condition tested isfalse.
fcseskipblocks Thisissimilar to fcsefollowjumps, but causesCSE to follow jumpswhich conditionally skip
over blocks. When CSE encountersa simple if statement with no else clause, fcseskip
blocks causesCSE to follow the jump around the body of the if.
freruncseafterloop Rerun common subexpression elimination after loop optimizationshasbeen performed.
felideconstructors Elide constructorswhen thisseemsplausible (C++ only). With thisflag, GNU C++ initializesy
directly from the call to foo without going through a temporary in the following code:
A foo (); A y = foo ( );
Without thisoption, GNU C++ first initializesy by calling the appropriate constructor for type
A; then assignsthe result of foo to a temporary; and, finally, replacesthe initial value of y with
the temporary.
The default behavior (fnoelideconstructors) isspecified by the draft ANSI C++ standard. If
your programsconstructorshave side effects, using felide-constructors can make your
program act differently, since some constructor callsmay be omitted.
fexpensiveoptimizations Perform a number of minor optimizationsthat are relatively expensive.
fdelayedbranch If supported for the target machine, attempt to reorder instructionsto exploit instruction slots
available after delayed branch instructions.
fscheduleinsns If supported for the target machine, attempt to reorder instructionsto eliminate execution stalls
due to required data being unavailable. Thishelpsmachinesthat have slow floating point or
memory load instructionsby allowing other instructionsto be issued until the result of the load
or floating point instruction isrequired.
fscheduleinsns2 Similar to fscheduleinsns, but requestsan additional passof instruction scheduling after
register allocation hasbeen done. Thisisespecially useful on machineswith a relatively small
number of registersand where memory load instructionstake more than one cycle.
By default, GNU CC compilescode for the same type of machine that you are using.
However, it can also be installed asa cross-compiler, to compile for some other type of machine. In fact, several different
configurationsof GNU CC, for different target machines, can be installed side by side. Then you specify which one to use
with the b option.
In addition, older and newer versionsof GNU CC can be installed side by side. One of them (probably the newest) will be
the default, but you may sometimeswant to use another.
b machi ne The argument machi ne specifiesthe target machine for compilation. Thisisuseful when you
have installed GNU CC asa cross-compiler.
The value to use for machi ne isthe same aswasspecified asthe machine type when configuring
GNU CC asa cross-compiler. For example, if a cross-compiler wasconfigured with configure
i386v, meaning to compile for an 80386 running System V, then you would specify b i386v to
run that crosscompiler.
When you do not specify b, it normally meansto compile for the same type of machine that
you are using.
V ver si on The argument ver si on specifieswhich version of GNU CC to run. Thisisuseful when multiple
versionsare installed. For example, ver si on might be 2.0, meaning to run GNU CC version
The default version, when you do not specify V, iscontrolled by the way GNU CC isinstalled.
Normally, it will be a version that isrecommended for general use.
Each of the target machine typescan have itsown special options, starting with m, to choose among varioushardware
modelsor configurationsfor example, 68010 versus68020, floating coprocessor or none. A single installed version of the
compiler can compile for any model or configuration, according to the optionsspecified.
Some configurationsof the compiler also support additional special options, usually for command-line compatibility with
other compilerson the same platform.
These are the m optionsdefined for the 68000 series:
m68000 Generate output for a 68000. Thisisthe default when the compiler isconfigured for 68000-
mc68000 based systems.
m68020 Generate output for a 68020 (rather than a 68000). Thisisthe default when the compiler is
mc68020 configured for 68020-based systems.
m68881 Generate output containing 68881 instructionsfor floating point. Thisisthe default for most
68020-based systemsunlessnfp wasspecified when the compiler wasconfigured.
m68030 Generate output for a 68030. Thisisthe default when the compiler isconfigured for 68030-
based systems.
m68040 Generate output for a 68040. Thisisthe default when the compiler isconfigured for 68040-
based systems.
m6802040 Generate output for a 68040, without using any of the new instructions. Thisresultsin code
which can run relatively efficiently on either a 68020/68881 or a 68030 or a 68040.
mfpa Generate output containing Sun FPA instructionsfor floating point.
msoftfloat Generate output containing library callsfor floating point.
The requisite librariesare not part of GNU CC. Normally, the facilitiesof the machinesusual C compiler are used, but
thiscant be done directly in cross-compilation. You must make your own arrangementsto provide suitable library func-
tionsfor cross-compilation.
mshort Consider type int to be 16 bitswide, like short int.
mnobitfield Do not use the bit-field instructions. m68000 impliesmnobitfield.
mbitfield Do use the bit-field instructions. m68020 impliesmbitfield. Thisisthe default if you use the
unmodified sources.
mrtd Use a different function-calling convention, in which functionsthat take a fixed number of
argumentsreturn with the rtd instruction, which popstheir argumentswhile returning. This
savesone instruction in the caller since there isno need to pop the argumentsthere.
Thiscalling convention isincompatible with the one normally used on UNIX, so you cannot
use it if you need to call librariescompiled with the UNIX compiler.
gcc, g++
Part I: User Commands
Also, you must provide function prototypesfor all functionsthat take variable numbersof
arguments(including printf ); otherwise, incorrect code will be generated for callsto those
In addition, seriously incorrect code will result if you call a function with too many arguments.
(Normally, extra argumentsare harmlessly ignored.)
The rtd instruction issupported by the 68010 and 68020 processors, but not by the 68000.
These m optionsare defined for the VAX:
munix Do not output certain jump instructions(aobleq and so on) that the UNIX assembler for the
VAX cannot handle acrosslong ranges.
mgnu Do output those jump instructions, on the assumption that you will assemble with the GNU
mg Output code for g-format floating-point numbersinstead of d-format.
These m switchesare supported on the SPARC:
mfpu Generate output containing floating-point instructions. Thisisthe default.
mnofpu Generate output containing library callsfor floating point.
There isno GNU floating-point library for SPARC. Normally, the facilitiesof the machinesusual C compiler are used,
but thiscannot be done directly in cross-compilation. You must make your own arrangementsto provide suitable library
functionsfor cross-compilation.
msoftfloat Changesthe calling convention in the output file; therefore, it isonly useful if you compile all
of a program with thisoption.
mnoepilogue With mepilogue (the default), the compiler alwaysemitscode for function exit at the end of
mepilogue each function. Any function exit in the middle of the function (such asa return statement in C)
will generate a jump to the exit code at the end of the function. With mnoepilogue, the
compiler triesto emit exit code inline at every function exit.
mnov8 These three optionsselect variationson the SPARC architecture. By default (unlessspecifically
mv8 configured for the Fujitsu SPARClite), gcc generatescode for the v7 variant of the SPARC
msparclite architecture.
mv8 will give you SPARC v8 code. The only difference from v7 code isthat the compiler emits
the integer multiply and integer divide instructionsthat exist in SPARC v8 but not in SPARC v7.
msparclite will give you SPARClite code. Thisaddsthe integer multiply, integer divide step
and scan (ffs) instructionsthat exist in SPARClite but not in SPARC v7.
mcypress These two optionsselect the processor for which the code isoptimized.
msupersparc With mcypress (the default), the compiler optimizescode for the CypressCY7C602 chip, as
used in the SparcStation and SparcServer 3xx series. Thisisalso appropriate for the older
SparcStation 1, 2, IPX, and so on.
With msupersparc the compiler optimizescode for the SuperSparc cpu, asused in the
SparcStation 10, 1000, and 2000 series. Thisflag also enablesuse of the full SPARC v8
instruction set.
These m optionsare defined for the Convex:
mc1 Generate output for a C1. Thisisthe default when the compiler isconfigured for a C1.
mc2 Generate output for a C2. Thisisthe default when the compiler isconfigured for a C2.
margcount Generate code which putsan argument count in the word preceding each argument list. Some
nonportable Convex and VAX programsneed thisword. (Debuggersdont, except for
functionswith variable-length argument lists; thisinformation isin the symbol table.)
mnoargcount Omit the argument count word. Thisisthe default if you use the unmodified sources.
These m optionsare defined for the AMD Am29000:
mdw Generate code that assumesthe DW bit isset, that is, that byte and half-word operationsare
directly supported by the hardware. Thisisthe default.
mnodw Generate code that assumesthe DW bit isnot set.
mbw Generate code that assumesthe system supportsbyte and halfword write operations. Thisisthe
mnbw Generate code that assumesthe systemsdoesnot support byte and halfword write operations.
msmall Use a small memory model that assumesthat all function addressesare either within a single
256KB segment or at an absolute addressof lessthan 256K. Thisallowsthe call instruction to
be used instead of a const, consth, calli sequence.
mlarge Do not assume that the call instruction can be used; thisisthe default.
m29050 Generate code for the Am29050.
m29000 Generate code for the Am29000. Thisisthe default.
mkernelregisters Generate referencesto registersgr64gr95 instead of gr96gr127. Thisoption can be used when
compiling kernel code that wantsa set of global registersdisjoint from that used by user-mode
Note that when thisoption isused, register namesin f flagsmust use the normal, user-mode,
muserregisters Use the normal set of global registers, gr96gr127. Thisisthe default.
mstackcheck Insert a call to msp check after each stack adjustment. Thisisoften used for kernel code.
These m optionsare defined for Motorola 88K architectures:
m88000 Generate code that workswell on both the m88100 and the m88110.
m88100 Generate code that worksbest for the m88100, but that also runson the m88110.
m88110 Generate code that worksbest for the m88110, and may not run on the m88100.
midentifyrevision Include an ident directive in the assembler output recording the source filename, compiler
name and version, timestamp, and compilation flagsused.
mnounderscores In assembler output, emit symbol nameswithout adding an underscore character at the
beginning of each name. The default isto use an underscore asprefix on each name.
mcheckzerodivision Early modelsof the 88K architecture had problemswith division by zero; in particular, many of
mnocheckzerodivision them didnt trap. Use these optionsto avoid including (or to include explicitly) additional code
to detect division by zero and signal an exception. All gcc configurationsfor the 88K use
mcheckzerodivision by default.
mocsdebuginfo Include (or omit) additional debugging information (about registersused in each stack frame)
mnoocsdebuginfo asspecified in the 88Open Object Compatibility Standard, OCS. Thisextra information isnot
needed by GDB. The default for DG/UX, SVr4, and Delta 88 SVr3.2 isto include this
information; other 88K configurationsomit thisinformation by default.
mocsframeposition Force (or do not require) register valuesto be stored in a particular place in stack frames, as
mnoocsframeposition specified in OCS. The DG/UX, Delta88 SVr3.2, and BCS configurationsuse mocsframe
position; other 88K configurationshave the default mnoocs frameposition.
moptimizeargarea Control how to store function argumentsin stack frames. moptimizeargarea savesspace, but
mnooptimizeargarea may break some debuggers(not GDB). mnooptimizeargarea conformsbetter to standards.
By default gcc doesnot optimize the argument area.
gcc, g++
Part I: User Commands
mshortdatanum Generate smaller data referencesby making them relative to r0, which allowsloading a value
using a single instruction (rather than the usual two). You control which data referencesare
affected by specifying num with thisoption. For example, if you specify mshortdata512,
then the data referencesaffected are those involving displacementsof lessthan 512 bytes.
mshortdata-num isnot effective for num greater than 64K.
mserialize-volatile Do, or do not, generate code to guarantee sequential consistency of volatile memory references.
mno-serialize-volatile GNU CC alwaysguaranteesconsistency by default, for the preferred processor submodel. How
thisisdone dependson the submodel.
The m88100 processor doesnot reorder memory referencesand so alwaysprovidessequential
consistency. If you use m88100, GNU CC doesnot generate any special instructionsfor
sequential consistency.
The order of memory referencesmade by the m88110 processor doesnot alwaysmatch the
order of the instructionsrequesting those references. In particular, a load instruction may
execute before a preceding store instruction. Such reordering violatessequential consistency of
volatile memory references, when there are multiple processors. When you use m88000 or
m88110, GNU CC generatesspecial instructionswhen appropriate, to force execution in the
proper order.
The extra code generated to guarantee consistency may affect the performance of your
application. If you know that you can safely forgo thisguarantee, you may use the option
If you use the m88100 option but require sequential consistency when running on the m88110
processor, you should use mserialize-volatile.
msvr4, msvr3 Turn on (msvr4) or off (msvr3) compiler extensionsrelated to System V release 4 (SVr4). This
controlsthe following:
Which variant of the assembler syntax to emit (which you can select independently using
msvr4 makesthe C preprocessor recognize #pragma weak.
msvr4 makesgcc issue additional declaration directivesused in SVr4.
msvr3 isthe default for all m88K configurationsexcept the SVr4 configuration.
mtraplargeshift Include code to detect bit-shiftsof more than 31 bits; respectively, trap such shiftsor emit code
mhandlelargeshift to handle them properly. By default, gcc makesno special provision for large bit shifts.
musedivinstruction Very early modelsof the 88K architecture didnt have a divide instruction, so gcc avoidsthat
instruction by default. Use thisoption to specify that itssafe to use the divide instruction.
mversion03.00 In the DG/UX configuration, there are two flavorsof SVr4. Thisoption modifiesmsvr4 to
select whether the hybrid-COFF or real-ELF flavor isused. All other configurationsignore this
mwarnpassedstructs Warn when a function passesa struct asan argument or result. Structure-passing conventions
have changed during the evolution of the C language, and are often the source of portability
problems. By default, gcc issuesno such warning.
These optionsare defined for the IBM RS6000:
mfpintoc Control whether or not floating-point constantsgo in the table of contents(TOC), a table of
mnofpintoc all global variable and function addresses. By default gcc putsfloating-point constantsthere; if
the TOC overflows, mnofpintoc will reduce the size of the TOC, which may avoid the
These m optionsare defined for the IBM RT PC:
minlinemul Use an inline code sequence for integer multiplies. Thisisthe default.
mcalllibmul Call lmul$$ for integer multiples.
mfullfpblocks Generate full-size floating-point data blocks, including the minimum amount of scratch space
recommended by IBM. Thisisthe default.
mminimumfpblocks Do not include extra scratch space in floating-point data blocks. Thisresultsin smaller code,
but slower execution, since scratch space must be allocated dynamically.
mfparginfpregs Use a calling sequence incompatible with the IBM calling convention in which floating-point
argumentsare passed in floating-point registers. Note that varargs.h and stdargs.h will not
work with floating-point operandsif thisoption isspecified.
mfpargingregs Use the normal calling convention for floating-point arguments. Thisisthe default.
mhcstructreturn Return structuresof more than one word in memory, rather than in a register. Thisprovides
compatibility with the MetaWare HighC (hc) compiler. Use fpccstructreturn for compat-
ibility with the Portable C Compiler (PCC).
mnohcstructreturn Return some structuresof more than one word in registers, when convenient. Thisisthe
default. For compatibility with the IBM-supplied compilers, use either fpccstructreturn or
These m optionsare defined for the MIPS family of computers:
mcpu=cpu- t ype Assume the defaultsfor the machine type cpu- t ype when scheduling instructions. The default
cpu- t ype isdefault, which picksthe longest cyclestimesfor any of the machines, in order that
the code run at reasonable rateson all MIPS CPUs. Other choicesfor cpu- t ype are r2000, r3000,
r4000,and r6000. While picking a specific cpu- t ype will schedule thingsappropriately for that
particular chip, the compiler will not generate any code that doesnot meet level 1 of the MIPS
ISA (instruction set architecture) with-out the mips2 or mips3 switchesbeing used.
mips2 Issue instructionsfrom level 2 of the MIPS ISA (branch likely, square root instructions).
The mcpu=r4000 or mcpu=r6000 switch must be used in conjunction with mips2.
mips3 Issue instructionsfrom level 3 of the MIPS ISA (64-bit instructions). The mcpu=r4000 switch
must be used in conjunction with mips2.
mint64, mlong64 These optionsdont work at present.
mmipsas Generate code for the MIPSassembler, and invoke mipstfile to add normal debug informa-
tion. Thisisthe default for all platformsexcept for the OSF/1 reference platform, using the
OSF/rose object format. If any of the ggdb, gstabs, or gstabs+ switchesare used, the mips
tfile program will encapsulate the stabswithin MIPS ECOFF.
mgas Generate code for the GNU assembler. Thisisthe default on the OSF/1 reference platform,
using the OSF/rose object format.
mrnames, mnornames The mrnames switch saysto output code using the MIPSsoftware namesfor the registers,
instead of the hardware names(for example, a0 instead of $4). The GNU assembler doesnot
support the mrnames switch, and the MIPS assembler will be instructed to run the MIPSC
preprocessor over the source file. The mnornames switch isdefault.
mgpopt, mnogpopt The mgpopt switch saysto write all of the data declarationsbefore the instructionsin the text
section, to all the MIPS assembler to generate one-word memory referencesinstead of using
two wordsfor short global or static data items. Thisison by default if optimization isselected.
mstats, mnostats For each noninline function processed, the mstats switch causesthe compiler to emit one line
to the standard error file to print statisticsabout the program (number of registerssaved, stack
size, and so on).
mmemcpy, mnomemcpy The mmemcpy switch makesall block movescall the appropriate string function (memcpy or
bcopy) instead of possibly generating inline code.
mmipstfile The mnomipstfile switch causesthe compiler to not post-processthe object file with the
mnomipstfile mipstfile program, after the MIPS assembler hasgenerated it to add debug support. If mips
tfile isnot run, then no local variableswill be available to the debugger. In addition, stage2
and stage3 objectswill have the temporary filenamespassed to the assembler embedded in the
object file, which meansthe objectswill not compare the same.
msoftfloat Generate output containing library callsfor floating point.
gcc, g++
Part I: User Commands
The requisite librariesare not part of GNU CC. Normally, the facilitiesof the machinesusual C compiler are used, but
thiscant be done directly in cross-compilation. You must make your own arrangementsto provide suitable library func-
tionsfor cross-compilation.
mhardfloat Generate output containing floating point instructions. Thisisthe default if you use the
unmodified sources.
mfp64 Assume that the FR bit in the statusword ison, and that there are 32 64-bit floating-point
registers, instead of 32 32-bit floating-point registers. You must also specify the mcpu=r4000 and
mips3 switches.
mfp32 Assume that there are 32 32-bit floating-point registers. Thisisthe default.
mabicalls Emit (or do not emit) the .abicalls, .cpload, and .cprestore pseudo operationsthat some
mnoabicalls System V.4 portsuse for position-independent code.
mhalfpic The mhalfpic switch saysto put pointersto extern referencesinto the data section and load
mnohalfpic them up, rather than put the referencesin the text section. Thisoption doesnot work at
Gnum Put global and static itemslessthan or equal to num bytesinto the small data or bss sections
instead of the normal data or bss section. Thisallowsthe assembler to emit one-word memory
reference instructionsbased on the global pointer (gp or $28), instead of the normal two words
used. By default, num is8 when the MIPS assembler isused, and 0 when the GNU assembler is
used. The Gnum switch isalso passed to the assembler and linker. All modulesshould be
compiled with the same Gnum value.
nocpp Tell the MIPS assembler to not run itspreprocessor over user assembler files(with an .s suffix)
when assembling them.
These m optionsare defined for the Intel 80386 family of computers:
m486, mno486 Control whether or not code isoptimized for a 486 instead of a 386. Code generated for a 486
will run on a 386 and vice versa.
msoftfloat Generate output containing library callsfor floating point.
The requisite librariesare not part of GNU CC. Normally, the facilitiesof the machinesusual C compiler are used, but
thiscant be done directly in cross-compilation. You must make your own arrangementsto provide suitable library func-
tionsfor cross-compilation.
On machineswhere a function returnsfloating point resultsin the 80387 register stack, some
floating-point opcodesmay be emitted even if msoft-float isused.
mno-fp-ret-in-387 Do not use the FPU registersfor return valuesof functions.
The usual calling convention hasfunctionsreturn valuesof typesfloat and double in an FPU
register, even if there isno FPU. The idea isthat the operating system should emulate an FPU.
The option mno-fp-ret-in-387 causessuch valuesto be returned in ordinary CPU registers
These m optionsare defined for the HPPA family of computers:
mpa-risc-1-0 Generate code for a PA 1.0 processor.
mpa-risc-1-1 Generate code for a PA 1.1 processor.
mkernel Generate code which issuitable for use in kernels. Specifically, avoid add instructionsin which
one of the argumentsisthe DP register; generate addil instructionsinstead. Thisavoidsa rather
seriousbug in the HP-UX linker.
mshared-libs Generate code that can be linked against HP-UX shared libraries. Thisoption isnot fully
functioning yet, and isnot on by default for any PA target. Using thisoption can cause
incorrect code to be generated by the compiler.
mno-shared-libs Dont generate code that will be linked against shared libraries. Thisisthe default for all PA
mlong-calls Generate code which allowscallsto functionsgreater than 256K away from the caller when the
caller and callee are in the same source file. Do not turn thisoption on unlesscode refusesto
link with branch out of range errorsfrom the linker.
mdisable-fpregs Prevent floating-point registersfrom being used in any manner. Thisisnecessary for compiling
kernelsthat perform lazy context switching of floating-point registers. If you use thisoption
and attempt to perform floating-point operations, the compiler will abort.
mdisable-indexing Prevent the compiler from using indexing addressmodes. Thisavoidssome rather obscure
problemswhen compiling MIG-generated code under MACH.
mtrailing-colon Add a colon to the end of label definitions(for ELF assemblers).
These m optionsare defined for the Intel 80960 family of computers:
mcpu- t ype Assume the defaultsfor the machine type cpu- t ype for instruction and addressing-mode
availability and alignment. The default cpu- t ype iskb; other choicesare ka, mc, ca, cf, sa, and sb.
mnumerics The mnumerics option indicatesthat the processor doessupport floating-point instructions.
msoftfloat The msoftfloat option indicatesthat floating-point support should not be assumed.
mleafprocedures Do (or do not) attempt to alter leaf proceduresto be callable with the bal instruction aswell as
mnoleafprocedures cal l . Thiswill result in more efficient code for explicit callswhen the bal instruction can be
substituted by the assembler or linker, but lessefficient code in other cases, such ascallsvia
function pointers, or using a linker that doesnt support thisoptimization.
mtailcall Do (or do not) make additional attempts(beyond those of the machine-independent portions
mnotailcall of the compiler) to optimize tail-recursive callsinto branches. You may not want to do this
because the detection of caseswhere thisisnot valid isnot totally complete. The default is
mcomplexaddr Assume (or do not assume) that the use of a complex addressing mode isa win on thisimple-
mnocomplexaddr mentation of the i960. Complex addressing modesmay not be worthwhile on the K-series, but
they definitely are on the C-series. The default iscurrently mcomplexaddr for all processors
except the CB and CC.
mcodealign Align code to 8-byte boundariesfor faster fetching (or dont bother). Currently turned on by
mnocodealign default for C-seriesimplementationsonly.
miccompat Enable compatibility with iC960 v2.0 or v3.0.
masmcompat Enable compatibility with the iC960 assembler.
mstrictalign Do not permit (do permit) unaligned accesses.
moldalign Enable structure-alignment compatibility with Intelsgcc release version 1.3 (based on gcc
1.37). Currently thisisbuggy in that #pragma align 1 isalwaysassumed aswell, and cannot be
turned off.
gcc, g++
Part I: User Commands
These m optionsare defined for the DEC Alpha implementations:
mno-soft-float Use (do not use) the hardware floating-point instructionsfor floating-point operations. When
msoft-float msoft-float isspecified, functionsin libgcc1.c will be used to perform floating-point
operations. Unlessthey are replaced by routinesthat emulate the floating-point operations, or
compiled in such a way asto call such emulationsroutines, these routineswill issue floating-
point operations. If you are compiling for an Alpha without floating-point operations, you
must ensure that the library isbuilt so asnot to call them.
Note that Alpha implementationswithout floating-point operationsare required to have
floating-point registers.
mfp-reg, mno-fp-regs Generate code that uses(doesnot use) the floating-point register set. mno-fp-regs implies
msoft-float. If the floating-point register set isnot used, floating-point operandsare passed in
integer registersasif they were integersand floating-point resultsare passed in $0 instead of $f0.
Thisisa nonstandard calling sequence, so any function with a floating-point argument or
return value called by code compiled with mno-fp-regs must also be compiled with that
A typical use of thisoption isbuilding a kernel that doesnot use, and hence need not save and
restore, any floating-point registers.
These additional optionsare available on System V Release 4 for compatibility with other compilerson those systems:
G On SVr4 systems, gcc acceptsthe option G (and passesit to the system linker), for compatibil-
ity with other compilers. However, we suggest you use symbolic or shared asappropriate,
instead of supplying linker optionson the gcc command line.
Qy Identify the versionsof each tool used by the compiler, in an .ident assembler directive in the
Qn Refrain from adding .ident directivesto the output file (thisisthe default).
YP,di r s Search the directoriesdi r s, and no others, for librariesspecified with l. You can separate
directory entriesin di r s from one another with colons.
Ym,di r Look in the directory di r to find the M4 preprocessor. The assembler usesthisoption.
These machine-independent optionscontrol the interface conventionsused in code generation.
Most of them begin with f. These optionshave both positive and negative forms; the negative form of ffoo would be fno
foo. In the following table, only one of the formsislistedthe one which isnot the default. You can figure out the other
form by either removing no or adding it.
fnonnullobjects Assume that objectsreached through referencesare not null (C++ only).
Normally, GNU C++ makesconservative assumptionsabout objectsreached through
references. For example, the compiler must check that a isnot null in code like the following:
obj &a = g (); a.f (2);
Checking that referencesof thissort have nonnull valuesrequiresextra code, however, and it is
unnecessary for many programs. You can use fnonnull-objects to omit the checksfor null, if
your program doesnt require checking.
fpccstructreturn Use the same convention for returning struct and union valuesthat isused by the usual C
compiler on your system. Thisconvention islessefficient for small structures, and on many
machinesit failsto be reentrant; but it hasthe advantage of allowing intercallability between
gcc-compiled code and pcc-compiled code.
fregstructreturn Use the convention that struct and union valuesare returned in registerswhen possible. Thisis
more efficient for small structuresthan fpccstructreturn.
If you specify neither fpccstructreturn nor fregstructreturn, GNU CC defaultsto
whichever convention isstandard for the target. If there isno standard convention, GNU CC
defaultsto fpccstructreturn.
fshortenums Allocate to an enum type only asmany bytesasit needsfor the declared range of possible values.
Specifically, the enum type will be equivalent to the smallest integer type that hasenough room.
fshortdouble Use the same size for double asfor float.
fshareddata Requeststhat the data and non-const variablesof thiscompilation be shared data rather than
private data. The distinction makessense only on certain operating systems, where shared data
isshared between processesrunning the same program, while private data existsin one copy per
fnocommon Allocate even uninitialized global variablesin the bss section of the object file, rather than
generating them ascommon blocks. Thishasthe effect that if the same variable isdeclared
(without extern) in two different compilations, you will get an error when you link them. The
only reason thismight be useful isif you want to verify that the program will work on other
systemswhich alwayswork thisway.
fnoident Ignore the #ident directive.
fnognulinker Do not output global initializations(such asC++ constructorsand destructors) in the form
used by the GNU linker (on systemswhere the GNU linker isthe standard method of handling
them). Use thisoption when you want to use a non-GNU linker, which also requiresusing the
collect2 program to make sure the system linker includesconstructorsand destructors.
(collect2 isincluded in the GNU CC distribution.) For systemsthat must use collect2, the
compiler driver gcc isconfigured to do thisautomatically.
finhibit-size-directive Dont output a .size assembler directive, or anything else that would cause trouble if the
function issplit in the middle, and the two halvesare placed at locationsfar apart in memory.
Thisoption isused when compiling crtstuff.c; you should not need to use it for anything else.
fverbose-asm Put extra commentary information in the generated assembly code to make it more readable.
Thisoption isgenerally only of use to those who actually need to read the generated assembly
code (perhapswhile debugging the compiler itself).
fvolatile Consider all memory referencesthrough pointersto be volatile.
fvolatileglobal Consider all memory referencesto extern and global data itemsto be volatile.
fpic If supported for the target machines, generate position-independent code, suitable for use in a
shared library.
fPIC If supported for the target machine, emit position-independent code, suitable for dynamic
linking, even if branchesneed large displacements.
ffixedr eg Treat the register named r eg asa fixed register; generated code should never refer to it (except
perhapsasa stack pointer, frame pointer, or in some other fixed role).
r eg must be the name of a register. The register namesaccepted are machine-specific and are
defined in the REGISTER_NAMES macro in the machine description macro file.
Thisflag doesnot have a negative form, because it specifiesa three-way choice.
fcallusedr eg Treat the register named r eg asan allocable register that isclobbered by function calls. It may
be allocated for temporariesor variablesthat do not live acrossa call. Functionscompiled this
way will not save and restore the register r eg.
Use of thisflag for a register that hasa fixed pervasive role in the machinesexecution model,
such asthe stack pointer or frame pointer, will produce disastrousresults.
Thisflag doesnot have a negative form, because it specifiesa three-way choice.
fcallsavedr eg Treat the register named r eg asan allocable register saved by functions. It may be allocated even
for temporariesor variablesthat live acrossa call. Functionscompiled thisway will save and
restore the register r eg if they use it.
Use of thisflag for a register that hasa fixed pervasive role in the machinesexecution model,
such asthe stack pointer or frame pointer, will produce disastrousresults.
A different sort of disaster will result from the use of thisflag for a register in which function
valuesmay be returned.
Thisflag doesnot have a negative form, because it specifiesa three-way choice.
gcc, g++
Part I: User Commands
Two #pragma directivesare supported for GNU C++ to permit using the same header file for two purposes: asa definition of
interfacesto a given object class, and asthe full definition of the contentsof that object class.
#pragma interface (C++ only.) Use thisdirective in header filesthat define object classes, to save space in most of
the object filesthat use those classes. Normally, local copiesof certain information (backup
copiesof inline member functions, debugging information, and the internal tablesthat
implement virtual functions) must be kept in each object file that includesclassdefinitions. You
can use thispragma to avoid such duplication. When a header file containing #pragma
interface isincluded in a compilation, thisauxiliary information will not be generated (unless
the main input source file itself uses#pragma implementation). Instead, the object fileswill
contain referencesto be resolved at link time.
#pragma implementation (C++ only.) Use thispragma in a main input file, when you want full output from included
#pragma implementation header filesto be generated (and made globally visible). The included header file, in turn,
obj ect s .h should use #pragma interface. Backup copiesof inline member functions, debugging informa-
tion, and the internal tablesused to implement virtual functionsare all generated in implemen-
tation files.
If you use #pragma implementation with no argument, it appliesto an include file with the same
basename asyour source file; for example, in, #pragma implementation by itself is
equivalent to #pragma i-plementation allclass.h. Use the string argument if you want a
single implementation file to include code from multiple header files.
There isno way to split up the contentsof a single header file into multiple implementation
file.c C source file
file.h C header (preprocessor) file
file.i Preprocessed C source file
file.C C++ source file C++ source file
file.cxx C++ source file
file.m Objective-C source file
file.s Assembly language file
file.o Object file
a.out Link edited output
TMPDI R/cc Temporary files
LI BDI R/cpp Preprocessor
LI BDI R/cc1 Compiler for C
LI BDI R/cc1plus Compiler for C++
LI BDI R/collect Linker front end needed on some machines
LI BDI R/libgcc.a gcc subroutine library
/lib/crt[01n].o Startup routine
LI BDI R/ccrt0 Additional startup routine for C++
/lib/libc.a Standard C library; see intro(3)
/usr/include Standard directory for #include files
LI BDI R/include Standard gcc directory for #include files
LI BDI R/g++include Additional g++ directory for #include
LI BDI R isusually /usr/local/lib/machi ne/ver si on.
TMPDI R comesfrom the environment variable TMPDIR (default /usr/tmp if available; otherwise, /tmp.).
cpp(1), as(1), ld(1), gdb(1), adb(1), dbx(1), sdb(1)
gcc, cpp, as, ld, and gdb entriesin info.
Usingand PortingGNU CC (for version 2.0), Richard M. Stallman; TheC Preprocessor, Richard M. Stallman; Debugging
with GDB: theGNU Source-Level Debugger, Richard M. Stallman and Roland H. Pesch; Usingas: theGNU Assembler, Dean
Elsner, Jay Fenlason & friends; ld: theGNU Linker, Steve Chamberlain and Roland Pesch.
For instructionson reporting bugs, see the GCC manual.
Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof thismanual provided the copyright notice and this
permission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the preceding
conditionsfor modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free
Software Foundation instead of in the original English.
See the GNU CC manual for the contributorsto GNU CC.
GNU Tools, 13 October 1993
gemtopbmConvert a GEM IMG file into a portable bitmap
gemtopbm [-d] [ gemfile ]
Readsa GEM IMG file asinput. Readsfrom stdin if input file isomitted. Producesa portable bitmap asoutput.
-d Produce output describing the contentsof the IMG file.
Doesnot support filescontaining more than one plane.
pbmtogem(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1988 DiomidisD. Spinellis(
11 July1992
Part I: User Commands
geqnFormat equationsfor troff
geqn [ rvCNR ][dcc ][Tname ][Mdi r ][fF ][sn ][pn ][mn ][f i l es ... ]
Thismanual page describesthe GNU version of eqn, which ispart of the groff document formatting system. eqn compiles
descriptionsof equationsembedded within troff input filesinto commandsthat are understood by troff. Normally, it
should be invoked using the e option of groff. The syntax isquite compatible with UNIX eqn. The output of GNU eqn
cannot be processed with UNIX troff; it must be processed with GNU troff. If no filesare given on the command line, the
standard input will be read. A filename of will cause the standard input to be read.
eqn searchesfor the file eqnrc using the path .:/usr/lib/groff/tmac:/usr/lib/tmac. If it exists, eqn will processit before the
other input files. The R option preventsthis.
GNU eqn doesnot provide the functionality of neqn: it doesnot support low-resolution, typewriter-like devices(although it
may work adequately for very simple input).
C Recognize .EQ and .EN even when followed by a character other than space or newline.
N Dont allow newlineswithin delimiters. Thisoption allowseqn to recover better from missing closing
v Print the version number.
r Only one size reduction.
mn The minimum point-size isn. eqn will not reduce the size of subscriptsor superscriptsto a smaller size
than n.
Tname The output isfor device name. The only effect of thisisto define a macro name with a value of 1. Typically,
eqnrc will use thisto provide definitionsappropriate for the output device. The default output device isps.
Mdi r Search di r for eqnrc before the default directories.
R Dont load eqnrc.
fF Thisisequivalent to a gfontF command.
sn Thisisequivalent to a gsizen command. Thisoption isdeprecated. eqn will normally set equationsat
whatever the current pointsize iswhen the equation isencountered.
pn Thissaysthat subscriptsand superscriptsshould be n pointssmaller than the surrounding text. Thisoption
isdeprecated. Normally, eqn makessetssubscriptsand superscriptsat 70 percent of the size of the
surrounding text.
Only the differencesbetween GNU eqn and UNIX eqn are described here.
Most of the new featuresof GNU eqn are based on TeX. There are some referencesto the differencesbetween TeX and
GNU eqn asfollows; these may safely be ignored if you do not know TeX.
eqn giveseach component of an equation a type, and adjuststhe spacing between componentsusing that type. Possible types
ordinary An ordinary character such as1 or x
operator A large operator such as;
binary A binary operator such as+
relation A relation such as=
opening An opening bracket such as(
closing A closing bracket such as)
punctuation A punctuation character such as,
inner A subformula contained within brackets
suppress Spacing that suppressesautomatic spacing adjustment
Componentsof an equation get a type in one of two ways:
typet e Thisyieldsan equation component that containse but that hastype t , where t isone of the types
mentioned previously. For example, timesisdefined as
type binary \(mu
The name of the type doesnt have to be quoted, but quoting protectsfrom macro expansion.
chartypet text Unquoted groupsof charactersare split up into individual characters, and the type of each character is
looked up; thischangesthe type that isstored for each character; it saysthat the charactersin t ext from
now on have type t . For example
chartype punctuation .,;:
would make the characters.,;: have type punctuation whenever they subsequently appeared in an
equation. The type t can also be letter or digit; in these cases, chartype changesthe font type of the
characters. See the Fonts section, later in thismanual page.
e1smallovere2 Thisissimilar to over; smallover reducesthe size of e1 and e2; it also putslessvertical space between e1 or
e2 and the fraction bar. The over primitive correspondsto the \over primitive in display styles; smallover
correspondsto \over in nondisplay styles.
vcentere Thisvertically centerse about the math axis. The math axisisthe vertical position about which characters
such as+ and - are centered; also it isthe vertical position used for the bar of fractions. For example, sum is
defined as
{ type operator vcenter size +5 \(*S }
e1accente2 Thissetse2 asan accent over e1. e2 isassumed to be at the correct height for a lowercase letter; e2 will be
moved down according if e1 istaller or shorter than a lowercase letter. For example, hat isdefined as
accent { }
dotdot, dot, tilde, vec, and dyad are also defined using the accent primitive.
e1uaccente2 Thissetse2 asan accent under e1. e2 isassumed to be at the correct height for a character without a
descender; e2 will be moved down if e1 hasa descender. utilde ispredefined using uaccent asa tilde accent
below the baseline.
splittext Thishasthe same effect assimply text, but text isnot subject to macro expansion because it isquoted;
text will be split up and the spacing between individual characterswill be adjusted.
nosplitt ext Thishasthe same effect astext, but because t ext isnot quoted it will be subject to macro expansion; t ext
will not be split up and the spacing between individual characterswill not be adjusted.
eopprime Thisisa variant of prime that actsasan operator on e.It producesa different result from prime in a case
such asAopprimesub1: With opprime the 1 will be tucked under the prime asa subscript to the A (asis
conventional in mathematical typesetting), whereaswith prime the 1 will be a subscript to the prime
character. The precedence of opprime isthe same asthat of bar and under, which ishigher than that of
everything except accent and uaccent. In unquoted text, a that isnot the first character will be treated
like opprime.
specialt ext e Thisconstructsa new object from e using a gtroff(1) macro named t ext . When the macro iscalled, the
string 0s will contain the output for e, and the number registers0w, 0h, 0d, 0skern and 0skew will contain
the width, height, depth, subscript kern, and skew of e. (The subscript kern of an object sayshow much a
subscript on that object should be tucked in; the skew of an object sayshow far to the right of the center of
the object an accent over the object should be placed.) The macro must modify 0s so that it will output
the desired result with itsorigin at the current point, and increase the current horizontal position by the
width of the object. The number registersmust also be modified so that they correspond to the result.
Part I: User Commands
For example, suppose you wanted a construct that cancelsan expression by drawing a diagonal line through it:
define cancel special Ca
.de Ca
.ds 0s \Z\\*(0s\v\\n(0du\Dl \\n(0wu -\\n(0hu-\\n(0du\v\\n(0hu
Then you could cancel an expression U with cancel e.
Heresa more complicated construct that drawsa box around an expression:
define box special Bx
.de Bx
.ds 0s \Z\h1n\\*(0s\
\Z\v\\n(0du+1n\Dl \\n(0wu+2n 0'\Dl 0 -\\n(0hu-\\n(0du-2n\
\Dl -\\n(0wu-2n 0'\Dl 0 \\n(0hu+\\n(0du+2n\h\\n(0wu+2n
.nr 0w +2n
.nr 0d +1n
.nr 0h +1n
The appearance of equationsiscontrolled by a large number of parameters. These can be set using the set command.
setpn Thissetsparameter p to value n; n isan integer. For example
set x_height 45
saysthat eqn should assume an x height of 0.45 ems.
Possible parametersare asfollows. Valuesare in unitsof hundredthsof an em unlessotherwise stated. These descriptionsare
intended to be expository rather than definitive.
minimum_size eqn will not set anything at a smaller point size than this. The value isin points.
fat_offset The fat primitive emboldensan equation by overprinting two copiesof the equation horizontally
offset by thisamount.
over_hang A fraction bar will be longer by twice thisamount than the maximum of the widthsof the
numerator and denominator; in other words, it will overhang the numerator and denominator by
at least thisamount.
accent_width When bar or under isapplied to a single character, the line will be thislong. Normally, bar or
under producesa line whose length isthe width of the object to which it applies; in the case of a
single character, thistendsto produce a line that lookstoo long.
delimiter_factor Extensible delimitersproduced with the left and right primitiveswill have a combined height and
depth of at least thismany thousandthsof twice the maximum amount by which the subequation
that the delimitersenclose extendsaway from the axis.
delimiter_shortfall Extensible delimitersproduced with the left and right primitiveswill have a combined height and
depth not lessthan the difference of twice the maximum amount by which the subequation that
the delimitersenclose extendsaway from the axisand thisamount.
null_delimiter_space Thismuch horizontal space isinserted on each side of a fraction.
script_space The width of subscriptsand superscriptsisincreased by thisamount.
thin_space Thisamount of space isautomatically inserted after punctuation characters.
medium_space Thisamount of space isautomatically inserted on either side of binary operators.
thick_space Thisamount of space isautomatically inserted on either side of relations.
x_height The height of lowercase letterswithout ascenderssuch asx.
axis_height The height above the baseline of the center of characterssuch as+ and -. It isimportant that this
value be correct for the font you are using.
default_rule_thickness Thisshould set to the thicknessof the \(ru character, or the thicknessof horizontal linesproduced
with the \D escape sequence.
num1 The over command will shift up the numerator by at least thisamount.
num2 The smallover command will shift up the numerator by at least thisamount.
denom1 The over command will shift down the denominator by at least thisamount.
denom2 The smallover command will shift down the denominator by at least thisamount.
sup1 Normally superscriptswill be shifted up by at least thisamount.
sup2 Superscriptswithin superscriptsor upper limitsor numeratorsof smallover fractionswill be shifted
up by at least thisamount. Thisisusually lessthan sup1.
sup3 Superscriptswithin denominatorsor square rootsor subscriptsor lower limitswill be shifted up by
at least thisamount. Thisisusually lessthan sup2.
sub1 Subscriptswill normally be shifted down by at least thisamount.
sub2 When there isboth a subscript and a superscript, the subscript will be shifted down by at least this
sup_drop The baseline of a superscript will be no more than thisamount below the top of the object on
which the superscript isset.
sub_drop The baseline of a subscript will be at least thismuch below the bottom of the object on which the
subscript isset.
big_op_spacing1 The baseline of an upper limit will be at least thismuch above the top of the object on which the
limit isset.
big_op_spacing2 The baseline of a lower limit will be at least thismuch below the bottom of the object on which the
limit isset.
big_op_spacing3 The bottom of an upper limit will be at least thismuch above the top of the object on which the
limit isset.
big_op_spacing4 The top of a lower limit will be at least thismuch below the bottom of the object on which the
limit isset.
big_op_spacing5 Thismuch vertical space will be added above and below limits.
baseline_sep The baselinesof the rowsin a pile or matrix will normally be thisfar apart. In most cases, this
should be equal to the sum of num1 and denom1.
shift_down The midpoint between the top baseline and the bottom baseline in a matrix or pile will be shifted
down by thismuch from the axis. In most cases, thisshould be equal to axis_height.
column_sep Thismuch space will be added between columnsin a matrix.
matrix_side_sep Thismuch space will be added at each side of a matrix.
draw_lines If thisisnonzero, lineswill be drawn using the \D escape sequence, rather than with the \l escape
sequence and the \(ru character.
body_height The amount by which the height of the equation exceedsthiswill be added asextra space before
the line containing the equation (using \x.) The default value is85.
body_depth The amount by which the depth of the equation exceedsthiswill be added asextra space after the
line containing the equation (using \x.) The default value is35.
nroff If thisisnonzero, then ndefine will behave like define and tdefine will be ignored; otherwise,
tdefine will behave like define and ndefine will be ignored. The default value is0. (Thisistypically
changed to 1 by the eqnrc file for the ascii and latin1 devices.)
A more precise description of the role of many of these parameterscan be found in Appendix H of TheTeXbook.
Part I: User Commands
Macroscan take arguments. In a macro body, $ n where n isbetween 1 and 9, will be replaced by the nth argument if the
macro iscalled with arguments; if there are fewer than n arguments, it will be replaced by nothing. A word containing a left
parenthesiswhere the part of the word before the left parenthesishasbeen defined using the define command will be
recognized asa macro call with arguments; charactersfollowing the left parenthesisup to a matching right parenthesiswill be
treated ascomma-separated arguments; commasinside nested parenthesesdo not terminate an argument.
sdefinenameXanyt hi ngX Thisislike the define command, but name will not be recognized if called with arguments.
includef i l e Include the contentsof f i l e. Linesof f i l e beginning with .EQ or .EN will be ignored.
ifdefnameXanyt hi ngX If name hasbeen defined by define (or hasbeen automatically defined because name isthe output
device), processanyt hi ng; otherwise ignore anyt hi ng.
X can be any character not appearing in anyt hi ng.
eqn normally usesat least two fontsto set an equation: an italic font for letters, and a Roman font for everything else. The
existing gfont command changesthe font that isused asthe italic font. By default thisisI. The font that isused asthe
Roman font can be changed by using the new grfont command.
grfontf Set the Roman font to f .
The italic primitive usesthe current italic font set by gfont; the Roman primitive usesthe current Roman font set by grfont.
There isalso a new gbfont command, which changesthe font used by the bold primitive. If you only use the Roman, italic,
and bold primitivesto change fontswithin an equation, you can change all the fontsused by your equationsjust by using
gfont, grfont, and gbfont commands.
You can control which charactersare treated asletters(and therefore set in italic) by using the chartype command described
earlier. A type of letter will cause a character to be set in italic type. A type of digit will cause a character to be set in Roman
/usr/lib/groff/tmac/eqnrc Initialization file
Inline equationswill be set at the pointsize that iscurrent at the beginning of the input line.
groff(1), gtroff(1), groff_font(5), TheTeXbook
getlistGet a list from an NNTP server
getlist [ h host ][l i st [ pat t er n [ t ypes ]]]
The getlist program obtainsa list from an NNTP server and sendsit to standard output.
The list may be one of active, active.times, distributions, or newsgroups. These valuesrequest the active(5),
active.times, /news/lib/distributions, or /news/lib/newsgroups files, respectively.
If the h flag isused, then the program connectsto the server on the specified host. The default isto connect to the server
specified in the inn.conf(5) file.
If the l i st parameter isactive, then the pattern and types parametersmay be used to limit the output. When pattern is
used, only active lineswith groupsthat match according to wildmat(3) are printed. When t ypes isalso given, only active lines
that have a fourth field starting with a character found in t ypes are printed.
For example, the following command will obtain the one-line descriptionsof all newsgroupsfound on UUNET:
getlist -h newsgroups
The following line listsall groupswhere local postingsare permitted, moderated, or aliased:
getlist active * ym=
Note that the listing filesother than the active file isa common extension to the NNTP protocol and may not be available
on all servers.
Written by Landon Curt Noll (<>) for InterNetNews.
active(5), nnrpd(8), wildmat(3)
getoptParse command options
set getopt optstring $*
getopt isused to break up optionsin command linesfor easy parsing by shell procedures, and to check for legal options.
optstring isa string of recognized option letters; see getopt(3). If a letter isfollowed by a colon, the option isexpected to
have an argument that may or may not be separated from it by whitespace. The special option - isused to delimit the end
of the options. getopt will place - in the argumentsat the end of the options, or recognize it if used explicitly. The shell
arguments($1 $2 ...) are reset so that each option ispreceded by a and in itsown shell argument; each option argument
isalso in itsown shell argument.
The following code fragment showshow one might processthe argumentsfor a command that can take the optionsa and b,
and the option o, which requiresan argument:
set getopt abo: $*
if test $? != 0
echo Usage: ...
exit 2
for i
case $i
flag=$i; shift;;
oarg=$2; shift; shift;;
shift; break;;
Part I: User Commands
Thiscode will accept any of the following asequivalent:
cmd -aoarg file file
cmd -a -o arg file file
cmd -oarg -a file file
cmd -a -oarg -- file file
sh(1), getopt(3)
getopt printsan error message on the standard error output when it encountersan option letter not included in optstring.
Written by Henry Spencer, working from a Bell Labsmanual page. Behavior believed identical to the Bell version.
Whatever getopt(3) has.
Argumentscontaining whitespace or embedded shell meta charactersgenerally will not survive intact; thislookseasy to fix
but isnt.
The error message for an invalid option isidentified ascoming from getopt rather than from the shell procedure containing
the invocation of getopt; this, again, ishard to fix.
The precise best way to use the set command to set the argumentswithout disrupting the value(s) of shell optionsvaries
from one shell version to another.
21 June1993
giftopnmConvert a GIF file into a portable anymap
giftopnm [-verbose][-comments][-image N][GI Ff i l e]
Readsa GIF file for input, and outputsportable anymap.
-verbose Producesverbose output about the GIF file input.
-comments Only outputsGIF89 comment fields.
-image Outputsthe specified GIF image from the input GIF archive (where N is1, 2, 20...). Normally, there is
only one image per file, so thisoption isnot needed.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
Thisdoesnot correctly handle the Plain Text Extension of the GIF89 standard, since I did not have any example input files
containing them.
ppmtogif(1), ppm(5)
Copyright 1993 by David Koblas(
29 September 1993
gindxbibMake inverted index for bibliographic databases
gindxbib [vw] [c f i l e] [d di r ] [f f i l e] [h n] [i st r i ng]
[k n] [l n] [n n] [o f i l e] [t n] [f i l ename ...]
gindxbib makesan inverted index for the bibliographic databasesin f i l ename... for use with grefer(1), glookbib(1), and
lkbib(1). The index will be named f i l ename.i; the index iswritten to a temporary file which isthen renamed to this. If no
filenamesare given on the command line because the f option hasbeen used, and no o option isgiven, the index will be
named Ind.i.
Bibliographic databasesare divided into recordsby blank lines. Within a record, each fieldsstartswith a % character at the
beginning of a line. Fieldshave a one-letter name that followsthe % character.
The valuesset by the c, n, l, and t optionsare stored in the index; when the index issearched, keyswill be discarded and
truncated in a manner appropriate to these options; the original keyswill be used for verifying that any record found using
the index actually containsthe keys. Thismeansthat a user of an index need not know whether these optionswere used in
the creation of the index, provided that not all the keysto be searched for would have been discarded during indexing and
that the user suppliesat least the part of each key that would have remained after being truncated during indexing. The value
set by the i option isalso stored in the index and will be used in verifying recordsfound using the index.
v Print the version number.
w Index whole files. Each file isa separate record.
cf i l e Read the list of common wordsfrom f i l e instead of /usr/lib/groff/eign.
ddi r Use di r asthe pathname of the current working directory to store in the index, instead of the path printed
by pwd(1). Usually di r will be a symbolic link that pointsto the directory printed by pwd(1).
ff i l e Read the filesto be indexed from f i l e. If fileis, fileswill be read from the standard input. The f option
can be given at most once.
ist r i ng Dont index the contentsof fieldswhose namesare in st r i ng. Initially, st r i ng isXYZ.
hn Use the first prime greater than or equal to n for the size of the hash table. Larger valuesof n will usually
make searching faster, but will make the index larger and gindxbib use more memory. Initially, n is997.
kn Use at most n keysper input record. Initially, n is100.
ln Discard keysthat are shorter than n. Initially, n is3.
nn Discard the n most common words. Initially, n is100.
obasename The index should be named basename.i.
tn Truncate keysto n. Initially, n is6.
Part I: User Commands
f i l ename.i Index
Ind.i Default index name
/usr/lib/groff/eign List of common words
indxbibXXXXXX Temporary file
grefer(1), lkbib(1), glookbib(1)
Groff Version 1.09, 16 April 1993
glookbibSearch bibliographic databases
glookbib [ v ][ist r i ng ][tn ] f i l ename ...
glookbib printsa prompt on the standard error (unlessthe standard input isnot a terminal), readsfrom the standard input a
line containing a set of keywords, searchesthe bibliographic databasesf i l ename ... for referencescontaining those keywords,
printsany referencesfound on the standard output, and repeatsthisprocessuntil the end of input. For each database
f i l ename to be searched, if an index f i l ename.i created by gindxbib(1) exists, then it will be searched instead; each index can
cover multiple databases.
v Print the version number.
ist r i ng When searching filesfor which no index exists, ignore the contentsof fieldswhose namesare in st r i ng.
tn Only require the first n charactersof keysto be given. Initially, n is6.
f i l ename.i Index files
grefer(1), lkbib(1), gindxbib(1)
gnroffEmulate nroff command with groff
gnroff [ h ][i ][mname ][nnum ][ol i st ][rcn ][Tname ][f i l e. . . ]
The gnroff script emulatesthe nroff command using groff. The T option with an argument other than ascii and latin1
will be ignored. The h option isequivalent to the grotty h option. The i, n, m, o, and r optionshave the effect
described in gtroff(1). In addition, gnroff silently ignoresoptionsof e, q, or s.
groff(1), gtroff(1), grotty(1)
Groff Version 1.09, 17 May1993
gouldtoppmConvert Gould scanner file into a portable pixmap
gouldtoppm[goul df i l e]
Readsa file produced by the Gould scanner asinput. Producesa portable pixmap asoutput.
Copyright 1990 by Stephen Paul Lesniewski
20 May1990
gpicCompile picturesfor troff or TeX
gpic [ nvC ][f i l ename ... ] gpic t [ cvzC ][f i l ename ... ]
Thismanual page describesthe GNU version of pic, which ispart of the groff document formatting system. pic compiles
descriptionsof picturesembedded within troff or TeX input filesinto commandsthat are understood by TeX or troff.
Each picture startswith a line beginning with .PS and endswith a line beginning with .PE. Anything outside of .PS and .PE
ispassed through without change.
It isthe usersresponsibility to provide appropriate definitionsof the PS and PE macros. When the macro package being used
doesnot supply such definitions(for example, old versionsof ms), appropriate definitionscan be obtained with mpic: These
will center each picture.
Optionsthat do not take argumentsmay be grouped behind a single . The special option can be used to mark the end of
the options. A filename of refersto the standard input.
C Recognize .PS and .PE even when followed by a character other than space or newline.
n Dont use the groff extensionsto the troff drawing commands. You should use thisif you are using a
postprocessor that doesnt support these extensions. The extensionsare described in groff_out(5). The n option
also causespic not to use zero-length linesto draw dotsin troff mode.
t TeX mode.
c Be more compatible with tpic. Impliest. Linesbeginning with n are not passed through transparently. Lines
beginning with . are passed through with the initial . changed to \. A line beginning with .ps isgiven special
Part I: User Commands
treatment: It takesan optional integer argument specifying the line thickness(pen size) in milli-inches; a missing
argument restoresthe previousline thickness; the default line thicknessis8 milli-inches. The line thicknessthus
specified takeseffect only when a nonnegative line thicknesshasnot been specified by use of the thickness
attribute or by setting the linethick variable.
v Print the version number.
z In TeX mode draw dotsusing zero-length lines.
The following optionssupported by other versionsof pic are ignored:
D Draw all linesusing the \D escape sequence. pic alwaysdoesthis.
Tdev Generate output for the troff device dev . Thisisunnecessary because the troff output generated by pic isdevice-
Thissection describesonly the differencesbetween GNU pic and the original version of pic. Many of these differencesalso
apply to newer versionsof UNIX pic.
mode isenabled by the t option. In mode, pic will define a vbox called ngraph for each picture. You must yourself print that
vbox using, for example, the command:
Actually, since the vbox hasa height of zero, thiswill produce slightly more vertical space above the picture than below it, the
\centerline{\raise 1em\box\graph}
would avoid this.
You must use a driver that supportsthe tpic specials, version 2.
Linesbeginning with \are passed through transparently; a % isadded to the end of the line to avoid unwanted spaces. You
can safely use thisfeature to change fontsor to change the value of \baselineskip. Anything else may well produce undesir-
able results; use at your own risk. Linesbeginning with a period are not given any special treatment.
for var i abl e = expr 1 to expr 2 While the value of var i abl e islessthan or equal to expr 2, do body and increment
by [*]expr 3] do X body X var i abl e by expr 3; if by isnot given, increment var i abl e by 1. If expr 3 isprefixed
[Set var i abl e to expr 1 by * then var i abl e will instead be multiplied by expr 3. X can be any character not
occurring in body.
if expr then X i f - t r ue X Evaluate expr ; if it isnonzero,do i f - t r ue; otherwise, do i f - f al se. u can be any
[else Y i f - f al se Y] character not occurring in i f - t r ue. Y can be any character not occurring in i f - f al se.
print ar g ... Concatenate the argumentsand print asa line on stderr. Each ar g must be an
expression, a position, or text. Thisisuseful for debugging.
command ar g ... Concatenate the argumentsand passthem through asa line to troff or TeX. Each
ar g must be an expression, a position, or text. Thishasa similar effect to a line
beginning with . or \, but allowsthe valuesof variablesto be passed through.
sh X command X Passcommand to a shell. X can be any character not occurring in command.
copy f i l ename Include f i l ename at thispoint in the file.
copy [f i l ename] thru X body X Thisconstruct doesbody once for each line of f i l ename; the line issplit into blank-
[until wor d] delimited words, and occurrencesof $ i in body, for i between 1 and 9, are replaced
copy [f i l ename] thru macr o by the i -th word of the line. If f i l ename isnot given, linesare taken from the current
[until wor d] input up to .PE. If an until clause isspecified, lineswill be read only until a line the
first word of which iswor d; that line will then be discarded. X can be any character
not occurring in body . For example,
copy thru % circle at ($1,$2) % until END
1 2
3 4
5 6
isequivalent to
circle at (1,2)
circle at (3,4)
circle at (5,6)
The commandsto be performed for each line can also be taken from a macro
defined earlier by giving the name of the macro asthe argument to thru.
reset var i abl e1, var i abl e2 . . . Reset predefined variablesvar i abl e1, var i abl e2 ... to their default values. If no
argumentsare given, reset all predefined variablesto their default values. Note that
assigning a value to scale also causesall predefined variablesthat control dimensions
to be reset to their default valuestimesthe new value of scale.
plot expr [t ext ] Thisisa text object which isconstructed by using asa format string for t ext sprintf
with an argument of expr . If t ext isomitted, a format string of %g isused. Attributes
can be specified in the same way asfor a normal text object. Be very careful that you
specify an appropriate format string; pic doesonly very limited checking of the
string. Thisisdeprecated in favor of sprintf.
var i abl e:=expr Thisissimilar to = except var i abl e must already be defined, and the value of
var i abl e will be changed only in the innermost block in which it isdefined. (By
contrast, = definesthe variable in the current block if it isnot already defined there,
and then changesthe value in the current block.)
Argumentsof the form
are also allowed to be of the form:
In thiscase, anything can contain balanced occurrencesof and .BR. Stringsmay contain X or imbalanced occurrencesof
and .BR.
The syntax for expressionshasbeen significantly extended:
xy (exponentiation)
log(x) (base 10)
exp(x) (base 10, ie 10'-.4mx.4m)
rand() (return a random number between 0 and 1)
rand(x) (return a random number between 1 and x; deprecated)
Part I: User Commands
e1 && e2
e1 || e2
e1 == e2
e1 != e2
e1 >= e2
e1 > e2
e1 <= e2
e1 < e2
String comparison expressionsmust be parenthesized in some contextsto avoid ambiguity.
A bare expression, expr, isacceptable asan attribute; it isequivalent to di r expr, where di r isthe current direction. For
line 2i
meansdraw a line 2 incheslong in the current direction.
The maximum width and height of the picture are taken from the variablesmaxpswid and maxpsht. Initially, these have values
8.5 and 11.
Scientific notation isallowed for numbers. For example
x = 5e2
Text attributescan be compounded. For example
foo above ljust
There isno limit to the depth to which blockscan be examined. For example
[A: [B: [C: box ]]] with .A.B.C.sw at 1,2
circle at last [].A.B.C
Arcsnow have compasspointsdetermined by the circle of which the arc isa part.
Circlesand arcscan be dotted or dashed. In mode, splinescan be dotted or dashed.
Boxescan have rounded corners. The rad attribute specifiesthe radiusof the quarter-circlesat each corner. If no rad or diam
attribute isgiven, a radiusof boxrad isused. Initially, boxrad hasa value of 0. A box with rounded cornerscan be dotted or
The .PS line can have a second argument specifying a maximum height for the picture. If the width of zero isspecified, the
width will be ignored in computing the scaling factor for the picture. Note that GNU pic will alwaysscale a picture by the
same amount vertically ashorizontally. Thisisdifferent from the DWB 2.0 pic, which may scale a picture by a different
amount vertically than horizontally if a height isspecified.
Each text object hasan invisible box associated with it. The compasspointsof a text object are determined by thisbox. The
implicit motion associated with the object isalso determined by thisbox. The dimensionsof thisbox are taken from the
width and height attributes; if the width attribute isnot supplied, then the width will be taken to be textwid; if the height
attribute isnot supplied, then the height will be taken to be the number of text stringsassociated with the object times
textht. Initially textwid and textht have a value of 0.
In placeswhere a quoted text string can be used, an expression of the form:
sprintf(f or mat ,ar g,...)
can also be used; thiswill produce the argumentsformatted according to f or mat , which should be a string asdescribed in
printf(3), appropriate for the number of argumentssupplied, using only the e, f, g, or % format characters.
The thicknessof the linesused to draw objectsiscontrolled by the linethick variable. Thisgivesthe thicknessof linesin
points. A negative value meansuse the default thickness: in output mode, thismeansuse a thicknessof 8 milli-inches; in
output mode with the -c option, thismeansuse the line thicknessspecified by .ps lines; in troff output mode, thismeans
use a thicknessproportional to the point size. A zero value meansdraw the thinnest possible line supported by the output
device. Initially, it hasa value of -1. There isalso a thick[ness] attribute. For example,
circle thickness 1.5
would draw a circle using a line with a thicknessof 1.5 points. The thicknessof linesisnot affected by the value of the scale
variable, nor by the width or height given in the .PS line.
Boxes(including boxeswith rounded corners), circles, and ellipsescan be filled by giving then an attribute of fill[ed]. This
takesan optional argument of an expression with a value between 0 and 1; 0 will fill it with white, 1 with black, valuesin
between with a proportionally gray shade. A value greater than 1 can also be used: thismeansfill with the shade of gray that
iscurrently being used for text and lines. Normally thiswill be black, but output devicesmay provide a mechanism for
changing this. Without an argument, then the value of the variable fillval will be used. Initially, thishasa value of 0.5. The
invisible attribute doesnot affect the filling of objects. Any text associated with a filled object will be added after the object
hasbeen filled, so that the text will not be obscured by the filling.
Arrowheadswill be drawn assolid trianglesif the variable arrowhead isnonzero and either mode isenabled or the x option
hasbeen given. Initially, arrowhead hasa value of 1.
The troff output of pic isdevice-independent. The T option istherefore redundant. All numbersare taken to be in inches;
numbersare never interpreted to be in troff machine units.
Objectscan have an aligned attribute. Thiswill only work when the postprocessor isgrops. Any text associated with an
object having the aligned attribute will be rotated about the center of the object so that it isaligned in the direction from the
start point to the end point of the object. Note that thisattribute will have no effect for objectswhose start and end points
are coincident.
In placeswhere nth isallowed, expr th isalso allowed. Note that th isa single token: no space isallowed between the and
the th. For example,
fori =1 to 4 do{
line from ith box.nw to i+1th
/usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.pic Sample definitionsof the PSand PE macros.
gtroff(1), groff_out(5), tex(1)
TPIC: PIC for AT&T Bell Laboratories, Computing Science Technical Report No. 116, PICA GraphicsLanguagefor
Typesetting. (Thiscan be obtained by sending an e-mail message to with a body of send 116 from
Input charactersthat are illegal for groff (those with ASCII code 0 or between 013 and 037 octal or between 0200 and 0237
octal) are rejected even in mode.
The interpretation of fillval isincompatible with the pic in 10th edition UNIX, which interprets0 asblack and 1 aswhite.
Part I: User Commands
gprofDisplay call graph profile data
gprof [ abcsz ] [ ejE name ] [fjF name ][k f r omname toname ] [ obj f i l e [ gmon. out ]]
gprof producesan execution profile of C, Pascal, or Fortran77 programs. The effect of called routinesisincorporated in the
profile of each caller. The profile data istaken from the call graph profile file (gmon.out default), which iscreated by programs
that are compiled with the pg option of cc(1), pc(1),and f77(1). The pg option also linksin versionsof the library routines
that are compiled for profiling. gprof readsthe given object file (the default isa.out) and establishesthe relation between its
symbol table and the call graph profile from gmon.out. If more than one profile file isspecified, the gprof output showsthe
sum of the profile information in the given profile files.
gprof calculatesthe amount of time spent in each routine. Next, these timesare propagated along the edgesof the call graph.
Cyclesare discovered, and callsinto a cycle are made to share the time of the cycle. The first listing showsthe functions
sorted according to the time they represent, including the time of their call graph descendants. Below each function entry is
shown its(direct) call graph children, and how their timesare propagated to thisfunction. A similar display above the
function showshow thisfunctionstime and the time of itsdescendantsispropagated to its(direct) call graph parents.
Cyclesare also shown, with an entry for the cycle asa whole and a listing of the membersof the cycle and their contributions
to the time and call countsof the cycle.
Second, a flat profile isgiven, similar to that provided by prof(1). Thislisting givesthe total execution times, the call counts,
the time in milliseconds, the call spent in the routine itself, and the time in millisecondsthe call spent in the routine itself,
including itsdescendants.
Finally, an index of the function namesisprovided.
The following optionsare available:
a Suppressesthe printing of statically declared functions. If thisoption isgiven, all relevant information
about the static function (for example, time samples, callsto other functions, callsfrom other
functions) belongsto the function loaded just before the static function in the objfile file.
b Suppressesthe printing of a description of each field in the profile.
c The static call graph of the program isdiscovered by a heuristic that examinesthe text space of the
object file. Static-only parentsor children are shown with call countsof 0.
e name Suppressesthe printing of the graph profile entry for routine name and all itsdescendants(unlessthey
have other ancestorsthat arent suppressed). More than one e option may be given. Only one name
may be given with each e option.
E name Suppressesthe printing of the graph profile entry for routine name (and itsdescendants) ase,
previously and also excludesthe time spent in name (and itsdescendants) from the total and percentage
time computations. (For example, E mcount E mcl eanup isthe default.)
f name Printsthe graph profile entry of only the specified routine name and itsdescendants. More than one f
option may be given. Only one name may be given with each f option.
F name Printsthe graph profile entry of only the routine name and itsdescendants(asf, previously) and also
usesonly the timesof the printed routinesin total time and percentage computations. More than one
F option may be given. Only one name may be given with each F option. The F option overridesthe
E option.
k f r omname t oname Will delete any arcsfrom routine f r omname to routine t oname. Thiscan be used to break undesired
cycles. More than one k option may be given. Only one pair of routine namesmay be given with each
k option.
s A profile file gmon.sum isproduced that representsthe sum of the profile information in all the specified
profile files. Thissummary profile file may be given to later executionsof gprof (probably also with an
s) to accumulate profile data acrossseveral runsof an objfile file.
-v Printsthe version number for gprof, and then exits.
-z Displaysroutinesthat have zero usage (asshown by call countsand accumulated time). Thisisuseful
with the c option for discovering which routineswere never called.
a.out The name list and text space
gmon.out Dynamic call graph and profile
gmon.sum Summarized dynamic call graph and profile
monitor(3), profil(2), cc(1), prof(1)
An Execution Profiler for Modular Programs, by S. Graham, P. Kessler, M. McKusick; SoftwarePracticeand Experience,
Vol. 13, pp. 671-685, 1983.
gprof: A Call Graph Execution Profiler, by S. Graham, P. Kessler, M. McKusick; Proceedingsof theSIGPLAN 82
Symposiumon Compiler Construction, SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 17, No 6, pp. 120-126, June 1982.
gprof appeared in 4.2 BSD.
The granularity of the sampling isshown, but remainsstatistical at best. We assume that the time for each execution of a
function can be expressed by the total time for the function divided by the number of timesthe function iscalled. Thus, the
time propagated along the call graph arcsto the functionsparentsisdirectly proportional to the number of timesthat arc is
Parentsthat are not themselvesprofiled will have the time of their profiled children propagated to them, but they will appear
to be spontaneously invoked in the call graph listing, and will not have their time propagated further. Similarly, signal
catchers, even though profiled, will appear to be spontaneous(although for more obscure reasons). Any profiled children of
signal catchersshould have their timespropagated properly, unlessthe signal catcher wasinvoked during the execution of the
profiling routine, in which case all islost.
The profiled program must call exit(2) or return normally for the profiling information to be saved in the gmon.out file.
29 January1993
greferPreprocessbibliographic referencesfor groff
gr ef er [ benv CPRS] [ a n] [ c f i el ds] [ f n] [ i f i el ds] [ k f i el d] [l m,n] [p f i l ename] [s f i el ds] [t n] [B
field.macro] [f i l ename...]
Thisfile documentsthe GNU version of refer, which ispart of the groff document formatting system. refer copiesthe
contentsof f i l ename... to the standard output, except that linesbetween .[ and .] are interpreted ascitations, and lines
between .R1 and .R2 are interpreted ascommandsabout how citationsare to be processed.
Part I: User Commands
Each citation specifiesa reference. The citation can specify a reference that iscontained in a bibliographic database by giving
a set of keywordsthat only that reference contains. Alternatively, it can specify a reference by supplying a database record in
the citation. A combination of these alternativesisalso possible.
For each citation, refer can produce a mark in the text. Thismark consistsof some label that can be separated from the text
and from other labelsin variousways. For each reference, it also outputsgroff commandsthat can be used by a macro
package to produce a formatted reference for each citation. The output of refer must therefore be processed using a suitable
macro package. The ms and me macrosare both suitable. The commandsto format a citationsreference can be output
immediately after the citation, or the referencesmay be accumulated, and the commandsoutput at some later point. If the
referencesare accumulated, then multiple citationsof the same reference will produce a single formatted reference.
The interpretation of linesbetween .R1 and .R2 ascommandsisa new feature of GNU refer. Documentsmaking use of this
feature can still be processed by UNIX refer just by adding the lines:
.de R1
.ig R2
to the beginning of the document. Thiswill cause troff to ignore everything between .R1 and .R2. The effect of some
commandscan also be achieved by options. These optionsare supported mainly for compatibility with UNIX refer. It is
usually more convenient to use commands.
refer generates.lf linesso that filenamesand line numbersin messagesproduced by commandsthat read refer output will
be correct; it also interpretslinesbeginning with .lf so that filenamesand line numbersin the messagesand .lf linesthat it
produceswill be accurate even if the input hasbeen preprocessed by a command such asgsoelim(1).
Most optionsare equivalent to commands(for a description of these commands, see Commands, later in thismanual
b no-label-in-text; no-label-in-reference
e accumulate
n no-default-database
C compatible
P move-punctuation
S label (A.n|Q) , (D.y|D); bracket-label ( ) ;
an reverse An
cf i el ds capitalize f i el ds
fn label %n
if i el ds search-ignore f i el ds
k label L%a
kf i el d label f i el d%a
l label A.nD.y%a
lm label A.n+mD.y%a
l,n label A.nD.yn%a
lm,n label A.n+mD.yn%a
pf i l ename database f i l ename
sspec sort spec
tn search-truncate n
These optionsare equivalent to the following commandswith the addition that the filenamesspecified on the command line
are processed asif they were argumentsto the bibliography command instead of in the normal way:
B Annotate X AP; no-label-in-reference
Bf i el d.macr o Annotate f i el d macr o; no-label-in-reference
The following optionshave no equivalent commands:
v Print the version number
R Dont recognize linesbeginning with .R1/.R2
The bibliographic database isa text file consisting of recordsseparated by one or more blank lines. Within each record, fields
start with a % at the beginning of a line. Each field hasa one-character name that immediately followsthe %. It isbest to use
only uppercase and lowercase lettersfor the namesof fields. The name of the field should be followed by exactly one space,
and then by the contentsof the field. Empty fieldsare ignored. The conventional meaning of each field isasfollows:
A The name of an author. If the name containsa title such asJr. at the end, it should be separated from the
last name by a comma. There can be multiple occurrencesof the A field. The order issignificant. It isa
good idea alwaysto supply an A field or a Q field.
B For an article that ispart of a book, the title of the book.
C The place (city) of publication.
D The date of publication. The year should be specified in full. If the month isspecified, the name rather
than the number of the month should be used, but only the first three lettersare required. It isa good idea
alwaysto supply a D field; if the date isunknown, a value such asin press or unknown can be used.
E For an article that ispart of a book, the name of an editor of the book. Where the work haseditorsand no
authors, the namesof the editorsshould be given asA fields(ed) or (eds) should be appended to the last
G U.S. government ordering number.
I The publisher (issuer).
J For an article in a journal, the name of the journal.
K Keywordsto be used for searching.
L Label.
N Journal issue number.
O Other information. Thisisusually printed at the end of the reference.
P Page number. A range of pagescan be specified asmn.
Q The name of the author, if the author isnot a person. Thiswill only be used if there are no A fields. There
can only be one Q field.
R Technical report number.
S Seriesname.
T Title. For an article in a book or journal, thisshould be the title of the article.
V Volume number of the journal or book.
X Annotation.
For all fieldsexcept A and E, if there ismore than one occurrence of a particular field in a record, only the last such field will
be used.
If accent stringsare used, they should follow the character to be accented. Thismeansthat the AM macro must be used with
the ms macros. Accent stringsshould not be quoted: use one \ rather than two.
The format of a citation is
.[openi ng- t ext
f l ags keywor ds
f i el ds
.]cl osi ng- t ext
Part I: User Commands
The openi ng- t ext , cl osi ng- t ext , and f l ags componentsare optional. Only one of the keywor ds and f i el ds componentsneed
be specified.
The keywor ds component saysto search the bibliographic databasesfor a reference that containsall the wordsin keywor ds. It
isan error if more than one reference if found.
The f i el ds componentsspecifiesadditional fieldsto replace or supplement those specified in the reference. When references
are being accumulated and the keywor ds component isnonempty, then additional fieldsshould be specified only on the first
occasion that a particular reference iscited, and will apply to all citationsof that reference.
The openi ng- t ext and cl osi ng- t ext component specifiesstringsto be used to bracket the label instead of the stringsspecified
in the bracket-label command. If either of these componentsisnonempty, the stringsspecified in the bracket-label
command will not be used; thisbehavior can be altered using the [ and ] flags. Note that leading and trailing spacesare
significant for these components.
The f l ags component isa list of nonalphanumeric characters, each of which modifiesthe treatment of thisparticular
citation. UNIX refer will treat these flagsaspart of the keywordsand so will ignore them because they are
nonalphanumeric. The following flagsare currently recognized:
# Thissaysto use the label specified by the short-label command, instead of that specified by the label command.
If no short label hasbeen specified, the normal label will be used. Typically, the short label isused with author-
date labelsand consistsof only the date and possibly a disambiguating letter; the # issupposed to be suggestive of
a numeric type of label.
[ Precede openi ng- t ext with the first string specified in the bracket-label command.
] Follow cl osi ng- t ext with the second string specified in the bracket-label command.
One advantage of using the [ and ] flagsrather than including the bracketsin openi ng- t ext and cl osi ng- t ext isthat you can
change the style of bracket used in the document just by changing the bracket-label command. Another advantage isthat
sorting and merging of citationswill not necessarily be inhibited if the flagsare used.
If a label isto be inserted into the text, it will be attached to the line preceding the .[ line. If there isno such line, then an
extra line will be inserted before the .[ line and a warning will be given.
There isno special notation for making a citation to multiple references. Just use a sequence of citations, one for each
reference. Dont put anything between the citations. The labelsfor all the citationswill be attached to the line preceding the
first citation. The labelsmay also be sorted or merged. (See the description of the <> label expression, and of the sort-
adjacent- labels and abbreviate-label-ranges command.) A label will not be merged if itscitation hasa nonempty openi ng-
t ext or cl osi ng- t ext . However, the labelsfor a citation using the ] flag and without any cl osi ng- t ext immediately followed
by a citation using the [ flag and without any openi ng- t ext may be sorted and merged even though the first citations
openi ng- t ext or the second citationscl osi ng- t ext isnonempty. (If you want to prevent this, just make the first citations
cl osi ng- t ext \ &.)
Commandsare contained between linesstarting with .R1 and .R2. Recognition of these linescan be prevented by the R
option. When an .R1 line isrecognized, any accumulated referencesare flushed out. Neither .R1 nor .R2 lines, nor anything
between them, isoutput.
Commandsare separated by newlinesor semicolons. # introducesa comment that extendsto the end of the line (but does
not conceal the newline). Each command isbroken up into words. Wordsare separated by spacesor tabs. A word that begins
with an open quote () extendsto the next close quote () that isnot followed by another open quote (). If there isno such
open quote () the word extendsto the end of the line. Pairsof open quotes() in a word beginning with collapse to a single
open quote (). Neither # nor ; isrecognized inside open quotes(). A line can be continued by ending it with \; thisworks
everywhere except after a #.
Each command name that ismarked with * hasan associated negative command no-name that undoesthe effect of name. For
example, the no-sort command specifiesthat referencesshould not be sorted. The negative commandstake no arguments.
In the following description, each argument must be a single word; f i el d isused for a single uppercase or lowercase letter
naming a field; f i el ds isused for a sequence of such letters; m and n are used for a nonnegative numbers; st r i ng isused for an
arbitrary string; f i l ename isused for the name of a file.
abbreviate*f i el dsstring1 Abbreviate the first namesof f i el ds. An initial letter will be separated from another
st r i ng2string3st r i ng4 initial letter by st r i ng1, from the last name by st r i ng2, and from anything else (such
asa von or de) by st r i ng3. These default to a period followed by a space. In a
hyphenated first name, the initial of the first part of the name will be separated from
the hyphen by st r i ng4; thisdefaultsto a period. No attempt ismade to handle any
ambiguitiesthat might result from abbreviation. Namesare abbreviated before
sorting and before label construction.
abbreviate-label-ranges*st r i ng Three or more adjacent labelsthat refer to consecutive referenceswill be abbreviated
to a label consisting of the first label, followed by st r i ng, followed by the last label.
Thisismainly useful with numeric labels. If st r i ng isomitted it defaultsto .
accumulate* Accumulate referencesinstead of writing out each reference asit isencountered.
Accumulated referenceswill be written out whenever a reference of the form:
isencountered, after all input fileshave been processed, and whenever an .R1 line is
annotate*f i el dstring f i el d isan annotation; print it at the end of the reference asa paragraph preceded by
the line
If macro isomitted, it will default to AP;if field isalso omitted, it will default to X.
Only one field can be an annotation.
articlesst r i ng ... These are definite or indefinite articles, and should be ignored at the beginning of T
st r i ng ... fieldswhen sorting. Initially, the, a, and an are recognized asarticles.
bibliographyf i l ename ... Write out all the referencescontained in the bibliographic databasesf i l ename ...
bracket-labelst r i ng In the text, bracket each label with st r i ng1 and st r i ng2. An occurrence of st r i ng2
1string2st r i ng3 immediately followed by st r i ng1 will be turned into st r i ng3. The default behavior is
bracket-label \*([. \*(.] ,
capitalizef i el ds Convert f i el ds to capsand small caps.
compatible* Recognize .R1 and .R2 even when followed by a character other than space or
databasef i l ename... Search the bibliographic databasesf i l ename... For each f i l ename if an index
f i l ename.i created by gindxbib(1) exists, then it will be searched instead; each index
can cover multiple databases.
date-as-label*st r i ng st r i ng isa label expression that specifiesa string with which to replace the D field
after constructing the label. See Label Expressions, later in thismanual page, for a
description of label expressions. Thiscommand isuseful if you do not want explicit
labelsin the reference list, but instead want to handle any necessary disambiguation
by qualifying the date in some way. The label used in the text would typically be
some combination of the author and date. In most cases, you should also use the no-
label-in-reference command. For example,
date-as-label D.+yD.y%a*D.-y
would attach a disambiguating letter to the year part of the D field in the reference.
default-database* The default database should be searched. Thisisthe default behavior, so the negative
version of thiscommand ismore useful. refer determineswhether the default
database should be searched on the first occasion that it needsto do a search. Thus, a
no-default-database command must be given before then, in order to be effective.
Part I: User Commands
discard*f i el ds When the reference isread, f i el ds should be discarded; no string definitionsfor
f i el ds will be output. Initially, f i el ds are XYZ.
et-al*st r i ngmn Control use of et al in the evaluation of @ expressionsin label expressions. If the
number of authorsneeded to make the author sequence unambiguousisu and the
total number of authorsist , then the last t u authorswill be replaced by st r i ng,
provided that t u isnot lessthan m and t isnot lessthan n. The default behavior is
et-al et al 2 3.
includef i l ename Include f i l ename and interpret the contentsascommands.
join-authorsst r i ng1 Thissayshow authorsshould be joined together. When there are exactly two
string2st r i ng3 authors, they will be joined with st r i ng1. When there are more than two authors, all
but the last two will be joined with st r i ng2, and the last two authorswill be joined
with st r i ng3. If st r i ng3 isomitted, it will default to st r i ng1; if st r i ng2 isalso
omitted, it will also default to st r i ng1. For example,
join-authors and , , and
will restore the default method for joining authors.
label-in-reference* When outputting the reference, define the string [F to be the referenceslabel. This
isthe default behavior; so the negative version of thiscommand ismore useful.
label-in-text* For each reference, output a label in the text. The label will be separated from the
surrounding text asdescribed in the bracket-label command. Thisisthe default
behavior; so the negative version of thiscommand ismore useful.
labelst r i ng st r i ng isa label expression describing how to label each reference.
separate-label-second-parts When merging two-part labels, separate the second part of the second label from the
st r i ng first label with st r i ng. See the description of the <> label expression.
move-punctuation* In the text, move any punctuation at the end of line past the label. It isusually a
good idea to give thiscommand unlessyou are using superscripted numbersas
reverse*st r i ng Reverse the fieldswhose namesare in st r i ng. Each field name can be followed by a
number that sayshow many such fieldsshould be reversed. If no number isgiven for
a field, all such fieldswill be reversed.
search-ignore*f i el ds While searching for keysin databasesfor which no index exists, ignore the contents
of f i el ds. Initially, fieldsXYZ are ignored.
search-truncate*n Only require the first n charactersof keysto be given. In effect, when searching for a
given key, wordsin the database are truncated to the maximum of n and the length
of the key. Initially, n is6.
short-label*st r i ng st r i ng isa label expression that specifiesan alternative (usually shorter) style of label.
Thisisused when the # flag isgiven in the citation. When using author-date style
labels, the identity of the author or authorsissometimesclear from the context, and
so it may be desirable to omit the author or authorsfrom the label. The short-label
command will typically be used to specify a label containing just a date and possibly
a disambiguating letter.
sort*st r i ng Sort referencesaccording to string. Referenceswill automatically be accumulated.
st r i ng should be a list of field names, each followed by a number, indicating how
many fieldswith the name should be used for sorting. + can be used to indicate that
all the fieldswith the name should be used. Also, . can be used to indicate the
referencesshould be sorted using the (tentative) label. (The Label Expressions
subsection describesthe concept of a tentative label.)
sort-adjacent-labels* Sort labelsthat are adjacent in the text according to their position in the reference
list. Thiscommand should usually be given if the abbreviate-label-ranges
command hasbeen given, or if the label expression containsa <> expression. This
will have no effect unlessreferencesare being accumulated.
Label expressionscan be evaluated both normally and tentatively. The result of normal evaluation isused for output. The
result of tentative evaluation, called the tentative label, isused to gather the information that normal evaluation needsto
disambiguate the label. Label expressionsspecified by the date-as-label and short-label commandsare not evaluated
tentatively. Normal and tentative evaluation are the same for all typesof expression other than @, *, and % expressions. The
following description appliesto normal evaluation, except where otherwise specified.
field, field n The nth part of field. If n isomitted, it defaultsto 1.
st r i ng The charactersin st r i ng literally.
@ All the authorsjoined asspecified by the join-authors command. The whole of each authorsname
will be used. However, if the referencesare sorted by author (that isthe sort specification startswith
A+), then authors last nameswill be used instead, provided that thisdoesnot introduce ambiguity, and
also an initial subsequence of the authorsmay be used instead of all the authors, again provided that
thisdoesnot introduce ambiguity. The use of only the last name for the i -th author of some reference
isconsidered to be ambiguousif there issome other reference, such that the first i - 1 authorsof the
referencesare the same, the i-th authorsare not the same, but the i-th authors last namesare the
same. A proper initial subsequence of the sequence of authorsfor some reference isconsidered to be
ambiguousif there isa reference with some other sequence of authorsthat also hasthat subsequence as
a proper initial subsequence. When an initial subsequence of authorsisused, the remaining authorsare
replaced by the string specified by the et-al command; thiscommand may also specify additional
requirementsthat must be met before an initial subsequence can be used. @ tentatively evaluatesto a
canonical representation of the authors, such that authorsthat compare equally for sorting purpose will
have the same representation.
%n, %a, %A, %i, %I The serial number of the reference formatted according to the character following the %. The serial
number of a reference is1 plusthe number of earlier referenceswith same tentative label asthis
reference. These expressionstentatively evaluate to an empty string.
expr * If there isanother reference with the same tentative label asthisreference, then expr ; otherwise, an
empty string. It tentatively evaluatesto an empty string.
expr +n, expr n The first (+) or last () n uppercase or lowercase lettersor digitsof expr . troff special characters(such
as\(a) count asa single letter. Accent stringsare retained but do not count toward the total.
expr .l expr converted to lowercase.
expr .u expr converted to uppercase.
expr .c expr converted to capsand small caps.
expr .r expr reversed so that the last name isfirst.
expr .a expr with first namesabbreviated. Note that fieldsspecified in the abbreviate command are abbrevi-
ated before any labelsare evaluated. Thus.a isuseful only when you want a field to be abbreviated in a
label but not in a reference.
expr .y The year part of expr .
expr .+y The part of expr before the year, or the whole of expr if it doesnot contain a year.
expr .y The part of expr after the year, or an empty string if expr doesnot contain a year.
expr .n The last name part of expr .
expr 1expr 2 expr 1 except that if the last character of expr 1 is then it will be replaced by expr 2.
expr 1 expr 2 The concatenation of expr 1 and expr 2.
expr 1| expr 2 If expr 1 isnonempty, then expr 1; otherwise, expr 2.
expr 1&expr 2 If expr 1 isnonempty, then expr 2; otherwise, an empty string.
expr 1?expr 2:expr 3 If expr 1 isnonempty, then expr 2; otherwise, expr 3.
<expr > The label isin two parts, which are separated by expr . Two adjacent two-part labelsthat have the same
first part will be merged by appending the second part of the second label onto the first label separated
by the string specified in the separate-label-second-parts command (initially, a comma followed by a
Part I: User Commands
space); the resulting label will also be a two-part label with the same first part asbefore merging, and so
additional labelscan be merged into it. Note that it ispermissible for the first part to be empty; this
may be desirable for expressionsused in the short-label command.
(expr ) The same asexpr . Used for grouping.
The preceding expressionsare listed in order of precedence (highest first); & and | have the same precedence.
Each reference startswith a call to the macro ]-. The string [F will be defined to be the label for thisreference, unlessthe no-
label-in-reference command hasbeen given. There then followsa seriesof string definitions, one for each field: string [X
correspondsto field X. The number register [P isset to 1 if the P field containsa range of pages. The [T, [A, and [O number
registersare set to 1 according asthe T, A, and O fieldsend with one of the characters.?!. The [E number register will be set
to 1 if the [E string containsmore than one name. The reference isfollowed by a call to the ][ macro. The first argument to
thismacro givesa number representing the type of the reference. If a reference containsa J field, it will be classified astype 1;
otherwise, if it containsa B field, it will be type 3; otherwise, if it containsa G or R field it will be type 4, otherwise if it
containsan I field, it will be type 2; otherwise, it will be type 0. The second argument isa symbolic name for the type: other,
journal-article, book, article-in-book, or tech-report. Groupsof referencesthat have been accumulated or are produced by
the bibliography command are preceded by a call to the ]< macro and followed by a call to the ]> macro.
/usr/dict/papers/Ind Default database
f i l e.i Index files
gindxbib(1), glookbib(1), lkbib(1)
In label expressions, <> expressionsare ignored inside .char expressions.
Groff Version 1.09
grep, egrep, fgrep
grep, egrep, fgrepPrint linesmatching a pattern
grep [ [[AB]]num ][[CEFGVBchilnsvwx]][e ] pat t er n j ff i l e ][f i l es. . . ]
grep searchesthe named input f i l es (or standard input if no filesare named, or the filename isgiven) for linescontaining a
match to the given pat t er n. By default, grep printsthe matching lines.
There are three major variantsof grep, controlled by the following options:
G Interpret pat t er n asa basic regular expression (see the list following thisone). Thisisthe default.
E Interpret pat t er n asan extended regular expression.
F Interpret pat t er n asa list of fixed strings, separated by newlines, any of which isto be matched.
In addition, two variant programs, egrep and fgrep, are available. egrep issimilar (but not identical) to grepnE, and is
compatible with the historical UNIX egrep. Fgrep isthe same asgrepnF.
All variantsof grep understand the following options:
num Matcheswill be printed with num linesof leading and trailing context. However, grep will never print
any given line more than once.
A num Print num linesof trailing context after matching lines.
B num Print num linesof leading context before matching lines.
C Equivalent to 2.
V Print the version number of grep to standard error. Thisversion number should be included in all bug
b Print the byte offset within the input file before each line of output.
c Suppressnormal output; instead print a count of matching linesfor each input file. With the v
option, count nonmatching lines.
e pat t er n Use pat t er n asthe pattern; useful to protect patternsbeginning with .
f f i l e Obtain the pattern from f i l e.
h Suppressthe prefixing of filenameson output when multiple filesare searched.
i Ignore case distinctionsin both the pat t er n and the input files.
L Suppressnormal output; instead print the name of each input file from which no output would
normally have been printed.
l Suppressnormal output; instead print the name of each input file from which output would normally
have been printed.
n Prefix each line of output with the line number within itsinput file.
q Quiet; suppressnormal output.
s Suppresserror messagesabout nonexistent or unreadable files.
v Invert the sense of matching, to select nonmatching lines.
w Select only those linescontaining matchesthat form whole words. The test isthat the matching
substring must either be at the beginning of the line, or preceded by a nonword constituent character.
Similarly, it must be either at the end of the line or followed by a nonword-constituent character.
Word-constituent charactersare letters, digits, and the underscore.
x Select only those matchesthat exactly match the whole line.
A regular expression isa pattern that describesa set of strings. Regular expressionsare constructed analogously to arithmetic
expressions, by using variousoperatorsto combine smaller expressions.
grep understandstwo different versionsof regular expression syntax: basicand extended. In GNU\grep, there isno difference
in available functionality using either syntax. In other implementations, basic regular expressionsare lesspowerful. The
following description appliesto extended regular expressions; differencesfor basic regular expressionsare summarized
The fundamental building blocksare the regular expressionsthat match a single character. Most characters, including all
lettersand digits, are regular expressionsthat match themselves. Any meta character with special meaning may be quoted by
preceding it with a backslash.
A list of charactersenclosed by [ and ] matchesany single character in that list; if the first character of the list isthe caret ()
then it matchesany character not in the list. For example, the regular expression [0123456789] matchesany single digit. A
range of ASCII charactersmay be specified by giving the first and last characters, separated by a hyphen. Finally, certain
named classesof charactersare predefined. Their namesare self-explanatory, and they are [:alnum:], [:alpha:], [:cntrl:],
[:digit:], [:graph:], [:lower:], [:print:], [:punct:], [:space:], [:upper:], and [:xdigit:]. For example, [[:alnum:]]
means[0-9A-Za- z], except the latter form isdependent upon the ASCII character encoding, whereasthe former isportable.
(Note that the bracketsin these classnamesare part of the symbolic names, and must be included in addition to the brackets
delimiting the bracket list.) Most meta characterslose their special meaning inside lists. To include a literal ], place it first in
the list. Similarly, to include a literal ^, place it anywhere but first. Finally, to include a literal -, place it last.
The period matchesany single character. The symbol \w isa synonym for [[:alnum:]] and \W isa synonym for [^[:alnum]].
grep, egrep, fgrep
Part I: User Commands
The caret and the dollar sign are meta charactersthat respectively match the empty string at the beginning and end of a line.
The symbols\< and \>, respectively, match the empty string at the beginning and end of a word. The symbol \b matchesthe
empty string at the edge of a word, and \B matchesthe empty string provided itsnot at the edge of a word.
A regular expression matching a single character may be followed by one of several repetition operators:
? The preceding item isoptional and matched at most once.
* The preceding item will be matched zero or more times.
+ The preceding item will be matched one or more times.
n The preceding item ismatched exactly n times.
n, The preceding item ismatched n or more times.
,m The preceding item isoptional and ismatched at most m times.
n,m The preceding item ismatched at least n times, but not more than m times.
Two regular expressionsmay be concatenated; the resulting regular expression matchesany string formed by concatenating
two substringsthat respectively match the concatenated subexpressions.
Two regular expressionsmay be joined by the infix operator |; the resulting regular expression matchesany string matching
either subexpression.
Repetition takesprecedence over concatenation, which in turn takesprecedence over alternation. A whole subexpression may
be enclosed in parenthesesto override these precedence rules.
The back reference \n, where n isa single digit, matchesthe substring previously matched by the nth parenthesized
subexpression of the regular expression.
In basic regular expressions, the meta characters|, (, and ) lose their special meaning; instead use the backslashed versions
\?, \+, \f, \j, \(, and \).
In egrep, the meta character { losesitsspecial meaning; instead use \{.
Normally, exit statusis0 if matcheswere found, and 1 if no matcheswere found. (The .B v option invertsthe sense of the
exit status.) Exit statusis2 if there were syntax errorsin the pattern, inaccessible input files, or other system errors.
E-mail bug reportsto Be sure to include the word grep somewhere in the Subject: field.
Large repetition countsin the m ,n construct may cause grep to use lotsof memory. In addition, certain other obscure regular
expressionsrequire exponential time and space, and may cause grep to run out of memory.
Back referencesare very slow, and may require exponential time.
GNU Project, 10 September 1992
grephistoryDisplay filenamesfrom Usenet history file
grephistory [ f f i l ename ][e ][n ][q ][l ][i ][s ][messagei d ]
grephistory queriesthe dbz(3) index into the history(5) file for an article having a specified Message ID.
If messageid cannot be found in the database, the program printsNot found and exitswith a nonzero status. If messageid is
in the database, the program printsthe pathname and exitssuccessfully. If no pathname exists, the program will print /dev/
null and exit successfully. Thiscan happen when an article hasbeen canceled, or if it hasbeen expired but itshistory isstill
retained. Thisisdefault behavior, which can be obtained by using the n flag.
If the q flag isused, then no message isdisplayed. The program will still exit with the appropriate exit status. If the e flag is
used, then gr ephi st or y will only print the filename of an existing article.
If the l flag isused, then the entire line from the history file will be displayed.
If the i flag isused, then gr ephi st or y will read a list of Message-IDson standard input, one per line. Leading and trailing
whitespace isignored, asare any malformed lines. It will print on standard output those Message-IDsthat are not found in
the history database. Thisflag isused in processing ihave control messages.
If the s flag isused, then gr ephi st or y will read a similar list from itsstandard input. It will print on standard output a list of
filenamesfor each article that isstill available. Thisflag isused in processing sendme control messages.
To specify a different value for the history file and database, use the f flag.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
dbz(3), history(5)
grodviConvert groff output to TeX dvi format
grodvi [ dv ][wn ][Fdi r ][f i l es ... ]
grodvi isa driver for groff that producesdvi format. Normally, it should be run by groffTdvi. Thiswill run gtroffTdvi; it
will also input the macros/usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.dvi; if the input isbeing preprocessed with geqn, it will also input /usr/
The dvi file generated by grodvi can be printed by any correctly written dvi driver. The troff drawing primitivesare
implemented using the tpic version 2 specials. If the driver doesnot support these, the \D commandswill not produce any
There isan additional drawing command available:
\DRdhdv Draw a rule (solid black rectangle), with one corner at the current position, and the diagonally
opposite corner at the current position +(dh,dv). Afterwards, the current position will be at the
opposite corner. Thisproducesa rule in the dvi file and so can be printed even with a driver that does
not support the tpic specials, unlike the other \D commands.
The groff command \Xanyt hi ng istranslated into the same command in the dvi file aswould be produced by \special{
anything } in TeX; anyt hi ng may not contain a newline.
Font filesfor grodvi can be created from tfm filesusing tfmtodit(1). The font description file should contain the following
additional commands:
internalname name The name of the tfm file (without the .tfm extension) isname.
checksum n The checksum in the tfm file isn.
designsize n The designsize in the tfm file isn.
These are automatically generated by tfmtodit.
Part I: User Commands
In troff, the \N escape sequence can be used to accesscharactersby their position in the corresponding tfm file; all characters
in the tfm file can be accessed thisway.
d Do not use tpic specialsto implement drawing commands. Horizontal and vertical lineswill be implemented by
rules. Other drawing commandswill be ignored.
v Print the version number.
wn Set the default line thicknessto n thousandthsof an em.
Fdi r Search directory di r /devdvi for font and device description files.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devdvi/DESC Device description file
/usr/lib/groff/font/devdvi/ F Font description file for font F
/usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.dvi Macrosfor use with grodvi
dvi filesproduced by grodvi use a different resolution (57,816 unitsper inch) than those produced by TeX. Incorrectly
written driversthat assume the resolution used by TeX, rather than using the resolution specified in the dvi file, will not
work with grodvi.
When using the d option with boxed tables, vertical and horizontal linescan sometimesprotrude by one pixel. Thisisa
consequence of the way TeX requiresthat the heightsand widthsof rulesbe rounded.
tfmtodit(1), groff(1), gtroff(1), geqn(1), groff_out(5), groff_font(5), groff_char(7)
Groff Version 1.09 14
groffFront end for the groff document formatting system
groff [ tpeszaivhblCENRVXZ][wname ][Wname ][mname ][Fdi r ][Tdev ] [ ff am ][Mdi r ][dcs ][rcn ][nnum ]
[ol i st ][Par g ][f i l es ... ]
groff isa front-end to the groff document formatting system. Normally, it runsthe gtroff program and a postprocessor
appropriate for the selected device. Available devicesare
ps For PostScript printersand previewers
dvi For TeX dvi format
X75 For a 75 dpi X11 previewer
X100 For a 100dpi X11 previewer
ascii For typewriter-like devices
latin1 For typewriter-like devicesusing the ISO Latin-1 character set.
The postprocessor to be used for a device isspecified by the postpro command in the device description file. Thiscan be
overridden with the X option.
The default device isps. It can optionally preprocesswith any of gpic, geqn, gtbl, grefer, or gsoelim.
Optionswithout an argument can be grouped behind a single . A filename of denotesthe standard input.
The grog command can be used to guessthe correct groff command to use to format a file.
h Print a help message.
e Preprocesswith geqn.
t Preprocesswith gtbl.
p Preprocesswith gpic.
s Preprocesswith gsoelim.
R Preprocesswith grefer. No mechanism isprovided for passing argumentsto grefer because most grefer options
have equivalent commandsthat can be included in the file. See grefer(1) for more details.
v Make programsrun by groff print out their version number.
V Print the pipeline on stdout instead of executing it.
z Suppressoutput from gtroff. Only error messageswill be printed.
Z Do not postprocessthe output of gtroff. Normally, groff will automatically run the appropriate postprocessor.
Par g Passar g to the postprocessor. Each argument should be passed with a separate P option. Note that groff doesnot
prepend to ar g before passing it to the postprocessor.
l Send the output to a printer. The command used for thisisspecified by the print command in the device
description file.
Lar g Passar g to the spooler. Each argument should be passed with a separate L option. Note that groff doesnot
prepend to ar g before passing it to the postprocessor.
Tdev Prepare output for device dev . The default device isps.
X Preview with gxditview instead of using the usual postprocessor. Thisisunlikely to produce good resultsexcept
with Tps.
N Dont allow newlineswith eqn delimiters. Thisisthe same asthe N option in geqn.
The options a, b, i, C, E, wname, Wname, mname, ol i st , dcs , rcn, Fdi r , Mdi r , ff am, and nnum are described in
GROFF_COMMAND_PREFIX If thisisset X, then groff will run Xtroff instead of gtroff. Thisalso appliesto tbl, pic, eqn, refer,
and soelim. It doesnot apply to grops, grodvi, grotty, and gxditview.
GROFF_TMAC_PATH A colon-separated list of directoriesin which to search for macro files.
GROFF_TYPESETTER Default device.
GROFF_FONT_PATH A colon-separated list of directoriesin which to search for the devname directory.
PATH The search path for commandsexecuted by groff.
GROFF_TMPDIR The directory in which temporary fileswill be created. If thisisnot set and TMPDIR isset, temporary
fileswill be created in that directory. Otherwise, temporary fileswill be created in /tmp. The
grops(1) and grefer(1) commandscan create temporary files.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devname/DESC Device description file for device name.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devname/F Font file for font F of device name.
JamesClark (
Part I: User Commands
Report bugsto Include a complete, self-contained example that will allow the bug to be
reproduced, and say which version of groff you are using.
Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
groff isfree software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the termsof the GNU General Public License aspublished
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
groff isdistributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitnessfor a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with groff; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 675 MassAve, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
The most recent released version of groff isalwaysavailable for anonymousftp from ( in the
directory pub/gnu.
grog(1), gtroff(1), gtbl(1), gpic(1), geqn(1), gsoelim(1), grefer(1), grops(1), grodvi(1), grotty(1), gxditview(1),
groff_font(5), grof_out(5), groff_ms(7), groff_me(7), groff_char(7)
Groff Version 1.09, 29 October 1992
grogGuessoptionsfor groff command
grog [ opt i on ...][f i l es ... ]
grog readsf i l es and guesseswhich of the groff(1) optionse, man, me, mm, ms, p, s,and t are required for printing
f i l es, and printsthe groff command including those optionson the standard output. A filename of istaken to refer to the
standard input. If no filesare specified, the standard input will be read. Any specified optionswill be included in the printed
command. No space isallowed between optionsand their arguments. For example,
grog Tdvi
will guessthe appropriate command to print and then run it after adding the Tdvi option.
doctype(1), groff(1), gtroff(1), gtbl(1), gpic(1), geqn(1), gsoelim(1)
Groff Version 1.09 14
gropsPostScript driver for groff
grops [ glv ][bn ][cn ][wn ][Fdi r ][f i l es ... ]
grops translatesthe output of GNU troff to PostScript. Normally, grops should be invoked by using the groff command
with a Tps option. If no filesare given, grops will read the standard input. A filename of will also cause grops to read the
standard input. PostScript output iswritten to the standard output. When grops isrun by groff, optionscan be passed to
grops by using the groff P option.
bn Work around broken spoolersand previewers. Normally grops producesoutput that conformsthe Document
Structuring Conventionsversion 3.0. Unfortunately, some spoolersand previewerscant handle such output. The
value of n controlswhat grops doesto itsoutput acceptable to such programs. A value of 0 will cause grops not to
employ any workarounds. Add 1 if no %%BeginDocumentSetup and %%EndDocumentSetup commentsshould be
generated; thisisneeded for early versionsof TranScript that get confused by anything between the %%EndProlog
comment and the first %%Page comment. Add 2 if linesin included filesbeginning with %! should be stripped out;
thisisneeded for Sunspageview previewer. Add 4 if %%Page, %%Trailer, and %%EndProlog commentsshould be
stripped out of included files; thisisneeded for spoolersthat dont understand the %%BeginDocument and
%%EndDocument comments. Add 8 if the first line of the PostScript output should be %!PS-Adobe-2.0 rather than
%!PS-Adobe-3.0; thisisneeded when using SunsNewsprint with a printer that requirespage reversal. The default
value can be specified by a brokenn command in the DESC file. Otherwise, the default value is0.
cn Print n copiesof each page.
g Guessthe page length. ThisgeneratesPostScript code that guessesthe page length. The guesswill be correct only
if the imageable area isvertically centered on the page. Thisoption allowsyou to generate documentsthat can be
printed both on letter (8.511) paper and on A4 paper without change.
l Print the document in landscape format.
Fdi r Search the directory di r /devname for font and device description files; name isthe name of the device, usually ps.
wn Linesshould be drawn using a thicknessof n thousandthsof an em.
v Print the version number.
There are stylescalled R, I, B, and BI mounted at font positions1 to 4. The fontsare grouped into families A, BM, C, H, HN, N,
P, and T having membersin each of these styles:
AR AvantGarde-Book
AI AvantGarde-BookOblique
AB AvantGarde-Demi
ABI AvantGarde-DemiOblique
BMR Bookman-Light
BMI Bookman-LightItalic
BMB Bookman-Demi
BMBI Bookman-DemiItalic
CR Courier
CI Courier-Oblique
CB Courier-Bold
CBI Courier-BoldOblique
HR Helvetica
HI Helvetica-Oblique
HB Helvetica-Bold
HBI Helvetica-BoldOblique
HNR Helvetica-Narrow
HNI Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique
Part I: User Commands
HNB Helvetica-Narrow-Bold
HNBI Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique
NR NewCenturySchlbk-Roman
NI NewCenturySchlbk-Italic
NB NewCenturySchlbk-Bold
NBI NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic
PR Palatino-Roman
PI Palatino-Italic
PB Palatino-Bold
PBI Palatino-BoldItalic
TR Times-Roman
TI Times-Italic
TB Times-Bold
TBI Times-BoldItalic
There isalso the following font which isnot a member of a family:
ZCMI ZapfChancery-MediumItalic
There are also some special fontscalled SS and S. Zapf Dingbatsisavailable asZD and a reversed version of ZapfDingbats
(with symbolspointing in the opposite direction) isavailable asZDR; most charactersin these fontsare unnamed and must be
accessed using \N.
grops understandsvariousX commandsproduced using the \X escape sequence; grops will only interpret commandsthat
begin with a ps: tag.
\Xps:exec code Thisexecutesthe arbitrary PostScript commandsin code. The PostScript currentpoint will be set to
the position of the \nX command before executing code. The origin will be at the top left corner of
the page, and y coordinateswill increase down the page. A procedure u will be defined that converts
groff unitsto the coordinate system in effect. For example,
\Xps: exec \nx u 0 rlineto stroke
will draw a horizontal line one inch long. code may make changesto the graphicsstate, but any
changeswill persist only to the end of the page. A dictionary containing the definitionsspecified by
def and mdef will be on top of the dictionary stack. If your code addsdefinitionsto thisdictionary,
you should allocate space for them using \Xpsmdef n. Any definitionswill persist only until the end
of the page. If you use the \Y escape sequence with an argument that namesa macro, code can
extend over multiple lines. For example,
.nr x 1i
.de y
ps: exec
\nx u 0 rlineto
isanother way to draw a horizontal line one inch long.
\Xps:f i l ename Thisisthe same asthe exec command except that the PostScript code isread from file name.
\Xps:def code Place a PostScript definition contained in code in the prologue. There should be at most one
definition per \X command. Long definitionscan be split over several \X commands; all the code
argumentsare simply joined together separated by newlines. The definitionsare placed in a
dictionary which isautomatically pushed on the dictionary stack when an exec command is
executed. If you use the \Y escape sequence with an argument that namesa macro, code can extend
over multiple lines.
\Xps:mdef ncode Like def, except that code may contain up to n definitions. grops needsto know how many
definitionscode containsso that it can create an appropriately sized PostScript dictionary to contain
\Xps:importfile Import a PostScript graphic from file. The argumentsllx, lly, urx, and ury give the bounding box
llxllyurxurywidth of the graphic in the default PostScript coordinate system; they should all be integers; llx and lly
[height] are the x and y coordinatesof the lower-left corner of the graphic; urx and ury are the x and y
coordinatesof the upper-right corner of the graphic; wi dt h and hei ght are integersthat give the
desired width and height in groff unitsof the graphic. The graphic will be scaled so that it hasthis
width and height and translated so that the lower-left corner of the graphic islocated at the
position associated with \X command. If the height argument isomitted, it will be scaled uniformly
in the x and y directionsso that it hasthe specified width. Note that the contentsof the \X
command are not interpreted by troff; so vertical space for the graphic isnot automatically added,
and the width and height argumentsare not allowed to have attached scaling indicators. If the
PostScript file complieswith the Adobe Document Structuring Conventionsand containsa
%%BoundingBox comment, then the bounding box can be automatically extracted from within groff
by using the sy request to run the psbb command.
The mps macros(which are automatically loaded when grops isrun by the groff command) include a PSPIC macro that
allowsa picture to be easily imported. Thishasthe format:
.PSPIC file [ L j -R j I n ][width [ height ]]
f i l e isthe name of the file containing the illustration; wi dt h and hei ght give the desired width and height of the graphic. The
wi dt h and hei ght argumentsmay have scaling indicatorsattached; the default scaling indicator isi. Thismacro will scale the
graphic uniformly in the x and y directionsso that it isno more than wi dt h wide and hei ght high. By default, the graphic will
be horizontally centered. The L and R cause the graphic to be left-aligned and right-aligned, respectively. The I option
causesthe graphic to be indented by n.
\Xps: invis, \Xps: endinvis No output will be generated for text and drawing commandsthat are bracketed with
these \X commands. These commandsare intended for use when output from troff will
be previewed before being processed with grops; if the previewer isunable to display
certain charactersor other constructs, then other substitute charactersor constructscan
be used for previewing by bracketing them with these \X commands.
For example, gxditview isnot able to display a proper \(em character because the standard X11 fontsdo not provide it; this
problem can be overcome by executing the following request:
.char \(em \Xps: invis\
\Z\v-.25m\h.05m\Dl .9m 0'\h.05m\
\Xps: endinvis\(em
In thiscase, gxditview will be unable to display the \(em character and will draw the line, whereasgrops will print the \(em
character and ignore the line.
The input to grops must be in the format output by gtroff(1). Thisisdescribed in groff_out(1). In addition, the device and
font description filesfor the device used must meet certain requirements. The device and font description filessupplied for
ps device meet all these requirements. afmtodit(1) can be used to create font filesfrom AFM files. The resolution must be an
integer multiple of 72 timesthe sizescale. The ps device usesa resolution of 72000 and a sizescale of 1000. The device
description file should contain a command:
which saysthat output should be generated that issuitable for printing on a page whose length isn machine units. Each font
description file must contain a command:
which saysthat the PostScript name of the font ispsname. It may also contain a command:
encodingenc f i l e
Part I: User Commands
which saysthat the PostScript font should be reencoded using the encoding described in enc_f i l e; thisfile should consist of a
sequence of linesof the form:
pschar code
where pschar isthe PostScript name of the character, and code isitsposition in the encoding expressed asa decimal integer.
The code for each character given in the font file must correspond to the code for the character in encoding file, or to the
code in the default encoding for the font if the PostScript font isnot to be reencoded. Thiscode can be used with the \N
escape sequence in troff to select the character, even if the character doesnot have a groff name. Every character in the font
file must exist in the PostScript font, and the widthsgiven in the font file must match the widthsused in the PostScript font.
grops will assume that a character with a groff name of space isblank (makesno markson the page); it can make use of such
a character to generate more efficient and compact PostScript output.
grops can automatically include the downloadable fontsnecessary to print the document. Any downloadable fontswhich
should, when required, be included by grops must be listed in the file /usr/lib/groff/font/devps/download; thisshould
consist of linesof the form:
f ont f i l ename
where f ont isthe PostScript name of the font, and f i l ename isthe name of the file containing the font; linesbeginning with #
and blank linesare ignored; fieldsmay be separated by tabsor spaces; f i l ename will be searched for using the same mecha-
nism that isused for groff font metric files. The download file itself will also be searched for using thismechanism.
If the file containing a downloadable font or imported document conformsto the Adobe Document Structuring Conven-
tions, then grops will interpret any commentsin the filessufficiently to ensure that itsown output isconforming. It will also
supply any needed font resourcesthat are listed in the download file aswell asany needed file resources. It isalso able to
handle interresource dependencies. For example, suppose that you have a downloadable font called Garamond, and also a
downloadable font called Garamond-Outline that dependson Garamond (typically, it would be defined to copy Garamonds
font dictionary, and change the PaintType), then it isnecessary for Garamond to appear before Garamond-Outline in the
PostScript document. grops will handle thisautomatically provided that the downloadable font file for Garamond-Outline
indicatesitsdependence on Garamond by meansof the Document Structuring Conventions, for example by beginning with
the following lines:
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-Font
%%DocumentNeededResources: font Garamond
%%IncludeResource: font Garamond
In thiscase, both Garamond and Garamond-Outline would need to be listed in the download file. A downloadable font
should not include itsown name in a %%DocumentSuppliedResources comment.
grops will not interpret %%DocumentFonts comments.
The %%DocumentNeededResources, %%DocumentSuppliedResources, %%IncludeResource, %%BeginResource, and %%EndResource
comments(or possibly the old %%DocumentNeededFonts, %%DocumentSuppliedFonts, %%IncludeFont, %%BeginFont, and %%EndFont
comments) should be used.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devps/DESC Device description file
/usr/lib/groff/font/devps/F Font description file for font F
/usr/lib/groff/font/devps/download List of downloadable fonts.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devps/text.enc Encoding used for text fonts
/usr/lib/groff/tmac/ Macrosfor use with grops; automatically loaded by troffrc
/usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.pspic Definition of PSPIC macro, automatically loaded by
/usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.psold Macrosto disable use of charactersnot present in older PostScript printers;
automatically loaded by
/usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.psnew Macrosto undo the effect of tmac.psold
/tmp/gropsXXXXXX Temporary file
afmtodit(1), groff(1), gtroff(1), psbb(1), groff_out(5), groff_font(5), groff_char(7)
Groff Version 1.09, 14 February1995
grottygroff driver for typewriter-like devices
grotty [ hfbuodBUv ][Fdi r ][f i l es ... ]
grotty translatesthe output of GNU troff into a form suitable for typewriter-like devices. Normally, grotty should invoked
by using the groff command with a Tascii or Tlatin1 option. If no filesare given, grotty will read the standard input. A
filename of will also cause grotty to read the standard input. Output iswritten to the standard output.
Normally, grotty printsa bold character cusing the sequence c BACKSPACE c and an italic character cby the sequence
_BACKSPACE c . These sequencescan be displayed on a terminal by piping through ul(1). Pagerssuch asmore(1) or less(1)
are also able to display these sequences. Use either B or U when piping into less(1); use b when piping into more(1). There
isno need to filter the output through col(1) since grotty never outputsreverse line feeds.
The font description file may contain a command:
where n isa decimal integer. If the 01 bit in n isset, then the font will be treated asan italic font; if the 02 bit isset, then it
will be treated asa bold font. The code field in the font description field givesthe code that will be used to output the
character. Thiscode can also be used in the \N escape sequence in troff.
Fdi r Search the directory di r /devname for font and device description files; name isthe name of the device, usually ascii
or latin1.
h Use horizontal tabsin the output. Tabsare assumed to be set every 8 columns.
f Use form feedsin the output. A form feed will be output at the end of each page that hasno output on itslast
b Suppressthe use of overstriking for bold characters.
u Suppressthe use of underlining for italic characters.
B Use only overstriking for bold-italic characters.
U Use only underlining for bold-italic characters.
o Suppressoverstriking (other than for bold or underlined characters).
d Ignore all \D commands. Without this, grotty will render \Dl ... commandsthat have at least one zero
argument (and so are either horizontal or vertical) using , |, and + characters.
v Print the version number.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devascii/DESC Device description file for ascii device.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devascii/F Font description file for font F of ascii device.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devlatin1/DESC Device description file for latin1 device.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devlatin1/F Font description file for font F of latin1 device.
/usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.tty Macrosfor use with grotty.
/usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.tty-char Additional kludgy character definitionsfor use with grotty.
Part I: User Commands
grotty isintended only for simple documents.
There isno support for fractional horizontal or vertical motions.
There isno support for \D commandsother than horizontal and vertical lines.
Charactersabove the first line (that is, with a vertical position of 0) cannot be printed.
groff(1), gtroff(1), groff_out(5), groff_font(5), groff_char(7), ul(1), more(1), less(1)
Groff Version1.09, 14 February1995
gsoelimInterpret .so requestsin groff input
gsoelim [ Cv ][f i l es ... ]
gsoelim readsf i l es and replaceslinesof the form
by the contentsof f i l e. It isuseful if filesincluded with so need to be preprocessed. Normally, gsoelim should be invoked
with the s option of groff.
C Recognize .so even when followed by a character other than space or newline
v Print the version number
Groff Version1.09, 15 September 1992
gtblFormat tablesfor troff
gtbl [ Cv ][f i l es ... ]
Thismanual page describesthe GNU version of tbl, which ispart of the groff document formatting system. tbl compiles
descriptionsof tablesembedded within troff input filesinto commandsthat are understood by troff. Normally, it should
be invoked using the t option of groff. It ishighly compatible with UNIX tbl. The output generated by GNU tbl cannot
be processed with UNIX troff; it must be processed with GNU troff. If no filesare given on the command line, the
standard input will be read. A filename of will cause the standard input to be read.
C Recognize .TS and .TE even when followed by a character other than space or newline
v Print the version number
Only the differencesbetween GNU tbl and UNIX tbl are described here.
Normally, tbl attemptsto prevent undesirable breaksin the table by using diversions. Thiscan sometimesinteract badly
with macro packages own use of diversions, when footnotes, for example, are used. The nokeep option tellstbl not to try to
prevent breaksin thisway.
The decimalpoint option specifiesthe character to be recognized asthe decimal point character in place of the default period.
It takesan argument in parentheses, which must be a single character, asfor the tab option.
The f format modifier can be followed by an arbitrary length font name in parentheses.
There isa d format modifier that meansthat a vertically spanning entry should be aligned at the bottom of itsrange.
There isno limit on the number of columnsin a table, nor any limit on the number of text blocks. All the linesof a table are
considered in deciding column widths, not just the first 200. Table continuation (.T&) linesare not restricted to the first 200
Numeric and alphabetic itemsmay appear in the same column.
Numeric and alphabetic itemsmay span horizontally.
tbl usesregister, string, macro and diversion namesbeginning with 3. When using tbl, you should avoid using any names
beginning with a 3.
You should use .TSH/.TH in conjunction with a supporting macro package for all multipage boxed tables. If there isno header
that you want to appear at the top of each page of the table, place the .TH line immediately after the format section. Do not
enclose a multipage table within keep/release macros, or divert it in any other way.
A text block within a table must be able to fit on one page.
The bp request cannot be used to force a page-break in a multipage table. Instead, define BP asfollows:
.de BP
.ie \\n(.z .bp \\$1
.el \!.BP \\$1
and use BP instead of bp.
groff(1), gtroff(1)
Groff Version 1.09, 1 April 1993
gtroffFormat documents
gtroff [abivzCER] [w name] [W name] [d cs] [f f am] [m name] [n num] [o l i st ] [r cn] [T name] [F di r ] [M
di r ] [nf i l es. . . n]
Part I: User Commands
Thismanual page describesthe GNU version of troff, which ispart of the groff document formatting system. It ishighly
compatible with UNIX troff. Usually, it should be invoked using the groff command, which will also run preprocessorsand
postprocessorsin the appropriate order and with the appropriate options.
a Generate an ASCII approximation of the typeset output.
b Print a backtrace with each warning or error message. Thisbacktrace should help track down the cause of
the error. The line numbersgiven in the backtrace may not alwayscorrect: troffsidea of line numbers
getsconfused by as or am requests.
i Read the standard input after all the named input fileshave been processed.
v Print the version number.
wname Enable warning name. Available warningsare described in the Warnings subsection asfollows. Multiple
w optionsare allowed.
Wname Inhibit warning name. Multiple W optionsare allowed.
E Inhibit all error messages.
z Suppressformatted output.
C Enable compatibility mode.
dcs, dname=s Define c or name to be a string s; c must be a one-letter name.
ff am Use f am asthe default font family.
mname Read in the file Normally, thiswill be searched for in /usr/lib/groff/tmac.
R Dont load troffrc.
nnum Number the first page num.
ol i st Output only pagesin l i st , which isa comma-separated list of page ranges; n meansprint page n, mn
meansprint every page between m and n, n meansprint every page up to n, n meansprint every page
from n. Troff will exit after printing the last page in the list.
rcn, rname=n Set number register c or name to n; c must be a one-character name; n can be any troff numeric expression.
Tname Prepare output for device name, rather than the default ps.
Fdi r Search di r for subdirectoriesdevname (name isthe name of the device) for the DESC file and font filesbefore
the normal /usr/lib/groff/font.
Mdi r Search directory di r for macro filesbefore the normal /usr/lib/groff/tmac.
Only the featuresnot in UNIX troff are described here.
The namesof number registers, fonts, strings/macros/diversions, special characterscan be of any length. In escape
sequences, where you can use (xx for a two-character name, you can use [xxx] for a name of arbitrary length:
\[xxx] Print the special character called xxx.
\f[xxx] Set font xxx.
\*[xxx] Interpolate string xxx.
\n[xxx] Interpolate number register xxx .
A scaled point isequal to 1/sizescale points, where sizescale isspecified in the DESC file (1 by default.) There isa new scale
indicator z that hasthe effect of multiplying by sizescale. Requestsand escape sequencesin troff interpret argumentsthat
represent a point size asbeing in unitsof scaled points, but they evaluate each such argument using a default scale indicator
of z. Argumentstreated in thisway are the argument to the ps request, the third argument to the cs request, the second and
fourth argumentsto the tkf request, the argument to the \H escape sequence, and those variantsof the \s escape sequence
that take a numeric expression astheir argument.
For example, suppose sizescale is1,000; then a scaled point will be equivalent to a millipoint; the request .ps 10.25 is
equivalent to .ps 10.25z, and so setsthe point size to 10,250 scaled points, which isequal to 10.25 points.
The number register \n(.s returnsthe point size in pointsasdecimal fraction. There isalso a new number register \n[.ps]
that returnsthe point size in scaled points.
It would make no sense to use the z scale indicator in a numeric expression whose default scale indicator wasneither u nor z,
and so troff disallowsthis. Similarly, it would make no sense to use a scaling indicator other than z or u in a numeric
expression whose default scale indicator wasz, and so troff disallowsthisaswell.
There isalso new scale indicator s that multipliesby the number of unitsin a scaled point. So, for example, \n[.ps]s isequal
to 1m. Be sure not to confuse the s and z scale indicators.
Spacesare permitted in a number expression within parentheses.
M indicatesa scale of hundredthsof an em.
e1>?e2 The maximum of e1 and e2.
e1<?e2 The minimum of e1 and e2.
(c;e) Evaluate e using c asthe default scaling indicator. If c ismissing, ignore scaling indicatorsin the evaluation
of e.
\Aanyt hi ng Thisexpandsto 1 or 0 according to whether anyt hi ng isor isnot acceptable asthe name of a string,
macro, diversion, number register, environment, or font. It will return 0 if anyt hi ng isempty. This
isuseful if you want to look up user input in some sort of associative table.
\Cxxx Typeset character named xxx. Normally it ismore convenient to use \[xxx]. But \C hasthe
advantage that it iscompatible with recent versionsof UNIX and isavailable in compatibility
\E Thisisequivalent to an escape character, but itsnot interpreted in copy mode. For example,
stringsto start and end superscripting could be defined like this:
.ds { \v.3m\s\En[.s]*6u/10u
.ds { \s0\v.3m
The use of \E ensuresthat these definitionswill work even if \*f getsinterpreted in copy-mode (for example, by being used
in a macro argument).
\Nn Typeset the character with code n in the current font. n can be any integer. Most devicesonly have
characterswith codesbetween 0 and 255. If the current font doesnot contain a character with that
code, special fontswill not be searched. The \N escape sequence can be conveniently used on
conjunction with the char request:
.char \[phone] \f(ZDnN37'
The code of each character isgiven in the fourth column in the font description file after the
charset command. It ispossible to include unnamed charactersin the font description file by using
a name of ; the \N escape sequence isthe only way to use these.
\Rnamen Thishasthe same effect as.nrnamen
\s(nn Set the point size to nn points; nn must be exactly two digits.
\s[n], \sn Set the point size to n scaled points; n isa numeric expression with a default scale indicator of z.
\Vx\ V(xx \ V[xxx] Interpolate the contentsof the environment variable xxx, asreturned by getenv(3). \V isinterpreted
in copy-mode.
Part I: User Commands
\Yx\ Y(xx \ Y[xxx] Thisisapproximately equivalent to \X\*[xxx ]. However, the contentsof the string or macro xxx
are not interpreted; also, it ispermitted for xxx to have been defined asa macro and thuscontain
newlines(it isnot permitted for the argument to \X to contain newlines). The inclusion of newlines
requiresan extension to the UNIX troff output format and will confuse driversthat do not know
about thisextension.
\Zanyt hi ng Print anything and then restore the horizontal and vertical position; anyt hi ng may not contain tabs
or leaders.
\$0 The name by which the current macro wasinvoked. The als request can make a macro have more
than one name.
\$* In a macro, the concatenation of all the argumentsseparated by spaces.
\$@ In a macro, the concatenation of all the argumentswith each surrounded by double quotes, and
separated by spaces.
\$( nn, \$[ nnn ] In a macro, thisgivesthe nnth or nnnth argument. Macroscan have an unlimited number of
\?anyt hi ng\ ? When used in a diversion, thiswill transparently embed anyt hi ng in the diversion. anyt hi ng isread
in copy mode. When the diversion isreread, anyt hi ng will be interpreted. anyt hi ng may not contain
newlines; use \! if you want to embed newlinesin a diversion. The escape sequence \? isalso
recognized in copy mode and turned into a single internal code; it isthiscode that terminates
anyt hi ng. Thus
.nr x 1
.di d
.nr x 2
.di e
.nr x 3
.di f
.nr x 4
will print 4.
\/ Thisincreasesthe width of the preceding character so that the spacing between that character and
the following character will be correct if the following character isa Roman character. For example,
if an italic f isimmediately followed by a Roman right parenthesis, then in many fontsthe top right
portion of the f will overlap the top left of the right parenthesis, producing f), which isugly.
Inserting \/ producesand avoidsthisproblem. It isa good idea to use thisescape sequence
whenever an italic character isimmediately followed by a Roman character without any intervening
\, Thismodifiesthe spacing of the following character so that the spacing between that character and
the preceding character will correct if the preceding character isa Roman character. For example,
inserting \, between the parenthesisand the f changesto (f. It isa good idea to use thisescape
sequence whenever a Roman character isimmediately followed by an italic character without any
intervening space.
\) Like \& except that it behaveslike a character declared with the cflags request to be transparent for
the purposesof end-of-sentence recognition.
\ Thisproducesan unbreakable space that stretcheslike a normal interword space when a line is
\# Everything up to and including the next newline isignored. Thisisinterpreted in copy mode. This
islike \% except that \% doesnot ignore the terminating newline.
.alnxx yy Create an aliasxx for number register object named yy. The new name and the old name will be
exactly equivalent. If yy isundefined, a warning of type reg will be generated, and the request will
be ignored.
.alsxx yy Create an aliasxx for request, string, macro, or diversion object named yy. The new name and the
old name will be exactly equivalent (it issimilar to a hard rather than a soft link). If yy isunde-
fined, a warning of type mac will be generated, and the request will be ignored. The de, am, di, da,
ds, and as requestsonly create a new object if the name of the macro, diversion, or string diversion
iscurrently undefined or if it isdefined to be a request; normally, they modify the value of an
existing object.
.asciifyxx Thisrequest only existsin order to make it possible to make certain grosshackswork with GNU
troff. It unformatsthe diversion xx in such a way that ASCII charactersthat were formatted and
diverted into xx will be treated like ordinary input characterswhen xx isreread. For example, this:
.tr @.
.di x
.tr @@
.asciify x
will set register n to 1.
.backtrace Print a backtrace of the input stack on stderr.
.break Break out of a while loop. See also the while and continue requests. Be sure not to confuse thiswith
the br request.
.cflagsnc1c2. . . Charactersc1, c2, ... have propertiesdetermined by n, which isORed from the following.
1 The character endssentences. (Initially, characters.?! have thisproperty.)
2 Linescan be broken before the character (initially, no charactershave thisproperty); a line will not
be broken at a character with thisproperty unlessthe characterson each side both have nonzero
hyphenation codes.
4 Linescan be broken after the character (initially, characters\(hy\(em have thisproperty); a line
will not be broken at a character with thisproperty unlessthe characterson each side both have
nonzero hyphenation codes.
8 The character overlapshorizontally (initially, characters\(ul\(rn\(ru have thisproperty).
16 The character overlapsvertically (initially, character \(br hasthisproperty).
32 An end-of-sentence character followed by any number of characterswith thisproperty will be
treated asthe end of a sentence if followed by a newline or two spaces; in other words, the character
istransparent for the purposesof end-of-sentence recognition; thisisthe same ashaving a zero
space factor in TeX (initially, characters)]*\(dg\(rq have thisproperty).
.charcst r i ng Define character c to be st r i ng. Every time character c needsto be printed, st r i ng will be processed
in a temporary environment and the result will be wrapped up into a single object. Compatibility
mode will be turned off and the escape character will be set to \ while st r i ng isbeing processed.
Any emboldening, constant spacing, or track kerning will be applied to thisobject rather than to
individual charactersin st r i ng. A character defined by thisrequest can be used just like a normal
character provided by the output device. In particular, other characterscan be translated to it with
the tr request; it can be made the leader character by the lc request; repeated patternscan be drawn
with the character by using the \l and \L escape sequences; wordscontaining the character can be
hyphenated correctly, if the hcode request isused to give the character a hyphenation code. There is
a special antirecursion feature: Use of character within the charactersdefinition will be handled
like normal charactersnot defined with char. A character definition can be removed with the rchar
Part I: User Commands
.chopxx Chop the last character off macro, string, or diversion xx. Thisisuseful for removing the newline
from the end of diversionsthat are to be interpolated asstrings.
.closest r eam Close the stream named st r eam; st r eam will no longer be an acceptable argument to the write
request. See the open request.
.continue Finish the current iteration of a while loop. See also the while and break requests.
.cpn If n isnonzero or missing, enable compatibility mode; otherwise, disable it. In compatibility mode,
long namesare not recognized, and the incompatibilitiescaused by long namesdo not arise.
.doxxx Interpret . xxx with compatibility mode disabled. For example, .do fam T would have the same
effect as.fam T except that it would work even if compatibility mode had been enabled. Note that
the previouscompatibility mode isrestored before any filessourced by xxx are interpreted.
.famxx Set the current font family to xx. The current font family ispart of the current environment. See
the description of the sty request for more information on font families.
.fspecialf s1s2 . . . When the current font isf , fontss1, s2, ... will be special; that is, they will searched for
charactersnot in the current font. Any fontsspecified in the special request will be searched after
fontsspecified in the fspecial request.
.ftrf g Translate font f to g. Whenever a font named f isreferred to in \f escape sequence, or in the ft,
ul, bd, cs, tkf, special, fspecial, fp, or sty requests, font g will be used. If g ismissing, or equal to
f , then font f will not be translated.
.hcodec1code1c2code2. . . Set the hyphenation code of character c1 to code1 and that of c2 to code2. A hyphenation code must
be a single input character (not a special character) other than a digit or a space. Initially, each
lowercase letter hasa hyphenation code, which isitself, and each uppercase letter hasa hyphenation
code which isthe lowercase version of itself. See also the hpf request.
.hlal ang Set the current hyphenation language to l ang. Hyphenation exceptionsspecified with the hw
request and hyphenation patternsspecified with the hpf request are both associated with the
current hyphenation language. The hla request isusually invoked by the troffrc file.
.hlmn Set the maximum number of consecutive hyphenated linesto n. If n isnegative, there isno
maximum. The default value is1. Thisvalue isassociated with the current environment. Only
linesoutput from an environment count towardsthe maximum associated with that environment.
Hyphensresulting from \% are counted; explicit hyphensare not.
.hpff i l e Read hyphenation patternsfrom f i l e; thiswill be searched for in the same way that is
searched for when the mname option isspecified. It should have the same format asthe argument to
the \patternsprimitive in TeX; the lettersappearing in thisfile are interpreted ashyphenation
codes. A % character in the patternsfile introducesa comment that continuesto the end of the line.
The set of hyphenation patternsisassociated with the current language set by the hla request. The
hpf request isusually invoked by the troffrc file.
.hymn Set the hyphenat i on margin to n: when the current adjustment mode isnot b, the line will not be
hyphenated if the line isno more than n short. The default hyphenation margin is0. The default
scaling indicator for thisrequest ism. The hyphenation margin isassociated with the current
environment. The current hyphenation margin isavailable in the \n[.hym] register.
.hysn Set the hyphenat i on space to n: when the current adjustment mode isb, dont hyphenate the line if
the line can be justified by adding no more than n extra space to each word space. The default
hyphenation space is0. The default scaling indicator for thisrequest ism. The hyphenation space is
associated with the current environment. The current hyphenation space isavailable in the
\n[.hys] register.
.kernn If n isnonzero or missing, enable pairwise kerning; otherwise, disable it.
.msof i l e The same asthe so request except that f i l e issearched for in the same way that is
searched for when the mname option isspecified.
.nroff Make the n built-in condition true and the t built-in condition false. Thiscan be reversed using
the troff request.
.openst r eamf i l ename Open f i l ename for writing and associate the stream named st r eam with it. See also the close and
write requests.
.openast r eamf i l ename Like open, but if f i l ename exists, append to it instead of truncating it.
.pnr Print the namesand contentsof all currently defined number registerson stderr.
.psocommand Thisbehaveslike the so request except that input comesfrom the standard output of command.
.ptr Print the namesand positionsof all traps(not including input line trapsand diversion traps) on
stderr. Empty slotsin the page trap list are printed aswell, because they can affect the priority of
subsequently planted traps.
.rcharc1c2... Remove the definitionsof charactersc1, c2, ... Thisundoesthe effect of a char request.
.rj, .rjn Right justify the next n input lines. Without an argument, right justify the next input line. The
number of linesto be right justified isavailable in the \n[.rj] register. Thisimplicitly does.ce0.
The ce request implicitly does.rj0.
.rnnxxyy Rename number register xx to yy.
.shcc Set the soft hyphen character to c. If c isomitted, the soft hyphen character will be set to the
default \(hy. The soft hyphen character isthe character that will be inserted when a word is
hyphenated at a line break. If the soft hyphen character doesnot exist in the font of the character
immediately preceding a potential break point, then the line will not be broken at that point.
Neither definitions(specified with the char request) nor translations(specified with the tr request)
are considered when finding the soft hyphen character.
.shiftn In a macro, shift the argumentsby n positions: argument i becomesargument i n; arguments1 to n
will no longer be available. If n ismissing, argumentswill be shifted by 1. Shifting by negative
amountsiscurrently undefined.
.specials1s2... Fontss1, s2 are special and will be searched for charactersnot in the current font.
.stynf Associate style f with font position n. A font position can be associated either with a font or with a
style. The current font isthe index of a font position and so isalso either a font or a style. When it
isa style, the font that isactually used isthe font the name of which isthe concatenation of the
name of the current family and the name of the current style. For example, if the current font is1
and font position 1 isassociated with style R and the current font family isT, then font TR will be
used. If the current font isnot a style, then the current family isignored. When the requestscs, bd,
tkf, uf, or fspecial are applied to a style, then they will instead be applied to the member of the
current family corresponding to that style. The default family can be set with the f option. The
styles command in the DESC file controlswhich font positions(if any) are initially associated with
stylesrather than fonts.
.tkff s1n1s2n2 Enable track kerning for font f . When the current font isf , the width of every character will be
increased by an amount between n1 and n2; when the current point size islessthan or equal to s1,
the width will be increased by n1; when it isgreater than or equal to s2, the width will be increased
by n2; when the point size isgreater than or equal to s1 and lessthan or equal to s2, the increase in
width isa linear function of the point size.
.trff i l ename Transparently output the contentsof file f i l ename. Each line isoutput asit would be were it
preceded by \!; however, the linesare not subject to copy-mode interpretation. If the file doesnot
end with a newline, then a newline will be added. For example, you can define a macro x
containing the contentsof file f , using
Unlike with the cf request, the file cannot contain characterssuch asNUL that are not legal troff
input characters.
.trnt abcd Thisisthe same asthe tr request except that the translationsdo not apply to text that istranspar-
ently throughput into a diversion with \!. For example,
.tr ab
.di x
\!.tm a
Part I: User Commands
will print b; if trnt isused instead of tr, it will print a.
.troff Make the n built-in condition false, and the t built-in condition true. Thisundoesthe effect of the
nroff request.
.vptn Enable vertical position trapsif n isnonzero, disable them otherwise. Vertical position trapsare
trapsset by the wh or dt requests. Trapsset by the it request are not vertical position traps. The
parameter that controlswhether vertical position trapsare enabled isglobal. Initially, vertical
position trapsare enabled.
.warnn Control warnings. n isthe sum of the numbersassociated with each warning that isto be enabled;
all other warningswill be disabled. The number associated with each warning islisted in the
Warnings subsection. For example, .warn 0 will disable all warnings, and .warn 1 will disable all
warningsexcept that about missing characters. If n isnot given, all warningswill be enabled.
.whilecanyt hi ng While condition c istrue, accept anyt hi ng asinput; c can be any condition acceptable to an if
request; anyt hi ng can comprise multiple linesif the first line startswith \{ and the last line ends
with \}. See also the break and continue requests.
.writest r eamanyt hi ng Write anyt hi ng to the stream named st r eam. st r eam must previously have been the subject of an
open request. anyt hi ng isread in copy mode; a leading will be stripped.
.cff i l ename When used in a diversion, thiswill embed in the diversion an object which, when reread, will cause
the contentsof f i l ename to be transparently copied through to the output. In UNIX troff, the
contentsof f i l ename are immediately copied through to the output regardlessof whether there isa
current diversion; thisbehavior isso anomalousthat it must be considered a bug.
.evxx If xx isnot a number, thiswill switch to a named environment called xx. The environment should
be popped with a matching ev request without any arguments, just asfor numbered environments.
There isno limit on the number of named environments; they will be created the first time that
they are referenced.
.fpnf1f 2 The fp request hasan optional third argument. Thisargument givesthe external name of the font,
which isused for finding the font description file. The second argument givesthe internal name of
the font, which isused to refer to the font in troff after it hasbeen mounted. If there isno third
argument, then the internal name will be used asthe external name. Thisfeature allowsyou to use
fontswith long namesin compatibility mode.
.ssmn When two argumentsare given to the ss request, the second argument givesthe sentence space size.
If the second argument isnot given, the sentence space size will be the same asthe word space size.
Like the word space size, the sentence space isin unitsof one twelfth of the spacewidth parameter
for the current font. Initially, both the word space size and the sentence space size are 12. The
sentence space size isused in two circumstances: If the end of a sentence occursat the end of a line
in fill mode, then both an interword space and a sentence space will be added; if two spacesfollow
the end of a sentence in the middle of a line, then the second space will be a sentence space. Note
that the behavior of UNIX troff will be exactly that exhibited by GNU troff if a second argument
isnever given to the ss request. In GNU troff, asin UNIX troff, you should alwaysfollow a
sentence with either a newline or two spaces.
.tan1n2...nnTr 1r2...rn Set tabsat positionsn1, n2,...,nn and then set tabsat nn+r 1, nn+r 2,...., nn+r n and then at
nn+r n+r 1, nn+r n+r 2,..., nn+r n+r n, and so on. For example, .ta T .5i will set tabsevery half an
\n[.fam] The current font family. Thisisa string-valued register.
\n[.fp] The number of the next free font position.
\n[.g] Always1. Macrosshould use thisto determine whether they are running under GNU troff.
\n[.hla] The current hyphenation language asset by the hla request.
\n[.hlc] The number of immediately preceding consecutive hyphenated lines.
\n[.hlm] The maximum allowed number of consecutive hyphenated lines, asset by the hlm request.
\n[.hy] The current hyphenation flags(asset by the hy request.)
\n[.hym] The current hyphenation margin (asset by the hym request.)
\n[.hys] The current hyphenation space (asset by the hys request.)
\n[.in] The indent that appliesto the current output line.
\n[.kern] 1 if pairwise kerning isenabled, 0 otherwise.
\n[.lg] The current ligature mode (asset by the lg request.)
\n[.ll] The line length that appliesto the current output line.
\n[.lt] The title length asset by the lt request.
\n[.ne] The amount of space that wasneeded in the last ne request that caused a trap to be sprung. Useful in
conjunction with the \n[.trunc] register.
\n[.pn] The number of the next page: either the value set by a pn request, or the number of the current page
\n[.ps] The current pointsize in scaled points.
\n[.psr] The last requested pointsize in scaled points.
\n[.rj] The number of linesto be right-justified asset by the rj request.
\n[.sr] The last requested pointsize in pointsasa decimal fraction. Thisisa string-valued register.
\n[.tabs] A string representation of the current tab settingssuitable for use asan argument to the ta request.
\n[.trunc] The amount of vertical space truncated by the most recently sprung vertical position trap, or, if the trap
wassprung by an ne request, minusthe amount of vertical motion produced by the ne request. In other
words, at the point a trap issprung, it representsthe difference of what the vertical position would have
been but for the trap, and what the vertical position actually is. Useful in conjunction with the \n[.ne]
\n[.ss] These give the valuesof the parametersset by the first and second argumentsof the ss request.
\n[.vpt] 1 if vertical position trapsare enabled, 0 otherwise.
\n[.warn] The sum of the numbersassociated with each of the currently enabled warnings. The number associated
with each warning islisted in the Warnings subsection.
\n(.x The major version number. For example, if the version number is1.03 then \n(.x will contain 1.
\n(.y The minor version number. For example, if the version number is1.03 then \n(.y will contain 03.
Part I: User Commands
The following registersare set by the \w escape sequence:
\n[rsb] Like the st and sb registers, but takesaccount of the heightsand depthsof characters.
\n[ssc] The amount of horizontal space (possibly negative) that should be added to the last character before a
\n[skw] How far to right of the center of the last character in the \w argument, the center of an accent from a
roman font should be placed over that character.
The following read/write number registersare available:
\n[systat] The return value of the system() function executed by the last sy request.
\n[slimit] If greater than 0, the maximum number of objectson the input stack. If lessthan or equal to 0, there isno
limit on the number of objectson the input stack. With no limit, recursion can continue until virtual
memory isexhausted.
Fontsnot listed in the DESC file are automatically mounted on the next available font position when they are referenced.
If a font isto be mounted explicitly with the fp request on an unused font position, it should be mounted on the first unused
font position, which can be found in the \n[.fp] register; although troff doesnot enforce thisstrictly, it will not allow a font
to be mounted at a position whose number ismuch greater than that of any currently used position.
Interpolating a string doesnot hide existing macro arguments. Thusin a macro, a more efficient way of doing
If the font description file containspairwise kerning information, charactersfrom that font will be kerned. Kerning between
two characterscan be inhibited by placing a \& between them.
In a string comparison in a condition, charactersthat appear at different input levelsto the first delimiter character will not
be recognized asthe second or third delimiters. Thisappliesalso to the tl request. In a \w escape sequence, a character that
appearsat a different input level to the starting delimiter character will not be recognized asthe closing delimiter character.
When decoding a macro argument that isdelimited by double quotes, a character that appearsat a different input level to
the starting delimiter character will not be recognized asthe closing delimiter character. The implementation of \$@ ensures
that the double quotessurrounding an argument will appear the same input level, which will be different to the input level
of the argument itself. In a long escape name ] will not be recognized asa closing delimiter except when it occursat the same
input level asthe opening ]. In compatibility mode, no attention ispaid to the input level.
There are some new typesof condition:
.ifrxxx True if there isa number register named xxx.
.ifdxxx True if there isa string, macro, diversion, or request named xxx.
.ifcch True if there isa character ch available; ch iseither an ASCII character or a special character \(xx or \[xxx]; the
condition will also be true if ch hasbeen defined by the char request.
The warningsthat can be given by troff are divided into the following categories. The name associated with each warning is
used by the w and W options; the number isused by the warn request, and by the .warn register.
char1 Nonexistent characters. Thisisenabled by default.
number2 Invalid numeric expressions. Thisisenabled by default.
break4 In fill mode, lineswhich could not be broken so that their length waslessthan the line length. Thisis
enabled by default.
delim8 Missing or mismatched closing delimiters.
el16 Use of the el request with no matching ie request.
scale32 Meaninglessscaling indicators.
range64 Out of range arguments.
syntax128 Dubioussyntax in numeric expressions.
di256 Use of di or da without an argument when there isno current diversion.
mac512 Use of undefined strings, macros, and diversions. When an undefined string, macro, or diversion isused,
that string isautomatically defined asempty. So, in most cases, at most one warning will be given for each
reg1024 Use of undefined number registers. When an undefined number register isused, that register isautomati-
cally defined to have a value of 0. A definition isautomatically made with a value of 0. So, in most cases, at
most one warning will be given for use of a particular name.
tab2048 Inappropriate use of a tab character. Either use of a tab character where a number wasexpected, or use of
tab character in an unquoted macro argument.
right-brace4096 Use of \g where a number wasexpected.
missing8192 Requeststhat are missing nonoptional arguments.
input16384 Illegal input characters.
escape32768 Unrecognized escape sequences. When an unrecognized escape sequence isencountered, the escape
character isignored.
space65536 Missing space between a request or macro and itsargument. Thiswarning will be given when an
undefined name longer than two charactersisencountered, and the first two charactersof the name make
a defined name. The request or macro will not be invoked. When thiswarning isgiven, no macro is
automatically defined. Thisisenabled by default. Thiswarning will never occur in compatibility mode.
font131072 Nonexistent fonts. Thisisenabled by default.
ig262144 Illegal escapesin text ignored with the ig request. These are conditionsthat are errorswhen they do not
occur in ignored text.
There are also namesthat can be used to refer to groupsof warnings:
all All warningsexcept di, mac, and reg. It isintended that thiscoversall warningsthat are useful with
traditional macro packages.
w All warnings.
Long namescause some incompatibilities. UNIX troff will interpret
asdefining a string ab with contentscd. Normally, GNU troff will interpret thisasa call of a macro named dsabcd. Also
UNIX troff will interpret \*[ or \n[ asreferencesto a string or number register called [. In GNU troff, however, thiswill
normally be interpreted asthe start of a long name. In compatibility mode GNU troff will interpret these thingsin the
traditional way. In compatibility mode, however, long namesare not recognized. Compatibility mode can be turned on with
the C command-line option, and turned on or off with the cp request. The number register \n(.C is1 if compatibility mode
ison, 0 otherwise.
GNU troff doesnot allow the use of the escape sequencesin namesof strings, macros, diversions, number registers, fonts, or
environments; UNIX troff does. The \A escape sequence may be helpful in avoiding use of these escape sequencesin names.
Fractional point sizescause one noteworthy incompatibility. In UNIX troff the ps request ignoresscale indicatorsand so
.ps 10u
will set the pointsize to 10 points, whereasin GNU troff it will set the pointsize to 10 scaled points.
Part I: User Commands
In GNU troff there isa fundamental difference between unformatted, input characters, and formatted, output characters.
Everything that affectshow an output character will be output isstored with the character; after an output character hasbeen
constructed, it isunaffected by any subsequent requeststhat are executed, including bd, cs, tkf, tr, or fp requests. Normally
output charactersare constructed from input charactersat the moment immediately before the character isadded to the
current output line. Macros, diversions, and stringsare all, in fact, the same type of object; they contain listsof input
charactersand output charactersin any combination. An output character doesnot behave like an input character for the
purposesof macro processing; it doesnot inherit any of the special propertiesthat the input character from which it was
constructed might have had. For example, this:
.di x
will print \\ in GNU troff; each pair of input \sisturned into one output \ and the resulting output \sare not interpreted
asescape characterswhen they are reread. UNIX troff would interpret them asescape characterswhen they were reread and
would end up printing one \. The correct way to obtain a printable \ isto use the \e escape sequence: thiswill alwaysprint a
single instance of the current escape character, regardlessof whether or not it isused in a diversion; it will also work in both
GNU troff and UNIX troff. If you wish for some reason to store in a diversion an escape sequence that will be interpreted
when the diversion isreread, you can either use the traditional \! transparent output facility, or, if thisisunsuitable, the new
\? escape sequence.
GROFF_TMAC_PATH A colon-separated list of directoriesin which to search for macro files.
GROFF_TYPESETTER Default device.
GROFF_FONT_PATH A colon-separated list of directoriesin which to search for the devname directory. troff will search
in directoriesgiven in the F option before these, and in standard directories(:/usr/lib/groff/font,
:/usr/lib/font, and :/usr/lib/font) after these.
/usr/lib/groff/tmac/troffrc Initialization file
/usr/lib/groff/tmac/ Macro files
/usr/lib/groff/font/devname/DESC Device description file for device name
/usr/lib/groff/font/devname/F Font file for font F of device name
groff(1) gtbl(1), gpic(1), geqn(1), grops(1), grodvi(1), grotty(1), groff_font(5), groff_out(5), groff_char(7)
Groff Version 1.09, 14 February1994
gzip, gunzip, zcatgzip, gunzip, zcat
gzip, gunzip, zcatgzip, gunzip, zcatCompressor expand files
gzip [ acdfhlLnNrtvV19 ][Ssuffix] [ name ... ]
gunzip [ acfhlLnNrtvV ][Ssuffix] [ name ... ]
zcat [ fhLV ][name ... ]
gzip reducesthe size of the named filesusing Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77). Whenever possible, each file isreplaced by one
with the extension .gz, while keeping the same ownership modes, access, and modification times. (The default extension is
gz for VMS, z for MS-DOS, OS/2 FAT, WindowsNT FAT and Atari.) If no filesare specified, or if a filename is-, the
standard input iscompressed to the standard output. gzip will only attempt to compressregular files. In particular, it will
ignore symbolic links.
If the compressed filename istoo long for itsfilesystem, gzip truncatesit. gzip attemptsto truncate only the partsof the
filename longer than three characters. (A part isdelimited by dots.) If the name consistsof small partsonly, the longest parts
are truncated. For example, if filenamesare limited to 14 characters, gzip.msdos.exe iscompressed to Names
are not truncated on systemsthat do not have a limit on filename length.
By default, gzip keepsthe original filename and timestamp in the compressed file. These are used when decompressing the
file with the N option. Thisisuseful when the compressed filename wastruncated or when the time stamp wasnot preserved
after a file transfer.
Compressed filescan be restored to their original form using gzip -d or gunzip or zcat. If the original name saved in the
compressed file isnot suitable for itsfilesystem, a new name isconstructed from the original one to make it legal.
gunzip takesa list of fileson itscommand line and replaceseach file whose name endswith .gz, -gz, .z, -z, z, or .Z and which
beginswith the correct magic number with an uncompressed file without the original extension. gunzip also recognizesthe
special extensions.tgz and .taz asshorthandsfor .tar.gz and .tar.Z respectively. When compressing, gzip usesthe .tgz
extension if necessary instead of truncating a file with a .tar extension.
gunzip can currently decompressfilescreated by gzip, zip, compress, compress -H, or pack. The detection of the input format
isautomatic. When using the first two formats, gunzip checksa 32-bit CRC. For pack, gunzip checksthe uncompressed
length. The standard compress format wasnot designed to allow consistency checks. However, gunzip issometimesable to
detect a bad .Z file. If you get an error when uncompressing a .Z file, do not assume that the .Z file iscorrect simply because
the standard uncompress doesnot complain. Thisgenerally meansthat the standard uncompress doesnot check itsinput, and
happily generatesgarbage output. The SCO compress -H format (lzh compression method) doesnot include a CRC but also
allowssome consistency checks.
Filescreated by zip can be uncompressed by gzip only if they have a single member compressed with the deflation method.
Thisfeature isonly intended to help conversion of filesto the tar.gz format. To extract zip fileswith several
members, use unzip instead of gunzip.
zcat isidentical to gunzip c. (On some systems, zcat may be installed asgzcat to preserve the original link to compress.)
zcat uncompresseseither a list of fileson the command line or itsstandard input and writesthe uncompressed data on
standard output. zcat will uncompressfilesthat have the correct magic number whether they have a .gz suffix or not.
gzip usesthe Lempel-Ziv algorithm used in zip and PKZIP. The amount of compression obtained dependson the size of the
input and the distribution of common substrings. Typically, text such assource code or English isreduced by 60 to 70
percent. Compression isgenerally much better than that achieved by LZW (asused in compress), Huffman coding (asused
in pack), or adaptive Huffman coding (compact).
Compression isalwaysperformed, even if the compressed file isslightly larger than the original. The worst case expansion isa
few bytesfor the gzip file header, plus5 bytesevery 32KB block, or an expansion ratio of 0.015 percent for large files. Note
that the actual number of used disk blocksalmost never increases. gzip preservesthe mode, ownership, and timestampsof
fileswhen compressing or decompressing.
a ascii ASCII text mode: convert end-of-linesusing local conventions. Thisoption issupported
only on some non-UNIX systems. For MS-DOS, CR LF isconverted to LF when compress-
ing, and LF isconverted to CR LF when decompressing.
c stdout to-stdout Write output on standard output; keep original filesunchanged. If there are several input
files, the output consistsof a sequence of independently compressed members. To obtain
better compression, concatenate all input filesbefore compressing them.
gzip, gunzip, zcatgzip, gunzip, zcat
Part I: User Commands
d decompress uncompress Decompress.
f force Force compression or decompression even if the file hasmultiple linksor the corresponding
file already exists, or if the compressed data isread from or written to a terminal. If the
input data isnot in a format recognized by gzip, and if the option stdout isalso given,
copy the input data without change to the standard output; let zcat behave ascat. If f is
not given, and when not running in the background, gzip promptsto verify whether an
existing file should be overwritten.
h help Display a help screen and quit.
l list For each compressed file, list the following fields: compressed size (size of the compressed
file), uncompressed size (size of the uncompressed file), ratio (compression ratio0.0% if
unknown), uncompressed name (name of the uncompressed file). The uncompressed size is
given as-1 for filesnot in gzip format, such ascompressed .Z files. To get the uncompressed
size for such a file, you can use:
zcat file.Z | wc -c
In combination with the verbose option, the following fieldsare also displayed: method
(compression method), crc (the 32-bit CRC of the uncompressed data), date & time
(timestamp for the uncompressed file). The compression methodscurrently supported are
deflate, compress, lzh (SCO compress -H) and pack. The crc isgiven asffffffff for a file
not in gzip format.
With name, the uncompressed name, date and time are those stored within the compressed
file if present.
With verbose, the size totalsand compression ratio for all filesisalso displayed, unless
some sizesare unknown. With quiet, the title and totalslinesare not displayed.
L license Display the gzip license and quit.
n no-name When compressing, do not save the original filename and timestamp by default. (The
original name isalwayssaved if the name had to be truncated.) When decompressing, do
not restore the original filename if present (remove only the gzip suffix from the compressed
filename) and do not restore the original timestamp if present (copy it from the compressed
file). Thisoption isthe default when decompressing.
N name When compressing, alwayssave the original filename and timestamp; thisisthe default.
When decompressing, restore the original filename and timestamp if present. Thisoption is
useful on systemsthat have a limit on filename length or when the timestamp hasbeen lost
after a file transfer.
q quiet Suppressall warnings.
r recursive Travel the directory structure recursively. If any of the filenamesspecified on the command
line are directories, gzip will descend into the directory and compressall the filesit finds
there (or decompressthem in the case of gunzip).
S .suf suffix .suf Use suffix .suf instead of .gz. Any suffix can be given, but suffixesother than .z and .gz
should be avoided to avoid confusion when filesare transferred to other systems. A null
suffix forcesgunzip to try decompression on all given filesregardlessof suffix, asin the
gunzip -S * (*.* for MS-DOS)
Previousversionsof gzip used the .z suffix. Thiswaschanged to avoid a conflict with
t test Test. Check the compressed file integrity.
v verbose Verbose. Display the name and percentage reduction for each file compressed or decom-
V version Version. Display the version number and compilation options, then quit.
# fast best Regulate the speed of compression using the specified digit #, where 1 or --fast indicates
the fastest compression method (lesscompression) and 9 or --best indicatesthe slowest
compression method (best compression). The default compression level is6 (that is, biased
towardshigh compression at expense of speed).
Multiple compressed filescan be concatenated. In thiscase, gunzip will extract all membersat once. For example,
gzip -c file1 >foo.gz gzip -c file2>>> foo.gz
gunzip -c foo
isequivalent to
cat file1 file2
In case of damage to one member of a .gz file, other memberscan still be recovered (if the damaged member isremoved).
However, you can get better compression by compressing all membersat once.
cat file1 file2 | gzip > foo.gz
compressesbetter than
gzip -c file1 file2 >foo.gz
If you want to recompressconcatenated filesto get better compression, use
gzip -cd old.gz | gzip > new.gz
If a compressed file consistsof several members, the uncompressed size and CRC reported by the list option appliesto the
last member only. If you need the uncompressed size for all members, you can use
gzip -cd file.gz | wc -c
If you wish to create a single archive file with multiple membersso that memberscan later be extracted independently, use an
archiver such astar or zip. GNU tar supportsthe -z option to invoke gzip transparently. gzip isdesigned asa complement
to tar, not asa replacement.
The environment variable GZIP can hold a set of default optionsfor gzip. These optionsare interpreted first and can be
overwritten by explicit command-line parameters. For example,
For sh: GZIP=-8v name
Export GZIP for csh: setenv GZIP -8v name
For MS-DOS: set GZIP=-8v name
On Vax/VMS, the name of the environment variable isGZIP_OPT, to avoid a conflict with the symbol set for invocation of the
znew(1), zcmp(1), zmore(1), zforce(1), gzexe(1), zip(1), unzip(1), compress(1), pack(1), compact(1)
Exit statusisnormally 0; if an error occurs, exit statusis1. If a warning occurs, exit statusis2.
Usage: gzip [-cdfhlLnNrtvV19] [-S suffix] [file ...]
Invalid optionswere specified on the command line.
file: not in gzip format
The file specified to gunzip hasnot been compressed.
file: Corrupt input. Use zcat to recover some data.
The compressed file hasbeen damaged. The data up to the point of failure can be recovered using
zcat file > recover
gzip, gunzip, zcatgzip, gunzip, zcat
Part I: User Commands
file: compressed with xx bits, can only handle yy bits
file wascompressed (using LZW) by a program that could deal with more bitsthan the decompresscode on thismachine.
Recompressthe file with gzip, which compressesbetter and useslessmemory.
file: already has .gz suffix--no change
The file isassumed to be already compressed. Rename the file and try again.
file already exists; do you wish to overwrite (y or n)?
Respond y if you want the output file to be replaced; n if not.
gunzip: corrupt input
A SIGSEGV violation wasdetected, which usually meansthat the input file hasbeen corrupted.
Percentage of the input saved by compression. (Relevant only for v and l.)
not a regular file or directory: ignored
When the input file isnot a regular file or directory, (such asa symbolic link, socket, FIFO, device file), it isleft unaltered.
has xx other links: unchanged
The input file haslinks; it isleft unchanged. See ln(1) for more information.
Use the f flag to force compression of filesthat are multiply linked.
When writing compressed data to a tape, it isgenerally necessary to pad the output with zeroesup to a block boundary.
When the data isread and the whole block ispassed to gunzip for decompression, gunzip detectsthat there isextra trailing
garbage after the compressed data and emitsa warning by default. You have to use the quiet option to suppressthe
warning. Thisoption can be set in the GZIP environment variable asin the following:
for sh: GZIP=-q tar -xfz block-compress /dev/rst0 for csh:
(setenv GZIP -q; tar -xfz block-compr /dev/rst0
In the preceding example, gzip isinvoked implicitly by the -z option of GNU tar. Make sure that the same block size (-b
option of tar) isused for reading and writing compressed data on tapes. (Thisexample assumesyou are using the GNU
version of tar.)
The list option reportsincorrect sizesif they exceed two gigabytes. The list option reportssizesas-1 and crc asffffffff
if the compressed file ison a nonseekable media.
In some rare cases, the best option givesworse compression than the default compression level (-6). On some highly
redundant files, compress compressesbetter than gzip.
gzexeCompressexecutable filesin place
gzexe [ name ... ]
The gzexe utility enablesyou to compressexecutablesin place and have them automatically uncompressand execute when
you run them (at a penalty in performance). For example if you execute gzexe /bin/cat, it will create the following two files:
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 9644 Feb 11 11:16 /bin/cat
-r-xr-xr-x 1 bin bin 24576 Nov 23 13:21 /bin/cat
/bin/cat isthe original file and /bin/cat isthe self-uncompressing executable file. You can remove /bin/cat when you are
sure that /bin/cat worksproperly.
Thisutility ismost useful on systemswith very small disks.
d Decompressthe given executablesinstead of compressing them
gzip(1), znew(1), zmore(1), zcmp(1), zforce(1)
The compressed executable isa shell script. Thismay create some security holes. In particular, the compressed executable
relieson the PATH environment variable to find gzip and some other utilities(tail, chmod, ln, sleep).
gzexe attemptsto retain the original file attributeson the compressed executable, but you may have to fix them manually in
some cases, using chmod or chown.
headOutput the first part of files
head [c N[bkm]] [n N] [qv] [--bytes=N[bkm]] [--lines=N] [--quiet] [--silent]
[--verbose] [--help] [--version] [file...]
head [Nbcklmqv] [file...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of head. head printsthe first part (10 linesby default) of each given file; it
readsfrom standard input if no filesare given or when a filename of isencountered. If more than one file isgiven, it prints
a header consisting of the filesname enclosed in ==> and <== before the output for each file.
head acceptstwo option formats: the new one, in which numbersare argumentsto the option letters; and the old one, in
which the number precedesany option letters.
c N, --bytes N Print first N bytes. N isa nonzero integer, optionally followed by one of the following charactersto
specify a different unit.
b 512-byte blocks.
k 1-kilobyte blocks.
m 1-megabyte blocks.
l, n N, --lines N Print first N lines.
q, --quiet, --silent Never print filename headers.
Part I: User Commands
v, --verbose Alwaysprint filename headers.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
hexdumpASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump
hexdump [-bcdovx] [-e format_string] [-f format_file] [-n length] [-s skip] [file ...]
The hexdump utility isa filter that displaysthe specified files, or the standard input, if no filesare specified, in a user-specified
The optionsare asfollows:
-b One-byte octal display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by sixteen space-
separated, three-column, zero-filled bytesof input data, in octal, per line.
-c One-byte character display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by sixteen space-
separated, three-column, space-filled, charactersof input data per line.
-d Two-byte decimal display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by eight space-
separated, five-column, zero-filled, two-byte unitsof input data, in unsigned decimal, per line.
-e format_string Specify a format string to be used for displaying data.
-f format_file Specify a file that containsone or more newline separated format strings. Empty linesand lines
whose first nonblank character isa hash mark (#) are ignored.
-n length Interpret only length bytesof input.
-o Two-byte octal display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by eight space-separated,
six-column, zero-filled, two-byte quantitiesof input data, in octal, per line.
-s offset Skip offset bytesfrom the beginning of the input. By default, offset isinterpreted asa decimal
number. With a leading 0x or 0X, offset isinterpreted asa hexadecimal number; otherwise, with a
leading 0, offset isinterpreted asan octal number. Appending the character b, k, or m to offset
causesit to be interpreted asa multiple of 512, 1024, or 1048576, respectively.
-v The -v option causeshexdump to display all input data. Without the -v option, any number of
groupsof output lines, which would be identical to the immediately preceding group of output
lines(except for the input offsets), are replaced with a line comprised of a single asterisk.
-x Two-byte hexadecimal display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by eight, space-
separated, four-column, zero-filled, two-byte quantitiesof input data, in hexadecimal, per line.
For each input file, hexdump sequentially copiesthe input to standard output, transforming the data according to the format
stringsspecified by the -e and -f options, in the order that they were specified.
A format string containsany number of format units, separated by whitespace. A format unit containsup to three items: an
iteration count, a byte count, and a format.
The iteration count isan optional positive integer, which defaultsto one. Each format isapplied iteration count times.
The byte count isan optional positive integer. If specified, it definesthe number of bytesto be interpreted by each iteration
of the format.
If an iteration count and/or a byte count isspecified, a single slash must be placed after the iteration count and/or before the
byte count to disambiguate them. Any whitespace before or after the slash isignored.
The format isrequired and must be surrounded by double quote ( ) marks. It isinterpreted asan fprintf-style format
string (see fprintf(3)) with the following exceptions:
I An asterisk (*) may not be used asa field width or precision.
I A byte count or field precision isrequired for each s conversion character (unlike the fprintf(3) default, which prints
the entire string if the precision isunspecified).
I The conversion charactersh, l, n, p, and q are not supported.
I The single-character escape sequencesdescribed in the C standard are supported:
NUL \0
Alert character \a
Backspace \b
Form-feed \f
Newline \n
Carriage return \r
Tab \t
Vertical tab \v
hexdump also supportsthe following additional conversion strings:
a[dox] Display the input offset, cumulative acrossinput files, of the next byte to be displayed. The appended characters
d, o, and x specify the display base asdecimal, octal, or hexadecimal respectively.
A[dox] Identical to the a conversion string except that it isonly performed once, when all of the input data hasbeen
c Output charactersin the default character set. Nonprinting charactersare displayed in three-character, zero-
padded octal, except for those representable by standard escape notation (see preceding list), which are displayed
astwo-character strings.
p Output charactersin the default character set. Nonprinting charactersare displayed asa single period.
u Output U.S. ASCII characters, with the exception that control charactersare displayed using the lowercase names
in the following mini-table. Charactersgreater than 0xff, hexadecimal, are displayed ashexadecimal strings.
000 nul 001 soh 002 stx 003 etx 004 eot 005 enq
006 ack 007 bel 008 bs 009 ht 00A lf 00B vt
00C ff 00D cr 00E so 00F si 010 dle 011 dc1
012 dc2 013 dc3 014 dc4 015 nak 016 syn 017 etb
018 can 019 em 01A sub 01B esc 01C fs 01D gs
01E rs 01F us 0FF del
The default and supported byte countsfor the conversion charactersare asfollows:
%_c, %_p, %_u, %c One-byte countsonly.
%d, %i, %o, %u, %X, %x Four-byte default; one-, two-, and four-byte countssupported.
%E, %e, %f, %G, %g Eight-byte default, four-byte countssupported.
The amount of data interpreted by each format string isthe sum of the data required by each format unit, which isthe
iteration count timesthe byte count, or the iteration count timesthe number of bytesrequired by the format if the byte
count isnot specified.
The input ismanipulated in blocks; a block isdefined asthe largest amount of data specified by any format string. Format
stringsinterpreting lessthan an input blocksworth of data, whose last format unit both interpretssome number of bytes
and doesnot have a specified iteration count, have the iteration count incremented until the entire input block hasbeen
processed or there isnot enough data remaining in the block to satisfy the format string.
Part I: User Commands
If, either asa result of user specification or hexdump modifying the iteration count asdescribed, an iteration count isgreater
than one, no trailing whitespace charactersare output during the last iteration.
It isan error to specify a byte count aswell asmultiple conversion charactersor stringsunlessall but one of the conversion
charactersor stringsisa or A. If, asa result of the specification of the -n option or end-of-file being reached, input data only
partially satisfiesa format string, the input block iszero-padded sufficiently to display all available data (that is, any format
unitsoverlapping the end of data will display some number of the zero bytes).
Further output by such format stringsisreplaced by an equivalent number of spaces. An equivalent number of spacesis
defined asthe number of spacesoutput by an s conversion character with the same field width and precision asthe original
conversion character or conversion string but with any +, , # conversion flag charactersremoved, and referencing a NULL
If no format stringsare specified, the default display isequivalent to specifying the -x option.
hexdump exits0 on successand >0 if an error occurred.
Display the input in perusal format:
%06.6_ao 12/1 %3_u
\t\t %_p
Implement the x option:
%07.7_ax 8/2 %04x \n
18 April 1994
hipstopgmConvert a HIPS file into a portable graymap
hipstopgm [hipsfile]
Hipstopgm readsa HIPS file asinput and producesa portable graymap asoutput.
If the HIPS file containsmore than one frame in sequence, hipstopgm will concatenate all the framesvertically.
HIPS isa format developed at the Human Information Processing Laboratory, NYU.
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer
24 August 1989
hostLook up hostnamesusing domain server
host [-l] [-v] [-w] [-r] [-d] [-t querytype] [-a] host [ server ]
host looksfor information about Internet hosts. It getsthisinformation from a set of interconnected serversthat are spread
acrossthe country. By default, it simply convertsbetween hostnamesand Internet addresses. However with the -t or -a
options, it can be used to find all of the information about thishost that ismaintained by the domain server.
The argumentscan be either hostnamesor host numbers. The program first attemptsto interpret them ashost numbers. If
thisfails, it will treat them ashostnames. A host number consistsof first decimal numbersseparated by dots, for example, A hostname consistsof namesseparated by dots, for example, Unlessthe name endsin a
dot, the local domain isautomatically tacked on the end. Thus, a Rutgersuser can say host topaz, and it will actually look
up If thisfails, the name istried unchanged (in thiscase, topaz). Thissame convention isused for mail
and other network utilities. The actual suffix to tack on the end isobtained by looking at the resultsof a hostname call, and
using everything starting at the first dot. (Following isa description of how to customize the hostname lookup.)
The first argument isthe hostname you want to look up. If thisisa number, an inversequeryisdone; that is, the domain
system looksin a separate set of databasesused to convert numbersto names.
The second argument isoptional. It allowsyou to specify a particular server to query. If you dont specify thisargument, the
default server (normally the local machine) isused.
If a name isspecified, you may see output of three different kinds. Here isan example that showsall of them:
% host sun4 is a nickname for ATHOS.RUTGERS.EDU
The user hastyped the command host sun4. The first line indicatesthat the name isactually a nickname.
The official hostname isATHOS.RUTGERS.EDU. The next two linesshow the address. If a system hasmore than one network
interface, there will be a separate addressfor each. The last line indicatesthat ATHOS.RUTGERS.EDU doesnot receive itsown
mail. Mail for it istaken by ARAMIS.RUTGERS.EDU. There may be more than one such line, assome systemshave more than one
other system that will handle mail for them. Technically, every system that can receive mail issupposed to have an entry of
thiskind. If the system receivesitsown mail, there should be an entry the mentionsthe system itself, for example XXX mail
ishandled by XXX. However many systemsthat receive their own mail do not bother to mention that fact. If a system hasa
mail ishandled by entry, but no address, thisindicatesthat it isnot really part of the Internet, but a system that ison the
network will forward mail to it. Systemson Usenet, bitnet, and a number of other networkshave entriesof thiskind.
There are a number of optionsthat can be used before the hostname. Most of these optionsare meaningful only to the staff
who have to maintain the domain database.
The option -w causeshost to wait forever for a response. Normally it will time out after around a minute.
The option -v causesprintout to be in a verbose format. Thisisthe official domain master file format, which isdocumented
in the man page for named. Without thisoption, output still followsthisformat in general terms, but some attempt ismade
to make it more intelligible to normal users. Without -v, a, mx, and cname recordsare written out ashas address, mail is
handled by, and is a nickname for, and TTL and classfieldsare not shown.
The option -r causesrecursion to be turned off in the request. Thismeansthat the name server will return only data it hasin
itsown database. It will not ask other serversfor more information.
The option -d turnson debugging. Network transactionsare shown in detail.
Part I: User Commands
The option -t allowsyou to specify a particular type of information to be looked up. The argumentsare defined in the man
page for named. Currently supported typesare a, ns, md, mf, cname, soa, mb, mg, mr, null, wks, ptr, hinfo, minfo, mx, uinfo, uid,
gid, unspec, and the wildcard, which may be written aseither any or *. Typesmust be given in lowercase. Note that the
default isto look first for a, and then mx, except that if the verbose option isturned on, the default isonly a.
The option -a (for all) isequivalent to -v -t any.
The option -l causesa listing of a complete domain. For example,
host -l
will give a listing of all hostsin the domain. The -t option isused to filter what information ispresented, asyou
would expect. The default isaddressinformation, which also include PTR and NS records. The command host:
-l -v -t any
will give a complete download of the zone data for, in the official master file format. (However the SOA record
islisted twice, for arcane reasons.)
-l isimplemented by doing a complete zone transfer and then filtering out the information you have asked for. This
command should be used only if it isabsolutely necessary.
In general, if the name supplied by the user doesnot have any dotsin it, a default domain isappended to the end. This
domain can be defined in /etc/resolv.conf, but isnormally derived by taking the local hostname after itsfirst dot. The user
can override this, and specify a different default domain, using the environment variable LOCALDOMAIN. In addition, the user
can supply hisown abbreviationsfor hostnames. They should be in a file consisting of one line per abbreviation. Each line
containsan abbreviation, a space, and then the full hostname. Thisfile must be pointed to by an environment variable
HOSTALIASES, which isthe name of the file.
Unexpected effectscan happen when you type a name that isnot part of the local domain. Please alwayskeep in mind that
the local domain name istacked onto the end of every name, unlessit endsin a dot. Only if thisfailsisthe name used
The -l option only triesthe first name server listed for the domain that you have requested. If thisserver isdead, you may
need to specify a server manually. For example, to get a listing of, you could try host -t ns to get a list of all
the name serversfor, and then try host -l xxx for all xxx on the list of name servers, until you find one that
hostidSet or print systemshost ID.
hostid [v] [ deci mal - i d ]
The hostid command printsthe current host ID number in hexadecimal and both decimal and hexadecimal in parenthesisif
the v option isgiven. Thisnumeric value isexpected to be unique acrossall hostsand isnormally set to resemble the hosts
Internet address.
Only the superuser can set the hostid by giving an argument. Thisvalue isstored in the file /etc/hostid and need only be
performed once.
hostid iswritten by Mitch DSouza (
gethostid(2), sethostid(2)
hostnameShow or set the systemshostname
dnsdomainname--Show the systemsdomain name
hostname [d][--domain][Ff i l ename] [--filef i l ename] [f][--fqdn][h][--help]
hostname isthe program that isused to either set the hostname or display the current host or domain name of the system.
Thisname isused by many of the networking programsto identify the machine.
When called without any arguments, the program displaysthe current name asset by the hostname command. You can
change the output format to display alwaysthe short or the long hostname (FQDN). When called with arguments, the
program will set the value of the hostname to the value specified. Thisusually isdone only once, at system startup time, by
the /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 configuration script.
Note that only the superuser can change the hostname.
If the program wascalled asdnsdomainname, it will show the domain name server (DNS) domain name. You cant change the
DNSdomain name with dnsdomainname. (See the following subsection.)
d, --domain Display the name of the DNSdomain. Dont use the com-mand domainname to get the DNS
domain name because it will show the NIS domain name and not the DNS domain name.
F, --file filename Read the hostname from the specified file. Comments(linesstarting with a #) are ignored.
f, --fqdn, --long Display the FQDN (fully-qualified domain name). An FQDN consistsof a short hostname and
the DNSdomain name. Unlessyou are using bind or NIS for host lookups, you can change the
FQDN and the DNSdomain name (which ispart of the FQDN) in the /etc/hosts file.
h, --help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
s, --short Display the short hostname.
v, --version Print version information on standard output and exit successfully.
Part I: User Commands
Peter Tobias, (
Linux, 28 July1994
hpcdtoppm v0.3
hpcdtoppm v0.3Convert a Photo-CD file into a portable pixmap
hpcdtoppm [options] pcd-file [ppm-file]
hpcdtoppm readsa Photo-CD image file or overview file, and outputsa portable pixmap. Image filesyou can find on the
Photo-CD in photo_cd/images are named asimgnnnn.pcd, where nnnn isa 4-digit-number. The Overview file isat photo_cd/
overview.pcd. If there isno ppm-file given, output will be printed to stdout. hpcdtoppm standsfor Hadmutspcdtoppm to
make it distinguishable in case someone else isbuilding the same thing and calling it pcdtoppm.
-i Give some information from the fileheader to stderr. It worksonly for image files. (It isnot
working correctly, just printing some strings.)
-s Apply simple sharpness-operator on the luma channel.
-d Do not show the complete image, but only the decompressed difference. It worksonly on
the 4Base and the 16Base resolution. It doesnot have any deeper sense, but it wassimple to
implement and it showswhat causesdifferent sizesof image files.
-r Rotate the picture clockwise for portraits.
-l Rotate the picture counter-clockwise for portraits.
-a Try to find out the image orientation. Thisdoesnt work for overview filesyet. It isvery
experimental and dependson one byte. Please tell me if it doesnt work.
-x Overskip mode. Workson Base/16, Base/4, Base, and 4Base. In Photo-CD images, the
luma channel isstored in full resolution, the two chroma channelsare stored in half
resolution only and have to be interpolated. In the Overskip mode, the chroma channelsof
the next higher resolution are taken instead of interpolating. To see the difference, generate
one ppm with and one ppm without thisflag. Use pnmarith to generate the difference image of
these two images. Call ppmhist for thisdifference or show it with xv (push the HistEq
button in the color editor).
-1 | -Base/16 | -128x192 Extract the Base/16 size picture (size 128192 pixels). Note that you can only give one size
-2 | -Base/4 | -256x384 Extract the Base/4 size picture.
-3 | -Base | -512x768 Extract the Base size picture.
-4 | -4Base | -1024x1536 Extract the 4Base size picture.
-5 | -16Base | -2048x3072 Extract the 16Base size picture.
-0 | -Overview | -O Extract all picturesfrom an Overview file. A ppm filename must be given. If the given name
isfoo, the filesare named foonnnn, where nnnn isa 4-digit number. They are stored in
Base/16 format, so they are extracted in thisformat.
-ycc Suppressthe ycc to rgb conversion. Thisisexperimental only. You can use thisand apply
ppmtorgb3 on the file. Then you will get three pgm files, one luma and two chroma files.
I still dont have enough information about the Photo-CD to take care of all data structures. The information I have isquite
vague and thisprogram wasdeveloped by staring at the hexdumpsand using the famoustrial-and-error-method. :-) If
anything doesnt work, please send me a report and perhapsyou could try to find out why it doesnt work.
ppm(5), ppmquant(1), ppmtopgm(1), ppmhist(1), pnmarith(1), ppmtorgb3(1), xv(1)

1992 by Hadmut Danisch ( Permission to use and distribute thissoftware and its
documentation for noncommercial use and without fee ishereby granted, provided that the preceding copyright notice
appear in all copiesand that both that copyright notice and thispermission notice appear in supporting documentation.
Thissoftware may not be sold in any way. Thissoftware isnot public domain.
28 November 1992
httpdApache Hypertext Transfer Protocol server
httpd [ vX? ][d ser ver r oot ][f conf i g ]
httpd isthe Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server process. The server may be invoked by the Internet daemon
inetd(1M) each time a connection to the HTTP service ismade, or alternatively it may run asa daemon.
d ser ver r oot Set the initial value for the ServerRoot variable to serverroot. Thiscan be overridden by the ServerRoot
command in the configuration file. The default is/usr/local/etc/httpd.
f conf i g Execute the commandsin the file conf i g on startup. If conf i g doesnot begin with a /, then it istaken to
be a path relative to the ServerRoot. The default isconf/httpd.conf.
X Run in single-processmode, for internal debugging purposesonly; the daemon doesnot detach from the
terminal or fork any children. Do not use thismode to provide ordinary Web service.
v Print the version of httpd, and then exit.
? Print a list of the httpd options, and then exit.
Documentation for the Apache HTTP server isavailable from
October 1995
Part I: User Commands
icontopbmConvert a Sun icon into a portable bitmap
icontopbm [iconfile]
icontopbm readsa Sun icon asinput and producesa portable bitmap asoutput.
pbmtoicon(1), pbm(5)

1988 by Jef Poskanzer

31 August 1988
identIdentify RCS keyword stringsin files
ident [ q ][V ][f i l e ... ]
ident searchesfor all instancesof the pattern $ keyword : text $ in the named filesor, if no filesare named, the standard
These patternsare normally inserted automatically by the RCS command co(1), but can also be inserted manually. The
option q suppressesthe warning given if there are no patternsin a file. The option V printsidentsversion number.
ident workson text filesaswell asobject filesand dumps. For example, if the C program in f.c contains
#include <stdio.h>
static char const rcsid[] =
$Id: f.c,v 5.4 1993/11/09 17:40 eggert Exp $;
int main() { return printf(%s\n, rcsid) == EOF; }
and f.c iscompiled into f.o, then the command
ident f.c f.o
will output
$Id: f.c,v 5.4 1993/11/09 17:40 eggert Exp $
$Id: f.c,v 5.4 1993/11/09 17:40 eggert Exp $
If a C program definesa string like the rcsid but doesnot use it, lint(1) may complain, and some C compilerswill optimize
away the string. The most reliable solution isto have the program use the rcsid string, asshown in the example.
ident findsall instancesof the $ keyword : text $ pattern, even if keyword isnot actually an RCS-supported keyword. This
givesyou information about nonstandard keywordslike $XConsortium$.
Here isthe list of keywordscurrently maintained by co(1). All timesare given in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC,
sometimescalled GMT by default), but if the fileswere checked out with coszzone option, timesare given with a numeric
time zone indication appended.
$Author$ The login name of the user who checked in the revision.
$Date$ The date and time the revision waschecked in.
$Header$ A standard header containing the full pathname of the RCSfile, the revision number, the date and time,
the author, the state, and the locker (if locked).
$Id$ Same as$Header$, except that the RCS filename iswithout a path.
$Locker$ The login name of the user who locked the revision (empty if not locked).
$Log$ The log message supplied during checkin. For identspurposes, thisisequivalent to $RCSfile$.
$Name$ The symbolic name used to check out the revision, if any.
$RCSfile$ The name of the RCS file without a path.
$Revision$ The revision number assigned to the revision.
$Source$ The full pathname of the RCS file.
$State$ The state assigned to the revision with the s option of rcs(1) or ci(1).
co(1) representsthe following charactersin keyword valuesby escape sequencesto keep keyword stringswell formed.
Character EscapeSequence
Tab \t
Newline \n
Space \040
$ \044
\ \\
Author: Walter F. Tichy
Manual Page Revision: 5.4; Release date September 11, 1993.

1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy. Copyright

1990, 1992, 1993 Paul Eggert.

ci(1), co(1), rcs(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsintro(1), rcsmerge(1), rlog(1), rcsfile(5)
Walter F. Tichy, RCSA Systemfor Version Control, SoftwarePractice& Experience15, 7 (July 1985), 637654.
GNU, 9 November 1993
ilbmtoppmConvert an ILBM file into a portable pixmap
ilbmtoppm [-verbose][-ignore<chunkID>] [-isham|-isehb][-adjustcolors][ILBMfile]
ilbmtoppm readsan IFF ILBM file asinput and producesa portable pixmap asoutput. Supported ILBM typesare Normal
ILBMswith 116 planes.
Part I: User Commands
Amiga Extra Halfbrite (EHB)
Amiga HAM with 316 planes
Multiplatte (normal or HAM) pictures
Colormap (BMHD and CMAP chunk only, nPlanes = 0)
Unofficial direct color; 116 planesfor each color component.
Chunksused: BMHD, CMAP, CAMG (only HAM and EHB flagsused), PCHG, BODY unofficial DCOL chunk to
identify direct color ILBM
Other chunks(ignored but
displayed in verbose mode): NAME, AUTH, (d), ANNO, DPI
Unknown chunksare skipped.
-verbose Give some information about the ILBM file.
-ignore <chunkID> Skip a chunk. <chunkID> isthe 4-letter IFF chunk identifier of the chunk to be skipped.
-isham | -isehb Treat the input file asa HAM or Extra Halfbrite picture, even if these flagsor not set in the CAMG
chunk (or if there isno CAMG chunk).
-adjustcolors If all colorsin the CMAP have a value of lessthen 16, ilbmtoppm assumesa 4-bit colormap and givesa
warning. With thisoption, the colormap isscaled to 8 bits.
The multipalette PCHG BigLineChanges and Huffman decompression code are untested.
Amiga ROM Kernel ReferenceManualDevices(3rd Ed.). Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-56775-X.
ppm(5), ppmtoilbm(1)

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

Modified October 1993 by Ingo Wilken (
4 October 1993
imakeC preprocessor interface to the make utility
imake [ Ddef i ne ][Idi r ][Tt empl at e ][f f i l ename ][C f i l ename ][s f i l ename ]
[e ][v ]
imake isused to generate Makefiles from a template, a set of cpp macro functions, and a per-directory input file called an
Imakefile. Thisallowsmachine dependencies(such ascompiler options, alternate command names, and special make rules) to
be kept separate from the descriptionsof the variousitemsto be built.
The following command-line optionsmay be passed to imake:
Ddef i ne Thisoption ispassed directly to cpp. It istypically used to set directory-specific variables. For example, the
X Window System usesthisflag to set TOPDIR to the name of the directory containing the top of the core
distribution and CURDIR to the name of the current directory, relative to the top.
Idi r ect or y Thisoption ispassed directly to cpp. It istypically used to indicate the directory in which the imake
template and configuration filesmay be found.
Tt empl at e Thisoption specifiesthe name of the master template file (which isusually located in the directory
specified with I) used by cpp. The default isImake.tmpl.
f f i l ename Thisoption specifiesthe name of the per-directory input file. The default isImakefile.
C f i l ename Thisoption specifiesthe name of the .c file that isconstructed in the current directory. The default is
s f i l ename Thisoption specifiesthe name of the make description file to be generated but make should not be invoked.
If the filename isa hyphen (), the output iswritten to stdout. The default isto generate, but not execute,
a Makefile.
e Thisoption indicatesthe imake should execute the generated Makefile. The default isto leave thisto the
v Thisoption indicatesthat imake should print the cpp command line that it isusing to generate the
Imake invokescpp with any I or D flagspassed on the command line and passesthe name of a file containing the following
three lines:
#define IMAKE_TEMPLATE Imake.tmpl
#define INCLUDE_IMAKEFILE <Imakefile>
where Imake.tmpl and Imakefile may be overridden by the T and f command options, respectively.
The IMAKE_TEMPLATE typically readsin a file containing machine-dependent parameters(specified ascpp symbols), a site-
specific parametersfile, a file defining variables, a file containing cpp macro functionsfor generating make rules, and finally
the Imakefile (specified by INCLUDE_IMAKEFILE) in the current directory. The Imakefile usesthe macro functionsto indicate
what targetsshould be built; imake takescare of generating the appropriate rules.
Imake configuration filescontain two typesof variables, imake variablesand make variables. The imake variablesare interpreted
by cpp when imake isrun. By convention they are mixed case. The make variablesare written into the Makefile for later
interpretation by make. By convention make variablesare uppercase.
The rulesfile (usually named Imake.rules in the configuration directory) containsa variety of cpp macro functionsthat are
configured according to the current platform. Imake replacesany occurrencesof the string @@ with a newline to allow macros
that generate more than one line of make rules. For example, when called with program_target(foo, foo1.o foo2.o), the
#define program_target(program, objlist) @@\
program: objlist @@\
$(CC) o $@ objlist $(LDFLAGS)
will expand to
foo: foo1.o foo2.o
$(CC) o $@ foo1.o foo2.o $(LDFLAGS)
imake also replacesany occurrencesof the word XCOMM with the character # to permit placing commentsin the Makefile
without causing invalid directive errorsfrom the preprocessor.
Part I: User Commands
Some complex imake macrosrequire generated make variableslocal to each invocation of the macro, often because their value
dependson parameterspassed to the macro. Such variablescan be created by using an imake variable of the form XVARdefn,
where n isa single digit. A unique make variable will be substituted. Later occurrencesof the variable XVARusen will be replaced
by the variable created by the corresponding XVARdefn.
On systemswhose cpp reducesmultiple tabsand spacesto a single space, imake attemptsto put back any necessary tabs(make
isvery picky about the difference between tabsand spaces). For thisreason, colons(:) in command linesmust be preceded
by a backslash (\).
The X Window System usesimake extensively, for both full buildswithin the source tree and external software. Asmen-
tioned earlier, two special variables, TOPDIR and CURDIR, are set to make referencing filesusing relative pathnameseasier. For
example, the following command isgenerated automatically to build the Makefile in the directory lib/X/ (relative to the top
of the sources):
% ../.././config/imake I../.././config \
DTOPDIR=../../. DCURDIR=./lib/X
When building X programsoutside the source tree, a special symbol UseInstalled isdefined and TOPDIR and CURDIR are
omitted. If the configuration fileshave been properly installed, the script xmkmf(1) may be used.
Here isa summary of the filesread by imake asused by X. The indentation showswhich filesinclude which other files.
Imake.tmpl generic variables
site.def site-specific, BeforeVendorCF defined
.cf machine-specific
Lib.rules shared library rules
site.def site-specific, AfterVendorCF defined
Imake.rules rules
Project.tmpl X-specific variables
Lib.tmpl shared library variables
Library.tmpl library rules
Server.tmpl server rules
Threads.tmpl multi-threaded rules
Note that site.def isincluded twice, once before the *.cf file and once after. Although most site customizationsshould be
specified after the *.cf file, some, such asthe choice of compiler, need to be specified before, because other variable settings
may depend on them.
The first time site.def isincluded, the variable BeforeVendorCF isdefined, and the second time, the variable AfterVendorCF is
defined. All code in site.def should be inside a #ifdef for one of these symbols.
Imakefile.c Temporary input file for cpp
/tmp/Imf.XXXXXX Temporary Makefile for -s
/tmp/IIf.XXXXXX Temporary Imakefile if specified Imakefile uses# comments
/lib/cpp Default C preprocessor
make(1), xmkmf(1)
S. I. Feldman, MakeA Programfor MaintainingComputer Programs.
The following environment variablesmay be set; however, their use isnot recommended asthey introduce dependenciesthat
are not readily apparent when imake isrun.
IMAKEINCLUDE If defined, thisshould be a valid include argument for the C preprocessor. Example:
Actually, any valid cpp argument will work here.
IMAKECPP If defined, thisshould be a valid path to a preprocessor program. Example:
By default, imake will use /lib/cpp.
IMAKEMAKE If defined, thisshould be a valid path to a make program, such as
By default, imake will use whatever make program isfound using execvp(3). Thisvariable isonly used if the
e option isspecified.
Todd Brunhoff, Tektronix and MIT Project Athena
Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium
X Version 11 Release6
imgtoppmConvert an Img-whatnot file into a portable pixmap
imgtoppm [imgfile]
imgtoppm readsan Img-whatnot file asinput and producesa portable pixmap asoutput. The Img-whatnot toolkit isavailable for
FTP on, along with numerousimagesin thisformat.
Based on a simple conversion program posted to by Ed Falk.

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

5 September 1989
inewsSend a Usenet article to the local newsserver for distribution
inews [ h ][D ][O ][R ][S ][header _f l ags ][i nput ]
Part I: User Commands
Inews readsa Usenet newsarticle (perhapswith headers) from the named file or standard input if no file isgiven. It adds
some headersand performssome consistency checks. If the article doesnot meet these checks(for example, too much
quoting of old articles, or posting to nonexistent newsgroups), then the article isrejected. If it passesthe checks, inews sends
the article to the local newsserver asspecified in the inn.conf(5) file for distribution.
In the standard mode of operation, the input consistsof the article headers, a blank line, and the message body. For com-
patibility with older software, the h flag must be used. If there are no headersin the message, then thisflag may be omitted.
Several headersmay be specified on the command line, shown in the synopsisabove asheader flags. Each of these flagstakes
a single parameter; if the value ismore than one word (for example, almost all Subject lines) then quotesmust be used to
prevent the shell from splitting it into multiple words. The options, and their equivalent headers, are asfollows:
a Approved
c Control
d Distribution
e Expires
f From
w Followup-To
n Newsgroups
r Reply-To
t Subject
F References
o Organization
x Path prefix
The Path header isbuilt according to the following rules. If the x flag isused, then itsvalue will be the start of the header.
Any other host will see the site in the header, and therefore not offer the article to that site. If the pathhost configuration
parameter isspecified in the inn.conf(5) file, then it will be added to the Path. Otherwise, if the server configuration
parameter isspecified, then the full domain name of the local host will be added to the Path. The Path will alwaysend
The default Organization header will be provided if none ispresent in the article or if the o flag isnot used. To prevent
adding the default, use the O flag.
Asa debugging aide, if the D flag isused, the consistency checkswill be performed, and the article will be sent to the
standard output, rather then sent to the server.
For compatibility with C News, inews accepts, but ignores, the A, V, and W flags. The C NewsN flag istreated asthe D flag.
If a file named .signature existsin the usershome directory, inews will try to append it to the end of the article. If the file
cannot be read, or if it istoo long (for example, more than four linesor one standard I/O buffer), or if some other problem
occurs, then the article will not be posted. To suppressthisaction, use the S flag.
If the R flag isused then inews will reject any attemptsto post control messages.
If an unapproved posting ismade to a moderated newsgroup, inews will try to mail the article to the moderator for posting.
It usesthe moderators(5) file to determine the mailing address. If no addressisfound, it will use the inn.conf file to
determine a last-chance host to try.
If the NNTP server needsto authenticate the client, inews will use the NNTPsendpass-word(3) routine to authenticate itself. In
order to do this, the program will need read accessto the passwd.nntp(5) file. Thisistypically done by having the file group-
readable and making inews run setgid to that group.
Inews exitswith a zero statusif the article wassuccessfully posted or mailed, or with a nonzero statusif the article could not
be delivered.
Since inews will spool itsinput if the server isunavailable, it isusually necessary to run rnews(1) with the U flag on a regular
basis, usually out of cron(8).
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
moderators(5), inn.conf(5). rnews(1)
infoGNUshypertext system
info [ --option-name option-value ] enu-item...
The GNU project hasa hypertext system called info that allowsthe same source file to be either printed asa paper manual,
or viewed using info. It ispossible to use the info program from inside Emacs, or to use the standalone version described
here. Thismanual page givesa brief summary of itscapabilities.
--directory di r ect or y- pat h Add di r ect or y- pat h to the list of directory pathssearched when info needsto find a file.
You may issue --directory multiple times. Alternatively, you may specify a value for the
environment variable INFOPATH; if --directory isnot given, the value of INFOPATH isused.
The value of INFOPATH isa colon-separated list of directory names. If you do not supply
either INFOPATH or -- di r ect or y- pat h, info usesa default path.
f f i l ename Specify a particular info file to visit. By default, info visitsthe file dir; if you use this
option, info will start with (FILENAME)Top asthe first file and node.
n nodename Specify a particular node to visit in the initial file that info loads. Thisisespecially useful in
conjunction with --file. You may specify --node multiple times.
-o f i l e Direct output to file instead of starting an interactive info session.
h Produce a relatively brief description of the available info options.
--version Print the version information of info and exit.
menu-item info treatsitsremaining argumentsasthe namesof menu items. The first argument isa
menu item in the initial node visited, while the second argument isa menu item in the first
argumentsnode. You can easily move to the node of your choice by specifying the menu
namesthat describe the path to that node. For example, info emacs buffers first selectsthe
menu item emacs in the node (dir)Top, and then selectsthe menu item buffers in the node
In info, the following commandsare available:
h Invoke the info tutorial.
? Get a short summary of info commands.
h Select the info node from the main directory; thisismuch more complete than just using ?.
Ctrl-g Abort whatever you are doing.
Ctrl-l Redraw the screen.
Part I: User Commands
Selecting other nodes:
n Move to the next node of thisnode.
p Move to the previousnode of thisnode.
u Move to thisnodesup node.
m Pick a menu item specified by name. Picking a menu item causesanother node to be selected. You do not need to
type a complete nodename; if you type a few lettersand then a space or tab, info will try to fill in the rest of the
nodename. If you ask for further completion without typing any more characters, youll be given a list of
possibilities; you can also get the list with ?. If you type a few charactersand then hit Enter, info will try to do a
completion, and if it isambiguous, use the first possibility.
f Follow a crossreference. You are asked for the name of the reference, using command completion asfor m.
l Move to the last node you were at.
Moving within a node:
Space Scroll forward a page.
DEL Scroll backward a page.
b Go to the beginning of thisnode.
Advanced commands:
q Quit info.
1 Pick first item in nodesmenu.
2 5 Pick second to fifth item in nodesmenu.
g Move to node specified by name. You may include a filename aswell, as(FILENAME)NODENAME.
s Search through thisinfo file for a specified string, and select the node in which the next occurrence is
M-x print-node Pipe the contentsof the current node through the command in the environment variable
INFO_PRINT_COMMAND. If the variable doesnot exist, the node issimply piped to lpr.
INFOPATH A colon-separated list of directoriesto search for info files. Used if --directory isnot given.
INFO_PRINT_COMMAND The command used for printing.
Brian Fox, Free Software Foundation (
Robert Lupton (; updated by Robert J. Chassell (
7 December 1990
innconfvalGet an InterNetNewsconfiguration parameter
innconfval [ f ][par amet er ... ]
Innconfval printsthe valuesof the parametersspecified on the command line. Valuesare retrieved from the inn.conf(5) file
and are described there.
Valuesare retrieved by using the GetConfigValue routine, or GetFileConfigValue if the f flag isused. Both are described in
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
libinn(3), inn.conf(5)
insmodInstall loadable modules(aout and ELF format)
insmod [ fkmsxv ] [ o internal_name ] object_file [ symbol=value ... ]
insmod installsa loadable module in the kernel.
insmod triesto load a module into the kernel, and resolvesall symbolsfrom the exported kernel symbols, with version
information, if available. The module will get itsname by removing the .o extension from the basename of the object file. If
the .o extension isomitted, insmod will attempt to locate the module in some common default directories. If the environ-
ment containsthe variable MODPATH, where all directoriesare separated with :, insmod will look in these directoriesfor the
module, in the specified order.
It ispossible to load unversioned modulesin a versioned kernel, and all combinationsof these.
It isalso possible to load ELF modulesinto an a.out kernel, and all combinationsof these.
It ispossible to stack modules, that is, let one module use a previously loaded module. All modulesthat are referenced are
updated with thisreference. Thisensuresthat a module cant be unloaded if there isanother module that refersto it.
It ispossible to change integer valuesin the module when loading it. Thismakesit possible to tune the module.
The optionsare asfollows:
f The f option triesto load the module even if the kernel or symbol versionsdiffersfrom the
version expected by the module. A warning will be issued if the module islocked to a
specific kernel version that differsfrom the current version.
k Thisoption should really only be used by modprobe, to indicate that the module insertion
wasrequested by kerneld. All modulesinserted using thisoption will be subject to
autoremoval by the kerneld utility if they have been unused for more that a minute. (The
usage count iszero and no modulesdepend on thismodule.) If the kernel isnot kerneld-
aware, the module will be rejected by the kernel. Just load it without the -k option, and all
should be well.
m The m option will make insmod output a load map, that will make it easier to debug your
modulesafter a kernel panic, thanksto Derek Atkins(warlord@MIT.EDU).
o The o option allowsthe module to be named to an explicit name instead of having a name
derived from the name of the object file. Note that thisoption can also be placed after the
module name, so that the syntax of insmod looksmore similar to ld.
Part I: User Commands
symbol=value[,val ue] ... The valuesof all integer or character pointer symbolsin the module can be changed at load-
time by naming a symbol and giving the new value(s). If the symbol isdefined asan array of
integersor character pointers, the elementsin the array can be initialized by giving the
valuesseparated by commas. Specific array entriescan be skipped by omitting the value, as
in symbol=val ue1,,val ue2. Each integer value can be given asa decimal, octal, or hexadeci-
mal value: 17, 021, or 0x11. If the first character in the given value isnonnumeric, the value
isinterpreted asa string. The symbol isassumed to be a character pointer, which will be
initialized to point to the string. Extra space in the module will be allocated for the string
itself. Note the syntax: no spacesare allowed around the = or , signs!
s With thisoption, insmod will produce debugging information and error messagesusing the
syslog facility. (Also used by kerneld, if you have installed it.)
v If you want verbose information from the loading, select thisoption.
x The no-export flag, which will inhibit the default insmod behaviorinserting all the
modulesexternal symbolsinto the kernel symbol table. Note that the kernel will still
update the referencesthat the module makesto previously loaded modules.
rmmod(1), modprobe(1), depmod(1), lsmod(1), ksyms(1), modules(2), genksyms(8)
The module support wasfirst conceived by Anonymous(asfar asI know). Linux version by BasLaarhoven (
0.99.14 version by Jon Tombs( Extended by Bjorn Ekwall ( ELF help from Eric
Youngdale (
insmod relieson the fact that symbols, for which one wantsto change the value, are defined asintegersor character
pointers, and that sizeof(int) == sizeof(char *).
Linux, 14 May1995
installCopy filesand set their attributes; GNU file installer
install [options] [s] [--strip] source dest
install [options] [s] [--strip] source... directory
install [options] [d,--directory] directory...
[c] [g gr oup] [m mode] [o owner ] [--group=gr oup] [--mode=mode]
[--owner=owner ] [--help] [--version]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of install. install copiesfilesand setstheir permission modesand, if
possible, their owner and group. Used similarly to cp; typically used in Makefiles to copy programsinto their destination
directories. It can also be used to create the destination directoriesand any leading directories, and to set the final directorys
modes. It refusesto copy filesonto themselves.
c Ignored; for compatibility with old UNIX versionsof install.
d, --directory Create each given directory and itsleading directories, if they do not already exist. Set the owner,
group, and mode asgiven on the command line or to the defaults. Also givesany leading directories
that are created those attributes. Thisisdifferent from the SunOS 4.x install, which gives
directoriesthat it createsthe default attributes.
g, --group gr oup Set the group ownership of the installed file or directory to the group ID of gr oup (default is
processscurrent group). gr oup may also be a numeric group ID.
m, --mode mode Set the permission mode for the installed file or directory to mode, which can be either an octal
number, or a symbolic mode asin chmod, with 0 asthe point of departure. The default mode is
o, --owner owner If run asroot, set the ownership of the installed file to the user ID of owner (default isroot). owner
may also be a numeric user ID.
s, --strip Strip the symbol tablesfrom installed programs.
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
--version Print version information on standard output and exit successfully.
GNU FileUtilities
installitFile/directory installation tool
installit [ o owner ][g gr oup ][O owner ][G gr oup ][m mode ][b backup ]
[s ][t ] source destination
installit putsa copy of source into the specified destination.
If sour ce isa period, then dest i nat i on istaken to be the name of a directory that should be created. Otherwise, sour ce is
taken to name an existing file and dest i nat i on may be either a file or directory; it isinterpreted according to the same rules
If dest i nat i on namesa preexisting file, it will be removed before the copy isdone. To make a backup copy, use the b flag;
the existing file will be renamed to have the specified extension. If sour ce and dest i nat i on are the same string, or if the two
filesare identical, then no copying isdone, and only the o, g, m, and s flagsare processed. In thiscase, the modification
time on the dest i nat i on will be updated using touch(1) unlessthe n (dont touch) flag isused.
After the dest i nat i on hasbeen created, it ispossible to set the owner, group, and mode that it should have. Thisisdone by
using the o, g, and m flags, respectively. The O and G flagsset the owner and group only if installit isbeing run by root,
asdetermined by whoami(1). To strip(1) an installed executable, use the s flag.
Note that installit usesno special privilegesto copy filesfrom one place to another.
Flagscannot be combined.
The chown(8) command must exist in either the /etc or /usr/etc directory or the usersPATH.
The whoami command must exist in the /usr/ucb directory or the usersPATH.
Part I: User Commands
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine,
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin--Interactive spelling checking
ispell [common- f l ags][M|N][Lcont ext ] [V] files
ispell [common- f l ags] l
ispell [common- f l ags][f file] [s]a| A
ispell [d f i l e][w char s] c
ispell [d f i l e][w char s] e[e]
ispell [d f i l e] D
ispell v[v]
common-flags:[t][n][b][x][B][C][P][m][S][d f i l e][p f i l e][w char s]
[W n][T t ype]
buildhash [s] dict-file affix-file hash-file
buildhash s count affix-file munchlist [l af f - f i l e][c conv- f i l e]
[T suf f i x ][s hash- f i l e] [D][v][w char s][f i l es] findaffix [p|s][f][c]
[m mi n][M max][e el i m][t t abchar ][l l ow][f i l es ]
tryaffix [p|s] [c] expanded- f i l e af f i x[+addi t i on]
icombine [T t ype][af f - f i l e]
ijoin [s|u] j oi n- opt i ons f i l e1 f i l e2
ispell isfashioned after the spell program from ITS (called ispell on Twenex systems.) The most common usage isispell
filename. In thiscase, ispell will display each word which doesnot appear in the dictionary at the top of the screen and
allow you to change it. If there are near misses in the dictionary (wordsthat differ by only a single letter, a missing or extra
letter, a pair of transposed letters, or a missing space or hyphen), then they are also displayed on following lines. Aswell as
near misses, ispell may display other guessesat waysto make the word from a known root, with each guesspreceded by
question marks. Finally, the line containing the word and the previousline are printed at the bottom of the screen. If your
terminal can display in reverse video, the word itself ishighlighted. You have the option of replacing the word completely or
choosing one of the suggested words. Commandsare single charactersasfollows(case isignored):
R Replace the misspelled word completely.
Space Accept the word thistime only.
A Accept the word for the rest of thisispell session.
I Accept the word, capitalized asit isin the file, and update private dictionary.
U Accept the word, and add an uncapitalized (actually, all lowercase) version to the private dictionary.
0-n Replace with one of the suggested words.
L Look up wordsin system dictionary (controlled by the WORDS compilation option).
X Write the rest of thisfile, ignoring misspellings, and start next file.
Q Exit immediately and leave the file unchanged.
! Shell escape.
L Redraw screen.
Z Suspend ispell.
? Give help screen.
If the M switch isspecified, a one-line mini-menu at the bottom of the screen will summarize these options. Conversely, the
N switch may be used to suppressthe mini-menu. (The mini-menu isdisplayed by default if ispell wascompiled with the
MINIMENU option, but these two switcheswill alwaysoverride the default.)
If the L flag isgiven, the specified number isused asthe number of linesof context to be shown at the bottom of the screen.
(The default isto calculate the amount of context asa certain percentage of the screen size.) The amount of context issubject
to a system-imposed limit.
If the V flag isgiven, charactersthat are not in the 7-bit ANSI printable character set will alwaysbe displayed in the style of
cat -v, even if ispell thinksthat these charactersare legal ISO Latin-1 on your system. Thisisuseful when working with
older terminals. Without thisswitch, ispell will display 8-bit charactersasisif they have been defined asstring charactersfor
the chosen file type.
Besidesthe l, a, and A options, Normal mode acceptsthe following common flagson the command line:
t The input file isin TeX or LaTeX format.
n The input file isin nroff/troff format.
b Create a backup file by appending .bak to the name of the input file.
x Dont create a backup file.
B Report run-together wordswith missing blanksasspelling errors.
C Consider run-together wordsaslegal compounds.
P Dont generate extra root/affix combinations.
m Make possible root/affix combinationsthat arent in the dictionary.
S Sort the list of guessesby probable correctness.
d f i l e Specify an alternate dictionary file. For example, use d deutsch to choose a German dictionary in a German
p f i l e Specify an alternate personal dictionary.
w char s Specify additional charactersthat can be part of a word.
W n Specify length of wordsthat are alwayslegal.
-T t ype Assume a given formatter type for all files.
The n and t optionsselect whether ispell runsin nroff/troff (n) or TeX/LaTeX (t) input mode. (The default is
controlled by the DEFTEXFLAG installation option.) TeX/LaTeX mode isalso automatically selected if an input file hasthe
extension .tex, unlessoverridden by the n switch. In TeX/LaTeX mode, whenever a backslash (\) isfound, ispell skipsto
the next whitespace or TeX/LaTeX delimiter. Certain commandscontain argumentsthat should not be checked, such as
labelsand reference keysfound in the \cite command, because they contain arbitrary, nonword arguments. Spell checking is
also suppressed when in math mode. Thus, for example, given
\chapter {This is a Ckapter} \cite{SCH86}
ispell will find Ckapter but not SCH. The t option doesnot recognize the TeX comment character %, so commentsare
also spell checked. It also assumescorrect LaTeX syntax. Argumentsto infrequently used commandsand some optional
argumentsare sometimeschecked unnecessarily. The bibliography will not be checked if ispell wascompiled with IGNOREBIB
defined. Otherwise, the bibliography will be checked but the reference key will not.
Referencesfor the tib(1) bibliography system (text between a [. or <. and .] or .>) will alwaysbe ignored in TeX/LaTeX mode.
The b and x optionscontrol whether ispell leavesa backup (.bak) file for each input file.
The .bak file containsthe precorrected text. If there are file opening/writing errors, the .bak file may be left for recovery
purposeseven with the x option. The default for thisoption iscontrolled by the DEFNOBACKUPFLAG installation option.
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin
Part I: User Commands
The B and C optionscontrol how ispell handlesrun-together words, such asnotthefor not the. If B isspecified, such
wordswill be considered errors, and ispell will list variationswith an inserted blank or hyphen aspossible replacements. If
C isspecified, run-together wordswill be considered to be legal compounds, so long asboth componentsare in the
dictionary, and each component isat least aslong asa language-dependent minimum (three characters, by default). Thisis
useful for languagessuch asGerman and Norwegian, where many compound wordsare formed by concatenation. (Note that
compoundsformed from three or more root wordswill still be considered errors). The default for thisoption islanguage-
dependent; in a multilingual installation, the default may vary depending on which dictionary you choose.
The P and m optionscontrol when ispell automatically generatessuggested root/affix combinationsfor possible addition to
your personal dictionary. (These are the entriesin the guess list that are preceded by question marks.) If P isspecified,
such guessesare displayed only if ispell cannot generate any possibilitiesthat match the current dictionary. If m isspecified,
such guessesare alwaysdisplayed. Thiscan be useful if the dictionary hasa limited word list, or a word list with few suffixes.
However, you should be careful when using thisoption, asit can generate guessesthat produce illegal words. The default for
thisoption iscontrolled by the dictionary file used.
The S option suppressesispellsnormal behavior of sorting the list of possible replacement words. Some people may prefer
this, since it somewhat enhancesthe probability that the correct word will be low-numbered.
The d option isused to specify an alternate hashed dictionary file, other than the default. If the filename doesnot contain a
/, the library directory for the default dictionary file isprefixed; thus, to use a dictionary in the local directory -d ./xxx.hash
must be used. Thisisuseful to allow dictionariesfor alternate languages. Unlike previousversionsof ispell, a dictionary of
/dev/null isillegal because the dictionary containsthe affix table. If you need an effectively empty dictionary, create a one-
entry list with an unlikely string (for example, qqqqq).
The p option isused to specify an alternate personal dictionary file. If the filename doesnot begin with /, $HOME isprefixed.
Also, the shell variable WORDLIST may be set, which renamesthe personal dictionary in the same manner. The command line
overridesany WORDLIST setting. If neither the p switch nor the WORDLIST environment variable isgiven, ispell will search for a
personal dictionary in both the current directory and $HOME, creating one in $HOME if none isfound. The preferred name is
constructed by appending .ispell to the base name of the hash file. For example, if you use the English dictionary, your
personal dictionary would be named .ispell_english. However, if the file .ispell_words exists, it will be used asthe personal
dictionary regardlessof the language hash file chosen. Thisfeature isincluded primarily for backwardscompatibility.
If the p option isnot specified, ispell will look for personal dictionariesin both the current directory and the home
directory. If dictionariesexist in both places, they will be merged. When wordsare added to the personal dictionary, they will
be written to the current directory if a dictionary already existed in that place; otherwise, they will be written to the
dictionary in the home directory.
The w option may be used to specify charactersother than alphabeticsthat may also appear in words. For instance, w &
will allow AT&T to be picked up. Underscoresare useful in many technical documents. There isan admittedly crude
provision in thisoption for 8-bit international characters. Nonprinting charactersmay be specified in the usual way by
inserting a backslash followed by the octal character code, for example, \014 for a form feed. Alternatively, if n appearsin the
character string, the (up to) three charactersfollowing are a decimal code, 0255, for the character. For example, to include
bellsand form feedsin your words(an admittedly silly thing to do, but arent most pedagogical examples):
Numeric digitsother than the three following n are simply numeric characters. Use of n doesnot conflict with anything
because actual alphabeticshave no meaning; alphabeticsare already accepted. ispell will typically be used with input from a
file, meaning that preserving parity for possible 8-bit charactersfrom the input text isokay. If you specify the -l option, and
actually type text from the terminal, thismay create problemsif your stty settingspreserve parity.
The W option may be used to change the length of wordsthat ispell alwaysacceptsaslegal. Normally, ispell will accept all
one-character wordsaslegal, which isequivalent to specifying W 1. (The default for thisswitch isactually controlled by the
MINWORD installation option, so it may vary at your installation.) If you want all wordsto be checked against the dictionary,
regardlessof length, you might want to specify W 0. On the other hand, if your document specifiesto accept all wordsof
three lettersor less, then regardlessof the setting of thisoption, ispell will only generate wordsthat are in the dictionary as
suggested replacementsfor words; thispreventsthe list from becoming too long. Obviously, thisoption can be very
dangerous, since short misspellingsmay be missed. If you use thisoption a lot, you should probably make a last passwithout
it before you publish your document, to protect yourself against errors.
The T option isused to specify a default formatter type for use in generating string characters. Thisswitch overridesthe
default type determined from the filename. The type argument may be either one of the unique namesdefined in the
language affix file (such asnroff) or a file suffix including the dot (for example, .tex). If no T option appearsand no type
can be determined from the filename, the default string character type declared in the language affix file will be used.
The l or list option to ispell isused to produce a list of misspelled wordsfrom the standard input.
The a option isintended to be used from other programsthrough a pipe. In thismode, ispell printsa one-line version
identification message, and then beginsreading linesof input. For each input line, a single line iswritten to the standard
output for each word checked for spelling on the line. If the word wasfound in the main dictionary, or your personal
dictionary, then the line containsonly a *. If the word wasfound through affix removal, then the line containsa +, a space,
and the root word. If the word wasfound through compound formation (concatenation of two words, controlled by the C
option), then the line containsonly a .
If the word isnot in the dictionary, but there are near misses, then the line containsan &, a space, the misspelled word, a
space, the number of near misses, the number of charactersbetween the beginning of the line and the beginning of the
misspelled word, a colon, another space, and a list of the near missesseparated by commasand spaces. Following the near
misses(and identified only by the count of near misses), if the word could be formed by adding (illegal) affixesto a known
root, isa list of suggested derivations, again separated by commasand spaces. If there are no near missesat all, the line format
isthe same, except that the & isreplaced by ? (and the near-misscount isalwayszero). The suggested derivationsfollowing
the near missesare in the form:
[pr ef i x +] r oot [-pr ef i x ] [-suf f i x] [+suf f i x]
(for example, re+fry-y+ies to get refries) where each optional pfx and sfx isa string. Also, each near missor guessis
capitalized the same asthe input word unlesssuch capitalization isillegal; in the latter case each near missiscapitalized
correctly according to the dictionary.
Finally, if the word doesnot appear in the dictionary, and there are no near misses, then the line containsa #, a space, the
misspelled word, a space, and the character offset from the beginning of the line. Each sentence of text input isterminated
with an additional blank line, indicating that ispell hascompleted processing the input line.
These output linescan be summarized asfollows:
OK: *
Root: + <root>
Miss: & <original><count><offset>: <miss>, <miss>, ..., <guess>, ...
Guess: ? <original> 0 <offset>: <guess>, <guess>, ...
None: # <original> <offset>
For example, a dummy dictionary containing the wordsfray, Frey, fry, and refried might produce the following response to
the command echo frqy refries | ispell -a -m -d ./test.hash:
(#) International Ispell Version 3.0.05 (beta), 08/10/91
& frqy 3 0: fray, Frey, fry
& refries 1 5: refried, re+fry-y+ies
Thismode isalso suitable for interactive use when you want to figure out the spelling of a single word.
The A option worksjust like a, except that if a line beginswith the string &Include File&, the rest of the line istaken as
the name of a file to read for further words. Input returnsto the original file when the include file isexhausted. Inclusion
may be nested up to five deep. The key string may be changed with the environment variable INCLUDE_STRING (the amper-
sands, if any, must be included).
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin
Part I: User Commands
When in the a mode, ispell will also accept linesof single wordsprefixed with any of the following: *, &, @, +, -, , #, !, %,
or . A line starting with * tellsispell to insert the word into the usersdictionary (similar to the I command). A line
starting with & tellsispell to insert an all-lowercase version of the word into the usersdictionary (similar to the U com-
mand). A line starting with @ causesispell to accept thisword in the future (similar to the A command). A line starting with
+, followed immediately by tex or nroff, will cause ispell to parse future input according the syntax of that formatter. A line
consisting solely of a + will place ispell in TeX/LaTeX mode (similar to the t option) and - returnsispell to nroff/troff
mode (but these commandsare obsolete). However, string character type isnot changed; the command must be used to do
this. A line starting with causesispell to set internal parameters(in particular, the default string character type) based on
the filename given in the rest of the line. (A file suffix issufficient, but the period must be included. Instead of a filename or
suffix, a unique name, aslisted in the language affix file, may be specified.) However, the formatter parsing isnot changed;
the + command must be used to change the formatter. A line prefixed with # will cause the personal dictionary to be saved. A
line prefixed with ! will turn on terse mode (explained later in thissubsection), and a line prefixed with % will return ispell
to normal (non-terse) mode. Any input following the prefix characters+, -, #, !, or % isignored, asisany input following the
filename on a line. To allow spell checking of linesbeginning with these characters, a line starting with hasthat character
removed before it ispassed to the spell checking code. It isrecommended that programmatic interfacesprefix every data line
with an up arrow to protect themselvesagainst future changesin ispell.
To summarize these:
* Add to personal dictionary
@ Accept word, but leave out of dictionary
# Save current personal dictionary
Set parametersbased on filename
+ Enter TeX mode
- Exit TeX mode
! Enter terse mode
% Exit terse mode
Spell check rest of line
In terse mode, ispell will not print linesbeginning with *, +, or , all of which indicate correct words. Thissignificantly
improvesrunning speed when the driving program isgoing to ignore correct wordsanyway.
The s option isonly valid in conjunction with the a or A options, and only on BSD-derived systems. If specified, ispell
will stop itself with a SIGTSTP signal after each line of input. It will not read more input until it receivesa SIGCONT signal. This
may be useful for handshaking with certain text editors.
The f option isonly valid in conjunction with the a or A options. If f isspecified, ispell will write itsresultsto the
given file, rather than to standard output.
The v option causesispell to print itscurrent version identification on the standard output and exit. If the switch is
doubled, ispell will also print the optionsthat it wascompiled with.
The c, e[1-4], and D optionsof ispell are primarily intended for use by the munchlist shell script. The c switch causesa
list of wordsto be read from the standard input. For each word, a list of possible root wordsand affixeswill be written to the
standard output. Some of the root wordswill be illegal and must be filtered from the output by other means; the munchlist
script doesthis. Asan example, the command
echo BOTHER | ispell -c
The e switch isthe reverse of c; it expandsaffix flagsto produce a list of words. For example, the command
echo BOTH/R | ispell -e
An optional expansion level can also be specified. A level of 1 (e1) isthe same ase alone. A level of 2 causesthe original
root/affix combination to be prepended to the line:
A level of 3 causesmultiple linesto be output, one for each generated word, with the original root/affix combination
followed by the word it creates:
A level of 4 causesa floating-point number to be appended to each of the level 3 lines, giving the ratio between the length of
the root and the total length of all generated wordsincluding the root:
BOTH/R BOTH 2.500000
BOTH/R BOTHER 2.500000
Finally, the D flag causesthe affix tablesfrom the dictionary file to be dumped to standard output.
Unlessyour system administrator hassuppressed the feature to save space, ispell isaware of the correct capitalizationsof
wordsin the dictionary and in your personal dictionary. Aswell asrecognizing wordsthat must be capitalized (such as
George) and wordsthat must be all capitals(such asNASA), it can also handle wordswith unusual capitalization (for
example, IT-Corpor TeX). If a word iscapitalized incorrectly, the list of possibilitieswill include all acceptable capitaliza-
tions. (More than one capitalization may be acceptable; for example, my dictionary listsboth ITCorpand ITcorp.)
Normally, thisfeature will not cause you surprises, but there isone circumstance you need to be aware of. If you use I to add
a word to your dictionary that isat the beginning of a sentence (for example, the first word of thisparagraph if normallywere
not in the dictionary), it will be marked ascapitalization required. A subsequent usage of thisword without capitalization
will be considered a misspelling by ispell, and it will suggest the capitalized version. You must then compare the actual
spellingsby eye, and then type I to add the uncapitalized variant to your personal dictionary. You can avoid thisproblem by
using U to add the original word, rather than I.
The rulesfor capitalization are asfollows:
1. Any word may appear in all capitals, asin headings.
2. Any word that isin the dictionary in all lowercase form may appear either in lowercase or capitalized (asat the
beginning of a sentence).
3. Any word that hasunusual capitalization (that is, it containsboth casesand there isan uppercase character besidesthe
first) must appear exactly asin the dictionary, except aspermitted by rule 1. If the word isacceptable in all lowercase, it
must appear thusin a dictionary entry.
The buildhash program buildshashed dictionary filesfor later use by ispell. The raw word list (with affix flags) isgiven in
dict-file, and the affix flagsare defined by affix-file. The hashed output iswritten to hash-file. The formatsof the two
input filesare described in ispell(4). The s (silent) option suppressesthe usual statusmessagesthat are written to the
standard error device.
The munchlist shell script isused to reduce the size of dictionary files, primarily personal dictionary files. It isalso capable of
combining dictionariesfrom varioussources. The given files are read (standard input if no argumentsare given), reduced to
a minimal set of rootsand affixesthat will match the same list of words, and written to standard output.
Input for munchlist containsof raw words(such asthose from your personal dictionary files) or root and affix combinations
(probably generated in earlier munchlist runs). Each word or root/affix combination must be on a separate line.
The D (debug) option leavestemporary filesaround under standard namesinstead of deleting them, so that the script can be
debugged. Warning: Thisoption can eat up an enormousamount of temporary file space.
The v (verbose) option causesprogressmessagesto be reported to stderr so you wont get nervousthat munchlist hashung.
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin
Part I: User Commands
If the s (strip) option isspecified, wordsthat are in the specified hash-file are removed from the word list. Thiscan be
useful with personal dictionaries.
The l can be used to specify an alternate affix-file for munching dictionariesin languagesother than English.
The c option can be used to convert dictionariesthat were built with an older affix file, without risk of accidentally
introducing unintended affix combinationsinto the dictionary.
The T option allowsdictionariesto be converted to a canonical string-character format. The suffix specified islooked up in
the affix file (l switch) to determine the string-character format used for the input file; the output alwaysusesthe canonical
string-character format. For example, a dictionary collected from TeX source filesmight be converted to canonical format by
specifying T tex.
The w option ispassed on to ispell.
The findaffix shell script isan aid to writersof new language descriptionsin choosing affixes. The given dictionary files
(standard input if none are given) are examined for possible prefixes(p switch) or suffixes(s switch, the default). Each
commonly occurring affix ispresented along with a count of the number of timesit appearsand an estimate of the number
of bytesthat would be saved in a dictionary hash file if it were added to the language table. Only affixesthat generate legal
roots(found in the original input) are listed.
If the -c option isnot given, the output linesare in the following format:
where strip isthe string that should be stripped from a root word before adding the affix, add isthe affix to be added, count
isa count of the number of timesthat thisstrip/add combination appears, and bytes isan estimate of the number of bytes
that might be saved in the raw dictionary file if thiscombination isadded to the affix file. The field separator in the output
will be the tab character specified by the -t switch; the default isa slash (/).
If the c (clean output) option isgiven, the appearance of the output ismade visually cleaner (but harder to post process) by
changing it to
where strip, add, count,and bytes are asbefore, and <tab> representsthe ASCII tab character.
The method used to generate possible affixeswill also generate longer affixeswhich have common headersor trailers. For
example, the two wordsmothand mother will generate not only the obvioussubstitution +er but also -h+her and -th+ther
(and possibly even longer ones, depending on the value of min). To prevent cluttering the output with such affixes, any affix
pair that sharesa common header (or, for prefixes, trailer) string longer than elim characters(default 1) will be suppressed.
You may want to set elim to a value greater than 1 if your language hasstring characters; usually, the need for thisparameter
will become obviouswhen you examine the output of your findaffix run.
Normally, the affixesare sorted according to the estimate of bytessaved. The f switch may be used to cause the affixesto be
sorted by frequency of appearance.
To save output file space, affixeswhich occur fewer than 10 timesare eliminated; thislimit may be changed with the l
switch. The M switch specifiesa maximum affix length (default 8). Affixeslonger than thiswill not be reported. (Thissaves
on temporary disk space and makesthe script run faster.)
Affixeswhich generate stemsshorter than three charactersare suppressed. (A stem isthe word after the strip string hasbeen
removed, and before the add string hasbeen added.) Thisreducesboth the running time and the size of the output file. This
limit may be changed with the m switch. The minimum stem length should only be set to 1 if you have a lot of free time
and disk space (in the range of many daysand hundredsof megabytes).
The findaffix script requiresa nonblank field-separator character for internal use. Normally, thischaracter isa slash (/), but
if the slash appearsasa character in the input word list, a different character can be specified with the t switch.
ispell dictionariesshould be expanded before being fed to findaffix; in addition, charactersthat are not in the English
alphabet (if any) should be translated to lowercase.
The tryaffix shell script isused to estimate the effectivenessof a proposed prefix (p switch) or suffix (s switch, the default)
with a given expanded-file. Only one affix can be tried with each execution of tryaffix, although multiple argumentscan be
used to describe varying formsof the same affix flag (for example, the D flag for English can add either D or ED depending on
whether a trailing E isalready present). Each word in the expanded dictionary that ends(or begins) with the chosen suffix (or
prefix) hasthat suffix (prefix) removed; the dictionary isthen searched for root wordsthat match the stripped word. Nor-
mally, all matching rootsare written to standard output, but if the c (count) flag isgiven, only a statistical summary of the
resultsiswritten. The statisticsgiven are a count of wordsthe affix potentially appliesto and an estimate of the number of
dictionary bytesthat a flag using the affix would save. The estimate will be high if the flag generateswordsthat are currently
generated by other affix flags(for example, in English, bathers can be generated by either bath/X or bather/S). The diction-
ary file, expanded-file, must already be expanded (using the e switch of ispell) and sorted, and thingswill usually work
best if uppercase hasbeen folded to lower with tr.
The affix argumentsare thingsto be stripped from the dictionary file to produce trial roots: for English, con (prefix) and ing
(suffix) are examples. The addition partsof the argument are lettersthat would have been stripped off the root before adding
the affix. For example, in English the affix ing normally stripse for wordsending in that letter (for example, like becomes
liking), so we might run
tryaffix ing ing+e
to cover both cases.
All of the shell scriptscontain documentation ascommentary at the beginning; sometimesthese commentscontain useful
information beyond the scope of thismanual page.
It ispossible to install ispell in such a way asto only support ASCII range text if desired.
The icombine program isa helper for munchlist. It readsa list of wordsin dictionary format (rootsplusflags) from the
standard input, and producesa reduced list of standard output that combinescommon rootsfound on adjacent entries.
Identical rootsthat have differing flagswill have their flagscombined, and rootsthat have differing capitalizationswill be
combined in a way that only preservesimportant capitalization information. The optional aff-file specifiesa language file
that definesthe character setsused and the meaningsof the variousflags. The T switch can be used to select among
alternative string character typesby giving a dummy suffix that can be found in an altstringtype statement.
The ijoin program isa reimplementation of join(1), which handleslong linesand 8-bit characterscorrectly. The s switch
specifiesthat the sort(1) program used to prepare the input to ijoin usessigned comparisonson 8-bit characters; the u
switch specifiesthat sort(1) usesunsigned comparisons. All other optionsand behaviorsof join(1) are duplicated asexactly
aspossible based on the manual page, except that ijoin will not handle newline asa field separator. See the join(1) manual
page for more information.
DICTIONARY Default dictionary to use if no d flag isgiven
WORDLIST Personal dictionary filename
INCLUDE_STRING Code for file inclusion under the A option
TMPDIR Directory used for some of munchliststemporary files
!!LIBDIR!!/!!DEFHASH!! Hashed dictionary (may be found in some other local directory, depending on the
!!LIBDIR!!/!!DEFLANG!! Affix-definition file for munchlist
/usr/dict/web2 or /usr/dict/words For the Lookup function (depending on the WORDS compilation option)
Usersprivate dictionary
.ispell_hashfile Directory-specific private dictionary
ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin
Part I: User Commands
spell(1), egrep(1), look(1), join(1), sort(1), sq(1L), tib(1L), ispell(4L), english(4L)
It takesseveral to many secondsfor ispell to read in the hash table, depending on size.
When all optionsare enabled, ispell may take several secondsto generate all the guessesat correctionsfor a misspelled word;
on slower machinesthistime islong enough to be annoying.
The hash table isstored asa quarter-megabyte (or larger) array, so a PDP-11 or 286 version doesnot seem likely.
Ispell should understand more troff syntax, and deal more intelligently with contractions.
Although small personal dictionariesare sorted before they are written out, the order of capitalizationsof the same word is
somewhat random.
When the x flag isspecified, ispell will unlink any existing BAK file.
There are too many flags, and many of them have non-mnemonic names.
munchlist doesnot deal very gracefully with dictionariesthat contain nonword characters. Such charactersought to be
deleted from the dictionary with a warning message. findaffix and munchlist require tremendousamountsof temporary file
space for large dictionaries. They do respect the TMPDIR environment variable, so thisspace can be redirected. However, a lot
of the temporary space needed isfor sorting, so TMPDIR isonly a partial help on systemswith an uncooperative sort(1).
(Cooperativeisdefined asaccepting the undocumented -T switch). At itspeak usage, munchlist takes10 to 40 timesthe
original dictionaryssize in kilobytes. (The larger ratio isfor dictionariesthat already have heavy affix use, such asthe one
distributed with ispell). munchlist isalso very slow; munching a normal-sized dictionary (15KB roots, 45KB expanded
words) takesaround an hour on a small workstation. (Most of thistime isspent in sort(1), and munchlist can run much
faster on machinesthat have a more modern sort that makesbetter use of the memory available to it.) findaffix iseven
worse; the smallest English dictionary cannot be processed with thisscript in a mere 50KB of free space, and even after
specifying switchesto reduce the temporary space required, the script will run for more than 24 hourson a small worksta-
Pace Willisson (pace@mit-vax), 1983, based on the PDP-10 assembly version. That version waswritten by R. E. Gorin in
1971, and later revised by W. E. Matson (1974) and W. B. Ackerman (1978). Collected, revised, and enhanced for the
Usenet by Walt Buehring, 1987. Table-driven multilingual version by Geoff Kuenning, 198788. Large dictionaries
provided by Bob Devine (vianet!devine). A complete list of contributorsistoo large to list here, but isdistributed with the
ispell sourcesin the file Contributors.
The version of ispell described by thismanual page isInternational Ispell version 3.1.00, October 8, 1993.
joinJoin linesof two fileson a common field
join [a 1|2] [v 1|2] [e empty-string] [o field-list...] [t char]
[j[1|2] field] [1 field] [2 field] f i l e1 f i l e2
join {--help,--version}
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of join. join printsto the standard output a line for each pair of input lines,
one each from f i l e1 and f i l e2, that have identical join fields. Either filename (but not both) can be , meaning the standard
input. f i l e1 and f i l e2 should be already sorted in increasing order (not numerically) on the join fields; unlessthe t option
isgiven, they should be sorted ignoring blanksat the start of the line, assort doeswhen given the b option.
The defaultsare the following: The join field isthe first field in each line; fieldsin the input are separated by one or more
blanks, with leading blankson the line ignored; fieldsin the output are separated by a space; each output line consistsof the
join field, the remaining fieldsfrom f i l e1, then the remaining fieldsfrom f i l e2.
a file-number Print a line for each unpairable line in file file-number (either 1 or 2), in addition to the normal
e string Replace empty output fields(those that are missing in the input) with string.
1, j1 field Join on field field (a positive integer) of file 1.
2, j2 field Join on field field (a positive integer) of file 2.
j field Equivalent to 1 field 2 field.
o field-list... Construct each output line according to the format in field-list. Each element in field-list
consistsof a file number (either 1 or 2), a period, and a field number (a positive integer). The
elementsin the list are separated by commasor blanks. Multiple field-list argumentscan be
given after a single o option; the valuesof all listsgiven with o are concatenated together.
t char Use character char asthe input and output field separator.
v file-number Print a line for each unpairable line in file file-number (either 1 or 2), instead of the normal output.
In addition, when GNU join isinvoked with exactly one argument, the following optionsare recognized:
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully.
GNU Text Utilities
killTerminate a process
kill [ s signal | p ] [-a]pid ...
kill -l [ signal ]
kill sendsthe specified signal to the specified process. If no signal isspecified, the TERM signal issent. The TERM signal will kill
processesthat do not catch thissignal. For other processes, if may be necessary to use the KILL(9) signal because thissignal
cannot be caught.
Most modern shellshave a built-in kill function.
pid ... Specify the list of processesthat kill should signal. Each pid can be a processID, or a processname.
s Specify the signal to send. The signal may be given asa signal name or number.
p Specify that kill should only print the processID (pid) of the named process, and should not send it a signal.
l Print a list of signal names. These are found in /usr/include/linux/signal.h.
bash(1), tcsh(1), kill(2), sigvec(2)
Part I: User Commands
Taken from BSD 4.4. The ability to translate processnamesto processidswasadded by Salvatore Valente
Linux Utilities, 14 October 1994
killallKill processesby name
killall [iv][si gnal ] name ...
killall [l]
killall sendsa signal to all processesrunning any of the specified commands. If no signal name isspecified, SIGTERM issent.
Signalscan be specified either by name (for example, HUP) or by number (for example, 1). Signal 0 (check if a processexists)
can only be specified by number.
If the command name containsa slash (/), processesexecuting that particular file will be selected for killing, independent of
their name.
killall returnsa nonzero return code if no processhasbeen killed for any of the listed commands. If at least one processhas
been killed for each command, killall returnszero.
A killall processnever killsitself (but may kill other killall processes).
i Interactively ask for confirmation of killing.
l List all known signal names.
v Report if the signal wassuccessfully sent.
/proc Location of the proc filesystem
Killing by file only worksfor executablesthat are kept open during execution; that is, impure executablescant be killed this
Werner Almesberger (
kill(1), fuser(1), ps(1), kill(2)
Linux, 11 October 1994
ksymsShowsthe exported kernel symbols
ksyms [a][h][m]
ksyms showsinformation about all exported kernel symbols. The format is
addr ess name [def i ni ng modul e]
The describing header can be turned off with the option -h.
Normally, only the symbolsdefined by the loaded modulesare shown, but with the option -a, all exported symbolscan be
The information can also be seen in /proc/ksyms. A shell-script version can be used to get the information from /
proc/ksyms instead, but thisprogram getsthe symbol information directly from the kernel with a system call.
With the option -m (standsfor memory map), you can also see the starting addressand the size of the allocated memory for
every loaded module.
insmod(1), modprobe(1), depmod(1), rmmod(1), lsmod(1), modules(2)
The ksyms command wasfirst conceived by Bjorn Ekwall ( The -m option wasinspired by David Hinds
Ksyms might have some, but they are well hidden.
Linux, 14 May1995
lastIndicate last loginsby user or terminal
last [number ][f f i l ename][t t t y][h host name][i addr ess][l][y][name...]
Last looksback in the wtmp file, which recordsall loginsand logoutsfor information about a user, a teletype, or any group of
usersand teletypes. Argumentsspecify namesof usersor teletypesof interest. If multiple argumentsare given, the informa-
tion that appliesto any of the argumentsisprinted. For example last root console would list all of rootssessionsaswell as
all sessionson the console terminal. Last displaysthe sessionsof the specified usersand teletypes, most recent first, indicating
the timesat which the session began, the duration of the session, and the teletype that the session took place on. If the
session isstill continuing or wascut short by a reboot, last so indicates.
The pseudo-user reboot logsin at rebootsof the system.
Last with no argumentsdisplaysa record of all loginsand logouts, in reverse order.
If last isinterrupted, it indicateshow far the search hasprogressed in wtmp. If interrupted with a quit signal, last indicates
how far the search hasprogressed so far, and the search continues.
number Limit the number of entriesdisplayed to that specified by number .
f f i l ename Use f i l ename asthe name of the accounting file instead of /var/log/wtmp.
h host name List only loginsfrom host name.
i IP addr ess List only loginsfrom IP addr ess.
Part I: User Commands
l List IP addressesof remote hostsinstead of truncated hostnames.
t t t y List only loginson t t y.
y Also report year of dates.
/var/log/wtmp Login database
20 March 1992
lbxproxyLBX proxy server for the X Window system
lbxproxy [:di spl aynumber ] [option ...]
Thismanual page isnot definitive or official. It isderived from information contained in the README file in the lbx source.
lbxproxy isthe Low Bandwidth X pseudo-server. It runson the remote side of low bandwidth, high-latency connections,
such asserial linesand wide area networks. It acceptsconnectionsfrom X clientsat the remote end and forwardsthem to an
X server at the local end. The LBX protocol used for the low bandwidth connection includescompression and optimizations
designed to make effective use of the bandwidth available. The current version of LBX isnot a standard of the X Consor-
tium, and will not be compatible with the final version. The current version should be treated asan alpha or prototype
for people interested in experimenting with it.
lbxproxy acceptsthe following options:
:di spl aynumber lbxproxy runsasthe given displaynumber, which by default is0. A value different from 0 should be
used if the host running lbxproxy hasa local X display. If multiple lbxproxy serversor other X
serversare to run simultaneously on a host, each must have a unique display number. (See the
Display Names section of the X(1) manual page to learn how to specify which display number
clientsshould try to use.)
ac Disableshost-based accesscontrol mechanisms. Enablesaccessby any host, and permitsany host to
modify the accesscontrol list. Use with extreme caution. Thisoption existsprimarily for running
test suitesremotely.
-display di spl ay- number Setsthe name of the X server display that lbxproxy connectsto.
help Printsa usage message.
I Causesall remaining command-line argumentsto be ignored.
to seconds Setsdefault connection time-out in seconds.
lbxproxy supportsclient connectionsvia most of the connection typessupported by the X servers. (Refer to the Xserver(1)
manual page and hardware-specific X server manual pagesfor details.) Note that in the current implementation some of the
connectionstypeshave not been implemented correctly. Thismostly appliesto System V.
To setup lbxproxy, start the X server asusual, and then start the proxy. The lbxproxy isa pseudo-server, so any clientsthat
wish to use it need to adjust their DISPLAY. By default, the proxy will listen on <hostname>:1. Thiscan be changed with the
:displaynumber argument.
If the proxy isto be running on a host named sharedhost, connecting to an LBX-capable X server on a desktop machine
named mydesktop, you could use the following command to start the proxy (which would be known asdisplay sharedhost:7):
mydesktop% rlogin sharedhost
sharedhost% lbxproxy -display mydesktop:0 :7 &
sharedhost% xclient -display sharedhost:7
If you are running LBX over a TERM connection between mydesktop and sharedhost, try something like this:
mydesktop% trsh
sharedhost% tredir -r 6008 6000
sharedhost% lbxproxy -display sharedhost:8 :7 &
sharedhost% xclient -display sharedhost:7
General information: X(1)
Server-specific man pages: Xserver(1), Xdec(1), XmacII(1), Xsun(1), Xnest(1), Xvfb(1), XF86_Accel(1), XF86_Mono(1),
XF86_SVGA(1), XF86_VGA16(1), XFree86(1)
The LBX team includesDave Lemke, Dale Tonogai, Keith Packard, Jim Fulton from NCD, and ChrisKanterjiev from
X Version 11 Release6
ldThe GNU linker
ld [ o.I output ] .I objfile . . . .br .RB [A out put ] obj f i l e ...
[A ar chi t ect ur e ][b\ i nput - f or mat ][Bstatic ][c\ commandf i l e ]
[ d|dc|dp ]
[ defsym\ symbol = expr essi on ][e\ ent r y ][F ][F\ f or mat ][
format\ i nput - f or mat ][g ][G si ze ][--help ][i ][l ar ][
L sear chdi r ][M][Map mapf i l e ][m emul at i on ][n|N][
noinhibit-exec ][oformat\ out put - f or mat ][R\ f i l ename ][relax ]
[ r|Ur][S ][s ][sortcommon][T\ commandf i l e ][Ttext\
t ext or g ][Tdata\ dat aor g ][Tbss\ bssor g ][t ][u\ sym ][V ][
v][--verbose ][--version ][warncommon][warnonce][X ]
[ x ]
ld combinesa number of object and archive files, relocatestheir data, and tiesup symbol references. Often the last step in
building a new compiled program to run isa call to ld.
ld acceptsLinker Command Language filesto provide explicit and total control over the linking process. Thisman page does
not describe the command language; see the ld entry in info, or the manual Ld: TheGNU Linker, for full detailson the
command language and on other aspectsof the GNU linker.
Part I: User Commands
Thisversion of ld usesthe general-purpose BFD librariesto operate on object files. Thisallowsld to read, combine, and
write object filesin many different formats, for example, COFF or a.out. Different formatsmay be linked together to
produce any available kind of object file. You can use objdump i to get a list of formatssupported on variousarchitectures;
see objdump(1).
Aside from itsflexibility, the GNU linker ismore helpful than other linkersin providing diagnostic information. Many
linkersabandon execution immediately upon encountering an error; whenever possible, ld continuesexecuting, allowing
you to identify other errors(or, in some cases, to get an output file in spite of the error).
The GNU linker ld ismeant to cover a broad range of situations, and to be ascompatible aspossible with other linkers. Asa
result, you have many choicesto control itsbehavior through the command line, and through environment variables.
The plethora of command-line optionsmay seem intimidating, but in actual practice few of them are used in any particular
context. For instance, a frequent use of ld isto link standard UNIX object fileson a standard, supported UNIX system. On
such a system, thisline linksa file hello.o :
$ ld o output /lib/crt0.o hello.o lc
Thistellsld to produce a file called output asthe result of linking the file /lib/crt0.o with hello.o and the library libc.a,
which will come from the standard search directories.
The command-line optionsto ld may be specified in any order, and may be repeated at will. For the most part, repeating an
option with a different argument will either have no further effect or override prior occurrences(those further to the left on
the command line) of an option.
The exceptionswhich may meaningfully be used more than onceare A, b (or itssynonym format), defsym, L, l, R,
and u.
The list of object filesto be linked together, shown asobjfile, may follow, precede, or be mixed in with command-line
options, except that an objfile argument may not be placed between an option flag and itsargument.
Usually the linker isinvoked with at least one object file, but other formsof binary input filescan also be specified with l,
R, and the script command language. If no binary input filesat all are specified, the linker doesnot produce any output, and
issuesthe message No input files.
Option argumentsmust either follow the option letter without intervening whitespace or be given asseparate arguments
immediately following the option that requiresthem.
-Aar chi t ect ur e In the current release of ld, thisoption isuseful only for the Intel 960 family of architec-
tures. In that ld configuration, the architecture argument isone of the two-letter names
identifying membersof the 960 family; the option specifiesthe desired output target and
warnsof any incompatible instructionsin the input files. It also modifiesthe linkerssearch
strategy for archive librariesto support the use of librariesspecific to each particular
architecture, by including in the search loop namessuffixed with the string identifying the
For example, if your ld command line included ACA aswell asltry, the linker would look
(in itsbuilt-in search paths, and in any pathsyou specify with L) for a library with the
The first two possibilitieswould be considered in any event; the last two are due to the use
of ACA.
Future releasesof ld may support similar functionality for other architecture families.
You can meaningfully use A more than once on a command line, if an architecture family
allowscombination of target architectures; each use will add another pair of name variants
to search for when l specifiesa library.
b i nput - f or mat Specify the binary format for input object filesthat follow thisoption on the command line.
You dont usually need to specify this, asld isconfigured to expect asa default input format
the most usual format on each machine. i nput - f or mat isa text string, the name of a partic-
ular format supported by the BFD libraries.
format i nput - f or mat
hasthe same effect, asdoesthe script command TARGET.
You may want to use thisoption if you are linking fileswith an unusual binary format. You
can also use b to switch formatsexplicitly (when linking object filesof different formats),
by including
b i nput - f or mat
before each group of object filesin a particular format.
The default format istaken from the environment variable GNUTARGET. You can also define
the input format from a script, using the command TARGET.
Bstatic Thisflag isaccepted for command-line compatibility with the SunOS linker, but hasno
effect on ld.
c commandf i l e Directsld to read link commandsfrom the file commandfile. These commandswill
completely override ldsdefault link format (rather than adding to it); commandfile must
specify everything necessary to describe the target format.
You may also include a script of link commandsdirectly in the command line by bracketing
it between { and } characters.
d, dc, dp These three optionsare equivalent; multiple formsare supported for compatibility with
other linkers. Use any of them to make ld assign space to common symbolseven if a
relocatable output file isspecified (r). The script command FORCE_COMMON_ALLOCATION has
the same effect.
-defsym symbol = expr essi on Create a global symbol in the output file, containing the absolute addressgiven by
expr essi on. You may use thisoption asmany timesasnecessary to define multiple symbols
in the command line. A limited form of arithmetic issupported for the expr essi on in this
context; you may give a hexadecimal constant or the name of an existing symbol, or use +
and to add or subtract hexadecimal constantsor symbols. If you need more elaborate
expressions, consider using the linker command language from a script.
-e ent r y Use ent r y asthe explicit symbol for beginning execution of your program, rather than the
default entry point.
F, -Ff or mat Some older linkersused thisoption throughout a compilation toolchain for specifying
object-file format for both input and output object files. ldsmechanisms(the b or format
optionsfor input files, the TARGET command in linker scriptsfor output files, the GNUTARGET
environment variable) are more flexible, but it accepts(and ignores) the F option flag for
compatibility with scriptswritten to call the old linker.
format i nput f or mat Synonym for b i nput f or mat .
g Accepted, but ignored; provided for compatibility with other tools.
G si ze Set the maximum size of objectsto be optimized using the GP register to si ze under MIPS
ECOFF. Ignored for other object file formats.
--help Print a summary of the command-line optionson the standard output and exit. Thisoption
and --version begin with two hyphensinstead of one for compatibility with other GNU
programs. The other optionsstart with only one hyphen for compatibility with other
i Perform an incremental link (same asoption r).
Part I: User Commands
lar Add an archive file ar to the list of filesto link. Thisoption may be used any number of
times. ld will search itspath list for occurrencesof lib ar .a for every ar specified.
Lsear chdi r Thiscommand addspath searchdir to the list of pathsthat ld will search for archive
libraries. You may use thisoption any number of times.
The default set of pathssearched (without being specified with L) dependson what
emulation mode ld isusing, and in some casesalso on how it wasconfigured. The paths
can also be specified in a link script with the SEARCH_DIR command.
M Print (to the standard output file) a link mapdiagnostic in-formation about where
symbolsare mapped by ld, and information on global common storage allocation.
Map mapf i l e Print to the file mapf i l e a link mapdiagnostic information about where symbolsare
mapped by ld, and information on global common storage allocation.
m emul at i on Emulate the emul at i on linker. You can list the available emulationswith the --verbose
option. Thisoption overridesthe compiled-in default, which isthe system for which you
configured ld.
N Specifiesreadable and writable text and data sections. If the output format supports
UNIX-style magic numbers, the output ismarked asOMAGIC.
When you use the N option, the linker doesnot page-align the data segment.
n Setsthe text segment to be read-only, and NMAGIC iswritten if possible.
noinhibitexec Normally, the linker will not produce an output file if it encounterserrorsduring the link
process. With thisflag, you can specify that you wish the output file retained even after
nonfatal errors.
o out put out put output isa name for the program produced by ld; if thisoption isnot specified, the name
a.out isused by default. The script command OUTPUT can also specify the output filename.
oformat out put f or mat Specify the binary format for the output object file. You dont usually need to specify this,
asld isconfigured to produce asa default output format the most usual format on each
machine. out put - f or mat isa text string, the name of a particular format supported by the
BFD libraries. The script command OUTPUT_FORMAT can also specify the output format, but
thisoption overridesit.
R f i l ename f i l e Read symbol namesand their addressesfrom f i l ename, but do not relocate it or include it in
the output. Thisallowsyour output file to refer symbolically to absolute locationsof
memory defined in other programs.
relax An option with machine-dependent effects. Currently thisoption isonly supported on the
On some platforms, use thisoption to perform global optimizationsthat become possible
when the linker resolvesaddressing in your program, such asrelaxing addressmodesand
synthesizing new instructionsin the output object file.
On platformswhere thisisnot supported, relax isaccepted, but hasno effect.
r Generatesrelocatable output, that is, an output file that can in turn serve asinput to ld.
Thisisoften called partial linking. Asa side effect, in environmentsthat support standard
UNIX magic numbers, thisoption also setsthe output filesmagic number to OMAGIC. If this
option isnot specified, an absolute file isproduced. When linking C++ programs, this
option will not resolve referencesto constructors; Ur isan alternative.
Thisoption doesthe same asi.
S Omitsdebugger symbol information (but not all symbols) from the output file.
s Omitsall symbol information from the output file.
sortcommon Normally, when ld placesthe global common symbolsin the appropriate output sections, it
sortsthem by size. First come all the one-byte symbols, then all the two bytes, then all the
four bytes, and then everything else. Thisisto prevent gapsbetween symbolsdue to
alignment constraints. Thisoption disablesthat sorting.
Tbss or g, Tdata or g, Use org asthe starting addressforrespectivelythe bss, data, or the text segment of the
Ttext or g output file. textorg must be a hexadecimal integer.
T commandf i l e, Tcommandf i l e Equivalent to c commandf i l e; supported for compatibility with other tools.
t Printsnamesof input filesasld processesthem.
u sym Forcessym to be entered in the output file asan undefined symbol. Thismay, for example,
trigger linking of additional modulesfrom standard libraries. u may be repeated with
different option argumentsto enter additional undefined symbols.
Ur For anything other than C++ programs, thisoption isequivalent to r : it generates
relocatable output, that is, an output file that can in turn serve asinput to ld. When linking
C++ programs, Ur will resolve referencesto constructors, unlike r.
--verbose Display the version number for ld and list the supported emulations. Display which input
filescan and can not be opened.
v, V Display the version number for ld.
--version Display the version number for ld and exit.
warncommon Warn when a common symbol iscombined with another common symbol or with a symbol
definition. UNIX linkersallow thissomewhat sloppy practice, but linkerson some other
operating systemsdo not. Thisoption allowsyou to find potential problemsfrom
combining global symbols.
warnonce Only warn once for each undefined symbol, rather than once per module that refersto it.
X If s or S isalso specified, delete only local symbolsbeginning with L.
x If s or S isalso specified, delete all local symbols, not just those beginning with L.
You can change the behavior of ld with the environment variable GNUTARGET.
GNUTARGET determinesthe input-file object format if you dont use b (or itssynonym format). Itsvalue should be one of the
BFD namesfor an input format. If there isno GNUTARGET in the environment, ld usesthe natural format of the host. If
GNUTAR-GET isset to default, then BFD attemptsto discover the input format by examining binary input files; thismethod
often succeeds, but there are potential ambiguities, since there isno method of ensuring that the magic number used to flag
object-file formatsisunique. However, the configuration procedure for BFD on each system placesthe conventional format
for that system first in the search-list, so ambiguitiesare resolved in favor of convention.
objdump(1); ld and binutils entriesin info
Ld: TheGNU Linker, Steve Chamberlain and Roland Pesch; TheGNU BinaryUtilities, Roland H. Pesch.
Copyright 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof thismanual provided the copyright notice and this
permission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
Cygnussupport, 17 August 1992
Part I: User Commands
lispmtopgmConvert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into PGM format
lispmtopgm [l i spmf i l e]
lispmtopgm readsa Lisp machine bitmap asinput and producesa portable graymap asoutput.
Thisisthe file format written by the tv:write-bit-array-file function on TI Explorer and SymbolicsLisp machines.
Multiplane bitmapson Lisp machinesare color; but the lispm image file format doesnot include a colormap, so it must be
treated asa graymap instead. Thisisunfortunate.
pgmtolispm(1), pgm(5)
The lispm bitmap file format isa bit quirky; Usually the image in the file hasitswidth rounded up to the next higher
multiple of 32, but not always. If the width isnot a multiple of 32, we dont deal with it properly, but because of the lispm
microcode, such arraysare probably not image data anyway.
Also, the lispm code for saving bitmapshasa bug, in that if you are writing a bitmap that isnot mod32 across, the file may be
up to seven bitstoo short. They round down instead of up, and we dont handle thisbug gracefully.
No color.

1991 by Jamie Zawinski and Jef Poskanzer.

6 March 1990
lkbibSearch bibliographic databases
lkbib [ v ][if i el ds ][pf i l ename ][tn ] key ...
lkbib searchesbibliographic databasesfor referencesthat contain the keyskey. . . and printsany referencesfound on the
standard output. lkbib will search any databasesgiven by p options, and then a default database. The default database is
taken from the REFER environment variable if it isset, otherwise it is
For each database filename to be searched, if an index filename.i created by gindxbib(1) exists, then it will be searched
instead; each index can cover multiple databases.
v Print the version number.
pf i l ename Search f i l ename. Multiple p optionscan be used.
ist r i ng When searching filesfor which no index exists, ignore the contentsof fieldswhose namesare in st r i ng.
tn Only require the first n charactersof keysto be given. Initially n is6.
REFER Default database
/usr/dict/papers/Ind Default database to be used if the REFER environment variable isnot set.
filename.i Index files.
grefer(1), glookbib(1), gindxbib(1)
Groff Version 1.09, 6 August 1992
lnMake linksbetween files
ln [options] source [dest]
ln [options] source... directory
[bdfinsvF] [S backup-suffix] [V {numbered,existing,simple}]
[--version-control={numbered,existing,simple}] [--backup] [--directory]
[--force] [--interactive] [--nodereference] [--symbolic] [--verbose]
[--suffix=backup-suffix] [--help] [--version]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of ln. If the last argument namesan existing directory, ln linkseach other
given file into a file with the same name in that directory. If only one file isgiven, it linksthat file into the current directory.
Otherwise, if only two filesare given, it linksthe first onto the second. It isan error if the last argument isnot a directory
and more than two filesare given. It makeshard linksby default. By default, it doesnot remove existing files.
b, --backup Make backupsof filesthat are about to be removed.
d, F, --directory Allow the superuser to make hard linksto directories.
f, --force Remove existing destination files.
i, --interactive Prompt whether to remove existing destination files.
n, --no-dereference When the specified destination isa symbolic link to a directory, attempt to replace the
symbolic link rather than dereferencing it to create a link in the directory to which it points.
Thisoption ismost useful in conjunction with --force.
s, --symbolic Make symbolic linksinstead of hard links. Thisoption producesan error message on
systemsthat do not support symbolic links.
v, --verbose Print the name of each file before linking it.
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
--version Print version information on standard output then exit successfully.
S, --suffix backup-suffix The suffix used for making simple backup filescan be set with the SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX
environment variable, which can be overridden by thisoption. If neither of those isgiven,
the default is, asit isin Emacs.
Part I: User Commands
V, --version-control The type of backupsmade can be set with the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable, which
{numbered,existing,simple} can be overridden by thisoption. If VERSION_CONTROL isnot set and thisoption isnot given,
the default backup type isexisting. The value of the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable
and the argument to thisoption are like the GNU Emacsversion-control variable; they
also recognize synonymsthat are more descriptive. The valid values(unique abbreviations
are accepted) are the following:
t or numbered Alwaysmake numbered backups.
nil or existing Make numbered backupsof filesthat already have them, simple
backupsof the others.
never or simple Alwaysmake simple backups.
GNU FileUtilities
lndirCreate a shadow directory of symbolic linksto another directory tree
lndir fromdir [todir]
lndir makesa shadow copy todir of a directory tree fromdir, except that the shadow isnot populated with real filesbut
instead with symbolic linkspointing at the real filesin the fromdir directory tree. Thisisusually useful for maintaining
source code for different machine architectures. You create a shadow directory containing linksto the real source which you
will have usually NFS mounted from a machine of a different architecture, and then recompile it. The object fileswill be in
the shadow directory, while the source filesin the shadow directory are just symlinksto the real files.
Thishasthe advantage that if you update the source, you need not propagate the change to the other architecturesby hand
because all source in shadow directoriesare symlinksto the real thing: Just cd to the shadow directory and recompile away.
The todir argument isoptional and defaultsto the current directory. The fromdir argument may be relative (for example,
../src) and isrelative to todir (not the current directory).
Note that RCS, SCCS, and CVS.adm directoriesare not shadowed.
If you add files, simply run lndir again. Deleting filesisa more painful problem; the symlinkswill just point into never-
patch getsupset if it cannot change the files. You should never run patch from a shadow directory anyway.
You need to use something like this:
find todir type l print | xargs rm
to clear out all filesbefore you can relink (if fromdir moved, for instance). Something like this:
find . \! type d print
will find all filesthat are not directories.
X Version 11 Release6
locateList filesin databasesthat match a pattern
locate [d path] [--database=path] [--version] [--help] pattern...
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of locate. For each given pattern, locate searchesone or more databasesof
filenamesand displaysthe filenamesthat contain the pattern. Patternscan contain shell-style meta characters: *, ?, and [].
The meta charactersdo not treat / or . specially. Therefore, a pattern foo*bar can match a filename that containsfoo3/bar,
and a pattern *duck* can match a filename that containslake/.ducky. Patternsthat contain meta charactersshould be quoted
to protect them from expansion by the shell.
If a pattern isa plain stringit containsno meta characterslocate displaysall filenamesin the database that contain that
string anywhere. If a pattern doescontain meta characters, locate only displaysfilenamesthat match the pattern exactly. Asa
result, patternsthat contain meta charactersshould usually begin with a * and will most often end with one aswell. The
exceptionsare patternsthat are intended to explicitly match the beginning or end of a filename.
The filename databasescontain listsof filesthat were on the system when the databaseswere last updated. The system
administrator can choose the filename of the default database, the frequency with which the databasesare updated, and the
directoriesfor which they contain entries; see updatedb(1L).
d pat h, --database=pat h Instead of searching the default filename database, search the filename databasesin pat h,
which isa colon-separated list of database filenames. You can also use the environment
variable LOCATE_PATH to set the list of database filesto search. The option overridesthe
environment variable if both are used.
The filename database format changed starting with GNU find and locate version 4.0 to
allow machineswith different byte orderingsto share the databases. Thisversion of locate
can automatically recognize and read databasesproduced for older versionsof GNU locate
or UNIX versionsof locate or find.
--help Print a summary of the optionsto locate and exit.
--version Print the version number of locate and exit.
LOCATE_PATH Colon-separated list of databasesto search
find(1L), locatedb(5L), updatedb(1L), xargs(1L), FindingFiles(online in info, or printed)
loggerMake entriesin the system log
logger [-is] [-f file] [-p pri] [-t tag] [message ...]
logger providesa shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log module.
Part I: User Commands
-i Log the processID of the logger processwith each line.
-s Log the message to standard error, aswell asthe system log.
-f f i l e Log the specified file.
-p pr i Enter the message with the specified priority. The priority may be specified numerically or asa facility.level
pair. For example, p logsthe message(s) asinformational level in the local3 facility. The default is
-t t ag Mark every line in the log with the specified tag.
message Write the message to log; if not specified, and the -f flag isnot provided, standard input islogged.
The logger utility exits0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
logger system rebooted:
logger p local0.notice t HOSTIDM f /dev/idmc
syslog(3), syslogd(8)
The logger command isexpected to be compatible with IEEE Std 1003.2 (POSIX).
BSD 4.3, 6 June1993
loginSign on
login [ name ]
login p
login h host name
login f name
login isused when signing on to a system. It can also be used to switch from one user to another at any time. (Most modern
shellshave support for thisfeature built into them, however.)
If an argument isnot given, login promptsfor the username.
If the user isnot root, and if /etc/nologin exists, the contentsof thisfile are printed to the screen, and the login istermi-
nated. Thisistypically used to prevent loginswhen the system isbeing taken down.
If the user isroot, then the login must be occurring on a tty listed in /etc/securetty. Failureswill be logged with the syslog
After these conditionsare checked, the password will be requested and checked (if a password isrequired for thisusername).
Ten attemptsare allowed before login dies, but after the first three, the response startsto get very slow. Login failuresare
reported via the syslog facility. Thisfacility isalso used to report any successful root logins.
If the file .hushlogin exists, then a quiet login isperformed (thisdisablesthe checking of the checking of mail and the
printing of the last login time and message of the day). Otherwise, if /var/log/lastlog exists, the last login time isprinted
(and the current login isrecorded).
Random administrative things, such assetting the UID and GID of the tty, are performed. The TERM environment variable is
preserved, if it exists; other environment variablesare preserved if the p option isused. Then the HOME, PATH, SHELL, TERM,
MAIL, and LOGNAME environment variablesare set. PATH defaultsto /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:. for normal users, and to /
sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin for root. Last, if thisisnot a quiet login, the message of the day isprinted and the file with the
usersname in /usr/spool/mail will be checked, and a message printed if it hasnonzero length.
The usersshell isthen started. If no shell isspecified for the user in /etc/passwd, then /bin/sh isused. If there isno directory
specified in /etc/passwd, then / isused. (The home directory ischecked for the .hushlogin file described earlier.)
p Used by getty(8) to tell login not to destroy the environment.
f Used to skip a second login authentication. Thisspecifically doesnot work for root, and doesnot appear to work
well under Linux.
h Used by other servers(such astelnetd(8)) to passthe name of the remote host to login so that it may be placed in
utmp and wtmp. Only the superuser may use thisoption.
init(8), getty(8), mail(1), passwd(1), passwd(5), environ(7), shutdown(8)
Linux, unlike other Draconian operating systems, doesnot check quotas.
The undocumented BSD r option isnot supported. Thismay be required by some rlogind(8) programs.
Derived from BSD login 5.40 (May 9, 1989) by Michael Glad ( for HP-UX Ported to Linux 0.12: Peter
Orbaek (
Linux 0.99, 1 February1993
lookDisplay linesbeginning with a given string
look [dfa] [t termchar] string [file]
The look utility displaysany linesin file that contain string asa prefix. Aslook performsa binary search, the linesin file
must be sorted.
Part I: User Commands
If file isnot specified, the file /usr/dict/words isused, only alphanumeric charactersare compared, and the case of alphabetic
d Dictionary character set and order; that is, only alphanumeric charactersare compared.
f Ignore the case of alphabetic characters.
-a Use the alternate dictionary /usr/dict/web2.
t Specify a string termination character; that is, only the charactersin string up to and including the first
occurrence of termchar are compared.
The look utility exits0 if one or more lineswere found and displayed, 1 if no lineswere found, and >1 if an error occurred.
/usr/dict/words The dictionary
/usr/dict/web2 The alternate dictionary
grep(1), sort(1)
The original manual page stated that tabsand blank charactersparticipated in comparisonswhen the -d option wasspecified.
Thiswasincorrect and the current man page matchesthe historic implementation.
look appeared in version 7 AT&T UNIX.
14 June1993
lpqSpool queue examination program
lpq [-l] [-P printer] [job # ...] [user ...]
lpq examinesthe spooling area used by lpd(8) for printing fileson the line printer, and reportsthe statusof the specified jobs
or all jobsassociated with a user. lpq invoked without any argumentsreportson any jobscurrently in the queue.
-P Specify a particular printer; otherwise the default line printer isused (or the value of the PRINTER variable in the
environment). All other argumentssupplied are interpreted asusernamesor job numbersto filter out only those
jobsof interest.
-l Information about each of the filescomprising the job entry isprinted. Normally, only asmuch information as
will fit on one line isdisplayed.
For each job submittedin other words, each time lpr(1) isinvokedlpq reportsthe usersname, current rank in the
queue, the namesof filescomprising the job, the job identifier (a number that may be supplied to lprm(1) for removing a
specific job), and the total size in bytes. Job ordering isdependent on the algorithm used to scan the spooling directory and is
supposed to be FIFO (First in First Out). Filenamescomprising a job may be unavailable (when lpr(1) isused asa sink in a
pipeline) in which case the file isindicated as(standard input).
If lpq warnsthat there isno daemon present (due to some malfunction, for example), the lpc(8) command can be used to
restart the printer daemon.
If the following environment variable exists, it isused by lpq:
PRINTER Specifiesan alternate default printer
/etc/printcap To determine printer characteristics
/var/spool/* The spooling directory, asdetermined from printcap
/var/spool/*/cf* Control filesspecifying jobs
Pa/var/spool/*/lock The lock file to obtain the currently active job
/usr/share/misc/termcap For manipulating the screen for repeated display
lpr(1), lprm(1), lpc(8), lpd(8)
lpq appeared in BSD 3.
Due to the dynamic nature of the information in the spooling directory, lpq may report unreliably. Output formatting is
sensitive to the line length of the terminal; thiscan result in widely spaced columns.
Unable to open variousfiles. The lock file ismalformed. Garbage fileswhen there isno daemon active, but filesin the
spooling directory.
BSD 4.2, 9 May1991
lprOffline print
lpr [-P printer] [-# num] [-C class] [-J job] [-T title] [-U user]
[-i [numcols]] [-1234 font] [-w num] [-cdfghlnmprstv] [name ...]
lpr usesa spooling daemon to print the named fileswhen facilitiesbecome available. If no namesappear, the standard input
The following single-letter optionsare used to notify the line printer spooler that the filesare not standard text files. The
spooling daemon will use the appropriate filtersto print the data accordingly.
c The filesare assumed to contain data produced by cifplot(1).
d The filesare assumed to contain data from TeX (DVI format from Stanford).
f Use a filter that interpretsthe first character of each line asa standard FORTRAN carriage control character.
g The filesare assumed to contain standard plot data asproduced by the plot routines. (See also plot for the filters
used by the printer spooler.)
Part I: User Commands
l Use a filter that allowscontrol charactersto be printed and suppressespage breaks.
n The filesare assumed to contain data from ditroff (device independent troff).
p Use pr(1) to format the files(equivalent to print).
t The filesare assumed to contain data from troff(1) (cat phototypesetter commands).
v The filesare assumed to contain a raster image for deviceslike the Benson Varian.
These optionsapply to the handling of the print job:
P Force output to a specific printer. Normally, the default printer isused (site-dependent), or the value of the
environment variable PRINTER isused.
h Suppressthe printing of the burst page.
m Send mail upon completion.
r Remove the file upon completion of spooling or upon completion of printing (with the -s option).
s Use symbolic links. Usually, filesare copied to the spool directory. The -s option will use symlink(2) to link data
filesrather than trying to copy them so large filescan be printed. Thismeansthe filesshould not be modified or
removed until they have been printed.
The remaining optionsapply to copies, the page display, and headers:
-# num The quantity num isthe number of copiesdesired of each file named. For example,
lpr #3 foo.c bar.c more.c
would result in three copiesof the file foo.c, followed by three copiesof the file bar.c, and so on. On the
other hand,
cat foo.c bar.c more.c | lpr #3
will give three copiesof the concatenation of the files. Often a site will disable thisfeature to encourage use
of a photocopier instead.
1234 font Specifiesa font to be mounted on font position i . The daemon will construct a .railmag file referencing
the font pathname.
-C Ar class Job classification to use on the burst page. For example
lpr C EECS foo.c
causesthe system namethe name returned by hostname(1)to be replaced on the burst page by EECS,
and the file foo.c to be printed.
-J Ar job Job name to print on the burst page. Normally, the first filesname isused.
-T Ar title Title name for pr(1), instead of the filename.
-U user Username to print on the burst page, also for accounting purposes. Thisoption isonly honored if the real
user ID isdaemon (or that specified in the printcap file instead of daemon), and isintended for those
instanceswhere print filterswish to requeue jobs.
-i numcols The output isindented. If the next argument isnumeric numcols, it isused asthe number of blanksto be
printed before each line; otherwise, eight charactersare printed.
-w Ns Ar num Usesnum asthe page width for pr(1).
If the following environment variable exists, it isused by lpr:
PRINTER Specifiesan alternate default printer
etc/passwd Personal identification.
/etc/printcap Printer capabilitiesdatabase.
/usr/sbin/lpd* Line printer daemons.
/var/spool/output/* Directoriesused for spooling.
/var/spool/output/*/cf* Daemon control files.
/var/spool/output/*/df* Data filesspecified in cf files.
/var/spool/output/*/tf* Temporary copiesof cf files.
lpq(1), lprm(1), pr(1), symlink(2), printcap(5), lpc(8), lpd(8)
The lpr command appeared in BSD 3.
If you try to spool too large a file, it will be truncated. lpr will object to printing binary files. If a user other than root printsa
file and spooling isdisabled, lpr will print a message saying so and will not put jobsin the queue. If a connection to lpd(1)
on the local machine cannot be made, lpr will say that the daemon cannot be started. Diagnosticsmay be printed in the
daemonslog file regarding missing spool filesby lpd(1).
Fontsfor troff(1) and TeX reside on the host with the printer. It iscurrently not possible to use local font libraries.
BSD 4, 24 July1991
lprmRemove jobsfrom the line printer spooling queue
lprm [-P printer] [- job # ...] [user ...]
lprm will remove a job, or jobs, from a printersspool queue. Since the spooling directory isprotected from users, using lprm
isnormally the only method by which a user may remove a job. The owner of a job isdetermined by the userslogin name
and hostname on the machine where the lpr(1) command wasinvoked.
Optionsand arguments:
-P printer Specify the queue associated with a specific printer; otherwise, the default printer isused.
- If a single - isgiven, lprm will remove all jobsthat a user owns. If the superuser employsthisflag, the spool
queue will be emptied entirely.
user Causeslprm to attempt to remove any jobsqueued belonging to that user (or users). Thisform of invoking
lprm isuseful only to the superuser.
job # A user may dequeue an individual job by specifying itsjob number. Thisnumber may be obtained from
the lpq(1) program. For example
lpq -l
1st:ken [job#013ucbarpa]
(standard input) 100 bytes
lprm 13
If neither argumentsnor optionsare given, lprm will delete the currently active job if it isowned by the user who invoked
lprm announcesthe namesof any filesit removesand issilent if there are no jobsin the queue that match the request list.
lprm will kill off an active daemon, if necessary, before removing any spooling files. If a daemon iskilled, a new one is
automatically restarted upon completion of file removals.
Part I: User Commands
If the following environment variable exists, it isutilized by lprm:
PRINTER If the environment variable PRINTER exists, and a printer hasnot been specified with the -P option, the default
printer isassumed from PRINTER.
/etc/printcap Printer characteristicsfile
/var/spool/* Spooling directories
/var/spool/*/lock Lock file used to obtain the pid of the current daemon and the job number of the currently active
lpr(1), lpq(1), lpd(8)
Permission denied if the user triesto remove filesother than hisown.
Because there are race conditionspossible in the update of the lock file, the currently active job may be incorrectly identified.
The lprm command appeared in BSD 3.0.
BSD 4.2, 9 May1991
lptestGenerate line printer ripple pattern
lptest [length] [count]
lptest writesthe traditional ripple test pattern on standard output. In 96 lines, thispattern will print all 96 printable
ASCII charactersin each position. Although originally created to test printers, it isquite useful for testing terminals, driving
terminal portsfor debugging purposes, or any other task where a quick supply of random data isneeded.
The length argument specifiesthe output line length if the default length of 79 isinappropriate.
The count argument specifiesthe number of output linesto be generated if the default count of 200 isinappropriate. Note
that if count isto be specified, length must also be specified.
lptest appeared in BSD 4.3.
BSD 4.3, 9 May1991
ls, dir, vdir
ls, dir, vdirList contentsof directories
ls [abcdfgiklmnpqrstuxABCFGLNQRSUX1] [w cols] [T cols] [I pattern] [--all]
[--escape] [--directory] [--inode] [--kilobytes] [--numeric-uid-gid] [no-group]
[--hide-control-chars] [--reverse] [--size] [--width=cols] [--tabsize=cols]
[--almost-all] [--ignore-backups] [--classify] [--file-type] [--full-time]
[--ignore=pattern] [--dereference] [--literal] [--quote-name] [--recursive]
[-- -sort={none, time, size, extension}] [--format={long, verbose, commas,
across, vertical, single-column}] [--time={atime, access, use, ctime, status}]
[--help] [--version] [name...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of ls. dir and vdir are versionsof ls with different default output formats.
These programslist each given file or directory name. Directory contentsare sorted alphabetically. For ls, filesare by default
listed in columns, sorted vertically, if the standard output isa terminal; otherwise, they are listed one per line. For dir, files
are by default listed in columns, sorted vertically. For vdir, filesare by default listed in long format.
a, --all List all filesin directories, including all filesthat start with a period (.).
b, --escape Quote nongraphic charactersin filenamesusing alphabetic and octal backslash sequences
like those used in C.
c, --time=ctime, Sort directory contentsaccording to the files statuschange time instead of the modification
--time=status time. If the long listing format isbeing used, print the statuschange time instead of the
modification time.
d, --directory List directorieslike other files, rather than listing their contents.
f Do not sort directory contents; list them in whatever order they are stored on the disk. This
isthe same asenabling a and U and disabling l, s, and t.
--full-time List timesin full, rather than using the standard abbreviation heuristics.
g Ignored; for UNIX compatibility.
i, --inode Print the index number of each file to the left of the filename.
k, --kilobytes If file sizesare being listed, print them in kilobytes. Thisoverridesthe environment variable
l, --format=long, In addition to the name of each file, print the file type, permissions, number of hard links,
--format=verbose owner name, group name, size in bytes, and timestamp (the modification time unlessother
timesare selected). For fileswith a time that ismore than six monthsold or more than one
hour into the future, the timestamp containsthe year instead of the time of day.
m, --format=commas List fileshorizontally, with asmany aswill fit on each line, separated by commas.
n, --numeric-uid-gid List the numeric UID and GID instead of the names.
p Append a character to each filename indicating the file type.
q, --hide-control-chars Print question marksinstead of nongraphic charactersin filenames.
r, --reverse Sort directory contentsin reverse order.
s, --size Print the size of each file in 1KB blocksto the left of the filename. If the environment
variable POSIXLY_CORRECT isset, 512-byte blocksare used instead.
t, --sort=time Sort directory contentsby timestamp instead of alphabetically, with the newest fileslisted
u, --time=atime, Sort directory contentsaccording to the files last accesstime instead of the modification
--time=access,--time=use time. If the long listing format isbeing used, print the last accesstime instead of the
modification time.
ls, dir, vdir
Part I: User Commands
x, --format=across, List the filesin columns, sorted horizontally.
A, --almost-all List all filesin directories, except for . and ...
B, --ignore-backups Do not list filesthat end with , unlessthey are given on the command line.
C, --format=vertical List filesin columns, sorted vertically.
F, --classify Append a character to each filename indicating the file type. For regular filesthat are
executable, append a *. The file type indicatorsare / for directories, @ for symbolic links, |
for FIFOs, = for sockets, and nothing for regular files.
G, --nogroup Inhibit display of group information in a long format directory listing.
L, --dereference List the fileslinked to by symbolic linksinstead of listing the contentsof the links.
N, --literal Do not quote filenames.
Q, --quote-name Enclose filenamesin double quotesand quote nongraphic charactersasin C.
R, --recursive List the contentsof all directoriesrecursively.
S, --sort=size Sort directory contentsby file size instead of alphabetically, with the largest fileslisted first.
U, --sort=none Do not sort directory contents; list them in whatever order they are stored on the disk. This
option isnot called f because the UNIX ls f option also enablesa and disablesl, s,
and t. It seemsuselessand ugly to group those unrelated thingstogether in one option.
Because thisoption doesnt do that, it hasa different name.
X, --sort=extension Sort directory contentsalphabetically by file extension (charactersafter the last period); files
with no extension are sorted first.
1, --format=single-column List one file per line.
w, --width cols Assume the screen iscols columnswide. The default istaken from the terminal driver if
possible; otherwise, the environment variable COLUMNS isused if it isset; otherwise, the
default is80.
T, --tabsize cols Assume that each tab stop iscols columnswide. The default is8.
I, --ignore pattern Do not list fileswhose namesmatch the shell pattern pattern unlessthey are given on the
command line. Asin the shell, an initial period (.) in a filename doesnot match a wildcard
at the start of pattern.
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
--version Print version information on standard output then exit successfully.
On BSD systems, the s option reportssizesthat are half the correct valuesfor filesthat are NFS-mounted from HP-UX
systems. On HP-UX systems, it reportssizesthat are twice the correct valuesfor filesthat are NFS-mounted from BSD
systems. Thisisdue to a flaw in HP-UX; it also affectsthe HP-UX ls program.
GNU FileUtilities
lsattrList file attributeson a Linux second extended filesystem
lsattr [ Radv ] [ f i l es ... ]
lsattr liststhe filesattributeson an second extended filesystem.
-R Recursively list attributesof directoriesand their contents.
-a List all filesin directories, including filesthat start with period (.).
-d List directorieslike other files, rather than listing their contents.
-v List the filesversion.
lsattr hasbeen written by Remy Card (, the developer and maintainer of the ext2 fs.
There are none :-).
lsattr isavailable for anonymousFTP from and in /pub/linux/packages/ext2fs.
Version 0.5b, November 1994
lsmodshow the loaded modules
lsmod showsinformation about all loaded modules. The format is
name si ze [l i st of r ef er r i ng modul es]
si ze isin 4Kb pages.
Thisinformation isa copy of the contentsof /proc/modules.
insmod(1), modprobe(1), depmod(1), rmmod(1), ksyms(1), modules(2)
The module support wasfirst conceived by Anonymous(asfar asI know). Linux version by BasLaarhoven
(, 0.99.14 version by Jon Tombs(, extended by Bjorn Ekwall (
lsmod might have some, but they are well hidden.
Linux, 14 May1995
Part I: User Commands
lynxA general-purpose distributed information browser for the World Wide Web
lynx [opt i ons ] [pat h or URL]
Use lynx -help to display a complete list of current options.
lynx isa fully-featured World Wide Web (WWW) client for usersrunning cursor-addressable, character-cell display devices
(for example, vt100 terminals, vt100 emulatorsrunning on PCsor Macs, or any other curses-oriented display). It will
display Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) documentscontaining linksto filesresiding on the local system, aswell as
filesresiding on remote systemsrunning Gopher, HTTP, FTP, WAIS, and NNTP servers. Current versionsof lynx run on
lynx can be used to accessinformation on the World Wide Web, or to build information systemsintended primarily for
local access. For example, lynx hasbeen used to build several CampusWide Information Systems(CWIS). In addition, lynx
can be used to build systemsisolated within a single LAN.
At startup, lynx will load any local file or remote URL specified at the command line. For help with URLs, press? or h while
running lynx. Then follow the link titled Help on URLs.
- If the only argument is-, then lynx expectsto receive the argumentsfrom stdin. Thisisto allow
for the potentially very long command line that can be associated with the -get_data or -post_data
arguments. (See entriesfor each later in thislist.)
-anonymous Used to specify the anonymousaccount.
-ascii Disable kanji code translation when Japanese mode ison.
-auth=I D: PASSWD Set authorization ID and password for protected documentsat startup.
-book Use the bookmark page asthe startfile. The default or command line startfile isstill set for the
Main screen command, and will be used if the bookmark page isunavailable or blank.
-buried_news Togglesscanning of newsarticlesfor buried references, and convertsthem to newslinks. Not
recommended because e-mail addressesenclosed in angle bracketswill be converted to false news
links, and uuencoded messagescan be trashed.
-cache=NUMBER Set the NUMBER of documentscached in memory. The default is10.
-case Enable case-sensitive string searching.
-cfg=FI LENAME Specifiesa lynx configuration file other than the default lynx.cfg.
-child Exit on left-arrow in startfile, and disable save to disk.
-crawl With -traversal, output each page to a file. With -dump, format output aswith -traversal, but to
-display=DI SPLAY Set the display variable for X rexeced programs.
-dump Dumpsthe formatted output of the default document or one specified on the command line to
standard out. Thiscan be used in the following way: lynx -dump
-editor=EDI TOR Enable Edit mode using the specified EDITOR (vi, ed, emacs, and so on).
-emacskeys Enable Emacs-like key movement.
-enable_scrollback Toggle compatibility with comm programs scrollback keys(may be incompatible with some
-error_file=FI LE Define a file where lynx will report HTTP accesscodes.
-euc Set kanji code to EUC when Japanese mode ison.
-fileversions Include all versionsof filesin local VMS directory listings.
-force_html Forcesthe first document to be interpreted asHTML.
-ftp Disable FTP access.
-get_data Send form data from stdin using GET method and dump results.
-head Send a HEAD request for the mime headers.
-help Print thislynx command syntax usage message.
-historical Togglesuse of > or > asa terminator for comments.
-homepage=URL Set home page separate from start page.
-image_links Togglesinclusion of linksfor all images.
-index=URL Set the default index file to the specified URL.
-jpn TogglesJapanese character translationson or off.
-link=UMBER Starting count for lnk#.dat filesproduced by -crawl.
-localhost Disable URLsthat point to remote hosts.
-locexec Enable local program execution from local filesonly (if lynx wascompiled with local execution
-mime_header Printsthe MIME header of a fetched document along with itssource.
-minimal Togglesminimal versusvalid comment parsing.
-nobrowse Disable directory browsing.
-noexec Disable local program execution (default).
-nolist Disable the link list feature in dumps.
-nolog Disable mailing of error messagesto document owners.
-noprint Disable print functions.
-noredir Preventsautomatic redirection and printsa message with a link to the new URL.
-nostatus Disable the retrieval statusmessages.
-number_links Force numbering of links.
-post_data Send form data from stdin using POST method and dump results.
-print Enable print functions(default).
-pseudo_inlines Togglespseudo-ALTsfor inlineswith no ALT string.
-realm Restrictsaccessto URLsin the starting realm.
-reload Flushesthe cache on a proxy server (only the first document affected).
-restrictions=[option] Allowsa list of servicesto be disabled selectively. The following list isprinted if no optionsare
[,option][,option]... specified.
allRestrictsall options.
bookmark--Disallow changing the location of the bookmark file.
bookmark_exec--Disallow execution linksvia the bookmark file.
Change_exec_permsDisallow changing the execute permission on files(but still allow it for
directories) when local file management isenabled.
default--Same ascommand-line option -anonymous. Disablesdefault servicesfor anonymoususers.
Currently set to all restricted except for the following: inside_telnet, outside_telnet, inside_news,
inside_ftp, outside_ftp, inside_rlogin, outside_rlogin, jump, mail, and goto. Defaultsare settable
within userdefs.h.
dired_supportDisallow local file management.
disk_saveDisallow saving binary filesto disk in the download menu.
download--Disallow downloadersin the download menu.
editorDisallow editing.
exec--Disable execution scripts.
exec_frozen--Disallow the user from changing the local execution option.
file_url--Disallow using goto to go to file: URLs.
gotoDisable the g (goto) command.
Part I: User Commands
inside_ftpDisallow FTPsfor people coming from inside your domain. (utmp required for
inside_newsDisallow Usenet newsposting for people coming from inside your domain. (utmp
required for selectivity.)
inside_rloginDisallow rloginsfor people coming from inside your domain. (utmp required for
inside_telnet--Disallow Telnetsfor people coming from inside your domain. (utmp required for
jumpDisable the j (jump) command.
mail--Disable mailing feature.
news_post--Disable Usenet newsposting.
options_save--Disallow saving optionsin .lynxrc.
outside_ftpDisallow FTPsfor people coming from outside your domain. (utmp required for
outside_newsDisallow Usenet newsposting for people coming from outside your domain. (utmp
required for selectivity.)
outside_rloginDisallow rloginsfor people coming from outside your domain. (utmp required for
outside_telnetDisallow Telnetsfor people coming from outside your domain. (utmp required for
printDisallow most print options.
shellDisallow shell escapesand lynxexec or lynxprog gotos.
suspend--Disallow UNIX Ctrl+Z suspendswith escape to shell.
telnet_portDisallow specifying a port in Telnet gotos.
-rlogin Disable recognition of rlogin commands.
-selective Require .www browsable filesto browse directories.
-show_cursor If enabled, the cursor will not be hidden in the right-hand corner but will instead be positioned at
the start of the currently selected link. show_cursor isthe default for systemswithout FANCY_CURSES
capabilities, and the default configuration can be changed in userdefs.h.
-sjis Set kanji code to Shift JIS when Japanese mode ison.
-source Worksthe same asdump but outputsHTML source instead of formatted text.
-telnet Disable recognition of Telnet commands.
-term=TERM Tell lynx what terminal type to assume itstalking to. (Thismay be useful for remote execution
when, for example, lynx connectsto a remote TCP/IP port that startsa script that, in turn, starts
another lynx process.)
-trace Turnson WWW trace mode.
-traversal Traverse all HTTP linksderived from startfile. When used with -crawl, each link that begins
with the same string asstartfile isoutput to a file, intended for indexing. See CRAWL.announce for
more information.
-underscore Togglesuse of _underline_format in dumps.
-validate Accept only HTTP URLs(for validation). Complete security restrictionsalso are implemented.
-version Print version information.
-vikeys Enable vi-like key movement.
I Use Up arrow and Down arrow to scroll through hypertext links.
I Right arrow or Return will follow a highlighted hypertext link.
I Left Arrow will retreat from a link.
I Type h or ? for online help and descriptionsof keystroke commands.
I Type k for a complete list of the current keystroke command mappings.
Thisisthe Lynx 2.5 Release for UN*X/VMS.
If you wish to contribute to the further development of lynx, subscribe to our mailing list. Send e-mail to
with subscribe lynx-dev asthe only line in the body of your message.
Send bug reports, comments, and suggestionsto after subscribing.
Unsubscribe by sending e-mail to with unsubscribe lynx-dev asthe only line in the body of your message.
Do not send the unsubscribe message to the lynx-dev list itself.
lynx hasincorporated code from a variety of sourcesalong the way. The earliest versionsof lynx included code from Earl
Fogel of Computing Servicesat the University of Saskatchewan, who implemented HYPERREZ in the UN*X environment.
HYPERREZ wasdeveloped by Niel Larson of and served asthe model for the early versionsof lynx. Those versions
also incorporated librariesfrom the UN*X Gopher clientsdeveloped at the University of Minnesota, and the later versionsof
lynx rely on the WWW client library code developed by Tim Berners-Lee and the WWW community. Also a special thanks
to FoteosMacrides, who ported much of lynx to VMS and to everyone on the Net who hascontributed to lynxsdevelop-
ment either directly (through commentsor bug reports) or indirectly (through inspiration and development of other
Lou Montulli, Garrett Blythe, Craig Lavender, Michael Grobe, CharlesRezac
Academic Computing Services
University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas66047
Worcester Foundation
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts01545
macptopbmConvert a MacPaint file into a portable bitmap
macptopbm [-extraskip N][macpf i l e]
macptopbm readsa MacPaint file asinput and producesa portable bitmap asoutput.
-extraskip Thisflag isto get around a problem with some methodsof transferring filesfrom the Mac world to the
UNIX world. Most of these methodsleave the Mac filesalone, but a few of them add the find-erinfo data
onto the front of the UNIX file. Thismeansan extra 128 bytesto skip over when reading the file. The
symptom to watch for isthat the resulting PBM file looksshifted to one side. If you get this, try -
extraskip 128, and if that still doesnt look right, try another value.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
Part I: User Commands
picttoppm(1), pbmtomacp(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1988 by Jef Poskanzer. The MacPaint-reading code iscopyright 1987 by Patrick J. Naughton
29 March 1989
makeGNU make utility to maintain groupsof programs
make [ f makefile ] [ option ] ... target ...
Thisman page isan extract of the documentation of GNU make. It isupdated only occasionally because the GNU project
doesnot use nroff. For complete, current documentation, refer to the info file make or the DVI file make.dvi, which are
made from the texinfo source file make.texinfo.
The purpose of the make utility isto determine automatically which piecesof a large program need to be recompiled, and
issue the commandsto recompile them. Thismanual page describesthe GNU implementation of make, which waswritten by
Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath. Our examplesshow C programsbecause they are most common, but you can use
make with any programming language whose compiler can be run with a shell command. In fact, make isnot limited to
programs. You can use it to describe any task where some filesmust be updated automatically from otherswhenever the
To prepare to use make, you must write a file called the makefile that describesthe relationshipsamong filesin your program
and statesthe commandsfor updating each file. In a program, typically, the executable file isupdated from object files,
which are in turn made by compiling source files.
Once a suitable makefile exists, each time you change some source files, thissimple shell command:
sufficesto perform all necessary recompilations. The make program usesthe makefile database and the last-modification times
of the filesto decide which of the filesneed to be updated. For each of those files, it issuesthe commandsrecorded in the
make executescommandsin the makefile to update one or more target names, where name istypically a program. If no f
option ispresent, make will look for the makefilesGNU-makefile, makefile, and Makefile, in that order.
Normally you should call your makefile either makefile or Makefile. (We recommend Makefile because it appearspromi-
nently near the beginning of a directory listing, right near other important filessuch asREADME.) The first name checked,
GNUmakefile, isnot recommended for most makefiles. You should use thisname if you have a makefile that isspecific to
GNU make, and will not be understood by other versionsof make. If makefile is, the standard input isread.
make updatesa target if it dependson prerequisite filesthat have been modified since the target waslast modified, or if the
target doesnot exist.
-b, m These optionsare ignored for compatibility with other versionsof make.
C di r Change to directory di r before reading the makefilesor doing anything else. If multiple C optionsare specified,
each isinterpreted relative to the previousone: C / C etc isequivalent to C /etc. Thisistypically used with
recursive invocationsof make.
d Print debugging information in addition to normal processing. The debugging information sayswhich filesare
being considered for remaking, which file timesare being compared and with what results, which filesactually
need to be remade, which implicit rulesare considered and which are appliedeverything interesting about how
make decideswhat to do.
e Give variablestaken from the environment precedence over variablesfrom makefiles.
f f i l e Use f i l e asa makefile.
i Ignore all errorsin commandsexecuted to remake files.
I di r Specifiesa directory di r to search for included makefiles. If several I optionsare used to specify several directo-
ries, the directoriesare searched in the order specified. Unlike the argumentsto other flagsof make, directories
given with I flagsmay come directly after the flag: Idi r isallowed, aswell asI di r . Thissyntax isallowed for
compatibility with the C preprocessorsI flag.
j j obs Specifiesthe number of jobs(commands) to run simultaneously. If there ismore than one j option, the last one
iseffective. If the j option isgiven without an argument, make will not limit the number of jobsthat can run
k Continue asmuch aspossible after an error. Although the target that failed, and those that depend on it, cannot
be remade, the other dependenciesof these targetscan be processed all the same.
-l, Specifiesthat no new jobs(commands) should be started if there are other jobsrunning and the load average isat
l l oad least l oad (a floating-point number). With no argument, removesa previousload limit.
n Print the commandsthat would be executed, but do not execute them.
o f i l e Do not remake the file file even if it isolder than itsdependencies, and do not remake anything because of
changesin f i l e. Essentially, the file istreated asvery old and itsrulesare ignored.
p Print the database (rulesand variable values) that resultsfrom reading the makefiles; then execute asusual or as
otherwise specified. Thisalso printsthe version information given by the v switch (see below). To print the
database without trying to remake any files, use make p f/dev/null.
q Question mode. Do not run any commandsor print anything; just return an exit statusthat iszero if the specified
targetsare already up-to-date, nonzero otherwise.
r Eliminate use of the built-in implicit rules. Also clear out the default list of suffixesfor suffix rules.
s Silent operation; do not print the commandsasthey are executed.
S Cancel the effect of the k option. Thisisnever necessary except in a recursive make where k might be inherited
from the top-level make via MAKEFLAGS or if you set k in MAKEFLAGS in your environment.
t Touch files(mark them up-to-date without really changing them) instead of running their commands. Thisis
used to pretend that the commandswere done, in order to fool future invocationsof make.
v Print the version of the make program plusa copyright, a list of authors, and a notice that there isno warranty.
After thisinformation isprinted, processing continuesnormally. To get thisinformation without doing anything
else, use make v f/dev/null.
w Print a message containing the working directory before and after other processing. Thismay be useful for
tracking down errorsfrom complicated nestsof recursive make commands.
W file Pretend that the target file hasjust been modified. When used with the n flag, thisshowsyou what would
happen if you were to modify that file. Without n, it isalmost the same asrunning a touch command on the
given file before running make, except that the modification time ischanged only in the imagination of make.
TheGNU MakeManual
Part I: User Commands
See the chapter Problemsand Bugs in TheGNU MakeManual.
Thismanual page contributed by DennisMorse of Stanford University. It hasbeen reworked by Roland McGrath.
GNU, 22 August 1989
makedependCreate dependenciesin makefiles
makedepend [ Dname=def ][Dname ][Iincludedir ][Yincludedir ][a ]
[fmakefile ][oobjsuffix ][pobjprefix ][sstring ][wwidth ][v ][m ]
[otheroptions ] sour cef i l e . . .
makedepend readseach sour cef i l e in sequence and parsesit like a C-preprocessor, processing all #include, #define, #undef,
#ifdef, #ifndef, #endif, #if and #else directivesso that it can correctly tell which #include, directiveswould be used in a
compilation. Any #include, directivescan reference fileshaving other #include directives, and parsing will occur in these files
Every file that a source file includes, directly or indirectly, iswhat makedepend callsa dependency. These dependenciesare then
written to a makefile in such a way that make(1) will know which object filesmust be recompiled when a dependency has
By default, makedepend placesitsoutput in the file named makefile if it exists; otherwise, Makefile. An alternate makefile may
be specified with the f option. It first searchesthe makefile for the line:
# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE make depend depends on it.
or one provided with the s option, asa delimiter for the dependency output. If it findsit, it will delete everything following
thisto the end of the makefile and put the output after thisline. If it doesnt find it, the program will append the string to
the end of the makefile and place the output following that. For each sourcefile appearing on the command line, makedepend
putslinesin the makefile of the form:
sourcefile.o: dfile . . .
where sourcefile.o isthe name from the command line with itssuffix replaced with .o, and dfile isa dependency
discovered in a #include directive while parsing sour cef i l e or one of the filesit included.
Normally, makedepend will be used in a makefile target so that typing makedepend will bring the dependenciesup-to-date for
the makefile. For example,
SRCS = file1.c file2.c . . .
CFLAGS = O DHACK I../foobar xyz
makedepend $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS)
makedepend will ignore any option that it doesnot understand so that you may use the same argumentsthat you would for
Dname=def or Define. Thisplacesa definition for name in makedependssymbol table. Without =def, the symbol becomes
Dname defined as1.
Iincludedir Include directory. Thisoption tellsmakedepend to prepend includedir to itslist of directoriesto search
when it encountersa #include directive. By default, makedepend only searchesthe standard include
directories(usually /usr/include and possibly a compiler-dependent directory).
Yincludedir Replace all of the standard include directorieswith the single specified include directory; you can omit the
includedir to simply prevent searching the standard include directories.
a Append the dependenciesto the end of the file instead of replacing them.
fmakefile Filename. Thisallowsyou to specify an alternate makefile in which makedepend can place itsoutput.
oobjsuffix Object file suffix. Some systemsmay have object fileswhose suffix issomething other than .o. Thisoption
allowsyou to specify another suffix, such as.b with -o.b or :obj with -o:obj and so forth.
pobjprefix Object file prefix. The prefix isprepended to the name of the object file. Thisisusually used to designate a
different directory for the object file. The default isthe empty string.
sstring Starting string delimiter. Thisoption permitsyou to specify a different string for makedepend to look for in
the makefile.
wwidth Line width. Normally, makedepend will ensure that every output line that it writeswill be no wider than 78
charactersfor the sake of readability. Thisoption enablesyou to change thiswidth.
v Verbose operation. Thisoption causesmakedepend to emit the list of filesincluded by each input file on
standard output.
m Warn about multiple inclusion. Thisoption causesmakedepend to produce a warning if any input file
includesanother file more than once. In previousversionsof makedepend, thiswasthe default behavior; the
default hasbeen changed to better match the behavior of the C compiler, which doesnot consider
multiple inclusion to be an error. Thisoption isprovided for backwardscompatibility, and to aid in
debugging problemsrelated to multiple inclusion.
options If makedepend encountersa double hyphen () in the argument list, then any unrecognized argument
following it will be silently ignored; a second double hyphen terminatesthisspecial treatment. In thisway,
makedepend can be made to safely ignore esoteric compiler argumentsthat might normally be found in a
CFLAGS make macro. (See the preceding Example section.) All optionsthat makedepend recognizesand that
appear between the pair of double hyphensare processed normally.
The approach used in thisprogram enablesit to run an order of magnitude faster than any other dependency generator I
have ever seen. Central to thisperformance are two assumptions: that all filescompiled by a single makefile will be compiled
with roughly the same -I and -D options; and that most filesin a single directory will include largely the same files.
Given these assumptions, makedepend expectsto be called once for each makefile, with all source filesthat are maintained by
the makefile appearing on the command line. It parseseach source and include file exactly once, maintaining an internal
symbol table for each. Thus, the first file on the command line will take an amount of time proportional to the amount of
time that a normal C preprocessor takes. But on subsequent files, if it encountersan include file that it hasalready parsed, it
doesnot parse it again.
For example, imagine you are compiling two files, file1.c and file2.c; they both include the header file header.h, and the
file header.h in turn includesthe filesdef1.h and def2.h. When you run the command:
makedepend file1.c file2.c
makedepend will parse file1.c and consequently, header.h and then def1.h and def2.h. It then decidesthat the dependencies
for thisfile are
file1.o: header.h def1.h def2.h
But when the program parsesfile2.c and discoversthat it, too, includesheader.h, it doesnot parse the file, but simply adds
header.h, def1.h, and def2.h to the list of dependenciesfor file2.o.
cc(1), make(1)
Part I: User Commands
makedepend parses, but doesnot currently evaluate, the SVR4 #predicate(token-list) preprocessor expression; such
expressionsare simply assumed to be true. Thismay cause the wrong #include directivesto be evaluated.
Imagine you are parsing two files, say file1.c and file2.c, and each includesthe file def.h. The list of filesthat def.h
includesmight truly be different when def.h isincluded by file1.c than when it isincluded by file2.c. But when
makedepend arrivesat a list of dependenciesfor a file, it iscast in concrete.
Todd Brunhoff, Tektronix, Inc. and MIT Project Athena
X Version 11 Release6
makestrsMake string table C source and header(s)
makestrs [-f source] [-abioptions ...]
The makestrs command createsstring table C source filesand headers. If -f source isnot specified, makestrs will read from
stdin. The C source file isalwayswritten to stdout. makestrs createsone or more C header filesasspecified in the source file.
The following optionsmay be specified: -sparcabi, -intelabi, -functionabi, -arrayperabi, and -defaultabi.
-sparcabi isused on SPARC platformsconforming to the SPARC Compliance Definition, i.e., SVR4/Solaris.
-intelabi used on Intel platformsconforming to the System V Application Binary Interface (SVR4).
-earlyR6abi may be used in addition to -intelabi for situationswhere the vendor wishesto maintain binary compatibility
between X11R6 public-patch 11 (and earlier) and X11R6 public-patch 12 (and later).
-functionabi generatesa functional application binary interface to the string table. Thismechanism imposesa severe
performance penalty and itsrecommended that you not use it.
-arrayperabi resultsin a separate array for each string. Thisisthe default behavior if makestrs wascompiled with -
DARRAYPERSTR (it almost never is).
-defaultabi forcesthe generation of the normal string table even if makestrs wascompiled with -DARRAYPERSTR. makestrs is
almost never compiled with -DARRAYPERSTR, so thisisthe default behavior if no application binary interface (ABI) optionsare
The syntax for string-list file isasfollows(itemsin square bracketsare optional):
#prefix <text>
#feature <text>
#externref <text>
#externdef [<text>]
[#ctempl <text>]
#file <filename>
#table <tablename>
[#htempl] <text>
[#table <tablename>
#table <tablename>
[#file <filename>
You may have one or more #file directives. Each #file may have one or more #table directives.
The #prefix directive determinesthe string that makestr will prefix to each definition.
The #feature directive determinesthe string that makestr will use for the feature-test macro, for example, XSTRINGDEFINES.
The #externref directive determinesthe string that makestr will use for the extern clause; typically thiswill be extern, but
Motif wantsit to be externalref.
The #externdef directive determinesthe string that makestr will use for the declaration; typically, thiswill be the null string,
and Motif will use externaldef(_xmstrings).
The #ctmpl directive determinesthe name of the file used asa template for the C source file that isgenerated.
Each #file <f i l ename> directive will result in a corresponding header file by that name containing the appropriate definitions
asspecified by command-line options. A single C source file containing the declarationsfor the definitionsin all the headers
will be printed to stdout.
The #htmpl directive determinesthe name of the file used asa template for the C header file that isgenerated.
Each #table <t abl ename> directive will be processed in accordance with the ABI. On most platforms, all tableswill be
catenated into a single table with the name of the first table for that file. To conform to the Intel ABI, separate tableswill be
generated with the namesindicated.
The template filesspecified by the #ctmpl and #htmpl directivesare processed by copying line for line from the template file
to the appropriate output file. The line containing the string <<<STRING_TABLE_GOES_HERE>>> isnot copied to the output file.
The appropriate data isthen copied to the output file and then the remainder of the template file iscopied to the output file.
makestrs isnot very forgiving of syntax errors. Sometimesyou need a trailing space after # directives, other timesthey will
messyou up. No warning messagesare emitted.
SPARC Compliance Definition 2.2, SPARC International Inc., 535 Middlefield Road, Suite 210, Menlo Park, CA 94025
SystemV Application BinaryInterface, Third Edition, ISBN 0-13-100439-5, UNIX Press, PTR Prentice Hall, 113 Sylvan
Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ07632
SystemV Application BinaryInterface, Third Edition, Intel386 Architecture Processor Supplement, ISBN 0-13-104670-5,
UNIX Press, PTR Prentice Hall, 113 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
SystemV Application BinaryInterface, Third Edition, SPARCArchitecture Processor Supplement, ISBN 0-13-104696-9,
UNIX Press, PTR Prentice Hall, 113 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
X Version 11 Release6
mattribChange MS-DOS file attribute flags
mattrib [ -a|+a ][-h|+h ][-r|+r ][-s|+s ] msdosfile [ msdosfiles... ]
Part I: User Commands
mattrib addsattribute flagsto an MS-DOS file (with the + operator) or removesattribute flags(with the - operator).
mattrib allowsthe following command-line options:
a Archive bit. Used by some backup programsto indicate a new file.
r Read-only bit. Used to indicate a read-only file. Fileswith thisbit set cannot be erased by DEL or modified.
s System bit. Used by MS-DOS to indicate an operating system file.
h Hidden bit. Used to make fileshidden from DIR.
mbadblocksScan an MS-DOS floppy and mark itsunused bad blocksasbad.
mbadblocks drive:
mbadblocks scansan MS-DOSfloppy for bad blocks. All unused bad blocksare marked assuch in the FAT. Thisisintended
to be used right after mformat. It isnot intended to salvage bad disks.
Thisshould (but doesnt :-( ) also try to salvage bad blocksthat are in use by reading them repeatedly, and then mark them
mcdChange MS-DOS directory
mcd [ msdosdirectory ]
Without arguments, mcd will report the current device and working directory. Otherwise, mcd changesthe current device and
current working directory relative to an MS-DOS filesystem.
The environmental variable MCWD may be used to locate the file where the device and current working directory information is
stored. The default is$HOME/.mcwd. Information in thisfile isignored if the file ismore than six hoursold.
MS-DOSsubdirectory namesare supported with either the / or \ separator. The use of the \ separator or wildcardswill
require the directory name to be enclosed in quotesto protect it from the shell.
mcd returns0 on successor 1 on failure.
Unlike MS-DOS versionsof CD, mcd can be used to change to another device.
It may be wise to remove old .mcwd filesat logout.
mcookieGenerate magic cookiesfor xauth
mcookie generatesa 128-bit random hexadecimal number for use with the X authority system. Typical usage:
xauth add :0 . mcookie
X(1), xauth(1)
12 February1995
mcopyCopy MS-DOS filesto/from UNIX
mcopy [ -tnvmoOsSrRA ] sour cef i l e t ar get f i l e
mcopy [ -tnvmoOsSrRA ] sour cef i l e [ sour cef i l es... ] t ar get di r ect or y
mcopy [ -tnvm ] MSDOSsour cef i l e
mcopy copiesthe specified file to the named file, or copiesmultiple filesto the named directory. The source and target can be
either MS-DOS or UNIX files.
The use of a drive letter designation on the MS-DOSfilesa: for exampledeterminesthe direction of the transfer. A
missing drive designation impliesa UNIX file whose path startsin the current directory. If a source drive letter isspecified
with no attached filename (for example, mcopy a: .), all filesare copied from that drive.
If only a single, MS-DOS source parameter isprovided (for example, mcopy a:foo.exe), an implied destination of the current
directory (.) isassumed.
A filename of - meansstandard input or standard output, depending on itsposition on the command line.
mcopy will allow the following command-line options:
t Text file transfer. mcopy will translate incoming carriage return/line feedsto line feeds.
n No warning. mcopy will not warn the user when overwriting an existing file.
v Verbose mode.
m Preserve the file modification time.
If the target file already exists, and the -n option isnot in effect, mcopy askswhether to overwrite the file or to rename the new
file. (See the mtools(1) man page for details.)
Part I: User Commands
mtools(1), mread(1), mwrite(1)
Unlike MS-DOS, the + operator (append) from MS-DOSisnot supported.
md5sumGenerate/check MD5 message digests
md5sum [bv][c [ f i l e ]]
md5sum file ...
md5sum generatesand checksMD5 message digests, asdescribed in RFC-1321. The message digest produced can be thought
of asa 128-bit signature of the input file. Typically, md5sum isused to verify the integrity of filesmade available for
distribution via anonymousFTP (for example, announcementsfor new versionsof irc(1) usually contain MD5 signatures).
Message digestsfor a tree of filescan be generated with a command similar to the following:
find . -type f -print | xargs md5sum
The output of thiscommand issuitable asinput for the c option.
c [f i l e] Check message digests. Input istaken from stdin or from the specified file. The input should be in the
same format asthe output generated by md5sum.
v Verbose. Print filenameswhen checking.
b Read filesin binary mode; otherwise, end-of-file conventionswill be ignored.
The md5sum program waswritten by Branko Lankester and may be freely distributed. The original source code isin the MIT
PGP 2.6.2 distribution. Those concerned about the integrity of thisversion should obtain the original sourcesand compile
their own version.
The underlying implementation of Ron RivestsMD5 algorithm waswritten by Colin Plumb and isin the public domain.
(Equivalent code isalso available from RSA Data Security, Inc.)
sum(1), cksum(1), pgp(1)
Linux 1.0, 11 February1995
mdelDelete an MS-DOS file
mdel [ -v ] msdosf i l e [ msdosf i l es... ]
mdel deletesa file on an MS-DOS filesystem.
mdel will allow the following command-line option:
v Verbose mode. Echo the filenamesasthey are processed.
mdel will ask for verification prior to removing a readonly file.
mdeltreeRemove an MS-DOS directory tree
mdeltree [ -v ] msdosdi r ect or y [ msdosdi r ect or i es... ]
mdeltree removesa directory and all the filesand subdirectoriesit containsfrom an MS-DOS filesystem. mdeltree will allow
the following command-line option:
v Verbose mode. Displayseach file or directory asit isremoved.
An error occursif the directory doesnot exist.
mtools(1), mrd(1)
mdirDisplay an MS-DOSdirectory
mdir [ -w ] msdosdi r ect or y
mdir [ -w ][-a ] msdosf i l e [ msdosf i l es... ]
mdir displaysthe contentsof an MS-DOSdirectory.
mdir will allow the following command-line options:
w Wide output. Thisoption will print the filenamesacrossthe page without displaying the file size or creation date.
a Also list hidden files.
An error occursif a component of the path isnot a directory.
Part I: User Commands
mergeThree-way file merge
merge [ opt i ons ] f i l e1 f i l e2 f i l e3
merge incorporatesall changesthat lead from f i l e2 to f i l e3 into f i l e1. The result ordinarily goesinto f i l e1. merge isuseful
for combining separate changesto an original. Suppose f i l e2 isthe original, and both f i l e1 and f i l e3 are modificationsof
f i l e2. Then merge combinesboth changes.
A conflict occursif both f i l e1 and f i l e3 have changesin a common segment of lines. If a conflict isfound, merge normally
outputsa warning and bracketsthe conflict with <<<<<<< and >>>>>>> lines. A typical conflict will look like this:
<<<<<<< f i l e A
l i nes i n f i l e A
l i nes i n f i l e B
>>>>>>> f i l e B
If there are conflicts, the user should edit the result and delete one of the alternatives.
A Output conflictsusing the A style of diff3(1), if supported by diff3. Thismergesall changesleading from file2
to file3 into file1, and generatesthe most verbose output.
E, e These optionsspecify conflict stylesthat generate lessinformation than A. See diff3(1) for details. The default is
E. With e, merge doesnot warn about conflicts.
L l abel Thisoption may be given up to three times, and specifieslabelsto be used in place of the corresponding filenames
in conflict reports. That is, mergeLxL y Lz a b c generatesoutput that lookslike it came from filesx, y, and z
instead of from filesa, b, and c.
p Send resultsto standard output instead of overwriting file1.
q Quiet; do not warn about conflicts.
V Print RCSsversion number.
Exit statusis0 for no conflicts, 1 for some conflicts, 2 for trouble.
Author: Walter F. Tichy.
Manual Page Revision: 5.7; Release Date: 1995/06/01.
Copyright 1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy.
Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Paul Eggert.
diff3(1), diff(1), rcsmerge(1), co(1)
It normally doesnot make sense to merge binary filesasif they were text, but merge triesto do it anyway.
GNU, 1 June1995
mesgDisplay (do not display) messagesfrom other users
mesg [n][y]
The mesg utility isinvoked by a usersto control write accessothershave to the terminal device associated with the standard
error output. If write accessisallowed, then programssuch astalk(1) and write(1) may display messageson the terminal.
Traditionally, write accessisallowed by default. However, asusersbecome more consciousof varioussecurity risks, there isa
trend to remove write accessby default, at least for the primary login shell. To make sure your ttysare set the way you want
them to be set, mesg should be executed in your login scripts.
n Disallowsmessages
y Permitsmessagesto be displayed
If no argumentsare given, mesg displaysthe present message statusto the standard error output.
The mesg utility exitswith one of the following values:
\0 Messagesare allowed.
\1 Messagesare not allowed.
1 An error hasoccurred.
biff(1), talk(1), write(1), wall(1), login(1), xterm(1)
A mesg command appeared in version 6 AT&T UNIX.
Linux 1.2, 10 March 1995
mformatAdd an MS-DOS filesystem to a low-level formatted disk
mformat [ -t tracks ] [ -h heads ] [ -s sectors ] [ -l volume label ]
[ -S sizecode ] [ -2 sectors on track 0 ] [ -M software sector size ]
[ -a ][-X ][-C ][-H hidden sectors ] drive:
mformat addsa minimal MS-DOSfilesystem (boot sector, FAT, and root directory) to a disk that hasalready been formatted
by a UNIX low-level format.
The follow optionsare supported: (The S, 2, 1, and M optionsmay not exist if thiscopy of mtools hasbeen compiled without
the USE_2M option).
Part I: User Commands
t The number of tracks(not cylinders).
h The number of heads(sides).
s The number of sectorsper track. If the 2m option isgiven, number of 512-byte sector equivalentson generic tracks
(that is, not head 0 track). If the 2m option isnot given, number of physical sectorsper track (which may be bigger
than 512 bytes).
l An optional volume label.
S The sizecode. The size of the sector is2 (sizecode + 7).
2 2m format. The parameter to thisoption describesthe number of sectorson track 0, head 0. Thisoption is
recommended for sectorsbigger than normal.
1 Dont use a 2m format, even if the current geometry of the disk isa 2m geometry.
M Software sector size. Thisparameter describesthe sector size in bytesused by the MS-DOS filesystem. By default
it isthe physical sector size.
a If thisoption isgiven, an Atari-style serial number isgenerated. Atarisstore their serial number in the OEM label.
X Formatsthe disk asan Xdf disk. Xdf disksare used by OS/2. Thisformat can hold 1756Kb, and isfaster than the
equivalent 2m formats. The disk hasfirst to be low-level formatted using the xdfcopy utility included in the fdutils
C Createsthe disk image file to install the MS-DOS filesystem on it. Obviously, thisisuselesson physical devices
such asfloppiesand hard disk partitions.
H Number of hidden sectors. Thisparameter isuseful for formatting hard disk partitions, which are not aligned on
track boundaries(in other words, first head of first track doesnt belong to the partition, but containsa partition
table). In that case the number of hidden sectorsisin general the number of sectorsper cylinder. Thisisuntested.
n Serial number.
To format a disk at a density other than the default, you must supply (at least) those command-line parametersthat are
different from the default.
Mformat returns0 on successor 1 on failure.
Requiresa low-level format utility from UNIX.
Doesnt detect (or record) bad block information.
mgrtopbmConvert an MGR bitmap into a portable bitmap
mgrtopbm [mgr f i l e]
mgrtopbm readsan MGR bitmap asinput and producesa portable bitmap asoutput.
pbmtomgr(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
24 January1989
mkdirMake directories
mkdir [p] [m mode] [--parents] [--mode=mode] [--help] [--version] dir...
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of mkdir. mkdir createsa directory with each given name. By default, the
mode of created directoriesis0777 minusthe bitsset in the umask.
m, --mode mode Set the mode of created directoriesto mode, which issymbolic asin chmod and usesthe default mode asthe
point of departure.
p, --parents Ensure that each given directory exists. Create any missing parent directoriesfor each argument. Parent
directoriesdefault to the umask modified by u+wx. Do not consider an argument directory that already
existsto be an error.
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
--version Print version information on standard output then exit successfully.
GNU FileUtilities
mkdirhierMake a directory hierarchy
mkdirhier di r ect or y ...
The mkdirhier command createsthe specified directories. Unlike mkdir, if any of the parent directoriesof the specified
directory do not exist, it createsthem aswell.
X Version 11 Release6
mkfifoMake FIFOs(named pipes)
mkfifo [m mode] [--mode=mode] [--help] [--version] filename...
Part I: User Commands
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of mkfifo. mkfifo createsa FIFO with each given name. By default, the mode
of created FIFOsis0666 minusthe bitsset in the umask.
m, --mode mode Set the mode of created FIFOsto mode, which issymbolic asin chmod and usesthe default mode asthe
point of departure.
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
--version Print version information on standard output then exit successfully.
GNU FileUtilities
mkmanifestCreate a shell script to restore UNIX filenames
mkmanifest [ f i l es ]
mkmanifest createsa shell script that will aid in the restoration of UNIX filenamesthat got clobbered by the MS-DOS
filename restrictions. MS-DOSfilenamesare restricted to eight-character names, three-character extensions, uppercase only,
no device names, and no illegal characters.
The mkmanifest program iscompatible with the methodsused in pcomm, arc, and mtools to change perfectly good UNIX
filenamesto fit the MS-DOS restrictions.
Say you want to copy the following UNIX filesto an MS-DOS disk (using the mcopy command):
mcopy will convert the namesto
The command:
mkmanifest very_long_name 2.many.dots illegal: good.c Capital > manifest
would produce the following:
mv very_lon very_long_name
mv 2.many.dots
mv illegalx illegal:
mv capital Capital
Notice that good.c did not require any conversion, so it did not appear in the output.
Suppose Ive copied these filesfrom the disk to another UNIX system, and I now want the filesback to their original names.
If the file manifest (the output captured above) wassent along with those files, it could be used to convert the filenames.
The short namesgenerated by mkmanifest follow the old convention (from mtools-2.0.7) and not the one from Windows95
and mtools-3.0.
arc(1), pcomm(1), mtools(1)
mknodMake special files
mknod [options] filename {bcu} major minor
mknod [options] filename p
[m mode] [--mode=mode] [--help] [--version]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of mknod. mknod createsa FIFO, character special file, or block special file with
the given filename. By default, the mode of created filesis0666 minusthe bitsset in the umask.
The argument after filename specifiesthe type of file to make:
p for a FIFO
b for a block (buffered) special file
c or u for a character (unbuffered) special file
When making a block or character special file, the major and minor device numbersmust be given after the file type.
m, --mode mode Set the mode of created filesto mode, which issymbolic asin chmod and usesthe default mode asthe point
of departure.
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
--version Print version information on standard output then exit successfully.
GNU FileUtilities
mlabelMake an MS-DOSvolume label
mlabel [ -v ] drive: [ new_l abel ]
Part I: User Commands
mlabel displaysthe current volume label, if present. If new_l abel isnot given, and if neither the c nor the s optionsare set, it
promptsthe user for a new volume label. To delete an existing volume label, pressreturn at the prompt.
mlabel supportsthe following command-line option:
v Verbose mode. Display the new volume label if the label supplied isinvalid.
c Clearsan existing label, without prompting the user.
s Showsthe existing label, without prompting the user.
Reasonable care istaken to create a valid MS-DOSvolume label. If an invalid label isspecified, mlabel will change the label
(and display the new label if the verbose mode isset).
Mlabel returns0 on successor 1 on failure.
mmdMake an MS-DOSsubdirectory
mmd [ -voOsSrRA ] msdosdi r ect or y [ msdosdi r ect or i es... ]
mmd makesa new directory on an MS-DOS filesystem.
mmd will allow the following command-line option:
v Verbose mode. Display the new directory name asit iscreated.
An error occursif the directory already exists.
mtools(1), mrd(1),
mmountMount an MS-DOS disk
mmount msdosdrive [mountargs]
mmount readsthe boot sector of an MS-DOSdisk, configuresthe drive geometry, and finally mountsit, passing mountargs to
mount. If no mount argumentsare specified, the name of the device isused. If the disk iswrite-protected, it isautomatically
mounted read-only.
mtools(1), mount(8)
mmoveMove or rename an existing MS-DOSfile or subdirectory
mmove [ -voOsSrRA ] sour cef i l e t ar get f i l e
mmove [ -voOsSrRA ] sourcefile [ sourcefiles... ] targetdirectory
mmove movesor renamesan existing MS-DOS file or subdirectory.
mmove will allow the following command-line option:
v Verbose mode. Display the new filename if the name supplied isinvalid.
Additionally, it allowsthe clash-handling optionsdescribed in the man page for mtools.
MS-DOSsubdirectory namesare supported with either the / or \ separator. The use of the \ separator or wildcardswill
require the namesto be enclosed in quotesto protect them from the shell. Unlike the MS-DOS version of MOVE, mmove isable
to move subdirectories.
mren(1), mtools(1)
moreFile perusal filter for crt viewing
more [-dlfpcsu] [-num] [+/ pattern] [+ linenum]
more isa filter for paging through text one screenful at a time. Thisversion isespecially primitive. Usersshould realize that
less(1) providesmore(1) emulation and extensive enhancements.
Command-line optionsare described in the following list. Optionsare also taken from the environment variable MORE (make
sure to precede them with a hyphen (-)) but command-line optionswill override them.
-num Thisoption specifiesan integer that isthe screen size (in lines).
-d more will prompt the user with the message [Press space to continue, q to quit.] and will display [Press h
for instructions.] instead of ringing the bell when an illegal key ispressed.
-l more usually treats(form feed) asa special character, and will pause after any line that containsa form feed. The -l
option will prevent thisbehavior.
-f Causesmore to count logical, rather than screen lines(that is, long linesare not folded).
-p Do not scroll. Instead, clear the whole screen and then display the text.
-c Do not scroll. Instead, paint each screen from the top, clearing the remainder of each line asit isdisplayed.
Part I: User Commands
-s Squeeze multiple blank linesinto one.
-u Suppressunderlining.
+/ The +/ option specifiesa string that will be searched for before each file isdisplayed.
+num Start at line number.
Interactive commandsfor more are based on vi(1). Some commandsmay be preceded by a decimal number, called k in the
following descriptions. In the following descriptions, X meanscontrol-X.
h or ? Help: display a summary of these commands. If you forget all the other commands, remember thisone.
SPACE Display next k linesof text. Defaultsto current screen size.
z Display next k linesof text. Defaultsto current screen size. Argument becomesnew default.
RETURN Display next k linesof text. Defaultsto 1. Argument becomesnew default.
d or D Scroll k lines. Default iscurrent scroll size, initially 11. Argument becomesnew default.
q or Q INTERRUPT Exit.
s Skip forward k linesof text. Defaultsto 1.
f Skip forward k screenfulsof text. Defaultsto 1.
b or B Skip backwardsk screenfulsof text. Defaultsto 1.
Go to place where previoussearch started.
= Display current line number.
/pattern Search for kth occurrence of regular expression. Defaultsto 1.
n Search for kth occurrence of last r.e. Defaultsto 1.
!<cmd> or :!<cmd> Execute <cmd> in a subshell.
v Start up /usr/bin/vi at current line.
L Redraw screen.
:n Go to kth next file. Defaultsto 1.
:p Go to kth previousfile. Defaultsto 1.
Ic :f Display current filename and line number.
. Repeat previouscommand.
more utilizesthe following environment variables, if they exist:
MORE Thisvariable may be set with favored optionsto more.
SHELL Current shell in use (normally set by the shell at login time).
TERM Specifiesterminal type, used by more to get the terminal characteristicsnecessary to manipulate the screen.
vi(1), less(1)
Eric Shienbrood, UC Berkeley. Modified by Geoff Peck, UCB to add underlining, single spacing. Modified by John
Foderaro, UCB to add -c and MORE environment variable.
The more command appeared in BSD 3.0. Thisman page documentsmore version 5.19 (Berkeley 29 June 1988), which is
currently in use in the Linux community. Documentation wasproduced using several other versionsof the man page, and
extensive inspection of the source code.
Linux 0.98, 25 December 1992
mrdRemove an MS-DOSsubdirectory
mrd [ -v ] msdosdirectory [ msdosdirectories... ]
mrd removesa directory from an MS-DOS filesystem. mmd will allow the following command-line option:
v Verbose mode. Display the directory name asit isremoved.
An error occursif the directory doesnot exist or isnot empty.
mtools(1), mmd(1), mdeltree(1)
mreadRead (copy) an MS-DOS file to UNIX
mread [ -tnvmoOsSrRA ] msdosf i l e uni xf i l e
mread [ -tnvmoOsSrRA ] msdosf i l e [ msdosf i l es... ] uni xdi r ect or y
Thiscommand isobsolete, and only supplied for backwardscompatibility reasonswith old scripts. Use mcopy instead.
mcopy(1), mtype(1), mtools(1)
mrenRename or move an existing MS-DOS file or subdirectory
mren [ -voOsSrRA ] sour cef i l e t ar get f i l e
mmove [ -voOsSrRA ] sourcefile [ sourcefiles... ] targetdirectory
mren renamesan existing file on an MS-DOSfilesystem.
Mren will allow the following command-line option:
voOsSrRA Verbose mode. Display the new filename if the name supplied isinvalid.
If the first syntax isused (only one sourcefile), and if the target name doesnt contain any slashesor colons, the file (or
subdirectory) will be renamed in the same directory, instead of being moved to the current mcd directory aswould be the case
with mmove. Unlike the MS-DOS version of REN, mren can be used to rename directories.
Part I: User Commands
Unlike the MS-DOS version of REN, mren can be used to rename directories.
mtestTest the mtools configuration files
mtest readsthe mtools configuration filesand printsthe cumulative configuration to stdout. The output can be used asa
configuration file itself (although you might want to remove redundant clauses). You may use thisprogram to convert old-
style configuration filesinto new style configuration files.
mtoolsA collection of toolsfor manipulating MS-DOS files
The mtools are
mattribChange MS-DOS file attribute flags
mbadblocksTest a floppy disk, and mark the bad blocksin the FAT
mcdChange MS-DOS directory
mcopyCopy MS-DOS filesto/from UNIX
mdelDelete an MS-DOS file
mdirDisplay an MS-DOSdirectory
mformatAdd an MS-DOS filesystem to a low-level formatted floppy disk
mlabelMake an MS-DOSvolume label
mmdMake an MS-DOSsubdirectory
mmountMount an MS-DOS disk
mrdRemove an MS-DOSsubdirectory
mmoveMove or rename an MS-DOS file or subdirectory
mrenRename an existing MS-DOSfile
mtypeDisplay contentsof an MS-DOS file
mtestTest and display the configuration
mtools isa public domain collection of programsto allow UNIX systemsto read, write, and manipulate fileson an MS-DOS
filesystem (typically a floppy disk). Where reasonable, each program attemptsto emulate the MS-DOSequivalent command.
However, unnecessary restrictionsand odditiesof DOS are not emulated. For instance, it ispossible to move subdirectories
from one subdirectory to another.
MS-DOSfilenamesare optionally composed of a drive letter followed by a colon, a subdirectory, and a filename. Filenames
without a drive letter refer to UNIX files. Subdirectory namescan use either the / or \ separator. The use of the \ separator
or wildcardswill require the namesto be enclosed in quotesto protect them from the shell. (Note: Wildcardsin UNIX
filenamesshould not be enclosed in quotes, because here userswant the shell to expand them.)
The regular expression pattern matching routinesfollow the UNIX-style rules. For example, * matchesall MS-DOS files
in lieu of *.*. The archive, hidden, read-only, and system attribute bitsare ignored during pattern matching.
All optionsuse the - (minus) flag, not / asyoud expect in MS-DOS.
Most mtools commandsallow multiple filename parameters, which doesnt follow MS-DOS conventions, but which ismore
user friendly.
The mcd command isused to establish the device and the current working directory (relative to the MS-DOSfilesystem);
otherwise, the default isassumed to be A:/. However, unlike MS-DOS, there isonly one working directory, and not one per
Thisversion of mtools supportsVFAT-style long filenames. If a UNIX filename istoo long to fit in a short DOS name, it is
stored asa VFAT long name, and a companion short name isgenerated. Thisshort name iswhat you see when you examine
the disk with a pre-7.0 version of DOS. The following table showssome examplesof short names:
UNIX Name MS-DOS Name Reason for theChange
thisisatest THISISAT Filename too long
alain.knaff ALAIN.KNA Extension too long
prn.txt XRN.TXT PRN isa device name
.abc X.ABC Null filename
hot+cold HOTXCOLD Illegal character
The initial UNIX-style filename (whether long or short) isalso called primaryname, and the derived short name isalso called
mcopy /etc/motd a:Reallylongname
mtools createsa VFAT entry for Reallylongname, and usesREALLYLO asa short name. Reallylongname isthe primary name, and
REALLYLO isthe secondary name.
In thisexample:
copy /etc/motd a:motd
motd fitsinto the DOS filename limits. mtools doesnt need to derivate another name. motd isthe primary name, and there is
no secondary name.
In a nutshell: The primary name isthe long name, if one exists, or the short name if there isno long name.
Part I: User Commands
When writing a file to disk, itslong name (primary name) or short name may collide with an already existing file or
directory. Thismay happen for all commandsthat create new directory entries: mcopy, mmd, mren, mmove, mwrite, and mread.
When a name clash happens, mtools asksyou what it should do. It offersseveral choices:
overwrite Overwritesthe existing file. It isnot possible to overwrite a directory with a file.
rename Renamesthe newly created file. mtools will prompt for the new filename.
autorename Renamesthe newly created file. mtools will chose a name by itself, without prompting.
skip Givesup on thisfile, and moveson to the next (if any).
To choose an option, type itsfirst letter at the prompt. If you use a lowercase letter, the option appliesfor thisfile only; if
you use an uppercase letter, the option appliesto all files.
You may also choose options(for all files) on the command line when invoking mtools:
-o Overwritesprimary namesby default
-O Overwritessecondary namesby default
-r Renamesprimary name by default
-R Renamessecondary name by default
-a Autorenamesprimary name by default
-A Autorenamessecondary name by default
-s Skipsprimary name by default
-S Skipssecondary name by default
-m Asksuser what to do with primary name
-M Asksuser what to do with secondary name
By default, the user isprompted if the primary name clashes, and the secondary name isautorenamed.
If a name clash occursin a UNIX directory, mtools only askswhether to overwrite the file or to skip it.
The VFAT filesystem isable to remember the case of the filenames. However, filenamesthat differ only in case are not
allowed to coexist in the same directory. For example if you store a file called LongFileName on a VFAT filesystem, mdir will
show thisfile asLongFileName, and not asLongfilename. However, if you then try to add LongFilename to the same directory,
it will be refused, because case isignored for clash checks.
The VFAT filesystem allowsthe storing of the case of a filename in the attribute byte, if all lettersof the filename are the
same case, and if all lettersof the extension are the same case too. mtools usesthisinformation when displaying the files, and
also to generate the UNIX when mcopying to a UNIX directory. Thismay have unexpected resultswhen applied to files
written using a pre-7.0 version of DOS; indeed, these filenamesmap to all uppercase. Thisisdifferent from the behavior of
the old version of mtools, which used to generate lowercase UNIX filenames.
Xdf isa high-capacity format supported by OS/2. It can hold 1,840KB per disc. Thatsnot very high compared to the best
2m formats, but itsmain advantage isthat it isfast: 600 millisecondsper track. Thatsfaster than the good old 21 sector
format, and almost asfast asthe standard 18 sector format. In order to accessthese disks, set the use_xdf variable for the
drive. See mtools(5) for detailson how to do this. Fast Xdf accessisonly available for kernelsmore recent than 1.1.34.
Attention distributors: If mtools iscompiled on Linux, on a kernel more recent than 1.3.34, it wont run on an older
kernel. However, if it hasbeen compiled on an older kernel, it will still run on a newer kernel, except that Xdf accessis
slower. It isrecommended that distribution authorsonly include mtools binariescompiled on kernelsolder than 1.3.34
until 2.0 comesout. When 2.0 isout, mtools binariescompiled on newer kernelsmay (and should) be distributed. mtools
binariescompiled on kernelsolder than 1.3.34 wont run on any kernel 2.1 or later.
All the mtools commandsreturn 0 on success, 1 on utter failure, or 2 on partial failure. All the mtools commandsperform a
few sanity checksbefore going ahead, to make sure that the disk isindeed an MS-DOS disk (asopposed to, say, an ext2 or
minix disk). These checksmay reject partially corrupted disks, which might otherwise still be readable. To avoid these
checks, set the MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK environmental variable.
mattrib(1), mbadblocks(1), mcd(1), mdel(1), mformat(1), mmove(1), mrd(1), mren(1), mtype(1), mcopy(1), mdir(1), mlabel(1),
mmd(1), mmount(1)
An unfortunate side effect of not guessing the proper device (when multiple disk capacitiesare supported) isan occasional
error message from the device driver. These can be safely ignored.
The fat checking code chokeson 1.72MB disksmformatted with pre-2.0.7 mtools. Set the environmental variable
MTOOLS_FAT_COMPATIBILITY to bypassthe fat checking.
The support for non-Linux OS variantshasnot been tested for a long time. It may contain bugs, or even not work at all.
mtvtoppmConvert output from the MTV or PRT ray tracersinto a portable pixmap
mtvtoppm [mt vf i l e]
mtvtoppm readsan input file from Mark Van De WetteringsMTV ray tracer and producesa portable pixmap asoutput.
The PRT ray tracer also producesthisformat.
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer
2 February1989
mtypeDisplay contentsof an MS-DOS file
mtype [ -ts ] msdosf i l e [ msdosf i l es... ]
Part I: User Commands
mtype displaysthe specified MS-DOS file on the screen.
mtype will allow the following command-line options:
t Text file viewing. mtype will translate incoming carriage return/line feedsto line feeds.
s Strip high bit. mtype will strip the high bit from the data.
MS-DOSsubdirectory namesare supported with either the / or \ separator. The use of the \ separator or wildcardswill
require the namesto be enclosed in quotesto protect them from the shell.
The mcd command may be used to establish the device and the current working directory (relative to MS-DOS); otherwise,
the default isA:/.
mtype returns0 on success, 1 on utter failure, or 2 on partial failure.
mcd(1), mread(1)
Allowsmultiple arguments, which doesnot follow the MS-DOS convention.
mvRename files
mv [options] source dest
mv [options] source... directory
[bfiuv] [S backup-suffix] [V {numbered,existing,simple}] [--backup] [--force]
[--interactive] [--update] [--verbose] [--suffix=backup-suffix]
[--version-control={numbered,existing,simple}] [--help] [--version]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of mv. If the last argument namesan existing directory, mv moveseach other
given file into a file with the same name in that directory. Otherwise, if only two filesare given, it movesthe first onto the
second. It isan error if the last argument isnot a directory and more than two filesare given. It can move only regular files
acrossfilesystems. If a destination file isunwritable, the standard input isa tty, and the f or --force option isnot given, mv
promptsthe user for whether to overwrite the file. If the response doesnot begin with y or Y, the file isskipped.
b, --backup Make backupsof filesthat are about to be removed.
f, --force Remove existing destination filesand never prompt the user.
i, --interactive Prompt whether to overwrite each destination file that already exists. If the response does
not begin with y or Y, the file isskipped.
u, --update Do not move a nondirectory that hasan existing destination with the same or newer
modification time.
v, --verbose Print the name of each file before moving it.
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully.
S, --suffix backup-suffix The suffix used for making simple backup filescan be set with the SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX
environment variable, which can be overridden by thisoption. If neither of those isgiven,
the default is, asit isin Emacs.
V, --version-control The type of backupsmade can be set with the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable, which
{numbered,existing,simple} can be overridden by thisoption. If VERSION_CONTROL isnot set and thisoption isnot given,
the default backup type isexisting. The value of the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable
and the argument to thisoption are like the GNU Emacsversion-control variable; they
also recognize synonymsthat are more descriptive.
The valid valuesare the following (unique abbreviationsare accepted):
t or numbered--Alwaysmake numbered backups.
nil or existing--Make numbered backupsof filesthat already have them, simple backupsof
the others.
never or simpleAlwaysmake simple backups.
GNU FileUtilities
mwriteLow-level write (copy) a UNIX file to MS-DOS
mwrite [ -tnvmoOsSrRA ] uni xf i l e msdosf i l e
mwrite [ -tnvmoOsSrRA ] uni xf i l e [ uni xf i l es... ] msdosdi r ect or y
Thiscommand isobsolete and only supplied for backward compatibility reasonswith old scripts. Use mcopy instead.
mcopy(1), mtools(1)
nameiFollow a pathname until a terminal point isfound
namei [-mx] pat hname [ pat hname ... ]
namei usesitsargumentsaspathnamesto any type of UNIX file (symlinks, files, directories, and so forth). namei then follows
each pathname until a terminal point isfound (a file, directory, char device, and so on). If it findsa symbolic link, the user
showsthe link, and startsfollowing it, indenting the output to show the context.
Thisprogram isuseful for finding too many levels of symbolic links problems.
For each line output, namei outputsthe following charactersto identify the file typesfound:
f: The pathname the user iscurrently trying to resolve
d Directory
l Symbolic link (both the link and itscontentsare output)
s Socket
Part I: User Commands
b Block device
c Character device
- Regular file
? An error of some kind
Namei printsan informative message when the maximum number of symbolic linksthissystem can have hasbeen exceeded.
-x Show mount point directorieswith a D rather than a d.
-m Show the mode bitsof each file type in the style of ls(1), for example, rwxr-xr-x.
Roger Southwick (
To be discovered
namei will follow an infinite loop of symbolic linksforever. To escape, use SIGINT (usually C).
ls(1), stat(1)
newaliasesRebuild the database for the mail aliasesfile
newaliases rebuildsthe random accessdatabase for the mail aliasesfile. It must be run each time it ischanged in order for the
change to take effect.
aliases(5), sendmail(8)
The newaliases command appeared in BSD 4.0.
BSD 4, 30 July1991
newgrpLog in to a new group
newgrp [ gr oup ]
newgrp changesthe group identification of itscaller, analogously to login(1). The same person remainslogged in, and
the current directory isunchanged, but calculationsof accesspermissionsto filesare performed with respect to the new
group ID.
If no group isspecified, the GID ischanged to the login GID.
login(1), group(5)
Linux 0.99, 9 October 1993
nlNumber linesof files
nl [h header-style] [b body-style] [f footer-style] [p] [d cc]
[v start-number] [i increment] [l lines] [s line-separator]
[w line-no-width] [n {ln,rn,rz}] [--header-numbering=style]
[--body-numbering=style] [--footer-numbering=style]
[--first-page=number] [--page-increment=number] [--no-renumber]
[--join-blank-lines=number] [--number-separator=string]
[--number-width=number] [--number-format={ln,rn,rz}]
[--section-delimiter=cc] [--help] [--version] [file...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of nl. nl copieseach given file, or the standard input if none are given or
when a file named isgiven, to the standard output, with line numbersadded to some or all of the lines.
nl considersitsinput to be composed of logical pages; by default, the line number isreset to 1 at the top of each logical page.
nl treatsall of the input filesasa single document; it doesnot reset line numbersor logical pagesbetween files.
A logical page consistsof three sections: header, body, and footer. Any of the sectionscan be empty. Each can be numbered
in a different style from the others.
The beginningsof the sectionsof logical pagesare indicated in the input file by a line containing nothing except one of the
following delimiter strings:
\:\:\: start of header
\:\: start of body
\: start of footer
The two charactersfrom which these stringsare made can be changed with an option (see the next subsection), but the
pattern and length of each string cannot be changed.
The section delimiter stringsare replaced by an empty line on output. Any text that comesbefore the first section delimiter
string in the input file isconsidered to be part of a body section, so a file that doesnot contain any section delimiter stringsis
considered to consist of a single body section.
h, --header-numbering=style See --footer-numbering.
b, --body-numbering=style See --footer-numbering.
Part I: User Commands
f, --footer-numbering=style Select the numbering style for linesin the footer section of each logical page. When a line is
not numbered, the current line number isnot incremented, but the line number separator
character isstill prepended to the line. The stylesare
a Number all lines
t Number only nonempty lines(default for body)
n Number no lines(default for header and footer)
pregexp Number only linesthat contain a match for regexp
p, --no-renumber Do not reset the line number at the start of a logical page.
v, --first-page=number Set the initial line number on each logical page to number (default 1).
i, --page-increment=number Increment line numbersby number (default 1).
l, --join-blank-lines=number Consider number (default 1) consecutive empty linesto be one logical line for numbering,
and only number the last one. Where fewer than number consecutive empty linesoccur, do
not number them. An empty line isone that containsno characters, not even spacesor tabs.
s, --number-separator=string Separate the line number from the text line in the output with string (default isa tab
w, --number-width=number Use number charactersfor line numbers(default 6).
n, --number-format={ln,rn,rz} Select the line numbering format:
ln Left justified, no leading zeros
rn Right justified, no leading zeros(default)
rz Right justified, leading zeros
d, --section-delimiter=cc Set the two delimiter charactersthat indicate the beginningsof logical page sections; if only
one isgiven, the second remains:. To enter \, use \\.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
nlmconvConvert object code into an NLM
nlmconv[ Ibf dname|--inputtarget=bfdname] [ Obf dname|
--outputtarget=bf dname ] [ Theader f i l e|--headerfile=header f i l e ]
[ V|--version ][--help ] infile outfile
nlmconv convertsthe relocatable object file infile into the NetWare Loadable Module (NLM) outfile, optionally reading
headerfile for NLM header information. For instructionson writing the NLM command file language used in header files,
see TheNetWareTool Maker Specification Manual, available from Novell, Inc. nlmconv currently workswith i386 object files
in COFF, ELF, ora.out format, and with SPARC object filesin ELF or a.out format. nlmconv usesthe GNU binary file
descriptor library to read infile.
I bf dname, Consider the source filesobject format to be bfdname, rather than attempting to deduce it.
--inputtarget=bf dname
O bf dname, Write the output file using the object format bfdname. nlmconv infersthe output format
--outputtarget=bf dname based on the input format, for example, for an i386 input file the output format is
T header f i l e, Readsheader f i l e for NLM header information. For instructionson writing the NLM
--headerfile=header f i l e command file language used in header files, see TheNetWareTool Maker Specification
Manual, available from Novell, Inc.
V, --version Show the version number of nlmconv and exit.
h, --help Show a summary of the optionsto nlmconv and exit.
binutils entry in info; TheGNU BinaryUtilities, Roland H. Pesch ( June 1993).
Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof this
manual provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
Cygnussupport, June1993
nmList symbolsfrom object files
nm [ a|--debugsyms][g|--externonly ][B ][C|--demangle ]
[D|--dynamic ][s|--printarmap][o|--printfilename]
[n|--numericsort ][p|--nosort ][r|--reversesort ][--sizesort ]
[ u|--undefinedonly][--help ][--version ][t r adi x|--radix=r adi x ]
[ P|portability ] [ f f or mat |--format=f or mat ][--target=bf dname ][ obj f i l e ...]
GNU nm liststhe symbolsfrom object filesobj f i l e. If no object filesare given asarguments, nm assumesa.out.
The long and short formsof options, shown here asalternatives, are equivalent.
A, o
--printfilename Precede each symbol by the name of the input file where it wasfound, rather than
identifying the input file once only before all of itssymbols.
a, --debugsyms Display debugger-only symbols; normally these are not listed.
B The same as--format=bsd (for compatibility with the MIPS nm).
C, --demangle Decode (demangle) low-level symbol namesinto user-level names. Besidesremoving any
initial underscore prepended by the system, thismakesC++ function namesreadable.
D, --dynamic Display the dynamic symbolsrather than the normal symbols. Thisisonly meaningful for
dynamic objects, such ascertain typesof shared libraries.
f f or mat Use the output format f or mat , which can be bsd, sysv, or posix. The default isbsd. Only the
first character of format issignificant; it can be either uppercase or lowercase.
g, --externonly Display only external symbols.
n, v, --numericsort Sort symbolsnumerically by their addresses, not alphabetically by their names.
Part I: User Commands
p, --nosort Dont bother to sort the symbolsin any order; just print them in the order encountered.
P, --portability Use the POSIX.2 standard output format instead of the default format. Equivalent to f
s, --printarmap When listing symbolsfrom archive members, include the index, a mapping (stored in the
archive by ar or ranlib) of which modulescontain definitionsfor what names.
r, --reversesort Reverse the sense of the sort (whether numeric or alphabetic); let the last come first.
--sizesort Sort symbolsby size. The size iscomputed asthe difference between the value of the symbol
and the value of the symbol with the next higher value. The size of the symbol isprinted,
rather than the value.
t r adi x, --radix=r adi x Use r adi x asthe radix for printing the symbol values. It must be d for decimal, o for octal,
or x for hexadecimal.
--target=bf dname Specify an object code format other than your systemsdefault format. See objdump(1) for
information on listing available formats.
u, --undefinedonly Display only undefined symbols(those external to each object file).
V, --version Show the version number of nm and exit.
--help Show a summary of the optionsto nm and exit.
binutils entry in info; TheGNU BinaryUtilities, Roland H. Pesch (October 1991); ar(1), objdump(1), ranlib(1).
Copyright 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof this
manual provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
Cygnussupport, 5 November 1991
nntpgetGet Usenet articlesfrom a remote NNTP server
nntpget [ d di st ][f f i l e ][n newsgr oups ][t t i mest r i ng ][o ][u f i l e ][v ] host
nntpget connectsto the NNTP server at the specified host and retrievesarticlesfrom it. The articlesare sent to standard
The o flag may be used only if the command isexecuted on the host where the innd(8) server isrunning. If thisflag isused,
nntpget connectsto the specified remote host to retrieve articles. Any article not present in the local history database isthen
fetched from the remote site and offered to the local server.
If the v flag isused with the o flag, then the Message-ID of each article will be sent to standard output asit isprocessed.
The list of article Message-IDsisnormally read from standard input. If the f flag isused, then a newnews command isused
to retrieve all articlesnewer than the modification date of the specified f i l e. The u flag isthe same except that if the transfer
succeeded, the file will be updated with a statisticsline, modifying itstimestamp so that it can be used in later invocations. If
the t flag isused, then the specified t i mest r i ng isused asthe time and date parameter to the newnews command.
If either the t or f flagsare used, then the n flag may be used to specify a newsgroup list and the d flag may be used to
specify a distribution list. The default is* for all newsgroups, and no distribution list.
Truncatesarticlesat 512 lines.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
objcopyCopy and translate object files
objcopy [ Fbf dname|--target=bf dname ]
[ Ibf dname| --inputtarget=bf dname ] [ Obf dname|
--outputtarget=bf dname ] [ Rsect i onname|
--removesection=sect i onname ] [ S| --stripall ][g|
--stripdebug ][x|--discardall ][X|
--discardlocals][bbyt e|--byte=byt e ] [ ii nt er l eave|
--interleave=i nt er l eave ] [ v|--verbose][V|
--version ][--help ] infile [ outfile ]
The GNU objcopy utility copiesthe contentsof an object file to another. objcopy usesthe GNU BFD library to read and
write the object files. It can write the destination object file in a format different from that of the source object file. The exact
behavior of objcopy iscontrolled by command-line options.
objcopy createstemporary filesto do itstranslationsand deletesthem afterward. objcopy usesBFD to do all itstranslation
work; it knowsabout all the formatsBFD knowsabout, and thusisable to recognize most formatswithout being told
infile and outfile are the source and output files, respectively. If you do not specify outfile, objcopy createsa temporary file
and destructively renamesthe result with the name of the input file.
I bfdname, Consider the source filesobject format to be bf dname, rather than attempting to deduce it.
--inputtarget=bf dname
O bf dname, Write the output file using the object format bf dname.
--outputtarget=bf dname
F bf dname, Use bf dname asthe object format for both the input and the output file; that is, simply
--target=bf dname transfer data from source to destination with no translation.
R sect i onname, Remove the named section from the file. Thisoption may be given more than once. Note
--remove-section, =sect i onname that using thisoption inappropriately may make the output file unusable.
S, --stripall Do not copy relocation and symbol information from the source file.
g, --stripdebug Do not copy debugging symbolsfrom the source file.
x, --discardall Do not copy nonglobal symbolsfrom the source file.
X, --discardlocals Do not copy compiler-generated local symbols. (These usually start with L or .).
Part I: User Commands
b byt e, --byte=byt e Keep only every byt e byte of the input file (header data isnot affected). byt e can be in the
range from 0 to the interleave-1. Thisoption isuseful for creating filesto program ROMs.
It istypically used with an srec output target.
i i nt er l eave, Only copy one out of every interleave bytes. The one to copy isselected by the b or
--interleave=i nt er l eave --byte option. The default is4. The interleave isignored if neither b nor --byte isgiven.
v, --verbose Verbose output: list all object filesmodified. In the case of archives, objcopy V listsall
membersof the archive.
V, --version Show the version number of objcopy and exit.
--help Show a summary of the optionsto objcopy and exit.
binutils entry in info; TheGNU BinaryUtilities, Roland H. Pesch ( June 1993).
Copyright 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof this
manual provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
Cygnussupport, June1993
objdumpDisplay information from object files.
objdump [ a|--archiveheaders ][b\ bf dname | --target= bf dname ]
[ d|--disassemble][D|--disassemble-all ][f|--fileheaders ]
[ h|--sectionheaders | --headers ][i|--info ][j\ sect i on
| --section= sect i on ][l|--linenumbers ][m\ machi ne | --
-architecture= machi ne ][r|--reloc ][R|--dynamicreloc ]
[ s|--fullcontents ][--stabs ][t|--syms ][T|--dynamic
syms][x|--allheaders ][--version ][--help ] obj f i l e ...
objdump displaysinformation about one or more object files. The optionscontrol what particular information to display. This
information ismostly useful to programmerswho are working on the compilation tools, asopposed to programmerswho
just want their program to compile and work.
objfile... are the object filesto be examined. When you specify archives, objdump showsinformation on each of the member
object files.
Where long and short formsof an option are shown together, they are equivalent. At least one option besidesl (--line
numbers) must be given.
a, --archiveheaders If any filesfrom obj f i l e are archives, display the archive header information (in a format
similar to ls l). Besidesthe information you could list with ar tv, objdump a showsthe
object file format of each archive member.
b bf dname, Specify the object-code format for the object filesto be bf dname. Thismay not be necessary;
--target=bf dname obj dump can automatically recognize many formats. For example, objdump b oasys m vax
h fu.o displayssummary information from the section headers(h) of fu.o, which is
explicitly identified (m) asa Vax object file in the format produced by Oasyscompilers. You
can list the formatsavailable with the i option.
d, --disassemble Display the assembler mnemonicsfor the machine instructionsfrom obj f i l e. Thisoption
only disassemblesthose sectionsthat are expected to contain instructions.
D, --disassemble-all Like d, but disassemble the contentsof all sections, not just those expected to contain
f, --fileheaders Display summary information from the overall header of each file in obj f i l e.
h, --sectionheaders, Display summary information from the section headersof the object file.
--help Print a summary of the optionsto obj dump and exit.
i, --info Display a list showing all architecturesand object formatsavailable for specification with b
or m.
j name, --section=name Display information only for section name.
l, --linenumbers Label the display (using debugging information) with the filename and source line numbers
corresponding to the object code shown. Only useful with d or D.
m machi ne, Specify the object filesobj f i l e are for architecture machi ne. You can list available architec-
--architecture=machi ne turesusing the i option.
r, --reloc Print the relocation entriesof the file. If used with d or D, the relocationsare printed
interspersed with the disassembly.
R, --dynamicreloc Print the dynamic relocation entriesof the file. Thisisonly meaningful for dynamic objects,
such ascertain typesof shared libraries.
s, --fullcontents Display the full contentsof any sectionsrequested.
--stabs Display the contentsof the .stab, .stab.index, and .stab.excl sectionsfrom an ELF file.
Thisisonly useful on systems(such asSolaris2.0) in which .stab debugging symbol-table
entriesare carried in an ELF section. In most other file formats, debugging symbol-table
entriesare interleaved with linkage symbols, and are visible in the --syms output.
t, --syms Symbol table. Print the symbol table entriesof the file. Thisissimilar to the information
provided by the nm program.
T, --dynamicsyms Dynamic symbol table. Print the dynamic symbol table entriesof the file. Thisisonly
meaningful for dynamic objects, such ascertain typesof shared libraries. Thisissimilar to
the information provided by the nm program when given the D (--dynamic) option.
--version Print the version number of obj dump and exit.
x, --allheaders Display all available header information, including the symbol table and relocation entries.
Using x isequivalent to specifying all of a f h r t.
binutils entry in info; TheGNU BinaryUtilities, Roland H. Pesch (October 1991); nm(1).
Copyright 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof this
manual provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
Cygnussupport, 5 November 1991
Part I: User Commands
oclockRound X clock
oclock [option ... ]
oclock simply displaysthe current time on an analog display.
fg col or Choose a different color for both handsand the jewel on the clock
bg col or Choose a different color for the background.
jewel col or Choose a different color for the jewel on the clock.
minute col or Choose a different color for the minute hand of the clock.
hour col or Choose a different color for the hour hand of the clock.
backing { WhenMapped Select an appropriate level of backing store.
Always NotUseful}
geometry geomet r y Define the initial window geometry; see X(1).
display di spl ay Specify the display to use; see X(1).
bd col or Choose a different color for the window border.
bw wi dt h Choose a different width for the window border. Asthe Clock widget changesitsborder around
quite a bit, thisismost usefully set to zero.
shape Cause the clock to use the Shape extension to create an oval window. Thisisthe default unlessthe
shapeWindow resource isset to false.
noshape Cause the clock to not reshape itself and ancestorsto exactly fit the outline of the clock.
transparent Cause the clock to consist only of the jewel, the hands, and the border.
If you would like your clock to be viewable in color, include the following in the #ifdef COLOR section you read with xrdb:
*customization: -color
Thiswill cause oclock to pick up the colorsin the app-defaultscolor customization file: <XRoot>/lib/X11/app-defaults/
Clock-color. The default colorsare
Clock*Background Gray
Clock*BorderColor Light blue
Clock*hour Yellow
Clock*jewel Yellow
Clock*minute Yellow
X(1), X Toolkit documentation
Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium
X Version 11 Release6
odDump filesin octal and other formats
od [abcdfhiloxv] [s[bytes]] [w[bytes]] [A radix] [j bytes] [N bytes]
[t type] [--skipbytes=bytes] [--addressradix=radix] [--readbytes=bytes]
[--format=type] [--outputduplicates] [--strings[=bytes]] [--width[=bytes]]
[--traditional] [--help] [--version] [file...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of od. od writesto the standard output the contentsof the given files, or of
the standard input if the name isgiven. Each line of the output consistsof the offset in the input file in the leftmost
column of each line, followed by one or more columnsof data from the file, in a format controlled by the options. By
default, od printsthe file offsetsin octal and the file data astwo-byte octal numbers.
A, --addressradix=r adi x Select the base in which file offsetsare printed. r adi x can be one of the following:
d Decimal
o Octal
x Hexadecimal
n None (do not print offsets)
The default isoctal.
j, --skipbytes=byt es Skip byt es input bytesbefore formatting and writing. If bytes beginswith 0x or 0X, it is
interpreted in hexadecimal; otherwise, if it beginswith 0, in octal; otherwise, in decimal.
Appending b multipliesit by 512, k by 1024, and m by 1048576.
N, --readbytes=byt es Only output up to byt es bytesof each input file. Any prefixesand suffixeson byt es are
interpreted asfor the j option.
t, --format=t ype Select the format in which to output the file data. t ype isa string of one or more of the
following type indicator characters. If you include more than one type indicator character in
a single t ype string or use thisoption more than once, od writesone copy of each output
line using each of the data typesthat you specified, in the order that you specified.
a Named character
c ASCII character or backslash escape
d Signed decimal
f Floating point
o Octal
u Unsigned decimal
x Hexadecimal
Except for typesa and c, you can specify the number of bytesto use in interpreting each
number in the given data type by following the type indicator character with a decimal
integer. Alternately, you can specify the size of one of the C compilersbuilt-in data typesby
following the type indicator character with one of the following characters. For integers(d,
o, u, x):
C char
S short
I int
L long
Part I: User Commands
For floating point (f):
F float
D double
L long double
v, --outputduplicates Output consecutive linesthat are identical. By default, when two or more consecutive
output lineswould be equal, od outputsonly the first line, and putsjust an asterisk on the
following line to indicate that identical lineshave been elided.
s, --strings[=byt es ] Instead of the normal output, output only string constantsin the input, which are a run of
at least byt es ASCII graphic (or formatting) characters, terminated by a NUL. If byt es is
omitted, it defaultsto 3.
w, --width[=byt es] The number of input byt es to format per output line. It must be a multiple of the least
common multiple of the sizesassociated with the specified output types. If byt es isomitted,
it defaultsto 32. If thisoption isnot given, it defaultsto 16.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit.
The next several optionsmap the old, pre-POSIX format specification optionsto the corresponding POSIX format specs.
GNU od acceptsany combination of old- and new-style options. Format specification optionsaccumulate.
a Output asnamed characters. Equivalent to t a.
b Output asoctal bytes. Equivalent to t oC.
c Output asASCII charactersor backslash escapes. Equivalent to t c.
d Output asunsigned decimal shorts. Equivalent to t u2.
f Output asfloats. Equivalent to t fF.
h Output ashexadecimal shorts. Equivalent to t x2.
i Output asdecimal shorts. Equivalent to t d2.
l Output asdecimal longs. Equivalent to t d4.
o Output asoctal shorts. Equivalent to t o2.
x Output ashexadecimal shorts. Equivalent to t x2.
--traditional Recognize the pre-POSIX nonoption argumentsthat some older versionsof od accepted.
The following syntax:
od --traditional [f i l e] [[+]of f set [.][b] [[+]l abel [.][b]]]
can be used to specify at most one file and optional argumentsspecifying an offset and a
pseudo-start address, l abel . By default, of f set isinterpreted asan octal number specifying
how many input bytesto skip before formatting and writing. The optional trailing decimal
point forcesthe interpretation of of f set asa decimal number. If no decimal isspecified and
the offset beginswith 0x or 0x, it isinterpreted asa hexadecimal number. If there isa trailing
b, the number of bytesskipped will be of f set multiplied by 512. The l abel argument is
interpreted just like of f set , but it specifiesan initial pseudo-address. The pseudo addresses
are displayed in parenthesesfollowing any normal address.
GNU Text Utilities
passwdChange password
passwd [ name ]
passwd changesthe specified userspassword. Only the superuser isallowed to change other users passwords. If the user is
not root, then the old password isprompted for and verified.
A new password isprompted for twice, to avoid typing mistakes. Unlessthe user isthe superuser, the new password must
have more than six characters, and must have either both uppercase and lowercase letters, or nonletters. Some passwordsthat
are similar to the usersname are not allowed.
chsh(1), chfn(1)
A password consisting of all digitsisallowed.
No warningsare printed if the superuser choosesa poor password.
The f and s optionsare not supported.
Peter Orbaek (
Linux 1.0, 22 June1994
pasteMerge linesof files
paste [s] [d delim-list] [--serial] [--delimiters=delim-list] [--help]
[--version] [file...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of paste. paste printslinesconsisting of sequentially corresponding linesof
each given file, separated by tabs, terminated by a newline. If no filesare given, the standard input isused. A filename of -
meansstandard input.
s, --serial Paste the linesof one file at a time rather than one line from each file.
d, --delimiters delim-list Consecutively use the charactersin delim-list instead of TAB to separate merged lines.
When delim-list isexhausted, start again at itsbeginning.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
Part I: User Commands
pbmcleanFlip isolated pixelsin portable bitmap
pbmclean [-connect] [pbmf i l e]
pbmclean readsa portable bitmap asinput and outputsa portable bitmap with every pixel that haslessthan connect identical
neighborsinverted. pbmclean can be used to clean up snow on bitmap images.
Copyright 1990 by AngusDuggan. Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute thissoftware and itsdocumentation for any purpose and without fee is
hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copiesand that both that copyright notice and this
permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Thissoftware isprovided asis without expressor implied
pbmfiltersList of all programsin the PBMPluspackage
anytopnm Attempt to convert an unknown type of image file to a portable anymap
asciitopgm Convert ASCII graphicsinto a portable graymap
atktopbm Convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to a portable bitmap
bioradtopgm Convert a Biorad confocal file into a portable graymap
bmptoppm Convert a BMP file into a portable pixmap
brushtopbm Convert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap
cmuwmtopbm Convert a CMU window manager bitmap into a portable bitmap
fitstopnm Convert a FITS file into a portable anymap
fstopgm Convert a Usenix FaceSaver file into a portable graymap
g3topbm Convert a Group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
gemtopbm Convert a GEM IMG file into a portable bitmap
giftopnm Convert a GIF file into a portable anymap
gouldtoppm Convert Gould scanner file into a portable pixmap
hipstopgm Convert a HIPS file into a portable graymap
hpcdtoppm Convert a Photo-CD file into a portable pixmap
icontopbm Convert a Sun icon into a portable bitmap
ilbmtoppm Convert an ILBM file into a portable pixmap
imgtoppm Convert an IMG-whatnot file into a portable pixmap
lispmtopgm Convert a Lisp machine bitmap file into PGM format
macptopbm Convert a MacPaint file into a portable bitmap
mgrtopbm Convert an MGR bitmap into a portable bitmap
mtvtoppm Convert output from the MTV or PRT ray tracersinto a portable pixmap
pbmclean Flip isolated pixelsin portable bitmap
pbmlife Apply ConwaysRulesof Life to a portable bitmap
pbmmake Create a blank bitmap of a specified size
pbmmask Create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
pbmpscale Enlarge a portable bitmap with edge smoothing
pbmreduce Read a portable bitmap and reduce it N times
pbmtext Render text into a bitmap
pbmto10x Convert a portable bitmap into Gemini 10X printer graphics
pbmto4425 Display PBM imageson an AT&T 4425 terminal
pbmtoascii Convert a portable bitmap into ASCII graphics
pbmtoatk Convert a portable bitmap to Andrew Toolkit raster object
pbmtobg Convert a portable bitmap into BitGraph graphics
pbmtocmuwm Convert a portable bitmap into a CMU window manager bitmap
pbmtoepsi Convert a portable bitmap into an encapsulated PostScript
pbmtoepson Convert a portable bitmap into Epson printer graphics
pbmtog3 Convert a portable bitmap into a Group 3 fax file
pbmtogem Convert a portable bitmap into a GEM IMG file
pbmtogo Convert a portable bitmap into compressed GraphOn graphics
pbmtoicon Convert a portable bitmap into a Sun icon
pbmtolj Convert a portable bitmap into HP LaserJet format
pbmtoln03 Convert portable bitmap to DEC LN03+ Sixel output
pbmtolps Convert portable bitmap to PostScript
pbmtomacp Convert a portable bitmap into a MacPaint file
pbmtomgr Convert a portable bitmap into an MGR bitmap
pbmtopgm Convert a portable bitmap to portable graymap by averaging areas
pbmtopi3 Convert a portable bitmap into an Atari Degas.pi3 file
pbmtopk Convert a portable bitmap into a packed (PK) format font
pbmtoplot Convert a portable bitmap into a UNIX plot(5) file
pbmtoptx Convert a portable bitmap into Printronix printer graphics
pbmtox10bm Convert a portable bitmap into an X10 bitmap
pbmtoxbm Convert a portable bitmap into an X11 bitmap
pbmtozinc Convert a portable bitmap into a Zinc bitmap
pbmupc Create a Universal Product Code bitmap
pcxtoppm Convert a PCX file into a portable pixmap
pgmbentley Bentleyize a portable graymap
pgmcrater Create cratered terrain by fractal forgery
pgmedge Edge-detect a portable graymap
pgmenhance Edge-enhance a portable graymap
pgmhist Print a histogram of the valuesin a portable graymap
pgmkernel Generate a convolution kernel
pgmnoise Create a graymap made up of white noise
pgmnorm Normalize the contrast in a portable graymap
pgmoil Turn a portable graymap into an oil painting
pgmramp Generate a grayscale ramp
pgmtexture Calculate textural featureson a portable graymap
pgmtofs Convert a portable graymap to Usenix FaceSaver format
Part I: User Commands
pgmtolispm Convert a portable graymap into Lisp machine format
pgmtopbm Convert a portable graymap into a portable bitmap
pgmtoppm Colorize a portable graymap into a portable pixmap
pgmtoybm Convert a portable bitmap into a Bennet Yee face file
pi1toppm Convert an Atari DegasPI1 into a portable pixmap
pi3topbm Convert an Atari DegasPI3 file into a portable bitmap
picttoppm Convert a Macintosh PICT file into a portable pixmap
pjtoppm Convert an HP PaintJet file into a portable pixmap
pktopbm Convert packed (PK) format font into portable bitmap(s)
pnmalias Antialiasa portable anymap
pnmarith Perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
pnmcat Concatenate portable anymaps
pnmcomp Composite two portable anymap filestogether
pnmconvol General MxN convolution on a portable anymap
pnmcrop Crop a portable anymap
pnmcut Cut a rectangle out of a portable anymap
pnmdepth Change the maxval in a portable anymap
pnmenlarge Read a portable anymap and enlarge it N times
pnmfile Describe a portable anymap
pnmflip Perform one or more flip operationson a portable anymap
pnmgamma Perform gamma correction on a portable anymap
pnmhistmap Draw a histogram for a PGM or PPM file
pnmindex Build a visual index of a bunch of anymaps
pnminvert Invert a portable anymap
pnmmargin Add a border to a portable anymap
pnmnlfilt Nonlinear filters: smooth, alpha trim mean, optimal
pnmnoraw Force a portable anymap into plain format
pnmpad Add bordersto portable anymap
pnmpaste Paste a rectangle into a portable anymap
pnmrotate Rotate a portable anymap by some angle
pnmscale Scale a portable anymap
pnmshear Shear a portable anymap by some angle
pnmsmooth Smooth out an image
pnmtile Replicate a portable anymap into a specified size
pnmtoddif Convert a portable anymap to DDIF format
pnmtofits Convert a portable anymap into FITS format
pnmtops Convert portable anymap to PostScript
pnmtorast Convert a portable pixmap into a Sun raster file
pnmtosgi Convert a portable anymap to an SGI image file
pnmtosir Convert a portable anymap into a Solitaire format
pnmtotiff Convert a portable anymap into a TIFF file
pnmtoxwd Convert a portable anymap into an X11 window dump
ppm3d Convert two portable pixmap into a red/blue 3D glassespixmap
ppmbrighten Change an imagesSaturation and Value from an HSV map
ppmchange Change all pixelsof one color to another in a portable pixmap
ppmdim Dim a portable pixmap down to total blackness
ppmdist Simplistic grayscale assignment for machine generated, color images
ppmdither Ordered dither for color images
ppmflash Brighten a picture up to complete white-out
ppmforge Fractal forgeriesof clouds, planets, and starry skies
ppmhist Print a histogram of a portable pixmap
ppmmake Create a pixmap of a specified size and color
ppmmix Blend together two portable pixmaps
ppmnorm Normalize the contrast in a portable pixmap
ppmntsc Make a portable pixmap look like it wastaken from an American TV show
ppmpat Make a pretty pixmap
ppmquant Quantize the colorsin a portable pixmap down to a specified number
ppmquantall Run ppmquant on a bunch of filesall at once, so they share a common colormap
ppmqvga 8-plane quantization
ppmrelief Run a Laplacian relief filter on a portable pixmap
ppmshift Shift linesof a portable pixmap left or right by a random amount
ppmspread Displace a portable pixmapspixelsby a random amount
ppmtoacad Convert portable pixmap to AutoCAD database or slide
ppmtobmp Convert a portable pixmap into a BMP file
ppmtogif Convert a portable pixmap into a GIF file
ppmtoicr Convert a portable pixmap into NCSA ICR format
ppmtoilbm Convert a portable pixmap into an ILBM file
ppmtomap Extract all colorsfrom a portable pixmap
ppmtomitsu Convert a portable pixmap to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file
ppmtopcx Convert a portable pixmap into a PCX file
ppmtopgm Convert a portable pixmap into a portable graymap
ppmtopi1 Convert a portable pixmap into an Atari DegasPI1 file
ppmtopict Convert a portable pixmap into a Macintosh PICT file
ppmtopj Convert a portable pixmap to an HP PaintJet file
ppmtopjxl Convert a portable pixmap into an HP PaintJet XL PCL file
ppmtopuzz Convert a portable pixmap into an X11 puzzle file
ppmtorgb3 Separate a portable pixmap into three portable graymaps
ppmtosixel Convert a portable pixmap into DEC sixel format
ppmtotga Convert portable pixmap into a TrueVision Targa file
ppmtouil Convert a portable pixmap into a Motif UIL icon file
ppmtoxpm Convert a portable pixmap into an X11 pixmap
ppmtoyuv Convert a portable pixmap into an AbekasYUV file
ppmtoyuvsplit Convert a portable pixmap into three subsampled raw YUV files
psidtopgm Convert PostScript image data into a portable graymap
pstopnm Convert a PostScript file into a portable anymap
qrttoppm Convert output from the QRT ray tracer into a portable pixmap
rasttopnm Convert a Sun raster file into a portable anymap
rawtopgm Convert raw grayscale bytesinto a portable graymap
rawtoppm Convert raw RGB bytesinto a portable pixmap
rgb3toppm Combine three portable graymapsinto one portable pixmap
sgitopnm Convert an SGI image file into a portable anymap
sirtopnm Convert a Solitaire file into a portable anymap
Part I: User Commands
sldtoppm Convert an AutoCAD slide file into a portable pixmap
spctoppm Convert an Atari compressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
spottopgm Convert SPOT satellite imagesto Portable Graymap format
sputoppm Convert an Atari uncompressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
tgatoppm Convert TrueVision Targa file into a portable pixmap
tifftopnm Convert a TIFF file into a portable anymap
xbmtopbm Convert an X11 or X10 bitmap into a portable bitmap
ximtoppm Convert an XIM file into a portable pixmap
xpmtoppm Convert an X11 pixmap into a portable pixmap
xvminitoppm Convert an XV thumbnail picture to PPM
xwdtopnm Convert an X11 or X10 window dump file into a portable anymap
ybmtopbm Convert a Bennet Yee face file into a portable bitmap
yuvplittoppm Convert a Y-, U- and V-file into a portable pixmap
yuvtoppm Convert AbekasYUV bytesinto a portable pixmap
zeisstopnm Convert a Zeissconfocal file into a portable anymap
anytopnm(1), asciitopgm(1), atktopbm(1), bioradtopgm(1), bmptoppm(1), brushtopbm(1), cmuwmtopbm(1), fitstopnm(1), fstopgm(1),
g3topbm(1), gemtopbm(1), giftopnm(1), gouldtoppm(1), hipstopgm(1), hpcdtoppm(1), icontopbm(1), ilbmtoppm(1), imgtoppm(1),
lispmtopgm(1), macptopbm(1), mgrtopbm(1), mtvtoppm(1), pbmclean(1), pbmlife(1), pbmmake(1), pbmmask(1), pbmpscale(1),
pbmreduce(1), pbmtext(1), pbmto10x(1), pbmto4425(1), pbmtoascii(1), pbmtoatk(1), pbmtobbnbg(1), pbmtocmuwm(1), pbmtoepsi(1),
pbmtoepson(1), pbmtog3(1), pbmtogem(1), pbmtogo(1), pbmtoicon(1), pbmtolj(1), pbmtoln03(1), pbmtolps(1), pbmtomacp(1),
pbmtomgr(1), pbmtopgm(1), pbmtopi3(1), pbmtopk(1), pbmtoplot(1), pbmtoptx(1), pbmtox10bm(1), pbmtoxbm(1), pbmtoybm(1),
pbmtozinc(1), pbmupc(1), pcxtoppm(1), pgmbentley(1), pgmcrater(1), pgmedge(1), pgmenhance(1), pgmhist(1), pgmkernel(1),
pgmnoise(1), pgmnorm(1), pgmoil(1), pgmramp(1), pgmtexture(1), pgmtofs(1), pgmtolispm(1), pgmtopbm(1), pgmtoppm(1),
pi1toppm(1), pi3topbm(1), picttoppm(1), pjtoppm(1), pktopbm(1), pnmalias(1), pnmarith(1), pnmcat(1), pnmcomp(1), pnmconvol(1),
pnmcrop(1), pnmcut(1), pnmdepth(1), pnmenlarge(1), pnmfile(1), pnmflip(1), pnmgamma(1), pnmhistmap(1), pnmindex(1),
pnminvert(1), pnmmargin(1), pnmnlfilt(1), pnmnoraw(1), pnmpad(1), pnmpaste(1), pnmrotate(1), pnmscale(1), pnmshear(1),
pnmsmooth(1), pnmtile(1), pnmtoddif(1), pnmtofits(1), pnmtops(1), pnmtorast(1), pnmtosgi(1), pnmtosir(1), pnmtotiff(1),
pnmtoxwd(1), ppm3d(1), ppmbrighten(1), ppmchange(1), ppmdim(1), ppmdist(1), ppmdither(1), ppmflash(1), ppmforge(1),
ppmhist(1), ppmmake(1), ppmmix(1), ppmnorm(1), ppmntsc(1), ppmpat(1), ppmquant(1), ppmquantall(1), ppmqvga(1), ppmrelief(1),
ppmshift(1), ppmspread(1), ppmtoacad(1), ppmtobmp(1), ppmtogif(1), ppmtoicr(1), ppmtoilbm(1), ppmtomap(1), ppmtomitsu(1),
ppmtopcx(1), ppmtopgm(1), ppmtopi1(1), ppmtopict(1), ppmtopj(1), ppmtopjxl(1), ppmtopuzz(1), ppmtorgb3(1), ppmtosixel(1),
ppmtotga(1), ppmtouil(1), ppmtoxpm(1), ppmtoyuv(1), ppmtoyuvsplit(1), psidtopgm(1), pstopnm(1), qrttoppm(1), rasttopnm(1),
rawtopgm(1), rawtoppm(1), rgb3toppm(1), sgitopnm(1), sirtopnm(1), sldtoppm(1), spctoppm(1), spottopgm(1), sputoppm(1),
tgatoppm(1), tifftopnm(1), xbmtopbm(1), ximtoppm(1), xpmtoppm(1), xvminitoppm(1), xwdtopnm(1), nybmtopbm(1),
yuvsplittoppm(1), yuvtoppm(1), zeisstopnm(1)
Many. See the individual manual pages.
pbmlifeApply ConwaysRulesof Life to a portable bitmap
pbmlife [pbmf i l e]
pbmlife readsa portable bitmap asinput, appliesthe Rulesof Life to it for one generation, and producesa portable bitmap as
A white pixel in the image isinterpreted asa live beastie, and a black pixel asan empty space.
Copyright 1988, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer
21 February1991
pbmmakeCreate a blank bitmap of a specified size
pbmmake [-white|-black|-gray ] wi dt h hei ght
pbmmake producesa portable bitmap of the specified width and height. The color defaultsto white.
In addition to the usual -white and -black, thisprogram implements-gray. Thisgivesa simple 50 percent gray pattern with
1sand 0salternating.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
pbm(5), ppmmake(1)
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer
22 February1989
pbmmaskCreate a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
pbmmask [-expand][pbmf i l e]
pbmmask readsa portable bitmap asinput and createsa corresponding mask bitmap and writesit out.
The color to be interpreted asbackground isdetermined automatically. Regardlessof which color isbackground, the mask
will be white where the background iswhite and black where the figure isblack.
Part I: User Commands
Thisletsyou do a masked paste like this, for objectswith a black background:
pbmmask obj > objmask
pnmpaste < dest -and objmask <x><y>|pnmpaste -or obj <x><y>
For objectswith a white background, you can either invert them or add a step:
pbmmask obj > objmask
pnminvert objmask | pnmpaste -and obj 0 0 > blackback
pnmpaste < dest -and objmask <x><y>|pnmpaste -or blackback <x><y>
Note that thisthree-step version worksfor objectswith black backgrounds, too, if you dont care about the wasted time.
You can also use maskswith graymapsand pixmaps, using the pnmarith tool. For instance:
ppmtopgm obj.ppm | pgmtopbm -threshold | pbmmask > objmask.pbm
pnmarith -multiply dest.ppm objmask.pbm > t1.ppm
pnminvert objmask.pbm | pnmarith -multiply obj.ppm - > t2.ppm
pnmarith -add t1.ppm t2.ppm
An interesting variation on thisisto pipe the mask through the pnmsmooth script before using it. Thismakesthe boundary
between the two imageslesssharp.
-expand Expandsthe mask by one pixel out from the image. Thisisuseful if you want a little white border around your
image. (A better solution might be to turn the pbmlife tool into a general cellular automaton tool)
pnmpaste(1), pnminvert(1), pbm(5), pnmarith(1), pnmsmooth(1)
Copyright 1988 by Jef Poskanzer
8 August 1989
pbmpscaleEnlarge a portable bitmap with edge smoothing
pbmpscale N [ pbmf i l e ]
pbmpscale readsa portable bitmap asinput and outputsa portable bitmap enlarged N times. Enlargement isdone by pixel
replication, with some additional smoothing of cornersand edges.
pnmenlarge(1), ppmscale(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1990 by AngusDuggan. Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
pbmpscale worksbest for enlargementsof 2. Enlargementsgreater than 2 should be done by asmany enlargementsof 2 as
possible, followed by an enlargement by the remaining factor.
pbmreduceRead a portable bitmap and reduce it N times
pbmreduce [-floyd|-fs|-threshold ][-value val ] N [pbmf i l e]
pbmreduce readsa portable bitmap asinput, reducesit by a factor of N, and producesa portable bitmap asoutput.
pbmreduce duplicatesa lot of the functionality of pgmtopbm; you could do something like pnmscale | pgmtopbm, but pbmreduce
isa lot faster.
pbmreduce can be used to re-halftone an image. Say you have a scanner that only producesblack and white, not grayscale,
and it doesa terrible job of halftoning (most black-and-white scannersfit thisdescription). One way to fix the halftoning is
to scan at the highest possible resolution, say 300dpi, and then reduce by a factor of three or so using pbmreduce.You can even
correct the brightnessof an image, by using the -value flag.
By default, the halftoning after the reduction isdone via boustrophedonic Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion; however, the -
threshold flag can be used to specify simple thresholding. Thisgivesbetter resultswhen reducing line drawings.
The -value flag altersthe thresholding value for all quantizations. It should be a real number between 0 and 1. Above 0.5
meansdarker images; below 0.5 meanslighter.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
pnmenlarge(1), pnmscale(1), pgmtopbm(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1988 by Jef Poskanzer
2 August 1989
pbmtextRender text into a bitmap
pbmtext [font f ont f i l e][builtin f ont name][t ext ]
pbmtext takesthe specified text, either a single line from the command line or multiple linesfrom standard input, and renders
it into a bitmap.
By default, pbmtext usesa built-in font called bdf (about a 10-point TimesRoman font). You can use a fixed-width font by
specifying builtin fixed.
You can also specify your own font with the -font flag. The f ont f i l e iseither a BDF file from the X Window System or a
PBM file.
Part I: User Commands
If the f ont f i l e isa PBM file, it iscreated in a very specific way. In your window system of choice, display the following text
in the desired (fixed-width) font:
M ,/ [jpqy| M
/ !#$%&()*+ /
< ,-./01234567 <
> 89:;<=>?@ABC >
{ \] abcdefg {
} hijklmnopqrs }
M ,/ [jpqy| M
Do a screen grab or window dump of that text, using for instance xwd, xgrabsc, or screen-dump. Convert the result into a
PBM file. If necessary, use pnmcut to remove everything except the text. Finally, run it through pnmcrop to make sure the
edgesare right up against the text. pbmtext can figure out the sizesand spacingsfrom that.
pbm(5), pnmcut(1), pnmcrop(1)
Copyright 1993 by Jef Poskanzer and George Phillips
26 October 1993
pbmto10xConvert a portable bitmap into Gemini 10X printer graphics
pbmto10x [-h][pbmf i l e]
pbmto10x readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesa file of Gemini 10X printer graphicsasoutput. The 10Xsprinter
codesare alleged to be similar to the Epson codes.
Note that there isno 10xtopbm tool; thistransformation isone-way.
The resolution isnormally 60H by 72V. If the -h flag isspecified, resolution is120H by 144V. You may find it useful to
rotate landscape imagesbefore printing.
Copyright 1990 by Ken Yap1
pbmto4425Display PBM imageson an AT&T 4425 terminal
pbmto4425 [pbmf i l e]
Pbmto4425 displaysPBM format imageson an AT&T 4425 ASCII terminal using that terminalsmosaic graphicscharacter
set. The program should also work with other VT100-like terminalswith mosaic graphicscharacter setssuch asthe C. Itoh
CIT-101, but it hasnot yet been tested on terminalsother than the 4425.
Pbmto4425 putsthe terminal into 132-column mode to achieve the maximum resolution of the terminal. In thismode the
terminal hasa resolution of 264 columnsby 69 rows. The pixelshave an aspect ratio of 1:2.6; therefore, an image should be
processed before being displayed in a manner such asthis:
% pnmscale xscale 2.6 pnmfile \
| pnmscale xysize 264 69 \
| ppmtopgm \
| pgmtopbm \
| pbmto4425
Copyright 1993 by Robert Perlberg
pbmtoasciiConvert a portable bitmap into ASCII graphics
pbmtoascii [-1x2|-2x4][pbmf i l e]
pbmtoascii readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesa somewhat crude ASCII graphic asoutput.
Note that there isno asciitopbm tool; thistransformation isone-way.
The -1x2 and -2x4 flagsprovide two alternate waysfor the bitsto get mapped to characters. With 1x2, the default, each
character representsa group of 1 bit acrossby 2 bitsdown. With -2x4, each character represents2 bitsacrossby 4 bitsdown.
With the 1x2 mode you can see the individual bits, so itsuseful for previewing small bitmapson a nongraphicsterminal.
The 2x4 mode letsyou display larger bitmapson a standard 80-column display, but it obscuresbit-level details. 2x4 mode is
also good for displaying graymaps. pnmscale -width 158 | pgmnorm | pgmtopbm -thresh should give good results.
Copyright 1988, 1992 by Jef Poskanzer
20 March 1992
Part I: User Commands
pbmtoatkConvert portable bitmap to Andrew Toolkit raster object
pbmtoatk [pbmf i l e]
pbmtoatk readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesan Andrew Toolkit raster object asoutput.
atktopbm(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1991 by Bill Janssen
26 September 1991
pbmtobgConvert a portable bitmap into BitGraph graphics
pbmtobg [r ast er op][x y]< pbmf i l e
pbmtobg readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesBBN BitGraph terminal display pixel data (DPD) sequence asoutput.
The rasterop can be specified on the command line. If thisisomitted, 3 (replace) will be used. A position in (x,y) coordi-
natescan also be specified. If both are given, the rasterop comesfirst. The portable bitmap isalwaystaken from the standard
Note that there isno bgtopbm tool.
Copyright 1989 by Mike Parker
16 May1989
pbmtocmuwmConvert a portable bitmap into a CMU window manager bitmap
pbmtocmuwm [pbmf i l e]
pbmtocmuwm readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesa CMU window manager bitmap asoutput.
cmuwmtopbm(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer
15 April 1989
pbmtoepsiConvert a portable bitmap into an encapsulated PostScript-style preview bitmap
pbmtoepsi [-bbonly][pbmf i l e]
pbmtoepsi readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesan encapsulated PostScript-style bitmap asoutput. The output is
not a standalone PostScript file; it isonly a preview bitmap, which can be included in an encapsulated PostScript file. Note
that there isno epsitopbm tool; thistransformation isone-way.
Thisutility isa part of the pstoepsi tool by Doug Crabill (
-bbonly Only create a boundary box, dont fill it with the image.
pbm(5), pnmtops(1), psidtopgm(1)
Copyright 1988 by Jef Poskanzer, modified by Doug Crabill 1992
pbmtoepsonConvert a portable bitmap into Epson printer graphics
pbmtoepson [pbmf i l e]
pbmtoepson readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesa file of Epson printer graphicsasoutput.
Note that there isno epsontopbm tool; thistransformation isone-way.
Copyright 1991 by John Tiller ( and Jef Poskanzer
4 January1991
Part I: User Commands
pbmtog3Convert a portable bitmap into a Group 3 fax file
pbmtog3 [pbmf i l e]
pbmtog3 readsa portable bitmap asoutput and producesa Group 3 fax file asinput.
The standard for Group 3 fax isdefined in CCITT Recommendation T.4.
g3topbm(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1989 by Paul Haeberli (<>)
2 October 1989
pbmtogemConvert a portable bitmap into a GEM IMG file
pbmtogem [pbmf i l e]
pbmtogem readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesa compressed GEM IMG file asoutput.
pbmtogem doesnot support compression of repeated lines.
gemtopbm(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1988 by David Beckemeyer and Jef Poskanzer
11 July1992
pbmtogoConvert a portable bitmap into compressed GraphOn graphics
pbmtogo [pbmf i l e]
pbmtogo readsa portable bitmap asinput and produces2D compressed GraphOn graphicsasoutput. Be sure to set up your
GraphOn with the following modes: 8 bits/no parity; obeysno XON/XOFF; NULsare accepted. These are all on the Comm
menu. Also, remember to turn off tty post processing. Note that there isno gotopbm tool.
Copyright 1988, 1989 by Jef Poskanzer, Michael Haberler, and Bo Thide
24 November 1989
pbmtoiconConvert a portable bitmap into a Sun icon
pbmtoicon [pbmf i l e]
pbmtoicon readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesa Sun icon asoutput.
icontopbm(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1988 by Jef Poskanzer
31 August 1988
pbmtoljConvert a portable bitmap into HP LaserJet format
pbmtolj [-resolution N][-float][-noreset][pbmf i l e]
pbmtolj readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesHP LaserJet data asoutput.
Note that there isno ljtopbm tool.
-resolution Specifiesthe resolution of the output device, in dpi. Typical valuesare 75, 100, 150, 300. The default is75.
-float Suppressespositioning information. The default isto write the sequence ESC & l 0 E to the output file.
-noreset Preventspbmtolj from writing the reset sequencesto the beginning and end of the output file.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
Part I: User Commands
Copyright 1988 by Jef Poskanzer and Michael Haberler. -float and -noreset optionsadded by Wim Lewis
29 August 1988
pbmtoln03Convert portable bitmap to DEC LN03+ Sixel output
pbmtoln03 [-rltbf] pbmf i l e
pbmtoln03 readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesa DEC LN03+ Sixel output file.
-l nn Use nn asvalue for left margin (default 0).
-r nn Use nn asvalue for right margin (default 2400).
-t nn Use nn asvalue for top margin (default 0).
-b nn Use nn asvalue for bottom margin (default 3400).
-f nn Use nn asvalue for form length (default 3400).
Tim Cook, 26 February 1992
7 May1993
pbmtolpsConvert a portable bitmap to PostScript
pbmtolps [ -dpi n ] [ pbmf i l e ]
pbmtolps readsa portable bitmap asinput, and outputsPostScript. The output PostScript useslinesinstead of the image
operator to generate a (device-dependent) picture that will be imaged much faster.
The PostScript path length isconstrained to be lessthat 1000 pointsso that no limitsare overrun on the Apple Laserwriter
and (presumably) no other printers.
pgmtops(1), ppmtops(1), pbm(5)
George Phillips(<>)
pbmtomacpConvert a portable bitmap into a MacPaint file
pbmtomacp [-l l ef t ][-r r i ght ][-b bot t om][-t t op][pbmf i l e]
pbmtomacp readsa portable bitmap asinput. If no input file isgiven, standard input isassumed. Producesa MacPaint file as
The generated file isonly the data fork of a picture. You will need a program such asmcvert to generate a Macbinary or a
BinHex file that containsthe necessary information to identify the file asa PNTG file to MacOS.
Lef t , r i ght , bot t om, and t op let you define a square into the PBM file, which must be converted. Default isthe whole file. If
the file istoo large for a MacPaint file, the bitmap iscut to fit from (l ef t , t op).
The source code containscommentsin a language other than English.
ppmtopict(1), macptopbm(1), pbm(5), mcvert(1)
Copyright 1988 by Douwe van der Schaaf (...!mcvax!uvapsy!vdschaaf)
31 August 1988
pbmtomgrConvert a portable bitmap into an MGR bitmap
pbmtomgr [pbmf i l e]
pbmtomgr readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesan MGR bitmap asoutput.
mgrtopbm(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer
24 January1989
Part I: User Commands
pbmtopgmConvert portable bitmap to portable graymap by averaging areas
pbmtopgm <width><height> [pbmf i l e]
pbmtopgm readsa portable bitmap asinput and outputsa portable graymap created by averaging the number of pixelswithin a
sample area of width by height around each point. pbmtopgm issimilar to a special case of ppmconvol. A ppmsmooth step may be
needed after pbmtopgm.
pbmtopgm hasthe effect of antialiasing bitmapsthat contain distinct line features.
Copyright 1990 by AngusDuggan. Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
pbmtopgm worksbest with odd sample widthsand heights.
pbmtopi3Convert a portable bitmap into an Atari DegasPI3 file
pbmtopi3 [pbmfile]
pbmtopi3 readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesan Atari DegasPI3 file asoutput.
pi3topbm(1), pbm(5), ppmtopi1(1), pi1toppm(1)
Copyright 1988 byDavid Beckemeyer (bdt!david) and Jef Poskanzer.
11 March 1990
pbmtopkConvert a portable bitmap into a packed (PK) format font
pbmtopk pkfile[.pk] tfmfile[.tfm] resolution [-s designsize] [-p num param...]
[-C cod-ingscheme] [-F family] [-f optfile] [-c num] [-W width] [-H height]
[-D depth] [-I ital] [-h horiz] [-v vert] [-x xoff] [-y yoff] [pbmf i l e]...
pbmtopk readsportable bitmapsasinput and producesa packed (PK) font file and a TFM (TeX font metric) file asoutput.
The resolution parameter indicatesthe resolution of the font, in dotsper inch. If the filename - isused for any of the
filenames, the standard input stream (or standard output, where appropriate) will be used.
-s desi gnsi ze Setsthe design size of the font, in TeXspoints(72.27 pointsto the inch). The default design size is1. The
TFM parametersare given asmultiplesof the design size.
-p num par am... Setsthe first num font parametersfor the font. The first seven parametersare the slant, interword spacing,
interword space stretchability, interword space shrinkability, x-height, quad width, and post-sentence extra
space of the font. Math and symbol fontsmay have more parameters; see TheTeXbook for a list of these.
Reasonable default valuesare chosen for parametersthat are not specified.
-C codi ngscheme Setsthe coding scheme comment in the TFM file.
-F f ami l y Setsthe font family comment in the TFM file.
-f opt f i l e Readsthe file opt f i l e, which should contain a line of the form:
f i l ename xof f yof f hor i z ver t wi dt h hei ght dept h i t al
The PBM filesspecified by the filename parametersare inserted consecutively in the font with the
specified attributes. If any of the attributesare omitted, or replaced with *, a default value will be
calculated from the size of the bitmap. The settingsof the -W, -H, -D, -I, -h, -v, -x, and -y optionsdo not
affect characterscreated in thisway. The character number can be changed by including a line starting
with =, followed by the new number. Linesbeginning with % or # are ignored.
-c num Setsthe character number of the next bitmap encountered to num.
-W wi dt h Setsthe TFM width of the next character to wi dt h (in design size multiples).
-H hei ght Setsthe TFM height of the next character to hei ght (in design size multiples).
-D dept h Setsthe TFM depth of the next character to dept h (in design size multiples).
-I i t al Setsthe italic correction of the next character to i t al (in design size multiples).
-h hor i z Setsthe horizontal escapement of the next character to hor i z (in pixels).
-v ver t Setsthe vertical escapement of the next character to ver t (in pixels).
-x xof f Setsthe horizontal offset of the next character to xof f (in pixels).
-y yof f Setsthe vertical offset of the next character to yof f (in pixels, from the top row).
pktopbm(1), pbm(5)
Adapted from Tom Rokickispxtopk by AngusDuggan (
6 August 1990
pbmtoplotConvert a portable bitmap into a UNIX plot(5) file
pbmtoplot [pbmf i l e]
pbmtoplot readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesa UNIX plot file.
Note that there isno plottopbm tool; thistransformation isone way.
Part I: User Commands
pbm(5), plot(5)
Copyright 1990 by Arthur David Olson.
1 September 1990
pbmtoptxConvert a portable bitmap into Printronix printer graphics
pbmtoptx [pbmf i l e]
pbmtoptx readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesa file of Printronix printer graphicsasoutput.
Note that there isno ptxtopbm tool; thistransformation isone-way.

1988 by Jef Poskanzer

31 August 1988
pbmtox10bmConvert a portable bitmap into an X10 bitmap
pbmtox10bm [pbmf i l e]
pbmtox10bm readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesan X10 bitmap asoutput. Thisolder format ismaintained for
Note that there isno x10bmtopbm tool because xbmtopbm can read both X11 and X10 bitmaps.
pbmtoxbm(1), xbmtopbm(1), pbm(5)

1988 by Jef Poskanzer.

31 August 1988
pbmtoxbmConvert a portable bitmap into an X11 bitmap
pbmtoxbm [pbmf i l e]
pbmtoxbm readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesan X11 bitmap asoutput.
pbmtox10bm(1), xbmtopbm(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1988 by Jef Poskanzer.
31 August 1988
pgmtoybmConvert a portable bitmap into a Bennet Yee face file
pbmtoybm [pbmf i l e]
pgmtoybm readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesasoutput a file acceptable to the face and xbm programsby Bennet
Yee (
ybmtopbm(1), pbm(5), face(1), face(5), xbm(1)
Copyright 1991 by Jamie Zawinski and Jef Poskanzer.
6 March 1990
pbmtozincConvert a portable bitmap into a Zinc bitmap
pbmtozinc [pbmf i l e]
pbmtozinc readsa portable bitmap asinput and producesa bitmap in the format used by the Zinc Interface Library (ZIL)
version 1.0 asoutput.
Part I: User Commands
Copyright 1988 by JamesDarrell McCauley ( and Jef Poskanzer.
2 November 1990
pbmupcCreate a Universal Product Code bitmap
pbmupc [- s1|-s2] t ype manuf ac pr oduct
pbmupc generatesa Universal Product Code symbol. The three argumentsare: a one-digit product type, a five-digit manufac-
turer code, and a five-digit product code. For example, 0 72890 00011 isthe code for Heineken.
Aspresently configured, pbmupc producesa bitmap 230 bitswide and 175 bitshigh. The size can be altered by changing the
definesat the beginning of the program, or by running the output through pnmenlarge or pnmscale.
The -s1 and -s2 flagsselect the style of UPC to generate. The default, -s1, looksmore or lesslike this:
The other style, -s2, putsthe product type digit higher up, and doesnt display the checksum digit:
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
14 March 1989
pcxtoppmConvert a PCX file into a portable pixmap
pcxtoppm[pcxf i l e]
pcxtoppm readsa PCX file asinput and producesa portable pixmap asoutput.
ppmtopcx(1), ppm(5)
Copyright 1990 by Michael Davidson.
9 April 1990
pfbtopsTranslate a PostScript font in PFB format to ASCII
pfbtops [ pf b_f i l e ]
pfbtops translatesa PostScript font in PFB format to ASCII. If pfb_file isomitted, the PFB file will be read from the
standard input. The ASCII format PostScript font will be written on the standard output. PostScript fontsfor MS-DOS are
normally supplied in PFB format.
The resulting ASCII format PostScript font can be used with groff. It must first be listed in /usr/lib/groff/font/devps/
Groff Version 1.09, 6 August 1992
pgmbentleyBentleyize a portable graymap
pgmbentley [pgmfile]
pgmbentley readsa portable graymap asinput, performsthe Bentley Effect, and writesa portable graymap asoutput.
The Bentley Effect isdescribed in Beyond Photographyby Holzmann, Chapter 4, photo 4. Itsa vertical smearing based on
pgmoil(1), ppmrelief(1), pgm(5)
Copyright 1990 by Wilson Bent (
11 January1991
Part I: User Commands
pgmcraterCreate cratered terrain by fractal forgery
pgmcrater [-number n][-height|-ysize s][-width|-xsize s ][-gamma g]
pgmcrater createsa portable graymap that mimicscratered terrain. The graymap iscreated by simulating the impact of a
given number of craterswith random position and size, then rendering the resulting terrain elevationsbased on a light source
shining from one side of the screen. The size distribution of the cratersisbased on a power law that resultsin many more
small cratersthan large ones. The number of cratersof a given size variesasthe reciprocal of the area asdescribed on pages31
and 32 of TheScienceOf Fractal Images, edited by H.O. Peitgen and D. Saupe (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988). Cratered
bodiesin the solar system are observed to obey thisrelationship. The formula used to obtain crater radii governed by thislaw
from a uniformly distributed pseudorandom sequence wasdeveloped by Rudy Rucker.
High resolution imageswith large numbersof cratersoften benefit from being piped through pnmsmooth. The averaging
performed by thisprocesseliminatessome of the jagged pixelsand lendsa mellow telescopic image feel to the overall
-number n Causesn cratersto be generated. If no -number specification isgiven, 50,000 craterswill be generated. Dont
expect to see them all! For every large crater, there are many, many more tiny onesthat tend simply to erode the landscape.
In general, the more cratersyou specify, the more realistic the result; ideally, you want the entire terrain to have been
extensively turned over again and again by cratering. High-resolution imagescontaining five to ten million cratersare
stunning but take quite a while to create.
-height hei ght Setsthe height of the generated image to hei ght pixels. The default height is256 pixels.
-width wi dt h Setsthe width of the generated image to wi dt h pixels. The default width is256 pixels.
-xsize wi dt h Setsthe width of the generated image to wi dt h pixels. The default width is256 pixels.
-ysize hei ght Setsthe height of the generated image to hei ght pixels. The default height is256 pixels.
-gamma f act or The specified factor isused to gamma correct the graymap in the same manner asperformed by pnmgamma.
The default value is1.0, which resultsin a medium contrast image. Valueslarger than 1 lighten the image
and reduce contrast, while valueslessthan 1 darken the image, increasing contrast.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
The -gamma option isnt really necessary because you can achieve the same effect by piping the output from pgmcrater
through pnmgamma. However, pgmcrater performsan internal gamma map anyway in the processof rendering the elevation
array into a graymap, so theresno additional overhead in allowing a user-specified gamma.
Real cratershave two distinct morphologies. pgmcrater simulatesonly small craters, which are hemispherical in shape
(regardlessof the incidence angle of the impacting body, aslong asthe velocity issufficiently high). Large craters, such as
Copernicusand Tycho on the moon, have a walled plain shape with a cross-section more like:
_____/ \_____ /\______/ \______
Larger cratersshould really use thisprofile, including the central peak, and totally obliterate the preexisting terrain.
pgm(5), pnmgamma(1), pnmsmooth(1)
John Walker
Autodesk SA Avenue desChamps-Montants14b
Fax: 038/33 88 15
Voice: 038/33 76 33
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute thissoftware and itsdocumentation for any purpose and without fee is
hereby granted, without any conditionsor restrictions. Thissoftware isprovided asis without expressor implied warranty.
PLUGWARE! If you like thiskind of stuff, you may also enjoy JamesGleicksChaosThe Software for MS-DOS,
available for $59.95 from your local software store or directly from Autodesk, Inc., Attn: Science Series, 2320 Marinship
Way, Sausalito, CA 94965, USA. Telephone: 800-688-2344 toll-free or, outside the U.S. (415) 332-2344 Ext 4886. Fax:
415-289-4718. ChaosThe Software includesa more comprehensive fractal forgery generator that createsthree-
dimensional landscapesaswell ascloudsand planets, plusfive more modulesthat explore other aspectsof Chaos. The user
guide of more than 200 pagesincludesan introduction by JamesGleick and detailed explanationsby Rudy Rucker of the
mathematicsand algorithmsused by each program.
15 October 1991
pgmedgeEdge detect a portable graymap
pgmedge [pgmfile]
pgmedge readsa portable graymap asinput, outlinesthe edges, and writesa portable graymap asoutput. Piping the result
through pgmtopbm -threshold and playing with the threshold value will give a bitmap of the edges.
The edge detection technique used isto take the Pythagorean sum of two Sobel gradient operatorsat 90 degreesto each
other. For more detailssee Digital ImageProcessingby Gonzalez and Wintz, Chapter 7.
pgmenhance(1), pgmtopbm(1), pgm(5), pbm(5)
Copyright 1991 byJef Poskanzer.
4 February1990
pgmenhanceEdge enhance a portable graymap
pgmenhance [-N][pgmf i l e]
Part I: User Commands
pgmenhance readsa portable graymap asinput, enhancesthe edges, and writesa portable graymap asoutput.
The edge enhancing technique istaken from Philip R. Thompsonsxim program, which took it from section 6 of Digital
HalftonesbyDot Diffusion, D. E. Knuth, ACM Transaction on GraphicsVol. 6, No. 4, October 1987, which in turn got it
from two 1976 papersby J. F. Jarviset. al.
The optional -N flag should be a digit from 1 to 9. 1 isthe lowest level of enhancement, 9 isthe highest; the default is9.
pgmedge(1), pgm(5), pbm(5)
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
13 January1989
pgmhistPrint a histogram of the valuesin a portable graymap
pgmhist [pgmf i l e]
pgmhist readsa portable graymap asinput and printsa histogram of the gray values.
pgmnorm(1), pgm(5), ppmhist(1)
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer
28 February1989
pgmkernelGenerate a convolution kernel
pgmkernel [ weight w ] wi dt h [ hei ght ]
pgmkernel generatesa portable graymap array of size wi dt h x hei ght (or wi dt h x wi dt h if hei ght isnot specified) to be used as
a convolution file by pnmconvol. The data in the convolution array K are computed according to the formula:
where w isa coefficient specified via the weight flag, and wi dt h and hei ght are the X and Y filter sizes.
The output PGM file isalwayswritten out in ASCII format.
The optional -weight flag should be a real number greater than -1. The default value is6.0.
The computation time isproportional to width * height. Thisincreasesrapidly with the increase of the kernel size. A better
approach could be to use a FFT in these cases.
pnmconvol(1), pnmsmooth(1)
Alberto Accomazzi (
10 December 1992
pgmnoiseCreate a graymap made up of white noise
pgmnoise width height
pgmnoise createsa portable graymap that ismade up of random pixelswith gray valuesin the range of 0 to PGM_MAXMAXVAL
(dependson the compilation, either 255 or 65535). The graymap hasa size of width * height pixels.
Copyright 1993 by Frank Neumann
16 November 1993
pgmnormNormalize the contrast in a portable graymap
pgmnorm[-bpercent N | -bvalue N][-wpercent N | -wvalue N][pgmf i l e]
pgmnorm readsa portable graymap asinput; normalizesthe contrast by forcing the lightest pixelsto white, the darkest pixelsto
black, and linearly rescaling the onesin between; and producesa portable graymap asoutput.
By default, the darkest two percent of all pixelsare mapped to black, and the lightest one percent are mapped to white. You
can override these percentagesby using the -bpercent and -wpercent flags, or you can specify the exact pixel valuesto be
Part I: User Commands
mapped by using the -bvalue and -wvalue flags. Appropriate numbersfor the flagscan be gotten from the pgmhist tool. If
you just want to enhance the contrast, then choose valuesat elbowsin the histogram; for example, if value 29 represents3
percent of the image but value 30 represents20 percent, choose 30 for bvalue. If you want to lighten the image, then set
bvalue to 0 and just fiddle with wvalue; similarly, to darken the image, set wvalue to maxval and play with bvalue.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
pgmhist(1), ppmnorm(1), pgm(5)
Partially based on the fbnorm filter in Michael MauldinsFuzzy Pixmap package.

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

28 February1989
pgmoilTurn a portable graymap into an oil painting
pgmoil [-n N][pgmf i l e]
pgmoil readsa portable graymap asinput, doesan oil transfer, and writesa portable graymap asoutput.
The oil transfer isdescribed in Beyond Photographyby Holzmann, Chapter 4, photo 7. Itsa sort of localized smearing.
The optional -n flag controlsthe size of the area smeared. The default value is3.
Takesa long time to run.
pgmbentley(1), ppmrelief(1), pgm(5)

1990 by Wilson Bent (

11 January1991
pgmrampGenerate a grayscale ramp
pgmramp -lr|-tb | -rectangle|-ellipse width height
pgmramp generatesa graymap of the specified size containing a black-to-white ramp. These rampsare useful for multiplying
with other images, using the pnmarith tool.
-lr A left to right ramp
-tb A top to bottom ramp
-rectangle A rectangular ramp
-ellipse An elliptical ramp
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
pnmarith(1), pgm(5)
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
24 November 1989
pgmtextureCalculate textural featureson a portable graymap
pgmtexture [-d d][pgmf i l e]
pgmtexture readsa portable graymap asinput. Calculatestextural featuresbased on spatial dependence matricesat 0, 45, 90,
and 135 degreesfor a distance d (default = 1). Textural featuresinclude
(1) Angular Second Moment
(2) Contrast
(3) Correlation
(4) Variance
(5) Inverse Difference Moment
(6) Sum Average
(7) Sum Variance
(8) Sum Entropy
(9) Entropy
(10) Difference Variance
(11) Difference Entropy
(12, 13) Information Measuresof Correlation
(14) Maximal Correlation Coefficient
Algorithm taken from Textural Featuresfor Image Classification, IEEE Transactionson Systems, Man, and Cybertinetics,
R.M. Haralick, K. Shanmugam, and I. Dinstein, 1973. SMC-3(6):610621.
The program can run incredibly slowly for large images(larger than 6464) and command-line optionsare limited. The
method for finding the maximal correlation coefficient, which requiresfinding the second largest eigenvalue of a matrix Q,
doesnot alwaysconverge.
IEEE Transactionson Systems, Man, and Cybertinetics, SMC-3(6):610621.
Part I: User Commands
pgm(5), pnmcut(1)
Copyright 1991 by TexasAgricultural Experiment Station, employer-for-hire of JamesDarrell McCauley.
22 August 1991
pgmtofsConvert portable graymap to Usenix FaceSaver format
pgmtofs [pgmf i l e]
pgmtofs readsa portable graymap asinput. ProducesUsenix FaceSaver format asoutput.
FaceSaver isa registered trademark of Metron Computerware Ltd. of Oakland, CA.
fstopgm(1), pgm(5)

1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

18 May1990
pgmtolispmConvert a portable graymap into Lisp machine format
pgmtolispm [pgmfile]
pgmtolispm readsa portable graymap asinput and producesa Lisp machine bitmap asoutput.
Thisisthe file format read by the tv:read-bit-array-file function on TI Explorer and SymbolicsLisp machines.
Given a PGM (instead of a PBM), a multiplane image will be output. Thisisprobably not useful unlessyou have a color
Lisp machine.
Multiplane bitmapson Lisp machinesare color; but the lispm image file format doesnot include a colormap, so it must be
treated asa graymap instead. Thisisunfortunate.
lispmtopgm(1), pgm(5)
Output width isalwaysrounded up to the nearest multiple of 32; thismight not alwaysbe what you want, but it probably is
(arraysthat are not modulo 32 cannot be passed to the lispm BITBLT function, and thuscannot easily be displayed on the screen).
No color.
Copyright 1991 by Jamie Zawinski and Jef Poskanzer.
6 March 1990
pgmtopbmConvert a portable graymap into a portable bitmap
pgmtopbm [-floyd|-fs|-threshold |-hilbert |-dither8|-d8|-cluster3
|-c3|-cluster4|-c4 |-cluster8|-c8][-value val ][-clump si ze][pgmf i l e]
pgmtopbm readsa portable graymap asinput and producesa portable bitmap asoutput.
Note that there isno pbmtopgm converter because any pgm program can read PBM filesautomagically.
The default quantization method isboustrophedonic Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion (-floyd or -fs). Also available are
simple thresholding (-threshold); Bayersordered dither (-dither8) with a 1616 matrix; and three different sizesof 45-
degree clustered-dot dither (-cluster3, -cluster4, -cluster8). A space-filling curve halftoning method using the Hilbert
curve isalso available. (-hilbert).
Floyd-Steinberg will almost alwaysgive the best looking results; however, looking good isnot alwayswhat you want. For
instance, thresholding can be used in a pipeline with the pnmconvol tool, for taskslike edge and peak detection. And
clustered-dot dithering givesa newspaper-like look, a useful special effect. The -value flag altersthe thresholding value for
Floyd-Steinberg and simple thresholding. It should be a real number between 0 and 1. Above 0.5 meansdarker images;
below 0.5 meanslighter.
The Hilbert curve method isuseful for processing imagesbefore display on devicesthat do not render individual pixels
distinctly (like laser printers). Thisdithering method can give better resultsthan the dithering usually done by the laser
printersthemselves. The -clump flag altersthe number of pixelsin a clump. Thisisusually an integer between 2 and 100
(default 5). Smaller clump sizessmear the image lessand are lessgrainy, but seem to loose some grayscale linearity. Typically,
a PGM image will have to be scaled to fit on a laser printer page (2400 3000 pixelsfor an A4 300dpi page), and then
dithered to a PBM image before being converted to a PostScript file. A printing pipeline might look something like this:
pnmscale -xysize 2400 3000 image.pgm | pgmtopbm -hil | pnmtops -scale 0.25
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
The only reference you need for thisstuff isDigital Halftoningby Robert Ulichney, MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-21009-6.
The Hilbert curve space filling method istaken from Digital Halftoning with Space Filling Curves by Luiz Velho,
Computer GraphicsVolume 25, Number 4, proceedingsof SIGRAPH 91, page 81. ISBN 0-89791-436-8
pbmreduce(1), pgm(5), pbm(5), pnmconvol(1), pnmscale(1), pnmtops(1)
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
26 July1988
Part I: User Commands
pgmtoppmColorize a portable graymap into a portable pixmap
pgmtoppm col or spec [pgmf i l e]
pgmtoppm col or spec1-col or spec2 [pgmf i l e]
pgmtoppm -map mapf i l e [pgmf i l e]
pgmtoppm readsa portable graymap asinput, colorizesit by multiplying the gray valuesby specified color or colors, and
producesa portable pixmap asoutput.
If only one color isspecified, black in the PGM file staysblack and white in the PGM file turnsinto the specified color in
the PPM file. If two colors(separated by a hyphen) are specified, then black getsmapped to the first color and white gets
mapped to the second.
The color can be specified in five ways:
I A name, assuming that a pointer to an X11-style color namesfile wascompiled in.
I An X11-style hexadecimal specifier: rgb:r/g/b, where r, g, and b are each 1- to 4-digit hexadecimal numbers.
I An X11-style decimal specifier: rgbi:r/g/b, where r, g, and b are floating-point numbersbetween 0 and 1.
I For backwardscompatibility, an old-X11-style hexadecimal number: #rgb, #rrggbb, #rrrgggbbb, or #rrrrggggbbbb.
I For backwardscompatibility, a triplet of numbersseparated by commas: r,g,b, where r, g, and b are floating-point
numbersbetween 0 and 1. (Thisstyle wasadded before MIT came up with the similar rgbi style.)
Also, the -map flag letsyou specify an entire colormap to be used. The mapfile isjust a PPM file; it can be any shape, all that
mattersisthe colorsin it and their order. In thiscase, black getsmapped to the first color in the mapfile, and white gets
mapped to the last.
rgb3toppm(1), ppmtopgm(1), ppmtorgb3(1), ppm(5), pgm(5)

1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

11 January1991
pi1toppmConvert an Atari DegasPI1 into a portable pixmap
pi1toppm [pi 1f i l e]
pi1toppm readsan Atari DegasPI1 file asinput and producesa portable pixmap asoutput.
ppmtopi1(1), ppm(5), pi3topbm(1), pbmtopi3(1)

1991 by Steve Belczyk ( and Jef Poskanzer.

19 July1990
pi3topbmConvert an Atari DegasPI3 file into a portable bitmap
pi3topbm [pi 3f i l e]
pi3topbm readsan Atari DegasPI3 file asinput. Producesa portable bitmap asoutput.
pbmtopi3(1), pbm(5), pi1toppm(1), ppmtopi1(1)

1988 by David Beckemeyer (bdt!david) and DiomidisD. Spinellis.

11 March 1990
picttoppmConvert a Macintosh PICT file into a portable pixmap
picttoppm [-verbose][-fullres][-noheader][-quickdraw][-fontdirf i l e] [pi ct f i l e]
picttoppm readsa PICT file (version 1 or 2) and outputsa portable pixmap. Useful asthe first step in converting a scanned
image to something that can be displayed on UNIX.
fontdir f i l e Make the list of BDF fontsin f i l e available for use by pict-toppm when drawing text. For the format of
the fontdir file, see the fontdir File Format subsection.
fullres Force any imagesin the PICT file to be output with at least their full resolution. A PICT file may indicate
that a contained image isto be scaled down before output. Thisoption forcesimagesto retain their sizes
and prevent information loss. Use of thisoption disablesall PICT operationsexcept images.
noheader Do not skip the 512-byte header that ispresent on all PICT files. Thisisuseful when you have PICT data
that wasnot stored in the data fork of a PICT file.
quickdraw Execute only pure quickdraw operations. In particular, turn off the interpretation of special PostScript
printer operations.
verbose Turnson verbose mode, which printsa whole bunch of information that only picttoppm hackersreally
care about.
The PICT file format isa general drawing format. picttoppm doesnot support all the drawing commands, but it doeshave
full support for any image commandsand reasonable support for line, rectangle, polygon, and text drawing. It isuseful for
converting scanned imagesand some drawing conversion.
Memory isused very liberally with at least six bytesneeded for every pixel. Large bitmap PICT fileswill likely run your
computer out of memory.
Part I: User Commands
picttoppm hasa built-in default font and your local installer probably provided adequate extra fonts. You can point picttoppm
at more fontsthat you specify in a font directory file. Each line in the file iseither a comment line, which must begin with #,
or font information. The font information consistsof four whitespace separated fields. The first isthe font number, the
second isthe font size in pixels, the third isthe font style, and the fourth isthe name of a BDF file containing the font. The
BDF format isdefined by the X Window System and isnot described here.
The font number indicatesthe type face. Here isa list of known font numbersand their faces.
0 Chicago
1 Application font
2 New York
3 Geneva
4 Monaco
5 Venice
6 London
7 Athens
8 San Francisco
9 Toronto
11 Cairo
12 LosAngeles
20 TimesRoman
21 Helvetica
22 Courier
23 Symbol
24 Taliesin
The font style indicatesa variation on the font. Multiple variationsmay apply to a font and the font style isthe sum of the
variation numbers, which are
1 Boldface
2 Italic
4 Underlined
8 Outlined
16 Shadow
32 Condensed
64 Extended
Obviously, the font definitionsare strongly related to the Macintosh. More font numbersand information about fontscan
be found in Macintosh documentation.
Inside Macintosh volumes1 and 5, ppmtopict(1), ppm(5)
Copyright 1993 George Phillips.
29 November 1991
pjtoppmConvert an HP PaintJet file to a portable pixmap
pjtoppm [pai nt j et ]
pjtoppm readsan HP PaintJet file asinput and convertsit into a portable pixmap. Thiswasa quick hack to save some trees,
and it only handlesa small subset of the paintjet commands. In particular, it will only handle enough commandsto convert
most raster image files.
HP PaintJet XL Color GraphicsPrinter UsersGuide

1991 by ChristosZoulas.
14 July1991
pktopbmConvert packed (PK) format font into portable bitmap(s)
pktopbm pkfile[.pk] [-c num] pbmf i l e ...
pktopbm readsa packed (PK) font file asinput and producesportable bitmapsasoutput. If the filename - isused for any of
the filenames, the standard input stream (or standard output where appropriate) will be used.
-c num Setsthe character number of the next bitmap written to num.
pbmtopk(1), pbm(5)
Adapted from Tom Rokickispxtopk by AngusDuggan (
6 August 1990
pnmaliasAntialiasa portable anymap.
pnmalias [-bgcolor col or ][-fgcolor col or ][-bonly][-fonly][-balias][-falias]
[-weight w][pnmf i l e]
Part I: User Commands
pnmalias readsa portable anymap asinput and appliesantialiasing to background and foreground pixels. If the input file isa
portable bitmap, the output antialiased image ispromoted to a graymap, and a message isprinted informing the user of the
change in format.
bgcolor col or b, Set the background color to col or b, and the foreground to color to col or f . Pixelswith these values
fgcolor col or f will be antialiased. By default, the background color istaken to be black, and foreground color is
assumed to be white. The colorscan be specified in five ways:
I A name, assuming that a pointer to an X11-style color namesfile wascompiled in.
I An X11-style hexadecimal specifier: rgb:r/g/b, where r, g, and b are each 1- to 4-digit
hexadecimal numbers.
I An X11-style decimal specifier: rgbi:r/g/b, where r, g, and b are floating-point numbers
between 0 and 1.
I For backwardscompatibility, an old-X11-style hexadecimal number: #rgb, #rrggbb,
#rrrgggbbb, or #rrrrggggbbbb.
I For backwardscompatibility, a triplet of numbersseparated by commas: r,g,b, where r, g,
and b are floating-point numbersbetween 0 and 1. (Thisstyle wasadded before MIT came
up with the similar rgbi style.)
Note that even when dealing with graymaps, background and foreground colorsneed to be specified in the fashion described
in the preceding list. In thiscase, background and foreground pixel valuesare taken to be the value of the red component for
the given color.
bonly, fonly Apply antialiasing only to background (bonly), or foreground (fonly) pixels.
balias, falias Apply antialiasing to all pixelssurrounding background (balias), or foreground (falias) pixels.
By default, antialiasing takesplace only among neighboring background and foreground pixels.
weight w Use w asthe central weight for the aliasing filter. w must be a real number in the range 0 < w < 1.
The lower the value of w is, the blurrier the output image is. The default isw = 1/3.
pbmtext(1), pnmsmooth(1), pnm(5)

1992 by Alberto Accomazzi, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

30 April 1992
pnmarithPerform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
pnmarith -add|-subtract|-multiply|-difference pnmf i l e1 pnmf i l e2
pnmarith readstwo portable anymapsasinput, performsthe specified arithmetic operation, and producesa portable anymap
asoutput. The two input anymapsmust be the same width and height.
The arithmetic isperformed between corresponding pixelsin the two anymaps, asif maxval was1.0, black was0.0, with a
linear scale in between. Resultsthat fall outside of [0..1) are truncated.
The operator -difference calculatesthe absolute value of
pnmarith -subtract pnmf i l e1 pnm- f i l e2
In other words, no truncation isdone.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
pbmmask(1), pnmpaste(1), pnminvert(1), pnm(5)

1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer. Lightly modified by Marcel Wijkstra (

26 August 1993
pnmcatConcatenate portable anymaps
pnmcat [-white|-black] -leftright|-lr [-jtop|-jbottom] pnmf i l e pnmfile ...
pnmcat [-white|-black] -topbottom|-tb [-jleft|-jright] pnmf i l e pnmfile ...
pnmcat readsportable anymapsasinput, concatenatesthem either left to right or top to bottom, and producesa portable
anymap asoutput.
If the anymapsare not all the same height (left-right) or width (top-bottom), the smaller oneshave to be justified with the
largest. By default, they get centered, but you can specify one side or the other with one of the -j* flags. So, -topbottom -
jleft would stack the anymapson top of each other, flush with the left edge.
The -white and -black flagsspecify which color to use to fill in the extra space when doing thisjustification. If neither is
specified, the program makesa guess.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

12 March 1989
pnmcompComposite two portable anymap filestogether
pnmcomp [-invert][-xoffN] [-yoffN] [-alphapgmfile] overlay [pnm- i nput ][pnm- out put ]
Part I: User Commands
pnmcomp readsin a portable anymap image and putsan overlay upon it, with optional alpha mask. The -alphapgmfile allows
you to also add an alpha mask file to the compositing process; the range of max and min can be swapped by using the -invert
option. The -xoff and -yoff argumentscan be negative, allowing you to shift the overlay off the top corner of the screen.

1992 by David Koblas(

21 February1989
pnmconvolGeneral MxN convolution on a portable anymap
pnmconvol convol ut i onf i l e [pnmf i l e]
pnmconvol readstwo portable anymapsasinput, convolvesthe second using the first, and writesa portable anymap asoutput.
Convolution meansreplacing each pixel with a weighted average of the nearby pixels. The weightsand the area to average are
determined by the convolution matrix. The unsigned numbersin the convolution file are offset by -maxval/2 to make signed
numbers, and then normalized, so the actual valuesin the convolution file are only relative.
Here isa sample convolution file; it doesa simple average of the nine immediate neighbors, resulting in a smoothed image:
3 3
10 10 10
10 10 10
10 10 10
To see how thisworks, do the offset mentioned in the preceding paragraph: 10 18/2 gives1. The possible range of valuesis
from 0 to 18, and after the offset thats-9 to 9. The normalization step makesthe range -1 to 1, and the valuesget scaled
correspondingly so they become 1/9exactly what you want. The equivalent matrix for 55 smoothing would have maxval
50 and be filled with 26.
The convolution file will usually be a graymap, so that the same convolution isapplied to each color component. However, if
you want to use a pixmap and do a different convolution to different colors, you can certainly do that.
pnmsmooth(1), pnm(5)

1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

13 January1991
pnmcropCrop a portable anymap
pnmcrop [-white|-black][-left][-right][-top][-bottom][pnmf i l e]
pnmcrop readsa portable anymap asinput, removesedgesthat are the background color, and producesa portable anymap as
By default, it makesa guessasto what the background color is. You can override the default with the -white and -black flags.
The options-left, -right, -top and -bottom restrict cropping to the sidesspecified. The default isto crop all sidesof the
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
pnmcut(1), pnm(5)
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
25 February1989
pnmcutCut a rectangle out of a portable anymap
pnmcut x y width height [pnmf i l e]
pnmcut readsa portable anymap asinput, extractsthe specified rectangle, and producesa portable anymap asoutput. The x
and y can be negative, in which case they are interpreted relative to the right and bottom of the anymap, respectively.
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
21 February1989
pnmdepthChange the maxval in a portable anymap
pnmdepth newmaxval [pnmfile]
Part I: User Commands
pnmdepth readsa portable anymap asinput, scalesall the pixel values, and writesout the image with the new maxval. Scaling
the colorsdown to a smaller maxval will result in some lossof information.
Be careful of off-by-one errorswhen choosing the new maxval. For instance, if you want the color valuesto be five bitswide,
use a maxval of 31, not 32.
pnm(5), ppmquant(1), ppmdither(1)
Copyright 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
12 January1991
pnmenlargeRead a portable anymap and enlarge it N times
pnmenlarge N [pnmf i l e]
pnmenlarge readsa portable anymap asinput, replicatesitspixelsN times, and producesa portable anymap asoutput.
pnmenlarge can only enlarge by integer factors. The slower but more general pnmscale can enlarge or reduce by arbitrary
factors, and pbmreduce can reduce by integer factors, but only for bitmaps.
If you enlarge by a factor of 3 or more, you should probably add a pnmsmooth step; otherwise, you can see the original pixels
in the resulting image.
pbmreduce(1), pnmscale(1), pnmsmooth(1), pnm(5)
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
26 February1989
pnmfileDescribe a portable anymap
pnmfile [pnmf i l e] ...
pnmfile readsone or more portable anymapsasinput and writesout short descriptionsof the image type, size, and so on.
Thisismostly for use in shell scripts, so the format isnot particularly pretty.
pnm(5), file(1)
Copyright 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
9 January1991
pnmflipPerform one or more flip operationson a portable anymap
pnmflip [-leftright|-lr][-topbottom|-tb][-transpose|-xy][-rotate90|-r90|-ccw ]
[-rotate270|-r270|-cw ][-rotate180|-r180][pnmf i l e]
pnmflip readsa portable anymap asinput, performsone or more flip operationsin the order specified, and writesout a
portable anymap.
The flip operationsavailable are left for right (-leftright or -lr); top for bottom (-topbottom or -tb); and transposition (-
transpose or -xy). In addition, some canned concatenationsare available: -rotate90 or -ccw isequivalent to -transpose -
topbottom; -rotate270 or -cw isequivalent to -transpose -leftright; and -rotate180 isequivalent to -leftright -topbottom.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
pnmrotate(1), pnm(5)

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

25 July1989
pnmgammaPerform gamma correction on a portable anymap
pnmgamma val ue [pnmf i l e]
pnmgamma r edval ue greenvalue bluevalue [pnmf i l e]
pnmgamma readsa portable anymap asinput, performsgamma correction, and producesa portable anymap asoutput.
The argumentsspecify what gamma value(s) to use. A value of 1.0 leavesthe image alone, lessthan 1 darkensit, and greater
than 1 lightensit.

1991 by Bill Davidson and Jef Poskanzer.

12 January1991
Part I: User Commands
pnmhistmapDraw a histogram for a PGM or PPM file
pnmhistmap [-black][-white][-max N][-verbose][pnmf i l e]
pnmhistmap readsa portable anymap asinput, although bitmap (PBM) input producesan error message and no image, and
producesan image showing a histogram of the color (or gray) valuesin the input. A graymap (PGM) input producesa
bitmap output. A pixmap (PPM) input producespixmap output with three overlaid histograms: a red one for the red input,
a green one for the green input, and a blue one for the blue input. The output isfixed in size: 256 pixelswide by 200 pixels
-black Ignoresthe count of black pixelswhen scaling the histogram.
-white Ignoresthe count of white pixelswhen scaling the histogram.
The -black and -white options, which can be used separately or together, are useful for imageswith a large percentage of
pixelswhose value iszero or 255, which can cause the remaining histogram data to become unreadably small. Note that, for
pixmap inputs, these optionsapply to all colors; if, for example, the input hasa large number of bright-red areas, you will
probably want to use the -white option.
-max N Force the scaling of the histogram to use N asthe largest-count value. Thisisuseful for inputswith a large
percentage of single-color pixelsthat are not black or white.
-verbose Report the progressof making the histogram, including the largest-count value used to scale the output.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
Assumesmaxval isalways255. Imageswith a smaller maxval will only use the lower-value side of the histogram. Thiscan be
overcome either by piping the input through pnmdepth 255 or by cutting and scaling the lower-value side of the histogram.
Neither isa particularly elegant solution.
Should allow the output size to be specified.
pgmhist(1), ppmhist(1), pgm(5), ppm(5)
Wilson H. Bent, Jr. (
25 October 1993
pnmindexBuild a visual index of a bunch of anymaps
pnmindex [-size N][-across N][-colors N][-black] pnmf i l e ...
Thisscript makessmall versionsof a bunch of anymaps, addslabels, and concatenatesthem together into a collage.
-size Controlshow big each image becomes; the default is100x100.
-across Controlshow many imagesare in each row; the default issix.
-colors Controlshow many colorsthe final index getsquantized to, if quantization isnecessary; the default is256.
-black Controlsthe color of the padding between the images; normally itswhite and the labelsare black lettering on
white background, but the -black flag reversesthis.
pnmscale(1), pnmcat(1), pbmtext(1), ppmquant(1), pnm(5)
Itsvery slow.
Itsa csh script. csh scriptsare not portable to System V. Scriptsin general are not portable to non-UNIX environments.
Copyright 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
9 January1991
pnminvertInvert a portable anymap
pnminvert [pnmf i l e]
pnminvert readsa portable anymap asinput, invertsit black for white, and producesa portable anymap asoutput.
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
8 August 1989
pnmmarginAdd a border to a portable anymap
pnmmargin [-white|-black|-color col or spec] si ze [pnmf i l e]
pnmmargin readsa portable anymap asinput, addsa border of the specified number of pixels, and producesa portable anymap
Part I: User Commands
You can specify the border color with the -white, -black, and -color flags. If no color isspecified, the program makesa
Itsa script. Scriptsare not portable to non-UNIX environments.
Copyright 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
9 January1991
pnmnlfilt--Nonlinear filters: smooth, alpha trim mean, optimal estimation smoothing, edge enhancement.
pnmnlfilt alpha radius [pnmf i l e]
Thisissomething of a Swissarmy knife filter. It hasthree distinct operating modes. In all of the modes, each pixel in the
image isexamined and processed according to it and itssurrounding pixelsvalues. Rather than using the nine pixelsin a 33
block, seven hexagonal area samplesare taken, the size of the hexagonsbeing controlled by the radius parameter. A radius
value of 0.3333 meansthat the seven hexagonsexactly fit into the center pixel (that is, there will be no filtering effect). A
radius value of 1.0 meansthat the seven hexagonsexactly fit a 33 pixel array.
ALPHA-TRIMMED MEAN FILTER (0.0 < = alpha < = 0.5)
The value of the center pixel will be replaced by the mean of the seven hexagon values, but the seven valuesare sorted by size
and the top and bottom alpha portion of the seven are excluded from the mean. Thisimpliesthat an alpha value of 0.0 gives
the same sort of output asa normal convolution (that is, averaging or smoothing filter), where radius will determine the
strength of the filter. A good value to start from for subtle filtering isalpha = 0.0, radius = 0.55. For a more blatant effect,
try alpha = 0.0 and radius = 1.0.
An alpha value of 0.5 will cause the median value of the seven hexagonsto be used to replace the center pixel value. Thissort
of filter isgood for eliminating pop or single pixel noise from an image without spreading the noise out or smudging
featureson the image. Judicioususe of the radius parameter will fine-tune the filtering. Intermediate valuesof alpha give
effectssomewhere between smoothing and pop noise reduction. For subtle filtering, try starting with valuesof alpha = 0.4,
radius = 0.6. For a more blatant effect, try alpha = 0.5, radius = 1.0.
OPTIMAL ESTIMATION SMOOTHING. (1.0 < = alpha < = 2.0)
Thistype of filter appliesa smoothing filter adaptively over the image. For each pixel, the variance of the surrounding
hexagon valuesiscalculated, and the amount of smoothing ismade inversely proportional to it. The idea isthat if the
variance issmall, then it isdue to noise in the image, while if the variance islarge, it isbecause of wanted image features.
Asusual, the radius parameter controlsthe effective radius, but it probably advisable to leave the radius between 0.8 and 1.0
for the variance calculation to be meaningful. The alpha parameter setsthe noise threshold, over which lesssmoothing will
be done. Thismeansthat small valuesof alpha will give the most subtle filtering effect, while large valueswill tend to smooth
all partsof the image. You could start with valueslike alpha = 1.2, radius = 1.0 and try increasing or decreasing the alpha
parameter to get the desired effect. Thistype of filter isbest for filtering out dithering noise in both bitmap and color images.
EDGE ENHANCEMENT. (-0.1 > = alpha > = -0.9)
Thisisthe opposite type of filter to the smoothing filter. It enhancesedges. The alpha parameter controlsthe amount of
edge enhancement, from subtle (-0.1) to blatant (-0.9). The radius parameter controlsthe effective radiusasusual, but
useful valuesare between 0.5 and 0.9. Try starting with valuesof alpha = 0.3, radius = 0.8.
The variousmodesof pnmnlfilt can be used one after the other to get the desired result. For instance to turn a monochrome
dithered image into a grayscale image, you could try one or two passesof the smoothing filter, followed by a passof the
optimal estimation filter, then some subtle edge enhancement. Note that using edge enhancement isonly likely to be useful
after one of the nonlinear filters(alpha-trimmed mean or optimal estimation filter), asedge enhancement isthe direct
opposite of smoothing.
For reducing color quantization noise in images(that is, turning GIF filesback into 24-bit files), you could try a passof the
optimal estimation filter (alpha 1.2, radius 1.0), a passof the median filter (alpha 0.5, radius 0.55), and possibly a passof
the edge enhancement filter. Several passesof the optimal estimation filter with declining alpha valuesare more effective than
a single passwith a large alpha value. Asusual, there isa tradeoff between filtering effectivenessand loosing detail. Experi-
mentation isencouraged.
The alpha-trimmed mean filter isbased on the description in IEEE CG&A, May 1990, page 23, by Mark E. Lee and Richard
A. Redner, and hasbeen enhanced to allow continuousalpha adjustment.
The optimal estimation filter istaken from an article Converting Dithered ImagesBack to Grayscale by Allen Stenger, Dr.
DobbsJournal, November 1992, and thisarticle referencesDigital Image Enhancement and Noise Filtering by Use of Local
Statistics by Jong-Sen Lee, IEEE Transactionson Pattern Analysisand MachineIntelligence, March 1980.
The edge enhancement detailsare from pgmenhance(1), which istaken from Philip R. Thompsonsxim program, which in
turn took it from Section 6 of Digital Halftonesby Dot Diffusion by D. E. Knuth, ACM Transaction on GraphicsVol. 6,
No. 4, October 1987, which in turn got it from two 1976 papersby J. F. Jarviset al.
pgmenhance(1), pnmconvol(1), pnm(5)
Integersand tablesmay overflow if PPM_MAXMAXVAL isgreater than 255.
Graeme W. Gill (
5 February1993
pnmnorawForce a portable anymap into plain format
pnmnoraw [pnmf i l e]
pnmnoraw readsa portable anymap asinput and writesit out in plain (nonraw) format. Thisisfairly uselessif you havent
defined the PBMPLUS_RAWBITS compile-time option.
Part I: User Commands
Copyright 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
8 January1991
pnmpadAdd bordersto portable anymap
pnmpad [-white|-black] [-l#] [-r#] [-t#] [-b#] [pnmf i l e]
pnmpad readsa portable anymap asinput and outputsa portable anymap with extra bordersof the sizesspecified. The color of
the borderscan be set to black or white (default black).
pbmmake(1), pnmpaste(1), pbm(5)
Copyright 1990 by AngusDuggan. Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
pnmpastePaste a rectangle into a portable anymap
pnmpaste [-replace|-or|-and |-xor] f r ompnmf i l e x y [i nt opnmf i l e]
pnmpaste readstwo portable anymapsasinput, insertsthe first anymap into the second at the specified location, and produces
a portable anymap the same size asthe second asoutput. If the second anymap isnot specified, it isread from stdin. The x
and y can be negative, in which case they are interpreted relative to the right and bottom of the anymap, respectively.
Thistool ismost useful in combination with pnmcut. For instance, if you want to edit a small segment of a large image, and
your image editor cannot edit the large image, you can cut out the segment you are interested in, edit it, and then paste it
back in.
Another useful companion tool ispbmmask.
The optional flag specifiesthe operation to use when doing the paste. The default is-replace. The other logical operations
are only allowed if both input imagesare bitmaps. These operationsact asif white isTRUE and black isFALSE.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
pnmcut(1), pnminvert(1), pnmarith(1), pnm(5), pbmmask(1)
Copyright 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
21 February1991
pnmrotateRotate a portable anymap by some angle
pnmrotate [-noantialias] angl e [pnmf i l e]
pnmrotate readsa portable anymap asinput, rotatesit by the specified angle, and producesa portable anymap asoutput. If
the input file isin color, the output will be, too; otherwise, it will be grayscale. The angle isin degrees(floating-point),
measured counter-clockwise. It can be negative, but it should be between -90 and 90. Also, for rotationsgreater than 45
degreesyou may get better resultsif you first use pnmflip to do a 90-degree rotation and then pnmrotate lessthan 45 degrees
back the other direction.
The rotation algorithm isAlan Paethsthree-shear method. Each shear isimplemented by looping over the source pixelsand
distributing fractionsto each of the destination pixels. Thishasan antialiasing effectit avoidsjagged edgesand similar
artifacts. However, it also meansthat the original colorsor gray levelsin the image are modified. If you need to keep
precisely the same set of colors, you can use the -noantialias flag. Thisdoesthe shearing by moving pixelswithout changing
their values. If you want antialiasing and dont care about the precise colors, but still need a limited *number* of colors, you
can run the result through ppmquant.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
A Fast Algorithm for General Raster Rotation by Alan Paeth, GraphicsInterface86, pages7781.
pnmshear(1), pnmflip(1), pnm(5), ppmquant(1)
Copyright 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
12 January1991
pnmscaleScale a portable anymap
pnmscale s [pnmf i l e]
pnmscale -xsize|-width|-ysize| -height s [pnmf i l e]
pnmscale -xscale|-yscale s [pnmf i l e]
pnmscale -xscale|-xsize|-width s -yscale|-ysize|-height s [pnmf i l e]
pnmscale -xysize x y [pnmf i l e]
pnmscale pixels n [pnmf i l e]
Part I: User Commands
pnmscale readsa portable anymap asinput, scalesit by the specified factor or factors, and producesa portable anymap as
output. If the input file isin color, the output will be, too; otherwise, it will be grayscale. You can both enlarge (scale factor >
1) and reduce (scale factor < 1).
You can specify one dimension asa pixel size, and the other dimension will be scaled correspondingly.
You can specify one dimension asa scale, and the other dimension will not be scaled.
You can specify different sizesor scalesfor each axis.
You can use the special -xysize flag, which fitsthe image into the specified size without changing the aspect ratio.
Or, you can use the pixels flag, which fitsthe image into the specified number of pixelswithout changing the aspect ratio.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
If you enlarge by a factor of three or more, you should probably add a pnmsmooth step; otherwise, you can see the original
pixelsin the resulting image.
pbmreduce(1), pnmenlarge(1), pnmsmooth(1), pnm(5)
Copyright 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
12 January1991
pnmshearShear a portable anymap by some angle
pnmshear [-noantialias] angl e [pnmf i l e]
pnmshear readsa portable anymap asinput, shearsit by the specified angle, and producesa portable anymap asoutput. If the
input file isin color, the output will be too; otherwise, it will be grayscale. The angle isin degrees(floating-point), and
+----+ +----+
| OLD||\NEW \
+----+ |gle+----+
If the angle isnegative, it shearsthe other way:
+----+ |-an+----+
| OLD ||e/ NEW /
+----+ +----+
The angle should not get too close to 90 or -90, or the resulting anymap will be unreasonably wide.
The shearing isimplemented by looping over the source pixelsand distributing fractionsto each of the destination pixels.
Thishasan antialiasing effectit avoidsjagged edgesand similar artifacts. However, it also meansthat the original colorsor
gray levelsin the image are modified. If you need to keep precisely the same set of colors, you can use the -noantialias flag.
Thisdoesthe shearing by moving pixelswithout changing their values. If you want antialiasing and dont care about the
precise colors, but still need a limited *number* of colors, you can run the result through ppmquant.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
pnmrotate(1), pnmflip(1), pnm(5), ppmquant(1)
Copyright 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
12 January1991
pnmsmoothSmooth out an image
pnmsmooth [pnmf i l e]
pnmsmooth smoothsout an image by replacing each pixel with the average of itsnine immediate neighbors. It isimplemented
asa simple script using pnmconvol.
pnmconvol(1), pnm(5)
Itsa script. Scriptsare not portable to non-UNIX environments.
Copyright 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer
13 January1991
pnmtileReplicate a portable anymap into a specified size
pnmtile width height [pnmf i l e]
pnmtile readsa portable anymap asinput, replicatesit until it isthe specified size, and producesa portable anymap asoutput.
Copyright 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
13 May1989
Part I: User Commands
pnmtoddifConvert a portable anymap to DDIF format
pnmtoddif pnmtoddif [-resolution x y] [pnmfile [ddiffile]]
resolution x y The horizontal and vertical resolution of the output image in dotsper inch. Defaultsto 78dpi.
pnmf i l e The filename for the image file in PNM format. If thisargument isomitted, input isread from stdin.
ddi f f i l e The filename for the image file to be created in DDIF format. If thisargument isomitted, the ddi f f i l e is
written to standard output. It can only specified if a pnmf i l e isalso specified.
pnmtoddif takesa portable anymap from standard input and convertsit into a DDIF image file on standard output or the
specified DDIF file.
PBM format (bitmap) data iswritten as1-bit DDIF, PGM format data (grayscale) as8-bit grayscale DDIF, and PPM format
data iswritten as8,8,8-bit color DDIF. All DDIF image filesare written asuncompressed. The data plane organization is
interleaved by pixel.
In addition to the number of pixelsin the width and height dimension, DDIF imagesalso carry information about the size
that the image should have, that is, the physical space that a pixel occupies. PBMPLUS imagesdo not carry thisinformation,
hence it hasto be externally supplied. The default of 78dpi hasthe beneficial property of not causing a resize on most Digital
Equipment Corporation color monitors.
Burkhard Neidecker-Lutz
Digital Equipment Corporation, CEC Karlsruhe
pnmtofitsConvert a portable anymap into FITS format
pnmtofits [max f ][min f ][pnmf i l e]
pnmtofits readsa portable anymap asinput and producesa FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) file asoutput. The
resolution of the output file iseither 8 bits/pixel, or 16 bits/pixel, depending on the value of maxval in the input file. If the
input file isa portable bitmap or a portable graymap, the output file consistsof a single plane image (NAXIS = 2). If instead
the input file isa portable pixmap, the output file will consist of a three-plane image (NAXIS = 3, NAXIS3 = 3). A full
description of the FITS format can be found in Astronomy& AstrophysicsSupplement Series44 (1981), page 363.
Flagsmin and max can be used to set DATAMAX, DATAMIN, BSCALE, and BZERO in the FITS header, but do not cause the data to
be rescaled.
fitstopnm(1), pgm(5)
Copyright 1989 by Wilson H. Bent (, with modificationsby Alberto Accomazzi
5 December 1992
pnmtopsConvert portable anymap to PostScript
pnmtops [-scale s][-turn|-noturn][-rle|-runlength][-dpi n][-width n][-height n]
[-center|-nocenter][pnmf i l e]
pnmtops readsa portable anymap asinput and producesencapsulated PostScript asoutput.
If the input file isin color (PPM), a color PostScript file getswritten. Some PostScript interpreterscant handle color
PostScript. If you have one of these, you will need to run your image through ppmtopgm first.
Note that there isno pstopnm tool; thistransformation isone-way, because a pstopnm tool would be a full-fledged PostScript
interpreter, which isbeyond the scope of thispackage. However, see the psidtopgm tool, which can read grayscale non-run-
length PostScript image data. Also, if youre willing to install the fairly large GhostScript package, it comeswith a pstoppm
The -scale flag controlsthe scale of the result. The default scale is1, which on a 300dpi printer such asthe Apple
LaserWriter makesthe output look about the same size asthe input would if it wasdisplayed on a typical 72dpi screen. To
get one PNM pixel per 300dpi printer pixel, use -scale 0.25.
The -turn and -noturn flagscontrol whether the image getsturned 90 degrees. Normally, if an image iswider than it istall,
it getsturned automatically to better fit the page. If the -turn flag isspecified, it will be turned no matter what itsshape; and
if the -noturn flag isspecified, it will not be turned no matter what itsshape.
The -rle or -runlength flag specifiesrun-length compression. Thismay save time if the host-to-printer link isslow; but
normally the printersprocessing time dominates, so -rle makesthingsslower.
The -dpi flag letsyou specify the dotsper inch of your output device. The default is300dpi. In theory PostScript isdevice-
independent and you dont have to worry about this, but in practice itsraster rendering can have unsightly bandsif the
device pixelsand the image pixelsarent in sync.
The -width and -height flagslet you specify the size of the page. The default is8.5 inchesby 11 inches.
With the -nocenter flag, the output isnot centered on the page; it appearsin the upper-left corner. Thisisuseful for
programsthat can include PostScript files, but cant cope with picturesthat are not positioned in the upper-left corner. The
default is-center--the image iscentered on the page.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
pnm(5), psidtopgm(1)
Copyright 1989, 1991 byJef Poskanzer. Modified November 1993 byWolfgangStuerzlinger (
26 October 1991
Part I: User Commands
pnmtorastConvert a portable pixmap into a Sun raster file
pnmtorast [-standard|-rle][pnmf i l e]
pnmtorast readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesa Sun raster file asoutput.
Color valuesin Sun raster filesare eight bitswide, so pnmtorast will automatically scale colorsto have a maxval of 255. An
extra pnmdepth step isnot necessary.
The -standard flag forcesthe result to be in RT_STANDARD form; the -rle flag, RT_BYTE_ENCODED, which issmaller but, well, less
standard. The default is-rle.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
rasttopnm(1), pnm(5)
Copyright 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
12 January1991
pnmtosgiConvert a portable anymap to an SGI image file
pnmtosgi [-verbatim|-rle][-imagename Name][pnmfile]
pnmtosgi readsa portable anymap asinput and producesan SGI image file asoutput. The SGI image will be two-dimen-
sional (one channel) for PBM and PGM input, and three-dimensional (three channels) for PPM.
-verbatim Write an uncompressed file.
-rle (default) Write a compressed (run-lengthencoded) file.
-imagename name Write the string name into the imagename field of the header. The name string islimited to 79 characters. If
no name isgiven, pnmtosgi writesno name into thisfield.
SGI image file format documentation (draft v0.95) by Paul Haeberli ( Available via FTP at
pnm(5), sgitopnm(1)
Copyright 1994 byIngo Wilken (
29 January1994
pnmtosirConvert a portable anymap into a Solitaire format
pnmtosir [pnmfile]
pnmtosir readsa portable anymap asinput and producesa Solitaire image recorder format.
pnmtosir producesan MGI TYPE 17 file for PBM and PGM files. For ppm, it writesan MGI TYPE 11 file.
sirtopnm(1), pnm(5)
Copyright 1991 by Marvin Landis.
20 March 1991
pnmtotiffConvert a portable anymap into a TIFF file
pnmtotiff [-none|-packbits| -lzw|-g3|-g4][-2d][-fill][-predictor n]
[-msb2lsb|-lsb2msb] [-rowsperstrip n][pnmf i l e]
pnmtotiff readsa portable anymap asinput. Producesa TIFF file asoutput.
By default, pnmtotiff createsa TIFF file with LZW compression. Thisisyour best bet most of the time. However, some
TIFF readerscant deal with it. If you want to try another compression scheme or tweak some of the other even more
obscure output options, there are a number of flagsto play with.
The -none, -packbits, -lzw, -g3,and-g4 optionsare used to override the default and set the compression scheme used in
creating the output file. The CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 compression algorithmscan only be used with bilevel data. The
-2d and -fill optionsare meaningful only with Group 3 compression: -2d requeststwo-dimensional encoding, while -fill
requeststhat each encoded scanline be zero-filled to a byte boundary. The -predictor option isonly meaningful with LZW
compression: a predictor value of 2 causeseach scanline of the output image to undergo horizontal differencing before it is
encoded; a value of 1 forceseach scanline to be encoded without differencing. By default, pnmtotiff createsa TIFF file with
msb-to-lsb fill order. The -msb2lsb and -lsb2msb optionsare used to override the default and set the fill order used in
creating the file. The -rowsperstrip option can be used to set the number of rows(scanlines) in each strip of data in the
Part I: User Commands
output file. By default, the output file hasthe number of rowsper strip set to a value that will ensure each strip isno more
than eight kilobyteslong.
Thisprogram isnot self-contained. To use it you must fetch the TIFF Software package listed in the OTHER.SYSTEMS file and
configure PBMPLUS to use libtiff. See PBM-PLUSsMakefile for detailson thisconfiguration.
tifftopnm(1), pnm(5)
Derived by Jef Poskanzer from ras2tiff.c, which isCopyright

1990 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Author: Patrick J.

Naughton (
13 January1991
pnmtoxwdConvert a portable anymap into an X11 window dump
pnmtoxwd [-pseudodepth n][-directcolor][pnmf i l e]
pnmtoxwd readsa portable anymap asinput and producesan X11 window dump asoutput. Thiswindow dump can be
displayed using the xwud tool.
Normally, pnmtoxwd producesa StaticGray dump file for PBM and PGM files. For ppm, it writesa PseudoColor dump file if
there are up to 256 colorsin the input, and a DirectColor dump file otherwise. The -directcolor flag can be used to force a
DirectColor dump. The -pseudodepth flag can be used to change the depth of PseudoColor dumpsfrom the default of 8 bits/
256 colors.
xwdtopnm(1), pnm(5), xwud(1)

1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

24 September 1991
ppm3dConvert two portable pixmap into a red/blue 3D glassespixmap
ppm3d l ef t ppmf i l e r i ght ppmf i l e [hor i zont al _of f set ]
ppm3d readstwo portable pixmapsasinput and producesa portable pixmap asoutput, with the imagesoverlapping by
horizontal_offset pixelsin blue/red format.
horizontal_offset defaultsto 30 pixels. Pixmapsmust be the same size.
Copyright 1993 by David K. Drum.
2 November 1993
ppmbrightenChange an imagessaturation and value from an HSV map
ppmbrighten [-n] [-s <+- saturation>] [-v <+- value>] <ppmfile>
ppmbrighten readsa portable pixmap asinput, convertsthe image from RGB space to HSV space, and changesthe value by
<+- value> asa percentage; the same with the saturation. Use
ppmbrighten -v 100
to add 100 percent to the value.
The n option normalizesthe value to exist between 0 and 1 (normalized).
pgmnorm(1), ppm(5)

1990 by Brian Moffet. Copyright

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute thissoftware and itsdocumentation for any purpose and without fee is
hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copiesand that both that copyright notice and this
permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Thissoftware isprovided asis without expressor implied
Thisprogram doesnot change the number of colors.
20 November 1990
ppmchangeChange all pixelsof one color to another in a portable pixmap
ppmchange ol dcol or newcol or [...] [ppmf i l e]
ppmchange readsa portable pixmap asinput and changesall pixelsof ol dcol or to newcol or , leaving all othersunchanged. Up
to 256 colorsmay be replaced by specifying couplesof colorson the command line.
Part I: User Commands
The colorscan be specified in five ways:
I A name, assuming that a pointer to an X11-style color namesfile wascompiled in.
I An X11-style hexadecimal specifier: rgb:r/g/b, where r, g, and b are each 1- to 4-digit hexadecimal numbers.
I An X11-style decimal specifier: rgbi:r/g/b, where r, g, and b are floating-point numbersbetween 0 and 1.
I For backwardscompatibility, an old-X11-style hexadecimal number: #rgb, #rrggbb, #rrrgggbbb, or #rrrrggggbbbb.
I For backwardscompatibility, a triplet of numbersseparated by commas: r,g,b, where r, g, and b are floating-point
numbersbetween 0 and 1. (Thisstyle wasadded before MIT came up with the similar rgbi style.)
pgmtoppm(1), ppm(5)
Wilson H. Bent, Jr. (, with modificationsby Alberto Accomazzi (
3 December 1993
ppmdimDim a portable pixmap down to total blackness
ppmdim di mf act or [ppmf i l e]
ppmdim readsa portable pixmap asinput and diminishesitsbrightnessby the specified dimfactor down to total blackness. The
di mf act or may be in the range from 0.0 (total blackness, deep night, nada, null, nothing) to 1.0 (original picturesbright-
Aspnmgamma doesnot do the brightnesscorrection in the way I wanted it, I wrote thissmall program.
ppmdim issimilar to ppmbrighten, but not exactly the same.
ppm(5), ppmflash(1), pnmgamma(1), ppmbrighten(1)

1993 by Frank Neumann.

16 November 1993
ppmdistSimplistic grayscale assignment for machine-generated color images
ppmdist [-intensity|-frequency][ppmf i l e]
ppmdist readsa portable pixmap asinput and performsa simplistic grayscale assignment intended for use with grayscale or
bitmap printers.
Often conversion from ppm to pgm will yield an image with contrast too low for good printer output. The program maximizes
contrast between the gray levels output.
A ppm input of n colorsisread, and a pgm of n gray levelsiswritten. The gray levelstake on the values0...n-1, while maxval
takeson n-1.
The mapping from color to stepped grayscale can be performed in order of input pixel intensity, or input pixel frequency
(number of repetitions).
-frequency Sort input colorsby the number of timesa color appearsin the input, before mapping to evenly distrib-
uted gray levelsof output.
-intensity Sort input colorsby their grayscale intensity, before mapping to evenly distributed gray levelsof output.
Thisisthe default.
Helpful only for imageswith a very small number of colors. Perhapsshould have been an option to ppmtopgm(1).
ppmtopgm(1), ppmhist(1), ppm(5)

1993 by Dan Stromberg.

22 July1992
ppmditherOrdered dither for color images
ppmdither [-dim di mensi on][-red shades][-green shades][-blue shades][ppmf i l e]
ppmdither readsa portable pixmap asinput, and appliesdithering to it to reduce the number of colorsused down to the
specified number of shadesfor each primary. The default number of shadesisred=5, green=9, blue=5, for a total of 225
colors. To convert the image to a binary RGB format suitable for color printers, use -red 2 -green 2 -blue 2. The maximum
number of colorsthat can be used is256 and can be computed asthe product of the number of red, green, and blue shades.
-dim di mensi on The size of the dithering matrix. Must be a power of 2.
-red shades The number of red shadesto be used; minimum of 2.
-green shades The number of green shadesto be used; minimum of 2.
-blue shades The number of blue shadesto be used; minimum of 2.
pnmdepth(1), ppmquant(1), ppm(5)

1991 by ChristosZoulas.
14 July1991
Part I: User Commands
ppmflashBrighten a picture up to complete white-out
ppmflash f l ashf act or [ppmf i l e]
ppmflash readsa portable pixmap asinput and increasesitsbrightnessby the specified f l ashf act or up to a total white-out
image. The f l ashf act or may be in the range from 0.0 (original picturesbrightness) to 1.0 (full white-out, The Second
Aspnmgamma doesnot do the brightnesscorrection in the way I wanted it, I wrote thissmall program.
Thisprogram issimilar to ppmbrighten, but not exactly the same.
ppm(5), ppmdim(1), pnmgamma(1), ppmbrighten(1)

1993 by Frank Neumann.

16 November 1993
ppmforgeFractal forgeriesof clouds, planets, and starry skies
ppmforge [-clouds][-night][-dimension di men][-hour hour ][-inclination|-tilt angl e]
[-mesh si ze][-power f act or ][-glaciers l evel ][-ice l evel ][-saturation sat ]
[-seed seed] [-stars f r act i on][-xsize|-width wi dt h][-ysize|-height hei ght ]
ppmforge generatesthree kindsof random fractal forgeries, the term coined by Richard F. Vossof the IBM Thomas
J. Watson Research Center for seemingly realistic picturesof natural objectsgenerated by simple algorithmsembodying
randomnessand fractal self-similarity. The techniquesused by ppmforge are essentially those given by Voss, particularly the
technique of spectral synthesisexplained in more detail by Dietmar Saupe. (The See Also subsection providesmore
detailed information about these menswork.)
The program generatestwo varietiesof pictures, planetsand clouds, which are just different renderingsof data generated in
an identical manner, illustrating the unity of the fractal structure of these very different objects. A third type of picture, a
starry sky, issynthesized directly from pseudorandom numbers.
The generation of planetsor cloudsbeginswith the preparation of an array of random data in the frequency domain. The
size of thisarray, the mesh size, can be set with the -mesh option; the larger the mesh, the more realistic the pictures, but the
calculation time and memory requirement increasesasthe square of the mesh size. The fractal dimension, which you can
specify with the -dimension option, determinesthe roughnessof the terrain on the planet or the scale of detail in the clouds.
Asthe fractal dimension isincreased, more high frequency componentsare added into the random mesh.
After the mesh isgenerated, an inverse two-dimensional Fourier transform isperformed upon it. Thisconvertsthe original
random frequency domain data into spatial amplitudes. You scale the real componentsthat result from the Fourier transform
into numbersfrom 0 to 1 associated with each point on the mesh. You can further modify thisnumber by applying a power
law scaleto it with the -power option. Unity scale leavesthe numbersunmodified; a power scale of 0.5 takesthe square root
of the numbersin the mesh, while a power scale of 3 replacesthe numbersin the mesh with their cubes. Power law scaling is
best envisioned by thinking of the data asrepresenting the elevation of terrain; powerslessthan one yield landscapeswith
vertical scarpsthat look like glacial-carved valleys; powersgreater than one make fairy-castle spires(which require large mesh
sizesand high resolution for best results).
After these calculations, you have an array of the specified size containing numbersthat range from 0 to 1. The pixmapsare
generated asfollows:
Clouds A color map iscreated that rangesfrom pure blue to white by increasing admixture (desaturation) of blue with
white. Numberslessthan 0.5 are colored blue, and numbersbetween 0.5 and 1.0 are colored with corresponding
levelsof white, with 1.0 being pure white.
Planet The mesh isprojected onto a sphere. Valueslessthan 0.5 are treated aswater and valuesbetween 0.5 and 1.0 as
land. The water areasare colored based on the water depth; land, based on itselevation. The random depth data
are used to create cloudsover the oceans. An atmosphere approximately like the Earthsissimulated; itslight
absorption iscalculated to create a blue cast around the limb of the planet. A function that risesfrom 0 to 1 based
on latitude ismodulated by the local elevation to generate polar ice capshigh altitude terrain carriesglaciers
farther from the pole. Based on the position of the star with respect to the observer, the apparent color of each
pixel of the planet iscalculated by ray-tracing from the star to the planet to the observer and applying a lighting
model that sumsambient light and diffuse reflection (for most planetsambient light iszero, astheir primary star
isthe only source of illumination). Additional random data are used to generate starsaround the planet.
Night A sequence of pseudorandom numbersisused to generate starswith a user-specified density.
Cloud picturesalwayscontain 256 or fewer colorsand may be displayed on most color-mapped deviceswithout further
processing. Planet picturesoften contain tensof thousandsof colorsthat must be compressed with ppmquant or ppmdither
before encoding in a color-mapped format. If the display resolution ishigh enough, ppmdither generally producesbetter-
looking planets. ppmquant tendsto create discrete color bands, particularly in the oceans, which are unrealistic and distract-
ing. The number of colorsin starry sky picturesgenerated with the -night option dependson the value specified for
-saturation. Small valueslimit the color temperature distribution of the starsand reduce the number of colorsin the image.
If the -saturation isset to 0, none of the starswill be colored and the resulting image will never contain more than 256
colors. Night sky pictureswith many different star colorsoften look best when color-compressed by pnmdepth rather than
ppmquant or ppmdither.Try newmaxval settingsof 63, 31, or 15 with pnmdepth to reduce the number of colorsin the picture to
256 or fewer.
-clouds Generate clouds. A pixmap of fractal cloudsisgenerated. Selecting cloudssetsthe default
for fractal dimension to 2.15 and power scale factor to 0.75.
-dimension di men Setsthe fractal dimension to the specified dimen, which may be any floating-point value
between 0 and 3. Higher fractal dimensionscreate more chaotic images, which require
higher resolution output and a larger FFT mesh size to look good. If no dimension is
specified, 2.4 isused when generating planetsand 2.15 for clouds.
-glaciers l evel The floating-point l evel setting controlsthe extent to which terrain elevation causesice to
appear at lower latitudes. The default value of 0.75 makesthe polar capsextend toward the
equator acrosshigh terrain and formsglaciersin the highest mountains, ason Earth. Higher
valuesmake ice sheetsthat cover more and more of the land surface, simulating planetsin
the midst of an ice age. Lower valuestend to be boring, resulting in unrealistic geometrically
precise ice cap boundaries.
-hour hour When generating a planet, hour isused asthe hour angle at the central meridian. If you
specify -hour 12, for example, the planet will be fully illuminated, corresponding to high
noon at the longitude at the center of the screen. You can specify any floating-point value
between 0 and 24 for hour, but valueswhich place most of the planet in darkness(0 to 4
and 20 to 24) result in crescentswhich, while pretty, dont give you many illuminated pixels
for the amount of computing thatsrequired. If no -hour option isspecified, a random hour
angle ischosen, biased so that only 25 percent of the imagesgenerated will be crescents.
Part I: User Commands
-ice l evel Setsthe extent of the polar ice capsto the given floating-point level. The default level of
0.4 producesice capssimilar to those of the Earth. Smaller valuesreduce the amount of ice,
while larger -ice settingscreate more prominent ice caps. Sufficiently large values, such as
100 or more, in conjunction with small settingsfor -glaciers (try 0.1) create ice balls like
-inclination|-tilt angl e The inclination angle of the planet with regard to itsprimary star isset to angle, which can
be any floating-point value from -90 to 90. The inclination angle can be thought of as
specifying, in degrees, the season the planet ispresently experiencing or, more precisely,
the latitude at which the star transitsthe zenith at local noon. If 0, the planet isat equinox;
the star isdirectly overhead at the equator. Positive valuesrepresent summer in the northern
hemisphere, negative valuessummer in the southern hemisphere. The Earthsinclination
angle, for example, isabout 23.5 at the June solstice, 0 at the equinoxesin March and
September, and -23.5 at the December solstice. If no inclination angle isspecified, a
random value between -21.6 and 21.6 degreesischosen.
-mesh si ze A mesh of si ze by si ze will be used for the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Note that
memory requirementsand computation speed increase asthe square of si ze; if you double
the mesh size, the program will use four timesthe memory and run four timesaslong. The
default mesh is256x256, which producesreasonably good looking pictureswhile using half a
megabyte for the 256x256 array of single precision complex numbersrequired by the FFT.
On machineswith limited memory capacity, you may have to reduce the mesh size to avoid
running out of RAM. Increasing the mesh size producesbetter looking pictures; the
difference becomesparticularly noticeable when generating high-resolution imageswith
relatively high fractal dimensions(between 2.2 and 3).
-night A starry sky isgenerated. The starsare created by the same algorithm used for the starsthat
surround planet pictures, but the output consistsexclusively of stars.
-power f act or Setsthe power factor used to scale elevationssynthesized from the FFT to f act or , which can
be any floating-point number greater than zero. If no factor isspecified, a default of 1.2 is
used if a planet isbeing generated, or 0.75 if cloudsare selected by the -clouds option. The
result of the FFT image synthesisisan array of elevation valuesbetween 0 and 1. A
nonunity power factor exponentiateseach of these elevationsto the specified power. For
example, a power factor of 2 squareseach value, while a power factor of 0.5 replaceseach
with itssquare root. (Note that exponentiating valuesbetween 0 and 1 yieldsvaluesthat
remain within that range.) Power factorslessthan 1 emphasize large-scale elevation changes
at the expense of small variations. Power factorsgreater than 1 increase the roughnessof the
terrain and, like high fractal dimensions, may require a larger FFT mesh size or higher
screen resolution to look good.
-saturation sat Controlsthe degree of color saturation of the starsthat surround planet picturesand fill
starry skiescreated with the -night option. The default value of 125 createsstarsthat
resemble the sky asseen by the human eye from Earthssurface. Starsare dim; only the
brightest activate the conesin the human retina, causing color to be perceived. Higher
valuesof sat approximate the appearance of starsfrom Earth orbit, where better dark
adaptation, absence of sky glow, and the concentration of light from a given star onto a
smaller area of the retina thanksto the lack of atmospheric turbulence enhancesthe
perception of color. Valuesgreater than 250 create science fiction skiesthat, while pretty,
dont occur in thisuniverse.
Thanksto the inverse square law combined with natureslove of mediocrity, there are
many, many dim starsfor every bright one. Thispopulation relationship isaccurately
reflected in the skiescreated by ppmforge. Dim, low massstarslive much longer than bright,
massive stars; consequently there are many reddish starsfor every blue giant. Thisrelation-
ship ispreserved by ppmforge. You can reverse the proportion, simulating the sky asseen in a
starburst galaxy, by specifying a negative sat value.
-seed num Setsthe seed for the random number generator to the integer num. The seed used to create
each picture isdisplayed on standard output (unlesssuppressed with the -quiet option).
Picturesgenerated with the same seed will be identical. If no -seed isspecified, a random
seed derived from the date and time will be chosen. Specifying an explicit seed allowsyou to
re-render a picture you particularly like at a higher resolution or with different viewing
-stars f r act i on Specifiesthe percentage of pixels, in tenthsof a percent, that will appear asstars, either
surrounding a planet or filling the entire frame if -night isspecified. The default f r act i on is
-xsize|-width wi dt h Setsthe width of the generated image to wi dt h pixels. The default width is256 pixels.
Imagesmust be at least aswide asthey are high; if a width lessthan the height isspecified, it
will be increased to equal the height. If you must have a long, skinny pixmap, make a square
one with ppmforge, then use pnmcut to extract a portion of the shape and size you require.
-ysize|-height hei ght Setsthe height of the generated image to hei ght pixels. The default height is256 pixels. If
the height specified exceedsthe width, the width will be increased to equal the height.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
The algorithmsrequire the output pixmap to be at least aswide asit ishigh, and the width to be an even number of pixels.
These constraintsare enforced by increasing the size of the requested pixmap if necessary.
You may have to reduce the FFT mesh size on machineswith 16-bit integersand segmented pointer architectures.
pnmcut(1), pnmdepth(1), ppmdither(1), ppmquant(1), ppm(5)
Random Fractal Forgeries by Richard F. Voss, in Fundamental Algorithmsfor Computer GraphicsbyEarnshaw et al. Berlin:
Springer-Verlag, 1985.
TheScienceOf Fractal Images, edited by H. O. Peitgen and D. Saupe. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988.
John Walker
Autodesk SA
Avenue desChamps-Montants14b
Fax: 038/33 88 15
Voice: 038/33 76 33
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute thissoftware and itsdocumentation for any purpose and without fee is
hereby granted, without any conditionsor restrictions. Thissoftware isprovided asis without expressor implied warranty.
PLUGWARE! If you like thiskind of stuff, you may also enjoy JamesGleicksChaosThe Software for MS-DOS,
available for $59.95 from your local software store or directly from Autodesk, Inc., Attn: Science Series, 2320 Marinship
Way, Sausalito, CA 94965, USA. Telephone: 800-688-2344 toll-free or, outside the U.S. 415-332-2344 Ext 4886.
Fax: 415-289-4718. ChaosThe Software includesa more comprehensive fractal forgery generator that createsthree-
dimensional landscapesaswell ascloudsand planets, plusfive more modulesthat explore other aspectsof Chaos. The user
guide of more than 200 pagesincludesan introduction by JamesGleick and detailed explanationsby Rudy Rucker of the
mathematicsand algorithmsused by each program.
25 October 1991
Part I: User Commands
ppmhistPrint a histogram of a portable pixmap
ppmhist [ppmf i l e]
ppmhist readsa portable pixmap asinput and generatesa histogram of the colorsin the pixmap.
ppm(5), pgmhist(1)

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

3 April 1989
ppmmakeCreate a pixmap of a specified size and color
ppmmake col or wi dt h hei ght
ppmmake producesa portable pixmap of the specified color, width, and height.
The color can be specified in five ways:
I A name, assuming that a pointer to an X11-style color namesfile wascompiled in.
I An X11-style hexadecimal specifier: rgb:r/g/b, where r, g, and b are each 1- to 4-digit hexadecimal numbers.
I An X11-style decimal specifier: rgbi:r/g/b, where r, g, and b are floating-point numbersbetween 0 and 1.
I For backwardscompatibility, an old-X11-style hexadecimal number: #rgb, #rrggbb, #rrrgggbbb, or #rrrrggggbbbb.
I For backwardscompatibility, a triplet of numbersseparated by commas: r,g,b, where r, g, and b are floating-point
numbersbetween 0 and 1. (Thisstyle wasadded before MIT came up with the similar rgbi style.)
ppm(5), pbmmake(1)

1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

24 September 1991
ppmmixBlend together two portable pixmaps
ppmmix f adef act or ppmf i l e1 ppmf i l e2
ppmmix readstwo portable pixmapsasinput and mixesthem together using the specified fade factor. The fade factor may be
in the range from 0.0 (only ppmf i l e1simage data) to 1.0 (only ppmf i l e2simage data). Anything in between gainsa smooth
blend between the two images.
The two pixmapsmust have the same size.

1993 by Frank Neumann.

16 November 1993
ppmnormNormalize the contrast in a portable pixmap
ppmnorm[-bpercent N | -bvalue N][-wpercent N | -wvalue N][ppmf i l e]
ppmnorm readsa portable pixmap asinput; normalizesthe contrast by forcing the lightest pixelsto white, the darkest pixelsto
black, and linearly rescaling the onesin between; and producesa portable pixmap asoutput.
It worksby computing the relative gray level of each pixel aswith ppmtopgm, and usesthose valuesto scale the RGB levels.
Note that thisisdifferent from using pgmnorm on the individual red, green, and blue graymaps(asproduced by ppmtorgb3)
and recombining them.
By default, the darkest two percent of all pixelsare mapped to black, and the lightest one percent are mapped to white. You
can override these percentagesby using the -bpercent and -wpercent flags, or you can specify the exact pixel valuesto be
mapped by using the -bvalue and -wvalue flags. Appropriate numbersfor the flagscan be gotten from the ppmhist tool. If
you just want to enhance the contrast, then choose valuesat elbowsin the histogram; for example, if value 29 represents3
percent of the image but value 30 represents20 percent, choose 30 for bvalue. If you want to lighten the image, then set
bvalue to 0 and just fiddle with wvalue; similarly, to darken the image, set wvalue to maxval and play with bvalue.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
pgmnorm(1), ppmhist(1), ppm(5)
Wilson H. Bent, Jr. (, heavily based on the pgmnorm filter by Jef Poskanzer.
7 October 1993
ppmntscMake a portable pixmap look like it istaken from an American TV show
ppmntsc di mf act or [ppmf i l e]
Part I: User Commands
ppmntsc readsa portable pixmap asinput and dimsevery other row of image data down by the specified dim factor. This
factor may be in the range of 0.0 (the alternate linesare totally black) to 1.0 (original image).
Thiscreatesan effect similar to what I saw once in the video clip You Could be Mine by Gunsn Roses. In the scene Im
talking about you can see John Connor on hismotorbike, looking up from the water trench (?) hesstanding in. While the
camera pullsback, the image becomesnormal by brightening up the alternate rowsof it. I thought thiswould be an
interesting effect to try in MPEG. I did not yet check thisout, however. Try for yourself.
ppm(5), ppmdim(1)

1993 by Frank Neumann.

16 November 1993
ppmpatMake a pretty pixmap
ppmpat -gingham2|-g2|-gingham3| -g3|-madras|-tartan| -poles|-squig|-camo|
-anticamo wi dt h hei ght
ppmpat producesa portable pixmap of the specified width and height, with a pattern in it.
Thisprogram ismainly to demonstrate use of the ppmdraw routines, a simple but powerful drawing library. See the ppmdraw.h
include file for more information on using these routines. Still, some of the patternscan be rather pretty. If you have a color
workstation, something like ppmpat -squig 300 300 | ppmquant 128 should generate a nice background.
The different flagsspecify variousdifferent pattern types:
-gingham2 A gingham check pattern. Can be tiled.
-gingham3 A slightly more complicated gingham. Can be tiled.
-madras A madrasplaid. Can be tiled.
-tartan A tartan plaid. Can be tiled.
-poles Color gradientscentered on randomly placed poles. May need to be run through ppmquant.
-squig Squiggly tubular pattern. Can be tiled. May need to be run through ppmquant.
-camo Camouflage pattern. May need to be run through ppmquant.
-anticamo Anticamouflage pattern; like -camo, but ultra-bright colors. May need to be run through ppmquant.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
Some of the patternsare from DesignersGuide to Color 3 by Jeanne Allen.
pnmtile(1), ppmquant(1), ppm(5)

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

4 September 1989
ppmquantQuantize the colorsin a portable pixmap down to a specified number
ppmquant [-floyd|-fs] ncol or s [ppmf i l e]
ppmquant [-floyd|-fs] -map mapf i l e [ppmf i l e]
ppmquant readsa portable pixmap asinput. It choosesncolors colorsto best represent the image, mapsthe existing colorsto
the new ones, and writesa portable pixmap asoutput.
The quantization method isHeckbertsmedian cut.
Alternately, you can skip the color-choosing step by specifying your own set of colorswith the -map flag. The mapfile isjust
a ppm file; it can be any shape, all that mattersisthe colorsin it. For instance, to quantize down to the 8-color IBM TTL
color set, you might use the following:
8 1
0 0 0
255 0 0
0 255 0
0 0 255
255 255 0
255 0 255
0 255 255
255 255 255
If you want to quantize one pixmap to use the colorsin another one, just use the second one asthe mapfile. You dont have
to reduce it down to only one pixel of each color, just use it asis.
The -floyd/-fs flag enablesa Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion step. Floyd-Steinberg givesvastly better resultson images
where the unmodified quantization hasbanding or other artifacts, especially when going to a small number of colorssuch as
the preceding IBM set. However, it doestake substantially more CPU time, so the default isoff.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
Color Image Quantization for Frame Buffer Display, by Paul Heckbert, SIGGRAPH 82 Proceedings, page 297.
ppmquantall(1), pnmdepth(1), ppmdither(1), ppm(5)

1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

12 January1991
Part I: User Commands
ppmquantallRun ppmquant on a bunch of filesall at once, so they share a common colormap
ppmquantall ncol or s ppmf i l e ...
ppmquantall takesa bunch of portable pixmap asinput. It choosesncol or s colorsto best represent all of the images, mapsthe
existing colorsto the new ones, and overwritesthe input fileswith the new quantized versions.
Verbose explanation: Say you have a dozen pixmapsthat you want to display on the screen all at the same time. Your screen
can only display 256 different colors, but the pixmapshave a total of a thousand or so different colors. For a single pixmap,
you solve thisproblem with ppmquant; thisscript solvesit for multiple pixmaps. All it doesisconcatenate them together into
one big pixmap, run ppmquant on that, and then split it up into little pixmapsagain.
(Note that another way to solve thisproblem isto preselect a set of colorsand then use ppmquants-map option to separately
quantize each pixmap to that set.)
ppmquant(1), ppm(5)
Itsa csh script. csh scriptsare not portable to System V. Scriptsin general are not portable to non-UNIX environments.

1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

27 July1990
ppmqvga8-plane quantization
ppmqvga [ options ] [ input file ]
ppmqvga quantizesPPM filesto eight planes, with optional Floyd-Steinberg dithering. Input isa PPM file from the file
named, or standard input if no file isprovided.
-d dither Apply Floyd-Steinberg dithering to the data
-q quiet Producesno progressreporting, and no terminal output unlessan error occurs.
-v verbose Producesadditional output describing the number of colorsfound, and some information on the resulting
mapping. May be repeated to generate loadsof internal table output, but generally only useful once.
ppmqvga -d my_image.ppm | ppmtogif >my_image.gif
tgatoppm zombie.tga | ppmqvga | ppmtotif > zombie.tif
Error messagesif problems; variouslevelsof optional progressreporting.
Original by Lyle Rains( asppmq256 and ppmq256fs combined; documented and enhanced by Bill Davidsen

1991, 1992 by Bill Davidsen, all rightsreserved. The program and documentation may be freely distributed by
anyone in source or binary format. Please clearly note any changes.
ppmreliefRun a Laplacian relief filter on a portable pixmap
ppmrelief [ppmf i l e]
ppmrelief readsa portable pixmap asinput, doesa Laplacian relief filter, and writesa portable pixmap asoutput.
The Laplacian relief filter isdescribed in Beyond Photographyby Holzmann, equation 3.19. Itsa sort of edge-detection.
pgmbentley(1), pgmoil(1), ppm(5)

1990 by Wilson Bent (

11 January1991
ppmshiftShift linesof a portable pixmap left or right by a random amount
ppmshift shi f t [ppmf i l e]
ppmshift readsa portable pixmap asinput and shiftsevery row of image data to the left or right by a certain amount. The
shi f t parameter determinesby how many pixelsa row isto be shifted at most.
Another one of those effectsI intended to use for MPEG tests. Unfortunately, thisprogram will not help me hereit creates
patternsthat are too random to be used for animations. Still, it might give interesting resultson still images.
Part I: User Commands
Check thisout: Save your favorite modelspicture from something like (okay, or from
any other picture source), convert it to ppm, and processit like this, assuming the picture is800600 pixels:
1. Take the upper half and leave it like it is: pnmcut 0 0 800 300 cs.ppm >upper.ppm.
2. Take the lower half, flip it upside down, dim it, and distort it a little: pnmcut 0 300 800 300 cs.ppm | pnmflip -tb |
ppmdim 0.7 | ppmshift 10 >lower.ppm.
3. Concatenate the two pieces: pnmcat -tb upper.ppm lower.ppm >newpic.ppm.
The resulting picture lookslike the image being reflected on a water surface with slight ripples.
ppm(5), pnmcut(1), pnmflip(1), ppmdim(1), pnmcat(1)

1993 by Frank Neumann.

16 November 1993
ppmspreadDisplace a portable pixmapspixelsby a random amount
ppmspread amount [ppmf i l e]
ppmspread readsa portable pixmap asinput and movesevery pixel around a bit relative to itsoriginal position. amount
determinesby how many pixelsa pixel isto be moved around at most.
Picturesprocessed with thisfilter will seem to be somewhat dissolved or unfocussed (although they appear more coarse than
imagesprocessed by something like pnmconvol).
ppm(5), pnmconvol(1)

1993 by Frank Neumann.

16 November 1993
ppmtoacadConvert portable pixmap to AutoCAD database or slide
ppmtoacad [-dxb][-poly][-background col our ][-white][-aspect r at i o][-8][ppmf i l e]
ppmtoacad readsa portable pixmap asinput. Producesan AutoCAD slide file or binary database import (DXB) file asoutput.
If no ppmfile isspecified, input isread from standard input.
-dxb An AutoCAD binary database import (DXB) file iswritten. Thisfile isread with the DXBIN
command and, once loaded, becomespart of the AutoCAD geometrical database and can be
viewed and edited like any other object. Each sequence of identical pixelsbecomesa separate object
in the database; thiscan result in very large AutoCAD drawing files. However, if you want to trace
over a bitmap, it letsyou zoom and pan around the bitmap asyou wish.
-poly If the -dxb option isnot specified, the output of ppmtoacad isan AutoCAD slide file. Normally,
each row of pixelsisrepresented by an AutoCAD line entity. If -poly isselected, the pixelsare
rendered asfilled polygons. If the slide isviewed on a display with higher resolution than the source
pixmap, thiswill cause the pixelsto expand instead of appearing asdiscrete linesagainst the screen
background color. Regrettably, thisrepresentation yieldsslide filesthat occupy more disc space and
take longer to display.
-background col or Most AutoCAD display driverscan be configured to use any available color asthe screen back-
ground. Some usersprefer a black screen background, otherswhite, while splinter groupsadvocate
burnt ocher, tawny puce, and shocking gray. Discarding pixelswhose closest AutoCAD color
representation isequal to the background color can substantially reduce the size of the AutoCAD
database or slide file needed to represent a bitmap. If no -background color isspecified, the screen
background color isassumed to be black. Any AutoCAD color number may be specified asthe
screen background; color numbersare assumed to specify the huesdefined in the standard
AutoCAD 256-color palette.
-white Because many AutoCAD userschoose a white screen background, thisoption isprovided asa
short-cut. Specifying -white isidentical in effect to -background 7.
-aspect r at i o If the source pixmap had nonsquare pixels, the ratio of the pixel width to pixel height should be
specified asratio. The resulting slide or DXB file will be corrected so that pixelson the AutoCAD
screen will be square. For example, to correct an image made for a 320200 VGA/MCGA screen,
specify -aspect 0.8333.
-8 Restrictsthe colorsin the output file to the eight RGB shades.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
AutoCAD hasa fixed palette of 256 colors, distributed along the hue, lightness, and saturation axes. Pixmapsthat contain
many nearly identical colors, or colorsnot closely approximated by AutoCADspalette, may be poorly rendered.
ppmtoacad worksbest if the system displaying itsoutput supportsthe full 256 color AutoCAD palette. Monochrome,
8-color, and 16-color configurationswill produce lessthan optimal results.
When creating a DXB file or a slide file with the -poly option, ppmtoacad findsboth vertical and horizontal runsof identical
pixelsand consolidatesthem into rectangular regionsto reduce the size of the output file. Thisiseffective for imageswith
large areasof constant color, but itsno substitute for true raster to vector conversion. In particular, thin diagonal linesare
not optimized at all by thisprocess.
Output filescan be huge.
AutoCAD ReferenceManual: Slide File Format and Binary Drawing Interchange (DXB) Files; ppm(5)
John Walker
Autodesk SA
Avenue desChamps-Montants14b
Part I: User Commands
Fax: 038/33 88 15
Voice: 038/33 76 33
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute thissoftware and itsdocumentation for any purpose and without fee is
hereby granted, without any conditionsor restrictions. Thissoftware isprovided asis without expressor implied warranty.
AutoCAD and Autodesk are registered trademarksof Autodesk, Inc.
10 October 1991
ppmtobmpConvert a portable pixmap into a BMP file
ppmtobmp [wi ndows ][os2][ppmf i l e]
ppmtobmp readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesa Microsoft Windowsor OS/2 BMP file asoutput.
windows Tellsthe program to produce a Microsoft WindowsBMP file.
os2 Tellsthe program to produce an OS/2 BMP file. (Thisisthe default.)
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
bmptoppm(1), ppm(5)

1992 by David W. Sanderson.

26 October 1992
ppmtogifConvert a portable pixmap into a GIF file
ppmtogif [-interlace][-sort][-map mapf i l e][-transparent col or ][ppmf i l e]
ppmtogif readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesa GIF file asoutput.
-interlace Tellsthe program to produce an interlaced GIF file.
-sort Producesa GIF file with a sorted colormap.
-map mapf i l e Usesthe colorsfound in the mapf i l e to create the colormap in the GIF file, instead of the colors
from ppmfile. The mapf i l e can be any ppm file; all that mattersisthe colorsin it. If the colorsin
ppmfile do not match those in mapfile, they are matched to a best match. A (much) better result
can be obtained by using the following filter in advance:
ppmquant -floyd -map mapfile
transparent color Mark the given color astransparent in the GIF file. The color isspecified asin ppmmake(1). Note
that thisoption outputsa GIF89a format file, which might not be understood by your software.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
giftoppm(1), ppmquant(1), ppm(5)
Based on GIFENCOD by David Rowley ( Lempel-Ziv compression based on compress.

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

30 June1993
ppmtoicrConvert a portable pixmap into NCSA ICR format
ppmtoicr [-windowname name][-expand expand][-display di spl ay ][-rle][ppmf i l e]
ppmtoicr readsa portable pixmap file asinput and producesan NCSA Telnet Interactive Color Raster graphic file asoutput.
If ppmfile isnot supplied, ppmtoicr will read from standard input.
Interactive Color Raster (ICR) isa protocol for displaying raster graphicson workstation screens. The protocol isimple-
mented in NCSA Telnet for the Macintosh version 2.3. The ICR protocol sharescharacteristicsof the Tektronix graphics
terminal emulation protocol. For example, escape sequencesare used to control the display.
ppmtoicr will output the appropriate sequencesto create a window of the dimensionsof the input pixmap, create a colormap
of up to 256 colorson the display, then load the picture data into the window.
Note that there isno icrtoppm tool; thistransformation isone-way.
-windownamename Output will be displayed in name. (Default isto use ppm-file or untitled if standard input isread.)
-expandexpand Output will be expanded on display by factor expand. (For example, a value of 2 will cause four pixelsto be
displayed for every input pixel.)
-displaydi spl ay Output will be displayed on screen numbered di spl ay.
-rle Use run-length encoded format for display. (Thiswill nearly alwaysresult in a quicker display, but may
skew the colormap.)
Thisdisplaysa ppm file using the protocol:
ppmtoicr ppmfile
Thiswill create a window named ppmfile on the display with the correct dimensionsfor ppmfile, create and download a
colormap of up to 256 colors, and download the picture into the window. The same effect may be achieved by the following
Part I: User Commands
ppmtoicr ppmfile > filename
cat filename
To display a GIF file using the protocol in a window titled after the input file, zoom the displayed image by a factor of 2,
and run-length encode the data:
giftoppm giffile | ppmtoicr -w giffile -r -e 2
The protocol usesfrequent fflush callsto speed up display. If the output issaved to a file for later display via cat, drawing
will be much slower. In either case, increasing the Blocksize limit on the display will speed up transmission substantially.
NCSA Telnet for theMacintosh, University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign (1989)

1990 by Kanthan Pillay (svpillay@Princeton.EDU), Princeton University Computing and Information Technol-
30 July1990
ppmtoilbmConvert a portable pixmap into an ILBM file
ppmtoilbm [-maxplanes|-mp N][-fixplanes|-fp N][-ham6|-ham8][-dcbits-dcplanesrgb]
[-normal|-hamif|-hamforce|-24if|-24force| -dcif|-dcforce|-cmaponly] [-ecs|-aga]
[- compress|-nocompress][-cmethod t ype][-mapppmfile] [-savemem][ppmfile]
ppmtoilbm readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesan ILBM file asoutput. Supported ILBM typesare the following:
Normal ILBMswith 116 planes
Amiga HAM with 316 planes
Colormap (BMHD and CMAP chunk only, nPlanes = 0)
Unofficial direct color 116 planesfor each color component
Chunkswritten: BMHD, CMAP, CAMG (only for HAM), BODY (not for colormap files) unofficial DCOL chunk for direct color ILBM
Optionsmarked with (*) can be prefixed with no, for example, -nohamif. All optionscan be abbreviated to their shortest
unique prefix.
-maxplanes | - mp n (default 5, minimum 1, maximum 16) Maximum planesto write in a normal ILBM. If the
pixmap doesnot fit into n planes, ppmtoilbm writesa HAM file (if -hamif isused), a 24-bit
file (if -24if isused), a direct color file (if -dcif isused). or abortswith an error.
-fixplanes | - f p n (min 1, max 16) If a normal ILBM iswritten, it will have exactly n planes.
-hambits | -hamplanes n (default 6, min 3, max 16) Select number of planesfor HAM picture. The current Amiga
hardware supports6 and 8 planes, so for now you should only use thisvalues.
-normal (default) Turnsoff -hamif/-24if/-dcif, -hamforce/-24force/-dcforce and -cmaponly. Also sets
compression type to byterun1.
-hamif (*), -24if (*), Write a HAM/24-bit/direct color file if the pixmap doesnot fit into maxplanes planes.
-dcif (*)
-hamforce (*), -24force (*), Write a HAM/24-bit/direct color file.
-dcforce (*)
-dcbits | -dcplanes r g b (default 5, min 1, max 16). Select number of bitsfor red, green, and blue in a direct color
-ecs (default) Shortcut for: -hamplanes 6 -maxplanes 5
-aga Shortcut for: -hamplanes 8 -maxplanes 8
-ham6 Shortcut for: -hamplanes 6 -hamforce
-ham8 Shortcut for: -hamplanes 8 -hamforce
-compress (*) (default), Compressthe BODY chunk. The default compression method isbyterun1. Compression
-cmethod none|byterun1 requiresbuilding the ILBM image in memory; turning compression off allowsstream-
writing of the image, but the resulting file will usually be 30 percent to 50 percent larger.
Another alternative isthe -savemem option; thiswill keep memory requirementsfor
compression at a minimum, but isvery slow.
-map ppmf i l e Write a normal ILBM using the colorsin ppmf i l e asthe colormap. The colormap file also
determinesthe number of planes; a -maxplanes or -fixplanes option isignored.
-cmaponly Write a colormap file: only BMHD and CMAP chunks, no BODY chunk, nPlanes = 0.
-savemem See the -compress option.
HAM pictureswill alwaysget a grayscale colormap; a real color selection algorithm might give better results. On the other
hand, thisallowsrow-by-row operation on HAM images, and all HAM imagesof the same depth (number of planes) share a
common colormap, which isuseful for building HAM animations.
Amiga ROM Kernel Reference ManualDevices(Third Edition), Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-56775-X
ppm(5), ilbmtoppm(1)

1989 by Jef Poskanzer; modified October 1993 by Ingo Wilken (

31 October 1993
ppmtomapExtract all colorsfrom a portable pixmap
ppmtomap [-sort][-square][ppmf i l e]
ppmtomap readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesa portable pixmap asoutput, representing a colormap of the input
file. All N different colorsfound are put in an NX1 portable pixmap. Thiscolormap file can be used asa mapfile for ppmquant
or ppmtogif.
Part I: User Commands
-sort Producesa portable pixmap with the colorsin some sorted order
-square Producesa (more or less) square output file, instead of putting all colorson the top row
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
If you want to use the output file asa mapfile for ppmtogif, you first have to do a ppmquant 256 because ppmtomap isnot
limited to 256 colors(but to 65536).
ppmtogif(1), ppmquant(1), ppm(5)
Marcel Wijkstra (

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

11 August 1993
ppmtomitsuConvert a portable pixmap to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file
ppmtomitsu [-sharpness val ][-enlarge val ][-media st r i ng][-copy val ]
[-dpi300][-tiny] [ppmf i l e]
ppmtomitsu readsa portable pixmap asinput and convertsit into a format suitable to be printed by a Mitsubishi S340-10
printer, or any other Mitsubishi color sublimation printer.
The Mitsubishi S340-10 Color Sublimation printer supports24-bit color. Imagesof the available sizestake so long to
transfer that there isa fast method, employing a lookup table that ppmtomitsu will use if there isa maximum of 256 colorsin
the pixmap. ppmtomitsu will try to position your image to the center of the paper, and will rotate your image for you if xsize
islarger than ysize. If your image islarger than the media allows, ppmtomitsu will quit with an error message. (We decided
that the media were too expensive to have carelessusersproduce misprints.) After data transmission hasstarted, the job cant
be stopped in a sane way without resetting the printer. The printer understandsputting together imagesin the printers
memory; ppmtomitsu doesnt utilize thisaspnmcat and so on provide the same functionality and let you view the result
onscreen, too. The S340-10 isthe lowest common denominator printer; for higher resolution printers, theresthe dpi300
option. The other printersalso support higher valuesfor enlarge eg, but I dont think thatsessential enough to warrant a
change in the program.
-sharpness 1-4 Sharpnessdesignation. Default isto use the current sharpness.
-enlarge 1-3 Enlarge by a factor; default is1 (no enlarge)
-media A, A4, AS, A4S Designate the media youre using. Default is1184 x 1350, which will fit on any media. A is1216 x
1350, A4 is1184 x 1452, AS is1216 x 1650, and A4S is1184 x 1754. A warning: If you specify a
different media than the printer currently has, the printer will wait until you put in the correct
media or switch it off.
-copy 1-9 The number of copiesto produce. Default is1.
-dpi300 Double the number of allowed pixelsfor a S3600-30 Printer in S340-10 compatibility mode. (The
S3600-30 has300dpi.)
-tiny Memory-safing, but alwaysslow. The printer will get the data line-by-line in 24-bit. Itsprobably a
good idea to use thisif your machine startspaging a lot without thisoption.
Mitsubishi Sublimation Full Color Printer S340-10; Specificationsof Parallel Interface LSP-F0232F
ppmquant(1), pnmscale(1), ppm(5)
We didnt find anyyet. Besides, theyre called featuresanyway :-) If you should find one, please e-mail me at the following

1992, 1993 by S. Petra Zeidler, MPIFR Bonn, Germany (

29 January1992
ppmtopcxConvert a portable pixmap into a PCX file
ppmtopcx [ppmf i l e]
ppmtopcx readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesa PCX file asoutput.
pcxtoppm(1), ppm(5)
Copyright 1990 by Michael Davidson.
9 April 1990
ppmtopgmConvert a portable pixmap into a portable graymap
ppmtopgm [ppmf i l e]
ppmtopgm readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesa portable graymap asoutput. The quantization formula used is
.299 r + .587 g + .114 b.
Note that although there isa pgmtoppm program, it isnot necessary for simple conversionsfrom pgm to ppm, because any ppm
program can read pgm (and pbm ) filesautomagically. pgmtoppm isfor colorizing a pgm file. Also, see ppmtorgb3 for a different
way of converting color to gray.
Part I: User Commands
Cold-hearted orb that rulesthenight
Removesthecolorsfromour sight
Red isgray, and yellow white
But wedecidewhich isright
And which isa quantization error.
pgmtoppm(1), ppmtorgb3(1), rgb3toppm(1), ppm(5), pgm(5)

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

23 December 1988
ppmtopi1Convert a portable pixmap into an Atari DegasPI1 file
ppmtopi1 [ppmf i l e]
ppmtopi1 readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesan Atari DegasPI1 file asoutput.
pi1toppm(1), ppm(5), pbmtopi3(1), pi3topbm(1)

1991 by Steve Belczyk ( and Jef Poskanzer.

19 July1990
ppmtopictConvert a portable pixmap into a Macintosh PICT file
ppmtopict [ppmf i l e]
ppmtopict readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesa Macintosh PICT file asoutput.
The generated file isonly the data fork of a picture. You will need a program such asmcvert to generate a Macbinary or a
BinHex file that containsthe necessary information to identify the file asa PICT file to MacOS.
Even though PICT supports2 and 4 bitsper pixel, ppmtopict alwaysgeneratesan 8-bits-per-pixel file.
The picture size field isonly correct if the output isto a file because writing into thisfield requiresseeking backwardson a
file. However, the PICT documentation seemsto suggest that thisfield isnot critical anyway because it isonly the lower 16
bitsof the picture size.
picttoppm(1), ppm(5), mcvert(1)

1990 by Ken Yap (

15 April 1990
ppmtopjConvert a portable pixmap to an HP PaintJet file
ppmtopj [-gamma val ][-xpos val ][-ypos val ][-back dark|lite][-rle][-center]
[-render none|snap|bw|dither|diffuse|monodither|monodiffuse|clusterdither|
monoclusterdither][ppmf i l e]
ppmtopj readsa portable pixmap asinput and convertsit into a format suitable to be printed by an HP PaintJet printer.
For best results, the input file should be in 8-color RGB form; that is, it should have only the eight binary combinationsof
full-on and full-off primaries. You could get thisby sending the input file through ppmquant -map with a mapfile such as
8 1
0 0 0 2550 0 02550 0 0 255
255 255 0 255 0 255 0 255 255 255 255 255
Or else you could use ppmdither -red 2 -green 2 -blue 2.
-rle Run-length encode the image. (Thiscan result in larger images.)
-back Enhance the foreground by indicating if the background islight or dark compared to the foreground.
-render al g Use an internal rendering algorithm (default dither).
-gamma i nt Gamma correct the image using the integer parameter asa gamma (default 0).
-center Center the image to an 8.5 by 11 page.
-xpos pos Move by pos pixelsin the x direction.
-ypos pos Move by pos pixelsin the y direction.
HP PaintJet XL Color GraphicsPrinter UsersGuide
pnmdepth(1), ppmquant(1), ppmdither(1), ppm(5)
Most of the optionshave not been tested because of the price of the paper.

1991 by ChristosZoulas.
13 July1991
Part I: User Commands
ppmtopjxlConvert a portable pixmap into an HP PaintJet XL PCL file
ppmtopjxl [-nopack] [-gamma <n> ] [-presentation] [-dark] [-diffuse]
[-cluster] [-dither] [-xshift <s> ] [-yshift <s> ] [-xshift <s> ] [-yshift <s> ]
[-xsize|-width|-xscale <s> ] [-ysize|-height|-yscale <s> ] [ppmf i l e]
ppmtopjxl readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesa PCL file suitable for printing on an HP PaintJet XL printer as
The generated file isnot suitable for printing on a normal PrintJet printer. The nopack option generatesa file that doesnot
use the normal TIFF 4.0 compression method. Thisfile might be printable on a normal PaintJet printer (not an XL).
The gamma option setsthe gamma correction for the image. The useful range for the PaintJet XL isapproximately 0.6
to 1.5.
The rendering algorithm used for imagescan be altered with the -dither, -cluster, and -diffuse options. These options
select ordered dithering, clustered ordered dithering, or error diffusion, respectively. The dark option can be used to
enhance imageswith a dark background when they are reduced in size. The presentation option turnson presentation
mode, in which two passesare made over the paper to increase ink density. Thisshould be used only for imageswhere
quality iscritical.
The image can be resized by setting the xsize and ysize options. The parameter to either of these optionsisinterpreted as
the number of dotsto set the width or height to, but an optional dimension of pt (points), dp (decipoints), in (inches), or cm
(centimeters) may be appended. If only one dimension isspecified, the other will be scaled appropriately.
The optionswidth and height are synonymsof xsize and ysize.
The xscale and yscale optionscan alternatively be used to scale the image by a simple factor.
The image can be shifted on the page by using the xshift and yshift options. These move the image the specified
dimensionsright and down.
14 March 1991
ppmtopuzzConvert a portable pixmap into an X11 puzzle file
ppmtopuzz [ppmf i l e]
ppmtopuzz readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesan X11 puzzle file asoutput. A puzzle file isfor use with the puzzle
program included with the X11 distribution; puzzles-picture flag letsyou specify an image file.
ppm(5), puzzle(1)

1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

22 August 1990
ppmtorgb3Separate a portable pixmap into three portable graymaps
ppmtorgb3 [ppmf i l e]
ppmtorgb3 readsa portable pixmap asinput and writesthree portable graymapsasoutput, one each for red, green, and blue.
The output filenamesare constructed by taking the input filename, stripping off any extension, and appending .red, .grn,
and .blu. For example, separating lenna.ppm would result in, lenna.grn, and lenna.blu. If the input comesfrom
stdin, the namesare, noname.grn, and noname.blu.
rgb3toppm(1), ppmtopgm(1), pgmtoppm(1), ppm(5), pgm(5)

1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

10 January1991
ppmtosixelConvert a portable pixmap into DEC sixel format
ppmtosixel [-raw][-margin][ppmf i l e]
ppmtosixel readsa portable pixmap asinput and producessixel commands(SIX) asoutput. The output isformatted for color
printing, for example, for a DEC LJ250 color inkjet printer.
If RGB valuesfrom the PPM file do not have maxval=100, the RGB valuesare rescaled. A printer control header and a color
assignment table begin the SIX file. Image data iswritten in a compressed format by default. A printer control footer ends
the image file.
-raw If specified, each pixel will be explicitly described in the image file. If -raw isnot specified, output will default to
compressed format in which identical adjacent pixelsare replaced by repeat pixel commands. A raw file isoften
an order of magnitude larger than a compressed file and printsmuch slower.
-margin If -margin isnot specified, the image will start at the left margin (of the window, paper, or whatever). If -margin is
specified, a 1.5 inch left margin will offset the image.
Part I: User Commands
Generally, sixel filesmust reach the printer unfiltered. Use the lpr -x option or cat filename > /dev/tty0?.
Upon rescaling, truncation of the least significant bitsof RGB valuesmay result in poor color conversion. If the original
PPM maxval wasgreater than 100, rescaling also reducesthe image depth. While the actual RGB valuesfrom the ppm file are
more or lessretained, the color palette of the LJ250 may not match the colorson your screen. Thisseemsto be a printer

1991 by Rick Vinci.

26 April 1991
ppmtotgaConvert portable pixmap into a TrueVision Targa file
ppmtotga [-mono|-cmap|-rgb][-norle][ppmf i l e]
ppmtotga readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesa TrueVision Targa file asoutput.
-mono ForcesTarga file to be of type 8-bit monochrome. Input must be a portable bitmap or a portable graymap.
-cmap ForcesTarga file to be of type 24-bit colormapped. Input must be a portable bitmap, a portable graymap, or a
portable pixmap containing no more than 256 distinct colors.
-rgb ForcesTarga file to be of type 24-bit unmapped color.
-norle Disablesrun-length encoding, in case you have a Targa reader that cant read run-length encoded files.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix. If no file type isspecified, the most highly constained compatible
type isused, where monochrome ismore constained than colormapped, which isin turn more constained than unmapped.
Doesnot support all possible Targa file types. Should really be in pnm, not ppm.
tgatoppm(1), ppm(5)

1989, 1991 by Mark Shand and Jef Poskanzer.

28 October 1991
ppmtouilConvert a portable pixmap into a Motif UIL icon file
ppmtouil [-name ui l name][ppmf i l e]
ppmtouil readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesa Motif UIL icon file asoutput.
If the program wascompiled with an rgb database specified, and an RGB value from the ppm input matchesan RGB value
from the database, then the corresponding color name mnemonic isprinted in the UILscolormap. If no rgb database was
compiled in, or if the RGB valuesdont match, then the color will be printed with the #RGB, #RRGGBB, #RRRGGGBBB, or
#RRRRGGGGBBBB hexadecimal format.
-name Allowsyou to specify the prefix string that isprinted in the resulting UIL output. If not specified, it will default to
the filename (without extension) of the ppmfile argument. If -name isnot specified and no ppmfile isspecified
(that is, piped input), the prefix string will default to the string noname.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
Converted by Jef Poskanzer from ppmtoxpm.c, which iscopyright

1990 by Mark W. Snitily.

31 August 1990
ppmtoxpmConvert a portable pixmap into an X11 pixmap
ppmtoxpm [-name <xpmname>] [-rgb <rgb-textfile>][<ppmf i l e>]
ppmtoxpm readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesan X11 pixmap (version 3) asoutput that can be loaded directly by
the XPM library.
The -name option allowsyou to specify the prefix string which isprinted in the resulting XPM output. If not specified, it will
default to the filename (without extension) of the ppmfile argument. If -name isnot specified and ppmfile isnot specified
(that is, piped input), the prefix string will default to the string noname.
The -rgb option allowsyou to specify an X11 rgb text file for the lookup of color name mnemonics. ThisRGB text file is
typically the /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt of the MIT X11 distribution, but any file using the same format may be used. When
specified and an RGB value from the ppm input matchesan RGB value from the <rgb-textfile>, then the corresponding
color name mnemonic isprinted in the XPMscolormap. If -rgb isnot specified, or if the RGB valuesdont match, then the
color will be printed with the #RGB, #RRGGBB, #RRRGGGBBB, or #RRRRGGGGBBBB hexadecimal format.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
Part I: User Commands
For example, to convert the file dot (found in /usr/include/X11/bitmaps), from xbm to xpm, you could specify
xbmtopbm dot | ppmtoxpm -name dot
or, with an rgb text file (in the local directory)
xbmtopbm dot | ppmtoxpm -name dot -rgb rgb.txt
An option to match the closest (rather than exact) color name mnemonic from the rgb text would be a desirable enhance-
Truncation of the least significant bitsof an RGB value may result in nonexact matcheswhen performing color name
mnemonic lookups.
XPM Manual by Arnaud Le Hors(
Copyright 1990 by Mark W. Snitily. Thistool wasdeveloped for Schlumberger Technologies, ATE Division, and with
their permission isbeing made available to the public with the above copyright notice and permission notice.
Upgraded to XPM2 by Paul Breslaw, Mecasoft SA, Zurich, Switzerland (; Thu, Nov 8, 16:01:17, 1990.
Upgraded to XPM version 3 by Arnaud le Hors(
9 April 1991
ppmtoyuvConvert a portable pixmap into an AbekasYUV file
ppmtoyuv [ppmfile]
ppmtoyuv readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesan AbekasYUV file asoutput.
yuvtoppm(1), ppm(5)
Marc Boucher (<marc@PostImage.COM>), based on Example Conversion Program, A60/A64 Digital Video InterfaceManual,
page 69. Copyright

1991 by DHD Post Image Inc. Copyright

1987 by AbekasVideo SystemsInc.

25 March 1991
ppmtoyuvsplitConvert a portable pixmap into three subsampled raw YUV files
ppmtoyuvsplit basename [ppmf i l e]
ppmtoyuvsplit readsa portable pixmap asinput and producesthree raw filesbasename.Y, basename.U, and basename.Vas
output. These filesare the subsampled raw YUV representation of the input pixmap, asrequired by the Stanford MPEG
code. The subsampling isdone by arithmetic mean of 4 pixelscolorsinto one. The YUV valuesare scaled according to
CCIR.601, asassumed by MPEG.
mpeg(1), ppm(5)

1993 by Andre Beck ( Based on ppmtoyuv.c.

9 September 1993
prConvert text filesfor printing
pr [+PAGE] [COLUMN] [abcdfFmrtv] [e[in-tab-char[in-tab-width]]] [h header]
[i[out-tab-char[out-tab-width]]] [l page-length] [n[number-separator[digits]]]
[o left-margin] [s[column-separator]] [w page-width] [--help] [-- version] [file...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of pr. pr printson the standard output a paginated and optionally
multicolumn copy of the text filesgiven on the command line, or of the standard input if no filesare given or when the
filename isencountered. Form feedsin the input cause page breaksin the output.
PAGE Begin printing with page PAGE.
COLUMN Produce COLUMN-column output and print columnsdown. The column width isautomatically
decreased asCOLUMN increases; unlessyou use the w option to increase the page width aswell, this
option might cause some columnsto be truncated.
a Print columnsacrossrather than down.
b Balance columnson the last page.
c Print control charactersusing hat notation (for example, G); print other unprintable charactersin
octal backslash notation.
d Double-space the output.
e[in-tab-char Expand tabsto spaceson input. Optional argument in-tab-char isthe input tab character, default
[in-tab-width]] tab. Optional argument in-tab-width isthe input tab characterswidth, default 8.
F, f Use a form feed instead of newlinesto separate output pages.
h header Replace the filename in the header with the string header .
--help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
i[out-tab-char Replace spaceswith tabson output. Optional argument out-tab-char isthe output tab character,
[out-tab-width]] default tab. Optional argument out-tab-width isthe output tab characterswidth, default 8.
l page- l engt h Set the page length to page- l engt h lines. The default is66. If page- l engt h islessthan 10, the
headersand footersare omitted, asif the t option had been given.
m Print all filesin parallel, one in each column.
Part I: User Commands
n[number-separator Precede each column with a line number; with parallel files, precede each line with a line number.
[digits]] Optional argument number-separator isthe character to print after each number, default tab.
Optional argument digits isthe number of digitsper line number, default 5.
o l ef t - mar gi n Offset each line with a margin l ef t - mar gi n spaceswide. The total page width isthisoffset plusthe
width set with the w option.
r Do not print a warning message when an argument file cannot be opened. Failure to open a file
still makesthe exit statusnonzero, however.
s[col umn- separ at or ] Separate columnsby the single character col umn- separ at or , default tab, instead of spaces.
t Do not print the 5-line header and the 5-line trailer that are normally on each page, and do not fill
out the bottomsof pages(with blank linesor form feeds).
v Print unprintable charactersin octal backslash notation.
--version Print version information on standard output then exit.
w page- wi dt h Set the page width to page- wi dt h columns. The default is72.
GNU Text Utilities
psReport processstatus
ps [][lujsvmaxScewhrnu][txx][O[+|-]k1[[+|-]k2...]] [pids]
There are also two long options:
More long optionsare on the way
ps givesa snapshot of the current processes. If you want a repetitive update of thisstatus, use top. Thisman page documents
the /proc-based version of ps, or triesto.
Command-line argumentsmay optionally be preceded by a , but there isno need for it. There are also some long optionsin
GNU style; see the following subsection for those.
l Long format.
u User format: givesusername and start time.
j Jobsformat: pgid sid.
s Signal format.
v vm format.
m Displaysmemory information (combine with p flag to get number of pages).
f Forest family tree format for command line.
a Show processesof other userstoo.
x Show processeswithout controlling terminal.
S Add child cpu time and page faults.
c Command name from task struct.
e Show environment after command line and +.
w Wide output: dont truncate command linesto fit on one line.
h No header.
r Running procsonly.
n Numeric output for USER and WCHAN.
txx Only procswith controlling tty xx; use for xx the same lettersasshown in the TT field. The
tty name must be given immediately after the option, with no intervening space, for
example, ps -tv1.
O[+|-]k1[,[+|-]k2[,...]] Order the processlisting according to the multilevel sort specified by the sequence of short
keysfrom SORT KEYS, k1, k2, . Default order specificationsexist for each of the various
formatsof ps. These are overridden by a user-specified ordering. The + isquite optional,
merely reiterating the default direction on a key. - reversesdirection only on the key it
precedes. Aswith t and pids, the O option must be the last option in a single command
argument, but specificationsin successive argumentsare catenated.
pids List only the specified processes; they are comma-delimited. The list must be given
immediately after the last option in a single command-line argument, with no intervening
space, for example, ps -j1,4,5. Listsspecified in subsequent argumentsare catenated, for
example, ps -l1,23,4 5 6 will list all of the processes1-6 in long format.
These optionsare preceded by a double hyphen.
--sortX[+|-]key[, Choose a multiletter key from the SORTKEYS section. X may be any convenient separator
[+|-]key[,...]] character. To be GNU-ish, use =. The + isreally optional because default direction is
increasing numerical or lexicographic order. Example:
ps -jax sort=uid,-ppid,+pid
--help Get a help message that summarizesthe usage and givesa list of supported sort keys. This
list may be more up-to-date than thisman page.
Note that the valuesused in sorting are the internal valuesps usesand not the cooked valuesused in some of the output
format fields. If someone wantsto volunteer to write special comparison functionsfor the cooked values,;-)
Short Long Description
c cmd Simple name of executable
C cmdline Full command line
f flags Flagsasin long format F field
g pgrp Processgroup ID
G tpgid Controlling tty processgroup ID
j cutime Cumulative user time
J cstime Cumulative system time
k utime User time
K stime System time
m min_flt Number of minor page faults
M maj_flt Number of major page faults
n cmin_flt Cumulative minor page faults
N cmaj_flt Cumulative major page faults
o session Session ID
p pid ProcessID
Part I: User Commands
P ppid Parent processID
r rss Resident set size
R resident Resident pages
s size Memory size in kilobytes
S share Amount of shared pages
t tty The minor device number of tty
T start_time Time processwasstarted
U uid User ID number
u user Username
v vsize Total VM size in bytes
y priority Kernel scheduling priority
PRI Thisisthe counter field in the task struct. It isthe time in HZ of the processspossible time slice.
NI Standard UNIX nice value; a positive value meanslesscpu time.
SIZE Virtual image size; size of text+data+stack.
RSS Resident set size; kilobytesof program in memory.
WCHAN Name of the kernel function where the processissleeping, with the sys stripped from the function name. If
/boot/psdatabase doesnot exist, it isjust a hex number instead.
STAT Information about the statusof the process. The first field isR for runnable, S for sleeping, D for uninterruptible
sleep, T for stopped or traced, or Z for a zombie process. The second field containsW if the processhasno resident
pages. The third field isN if the processhasa positive nice value (NI field).
TT Controlling tty.
PAGEIN Number of major page faults(page faultsthat cause pagesto be read from disk, including pagesread from the
buffer cache).
TRS Text resident size.
SWAP Kilobytes(or pagesif p isused) on swap device.
SHARE Shared memory.
This proc-based ps worksby reading the filesin the proc filesystem, mounted on /proc. Thisps doesnot need to be suid
kmem or have any privilegesto run. Do not givethisps any special permissions.
You will need to update the /boot/psdatabase file by running /usr/sbin/psupdate to get meaningful information from the
WCHAN field. Thisshould be done every time you compile a new kernel.
The member used_math of task_struct isnot shown, since crt0.s checksto see if math ispresent. Thiscausesthe math flag
to be set for all processes, and so it isworthless.
Programsswapped out to disk will be shown without command-line arguments, and unlessthe c option isgiven, in
%CPU showsthe cputime/realtime percentage. It will not add up to 100 percent unlessyou are lucky. It istime used divided
by the time the processhasbeen running.
The SIZE and RSS fieldsdont count the page tablesand the task struct of a proc; thisisat least 12k of memory that is
alwaysresident. SIZE isthe virtual size of the proc (code+data+stack).
Short Long Description
tty namesare hard-coded: virtual consolesare v1, v2,; serial linesare s0 and s1; ptysare pp0, pp1 pq0, pq1, .
ps wasoriginally written by Branko Lankester ( Michael K. Johnson (
rewrote it significantly to use the proc filesystem, changing a few thingsin the process. Michael Shields
( added the multiple-pids feature. CharlesBlake( added multilevel sorting and is
the current maintainer of the proc-ps suite.
CohesiveSystems, 27 July1994
psbbExtract bounding box from PostScript document
psbb f i l e
psbb readsf i l e, which should be a PostScript document conforming to the document structuring conventionsand looksfor
a %%BoundingBox comment. If it findsone, it printsa line
llx lly urx ury
on the standard output and exitswith zero status. If it doesnt find such a line or if the line isinvalid, it printsa message and
exitswith nonzero status.
Groff Version 1.09, 6 August 1992
psidtopgmConvert PostScript image data into a portable graymap
psidtopgm width height bits/sample [i magedat a]
psidtopgm readsthe image data from a PostScript file asinput and producesa portable graymap asoutput.
Thisisa very simple and limited program, and ishere only because so many people have asked for it. To use it you have to
manually extract the readhexstring data portion from your PostScript file, and then give the width, height, and bits/sample
on the command line. Before you attempt this, you should at least read the description of the image operator in the PostScript
It would probably not be too hard to write a script that usesthisfilter to read a specific variety of PostScript image, but the
variation istoo great to make a general-purpose reader. Unless, of course, you want to write a full-fledged PostScript
pnmtops(1), pgm(5)
Part I: User Commands

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

2 August 1989
pstopnmConvert a PostScript file into a portable anymap
pstopnm [forceplain][help][llx s][lly s][landscape][portrait][nocrop]
[pbm |pgm |ppm][urx s][ury s][verbose][xborder n][xmax n][xsize f ]
[yborder f ][ymax n][ysize n] psfile[.ps]
pstopnm readsa PostScript file asinput and producesportable anymap filesasoutput. Thisprogram isjust a useful shell script
that runsGhostScript to render a PostScript into one or more pnm files. pstopnm will create asmany filesasthe number of
pagesin the PostScript document. If the input file isnamed, the name of the fileswill be psfile001.ppm,
psfile002.ppm, and so on.
The program mapsa rectangular portion of the PostScript document into an image file according to the command-line
options. The selected area will alwaysbe centered in the output file, and may have bordersaround it. The image area to be
extracted from the PostScript file and rendered into a portable anymap isdefined by four numbers, the lower-left corner and
the upper-right corner x and y coordinates. These coordinatesare usually specified by the BoundingBox comment in the
PostScript file header, but they can be overridden by the user by specifying one or more of the following flags: llx, lly,
urx, and ury. The presence and thicknessof a border to be left around the image area iscontrolled by the use of the flags
xborder and yborder. If BoundingBox parametersare not found, and image area coordinatesare not specified on the
command line, default valuesare used. Unlessboth output file width and height are specified via the xsize and ysize
flags, the program will map the document into the output image by preserving itsaspect ratio.
forceplain Forcesthe output file to be a plain (in other words, not raw) portable anymap.
help Printsthe command syntax.
llx bx Selectsbx asthe lower left corner x coordinate (in inches).
lly by Selectsby asthe lower left corner y coordinate (in inches).
landscape Rendersthe image in landscape mode.
portrait Rendersthe image in portrait mode.
nocrop Doesnot crop the output image dimensionsto match the PostScript image area dimensions.
pbm pgm ppm Selectsthe format of the output file. By default, all filesare rendered asportable pixmaps(ppm format).
urx t x Selectst x asthe upper-right corner x coordinate (in inches).
ury t y Selectst y asthe upper-right corner y coordinate (in inches).
verbose Printsprocessing information to stdout.
xborder f r ac Specifiesthat the border width along the Y axisshould be f r ac timesthe document width asspecified by
the bounding box comment in the PostScript file header. The default value is0.1.
xmax xs Specifiesthat the maximum output image width should have a size lessor equal to xs pixels(default: 612).
xsize xs Specifiesthat the output image width must be exactly xs pixels.
yborder f r ac Specifiesthat the border width along the X axisshould be f r ac timesthe document width asspecified by
the bounding box comment in the PostScript file header. The default value is0.1.
ymax ys Specifiesthat the maximum output image height should have a size lessor equal to ys pixels(default: 792).
ysize ys Specifiesthat the output image height must be exactly ys pixels.
The program will produce incorrect resultswith PostScript filesthat initialize the current transformation matrix. In these
cases, page translation and rotation will not have any effect. To render these files, probably the best bet isto use the following
pstopnm -xborder 0 -yborder 0 -portrait -nocrop
Additional flagsmay be needed if the document issupposed to be rendered on a medium different from letter-size paper.
gs(l), pstofits(l)

1992 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. PostScript isa trademark of Adobe SystemsInc.

Alberto Accomazzi, WIPL, Center for Astrophysics
28 December 1992
pstreeDisplay a tree of processes
pstree [a][c][h][l][p][u][pi d| user ]
pstree showsrunning processesasa tree. The tree isrooted at either pid or init if pid isomitted. If a username isspecified,
all processtreesrooted at processesowned by that user are shown.
pstree visually mergesidentical branchesby putting them in square bracketsand prefixing them with the repetition count;
for example,
a Show command-line arguments. If the command line of a processisswapped out, that processisshown in
parentheses. a implicitly disablescompaction.
c Disable compaction of identical subtrees. By default, subtreesare compacted whenever possible.
h Highlight the current processand itsancestors. Thisisa no-op if the terminal doesnt support highlighting or if
neither the current processnor any of itsancestorsare in the subtree being shown.
l Display long lines. By default, linesare truncated to the display width or 132 if output issent to a non-tty or if
the display width isunknown.
p Show pids. pidsare shown asdecimal numbersin parenthesesafter each processname. p implicitly disables
u Show uid transitions. Whenever the uid of a processdiffersfrom the uid of itsparent, the new uid isshown in
parenthesesafter the processname.
Part I: User Commands
/proc Location of the proc filesystem
Werner Almesberger (
ps(1), top(1)
Linux, 11 October 1994
psupdateUpdate the ps database of kernel offsets
psupdate [system path]
psupdate updatesthe /boot/psdatabase file to correspond to the current kernel image system mapfile, /usr/src/linux/vmlinux
by default.
If your system mapfile isnot /usr/src/linux/vmlinux, you may give the name of an alternate mapfile on the command line.
ps(1), top(1), utmp(5)
Original code written by Branko Lankaster, horribly munged by Michael K. Johnson in a desperate effort to add /etc/
psdatabase support to procps. Someday, it should be rewritten, and the support in ps for alternate namelistsadded. Anyone
want to volunteer to be added to the Authors section?
CohesiveSystems, 15 September 1993
qrttoppmConvert output from the QRT ray tracer into a portable pixmap
qrttoppm [qr t f i l e]
qrttoppm readsa QRT file asinput and producesa portable pixmap asoutput.

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

25 August 1989
quotaDisplay disk usage and limits
quota [ -guv | q ]
quota [ -uv | q ] user
quota [ -gv | q ] group
quota displaysusers disk usage and limits. By default, only the user quotasare printed.
g Print group quotasfor the group of which the user isa member. The optional u flag isequivalent to the default.
v Will display quotason filesystemswhere no storage isallocated.
-q Print a more terse message, containing only information on filesystemswhere usage isover quota.
Specifying both g and u displaysboth the user quotasand the group quotas(for the user).
Only the superuser may use the u flag and the optional user argument to view the limitsof other users. Non-superuserscan
use the g flag and optional group argument to view only the limitsof groupsof which they are members.
The q flag takesprecedence over the v flag.
quota reportsthe quotasof all the filesystemslisted in /etc/fstab. For filesystemsthat are NFS-mounted, a call to the
rpc.rquotad on the server machine isperformed to get the information. If quota exitswith a nonzero status, one or more
filesystemsare over quota.
quota.user Located at the filesystem root with user quotas Located at the filesystem root with group quotas
/etc/fstab To find filesystem namesand locations
quotactl(2), fstab(5), edquota(8), quotacheck(8), quotaon(8), repquota(8)
8 January1993
ranlibGenerate index to archive
ranlib [ v|V] ar chi ve
Part I: User Commands
ranlib generatesan index to the contentsof an archive and storesit in the archive. The index listseach symbol defined by a
member of an archive that isa relocatable object file.
You may use nm s or nm --print-armap to list thisindex.
An archive with such an index speedsup linking to the library, and allowsroutinesin the library to call each other without
regard to their placement in the archive.
The GNU ranlib program isanother form of GNU ar; running ranlib iscompletely equivalent to executing ar s.
v Print the version number of ranlib and exit
binutils entry in info; TheGNU BinaryUtilities, Roland H. Pesch (October 1991); ar(1); nm(1).

1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof this
manual provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
Cygnussupport, 5 November 1991
rasttopnmConvert a Sun raster file into a portable anymap
rasttopnm [r ast f i l e]
rasttopnm readsa Sun raster file asinput and producesa portable anymap asoutput. The type of the output file dependson
the input fileif itsblack and white, a pbm file iswritten; else if itsgrayscale, a pgm file; else a ppm file. The program tellsyou
which type it iswriting.
pnmtorast(1), pnm(5)
Copyright 1989, 1991 byJef Poskanzer.
13 January1991
rawtopgmConvert raw grayscale bytesinto a portable graymap
rawtopgm [-headerskip N][-rowskip N][-tb|-topbottom][wi dt h hei ght ][i magedat a]
rawtopgm readsraw grayscale bytesasinput and producesa portable graymap asoutput. The input file isjust grayscale bytes.
If you dont specify the width and height on the command line, the program will check the size of the image and try to make
a quadratic image of it. It isan error to supply a non-quadratic image without specifying width and height. The maxval is
assumed to be 255.
-headerskip If the file hasa header, you can use thisflag to skip over it.
-rowskip If there ispadding at the endsof the rows, you can skip it with thisflag. Note that rowskip can be a real
number. Amazingly, I once had an image with 0.376 bytesof padding per row. Thisturned out to be due
to a file transfer problem, but I wasstill able to read the image.
-tb -topbottom Flipsthe image upside down. The first pixel in a pgm file isin the lower-left corner of the image. For
conversion from imageswith the first pixel in the upper-left corner (for example, the Molecular Dynamics
and Leica confocal formats), thisflipsthe image right. Thisisequivalent to rawtopgm [file] | pnmflip
If you dont specify the image width and height, the program will try to read the entire image to a memory buffer. If you get
a message that statesthat you are out of memory, try to specify the width and height on the command line. Also, the -tb
option consumesmuch memory.
pgm(5), rawtoppm(1), pnmflip(1)

1989 by Jef Poskanzer; modified June 1993 by Oliver Trepte (

15 June1993
rawtoppmConvert raw RGB bytesinto a portable pixmap
rawtoppm[-headerskip N][-rowskip N][-rgb|-rbg|-grb |-gbr|-brg|-bgr ]
[-interpixel|-interrow] wi dt h hei ght [i magedat a]
rawtoppm readsraw RGB bytesasinput and producesa portable pixmap asoutput. The input file isjust RGB bytes. You have
to specify the width and height on the command line because the program obviously cant get them from the file. The maxval
isassumed to be 255. If the resulting image isupside down, run it through pnmflip -tb.
Part I: User Commands
-headerskip If the file hasa header, you can use thisflag to skip over it.
-rowskip If there ispadding at the endsof the rows, you can skip it with thisflag.
-rgb -rbg -grb -gbr -brg -bgr These flagslet you specify alternate color orders. The default is-rgb.
-interpixel -interrow These flagslet you specify how the colorsare interleaved. The default is-interpixel,
meaning interleaved by pixel. A byte of red, a byte of green, and a byte of blue, or whatever
color order you specified. -interrow meansinterleaved by rowa row of red, a row of
green, a row of blue, assuming standard RGB color order. An -interplane flagall the red
pixels, then all the green, then all the bluewould be an obviousextension, but isnot
implemented. You could get the same effect by splitting the file into three parts(perhaps
using dd), turning each part into a PGM file with rawtopgm, and then combining them with
ppm(5), rawtopgm(1), rgb3toppm(1), pnmflip(1)

1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

6 February1991
rcpRemote file copy
rcp [-px] [-k realm] f i l e1 f i l e2
rcp [-px] [-r] [-k Ar realm] f i l e ... di r ect or y
rcp copiesfilesbetween machines. Each file or directory argument iseither a remote filename of the form rname@rhost:path,
or a local filename (containing no : characters, or a / before any : characters).
-r If any of the source filesare directories, rcp copieseach subtree rooted at that name; in thiscase the destination
must be a directory.
-p Causesrcp to attempt to preserve (duplicate) in itscopiesthe modification timesand modesof the source files,
ignoring the umask . By default, the mode and owner of f i l e2 are preserved if it already existed; otherwise, the
mode of the source file modified by the umask 2 on the destination host isused.
-k Requestsrcp to obtain ticketsfor the remote host in realm r eal m instead of the remote hostsrealm asdetermined
by krb_realmofhost 3.
-x Turnson DES encryption for all data passed by rcp. Thismay impact response time and CPU utilization, but
providesincreased security.
If path isnot a full pathname, it isinterpreted relative to the login directory of the specified user ruser on rhost, or your
current username if no other remote username isspecified. A path on a remote host may be quoted (using \, , or ) so that
the meta charactersare interpreted remotely.
rcp doesnot prompt for passwords; it performsremote execution via rsh(1), and requiresthe same authorization.
rcp handlesthird-party copies, where neither source nor target filesare on the current machine.
cp(1), ftp(1), rsh(1), rlogin(1)
The rcp command appeared in BSD 4.2 . The version of rcp described here hasbeen reimplemented with Kerberosin BSD
4.3 Reno.
Doesnt detect all casesin which the target of a copy might be a file when only a directory should be legal.
Isconfused by any output generated by commandsin a or file on the remote host.
The destination username and hostname may have to be specified asrhost.rname when the destination machine isrunning
the BSD 4.2 version of rcp.
BSD 4.3r, 27 July1991
rcsChange RCS file attributes
rcs opt i ons f i l e ...
rcs createsnew RCSfilesor changesattributesof existing ones. An RCSfile containsmultiple revisionsof text, an accesslist,
a change log, descriptive text, and some control attributes. For rcs to work, the callerslogin name must be on the access
listunlessthe accesslist isempty, the caller isthe owner of the file or the superuser, or the i option ispresent.
Pathnamesmatching an RCS suffix denote RCS files; all othersdenote working files. Namesare paired asexplained in ci(1).
Revision numbersuse the syntax described in ci(1).
i Create and initialize a new RCSfile, but do not deposit any revision. If the RCSfile hasno path prefix, try
to place it first into the subdirectory ./RCS, and then into the current directory. If the RCS file already
exists, print an error message.
al ogi ns Append the login namesappearing in the comma-separated list l ogi ns to the accesslist of the RCS file.
Aol df i l e Append the accesslist of ol df i l e to the accesslist of the RCS file.
e[l ogi ns ] Erase the login namesappearing in the comma-separated list l ogi ns from the accesslist of the RCS file. If
l ogi ns isomitted, erase the entire accesslist.
b[r ev] Set the default branch to r ev.If r ev isomitted, the default branch isreset to the (dynamically) highest
branch on the trunk.
cst r i ng Set the comment leader to st r i ng. An initial ci,or an rcs i without c, guessesthe comment leader from
the suffix of the working filename.
Thisoption isobsolescent, since RCSnormally usesthe preceding $Log$ linesprefix when inserting log linesduring
checkout (see co(1)). However, older versionsof RCS use the comment leader instead of the $Log$ linesprefix, so if you plan
to accessa file with both old and new versionsof RCS, make sure itscomment leader matchesits$Log$ line prefix.
ksubst Set the default keyword substitution to subst . The effect of keyword substitution isdescribed in co(1).
Giving an explicit k option to co, rcsdiff, and rcsmerge overridesthisdefault. Beware rcs kv, because
kv isincompatible with co l. Use rcs kkv to restore the normal default keyword substitution.
Part I: User Commands
l[r ev] Lock the revision with number r ev . If a branch isgiven, lock the latest revision on that branch. If r ev is
omitted, lock the latest revision on the default branch. Locking preventsoverlapping changes. If someone
else already holdsthe lock, the lock isbroken aswith rcs u.
u[r ev] Unlock the revision with number r ev. If a branch isgiven, unlock the latest revision on that branch. If r ev
isomitted, remove the latest lock held by the caller. Normally, only the locker of a revision can unlock it.
Somebody else unlocking a revision breaksthe lock. Thiscausesa mail message to be sent to the original
locker. The message containsa commentary solicited from the breaker. The commentary isterminated by
end-of-file or by a line containing a period by itself.
L Set locking to strict. strict locking meansthat the owner of an RCSfile isnot exempt from locking for
checkin. Thisoption should be used for filesthat are shared.
U Set locking to non-strict. non-strict locking meansthat the owner of a file need not lock a revision for
checkin. Thisoption should not be used for filesthat are shared. Whether default locking isstrict is
determined by your system administrator, but it isnormally strict.
mr ev: msg Replace revision r evslog message with msg.
M Do not send mail when breaking somebody elseslock. Thisoption isnot meant for casual use; it ismeant
for programsthat warn usersby other means, and invoke rcs u only asa low-level lock-breaking
nname[:[r ev]] Associate the symbolic name name with the branch or revision r ev. Delete the symbolic name if both : and
r ev are omitted; otherwise, print an error message if name isalready associated with another number. If r ev
issymbolic, it isexpanded before association. A r ev consisting of a branch number followed by a period
standsfor the current latest revision in the branch. A : with an empty r ev standsfor the current latest
revision on the default branch, normally the trunk. For example, rcs nname: RCS/* associatesname with
the current latest revision of all the named RCS files; thiscontrastswith rcs nname:$ RCS/*, which
associatesname with the revision numbersextracted from keyword stringsin the corresponding working
Nname[:[r ev]] Act like n, except override any previousassignment of name.
orange Deletes(outdates) the revisionsgiven by range. A range consisting of a single revision number means
that revision. A range consisting of a branch number meansthe latest revision on that branch. A range of
the form r ev1: r ev2 meansrevisionsr ev1 to r ev2 on the same branch, :r ev meansfrom the beginning of
the branch containing r ev up to and including r ev, and r ev: meansfrom revision r ev to the end of the
branch containing r ev . None of the outdated revisionscan have branchesor locks.
q Run quietly; do not print diagnostics.
I Run interactively, even if the standard input isnot a terminal.
sst at e[:r ev] Set the state attribute of the revision r ev to st at e. If r ev isa branch number, assume the latest revision on
that branch. If r ev isomitted, assume the latest revision on the default branch. Any identifier isacceptable
for st at e. A useful set of statesisExp (for experimental), Stab (for stable), and Rel (for released). By
default, ci(1) setsthe state of a revision to Exp.
t[f i l e] Write descriptive text from the contentsof the named f i l e into the RCS file, deleting the existing text.
The f i l e pathname cannot begin with . If f i l e isomitted, obtain the text from standard input,
terminated by end-of-file or by a line containing a period by itself. Prompt for the text if interaction is
possible; see I. With i, descriptive text isobtained even if t isnot given.
tst r i ng Write descriptive text from the st r i ng into the RCS file, deleting the existing text.
T Preserve the modification time on the RCS file unlessa revision isremoved. Thisoption can suppress
extensive recompilation caused by a make(1) dependency of some copy of the working file on the RCS file.
Use thisoption with care; it can suppressrecompilation even when it isneeded, that is, when a change to
the RCS file would mean a change to keyword stringsin the working file.
V Print RCSsversion number.
Vn Emulate RCSversion n. See co(1) for details.
xsuf f i xes Use suf f i xes to characterize RCSfiles. See ci(1) for details.
zzone Use zone asthe default time zone. Thisoption hasno effect; it ispresent for compatibility with other RCS
At least one explicit option must be given, to ensure compatibility with future planned extensionsto the rcs command.
The brev option generatesan RCSfile that cannot be parsed by RCS version 3 or earlier.
The ksubst options(except kkv) generate an RCS file that cannot be parsed by RCS version 4 or earlier.
Use rcs Vn to make an RCS file acceptable to RCSversion n by discarding information that would confuse version n.
RCS version 5.5 and earlier doesnot support the x option, and requiresa ,v suffix on an RCS pathname.
rcs accessesfilesmuch asci(1) does, except that it usesthe effective user for all accesses, it doesnot write the working file or
itsdirectory, and it doesnot even read the working file unlessa revision number of $ isspecified.
RCSINITf1[:r ev] Optionsprepended to the argument list, separated by spaces. See ci(1) for details.
The RCS pathname and the revisionsoutdated are written to the diagnostic output. The exit statusiszero if and only if all
operationswere successful.
Author: Walter F. Tichy.
Manual Page Revision: 5.13; Release Date: 1995/06/05.
Copyright 1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy.
Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Paul Eggert.
rcsintro(1), co(1), ci(1), ident(1), rcsclean(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsmerge(1), rlog(1), rcsfile(5)
RCSA System for Version Control by Walter F. Tichy, Software Practice & Experience 15, 7 (July 1985), pages
A catastrophe (for example, a system crash) can cause RCS to leave behind a semaphore file that causeslater invocationsof
RCS to claim that the RCS file isin use. To fix this, remove the semaphore file. A semaphore filesname typically begins
with a comma or endswith an underscore.
The separator for revision rangesin the o option used to be instead of :, but thisleadsto confusion when symbolic names
contain . For backwardscompatibility, rcs o still supportsthe old separator, but it warnsabout thisobsolete use.
Symbolic namesneed not refer to existing revisionsor branches. For example, the o option doesnot remove symbolic names
for the outdated revisions; you must use n to remove the names.
GNU, 5 June1995
rcscleanClean up working files
rcsclean [opt i ons][f i l e ...]
Part I: User Commands
rcsclean removesfilesthat are not being worked on. rcsclean u also unlocksand removesfilesthat are being worked on
but have not changed.
For each f i l e given, rcsclean comparesthe working file and a revision in the corresponding RCS file. If it findsa difference,
it doesnothing. Otherwise, it first unlocksthe revision if the u option isgiven, and then removesthe working file unlessthe
working file iswritable and the revision islocked. It logsitsactionsby outputting the corresponding rcs u and rm f
commandson the standard output.
Filesare paired asexplained in ci(1). If no f i l e isgiven, all working filesin the current directory are cleaned. Pathnames
matching an RCS suffix denote RCSfiles; all othersdenote working files.
The number of the revision to which the working file iscompared may be attached to any of the optionsn, q, r, or u. If
no revision number isspecified, then if the u option isgiven and the caller hasone revision locked, rcsclean usesthat
revision; otherwise, rcsclean usesthe latest revision on the default branch, normally the root.
rcsclean isuseful for clean targetsin makefiles. See also rcsdiff(1), which printsout the differences, and ci(1), which
normally revertsto the previousrevision if a file wasnot changed.
ksubst Use subst -style keyword substitution when retrieving the revision for comparison. See co(1) for details.
n[r ev] Do not actually remove any filesor unlock any revisions. Using thisoption will tell you what rcsclean
would do without actually doing it.
--q[rev] Do not log the actionstaken on standard output.
--r[rev] Thisoption hasno effect other than specifying the revision for comparison.
T Preserve the modification time on the RCSfile even if the RCS file changesbecause a lock isremoved.
Thisoption can suppressextensive recompilation caused by a make(1) dependency of some other copy of
the working file on the RCSfile. Use thisoption with care; it can suppressrecompilation even when it is
needed, that is, when the lock removal would mean a change to keyword stringsin the other working file.
u[r ev] Unlock the revision if it islocked and no difference isfound.
V Print RCSsversion number.
Vn Emulate RCSversion n. See co(1) for details.
xsuf f i xes Use suf f i xes to characterize RCSfiles. See ci(1) for details.
zzone Use zone asthe time zone for keyword substitution; see co(1) for details.
rcsclean *.c *.h removesall working filesending in .c or .h that were not changed since their checkout.
rcsclean removesall working filesin the current directory that were not changed since their check-out.
rcsclean accessesfilesmuch asci(1) does.
RCSINIT Optionsprepended to the argument list, separated by spaces. A backslash escapesspaceswithin an option. The
RCSINIT optionsare prepended to the argument listsof most rcs commands. Useful RCSINIT optionsinclude q,
V, x, and z.
The exit statusiszero if and only if all operationswere successful. Missing working filesand RCS filesare silently ignored.
Author: Walter F. Tichy.
Manual Page Revision: 1.12; Release Date: 1993/11/03.

1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy.


1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Paul Eggert.

ci(1), co(1), ident(1), rcs(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsintro(1), rcsmerge(1), rlog(1), rcsfile(5)
RCSA System for Version Control by Walter F. Tichy, Software Practice & Experience 15, 7 (July 1985), pages
At least one f i l e must be given in older UNIX versionsthat do not provide the needed directory scanning operations.
GNU, 3 November 1993
rcsdiffCompare rcs revisions
rcsdiff [ ksubst ][q ][rr ev1 [ rr ev2 ]][T ][V[n]][xsuf f i xes ][zzone ]
[di f f options ] f i l e . . .
rcsdiff runsdiff(1) to compare two revisionsof each RCS file given.
Pathnamesmatching an RCS suffix denote RCS files; all othersdenote working files. Namesare paired asexplained in ci(1).
The option q suppressesdiagnostic output. Zero, one, or two revisionsmay be specified with r. The option ksubst affects
keyword substitution when extracting revisions, asdescribed in co(1); for example, kk r1.1 r1.2 ignoresdifferencesin
keyword valueswhen comparing revisions1.1 and 1.2. To avoid excessoutput from locker name substitution, kkvl is
assumed if at most one revision option isgiven, no k option isgiven, kkv isthe default keyword substitution, and the
working filesmode would be produced by co l. See co(1) for detailsabout T, V, x, and z. Otherwise, all optionsof
diff(1) that apply to regular filesare accepted, with the same meaning asfor diff.
If both r ev1 and r ev2 are omitted, rcsdiff comparesthe latest revision on the default branch (by default the trunk) with the
contentsof the corresponding working file. Thisisuseful for determining what you changed since the last checkin.
If r ev1 isgiven, but r ev2 isomitted, rcsdiff comparesrevision r ev1 of the RCS file with the contentsof the corresponding
working file.
If both r ev1 and r ev2 are given, rcsdiff comparesrevisionsr ev1 and r ev2 of the RCS file.
Both r ev1 and r ev2 may be given numerically or symbolically.
The command
rcsdiff f.c
comparesthe latest revision on the default branch of the RCSfile to the contentsof the working file f.c.
RCSINIT Optionsprepended to the argument list, separated by spaces. See ci(1) for details.
Part I: User Commands
Exit statusis0 for no differencesduring any comparison, 1 for some differences, 2 for trouble.
Author: Walter F. Tichy.
Manual Page Revision: 5.5; Release Date: 1993/11/03.

1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy.


1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Paul Eggert.

ci(1), co(1), diff(1), ident(1), rcs(1), rcsintro(1), rcsmerge(1), rlog(1)
RCSA System for Version Control by Walter F. Tichy, Software Practice & Experience 15, 7 (July 1985), pages
GNU, 3 November 1993
rcsfreezeFreeze a configuration of sourceschecked in under RCS
rcsfreeze [name]
rcsfreeze assignsa symbolic revision number to a set of RCS filesthat form a valid configuration.
The idea isto run rcsfreeze each time a new version ischecked in. A unique symbolic name (C_number, where number is
increased each time rcsfreeze isrun) isthen assigned to the most recent revision of each RCSfile of the main trunk.
An optional name argument to rcsfreeze givesa symbolic name to the configuration. The unique identifier isstill generated
and islisted in the log file, but it will not appear aspart of the symbolic revision name in the actual RCS files.
A log message isrequested from the user for future reference.
The shell script worksonly on all RCS filesat one time. All changed filesmust be checked in already. Run rcsclean(1) first
and see whether any sourcesremain in the current directory.
RCS/.rcsfreeze.ver Version number
RCS/.rcsfreeze.log Log messages, most recent first
Stephan V. Bechtolsheim
co(1), rcs(1), rcsclean(1), rlog(1)
rcsfreeze doesnot check whether any sourcesare checked out and modified.
Although both source filenamesand RCS filenamesare accepted, they are not paired asusual with rcs commands.
Error checking isrudimentary.
rcsfreeze isjust an optional example shell script, and should not be taken too seriously. See cvs for a more complete
GNU, 3 November 1990
rcsintroIntroduction to rcs commands
The Revision Control System (RCS) managesmultiple revisionsof files. RCS automatesthe storing, retrieval, logging,
identification, and merging of revisions. RCS isuseful for text that isrevised frequently; for example programs, documenta-
tion, graphics, papers, and form letters.
The basic user interface isextremely simple. The novice only needsto learn two commands: ci(1) and co(1). ci, short for
check in, depositsthe contentsof a file into an archival file called an RCS file. An RCS file containsall revisionsof a
particular file. co, short for check out, retrievesrevisionsfrom an RCSfile.
Storeand retrievemultiplerevisions of text. RCS savesall old revisionsin a space-efficient way. Changesno longer destroy
the original because the previousrevisionsremain accessible. Revisionscan be retrieved according to rangesof revision
numbers, symbolic names, dates, authors, and states.
Maintain a complete history of changes. RCS logsall changesautomatically. Besidesthe text of each revision, RCS stores
the author, the date and time of checkin, and a log message summarizing the change. The logging makesit easy to find out
what happened to a module without having to compare source listingsor having to track down colleagues.
Resolveaccess conflicts. When two or more programmerswish to modify the same revision, RCS alertsthe programmers
and preventsone modification from corrupting the other.
Maintain a treeof revisions. RCS can maintain separate linesof development for each module. It storesa tree structure that
representsthe ancestral relationshipsamong revisions.
Mergerevisions and resolveconflicts. Two separate linesof development of a module can be coalesced by merging. If the
revisionsto be merged affect the same sectionsof code, RCS alertsthe user about the overlapping changes.
Control releases and configurations. Revisionscan be assigned symbolic namesand marked asreleased, stable, experimen-
tal, and so on. With these facilities, configurationsof modulescan be described simply and directly.
Automatically identify each revision with name, revision number, creation time, author, and so on. The identification
islike a stamp that can be embedded at an appropriate place in the text of a revision. The identification makesit simple to
determine which revisionsof which modulesmake up a given configuration.
Minimizesecondary storage. RCS needslittle extra space for the revisions(only the differences). If intermediate revisions
are deleted, the corresponding deltasare compressed accordingly.
Suppose you have a file f.c that you wish to put under control of RCS. If you have not already done so, make an RCS
directory with the command:
mkdir RCS
Then invoke the check in command:
ci f.c
Thiscommand createsan RCSfile in the RCS directory, storesf.c into it asrevision 1.1, and deletesf.c. It also asksyou for
a description. The description should be a synopsisof the contentsof the file. All later check in commandswill ask you for a
log entry, which should summarize the changesthat you made.
Part I: User Commands
Filesin the RCS directory are called RCS files; the othersare called working files. To get back the working file f.c in the
previousexample, use the check out command:
co f.c
Thiscommand extractsthe latest revision from the RCS file and writesit into f.c. If you want to edit f.c, you must lock it
asyou check it out with the command:
co l f.c
You can now edit f.c.
Suppose after some editing you want to know what changesthat you have made. The command:
rcsdiff f.c
tellsyou the difference between the most recently checked-in version and the working file. You can check the file back in by
ci f.c
Thisincrementsthe revision number properly.
If ci complainswith the message:
ci error: no lock set by your name
then you have tried to check in a file even though you did not lock it when you checked it out. Of course, it istoo late now
to do the checkout with locking, because another checkout would overwrite your modifications. Instead, invoke
rcs l f.c
Thiscommand will lock the latest revision for you, unlesssomebody else got ahead of you already. In that case, youll have to
negotiate with that person.
Locking assuresthat you, and only you, can check in the next update, and avoidsnasty problemsif several people work on
the same file. Even if a revision islocked, it can still be checked out for reading, compiling, and so on. All that locking
preventsisa check-in by anybody but the locker.
If your RCSfile isprivateif you are the only person who isgoing to deposit revisionsinto itstrict locking isnot needed
and you can turn it off. If strict locking isturned off, the owner of the RCS file need not have a lock for checkin; all others
still do. Turning strict locking off and on isdone with the commandsrcs U f.c and rcs L f.c. If you dont want to
clutter your working directory with RCSfiles, create a subdirectory called RCS in your working directory, and move all your
RCS filesthere. rcs commandswill look first into that directory to find needed files. All the commandsdiscussed here will
still work, without any modification. (Actually, pairsof RCS and working filescan be specified in three ways: both are given,
only the working file isgiven, or only the RCS file isgiven. Both RCSand working filesmay have arbitrary path prefixes; rcs
commandspair them up intelligently.)
To avoid the deletion of the working file during checkin (in case you want to continue editing or compiling), invoke
ci l f.c or ci u f.c
These commandscheck in f.c asusual, but perform an implicit checkout. The first form also locksthe checked in revision,
the second one doesnt. Thus, these optionssave you one checkout operation. The first form isuseful if you want to
continue editing, the second one if you just want to read the file. Both update the identification markersin your working
file. (See the following subsection, Automatic Identification.)
You can give ci the number you want assigned to a checked in revision. Assume all your revisionswere numbered 1.1, 1.2,
1.3, etc., and you would like to start release 2. The command:
ci r2 f.c or ci r2.1 f.c
assignsthe number 2.1 to the new revision. From then on, ci will number the subsequent revisionswith 2.2, 2.3, and so on.
The corresponding co commands:
co r2 f.c
co r2.1 f.c
retrieve the latest revision numbered 2.x and the revision 2.1, respectively. co without a revision number selectsthe latest
revision on the trunk, that is, the highest revision with a number consisting of two fields. Numberswith more than two
fieldsare needed for branches. For example, to start a branch at revision 1.3, invoke
ci r1.3.1 f.c
Thiscommand startsa branch numbered 1 at revision 1.3, and assignsthe number to the new revision. For more
information about branches, see rcsfile(5).
RCS can put special stringsfor identification into your source and object code. To obtain such identification, place the
into your text, for instance inside a comment. RCS will replace thismarker with a string of the form:
$Id: f i l ename r evi si on dat e t i me aut hor st at e $
With such a marker on the first page of each module, you can alwayssee with which revision you are working. RCS keeps
the markersup-to-date automatically. To propagate the markersinto your object code, simply put them into literal character
strings. In C, thisisdone asfollows:
static char rcsid[] = $Id$;
The command ident extractssuch markersfrom any file, even object code and dumps. Thus, ident letsyou find out which
revisionsof which moduleswere used in a given program.
You may also find it useful to put the marker $Log$ into your text, inside a comment. Thismarker accumulatesthe log
messagesthat are requested during checkin. Thus, you can maintain the complete history of your file directly inside it. There
are several additional identification markers; see co(1) for details.
Author: Walter F. Tichy.
Manual Page Revision: 5.3; Release Date: 1993/11/03.

1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy.


1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Paul Eggert.

ci(1), co(1), ident(1), rcs(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsintro(1), rcsmerge(1), rlog(1)
RCSA System for Version Control by Walter F. Tichy, Software Practice & Experience 15, 7 (July 1985), pages
GNU, 3 November 1993
rcsmergeMerge RCS revisions
rcsmerge [options] file
Part I: User Commands
rcsmerge incorporatesthe changesbetween two revisionsof an RCS file into the corresponding working file.
Pathnamesmatching an RCS suffix denote RCS files; all othersdenote working files. Namesare paired asexplained in ci(1).
At least one revision must be specified with one of the optionsdescribed in the next subsection, usually r. At most two
revisionsmay be specified. If only one revision isspecified, the latest revision on the default branch (normally the highest
branch on the trunk) isassumed for the second revision. Revisionsmay be specified numerically or symbolically.
rcsmerge printsa warning if there are overlaps, and delimitsthe overlapping regionsasexplained in merge(1). The command
isuseful for incorporating changesinto a checked-out revision.
A Output conflictsusing the A style of diff3(1), if supported by diff3. Thismergesall changesleading
from file2 to file3 into file1, and generatesthe most verbose output.
E, e These optionsspecify conflict stylesthat generate lessinformation than A. See diff3(1) for details. The
default isE. Withe, rcsmerge doesnot warn about conflicts.
ksubst Use subst -style keyword substitution. See co(1) for details. For example, kk r1.1 r1.2 ignores
differencesin keyword valueswhen merging the changesfrom 1.1 to 1.2. It normally doesnot make sense
to merge binary filesasif they were text, so rcsmerge refusesto merge filesif kb expansion isused.
p[r ev] Send the result to standard output instead of overwriting the working file.
q[r ev] Run quietly; do not print diagnostics.
r[r ev] Merge with respect to revision r ev. Here an empty r ev standsfor the latest revision on the default branch,
normally the head.
T Thisoption hasno effect; it ispresent for compatibility with other rcs commands.
V Print RCSsversion number.
Vn Emulate RCSversion n. See co(1) for details.
xsuf f i xes Use suf f i xes to characterize RCSfiles. See ci(1) for details.
zzone Use zone asthe time zone for keyword substitution. See co(1) for details.
Suppose you have released revision 2.8 of f.c. Assume, furthermore, that after you complete an unreleased revision 3.4, you
receive updatesto release 2.8 from someone else. To combine the updatesto 2.8 and your changesbetween 2.8 and 3.4, put
the updatesto 2.8 into file f.c and execute
rcsmerge p r2.8 r3.4 f.c >f.merged.c
Then examine f.merged.c. Alternatively, if you want to save the updatesto 2.8 in the RCSfile, check them in asrevision and execute co j:
ci r2.8.1.1 f.c
co r3.4 j2.8: f.c
Asanother example, the following command undoesthe changesbetween revision 2.4 and 2.8 in your currently checked out
revision in f.c:
rcsmerge r2.8 r2.4 f.c
Note the order of the arguments, and that f.c will be overwritten.
RCSINIT Optionsprepended to the argument list, separated by spaces. See ci(1) for details.
Exit statusis0 for no overlaps, 1 for some overlaps, 2 for trouble.
Author: Walter F. Tichy.
Manual Page Revision: 5.6; Release Date: 1995/06/01.

1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy.


1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Paul Eggert.

ci(1), co(1), ident(1), merge(1), rcs(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsintro(1), rlog(1), rcsfile(5)
RCSA System for Version Control by Walter F. Tichy, SoftwarePractice & Experience 15, 7 (July 1985), pages
GNU, 1 June1995
rdistRemote file distribution program
rdist [-nqbRhivwy] [-f distfile] [-d var =val ue] [-m host ] [name ...]
rdist [-nqbRhivwy] -c name ... [login@host:dest]
rdist isa program to maintain identical copiesof filesover multiple hosts. It preservesthe owner, group, mode, and mtime
of filesif possible and can update programsthat are executing. rdist readscommandsfrom distfile to direct the updating
of filesand/or directories.
Optionsspecific to the first SYNOPSIS form:
- If distfile is-, the standard input isused.
-f distfile Use the specified distfile.
If either the -f or - option isnot specified, the program looksfirst for distfile, then Distfile to use asthe input. If no
namesare specified on the command line, rdist will update all of the filesand directorieslisted in distfile. Otherwise, the
argument istaken to be the name of a file to be updated or the label of a command to execute. If label and filenamesconflict,
it isassumed to be a label. These may be used together to update specific filesusing specific commands.
Optionsspecific to the second SYNOPSIS form:
-c Forcesrdist to interpret the remaining argumentsasa small distfile.
The equivalent distfile isasfollows:
name ... - login@ host install dest ;
Optionscommon to both forms:
-b Binary comparison. Perform a binary comparison and update filesif they differ rather than comparing
datesand sizes.
-d var =val ue Define var to have val ue. The -d option isused to define or override variable definitionsin the distfile.
val ue can be the empty string, one name, or a list of namessurrounded by parenthesesand separated by
tabsand/or spaces.
-h Follow symbolic links. Copy the file that the link pointsto rather than the link itself.
-i Ignore unresolved links. rdist will normally try to maintain the link structure of filesbeing transferred and
warn the user if all the linkscannot be found.
-m host Limit which machinesare to be updated. Multiple -m argumentscan be given to limit updatesto a subset
of the hostslisted in the distfile.
Part I: User Commands
-n Print the commandswithout executing them. Thisoption isuseful for debugging distfile.
-q Quiet mode. Filesthat are being modified are normally printed on standard output. The -q option
-R Remove extraneousfiles. If a directory isbeing updated, any filesthat exist on the remote host that do not
exist in the master directory are removed. Thisisuseful for maintaining truly identical copiesof directo-
-v Verify that the filesare up-to-date on all the hosts. Any filesthat are out-of-date will be displayed, but no
fileswill be changed nor any mail sent.
-w Whole mode. The whole filename isappended to the destination directory name. Normally, only the last
component of a name isused when renaming files. Thiswill preserve the directory structure of the files
being copied instead of flattening the directory structure. For example, renaming a list of filessuch as
dir1/f1 dir2/f2 to dir3 would create filesdir3/dir1/f1 and dir3/dir2/f2 instead of dir3/f1 and dir3/f2.
-y Younger mode. Filesare normally updated if their mtime and size (see stat(2)for more details) disagree.
The -y option causesrdist not to update filesthat are younger than the master copy. Thiscan be used to
prevent newer copieson other hostsfrom being replaced. A warning message isprinted for filesthat are
newer than the master copy.
distfile containsa sequence of entriesthat specify the filesto be copied, the destination hosts, and what operationsto
perform to do the updating. Each entry hasone of the following formats:
<variable name>= <name list>
[label:]<source list> > <destination list><command list>
[label:]<source list> :: <time_stamp file><command list>
The first format isused for defining variables. The second format isused for distributing filesto other hosts. The third
format isused for making listsof filesthat have been changed since some given date. The source list specifiesa list of files
and/or directorieson the local host that are to be used asthe master copy for distribution. The destination list isthe list of
hoststo which these filesare to be copied. Each file in the source list isadded to a list of changesif the file isout-of-date on
the host that isbeing updated (second format), or the file isnewer than the timestamp file (third format).
Labelsare optional. They are used to identify a command for partial updates.
Newlines, tabs, and blanksare only used asseparatorsand are otherwise ignored. Commentsbegin with # and end with a
Variablesto be expanded begin with $ followed by one character or a name enclosed in curly braces(see the examplesat the
The source and destination listshave the following format: <name> or ( <zero or more names separated by white-space>
The shell meta characters[, ], {, }, *, and ? are recognized and expanded (on the local host only) in the same way ascsh(1).
They can be escaped with a backslash. The character isalso expanded in the same way ascsh(1) but isexpanded separately
on the local and destination hosts. When the -w option isused with a filename that beginswith , everything except the
home directory isappended to the destination name. Filenamesthat do not begin with / or use the destination usershome
directory asthe root directory for the rest of the filename.
The command list consistsof zero or more commandsof the following format:
install <options> opt_dest_name ;
notify <name list> ;
except <name list> ;
except_pat <pattern list> ;
special <name list> string ;
The install command isused to copy out-of-date filesand/or directories. Each source file iscopied to each host in the
destination list. Directoriesare recursively copied in the same way. opt_dest_name isan optional parameter to rename files. If
no install command appearsin the command list or the destination name isnot specified, the source filename isused.
Directoriesin the pathname will be created if they do not exist on the remote host. To help prevent disasters, a nonempty
directory on a target host will never be replaced with a regular file or a symbolic link. However, under the R option, a
nonempty directory will be removed if the corresponding filename iscompletely absent on the master host. The optionsare
R, h, i, v, w, y, and b and have the same semanticsasoptionson the command line except they only apply to the files
in the source list. The login name used on the destination host isthe same asthe local host unlessthe destination name isof
the format login@host.
The notify command isused to mail the list of filesupdated (and any errorsthat may have occurred) to the listed names. If
no @ appearsin the name, the destination host isappended to the name (for example, name1@host, name2@host).
The except command isused to update all of the filesin the source list except for the fileslisted in name list . Thisisusually
used to copy everything in a directory except certain files.
The except_pat command islike the except command except that pattern list isa list of regular expressions(see ed(1) for
details). If one of the patternsmatchessome string within a filename, that file will be ignored. Note that because \ isa quote
character, it must be doubled to become part of the regular expression. Variablesare expanded in pattern list, but not shell
file pattern-matching characters. To include a $, it must be escaped with \.
The special command isused to specify sh(1) commandsthat are to be executed on the remote host after the file in name
list isupdated or installed. If the name list isomitted, then the shell commandswill be executed for every file updated or
installed. The shell variable FILE isset to the current filename before executing the commandsin string . string startsand
endswith double quotes() and can crossmultiple linesin distfile . Multiple commandsto the shell should be separated by
a semicolon. Commandsare executed in the usershome directory on the host being updated. The special command can be
used to rebuild private databases, and so on after a program hasbeen updated.
The following isa small example:
HOSTS = ( matisse root@arpa )
FILES = ( /bin /lib /usr/bin /usr/games
/usr/lib /usr/man/man? /usr/ucb /usr/local/rdist )
EXLIB = ( Mail.rc aliases aliases.dir aliases.pag crontab dshrc
sendmail.fc sendmail.hf uucp vfont )
${FILES} -> ${HOSTS} install -R ; except /usr/lib/${EXLIB} ; except /usr/games/lib ;
special /usr/lib/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail -bz ;
srcs: /usr/src/bin -> arpa except pat ( \\.o\$ /SCCS\$);
IMAGEN = (ips dviimp catdvi)
imagen: /usr/local/${IMAGEN} -> arpa install /usr/local/lib ; notify ralph ;
${FILES} :: stamp.cory notify root@cory ;
distfile Input command file
/tmp/rdist* Temporary file for update lists
sh(1), csh(1), stat(2)
The rdist command appeared in BSD 4.3.
Part I: User Commands
A complaint about mismatch of rdist version numbersmay really stem from some problem with starting your shell; for
example, you are in too many groups.
Source filesmust reside on the local host where rdist isexecuted.
There isno easy way to have a special command executed after all filesin a directory have been updated.
Variable expansion only worksfor name lists; there should be a general macro facility.
rdist abortson filesthat have a negative mtime (before Jan 1, 1970).
There should be a force option to allow replacement of nonempty directoriesby regular filesor symlinks. A meansof
updating file modesand ownersof otherwise identical filesisalso needed.
BSD 4.3, 30 December 1993
reconfigConvert old Xconfig to new XF86Config
reconfig < Xconfig > XF86Config
The reconfig program convertsthe Xconfig file format used in XFree86 versionsprior to 3.1 into the XF86Config format
currently used. The XF86Config format containsmore information than the Xconfig format, so manual editing isrequired
after converting.
XFree86(1), XF86Config(4/5), xf86config(1)
Gertjan Akkerman
Comment linesare stripped out when converting.
XFree86 Version 3.1.1
refDisplay a C function header
ref [-t] [-x] [-c cl ass ]... [-f f i l e]... t ag
ref quickly locatesand displaysthe header of a function. To do this, ref looksin the tags file for the line that describesthe
function, and then scansthe source file for the function. When it locatesthe function, it displaysan introductory comment
(if there isone), the functionsdeclaration, and the declarationsof all arguments.
ref usesa fairly sophisticated tag look-up algorithm. If you supply a filename via -f file, then elvis first scansthe tags
file for a static tag from that file. Thissearch islimited to the tags file in the current directory.
If you supply a classname via -c class, then elvis searchesfor a tag from that class. Thissearch isnot limited to the
current directory; You can supply a list of directoriesin the environment variable TAGPATH, and ref will search through the
tags file in each directory until it findsa tag in the desired class.
If that fails, ref will then try to look up an ordinary global tag. Thissearch checksall of the directorieslisted in TAGPATH, too.
If the tag being sought doesnt contain any colons, and you havent given a -x flag, then any static tagsin a tags file will be
treated asglobal tags.
If youve given the -t flag, then ref will simply output the tag line that it found, and then exit. Without -t, though, ref
will search for the tag line. It will try to open the source file, which should be in the same directory asthe tagsfile where the
tag wasdiscovered. If the source file doesnt exist, or isunreadable, then ref will try to open a file called refs in that
directory. Either way, ref will try to locate the tag, and display whatever it finds.
ref isused by the elvis shift-K command. If the cursor islocated on a word such assplat, in the file foo.c, then elvis will
invoke ref with the command ref -f foo.c splat.
If elvis hasbeen compiled with the -DEXTERNAL_TAGS flag, then elvis will use ref to scan the tagsfiles. Thisisslower than
the built-in tag searching, but it allowselvis to accessthe more sophisticated tag lookup provided by ref. Other than that,
external tagsshould act exactly like internal tags.
-t Output tag info, instead of the function header.
-f f i l e The tag might be a static function in file. You can use several -f flagsto have ref consider static tags
from more than one file.
-c cl ass The tag might be a member of classclass. You can use several -c flagsto have ref consider tagsfrom
more than one class.
tags List of function namesand their locations, generated by ctags
refs Function headersextracted from source files(optional)
TAGPATH List of directoriesto be searched. The elementsin the list are separated by either semicolons(for MS-DOS,
Atari TOS, and AmigaDos), or by colons(every other operating system). For each operating system, ref
hasa built-in default which isprobably adequate.
Part I: User Commands
You might want to generate a tags file for the directory that containsthe source code for standard C library on your system.
If licensing restrictionsprevent you from making the library source readable by everybody, then you can have ctags generate
a refs file, and make refs readable by everybody.
If your system doesnt come with the library source code, then perhapsyou can produce something workable from the lint
elvis(1), ctags(1)
Steve Kirkendall (
resetReset the terminal
reset callstput(1) with the clear, rmacs, rmm, rmul, rs1, rs2, and rs3 arguments. Thiscausestput to send appropriate
reset stringsto the terminal based on information in /etc/termcap (for the GNU or BSD tput) or in the terminfo database
(for the ncurses tput). Thissequence seemsto be sufficient to reset the Linux VCswhen they start printing funny-
looking characters. For good measure, stty(1) iscalled with the sane argument in an attempt to get Cooked mode back.
reset(1), stty(1), tput(1)
Rik Faith (
Linux 0.99, 10 October 1993
resizeSet TERMCAP and terminal settingsto current xterm window size
resize [ -u | -c ][-s [ r ow col ]]
resize printsa shell command for setting the TERM and TERMCAP environment variablesto indicate the current size of xterm
window from which the command isrun. For thisoutput to take effect, resize must either be evaluated aspart of the
command line (usually done with a shell aliasor function) or else redirected to a file that can then be read in. From the C
shell (usually known as/bin/csh), the following aliascould be defined in the users.cshrc:
% alias rs set noglob; eval resize
After resizing the window, the user would type:
%r s
Usersof versionsof the Bourne shell (usually known as/bin/sh) that dont have command functionswill need to send the
output to a temporary file and the read it back in with the . command:
$ resize > /tmp/out
$ . /tmp/out
The following optionsmay be used with resize:
-u Thisoption indicatesthat Bourne shell commandsshould be generated even if the userscurrent
shell isnt /bin/sh.
-c Thisoption indicatesthat C shell commandsshould be generated even if the userscurrent shell
isnt /bin/csh.
-s [r ows col umns] Thisoption indicatesthat Sun console escape sequenceswill be used instead of the special xterm
escape code. If r ows and col umns are given, resize will ask the xterm to resize itself. However, the
window manager may choose to disallow the change.
/etc/termcap For the base termcap entry to modify
/.cshrc Usersaliasfor the command
csh(1), tset(1), xterm(1)
Mark Vandevoorde (MIT-Athena), Edward Moy(Berkeley)

1984, 1985 by XConsortium

See X(1) for a complete copyright notice.
The -u or -c must appear to the left of -s if both are specified.
X Version 11 Release6
revReverse linesof a file
rev [f i l e]
The rev utility copiesthe specified filesto the standard output, reversing the order of charactersin every line. If no filesare
specified, the standard input isread.
21 March 1992
rgb3toppmCombine three portable graymapsinto one portable pixmap
Part I: User Commands
rgb3toppmr edpgmf i l e gr eenpgmf i l e bl uepgmf i l e
rgb3toppm readsthree portable graymapsasinput and combinesthem and producesone portable pixmap asoutput.
ppmtorgb3(1), pgmtoppm(1), ppmtopgm(1), ppm(5), pgm(5)

1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

15 February1990
rlogPrint log messagesand other information about RCSfiles
rlog [ opt i ons ] f i l e ...
rlog printsinformation about RCS files.
Pathnamesmatching an RCS suffix denote RCS files; all othersdenote working files. Namesare paired asexplained in ci(1).
rlog printsthe following information for each RCS file: RCS pathname, working pathname, head (the number of the latest
revision on the trunk), default branch, accesslist, locks, symbolic names, suffix, total number of revisions, number of
revisionsselected for printing, and descriptive text. Thisisfollowed by entriesfor the selected revisionsin reverse chronologi-
cal order for each branch. For each revision, rlog printsrevision number, author, date/time, state, number of linesadded/
deleted (with respect to the previousrevision), locker of the revision (if any), and log message. All timesare displayed in
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by default; thiscan be overridden with -z. Without options, rlog printscomplete
information. The optionsbelow restrict thisoutput.
-L Ignore RCS filesthat have no locksset. Thisisconvenient in combination with -h, -l, and -R.
-R Print only the name of the RCS file. Thisisconvenient for translating a working pathname into an RCS
-h Print only the RCS pathname, working pathname, head, default branch, accesslist, locks, symbolic names,
and suffix.
-t Print the same as-h, plusthe descriptive text.
-N Do not print the symbolic names.
-b Print information about the revisionson the default branch, normally the highest branch on the trunk.
-ddat es Print information about revisionswith a checkin date/time in the rangesgiven by the semicolon-separated
list of dat es. A range of the form d1<d2 or d2>d1 selectsthe revisionsthat were deposited between d1 and
d2 exclusive. A range of the form <d or d> selectsall revisionsearlier than d. A range of the form d< or >d
selectsall revisionsdated later than d. If < or > isfollowed by =, then the rangesare inclusive, not exclusive.
A range of the form d selectsthe single, latest revision dated d or earlier. The date/time stringsd, d1, and
d2 are in the free format explained in co(1). Quoting isnormally necessary, especially for < and >. Note
that the separator isa semicolon.
-l[l ocker s] Print information about locked revisionsonly. In addition, if the comma-separated list l ocker s of login
namesisgiven, ignore all locksother than those held by the l ocker s. For example, rlog -L -R -lwft
RCS/* printsthe name of RCS fileslocked by the user wft.
-r[r evi si ons] Print information about revisionsgiven in the comma-separated list r evi si ons of revisionsand ranges. A
range rev1: rev2 meansrevisionsrev1 to rev2 on the same branch, :rev meansrevisionsfrom the
beginning of the branch up to and including rev, and rev: meansrevisionsstarting with rev to the end of
the branch containing rev. An argument that isa branch meansall revisionson that branch. A range of
branchesmeansall revisionson the branchesin that range. A branch followed by a . meansthe latest
revision in that branch. A bare -r with no revisions meansthe latest revision on the default branch,
normally the trunk.
-sst at es Print information about revisionswhose state attributesmatch one of the statesgiven in the comma-
separated list st at es.
-w[l ogi ns] Print information about revisionschecked in by userswith login namesappearing in the comma-separated
list logins. If logins isomitted, the userslogin isassumed.
-T Thisoption hasno effect; it ispresent for compatibility with other rcs commands.
-V Print the RCS version number.
-Vn Emulate RCSversion n when generating logs. (See co(1) for more details.)
-xsuf f i xes Use suf f i xes to characterize RCS files. (See ci(1) for details.)
rlog printsthe intersection of the revisionsselected with the options-d, -l, -s, and -w, intersected with the union of the
revisionsselected by -b and -r.
-zzone Specifiesthe date output format, and specifiesthe default time zone for date in the -ddat es option. The
zone should be empty, a numeric UTC offset, or the special string LT for local time. The default isan
empty zone, which usesthe traditional RCS format of UTC without any time zone indication and with
slashesseparating the partsof the date; otherwise, timesare output in ISO 8601 format with time zone
indication. For example, if local time isJanuary 11, 1990, 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, eight hourswest
of UTC, then the time isoutput asfollows:
option time output
------ ---- -----
-z 1990/01/12 04:00:00 (default)
-zLT 1990-01-11 20:00:00-08
-z+05:30 1990-01-12 09:30:00+05:30
Here are four rlog commands:
rlog -L -R RCS/*
rlog -L -h RCS/*
rlog -L -l RCS/*
rlog RCS/*
The first command printsthe namesof all RCS filesin the subdirectory RCS that have locks. The second command prints
the headersof those files, and the third printsthe headersplusthe log messagesof the locked revisions. The last command
printscomplete information.
RCSINIT Optionsprepended to the argument list, separated by spaces. (See ci(1) for details.)
The exit statusiszero if and only if all operationswere successful.
Part I: User Commands
Author: Walter F. Tichy
Manual Page Revision: 5.9; Release Date: 1995/06/16

1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy


1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Paul Eggert

ci(1), co(1), ident(1), rcs(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsintro(1), rcsmerge(1), rcsfile(5)
RCS-A System for Version Control by Walter F. Tichy, Software-Practice& Experience15, 7 (July 1985), pages637654.
The separator for revision rangesin the -r option used to be - instead of :, but thisleadsto confusion when symbolic names
contain -. For backwardscompatibility, rlog -r still supportsthe old - separator, but it warnsabout thisobsolete use.
GNU, 16 June1995
rloginRemote login
rlogin [-8EKLdx] [-e char] [-k realm] [-l username] host
rlogin startsa terminal session on a remote host host .
rlogin first attemptsto use the Kerberosauthorization mechanism, described in the following subsection. If the remote host
doesnot support Kerberos, the standard Berkeley authorization mechanism isused. The optionsare asfollows:
-8 The -8 option allowsan eight-bit input data path at all times; otherwise, parity bitsare stripped except when the
remote sidesstop and start charactersare other than S/Q.
-E The -E option stopsany character from being recognized asan escape character. When used with the -8 option,
thisprovidesa completely transparent connection.
-K The -K option turnsoff all Kerberosauthentication.
-L The -L option allowsthe rlogin session to be run in litout mode.(See tty(4) for details).
-d The -d option turnson socket debugging (see the setsockopt(2) man page) on the TCP socketsused for
communication with the remote host.
-e The -e option allowsuser specification of the escape character, which isthe tilde () by default. Thisspecification
may be asa literal character, or asan octal value in the form nnnn.
-k The -k option requestsrlogin to obtain ticketsfor the remote host in realm realm instead of the remote hosts
realm asdetermined by krb_realmofhost(3).
-x The -x option turnson DES encryption for all data passed via the rlogin session. Thismay impact response time
and CPU utilization, but providesincreased security.
A line of the form <escape char> disconnectsfrom the remote host. Similarly, the line <escape char>Z will suspend the
rlogin session, and <escape char><delayed-suspend char> suspendsthe send portion of the rlogin, but allowsoutput
from the remote system. By default, the tilde () character isthe escape character, and normally control -Y (Y) isthe
delayed-suspend character.
All echoing takesplace at the remote site, so that (except for delays) the rlogin istransparent. Flow control via S/Q and
flushing of input and output on interruptsishandled properly.
Each user may have a private authorization list in the file in hisor her home directory. Each line in thisfile should contain a
Kerberosprincipal name of the form principal.instance (@realm). If the originating user isauthenticated to one of the
principalsnamed, accessisgranted to the account. The principal accountname.(@localrealm) isgranted accessif there is
no file. Otherwise, a login and password will be prompted for on the remote machine asin login(1). To avoid certain
security problems, the file must be owned by the remote user.
If Kerberosauthentication fails, a warning message isprinted and the standard Berkeley rlogin isused instead.
The following environment variable isutilized by rlogin:
TERM Determinesthe usersterminal type
rsh(1), kerberos(3), krb_sendauth(3), krb_realmofhost(3)
The rlogin command appeared in BSD 4.2.
rlogin will be replaced by telnet(1) in the near future.
More of the environment should be propagated.
BSD 4.2, 27 July1991
rmRemove files
rm [-dfirvR] [--directory] [--force] [--interactive] [--recursive]
[--help] [--version] [--verbose] name...
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of rm. rm removeseach specified file. By default, it doesnot remove directories.
If a file isunwritable, the standard input isa tty, and the -f or --force option isnot given, rm promptsthe user for whether
to remove the file. If the response doesnot begin with y or Y, the file isskipped.
GNU rm, like every program that usesthe getopt function to parse itsarguments, letsyou use the -- option to indicate that
all following argumentsare nonoptions. To remove a file called -f in the current directory, you could type either
rm -- -f
rm ./-f
The UNIX rm programsuse of a single - for thispurpose predatesthe development of the getopt standard syntax.
-d, --directory Remove directorieswith unlink instead of rmdir, and dont require a directory to be empty before
trying to unlink it. Only worksfor the superuser. Because unlinking a directory causesany filesin
the deleted directory to become unreferenced, it iswise to fsck the filesystem after doing this.
Part I: User Commands
-f, --force Ignore nonexistent filesand never prompt the user.
-i, --interactive Prompt whether to remove each file. If the response doesnot begin with y or Y, the file isskipped.
-r, -R, --recursive Remove the contentsof directoriesrecursively.
-v, --verbose Print the name of each file before removing it.
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully.
GNU FileUtilities
rmdirRemove empty directories
r mdi r [-p] [--parents] [--help] [--version] dir...
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of rmdir. rmdir removeseach given empty directory. If any nonoption
argument doesnot refer to an existing empty directory, it isan error.
-p, --parents Remove any parent directoriesthat are explicitly mentioned in an argument, if they become empty
after the argument file isremoved.
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully.
GNU FileUtilities
rmmodUnload loadable modules
rmmod [ -r ] module ...
rmmod unloadsloadable modulesfrom the kernel.
rmmod triesto unload a set of modulesfrom the kernel, with the restriction that they are not in use and that they are not
referred to by other modules.
If more than one module isnamed on the command line, the moduleswill be removed in the given order. Thissupports
unloading of stacked modules.
With the option -r, a recursive removal of moduleswill be attempted. Thismeansthat if a top module in a stack isnamed
on the command line, all modulesthat are used by thismodule will be removed aswell, if possible.
insmod(1), lsmod(1), ksyms(1), modules(2)
The module support wasfirst conceived by Anonymous(asfar asI know). Linux version by BasLaarhoven
(, 0.99.14 version by Jon Tombs(, extended by Bjorn Ekwall (
rmmod might have some, but they are well hidden.
Linux, 14 May1995
rnewsReceive newsfrom a UUCP connection
rnews [ -h host ][-v ][-U ][-S mast er ][i nput ]
rnews readsmessagessent by a downstream uucp newsfeed and sendsthem to the local InterNetNewsserver. The message is
read from the specified input file, or standard input if no input isnamed.
If the -S flag isused, then rnews will connect to the specified host. If the flag isnot used, it will try to connect to the server
by opening a UNIX-domain stream connection. If that fails, it will try to open a TCP connection to the default remote
If the server isnot available, the message isspooled into a new file created in the /var/spool/rnews directory. The -U flag
may be used to send all spooled messagesto the server when it becomesavailable again, and can be invoked regularly by
When sent over uucp, Usenet articlesare typically joined in a single batch to reduce the uucp overhead. Batchescan also be
compressed, to reduce the communication time. If a message doesnot start with a number sign (#) and an exclamation
point, then the entire input istaken asa single newsarticle. If it doesstart with those two characters, then the first line isread
and interpreted asa batch command.
If the command is#! rnews nnn, where nnn isa number, then the next nnn bytes(starting with the next line) are read asa
If the command is#! cunbatch, then the rest of input isfed to the compress(1) program with the -d flag to uncompressit,
and the output of thispipe isread asinput from rnews. Thisisfor historical compatibilitythere isno program named
cunbatch. A compressed batch will start with a #! cunbatch line, then contain a seriesof articlesseparated by #! rnews nnn
If the command isany other word, then rnews will try to execute a program with that name in the directory /news/bin/
rnews. The batch will be fed into the programsstandard input, and the standard output will be read back asinput into
If rnews detectsany problemswith an article, such asa missing header or an unintelligible reply from the server, it will save a
copy of the article in the /var/spool/rnews/bad directory. If the -v flag isused, it will print a notice of all such errorson the
standard error, naming the input file (if known) and printing the first few charactersof the input. Errorsare alwayslogged
through syslog(3).
If the -h flag isgiven, or failing that, the environment variable UU_MACHINE isset, then rnews will log the Message-ID and
host for each article offered to the server via syslog(3). Logging will only be done if the value isnot an empty string.
rnews cannot processarticlesthat have embedded \0sin them.
Part I: User Commands
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
rpcgenAn RPC protocol compiler
rpcgen infile
rpcgen [-D name[= value]] [-T] [-K secs] infile
rpcgen -c|-h|-l|-m|-t [-o outfile] infile
rpcgen [-I] -s nettype [-o outfile] infile
rpcgen -n netid [-o outfile] infile
rpcgen isa tool that generatesC code to implement an RPC protocol. The input to rpcgen isa language similar to C known
asRPC language (Remote Procedure Call Language). rpcgen isnormally used asin the first synopsiswhere it takesan input
file and generatesup to four output files. If the infile isnamed proto.x, then rpcgen will generate a header file in proto.h,
xdr routinesin proto_xdr.c, server-side stubsin proto_svc.c, and client-side stubsin proto_clnt.c.
With the -T option, it will also generate the RPC dispatch table in proto_tbl.i. With the -Sc option, it will also generate
sample code that would illustrate how to use the remote procedureson the client side. Thiscode would be created in
proto_client.c. With the -Ss option, it will also generate a sample server code that would illustrate how to write the
remote procedures. Thiscode would be created in proto_server.c. The server created can be started both by the port
monitors(for example, inetd or listen) or by itself. When it isstarted by a port monitor, it createsserversonly for the
transport for which the file descriptor 0 waspassed. The name of the transport must be specified by setting up the environ-
mental variable PM_TRANSPORT.
When the server generated by rpcgen isexecuted, it createsserver handlesfor all the transportsspecified in NETPATH
environment variable, or if it isunset, it createsserver handlesfor all the visible transportsfrom /etc/netconfig file. Note:
the transportsare chosen at runtime and not at compile time. When the server isself-started, it backgroundsitself by default.
A special define symbol RPC_SVC_FG can be used to run the server processin the foreground. The second synopsisprovides
special featuresthat allow for the creation of more sophisticated RPC servers. These featuresinclude support for user-
provided #defines and RPC dispatch tables. The entriesin the RPC dispatch table contain
I Pointersto the service routine corresponding to that procedure
I A pointer to the input and output arguments
I The size of these routines
A server can use the dispatch table to check authorization and then to execute the service routine; a client library may use it
to deal with the detailsof storage management and xdr data conversion. The other three synopsesshown in the preceding
paragraph are used when one doesnot want to generate all the output files, but only a particular one. (Some examplesof
their usage isdescribed in the Example subsection.) When rpcgen isexecuted with the -s option, it createsserversfor that
particular classof transports. When executed with the -n option, it createsa server for the transport specified by netid. If
infile isnot specified, rpcgen acceptsthe standard input. The C preprocessor, cc -E (see cc(1) for details), isrun on the
input file before it isactually interpreted by rpcgen. For each type of output file, rpcgen definesa special preprocessor
symbol for use by the rpcgen programmer, asfollows:
RPC_HDR Defined when compiling into header files
RPC_XDR Defined when compiling into XDR routines
RPC_SVC Defined when compiling into server-side stubs
RPC_CLNT Defined when compiling into client-side stubs
RPC_TBL Defined when compiling into RPC dispatch tablesAny line beginning with % ispassed directly into the
output file, uninterpreted by rpcgen. For every data type referred to in infile, rpcgen assumesthat there
existsa routine with the string xdr prepended to the name of the data type. If thisroutine doesnot exist in
the RPC/XDR library, it must be provided. Providing an undefined data type allowscustomization of
XDR routines. The following optionsare available:
-a Generate all the filesincluding sample code for client and server side.
-b Thisgeneratescode for the SunOS4.1 style of rpc. It isfor backwardscompatibility.
Thisisthe default.
-5 Thisgeneratescode for the SysVr4 style of rpc. It isused by the Transport
Independent RPC that isin Svr4 systems. By default, rpcgen generatescode for
SunOS4.1 type of rpc.
-c Compile into XDR routines.
-C Generate code in ANSI C. Thisoption also generatescode that could be compiled
with the C++ compiler. Thisisthe default.
-k Generate code in K&R C. The default isANSI C.
-Dname[ =val ue] Define a symbol name. Equivalent to the #define directive in the source. If no val ue
isgiven, val ue isdefined as1. Thisoption may be specified more than once.
-h Compile into C data-definitions(a header file). -T option can be used in conjunc-
tion to produce a header file that supportsRPC dispatch tables.
-I Generate a service that can be started from inetd. The default isto generate a static
service that handlestransportsselected with -s. Using -I allowsstarting a service by
either method.
-K secs By default, servicescreated using rpcgen wait 120 secondsafter servicing a request
before exiting. That interval can be changed using the -K flag. To create a server that
exitsimmediately upon servicing a request, -K 0 can be used. To create a server that
never exits, the appropriate argument is-K -1.
When monitoring for a server, some port monitors, such aslisten(1M), always
spawn a new processin response to a service request. If it isknown that a server will
be used with such a monitor, the server should exit immediately on completion. For
such servers, rpcgen should be used with -K -1.
-l Compile into client-side stubs.
-m Compile into server-side stubs, but do not generate a main routine. Thisoption is
useful for doing callback-routinesand for userswho need to write their own main
routine to do initialization.
-n net i d Compile into server-side stubsfor the transport specified by net i d. There should be
an entry for net i d in the netconfig database. Thisoption may be specified more
than once, so asto compile a server that servesmultiple transports.
-N Use the newstyle of rpcgen. Thisallowsproceduresto have multiple arguments. It
also usesthe style of parameter passing that closely resemblesC. So, when passing an
argument to a remote procedure, you do not have to passa pointer to the argument
but the argument itself. Thisbehavior isdifferent from the old style of rpcgen-
generated code. The new style isnot the default case because of backwards
-o out f i l e Specify the name of the output file. If none isspecified, standard output isused (-c,
-h, -l, -m, -n, -s, -sc, -ss, and -t modesonly).
Part I: User Commands
-s net t ype Compile into server-side stubsfor all the transportsbelonging to the classnettype.
The supported classesare netpath, visible, circuit_n, circuit_v, datagram_n,
datagram_v, tcp, and udp. See rpc(3N) for the meaningsassociated with these
classes. Thisoption may be specified more than once. Note: The transportsare
chosen at runtime and not at compile time.
-Sc Generate sample code to show the use of remote procedure and how to bind to the
server before calling the client-side stubsgenerated by rpcgen.
-Ss Generate skeleton code for the remote procedureson the server side. You would
need to fill in the actual code for the remote procedures.
-t Compile into RPC dispatch table.
-T Generate the code to support RPC dispatch tables. The options-c, -h, -l, -m, u,
and -t are used exclusively to generate a particular type of file, while the options-D
and -T are global and can be used with the other options.
The RPC language doesnot support nesting of structures. Asa workaround, structurescan be declared at the top level, and
their name used inside other structuresin order to achieve the same effect. Name clashescan occur when using program
definitionsbecause the apparent scoping doesnot really apply. Most of these can be avoided by giving unique namesfor
programs, versions, procedures, and types. The server code generated with the -n option refersto the transport indicated by
netid and hence isvery site-specific.
The following example:
$ rpcgen -T prot.x
generatesfive files: prot.h, prot_clnt.c, prot_svc.c, prot_xdr.c, and prot_tbl.i.
$ rpcgen -h prot.x
sendsthe C data-definitions(header file) to the standard output.
To send the test version of the -DTEST, server-side stubsfor all the transport belonging to the classdatagram_n to standard
output, use
$ rpcgen -s datagram_n -DTEST prot.x
To create the server-side stubsfor the transport indicated by net i d tcp, use
$ rpcgen -n tcp -o prot_svc.c prot.x
rshRemote shell
rsh [-Kdnx] [-k r eal m] [-l user name] host command
rsh executescommand on host.
rsh copiesitsstandard input to the remote command, the standard output of the remote command to itsstandard output,
and the standard error of the remote command to itsstandard error. Interrupt, quit, and terminate signalsare propagated to
the remote command; rsh normally terminateswhen the remote command does. The optionsare asfollows:
-K Turnsoff all Kerberosauthentication.
-d Using setsockopt(2), turnson socket debugging on the TCP socketsused for communication with the remote
-k Causesrsh to obtain ticketsfor the remote host in realm instead of the remote hostsrealm asdetermined by
-l By default, the remote username isthe same asthe local username. The -l option allowsthe remote name to be
specified. Kerberosauthentication isused, and authorization isdetermined asin rlogin(1).
-n The -n option redirectsinput from the special device. (See the Bugs section of thismanual page.)
-x The -x option turnson DES encryption for all data exchange. Thismay introduce a significant delay in response
If no command isspecified, you will be logged in on the remote host using rlogin(1).
Shell metacharactersthat are not quoted are interpreted on local machine, while quoted metacharactersare interpreted on
the remote machine. For example, the command:
rsh otherhost cat remotefile >> localfile
appendsthe remote file remotefile to the local file localfile, while
rsh otherhost cat remotefile >> other remotefile
appendsremotefile to other remotefile.
rlogin(1), kerberos(3), krb sendauth(3), krb_realmofhost(3)
The rsh command appeared in BSD 4.2.
If you are using csh(1) and put a rsh in the background without redirecting itsinput away from the terminal, it will block
even if no readsare posted by the remote command. If no input isdesired you should redirect the input of rsh to using the
-n option.
You cannot run an interactive command (rogue(6) or vi(1), for example) using rsh; use rlogin(1) instead.
Stop signalsstop the local rsh processonly; thisisarguably wrong, but currently hard to fix for reasonstoo complicated to
explain here.
BSD 4.2, 24 July1991
rstartA sample implementation of a Remote Start client
rstart [-c cont ext ] [-g] [-l user name] [-v] host name command ar gs ...
Part I: User Commands
rstart isa simple implementation of a Remote Start client asdefined in A Flexible Remote Execution Protocol Based on
rsh. It usesrsh asitsunderlying remote execution mechanism.
-c cont ext Thisoption specifiesthe cont ext in which the command isto be run. A cont ext specifiesa general
environment the program isto be run in. The detailsof thisenvironment are host-specific; the intent is
that the client need not know how the environment must be configured. If omitted, the context defaultsto
X. Thisshould be suitable for running X programsfrom the hostsusual X installation.
-g Interpretscommand asa genericcommand, asdiscussed in the protocol document. Thisisintended to allow
common applicationsto be invoked without knowing what they are called on the remote system.
Currently, the only generic commandsdefined are Terminal, LoadMonitor, ListContexts,and
-l user name Thisoption ispassed to the underlying rsh; it requeststhat the command be run asthe specified user.
-v Thisoption requeststhat rstart be verbose in itsoperation. Without thisoption, rstart discardsoutput
from the remotesrstart helper, and directsthe rstart helper to detach the program from the rsh
connection used to start it. With thisoption, responsesfrom the helper are displayed and the resulting
program isnot detached from the connection.
Thisisa trivial implementation. Far more sophisticated implementationsare possible and should be developed.
Error-handling isnonexistent. Without -v, error reportsfrom the remote are discarded silently. With -v, error reportsare
The $DISPLAY environment variable ispassed. If it startswith a colon, the local hostname isprepended. The local domain
name should be appended to unqualified hostnames, but isnt.
The $SESSION_MANAGER environment variable should be passed, but isnt.
X11 authority information ispassed for the current display.
ICE authority information should be passed, but isnt. It isnt completely clear how rstart should select what ICE authority
information to pass.
Even without -v, the sample rstart helper will leave a shell waiting for the program to complete. Thiscausesno real harm
and consumesrelatively few resources, but if it isundesirable it can be avoided by explicitly specifying the exec command to
the shell, for example, 0 rstart somehost exec xterm.
Thisisobviously dependent on the command interpreter being used on the remote system; the example given will work for
the Bourne and C shells.
rstartd(1), rsh(1), A Flexible Remote Execution Protocol Based on rsh
Jordan Brown, Quarterdeck Office Systems
X Version 11 Release6
rstartdA sample implementation of a Remote Start rsh helper
rstartd.real [-c conf i gf i l ename]
rstartd isan implementation of a Remote Start helper asdefined in A Flexible Remote Execution Protocol Based
on rsh.
Thisdocument describesthe peculiaritiesof rstartd and how it isconfigured.
-c conf i gf i l ename Thisoption specifiesthe global configuration file that rstartd isto read. Normally, rstartd isa
shell script that invokesrstartd.real with the -c switch, allowing local configuration of the
location of the configuration file. If rstartd.real isstarted without the -c option, it reads
<XRoot>/lib/X11/rstart/config, where <XRoot> refersto the root of the X11 install tree.
It iscritical to successful interoperation of the Remote Start protocol that rstartd be installed in a directory that isin the
default search path, so that default rsh requestsand the ilk will be able to find it.
rstartd isby design highly configurable. One would like thingslike configuration file locationsto be fixed, so that usersand
administratorscan find them without searching, but reality isthat no two vendorswill agree on where thingsshould go, and
nobody thinksthe original location isright. Thus, rstartd allowsthe relocation of all of itsfilesand directories.
rstartd hasa hierarchy of configuration filesthat are executed in order when a request ismade. They are global config, per-
user (local) config, global per-context config, per-user (local) per-context config, config from request.
Asyou might guessfrom the presence of config from request, all of the config filesare in the format of an rstart request.
rstartd definesa few additional keywordswith the INTERNAL- prefix for specifying itsconfiguration.
rstartd startsby reading and executing the global config file. Thisfile will normally specify the locationsof the other
configuration filesand any system-wide defaults.
rstartd will then read the userslocal config file, default name $HOME/.rstart.
rstartd will then start interpreting the request.
Presumably, one of the first linesin the request will be a CONTEXT line. The context name isconverted to lowercase.
rstartd will read the global config file for that context, default name <XRoot>/lib/X11/rstart/contexts/<name>, if any.
It will then read the usersconfig file for that context, default name $HOME/.rstart.contexts/<name>, if any.
(If neither of these exists, rstartd abortswith a Failure message.)
rstartd will finish interpreting the request, and execute the program specified. Thisallowsthe system administrator and the
user a large degree of control over the operation of rstartd. The administrator hasfinal say, because the global config file
doesnt need to specify a per-user config file. If it does, however, the user can override anything from the global file, and can
even completely replace the global context config files.
The config fileshave a somewhat more flexible format than requestsdo; they are allowed to contain blank linesand lines
beginning with # are commentsand ignored. (#s in the middle of linesare data, not comment markers.)
Part I: User Commands
Any commandsrun are provided a few useful piecesof information in environment variables. The exact namesare
configurable, but the supplied defaultsare
$RSTART_CONTEXT The name of the context
$RSTART_GLOBAL_CONTEXTS The global contextsdirectory
$RSTART_LOCAL_CONTEXTS The local contextsdirectory
$RSTART_GLOBAL_COMMANDS The global generic commandsdirectory
$RSTART_LOCAL_COMMANDS The local generic commandsdirectory
$RSTART_{GLOBAL,LOCAL}_CONTEXTS should contain one special file, @List, which containsa list of the contextsin that
directory in the format specified for ListContexts. The supplied version of ListContexts will cat both the global and local
copiesof @List.
Generic commandsare searched for in several places: (defaults)
Per-user per-context directory $HOME/.rstart.commands/<context>
Global per-context directory <XRoot>/lib/X11/rstart/commands/<context>
Per-user all-contextsdirectory $HOME/.rstart.commands
Global all-contextsdirectory (<XRoot>/lib/X11/rstart/commands)
(Yes, thismeansyou cant have an all-contextsgeneric command with the same name asa context. It didnt seem like a big
Each of these directoriesshould have a file called @List that givesthe namesand descriptionsof the commandsin that
directory in the format specified for ListGenericCommands.
There are several special rstart keywordsdefined for rstartd configuration. Unlessotherwise specified, there are no
defaults; related featuresare disabled in thiscase.
Internal-Registries name...Givesa space-separated list of MISC registriesthat thissystem understands. (Registries
other than these are accepted but generate a warning.)
Internal-Local-Default relative_filenameGivesthe name ($HOME relative) of the per-user config file.
INTERNAL-GLOBAL-CONTEXTS absolute_directory_nameGivesthe name of the system-wide contextsdirectory.
INTERNAL-LOCAL-CONTEXTS relative_directory_nameGivesthe name ($HOME relative) of the per-user contextsdirectory.
INTERNAL-GLOBAL-COMMANDS absolute_directory_nameGivesthe name of the system-wide generic commandsdirectory.
INTERNAL-LOCAL-COMMANDS relative_directory_nameGivesthe name ($HOME relative) of the per-user generic com-
INTERNAL-VARIABLE-PREFIX prefixGivesthe prefix for the configuration environment variablesrstartd passesto its
INTERNAL-AUTH-PROGRAM authscheme program argv[0] argv[1]...Specifies the program to run to set up authentica-
tion for the specified authentication scheme. program argv[0] ... givesthe program to run and itsarguments, in the same
form asthe EXEC keyword.
INTERNAL-AUTH-INPUT authschemeSpecifiesthe data to be given to the authorization program asitsstandard input. Each
argument ispassed asa single line. $n, where n isa number, isreplaced by the nth argument to the AUTH authscheme arg1
arg2 ... line.
INTERNAL-PRINT arbitrary textPrintsitsargumentsasa Debug message. Mostly for rstartd debugging, but could be
used to debug config files.
When using the C shell, or any other shell that runsa script every time the shell isstarted, the script may be run several
times. In the worst case, the script may be run three times: By rsh, to run rstartd; by rstartd, to run the specified
command; by the command, such as xterm.
rstartd currently limitslines, both from config filesand requests, to BUFSIZ bytes.
DETACH isimplemented by redirecting file descriptors0, 1, and 2 to /dev/null and forking before executing the program.
CMD isimplemented by invoking $SHELL (default /bin/sh) with -c and the specified command asarguments.
POSIX-UMASK isimplemented in the obviousway.
The authorization programsare run in the same context asthe target programsame environment variables, path, and so
on. Long term, thismight be a problem.
In the X context, GENERIC-CMD Terminal runsxterm. In the OpenWindows context, GENERIC-CMD Terminal runscmdtool.
In the X context, GENERIC-CMD LoadMonitor runsxload. In the OpenWindows context, GENERIC-CMD LoadMonitor runs
GENERIC-CMD ListContexts liststhe contentsof @List in both the system-wide and per-user contextsdirectories. It is
available in all contexts.
GENERIC-CMD ListGenericCommands liststhe contentsof @List in the system-wide and per-user commandsdirectories,
including the per-context subdirectoriesfor the current context. It isavailable in all contexts.
CONTEXT None isnot implemented.
CONTEXT Default isreally dull.
For installation ease, the contexts directory in the distribution containsa file @Aliases, which listsa context name and
aliasesfor that context. Thisfile isused to make symlinksin the contextsand commandsdirectories.
All MISC valuesare passed unmodified asenvironment variables.
You can mistreat rstartd in any number of ways, resulting in anything from stupid behavior to core dumps. Other than by
explicitly running programs, I dont think it can write or delete any files, but theresno guarantee of that. The important
thing isthat (a) it probably wont do anything REALLY stupid and (b) it runswith the userspermissions, so it cant do
anything catastrophic.
@List filesneed not be complete; contextsor commandsthat are dull or which need not or should not be advertised need
not be listed. In particular, per-user @List filesshould not list thingsthat are in the system-wide @List files. In the future,
perhapsListContexts and ListGenericCommands will automatically suppresslinesfrom the system-wide fileswhen there are
per-user replacementsfor those lines.
Error-handling isOK to weak. In particular, no attempt ismade to properly report errorson the exec itself. (Perversely, exec
errorscould be reliably reported when detaching, but not when passing the stdin/out socket to the app.)
If compiled with -DODT1_DISPLAY_HACK, rstartd will work around a bug in SCO ODT version 1. (1.1?) (The bug isthat the X
clientsare all compiled with a bad library that doesnt know how to look hostnamesup using DNS. The fix isto look up a
hostname in $DISPLAY and substitute an IP address.) Thisisa trivial example of an incompatibility that rstart can hide.
rstart(1), rsh(1), A Flexible Remote Execution Protocol Based on rsh
Jordan Brown, Quarterdeck Office Systems
X Version 11 Release6
Part I: User Commands
rupRemote statusdisplay
rup [-dhlt] [host ...]
rup displaysa summary of the current system statusof a particular host or all hostson the local network. The output shows
the current time of day, how long the system hasbeen up, and the load averages. The load average numbersgive the number
of jobsin the run queue averaged over 1, 5 and 15 minutes.
The following optionsare available:
-d For each host, report what itslocal time is. Thisisuseful for checking time synchronization on a network.
-h Sort the display alphabetically by hostname.
-l Sort the display by load average.
-t Sort the display by up time.
The rpc.rstatd(8) daemon must be running on the remote host for thiscommand to work. rup usesan RPC protocol
defined in /usr/include/rpcsvc/rstat.x.
example% rup otherhost
otherhost up 6 days, 16:45, load average: 0.20, 0.23, 0.18
rup: RPC: Program not registeredThe rpc.rstatd(8) daemon hasnot been started on the remote host.
rup: RPC: Timed outA communication error occurred. Either the network isexcessively congested, or the
rpc.rstatd(8) daemon hasterminated on the remote host.
rup: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed outThe remote host isnot running the portmapper (see portmap(8)
man page), and cannot accommodate any RPC-based services. The host may be down.
ruptime(1), portmap(8), rpc.rstatd(8)
The rup command appeared in SunOS.
BSD 4.3, 7 June1993
rusersOutput who islogged in to machineson local network
rusers [-al] [host ...]
The rusers command producesoutput similar to who, but for the list of hostsor all machineson the local network. For each
host responding to the rusers query, the hostname with the namesof the userscurrently logged on isprinted on each line.
The rusers command will wait for one minute to catch late responders.
The following optionsare available:
-a Print all machinesresponding even if no one iscurrently logged in.
-l Print a long format listing. Thisincludesthe username, hostname, tty that the user islogged in to, the date and
time the user logged in, the amount of time since the user typed on the keyboard, and the remote host the user
logged in from (if applicable).
rusers: RPC: Program not registeredThe rpc.rusersd(8) daemon hasnot been started on the remote host.
rusers: RPC: Timed outA communication error occurred. Either the network isexcessively congested, or the
rpc.rusersd(8) daemon hasterminated on the remote host.
rusers: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed outThe remote host isnot running the portmapper (see
portmap(8) for more information), and cannot accommodate any RPC-based services. The host may be down.
rwho(1), users(1), who(1), portmap(8), rpc.rusersd(8)
The rusers command appeared in SunOS.
The sorting optionsare not implemented.
BSD 4.2, 23 April 1991
rwallSend a message to userslogged on a host
rwall host
The rwall command sendsa message to the userslogged in to the specified host. The message to be sent can be typed in and
terminated with EOF or it can be in a file.
rwall: RPC: Program not registeredThe rpc.rwalld(8) daemon hasnot been started on the remote host.
rwall: RPC: Timed outA communication error occurred. Either the network isexcessively congested, or the
rpc.rwalld(8) daemon hasterminated on the remote host.
rwall: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed outThe remote host isnot running the portmapper, and cannot
accommodate any RPC-based services. The host may be down.
wall(1), portmap(8), rpc.rwalld(8)
The rwall command appeared in SunOS.
BSD 4.2, 23 April 1991
Part I: User Commands
rwhoOutput who islogged in on local machines
rwho -a
The rwho command producesoutput similar to who, but for all machineson the local network. If no report hasbeen received
from a machine for 11 minutes, then rwho assumesthe machine isdown, and doesnot report userslast known to be logged
in to that machine.
If a user hasnt typed to the system for a minute or more, then rwho reportsthisidle time. If a user hasnt typed to the system
for an hour or more, then the user will be omitted from the output of rwho unlessthe -a flag isgiven.
/var/rwho/whod.* Information about other machines
finger(1), rup(1), ruptime(1), rusers(1), who(1), rwhod(8)
The rwho command appeared in BSD 4.3.
Thisisunwieldy when the number of machineson the local net islarge.
BSD 4.2, 23 April 1991
scriptMake typescript of terminal session
script [-a] [f i l e]
script makesa typescript of everything printed on your terminal. It isuseful for studentswho need a hardcopy record of an
interactive session asproof of an assignment, asthe typescript file can be printed out later with lpr(1).
If the argument file isgiven, script savesall dialogue in file. If no filename isgiven, the typescript issaved in the file
-a Append the output to file or typescript, retaining the prior contents
The script endswhen the forked shell exits(a control-D to exit the Bourne shell, sh(1), and exit, logout, or control-d (if
ignoreeof isnot set) for the C-shell, csh(1)).
Certain interactive commands, such asvi(1), create garbage in the typescript file. Script worksbest with commandsthat do
not manipulate the screen; the resultsare meant to emulate a hardcopy terminal.
The following environment variable isutilized by script:
SHELL If the variable SHELL exists, the shell forked by script will be that shell. If SHELL isnot set, the Bourne shell is
assumed. (Most shellsset thisvariable automatically.)
csh(1) (for the history mechanism)
The script command appeared in BSD 3.0.
script placeseverything in the log file, including linefeedsand backspaces. Thisisnot what the naive user expects.
BSD 4, 27 July1991
sedStream-oriented editor
sed [ -hnV ][-e scr i pt ][-f scr i pt - f i l e ][--help ][--quiet ][--silent ]
[--version][--expression=scr i pt ][--file=scr i pt - f i l e ][f i l e ... ]
sed readsthe specified filesor the standard input if no filesare specified, makesediting changesaccording to a list of
commands, and writesthe resultsto the standard output.
-h, --help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
-n, --quiet, --silent Suppressthe default output. sed only displayslinesexplicitly specified for
output with the p command or the p flag of the s command. The default
behavior isto echo each line of input, after edits, to the standard output.
-V, --version Print the version number on the standard output and exit successfully.
-e scr i pt , -- expr essi on=scr i pt Append one or more commandsspecified in the string scr i pt to the list of
commands. If there isjust one -e option and no -f options, the -e flag may
be omitted.
-f scr i pt - f i l e, -- f i l e=scr i pt - f i l e Append the editing commandsfrom scr i pt - f i l e to the list of commands.
Multiple -e and -f commandsmay be specified. Scriptsare added to the list of commandsto execute in the order specified,
regardlessof their origin.
sed operatesasfollows:
Each line of input, not including itsterminating newline character, issuccessively copied into a pattern space (a
temporary buffer).
All editing commandswhose addresses match that pattern space are sequentially applied to the pattern space.
Part I: User Commands
When reaching the end of the command list, the pattern space iswritten to the standard output (except under -n) with
an appended newline.
The pattern space iscleared and the processisrepeated for each line in the input.
With sed, original input filesremain unchanged because editing commandsonly modify a copy of the input.
Some sed commandsuse a hold space to save all or part of the pattern space for later retrieval.
A sed script consistsof commandswith the general form:
[addr ess[, addr ess]][!]command[ar gument s]
Typically, there isonly one command per line, but commandsmay also be concatenated on a single line by semicolons.
Whitespace charactersmay be inserted before the first addressand the command portionsof the script command.
A sed command, asindicated, can specify zero, one, or two addresses. An addresscan be
A line number, represented in decimal. The internal line number count maintained by sed iscumulative acrossinput
filesand isnot reset for each input file.
A pattern that isa regular expression, represented by ncpatternc, where c isany character except backslash (\) or
newline. In the addressnxabcnxdefx, the second x standsfor itself, so the regular expression isabcxdef. However, the
preferred (and equivalent) method to construct a regular expression isto enclose the pattern in slashes/pattern/.
Additionally, \n can be used to match any newline in the pattern space, except for the final newline character.
A $ character that addressesthe last line of input.
GNU sed also implementsa new type of address. The addresshasform nm, which matchesany line where the line
number modulo m isequal to n modulo m. If mis 0 or missing, then 1 isused in itsplace. Thisfeature isnot specified by
The following rulesapply to addressed commands:
A command line with no address selectseach input line.
A command line with one address selectsany line matching the address. Several commandsaccept only one address: =, a,
i, r,and q.
A command line with two comma-separated addresses selectsthe first matching line and all following linesup to and
including the line matching the second address. If the second addressstartsbefore or isthe same line asthe first address,
then only the first line isselected.
An addressfollowed by ! selectsall linesthat do not match the address.
Regular expressionsare patternsused in selecting text. For example, the sed command
/st r i ng/p
printsall linescontaining st r i ng.
In addition to specifying string literals, regular expressionscan represent classesof strings. Stringsthusrepresented are said to
be matched by the corresponding regular expression. If it ispossible for a regular expression to match several stringsin a line,
then the leftmost longest match isthe one selected.
The following symbolsare used in constructing search patterns:
The null regular expression isequivalent to the last regular expression used.
c Any character c not listed hereincluding {, }, ,, <, >, |, and +matchesitself.
\c Any backslash-escaped character c, except for {, }, ,, <, >, |, and +, matchesitself.
-1n. Matchesany single character except newline.
[char - cl ass] Matchesany single character, other than newline, in char - cl ass.To include a ] in char -
cl ass, it must be the first character. A range of charactersmay be specified by separating the
end charactersof the range with a -, for example, a-z specifiesthe lowercase characters. The
following literal expressionscan also be used in char - cl ass to specify setsof characters:
[:alnum:] [:cntrl:] [:lower:] [:space:]
[:alpha:] [:digit:] [:print:] [:upper:]
[:blank:] [:graph:] [:punct:] [:xdigit:]
If - appearsasthe first or last character of char - cl ass, then it matchesitself. All other
charactersin char - cl ass match themselves.
[char - cl ass] Matchesany single character, other than newline, not in char - cl ass. char - cl ass isdefined
asin the preceding entry.
If isthe first character of a regular expression, then it anchorsthe regular expression to the
beginning of a line. Otherwise, it matchesitself.
$ If $ isthe last character of a regular expression, it anchorsthe regular expression to the end
of a line. Otherwise, it matchesitself.
\<, \> Anchorsthe single-character regular expression or subexpression immediately following it to
the beginning (\<) or ending (\>)of a word, that is, in ASCII, a maximal string of
alphanumeric characters, including the underscore (_).
\(re\) Definesa (possibly null) subexpression re. Subexpressionsmay be nested. A subsequent
back reference of the form \n, where n isa number in the range 19, expandsto the text
matched by the nth subexpression. For example, the regular expression \(a.c\)\1 matches
the string abcabc, but not abcadc. Subexpressionsare ordered relative to their left
* Matchesthe single-character regular expression or subexpression immediately preceding it
zero or more times. If * isthe first character of a regular expression or subexpression, then it
matchesitself. The * operator sometimesyieldsunexpected results. For example, the regular
expression b* matchesthe beginning of the string abbb (asopposed to the substring
bbb) because a null match isthe only leftmost match.
\+ Matchesthe single character regular expression or subexpression immediately preceding it
one or more times.
\| Matchesthe regular expression or subexpression specified before or after it.
\{n,m\} or \{n,\} or \{n\} Matchesthe single-character regular expression or subexpression immediately preceding it at
least n and at most m times. If m isomitted, then it matchesat least n times. If the comma is
also omitted, then it matchesexactly n times.
(\group\) Matchesthe enclosed group of regular expressions.
The following charactersonly have special meaning when used in replacement patterns:
\ Escape the following character.
\n Matchesthe nth pattern previously saved by n( and n), where n isa number from 0 to 9.
Previously saved patternsare counted from the leftmost position on the line.
& Printsthe entire search pattern when used in a replacement string.
If the first nonwhite character in a line isa #), sed treatsthat line asa comment, and ignoresit. If, however, the first such
line isof the form:
sed runsasif the -n flag were specified.
Part I: User Commands
Braces({, }) can be used to nest one addresswithin another or to apply multiple commandsto the same address:
[address][, address]{
command 1 command 2 ...
The opening { must end a line and the closing } must be on a line by itself.
The maximum number of permissible addressesfor each command isindicated in parenthesesin the following list.
An argument denoted text consistsof one or more linesof text. If text islonger than one line in length, then any newline
charactersmust be hidden by preceding them with a backslash (\).
An argument denoted read-filename or write-filename must terminate the command line and must be preceded by
exactly one space. Each write-filename iscreated before processing begins.
(0) An empty command isignored.
(0) #comment The line isa comment and isignored by sed. If, however, the first such line in a script isof
the form #n, then sed behavesasif the -n flag had been specified.
(0) : l abel Affix l abel to a line in the script for a transfer of control by b or t commands.
(1) = Write the current line number on the standard output asa line.
(1)a\t ext Append text following each line matched by the addresson the standard output before
reading the next input line.
(2) b l abel Unconditionally transfer control to the : command bearing the l abel . If no l abel is
specified, then branch to the end of the script; no more commandsare executed on the
current pattern space.
(2) c\t ext Change the pattern space by replacing the selected pattern with t ext . When multiple lines
are specified, all linesin the pattern space are replaced with a single copy of t ext . The end
result isthat the pattern space isdeleted and no further editing commandscan be applied
to it.
(2) d Delete the pattern space, preventing the line from being passed to the standard output, and
start the next cycle.
(2) D Delete the initial segment of the pattern space through the first newline and start the next
(2) g Replace the contentsof the pattern space by the contentsof the hold space.
(2) G Append a newline character followed by the contentsof the hold space to the pattern space.
(2) h Replace the contentsof the hold space by the contentsof the pattern space.
(2) H Append a newline character followed by the contentsof the pattern space to the hold space.
(1) i\t ext Insert t ext by writing it to the standard output.
(2) l Write the pattern space to standard output in a visually unambiguousform. Nonprinting
charactersare displayed aseither three-digit octal values, preceded by a \, or asone of the
following character constant escape sequences:
\\ Backslash
\a Alert
\b Backspace
\f Form-feed
\n Newline
\r Carriage-return
\t Tab
\v Vertical tab
Long linesare folded, with the point of folding indicated by a backslash (\) and a newline
character. The end of every line ismarked with a $.
(2) n Copy the pattern space to the standard output. Replace the pattern space with the next line
of input.
(2) N Append the next line of input to the pattern space with an embedded newline. (The current
line number changes.)
(2) p Print the pattern space to the standard output.
(2) P Copy the initial segment of the pattern space through the first newline to the standard
(1) q Quit by transferring control to the end of the script and do not start a new cycle. The
pattern space isstill written to the standard output.
(2) r r ead- f i l ename Read the contentsof r ead- f i l ename. Place them on the output before reading the next
input line.
(2) s/r egul ar expr essi on/ Substitute the r epl acement string for instancesof the r egul ar expr essi on in the pattern
r epl acement /flags space. Any character may be used instead of /. (For a fuller description, see the explanation
of replacement patternsin the Regular Expressions section of thismanual page.) flags is
zero or more of:
n Substitute for just the nth occurrence of the regular expression.
g Globally substitute for all nonoverlapping instancesof the regular expression
rather than just the first one.
p Print the pattern space if a replacement wasmade.
w wr i t e- f i l ename Append the pattern space to wr i t e- f i l ename if a replacement wasmade.
(2) t l abel Branch to the : command bearing the l abel if any substitutionshave been made since the
most recent reading of an input line or execution of a t. If l abel isempty, branch to the
end of the script.
(2) w wr i t e- f i l ename Append the pattern space to wr i t e- f i l ename.
(2) x Exchange the contentsof the pattern and hold spaces.
(2) y/st r i ng1/st r i ng2/ Replace all occurrencesof charactersin st r i ng1 with the corresponding character in
st r i ng2. The lengthsof st r i ng1 and st r i ng2 must be equal. Any character other than
or newline can be used instead of slash to delimit the strings. Within st r i ng1 and st r i ng2,
the delimiter itself can be used asa literal character if it ispreceded by a backslash.
Command only uses one addressA command that takesone addresshad two addressesspecified.
Command doesnt take any addressesA command that takesno addresseshad an addressspecified.
Extra characters after commandA command had extra text after the end.
Unexpected End-of-fileThe end of a script wasreached before it should have been. Thisusually occurswhen a
command isstarted, but not finished.
No previous regular expressionA metacharacter calling for a previousregular expression before any regular
expressionswere used.
Missing commandAn addresswasnot followed by a command.
Unknown commandA command wasnot one of the onesrecognized by sed.
Unexpected ,A command had a spuriouscomma after an address.
Multiple !sMore than one ! (exclamation point) wasused in a command.
Unexpected gA g character wasgiven in a command without a preceding f.
Unexpected fAn f character wasgiven in a command without a following g.
} doesnt want any addresses} should be alone on a line.
Part I: User Commands
: doesnt want any addressesThe : command should not be preceded by an address.
Unterminated s commandThe replacement field of the s command should be completed with a / character.
Multiple p options to s command The p option wasgiven more than once in an s command.
Multiple g options to s commandThe g option wasgiven more than once in an s command.
Multiple number options to s commandMore than one number option wasgiven to an s command.
Unknown option to sAn unknown option wasused for the s command. Maybe you shouldnt do that.
Strings for y command are different lengthsThere should be a one-to-one mapping between stringsfor the y
Missing before filenameThere wasno space between an r, w, or s///w command, and the filename specified for
that command.
Hopelessly evil compiled in limit on number of open file. re-compile sed.An attempt wasmade to open
too many files, no matter how you look at it.
awk(1), ed(1), grep(1), perl(1), regex(3)
A sed command appeared in version 7 AT&T UNIX.
GNU sed isexpected to be a superset of the IEEE Std1003.2 (POSIX) specification.
GNU sed usesthe POSIX basic regular expression syntax. According to the standard, the meaning of some escape sequences
isundefined in thissyntax; notably \| and \+.
Asin all GNU programsthat use POSIX basic regular expressions, sed interpretsthese escape sequencesasmetacharacters.
So, x\+ matchesone or more occurrencesof x. abc\|def matcheseither abc or def.
Thissyntax may cause problemswhen running scriptswritten for other versionsof sed. Some sed programshave been
written with the assumption that \| and \+ match the literal characters| and +. Such scriptsmust be modified by removing
the spuriousbackslashesif they are to be used with GNU sed.
It haslong been noted that GNU sed ismuch slower than other implementations. The current bottleneck isthe way sed
readsand writesdata files. It should read large blocksat a time (or even map files, where that issupported). When possible, it
should avoid copying itsinput from one place in memory to another. Patchesto make it do those thingsare welcome!
Version 2.05, December 1994
sessregManage utmp/wtmp entriesfor non-init clients
sessreg [-w wt mp- f i l e] [-u ut mp- f i l e] [-l l i ne- name] [-h host - name]
[-s sl ot - number ] [-x Xser ver s- f i l e] [-t t t ys- f i l e] [-a] [-d] user - name
sessreg isa simple program for managing utmp/wtmp entriesfor xdm sessions.
System V hasa better interface to /etc/utmp than BSD; it dynamically allocatesentriesin the file instead of writing them at
fixed positionsindexed by position in /etc/ttys.
To manage BSD-style utmp files, sessreg hastwo strategies. In conjunction with xdm, the -x option countsthe number of
linesin /etc/ttys and then addsto that the number of the line in the Xservers file that specifiesthe display. The display
name must be specified asthe l i ne- name using the -l option. Thissum isused asthe sl ot - number in /etc/utmp that this
entry will be written at. In the more general case, the -s option specifiesthe sl ot - number directly. If for some strange reason
your system usesa file other that /etc/ttys to manage init, the -t option can direct sessreg to look elsewhere for a count
of terminal sessions.
Conversely, System V managerswill never need to use these options(-x, -s, and -t). To make the program easier to
document and explain, sessreg acceptsthe BSD-specific flagsin the System V environment and ignoresthem.
BSD also hasa host - name field in the utmp file that doesnt exist in System V. Thisoption isalso ignored by the System V
version of sessreg.
In Xstartup, place a call like:
sessreg -a -l $DISPLAY -x /usr/X11R6/lib/xdm/Xservers $USER
and in Xreset:
sessreg -d -l $DISPLAY -x /usr/X11R6/lib/xdm/Xservers $USER
-w wt mp- f i l e Thisspecifiesan alternate wtmp file, instead of /usr/adm/wtmp for BSD or /etc/wtmp for sysV. The
special name none disableswriting recordsto /usr/adm/wtmp.
-u ut mp- f i l e Thisspecifiesan alternate utmp file, instead of /etc/utmp. The special name none disableswriting
recordsto /etc/utmp.
-l l i ne- name Thisdescribesthe line name of the entry. For terminal sessions, thisisthe final pathname segment
of the terminal device filename (for example, ttyd0). For X sessions, it should probably be the local
display name given to the userssession (for example, :0). If none isspecified, the terminal name
will be determined with ttyname(3) and stripped of leading components.
-h host - name Thisisset for BSD hoststo indicate that the session wasinitiated from a remote host. In typical
xdm usage, thisoptionsisnot used.
-s sl ot - number Each potential session hasa unique slot number in BSD systems; most are identified by the
position of the l i ne- name in the /etc/ttys file. Thisoption overridesthe default position
determined with ttys-lot(3). Thisoption isinappropriate for use with xdm, the -x option ismore
-x Xser ver s- f i l e AsX sessionsare one-per-display, and each display isentered in thisfile, thisoptionssetsthe sl ot -
number to be the number of linesin the t t ys- f i l e plusthe index into thisfile that the l i ne- name
-t t t ys- f i l e Thisspecifiesan alternate file that the -x option will use to count the number of terminal sessions
on a host.
-a Thissession should be added to utmp/wtmp.
-d Thissession should be deleted from utmp/wtmp. -a or -d must be specified.
Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium
X Version 11 Release6
Part I: User Commands
settermSet terminal attributes
setterm [ -term t er mi nal name ]
setterm [-reset ]
setterm [ -initialize ]
setterm [ -cursor [on|off] ]
setterm [ -keyboard pc|olivetti|dutch|extended ]
setterm [ -repeat [on|off] ]
setterm [ -appcursorkeys [on|off] ]
setterm [ -linewrap [on|off] ]
setterm [ -snow [on|off] ]
setterm [ -softscroll [on|off] ]
setterm [ -defaults ]
setterm [ -foreground black|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white|default ]
setterm [ -background black|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white|default ]
setterm [ -ulcolor black|grey|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white ]
setterm [ -ulcolor bright red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white ]
setterm [ -hbcolor black|grey|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white ]
setterm [ -hbcolor bright red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white ]
setterm [ -inversescreen [on|off] ]
setterm [ -bold [on|off] ]
setterm [ -half-bright [on|off] ]
setterm [ -blink [on|off] ]
setterm [ -reverse [on|off] ]
setterm [ -underline [on|off] ]
setterm [ -store ]
setterm [ -clear [ all|rest ] ]
setterm [ -tabs [tab1 tab2 tab3 ... ] ] where (tabn = 1-160)
setterm [ -clrtabs [ tab1 tab2 tab3 ... ] where (tabn = 1-160)
setterm [ -regtabs [ 1-160 ]]
setterm [ -blank [ 0-60 ]]
setterm [ -dump [ 1-NR CONS ]]
setterm [ -append [ 1-NR CONS ]]
setterm [ -file dumpf i l ename ]
setterm [ -standout [ at t r ]]
setterm writesto standard output a character string that will invoke the specified terminal capabilities. Where possible, /
etc/termcap isconsulted to find the string to use. Some options, however, do not correspond to a termcap(5) capability. In
thiscase, if the terminal type isminix-vc or minix-vcam, the string that invokesthe specified capabilitieson the PC Minix
virtual console driver isoutput. Optionsthat are not implemented by the terminal are ignored.
Most optionsare self-explanatory. The lessobviousoptionsare asfollows:
-term Can be used to override the TERM environment variable
-reset Displaysthe terminal reset string, which typically resetsthe terminal to itspower on state
-initialize Displaysthe terminal initialization string, which typically setsthe terminalsrendering options, and other
attributesto the default values
-default Setsthe terminalsrendering optionsto the default values
-store Storesthe terminalscurrent rendering optionsasthe default values
Linux 0.98, 25 December 1992
tput(1), stty(1), termcap(5), tty(4)
Differencesbetween the Minix and Linux versionsare not documented.
Gordon Irlam (; adaptation to Linux by Peter MacDonald; enhancementsby Mika Liljeberg
Linux 0.98, 25 December 1992
sgitopnmConvert an SGI image file to a portable anymap
sgitopnm [-verbose][SGI f i l e]
Readsan SGI image file asinput. Producesa PGM image for a two-dimensional (one-channel) input file, and a PPM image
for a three-dimensional (three or more channels) input file.
Part I: User Commands
-verbose Give some information about the SGI image file
SGI Image File Format documentation (draft v0.95) by Paul Haeberli ( Available via ftp at
pnm(5), pnmtosgi(1)

1994 by Ingo Wilken (

29 January1994
sharCreate shell archives
shar [ options ] f i l e ...
shar -S [ opt i ons ]
shar createsshell archives(or shar files) that are in text format and can be mailed. These filesmay be unpacked later by
executing them with /bin/sh. The resulting archive issent to standard out unlessthe -o option isgiven. A wide range of
featuresprovide extensive flexibility in manufacturing sharsand in specifying shar smartness. Archivesmay be vanilla or
comprehensive. Thismanual page reflectsshar version 4.0.
Optionshave a one-letter version starting with - or a long version starting with --. The exceptionsare --help and --
version, which do not have short versions. Optionscan be given in any order. Some optionsdepend on each other: The - o
option isrequired if the -l or -L option isused.
The -n option isrequired if the -a option isused.
See -V in the following list.
These are the available options:
--version Print the version number of the program on standard output, then immedi-
ately exit.
--help Print a help summary on standard output, then immediately exit.
-V, --vanilla-operation Produce vanilla sharsthat rely only upon the existence of sed and echo in
the unsharing environment. In addition, if test must also be supported if
the -X option isused. The -V silently disablesoptionsoffensive to the
network cop (or brown shirt), but doeswarn you if it isspecified with -B, -
z, -Z, -p, or -M (any of which doesor might require uudecode, gzip or
compress in the unsharing environment).
-v, --no-verbose Verbose OFF. disablesthe inclusion of commentsto be output when the
archive isunpacked.
-w, --no-character-count Do NOT check with wc -c after unpack. The default isto check.
-n name, --archive-name=name Name of archive to be included in the header of the shar files. (See the -a
-a, --net-headers Allowsautomatic generation of headers:
Submitted by: who@where
Archive-name: <name>/part##
The <name> must be given with the -n switch. If name includesa /, then /
part isnt used. Thus-n xyzzy producesthe following:
-n xyzzy/patch producesthe following:
-n xyzzy/patch01. producesthe following:
The who@where can be explicitly stated with the -s switch if the default isnt
appropriate. who@where isessentially built aswhoami@uname.
- s who@where, - -submitter=who@where Override automatically determined submitter name.
-x, --no-check-existing Overwrite existing fileswithout checking. If neither -x nor -X isspecified, the
unpack will check for and not overwrite existing fileswhen unpacking the
archive (unless-c ispassed asa parameter to the script when unpacking).
-X, --query-user Interactively overwrite existing files(Do not use for shars submitted to the
-B, --uuencode Treat all filesasbinary; use uuencode prior to packing. Thisincreasesthe size
of the archive. The recipient must have uudecode in order to unpack. (Use of
uuencode isnot appreciated by many on the Net.)
-T, --text-files Treat all filesastext (default).
-z, --gzip Use gzip and uuencode on all filesprior to packing. The recipient must have
uudecode and gzip (used with -d) in order to unpack. (Use of uuencode and
gzip isnot appreciated by many on the Net.)
-Z, --compress Use compress and uuencode on all filesprior to packing. The recipient must
have uudecode and compress (used with -d) in order to unpack. (Use of
uuencode and compress isnot appreciated by many on the Net.) Option -C
issynonymousto -Z, but isbeing depreciated.
-m, --no-timestamp Avoid generating touch commandsto restore the file modification dates
when unpacking filesfrom the archive.
-p, --intermix-type Allow positional parameter options. The options-B, -T, -z, and -Z may be
embedded, and filesto the right of the option will be processed in the
specified mode.
-g X, --level-for-gzip=X When doing compression, use -X asa parameter to gzip. The -g option
turnson the -z option by default.
-b X, --bits-per-code=X When doing compression, use -bX asa parameter to compress. The -B option
turnson the -Z option by default.
Part I: User Commands
-M, --mixed-uuencode Mixed mode. Determine if the filesare text or binary and archive correctly.
Filesfound to be binary are uudecoded prior to packing. (Use of uuencode is
not appreciated by many on the Net.)
-P, --no-piping Use temporary filesinstead of pipesin the shar file.
-c, --cut-mark Start the shar with a cut line. A line saying Cut here isplaced at the start of
each output file.
-f, -- basename Restore by filename only, rather than path. Thisoption causesonly filenames
to be used, which isuseful when building a shar from several directories, or
another directory. Note that if a directory name ispassed to shar, the
substructure of that directory will be restored whether -f isspecified or not.
-d XXX, --here-delimiter=XXX Use XXX to delimit the filesin the shar instead of SHAR_EOF. Thisisfor those
who want to personalize their shar files.
-F, --force-pr ef i x Forcesthe pr ef i x character (normally X unlessthe parameter to the -d
option startswith X) to be prepended to every line even if not required. This
option may slightly increase the size of the archive, especially if -B or -Z is
-o XXX --output-prefix=XXX Save the archive to filesXXX.01 through XXX.nn instead of standard out.
Must be used when the -l or the -L switchesare used.
-l XX --whole-size-limit=XX Limit the output file size to XXk bytes, but dont split input files.
-L XX --split-size-limit=XX Limit output file size to XXk bytesand split filesif necessary. The archives
created with thisoption must be unpacked in correct order.
-S --stdin-file-list Read list of filesto be packed from the standard input rather than from the
command line. Input must be in a form similar to that generated by the
find command, one filename per line. Thisswitch isespecially useful when
the command line will not hold the list of filesto be packed. For example:
find . -type f -print | sort | shar -S -Z -L50 -o /tmp/big
If -p isspecified on the command line, then the options-B, -T, -z, and -Z
may be included in the standard input (on a line separate from filenames).
The maximum number of linesof standard input, filenames, and options
may not exceed 1024.
shar *.c > cprog.shar # all C prog sources
shar -v *.[ch] > cprog.shar # non-verbose, .c and .h files
shar -B -l28 *.arc # all binary .arc files, into
# files thru
shar -f /lcl/src/u*.c > # use only the filenames
No chmod or touch isever generated for directoriescreated when unpacking. Thus, if a directory isgiven to shar, the
protection and modification datesof corresponding unpacked directory may not match those of the original.
If a directory ispassed to shar, it may be scanned more than once. Therefore, one should be careful not to change the
directory while shar isrunning.
Be careful that the output file(s) are not included in the inputsor shar may loop until the disk fillsup. Be particularly careful
when a directory ispassed to shar that the output filesare not in that directory (or a subdirectory of that directory).
Use of the -B, -z, or -Z, and especially -M, may slow the archive processconsiderably, depending on the number of files.
Use of -X producessharsthat will cause problemswith many unshar procedures. Use thisfeature only for archivesto be
passed among agreeable parties. Certainly, -X isnot for shell archivesthat are to be submitted to Usenet. Usage of -B, -z, or
-Z in Net shars will cause you to be flamed off the earth. Not using -m or not using -F may also get you occasional
There are error messagesfor illegal or incompatible options; for nonregular, missing, or inaccessible files; or for (unlikely)
memory allocation failure.
shar(3) isa derived work based on the effortsof the following: JamesGosling at CMU (decvax!microsof!uw-beave!jim),
Michael A. Thompson, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., Canada, Bill Davidsen (davidsen@sixhub), Richard H.
Gumpertz (rhg@CPS.COM), ColasNahaboo (, Bill Aten (, DennisBoylan
(, Warren Tucker (, and other anonymouspersons. Jan Djfrv
( created the man pages.
27 September 1990
shlockCreate lock filesfor use in shell scripts
shlock -p pi d -f name [ -b ][-u ][-c ]
shlock triesto create a lock file named name and write the processID pi d into it. If the file already exists, shlock will read
the processID from the file and test to see if the processiscurrently running. If the processexists, then the file will not be
shlock exitswith a zero statusif it wasable to create the lock file, or non-zero if the file refersto the currently active process.
ProcessIDsare normally read and written in ASCII. If the -b flag isused, then they will be written asa binary int. For
compatibility with other systems, the -u flag isaccepted asa synonym for -b because binary locksare used by many uucp
The following example showshow shlock would be used within a shell script:
trap rm -f ${LOCK} ;exit1 1 2 3 15
if shlock -p $$ -f ${LOCK} ; then
# Do appropriate work
echo Locked by cat ${LOCK}
If the -c flag isused, then shlock will not create a lock file, but will instead use the file to see if the lock isheld by another
program. If the lock isvalid, the program will exit with a non-zero status; if the lock isnot valid (that is, invoking shlock
without the flag would have succeeded), then the program will exit with a zero status.
Written by Rich $alz ( after a description of HDB UUCP locking given by Peter Honeyman.
Part I: User Commands
showrgbUncompile an RGB colorname database
showrgb [ dat abase ]
The showrgb program readsan RGB colorname database compiled for use with the dbm database routinesand convertsit
back to source form, printing the result to standard output. The default database isthe one that X wasbuilt with, and may be
overridden on the command line. Specify the database name without the .pag or .dir suffix.
<XRoot>/lib/X11/rgb Default database
X Version 11 Release6
shrinkfileShrink a file on a line boundary
shrinkfile [ -s si ze ][-v ] f i l e. . .
The shrinkfile program shrinksfilesto a given size, preserving the data at the end of the file. Truncation isperformed on
line boundaries, where a line isa seriesof bytesending with a newline, \n. There isno line length restriction and filesmay
contain any binary data.
Temporary filesare created in the /tmp directory. The TMPDIR environment variable may be used to specify a different
A newline will be added to any nonempty file that doesnot end with a newline. The maximum file size will not be exceeded
by thisaddition.
By default, filesare truncated to zero bytes. The -s flag may be used to change the maximum size. Because the program
truncatesonly on line boundaries, the final size may be may be smaller then the specified maximum. The size parameter
may end with a k, m, or g, indicating kilobyte (1024), megabyte (1048576) or gigabyte (1073741824) lengths. Uppercase
lettersare also allowed. The maximum file size is2147483647 bytes.
If the -v flag isused, then shrinkfile will print a statusline if a file wasshrunk.
Written by Landon Curt Noll ( and Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
sirtopnmConvert a Solitaire file into a portable anymap
sirtopnm [si r f i l e]
Readsa Solitaire Image Recorder file asinput. Producesa portable anymap asoutput. The type of the output file dependson
the input file; if itsan MGI TYPE 17 file, a pgm file iswritten. If itsan MGI TYPE 11 file, a ppm file iswritten. The
program tellsyou which type it iswriting.
pnmtosir(1), pnm(5)

1991 by Marvin Landis.

20 March 1991
sizeList section sizesand total size
size [ -A | -B | --format=compat i bi l i t y ][--help ]
[ -d | -o | -x | --radix=number ]
[ --target=bf dname ][-V | --version ] obj f i l e ...
The GNU size utility liststhe section sizesand the total size for each of the object filesobj f i l e in itsargument list. By
default, one line of output isgenerated for each object file or each module in an archive.
-A, -B, --format compatibility Using one of these options, you can choose whether the output from GNU size
resemblesoutput from System V size (using -A, or --format=sysv ), or Berkeley
size (using -B or --format=berkeley). The default isthe one-line format similar to
--help Show a summary of acceptable argumentsand options.
-d, -o, -x, --radix number Using one of these options, you can control whether the size of each section isgiven
in decimal (-d, or --radix 10); octal (-o, or --radix 8); or hexadecimal (-x, or
--radix 16). In --radix number, only the three values(8, 10, 16) are supported.
The total size isalwaysgiven in two radices: decimal and hexadecimal for -d or -x
output, or octal and hexadecimal if youre using -o.
--target bf dname You can specify a particular object-code format for objfile asbf dname . Thismay
not be necessary; size can automatically recognize many formats. (See objdump(1)
for information on listing available formats.)
-V, --version Display version number information on size itself.
binutils entry in info; TheGNU BinaryUtilities, Roland H. Pesch (October 1991); ar(1), objdump(1)

1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof this
manual, provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Part I: User Commands
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
CygnusSupport, 5 November 1991
sldtoppmConvert an AutoCAD slide file into a portable pixmap
sldtoppm [-adjust][-dir][-height|-ysize s][-info][-lib|-Lib name][-scale s]
[-verbose][-width|-xsize s][sl i def i l e]
sldtoppm readsan AutoCAD slide file and outputsa portable pixmap. If no slidefile isspecified, input isread from
standard input. The ppmdraw library isused to convert the vector and polygon information in the slide file to a pixmap; see
the file ppmdraw.h for detailson thispackage.
-adjust If the display on which the slide file wascreated had nonsquare pixels, when the slide isprocessed with
sldtoppm and the -adjust option isnot present, the following warning will appear: Warning - pixels on
source screen were non-square.
Specifying -adjust will correct image width to compensate. Specifying the -adjust option causes
sldtoppm to scale the width of the image so that pixelsin the resulting portable pixmap are square (and
hence circlesappear astrue circles, not ellipses). The scaling isperformed in the vector domain, before
scan-converting the objects. The resultsare, therefore, superior in appearance to what youd obtain were
you to perform the equivalent scaling with pnmscale after the bitmap had been created.
-dir The input isassumed to be an AutoCAD slide library file. A directory listing each slide in the library is
printed on standard error.
-height si ze Scalesthe image in the vector domain so it issi ze pixelsin height. If no -width or -xsize option is
specified, the width will be adjusted to preserve the pixel aspect ratio.
-info Dump the slide file header on standard error, displaying the original screen size and aspect ratio among
other information.
-lib name Extractsthe slide with the given name from the slide library given asinput. The specified name isconverted
to uppercase.
-Lib name Extractsthe slide with the given name from the slide library given asinput. The name isused exactly as
specified; it isnot converted to uppercase.
-scale s Scalesthe image by factor s, which may be any floating-point value greater than zero. Scaling isdone after
aspect ratio adjustment, if any. Because scaling isperformed in the vector domain, before rasterization, the
resultslook much better than running the output of sldtoppm through pnmscale.
-verbose Dumpsthe slide file header and listsevery vector and polygon in the file on standard error.
-width si ze Scalesthe image in the vector domain, so it issize pixelswide. If no -height or -ysize option is
specified, the height will be adjusted to preserve the pixel aspect ratio.
-xsize si ze Scalesthe image in the vector domain so it issi ze pixelswide. If no -height or -ysize option isspecified,
the height will be adjusted to preserve the pixel aspect ratio.
-ysize si ze Scalesthe image in the vector domain so it issi ze pixelsin height. If no -width or -xsize option is
specified, the width will be adjusted to preserve the pixel aspect ratio.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
Only Level 2 slidesare converted. Level 1 format hasbeen obsolete since the advent of AutoCAD Release 9 in 1987 and was
not portable acrossmachine architectures.
Slide library itemswith namescontaining 8-bit (such asISO) or 16-bit (Kanji, for example) charactersmay not be found
when chosen with the -lib option unlesssldtoppm hasbeen built with character set conversion functionsappropriate to the
locale. You can alwaysretrieve slidesfrom librariesregardlessof the character set by using the -Lib option and specifying the
precise name of library member. Use the -dir option to list the slidesin a library if youre unsure of the exact name.
AutoCAD ReferenceManual: Slide File Format; pnmscale(1), ppm(5)
John Walker
Autodesk SA
Avenue desChamps-Montants14b
Fax: 038/33 88 15
Voice: 038/33 76 33
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute thissoftware and itsdocumentation for any purpose and without fee is
hereby granted, without any conditionsor restrictions. Thissoftware isprovided asis without expressor implied warranty.
AutoCAD and Autodesk are registered trademarksof Autodesk, Inc.
10 October 1991
smproxySession Manager Proxy
smproxy [-clientId i d] [-restore saveFi l e]
-clientId i d Specifiesthe session ID used by smproxy in the previoussession.
-restore saveFile Specifiesthe file used by smproxy to save state in the previoussession.
smproxy allowsX applicationsthat do not support X11R6 session management to participate in an X11R6 session.
In order for smproxy to act asa proxy for an X application, one of the following must be true:
I The application mapsa top-level window containing the WM_CLIENT_LEADER property. Thisproperty providesa pointer
to the client leader window that containsthe WM_CLASS, WM_NAME, WM_COMMAND, and WM_CLIENT_MACHINE properties.
I The application mapsa top-level window that doesnot contain the WM_CLIENT_LEADER property. However, thistop-level
window containsthe WM_CLASS, WM_NAME, WM_COMMAND, and WM_CLIENT_MACHINE properties.
Part I: User Commands
An application that supportsthe WM_SAVE_YOURSELF protocol will receive a WM_SAVE_YOURSELF client message each time the
session manager issuesa checkpoint or shutdown. Thisallowsthe application to save state. If an application doesnot
support the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF protocol, then the proxy will provide enough information to the session manager to restart
the application (using WM_COMMAND), but no state will be restored.
Ralph Mor, X Consortium
X Version 11 Release6
sortSort linesof text files
sort [-cmus] [-t separ at or ] [-o out put - f i l e] [-T t empdi r ] [-bdfiMnr]
[+POS1 [-POS2]] [-k POS1[,POS2]] [f i l e...]
sort {--help,--version}
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of sort. sort sorts, merges, or comparesall the linesfrom the given files, or
the standard input if no filesare given. A filename of - meansstandard input. By default, sort writesthe resultsto the
standard output.
sort hasthree modesof operation: sort (the default), merge, and check for sortedness. The following optionschange the
operation mode:
-c Check whether the given filesare already sorted; if they are not all sorted, print an error message and exit with a
statusof 1.
-m Merge the given filesby sorting them asa group. Each input file should already be individually sorted. It always
worksto sort instead of merge; merging isprovided because it isfaster, in the case where it works.
A pair of linesiscompared asfollows: if any key fieldshave been specified, sort compareseach pair of fields, in the order
specified on the command line, according to the associated ordering options, until a difference isfound or no fieldsare left.
If any of the global optionsMbdfinr are given but no key fieldsare specified, sort comparesthe entire linesaccording to the
global options.
Finally, asa last resort when all keyscompare equal (or if no ordering optionswere specified at all), sort comparesthe lines
byte by byte in machine collating sequence. The last resort comparison honorsthe -r global option. The -s (stable) option
disablesthislast-resort comparison so that linesin which all fieldscompare equal are left in their original relative order. If no
fieldsor global optionsare specified, -s hasno effect.
GNU sort hasno limitson input line length or restrictionson bytesallowed within lines. In addition, if the final byte of an
input file isnot a newline, GNU sort silently suppliesone.
If the environment variable TMPDIR isset, sort usesit asthe directory in which to put temporary filesinstead of the default,
/tmp. The -T tempdir option isanother way to select the directory for temporary files; it overridesthe environment
The following optionsaffect the ordering of output lines. They may be specified globally or aspart of a specific key field. If
no key fieldsare specified, global optionsapply to comparison of entire lines; otherwise, the global optionsare inherited by
key fieldsthat do not specify any special optionsof their own.
-b Ignore leading blankswhen finding sort keysin each line.
-d Sort in phone directory order; ignore all charactersexcept letters, digits, and blankswhen sorting.
-f Fold lowercase charactersinto the equivalent uppercase characterswhen sorting so that, for example, b issorted
the same way B is.
-i Ignore charactersoutside the ASCII range 0400176 octal (inclusive) when sorting.
-M An initial string, consisting of any amount of whitespace, followed by three lettersabbreviating a month name, is
folded to uppercase and compared in the order JAN < FEB < ... < DEC. Invalid namescompare low to
valid names.
-n Compare according to arithmetic value an initial numeric string consisting of optional whitespace, an optional -
sign, and zero or more digits, optionally followed by a decimal point and zero or more digits.
-r Reverse the result of comparison, so that lineswith greater key valuesappear earlier in the output instead of later.
Other optionsare
-o out put - f i l e Write output to out put - f i l e instead of to the standard output. If out put - f i l e isone of the input
files, sort copiesit to a temporary file before sorting and writing the output to out put - f i l e.
-t separ at or Use character separ at or asthe field separator when finding the sort keysin each line. By default,
fieldsare separated by the empty string between a nonwhitespace character and a whitespace
character. That isto say, given the input line foo bar, sort breaksit into fieldsfoo and bar. The
field separator isnot considered to be part of either the field preceding or the field following it.
-u For the default case or the -m option, only output the first of a sequence of linesthat compare
equal. For the -c option, check that no pair of consecutive linescomparesequal.
+POS1 [-POS2] Specify a field within each line to use asa sorting key. The field consistsof the portion of the line
starting at POS1 and up to (but not including) POS2 (or to the end of the line if POS2 isnot given).
The fieldsand character positionsare numbered starting with 0.
-k POS1[,POS2] An alternate syntax for specifying sorting keys. The fieldsand character positionsare numbered
starting with 1.
A position hasthe form f.c, where f isthe number of the field to use and c isthe number of the first character from the
beginning of the field (for +pos) or from the end of the previousfield (for -pos). The .c part of a position may be omitted,
in which case it istaken to be the first character in the field. If the -b option hasbeen given, the .c part of a field specifica-
tion iscounted from the first nonblank character of the field (for +pos) or from the first nonblank character following the
previousfield (for -pos).
A +pos or -pos argument may also have any of the option lettersMbdfinr appended to it, in which case the global ordering
optionsare not used for that particular field. The -b option may be independently attached to either or both of the +pos and
-pos partsof a field specification, and if it isinherited from the global options, it will be attached to both. If a -n or -M
option isused, thusimplying a -b option, the -b option istaken to apply to both the +pos and the -pos partsof a key
specification. Keysmay span multiple fields.
In addition, when GNU join isinvoked with exactly one argument, the following optionsare recognized:
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully
Historical (BSD and System V) implementationsof sort have differed in their interpretation of some options, particularly
-b, -f, and -n. GNU sort followsthe POSIX behavior, which isusually (but not always) like the System V behavior.
According to POSIX, -n no longer implies-b. For consistency, -M hasbeen changed in the same way. Thismay affect the
meaning of character positionsin field specificationsin obscure cases. If thisbitesyou, the fix isto add an explicit -b.
The different meaning of field numbersdepending on whether -k isused isconfusing. Itsall POSIXsfault!
GNU Text Utilities
Part I: User Commands
spctoppmConvert an Atari compressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
spctoppm [spcf i l e]
spctoppm readsan Atari compressed Spectrum file asinput and producesa portable pixmap asoutput.
sputoppm(1), ppm(5)

1991 by Steve Belczyk ( and Jef Poskanzer.

19 July1990
splitSplit a file into pieces
split [-l i nes] [-l l i nes ] [-b byt es [bkm]] [-C byt es [bkm]] [--lines=l i nes ]
[--bytes=byt es[bkm]] [--line-bytes=byt es[bkm]] [--help] [--version]
[infile [outfile-prefix]]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of split. split createsone or more output files(asmany asnecessary)
containing consecutive sectionsof the infile, or the standard input if none isgiven or the name - isgiven. By default,
split puts1000 linesof the input file, or whatever isleft if it islessthan that, into each output file.
The output filenamesconsist of a prefix followed by a group of letters, chosen so that concatenating the output filesin sorted
order by filename producesthe original input file, in order. The default output filename prefix isx. If the outfile-prefix
argument isgiven, it isused asthe output filename prefix instead.
-l i nes, -l l i nes, --lines=l i nes Put l i nes linesof the input file into each output file.
-b byt es[bkm], --bytes=byt es[bkm] Put byt es bytesof the input file into each output file. byt es isa non-zero
integer, optionally followed by one of the following charactersto specify a
different unit:
b 512-byte blocks
k 1-kilobyte blocks
m 1-megabyte blocks
-C byt es[bkm], --line-bytes=byt es[bkm] Put into each output file asmany complete linesof the input file asis
possible without exceeding byt es bytes. If a line that islonger than byt es
bytesoccurs, put byt es bytesof it into each output file until lessthan byt es
bytesof the line are left, then continue normally. bytes hasthe same format
asfor the --bytes option.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a non-zero status.
--version Print version information on standard output then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
spottopgmConvert SPOT satellite imagesto portable graymap format
spottopgm [-1|2|3] [Fi r st col Fi r st l i ne Last col Last l i ne] i nput f i l e
-1|2|3 Extract the given color from the SPOT image. The colorsare infrared, visible
light, and ultra-violet, although I dont know which correspondsto which
number. If the image isin color, thiswill be announced on standard error.
The default color is1.
Fi r st col Fi r st l i ne Last col Last l i ne Extract the specified rectangle from the SPOT image. Most SPOT imagesare
3,000 lineslong and 3,000 or more columnswide. Unfortunately, the SPOT
format only givesthe width and not the length. The width isprinted on
standard error. The default rectangle isthe width of the input image by 3,000
spottopgm convertsthe named inputfile into portable graymap format, defaulting to the first color and the whole SPOT
image unlessspecified by the options.
You must edit the source program and either define BIGENDIAN or LITTLEENDIAN, and fix the typedefs for uint32t,
uint16t, and uint8t appropriately.
Currently, spottopgm doesnt determine the length of the input file; thiswould involve two passesover the input file. It
defaultsto 3,000 linesinstead.
spottopgm could extract a three-color image (ppm), but I didnt feel like making the program more complicated than it is
now. Besides, there isno one-to-one correspondence between red, green, blue, and infra-red, visible, and ultra-violet.
Ive had only a limited number of SPOT imagesto play with, and therefore wouldnt guarantee that thiswill work on any
other images.
Warren Toomey (
The rest of the pbmplus suite.
sputoppmConvert an Atari uncompressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
Part I: User Commands
sputoppm [spuf i l e]
sputoppm readsan Atari uncompressed Spectrum file asinput and producesa portable pixmap asoutput.
spctoppm(1), ppm(5)

1991 by Steve Belczyk ( and Jef Poskanzer.

19 July1990
sqSqueeze a sorted word list
unsqUnsqueeze a sorted word list
sq < i nf i l e > out f i l e
unsq < i nf i l e > out f i l e
sq compressesa sorted list of words(a dictionary). For example,
sort /usr/dict/words | sq | compress > words.sq.Z
will compressdict by about a factor of 4.
unsq uncompressesthe output of sq. For example,
compress -d < words.sq.Z | unsq | sort -f -o words
will uncompressa dictionary compressed with sq. The squeezing isachieved by eliminating common prefixesand replacing
them with a single character that encodesthe number of charactersshared with the preceding word. The prefix size is
encoded asa single printable character: 09 represent 09, AZ represent 1035, and az represent 3661.
Mike Wexler
compress(1), sort(1).
startxInitialize an X session
startx [[cl i ent ] opt i ons ..] [-- [ ser ver ] opt i ons ... ]
The startx script supplied with the X11 distribution isa sample designed more asa base for customization than asa fin-
ished product. Site administratorsare urged to customize it for their siteand to update thismanual page when they do.
The startx script isa front end to xinit that providesa somewhat nicer user interface for running a single session of the X
Window System. It istypically run with no arguments.
To determine the client to run, startx first looksfor a file called .xinitrc in the usershome directory. If that isnot found,
it usesthe file xinitrc in the xinit library directory. If command-line client optionsare given, they override thisbehavior.
To determine the server to run, startx first looksfor a file called .xserverrc in the usershome directory. If that isnot
found, it usesthe file xserverrc in the xinit library directory. If command-line server optionsare given, they override this
behavior. Usersrarely need to provide a .xserverrc file. (See the xinit(1) manual page for more detailson the arguments.)
The .xinitrc istypically a shell script that startsmany clientsaccording to the userspreference. When thisshell script exits,
startx killsthe server and performsany other session shutdown needed. Most of the clientsstarted by .xinitrc should be
run in the background. The last client should run in the foreground; when it exits, the session will exit. People often choose a
session manager, window manager, or xterm asthe magic client.
Following isa sample xinitrc that startsseveral applicationsand leavesthe window manager running asthe last applica-
tion. Assuming that the window manager hasbeen configured properly, the user then choosesthe Exit menu item to shut
down X.
xrdb -load $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid gray &
xbiff -geometry -430+5 &
oclock -geometry 75x75-0-0 &
xload -geometry -80-0 &
xterm -geometry +0+60 -ls &
xterm -geometry +0-100 &
xconsole -geometry -0+0 -fn 5x7 &
exec twm
DISPLAY Thisvariable getsset to the name of the display to which clientsshould connect. Note that thisgetsset, not read.
$(HOME)/.xinitrc Client to run. Typically a shell script that runsmany programsin the background.
$(HOME)/.xserverrc Server to run. The default isX.
<XRoot>/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc Client to run if the user hasno .xinitrc file. <XRoot> refersto the root of the X11
install tree.
<XRoot>/lib/X11/xinit/xserverrc Client to run if the user hasno . xserverrc file. Thisisonly needed if the server
needsspecial argumentsor isnot named. <XRoot> refersto the root of the X11
install tree.
X Version 11 Release6
Part I: User Commands
stringsPrint the stringsof printable charactersin files
strings [ -a|-|--all ][-f|--print-file-name][-o ][--help ][-v|--version ]
[ -n min-len |-min-len |--bytes= min-len ][-t o, x, d ]
[ --target=bf dname ] |--radix= o, x, d ] f i l e
For each f i l e given, GNU strings printsthe printable character sequencesthat are at least four characterslong (or the
number given with the optionsbelow) and are followed by a NUL or newline character. By default, it only printsthe strings
from the initialized data sectionsof object files; for other typesof files, it printsthe stringsfrom the whole file.
strings ismainly useful for determining the contentsof nontext files.
The long and short formsof options, shown here asalternatives, are equivalent.
-a, --all, - Do not scan only the initialized data section of object files; scan the whole
-f, --print-file-name Print the name of the file before each string.
--help Print a summary of the optionsto stringson the standard output and exit.
-v, --version Print the version number of stringson the standard output and exit.
-n mi n- l en, - mi n- l en, -bytes=mi n- l en Print sequencesof charactersthat are at least mi n- l en characterslong, instead
of the default 4.
-t o,x,d, --radix=o,x,d Print the offset within the file before each string. The single character
argument specifiesthe radix of the offsetoctal, hexadecimal, or decimal.
--target=bf dname Specify an object code format other than your systemsdefault format. (See
objdump(1), for information on listing available formats.)
-o Like -t o.
binutils entry in info; TheGNU BinaryUtilities, Roland H. Pesch (October 1991); ar(1), nm(1), objdump(1), ranlib(1).

1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof this
manual provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
CygnusSupport, 25 June1993
stripDiscard symbolsfrom object files.
strip [ -Fbf dname|--target=bf dname ] [ -Ibf dname|
--input-target=bf dname ] [ -Obf dname|--output-target=bf dname ]
[-Rsect i onname|--remove-section=sect i onname ] [ -s|--strip-all ]
[-S|-g|--strip-debug ][-x|--discard-all ][-X|--discard-locals]
[-v|--verbose ][-V|--version ][-V|--help ] obj f i l e ...
GNU strip discardsall symbolsfrom the object filesobj f i l e. The list of object filesmay include archives. At least one
object file must be given.
strip modifiesthe filesnamed in itsargument, rather than writing modified copiesunder different names.
-F bf dname, --target=bf dname Treat the original obj f i l e asa file with the object code format
bf dname, and rewrite it in the same format.
--help Show a summary of the optionsto strip and exit.
-I bf dnamefdname, --input-target=bf dname Treat the original obj f i l e asa file with the object code format
bf dname.
-O bf dname, --output-target=bf dname Replace obj f i l e with a file in the output format bf dname.
-R sect i onname, --remove-section=sect i onname Remove the named section from the file. Thisoption may be given
more than once. Note that using thisoption inappropriately may
make the object file unusable.
-s, --strip-all Remove all symbols.
-S, -g, --strip-debug Remove debugging symbolsonly.
-x, --discard-all Remove nonglobal symbols.
-X, --discard-locals Remove compiler-generated local symbols. (These usually start with L
or a period.
-v, --verbose Verbose output: list all object filesmodified. In the case of archives,
strip -V listsall membersof the archive.
-V, --version Show the version number for strip and exit.
binutils entry in info; TheGNU BinaryUtilities, Roland H. Pesch (October 1991)

1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof this
manual provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
CygnusSupport, 5 November 1991
Part I: User Commands
substSubstitute definitionsinto file(s)
subst [ -e edi t or ] -f subst i t ut i ons vi ct i m ...
subst makessubstitutionsinto files, in a way that issuitable for customizing software to local conditions. Each vi ct i mfile is
altered according to the contentsof the subst i t ut i ons file.
The subst i t ut i ons file containsone line per substitution. A line consistsof two fieldsseparated by one or more tabs. The
first field isthe name of the substitution, the second isthe value. Neither should contain the character #, and use of text-
editor metacharacterslike & and \ isalso unwise; the name in particular isbest restricted to alphanumeric. A line starting with
# isa comment and isignored.
In the victim files, each line on which a substitution isto be made (a target line) must be preceded by a prototype line. The
prototype line should be delimited in such a way that it will be taken asa comment by whatever program processesthe file
later. The prototype line must contain a prototype of the target line bracketed by =()< and >()=; everything else on the
prototype line isignored. subst extractsthe prototype, changesall instancesof substitution namesbracketed by @< and >@ to
their values, and then replacesthe target line with the result.
Substitutionsare done using the sed(1) editor, which must be found in either the /bin or /usr/bin directories. To specify a
different executable, use the -e flag.
If the subst i t ut i ons file is
and the victim file is
x =2;
/* =()<y =@<FIRST>@+@<SECOND>@;>()= */
y =88 +99;
z =5;
then subst -f substitutions victim changesvictim to
x =2;
/* =()<y =@<FIRST>@+@<SECOND>@;>()= */
y = 111 + 222;
z =5;
vi ct i mdi r / New version being built
vi ct i mdi r /substtmp.old Old version during renaming
Complainsand haltsif it isunable to create itstemporary filesor if they already exist.
Written at University of Toronto by Henry Spencer.
Rich $alz added the -e flag July, 1991.
When creating a file to be substed, itseasy to forget to insert a dummy target line after a prototype line; if you forget, subst
endsup deleting whichever line did in fact follow the prototype line.
sumChecksum and count the blocksin a file
sum [-rs] [--sysv] [--help] [--version] [f i l e...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of sum. sum computesa 16-bit checksum for each named file, or the standard
input if none are given or when a file named - isgiven. It printsthe checksum for each file along with the number of blocks
in the file (rounded up). By default, each corresponding filename isalso printed if at least two argumentsare specified. With
the --sysv option, corresponding filenamesare printed when there isat least one file argument. By default, the GNU sum
computeschecksumsusing an algorithm that iscompatible with the BSD sum and printsfile sizesin unitsof 1K blocks.
-r Use the default (BSD-compatible) algorithm. Thisoption isincluded for compatibility with the System V
sum. Unlessthe -s option wasalso given, it hasno effect.
-s, --sysv Compute checksumsusing an algorithm that iscompatible with the one the System V sum usesby default
and print file sizesin unitsof 512-byte blocksinstead of 1K.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a non-zero status.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
SuperProbeProbe for and identify installed video hardware
SuperProbe [-verbose] [-no16] [-excl l i st ] [-mask10] [-order l i st ] [-noprobe l i st ] [-bios base]
[-no bios] [-no dac] [-no mem] [-info]
SuperProbe isa program that will attempt to determine the type of video hardware installed in an EISA/ISA/VLB-bus
system by checking for known registersin variouscombinationsat variouslocations(MicroChannel and PCI machinesmay
not be fully supported; many work with the use of the -no_bios option.) Thisisan error-prone process, especially on UNIX
(which usually hasa lot more esoteric hardware installed than MS-DOSsystemsdo), so SuperProbe may likely need help
from the user.
Part I: User Commands
SuperProbe runson SVR3, SVR4, Linux, 386BSD/FreeBSD/NetBSD, Minix-386, and Mach. It should be trivial to extend
it to work on any other UNIX-like operating system, and even non-UNIX operating systems. All of the operating system
(OS) dependenciesare isolated to a single file for each OS.
At thistime, SuperProbe can identify MDA, Hercules, CGA, MCGA, EGA, VGA, and an entire horde of SVGA chipsets.
(See the -info option under Options.) It can also identify several HiColor/True-color RAMDACsin use on SVGA
boards, and the amount of video memory installed (for many chipsets). It can identify 8514/A and some derivatives, but not
XGA, or PGC (although the author intendsto add those capabilities). Nor can it identify other esoteric video hardware (like
Targa, TIGA, or Microfield boards).
-verbose SuperProbe will be verbose and provide lotsof information asit doesitswork.
-no16 SuperProbe will not attempt to use any portsthat require 16-bit I/O addressdecoding. The original ISA
busonly specified that I/O portsbe decoded to 10 bits. Therefore, some old cards(including many 8-bit
cards) will misdecode referencesto portsthat use the upper 6 bits, and may get into funny statesbecause
they think that they are being addressed when they are not. It isrecommended that thisoption be used
initially if any 8-bit cardsare present in the system.
-excl\l i st SuperProbe will not attempt to accessany I/O portson the specified exclusion list. Some video cardsuse
rather nonstandard I/O portsthat may conflict with other cardsinstalled in your system. By specifying to
SuperProbe, a list of portsalready in use, it will know that there cannot be any video cardsthat use those
ports, and hence will not probe them (which could otherwise confuse your hardware). The exclusion list is
specified asa comma-separated list of I/O portsor port ranges. A range isspecified asl ow-hi gh, and is
inclusive. The portscan be specified in decimal, in octal (numbersbegin with 0), or hexadecimal (numbers
begin with 0x).
- mask10 Thisoption isused in combination with -excl. It tellsSuperProbe that when comparing an I/O port
under test against the exclusion list, the port addressshould be masked to 10 bits. Thisisimportant with
older 8-bit cardsthat only do 10-bit decoding, and for some cheap 16-bit cardsaswell. Thisoption is
simply a lessdrastic form of the -no16 option.
-order\l i st Thisoption specifieswhich chipsetsSuperProbe should test, and in which order. The list parameter isa
comma-separated list of chipset names. Thislist overridesthe built-in default testing order. To find the list
of acceptable names, use the - info option described later in thislist. Note that itemsdisplayed as
Standard video hardware are not usable with the -order option.
-noprobe\l i st Thisoption specifieswhich chipsetsSuperProbe should not test. The order of testing will either be the
default order, or that specified with the -order option. The list parameter isa comma-separated list of
chipset names. To find the list of acceptable names, use the -info option. Note that itemsdisplayed as
Standard video hardware are not usable with the -noprobe option.
-bios\base Thisoption specifiesthe base addressfor the graphics-hardware BIOS. By default, SuperProbe will
attempt to locate the BIOS base on itsown (the normal addressis0xC0000). If it failsto correctly locate
the BIOS (an error message will be printed if thisoccurs), the -bios option can be used to specify the
-no_bios Disallow reading of the video BIOS and assume that an EGA or later (VGA, SVGA) board ispresent as
the primary video hardware.
-no_dac Skip probing for the RAMDAC type when an (S)VGA isidentified.
-no_mem Skip probing for the amount of installed video memory.
-info SuperProbe will print out a listing of all the video hardware that it knowshow to identify.
To run SuperProbe in itsmost basic and automated form, simply enter the following:
You may want to redirect stdout to a file when you run SuperProbe (especially if your OS doesnot support Virtual
Terminalson the console).
However, if you have any 8-bit cardsinstalled, you should initially run SuperProbe as
SuperProbe -verbose -no16
(the -verbose option isincluded so you can see what SuperProbe isskipping).
Finer granularity can be obtained with an exclusion list, for example,
SuperProbe -verbose -excl 0x200,0x220-0x230,0x250
will not test for any device that usesport 0x200, ports0x220 through 0x230, inclusive, or port 0x250. If you have any 8-bit
cardsinstalled, you should add -mask10 to the list of options.
To restrict the search to Western Digital, Tseng, and Cirruschipset, run SuperProbe asfollows:
SuperProbe -order WD,Tseng,Cirrus
Probably a lot at thispoint. Please report any bugsor incorrect identificationsto the author.
It ispossible that SuperProbe can lock up your machine. Be sure to narrow the search by using the -no16, -excl, and -
mask10 optionsprovided to keep SuperProbe from conflicting with other installed hardware.
The documentation package by Finn Thoegersen, available in the MS-DOS archivesof many FTP repositories.
ProgrammersGuideto theEGA and VGA Cards, Second Edition, by Richard Ferraro.
David E. Wexelblat ( with help from David Dawes( and the XFree86 development
Version 2.2
tacConcatenate and print filesin reverse
tac [-br] [-s separator] [--before] [--regex] [--separator=separ at or ]
[--help] [--version] [f i l e...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of tac. tac copieseach given file, or the standard input if none are given or
when a filename of - isencountered, to the standard output with the order of the recordsreversed. The recordsare separated
by instancesof a string, or a newline if none isgiven. By default, the separator string isattached to the end of the record that
it followsin the file.
Part I: User Commands
-b, --before The separator isattached to the beginning of the record that it precedesin the file.
-r, --regex The separator isa regular expression.
-s st r i ng, --separator=st r i ng Use st r i ng asthe record separator.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a non-zero status.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
tailOutput the last part of files
tail [-c [+]N[bkm]] [-n [+]N] [-fqv] [--bytes=[+]N[bkm]] [--lines=[+]N]
[--follow] [--quiet] [--silent] [--verbose] [--help] [--version] [f i l e...]
tail [{-,+}Nbcfklmqv] [f i l e...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of tail. tail printsthe last part (10 linesby default) of each given file; it
readsfrom standard input if no filesare given or when a filename of - isencountered. If more than one file isgiven, it prints
a header consisting of the filesname enclosed in ==> and <== before the output for each file.
The GNU tail can output any amount of data, unlike the UNIX version, which usesa fixed size buffer. It hasno -r option
(print in reverse). Reversing a file isreally a different job from printing the end of a file; the BSD tail can only reverse files
that are at most aslarge asitsbuffer, which istypically 32KB. A reliable and more versatile way to reverse filesisthe GNU
tac command.
tail acceptstwo option formats: the new one, in which numbersare argumentsto the option letters, and the old one, in
which a + or - and optional number precede any option letters.
If a number (N) startswith a +, tail beginsprinting with the Nth item from the start of each file, instead of from the end.
-c N, --bytes N Tail by N bytes. N isa non-zero integer, optionally followed by one of the following charactersto
specify a different unit.
b 512-byte blocks
k 1-kilobyte blocks
m 1-megabyte blocks
-f, --follow Loop forever, trying to read more charactersat the end of the file, on the assumption that the file
isgrowing. Ignored if reading from a pipe. If more than one file isgiven, tail printsa header
whenever it getsoutput from a different file, to indicate which file that output isfrom.
-l, -n N, --lines N Tail by N lines. -l isonly recognized using the old option format.
-q, --quiet, --silent Never print filename headers.
-v, --verbose Alwaysprint filename headers.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a non-zero status.
--version Print version information on standard output then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
talkTalk to another user
talk per son [t t yname]
talk isa visual communication program that copieslinesfrom your terminal to that of another user.
The following optionsare available:
per son If you wish to talk to someone on your own machine, then person isjust the personslogin name. If you
wish to talk to a user on another host, then person isof the form user @host .
t t yname If you wish to talk to a user who islogged in more than once, the t t yname argument may be used to
indicate the appropriate terminal name, where t t yname isof the form
t t yxx
When first called, talk sendsthe message Message from TalkDaemon@his_machine...:
talk: connection requested by your_name@your_machine
talk: respond with: talk your_name@your_machine
to the user you wish to talk to. At thispoint, the recipient of the message should reply by typing
t al k your _name@your _machi ne
It doesnt matter from which machine the recipient replies, aslong ashislogin name isthe same. Once communication is
established, the two partiesmay type simultaneously, with their output appearing in separate windows. Typing control-L
L will cause the screen to be reprinted, while your erase, kill, and word kill characterswill behave normally. To exit,
just type your interrupt character; talk then movesthe cursor to the bottom of the screen and restoresthe terminal to its
Permission to talk may be denied or granted by use of the mesg 1 command. At the outset, talking isallowed. Certain
commands, in particular nroff 1 and pr 1, disallow messagesin order to prevent messy output.
/etc/hosts To find the recipientsmachine
/var/run/utmp To find the recipientstty
mail(1), mesg(1), who(1), write(1)
The version of talk 1 released with BSD 4.3 usesa protocol that isincompatible with the protocol used in the version
released with BSD 4.2.
The talk command appeared in BSD 4.2.
BSD 4.2, 22 April 1991
Part I: User Commands
tcalRunsthe gcal program with the date of tomorrowsday
tcal [ --help | --version ] | [ --shift=[+|-]number ][Argument... ]
tcal isa program that runsgcal with a date set one day ahead (equivalent to the --shift=1 option). All given arguments
are passed unmodified to the gcal program. If the gcal program shall be called with a date other than tomorrowsdate, this
desired date can be selected by using the --shift=[+|-]number option, in which [+|-]number isthe number of daysthe
desired date isdistant from the actual date. The --shift option must be given before all other arguments, which are passed
to the gcal program. An exit statusof 0 meansall processing issuccessfully done; any other value meansan error has
--help Print a usage message listing all available options, then exit successfully.
--version Print the version number, then exit successfully.
--shift=[+|-]number Define the displacement in [+|-]number daysthe desired date isdistant from the actual date.
GCALPROG The GCALPROG environment variable containsthe filename of the executable gcal program, which
isused by tcal to call gcal. Takesprecedence over the filename gcal, which isburned-in during
the compilation step of tcal.

1995, 1996 by ThomasEsken. Thissoftware doesnt claim completeness, correctness, or usability. On principle,
I will not be liable for any damagesor losses(implicit or explicit), which result from using or handling my software. If you
use thissoftware, you agree without any exception to thisagreement, which bindsyou LEGALLY.
tcal isfree software and distributed under the termsof the GNU General Public License; published by the Free Software
Foundation; version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
Any suggestions, improvements, extensions, bug reports, donations, proposalsfor contract work, and so forth are welcome! If
you like thistool, Id appreciate a postcard from you!
Enjoy it =8)
ThomasEsken (
m Hagenfeld 84
D-48147 Muenster; Germany
Phone : +49 251 232585
16 July1996
telnetUser interface to the Telnet protocol
telnet [-d] [-a] [-n tracefile] [-e escapechar] [[-l user] host [port]]
The telnet command isused to communicate with another host using the Telnet protocol. If telnet isinvoked without the
host argument, it enterscommand mode, indicated by itsprompt telnet>. In thismode, it acceptsand executesthe
commandslisted below. If it isinvoked with arguments, it performsan open command with those arguments.
-d Setsthe initial value of the debug toggle to True.
-a Attempt automatic login. Currently, thissendsthe username via the USER variable of the ENVIRON
option if supported by the remote system. The name used isthat of the current user asreturned
by getlogin 2 if it agreeswith the current user ID; otherwise, it isthe name associated with the
user ID.
-n tracefile Openstracefile for recording trace information. See the set tracefile command in the
Commands section.
-l user When connecting to the remote system, if the remote system understandsthe ENVIRON option, then
user will be sent to the remote system asthe value for the variable USER. Thisoption impliesthe -a
option. Thisoption may also be used with the open command.
-e escape char Setsthe initial telnet escape character to escape char. If escape char isomitted, then there will
be no escape character.
host Indicatesthe official name, an alias, or the Internet addressof a remote host.
port Indicatesa port number (addressof an application). If a number isnot specified, the default telnet
port isused.
Once a connection hasbeen opened, telnet will attempt to enable the TELNETLINEMODE option. If thisfails, then telnet will
revert to one of two input modeseither character-at-a-time or old line-by-line, depending on what the remote system
When LINEMODE isenabled, character processing isdone on the local system, under the control of the remote system. When
input editing or character echoing isto be disabled, the remote system will relay that information. The remote system will
also relay changesto any special charactersthat happen on the remote system, so that they can take effect on the local system.
In character-at-a-time mode, most text typed isimmediately sent to the remote host for processing.
In old line-by-line mode, all text isechoed locally, and (normally) only completed linesare sent to the remote host. The local
echo character (initially E) may be used to turn off and on the local echo. (Thiswould mostly be used to enter passwords
without the password being echoed.)
If the LINEMODE option isenabled, or if the localchars toggle isTrue (the default for old line-by-line), the usersquit, intr,
and flush charactersare trapped locally, and sent asTelnet protocol sequencesto the remote side. If LINEMODE hasever been
enabled, then the userssusp and eof are also sent asTelnet protocol sequences, and quit issent asa TELNET ABORT instead
of BREAK There are options(see toggle autoflush and toggle autosynch in the following list) that cause thisaction to
flush subsequent output terminal (until the remote host acknowledgesthe telnet sequence) and flush previousterminal
input (in the case of quit and intr).
Part I: User Commands
While connected to a remote host, telnet command mode may be entered by typing the telnet escape character (initially
]). When in command mode, the normal terminal editing conventionsare available.
The following telnet commandsare available. Only enough of each command to uniquely identify it need be typed. (This
isalso true for argumentsto the mode, set, toggle, unset, slc, environ, and display commands.)
close Close a telnet session and return to command mode.
display argument... Displaysall, or some, of the set and toggle values.
mode t ype t ype isone of several options, depending on the state of the telnet session. The remote host is
asked for permission to go into the requested mode. If the remote host iscapable of entering that
mode, the requested mode will be entered. The t ype optionsare
character Disable the TELNET LINEMODE option, or, if the remote side doesnot
understand the LINEMODE option, then enter character at a time mode.
line Enable the TELNET LINEMODE option, or, if the remote side doesnot
understand the LINEMODE option, then attempt to enter old-line-by-line
isig -isig Attempt to enable (disable) the TRAPSIG mode of the LINEMODE option. This
requiresthat the LINEMODE option be enabled.
edit -edit Attempt to enable (disable) the EDIT mode of the LINEMODE option. This
requiresthat the LINEMODE option be enabled.
softtabs Attempt to enable (disable) the SOFT_TAB mode of the LINEMODE option. This
requiresthat -softtabsthe LINEMODE option be enabled.
litecho -litecho Attempt to enable (disable) the LIT_ECHO mode of the LINEMODE option. This
requiresthat the LINEMODE option be enabled.
? Printsout help information for the mode command.
open host Open a connection to the named host. If no port number isspecified, telnet will attempt to [-l
user ] [-por t ] contact a Telnet server at the default port. The host specification may be either a hostname (see
hosts(5)for more information) or an Internet addressspecified in the dot notation (see inet(3) for
more information). The -l option may be used to specify the username to be passed to the remote
system via the ENVIRON option. When connecting to a nonstandard port, telnet omitsany
automatic initiation of telnet options. When the port number ispreceded by a minussign, the
initial option negotiation isdone. After establishing a connection, the file in the usershome
directory isopened. Linesbeginning with a # are comment lines. Blank linesare ignored. Linesthat
begin without whitespace are the start of a machine entry. The first thing on the line isthe name of
the machine that isbeing connected to. The rest of the line, and successive linesthat begin with
whitespace, are assumed to be telnet commandsand are processed asif they had been typed in
manually to the telnet command prompt.
quit Close any open telnet session and exit telnet. An end-of-file (in command mode) will also close a
session and exit.
send arguments Sendsone or more special character sequencesto the remote host. The following are the arguments
that may be specified (more than one argument may be specified at a time):
abort Sendsthe TELNET ABORT (Abort Processes) sequence.
ao Sendsthe TELNET AO (Abort Output) sequence, which should cause the
remote system to flush all output from the remote system to the users
ayt Sendsthe TELNET AYT (Are You There) sequence, to which the remote
system may or may not choose to respond.
brk Sendsthe TELNET BRK (Break) sequence, which may have significance to the
remote system.
ec Sendsthe TELNET EC (Erase Character) sequence, which should cause the
remote system to erase the last character entered.
el Sendsthe TELNET EL (Erase Line) sequence, which should cause the remote
system to erase the line currently being entered.
eof Sendsthe TELNET EOF (End-of-File) sequence.
eor Sendsthe TELNET EOR (End of Record) sequence.
escape Sendsthe current telnet escape character (initially ).
ga Sendsthe TELNET GA (Go Ahead) sequence, which likely hasno significance
to the remote system.
getstatus If the remote side supportsthe TELNET STATUS command, getstatus will
send the subnegotiation to request that the server send itscurrent option
ip Sendsthe TELNET IP (Interrupt Process) sequence, which should cause the
remote system to abort the currently running process.
nop Sendsthe TELNET NOP (no operation) sequence.
susp Sendsthe TELNET SUSP (suspend process) sequence.
synch Sendsthe TELNET SYNCH sequence. Thissequence causesthe remote system
to discard all previously typed (but not yet read) input. Thissequence issent
asTCP urgent data (and may not work if the remote system isa BSD 4.2
systemif it doesnt work, a lowercase r may be echoed on the terminal).
? Printsout help information for the send command.
set argument value, The set command will set any one of a number of telnet variablesto a specific value or to True.
unset argument value The special value off turnsoff the function associated with the variable; thisisequivalent to using
the unset command. The unset command will disable or set to False any of the specified
functions. The valuesof variablesmay be interrogated with the display command. The variables
that may be set or unset, but not toggled, are listed here. In addition, any of the variablesfor the
toggle command may be explicitly set or unset using the set and unset commands.
echo Thisisthe value (initially E) which, when in line-by-line mode, toggles
between doing local echoing of entered characters(for normal processing),
and suppressing echoing of entered characters(for entering, say, a password).
eof If telnet isoperating in LINEMODE or old line-by-line mode, entering this
character asthe first character on a line will cause thischaracter to be sent to
the remote system. The initial value of the eof character istaken to be the
terminalseof character.
erase If telnet isin localchars mode (see toggle localchars, following), and if
telnet isoperating in character at a time mode, then when thischaracter is
typed, a TELNET EC sequence (see send ec, earlier in thisman page) issent to
the remote system. The initial value for the erase character istaken to be the
terminalserase character.
escape Thisisthe telnet escape character (initially [) which causesentry into
telnet command mode (when connected to a remote system).
flushoutput If telnet isin localchars mode (see toggle localchars) and the
flushoutput character istyped, a TELNET AO sequence issent to the remote
host. The initial value for the flush character istaken to be the terminals
flush character.
interrupt If telnet isin localchars mode (see toggle localchars) and the interrupt
character istyped, a TELNET IuP sequence issent to the remote host. The
initial value for the interrupt character istaken to be the terminalsintr
Part I: User Commands
kill If telnet isin localchars mode (see toggle localchars), and if telnet is
operating in character at a time mode, then when thischaracter istyped, a
TELNET EL sequence issent to the remote system. The initial value for the
kill character istaken to be the terminalskill character.
lnext If telnet isoperating in LINEMODE or old line-by-line mode, then this
character istaken to be the terminalslnext character. The initial value for
the lnext character istaken to be the terminalslnext character.
quit If telnet isin localchars mode (see toggle localchars) and the quit
character istyped, a TELNET BRK sequence issent to the remote host. The
initial value for the quit character istaken to be the terminalsquit
reprint If telnet isoperating in LINEMODE or old line-by-line mode, then this
character istaken to be the terminalsreprint character. The initial value for
the reprint character istaken to be the terminalsreprint character.
start If the TELNETTOGGLE-FLOW-CONTROL option hasbeen enabled, then this
character istaken to be the terminalsstart character. The initial value for
the start character istaken to be the terminalsstart character.
stop If the TELNETTOGGLE-FLOW-CONTROL option hasbeen enabled, then this
character istaken to be the terminalsstop character. The initial value for the
kill character istaken to be the terminalsstop character.
susp If telnet isin localchars mode, or LINEMODE isenabled, and the suspend
character istyped, a TELNET SUSP sequence issent to the remote host. The
initial value for the suspend character istaken to be the terminalssuspend
tracefile Thisisthe file to which the output, caused by netdata or option tracing
being True, will be written. If it isset to -, then tracing information will be
written to standard output (the default).
worderase If telnet isoperating in LINEMODE or old line-by-line mode, then this
character istaken to be the terminalsworderase character. The initial value
for the worderase character istaken to be the terminalsworderase
? Displaysthe set unset commands.
slc state The slc command (Set Local Characters) isused to set or change the state of the special characters
when the TELNETLINEMODE option hasbeen enabled. Special charactersare charactersthat get
mapped to telnet command sequences(like ip or quit) or line-editing characters(like erase and
kill). By default, the local special charactersare exported. The variablesare
export Switch to the local defaultsfor the special characters. The local default
charactersare those of the local terminal at the time telnet wasstarted.
import Switch to the remote defaultsfor the special characters. The remote default
charactersare those of the remote system at the time when the telnet
connection wasestablished.
check Verify the current settingsfor the current special characters. The remote side
isrequested to send all the current special character settings, and if there are
any discrepancieswith the local side, the local side will switch to the remote
? Printsout help information for the slc command.
environ arguments... The environ command isused to manipulate the variablesthat may be sent through the TELNET
ENVIRON option. The initial set of variablesistaken from the usersenvironment, with only the
DISPLAY and PRINTER variablesbeing exported by default. The USER variable isalso exported if the
-a or -l optionsare used.
Valid argumentsfor the environ command are
define var i abl e val ue Define the variable var i abl e to have a value of val ue. Any variables
defined by thiscommand are automatically exported. The value may
be enclosed in single or double quotesso that tabsand spacesmay be
undefine var i abl e Remove var i abl e from the list of environment variables.
export var i abl e Mark the variable var i abl e to be exported to the remote side.
unexport var i abl e Mark the variable var i abl e to not be exported unlessexplicitly asked
for by the remote side.
list List the current set of environment variables. Those marked with a *
will be sent automatically; other variableswill only be sent if explicitly
? Printsout help information for the environ command.
toggle arguments... Toggle (between True and False ) variousflagsthat control how telnet respondsto events. These
flagsmay be set explicitly to True or False using the set and unset commandslisted earlier. More
than one argument may be specified. The state of these flagsmay be interrogated with the display
command. Valid argumentsare
autoflush If autoflush and localchars are both True, then when the ao or
quit charactersare recognized (and transformed into telnet
sequences; see set for details), telnet refusesto display any data on
the usersterminal until the remote system acknowledges(via a
TELNET TIMING MARK option) that it hasprocessed those telnet
sequences. The initial value for thistoggle isTrue if the terminal user
had not done an stty noflsh; otherwise, False. (See stty(1) for
more details.)
autosynch If autosynch and localchars are both True, then when either the
intr or quit character istyped (see set for descriptionsof the intr
and quit characters), the resulting telnet sequence sent isfollowed by
the TELNET SYNCH sequence. Thisprocedure should cause the remote
system to begin throwing away all previously typed input until both
of the telnet sequenceshave been read and acted upon. The initial
value of thistoggle isFalse.
binary Enable or disable the TELNET BINARY option on both input and
inbinary Enable or disable the TELNET BINARY option on input.
outbinary Enable or disable the TELNET BINARY option on output.
crlf If thisisTrue, then carriage returnswill be sent as<CR><LF>. If thisis
False, then carriage returnswill be sent as<CR><NUL>. The initial
value for thistoggle isFalse.
crmod Toggle carriage return mode. When thismode isenabled, most
carriage return charactersreceived from the remote host will be
mapped into a carriage return followed by a line feed. Thismode does
not affect those characterstyped by the user, only those received from
the remote host. Thismode isnot very useful unlessthe remote host
only sendscarriage return, but never line feed. The initial value for
thistoggle isFalse.
Part I: User Commands
debug Togglessocket level debugging (useful only to the super user). The
initial value for thistoggle isFalse.
localchars If thisisTrue, then the flush, interrupt, quit, erase, and kill
characters(see set) are recognized locally, and transformed into
(hopefully) appropriate telnet control sequences(respectively ao, ip,
brk, ec, and el ; see send). The initial value for thistoggle isTrue in
old line-by-line mode, and False in character at a time mode. When
the LINEMODE option isenabled, the value of localchars isignored,
and assumed to alwaysbe True. If LINEMODE hasever been enabled,
then quit issent asabort, and eof and suspend are sent aseof and
susp; see send.
netdata Togglesthe display of all network data (in hexadecimal format). The
initial value for thistoggle isFalse.
options Togglesthe display of some internal telnet protocol processing
(having to do with telnet options). The initial value for thistoggle is
prettydump When the netdata toggle isenabled, if prettydump isenabled, the
output from the netdata command will be formatted in a more user-
readable format. Spacesare put between each character in the output,
and the beginning of any telnet escape sequence ispreceded by an *
to aid in locating them.
? Displaysthe legal toggle commands.
z Suspend telnet. Thiscommand only workswhen the user isusing the csh(1).
! command Execute a single command in a subshell on the local system. If command isomitted, then an
interactive subshell isinvoked.
status Show the current statusof telnet. Thisincludesthe peer one isconnected to, aswell asthe current
? command Get help. With no arguments, telnet printsa help summary. If a command isspecified, telnet
will print the help information for just that command.
telnet usesat least the HOME, SHELL, DISPLAY, and TERM environment variables. Other environment variablesmay be
propagated to the other side via the TELNET ENVIRON option.
~/.telnetrc User customized telnet startup values
The telnet command appeared in BSD 4.2.
On some remote systems, echo hasto be turned off manually when in old line-by-line mode.
In old line-by-line mode or LINEMODE, the terminalseof character isonly recognized (and sent to the remote system) when it
isthe first character on a line.
BSD 4.2, 27 July1991
tfmtoditCreate font filesfor use with groff -Tdvi
tfmtodit [ -sv ][-ggf file ][-kskewchar ] tfm file map file font
tfmtodit createsa font file for use with groff -Tdvi. tfm_file isthe name of the font metric file for the font. map_file isa
file giving the groff namesfor charactersin the font; thisfile should consist of a sequence of linesof the form:
n c1c2 ...
where n isa decimal integer giving the position of the character in the font, and c1, c2,... are the groff namesof the
character. If a character hasno groff namesbut existsin the tfm file, then it will be put in the groff font file asan unnamed
character. font isthe name of the groff font file. The groff font file iswritten to font.
The -s option should be given if the font isspecial (a font isspecial if troff should search it whenever a character isnot
found in the current font.) If the font isspecial, it should be listed in the fonts command in the DESC file; if it isnot special,
there isno need to list it because troff can automatically mount it when itsfirst used.
To do a good job of math typesetting, groff requiresfont metric information not present in the tfm file. The reason for this
isthat hasseparate math italic fontswhereasgroff usesnormal italic fontsfor math. The additional information required by
groff isgiven by the two argumentsto the math_fit macro in the Metafont programsfor the Computer Modern fonts. In a
text font (a font for which math_fitting isFalse), Metafont normally ignoresthese two arguments. Metafont can be made
to put thisinformation in the gf file by loading the following definition after cmbase when creating cm.base:
def ignore_math_fit(expr left_adjustment,right_adjustment) =
special adjustment;
numspecial left_adjustment*16/designsize;
numspecial right_adjustment*16/designsize;
The gf file created using thismodified cm.base should be specified with the -g option. The -g option should not be given
for a font for which math_fitting istrue.
-v Print the version number.
-s The font isspecial. The effect of thisoption isto add the special command to the font file.
-kn The skewchar of thisfont isat position n. n should be an integer; it may be given in decimal, or with a
leading 0 in octal, or with a leading 0x in hexadecimal. The effect of thisoption isto ignore any kerns
whose second component isthe specified character.
-ggf _f i l e gf _f i l e isa gf file produced by Metafont containing special and num special commandsgiving additional
font metric information.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devdvi/DESC Device description file.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devdvi/F Font description file for font F.
groff(1), grodvi(1), groff_font(5)
Groff Version 1.09, 14 February1994
Part I: User Commands
tftpTrivial file transfer program
tftp [host ]
tftp isthe user interface to the Internet TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), which allowsusersto transfer filesto and from
a remote machine. The remote host may be specified on the command line, in which case tftp useshost asthe default host
for future transfers. (See the connect command in the following section.)
Once tftp isrunning, it issuesthe prompt:
and recognizesthe following commands:
? command- name ... Print help information.
ascii Shorthand for mode ascii
binary Shorthand for mode binary
connect host-name por t Set the host (and optionally por t ) for transfers. Note that the TFTP protocol, unlike the
FTP protocol, doesnot maintain connectionsbetween transfers; thus, the connect
command doesnot actually create a connection, but merely rememberswhat host isto be
used for transfers. You do not have to use the connect command; the remote host can be
specified aspart of the get or put commands.
get filename, Get a file or set of filesfrom the specified sources. Source can be in one of two forms: a
get remotename localname, filename on the remote host, if the host hasalready been specified; or a string of the form
get file1 file2 ... f i l eN hosts:filename to specify both a host and filename at the same time. If the latter form is
used, the last hostname specified becomesthe default for future transfers.
mode t r ansf er - mode Set the mode for transfers; t r ansf er - mode may be ascii or binary. The default isascii.
put f i l e Put a file or set of filesto the specified remote file or directory. The destination can be
put l ocal f i l e r emot ef i l e in one of two forms: a filename on the remote host, if the host hasalready been specified;
put f i l e1 f i l e2 . . . or a string of the form hosts:filename to specify both a host and filename at the same
f i l eN r emot e- di r ect or y time. If the latterform isused, the hostname specified becomesthe default for future
transfers. If the remote-directory form isused, the remote host isassumed to be a
UNIX machine.
quit Exit tftp . An end-of-file also exits.
rexmt Set the per-packet retransmission time-out, in seconds.
r et r ansmi ssi on- t i meout
status Show current status.
timeout Set the total transmission time-out, in seconds.
t ot al - t r ansmi ssi on- t i meout
trace Toggle packet tracing.
verbose Toggle verbose mode.
Because there isno user-login or validation within the TFTP protocol, the remote site will probably have some sort of file-
accessrestrictionsin place. The exact methodsare specific to each site and therefore difficult to document here.
The tftp command appeared in BSD 4.3.
BSD 4.3, 22 April 1991
tgatoppmConvert TrueVision Targa file into a portable pixmap
tgatoppm [-debug][t gaf i l e]
Readsa TrueVision Targa file asinput. Producesa portable pixmap asoutput.
-debug Causesthe header information to be dumped to stderr
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
Should really be in pnm, not ppm.
ppmtotga(1), ppm(5)
Partially based on tga2rast, version 1.0, by Ian J. MacPhedran

1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

26 August 1989
tifftopnmConvert a TIFF file into a portable anymap
tifftopnm [-headerdump] t i f f f i l e
tifftopnm readsa TIFF file asinput and producesa portable anymap asoutput. The type of the output file dependson the
input file; if itsblack and white, a pbm file iswritten;, if itsgrayscale, a pgm file; otherwise, a ppm file. The program tellsyou
which type it iswriting.
-headerdump Dump TIFF file information to stderr. Thisinformation may be useful in debugging TIFF file
conversion problems.
All flagscan be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.
Part I: User Commands
pnmtotiff(1), pnm(5)
Thisprogram isnot self-contained. To use it you must fetch the TIFF Software package listed in the OTHER.SYSTEMS file and
configure pbmplus to use libtiff. See the pbmplus Makefile for detailson thisconfiguration.
Derived by Jef Poskanzer from tif2ras.c, which iscopyright

1990 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Author Patrick J. Naughton

13 January1991
tin, rtin, cdtin, tind
tin, rtin, cdtin, tindA Netnewsreader
tin/rtin/cdtin/tind [ opt i ons ][newsgr oups ]
tin isa full-screen easy-to-use Netnewsreader. It can read newslocally (/usr/spool/news) or remotely (rtin or tin -r
option) via an NNTP (Network NewsTransport Protocol) server. cdtin can read newslocally and newsarchived on CD-
ROM. It will automatically utilize nov (newsoverview)-style index filesif available locally or via the nntp xover command.
tin hasfive separate levelsof operation: group selection level, spooldir selection level, group level, thread level and article
level. Use the h (help) command to view a list of the commandsavailable at a particular level.
On startup, tin will show a list of the newsgroupsfound in $HOME/.newsrc. An arrow -> or highlighted bar will point to the
first newsgroup. Move to a group by using the terminal arrow keys(terminal-dependent) or j and k. Use PgUp/PgDn
(terminal-dependent) or Ctrl-U and Ctrl-D to page up/down. Enter a newsgroup by pressing Return.
The Tab key advancesto the next newsgroup with unread articlesand entersit.
-c Create/update index filesfor every group in $HOME/.newsrc or file specified by -f option and mark all
-f f i l e Use the specified file of subscribed to newsgroupsin place of $HOME/.newsrc.
-h Help listing all command-line options.
-H Brief introduction to tin that isalso shown the first time it isstarted.
-I di r Directory in which to store newsgroup index files. Default is$HOME/.tin/.index.
-m di r Mailbox directory to use. Default is$HOME/Mail.
-M user Mail unread articlesto specified user for later reading. For more information read the Automatic Mailing
and Saving New News section later in thismanual page.
-n Only load groupsfrom the active file that are also subscribed to in the users.newsrc. Thisallowsa
noticeable speedup when connecting via a slow line.
-p pr ogr am Print program with options.
-q Quick start without checking for new newsgroups.
-P Purge group index filesof articlesthat no longer exist. Care should be taken when using thiscommand as
it startseach and every article in each group that isaccessed. On a low-speed connection, thiscan have an
undesirable effect and it also knocksthe hell out of your file system.
-r Read newsremotely from the default NNTP server specified in the environment variable NNTPSERVER or
contained in the file /etc/nntpserver.
-R Read newssaved by -S option (not yet implemented).
-s di r Save articlesto directory. Default is$HOME/News.
-S Save unread articlesfor later reading by -R option. For more information, see Automatic Mailing and
Saving New News.
-u Create/update index filesfor every group in $HOME/.newsrc or file specified by -f option. Thisoption is
disabled if tin retrievesitsindex filesvia an NNTP server.
-U Start tin in the background to update index fileswhile reading newsin the foreground. Thisoption is
disabled if tin retrievesitsindex filesvia an NNTP server.
-v Verbose mode for -c, -M, -S, -u, and -Z options.
-w Quick mode to post an article and then exit.
-z Only start tin if there isany new/unread news. If there isnews, tin will position cursor at first group with
unread news. Useful for putting in login file.
-Z Check if there isany new/unread newsand exit with appropriate status. If -v option isspecified, the
number of unread articlesin each group isprinted. An exit code 0 indicatesno news, 1 that an error
occurred, and 2 that new/unread newsexists. Useful for writing scripts.
tin can also dynamically change itsoptionsby the M menu command. Any changesare written to $HOME/.tin/tinrc.
The index daemon version, tind, only supportsthe -f, -h, -I, and -v options.
In order to keep track of threads, tin maintainsan index for each newsgroup. There are a number of methodsin which
index filescan be created and updated.
The simplest method isthat each user creates/updateshisor her own index filesthat are stored in $HOME/.tin/.index. This
hasthe advantage that any user can compile and install tin, but the disadvantage isthat each user isgoing to be creating
duplicate filesand using preciousdisk space. A good way to keep index filesupdated isby doing a tin -U that will update
index filesin the background while you are reading newsin the foreground. You can also update index filesvia the system
batcher cron with the -u option: 30 6 ***/usr/local/bin/tin -u.
A slightly better method isto set tin setuid newsand have all index filescreated and updated in the newsspool directory
(that is, /usr/spool/news/.index). Thishasthe advantage that there will only be one copy of the index fileson each
machine on your network, but the disadvantage isthat you will have tin running setuid news.
A better method isto install the tind index file updating daemon and have it create and update index filesfor all groupsin
your active file at regular intervalsin the newsspool directory (/usr/spool/news/.index). Thishasthe advantage that there
will only be one copy of the index fileson each machine on your network, and tin must not be setuid news, but the
disadvantage isthat you will have to have newspermissionsto install tind and root permissionsto install an entry in the
cron batcher system to have tind regularly update index files.
The best method isto install the tind index file updating daemon on your NNTP server and have it create and update index
filesfor all groupsin your active file at regular intervalsin the newsspool directory (/usr/spool/news/.index). Thishasthe
advantage that there will only be one copy of the index fileson the NNTP server for the whole of your network, but the
disadvantage isthat you will have to install my NNTP server patchesto allow tin to retrieve index file from your NNTP
server and you must install an entry in the cron batcher system to have tind regularly update index files. (Thisisthe method
we use on our network of 40 to 50 machinesand we have not had any problems.)
Entering a group the first time tendsto be slow because the index file must be built from scratch unlessthe tind update
daemon isbeing used. To alleviate the slowness, start tin to create all index filesfor the groupsyou subscribe to with
tin -u -v and go for a coffee. Subsequent readingsof a group will cause incremental updating of the index file.
tin, rtin, cdtin, tind
Part I: User Commands
If reading newsremotely and locally updating index filesoperation will be somewhat slower because the articlesmust be
retrieved from the NNTP server.
Maintaining Netnewson large networksof machinescan be a pretty time-consuming job, asI discovered when I wasgiven
the job of maintaining our newssystem and newsusers.
tin isa NewsUser Agent and so most of the userswere alwaysasking questionsor doing thingsthat could be frowned upon
by their departments. To relieve newsadministrators(and especially me) of this, featureshave been added to make life easier
for them.
When a user startstin, it ispossible to inform them of any important changesor information concerning the newssystem by
displaying a message of the day (motd) file. The motd file should be created in your newslib directory (/usr/lib/news/motd)
and should have file permissionsset to 0644. The motd file will only be displayed if itscontentsisnewer than the last time
the user started tin. If reading newsvia NNTP, my XMOTD patch will have to have been applied to your NNTP server.
A user starting tin for the first time can be automatically subscribed to a list of newsgroupsthat are deemed appropriate by
the newsadministrator. At our site the subscriptionsfile has125 groups(our active file containsmore than 400 groupswith
many only being marginally interesting to most people). The subscriptionsfile should be created in your newslib directory
(/usr/lib/news/subscriptions) and should have file permissionsset to 0644. If reading newsvia NNTP, my LIST
SUBSCRIPTIONS patch will have to have been applied to your NNTP server.
If my NNTP XUSER patch hasbeen applied to your NNTP server, you will be able to log the username and machine to your
NNTP logfile for usage statistics.
tin hasfive separate levelsof operation: group selection level, spooldir selection level, group level, thread level, and article
At the group selection level, the title displaysthe number of subscribed groups. The newsgroupsare displayed on the left of
the screen with the number of unread articlesdisplayed on the same line in the middle of the screen, like this:
<Selection Num><Newsgroup><Num of unread articles>
1 alt.sources 10
2 comp.sources.misc 3
3 12
At the group level, the title containsthe name of the group, the number of conversation threads, and total number of articles,
for example, alt.sources (7 23). If the group hasbeen set up not to thread articles(for example, alt.sources isin
$(HOME)/.tin/unthread), the title will be alt.sources (U 23). There are two possible display formats:
<Selection Num><Unread><Responses><Subject><Author>
1 + 3 Bnews sources? iain@anl433.uucp
2 1 This question has ether@net
<Selection Num><Unread><Responses><Subject (longer)>
1 + 3 Bnews sources?
2 1 This question has a longer subject line
At the article level, the page header hasthe following format:
<Date posted><Newsgroup>
<Thread 1 of n>
<Article Num><Subject><Num of responses in thread>
<Article body>
24 Jul 15:20:03 GMT alt.sources Thread 1 of 2
Article 452 Bnews sources? 3 responses
iain@anl433.uucp Organization name
The following table showsthe common keys/commandsfor moving at all five levelswithin tin:
Beginning of list/article Home 1 (R or g at article level)
End of list/article End $ (also G at article level)
Page up PgUp U or B or b
Page down PgDn D or F or <SPACE>
Line up Up arrow k (not at article level)
Line down Down arrow j (not at article level)
An emacs-style editing package allowsthe easy editing of input strings. A history list allowsthe easy reuse of previously
entered strings. The following commandsare available when editing a string:
^A, ^E Move to beginning or end of line, respectively.
^F, ^B Nondestructive move forward or back one location, respectively.
^D Delete the character currently under the cursor, or send EOF if no charactersare in the buffer.
^H, <DEL> Delete character left of the cursor.
^K Delete from cursor to end of line.
^P, ^N Move through history, previousand next, respectively.
^ L, ^R Redraw the current line.
<CR> Placesline on history list if nonblank, appendsnewline, and returnsto the caller.
<ESC> Abortsthe present editing operation.
4 Select group 4.
^K Delete current group from $HOME/.newsrc file.
^L Redraw page.
^R Reset $HOME/.newsrc file.
<CR> Read current group.
<TAB> View next group with unread news. Will wrap around to the beginning of the group selection list looking
for unread groups.
B Mail a bug report or comment to the author. Thisisthe best way to get bugsfixed and featuresadded/
c Mark current group asall read with confirmation and go to next group in group selection list.
C Mark current group asall read and go to next unread group in group selection list.
d Toggle display to show just the group name or the group name and the groupsdescription.
g Choose a new group by name. The position of the group within the group list will also be asked for. When
1 isentered, the new group will be the first group in the displayed list; when 8 isentered, the group will be
the eighth group in the list; and so on. When $ isentered, the group will be the last group displayed.
tin, rtin, cdtin, tind
Part I: User Commands
h Help screen of newsgroup selection commands.
H Toggle the display of help mini-menu at the bottom of the screen.
I Toggle inverse video.
l List and allow selection of the available spool directories. Thisfeature requiresa special library to be linked
with tin to create cdtin, which can then read newsfrom an active newsfeed and also from multiple CD-
m Move the current group within the group selection list. When 1 isentered, the group will become the first
displayed group in the list; when 8 isentered, the eighth group in the list; and so on. When $ isentered,
the group will be the last group displayed.
M User-configurable Optionsmenu (for more information, see the Global OptionsMenu section later in
thismanual page).
q Quit tin.
Q Quit tin.
r Toggle display of all subscribed-to groupsand just the subscribed-to groupscontaining unread articles.
Command hasno effect if groupswere read from the command line when tin wasstarted.
s Subscribe to current group.
S Subscribe to groupsmatching user-specified pattern.
u Unsubscribe to current group.
U Unsubscribe to groupsmatching user-specified pattern.
v Print tin version information.
w Post an article to current group.
W List articlesposted by user. The date posted, the newsgroup, and the subject are listed.
y The first time thiscommand iscalled, it will yank in all groupsfrom $LIB-DIR/active that are not in
After any groupshave been subscribed/unsubscribed to, thiscommand, if pressed again, will reread $HOME/
.newsrc and display only the subscribed groups.
Y Reread the active file to see if any new newshasarrived since starting tin.
z Mark all articlesin the current group asunread.
Z Undelete previously deleted group by K command from $HOME/.newsrc.
/ Group forward search.
? Group backward search.
4 Select spool directory 4.
^L Redraw page.
<CR> Read newsfrom selected spool directory.
B Mail a bug report or comment to the author. Thisisthe best way to get bugsfixed and features
h Help screen of spool directory selection commands.
H Toggle the display of help mini-menu at the bottom of the screen.
I Toggle inverse video.
q Return to previouslevel.
Q Quit tin.
v Print tin version information.
4 Select article 4.
^K Kill current article (for more information, see the Automatic Kill and Selection section later in this
manual page).
^L Redraw page.
<CR> Read current article.
<TAB> View next unread article or group.
a Author forward search.
A Author backward search.
c Mark all articlesasread with confirmation.
C Mark all articlesasread and go to next group with unread news.
d Toggle display to show just the subject or the subject and author.
g Choose a new group by name.
h Help screen of group index commands.
H Toggle the display of help mini-menu at the bottom of the screen.
I Toggle inverse video.
K Mark article/thread asread and advance to next unread article/thread.
l List the author of each response in current thread and enter thread selection level.
m Mail current article/thread/auto-selected (hot) articles/articlesmatching pattern/tagged articlesto someone.
M User-configurable Optionsmenu (for more information see Global OptionsMenu section).
n Go to next group.
N Go to next unread article.
o Output current article/thread/autoselected (hot) articles/articlesmatching pattern/tagged articlesto
p Go to previousgroup.
P Go to previousunread article.
q Return to previouslevel.
Q Quit tin.
s Save current article/thread/autoselected (hot) articles/articlesmatching pattern/tagged articlesto file/files/
mailbox. To save to a mailbox, enter = or =mailbox when asked for filename to save to. To save in
<newsgroup name>/<filename> format, enter +filename. Environment variablesare allowed within a
filename (for example, $SOURCES/dir/filename).
t Tag current article/thread for mailing (m)/piping (|)/printing (o)/saving (s)/crossposting (x).
u Toggle display to show all articlesasunthreaded or threaded.
U Untag all articlesthat were tagged.
v Print tin version information.
w Post an article to current group.
W List articlesposted by user. The date posted, the newsgroup, and the subject are listed.
x Crosspost already posted current article/thread/autoselected (hot) articles/articlesmatching pattern/tagged
articlesto another newsgroup(s). Useful for reposting from global to local newsgroups.
X Mark all unread articlesthat have not been selected asread, redo screen to reflect changes, and put index at
the first thread to begin reading. Pressing X again will toggle back to the way it wasbefore. See command
for clearing the toggle effect.
z Mark current article asunread.
Z Mark current thread asunread.
tin, rtin, cdtin, tind
Part I: User Commands
/ Search forward for specified subject.
? Search backward for specified subject.
- Show last message.
| Pipe current article/thread/autoselected (hot) articles/articlesmatching pattern/tagged articlesinto
* Select current thread for later processing.
* Toggle selection of current thread. If at least one unread art in thread (but not all unread arts) isselected,
then all unread artsbecome selected.
@ Reverse all selectionson all articles.
Undo all selectionson all articles. It clearsthe toggle effect of X command. Thus, after first doing an X, you
can then do to reset articles. Thus, you can iteratively whittle down uninteresting threads.
+ Perform autoselection on current group.
; For each thread in current group, if it at least one unread art isselected, all unread artsbecome selected.
Thisisuseful for autoselection on author when the reader wantsto see the entire thread.
= Promptsfor a pattern with which to match on. All threadswhose subjectsmatch the pattern will be
selected. A pattern of * will match all subjects. Entering just <CR> will cause the previouspattern to be
4 Select article 4 within thread.
^L Redraw page.
<CR> Read current article within thread.
<TAB> View next unread article within thread.
B Mail a bug report or comment to the author. Thisisthe best way of getting bugsfixed and featuresadded/
c Mark thread asread after confirmation and return to previouslevel.
d Toggle display to show just the subject or the subject and author.
h Help screen of thread listing commands.
H Toggle the display of help mini-menu at the bottom of the screen.
I Toggle inverse video.
K Mark thread asread and return to previouslevel.
q Return to previouslevel.
Q Quit tin.
r Toggle display to show all articlesor only unread articles.
B Mail a bug report or comment to the author. Thisisthe best way of getting bugsfixed and featuresadded/
t Tag current article for mailing (m)/piping (|)/printing (o)/saving (s)/crossposting (x).
T Return to group index level.
v Print tin version information.
z Mark current article in thread asunread.
Z Mark all articlesin thread asunread.
0 Read the base article in thisthread.
4 Read response 4 in thisthread.
^H Show all of the articlesmail header.
^K Kill current article (for more information, see the Automatic Kill and Selection section)
^L Redraw page.
<CR> Go to next base article.
<TAB> Go to next unread article.
a Author forward search.
A Author backward search.
c Mark all articlesasread with confirmation and return to group selection level.
C Mark current group asall read and go to next unread group in group selection list.
d Toggle rot-13 decoding for thisarticle.
D Delete current article. It must have been posted by the same user. The cancel message can be seen in the
newsgroup control.
f Post a follow-up to the current article with a copy of the article included.
F Post a follow-up to the current article.
h Help screen of article page commands.
H Toggle the display of help mini-menu at the bottom of the screen.
I Toggle inverse video.
k Mark article asread and advance to next unread article.
K Mark thread asread and advance to next unread thread.
m Mail current article/thread/autoselected (hot) articles/articlesmatching pattern/tagged articlesto someone.
M User-configurable Optionsmenu (for more information, see the Global OptionsMenu section later in
thismanual page).
n Go to the next article.
N Go to the next unread article.
o Output current article/thread/autoselected (hot) articles/articlesmatching pattern/tagged articlesto
o Output article/thread/tagged articlesto printer.
p Go to the previousarticle.
P Go to the previousunread article.
q Return to previouslevel.
Q Quit tin.
r Reply through mail to the author of the current article with a copy of the article included.
R Reply through mail to the author of the current article.
s Save current article/thread/autoselected (hot) articles/articlesmatching pattern/tagged articlesto file/files/
mailbox. To save to a mailbox enter = or =mailbox when asked for filename to save to. To save in
<newsgroup name>/<filename> format, enter +filename. Environment variablesare allowed within a
filename (such as$SOURCES/dir/filename).
t Return to group selection level.
T Tag current article for mailing (m)/piping (|)/printing (o)/saving (s)/crossposting (x).
v Print tin version information.
w Post an article to current group.
W List articlesposted by user. The date posted, the newsgroup and the subject are listed.
x Crosspost already posted current article/thread/autoselected (hot) articles/articlesmatching pattern/tagged
articlesto another newsgroup(s). Useful for reposting from global to local newsgroups.
z Mark article asunread.
/ Article forward search.
? Article backward search
tin, rtin, cdtin, tind
Part I: User Commands
| Pipe current article/thread/autoselected (hot) articles/articlesmatching pattern/tagged articlesinto
< Go to the first article in the current thread.
> Go to the last article in the current thread.
* Select current thread for later processing.
* Toggle selection of current article.
@ Reverse article selections.
Undo all selectionson current thread.
Thismenu isaccessed by pressing M at all levels. It allowsthe user to customize the behavior of tin. The optionsare saved to
the file $HOME/.tin/tinrc. Use <SPACE> to toggle the required option and <CR> to set.
Auto save Automatically save articles/threadsby Archive-name: line in article header and post processthem
if processtype isnot set to None.
Editor offset Set ON if the editor used for posting, follow-upsand bug reportshasthe capability of starting and
positioning the cursor at a specified line within a file.
Mark saved read Allowssaved articles/threadsto be automatically marked asread.
Confirm Command Allowscertain commands(such asc catchup) that require user confirmation to be executed
immediately if set OFF.
Draw arrow Allowsgroups/articlesto be selected by an arrow -> if set ON or by a highlighted bar if set OFF.
Print header Thisallowsthe complete mail header or only the Subject: and From: fieldsto be output when
printing articles.
Go to 1st unread Thisallowsthe cursor to be placed at the first/last unread article upon entering a newsgroup with
unread news.
Scroll full page If set ON, scrolling of groups/articleswill be a full page at a time; otherwise, half a page at a time.
Catch up on quit If set ON, the user isasked when quitting if all groupsread during the current session should be
marked read.
Thread articles If set ON, articleswill be threaded in all groups(default); otherwise, articleswill be shown
unthreaded. Threading or unthreading ispossible on a per-group basisby setting the group
attribute variable thread_arts to ON/OFF in the file $HOME/ . t i n/ at t r i but es.
Show only unread If set ON, show only new/unread articles; otherwise, show all articles.
Show description If set ON, show a short descriptive text for each displayed newsgroup. The text used istaken from
the $LIBDIR/newsgroups file.
Show Author If set None, only the Subject: line will be displayed. If set Addr, Subject: line and the address
part of the From: line are displayed. If set Name, Subject: line and the authorsfull name part of
the From: line are displayed. If set Both, Subject: line and all of the From: line are displayed.
Processtype Thisspecifiesthe default type of post processing to perform on saved articles. The following types
of processing are allowed:
I None
I Unpacking of multipart shell archives
I Unpacking of multipart uuencoded files
I Unpacking of multipart uuencoded files, which produce a *.zoo archive whose contentsare
I Unpacking of multipart uuencoded files, which produce a *.zoo archive whose contentsare
I Unpacking of multipart uuencoded files, which produce a *.zip archive whose contentsare
I Unpacking of multipart uuencoded files, which produce a *.zip archive whose contentsare
I Unpacking of multipart uuencoded files, which produce an *.lha archive whose contentsare
listed (AmigaDOS version only)
I Unpacking of multipart uuencoded files, which produce an *.lha archive whose contentsis
extracted (AmigaDOS version only)
Sort articlesby Thisspecifieshow articlesshould be sorted. The following sort typesare allowed:
I Dont sort articles(default).
I Sort articlesby Subject: field (ascending and descending).
I Sort articlesby From: field (ascending and descending).
I Sort articlesby Date: field (ascending and descending).
Save directory The directory where articles/threadsare to be saved. Default is$HOME/News.
Mail directory The directory where articles/threadsare to be saved in mailbox format. Thisfeature ismainly for
use with the elm mail program. It allowsthe user to save articles, threads, or groupssimply by
giving = asthe filename to save to.
Printer The printer program with optionsthat isto be used to print articles. Default islpr for BSD
machinesand lp for SysV machines.
The following variablesare user-configurable by editing $HOME/.tin/tinrc directly. It ishoped to eventually provide a menu
to allow the setting of the most common variables.
batch_save If set ON, articles/threadswill be saved in batch mode when save -S or mail -M isspecified on
the command line. Default isOFF.
beginner_level If set ON, a mini-menu of the most useful commandswill be displayed at the bottom of the
screen for each level. Default isON.
display_reading_prompt The prompt Reading... will be displayed when reading an article from an NNTP server to
provide feedback to the user. Default isON.
force_screen_redraw Specifieswhether a screen redraw should alwaysbe done after certain external commands.
Default isOFF.
groupname_max_length Maximum length of the namesof newsgroupsto be displayed so that more of the
newsgroup description can be displayed. Default is132.
default_sigfile The path that specifiesthe signature file to use when posting, following up to, or replying to
an article. If the path isa directory, then the signature will be randomly generated from files
that are in the specified directory. Default is$HOME/.Sig.
editor_format The format string used to create the editor start command with parameters. Default is%E
+%N %F (for example, /bin/vi +7 .article).
hot_art_mark The character used to show that an article/thread isautoselected (hot). Default is*.
quote_chars The character used in quoting included text to article follow-upsand mail replies. The
character representsa blank character and isreplaced with when read. Default is: .
reread_active_file_secs The newsactive file isreread at regular intervalsto show if any new newshasarrived.
Default is300 seconds.
return_art_mark The character used to show that an article will return. Default is-.
save_to_mmdf_mailbox Allowsarticlesto be saved to an mmdf-style mailbox instead of mbox format. Default isOFF
unlessreading newson SCO UNIX, which usesMMDF by default.
show_last_line_prev_page The last line of the previouspage will be displayed asthe first line of next page. Default is
tin, rtin, cdtin, tind
Part I: User Commands
slow_speed_terminal Stripsthe blanksfrom the end of each line, thereby speeding up the display when reading
on a slow terminal or via modem. Default isOFF.
tab_after_X_selection If enabled, will automatically go to the first unread article after having selected all hot
articlesand threadswith the X command at group index level. Default isOFF.
tab_goto_next_unread If enabled, pressing Tab at the article viewer level will go to the next unread article
immediately instead of first paging through the current one. Default isON.
unread_art_mark The character used to show that an article hasnot been read. Default is+.
use_builtin_inews Allowsthe built-in NNTP inews to be enabled/disabled. Default isON (enabled).
use_keypad Allowsthe scroll keyson the keypad to be enabled/disabled on supported terminals. Default
tin allowscertain attributesto be set on a per-group basis. These group attributesare read from the file $HOME/.tin/
attributes. A later version will provide a menu interface to set all the attributes. At present, you will have to edit the file
with your editor :-(. The following group attributesare available:
sigfile=/usr/iain/.funny sig
organization=Wacky Bits Inc.
followup to=alt.sources.d
printer=/usr/local/bin/a2ps -nn | /bin/lpr
auto save=ON
batch save=OFF
delete tmp files=ON
show only unread=OFF
thread arts=ON
show author=1
sort art type=5
post proc type=1
Note that the newsgroup=<groupname> line hasto be specified before the attributesare specified for that group.
All attributesare set to a reasonable default so you only have to specify the attribute that you want to change (for example,
All toggle attributesare set by specifying ON/OFF.
The show_author attribute isspecified by a number from the following range: 0=none, 1=username, 2=network address,
The sort_art_type attribute isspecified by a number from the following range: 0=none, 1=subject descending, 2=subject
ascending, 3=from descending, 4=from ascending, 5=date descending, 6=date ascending.
The post_proc_type attribute isspecified by a number from the following range: 0=none, 1=unshar, 2=uudecode,
3=uudecode & list zoo archive, 4=uudecode & extract zoo archive, 5=uudecode & list zip archive, 6=uudecode & extract zip
archive. (If running on AmigaDOS, the zoo optionsare replaced by their corresponding lha archiver options.)
When there isa subject or an author that you are either very interested in, or find completely uninteresting, you can easily
instruct tin to autoselect or autokill articleswith specific subjectsor from specific authors. These instructionsare stored in a
kill file.
Thismenu isaccessed by pressing K at the group and page levels. It allowsthe user to kill or select an article that matches
the current Subject: line, From: line, or a string entered by the user. The user-entered string can be applied to the
Subject: or From: linesof an article. The kill description can be limited to the current newsgroup or it can apply to all
newsgroups. Once entered, the user can abort the command and not save the kill description, edit the kill file, or save the
kill description.
On starting tin, the userskill file $HOME/.tin/kill isread and on entering a newsgroup any kill or select descriptions
are applied.
Articlesthat match a kill description are marked killed and are not displayed. Articlesthat match an autoselect description
are marked with an * when displayed.
tin allowsposting of articles, follow-up to already posted articles, and replying direct through mail to the author of an
Use the w command to post an article to a newsgroup. After entering the post subject, the default editor (such asvi) or the
editor specified by the $VISUAL environment variable will be started and the article can be entered. To crosspost articles,
simply add a comma and the name of the newsgroup(s) to the end of the Newsgroups: line at the beginning of the article.
After saving and exiting the editor, you are asked if you wish to abort posting the article, edit the article again or post the
article to the specified newsgroup(s).
Use the W command to display a history of the articlesyou have posted. The date the article wasposted, which newsgroups
the article wasposted to, and the articlessubject line are displayed.
Use the f/F command to post a follow-up article to an already posted article. The f command will copy the text of the
original article into the editor. The editing procedure isthe same aswhen posting an article with the w command.
Use the r/R command to reply direct through mail to the author of an already posted article. The r command will copy the
text of the original article into the editor. The editing procedure isthe same aswhen posting an article with the w command.
After saving and exiting the editor, you are asked if you wish to abort sending the article, edit the article again, or send the
article to the author.
When posting a follow-up to an article or replying direct to the author of an article via e-mail, the text of the article can be
quoted. The beginning of the quoted text can contain information about the quoted article (for example, the Name and the
Message ID of the article). To allow for different situations, certain information from the article can be used in the quoted
string. The following variablesare expanded if found in the tinrc variablesmail_quote_format= or news_quote_format=:
%A Address(e-mail)
%D Date
%F Full address(%N (%A))
%G Groupname
%M Message ID
%N Name of user
For example,
mail_quote_format=On %D in %G you wrote:
news_quote_format=In %M, %F wrote:
would expand when used to:
On 21 Jul 1992 09:45:51 -0400 in alt.sources you wrote:
In <abcINN123@anl433.uucp>, Iain Lea ( wrote:
The command interface to mail (m), pipe (|), print (o), crosspost (x) and save (s) articlesisthe same for ease of use.
The initial command will ask you to select which article, thread, hot (autoselected) regex pattern, tagged articlesyou wish to
mail, pipe, and so on.
tin, rtin, cdtin, tind
Part I: User Commands
Tagged articlesmust have already been tagged with the T command. All tagged articlescan be untagged by the U untag
If regex pattern matching isselected, you are asked to enter a regular expression (for example, to match all article subject
linescontaining net News, you must enter *net News*). Any articlesthat match the entered expression will be mailed,
piped, and so on.
To save articlesto a mailbox with the name of the current newsgroup (for example, Alt.sources) enter = or =<mailbox
name> when asked for the save filename.
To save articlesin <newsgroup name>/<filename> format, enter +<filename>.
When saving articles, you can specify whether the saved filesshould be post processed (such asunshar shell archive,
uudecode multiple parts, and so on). A default processtype can be set by the Processtype: in the M Optionsmenu.
tin allowsnew/unread newsarticlesto be mailed (-M option)/saved (-S option) in batch mode for later readinguseful
when going on holiday and you dont want to return and find that expire hasremoved a whole load of unread articles. Its
best to run from crontab every day while away, after which you will be mailed a report of which articleswere mailed/saved
from which newsgroupsand the total number of articlesmailed/saved. Articlesare saved in a private newsstructure under
your <savedir> directory (default is$HOME/News).
Be careful of using thisoption if you read a lot of groupsbecause you could overflow your filesystem. If you only want to
save a few groups, it would be best to back up your full $HOME/.newsrc and create a new one that only containsthe
newsgroupsyou want to mail/save. Saved newscan be read later by tin -R.
tin -M iain -c -f newsrc.mail Mail any unread articlesin newsgroupsspecified in file newsrc.mail
tin -S -c -f Save any unread articlesin newsgroupsspecified in file
tin -R Read any articlessaved by tin -S
tin will recognize a signature in either $HOME/.signature or $HOME/.Sig. If $HOME/.signature exists, then the signature
will be pulled into the editor for mail commands. A signature in $HOME/.signature will not be pulled into the editor for
posting commandsbecause inews will append the signature itself.
A signature in $HOME/.Sig will be pulled into the editor for both posting and mailing commands.
The following isan example of a $HOME/.Sig file:
NAMES Iain Lea
SNAIL Bruecken Strasse 12, 8500 Nuernberg 90, Germany
PHONE +49-911-331963 (home) +49-911-3089-407 (work)
tin also hasthe capability to generate random signatureson a per-newsgroup basisif so desired. The way to accomplish this
isto specify the default signature or the group attribute sigfile asa directory. If, for example, the sigfile path is/usr/iain/
.sigs and .sigs isa directory, then tin will select a random signature from any file that isin the directory .sigs (note: one
signature per numbered file). A random signature can also consist of a fixed part signature that can contain your name,
address, and so on, followed by the random sig. The fixed part of the random sig isread from the file $HOME/.sigfixed.
TINRC Define thisvariable if you want to specify command-line optionsthat tin should be started with to
save typing them each time it isstarted. The contentsof the environment variable are added to the
front of the command-line optionsbefore it isparsed, therefore allowing an option specified on the
command line to override the same option specified in the environment.
TIN_HOMEDIR Define thisvariable if you do not want the .tin directory in $HOME/.tin. For example, if you want
all tinsprivate filesin /tmp/.tin, you would set TINDIR to /tmp.
TIN_INDEXDIR Define thisvariable if you do not want the .index directory in $HOME/.tin/.index. For example,
if you want all tinsindex filesin /tmp/.index, you would set TIN_INDEXDIR to /tmp.
TIN_LIBDIR Define thisvariable if you want to override the LIBDIR path that wascompiled into the tin binary
via the Makefile.
TIN_SPOOLDIR Define thisvariable if you want to override the SPOOLDIR path that wascompiled into the tin
binary via the Makefile.
TIN_NOVROOTDIR Define thisvariable if you want to override the NOVROOTDIR path that wascompiled into the tin
binary via the Makefile.
TIN_ACTIVEFILE Define thisvariable if you want to override the LIBDIR/active path that wascompiled into the tin
binary via the Makefile.
NNTPSERVER The default NNTP server to remotely read newsfrom. Thisvariable only needsto be set if the -r
command-line option isspecified and the file /etc/nntpserver doesnot exist.
DISTRIBUTION Set the article header field Distribution: to the contentsof the variable instead of the system
ORGANIZATION Set the article header field Organization: to the contentsof the variable instead of the system
default. Thisvariable hasprecedence over the file $HOME/.tin/organization that may also contain
an organization string. If you are reading newson an Apollo DomainOS machine, the environment
variable NEWSORG hasto be used instead of ORGANIZATION.
REPLYTO Set the article header field Reply-To: to the return addressspecified by the variable. Thisisuseful
if the machine isnot registered in the UUCP mail mapsor if you wish to receive repliesat a
different machine. Thisvariable hasprecedence over the file $HOME/.tin/replyto that may also
contain a return address.
ADD_ADDRESS Thiscan contain an addressto append to the return addresswhen replying directly through mail to
somebody whose mail addressisnot directly recognized by the local host. For example say the
return addressisuser@bigvax, but bigvax isnot recognized by your host, so therefore the mail
will not reach user. But the host littevax isknown to recognize your host and bigvax, so if
ADDADDRESS isset (for example, setenv ADD_ADDRESS @littevax for csh or
set ADD_ADDRESS @littevax
and export ADD_ADDRESS for sh), the address
user@bigvax@littlevax will be used and the mail will reach user@bigvax.
Thisvariable hasprecedence over the file
that may also contain an address.
BUG_ADDRESS If the B command bug report mail addressisnot correct, thisvariable should be set to the correct
mail address. Thisvariable hasprecedence over the file
that may also contain a mail address.
MAILER Thisvariable hasprecedence over the default mailer that isused in all mailing operationswithin
tin (for example, replying rR, and bug reportsB).
VISUAL Thisvariable hasprecedence over the default editor (for example, vi) that isused in all editing
operationswithin tin (for example, posting w, replying rR, follow-upsfF, and bug reportsB).
AUTOSUBSCRIBE tin interpretsthisvariable similarly to rn. It containsa list of patterns, separated by commasand
possibly prefixed with exclamation points. A new group ischecked against the list of patterns; if it
matches, tin subscribesthe user to the group without further query. An exclamation point negates
the meaning of a match on thispattern and can be used to cancel certain matches. For example,
setting AUTOSUBSCRIBE=comp.os.unix.*,talk.*,!talk.politics.* will automatically subscribe
the user to all newsgroupsin the comp.os.unix hierarchy, and all talk groupsother than
talk.politics groups(which will be queried for asusual).
tin, rtin, cdtin, tind
Part I: User Commands
AUTOUNSUBSCRIBE tin interpretsthisvariable similarly to rn. It ishandled like the AUTOSUBSCRIBE variable, but
groupsmatching the list are unsubscribed from without further query. For example, setting
AUTOUNSUBSCRIBE=alt.flame.*,u*,!uk.* will automatically unsubscribe the user from all new
alt.flame groupsand all groupsstarting with u (university groups) other than UK groups(which
will be queried for asusual).
tin can pretty much be navigated by using the four cursor keys. The left-arrow key goesup a level, the right-arrow key goes
down a level, the up-arrow key goesup a line (or page, at article viewer level) and the down-arrow key goesdown a line (or
page, at article viewer level).
The following newsgroupsprovide useful information concerning newssoftware: Information about newsuser agentstin, rn, nn, vn, and so on Information about NNTP Information about newstransport agentsBnews, Cnews, and INN)
--news.answers Frequently asked questions(FAQs) about many different themes
Many prompts(for example, Mark everything as read? (y/n):) within tin offer a default choice that the cursor is
positioned on. When you press<CR>, the default value istaken.
Many prompts(for example, Post subject []>) within tin can be aborted by pressing <ESC>.
When tin isrun in an xterm window, it will resize itself each time the xterm isresized.
tin will reread the active file at set intervalsto show any newly arrived news.
If the environment variable TERM isset to xterm, then button pressing can be used to select groupsand articles.
In the Group Selection menu, if the mouse ispointing before the groupslisting region, the previouspage isselected (just
like b). If the mouse ispointing after the groupslisting region, the next page isselected (just like space). If the mouse is
pointing at a group, then
Left button Movesto the group pointed at
Other buttons Move to and select the group pointed at, just like <CR>
In the Article menu, if the mouse ispointing before the article listing region, the previouspage isselected (just like b). If the
mouse ispointing after the article listing region, the next page isselected (just like space). If the mouse ispointing at an
article, then
Left button Movesto the article pointed at
Center button Readsnext unread article from that pointed at, just like <TAB>
Right button Readsarticle pointed at, just like <CR>
In the Thread menu, if the mouse ispointing before the article listing region, the previouspage isselected (just like b). If the
mouse ispointing after the article listing region, the next page isselected (just like space). If the mouse ispointing at an
article, then
Left button Movesto the article pointed at
Center button Readsnext unread article from that pointed at, just like <TAB>
Right button Readsarticle pointed at, just like <CR>
In the Spool Selection menu, if the mouse ispointing before the spool listing region, the previouspage isselected (just like
b). If the mouse ispointing after the spool listing region, the next page isselected (just like space). If the mouse ispointing
at a spool selection, then
Left button Movesto the spool pointed at
Other buttons Move to and select the spool pointed at, just like <CR>
In other menusand areas, button pressing revertsback to usual cut and paste of xterm, but after one click of any button.
$HOME/.newsrc Subscribed to newsgroups
$HOME/.newsauth nntpserver password pairsfor NNTP serversthat require authorization
$HOME/.tin/tinrc Options
$HOME/.tin/attributes Containsuser-specified group attributes
$HOME/.tin/.index Newsgroupsindex filesdirectory
$HOME/.tin/.mailidx Mailgroupsindex filesdirectory
$HOME/.tin/.saveidx Saved newsgroupsindex filesdirectory
$HOME/.tin/active.mail Active file of usersmailgroups
$HOME/.tin/ Active file of userssaved newsgroups
$HOME/.tin/add_address Addressto add to when replying through mail
$HOME/.tin/bug address Addressto send bug reportsto
$HOME/.tin/kill Article kill and autoselection file
$HOME/.tin/organization String to replace default organization
$HOME/.tin/posted History of articlesposted by user
$HOME/.tin/replyto Host addressto use in Reply-To: mail header
$HOME/.signature Signature
$HOME/.Sig Signature
$HOME/.sigfixed Fixed part of a randomly generated signature
/usr/lib/news/motd Newsmessage-of-the-day file
/usr/lib/news/newsgroups Short description of all newsgroups
/usr/lib/news/subscriptions List of newsgroupsto subscribe first-time user to
There are bugssomewhere among the creeping featurism. Any bugsfound should be reported by the B (bug report)
Coredumpswhen setting certain toggle optionsfrom the Optionsmenu at article viewer level.
Coredumpswhen killing last article in a thread at article viewer level.
Based on the tass newsreader that wasdeveloped by Rich Skrenta and posted to alt.sources in March 1991. tass was
itself heavily influenced by NOTES, which wasdeveloped at the University of Illinoisby Ray Essick and Rob Kolstad in 1982.
v1.0 PL0 (full) wasposted in eight partsto alt.sources on 23 Aug 1991. v1.0 PL1 (full) wasposted in eight partsto
alt.sources on 03 Sep 1991. v1.0 PL2 (full) wasposted in nine partsto alt.sources on 24 Sep 1991. v1.0 PL3 (patch)
wasposted in four partsto alt.sources on 30 Sep 1991. v1.0 PL4 (patch) wasposted in two partsto alt.sources on 02
Oct 1991. v1.0 PL5 (patch) wasposted in four partsto alt.sources on 17 Oct 1991. v1.0 PL6 (patch) wasposted in five
partsto alt.sources on 27 Nov 1991. v1.0 PL7 (patch) wasposted in two partsto alt.sources on 27 Nov 1991. v1.1
PL0 (full) wasposted in eleven partsto alt.sources on 13 Feb 1992. v1.1 PL1 (full) wasposted in twelve partsto
alt.sources on 24 Mar 1992. v1.1 PL2 (patch) wasposted in four partsto alt.sources on 30 Mar 1992. v1.1 PL3 (full)
wasposted in fifteen partsto alt.sources on 13 May 1992. v1.1 PL4 (full) wasposted in fifteen partsto alt.sources on
22 Jun 1992. v1.1 PL5 (patch) wasposted in seven partsto alt.sources on 11 Aug 1992. v1.1 PL6 (full) wasposted in
tin, rtin, cdtin, tind
Part I: User Commands
fifteen partsto alt.sources on 14 Sep 1992. v1.1 PL7 (patch) wasposted in ten partsto alt.sources on 15 Nov 1992.
v1.1 PL8 (patch) wasposted in six partsto alt.sources on 06 Dec 1992. v1.1 PL9 (patch) wasposted in three partsto
alt.sources on 20 Mar 1993. v1.2 PL0 (full) wasposted in fourteen partsto alt.sources on 25 May 1993. v1.2 PL1
(patch) wasposted in eight partsto alt.sources on 14 Jul 1993. v1.2 PL2 (patch) wasposted in partsto alt.sources in
September 1993.
Rich Skrenta Author of tass v3.2, which thisnewsreader used asitsbase
Bill Davidsen Author of envarg.c environment variable reading routine
Mike Gleason Author of sigfile.c random signature generation routines
Arnold Robbins Author of strftime.c date formatting routine
Jim Robinson Coauthor of kill.c article kill and autoselection routines
Rich Salz Author of wildmat.c pattern matching and parsedate.y date parsing routines
Dave Taylor Author of curses.c from the elm mailreader
ChrisThewalt Author of getline.c emacs-style editing routine
Mark Tomlinson For porting tin to the AmigaDOS operating system
AndreasWrede For porting tin to the OS/2 operating system
Dieter Becker For generously posting certain releasesfor me when my net connection wasremoved by a group of
very short-sighted people
I wish to thank the following people for supplying patches:
David Abbott, Earle Ake, Joachim Astel, Anton Aylward, George Baltz, Paul Bauwens, Dieter Becker, Dan Berry, David
Binderman, Fokke de Boer, Mark Boucher, Herman ten Brugge, Leila Burrell-Davis, Peter Castro, Robert Claeson, Steven
Cogswell, Don Costello, Bryan Curnutt, Ned Danieley, ChrisDavies, John Davis, Tom Dickey, Bryan Dongray, Craig
Durland, Kirk Edson, Stefan Elf, Rob Engle, Brent Ermlick, Olle Eriksson, Michael Faurot, Werner Fleck, Callum Gibson,
Mike Glendinning, Philippe Goujard, Carl Hage, Paul Halsema, Ed Hanway, Scott Hauck, Per Headland, Daniel Hermans,
Jose Herrero, Tom Hite, Torsten Homeyer, Tommy Hsieh, Steve Hunt, Pieter Immelman, Robbin John-son, Nelson
Kading, Fritz Kleeman, Dwarven Knight, Karl-Koenig Koenigsson, Martin Kraemer, KrisKugel, Geoff Lane, Alex Lange,
Alain Lasserre, Marty Leisner, Hakan Lennestal, Otto Lind, Richard Lloyd, Clifford Luke, David MacKenzie, Hugh Mahon,
Kazushi Marukawa, Owen Medd, Soren Moller, Sergio Morales, Michael Morrell, KlausMueller, Udo Munk, JamesNugen,
Jeb Palmer, Neil Parker, Tom Parry, Jim Patterson, Walter Pelissero, Colin Perkins, Eric Peterson, Tim Pierce, Bill Poitras,
Wolfgang Prediger, Ted Richards, Ollivier Robert, Jim Robinson, Stephen Roseman, Clifton Royston, Nicko-lay Saukh,
Rich Salz, Gary Sanders, John Sauter, Christopher Sawtell, John Schmitz, Bart Sears, Karl Olav Serrander, Doug Sewell,
Philip Shearer, Mark Smith, Steve Spearman, Cliff Stanford, Steve Starck, Jason Steiner, Ed Sznyter, Derek Terveer, Julian
Thompson, Andry Timonin, Mark Tomlin, Michael Traub, Adri Verhoef, Paul Vickers, Cary Whitney, Greg Woods, Lloyd
I wish to thank the following people for bug reports/comments:
Jack Applin, KlausArzig, Scott Babb, Reiner Balling, Preston Bannister, Bill de Beabien, Volker Beyer, Etienne Bido, Roger
Binns, Georg Biehler, Jean-Marc Bonnaudet, Eric Bowles, Sean Brady, Ian Brown, AndreasBrosig, Craig Bruce, Brett
Carver,Tom Czarnik, Dave Datta, Mat Davis, Karl Denninger, KlausDimmler, David Donovan, Peter Dressler, Gerhard
Ermer, Hugh Fader, Miguel Farah, Joachim Feld, Paul Fox, Jay Geertsen, Herschel Gelman, Bernhard Gmelch, Jason Haar,
Viet Hoang, Andy Jackson, Joe Johnson, Ralph Jud, Cyrill Jung, Kuo-Chein Kai, TonisKelder, Hans-Juergen Knopp,
Sridhar Komandur, Tom Kovar, Bernhard Kroenung, Murray Laing, Per Lindqvist, Eric Litman, Bob Lukas, Michael
Marshall, Kazushi Marukawa, Olaf Mittelstaedt, Phillip Molloy, Phil Molyneux, Toni Metz, Greg Miller, Deeptendu
Majumder, KlausNeuberger, Otto Niesser, Reiner Oelhaf, Alex Pakter, John Palkovic, Dave Pascoe, Wolf Paul, Andrew
Phillips, Stefan Rathmann, Jon Robinson, David Ross, JonasRwgmyr, Malkani Sanjay, Daemon Schae-fer, Dean Schrimpf,
Klamer Schutte, Fredy Schwatz, Dave Schweisguth, Bernd Schwerin, Don Sheythe, ChrisSmith, Daniel Smith, Richard
Stanton, Ralf Stephan, Hironobu Taka-hashi, Ken Taylor, Tony Travis, Paul Verket, Sven Werner, Dick Wexelblat, Paul
Wood, Gregory Woodbury, Norm Yamane, Blair Zajac, Orest Zboroski, ThomasZiegler
Iain Lea (
Version 1.2 PL2
tloadGraphic representation of system load average
tload [-s scal e] [-d del ay ] [t t y]
tload printsa graph of the current system load average to the specified tty (or the tty of the tload processif none is
The -s scale option allowsa vertical scale to be specified for the display (in charactersbetween graph ticks); thus, a smaller
value representsa larger scale, and vice versa.
The -d delay setsthe delay between graph updatesin seconds.
/proc/loadavg Load average information
ps(1), top(1), uptime(1), w(1)
The -d delay option setsthe time argument for an alarm(2); if -d 0 isspecified, the alarm isset to 0, which will never send
the SIGALRM and update the display.
Branko Lankester, David Engel (, and Michael K. Johnson (
CohesiveSystems, 20 March 1993
topDisplay top CPU processes
top [-][ddel ay][q][S][s][i]
top providesan ongoing look at processor activity in real time. It displaysa listing of the most CPU-intensive taskson the
system, and can provide an interactive interface for manipulating processes.
Part I: User Commands
d Specifiesthe delay between screen updates. You can change thiswith the s interactive command.
q Thiscausestop to refresh without any delay. If the caller hassuperuser privileges, top runswith the highest
possible priority.
S Specifiescumulative mode, where each processislisted with the CPU time that it as well asitsdead children has
spent. Thisislike the -S flag to ps(1). See the discussion of the S interactive command later in thismanual page.
s Tellstop to run in secure mode. Thisdisablesthe potentially dangersof the interactive commands. (See
Interactive Commands, later in thismanual page.) A secure top isa nifty thing to leave running on a spare
i Start top, ignoring any idle or zombie processes. (See the interactive command i.)
top displaysa variety of information about the processor state. The display isupdated every five secondsby default, but you
can change that with the d command-line option or the s interactive command.
uptime Thisline displaysthe time the system hasbeen up, and the three load averagesfor the system. The load
averagesare the average number of processready to run during the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes. Thisline is
just like the output of uptime(1).
processes The total number of processesrunning at the time of the last update. Thisisalso broken down into the
number of tasksthat are running, sleeping, stopped, or undead.
CPU states Showsthe percentage of CPU time in user mode, system mode, niced tasks, and idle. (Niced tasksare only
those whose nice value isnegative.) Time spent in niced taskswill also be counted in system and user
time, so the total will be more than 100 percent.
Mem Statisticson memory usage, including total available memory, free memory, used memory, shared
memory, and memory used for buffers.
Swap Statisticson swap space, including total swap space, available swap space, and used swap space. Thisand
Mem are just like the output of free(1).
PID The processID of each task.
USER The username of the tasksowner.
PRI The priority of the task.
NI The nice value of the task. Negative nice valuesare lower priority.
SIZE The size of the taskscode plusdata plusstack space, in kilobytes, isshown here.
RSS The total amount of physical memory used by the task, in kilobytes, isshown here.
SHRD The amount of shared memory used by the task isshown in thiscolumn.
ST The state of the task isshown here. The state iseither S for sleeping, D for uninterruptible sleep, R for
running, Z for zombies, or T for stopped or traced.
TIME Total CPU time the task hasused since it started. If cumulative mode ison, thisalso includesthe CPU
time used by the processschildren that have died. You can set cumulative mode with the S command-line
option or toggle it with the interactive command S.
%CPU The tasksshare of the CPU time since the last screen update, expressed asa percentage of total CPU time.
%MEM The tasksshare of the physical memory.
COMMAND The taskscommand name, which will be truncated if it istoo long to be displayed on one line. Tasksin
memory will have a full command line, but swapped-out taskswill only have the name of the program in
parentheses, for example, (getty).
Several single-key commandsare recognized while top isrunning. Some are disabled if the s option hasbeen given on the
command line.
L Erasesand redrawsthe screen.
h or ? Displaysa help screen giving a brief summary of commands, and the statusof secure and cumulative modes.
k Kill a process. You will be prompted for the PID of the task, and the signal to send to it. For a normal kill, send
signal 15. For a sure, but rather abrupt, kill, send signal 9. The default signal, aswith kill(1), is15, SIGTERM.
Thiscommand isnot available in secure mode.
i Ignore idle and zombie processes. Thisisa toggle switch.
n or # Change the number of processesto show. You will be prompted to enter the number. Thisoverridesautomatic
determination of the number of processesto show, which isbased on window size measurement. If 0 isspecified,
then top will show asmany processesaswill fit on the screen; thisisthe default.
q Quit.
r Renice a process. You will be prompted for the PID of the task, and the value to nice it to. Entering a positive
value will cause a processto be niced to negative values, and lose priority. If root isrunning top, a negative value
can be entered, causing a processto get a higher than normal priority. The default renice value is10. This
command isnot available in secure mode.
S Thistogglescumulative mode, the equivalent of ps -S, in other words, that CPU timeswill include a processs
defunct children. For some programs, such ascompilers, which work by forking into many separate tasks, normal
mode will make them appear lessdemanding than they actually are. For others, however, such asshellsand init,
thisbehavior iscorrect. In any case, try cumulative mode for an alternative view of CPU use.
s Change the delay between updates. You will be prompted to enter the delay time, in seconds, between updates.
Fractional valuesare recognized down to microseconds. Entering 0 causescontinuousupdates. The default value
is5 seconds. Note that low valuescause nearly unreadably fast displays, and greatly raise the load. Thiscommand
isnot available in secure mode.
Thisproc-based top worksby reading the filesin the proc filesystem, mounted on /proc. If /proc isnot mounted, top will
not work.
%CPU showsthe cputime/realtime percentage in the period of time between updates. For the first update, a short delay is
used, and top itself dominatesthe CPU usage. After that, top will drop back, and a more reliable estimate of CPU usage is
The SIZE and RSS fieldsdont count the page tablesand the task struct of a process; thisisat least 12K of memory that is
alwaysresident. SIZE isthe virtual size of the process(code+data+stack).
Keep in mind that a processmust die for itstime to be recorded on itsparent by cumulative mode. Perhapsmore useful
behavior would be to follow each processupwards, adding time, but that would be more expensive, possibly prohibitively so.
In any case, that would make topsbehavior incompatible with ps.
ps(1), free(1), uptime(1), kill(1), renice(1).
If the window islessthan about 707, top will not format information correctly.
top wasoriginally written by Roger Binns, based on Branko Lankesters( ps program. Robert Nation
( rewrote it significantly to use the proc filesystem, based on Michael K. Johnsons
( proc-based ps program. Many changeswere made, including secure and cumulative modes
and a general cleanup, by Michael Shields(
Linux, 1 February1993
Part I: User Commands
touchChange file timestamps
touch [-acfm] [-r r ef er ence- f i l e] [-t MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]] [-d t i me]
[--time={at i me, access , use, mt i me, modi f y}] [--date=t i me] [--file=r ef er ence- f i l e]
[--no-create] [--help] [--version] f i l e...
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of touch. touch changesthe accessand modification timesof each given file
to the current time. Filesthat do not exist are created empty. If the first filename given would be a valid argument to the -t
option and no timestamp isgiven with any of the -d, -r, or -t optionsand the -- argument isnot given, that argument is
interpreted asthe time for the other filesinstead of asa filename.
If changing both the accessand modification timesto the current time, touch can change the timestampsfor filesthat the
user running it doesnot own but haswrite permission for. Otherwise, the user must own the files.
-a, --time=at i me, Change the accesstime only.
-c, --no-create Do not create filesthat do not exist.
-d, --date t i me Use t i me (which can be in variouscommon formats) instead of the current time. It can
contain month names, time zones, am and pm, and so on.
-f Ignored; for compatibility with BSD versionsof touch.
-m, --time=mt i me, Change the modification time only.
--time=modi f y
-r, --file r ef er ence- f i l e Use the timesof r ef er ence- f i l e instead of the current time.
-t MMDDhhmm[ [ CC] YY][.ss] Use the argument (months, days, hours, minutes, optional century and years, optional
seconds) instead of the current time.
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
- -version Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully.
GNU FileUtilities
trTranslate or delete characters
tr [-cst] [--complement] [--squeeze-repeats] [--truncate-set1] st r i ng1 st r i ng2
tr f-s,--squeeze-repeatsg [-c] [--complement] st r i ng1
tr f-d,--deleteg [-c] st r i ng1
tr f-d,--deleteg f-s,--squeeze-repeatsg [-c] [--complement] st r i ng1 st r i ng2
GNU tr also acceptsthe --help and --version options.
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of tr. tr copiesthe standard input to the standard output, performing one
of the following operations:
I Translate and optionally squeeze repeated charactersin the result
I Squeeze repeated characters
I Delete characters
I Delete characters, then squeeze repeated charactersfrom the result.
The st r i ng1 and (if given) st r i ng2 argumentsdefine ordered setsof characters, referred to below asset 1 and set 2. These
setsare the charactersof the input that tr operateson. The --complement (-c) option replacesset 1 with itscomplement (all
of the charactersthat are not in set 1).
The format of the st r i ng1 and st r i ng2 argumentsresemblesthe format of regular expressions; however, they are not regular
expressions, only listsof characters. Most characterssimply represent themselvesin these strings, but the stringscan contain
the shorthandsin the following list, for convenience. Some of them can be used only in st r i ng1 or st r i ng2, asnoted.
Backslash escapes. A backslash followed by a character not listed causesan error message.
\a Control-G
\b Control-H
\f Control-L
\n Control-J
\r Control-M
\t Control-I
\v Control-K
\ooo The character with the value given by ooo, which is1 to 3 octal digits
\n A backslash
Ranges. The notation m-n expandsto all of the charactersfrom m through n, in ascending order. m should collate before n; if
it doesnt, an error results. Asan example, 09 isthe same as0123456789. Although GNU tr doesnot support the System
V syntax that usessquare bracketsto enclose ranges, translationsspecified in that format will still work aslong asthe brackets
in st r i ng1 correspond to identical bracketsin st r i ng2.
Repeated characters. The notation [c*n] in st r i ng2 expandsto n copiesof character c. Thus, [y*6] isthe same asyyyyyy.
The notation [c*] in st r i ng2 expandsto asmany copiesof c asare needed to make set 2 aslong asset 1. If n beginswith a
0, it isinterpreted in octal, otherwise in decimal.
Character classes. The notation [:class-name:] expandsto all of the charactersin the (predefined) classnamed class-
name. The charactersexpand in no particular order, except for the upper and lower classes, which expand in ascending
order. When the --delete (-d) and --squeeze-repeats (-s) optionsare both given, any character classcan be used in
st r i ng2. Otherwise, only the character classeslower and upper are accepted in st r i ng2, and then only if the corresponding
character class(upper and lower, respectively) isspecified in the same relative position in st r i ng1. Doing thisspecifiescase
conversion. The classnamesare given in the following list; an error resultswhen an invalid classname isgiven.
alnum Lettersand digits
alpha Letters
blank Horizontal whitespace
cntrl Control characters
digit Digits
graph Printable characters, not including space
lower Lowercase letters
Part I: User Commands
print Printable characters, including space
punct Punctuation characters
space Horizontal or vertical whitespace
upper Uppercase letters
xdigit Hexadecimal digits
Equivalence classes. The syntax [=c=] expandsto all of the charactersthat are equivalent to c, in no particular order.
Equivalence classesare a recent invention intended to support non-English alphabets. But there seemsto be no standard way
to define them or determine their contents. Therefore, they are not fully implemented in GNU tr; each characters
equivalence classconsistsonly of that character, which makesthisa uselessconstruction currently.
tr performstranslation when st r i ng1 and st r i ng2 are both given and the --delete (-d) option isnot given. tr translates
each character of itsinput that isin set 1 to the corresponding character in set 2. Charactersnot in set 1 are passed through
unchanged. When a character appearsmore than once in set 1 and the corresponding charactersin set 2 are not all the same,
only the final one isused. For example, these two commandsare equivalent:
tr aaa xyz
tr a z
A common use of tr isto convert lowercase charactersto uppercase. Thiscan be done in many ways. Here are three of them:
tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
tr a-z A-Z
tr [:lower:] [:upper:]
When tr isperforming translation, set 1 and set 2 should normally have the same length. If set 1 isshorter than set 2, the
extra charactersat the end of set 2 are ignored.
On the other hand, making set 1 longer than set 2 isnot portable; POSIX.2 saysthat the result isundefined. In this
situation, the BSD tr padsset 2 to the length of set 1 by repeating the last character of set 2 asmany timesasnecessary. The
System V tr truncatesset 1 to the length of set 2.
By default, GNU tr handlesthiscase like the BSD tr does. When the --truncate-set1 (-t) option isgiven, GNU tr
handlesthiscase like the System V tr instead. Thisoption isignored for operationsother than translation.
Acting like the System V tr in thiscase breaksthe relatively common BSD idiom:
tr -cs A-Za-z0-9 n012
because it convertsonly zero bytes(the first element in the complement of set 1), rather than all nonalphanumerics, to
When given just the --delete (-d) option, tr removesany input charactersthat are in set 1.
When given just the --squeeze-repeats (-s) option, tr replaceseach input sequence of a repeated character that isin set 1
with a single occurrence of that character.
When given both the --delete and the --squeeze-repeats options, tr first performsany deletionsusing set 1, then
squeezesrepeatsfrom any remaining charactersusing set 2.
The --squeeze-repeats option may also be used when translating, in which case tr first performstranslation, then squeezes
repeatsfrom any remaining charactersusing set 2.
Here are some examplesto illustrate variouscombinationsof options.
Remove all zero bytes:
tr -d n000
Put all wordson linesby themselves. Thisconvertsall nonalphanumeric charactersto newlines, then squeezeseach string of
repeated newlinesinto a single newline:
tr -cs [a-zA-Z0-9] [nn*]
Convert each sequence of repeated newlinesto a single newline:
tr -s nn
GNU tr also acceptsthe following optionsin any combination with the others.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a non-zero status.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit.
Setting the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT turnsoff several warning and error messages, for strict compliance with
POSIX.2. The messagesnormally occur in the following circumstances:
1. When the --delete option isgiven but --squeeze-repeats isnot, and st r i ng2 isgiven, GNU tr by default printsa
usage message and exits, because st r i ng2 would not be used. The POSIX specification saysthat st r i ng2 must be ignored
in thiscase. Silently ignoring argumentsisa bad idea.
2. When an ambiguousoctal escape isgiven. For example, n400 isactually n40 followed by the digit 0, because the value
400 octal doesnot fit into a single byte.
Note that GNU tr doesnot provide complete BSD or System V compatibility. For example, there isno option to disable
interpretation of the POSIX constructs[:alpha:], [=c=], and [c*10]. Also, GNU tr doesnot delete zero bytesautomati-
cally, unlike traditional UNIX versions, which provide no way to preserve zero bytes.
GNU Text Utilities
tset, reset
tset, resetTerminal initialization
tset [-IQrs] [-t] [-e ch] [-i ch] [-k ch] [-m mapping] [terminal]
tset -h
tset -V
reset [-IQrs] [-t] [-e ch] [-i ch] [-k ch] [-m mapping] [terminal]
reset -h
reset -V
tset initializesterminals. tset first determinesthe type of terminal that you are using. Thisdetermination isdone as
follows, using the first terminal type found:
I The terminal argument specified on the command line
I The value of the TERM environmental variable
I The terminal type associated with the standard error output device in the /etc/ttytype file
I The default terminal type, unknown
tset, reset
Part I: User Commands
If the terminal type wasnot specified on the command line, the -m option mappingsare then applied (see the following
section, Options, for more information). Then, if the terminal type beginswith a question mark (?), the user isprompted
for confirmation of the terminal type. An empty response confirmsthe type, or, another type can be entered to specify a new
type. After the terminal type hasbeen determined, the termcap entry for the terminal isretrieved. If no termcap entry is
found for the type, the user isprompted for another terminal type.
After the termcap entry isretrieved, the window size, backspace, interrupt, and line kill characters(among many other
things) are set and the terminal and tab initialization stringsare sent to the standard error output. Finally, if the erase,
interrupt, and line kill charactershave changed, or are not set to their default values, their valuesare displayed to the standard
error output.
When invoked asreset, tset setscooked and echo modes, turnsoff cbreak and raw modes, turnson newline translation and
resetsany unset special charactersto their default valuesbefore doing the terminal initialization described above. Thisis
useful after a program diesleaving a terminal in an abnormal state. Note, you may have to type <LF>reset<LF> (the line-feed
character isnormally control-J) to get the terminal to work, ascarriage-return may no longer work in the abnormal state.
Also, the terminal will often not echo the command.
The optionsare asfollows:
-t The terminal type isdisplayed to the standard output, and the terminal isnot initialized in any way.
-e Set the erase character to ch.
-I Do not send the terminal or tab initialization stringsto the terminal.
-i Set the interrupt character to ch.
-k Set the line kill character to ch.
-m Specify a mapping from a port type to a terminal. See the following section, Setting the Environment, for more
-r Print the terminal type to the standard error output.
-s Print the sequence of shell commandsto initialize the environment variablesCOLUMNS, LINES, TERM, and TERMCAP
to the standard output.
Q Dont display any valuesfor the erase, interrupt, and line kill characters.
-w Force setting of display size asdefined in /etc/termcap file.
-h Print short usage message.
-V Print version number.
The argumentsfor the -e, -i, and -k optionsmay either be entered asactual charactersor by using the hat notation, for
example, control-h may be specified as H or h.
It isoften desirable to set the terminal type and information about the terminalscapabilitiesand display size in the shells
environment. Thisisdone with the -s option; when thisoption isspecified, the commandsto enter the information into the
shellsenvironment are output to the standard output. If the SHELL environmental variable endsin csh, the output
commandsare for the csh(1); otherwise, they are for sh(1). Note, the output commandsfor the csh set and unset the shell
variable noglob. The following line in the .login or .profile fileswill initialize the environment correctly:
eval tset -s options ...
When the terminal isnot hardwired into the system (or the current system information isincorrect), the terminal type
derived from the /etc/ttytype file or the TERM environmental variable isoften something generic like network, dialup, or
unknown. When tset isused in a startup script .profile for sh(1) usersor .login for csh(1) users), it isoften desirable to
provide information about the type of terminal used on such ports. The purpose of the -m option isto map from some set of
conditionsto a terminal type; that is, to tell tset, If Im on thisport at a particular speed, guessthat Im on that kind of
The argument to the -m option consistsof an optional port type, an optional operator, an optional baud rate specification, an
optional colon (:) character, and a terminal type. The port type isa string (delimited by either the operator or the colon
character). The operator may be any combination of: &>, &<, &@, and &!; &> meansgreater than, &< meanslessthan, &@
meansequal to, and &! invertsthe sense of the test. The baud rate isspecified asa number and iscompared with the speed of
the standard error output (which should be the control terminal). The terminal type isa string.
If the terminal type isnot specified on the command line, the -m mappingsare applied to the terminal type. If the port type
and baud rate match the mapping, the terminal type specified in the mapping replacesthe current type. If more than one
mapping isspecified, the first applicable mapping isused.
For example, consider the following:
The port type isdialup, the operator is>, the baud rate specification is9600, and the terminal type isvt100 . The result of
thismapping isto specify that if the terminal type isdialup, and the baud rate isgreater than 9600 baud, a terminal type of
vt100 will be used.
If no port type isspecified, the terminal type will match any port type; for example,
-m dialup:vt100 -m :?xterm
will cause any dialup port, regardlessof baud rate, to match the terminal type:
and any nondialup port type to match the terminal type:
Note, because of the leading question mark, the user will be queried on a default port asto whether they are actually using an
xterm terminal.
No whitespace charactersare permitted in the -m option argument. Also, to avoid problemswith metacharacters, it is
suggested that the entire -m option argument be placed within single quote characters, and that csh usersinsert a backslash
character (\) before any exclamation marks(!).
The tset command utilizesthe SHELL and TERM environment variables.
tset can set COLUMNS, LINES, TERM, and TERMCAP environmental variables.
/etc/ttytype system Port name to terminal type mapping database
/etc/termcap Terminal capability database
csh(1), tcsh(1), sh(1),bash(1),stty(1), tty(4), termcap(5), ttytype(5), environ(7)
The tset command appeared in BSD 3.0.
tset, reset
Part I: User Commands
The -A, -E, -h, -S, -u, and -v optionshave been deleted from the tset utility. None of them were documented in 4.3BSD
and all are of limited utility at best. The -a, -d, and -p optionsare similarly not documented or useful, but were retained as
they appear to be in widespread use. It isstrongly recommended that any usage of these three optionsbe changed to use the
-m option instead. The -n option remains, but hasno effect. It isstill permissible to specify the -e, -i, and -k options
without arguments, although it isstrongly recommended that such usage be fixed to explicitly specify the character.
Executing tset asreset no longer impliesthe -Q option. Also, the interaction between the - option and the terminal
argument in some historic implementationsof tset hasbeen removed and hasbeen replaced with -t option.
Finally, the tset implementation hasbeen completely redone aspart of the addition to the system of a IEEE Std1003.1-
1988 (POSIX) -compliant terminal interface and will no longer compile on systemswith older terminal interfaces.
Linux, 12 January1995
tsortTopological sort of a directed graph
tsort [f i l e]
tsort takesa list of pairsof node namesrepresenting directed arcsin a graph and printsthe nodesin topological order on
standard output. Input istaken from the named file, or from standard input if no file isgiven.
Node namesin the input are separated by whitespace, and there must be an even number of nodes.
Presence of a node in a graph can be represented by an arc from the node to itself. Thisisuseful when a node isnot
connected to any other nodes.
If the graph containsa cycle (and therefore cannot be properly sorted), one of the arcsin the cycle isignored and the sort
continues. Cyclesare reported on standard error.
A tsort command appeared in AT&T v7. Thistsort command and manual page are derived from sourcescontributed to
Berkeley by Michael Rendell of Memorial University of Newfoundland.
23 April 1991
twmTab Window Manager for the X Window System
twm [ -display dpy ][-s ][-f i ni t f i l e ][-v ]
twm isa window manager for the X Window System. It providestitlebars, shaped windows, several formsof icon manage-
ment, user-defined macro functions, click-to-type and pointer-driven keyboard focus, and user-specified key and pointer
button bindings.
Thisprogram isusually started by the userssession manager or startup script. When used from xdm(1) or xinit(1) without a
session manager, twm isfrequently executed in the foreground asthe last client. When run thisway, exiting twm causesthe
session to be terminated (logged out).
By default, application windowsare surrounded by a frame with a titlebar at the top and a special border around the
window. The titlebar containsthe windowsname, a rectangle that islit when the window isreceiving keyboard input, and
function boxesknown astitlebuttonsat the left and right edgesof the titlebar.
Pressing pointer Button1 (usually the leftmost button unlessit hasbeen changed with xmodmap) on a titlebutton will invoke
the function associated with the button. In the default interface, windowsare iconified by clicking (pressing and then
immediately releasing) the left titlebutton (which lookslike a dot). Conversely, windowsare deiconified by clicking in the
associated icon or entry in the icon manager. (See description of the variable Show-IconManager and of the function
Windowsare resized by pressing the right titlebutton (which resemblesa group of nested squares), dragging the pointer over
the edge that isto be moved, and releasing the pointer when the outline of the window isthe desired size. Similarly, windows
are moved by pressing in the title or highlight region, dragging a window outline to the new location, and then releasing
when the outline isin the desired position. Just clicking in the title or highlight region raisesthe window without moving it.
When new windowsare created, twm will honor any size and location information requested by the user (usually through -
geometry command-line argument or resourcesfor the individual applications). Otherwise, an outline of the windows
default size, itstitlebar, and linesdividing the window into a 33 grid that track the pointer are displayed. Clicking pointer
Button1 will position the window at the current position and give it the default size. Pressing pointer Button2 (usually the
middle pointer button) and dragging the outline will give the window itscurrent position but allow the sidesto be resized as
described above. Clicking pointer Button3 (usually the right pointer button) will give the window itscurrent position but
attempt to make it long enough to touch the bottom of the screen.
twm acceptsthe following command-line options:
-display dpy Thisoption specifiesthe X server to use.
-s Thisoption indicatesthat only the default screen (asspecified by -display or by the DISPLAY environ-
ment variable) should be managed. By default, twm will attempt to manage all screenson the display.
-f f i l ename Thisoption specifiesthe name of the startup file to use. By default, twm will look in the usershome
directory for filesnamed .twmrc.num (where num isa screen number) or .twmrc.
-v Thisoption indicatesthat twm should print error messageswhenever an unexpected X Error event is
received. Thiscan be useful when debugging applicationsbut can be distracting in regular use.
Much of twmsappearance and behavior can be controlled by providing a startup file in one of the following locations
(searched in order for each screen being managed when twm begins):
$HOME/.twmrc.scr eennumber The scr eennumber isa small positive number (for example, 0, 1, and so on)
representing the screen number (for example, the last number in the DISPLAY
environment variable host:displaynum.screennum) that would be used to contact
that screen of the display. Thisisintended for displayswith multiple screensof
differing visual types.
$HOME/.twmrc Thisisthe usual name for an individual usersstartup file.
<XRoot>/lib/X11/twm/system.twmrc If neither of the preceding filesare found, twm will look in thisfile for a default
configuration. Thisisoften tailored by the site administrator to provide convenient
menusor familiar bindingsfor novice users. <XRoot> refersto the root of the X11
install tree.
Part I: User Commands
If no startup filesare found, twm will use the built-in defaultsdescribed. The only resource used by twm isbitmapFilePath
for a colon-separated list of directoriesto search when looking for bitmap files. For more information, see the Athena
Widgetsmanual and xrdb(1).
twm startup filesare logically broken up into three typesof specifications: Variables, Bindings, and Menus. The Variables
section must come first and isused to describe the fonts, colors, cursors, border widths, icon and window placement,
highlighting, autoraising, layout of titles, warping, and use of the icon manager. The Bindings section usually comessecond
and isused to specify the functionsthat should be invoked when keyboard and pointer buttonsare pressed in windows,
icons, titles, and frames. The Menus section givesany user-defined menus(containing functionsto be invoked or commands
to be executed).
Variable namesand keywordsare case-insensitive. Stringsmust be surrounded by double quote characters(for example,
blue) and are case-sensitive. A pound sign (#) outside of a string causesthe remainder of the line in which the character
appearsto be treated asa comment.
Many of the aspectsof twmsuser interface are controlled by variablesthat may be set in the usersstartup file. Some of the
optionsare enabled or disabled simply by the presence of a particular keyword. Other optionsrequire keywords, numbers,
strings, or listsof all of these.
Listsare surrounded by bracesand are usually separated by whitespace or a newline. For example,
AutoRaise { emacs XTerm Xmh }
When a variable containing a list of stringsrepresenting windowsissearched (for example, to determine whether or not to
enable autoraise, asshown in the preceding example), a string must be an exact, case-sensitive match to the windowsname
(given by the WM_NAME window property), resource name, or classname (both given by the WM_CLASS window property). The
preceding example would enable autoraise on windowsnamed emacs aswell asany xterm (because they are of classXTerm) or
xmh windows(which are of classXmh).
String argumentsthat are interpreted asfilenames(see Pixmaps, Cursors, and IconDirectory in the following list of
variables) will prepend the usersdirectory (specified by the HOME environment variable) if the first character isa tilde (). If,
instead, the first character isa colon (:), the name isassumed to refer to one of the internal bitmapsthat are used to create
the default titlebarssymbols: : xlogo or :delete (both refer to the X logo), : dot or : iconify (both refer to the dot), : resize
(the nested squaresused by the resize button), : menu (a page with lines), and : question (the question mark used for
nonexistent bitmap files).
The following variablesmay be specified at the top of a twm startup file. Listsof Window name prefix stringsare indicated by
wi n- l i st . Optional argumentsare shown in square brackets:
AutoRaise { wi n- l i st ] Thisvariable specifiesa list of windowsthat should automatically be raised whenever the
pointer entersthe window. Thisaction can be interactively enabled or disabled on
individual windowsusing the function f.autoraise.
AutoRelativeResize Thisvariable indicatesthat dragging out a window size (either when initially sizing the
window with pointer Button2 or when resizing it) should not wait until the pointer has
crossed the window edges. Instead, moving the pointer automatically causesthe nearest edge
or edgesto move by the same amount. Thisallowsthe resizing of windowsthat extend off
the edge of the screen. If the pointer isin the center of the window, or if the resize isbegun
by pressing a titlebutton, twm will still wait for the pointer to crossa window edge (to
prevent accidents). Thisoption isparticularly useful for people who like the press-
drag-release method of sweeping out window sizes.
BorderColor st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe default color of the border to be placed around all noniconified
windows, [{ wi ncol or l i st }] and may only be given within a Color, Grayscale, or Monochrome list. The optional
wincolorlist specifiesa list of window and color name pairsfor specifying particular
border colorsfor different typesof windows. For example:
XTerm red
xmh green
The default isblack.
BorderTileBackground Thisvariable specifiesthe default background color in the gray pattern used in st r i ng [{
wi ncol or l i st }] unhighlighted borders(only if NoHighlight hasnt been set), and may only be given within
a Color, Grayscale, or Monochrome list. The optional wincolorlist allowsper-window
colorsto be specified. The default iswhite.
BorderTileForeground Thisvariable specifiesthe default foreground color in the gray pattern used in unhighlighted
st r i ng [{ wi ncol or l i st }] borders(only if NoHighlight hasnt been set), and may only be given within a Color,
Grayscale, or Monochrome list. The optional wincolorlist allowsper-window colorsto be
specified. The default isblack.
BorderWidth pi xel s Thisvariable specifiesthe width in pixelsof the border surrounding all client window
framesif ClientBorderWidth hasnot been specified. Thisvalue isalso used to set the
border size of windowscreated by twm (such asthe icon manager). The default is2.
ButtonIndent pi xel s Thisvariable specifiesthe amount by which titlebuttonsshould be indented on all sides.
Positive valuescause the buttonsto be smaller than the window text and highlight area so
that they stand out. Setting thisand the TitleButtonBorderWidth variablesto 0 makes
titlebuttonsastall and wide aspossible. The default is1.
ClientBorderWidth Thisvariable indicatesthat border width of a windowsframe should be set to the initial
border width of the window, rather than to the value of BorderWidth.
Color { col or s- l i st } Thisvariable specifiesa list of color assignmentsto be made if the default display iscapable
of displaying more than simple black and white. The col or s- l i st ismade up of the
following color variablesand their values:
The following color variablesmay also be given a list of window and color name pairsto
allow per-window colorsto be specified (see BorderColor for details):
Part I: User Commands
For example:
MenuBackground gray50
MenuForeground blue
BorderColor red { XTerm yellow }
TitleForeground yellow
TitleBackground blue
All of these color variablesmay also be specified for the Monochrome variable, allowing the
same initialization file to be used on both color and monochrome displays.
ConstrainedMoveTime Thisvariable specifiesthe length of time between button clicksneeded to begin a
mi l l i seconds constrained move peration. Double-clicking within thisamount of time when invoking
f.move will cause the window to be moved only in a horizontal or vertical direction. Setting
thisvalue to 0 will disable constrained moves. The default is400 milliseconds.
Cursors { cur sor - l i st } Thisvariable specifiesthe glyphsthat twm should use for variouspointer cursors. Each
cursor may be defined either from the cursor font or from two bitmap files. Shapesfrom
the cursor font may be specified directly as
0 cur sor name string
where cur sor name isone of the cursor nameslisted below, and st r i ng isthe name of a
glyph asfound in the file:
(without the XC prefix). If the cursor isto be defined from bitmap files, the following syntax
isused instead:
0 cursorname i mage mask
The i mage and mask stringsspecify the namesof filescontaining the glyph image and mask
in bitmap(1) form. The bitmap filesare located in the same manner asicon bitmap files.
The following example showsthe default cursor definitions:
Frame top_left_arrow
Title top_left_arrow
Icon top_left_arrow
IconMgr top_left_arrow
Move fleur
Resize fleur
Menu sb_left_arrow
Button hand2
Wait watch
Select dot
Destroy pirate
DecorateTransients Thisvariable indicatesthat transient windows(those containing a WM_TRANSIENT_FOR
property) should have titlebars. By default, transientsare not reparented.
DefaultBackground st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe background color to be used for sizing and information windows.
The default iswhite.
DefaultForeground st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe foreground color to be used for sizing and information windows.
The default isblack.
DontIconifyByUnmapping Thisvariable specifiesa list of windowsthat should not be iconified window (aswould be
{ wi n- l i st } the case if IconifyByUnmapping had been set). Thisisfrequently used to force some
windowsto be treated asiconswhile other windowsare handled by the icon manager.
DontMoveOff Thisvariable indicatesthat windowsshould not be allowed to be moved off the screen. It
can be overridden by the f.forcemove function.
DontSqueezeTitle Thisvariable indicatesthat titlebarsshould not be squeezed to their minimum size as
[{ wi n- l i st }] described under SqueezeTitle below. If the optional window list issupplied, only those
windowswill be prevented from being squeezed.
ForceIcons Thisvariable indicatesthat icon pixmapsspecified in the Icons variable should override any
client-supplied pixmaps.
FramePadding pi xel s Thisvariable specifiesthe distance between the titlebar decorations(the button and text)
and the window frame. The default is2 pixels.
Grayscale { col or s } Thisvariable specifiesa list of color assignmentsthat should be made if the screen hasa
GrayScale default visual. See the description of Colors.
IconBackground st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe background color of icons, and may only be specified inside of a
[{ wi n- l i st }] Color, Grayscale, or Monochrome list. The optional wi n- l i st isa list of window namesand
colorsso that per-window colorsmay be specified. See the Border-Color variable for a
complete description of the wi n- l i st . The default iswhite.
IconBorderColor st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe color of the border used for icon windows, and may only be
[{ wi n- l i st }] specified inside of a Color, Grayscale, or Monochrome list. The optional wi n- l i st isa list
of window namesand colorsso that per-window colorsmay be specified. See the
BorderColor variable for a complete description of the wi n- l i st . The default isblack.
IconBorderWidth pi xel s Thisvariable specifiesthe width in pixelsof the border surrounding icon windows. The
default is2.
IconDirectory st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe directory that should be searched if a bitmap file cannot be found
in any of the directoriesin the bitmapFilePath resource.
IconFont st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe font to be used to display icon nameswithin icons. The default is
IconForeground string Thisvariable specifiesthe foreground color to be used when displaying icons, and may only
[{ wi n- l i st }] be specified inside of a Color, Grayscale, or Monochrome list. The optional win-list isa
list of window namesand colorsso that per-window colorsmay be specified. See the
BorderColor variable for a complete description of the wi n- l i st . The default isblack.
IconifyByUnmapping Thisvariable indicatesthat windowsshould be iconified by being unmapped without
[{ wi n- l i st }] trying to map any icons. Thisassumesthat the user will remap the window through the
icon manager, the f.warpto function, or the TwmWindows menu. If the optional wi n- l i st is
provided, only those windowswill be iconified by simply unmapping. Windowsthat have
both thisand the IconManager DontShow optionsset may not be accessible if no binding to
the TwmWindows menu isset in the usersstartup file.
IconManagerBackground Thisvariable specifiesthe background color to use for icon manager entries, and may only
string [{ wi n- l i st }] be specified inside of a Color, Grayscale, or Monochrome list. The optional wi n- l i st isa
list of window namesand colorsso that per-window colorsmay be specified. See the
BorderColor variable for a complete description of the wi n- l i st . The default iswhite.
IconManagerDontShow Thisvariable indicatesthat the icon manager should not display any windows. If the
[{ wi n- l i st }] optional wi n- l i st isgiven, only those windowswill not be displayed. Thisvariable isused
to prevent windowsthat are rarely iconified (such asxclock or xload) from taking up
space in the icon manager.
Part I: User Commands
IconManagerFont st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe font to be used when displaying icon manager entries. The default
IconManagerForeground Thisvariable specifiesthe foreground color to be used when displaying icon manager
string [{ wi n- l i st }] entries, and may be specified only inside of a Color, Grayscale, or Monochrome list. The
optional wi n- l i st isa list of window namesand colorsso that per-window colorsmay be
specified. See the BorderColor variable for a complete description of the wi n- l i st . The
default isblack.
IconManagerGeometry Thisvariable specifiesthe geometry of the icon manager window. The st r i ng argument is
st r i ng [ col umns ] standard geometry specification that indicatesthe initial full size of the icon manager. The
icon manager window isthen broken into col umns piecesand scaled according to the
number of entriesin the icon manager. Extra entriesare wrapped to form additional rows.
The default number of columnsis1.
IconManagerHighlight Thisvariable specifiesthe border color to be used when highlighting the icon manager entry
st r i ng [{ wi n- l i st }] that currently hasthe focus, and can only be specified inside of a Color, Grayscale, or
Monochrome list. The optional wi n- l i st isa list of window namesand colorsso that per-
window colorsmay be specified. See the Border-Color variable for a complete description
of the wi n- l i st . The default isblack.
IconManagers Thisvariable specifiesa list of icon managersto
{ i conmgr - l i st } create. Each item in the i conmgr - l i st hasthe following format:
0 wi n- name [ i conname ]
geomet r y col umns
where wi nname isthe name of the windowsthat should be put into thisicon manager,
i conname isthe name of that icon manager windowsicon, geomet r y isa standard geometry
specification, and col umns isthe number of columnsin thisicon manager asdescribed in
Icon-ManagerGeometry. For example:
XTerm =300x5+800+5 5
myhost =400x5+100+5 2
Clientswhose name or classisXTerm will have an entry created in the XTerm icon manager.
Clientswhose name wasmyhost would be put into the myhost icon manager.
IconManagerShow{ wi n- l i st } Thisvariable specifiesa list of windowsthat should appear in the icon manager. When used
in conjunction with the IconManagerDontShow variable, only the windowsin thislist will be
shown in the icon manager.
IconRegion geomst r i ng Thisvariable specifiesan area on the root window in which iconsare placed if no specific
vgr av hgr av gr i dwi dt h icon location isprovided by the client. The geomst r i ng isa quoted string containing a
gr i dhei ght standard geometry specification. If more than one IconRegion line isgiven, iconswill be
put into the succeeding icon regionswhen the first isfull. The vgrav argument should be
either North or South and isused to control whether iconsare first filled in from the
top or bottom of the icon region. Similarly, the hgrav argument should be either East or
West and isused to control whether iconsshould be filled in from the left or from
the right. Iconsare laid out within the region in a grid with cellsgr i dwi dt h pixelswide and
gr i dhei ght pixelshigh.
Icons { wi n- l i st } Thisvariable specifiesa list of window namesand the bitmap filenamesthat should be used
astheir icons. For example,
XTerm xterm.icon
xfd xfd_icon
Windowsthat match XTerm and would not be iconified by unmapping would try to use
the icon bitmap in the file xterm.icon. If ForceIcons isspecified, thisbitmap will be used
even if the client hasrequested itsown icon pixmap.
InterpolateMenuColors Thisvariable indicatesthat menu entry colorsshould be interpolated between entry
specified colors. In thisexample,
Menu mymenu
Title (black:red) f.title
entry1" f.nop
entry2" f.nop
entry3" (white:green) f.nop
entry4" f.nop
entry5" (red:white) f.nop
the foreground colorsfor entry1 and entry2 will be interpolated between black and
white, and the background colorsbetween red and green. Similarly, the foreground for
entry4 will be halfway between white and red, and the background will be halfway
between green and white.
MakeTitle { wi n- l i st } Thisvariable specifiesa list of windowson which a title-bar should be placed and isused
to request titleson specific windowswhen NoTitle hasbeen set.
MaxWindowSize st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesa geometry in which the width and height give the maximum size for
a given window. Thisistypically used to restrict windowsto the size of the screen. The
default width is32767screen width. The default height is32767screen height.
MenuBackground st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe background color used for menus, and can only be specified
inside of a Color or Monochrome list. The default iswhite.
MenuFont st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe font to use when displaying menus. The default isvariable.
MenuForeground st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe foreground color used for menusand can only be specified inside
of a Color, Grayscale, or Monochrome list. The default isblack.
MenuShadowColor st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe color of the shadow behind pull-down menusand can only be
specified inside of a Color, Grayscale, or Monochrome list. The default isblack.
MenuTitleBackground st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe background color for f.title entriesin menus, and can only be
specified inside of a Color, Grayscale, or Monochrome list. The default iswhite.
MenuTitleForeground st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe foreground color for f.title entriesin menusand can only be
specified inside of a Color or Monochrome list. The default isblack.
Monochrome { col or s } Thisvariable specifiesa list of color assignmentsthat should be made if the screen hasa
depth of 1. See the description of Colors.
MoveDelta pi xel s Thisvariable specifiesthe number of pixelsthe pointer must move before the f.move
function startsworking. Also see the f.deltastop function. The default iszero pixels.
NoBackingStore Thisvariable indicatesthat twmsmenusshould not request backing store to minimize
repainting of menus. Thisistypically used with serversthat can repaint faster than they can
handle backing store.
NoCaseSensitive Thisvariable indicatesthat case should be ignored when sorting icon namesin an icon
manager. Thisoption istypically used with applicationsthat capitalize the first letter of
their icon name.
NoDefaults Thisvariable indicatesthat twm should not supply the default titlebuttonsand bindings.
Thisoption should only be used if the startup file containsa completely new set of bindings
and definitions.
NoGrabServer Thisvariable indicatesthat twm should not grab the server when popping up menusand
moving opaque windows.
Part I: User Commands
NoHighlight [{ wi n- l i st }] Thisvariable indicatesthat bordersshould not be highlighted to track the location of the
pointer. If the optional wi n- l i st isgiven, highlighting will only be disabled for those
windows. When the border ishighlighted, it will be drawn in the current BorderColor.
When the border isnot highlighted, it will be stippled with a gray pattern using the current
BorderTileForeground and BorderTileBack-ground colors.
NoIconManagers Thisvariable indicatesthat no icon manager should be created.
NoMenuShadows Thisvariable indicatesthat menusshould not have drop shadowsdrawn behind them. This
istypically used with slower serversbecause it speedsup menu drawing at the expense of
making the menu slightly harder to read.
NoRaiseOnDeiconify Thisvariable indicatesthat windowsthat are deiconified should not be raised.
NoRaiseOnMove Thisvariable indicatesthat windowsshould not be raised when moved. Thisistypically
used to allow windowsto slide underneath each other.
NoRaiseOnResize Thisvariable indicatesthat windowsshould not be raised when resized. Thisistypically
used to allow windowsto be resized underneath each other.
NoRaiseOnWarp Thisvariable indicatesthat windowsshould not be raised when the pointer iswarped into
them with the f.warpto function. If thisoption isset, warping to an occluded window may
result in the pointer ending up in the occluding window instead the desired window, which
causesunexpected behavior with f.warpring.
NoSaveUnders Thisvariable indicatesthat menusshould not request save-understo minimize window
repainting following menu selection. It istypically used with displaysthat can repaint faster
than they can handle save-unders.
NoStackMode [{ wi n- l i st }] Thisvariable indicatesthat client window requeststo change stacking order should be
ignored. If the optional wi n- l i st isgiven, only requestson those windowswill be ignored.
Thisistypically used to prevent applicationsfrom relentlessly popping themselvesto the
front of the window stack.
NoTitle [{ wi n- l i st }] Thisvariable indicatesthat windowsshould not have title-bars. If the optional wi n- l i st is
given, only those windowswill not have titlebars. MakeTitle may be used with thisoption
to force titlebarsto be put on specific windows.
NoTitleFocus Thisvariable indicatesthat twm should not set keyboard input focusto each window asit is
entered. Normally, twm setsthe focusso that focusand key eventsfrom the titlebar and icon
managersare delivered to the application. If the pointer ismoved quickly and twm isslow to
respond, input can be directed to the old window instead of the new. Thisoption is
typically used to prevent thisinput lag and to work around bugsin older applicationsthat
have problemswith focusevents.
NoTitleHighlight Thisvariable indicatesthat the highlight area of the titlebar, which isused to indicate the
[{ wi n- l i st }] window that currently hasthe input focus, should not be displayed. If the optional wi n-
l i st isgiven, only those windowswill not have highlight areas. Thisand the SqueezeTitle
optionscan be set to substantially reduce the amount of screen space required by titlebars.
OpaqueMove Thisvariable indicatesthat the f.move function should actually move the window instead of
just an outline so that the user can immediately see what the window will look like in the
new position. Thisoption istypically used on fast displays(particularly if NoGrabServer is
Pixmaps { pi xmaps } Thisvariable specifiesa list of pixmapsthat define the appearance of variousimages. Each
entry isa keyword indicating the pixmap to set, followed by a string giving the name of the
bitmap file. The following pixmapsmay be specified: 0 Pixmaps { TitleHighlight
gray1 }
The default for TitleHighlight isto use an even stipple pattern.
Priority pr i or i t y Thisvariable setstwmspriority. priority should be an unquoted, signed number (for
example, 999). Thisvariable hasan effect only if the server supportsthe SYNC extension.
RandomPlacement Thisvariable indicatesthat windowswith no specified geometry should be placed in a
pseudorandom location instead of having the user drag out an outline.
ResizeFont string Thisvariable specifiesthe font to be used for in the dimensionswindow when resizing
windows. The default isfixed.
RestartPreviousState Thisvariable indicatesthat twm should attempt to use the WM_STATE property on client
windowsto tell which windowsshould be iconified and which should be left visible. Thisis
typically used to try to regenerate the state that the screen wasin before the previous
window manager wasshutdown.
SaveColor { col or s- l i st } Thisvariable indicatesa list of color assignmentsto be stored aspixel valuesin the root
window property _MIT_PRIORITY_COLORS. Clientsmay elect to preserve these valueswhen
installing their own colormaps. Note that use of thismechanism isa way for an application
to avoid the technicolor problem, whereby useful screen objectssuch aswindow borders
and titlebarsdisappear when a programscustom colorsare installed by the window
manager. For example:
Thiswould place on the root window three pixel valuesfor bordersand titlebars, aswell as
the three color strings, all taken from the default colormap.
ShowIconManager Thisvariable indicatesthat the icon manager window should be displayed when twm is
started. It can alwaysbe brought up using the f.showiconmgr function.
SortIconManager Thisvariable indicatesthat entriesin the icon manager should be sorted alphabetically
rather than by simply appending new windowsto the end.
SqueezeTitle Thisvariable indicatesthat twm should attempt to use the SHAPE extension to make titlebars
[{ squeeze- l i st }] occupy only asmuch screen space asthey need, rather than extending all the way acrossthe
top of the window. The optional squeeze- l i st may be used to control the location of the
squeezed titlebar along the top of the window. It containsentriesof the form: 0 name
j ust i f i cat i on num denomwhere name isa window name, j ust i f i cat i on iseither left,
center, or right, and numand denomare numbersspecifying a ratio giving the relative
position about which the titlebar isjustified. The ratio ismeasured from left to right if the
numerator ispositive, and right to left if negative. A denominator of 0 indicatesthat the
numerator should be measured in pixels. For convenience, the ratio 0/0 isthe same as1/2
for center and -1/1 for right. For example,
SqueezeTitle { XTerm left 0 0 xterm1 left 1 3 xterm2 left 2 3
oclock center 0 0 emacs right 0 0 }
The DontSqueezeTitle list can be used to turn off squeezing on certain titles.
StartIconified Thisvariable indicatesthat client windowsshould initially be left asiconsuntil explicitly
[{ wi n- l i st }] deiconified by the user. If the optional wi n- l i st isgiven, only those windowswill be
started iconic. Thisisuseful for programsthat do not support an -iconic command-line
option or resource.
TitleBackground string Thisvariable specifiesthe background color used in titlebars, and may only be specified
[{ wi n- l i st }] inside of a Color, Grayscale, or Monochrome list. The optional wi n- l i st isa list of window
namesand colorsso that per-window colorsmay be specified. The default iswhite.
TitleButtonBorderWidth Thisvariable specifiesthe width in pixelsof the border surrounding titlebuttons. Thisis
pi xel s typically set to 0 to allow titlebuttonsto take up asmuch space aspossible and to not have a
border. The default is1.
Part I: User Commands
TitleFont st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe font to be used for displaying window namesin titlebars. The
default isvariable.
TitleForeground st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe foreground color used in titlebars, and may only be specified
[{ wi n- l i st }] inside of a Color, Grayscale, or Monochrome list. The optional wi n- l i st isa list of window
namesand colorsso that per-window colorsmay be specified. The default isblack.
TitlePadding pi xel s Thisvariable specifiesthe distance between the variousbuttons, text, and highlight areasin
the titlebar. The default is8 pixels.
UnknownIcon st r i ng Thisvariable specifiesthe filename of a bitmap file to be used asthe default icon. This
bitmap will be used asthe icon of all clientsthat do not provide an icon bitmap and are not
listed in the Icons list.
UsePPosition st r i ng Thisvariable specifieswhether or not twm should honor program-requested locations(given
by the PPosition flag in the WM_NORMAL_HINTS property) in the absence of a user-specified
position. The argument st r i ng may have one of three values: off (the default), indicating
that twm should ignore the program-supplied position; on, indicating that the position
should be used; and non-zero, indicating that the position should used if it isother than
(0,0). The latter option isfor working around a bug in older toolkits.
WarpCursor [{ wi n- l i st }] Thisvariable indicatesthat the pointer should be warped into windowswhen they are
deiconified. If the optional wi n- l i st isgiven, the pointer will only be warped when those
windowsare deiconified.
WindowRing { wi n- l i st } Thisvariable specifiesa list of windowsalong which the f.warpring function cycles.
WarpUnmapped Thisvariable indicatesthat the f.warpto function should deiconify any iconified windows
it encounters. Thisistypically used to make a key binding that will pop up a particular
window (such asxmh) no matter where it is. The default isfor f.warpto to ignore iconified
XorValue number Thisvariable specifiesthe value to use when drawing window outlinesfor moving and
resizing. Thisshould be set to a value that will result in a variety of distinguishable colors
when exclusive OR isused with the contentsof the userstypical screen. Setting thisvariable
to 1 often givesnice resultsif adjacent colorsin the default colormap are distinct. By
default, twm will attempt to cause temporary linesto appear at the opposite end of the
colormap from the graphics.
Zoom [ count ] Thisvariable indicatesthat outlinessuggesting movement of a window to and from its
iconified state should be displayed whenever a window isiconified or deiconified. The
optional count argument specifiesthe number of outlinesto be drawn. The default count
The following variablesmust be set after the fontshave been assigned, so it isusually best to put them at the end of the
variablesor at the beginning of the bindingssections:
DefaultFunction f unct i on Thisvariable specifiesthe function to be executed when a key or button event isreceived for
which no binding isprovided. Thisistypically bound to f.nop, f.beep, or a menu
containing window operations.
WindowFunction f unct i on Thisvariable specifiesthe function to execute when a window isselected from the
TwmWindows menu. If thisvariable isnot set, the window will be deiconified and raised.
After the desired variableshave been set, functionsmay be attached titlebuttonsand key and pointer buttons. Titlebuttons
may be added from the left or right side and appear in the titlebar from left to right according to the order in which they are
specified. Key and pointer button bindingsmay be given in any order.
Titlebuttons specificationsmust include the name of the pixmap to use in the button box and the function to be invoked
when a pointer button ispressed within them:
0 LeftTitleButton bi t mapname=f unct i on
0 RightTitleButton bi t mapname=f unct i on
The bi t mapname may refer to one of the built-in bitmaps(which are scaled to match Title-Font) by using the appropriate
colon-prefixed name described earlier.
Key and pointer button specificationsmust give the modifiersthat must be pressed, over which partsof the screen the
pointer must be, and what function isto be invoked. Keysare given asstringscontaining the appropriate keysym name;
buttonsare given asthe keywordsButton1-Button5: 0 FP1 = modl i st : cont ext : f unct i on Button1 = modl i st :
cont ext : f unct i on
The modl i st isany combination of the modifier namesshift, control, lock, meta, mod1, mod2, mod3, mod4, or mod5 (which
may be abbreviated ass, c, l, m, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, respectively) separated by a vertical bar (|). Similarly, the cont ext isany
combination of window, title, icon, root, frame, iconmgr, their first letters(iconmgr abbreviation ism), or all, separated
by a vertical bar. The function isany of the f keywordsdescribed in the following list. For example, the default startup file
containsthe following bindings:
Button1 = : root : TwmWindows
Button1 = m : window | icon : f.function move-or-lower
Button2 = m : window | icon : f.iconify
Button3 = m : window | icon : f.function move-or-raise
Button1 = : title : f.function move-or-raise
Button2 = : title : f.raiselower
Button1 = : icon : f.function move-or-iconify
Button2 = : icon : f.iconify
Button1 = : iconmgr : f.iconify
Button2 = : iconmgr : f.iconify
A user who wanted to be able to manipulate windowsfrom the keyboard could use the following bindings:
F1 = : all : f.iconify
F2 = : all : f.raiselower
F3 = : all : f.warpring next
F4 = : all : f.warpto xmh
F5 = : all : f.warpto emacs
F6 = : all : f.colormap next
F7 = : all : f.colormap default
F20 = : all : f.warptoscreen next
Left = m : all : f.backiconmgr
Right = m | s : all : f.forwiconmgr
Up = m : all : f.upiconmgr
Down = m | s : all : f.downiconmgr
twm providesmany more window manipulation primitivesthan can be conveniently stored in a titlebar, menu, or set of key
bindings. Although a small set of defaultsissupplied (unlessthe NoDefaults isspecified), most userswill want to have their
most common operationsbound to key and button strokes. To do this, twm associatesnameswith each of the primitivesand
providesuser-defined functionsfor building higher level primitivesand menusfor interactively selecting among groupsof
Part I: User Commands
User-defined functionscontain the name by which they are referenced in callsto f.function and a list of other functionsto
execute. For example,
Function move-or-lower { f.move f.deltastop f.lower }
Function move-or-raise { f.move f.deltastop f.raise }
Function move-or-iconify { f.move f.deltastop f.iconify }
Function restore-colormap { f.colormap default f.lower }
The function name must be used in f.function exactly asit appearsin the function specification.
In the following descriptions, if the function issaid to operate on the selected window, but isinvoked from a root menu, the
cursor will be changed to the Select cursor and the next window to receive a button presswill be chosen:
! st r i ng Thisisan abbreviation for f.exec string.
f.autoraise Thisfunction toggleswhether or not the selected window israised whenever entered by the
pointer. See the description of the variable AutoRaise.
f.backiconmgr Thisfunction warpsthe pointer to the previouscolumn in the current icon manager,
wrapping back to the previousrow if necessary.
f.beep Thisfunction soundsthe keyboard bell.
f.bottomzoom Thisfunction issimilar to the f.fullzoom function, but resizesthe window to fill only the
bottom half of the screen.
f.circledown Thisfunction lowersthe topmost window that occludesanother window.
f.circleup Thisfunction raisesthe bottommost window that isoccluded by another window.
f.colormap st r i ng Thisfunction rotatesthe colormaps(obtained from the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property on
the window) that twm will display when the pointer isin thiswindow. The argument
st r i ng may have one of the following values: next, prev, and default. It should be noted
here that in general, the installed colormap isdetermined by keyboard focus. A pointer-
driven keyboard focuswill install a private colormap upon entry of the window owning the
colormap. Using the click-to-type model, private colormapswill not be installed until the
user clickson the target window.
f.deiconify Thisfunction deiconifiesthe selected window. If the window isnot an icon, thisfunction
f.delete Thisfunction sendsthe WM_DELETE_WINDOW message to the selected window if the client
application hasrequested it through the WM_PROTOCOLS window property. The application is
supposed to respond to the message by removing the indicated window. If the window has
not requested WM_DELETE_WINDOW messages, the keyboard bell will be rung, indicating that
the user should choose an alternative method. Note thisisvery different from f.destroy.
The intent here isto delete a single window, not necessarily the entire application.
f.deltastop Thisfunction allowsa user-defined function to be aborted if the pointer hasbeen moved
more than MoveDelta pixels. See the example definition given for Function move-or-
raise at the beginning of the section.
f.destroy Thisfunction instructsthe X server to close the display connection of the client that created
the selected window. Thisshould only be used asa last resort for shutting down runaway
clients. See also f.delete.
f.downiconmgr Thisfunction warpsthe pointer to the next row in the current icon manger, wrapping to
the beginning of the next column if necessary.
f.exec st r i ng Thisfunction passesthe argument string to /bin/sh for execution. In multiscreen mode,
if st r i ng startsa new X client without giving a display argument, the client will appear on
the screen from which thisfunction wasinvoked.
f.focus Thisfunction togglesthe keyboard focusof the server to the selected window, changing the
focusrule from pointer-driven if necessary. If the selected window already wasfocused, this
function executesan f.unfocus.
f.forcemove Thisfunction islike f.move except that it ignoresthe DontMoveOff variable.
f.forwiconmgr Thisfunction warpsthe pointer to the next column in the current icon manager, wrapping
to the beginning of the next row if necessary.
f.fullzoom Thisfunction resizesthe selected window to the full size of the display or else restoresthe
original size if the window wasalready zoomed.
f.function st r i ng Thisfunction executesthe user-defined function whose name isspecified by the argument
st r i ng.
f.hbzoom Thisfunction isa synonym for f.bottomzoom.
f.hideiconmgr Thisfunction unmapsthe current icon manager.
f.horizoom Thisvariable issimilar to the f.zoom function except that the selected window isresized to
the full width of the display.
f.htzoom Thisfunction isa synonym for f.topzoom.
f.hzoom Thisfunction isa synonym for f.horizoom.
f.iconify Thisfunction iconifiesor deiconifiesthe selected window or icon, respectively.
f.identify Thisfunction displaysa summary of the name and geometry of the selected window. If the
server supportsthe SYNC extension, the priority of the client owning the window isalso
displayed. Clicking the pointer or pressing a key in the window will dismissit.
f.lefticonmgr Thisfunction issimilar to f.backiconmgr except that wrapping doesnot change rows.
f.leftzoom Thisvariable issimilar to the f.bottomzoom function but causesthe selected window to be
resized only on the left half of the display.
f.lower Thisfunction lowersthe selected window. st r i ng Thisfunction invokesthe menu specified by the argument st r i ng. Cascaded menusmay be
built by nesting callsto
f.move Thisfunction dragsan outline of the selected window (or the window itself if the
OpaqueMove variable isset) until the invoking pointer button isreleased. Double-clicking
within the number of millisecondsgiven by ConstrainedMoveTime warpsthe pointer to the
center of the window and constrainsthe move to be either horizontal or vertical, depending
on which grid line iscrossed. To abort a move, pressanother button before releasing the
first button.
f.nexticonmgr Thisfunction warpsthe pointer to the next icon manager containing any windowson the
current or any succeeding screen.
f.nop Thisfunction doesnothing and istypically used with the Default-Function or
WindowFunction variablesor to introduce blank linesin menus.
f.previconmgr Thisfunction warpsthe pointer to the previousicon manager containing any windowson
the current or preceding screens.
f.priority st r i ng Thisfunction setsthe priority of the client owning the selected window to the numeric
value of the argument st r i ng, which should be a signed integer in double quotes(for
example, 999). Thisfunction hasan effect only if the server supportsthe SYNC extension.
f.quit Thisfunction causestwm to restore the windowsbordersand exit. If twm isthe first client
invoked from xdm, thiswill result in a server reset.
f.raise Thisfunction raisesthe selected window.
f.raiselower Thisfunction raisesthe selected window to the top of the stacking order if it isoccluded by
any windows; otherwise, the window islowered.
f.refresh Thisfunction causesall windowsto be refreshed.
f.resize Thisfunction displaysan outline of the selected window. Crossing a border (or setting
AutoRelativeResize) will cause the outline to begin to rubber band until the invoking
button isreleased. To abort a resize, pressanother button before releasing the first button.
f.restart Thisfunction killsand restartstwm.
f.righticonmgr Thisfunction issimilar to f.nexticonmgr except that wrapping doesnot change rows.
Part I: User Commands
f.rightzoom Thisvariable issimilar to the f.bottomzoom function except that the selected window is
only resized to the right half of the display.
f.saveyourself Thisfunction sendsa WM_SAVEYOURSELF message to the selected window if it hasrequested
the message in itsWM_PROTOCOLS window property. Clientsthat accept thismessage are
supposed to checkpoint all statesassociated with the window and update the WM_COMMAND
property asspecified in the ICCCM. If the selected window hasnot been selected for this
message, the keyboard bell will be rung.
f.showiconmgr Thisfunction mapsthe current icon manager.
f.sorticonmgr Thisfunction sortsthe entriesin the current icon manager alphabetically. See the variable
f.title Thisfunction providesa centered, unselectable item in a menu definition. It should not be
used in any other context.
f.topzoom Thisvariable issimilar to the f.bottomzoom function except that the selected window is
only resized to the top half of the display.
f.unfocus Thisfunction resetsthe focusback to pointer-driven. Thisshould be used when a focused
window isno longer desired.
f.upiconmgr Thisfunction warpsthe pointer to the previousrow in the current icon manager, wrapping
to the last row in the same column if necessary.
f.vlzoom Thisfunction isa synonym for f.leftzoom.
f.vrzoom Thisfunction isa synonym for f.rightzoom.
f.warpring st r i ng Thisfunction warpsthe pointer to the next or previouswindow (asindicated by the
argument st r i ng, which may be next or prev) specified in the WindowRing variable.
f.warpto st r i ng Thisfunction warpsthe pointer to the window that hasa name or classthat matches
st r i ng. If the window isiconified, it will be deiconified if the variable WarpUnmapped isset
or else ignored.
f.warptoiconmgr st r i ng Thisfunction warpsthe pointer to the icon manager entry associated with the window
containing the pointer in the icon manager specified by the argument st r i ng. If st r i ng is
empty (that is, ), the current icon manager ischosen.
f.warptoscreen st r i ng Thisfunction warpsthe pointer to the screen specified by the argument st r i ng. st r i ng
may be a number (such as0 or 1), the word next (indicating the current screen plus
1, skipping over any unmanaged screens), the word back (indicating the current screen
minus1, skipping over any unmanaged screens), or the word prev (indicating the last
screen visited.
f.winrefresh Thisfunction issimilar to the f.refresh function except that only the selected window is
f.zoom Thisfunction issimilar to the f.fullzoom function, except that only the height of the
selected window ischanged.
Functionsmay be grouped and interactively selected using pop-up (when bound to a pointer button) or pull-down (when
associated with a titlebutton) menus. Each menu specification containsthe name of the menu asit will be referred to by, optional default foreground and background colors, the list of item namesand the functionsthey should invoke,
and optional foreground and background colorsfor individual items:
Menu menuname[(def f or e:def back) ] { st r i ng1 [(f or e1:backn)] f unct i on1 st r i ng2
[(f or e2:backn)] f unct i on2 r i ngN [(f or eN:backN)] f unct i onN }
The menuname iscase-sensitive. The optional deffore and defback argumentsspecify the foreground and background colors
used on a color display to highlight menu entries. The string portion of each menu entry will be the text that will appear in
the menu. The optional fore and back argumentsspecify the foreground and background colorsof the menu entry when the
pointer isnot in the entry. These colorswill only be used on a color display. The default isto use the colorsspecified by the
MenuForeground and MenuBackground variables. The function portion of the menu entry isone of the functions, including
any user-defined functions, or additional menus.
There isa special menu named TwmWindows that containsthe namesof all of the client and twm-supplied windows. Selecting
an entry will cause the WindowFunction to be executed on that window. If WindowFunction hasnt been set, the window will
be deiconified and raised.
twm supportsseveral different waysof manipulating iconified windows. The common pixmap-and-text style may be laid out
by hand or automatically arranged asdescribed by the IconRegion variable. In addition, a terse grid of icon names, called an
icon manager, providesa more efficient use of screen space aswell asthe ability to navigate among windowsfrom the
An icon manager isa window that containsnamesof selected windowsor all windowscurrently on the display. In addition
to the window name, a small button using the default iconify symbol will be displayed to the left of the name when the
window isiconified. By default, clicking on an entry in the icon manager performsf.iconify. To change the actionstaken
in the icon manager, use the iconmgr context when specifying button and keyboard bindings.
If you move the pointer into the icon manager, the keyboard focusisalso directed to the indicated window (setting the focus
explicitly or else sending synthetic eventsNoTitleFocus isset). Using the f.upiconmgr, f.downiconmgr, f.lefticonmgr,
and f.righticonmgr functions, the input focuscan be changed between windowsdirectly from the keyboard.
The resource manager should have been used instead of all of the window lists.
The IconRegion variable should take a list.
Double-clicking very fast to get the constrained move function will sometimescause the window to move, even though the
pointer isnot moved.
If IconifyByUnmapping ison and windowsare listed in IconManagerDontShow but not in DontIconifyByUnmapping, they
may be lost if they are iconified and no bindingsto TwmWindows or f.warpto are setup.
$HOME/.twmrc.<screen number>
DISPLAY Thisvariable isused to determine which X server to use. It isalso set during f.exec so that programscome up on
the proper screen.
HOME Thisvariable isused asthe prefix for filesthat begin with a tilde and for locating the twm startup file.
X(1), Xserver(1), xdm(1), xrdb(1)
Tom LaStrange, Solbourne Computer; Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium; Steve Pitschke, Stardent Computer; Keith Packard,
MIT X Consortium; Dave Payne, Apple Computer.
X(1), Xserver(1), x
X Version 11 Release6
Part I: User Commands
txt2gcalCreatesa verbatim gcal resource file from a text file
txt2gcal [ --help | --version ] | [ Text - f i l e | - ][Dat e- par t ]
txt2gcal isa program that createsa verbatim gcal resource file from a text file. If no t ext - f i l e or - argument isgiven, the
program readsand processesall input received from the standard input channel. If no dat e- par t argument isgiven,
txt2gcal createsa 0 for the date part. All resultsare alwaysshown on the standard output channel. An exit statusof 0 means
all processing issuccessfully done; any other value meansan error hasoccurred.
--help Print a usage message listing all available options, then exit successfully.
--version Print the version number, then exit successfully.

1996 ThomasEsken. Thissoftware doesnt claim completeness, correctness, or usability. On principle, I will not
be liable for any damagesor losses(implicit or explicit), which result from using or handling my software. If you use this
software, you agree without any exception to thisagreement, which bindsyou legally.
txt2cal isfree software and distributed under the termsof the GNU General Public License; published by the Free Software
Foundation; version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
Any suggestions, improvements, extensions, bug reports, donations, proposalsfor contract work, and so forth are welcome. If
you like thistool, Id appreciate a postcard from you!
Enjoy it =8)
ThomasEsken (
m Hagenfeld 84
D-48147 Muenster; Germany
Phone : +49 251 232585
gcal(1), tcal(1)
16 July1996
ulDo underlining
ul [-i] [-t terminal] [name ...]
Ul readsthe named files(or standard input if none are given) and translatesoccurrencesof underscoresto the sequence that
indicatesunderlining for the terminal in use, asspecified by the environment variable TERM . The file /etc/termcap isread to
determine the appropriate sequencesfor underlining. If the terminal isincapable of underlining but iscapable of a standout
mode, then that isused instead. If the terminal can overstrike, or handlesunderlining automatically, ul degeneratesto
cat(1). If the terminal cannot underline, underlining isignored.
The following optionsare available:
-i Underlining isindicated by a separate line containing appropriate dashes-; thisisuseful when you want to
look at the underlining which ispresent in an nroff output stream on a CRT terminal.
-t terminal Overridesthe terminal type specified in the environment with terminal.
The following environment variable isused
TERM Relatesa tty device with itsdevice capability description; see termcap(5). TERM isset at login time, either
by the default terminal type specified in /etc/ttys or asset during the login processby the user in the
login file; see setenv(1).
man(1), nroff(1), colcrt(1)
nroff usually outputsa seriesof backspacesand underlinesintermixed with the text to indicate underlining. No attempt is
made to optimize the backward motion.
The ul command appeared in BSD 3.0.
BSD 4, 6 June1993
unexpandConvert spacesto tabs
unexpand [-t ab1[,t ab2[,...]]] [-t t ab1[,t ab2[,...]]] [-a][--tabs=t ab1[,t ab2[,...]]]
[--all] [--help] [--version] [f i l e...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of unexpand. unexpand writesthe contentsof each given file, or the standard
input if none are given or when a file named - isgiven, to the standard output, with stringsof two or more space or tab
charactersconverted to asmany tabsaspossible followed by asmany spacesasare needed. By default, unexpand converts
only initial spacesand tabs(those that precede all charactersthat arent spacesor tabs) on each line. It preservesbackspace
charactersin the output; they decrement the column count for tab calculations. By default, tabsare set at every 8th column.
-, -t, --tabs t ab1[,t ab2[,...]] If only one tab stop isgiven, set the tabst ab1 spacesapart instead of the default 8.
Otherwise, set the tabsat columnst ab1, t ab2, and so on (numbered from 0) and
leave spacesand tabsbeyond the tab stopsgiven unchanged. If the tab stopsare
specified with the -t or --tabs option, they can be separated by blanksaswell asby
commas. Thisoption impliesthe -a option.
-a, --all Convert all stringsof two or more spacesor tabs, not just initial ones, to tabs.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a non-zero status.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
Part I: User Commands
uniqRemove duplicate linesfrom a sorted file
uniq [-cdu] [-f skip-fields] [-s skip-chars] [-w check-chars] [-#skip-fields]
[+#skip-chars] [--count] [--repeated] [--unique] [--skip-fields=skip-fields]
[--skip-chars=skip-chars] [--check-chars=check-chars] [--help] [--version]
[infile] [outfile]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of uniq. uniq printsthe unique linesin a sorted file, discarding all but one of
a run of matching lines. It can optionally show only linesthat appear exactly once, or linesthat appear more than once. uniq
requiressorted input because it comparesonly consecutive lines.
If the output file isnot specified, uniq writesto the standard output. If the input file isnot specified, it readsfrom the
standard input.
-u, --unique Only print unique lines
-d, --repeated Only print duplicate lines
-c, --count Print the number of timeseach line occurred along with the line
-number , -f, In thisoption, number isan integer representing the number of fieldsto skip over
--skip-fields=number before checking for uniqueness. The first number fields, along with any blanks
found before number fieldsisreached, are skipped over and not counted. Fieldsare
defined asa stringsof nonspace, nontab charactersthat are separated from each
other by spacesand tabs.
+number , -s, In thisoption, number isan integer representing the number of charactersto skip
--skip-chars=number over before checking for uniqueness. The first number characters, along with any
blanksfound before number charactersisreached, are skipped over and not counted.
If you use both the field and character skipping options, fieldsare skipped over first.
-w, Specify the number of charactersto compare in the lines, after skipping any specified fields
--check-chars=number and characters. Normally, the entire remainder of the linesare compared.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a non-zero status.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
unsharUnpack a shar file
unshar [ -d di r ect or y ] [ -c ][-e | -E exit_line ] [ f i l e ... ]
unshar scansmail messageslooking for the start of a shell archive. It then passesthe archive through a copy of the shell
to unpack it. It will accept multiple files. If no filesare given, standard input isused. Thismanual page reflectsunshar
version 4.0.
Optionshave a one-letter version starting with - or a long version starting with --. The exceptionsare --help and --
version, which dont have a short version.
--version Print the version number of the program on standard output, then immediately exit.
--help Print a help summary on standard output, then immediately exit.
-d DI RECTORY Change directory to DI RECTORY
--directory=DI RECTORY before unpacking any files.
-c --overwrite Passed asan option to the shar file. Many shell archive scripts(including those produced by
shar 3.40 and newer) accept a -c argument to indicate that existing filesshould be
-e --exit-0 Thisoption existsmainly for people who collect many shell archivesinto a single mail
folder. With thisoption, unshar isolateseach different shell archive from the othersthat
have been put in the same file, unpacking each in turn, from the beginning of the file
towardsitsend. Itsproper operation relieson the fact that many shar filesare terminated
by an exit 0 at the beginning of a line.
Option -e isinternally equivalent to -E exit 0.
-E STRI NG Thisoption workslike -e, but it allowsyou to specify the string that separatesarchives
--split-at=STRI NG if exit 0 isnt appropriate. For example, noticing that most .signatures have a --
on a line right before them, one can sometimesuse -- split-at=-- for splitting shell
archivesthat lack the exit 0 line at end. The signature will then be skipped altogether with
the headersof the following message.
Any message from the shell may be displayed.
Michael Mauldin at Carnegie-Mellon University, Guido van Rossum at CWI, Amsterdam (guido@mcvax), Bill Davidsen
(davidsen@sixhub.uuxp), Warren Tucker (
Richard H. Gumpertz (rhg@CPS.COM), and ColasNahaboo ( Man pagesby Jan Djfrv
12 August 1990
updatedbUpdate a filename database
updatedb [opt i ons]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of updatedb, which updatesfilename databasesused by GNU locate. The
filename databasescontain listsof filesthat were in particular directory treeswhen the databaseswere last updated. The
filename of the default database isdetermined when locate and updatedb are configured and installed. The frequency with
which the databasesand the directoriesfor which they contain entriesare updated dependson how often updatedb isrun,
Part I: User Commands
and with which arguments. In networked environments, it often makessense to build a database at the root of each
filesystem, containing the entriesfor that filesystem. To prevent thrashing the network, updatedb isthen run for each
filesystem on the fileserver where that filesystem ison a local disk. Userscan select which databaseslocate searchesusing an
environment variable or command-line option; see locate(1L). Databasescan not be concatenated together. The filename
database format changed starting with GNU find and locate version 4.0 to allow machineswith different byte orderingsto
share the databases. The new GNU locate can read both the old and new database formats. However, old versionsof
locate and find produce incorrect resultsif given a new-format database.
--localpaths=pat h1 pat h2... Nonnetwork directoriesto put in the database. Default is/.
--netpaths=pat h1 pat h2... Network (NFS, AFS, RFS, and so on) directoriesto put in the database. Default is
--prunepaths=pat h1 pat h2... Directoriesto not put in the database, which would otherwise be put there. Default
is/tmp /usr/tmp /var/tmp /afs.
--output=dbf i l e The database file to build. Default issystem-dependent, but typically /usr/local/
--netuser=user The user to search network directoriesas, using su(1). Default isdaemon.
--old-format Create the database in the old format instead of the new one.
--version Print the version number of updatedb and exit.
--help Print a summary of the optionsto updatedb and exit.
find(1L), locate(1L), locatedb(5L), xargs(1L) FindingFiles(online in info, or printed)
uptimeTell how long the system hasbeen running
uptime givesa one-line display of the information that followsit: the current time, how long the system hasbeen running,
how many usersare currently logged on, and the system load averagesfor the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
Thisisthe same information contained in the header line displayed by w(1).
/var/run/utmp Information about who iscurrently logged on
/proc Processinformation
uptime waswritten by Larry Greenfield ( and Michael K. Johnson
ps(1), top(1), utmp(5), w(1)
CohesiveSystems, 26 January 1993
userlistUser listing of whoson your system
Thisprogram simply givesyou a listing of who isconnected to your system. It isused primarily in the sorted listing that
utilitizesthe same method of display for a more uniform output between systems. It also made more sense to do it thisway
instead of having jumbled up display listingsin sorted finger displays. Besides, it made more sense to do thisthan use
finger. :)
Thisprogram functionswith the same typesof thingsin mind that cfingerd does. If the user hasa .nofinger file, hisor her
username will not be displayed in the user listing.
Example output isshown as
Username Real Name Idletime TTY Remote console username Im real ... 9d 23:59 0
where it would display the userslogin name, the usersreal name, the usersidle time given in the format dd hh: mm, the
TTY, and the remote location (or where the user istelnetting from).
If the username ismore than a certain number of characters, the program will not search for their information in the passwd
file because it may be too long. Besides, it checksgetpwnam, anyway.
If you like thisprogram, have any suggestionson how it could be modified, or have bug reports, please write to
Your continued public domain support isappreciated! Thanks.
cfingerd.conf(5), cfingerd(8), finger(1)
Userlist 0.0.1, 26 August 1995
uucpUNIX-to-UNIX copy
uucp [ options ] sour ce- f i l e dest i nat i on- f i l e
uucp [ options ] sour ce- f i l e. . . dest i nat i on- di r ect or y
The uucp command copiesfilesbetween systems. Each file argument iseither a pathname on the local machine or isof the
syst em! pat h
which isinterpreted asbeing on a remote system. In the first form, the contentsof the first file are copied to the second. In
the second form, each source file iscopied into the destination directory.
Part I: User Commands
A file be transferred to or from syst em2 via syst em1 by using
syst em1!syst em2!pat h
Any pathname that doesnot begin with / or will be appended to the current directory (unlessthe -W or --noexpand option
isused); thisresulting path will not necessarily exist on a remote system. A pathname beginning with a simple startsat the
uucp public directory; a pathname beginning with name startsat the home directory of the named user. The isinterpreted
on the appropriate system. Note that some shellswill interpret a simple to the local home directory before uucp seesit; to
avoid this, the must be quoted.
Shell metacharacters? * [ ] are interpreted on the appropriate system, assuming they are quoted to prevent the shell from
interpreting them first.
The copy doesnot take place immediately, but isqueued up for the uucico(8) daemon; the daemon isstarted immediately
unlessthe -r or --nouucico switch isgiven. In any case, the next time the remote system iscalled, the file(s) will be copied.
The following optionsmay be given to uucp.
-c, --nocopy Do not copy local source filesto the spool directory. If they are removed before being
processed by the uucico(8) daemon, the copy will fail. The filesmust be readable by the
uucico(8) daemon, and by the invoking user.
-C, --copy Copy local source filesto the spool directory. Thisisthe default.
-d, --directories Create all necessary directorieswhen doing the copy. Thisisthe default.
-f, --nodirectories If any necessary directoriesdo not exist for the destination path, abort the copy.
-g gr ade, --grade gr ade Set the grade of the file transfer command. Jobsof a higher grade are executed first. Grades
run 0 ... 9 A ... Z a ... z from high to low.
-m, --mail Report completion or failure of the file transfer by mail(1).
-n user , --notify user Report completion or failure of the file transfer by mail(1) to the named user on the remote
-r, --nouucico Do not start uucico(8) daemon immediately; merely queue up the file transfer for later
-j, -- j obi d Print j obi d on standard output. The job may be later canceled by passing the j obi d to the
-k switch of uustat(1). It ispossible for some complex operationsto produce more than
one j obi d, in which case, each will be printed on a separate line. For example,
uucp sys1!user 1/f i l e1 sys2!user 2/f i l e2 user 3
will generate two separate jobs, one for the system sys1 and one for the system sys2.
-W, --noexpand Do not prepend remote relative pathnameswith the current directory.
-x t ype, --debug t ype Turn on particular debugging types. The following typesare recognized: abnormal, chat,
handshake, uucp-proto, proto, port, config, spooldir, execute, incoming, outgoing.
Only abnormal, config, spooldir, and execute are meaningful for uucp. Multiple types
may be given, separated by commas, and the --debug option may appear multiple times. A
number may also be given, which will turn on that many typesfrom the foregoing list; for
example, --debug 2 isequivalent to --debug abnormal,chat.
-I f i l e, --config f i l e Set configuration file to use. Thisoption may not be available, depending upon how uucp
-v, --version Report version information and exit.
--help Print a help message and exit.
The filenamesmay be changed at compilation time or by the configuration file, so these are only approximations.
/usr/lib/uucp/config Configuration file
/usr/spool/uucpuucp Spool directory
/usr/spool/uucp/Log uucp log file
/usr/spool/uucppublic Default uucp public directory
mail(1), uux(1), uustat(1), uucico(8)
Some of the optionsare dependent on the capabilitiesof the uucico(8) daemon on the remote system.
The -n and -m switchesdo not work when transferring a file from one remote system to another.
File modesare not preserved, except for the execute bit. The resulting file isowned by the uucp user.
Ian Lance Taylor (
Taylor UUCP 1.05
uuencodeEncode a binary file
uudecodeDecode a file created by uuencode
uuencode [-m] [ f i l e ] name
uudecode [-o outfile] [ f i l e ]...
uuencode and uudecode are used to transmit binary filesover transmission mediumsthat do not support other than simple
ASCII data.
uuencode readsf i l e (or by default the standard input) and writesan encoded version to the standard output. The encoding
usesonly printing ASCII charactersand includesthe mode of the file and the operand name for use by uudecode. If name is/
dev/stdout, the result will be written to standard output. By default, the standard UU encoding format will be used. If the
option -m isgiven on the command line, base64 encoding isused instead.
uudecode transformsuuencoded files(or by default, the standard input) into the original form. The resulting file isnamed
name (or outfile if the -o option isgiven) and will have the mode of the original file except that setuid and execute bits
are not retained. If outfile or name is/dev/stdout, the result will be written to standard output. uudecode ignoresany
leading and trailing lines. The program can automatically decide which of the supported encoding schemesare used.
The following example packagesup a source tree, compressesit, uuencodes it, and mailsit to a user on another system.
When uudecode isrun on the target system, the file src_tree.tar.Z will be created, which may then be uncompressed and
extracted into the original tree.
tar cf - src_tree | compress | uuencode src_tree.tar.Z | mail sys1!sys2!user
Part I: User Commands
compress(1), mail(1), uucp(1), uuencode(5)
Thisimplementation iscompliant with P1003.2b/D11.
If more than one file isgiven to uudecode and the -o option isgiven or more than one name in the encoded filesisthe same,
the result isprobably not what isexpected.
The encoded form of the file isexpanded by 37 percent for UU encoding and by 35 percent for base64 encoding (3 bytes
become 4 pluscontrol information).
The uuencode command appeared in BSD 4.0.
uustatuucp statusinquiry and control
uustat -a
uustat --all
uustat [ -eKRiMNQ ][-sS syst em ] [ -uU user ] [ -cC command ] [ -oy hour s ]
[ -B l i nes ] [ --executions ][--kill-all ][--rejuvenate-all ][--prompt ][--mail ]
[--notify ][--no-list ][--system syst em ] [ --not-system syst em ] [ --user user ]
[--not-user user ] [ --command command ] [ --not-command command ]
[ --older-than hour s ] [ --younger-than hour s ] [ --mail-lines l i nes ]
uustat [ -kr jobid ] [ --kill jobid ] [ --rejuvenate jobid ]
uustat -q [ -sS syst em ] [ -oy hour s ] [ --system syst em ] [ --not-system syst em ]
[--older-than hour s ] [ --younger-than hour s ]
uustat --list [ -sS syst em ] [ -oy hour s ] [ --system syst em ]
[ --not-system syst em ] [ --older-than hour s ] [ --younger-than hour s ]
uustat -m
uustat --status
uustat -p
uustat --ps
The uustat command can display varioustypesof statusinformation about the UUCP system. It can also be used to cancel
or rejuvenate requestsmade by uucp(1) or uux(1).
By default uustat displaysall jobsqueued up for the invoking user, asif given the --user option with the appropriate
If any of the -a, --all, -e, --executions, -s, --system, -S, --not-system, -u, --user, -U, --not-user, -c, --command, -C,
--not-command, -o, --older-than, -y, --younger-than optionsare given, then all jobsthat match the combined specifica-
tionsare displayed.
The -K or --kill-all option may be used to kill off a selected group of jobs, such asall jobsmore than seven daysold.
The following optionsmay be given to uustat.
-a, --all List all queued file transfer requests.
-e, --executions List queued execution requestsrather than queued file transfer requests. Queued execution
requestsare processed by uuxqt(8) rather than uucico(8). Queued execution requestsmay
be waiting for some file to be transferred from a remote system. They are created by an
invocation of uux(1).
-s syst em, --system syst em List all jobsqueued up for the named system. These optionsmay be specified multiple
times, in which case all jobsfor all the systemswill be listed. If used with --list, only the
systemsnamed will be listed.
-S syst em, List all jobsqueued for systemsother than the one named. These options
--not-system syst em may be specified multiple times, in which case no jobsfrom any of the specified systemswill
be listed. If used with -- list, only the systemsnot named will be listed. These options
may not be used with -s or --system.
-u user , --user user List all jobsqueued up for the named user. These optionsmay be specified multiple times,
in which case all jobsfor all the userswill be listed.
-U user , --not-user user List all jobsqueued up for usersother than the one named. These optionsmay be specified
multiple times, in which case no jobsfrom any of the specified userswill be listed. These
optionsmay not be used with -u or --user.
-c command, List all jobsrequesting the execution of the named command. If command isALL thiswill
--command command list all jobsrequesting the execution of some command (asopposed to simply requesting a
file transfer). These optionsmay be specified multiple times, in which case all jobs
requesting any of the commandswill be listed.
-C command, List all jobsrequesting execution of some command other than the named
--not-command command command, or, if command isALL, list all jobsthat simply request a file transfer (asopposed
to requesting the execution of some command). These optionsmay be specified multiple
times, in which case, no job requesting one of the specified commandswill be listed. These
optionsmay not be used with -c or --command.
-o hours, List all queued jobsolder than the given number of hours. If used with --list, only
--older-than hours systemswhose oldest job isolder than the given number of hourswill be listed.
-y hour s, List all queued jobsyounger than the given number of hours. If used with --list,
--younger-than hour s only systemswhose oldest job isyounger than the given number of hourswill be
-k j obi d, --kill j obi d Kill the named job. The job ID isshown by the default output format, aswell asby the -j
or --jobid option to uucp(1) or uux(1). A job may only be killed by the user who created
the job, or by the UUCP administrator or the superuser. The -k or --kill optionsmay be
used multiple timeson the command line to kill several jobs.
-r j obi d, Rejuvenate the named job. Thiswill mark it ashaving been invoked at the current
--rejuvenate j obi d time, affecting the output of the -o, -- older-than, -y, or -- younger-than optionsand
preserving it from any automated cleanup daemon. The job ID isshown by the default
output format, aswell asby the -j or --jobid optionsto uucp(1) or uu(1). A job may only
be rejuvenated by the user who created the job, or by the UUCP administrator or the
superuser. The -r or --rejuvenate optionsmay be used multiple timeson the command
line to rejuvenate several jobs.
Part I: User Commands
-q, --list Display the statusof commands, executions, and conversationsfor all remote systemsfor
which commandsor executionsare queued. The -s, --system, -S, --not-system, -o, --
older-than, -y, and --younger-than optionsmay be used to restrict the systemsthat are
listed. Systemsfor which no commandsor executionsare queued will never be listed.
-m, --status Display the statusof conversationsfor all remote systems.
-p, --ps Display the statusof all processesholding uucp lockson systemsor ports.
-i, --prompt For each listed job, prompt whether to kill the job or not. If the first character of the input
line isy or Y, the job will be killed.
-K, --kill-all Automatically kill each listed job. Thiscan be useful for automatic cleanup scripts, in
conjunction with the --mail and --notify options.
-R, --rejuvenate-all Automatically rejuvenate each listed job. Thismay not be used with --kill-all.
-M, --mail For each listed job, send mail to the UUCP administrator. If the job iskilled (due to --
kill-all or --prompt with an affirmative response), the mail will indicate that. A comment
specified by the --comment option may be included. If the job isan execution, the initial
portion of itsstandard input will be included in the mail message; the number of linesto
include may be set with the --mail-lines option (the default is100). If the standard input
containsnull characters, it isassumed to be a binary file and isnot included.
-N, --notify For each listed job, send mail to the user who requested the job. The mail isidentical to that
sent by the -M or --mail options.
-W, --comment Specify a comment to be included in mail sent with the -M, --mail, -N, or --notify
-Q, --no-list Do not actually list the job, but only take any actionsindicated by the -i, --prompt, -K, --
kill-all, -M, --mail, -N, or --notify options.
-x t ype, --debug t ype Turn on particular debugging types. The following typesare recognized: abnormal, chat,
handshake, uucp-proto, proto, port, config, spooldir, execute, incoming, outgoing.
Only abnormal, config, spooldir, and execute are meaningful for uustat.
Multiple typesmay be given, separated by commas, and the --debug option may appear
multiple times. A number may also be given, which will turn on that many typesfrom the
foregoing list; for example, --debug 2 isequivalent to --debug abnormal,chat.
-I f i l e, --config f i l e Set configuration file to use. Thisoption may not be available, depending upon how uustat
-v, --version Report version information and exit.
--help Print a help message and exit.
uustat -all Display statusof all jobs. A sample output line isasfollows:
bugsA027h bugs ian 04-01 13:50 Executing rmail (sending 1283
The format is
j obi d syst em user queue- dat e command ( si ze)
The jobid may be passed to the --kill or --rejuvenate options. The size indicateshow
much data isto be transferred to the remote system, and isabsent for a file receive request.
The --system, --not-system, --user, --not-user, --command, --not-command, --older-
than, and --younger-than optionsmay be used to control which jobsare listed.
uustat -executions Display statusof queued up execution requests. A sample output line isasfollows:
bugs bugs!ian 05-20 12:51 rmail ian
The format is
syst em r equest or queue- dat e command
The --system, --not-system, --user, --not-user, --command, --not-command, --older-
than, and --younger-than optionsmay be used to control which requestsare listed.
uustat -list Display statusfor all systemswith queued-up commands. A sample output line isasfollows:
bugs 4C (1 hour) 0X (0 secs) 04-01 14:45 Dial failed
Thisindicatesthe system, the number of queued commands, the age of the oldest queued
command, the number of queued local executions, the age of the oldest queued execution,
the date of the last conversation, and the statusof that conversation.
uustat -status Display conversation statusfor all remote systems. A sample output line isasfollows:
bugs 04-01 15:51 Conversation complete
Thisindicatesthe system, the date of the last conversation, and the statusof that conversa-
tion. If the last conversation failed, uustat will indicate how many attemptshave been
made to call the system. If the retry period iscurrently preventing callsto that system,
uustat also displaysthe time when the next call will be permitted.
uustat -ps Display the statusof all processesholding uucp locks. The output format issystem-
dependent, asuustat simply invokesps(1) on each processholding a lock. A sample output
line isasfollows:
uustat -command rmail -older-than 168 -kill-all -no-list -mail -notify -
comment Queued for over 1 week
Thiswill kill all rmail commandsthat have been queued up waiting for delivery for over
one week (168 hours). For each such command, mail will be sent both to the UUCP
administrator and to the user who requested the rmail execution. The mail message sent
will include the string given by the --comment option. The --no-list option preventsany
of the jobsfrom being listed on the terminal, so any output from the program will be error
The filenamesmay be changed at compilation time or by the configuration file, so these are only approximations.
/usr/lib/uucp/config Configuration file
/usr/spool/uucpuucp spool directory
ps(1), rmail(1), uucp(1), uux(1), uucico(8), uuxqt(8)
Ian Lance Taylor (
Taylor UUCP 1.05
uuxRemote command execution over uucp
uux [ opt i ons ] command
The uux command isused to execute a command on a remote system, or to execute a command on the local system using
filesfrom remote systems. The command isnot executed immediately; the request isqueued until the uucico(8) daemon
callsthe system and executesit. The daemon isstarted automatically unlessone of the -r or --nouucico optionsisgiven.
Part I: User Commands
The actual command execution isdone by the uuxqt(8) daemon.
File argumentscan be gathered from remote systemsto the execution system, ascan standard input. Standard output may be
directed to a file on a remote system.
The command name may be preceded by a system name followed by an exclamation point if it isto be executed on a remote
system. An empty system name istaken asthe local system.
Each argument that containsan exclamation point istreated asnaming a file. The system that the file ison isbefore the
exclamation point, and the pathname on that system followsit. An empty system name istaken asthe local system; thismust
be used to transfer a file to a command being executed on a remote system. If the path isnot absolute, it will be appended to
the current working directory on the local system; the result may not be meaningful on the remote system. A pathname may
begin with /, in which case it isrelative to the uucp public directory (usually /usr/spool/uucppublic) on the appropriate
system. A pathname may begin with name/, in which case it isrelative to the home directory of the named user on the
appropriate system.
Standard input and output may be redirected asusual; the pathnamesused may contain exclamation pointsto indicate that
they are on remote systems. Note that the redirection charactersmust be quoted so that they are passed to uux rather than
interpreted by the shell. Append redirection (>>) doesnot work.
All specified filesare gathered together into a single directory before execution of the command begins. Thismeansthat each
file must have a distinct base name. For example,
uux sys1!diff sys2!user1/foo sys3!user2/foo >!foo.diff
will fail because both fileswill be copied to sys1 and stored under the name foo.
Argumentsmay be quoted by parenthesesto avoid interpretation of exclamation points. Thisisuseful when executing the
uucp command on a remote system.
The following optionsmay be given to uux.
-, -p, --stdin Read standard input and use it asthe standard input for the command to be executed.
-c, --nocopy Do not copy local filesto the spool directory. Thisisthe default. If they are removed before
being processed by the uucico(8) daemon, the copy will fail. The filesmust be readable by
the uucico(8) daemon, aswell asby the invoker of uux.
-C, --copy Copy local filesto the spool directory.
-l, --link Link local filesinto the spool directory. If a file can not be linked because it ison a different
device, it will be copied unlessone of the -c or --nocopy optionsalso appears(in other
words, use of --link switchesthe default from --nocopy to --copy). If the filesare changed
before being processed by the uucico(8) daemon, the changed versionswill be used. The
filesmust be readable by the uucico(8) daemon, aswell asby the invoker of uux.
-g gr ade, --grade gr ade Set the grade of the file transfer command. Jobsof a higher grade are executed first. Grades
run 0 ... 9 A ... Z a ... z from high to low.
-n, --notification=no Do not send mail about the statusof the job, even if it fails.
-z, --notification=er r or Send mail about the statusof the job if an error occurs. For many uuxqt daemons,
including the Taylor uucp uuxqt, thisisthe default action; for those, --
notification=er r or will have no effect. However, some uuxqt daemonswill send mail if
the job succeedsunlessthe --notification=error option isused, and some other uuxqt
daemonswill not send mail if the job failsunlessthe --notification=error option isused.
-r, --nouucico Do not start the uucico(8) daemon immediately; merely queue up the execution request for
later processing.
-j, --jobid Print jobids on standard output. A jobid will be generated for each file copy operation
required to perform the operation. These file copiesmay be canceled by passing the jobid
to the --kill switch of uustat(1), which will make the execution impossible to complete.
-a addr ess, Report job statusto the specified e-mail address.
--requestor addr ess
-x type, --debug type Turn on particular debugging types. The following typesare recognized: abnormal, chat,
handshake, uucp-proto, proto, port, config, spooldir, execute, incoming, outgoing.
Only abnormal, config, spooldir, and execute are meaningful for uux. Multiple types
may be given, separated by commas, and the --debug option may appear multiple times. A
number may also be given, which will turn on that many typesfrom the foregoing list; for
example, --debug 2 isequivalent to --debug abnormal,chat.
-I f i l e, --config f i l e Set configuration file to use. Thisoption may not be available, depending upon how uux
-v, --version Report version information and exit.
--help Print a help message and exit.
uux -z - sys1!rmail user1Execute the command rmail user1 on the system sys1, giving it asstandard input
whatever isgiven to uux asstandard input. If a failure occurs, send a message using mail(1).
uux diff -c sys1!user1/file1 sys2!user2/file2 >!file.diffFetch the two named filesfrom system sys1 and
system sys2 and execute diff, putting the result in file.diff in the current directory. The current directory must be
writable by the uuxqt(8) daemon for thisto work.
uux sys1!uucp user1/file1 (sys2!user2/file2)Execute uucp on the system sys1 copying file1 (on system
sys1) to sys2. Thisillustratesthe use of parenthesesfor quoting.
The remote system may not permit you to execute certain commands. Many remote systemsonly permit the execution of
rmail and rnews.
Some of the optionsare dependent on the capabilitiesof the uuxqt(8) daemon on the remote system.
The filenamesmay be changed at compilation time or by the configuration file, so these are only approximations.
/usr/lib/uucp/config Configuration file
/usr/spool/uucpuucp spool directory
/usr/spool/uucp/Log uucp log file
/usr/spool/uucppublic Default uucp public directory
mail(1), uustat(1), uucp(1), uucico(8), uuxqt(8)
Filescan not be referenced acrossmultiple systems.
Too many jobids are output by --jobid, and there isno good way to cancel a local execution requiring remote files.
Ian Lance Taylor (
Part I: User Commands
uuxqtuucp execution daemon
uuxqt [ opt i ons ]
The uuxqt daemon executescommandsrequested by uux(1) from either the local system or from remote systems. It isstarted
automatically by the uucico(8) daemon (unlessuucico(8) isgiven the -q or --nouuxqt option).
There isnormally no need to run thiscommand because it will be invoked by uucico(8). However, it can be used to provide
greater control over the processing of the work queue.
Multiple invocationsof uuxqt may be run at once, ascontrolled by the max-uuxqts configuration command.
The following optionsmay be given to uuxqt:
-c command, --command command Only execute requestsfor the specified command. For example,
uuxqt -command rmail
-s syst em, --system syst em Only execute requestsoriginating from the specified system.
-x t ype, --debug t ype Turn on particular debugging types. The following typesare recognized: abnormal,
chat, handshake, uucp-proto, proto, port, config, spooldir, execute, incoming,
outgoing. Only abnormal, config, spooldir and execute are meaningful for
uuxqt. Multiple typesmay be given, separated by commas, and the --debug option
may appear multiple times. A number may also be given, which will turn on that
many typesfrom the foregoing list; for example, --debug 2 isequivalent to --debug
The debugging output issent to the debugging file, usually /usr/spool/uucp/
Debug, /usr/spool/uucp/DEBUG, or /usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/audit.local.
-I f i l e, --config Set configuration file to use. Thisoption may not be available, depending upon how
uuxqt wascompiled.
-v, --version Report version information and exit.
--help Print a help message and exit.
The filenamesmay be changed at compilation time or by the configuration file, so these are only approximations.
/usr/lib/uucp/config Configuration file
/usr/spool/uucpuucp spool directory
/usr/spool/uucp/Log uucp log file
/usr/spool/uucppublic Default uucp public directory
/usr/spool/uucp/Debug Debugging file
uucp(1), uux(1), uucico(8)
Ian Lance Taylor (
Taylor UUCP 1.05
wPresent who usersare and what they are doing
w [-hin] [-user ]
The w utility printsa summary of the current activity on the system, including what each user isdoing. The first line displays
the current time of day, how long the system hasbeen running, the number of userslogged into the system, and the load
averages. The load average numbersgive the number of jobsin the run queue averaged over 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
The fieldsoutput are the userslogin name, the name of the terminal the user ison, the host from which the user islogged
in, the time the user logged on, the time since the user last typed anything, and the name and argumentsof the current
The optionsare asfollows:
-h Suppressthe heading
-i Output issorted by idle time
-n Show network addressesasnumbers
-w Interpret addressesand attempt to display them symbolically
If a username isspecified, the output isrestricted to that user.
/var/run/utmp List of userson the system
who(1), finger(1), ps(1), uptime(1),
The notion of the current processismuddy. The current algorithm isthe highest numbered processon the terminal that is
not ignoring interrupts, or, if there isnone, the highest numbered processon the terminal. Thisfails, for example, in critical
sectionsof programslike the shell and editor, or when faulty programsrunning in the background fork and fail to ignore
interrupts. (In caseswhere no processcan be found, w printsa period.)
The CPU time isonly an estimate; in particular, if someone leavesa background processrunning after logging out, the
person currently on that terminal ischarged with the time.
Background processesare not shown, even though they account for much of the load on the system.
Sometimesprocesses, typically those in the background, are printed with null or garbaged arguments. In these cases, the
name of the command isprinted in parentheses.
The w utility doesnot know about the new conventionsfor detection of background jobs. It will sometimesfind a back-
ground job instead of the right one.
The -f, -l, -s, and -w flagsare no longer supported.
The w command appeared in BSD 3.0.
BSD 4, 6 June1993
Part I: User Commands
wallWrite a message to users
wall [f i l e]
wall displaysthe contentsof file or, by default, itsstandard input, on the terminalsof all currently logged in users.
Only the superuser can write on the terminalsof userswho have chosen to deny messagesor are using a program that
automatically deniesmessages.
mesg(1), talk(1), write(1), shutdown(8)
A wall command appeared in AT&T v7.
Linux 0.99, 8 March 1993
wcPrint the number of bytes, words, and linesin files
wc [-clw] [--bytes] [--chars] [--lines] [--words] [--help] [--version] [f i l e...]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of wc. wc countsthe number of bytes, whitespace-separated words, and
newlinesin each given file, or the standard input if none are given or when a file named - isgiven. It printsone line of
countsfor each file, and if the file wasgiven asan argument, it printsthe filename following the counts. If more than one
filename isgiven, wc printsa final line containing the cumulative counts, with the filename total. The countsare printed in
the order lines, words, bytes.
By default, wc printsall three counts. Optionscan specify that only certain countsbe printed. Optionsdo not undo others
previously given, so wc --bytes --words printsboth the byte countsand the word counts.
-c, --bytes, --chars Print only the byte counts.
-w, --words Print only the word counts.
-l, --lines Print only the newline counts.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a non-zero status.
--version Print version information on standard output, then exit.
GNU Text Utilities
whereisLocate the binary, source, and manual page filesfor a command
whereis [ -bmsu ][-BMS di r ect or y... -f ] f i l ename ...
whereis locatessource/binary and manualssectionsfor specified files. The supplied namesare first stripped of leading
pathname componentsand any (single) trailing extension of the form . ext, for example, .c. Prefixesof s. resulting from use
of source code control are also dealt with. whereis then attemptsto locate the desired program in a list of standard Linux
Part I: User Commands
-b Search only for binaries.
-m Search only for manual sections.
-s Search only for sources.
-u Search for unusual entries. A file issaid to be unusual if it doesnot have one entry of each requested type. Thus
whereisnn-mnn-unn* asksfor those filesin the current directory which have no documentation.
-B Change or otherwise limit the placeswhere whereis searchesfor binaries.
-M Change or otherwise limit the placeswhere whereis searchesfor manual sections.
-S Change or otherwise limit the placeswhere whereis searchesfor sources.
-f Terminate the last directory list and signalsthe start of filenames; must be used when any of the -B, -M, or -S
optionsare used.
Find all filesin /usr/bin that are not documented in /usr/man/man1 with source in /usr/src:
example% cd /usr/bin
example% whereis -u -M /usr/man/man1 -S /usr/src -f *
X386, TeX, g++-include}
Since whereis useschdir(2V) to run faster, pathnames given with the -M, -S, or -B must be full; that is, they must begin
with a /.
8 May1994
writeSend a message to another user
write user [t t yname]
write allowsyou to communicate with other usersby copying linesfrom your terminal to theirs.
When you run the write command, the user you are writing to getsa message of the form:
Message from yourname@yourhost on yourtty at hh:mm ...
Any further linesyou enter will be copied to the specified usersterminal. If the other user wantsto reply, he or she must run
write aswell.
When you are done, type an end-of-file or interrupt character. The other user will see the message EOF, indicating that the
conversation isover.
You can prevent people (other than the superuser) from writing to you with the mesg(1) command. Some commands, for
example, nroff(1) and pr(1), may disallow writing automatically, so that your output isnt overwritten.
If the user you want to write to islogged in on more than one terminal, you can specify which terminal to write to by
specifying the terminal name asthe second oper and to the write command. Alternatively, you can let write select one of
the terminalsit will pick the one with the shortest idle time. Thus, if the user islogged in at work and also dialed up from
home, the message will go to the right place.
The traditional protocol for writing to someone isthat the string -o, either at the end of a line or on a line by itself, means
that itsthe other personsturn to talk. The string oo meansthat the person believesthe conversation to be over.
mesg(1), talk(1), who(1)
A write command appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX.
12 March 1995
x11perfX11 server performance test program
x11perf [ -option ... ]
The x11perf program runsone or more performance testsand reportshow fast an X server can execute the tests.
Many graphicsbenchmarksassume that the graphicsdevice isused to display the output of a single fancy graphicsapplica-
tion, and that the user getshiswork done on some other device, like a terminal. Such benchmarksusually measure drawing
speed for lines, polygons, text, and so on.
Because workstationsare not used asstandalone graphicsengines, but assuper-terminals, x11perf measureswindow
management performance aswell astraditional graphicsperformance. x11perf includesbenchmarksfor the time it takesto
create and map windows(aswhen you start up an application); to map a preexisting set of windowsonto the screen (aswhen
you deiconify an application or pop up a menu); and to rearrange windows(aswhen you slosh windowsto and fro trying to
find the one you want).
x11perf also measuresgraphicsperformance for operationsnot normally used in standalone graphicsdisplays, but are
nonethelessused frequently by X applications. Such operationsinclude CopyPlane (used to map bitmapsinto pixels),
scrolling (used in text windows), and variousstipplesand tiles(used for CAD and color halftoning, respectively).
x11perf should be used to analyze particular strengthsand weaknessesof servers, and ismost useful to a server writer who
wantsto analyze and improve a server. x11perf ismeant to comprehensively exercise just about every X11 operation you can
perform; it doesnot purport to be a representative sample of the operationsthat X11 applicationsactually use. Although it
can be used asa benchmark, it waswritten and isintended asa performance testing tool.
Assuch, x11perf doesnot whittle down measurementsto a single HeXStones or MeXops number. We consider such numbers
to be uninformative at best and misleading at worst. Some serversthat are very fast for certain applicationscan be very slow
for others. No single number or small set of numbersissufficient to characterize how an X implementation will perform on
all applications. However, by knowledge of your favorite application, you may be able to use the numbersx11perf reportsto
predict itsperformance on a given X implementation.
Part I: User Commands
That said, you might also want to look at x11perfcomp(1), a program to compare the outputsof different x11perf runs. You
provide a list of filescontaining resultsfrom x11perf, and it laysthem out in a nice tabular format.
For repeatable results, x11perf should be run using a local connection on a freshly started server. The default configuration
runseach test five timesin order to see if each trial takesapproximately the same amount of time. Strange glitchesshould be
examined; if nonrepeatable, you might chalk them up to daemonsand network traffic. Each trial isrun for five seconds, in
order to reduce random time differences. The number of objectsprocessed per second isdisplayed to three significant digits,
but youll be lucky on most UNIX systemsif the numbersare actually consistent to two digits. x11perf movesthe cursor out
of the test window; you should be careful not to bump the mouse and move it back into the window. (A prize to people who
correctly explain why!)
Before running a test, x11perf determineswhat the round trip time to the server is, and factorsthisout of the final timing
reported. It ensuresthat the server hasactually performed the work requested by fetching a pixel back from the test window,
which meansthat serverstalking to graphicsacceleratorscant claim that they are done, while in the meantime the accelera-
tor ispainting madly.
By default, x11perf automatically calibratesthe number of repetitionsof each test, so that each should take approximately
the same length of time to run acrossserversof widely differing speeds. However, because each test must be run to comple-
tion at least once, some slow serversmay take a very long time, particularly on the window moving and resizing tests, and on
the arc drawing tests.
All timing reportsare for the smallest object involved. For example, the line testsuse a PolyLine request to paint several lines
at once, but report how many linesper second the server can paint, not how many PolyLine requestsper second. Text tests
paint a line of characters, but report on the number of charactersper second. Some window testsmap, unmap, or move a
single parent window, but report on how many children windowsper second the server can map, unmap, or move.
The current program ismostly the responsibility of Joel McCormack. It isbased upon the x11perf developed by Phil
Karlton, Susan Angebranndt, ChrisKent, Mary Walker, and Todd Newman, who wanted to assessperformance differences
between variousservers. Several testswere added in order to write and tune the PMAX (DECStation 3100) servers. For a
general release to the world, x11perf wasrewritten to ease making comparisonsbetween widely varying machines, to cover
most important (and unimportant) X functionality, and to exercise graphicsoperationsin asmany different orientationsand
x11perf issolely Xlib based, and acceptsthe following options:
-display host : dpy Specifieswhich display to use.
-sync Runsthe testsin synchronousmode. Normally only useful for debugging x11perf.
-pack Runsrectangle testsso that they pack rectanglesright next to each other. Thismakesit easy
to debug server code for stipplesand tiles; if the pattern looksugly, youve got alignment
-repeat <n> Repeatseach test n times(by default each test isrun fivetimes).
-time <s> Specifieshow long in secondseach test should be run (default 5 seconds).
-all Runsall tests. Thismay take a while.
-range Runsall the testsstarting from the specified name t est 1 until the name t est 2, tests. The
<t est 1>[,<t est 2>] testnamesshould be one of the optionsstarting from -dot. For example, -range line100
will perform the testsfrom the 100 pixel line test, and go on till the last test; -range
line100,dline10 will do the testsfrom line100 to dline10.
-labels Generatesjust the descriptive labelsfor each test specified. See x11perfcomp for more
-fg col or - or - pi xel Specifiesthe foreground color or pixel value to use.
-bg col or - or - pi xel Specifiesthe background color or pixel value to use.
-clips def aul t Default number of clip windows.
-ddbg col or - or - pi xel Specifiesthe color or pixel value to use for drawing the odd segmentsof a DoubleDashed
line or arc. Thiswill default to the bg color.
-rop <rop0 rop1 ...> Use specified raster ops(default isGXcopy). Thisoption only affectsgraphicsbenchmarksin
which the graphicsfunction isactually used.
-pm <pm0 pm1 ...> Use specified planemasks(default is0). Thisoption only affectsgraphicsbenchmarksin
which the planemask isactually used.
-depth <dept h> Use a visual with <depth> planesper pixel. (Default isthe default visual.)
-vclass <vcl ass> Use a visual with of class<vcl ass>. <vcl ass> can be StaticGray, GrayScale,
StaticColor, PseudoColor, TrueColor, or DirectColor. (Default isthe default visual).
-reps <n> Specify the repetition count. (Default isnumber that takesapproximately five seconds.)
-subs <s0 s1 ...> Specify the number of sub windowsto use in the Window tests. Default is4, 16, 25, 50, 75,
100, and 200.
-v1.2 Perform only x11perf version 1.2 testsusing version 1.2 semantics.
-v1.3 Perform only x11perf version 1.3 testsusing version 1.3 semantics.
-su Set the save_under window attribute to True on all windowscreated by x11perf. Default is
-bs Set the backing_store window attribute to the given value on all windowscreated by
<backing_store_hint> x11perf. <backing_store_hint> can be WhenMapped or Always. Default isNotUseful.
-dot Dot.
-rect1 11 solid-filled rectangle.
-rect10 1010 solid-filled rectangle.
-rect100 100100 solid-filled rectangle.
-rect500 500500 solid-filled rectangle.
-srect1 11 transparent stippled rectangle, 88 stipple pattern.
-srect10 1010 transparent stippled rectangle, 88 stipple pattern.
-srect100 100100 transparent stippled rectangle, 88 stipple pattern.
-srect500 500500 transparent stippled rectangle, 88 stipple pattern.
-osrect1 11 opaque stippled rectangle, 88 stipple pattern.
-osrect10 1010 opaque stippled rectangle, 88 stipple pattern.
-osrect100 100100 opaque stippled rectangle, 88 stipple pattern.
-osrect500 500500 opaque stippled rectangle, 88 stipple pattern.
-tilerect1 11 tiled rectangle, 44 tile pattern.
-tilerect10 1010 tiled rectangle, 44 tile pattern.
-tilerect100 100100 tiled rectangle, 44 tile pattern.
-tilerect500 500500 tiled rectangle, 44 tile pattern.
-oddsrect1 11 transparent stippled rectangle, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddsrect10 1010 transparent stippled rectangle, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddsrect100 100100 transparent stippled rectangle, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddsrect500 500500 transparent stippled rectangle, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddosrect1 11 opaque stippled rectangle, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddosrect10 1010 opaque stippled rectangle, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddosrect100 100100 opaque stippled rectangle, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddosrect500 500500 opaque stippled rectangle, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddtilerect1 11 tiled rectangle, 1715 tile pattern.
-oddtilerect10 1010 tiled rectangle, 1715 tile pattern.
Part I: User Commands
-oddtilerect100 100100 tiled rectangle, 1715 tile pattern.
-oddtilerect500 500500 tiled rectangle, 1715 tile pattern.
-bigsrect1 11 stippled rectangle, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigsrect10 1010 stippled rectangle, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigsrect100 100100 stippled rectangle, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigsrect500 500500 stippled rectangle, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigosrect1 11 opaque stippled rectangle, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigosrect10 1010 opaque stippled rectangle, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigosrect100 100100 opaque stippled rectangle, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigosrect500 500500 opaque stippled rectangle, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigtilerect1 11 tiled rectangle, 161145 tile pattern.
-bigtilerect10 1010 tiled rectangle, 161145 tile pattern.
-bigtilerect100 100100 tiled rectangle, 161145 tile pattern.
-bigtilerect500 500500 tiled rectangle, 161145 tile pattern.
-eschertilerect1 11 tiled rectangle, 215208 tile pattern.
-eschertilerect10 1010 tiled rectangle, 215208 tile pattern.
-eschertilerect100 100100 tiled rectangle, 215208 tile pattern.
-eschertilerect500 500500 tiled rectangle, 215208 tile pattern.
-seg1 1-pixel thin line segment.
-seg10 10-pixel thin line segment.
-seg100 100-pixel thin line segment.
-seg500 500-pixel thin line segment.
-seg100c1 100-pixel thin line segment (1 obscuring rectangle).
-seg100c2 100-pixel thin line segment (2 obscuring rectangles).
-seg100c3 100-pixel thin line segment (3 obscuring rectangles).
-dseg10 10-pixel thin dashed segment (3 on, 2 off).
-dseg100 100-pixel thin dashed segment (3 on, 2 off).
-ddseg100 100-pixel thin double-dashed segment (3 fg, 2 bg).
-hseg10 10-pixel thin horizontal line segment.
-hseg100 100-pixel thin horizontal line segment.
-hseg500 500-pixel thin horizontal line segment.
-vseg10 10-pixel thin vertical line segment.
-vseg100 100-pixel thin vertical line segment.
-vseg500 500-pixel thin vertical line segment.
-whseg10 10-pixel wide horizontal line segment.
-whseg100 100-pixel wide horizontal line segment.
-whseg500 500-pixel wide horizontal line segment.
-wvseg10 10-pixel wide vertical line segment.
-wvseg100 100-pixel wide vertical line segment.
-wvseg500 500-pixel wide vertical line segment.
-line1 1-pixel thin (width 0) line.
-line10 10-pixel thin line.
-line100 100-pixel thin line.
-line500 500-pixel thin line.
-dline10 10-pixel thin dashed line (3 on, 2 off).
-dline100 100-pixel thin dashed line (3 on, 2 off).
-ddline100 100-pixel thin double-dashed line (3 fg, 2 bg).
-wline10 10-pixel line, line width 1.
-wline100 100-pixel line, line width 10.
-wline500 500-pixel line, line width 50.
-wdline100 100-pixel dashed line, line width 10 (30 on, 20 off).
-wddline100 100-pixel double-dashed line, line width 10 (30 fg, 20 bg).
-orect10 10x10 thin rectangle outline.
-orect100 100-pixel thin vertical line segment.
-orect500 500-pixel thin vertical line segment.
-worect10 1010 wide rectangle outline.
-worect100 100-pixel wide vertical line segment.
-worect500 500-pixel wide vertical line segment.
-circle1 1-pixel diameter thin (line-width 0) circle.
-circle10 10-pixel diameter thin circle.
-circle100 100-pixel diameter thin circle.
-circle500 500-pixel diameter thin circle.
-dcircle100 100-pixel diameter thin dashed circle (3 on, 2 off).
-ddcircle100 100-pixel diameter thin double-dashed circle (3 fg, 2 bg).
-wcircle10 10-pixel diameter circle, line width 1.
-wcircle100 100-pixel diameter circle, line width 10.
-wcircle500 500-pixel diameter circle, line width 50.
-wdcircle100 100-pixel diameter dashed circle, line width 10 (30 on, 20 off).
-wddcircle100 100-pixel diameter double-dashed circle, line width 10 (30 fg, 20 bg).
-pcircle10 10-pixel diameter thin partial circle, orientation and arc angle evenly distributed.
-pcircle100 100-pixel diameter thin partial circle.
-wpcircle10 10-pixel diameter wide partial circle.
-wpcircle100 100-pixel diameter wide partial circle.
-fcircle1 1-pixel diameter filled circle.
- fcircle10 10-pixel diameter filled circle.
-fcircle100 100-pixel diameter filled circle.
-fcircle500 500-pixel diameter filled circle.
-fcpcircle10 10-pixel diameter partial-filled circle, chord fill, orientation and arc angle evenly distributed.
-fcpcircle100 100-pixel diameter partial-filled circle, chord fill.
-fspcircle10 10-pixel diameter partial-filled circle, pie slice fill, orientation and arc angle evenly
-fspcircle100 100-pixel diameter partial-filled circle, pie slice fill.
-ellipse10 10-pixel diameter thin (line width 0) ellipse, major and minor axissizesevenly distributed.
-ellipse100 100-pixel diameter thin ellipse.
-ellipse500 500-pixel diameter thin ellipse.
-dellipse100 100-pixel diameter thin dashed ellipse (3 on, 2 off).
-ddellipse100 100-pixel diameter thin double-dashed ellipse (3 fg, 2 bg).
-wellipse10 10-pixel diameter ellipse, line width 1.
Part I: User Commands
-wellipse100 100-pixel diameter ellipse, line width 10.
-wellipse500 500-pixel diameter ellipse, line width 50.
-wdellipse100 100-pixel diameter dashed ellipse, line width 10 (30 on, 20 off).
-wddellipse100 100-pixel diameter double-dashed ellipse, line width 10 (30 fg, 20 bg).
-pellipse10 10-pixel diameter thin partial ellipse.
-pellipse100 100-pixel diameter thin partial ellipse.
-wpellipse10 10-pixel diameter wide partial ellipse.
-wpellipse100 100-pixel diameter wide partial ellipse.
-fellipse10 10-pixel diameter filled ellipse.
-fellipse100 100-pixel diameter filled ellipse.
-fellipse500 500-pixel diameter filled ellipse.
-fcpellipse10 10-pixel diameter partial-filled ellipse, chord fill.
-fcpellipse100 100-pixel diameter partial-filled ellipse, chord fill.
-fspellipse10 10-pixel diameter partial-filled ellipse, pie slice fill.
-fspellipse100 100-pixel diameter partial-filled ellipse, pie slice fill.
-triangle1 Fill 1-pixel/side triangle.
-triangle10 Fill 10-pixel/side triangle.
- triangle100 Fill 100-pixel/side triangle.
-trap1 Fill 11 trapezoid.
-trap10 Fill 1010 trapezoid.
-trap100 Fill 100100 trapezoid.
-trap300 Fill 300300 trapezoid.
-strap1 Fill 11 transparent stippled trapezoid, 88 stipple pattern.
-strap10 Fill 1010 transparent stippled trapezoid, 88 stipple pattern.
-strap100 Fill 100100 transparent stippled trapezoid, 88 stipple pattern.
-strap300 Fill 300300 transparent stippled trapezoid, 88 stipple pattern.
-ostrap1 Fill 1010 opaque stippled trapezoid, 88 stipple pattern.
-ostrap10 Fill 1010 opaque stippled trapezoid, 88 stipple pattern.
-ostrap100 Fill 100100 opaque stippled trapezoid, 88 stipple pattern.
-ostrap300 Fill 300300 opaque stippled trapezoid, 88 stipple pattern.
-tiletrap1 Fill 1010 tiled trapezoid, 44 tile pattern.
-tiletrap10 Fill 1010 tiled trapezoid, 44 tile pattern.
-tiletrap100 Fill 100100 tiled trapezoid, 44 tile pattern.
-tiletrap300 Fill 300300 tiled trapezoid, 44 tile pattern.
-oddstrap1 Fill 11 transparent stippled trapezoid, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddstrap10 Fill 1010 transparent stippled trapezoid, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddstrap100 Fill 100100 transparent stippled trapezoid, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddstrap300 Fill 300300 transparent stippled trapezoid, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddostrap1 Fill 1010 opaque stippled trapezoid, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddostrap10 Fill 1010 opaque stippled trapezoid, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddostrap100 Fill 100100 opaque stippled trapezoid, 1715 stipple pattern.
-oddostrap300 Fill 300300 opaque stippled trapezoid, 1715 stipple pat-tern.
-oddtiletrap1 Fill 1010 tiled trapezoid, 1715 tile pattern.
-oddtiletrap10 Fill 1010 tiled trapezoid, 1715 tile pattern.
-oddtiletrap100 Fill 100100 tiled trapezoid, 1715 tile pattern.
-oddtiletrap300 Fill 300300 tiled trapezoid, 1715 tile pattern.
-bigstrap1 Fill 11 transparent stippled trapezoid, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigstrap10 Fill 1010 transparent stippled trapezoid, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigstrap100 Fill 100100 transparent stippled trapezoid, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigstrap300 Fill 300300 transparent stippled trapezoid, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigostrap1 Fill 1010 opaque stippled trapezoid, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigostrap10 Fill 1010 opaque stippled trapezoid, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigostrap100 Fill 100100 opaque stippled trapezoid, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigostrap300 Fill 300300 opaque stippled trapezoid, 161145 stipple pattern.
-bigtiletrap1 Fill 1010 tiled trapezoid, 161145 tile pattern.
-bigtiletrap10 Fill 1010 tiled trapezoid, 161145 tile pattern.
-bigtiletrap100 Fill 100100 tiled trapezoid, 161145 tile pattern.
-bigtiletrap300 Fill 300300 tiled trapezoid, 161145 tile pattern.
-eschertiletrap1 Fill 11 tiled trapezoid, 216208 tile pattern.
-eschertiletrap10 Fill 1010 tiled trapezoid, 216208 tile pattern.
-eschertiletrap100 Fill 100100 tiled trapezoid, 216208 tile pattern.
-eschertiletrap300 Fill 300300 tiled trapezoid, 216208 tile pattern.
-complex10 Fill 10-pixel/side complex polygon.
-complex100 Fill 100-pixel/side complex polygon.
-64poly10convex Fill 1010 convex 64-gon.
- 64poly100convex Fill 100100 convex 64-gon.
-64poly10complex Fill 1010 complex 64-gon.
-64poly100complex Fill 100100 complex 64-gon.
-ftext Character in 80-char line (613).
-f8text Character in 70-char line (813).
-f9text Character in 60-char line (915).
-f14text16 2-byte character in 40-char line (k14).
- tr10text Character in 80-char line (Times-Roman 10).
-tr24text Character in 30-char line (Times-Roman 24).
-polytext Character in 20/40/20 line (613, Times-Roman 10, 613).
-polytext16 2-byte character in 7/14/7 line (k14, k24).
-fitext Character in 80-char image line (613).
-f8itext Character in 70-char image line (813).
-f9itext Character in 60-char image line (915).
-f14itext16 2-byte character in 40-char image line (k14).
-f24itext16 2-byte character in 23-char image line (k24).
-tr10itext Character in 80-char image line (Times-Roman 10).
-tr24itext Character in 30-char image line (Times-Roman 24).
-scroll10 Scroll 1010 pixelsvertically.
-scroll100 Scroll 100100 pixelsvertically.
-scroll500 Scroll 500500 pixelsvertically.
Part I: User Commands
-copywinwin10 Copy 1010 square from window to window.
-copywinwin100 Copy 100100 square from window to window.
-copywinwin500 Copy 500500 square from window to window.
-copypixwin10 Copy 1010 square from pixmap to window.
-copypixwin100 Copy 100100 square from pixmap to window.
-copypixwin500 Copy 500500 square from pixmap to window.
-copywinpix10 Copy 1010 square from window to pixmap.
-copywinpix100 Copy 100100 square from window to pixmap.
-copywinpix500 Copy 500500 square from window to pixmap.
-copypixpix10 Copy 1010 square from pixmap to pixmap.
-copypixpix100 Copy 100100 square from pixmap to pixmap.
-copypixpix500 Copy 500500 square from pixmap to pixmap.
-copyplane10 Copy 1010 1-bit deep plane.
-copyplane100 Copy 100100 1-bit deep plane.
-copyplane500 Copy 500500 1-bit deep plane.
-putimage10 PutImage 1010 square.
-putimage100 PutImage 100100 square.
-putimage500 PutImage 500500 square.
-putimagexy10 PutImage XY format 1010 square.
-putimagexy100 PutImage XY format 100100 square.
-putimagexy500 PutImage XY format 500500 square.
-shmput10 PutImage 1010 square, MIT-shared memory extension.
-shmput100 PutImage 100100 square, MIT-shared memory extension.
-shmput500 PutImage 500500 square, MIT-shared memory extension.
-shmputxy10 PutImage XY format 1010 square, MIT-shared memory extension.
-shmputxy100 PutImage XY format 100100 square, MIT-shared memory extension.
-shmputxy500 PutImage XY format 500500 square, MIT-shared memory extension.
-getimage10 GetImage 1010 square.
-getimage100 GetImage 100100 square.
-getimage500 GetImage 500500 square.
-getimagexy10 GetImage XY format 1010 square.
-getimagexy100 GetImage XY format 100100 square.
-getimagexy500 GetImage XY format 500500 square.
-noop X protocol NoOperation.
-atom GetAtomName.
-pointer QueryPointer.
-prop GetProperty.
-gc Change graphicscontext.
-create Create child window and map using MapSubwindows.
-ucreate Create unmapped window.
-map Map child window via MapWindow on parent.
-unmap Unmap child window via UnmapWindow on parent.
-destroy Destroy child window via DestroyWindow parent.
-popup Hide/expose window via Map/Unmap pop-up window.
-move Move window.
-umove Moved unmapped window.
-movetree Move window via MoveWindow on parent.
-resize Resize window.
-uresize Resize unmapped window.
-circulate Circulate lowest window to top.
-ucirculate Circulate unmapped window to top.
There are no X defaultsused by thisprogram.
X(1), xbench(1), x11perfcomp(1)
Joel McCormack
Phil Karlton
Susan Angebranndt
Keith Packard
Graeme Gill
X Version 11 Release6
x11perfcompX11 server performance comparison program
x11perfcomp [-rj -ro ] [ -l label_file ] f i l es
The x11perfcomp program mergesthe output of several x11perf(1) runsinto a nice tabular format. It takesthe resultsin
each file, fillsin any missing test resultsif necessary, and for each test showsthe objects/second rate of each server. If invoked
with the -r or -ro options, it showsthe relative performance of each server to the first server.
Normally, x11perfcomp usesthe first file specified to determine which specific testsit should report on. Some (non-DEC:)
serversmay fail to perform all tests. In thiscase, x11perfcomp automatically substitutesin a rate of 0.0 objects/second. Since
the first file determineswhich teststo report on, thisfile must contain a superset of the testsreported in the other files, else
x11perfcomp will fail.
You can provide an explicit list of teststo report on by using the -l switch to specify a file of labels. You can create a label file
by using the -label option in x11perf.
x11perfcomp acceptsthe following options:
-r Specifiesthat the output should also include relative server performance.
-ro Specifiesthat the output should include only relative server performance.
-l_label_file Specifiesa label file to use.
Part I: User Commands
There are no X defaultsused by thisprogram.
X(1), x11perf(1)
Mark Moraeswrote the original scriptsto compare servers. Joel McCormack just munged them together a bit.
X Version 11 Release6
xargsBuild and execute command linesfrom standard input
xar gs [-0prtx] [-e[eof-str]] [-i[replace-str]] [-l[max-lines]] [-n max-args]
[-s max-chars] [-P max-procs] [--null] [--eof[=eof-str]] [--replace[=replace-str]]
[--max-lines[=max-lines]] [--interactive] [--max-chars=max-chars] [--verbose]
[--exit] [--max-procs=max-procs] [--max-args=max-args] [--no-run-if-empty]
[--version] [--help] [command [initial-arguments]]
Thismanual page documentsthe GNU version of xargs. xargs readsargumentsfrom the standard input, delimited by
blanks(which can be protected with double or single quotesor a backslash) or newlines, and executesthe command (default is
/bin/echo) one or more timeswith any initial-arguments followed by argumentsread from standard input. Blank lines
on the standard input are ignored.
xargs exitswith the following status:
0 if it succeeds
123 if any invocation of the command exited with status1-125
124 if the command exited with status255
125 if the command iskilled by a signal
126 if the command cannot be run
127 if the command isnot found
1 if some other error occurred.
--null, -0 Input filenamesare terminated by a null character instead of by whitespace, and the quotes
and backslash are not special (every character istaken literally). Disablesthe end-of-file
string, which istreated like any other argument. Useful when argumentsmight contain
whitespace, quote marks, or backslashes. The GNU find -print0 option producesinput
suitable for thismode.
--eof[=eof-str], Set the end-of-file string to eof-str. If the end-of-file string occursasa line of input, the
-e[eof-str] rest of the input isignored. If eof-str isomitted, there isno end of file string. If this
option isnot given, the end-of-file string defaultsto an underscore.
--help Print a summary of the optionsto xargs and exit.
--replace[=r epl ace- st r ], Replace occurrencesof r epl ace- st r in the initial argumentswith namesread from
-i[r epl ace- st r ] standard input. Also, unquoted blanksdo not terminate arguments. If replace-str
isomitted, it defaultsto {} (like for find -exec). Implies-x and -l 1.
--max-lines[=max- l i nes], Use at most max- l i nes nonblank input linesper command line; max- l i nes defaultsto 1
-l[max- l i nes] if omitted. Trailing blankscause an input line to be logically continued on the next input
line. Implies-x.
--max-args=max- ar gs, Use at most max- ar gs argumentsper command line. Fewer than max- ar gs argumentswill
-n max- ar gs be used if the size (see the -s option) isexceeded, unlessthe -x option isgiven, in which
case xargs will exit.
--interactive, -p Prompt the user about whether to run each command line and read a line from the
terminal. Only run the command line if the response startswith y or Y. Implies-t.
--no-run-if-empty, -r If the standard input doesnot contain any nonblanks, do not run the command. Normally,
the command isrun once even if there isno input.
--max-chars=max- char s, Use at most max- char s charactersper command line, including the command and initial
-s max- char s argumentsand the terminating nulls at the endsof the argument strings. The default is
aslarge aspossible, up to 20k characters.
--verbose, -t Print the command line on the standard error output before executing it.
--version Print the version number of xargs and exit.
--exit, -x Exit if the size (see the -s option) isexceeded.
--max-procs=max- pr ocs, Run up to max- pr ocs processesat a time; the default is1. If max- pr ocs is0, xargs will
-P max- pr ocs run asmany processesaspossible at a time. Use the -n option with - P; otherwise, chances
are that only one exec will be done.
find(1L), locate(1L), locatedb(5L), updatedb(1) FindingFiles (online in info, or printed)
xauthX authority file utility
xauth [ -f aut hf i l e ][-vqib ][command ar g ... ]
The xauth program isused to edit and display the authorization information used in connecting to the X server. This
program isusually used to extract authorization recordsfrom one machine and merge them in on another (asisthe case
when using remote loginsor granting accessto other users). Commands(described below) may be entered interactively, on
the xauth command line, or in scripts. Note that thisprogram doesnot contact the X server. Normally xauth isnot used to
create the authority file entry in the first place; xdm doesthat.
The following optionsmay be used with xauth. They may be given individually (for example, -q -i ) or may combined (for
example, -qi).
-f aut hf i l e Thisoption specifiesthe name of the authority file to use. By default, xauth will use the file
specified by the XAUTHORITY environment variable or Xauthority in the usershome
-q Thisoption indicatesthat xauth should operate quietly and not print unsolicited status
messages. Thisisthe default if an xauth command isgiven on the command line or if the
standard output isnot directed to a terminal.
-v Thisoption indicatesthat xauth should operate verbosely and print statusmessages
indicating the resultsof variousoperations(such ashow many recordshave been read in or
written out). Thisisthe default if xauth isreading commandsfrom itsstandard input and
itsstandard output isdirected to a terminal.
Part I: User Commands
-i Thisoption indicatesthat xauth should ignore any authority file locks. Normally, xauth
will refuse to read or edit any authority filesthat have been locked by other programs
(usually xdm or another xauth).
-b Thisoption indicatesthat xauth should attempt to break any authority file locksbefore
proceeding. Use thisoption only to clean up stale locks.
The following commandsmay be used to manipulate authority files:
add di spl ayname An authorization entry for the indicated display using the given protocol and key data is
pr ot ocol name hexkey added to the authorization file. The data isspecified asan even-lengthed string of
hexadecimal digits, each pair representing one octet. The first digit of each pair gives
the most significant 4 bitsof the octet, and the second digit of the pair givesthe least
significant 4 bits. For example, a 32-character hexkey would represent a 128-bit value. A
protocol name consisting of just a single period istreated asan abbreviation for
[n]extract f i l ename Authorization entriesfor each of the specified displaysare written to the indicated file. If
di spl ayname... the nextract command isused, the entriesare written in a numeric format suitable for
nonbinary transmission (such assecure electronic mail). The extracted entriescan be read
back in using the merge and nmerge commands.
If the filename consistsof just a single dash, the entrieswill be written to the standard
[n]list [di spl ayname...] Authorization entriesfor each of the specified displays(or all if no displaysare named) are
printed on the standard output. If the nlist command isused, entrieswill be shown in the
numeric format used by the nextract command; otherwise, they are shown in a textual
format. Key data isalwaysdisplayed in the hexadecimal format given in the description of
the add command.
[n]merge [f i l ename...] Authorization entriesare read from the specified filesand are merged into the authorization
database, superceding any matching existing entries. If the nmerge command isused, the
numeric format given in the description of the extract command isused. If a filename
consistsof just a single dash, the standard input will be read if it hasnt been read before.
remove di spl ayname... Authorization entriesmatching the specified displaysare removed from the authority file.
source f i l ename The specified file istreated asa script containing xauth commandsto execute. Blank lines
and linesbeginning with a pound sign (#) are ignored. A single hyphen may be used to
indicate the standard input, if it hasnt already been read.
info Information describing the authorization file, whether or not any changeshave been made,
and from where xauth commandsare being read isprinted on the standard output.
exit If any modificationshave been made, the authority file iswritten out (if allowed), and the
program exits. An end-of-file istreated asan implicit exit command.
quit The program exits, ignoring any modifications. Thismay also be accomplished by pressing
the interrupt character.
help [st r i ng] A description of all commandsthat begin with the given string (or all commandsif no
string isgiven) isprinted on the standard output.
? A short list of the valid commandsisprinted on the standard output.
Display namesfor the add, [n]extract, [n]list, [n]merge,and remove commandsuse the same format asthe DISPLAY
environment variable and the common -display command-line argument. Display-specific information (such asthe screen
number) isunnecessary and will be ignored. Same-machine connections(such aslocal-host sockets, shared memory, and the
Internet Protocol hostname localhost) are referred to ashostname/unix:displaynumber so that local entriesfor different
machinesmay be stored in one authority file.
The most common use for xauth isto extract the entry for the current display, copy it to another machine, and merge it into
the usersauthority file on the remote machine:
% xauth extract
- $DISPLAY | rsh otherhost xauth merge -
Thisxauth program usesthe following environment variables:
XAUTHORITY To get the name of the authority file to use if the -f option isnt used.
HOME To get the usershome directory if XAUTHORITY isnt defined.
$HOME/.Xauthority isthe default authority file if XAUTHORITY isnt defined.
X Version 11 Release6
Part I: User Commands
[n]list [di spl ayname...] Authorization entriesfor each of the specified displays(or all if
no displaysare named) are printed on the standard output. If
the nlist command isused, entrieswill be shown in the
numeric format used by the nextract command; otherwise,
they are shown in a textual format. Key data isalways
displayed in the hexadecimal format given in the description of
the add command.
[n]merge [f i l ename...] Authorization entriesare read from the specified filesand are
merged into the authorization database, superseding any
matching existing entries. If the nmerge command isused, the
numeric format given in the description of the extract
command isused. If a filename consistsof just a single dash,
the standard input will be read if it hasnt been read before.
remove di spl ayname... Authorization entriesmatching the specified displaysare
removed from the authority file.
source f i l ename The specified file istreated asa script containing xauth
commandsto execute. Blank linesand linesbeginning with a #
are ignored. A single dash may be used to indicate the standard
input, if it hasnt already been read.
info Information describing the authorization file, whether or not
any changeshave been made, and from where xauth com-
mandsare being read isprinted on the standard output.
exit If any modificationshave been made, the authority file is
written out (if allowed), and the program exits. An end of file
istreated asan implicit exit command.
quit The program exits, ignoring any modifications. Thismay also
be accomplished by pressing the interrupt character.
help [st r i ng] A description of all commandsthat begin with the given string
(or all commandsif no string isgiven) isprinted on the
standard output.
? A short list of the valid commandsisprinted on the standard
Display namesfor the add, [n]extract, [n]list, [n]merge, and remove commandsuse the same format asthe DISPLAY
environment variable and the common display command-line argument. Display-specific information (such asthe screen
number) isunnecessary and will be ignored. Same-machine connections(such aslocal-host sockets, shared memory, and the
Internet Protocol hostnamel ocal host ) are referred to ashostname/unix:displaynumber so that local entriesfor different
machinesmay be stored in one authority file.
The most common use for xauth isto extract the entry for the current display, copy it to another machine, and merge it into
the usersauthority file on the remote machine:
% xauth extract
$DISPLAY j rsh otherhost xauth merge
Part I: User Commands
Thisxauth program usesthe following environment variables:
XAUTHORITY To get the name of the authority file to use if the f option
isnt used
HOME To get the usershome directory if XAUTHORITY isnt defined
$HOME/.Xauthority Default authority file if XAUTHORITY isnt defined
Usersthat have unsecured networksshould take care to use encrypted file transfer mechanismsto copy authorization entries
between machines. Similarly, the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 protocol isnot very useful in unsecured environments. Sitesthat are
interested in additional security may need to use encrypted authorization mechanismssuch asKerberos.
Spacesare currently not allowed in the protocol name. Quoting could be added for the truly perverse.
Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium
X Version 11 Release6
xbmtopbmConvert an X11 or X10 bitmap into a portable bitmap
xbmtopbm [bi t mapf i l e]
Readsan X11 or X10 bitmap asinput. Producesa portable bitmap asoutput.
pbmtoxbm(1), pbmtox10bm(1), pbm(5)
Copyright (c) 1988 by Jef Poskanzer.
31 August 1988
xcmsdbDevice Color Characterization utility for X Color Management System
xcmsdb [ query ][remove ][format 32j16j8 ][f i l ename ]
xcmsdb isused to load, query, or remove device color characterization data stored in propertieson the root window of the
screen asspecified in section 7, Device Color Characterization, of the ICCCM. Device color characterization data (also
called the Device Profile) isan integral part of XlibsX Color Management System (xcms), necessary for proper conversion
of color specification between device-independent and device-dependent forms. xcms uses33 matricesstored in the
XDCCC_LINEAR_RGB_MATRICES property to convert color specificationsbetween CIEXYZ and RGB Intensity (XcmsRGBi, also
referred to aslinear RGB). xcms then usesdisplay gamma information stored in the XDCCC_LINEAR_RGB_CORRECTION property to
convert color specificationsbetween RGBi and RGB device (XcmsRGB, also referred to asdevice RGB).
Note that xcms allowsclientsto register function setsin addition to itsbuilt-in function set for CRT color monitors.
Additional function setsmay store their device profile information in other propertiesin function set specific format. This
utility isunaware of these nonstandard properties.
The ASCII readable contentsof filename (or the standard input if no input file isgiven) are appropriately transformed for
storage in properties, provided the query or remove optionsare not specified.
xcmsdb program acceptsthe following options:
query Thisoption attemptsto read the XDCCC propertiesoff the
screensroot window. If successful, it transformsthe data into
a more readable format, then sendsthe data to standard out.
remove Thisoption attemptsto remove the XDCCC propertieson the
screensroot window.
format 32j16j8 Specifiesthe property format (32, 16, or 8 bitsper entry) for
the XDCCC_LINEAR_RGB_CORRECTION property. Precision of
encoded floating-point valuesincreaseswith the increase in
bitsper entry. The default is32 bitsper entry.
xprop(1), Xlib documentation
DISPLAY To figure out which display and screen to use
Chuck Adams, Tektronix, Inc., and Al Tabayoyon, SynChromatics, Inc. (added multivisual support)
X Version 11 Release6
xclockAnalog/digital clock for X
xclock [ help ][analog ][digital ][chime ][hd col or ][hl col or ]
[update seconds ][padding number ]
The xclock program displaysthe time in analog or digital form. The time iscontinuously updated at a frequency which may
be specified by the user.
Part I: User Commands
xclock acceptsall of the standard X Toolkit command-line optionsalong with the additional optionslisted here:
help Thisoption indicatesthat a brief summary of the allowed
optionsshould be printed on the standard error.
analog Thisoption indicatesthat a conventional 12-hour clock face
with tick marksand handsshould be used. Thisisthe default.
digital or d Thisoption indicatesthat a 24-hour digital clock should be
chime Thisoption indicatesthat the clock should chime once on the
half hour and twice on the hour.
hands col or (or hd col or ) Thisoption specifiesthe color of the handson an analog
clock. The default isblack.
highlight col or (or hl col or ) Thisoption specifiesthe color of the edgesof the handson an
analog clock, and isonly useful on color displays. The default
update seconds Thisoption specifiesthe frequency in secondsat which xclock
should update itsdisplay. If the clock isobscured and then
exposed, it will be updated immediately. A value of 30 seconds
or lesswill enable a second hand on an analog clock. The
default is60 seconds.
padding number Thisoption specifiesthe width in pixelsof the padding
between the window border and clock text or picture. The
default is10 on a digital clock and 8 on an analog clock.
Thisprogram usesthe Clock widget. It understandsall of the core resource namesand classesaswell as:
width (class Width) Specifiesthe width of the clock. The default for analog clocks
is164 pixels; the default for digital clocksiswhatever isneeded
to hold the clock when displayed in the chosen font.
height (class Height) Specifiesthe height of the clock. The default for analog clocks
is164 pixels; the default for digital clocksiswhatever isneeded
to hold the clock when displayed in the chosen font.
update (class Interval) Specifiesthe frequency in secondsat which the time should be
foreground (class Foreground) Specifiesthe color for the tick marks. The default isdepends
on whether reverseVideo isspecified. If reverseVideo is
specified, the default islwhite; otherwise, the default isblack.
hands (class Foreground) Specifiesthe color of the insidesof the clockshands. The
default dependson whether reverseVideo isspecified. If
reverseVideo isspecified, the default islwhite; otherwise, the
default isblack.
highlight (class Foreground) Specifiesthe color used to highlight the clockshands. The
default dependson whether reverseVideo isspecified. If
reverseVideo isspecified, the default islwhite; otherwise, the
default isblack.
analog (class Boolean) Specifieswhether or not an analog clock should be used
instead of a digital one. The default isTrue.
chime (class Boolean) Specifieswhether or not a bell should be rung on the hour and
half hour.
padding (class Margin) Specifiesthe amount of internal padding in pixelsto be used.
The default is8.
font (class Font) Specifiesthe font to be used for the digital clock. Note that
variable width fontscurrently will not alwaysdisplay correctly.
In order to specify resources, it isuseful to know the hierarchy of the widgetswhich compose xclock. In the following
notation, indentation indicateshierarchical structure. The widget classname isgiven first, followed by the widget instance
XClock xclock
Clock clock
DISPLAY To get the default host and display number
XENVIRONMENT To get the name of a resource file that overridesthe global
resourcesstored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property
<XRoott/lib/X11/app-defaults/XClock Specifiesrequired resources
X(1), xrdb(1), time(3C)
xclock believesthe system clock.
When in digital mode, the string should be centered automatically.
Tony Della Fera (MIT-Athena, DEC), Dave Mankins(MIT-Athena, BBN), and Ed Moy (UC Berkeley)
X Version 11 Release6
xclipboardX clipboard client
xclipboard [ toolkitoption ... ] [ w ][nw ]
The xclipboard program isused to collect and display text selectionsthat are sent to the Clipboard by other clients. It is
typically used to save Clipboard selectionsfor later use. It storeseach Clipboard selection asa separate string, each of which
can be selected. Each time Clipboard isasserted by another application, xclipboard transfersthe contentsof that selection to
a new buffer and displaysit in the text window. Buffersare never automatically deleted, so youll want to use the delete
button to get rid of uselessitems.
Since xclipboard usesa Text Widget to display the contentsof the clipboard, text sent to the Clipboard may be reselected for
use in other applications. xclipboard also respondsto requestsfor the Clipboard selection from other clientsby sending the
entire contentsof the currently displayed buffer.
Part I: User Commands
An xclipboard window hasthe following buttonsacrossthe top:
quit When thisbutton ispressed, xclipboard exits.
delete When thisbutton ispressed, the current buffer isdeleted and
the next one displayed.
new Createsa new buffer with no contents. Useful in constructing
a new Clipboard selection by hand.
save Displaysa File Save dialog box. Pressing the Accept button
savesthe currently displayed buffer to the file specified in the
text field.
next Displaysthe next buffer in the list.
previous Displaysthe previousbuffer.
The xclipboard program acceptsall of the standard X Toolkit command-line optionsaswell asthe following:
w Thisoption indicatesthat linesof text that are too long to be
displayed on one line in the clipboard should wrap around to
the following lines.
nw Thisoption indicatesthat long linesof text should not wrap
around. Thisisthe default behavior.
In order to specify resources, it isuseful to know the hierarchy of the widgetswhich compose xclipboard. In the following
notation, indentation indicateshierarchical structure. The widget classname isgiven first, followed by the widget instance
XClipboard xclipboard
Form form
Command Quit
Command delete
Command new
Command Save
Command next
Command prev
Label index
Text text
TransientShell fileDialogShell
Dialog fileDialog
Label label
Command accept
Command cancel
Text value
TransientShell failDialogShell
Dialog failDialog
Label label
Command continue
Text iscopied to the Clipboard whenever a client assertsownership of the Clipboard selection. Text iscopied from the
Clipboard whenever a client requeststhe contentsof the Clipboard selection. Examplesof event bindingsthat a user may
wish to include in a resource configuration file to use the Clipboard are
*VT100.Translations: #override \
<Btn3Up>: select-end(CLIPBOARD) \n\
<Btn2Up>: insert-selection(PRIMARY,CLIPBOARD) \n\
<Btn2Down>: ignore ()
X(1), xcutsel(1), xterm(1), individual client documentation for how to make a selection and send it to the Clipboard.
DISPLAY To get the default host and display number
XENVIRONMENT To get the name of a resource file that overridesthe global
resourcesstored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property
<XRoot>/lib/X11/app-defaults/XClipboard Specifiesrequired resources
Ralph R. Swick (DEC/MIT Project Athena), ChrisD. Peterson (MIT X Consortium), Keith Packard (MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release6
xconsoleMonitor system console messageswith X
xconsole [-t ool ki t opt i on ...] [-file f i l e- name] [-notify] [-stripNonprint] [-daemon] [-verbose]
The xconsole program displaysmessagesthat are usually sent to /dev/console.
xconsole acceptsall of the standard X Toolkit command-line optionsalong with the additional optionslisted here:
file f i l e- name To monitor some other device, use thisoption to specify the
device name. Thisdoesnot work on regular filesasthey are
alwaysready to be read from.
notify, nonotify When new data are received from the console and the notify
option isset, the icon name of the application has* appended,
so that it isevident even when the application isiconified.
notify isthe default.
daemon Thisoption causesXconsole to place itself in the background,
using fork/exit.
verbose When set, thisoption directsxconsole to display an informa-
tive message in the first line of the text buffer.
exitOnFail When set, thisoption directsxconsole to exit when it isunable
to redirect the console output.
Thisprogram usesthe Athena Text widget, look in the Athena Widget Set documentation for controlling it.
Part I: User Commands
In order to specify resources, it isuseful to know the hierarchy of the widgetsthat compose xconsole. In the following
notation, indentation indicateshierarchical structure. The widget classname isgiven first, followed by the widget instance
XConsole xconsole
XConsole text
DISPLAY To get the default host and display number.
XENVIRONMENT To get the name of a resource file that overridesthe global
resourcesstored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.
<XRoot>/lib/X11/app-defaults/XConsole Specifiesrequired resources
X(1), xrdb(1), Athena Text widget
Keith Packard (MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release6
xcutselInterchange between cut buffer and selection
xcutsel [ -t ool ki t opt i on ...] [-selection sel ect i on] [-cutbuffer number ]
The xcutsel program isused to copy the current selection into a cut buffer and to make a selection that containsthe current
contentsof the cut buffer. It actsasa bridge between applicationsthat dont support selectionsand those that do.
By default, xcutsel will use the selection named PRIMARY and the cut buffer CUT_BUFFER0. Either or both of these can be
overridden by command-line argumentsor by resources.
An xcutsel window hasthe following buttons:
quit When thisbutton ispressed, xcutsel exits. Any selectionsheld
by xcutsel are automatically released.
copy PRIMARY to 0 When thisbutton ispressed, xcutsel copiesthe current
selection into the cut buffer.
copy 0 to PRIMARY When thisbutton ispressed, xcutsel convertsthe current
contentsof the cut buffer into the selection.
The button labelsreflect the selection and cut buffer selected by command-line optionsor through the resource database.
When the copy 0 to PRIMARY button isactivated, the button will remain inverted aslong asxcutsel remainsthe owner of
the selection. Thisservesto remind you which client ownsthe current selection. Note that the value of the selection remains
constant; if the cut buffer ischanged, you must again activate the copy button to retrieve the new value when desired.
Xcutsel acceptsall of the standard X Toolkit command-line optionsaswell asthe following:
selection name Thisoption specifiesthe name of the selection to use. The
default isPRIMARY. The only supported abbreviationsfor this
option are -select, -sel, and -s, asthe standard toolkit option
-selectionTimeout hasa similar name.
cutbuffer number Thisoption specifiesthe cut buffer to use. The default is
cutbuffer 0.
Thisprogram acceptsall of the standard X Toolkit resource namesand classesaswell asthe following:
selection (class Selection) Thisresource specifiesthe name of the selection to use. The
default isPRIMARY.
cutBuffer (class CutBuffer) Thisresource specifiesthe number of the cutbuffer to use.
The default is0.
The following instance namesmay be used when user configuration of the labelsin them isdesired:
sel-cut (class Command) Thisisthe copy SELECTION to BUFFER button.
cut-sel (class Command) Thisisthe copy BUFFER to SELECTION button.
quit (class Command) Thisisthe quit button.
X(1), xclipboard(1), xterm(1), text widget documentation, individual client documentation for how to make a selection.
There isno way to change the name of the selection or the number of the cut buffer while the program isrunning.
Ralph R. Swick (DEC/MIT Project Athena)
X Version 11 Release6
xdmX Display Manager with support for XDMCP, host chooser
xdm [ config conf i gur at i on_f i l e ][nodaemon ][debug debug_l evel ]
[error er r or _l og_f i l e ][resources r esour ce_f i l e ][server ser ver _ent r y ]
[sessi onsessi on_pr ogr am]
xdm managesa collection of X displays, which may be on the local host or remote servers. The design of xdm wasguided by
the needsof X terminalsaswell asthe X Consortium standard XDMCP, the X Display Manager Control Protocol. Xdm provides
servicessimilar to those provided by init, getty, and login on character terminals: prompting for login name and password,
authenticating the user, and running a session.
Part I: User Commands
A session isdefined by the lifetime of a particular process; in the traditional character-based terminal world, it isthe users
login shell. In the xdm context, it isan arbitrary session manager. Thisisbecause in a windowing environment, a userslogin
shell processdoesnot necessarily have any terminal-like interface with which to connect. When a real session manager isnot
available, a window manager or terminal emulator istypically used asthe session manager, meaning that termination of this
processterminatesthe userssession.
When the session isterminated, xdm resetsthe X server and (optionally) restartsthe whole process.
When xdm receivesan Indirect query via XDMCP, it can run a chooser processto perform an XDMCP BroadcastQuery (or
an XDMCP Query to specified hosts) on behalf of the display and offer a menu of possible hoststhat offer XDMCP display
management. Thisfeature isuseful with X terminalsthat do not offer a host menu themselves.
Because xdm providesthe first interface that userswill see, it isdesigned to be simple to use and easy to customize to the needs
of a particular site. xdm hasmany options, most of which have reasonable defaults. Browse through the varioussectionsof this
manual, picking and choosing the thingsyou want to change. Pay particular attention to the Session Program subsection,
which will describe how to set up the style of session desired.
xdm ishighly configurable, and most of itsbehavior can be controlled by resource filesand shell scripts. The namesof these
filesthemselvesare resourcesread from the file xdm-config or the file named by the config option.
xdm offersdisplay management two different ways. It can manage X serversrunning on the local machine and specified in
Xservers, and it can manage remote X servers(typically X terminals) using XDMCP (the XDM Control Protocol) asspecified in
the Xaccess file.
The resourcesof the X clientsrun by xdm outside the userssession, including xdmsown login window, can be affected by
setting resourcesin the Xresources file.
For X terminalsthat do not offer a menu of hoststo get display management from, xdm can collect willing hostsand run the
chooser program to offer the user a menu. For X displaysattached to a host, thisstep istypically not used, asthe local host
doesthe display management.
After resetting the X server, xdm runsthe Xsetup script to assist in setting up the screen the user seesalong with the xlogin
When the user logsin, xdm runsthe Xstartup script asroot.
Then xdm runsthe Xsession script asthe user. Thissystem session file may do some additional startup and typically runsa
script in the usershome directory. When the Xsession script exits, the session isover.
At the end of the session, the Xreset script isrun to clean up, the X server isreset, and the cycle startsover.
The file /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-errors will contain error messagesfrom xdm and anything output to stderr by Xsetup,
Xstartup, Xsession, or Xreset. When you have trouble getting xdm working, check thisfile to see if xdm hasany cluesto the
All of these options, except config itself, specify valuesthat can also be specified in the configuration file asresources.
config conf i gur at i on_f i l e Namesthe configuration file, which specifiesresourcesto
control the behavior of xdm. <XRoot>/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-config is
the default. See the subsection called Configuration File.
nodaemon Specifiesfalse asthe value for the DisplayManager.daemonMode
resource. Thissuppressesthe normal daemon behavior, which
isfor xdm to close all file descriptors, disassociate itself from the
controlling terminal, and put itself in the background when it
first startsup.
debug debug_l evel Specifiesthe numeric value for the DisplayManager.debugLevel
resource. A non-zero value causesxdm to print lotsof
debugging statementsto the terminal; it also disablesthe
DisplayManager.daemonModeresource, forcing xdm to run
synchronously. To interpret these debugging messages, a copy
of the source code for xdm isalmost a necessity. No attempt has
been made to rationalize or standardize the output.
error er r or _l og_f i l e Specifiesthe value for the DisplayManager.errorLogFile
resource. Thisfile containserrorsfrom xdm aswell asanything
written to stderr by the variousscriptsand programsrun
during the progressof the session.
resources r esour ce_f i l e Specifiesthe value for the DisplayManager*resources resource.
Thisfile isloaded using xrdb to specify configuration
parametersfor the authentication widget.
server ser ver _ent r y Specifiesthe value for the DisplayManager.servers resource.
See the subsection Local Server Specification for a descrip-
tion of thisresource.
udpPort por t _number Specifiesthe value for the DisplayManager.requestPort
resource. Thissetsthe port number, which xdm will monitor
for XDMCP requests. AsXDMCP usesthe registered well-
known UDP port 177, thisresource should not be changed
except for debugging.
session sessi on_pr ogr am Specifiesthe value for the DisplayManager*session resource.
Thisindicatesthe program to run asthe session after the user
haslogged in.
xrm r esour ce_spec i f i cat i on Allowsan arbitrary resource to be specified, asin most X
Toolkit applications.
At many stagesthe actionsof xdm can be controlled through the use of itsconfiguration file, which isin the X resource
format. Some resourcesmodify the behavior of xdm on all displays, while othersmodify itsbehavior on a single display.
Where actionsrelate to a specific display, the display name isinserted into the resource name between Display-Manager and
the final resource name segment.
For local displays, the resource name and classare asread from the Xservers file.
For remote displays, the resource name iswhat the network addressof the display resolvesto. See the removeDomain resource.
The name must match exactly; xdm isnot aware of all the network aliasesthat might reach a given display. If the name resolve
fails, the addressisused. The resource classisassent by the display in the XDMCP Manage request.
Because the resource manager usescolonsto separate the name of the resource from itsvalue and dotsto separate resource
name parts, xdm substitutesunderscoresfor both dotsand colonswhen generating the resource name. For example,
DisplayManager.expo x org 0.startup isthe name of the resource that definesthe startup shell file for the
DisplayManager.servers Thisresource either specifiesa filename full of server entries,
one per line (if the value startswith a slash), or a single server
entry. See the subsection Local Server Specification for the
DisplayManager.requestPort Thisindicatesthe UDP port number that xdm usesto listen for
incoming XDMCP requests. Unlessyou need to debug the
system, leave thiswith itsdefault value of 177.
Part I: User Commands
DisplayManager.errorLogFile Error output isnormally directed at the system console. To
redirect it, set thisresource to a filename. A method to send
these messagesto syslog should be developed for systemsthat
support it; however, the wide variety of interfacesprecludes
any system-independent implementation. Thisfile also
containsany output directed to stderr by the Xsetup, Xstartup,
Xsession, and Xreset files, so it will contain descriptionsof
problemsin those scriptsaswell.
DisplayManager.debugLevel If the integer value of thisresource isgreater than zero, reams
of debugging information will be printed. It also disables
daemon mode, which would redirect the information into the
bit-bucket, and allowsnonroot usersto run xdm, which would
normally not be useful.
DisplayManager.daemonMode Normally, xdm attemptsto make itself into a daemon process
unassociated with any terminal. Thisisaccomplished by
forking and leaving the parent processto exit, then closing file
descriptorsand releasing the controlling terminal. In some
environmentsthisisnot desired (in particular, when
debugging). Setting thisresource to false will disable this
DisplayManager.pidFile The filename specified will be created to contain an ASCII
representation of the process-id of the main xdm process. xdm
also usesfile locking on thisfile to attempt to eliminate
multiple daemonsrunning on the same machine, which would
cause quite a bit of havoc.
DisplayManager.lockPidFile Thisisthe resource which controlswhether xdm usesfile
locking to keep multiple display managersfrom running
amok. On System V, thisusesthe lockf library call, while on
BSD it usesflock.
DisplayManager.authDir Thisnamesa directory in which xdm storesauthorization files
while initializing the session. The default value isy.
DisplayManager.autoRescan ThisBoolean controlswhether xdm rescansthe configuration,
servers, accesscontrol and authentication keysfilesafter a
session terminatesand the fileshave changed. By default it is
true. You can force xdm to reread these filesby sending a
SIGHUP to the main process.
DisplayManager.removeDomainname When computing the display name for XDMCP clients, the name
resolver will typically create a fully qualified hostname for the
terminal. Asthisissometimesconfusing, xdm will remove the
domain name portion of the hostname if it isthe same asthe
domain name of the local host when thisvariable isset. By
default the value istrue.
DisplayManager.keyFile XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 style XDMCP authentication requires
that a private key be shared between xdm and the terminal. This
resource specifiesthe file containing those values. Each entry
in the file consistsof a display name and the shared key. By
default, xdm doesnot include support for XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1,
asit requiresDES, which isnot generally distributable because
of United Statesexport restrictions.
DisplayManager.accessFile To prevent unauthorized XDMCP service and to allow
forwarding of XDMCP IndirectQuery requests, thisfile
containsa database of hostnamesthat are either allowed direct
accessto thismachine, or have a list of hoststo which queries
should be forwarded to. The format of thisfile isdescribed in
the subsection XDMCP AccessControl.
DisplayManager.exportList A list of additional environment variables, separated by
whitespace, to passon to the Xsetup, Xstartup, Xsession,and
Xreset programs.
DisplayManager.randomFile A file to checksum to generate the seed of authorization keys.
Thisshould be a file that changesfrequently. The default is
DisplayManager.greeterLib On systemsthat support a dynamically loadable greeter library,
the name of the library. Default is<XRoot>/lib/X11/xdm/
DisplayManager.choiceTimeout Number of secondsto wait for display to respond after user
hasselected a host from the chooser. If the display sendsan
XDMCP IndirectQuery within thistime, the request is
forwarded to the chosen host. Otherwise, it isassumed to be
from a new session and the chooser isoffered again. Default
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.resources Thisresource specifiesthe name of the file to be loaded by
xrdb asthe resource database onto the root window of screen 0
of the display. The Xsetup program, the Login widget, and
chooser will use the resourcesset in thisfile. Thisresource
database isloaded just before the authentication procedure is
started, so it can control the appearance of the login window.
See the subsection Authentication Widget, which describes
the variousresourcesthat are appropriate to place in thisfile.
There isno default value for thisresource, but <XRoot>/lib/
X11/xdm/Xresources isthe conventional name.
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.chooser Specifiesthe program run to offer a host menu for Indirect
queriesredirected to the special hostname CHOOSER. <XRoot>
/lib/X11/xdm/chooser isthe default. See the subsections
XDMCP AccessControl and chooser.
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.xrdb Specifiesthe program used to load the resources. By default,
xdm uses<XRoot>/bin/xrdb.
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.cpp Thisspecifiesthe name of the C preprocessor that isused by
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.setup Thisspecifiesa program that isrun (asroot) before offering
the Login window. Thismay be used to change the appearance
of the screen around the Login window or to put up other
windows(for example, you may want to run xconsole here).
By default, no program isrun. The conventional name for a
file used here isXsetup. See the subsection Setup Program.
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.startup Thisspecifiesa program that isrun (asroot) after the
authentication processsucceeds. By default, no program isrun.
The conventional name for a file used here isXstartup. See the
subsection Startup Program.
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.session Thisspecifiesthe session to be executed (not running asroot).
By default, <XRoot>/bin/xterm isrun. The conventional name
isXsession. See the subsection Session Program.
Part I: User Commands
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.reset Thisspecifiesa program which isrun (asroot) after the session
terminates. Again, by default, no program isrun. The
conventional name isXreset. See the subsection Reset
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.openDelay, These numeric resourcescontrol the behavior of xdm when
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.openRepeat, attempting to open intransigent servers. openDelay isthe length
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.openTimeout, of the pause (in seconds) between successive attempts,
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.startAttempts openRepeat isthe number of attemptsto make, openTimeout is
the amount of time to wait while actually attempting the open
(that is, the maximum time spent in the connect(2) system
call) and startAttempts isthe number of timesthisentire
processisdone before giving up on the server. After openRepeat
attemptshave been made, or if openTimeout secondselapse in
any particular attempt, xdm terminatesand restartsthe server,
attempting to connect again. Thisprocessisrepeated
startAttempts times, at which point the display isdeclared
dead and disabled. Although thisbehavior may seem arbitrary,
it hasbeen empirically developed and worksquite well on
most systems. The default valuesare 5 for openDelay, 5 for
openRepeat, 30 for openTimeout and 4 for startAttempts.
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.pingInterval, To discover when remote displaysdisappear, xdm
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY. pingTimeout occasionally pingsthem, using an X connection and XSync
calls. pingInterval specifiesthe time (in minutes) between
each ping attempt, pingTimeout specifiesthe maximum
amount of time (in minutes) to wait for the terminal to
respond to the request. If the terminal doesnot respond, the
session isdeclared dead and terminated. By default, both are
set to 5 minutes. If you frequently use X terminalsthat can
become isolated from the managing host, you might want to
increase thisvalue. The only worry isthat sessionswill
continue to exist after the terminal hasbeen accidentally
disabled. xdm will not ping local displays. Although it would
seem harmless, it isunpleasant when the workstation session is
terminated asa result of the server hanging for NFS service
and not responding to the ping.
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY. ThisBoolean resource specifieswhether the X server should be
terminateServer terminated when a session terminates(instead of resetting it).
Thisoption can be used when the server tendsto grow
without bound over time, in order to limit the amount of time
the server isrun. The default value isfalse.
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.userPath xdm setsthe PATH environment variable for the session to this
value. It should be a colon separated list of directories; see
sh(1) for a full description. :/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
:/usr/ucb isa common setting. The default value can be
specified at build time in the X system configuration file with
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY. Xdm setsthe PATH environment variable for the startup and reset
systemPath scriptsto the value of thisresource. The default for this
resource isspecified at build time by the DefaultSystem-Path
entry in the system configuration file; /etc:/bin:/usr/bin
: /usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/ ucb isa common choice. Note the
absence of (.) from thisentry. Thisisa good practice to follow
for root; it avoidsmany common Trojan Horse system
penetration schemes.
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY. Xdm setsthe SHELL environment variable for the startup and
systemShell reset scriptsto the value of thisresource. It is/bin/sh by
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY If the default session failsto execute, xdm will fall back to this
failsafeClient program. Thisprogram isexecuted with no arguments, but
executesusing the same environment variablesasthe session
would have had. (See the subsection Session Program.) By
default, <XRoot>/bin/xterm isused.
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.grabServer, To improve security, thisgrabsthe server and keyboard while
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY. grabTimeout xdm reading the login name and password. The grabServer resource
specifiesif the server should be held for the duration of the
name/password reading. When false, the server isungrabbed
after the keyboard grab succeeds; otherwise, the server is
grabbed until just before the session begins. The default is
false. The grabTimeout resource specifiesthe maximum time
xdm will wait for the grab to succeed. The grab may fail if some
other client hasthe server grabbed, or possibly if the network
latenciesare very high. Thisresource hasa default value of 3
seconds; you should be cautiouswhen raising it, asa user can
be spoofed by a look-alike window on the display. If the grab
fails, xdm killsand restartsthe server (if possible) and the
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.authorize, authorize isa Boolean resource that controlswhether xdm
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.authName generatesand usesauthorization for the local server connec-
tions. If authorization isused, authName isa list of authorization
mechanismsto use, separated by whitespace. XDMCP
connectionsdynamically specify which authorization
mechanismsare supported, so authName isignored in thiscase.
When authorize isset for a display and authorization isnot
available, the user isinformed by having a different message
displayed in the Login widget. By default, authorize istrue.
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.authFile Thisfile isused to communicate the authorization data from
xdm to the server, using the auth server command-line option.
It should be kept in a directory that isnot world-writable asit
could easily be removed, disabling the authorization mecha-
nism in the server.
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY. If set to false, disablesthe use of the unsecureGreeting in the
authComplain login window. See the subsection Authentication Widget.
The default istrue.
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY. The number of the signal xdm sendsto reset the server.
resetSignal See the subsection Controlling the Server. The default is1
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY. The number of the signal xdm sendsto terminate the server. See
termSignal the subsection Controlling the Server. The default is15
Part I: User Commands
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY. The original implementation of authorization in the sample
resetForAuth server reread the authorization file at server reset time, instead
of when checking the initial connection. Asxdm generatesthe
authorization information just before connecting to the
display, an old server would not get up-to-date authorization
information. Thisresource causesxdm to send SIGHUP to the
server after setting up the file, causing an additional server reset
to occur, during which time the new authorization information
will be read. The default isfalse, which will work for all MIT
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY. When xdm isunable to write to the usual user authorization file
userAuthDir ($HOME/.Xauthority), it createsa unique filename in this
directory and pointsthe environment variable XAUTHORITY at
the created file. It uses/tmp by default.
First, the xdm configuration file should be set up. Make a directory (usually <XRoot>/lib/X11/xdm, where <XRoot> refersto the
root of the X11 install tree) to contain all of the relevant files. In the examplesthat follow, /usr/X11R6 isused asthe value of
Here isa reasonable configuration file, which could be named xdm-config:
DisplayManager.servers: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers
DisplayManager.errorLogFile: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-errors
DisplayManager*resources: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xresources
DisplayManager*startup: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xstartup
DisplayManager*session: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession
DisplayManager.pidFile: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-pid
DisplayManager. 0.authorize: true
DisplayManager*authorize: false
Note that thisfile mostly containsreferencesto other files. Note also that some of the resourcesare specified with *
separating the components. These resourcescan be made unique for each different display, by replacing the * with the
display name, but normally thisisnot very useful. See the Resources section for a complete discussion.
The database file specified by the DisplayManager.accessFile providesinformation which xdm usesto control accessfrom
displaysrequesting XDMCP service. Thisfile containsthree typesof entries: entriesthat control the response to Direct and
Broadcast queries, entriesthat control the response to Indirect queries, and macro definitions.
The format of the Direct entriesissimple, either a hostname or a pattern, which isdistinguished from a hostname by the
inclusion of one or more metacharacters(* matchesany sequence of 0 or more characters, and ? matchesany single
character) which are compared against the hostname of the display device. If the entry isa hostname, all comparisonsare
done using network addresses, so any name which convertsto the correct network addressmay be used. For patterns, only
canonical hostnamesare used in the comparison, so ensure that you do not attempt to match aliases. Preceding either a
hostname or a pattern with a ! character causeshoststhat match that entry to be excluded.
An Indirect entry also containsa hostname or pattern, but followsit with a list of hostnamesor macrosto which indirect
queriesshould be sent.
A macro definition containsa macro name and a list of hostnamesand other macrosthat the macro expandsto. To
distinguish macrosfrom hostnames, macro namesstart with a % character. Macrosmay be nested.
Indirect entriesmay also specify to have xdm run chooser to offer a menu of hoststo connect to. See the subsection
When checking accessfor a particular display host, each entry isscanned in turn and the first matching entry determinesthe
response. Direct and Broadcast entriesare ignored when scanning for an Indirect entry and vice versa.
Blank linesare ignored, # istreated asa comment delimiter causing the rest of that line to be ignored, and \newline causesthe
newline to be ignored, allowing indirect host liststo span multiple lines. Here isa sample Xaccess file:
# Xaccess XDMCP access control file
# Direct/Broadcast query entries
! # disallow direct/broadcast service for xtra # allow access from this particular display # allow access from any display in LCS
# Indirect query entries
%HOSTS \ #force extract to contact xenon
! dummy #disallow indirect access %HOSTS #all others get to choose
For X terminalsthat do not offer a host menu for use with Broadcast or Indirect queries, the chooser program can do this
for them. In the Xaccess file, specify CHOOSER asthe first entry in the Indirect host list. chooser will send a Query request to
each of the remaining hostnamesin the list and offer a menu of all the hoststhat respond.
The list may consist of the word BROADCAST, in which case chooser will send a Broadcast instead, again offering a menu of all
hoststhat respond. Note that on some operating systems, UDP packetscannot be broadcast, so thisfeature will not work.
Example Xaccess file using chooser: CHOOSER %HOSTS #offer a menu of these hosts CHOOSER BROADCAST #offer a menu of all hosts
The program to use for chooser isspecified by the DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.chooser resource. For more flexibility at thisstep,
the chooser could be a shell script. chooser isthe session manager here; it isrun instead of a child xdm to manage the display.
Resourcesfor thisprogram can be put into the file named by DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.resources.
When the user selectsa host, chooser printsthe host chosen, which isread by the parent xdm, and exits. xdm closesits
connection to the X server, and the server resetsand sendsanother Indirect XDMCP request. xdm remembersthe users
choice (for DisplayManager. choiceTimeout seconds) and forwardsthe request to the chosen host, which startsa session on that
The resource DisplayManager.servers givesa server specification or, if the valuesstartswith a slash (/), the name of a file
containing server specifications, one per line.
Each specification indicatesa display which should constantly be managed and which isnot using XDMCP. Thismethod is
used typically for local serversonly. If the resource or the file named by the resource isempty, xdm will offer XDMCP service
Each specification consistsof at least three parts: a display name, a display class, a display type, and (for local servers) a
command line to start the server. A typical entry for local display number 0 would be
:0 Digital-QV local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0
Part I: User Commands
The display typesare
Local local display: xdm must run the server
Foreign remote display: xdm opensan X connection to a running server
The display name must be something that can be passed in the display option to an X program. Thisstring isused to
generate the display-specific resource names, so be careful to match the names(for example, use :0 Sun-CG3 local /usr
/X11R6/bin/X :0 instead of localhost:0 Sun-CG3 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 if your other resourcesare specified as
DisplayManager._0.session). The display classportion isalso used in the display-specific resources, asthe classof the
resource. Thisisuseful if you have a large collection of similar displays(such asa corral of X terminals) and would like to set
resourcesfor groupsof them. When using XDMCP, the display isrequired to specify the display class, so the manual for
your particular X terminal should document the display classstring for your device. If it doesnt, you can run xdm in debug
mode and look at the resource stringsthat it generatesfor that device, which will include the classstring.
When xdm startsa session, it setsup authorization data for the server. For local servers, xdm passesauth filename on the
serverscommand line to point it at itsauthorization data. For XDMCP servers, xdm passesthe authorization data to the
server via the Accept XDMCP request.
The Xresources file isloaded onto the display asa resource database using xrdb. Asthe authentication widget readsthis
database before starting up, it usually containsparametersfor that widget:
xlogin*login.translations: #override\
Ctrl<Key>R: abort-display()\n\
<Key>F1: set-session-argument(failsafe) finish-field()\n\
<Key>Return: set-session-argument() finish-field()
xlogin*borderWidth: 3
xlogin*greeting: CLIENTHOST
#ifdef COLOR
xlogin*greetColor: CadetBlue
xlogin*failColor: red
Please note the translationsentry; it specifiesa few new translationsfor the widget that allow usersto escape from the default
session (and avoid troublesthat may occur in it). Note that if #override isnot specified, the default translationsare removed
and replaced by the new value, not a very useful result assome of the default translationsare quite useful (such as<Key>:
insert-char (), which respondsto normal typing).
Thisfile may also contain resourcesfor the setup program and chooser.
The Xsetup file isrun after the server isreset, but before the Login window isoffered. The file istypically a shell script. It is
run asroot, so you should be careful about security. Thisisthe place to change the root background or bring up other
windowsthat should appear on the screen along with the Login widget.
In addition to any specified by DisplayManager.exportList, the following environment variablesare passed:
DISPLAY The associated display name
PATH The value of DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.systemPath
SHELL The value of DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.systemShell
XAUTHORITY May be set to an authority file
Note that since xdm grabsthe keyboard, any other windowswill not be able to receive keyboard input. They will be able to
interact with the mouse, however; beware of potential security holeshere. If DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.grabServer isset, Xsetup
will not be able to connect to the display at all. Resourcesfor thisprogram can be put into the file named by
DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.resources.
Here isa sample Xsetup script:
# Xsetup 0 setup script for one workstation
xcmsdb </usr/X11R6/lib/monitors/alex.0
xconsole geometry 480x13000 notify verbose exitOnFail &
The authentication widget readsa name/password pair from the keyboard. Nearly every imaginable parameter can be
controlled with a resource. Resourcesfor thiswidget should be put into the file named by DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.resources.
All of these have reasonable default values, so it isnot necessary to specify any of them.
xlogin.Login.width, The geometry of the Login widget isnormally computed
xlogin.Login.height, automatically. If you wish to position it elsewhere, specify each
xlogin.Login.x, of these resources.
xlogin.Login.foreground The color used to display the typed-in username.
xlogin.Login.font The font used to display the typed-in username.
xlogin.Login.greeting A string which identifiesthiswindow. The default isX Window
xlogin.Login.unsecureGreeting When X authorization isrequested in the configuration file
for thisdisplay and none isin use, thisgreeting replacesthe
standard greeting. The default isThis is an unsecure session.
xlogin.Login.greetFont The font used to display the greeting.
xlogin.Login.greetColor The color used to display the greeting.
xlogin.Login.namePrompt The string displayed to prompt for a username. Xrdb strips
trailing whitespace from resource values, so to add spacesat
the end of the prompt (usually a nice thing), add spaces
escaped with backslashes. The default isLogin:.
xlogin.Login.passwdPrompt The string displayed to prompt for a password. The default is
xlogin.Login.promptFont The font used to display both prompts.
xlogin.Login.promptColor The color used to display both prompts. A message that isdisplayed when the authentication fails. The
default isLogin incorrect.
xlogin.Login.failFont The font used to display the failure message.
xlogin.Login.failColor The color used to display the failure message.
xlogin.Login.failTimeout The number of secondsthat the failure message isdisplayed.
The default is30.
xlogin.Login.translations Thisspecifiesthe translationsused for the login widget. Refer
to the X Toolkit documentation for a complete discussion on
translations. The default translation table is
Ctrl<Key>H delete-previous-character() \n\
Ctrl<Key>D delete-character() \n\
Ctrl<Key>B move-backward-character() \n\
Ctrl<Key>F move-forward-character() \n\
Ctrl<Key>A move-to-begining() \n\
Ctrl<Key>E move-to-end() \n\
Part I: User Commands
Ctrl<Key>K erase-to-end-of-line() \n\
Ctrl<Key>U erase-line() \n\
Ctrl<Key>X erase-line() \n\
Ctrl<Key>C restart-session() \n\
Ctrl<Key>nn abort-session() \n\
<Key>BackSpace delete-previous-character() \n\
<Key>Delete delete-previous-character() \n\
<Key>Return finish-field() \n\
<Key> insert-char() \
The actionsthat are supported by the widget are
delete-previous-character Erasesthe character before the cursor.
delete-character Erasesthe character after the cursor.
move-backward-character Movesthe cursor backward.
move-forward-character Movesthe cursor forward.
move-to-begining (Apologiesabout the spelling error.) Movesthe cursor to the
beginning of the editable text.
move-to-end Movesthe cursor to the end of the editable text.
erase-to-end-of-line Erasesall text after the cursor.
erase-line Erasesthe entire text.
finish-field If the cursor isin the name field, proceedsto the password field;
if the cursor isin the password field, checksthe current name/
password pair. If the name/password pair isvalid, xdm startsthe
session. Otherwise, the failure message isdisplayed and the
user isprompted again.
abort-session Terminatesand restartsthe server.
abort-display Terminatesthe server, disabling it. Thisaction isnot accessible
in the default configuration. There are variousreasonsto stop
xdm on a system console, such aswhen shutting the system
down, when using xdmshell, to start another type of server, or
to generally accessthe console. Sending xdm a SIGHUP will
restart the display. See the subsection Controlling XDM.
restart-session Resetsthe X server and startsa new session. Thiscan be used
when the resourceshave been changed and you want to test
them or when the screen hasbeen overwritten with system
insert-char Insertsthe character typed.
set-session-argument Specifiesa single word argument that ispassed to the session at
startup. See the subsection Session Program.
allow-all-access Disablesaccesscontrol in the server. Thiscan be used when
the .Xauthority file cannot be created by xdm. Be very careful
using this; it might be better to disconnect the machine from
the network before doing this.
The Xstartup file istypically a shell script. It isrun asroot and should be very careful about security. Thisisthe place to put
commandsthat add entriesto /etc/utmp (the sessreg program may be useful here), mount users home directoriesfrom file
servers, display the message of the day, or abort the session if loginsare not allowed.
In addition to any specified by DisplayManager.exportList, the following environment variablesare passed:
DISPLAY The associated display name
HOME The initial working directory of the user
USER The username
PATH The value of DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.systemPath
SHELL The value of DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.systemShell
XAUTHORITY May be set to an authority file
No argumentsare passed to the script. xdm waitsuntil thisscript exitsbefore starting the user session. If the exit value of this
script isnon-zero, xdm discontinuesthe session and startsanother authentication cycle.
The sample Xstartup file shown here preventslogin while the file /etc/nologin exists. Thus, thisisnot a complete example,
but simply a demonstration of the available functionality.
Here isa sample Xstartup script:
# Xstartup
# This program is run as root after the user is verified
if [ f /etc/nologin ]; then
xmessage file /etc/nologin
exit 1
sessreg a l $DISPLAY x /usr/X11R6/lib/xdm/Xservers $USER
exit 0
The Xsession program isthe command that isrun asthe userssession. It isrun with the permissionsof the authorized user.
In addition to any specified by DisplayManager.exportList, the following environment variablesare passed:
DISPLAY The associated display name
HOME The initial working directory of the user
USER The username
PATH The value of DisplayManager.DI SPLAY.userPath
SHELL The usersdefault shell (from getpwnam)
AUTHORITY May be set to a nonstandard authority file
KRB5CCNAME May be set to a Kerberoscredentialscache file
At most installations, Xsession should look in $HOME for a file xsession, which containscommandsthat each user would like
to use asa session. Xsession should also implement a system default session if no user-specified session exists. See the
subsection Typical Usage.
An argument may be passed to thisprogram from the authentication widget using the set-session-argument action. Thiscan
be used to select different stylesof session. One good use of thisfeature isto allow the user to escape from the ordinary
session when it fails. Thisallowsusersto repair their own .xsession if it fails, without requiring administrative intervention.
The example following demonstratesthisfeature.
Thisexample recognizesthe special failsafe mode, specified in the translationsin the Xresources file, to provide an escape
from the ordinary session. It also requiresthat the .xsession file be executable so you dont have to guesswhat shell it wants
to use.
Part I: User Commands
# Xsession
# This is the program that is run as the client
# for the display manager.
case $# in
case $1 in
exec xterm geometry 80x2400
if [ f $startup ]; then
exec $startup
if [ f $resources ]; then
xrdb load $resources
twm &
xman geometry +1010 &
exec xterm geometry 80x24+10+10 ls
The users.xsession file might look something like the following example. Dont forget that the file must have execute
# no f in the previous line so .cshrc gets run to set $PATH
twm &
xrdb merge $HOME/.Xresources
emacs geometry +0+50 &
xbiff geometry 430+5 &
xterm geometry 0+50 -ls
Symmetrical with Xstartup, the Xreset script isrun after the user session hasterminated. Run asroot, it should contain
commandsthat undo the effectsof commandsin Xstartup, removing entriesfrom /etc/utmp or unmounting directoriesfrom
file servers. The environment variablesthat were passed to Xstartup are also passed to Xreset.
A sample Xreset script:
# Xreset
# This program is run as root after the session ends
sessreg d l $DISPLAY x /usr/X11R6/lib/xdm/Xservers $USER
exit 0
xdm controlslocal serversusing POSIX signals. SIGHUP isexpected to reset the server, closing all client connectionsand
performing other cleanup duties. SIGTERM isexpected to terminate the server. If these signalsdo not perform the expected
actions, the resourcesDisplayManager.DISPLAY.resetSignal and DisplayManager.DISPLAY.termSignal can specify alternate
To control remote terminalsnot using XDMCP, xdm searchesthe window hierarchy on the display and usesthe protocol
request KillClient in an attempt to clean up the terminal for the next session. Thismay not actually kill all of the clients, as
only those which have created windowswill be noticed. XDMCP providesa more sure mechanism; when xdm closesitsinitial
connection, the session isover and the terminal isrequired to close all other connections.
xdm respondsto two signals: SIGHUP and SIGTERM. When sent a SIGHUP, xdm rereadsthe configuration file, the accesscontrol file,
and the serversfile. For the serversfile, it noticesif entrieshave been added or removed. If a new entry hasbeen added, xdm
startsa session on the associated display. Entriesthat have been removed are disabled immediately, meaning that any session
in progresswill be terminated without notice and no new session will be started.
When sent a SIGTERM, xdm terminatesall sessionsin progressand exits. Thiscan be used when shutting down the system.
xdm attemptsto mark itsvarioussubprocessesfor ps(1) by editing the command-line argument list in place. Because xdm cant
allocate additional space for thistask, it isuseful to start xdm with a reasonably long command line (using the full pathname
should be enough). Each processwhich isservicing a display ismarked display.
You can use xdm to run a single session at a time, using the 4.3 init optionsor other suitable daemon by specifying the server
on the command line:
xdm server :0 SUN-3/60CG4 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0
Or you might have a file server and a collection of X terminals. The configuration for thisisidentical to that of the preceding
sample, except the Xservers file would look like this:
extol:0 VISUAL-19 foreign
exalt:0 NCD-19 foreign
explode:0 NCR-TOWERVIEW3000 foreign
Thisdirectsxdm to manage sessionson all three of these terminals. See the subsection Controlling xdm for a description of
using signalsto enable and disable these terminalsin a manner reminiscent of init(8).
One thing that xdm isnt very good at doing iscoexisting with other window systems. To use multiple window systemson the
same hardware, youll probably be more interested in xinit.
<XRoot>/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-config The default configuration file
$HOME/.Xauthority User authorization file where xdm storeskeysfor clientsto read
<XRoot>/lib/X11/xdm/chooser The default chooser
<XRoot>/bin/X11/xrdb The default resource database loader
<XRoot>/bin/X11/X The default server
<XRoot>/bin/X11/xterm The default session program and failsafe client
<XRoot>/lib/X11/xdm/A<display><suffix> The default place for authorization files
/tmp/K5C<display> Kerberos Credentialscache
Note: <XRoot> refers to the root of the X11 install tree.
See Also
X(1), xinit(1), xauth(1), Xsecurity(1), sessreg(1), Xserver(1)
X Display Manager Control Protocol
Part I: User Commands
Keith Packard (MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release6
xdpyinfoDisplay information utility for X
xdpyinfo [display di spl ayname] [queryExtensions] [ext ext ensi on- name]
xdpyinfo isa utility for displaying information about an X server. It isused to examine the capabilitiesof a server, the
predefined valuesfor variousparametersused in communicating between clientsand the server, and the different typesof
screensand visualsthat are available.
By default, numeric information (opcode, base event, base error) about protocol extensionsisnot displayed. Thisinforma-
tion can be obtained with the queryExtensions option. Use of thisoption on serversthat dynamically load extensionswill
likely cause all possible extensionsto be loaded, which can be slow and can consume significant server resources.
Detailed information about a particular extension isdisplayed with the ext extensionName option. If extensionName isall,
information about all extensionssupported by both xdpy-info and the server isdisplayed.
DISPLAY To get the default host, display number, and screen
X(1), xwininfo(1), xprop(1), xrdb(1)
Jim Fulton (MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release6
XF86_AccelAccelerated X Window System serversfor UNIX on x86 platformswith an S3, Mach8, Mach32, Mach64,
P9000, AGX, ET4000/W32, or 8514/A accelerator board
XF86_S3 [:displaynumber] [ option ] ...
XF86_Mach8 [:displaynumber] [ option ] ...
XF86_Mach32 [:displaynumber] [ option ] ...
XF86_Mach64 [:displaynumber] [ option ] ...
XF86_P9000 [:displaynumber] [ option ] ...
XF86_AGX [:displaynumber] [ option ] ...
XF86_W32 [:displaynumber] [ option ] ...
XF86_8514 [:displaynumber] [ option ] ...
XF86_S3 isan 8-bit PseudoColor, 16-bit TrueColor and 24-bit TrueColor server for S3 graphic accelerator boards. Note, 16-
bit and 24-bit operation isnot supported on all S3 accelerator boards. Refer to README.S3 for detailsof which boardsare
supported at which depths.
XF86_Mach8 isan 8-bit PseudoColor server for ATI Mach8 graphic accelerator boards.
XF86_Mach32 isan 8-bit PseudoColor and 16-bit TrueColor server for ATI Mach32 graphic accelerator boards. Note, 16-bit
operation isnot supported on all Mach32 accelerator boards.
XF86_Mach64 isan 8-bit PseudoColor, 16-bit TrueColor, and 24-bit TrueColor server for ATI Mach64 graphic accelerator
boards. Note, 16-bit and 24-bit operation isnot supported for all RAMDACs. Refer to README.Mach64 for detailsof which
RAMDACsare supported at which depths.
XF86_P9000 isan 8-bit PseudoColor, 16-bit TrueColor, and 24-bit TrueColor server for Weitek Power 9000 (P9000) graphic
accelerator boards.
XF86_AGX isan 8-bit PseudoColor and 16-bit TrueColor server for AGX/XGA graphic accelerator boards.
XF86_W32 isan 8-bit PseudoColor server for ET4000/W32, ET4000/W32i, and ET4000/W32p graphic accelerator boards.
XF86_8514 isan 8-bit PseudoColor server for 8514/A graphic accelerator boards.
These are derived from the X386 server provided with X11R5, and from the X8514 server developed by Kevin Martin
The serverssupport the following chipsets:
XF86_S3 86C911, 86C924, 86C801, 86C805, 86C805i, 86C928, 86C928- P,
86C732 (Trio32), 86C764 (Trio64), 86C864, 86C868, 86C964, 86C968
XF86_Mach8 ATI Mach8, ATI Mach32
XF86_Mach32 ATI Mach32
XF86_Mach64 ATI Mach64
XF86_P9000 Diamond Viper VLB, Diamond Viper PCI, Orchid P9000, and
some clones(Weitek P9000)
XF86_AGX AGX-010, AGX-014, AGX-015, AGX-016, XGA-1, XGA-2
XF86_W32 ET4000/W32, ET4000/W32i, ET3000/W32p
XF86_8514 IBM 8514/A and true clones
For S3, virtual resolutionsup to (approximately) 1,152800 are supported, using (up to) 1MB of display memory (the S3
usesan internal width of 1,280 except for new revisionsof some of the chips, hence 1MB cant support 1,152900). Physical
resolutionsup to 1,2801,024 (1,6001,280 on some cards) are possible using 2MB or more of display memory. (Virtual
resolution isdependent solely on the amount of memory installed, with the maximum virtual width being 2,048, and
maximum virtual height is4,096.)
Similar resolutionsare supported on the Mach64. Refer to README.Mach64 for configuration details.
Similar resolutionsare supported on the Mach32. For the Mach32, the maximum virtual width is1,536, and the maximum
virtual height is1,280.
For Mach8, the maximum virtual width is1,024.
For 8514, the maximum resolution is1,024768.
For the AGX chips, maximum resolution dependsupon the chip revision and amount of available display memory. Refer to
README.agx for configuration details.
Part I: User Commands
For the P9000, the virtual and physical resolutionsmust be the same. With sufficient memory, resolutionsup to
1,2801,024 are supported.
All the serversthat support 24-bit visualsdo so using a 32-bit per pixel configuration where 8 bitsin every 32 bitsisunused.
Thisneedsto be taken into account when calculating the maximum virtual display size that can be supported at thisdepth.
In addition to the normal server optionsdescribed in the Xserver(1) manual page, these serversaccept some more command-
line switches, asdescribed in the XFree86(1) man page.
The Mach64, Mach32, S3, P9000, and AGX serversnow support more than 8-bit color. The Mach32 and AGX servers
support 16-bit TrueColor and the Mach64, S3, and P9000 serverssupport 16-and 32-bit TrueColor. The 32-bit TrueColor
mode only uses24 bitsper pixel for color information (giving you 16 million colors). These modesmay be used by
specifying the bpp option asspecified in the XFree86(1) man page.
XFree86 usesa configuration file called XF86Config for itsinitial setup.
See the XF86Config(4/5) man page for general details. Here only the partsspecific to the XF86_S3, XF86_Mach8, XF86_Mach32,
XF86_Mach64, XF86_P9000, XF86_AGX, XF86_W32, and XF86_8514 serversare explained.
Entriesfor the Device section in the XF86Config file include the following:
Chipset name Specifiesa chipset so the correct driver can be used. Possible
S3_generic: (for a standard IO-driven server)
Mmio_928: (for a memory-mapped IO-driven server on
86C928, 86C732, 86C764, 86C864, 86C868, 86C964, and
86C968 boards)
XF86_Mach8, Mach8 (to force the Mach8 server to run on
Mach32 boards)
XF86_Mach32, Mach32
XF86_Mach64, Mach64
Vipervlb (for the Diamond Viper VLB)
Viperpci (for the Diamond Viper PCI)
Orchidp9000 (for the Orchid P9000 and many
generic P9000-based boards)
Only the agx-016, agx-015, agx-014, and XGA-2 have been tested. Refer to the XGA and AGX-010 section of README.agx before
attempting to use the other chipsets.
XF86 W32
Clocks cl ock ... For boardswith nonprogrammable clock chips, the clockscan
be specified here (see XF86Config(4/5)). The P9000 server now
no longer requiresa Clocks line. It will now work the same
way asother serverswith a programmable clock chip (that is,
use the clocksasspecified in the Modes). Note, clocksover
110 MHz are not recommended or supported by the P9000
server. The Mach64 server also doesnot require a Clocks line
because the clocksare normally read directly from the video
cardsBIOS. For the Mach64 server, the clocksgiven in the
XF86Config file are ignored unlessthe no_bios_clocks option is
given (see below).
ClockChip cl ockchi p- t ype For boardswith programmable clock chips(except with the
P9000 and AGX servers), the name of the clock chip isgiven.
Possible valuesfor the S3 server include icd2061a,
ics9161a, dcs2834, sc11412, s3gendac, s3 sdac,
ti3025, ti3026, ics2595, ics5300, ics5342, ch8391,
stg1703, and ibm_rgb5xx.
Ramdac r amdac- t ype Thisspecifiesthe type of RAMDAC used on the board. Only
the S3, AGX, and W32 serversuse this.
Normal(S3, AGX) Card doesnot have one of the other
RAMDACsmentioned here. Thisoption isonly required for
the S3 server if the server incorrectly detectsone of those other
RAMDACs. The AGX server doesnot yet auto-detect
RAMDACs, thisisthe default if no RAMDAC isspecified.
Generic(W32) Thisforcesthe W32 server to treat the
RAMDAC asa generic VGA RAMDAC.
Att20c490(S3, AGX) Card hasan AT&T 20C490 or AT&T
20C491 RAMDAC. When the dac_8_bit option isspecified,
these RAMDACsmay be operated in 8-bit per RGB mode. It
also allows16bpp operation with 801/805/928 boards. True
AT&T 20C490 RAMDACsshould be autodetected by the S3
server. ThisRAMDAC must be specified explicitly in other
cases. Note that 8-bit per RGB mode doesnot appear to work
with the Winbond 82C490 RAMDACs(which SuperProbe
identifiesasAT&T 20C492). 16bpp worksfine with the
Winbond 82C490. The Diamond SS2410 RAMDAC is
reported to be compatible when operating in 15bpp mode
(not 16bpp). The Chrontel 8391 appearsto be compatible in
all modes.
Part I: User Commands
Sc15025(S3, AGX) Card hasa Sierra SC15025 or SC15026
RAMDAC. The S3 server hascode to autodetect this
Sc11482(S3) Card hasa Sierra SC11482, SC11483, or
SC11484 RAMDAC. The S3 server hascode to autodetect
Sc11485(S3) Card hasa Sierra SC11485, SC11487 or
SC11489 RAMDAC. The S3 server will detect these
RAMDACsasan sc11482, so thisoption must be specified to
take advantage of extra features(they support 16bpp, 15bpp,
and 8bpp, while the othersonly support 15bpp and 8bpp).
Bt485(S3) Card hasa BrookTree Bt485 or Bt9485
RAMDAC. Thismust be specified if the server failsto detect it.
Att20c505(S3) Card hasan AT&T 20C505 RAMDAC.
Thismust be specified either if the server failsto detect the
20C505, or if the card hasa Bt485 RAMDAC and there are
problemsusing clockshigher than 67.5MHz.
Att20c498(S3) Card hasan AT&T 20C498 or 21C498
RAMDAC. Thismust be specified if the server failsto detect it.
Att22c498(S3) Card hasan AT&T 22C498 RAMDAC.
Thismust be specified if the server failsto detect it.
Ibm_rgb514(S3) Card hasan IBM RGB514 RAMDAC. This
must be specified if the server failsto detect it.
Ibm_rgb524(S3) Card hasan IBM RGB524 RAMDAC. This
must be specified if the server failsto detect it.
Ibm_rgb525(S3) Card hasan IBM RGB525 RAMDAC. This
must be specified if the server failsto detect it.
Ibm_rgb528(S3) Card hasan IBM RGB528 RAMDAC. This
must be specified if the server failsto detect it.
Stg1700(S3) Card has an STG1700 RAMDAC. Thismust be
specified if the server failsto detect it.
Stg1703(S3) Card has an STG1703 RAMDAC. Thismust be
specified if the server failsto detect it.
S3gendac(S3) Card hasan S3 86C708 GENDAC. This
RAMDAC doesnot support 8-bit per RGB mode (dont
specify the dac_8_bit option). It allows16bpp operation with
801/805 boards. There iscurrently no autodetection for this
S3_sdac(S3) Card hasan S3 86C716 SDAC RAMDAC.
Thismust be specified if the server failsto detect it.
Ics5300(S3) Card hasan ICS5300 RAMDAC. Thismust be
specified if the server failsto detect it (the server will recognize
thisasan S3 GENDAC which isOK).
Ics5342(S3) Card hasan ICS5342 RAMDAC. Thismust be
specified if the server failsto detect it (the server will recognize
thisasan S3 SDAC which isOK).
Ti3020(S3) Card hasa TI ViewPoint Ti3020 RAMDAC.
Thismust be specified if the server failsto detect the Ti3020.
Note that pixel multiplexing will be used for thisRAMDAC if
any mode requiresa dot clock higher than 70MHz.
Ti3025(S3) Card hasa TI ViewPoint Ti3025 RAMDAC.
Thismust be specified if the server failsto detect the Ti3025.
Ti3026(S3) Card hasa TI ViewPoint Ti3026 RAMDAC.
Thismust be specified if the server failsto detect the Ti3026.
Bt481(AGX) Card hasa BrookTree Bt481 RAMDAC.
Bt482(AGX) Card hasa BrookTree Bt482 RAMDAC.
Herc_dual_dac(AGX) Card (HerculesGraphite Pro) has
both the 84-pin (Bt485 or AT&T20C505) and 44-pin (Bt481
or Bt482) RAMDACsinstalled.
Herc_small_dac(AGX) Card (HerculesGraphite Pro) has
only the 44-pin (Bt481 or Bt482) RAMDAC installed.
IOBase i oaddr ess Specifiesthe base addressfor extended IO registers. Thisis
only used by the AGX server, and by the P9000 server for the
Viper PCI. For detailsof how to use it, refer to README.agx and
MemBase memaddr ess Specifiesthe hard-wired part of the linear framebuffer base
address. Thisoption isonly used by the P9000, S3, Mach64,
and Mach32 servers(and only when using a linear
framebuffer). For the S3 server, the hard-wired part isthe high
10 bitsof the 32-bit address(that is, memaddr ess ismasked with
0xFFC00000). Note: Thisshould not be required for the 864
and 964 chipswhere the entire framebuffer addressissoftware-
selectable. Also, note that in versionsprior to 3.1.1, the S3
server used only the top 6 bitsof memaddr ess, and ORed it with
0x3C00000. To get the same behavior, OR 0x3C00000 with the
value given previously. For the Mach32 server, the mask is
0xF8000000 (except for PCI cards, where the membase setting is
Thisoption must be specified with the P9000 server. With
local busDiamond Vipersthe value of memaddr ess can be
either 0x80000000, 0x20000000, or 0xA0000000. The default is
0x80000000. Any value should work aslong asit doesnot
conflict with another device already at that address. For the
Viper PCI, refer to README.P9000. For the Orchid P9000, the
base addressmay be 0xC0000000, 0xD0000000, or 0xE0000000,
and must correspond the boardsjumper setting. Note: The S3
server will normally probe for thisaddressautomatically.
Setting thisoption overridesthat probe. Thisisnot normally
recommended because the failure of the serversprobe usually
indicatesproblemsin using the linear framebuffer.
The Mach64 server requiresthe memory aperture. For ISA busvideo cards, thismeansthat the aperture must be enabled
and the aperture addressmust be set to a value lessthan 16MB (which meansthat, on ISA systemsonly, to use the Mach64
server you must have 12MB of main memory or less). Normally the Mach64 server will use predefined valuesfor this
address, but setting thisoption will override the predefined address.
The Mach32 server should not require the use of thisoption under normal circumstances.
Part I: User Commands
COPBase baseaddr ess Thissetsthe coprocessor base addressfor the AGX server.
Refer to README.agx for details.
Instance i nst ance Thissetsthe XGA instance number for the AGX server. Refer
to README.agx for details.
S3MClk memcl k Thisallowsthe video cardsmemory clock value to be
specified. Thisisonly used for 805i, 864 and Trio32/64 cards,
and the value should not normally be given here for cardswith
an S3 Gendac or Trio64. Thisentry doesnt change the cards
memory clock, but it isused to calculate the DRAM timing
parameters. For further detailsrefer to README.S3.
S3MNAdjust M N Thisallowssome memory timing parametersto be adjusted
for DRAM cards. For further detailsrefer to README.S3.
S3RefClk r ef cl k Thisallowsthe PLL reference clock to be specified. Thismay
be required for some cardsthat use the IBM RGB5xx
RAMDACs. The value isin MHz. For further detailsrefer to
Option flagsmay be specified in either the Device section or the Display subsection of the XF86Config file.
Option opt i onst r i ng Allowsthe user to select certain optionsprovided by the
drivers. Currently the following stringsare recognized:
Nomemaccess(S3) Disable direct accessto video memory.
Thisoption isignored for the 864 and 964 chips.
Noaccel(AGX, P9000) Disable hardware acceleration for the
P9000, and disablesthe font cache with the AGX.
Vram_128(AGX, P9000) When memory probe fails, use if
you have 128Kx8 VRAMs.
Vram_256(AGX, P9000) When memory probe fails, use if
you dont have 128Kx8 VRAMs.
Nolinear(S3 and Mach32) Disable use of a linear-mapped
Ti3020_curs(S3) Enablesthe Ti3020sinternal HW cursor.
No_ti3020_curs(S3) Disablesthe Ti3020sinternal HW
Sw_cursor(S3, Mach32, Mach64, P9000, AGX) Disable the
hardware cursor.
Dac_8_bit(S3, Mach32, Mach64, AGX) Enables8-bit per
RGB. Currently only supported with the Ti3020/5/6, Bt485,
AT&T20C505, AT&T20C490/1, Sierra SC15025/6, AT&T20C498 and
STG1700/3, IBM RGB5xx (S3 server), Bt481 and Bt482 (AGX
server), ATI68875/TLC34075/Bt885 (Mach32 server), ATI68875,
TLC34075, ATI68860, ATI68880, STG1702, and STG1703 (Mach64
server) RAMDACs. Thisisnow set by default in the S3 server
when one of the preceding RAMDACsother than the
AT&T20C490/1 isused.
Dac_6_bit(S3) Force 6-bit per RGB in caseswhere 8-bit
mode would automatically be enabled.
Sync_on_green(S3, P9000) Enablesgeneration of sync on the
green signal on cardswith Bt485, AT&T20C505, Ti3020/5/6 or
IBMRGB5xx RAMDACs. Note: Although these RAMDACs
support sync_on_green, it wont work on many cardsbecause
of the way they are designed.
Power_saver(S3 and Mach64) Thisoption enablesthe server
to use the power-saving featuresof VESA DPMS-compatible
monitors. The suspend level iscurrently only supported for the
Mach64 and for the 732, 764, 864, 868, 964, 968 S3 chips. Refer
to the XF86Config(4/5) manual page for detailsof how to set
the time-outsfor the different levelsof operation. Thisoption
intel_gx(Mach32) Setsthe hard-wired offset for the linear
framebuffer correctly for the Intel GX Pro cards. Thisoption
isequivalent to setting the membase to 0x78000000.
spea_mercury(S3) Enablespixel multiplex support for SPEA
Mercury cards(928 + Bt485 RAMDAC). For these cards, pixel
multiplexing isrequired in order to use dot clockshigher than
67.5 MHz and to accessmore than 1MB of video memory.
Pixel multiplexing iscurrently supported only for
noninterlaced modes, and modeswith a physical width no
smaller than 1,024.
stb_pegasus(S3) Enablespixel multiplex support for STB
Pegasuscards(928 + Bt485 RAMDAC). For these cards, pixel
multiplexing isrequired in order to use dot clockshigher than
67.5 MHz. Pixel multiplexing iscurrently supported only for
noninterlaced modes, and modeswith a physical width no
smaller than 1,024.
number_nine(S3) Enablespixel multiplex support for
Number Nine GXe level 10, 11, 12 cards(928 + Bt485
RAMDAC). For these cards, pixel multiplexing isrequired in
order to use dot clockshigher than 85MHz. Pixel multiplexing
iscurrently supported only for noninterlaced modes, and
modeswith a physical width no smaller than 800. Thisoption
isalso required for some other Number Nine cards(for
example, GXE64 and GXE64pro).
diamond(S3) Thisoption may be required for some
Diamond cards(in particular, the 964/968 VRAM cards).
elsa_w1000pro(S3) Enablessupport for the ELSA Winner
1000 PRO. Thisoption isnot usually required because the
board can be autodetected.
elsa_w1000isa(S3) Enablessupport for the ELSA Winner
1000 ISA. Thisoption isnot usually required because the
board can be autodetected.
elsa_w2000pro(S3) Enablessupport for the ELSA Winner
2000 PRO. Thisoption isnot usually required because the
board can be autodetected.
pci_hack(S3) Enablesa workaround for problemsseen with
some PCI 928 cardson machineswith a buggy SMC UART.
s3_964_bt485_vclk(S3) Enablesa workaround for possible
problemson cardsusing the 964 and Bt485.
genoa, stb, hercules, or number_nine,(S3) These optionsmay
be used to select different defaultsfor the blank delay settings
for untested cardswith IBM RGB5xx RAMDACsto avoid
pixel-wrapping problems.
Part I: User Commands
slow_vram(S3) Adjuststhe VRAM timingsfor cardsusing
slow VRAM. Thisisrequired for some Diamond Stealth 64
VRAM and HerculesTerminator 64 cards.
Fast_vram(S3) Adjuststhe VRAM timingsfor faster VRAM
access. There will be display errorsand pixel garbage if your
card cant support it.
Slow_dram_refresh(S3) Adjuststhe DRAM refresh for cards
with slow DRAM to avoid linesof corrupted pixelswhen
switching modes.
No_block_write(Mach64) Disablesthe block write mode on
certain typesof VRAM Mach64 cards. If noise or shadows
appear on the screen, thisoption should remove them.
Block_write(Mach64) Enablesthe block write mode on
certain typesof VRAM Mach64 cards. Normally the Mach64
server will automatically determine if the card can handle
block write mode, but thisoption will override the probe
No_bios_clocks(Mach64) The Mach64 server normally
readsthe clocksfrom the bios. Thisoption overridesthe bios
clocksand forcesthe server to use the clocksgiven in the
XF86Config file.
There are also numeroustuning optionsfor the AGX server.
Refer to README.agx for details.
Note that XFree86 hassome internal capabilitiesto determine what hardware it isrunning on. Thus, normally the keywords
chipset, clocks, and videoram dont have to be specified. But there may be occasionswhen thisautodetection mechanism
fails, (for example, too high a load on the machine when you start the server). For caseslike this, one should first run the
server on an unloaded machine, look at the resultsof the autodetection (that are printed out during server startup), and then
explicitly specify these parametersin the configuration file. It isrecommended that all parameters, especially Clock values, be
specified in the XF86Config file.
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 S3 The 8-, 16-, and 24-bit color X server for S3
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 Mach8 The 8-bit color X server for Mach8
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 Mach32 The 8- and 16-bit color X server for Mach32
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 Mach64 The 8-, 16-, and 24-bit color X server for Mach64
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 P9000 The 8-, 16-, and 24-bit color X server for the P9000
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 AGX The 8- and 16-bit color X server for AGX and XGA
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 W32 The 8-bit color X server for ET4000/W32
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 8514 The 8-bit color X server for IBM 8514 and true compatibles
/etc/XF86Config Server configuration file
<XRoot>/lib/X11/XF86Config Server configuration file (secondary location)
<XRoot>/lib/X11/doc/README.agx Extra documentation for the AGX server
<XRoot>/lib/X11/doc/README.P9000 Extra documentation for the P9000 server
<XRoot>/lib/X11/doc/README.S3 Extra documentation for the S3 server
<XRoot>/lib/X11/doc/README.W32 Extra documentation for the W32 server
Note: <XRoot> refersto the root of the X11 install tree.
X(1), Xserver(1), XFree86(1), XF86Config(4/5), xvidtune(1), xdm(1), xf86config(1), xinit(1)
In addition to the authorsof XFree86 the following people contributed major work to thisserver: Kevin Martin
(, Jon Tombs(, Rik Faith ( (Did the overall work on the base
accelerated servers.)
David Dawes(, Dirk Hohndel (, David Wexelblat ( (Merged
their work into XFree86.)
Jon Tombs(, David Wexelblat (, David Dawes(, Amancio Hasty
(, Robin Cutshaw (, Norbert Distler (, Leonard
N. Zubkoff (, Harald Koenig (, Bernhard Bender
(, HansNasten ( (Development and improvement of the S3-specific code.)
Kevin Martin (, Rik Faith (, Tiago Gons(, HansNasten
(, Scott Laird ( (Development and improvement of the Mach8- and 8514/A-
specific code.)
Kevin Martin (, Rik Faith (, Mike Bernson (, Mark Weaver
(, Craig Groeschel ( (Development and improvement of the Mach32-specific code.
Kevin Martin, ( (Development of the Mach64-specific code.)
Erik Nygren (, Harry Langenbacher (, ChrisMason
(, Henrik Harmsen ( (Development and improvement of the P9000-specific
Henry Worth ( (Development of the AGX specific code.)
Glenn Lai ( (Development of the ET4000/W32-specific code.)
See also the XFree86(1) manual page.
Some S3 cardswith Bt485 RAMDACsare currently restricted to dot-clockslessthan 85MHz.
The P9000 server may still have problemswith cardsother than the Diamond Viper VLB. There may still be problemswith
VGA mode restoration, but these should almost never occur. Using physical resolutionsdifferent from the virtual resolution
isnot supported and isnot possible with the P9000. Use at dot-clocksgreater than 110MHz isnot recommended and not
supported. Diamond claimsthat 135MHz isthe maximum clock speed, but some of itsbt485sare not rated that high. If you
do not have a 135MHz bt485 on your Viper, contact Diamond tech support and they will send you an RMA number to
replace the board. Acceleration isbeing added in slowly. At the present, only CopyArea, MoveWindow, and DrawLine are
implemented. Other accelerated featuresare being tested and may be available in the next release. There seemsto be a
problem with olvwm when used with xdm and VT switching. The cursor will be messed up when you return to a VT if the cursor
changed while you were in the VT.
XFree86 source isavailable from the FTP server ftp.XFree86.Org and mirrors. Send e-mail to XFree86@XFree86.Org for details.
XFree86 Version 3.1.2
Part I: User Commands
XF86_Mono1-bit nonaccelerated X Window System serversfor UNIX on x86 platforms
XF86 Mono [:displaynumber] [ option ] ...
XF86_Mono isa 1-bit StaticGrey server for VGA and Super VGA cardsand for some other monochrome cards.
The XF86_Mono server supportsthe following popular Super VGA chipsetsin monochrome mode:
ATI 18800, 18800-1, 28800-2, 28800-4, 28800-5, 28800-6, 68800-3,
68800-6, 68800AX, 68800LX, 88800CX, 88800GX
Tseng ET3000, ET4000, ET4000/W32
Western Digital PVGA1, WD90C00, WD90C10, WD90C11, WD90C30, WD90C31, WD90C33
Genoa GVGA
Trident TVGA8800CS, TVGA8900B, TVGA8900C, TVGA8900CL, TVGA9000
NCR 77C22, 77C22E
Compaq AVGA
Oak OTI067, OTI077, OTI087
Cirrus CLGD5420, CLGD5422, CLGD5424, CLGD5426, CLGD5428, CLGD5429,
CLGD5430, CLGD5434, CLGD5436, CLGD6205, CLGD6215, CLGD6225,
CLGD6235, CL6410, CL6412, CL6420, CL6440
The XF86_Mono server supportsthe following monochrome cardsand resolutions:
Sigma L-View, LaserView PLUS (in 1bpp mode): 1,6641,280
Hyundai HGC-1280: 1,280[1,472]1,024
Apollo Monochrome card (with ID 9) from Apollo workstations:
Herculesand compatiblescards 720348
Additionally, it supportsgeneric VGA cardswith a maximum virtual resolution of (approximately) 800650.
On supported SVGA chipsets, XF86_Mono will use up to
/4 of display memory, which yieldsa maximum virtual resolution of
(approximately) 1,6641,260 with 1MB of display memory. XF86_Mono doesnot support the accelerated functionsof the
supported chipsets.
In addition to the normal server optionsdescribed in the Xserver(1) manual page, XF86_Mono acceptssome more command-
line switches, asdescribed in the XFree86(1) man page.
XFree86 usesa configuration file called XF86Config for itsinitial setup.
See the XF86Config(4/5) man page for general details. Here only the XF86_Mono specific partsare explained.
The Driver entry in Screen section of the XF86Config file should be set to vga2 for VGA and SVGA boards, and mono for non-
VGA mono boards. If Screen sectionsare present for both of these, the server will start in a dual-headed configuration.
Entriesfor the Device section in the XF86Config file include the following:
chipset name Specifiesa chipset so the correct driver can be used. Possible
chipsetsfor VGA2:
ATI Vgawonder
Tseng Et3000, et4000, et4000w32, et4000w32i,
Western Digital Pvga1, wd90c00, wd90c10, wd90c30,
wd90c31, wd90c33
Genoa Gvga
Trident Tvga8800cs, tvga8900b, tvga8900c,
tvga8900cl, tvga9000
NCR Ncr77c22, ncr77c22e Compaq: cpq avga
OAK: oti067, oti077, oti087
Cirrus Clgd5420, clgd5422, clgd5424, clgd5426,
clgd5428, clgd5429, clgd5430, clgd5434,
clgd5436, clgd6205, clgd6215, clgd6225,
clgd6235, cl6410, cl6412, cl6420, cl6440
Generic VGA generic
Possible chipsetsfor mono:
Hyundai hgc1280
Sigma sigmalview
Apollo apollo9
Hercules hercules
MemBase memaddr ess Specifiesthe base addressof the video memory. Thisoption is
only used for the Sigma LaserViewcards. Valid addressesfor
these cardsare 0xA0000, 0xB0000, 0xC0000, 0xD0000, 0xE0000. The
default is0xE0000.
Black r ed gr een bl ue Setsthe black color to the RGB valuesspecified. These values
must be given asintegersin the range 063. The default is0 0
0. Thisoption isonly valid for the vga2 screen type.
White r ed gr een bl ue Setsthe white color to the RGB valuesspecified. These values
must be given asintegersin the range 063. The default is63
63 63. Thisoption isonly valid for the vga2 screen type.
Option opt i onst r i ng Allowsthe user to select certain optionsprovided by the
drivers. Currently the following stringsare recognized:
legendFor Sigma Legend ET4000-based boards. This
option enablesa special clock-selection algorithm used on
Legend boards, and MUST be specified for these boardsto
function correctly.
swap_hibitFor Western Digital/PVGA1 chipsets. Some
Western Digital-based boardsrequire the high-order clock-
select lead to be inverted. It isnot possible for the server to
determine thisinformation at run-time. If the 9th clock in the
list of clocksdetected by the server islessthan 30Mhz, this
option likely needsto be set.
Part I: User Commands
Hibit_low, hibit_highFor Tseng ET4000 chipsets. With
some ET4000 cards, the server hasdifficulty getting the state
of the high-order clocksselect bit right when started from a
high-resolution text mode. These optionsallow the correct
initial state of that bit to be specified. To find out what the
correct initial state is, start the server from an 8025 text
mode. Thisoption isonly needed if the clocksreported by the
server when started from a high-resolution text mode differ
from those reported when it isstarted from an 8025 text
8clocksFor the PVGA1 chipset, the default is4 clocks.
Some cardswith thischipset may support 8 clocks. Specifying
thisoption will allow the driver to detect and use the extra
16clocksFor Trident TVGA8900B and 8900C chipsets. Some
newer boardsusing 8900B and 8900C chipsetsactually support
16 clocksrather than the standard 8 clocks. Such boardswill
have a TCK9002 or TCK9004 chip on them. Specifying thisoption
will allow the driver to detect and use the extra 8 clocks.
Power_saverThisoption enablesthe server to use the power
saving featuresof VESA DPMS-compatible monitors. The
suspend level iscurrently not supported. Refer to the
XF86Config(4/5) manual page for detailsof how to set the time-
outsfor the different levelsof operation. Thisoption is
secondaryFor the hgc1280 and apollo9 chipsets. Thisoption
allowsthe use of these cardsjumpered to the secondary I/O/
memory address. These addressesare
hgc1280: I/O 0x3B0-0x3BF, mem 0xB0000-0xBFFFF (prim.)
I/O 0x390-0x39F, mem 0xC8000-0xCFFFF (sec.)
apollo9: I/O 0x3B0-0x3BF, mem 0xFA0000-0xFDFFFF (prim.)
I/O 0x3D0-0x3DF, mem 0xA0000-0xDFFFF (sec.)
XFree86 can detect the HGC-1280 on both primary and
secondary address; for the apollo card the primary addressis
used by default.
Note that XFree86 hassome internal capabilitiesto determine what hardware it isrunning on. Thus, normally the keywords
chipset, clocks, and videoram dont have to be specified. But there may be occasionswhen thisautodetection mechanism
fails, (for example, too high a load on the machine when you start the server). For caseslike this, one should first run
XF86_Mono on an unloaded machine, look at the resultsof the autodetection (that are printed out during server startup) and
then explicitly specify these parametersin the configuration file. It isrecommended that all parameters, especially Clock
values, be specified in the XF86Config file.
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 Mono The monochrome X server for VGA, SVGA and other
monochrome cards
/etc/XF86Config Server configuration file
<XRoot>/lib/X11/XF86Config Server configuration file
Note: <XRoot refersto the root of the X11 install tree.
X(1), Xserver(1), XFree86(1), XF86Config(4/5), xf86config(1), xvidtune(1), xdm(1), xinit(1)
There are no known bugsat thistime, although we welcome reportse-mailed to the addresslisted below.
XFree86 source isavailable from the FTP server
Send e-mail to for details.
Refer to the XFree86(1) manual page.
XFree86 Version 3.1.2
XF86_SVGANonaccelerated SVGA X Window System serversfor UNIX on x86 platforms
XF86 SVGA [:displaynumber] [ option ] ...
XF86_SVGA isan 8-bit PseudoColor, 16-bit TrueColor and 24-bit TrueColor server for Super VGA cards. It isderived from
the X386 server provided with X11R5. Note: 16-bit TrueColor iscurrently only supported for some Cirrusand ARK chips, and
24-bit TrueColor isonly supported for some Cirruschips.
The XF86_SVGA server supportsthe following popular Super VGA chipsetsin 256-color mode. Virtual resolutionsup to
(approximately) 1152900 are supported, using (up to) 1MB of display memory. The Western Digital WD90C33 and some of
the Cirruschipsetssupport up to 2MB of display memory and virtual resolutionsof 1,2801,024 and higher. Some of the
Cirruschipsetsalso support 16bpp and 32bpp (truecolor) modeson certain configurations. Some of the ARK chipsets
support 16bpp modeson certain configurations. Generic VGA cardsare also supported at 8bpp 320200 only.
ATI 18800, 18800-1, 28800-2, 28800-4, 28800-5, 28800-6, 68800-3,
68800-6, 68800AX, 68800LX, 88800CX, 88800GX
Tseng ET3000, ET4000, ET4000/W32
Western Digital PVGA1, WD90C00, WD90C10, WD90C11, WD90C24A, WD90C30, WD90C31,
Genoa GVGA
Trident TVGA8800CS, TVGA8900B, TVGA8900C, TVGA8900CL, TVGA9000
NCR 77C22, 77C22E
CirrusLogic CLGD5420, CLGD5422, CLGD5424, CLGD5426, CLGD5428,
CLGD5429,CLGD5430, CLGD5434, CLGD5436, CLGD6205, CLGD6215,
CLGD6225, CLGD6235, CL6410, CL6412, CL6420, CL6440
RealTek RTG3106
Compaq AVGA
Oak OTI067, OTI077, OTI087
Part I: User Commands
Avance Logic AL2101, ALI2301, ALI2302, ALI2308, ALI2401
Chips& Technology 65520, 65530, 65540, 65545
MX MX68000, MX68010
Video7 HT216-32
Accelerated support isincluded for most of the Cirruschipsets, and for the Western Digital WD90C31 and WD90C33 chipsets.
Accelerated support for the ET4000/W32 isimplemented in a separate server (see XF86_W32(1)). Usersof boardsbased on ATIs
Mach8, Mach32, and Mach64 chipsetsshould refer to the XF86_Mach8(1), XF86_Mach32(1) and XF86_Mach64(1) manual pages,
In addition to the normal server optionsdescribed in the Xserver(1) manual page, XF86_SVGA acceptssome more command-
line switches, asdescribed in the XFree86(1) man page.
XFree86 usesa configuration file called XF86Config for itsinitial setup.
See the XF86Config(4/5) man page for general details. Here only the XF86_SVGA specific partsare explained.
Thisserver requiresa Screen section in the XF86Config file with the Driver entry set to svga.
Entriesfor the Device section in the XF86Config file include
chipset name Specifiesa chipset so the correct driver can be used. Possible
ATI vgawonder
Tseng et3000, et4000, et4000w32,
et4000w32i, et4000w32p
Western Digital pvga1, wd90c00, wd90c10, wd90c24,
wd90c30, wd90c31, wd90c33
Genoa gvga
Trident tvga8800cs, tvga8900b, tvga8900c,
tvga8900cl, tvga9000
NCR ncr77c22, ncr77c22e
CirrusLogic clgd5420, clgd5422, clgd5424,
clgd5426, clgd5428, clgd5429,
clgd5430, clgd5434, clgd5436,
clgd6205, clgd6215, clgd6225,
clgd6235, cl6410, cl6412, cl6420,
RealTek realtek
ARK ark1000pv, ark1000vl, ark2000pv
Compaq cpq_avga
Oak oti067, oti077, oti087
Avance Logic al2101, ali2301, ali2302, ali2308,
Chips& Technology ct65520, ct65530, ct65540, ct65545
MX mx
Video7 video7
Generic generic
Option opt i onst r i ng Allowsthe user to select certain optionsprovided by the
drivers. Currently the following stringsare recognized:
legendFor Sigma Legend ET4000-based boards. Thisoption
enablesa special clock-selection algorithm used on Legend
boards, and MUST be specified for these boardsto function
swap_hibitFor Western Digital/PVGA1 chipsets. Some
Western Digital-based boardsrequire the high-order clock-
select lead to be inverted. It isnot possible for the server to
determine thisinformation at run-time. If the 9th clock in the
list of clocksdetected by the server islessthan 30Mhz, this
option likely needsto be set.
Hibit_low, hibit_highFor Tseng ET4000 chipsets. With some
ET4000 cards, the server hasdifficulty getting the state of the
high-order clocksselect bit right when started from a high-
resolution text mode. These optionsallow the correct initial
state of that bit to be specified. To find out what the correct
initial state is, start the server from an 8025 text mode. This
option isonly needed if the clocksreported by the server when
started from a high-resolution text mode differ from those
reported when it isstarted from an 8025 text mode.
8clocksFor the PVGA1 chipset, the default is4 clocks.
Some cardswith thischipset may support 8 clocks. Specifying
thisoption will allow the driver to detect and use the extra
16clocksFor Trident TVGA8900B and 8900C chipsets. Some
newer boardsusing 8900B and 8900C chipsetsactually support
16 clocksrather than the standard 8 clocks. Such boardswill
have a TCK9002 or TCK9004 chip on them. Specifying thisoption
will allow the driver to detect and use the extra 8 clocks.
probe_clocksFor Cirruschipsets. The Cirrusdriver hasa
fixed set of clocksthat are normally used. Specifying this
option will force the driver to probe for clocksinstead of
reporting the built-in defaults. Thisoption isfor debugging
power_saverThisoption enablesthe server to use the power-
saving featuresof VESA DPMS-compatible monitors. The
suspend level iscurrently not supported. Refer to the
XF86Config(4/5) manual page for detailsof how to set the time-
outsfor the different levelsof operation. Thisoption is
noaccelFor Cirrusand WD chipsets. Thisoption disables
the accelerated featuresfor the clgd5426, clgd5428, wd90c24,
wd90c31, and wd90c33 chipsets.
fifo_conservativeFor Cirruschipsets. Thisoption setsthe
CRT_FIFO threshold to a conservative value for dot clocksabove
65MHz. Thisreducesperformance, but may help in
eliminating problemswith streaks on the screen during
BitBLT operations.
fifo_aggressiveFor Cirruschipsets. Thisoption setsthe
CRT_FIFO threshold to an aggressive value for dot clocksabove
65MHz. Thismay increase performance.
Part I: User Commands
slow_dramFor Cirruschipsets. Thisoption setsthe DRAM
timingsfor slow DRAM chips.
fast_dramFor ET4000 and Cirruschipsets. Thisoption sets
the DRAM timingsfor fast DRAM chips.
no_2mb_bankselFor Cirruschipsets. Thisoption isrequired
for Cirruscardswith 2MB of videoram, which isin the form of
512kx8 DRAMs(4 chips) rather than 256kx4 DRAMs(16
no_bitbltFor Cirruschipsets. Thisoption disablesuse of
hardware BitBLT.
linearAttempt a linear mapping of the framebuffer into
high memory. Currently only supported for some Cirrus
med_dram, favour_bitblt, sw_cursor, clgd6225_lcd, mmioMore
Cirrus-specific options. Refer to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/
README.cirrus for a detailed description of Cirrusoptions.
speedup sel ect i on Setsthe selection of SpeedUps to use. The optional selection
string can take the following values:
If the selection string isomitted, or if the speedup option is
omitted, the selection defaultsto all. Some of the SpeedUps
can only be used with the ET4000, WD90C31, and WD90C33
chipsetsand othersrequire a virtual resolution with a xdim of
1024. SpeedUpsthat wont work with a given configuration
are automatically disabled.
nospeedup Disablesthe SpeedUp code. Thisisequivalent to speedup
Ramdac r amdac- t ype Thisspecifiesthe type of RAMDAC used on the board. Only
the ARK driver currently usesthis. RAMDAC typesrecognized
Att20c490AT&T 20C490 or compatible 8-bit RAMDAC.
Att20c498AT&T 20C498 or compatible 16-bit RAMDAC.
ZoomdacRAMDAC used by the HerculesStingray Pro/V and
Stg1700STG1700 or compatible RAMDAC.
Note that XFree86 hassome internal capabilitiesto determine what hardware it isrunning on. Thus, normally the keywords
chipset, clocks, and videoram dont have to be specified. But there may be occasionswhen thisautodetection mechanism
fails, (for example, too high a load on the machine when you start the server). For caseslike this, you should first run
XF86_SVGA on an unloaded machine, look at the resultsof the autodetection (that are printed out during server startup), and
then explicitly specify these parametersin the configuration file. It isrecommended that all parameters, especially Clock
values, be specified in the XF86Config file.
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 SVGA The SVGA color X server
/etc/XF86Config Server configuration file
<XRoot>/lib/X11/XF86Config Server configuration file
<XRoot>/lib/X11/doc/README.ark Extra documentation for the ARK driver
<XRoot>/lib/X11/doc/README.ati Extra documentation for the ATI vgawon-der driver
<XRoot>/lib/X11/doc/README.cirrus Extra documentation for the Cirrusdriver
<XRoot>/lib/X11/doc/README.trident Extra documentation for the Trident driver
<XRoot>/lib/X11/doc/README.tseng Extra documentation for the ET4000 and ET3000 drivers
<XRoot>/lib/X11/doc/README.Oak Extra documentation for the Oak driver
<XRoot>/lib/X11/doc/README.Video7 Extra documentation for the Video7 driver
<XRoot>/lib/X11/doc/README.WstDig Extra documentation for the WD/PVGA driver
Note: <XRoot> refersto the root of the X11 install tree.
X(1), Xserver(1), XFree86(1), XF86Config(4/5), xf86config(1), xvidtune(1), xdm(1), xinit(1)
Bug reportsare welcome, and should be e-mailed to the addresslisted below.
XFree86 source isavailable from the FTP server
Send e-mail to for details.
Refer to the XFree86(1) manual page.
XFree86 Version 3.1.2
XF86 VGA164-bit nonaccelerated X Window System server for UNIX on x86 platforms
XF86 VGA16 [:displaynumber] [ option ] ...
XF86_VGA16 isa 4-bit color server for VGA cards. The default root visual for thisserver isStaticColor. It also includessupport
for the non-VGA monochrome cardsdescribed in the XF86_Mono(1) manual page. It may be run in a dual-headed configura-
The XF86_VGA16 server supportsthe following popular SVGA chipsetsin 16-color mode.
ATI 18800, 18800-1, 28800-2, 28800-4, 28800-5, 28800-6, 68800-3,
68800-6, 68800AX, 68800LX, 88800CX, 88800GX
Tseng ET4000
Trident TVGA8800CS, TVGA8900B, TVGA8900C, TVGA8900CL, TVGA9000
Cirrus CL6410, CL6412, CL6420, CL6440
Oak OTI067, OTI077, OTI087
Additionally, it supportsgeneric VGA cards.
XF86_VGA16 doesnot support the accelerated functionsof the supported chipsets.
Part I: User Commands
In addition to the normal server optionsdescribed in the Xserver(1) manual page, XF86_VGA16 acceptssome more command-
line switches, asdescribed in the XFree86(1) man page.
XFree86 usesa configuration file called XF86Config for itsinitial setup.
See the XF86Config(4/5) man page for general details. Here, only the XF86_VGA16 specific partsare explained.
The Driver entry in the Screen section of the XF86Config file should be set to vga16.To run in dual-headed configuration,
there should also be a Screen section with the Driver entry set to mono.
Entriesfor the Device section in the XF86Config file include the following:
chipset name Specifiesa chipset so the correct driver can be used. Possible
ATI vgawonder
Tseng et4000, et4000w32, et4000w32i, et4000w32p
Trident tvga8800cs, tvga8900b, tvga8900c,
tvga8900cl, tvga9000
Cirrus cl6410, cl6412, cl6420, cl6440
Oak oti067, oti077, oti087
Generic VGA generic
Option opt i onst r i ng Allowsthe user to select certain optionsprovided by the
drivers. Currently, the following stringsare recognized:
legendFor Sigma Legend ET4000-based boards. Thisoption
enablesa special clock-selection algorithm used on Legend
boards, and MUST be specified for these boardsto function
hibit_low, hibit_highFor Tseng ET4000 chipsets. With some
ET4000 cards, the server hasdifficulty getting the state of the
high-order clocksselect bit right when started from a high-
resolution text mode. These optionsallow the correct initial
state of that bit to be specified. To find out what the correct
initial state is, start the server from an 8025 text mode. This
option isonly needed if the clocksreported by the server when
started from a high-resolution text mode differ from those
reported when it isstarted from an 8025 text mode.
power_saverThisoption enablesthe server to use the power
saving featuresof VESA DPMS-compatible monitors. The
suspend level iscurrently not supported.
Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) manual page for detailsof how to
set the time-outsfor the different levelsof operation. This
option isexperimental.
Note that XFree86 hassome internal capabilitiesto determine what hardware it isrunning on. Thusnormally the keywords
chipset, clocks, and videoram dont have to be specified. But there may be occasionswhen thisautodetection mechanism
fails, (for example, too high a load on the machine when you start the server). For caseslike this, you should first run XF86
VGA16 on an unloaded machine, look at the resultsof the autodetection (that are printed out during server startup), and then
explicitly specify these parametersin the configuration file. It isrecommended that all parameters, especially Clock values, be
specified in the XF86Config file.
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 VGA16 The 16-color X server
/etc/XF86Config Server configuration file
<XRoot>/lib/X11/XF86Config Server configuration file
Note: <XRoot> refersto the root of the X11 install tree.
X(1), Xserver(1), XFree86(1), XF86Config(4/5), XF86 Mono(1), xf86config(1), xvidtune(1), xdm(1), xinit(1)
XFree86 source isavailable from the FTP server
Send e-mail to for details.
The primary developer of thisserver isGertjan Akkerman (
See also the XFree86(1) manual page.
XFree86 Version 3.1.2
xf86configGenerate an XF86Config file
xf86config isan interactive program for generating an XF86Configfile for use with XFree86 X servers.
<xroot>/lib/X11/Cards Video cardsdatabase
XFree86(1), XF86Config(4/5), reconfig(1)
Harm Hanemaayer
XFree86 Version 3.1.1
xfdDisplay all the charactersin an X font
xfd [options ...] fn f ont name
Part I: User Commands
The xfd utility createsa window containing the name of the font being displayed, a row of command buttons, several linesof
text for displaying character metrics, and a grid containing one glyph per cell. The charactersare shown in increasing order
from left to right, top to bottom. The first character displayed at the top left will be character number 0 unlessthe start
option hasbeen supplied, in which case the character with the number given in the start option will be used.
The charactersare displayed in a grid of boxes, each large enough to hold any single character in the font. Each character
glyph isdrawn using the PolyText16 request (used by the Xlib routine XDrawString16). If the box option isgiven, a rectangle
will be drawn around each character, showing where an ImageText16 request (used by the Xlib routine XDrawImageString16)
would cause background color to be displayed.
The origin of each glyph isnormally set so that the character isdrawn in the upper left corner of the grid cell. However, if a
glyph hasa negative left bearing or an unusually large ascent, descent, or right bearing (asisthe case with cursor font), some
charactersmay not appear in their own grid cells. The center option may be used to force all glyphsto be centered in their
respective cells.
All the charactersin the font may not fit in the window at once. To see the next page of glyphs, pressthe Next button at the
top of the window. To see the previouspage, pressPrev. To exit xfd, pressQuit.
Individual character metrics(index, width, bearings, ascent, and descent) can be displayed at the top of the window by
clicking on the desired character.
The font name displayed at the top of the window isthe full name of the font, asdetermined by the server. See xlsfonts for
waysto generate listsof fonts, aswell asmore detailed summariesof their metricsand properties.
xfd acceptsall of the standard toolkit command-line optionsalong with the following additional options:
fn f ont Thisoption specifiesthe font to be displayed. Thiscan also be
set with the FontGrid font resource. A font must be specified.
box Thisoption indicatesthat a box should be displayed outlining
the area that would be filled with background color by an
ImageText request. Thiscan also be set with the FontGrid
boxChars resource. The default isFalse.
center Thisoption indicatesthat each glyph should be centered in its
grid. Thiscan also be set with the FontGrid centerChars
resource. The default isFalse.
start number Thisoption specifiesthe glyph index of the upper left corner
of the grid. Thisisused to view charactersat arbitrary
locationsin the font. Thiscan also be set with the FontGrid
startChar resource. The default is0.
bc col or Thisoption specifiesthe color to be used if ImageText boxes
are drawn. Thiscan also be set with the FontGrid boxColor
rows numr ows Thisoption specifiesthe number of rowsin the grid. Thiscan
also be set with the FontGrid cellRows resource.
columns numcol s Thisoption specifiesthe number of columnsin the grid. This
can also be set with the FontGrid cellColumns resource.
In order to specify resources, it isuseful to know the widgetsthat compose xfd. In the notation below, indentation indicates
hierarchical structure. The widget classname isgiven first, followed by the widget instance name. The application classname
Xfd xfd
Paned pane
Label fontname
Box box
Command quit
Command prev
Command next
Label select
Label metrics
Label range
Label start
Form form
FontGrid grid
The FontGrid widget isan application-specific widget, and a subclassof the Simple widget in the Athena widget set. The
effectsand instance namesof thiswidgetsresourcesare given in the Options subsection. Capitalize the first letter of the
resource instance name to get the corresponding classname.
The instance namesof the application-specific resourcesare given in the following list. Capitalize the first letter of the
resource instance name to get the corresponding classname. These resourcesare unlikely to be interesting unlessyou are
localizing xfd for a different language.
selectFormat Specifiesa printf-style format string used to display informa-
tion about the selected character. The default ischaracter
0x%02x%02x (%u,%u) (%#o,%#o). The argumentsthat will come
after the format string are
char.byte1, char.byte2, char.byte1, char.byte2, char.byte1,
char.byte2. char.byte1 isbyte 1 of the selected character.
char.byte2 isbyte 2 of the selected character.
metricsFormat Specifiesa printf-style format string used to display character
metrics. The default iswidth %d; left %d, right %d; ascent
%d, descent %d (font %d, %d). The argumentsthat will come
after the format string are the character metricswidth,
lbearing, rbearing, character ascent, character descent, font
ascent, and font descent.
rangeFormat Specifiesa printf-style format string used to display the range
of characterscurrently being displayed. The default isrange:
0x%02x%02x (%u,%u) thru 0x%02x%02x (%u,%u). The arguments
that will come after the format string are the following fields
from the XFontStruct that isreturned from opening the font:
min_byte1, min_char_or_byte2, min_byte1, min_char_or_byte2,
max_byte1, max_char_or_byte2, max_byte1, max_char_or_byte2.
startFormat Specifiesa printf-style format string used to display informa-
tion about the character at the upper left corner of the font
grid. The default isupper left: 0x%04x (%d,%d). The
argumentsthat will come after the format string are the new
character, the high byte of the new character, and the low byte
of the new character.
nocharFormat Specifiesa printf-style format string to display when the
selected character doesnot exist. The default isno such
character 0x%02x%02x (%u,%u) (%#o,%#o. The argumentsthat
will come after the format string are the same asfor the
select-Format resource.
Part I: User Commands
X(1), xlsfonts(1), xrdb(1), xfontsel(1), X Logical Font Description Conventions
The program should skip over pagesfull of nonexistent characters.
Jim Fulton (MIT X Consortium); previousprogram of the same name by Mark Lillibridge (MIT Project Athena)
X Version 11 Release6
XFree86X11R6 for UNIX on x86 platforms
XFree86 isa collection of X serversfor UNIX-like OSson Intel x86 platforms. Thiswork isderived from X386n1.2, which was
contributed to X11R5 by Snitily GraphicsConsulting Service.
XFree86 operatesunder the following operating systems:
I SVR3.2: SCO 3.2.2, 3.2.4, ISC 3.x, 4.x
I SVR4.0: ESIX, Microport, Dell, UHC, Consensys, MST, ISC, AT&T, NCR
I SVR4.2: Consensys, Univel (UNIXWare)
I Solaris(x86) 2.1, 2.4
I FreeBSD 1.1.5, 2.0, 2.0.5, NetBSD 1.0 (i386 port only)
I BSD/386 version 1.1 and BSD/OS 2.0
I Mach (from CMU)
I Linux
I Amoeba version 5.1
I Minix-386vm version
I LynxOSAT versions2.2.1 and 2.3
XFree86 supportsconnectionsmade using the following reliable byte-streams:
Local XFree86 supportslocal connectionsvia Streamspipe via various
mechanisms, using the following paths(n representsthe
display number):
/dev/X/server.n (SVR3 and SVR4)
/dev/X/Nserver.n (SVR4)
/dev/XnS and /dev/XnR (SCO SVR3)
In SVR4.0.4, if the Advanced Compatibility Package is
installed, and in SVR4.2, XFree86 supportslocal connections
from clientsfor SCO XSight/ODT, and (with modifications
to the binary) clientsfor ISC SVR3.
UNIX Domain XFree86 uses/tmp/.X11-unix/Xn asthe filename for the socket,
where n isthe display number.
TCPIP XFree86 listenson port htons(6000+n), where n isthe display
Amoeba RPC Thisisthe default communication medium used under native
Amoeba. Note that under Amoeba, the server should be
started with a host name: di spl aynumber argument.
For operating systemsthat support local connectionsother than UNIX Domain sockets(SVR3 and SVR4), there isa
compiled-in list specifying the order in which local connectionsshould be attempted. Thislist can be overridden by the
XLOCAL environment variable described next. If the display name indicatesa best-choice connection should be made (for
example, :0.0), each connection mechanism istried until a connection succeedsor no more mechanismsare available. Note:
For these OSs, the UNIX Domain socket connection istreated differently from the other local connection types. To use it
the connection must be made to unix:0.0.
The XLOCAL environment variable should contain a list of one more of the following:
which represent SVR4 Named Streamspipe, Old-style USL Streamspipe, SCO XSight Streamspipe, and ISC Streamspipe,
respectively. You can select a single mechanism (for example, XLOCAL=NAMED), or an ordered list, for example,
Thisvariable overridesthe compiled-in defaults. For SVR4 it isrecommended that NAMED be the first preference connection.
The default setting is
To globally override the compiled-in defaults, you should define (and export if using sh or ksh) XLOCAL globally. If you use
startx/xinit, the definition should be at the top of your .xinitrc file. If you use xdm, the definitionsshould be early on in
the <XRoot>/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession script.
In addition to the normal server optionsdescribed in the Xserver(1) manual page, XFree86 acceptsthe following command-
line switches:
vtXX XX specifiesthe Virtual Terminal device number that XFree86
will use. Without thisoption, XFree86 will pick the first
available Virtual Terminal that it can locate. Thisoption
appliesonly to SVR3, SVR4, Linux, and BSD OSs with the
syscons or pcvt driver.
probeonly Causesthe server to exit after the device probing stage. The
XF86Config file isstill used when thisoption isgiven, so
information that can be auto detected should be commented
quiet Suppressesmost informational messagesat startup.
bpp n Set number of bitsper pixel. The default is8. Legal valuesare
8, 15, 16, 24, 32. Not all serverssupport all values.
weight nnn SetsRGB weighting at 16 bpp. The default is565. Thisapplies
only to those serversthat support 16 bpp.
gamma val ue Setsthe gamma correction. val ue must be between 0.1 and 10.
The default is1.0. Thisvalue isapplied equally to the R, G,
and B values. Not all serverssupport this.
Part I: User Commands
rgamma value Setsthe red gamma correction. value must be between 0.1 and
10. The default is1.0. Not all serverssupport this.
ggamma value Setsthe green gamma correction. value must be between 0.1
and 10. The default is1.0. Not all serverssupport this.
bgamma value Setsthe blue gamma correction. value must be between 0.1
and 10. The default is1.0. Not all serverssupport this.
showconfig Printsout a list of screen driversconfigured in the server.
verbose Maximizesinformation printed at startup (more than the
xf86config file Readsthe server configuration from file. Thisoption isonly
available when the server isrun asroot (that is, with real-
UID 0).
keeptty Preventsthe server from detaching itsinitial controlling
terminal. Thisoption isonly useful when debugging the
Multiple key pressesrecognized directly by XFree86 are
Ctrl+Alt+Backspace Immediately killsthe serverno questionsasked. (Can be
disabled by specifying DontZap in the Server-Flagssection of
the XF86Config file.)
Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Plus Changesvideo mode to next one specified in the configuration
file, (increasing video resolution order).
Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Minus Changesvideo mode to previousone specified in the
configuration file, (decreasing video resolution order).
Ctrl+Alt+F1F12 For BSD systemsusing the sysconsdriver and Linux, these
keystroke combinationsare used to switch to Virtual Console
1 through 12.
XFree86 usesa configuration file called XF86Config for itsinitial setup. Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) manual page for more
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 SVGA The color SVGA X server
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 Mono The monochrome X server for VGA and other mono cards
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 S3 The accelerated S3 X server
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 Mach8 The accelerated Mach8 X server
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 Mach32 The accelerated Mach32 X server
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 Mach64 The accelerated Mach64 X server
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 P9000 The accelerated P9000 X server
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 AGX The accelerated AGX X server
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 W32 The accelerated ET4000/W32 X server
<XRoot>/bin/XF86 8514 The accelerated 8514/A X server
/etc/XF86Config Server configuration file
<XRoot>/lib/X11/XF86Config.hostname Server configuration file
<XRoot>/lib/X11/XF86Config Server configuration file
<XRoot>/bin/ Client binaries
<XRoot>/include/ Header files
<XRoot>/lib/ Libraries
<XRoot>/lib/X11/fonts/ Fonts
<XRoot>/lib/X11/rgb.txt Color namesto RGB mapping
<XRoot>/lib/X11/XErrorDB Client error message database
<XRoot>/lib/X11/app-defaults/ Client resource specifications
<XRoot>/man/man?/ Manual pages
/etc/Xn.hosts Initial accesscontrol list for display n
Note: <XRoot> refersto the root of the X11 install tree.
X(1), Xserver(1), xdm(1), xinit(1), XF86Config(4/5), xf86config(1), XF86 SVGA(1), XF86 VGA16(1), XF86 Mono(1), XF86 Accel(1),
For X11R5, XF86 1.2 wasprovided by the following:
ThomasRoell (; server and SVR4 stuff), Mark W. Snitily ( SGCS; SVR3
support, X Consortium Sponsor), and many more people out there on the Net who helped with ideasand bug fixes.
XFree86 wasintegrated into X11R6 by the following team:
Stuart Anderson (, Doug Anson (, Gertjan Akkerman
(, Mike Bernson (, Robin Cutshaw (, David Dawes
(, Marc Evans(, Pascal Haible (, Matthieu Herrb
(, Dirk Hohndel (, David Holland (, Alan Hourihane
(, Jeffrey Hsu (, Glenn Lai (, Ted Lemon
(, Rich Murphey (, HansNasten (, Mark Snitily (,
Randy Terbush (, Jon Tombs(, KeesVerstoep (, Paul Vixie
(, Mark Weaver (Mark, David Wexelblat (, Philip Wheatley
(Philip.Wheatley@ColumbiaSC.NCR.COM), ThomasWolfram (, and Orest Zborowski
The XFree86 enhancement package wasprovided by
David Dawes, Release coordination, administration of FTP repository and
mailing lists. Source tree management and integration,
accelerated server integration, fixing, and coding.
Glenn Lai, The SpeedUp code for ET4000-based SVGA cards, and ET4000/
W32 accelerated server.
Jim Tsillas, Many server speedupsfrom the fX386 seriesof enhancements.
David Wexelblat, Integration of the fX386 code into the default server, many
driver fixes, and driver documentation, assembly of the VGA
card/monitor database, development of the generic video
mode listing. Accelerated server integration, fixing, and
Dirk Hohndel, Linux-shared librariesand release coordination. Accelerated
server integration and fixing. Generic administrivia and
Amancio Hasty Jr., Porting to 386BSD version 0.1 and XS3 development.
Rich Murphey, Ported to 386BSD version 0.1 based on the original port by
Pace Willison. Support for 386BSD, FreeBSD, and NetBSD.
Part I: User Commands
Robert Baron, Ported to Mach.
Orest Zborowski, Ported to Linux.
Doug Anson, Ported to Solarisx86.
David Holland, Ported to Solarisx86.
David McCullough, Ported to SCO SVR3.
Michael Rohleder, Ported to ISC SVR3.
KeesVerstoep, Ported to Amoeba based on Leendert van Doornsoriginal
Amoeba port of X11R5.
Marc Evans, Ported to OSF/1.
Philip Homburg, Ported to Minix-386vm.
ThomasMueller, Ported to LynxOS.
Jon Tombs, S3 server and accelerated server coordination.
Harald Koenig, S3 server development.
Bernhard Bender, S3 server development.
Kevin Martin, Overall work on the base accelerated servers(ATI and 8514/
A), and Mach64 server.
Rik Faith, Overall work on the base accelerated servers(ATI and 8514/A).
Tiago Gons, Mach8 and 8514/A server development.
HansNasten, Mach8, 8514/A, and S3 server development and BSD/386
Mike Bernson, Mach32 server development.
Mark Weaver, Mark Mach32 server development.
Craig Groeschel, Mach32 server development.
Henry Worth, AGX server.
Erik Nygren, P9000 server.
Harry Langenbacher, P9000 server.
ChrisMason, P9000 server.
Henrik Harmsen, P9000 server.
Simon Cooper, Cirrusaccelerated code (based on work by Bill Reynolds).
Harm Hanemaayer, Cirrusaccelerated code and ARK driver.
Mike Tierney, WD accelerated code.
Bill Conn, WD accelerated code.
Brad Bosch, WD 90C24A support.
Alan Hourihane, Trident SVGA driver
Marc La France, ATI vgawonder SVGA driver
Steve Goldman, Oak 067/077 SVGA driver.
Jorge Delgado, Oak SVGA driver, and 087 accelerated code.
Bill Conn, WD accelerated code.
Paolo Severini, AL2101 SVGA driver.
Ching-Tai Chiu, Avance Logic ALI SVGA driver.
Manfred Brands, Cirrus64xx SVGA driver.
Randy Hendry, Cirrus6440 support in the cl64xx SVGA driver.
Frank Dikker, MX SVGA driver.
RegisCridlig, Chips& Technology driver.
Jon Block, Chips& Technology driver.
Mike Hollick, Chips& Technology driver
Peter Trattler, RealTek SVGA driver.
Craig Struble, Video7 SVGA driver.
Gertjan Akkerman, 16-color VGA server, and XF86Config parser.
Davor Matic, dmatic@Athena.MIT.EDU Herculesdriver.
Pascal Haible, Banked monochrome VGA support, Herculessupport, and
mono frame buffer support for dumb monochrome devices.
and many more people out there on the Net who helped with beta-testing thisenhancement.
XFree86 source isavailable from the FTP server, among others. Send e-mail to for
XFree86 Version 3.1.2
xfsX font server
xfs [config conf i gur at i on_f i l e] [port t cp_por t ]
xfs isthe X Window System font server. It suppliesfontsto X Window System display servers.
The server isusually run by a system administrator, and started via boot fileslike /etc/rc.local. Usersmay also wish to start
private font serversfor specific setsof fonts.
config configuration_file Specifiesthe configuration file the font server will use.
ls listen-socket Specifiesa file descriptor that isalready set up to be used asthe
listen socket. Thisoption isonly intended to be used by the
font server itself when automatically spawning another copy of
itself to handle additional connections.
port tcp_port Specifiesthe TCP port number on which the server will listen
for connections.
SIGTERM Thiscausesthe font server to exit cleanly.
SIGUSR1 Thissignal isused to cause the server to reread itsconfigura-
tion file.
SIGUSR2 Thissignal isused to cause the server to flush any cached data
it may have.
SIGHUP Thissignal isused to cause the server to reset, closing all active
connectionsand rereading the configuration file.
Part I: User Commands
The configuration language isa list of keyword and value pairs. Each keyword isfollowed by an = and then the desired value.
Recognized keywordsinclude the following:
catalogue (list of string) Ordered list of font path element names. Use of the key-word
catalogue isvery misleading at present; the current
implementation only supportsa single catalogue (all),
containing all of the specified fonts.
alternate-servers (list of string) List of alternate serversfor thisfont server.
client-limit (cardinal) Number of clientsthisfont server will support before refusing
service. Thisisuseful for tuning the load on each individual
font server.
clone-self (Boolean) Whether thisfont server should attempt to clone itself when it
reachesthe client-limit.
default-point-size The default pointsize (in decipoints) for
(cardinal) fontsthat dont specify. The default is120.
default-resolutions Resolutionsthe server supportsby default.
(list of resolutions) Thisinformation may be used asa hint for
prerendering, and substituted for scaled fontsthat do not
specify a resolution. A resolution isa comma-
separated pair of x and y resolutionsin pixels
per inch. Multiple resolutionsare separated by commas.
error-file (string) Filename of the error file. All warningsand errorswill be
logged here.
port (cardinal) TCP port on which the server will listen for connections.
use-syslog (Boolean) Whether syslog(3) (on supported systems) isto be used for
deferglyphs (string) Set the mode for delayed fetching and caching of glyphs. Value
isnone, meaning deferred glyphsisdisabled, all, meaning it is
enabled for all fonts, and 16, meaning it isenabled only for 16-
# sample font server configuration file
# allow a max of 10 clients to connect to this font server client-limit = 10
# when a font server reaches its limit, start up a new one clone-self = on
# alternate font servers for clients to use alternate-servers = hansen:7101,hansen:7102
# where to look for fonts
# the first is a set of Speedo outlines, the second is a set of
# misc bitmaps and the last is a set of 100dpi bitmaps
catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/speedo,
# in 12 points, decipoints
default-point-size = 120
# 100 x 100 and 75 x 75
default-resolutions = 100,100,75,75
use-syslog = off
One of the following formscan be used to name a font server that acceptsTCP connections:
tcp/host name: por t tcp/host name: por t /cat al oguel i st
The host name specifiesthe name (or decimal numeric address) of the machine on which the font server isrunning. The por t
isthe decimal TCP port on which the font server islistening for connections. The cat al oguel i st specifiesa list of catalogue
names, with + asa separator.
Examples: tcp/, tcp/
One of the following formscan be used to name a font server that acceptsDECnet connections:
decnet/nodename::font$obj name decnet/nodename::font$obj name/cat al oguel i st
The nodename specifiesthe name (or decimal numeric address) of the machine on which the font server isrunning. The
obj name isa normal, case-insensitive DECnet object name. The cat al oguel i st specifiesa list of catalogue names, with + asa
Examples: DECnet/SRVNOD::FONT$DEFAULT, decnet/44.70::font$special/symbols.
X(1), font server implementation overview
Multiple cataloguesshould be supported.
Dave Lemke (Network Computing Devices, Inc.), Keith Packard (MassachusettsInstitute of Technology)
X Version 11 Release6
xhostServer accesscontrol program for X
xhost [[+]name ...]
The xhost program isused to add and delete hostnamesor usernamesto the list allowed to make connectionsto the X server.
In the case of hosts, thisprovidesa rudimentary form of privacy control and security. It isonly sufficient for a workstation
(single user) environment, although it doeslimit the worst abuses. Environmentsthat require more sophisticated measures
should implement the user-based mechanism or use the hooksin the protocol for passing other authentication data to the
Xhost acceptsthe following command-line options. For security, the optionsthat effect accesscontrol may only be run from
the controlling host. For workstations, thisisthe same machine asthe server. For X terminals, it isthe login host.
help Printsa usage message.
[+]name The given name (the plussign isoptional) isadded to the list
allowed to connect to the X server. The name can be a
hostname or a username.
Part I: User Commands
name The given name isremoved from the list allowed to connect to
the server. The name can be a hostname or a username.
Existing connectionsare not broken, but new connection
attemptswill be denied. Note that the current machine is
allowed to be removed; however, further connections
(including attemptsto add it back) will not be permitted.
Resetting the server (thereby breaking all connections) isthe
only way to allow local connectionsagain.
+ Accessisgranted to everyone, even if they arent on the list (in
other words, accesscontrol isturned off).
Accessisrestricted to only those on the list (that is, access
control isturned on).
not hi ng If no command-line argumentsare given, a message indicating
whether or not accesscontrol iscurrently enabled isprinted,
followed by the list of those allowed to connect. Thisisthe
only option that may be used from machinesother than the
controlling host.
A complete name hasthe syntax f ami l y :name where the familiesare asfollows:
inet Internet host
dne DECnet host
nis Secure RPC network name
krb KerberosV5 principal
local Containsonly one name, the empty string
The family iscase insensitive. The format of the name varieswith the family.
When Secure RPC isbeing used, the network-independent netname (for example, nis:unix.uid@domainname) can be
specified, or a local user can be specified with just the username and a trailing at sign (@) (for example, nis:pat@).
For backward compatibility with pre-R6 xhost, namesthat contain an at sign are assumed to be in the nis family. Otherwise,
the inet family isassumed.
For each name added to the accesscontrol list, a line of the form name being added to access control list isprinted. For
each name removed from the accesscontrol list, a line of the form name being removed from access control list isprinted.
X(1), Xsecurity(1), Xserver(1), xdm(1)
DISPLAY To get the default host and display to use
You cant specify a display on the command line because display isa valid command-line argument (indicating that you
want to remove the machine named display from the accesslist).
The X server storesnetwork addresses, not hostnames. Thisisnot really a bug. If somehow you change a hostsnetwork
addresswhile the server isstill running, xhost must be used to add the new addressand/or remove the old address.
Bob Scheifler (MIT Laboratory for Computer Science) and Jim Gettys(MIT Project Athena/DEC)
X Version 11 Release6
xieperfXIE server extension test and demo program
xieperf [-option ...]
The xieperf program isbased upon R5 x11perf(1) , and while not entirely comprehensive in itscoverage of the XIE protocol
(see the Bugs subsection), it isintended to be useful in the evaluation of XIE implementationsin the areasof protocol
adherence and performance. The xieperf program includesteststhat execute each of the protocol requestsand photoflo
elementsspecified by revision 5.0 of the XIE protocol. In addition, xieperf providesa set of teststhat can be used to validate
the detection and transmission of XIE protocol request errors, such asFloMatch, FloValue, and so forth. Finally, xieperf
providesa customizable demonstration program for XIE.
A test ismade up of three componentsexecuted in sequence: an initialization function, a test function, and an end function.
The initialization function isresponsible for allocating and populating test resources, such asphotomapsand LUTs, and for
creating a stored photoflo that will be executed by the test function. The test function, in most cases, simply executesthe
stored photoflo for a specified number of repetitions. The end function, which iscalled following the test function, isused
primarily to destroy any noncacheable server resourcesused by the test, and to free any memory that wasdynamically
allocated by the client. Some tests, such as-modify1, -await, -abort, and -redefine, perform additional stepswithin the test
function inner loop, asrequired by the element being tested, or in an attempt to make the test more visually appealing.
Evaluating the performance of individual XIE elementsisnot assimple asmeasuring Core X drawing times. The XIE protocol
requireselementsto be embedded within photoflosin order to be exercised, and the minimum possible photoflo size istwo.
Thisimpliesthat it isimpossible to measure performance of a single element in isolationthe time it takesto run the flo
dependson what other elementsexist in the flo. Extrapolating performance of a single element (or technique) in a flo must
be done carefully, on a case-by-case basis, because in general, measured element performance dependson input image size,
data type, and other factors, all of which can be influenced by upstream flo elements. Note further that the number and type
of elementsin a flo can be influenced by the visualsavailable on the display, so even flo-flo comparisonson machineswith
different visualsmust be done with caution.
Many test labelscontain an abbreviated pipeline description. For instance, IP/IL/P/ED indicatesImportPhotomap, ImportLUT,
Point, and ExportDrawable. Pipelinesending in ED (ExportDrawable) often include hidden elementssuch asBandExtract,
ConvertToIndex, Dither, or Point to match the flo output to the screen visual. Pipelinesending in EP (ExportPhotomap) will
result in a blank window.
xieperf iscompatible with x11perfcomp(1), which isused to compare the outputsof different xieperf and x11perf runsin a
nice, tabular format. In xieperf you will need to use the -labels option (see the Options subsection), and provide the
resulting labelsfile to x11perfcomp(1) to obtain correct output. See the x11perfcomp(1) man pagesfor more detailson this.
Part I: User Commands
xieperf acceptsthe following options:
display host:dpy Specifieswhich display to use.
images <pat h> Normally, xieperf referencesimage fileslocated in the
directory images, which xieperf assumesislocated in your
current directory. If the images directory isnot in your current
directory, or the file hasbeen renamed, use thisoption to
specify itslocation.
timeout<s> Some testsrequire the reception of an event such asFloNotify
to continue, and may cause xieperf to hang should these
eventsnot be received. Thisoption allowsthe user to specify a
time-out value which, if exceeded, will cause xieperf to give
up waiting for an event, and continue on with the next test in
sequence. Should an event time-out, a warning message will be
printed to stderr. The default time-out value is60 seconds.
sync Runsthe testsin synchronousmode.
script <f i l e> Using thisoption givesthe user the ability to run a subset of
the available testsand control the number of timesthe testsare
executed on an individual basis. Thisisthought to be
especially useful for those running xieperf for demonstration
purposes. Using thisoption causesxieperf to read commands
specified in a script file, or from stdin if <file> is-. Testsare
specified by newline-terminated input linesof the form
command [-reps n ] [ -repeat m ]. Charactersfollowing and
including # are treated ascomments. See the -mkscript option.
repeat <n> Repeatseach test n times(by default each test isrun two
times). Thisoption may be used in script filesalso, in which
case the script file -repeat overridesthe command-line option.
time <s > Specifieshow long in secondseach test should be run (default
5 seconds).
depth <dept h> Use a visual with <depth> planesper pixel (default isthe
default visual).
GrayScale Use a GrayScale visual (default isthe default visual).
PseudoColor Use a PseudoColor visual (default isthe default visual).
StaticGray Use a StaticGray visual (default isthe default visual).
StaticColor Use a StaticColor visual (default isthe default visual).
TrueColor Use a TrueColor visual (default isthe default visual).
DirectColor Use a DirectColor visual (default isthe default visual).
WMSafe If xieperf must be run in a window manager environment, use
thisflag to make xieperf aware of this. If specified, xieperf
will create a window, identical to the size of the root window,
and all further windowscreated by xieperf will be transient
pop-up children of thiswindow. If thisflag isomitted, xieperf
will set the override_redirect attribute of all windowsto True
and will also do evil thingssuch ascalling XInstallColormap.
Using thisoption will cause the window manager to (hope-
fully) obey window geometry hintsspecified by xieperf.
showtechs Display a comprehensive list of techniques, by category,
indicating which of the techniquesare supported by the XIE
showlabels Print test label to screen prior to calling any of the test code.
Thisallowsthe user to know which test isexecuting in case the
test hangsfor some reason.
showevents Be verbose when running event and error tests. Also, can be
used to catch and display information on any signalsreceived
during execution of xieperf. Note that thisflag isbest used in
a debugging situation, or to validate that the error events
received by xieperf are valid the first time the testsare
executed on a new platform.
events Run teststhat test for event generation.
errors Run teststhat test for error event generation.
loCal Skip test calibration. Thismay be used when running xieperf
in situationswhere execution timing isnot important.
Execution timeswill not be reported by xieperf when this
option isenabled. The inner loop repeat count, additionally, is
set to a value of 5 (but can be overridden by the -reps option).
all Runsall tests. Thismay take a while, depending on the speed
of your machine, and itsfloating-point capabilities. This
option isignored if a script file isused.
tests Generate a list of the available testsfor the xieperf program.
In x11perf, thislist isnormally displayed in the usage
statement. It wasyanked from the usage of xieperf because it
wastoo lengthy.
mkscript Generate a script file suitable for use with the script option. If
-repeat or -reps are also specified, they will be automatically
placed at the end of each command in the script. The script is
generated to stderr. See the -script command, above.
cache <n> Most test flosutilize a photomap resource for a source. A
photomap cache of up to n entriesiscontrolled by xieperf to
avoid having to constantly reload these imagesduring test
initialization. The default cache size is4. If a value lessthan the
default isspecified, the cache size will be set to the default.
labels Generatesjust the descriptive labelsfor each test specified. Use
-all or -range to specify which testsare included. See
x11perfcomp(1) for more details.
DIS Pretend we are running xieperf while connected to a DIS-only
capable implementation of XIE. Thiswill cause xieperf to
execute those teststhat only use protocol requestsfound in the
DIS subset of XIE, and bypassthose which are not DIS-
compatible. If xieperf detectsa DIS server, it will do this
automatically, and thisoption isignored. Use -all or -range to
specify the initial range of tests.
range <t est 1>[,<t est 2>] Runsall the testsstarting from the specified name test1 until
the name test2, including both the specified tests. Some tests,
like the event and error tests, also require the -errors or -
events optionsto specified. Thisoption isignored if a script is
Part I: User Commands
reps <n> Fix the inner loop repetitionsto n. Thisindicateshow many
timesthe photoflo will be executed each time the test isrun.
Thisoption isoverridden on a per test basisif specified in a
script. Typically, xieperf determinesthe ideal number of reps
during each testscalibration period.
ImportObscuredEvent Test generation of events. Requires-events flag.
through ExportAvailable
BadValue through Test generation of errors. Requires-errors flag.
-ColorList Create anddestroy ColorList resource test.
LUT Create and destroy LUT resource test.
Photomap Create and destroy Photomap resource test.
ROI Create and destroy ROI resource test.
Photospace Create and destroy Photospace test.
Photoflo Create and destroy Photoflo test.
QueryPhotomap Query Photomap resource test.
QueryColorList Query ColorList resource test.
QueryTechniquesDefault Query techniquesasspecified by test name.
through QueryTechniques
QueryPhotoflo Query Photoflo test.
PurgeColorList Purge ColorList test.
Abort Thistest createsa photoflo that isstarted and blocksfor data
provided by PutClientData(). Instead of sending the data, the
test usesXieAbort() to stop the photoflo, and then waitsfor
the PhotofloDone event to be sent by the server. If the test times
out waiting for the event, an error message issent to stderr.
Await Thistest createsa flo of the form ImportClientLUT ->
ExportLUT, and startsthe flo executing. xieperf then forks, and
the child processstreamsthe LUT data to the flo using
PutClientData, while the parent blocksin XieAwait. If the flo
successfully finishes, XieAwait will return and the flo state, after
query, will indicate that it hascompleted. If XieAwait doesnot
complete naturally, or after return from XieAwait the flo isstill
active, an error isreported to stderr. Note, on a really slow
machine, it ispossible that XieAwait will return before the flo
hasa chance to finish. In thiscase, use the -timeout option to
increase the time-out for thistest.
importclientlut1 ImportClientLUT -> ExportLUT test.
importclientphoto1 through Flosof the form ImportClient-Photo -> ExportPhotomap using
importclientphoto9 variousdecode techniques, for example, G32D, TIFF2,
importclientroi1 ImportClientROI with 10 rectangles.
importclientroi2 ImportClientROI with 100 rectangles.
encodephoto1 through Flosof the form ImportPhotomap - ExportPhotomap using
encodephoto14 variousencode techniques, for example G32D, TIFF2,
UncompressedTriple. Original encoding isshown in left
window; image after encoding isshown in right window.
encodeclientphoto1 through Two flos, one of the form ImportPhotomap ->
encodeclientphoto11 ExportClientPhoto, and the other of the form
ImportClientPhoto -> ExportPhotomap, where
ExportClientPhoto in the first flo usesvariousencode
techniques, for example G32D, TIFF2, UncompressedTriple. The
image before encoding isdisplayed in the left window, while
the right window showsthe image that wasencoded in the
first flo and read back in the second flo.
exportclientlut1 ExportClientLUT test. LUT isdisplayed in a histogram window.
exportclientroi1 ExportClientROI test, 10 ROIs. The ROIsthat are sent to the
server are represented by the filled rectangles. The ROIsthat
are received back from the server by the client are drawn as
white-bordered, nonfilled rectangles. The resulting output
illustrateshow the server combined the rectanglessent to it.
exportclientroi2 Same asexportclientroi1, except using 100 rectangles.
exportclienthistogram1 ExportClientHistogram testsusing variousimages. The
through histogram isdisplayed in a window that overlapsthe image.
exportclienthistogramroi1 Same asthe ExportClientHistogram test, but using a ROI
through to identify the area of interest.
exportclienthistogramcplane1 Same asthe ExportClientHistogram test, but using a
through control plane to identify the area of interest.
importlut1 Test ImportLUT element; LUT size is256.
importphoto1 ImportPhotomap -> ExportPhotomap, with source and destina-
tion equal.
importphoto2 ImportPhotomap -> ExportDrawable, window destination.
importroi1 ImportROI -> ExportROI, 10 rectangles, source and destination
importroi2 ImportROI -> ExportROI, 100 rectangles, source and destination
importdrawable1 ImportDrawable -> ExportDrawable, source ispixmap,
destination iswindow.
importdrawable2 ImportDrawable -> ExportDrawable, source and destination are
both window.
importdrawable3 ImportDrawable -> ExportDrawable, destination window
obscured by source window.
importdrawable4 ImportDrawable -> ExportDrawable, source window obscured
by destination window.
importdrawable5 ImportDrawablePlane -> ExportDrawablePlane, pixmap, source
= destination.
importdrawable6 ImportDrawablePlane -> ExportDrawablePlane, window, source
= destination.
importdrawable7 ImportDrawablePlane -> ExportDrawablePlane, window, source
importdrawable8 ImportDrawablePlane -> ExportDrawablePlane, window,
destination obscuressource.
constrain1 Constrain HardClip technique test, drawable destination.
Part I: User Commands
constrain2 Constrain ClipScale technique test, drawable destination.
constrainphoto1 Constrain HardClip technique test, photomap destination.
constrainphoto2 Constrain ClipScale technique test, photomap destination.
convolve1 Boxcar 33 convolution test. Smoothing or lowpassfilter.
convolve2 Boxcar 55 convolution test. Smoothing or lowpassfilter.
convolve3 LaPlacian 33 convolution test. Edge or highpassfilter.
convolve4 LaPlacian 55 convolution test. Edge or highpassfilter.
convolveroi1 LaPlacian 33 convolution test, with ROI.
convolveroi2 LaPlacian 55 convolution test, with ROI.
convolvecplane1 LaPlacian 33 convolution test, with control plane.
convolvecplane2 LaPlacian 55 convolution test, with control plane.
math1 through mathcplane7 Variousteststhat exercise the math element, some testsusing
ROIsand control planes.
arithmeticdyadic1 through Arithmetic element tests, using photomaps
arithmeticdyadic5 asthe operands.
arithmeticmonadic1 through Arithmetic element tests, photomap and constant operands.
arithmeticdyadicroi1 Arithmetic element tests, using photomaps asthe
through operands, with ROIs.
arithmeticmonadicroi1 Arithmetic element tests, photomap and
through constant operands, with ROIs.
arithmeticdyadiccplane1 Arithmetic element tests, using photomapsasthe
through operands, with control planes.
arithmeticmonadiccplane1 Arithmetic element tests, photomap and constant
through operands, with control planes.
arithmeticfloatdyadic1 Arithmetic element tests, using photomaps
though asthe operands, unconstrained.
arithmeticfloatmonadic1 Arithmetic element tests, photomap and constant
though operands, unconstrained.
arithmeticroifloatdyadic1 Arithmetic element tests, photomapsasthe
to operands, ROIs, unconstrained.
arithmeticroifloatmonadic1 Arithmetic element tests, photomap and
to constant operands, ROIs, unconstrained.
band1 BandSelect element test. Image input istriple band. If visual of
xieperf window isa color visual, then three Band-Select
elementsare used to extract the individual bands; they are
combined once again using BandCombine, and displayed using
ConvertToIndex. If the visual isnot color, for example,
GrayScale or StaticGray, then the flo simply usesone
BandSelect element to extract a single band for display.
band2 BandCombine test. Input bandsare made of three separate single
band photomaps. These are combined using a BandCombine
element, which isfollowed by a BandExtract and
ExportDrawable. CCIR 601-1 coefficients.
band3 BandExtract test. Input isa triple band photomap. CCIR
601-1 coefficients. Destination window colormap isgray ramp.
band4 BandExtract test. Input isa triple band photomap. CCIR
601-1 coefficients. Destination window colormap isRGB BEST
MAP standard colormap.
band5 BandExtract test. Input isa triple band photomap. CCIR
601-1 coefficients. Destination window colormap is
RGB_DEFAULT_MAP standard colormap.
comparedyadic1 through Test variouscompare operatorswith dyadic
comparedyadic6 photomap operands.
comparemonadic1 through Test variouscompare operatorswith photomap,
comparemonadic6 constant operands.
compareroidyadic1 through Test variouscompare operatorswith dyadic photomap
compareroidyadic6 operands, using ROIs.
compareroimonadic1 through Test variousoperatorswith photomap,
compare compareroimonadic6 constant operands, using ROIs.
comparecplanedyadic1 Test variouscompare operatorswith dyadic
through photomap operands, control planes.
comparecplanemonadic1 Test variouscompare operatorswith photomap,
through constant operands, control planes.
matchhistogram1 MatchHistogram element tests, using various
through imagesand histogram matching techniques.
matchhistogramroi1 A selection of MatchHistogram element
through tests, with ROIs.
matchhistogramcplane1 A selection of MatchHistogram element
through tests, with control planes.
unconstrain1 ImportPhotomap, Unconstrain, Constrain(ClipScale),
ExportDrawable test.
pasteup1 through pasteup2 PasteUp element tests.
geometry1 through Geometry element tests, including rotations, scales,
geometry14 and mirroring. NearestNeighbor technique.
geometry15 through Geometry element tests, including rotations, scales,
geometry28 and mirroring. AntiAlias technique.
geometry29 through Geometry element tests, including rotations, scales,
geometry42 and mirroring. BilinearInterpolation technique.
geomg31dscale1 through Teststo exercise the variousFAX decodersand
geometryfaxradio1 the Geometry element.
dither1 Dither test, ErrorDiffusion dither technique, ExportDrawable.
dither2 Dither test, ErrorDiffusion dither technique,
Part I: User Commands
dither3 Dither test, Ordered(4) dither technique, ExportDrawable.
dither4 Dither test, Ordered(4) dither technique, ExportDrawablePlane.
dither5 Dither test, Ordered(8) dither technique, ExportDrawable.
dither6 Dither test, Ordered(8) dither technique, ExportDrawablePlane.
dither7 Dither test, Default dither technique, ExportDrawable.
dither8 Dither test, Default dither technique, ExportDrawablePlane.
logicalmonadic1 through Logical element, photomap and a constant
logicalmonadic16 of 0 asoperands, variousoperators.
logicaldyadic1 through Logical element tests, dyadic photomapsas
logicaldyadic16 operands, variousoperators.
logicalmonadicroi1 through Logical element, photomap and constant of
logicalmonadicroi16 0 operands, variousoperators, ROIs.
logicaldyadicroi1 through Logical element, dyadic photomapsasoperands, various
logicaldyadicroi16 operators, ROIs.
logicalmonadiccplane1 Logical element, photomap and constant of 0
through operands, variousoperators, Control Planes.
logicaldyadiccplane1 Logical element, dyadic photomapsasoperands,
through variousoperators, control planes.
blend1 Blend element test. Monadic source, 0.1 source constant.
Alpha constant of 0.5.
blend2 Blend element test. Dyadic sources. Alpha constant of 0.5.
blendroi1 Blend test. Monadic source, 0.1 source constant. Alpha
constant of 0.5. ROIs.
blendroi2 Blend element test. Dyadic sources. Alpha constant of 0.5.
blendcplane1 Blend test. Monadic source, 0.1 source constant. Alpha
constant of 0.5. control plane.
blendcplane2 Blend element test. Dyadic sources. Alpha constant of 0.5.
control plane.
blendalpha1 Blend test. Monadic source, 220 source constant. Alpha plane
isa photomap.
blendalpha2 Blend test. Dyadic sources. Alpha plane isa constant 220.
blendalpharoi1 Blend test. Monadic source, 220 source constant. Alpha plane
photomap. ROIs.
blendalpharoi2 Blend test. Dyadic sources. Alpha plane isa constant 220.
triplepoint1 through Illustrate use of point and standard colormaps
triplepoint2 for rendering triple band images.
funnyencode1 through These testsare designed to perform limited exercising of XIEs
funnyencode8 capability of dealing with variousencodingsof flo source data.
The test init function obtainsa photomap using ICP -> EP. A
seriesof independent permanent flo pairs, one of the form IP
-> EP, and the other of the basic form IP -> ED, are con-
structed. The encoding parametersfor the ExportPhotomap (EP)
element in the first flo are derived from test configuration. The
number of flo pairscreated isalso dependent upon test
configuration. The testscan be configured so that the test init
function will constrain the input photomap to a specified
number of levels, on a per band basis, so that word-sized and
quad-sized pixelsare passed through the flos. Some testsbelow
take advantage of this. See tests.c for test configuration, and
hintson how to add similar tests.
point1 through point3 Simple Point element tests. Drawable destination.
pointroi1 Simple Point element test that usesROIs. Drawable destination.
pointcplane1 Simple Point element test that usesa control plane. Drawable
pointphoto1 Simple Point element test. Photomap destination.
pointroiphoto1 Simple Point element test that usesROIs. Photomap
pointcplanephoto1 Simple Point element test that usesa control plane. Photomap
redefine Two flographsare created that are the same in structure,
except for the x and y offsetsspecified for the ExportDrawable
flo elements. The test init function createsa photoflo based
upon one of the two flographs. The inner loop of the test
function usesXieRedefinePhotoflo() to alternate between each
of the flographs. Make sure that your inner loop repsare 2 or
greater in order to exercise thistest fully (see -reps).
modify1 Test XieModifyPhotoflo() by adjusting ROI offsetsand size.
modify2 Test XieModifyPhotoflo() by changing the LUT input to a
Point element.
modify3 Test XieModifyPhotoflo() by changing ExportDrawable x and y
modify4 Thistest createsa rather long flo of arithmetic elements, each
of which doesnothing more than add 1 to a small image. The
test init function scalesthe input photomap. The
ExportDrawable x and y offset ismodified randomly during
each iteration of the test function inner loop.
modify5 Thistest createsa rather long flo of arithmetic elements, each
of which doesnothing more than add 1 to a large image. Each
rep, the Geometry and ExportDrawable elementsat the end of
the flo are modified to crop a small piece of the input into its
appropriate place in the larger image.
rgb1 through rgb16 These testsall basically take an UncompressedTriple image as
input, send it to ConvertFromRGB, which convertsthe image to
some configured colorspace, and then send the converted
image on to ConvertToRGB prior to display. The original image
isdisplayed in the left-hand window, and the image that has
passed through the flo isshown in the right-hand window.
The goal of these test isto show that ConvertFromRGB ->
ConvertToRGB islossless.
converttoindexpixel ConvertToIndex test, TripleBand BandByPixel.
converttoindexplane ConvertToIndex test, TripleBand BandByPlane.
Part I: User Commands
convertfromindex The test init function usesa flo containing ConvertToIndex to
display an image in the left window. The test function uses
thisdrawable asinput to a flo that doesConvertFromIndex ->
ConvertToIndex and sendsthe resulting image to the right
window. The result should be lossless.
complex A somewhat large flo that usescontrol planes, LUTs, Point,
PasteUp, Logical, Constrain, Dither, Geometry, MatchHistogram,
BandCombine, and BandSelect elements. See the Postscript file for a rendition of the photoflo that isexecuted.
There are no X defaultsused by thisprogram.
X(1), x11perf(1), x11perfcomp(1)
There should be an IMAGES environment variable to augment the -images option.
Many testsonly scratch the surface of possible test cases. Some of the optionsavailable for certain flo elementsare either
inadequately tested, or ignored altogether. There are insufficient testsfor bitonal, large pixel, or triple band tests.
Some of the test namesare inconsistently cased, for example, -Abort and -dither1.
Some testsare hopelessly slow when run against machineswith slow FPUs.
Bitonal imagesare, for the most part, displayed using the ExportDrawable flo element; however, ExportDrawablePlane would
be a better choice.
Syd Logan (AGE Logic, Inc.)
X Version 11 Release6
ximtoppmConvert an XIM file into a portable pixmap
ximtoppm [xi mf i l e]
Readsan Xim file asinput. Producesa portable pixmap asoutput. The Xim toolkit isincluded in the contrib tree of the
X.V11R4 release.
Copyright (c) 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
25 March 1990
xinetdThe extended Internet servicesdaemon
xinetd [opt i ons]
xinetd performsthe same function asinetd: it startsprogramsthat provide Internet services. Instead of having such servers
started at system initialization time, and be dormant until a connection request arrives, xinetd isthe only daemon process
started and it listenson all service portsfor the serviceslisted in itsconfiguration file. When a request comesin, xinetd starts
the appropriate server. Because of the way it operates, xinetd (aswell asinetd) isalso referred to asa super-server.
The serviceslisted in xinetdsconfiguration file can be separated into two groups. Servicesin the first group are called
multithreaded and they require the forking of a new server processfor each new connection request. The new server then
handlesthat connection. For such services, xinetd keepslistening for new requestsso that it can spawn new servers. On the
other hand, the second group includesservicesfor which the service daemon isresponsible for handling all new connection
requests. Such servicesare called single-threaded and xinetd will stop handling new requestsfor them until the server dies.
Servicesin thisgroup are usually datagram based.
So far, the only reason for the existence of a super-server wasto conserve system resourcesby avoiding to fork a lot of
processeswho might be dormant for most of their lifetime. While fulfilling thisfunction, xinetd takesadvantage of the idea
of a super-server to provide featuressuch asaccesscontrol and logging. Furthermore, xinetd isnot limited to serviceslisted in
/etc/services. Therefore, anybody can use xinetd to start special-purpose servers.
d Enablesdebug mode. Thisproducesa lot of debugging
output, and it makesit possible to use a debugger on xinetd.
syslog sysl og_f aci l i t y Thisoption enablessyslog logging of xinetd-produced
messagesusing the specified syslog facility. The following
facility namesare supported: daemon, auth, user, local[0-7]
(check syslog.conf(5) for their meanings). Thisoption is
ineffective in debug mode because all relevant messagesare
sent to the terminal.
filelog l ogf i l e xinetd-produced messageswill be placed in the specified file.
Messagesare alwaysappended to the file. If the file doesnot
exist, it will be created. Thisoption isineffective in debug
mode because all relevant messagesare sent to the terminal.
f config_file Determinesthe file that xinetd usesfor configuration. The
default is/etc/xinetd.conf.
pid The processpid iswritten to standard error. Thisoption is
ineffective in debug mode.
loop r at e Thisoption setsthe loop rate beyond which a service is
considered in error and isdeactivated. The loop rate is
specified in termsof the number of serversper second that can
be forked for a process. The speed of your machine determines
the correct value for thisoption. The default rate is10.
reuse If thisoption isused, xinetd will set the socket option
SO_REUSEADDR before binding the service socket to an Internet
address. Thisallowsbinding of the addresseven if there are
programsthat use it, which happenswhen a previousinstance
of xinetd hasstarted some serversthat are still running. This
option hasno effect on RPC services.
Part I: User Commands
limit pr oc_l i mi t Thisoption placesa limit on the number of concurrently
running processesthat can be started by xinetd. Itspurpose is
to prevent processtable overflows.
logprocs l i mi t Thisoption placesa limit on the number of concurrently
running serversfor remote user ID acquisition.
shutdownprocs l i mi t Thisoption placesa limit on the number of concurrently
running serversfor service shutdown (forked when the RECORD
option isused).
The syslog and filelog optionsare mutually exclusive. If none isspecified, the default issyslog using the daemon facility.
You should not confuse xinetd messageswith messagesrelated to service logging. The latter are logged only if thisisspecified
via the configuration file.
The configuration file determinesthe servicesprovided by xinetd. Any line whose first nonwhitespace character isa # is
considered a comment line. Empty linesare ignored.
The file containsentriesof the form:
service <service_name>
<attribute> <assign_op><value><value> ...
The assignment operator, assign_op, can be one of =, +=, -=. The majority of attributessupport only the simple assignment
operator, =. Attributeswhose value isa set of valuessupport all assignment operators. For such attributes, += meansadding a
value to the set and -= meansremoving a value from the set. A list of these attributesisgiven after all the attributesare
Each entry definesa service identified by the service_name. The following isa list of available attributes:
id Thisattribute isused to uniquely identify a service. Thisis
useful because there exist servicesthat can use different
protocolsand need to be described with different entriesin the
configuration file. By default, the service id isthe same asthe
service name.
type Possible valuesare the following:
RPC If thisisan RPC service
INTERNAL If thisisa service provided by xinetd.
UNLISTED If thisisa service not listed in /etc/services.
flags Possible flag valuesare
REUSE Set the SO_REUSEADDR flag on the service socket.
INTERCEPT Intercept packetsor accepted connectionsin
order to verify that they are coming from
acceptable locations(internal or multithreaded
servicescannot be intercepted).
NORETRY Avoid retry attemptsin case of fork failure.
socket type Possible valuesare
stream Stream-based service
dgram Datagram-based service
raw Service that requiresdirect accessto IP
seqpacket Service that requiresreliable sequential
datagram transmission
protocol Determinesthe protocol that isemployed by the service. The
protocol must exist in /etc/protocols. If thisattribute isnot
defined, the default protocol employed by the service will be
wait Thisattribute determinesif the service issingle-threaded or
multithreaded. If itsvalue isyes, the service issingle-threaded;
thismeansthat xinetd will start the server and then it will stop
handling requestsfor the service until the server dies. If the
attribute value isno, the service ismultithreaded and xinetd
will keep handling new service requests.
user Determinesthe uid for the server process. The username must
exist in /etc/passwd. Thisattribute isineffective if the effective
user ID of xinetd isnot super-user.
group Determinesthe gid for the server process. The group name
must exist in /etc/group. If a group isnot specified, the group
of user will be used (from /etc/passwd). Thisattribute is
ineffective if the effective user ID of xinetd isnot super-user.
instances Determinesthe number of serversthat can be simultaneously
active for a service. By default, there isno limit. The value of
thisattribute can be either a number or UNLIMITED, which
meansthat there isno limit.
server Determinesthe program to execute for thisservice.
server_args Determinesthe argumentspassed to the server. In contrast to
inetd, the server name should not be included in server_args.
only_from Determinesthe remote hoststo which the particular service is
available. Itsvalue isa list of IP addressesthat can be specified
in any combination of the following ways:
a) A numeric addressin the form of %d.%d.%d.%d. If the
rightmost componentsare 0, they are treated aswildcards
(for example, matchesall hostson the
128.138.12 subnet). matchesall Internet addresses.
b) A factorized addressin the form of %d.%d.%d.{%d,%d,...}.
There isno need for all four components
(%d.%d.{%d,%d,...%d} isalso OK). However, the factorized
part must be at the end of the address.
c) A network name (from /etc/networks).
d) A hostname. All IP addressesof the specified hostname will
be used.
Specifying thisattribute without a value makesthe service
available to nobody.
no_access Determinesthe remote hoststo which the particular service is
unavailable. Itsvalue can be specified in the same way asthe
value of the only from attribute. These two attributes
determine the location accesscontrol enforced by xinetd. If
none of the two isspecified for a service, the service isavailable
to anyone. If both are specified for a service, the one that isthe
better match for the addressof the remote host determinesif
the service isavailable to that host (for example, if the only
from list contains128.138.209.0 and the no accesslist contains, then the host with the address128.138.209.10
can not accessthe service).
Part I: User Commands
access_times Determinesthe time intervalswhen the service isavailable. An
interval hasthe form hour : mi n- hour : mi n (connectionswill be
accepted at the boundsof an interval). Hourscan range from 0
to 23 and minutesfrom 0 to 59.
log_type Determineswhere the service log output issent. There are two
SYSLOG syslog The log output issent to syslog at
facility the specified facility. If a level
[syslog level] ispresent, the messageswill be recorded at
that level instead of LOG_INFO (which isthe
default level).
FILE f i l e The log output isappended to f i l e,
[soft_limit which will be created if it does
[hard_limit]] not exist. Two limitson the size of the log
file can be optionally specified. The first
limit isa soft one; xinetd will log a message
the first time thislimit isexceeded (if xinetd
logsto syslog, the message will be sent at
the LOG_ALERT priority level). The second
limit isa hard limit; xinetd will stop logging
for the affected service (if the log file isa
common log file, then more than one service
may be affected) and will log a message
about this(if xinetd logsto syslog, the
message will be sent at the LOG_ALERT priority
level). If a hard limit isnot specified, it
defaultsto the soft limit increased by 1
percent but the extra size must be within the
(defined in config.h).
log_on_success Determineswhat information islogged when a server isstarted
and when that server exits(the service ID isalwaysincluded in
the log entry). Any combination of the following valuesmay
be specified:
PID Logsthe server processID. (If the service is
implemented by xinetd without forking another
process, the logged processID will be 0.)
HOST Logsthe remote host address
TIME Logsthe time when the server wasstarted.
USERID Logsthe user ID of the remote user using the
RFC 931 identification protocol. Thisoption is
available only for multithreaded stream services.
EXIT Logsthe fact that a server exited along with the
exit statusor the termination signal (the process
ID isalso logged if the PID option isused).
DURATION Logsthe duration of a service session.
log_on_failure Determineswhat information islogged when a server cannot
be started (either because of a lack of resourcesor because of
accesscontrol restrictions). The service ID isalwaysincluded
in the log entry along with the reason for failure. Any
combination of the following valuesmay be specified:
HOST Logsthe remote host address.
TIME Logsthe time when the server wasstarted.
USERID Logsthe user ID of the remote user using the RFC
931 identification protocol. Thisoption isavailable
only for multithreaded stream services.
ATTEMPT Logsthe fact that a failed attempt wasmade.
RECORD Recordsinformation from the remote end in case
the server could not be started. Thisallows
monitoring of attemptsto use the service. For
example, the login service logsthe local user,
remote user, and terminal type. Currently, the
servicesthat support thisoption are logiun, shell,
exec, finger.
rpc_version Determinesthe RPC version for an RPC service. The version
can be a single number or a range in the form number-
env The value of thisattribute isa list of stringsof the form
name=value. These stringswill be added to the environment
before starting a server (therefore the serversenvironment will
include xinetds environment plusthe specified strings).
passenv The value of thisattribute isa list of environment variables
from xinetdsenvironment that will be passed to the server.
port Determinesthe service port. If thisattribute isspecified for a
service listed in /etc/services, it must be equal to the port
number listed in that file.
You dont need to specify all of the preceding attributesfor each service. The necessary attributesfor a service are the
socket type
user (non-unlisted servicesonly)
server (non-internal servicesonly)
protocol (RPC and unlisted servicesonly)
rpc_version (RPC servicesonly)
port (unlisted servicesonly)
The following attributessupport all assignment operators, except asindicated:
env (doesnot support the -= operator)
These attributescan also appear more than once in a service entry. The remaining attributessupport only the = operator and
can appear at most once in a service entry.
The configuration file may also contain a single defaultsentry that hasthe form:
<attribute> = <value><value> ...
Part I: User Commands
Thisentry providesdefault attribute valuesfor service entriesthat dont specify those attributes. Possible default attributes:
log_on_success (cumulative effect)
log_on_failure (cumulative effect)
only_from (cumulative effect)
no_access (cumulative effect)
passenv (cumulative effect)
disabled (cumulative effect)
Attributeswith a cumulative effect can be specified multiple timeswith the valuesspecified each time accumulating (in other
words, = doesthe same thing as+=). With the exception of disabled they all have the same meaning asif they were specified
in a service entry. disabled determinesservicesthat are disabled even if they have entriesin the configuration file. Thisallows
for quick reconfiguration by specifying disabled serviceswith the disabled attribute instead of commenting them out. The
value of thisattribute isa list of space-separated service IDs.
xinetd providesthe following servicesinternally (both stream- and datagram-based): echo, time, daytime, chargen, and
discard. These servicesare under the same accessrestrictionsasall other servicesexcept for the onesthat dont require xinetd
to fork another processfor them. Those ones(time, daytime, and the datagram-based echo, chargen,and discard) have no
limitation in the number of instances.
xinetd performscertain actionswhen it receivescertain signals. The actionsassociated with the specific signalscan be
redefined by editing config.h and recompiling.
SIGUSR1 Causesa soft reconfiguration, which meansthat xinetd rereads
the configuration file and adjustsaccordingly.
SIGUSR2 Causesa hard reconfiguration, which isthe same asa soft
reconfiguration except that serversfor servicesthat are no
longer available are terminated. Accesscontrol isperformed
again on running serversby checking the remote location,
accesstimesand server instances. If the number of server
instancesislowered, some arbitrarily picked serverswill be
killed to satisfy the limit; thiswill happen after any serversare
terminated because of failing the remote location or access
time checks. Also, if the INTERCEPT flag wasclear and isset, any
running serversfor that service will be terminated; the purpose
of thisisto ensure that after a hard reconfiguration there will
be no running serversthat can accept packetsfrom addresses
that do not meet the accesscontrol criteria.
SIGQUIT Causesprogram termination.
SIGTERM Terminatesall running serversbefore terminating xinetd.
SIGHUP Causesan internal state dump (the default dump file is/tmp/
xinetd.dump; to change the filename, edit config.h and
SIGIOT Causesan internal consistency check to verify that the data
structuresused by the program have not been corrupted.
When the check iscompleted xinetd will generate a message
that saysif the check wassuccessful or not.
On reconfiguration, the log filesare closed and reopened. Thisallowsremoval of old log files. Also, the following attributes
cannot be changed on reconfiguration: socket_type, wait, protocol, type.
Log entriesare lineswith the following format:
ent r y: ser vi c e- i d dat a
The data dependson the entry. Possible entry types:
START Generated when a server isstarted
EXIT Generated when a server exits
FAIL Generated when it isnot possible to start a server
DATA Generated when an attempt to start a server failsand the
service supportsthe RECORD log option.
USERID Generated if the USERID log option isused.
In the following formats, the information enclosed in bracketsappearsif the appropriate log option isused.
A START entry hasthe format
START: ser vi ce- i d [pid=%d] [from=%d.%d.%d.%d] [time=t i me]
Time isgiven asyear/month/day@hour:minutes:seconds.
An EXIT entry hasthe format
EXIT: ser vi ce- i d [type=%d] [pid=%d] [duration=%d(sec)]
typecan be either statusor signal. The number iseither the exit statusor the signal that caused processtermination.
A FAIL entry hasthe format:
FAIL: ser vi ce- i d r eason [from=%d.%d.%d.%d] [time=t i me]
Possible reasonsare
fork A certain number of consecutive fork attemptsfailed (this
number isa configurable parameter).
time The time check failed.
address The addresscheck failed.
service_limit The allowed number of server instancesfor thisservice would
be exceeded.
process_limit A limit on the number of forked processeswasspecified and it
would be exceeded.
A DATA entry hasthe format
DATA: ser vi ce- i d dat a
The dat a logged dependson the service.
login remote_user=%s local_user=%s tty=%s
exec remote_user=%sverify=statuscommand=%sPossible status
ok The password wascorrect
failed The password wasincorrect
baduser No such user
shell remote_user=%slocal_user=%scommand=%s
finger received string or EMPTY-LINE
Part I: User Commands
A USERID entry hasthe format
USERID: t ext
The t ext isthe response of the RFC 931 daemon at the remote end excluding the port numbers(which are included in the
response). Heresan example:
# Sample configuration file for xinetd
log_type = FILE /var/log/servicelog
log_on_success = PID
log_on_failure = HOST TIME RECORD
only_from =
only_from =
instances = 10
disabled = rstatd
# Note 1: the protocol attribute is not required
# Note 2: the instances attribute overrides the default
service login
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/etc/in.rlogind
instances = UNLIMITED
# Note 1: the instances attribute overrides the default
# Note 2: the log on success flags are augmented
service shell
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
instances = UNLIMITED
server = /usr/etc/in.rshd
log_on_success += HOST TIME RECORD
service ftp
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/etc/in.ftpd
server_args = -l
instances = 4
log_on_success += DURATION HOST USERID
access_times = 2:00-9:00 12:00-24:00
# This entry and the next one specify internal services. Since this
# is the same service using a different socket type, the id attribute
# is used to uniquely identify each entry
service echo
id = echo-stream
socket_type = stream
user = root
wait = no
service echo
id = echo-dgram
socket_type = dgram
user = root
wait = no
# Sample RPC service
service rstatd
type = RPC
socket_type = dgram
protocol = udp
server = /usr/etc/rpc.rstatd
wait = yes
user = root
rpc_version = 2-4
env = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/etc/securelib
# Sample unlisted service
service unlisted
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
server = /home/user/some server
port = 20020
/etc/xinetd.conf Default configuration file
/tmp/xinetd.dump Default dump file
Postel J., Echo Protocol, RFC 862, May 1983.
Postel J., Discard Protocol, RFC 863, May 1983.
Postel J., Character Generator Protocol , RFC 864, May 1983.
Postel J., DaytimeProtocol, RFC 867, May 1983.
Postel J., Harrenstien K., TimeProtocol, RFC 868, May 1983.
St. JohnsM., Authentication Server, RFC 931, January 1985.
Part I: User Commands
PanosTsirigotis(CS Department, University of Colorado, Boulder)
When the attributesonly_from and no_access are not specified for a service (either directly or via defaults), the addresscheck
isconsidered successful (that is, accesswill not be denied).
If the USERID log option isspecified and the remote RFC 931 server sendsback an ERROR reply, accesswill not be denied.
If the USERID log option isspecified and the remote host doesnot run an RFC 931 server, there will be no indication in the
log of that fact (other than the missing USERID log entry).
Supplementary group IDsare not supported.
If the INTERCEPT flag isnot used, accesscontrol on the addressof the remote host isnot performed when wait isyes and
socket_type isstream.
If the INTERCEPT flag isnot used, accesscontrol on the addressof the remote host for serviceswhere wait isyes and
socket_type isdgram isperformed only on the first packet. The server may then accept packetsfrom hostsnot in the access
control list. Thiscan happen with RPC services.
Unlisted RPC servicesare not supported; that is, all RPC servicesmust be registered in /etc/rpc. Specifying an RPC service
by itsRPC program number isnot (yet) possible.
There isno way to put a SPACE in an environment variable.
When wait isyes and socket_type isstream, the socket passed to the server can only accept connections.
The INTERCEPT flag isnot supported for internal servicesor multithreaded services.
Interception worksby forking a processthat actsasa filter between the remote host(s) and the local server. Thisobviously
hasa performance impact which dependson the volume of information exchanged. It isup to you to make the compromise
between security and performance for each service.
xinetd ispronounced zy-net-d.
10 May1992
xinitX Window System initializer
xinit [[cl i ent ] opt i ons ][ [ ser ver ][di spl ay ] opt i ons ]
The xinit program isused to start the X Window System server and a first client program on systemsthat cannot start X
directly from /etc/init or in environmentsthat use multiple window systems. When thisfirst client exits, xinit will kill the
X server and then terminate.
If no specific client program isgiven on the command line, xinit will look for a file in the usershome directory called
.xinitrc to run asa shell script to start up client programs. If no such file exists, xinit will use the following asa default:
xterm geometry +1+1 n login display :0
If no specific server program isgiven on the command line, xinit will look for a file in the usershome directory called
.xserverrc to run asa shell script to start up the server. If no such file exists, xinit will use the following asa default:
X :0
Note that thisassumesthat there isa program named X in the current search path. However, serversare usually named
Xdisplaytype where displaytype isthe type of graphicsdisplay that isdriven by thisserver. The site administrator should,
therefore, make a link to the appropriate type of server on the machine, or create a shell script that runsxinit with the
appropriate server.
Note, when using a .xserverrc script be sure to mark the real X server asexec. Failing to do thiscan make the X server slow
to start and exit. For example
exec Xdisplaytype
An important point isthat programswhich are run by xinitrc should be run in the background if they do not exit right
away, so that they dont prevent other programsfrom starting up. However, the last long-lived program started (usually a
window manager or terminal emulator) should be left in the foreground so that the script wont exit (which indicatesthat
the user isdone and that xinit should exit).
An alternate client and/or server may be specified on the command line. The desired client program and itsarguments
should be given asthe first command-line argumentsto xinit.To specify a particular server command line, append two
dashes() to the xinit command line (after any client and arguments) followed by the desired server command.
Both the client program name and the server program name must begin with a slash (/) or a period (.). Otherwise, they are
treated asargumentsto be appended to their respective startup lines. Thismakesit possible to add arguments(for example,
foreground and background colors) without having to retype the whole command line.
If an explicit server name isnot given and the first argument following the double dash () isa colon followed by a digit,
xinit will use that number asthe display number instead of zero. All remaining argumentsare appended to the server
command line.
Following are several examplesof how command-line argumentsin xinit are used:
Thiswill start up a server named X and run the usersxinitrc, if it exists, or else start an xterm:
Thisishow one could start a specific type of server on an alternate display:
xinit /usr/X11R6/bin/Xqdss :1
Thiswill start up a server named X, and will append the given argumentsto the default xterm command (it will ignore
xinit geometry =80x65+10+10 fn 8x13 j fg white bg navy
Thiswill use the command Xsun l c to start the server and will append the argumentse widgetsto the default xterm
xinit e widgets ./Xsun l c
Thiswill start a server named X on display 1 with the argumentsa 2 t5:
xinit /usr/ucb/rsh fasthost cpupig display ws:1 :1 a 2 t 5
It will then start a remote shell on the machine fasthost in which it will run the command cpupig, telling it to display back on
the local workstation.
Following isa sample xinitrc that startsa clock, startsseveral terminals, and leavesthe window manager running asthe
last application. Assuming that the window manager hasbeen configured properly, the user then choosesthe Exit menu
item to shut down X.
xrdb load $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot solid gray &
Part I: User Commands
xclock g 50x500+0 bw 0 &
xload g 50x5050+0 bw 0 &
xterm g 80x24+0+0 &
xterm g 80x24+00 &
Sitesthat want to create a common startup environment could simply create a default xinitrc that referencesa site-wide
startup file:
. /usr/local/lib/site.xinitrc
Another approach isto write a script that startsxinit with a specific shell script. Such scriptsare usually named x11, xstart,
or startx, and are a convenient way to provide a simple interface for novice users:
xinit /usr/local/lib/site.xinitrc /usr/X11R6/bin/X bc
DISPLAY Thisvariable getsset to the name of the display to which
clientsshould connect.
XINITRC Thisvariable specifiesan init file containing shell commands
to start up the initial windows. By default, xinitrc in the
home directory will be used.
.xinitrc Default client script
xterm Client to run if .xinitrc doesnot exist
.xserverrc Default server script
X Server to run if .xserverrc doesnot exist
X(1), startx(1), Xserver(1), xterm(1)
Bob Scheifler (MIT Laboratory for Computer Science)
X Version 11 Release6
xkillKill a client by itsX resource
xkill [display di spl ayname] [id r esour ce] [button number] [frame] [all]
xkill isa utility for forcing the X server to close connectionsto clients. Thisprogram isvery dangerous, but isuseful for
aborting programsthat have displayed undesired windowson a usersscreen. If no resource identifier isgiven with -id, xkill
will display a special cursor asa prompt for the user to select a window to be killed. If a pointer button ispressed over a
nonroot window, the server will close itsconnection to the client that created the window.
display di spl ayname Thisoption specifiesthe name of the X server to contact.
id r esour ce Thisoption specifiesthe X identifier for the resource whose
creator isto be aborted. If no resource isspecified, xkill will
display a special cursor with which you should select a window
to be kill.
button number Thisoption specifiesthe number of pointer button that should
be used in selecting a window to kill. If the word any is
specified, any button on the pointer may be used. By default,
the first button in the pointer map (which isusually the
leftmost button) isused.
all Thisoption indicatesthat all clientswith top-level windowson
the screen should be killed. xkill will ask you to select the root
window with each of the currently defined buttonsto give you
several chancesto abort. Use of thisoption ishighly discour-
frame Thisoption indicatesthat xkill should ignore the standard
conventionsfor finding top-level client windows(which are
typically nested inside a window manager window), and
simply believe that you want to kill direct children of the root.
Button Specifiesa specific pointer button number or the word any
to use when selecting windows.
X(1), xwininfo(1), XKillClient and XGetPointerMapping in the Xlib ProgrammersManual, KillClient in the X Protocol
Jim Fulton (MIT X Consortium) and Dana Chee (Bellcore)
X Version 11 Release6
xlogoX Window System logo
xlogo [-t ool ki t opt i on ...]
The xlogo program displaysthe X Window System logo.
Xlogo acceptsall of the standard X Toolkit command-line options, aswell asthe following:
shape Thisoption indicatesthat the logo window should be shaped
rather than rectangular.
Part I: User Commands
The default width and the default height are each 100 pixels. Thisprogram usesthe Logo widget in the Athena widget set. It
understandsall of the Simple widget resource namesand classesaswell as:
foreground (class Foreground) Specifiesthe color for the logo. The default dependson
whether reverseVideo isspecified. If reverseVideo isspecified,
the default isXtDefaultForeground, otherwise the default is
shapeWindow (class ShapeWindow) Specifiesthat the window isshaped to the X logo. The default
In order to specify resources, it isuseful to know the hierarchy of the widgetsthat compose xlogo.In the following notation,
indentation indicateshierarchical structure. The widget classname isgiven first, followed by the widget instance name.
XLogo xlogo
Logo xlogo
DISPLAY To get the default host and display number.
XENVIRONMENT To get the name of a resource file that overridesthe global
resourcesstored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.
<XRoot>/lib/X11/app-defaults/XLogo Specifiesrequired resources
X(1), xrdb(1)
Ollie Jonesof Apollo Computer and Jim Fulton of the MIT X Consortium wrote the logo graphicsroutine, based on a
graphic design by Danny Chong and RossChapman of Apollo Computer.
X Version 11 Release6
xlsatomsList interned atomsdefined on server
xlsatoms [-options ...]
xlsatoms liststhe interned atoms. By default, all atomsstarting from 1 (the lowest atom value defined by the protocol) are
listed until unknown atom isfound. If an explicit range isgiven, xlsatoms will try all atomsin the range, regardlessof
whether or not any are undefined.
display dpy Thisoption specifiesthe X server to which to connect.
format st r i ng Thisoption specifiesa printf-style string used to list each
atom <value,name> pair, printed in that order (value isan
unsigned long and name isa char *). xlsatoms will supply a
newline at the end of each line. The default is%ld\t%s.
range [l ow]-[hi gh] Thisoption specifiesthe range of atom valuesto check. If l ow
isnot given, a value of 1 isassumed. If hi gh isnot given,
xlsatoms will stop at the first undefined atom at or above l ow.
name st r i ng Thisoption specifiesthe name of an atom to list. If the atom
doesnot exist, a message will be printed on the standard error.
X(1), Xserver(1), xprop(1)
DISPLAY To get the default host and display to use
Jim Fulton (MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release6
xlsclientsList client applicationsrunning on a display
xlsclients [-display di spl ayname] [-a] [-l] [-m maxcmdlen]
xlsclients isa utility for listing information about the client applicationsrunning on a display. It may be used to generate
scriptsrepresenting a snapshot of the userscurrent session.
display di spl ayname Thisoption specifiesthe X server to contact.
a Thisoption indicatesthat clientson all screensshould be
listed. By default, only those clientson the default screen are
l List in long format, giving the window name, icon name, and
classhintsin addition to the machine name and command
string shown in the default format.
m maxcmdlen Thisoption specifiesthe maximum number of charactersin a
command to print out. The default is10000.
DISPLAY To get the default host, display number, and screen.
Part I: User Commands
X(1), xwininfo(1), xprop(1)
Jim Fulton (MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release6
xlsfontsServer font list displayer for X
xlsfonts [options ...] [fn pattern]
xlsfonts liststhe fontsthat match the given pattern. The wildcard character * may be used to match any sequence of
characters(including none), and ? to match any single character. If no pattern isgiven, * isassumed.
The * and ? charactersmust be quoted to prevent them from being expanded by the shell.
display host : dpy Thisoption specifiesthe X server to contact.
l Listssome attributesof the font on one line in addition to its
ll Listsfont propertiesin addition to l output.
lll Listscharacter metricsin addition to ll output.
m Thisoption indicatesthat long listingsshould also print the
minimum and maximum boundsof each font.
C Thisoption indicatesthat listingsshould use multiple
columns. Thisisthe same asn 0.
1 Thisoption indicatesthat listingsshould use a single column.
Thisisthe same asn 1.
w wi dt h Thisoption specifiesthe width in charactersthat should be
used in figuring out how many columnsto print. The default
n col umns Thisoption specifiesthe number of columnsto use in
displaying the output. By default, it will attempt to fit asmany
columnsof font namesinto the number of character specified
by w wi dt h.
u Thisoption indicatesthat the output should be left unsorted.
o Thisoption indicatesthat xlsfonts should do an OpenFont
(and QueryFont, if appropriate) rather than a ListFonts. Thisis
useful if ListFonts or ListFontsWithInfo fail to list a known
font (asisthe case with some scaled font systems).
fn pat t er n Thisoption specifiesthe font name pattern to match.
X(1), Xserver(1), xset(1), xfd(1), X Logical Font Description Conventions
DISPLAY To get the default host and display to use
Doing xlsfonts -l can tie up your server for a very long time. Thisisreally a bug with single-threaded nonpreemptable
servers, not with thisprogram.
Mark Lillibridge (MIT Project Athena), Jim Fulton (MIT X Consortium), and Phil Karlton (SGI)
X Version 11 Release6
xmagMagnify partsof the screen
xmag [ mag magf act or ][source geom ][t ool ki t opt i on ...]
The xmag program allowsyou to magnify portionsof an X screen. If no explicit region isspecified, a square with the pointer
in the upper-left corner isdisplayed indicating the area to be enlarged. The area can be dragged out to the desired size by
pressing Button 2. After a region hasbeen selected, a window ispopped up showing a blown-up version of the region in
which each pixel in the source image isrepresented by a small square of the same color. Pressing Button 1 in the enlargement
window showsthe position and RGB value of the pixel under the pointer until the button isreleased. Typing Q or C in the
enlargement window exitsthe program. The application hasfive buttonsacrossitstop. Close deletesthisparticular
magnification instance. Replace bringsup the rubber band selector again to select another region for thismagnification
instance. New bringsup the rubber band selector to create a new magnification instance. Cut putsthe magnification image
into the primary selection. Paste copiesthe primary selection buffer into xmag. Note that you can cut and paste between xmag
and the bitmap program. Resizing xmag resizesthe magnification area. xmag preservesthe colormap, visual, and window depth
of the source.
xmag usesthe X Toolkit and the Athena Widget Set. The magnified image isdisplayed in the Scale widget. For more
information, see the Athena Widget Set documentation. Following isthe widget structure of the xmag application. Indenta-
tion indicateshierarchical structure. The widget classname isgiven first, followed by the widget instance name.
Xmag xmag
RootWindow root
TopLevelShell xmag
Paned pane1
Paned pane2
Command close
Command replace
Command new
Command select
Command paste
Label xmag label
Paned pane2
Scale scale
OverrideShell pixShell
Label pixLabel
Part I: User Commands
source geom Thisoption specifiesthe size and/or location of the source
region on the screen. By default, a 6464 square isprovided
for the user to select an area of the screen.
mag integer Thisoption indicatesthe magnification to be used. The
default is5.
Dave Sternlicht and Davor Matic (MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release6
xmkmfCreate a Makefile from an Imakefile
xmkmf [-a][topdir [ curdir ]]
The xmkmf command isthe normal way to create a Makefile from an Imakefile shipped with third-party software.
When invoked with no argumentsin a directory containing an Imakefile, the imake program isrun with arguments
appropriate for your system (configured into xmkmf when X wasbuilt) and generatesa Makefile.
When invoked with the a option, xmkmf buildsthe Makefile in the current directory, and then automatically executesmake
Makefiles (in case there are subdirectories), make includes, and make depend for you. Thisisthe normal way to configure
software that isoutside the X Consortium build tree.
If working inside the X Consortium build tree (unlikely unlessyou are an X developer, and even then thisoption isnever
really used), the topdir argument should be specified asthe relative pathname from the current directory to the top of the
build tree. Optionally, curdir may be specified asa relative pathname from the top of the build tree to the current directory.
It isnecessary to supply curdir if the current directory hassubdirectories, or the Makefile will not be able to build the
subdirectories. If a topdir isgiven, xmkmf assumesnothing isinstalled on your system and looksfor filesin the build tree
instead of using the installed versions.
X Version 11 Release6
xmodmapUtility for modifying keymapsin X
xmodmap [-options ...] [filename]
The xmodmap program isused to edit and display the keyboard modifier map and keymap table that are used by client
applicationsto convert event keycodesinto keysyms. It isusually run from the userssession startup script to configure the
keyboard according to personal tastes.
The following optionsmay be used with xmodmap:
display display Thisoption specifiesthe host and display to use.
help Thisoption indicatesthat a brief description of the command-
line argumentsshould be printed on the standard error
channel. Thiswill be done whenever an unhandled argument
isgiven to xmodmap.
grammar Thisoption indicatesthat a help message describing the
expression grammar used in filesand with e expressions
should be printed on the standard error.
verbose Thisoption indicatesthat xmodmap should print logging
information asit parsesitsinput.
quiet Thisoption turnsoff the verbose logging. Thisisthe default.
n Thisoption indicatesthat xmodmap should not change the
mappings, but should display what it would do, like make(1)
doeswhen given thisoption.
e expression Thisoption specifiesan expression to be executed. Any
number of expressionsmay be specified from the command
pm Thisoption indicatesthat the current modifier map should be
printed on the standard output.
pk Thisoption indicatesthat the current keymap table should be
printed on the standard output.
pke Thisoption indicatesthat the current keymap table should be
printed on the standard output in the form of expressionsthat
can be fed back to xmodmap.
pp Thisoption indicatesthat the current pointer map should be
printed on the standard output.
- A lone dash meansthat the standard input should be used as
the input file.
The filename specifiesa file containing xmodmap expressionsto be executed. Thisfile isusually kept in the usershome
directory with a name like .xmodmaprc.
The xmodmap program readsa list of expressionsand parsesthem all before attempting to execute any of them. Thismakesit
possible to refer to keysymsthat are being redefined in a natural way without having to worry asmuch about name conflicts.
keycode NUMBER = KEYSYMNAME ... The list of keysymsisassigned to the indicated keycode (which
may be specified in decimal, hex, or octal and can be
determined by running the xev program.
keycode any = KEYSYMNAME ... If no existing key hasthe specified list of keysymsassigned to
it, a spare key on the keyboard isselected and the keysymsare
assigned to it. The list of keysymsmay be specified in decimal,
hex, or octal.
keysym KEYSYMNAME = KEYSYMNAME ... The KEYSYMNAME on the left side istranslated into matching
keycodesused to perform the corresponding set of keycode
expressions. The list of keysym namesmay be found in the
Part I: User Commands
header file <X11/keysymdef.h (without the XK_prefix) or the
keysym database <XRoot>/lib/X11/XKeysymDB, where <XRoot>
refersto the root of the X11 install tree. Note that if the same
keysym isbound to multiple keys, the expression isexecuted
for each matching keycode.
clear MODI FI ERNAME Thisremovesall entriesin the modifier map for the given
modifier, where valid namesare Shift, Lock, Control, Mod1,
Mod2, Mod3, Mod4, and Mod5 (case doesnot matter in modifier
names, although it doesmatter for all other names). For
example, clear Lock will remove any keysthat were bound to
the shift lock modifier.
add MODI FI ERNAME = KEYSYMNAME . . . Thisaddsall keyscontaining the given keysymsto the
indicated modifier map. The keysym namesare evaluated after
all input expressionsare read to make it easy to write
expressionsto swap keys. (See the Examples subsection).
remove MODI FI ERNAME = KEYSYMNAME . . . Thisremovesall keyscontaining the given keysymsfrom the
indicated modifier map. Unlike add, the keysym namesare
evaluated asthe line isread in. Thisallowsyou to remove keys
from a modifier without having to worry about whether or not
they have been reassigned.
pointer =default Thissetsthe pointer map back to itsdefault settings(button 1
generatesa code of 1, button 2 generatesa 2, and so on).
pointer = NUMBER ... Thissetsto pointer map to contain the indicated button
codes. The list alwaysstartswith the first physical button.
Linesthat begin with an exclamation point (!) are taken ascomments.
If you want to change the binding of a modifier key, you must also remove it from the appropriate modifier map.
Many pointersare designed such that the first button ispressed using the index finger of the right hand. People who are left-
handed frequently find that it ismore comfortable to reverse the button codesthat are generated so that the primary button
ispressed using the index finger of the left hand. Thiscould be done on a 3 button pointer asfollows: % xmodmap -e pointer
=3 2 1.
Many applicationssupport the notion of Meta keys(similar to Control keysexcept that Meta isheld down instead of
Control). However, some serversdo not have a Meta keysym in the default keymap table, so one needsto be added by hand.
The following command will attach Meta to the Multilanguage key (sometimeslabeled Compose Character). It also takes
advantage of the fact that applicationsthat need a Meta key simply need to get the keycode and dont require the keysym to
be in the first column of the keymap table. Thismeansthat applicationsthat are looking for a Multi key (including the
default modifier map) wont notice any change. Example:
% xmodmap -e keysym Multi_key = Multi_key Meta_L
Similarly, some keyboardshave an Alt key but no Meta key. In that case the following may be useful:
% xmodmap -e keysym Alt L = Meta L Alt L
One of the more simple, yet convenient, usesof xmodmap isto set the keyboardsrubout key to generate an alternate
keysym. Thisfrequently involvesexchanging Backspace with Delete to be more comfortable to the user. If the ttyModes
resource in xterm isset aswell, all terminal emulator windowswill use the same key for erasing characters:
% xmodmap -e keysym BackSpace = Delete
% echo XTerm*ttyModes: erase ? | xrdb -merge
Some keyboardsdo not automatically generate lessthan and greater than characterswhen the comma and period keysare
shifted. Thiscan be remedied with xmodmap by resetting the bindingsfor the comma and period with the following scripts:
! make shift-, be $<$ and shift-. be $>$
keysym comma = comma less
keysym period = period greater
One of the more irritating differencesbetween keyboardsisthe location of the Control and Shift Lock keys. A common use
of xmodmap isto swap these two keysasfollows:
! Swap Caps_Lock and Control_L
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
remove Control = Control_L
keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
add Lock = Caps_Lock
add Control = Control_L
The keycode command isuseful for assigning the same keysym to multiple keycodes. Although unportable, it also makesit
possible to write scriptsthat can reset the keyboard to a known state. The following script setsthe Backspace key to generate
Delete (asshown earlier), flushesall existing capslock bindings, makesthe CapsLock key be a control key, make F5 generate
Escape, and makesBreak/Reset be a shift lock.
! On the HP, the following keycodes have key caps as listed:
! 101 Backspace
! 55 Caps
! 14 Ctrl
! 15 Break/Reset
! 86 Stop
! 89F5
keycode 101 = Delete
keycode 55 = Control_R
clear Lock
add Control = Control_R
keycode 89 = Escape
keycode 15 = Caps_Lock
add Lock = Caps_Lock
DISPLAY To get default host and display number
X(1), xev(1), Xlib documentation on key and pointer events
Every time a keycode expression isevaluated, the server generatesa MappingNotify event on every client. Thiscan cause some
thrashing. All of the changesshould be batched together and done at once. Clientsthat receive keyboard input and ignore
MappingNotify eventswill not notice any changesmade to keyboard mappings.
xmodmap should generate add and remove expressionsautomatically whenever a keycode that isalready bound to a modifier is
Part I: User Commands
There should be a way to have the remove expression accept keycodesaswell askeysymsfor those timeswhen you really mess
up your mappings.
Jim Fulton (MIT X Consortium), rewritten from an earlier version by David Rosenthal (Sun Microsystems)
X Version 11 Release6
xonStart an X program on a remote machine
xon remote-host [-access] [-debug] [-name window-name] [-nols] [-screen screen-no] [-user user-name] [command ...]
xon runsthe specified command (default xterm -ls) on the remote machine using rsh, remsh, or rcmd. xon passesthe DISPLAY,
XAUTHORITY, and XUSERFILESEARCHPATH environment variablesto the remote command.
When no command isspecified, xon runsxterm -ls. It additionally specifiesthe application name to be xterm-r emot e-host
and the window title to be -fIremote-host.
xon can only work when the remote host will allow you to log in without a password, by having an entry in the .rhosts file
permitting access.
Note that the optionsfollow the remote hostname (asthey do with rlogin).
-access Runsxhost locally to add the remote host to the host accesslist
in the X server. Thiswont work unlessxhost isgiven
permission to modify the accesslist.
-debug Normally, xon disconnectsthe remote processfrom stdin,
stdout, and stderr to eliminate the daemon processesthat
usually connect them acrossthe network. Specifying the -debug
option leavesthem connected so that error messagesfrom the
remote execution are sent back to the originating host.
-name window-name Thisspecifiesa different application name and window title
for the default command (xterm).
-nols Normally xon passesthe -ls option to the remote xterm; this
option suspendsthat behavior.
-screen screen-no Thischangesthe screen number of the DISPLAY variable passed
to the remote command.
-user user-name By default, xon simply usesrsh/remsh/rcmd to connect to the
remote machine using the same username ason the local
machine. Thisoption causesxon to specify an alternative
username. Thiswill not work unlessyou have authorization to
accessthe remote account, by placing an appropriate entry in
the remote users.rhosts file.
xon can get easily confused when the remote host, username, or variousenvironment variable valuescontain whitespace.
xon hasno way to send the appropriate X authorization information to the remote host.
X Version 11 Release6
xpmtoppmConvert an X11 pixmap into a portable pixmap
xpmtoppm [xpmf i l e]
Readsan X11 pixmap (XPM version 1 or 3) asinput. Producesa portable pixmap asoutput.
The support to XPM version 3 islimited. Commentscan only be single linesand there must be for every pixel a default
color name for a color type visual.
ppmtoxpm(1), ppm(5)
XPM Manual by Arnaud Le Hors(
Copyright (c) 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
Upgraded to support XPM version 3 by Arnaud Le Hors( 9 April 1991
16 August 1990
xpropProperty displayer for X
xprop [-help] [-grammar] [-id i d] [-root] [-name name] [-frame] [-font f ont ]
[-display di spl ay] [-len n] [-notype] [-fs f i l e] [-remove pr oper t y- name]
[-spy] [-f atom format [dformat]]* [format [dformat] atom]*
The xprop utility isfor displaying window and font propertiesin an X server. One window or font isselected using the
command-line argumentsor possibly in the case of a window, by clicking on the desired window. A list of propertiesisthen
given, possibly with formatting information.
-help Print out a summary of command-line options.
-grammar Print out a detailed grammar for all command-line options.
-id i d Thisargument allowsthe user to select window id on the
command line rather than using the pointer to select the target
window. Thisisvery useful in debugging X applicationswhere
the target window isnot mapped to the screen or where the
use of the pointer might be impossible or interfere with the
-name name Thisargument allowsthe user to specify that the window
named name isthe target window on the command line rather
than using the pointer to select the target window.
Part I: User Commands
-font f ont Thisargument allowsthe user to specify that the propertiesof
font f ont should be displayed.
-root Thisargument specifiesthat Xsroot window isthe target
window. Thisisuseful in situationswhere the root window is
completely obscured.
-display di spl ay Thisargument allowsyou to specify the server to connect to;
see X(1).
-len n Specifiesthat at most, n bytesof any property should be read
or displayed.
-notype Specifiesthat the type of each property should not be
-fs f i l e Specifiesthat file f i l e should be used asa source of more
formatsfor properties.
-frame Specifiesthat when selecting a window by hand (that is, if
neither -name, -root, nor -id isgiven), look at the window
manager frame (if any) instead of looking for the client
-remove pr oper t y- name Specifiesthe name of a property to be removed from the
indicated window.
-spy Examine window propertiesforever, looking for property
change events.
-f name f or mat [df or mat ] Specifiesthat the format for name should be f or mat and that
the dformat for name should be df or mat . If df or mat ismissing,
= $0+\n isassumed.
For each of these properties, itsvalue on the selected window or font isprinted using the supplied formatting information, if
any. If no formatting information issupplied, internal defaultsare used. If a property isnot defined on the selected window
or font, not defined isprinted asthe value for that property. If no property list isgiven, all the propertiespossessed by the
selected window or font are printed.
A window may be selected in one of four ways. First, if the desired window isthe root window, the -root argument may be
used. If the desired window isnot the root window, it may be selected in two wayson the command line, either by id
number, such asmight be obtained from xwininfo, or by name if the window possessesa name. The -id argument selectsa
window by id number in either decimal or hex (must start with 0x) while the -name argument selectsa window by name.
The last way to select a window doesnot involve the command line at all. If none of -font, -id, -name, and -root are
specified, a crosshairscursor isdisplayed and the user isallowed to choose any visible window by pressing any pointer button
in the desired window. If it isdesired to display propertiesof a font asopposed to a window, the -font argument must be
Other than the preceding four argumentsand the -help argument for obtaining help, and the -grammar argument for listing
the full grammar for the command line, all the other command-line argumentsare used in specifying both the format of the
propertiesto be displayed and how to display them. The -len n argument specifiesthat at most, n bytesof any given
property will be read and displayed. Thisisuseful, for example, when displaying the cut buffer on the root window, which
could run to several pagesif displayed in full.
Normally, each property name isdisplayed by printing first the property name then itstype (if it hasone) in parentheses,
followed by itsvalue. The -notype argument specifiesthat property typesshould not be displayed. The -fs argument isused
to specify a file containing a list of formatsfor properties, while the -f argument isused to specify the format for one
The formatting information for a property actually consistsof two parts, a format and a dformat. The format specifiesthe
actual formatting of the property (that is, isit made up of words, bytes, or longs?, and so on) while the dformat specifieshow
the property should be displayed.
The following paragraphsdescribe how to construct formatsand dformats. However, for the vast majority of usersand uses,
thisshould not be necessary asthe built-in defaultscontain the formatsand dformatsnecessary to display all the standard
properties. It should only be necessary to specify formatsand dformatsif a new property isbeing dealt with or the user
dislikesthe standard display format. New usersespecially are encouraged to skip thispart.
A format consistsof a 0, 8, 16, or 32 followed by a sequence of one or more format characters. The 0, 8, 16, or 32 specifies
how many bitsper field there are in the property.
Zero isa special case that meansuse the field size information associated with the property itself. (Thisisonly needed for
special caseslike type INTEGER, which isactually three different types, depending on the size of the fieldsof the property.)
A value of 8 meansthat the property isa sequence of bytes, while a value of 16 meansthat the property isa sequence of
words. The difference between these two liesin the fact that the sequence of wordswill be byte swapped while the sequence
of byteswill not be when read by a machine of the opposite byte order of the machine that originally wrote the property. For
more information on how propertiesare formatted and stored, consult the Xlib manual.
After the size of the fieldshasbeen specified, it isnecessary to specify the type of each field (isit an integer, a string, an atom,
or what?) Thisisdone using one format character per field. If there are more fieldsin the property than format characters
supplied, the last character will be repeated asmany timesasnecessary for the extra fields. The format charactersand their
meaning are asfollows:
a The field holdsan atom number. A field of thistype should be
of size 32.
b The field isa Boolean. A 0 meansfalse while anything else
c The field isan unsigned number, a cardinal.
i The field isa signed integer.
m The field isa set of bit flags, 1 meaning on.
s Thisfield and the next onesuntil either a 0 or the end of the
propertyrepresent a sequence of bytes. Thisformat character
isonly usable with a field size of 8 and ismost often used to
represent a string.
x The field isa hex number (like c but displayed in hexmost
useful for displaying window idsand the like).
An example format is32ica, which isthe format for a property of three fieldsof 32 bitseachthe first holding a signed
integer, the second an unsigned integer, and the third an atom.
The format of a dformat, unlike that of a format, isnot so rigid. The only limitationson a dformat isthat one may not start
with a letter or a dash. Thisisso that it can be distinguished from a property name or an argument. A dformat isa text string
containing special charactersinstructing that variousfieldsbe printed at variouspointsin a manner similar to the formatting
string used by printf. For example, the dformat is ( $0, $1 \)\n would render the POINT 3, -4, which hasa format of 32ii as
is ( 3, -4 )\n.
Any character other than a $, ?, \, or a ( in a dformat printsasitself. To print out a $, ?, \, or (, precede it with a \. For
example, to print out a $, use \$. Several special backslash sequencesare provided asshortcuts. \n will cause a newline to be
displayed, while \t will cause a tab to be displayed. \o, where o isan octal number, will display character number o.
A $ followed by a number n causesfield number n to be displayed. The format of the displayed field dependson the
formatting character used to describe it in the corresponding format. In other words, if a cardinal isdescribed by c, it will
print in decimal, while if it isdescribed by an x, it isdisplayed in hex.
Part I: User Commands
If the field isnot present in the property (thisispossible with some properties), <field not available> isdisplayed instead.
$n+ will display field number n, then a comma, then field number n+1, then another comma, then ... until the last field
defined. If field n isnot defined, nothing isdisplayed. Thisisuseful for a property that isa list of values.
A ? isused to start a conditional expression, a kind of if-then statement. ?exp(t ext ) will display text if and only if exp
evaluatesto non-zero. Thisisuseful for two things. First, it allowsfieldsto be displayed if and only if a flag isset. And
second, it allowsa value such asa state number to be displayed asa name rather than asjust a number. The syntax of exp isas
exp ::= t er m | t er m=exp | !exp
t er m ::= n j $n j mn
The ! operator isa logical NOT, changing 0 to 1 and any non-zero value to 0. = isan equality operator. Note that internally, all
expressionsare evaluated as32-bit numbers, so -1 isnot equal to 65535. = returns1 if the two valuesare equal and 0 if not. n
representsthe constant value n while $n representsthe value of field number n. mn is1 if flag number n in the first field
having format character m in the corresponding format is1; 0 otherwise.
Examples: ?m3(count: $3\n) displaysfield 3 with a label of count if and only if flag number 3 (count startsat 0!) ison.
?$2=0(True)?!$2=0(False) displaysthe inverted value of field 2 asa Boolean.
In order to display a property, xprop needsboth a format and a dformat. Before xprop usesitsdefault valuesof a format of 32x
and a dformat of = { $0+ }\n, it searchesseveral placesin an attempt to find more specific formats. First, a search ismade
using the name of the property. If thisfails, a search ismade using the type of the property. Thisallowstype STRING to be
defined with one set of formatswhile allowing property WM_NAME, which isof type STRING to be defined with a different
format. In thisway, the display formatsfor a given type can be overridden for specific properties.
The locationssearched are in order: the format, if any, specified with the property name (asin 8x WM_NAME), the formats
defined by -f optionsin last to first order, the contentsof the file specified by the -fs option if any, the contentsof the file
specified by the environmental variable XPROPFORMATS if any, and finally xpropsbuilt-in file of formats.
The format of the filesreferred to by the -fs argument and the XPROPFORMATS variable isone or more linesof the following
name f or mat [df or mat ]
Where name iseither the name of a property or the name of a type, f or mat isthe format to be used with name, and df or mat is
the dformat to be used with name. If df or mat isnot present,=$0+\n isassumed.
To display the name of the root window: xprop -root WM_NAME
To display the window manager hintsfor the clock: xprop -name xclock WM_HINTS
To display the start of the cut buffer: xprop -root -len 100 CUT_BUFFER0
To display the point size of the fixed font: xprop -font fixed POINT_SIZE
To display all the propertiesof window # 0x200007: xprop -id 0x200007
DISPLAY To get default display.
XPROPFORMATS Specifiesthe name of a file from which additional formatsare
to be obtained.
X(1), xwininfo(1)
Mark Lillibridge (MIT Project Athena)
X Version 11 Release6
xrdbX server resource database utility
xrdb [-option ...] [f i l ename]
xrdb isused to get or set the contentsof the RESOURCE_MANAGER property on the root window of screen 0, or the
SCREEN_RESOURCES property on the root window of any or all screens, or everything combined. You would normally run this
program from your X startup file.
Most X clientsuse the RESOURCE_MANAGER and SCREEN_RESOURCES propertiesto get user preferencesabout color, fonts, and so on
for applications. Having thisinformation in the server (where it isavailable to all clients) instead of on disk solvesthe
problem in previousversionsof X that required you to maintain defaultsfileson every machine that you might use. It also
allowsfor dynamic changing of defaultswithout editing files.
The RESOURCE_MANAGER property isused for resourcesthat apply to all screensof the display. The SCREEN_RESOURCES property
on each screen specifiesadditional (or overriding) resourcesto be used for that screen. (When there isonly one screen,
SCREEN_RESOURCES isnormally not used; all resourcesare just placed in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.)
The file specified by filename (or the contentsfrom standard input if - or no filename isgiven) isoptionally passed through
the C preprocessor with the following symbolsdefined, based on the capabilitiesof the server being used:
SERVERHOST=host name The host name portion of the display to which you are
SRVR_name The SERVERHOSThostnamestring turned into a legal identifier.
For example, becomesSRVR my dpy lcs
mit edu.
HOST=host name The same asSERVERHOST.
DISPLAY_NUM=num The number of the display on the server host.
CLIENTHOST=host name The name of the host on which xrdb isrunning.
CLNT_name The CLIENTHOST hostname string turned into a legal identifier.
For example, becomesCLNT expo lcs mit
RELEASE=num The vendor release number for the server. The interpretation
of thisnumber will vary depending on VENDOR.
REVISION=num The X protocol minor version supported by thisserver
(currently 0).
VERSION=num The X protocol major version supported by thisserver (should
alwaysbe 11).
VENDOR= vendor A string literal specifying the vendor of the server.
VNDR_name The VENDOR name string turned into a legal identifier. For
example, MIT X Consortium becomesVNDR_MIT_X Consortium.
EXT_name A symbol isdefined for each protocol extension supported by
the server. Each extension string name isturned into a legal
identifier. For example, X3D-PEX becomesEXT_X3D_PEX.
Part I: User Commands
NUM_SCREENS=num The total number of screens.
SCREEN_NUM=num The number of the current screen (from zero).
BITS_PER_RGB=num The number of significant bitsin an RGB color specification.
Thisisthe log base 2 of the number of distinct shadesof each
primary that the hardware can generate. Note that it usually is
not related to PLANES.
CLASS=vi sual cl ass One of StaticGray, GrayScale, StaticColor, PseudoColor,
TrueColor, DirectColor. Thisisthe visual classof the root
CLASS_vi sual cl ass=vi sual i d The visual classof the root window in a form you can #ifdef
on. The value isthe numeric id of the visual.
COLOR Defined only if CLASS isone of StaticColor, PseudoColor,
TrueColor, or DirectColor.
CLASS_visualclass_depth=num A symbol isdefined for each visual supported for the screen.
The symbol includesthe classof the visual and itsdepth; the
value isthe numeric id of the visual. (If more than one visual
hasthe same classand depth, the numeric id of the first one
reported by the server isused.)
HEIGHT=num The height of the root window in pixels.
WIDTH=num The width of the root window in pixels.
PLANES=num The number of bit planes(the depth) of the root window.
X_RESOLUTION=num The x resolution of the screen in pixelsper meter.
Y_RESOLUTION=num The y resolution of the screen in pixelsper meter.
SRVR_name, CLNT_name, VNDR_name, and EXT_name identifiersare formed by changing all charactersother than lettersand digits
into underscores.
Linesthat begin with an exclamation mark (!) are ignored and may be used ascomments.
Note that since xrdb can read from standard input, it can be used to change the contentsof propertiesdirectly from a
terminal or from a shell script.
xrdb program acceptsthe following options:
help Thisoption (or any unsupported option) will cause a brief
description of the allowable optionsand parametersto be
display di spl ay Thisoption specifiesthe X server to be used; see X(1). It also
specifiesthe screen to use for the -screen option, and it
specifiesthe screen from which preprocessor symbolsare
derived for the -global option.
all Thisoption indicatesthat operation should be performed on
the screen-independent resource property (RESOURCE_MANAGER),
aswell asthe screen-specific property (SCREEN_RESOURCES) on
every screen of the display. For example, when used in
conjunction with -query, the contentsof all propertiesare
output. For -load, -override, and -merge, the input file is
processed once for each screen. The resourcesthat occur in
common in the output for every screen are collected, and these
are applied asthe screen-independent resources. The
remaining resourcesare applied for each individual per-screen
property. Thisthe default mode of operation.
global Thisoption indicatesthat the operation should only be
performed on the screen-independent RESOURCE_MANAGER
screen Thisoption indicatesthat the operation should only be
performed on the SCREEN_RESOURCES property of the default
screen of the display.
screens Thisoption indicatesthat the operation should be performed
on the SCREEN_RESOURCES property of each screen of the display.
For -load, -override, and -merge, the input file isprocessed for
each screen.
n Thisoption indicatesthat changesto the specified properties
(when used with -load, -override, or -merge) or to the resource
file (when used with -edit) should be shown on the standard
output, but should not be performed.
quiet Thisoption indicatesthat warning about duplicate entries
should not be displayed.
-cpp filename Thisoption specifiesthe pathname of the C preprocessor
program to be used. Although xrdb wasdesigned to use CPP,
any program that actsasa filter and acceptsthe -D, -I, and -U
optionsmay be used.
-nocpp Thisoption indicatesthat xrdb should not run the input file
through a preprocessor before loading it into properties.
symbols Thisoption indicatesthat the symbolsthat are defined for the
preprocessor should be printed onto the standard output.
query Thisoption indicatesthat the current contentsof the specified
propertiesshould be printed onto the standard output. Note
that since preprocessor commandsin the input resource file are
part of the input file, not part of the property, they wont
appear in the output from thisoption. The edit option can
be used to merge the contentsof propertiesback into the input
resource file without damaging preprocessor commands.
load Thisoption indicatesthat the input should be loaded asthe
new value of the specified properties, replacing whatever was
there; that is, the old contentsare removed. Thisisthe default
override Thisoption indicatesthat the input should be added to,
instead of replacing, the current contentsof the specified
properties. New entriesoverride previousentries.
merge Thisoption indicatesthat the input should be merged and
lexicographically sorted with, instead of replacing, the current
contentsof the specified properties.
remove Thisoption indicatesthat the specified propertiesshould be
removed from the server.
retain Thisoption indicatesthat the server should be instructed not
to reset if xrdb isthe first client. Thisshould never be necessary
under normal conditions, since xdm and xinit alwaysact asthe
first client.
edit f i l ename Thisoption indicatesthat the contentsof the specified
propertiesshould be edited into the given file, replacing any
valuesalready listed there. Thisallowsyou to put changesthat
you have made to your defaultsback into your resource file,
preserving any commentsor preprocessor lines.
Part I: User Commands
backup st r i ng Thisoption specifiesa suffix to be appended to the filename
used with edit to generate a backup file.
Dname[=val ue] Thisoption ispassed through to the preprocessor and isused
to define symbolsfor use with conditionalssuch as#ifdef.
Uname Thisoption ispassed through to the preprocessor and isused
to remove any definitionsof thissymbol.
Idi r ect or y Thisoption ispassed through to the preprocessor and isused
to specify a directory to search for filesthat are referenced with
Generalizes~/.Xdefaults files
X(1), Xlib Resource Manager documentation, Xt resource documentation
DISPLAY To figure out which display to use.
The default for no argumentsshould be to query, not to overwrite, so that it isconsistent with other programs.
Bob Scheifler and Phil Karlton, rewritten from the original by Jim Gettys
X Version 11 Release6
xrefreshRefresh all or part of an X screen
xrefresh [-option ...]
xrefresh isa simple X program that causesall or part of your screen to be repainted. Thisisuseful when system messages
have messed up your screen. xrefresh mapsa window on top of the desired area of the screen and then immediately unmaps
it, causing refresh eventsto be sent to all applications. By default, a window with no background isused, causing all
applicationsto repaint smoothly. However, the variousoptionscan be used to indicate that a solid background (of any color)
or the root window background should be used instead.
white Use a white background. The screen just appearsto flash
quickly, and then repaint.
black Use a black background (in effect, turning off all of the
electron gunsto the tube). Thiscan be somewhat disorienting
aseverything goesblack for a moment.
solid col or Use a solid background of the specified color. Try green.
root Use the root window background.
none Thisisthe default. All of the windowssimply repaint.
geometry WxH+X+Y Specifiesthe portion of the screen to be repainted; see X(1).
display di spl ay Thisargument allowsyou to specify the server and screen to
refresh; see X(1).
The xrefresh program usesthe routine XGetDefault(3X) to read defaults, so itsresource namesare all capitalized.
Black, White, Solid, None, Root Determineswhat sort of window background to use
Geometry Determinesthe area to refresh. Not very useful.
DISPLAY To get default host and display number.
It should have just one default type for the background.
Jim Gettys(Digital Equipment Corporation, MIT Project Athena)
X Version 11 Release6
XserverX Window System display server
X [option ...]
X isthe generic name for the X Window System display server. It isfrequently a link or a copy of the appropriate server
binary for driving the most frequently used server on a given machine.
The X server isusually started from the X Display Manager program xdm(1). Thisutility isrun from the system boot filesand
takescare of keeping the server running, prompting for usernamesand passwords, and starting up the user sessions.
Installationsthat run more than one window system may need to use the xinit(1) utility instead of xdm. However, xinit isto
be considered a tool for building startup scriptsand isnot intended for use by end users. Site administratorsare strongly
urged to use xdm, or build other interfacesfor novice users.
The X server may also be started directly by the user, though thismethod isusually reserved for testing and isnot recom-
mended for normal operation. On some platforms, the user must have special permission to start the X server, often because
accessto certain devices. (For example, /dev/mouse isrestricted.)
When the X server startsup, it typically takesover the display. If you are running on a workstation whose console isthe
display, you may not be able to log into the console while the server isrunning.
Part I: User Commands
All of the X serversaccept the following command-line options:
: di spl aynumber The X server runsasthe given di spl aynumber , which by default
is0. If multiple X serversare to run simultaneously on a host,
each must have a unique display number. See the Display
Names subsection of the X(1) manual page to learn how to
specify which display number clientsshould try to use.
a number Setspointer acceleration (that is, the ratio of how much is
reported to how much the user actually moved the pointer).
ac Disableshost-based accesscontrol mechanisms. Enablesaccess
by any host, and permitsany host to modify the accesscontrol
list. Use with extreme caution. Thisoption existsprimarily for
running test suitesremotely.
audit l evel Setsthe audit trail level. The default level is1, meaning only
connection rejectionsare reported. Level 2 additionally reports
all successful connectionsand disconnects. Level 0 turnsoff
the audit trail. Audit linesare sent asstandard error output.
auth aut hor i zat i on- f i l e Specifiesa file which containsa collection of authorization
recordsused to authenticate access. See also the xdm and
Xsecurity manual pages.
bc Disablescertain kindsof error checking, for bug compatibility
with previousreleases(for example, to work around bugsin
R2 and R3 xterms and toolkits). Deprecated.
bs Disablesbacking store support on all screens.
c Turnsoff key-click.
c vol ume Setskey-click volume (allowable range: 0100).
cc cl ass Setsthe visual classfor the root window of color screens. The
classnumbersare asspecified in the X protocol. Not obeyed by
all servers.
co f i l ename Setsname of RGB color database. The default is<XRoot>/lib/
X11/rgb, where <Xroot> refersto the root of the X11 install
config f i l ename Readsmore optionsfrom the given file. Optionsin the file
may be separated by newlinesif desired. If a # character
appearson a line, all charactersbetween it and the next
newline are ignored, providing a simple commenting facility.
The config option itself may appear in the file.
core Causesthe server to generate a core dump on fatal errors.
dpi r esol ut i on Setsthe resolution of the screen, in dotsper inch. To be used
when the server cannot determine the screen size from the
deferglyphs whi chf ont s Specifiesthe typesof fontsfor which the server should attempt
to use deferred glyph loading. whi chf ont s can be all (all fonts),
none (no fonts), or 16 (16-bit fontsonly).
f vol ume Setsfeep (bell) volume (allowable range: 0100).
fc cur sor Font Setsdefault cursor font.
fn f ont Setsthe default font.
fp f ont Pat h Setsthe search path for fonts. Thispath isa comma-separated
list of directoriesthat the X server searchesfor font databases.
help printsa usage message.
I Causesall remaining command-line argumentsto be ignored.
kb Disablesthe XKEYBOARD extension if present.
p mi nut es Setsscreen saver pattern cycle time in minutes.
pn Permitsthe server to continue running if it failsto establish all
of itswell-known sockets(connection pointsfor clients), but
establishesat least one.
r Turnsoff auto-repeat.
r Turnson auto-repeat.
s mi nut es Setsscreen saver time-out time in minutes.
su Disablessave under support on all screens.
t number Setspointer acceleration threshold in pixels(that is, setsafter
how many pixelspointer acceleration should take effect).
terminate Causesthe server to terminate at server reset, instead of
continuing to run.
to seconds Setsdefault connection time-out in seconds.
tst Disablesall testing extensions(for example, XTEST, XTrap,
ttyxx Ignored, for serversstarted the ancient way (from init).
v Setsvideo-off screen saver preference.
v Setsvideo-on screen saver preference.
wm Forcesthe default backing-store of all windowsto be When-
Mapped. Thisisa backdoor way of getting backing-store to
apply to all windows. Although all mapped windowswill have
backing-store, the backing-store attribute value reported by the
server for a window will be the last value established by a
client. If it hasnever been set by a client, the server will report
the default value, NotUseful. Thisbehavior isrequired by the
X protocol, which allowsthe server to exceed the clients
backing-store expectationsbut doesnot provide a way to tell
the client that it isdoing so.
x ext ensi on Loadsthe specified extension at init. Thisisa no-op for most
Some X serversaccept the following options:
ld ki l obyt es Setsthe data space limit of the server to the specified number
of kilobytes. A value of zero makesthe data size aslarge as
possible. The default value of 1 leavesthe data space limit
lf f i l es Setsthe number-of-open-fileslimit of the server to the
specified number. A value of zero makesthe limit aslarge as
possible. The default value of 1 leavesthe limit unchanged.
ls ki l obyt es Setsthe stack space limit of the server to the specified number
of kilobytes. A value of zero makesthe stack size aslarge as
possible. The default value of 1 leavesthe stack space limit
Part I: User Commands
logo Turnson the X Window System logo display in the screen
saver. There iscurrently no way to change thisfrom a client.
nologo Turnsoff the X Window System logo display in the screen
saver. There iscurrently no way to change thisfrom a client.
X serversthat support XDMCP have the following options. (See the X Display Manager Control Protocol specification for
more information.)
query host - name Enable XDMCP and send Query packetsto the specified host.
broadcast Enable XDMCP and broadcast BroadcastQuery packetsto the
network. The first responding display manager will be chosen
for the session.
indirect host - name Enable XDMCP and send IndirectQuery packetsto the
specified host.
port por t - num Use an alternate port number for XDMCP packets. Must be
specified before any query, broadcast, or indirect options.
class di spl ay- cl ass XDMCP hasan additional display qualifier used in resource
lookup for display-specific options. Thisoption setsthat value;
by default it isMIT-Unspecified (not a very useful value).
cookie xdm-auth-bits When testing XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1, a private key isshared
between the server and the manager. Thisoption setsthe value
of that private data (not that it isvery private, being on the
command line!).
displayID display-id Yet another XDMCP-specific value, thisone allowsthe display
manager to identify each display so that it can locate the
shared key.
X serversthat support the XKEYBOARD extension accept the following options:
xkbdir di r ect or y Base directory for keyboard layout files
xkbmap f i l ename Keyboard description to load on startup
[+-]accessx Enable(+) or disable(-) AccessX key sequences
ar1 mi l l i seconds Setsthe length of time in millisecondsthat a key must be
depressed before auto-repeat starts
ar2 mi l l i seconds Setsthe length of time in millisecondsthat should elapse
between auto-repeatgenerated keystrokes
Many serversalso have device-specific command-line options. See the manual pagesfor the individual serversfor more
The X server supportsclient connectionsvia a platform-dependent subset of the following transport types: TCPIP, UNIX
Domain sockets, DECnet, and several varietiesof SVR4 local connections. See the Display Names subsection of the X(1)
manual page to learn how to specify which transport type clientsshould try to use.
The X server implementsa platform-dependent subset of the following authorization protocols: -MIT-MAGICCOOKIE-1, XDM-
AUTHORIZATION-1, SUN-DES-1, and MIT-KERBEROS-5. See the Xsecurity(1) manual page for information on the operation of these
Authorization data required by the preceding protocolsispassed to the server in a private file named with the auth
command-line option. Each time the server isabout to accept the first connection after a reset (or when the server is
starting), it readsthisfile. If thisfile containsany authorization records, the local host isnot automatically allowed accessto
the server, and only clientsthat send one of the authorization recordscontained in the file in the connection setup informa-
tion will be allowed access. See the xau manual page for a description of the binary format of thisfile. See xauth(1) for
maintenance of thisfile, and distribution of itscontentsto remote hosts.
The X server also usesa host-based accesscontrol list for deciding whether or not to accept connectionsfrom clientson a
particular machine. If no other authorization mechanism isbeing used, thislist initially consistsof the host on which the
server isrunning aswell asany machineslisted in the file /etc/Xn.hosts, where n isthe display number of the server. Each
line of the file should contain either an Internet hostname (for example or a DECnet hostname in double
colon format (for example, hydra::). There should be no leading or trailing spaceson any lines. For example,
Userscan add or remove hostsfrom thislist and enable or disable accesscontrol using the xhost command from the same
machine asthe server.
The X protocol intrinsically doesnot have any notion of window operation permissionsor place any restrictionson what a
client can do; if a program can connect to a display, it hasfull run of the screen. Sitesthat have better authentication and
authorization systemsmight wish to make use of the hooksin the librariesand the server to provide additional security
The X server attachesspecial meaning to the following signals:
SIGHUP Thissignal causesthe server to close all existing connections,
free all resources, and restore all defaults. It issent by the
display manager whenever the main usersmain application
(usually an xterm or window manager) exitsto force the server
to clean up and prepare for the next user.
SIGTERM Thissignal causesthe server to exit cleanly.
SIGUSR1 Thissignal isused quite differently from either of the above.
When the server starts, it checksto see if it hasinherited
SIGUSR1 asSIG_IGN instead of the usual SIG_DFL. In thiscase,
the server sendsa SIGUSR1 to itsparent processafter it hasset
up the variousconnection schemes. xdm usesthisfeature to
recognize when connecting to the server ispossible.
The X server can obtain fontsfrom directoriesor from font servers. The list of directoriesand font serversthe X server uses
when trying to open a font iscontrolled by the font path.
The default font path is
where <XRoot> refersto the root of the X11 install tree.
The font path can be set with the fp option or by xset(1) after the server hasstarted.
Part I: User Commands
/etc/Xn.hosts Initial accesscontrol list for display number n
<XRoot>/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi Bitmap font directories
<XRoot>/lib/X11/fonts/Type1 Outline font directories
<XRoot>/lib/X11/fonts/PEX PEX font directories
<XRoot>/lib/X11/rgb.txt Color database
/tmp/.X11-unix/Xn UNIX domain socket for display number n
/tmp/rcXn Kerberos5 replay cache for display number n
/usr/adm/Xnmsgs Error log file for display number n if run from init(8)
<XRoot>/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-errors Default error log file if the server isrun from xdm(1)
Note: <XRoot> refersto the root of the X11 install tree.
General information: X(1)
Protocols: X Window System Protocol, The X Font Service Protocol, X Display Manager Control Protocol
Fonts: bdftopcf(1), mkfontdir(1), xfs(1), xlsfonts(1), xfontsel(1), xfd(1), X Logical Font Description Conventions
Security: Xsecurity(1), xauth(1), xau(1), xdm(1), xhost(1)
Starting the server: xdm(1), xinit(1)
Controlling the server once started: xset(1), xsetroot(1), xhost(1)
Server-specific man pages: Xdec(1), XmacII(1), Xsun(1), Xnest(1), Xvfb(1), XF86 Accel(1), XF86 Mono(1), XF86 SVGA(1), XF86
VGA16(1), XFree86(1)
Server internal documentation: Definition of the Porting Layer for the X v11 Sample Server, Strategiesfor Porting the X
v11 Sample Server, GodzillasGuide to Porting the X v11 Sample Server
The sample server wasoriginally written by Susan Angebranndt, Raymond Drewry, Philip Karlton, and Todd Newman,
from Digital Equipment Corporation, with support from a large cast. It hassince been extensively rewritten by Keith
Packard and Bob Scheifler, from MIT.
X Version 11 Release6
xsetUser preference utility for X
xset [-display di spl ay ] [-b] [b on/off] [b [vol ume [pi t ch [dur at i on]]] [[-]bc]
[-c] [c on/off] [c [vol ume]] [[-+]fp[-+=] pat h[,pat h[,...]]] [fp default]
[fp rehash] [[-]led [i nt eger ]] [led on/off] [m[ouse] [accel _mul t [/accel _di v]
[t hr eshol d]]] [m[ouse] default] [p pi xel col or ] [[-]r [keycode]] [r on/off]
[s [l engt h [per i od]]] [s blank/noblank] [s expose/noexpose] [s on/off]
[s default] [s activate] [s reset] [q]
Thisprogram isused to set varioususer preference optionsof the display.
display di spl ay Thisoption specifiesthe server to use; see X(1).
b The b option controlsbell volume, pitch, and duration. This
option acceptsup to three numerical parameters, a preceding
dash (-), or an on/off flag. If no parametersare given, or the on
flag isused, the system defaultswill be used. If the dash or off
isgiven, the bell will be turned off. If only one numerical
parameter isgiven, the bell volume will be set to that value, as
a percentage of itsmaximum. Likewise, the second numerical
parameter specifiesthe bell pitch, in hertz, and the third
numerical parameter specifiesthe duration in milliseconds.
Note that not all hardware can vary the bell characteristics.
The X server will set the characteristicsof the bell asclosely as
it can to the usersspecifications.
bc The bc option controlsbug compatibility mode in the server,
if possible; a preceding dash (-) disablesthe mode; otherwise,
the mode isenabled. Variouspre-R4 clientspassillegal values
in some protocol requests, and pre-R4 serversdid not correctly
generate errorsin these cases. Such clients, when run against
an R4 server, will terminate abnormally or otherwise fail to
operate correctly. Bug compatibility mode explicitly reintro-
ducescertain bugsinto the X server, so that many such clients
can still be run. Thismode should be used with care; new
application development should be done with thismode
disabled. The server must support the MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD
protocol extension in order for thisoption to work.
c The c option controlskey click. Thisoption can take an
optional value, a preceding dash (-), or an on/off flag. If no
parameter or the on flag isgiven, the system defaultswill be
used. If the dash or off flag isused, key click will be disabled.
If a value from 0 to 100 isgiven, it isused to indicate volume,
asa percentage of the maximum. The X server will set the
volume to the nearest value that the hardware can support.
fp= pat h,... The fp= setsthe font path to the entriesgiven in the path
argument. The entriesare interpreted by the server, not by the
client. Typically, they are directory namesor font server
names, but the interpretation isserver-dependent.
fp default The default argument causesthe font path to be reset to the
fp rehash The rehash argument resetsthe font path to itscurrent value,
causing the server to reread the font databasesin the current
font path. Thisisgenerally only used when adding new fonts
to a font directory (after running mkfontdir to re-create the
font database).
fp or fp The fp and fp optionsremove elementsfrom the current
font path. They must be followed by a comma-separated list of
Part I: User Commands
fp or fp Thisfp and fp optionsprepend and append elementsto the
current font path, respectively. They must be followed by a
comma-separated list of entries.
led The led option controlsthe keyboard LEDs. Thiscontrolsthe
turning on or off of one or all of the LEDs. It acceptsan
optional integer, a preceding dash (-) or an on/off flag. If no
parameter or the on flag isgiven, all LEDsare turned on. If a
preceding dash or the flag off isgiven, all LEDsare turned off.
If a value between 1 and 32 isgiven, that LED will be turned
on or off depending on the existence of a preceding dash. A
common LED that can be controlled isthe Caps Lock LED. xset
led 3 would turn led #3 on. xset -led 3 would turn it off.
The particular LED valuesmay refer to different LEDson
different hardware.
m The m option controlsthe mouse parameters. The parameters
for the mouse are acceleration and threshold. The accelera-
tion can be specified asan integer, or asa simple fraction. The
mouse, or whatever pointer the machine isconnected to, will
go acceleration timesasfast when it travelsmore than
threshold pixelsin a short time. Thisway, the mouse can be
used for precise alignment when it ismoved slowly, yet it can
be set to travel acrossthe screen in a flick of the wrist when
desired. One or both parametersfor the m option can be
omitted, but if only one isgiven, it will be interpreted asthe
acceleration. If no parametersor the flag default isused, the
system defaultswill be set.
p The p option controlspixel color values. The parametersare
the color map entry number in decimal, and a color specifica-
tion. The root background colorsmay be changed on some
serversby altering the entriesfor BlackPixel and WhitePixel.
Although these are often 0 and 1, they need not be. Also, a
server may choose to allocate those colorsprivately, in which
case an error will be generated. The map entry must not be a
read-only color, or an error will result.
r The r option controlsthe auto-repeat. If a preceding dash
or the off flag isused, auto-repeat will be disabled. If no
parametersor the on flag isused, auto-repeat will be enabled.
If a specific keycode isspecified asa parameter, auto-repeat
for that keycode isenabled or disabled.
s The s option letsyou set the screen saver parameters. This
option acceptsup to two numerical parameters, a blank/
noblank flag, an expose/noexpose flag, an on/off flag, an
activate/reset flag, or the default flag. If no parametersor
the default flag isused, the system will be set to itsdefault
screen saver characteristics. The on/off flagssimply turn the
screen saver functionson or off. The activate flag forces
activation of screen saver even if the screen saver had been
turned off. The reset flag forcesdeactivation of screen saver
if it isactive. The blank flag setsthe preference to blank the
video (if the hardware can do so) rather than display a
background pattern, while noblank setsthe preference to
display a pattern rather than blank the video. The expose flag
setsthe preference to allow window exposures(the server can
freely discard window contents), while noexpose setsthe
preference to disable screen saver unlessthe server can
regenerate the screenswithout causing exposure events. The
length and period parametersfor the screen saver function
determineshow long the server must be inactive for screen
saving to activate, and the period to change the background
pattern to avoid burn in. The argumentsare specified in
seconds. If only one numerical parameter isgiven, it will be
used for the length.
q The q option givesyou information on the current settings.
These settingswill be reset to default valueswhen you log out.
Note that not all X implementationsare guaranteed to honor all of these options.
X(1), Xserver(1), xmodmap(1), xrdb(1), xsetroot(1)
Bob Scheifler (MIT Laboratory for Computer Science), David Krikorian (MIT Project Athena; X11 version)
X Version 11 Release6
xsetrootRoot window parameter setting utility for X
xsetroot [-help] [-def] [-display di spl ay] [-cursor cur sor f i l e maskf i l e]
[-cursor_name cur sor name] [-bitmap f i l ename] [-mod x y] [-gray] [-grey]
[-fg col or ] [-bg col or ] [-rv] [-solid col or ] [-name st r i ng]
The setroot program allowsyou to tailor the appearance of the background (root) window on a workstation display running
X. Normally, you experiment with xsetroot until you find a personalized look that you like, then put the xsetroot command
that producesit into your X startup file. If no optionsare specified, or if -def isspecified, the window isreset to itsdefault
state. The -def option can be specified along with other optionsand only the nonspecified characteristicswill be reset to the
default state.
Only one of the background color/tiling changing options(-solid, -gray, -grey, -bitmap, and -mod) may be specified at a
The variousoptionsare asfollows:
-help Print a usage message and exit.
-def Reset unspecified attributesto the default values. (Restoresthe
background to the familiar gray mesh and the cursor to the
hollow x shape.)
-cursor cur sor f i l e maskf i l e Thisletsyou change the pointer cursor to whatever you want
when the pointer cursor isoutside of any window. Cursor and
mask filesare bitmaps(little pictures), and can be made with
the bitmap(1) program. You probably want the mask file to be
all black until you get used to the way maskswork.
Part I: User Commands
-cursor_name cur sor name Thisletsyou change the pointer cursor to one of the standard
cursorsfrom the cursor font. Refer to Appendix B of the X
protocol for the names(except that the XC prefix iselided for
-bitmap f i l ename Use the bitmap specified in the file to set the window pattern.
You can make your own bitmap files(little pictures) using the
bitmap(1) program. The entire background will be made up of
repeated tiles of the bitmap.
-mod x y Thisisused if you want a plaid-like grid pattern on your
screen. x and y are integersranging from 1 to 16. Try the
different combinations. Zero and negative numbersare taken
-gray Make the entire background gray. (Easier on the eyes.)
-grey Make the entire background grey.
-fg col or Use col or asthe foreground color. Foreground and back-
ground colorsare meaningful only in combination with
-cursor, -bitmap, or -mod.
-bg col or Use col or asthe background color.
-rv Thisexchangesthe foreground and background colors.
Normally the foreground color isblack and the background
color iswhite.
-solid col or Thissetsthe background of the root window to the specified
color. Thisoption isonly useful on color servers.
-name st r i ng Set the name of the root window to st r i ng. There isno default
value. Usually a name isassigned to a window so that the
window manager can use a text representation when the
window isiconified. Thisoption isunused because you cant
iconify the background.
-display di spl ay Specifiesthe server to connect to; see X(1).
X(1), xset(1), xrdb(1)
Mark Lillibridge (MIT Project Athena)
X Version 11 Release6
xsmX Session Manager
xsm [-display di spl ay ] [-session sessi onName] [-verbose]
xsm isa session manager. A session isa group of applications, each of which hasa particular state. xsm allowsyou to create
arbitrary sessions. For example, you might have a light session, a development session, or an xterminal session. Each session
can have itsown set of applications. Within a session, you can perform a checkpoint to save application state, or a shutdown
to save state and exit the session. When you log back in to the system, you can load a specific session, and you can delete
sessionsyou no longer want to keep.
Some session managerssimply allow you to manually specify a list of applicationsto be started in a session. xsm ismore
powerful because it letsyou run applicationsand have them automatically become part of the session. On a simple level, xsm
isuseful because it givesyou thisability to easily define which applicationsare in a session. The true power of xsm, however,
can be taken advantage of when more and more applicationslearn to save and restore their state.
display di spl ay Causesxsm to connect to the specified X display.
session sessi onName Causesxsm to load the specified session, bypassing the session
verbose Turnson debugging information.
.xsession FILE
Using xsm requiresa change to your .xsession file:
The last program executed by your .xsession file should be xsm. With thisconfiguration, when the user choosesto shut
down the session using xsm, the session will truly be over.
Because the goal of the session manager isto restart clientswhen logging into a session, your .xsession file, in general, should
not directly start up applications. Rather, the applicationsshould be started within a session. When xsm shutsdown the
session, xsm will know to restart these applications. Note, however, that there are some typesof applicationsthat are not
session aware. xsm enablesyou to manually add these applicationsto your session. (See the subsection titled Client List.)
If the SM_SAVE_DIR environment variable isdefined, xsm will save all configuration filesin thisdirectory. Otherwise, they will
be stored in the usershome directory. Session-aware applicationsare also encouraged to save their checkpoint filesin the
SM_SAVE_DIR directory, although the user should not depend on thisconvention.
The first time xsm isstarted, it will need to locate a list of applicationsto start up. For example, thislist might include a
window manager, a session management proxy, and an xterm. xsm will first look for the file .xsmstartup in the usershome
directory. If that file doesnot exist, it will look for the system.xsm file that wasset up at installation time. Note that xsm
providesa failsafe option when the user choosesa session to start up. The failsafe option simply loadsthe default
applicationsdescribed above.
Each line in the startup file should contain a command to start an application. A sample startup file might look this:
<start of file>
<end of file>
When xsm startsup, it first checksto see if the user previously saved any sessions. If no saved sessionsexist, xsm startsup a set
of default applications(asdescribed above in the subsection titled Default Startup Applications). If at least one session
exists, a Session menu ispresented. The [-session sessionName] option forcesthe specified session to be loaded, bypassing
the session menu.
The Session menu presentsthe user with a list of sessionsto choose from. The user can change the currently selected session
with the mouse, or by using the up and down arrowson the keyboard. Note that sessionsthat are locked (that is, running on
a different display) cannot be loaded or deleted.
Part I: User Commands
The following operationscan be performed from the Session menu:
Load Session Pressing thisbutton will load the currently selected session.
Alternatively, hitting the Return key will also load the
currently selected session, or the user can double-click a session
from the list.
Delete Session Thisoperation will delete the currently selected session, along
with all of the application checkpoint filesassociated with the
session. After pressing thisbutton, the user will be asked to
pressthe button a second time in order to confirm the
Default/Fail Safe xsm will start up a set of default applications(asdescribed
earlier in the section titled Default Startup Applications).
Thisisuseful when the user wantsto start a fresh session, or if
the session configuration fileswere corrupted and the user
wantsa failsafe session.
Cancel Pressing thisbutton will cause xsm to exit. It can also be used
to cancel a Delete Session operation.
After xsm determineswhich session to load, it bringsup itsmain window, then startsup all applicationsthat are part of the
session. The title bar for the session managersmain window will contain the name of the session that wasloaded.
The following optionsare available from xsmsmain window:
Client List Pressing thisbutton bringsup a window containing a list of all
clientsthat are in the current session. For each client, the host
machine that the client isrunning on ispresented. Asclients
are added and removed from the session, thislist isupdated
to reflect the changes. The user isable to control how these
clientsare restarted.
By pressing the View Propertiesbutton, the user can view the
session management propertiesassociated with the currently
selected client.
By pressing the Clone button, the user can start a copy of the
selected application.
By pressing the Kill Client button, the user can remove a client
from the session. By selecting a restart hint from the Restart
Hint menu, the user can control the restarting of a client. The
following hintsare available:
I The Restart If Running hint indicatesthat the client
should be restarted in the next session if it isconnected to
the session manager at the end of the current session.
I The Restart Anyway hint indicatesthat the client should
be restarted in the next session even if it exitsbefore the
current session isterminated.
I The Restart Immediately hint issimilar to the Restart
Anyway hint, but in addition, the client ismeant to run
continuously. If the client exits, the session manager will
try to restart it in the current session.
I The Restart Never hint indicatesthat the client should not
be restarted in the next session.
Note that all X applicationsmay not be session aware.
Applicationsthat are not session aware are onesthat do not
support the X Session Management Protocol or they cannot
be detected by the Session Management Proxy. (See the
subsection titled The Proxy.). xsm allowsthe user to
manually add such applicationsto the session. The bottom of
the Client List window containsa text entry field into which
application commandscan be typed. Each command should
go on itsown line. Thisinformation will be saved with the
session at checkpoint or shutdown time. When the session is
restarted, xsm will restart these applicationsin addition to the
regular session aware applications. Pressing the Done button
removesthe Client List window.
Session Log The Session Log window presentsuseful information about
the session. For example, when a session isrestarted, all of the
restart commandswill be displayed in the log window.
Checkpoint By performing a checkpoint, all applicationsthat are in the
session are asked to save their state. Not every application will
save itscomplete state, but at a minimum, the session manager
isguaranteed that it will receive the command required to
restart the application (along with all command-line options).
A window manager participating in the session should
guarantee that the applicationswill come back up with the
same window configurations.
If the session being checkpointed wasnever assigned a name,
the user will be required to specify a session name. Otherwise,
the user can perform the checkpoint using the current session
name, or a new session name can be specified. If the session
name specified already exists, the user will be given the
opportunity to specify a different name or to overwrite the
already existing session. Note that a session that islocked can
not be overwritten.
When performing a checkpoint, the user must specify a Save
Type that informsthe applicationsin the session how much
state they should save.
The Local type indicatesthat the application should save
enough information to restore the state asseen by the user. It
should not affect the state asseen by other users. For example,
an editor would create a temporary file containing the contents
of itsediting buffer, the location of the cursor, and so on.
The Global type indicatesthat the application should commit
all of itsdata to permanent, globally accessible storage. For
example, the editor would simply save the edited file.
The Both type indicatesthat the application should do both of
these. For example, the editor would save the edited file, then
create a temporary file with information such asthe location of
the cursor, and so on.
In addition to the Save Type, the user must specify an Interact
The None type indicatesthat the application should not
interact with the user while saving state.
Part I: User Commands
The Errors type indicatesthat the application may interact
with the user only if an error condition arises.
The Any type indicatesthat the application may interact with
the user for any purpose. Note that xsm will only allow one
application to interact with the user at a time.
After the checkpoint iscompleted, xsm will, if necessary,
display a window containing the list of applicationsthat did
not report a successful save of state.
Shutdown A shutdown providesall of the optionsfound in a checkpoint,
but, in addition, can cause the session to exit. Note that if the
interaction style isErrors or Any, the user may cancel the
shutdown. The user may also cancel the shutdown if any of
the applicationsreport an unsuccessful save of state. The user
may choose to shut down the session with or without
performing a checkpoint.
Because not all applicationshave been ported to support the X Session Management Protocol, a proxy service existsto enable
old clientsto work with the session manager. In order for the proxy to detect an application joining a session, one of the
following must be true:
I The application mapsa top-level window containing the WM_CLIENT_LEADER property. Thisproperty providesa pointer to
the client leader window that containsthe WM_CLASS, WM_NAME, WM_COMMAND, and WM_CLIENT_MACHINE properties.
I The application mapsa top-level window that doesnot contain the WM_CLIENT_LEADER property. However, thistop-level
window containsthe WM_CLASS, WM_NAME, WM_COMMAND, and WM_CLIENT_MACHINE properties.
An application that supportsthe WM_SAVE_YOURSELF protocol will receive a WM_SAVE_YOURSELF client message each time the
session manager issuesa checkpoint or shutdown. Thisallowsthe application to save state. If an application doesnot support
the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF protocol, then the proxy will provide enough information to the session manager to restart the
application (using WM_COMMAND), but no state will be restored.
xsm requiresa remote execution protocol in order to restart applicationson remote machines. Currently, xsm supportsthe
rstart protocol. In order to restart an application on remote machine X, machine X must have rstart installed. In the
future, additional remote execution protocolsmay be supported.
smproxy(1), rstart(1)
Ralph Mor (X Consortium), Jordan Brown (Quarterdeck Office Systems)
X Version 11 Release6
xsmclientX session manager tester
xsmclient [ TBD ]
The xsmclient program isused to test the session manager
Ralph Mor (X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release6
xstdcmapX standard colormap utility
xstdcmap [-all] [-best] [-blue] [-default] [-delete map] [-display di spl ay]
[-gray] [-green] [-help] [-red] [-verbose]
The xstdcmap utility can be used to selectively define standard colormap properties. It isintended to be run from a usersX
startup script to create standard colormap definitionsin order to facilitate sharing of scarce colormap resourcesamong
clients. Where at all possible, colormapsare created with read-only allocations.
The following optionsmay be used with xstdcmap:
all Thisoption indicatesthat all six standard colormap properties
should be defined on each screen of the display. Not all screens
will support visualsunder which all six standard colormap
propertiesare meaningful. xst-dcmap will determine the best
allocationsand visualsfor the colormap propertiesof a screen.
Any previously existing standard colormap propertieswill be
best Thisoption indicatesthat the RGB_BEST_MAP should be defined.
blue Thisoption indicatesthat the RGB_BLUE_MAP should be defined.
default Thisoption indicatesthat the RGB_DEFAULT_MAP should be
delete map Thisoption specifiesthat a specific standard colormap
property, or all such properties, should be removed. map may
be one of: default, best, red, green, blue, gray, or all.
display di spl ay Thisoption specifiesthe host and display to use; see X(1).
gray Thisoption indicatesthat the RGB_GRAY_MAP should be defined.
green Thisoption indicatesthat the RGB_GREEN_MAP should be
help Thisoption indicatesthat a brief description of the command-
line argumentsshould be printed on the standard error. This
will be done whenever an unhandled argument isgiven to
red Thisoption indicatesthat the RGB_RED_MAP should be defined.
verbose Thisoption indicatesthat xstdcmap should print logging
information asit parsesitsinput and definesthe standard
colormap properties.
Part I: User Commands
DISPLAY To get default host and display number
Donna Converse (MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release6
xtermTerminal emulator for X
xterm [t ool ki t opt i on ...] [option ...]
The xterm program isa terminal emulator for the X Window System. It providesDEC VT102- and Tektronix 4014-
compatible terminalsfor programsthat cant use the window system directly. If the underlying operating system supports
terminal resizing capabilities(for example, the SIGWINCH signal in systemsderived from 4.3bsd), xterm will use the facilitiesto
notify programsrunning in the window whenever it isresized.
The VT102 and Tektronix 4014 terminalsall have their own windowsso that you can edit text in one and look at graphics
in the other at the same time. To maintain the correct aspect ratio (height/width), Tektronix graphicswill be restricted to the
largest box with a 4014saspect ratio that will fit in the window. Thisbox islocated in the upper-left area of the window.
Although both windowsmay be displayed at the same time, one of them isconsidered the active window for receiving
keyboard input and terminal output. Thisisthe window that containsthe text cursor. The active window can be chosen
through escape sequences, the VT Optionsmenu in the VT102 window, and the Tek Optionsmenu in the 4014 window.
The VT102 emulation isfairly complete, but doesnot support smooth scrolling, VT52 mode, the blinking character
attribute nor the double-wide and double-size character sets. termcap(5) entriesthat work with xterm include xterm, vt102,
vt100, and ansi, and xterm automatically searchesthe termcap file in thisorder for these entriesand then setsthe TERM and the
TERMCAP environment variables.
Many of the special xterm featuresmay be modified under program control through a set of escape sequencesdifferent from
the standard VT102 escape sequences. (See the Xterm Control Sequences document.)
The Tektronix 4014 emulation isalso fairly good. It supports12-bit graphicsaddressing, scaled to the window size. Four
different font sizesand five different linestypesare supported. There isno write-through or defocused mode support. The
Tektronix text and graphicscommandsare recorded internally by xterm and may be written to a file by sending the COPY
escape sequence (or through the Tektronix menu, discussed later in thissection). The name of the file will be COPYyyMM
dd. hh: mm: ss , where yy, MM, dd, hh, mm, and ssare the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second when the COPY was
performed (the file iscreated in the directory xterm isstarted in, or the home directory for a login xterm).
xterm automatically highlightsthe text cursor when the pointer entersthe window (selected) and unhighlightsit when the
pointer leavesthe window (unselected). If the window isthe focuswindow, then the text cursor ishighlighted no matter
where the pointer is. In VT102 mode, there are escape sequencesto activate and deactivate an alternate screen buffer, which
isthe same size asthe display area of the window. When activated, the current screen issaved and replaced with the alternate
screen. Saving of linesscrolled off the top of the window isdisabled until the normal screen isrestored. The termcap(5) entry
for xterm allowsthe visual editor vi(1) to switch to the alternate screen for editing and to restore the screen on exit.
In either VT102 or Tektronix mode, there are escape sequencesto change the name of the windows. See xterm Control
Sequencesfor details.
The xterm terminal emulator acceptsall of the standard X Toolkit command-line optionsaswell asthe following (if the
option beginswith a + instead of a , the option isrestored to itsdefault value):
help Thiscausesxterm to print out a verbose message describing its
132 Normally, the VT102 DECCOLM escape sequence that switches
between 80 and 132 column mode isignored. Thisoption
causesthe DECCOLM escape sequence to be recognized, and the
xterm window will resize appropriately.
ah Thisoption indicatesthat xterm should alwayshighlight the
text cursor. By default, xterm will display a hollow text cursor
whenever the focusislost or the pointer leavesthe window.
ah Thisoption indicatesthat xterm should do text cursor
highlighting based on focus.
b number Thisoption specifiesthe size of the inner border (the distance
between the outer edge of the charactersand the window
border) in pixels. The default is2.
cb Set the vt100 resource cutToBeginningOfLine to False.
cb Set the vt100 resource cutToBeginningOfLine to True.
cc char act er cl as sr ange: Thissetsclassesindicated by the given rangesto use in
val ue[,...] selecting by words. See the subsection Character Classes.
cn Thisoption indicatesthat newlinesshould not be cut in line-
mode selections.
cn Thisoption indicatesthat newlinesshould be cut in line-mode
cr col or Thisoption specifiesthe color to use for text cursor. The
default isto use the same foreground color that isused for text.
cu Thisoption indicatesthat xterm should work around a bug in
the more(1) program that causesit to incorrectly display lines
that are exactly the width of the window and are followed by a
line beginning with a tab (the leading tabsare not displayed).
Thisoption isso named because it wasoriginally thought to
be a bug in the curses(3x) cursor motion package.
cu Thisoption indicatesthat xterm should not work around the
more(3x) bug mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
e pr ogr am Thisoption specifiesthe program (and itscommand-line
[ ar gument s . . . ] arguments) to be run in the xterm window. It also setsthe
window title and icon name to be the basename of the
program being executed if neither T nor n are given on
the command line. Thismust be the last option on the
command line.
fb f ont Thisoption specifiesa font to be used when displaying bold
text. Thisfont must be the same height and width asthe
normal font. If only one of the normal or bold fontsis
Part I: User Commands
specified, it will be used asthe normal font and the bold font
will be produced by overstriking thisfont. The default isto do
overstriking of the normal font.
im Turn on the useInsertMode resource.
+im Turn off the useInsertMode resource.
j Thisoption indicatesthat xterm should do jump scrolling.
Normally, text isscrolled one line at a time; thisoption allows
xterm to move multiple linesat a time so that it doesnt fall as
far behind. Itsuse isstrongly recommended because it makes
xterm much faster when scanning through large amountsof
text. The VT100 escape sequencesfor enabling and disabling
smooth scroll aswell asthe VT Optionsmenu can be used to
turn thisfeature on or off.
j Thisoption indicatesthat xterm should not do jump scrolling.
ls Thisoption indicatesthat the shell that isstarted in the xterm
window will be a login shell (that is, the first character of
argv[0] will be a dash, indicating to the shell that it should
read the users.login or .profile).
ls Thisoption indicatesthat the shell that isstarted should not
be a login shell (that is, it will be a normal subshell).
mb Thisoption indicatesthat xterm should ring a margin bell
when the user typesnear the right end of a line. Thisoption
can be turned on and off from the VT Optionsmenu.
mb Thisoption indicatesthat margin bell should not be rung.
mcmi l l i seconds Thisoption specifiesthe maximum time between multiclick
ms col or Thisoption specifiesthe color to be used for the pointer
cursor. The default isto use the foreground color.
nb number Thisoption specifiesthe number of charactersfrom the right
end of a line at which the margin bell, if enabled, will ring.
The default is10.
rw Thisoption indicatesthat reverse-wraparound should be
allowed. Thisallowsthe cursor to back up from the leftmost
column of one line to the rightmost column of the previous
line. Thisisvery useful for editing long shell command lines
and isencouraged. Thisoption can be turned on and off from
the VT Optionsmenu.
rw Thisoption indicatesthat reverse-wraparound should not be
aw Thisoption indicatesthat auto-wraparound should be
allowed. Thisallowsthe cursor to automatically wrap to the
beginning of the next line when it isat the rightmost position
of a line and text isoutput.
aw Thisoption indicatesthat auto-wraparound should not be
s Thisoption indicatesthat xterm may scroll asynchronously,
meaning that the screen doesnot have to be kept completely
up to date while scrolling. Thisallowsxterm to run faster when
network latenciesare very high and istypically useful when
running acrossa very large Internet or many gateways.
s Thisoption indicatesthat xterm should scroll synchronously.
sb Thisoption indicatesthat some number of linesthat are
scrolled off the top of the window should be saved and that a
scrollbar should be displayed so that those linescan be viewed.
Thisoption may be turned on and off from the VT Options
sb Thisoption indicatesthat a scrollbar should not be displayed.
sf Thisoption indicatesthat Sun Function Key escape codes
should be generated for function keys.
sf Thisoption indicatesthat the standard escape codesshould be
generated for function keys.
si Thisoption indicatesthat output to a window should not
automatically reposition the screen to the bottom of the
scrolling region. Thisoption can be turned on and off from
the VT Optionsmenu.
si Thisoption indicatesthat output to a window should cause it
to scroll to the bottom.
sk Thisoption indicatesthat pressing a key while using the
scrollbar to review previouslinesof text should cause the
window to be repositioned automatically in the normal
position at the bottom of the scroll region.
sk Thisoption indicatesthat pressing a key while using the
scrollbar should not cause the window to be repositioned.
sl number Thisoption specifiesthe number of linesto save that have
been scrolled off the top of the screen. The default is64.
t Thisoption indicatesthat xterm should start in Tektronix
mode, rather than in VT102 mode. Switching between the
two windowsisdone using the Optionsmenus.
t Thisoption indicatesthat xterm should start in VT102 mode.
tm st r i ng Thisoption specifiesa seriesof terminal setting keywords
followed by the charactersthat should be bound to those
functions, similar to the stty program. Allowable keywords
include: intr, quit, erase, kill, eof, eol, swtch, start, stop,
brk, susp, dsusp, rprnt, flush, weras, and lnext. Control
charactersmay be specified as^char (for example, ^c or ^u) and
^? may be used to indicate delete.
tn name Thisoption specifiesthe name of the terminal type to be set in
the TERM environment variable. Thisterminal type must exist
in the termcap(5) database and should have li# and co# entries.
ut Thisoption indicatesthat xterm shouldnt write a record into
the system log file /etc/utmp.
ut Thisoption indicatesthat xterm should write a record into the
system log file /etc/utmp.
vb Thisoption indicatesthat a visual bell ispreferred over an
audible one. Instead of ringing the terminal bell whenever a
Ctrl+G isreceived, the window will be flashed.
vb Thisoption indicatesthat a visual bell should not be used.
wf Thisoption indicatesthat xterm should wait for the window to
be mapped the first time before starting the subprocessso that
the initial terminal size settingsand environment variablesare
Part I: User Commands
correct. It isthe applicationsresponsibility to catch subse-
quent terminal size changes.
wf Thisoption indicatesthat xterm show not wait before starting
the subprocess.
C Thisoption indicatesthat thiswindow should receive console
output. Thisisnot supported on all systems. To obtain
console output, you must be the owner of the console device,
and you must have read and write permission for it. If you are
running X under xdm on the console screen, you may need to
have the session startup and reset programsexplicitly change
the ownership of the console device in order to get thisoption
to work.
Sccn Thisoption specifiesthe last two lettersof the name of a
pseudo-terminal to use in slave mode, plusthe number of the
inherited file descriptor. The option isparsed %c%c%d. This
allowsxterm to be used asan input and output channel for an
existing program and issometimesused in specialized
The following command-line argumentsare provided for compatibility with older versions. They may not be supported in
the next release asthe X Toolkit providesstandard optionsthat accomplish the same task.
%geom Thisoption specifiesthe preferred size and position of the
Tektronix window. It isshorthand for specifying the
*tekGeometry resource.
geom Thisoption specifiesthe preferred position of the icon
window. It isshorthand for specifying the *iconGeometry
T st r i ng Thisoption specifiesthe title for xtermswindows. It is
equivalent to title.
n st r i ng Thisoption specifiesthe icon name for xtermswindows. It is
shorthand for specifying the *iconName resource. Note that this
isnot the same asthe toolkit option name (see below). The
default icon name isthe application name.
r Thisoption indicatesthat reverse video should be simulated by
swapping the foreground and background colors. It is
equivalent to rv.
w number Thisoption specifiesthe width in pixelsof the border
surrounding the window. It isequivalent to borderwidth or
The following standard X Toolkit command-line argumentsare commonly used with xterm:
bg col or Thisoption specifiesthe color to use for the background of the
window. The default iswhite.
bd col or Thisoption specifiesthe color to use for the border of the
window. The default isblack.
bw number Thisoption specifiesthe width in pixelsof the border
surrounding the window.
fg col or Thisoption specifiesthe color to use for displaying text. The
default isblack.
fn f ont Thisoption specifiesthe font to be used for displaying normal
text. The default isfixed.
name name Thisoption specifiesthe application name under which
resourcesare to be obtained, rather than the default executable
filename. Name should not contain . or * characters.
title st r i ng Thisoption specifiesthe window title string, which may be
displayed by window managersif the user so chooses. The
default title isthe command line specified after the e option,
if any; otherwise, the application name.
rv Thisoption indicatesthat reverse video should be simulated by
swapping the foreground and background colors.
geometry geomet r y Thisoption specifiesthe preferred size and position of the
VT102 window; see X(1).
display di spl ay Thisoption specifiesthe X server to contact; see X(1).
xrm r esour cest r i ng Thisoption specifiesa resource string to be used. Thisis
especially useful for setting resourcesthat do not have separate
command-line options.
iconic Thisoption indicatesthat xterm should ask the window
manager to start it asan icon rather than asthe normal
The program understandsall of the core X Toolkit resource namesand classesaswell asthe following:
iconGeometry (class IconGeometry) Specifiesthe preferred size and position of the application
when iconified. It isnot necessarily obeyed by all window
iconName (class IconName) Specifiesthe icon name. The default isthe application name.
termName (class TermName) Specifiesthe terminal type name to be set in the TERM
environment variable.
title (class Title) Specifiesa string that may be used by the window manager
when displaying thisapplication.
ttyModes (class TtyModes) Specifiesa string containing terminal setting keywordsand the
charactersto which they may be bound. Allowable keywords
include intr, quit, erase, kill, eof, eol, swtch, start, stop,
brk, susp, dsusp, rprnt, flush, weras, and lnext. Control
charactersmay be specified aschar (for example, c or u) and
? may be used to indicate delete. Thisisvery useful for
overriding the default terminal settingswithout having to do
an stty every time an xterm isstarted.
useInsertMode Force use of insert mode by adding appropriate entriesto the
(class UseInsertMode) TERMCAP environment variable. Thisisuseful if the system
termcap isbroken. The default isFalse.
utmpInhibit (class UtmpInhibit) Specifieswhether or not xterm should try to record the users
terminal in /etc/utmp.
sunFunctionKeys Specifieswhether or not Sun Function Key escape codes
(class SunFunctionKeys) should be generated for function keysinstead of standard
escape sequences.
waitForMap (class WaitForMap) Specifieswhether or not xterm should wait for the initial
window map before starting the subprocess. The default is
Part I: User Commands
The following resourcesare specified aspart of the vt100 widget (classVT100):
allowSendEvents Specifieswhether or not synthetic key and button
(class AllowSendEvents) events(generated using the X protocol SendEvent request)
should be interpreted or discarded. The default isFalse,
meaning they are discarded. Note that allowing such events
createsa very large security hole.
alwaysHighlight Specifieswhether or not xterm should alwaysdisplay
(class AlwaysHighlight) a highlighted text cursor. By default, a hollow text cursor is
displayed whenever the pointer movesout of the window or
the window losesthe input focus.
appcursorDefault If true, the cursor keysare initially in application mode.
(class AppcursorDefault) The default isfalse.
appkeypadDefault If true, the keypad keysare initially in application mode.
(class AppkeypadDefault) The default isfalse.
autoWrap (class AutoWrap) Specifieswhether or not auto-wraparound should be enabled.
The default istrue.
bellSuppressTime Number of millisecondsafter a bell command issent during
(class BellSuppressTime) which additional bellswill be suppressed. Default is200. If set
non-zero, additional bellswill also be suppressed until the
server reportsthat processing of the first bell hasbeen com-
pleted; thisfeature ismost useful with the visible bell.
boldFont (class BoldFont) Specifiesthe name of the bold font to use instead of
c132 (class C132) Specifieswhether or not the VT102 DECCOLM escape sequence
should be honored. The default isfalse.
cutNewline If false, triple-clicking to select a line doesnot
(class CutNewline) include the Newline at the end of the line. If true, the Newline
isselected. The default istrue.
cutToBeginningOfLine If false, triple-clicking to select a line selectsonly from
(class CutToBeginningOfLine) the current word forward. If true, the entire line isselected.
The default istrue.
charClass (class CharClass) Specifiescomma-separated listsof character classbindingsof
the form [low]high:value. These are used in determining
which setsof charactersshould be treated the same when
doing cut and paste. See the section on specifying character
curses (class Curses) Specifieswhether or not the last column bug in more(1) should
be worked around. See the cu option for details. The default
background Specifiesthe color to use for the background of the window.
(class Background) The default iswhite.
foreground Specifiesthe color to use for displaying text in the window.
(class Foreground) Setting the classname instead of the instance name isan easy
way to have everything that would normally appear in the text
color change color. The default isblack.
cursorColor Specifiesthe color to use for the text cursor. The
(class Foreground) default isblack.
eightBitInput If true, metacharactersinput from the keyboard are presented
(class EightBitInput) asa single character with the eighth bit turned on. If false,
metacharactersare converted into a two-character sequence
with the character itself preceded by ESC. The default istrue.
eightBitOutput Specifieswhether or not eight-bit characterssent from the
(class EightBitOutput) host should be accepted asisor stripped when printed. The
default istrue.
font (class Font) Specifiesthe name of the normal font. The default isfixed.
font1 (class Font1) Specifiesthe name of the first alternative font.
font2 (class Font2) Specifiesthe name of the second alternative font.
font3 (class Font3) Specifiesthe name of the third alternative font.
font4 (class Font4) Specifiesthe name of the fourth alternative font.
font5 (class Font5) Specifiesthe name of the fifth alternative font.
font6 (class Font6) Specifiesthe name of the sixth alternative font.
geometry (class Geometry) Specifiesthe preferred size and position of the VT102
hpLowerleftBugCompat Specifieswhether to work around a bug in HPsxdb, which
(class HpLowerleftBugCompat) ignorestermcap and alwayssendsESC F to move to the lower-
left corner. true causesxterm to interpret ESC F asa request
to move to the lower-left corner of the screen. The default is
internalBorder Specifiesthe number of pixelsbetween the charactersand the
(class BorderWidth) window border. The default is2.
jumpScroll Specifieswhether or not jump scroll should be used. The
(class JumpScroll) default istrue.
loginShell Specifieswhether or not the shell to be run in the window
(class LoginShell) should be started asa login shell. The default isfalse.
marginBell Specifieswhether or not the bell should be run when the user
(class MarginBell) typesnear the right margin. The default isfalse.
multiClickTime Specifiesthe maximum time in millisecondsbetween
(class MultiClickTime) multiclick select events. The default is250 milliseconds.
multiScroll Specifieswhether or not scrolling should be done asynchro-
(class MultiScroll) nously. The default isfalse.
nMarginBell (class Column) Specifiesthe number of charactersfrom the right margin at
which the margin bell should be rung, when enabled.
pointerColor Specifiesthe foreground color of the pointer. The default is
(class Foreground) XtDefaultForeground.
pointerColorBackground Specifiesthe background color of the pointer. The default is
(class Background) XtDefaultBackground.
pointerShape Specifiesthe name of the shape of the pointer. The default is
(class Cursor) xterm.
resizeGravity Affectsthe behavior when the window isresized to be taller or
(class ResizeGravity) shorter. NorthWest specifiesthat the top line of text on the
screen stay fixed. If the window ismade shorter, linesare
dropped from the bottom; if the window ismade taller, blank
linesare added at the bottom. Thisiscompatible with the
behavior in R4. SouthWest (the default) specifiesthat the
bottom line of text on the screen stay fixed. If the window is
made taller, additional saved lineswill be scrolled down onto
the screen; if the window ismade shorter, lineswill be scrolled
off the top of the screen, and the top saved lineswill be
reverseVideo Specifieswhether reverse video should be simulated. The
(class ReverseVideo) default isfalse.
Part I: User Commands
reverseWrap Specifieswhether or not reverse-wraparound should be
(class ReverseWrap) enabled. The default isfalse.
saveLines Specifiesthe number of linesto save beyond the top of the
(class SaveLines) screen when a scrollbar isturned on. The default is64.
scrollBar Specifieswhether or not the scrollbar should be displayed.
(class ScrollBar) The default isfalse.
scrollTtyOutput Specifieswhether or not output to the terminal should
(class ScrollCond) automatically cause the scrollbar to go to the bottom of the
scrolling region. The default istrue.
scrollKey Specifieswhether or not pressing a key should automatically
(class ScrollCond) cause the scrollbar to go to the bottom of the scrolling region.
The default isfalse.
scrollLines Specifiesthe number of linesthat the scroll-back and scroll-
(class ScrollLines) forw actionsshould use asa default. The default value is1.
signalInhibit Specifieswhether or not the entriesin the Main Optionsmenu
(class SignalInhibit) for sending signalsto xterm should be disallowed. The default
tekGeometry Specifiesthe preferred size and position of the Tektronix
(class Geometry) window.
tekInhibit Specifieswhether or not the escape sequence to enter
(class TekInhibit) Tektronix mode should be ignored. The default isfalse.
tekSmall (class TekSmall) Specifieswhether or not the Tektronix mode window should
start in itssmallest size if no explicit geometry isgiven. Thisis
useful when running xterm on displayswith small screens. The
default isfalse.
tekStartup Specifieswhether or not xterm should start up in Tektronix
(class TekStartup) mode. The default isfalse.
titeInhibit Specifieswhether or not xterm should remove ti and te
(class TiteInhibit) termcap entries(used to switch between alternate screenson
startup of many screen-oriented programs) from the TERMCAP
string. If set, xterm also ignoresthe escape sequence to switch
to the alternate screen.
translations Specifiesthe key and button bindingsfor menus, selections,
(class Translations) programmed strings, and so on. See the ACTIONS
subsection, later in thissection.
visualBell Specifieswhether or not a visible bell (that is, flashing) should
(class VisualBell) be used instead of an audible bell when Control-G isreceived.
The default isfalse.
The following resourcesare specified aspart of the tek4014 widget (classTek4014):
width (class Width) Specifiesthe width of the Tektronix window in pixels.
height (class Height) Specifiesthe height of the Tektronix window in pixels.
fontLarge (class Font) Specifiesthe large font to use in the Tektronix window.
font2 (class Font) Specifiesfont number 2 to use in the Tektronix window.
font3 (class Font) Specifiesfont number 3 to use in the Tektronix window.
fontSmall (class Font) Specifiesthe small font to use in the Tektronix window.
initialFont (class InitialFont) Specifieswhich of the four Tektronix fontsto use initially.
Valuesare the same asfor the set-tek-text action. The default
ginTerminator Specifieswhat character(s) should follow a GIN
(class GinTerminator) report or statusreport. The possibilitiesare none, which sends
no terminating characters, CRonly, which sendsCR, and CR&EOT,
which sendsboth CR and EOT. The default isnone.
The resourcesthat may be specified for the variousmenusare described in the documentation for the Athena SimpleMenu
widget. The name and classesof the entriesin each of the menusare listed next.
The mainMenu hasthe following entries:
securekbd (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe secure() action.
allowsends (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe allow-send-events(toggle) action.
redraw (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe redraw() action.
line1 (class SmeLine) Thisisa separator.
suspend (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe send-signal(tstp) action on systems
that support job control.
continue (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe send-signal(cont) action on systems
that support job control.
interrupt (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe send-signal(int) action.
hangup (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe send-signal(hup) action.
terminate (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe send-signal(term) action.
kill (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe send-signal(kill) action.
line2 (class SmeLine) Thisisa separator.
quit (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe quit() action.
The vtMenu hasthe following entries:
scrollbar (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-scrollbar(toggle) action.
jumpscroll (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-jumpscroll(toggle) action.
reversevideo (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-reverse-video(toggle) action.
autowrap (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-autowrap(toggle) action.
reversewrap (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-reversewrap(toggle) action.
autolinefeed (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-autolinefeed(toggle) action.
appcursor (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-appcursor(toggle) action.
appkeypad (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-appkeypad(toggle) action.
scrollkey (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-scroll-on-key(toggle) action.
scrollttyoutput Thisentry invokesthe set-scroll-on-tty-output(toggle)
(class SmeBSB) action.
allow132 (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-allow132(toggle) action.
cursesemul (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-cursesemul(toggle) action.
visualbell (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-visualbell(toggle) action.
marginbell (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-marginbell(toggle) action.
altscreen (class SmeBSB) Thisentry iscurrently disabled.
line1 (class SmeLine) Thisisa separator.
softreset (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe soft-reset() action.
hardreset (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe hard-reset() action.
clearsavedlines (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe clear-saved-lines() action.
line2 (class SmeLine) Thisisa separator.
tekshow (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-visibility(tek,toggle) action.
tekmode (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-terminal-type(tek) action.
Part I: User Commands
vthide (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-visibility(vt,off) action.
The fontMenu hasthe following entries:
fontdefault (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-vt-font(d) action.
font1 (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-vt-font(1) action.
font2 (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-vt-font(2) action.
font3 (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-vt-font(3) action.
font4 (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-vt-font(4) action.
font5 (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-vt-font(5) action.
font6 (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-vt-font(6) action.
fontescape (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-vt-font(e) action.
fontsel (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-vt-font(s) action.
The tekMenu hasthe following entries:
tektextlarge (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-tek-text(l) action.
tektext2 (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-tek-text(2) action.
tektext3 (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-tek-text(3) action.
tektextsmall (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-tek-text(s) action.
line1 (class SmeLine) Thisisa separator.
tekpage (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe tek-page() action.
tekreset (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe tek-reset() action.
tekcopy (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe tek-copy() action.
line2 (class SmeLine) Thisisa separator.
vtshow (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-visibility(vt,toggle) action.
vtmode (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-terminal-type(vt) action.
tekhide (class SmeBSB) Thisentry invokesthe set-visibility(tek,toggle) action.
The following resourcesare useful when specified for the Athena Scrollbar widget:
thickness (class Thickness) Specifiesthe width in pixelsof the scrollbar.
background (class Background) Specifiesthe color to use for the background of the scrollbar.
foreground (class Foreground) Specifiesthe color to use for the foreground of the scrollbar.
The thumb of the scrollbar isa simple checkerboard pattern
alternating pixelsfor foreground and background color.
Once the VT102 window iscreated, xterm allowsyou to select text and copy it within the same or other windows.
The selection functionsare invoked when the pointer buttonsare used with no modifiers, and when they are used with the
Shift key. The assignment of the functionsdescribed in thissubsection to keysand buttonsmay be changed through the
resource database; see the Actions subsection later in thissection.
Pointer button one (usually left) isused to save text into the cut buffer. Move the cursor to the beginning of the text, and
then hold the button down while moving the cursor to the end of the region and releasing the button. The selected text is
highlighted and issaved in the global cut buffer and made the PRIMARY selection when the button isreleased. Double-clicking
selectsby words. Triple-clicking selectsby lines. Quadruple-clicking goesback to characters, and so on. Multiple-click is
determined by the time from button up to button down, so you can change the selection unit in the middle of a selection. If
the key/button bindingsspecify that an X selection isto be made, xterm will leave the selected text highlighted for aslong as
it isthe selection owner.
Pointer button two (usually middle) types (pastes) the text from the PRIMARY selection, if any, otherwise from the cut
buffer, inserting it askeyboard input.
Pointer button three (usually right) extendsthe current selection. (Without lossof generality, you can swap right and left
everywhere in the rest of thisparagraph.) If pressed while closer to the right edge of the selection than the left, it extends/
contractsthe right edge of the selection. If you contract the selection past the left edge of the selection, xterm assumesyou
really meant the left edge, restoresthe original selection, then extends/contractsthe left edge of the selection. Extension starts
in the selection unit mode that the last selection or extension wasperformed in; you can multiple-click to cycle through
By cutting and pasting piecesof text without trailing new lines, you can take text from several placesin different windows
and form a command to the shell, for example, or take output from a program and insert it into your favorite editor. Since
the cut buffer isglobally shared among different applications, you should regard it asa file whose contentsyou know. The
terminal emulator and other text programsshould be treating it asif it were a text file; that is, the text isdelimited by new
The scroll region displaysthe position and amount of text currently showing in the window (highlighted) relative to the
amount of text actually saved. Asmore text issaved (up to the maximum), the size of the highlighted area decreases.
Clicking button one with the pointer in the scroll region movesthe adjacent line to the top of the display window.
Clicking button three movesthe top line of the display window down to the pointer position.
Clicking button two movesthe display to a position in the saved text that correspondsto the pointersposition in the
Unlike the VT102 window, the Tektronix window doesnot allow the copying of text. It doesallow Tektronix GIN mode,
and in thismode the cursor will change from an arrow to a cross. Pressing any key will send that key and the current
coordinate of the crosscursor. Pressing button one, two, or three will return the lettersl, m, and r, respectively. If the Shift
key ispressed when a pointer button ispressed, the corresponding uppercase letter issent. To distinguish a pointer button
from a key, the high bit of the character isset (but thisisbit isnormally stripped unlessthe terminal mode isRAW; see
tty(4) for details).
Xterm hasfour menus: mainMenu, vtMenu, fontMenu, and tekMenu. Each menu popsup under the correct combinationsof key
and button presses. Most menusare divided into two sections, separated by a horizontal line. The top portion contains
variousmodesthat can be altered. A check mark appearsnext to a mode that iscurrently active. Selecting one of these modes
togglesitsstate. The bottom portion of the menu consistsof command entries; selecting one of these performsthe indicated
The xterm menu popsup when the Control key and pointer button one are pressed in a window. The mainMenu contains
itemsthat apply to both the VT102 and Tektronix windows. The Secure Keyboard mode isused when typing in passwords
or other sensitive data in an unsecured environment. (See the SECURITY subsection.) Notable entriesin the command
section of the menu are the Continue, Suspend, Interrupt, Hangup, Terminate, and Kill, which send the SIGCONT, SIGTSTP,
SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGTERM, and SIGKILL signals, respectively, to the processgroup of the processrunning under xterm (usually
the shell). The Continue function isespecially useful if the user hasaccidentally typed CTRL-Z, suspending the process.
The vtMenu setsvariousmodesin the VT102 emulation, and ispopped up when the Control key and pointer button two are
pressed in the VT102 window. In the command section of thismenu, the Soft Reset entry will reset scroll regions. Thiscan
be convenient when some program hasleft the scroll regionsset incorrectly (often a problem when using VMS or TOPS-20).
The Full Reset entry will clear the screen, reset tabsto every eight columns, and reset the terminal modes(such aswrap and
smooth scroll) to their initial statesjust after xterm hasfinished processing the command-line options.
The fontMenu setsthe font used in the VT102 window. In addition to the default font and a number of alternativesthat are
set with resources, the menu offersthe font last specified by the Set Font escape sequence (see the document Xterm Control
Sequences) and the current selection asa font name (if the PRIMARY selection isowned).
Part I: User Commands
The tekMenu setsvariousmodesin the Tektronix emulation, and ispopped up when the Control key and pointer button two
are pressed in the Tektronix window. The current font size ischecked in the Modessection of the menu. The PAGE entry in
the Command section clearsthe Tektronix window.
X environmentsdiffer in their security consciousness. Most servers, run under xdm, are capable of using a magic cookie
authorization scheme that can provide a reasonable level of security for many people. If your server isonly using a host-based
mechanism to control accessto the server (see xhost(1)), then if you enable accessfor a host and other usersare also
permitted to run clientson that same host, there isevery possibility that someone can run an application that will use the
basic servicesof the X protocol to snoop on your activities, potentially capturing a transcript of everything you type at the
keyboard. Thisisof particular concern when you want to type in a password or other sensitive data. The best solution to this
problem isto use a better authorization mechanism that host-based control, but a simple mechanism existsfor protecting
keyboard input in xterm.
The xterm menu (see Menus, earlier in thissection) containsa Secure Keyboard entry which, when enabled, ensuresthat all
keyboard input isdirected only to xterm (using the GrabKeyboard protocol request). When an application promptsyou for a
password (or other sensitive data), you can enable Secure Keyboard using the menu, type in the data, and then disable Secure
Keyboard using the menu again. Only one X client at a time can secure the keyboard, so when you attempt to enable Secure
Keyboard, it may fail. In thiscase, the bell will sound. If the Secure Keyboard succeeds, the foreground and background colors
will be exchanged (asif you selected the Reverse Video entry in the Modesmenu); they will be exchanged again when you
exit secure mode. If the colorsdo not switch, then you should be very suspiciousthat you are being spoofed. If the applica-
tion you are running displaysa prompt before asking for the password, it issafest to enter secure mode before the prompt
getsdisplayed, and to make sure that the prompt getsdisplayed correctly (in the new colors), to minimize the probability of
spoofing. You can also bring up the menu again and make sure that a check mark appearsnext to the entry.
Secure Keyboard mode will be disabled automatically if your xterm window becomesiconified (or otherwise unmapped), or
if you start up a reparenting window manager (that placesa title bar or other decoration around the window) while in Secure
Keyboard mode. (Thisisa feature of the X protocol that isnt easily overcome.) When thishappens, the foreground and
background colorswill be switched back and the bell will sound in warning.
Clicking the middle mouse button twice in rapid succession will cause all charactersof the same class(for example, letters,
whitespace, punctuation) to be selected. Since different people have different preferencesfor what should be selected (for
example, should filenamesbe selected asa whole or only the separate subnames?), the default mapping can be overridden
through the use of the charClass (class CharClass) resource.
Thisresource isa seriesof comma-separated r ange: val ue pairs. The range iseither a single number or low-high in the range
of 0 to 127, corresponding to the ASCII code for the character or charactersto be set. The value isarbitrary, although the
default table usesthe character number of the first character occurring in the set.
The default table is
static int charClass[128] = {
32, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 32, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
/*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/*8 9 :;< => ?*/
48, 48, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
/*@ABC D E F G*/
64, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/* H I J K L M N O */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/*P QR S T UVW*/
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/*XY Z [\] */
48, 48, 48, 91, 92, 93, 94, 48,
/*ab c d e fg */
96, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/*h ijklm n o */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/*p q rs tu v w */
48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48,
/*x y zf jg DEL */
48, 48, 48, 123, 124, 125, 126, 1};
For example, the string 33:48,37:48,45-47:48,64:48 indicatesthat the exclamation mark, percent sign, dash, period, slash,
and ampersand charactersshould be treated the same way ascharactersand numbers. Thisisuseful for cutting and pasting
electronic mailing addressesand filenames.
It ispossible to rebind keys(or sequencesof keys) to arbitrary stringsfor input by changing the translationsfor the vt100 or
tek4014 widgets. Changing the translationsfor eventsother than key and button eventsisnot expected, and will cause
unpredictable behavior. The following actionsare provided for using within the vt100 or tek4014 translationsresources:
bell([per cent ]) Thisaction ringsthe keyboard bell at the specified percentage
above or below the base volume.
ignore() Thisaction ignoresthe event but checksfor special pointer
position escape sequences.
insert() Thisaction insertsthe character or string associated with the
key that waspressed.
insert-seven-bit() Thisaction isa synonym for insert().
insert-eight-bit() Thisaction insertsan eight-bit (Meta) version of the character
or string associated with the key that waspressed. The exact
action dependson the value of the eightBitInput resource.
insert-selection Thisaction insertsthe string found in the selection or cut
(sour cename [, ...]) buffer indicated by sourcename. Sourcesare checked in
the order given (case issignificant) until one isfound.
Commonly used selectionsinclude PRIMARY, SECONDARY, and
CLIPBOARD. Cut buffersare typically named CUT_BUFFER0
through CUT_BUFFER7.
keymap(name) Thisaction dynamically definesa new translation table whose
resource name isname with the suffix Keymap (case issignifi-
cant). The name None restoresthe original translation table.
popup-menu(menuname) Thisaction displaysthe specified pop-up menu. Valid names
(case issignificant) include mainMenu, vtMenu, fontMenu, and
secure() Thisaction togglesthe Secure Keyboard mode described in the
Security subsection, and isinvoked from the securekbd entry
in mainMenu.
Part I: User Commands
select-start() Thisaction beginstext selection at the current pointer
location. See the subsection on Pointer Usage for informa-
tion on making selections.
select-extend() Thisaction tracksthe pointer and extendsthe selection. It
should only be bound to Motion events.
select-end Thisaction putsthe currently selected text into all of the
(dest name [, ...]) selectionsor cut buffersspecified by dest name.
select-cursor-start() Thisaction issimilar to select-start except that it beginsthe
selection at the current text cursor position.
select-cursor-end Thisaction issimilar to select-end except that it should
(dest name [, ...]) be used with select-cursor-start.
set-vt-font Thisaction setsthe font or fontscurrently being
(d/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ e/ s used in the VT102 window. The first argument isa
[, nor mal f ont [ , bol df ont ]]) single character that specifiesthe font to be used: d or D
indicate the default font (the font initially used when xterm
wasstarted), 1 through 6 indicate the fontsspecified by the
font1 through font6 resources, e or E indicate the normal and
bold fontsthat have been set through escape codes(or
specified asthe second and third action arguments, respec-
tively), and s or S indicate the font selection (asmade by
programssuch asxfontsel(1)) indicated by the second action
start-extend() Thisaction issimilar to select-start except that the selection
isextended to the current pointer location.
start-cursor-extend() Thisaction issimilar to select-extend except that the selection
isextended to the current text cursor position.
string(st r i ng) Thisaction insertsthe specified text string asif it had been
typed. Quotation isnecessary if the string containswhitespace
or nonalphanumeric characters. If the string argument begins
with the characters0x, it isinterpreted asa hex character
scroll-back(count [,units]) Thisaction scrollsthe text window backward so that text that
had previously scrolled off the top of the screen isnow visible.
The count argument indicatesthe number of units(which
may be page, half page, pixel, or line) by which to scroll.
scroll-forw(count [,uni t s]) Thisaction scroll issimilar to scroll-back except that it scrolls
the other direction.
allow-send-events Thisaction set or togglesthe allowSendEvents resource and is
(on/ of f / t oggl e) also invoked by the allowsends entry in mainMenu.
redraw() Thisaction redrawsthe window and isalso invoked by the
redraw entry in mainMenu.
send-signal(si gname) Thisaction sendsthe signal named by si gname to the xterm
subprocess(the shell or program specified with the e
command-line option) and isalso invoked by the suspend,
continue, interrupt, hangup, terminate, and kill entriesin
mainMenu. Allowable signal namesare (case isnot significant)
tstp (if supported by the operating system), suspend (same as
tstp), cont (if supported by the operating system), int, hup,
term, quit, alrm, alarm (same asalrm), and kill.
quit() Thisaction sendsa SIGHUP to the subprogram and exits. It is
also invoked by the quit entry in mainMenu.
set-scrollbar(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesthe scrollbar resource and isalso invoked
by the scrollbar entry in vtMenu.
set-jumpscroll(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesthe jumpscroll resource and isalso invoked
by the jumpscroll entry in vtMenu.
set-reverse-video(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesthe reverseVideo resource and isalso
invoked by the reversevideo entry in vtMenu.
set-autowrap(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesautomatic wrapping of long linesand is
also invoked by the autowrap entry in vtMenu.
set-reversewrap(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesthe reverseWrap resource and isalso
invoked by the reversewrap entry in vtMenu.
set-autolinefeed(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesautomatic insertion of line-feedsand isalso
invoked by the autolinefeed entry in vtMenu.
set-appcursor(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesthe handling Application Cursor Key mode
and isalso invoked by the appcursor entry in vtMenu.
set-appkeypad(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesthe handling of Application Key-pad mode
and isalso invoked by the appkeypad entry in vtMenu.
set-scroll-on-key(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesthe scrollKey resource and isalso
invoked from the scrollkey entry in vtMenu.
set-scroll-on-tty-output(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesthe scrollTtyOutput resource and isalso
invoked from the scrollttyoutput entry in vtMenu.
set-allow132(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesthe c132 resource and isalso invoked from
the allow132 entry in vtMenu.
set-cursesemul(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesthe curses resource and isalso invoked
from the cursesemul entry in vtMenu.
set-visual-bell(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesthe visualBell resource and isalso invoked
by the visualbell entry in vtMenu.
set-marginbell(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesthe marginBell resource and isalso invoked
from the marginbell entry in vtMenu.
set-altscreen(on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction togglesbetween the alternate and current screens.
soft-reset() Thisaction resetsthe scrolling region and isalso invoked from
the softreset entry in vtMenu.
hard-reset() Thisaction resetsthe scrolling region, tabs, window size, and
cursor keys, and clearsthe screen. It isalso invoked from the
hardreset entry in vtMenu.
clear-saved-lines() Thisaction doeshard-reset() and also clearsthe history of
linessaved off the top of the screen. It isalso invoked from the
clearsavedlines entry in vtMenu.
set-terminal-type(t ype) Thisaction directsoutput to either the vt or tek windows,
according to the t ype string. It isalso invoked by the tekmode
entry in vtMenu and the vtmode entry in tekMenu.
set-visibility(vt / t ek, on/ of f / t oggl e) Thisaction controlswhether or not the vt or tek windows
are visible. It isalso invoked from the tekshow and vthide
entriesin vtMenu and the vtshow and tekhide entriesin tekMenu.
set-tek-text(l ar ge/ 2/ 3/ smal l ) Thisaction setsfont used in the Tektronix window to
the value of the resourcestektextlarge, tektext2, tektext3,
and tektextsmall according to the argument. It isalso
by the entriesof the same namesasthe resourcesin tekMenu.
tek-page() Thisaction clearsthe Tektronix window and isalso invoked
by the tekpage entry in tekMenu.
Part I: User Commands
tek-reset() Thisaction resetsthe Tektronix window and isalso invoked
by the tekreset entry in tekMenu.
tek-copy() Thisaction copiesthe escape codesused to generate the
current window contentsto a file in the current directory
beginning with the name COPY. It isalso invoked from the
tekcopy entry in tekMenu.
visual-bell() Thisaction flashesthe window quickly.
The Tektronix window also hasthe following action:
gin-press(l / L/ m/ M/ r / R) Thisaction sendsthe indicated graphicsinput code.
The default bindingsin the VT102 window are
Shift <KeyPress> Prior: scroll-back(1,halfpage) \n\
Shift <KeyPress> Next: scroll-forw(1,halfpage) \n\
Shift <KeyPress> Select: select-cursor-start() \
select-cursor-end(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
Shift <KeyPress> Insert: insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
Meta<KeyPress>: insert-seven-bit() \n\
Meta<KeyPress>: insert-eight-bit() \n\
!Ctrl <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
!Mod2 Ctrl <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
!Mod2 Lock Ctrl <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
Meta <Btn1Down>: select-start() \n\
Meta <Btn1Motion>: select-extend() \n\
!Ctrl <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(vtMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl <Btn2Down>: popup-m
The default bindingsin the Tektronix window are
Meta<KeyPress>: insert-seven-bit() \n\
Meta<KeyPress>: insert-eight-bit() \n\
!Ctrl <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
!Mod2 Ctrl <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
!Mod2 Lock Ctrl <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(mainMenu) \n\
!Ctrl <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(tekMenu) \n\
!Lock Ctrl <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(tekMenu) \n\
!Mod2 Ctrl <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(tekMenu) \n\
!Mod2 Lock Ctrl <Btn2Down>: popup-menu(tekMenu) \n\
Shift Meta<Btn1Down>: gin-press(L) \n\
Meta<Btn1Down>: gin-press(l) \n\
Shift Meta<Btn2Down>: gin-press(M) \n\
Meta<Btn2Down>: gin-press(m) \n\
Shift Meta<Btn3Down>: gin-press(R) \n\
Meta<Btn3Down>: gin-press(r)
Below isa sample how of the keymap() action isused to add special keysfor entering commonly typed works:
*VT100.Translations: #override <Key>F13: keymap(dbx)
VT100.dbxKeymap.translations: \
<Key>F14: keymap(None) \n\
<Key>F17: string(next) string(0x0d) \n\
<Key>F18: string(step) string(0x0d) \n\
<Key>F19: string(continue) string(0x0d) \n\
<Key>F20: string(print ) insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0)
xterm setsthe environment variablesTERM and TERMCAP properly for the size window you have created. It also usesand setsthe
environment variable DISPLAY to specify which bit map display terminal to use. The environment variable WINDOWID isset to
the X window id number of the xterm window.
resize(1), X(1), pty(4), tty(4)
Xterm Control Sequences
Large pastesdo not work on some systems. Thisisnot a bug in xterm; it isa bug in the pseudo-terminal driver of those
systems. xterm feedslarge pastesto the pty only asfast asthe pty will accept data, but some pty driversdo not return enough
information to know if the write hassucceeded.
Many of the optionsare not resettable after xterm starts.
Only fixed-width, character-cell fontsare supported.
Thisprogram still needsto be rewritten. It should be split into very modular sections, with the variousemulatorsbeing
completely separate widgetsthat dont know about each other. Ideally, youd like to be able to pick and choose emulator
widgetsand stick them into a single control widget.
There needsto be a dialog box to allow entry of the Tek COPY filename.
Far too many people, including Loretta Guarino Reid (DEC-UEG-WSL), Joel McCormack (DEC-UEG-WSL), Terry
Weissman (DEC-UEG-WSL), Edward Moy (Berkeley), Ralph R. Swick (MIT-Athena), Mark Vandevoorde (MIT-Athena),
Bob McNamara (DEC-MAD), Jim Gettys(MIT-Athena), Bob Scheifler (MIT X Consortium), Doug Mink (SAO), Steve
Pitschke (Stellar), Ron Newman (MIT-Athena), Jim Fulton (MIT X Consortium), Dave Serisky (HP), Jonathan Kamens
X Version 11 Release6
XvfbVirtual framebuffer X server for X Version 11
Xvfb [ option ] ...
Xvfb isan X server that can run on machineswith no display hardware and no physical input devices. It emulatesa dumb
framebuffer using virtual memory.
The primary use of thisserver isintended to be server testing. The mfb or cfb code for any depth can be exercised with this
server without the need for real hardware that supportsthe desired depths.
A secondary use istesting clientsagainst unusual depthsand screen configurations.
Part I: User Commands
In addition to the normal server optionsdescribed in the Xserver(1) manual page, Xvfb acceptsthe following command-line
screen scr eennum Wx HxD Thisoption createsscreen scr eennum and setsitswidth, height,
and depth to W, H, and D, respectively. By default, only screen 0
existsand hasthe dimensions128010248.
pixdepths l i st - of - dept hs Thisoption specifiesa list of pixmap depthsthat the server
should support in addition to the depthsimplied by the
supported screens. list-of-depths isa space-separated list of
integersthat can have valuesfrom 1 to 32.
fbdir f r amebuf f er - di r ect or y Thisoption specifiesthe directory in which the memory-
mapped filescontaining the framebuffer memory should be
created. (See Files.) Thisoption only existson machinesthat
have the mmap and msync system calls.
shmem Thisoption specifiesthat the framebuffer should be put in
shared memory. The shared memory ID for each screen will be
printed by the server. The shared memory isin xwd format.
Thisoption only existson machinesthat support the System V
shared memory interface.
If neither shmem nor fbdir isspecified, the framebuffer memory will be allocated with malloc().
The following file iscreated if the fbdir option isgiven:
f r amebuf f er - di r ect or y Memory-mapped file containing screen nsframebuffer
/Xvfb_screen<n> memory, one file per screen. The file isin xwd format.
Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1600x1200x32 The server will listen for connectionsasserver number 1, and
screen 0 will be depth 32 16001200.
Xvfb :1 -screen 1 1600x1200x16 The server will listen for connectionsasserver number 1, will
have the default screen configuration (one screen,
128010248), and screen 1 will be depth 16 16001200.
Xvfb -pixdepths 3 27 The server will listen for connectionsasserver number 0,
-fbdir /usr/tmp will have the default screen configuration (one screen,
128010248), will also support pixmap depthsof 3 and 27,
and will use memory-mapped filesin /usr/tmp for the
xwud -in /usr/tmp/Xvfb screen0 Displaysscreen 0 of the server started by the preceding
X(1), Xserver(1), xwd(1), xwud(1), XWDFile.h
David P. Wiggins(X Consortium, Inc.)
X Version 11 Release6
xvidtuneVideo mode tuner for XFree86
xvidtune [ -prev j -next j -unlock j -query j -saver suspendt i me [ of f t i me ]][t ool ki t opt i on ... ]
Xvidtune isa client interface to the XFree86 X server video mode extension (XFree86-VidModeExtension).
When given one of the nontoolkit options, xvidtune providesa command-line interface to either switch the video mode or
get/set monitor powersaver time-outs.
Without any options(or with only toolkit options) it presentsthe user with variousbuttonsand slidersthat can be used to
interactively adjust existing video modes. It will also print the settingsin a format suitable for inclusion in an XF86Config file.
The original mode settingscan be restored by pressing the R key, and thiscan be used to restore a stable screen in situa-
tionswhere the screen becomesunreadable.
The available buttonsare
Adjust the video mode so that the display will be moved in the appropriate direction:
Adjust the video mode so that the display size isaltered appropriately:
Quit Exit the program.
Apply Adjust the current video mode to match the selected settings.
Auto Cause the Up/Down/Right/Left, Wider/Narrower/Shorter/
Taller, Restore, and the special S3 buttonsto be applied
immediately. Thisbutton can be toggled.
Test Temporarily switch to the selected settings.
Restore Return the settingsto their original values.
Fetch Query the server for itscurrent settings.
Show Print the currently selected settingsto stdout in XF86Config
Modeline format. The primary selection issimilarly set.
Next Switch the Xserver to the next video mode.
Prev Switch the Xserver to the previousvideo mode.
For some S3-based cards(964 and 968) the following are also available:
InvertVCLK Change the VCLK invert/noninvert state.
EarlySC Change the Early SC state. Thisaffectsscreen wrapping.
Part I: User Commands
BlankDelay1, BlankDelay2 Set the blank delay values. Thisaffectsscreen wrapping.
Acceptable valuesare in the range 07. The valuesmay be
incremented or decremented with the + and - buttons, or by
pressing the + or - keysin the text field.
For S3-864/868 based cards, InvertVCLK and BlankDelay1 may be useful. For S3 Trio32/Trio64 cards, only InvertVCLK is
available. At the moment there are no default settingsavailable for these chipsin the video mode extension and thusthis
feature isdisabled in xvidtune. It can be enabled by setting any of the optional S3 commandsin the screen section of
XF86Config, for example, using
blank delay 0
xvidtune acceptsthe standard X Toolkit command-line optionsaswell asthe following:
prev Switch the Xserver to the previousvideo mode.
next Switch the Xserver to the next video mode.
unlock Normally, xvidtune will disable the switching of video modes
via hot keyswhile it isrunning. If for some reason the program
did not exit cleanly and they are still disabled, the program can
be rerun with thisoption to reenable the mode switching key
saver suspendt i me [of f t i me] Set the suspend and off screen saver inactivity time-outs. The
valuesare in seconds.
query Display the monitor parametersand extended screen saver
Kaleb S. Keithley (X Consortium), additionsand modificationsby Jon Tombs, David Dawes, and Joe Moss
X Version 11 Release6
xvminitoppmConvert an XV thumbnail picture to PPM
xvminitoppm [xvmi ni pi c]
Readsan XV thumbnail picture (a miniature picture generated by the VisualSchnauzer browser) asinput. Producesa
portable pixmap asoutput.
ppm(5), xv(1)
Copyright (c) 1993 by Ingo Wilken
14 December 1993
xwdDump an image of an X window
xwd [-debug] [-help] [-nobdrs] [-out f i l e] [-xy] [-frame] [-add val ue]
[-root j -id i d j -name name ] [-icmap] [-screen] [-display di spl ay]
xwd isan X Window System window dumping utility. xwd allowsX usersto store window imagesin a specially formatted
dump file. Thisfile can then be read by variousother X utilitiesfor redisplay, printing, editing, formatting, archiving, image
processing, and so on. The target window isselected by clicking the pointer in the desired window. The keyboard bell is
rung once at the beginning of the dump and twice when the dump iscompleted.
-display di spl ay Thisargument allowsyou to specify the server to connect to;
see X(1).
-help Print out the Usage: command syntax summary.
-nobdrs Thisargument specifiesthat the window dump should not
include the pixelsthat compose the X window border. Thisis
useful in situationsin which you may wish to include the
window contentsin a document asan illustration.
-out f i l e Thisargument allowsthe user to explicitly specify the output
file on the command line. The default isto output to standard
-xy Thisoption appliesto color displaysonly. It selectsXY format
dumping instead of the default Z format.
-add val ue Thisoption specifiesa signed value to be added to every pixel.
-frame Thisoption indicatesthat the window manager frame should
be included when manually selecting a window.
-root Thisoption indicatesthat the root window should be selected
for the window dump, without requiring the user to select a
window with the pointer.
-id i d Thisoption indicatesthat the window with the specified
resource i d should be selected for the window dump, without
requiring the user to select a window with the pointer.
-name name Thisoption indicatesthat the window with the specified
WM_NAME property should be selected for the window dump,
without requiring the user to select a window with the pointer.
-icmap Normally, the colormap of the chosen window isused to
obtain RGB values. Thisoption forcesthe first installed
colormap of the screen to be used instead.
-screen Thisoption indicatesthat the GetImage request used to obtain
the image should be done on the root window, rather than
directly on the specified window. In thisway, you can obtain
piecesof other windowsthat overlap the specified window,
and more importantly, you can capture menusor other
popupsthat are independent windowsbut that appear over the
specified window.
Part I: User Commands
DISPLAY To get default host and display number
XWDFile.h X Window dump file format definition file.
xwud(1), xpr(1), X(1)
Tony Della Fera (Digital Equipment Corporation, MIT Project Athena) and William F. Wyatt (Smithsonian Astrophysical
X Version 11 Release6
xwdtopnmConvert an X11 or X10 window dump file into a portable anymap
xwdtopnm [xwdf i l e]
Readsan X11 or X10 window dump file asinput. Producesa portable anymap asoutput. The type of the output file
dependson the input file. If itsblack and white, a pbm file iswritten; if itsgrayscale, a pgm file, else a ppm file. The program
tellsyou which type it iswriting.
Using thisprogram, you can convert anything on an X workstationsscreen into an anymap. Just display whatever youre
interested in, do an xwd, run it through xwdtopnm, and then use pnmcut to select the part you want.
I havent tested thistool with very many configurations, so there are probably bugs. Please let me know if you find any.
pnmtoxwd(1), pnm(5), xwd(1)
Copyright (c) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
11 January1991
xwininfoWindow information utility for X
xwininfo [help] [id i d] [root] [name name] [int] [children] [tree]
[stats] [bits] [events] [size] [wm] [shape] [frame] [all] [english]
[metric] [display di spl ay]
xwininfo isa utility for displaying information about windows. Variousinformation isdisplayed depending on which options
are selected. If no optionsare chosen, stats isassumed.
The user hasthe option of selecting the target window with the mouse (by clicking any mouse button in the desired
window) or by specifying itswindow id on the command line with the id option. Or instead of specifying the window by
itsid number, the name option may be used to specify which window isdesired by name. There isalso a special root
option to quickly obtain information on the screensroot window.
help Print out the Usage: command syntax summary.
id i d Thisoption allowsthe user to specify a target window id on
the command line rather than using the mouse to select the
target window. Thisisvery useful in debugging X applications
where the target window isnot mapped to the screen or where
the use of the mouse might be impossible or interfere with the
name name Thisoption allowsthe user to specify that the window name is
the target window on the command line rather than using the
mouse to select the target window.
root Thisoption specifiesthat Xsroot window isthe target
window. Thisisuseful in situationswhere the root window is
completely obscured.
int Thisoption specifiesthat all X window idsshould be
displayed asinteger values. The default isto display them as
hexadecimal values.
children Thisoption causesthe root, parent, and children windows ids
and namesof the selected window to be displayed.
tree Thisoption islike children but displaysall children
stats Thisoption causesthe display of variousattributespertaining
to the location and appearance of the selected window.
Information displayed includesthe location of the window, its
width and height, itsdepth, border width, class, colormap id if
any, map state, backing-store hint, and location of the corners.
bits Thisoption causesthe display of variousattributespertaining
to the selected windowsraw bitsand how the selected window
isto be stored. Displayed information includesthe selected
windowsbit gravity, window gravity, backing-store hint,
backing-planesvalue, backing pixel, and whether or not the
window hassave-under set.
events Thisoption causesthe selected windowsevent masksto be
displayed. Both the event mask of eventswanted by some
client and the event mask of eventsnot to propagate are
size Thisoption causesthe selected windowssizing hintsto be
displayed. Displayed information includesthe following: for
both the normal size hintsand the zoom size hints, the user
supplied location, if any; the program supplied location, if any;
the user supplied size, if any; the program supplied size, if any;
Part I: User Commands
the minimum size, if any; the maximum size, if any; the resize
increments, if any; and the minimum and maximum aspect
ratios, if any.
wm Thisoption causesthe selected windowswindow manager
hintsto be displayed. Information displayed may include
whether or not the application acceptsinput, what the
windowsicon window # and name is, where the windows
icon should go, and what the windowsinitial state should be.
shape Thisoption causesthe selected windowswindow and border
shape extentsto be displayed.
frame Thisoption causeswindow manager framesto be considered
when manually selecting windows.
metric Thisoption causesall individual height, width, and x and y
positionsto be displayed in millimetersaswell asnumber of
pixels, based on what the server thinksthe resolution is.
Geometry specificationsthat are in +x+y form are not changed.
english Thisoption causesall individual height, width, and x and y
positionsto be displayed in inches(and feet, yards, and milesif
necessary) aswell asnumber of pixels. metric and english
may both be enabled at the same time.
all Thisoption isa quick way to ask for all information possible.
display di spl ay Thisoption allowsyou to specify the server to connect to; see
The following isa sample summary taken with no optionsspecified:
xwininfo: Window id: 0x60000f xterm Absolute upper-left X: 2
Absolute upper-left Y: 85 Relative upper-left X: 0 Relative upper-left Y: 25
Width: 579 Height: 316 Depth: 8 Visual Class: PseudoColor Border width: 0
Class: InputOutput Colormap: 0x27 (installed) Bit Gravity State:
NorthWestGravity Window Gravity State: NorthWestGravity Backing Store State:
NotUseful Save Under State: no Map State: IsViewable Override Redirect State:
no Corners: +2+85 -699+85 -699-623 +2-623 -geometry 80x24+0+58
DISPLAY To get the default host and display number
X(1), xprop(1)
Using stats bits showssome redundant information.
The -geometry string displayed must make assumptionsabout the windowsborder width and the behavior of the application
and the window manager. Asa result, the location given isnot alwayscorrect.
Mark Lillibridge (MIT Project Athena)
X Version 11 Release6
xwudImage displayer for X
xwud [-in f i l e] [-noclick] [-geometry geom] [-display di spl ay ]
[-new] [-std <maptype>] [-raw] [-vis <vis-type-or-id>] [-help] [-rv]
[-plane number ] [-fg col or ] [-bg col or ]
xwud isan X Window System image undumping utility. xwud allowsX usersto display in a window an image saved in a
specially formatted dump file, such asproduced by xwd(1).
-bg col or If a bitmap image (or a single plane of an image) isdisplayed,
thisoption can be used to specify the color to display for the 0
bitsin the image.
-display di spl ay Thisoption allowsyou to specify the server to connect to; see
-fg col or If a bitmap image (or a single plane of an image) isdisplayed,
thisoption can be used to specify the color to display for the 1
bitsin the image.
-geometry geom Thisoption allowsyou to specify the size and position of the
window. Typically, you will only want to specify the position,
and let the size default to the actual size of the image.
-help Print out a short description of the allowable options.
-in f i l e Thisoption enablesthe user to explicitly specify the input file
on the command line. If no input file isgiven, the standard
input isassumed.
-new Thisoption forcescreation of a new colormap for displaying
the image. If the image characteristicshappen to match those
of the display, thiscan get the image on the screen faster, but
at the cost of using a new colormap (which on most displays
will cause other windowsto go Technicolor).
-noclick Clicking any button in the window will terminate the
application, unlessthisoption isspecified. Termination can
alwaysbe achieved by typing q, Q, or Ctrl+C.
-plane number You can select a single bit plane of the image to display with
thisoption. Planesare numbered with zero being the least
significant bit. Thisoption can be used to figure out which
plane to passto xpr(1) for printing.
-raw Thisoption forcesthe image to be displayed with whatever
color valueshappen to currently exist on the screen. This
option ismostly useful when undumping an image back onto
the same screen that the image originally came from, while the
original windowsare still on the screen, and resultsin getting
the image on the screen faster.
-rv If a bitmap image (or a single plane of an image) isdisplayed,
thisoption forcesthe foreground and background colorsto be
swapped. Thismay be needed when displaying a bitmap image
that hasthe color sense of pixel values0 and 1 reversed from
what they are on your display.
Part I: User Commands
-std mapt ype Thisoption causesthe image to be displayed using the
specified standard colormap. The property name isobtained
by converting the type to uppercase, prepending RGB, and
appending MAP. Typical typesare best, default, and gray. See
xstd-cmap(1) for one way of creating standard colormaps.
-vis vi s- t ype- or - i d Thisoption allowsyou to specify a particular visual or visual
class. The default isto pick the best one. A particular class
can be specified: StaticGray, GrayScale, StaticColor,
PseudoColor, DirectColor, or TrueColor. Or Match can be
specified, meaning use the same classasthe source image.
Alternatively, an exact visual id (specific to the server) can be
specified, either asa hexadecimal number (prefixed with 0x) or
asa decimal number. Finally, default can be specified,
meaning to use the same classasthe colormap of the root
window. Case isnot significant in any of these strings.
DISPLAY To get default display
XWDFile.h X Window dump file format definition file
xwd(1), xpr(1), xstdcmap(1), X(1)
Bob Scheifler (MIT X Consortium)
X Version 11 Release6
ybmtopbmConvert a Bennet Yee face file into a portable bitmap
ybmtopbm [f acef i l e]
Readsa file acceptable to the face and xbm programsby Bennet Yee ( Writesa portable bitmap asoutput.
pbmtoybm(1), pbm(5), face(1), face(5), xbm(1)
Copyright (c) 1991 by Jamie Zawinski and Jef Poskanzer.
6 March 1990
ytalkA multiuser chat program.
ytalk [-x] username...
ytalk (V3.0 Patch Level 1) isin essence a multiuser chat program. It worksalmost exactly like the UNIX talk program and
even communicateswith the same talk daemon(s), but YTalk allowsfor multiple connections.
The username field may be formatted in several different ways:
name Some user on your machine
name@host Some user on a different machine
name#tty Some user on a particular terminal
name#tty@host Some user on a particular tty on a different machine
name@host#tty Same asname#tty@host
You can specify multiple usernameson the command line, for example,
ytalk george
The -x option disablesthe X11 interface (described below).
For each user on the command line, ytalk will attempt to connect to the talk daemon on the specified usershost and
determine if that user hasleft an invitation for you to call. If not, ytalk leavesan invitation for him and tellshistalk daemon
to send an announcement to hisscreen. There isnot yet a dedicated ytalk daemon, but there will be. Right now, ytalk is
able to communicate with both existing versionsof UNIX talk daemons. For any particular host, ytalk will attempt to
communicate with a talk daemon the callershost also supports. If the two hostshave no daemon in common, then UNIX
talk will not function at all, but a connection ispossible through (and only through) ytalk.
After a connection hasbeen established between two users, they can chat back and forth to their hearts content. The
connection isterminated when one of them hitsControl-C or selectsQuit from the main menu.
ytalk isperfectly compatible with UNIX talk and they can even converse with each other without any problems. However,
many of the featuresof ytalk can only operate when you are connected to a user who isalso using ytalk. For the rest of this
document, it will be assumed that all connected usersare using ytalk unlessotherwise stated.
If you specified more than one user on the ytalk command line, then ytalk will processand add each user to the conversa-
tion asthey respond to your invitation. Aseach new user entersthe conversation, the screen isfurther subdivided into
smaller and smaller windows, one for each connected user. Right now, the number of connected usersislimited by the
number of lineson your terminal (or window), for each connected user needsat least three lines.
ytalk doesimplement primitive support of the X11 Windowing System. If the environment variable DISPLAY isset, then
ytalk attemptsto connect to that X server. Further detailsabout the X11 interface (and how to turn it off) are given later in
Aseach new user isadded to the conversation, ytalk will transmit information about that user to all other connected ytalk
usersso that their screenswill also subdivide and incorporate the new user. If the new user isusing UNIX talk, then
information about him will NOT be transmitted, ashisscreen would be unable to accept multiple connections. I have given
brief thought to allowing at least the output of UNIX talk usersto be transmitted to all connected ytalk users, but I have not
written any code to do so. Note that even though UNIX talk cannot handle multiple connections, it isstill possible for ytalk
to handle multiple UNIX talk connections. For example, george (using ytalk) could communicate with fred and joe (both
using UNIX talk), but fred and joe would be unaware of each other. The best way to understand the limitationsthat UNIX
talk placeson ytalk isto test variousconnectionsbetween the two and see how thingswork.
Part I: User Commands
Whenever you are using ytalk, you can hit the Escape key to bring up a menu that at thismoment hasthese options:
a Add a user
d Delete a user
o Options
s Shell
u User list
w Output user to file
q Quit
By choosing option a, you are given the opportunity to type the name of any user you wish to include into the conversation.
Again, YTALK will accept an invitation from that user if an invitation exists, or will leave an invitation and ring the given user.
By choosing option d, you can select the name of a connection to terminate.
By choosing option o, you can view and/or modify any of the ytalk options. (See the Options subsection for a list of ytalk
By choosing option s, you can invoke a shell in your ytalk window. All other userswill see what happensin your shell. ytalk
will automatically resize your window down to the size of the smallest window you are connected to, in order to ensure that
all usersalwayssee the same thing.
The u option displaysa list of connected and unconnected users, aswell astheir window sizesand what version of talk
software they are running.
By choosing option w, you can select any connected user and type the name of a file, and all further output from that user
will be dumped to the specified file. The file, if it exists, will be overwritten. If you choose w and the same user again, further
output to the file will be terminated.
Oh, one other thing: when user A attemptsto ytalk to user B, but user B isalready ytalking with user C, user Asytalk
program will realize that user B isalready using ytalk, and will communicate with user Bsytalk program directly in order to
initialize the conversation. User B will see a nice windowed message such as
Do you wish to talk with user A?
and he will be prompted for a yes/no answer. This, in my opinion, ismuch preferable to blitting the announcement message
and messing up user Bsscreen.
When you select Optionsfrom the main menu, you are given the opportunity to edit the ytalk options. The current options
s Turn scrolling [off/on]
w Turn word-wrap [off/on]
i Turn auto-import [off/on]
v Turn auto-invite [off/on]
r Turn auto-rering [off/on]
a Turn asides [off/on]
If scrolling isturned on, then a userswindow will scroll when he reachesthe bottom, instead of wrapping back around to
the top.
If word-wrap isturned on, then any word that would overextend the right margin will be automatically moved to the next line
on your screen.
If auto-import isturned on, then ytalk will assume that you wish to talk to any usersthat connect to other ytalk usersthat
are connected to you. That last sentence doesmake sense; try again. ytalk will add these usersto your session automatically,
without asking you for verification.
If auto-invite isturned on, then ytalk will automatically accept any connection requested by another user and add the user
to your session. You will not be asked for verification.
If auto-rering isturned on, then ytalk will automatically re-ring any user who doesnot respond to your invitation within 30
seconds. You will not be asked for verification.
If asides isturned on (it may not be available), then keyboard input received while the input focusisin a specific users
window will only be sent to that user. (See the X11 Interface subsection.)
Any of these optionscan be set to your preference in your .ytalkrc file, asdescribed in the next subsection.
If your home directory containsa file named .ytalkrc, then ytalk will read thisfile while starting up. All ytalk runtime
options, aswell assome startup options, can be set in thisfile.
Boolean optionscan be preset with the following syntax:
turn opt i on [off | on]
where opt i on isone of scrolling, word-wrap, auto-import, auto-invite, auto-rering, asides, or X. Setting these optionsworks
just like described earlier in thissection. Turning X on or off will enable or disable the X11 Interface. For example, one could
enable word-wrap with the line:
turn word-wrap on
The purpose of readdressing isto allow ytalk connectionsacrosspoint-to-point network gatewayswhere the local machines
know themselvesby a different address(and typically hostname) than the remote machines. The basic syntax of a readdress
command isthis:
readdress f r om- addr ess t o- addr ess domai n
The readdress statement simply makesa claim that the machine(s) in domai n communicate with the machine(s) at f r om-
addr ess by sending a packet to t o- addr ess. Because most usershave no use for thiswhatsoever, Ill describe it only briefly.
THIS IS NOT ROUTING. For example, my machine at home isconnected via PPP to the network at my office. My
machine at home thinksitsEthernet addressis192.188.253.1 and itshostname The network at my office
hasthe address192.67.141.0. When Im connected via PPP, my home machine isplaced into the office network asaddress with hostname
ytalk needsto know that if it isrunning on domain and receivespacketsfrom that it should
respond to, not Right?Right. Okay, okay, okay. I put thisline into my .ytalkrc on both ends:
readdress talisman
On my home end, thistranslatesto
which tellsmy home machine to advertise itself as192.67.141.9 instead of when ytalking to machineson the
network On the office end, the readdress command translatesto
which the office machinesbasically ignore.
Enough. For more information on how to use this, consult the source code or send me a letter. :-)
Part I: User Commands
If the DISPLAY environment variable isdefined when ytalk startsup, then ytalk will attempt to communicate with that X
server. A window will be created for you and each user you are connected to. The X11 Interface can be disabled either by
specifying -x on the command line or by putting thisline into your .ytalkrc file:
turn X off
A window iscreated for each individual user in the conversation. If the input focusisin the main window (the one with
ytalk in the title bar) then anything typed will be sent to all connected users. If the input focusisin one of the users
windows, then anything typed will be sent asan aside to only that user. If the aside option isturned off, then ytalk will beep
and not accept anything typed when the input focusisnot in the main window.
ytalk consultsthe X11 Resource Database for these user-definable configuration options:
ytalk.display: X server to connect to, defaulting to the DISPLAY environment variable.
ytalk.reverse: Reverse black/white pixels.
ytalk.font: Font to use, defaulting to 9x15.
ytalk.geometry: Window size, defaulting to 80x24.
Work isbeing done on the following ideas:
I Private conversationsthat do not get interrupted or transmitted to all ytalk connections
I A dedicated ytalk daemon
/usr/local/etc/ytalkrc Systemwide defaultsfile.
$HOME/.ytalkrc Userslocal configuration file. Thisfile overridesoptionsset in
the system ytalkrc file.
Britt Yenne (
Special thanksto Carl Edman for numerouscode patches, beta testing, and comments. I think thisguy spendsasmuch time
on ytalk asI do. Special thanksto TobiasHahn and Geoff W. for beta testing and suggestions. Thanksto Sitaram
Ramaswamy for the original ytalk man page. Thanksto MagnusHammerin for Solaris2.* support. Thanksto Jonas
Yngvesson for aside messagesin X. Thanksto AndreasStolcke for fixing the X resource database calls. Thanksto John
Vanderpool, Shih-Chen Huang, Andrew Myers, Duncan Sinclair, Evan McLean, and Larry Schwimmer for commentsand
ideas. The README file shipped with ytalk givesdetailed attributions.
If you have any ideas, comments, or questions, Id be happy to hear from you at
24 June1993
yuvplittoppmConvert a Y-, a U-, and a V- file into a portable pixmap.
yuvsplittoppm basename width height [-ccir601]
Readsthree files, containing the YUV components, asinput. These filesare basename.Y, basename.U and basename.V. Produces
a portable pixmap on stdout.
Since the YUV filesare raw files, the dimensionswidth and height must be specified on the command line.
-ccir601 Assumesthat the YUV tripletsare scaled into the smaller range
of the CCIR 601 (MPEG) standard. Otherwise, the JFIF
(JPEG) standard isassumed.
ppmtoyuvsplit(1), yuvtoppm(1), ppm(5)
Marcel Wijkstra (<>), based on ppmtoyuvsplit
26 August 1993
yuvtoppmConvert AbekasYUV bytesinto a portable pixmap
yuvtoppm wi dt h height [i magedat a]
Readsraw AbekasYUV bytesasinput. Producesa portable pixmap asoutput. The input file isjust YUV bytes. You have to
specify the width and height on the command line, since the program obviously cant get them from the file. The maxval is
assumed to be 255.
ppmtoyuv(1), ppm(5)
Marc Boucher (<marc@PostImage.COM>)), based on Example Conversion Program, A60/A64 Digital Video InterfaceManual,
page 69. Copyright (c) 1991 by DHD PostImage, Inc. Copyright (c) 1987 by AbekasVideo Systems, Inc.
25 March 1991
zcmp, zdiff
zcmp, zdiffCompare compressed files
zcmp [ cmp_options ] file1 [ file2 ]
zdiff [diff_options ] file1 [ file2 ]
zcmp, zdiff
Part I: User Commands
Zcmp and zdiff are used to invoke the cmp or the diff program on compressed files. All optionsspecified are passed directly to
cmp or diff. If only one file isspecified, then the filescompared are file1 and an uncompressed file1.gz. If two filesare
specified, then they are uncompressed if necessary and fed to cmp or diff. The exit statusfrom cmp or diff ispreserved.
cmp(1), diff(1), zmore(1), zgrep(1), znew(1), zforce(1), gzip(1), gzexe(1)
Messagesfrom the cmp or diff programsrefer to temporary filenamesinstead of those specified.
zeisstopnmConvert a Zeissconfocal file into a portable anymap
zeisstopnm [-pgm j -ppm][zei ssf i l e]
Readsa Zeissconfocal file asinput. Producesa portable anymap asoutput. The type of the output file dependson the input
fileif itsgrayscale, a pgm file will be produced; otherwise, it will be a ppm file. The program tellsyou which type it is
-pgm Force the output to be a pgm file
-ppm Force the output to be a ppm file
Copyright (c) 1993 by Oliver Trepte.
15 June1993
zforceForce a .gz extension on all gzip files
zforce [ name ... ]
zforce forcesa .gz extension on all gzip filesso that gzip will not compressthem twice. Thiscan be useful for fileswith
namestruncated after a file transfer. On systemswith a 14-character limitation on filenames, the original name istruncated
to make room for the .gz suffix. For example, 12345678901234 isrenamed to 12345678901.gz. A filename such asfoo.tgz isleft
gzip(1), znew(1), zmore(1), zgrep(1), zdiff(1), gzexe(1)
zgrepSearch possibly compressed filesfor a regular expression
zgrep [ grep_options ] [- e] pat t er n f i l ename...
zgrep isused to invoke the grep on compressed or gziped files. All optionsspecified are passed directly to grep. If no file is
specified, then the standard input isdecompressed if necessary and fed to grep. Otherwise, the given filesare uncompressed if
necessary and fed to grep.
If zgrep isinvoked aszegrep or zfgrep, then egrep or fgrep isused instead of grep. If the GREP environment variable isset,
zgrep usesit asthe grep program to be invoked. For example,
for sh: GREP=fgrep zgrep string files for csh: (setenv GREP fgrep; zgrep string files)
CharlesLevert (
grep(1), egrep(1), fgrep(1), zdiff(1), zmore(1), znew(1), zforce(1), gzip(1), gzexe(1)
zmoreFile perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
zmore [ name ... ]
zmore isa filter that allowsexamination of compressed or plain text filesone screenful at a time on a soft-copy terminal. zmore
workson filescompressed with compress, pack, or gzip, and also on uncompressed files. If a file doesnot exist, zmore looksfor
a file of the same name with the addition of a .gz, .z, or .Z suffix.
zmore normally pausesafter each screenful, printing More at the bottom of the screen. If the user then typesa carriage
return, one more line isdisplayed. If the user hitsa space, another screenful isdisplayed. Other possibilitiesare enumerated
zmore looksin the file /etc/termcap to determine terminal characteristics, and to determine the default window size. On a
terminal capable of displaying 24 lines, the default window size is22 lines. To use a pager other than the default more, set
environment variable PAGER to the name of the desired program, such asless.
Other sequencesthat may be typed when zmore pauses, and their effects, are asfollows(i isan optional integer argument,
defaulting to 1) :
i <space> Display i more lines, (or another screenful if no argument is
D Display 11 more lines(a scroll). If i isgiven, then the scroll
size isset to i.
d Same asD (control-D)
Part I: User Commands
i z Same astyping a space except that i, if present, becomesthe
new window size. Note that the window size revertsback to
the default at the end of the current file.
i s Skip i linesand print a screenful of lines.
i f Skip i screenfulsand print a screenful of lines.
q or Q Quit reading the current file; go on to the next (if any).
e or q When the prompt More(Next file: f i l e) isprinted, this
command causeszmore to exit.
s When the prompt More(Next file: f i l e) isprinted, this
command causeszmore to skip the next file and continue.
= Display the current line number.
i /expr Search for the i th occurrence of the regular expression expr. If
the pattern isnot found, zmore goeson to the next file (if any).
Otherwise, a screenful isdisplayed, starting two linesbefore
the place where the expression wasfound. The userserase and
kill charactersmay be used to edit the regular expression.
Erasing back past the first column cancelsthe search
i n Search for the i th occurrence of the last regular expression
!command Invoke a shell with command. The character ! in command is
replaced with the previousshell command. The sequence \! is
replaced by !.
:q or :Q Quit reading the current file; go on to the next (if any) (same
asq or Q).
. (dot) Repeat the previouscommand.
The commandstake effect immediately; that is, it isnot necessary to type a carriage return. Up to the time when the
command character itself isgiven, the user may hit the line kill character to cancel the numerical argument being formed. In
addition, the user may hit the erase character to redisplay the More message.
At any time when output isbeing sent to the terminal, the user can hit the quit key (normally Controln). zmore will stop
sending output, and will display the usual More prompt. The user may then enter one of the preceding commandsin the
normal manner. Unfortunately, some output islost when thisisdone because any characterswaiting in the terminalsoutput
queue are flushed when the quit signal occurs.
The terminal isset to noecho mode by thisprogram so that the output can be continuous. What you type will thusnot show
on your terminal, except for the / and ! commands.
If the standard output isnot a teletype, then zmore actsjust like zcat, except that a header isprinted before each file.
/etc/termcap Terminal database
more(1), gzip(1), zdiff(1), zgrep(1), znew(1), zforce(1), gzexe(1)
znewRecompressZ filesto GZ files
znew [ -ftv9PK] [ name.Z ... ]
znew recompressesfilesfrom Z (compress) format to GZ (gzip) format. If you want to recompressa file already in gzip
format, rename the file to force a .Z extension, then apply znew.
-f Force recompression from Z to GZ format even if a GZ file
already exists.
-t Test the new filesbefore deleting originals.
-v Verbose. Display the name and percentage reduction for each
file compressed.
-9 Use the slowest compression method (optimal compression).
-P Use pipesfor the conversion to reduce disk space usage.
-K Keep a Z file when it issmaller than the GZ file.
gzip(1), zmore(1), zdiff(1), zgrep(1), zforce(1), gzexe(1), compress(1)
znew doesnot maintain the timestamp with the -P option if cpmod(1) isnot available and touch(1) doesnot support the -r
Part I: User Commands
System Calls
Part II:
Part II: SystemCalls
introIntroduction to system calls
Thischapter describesthe Linux system calls.
In most cases, it isunnecessary to invoke a system call directly, but there are timeswhen the standard C library doesnot
implement a nice function call for you.
#include <linux/unistd.h>
A _syscall macro
Desired system call
The important thing to know about a system call isitsprototype. You need to know how many arguments, their types, and
the function return type. Six macrosmake the actual call into the system easier. They have the form
syscallX(t ype,name,t ype1,ar g1,t ype2,ar g2,...)
X 05, which are the number of argumentstaken by the system call
t ype The return type of the system call
name The name of the system call
t ypeN The Nth argumentstype
ar gN The name of the Nth argument
These macroscreate a function called name with the argumentsyou specify. Once you include _syscall() in your source file,
you call the system call by name.
struct sysinfo s_info;
int error;
error = sysinfo(&s_info);
printf(code error = %d\n, error);
printf(Uptime = %ds\nLoad: 1 min %d / 5 min %d / 15 min %d\n
RAM: total %d / free %d / shared %d\n
Memory in buffers = %d\nSwap: total %d / free %d\n
Number of processes = %d\n,
s_info.uptime, s_info.loads[0],
s_info.loads[1], s_info.loads[2],
s_info.totalram, s_info.freeram,
s_info.sharedram, s_info.bufferram,
s_info.totalswap, s_info.freeswap,
code error = 0
uptime = 502034s
Load: 1 min 13376 / 5 min 5504 / 15 min 1152
RAM: total 15343616 / free 827392 / shared 8237056
Memory in buffers = 5066752
Swap: total 27881472 / free 24698880
Number of processes = 40
The _syscall() macrosdo not produce a prototype. You might have to create one, especially for C++ users.
System callsare not required to return only positive or negative error codes. You need to read the source to be sure how it
will return errors. Usually, it isthe negative of a standard error code, for example, EPERM. The _syscall() macroswill return
the result r of the system call when r isnonnegative, but will return 1 and set the variable errno to r when r isnegative.
Some system calls, such asmmap, require more than five arguments. These are handled by pushing the argumentson the stack
and passing a pointer to the block of arguments.
When defining a system call, the argument typesmust be passed by value or by pointer (for aggregatessuch asstructs).
Look at the header of the manual page for the author(s) and copyright conditions. Note that these can be different from page
to page.
Linux 1.2.13, 22 May1996
exitTerminate the current process
#include <unistd.h>
void exit(int st at us );
exit terminatesthe calling processimmediately. Any open file descriptorsbelonging to the processare closed; any children of
the processare inherited by process1, init, and the processsparent issent a SIGCHLD signal.
st at us isreturned to the parent processasthe processsexit statusand can be collected using one of the wait family of calls.
exit never returns.
exit doesnot call any functionsregistered with the ANSI C atexit function and doesnot flush standard I/O buffers. To do
these things, use exit(3).
Part II: SystemCalls
fork(2), execve(2), waitpid(2), wait4(2), kill(2), wait(3), exit(3)
Linux, 21 July1993
acceptAccept a connection on a socket
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int accept(int s, struct sockaddr *addr ,int*addr l en);
The argument s isa socket that hasbeen created with socket(2), bound to an addresswith bind(2), and islistening for
connectionsafter a listen(2). The accept function extractsthe first connection request on the queue of pending connec-
tions, createsa new socket with the same propertiesof s, and allocatesa new file descriptor for the socket. If no pending
connectionsare present on the queue and the socket isnot marked asnonblocking, accept blocksthe caller until a connec-
tion ispresent. If the socket ismarked nonblocking and no pending connectionsare present on the queue, accept returnsan
error asdescribed below. The accepted socket may not be used to accept more connections. The original socket s remains
The argument addr isa result parameter that isfilled in with the addressof the connecting entity, asknown to the communi-
cationslayer. The exact format of the addr parameter isdetermined by the domain in which the communication isoccurring.
The addr l en isa value-result parameter; it should initially contain the amount of space pointed to by addr ; on return it will
contain the actual length (in bytes) of the addressreturned. Thiscall isused with connection-based socket types, currently
It ispossible to select(2) a socket for the purposesof doing an accept by selecting it for read.
For certain protocolsthat require an explicit confirmation, such asISO and DATAKIT, accept can be thought of asmerely
dequeuing the next connection request and not implying confirmation. Confirmation can be implied by a normal read or
write on the new file descriptor, and rejection can be implied by closing the new socket.
One can obtain user connection request data without confirming the connection by issuing a recvmsg(2) call with a msg
iovlen of 0 and a nonzero msg controllen, or by issuing a getsockopt(2) request. Similarly, one can provide user connection
rejection information by issuing a sendmsg(2) call providing only the control information, or by calling setsockopt(2).
The call returns1 on error. If it succeeds, it returnsa nonnegative integer that isa descriptor for the accepted socket.
EBADF The descriptor isinvalid.
ENOTSOCK The descriptor referencesa file, not a socket.
EOPNOTSUPP The referenced socket isnot of type SOCK_STREAM.
EFAULT The addr parameter isnot in a writable part of the user addressspace.
EWOULDBLOCK The socket ismarked nonblocking and no connectionsare present to be accepted.
The accept function appeared in BSD 4.2.
bind(2), connect(2), listen(2), select(2), socket(2)
BSD Man Page, 24 July1993
accessChecksuserspermissionsfor a file
#include <unistd.h>
int access(const char *pat hname,intmode);
access checkswhether the processwould be allowed to read, write, or test for existence of the file (or other file system object)
whose name ispat hname. If pat hname isa symbolic link, permissionsof the file referred by thissymbolic link are tested.
mode isa mask consisting of one or more of R_OK, W_OK, X_OK, and F_OK.
R_OK, W_OK, and X_OK request checking whether the file existsand hasread, write, and execute permissions, respectively. F_OK
just requestschecking for the existence of the file.
The testsdepend on the permissionsof the directoriesoccurring in the path to the file, asgiven in pat hname, and on the
permissionsof directoriesand filesreferred by symbolic linksencountered on the way.
The check isdone with the processsreal UID and GID, rather than with the effective IDsasisdone when actually
attempting an operation. Thisisto allow set-UID programsto easily determine the invoking usersauthority.
Only accessbitsare checked, not the file type or contents. Therefore, if a directory isfound to be writable, it probably
meansthat filescan be created in the directory, and not that the directory can be written asa file. Similarly, a DOS file may
be found to be executable, but the execve(2) call will still fail.
On success(all requested permissionsgranted), 0 isreturned. On error (at least 1 bit in mode asked for a permission that is
denied, or some other error occurred), 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EACCES The requested accesswould be denied, either to the file itself or one of the directoriesin
pat hname.
EFAULT pat hname pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
EINVAL mode wasincorrectly specified.
ENAMETOOLONG pat hname istoo long.
ENOENT A directory component in pat hname would have been accessible but doesnot exist or wasa
dangling symbolic link.
ENOTDIR A component used asa directory in pathnameisnot, in fact, a directory.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
ELOOP pat hname containsa reference to a circular symbolic link, that is, a symbolic link containing
a reference to itself.
access returnsan error if any of the accesstypesin the requested call fails, even if other typesmight be successful. access may
not work correctly on NFS file systemswith UID mapping enabled because UID mapping isdone on the server and hidden
from the client, which checkspermissions.
Part II: SystemCalls
stat(2), open(2), chmod(2), chown(2), setuid(2), setgid(2)
Linux 1.2.13, 17 March 1996
acctSwitchesprocessaccounting on or off
#include <unistd.h>
int acct(const char *f i l ename);
Warning: Since thisfunction isnot implemented asof Linux 0.99.11, it will alwaysreturn 1 and set errno to ENOSYS. If
acctkit isinstalled, the function performsasadvertised.
When called with the name of an existing file asargument, accounting isturned on and recordsfor each terminating process
are appended to f i l ename asit terminates. An argument of NULL causesaccounting to be turned off.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
No accounting isproduced for programsrunning when a crash occurs. In particular, nonterminating processesare never
accounted for.
Linux 0.99.11, 10 August 1993
adjtimexTuneskernel clock
#include <sys/timex.h>
int adjtimex(struct timex *buf );
Linux usesDavid Millsclock adjustment algorithm. adjtimex readsand optionally setsadjustment parametersfor this
adjtimex takesa pointer to a t i mex structure, updateskernel parametersfrom field values, and returnsthe same structure with
current kernel values. Thisstructure isdeclared asfollows:
struct timex
int mode; /* mode selector */
long offset; /* time offset (usec) */
long frequency; /* frequency offset (scaled ppm) */
long maxerror; /* maximum error (usec) */
long esterror; /* estimated error (usec) */
int status; /* clock command/status */
long time_constant; /* pll time constant */
long precision; /* clock precision (usec) (read only) */
long tolerance; /* clock frequency tolerance (ppm)
(read only) */
struct timeval time; /* (read only) */
long tick; /* usecs between clock ticks */
The mode field determineswhich parameters, if any, to set. It may contain a bitwise-or combination of zero or more of the
following bits:
#define ADJ_OFFSET 0x0001 /* time offset */
#define ADJ_FREQUENCY 0x0002 /* frequency offset */
#define ADJ_MAXERROR 0x0004 /* maximum time error */
#define ADJ_ESTERROR 0x0008 /* estimated time error */
#define ADJ_STATUS 0x0010 /* clock status */
#define ADJ_TIMECONST 0x0020 /* pll time constant */
#define ADJ_TICK 0x4000 /* tick value */
#define ADJ_OFFSET_SINGLESHOT 0x8001 /* old-fashioned adjtime */
Ordinary usersare restricted to a 0 value for mode. Only the superuser may set any parameters.
On success, adjtimex returnsthe value of buf . st at us:
#define TIME OK 0 /* clock synchronized */
#define TIME INS 1 /* insert leap second */
#define TIME DEL 2 /* delete leap second */
#define TIME OOP 3 /* leap second in progress */
#define TIME BAD 4 /* clock not synchronized */
On failure, adjtimex returns1 and setserrno.
EFAULT buf doesnot point to writable memory.
EPERM buf . mode isnonzero and the user isnot superuser.
EINVAL An attempt ismade to set buf . of f set to a value outside the range -131071 to +131071, or
to set buf . st at us to a value other than those listed above, or to set buf . t i ck to a value
outside the range 900000/HZ to 1100000/HZ,where HZ isthe system timer interrupt
Linux 1.2.4, 15 April 1995
Part II: SystemCalls
alarmSetsan alarm clock for delivery of a signal
#include <unistd.h>
unsigned int alarm(unsigned int seconds);
alarm arrangesfor a SIGALRM signal to be delivered to the processin seconds seconds.
If seconds is0, no new alarm isscheduled.
In any event, any previously set alarm iscanceled.
alarm returnsthe number of secondsremaining until any previously scheduled alarm wasdue to be delivered, or 0 if there
wasno previously scheduled alarm.
alarm and setitimer share the same timer; callsto one will interfere with use of the other.
Scheduling delayscan, asever, cause the execution of the processto be delayed by an arbitrary amount of time.
setitimer(2), signal(2), sigaction(2), gettimeofday(2), select(2), pause(2), sleep(3)
Linux, 21 July1993
bdflushStarts, flushes, or tunesthe buffer-dirty-flush daemon
int bdflush(int f unc, long *addr ess) ;
int bdflush(int f unc, long dat a) ;
bdflush starts, flushes, or tunesthe buffer-dirty-flush daemon. Only the superuser may call bdflush.
If f unc isnegative or 0 and no daemon hasbeen started, bdflush entersthe daemon code and never returns.
If f unc is1, some dirty buffersare written to disk.
If f unc is2 or more and iseven (low bit is0), addr ess isthe addressof a long word, and the tuning parameter numbered
(f unc2)/2 isreturned to the caller in that address.
If f unc is3 or more and isodd (low bit is1), dat a isa long word and the kernel setstuning parameter numbered (f unc3)/2
to that value.
The set of parameters, their values, and their legal rangesare defined in the kernel source file f s/ buf f er . c.
If f unc isnegative or 0 and the daemon successfully starts, bdflush never returns. Otherwise, the return value is0 on success
and 1 on failure, with errno set to indicate the error.
EPERM Caller isnot superuser.
EFAULT addr ess pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
EBUSY An attempt wasmade to enter the daemon code after another processhasalready been
EINVAL An attempt wasmade to read or write an invalid parameter number, or to write an invalid
value to a parameter.
fsync(2), sync(2), update(8), sync(8)
Linux 1.2.4, 15 April 1995
bindBindsa name to a socket
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int bind(int sockf d, struct sockaddr *my_addr ,intaddr l en);
bind givesthe socket, sockf d, the local addressmy_addr . my_addr isaddr l en byteslong. Traditionally, thisiscalled assigning a
name to a socket. (When a socket iscreated with socket(2), it existsin a name spacean addressfamilybut hasno name
Binding a name in the UNIX domain createsa socket in the file system that must be deleted by the callerusing unlink(2)
when it isno longer needed.
The rulesused in name binding vary between communication domains. Consult the manual entriesin section 4 for detailed
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EBADF sockf d isnot a valid descriptor.
EINVAL The socket isalready bound to an address. Thismay change in the future. See linux/unix/
sock.c for details.
EACCES The addressisprotected and the user isnot the superuser.
The following errorsare specific to UNIX domain (AF_UNIX) sockets:
EINVAL addr l en waswrong, or the socket wasnot in the AF_UNIX family.
EROFS The socket inode would reside on a read-only file system.
EFAULT my_addr pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
Part II: SystemCalls
ENAMETOOLONG my_addr istoo long.
ENOENT The file doesnot exist.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
ENOTDIR A component of the path prefix isnot a directory.
EACCES Search permission isdenied on a component of the path prefix.
ELOOP my_addr containsa circular reference (that is, via a symbolic link).
The bind function call appeared in BSD 4.2.
accept(2), connect(2), listen(2), socket(2), getsockname(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 23 July1993
brk, sbrk
brk, sbrkChange data segment size
#include <unistd.h>
int brk(void *end_dat a_segment );
void *sbrk(ptrdiff ti ncr ement );
brk setsthe end of the data segment to the value specified by end_dat a_segment .
end_dat a_segment must be greater than the end of the text segment and it must be 16KB before the end of the stack.
sbrk incrementsthe programsdata space by i ncr ement bytes. sbrk isnt a system call; it isjust a C library wrapper.
On success, brk returns0, and sbrk returnsa pointer to the start of the new area. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset to
BSD 4.3
brk and sbrk are not defined in the C standard and are deliberately excluded from the POSIX.1 standard (see paragraphs
B. and B.8.3.3).
execve(2), getrlimit(2), malloc(3), end(3)
Linux 0.99.11, 21 July1993
cacheflushFlushescontentsof the instruction and/or data cache
#include <asm/cachectl.h>
int cacheflush(char *addr ,intnbyt es,intcache);
cacheflush flushescontentsof indicated cache(s) for user addressesin the range addr to (addr+nbytes-1). The cache may be
one of the following:
ICACHE Flush the instruction cache.
DCACHE Write back to memory and invalidate the affected valid cache lines.
cacheflush returns0 on successor -1 on error. If errorsare detected, errno will indicate the error.
EINVAL The cache parameter isnot one of ICACHE, DCACHE, or BCACHE.
EFAULT Some or all of the addressrange addr to (addr+nbytes-1) isnot accessible.
The current implementation ignoresthe addr and nbytes parameters. Therefore, the whole cache isalwaysflushed.
Thissystem call isonly available on MIPS-based systems.
Linux, 27 June95
chdir, fchdir
chdir, fchdirChangesthe working directory
#include <unistd.h>
int chdir(const char *pat h);
int fchdir(int f d);
chdir changesthe current directory to that specified in pat h.
fchdir isidentical to chdir, only the directory isgiven asan open file descriptor.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
Depending on the file system, other errorscan be returned. The more general errorsare listed here:
EPERM The processdoesnot have execute permission on the directory.
EFAULT pat h pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
ENAMETOOLONG pat h istoo long.
chdir, fchdir
Part II: SystemCalls
EBADF f d isnot a valid file descriptor.
ENOENT The file doesnot exist.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
ENOTDIR A component of the path prefix isnot a directory.
EACCES Search permission isdenied on a component of the path prefix.
ELOOP pat h containsa circular reference (that is, via a symbolic link)
getcwd(3), chroot(2)
Linux 1.2.4, 15 April 1995
chmod, fchmod
chmod, fchmodChangespermissionsof a file
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int chmod(const char *pat h,modetmode);
int fchmod(int f i l des ,modetmode);
The mode of the file given by pat h or referenced by f i l edes ischanged.
Modesare specified by oring the following:
S_ISUID 04000 Set user ID on execution
S_ISGID 02000 Set group ID on execution
S_ISVTX 01000 Sticky bit
S_IRUSR (S_IREAD) 00400 Read by owner
S_IWUSR (S_IWRITE) 00200 Write by owner
S_IXUSR (S_IEXEC) 00100 Execute/search by owner
S_IRGRP 00040 Read by group
S_IWGRP 00020 Write by group
S_IXGRP 00010 Execute/search by group
S_IROTH 00004 Read by others
S_IWOTH 00002 Write by others
S_IXOTH 00001 Execute/search by others
The effective UID of the processmust be 0 or must match the owner of the file.
The effective UID or GID must be appropriate for setting execution bits.
Depending on the file system, set user ID and set group ID execution bitsmay be turned
off if a file iswritten. On some file systems, only the superuser can set the sticky bit, which
may have a special meaning (that is, for directories, a file can only be deleted by the owner
or the superuser).
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
Depending on the file system, other errorscan be returned. The more general errorsfor chmod are listed here:
EPERM The effective UID doesnot match the owner of the file and isnot 0.
EROFS The named file resideson a read-only file system.
EFAULT pat h pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
ENAMETOOLONG pat h istoo long.
ENOENT The file doesnot exist.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
ENOTDIR A component of the path prefix isnot a directory.
EACCES Search permission isdenied on a component of the path prefix.
ELOOP pat h containsa circular reference (that is, via a symbolic link)
The general errorsfor fchmod are listed here:
EBADF The descriptor isnot value.
ENOENT See above.
EPERM See above.
EROFS See above.
open(2), chown(2), stat(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 21 July1993
chown, fchown
chown, fchownChangesownership of a file
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int chown(const char *pat h, uid t owner , gid_t gr oup);
int fchown(int f d, uid t owner , gid_t gr oup);
The owner of the file specified by pat h or by f d ischanged. Only the superuser may change the owner of a file. The owner of
a file may change the group of the file to any group of which that owner isa member. The superuser may change the group
If the owner or gr oup isspecified as1, that ID isnot changed.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
Depending on the file system, other errorscan be returned. The more general errorsfor chown are listed here:
EPERM The effective UID doesnot match the owner of the file, and isnot 0; or the owner or gr oup
were specified incorrectly.
EROFS The named file resideson a read-only file system.
EFAULT pat h pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
chown, fchown
Part II: SystemCalls
ENAMETOOLONG pat h istoo long.
ENOENT The file doesnot exist.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
ENOTDIR A component of the path prefix isnot a directory.
EACCES Search permission isdenied on a component of the path prefix.
ELOOP pat h containsa circular reference (that is, via a symbolic link).
The general errorsfor fchown are listed here:
EBADF The descriptor isnot value.
ENOENT See above.
EPERM See above.
EROFS See above.
chown doesnot follow symbolic links. The prototype for fchown isonly available if USE BSD isdefined.
chmod(2), flock(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 21 July1993
chrootChangesroot directory
#include <unistd.h>
int chroot(const char *pat h);
chroot changesthe root directory to that specified in pat h. Thisdirectory will be used for pathnamesbeginning with /. The
root directory isinherited by all children of the current process.
Only the superuser may change the root directory.
Note that thiscall doesnot change the current working directory, so that . can be outside the tree rooted at /.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
Depending on the file system, other errorscan be returned. The more general errorsare listed here:
EPERM The effective UID doesnot match the owner of the file, and isnot 0; or the owner or gr oup
were specified incorrectly.
EROFS The named file resideson a read-only file system.
EFAULT pat h pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
ENAMETOOLONG pat h istoo long.
ENOENT The file doesnot exist.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
ENOTDIR A component of the path prefix isnot a directory.
EACCES Search permission isdenied on a component of the path prefix.
ELOOP pat h containsa circular reference (that is, via a symbolic link)
Linux 1.1.46, 21 August 1994
cloneCreatesa child process
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/unistd.h>
pid t clone(void *sp, unsigned long f l ags);
clone isan alternate interface to fork, with more options. fork isequivalent to clone(0, SIGCLD|COPYVM).
If sp isnonzero, the child processusessp asitsinitial stack pointer.
The low byte of f l ags containsthe signal sent to the parent when the child dies. f l ags may also be bitwise ored with either or
both of COPYVM and COPYFD.
If COPYVM isset, child pagesare copy-on-write imagesof the parent pages. If COPYVM isnot set, the child processsharesthe same
pagesasthe parent, and both parent and child may write on the same data.
If COPYFD isset, the childsfile descriptorsare copiesof the parentsfile descriptors. If COPYFD isnot set, the childsfile
descriptorsare shared with the parent.
On success, the PID of the child processisreturned in the parentsthread of execution, and 0 isreturned in the childs
thread of execution. On failure, a 1 will be returned in the parentscontext, no child processwill be created, and errno will
be set appropriately.
ENOSYS clone will alwaysreturn thiserror, unlessyour kernel wascompiled with
EAGAIN fork cannot allocate sufficient memory to copy the parentspage tablesand allocate a task
structure for the child.
By default, CLONE_ACTUALLY_WORKS_OK isnot defined.
There isno entry for clone in /lib/
Commentsin the kernel asof 1.1.46 indicate that it mishandlesthe case where COPYVM isnot set.
Linux 1.2.9, 10 June1995
Part II: SystemCalls
closeClosesa file descriptor
#include <unistd.h>
int close(int f d);
close closesa file descriptor so that it no longer refersto any file and may be reused. Any locksheld on the file it was
associated with, and owned by the process, are removed (regardlessof the file descriptor that wasused to obtain the lock).
If f d isthe last copy of a particular file descriptor, the resourcesassociated with it are freed; if the descriptor wasthe last
reference to a file that hasbeen removed using unlink, the file isdeleted.
close returns0 on success, or 1 if an error occurred.
EBADF f d isnt a valid open file descriptor.
Not checking the return value of close isa common but neverthelessseriousprogramming error. File system implementa-
tionsthat use techniquesaswrite-behind to increase performance may lead to wr i t e(2) succeeding, although the data hasnot
been written yet. The error statusmay be reported at a later write operation, but it isguaranteed to be reported on closing
the file. Not checking the return value when closing the file may lead to silent lossof data. Thiscan especially be observed
with NFS and disk quotas.
open(2), fcntl(2), shutdown(2), unlink(2), fclose(3)
14 April 1996
connectInitiatesa connection on a socket
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int connect(int sockf d, struct sockaddr *ser v_addr ,intaddr l en);
The parameter sockf d isa socket. If it isof type SOCK_DGRAM, thiscall specifiesthe peer with which the socket isto be
associated; thisaddressisthat to which datagramsare to be sent, and the only addressfrom which datagramsare to be
received. If the socket isof type SOCK_STREAM, thiscall attemptsto make a connection to another socket. The other socket is
specified by serv_addr, which isan addressin the communicationsspace of the socket. Each communicationsspace interprets
the serv_addr, parameter in itsown way. Generally, stream socketsmay successfully connect only once; datagram sockets
may use connect multiple timesto change their association. Datagram socketsmay dissolve the association by connecting to
an invalid address, such asa null address.
If the connection or binding succeeds, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
See the Linux kernel source code for details.
The connect function call first appeared in BSD 4.2.
accept(2), bind(2), listen(2), socket(2), getsockname(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 23 July1993
dup, dup2
dup, dup2Duplicate a file descriptor
#include <unistd.h>
int dup(int ol df d);
int dup2(int ol df d,intnewf d);
dup and dup2 create a copy of the file descriptor ol df d.
The old and new descriptorscan be used interchangeably. They share locks, file position pointersand flags; for example, if
the file position ismodified by using lseek on one of the descriptors, the position isalso changed for the other.
The two descriptorsdo not share the close-on-exec flag, however.
dup usesthe lowest-numbered unused descriptor for the new descriptor.
dup2 makesnewf d be the copy of ol df d, closing newf d first if necessary.
dup and dup2 return the new descriptor, or 1 if an error occurred (in which case errno isset appropriately).
EBADF ol df d isnt an open file descriptor, or newf d isout of the allowed range for file descriptors.
EMFILE The processalready hasthe maximum number of file descriptorsopen and tried to open a
new one.
The error returned by dup2 isdifferent from that returned by fcntl(...,F_DUPFD,...) when newf d isout of range. On some
systemsdup2 also sometimesreturnsEINVAL like F_DUPFD.
dup, dup2
Part II: SystemCalls
fcntl(2), open(2), close(2).
Linux 1.1.46, 21 August 1994
execveExecute program
#include <unistd.h>
int execve (const char *f i l ename, const char *ar gv [], const char *envp[]);
execve() executesthe program pointed to by f i l ename. f i l ename must be either a binary executable or a shell script starting
with a line in the format #! i nt er pr et er [arg].
execve() doesnot return on success, and the text, data, bss, and stack of the calling processare overwritten by that of the
program loaded. The program invoked inheritsthe calling processsPID, and any open file descriptorsthat are not set to
close on exec. Signalspending on the parent processare cleared.
If the current program isbeing ptraced, a SIGTRAP issent to it after a successful execve().
On success, execve() doesnot return; on error 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EACCES The file isnot a regular file.
EACCES Execute permission isdenied for the file.
EPERM The file system ismounted noexec.
EPERM The file system ismounted nosui d and the file hasan SUID or SGID bit set.
E2BIG The argument list istoo big.
ENOEXEC The magic number in the file isincorrect.
EFAULT f i l ename pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
ENAMETOOLONG f i l ename istoo long.
ENOENT The file doesnot exist.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
ENOTDIR A component of the path prefix isnot a directory.
EACCES Search permission isdenied on a component of the path prefix.
ELOOP f i l ename containsa circular reference (that is, via a symbolic link).
SUID and SGID processescan not be ptrace()d SUID or SGID.
A maximum line length of 127 charactersisallowed for the first line in a #! executable shell script. Thismay be circum-
vented by changing the max size of buf, in which case you will become bound by the 1024 byte size of a buffer, which isnot
easily worked around.
execl(3), fork(2)
Linux 1.1.46, 21 August 1994
fcntlManipulate file descriptor
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int fcntl(int f d,intcmd);
int fcntl(int f d,intcmd,longar g);
fcntl performsone of variousmiscellaneousoperationson f d. The operation in question isdetermined by cmd:
F_DUPFD Makesar g be a copy of f d, closing f d first if necessary.
The same functionality can be more easily achieved by using dup2(2).
The old and new descriptorsmay be used interchangeably. They share locks, file position
pointers, and flags; for example, if the file position ismodified by using lseek on one of the
descriptors, the position isalso changed for the other.
The two descriptorsdo not share the close-on-exec flag, however.
On success, the new descriptor isreturned.
F_GETFD Read the close-on-exec flag. If the low-order bit is0, the file will remain open acrossexec;
otherwise, it will be closed.
F_SETFD Set the close-on-exec flag to the value specified by arg(only the least significant bit
F_GETFL Read the descriptorsflags(all flagsasset by open(2)are returned).
F_SETFL Set the descriptorsflagsto the value specified by ar g.
Only O_APPEND and O_NONBLOCK may be set.
The flagsare shared between copies(made with dup and so on) of the same file descriptor.
The flagsand their semanticsare described in open(2).
F_GETLK, F_SETLK, Manage discretionary file locks. The third argument ar g isa pointer to a struct flock
and F_SETLKW (that may be overwritten by thiscall).
F_GETLK Return the flock structure that preventsusfrom obtaining the lock, or set the l type field of
the lock to F_UNLCK if there isno obstruction.
F_SETLK The lock isset (when l type isF_RDLCK or F_WRLCK) or cleared (when it isF_UNLCK).
If the lock isheld by someone else, thiscall returns-1 and setserrno to EACCES or EAGAIN.
F_SETLKW Like F_SETLK, but instead of returning an error, we wait for the lock to be released.
F_GETOWN Get the processID (or processgroup) of the owner of a socket.
Processgroupsare returned asnegative values.
F_SETOWN Set the processor processgroup that ownsa socket.
For these commands, ownership meansreceiving SIGIO or SIG-URG signals.
Processgroupsare specified using negative values.
Part II: SystemCalls
The return value dependson the operation:
F_DUPFD The new descriptor.
F_GETFD Value of flag.
F_GETFL Value of flags.
F_GETOWN Value of descriptor owner.
On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EBADF f d isnot an open file descriptor.
EINVAL For F_DUPFD, argisnegative or isgreater than the maximum allowable value.
EMFILE For F_DUPFD, the processalready hasthe maximum number of file descriptorsopen.
The errorsreturned by dup2 are different from those returned by F_DUPFD.
dup2(2), open(2), socket(2).
Linux, 26 September 1995
fdatasyncSynchronizesa filesin-core data with that on disk
#include <unistd.h>
int fdatasync(int f d);
fdatasync flushesall data buffersof a file to disk (before the system call returns). It resemblesfsync but isnot required to
update the metadata such asaccesstime.
Applicationsthat accessdatabasesor log filesoften write a tiny data fragment (for example, one line in a log file) and then
call fsync immediately in order to ensure that the written data isphysically stored on the hard disk. Unfortunately, fsync will
alwaysinitiate two write operations: one for the newly written data and another one in order to update the modification time
stored in the inode. If the modification time isnot a part of the transaction concept fdatasync can be used to avoid
unnecessary inode disk write operations.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EBADF f d isnot a valid file descriptor open for writing.
EROFS, EINVAL f d isbound to a special file which doesnot support synchronization.
EIO An error occurred during synchronization.
Currently (Linux 1.3.86) fdatasync isequivalent to fsync.
fsync(2), B.O. Gallmeister, POSIX.4, OReilly, pp. 220223, 343.
Linux 1.3.86, 13 April 1996
flockAppliesor removesan advisory lock on an open file
#include <sys/file.h>
int flock(int fd,intoperation);
Apply or remove an advisory lock on an open file. The file isspecified by f d. Valid operationsare given here:
LOCK_SH Shared lock. More than one processmay hold a shared lock for a given file at a given time.
LOCK_EX Exclusive lock. Only one processmay hold an exclusive lock for a given file at a given time.
LOCK_UN Unlock.
LOCK_NB Dont block when locking. May be specified (by oring) along with one of the other
A single file may not have both shared and exclusive locks. A file islocked (that is, the
inode), not the file descriptor. So, dup(2) and fork(2) do not create multiple instances
of a lock.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EWOULDBLOCK The file islocked and the LOCK_NB flag wasselected.
Under Linux, flock isimplemented asa call to fcntl. Please see fcntl(2) for more detailson errors.
open(2), close(2), dup(2), execve(2), fcntl(2), fork(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 22 July1993
Part II: SystemCalls
fork, vfork
fork, vforkCreatesa child process
#include <unistd.h>
pid t fork(void);
pid t vfork(void);
fork createsa child processthat differsfrom the parent processonly in itsPID and PPID, and in the fact that resource
utilizationsare set to 0. File locksand pending signalsare not inherited.
Under Linux, fork isimplemented using copy-on-write pages, so the only penaltiesincurred by fork are the time and
memory required to duplicate the parentspage tablesand to create a unique task structure for the child.
On success, the PID of the child processisreturned in the parentsthread of execution, and a 0 isreturned in the childs
thread of execution. On failure, a 1 will be returned in the parentscontext, no child processwill be created, and errno will
be set appropriately.
EAGAIN fork cannot allocate sufficient memory to copy the parentspage tablesand allocate a task
structure for the child.
Under Linux, vfork ismerely an aliasfor fork. fork never returnsthe error ENOMEM.
clone(2), execve(2), wait(2)
Linux 1.2.9, 10 June1995
fsyncSynchronizesa filescomplete in-core state with that on disk
#include <unistd.h>
int fsync(int f d);
fsync copiesall in-core partsof a file to disk.
In some applications, fdatasync isa more efficient alternative to fsync.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EBADF f d isnot a valid file descriptor open for writing.
EROFS, EINVAL f d isbound to a special file that doesnot support synchronization.
EIO An error occurred during synchronization.
bdflush(2), fdatasync(2), sync(2), update(8), sync(8)
Linux 1.3.85, 13 April 1996
getdentsGetsdirectory entries
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/dirent.h>
#include <linux/unistd.h>
syscall3(int, getdents, uint, fd, struct dirent *, dirp, uint, count);
int getdents(unsigned int f d, struct dirent *di r p, unsigned int count );
getdents readsseveral di r ent structuresfrom the directory pointed at by f d into the memory area pointed to by di r p. The
parameter count isthe size of the memory area.
The di r ent structure isdeclared asfollows:
struct dirent
long d_ino; /* inode number */
off_t d_off; /* offset to next dirent */
unsigned short d_reclen; /* length of this dirent */
char d_name [NAME_MAX+1]; /* file name (null-terminated) */
d_i no isan inode number. d_of f isthe distance from the start of the directory to the start of the next di r ent . d_r ecl en isthe
size of thisentire dirent. d_name isa null-terminated filename.
Thiscall supersedesreaddir(2).
On success, the number of bytesread isreturned. On end of directory, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset
EBADF Invalid file descriptor f d.
ENOTDIR File descriptor doesnot refer to a directory.
readdir(2), readdir(3)
Linux 1.3.6, 22 July1995
Part II: SystemCalls
getdomainname, setdomainname
getdomainname, setdomainnameGets/setsdomain name
#include <unistd.h>
int getdomainname(char *name, size_t l en);
int setdomainname(const char *name, size_t l en);
These functionsare used to accessor to change the domain name of the current processor.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EINVAL For getdomainname, name pointsto NULL or name islonger than l en.
EPERM For setdomainname, the caller wasnot the superuser.
EINVAL For setdomainname, l en wastoo long.
POSIX doesnot specify these calls.
getdomainname isnot compliant with other implementationsbecause they alwaysreturn l en bytes, even if name islonger.
Linux, however, returnsEINVAL in thiscase (asof DLL 4.4.1 libraries).
Under Linux, getdomainname isimplemented at the library level by calling uname(2).
gethostname(2), sethostname(2), uname(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 22 July1993
getdtablesizeGetsdescriptor table size
#include <unistd.h>
int getdtablesize(void);
getdtablesize returnsthe maximum number of filesa processcan have open.
getdtablesize isimplemented asa library function in DLL 4.4.1. Thisfunction returnsOPEN_MAX (set to 256 in Linux
0.99.11) if OPEN_MAX wasdefined when the library wascompiled. Otherwise, 1 isreturned and errno isset to ENOSYS.
close(2), dup(2), open(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 22 July1993
getgid, getegid
getgid, getegidGetsgroup identity
#include <unistd.h>
gid_t getgid(void);
gid_t getegid(void);
getgid returnsthe real group ID of the current process.
getegid returnsthe effective group ID of the current process.
The real ID correspondsto the ID of the calling process. The effective ID correspondsto the set ID bit on the file being
These functionsare alwayssuccessful.
setregid(2), setgid(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 23 July1993
getgroups, setgroups
getgroups, setgroupsGets/setsgroup accesslist
#include <unistd.h>
int getgroups(int si ze, gid_t l i st []);
#include <grp.h>
int setgroups(size_t si ze, const gid_t *l i st );
getgroups Up to si ze supplemental groupsare returned in l i st . If si ze is0, l i st isnot modified, but
the total number of supplemental groupsfor the processisreturned.
setgroups Setsthe supplemental groupsfor the process. Only the superuser may use thisfunction.
getgroups, setgroups
Part II: SystemCalls
getgroups On success, the number of groupsstored in list isreturned (if si ze is0, however, the
number of supplemental group IDsassociated with the processisreturned). On error, 1 is
returned and errno isset appropriately.
setgroups On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EFAULT l i st hasan invalid address.
EPERM For setgroups, the user isnot the superuser.
EINVAL For setgroups, gi dset si ze isgreater than NGROUPS (32 for Linux 0.99.11).
getgroups conformsto POSIX.1 (and ispresent in BSD 4.3). Since setgroups requiresprivilege, it isnot covered under
The USE BSD flag probably shouldnt be required for setgroups.
Linux 0.99.11, 23 July1993
gethostid, sethostid
gethostid, sethostidGets/setsthe unique identifier of the current host
#include <unistd.h>
long int gethostid(void);
int sethostid(long int hostid);
Get or set a unique 32-bit identifier for the current machine. The 32-bit identifier isintended to be unique among all UNIX
systemsin existence. Thisnormally resemblesthe Internet addressfor the local machine, asreturned by gethostbyname(3),
and thususually never needsto be set.
The sethostid call isrestricted to the superuser.
The host i d argument isstored in the file /etc/hostid.
gethostid returnsthe 32-bit identifier for the current host asset by sethostid(2).
POSIX.1 doesnot define these functions, but ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990 mentionsthem in B.4.4.1.
hostid(1), gethostbyname(3)
Linux 0.99.13, 29 November 1993
gethostname, sethostname
gethostname, sethostnameGets/setshostname
#include <unistd.h>
int gethostname(char *name, size_t l en);
int sethostname(const char *name, size_t l en);
These functionsare used to accessor to change the hostname of the current processor.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EINVAL l en isnegative or, for sethostname, larger than the maximum allowed size. For gethostname
on Linux/i386, l en issmaller than the actual size.
EPERM For sethostname, the caller wasnot the superuser.
EFAULT name isan invalid address.
POSIX.1 doesnot define these functions, but ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990 mentionsthem in B.4.4.1.
Some other implementationsof gethostname successfully return l en byteseven if name islonger. Linux/Alpha complieswith
thisbehavior. Linux/i386, however, returnsEINVAL in thiscase (asof DLL 4.6.27 libraries).
Under Linux/Alpha, gethostname isa system call. Under Linux/i386, gethostname isimplemented at the library level by
calling uname(2).
getdomainname(2), setdomainname(2), uname(2)
Linux 1.3.6, 22 July1995
getitimer, setitimer
getitimer, setitimerGets/setsvalue of an interval timer
#include <sys/time.h>
int getitimer(int whi ch, struct itimerval *val ue);
int setitimer(int whi ch,conststruct itimer-val *val ue, struct itimerval *oval ue);
getitimer, setitimer
Part II: SystemCalls
The system provideseach processwith three interval timers, each decrementing in a distinct time domain. When any timer
expires, a signal issent to the process, and the timer (potentially) restarts.
ITIMER_REAL Decrementsin real time and deliversSIGALRM upon expiration.
ITIMER_VIRTUAL Decrementsonly when the processisexecuting, and deliversSIGVTALRM upon expiration.
ITIMER_PROF Decrementsboth when the processexecutesand when the system isexecuting on behalf of
the process. Coupled with ITIMER_VIRTUAL, thistimer isusually used to profile the time
spent by the application in user and kernel space. SIGPROF isdelivered upon expiration.
Timer valuesare defined by the following structures:
struct itimerval {
struct timeval it_interval; /* next value */
struct timeval it_value; /* current value */
struct timeval {
long tv_sec; /* seconds */
long tv_usec; /* microseconds */
getitimer(2) fillsthe structure indicated by val ue with the current setting for the timer indicated by whi ch (one of
ITIMER_REAL, ITIMER_VIRTUAL, or ITIMER_PROF). The element it_value isset to the amount of time remaining on the timer, or
0 if the timer isdisabled. Similarly, it_interval isset to the reset value. setitimer(2) setsthe indicated timer to the value in
val ue. If oval ue isnonzero, the old value of the timer isstored there.
Timersdecrement from i t _val ue to 0, generate a signal, and reset to i t _i nt er val . A timer that isset to 0 (i t _val ue is0 or the
timer expiresand i t _i nt er val is0) stops.
Both t v_sec and t v_usec are significant in determining the duration of a timer.
Timerswill never expire before the requested time, instead expiring some short, constant time afterward, dependent on the
system timer resolution (currently 10ms). Upon expiration, a signal will be generated and the timer reset. If the timer expires
while the processisactive (alwaystrue for ITIMER_VIRT), the signal will be delivered immediately when generated. Otherwise,
the delivery will be offset by a small time dependent on the system loading.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EFAULT val ue and oval ue are not valid pointers.
gettimeofday(2), sigaction(2), signal(2)
Under Linux, the generation and delivery of a signal are distinct and there each signal ispermitted only one outstanding
event. Itstherefore conceivable that under pathologically heavy loading, ITIMER_REAL will expire before the signal from a
previousexpiration hasbeen delivered. The second signal in such an event will be lost.
Linux 0.99.11, 5 August 1993
getpagesizeGetssystem page size
#include <unistd.h>
size_t getpagesize(void);
Returnsthe number of bytesin a page. Thisisthe systemspage size, which isnot necessarily the same asthe hardware page
getpagesize isimplemented asa library function in DLL 4.4.1. Depending on what isdefined when the library iscompiled,
thisfunction returnsEXEC_PAGESIZE (set to 4096 in Linux 0.99.11), NBPG (set to 4096 in Linux 0.99.11), or NBPC (not defined in
Linux 0.99.11 or DLL 4.4.1 libraries).
Linux 0.99.11, 23 July1993
getpeernameGetsthe name of the connected peer
int getpeername(int s, struct sockaddr *name,int*namel en);
getpeername returnsthe name of the peer connected to socket s . The namel en parameter should be initialized to indicate the
amount of space pointed to by name. On return it containsthe actual size of the name returned (in bytes). The name is
truncated if the buffer provided istoo small.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EBADF The argument s isnot a valid descriptor.
ENOTSOCK The argument s isa file, not a socket.
ENOTCONN The socket isnot connected.
ENOBUFS Insufficient resourceswere available in the system to perform the operation.
EFAULT The name parameter pointsto memory not in a valid part of the processaddressspace.
The getpeername function call appeared in BSD 4.2.
accept(2), bind(2), getsockname(2)
BSD Man Page, 24 July1993
Part II: SystemCalls
getpid, getppid
getpid, getppidGetsprocessidentification
#include <unistd.h>
pid_t getpid(void);
pid_t getppid(void);
getpid returnsthe processID of the current process. (Thisisoften used by routinesthat generate unique temporary
getppid returnsthe processID of the parent of the current process.
exec(2), fork(2), kill(2), mkstemp(3), tmpnam(3), tempnam(3), tmpfile(3)
Linux 0.99.11, 23 July1993
getpriority, setpriority
getpriority, setpriorityGets/setsprogram scheduling priority
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
int getpriority(int whi ch,int who);
int setpriority(int whi ch,int who,int pr i o);
The scheduling priority of the process, processgroup, or user, asindicated by whi ch and who, isobtained with the getpriority
call and set with the setpriority call. whi ch isone of PRIO_PROCESS, PRIO_PGRP,or PRIO_USER, and who isinterpreted relative to
whi ch (a processidentifier for PRIO_PROCESS, processgroup identifier for PRIO_PGRP, and a user ID for PRIO_USER). A 0 value of
who denotesthe current process, processgroup, or user. pr i o isa value in the range 20 to 20. The default priority is0; lower
prioritiescause more favorable scheduling.
The getpriority call returnsthe highest priority (lowest numerical value) enjoyed by any of the specified processes. The
setpriority call setsthe prioritiesof all the specified processesto the specified value. Only the superuser may lower priorities.
Because getpriority can legitimately return the value 1, it isnecessary to clear the external variable errno prior to the call,
and then check it afterward to determine whether a 1 isan error or a legitimate value. The setpriority call returns0 if there
isno error, or 1 if there is.
ESRCH No processwaslocated using the whi ch and who valuesspecified.
In addition to these errors, setpriority will fail with the following:
EPERM A processwaslocated, but neither itseffective nor real user ID matched the effective user ID
of the caller.
EACCES A nonsuperuser attempted to lower a processpriority.
These function callsappeared in BSD 4.2.
nice(1), fork(2), renice(8)
BSD Man Page, 24 July1993
getrlimit, getrusage, setrlimit
getrlimit, getrusage, setrlimitGet/set resource limitsand usage
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int getrlimit (int r esour ce, struct rlimit *r l i m);
int getrusage (int who, struct rusage *usage);
int setrlimit (int r esour ce, const struct rlimit *r l i m);
getrlimit and setrlimit get and set resource limits. r esour ce should be one of the following:
RLIMIT CPU /* CPU time in seconds */
RLIMIT FSIZE /* Maximum filesize */
RLIMIT DATA /* max data size */
RLIMIT STACK /* max stack size */
RLIMIT CORE /* max core file size */
RLIMIT RSS /* max resident set size */
RLIMIT NPROC /* max number of processes */
RLIMIT NOFILE /* max number of open files */
RLIMIT MEMLOCK /* max locked-in-memory address space*/
A resource may be unlimited if you set the limit to RLIM_INFINITY. RLIMIT_OFILE isthe BSD name for RLIMIT_NOFILE.
The rlimit structure isdefined asfollows:
struct rlimit
int rlim_cur;
int rlim_max;
getrusage returnsthe current resource usagesfor a who of either RUSAGE_SELF or RUSAGE_CHILDREN:
struct rusage
struct timeval ru_utime; /* user time used */
struct timeval ru_stime; /* system time used */
long ru_maxrss; /* maximum resident set size */
long ru_ixrss; /* integral shared memory size */
getrlimit, getrusage, setrlimit
Part II: SystemCalls
long ru_idrss; /* integral unshared data size */
long ru_isrss; /* integral unshared stack size */
long ru_minflt; /* page reclaims */
long ru_majflt; /* page faults */
long ru_nswap; /* swaps */
long ru_inblock; /* block input operations */
long ru_oublock; /* block output operations */
long ru_msgsnd; /* messages sent */
long ru_msgrcv; /* messages received */
long ru_nsignals; /* signals received */
long ru_nvcsw; /* voluntary context switches */
long ru_nivcsw; /* involuntary context switches */
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EINVAL getrlimit or setrlimit iscalled with a bad r esour ce. getrusage iscalled with a bad who.
EPERM A nonsuperuser triesto use setrlimit() to increase the soft or hard limit above the current
hard limit, or a superuser triesto increase RLIMIT_NOFILE above the current kernel maximum.
BSD 4.3
ulimit(2), quota(2)
Linux, 23 July1993
getsidGetssession ID
#include <unistd.h>
pid_t getsid(void);
getsid(0) returnsthe session ID of the calling process. getsid(p) returnsthe session ID of the processwith processID p.
On error, 1 will be returned. The only error that can happen isESRCH, when no processwith processID p wasfound.
Thiscall isLinux specific.
Linux 1.3.85, 11 April 1996
getsocknameGetssocket name
int getsockname(int s , struct sockaddr * name , int * namelen );
getsockname returnsthe current name for the specified socket. The namel en parameter should be initialized to indicate the
amount of space pointed to by name. On return it containsthe actual size of the name returned (in bytes).
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EBADF The argument s isnot a valid descriptor.
ENOTSOCK The argument s isa file, not a socket.
ENOBUFS Insufficient resourceswere available in the system to perform the operation.
EFAULT The name parameter pointsto memory not in a valid part of the processaddressspace.
The getsockname function call appeared in BSD 4.2.
Namesbound to socketsin the UNIX domain are inaccessible; getsockname returnsa 0-length name.
bind(2), socket(2)
BSD Man Page, 24 July1993
getsockopt, setsockopt
getsockopt, setsockoptGet and set optionson sockets
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int getsockopt(int s ,intl evel ,intopt name,void*opt val ,int*opt l en);
int setsockopt(int s,intl evel ,intopt name, const void *opt val ,intopt l en);
getsockopt and setsockopt manipulate the opt i ons associated with a socket. Optionsmay exist at multiple protocol levels;
they are alwayspresent at the uppermost socket level.
When manipulating socket options, the level at which the option residesand the name of the option must be specified. To
manipulate optionsat the socket level, l evel isspecified asSOL_SOCKET. To manipulate optionsat any other level, the protocol
number of the appropriate protocol controlling the option issupplied. For example, to indicate that an option isto be
interpreted by the TCP protocol, l evel should be set to the protocol number of TCP; see getprotoent(3).
getsockopt, setsockopt
Part II: SystemCalls
The parametersopt val and opt l en are used to accessoption valuesfor setsockopt. For getsockopt they identify a buffer in
which the value for the requested option(s) isto be returned. For getsockopt, opt l en isa value-result parameter, initially
containing the size of the buffer pointed to by opt val , and modified on return to indicate the actual size of the value
returned. If no option value isto be supplied or returned, opt val may be NULL.
opt name and any specified optionsare passed uninterpreted to the appropriate protocol module for interpretation. The
include file <sys/ socket . h> containsdefinitionsfor socket-level options, described below. Optionsat other protocol levels
vary in format and name; consult the appropriate entriesin section 4 of the manual.
Most socket-level optionsutilize an i nt parameter for opt val . For setsockopt, the parameter should be nonzero to enable a
boolean option, or 0 if the option isto be disabled. SO_LINGER usesa st r uct linger parameter, defined in <l i nux/ socket . h>,
which specifiesthe desired state of the option and the linger interval (see below). SO_SNDTIMEO and SO_RCVTIMEO use a st r uct
timeval parameter, defined in <sys/ t i me. h>.
The following optionsare recognized at the socket level. Except asnoted, each may be examined with getsockopt and set
with setsockopt:
SO_DEBUG Enablesrecording of debugging information.
SO_REUSEADDR Enableslocal addressreuse.
SO_KEEPALIVE Enableskeep connectionsalive.
SO_DONTROUTE Enablesrouting bypassfor outgoing messages.
SO_LINGER Linger on close if data present.
SO_BROADCAST Enablespermission to transmit broadcast messages.
SO_OOBINLINE Enablesreception of out-of-band data in band.
SO_SNDBUF Setsbuffer size for output.
SO_RCVBUF Setsbuffer size for input.
SO_SNDLOWAT Setsminimum count for output.
SO_RCVLOWAT Setsminimum count for input.
SO_SNDTIMEO Setstime-out value for output.
SO_RCVTIMEO Setstime-out value for input.
SO_TYPE Getsthe type of the socket (get only).
SO_ERROR Getsand clearserror on the socket (get only).
SO_DEBUG enablesdebugging in the underlying protocol modules.
SO_REUSEADDR indicatesthat the rulesused in validating addressessupplied in a bind(2) call should allow reuse of local
SO_KEEPALIVE enablesthe periodic transmission of messageson a connected socket. Should the connected party fail to
respond to these messages, the connection isconsidered broken and processesusing the socket are notified via a SIGPIPE
signal when attempting to send data.
SO_DONTROUTE indicatesthat outgoing messagesshould bypassthe standard routing facilities. Instead, messagesare directed to
the appropriate network interface according to the network portion of the destination address.
SO_LINGER controlsthe action taken when unsent messagesare queued on socket and a close(2) isperformed. If the socket
promisesreliable delivery of data and SO_LINGER isset, the system will block the processon the close attempt until it isable to
transmit the data or until it decidesit isunable to deliver the information (a time-out period, termed the linger interval, is
specified in the setsockopt call when SO_LINGER isrequested). If SO_LINGER isdisabled and a close isissued, the system will
processthe close in a manner that allowsthe processto continue asquickly aspossible.
The l i nger structure isdefined in <l i nux/ socket . h> asfollows:
struct linger {
int l_onoff; /* Linger active */
int l_linger; /* How long to linger for */
l_onoff indicateswhether to linger. If it isset to 1, l_linger containsthe time in hundredthsof secondshow long the process
should linger to complete the close. If l_onoff isset to 0, the processreturnsimmediately.
The option SO_BROADCAST requestspermission to send broadcast datagramson the socket. Broadcast wasa privileged
operation in earlier versionsof the system. With protocolsthat support out-of-band data, the SO_OOBINLINE option requests
that out-of-band data be placed in the normal data input queue asreceived; it will then be accessible with recv or read calls
without the MSG_OOB flag. Some protocolsalwaysbehave asif thisoption isset.
SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF are optionsto adjust the normal buffer sizesallocated for output and input buffers, respectively. The
buffer size may be increased for high-volume connectionsor may be decreased to limit the possible backlog of incoming data.
The system placesan absolute limit on these values.
SO_SNDLOWAT isan option to set the minimum count for output operations. Most output operationsprocessall of the data
supplied by the call, delivering data to the protocol for transmission and blocking asnecessary for flow control. Nonblocking
output operationswill processasmuch data aspermitted subject to flow control without blocking, but will processno data if
flow control doesnot allow the smaller of the low water mark value or the entire request to be processed. A select(2)
operation testing the ability to write to a socket will return true only if the low water mark amount could be processed. The
default value for SO_SNDLOWAT isset to a convenient size for network efficiency, often 1024.
SO_RCVLOWAT isan option to set the minimum count for input operations. In general, receive callswill block until any
(nonzero) amount of data isreceived, then return with the smaller of the amount available or the amount requested. The
default value for SO_RCVLOWAT is1. If SO_RCVLOWAT isset to a larger value, blocking receive callsnormally wait until they have
received the smaller of the low water mark value or the requested amount. Receive callsmay still return lessthan the low
water mark if an error occurs, a signal iscaught, or the type of data next in the receive queue isdifferent than that returned.
SO_SNDTIMEO isan option to set a time-out value for output operations. It acceptsa st r uct timeval parameter with the
number of secondsand microsecondsused to limit waitsfor output operationsto complete. If a send operation hasblocked
for thismuch time, it returnswith a partial count or with the error EWOULDBLOCK if no data were sent. In the current
implementation, thistimer isrestarted each time additional data are delivered to the protocol, implying that the limit applies
to output portionsranging in size from the low water mark to the high water mark for output.
SO_RCVTIMEO isan option to set a time-out value for input operations. It acceptsa st r uct timeval parameter with the number
of secondsand microsecondsused to limit waitsfor input operationsto complete. In the current implementation, thistimer
isrestarted each time additional data are received by the protocol, and thusthe limit isin effect an inactivity timer. If a
receive operation hasbeen blocked for thismuch time without receiving additional data, it returnswith a short count or with
the error EWOULDBLOCK if no data were received.
Finally, SO_TYPE and SO_ERROR are optionsused only with setsockopt.
SO_TYPE returnsthe type of the socket, such asSOCK_STREAM; it isuseful for serversthat inherit socketson startup.
SO_ERROR returnsany pending error on the socket and clearsthe error status. It may be used to check for asynchronouserrors
on connected datagram socketsor for other asynchronouserrors.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EBADF The argument s isnot a valid descriptor.
ENOTSOCK The argument s isa file, not a socket.
ENOPROTOOPT The option isunknown at the level indicated.
EFAULT The addresspointed to by opt val isnot in a valid part of the processaddressspace. For
getsockopt, thiserror may also be returned if optlen isnot in a valid part of the process
getsockopt, setsockopt
Part II: SystemCalls
These system callsappeared in BSD 4.2.
Several of the socket optionsshould be handled at lower levelsof the system.
ioctl(2), socket(2), getprotoent(3), protocols(5)
BSD Man Page, 22 April 1996
gettimeofday, settimeofday
gettimeofday, settimeofdayGet/set time
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int gettimeofday(struct timeval *t v, struct timezone *t z);
int settimeofday(const struct timeval *t v , const struct timezone *t z);
gettimeofday and settimeofday can set the time aswell asa time zone. t v isa timeval struct, asspecified in /usr/include/
struct timeval {
long tv_sec; /* seconds */
long tv_usec; /* microseconds */
and tz is a timezone:
struct timezone {
int tz_minuteswest;
/* minutes west of Greenwich */
int tz_dsttime;
/* type of dst correction */
with daylight savingstimesdefined asfollows:
DST_NONE /* not on dst */
DST_USA /* USA style dst */
DST_AUST /* Australian style dst */
DST_WET /* Western European dst */
DST_MET /* Middle European dst */
DST_EET /* Eastern European dst */
DST_CAN /* Canada */
DST_GB /* Great Britain and Eire */
DST_RUM /* Rumania */
DST_TUR /* Turkey */
DST_AUSTALT /* Australian style with shift in 1986 */
And the following macrosare defined to operate on this:
#define timerisset(tvp)\
((tvp)->tv_sec || (tvp)->tv_usec)
#define timercmp(tvp, uvp, cmp)\
((tvp)->tv_sec cmp (uvp)->tv_sec ||\
(tvp)->tv_sec == (uvp)->tv_sec &&\
(tvp)->tv_usec cmp (uvp)->tv_usec)
#define timerclear(tvp)
((tvp)->tv_sec = (tvp)->tv_usec = 0)
If either t v or t z isnull, the corresponding structure isnot set or returned.
Only the superuser can use settimeofday.
EPERM settimeofday iscalled by someone other than the superuser.
EINVAL Time zone (or something else) isinvalid.
BSD 4.3
date(1), adjtimex(2), time(2), ctime(3), ftime(3)
Linux 1.2.4, 15 April 1995
getuid, geteuid
getuid, geteuidGet user identity
#include <unistd.h>
uid_t getuid(void);
uid_t geteuid(void);
getuid returnsthe real user ID of the current process.
geteuid returnsthe effective user ID of the current process.
The real ID correspondsto the ID of the calling process. The effective ID correspondsto the set ID bit on the file being
These functionsare alwayssuccessful.
setreuid(2), setuid(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 23 July1993
getuid, geteuid
Part II: SystemCalls
idleMakesprocess0 idle
#include <unistd.h>
void idle(void);
idle isan internal system call used during bootstrap. It marksthe processspagesasswappable, lowersitspriority, and enters
the main scheduling loop. idle never returns.
Only process0 may call idle. Any user process, even a processwith superuser permission, will receive EPERM.
idle never returnsfor process0, and alwaysreturns1 for a user process.
EPERM Always, for a user process.
Linux 1.1.46, 21 August 1994
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
int ioctl(int d,intr equest , ...);
(The third argument istraditionally char *ar gp and will be so named for thisdiscussion.)
The ioctl function manipulatesthe underlying device parametersof special files. In particular, many operating characteris-
ticsof character special files(for example, terminals) may be controlled with ioctl requests. The argument d must be an open
file descriptor.
An ioctl r equest hasencoded in it whether the argument isan i n parameter or out parameter, and the size of the argument
ar gp in bytes. Macrosand definesused in specifying an ioctl r equest are located in the file <sys/ i oct l . h>.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EBADF d isnot a valid descriptor.
ENOTTY d isnot associated with a character special device.
ENOTTY The specified request doesnot apply to the kind of object that the descriptor d references.
EINVAL r equest or ar gp isnot valid.
An ioctl function call appeared in version 7 AT&T UNIX.
execve(2), fcntl(2), mt(4), sd(4), tty(4)
Thisisioctl List 1.3.27, a list of ioctl callsin Linux/i386 kernel 1.3.27. It contains421 ioctlsfrom /usr/include/
fasm,linuxg/*.h. For each ioctl, youll find the numerical value, name, and argument type.
An argument type of const struct foo * meansthe argument isinput to the kernel. struct foo * meansthe kernel outputs
the argument. If the kernel usesthe argument for both input and output, thisismarked with // I-O.
Some ioctlstake more argumentsor return more valuesthan a single structure. These are marked // MORE and are docu-
mented further in a separate section.
Thislist isincomplete. It doesnot include
I ioctlsdefined internal to the kernel (scsi ioctl.h).
I ioctlsdefined in modulesdistributed separately from the kernel.
And, of course, I may have errorsand omissions.
Please e-mail changesand commentsto I am particularly interested in loadable modulesthat define
their own ioctls. If you know of such a module, tell me where I can ftp it, and Ill include itsioctlsin my next release.
<i ncl ude/ asm- i 386/ socket . h>
0x00008901 FIOSETOWN const int *
0x00008902 SIOCSPGRP const int *
0x00008903 FIOGETOWN int *
0x00008904 SIOCGPGRP int *
0x00008905 SIOCATMARK int *
0x00008906 SIOCGSTAMP timeval *
<i ncl ude/ asm- i 386/ t er mi os. h>
0x00005401 TCGETS struct termios *
0x00005402 TCSETS const struct termios *
0x00005403 TCSETSW const struct termios *
0x00005404 TCSETSF const struct termios *
0x00005405 TCGETA struct termio *
0x00005406 TCSETA const struct termio *
0x00005407 TCSETAW const struct termio *
0x00005408 TCSETAF const struct termio *
0x00005409 TCSBRK int
0x0000540A TCXONC int
0x0000540B TCFLSH int
0x0000540C TIOCEXCL void
0x0000540D TIOCNXCL void
0x0000540E TIOCSCTTY int
0x0000540F TIOCGPGRP pid_t *
0x00005410 TIOCSPGRP const pid_t *
Part II: SystemCalls
0x00005411 TIOCOUTQ int *
0x00005412 TIOCSTI const char *
0x00005413 TIOCGWINSZ const struct winsize *
0x00005414 TIOCSWINSZ struct winsize *
0x00005415 TIOCMGET int *
0x00005416 TIOCMBIS const int *
0x00005417 TIOCMBIC const int *
0x00005418 TIOCMSET const int *
0x00005419 TIOCGSOFTCAR int *
0x0000541A TIOCSSOFTCAR const int *
0x0000541B FIONREAD int *
0x0000541B TIOCINQ int *
0x0000541C TIOCLINUX const char *
0x0000541D TIOCCONS void
0x0000541E TIOCGSERIAL struct serial_strucct *
0x0000541F TIOCSSERIAL const struct serial_strucct *
0x00005420 TIOCPKT const int *
0x00005421 FIONBIO const int *
0x00005422 TIOCNOTTY void
0x00005423 TIOCSETD const int *
0x00005424 TIOCGETD int *
0x00005425 TCSBRKP int
0x00005426 TIOCTTYGSTRUCT struct tty_strucct *
0x00005450 FIONCLEX void
0x00005451 FIOCLEX void
0x00005452 FIOASYNC const int *
0x00005453 TIOCSERCONFIG void
0x00005454 TIOCSERGWILD int *
0x00005455 TIOCSERSWILD const int *
0x00005456 TIOCGLCKTRMIOS struct termios *
0x00005457 TIOCSLCKTRMIOS const struct temios *
0x00005458 TIOCSERGSTRUCT struct async_strucct *
0x00005459 TIOCSERGETLSR int *
0x0000545A TIOCSERGETMULTI struct serial_multiport_strucct *
0x0000545B TIOCSERSETMULTI const struct serial_multiport_strucct *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ ax25. h>
0x000089E0 SIOCAX25GETUID const struct sockaddr_ax25 *
0x000089E1 SIOCAX25ADDUID const struct sockaddr_ax25 *
0x000089E2 SIOCAX25DELUID const struct sockaddr_ax25 *
0x000089E3 SIOCAX25NOUID const int *
<i ncl ude/ asm- i 386/ t er mi os. h>
0x000089E4 SIOCAX25DIGCTL const int *
0x000089E5 SIOCAX25GETPARMS struct ax25_parms_strucct * // I-O
0x000089E6 SIOCAX25SETPARMS const struct ax25_parms-struct *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ cdk. h>
0x00007314 STL_BINTR void
0x00007315 STL_BSTART void
0x00007316 STL_BSTOP void
0x00007317 STL_BRESET void
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ cdr om. h>
0x00005301 CDROMPAUSE void
0x00005302 CDROMRESUME void
0x00005303 CDROMPLAYMSF const struct cdrom_msf *
0x00005304 CDROMPLAYTRKIND const struct cdrom_ti *
0x00005305 CDROMREADTOCHDR struct cdrom_tochdr *
0x00005306 CDROMREADTOCENTRY struct cdrom_tocentry *// I-O
0x00005307 CDROMSTOP void
0x00005308 CDROMSTART void
0x00005309 CDROMEJECT void
0x0000530A CDROMVOLCTRL const struct cdrom_volctrl *
0x0000530B CDROMSUBCHNL struct cdrom_subchnl * // I-O
0x0000530C CDROMREADMODE2 const struct cdrom_msf * // MORE
0x0000530D CDROMREADMODE1 const struct cdrom_msf * // MORE
0x0000530E CDROMREADAUDIO const struct cdrom_read_audio *
0x0000530F CDROMEJECT SW int
0x00005310 CDROMMULTISESSION struct cdrom_multisession * // I-O
0x00005311 CDROM_GET_UPC struct f char [8]; g *
0x00005312 CDROMRESET void
0x00005313 CDROMVOLREAD struct cdrom_volctrl *
0x00005314 CDROMREADRAW const struct cdrom_msf * // MORE
0x00005315 CDROMREADCOOKED const struct cdrom_msf * // MORE
0x00005316 CDROMSEEK const struct cdrom_msf *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ cm206. h>
0x00002000 CM206CTL_GET_STAT int
0x00002001 CM206CTL_GET_LAST_STAT int
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ ax25. h>
Part II: SystemCalls
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ cycl ades. h>
0x00435901 CYGETMON struct cyclades_monitor *
0x00435902 CYGETTHRESH int *
0x00435903 CYSETTHRESH int
0x00435904 CYGETDEFTHRESH int *
0x00435905 CYSETDEFTHRESH int
0x00435906 CYGETTIMEOUT int *
0x00435907 CYSETTIMEOUT int
0x00435908 CYGETDEFTIMEOUT int *
0x00435909 CYSETDEFTIMEOUT int
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ ext 2 f s. h>
0x80046601 EXT2_IOC_GETFLAGS int *
0x40046602 EXT2_IOC_SETFLAGS const int *
0x80047601 EXT2_IOC_GETVERSION int *
0x40047602 EXT2_IOC_SETVERSION const int *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ f d. h>
0x00000000 FDCLRPRM void
0x00000001 FDSETPRM const struct floppy_struct *
0x00000002 FDDEFPRM const struct floppy_struct *
0x00000003 FDGETPRM struct floppy_struct *
0x00000004 FDMSGON void
0x00000005 FDMSGOFF void
0x00000006 FDFMTBEG void
0x00000007 FDFMTTRK const struct format_descr *
0x00000008 FDFMTEND void
0x0000000B FDFLUSH void
0x0000000C FDSETMAXERRS const struct floppy_max_errors *
0x0000000E FDGETMAXERRS struct floppy_max_errors *
0x00000010 FDGETDRVTYP struct f char [16]; g *
0x00000014 FDSETDRVPRM const struct floppy_drive_params *
0x00000015 FDGETDRVPRM struct floppy_drive_params *
0x00000016 FDGETDRVSTAT struct floppy_drive_struct *
0x00000017 FDPOLLDRVSTAT struct floppy_drive_struct *
0x00000018 FDRESET int
0x00000019 FDGETFDCSTAT struct floppy_fdc_state *
0x0000001B FDWERRORCLR void
0x0000001C FDWERRORGET struct floppy_write_errors *
0x0000001E FDRAWCMD struct floppy_raw_cmd * // MORE // I-O
0x00000028 FDTWADDLE void
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ f s. h>
0x0000125D BLKROSET const int *
0x0000125E BLKROGET int *
0x0000125F BLKRRPART void
0x00001260 BLKGETSIZE int *
0x00001261 BLKFLSBUF void
0x00001262 BLKRASET int
0x00001263 BLKRAGET int *
0x00000001 FIBMAP int * // I-O
0x00000002 FIGETBSZ int *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ hdr eg. h>
0x00000301 HDIO_GETGEO struct hd geometry *
0x00000302 HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR int *
0x00000304 HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT int *
0x00000307 HDIO_GET_IDENTITY struct hd driveid *
0x00000308 HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS int *
0x00000309 HDIO_GET_CHIPSET int *
0x0000030A HDIO_GET_NOWERR int *
0x0000030B HDIO_GET_DMA int *
0x0000031F HDIO_DRIVE_CMD int * // I-O
0x00000321 HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT int
0x00000322 HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR int
0x00000324 HDIO_SET_CHIPSET int
0x00000325 HDIO_SET_NOWERR int
0x00000326 HDIO_SET_DMA int
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ i f eql . h>
0x000089F0 EQL_ENSLAVE struct ifreq * // MORE // I-O
0x000089F1 EQL_EMANCIPATE struct ifreq * // MORE // I-O
0x000089F2 EQL_GETSLAVECFG struct ifreq * // MORE // I-O
0x000089F3 EQL_SETSLAVECFG struct ifreq * // MORE // I-O
0x000089F4 EQL_GETMASTRCFG struct ifreq * // MORE // I-O
0x000089F5 EQL_SETMASTRCFG struct ifreq * // MORE // I-O
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ i f pl i p. h>
0x000089F0 SIOCDEVPLIP struct ifreq * // I-O
Part II: SystemCalls
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ i f ppp. h>
0x00005490 PPPIOCGFLAGS int *
0x00005491 PPPIOCSFLAGS const int *
0x00005492 PPPIOCGASYNCMAP int *
0x00005493 PPPIOCSASYNCMAP const int *
0x00005494 PPPIOCGUNIT int *
0x00005495 PPPIOCSINPSIG const int *
0x00005497 PPPIOCSDEBUG const int *
0x00005498 PPPIOCGDEBUG int *
0x00005499 PPPIOCGSTAT struct ppp_stats *
0x0000549A PPPIOCGTIME struct ppp_ddinfo *
0x0000549B PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP struct f int [8]; g *
0x0000549C PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP const struct f int [8]; g *
0x0000549D PPPIOCSMRU const int *
0x0000549E PPPIOCRASYNCMAP const int *
0x0000549F PPPIOCSMAXCID const int *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ i px. h>
0x000089E0 SIOCAIPXITFCRT const char *
0x000089E1 SIOCAIPXPRISLT const char *
0x000089E2 SIOCIPXCFGDATA struct ipx_config_data *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ kd. h>
0x00004B60 GIO_FONT struct f char [8192]; g *
0x00004B61 PIO_FONT const struct f char [8192]; g *
0x00004B6B GIO_FONTX struct console_font_desc * // MORE I-O
0x00004B6C PIO_FONTX const struct console_font_desc * //MORE
0x00004B70 GIO_CMAP struct f char [48]; g *
0x00004B71 PIO_CMAP const struct f char [48]; g
0x00004B2F KIOCSOUND int
0x00004B30 KDMKTONE int
0x00004B31 KDGETLED char *
0x00004B32 KDSETLED int
0x00004B33 KDGKBTYPE char *
0x00004B34 KDADDIO int // MORE
0x00004B35 KDDELIO int // MORE
0x00004B36 KDENABIO void // MORE
0x00004B37 KDDISABIO void // MORE
0x00004B3A KDSETMODE int
0x00004B3B KDGETMODE int *
0x00004B3C KDMAPDISP void // MORE
0x00004B3D KDUNMAPDISP void // MORE
0x00004B40 GIO_SCRNMAP struct f char [E_TABSZ]; g *
0x00004B41 PIO_SCRNMAP const struct f char [E_TABSZ]; g *
0x00004B69 GIO_UNISCRNMAP struct f short [E_TABSZ]; g *
0x00004B6A PIO_UNISCRNMAP const struct f short [E_TABSZ]; g *
0x00004B66 GIO_UNIMAP struct unimapdesc * // MORE // I-O
0x00004B67 PIO_UNIMAP const struct unimapdesc * // MORE
0x00004B68 PIO_UNIMAPCLR const struct unimapinit *
0x00004B44 KDGKBMODE int *
0x00004B45 KDSKBMODE int
0x00004B62 KDGKBMETA int *
0x00004B63 KDSKBMETA int
0x00004B64 KDGKBLED int *
0x00004B65 KDSKBLED int
0x00004B46 KDGKBENT struct kbentry * // I-O
0x00004B47 KDSKBENT const struct kbentry *
0x00004B48 KDGKBSENT struct kbsentry * // I-O
0x00004B49 KDSKBSENT const struct kbsentry *
0x00004B4A KDGKBDIACR struct kbdiacrs *
0x00004B4B KDSKBDIACR const struct kbdiacrs *
0x00004B4C KDGETKEYCODE struct kbkeycode * // I-O
0x00004B4D KDSETKEYCODE const struct kbkeycode *
0x00004B4E KDSIGACCEPT int
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ l p. h>
0x00000601 LPCHAR int
0x00000602 LPTIME int
0x00000604 LPABORT int
0x00000605 LPSETIRQ int
0x00000606 LPGETIRQ int *
0x00000608 LPWAIT int
0x00000609 LPCAREFUL int
0x0000060A LPABORTOPEN int
0x0000060B LPGETSTATUS int *
0x0000060C LPRESET void
0x0000060D LPGETSTATS struct lp stats *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ mr out e. h>
0x000089E0 SIOCGETVIFCNT struct sioc_vif_req * // I-O
0x000089E1 SIOCGETSGCNT struct sioc_sg_req * // I-O
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ kd. h>
Part II: SystemCalls
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ mt i o. h>
0x40086D01 MTIOCTOP const struct mtop *
0x801C6D02 MTIOCGET struct mtget *
0x80046D03 MTIOCPOS struct mtpos *
0x80206D04 MTIOCGETCONFIG struct mtconfiginfo *
0x40206D05 MTIOCSETCONFIG const struct mtconfiginfo *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ net r om. h>
0x000089E0 SIOCNRGETPARMS struct nr_parms_struct * // I-O
0x000089E1 SIOCNRSETPARMS const struct nr_parms_struct *
0x000089E2 SIOCNRDECOBS void
0x000089E3 SIOCNRRTCTL const int *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ sbpcd. h>
0x00009000 DDIOCSDBG const int *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ scc. h>
0x00005470 TIOCSCCINI void
0x00005471 TIOCCHANINI const struct scc_modem *
0x00005472 TIOCGKISS struct ioctl_command * // I-O
0x00005473 TIOCSKISS const struct ioctl_command *
0x00005474 TIOCSCCSTAT struct scc_stat *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ scsi . h>
0x00005382 SCSI_IOCTL_GET_IDLUN struct f int [2]; g *
0x00005385 SCSI_IOCTL_PROBE_HOST const int * // MORE
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ smb f s. h>
0x80027501 SMB_IOC_GETMOUNTUID uid t *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ socki os. h>
0x0000890B SIOCADDRT const struct rtentry * // MORE
0x0000890C SIOCDELRT const struct rtentry * // MORE
0x00008910 SIOCGIFNAME char []
0x00008911 SIOCSIFLINK void
0x00008912 SIOCGIFCONF struct ifconf * // MORE // I-O
0x00008913 SIOCGIFFLAGS struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008914 SIOCSIFFLAGS const struct ifreq *
0x00008915 SIOCGIFADDR struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008916 SIOCSIFADDR const struct ifreq *
0x00008917 SIOCGIFDSTADDR struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008918 SIOCSIFDSTADDR const struct ifreq *
0x00008919 SIOCGIFBRDADDR struct ifreq * // I-O
0x0000891A SIOCSIFBRDADDR const struct ifreq *
0x0000891B SIOCGIFNETMASK struct ifreq * // I-O
0x0000891C SIOCSIFNETMASK const struct ifreq *
0x0000891D SIOCGIFMETRIC struct ifreq * // I-O
0x0000891E SIOCSIFMETRIC const struct ifreq *
0x0000891F SIOCGIFMEM struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008920 SIOCSIFMEM const struct ifreq *
0x00008921 SIOCGIFMTU struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008922 SIOCSIFMTU const struct ifreq *
0x00008923 OLD SIOCGIFHWADDR struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008924 SIOCSIFHWADDR const struct ifreq * // MORE
0x00008925 SIOCGIFENCAP int *
0x00008926 SIOCSIFENCAP const int *
0x00008927 SIOCGIFHWADDR struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008929 SIOCGIFSLAVE void
0x00008930 SIOCSIFSLAVE void
0x00008931 SIOCADDMULTI const struct ifreq *
0x00008932 SIOCDELMULTI const struct ifreq *
0x00008940 SIOCADDRTOLD void
0x00008941 SIOCDELRTOLD void
0x00008950 SIOCDARP const struct arpreq *
0x00008951 SIOCGARP struct arpreq * // I-O
0x00008952 SIOCSARP const struct arpreq *
0x00008960 SIOCDRARP const struct arpreq *
0x00008961 SIOCGRARP struct arpreq * // I-O
0x00008962 SIOCSRARP const struct arpreq *
0x00008970 SIOCGIFMAP struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008971 SIOCSIFMAP const struct ifreq *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ soundcar d. h>
0x00005100 SNDCTL_SEQ_RESET void
0x00005101 SNDCTL_SEQ_SYNC void
0xC08C5102 SNDCTL_SYNTH_INFO struct synth_info * // I-O
0xC0045103 SNDCTL_SEQ_CTRLRATE int * // I-O
0x80045105 SNDCTL_SEQ_GETINCOUNT int *
0x40045106 SNDCTL_SEQ_PERCMODE void
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ socki os. h>
Part II: SystemCalls
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ soundcar d. h>
0x40285107 SNDCTL FM LOAD INSTR const struct sbi_instrument *
0x40045108 SNDCTL_SEQ_TESTMIDI const int *
0x40045109 SNDCTL_SEQ_RESETSAMPLES const int *
0x8004510A SNDCTL_SEQ_NRSYNTHS int *
0x8004510B SNDCTL_SEQ_NRMIDIS int *
0xC074510C SNDCTL_MIDI_INFO struct midi_info * // I-O
0x4004510D SNDCTL_SEQ_THRESHOLD const int *
0xC004510E SNDCTL_SYNTH_MEMAVL int * // I-O
0x4004510F SNDCTL_FM_4OP_ENABLE const int *
0xCFB85110 SNDCTL_PMGR_ACCESS struct patmgr_info * // I-O
0x00005111 SNDCTL_SEQ_PANIC void
0x40085112 SNDCTL_SEQ_OUTOFBAND const struct seq_event_rec *
0xC0045401 SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE int * // I-O
0x00005402 SNDCTL_TMR_START void
0x00005403 SNDCTL_TMR_STOP void
0x00005404 SNDCTL_TMR_CONTINUE void
0xC0045405 SNDCTL_TMR_TEMPO int * // I-O
0xC0045406 SNDCTL_TMR_SOURCE int * // I-O
0x40045407 SNDCTL_TMR_METRONOME const int *
0x40045408 SNDCTL_TMR_SELECT int * // I-O
0xCFB85001 SNDCTL_PMGR_IFACE struct patmgr_info * // I-O
0xC0046D00 SNDCTL_MIDI_PRETIME int * // I-O
0xC0046D01 SNDCTL_MIDI_MPUMODE const int *
0xC0216D02 SNDCTL_MIDI_MPUCMD struct mpu_command_rec * // I-O
0x00005000 SNDCTL_DSP_RESET void
0x00005001 SNDCTL_DSP_SYNC void
0xC0045002 SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED int * // I-O
0xC0045003 SNDCTL_DSP_STEREO int * // I-O
0xC0045004 SNDCTL_DSP_GETBLKSIZE int * // I-O
0xC0045006 SOUND_PCM_WRITE CHANNELS int * // I-O
0xC0045007 SOUND_PCM_WRITE FILTER int * // I-O
0x00005008 SNDCTL_DSP_POST void
0xC0045009 SNDCTL_DSP_SUBDIVIDE int * // I-O
0x8004500B SNDCTL_DSP_GETFMTS int *
0xC0045005 SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT int * // I-O
0x800C500C SNDCTL_DSP_GETOSPACE struct audio-buf-info *
0x800C500D SNDCTL_DSP_GETISPACE struct audio-buf-info *
0x80045002 SOUND_PCM_READ RATE int *
0x80045006 SOUND_PCM_READ CHANNELS int *
0x80045005 SOUND_PCM_READ BITS int *
0x80045007 SOUND_PCM_READ FILTER int *
0x00004300 SNDCTL_COPR_RESET void
0xCFB04301 SNDCTL_COPR_LOAD const struct copr_buffer *
0xC0144302 SNDCTL_COPR_RDATA struct copr_debug_buf * // I-O
0xC0144303 SNDCTL_COPR_RCODE struct copr_debug_buf * // I-O
0x40144304 SNDCTL_COPR_WDATA const struct copr_debug_buf *
0x40144305 SNDCTL_COPR_WCODE const struct copr_debug_buf *
0xC0144306 SNDCTL_COPR_RUN struct copr_debug_buf * // I-O
0xC0144307 SNDCTL_COPR_HALT struct copr_debug_buf * // I-O
0x4FA44308 SNDCTL_COPR_SENDMSG const struct copr_msg *
0x8FA44309 SNDCTL_COPR_RCVMSG struct copr_msg *
0x80044D01 SOUND_MIXER_READ_BASS int *
0x80044D04 SOUND_MIXER_READ_PCM int *
0x80044D06 SOUND_MIXER_READ_LINE int *
0x80044D07 SOUND_MIXER_READ_MIC int *
0x80044D08 SOUND_MIXER_READ_CD int *
0x80044D09 SOUND_MIXER_READ_IMIX int *
0x80044D10 SOUND_MIXER_READ_LINE3 int *
0xC0044D01 SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_BASS int * // I-O
0xC0044D04 SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_PCM int * // I-O
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ soundcar d. h>
Part II: SystemCalls
0xC0044D06 SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_LINE int * // I-O
0xC0044D07 SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_MIC int * // I-O
0xC0044D08 SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_CD int * // I-O
0xC0044D09 SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_IMIX int * // I-O
0xC0044D10 SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_LINE3 int * // I-O
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ umsdos f s. h>
0x000004D2 UMSDOS_READDIR_DOS struct umsdos_ioctl * // I-O
0x000004D3 UMSDOS_UNLINK_DOS const struct umsdos_ioctl *
0x000004D4 UMSDOS_RMDIR_DOS const struct umsdos_ioctl *
0x000004D5 UMSDOS_STAT_DOS struct umsdos_ioctl * // I-O
0x000004D6 UMSDOS_CREAT_EMD const struct umsdos_ioctl *
0x000004D7 UMSDOS_UNLINK_EMD const struct umsdos_ioctl *
0x000004D8 UMSDOS_READDIR_EMD struct umsdos_ioctl * // I-O
0x000004D9 UMSDOS_GETVERSION struct umsdos_ioctl *
0x000004DA UMSDOS_INIT_EMD void
0x000004DB UMSDOS_DOS_SETUP const struct umsdos_ioctl *
0x000004DC UMSDOS_RENAME_DOS const struct umsdos_ioctl *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ vt . h>
0x00005600 VT_OPENQRY int *
0x00005601 VT_GETMODE struct vt_mode *
0x00005602 VT_SETMODE const struct vt_mode *
0x00005603 VT_GETSTATE struct vt_stat *
0x00005604 VT_SENDSIG void
0x00005605 VT_RELDISP int
0x00005606 VT_ACTIVATE int
0x00005607 VT_WAI TACTI VE int
0x00005608 VT_DISALLOCATE int
0x00005609 VT_RESIZE const struct vt_sizes *
0x0000560A VT_RESIZEX const struct vt_consize *
<i ncl ude/ l i nux/ soundcar d. h>
Some ioctlstake a pointer to a structure that containsadditional pointers. These are documented here in alphabetical order.
CDROMREADAUDIO takesan input pointer const struct cdrom read audio *. The buf field pointsto an output buffer of length
CDROMREADCOOKED, CDROMREADMODE1, CDROMREADMODE2, and CDROM-READRAW take an input pointer const struct cdrom msf *. They
use the same pointer asan output pointer to char []. The length variesby request. For CDROMREADMODE1, most driversuse
CD_FRAMESIZE, but the opticsstorage driver usesOPT BLOCKSIZE instead (both have the numerical value 2048).
ifreq *. The ifr data field isa pointer to another structure asfollows:
EQL_ENSLAVE const struct slaving_request *
EQL_EMANCIPATE const struct slaving_request *
EQL_GETSLAVECFG struct slave_config * // I-O
EQL_SETSLAVECFG const struct slave_config *
EQL_GETMASTERCFG struct master_config *
EQL_SETMASTERCFG const struct master_config *
FDRAWCMD takesa struct floppy raw cmd *. If flags & FD RAW WRITE isnonzero, then data pointsto an input buffer of length
length. If flags & FD RAW READ isnonzero, then data pointsto an output buffer of length length.
GIO_FONTX and PIO_FONTX take a struct console font desc * or a const struct console_font_desc *, respectively. chardata
pointsto a buffer of char [charcount]. Thisisan output buffer for GIO_FONTX and an input buffer for PIO_FONTX.
GIO_UNIMAP and PIO_UNIMAP take a struct unimapdesc * or a const struct unimapdesc *, respectively. entries pointsto a
buffer of struct unipair [entry ct]. Thisisan output buffer for GIO_UNIMAP and an input buffer for PIO_UNIMAP.
KDADDIO, KDDELIO, KDDISABIO, and KDENABIO enable or disable accessto I/O ports. They are essentially alternate interfacesto
KDMAPDISP and KDUNMAPDISP enable or disable memory mappingsor I/O port access. They are not implemented in the kernel.
SCSI_IOCTL_PROBE_HOST takesan input pointer const int *, which isa length. It usesthe same pointer asan output pointer to
a char [] buffer of thislength.
SIOCADDRT and SIOCDELRT take an input pointer whose type dependson the protocol:
Most protocols const struct rtentry *
AX.25 const struct ax25_route *
NET/ROM const struct nr_route_struct *
SIOCGIFCONF takesa struct ifconf *. The ifc buf field pointsto a buffer of length ifc len bytes, into which the kernel writes
a list of type struct ifreq [].
SIOCSIFHWADDR takesan input pointer whose type dependson the protocol:
Most protocols const struct ifreq *
AX.25 const char [AX25_ADDR_LEN]
TIOCLINUX takesa const char *. It usesthisto distinguish several independent subcases. In the following table, N + foo means
foo after an N-byte pad. struct selection isimplicitly defined in drivers/char/selection.c:
Part II: SystemCalls
TIOCLINUX-2 1 + const struct selection *
TIOCLINUX-5 4 + const struct f long [8]; g *
TIOCLINUX-6 char *
TIOCLINUX-7 char *
TIOCLINUX-10 1 + const char *
Thislist doesnot include ioctlsin the range SIOCDEVPRIVATE and SIOCPROTOPRIVATE:
Linux, 17 September 1995
iopermSetsport input/output permissions
#include <unistd.h>
int ioperm(unsigned long f r om, unsigned long num,intt ur n_on);
ioperm setsthe port accesspermission bitsfor the processfor num bytesstarting from port addressfrom to the value t ur n_on.
The use of ioperm requiresroot privileges.
Only the first 03ff I/O portscan be specified in thismanner. For more ports, the iopl function must be used. Permissions
are not inherited on fork, but on exec they are. Thisisuseful for giving port accesspermissionsto nonprivileged tasks.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
ioperm isLinux specific.
Linux, 21 January1993
ioplChangesI/O privilege level
#include <unistd.h>
int iopl(int l evel );
iopl changesthe I/O privilege level of the current process, asspecified in l evel .
Thiscall isnecessary to allow 8514-compatible X serversto run under Linux. Because these X serversrequire accessto all
65536 I/O ports, the ioperm call isnot sufficient.
In addition to granting unrestricted I/O port access, running at a higher I/O privilege level also allowsthe processto disable
interrupts. Thiswill probably crash the system and isnot recommended.
The I/O privilege level for a normal processis0.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EINVAL l evel isgreater than 3.
EPERM The current user isnot the superuser.
iopl hasto be used when you want to accessthe I/O portsbeyond the 0x3ff range: To get the full 65536 portsbitmapped,
youd need 8KB of bitmaps/process, which isa bit excessive.
Linux 0.99.11, 24 July1993
ipcSystem V IPC system calls
int ipc(unsigned int cal l , int f i r st , int second,
int t hi r d, void *pt r , long f i f t h);
ipc isa common kernel entry point for the System V IPC callsfor messages, semaphores, and shared memory. cal l
determineswhich IPC function to invoke; the other argumentsare passed through to the appropriate call.
User programsshould call the appropriate functionsby their usual names. Only standard library implementorsand kernel
hackersneed to know about ipc.
msgctl(2), msgget(2), msgrcv(2), msgsnd(2), semctl(2), semget(2), semop(2), shmat(2), shmctl(2), shmdt(2), shmget(2)
Linux 1.2.4, 15 April 1995
Part II: SystemCalls
killSendssignal to a process
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
int kill(pid t pi d,intsi g);
The kill system call can be used to send any signal to any processgroup or process.
If pi d ispositive, then signal si g issent to pi d. In thiscase, 0 isreturned on successand a negative value isreturned on error.
If pi d equals1, then si g issent to every processexcept the first one, from higher numbersin the proc table to lower. In this
case, 0 isreturned on success, or the error condition resulting from signaling the last processisreturned.
If pi d islessthan 1, then si g issent to every processin the processgroup pi d. In thiscase, the number of processesthe
signal wassent to isreturned and a negative value isreturned for failure.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EINVAL An invalid signal issent.
ESRCH The pid or processgroup doesnot exist. Note that an existing processmight be a zombie, a
processthat already committed termination, but hasnot yet been wait()ed for.
EPERM The effective userID of the processcalling kill() isnot equal to the effective user ID of pi d,
unlessthe superuser called kill().
It isimpossible to send a signal to task number one, the init process, for which it hasnot installed a signal handler. Thisis
done to ensure that the system isnot brought down accidentally.
exit(2), exit(2), signal(2), signal(7)
Linux, 1 November 1995
killpgSendssignal to a processgroup
#include <signal.h>
int killpg(int pgr p,intsi g);
killpg sendsthe signal si g to the processgroup pgr p. See sigaction(2) for a list of signals. If pgr p is0, killpg sendsthe signal
to the sending processsprocessgroup.
The sending processand membersof the processgroup must have the same effective user ID, or the sender must be the
superuser. Asa single special case, the continue signal SIGCONT may be sent to any processthat isa descendant of the current
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EINVAL si g isnot a valid signal number.
ESRCH No processcan be found in the processgroup specified by pgr p.
ESRCH The processgroup wasgiven as0, but the sending processdoesnot have a processgroup.
EPERM The sending processisnot the superuser and one or more of the target processeshasan
effective user ID different from that of the sending process.
The killpg function call appeared in BSD4.0.
kill(2), getpgrp(2), signal(2)
BSD Man Page, 23 July1993
linkMakesa new name for a file
#include <unistd.h>
int link(const char *ol dpat h, const char *newpat h);
link createsa new link (also known asa hard link) to an existing file.
If newpat h exists, it will not be overwritten.
Thisnew name may be used exactly asthe old one for any operation; both namesrefer to the same file (and so have the same
permissionsand ownership) and it isimpossible to tell which name wasthe original.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EXDEV ol dpat h and newpat h are not on the same filesystem.
EPERM The filesystem containing ol dpat h and newpat h doesnot support the creation of hard links.
EFAULT ol dpat h or newpat h pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
EACCES Write accessto the directory containing newpat h isnot allowed for the processseffective
UID, or one of the directoriesin ol dpat h or newpat h did not allow search (execute)
ENAMETOOLONG ol dpat h or newpat h wastoo long.
ENOENT A directory component in ol dpat h or newpat h doesnot exist or isa dangling symbolic link.
ENOTDIR A component used asa directory in ol dpat h or newpat h isnot, in fact, a directory.
Part II: SystemCalls
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
EROFS The file ison a read-only filesystem.
EEXIST newpat h already exists.
EMLINK The file referred to by ol dpat h already hasthe maximum number of linksto it.
ELOOP ol dpat h or newpat h containsa reference to a circular symbolic link, that is, a symbolic link
whose expansion containsa reference to itself.
ENOSPC The device containing the file hasno room for the new directory entry.
EPERM ol dpat h isthe . or .. entry of a directory.
Hard links, ascreated by link, cannot span filesystems. Use symlink if thisisrequired.
On NFS file systems, the return code may be wrong in case the NFS server performsthe link creation and diesbefore it can
say so. Use stat(2) to find out if the link wascreated.
symlink(2), unlink(2), rename(2), open(2), stat(2), ln(1), link(8)
Linux, 17 August 1994
listenListensfor connectionson a socket
#include <sys/socket.h>
int listen(int_s,int backl og);
To accept connections, a socket isfirst created with socket(2), a willingnessto accept incoming connectionsand a queue
limit for incoming connectionsare specified with listen, and then the connectionsare accepted with accept(2). The listen
call appliesonly to socketsof type SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_SEQPACKET.
The backl og parameter definesthe maximum length the queue of pending connectionsmay grow to. If a connection request
arriveswith the queue full, the client might receive an error with an indication of ECONNREFUSED, or, if the underlying protocol
supportsretransmission, the request may be ignored so that retriesmay succeed.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EBADF The argument s isnot a valid descriptor.
ENOTSOCK The argument s isnot a socket.
EOPNOTSUPP The socket isnot of a type that supportsthe operation listen.
The listen function call appeared in BSD 4.2.
If the socket isof type af_inet and the backlog argument isgreater than 128, it issilently truncated to 128. For portable
applications, dont rely on thisvalue since BSD (and at least some BSD-derived systems) limit the backlog to 5.
accept(2), connect(2), socket(2)
BSD Man Page, 23 July1993
_llseekRepositionsthe read/write file offset
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/unistd.h>
_syscall5(int, llseek, uint, fd, ulong, hi, ulong, lo, loff_t*,res,uint,wh);
int llseek(unsigned int f d, unsigned long of f set _hi gh,
unsigned long of f set _l ow,loff_t * r esul t , unsigned int whence);
The _llseek function repositionsthe offset of the file descriptor f d to ( of f set _hi gh<<32) | offset_low bytesrelative to the
beginning of the file, the current position in the file, or the end of the file, depending on whether whence isSEEK_SET,
SEEK_CUR,or SEEK_END, respectively. It returnsthe resulting file position in the argument r esul t .
Upon successful completion, _llseek returns0. Otherwise, a value of 1 isreturned and errno isset to indicate the error.
EBADF f d isnot an open file descriptor.
EINVAL whence isinvalid.
Thisfunction isLinux specific.
There isno support for fileswith a size of 2GB or more.
Linux 1.2.9, 10 June1995
lseekRepositionsread/write file offset
#include <unistd.h>
off_t lseek(int f i l des ,off_t of f set ,int whence);
Part II: SystemCalls
The lseek function repositionsthe offset of the file descriptor f i l des to the argument of f set according to the directive
whence. The argument f i l des must be an open file descriptor. lseek repositionsthe file pointer f i l des asfollows:
If whence isSEEK_SET, the offset isset to of f set bytes.
If whence isSEEK_CUR, the offset isset to itscurrent location plusof f set bytes.
If whence isSEEK_END, the offset isset to the size of the file plusof f set bytes.
The lseek function allowsthe file offset to be set beyond the end of the existing end-of-file of the file. If data islater written
at thispoint, subsequent readsof the data in the gap return bytesof zeros(until data isactually written into the gap).
Some devicesare incapable of seeking. The value of the pointer associated with such a device isundefined.
Upon successful completion, lseek returnsthe resulting offset location asmeasured in bytesfrom the beginning of the file.
Otherwise, a value of 1 isreturned and errno isset to indicate the error.
EBADF f i l des isnot an open file descriptor.
ESPIPE f i l des isassociated with a pipe, socket, or FIFO.
EINVAL whence isnot a proper value.
Thisdocumentsuse of whence isincorrect English, but maintained for historical reasons.
dup(2), open(2), fseek(3)
Linux 1.2.9, 10 June1995
mkdirCreatesa directory
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int mkdir(const char *pat hname, mode_t mode);
mkdir attemptsto create a directory named pat hname.
mode specifiesthe permissionsto use. It ismodified by the processsumask in the usual way: the permissionsof the created
file is(mode & umask).
The newly created directory will be owned by the effective UID of the process. If the directory containing the file hasthe set
group ID bit set, or if the filesystem ismounted with BSD group semantics, the new directory will inherit the group
ownership from itsparent; otherwise, it will be owned by the effective GID of the process.
If the parent directory hasthe set group ID bit set, so will the newly created directory.
mkdir returns0 on success, or -1 if an error occurred (in which case, errno isset appropriately).
EEXIST pat hname already exists(not necessarily asa directory).
EFAULT pat hname pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
EACCES The parent directory doesnot allow write permission to the process, or one of the
directoriesin pat hname did not allow search (execute) permission.
ENAMETOOLONG pat hname wastoo long.
ENOENT A directory component in pat hname doesnot exist or isa dangling symbolic link.
ENOTDIR A component used asa directory in pat hname isnot, in fact, a directory.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
EROFS pat hname refersto a file on a read-only filesystem and write accesswasrequested.
ELOOP pat hname containsa reference to a circular symbolic link, that is, a symbolic link whose
expansion containsa reference to itself.
ENOSPC The device containing pathnamehasno room for the new directory.
ENOSPC The new directory cannot be created because the usersdisk quota isexhausted.
In some older versionsof Linux (for example, 0.99pl7) all the normal filesystemssometime allow the creation of two filesin
the same directory with the same name. Thisoccursonly rarely and only on a heavily loaded system. It isbelieved that this
bug wasfixed in the Minix filesystem in Linux 0.99pl8 prerelease; and it ishoped that it wasfixed in the other filesystems
shortly afterward.
There are many infelicitiesin the protocol underlying NFS.
read(2), write(2), fcntl(2), close(2), unlink(2), open(2), mknod(2), stat(2), umask(2), mount(2), socket(2), socket(2), fopen(3)
Linux 1.0, 29 March 1994
mknodCreatesa directory
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int mknod(const char *pat hname, mode_t mode,dev_t dev);
mknod attemptsto create a filesystem node (file, device special file, or named pipe) named pat hname, specified by mode and dev.
mode specifiesboth the permissionsto use and the type of node to be created.
It should be a combination (using bitwise OR) of one of the file typeslisted below and the permissionsfor the new node.
The permissionsare modified by the processsumask in the usual way: The permissionsof the created node is(mode &
Part II: SystemCalls
The file type should be one of S_IFREG, S_IFCHR, S_IFBLK, or S_IFIFO to specify a normal file (which will be created empty),
character special file, block special file, or FIFO (named pipe), respectively, or 0, which will create a normal file.
If the file type isS_IFCHR or S_IFBLK, then dev specifiesthe major and minor numbersof the newly created device special file;
otherwise, it isignored.
The newly created node will be owned by the effective UID of the process. If the directory containing the node hasthe set
group ID bit set, or if the filesystem ismounted with BSD group semantics, the new node will inherit the group ownership
from itsparent directory; otherwise it will be owned by the effective GID of the process.
mknod returns0 on success, or -1 if an error occurred (in which case, errno isset appropriately).
EPERM mode requested creation of something other than a FIFO (named pipe), and the caller isnot
the superuser; also returned if the filesystem containing pat hname doesnot support the type
of node requested.
EINVAL mode requested creation of something other than a normal file, device special file or FIFO.
EEXIST pat hname already exists.
EFAULT pat hname pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
EACCES The parent directory doesnot allow write permission to the process, or one of the
directoriesin pat hname did not allow search (execute) permission.
ENAMETOOLONG pat hname wastoo long.
ENOENT A directory component in pat hname doesnot exist or isa dangling symbolic link.
ENOTDIR A component used asa directory in pat hname isnot, in fact, a directory.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
EROFS pat hname refersto a file on a read-only filesystem and write accesswasrequested.
ELOOP pat hname containsa reference to a circular symbolic link, that is, a symbolic link whose
expansion containsa reference to itself.
ENOSPC The device containing pat hname hasno room for the new node.
In some older versionsof Linux (for example, 0.99pl7) all the normal filesystemssometime allow the creation of two filesin
the same directory with the same name. Thisoccursonly rarely and only on a heavily loaded system. It isbelieved that this
bug wasfixed in the Minix filesystem in Linux 0.99pl8 prerelease; and it ishoped that it wasfixed in the other filesystems
shortly afterward.
mknod cannot be used to create directoriesor socket files, and cannot be used to create normal filesby usersother than the
There are many infelicitiesin the protocol underlying NFS.
read(2), write(2), fcntl(2), close(2), unlink(2), open(2), mkdir(2), stat(2), umask(2), mount(2), socket(2), fopen(3)
Linux 1.0, 29 March 1994
mlockDisablespaging for some partsof memory
#include <sys/mman.h>
int mlock(const void *addr , size_t l en);
mlock disablespaging for the memory in the range starting at addr with length l en bytes. All pagesthat contain a part of the
specified memory range are guaranteed to be resident in RAM when the mlock system call returnssuccessfully and they are
guaranteed to stay in RAM until the pagesare unlocked again by munlock or munlockall or until the processterminatesor
startsanother program with exec. Child processesdo not inherit page locksacrossa fork.
Memory locking hastwo main applications: real-time algorithmsand high-security data processing. Real-time applications
require deterministic timing, and, like scheduling, paging isone major cause of unexpected program execution delays. Real-
time applicationswill usually also switch to a real-time scheduler with sched setscheduler.
Cryptographic security software often handlescritical bytessuch aspasswordsor secret keysasdata structures. Asa result of
paging, these secretscould be transferred onto a persistent swap store medium, where they might be accessible to the enemy
long after the security software haserased the secretsin RAM and terminated.
Memory locksdo not stack, that is, pagesthat have been locked several timesby callsto mlock or mlockall will be unlocked
by a single call to munlock for the corresponding range or by munlockall. Pagesthat are mapped to several locationsor by
several processesstay locked into RAM aslong asthey are locked at least at one location or by at least one process.
On POSIX systemson which mlock and munlock are available, _POSIX_MEMLOCK_RANGE isdefined in <unistd.h> and the value
PAGESIZE from <limits.h> indicatesthe number of bytesper page.
On success, mlock returns0. On error, 1 isreturned, errno isset appropriately, and no changesare made to any locksin the
addressspace of the process.
ENOMEM Some of the specified addressrange doesnot correspond to mapped pagesin the address
space of the processor the processtried to exceed the maximum number of allowed locked
EPERM The calling processdoesnot have appropriate privileges. Only root processesare allowed to
lock pages.
EINVAL l en wasnot a positive number.
munlock(2), mlockall(2), munlockall(2).
Linux 1.3.43, 26 November 1995
mlockallDisablespaging for calling process
#include <sys/mman.h>
int mlockall(int f l ags );
Part II: SystemCalls
mlockall disablespaging for all pagesmapped into the addressspace of the calling process. Thisincludesthe pagesof the
code, data and stack segments, shared libraries, user space kernel data, shared memory, and memory-mapped files. All
mapped pagesare guaranteed to be resident in RAM when the mlockall system call returnssuccessfully and they are
guaranteed to stay in RAM until the pagesare unlocked again by munlock or munlockall or until the processterminatesor
startsanother program with exec. Child processesdo not inherit page locksacrossa fork.
Memory locking hastwo main applications: real-time algorithmsand high-security data processing. Real-time applications
require deterministic timing, and, like scheduling, paging isone major cause of unexpected program execution delays. Real-
time applicationswill usually also switch to a real-time scheduler with sched setscheduler. Cryptographic security software
often handlescritical bytessuch aspasswordsor secret keysasdata structures. Asa result of paging, these secretscould be
transferred onto a persistent swap store medium, where they might be accessible to the enemy long after the security software
haserased the secretsin RAM and terminated. For security applications, only small partsof memory have to be locked, for
which mlock isavailable.
The f l ags parameter can be constructed from the logical OR of the following constants:
MCL_CURRENT Lock all pagesthat are currently mapped into the addressspace of the process.
MCL_FUTURE Lock all pagesthat will become mapped into the addressspace of the processin the future.
These could be, for instance, new pagesrequired by a growing heap and stack aswell asnew
memory mapped filesor shared memory regions.
If MCL_FUTURE hasbeen specified and the number of locked pagesexceedsthe upper limit of allowed locked pages, the system
call that caused the new mapping will fail with ENOMEM. If these new pageshave been mapped by the growing stack, the kernel
will deny stack expansion and send a SIGSEGV.
Real-time processesshould reserve enough locked stack pagesbefore entering the time-critical section, so no page fault can be
caused by function calls. Thiscan be achieved by calling a function that hasa sufficiently large automatic variable and that
writesto the memory occupied by thislarge array in order to touch these stack pages. Thisway, enough pageswill be
mapped for the stack and can be locked into RAM. The dummy writesensure that not even copy-on-write page faultscan
occur in the critical section.
Memory locksdo not stack, that is, pagesthat have been locked several timesby callsto mlockall or mlock will be unlocked
by a single call to munlockall. Pagesthat are mapped to several locationsor by several processesstay locked into RAM aslong
asthey are locked at least at one location or by at least one process.
On POSIX systemson which mlockall and munlockall are available, POSIX MEMLOCK isdefined in <unistd.h>.
On success, mlockall returns0. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
ENOMEM The processtried to exceed the maximum number of allowed locked pages.
EPERM The calling processdoesnot have appropriate privileges. Only root processesare allowed to
lock pages.
EINVAL Unknown flagswere specified.
munlockall(2), mlock(2), munlock(2)
Linux 1.3.43, 26 November 1995
mmap, munmap
mmap, munmapMap or unmap filesor devicesinto memory
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
void * mmap(void *st ar t , size_t l engt h,int pr ot ,int f l ags ,int f d,off_t of f set );
int munmap(void *st ar t , size_t l engt h);
The mmap function asksto map l engt h bytesstarting at offset of f set from the file (or other object) specified by f d into
memory, preferably at addressst ar t . Thislatter addressisa hint only, and isusually specified as0. The actual place where
the object ismapped isreturned by mmap.The pr ot argument describesthe desired memory protection. It hasthe following
PROT_EXEC Pagesmay be executed.
PROT_READ Pagesmay be read.
PROT_WRITE Pagesmay be written.
The f l ags parameter specifiesthe type of the mapped object, mapping options, and whether modificationsmade to the
mapped copy of the page are private to the processor are to be shared with other references. It hasthe following bits:
MAP_FIXED Do not select a different addressthan the one specified. If the specified addresscannot be
used, mmap will fail. If MAP_FIXED isspecified, st ar t must be a multiple of the pagesize. Use of
thisoption isdiscouraged.
MAP_SHARED Share thismapping with all other processesthat map thisobject.
MAP_PRIVATE Create a private copy-on-write mapping.
These three flagsare described in POSIX.4. Linux also knowsabout MAP_DENYWRITE, MAP_EXECUTABLE, and MAP_ANON(YMOUS).
The munmap system call deletesthe mappingsfor the specified addressrange and causesfurther referencesto addresseswithin
the range to generate invalid memory references.
On success, mmap returnsa pointer to the mapped area. On error, MAP_FAILED (1) isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
On success, munmap returns0, and on failure it returns1 and setserrno (probably to EINVAL).
EBADF f d isnot a valid file descriptor (and MAP_ANONYMOUS wasnot set).
EACCES MAP_PRIVATE wasasked, but f d isnot open for reading. Or MAP_SHARED wasasked and
PROT_WRITE isset, f d isnot open for writing.
EINVAL st ar t or l engt h, and of f set are too large, or not aligned on a PAGESIZE boundary.
ETXTBUSY MAP_DENYWRITE wasset but the object specified by f d isopen for writing.
EAGAIN The file hasbeen locked, or too much memory hasbeen locked.
ENOMEM No memory isavailable.
mmap, munmap
Part II: SystemCalls
getpagesize(2), msync(2), shm_open(2), B. O. Gallmeister, POSIX.4, OReilly, pp. 128129, 389391.
Linux 1.3.86, 12 April 1996
modify_ldtGetsor setsldt
#include <linux/ldt.h> #include <linux/unistd.h>
_syscall3( int, modify_ldt, int, func, void *, ptr, unsigned long, bytecount )
int modify_ldt(int f unc,void *pt r , unsigned long byt ecount );
modify_ldt readsor writesthe local descriptor table (ldt) for a process. The ldt isa per-processmemory-management table
used by the i386 processor. For more information on thistable, see an Intel 386 processor handbook.
When f unc is0, modify_ldt readsthe ldt into the memory pointed to by pt r . The number of bytesread isthe smaller of
byt ecount and the actual size of the ldt.
When f unc is1, modify_ldt modifiesone ldt entry. pt r pointsto a modi f y_l dt _l dt _s structure and byt ecount must equal the
size of thisstructure.
On success, modify_ldt returnseither the actual number of bytesread (for reading) or 0 (for writing). On failure, modify_ldt
returns1 and setserrno.
ENOSYS f unc isneither 0 nor 1.
EINVAL pt r is0, or f unc is1 and byt ecount isnot equal to the size of the structure
modi f y_l dt _l dt _s,or f unc is1 and the new ldt entry hasillegal values.
EFAULT pt r pointsoutside the addressspace.
Linux 1.3.6, 22 July1995
get_kernel_syms, create_module, init_module, delete_module
get_kernel_syms, create_module, init_module, delete_moduleLoadable module support
#include <linux/module.h>
int get_kernel_syms(struct kernel_sym *table);
int create_module(char *module_name, unsigned long size);
int init_module(char *module_name, char *code, unsigned codesize,
struct mod_routines *routines, struct symbol_table *symtab);
int delete_module(char *module_name);
struct kernel_sym {
unsigned long value;
char name[SYM_MAX_NAME];
struct mod_routines {
int (*init)(void);
void (*cleanup)(void);
struct module_ref {
struct module *module;
struct module_ref *next;
struct internal_symbol {
void *addr;
char *name;
struct symbol_table {
int size; /* total, including string table!!! */
int n_symbols;
int n_refs;
struct internal_symbol symbol[0];
struct module_ref ref[0];
These system callshave not yet been included in any library, which meansthat they have to be called by the
syscall(_NR_function) mechanism. get_kernel_syms(table); hastwo uses: First, if table isNULL, thiscall will only return the
number of symbols, including module names, that are available. Thisnumber should be used to reserve memory for that
many itemsof struct kernel sym.
If table isnot NULL, thiscall will copy all kernel symbolsand module names(and version info) from the kernel to the space
pointed to by table. The entriesare ordered in module LIFO order. For each module an entry that describesthe module will
be followed by entriesdescribing the symbolsexported by thismodule.
Note that for symbolsthat describe a module, the value part of the structure will contain the kernel addressof the structure
that describesthe module.
The name part of the structure isthe module name prepended with #, asin #my module. The symbol that describesa module
will appear before the symbolsdefined by thismodule.
Ahead of the kernel resident symbols, a module name symbol with the dummy name # will appear. Thisinformation can
be used to build a table of module referenceswhen modulesare stacked (or layered). create_module(module_name, size); will
allocate size bytesof kernel space for a module and also create the necessary kernel structures called namefor the new
module. The module will now exist in kernel space, with the statusMOD_UNINITIALIZED.init module(module_name, code,
codesize, routines, symtab);.
Thisisthe actual module loader that will load the module named name into the kernel. The parameterscode and codesize
refer to the relocated binary object module that iscodesize byteslong. Note that the first 4 byteswill be used asa reference
counter in kernel space, updated by the MOD_INC_USE_COUNT and MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT macros.
get_kernel_syms, create_module, init_module, delete_module
Part II: SystemCalls
The functionsdescribed in routineswill be used to start and stop the module. These pointersshould therefore contain the
addressesof the init_module() and cleanup_module() functionsthat have to be defined for all loadable modules.
If a module wantsto export symbolsfor use by other modules, or if the module makesreferencesto symbolsdefined by other
modules, the parameter symtab hasto point to a structure that describesthese. A NULL value for symtab meansthat no symbols
are exported and no referencesto other modulesare made.
The symtab that will be copied into the kernel consistsof a symbol table structure immediately followed by a string table,
containing the namesof the symbolsdefined by the module. The size element hasto include the size of thisstring table as
well. Special considerationsfollow.
The n_symbols and n_refs elementstellshow many symbolsand how many module referencesare included in the symbol
table structure. Immediately after these integers, the array of symbol definitionsfollows. The name element in each struct
internal symbol should actually not be an ordinary pointer, but instead the offset of the corresponding string table entry
relative to the start of the symbol table structure.
When all defined symbolshave been listed, the symbol_table structure continueswith the array of module references, as
described by the struct module_ref elements. Only the module field of these structureshave to be initialized. The module
addressesthat were obtained from a previousget_kernel_syms call, for elementswith namesstarting with # should be copied
to thisfield.
If the module could be successfully loaded, and if the call to the module function init_module() also succeeds, the statusof
the module will be changed to MOD_RUNNING. Otherwise, the kernel memory occupied by module will be freed.
delete_module(module_name); should be used to unload a module. If the module reference count showsthat the module isnot
active, and if there are no referencesto thismodule from other modules, the module function cleanup_module() will be
called. If all these stepssucceed, the kernel memory occupied by the module and itsstructureswill be freed.
If there are any errors, these functionswill return the value -1, and the global variable errno will contain the error number. A
descriptive text will also be written on the console device.
insmod(1), rmmod(1), lsmod(1), ksyms(1)
The module support wasfirst conceived by Anonymous.
Linux version by BasLaarhoven (, 0.99.14 version by Jon Tombs(, extended by Bjorn
Ekwall (
Linux, 25 January1995
mount, umount
mount, umountMount and unmount filesystems.
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
int mount(const char *speci al f i l e, const char * di r ,
const char * f i l esyst emt ype, unsigned long r wf l ag , const void * dat a);
int umount(const char *speci al f i l e);
int umount(const char *di r );
mount attachesthe filesystem specified by speci al f i l e (which isoften a device name) to the directory specified by di r .
umount removesthe attachment of the filesystem specified by speci al f i l e or di r .
Only the superuser may mount and unmount filesystems.
The f i l esyst emt ype argument may take one of the valueslisted in /proc/filesystems (such asminix, ext2, msdos, proc, nfs,
The r wf l ag argument hasthe magic number 0xC0ED in the top 16 bits, and variousmount flags(asdefined in <linux/fs.h>) in
the low order 16 bits:
#define MS_RDONLY 1 /* mount read-only */
#define MS_NOSUID 2 /* ignore suid and sgid bits */
#define MS_NODEV 4 /* disallow access to device special files */
#define MS_NOEXEC 8 /* disallow program execution */
#define MS_SYNC 16 /* writes are synced at once */
#define MS_REMOUNT 32 /* alter flags of a mounted FS */
#define MS_MGC_VAL 0xC0ED0000
If the magic number isabsent, then the last two argumentsare not used.
The dat a argument isinterpreted by the different filesystems.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
The following error valuesresult from filesystem type independent errors. Each filesystem type may have itsown special
errorsand itsown special behavior. See the kernel source code for details.
EPERM The user isnot the superuser.
ENODEV f i l esyst emt ype not configured in the kernel.
ENOTBLK speci al f i l e isnot a block device (if a device wasrequired).
EBUSY speci al f i l e isalready mounted. Or it cannot be remounted read-only because it still holds
filesopen for writing. Or, it cannot be mounted on di r because di r isstill busy (it isthe
working directory of some task, the mount point of another device, hasopen files, and so
EINVAL speci al f i l e had an invalid superblock. Or, a remount wasattempted, while speci al f i l e
wasnot already mounted on di r . Or, an umount wasattempted, while di r wasnot a mount
EFAULT One of the pointer argumentspointsoutside the user addressspace.
ENOMEM The kernel could not allocate a free page to copy filenamesor data into.
ENAMETOOLONG A pathname waslonger than MAXPATHLEN.
ENOENT A pathname wasempty or had a nonexistent component.
ENOTDIR The second argument, or a prefix of the first argument, isnot a directory.
EACCES A component of a path wasnot searchable.
Or, mounting a read-only filesystem wasattempted without giving the MS_RDONLY flag.
Or, the block device speci al f i l e islocated on a filesystem mounted with the MS_NODEV
ENXIO The major number of the block device speci al f i l e isout of range.
EMFILE (In case no block device isrequired:) Table of dummy devicesisfull.
mount, umount
Part II: SystemCalls
These functionsare rather Linux specific.
mount(8), umount(8)
Linux 1.1.67, 28 November 1994
mprotectControlsallowable accessesto a region of memory
#include <sys/mman.h>
int mprotect(caddr_t addr , size_t *l en, int pr ot );
mprotect controlshow a section of memory can be accessed. If an accessisdisallowed by the protection given it, the program
receivesa SIGSEGV.
pr ot isa bitwise-OR of the following values:
PROT_NONE The memory cannot be accessed at all.
PROT_READ The memory can be read.
PROT_WRITE The memory can be written to.
PROT_EXEC The memory can contain executing code.
The new protection replacesany existing protection. For example, if the memory had previously been marked PROT_READ, and
mpr ot ect isthen called with pr ot PROT_WRITE, it will no longer be readable.
On success, mprotect returns0. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EINVAL addr isnot a valid pointer.
EFAULT The memory cannot be accessed.
EACCES The memory cannot be given the specified access. Thiscan happen, for example, if you
mmap(2) a file to which you have read-only access, then ask mprotect to mark it PROT_WRITE.
ENOMEM Internal kernel structurescould not be allocated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
char *p;
char c;
/* Allocate a buffer; it will have the default
protection of PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE. */
p = malloc(1024);
if (!p) {
perror(Couldnt malloc(1024));
c = p[666]; /* Read; ok */
p[666] = 42; /* Write; ok */
/* Mark the buffer read-only. */
if (mprotect(p, 1024, PROT_READ)) {
perror(Couldnt mprotect);
c = p[666]; /* Read; ok */
p[666] = 42; /* Write; program dies on SIGSEGV */
Linux 1.2, 23 June1995
mremapRemapsa virtual memory address
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
void * mremap(void * ol d_addr ess, size_t ol d_si ze , size_t new_si ze, unsigned long f l ags)
mremap expands(or shrinks) an existing memory mapping, potentially moving it at the same time (controlled by the f l ags
argument and the available virtual addressspace).
ol d_addr ess isthe old addressof the virtual memory block that you want to expand (or shrink). Note that ol d_addr ess hasto
be page aligned. ol d_si ze isthe old size of the virtual memory block. new_si ze isthe requested size of the virtual memory
block after the resize.
The f l ags argument isa bitmap of flags.
In Linux the memory isdivided into pages. A user processhasone or linear virtual memory segments. Each virtual memory
segment hasone or more mappingsto real memory pages(in the page table). Each virtual memory segment hasitsown
protection (accessrights), which may cause a segmentation violation if the memory isaccessed incorrectly (for example,
writing to a read-only segment). Accessing virtual memory outside of the segmentswill also cause a segmentation violation.
mremap usesthe Linux page table scheme. mremap changesthe mapping between virtual addressesand memory pages. Thiscan
be used to implement a very efficient realloc.
Part II: SystemCalls
MREMAP_MAYMOVE Indicateswhether the operation should fail, or changesthe virtual addressif the resize
cannot be done at the current virtual address.
On success, mremap returnsa pointer to the new virtual memory area. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EINVAL An invalid argument wasgiven. Most likely ol d_addr ess wasnot page aligned.
EFAULT Segmentation fault. Some addressin the range ol d_addr ess to ol d_addr ess+ol d_si ze isan
invalid virtual memory addressfor thisprocess. You can also get EFAULT even if there exist
mappingsthat cover the whole addressspace requested, but those mappingsare of different
EAGAIN The memory segment islocked and cannot be remapped.
ENOMEM The memory area cannot be expanded at the current virtual address, and the MREMAP_MAYMOVE
flag isnot set in f l ags. Or there isnot enough (virtual) memory available.
getpagesize(2), realloc(3), malloc(3), brk(2), sbrk(2), mmap(2), your favorite OS text book for more information on paged
memory. (Modern OperatingSystemsby Andrew S. Tannenbaum, InsideLinux by Randolf Bentson, TheDesign of theUNIX
OperatingSystemby Maurice J. Bach.)
Linux 1.3.87, 12 April 1996
msgctlHandlesmessage control operations
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/ipc.h>
# include <sys/msg.h>
int msgctl ( int msqi d, int cmd , struct msqid_ds * buf );
int cmd, struct msqid_ds *buf;
The function performsthe control operation specified by cmd on the message queue with identifier msqi d. Legal valuesfor cmd
IPC_STAT Copiesinfo from the message queue data structure into the structure pointed to by buf . The
user must have read accessprivilegeson the message queue.
IPC_SET Writesthe valuesof some membersof the msqid ds structure pointed to by buf to the
message queue data structure, updating also itsmsg_ctime member. Considered members
from the user-supplied struct msqid ds pointed to by buf are msg_perm.uid, msg_perm.gid,
and msg_perm.mode /* only lowest 9-bits */ msg_qbytes.
The calling processeffective user ID must be one among superuser, creator or owner of the
message queue. Only the superuser can raise the msg_qbytes value beyond the system
parameter MSGMNB.
IPC_RMID Remove immediately the message queue and itsdata structuresawakening all waiting reader
and writer processes(with an error return and errno set to EIDRM). The calling process
effective user ID must be one among superuser, creator or owner of the message queue.
If successful, the return value will be 0;otherwise, the return value will be 1 with errno indicating the error.
For a failing return, errno will be set to one of the following values:
EACCESS The argument cmd isequal to IPC_STAT, but the calling processhasno read accesspermis-
sionson the message queue msqi d.
EFAULT The argument cmd hasvalue IPC_SET or IPC_STAT, but the addresspointed to by buf isnt
EIDRM The message queue wasremoved.
EINVAL Invalid value for cmd or msqi d.
EPERM The argument cmd hasvalue IPC_SET or IPC_RMID, but the calling processeffective user ID
hasinsufficient privilegesto execute the command. Note that thisisalso the case of a
nonsuperuser processtrying to increase the msg_qbytes value beyond the value specified by
the system parameter MSGMNB.
The IPC_INFO, MSG_STAT, and MSG_INFO control callsare used by the ipcs(1) program to provide information on allocated
resources. In the future these can be modified asneeded or moved to a proc file system interface.
ipc(5), msgget(2), msgsnd(2), msgrcv(2)
Linux 0.99.13, 1 November 1993
msggetGetsa message queue identifier
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/ipc.h>
# include <sys/msg.h>
int msgget ( key_t key,int msgf l g );
The function returnsthe message queue identifier associated to the value of the key argument. A new message queue is
created if key hasvalue IPC_PRIVATE or key isnt IPC_PRIVATE, no existing message queue isassociated to key , and IPC_CREAT is
asserted in msgf l g (that is, msgf l g &IPC_CREAT isnt 0). The presence in msgf l g of the fieldsIPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCL playsthe
same role, with respect to the existence of the message queue, asthe presence of O_CREAT and O_EXCL in the mode argument of
the op_en(2) system call: That is, the msgget function failsif msgf l g assertsboth IPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCL and a message queue
already existsfor key .
Upon creation, the lower 9 bitsof the argument msgf l g define the accesspermissions(for owner, group, and others) to the
message queue in the same format, and with the same meaning, asfor the accesspermissionsparameter in the open(2) or
creat(2) system calls(though the execute permissionsare not used by the system).
Furthermore, while creating, the system call initializesthe system message queue data structure msqid ds asfollows:
msg_perm.cuid and msg_perm.uid are set to the effective user ID of the calling process.
msg_perm.cgid and msg_perm.gid are set to the effective group ID of the calling process.
Part II: SystemCalls
The lowest-order 9 bitsof msg_perm.mode are set to the lowest-order 9 bit of msgf l g.
msg_qnum, msg_lspid, msg_lrpid, msg_stime, and msg_rtime are set to 0.
msg_ctime isset to the current time.
msg_qbytes isset to the system limit MSGMNB.
If the message queue already exists, the accesspermissionsare verified, and a check ismade to see whether it ismarked for
If successful, the return value will be the message queue identifier (a positive integer), otherwise 1 with errno indicating the
For a failing return, errno will be set to one of the following values:
EACCES A message queue existsfor key, but the calling processhasno accesspermissionsto the
EEXIST A message queue existsfor key and msgf l g wasasserting both IPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCL.
EIDRM The message queue ismarked asto be removed.
ENOENT No message queue existsfor key and msgf l g wasnt asserting IPC_CREAT.
ENOMEM A message queue hasto be created but the system hasnot enough memory for the new data
ENOSPC A message queue hasto be created but the system limit for the maximum number of
message queues(MSGMNI) would be exceeded.
IPC_PRIVATE isnt a flag field, but a key_t type. If thisspecial value isused for key, the system call ignoreseverything but the
lowest-order 9 bitsof msgf l g and createsa new message queue (on success).
The following isa system limit on message queue resourcesaffecting a msgget call:
MSGMNI Systemwide maximum number of message queues; policy dependent.
Use of IPC_PRIVATE doesnt inhibit other processesthe accessto the allocated message queue.
Asfor the files, there iscurrently no intrinsic way for a processto ensure exclusive accessto a message queue. Asserting both
IPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCL in msgf l g only ensures(on success) that a new message queue will be created; it doesnt imply
exclusive accessto the message queue.
ftok(3), ipc(5), msgctl(2), msgsnd(2), msgrcv(2)
Linux 0.99.13, 1 November 1993
msgopCompletesmessage operations
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/ipc.h>
# include <sys/msg.h>
int msgsnd ( int msqi d, struct msgbuf *msgp ,int msgsz,int msgf l g );
int msgrcv ( int msqi d, struct msgbuf *msgp,int msgsz,long msgt yp,int msgf l g );
To send or receive a message, the calling processallocatesa structure that lookslike the following:
struct msgbuf {
long mtype; /* message type, must be > 0 */
char mtext[1]; /* message data */
but with an array mtext of size msgsz, a nonnegative integer value. The structure member mtype must have a strictly positive
integer value that can be used by the receiving processfor message selection (see the section about msgrcv).
The calling processmust have write accesspermissionsto send and read accesspermissionsto receive a message on the queue.
The msgsnd system call queuesa copy of the message pointed to by the msgp argument on the message queue whose identifier
isspecified by the value of the msqi d argument.
The argument msgf l g specifiesthe system call behavior if queuing the new message will require more than msg_qbytes in the
queue. Asserting IPC_NOWAIT, the message will not be sent and the system call fails, returning with errno set to EAGAIN.
Otherwise the processissuspended until the condition for the suspension no longer exists(in which case the message issent
and the system call succeeds), or the queue isremoved (in which case the system call failswith errno set to EIDRM), or the
processreceivesa signal that hasto be caught (in which case the system call failswith errno set to EINTR).
Upon successful completion, the message queue data structure isupdated asfollows:
msg_lspid Set to the processD of the calling process.
msg_qnum Incremented by 1.
msg_stime Set to the current time.
The system call msgrcv readsa message from the message queue specified by msqi d into the msgbuf pointed to by the msgp
argument, removing from the queue, on success, the read message.
The argument msgsz specifiesthe maximum size in bytesfor the member mtext of the structure pointed to by the msgp
argument. If the message text haslength greater than msgsz, then if the msgf l g argument assertsMSG_NOERROR, the message text
will be truncated (and the truncated part will be lost); otherwise, the message isnt removed from the queue and the system
call fails, returning with errno set to E2BIG.
The argument msgt yp specifiesthe type of message requested asfollows:
If msgt yp is0, the message on the queuesfront isread.
If msgt yp isgreater than 0, the first message on the queue of type msgt yp isread if MSG_EXCEPT isnt asserted by the msgf l g
argument; otherwise, the first message on the queue of type not equal to msgt yp will be read.
If msgt yp islessthan 0, the first message on the queue with the lowest type lessthan or equal to the absolute value of msgt yp
will be read.
The msgf l g argument assertsnone, one, or more (ORing them) among the following flags:
IPC_NOWAIT For immediate return if no message of the requested type ison the queue. The system call
failswith errno set to ENOMSG.
MSG_EXCEPT Used with msgt yp greater than 0 to read the first message on the queue with message type
that differsfrom msgt yp.
MSG_NOERROR To truncate the message text if longer than msgsz bytes.
Part II: SystemCalls
If no message of the requested type isavailable and IPC_NOWAIT isnt asserted in msgf l g, the calling processisblocked until one
of the following conditionsoccurs:
A message of the desired type isplaced on the queue.
The message queue isremoved from the system. In such a case the system call failswith errno set to EIDRM.
The calling processreceivesa signal that hasto be caught. In such a case the system call failswith errno set to EINTR.
Upon successful completion, the message queue data structure isupdated asfollows:
msg_lrpid Set to the processD of the calling process.
msg_qnum Decremented by 1.
msg_rtime Set to the current time.
On a failure, both functionsreturn 1 with errno indicating the error; otherwise, msgsnd returns0 and msgrvc returnsthe
number of bytesactually copied into the mtext array.
When msgsnd fails, at return errno will be set to one of the following values:
EAGAIN The message cant be sent due to the msg_qbytes limit for the queue, and IPC_NOWAIT was
asserted in mgsf l g.
EACCES The calling processhasno write accesspermissionson the message queue.
EFAULT The addresspointed to by msgp isnt accessible.
EIDRM The message queue wasremoved.
EINTR Sleeping on a full message queue condition, the processreceived a signal that had to be
EINVAL Invalid msqi d value, or nonpositive mt ype value, or invalid msgsz value (lessthan 0 or greater
than the system value MSGMAX).
ENOMEM The system hasnot enough memory to make a copy of the supplied msgbuf.
When msgrcv fails, at return errno will be set to one of the following values:
E2BIG The message text length isgreater than msgsz and MSG_NOERROR isnt asserted in msgf l g.
EACCES The calling processhasno read accesspermissionson the message queue.
EFAULT The addresspointed to by msgp isnt accessible.
EIDRM While the processwassleeping to receive a message, the message queue wasremoved.
EINTR While the processwassleeping to receive a message, the processreceived a signal that had to
be caught.
EINVAL Illegal msgqi d value, or msgsz lessthan 0.
ENOMSG IPC_NOWAIT wasasserted in msgf l g and no message of the requested type existed on the
message queue.
The followingsare system limitsaffecting a msgsnd system call:
MSGMAX Maximum size for a message text; the implementation set thisvalue to 4080 bytes.
MSGMNB Default maximum size in bytesof a message queue: policy dependent. The superuser can
increase the size of a message queue beyond MSGMNB by a msgctl system call.
The implementation hasno intrinsic limitsfor the systemwide maximum number of message headers(MSGTQL) and for the
systemwide maximum size in bytesof the message pool (MSGPOOL).
ipc(5), msgctl(2), msgget(2), msgrcv(2), msgsnd(2)
Linux 0.99.13, 1 November 1993
msyncSynchronizesa file with a memory map
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
int msync(const void *st ar t , size_t l engt h,int f l ags);
msync flusheschangesmade to the in-core copy of a file that wasmapped into memory using mmap(2) back to disk. Without
use of thiscall, there isno guarantee that changesare written back before munmap(2) iscalled. To be more precise, the part of
the file that correspondsto the memory area starting at st ar t and having length l engt h isupdated. The f l ags argument may
have the bitsMS_ASYNC, MS_SYNC, and MS_INVALIDATE set, but not both MS_ASYNC and MS_SYNC. MS_ASYNC specifiesthat an update
be scheduled, but the call returnsimmediately. MS_SYNC asksfor an update and waitsfor it to complete. MS_INVALIDATE asksto
invalidate other mappingsof the same file (so that they can be updated with the fresh valuesjust written).
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EINVAL st ar t isnot a multiple of PAGESIZE, or any bit other than MS_ASYNC | MS_INVALIDATE |
MS_SYNC isset in f l ags.
EFAULT The indicated memory (or part of it) wasnot mapped.
mmap(2), B.O. Gallmeister, POSIX.4, OReilly, pp. 128129, 389391.
Linux 1.3.86, 12 April 1996
munlockReenablespaging for some partsof memory
#include <sys/mman.h>
int munlock(const void *addr , size_t l en);
Part II: SystemCalls
munlock reenablespaging for the memory in the range starting at addr with length l en bytes. All pagesthat contain a part of
the specified memory range can after calling munlock be moved to external swap space again by the kernel.
Memory locksdo not stack, that is, pagesthat have been locked several timesby callsto mlock or mlockall will be unlocked
by a single call to munlock for the corresponding range or by munlockall. Pagesthat are mapped to several locationsor by
several processesstay locked into RAM aslong asthey are locked at least at one location or by at least one process.
On POSIX systemson which mlock and munlock are available, _POSIX_MEMLOCK_RANGE isdefined in <unistd.h>
and the value PAGESIZE from <limits.h> indicatesthe number of bytesper page.
On success, munlock returns0. On error, 1 isreturned, errno isset appropriately, and no changesare made to any locksin
the addressspace of the process.
ENOMEM Some of the specified addressrange doesnot correspond to mapped pagesin the address
space of the process.
EINVAL l en wasnot a positive number.
mlock(2), mlockall(2), munlockall(2).
Linux 1.3.43, 26 November 1995
munlockallReenablespaging for calling process
#include <sys/mman.h>
int munlockall(void);
munlockall reenablespaging for all pagesmapped into the addressspace of the calling process.
Memory locksdo not stack, that is, pagesthat have been locked several timesby callsto mlock or mlockall will be unlocked
by a single call to munlockall. Pagesthat are mapped to several locationsor by several processesstay locked into RAM aslong
asthey are locked at least at one location or by at least one process.
On POSIX systemson which mlockall and munlockall are available, _POSIX_MEMLOCK isdefined in <uni st d. h>.
On success, munlockall returns0. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
mlockall(2), mlock(2), munlock(2)
Linux 1.3.43, 26 November 1995
nanosleepPausesexecution for a specified time
#include <time.h>
int nanosleep(const struct timespec *r eq, struct timespec *r em);
nanosleep delaysthe execution of the program for at least the time specified in * r eq.The function can return earlier if a signal
hasbeen delivered to the process. In thiscase, it returns-1, setserrno to EINTR, and writesthe remaining time into the
structure pointed to by r em unlessr em isNULL. The value of * r em can then be used to call nanosleep again and complete the
specified pause.
The structure t i mespec isused to specify intervalsof time with nanosecond precision. It isspecified in <t i me. h> and hasthe
struct timespec
time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */
long tv_nsec; /* nanoseconds */
The value of the nanosecondsfield must be in the range 0 to 999 999 999.
Compared to sleep(3) and usleep(3), nanosleep hasthe advantage of not affecting any signals; it isstandardized by POSIX, it
provideshigher timing resolution, and it allowsto continue a sleep that hasbeen interrupted by a signal more easily.
In case of an error or exception, the nanosleep system call returns-1 instead of 0 and setserrno to one of the following values:
EINTR The pause hasbeen interrupted by a nonblocked signal that wasdelivered to the process.
The remaining sleep time hasbeen written into *r em so that the processcan easily call
nanosleep again and continue with the pause.
EINVAL The value in the t v_nsec field wasnot in the range 0 to 999 999 999 or t v_sec wasnegative.
The current implementation of nanosleep isbased on the normal kernel timer mechanism, which hasa resolution of 1/HZ s
(that is, 10mson Linux/i386 and 1mson Linux/Alpha). Therefore, nanosleep pausesalwaysfor at least the specified time;
however, it can take up to 10mslonger than specified until the processbecomesrunnable again. For the same reason, the
value returned in case of a delivered signal in *r em isusually rounded to the next larger multiple of 1/HZ s.
Because some applicationsrequire much more precise pauses(for example, in order to control some time-critical hardware),
nanosleep isalso capable of short high-precision pauses. If the processisscheduled under a real-time policy such as
SCHED_FI FO or SCHED_RR, then pausesof up to 2mswill be performed asbusy waitswith microsecond precision.
Part II: SystemCalls
sleep(3), usleep(3), sched_setscheduler(2), timer_create(2)
Linux 1.3.85, 10 April 1996
#include <unistd.h>
int nice(int i nc);
nice addsi nc to the priority for the calling PID. Note that only the superuser may specify a negative increment, or priority
increase. Note that internally, a higher number isa higher priority. Do not confuse thiswith the priority scheme asused by
the nice interface.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EPERM A nonsuperuser attemptsto do a priority increase, a numerical decrease, by supplying a
negative i nc.
nice(1), setpriority(2), fork(2), renice(8)
Linux, 28 March 1992
oldfstat, oldlstat, oldstat, oldolduname, olduname
oldfstat, oldlstat, oldstat, oldolduname, oldunameObsolete system calls
Obsolete system calls.
The Linux 1.3.6 kernel implementsthese callsto support old executables. These callsreturn structuresthat have grown since
their first implementations, but old executablesmust continue to receive old smaller structures.
Current executablesshould be linked with current librariesand never use these calls.
fstat(2), lstat(2), stat(2), uname(2), undocumented(2), unimplemented(2)
Linux 1.3.6, 22 July1995
open, creat
open, creatOpen and possibly create a file or device
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int open(const char *pat hname,int f l ags);
int open(const char *pat hname,int f l ags,mode_t mode);
int creat(const char *pat hname,mode_t mode);
open attemptsto open a file and return a file descriptor (a small, nonnegative integer for use in read, write, and so on).
f l ags isone of O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, or O_RDWR, which request opening the file read-only, write-only, or read/write, respectively.
f l ags may also be bitwise-ORed with one or more of the following:
O_CREAT If the file doesnot exist it will be created.
O_EXCL When used with O_CREAT, if the file already exists, it isan error and the open will fail. Seethe
Bugs section, though.
O_NOCTTY If pat hname refersto a terminal devicesee tty(4) it will not become the processs
controlling terminal even if the processdoesnot have one.
O_TRUNC If the file already exists, it will be truncated.
O_APPEND The file isopened in append mode. Initially, and before each write, the file pointer is
positioned at the end of the file, asif with lseek.
O_NONBLOCK or O_NDELAY The file isopened in nonblocking mode. Neither the open nor any subsequent operationson
the file descriptor that isreturned will cause the calling processto wait.
O_SYNC The file isopened for synchronousI/O. Any writeson the resulting file descriptor will
block the calling processuntil the data hasbeen physically written to the underlying
hardware. Seethe Bugs section, though.
Some of these optional flagscan be altered using fcntl after the file hasbeen opened.
mode specifiesthe permissionsto use if a new file iscreated. It ismodified by the processsumask in the usual way: The
permission of the created file is(mode & umask).
The following symbolic constantsare provided for mode:
S_IRWXU 00700 user (file owner) hasread, write, and execute permission.
S_IRUSR (S_IREAD) 00400 user hasread permission.
S_IWUSR (S_IWRITE) 00200 user haswrite permission.
S_IXUSR (S_IEXEC) 00100 user hasexecute permission.
S_IRWXG 00070 group hasread, write, and execute permission.
S_IRGRP 00040 group hasread permission.
S_IWGRP 00020 group haswrite permission.
S_IXGRP 00010 group hasexecute permission.
S_IRWXO 00007 othershave read, write, and execute permission.
S_IROTH 00004 othershave read permission.
S_IWOTH 00002 othershave write permission.
S_IXOTH 00001 othershave execute permission.
mode should alwaysbe specified when O_CREAT isin the f l ags, and isignored otherwise.
creat isequivalent to open with f l ags equal to O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC.
open, creat
Part II: SystemCalls
open and creat return the new file descriptor, or 1 if an error occurred (in which case errno isset appropriately). Note that
open can open device-special files, but creat cannot create themuse mknod(2) instead.
EEXIST pat hname already existsand O_CREAT and O_EXCL were used.
EISDIR pat hname refersto a directory and the accessrequested involved writing.
ETXTBSY pat hname refersto an executable image which iscurrently being executed and write access
EFAULT pat hname pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
EACCES The requested accessto the file isnot allowed, or one of the directoriesin pat hname did not
allow search (execute) permission.
ENAMETOOLONG pat hname wastoo long.
ENOENT A directory component in pat hname doesnot exist or isa dangling symbolic link.
ENOTDIR A component used asa directory in pat hname isnot, in fact, a directory.
EMFILE The processalready hasthe maximum number of filesopen.
ENFILE The limit on the total number of filesopen on the system hasbeen reached.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
EROFS pat hname refersto a file on a read-only filesystem and write accesswasrequested.
ELOOP pat hname containsa reference to a circular symbolic link, that is, a symbolic link whose
expansion containsa reference to itself.
ENOSPC pat hname wasto be created but the device containing pat hname hasno room for the new file.
O_SYNC isnot currently implemented (asof Linux 0.99pl7).
There are many infelicitiesin the protocol underlying NFS, affecting amongst othersO_SYNC, O_NDELAY, and O_APPEND.
O_EXCL isbroken on NFS filesystems; programsthat rely on it for performing locking taskswill contain a race condition. The
solution for performing atomic file locking using a lockfile isto create a unique file on the same fs (for example, incorporat-
ing hostname and PID), use link(2) to make a link to the lockfile, and use stat(2) on the unique file to check if itslink
count hasincreased to 2. Do not use the return value of the link() call.
read(2), write(2), fcntl(2), close(2), unlink(2), mknod(2), stat(2), umask(2), mount(2), socket(2), socket(2), fopen(3), link(2)
Linux 0.99.7, 21 July1993
outb, outw, outl, outsb, outsw, outsl
outb, outw, outl, outsb, outsw, outslPort output
inb, inw, inl, insb, insw, inslPort input
outb_p, outw_p, outl_p, inb_p, inw_p, inl_pPause I/O
Thisfamily of functionsisused to do low-level port input and output. They are primarily designed for internal kernel use,
but can be used from user space, given the following information in addition to that given in outb(9).
You compile with O or O2 or something similar. The functionsare defined asinline macrosand will not be substituted in
without optimization enabled, causing unresolved referencesat link time.
You use ioperm(2) or alternatively iopl(2) to tell the kernel to allow the user space application to accessthe I/O portsin
question. Failure to do thiswill cause the application to receive a segmentation fault.
outb and friendsare hardware specific. The por t and val ue argumentsare in the opposite order from most DOSimplementa-
outb(9), ioperm(2), iopl(2)
Linux, 29 November 1995
pauseWaitsfor signal
#include <unistd.h>
int pause(void);
The pause system call causesthe invoking processto sleep until a signal isreceived.
pause alwaysreturns1, and errno isset to ERESTARTNOHAND.
EINTR Signal wasreceived.
kill(2), select(2), signal(2)
Linux, 31 August 1995
personalitySetsthe processexecution domain
int personality(unsigned long per sona);
Linux supportsdifferent execution domains, or personalities, for each process. Among other things, execution domainstell
Linux how to map signal numbersinto signal actions. The execution domain system allowsLinux to provide limited support
for binariescompiled under other UNIX-like operating systems.
personality will make the execution domain referenced by per sona the new execution domain of the current process.
Part II: SystemCalls
On success, per sona ismade the new execution domain and the previousper sona isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and
errno isset appropriately.
EINVAL per sona doesnot refer to a valid execution domain.
personality isLinux specific.
Linux 2.0, 22 July1996
physAllowsa processto accessphysical addresses(thiscommand isnot implemented)
int phys(int physnum, char *virtaddr,longsize, char *physaddr);
Warning: Because thisfunction isnot implemented asof Linux 0.99.11, it will alwaysreturn 1 and set errno to ENOSYS.
phys mapsarbitrary physical memory into a processsvirtual addressspace. physnum isa number (03) that specifieswhich of
the four physical spacesto set up. Up to four phys callscan be active at any one time. virtaddr isthe processsvirtual address.
size isthe number of bytesto map in. physaddr isthe physical addressto map in.
Valid virtaddr and physaddr valuesare constrained by hardware and must be at an addressmultiple of the resolution of the
CPUsmemory management scheme. If size isnonzero, size isrounded up to the next MMU resolution boundary. If size is
0, any previousphys(2) mapping for that physnum isnullified.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
version 7 AT&T UNIX
phys isvery machine dependent.
mmap(2), munmap(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 24 July1993
pipeCreatesa pipe
#include <unistd.h>
int pipe(int filedes[2]);
pipe createsa pair of file descriptors, pointing to a pipe inode, and placesthem in the array pointed to by filedes. filedes[0]
isfor reading, filedes[1] isfor writing.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EMFILE Too many file descriptorsare in use by the process.
ENFILE The system file table isfull.
EFAULT filedes isnot valid.
read(2), write(2), fork(2), socketpair(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 23 July1993
profilExecution time profile
#include <unistd.h>
int profil(char *buf, int buf si z ,int of f set ,int scal e);
Under Linux 0.99.11, profil isnot implemented in the kernel. Instead, the DLL 4.4.1 librariesprovide a user-space
buf pointsto buf si z bytesof core. Every virtual 10 milliseconds, the usersprogram counter (PC) isexamined: of f set is
subtracted and the result ismultiplied by scal e. If thisaddressisin buf, the word pointed to isincremented.
If scal e islessthan 2 or buf si z is0, profiling isdisabled.
0 isalwaysreturned.
profil cannot be used on a program that also usesITIMER_PROF itimers.
Calling profil with an invalid buf will result in a core dump.
True kernel profiling providesmore accurate results.
gprof(1), setitimer(2), signal(2), sigaction(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 23 July1993
Part II: SystemCalls
#include <sys/ptrace.h>
int ptrace(int r equest ,int pi d,int addr ,int dat a);
ptrace providesa meansby which a parent processcan control the execution of a child processand examine and change its
core image. Itsprimary use isfor the implementation of breakpoint debugging. A traced processrunsuntil a signal occurs.
Then it stopsand the parent isnotified with wait(2). When the processisin the stopped state, itsmemory can be read and
written. The parent can also cause the child to continue execution, optionally ignoring the signal which caused stopping.
The value of the request argument determinesthe precise action of the system call:
PTRACE_TRACEME Thisprocessisto be traced by itsparent. The parent should be expecting to trace the child.
PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, Read word at location addr .
PTRACE_PEEKUSR Read word at location addr in the USER area.
PTRACE_POKETEXT, Write word at location addr .
PTRACE_POKEUSR Write word at location addr in the USER area.
PTRACE_SYSCALL, Restart after signal.
PTRACE_KILL Send the child a SIGKILL to make it exit.
PTRACE_SINGLESTEP Set the trap flag for single stepping.
PTRACE_ATTACH Attach to the processspecified in pi d.
PTRACE_DETACH Detach a processthat waspreviously attached.
init, the processwith processID 1, may not use thisfunction.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EPERM The specified process(that is, init), cannot be traced or isalready being traced.
ESRCH The specified processdoesnot exist.
EIO Request isnot valid.
gdb(1), exec(2), signal(2), wait(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 23 July1993
quotactlManipulatesdisk quotas
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/quota.h>
int quotactl (int cmd, const char *speci al , intid , caddr_t addr );
#include <linux/unistd.h>
syscall4(int, quotactl, int, cmd, const char *, speci al ,int, i d, caddr_t, addr );
The quota system definesfor each user or group a soft limit and a hard limit bounding the amount of disk space that can be
used on a given filesystem. The hard limit cannot be crossed. The soft limit can be crossed, but warningswill ensue.
Moreover, the user cannot be above the soft limit for more than one week (by default) at a time: After thisweek the soft limit
countsasa hard limit.
The quotactl system call manipulatesthese quotas. Itsfirst argument isof the form
where type iseither USRQUOTA or GRPQUOTA (for user quota and group quota, respectively.
The second argument special isthe block special device these quotasapply to. It must be mounted.
The third argument ID isthe user or group ID these quotasapply to (when relevant).
The fourth argument, addr , isthe addressof a data structure, depending on the command.
The subcmd isone of the following:
Q_QUOTAON Enablesquotas. The addr argument isthe pathname of the file containing the quotasfor the filesystem.
Q_QUOTAOFF Disablesquotas.
Q_GETQUOTA Getslimitsand current usage of disk space. The addr argument isa pointer to a dqblk structure
(defined in <sys/quota.h>).
Q_SETQUOTA Setslimitsand current usage; addr isasbefore.
Q_SETQLIM Setslimits; addr isasbefore.
Q_SETUSE Setsusage.
Q_SYNC Syncsdisk copy of a filesystemsquotas.
Q_GETSTATS Getscollected stats.
On success, quotactl returns0. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
ENOPKG The kernel wascompiled without quota support.
EFAULT Bad addr value.
EINVAL t ype isnot a known quota type. Or special could not be found.
ENOTBLK speci al isnot a block special device.
ENODEV speci al cannot be found in the mount table.
EACCES The quota file isnot an ordinary file.
EIO Cannot read or write the quota file.
EMFILE Too many open files: Cannot open quota file.
Part II: SystemCalls
EBUSY Q_QUOTAON wasasked, but quota were enabled already.
ESRCH Q_GETQUOTA or Q_SETQUOTA or Q_SETUSE or Q_SETQLIM wasasked for a filesystem that didnt have quota
EPERM The processwasnot root (for the filesystem), and Q_GETQUOTA wasasked for another ID than that of the
processitself, or anything other than Q_GETSTATS or Q_SYNC wasasked.
Linux 1.3.88, 14 April 1996
readReadsfrom a file descriptor
#include <unistd.h>
ssize_t read(int f d,void*buf , size_t count );
read() attemptsto read up to count bytesfrom file descriptor fd into the buffer starting at buf.
If count is0, read() returns0 and hasno other results. If count isgreater than SSIZE_MAX, the result isunspecified.
On success, the number of bytesread isreturned (0 indicatesend of file) and the file position isadvanced by thisnumber. It
isnot an error if thisnumber issmaller than the number of bytesrequested; thismay happen, for example, because fewer
bytesare actually available right now (maybe because we were close to end-of-file or because we are reading from a pipe, or
from a terminal), or because read() wasinterrupted by a signal. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately. In this
case it isleft unspecified whether the file position (if any) changes.
EINTR The call wasinterrupted by a signal before any data wasread.
EAGAIN Non-blocking I/O hasbeen selected using O_NONBLOCK and no data wasimmediately available for
EIO I/O error. Thiswill happen, for example, when the processisin a background processgroup, triesto
read from itscontrolling tty, and it isignoring or blocking SIGTTIN or itsprocessgroup isorphaned.
EISDIR fd refersto a directory.
EBADF fd isnot a valid file descriptor or isnot open for reading.
EINVAL fd isattached to an object that isunsuitable for reading.
EFAULT buf isoutside your accessible addressspace.
Other errorsmay occur, depending on the object connected to fd. POSIX allowsa read that isinterrupted after reading some
data to return 1 (with errno set to EINTR) or to return the number of bytesalready read.
readdir(2), write(2), write(2), fcntl(2), close(2), lseek(2), select(2), readlink(2), ioctl(2), fread(3)
Linux, 17 January1996
readdirReadsdirectory entry
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/dirent.h>
#include <linux/unistd.h>
syscall3(int, readdir, uint, fd, struct dirent *, dirp, uint, count);
int readdir(unsigned int f d, struct dirent *di r p, unsigned int count );
Thisisnot the function you are interested in. Look at readdir(3) for the POSIX-conforming C library interface. Thispage
documentsthe bare kernel system call interface, which can change, and which issuperseded by getdents(2).
readdir readsone dirent structure from the directory pointed at by fd into the memory area pointed to by di r p. The
parameter count isignored; at most one dirent structure isread.
The dirent structure isdeclared asfollows:
struct dirent
long d_ino; /* inode number */
off_t d_off; /* offset to this dirent */
unsigned short d_reclen; /* length of this d_name */
char d_name [NAME_MAX+1]; /* file name (null-terminated) */
d_i no isan inode number. d_of f isthe distance from the start of the directory to thisdirent. d_r ecl en isthe size of d_name, not
counting the null terminator. d_name isa null-terminated filename.
On success, 1 isreturned. On end of directory, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned and errno isset appropriately.
EBADF Invalid file descriptor fd.
ENOTDIR File descriptor doesnot refer to a directory.
Thissystem call isLinux specific.
getdents(2), readdir(3)
Linux 1.3.6, 22 July1995
readlinkReadsvalue of a symbolic link
#include <unistd.h>
int readlink(const char *pat h, char *buf , size_t buf si z);
Part II: SystemCalls
readlink placesthe contentsof the symbolic link path in the buffer buf , which hassize buf si z. Readlink doesnot append a
NUL character to buf .
The call returnsthe count of charactersplaced in the buffer if it succeeds, or a 1 if an error occurs, placing the error code in
the global variable errno.
ENOTDIR A component of the path prefix isnot a directory.
EINVAL The pathname containsa character with the high-order bit set.
ENAMETOOLONG A component of a pathname exceeded 255 characters, or an entire path name exceeded 1023
ENOENT The named file doesnot exist.
EACCES Search permission isdenied for a component of the path prefix.
ELOOP Too many symbolic linkswere encountered in translating the pathname.
EINVAL The named file isnot a symbolic link.
EIO An I/O error occurred while reading from the filesystem.
EFAULT buf extendsoutside the processsallocated addressspace.
The readlink function call appeared in BSD 4.2.
stat(2), lstat(2), symlink(2)
BSD Man Page, 24 July1993
readv, writev
readv, writevReadsor writesa vector
#include <sys/uio.h>
int readv(int f d, const struct iovec * vect or , size_t count );
int writev(int f d, const struct iovec * vect or , size_t count );
struct iovec {
ptr_t i ov_base; /* Starting address. */
size_t i ov_l en; /* Length in bytes. */
readv readsdata from file descriptor f d and putsthe result in the buffersdescribed by vect or . The number of buffersis
specified by count . The buffersare filled in the order specified. Operatesjust like read except that data isput in vector
instead of a contiguousbuffer.
writev writesdata to file descriptor f d, and from the buffersdescribed by vector. The number of buffersisspecified by count .
The buffersare used in the order specified. Operatesjust like write except that data istaken from vect or instead of a
On success, readv returnsthe number of bytesread. On success, writev returnsthe number of byteswritten. On error, 1 is
returned, and errno isset appropriately.
EINVAL An invalid argument wasgiven. For instance count might be greater than MAX_IOVEC, or 0. f d could
also be attached to an object that isunsuitable for reading.
EFAULT Segmentation fault. Most likely vect or or some of the i ov_base pointerspointsto memory that is
not properly allocated.
EBADF The file descriptor f d isnot valid.
EINTR The call wasinterrupted by a signal before any data wasread/written.
EAGAIN Non-blocking I/O hasbeen selected using O_NONBLOCK and no data wasimmediately available for
reading. (Or the file descriptor fd isfor an object that islocked.)
EISDIR f d refersto a directory.
EOPNOTSUP f d refersto a socket or device that doesnot support reading/writing.
Other errorsmay occur, depending on the object connected to f d.
read(2), write(2), fprintf(3), fscanf(2)
Linux 1.3.86, 12 April 1996
rebootRebootsor disablesCtrl+Alt+Del
#include <unistd.h>
int reboot (int magi c ,int magi c_t oo,int f l ag);
reboot rebootsthe system or enables/disablesCAD.
If magic = 0xfee1dead and magic_too = 672274793, the action performed will be based on f l ag.
If flag=0x1234567, a hard reset isperformed.
If flag=0x89abcdef, CAD isenabled.
If flag=0, CAD isdisabled and a signal issent to processID 1.
Note that reboot() doesnot sync()!
Only the superuser may use thisfunction.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and er r no isset appropriately.
EINVAL Bad magi c numbersor f l ag.
EPERM A non-root user hasattempted to call reboot.
readv, writev
Part II: SystemCalls
reboot isLinux specific.
sync(2), ctrlaltdel(8), halt(8), reboot(8)
Linux 0.99.10, 28 March 1992
recv, recvfrom, recvmsg
recv, recvfrom, recvmsgReceivesa message from a socket
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int recv(int s, void *buf , intl en, unsigned int f l ags);
int recvfrom(int s, void*buf , int l en, unsigned int f l ags,
struct sockaddr *f r om, int *f r oml en);
int recvmsg(int s, struct msghdr *msg, unsigned int f l ags );
Warning: Thisisa BSD man page. Asof Linux 0.99.11, recvmsg wasnot implemented.
recvfrom and recvmsg are used to receive messagesfrom a socket, and may be used to receive data on a socket whether or not
it isconnection oriented.
If f r om isnon-nil, and the socket isnot connection-oriented, the source addressof the message isfilled in. f r oml en isa value-
result parameter, initialized to the size of the buffer associated with f r om and modified on return to indicate the actual size of
the addressstored there.
The recv call isnormally used only on a connected socket (see connect(2)) and isidentical to recvfrom with a nil from
parameter. Because it isredundant, it might not be supported in future releases.
All three routinesreturn the length of the message on successful completion. If a message istoo long to fit in the supplied
buffer, excessbytesmight be discarded depending on the type of socket from which the message isreceived (see socket(2)).
If no messagesare available at the socket, the receive call waitsfor a message to arriveunlessthe socket isnonblocking (see
fcntl(2)), in which case the value 1 isreturned and the external variable errno isset to EWOULDBLOCK. The receive calls
normally return any data available, up to the requested amount, rather than wait for receipt of the full amount requested;
thisbehavior isaffected by the socket-level optionsSO_RCVLOWAT and SO_RCVTIMEO, described in getsockopt(2).
The select(2) call may be used to determine when more data arrives.
The f l ags argument to a recv call isformed by oring one or more of the values:
MSG_OOB Processout-of-band data
MSG_PEEK Peek at incoming message
MSG_WAITALL Wait for full request or error
The MSG_OOB flag requestsreceipt of out-of-band data that would not be received in the normal data stream. Some protocols
place expedited data at the head of the normal data queue; thusthisflag cannot be used with such protocols. The MSG_PEEK
flag causesthe receive operation to return data from the beginning of the receive queue without removing that data from the
queue; thus, a subsequent receive call will return the same data. The MSG_WAITALL flag requeststhat the operation block until
the full request issatisfied. However, the call might still return lessdata than requested if a signal iscaught, an error or
disconnect occurs, or the next data to be received isof a different type than that returned.
The recvmsg call usesa msghdr structure to minimize the number of directly supplied parameters. Thisstructure hasthe
following form, asdefined in sys/socket.h:
struct msghdr {
caddr_t msg_name; /* optional address */
u_int msg_namelen; /* size of address */
struct iovec *msg_iov; /* scatter/gather array */
u_int msg_iovlen; /* # elements in msg_iov */
caddr_t msg_control; /* ancillary data, see below */
u_int msg_controllen; /* ancillary data buffer len */
int msg_flags; /* flags on received message */
Here msg_name and msg_namelen specify the destination addressif the socket isunconnected; msg_name may be given asa null
pointer if no namesare desired or required. msg_iov and msg_iovlen describe scatter gather locations, asdiscussed in read(2).
msg_control, which haslength msg_controllen, pointsto a buffer for other protocol controlrelated messagesor other
miscellaneousancillary data. The messagesare of the form
struct cmsghdr {
u_int cmsg_len; /* data byte count, including hdr */
int cmsg_level; /* originating protocol */
int cmsg_type; /* protocol-specific type */
/* followed by
u_char cmsg_data[]; */
You could use this, for example, to learn of changesin the data stream in XNS/SPP, or in ISO, to obtain user-
connection-request data by requesting a recvmsg with no data buffer provided immediately after an accept call.
Open file descriptorsare now passed asancillary data for AF_UNIX domain sockets, with cmsg_level set to SOL_SOCKET and
cmsg_type set to SCM_RIGHTS.
The msg_flags field isset on return according to the message received. MSG_EOR indicatesend-of-record; the data returned
completed a record (generally used with socketsof type SOCK_SEQPACKET). MSG_TRUNC indicatesthat the trailing portion of a
datagram wasdiscarded because the datagram waslarger than the buffer supplied. MSG_CTRUNC indicatesthat some control
data wasdiscarded due to lack of space in the buffer for ancillary data. MSG_OOB isreturned to indicate that expedited or out-
of-band data wasreceived.
These callsreturn the number of bytesreceived, or 1 if an error occurred.
EBADF The argument s isan invalid descriptor.
ENOTCONN The socket isassociated with a connection-oriented protocol and hasnot been connected (see
connect(2) and accept(2)).
ENOTSOCK The argument s doesnot refer to a socket.
EWOULDBLOCK The socket ismarked non-blocking, and the receive operation would block, or a receive timeout
had been set, and the timeout expired before data wasreceived.
EINTR The receive wasinterrupted by delivery of a signal before any data wasavailable.
EFAULT The receive buffer pointer(s) point outside the processsaddressspace.
These function callsappeared in BSD 4.2.
recv, recvfrom, recvmsg
Part II: SystemCalls
fcntl(2), read(2), select(2), getsockopt(2), socket(2)
BSD Man Page, 24 July1993
renameChangesthe name or location of a file
#include <unistd.h>
int rename(const char *ol dpat h, const char *newpat h);
rename renamesa file, moving it between directoriesif required.
Any other hard linksto the file (ascreated using link) are unaffected.
If newpat h already existsit will be automatically overwritten (subject to a few conditionssee the Errors section), so that
there isno point at which another processattempting to accessnewpat h will find it missing.
If newpat h existsbut the operation failsfor some reason or the system crashes, rename guaranteesto leave an instance of
newpat h in place.
However, when overwriting there will probably be a window in which both ol dpat h and newpat h refer to the file being
If ol dpat h refersto a symbolic link, the link will be renamed; if newpat h refersto a symbolic link, the link will be overwritten.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EISDIR newpat h isan existing directory, but ol dpat h isnot a directory.
EXDEV ol dpat h and newpat h are not on the same filesystem.
ENOTEMPTY newpat h isa non-empty directory.
EBUSY newpat h existsand isthe current working directory or root directory of some process.
EINVAL An attempt wasmade to make a directory a subdirectory of itself.
EMLINK ol dpat h already hasthe maximum number of linksto it, or it wasa directory and the directory
containing newpat h hasthe maximum number of links.
ENOTDIR A component used asa directory in ol dpat h or newpat h isnot, in fact, a directory.
EFAULT ol dpat h or newpat h pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
EACCES Write accessto the directory containing ol dpat h or newpat h isnot allowed for the processseffective
UID, or one of the directoriesin ol dpat h or newpat h did not allow search (execute) permission, or
ol dpat h wasa directory and did not allow write permission (needed to update the .. entry).
EPERM The directory containing ol dpat h hasthe sticky bit set, and the processseffective UID isneither the
UID of the file to be deleted nor that of the directory containing it, or the filesystem containing
pat hname doesnot support renaming of the type requested.
ENAMETOOLONG ol dpat h or newpat h wastoo long.
ENOENT A directory component in ol dpat h or newpat h doesnot exist or isa dangling symbolic link.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
EROFS The file ison a read-only filesystem.
ELOOP ol dpat h or newpat h containsa reference to a circular symbolic link; that is, a symbolic link whose
expansion containsa reference to itself.
ENOSPC The device containing the file hasno room for the new directory entry.
Currently (Linux 0.99pl7), most of the filesystemsexcept Minix will not allow any overwriting renamesinvolving directories.
You get EEXIST if you try.
On NFS filesystems, you cannot assume that just because the operation failed, the file wasnot renamed. If the server does
the rename operation and then crashes, the retransmitted RPC, which will be processed when the server isup again, causesa
failure. The application isexpected to deal with this. See link(2) for a similar problem.
link(2), unlink(2), symlink(2), mv(1), link(8)
Linux 0.99.7, 24 July1993
rmdirDeletesa directory
#include <unistd.h>
int rmdir(const char *pat hname);
rmdir deletesa directory, which must be empty.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EPERM The filesystem containing pat hname doesnot support the removal of directories.
EFAULT pat hname pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
EACCES Write accessto the directory containing pat hname wasnot allowed for the processseffective UID,
or one of the directoriesin pat hname did not allow search (execute) permission.
EPERM The directory containing pat hname hasthe sticky bit (S_ISVTX) set, and the processseffective UID is
neither the UID of the file to be deleted nor that of the directory containing it.
ENAMETOOLONG pat hname wastoo long.
ENOENT A directory component in pat hname doesnot exist or isa dangling symbolic link.
ENOTDIR pat hname, or a component used asa directory in pat hname, isnot, in fact, a directory.
ENOTEMPTY pat hname containsentriesother than . and ...
EBUSY pat hname isthe current working directory or root directory of some process.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
EROFS pat hname refersto a file on a read-only filesystem.
ELOOP pat hname containsa reference to a circular symbolic link; that is, a symbolic link containing a
reference to itself.
Part II: SystemCalls
Infelicitiesin the protocol underlying NFS can cause the unexpected disappearance of directoriesthat are still being used.
rename(2), mkdir(2), chdir(2), unlink(2), rmdir(1), rm(1)
Linux 0.99.7, 24 July1993
sched_get_priority_max, sched_get_priority_min
sched_get_priority_max, sched_get_priority_minGetsstatic priority range
#include <sched.h>
int sched_get_priority_max(int pol i cy);
int_sched_get_priority_min(int pol i cy);
sched_get_priority_max returnsthe maximum priority value that can be used with the scheduling algorithm identified by
pol i cy. sched_get_priority_min returnsthe minimum priority value that can be used with the scheduling algorithm
identified by pol i cy. Supported pol i cy valuesare SCHED_FIFO, SCHED_RR, and SCHED_OTHER.
Processeswith numerically higher priority valuesare scheduled before processeswith numerically lower priority values.
Therefore, the value returned by sched_get_priority_max will be greater than the value returned by sched_get_priority_min.
Linux allowsthe static priority value range 1 to 99 for SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR, and the priority 0 for SCHED_OTHER.
Scheduling priority rangesfor the variouspoliciesare not alterable.
The range of scheduling prioritiesmay vary on other POSIX systems, so it isa good idea for portable applicationsto use a
virtual priority range and map it to the interval given by sched_get_priority_max and sched_get_priority_min. POSIX.1b
requiresa spread of at least 32 between the maximum and the minimum valuesfor SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR.
POSIX systemson which sched_get_priority_max and sched_get_priority_min are available define
On success, sched_get_priority_max and sched_get_priority_min return the maximum and minimum priority valuesfor the
named scheduling policy. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EINVAL The parameter policy doesnot identify a defined scheduling policy.
POSIX.1b (formerly POSIX.4)
sched_setscheduler(2), sched_getscheduler(2), sched_setparam(2), sched_getparam(2)
sched_setscheduler(2) hasa description of the Linux scheduling scheme.
Programmingfor theReal WorldPOSIX.4 by Bill O. Gallmeister, OReilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-56592-074-0
IEEE Std 1003.1b-1003 (POSIX.1b standard)
ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996
Linux 1.3.81, 10 April 1996
sched_rr_get_intervalGetsthe SCHED_RR interval for the named process
#include <sched.h>
int sched_rr_get_interval(pid_t pi d, struct timespec *t p);
struct timespec {
time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */
long tv_nsec; /* nanoseconds */
sched_rr_get_interval writesinto the t i mespec structure pointed to by t p the round-robin time quantum for the process
identified by pi d. If pi d is0, the time quantum for the calling processiswritten into *t p. The identified processshould be
running under the SCHED_RR scheduling policy.
The round robin time quantum value isnot alterable under Linux 1.3.81.
POSIX systemson which sched_rr_get_interval isavailable define _POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING in <unistd.h>.
On success, sched_rr_get_interval returns0. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
ESRCH The processwhose ID ispi d could not be found.
ENOSYS The system call isnot yet implemented.
POSIX.1b (formerly POSIX.4)
Asof Linux 1.3.81, sched_rr_get_interval returnswith error ENOSYS, because SCHED_RR hasnot yet been fully implemented or
tested properly.
sched_setscheduler(2) hasa description of the Linux scheduling scheme.
Programmingfor theReal WorldPOSIX.4 by Bill O. Gallmeister, OReilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-56592-074-0
IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 (POSIX.1b standard)
ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996
Linux 1.3.81, 10 April 1996
Part II: SystemCalls
sched_setparam, sched_getparam
sched_setparam, sched_getparamSetsand get scheduling parameters
#include <sched.h>
int sched_setparam(pid_t pi d, const struct sched_param *p);
int sched_getparam(pid_t pi d, struct sched_param *p);
struct sched_param {
int sched_pr i or i t y;
sched_setparam setsthe scheduling parametersassociated with the scheduling policy for the processidentified by pi d. If pi d is
0, the parametersof the current processare set. The interpretation of the parameter p dependson the selected policy.
Currently, the following three scheduling policiesare supported under Linux: SCHED_FIFO, SCHED_RR, and SCHED_OTHER.
sched_getparam retrievesthe scheduling parametersfor the processidentified by pi d. If pi d is0, the parametersof the current
processare retrieved.
sched_setparam checksthe validity of p for the scheduling policy of the process. The parameter p->sched_priority must lie
within the range given by sched_get_priority_min and sched_get_priority_max.
POSIX systemson which sched_setparam and sched_getparam are available define _POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING in <unistd.h>.
On success, sched_setparam and sched_getparam return 0. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
ESRCH The processwhose ID ispi d could not be found.
EPERM The calling processdoesnot have appropriate privileges. The processcalling sched_setparam needs
an effective UID equal to the UID or UID of the processidentified by pi d, or it must be a
superuser process.
EINVAL The parameter p doesnot make sense for the current scheduling policy.
POSIX.1b (formerly POSIX.4)
sched_setscheduler(2), sched_getscheduler(2), sched_get_priority_max(2), sched_get_priority_min(2), nice(2),
setpriority(2), getpriority(2)
sched_setscheduler(2) hasa description of the Linux scheduling scheme.
Programmingfor theReal WorldPOSIX.4 by Bill O. Gallmeister, OReilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-56592-074-0
IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 (POSIX.1b standard)
ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996
Linux 1.3.81, 10 April 1996
sched_setscheduler, sched_getscheduler
sched_setscheduler, sched_getschedulerSetsand getsscheduling algorithm/parameters
#include <sched.h>
int sched_setscheduler(pid_t pi d,intpol i cy, const struct sched_param *p);
int sched_getscheduler(pid_t pi d);
struct sched_param {
int sched_pr i or i t y;
sched_setscheduler setsboth the scheduling policy and the associated parametersfor the processidentified by pi d. If pi d is0,
the scheduler of the calling processwill be set. The interpretation of the parameter p dependson the selected policy.
Currently, the following three scheduling policiesare supported under Linux: SCHED_FIFO, SCHED_RR, and SCHED_OTHER; their
respective semanticsare described in the following section.
sched_getscheduler queriesthe scheduling policy currently applied to the processidentified by pi d. If pi d is0, the policy of
the calling processwill be retrieved.
The scheduler isthe kernel part that decideswhich runnable processwill be executed next by the CPU. The Linux scheduler
offersthree different scheduling policies, one for normal processesand two for real-time applications. A static priority value,
sched_pr i or i t y, isassigned to each process, and thisvalue can be changed only via system calls. Conceptually, the scheduler
maintainsa list of runnable processesfor each possible sched_pr i or i t y value, and sched_pr i or i t y can have a value in the
range 0 to 99. To determine the processthat runsnext, the Linux scheduler looksfor the non-empty list with the highest
static priority and takesthe processat the head of thislist. The scheduling policy determines, for each process, where it will
be inserted into the list of processeswith equal static priority and how it will move inside thislist.
SCHED_OTHER isthe default universal time-sharing scheduler policy used by most processes; SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR are
intended for special, time-critical applicationsthat need precise control over the way in which runnable processesare selected
for execution. Processesscheduled with SCHED_OTHER must be assigned the static priority 0; processesscheduled under
SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR can have a static priority in the range 1 to 99. Only processeswith superuser privilegescan get a static
priority higher than 0 and can therefore be scheduled under SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR. The system callssched_get_priority_min
and sched_get_priority_max can be used to find out the valid priority range for a scheduling policy in a portable way on all
POSIX.1b-conforming systems.
All scheduling ispreemptive: If a processwith a higher static priority getsready to run, the current processwill be preempted
and returned into itswait list. The scheduling policy determinesthe ordering within the list of runnable processesonly
among those with equal static priority.
SCHED_FIFO can only be used with static prioritieshigher than 0, which meansthat when a SCHED_FIFO processbecomes
runnable, it will alwayspreempt immediately any currently running normal SCHED_OTHER process. SCHED_FIFO isa simple
scheduling algorithm without time slicing.
For processesscheduled under the SCHED_FIFO policy, the following rulesare applied: A SCHED_FIFO processthat hasbeen
preempted by another processof higher priority will stay at the head of the list for itspriority and will resume execution as
soon asall processesof higher priority are blocked again. When a SCHED_FIFO processbecomesrunnable, it will be inserted at
the end of the list for itspriority. A call to sched_setscheduler or sched_setparam will put the SCHED_FIFO processidentified by
sched_setscheduler, sched_getscheduler
Part II: SystemCalls
pi d at the end of the list if it wasrunnable. A processcalling sched_yield will be put at the end of the list. No other events
will move a processscheduled under the SCHED_FIFO policy in the wait list of runnable processeswith equal static priority. A
SCHED_FIFO processrunsuntil it isblocked by an I/O request, it ispreempted by a higher-priority process, or it calls
SCHED_RR isa simple enhancement of SCHED_FIFO. Everything described in the preceding section for SCHED_FIFO also appliesto
SCHED_RR, except that each processisonly allowed to run for a maximum time quantum. If a SCHED_RR processhasbeen
running for a time period equal to or longer than the time quantum, it will be put at the end of the list for itspriority. A
SCHED_RR processthat hasbeen preempted by a higher-priority processand subsequently resumesexecution asa running
processwill complete the unexpired portion of itsround-robin time quantum. The length of the time quantum can be
retrieved by sched_rr_get_interval.
SCHED_OTHER can only be used at static priority 0. SCHED_OTHER isthe standard Linux time-sharing scheduler that isintended
for all processesthat do not require special static-priority real-time mechanisms. The processto run ischosen from the static
priority 0 list based on a dynamic priority that isdetermined only inside thislist. The dynamic priority isbased on the nice
level (set by the nice or setpriority system call) and isincreased for each time quantum the processisready to run but is
denied to run by the scheduler. Thisensuresfair progressamong all SCHED_OTHER processes.
A blocked high-priority processwaiting for the I/O hasa certain response time before it isscheduled again. The device driver
writer can greatly reduce thisresponse time by using a slow interrupt interrupt handler, asdescribed in request irq(9).
Child processesinherit the scheduling algorithm and parametersacrossa fork.
Memory locking isusually needed for real-time processesto avoid paging delays; thiscan be done with mlock or mlockall.
Because a non-blocking endlessloop in a processscheduled under SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR will block all processeswith lower
priority forever, a software developer should alwayskeep available on the console a shell scheduled under a higher static
priority than the tested application. Thiswill allow an emergency kill of tested real-time applicationsthat do not block or
terminate asexpected. Because SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR processescan preempt other processesforever, only root processes
are allowed to activate these policiesunder Linux.
POSIX systemson which sched_setscheduler and sched_getscheduler are available define _POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING in
On success, sched_setscheduler returns0. On success, sched_getscheduler returnsthe policy for the process(a non-negative
integer). On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
ESRCH The processwhose ID ispi d could not be found.
EPERM The calling processdoesnot have appropriate privileges. Only root processesare allowed to activate
the SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR policies. The processcalling sched_setscheduler needsan effective
UID equal to the EUID or UID of the processidentified by pi d, or it must be a superuser process.
EINVAL The scheduling policy isnot one of the recognized policies, or the parameter p doesnot make sense
for the policy.
POSIX.1b (formerly POSIX.4)
Asof Linux 1.3.81, SCHED_RR hasnot yet been tested carefully and might not behave exactly asdescribed or required by
sched_setparam(2), sched_getparam(2), sched_yield(2), sched_get_priority_max(2), sched_get_priority_min(2), nice(2),
setpriority(2), getpriority(2), mlockall(2), munlockall(2), mlock(2), munlock(2).
Programmingfor theReal WorldPOSIX.4 by Bill O. Gallmeister, OReilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-56592-074-0
IEEE Std 1003.1b-1003 (POSIX.1b standard)
ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996Thisisthe new 1996 revision of POSIX.1, which containsin one single standard POSIX.1(1990),
POSIX.1b(1993), POSIX.1c(1995), and POSIX.1i(1995).
Linux 1.3.81, 10 April 1996
sched_yieldYieldsthe processor
#include <sched.h>
int sched_yield(void);
A processcan relinquish the processor voluntarily without blocking by calling sched_yield. The processwill then be moved
to the end of the queue for itsstatic priority and a new processgetsto run.
Note: If the current processisthe only processin the highest priority list at that time, thisprocesswill continue to run after a
call to sched_yield.
POSIX systemson which sched_yield isavailable define _POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING in <unistd.h>.
On success, sched_yield returns0. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
POSIX.1b (formerly POSIX.4)
sched_setscheduler(2) for a description of Linux scheduling
Programmingfor theReal WorldPOSIX.4 by Bill O. Gallmeister, OReilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-56592-074-0
IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 (POSIX.1b standard)
ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996
Linux 1.3.81, 10 April 1996
select, FD_CLR, FD_ISSET, FD_SET, FD_ZEROSynchronousI/O multiplexing
Part II: SystemCalls
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int select(int n,fd_set *r eadf ds ,fd_set *wr i t ef ds,fd_set *except f ds,
struct timeval *t i meout );
FD_CLR(int f d,fd_set *set );
FD_ISSET(int f d,fd_set *set );
FD_SET(int f d,fd_set *set );
FD_ZERO(fd_set *set )
select waitsfor a number of file descriptorsto change status.
Three independent setsof descriptorsare watched. Those listed in r eadf ds will be watched to see if charactersbecome
available for reading, those in wr i t ef ds will be watched to see if it isokay to immediately write on them, and those in
except f ds will be watched for exceptions. On exit, the setsare modified in place to indicate which descriptorsactually
changed status.
Four macrosare provided to manipulate the sets. FD_ZERO will clear a set. FD_SET and FD_CLR add or remove a given descriptor
from a set. FD_ISSET teststo see if a descriptor ispart of the set; thisisuseful after select returns.
n isthe highest-numbered descriptor in any of the three sets, plus1.
t i meout isan upper bound on the amount of time elapsed before select returns. It may be 0, which causesselect to return
immediately. If timeout isNULL (no timeout), select can block indefinitely.
On success, select returnsthe number of descriptorscontained in the descriptor sets, which may be 0 if the timeout expires
before anything interesting happens. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately; the setsand t i meout become
undefined, so do not rely on their contentsafter an error.
EBADF An invalid file descriptor wasgiven in one of the sets.
EINTR A non-blocked signal wascaught.
EINVAL n isnegative.
ENOMEM select wasunable to allocate memory for internal tables.
Some code callsselect with all three setsempty, n=0, and a non-null timeout; thisisa fairly portable way to sleep with
subsecond precision.
On Linux, t i meout ismodified to reflect the amount of time not slept; most other implementationsdo not do this. This
causesproblemsboth when Linux code that readst i meout isported to other operating systemsand when code isported to
Linux that reusesa struct timeval for multiple selectsin a loop without reinitializing it. Consider t i meout to be undefined
after select returns.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
fd_set rfds;
struct timeval tv;
int retval;
/* Watch stdin (fd 0) to see when it has input. */
FD_SET(0, &rfds);
/* Wait up to five seconds. */
tv.tv_sec = 5;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
retval = select(1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
/* Dont rely on the value of tv now! */
if (retval)
printf(Data is available now.nn);
/* FD_ISSET(0, &rfds) will be true. */
printf(No data within five seconds.nn);
accept(2), connect(2), read(2), recv(2), send(2), write(2)
Linux 1.2, 11 February1996
semctlSemaphore-control operations
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
int semctl ( int semi d,int semnun,int cmd, union semun ar g );
The function performsthe control operation specified by cmd on the semaphore set (or on the sumun-nth semaphore of the
set) identified by semi d. The first semaphore of the set isindicated by a value of 0 for semun.
The type of ar g isthe union
union semun {
int val; /* used for SETVAL only */
struct semid_ds *buf; /* for IPC_STAT and IPC_SET */
ushort *array; /* used for GETALL and SETALL */
Legal valuesfor cmd are
IPC_STAT Copiesinfo from the semaphore set data structure into the structure pointed to by ar g.buf. The
argument semnum isignored. The calling processmust have read accessprivilegeson the semaphore set.
Part II: SystemCalls
IPC_SET Writesthe valuesof some membersof the semid_ds structure pointed to by ar g.buf to the semaphore
set data structure, updating also itssem_ctime member. Considered membersfrom the user-supplied
struct semid_ds pointed to by arg.buf are
sem_perm.mode /* only lowest 9-bits */
The calling processseffective user ID must be superuser, creator, or owner of the semaphore set. The
argument semnum isignored.
IPC_RMID Removesthe semaphore set and itsdata structuresimmediately, awakening all waiting processes(with
an error return and errno set to EIDRM). The calling processseffective user ID must be superuser,
creator, or owner of the semaphore set. The argument semnum isignored.
GETALL Returnssemval for all semaphoresof the set into ar g.array. The argument semnum isignored. The
calling processmust have read accessprivilegeson the semaphore set.
GETNCNT The system call returnsthe value of semncnt for the semnoth semaphore of the set (that is, the number
of processeswaiting for an increase of semval for the semnoth semaphore of the set). The calling
processmust have read accessprivilegeson the semaphore set.
GETPID The system call returnsthe value of sempid for the semnoth semaphore of the set (that is, the pid of the
processthat executed the last semop call for the semnoth semaphore of the set). The calling process
must have read accessprivilegeson the semaphore set.
GETVAL The system call returnsthe value of semval for the semnoth semaphore of the set. The calling process
must have read accessprivilegeson the semaphore set.
GETZCNT The system call returnsthe value of semzcnt for the semnoth semaphore of the set (that is, the number
of processeswaiting for the semval of the semnoth semaphore of the set to become 0). The calling
processmust have read accessprivilegeson the semaphore set.
SETALL Setssemval for all semaphoresof the set using ar g.array, updating also the sem_ctime member of the
semid_ds structure associated with the set. Undo entriesare cleared for altered semaphoresin all
processes. Processessleeping on the wait queue are awakened if some semval becomes0 or increases.
The argument semnum isignored. The calling processmust have alter accessprivilegeson the semaphore
SETVAL Setsthe value of semval to ar g.val for the semnumth semaphore of the set, updating also the sem_ctime
member of the semid_ds structure associated to the set. The undo entry iscleared for the altered
semaphore in all processes. Processessleeping on the wait queue are awakened if semval becomes0 or
increases. The calling processmust have alter accessprivilegeson the semaphore set.
On fail, the system call returns1, with errno indicating the error. Otherwise the system call returnsa non-negative value,
depending on cmd, asfollows:
GETNCNT The value of semncnt.
GETPID The value of sempid.
GETVAL The value of semval.
GETZCNT The value of semzcnt.
For a failing return, errno will be set to one of the following values:
EACCESS The calling processhasno accesspermissionsneeded to execute cmd.
EFAULT The addresspointed to by ar g.buf or ar g.array isnt accessible.
EIDRM The semaphore set wasremoved.
EINVAL Invalid value for cmd or semi d.
EPERM The argument cmd hasthe value IPC_SET or IPC_RMID, but the calling processseffective user ID has
insufficient privilegesto execute the command.
ERANGE The argument cmd hasthe value SETALL or SETVAL, and the value to which semval hasto be set (for some
semaphore of the set) islessthan 0 or greater than the implementation value SEMVMX.
The IPC_INFO, SEM_STAT, and SEM_INFO control callsare used by the ipcs(1) program to provide information on allocated
resources. In the future these can be modified asneeded or moved to a proc filesystem interface.
The following system limit on semaphore setsaffectsa semctl call:
SEMVMX Maximum value for semval; implementation dependent (32767).
ipc(5), shmget(2), shmat(2), shmdt(2)
Linux 0.99.13, 1 November 1993
semgetGetsa semaphore set identifier
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/ipc.h>
# include <sys/sem.h>
int semget ( key_t key,int nsems ,int semf l g );
Thisfunction returnsthe semaphore set identifier associated with the value of the argument key. A new set of nsems
semaphoresiscreated if key hasthe value IPC_PRIVATE or key isnt IPC_PRIVATE, if no existing message queue isassociated to
key, and if IPC_CREAT isasserted in semf l g (that is, semflg&IPC_CREAT isnt 0). The presence in semf l g of the fieldsIPC_CREAT
and IPC_EXCL playsthe same role, with respect to the existence of the semaphore set, asthe presence of O_CREAT and O_EXCL in
the mode argument of the open(2) system callthat is, the msgget function failsif semf l g assertsboth IPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCL
and a semaphore set already existsfor key.
Upon creation, the lower 9 bitsof the argument semf l g define the accesspermissions(for owner, group, and others) to the
semaphore set in the same format, and with the same meaning, asfor the accesspermissionsparameter in the open(2) or
creat(2) system call (although the execute permissionsare not used by the system, and the term writepermissions, for a
semaphore set, effectively meansalter permissions).
Furthermore, while creating, the system call initializesthe system semaphore set data structure semid_ds asfollows:
I sem_perm.cuid and sem_perm.uid are set to the effective user ID of the calling process.
I sem_perm.cgid and sem_perm.gid are set to the effective group ID of the calling process.
I The lowest-order 9 bitsof sem_perm.mode are set to the lowest-order 9 bitsof semf l g.
I sem_nsems isset to the value of nsems.
I sem_otime isset to 0.
I sem_ctime isset to the current time.
The argument nsems can be 0 (a dont care) when the system call isnt create(2). Otherwise, nsems must be greater than 0
and lessor equal to the maximum number of semaphoresper semid (SEMMSL).
If the semaphore set already exists, the accesspermissionsare verified, and a check ismade to see if it ismarked for destruc-
Part II: SystemCalls
If successful, the return value will be the semaphore set identifier (a positive integer); otherwise it will be 1, with errno
indicating the error.
For a failing return, errno will be set to one of the following values:
EACCES A semaphore set existsfor key , but the calling processhasno accesspermissionsto the set.
EEXIST A semaphore set existsfor key, and semf l g wasasserting both IPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCL.
EIDRM The semaphore set ismarked to be deleted.
ENOENT No semaphore set existsfor key, and semflg wasnt asserting IPC_CREAT.
ENOMEM A semaphore set hasto be created, but the system doesnot have enough memory for the new data
ENOSPC A semaphore set hasto be created, but the system limit for the maximum number of semaphore
sets(SEMMNI) or the system-wide maximum number of semaphores(SEMMNS) would be exceeded.
IPC_PRIVATE isnt a flag field but a key_t type. If thisspecial value isused for key, the system call ignoreseverything but the
lowest-order 9 bitsof semf l g and createsa new semaphore set (on success).
The followingsare limitson semaphore set resourcesaffecting a semget call:
SEMMNI System-wide maximum number of semaphore sets; policy dependent.
SEMMSL Maximum number of semaphoresper semid; implementation dependent (500 currently).
SEMMNS System-wide maximum number of semaphores; policy dependent. A value greater than
SEMMSLSEMMNI makesit irrelevant.
Use of IPC_PRIVATE doesnt inhibit other processes accessto the allocated semaphore set.
Asfor the files, there iscurrently no intrinsic way for a processto ensure exclusive accessto a semaphore set. Asserting both
IPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCL in semf l g only ensures(on success) that a new semaphore set will be created; it doesnt imply
exclusive accessto the semaphore set.
The data structure associated with each semaphore in the set isnt initialized by the system call. In order to initialize those
data structures, you have to execute a subsequent call to semctl(2) to perform a SETVAL or a SETALL command on the
semaphore set.
ftok(3), ipc(5), semctl(2), semop(2)
Linux 0.99.13, 1 November 1993
semopSemaphore operations
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/ipc.h>
# include <sys/sem.h>
int semop ( int semi d,struct sembuf *sops, unsigned nsops );
The function performsoperationson selected membersof the semaphore set indicated by semi d. Each of the nsops elements
in the array pointed to by sops specifiesan operation to be performed on a semaphore by a struct sembuf including the
following members:
short sem_num; /* semaphore number: 0 = first */
short sem_op; /* semaphore operation */
short sem_flg; /* operation flags */
Flagsrecognized in sem_flg are IPC_NOWAIT and SEM_UNDO. If an operation assertsSEM_UNDO, it will be undone when the process
The system call semantic assuresthat the operationswill be performed if and only if all of them will succeed. Each operation
isperformed on the sem_numth semaphore of the semaphore set, where the first semaphore of the set issemaphore 0 and is
one of the following three:
I If sem_op isa positive integer, the operation addsthisvalue to semval. Furthermore, if SEM_UNDO isasserted for this
operation, the system updatesthe processundo count for thissemaphore. The operation alwaysgoesthrough, so no
processsleeping can happen. The calling processmust have alter permissionson the semaphore set.
I If sem_op is0, the processmust have read accesspermissionson the semaphore set. If semval is0, the operation goes
through. Otherwise, if IPC_NOWAIT isasserted in sem_flg, the system call fails(undoing all previousactionsperformed),
with errno set to EAGAIN. Otherwise, semzcnt isincremented by 1, and the processsleepsuntil one of the following
I semval becomes0, at which time the value of semzcnt isdecremented.
I The semaphore set isremoved, causing the system call to fail with errno set to EIDRM.
I The calling processreceivesa signal that hasto be caught; which causesthe value of semzcnt to be decremented and
the system call to fail with errno set to EINTR.
I If sem_op islessthan 0, the processmust have alter permissionson the semaphore set. If semval isgreater than or equal to
the absolute value of sem_op, the absolute value of sem_op issubtracted by semval. Furthermore, if SEM_UNDO isasserted for
thisoperation, the system updatesthe processundo count for thissemaphore. Then the operation goesthrough.
Otherwise, if IPC_NOWAIT isasserted in sem_flg, the system call fails(undoing all previousactionsperformed), with errno
set to EAGAIN. Otherwise, semncnt isincremented by 1 and the processsleepsuntil one of the following occurs:
I semval becomesgreater than or equal to the absolute value of sem_op, at which time the value of semncnt is
decremented, the absolute value of sem_op issubtracted from semval and, if SEM_UNDO isasserted for thisoperation,
the system updatesthe processundo count for thissemaphore.
I The semaphore set isremoved from the system: the system call fails, with errno set to EIDRM.
I The calling processreceivesa signal that hasto be caught; the value of semncnt isdecremented, and the system call
failswith errno set to EINTR.
In case of success, the sempid member of the structure sem for each semaphore specified in the array pointed to by sops isset
to the processID of the calling process. Furthermore both sem_otime and sem_ctime are set to the current time.
If successful, the system call returns0; otherwise, it returns1, with errno indicating the error.
For a failing return, errno will be set to one of the following values:
E2BIG The argument nsops isgreater than SEMOPM, the maximum number of operationsallowed per system
EACCES The calling processhasno accesspermissionson the semaphore set asrequired by one of the specified
EAGAIN An operation could not go through, and IPC_NOWAIT wasasserted in itssem_f l g.
EFAULT The addresspointed to by sops isnt accessible.
Part II: SystemCalls
EFBIG For some operation, the value of sem_num islessthan 0 or greater than or equal to the number of
semaphoresin the set.
EIDRM The semaphore set wasremoved.
EINTR Sleeping on a wait queue, the processreceived a signal that had to be caught.
EINVAL The semaphore set doesnt exist, or semi d islessthan 0, or nsops hasa non-positive value.
ENOMEM The sem_flg of some operation asserted SEM_UNDO, and the system doesnot have enough memory to
allocate the undo structure.
ERANGE For some operation, semop+semvalis isgreater than SEMVMX, the implementation-dependent maximum
value for semval.
The sem_undo structuresof a processarent inherited by itschild on execution of a fork(2) system call. They are instead
inherited by the substituting processresulting from the execution of the exec(2) system call.
The following are limitson semaphore set resourcesaffecting a semop call:
SEMOPM Maximum number of operationsallowed for one semop call; policy dependent.
SEMVMX Maximum allowable value for semval; implementation dependent (32767).
The implementation hasno intrinsic limitsfor the adjust on exit maximum value (SEMAEM), the system-wide maximum
number of undo structures(SEMMNU), or the per-processmaximum number of undo entriessystem parameters.
The system maintainsa per-processsem_undo structure for each semaphore altered by the processwith undo requests. Those
structuresare free at processexit. One major cause for unhappinesswith the undo mechanism isthat it doesnot fit in with
the notion of having an atomic set of operationsin an array of semaphores. The undo requestsfor an array and each
semaphore therein might have been accumulated over many semopt calls. Should the processsleep when exiting, or should all
undo operationsbe applied with the IPC_NOWAIT flag in effect?Currently those undo operationsthat go through immediately
are applied, and those that require a wait are ignored silently. Therefore harmlessundo usage isguaranteed with private
ipc(5), semctl(2), semget(2)
Linux 0.99.13, 1 November 1993
send, sendto, sendmsg
send, sendto, sendmsgSendsa message from a socket
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int send(int s, const void *msg,int l en, unsigned int f l ags);
int sendto(int s, const void *msg, int l en, unsigned int f l ags,
const struct sockaddr *t o, int t ol en);
int sendmsg(int s, const struct msghdr *msg , unsigned int f l ags);
Warning: Thisisa BSD man page. Asof Linux 0.99.11, sendmsg wasnot implemented.
send, sendto, and sendmsg are used to transmit a message to another socket. send may be used only when the socket isin a
connected state, whereassendto and sendmsg may be used at any time.
The addressof the target isgiven by t o, with t ol en specifying itssize. The length of the message isgiven by l en. If the
message istoo long to passatomically through the underlying protocol, the error EMSGSIZE isreturned, and the message isnot
No indication of failure to deliver isimplicit in a send. Locally detected errorsare indicated by a return value of 1.
If no message space isavailable at the socket to hold the message to be transmitted, send normally blocks, unlessthe socket
hasbeen placed in non-blocking I/O mode. The select(2) call may be used to determine when it ispossible to send more
The f l ags parameter may include one or more of the following:
#define MSG_OOB 0x1 /* process out-of-band data */
#define MSG_DONTROUTE 0x4 /* bypass routing, use direct interface */
The flag MSG_OOB isused to send out-of-band data on socketsthat support thisnotion (for example, SOCK_STREAM); the
underlying protocol must also support out-of-band data. MSG_DONTROUTE isusually used only by diagnostic or routing
See recv(2) for a description of the msghdr structure.
The call returnsthe number of characterssent, or 1 if an error occurred.
EBADF An invalid descriptor wasspecified.
ENOTSOCK The argument s isnot a socket.
EFAULT An invalid user space addresswasspecified for a parameter.
EMSGSIZE The socket requiresthat message be sent atomically, and the size of the message to be sent made
EWOULDBLOCK The socket ismarked non-blocking, and the requested operation would block.
ENOBUFS The system wasunable to allocate an internal buffer. The operation might succeed when buffers
become available.
ENOBUFS The output queue for a network interface wasfull. Thisgenerally indicatesthat the interface has
stopped sending, but it might be caused by transient congestion.
These function callsappeared in BSD 4.2.
fcntl(2), recv(2), select(2), getsockopt(2), socket(2), write(2)
BSD Man Page, 24 July1993
setfsgidSetsgroup identity used for filesystem checks
int setfsgid(uid_t f sgi d);
setfsgid setsthe group ID that the Linux kernel usesto check for all accessesto the filesystem. Normally, the value of f sgi d
will shadow the value of the effective group ID. In fact, whenever the effective group ID ischanged, f sgi d will also be
changed to the new value of the effective group ID.
Part II: SystemCalls
An explicit call to setfsgid isusually only used by programssuch asthe Linux NFS server that need to change what group
ID isused for file accesswithout a corresponding change in the real and effective group IDs. A change in the normal group
IDsfor a program such asthe NFSserver isa security hole that can expose it to unwanted signalsfrom other group IDs.
setfsgid will succeed only if the caller isthe superuser or if f sgi d matcheseither the real group ID, effective group ID, saved
group ID, or the current value of f sgi d.
On success, the previousvalue of f sgi d isreturned. On error, the current value of f sgi d isreturned.
setfsgid isLinux specific.
No error messagesof any kind are returned to the caller. At the very least, EPERM should be returned when the call fails.
Linux 1.3.15, 6 August 1995
setfsuidSetsuser identity used for filesystem checks
int setfsuid(uid_t f sui d);
setfsuid setsthe user ID that the Linux kernel usesto check for all accessesto the filesystem. Normally, the value of f sui d
will shadow the value of the effective user ID. In fact, whenever the effective user ID ischanged, f sui d will also be changed
to the new value of the effective user ID.
An explicit call to setfsuid isusually used only by programssuch asthe Linux NFS server that need to change what user ID
isused for file accesswithout a corresponding change in the real and effective user IDs. A change in the normal user IDsfor a
program such asthe NFS server isa security hole that can expose it to unwanted signalsfrom other user IDs.
setfsuid will succeed only if the caller isthe superuser or if f sui d matcheseither the real user ID, effective user ID, saved user
ID, or the current value of f sui d.
On success, the previousvalue of f sui d isreturned. On error, the current value of f sui d isreturned.
setfsuid isLinux specific.
No error messagesof any kind are returned to the caller. At the very least, EPERM should be returned when the call fails.
Linux 1.3.15, 6 August 1995
setgidSetsgroup identity
#include <unistd.h>
int setgid(gid_t gi d);
setgid setsthe effective group ID of the current process. If the caller isthe superuser, the real and saved group IDsare also
Under Linux, setgid isimplemented like SYSV, with SAVED_IDS. Thisallowsa setgid (other than root) program to drop all its
group privileges, do some unprivileged work, and then re-engage the original effective group ID in a secure manner.
If the user isroot or the program issetgid root, special care must be taken. The setgid function checksthe effective gid of
the caller and, if it isthat of the superuser, all process-related group IDsare set to gi d. After thishasoccurred, it isimpossible
for the program to regain root privileges.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EPERM The user isnot the superuser, and gi d doesnot match the effective or saved group ID of the calling process.
System V
getgid(2), setregid(2), setegid(2)
Linux 1.1.36, 29 July1994
setpgid, getpgid, setpgrp, getpgrp
setpgid, getpgid, setpgrp, getpgrpSets/getsprocessgroup
#include <unistd.h>
int setpgid(pid_t pi d, pid_t pgi d);
pid_t getpgid(pid_t pi d);
int setpgrp(void);
pid_t getpgrp(void);
setpgid setsthe processgroup ID of the processspecified by pi d to pgi d. If pi d is0, the processID of the current processis
used. If pgi d is0, the processID of the processspecified by pi d isused.
getpgid returnsthe processgroup ID of the processspecified by pi d. If pi d is0, the processID of the current processisused.
In the Linux DLL 4.4.1 library, setpgrp simply callssetpgid(0,0).
getpgrp isequivalent to getpgid(0).
setpgid, getpgid, setpgrp, getpgrp
Part II: SystemCalls
Processgroupsare used for distribution of signals, and by terminalsto arbitrate requestsfor their input; processesthat have
the same processgroup asthe terminal are foreground and may read, whereasotherswill block with a signal if they attempt
to read.
These callsare thusused by programssuch ascsh(1) to create processgroupsin implementing job control. The TIOCGPGRP
and TIOCSPGRP callsdescribed in termios(4) are used to get/set the processgroup of the control terminal.
On success, setpgid and setpgrp return 0. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
getpgid returnsa processgroup on success. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
getpgrp alwaysreturnsthe current processgroup.
EINVAL pgi d islessthan 0.
EPERM Variouspermission violations.
ESRCH pi d doesnot match any process.
The functionssetpgid and getpgrp conform to POSIX.1. The function setpgrp isfrom BSD 4.2. I have no information on
the source of getpgid.
getuid(2), setsid(2), tcsetpgrp(3), termios(4)
Linux 1.2.4, 15 April 1995
setregid, setegid
setregid, setegidSetsreal and/or effective group ID
#include <unistd.h>
int setregid(gid_t r gi d, gid_t egi d);
int setegid(gid_t egi d);
setregid setsreal and effective group IDsof the current process. Unprivileged usersmay change the real group ID to the
effective group ID, and vice versa.
Prior to Linux 1.1.38, the saved ID paradigm, when used with setregid or setegid, wasbroken. Starting at 1.1.38, it isalso
possible to set the effective group ID from the saved user ID.
Only the superuser may make other changes.
Supplying a value of 1 for either the real or effective group ID forcesthe system to leave that ID unchanged.
Currently (libc-4.x.x), setegid(egi d) isfunctionally equivalent to setregid(- 1, egi d).
If the real group ID ischanged or the effective group ID isset to a value not equal to the previousreal group ID, the saved
group ID will be set to the new effective group ID.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EPERM The current processisnot the superuser, and changesother than swapping the effective group ID
with the real group ID, setting one to the value of the other, or setting the effective group ID to the
value of the saved group ID wasspecified.
The setregid function call appeared in BSD 4.2.
BSD 4.3
getgid(2), setgid(2)
Linux 1.1.38, 2 August 1994
setreuid, seteuid
setreuid, seteuidSetsreal and / or effective user ID
#include <unistd.h>
int setreuid(uid_t r ui d, uid_t eui d);
int seteuid(uid_t eui d);
setreuid setsreal and effective user IDsof the current process. Unprivileged usersmay change the real user ID to the
effective user ID, and vice versa.
Prior to Linux 1.1.37, the saved ID paradigm, when used with setreuid or seteuid, wasbroken.
Starting at 1.1.37, it isalso possible to set the effective user ID from the saved user ID.
Only the superuser may make other changes.
Supplying a value of 1 for either the real or effective user ID forcesthe system to leave that ID unchanged.
Currently (libc-4.x.x), seteuid(eui d) isfunctionally equivalent to setreuid(- 1, eui d).
If the real user ID ischanged or the effective user ID isset to a value not equal to the previousreal user ID, the saved user ID
will be set to the new effective user ID.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EPERM The current processisnot the superuser, and changesother than swapping the effective user ID
with the real user ID, setting one to the value of the other, or setting the effective user ID to the
value of the saved user ID wasspecified.
The setreuid function call appeared in BSD 4.2.
BSD 4.3
setreuid, seteuid
Part II: SystemCalls
getuid(2), setuid(2)
Linux 1.1.38, 2 August 1994
setsidCreatesa session and setsthe processgroup ID
#include <unistd.h>
pid_t setsid(void);
setsid() createsa new session if the calling processisnot a processgroup leader. The calling processisthe leader of the new
session, the processgroup leader of the new processgroup, and hasno controlling tty. The processgroup ID and session ID
of the calling processare set to the PID of the calling process. The calling processwill be the only processin thisnew process
group and in thisnew session.
It returnsthe session ID of the calling process.
On error, 1 will be returned. The only error that can happen isEPERM, which isreturned when the processgroup ID of any
processequalsthe PID of the calling process. Thus, in particular, setsid failsif the calling processisalready a processgroup
A processgroup leader isa processwith processgroup ID equal to itsPID. In order to be sure that setsid will succeed, fork,
and exit, and have the child do setsid().
setpgid(2), setpgrp(2)
27 August 1994
setuidSetsuser identity
#include <unistd.h>
int setuid(uid_t ui d);
setuid setsthe effective user ID of the current process. If the caller isthe superuser, the real and saved user IDsare also set.
Under Linux, setuid isimplemented like SYSV, with SAVED_IDS. Thisallowsa setuid (other than root) program to drop all its
user privileges, do some unprivileged work, and then re-engage the original effective user ID in a secure manner.
If the user isroot or the program issetuid root, special care must be taken. The setuid function checksthe effective UID of
the caller, and, if it isthe superuser, all process-related user IDsare set to ui d. After thishasoccurred, it isimpossible for the
program to regain root privileges.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EPERM The user isnot the superuser, and ui d doesnot match the effective or saved user ID of the calling
System V
getuid(2), setreuid(2), seteuid(2)
Linux 1.1.36 29 July1994
setupSetsup devicesand filesystems, mount root filesystem
#include <unistd.h>
syscall0(int, setup);
int setup(void);
setup iscalled once from within linux/init/main.c. It callsinitialization functionsfor devicesand filesystemsconfigured into
the kernel and then mountsthe root filesystem.
No user processmay call setup. Any user process, even a processwith superuser permission, will receive EPERM.
setup alwaysreturns1 for a user process.
EPERM Always, for a user process.
Thisfunction isLinux specific.
Linux 1.2.9, 3 May1996
shmctlShared memory control
Part II: SystemCalls
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
int shmctl(int shmi d,int cmd, struct shmid ds *buf );
shmctl() allowsthe user to receive information on a shared memory segment, set the owner, group, and permissionsof a
shared memory segment, or destroy a segment. The information about the segment identified by shmi d isreturned in a
shmi d_ds structure:
struct shmid_ds {
struct ipc_perm shm_perm; /* operation perms */
int shm_segsz; /* size of segment (bytes) */
time_t shm_atime; /* last attach time */
time_t shm_dtime; /* last detach time */
time_t shm_ctime; /* last change time */
unsigned short shm_cpid; /* pid of creator */
unsigned short shm_lpid; /* pid of last operator */
short shm_nattch; /* no. of current attaches */
/* the following are private */
unsigned short shm_npages; /* size of segment (pages) */
unsigned long *shm_pages;
struct shm_desc *attaches; /* descriptors for attaches */
The fieldsin the member shm_per m can be set:
struct ipc_perm
key_t key;
ushort uid;/*owner euid and egid */
ushort gid;
ushort cuid; /* creator euid and egid */
ushort cgid;
ushort mode; /* lower 9 bits of access modes */
ushort seq; /* sequence number */
The following cmdsare available:
IPC_STAT Used to copy the information about the shared memory segment into the buffer, buf . The user
must have read accessto the shared memory segment.
IPC_SET Used to apply the changesthe user hasmade to the ui d, gi d, or mode membersof the shm_per ms
field. Only the lowest 9 bitsof mode are used. The shm_ct i me member isalso updated. The user
must be the owner, the creator, or the superuser.
IPC_RMID Used to mark the segment asdestroyed. It will actually be destroyed after the last detach. (That is,
when the shm_nat t ch member of the associated structure shmi d_ds iszero.)The user must be the
owner, the creator, or the superuser.
The user must ensure that a segment iseventually destroyed; otherwise the pagesthat were faulted in will remain in memory
or swap.
In addition, the superuser can prevent or allow swapping of a shared memory segment with the following cmds: (Linux only)
SHM_LOCK Preventsswapping of a shared memory segment. The user must fault in any pagesthat are required
to be present after locking isenabled.
SHM_UNLOCK Allowsthe shared memory segment to be swapped out.
The IPC_INFO, SHM_STAT, and SHM_INFO control callsare used by the ipcs(1) program to provide information on allocated
resources. In the future, these may be modified asneeded or moved to a proc filesystem interface.
fork() After a fork(), the child inheritsthe attached shared memory segments.
exec() After an exec(), all attached shared memory segmentsare detached (not destroyed).
exit() On exit(), all attached shared memory segmentsare detached (not destroyed).
0 isreturned on success; 1 on error.
On error, errno will be set to one of the following:
EACCESS Returned if IPC_STAT isrequested and shm_perm.modes doesnot allow read accessfor msqid.
EFAULT The argument cmd hasthe value IPC_SET or IPC_STAT, but the addresspointed to by buf isnt
EINVAL Returned if shmid isnot a valid identifier, or cmd isnot a valid command.
EIDRM Returned if shmid pointsto a removed identifier.
EPERM Returned if IPC_SET or IPC_RMID isattempted, if the user isnot the creator, the owner, or the
superuser, and if the user doesnot have permission granted to hisgroup or to the world.
shmget(2), shmop(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 28 November 1993
shmgetAllocatesa shared memory segment
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
int shmget(key_t key,int si ze, int shmf l g);
shmget() returnsthe identifier of the shared memory segment associated with the value of the argument key. A new shared
memory segment, with itssize equal to the rounding up of si ze to a multiple of PAGE_SIZE, iscreated if key hasthe value
IPC_PRIVATE or if key isnt IPC_PRIVATE, if no shared memory segment isassociated to key, and if IPC_CREAT isasserted in
shmflg (that is, shmflg&IPC_CREAT isnt 0). The presence in shmflg iscomposed of
IPC_CREAT Createsa new segment. If thisflag isnot used, shmget() will find the segment associated with key ,
check to see if the user haspermission to receive the shmid associated with the segment, and ensure
the segment isnot marked for destruction.
IPC_EXCL Used with IPC_CREAT to ensure failure if the segment exists.
mode_flags (lowest 9 bits) Specifiesthe permissionsgranted to the owner, group, and world. Presently, the
execute permissionsare not used by the system.
If a new segment iscreated, the accesspermissionsfrom shmflg are copied into the shm_perm member of the shmid_ds
structure that definesthe segment. Following isthe shmid_ds structure:
struct shmid_ds {
struct ipc_perm shm_perm; /* operation perms */
int shm_segsz; /* size of segment (bytes) */
Part II: SystemCalls
time_t shm_atime; /* last attach time */
time_t shm_dtime; /* last detach time */
time_t shm_ctime; /* last change time */
unsigned short shm_cpid; /* pid of creator */
unsigned short shm_lpid; /* pid of last operator */
short shm_nattch; /* no. of current attaches */
struct ipc_perm
key_t key;
ushort uid; /* owner euid and egid */
ushort gid;
ushort cuid; /* creator euid and egid */
ushort cgid;
ushort mode; /* lower 9 bits of shmf l g */
ushort seq; /* sequence number */
Furthermore, while creating, the system call initializesthe system shared memory segment data structure shmid_ds asfollows:
I shm_perm.cuid and shm_perm.uid are set to the effective user ID of the calling process.
I shm_perm.cgid and shm_perm.gid are set to the effective group ID of the calling process.
I The lowest-order 9 bitsof shm_perm.mode are set to the lowest-order 9 bit of shmflg.
I shm_segsz isset to the value of si ze.
I shm_lpid, shm_nattch, shm_atime, and shm_dtime are set to 0.
I shm_ctime isset to the current time.
If the shared memory segment already exists, the accesspermissionsare verified, and a check ismade to see if it ismarked for
fork() After a fork(), the child inheritsthe attached shared memory segments.
exec() After an exec(), all attached shared memory segmentsare detached (not destroyed).
exit() On exit(), all attached shared memory segmentsare detached (not destroyed).
A valid segment identifier, shmid, isreturned on success, 1 on error.
On failure, errno isset to one of the following:
EINVAL Returned if SHMMIN isgreater than si ze, if si ze isgreater than SHMMAX, or if si ze isgreater than the
size of the segment.
EEXIST Returned if IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL wasspecified and the segment exists.
EIDRM Returned if the segment ismarked asdestroyed or wasremoved.
ENOSPC Returned if all possible shared memory IDshave been taken (SHMMNI) or if allocating a segment of
the requested size would cause the system to exceed the system-wide limit on shared memory
ENOENT Returned if no segment existsfor the given key , and IPC_CREAT wasnot specified.
EACCES Returned if the user doesnot have permission to accessthe shared memory segment.
ENOMEM Returned if no memory could be allocated for segment overhead.
IPC_PRIVATE isnt a flag field but a key_t type. If thisspecial value isused for key, the system call ignoreseverything but the
lowest order 9 bitsof shmf l g and createsa new shared memory segment (on success).
The following are limitson shared memory segment resourcesaffecting a shmget call:
SHMALL System-wide maximum of shared memory pages; policy dependent.
SHMMAX Maximum size, in bytes, for a shared memory segment; implementation dependent (currently
SHMMIN Minimum size, in bytes, for a shared memory segment; implementation dependent (currently 1
byte, although PAGE_SIZE isthe effective minimum size).
SHMMNI System-wide maximum number of shared memory segments; implementation dependent (currently
The implementation hasno specific limitsfor the per-processmaximum number of shared memory segments(SHMSEG).
Use of IPC_PRIVATE doesnot inhibit other processes accessto the allocated shared memory segment.
Asfor the files, there iscurrently no intrinsic way for a processto ensure exclusive accessto a shared memory segment.
Asserting both IPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCL in shmf l g only ensures(on success) that a new shared memory segment will be
created; it doesnt imply exclusive accessto the segment.
ftok(3), ipc(5), shmctl(2), shmat(2), shmdt(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 28 November 1993
shmopShared memory operations
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
char *shmat ( int shmi d, char *shmaddr , int shmf l g );
int shmdt ( char *shmaddr );
The function shmat attachesthe shared memory segment identified by shmid to the data segment of the calling process. The
attaching addressisspecified by shmaddr with one of the following criteria:
I If shmaddr is0, the system triesto find an unmapped region in the range 11.5GB, starting from the upper value and
coming down from there.
I If shmaddr isnt 0 and SHM_RND isasserted in shmflg, the attach occursat the addressequal to the rounding down of
shmaddr to a multiple of SHMLBA. Otherwise, shmaddr must be a page-aligned addressat which the attach occurs.
If SHM RDONLY isasserted in shmf l g, the segment isattached for reading, and the processmust have read accesspermissionsto
the segment. Otherwise the segment isattached for read and write, and the processmust have read and write access
permissionsto the segment. There isno notion of a write-only shared memory segment.
The brk value of the calling processisnot altered by the attach. The segment will automatically be detached at processexit.
The same segment may be attached asa read and asa read-write segment, more than once, in the processsaddressspace.
Part II: SystemCalls
On a successful shmat call, the system updatesthe membersof the structure shmid_ds associated to the shared memory
segment asfollows:
I shm_atime isset to the current time.
I shm_lpid isset to the processID of the calling process.
I shm_nattch isincremented by 1.
Note that the attachment will also succeed if the shared memory segment ismarked to be deleted.
The function shmdt detachesfrom the calling processsdata segment the shared memory segment located at the address
specified by shmaddr. The detaching shared memory segment must be one among the currently attached ones(to the
processsaddressspace) with shmaddr equal to the value returned by itsattaching shat call.
On a successful shmdt call, the system updatesthe membersof the structure shmid_ds associated to the shared memory
segment asfollows:
I shm_dtime isset to the current time.
I shm_lpid isset to the processID of the calling process.
I shm_nattch isdecremented by 1. If it becomes0 and the segment ismarked for deletion, the segment isdeleted.
The occupied region in the user space of the calling processisunmapped.
fork() After a fork(), the child inheritsthe attached shared memory segments.
exec() After an exec(), all attached shared memory segmentsare detached (not destroyed).
exit() On exit(), all attached shared memory segmentsare detached (not destroyed).
On a failure, both functionsreturn 1 with errno indicating the error; otherwise, shmat returnsthe addressof the attached
shared memory segment, and shmdt returns0.
When shmat fails, at return errno will be set to one of the following values:
EACCES The calling processhasno accesspermissionsfor the requested attach type.
EINVAL Invalid shmi d value, unaligned (that is, not page-aligned and SHM_RND wasnot specified) or invalid
shmaddr value, or failing attach at brk.
ENOMEM Could not allocate memory for the descriptor or for the page tables.
The function shmdt can fail only if there isno shared memory segment attached at shmaddr ; in such a case, errno will be set to
EINVAL at return.
On executing a fork(2) system call, the child inheritsall the attached shared memory segments.
The shared memory segmentsattached to a processexecuting anexec(2) system call will not be attached to the resulting
The following isa system parameter affecting a shmat system call:
SHMLBA Segmentslow-boundary addressmultiple. Must be page aligned. For the current implementation,
the SHMBLA value isPAGE_SIZE.
The implementation hasno intrinsic limit to the per-processmaximum number of shared memory segments(SHMSEG)
ipc(5), shmctl(2), shmget(2)
Linux 0.99.13, 28 November 1993
shutdownShutsdown part of a full-duplex connection
#include <sys/socket.h>
int shutdown(int s,int how);
The shutdown call causesall or part of a full-duplex connection on the socket associated with s to be shut down. If how is0,
further receiveswill be disallowed. If how is1, further sendswill be disallowed. If how is2, further sendsand receiveswill be
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EBADF s isnot a valid descriptor.
ENOTSOCK s isa file, not a socket.
ENOTCONN The specified socket isnot connected.
The shutdown function call appeared in BSD 4.2.
connect(2), socket(2)
BSD Man Page, 24 July1993
sigaction, sigprocmask, sigpending, sigsuspend
sigaction, sigprocmask, sigpending, sigsuspendPOSIX signal-handling functions.
#include <signal.h>
int sigaction(int si gnum, const struct sigaction *act , struct sigaction *ol dact );
int sigprocmask(int how, const sigset_t *set , sigset_t *ol dset );
int sigpending(sigset_t *set );
int sigsuspend(const sigset_t *mask);
The sigaction system call isused to change the action taken by a processon receipt of a specific signal.
si gnum specifiesthe signal and can be any valid signal except SIGKILL and SIGSTOP.
If act isnonnull, the new action for signal signum isinstalled from act . If ol dact isnonnull, the previousaction issaved in
ol dact .
The sigaction structure isdefined as
struct sigaction {
void (*sa_handler)(int);
sigset_t sa_mask;
int sa_flags;
sigaction, sigprocmask, sigpending, sigsuspend
Part II: SystemCalls
void (*sa_restorer)(void);
sa_handler specifiesthe action to be associated with si gnum and can be SIG_DFL for the default action, SIG_IGN to ignore this
signal, or a pointer to a signal-handling function.
sa_mask givesa mask of signalsthat should be blocked during execution of the signal handler. In addition, the signal that
triggered the handler will be blocked unlessthe SA_NODEFER or SA_NOMASK flag isused.
sa_flags specifiesa set of flagsthat modify the behavior of the signal-handling process. It isformed by the bitwise OR of zero
or more of the following:
SA_NOCLDSTOP If si gnum isSIGCHLD, do not receive notification when child processesstop (that is, when
child processesreceive one of SIGSTOP, SIGTSTP, SIGTTIN, or SIGTTOU).
SA_ONESHOT or SA_RESETHAND Restoresthe signal action to the default state once the signal handler hasbeen called.
(Thisisthe default behavior of the signal(2) system call.)
SA_RESTART Providesbehavior compatible with BSD signal semanticsby making certain system calls
restartable acrosssignals.
SA_NOMASK or SA_NODEFER Doesnot prevent the signal from being received from within itsown signal handler.
The sa_restorer element isobsolete and should not be used.
The sigprocmask call isused to change the list of currently blocked signals. The behavior of the call isdependent on the value
of how, asfollows:
SIG_BLOCK The set of blocked signalsisthe union of the current set and the set argument.
SIG_UNBLOCK The signalsin set are removed from the current set of blocked signals. It islegal to
attempt to unblock a signal that isnot blocked.
SIG_SETMASK The set of blocked signalsisset to the argument set .
If ol dset isnonnull, the previousvalue of the signal mask isstored in ol dset .
The sigpending call allowsthe examination of pending signals(those that have been raised while blocked). The signal mask
of pending signalsisstored in set .
The sigsuspend call temporarily replacesthe signal mask for the processwith that given by mask and then suspendsthe
processuntil a signal isreceived.
sigaction, sigprocmask, sigpending, and sigsuspend return 0 on successand -1 on error.
EINVAL An invalid signal wasspecified. Thiswill also be generated if an attempt ismade to
change the action for SIGKILL or SIGSTOP, which cannot be caught.
EFAULT act , ol dact , set , or ol dset pointsto memory that isnot a valid part of the process
EINTR System call wasinterrupted.
It isnot possible to block SIGKILL or SIGSTOP with the sigprocmask call. Attemptsto do so will be silently ignored.
Setting SIGCHLD to SIG_IGN providesautomatic reaping of child processes.
The POSIX spec only definesSA_NOCLDSTOP. Use of other sa flagsisnonportable.
The SA_RESETHAND flag iscompatible with the SVR4 flag of the same name.
The SA_NODEFER flag iscompatible with the SVR4 flag of the same name under kernels1.3.9 and newer. On older kernels, the
Linux implementation will allow the receipt of any signal, not just the one you are installing (effectively overriding any
sa_mask settings).
The SA_RESETHAND and SA_NODEFER namesfor SVR4 compatibility are present only in library versions3.0.9 and greater.
sigaction can be called with a null second argument to query the current signal handler. It can also be used to check whether
a given signal isvalid for the current machine by calling it with null second and third arguments.
See sigsetops(3) for detailson manipulating signal sets.
kill(1), kill(2), killpg(2), pause(2), raise(3), siginterrupt(3), signal(2), signal(7), sigse-tops(3), sigvec(2)
Linux 1.3, 24 August 1995
signalANSI C signal handling
#include <signal.h>
void (*signal(int si gnum,void (*handl er )(int)))(int);
The signal system call installsa new signal handler for the signal with number si gnum. The signal handler isset to handl er ,
which can be a user-specified function or one of the following:
SIG_IGN Ignoresthe signal.
SIG_DFL Resetsthe signal to itsdefault behavior.
The integer argument that ishanded over to the signal-handling routine isthe signal number. Thismakesit possible to use
one signal handler for several signals.
signal returnsthe previousvalue of the signal handler, or SIG_ERR on error.
Signal handlerscannot be set for SIGKILL or SIGSTOP.
Unlike on BSD systems, signalsunder Linux are reset to their default behavior when raised. However, if you include <bsd/
signal.h> instead of <signal.h>, signal isredefined as_bsd_signal, and signal hasthe BSD semantics. Both versionsof
signal are library routinesbuilt on top of sigaction(2).
If youre confused by the prototype at the top of thisman page, it may help to see it separated out like this:
typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);
sighandler_t signal(int si gnum, sighandler_t handl er );
According to POSIX, the behavior of a processisundefined after it ignoresa SIGFPE, SIGILL, or SIGSEGV signal that wasnot
generated by the kill() or raise() function. Integer division by 0 hasundefined result. On some architecturesit will
generate a SIGFPE signal. Ignoring thissignal might lead to an endlessloop.
Part II: SystemCalls
kill(1), kill(2), killpg(2), pause(2), raise(3), sigaction(2), signal(7), sigsetops(3), sigvec(2), alarm(2)
Linux 2.0, 21 July1996
sigblock, siggetmask, sigsetmask, sigmask
sigblock, siggetmask, sigsetmask, sigmaskManipulate the signal mask
#include <signal.h>
int sigblock(int mask);
int siggetmask(void);
int sigsetmask(int mask);
int sigmask(int si gnum);
Thisinterface ismade obsolete by sigprocmask(2).
The sigblock system call addsthe signalsspecified in mask to the set of signalscurrently being blocked from delivery.
The sigsetmask system call replacesthe set of blocked signalstotally with a new set specified in mask. Signalsare blocked if
the corresponding bit in mask isa 1.
The current set of blocked signalscan be obtained using siggetmask.
The sigmask macro isprovided to construct the mask for a given si gnum.
siggetmask returnsthe current set of masked signals.
sigsetmask and sigblock return the previousset of masked signals.
Prototypesfor these functionsare only available if __USE_BSD isdefined before <signal.h> isincluded.
It isnot possible to block SIGKILL or SIGSTOPthisrestriction issilently imposed by the system.
These function callsappeared in BSD 4.3 and are deprecated.
kill(2), sigprocmask(2), signal(7)
Linux 1.3, 31 August 1995
sigpauseAtomically releasesblocked signalsand waitsfor interrupt
#include <signal.h>
int sigpause(int si gmask );
Thisinterface ismade obsolete by sigsuspend(2).
sigpause assignssi gmask to the set of masked signalsand then waitsfor a signal to arrive; on return, the set of masked signals
sigmask isusually 0 to indicate that no signalsare to be blocked. sigpause alwaysterminatesby being interrupted, returning
1 with errno set to EINTR.
The sigpause function call appeared in BSD 4.3 and isdeprecated.
sigsuspend(2), kill(2), sigaction(2), sigprocmask(2), sigblock(2), sigvec(2)
Linux 1.3, 24 July1993
sigreturnReturnsfrom the signal handler and cleansup the stack frame
int sigreturn(unsigned long __unused);
When the Linux kernel createsthe stack frame for a signal handler, a call to sigreturn isinserted into the stack frame so that
the signal handler will call sigreturn upon return. Thisinserted call to sigreturn cleansup the stack so that the processcan
restart from where it wasinterrupted by the signal.
sigreturn never returns.
The sigreturn call isused by the kernel to implement signal handlers. It should never be called directly. Better yet, the
specific use of the unused argument variesdepending on the architecture.
sigreturn isspecific to Linux.
kill(2), signal(2), signal(7)
Linux 1.3.20, 21 August 1995
Part II: SystemCalls
sigvecBSD software signal facilities
#include <bsd/signal.h>
int sigvec(int si g, struct sigvec *vec, struct sigvec *ovec);
Thisinterface ismade obsolete by sigaction(2).
Under Linux, sigvec is#defined to sigaction, and providesat best a rough approximation of the BSD sigvec interface.
sigaction(2), signal(2)
Linux 1.3 31 August 1995
socketCreatesan endpoint for communication
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int socket(int domai n,intt ype, int pr ot ocol );
socket createsan endpoint for communication and returnsa descriptor.
The domai n parameter specifiesa communicationsdomain within which communication will take place; thisselectsthe
protocol family that should be used. These familiesare defined in the include file sys/socket.h. The currently understood
AF_UNIX UNIX internal protocols
AF_INET ARPA Internet protocols
AF_ISO ISO protocols
AF_NS Xerox Network Systemsprotocols
AF_IMPLINK IMP host at IMP link layer
The socket hasthe indicated type, which specifiesthe semanticsof communication. The currently defined typesare
A SOCK_STREAM type providessequenced, reliable, two-way connectionbased byte streams. An out-of-band data transmission
mechanism may be supported. A SOCK_DGRAM socket supportsdatagrams(connectionless, unreliable messagesof a fixed,
typically small, maximum length). A SOCK_SEQPACKET socket may provide a sequenced, reliable, two-way connectionbased
data transmission path for datagramsof fixed maximum length; a consumer might be required to read an entire packet with
each read system call. Thisfacility isprotocol specific, and presently isimplemented only for PF_NS. SOCK_RAW socketsprovide
accessto internal network protocolsand interfaces. The typesSOCK_RAW, which isavailable only to the superuser, and
SOCK_RDM, which isplanned but not yet implemented, are not described here.
The pr ot ocol specifiesa particular protocol to be used with the socket. Normally only a single protocol existsto support a
particular socket type within a given protocol family. However, it ispossible that many protocolsmay exist, in which case a
particular protocol must be specified in thismanner. The protocol number to use isparticular to the communication domain
in which communication isto take place; see protocols(5).
Socketsof type SOCK_STREAM are full-duplex byte streams, similar to pipes. A stream socket must be in a connected state before
any data can be sent or received on it. A connection to another socket iscreated with a connect(2) call. Once connected, data
may be transferred using read(2) and write(2) callsor some variant of the send(2) and recv(2) calls. When a session hasbeen
completed, a close(2) may be performed. Out-of-band data can also be transmitted asdescribed in send(2) and received as
described in recv(2).
The communicationsprotocolsused to implement a SOCK_STREAM ensure that data isnot lost or duplicated. If a piece of data
for which the peer protocol hasbuffer space cannot be successfully transmitted within a reasonable length of time, the
connection isconsidered broken, and callswill indicate an error with 1 returnsand with ETIMEDOUT asthe specific code in the
global variable errno. The protocolsoptionally keep socketswarm by forcing transmissionsroughly every minute in the
absence of other activity. An error isthen indicated if no response can be elicited on an otherwise idle connection for a
extended period (for example, 5 minutes). A SIGPIPE signal israised if a processsendson a broken stream; thiscausesnaive
processes, which do not handle the signal, to exit.
SOCK_SEQPACKET socketsemploy the same system callsasSOCK_STREAM sockets. The only difference isthat read(2) callswill
return only the amount of data requested, and any that isremaining in the arriving packet will be discarded.
SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_RAW socketsallow the sending of datagramsto correspondentsnamed in send(2) calls. Datagramsare
generally received with recvfrom(2), which returnsthe next datagram with itsreturn address.
An fcntl(2) call can be used to specify a processgroup to receive a SIGURG signal when the out-of-band data arrives. It can
also enable non-blocking I/O and asynchronousnotification of I/O eventsvia SIGIO.
The operation of socketsiscontrolled by socket-level options. These optionsare defined in the file sys/socket.h.
setsockopt(2) and getsockopt(2) and are used to set and get options, respectively.
A 1 isreturned if an error occurs; otherwise, the return value isa descriptor referencing the socket.
EPROTONOSUPPORT The protocol type or the specified protocol isnot supported within thisdomain.
EMFILE The per-processdescriptor table isfull.
ENFILE The system file table isfull.
EACCESS Permission to create a socket of the specified type and/or protocol isdenied.
ENOBUFS Insufficient buffer space isavailable. The socket cannot be created until sufficient resourcesare
The socket function call appeared in BSD 4.2.
accept(2), bind(2), connect(2), getprotoent(3), getsockname(2), getsockopt(2), ioctl(2), listen(2), read(2), recv(2),
select(2), send(2), shutdown(2), socketpair(2), write(2)
An Introductory 4.3 BSD InterprocessCommunication Tutorial isreprinted in UNIX ProgrammersSupplementary
DocumentsVolume 1
BSD InterprocessCommunication Tutorial isreprinted in UNIX ProgrammersSupplementary DocumentsVolume 1
BSD Man Page, 24 July1993
Part II: SystemCalls
socketcallSocket system calls
int socketcall(int cal l , unsigned long *ar gs );
socketcall isa common kernel entry point for the socket system calls. cal l determineswhich socket function to invoke. ar gs
pointsto a block containing the actual arguments, which are passed through to the appropriate call.
User programsshould call the appropriate functionsby their usual names. Only standard library implementorsand kernel
hackersneed to know about socketcall.
accept(2), bind(2), connect(2), getpeername(2), getsockname(2), getsockopt(2), listen(2), recv(2), recvfrom(2), send(2),
sendto(2), setsockopt(2), shutdown(2), socket(2), socketpair(2)
Linux 1.2.4, 15 April 1995
socketpairCreatesa pair of connected sockets
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int socketpair(int d, int t ype, int pr ot ocol , int sv[2]);
The call createsan unnamed pair of connected socketsin the specified domain d, of the specified t ype, and using the
optionally specified pr ot ocol . The descriptorsused in referencing the new socketsare returned in sv[0] and sv[1]. The two
socketsare indistinguishable.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EMFILE Too many descriptorsare in use by thisprocess.
EAFNOSUPPORT The specified addressfamily isnot supported on thismachine.
EPROTONOSUPPORT The specified protocol isnot supported on thismachine.
EOPNOSUPPORT The specified protocol doesnot support creation of socket pairs.
EFAULT The addresssv doesnot specify a valid part of the processsaddressspace.
The socketpair function call appeared in BSD 4.2.
Thiscall iscurrently implemented only for the UNIX domain.
read(2), write(2), pipe(2)
BSD Man Page, 24 July1993
stat, fstat, lstat
stat, fstat, lstatGet file status
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int stat(const char *f i l e_name,struct stat *buf );
int fstat(int f i l edes ,struct stat *buf );
int lstat(const char *f i l e_name, struct stat *buf );
These functionsreturn information about the specified file. You do not need any accessrightsto the file to get this
information, but you need search rightsto all directoriesnamed in the path leading to the file.
stat statsthe file pointed to by f i l e_name and fillsin buf .
lstat isidentical to stat, except that the link itself isstated, not the file that isobtained by tracing the links.
fstat isidentical to stat, except that the open file pointed to by f i l edes (asreturned by open(2)) isstated in place of
f i l e_name.
They all return a stat structure, which isdeclared asfollows:
struct stat
dev_t st _dev; /* device */
ino_t st _i no; /* inode */
umode_t st _mode; /*protection */
nlink_t st _nl i nk ; /* number of hard links */
uid_t st _ui d; /* user ID of owner */
gid_t st _gi d; /* group ID of owner */
dev_t st _r dev; /* device type (if inode device) */
off_t st _si ze; /* total size, in bytes */
unsigned long st _bl ksi ze; /* blocksize for filesystem I/O */
unsigned long st _bl ocks; /* number of blocks allocated */
time_t st _at i me; /* time of last access */
time_t st _mt i me; /* time of last modification */
time_t st _ct i me; /* time of last change */
Note that st _bl ocks may not alwaysbe in termsof blocksof size st _bl ksi ze, and that st _bl ksi ze may instead provide a
notion of the preferred block size for efficient filesystem I/O.
Not all the Linux filesystemsimplement all the time fields. Traditionally, st _at i me ischanged by mknod(2), utime(2), read(2),
write(2), and truncate(2).
Traditionally, st _mt i me ischanged by mknod(2), utime(2), and write(2). st _mt i me isnot changed for changesin owner, group,
hard link count, or mode.
Traditionally, st _ct i me ischanged by writing or by setting inode information (that is, owner, group, link count, mode, and
so on).
stat, fstat, lstat
Part II: SystemCalls
The following macrosare defined to check the file type:
S_ISLNK(m) Isit a symbolic link?
S_ISREG(m) Isit a regular file?
S_ISDIR(m) Isit a directory?
S_ISCHR(m) Isit a character device?
S_ISBLK(m) Isit a block device?
S_ISFIFO(m) Isit fifo?
S_ISSOCK(m) Isit a socket?
The following flagsare defined for the st _mode field:
S_IFMT 00170000 Bitmask for the file type bitfields
S_IFSOCK 0140000 Socket
S_IFLNK 0120000 Symbolic link
S_IFREG 0100000 Regular file
S_IFBLK 0060000 Block device
S_IFDIR 0040000 Directory
S_IFCHR 0020000 Character device
S_IFIFO 0010000 Fifo
S_ISUID 0004000 Set UID bit
S_ISGID 0002000 Set GID bit
S_ISVTX 0001000 Sticky bit
S_IRWXU 00700 User (file owner) hasread, write, and execute permission
S_IRUSR (S_IREAD) 00400 User hasread permission
S_IWUSR (S_IWRITE) 00200 User haswrite permission
S_IXUSR (S_IEXEC) 00100 User hasexecute permission
S_IRWXG 00070 Group hasread, write, and execute permission
S_IRGRP 00040 Group hasread permission
S_IWGRP 00020 Group haswrite permission
S_IXGRP 00010 Group hasexecute permission
S_IRWXO 00007 othershave read, write, and execute permission
S_IROTH 00004 Othershave read permission
S_IWOTH 00002 Othershave write permission
S_IXOTH 00001 Othershave execute permission
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EBADF f i l edes isbad.
ENOENT File doesnot exist.
SVID (not lstat()), AT&T (not lstat()), POSIX (not lstat()), X/OPEN (not lstat()), BSD 4.3
chmod(2), chown(2), readlink(2), utime(2)
Linux 1.1.75, 1 January1995
statfs, fstatfs
statfs, fstatfsGet filesystem statistics
#include <sys/vfs.h>
int statfs(const char *pat h, struct statfs *buf );
int fstatfs(int f d, struct statfs *buf );
statfs returnsinformation about a mounted filesystem. pat h isthe pathname of any file within the mounted filesystem. buf
isa pointer to a statfs structure defined asfollows:
struct statfs {
long f_type; /* type of filesystem (see below) */
long f_bsize; /* optimal transfer block size */
long f_blocks; /* total data blocks in filesystem */
long f_bfree; /* free blocks in fs */
long f_bavail; /* free blocks avail to non-superuser */
long f_files; /* total file nodes in filesystem */
long f_ffree; /* free file nodes in fs */
fsid_t f_fsid; /* filesystem id */
long f_namelen; /* maximum length of filenames */
long f_spare[6]; /* spare for later */
Filesystem types:
linux/ext2_fs.h: EXT2_OLD_SUPER_MAGIC 0xEF51
linux/ext2_fs.h: EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC 0xEF53
linux/ext_fs.h: EXT_SUPER_MAGIC 0x137D
linux/iso_fs.h: ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC 0x9660
linux/minix_fs.h: MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC 0x137F /* orig. minix */
linux/minix_fs.h: MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2 0x138F /* 30 char minix */
linux/minix_fs.h: NEW_MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC 0x2468 /* minix V2 */
linux/msdos_fs.h: MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC 0x4d44
linux/nfs_fs.h: NFS_SUPER_MAGIC 0x6969
linux/proc_fs.h: PROC_SUPER_MAGIC 0x9fa0
linux/xia_fs.h: XIAFS_SUPER_MAGIC 0x012FD16D
Fieldsthat are undefined for a particular filesystem are set to 1. fstatfs returnsthe same information about an open file
referenced by descriptor f d.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
For statfs:
ENOTDIR A component of the path prefix of pat h isnot a directory.
EINVAL pat h containsa character with the high-order bit set.
ENAMETOOLONG The length of a component of pat h exceeds255 characters, or the length of pat h exceeds1,023
ENOENT The file referred to by pat h doesnot exist.
EACCES Search permission isdenied for a component of the path prefix of pat h.
ELOOP Too many symbolic linkswere encountered in translating pat h.
statfs, fstatfs
Part II: SystemCalls
EFAULT buf or pat h pointsto an invalid address.
EIO An I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to the filesystem.
For fstatfs:
EBADF f d isnot a valid open file descriptor.
EFAULT buf pointsto an invalid address.
EIO An I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to the filesystem.
Linux 0.99.11, 24 July1993
stimeSet time
#include <time.h>
int stime(time_t *t );
stime setsthe systemsidea of the time and date. time, pointed to by t , ismeasured in secondsfrom 00:00:00 GMT January
1, 1970. stime() may only be executed by the superuser.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EPERM The caller isnot the superuser.
Linux 0.99.11, 24 July1993
swapon, swapoff
swapon, swapoffStart/stop swapping to file/device
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/swap.h>
int swapon(const char *pat h, int swapf l ags);
int swapoff(const char *pat h);
swapon setsthe swap area to the file or block device specified by pat h. swapoff stopsswapping to the file or block device
specified by pat h.
swapon takesa swapf l ags argument. If swapf l ags hasthe SWAP_FLAG_PREFER bit turned on, the new swap area will have a higher
priority than default. The priority isencoded as(prio << SWAP_FLAG_PRIO_SHIFT) & SWAP_FLAG_PRIO_MASK. These functions
may only be used by the superuser.
Each swap area hasa priority, either high or low. The default priority islow. Within the low-priority areas, newer areasare of
even lower priority than older areas.
All prioritiesset with swapf l ags are high priority, higher than the default. They may have any non-negative value chosen by
the caller. Higher numbersmean higher priority.
Swap pagesare allocated from areasin priority order, highest priority first. For areaswith different priorities, a higher-
priority area isexhausted before using a lower-priority area. If two or more areashave the same priority, and that isthe
highest priority available, pagesare allocated on a round-robin basisbetween them.
Asof Linux 1.3.6, the kernel usually followsthese rules, but there are exceptions.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
Many other errorsbesidesthe following can occur if path isnot valid:
EPERM The user isnot the superuser, or more than MAX_SWAPFILES (defined to be 8 in Linux 1.3.6) are in
EINVAL Returned if pat h exists, but isneither a regular path nor a block device.
ENOENT Returned if pat h doesnot exist.
ENOMEM Returned if there isinsufficient memory to start swapping.
These functionsare Linux specific.
The partition or path must be prepared with mkswap(8).
The second (swapflags) argument wasintroduced in Linux 1.3.2.
mkswap(8), swapon(8), swapoff(8)
Linux 1.3.6, 22 July1995
symlinkMakesa new name for a file
Part II: SystemCalls
#include <unistd.h>
int symlink(const char *ol dpat h, const char *newpat h);
symlink createsa symbolic link named ol dpat h that containsnewpat h.
Symbolic linksare interpreted at runtime, asif the contentsof the link were substituted into the path being followed to find
a file or directory.
Symbolic linksmay contain .. path componentsthat (if used at the start of the link) refer to the parent directoriesof the one
in which the link resides.
A symbolic link (also known asa soft link) can point to an existing file or to a nonexistent one; the latter case isknown asa
The permissionsof a symbolic link are irrelevant; the ownership isignored when following the link, but ischecked when
removal or renaming of the link isrequested and the link isin a directory with the sticky bit set.
If newpat h exists, it will not be overwritten.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EPERM The filesystem containing pat hname doesnot support the creation of symbolic links.
EFAULT ol dpat h or newpat h pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
EACCES Write accessto the directory containing newpat h isnot allowed for the processseffective UID, or
one of the directoriesin newpat h did not allow search (execute) permission.
ENAMETOOLONG ol dpat h or newpat h wastoo long.
ENOENT A directory component in newpat h doesnot exist or isa dangling symbolic link, or ol dpat h isthe
empty string.
ENOTDIR A component used asa directory in newpat h isnot, in fact, a directory.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
EROFS The file ison a read-only filesystem.
EEXIST newpat h already exists.
ELOOP newpat h containsa reference to a circular symbolic linkthat is, a symbolic link whose expansion
containsa reference to itself.
ENOSPC The device containing the file hasno room for the new directory entry.
No checking of ol dpat h isdone.
Deleting the name referred to by a symlink will actually delete the file (unlessit also hasother hard links). If thisbehavior is
not desired, use link.
See open(2) regarding multiple fileswith the same name, and NFS.
link(2), unlink(2), rename(2), open(2), lstat(2), ln(1), link(8)
Linux, 24 July1993
syncCommitsbuffer cache to disk
#include <unistd.h>
int sync(void);
sync first commitsinodesto buffers, and then buffersto disk.
sync alwaysreturns0.
According to the standard specification (for example, SVID), sync() schedulesthe writes, but it might return before the
actual writing isdone. However, since version 1.3.20, Linux doesactually wait. (Thisstill doesnot guarantee data integrity;
modern diskshave large caches.)
bdflush(2), fsync(2), fdatasync(2), update(8), sync(8)
Linux 1.3.88, 15 April 1995
sysctlReads/writessystem parameters
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/unistd.h>
#include <linux/sysctl.h>
_syscall1(int_sysct l , struct __sysctl_args *ar gs);
int sysctl(struct __sysctl_args *ar gs);
The sysctl call readsand/or writeskernel parametersfor example, the hostname or the maximum number of open files.
The argument hasthe form
struct __sysctl__args {
int *name; /* integer vector describing variable */
int nlen; /* length of this vector */
void *oldval; /* 0 or address where to store old value */
size_t *oldlenp; /* available room for old value,
Part II: SystemCalls
overwritten by actual size of old value */
void *newval; /* 0 or address of new value */
size_t newlen; /* size of new value */
Thiscall doesa search in a tree structure, possibly resembling a directory tree under /proc/sys, and, if the requested item is
found, callssome appropriate routine to read or modify the value.
#include <linux/unistd.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/sysctl.h>
_syscall1(int, _sysctl, struct __sysctl args *, args);
int sysctl(int *name, int nlen, void *oldval, size_t *oldlenp,
void *newval, size_t newlen)
struct __sysctl__args args={name,nlen,oldval,oldlenp,newval,newlen};
return _sysctl(&args);
#define SIZE(x) sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0])
#define OSNAMESZ 100
char osname[OSNAMESZ];
int osnamelth;
int name[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_OSTYPE };
osnamelth = SIZE(osname);
if (sysctl(name, SIZE(name), osname, &osnamelth, 0, 0))
printf(This machine is running %*s\n, osnamelth, osname);
return 0;
Upon successful completion, sysctl returns0. Otherwise, a value of 1 isreturned, and errno isset to indicate the error.
ENOTDIR name wasnot found.
EPERM No search permission for one of the encountered directories, or no read permission where ol dval
wasnonzero, or no write permission where newval wasnonzero.
EFAULT The invocation asked for the previousvalue by setting ol dval non-NULL, but allowed zero room
in ol dl enp.
Thiscall isLinux specific.
A sysctl call hasbeen present in Linux since version 1.3.57. It originated in BSD-4.4. Only Linux hasthe /proc/sys mirror,
and the object-naming schemesdiffer between Linux and BSD 4.4, but the declaration of the sysctl(2) function isthe same
in both.
Not all available objectsare properly documented.
It isnot yet possible to change operating system by writing to /proc/sys/kernel/ostype.
Linux 1.3.85, 11 April 1996
sysfsGetsfilesystem type information
int sysfs(int opt i on, const char * f sname);
int sysfs(int opt i on, unsigned int f s_i ndex , char * buf );
int sysfs(int opt i on);
sysfs returnsinformation about the filesystem typescurrently present in the kernel. The specific form of the sysfs call and
the information returned depend on the option in effect. You can
I Translate the filesystem identifier string f sname into a filesystem type index.
I Translate the filesystem type index f s_i ndex into a null-terminated filesystem identifier string. Thisstring will be written
to the buffer pointed to by buf . Make sure that buf hasenough space to accept the string.
I Return the total number of filesystem typescurrently present in the kernel.
The numbering of the filesystem type indexesbeginswith 0.
On success, sysfs returnsthe filesystem index for the first option, 0 for the second option, and the number of currently
configured filesystemsfor the third option. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EINVAL f sname isnot a valid filesystem type identifier; f s_i ndex isout of bounds; opt i on isinvalid.
EFAULT Either f sname or buf isoutside your accessible addressspace.
System V
Linux 1.3.16, 9 August 1995
sysinfoReturnsinformation on overall system statistics
Asof Linux 0.99.10 and image release 4.4,
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/sys.h>
int sysinfo(struct sysinfo *i nf o);
Part II: SystemCalls
sysinfo returnsinformation in the following structure:
struct sysinfo {
long uptime; /* Seconds since boot */
unsigned long loads[3]; /* 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages */
unsigned long totalram; /* Total usable main memory size */
unsigned long freeram; /* Available memory size */
unsigned long sharedram; /* Amount of shared memory */
unsigned long bufferram; /* Memory used by buffers */
unsigned long totalswap; /* Total swap space size */
unsigned long freeswap; /* swap space still available */
unsigned short procs; /* Number of current processes */
char _f[22]; /* Pads structure to 64 bytes */
sysinfo providesa simple way of getting overall system statistics. Thisismore portable than reading /dev/kmem.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EFAULT The pointer to st r uct sysi nf o isinvalid.
Thisfunction isLinux specific.
The Linux DLL 4.4.1 librariesdo not contain a proper prototype for thisfunction.
Linux 0.99.10, 24 July1993
syslogReadsand/or clearskernel message ring buffer; setsconsole_loglevel
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/unistd.h>
_syscall3(int sysl og, int t ype, char *buf p, int l en);
int syslog(int t ype, char *buf p, int l en);
Thisisprobably not the function you are interested in. Look at syslog(3) for the C library interface. Thispage only
documentsthe bare kernel system call interface.
The t ype argument determinesthe action taken by syslog.
From kernel/printk.c:/*
Valid commandsto syslog are
0Close the log. Currently a NOP.
1Open the log. Currently a NOP.
2Read from the log.
3Read up to the last 4KB of messagesin the ring buffer.
4Read and clear last 4KB of messagesin the ring buffer.
5Clear ring buffer.
6Disable printksto console.
7Enable printksto console.
8Set level of messagesprinted to console.
Only function 3 isallowed to non-root processes.
The kernel hasa cyclic buffer of length LOG_BUF_LEN (4096) in which messagesgiven asargument to the kernel function
printk() are stored (regardlessof their loglevel).
The call syslog (2,buf ,l en) waitsuntil thiskernel log buffer isnonempty, and then readsat most l en bytesinto the buffer
buf . It returnsthe number of bytesread. Bytesread from the log disappear from the log buffer; the information can only be
read once. Thisisthe function executed by the kernel when a user program reads/proc/kmsg.
The call syslog (3,buf ,l en) will read the last l en bytesfrom the log buffer (nondestructively), but will not read more than
waswritten into the buffer since the last clear ring buffer command (which doesnot clear the buffer at all). It returnsthe
number of bytesread.
The call syslog (4,buf ,l en) doesprecisely the same, but also executesthe clear ring buffer command.
The call syslog (5,dummy ,i dummy) only executesthe clear ring buffer command.
The kernel routine printk() will print a message on the console only if it hasa loglevel lessthan the value of the variable
consol e_l ogl evel (initially DEFAULT_CONSOLE_LOGLEVEL (7), but set to 10 if the kernel command line containsthe word debug,
and to 15 in case of a kernel faultthe 10 and 15 are just silly, and are equivalent to 8). Thisvariable isset (to a value in the
range 18) by the call syslog (8,dummy,val ue). The call syslog (type,dummy,i dummy ) with type equal to 6 or 7, setsit to 1
(kernel panicsonly) or 7 (all except debugging messages), respectively.
Every text line in a message hasitsown loglevel. Thislevel isDEFAULT_MESSAGE_LOGLEVEL-1 (6) unlessthe line startswith <d>
where d isa digit in the range 17, in which case the level isd. The conventional meaning of the loglevel isdefined in <linux/
kernel.h> asfollows:
#define KERN_EMERG <0> /* system is unusable */
#define KERN_ALERT <1> /* action must be taken immediately */
#define KERN_CRIT <2> /* critical conditions */
#define KERN_ERR <3> /* error conditions */
#define KERN_WARNING <4> /* warning conditions */
#define KERN_NOTICE <5> /* normal but significant condition */
#define KERN_INFO <6> /* informational */
#define KERN_DEBUG <7> /* debug-level messages */
In case of error, -1 isreturned, and errno isset. On success, for t ype equal to 2, 3, or 4, syslog() returnsthe number of bytes
read; otherwise, it returns0.
EPERM An attempt wasmade to change console_loglevel or clear the kernel message ring buffer by a
processwithout root permissions.
EINVAL Bad parameters.
ERESTARTSYS System call wasinterrupted by a signalnothing wasread.
Part II: SystemCalls
Thissystem call isLinux specific.
Linux 1.2.9, 11 June1995
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush,
tcflow, cfgetospeed, cfgetispeed, cfsetispeed, cfsetospeed,
tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, cfgetospeed, cfgetispeed, cfsetispeed, cfsetospeed,
tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrpGet and set terminal attributes, do line control, get and set baud rate, get and set terminal foreground
processgroup ID
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int tcgetattr ( int f d, struct termios *t er mi os_p );
int tcsetattr ( int f d, int opt i onal _act i ons, struct termios *t er mi os_p );
int tcsendbreak ( int f d, int dur at i on );
int tcdrain ( int f d );
int tcflush ( int f d, int queue_sel ect or );
int tcflow ( int f d, int act i on );
speed_t cfgetospeed ( struct termios *t er mi os_p );
int cfsetospeed ( struct termios *t er mi os_p, speed_t speed );
speed_t cfgetispeed ( struct termios *t er mi os_p );
int cfsetispeed ( struct termios *t er mi os_p, speed_t speed );
pid_t tcgetpgrp ( int f d );
int tcsetpgrp ( int f d, pid_t pgr pi d );
The termiosfunctionsdescribe a general terminal interface that isprovided to control asynchronouscommunicationsports.
Many of the functionsdescribed here have a t er mi os_p argument that isa pointer to a termios structure. Thisstructure
containsthe following members:
tcflag_t c_i f l ag; /* input modes */
tcflag_t c_of l ag; /* output modes */
tcflag_t c_cf l ag; /* control modes */
tcflag_t c_l f l ag;/*local modes*/
cc_t c_cc[NCCS]; /* control chars */
The following are the c_i f l ag flag constants:
IGNBRK Ignore BREAK condition on input.
BRKINT If IGNBRK isnot set, generate SIGINT on BREAK condition; otherwise, read BREAK ascharacter \0.
IGNPAR Ignore framing errorsand parity errors.
PARMRK If IGNPAR isnot set, prefix a character with a parity error or framing error with \377 \0. If neither
IGNPAR nor PARMRK isset, read a character with a parity error or framing error as\0.
INPCK Enable input parity checking.
ISTRIP Strip off the eighth bit.
INLCR Translate NL to CR on input.
IGNCR Ignore carriage return on input.
ICRNL Translate carriage return to newline on input (unlessIGNCR isset).
IUCLC Map uppercase charactersto lowercase on input.
IXON Enable XON/XOFF flow control on output.
IXANY Enable any character to restart output.
IXOFF Enable XON/XOFF flow control on input IMAXBEL ring bell when input queue isfull.
The following are the c_oflag flag constants:
OPOST Enable implementation-defined output processing.
OLCUC Map lowercase charactersto uppercase on output.
ONLCR Map NL to CR-NL on output.
OCRNL Map CR to NL on output.
ONOCR Dont output CR at column 0.
ONLRET Dont output CR.
OFILL Send fill charactersfor a delay rather than use a timed delay.
OFDEL Fill character isASCII DEL. If unset, fill character isASCII NUL.
NLDLY Newline delay mask. Valuesare NL0 and NL1.
CRDLY Carriage-return delay mask. Valuesare CR0, CR1, CR2, and CR3.
TABDLY Horizontal-tab delay mask. Valuesare TAB0, TAB1, TAB2, TAB3, and XTABS. A value of XTABS expands
tabsto spaces(with tab stopsevery eight columns).
BSDLY Backspace delay mask. Valuesare BS0 and BS1.
VTDLY Vertical-tab delay mask. Valuesare VT0 and VT1.
FFDLY Form-feed delay mask. Valuesare FF0 and FF1.
The following are the c_cflag flag constants:
CSIZE Character size mask. Valuesare CS5, CS6, CS7,and CS8.
CSTOPB Set two stop bitsrather than one.
CREAD Enable receiver.
PARENB Enable parity generation on output and parity checking for input.
PARODD Parity for input and output isodd.
HUPCL Lower modem control linesafter last processclosesthe device (hangsup).
CLOCAL Ignore modem control lines.
CIBAUD Mask for input speeds(not used).
CRTSCTS Flow control.
The following are the c_lflag flag constants:
ISIG When any of the charactersINTR, QUIT, SUSP, or DSUSP are received, generate the corresponding
ICANON Enablescanonical mode. Thisallowsthe special charactersEOF, EOL, EOL2, ERASE, KILL, REPRINT,
STATUS, and WERASE, and also buffersby lines.
XCASE If ICANON isalso set, terminal isuppercase only. Input isconverted to lowercase, except for
characterspreceded by \. On output, uppercase charactersare preceded by \, and lowercase
charactersare converted to uppercase.
ECHO Echo input characters.
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, cfgetospeed, cfgetispeed, cfsetispeed,
cfsetospeed, tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp
Part II: SystemCalls
ECHOE If ICANON isalso set, the ERASE character erasesthe preceding input character, and WERASE erasesthe
preceding word.
ECHOK If ICANON isalso set, the KILL character erasesthe current line.
ECHONL If ICANON isalso set, echo the NL character even If ECHO isnot set.
ECHOCTL If ECHO isalso set, ASCII control signalsother than TAB, NL, START, and STOP are echoed asCtrl+X,
where X isthe character with ASCII code 0x10 greater than the control signal. For example,
character 0x28 (BS) isechoed asCtrl+H.
ECHOPRT If ICANON and IECHO are also set, charactersare printed asthey are being erased.
ECHOKE If ICANON isalso set, KILL isechoed by erasing each character on the line, asspecified by ECHOE and
FLUSHO Output isbeing flushed. Thisflag istoggled by typing the DISCARD character.
NOFLSH Disablesflushing of the input and output queueswhen generating the SIGINT and SIGQUIT signals,
and flushing of the input queue when generating the SIGSUSP signal.
TOSTOP Sendsthe SIGTTOU signal to the processgroup of a background processthat triesto write to its
controlling terminal.
PENDIN All charactersin the input queue are reprinted when the next character isread. (bash handles
typeahead thisway.)
IEXTEN Enable implementation-defined input processing.
tcgetattr() getsthe parametersassociated with the object referred by f d and storesthem in the termios structure referenced
by t er mi os_p. Thisfunction may be invoked from a background process; however, the terminal attributesmay be subse-
quently changed by a foreground process.
tcsetattr() setsthe parametersassociated with the terminal (unlesssupport isrequired from the underlying hardware that is
not available) from the termios structure referred to by t er mi os_p. opt i onal _act i ons specifieswhen the changestake effect:
TCSANOW The change occursimmediately.
TCSADRAIN The change occursafter all output written to f d hasbeen transmitted. Thisfunction should be used
when changing parametersthat affect output.
TCSAFLUSH The change occursafter all output written to the object referred to by f d hasbeen transmitted, and
all input that hasbeen received but not read will be discarded before the change ismade.
tcsendbreak() transmitsa continuousstream of zero-valued bitsfor a specific duration, if the terminal isusing asynchronous
serial data transmission. If dur at i on is0, it transmitszero-valued bitsfor at least 0.25 seconds, and not more than 0.5
seconds. If dur at i on isnot 0, it sendszero-valued bitsfor dur at i on*N seconds, where N isat least 0.25, and not more
than 0.5.
If the terminal isnot using asynchronousserial data transmission, tcsendbreak() returnswithout taking any action.
tcdrain() waitsuntil all output written to the object referred to by f d hasbeen transmitted.
tcflush() discardsdata written to the object referred to by f d but not transmitted, or data received but not read, depending
on the value of queue_sel ect or :
TCIFLUSH Flushesdata received but not read.
TCOFLUSH Flushesdata written but not transmitted.
TCIOFLUSH Flushesboth data received but not read and data written but not transmitted.
tcflow() suspendstransmission or reception of data on the object referred to by f d, depending on the value of act i on:
TCOOFF Suspendsoutput.
TCOON Restartssuspended output.
TCIOFF Transmitsa STOP character, which stopsthe terminal device from transmitting data to the system.
TCION Transmitsa START character, which startsthe terminal device transmitting data to the system.
The default on open of a terminal file isthat neither itsinput nor itsoutput issuspended.
The baud rate functionsare provided for getting and setting the valuesof the input and output baud ratesin the termios
structure. The new valuesdo not take effect until tcsetattr() issuccessfully called.
Setting the speed to B0 instructsthe modem to hang up. The actual bit rate corresponding to B38400 may be altered with
The input and output baud ratesare stored in the termios structure.
cfgetospeed() returnsthe output baud rate stored in the termios structure pointed to by t er mi os_p.
cfsetospeed() setsthe output baud rate stored in the termios structure pointed to by t er mi os_p to speed, which must be one
of these constants:
The zero baud rate, B0, isused to terminate the connection. If B0 isspecified, the modem control lineswill no longer be
asserted. Normally, thiswill disconnect the line. CBAUDEX isa mask for the speedsbeyond those defined in POSIX.1 (57600
and later). Thus, B57600 & CBAUDEX isnonzero.
cfgetispeed() returnsthe input baud rate stored in the termios structure.
cfsetispeed() setsthe input baud rate stored in the termios structure to speed. If the input baud rate isset to 0, it will be
equal to the output baud rate.
tcgetpgrp() returnsthe processgroup ID of the foreground processing group, or -1 on error.
tcsetpgrp() setsthe processgroup ID to pgrpid. pgrpid must be the ID of a processgroup in the same session.
cfgetispeed() returnsthe input baud rate stored in the termios structure.
cfgetospeed() returnsthe output baud rate stored in the termios structure.
tcgetpgrp() returnsthe processgroup ID of foreground processing group, or -1 on error.
All other functionsreturn
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, cfgetospeed, cfgetispeed, cfsetispeed,
cfsetospeed, tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp
Part II: SystemCalls
0 On success.
-1 on failure (and set errno to indicate the error).
Linux, 25 February1995
timeGetstime in seconds
#include <time.h>
time_t time(time_t *t );
time returnsthe time since 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970, measured in seconds.
If t isnon null, the return value isalso stored in the memory pointed to by t .
(Under BSD 4.3, thiscall ismade obsolete by gettimeofday(2).)
ctime(3), date(1), ftime(3), gettimeofday(2)
Linux, 24 July1993
#include <sys/times.h>
clock_t times(struct tms *buf );
times storesthe current processtimesin buf .
st r uct tms isasdefined in /usr/include/sys/times.h:
struct tms {
time_t tms_utime; /* user time */
time_t tms_stime; /* system time */
time_t tms_cutime; /* user time of children */
time_t tms_cstime; /* system time of children */
times returnsthe number of clock ticksthat have elapsed since the system hasbeen up.
time(1), getrusage(2), wait(2)
Linux 0.99.11, 24 July1993
truncate, ftruncate
truncate, ftruncateTruncate a file to a specified length
#include <unistd.h>
int truncate(const char *pat h, size_t l engt h);
int ftruncate(int f d, size_t l engt h);
truncate causesthe file named by pat h or referenced by f d to be truncated to at most l engt h bytesin size. If the file
previously waslarger than thissize, the extra data islost. With ftruncate, the file must be open for writing.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
The errorsfor truncate are
ENOTDIR A component of the path prefix isnot a directory.
EINVAL The pathname containsa character with the high-order bit set.
ENAMETOOLONG A component of a pathname exceeded 255 characters, or an entire pathname exceeded 1,023
ENOENT The named file doesnot exist.
EACCES Search permission isdenied for a component of the path prefix.
EACCES The named file isnot writeable by the user.
ELOOP Too many symbolic linkswere encountered in translating the pathname.
EISDIR The named file isa directory.
EROFS The named file resideson a read-only filesystem.
ETXTBSY The file isa pure procedure (shared text) file that isbeing executed.
EIO An I/O error occurred updating the inode.
EFAULT pat h pointsoutside the processsallocated addressspace.
The errorsfor ftruncate are
EBADF f d isnot a valid descriptor.
EINVAL f d referencesa socket, not a file.
EINVAL f d isnot open for writing.
These function callsappeared in BSD 4.2.
truncate, ftruncate
Part II: SystemCalls
These callsshould be generalized to allow rangesof bytesin a file to be discarded.
BSD Man Page, 24 July1993
umaskSetsa file-creation mask
#include <sys/stat.h>
int umask(int mask);
umask setsthe umask to mask & 0777.
The previousvalue of the mask isreturned.
creat(2), open(2)
Linux 24 July93
unameGetsname and information about the current kernel
#include <sys/utsname.h>
int uname(struct utsname *buf );
uname returnssystem information in buf . The ut sname struct isasdefined in /usr/include/sys/utsname.h:
struct utsname {
char sysname[65];
char nodename[65];
char release[65];
char version[65];
char machine[65];
char domainname[65];
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EFAULT buf isnot valid.
uname(1), getdomainname(2), gethostname(2)
Linux 0.99.11 24 July93
noneUndocumented system calls
Undocumented system calls.
Asof Linux 1.3.88, there are 163 system callslisted in /usr/include/asm/unistd.h. Thisman page mentionsthose callsthat
are implemented in the kernel but not yet documented in man pages. Some of these callsdo not yet have prototypesin the
libc include files.
If you have information about these system calls, please look in the kernel source code, write a man page (using a style similar
to that of the other Linux section 2 man pages), and send it to for inclusion in the next man page release from the
Linux Documentation Project.
Undocumented are msync, readv, writev, getsid, fdatasync, sysctl, sched_setparam, sched_getparam, sched_setscheduler,
sched_getscheduler, sched_yield, sched_get_priority_max, sched_get_priority_min, sched_rr_get_interval.
obsolete(2), unimplemented(2)
Linux 1.3.86 12 April 1996
afs_syscall, break, gtty, lock, mpx, prof, quotactl, stty, ustat
afs_syscall, break, gtty, lock, mpx, prof, quotactl, stty, ustatUnimplemented system calls
Unimplemented system calls.
These system callsare not implemented in the Linux 1.2.4 kernel.
These system callsalwaysreturn 1 and set errno to ENOSYS.
afs_syscall, break, gtty, lock, mpx, prof, quotactl, stty, ustat
Part II: SystemCalls
obsolete(2), undocumented(2)
Linux 1.2.4, 15 April 1995
unlinkDeletesa name and possibly the file it refersto
#include <unistd.h>
int unlink(const char *pat hname);
unlink deletesa name from the filesystem. If that name wasthe last link to a file and no processeshave the file open, the file
isdeleted, and the space it wasusing ismade available for reuse.
If the name wasthe last link to a file but any processesstill have the file open, the file will remain in existence until the last
file descriptor referring to it isclosed.
If the name referred to a symbolic link, the link isremoved.
If the name referred to a socket, fifo, or device, the name for it isremoved but processesthat have the object open can
continue to use it.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EFAULT pat hname pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
EACCES Write accessto the directory containing pat hname isnot allowed for the processseffective UID, or
one of the directoriesin pat hname did not allow search (execute) permission.
EPERM The directory containing pat hname hasthe sticky bit (S_ISVTX) set, and the processseffective UID is
neither the UID of the file to be deleted nor that of the directory containing it, or pat hname isa
ENAMETOOLONG pat hname wastoo long.
ENOENT A directory component in pat hname doesnot exist or isa dangling symbolic link.
ENOTDIR A component used asa directory in pat hname isnot, in fact, a directory.
EISDIR pat hname refersto a directory.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
EROFS pat hname refersto a file on a read-only filesystem.
Infelicitiesin the protocol underlying NFS can cause the unexpected disappearance of filesthat are still being used.
link(2), rename(2), open(2), rmdir(2), mknod(2), mkfifo(3), remove(3), rm(1), unlink(8).
Linux, 24 July1993
uselibSelectsshared library
#include <unistd.h>
int uselib(const char *l i br ar y);
uselib selectsthe shared library binary that will be used by thisprocess.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
In addition to all the error codesreturned by open(2) and mmap(2), the following may also be returned:
ENOEXEC The file specified by l i br ar y isnot executable, or doesnot have the correct magic numbers.
EACCES The library specified by l i br ar y isnot readable.
uselib() isLinux specific.
open(2), mmap(2), ldd(1), gcc(1), ar(1), ld(1)
Linux 0.99.11, 24 July1993
ustatGetsfilesystem statistics
#include <sys/types.h>
int ustat(dev_t dev , struct ustat * ubuf );
ustat returnsinformation about a mounted filesystem. dev isa device number identifying a device containing a mounted
filesystem. ubuf isa pointer to a ustat structure that containsthe following members:
daddr_t f_tfree; /* Total free blocks */
ino_t f_tinode; /* Number of free inodes */
char f_fname[6]; /* Filsys name */
char f_fpack[6]; /* Filsys pack name */
The last two fields, f_fname and f_fpack, are not implemented and will alwaysbe filled with null characters.
On success, 0 isreturned, and the ustat structure pointed to by ubuf will be filled in. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno is
set appropriately.
Part II: SystemCalls
EINVAL dev doesnot refer to a device containing a mounted filesystem.
EFAULT ubuf pointsoutside of your accessible addressspace.
ENOSYS The mounted filesystem referenced by dev doesnot support thisoperation, or any version of Linux
before 1.3.16.
ustat hasbeen provided for compatibility only. All new programsshould use statfs(2) instead.
ustat wasfirst implemented in Linux 1.3.16. All versionsof Linux before 1.3.16 will return ENOSYS.
System V
statfs(2), stat(2)
Linux 1.3.16, 9 August 1995
utime, utimes
utime, utimesChange accessand/or modification timesof an inode
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <utime.h>
int utime(const char *f i l ename, struct utimbuf *buf );
#include <sys/time.h>
int utimes(char *f i l ename, struct timeval *t vp);
utime changesthe accessand modification timesof the inode specified by f i l ename to the act i me and modt i me fieldsof buf ,
respectively. If buf isNULL, the accessand modification timesof the file are set to the current time. The utimbuf structure is
struct utimbuf {
time_t actime; /* access time */
time_t modtime; /* modification time */
In the Linux DLL 4.4.1 libraries, utimes isjust a wrapper for utime, t vp[0].t v_sec isact i me, and t vp[1].t v_sec ismodt i me.
The timeval structure is
struct timeval {
long tv_sec; /* seconds */
long tv_usec; /* microseconds */
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
Other errorsmay occur.
EACCESS Permission to write the file isdenied.
ENOENT f i l ename doesnot exist.
utime: SVID, POSIX
Linux, 10 June1995
vhangupVirtually hangsup the current tty
#include <unistd.h>
int vhangup(void);
vhangup simulatesa hangup on the current terminal. Thiscall arrangesfor other usersto have a clean tty at login time.
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EPERM The user isnot the superuser.
Linux 0.99.11, 24 July1993
vm86Entersvirtual 8086 mode
#include <sys/vm86.h>
int vm86(struct vm86_struct * i nf o);
Enter VM86 mode with information asspecified in i nf o:
struct vm86_struct {
struct vm86_regs regs;
unsigned long flags;
Part II: SystemCalls
unsigned long screen_bitmap;
struct vm86_regs {
* normal regs, with special meaning for the segment descriptors..
long ebx;
long ecx;
long edx;
long esi;
long edi;
long ebp;
long eax;
long __null_ds;
long __null_es;
long __null_fs;
long __null_gs;
long orig_eax;
long eip;
long cs;
long eflags;
long esp;
long ss;
* these are specific to v86 mode:
long es;
long ds;
long fs;
long gs;
these are specific to v86 mode:
long es;
long ds;
long fs;
long gs;
On success, 0 isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset appropriately.
EPERM Saved kernel stack exists.
Linux 0.99.11, 24 July1993
wait, waitpid
wait, waitpidWait for processtermination
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
pid_t wait(int *st at us )
pid_t waitpid(pid_t pi d,int*st at us ,int opt i ons );
The wait function suspendsexecution of the current processuntil a child hasexited, or until a signal isdelivered whose
action isto terminate the current processor to call a signal-handling function. If a child hasalready exited by the time of the
call (a socalled zombieprocess), the function returnsimmediately. Any system resourcesused by the child are freed.
The waitpid function suspendsexecution of the current processuntil a child asspecified by the pi d argument hasexited, or
until a signal isdelivered whose action isto terminate the current processor to call a signal-handling function. Just aswith
wait, if a child requested by pi d hasalready exited by the time of the call, the function returnsimmediately. Any system
resourcesused by the child are freed.
The value of pi d can be one of the following:
< 1 Wait for any child processwhose processgroup ID isequal to the absolute value of pi d.
1 Wait for any child process; thisisthe same behavior that wait exhibits.
0 Wait for any child processwhose processgroup ID isequal to that of the calling process.
> 0 Wait for the child whose processID isequal to the value of pi d.
The value of opt i ons isan OR of zero or more of the following constants:
WNOHANG Return immediately if no child hasexited.
WUNTRACED Also return for children that are stopped and whose statushasnot been reported.
If st at us isnot NULL, wait or waitpid storesstatusinformation in the location pointed to by st at l oc.
Thisstatuscan be evaluated with the following macros(these macrostake the stat buffer asan argumentnot a pointer to
the buffer!):
WIFEXITED(st at us) Isnonzero if the child exited normally.
WEXITSTATUS(st at us) Evaluatesto the least significant eight bitsof the return code of the child that terminated, which
may have been set asthe argument to a call to exit() or asthe argument for a return statement
in the main program. Thismacro can only be evaluated if WIFEXITED returned nonzero.
WIFSIGNALED(st at us) Returnstrue if the child processexited because of a signal that wasnot caught.
WTERMSIG(st at us) Returnsthe number of the signal that caused the child processto terminate. Thismacro can
only be evaluated if WIFSIGNALED returned nonzero.
WIFSTOPPED(st at us) Returnstrue if the child processthat caused the return iscurrently stopped; thisisonly possible
if the call wasdone using WUNTRACED.
WSTOPSIG(st at us) Returnsthe number of the signal that caused the child to stop. Thismacro can only be
evaluated if WIFSTOPPED returned nonzero.
The processID of the child that exited returns1 on error or 0 if WNOHANG wasused and no child wasavailable (in which case
errno isset to an appropriate value).
ECHILD If the child processspecified in pi d doesnot exist.
EPERM If the effective user ID of the calling processdoesnot match that of the processbeing waited
for, and the effective user ID of the calling processisnot that of the superuser.
ERESTARTSYS If WNOHANG wasnot set and an unblocked signal or a SIGCHLD wascaught; thisisan extension to
the POSIX.1 standard.
wait, waitpid
Part II: SystemCalls
signal(2), wait4(2), signal(7)
Linux, 24 July1993
wait3, wait4
wait3, wait4Wait for processtermination, BSD style
#define _USE_BSD
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
pid_t wait3(int *st at us ,int opt i ons ,
struct rusage *r usage);
pid_t wait4(pid_t pi d,int*st at us ,int opt i ons ,
struct rusage *r usage);
The wait3 function suspendsexecution of the current processuntil a child hasexited, or until a signal isdelivered whose
action isto terminate the current processor to call a signal-handling function. If a child hasalready exited by the time of the
call (a zombie process), the function returnsimmediately. Any system resourcesused by the child are freed.
The wait4 function suspendsexecution of the current processuntil a child asspecified by the pi d argument hasexited, or
until a signal isdelivered whose action isto terminate the current processor to call a signal-handling function. If a child as
requested by pi d hasalready exited by the time of the call (a zombie process), the function returnsimmediately. Any system
resourcesused by the child are freed.
The value of pi d can be one of the following:
< 1 Wait for any child processwhose processgroup ID isequal to the absolute value of pi d.
1 Wait for any child process; thisisequivalent to calling wait3.
0 Wait for any child processwhose processgroup ID isequal to that of the calling process.
> 0 Wait for the child whose processID isequal to the value of pi d.
The value of opt i ons isan exclusive OR of zero or more of the following constants:
WNOHANG Return immediately if no child isthere to be waited for.
WUNTRACED Also return for children that are stopped and whose statushasnot been reported.
If st at us isnot NULL, wait3 and wait4 store statusinformation in the location pointed to by st at l oc.
Thisstatuscan be evaluated with the following macros:
WIFEXITED(*st at us) Isnonzero if the child exited normally.
WEXITSTATUS(*st at us) Evaluatesto the least significant eight bitsof the return code of the child that terminated, which
may have been set asthe argument to a call to exit or asthe argument for a return statement in
the main program. Thismacro can only be evaluated if WIFEXITED returned nonzero.
WIFSIGNALED(*st at us) Returnstrue if the child processexited because of a signal that wasnot caught.
WTERMSIG(*st at us) Returnsthe number of the signal that caused the child processto terminate. Thismacro can
only be evaluated if WIFSIGNALED returned nonzero.
WIFSTOPPED(*st at us) Returnstrue if the child processthat caused the return iscurrently stopped; thisisonly possible
if the call wasdone using WUNTRACED.
WSTOPSIG(*st at us) Returnsthe number of the signal that caused the child to stop. Thismacro can only be
evaluated if WIFSTOPPED returned nonzero. If r usage isnot NULL, the struct rusage asdefined in
<sys/resource.h> it pointsto will be filled with accounting information. See getrusage(2) for
These callsreturn the processID of the child that exited, 1 on error, or 0 if WNOHANG wasused and no child wasavailable (in
which case errno will be set appropriately).
ECHILD If the child processspecified in pi d doesnot exist.
EPERM If the effective user ID of the calling processdoesnot match that of the processbeing waited
for, and the effective user ID of the calling processisnot that of the superuser.
ERESTARTSYS If WNOHANG wasnot set and an unblocked signal or a SIGCHLD wascaught; thisisan extension to
the POSIX.1 standard.
signal(2), getrusage(2), wait(2), signal(7)
Linux, 24 July1993
writeWritesto a file descriptor
#include <unistd.h>
ssize_t write(int f d, const void *buf , size_t count );
write writesup to count bytesto the file referenced by the file descriptor f d from the buffer starting at buf . POSIX requires
that a read() that can be proved to occur after a write() returned returnsthe new data. Note that not all filesystemsare
POSIX conforming.
On success, the number of byteswritten isreturned (0 indicatesnothing waswritten). On error, 1 isreturned, and errno is
set appropriately. If count is0 and the file descriptor refersto a regular file, 0 will be returned without causing any other
effect. For a special file, the resultsare not portable.
EBADF f d isnot a valid file descriptor or isnot open for writing.
EINVAL f d isattached to an object that isunsuitable for writing.
EFAULT buf isoutside your accessible addressspace.
Part II: SystemCalls
EPIPE f d isconnected to a pipe or socket whose reading end isclosed. When thishappens, the writing
processwill receive a SIGPIPE signal; if it catches, blocks, or ignoresthis, the error EPIPE is
EAGAIN Non-blocking I/O hasbeen selected using O_NONBLOCK, and there wasno room in the pipe or
socket connected to f d to write the data immediately.
EINTR The call wasinterrupted by a signal before any data waswritten.
ENOSPC The device containing the file referred to by f d hasno room for the data.
Other errorsmay occur, depending on the object connected to f d.
open(2), read(2), fcntl(2), close(2), lseek(2), select(2), ioctl(2), fsync(2), fwrite(3)
Linux, 13 January1996
Library Functions
Part III:
Part III: Library Functions
Thischapter describesall the library functions, excluding the library functionsdescribed in Part 2, which implement system
calls. The variousfunction groupsare identified by a letter that isappended to the chapter number:
(3C) These functionsthe functionsfrom Chapter 2 and from Chapter 3Sare contained in the C standard
library libc, which will be used by cc(1) by default.
(3S) These functionsare partsof the stdio(3S) library. They are contained in the standard C library libc.
(3M) These functionsare contained in the arithmetic library libm. They are used by the f77(1) FORTRAN
compiler by default, but not by the cc(1) C compiler, which needsthe option l m.
(3F) These functionsare part of the FORTRAN library libF77. There are no special compiler flagsneeded to
use these functions.
(3X) Variousspecial libraries. The manual pagesdocumenting their functionsspecify the library names.
Look at the header of the manual page for the author(s) and copyright conditions. Note that these can be different from page
to page!
Linux, 13 December 1995
abortCausesabnormal program termination
#include <stdlib.h>
void abort(void);
The abort() function causesabnormal program termination unlessthe signal SIGABORT iscaught and the signal handler does
not return. If the abort() function causesprogram termination, all open streamsare closed and flushed.
If the SIGABORT function isblocked or ignored, the abort() function will still override it.
The abort() function never returns.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
sigaction(2), exit(3)
GNU, 12 April 1993
absComputesthe absolute value of an integer
#include <stdlib.h>
int abs(int j );
The abs() function computesthe absolute value of the integer argument j .
Returnsthe absolute value of the integer argument.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
Trying to take the absolute value of the most negative integer isnot defined.
ceil(3), floor(3), fabs(3), labs(3), rint(3)
GNU, 6 June1993
acosArc cosine function
#include <math.h>
double acos(double x);
The acos() function calculatesthe arc cosine of x; that isthe value whose cosine isx. If x fallsoutside the range 1 to 1,
acos() failsand errno isset.
The acos() function returnsthe arc cosine in radians; the value ismathematically defined to be between 0 and pi (inclusive).
EDOM x isout of range.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
asin(3), atan(3), atan2(3), cos(3), sin(3), tan(3)
8 June1993
acoshInverse hyperbolic cosine function
Part III: Library Functions
#include <math.h>
double acosh(double x);
The acosh() function calculatesthe inverse hyperbolic cosine of x ; that isthe value whose hyperbolic cosine isx. If x isless
than 1.0, acosh() returnsnot-a-number (NaN), and errno isset.
EDOM x isout of range.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
asinh(3), atanh(3), cosh(3), sinh(3), tanh(3)
13 June1993
allocaMemory allocator
#include <stdlib.h>
void *alloca( size_t si ze);
The alloca function allocatessi ze bytesof space in the stack frame of the caller. Thistemporary space isautomatically freed
on return.
The alloca function returnsa pointer to the beginning of the allocated space. If the allocation fails, a NULL pointer is
There isevidence that the alloca function appeared in 32v, pwb, pwb.2, 3bsd, and 4bsd. There isa man page for it in BSD
4.3. Linux usesthe GNU version.
The alloca function ismachine dependent.
brk(2), pagesize(2), calloc(3), malloc(3), realloc(3)
GNU, 29 November 1993
asinArc sine function
#include <math.h>
double asin(double x);
The asin() function calculatesthe arc sine of x, which isthe value whose sine isx. If x fallsoutside the range 1 to 1, asin()
failsand errno isset.
The asin() function returnsthe arc sine in radians, and the value ismathematically defined to be between -PI/2 and PI/2
EDOM x isout of range.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
acos(3), atan(3), atan2(3), cos(3), sin(3), tan(3)
8 June1993
asinhInverse hyperbolic sine function
#include <math.h>
double asinh(double x);
The asinh() function calculatesthe inverse hyperbolic sine of xthat is, the value whose hyperbolic sine isx.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
acosh(3), atanh(3), cosh(3), sinh(3), tanh(3)
13 June1993
assertAbort the program if assertion isfalse
#include <assert.h>
void assert (int expr essi on);
Part III: Library Functions
assert() printsan error message to standard output and terminatesthe program by calling abort() if expr essi on isfalse (that
is, evaluatesto 0). Thisonly happenswhen the macro NDEBUG isundefined.
No value isreturned.
ISO9899 (ANSI C)
assert() isimplemented asa macro; if the expression tested hasside effects, program behavior will be different depending on
whether NDEBUG isdefined. Thismay create Heisenbugs, which go away when debugging isturned on.
exit(3), abort(3)
GNU, 4 April 1993
atanArc tangent function
#include <math.h>
double atan(double x);
The atan() function calculatesthe arc tangent of xthat is, the value whose tangent isx.
The atan() function returnsthe arc tangent in radians, and the value ismathematically defined to be between -PI/2 and PI/2
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
acos(3), asin(3), atan2(3), cos(3), sin(3), tan(3)
8 June1993
atan2Arc tangent function of two variables
#include <math.h>
double atan2(double y, double x);
The atan2() function calculatesthe arc tangent of the two variables, x and y. It issimilar to calculating the arc tangent of y/ x,
except that the sinesof both argumentsare used to determine the quadrant of the result.
The atan2() function returnsthe result in radians, which isbetween -PI and PI (inclusive).
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
acos(3), asin(3), atan(3), cos(3), sin(3), tan(3)
8 June1993
atanhInverse hyperbolic tangent function
#include <math.h>
double atanh(double x);
The atanh() function calculatesthe inverse hyperbolic tangent of x; that isthe value whose hyperbolic tangent isx. If the
absolute value of x isgreater than 1.0, acosh() returnsnot-a-number (NaN), and errno isset.
EDOM x isout of range.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
asinh(3), acosh(3), cosh(3), sinh(3), tanh(3)
13 June1993
atexitRegister a function to be called at normal program termination
#include <stdlib.h>
int atexit(void *f unct i on)(void));
The atexit() function registersthe given function to be called at normal program termination, whether via exit(2) or via
return from the programsmain. Functionsso registered are called in the reverse order of their registration; no argumentsare
Part III: Library Functions
The atexit()function returnsthe value 0 if successful; otherwise, the value 1 isreturned, and the global variable errno isset
to indicate the error.
ENOMEM Insufficient memory available to add the function.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
exit(3), on exit(3)
GNU, 29 March 1993
atofConvert a string to a double
#include <stdlib.h>
double atof(const char *npt r );
The atof() function convertsthe initial portion of the string pointed to by npt r to double. The behavior isthe same as
strtod(nptr, (char **)NULL);
except that atof() doesnot detect errors.
The converted value.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
atoi(3), atol(3), strtod(3), strtol(3), strtoul(3)
GNU, 29 March 1993
atoiConvert a string to an integer
#include <stdlib.h>
int atoi(const char *npt r );
The atoi() function convertsthe initial portion of the string pointed to by npt r to int. The behavior isthe same as
strtol(nptr, (char **)NULL, 10);
except that atoi() doesnot detect errors.
The converted value.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
atof(3), atol(3), strtod(3), strtol(3), strtoul(3)
GNU, 29 March 1993
atolConvert a string to a long integer
#include <stdlib.h>
long atol(const char *npt r );
The atol() function convertsthe initial portion of the string pointed to by npt r to long. The behavior isthe same as
strtol(nptr, (char **)NULL, 10);
except that atol() doesnot detect errors.
The converted value.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
atof(3), atoi(3), strtod(3), strtol(3), strtoul(3)
GNU, 29 March 1993
bcmpCompare byte strings
#include <string.h>
int bcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, int n);
Part III: Library Functions
The bcmp() function comparesthe first n bytesof the stringss1 and s2. If the two stringsare equal, bcmp() returns0;
otherwise, it returnsa nonzero result. If n is0, the two stringsare assumed to be equal.
The bcmp() function returns0 if the stringsare equal; otherwise, a nonzero result isreturned.
4.3BSD. Thisfunction isdeprecateduse memcmp in new programs.
memcmp(3), strcasecmp(3), strcmp(3), strcoll(3), strncmp(3), strncasecmp(3)
GNU, 9 April 1993
bcopyCopy byte strings
#include <string.h>
void bcopy (const void *sr c, void*dest , int n);
The bcopy() function copiesthe first n bytesof the source string sr c to the destination string dest . If n is0, no bytesare
The bcopy() function returnsno value.
4.3BSD. Thisfunction isdeprecateduse memcpy in new programs.
memccpy(3), memcpy(3), memmove(3), strcpy(3), strncpy(3)
GNU, 9 April 1993
bsearchBinary search of a sorted array.
#include <stdlib.h>
void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base, size_t nmemb,
size_t si ze,int(*compar )(const void *, const void *));
The bsearch() function searchesan array of nmemb objects, the initial member of which ispointed to by base, for a member
that matchesthe object pointed to by key. The size of each member of the array isspecified by si ze.
The contentsof the array should be in ascending sorted order according to the comparison function referenced by compar .
The compar routine isexpected to have two argumentsthat point to the key object and to an array member, in that order, and
should return an integer lessthan, equal to, or greater than 0, respectively, if the key object isfound to be lessthan, match, or
be greater than the array member.
The bsearch() function returnsa pointer to a matching member of the array, or NULL if no match isfound. If there are
multiple elementsthat match the key, the element returned isunspecified.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
GNU, 29 March 1993
bcmp, bcopy, bzero, memccpy, memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memfrob,
memmem, memmove, memset
bcmp, bcopy, bzero, memccpy, memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memfrob, memmem, memmove, memsetByte string operations
#include <string.h>
int bcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, int n);
void bcopy(const void *sr c, void *dest , int n);
void bzero(void *s, int n);
void *memccpy(void *dest , const void *sr c, int c, size_t n);
void *memchr(const void *s, int c, size_t n);
int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n);
void *memcpy(void *dest , const void *sr c, size_t n);
void *memfrob(void *s, size_t n);
void *memmem(const void *needl e, size_t needl el en,
const void *hayst ack , size_t hayst ackl en);
void *memmove(void *dest , const void *sr c, size_t n);
void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n);
The byte string functionsperform operationson stringsthat are not NULL terminated. See the individual man pagesfor
descriptionsof each function.
bcmp(3), bcopy(3), bzero(3), memccpy(3), memchr(3), memcmp(3), memcpy(3), memfrob(3), memmem(3), memmove(3), memset(3)
GNU, 12 April 1993
htonl, htons, ntohl, ntohs
htonl, htons, ntohl, ntohsConvert valuesbetween host and network byte order
#include <netinet/in.h>
unsigned long int htonl(unsigned long int host l ong);
unsigned short int htons(unsigned short int host shor t );
htonl, htons, ntohl, ntohs
Part III: Library Functions
unsigned long int ntohl(unsigned long int net l ong);
unsigned short int ntohs(unsigned short int net shor t );
The htonl() function convertsthe long integer host l ong from host byte order to network byte order.
The htons() function convertsthe short integer host shor t from host byte order to network byte order.
The ntohl() function convertsthe long integer net l ong from network byte order to host byte order.
The ntohs() function convertsthe short integer net shor t from network byte order to host byte order.
On the i80x86, the host byte order isleast significant byte first, whereasthe network byte order, asused on the Internet, is
most significant byte first.
BSD 4.3
gethostbyname(3), getservent(3)
BSD, 15 April 1993
bzeroWrites0sto a byte string
#include <string.h>
void bzero(void *s, int n);
The bzero() function setsthe first n bytesof the byte string s to 0.
The bzero() function returnsno value.
4.3BSD. Thisfunction isdeprecateduse memset in new programs.
memset(3), swab(3)
GNU, 9 April 1993
catgetsGetsmessage from a message catalog
#include <features.h>
#include <nl_types.h>
char *catgets(nl_catd catalog, int set_number, int
message_number, char *message);
catgets() readsthe message message_number, in set set_number, from the message catalog identified by cat al og. (cat al og isa
catalog descriptor returned from an earlier call to catopen(3).) The fourth argument message pointsto a default message
string that will be returned by catgets() if the identified message catalog isnot currently open or isdamaged. The message
text iscontained in an internal buffer area and should be copied by the application if it isto be saved or modified. The return
string isalwaysterminated with a null byte.
On success, catgets() returnsa pointer to an internal buffer area containing the null-terminated message string. catgets()
returnsa pointer to message if it failsbecause the message catalog specified by catalog isnot currently open. Otherwise,
catgets() returnsa pointer to an empty string if the message catalog isavailable but doesnot contain the specified message.
These functionsare only available in and above.
catopen(3), setlocale(3)
29 November 1993
catopen, catclose
catopen, catcloseOpen/close a message catalog
#include <features.h>
#include <nl_types.h>
nl catd catopen(char *name, int f l ag);
void catclose(nl_catd cat al og);
catopen() opensa message catalog and returnsa catalog descriptor. name specifiesthe name of the message catalog to be
opened. If name specifiesan absolute path (that is, containsa /), name specifiesa pathname for the message catalog. Otherwise,
the environment variable NLSPATH isused, with name substituted for %N (see locale(5)). If NLSPATH doesnot exist in the
environment, or if a message catalog cannot be opened in any of the pathsspecified by NLSPATH, the following pathsare
searched in order:
In all cases, LC_MESSAGES standsfor the current setting of the LC_MESSAGES category of locale from a previouscall to
setlocale() and defaultsto the C locale. In the last search path, name refersto the catalog name.
The f l ag argument to catopen isused to indicate the type of loading desired. Thisshould be either MCLoadBySet or MCLoadAll.
The former value indicatesthat only the required set from the catalog isloaded into memory when needed, whereasthe latter
causesthe initial call to catopen() to load the entire catalog into memory.
catclose() closesthe message catalog identified by cat al og. It invalidatesany subsequent referencesto the message catalog
defined by cat al og.
catopen() returnsa message catalog descriptor of type nl_catd on success. On failure, it returns1.
catclose() returns0 on success, or -1 on failure.
catopen, catclose
Part III: Library Functions
These functionsare only available in and above. In the case of Linux, the catalog descriptor nl_catd isactually
an area of memory assigned by mmap() and not a file descriptor, thusallowing catalogsto be shared.
catgets(3), setlocale(3)
30 November 1993
ceilSmallest integral value not lessthan x
#include <math.h>
double ceil (double x);
The ceil() function roundsup x to the nearest integer, returning that value asa double.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
abs(3), fabs(3), floor(3), labs(3), rint(3)
6 June1993
clientlibNNTP clientlib part of InterNetNewslibrary
extern FILE *ser_rd_fp;
extern FILE *ser_wr_fp;
extern char ser_line[];
char * getserverbyfile(f i l e);
char *file; int server_init(host );
char *host;
int handle_server_response(r esponse, host );
int reponse;
char *host ;
void put_server(t ext );
char *t ext ;
int get_server(buf f , buf f si ze);
char *buf f ;
int buf f si ze;
void close_server();
The routinesdescribed in thismanual page are part of the InterNetNewslibrary, libinn(3). They are replacementsfor the
clientlib part of the NNTP distribution, and are intended to be used in building programssuch asrrn.
getserverbyfile callsGetConfigValue to get the name of the local NNTP server. It returnsa pointer to static space. The f i l e
parameter isignored.
server_init opensa connect to the NNTP server at the specified host . It returnsthe serversresponse code or 1 on error. If
a connection wasmade, ser_rd_fp and ser_wr_fp can be used to read from and write to the server, respectively, and ser_line
will contain the serversresponse. ser_line can also be used in other routines.
handle_server_response decodesthe response, which comesfrom the server on host . If the client isauthorized, it returns0. A
client that isonly allowed to read isauthorized, but handle_server_response will print a message on the standard output. If
the client isnot authorized to talk to the server, a message isprinted, and the routine returns1.
put_server sendsthe text in buf f to the server, adding the necessary NNTP line terminatorsand flushing the I/O buffer.
get_server readsa line of text from the server into buf f , reading at most buf f si ze characters. Any trailing \r\n terminators
are stripped off. get_server returns1 on error.
close_server sendsa quit command to the server and closesthe connection.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
clockDetermine processor time
#include <time.h>
clock_t clock(void);
The clock() function returnsan approximation of processor time used by the program.
The value returned isthe CPU time used so far asa clock_t; to get the number of secondsused, divide by CLOCKS_PER_SEC.
The C standard allowsfor arbitrary valuesat the start of the program; take the difference between the value returned from a
call to clock() at the start of the program and the value returned at the end for maximum portability.
The times() function call returnsmore information.
GNU, 21 April 1993
closedirClose a directory
Part III: Library Functions
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
int closedir(DIR *di r );
The closedir() function closesthe directory stream associated with di r . The directory stream descriptor di r isnot available
after thiscall.
The closedir() function returns0 on successor 1 on failure.
EBADF Invalid directory stream descriptor di r .
close(2), opendir(3), readdir(3), rewinddir(3), seekdir(3), telldir(3), scandir(3)
11 June1995
confstrGet configuration-dependent string variables
#define __USE_POSIX_2
#include <unistd.h>
size_t confstr(int name, char *buf , size_t l en);
confstr() getsthe value of configuration-dependent string variables.
The name argument isthe system variable to be queried. The following variablesare supported:
CS_PATH A value for the PATH variable that indicateswhere all the POSIX.2 standard utilitiescan be found.
If buf isnot NULL, and l en isnot 0, confstr() copiesthe value of the string to buf truncated to len1 charactersif necessary,
with a null character astermination. Thiscan be detected by comparing the return value of confstr() against l en.
If l en is0 and buf isNULL, confstr() just returnsthe value in Return Value.
If name doesnot correspond to a valid configuration variable, confstr() returns0.
The following code fragment determinesthe path where you can find the POSIX.2 system utilities:
char *pathbuf; size_t n;
n = confstr(_CS_PATH,NULL,(size_t)0);
if ((pathbuf = malloc(n)) == NULL) abort();
confstr(_CS_PATH, pathbuf, n);
If the value of name isinvalid, errno isset to EINVAL.
Proposed POSIX.2
POSIX.2 isnot yet an approved standard; the information in thisman page issubject to change.
sh(1), exec(2), system(3)
GNU, 17 April 1993
copysignCopiesthe sign of a number
#include <math.h>
double copysign(double x, double y);
The copysign() function returnsa value whose absolute value matchesx, but whose sign matchesthat of y.
BSD 4.3
GNU, 6 June1993
cosCosine function
#include <math.h>
double cos(double x);
The cos() function returnsthe cosine of x, where x isgiven in radians.
The cos() function returnsa value between 1 and 1.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
acos(3), asin(3), atan(3), atan2(3), sin(3), tan(3)
8 June1993
Part III: Library Functions
coshHyperbolic cosine function
#include <math.h>
double cosh(double x);
The cosh() function returnsthe hyperbolic cosine of x , which isdefined mathematically as(exp(x)+exp(-x))/2.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
acosh(3), asinh(3), atanh(3), sinh(3), tanh(3)
13 June1993
cryptPassword and data encryption
#include <unistd.h>
char *crypt(const char *key, const char *sal t );
crypt isthe password-encryption function. It isbased on the Data Encryption Standard algorithm, with variationsintended
(among other things) to discourage the use of hardware implementationsof a key search.
key isa userstyped password.
sal t isa two-character string chosen from the set [a-zA-Z0-9./]. Thisstring isused to perturb the algorithm in one of 4,096
different ways.
By taking the lowest seven bitsof each character of the key, a 56-bit key isobtained. This56-bit key isused to repeatedly
encrypt a constant string (usually a string consisting of all 0s). The returned value pointsto the encrypted password, a series
of 13 printable ASCII characters(with the first two charactersrepresenting the salt itself). The return value pointsto static
data whose content isoverwritten by each call.
Warning: The key space consistsof equal 7.2e16 possible values. Exhaustive searchesof thiskey space are possible using
massively parallel computers. Software, such ascrack(1), isavailable to search the portion of thiskey space that isgenerally
used by humansfor passwords. Hence, password selection should, at minimum, avoid common wordsand names. Using a
passwd(1) program that checksfor crackable passwordsduring the selection processisrecommended.
The DESalgorithm itself hasa few quirksthat make using the crypt(3) interface a very poor choice for anything other than
password authentication. If you are planning to use the crypt(3) interface for a cryptography project, dont do it; get a good
book on encryption and one of the widely available DES librariesinstead.
login(1), passwd(1), encrypt(3), getpass(3), passwd(5)
3 September 1994
ctermidGetscontrolling terminal name
#include <stdio.h>
char *ctermid(char *s);
ctermid() returnsa string that isthe pathname for the current controlling terminal for thisprocess. If s isNULL, a static buffer
isused; otherwise, s pointsto a buffer used to hold the terminal pathname. The symbolic constant L_ctermid isthe
maximum number of charactersin the returned pathname.
Thisfunction returnsthe pointer to the pathname.
The path returned might not uniquely identify the controlling terminal; it might, for example, be /dev/tty.
It isnot assured that the program can open the terminal.
GNU, 6 April 1993
asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, mktime
asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, mktimeTransform binary date and time to ASCII
#include <time.h>
char *asctime(const struct tm *t i mept r );
char *ctime(const time_t *t i mep);
struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *t i mep);
struct tm *localtime(const time_t *t i mep);
time_t mktime(struct tm *t i mept r );
extern char *t zname[2];
long int t i mezone;
extern int dayl i ght ;
The ctime(), gmtime(), and localtime()functionsall take an argument of data type time_t, which representscalendar time.
When interpreted asan absolute time value, it representsthe number of secondselapsed since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970,
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, mktime
Part III: Library Functions
The asctime() and mktime() functionsboth take an argument representing broken-down time, which isa binary representa-
tion separated into year, month, day, and so on. Broken-down time isstored in the structure t m, which isdefined in <time.h>
struct tm
int tm_sec; /* seconds */
int tm_min; /* minutes */
int tm_hour; /* hours */
int tm_mday; /* day of the month */
int tm_mon; /* month */
int tm_year; /* year */
int tm_wday; /* day of the week */
int tm_yday; /* day in the year */
int tm_isdst; /* daylight saving time */
The membersof the t m structure are
tm_sec The number of secondsafter the minute, normally in the range 0 to 59, but can be up to 61 to allow for
leap seconds.
tm_min The number of minutesafter the hour, in the range 0 to 59.
tm_hour The number of hourspast midnight, in the range 0 to 23.
tm_mday The day of the month, in the range 1 to 31.
tm_mon The number of monthssince January, in the range 0 to 11.
tm_year The number of yearssince 1900.
tm_wday The number of dayssince Sunday, in the range 0 to 6.
tm_yday The number of dayssince January 1, in the range 0 to 365.
tm_isdst A flag that indicateswhether daylight savingstime isin effect at the time described. The value ispositive if
daylight saving time isin effect, 0 if it isnot, and negative if the information isnot available.
The ctime()function convertsthe calendar time t i mep into a string of the form
Wed Jun 30 21:49:08 1993\n
The abbreviationsfor the daysof the week are Sun, Mon , Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, and Sat. The abbreviationsfor the monthsare
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, and Dec. The return value pointsto a statically allocated string that might
be overwritten by subsequent callsto any of the date and time functions. The function also setsthe external variable tzname
with information about the current time zone.
The gmtime() function convertsthe calendar time timep to broken-down time representation, expressed in Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC).
The localtime() function convertsthe calendar time t i mep to broken-time representation, expressed relative to the users
specified time zone. The function setsthe external variablest zname with information about the current time zone, t i mezone
with the difference between Coordinated Universal Time and local standard time in seconds, and dayl i ght to a nonzero
value if standard U.S. daylight saving time rulesapply.
The asctime() function convertsthe broken-down time value t i mept r into a string with the same format asctime(). The
return value pointsto a statically allocated string that might be overwritten by subsequent callsto any of the date and time
The mktime() function convertsa broken-down time structure, expressed aslocal time, to calendar time representation. The
function ignoresthe specified contentsof the structure memberstm_wday and tm_yday and recomputesthem from the other
information in the broken-down time structure. Calling mktime() also setsthe external variable t zname with information
about the current time zone. If the specified broken-down time cannot be represented ascalendar time, mktime() returnsa
value of (time_t)(1) and doesnot alter the t m_wday and t m_yday membersof the broken-down time structure.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
date(1), gettimeofday(2), time(2), tzset(3), difftime(3), strftime(3), newctime(3)
BSD, 26 April 1996
difftimeCalculatestime difference
#include <time.h>
double difftime(time_t t i me1, time_t t i me0);
The difftime() function returnsthe number of secondselapsed between time t i me1 and time t i me0. The two timesare
specified in calendar time, which representsthe time elapsed since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
date(1), gettimeofday(2), time(2), ctime(3), gmtime(3), localtime(3)
GNU, 2 July1993
divComputesthe quotient and remainder of integer division
#include <stdlib.h>
div_t div(int numer , int denom);
The div() function computesthe value numer / denom and returnsthe quotient and remainder in a structure named div_t that
containstwo integer membersnamed quot and r em.
The div_t structure.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
6 June1993
Part III: Library Functions
drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48,
seed48, lcong48
drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48, seed48, lcong48Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-
random numbers
#include <stdlib.h>
double drand48(void);
double erand48(unsigned short int xsubi [3]);
long int lrand48(void);
long int nrand48(unsigned short int xsubi [3]);
long int mrand48(void);
long int jrand48(unsigned short int xsubi [3]);
void srand48(long int seedval );
unsigned short int * seed48(unsigned short int seed16v [3]);
void lcong48(unsigned short int par am[7]);
These functionsgenerate pseudo-random numbersusing the linear congruential algorithm and 48-bit integer arithmetic.
The drand48() and erand48() functionsreturn non-negative double-precision floating-point valuesuniformly distributed
between [0.0, 1.0].
The lrand48() and nrand48() functionsreturn non-negative long integersuniformly distributed between 0 and 2^31.
The mrand48() and jrand48() functionsreturn signed long integersuniformly distributed between 2^31 and 2^31.
The srand48(),seed48(), and lcong48() functionsare initialization functions, one of which should be called before using
drand48(), lrand48(), or mrand49(). The functionserand48(), nrand48(), and jrand48() do not require an initialization
function to be called first.
All the functionswork by generating a sequence of 48-bit integers, Xi, according to the linear congruential formula
Xi+1=(aXi+c) mod m, where i >=0
The parameter m=2^48; hence 48-bit integer arithmetic isperformed. Unlesslcong48() iscalled, a and care given by
a = 0x5DEECE66D
c = 0xB
The value returned by any of the functionsdrand48(), erand48(), lrand48(), nrand48(), mrand48(), or jrand48() iscomputed
by first generating the next 48-bit Xi in the sequence. Then the appropriate number of bits, according to the type of data
item to be returned, iscopied from the high-order bitsof Xi and transformed into the returned value.
The functionsdrand48(), lrand48(), and mrand48() store the last 48-bit Xi generated in an internal buffer. The functions
erand48(), nrand48(), and jrand48() require the calling program to provide storage for the successive Xi valuesin the array
argument xsubi . The functionsare initialized by placing the initial value of Xi into the array before calling the function for
the first time.
The initializer function srand48() setsthe high-order 32 bitsof Xi to the argument seedval . The low-order 16 bitsare set to
the arbitrary value 0x330E.
The initializer function seed48() setsthe value of Xi to the 48-bit value specified in the array argument seed16v. The
previousvalue of Xi iscopied into an internal buffer and a pointer to thisbuffer isreturned by seed48().
The initialization function lcong48() allowsthe user to specify initial valuesfor Xi , a and c. Array argument elements
param[0-2] specify Xi , param[3-5] specify a, and param[6] specifiesc. After lcong48() hasbeen called, a subsequent call to
either srand48() or seed48() will restore the standard valuesof a and c.
These functionsare declared obsolete by SVID 3, which statesthat rand(3) should be used instead.
rand(3), random(3)
2 July1993
dremFloating-point remainder function
#include <math.h>
double drem(double x, double y);
The drem() function computesthe remainder of dividing x by y. The return value isxn*y, where n isthe quotient of x
divided by y, rounded to the nearest integer. If the quotient is
2, it isrounded to the even number.
The drem() function returnsthe remainder unlessy is0, in which case the function failsand errno isset.
EDOM The denominator y is0.
BSD 4.3
6 June1993
ecvt, fcvt
ecvt, fcvtConvert a floating-point number to a string
#include <stdlib.h>
char *ecvt(double number , size_t ndi gi t s,int*decpt ,int*si gn);
char *fcvt(double number , size_t ndi gi t s,int*decpt ,int*si gn);
The ecvt() function convertsnumber to a NULL-terminated string of ndi gi t s digitsand returnsa pointer to the string. The
string itself doesnot contain a decimal point; however, the position of the decimal point relative to the start of the string is
ecvt, fcvt
Part III: Library Functions
stored in decpt . A negative value for decpt meansthat the decimal point isto the left of the start of the string. If the sign of
number isnegative, si gn isset to a nonzero value; otherwise, itsset to 0.
The fcvt() function isidentical to ecvt(), except that ndi gi t s specifiesthe number of digitsafter the decimal point.
Both the ecvt()and fcvt() functionsreturn a pointer to a static string containing the ASCII representation of number . The
static string isoverwritten by each call to ecvt() or fcvt().
gcvt(3), sprintf(3)
28 March 1993
erf, erfc
erf, erfcError function and complementary error function
#include <math.h>
double erf(double x);
double erfc (double x);
The erf() function returnsthe error function of x, defined as
erf(x) = 2/sqrt(pi)* integral from 0 to x of exp(-t*t) dt
The erfc() function returnsthe complementary error function of xthat is, 1.0erf(x).
SVID 3, BSD 4.3
BSD, 25 June1993
execl, execlp, execle, exect, execv, execvp
execl, execlp, execle, exect, execv, execvpExecute a file
#include <unistd.h>
extern char **environ;
int execl(const char *pat h, const char *ar g, ...);
int execlp(const char *f i l e, const char *ar g, ...);
int execle(const char *pat h, const char *ar g, ...);
int execlp(const char *f i l e, const char *ar g, ...);
int execle(const char *pat h, const char *ar g, ...);
int execle(const char *pat h, const char *ar g , ..., char * const envp[]);
int exect(const char *pat h, char *const ar gv []);
int execv(const char *pat h, char *const ar gv []);
int execvp(const char *f i l e, char *const ar gv []);
The exec family of functionsreplacesthe current processimage with a new processimage. The functionsdescribed in this
manual page are front endsfor the function execve(2). (See the manual page for execve for detailed information about the
replacement of the current process.)
The initial argument for these functionsisthe pathname of a file that isto be executed.
The const char *ar g and subsequent ellipsesin the execl, execlp, and execle functionscan be thought of asarg0, arg1, ,
argn. Together they describe a list of one or more pointersto null-terminated stringsthat represent the argument list
available to the executed program. The first argument, by convention, should point to the file name associated with the file
being executed. The list of argumentsmust be terminated by a NULL pointer.
The exect, execv, and execvp functionsprovide an array of pointersto null-terminated stringsthat represent the argument
list available to the new program. The first argument, by convention, should point to the filename associated with the file
being executed. The array of pointersmust be terminated by a NULL pointer.
The execle and exect functionsalso specify the environment of the executed processby following the NULL pointer that
terminatesthe list of argumentsin the parameter list or the pointer to the ar gv array with an additional parameter. This
additional parameter isan array of pointersto null-terminated stringsand must be terminated by a NULL pointer. The other
functionstake the environment for the new processimage from the external variable envi r on in the current process.
Some of these functionshave special semantics.
The functionsexeclp and execvp will duplicate the actionsof the shell in searching for an executable file if the specified
filename doesnot contain a slash (/) character. The search path isthe path specified in the environment by the PATH variable.
If thisvariable isnt specified, the default path /bin:/usr/bin: isused (isthistrue for Linux?). In addition, certain errorsare
treated specially.
If permission isdenied for a file (the attempted execve returned EACCES), these functionswill continue searching the rest of
the search path. If no other file isfound, however, they will return with the global variable errno set to EACCES.
If the header of a file isnt recognized (the attempted execve returned ENOEXEC), these functionswill execute the shell with
the path of the file asitsfirst argument. (If thisattempt fails, no further searching isdone.)
If the file iscurrently busy (the attempted execve returned ETXTBUSY), these functionswill sleep for several seconds, periodi-
cally re-attempting to execute the file. (Isthistrue for Linux?)
The function exect executesa file with the program-tracing facilitiesenabled (see ptrace(2)).
If any of the exec functionsreturns, an error will have occurred. The return value is1, and the global variable errno will be
set to indicate the error.
execl, execle, execlp, and execvp may fail and set errno for any of the errorsspecified for the library functionsexecve(2) and
exect and execv may fail and set errno for any of the errorsspecified for the library function execve(2).
sh(1), execve(2), fork(2), trace(2), environ(5), ptrace(2)
Historically, the default path for the execlp and execvp functionswas/bin:/usr/bin. Thiswaschanged to place the current
directory last to enhance system security.
execl, execlp, execle, exect, execv, execvp
Part III: Library Functions
The behavior of execlp and execvp when errorsoccur while attempting to execute the file ishistoric practice, but hasnot
traditionally been documented and isnot specified by the POSIX standard.
Traditionally, the functionsexeclp and execvp ignored all errorsexcept for the onesdescribed above and ENOMEM and E2BIG,
upon which they returned. They now return if any error other than the onesdescribed in the Errors section occurs.
execl, execv, execle, execlp, and execvp conform to IEEE Std1003.1-88 (POSIX.1).
BSD Man Page, 29 November 1993
errnoNumber of last error
#include <errno.h>
extern int errno;
The integer errno isset by system calls(and some library functions) to indicate what went wrong. Itsvalue issignificant only
when the call returnsan error (usually 1), and a library function that doessucceed isallowed to change errno.
Sometimes, when 1 isalso a legal return value, you have to set errno to 0 before the call in order to detect possible errors.
POSIX liststhe following symbolic error names:
E2BIG Arg list too long
EACCES Permission denied
EAGAIN Resource temporarily unavailable
EBADF Bad file descriptor
EBUSY Resource busy
ECHILD No child processes
EDEADLK Resource deadlock avoided
EDOM Domain error
EEXIST File exists
EFAULT Bad address
EFBIG File too large
EINTR Interrupted function call
EINVAL Invalid argument
EIO Input/output error
EISDIR Isa directory
EMFILE Too many open files
EMLINK Too many links
ENAMETOOLONG Filename too long
ENFILE Too many open filesin system
ENODEV No such device
ENOENT No such file or directory
ENOEXEC Exec format error
ENOLCK No locksavailable
ENOMEM Not enough space
ENOSPC No space left on device
ENOSYS Function not implemented
ENOTDIR Not a directory
ENOTEMPTY Directory not empty
ENOTTY Inappropriate I/O control operation
ENXIO No such device or address
EPERM Operation not permitted
EPIPE Broken pipe
ERANGE Result too large
EROFS Read-only filesystem
ESPIPE Invalid seek
ESRCH No such process
EXDEV Improper link
21 July1996
exitCausesnormal program termination
#include <stdlib.h>
void exit(int st at us );
The exit() function causesnormal program termination, and the value of st at us isreturned to the parent. All functions
registered with atexit() and on exit() are called in the reverse order of their registration, and all open streamsare flushed
and closed.
The exit() function doesnot return.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
_exit(2), atexit(3), on_exit(3)
GNU, 2 April 1993
exp, log, log10, pow
exp, log, log10, powExponential, logarithmic, and power functions
#include <math.h>
double exp(double x);
exp, log, log10, pow
Part III: Library Functions
double log(double x);
double log10(double x);
double pow(double x, double y);
The exp() function returnsthe value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of x.
The log() function returnsthe natural logarithm of x.
The log10() function returnsthe base-10 logarithm of x.
The pow() function returnsthe value of x raised to the power of y.
The log() and log10() functionscan return the following errors:
EDOM The argument x isnegative.
ERANGE The argument x is0. The log of 0 isnot defined.
The pow() function can return the following error:
EDOM The argument x isnegative and y isnot an integral value. Thiswould result in a complex number.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
sqrt(3), cbrt(3)
GNU June16, 1993
expm1, log1p
expm1, log1pExponential minus1, logarithm of 1 plusargument
#include <math.h>
double expm1 (double x);
double log1p (double x);
expm1(x ) returnsa value equivalent to exp (x)1. It iscomputed in a way that isaccurate even if the value of x isnear 0a
case where exp (x)1 would be inaccurate due to subtraction of two numbersthat are nearly equal.
log1p(x ) returnsa value equivalent to log (1 + x). It iscomputed in a way that isaccurate even if the value of x isnear 0.
exp(3), log(3)
GNU, 16 September 1995
FabsAbsolute value of floating-point number
#include <math.h>
double fabs(double x);
The fabs() function returnsthe absolute value of the floating-point number x.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
abs(3), ceil(3), floor(3), labs(3), rint(3)
25 June1993
fcloseClosesa stream
#include <stdio.h>
int fclose(FILE *st r eam);
The fclose function dissociatesthe named st r eam from itsunderlying file or set of functions. If the stream wasbeing used for
output, any buffered data iswritten first, using fflush(3).
Upon successful completion, 0 isreturned. Otherwise, EOF isreturned, and the global variable errno isset to indicate the
error. In either case, no further accessto the stream ispossible.
EBADF The argument stream isnot an open stream.
The fclose function may also fail and set errno for any of the errorsspecified for the routinesclose(2) or fflush(3).
close(2), fflush(3), fopen(3), setbuf(3)
The fclose function conformsto ANSI C3.159-1989 (ANSI C).
BSD Man Page, 29 November 1993
clearerr, feof, ferror, fileno
clearerr, feof, ferror, filenoCheck and reset stream status
clearerr, feof, ferror, fileno
Part III: Library Functions
#include <stdio.h>
void clearerr( FILE *st r eam);
int feof(FILE *st r eam);
int ferror(FILE *st r eam);
int fileno(FILE *st r eam);
The function clearerr clearsthe end-of-file and error indicatorsfor the stream pointed to by st r eam.
The function feof teststhe end-of-file indicator for the stream pointed to by st r eam, returning nonzero if it isset. The end-
of-file indicator can only be cleared by the function clearerr.
The function ferror teststhe error indicator for the stream pointed to by st r eam, returning nonzero if it isset. The error
indicator can only be reset by the clearerr function.
The function fileno examinesthe argument st r eam and returnsitsinteger descriptor.
These functionsshould not fail and do not set the external variable errno.
open(2), stdio(3)
The functionsclearerr, feof, and ferror conform to C3.159-1989 (ANSI C).
BSD Man Page, 29 November 1993
fflush, fpurge
fflush, fpurgeFlush a stream
#include <stdio.h>
int fflush( FILE *st r eam);
int fpurge( FILE *st r eam);
The function fflush forcesa write of all buffered data for the given output or update stream via the streamsunderlying write
function. The open statusof the stream isunaffected.
If the stream argument isNULL, fflush flushesall open output streams. (Doesthishappen under Linux?)
The function fpurge erasesany input or output buffered in the given stream. For output streams, thisdiscardsany unwritten
output. For input streams, thisdiscardsany input read from the underlying object but not yet obtained via getc(3); this
includesany text pushed back via ungetc.
Upon successful completion, 0 isreturned. Otherwise, EOF isreturned, and the global variable errno isset to indicate the
EBADF Stream isnot an open stream, or, in the case of fflush, not a stream open for writing.
The function fflush may also fail and set errno for any of the errorsspecified for the routine write(2).
Linux may not support fpurge.
write(2), fopen(3), fclose(3), setbuf(3)
The fflush function conformsto ANSI C3.159-1989 (ANSI C).
BSD Man Page, 29 November 1993
ffsFindsfirst bit set in a word
#include <string.h>
int ffs(int i );
The ffs() function returnsthe position of the first bit set in the word i . The least significant bit isposition 1, and the most
significant position 32.
The ffs() function returnsthe position of the first bit set, or NULL if no bitsare set.
BSD 4.3
GNU, 13 April 1993
fgetgrentGetsgroup file entry
#include <grp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
struct group *fgetgrent(FILE *st r eam);
The fgetgrent() function returnsa pointer to a structure containing the group information from the file st r eam. The first
time it iscalled it returnsthe first entry; thereafter, it returnssuccessive entries. The file st r eam must have the same format as
The group structure isdefined in <grp.h> asfollows:
struct group {
char *gr_name; /* group name */
char *gr_passwd; /* group password */
gid_t gr_gid; /* group id */
char **gr_mem; /* group members */
Part III: Library Functions
The fgetgrent()function returnsthe group information structure, or NULL if there are no more entriesor an error occurs.
ENOMEM Insufficient memory to allocate group information structure.
getgrnam(3), getgrgid(3), getgrent(3), setgrent(3), endgrent(3)
GNU, 4 April 1993
fgetpwentGetspassword file entry
#include <pwd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
struct passwd *fgetpwent(FILE *st r eam);
The fgetpwent() function returnsa pointer to a structure containing the broken-out fieldsof a line in the file st r eam. The
first time it iscalled it returnsthe first entry; thereafter, it returnssuccessive entries. The file st r eam must have the same
format as/etc/passwd.
The passwd structure isdefined in <pwd.h> asfollows:
struct passwd {
char *pw_name; /* username */
char *pw_passwd; /* user password */
uid_t pw_uid; /* user id */
gid_t pw_gid; /* group id */
char *pw_gecos; /* real name */
char *pw_dir; /* home directory */
char *pw_shell; /* shell program */
The fgetpwent() function returnsthe passwd structure, or NULL if there are no more entriesor an error occurs.
ENOMEM Insufficient memory to allocate passwd structure.
/etc/passwd password database file
getpwnam(3), getpwuid(3), getpwent(3), setpwent(3), endpwent(3), getpw(3), putpwent( 3), passwd(5)
GNU, 17 May1996
floorLargest integral value not greater than x
#include <math.h>
double floor(double x);
The floor() function roundsx downward to the nearest integer, returning that value asa double.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
abs(3), fabs(3), ceil(3), rint(3)
6 June1993
fmodFloating-point remainder function
#include <math.h>
double fmod(double x, double y);
The modf() function computesthe remainder of dividing x by y. The return value isxn*y, where n isthe quotient of x/y,
rounded toward 0 to an integer.
The fmod() function returnsthe remainder unlessy is0, in which case the function failsand errno isset.
EDOM The denominator y is0.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
6 June1993
Part III: Library Functions
fnmatchMatchesfilename or pathname
#include <fnmatch.h>
int fnmatch(const char *pat t er n, const char *strings,int f l ags);
fnmatch() checksthe st r i ngs argument and checkswhether it matchesthe pat t er n argument, which isa shell wildcard
The f l ags argument modifiesthe behavior; it isthe bitwise OR of zero or more of the following flags:
FNM_NOESCAPE If thisflag isset, treat backslash asan ordinary character instead of asan escape character.
FNM_PATHNAME If thisflag isset, match a slash in st r i ng only with a slash in pat t er n and not, for example, with
a [] - sequence containing a slash.
FNM_PERIOD If thisflag isset, a leading period in st r i ng hasto be matched exactly by a period in pat t er n. A
period isconsidered to be leading if it isthe first character in st r i ng, or if both FNM_PATHNAME is
set and the period immediately followsa slash.
Zero if st r i ng matchespat t er n, FNM_NOMATCH if there isno match, or another value if there isan error.
Proposed POSIX.2
POSIX.2 isnot yet an approved standard; the information in thisman page issubject to change.
sh(1), glob(3), glob(7)
GNU, 19 April 1993
fopen, fdopen, freopen
fopen, fdopen, freopenStream open functions
#include <stdio.h>
FILE *fopen( char *pat h, char *mode);
FILE *fdopen( int f i l des, char *mode);
FILE *freopen( char *pat h, char *mode,FILE*st r eam);
The fopen function opensthe file whose name isthe string pointed to by pat h and associatesa stream with it.
The argument mode pointsto a string beginning with one of the following sequences(additional charactersmay follow these
r Open text file for reading. The stream ispositioned at the beginning of the file.
r+ Open for reading and writing. The stream ispositioned at the beginning of the file.
w Truncate file to zero length or create a text file for writing. The stream ispositioned at the
beginning of the file.
w+ Open for reading and writing. The file iscreated if it doesnot exist; otherwise it istruncated.
The stream ispositioned at the beginning of the file.
a Open for writing. The file iscreated if it doesnot exist. The stream ispositioned at the end of
the file.
a+ Open for reading and writing. The file iscreated if it doesnot exist. The stream ispositioned at
the end of the file.
The mode string can also include the letter b either asa third character or asa character between the charactersin any of the
two-character stringsdescribed previously. Thisisstrictly for compatibility with ANSI C3.159-1989 (ANSI C) and hasno
effect; the b isignored.
Any created fileswill have mode S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH (0666), asmodified by the processs
umask value. (See umask(2).)
Readsand writesmay be intermixed on read/write streamsin any order. Note that ANSI C requiresthat a file positioning
function intervene between output and input, unlessan input operation encountersend-of-file. (If thiscondition isnot met,
then a read isallowed to return the result of writesother than the most recent.) Therefore it isgood practice (and indeed
sometimesnecessary under Linux) to put an fseek or fgetpos operation between write and read operationson such a stream.
Thisoperation may be an apparent no-op (asin fseek(..., 0L, SEEK_CUR)) called for itssynchronizing side effect.
The fdopen function associatesa stream with the existing file descriptor, fildes. The mode of the stream must be compatible
with the mode of the file descriptor. The file descriptor isnot duplicated.
The freopen function opensthe file whose name isthe string pointed to by pat h and associatesthe stream pointed to by
st r eam with it. The original stream (if it exists) isclosed. The mode argument isused just asin the fopen function. The
primary use of the freopen function isto change the file associated with a standard text stream (stderr, stdin, or stdout).
On successful completion, fopen, fdopen, and freopen return a FILE pointer. Otherwise, NULL isreturned, and the global
variable errno isset to indicate the error.
EINVAL The mode provided to fopen, fdopen, or freopen wasinvalid.
The fopen, fdopen, and freopen functionsmay also fail and set errno for any of the errorsspecified for the routine malloc(3).
The fopen function may also fail and set errno for any of the errorsspecified for the routine open(2).
The fdopen function may also fail and set errno for any of the errorsspecified for the routine fcntl(2).
The freopen function may also fail and set errno for any of the errorsspecified for the routinesopen(2), fclose(3) and
open(2), fclose(3)
The fopen and freopen functionsconform to ANSI C3.159-1989 (ANSI C). The fdopen function conformsto IEEE
Std1003.1-1988 (POSIX.1).
BSD Man Page, 13 December 1995
fpathconf, pathconf
fpathconf, pathconfGet configuration valuesfor files
fpathconf, pathconf
Part III: Library Functions
#include <unistd.h>
long fpathconf(int f i l edes,intname);
long pathconf(char *pat h, int name);
fpathconf() getsa value for the configuration option name for the open file descriptor f i l edes.
pathconf() getsa value for configuration option name for the filename pat h.
The corresponding macrosdefined in <unistd.h> are the minimum values; if an application wantsto take advantage of values
that may change, a call to fpathconf() or pathconf() can be made, which may yield more liberal results.
Setting name equal to one of the following constantsreturnsthe following configuration options:
_PC_LINK_MAX Returnsthe maximum number of linksto the file. If f i l edes or pat h refersto a directory, the
value appliesto the whole directory. The corresponding macro is_POSIX_LINK_MAX.
_PC_MAX_CANON Returnsthe maximum length of a formatted input line, where f i l edes or pat h must refer to a
terminal. The corresponding macro is_POSIX_MAX_CANON.
_PC_MAX_INPUT Returnsthe maximum length of an input line, where f i l edes or pat h must refer to a terminal.
The corresponding macro is_POSIX_MAX_INPUT.
_PC_NAME_MAX Returnsthe maximum length of a filename in the directory path or filedes the processis
allowed to create. The corresponding macro is_POSIX_MAX_.
_PC PATH_MAX Returnsthe maximum length of a relative pathname when pat h or f i l edes isthe current
working directory. The corresponding macro is_POSIX_PATH_MAX.
_PC_PIPE_BUF Returnsthe size of the pipe buffer, where f i l edes must refer to a pipe or FIFO, and pat h must
refer to a FIFO. The corresponding macro is_POSIX_PIPE_BUF.
_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED Returnsnonzero if the chown(2) call may not be used on thisfile. If f i l edes or pat h refersto a
directory, thisappliesto all filesin that directory. The corresponding macro is
_PC_NO_TRUNC Returnsnonzero if accessing filenameslonger than _POSIX_NAME_MAX generatesan error. The
corresponding macro is_POSIX_NO_TRUNC.
_PC_VDISABLE Returnsnonzero if special character processing can be disabled, where f i l edes or pat h must
refer to a terminal.
The limit isreturned, if one exists. If the system doesnot have a limit for the requested resource, 1 isreturned, and errno is
unchanged. If there isan error, 1 isreturned, and errno isset to reflect the nature of the error.
POSIX.1. Fileswith name lengthslonger than the value returned for name equal to _PC_NAME_MAX may exist in the given
Some returned valuesmay be huge; they are not suitable for allocating memory.
getconf(1), statfs(2), open(2), sysconf(3)
GNU, 4 April 1993
fread, fwrite
fread, fwriteBinary stream input/output
#include <stdio.h>
size_t fread(void *pt r , size_t si ze, size_t nmemb,FILE*st r eam);
size_t fwrite(void *pt r , size_t si ze, size_t nmemb,FILE*st r eam);
The function fread readsnmemb elementsof data, each si ze byteslong, from the stream pointed to by st r eam, storing them at
the location given by pt r .
The function fwrite writesnmemb elementsof data, each si ze byteslong, to the stream pointed to by st r eam, obtaining them
from the location given by pt r .
fread and fwrite return the number of itemssuccessfully read or written (that is, not the number of characters). If an error
occurs, or the end-of-file isreached, the return value isa short item count (or 0).
fread doesnot distinguish between end-of-file and error, and callersmust use feof(3) and ferror(3) to determine which
feof(3), ferror(3), read(2), write(2)
The functionsfread and fwrite conform to ANSI C3.159-1989 (ANSI C).
BSD Man Page, 17 May1996
frexpConvertsfloating-point number to fractional and integral components
#include <math.h>
double frexp(double x, int *exp);
The frexp() function isused to split the number x into a normalized fraction and an exponent that isstored in exp.
The frexp() function returnsthe normalized fraction. If the argument x isnot 0, the normalized fraction isx timesa power
of 2, and isalwaysin the range
2 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive). If x is0, the normalized fraction is0, and 0 isstored in exp.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
ldexp(3), modf(3)
GNU, 6 June1993
fgetpos, fseek, fsetpos, ftell, rewind
fgetpos, fseek, fsetpos, ftell, rewindReposition a stream
fgetpos, fseek, fsetpos, ftell, rewind
Part III: Library Functions
#include <stdio.h>
int fseek(FILE *st r eam, longo f f set , int whence);
long ftell(FILE *st r eam);
void rewind(FILE *st r eam);
int fgetpos(FILE *st r eam, fpos_t *pos);
int fsetpos(FILE *st r eam, fpos_t *pos);
The fseek function setsthe file position indicator for the stream pointed to by st r eam. The new position, measured in bytes,
isobtained by adding offset bytesto the position specified by whence. If whence isset to SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, or SEEK_END, the
offset isrelative to the start of the file, the current position indicator, or end-of-file, respectively. A successful call to the fseek
function clearsthe end-of-file indicator for the stream and undoesany effectsof the ungetc(3) function on the same stream.
The ftell function obtainsthe current value of the file position indicator for the stream pointed to by st r eam.
The rewind function setsthe file position indicator for the stream pointed to by st r eam to the beginning of the file. It is
equivalent to
(void)fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_SET);
except that the error indicator for the stream isalso cleared. (See clearerr(3).)
The fgetpos and fsetpos functionsare alternate interfacesequivalent to ftell and fseek (with whence set to SEEK_SET), setting
and storing the current value of the file offset into or from the object referenced by pos . On some non-UNIX systems, an
fpos_t object may be a complex object, and these routinesmight be the only way to portably reposition a text stream.
The rewind function returnsno value. Upon successful completion, fgetpos, fseek, and fsetpos return 0, and ftell returns
the current offset. Otherwise, 1 isreturned, and the global variable errno isset to indicate the error.
EBADF The stream specified isnot a seekable stream.
EINVAL The whence argument to fseek wasnot SEEK_SET, SEEK_END, or SEEK_CUR.
The function fgetpos, fseek, fsetpos, and ftell might also fail and set errno for any of the errorsspecified for the routines
fflush(3), fstat(2), lseek(2), and malloc(3).
The fgetpos, fsetpos, fseek, ftell, and rewind functionsconform to ANSI C3.159-1989 (ANSI C).
BSD Man Page, 29 November 1993
ftimeReturnsdate and time
#include <sys/timeb.h>
int ftime(struct timeb *t p);
Return current date and time in t p, which isdeclared asfollows:
struct timeb {
time_t time;
unsigned short millitm;
short timezone;
short dstflag;
Thisfunction alwaysreturns0.
Under Linux, thisfunction isimplemented in a compatibility library instead of in the kernel.
Version 7, BSD 4.3
Under BSD 4.3, thiscall isobsoleted by gettimeofday(2).
Linux, 24 July1993
ftokConvertsa pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC key
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
key_t ftok (char *pat hname, char pr oj );
The function convertsthe pathname of an existing accessible file and a project identifier into a key_t type System V IPC key.
On success, the return value will be the converted key_t value; otherwise it will be 1, with errno indicating the error asfor
the stat(2) system call.
The generated key_t value isobtained by stating the disk file corresponding to pat hname in order to get itsinode number
and the minor device number of the filesystem on which the disk file resides, then by combining the 8-bit pr oj value along
with the lower 16 bitsof the inode number with the 8 bitsof the minor device number. The algorithm doesnot guarantee a
unique key value. In fact,
I Two different nameslinking to the same file produce the same key values.
I Using the lower 16 bitsof the inode number givessome chance (although usually small) to have the same key values
for filenamesreferring to different inodes.
I Not discriminating among major device numbersgivessome chance of collision (also usually small) for systemswith
multiple disk controllers.
Part III: Library Functions
ipc(5), msgget(2), semget(2), shmget(2), stat(2)
Linux 0.99.13, 1 November 1993
ftwFile tree walk
#include <ftw.h>
int ftw(const char *di r ect or y,
int(*f uncpt r )(const char *f i l e, struct stat *sb, int f l ag), int dept h);
ftw() walksthrough the directory tree, starting from the indicated di r ect or y. For each found entry in the tree, it callsf uncpt r
with the full pathname of the entry relative to di r ect or y, a pointer to the stat(2) structure for the entry and an int whose
value will be one of the following:
FTW_F Item isa normal file
FTW_D Item isa directory
FTW_NS The stat failed on the item
FTW_DNR Item isa directory which cant be read
Warning: Anything other than directories, such assymbolic links, getsthe FTW_F tag.
ftw() recursively callsitself for traversing found directories. To avoid using up all a programsfile descriptors, dept h specifies
the number of simultaneousopen directories. When the depth isexceeded, ftw() will become slower because directorieshave
to be closed and reopened.
To stop the tree walk, f uncpt r returnsa nonzero value; thisvalue will become the return value of ftp(). Otherwise, ftw() will
continue until it hastraversed the entire tree (in which case it will return 0), or until it hitsan error such asa malloc(3)
failure, in which case it will return 1.
Because ftp() usesdynamic data structures, the only safe way to exit a tree walk isto return a nonzero value. To handle
interrupts, for example, mark that the interrupt occurred and return a nonzero valuedont use longjmp(3) unlessthe
program isgoing to terminate.
Linux, 18 July1993
gcvtConvertsa floating-point number to a string
#include <stdlib.h>
char *gcvt(double number , size_t ndi gi t , char *buf );
The gcvt() function convertsnumber to a minimal-length, NULL-terminated ASCII string and storesthe result in buf . It
producesndi gi t significant digitsin either printf() F format or E format.
The gcvt() function returnsthe addressof the string pointed to by buf .
ecvt(3), fcvt(3), sprintf(3)
29 March 1993
getcwd, get_current_dir_name, getwd
getcwd, get_current_dir_name, getwdGet current working directory
#include <unistd.h>
char *getcwd(char *buf , size_t si ze);
char *get_current_working_dir_name(void);
char *getwd(char *buf );
The getcwd() function copiesthe absolute pathname of the current working directory to the array pointed to by buf , which is
of length si ze.
If the current absolute pathname would require a buffer longer than si ze elements, NULL isreturned, and errno isset to
ERANGE; an application should check for thiserror, and allocate a larger buffer if necessary.
Asan extension to the POSIX.1 standard, getcwd() allocatesthe buffer dynamically using malloc() if buf isNULL on call. In
thiscase, the allocated buffer hasthe length si ze unlesssi ze islessthan 0, when buf isallocated aslarge asnecessary. It is
possible (and, indeed, advisable) to free the buffersif they have been obtained thisway.
get_current_dir_name, which isonly prototyped if __USE_GNU isdefined, will malloc(3) an array big enough to hold the
current directory name. If the environment variable PWD isset, and itsvalue iscorrect, that value will be returned.
getwd, which isonly prototyped if __USE_BSD isdefined, will not malloc(3) any memory. The buf argument should be a
pointer to an array at least PATH_MAX byteslong. getwd returnsonly the first PATH_MAX bytesof the actual pathname.
NULL on failure (for example, if the current directory isnot readable), with errno set accordingly, and buf on success.
chdir(2), free(3), malloc(3).
GNU, 21 July1993
getdirentriesGetsdirectory entriesin a filesystem-independent format
#define __USE_BSD or #define __USE_MISC
#include <dirent.h>
ssize_t getdirentries(int f d, char *buf , size_t nbyt es ,offt *basep);
Part III: Library Functions
Thisfunction readsdirectory entriesfrom the directory specified by f d into buf . At most, nbyt es are read. Reading startsat
offset *basep, and *basep isupdated with the new position after reading.
getdirentries returnsthe number of bytesread, or 0 when at the end of the directory. If an error occurs, 1 isreturned, and
errno isset appropriately.
See the Linux library source code for details.
open(2), lseek(2)
BSD/MISC, 22 July1993
getenvGetsan environment variable
#include <stdlib.h>
char *getenv(const char *name);
The getenv() function searchesthe environment list for a string that matchesthe string pointed to by name. The stringsare of
the form name=val ue.
The getenv() function returnsa pointer to the value in the environment, or NULL if there isno match.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
putenv(3), setenv(3), unsetenv(3)
GNU, 3 April 1993
getgrent, setgrent, endgrent
getgrent, setgrent, endgrentGet group file entry
#include <grp.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
struct group *getgrent(void);
void setgrent(void);
void endgrent(void);
The getgrent() function returnsa pointer to a structure containing the group information from /etc/group. The first time it
iscalled it returnsthe first entry; thereafter, it returnssuccessive entries.
The setgrent() function rewindsthe file pointer to the beginning of the /etc/group file.
The endgrent() function closesthe /etc/group file.
The group structure isdefined in <grp.h> asfollows:
struct group {
char *gr_name; /* group name */
char *gr_passwd; /* group password */
gid_t gr_gid; /* group id */
char **gr_mem; /* group members */
The getgrent()function returnsthe group information structure, or NULL if there are no more entriesor an error occurs.
ENOMEM Insufficient memory to allocate group information structure.
/etc/group group database file
SVID 3, BSD 4.3
fgetgrent(3), getgrnam(3), getgrgid(3)
GNU, 4 April 1993
getgrnam, getgrgid
getgrnam, getgrgidGet group file entry
#include <grp.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
struct group *getgrnam(const char *name);
struct group *getgrgid(gid_t gi d);
The getgrnam() function returnsa pointer to a structure containing the group information from /etc/group for the entry that
matchesthe group name name.
The getgrgid() function returnsa pointer to a structure containing the group information from /etc/group for the entry that
matchesthe group id gi d.
The group structure isdefined in <grp.h> asfollows:
struct group {
char *gr_name; /* group name */
char *gr_passwd; /* group password */
getgrnam, getgrgid
Part III: Library Functions
gid_t gr_gid; /* group id */
char **gr_mem; /* group members */
The getgrnam()and getgrgid() functionsreturn the group information structure, or NULL if the matching entry isnot found
or an error occurs.
ENOMEM Insufficient memory to allocate group information structure.
/etc/group group database file
fgetgrent(3), getgrent(3), setgrent(3), endgrent(3)
GNU, 4 April 1993
getlogin, cuserid
getlogin, cuseridGet username
#include <unistd.h>
char * getlogin ( void );
#include <stdio.h>
char * cuserid ( char *st r i ng );
getlogin returnsa pointer to a string containing the name of the user logged in on the controlling terminal of the process, or
a null pointer if thisinformation cannot be determined. The string isstatically allocated and might be overwritten on
subsequent callsto thisfunction or to cuserid.
cuserid returnsa pointer to a string containing a username associated with the effective user ID of the process. If st r i ng is
not a null pointer, it should be an array that can hold at least L_cuserid characters; the string isreturned in thisarray.
Otherwise, a pointer to a string in a static area isreturned. Thisstring isstatically allocated and might be overwritten on
subsequent callsto thisfunction or to getlogin.
The macro L_cuserid isan integer constant that indicateshow long an array you might need to store a username. L_cuserid is
declared in stdio.h.
These functionslet your program positively identify the user who isrunning (cuserid) or the user who logged in thissession
(getlogin). (These can differ when setuid programsare involved.) The user cannot do anything to fool these functions.
For most purposes, it ismore useful to use the environment variable LOGNAME to find out who the user is. Thisismore flexible
precisely because the user can set LOGNAME arbitrarily.
ENOMEM Insufficient memory to allocate passwd structure.
The /etc/passwd password database file /etc/utmp (or /var/adm/utmp, or wherever your utmp file livesthese daysthe proper
location dependson your libc version)
POSIX.1. System V hasa cuserid function that usesthe real user ID rather than the effective user ID. The cuserid function
wasincluded in the 1988 version of POSIX, but wasremoved from the 1990 version.
Unfortunately, it isoften rather easy to fool getlogin(). Sometimesit doesnot work at all, because some program messed up
the utmp file. Often, it givesonly the first eight charactersof the login name. The user currently logged in on the controlling
tty of your program need not be the user who started it.
Nobody knowsprecisely what cuserid() does; so
I Avoid it in portable programs
I Avoid it altogether
I Use getpwuid (geteuid()) instead, if that iswhat you meant.
Simply, do not usecuserid().
geteuid(2), getuid(2)
Linux 1.2.13, 3 September 1995
getmntent, setmntent, addmntent, endmntent, hasmntopt
getmntent, setmntent, addmntent, endmntent, hasmntoptGet filesystem descriptor file entry
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mntent.h>
FILE *setmntent(const char *f i l ep, const char *t ype);
struct mntent *getmntent(FILE *f i l ep);
int addmntent(FILE *f i l ep, const struct mntent *mnt );
int endmntent(FILE *f i l ep);
char *hasmntopt(const struct mntent *mnt , const char *opt );
These routinesare used to accessthe filesystem description file /etc/fstab and the mounted filesystem description file /etc/
The setmntent() function opensthe filesystem description file f i l ep and returnsa file pointer that can be used by
getmntent(). The argument t ype isthe type of accessrequired and can take the same valuesasthe mode argument of fopen(3).
The getmntent() function readsthe next line from the filesystem description file f i l ep and returnsa pointer to a structure
containing the broken-out fieldsfrom a line in the file. The pointer pointsto a static area of memory that isoverwritten by
subsequent callsto getmntent().
The addmntent() function addsthe mntent structure mnt to the end of the open file filep.
The endmntent() function closesthe filesystem description file f i l ep.
The hasmntopt() function scansthe mnt _opt s field of the mntent structure mnt for a substring that matchesopt . (See
<mntent.h> for valid mount options.)
getmntent, setmntent, addmntent, endmntent, hasmntopt
Part III: Library Functions
The mntent structure isdefined in <mntent.h> asfollows:
struct mntent {
char *mnt_fsname; /* name of mounted filesystem */
char *mnt_dir; /* filesystem path prefix */
char *mnt_type; /* mount type (see mntent.h) */
char *mnt_opts; /* mount options (see mntent.h) */
int mnt_freq; /* dump frequency in days */
int mnt_passno; /* pass number on parallel fsck */
The getmntent() function returnsa pointer to the mntent structure or NULL on failure.
The addmntent() function returns0 on successand 1 on failure.
The endmntent() functionsalwaysreturns1.
The hasmntopt() function returnsthe addressof the substring if a match isfound, and NULL otherwise.
/etc/fstab filesystem description file
/etc/mtab mounted filesystem description file
BSD 4.3
fopen(3), fstab(5)
27 June1993
getnetent, getnetbyaddr, getnetbyname, setnetent, endnetent
getnetent, getnetbyaddr, getnetbyname, setnetent, endnetentGet network entry
#include <netdb.h>
struct netent *getnetent()
struct netent *getnetbyname(name)
char *name;
struct netent *getnetbyaddr(net , t ype)
long net ; int t ype;
void setnetent(st ayopen)
int st ayopen;
void endnetent()
The getnetent, getnetbyname, and getnetbyaddr subroutineseach return a pointer to an object with the following structure,
containing the broken-out fieldsof a line in the network database, /etc/networks:
struct netent {
char *n_name; /* official name of net */
char **n_aliases; /* alias list */
int n_addrtype; /* net number type */
long n_net; /* net number */
The membersof thisstructure are
n_name The official name of the network.
n_aliases A zero-terminated list of alternate namesfor the network.
n_addrtype The type of the network number returned: AF_INET.
n_net The network number. Network numbersare returned in machine byte order.
If the st ayopen flag on a setnetent subroutine isNULL, the network database isopened. Otherwise the setnetent hasthe effect
of rewinding the network database. The endnetent may be called to close the network database when processing iscomplete.
The getnetent subroutine simply readsthe next line whereasgetnetbyname and getnetbyaddr search until a matching name or
net number isfound (or until EOF isencountered). The t ype must be AF_INET. The getnetent subroutine keepsa pointer in
the database, allowing successive callsto be used to search the entire file.
A call to setnetent must be made before a while loop using getnetent to perform initialization, and an endnetent must be
used after the loop. Both getnetbyname and getnetbyaddr make callsto setnetent and endnetent.
Null pointer (0) returned on EOF or error.
networks(5), RFC 1101
The getnetent(), getnetbyaddr(), getnetbyname(), setnetent(), and endnetent() functionsappeared in 4.2BSD.
The data space used by these functionsisstatic; if future use requiresthe data, it should be copied before any subsequent calls
to these functionsoverwrite it. Only Internet network numbersare currently understood. Expecting network numbersto fit
in no more than 32 bitsisprobably naive.
getoptParsescommand-line options
#include <unistd.h>
int getopt(int ar gc , char * const ar gv[ ] ,
const char *opt st r i ng);
extern char *opt ar g;
extern int opt i nd, opt er r , opt opt ;
#include <getopt.h>
int getopt_long(int ar gc, char * const ar gv[ ] ,
const char *opt st r i ng,
const struct option *l ongopt s , int *l ongi ndex);
int getopt_long_only(int ar gc, char * const ar gv[ ] ,
const char *opt st r i ng,
const struct option *l ongopt s , int *l ongi ndex);
Part III: Library Functions
The getopt() function parsesthe command-line arguments. Itsargumentsargc and argv are the argument count and array as
passed to the main() function on program invocation. An element of argv that startswith - (and isnot exactly - or -) isan
option element. The charactersof thiselement (aside from the initial -) are option characters. If getopt() iscalled repeatedly,
it returnssuccessively each of the option charactersfrom each of the option elements.
If getopt() findsanother option character, it returnsthat character, updating the external variable opti nd and a static variable
next char so that the next call to getopt() can resume the scan with the following option character or ar gv element.
If there are no more option characters, getopt() returnsEOF. Then optind isthe index in ar gv of the first ar gv element that is
not an option.
opt st r i ng isa string containing the legitimate option characters. If such a character isfollowed by a colon, the option
requiresan argument, so getopt placesa pointer to the following text in the same ar gv element, or the text of the following
ar gv element, in opt ar g. Two colonsmean an option takesan optional arg; if there istext in the current ar gv element, it is
returned in opt ar g; otherwise, opt ar g isset to 0.
By default, getargs() permutesthe contentsof ar gv asit scans, so that eventually all the non-optionsare at the end. Two
other modesare also implemented. If the first character of optstring is+ or the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT isset,
option processing stopsassoon asa non-option argument isencountered. If the first character of optstring is-, each non-
option ar gv element ishandled asif it were the argument of an option with character code 1. (Thisisused by programsthat
were written to expect optionsand other ar gv elementsin any order and that care about the ordering of the two.) The special
argument forcesan end of option-scanning regardlessof the scanning mode.
If getopt() doesnot recognize an option character, it printsan error message to stderr, storesthe character in optopt, and
returns?. The calling program may prevent the error message by setting opterr to 0.
The getopt_long()function workslike getopt(), except that it also acceptslong options, started out by two dashes. Long
option namesmay be abbreviated if the abbreviation isunique or isan exact match for some defined option. A long option
may take a parameter, of the form -arg=param or -arg param.
l ongopt s isa pointer to the first element of an array of struct option declared in <getopt.h>:
as struct option {
const char *name;
int has_ar g;
int *f l ag;
int val ;
The meaningsof the different fieldsare
name The name of the long option.
has_ar g no_argument (or 0) if the option doesnot take an argument, required_argument (or 1) if the
option requiresan argument, or optional_argument (or 2) if the option takesan optional
f l ag Specifieshow resultsare returned for a long option. If f l ag isNULL, getopt_long() returnsval .
(For example, the calling program might set val to the equivalent short option character.)
Otherwise, getopt_long() returns0, and f l ag pointsto a variable that isset to val if the option
isfound, but left unchanged if the option isnot found.
val The value to return or to load into the variable pointed to by f l ag.
The last element of the array hasto be filled with zeroes.
If l ongi ndex isnot NULL, it pointsto a variable that isset to the index of the long option relative to l ongopt s.
getopt_long_only() islike getopt_long(), but - aswell as- can indicate a long option. If an option that startswith - (not -)
doesnt match a long option but doesmatch a short option, it isparsed asa short option instead.
The getopt()function returnsthe option character if the option wasfound successfully, : if there wasa missing parameter for
one of the options, ? for an unknown option character, or EOF for the end of the option list.
getopt_long() and getopt_long_only() also return the option character when a short option isrecognized. For a long option,
they return val if f l ag isNULL, and 0 otherwise. Error and EOF returnsare the same asfor getopt(), plus? for an ambiguous
match or an extraneousparameter.
POSIXLY_CORRECT If thisisset, option processing stopsassoon asa non-option argument isencountered.
The following example program, from the source code, illustratesthe use of getopt_long() with most of itsfeatures:
#include <stdio.h>
main (ar gc, ar gv)
int ar gc ;
char **ar gv;
int c ;
int di gi t _opt i nd = 0;
while (1)
int t hi s_opt i on_opt i nd = opt i nd ? opt i nd : 1;
int opt i on_i ndex = 0;
static struct option l ong_opt i ons[ ] =
{add, 1, 0, 0},
{append, 0, 0, 0},
{delete, 1, 0, 0},
{verbose, 0, 0, 0},
{create, 1, 0, c},
{file, 1, 0, 0g, f0, 0, 0, 0}
c = getopt_long (ar gc, ar gv, abc:d:012,
l ong_opt i ons, &opt i on_i ndex);
if (c == -1)
case 0:
printf (option %s, l ong_opt i ons[ opt i on_i ndex ] . name);
if (opt ar g)
printf ( with arg %s, opt ar g);
printf (\n);
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
if (di gi t _opt i nd != 0 && di gi t _opt i nd != t hi s_opt i on_opt i nd)
printf (digits occur in two different argv-elements.\n);
di gi t _opt i nd = t hi s_opt i on_opt i nd;
printf (option %c\n, c);
case a:
printf (option a\n);
case b:
Part III: Library Functions
printf (option b\n);
case c:
printf (option c with value %s\n, opt ar g);
case d:
printf (option d with value %s \n, opt ar g);
case ?:
printf (?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n, c);
if (opt i nd < ar gc )
printf (non-option ARGV-elements: );
while (opt i nd < ar gc)
printf (%s , ar gv[ opt i nd++] );
printf (\n);
exit (0);
Thisman page isconfusing.
getopt(): POSIX.1, provided the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT isset. Otherwise, the elementsof ar gv arent
really const, because they get permuted. Theyre set const in the prototype to be compatible with other
GNU, 30 August 1995
getpassGetsa password
#include <pwd.h>
#include <unistd.h>
char *getpass( const char * prompt );
The getpass function displaysa prompt to, and readsin, a password from, /dev/tty. If thisfile isnot accessible, getpass
displaysthe prompt on the standard error output and readsfrom the standard input.
The password may be up to _PASSWORD_LEN (currently 128) charactersin length. Any additional charactersand the terminat-
ing newline character are discarded. (Thismight be different in Linux.)
getpass turnsoff character echoing while reading the password.
getpass returnsa pointer to the null-terminated password.
A getpass function appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX.
The getpass function leavesitsresult in an internal static object and returnsa pointer to that object. Subsequent callsto
getpass will modify the same object.
The calling processshould zero the password assoon aspossible to avoid leaving the cleartext password visible in the
BSD Man Page29 November 1993
getprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, setprotoent,
getprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, setprotoent, endprotoentGet protocol entry
#include <netdb.h>
struct protoent *getprotoent(void);
struct protoent *getprotobyname(const char *name);
struct protoent *getprotobynumber(int pr ot o);
void setprotoent(int st ayopen);
void endprotoent(void);
The getprotoent() function readsthe next line from the file /etc/protocols and returnsa structure pr ot oent containing the
broken-out fieldsfrom the line. The /etc/protocols file isopened if necessary.
The getprotobyname() function returnsa pr ot oent structure for the line from /etc/protocols that matchesthe protocol name
The getprotobynumber() function returnsa pr ot oent structure for the line that matchesthe protocol number number .
The setprotoent() function opensand rewindsthe /etc/protocols file. If st ayopen istrue (1), the file will not be closed
between callsto getprotobyname() or getprotobynumber().
The endprotoent() function closes/etc/protocols.
The protoent structure isdefined in <netdb.h> asfollows:
struct protoent {
char *p_name; /* official protocol name */
char **p_aliases; /* alias list */
int p_proto; /* protocol number */
getprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, setprotoent, endprotoent
Part III: Library Functions
The membersof the protoent structure are
p_name The official name of the protocol.
p_aliases A zero-terminated list of alternative namesfor the protocol.
p_proto The protocol number.
The getprotoent(), getprotobyname(), and getprotobynumber() functionsreturn the pr ot oent structure, or a NULL pointer if an
error occursor the end of the file isreached.
/etc/protocols protocol database file
BSD 4.3
getservent(3), getnetent(3), protocols(5)
BSD, 24 April 1993
getpwReconstructspassword line entry
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
int getpw(uid_t ui d, char *buf );
The getpw() function reconstructsthe password line entry for the given user UID ui d in the buffer buf . The returned buffer
containsa line of format
The passwd structure isdefined in <pwd.h> asfollows:
struct passwd {
char *pw_name; /*username*/
char *pw_passwd; /* user password */
uid_t pw_uid; /* user id */
gid_t pw_gid; /* group id */
char *pw_gecos; /* real name */
char *pw_dir; /* home directory */
char *pw_shell; /* shell program */
The getpw()function returns0 on success, or 1 if an error occurs.
ENOMEM Insufficient memory to allocate passwd structure.
/etc/passwd Password database file
fgetpwent(3), getpwent(3), setpwent(3), endpwent(3), getpwnam(3), getpwuid(3), putpwent(3), passwd(5)
GNU, 27 May1996
getpwent, setpwent, endpwent
getpwent, setpwent, endpwentget password file entry
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
struct passwd *getpwent(void);
void setpwent(void);
void endpwent(void);
The getpwent() function returnsa pointer to a structure containing the broken-out fieldsof a line from /etc/passwd. The
first time it iscalled it returnsthe first entry; thereafter, it returnssuccessive entries.
The setpwent() function rewindsthe file pointer to the beginning of the /etc/passwd file.
The endpwent() function closesthe /etc/passwd file.
The passwd structure isdefined in <pwd.h> asfollows:
struct passwd {
char *pw_name; /*username*/
char *pw_passwd; /* user password */
uid_t pw_uid; /* user id */
gid_t pw_gid; /* group id */
char *pw_gecos; /* real name */
char *pw_dir; /* home directory */
char *pw_shell; /* shell program */
The getpwent()function returnsthe passwd structure, or NULL if there are no more entriesor an error occurs.
ENOMEM Insufficient memory to allocate passwd structure.
/etc/passwd Password database file
SVID 3, BSD 4.3
fgetpwent(3), getpwnam(3), getpwuid(3), getpw(3), putpwent(3), passwd(5).
GNU, 27 May1996
getpwent, setpwent, endpwent
Part III: Library Functions
getpwnam, getpwuid
getpwnam, getpwuidGet password file entry
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
struct passwd *getpwnam(const char * name);
struct passwd *getpwuid(uid_t ui d);
The getpwnam() function returnsa pointer to a structure containing the broken out fieldsof a line from /etc/passwd for the
entry that matchesthe username name.
The getpwuid() function returnsa pointer to a structure containing the broken-out fieldsof a line from /etc/passwd for the
entry that matchesthe user UID ui d.
The passwd structure isdefined in <pwd.h> asfollows:
struct passwd {
char *pw_name; /*username*/
char *pw_passwd; /* user password */
uid_t pw_uid; /* user id */
gid_t pw_gid; /* group id */
char *pw_gecos; /* real name */
char *pw_dir; /* home directory */
char *pw_shell; /* shell program */
The getpwnam()and getpwuid() functionsreturn the passwd structure, or NULL if the matching entry isnot found or an error
ENOMEM Insufficient memory to allocate passwd structure.
/etc/passwd Password database file
fgetpwent(3), getpwent(3), setpwent(3), endpwent(3), getpw(3), putpwent(3), passwd(5)
GNU, 27 May1996
fgetc, fgets, getc, getchar, gets, ungetc
fgetc, fgets, getc, getchar, gets, ungetcInput of charactersand strings
#include <stdio.h>
int fgetc(FILE *st r eam);
char *fgets(char *s,int si ze, FILE *st r eam);
int getc(FILE *st r eam);
int getchar(void);
char *gets(char *s);
int ungetc(int c, FILE *st r eam);
fgetc() readsthe next character from st r eam and returnsit asan unsigned char cast to an int, or EOF on end of file or error.
getc() isequivalent to fgetc() except that it can be implemented asa macro that evaluatesst r eam more than once.
getchar() isequivalent to getc(st di n).
gets()readsa line from stdin into the buffer pointed to by s until either a terminating newline or EOF, which it replaces
with \0. No check for buffer overrun isperformed (see the following Bus section).
fgets() readsin at most one lessthan n charactersfrom st r eam and storesthem into the buffer pointed to by s. Reading stops
after an EOF or a newline. If a newline isread, it isstored into the buffer. \0 isstored after the last character in the buffer.
ungetc() pushesc back to st r eam, cast to unsigned char, where it isavailable for subsequent read operations. Pushed-back
characterswill be returned in reverse order; only one pushback isguaranteed.
Callsto the functionsdescribed here can be mixed with each other and with callsto other input functionsfrom the stdio
library for the same input stream.
fgetc(), getc(), and getchar() return the character read asan unsigned char cast to an int, or EOF on end of file or error.
gets() and fgets() return s on success, and NULL on error or when end of file occurswhile no charactershave been read.
ungetc() returnsc on success, or EOF on error.
Because it isimpossible to tell without knowing the data in advance how many charactersgets() will read, and because
gets() will continue to store characterspast the end of the buffer, it isextremely dangerousto use. It hasbeen used to break
computer security. Use fgets() instead.
It isnot advisable to mix callsto input functionsfrom the stdio library with low-level callsto read() for the file descriptor
associated with the input stream; the resultswill be undefined and very probably not what you want.
read(2), write(2), fopen(3), fread(3), scanf(3), puts(3), fseek(3), ferror(3)
GNU, 4 April 1993
getservent, getservbyname, getservbyport, setservent,
getservent, getservbyname, getservbyport, setservent, endserventGet service entry
#include <netdb.h>
struct servent *getservent(void);
struct servent *getservbyname(const char *name, const char *proto);
struct servent *getservbyport(int por t , const char *pr ot o);
getservent, getservbyname, getservbyport, setservent, endservent
Part III: Library Functions
void setservent(int st ayopen);
void endservent(void);
The getservent()function readsthe next line from the file /etc/services and returnsa structure, ser vent , containing the
broken out fieldsfrom the line. The /etc/services file isopened if necessary.
The getservbyname()function returnsa ser vent structure for the line from /etc/services that matchesthe service name using
protocol pr ot o.
The getservbyport()function returnsa ser vent structure for the line that matchesthe port por t given in network byte order
using protocol pr ot o.
The setservent()function opensand rewindsthe /etc/services file. If stayopen istrue (1), the file will not be closed between
callsto getservbyname() and getservbyport().
The endservent() function closes/etc/services.
The ser vent structure isdefined in <netdb.h> asfollows:
struct servent {
char *s_name; /* official service name */
char **s_al i ases; /* alias list */
int s_por t ; /* port number */
char *s_pr ot o; /* protocol to use */
The membersof the ser vent structure are:
s_name The official name of the service.
s_al i ases A zero-terminated list of alternative namesfor the service.
s_por t The port number for the service, given in network byte order.
s_pr ot o The name of the protocol to use with thisservice.
The getservent(), getservbyname(), and getservbyport() functionsreturn the ser vent structure, or a NULL pointer if an error
occursor the end of the file isreached.
/etc/services Servicesdatabase file
BSD 4.3
getprotoent(3), getnetent(3), services(5)
BSD, 22 April 1996
getusershell, setusershell, endusershell
getusershell, setusershell, endusershellGet legal user shells
#include <unistd.h>
char *getusershell(void);
void setusershell(void);
void endusershell(void);
The getusershell() function returnsthe next line from the file /etc/shells, opening the file if necessary. The line should
contain the pathname of a valid user shell. If /etc/shells doesnot exist or isunreadable, getusershell() behavesasif /bin/sh
and /bin/csh were listed in the file.
The setusershell() function rewinds/etc/shells.
The endusershell() function closes/etc/shells.
The getusershell() function returnsa NULL pointer on end of file.
BSD 4.3
BSD, 4 July1993
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent,
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpnameAccessutmp file entries
#include <utmp.h>
struct utmp *getutent(void);
struct utmp *getutid(struct utmp *ut );
struct utmp *getutline(struct utmp *ut );
void pututline(struct utmp *ut );
void setutent(void);
void endutent(void);
void utmpname(const char *f i l e);
utmpname() setsthe name of the utmp-format file for the other utmp functionsto access. If utmpname() isnot used to set the
filename before the other functionsare used, they assume PATH_UTMP, asdefined in <paths.h>.
setutent() rewindsthe file pointer to the beginning of the utmp file. It isgenerally a good idea to call it before any of the
other functions.
endutent()closesthe utmp file. It should be called when the user code isdone accessing the file with the other functions.
getutent() readsa line from the current file position in the utmp file. It returnsa pointer to a structure containing the fields
of the line.
getutid()searchesforward from the current file position in the utmp file based on ut . If ut ->ut_type isRUN_LVL, BOOT_TIME,
NEW_TIME, or OLD_TIME, getutid() will find the first entry whose ut_type field matchesut ->ut_type. If ut ->ut_type is
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname
Part III: Library Functions
INIT_PROCESS, LOGIN_PROCESS, USER_PROCESS, or DEAD_PROCESS, getutid() will find the first entry whose ut_id field matches
ut ->ut_id.
getutline() searchesforward from the current file position in the utmp file. It scansentrieswhose ut type isUSER_PROCESS or
LOGIN_PROCESS and returnsthe first one whose ut_line field matchesut ->ut_line.
pututline()writesthe utmp structure ut into the utmp file. It usesgetutid() to search for the proper place in the file to insert
the new entry. If it cannot find an appropriate slot for ut , pututline() will append the new entry to the end of the file.
getutent(), getutid(), and getutline() return a pointer to a struct utmp, which isdefined in <utmp.h>.
/var/run/utmpDatabase of currently logged-in users
/var/log/wtmpDatabase of past user logins
XPG 2, SVID 2, Linux FSSTND 1.2
Linux libc 5.0.0, 22 March 1995
getw, putw
getw, putwInput and output of words(ints)
#include <stdio.h>
int getw(FILE *st r eam);
int putw(int w,FILE*st r eam);
getw readsa word (that is, an int) from st r eam. Itsprovided for compatibility with SVID. I recommend you use fread(3)
instead. putw writesthe word w (that is, an int) to st r eam. It isprovided for compatibility with SVID, but I recommend you
use fwrite(3) instead.
Normally, getw returnsthe word read, and putw returnsthe word written. On error, they return EOF.
The value returned on error isalso a legitimate data value. ferror(3) can be used to distinguish between the two cases.
fread(3), fwrite(3), ferror(3), getc(3), putc(3)
GNU, 16 September 1995
glob, globfree
glob, globfreeFind pathnamesmatching a pattern; free memory from glob()
#include <glob.h>
int glob(const char *pat t er n, int f l ags,
int er r f unc (const char * epat h, int eer r no),
glob_t *pgl ob);
void globfree(glob_t *pgl ob);
The glob() function searchesfor all the pathnamesmatching pat t er n according to the rulesused by the shell (see glob(7)).
No tilde expansion or parameter substitution isdone.
The globfree() function freesthe dynamically allocated storage from an earlier call to glob().
The resultsof a glob() call are stored in the structure pointed to by pglob, which isa glob_t that isdeclared in <glob.h> as
typedef struct
int gl_pathc; /* Count of paths matched so far */
char **gl_pathv; /* List of matched pathnames. */
int gl_offs; /* Slots to reserve in gl pathv. */
int gl_flags; /* Flags for globbing */
} glob_t;
Resultsare stored in dynamically allocated storage.
The parameter f l ags ismade up of bitwise OR of zero or more the following symbolic constants, which modify the of
behavior of glob():
GLOB_ERR Return on read error (because a directory doesnot have read permission, for example).
GLOB_MARK Append a slash to each path which correspondsto a directory.
GLOB_NOSORT Dont sort the returned pathnames(they are by default).
GLOB_DOOFS pgl ob->gl _of f s slotswill be reserved at the beginning of the list of stringsin pgl ob->pat hv.
GLOB_NOCHECK If no pattern matches, return the original pattern.
GLOB_APPEND Append to the resultsof a previouscall. Do not set thisflag on the first invocation of glob().
GLOB_NOESCAPE Meta characterscannot be quoted by backslashes.
GLOB_PERIOD A leading period can be matched by meta characters.
If errfunc isnot NULL, it will be called in case of an error with the argumentsepath, a pointer to the path that failed, and
eerrno, the value of errno asreturned from one of the callsto opendir(), readdir(), or stat(). If errfunc returnsnonzero, or
if GLOB_ERR isset, glob() will terminate after the call to errfunc.
Upon successful return, pgl ob->gl _pat hc containsthe number of matched pathnamesand pgl ob->gl _pat hv a pointer to the
list of matched pathnames. The first pointer after the last pathname isNULL.
It ispossible to call glob() several times. In that case, the GLOB_APPEND flag hasto be set in f l ags on the second and later
On successful completion, glob() returns0. Other possible returnsare
GLOB_NOSPACE For running out of memory,
GLOB_ABEND For a read error, and
GLOB_NOMATCH For no found matches.
glob, globfree
Part III: Library Functions
One example of use isthe following code, which simulatestyping in the shell:
ls -l *.c ../*.c
glob_t globbuf;
globbuf.gl_offs = 2;
glob(*.c, GLOB_DOOFS, NULL, &globbuf);
glob(../*.c, GLOB_DOOFS | GLOB_APPEND, NULL, &globbuf);
globbuf.gl_pathv[0] = ls;
globbuf.gl_pathv[1] = -l;
execvp(ls, &globbuf.gl_pathv[0]);
Proposed POSIX.2
The glob()function may fail due to failure of underlying function calls, such asmalloc() or opendir(). These will store their
error code in errno.
POSIX.2 isnot yet an approved standard; the information in thisman page issubject to change.
ls(1), sh(1), exec(2), stat(2), malloc(3), opendir(3), readdir(3), wordexp(3), glob(7)
GNU, 13 May1996
hosts_access, hosts_ctl
hosts_access, hosts_ctlAccess-control library functions
#include log_tcp.h
extern int al l ow_sever i t y;
extern int deny_sever i t y;
int hosts_access(daemon, cl i ent )
char *daemon;
struct client_info *client;
int hosts_ctl(daemon, cl i ent _name, cl i ent _addr , cl i ent _user )
char *daemon;
char *cl i ent _name;
char *cl i ent _addr ;
char *cl i ent _user ;
The routinesdescribed in thisdocument are part of the libwrap.a library. They implement a pattern-based access-control
language with optional shell commandsthat are executed when a pattern fires.
In all cases, the daemon argument should specify a daemon processname (ar gv[ 0] value). The client host addressshould be a
valid address, or FROM_UNKNOWN if the addresslookup failed. The client hostname and username should be empty stringsif no
information isavailable, FROM_UNKNOWN if the lookup failed, or an actual hostname or username.
hosts_access() consultsthe access-control tablesdescribed in the hosts_access(5) manual page. hosts_access() returns0 if
accessshould be denied.
hosts_ctl() isa wrapper around the hosts_access() routine with a perhapsmore convenient interface (although it doesnot
passon enough information to support automated remote username lookups). hosts_ctl() returns0 if accessshould be
The al l ow_sever i t y and deny_sever i t y variablesdetermine how accepted and rejected requestscan be logged. They must be
provided by the caller and can be modified by rulesin the access-control tables.
Problemsare reported via the syslog daemon.
hosts_access(5) (format of the accesscontrol tables), hosts_options(5), optional extensionsto the base language
/etc/hosts.access, /etc/hosts.deny access-control tables
The functionsdescribed here do not make copiesof their string-valued arguments. Beware of data from functionsthat
overwrite their resultson each call.
hosts_access() usesthe strtok() library function. Thismay interfere with other code that relieson strtok().
Wietse Venema (
Department of Mathematicsand Computing Science
Eindhoven University of Technology
Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
hcreate, hdestroy, hsearch
hcreate, hdestroy, hsearchHash table management
#include <search.h>
ENTRY *hsearch(ENTRY i t em, ACTION act i on);
int hcreate(unsigned nel );
void hdestroy(voi d);
These three functionsallow the user to create a hash table that associatesa key with any data.
First, the table must be created with the function hcreate(). nel isan estimate of the number of entriesin the table.
hcreate() may adjust thisvalue upward to improve the performance of the resulting hash table. The GNU implementation
of hsearch() will also enlarge the table if it getsnearly full. malloc(3) isused to allocate space for the table.
The corresponding function hdestroy() freesthe memory occupied by the hash table so that a new table can be constructed.
i t em isof type ENTRY, which isa typedef defined in <search.h> and includesthese elements:
typedef struct entry
char *key ;
char *dat a;
key pointsto the zero-terminated ASCII string that isthe search key. dat a pointsto the data associated with that key. (A
pointer to a type other than character should be cast to pointer-to-character.) hsearch()searchesthe hash table for an item
with the same key asi t em, and if successful returnsa pointer to it. act i on determineswhat hsearch() doesafter an unsuccess-
ful search. A value of ENTER instructsit to insert the new item, whereasa value of FIND meansto return NULL.
hcreate, hdestroy, hsearch
Part III: Library Functions
hcreate() returnsNULL if the hash table cannot be successfully installed.
hsearch()returnsNULL if act i on isENTER and there isinsufficient memory to expand the hash table, or if act i on isFIND and
i t em cannot be found in the hash table.
SVID, except that in SysV, the hash table cannot grow.
The implementation can manage only one hash table at a time. Individual hash table entriescan be added, but not deleted.
The following program inserts24 itemsinto a hash table and then printssome of them:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <search.h>
char *dat a[ ] ={ alpha, bravo, charley, delta,
echo, foxtrot, golf, hotel, india, juliette,
kilo, lima, mike, november, oscar, papa,
quebec, romeo, sierra, tango, uniform,
victor, whiskey, x-ray, yankee, zulu
int main()
ENTRY e, * ep;
int i ;
/* start with small table, and let it grow */
for (i = 0; i < 24; i ++)
e. key = dat a[ i ] ;
/* data is just an integer, instead of a pointer
to something */
e. dat a = (char *)i ;
ep = hsearch(e, ENTER);
/* there should be no failures */
if(ep == NULL) {fprintf(stderr, entry failed\n); exit(1);}
for (i = 22; i < 26; i ++)
/* print two entries from the table, and show that
two are not in the table */
e. key = dat a[ i ] ;
ep = hsearch(e, FIND);
printf(%9.9s -> %9.9s:%d\n, e. key , ep?ep->key :NULL,
ep?(int)(ep->dat a):0);
return 0;
bsearch(3), lsearch(3), tsearch(3), malloc(3)
GNU, 30 September 1995
hypotEuclidean distance function
#include <math.h>
double hypot(double x, double y);
The hypot() function returnsthe sqrt(x*x+y*y). Thisisthe length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle with sidesof
length x and y, or the distance of the point (x, y) from the origin.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3
25 June1993
index, rindex
index, rindexLocate character in string
#include <string.h>
char *index(const char *s,int c);
char *rindex(const char *s,int c);
The index() function returnsa pointer to the first occurrence of the character c in the string s.
The rindex() function returnsa pointer to the last occurrence of the character c in the string s.
The terminating NULL character isconsidered to be a part of the strings.
The index() and rindex() functionsreturn a pointer to the matched character, or NULL if the character isnot found.
BSD 4.3
memchr(3), strchr(3), strpbrk(3), strrchr(3), strsep(3), strspn(3), strstr(3), strtok(3)
GNU, 12 April 1993
inet_aton, inet_addr, inet_network, inet_ntoa, inet_makeaddr,
inet_lnaof, inet_netof
inet_aton, inet_addr, inet_network, inet_ntoa, inet_makeaddr, inet_lnaof, inet_netofInternet addressmanipulation
inet_aton, inet_addr, inet_network, inet_ntoa, inet_makeaddr, inet_lnaof, inet_netof
Part III: Library Functions
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
int inet_aton(const char *cp, struct in_addr *i np);
unsigned long int inet_addr(const char *cp);
unsigned long int inet_network(const char *cp);
char *inet_ntoa(struct in_addr i n);
struct in_addr inet_makeaddr(int net , int host );
unsigned long int inet_lnaof(struct in_addr i n);
unsigned long int inet_netof(struct in_addr i n);
inet_aton() convertsthe Internet host addresscp from the standard numbers-and-dotsnotation into binary data and storesit
in the structure that inp pointsto. inet_aton returnsnonzero if the addressisvalid, and 0 if it isnot.
The inet_addr()function convertsthe Internet host addresscp from numbers-and-dotsnotation into binary data in network
byte order. If the input isinvalid, 1 isreturned. Thisisan obsolete interface to inet_aton; it isobsolete because -1 isa valid
address(, and inet_aton providesa cleaner way to indicate error return.
The inet_network() function extractsthe network number in network byte order from the addresscp in numbers-and-dots
notation. If the input isinvalid, 1 isreturned.
The inet_ntoa() function convertsthe Internet host addressgiven in network byte order to a string in standard numbers-
and-dotsnotation. The string isreturned in a statically allocated buffer, which subsequent callswill overwrite.
The inet_makeaddr() function makesan Internet host addressin network byte order by combining the network number net
with the local addresshost in network net , both in local host byte order.
The inet_lnaof() function returnsthe local host addresspart of the Internet addressi n. The local host addressisreturned in
local host byte order.
The inet_netof()function returnsthe network number part of the Internet addressi n. The network number isreturned in
local host byte order.
The structure in_addr asused in inet_ntoa(), inet_makeaddr(), inet_lnoaf(), and inet_netof() isdefined in netinet/in.h as
struct in_addr {
unsigned long int s_addr;
Note that on the i80x86 the host byte order isLeast Significant Byte first, whereasthe network byte order, asused on the
Internet, isMost Significant Byte first.
BSD 4.3
gethostbyname(3), getnetent(3), hosts(5), networks(5)
BSD, 3 September 1995
infnanDealswith infinite or not-a-number (NaN) result
#include <math.h>
double infnan(int er r or );
The infnan() function returnsa suitable value for infinity and not-a-number (NaN) results. The value of er r or can be ERANGE
to represent infinity, or anything else to represent NaN. errno isalso set.
If er r or isERANGE (Infinity), HUGE_VAL isreturned.
If er r or is-ERANGE (-Infinity), -HUGE_VAL isreturned.
If er r or isanything else, NaN isreturned.
ERANGE The value of er r or ispositive or negative infinity.
EDOM The value of er r or isnot-a-number (NaN).
BSD 4.3
GNU, 2 June1993
initgroupsInitializesthe supplementary group accesslist
#include <grp.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
int initgroups(const char *user , gid_t gr oup);
The initgroups() function initializesthe group accesslist by reading the group database /etc/group and using all groupsof
which user isa member. The additional group gr oup isalso added to the list.
The initgroups() function returns0 on success, or 1 if an error occurs.
EPERM The calling processdoesnot have sufficient privileges.
ENOMEM Insufficient memory to allocate group information structure.
/etc/group group database file
SVID 3, BSD 4.3
getgroups(2), setgroups(2)
GNU, 5 April 1993
Part III: Library Functions
inndcommINND communication part of InterNetNewslibrary
#include inndcomm.h
int ICCopen()
int ICCclose()
void ICCsettimeout(i)
int i ;
int ICCcommand(cmd, ar gv, r epl yp)
char cmd;
char *ar gv[ ] ;
char **r epl yp;
int ICCcancel(mesgi d)
char *mesgi d;
int ICCreserve(why)
char *why;
int ICCpause(why)
char *why ;
int ICCgo(why)
char *why ;
extern char *I CCf ai l ur e;
The routinesdescribed in thismanual page are part of the InterNetNewslibrary, libinn(3). They are used to send com-
mandsto a running innd(8) daemon on the local host. The lettersICC stand for Innd Control Command.
ICCopen createsa UNIX-domain datagram socket and bindsit to the serverscontrol socket. It returns1 on failure or 0 on
success. Thisroutine must be called before any other routine.
ICCclose closesany descriptorsthat have been created by ICCopen. It returns1 on failure or 0 on success.
ICCsettimeout can be called before any of the following routinesto determine how long the library should wait before giving
up on getting the serversreply. Thisisdone by setting and catching a SIGALRM signal(2). If the timeout islessthan 0, no
reply will be waited for. The SC_SHUTDOWN, SC_XABORT, and SC_XEXEC commandsdo not get a reply either. The default, which
can be obtained by setting the timeout to 0, isto wait until the server replies.
ICCcommand sendsthe command cmd with parametersar gv to the server. It returns1 on error. If the server replies, and r epl yp
isnot NULL, it will be filled in with an allocated buffer that containsthe full text of the serversreply. Thisbuffer isa string in
the form <di gi t s><space><t ext > where di gi t s isthe text value of the recommended exit code; 0 indicatessuccess. Replies
longer than 4,000 byteswill be truncated. The possible valuesof cmd are defined in the inndcomm.h header file. The param-
etersfor each command are described in ctlinnd(8). Thisroutine returns1 on communication failure; on successit returns
the exit statussent by the server, which will never be negative.
ICCcancel sendsa cancel message to the server. mesgi d isthe message ID of the article that should be canceled. The return
value isthe same asfor ICCcommand.
ICCpause, ICCreserve, and ICCgo send a pause, reserve, or go command to the server, respectively. If ICCreserve isused, the
why value used in the ICCpause invocation must match; the value used in the ICCgo invocation must alwaysmatch the one
used in the ICCpause invocation. The return value for all three routinesisthe same asfor ICCcommand.
If any of these routinesfail, the ICCfailure variable will identify the system call that failed.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
ctlinnd(8), innd(8), libinn(3).
insque, remque
insque, remqueInsert/Remove an item from a queue
#include <stdlib.h>
void insque(struct qelem * el em, struct qelem * pr ev);
void remque(struct qel em*el em);
insque() and remque() are functionsfor manipulating queuesmade from doubly linked lists. Each element in thislist isof
type struct qelem.
The qelem structure isdefined as
struct qelem {
struct qelem *q_forw;
struct qelem *q_back;
char q_data[1];
insque() insertsthe element pointed to by el em immediately after the element pointed to by pr ev, which must not be NULL.
remque() removesthe element pointed to by el em from the doubly linked list.
The q_data field issometimesdefined to be of type char *, and under Solaris2.x, it doesnt appear to exist at all.
The location of the prototypesfor these functionsdiffersamong several versionsof UNIX. Some systemsplace them in
<search.h>, othersin <string.h>. Linux placesthem in <stdlib.h> because that seemsto make the most sense.
Some versionsof UNIX (such asHP-UX 10.x) do not define a struct qelem but rather have the argumentsto insque() and
remque() be of type void *.
GNU, 30 October 1996
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph,
islower, isprint, ispunct, isspace, isupper, isxdigit
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, isprint, ispunct, isspace, isupper, isxdigit
Character classification routines
#include <ctype.h>
int isalnum (int c);
int isalpha (int c);
int isascii (int c);
int isblank (int c);
int iscntrl (int c);
int isdigit (int c);
int isgraph (int c);
int islower (int c);
int isprint (int c);
int ispunct (int c);
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, isprint, ispunct, isspace, isupper, isxdigit
Part III: Library Functions
int isspace (int c);
int isupper (int c);
int isxdigit (int c);
These functionscheck whether c, which must have the value of an unsigned char or EOF, fallsinto a certain character class
according to the current locale:
isalnum() Checksfor an alphanumeric character; it isequivalent to (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c)).
isalpha() Checksfor an alphabetic character; in the standard C locale, it isequivalent to (isupper(c) ||
islower(c)). In some locales, there may be additional charactersfor which isalpha() istrue
lettersthat are neither uppercase nor lowercase.
isascii() Checkswhether c isa 7-bit unsigned char value that fitsinto the ASCII character set. This
function isa BSD extension and isalso an SVID extension.
isblank() Checksfor a blank character; that is, a space or a tab. Thisfunction isa GNU extension.
iscntrl() Checksfor a control character.
isdigit() Checksfor a digit (0 through 9).
isgraph() Checksfor any printable character except space.
islower() Checksfor a lowercase character.
isprint() Checksfor any printable character, including space.
ispunct() Checksfor any printable character that isnot a space or an alphanumeric character.
isspace() Checksfor whitespace characters. They are space, form-feed (\f), newline (\n), carriage
return (\r), horizontal tab (\t), and vertical tab (\v).
isupper() Checksfor an uppercase letter.
isxdigit() Checksfor a hexadecimal digit (that is, one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f A B C D E F).
The valuesreturned are nonzero if the character c fallsinto the tested class, and 0 if it doesnot.
ANSI C, BSD 4.3. isascii() isa BSD extension and isalso an SVID extension. isblank() isa GNU extension.
The detailsof what charactersbelong in which classdepend on the current locale. For example, isupper() will not recognize
an A with an umlaut () asan uppercase letter in the default C locale.
tolower(3), toupper(3), setlocale(3), ascii(7), locale(7)
GNU, 2 September 1995
isattyTestswhether thisdescriptor refersto a terminal
#include <unistd.h>
int isatty (int desc );
isatty returns1 if desc isan open descriptor connected to a terminal, and 0 otherwise.
fstat(2), ttyname(3)
Linux, 20 April 1995
isinf, isnan, finite
isinf, isnan, finiteTest for infinity or not-a-number (NaN)
#include <math.h>
int isinf(double val ue);
int isnan(double val ue);
int finite(double val ue);
The isinf() function returns1 if value representsnegative infinity, 1 if value representspositive infinity, and 0 otherwise.
The isnan() function returnsa nonzero value if val ue isnot-a-number (NaN), and 0 otherwise.
The finite() function returnsa nonzero value if val ue isfinite or isnot a not-a-number (NaN) value, and 0 otherwise.
BSD 4.3
GNU, 2 June1993
j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn
j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, ynBessel functions
#include <math.h>
double j0(double x);
double j1(double x);
double jn(int n, double x);
double y0(double x);
double y1(double x);
double yn(int n, double x);
The j0() and j1() functionsreturn Bessel functionsof x of the first kind of orders0 and 1, respectively. The jn()function
returnsthe Bessel function of x of the first kind of order n.
The y0() and y1() functionsreturn Bessel functionsof x of the second kind, orders0 and 1, respectively. The yn()function
returnsthe Bessel function of x of the second kind, order n.
For the functionsy0(), y1() and yn(),the value of x must be positive. For negative valuesof x, these functionsreturn
SVID 3, BSD 4.3
j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn
Part III: Library Functions
There are errorsof up to 2e16 in the valuesreturned by j0(), j1(), and jn() for valuesof x between 8 and 8.
26 June1993
killpgSendsa signal to all membersof a processgroup
#include <signal.h>
int killpg(pid_t pi dgr p, int si gnal );
The killpg() function causesthe signal si gnal to be sent to all the processesin the processgroup pi dgr p or to the processes
own processgroup if pidgrp isequal to 0.
It isequivalent to kill(-pidgrp,signal);.
The value returned is1 on error, or 0 for success.
Errorsare returned in errno and can be one of the following:
EINVAL Signal isinvalid.
ESRCH Processgroup doesnot exist.
EPERM The user ID of the calling processisnot equal to that of the processthe signal issent to, and the user ID is
not that of the super-user.
kill(2), signal(2), signal(7)
GNU, 4 April 1993
labsComputesthe absolute value of a long integer
#include <stdlib.h>
long int labs(long int j );
The labs() function computesthe absolute value of the long integer argument j .
Returnsthe absolute value of the long integer argument.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
Trying to take the absolute value of the most negative integer isnot defined.
abs(3), ceil(3), floor(3), fabs(3), rint(3)
GNU, 6 June1993
ldexpMultipliesfloating-point number by integral power of 2
#include <math.h>
double ldexp(double x, int exp);
The ldexp() function returnsthe result of multiplying the floating-point number x by 2 raised to the power exp.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
frexp(3), modf(3)
BSD, 6 June1993
ldivComputesthe quotient and remainder of long integer division
#include <stdlib.h>
ldiv_t ldiv(long int numer , long int denom);
The ldiv() function computesthe value numer /denom and returnsthe quotient and remainder in a structure named ldiv_t
that containstwo long integer membersnamed quot and rem.
The ldiv_t structure.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
GNU, 29 March 1993
Part III: Library Functions
lgammaLogsgamma function
#include <math.h>
double lgamma(double x);
The lgamma() function returnsthe log of the absolute value of the Gamma function. The sign of the Gamma function is
returned in the external integer si gngam.
For negative integer valuesof x, lgamma() returnsHUGE_VAL, and errno isset to ERANGE.
ERANGE Invalid argumentnegative integer value of x.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3
BSD, 25 June1993
libinnInterNetNewslibrary routines
#include libinn.h
typedef struct _TIMEINFO {
time_t t i me;
long usec ;
long t zone;
char *GenerateMessageID()
void HeaderCleanFrom(f r om)
char *f r om;
char *HeaderFind(Ar t i cl e, Header , si ze)
char *Ar t i cl e;
char *Header ;
int si ze;
FILE *CAopen(Fr omSer ver , ToSer ver )
FILE *Fr omSer ver ;
FILE *ToSer ver ;
FILE *CAlistopen(Fr omSer ver , ToSer ver , r equest )
FILE *Fr omSer ver ;
FILE *ToSer ver ;
char *r equest ;
void CAclose()
struct _DDHANDLE *DDstart(Fr omSer ver , ToSer ver )
FILE *Fr omSer ver ;
FILE *ToSer ver ;
void DDcheck(h, gr oup)
char *gr oup;
char * DDend(h)
void CloseOnExec(f d, f l ag)
int f d;
int f l ag;
int SetNonBlocking(f d, f l ag)
int f d;
int f l ag;
int LockFile(f d, f l ag)
int f d;
int f l ag;
char * GetConfigValue(val ue)
char *val ue;
char * GetFileConfigValue(val ue)
char *val ue;
char * GetFQDN()
char * GetModeratorAddress(gr oup)
char *gr oup;
int GetResourceUsage(user t i me, sys t i me)
double *user t i me;
double *syst i me;
int GetTimeInfo(now)
int NNTPlocalopen(Fr omSer ver p, ToSer ver p, er r buf f )
FILE **Fr omSer ver p;
FILE **ToSer ver p;
char *er r buf f ;
int NNTPremoteopen(Fr omSer ver p, ToSer ver p, er r buf f )
FILE **Fr omSer ver p;
FILE **ToSer ver p;
char *er r buf f ;
int NNTPconnect(host , Fr omSer ver p, ToSer v er p, er r buf f )
char *host ;
FILE **Fr omSer ver p;
FILE **ToSer ver p;
char *er r buf f ;
int NNTPcheckarticle(t ext )
Part III: Library Functions
char *t ext ;
int NNTPsendarticle(t ext , ToSer ver , Ter mi nat e)
char *t ext ;
FILE *ToSer ver ;
int Ter mi nat e;
int NNTPsendpassword(ser ver , Fr omSer ver , ToSer v er )
char *ser ver ;
FILE *Fr omSer ver ;
FILE *ToSer ver ;
void Radix32(val ue, p)
unsigned long val ue;
char *p;
char * ReadInFile(name, Sbp)
char *name;
struct stat *Sbp;
char * ReadInDescriptor(f d, Sbp)
int f d;
struct stat *Sbp;
char * INNVersion()
libinn isa library of utility routinesfor manipulating Usenet articlesand related data. It isnot necessary to use the header file
libinn.h; if it isnot available, it isonly necessary to properly declare the TIMEINFO datatype, asshown in the preceding code.
GenerateMessageID usesthe current time, processID, and fully qualified domain name of the local host to create a Message
ID header that ishighly likely to be unique. The returned value pointsto static space that isreused on subsequent calls.
HeaderCleanFrom removesthe extraneousinformation from the value of a From or Reply-To header and leavesjust the official
mailing address. In particular, the following transformationsare made to the f r om parameter:
addr ess > addr ess
addr ess (st uf f ) > addr ess
st uf f <addr ess>> addr ess
The transformationsare simple and are based on RFC 1036, which limitsthe format of the header.
HeaderFind searchesthrough Ar t i cl e looking for the specified Header . si ze should be the length of the header name. It
returnsa pointer to the value of the header, skipping leading whitespace, or NULL if the header cannot be found. Ar t i cl e
should be a standard C string containing the text of the article; the end of a header isindicated by a blank line: two
consecutive \n characters.
CAopen and CAclose provide newsclientswith accessto the active file; the CA standsfor Client Active. CAopen opensthe
active(5) file for reading. It returnsa pointer to an open FILE, or NULL on error. If a local or an NFS-mounted copy exists,
CAopen will use that file. The Fr omSer ver and ToSer ver parametersshould be FILEsconnected to the NNTP server for input
and output, respectively. (See the discussionsof NNTPremoteopen and NNTPlocalopen later in thissection.) If either parameter is
NULL, CAopen will just return NULL if the file isnot locally available. If neither isNULL, CAopen will use them to query the NNTP
server using the list command to make a local temporary copy.
The CAlistopen sendsa list command to the server and returnsa temporary file containing the results. The r equest
parameter, if not NULL, will be sent asan argument to the command. Unlike CAopen, thisroutine will never use a locally
available copy of the active file.
CAclose closesthe active file and removesany temporary file that might have been created by CAopen or CAlistopen.
CloseOnExec can make a descriptor close-on-execso that it isnot shared with any child processes. If the flag isnonzero, the file
isso marked; if it is0, the close-on-exec mode iscleared.
DDstart, DDcheck, and DDend are used to set the Distribution header; the DD standsfor Default Distribution. The
distrib.pats(5) file isconsulted to determine the proper value for the Distribution header after all newsgroupshave been
checked. DDstart beginsthe parsing. It returnsa pointer to an opaque handle that should be used on subsequent calls. The
Fr omSer ver and ToSer ver parametersshould be FILEsconnected to the NNTP server for input and output, respectively. If
either parameter isNULL, an empty default will ultimately be returned if the file isnot locally available.
DDcheck should be called with the handle, h, returned by DDstart and a new group, gr oup, to check. It can be called asoften as
DDend releasesany state maintained in the handle and returnsan allocated copy of the text that should be used for the
Distribution header.
SetNonBlocking enables (if f l ag isnonzero) or disables(if f l ag is0) non-blocking I/O on the indicated descriptor. It returns
1 on failure and 0 on success.
LockFile triesto lock the file descriptor f d. If f l ag isnonzero it will block until the lock can be made; otherwise it will return
1 if the file cannot be locked. It returns1 on failure and 0 on success.
GetConfigValue returnsthe value of the specified configuration parameter. (See inn.conf(5) for detailson the parametersand
their interpretation.) The returned value pointsto static space that isreused on subsequent calls.
GetFileConfigValue returnsthe specified configuration parameter from the inn.conf file without checking for any defaults.
The returned value pointsto static space that isreused on subsequent calls, or NULL if the value isnot present.
GetFQDN returnsthe fully qualified domain name of the local host. The returned value pointsto static space that isreused on
subsequent calls, or NULL on error.
GetModeratorAddress returnsthe mailing addressof the moderator for the specified gr oup or NULL on error. (See moderators(5)
for detailson how the addressisdetermined.) GetModeratorAddress doesno checking to see if the specified group isactually
moderated. The returned value pointsto static space that isreused on subsequent calls.
GetResourceUsage fillsin the user t i me and syst i me parameterswith the total user and system time used by the current process
and any children it may have spawned. It getsthe valuesby doing a times(2) system call. It returns1 on failure, or 0 on
GetTimeInfo fillsin the now parameter with information about the current time and t zone. The t i me and usec fieldswill be
filled in by a call to gettimeofday(2). The t i me field will be filled in by a call to time(2), and the usec field will be set to 0. The
t zone field will be filled in with the current offset from GMT. Thisisdone by calling localtime(3) and taking the value of
the t m_gmt of f field, negating it, and dividing it by 60. Thisisdone by calling localtime(3) and comparing the value with that
returned by a call to gmtime(3). For efficiency, the t zone field isonly recalculated if more than an hour haspassed since the
last time GetTimeInfo wascalled. Thisroutine returns1 on failure, and 0 on success.
NNTPlocalopen opensa connection to the private port of an InterNetNewsserver running on the local host. It returns1 on
failure, or 0 on success. Fr omSer ver p and ToSer ver p will be filled in with FILEsthat can be used to communicate with the
server. er r buf f can either be NULL or a pointer to a buffer at least 512 byteslong. If it isnot NULL, and the server refusesthe
connection, it will be filled in with the text of the serversreply. Thisroutine isnot for general use; it isa subroutine for
compatibility with systemsthat have UNIX-domain stream sockets. It alwaysreturns1.
NNTPremoteopen doesthe same asNNTPlocalopen, except that it callsGetConfigValue to find the name of the local server and
opensa connection to the standard NNTP port. Any client program can use thisroutine. It returns1 on failure, or 0 on
NNTPconnect isthe same asNNTPremoteopen, except that the desired host isgiven asthe host parameter.
NNTPcheckarticle verifiesthat the text meetsthe NNTP limitationson line length. It returns1 on failure, or 0 if the text is
Part III: Library Functions
NNTPsendarticle writestext on ToSer ver using NNTP conventionsfor line termination. The text should consist of one or
more linesending with a newline. If Ter mi nat e isnonzero, the routine will also write the NNTP data-termination marker on
the stream. It returns1 on failure, or 0 on success.
NNTPsendpassword sendsauthentication information to an NNTP server by finding the appropriate entry in the
passwd.nntp(5) file. ser ver containsthe name of the host; GetConfigValue will be used if server isNULL. Fr omSer ver and
ToSer ver should be FILEsthat are connected to the server. No action istaken if the specified host isnot listed in the password
Radix32 convertsthe number in val ue into a radix-32 string in the buffer pointed to by p. The number issplit into five-bit
pieces, and each piece isconverted into a character using the alphabet 09av to represent the numbers032. Only the
lowest 32 bitsof val ue are used, so p need only point to a buffer of eight bytes(seven charactersand the trailing \0).
ReadInFile readsthe file named name into allocated memory, appending a terminating \0 byte. It returnsa pointer to the
space, or NULL on error. If Sbp isnot NULL, it istaken asthe addressof a place to store the resultsof a stat(2) call.
ReadInDescriptor performsthe same function asReadInFile, except that fd refersto an already-open file.
INNVersion returnsa pointer to a string identifying the INN version, suitable for printing in logon banners.
char *p;
char *Ar t i cl e;
char buf f [ 256] ;
FILE *ToSer ver ;
FILE *Fr omSer ver ;
if ((p = HeaderFind(Ar t i cl e, From, 4)) == NULL)
Fatal(Cant find From line);
(void)strcpy(buf f , p);
HeaderCleanFrom(buf f );
if ((F = CAopen(Fr omSer ver , ToSer ver )) == NULL)
Fatal(Cant open active file);
/* Dont pass the file on to our children. */
CloseOnExec(fileno(F), 1);
/* Make a local copy. */
p = ReadInDescriptor(fileno(F), (struct stat *)NULL);
/* Close the file. */
if (NNTPremoteopen(&Fr omSer ver , &ToSer ver ) < 0)
Fatal(Cant connect to server);
if ((p = GetModeratorAddress(comp.sources.unix)) == NULL)
Fatal(Cant find moderators address);
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
active(5), dbz(3z), parsedate(3), inn.conf(5), inndcomm(3), moderators(5), passwd.nntp(5)
GNU, 30 October 1996
libpbmFunctionsto support portable bitmap programs
#include <pbm.h>
cc ... libpbm.a
The following sectionsdescribe string and file management routinesavailable in libpbm.
The following doesa case-insensitive match of st r against keywor d:
int pm_keymatch( char* st r , char* keywor d, int mi nchar s )
st r can be a leading substring of keywor d, but at least mi nchar s must be present.
Thisconvertsbetween a maxval and the minimum number of bitsrequired to hold it:
int pm_maxvaltobits(int maxval )
int pm_bitstomaxval(int bi t s)
Thisisa printf()-style routine to write an informational message:
void pm_message(char* f mt , ... )
Thisisa printf() style routine to write an error message and abort:
void pm_error(char* f mt , ... )
The following writesa usage message; the string should indicate what argumentsare to be provided to the program:
void pm_usage(char* usage)
The following opensthe given file for reading, with appropriate error checking:
FILE* pm_openr(char* name)
A filename of - istaken asequivalent to stdin.
The following opensthe given file for writing, with appropriate error checking:
FILE* pm_openw(char* name)
The following closesthe file descriptor, with appropriate error checking:
void pm_close(FILE* f p)
The following are routinesto read and write short and long intsin either big- or little-endian byte order:
int pm_readbigshort(FILE* i n, short* sP)
int pm_writebigshort(FILE* out , short s)
int pm_readbiglong(FILE* i n, long* l P)
int pm_writebiglong(FILE* out , long l )
int pm_readlittleshort(FILE* i n, short* sP)
int pm_writelittleshort(FILE* out , short s )
int pm_readlittlelong(FILE* i n, long* l P)
int pm_writelittlelong(FILE* out , long l )
The following sectionsdescribe file management routinesavailable in libpbm.
Part III: Library Functions
Each bit should contain only the valuesof PBM_WHITE or PBM_BLACK:
typedef ... bi t ;
#define PBM_WHITE ...
#define PBM_BLACK ...
These are routinesfor distinguishing different file formatsand types:
#define PBM_FORMAT ...
#define RPBM_FORMAT ...
#define PBM_FORMAT TYPE(f ) ...
All PBM programsmust call thisroutine:
void pbm_init(int* ar gcP, char* ar gv[ ] )
Thisallocatesan array of bits:
bit** pbm_allocarray(int col s, int r ows)
Thisallocatesa row of the given number of bits:
bit* pbm_allocrow(int col s)
Thisfreesthe array allocated with pbm_allocarray() containing the given number of rows:
void pbm_freearray(bit** bi t s, int r ows)
Thisfreesa row of bits:
void pbm_freerow(bit* bi t r ow)
Thisreadsthe header from a PBM file, filling in the r ows , col s, and f or mat variables:
void pbm_readpbminit(FILE* f p, int* col sP, int* r owsP, int* f or mat P)
Thisreadsa row of bitsinto the bi t r ow array (f or mat and col s are filled in by pbm_readpbminit()):
void pbm_readpbmrow(FILE* f p, bit* bi t r ow, int col s, int f or mat )
Thisfunction combinespbm_readpbminit(), pbm_allocarray(), and pbm_readpbmrow():
bit** pbm_readpbm(FILE* f p, int* col sP, int* r owsP)
It readsan entire bitmap file into memory, returning the allocated array and filling in the r ows and col s variables.
Thisreadsan entire file or input stream of unknown size to a buffer and allocatesmore memory asneeded:
char* pm_read unknown size(FILE* f p, long* nr ead)
The calling routine hasto free the allocated buffer with free(). pm_read_unknown_size() returnsa pointer to the allocated
buffer; the nr ead argument returnsthe number of bytesread.
Thiswritesthe header for a portable bitmap file:
void pbm_writepbminit(FILE* f p, int col s, int r ows, int f or cepl ai n)
The f or cepl ai n flag forcesa plain-format file to be written, asopposed to a raw-format one.
Thiswritesa row from a portable bitmap:
void pbm_writepbmrow(FILE* f p, bit* bi t r ow, int col s, int f or cepl ai n)
Thiswritesthe header and all data for a portable bitmap:
void pbm_writepbm(FILE* f p, bit** bi t s, int col s, int r ows , int f or cepl ai n)
Thisfunction combinespbm_writepbminit() and pbm_writepbmrow().
libpgm(3), libppm(3), libpnm(3)

1989, 1991 by Tony Hansen and Jef Poskanzer

libpgmFunctionsto support portable graymap programs
#include <pgm.h>
cc ... libpgm.a libpbm.a
The following sectionsdescribe memory and file management routinesavailable in libpgm.
Each gr ay should contain only the valuesbetween 0 and PGM_MAXMAXVAL.
pgm_pbmmaxval isthe maxval used when a PGM program readsa PBM file. Normally it is1, but for some programs, a larger
value givesbetter results.
typedef ... gray;
#define PGM_MAXMAXVAL ...
extern gray pgm_pbmmaxval;
The following are for distinguishing different file formatsand types:
#define PGM_FORMAT ...
#define RPGM_FORMAT ...
int PGM_FORMAT_TYPE(int f or mat )
All PGM programsmust call thisroutine:
void pgm_init(int* ar gcP, char* ar gv[ ] )
Thisallocatesan array of grays:
gray** pgm_allocarray(int col s, int r ows)
Thisallocatesa row of the given number of grays:
gray* pgm_allocrow(int col s)
Thisfreesthe array allocated with pgm_allocarray() containing the given number of rows:
void pgm_freearray(gray** gr ays, int r ows)
Thisfreesa row of grays:
void pgm_freerow(gray* gr ayr ow)
Part III: Library Functions
Thisreadsthe header from a PGM file, filling in the r ows , col s, maxval , and f or mat variables:
void pgm_readpgminit(FILE* f p, int* col sP, int* r owsP, gray* maxval P,
int* f or mat P)
Thisreadsa row of graysinto the grayrow array. f or mat , col s, and maxval are filled in by pgm_readpgminit():
void pgm_readpgmrow(FILE* f p, gray* gr ayr ow, int col s, gray maxval , int f or mat )
Thisfunction combinespgm_readpgminit(), pgm_allocarray(), and pgm_readpgmrow():
gray** pgm_readpgm(FILE* f p, int* col sP, int* r owsP, gray* maxval P)
It readsan entire graymap file into memory, returning the allocated array and filling in the r ows, col s , and maxval variables.
Thiswritesthe header for a portable graymap file:
void pgm_writepgminit( FILE* f p, int col s, int r ows, gray maxval ,
int forceplain )
The f or cepl ai n flag forcesa plain-format file to be written, asopposed to a raw-format one.
Thiswritesa row from a portable graymap:
void pgm_writepgmrow(FILE* f p, gray* gr ayr ow, int col s, gray maxval ,
int f or cepl ai n)
Thisfunction combinespgm_writepgminit() and pgm_writepgmrow(); it writesthe header and all data for a portable graymap:
void pgm_writepgm( FILE* f p, gray** gr ays, int col s, int r ows , gray maxval , int f or cepl ai n)
libpbm(3), libppm(3), libpnm(3)

1989, 1991 by Tony Hansen and Jef Poskanzer.

libpnmFunctionsto support portable anymap programs
#include <pnm.h>
cc ... libpnm.a libppm.a libpgm.a libpbm.a
The following sectionsdescribe memory and file management routinesavailable in libpnm.
Each xel containsthree xelvals, each of which should contain only a value between 0 and PNM_MAXMAXVAL. pnm_pbmmaxval is
the maxval used when a PNM program readsa PBM file. Normally it is1, but for some programs, a larger value givesbetter
typedef ... xel;
typedef ... xelval;
#define PNM_MAXMAXVAL ...
extern xelval pnm_pbmmaxval;
Thismacro extractsa single value from an xel when you know itsfrom a PBM or PGM file:
xelval PNM_GET1( xel x )
When the xel isfrom a PPM file, use PPM_GETR(), PPM_GETG(), and PPM GETB().
Thismacro assignsa single value to an xel when you know itsfrom a PBM or PGM file:
void PNM_ASSIGN1( xel x, xelval v )
When the xel isfrom a PPM file, use PPM_ASSIGN().
Thismacro checkstwo xelsfor equality:
int PNM_EQUAL( xel x, xel y )
Thisone isfor distinguishing different file types:
int PNM_FORMAT TYPE( int format )
All PNM programsmust call thisroutine:
void pnm_init( int* argcP, char* argv[] )
Thisallocatesan array of xels:
xel** pnm_allocarray( int cols, int rows )
Thisallocatesa row of the given number of xels:
xel* pnm_allocrow( int cols )
Thisfreesthe array allocated with pnm_allocarray() that containsthe given number of rows:
void pnm_freearray( xel** xels, int rows )
Thisfreesa row of xels:
void pnm_freerow( xel* xelrow )
Thisreadsthe header from a PNM file, filling in the rows, cols, maxval, and format variables:
void pnm_readpnminit( FILE* fp, int* colsP, int* rowsP, xelval* maxvalP,
int* formatP )
Thisreadsa row of xelsinto the xelrow array. format, cols, and maxval are filled in by pnm_readpnminit():
void pnm_readpnmrow( FILE* fp, xel* xelrow, int cols, xelval maxval, int format )
Thisreadsan entire anymap file into memory, returning the allocated array and filling in the rows, cols, maxval, and format
xel** pnm_readpnm( FILE* fp, int* colsP, int* rowsP, xelval* maxvalP,
int* formatP )
Thisfunction combinespnm_readpnminit(), pnm_allocarray(), and pnm_readpnmrow(). Unlike the equivalent functionsin
PBM, PGM, and PPM, it returnsthe format so you can tell what type the file is.
Thiswritesthe header for a portable anymap file:
void pnm_writepnminit( FILE* fp, int cols, int rows, xelval maxval, int format,
int force-plain)
Part III: Library Functions
Unlike the equivalent functionsin PBM, PGM, and PPM, you have to specify the output type. The forceplain flag forcesa
plain-format file to be written, asopposed to a raw-format one.
Thiswritesa row from a portable anymap:
void pnm_writepnmrow( FILE* fp, xel* xelrow, int cols, xelval maxval, int format,
int forceplain )
Thiswritesthe header and all data for a portable anymap:
void pnm_writepnm( FILE* fp, xel** xels, int cols, int rows, xelval maxval, int format,
int forceplain )
Thisfunction combinespnm_writepnminit() and pnm_writepnmrow().
Thispromotesa row of xelsfrom one maxval and format to a new set:
void pnm_promoteformatrow( xel* xelrow, int cols, xelval maxval, int format, xelval new-maxval,
int newformat )
Use thiswhen combining multiple anymapsof different typesjust take the maximum value of the maxvalsand the max of
the formats, and promote them all to that.
Thispromotesan entire anymap:
void pnm_promoteformat( xel** xels, int cols, int rows, xelval maxval,
int format, xelval newmaxval, int newformat )
These return a white or black xel, respectively, for the given maxval and format:
xel pnm_whitexel( xelval maxval, int format )
xel pnm_blackxel( xelval maxval, int format )
Thisinvertsan xel:
void pnm_invertxel( xel* x, xelval maxval, int format )
Thisfiguresout an appropriate background xel based on thisrow:
xel pnm_backgroundxelrow( xel* xelrow, int cols, xelval maxval, int format )
Thisfiguresout a background xel based on an entire anymap:
xel pnm_backgroundxel( xel** xels, int cols, int rows, xelval maxval,
int format )
Thiscan do a slightly better job than pnm_backgroundxelrow().
pbm(3), pgm(3), ppm(3)

1989, 1991 by Tony Hansen and Jef Poskanzer.

libppmFunctionsto support portable pixmap programs
#include <ppm.h>
cc ... libppm.a libpgm.a libpbm.a
typedef ... pixel;
typedef ... pixval;
#define PPM_MAXMAXVAL ...
extern pixval ppm_pbmmaxval;
Each pixel containsthree pixvals, each of which should contain only the valuesbetween 0 and PPM_MAXMAXVAL. ppm_pbmmaxval
isthe maxval used when a PPM program readsa PBM file. Normally it is1; however, for some programs, a larger value gives
better results.
For distinguishing different file formatsand types, use
#define PPM_FORMAT ...
#define RPPM_FORMAT ...
int PPM_FORMAT_TYPE( int format )
These three macrosretrieve the red, green, or blue value from the given pixel:
pixval PPM_GETR( pixel p )
pixval PPM_GETG( pixel p )
pixval PPM_GETB( pixel p )
Thismacro assignsthe given red, green, and blue valuesto the pixel:
void PPM_ASSIGN( pixel p, pixval red, pixval grn, pixval blu )
Thismacro checkstwo pixelsfor equality:
int PPM_EQUAL( pixel p, pixel q )
The following macro scalesthe colorsof pixel p according the old and new maximum valuesand assignsthe new valuesto
newp. It isintended to make writing ppm to whatever easier.
void PPM_DEPTH( pixel newp, pixel p, pixval oldmaxval, pixval newmaxval )
Thismacro determinesthe luminance of the pixel p:
float PPM_LUMIN( pixel p )
Allocate an array of pixels:
pixel** ppm_allocarray( int cols, int rows )
Allocate a row of the given number of pixels:
pixel* ppm_allocrow( int cols )
Free the array allocated with ppm_allocarray() containing the given number of rows:
void ppm_freearray( pixel** pixels, int rows )
Free a row of pixels:
void pbm_freerow( pixel* pixelrow )
Part III: Library Functions
void ppm_readppminit( FILE* fp, int* colsP, int* rowsP, pixval* maxvalP, int* formatP )
Read the header from a PPM file, filling in the rows, cols, maxval, and format variables.
void ppm_readppmrow( FILE* fp, pixel* pixelrow, int cols, pixval maxval, int format )
Read a row of pixelsinto the pixelrow array. Format, cols, and maxval were filled in by ppm readppminit().
pixel** ppm_readppm( FILE* fp, int* colsP, int* rowsP, pixval* maxvalP )
Read an entire pixmap file into memory, returning the allocated array and filling in the rows, cols, and maxval variables. This
function combinesppm_readppminit(), ppm_allocarray(), and ppm_readppmrow().
void ppm_writeppminit( FILE* fp, int cols, int rows, pixval maxval, int forceplain )
Write the header for a portable pixmap file. The forceplain flag forcesa plain-format file to be written, asopposed to a raw-
format one.
void ppm_writeppmrow( FILE* fp, pixel* pixelrow, int cols, pixval maxval, int forceplain)
Write a row from a portable pixmap.
void ppm_writeppm( FILE* fp, pixel** pixels, int cols, int rows, pixval maxval, int force-plain)
Write the header and all data for a portable pixmap. Thisfunction combinesppm_writeppminit() and ppm_writeppmrow().
Thisline parsesan ASCII color name into a pixel:
pixel ppm_parsecolor( char* colorname, pixval maxval )
The color can be specified in three ways: asa name, assuming that a pointer to an X11-style color namesfile wascompiled
in; asan X11-style hexadecimal number (#rgb, #rrggbb, #rrrgggbbb, or #rrrrggggbbbb); or asa triplet of decimal floating
point numbersseparated by commas(r.r,g.g,b.b).
Thisline returnsa pointer to a string describing the given color:
char* ppm_colorname( pixel* colorP, pixval maxval, int hexok )
If the X11 color namesfile isavailable and the color appearsin it, that name isreturned. Otherwise, if the hexok flag istrue,
then a hexadecimal colorspec isreturned; if hexok isfalse and the X11 color namesfile isavailable, then the closest matching
color isreturned; otherwise, itsan error.
pbm(3), pgm(3)
Copyright 1989, 1991 by Tony Hansen and Jef Poskanzer
localeconvGetsnumeric formatting information
#include <locale.h>
struct lconv *localeconf(void);
The localeconf() function returnsa string to a struct lconv for the current locale.
Thiscommand conformsto ANSI C and POSIX.1.
Linux supportsthe portable localesC and POSIX and also the European Latin-1 ISO-8859-1, and Russian KOI-8 locales.
The printf() family of functionsmay or may not honor the current locale.
locale(1), localedef(1), strcoll(3), isalpha(3), setlocale(3), strftime(3), locale(7)
GNU, 25 April 1993
longjmpNonlocal jump to a saved stack context
#include <setjmp.h>
void longjmp(jmp_buf env,int val );
longjmp() and setjmp(3) are useful for dealing with errorsand interruptsencountered in a low-level subroutine of a program.
longjmp() restoresthe environment saved by the last call of setjmp() with the corresponding env argument. After longjmp() is
completed, program execution continuesasif the corresponding call of setjmp() had just returned the value val. longjmp()
cannot cause 0 to be returned. If longjmp isinvoked with a second argument of 0, 1 will be returned instead.
Thisfunction never returns.
POSIX doesnot specify if the signal context will be restored or not. If you want to save restore signal masks, use
siglongjmp(3). longjmp() makesprogramshard to understand and maintain. If possible, an alternative should be used.
setjmp(3), sigsetjmp(2), siglongjmp(2)
25 November 1994
lfind, lsearch
lfind, lsearchLinear search of an array
#include <stdlib.h>
void *lfind(const void *key, const void *base, size t *nmemb,
lfind, lsearch
Part III: Library Functions
size_t si ze,int(*compar )(const void *, const void *));
void *lsearch(const void *key, const void *base, size_t *nmemb,
size_t si ze,int(*compar )(const void *, const void *));
lfind() and lsearch() perform a linear search for key in the array base, which has*nmemb elementsof size byteseach. The
comparison function referenced by compar isexpected to have two argumentsthat point to the key object and to an array
member, in that order, and which returnszero if the key object matchesthe array member, and non-zero otherwise.
If lsearch() doesnot find a matching element, then the key object isinserted at the end of the table, and *nmemb is
lfind() returnsa pointer to a matching member of the array, or NULL if no match isfound. lsearch()returnsa pointer to a
matching member of the array, or to the newly added member if no match isfound.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
bsearch(3), hsearch(3), tsearch(3)
GNU, 17 September 1995
calloc, malloc, free, realloc
calloc, malloc, free, reallocAllocate and free dynamic memory
#include <stdlib.h>
void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t si ze);
void *malloc(size_t si ze);
void free(void *pt r );
void *realloc(void *pt r , size_t si ze);
calloc() allocatesmemory for an array of nmemb elementsof size byteseach and returnsa pointer to the allocated memory.
The memory isset to zero.
malloc() allocatessize bytesand returnsa pointer to the allocated memory. The memory isnot cleared.
free() freesthe memory space pointed to by ptr, which must have been returned by a previouscall to malloc(), calloc() or
realloc(). If ptr isNULL, no operation isperformed.
realloc() changesthe size of the memory block pointed to by ptr to size bytes. The contentswill be unchanged to the
minimum of the old and new sizes; newly allocated memory will be uninitialized. If ptr isNULL, the call isequivalent to
malloc(size); if size isequal to zero, the call isequivalent to free(ptr). Unlessptr isNULL, it must have been returned by an
earlier call to malloc(), calloc(), or realloc().
For calloc() and malloc(), the value returned isa pointer to the allocated memory, which issuitably aligned for any kind of
variable, or NULL if the request fails.
free() returnsno value.
realloc()returnsa pointer to the newly allocated memory, which issuitably aligned for any kind of variable and may be
different from ptr, or NULL if the request failsor if size wasequal to 0. If realloc() fails, the original block isleft untouched;
it isnot freed or moved.
GNU, 4 April 1993
mblenDeterminesthe number of bytesin a character
#include <stdlib.h>
int_mblen(const char *s, size_t n);
The mblen() function scansthe first n bytesof the string s and returnsthe number of bytesin a character. The mblen()
function isequivalent to
mbtowc((wchat t*)0,s,n);
except that the shift state of the mbtowc() function isnot affected.
The mblen()returnsthe number of bytesin a character, or 1 if the character isinvalid, or 0 if it isa NULL string.
SVID 3, ISO 9899
mbstowcs(3), mbtowc(3), wcstombs(3), wctomb(3)
GNU, 29 March 1993
mbstowcsConvertsa multibyte string to a wide character string
#include <stdlib.h>
size_t mbstowcs(wchar_t *pwcs, const char *s, size_t n);
The mbstowcs() function convertsa sequence of multibyte charactersfrom the array s into a sequence of wide charactersand
storesup to n wide charactersin the array pwcs.
Part III: Library Functions
mbstowcs() returnsthe number of wide charactersstored, or 1 if s containsan invalid multibyte character.
SVID 3, ISO 9899
mblen(3), mbtowc(3), wcstombs(3), wctomb(3)
GNU, 29 March 1993
mbtowcConvertsa multibyte character to a wide character
#include <stdlib.h>
int mbtowc(wchar_t *pwc, const char *s, size_t n);
The mbtowc() function convertsa multibyte character s, which isno longer than n bytes, into a wide character and, if pwc is
not NULL, storesthe wide character in pwc .
mbtowc() returnsthe number of bytesin the multibyte character, or 1 if the multibyte character isnot valid.
SVID 3, ISO 9899
mblen(3), mbstowcs(3), wcstombs(3), wctomb(3)
GNU, 29 March 1993
memccpyCopiesmemory area
#include <string.h>
void *memccpy(void *dest , const void *sr c,int c, size_t n);
The memccpy() function copiesno more than n bytesfrom memory area sr c to memory area dest , stopping when the
character c isfound.
The memccpy() function returnsa pointer to the next character in dest after c, or NULL if c wasnot found in the first n
charactersof sr c.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3
bcopy(3), memcpy(3), memmove(3), strcpy(3), strncpy(3)
GNU, 10 April 1993
memchrScansmemory for a character
#include <string.h>
void *memchr(const void *s,int c, size_t n);
The memchr() function scansthe first n bytesof the memory area pointed to by s for the character c. The first byte to match c
(interpreted asan unsigned character) stopsthe operation.
The memchr() function returnsa pointer to the matching byte or NULL if the character doesnot occur in the given memory
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
index(3), rindex(3), strchr(3), strpbrk(3), strrchr(3), strsep(3), strspn(3), strstr(3)
GNU, 12 April 1993
memcmpComparesmemory areas
#include <string.h>
int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n);
The memcmp() function comparesthe first n bytesof the memory areass1 and s2. It returnsan integer lessthan, equal to, or
greater than zero if s1 isfound, respectively, to be lessthan, to match, or to be greater than s2.
The memcmp() function returnsan integer lessthan, equal to, or greater than zero if the first n bytesof s1 isfound, respec-
tively, to be lessthan, to match, or be greater than the first n bytesof s2.
Part III: Library Functions
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
bcmp(3), strcasecmp(3), strcmp(3), strcoll(3), strncmp(3), strncasecmp(3)
10 April 1993
memcpyCopiesmemory area
#include <string.h>
void *memcpy(void *dest , const void *sr c, size_t n);
The memcpy() function copiesn bytesfrom memory area sr c to memory area dest . The memory areasmay not overlap. Use
memmove(3) if the memory areasdo overlap.
The memcpy() function returnsa pointer to dest .
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
bcopy(3), memccpy(3), memmove(3), strcpy(3), strncpy(3)
GNU, 10 April 1993
memfrobFrobnicates(encrypts) a memory area
#include <string.h>
void *memfrob(void *s, size_t n);
The memfrob() function encryptsthe first n bytesof the memory area s by using exclusive OR on each character with the
number 42. The effect can be reversed by using memfrob() on the encrypted memory area.
Note that thisfunction isnot a proper encryption routine asthe XOR constant isfixed, and isonly suitable for hiding strings.
The memfrob() function returnsa pointer to the encrypted memory area.
The memfrob() function isunique to the Linux C Library and GNU C Library.
GNU, 12 April 1993
memmemLocatesa substring
#include <string.h>
void *memmem(const void *needl e, size_t needl el en,
const void *hayst ack , size_t hayst ackl en);
The memmem() function findsthe first occurrence of the substring needl e of length needl el en in the memory area hayst ack of
length hayst ackl en.
The memmem() function returnsa pointer to the beginning of the substring, or NULL if the substring isnot found.
GNU, 11 April 1993
memmoveCopiesmemory area
#include <string.h>
void *memmove(void *dest , const void *sr c, size_t n);
The memmove() function copiesn bytesfrom memory area sr c to memory area dest . The memory areasmay overlap.
The memmove() function returnsa pointer to dest .
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
bcopy(3), memccpy(3), memcpy(3), strcpy(3), strncpy(3)
GNU, 10 April 1993
Part III: Library Functions
memsetFillsmemory with a constant byte
#include <string.h>
void *memset(void *s,int c, size_t n);
The memset() function fillsthe first n bytesof the memory area pointed to be s with the constant byte c.
The memset() function returnsa pointer to the memory area s.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
bzero(3), swab(3)
GNU, 11 April 1993
mkfifoMakesa FIFO special file (a named pipe)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int mkfifo ( const char *pat hname,mode_t mode );
mkfifo makesa FIFO special file with name pat hname. mode specifiesthe FIFOspermissions. It ismodified by the processs
umask in the usual way: the permissionsof the created file are (mode&umask).
A FIFO special file issimilar to a pipe, except that it iscreated in a different way. Instead of being an anonymouscommuni-
cationschannel, a FIFO special file isentered into the filesystem by calling mkfifo.
After you have created a FIFO special file in thisway, any processcan open it for reading or writing, in the same way asan
ordinary file. However, it hasto be open at both endssimultaneously before you can proceed to do any input or output
operationson it. Opening a FIFO for reading normally blocksuntil some other processopensthe same FIFO for writing,
and vice versa.
The normal, successful return value from mkfifo is0. In the case of an error, -1 isreturned (in which case, errno isset
EACCES One of the directoriesin pathname did not allow search (execute) permission.
EEXIST pathname already exists.
ENAMETOOLONG Either the total length of pathname isgreater than PATH_MAX, or an individual
filename component hasa length greater than NAME_MAX. In the GNU system,
there isno imposed limit on overall filename length, but some filesystemsmay
place limitson the length of a component.
ENOENT A directory component in pathname doesnot exist or isa dangling symbolic
ENOSPC The directory or filesystem hasno room for the new file.
ENOTDIR A component used asa directory in pathname isnot, in fact, a directory.
EROFS pathname refersto a read-only filesystem.
mkfifo(1), read(2), write(2), open(2), close(2), stat(2), umask(2)
Linux 1.2.13, 3 September 1995
mkstempCreatesa unique temporary file
#include <unistd.h>
int *mkstemp(char *t empl at e);
The mkstemp() function generatesa unique temporary filename from t empl at e. The last six charactersof t empl at e must be
XXXXXX and these are replaced with a string that makesthe filename unique. The file isthen created with mode read/write and
The mkstemp() function returnsthe file descriptor fd of the temporary file.
EINVAL The last six charactersof t empl at e were not XXXXXX.
EEXIST The temporary file isnot unique.
BSD 4.3
mktemp(3), tmpnam(3), tempnam(3), tmpfile(3)
GNU, 3 April 1993
mktempMakesa unique temporary filename
Part III: Library Functions
#include <unistd.h>
char *mktemp(char *t empl at e);
The mktemp() function generatesa unique temporary filename from t empl at e. The last six charactersof t empl at e must be
XXXXXX and these are replaced with a string that makesthe filename unique.
The mktemp() function returnsa pointer to t empl at e on success, and NULL on failure.
EINVAL The last six charactersof template were not XXXXXX.
BSD 4.3. POSIX dictatestmpnam().
mkstemp(3), tmpnam(3), tempnam(3), tmpfile(3)
GNU, 3 April 1993
modfExtractssigned integral and fractional valuesfrom floating-point number
#include <math.h>
double modf(double x, double *i pt r );
The modf() function breaksthe argument x into an integral part and a fractional part, each of which hasthe same sign asx.
The integral part isstored in i pt r .
The modf() function returnsthe fractional part of x.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
frexp(3), ldexp(3)
6 June1993
asctime, ctime, difftime, gmtime, localtime, mktime
asctime, ctime, difftime, gmtime, localtime, mktimeConvert date and time to ASCII
extern char *tzname[2];
void tzset()
#include <sys/types.h>
char *ctime(clock)
const time_t *clock;
double difftime(time1, time0)
time_t time1;
time_t time0;
#include <time.h>
char *asctime(tm)
const struct tm *tm;
struct tm *localtime(clock)
const time_t *clock;
struct tm *gmtime(clock)
const time_t *clock;
time_t mktime(tm)
struct tm *tm;
cc ... -lz
ctime convertsa long integer, pointed to by clock, representing the time in secondssince 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970,
and returnsa pointer to a 26-character string of the form Thu Nov 24 18:22:48 1986. (Note: UTC isCoordinated Universal
Time.) All the fieldshave constant width.
localtime and gmtime return pointersto tm structures, described in the following paragraphs. localtime correctsfor the time
zone and any time zone adjustments(such asDaylight Saving Time in the United States). Before doing so, localtime calls
tzset (if tzset hasnot been called in the current process). After filling in the tm structure, localtime setsthe tm_isdstth
element of tzname to a pointer to an ASCII string thatsthe time zone abbreviation to be used with localtimesreturn value.
gmtime convertsto Coordinated Universal Time.
asctime convertsa time value contained in a tm structure to a 26-character string, asshown in the preceding example, and
returnsa pointer to the string.
mktime convertsthe broken-down time, expressed aslocal time, in the structure pointed to by tm into a calendar time value
with the same encoding asthat of the valuesreturned by the time function. The original valuesof the tm_wday and tm_yday
componentsof the structure are ignored, and the original valuesof the other componentsare not restricted to their normal
ranges. (A positive or zero value for tm_isdst causesmktime to presume initially that summer time (for example, Daylight
Saving Time in the United States) respectively, isor isnot in effect for the specified time. A negative value for tm_isdst
causesthe mktime function to attempt to divine whether summer time isin effect for the specified time.) On successful
completion, the valuesof the tm_wday and tm_yday componentsof the structure are set appropriately, and the other
componentsare set to represent the specified calendar time, but with their valuesforced to their normal ranges; the final
value of tm_mday isnot set until tm_mon and tm_year are determined. mktime returnsthe specified calendar time; if the calendar
time cannot be represented, it returns-1.
asctime, ctime, difftime, gmtime, localtime, mktime
Part III: Library Functions
difftime returnsthe difference between two calendar times, (t i me1 - t i me0), expressed in seconds.
Declarationsof all the functionsand externals, and the tm structure, are in the <time.h> header file. The structure (of type)
struct tm includesthe following fields:
int tm_sec; / seconds (0 - 60) /
int tm_min; / minutes (0 - 59) /
int tm_hour; / hours (0 - 23) /
int tm_mday; / day of month (1 - 31) /
int tm_mon; / month of year (0 - 11) /
int tm_year; / year 1900 /
int tm_wday; / day of week (Sunday = 0) /
int tm_yday; / day of year (0 - 365) /
int tm_isdst; / is summer time in effect? /
char tm_zone; / abbreviation of timezone name /
long tm_gmtoff; / offset from UTC in seconds /
The tm_zone and tm_gmtoff fieldsexist, and are filled in, only if arrangementsto do so were made when the library containing
these functionswascreated. There isno guarantee that these fieldswill continue to exist in thisform in future releasesof this
Tm_isdst isnon-zero if summer time isin effect.
Tm_gmtoff isthe offset (in seconds) of the time represented from UTC, with positive valuesindicating east of the Prime
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo Time zone information directory
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/localtime Local time zone file
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/posixrules Used with POSIX-style TZs
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/GMT For UTC leap seconds
If /usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/GMT isabsent, UTC leap secondsare loaded from /usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/posixrules.
getenv(3), newtzset(3), time(2), tzfile(5)
The return valuespoint to static data; the data isoverwritten by each call. The tm_zone field of a returned struct tm pointsto
a static array of characters, which will also be overwritten at the next call (and by callsto tzset).
Avoid using out-of-range valueswith mktime when setting up lunch with promptnesssticklersin Riyadh.
tzsetInitializestime conversion information
void tzset();
cc ... -lz
tzset usesthe value of the environment variable TZ to set time conversion information used by localtime.If TZ doesnot
appear in the environment, the best available approximation to local wall clock time, asspecified by the tzfile(5)-format file
localtime in the system time conversion information directory, isused by localtime. If TZ appearsin the environment but its
value isa null string, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) isused (without leap second correction). If TZ appearsin the
environment and itsvalue isnot a null string, it isused in one of the following ways:
If the value beginswith a colon, it isused asa pathname of a file from which to read the time conversion information.
If the value doesnot begin with a colon, it isfirst used asthe pathname of a file from which to read the time conversion
information, and, if that file cannot be read, isused directly asa specification of the time conversion information.
When TZ isused asa pathname, if it beginswith a slash, it isused asan absolute pathname; otherwise, it isused asa
pathname relative to a system time conversion information directory. The file must be in the format specified in tzfile(5).
When TZ isused directly asa specification of the time conversion information, it must have the following syntax (spaces
inserted for clarity):
st d of f set [ ds t [ of f set ] [ , r ul e] ]
The elementsare asfollows:
st d and dst Three or more bytesthat are the designation for the standard (st d) or
summer (dst ) time zone. Only st d isrequired; if dst ismissing, then
summer time doesnot apply in thislocale. Uppercase and lowercase
lettersare explicitly allowed. Any charactersexcept a leading colon (:),
digits, comma (,), minus(-), plus(+), and ASCII NUL are allowed.
of f set Indicatesthe value one must add to the local time to arrive at
Coordinated Universal Time. The of f set hasthe form:
The minutes(mm) and seconds(ss) are optional. The hour (hh) isrequired
and may be a single digit. The of f set following st d isrequired. If no
of f set followsdst , summer time isassumed to be one hour ahead of
standard time. One or more digitsmay be used; the value isalways
interpreted asa decimal number. The hour must be between zero and 24,
and the minutes(and seconds)if presentbetween zero and 59. If
preceded by a +, the time zone shall be east of the Prime Meridian;
otherwise, it shall be west (which may be indicated by an optional
preceding -).
r ul e Indicateswhen to change to and back from summer time. The r ul e has
the form:
dat e/t i me,dat e/t i me
where the first dat e describeswhen the change from standard to summer
time occursand the second dat e describeswhen the change back happens.
Each t i me field describeswhen, in current local time, the change to the
other time ismade.
The format of dat e isone of the following:
The dth day (0 <= d <= 6) of week n of month m of the year (1 <= n
<= 5, 1 <= m <= 12, where week 5 meansthe last d day in month m
which may occur in either the fourth or the fifth week). Week 1
isthe first week in which the dth day occurs. Day zero isSunday.
Jn The Julian day n (1 <= n <= 365). Leap daysare not counted; that is, in
all yearsincluding leap yearsFebruary 28 isday 59 and March 1 is
day 60. It isimpossible to explicitly refer to the occasional February 29.
Part III: Library Functions
n The zero-based Julian day (0 <= n <= 365). Leap daysare counted, and it
ispossible to refer to February 29.
Mm. n. d The dth day (0 <= d <= 6) of week n of month m of the year (1 <= n <= 5,
1 <= m <= 12, where week 5 meansthe last d day in month m, which
may occur in either the fourth or the fifth week). Week 1 isthe first week
in which the dth day occurs. Day zero isSunday.
The time hasthe same format asoffset except that no leading sign (+
or -) isallowed. The default, if time isnot given, is02:00:00.
If no rule ispresent in TZ, the rulesspecified by the tzfile(5)-format file posixrules in the system time conversion
information directory are used, with the standard and summer time offsetsfrom UTC replaced by those specified by the
offset valuesin TZ.
For compatibility with System V Release 3.1, a semicolon (;) may be used to separate the rule from the rest of the specifica-
If the TZ environment variable doesnot specify a tzfile(5)-format and cannot be interpreted asa direct specification, UTC is
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo Time zone information directory
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/localtime Local time zone file
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/posixrules Used with POSIX-style TZs
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/GMT For UTC leap seconds
If /usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/GMT isabsent, UTC leap secondsare loaded from /usr/local/etc/zoneinfo/posixrules.
getenv(3), newctime(3), time(2), tzfile(5)
on exitRegistersa function to be called at normal program termination
#include <stdlib.h>
int on_exit(void (*function)(int , void *), void *arg);
The on_exit() function registersthe given function to be called at normal program termination, whether via exit(2) or via
return from the programsmain. The function ispassed the argument to exit(3) and the arg argument from on_exit().
The on_exit() function returnsthe value 0 if successful; otherwise, the value 1 isreturned.
exit(3), atexit(3)
GNU, 2 April 1993
opendirOpensa directory
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
DIR *opendir(const char *name);
The opendir() function opensa directory stream corresponding to the directory name, and returnsa pointer to the directory
stream. The stream ispositioned at the first entry in the directory.
The opendir() function returnsa pointer to the directory stream or NULL if an error occurred.
EACESS Permission denied
EMFILE Too many file descriptorsin use by process
ENFILE Too many filesare currently open in the system
ENOENT Directory doesnot exist, or name isan empty string
ENOMEM Insufficient memory to complete the operation
ENOTDIR name isnot a directory
open(2), readdir(3), closedir(3), rewinddir(3), seekdir(3), telldir(3), scandir(3)
11 June1995
parsedateConvertstime and date string to number
#include <sys/types.h>
typedef struct_TIMEINFO f
time_t time;
long usec;
long tzone;
parsedate(text, now)
char *text;
parsedate convertsmany common time specificationsinto the number of secondssince the epoch, that is, a time_t; see
Part III: Library Functions
parsedate returnsthe time, or 1 on error. text isa character string containing the time and date. now isa pointer to the time
that should be used for calculating relative dates. If now isNULL, then GetTimeInfo in libinn(3) isused to obtain the current
time and time zone.
The character string consistsof zero or more specificationsof the following form:
time A time of day, which isof the form hh[:mm[:ss]] [mer i di an][zone]or hhmm
[mer i di an][zone]. If no meridian isspecified, hh isinterpreted on a 24-hour
date A specific month and day with optional year. The acceptable formatsare
mm/dd[/ yy ], yyyy/mm/dd, mont hname dd[, yy], dd mont hname [yy ], and
day,ddmont hnameyy, and day , dd mont hname yy. The default year isthe current
year. If the year islessthen 100, then 1900 isadded to it; if it islessthen 21,
then 2000 isadded to it.
relative time A specification relative to the current time. The format isnumber uni t ;
acceptable unitsare year, month, week, day, hour, minute (or min), and second
(or sec). The unit can be specified asa singular or plural, asin 3 weeks.
The actual date iscalculated according to the following steps. First, any absolute date or time isprocessed and converted.
Using that time asthe base, day-of-week specificationsare added. Next, relative specificationsare used. If a date or day is
specified, and no absolute or relative time isgiven, midnight isused. Finally, a correction isapplied so that the correct hour
of the day isproduced after allowing for Daylight SavingsTime differences.
parsedate ignorescase when parsing all words; unknown wordsare taken to be unknown time zones, which are treated as
GMT. The namesof the monthsand daysof the week can be abbreviated to their first three letters, with optional trailing
period. Periodsare ignored in any time zone or meridian values.
parsedate doesnot accept all desirable and unambiguousconstructions. Semantically incorrect datessuch asFebruary 31
are accepted.
Daylight SavingsTime isalwaystaken asa one-hour change that iswrong for some places. The Daylight SavingsTime
correction can get confused if parsing a time within an hour of when the reckoning changes, or if given a partial date.
Originally written by Steven M. Bellovin ( while at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
and distributed under the name getdate.
A major overhaul wasdone by Rich $alz ( and Jim Berets( in August, 1990.
It wasfurther revised (primarily to remove obsolete constructsand time zone names) a year later by Rich (now for InterNetNews, and the name waschanged.
date(1), ctime(3), libinn(3), time(2)
perrorPrintsa system error message
#include <stdio.h>
void perror(const char *s);
#include <errno.h>
const char *sys_errlist[];
int sys_nerr;
The routine perror() producesa message on the standard error output, describing the last error encountered during a call to
a system or library function. The argument string s isprinted first, then a colon and a blank, then the message and a newline.
To be of most use, the argument string should include the name of the function that incurred the error. The error number is
taken from the external variable er r no, which isset when errorsoccur but not cleared when nonerroneouscallsare made.
The global error list sys_errlist[] indexed by er r no can be used to obtain the error message without the newline. The largest
message number provided in the table issys_nerr 1. Be careful when directly accessing thislist because new error values
may not have been added to sys_errlist[].
When a system call fails, it usually returns1 and setsthe variable er r no to a value describing what went wrong. (These values
can be found in <errno.h>.) Many library functionsdo likewise. The function perror() servesto translate thiserror code into
human-readable form. Note that er r no isundefined after a successful library call. Thiscall may well change thisvariable,
even though it succeeds, for example, because it internally used some other library function that failed. Thus, if a failing call
isnot immediately followed by a call to perror,the value of er r no should be saved.
16 May1996
popen, pclose
popen, pcloseProcessI/O
#include <stdio.h>
FILE *popen(const char *command, const char *t ype);
int pclose(FILE *st r eam);
The popen() function opensa processby creating a pipe, forking, and invoking the shell. Because a pipe isby definition
unidirectional, the type argument may specify only reading or writing, not both; the resulting stream iscorrespondingly
read-only or write-only.
The command argument isa pointer to a null-terminated string containing a shell command line. Thiscommand ispassed to
/bin/sh using the c flag; interpretation, if any, isperformed by the shell. The mode argument isa pointer to a null-
terminated string which must be either r for reading or w for writing.
The return value from popen() isa normal standard I/O stream in all respectssave that it must be closed with pclose() rather
than fclose(). Writing to such a stream writesto the standard input of the command; the commandsstandard output isthe
same asthat of the processthat called popen(), unlessthisisaltered by the command itself. Conversely, reading from a
popened stream readsthe commandsstandard output, and the commandsstandard input isthe same asthat of the
processthat called popen.
popen, pclose
Part III: Library Functions
Note that output popen streamsare fully buffered by default.
The pclose function waitsfor the associated processto terminate and returnsthe exit statusof the command asreturned by
The popen function returnsNULL if the fork(2) or pipe(2) callsfail, or if it cannot allocate memory.
The pclose function returns1 if stream isnot associated with a popened command, if stream already pclosed, or if wait4
returnsan error.
The popen function doesnot reliably set er r no. (Isthistrue for Linux?)
The standard input of a command opened for reading sharesitsseek offset with the processthat called popen(); therefore, if
the original processhasdone a buffered read, the commandsinput position may not be asexpected. Similarly, the output
from a command opened for writing may become intermingled with that of the original process. The latter can be avoided
by calling fflush(3) before popen.
Failure to execute the shell isindistinguishable from the shellsfailure to execute command, or an immediate exit of the
command. The only hint isan exit statusof 127. (Isthistrue under Linux?)
The function popen() alwayscallssh, never callscsh.
A popen() and a pclose() function appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX.
fork(2), sh(1), pipe(2), wait4(2), fflush(3), fclose(3), fopen(3), stdio(3), system(3), fclose(3), fopen(3), stdio(3), system(3).
BSD man page, 17 May1996
printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf,
vsprintf, vsnprintf
printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, vsnprintfFormatted output conversion
#include <stdio.h>
int printf( const char *f or mat , ...);
int fprintf( FILE *st r eam, const char *f or mat , ...);
int sprintf( char *st r , const char *f or mat , ...);
int snprintf( char *st r , size_t size, const char *format, ...);
#include <stdarg.h>
int vprintf( const char *f or mat ,va_list ap);
ant vfprintf( FILE *st r eam, const char *f or mat ,va_list ap);
int vsprintf( char *st r , char *f or mat , va_list ap);
int vsnprintf( char *st r , size_t si ze, char *f or mat ,va_list ap);
The printf family of functionsproducesoutput according to a f or mat , asdescribed in the following paragraphs. The
functionsprintf and vprintf write output to stdout, the standard output st r eam; fprintf and vfprintf write output to the
given output st r eam; sprintf, snprintf, vsprintf, and vsnprintf write to the character string st r .
These functionswrite the output under the control of a f or mat string that specifieshow subsequent arguments(or arguments
accessed via the variable-length argument facilitiesof stdarg(3)) are converted for output.
These functionsreturn the number of charactersprinted (not including the trailing \0 used to end output to strings).
snprintf and vsnprintf do not write more than sizebytes(including the trailing \0), and return -1 if the output was
truncated due to thislimit.
The f or mat string iscomposed of zero or more directives: ordinary characters(not %), which are copied unchanged to the
output stream; and conversion specifications, each of which resultsin fetching zero or more subsequent arguments. Each
conversion specification isintroduced by the character %. The argumentsmust correspond properly (after type promotion)
with the conversion specifier. After the %, zero or more of the following flagsappear in sequence:
# Specifying that the value should be converted to an alternate form. For c, d, i, n, p, s, and u
conversions, thisoption hasno effect. For o conversions, the precision of the number isincreased to
force the first character of the output string to a zero (except if a zero value isprinted with an explicit
precision of zero). For x and X conversions, a non-zero result hasthe string 0x (or 0X for X
conversions) prepended to it. For e, E, f, g, and G conversions, the result will alwayscontain a decimal
point, even if no digitsfollow it (normally, a decimal point appearsin the resultsof those conversions
only if a digit follows). For g and G conversions, trailing zerosare not removed from the result asthey
would otherwise be.
0 Specifying zero padding. For all conversionsexcept n, the converted value ispadded on the left with
zerosrather than blanks. If a precision isgiven with a numeric conversion (d, i, o, u, i, x, and X), the
0 flag isignored.
(a negative field width flag) Indicatesthe converted value isto be left adjusted on the field boundary.
Except for n conversions, the converted value ispadded on the right with blanks, rather than on the
left with blanksor zeros. A overridesa 0 if both are given.
(a space) Specifying that a blank should be left before a positive number produced by a signed
conversion (d, e, E, f, g, G, or i).
+ Specifying that a sign alwaysbe placed before a number produced by a signed conversion.
A + overridesa space if both are used.
Specifying that in a numerical argument the output isto be grouped if the locale information
indicatesany. Note that many versionsof gcc cannot parse thisoption and will issue a warning.
An optional decimal digit string specifying a minimum field width. If the converted value hasfewer
charactersthan the field width, it will be padded with spaceson the left (or right, if the left-
adjustment flag hasbeen given) to fill out the field width.
An optional precision, in the form of a period (.) followed by an optional digit string. If the digit
string isomitted, the precision istaken aszero. Thisgivesthe minimum number of digitsto appear
for d, i, o, u, x, and X conversions; the number of digitsto appear after the decimal point for e, E, and
f conversions; the maximum number of significant digitsfor g and G conversions; or the maximum
number of charactersto be printed from a string for s conversions.
The optional character h, specifying that a following d, i, o, u, x, or X conversion correspondsto a
short int or unsigned short int argument, or that a following n conversion correspondsto a pointer
to a short int argument.
The optional character l (ell) specifying that a following d, i, o, u, x, or X conversion appliesto a
pointer to a long int or unsigned long int argument, or that a following n conversion correspondsto
a pointer to a long int argument. Linux providesa non-ANSIcompliant use of two l flagsasa
synonym to q or L. Thus, ll can be used in combination with float conversions. Thisusage is,
however, strongly discouraged.
printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, vsnprintf
Part III: Library Functions
The character L specifying that a following e, E, f, g, or G conversion correspondsto a long double
argument, or a following d, i, o, u, x, or X conversion correspondsto a long long argument. Note that
long long isnot specified in ANSI C and therefore not portable to all architectures.
The optional character q. Thisisequivalent to L. See the Standards and Bugs sectionsfor
commentson the use of ll, L, and q.
A Z character specifying that the following integer (d, i, o, u, i, x, and X) conversion correspondsto a
size_t argument.
A character that specifiesthe type of conversion to be applied.
A field width or precision, or both, may be indicated by an asterisk * instead of a digit string. In thiscase, an int argument
suppliesthe field width or precision. A negative field width istreated asa left adjustment flag followed by a positive field
width; a negative precision istreated asthough it were missing.
The conversion specifiersand their meaningsare asfollows:
diouxX The int (or appropriate variant) argument isconverted to signed decimal (d and i),
unsigned octal (o), unsigned decimal (u), or unsigned hexadecimal (x and X) notation. The
lettersabcdef are used for x conversions; the lettersABCDEF are used for X conversions. The
precision, if any, givesthe minimum number of digitsthat must appear; if the converted
value requiresfewer digits, it ispadded on the left with zeros.
eE The double argument isrounded and converted in the style []d.ddde\dd where there is
one digit before the decimal-point character and the number of digitsafter it isequal
to the precision; if the precision ismissing, it istaken as6; if the precision iszero, no
decimal-point character appears. An E conversion usesthe letter E (rather than e) to
introduce the exponent. The exponent alwayscontainsat least two digits; if the value is
zero, the exponent is00.
f The double argument isrounded and converted to decimal notation in the style
[-]ddd. ddd, where the number of digitsafter the decimal-point character isequal to
the precision specification. If the precision ismissing, it istaken as6; if the precision is
explicitly zero, no decimal-point character appears. If a decimal point appears, at least one
digit appearsbefore it.
g The double argument isconverted in style f or e (or E for G conversions). The precision
specifiesthe number of significant digits. If the precision ismissing, 6 digitsare given; if
the precision iszero, it istreated as1. Style e isused if the exponent from itsconversion is
lessthan negative 4 or greater than or equal to the precision. Trailing zerosare removed
from the fractional part of the result; a decimal point appearsonly if it isfollowed by at
least one digit.
c The int argument isconverted to an unsigned char, and the resulting character iswritten.
s The char * argument isexpected to be a pointer to an array of character type (pointer to a
string). Charactersfrom the array are written up to (but not including) a terminating NUL
character; if a precision isspecified, no more than the number specified are written. If a
precision isgiven, no null character need be present; if the precision isnot specified, or is
greater than the size of the array, the array must contain a terminating NUL character.
p The void * pointer argument isprinted in hexadecimal (asif by %#x or %#lx).
n The number of characterswritten so far isstored into the integer indicated by the int *
(or variant) pointer argument. No argument isconverted.
% A % iswritten. No argument isconverted. The complete conversion specification is%%.
In no case doesa nonexistent or small field width cause truncation of a field; if the result of a conversion iswider than the
field width, the field isexpanded to contain the conversion result.
To print a date and time in the form Sunday, July 3, 10:02, where weekday and month are pointersto strings:
#include <stdio.h>
fprintf(stdout, %s, %s %d, %.2d:%.2d\n,
weekday, month, day, hour, min);
To print to five decimal places:
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
fprintf(stdout, pi = %.5f\n, 4 * atan(1.0));
To allocate a 128-byte string and print into it:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
char *newfmt(const char *fmt, ...)
char *p;
va_list ap;
if ((p = malloc(128)) == NULL)
return (NULL);
va_start(ap, fmt);
(void) vsnprintf(p, 128, fmt, ap);
return (p);
printf(1), scanf(3)
The fprintf, printf, sprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, and vsprintf functionsconform to ANSI C3.159-1989 (ANSI C).
The q flag isthe BSD 4.4 notation for long long, while ll or the usage of L in integer conversionsisthe GNU notation.
The Linux version of these functionsisbased on the GNU libio library. Take a look at the info documentation of GNU
libc (glibc-1.08) for a more concise description.
Some floating point conversionsunder Linux cause memory leaks.
All functionsare fully ANSI C3.159-1989 conformant, but provide the additional flagsq, Z, and aswell asan additional
behavior of the L and l flags. The latter may be considered to be a bug, asit changesthe behavior of flagsdefined in ANSI
The effect of padding the %p format with zeros(either by the 0 flag or by specifying a precision), and the benign effect (that
is, none) of the # flag on %n and %p conversions, aswell asnonsensical combinationsthat are not standard; such combinations
should be avoided.
Some combinationsof flagsdefined by ANSI C are not making sense (for example, %Ld). While they may have a well-defined
behavior on Linux, thisneed not to be so on other architectures. Therefore, it usually isbetter not to use flagsthat are not
defined by ANSI C at all; in other words, that use q instead of L in combination with diouxX conversionsor ll.
The usage of q isnot the same ason BSD 4.4, asit may be used in float conversionsequivalently to L.
printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, vsnprintf
Part III: Library Functions
Because sprintf and vsprintf assume an infinitely long string, callersmust be careful not to overflow the actual space; thisis
often impossible to assure.
Linux man page, 28 January1996
psignalPrintssignal message
#include <signal.h>
void psignal(int si g, const char *s);
extern const char *const sys_si gl i st []
The psignal() function displaysa message on stderr consisting of the string s, a colon, a space, and a string describing the
signal number sig. If sig isinvalid, the message displayed will indicate an unknown signal.
The array sys siglist holdsthe signal description stringsindexed by signal number.
The psignal() function returnsno value.
BSD 4.3
perror(3), strsignal(3)
GNU, 13 April 1993
putenvChangesor addsan environment variable
#include <stdlib.h>
int putenv(const char *st r i ng);
The putenv() function addsor changesthe value of environment variables. The argument string isof the form name = val ue.
If name doesnot already exist in the environment, then string isadded to the environment. If name doesexist, then the value
of name in the environment ischanged to val ue.
The putenv() function returnszero on success, or 1 if an error occurs.
ENOMEM Insufficient space to allocate new environment
getenv(3), setenv(3), unsetenv(3)
GNU, 8 April 1993
putpwentWritesa password file entry
#include <pwd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
int putpwent(const struct passwd * p,FILE* st r eam);
The putpwent() function writesa password entry from the structure p in the file associated with st r eam.
The passwd structure isdefined in <pwd.h> asfollows:
struct passwd {
char *pw_name; /* user name */
char *pw_passwd; /* user password */
uid_t pw_uid; /* user id */
gid_t pw_gid; /* group id */
char *pw_gecos; /* real name */
char *pw_dir; /* home directory */
char *pw_shell; /* shell program */
The putpwent() function returns0 on success, or 1 if an error occurs.
EINVAL Invalid (NULL) argument given
fgetpwent(3), getpwent(3), setpwent(3), endpwent(3), getpwnam(3), getpwuid(3), getpw(3)
GNU, 9 April 1993
fputc, fputs, putc, putchar, puts
fputc, fputs, putc, putchar, putsOutput of charactersand strings
fputc, fputs, putc, putchar, puts
Part III: Library Functions
#include <stdio.h>
int fputc(int c,FILE*st r eam);
int fputs(const char *s,FILE*st r eam);
int putc(int c,FILE *st r eam);
int putchar(int c);
int puts(char *s);
int ungetc(int c,FILE *st r eam);
fputc() writesthe character c, cast to an unsigned char, to stream.
fputs() writesthe string s to stream, without itstrailing \0.
putc() isequivalent to fputc() except that it may be implemented asa macro that evaluatesstream more than once.
putchar(c); isequivalent to putc(c,stdout).
puts() writesthe string s and a trailing newline to stdout.
Callsto the functionsdescribed here can be mixed with each other and with callsto other output functionsfrom the stdio
library for the same output stream.
fputc(), putc(), and putchar() return the character written asan unsigned char cast to an int or EOF on error.
puts() and fputs() return a non-negative number on success, or EOF on error.
It isnot advisable to mix callsto output functionsfrom the stdio library with low-level callsto write() for the file descriptor
associated with the same output stream; the resultswill be undefined and very probably not what you want.
write(2), fopen(3), fwrite(3), scanf(3), gets(3), fseek(3), ferror(3)
GNU, 4 April 1993
qioQuick I/O part of InterNetNewslibrary
#include qio.h
QIOopen(name, size)
char *name;
int size;
QIOSTATE * QIOfdopen(fd, size)
int fd;
int size;
void QIOclose(qp)
char * QIOread(qp)
int QIOlength(qp)
int QIOtoolong(qp)
int QIOerror(qp)
int QIOtell(qp)
int QIOrewind(qp)
int QIOfileno(qp)
The routinesdescribed in thismanual page are part of the InterNetNewslibrary, libinn(3). They are used to provide quick
read accessto files. The lettersQIO stand for Quick I/O.
QIOopen opensthe file name for reading. It usesa buffer of size bytes, which must also be larger then the longest expected line.
The header file definesthe constant QIO_BUFFER asa reasonable default. If size iszero, then QIOopen will call stat(2) and use
the returned block size; if that failsit will use QIO_BUFFER. It returnsNULL on error, or a pointer to a handle to be used in other
calls. QIOfdopen performsthe same function except that fd refersto an already-open descriptor.
QIOclose closesthe open file and releasesany resourcesused by it.
QIOread returnsa pointer to the next line in the file. The trailing newline will be replaced with a \0. If EOF isreached, an error
occurs, or if the line islonger than the buffer, QIOread returnsNULL.
After a successful call to QIOread, QIOlength will return the length of the current line.
The functionsQIOtoolong and QIOerror can be called after QIOread returnsNULL to determine if there wasan error, or if the
line wastoo long. If QIOtoolong returnsnon-zero, then the current line did not fit in the buffer, and the next call to QIOread
will try read the rest of the line. Long linescan only be discarded. If QIOerror returnsnon-zero, then a seriousI/O error
QIOtell returnsthe lseek(2) offset at which the next line will start.
QIOrewind setsthe read pointer back to the beginning of the file.
QIOfileno returnsthe descriptor of the open file.
QIOlength, QIOtoolong, QIOerror, QIOtell, and QIOfileno are implemented asmacrosdefined in the header file.
long offset;
char *p;
h = QIOopen(/etc/motd, QIO_BUFFER);
for (offset = QIOtell(h); (p = QIOread(h)) != NULL; offset = QIOtell(h))
printf(At %ld, %s\n, offset, p);
if (QIOerror(h)) {
perror(Read error);
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
Part III: Library Functions
qsortSortsan array
#include <stdlib.h>
void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t si ze,int(*compar )
(const void *, const void *));
The qsort() function sortsan array with nmemb elementsof size si ze.The base argument pointsto the start of the array.
The contentsof the array are sorted in ascending order according to a comparison function pointed to by compar, which is
called with two argumentsthat point to the objectsbeing compared.
The comparison function must return an integer lessthan, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument isconsidered to
be respectively lessthan, equal to, or greater than the second. If two memberscompare asequal, their order in the sorted
array isundefined.
The qsort() function returnsno value.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
GNU, 29 March 1993
raiseSendsa signal to the current process
#include <signal.h>
int raise (int si g);
The raise function sendsa signal to the current process. It isequivalent to
kill(getpid(),si g)
Zero on success, non-zero for failure.
kill(2), signal(2), getpid(2)
GNU, 31 August 1995
rand, srand
rand, srandRandom number generator
#include <stdlib.h>
int rand(void);
void srand(unsigned int seed);
The rand() function returnsa pseudo-random integer between 0 and RAND_MAX.
The srand() function setsitsargument asthe seed for a new sequence of pseudo-random integersto be returned by rand().
These sequencesare repeatable by calling srand() with the same seed value.
If no seed value isprovided, the rand() function isautomatically seeded with a value of 1.
The rand() function returnsa value between 0 and RAND_MAX. The srand() returnsno value.
The versionsof rand() and srand() in the Linux C Library use the same random number generator asrandom() and
srandom(), so the lower-order bitsshould be asrandom asthe higher-order bits. However, on older rand() implementations,
the lower-order bitsare much lessrandom than the higher-order bits.
In Numerical Recipesin C: TheArt of Scientific Computing(William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky, William
T. Vetterling; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990, first ed, p. 207), the following commentsare made:
If you want to generate a random integer between 1 and 10, you should alwaysdo it by
j=1+(int) (10.0*rand()/(RAND+MAX+1.0));
and never by anything resembling
j=1+((int) (1000000.0*rand()) % 10);
(which useslower-order bits).
Random-number generation isa complex topic. The Numerical Recipes in C book (see preceding reference) providesan
excellent discussion of practical random-number generation issuesin Chapter 7, Random Numbers.
For a more theoretical discussion that also coversmany practical issuesin depth, please see Chapter 3, Random Numbers,
in Donald E. KnuthsTheArt of Computer Programming, Volume2 (Seminumerical Algorithms), 2nd ed.; Reading,
Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1981.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
random(3), srandom(3), initstate(3), setstate(3)
GNU, 18 May1995
random, srandom, initstate, setstate
random, srandom, initstate, setstateRandom number generator
random, srandom, initstate, setstate
Part III: Library Functions
#include <stdlib.h>
long int random(void);
void srandom(unsigned int seed);
char *initstate(unsigned int seed, char *st at e,int n);
char *setstate(char *st at e);
The random() function usesa nonlinear additive feedback random number generator employing a default table of size 31 long
integersto return successive pseudo-random numbersin the range from 0 to RAND_MAX. The period of thisrandom number
generator isvery large, approximately 16*((2**31)1).
The srandom() function setsitsargument asthe seed for a new sequence of pseudo-random integersto be returned by
random(). These sequencesare repeatable by calling srandom() with the same seed value. If no seed value isprovided, the
random() function isautomatically seeded with a value of 1.
The initstate() function allowsa state array st at e to be initialized for use by random().The size of the state array n isused by
initstate() to decide how sophisticated a random number generator it should usethe larger the state array, the better the
random numberswill be. seed isthe seed for the initialization, which specifiesa starting point for the random number
sequence, and providesfor restarting at the same point.
The setstate() function changesthe state array used by the random() function. The state array st at e isused for random
number generation until the next call to initstate() or setstate(). st at e must first have been initialized using initstate().
The random() function returnsa value between 0 and RAND_MAX. The srandom() function returnsno value. The initstate()
and setstate() functionsreturn a pointer to the previousstate array.
EINVAL A state array of lessthan 8 byteswasspecified to initstate().
Current optimal valuesfor the size of the state array n are 8, 32, 64, 128, and 256 bytes; other amountswill be rounded
down to the nearest known amount. Using lessthan 8 byteswill cause an error.
BSD 4.3
rand(3), srand(3)
GNU, 28 March 1993
readdirReadsa directory
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
struct dirent *readdir(DIR *di r );
The readdir() function returnsa pointer to a dirent structure representing the next directory entry in the directory stream
pointed to by di r . It returnsNULL on reaching the end-of-file or if an error occurred.
The data returned by readdir() isoverwritten by subsequent callsto readdir() for the same directory stream.
According to POSIX, the dirent structure containsa field char_d_name[] of unspecified size, with at most NAME_MAX characters
preceding the terminating null character. Use of other fieldswill harm the portability of your programs.
The readdir() function returnsa pointer to a dirent structure, or NULL if an error occursor end-of-file isreached.
EBADF Invalid directory stream descriptor dir
read(2), opendir(3), closedir(3), rewinddir(3), seekdir(3), telldir(3), scandir(3)
22 April 1996
readv, writev
readv, writevReadsor writesdata into multiple buffers
#include <sys/uio.h>
int readv(int f i l edes , const struct iovec *vect or ,
size_t count );
int writev(int f i l edes , const struct iovec *vect or ,
size_t count );
The readv() function readscount blocksfrom the file associated with the file descriptor f i l edes into the multiple buffers
described by vect or .
The writev() function writesat most count blocksdescribed by vect or to the file associated with the file descriptor f i l edes.
The pointer vect or pointsto a struct iovec defined in <sys/uio.h> as
struct iovect
void *iovbase; /* Starting address */
size_t iov_len; /* Number of bytes */
} ;
Buffersare processed in the order vector[0], vector[1], ... vector[count].
The readv() function worksjust like read(2) except that multiple buffersare filled.
The writev() function worksjust like write(2) except that multiple buffersare written out.
The readv() function returnsthe number of bytesor 1 on error; the writev() function returnsthe number of byteswritten.
readv, writev
Part III: Library Functions
The readv() and writev() functionscan fail and set er r no to the following values:
EBADF fd isnot a valid file descriptor.
EINVAL fd isunsuitable for reading (for readv()) or writing (for writev()).
EFAULT buf isoutside the processes addressspace.
EAGAIN Nonblocking I/O had been selected in the open() call, and reading or writing could not be
done immediately.
EINTR Reading or writing wasinterrupted before any data wastransferred.
It isnot advisable to mix callsto functionslike readv() or writev(), which operate on file descriptors, with the functions
from the stdio library; the resultswill be undefined and probably not what you want.
read(2), write(2)
GNU, 25 April 1993
realpathReturnsthe canonicalized absolute pathname.
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <unistd.h>
char *realpath(char *pat h, char r esol ved_pat h[] ) ;
realpath expandsall symbolic linksand resolvesreferencesto /./, /../ and extra / charactersin the null-terminated string
named by path and storesthe canonicalized absolute pathname in the buffer of size MAXPATHLEN named by resolved_path. The
resulting path will have no symbolic link, /./, or /../ components.
If there isno error, it returnsa pointer to the resolved_path.
Otherwise, it returnsa NULL pointer and placesin resolved_path the absolute pathname of the path component that could not
be resolved. The global variable er r no isset to indicate the error.
ENOTDIR A component of the path prefix isnot a directory.
EINVAL The pathname containsa character with the high-order bit set.
ENAMETOOLONG A component of a pathname exceeded MAXNAMLEN characters, or an entire path
name exceeded MAXPATHLEN characters.
ENOENT The named file doesnot exist.
EACCES Search permission isdenied for a component of the path prefix.
ELOOP Too many symbolic linkswere encountered in translating the pathname.
EIO An I/O error occurred while reading from the filesystem.
readlink(2), getcwd(3)
GNU, 29 July1994
Re_comp, re_exec
re_comp, re_execBSD regex functions
#include <regex.h>
char *re comp(char *r egex);
int re exec(char *st r i ng);
re_comp isused to compile the null-terminated regular expression pointed to by regex. The compiled pattern occupiesa static
area, the pattern buffer, which isoverwritten by subsequent use of re_comp. If regex isNULL, no operation isperformed and
the pattern bufferscontentsare not altered.
re_exec isused to assesswhether the null-terminated string pointed to by string matchesthe previously compiled regex.
re_comp returnsNULL on successful compilation of regex; otherwise, it returnsa pointer to an appropriate error message.
re_exec returns1 for a successful match, zero for failure.
BSD 4.3
regex(7), GNU regex manual
Linux, 14 July1995
regcomp, regexec, regerror, regfree
regcomp, regexec, regerror, regfreePOSIX regex functions
#include <regex.h>
int regcomp(regex_t *pr eg, const char *r egex ,int cf l ags );
int regexec(const regex_t *pr eg, const char *st r i ng, size_t nmat ch, regmatch_t pmat ch[], int ef l ags);
size_t regerror(int er r code, const regex_t *pr eg, char *er r buf , size_t er r buf _si ze);
void regfree(regex_t *pr eg);
regcomp isused to compile a regular expression into a form that issuitable for subsequent regexec searches.
regcomp issupplied with pr eg, a pointer to a pattern buffer storage area; regex, a pointer to the null-terminated string; and
cf l ags, flagsused to determine the type of compilation. All regular expression searching must be done via a compiled pattern
buffer; thus, regexec must alwaysbe supplied with the addressof a regcomp initialized pattern buffer.
regcomp, regexec, regerror, regfree
Part III: Library Functions
cf l ags may be the bitwise or of one or more of the following:
REG_EXTENDED Use POSIX extended regular expression syntax when interpreting r egex. If
not set, POSIX basic regular expression syntax isused.
REG_ICASE Do not differentiate case. Subsequent regexec searchesusing thispattern
buffer will be case-insensitive.
REG_NOSUB Support for substring addressing of matchesisnot required. The nmat ch and
pmat ch parametersto regexec are ignored if the pattern buffer supplied was
compiled with thisflag set.
REG_NEWLINE Match-any-character operatorsdont match a newline. A nonmatching list
([^...]) not containing a newline matchesa newline. Match-beginning-of-
line operator (^) matchesthe empty string immediately after a newline,
regardlessof whether ef l ags, the execution flagsof regexec, contains
REG_NOTBOL. Match-end-of-line operator ($) matchesthe empty string
immediately before a newline, regardlessof whether ef l ags contains
regexec isused to match a null-terminated string against the precompiled pattern buffer, pr eg. nmat ch and pmat ch are used to
provide information regarding the location of any matches. ef l ags may be the bitwise or of one or both of REG_NOTBOL and
REG_NOTEOL, which cause changesin matching behavior described in the following list.
REG_NOTBOL The match-beginning-of-line operator alwaysfailsto match (but see the
compilation flag REG_NEWLINE, in the preceding subsection). Thisflag may be used
when different portionsof a string are passed to regexec and the beginning of the
string should not be interpreted asthe beginning of the line.
REG_NOTEOL The match-end-of-line operator alwaysfailsto match (but see the compilation
flag REG_NEWLINE, in the preceding subsection).
UnlessREG_NOSUB wasset for the compilation of the pattern buffer, it ispossible to obtain substring match addressing
information. pmat ch must be dimensioned to have at least nmat ch elements. These are filled in by regexec with substring
match addresses. Any unused structure elementswill contain the value -1.
The regmatch_t structure that isthe type of pmat ch isdefined in regex.h:
typedef struct
regoff_t rm_so;
regoff_t rm_eo;
} regmatch_t;
Each rm_so element that isnot -1 indicatesthe start offset of the next largest substring match within the string. The relative
rm_eo element indicatesthe end offset of the match.
regerror isused to turn the error codesthat can be returned by both regcomp and regexec into error message strings.
regerror ispassed the error code, er r code; the pattern buffer, pr eg; a pointer to a character string buffer, er r buf ; and the size
of the string buffer, er r buf _si ze. It returnsthe size of the er r buf required to contain the null-terminated error message string.
If both er r buf and er r buf _si ze are non-zero, er r buf isfilled in with the first errbuf_size - 1 charactersof the error message
and a terminating null.
Supplying regfree with a precompiled pattern buffer, pr eg will free the memory allocated to the pattern buffer by the
compiling process, regcomp.
regcomp returnszero for a successful compilation or an error code for failure.
regexec returnszero for a successful match or REG_NOMATCH for failure.
The following errorscan be returned by regcomp:
REG_BADRPT Invalid use of repetition operators, such asusing * asthe first character
REG_BADBR Invalid use of back reference operator
REG_EBRACE Unmatched brace interval operators
REG_EBRACK Unmatched bracket list operators
REG_ERANGE Invalid use of the range operator; for example, the ending point of the range
occursprior to the starting point
REG_ECTYPE Unknown character classname
REG_EPAREN Unmatched parenthesisgroup operators
REG_ESUBREG Invalid back reference to a subexpression
REG_EEND Non-specific error
REG_ESCAPE Invalid escape sequence
REG_BADPAT Invalid use of pattern operatorssuch asgroup or list
REG_ESIZE Compiled regular expression requiresa pattern buffer larger than 64Kb
REG_ESPACE The regex routinesran out of memory
regex(7), GNU regex manual
Linux, 13 July1994
removeDeletesa name and possibly the file to which it refers
#include <stdio.h>
int remove(const char *pat hname);
remove deletesa name from the filesystem. If that name wasthe last link to a file and no processeshave the file open, the file
isdeleted and the space it wasusing ismade available for reuse.
If the name wasthe last link to a file but any processesstill have the file open, the file will remain in existence until the last
file descriptor referring to it isclosed.
Part III: Library Functions
If the name referred to a symbolic link, the link isremoved.
If the name referred to a socket, fifo, or device, the name for it isremoved, but processesthat have the object open may
continue to use it.
On success, zero isreturned. On error, 1 isreturned, and er r no isset appropriately.
EFAULT pat hname pointsoutside your accessible addressspace.
EACCES Write accessto the directory containing pat hname isnot allowed for the
processseffective uid, or one of the directoriesin pat hname did not allow search
(execute) permission.
EPERM The directory containing pat hname hasthe sticky-bit (S_ISVTX) set and the
processseffective uid isneither the uid of the file to be deleted nor that of the
directory containing it.
ENAMETOOLONG pat hname wastoo long.
ENOENT A directory component in pat hname doesnot exist or isa dangling symbolic
ENOTDIR A component used asa directory in pat hname isnot, in fact, a directory.
EISDIR pat hname refersto a directory.
ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory wasavailable.
EROFS pat hname refersto a file on a read-only filesystem.
Inadequaciesin the protocol underlying NFS can cause the unexpected disappearance of filesthat are still being used.
unlink(2), rename(2), open(2), rmdir(2), mknod(2), mkfifo(3), link(2), rm(1), unlink(8)
Linux, 13 July1994
res_query, res_search, res_mkquery, res_send, res_init,
dn_comp, dn_expand
res_query, res_search, res_mkquery, res_send, res_init, dn_comp, dn_expandResolver routines
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/nameser.h>
#include <resolv.h>
res_query(dname, cl ass, t ype, answer , ansl en)
const char *dname;
int cl ass, t ype;
u_char *answer ;
int ansl en;
res_search(dname, cl ass, t ype, answer , ansl en)
const char *dname;
int cl ass, t ype;
u char *answer ;
int ansl en;
res mkquery(op, dname, cl ass, t ype, dat a, dat al en, newr r , buf , buf l en)
int op;
const char *dname;
int cl ass, t ype;
const char *dat a;
int dat al en;
struct rrec *newr r ;
u_char *buf ;
int buf l en;
res_send(msg, msgl en, answer , ansl en)
const u_char *msg;
int msgl en;
u_char *answer ;
int ansl en;
dn_comp(exp_dn, comp_dn, l engt h, dnpt r s, l ast dnpt r )
const char *exp_dn;
u char *comp_dn;
int l engt h;
u_char **dnpt r s, **l ast dnpt r ;
dn_expand(msg, eomor i g, comp_dn, exp_dn, l engt h)
const u_char *msg, *eomor i g, *comp_dn;
char *exp_dn;
int length;
hstrerror(int err);
These routinesare used for making, sending and interpreting query and reply messageswith Internet domain name servers.
Global configuration and state information that isused by the resolver routinesiskept in the structure _res. Most of the
valueshave reasonable defaultsand can be ignored. Optionsstored in _res.options are defined in resolv.h and are as
follows. Optionsare stored asa simple bit mask containing the bitwise or of the optionsenabled.
RES_INIT True if the initial name server addressand default domain name are
initialized (that is, res_init hasbeen called).
RES_DEBUG Print debugging messages.
RES_AAONLY Accept authoritative answersonly. With thisoption, res_send should
continue until it findsan authoritative answer or findsan error.
Currently, thisisnot implemented.
RES_USEVC Use TCP connectionsfor queriesinstead of UDP datagrams.
RES_STAYOPEN Used with RES_USEVC to keep the TCP connection open between queries.
Thisisuseful only in programsthat regularly do many queries. UDP
should be the normal mode used.
RES_IGNTC Unused currently (ignore truncation errorsdont retry with TCP).
RES_RECURSE Set the recursion-desired bit in queries. Thisisthe default. (res_send does
not do iterative queriesand expectsthe name server to handle recursion.)
res_query, res_search, res_mkquery, res_send, res_init, dn_comp, dn_expand
Part III: Library Functions
RES_DEFNAMES If set, res_search will append the default domain name to single-
component names(those that do not contain a dot). Thisoption is
enabled by default.
RES_DNSRCH If thisoption isset, res_search will search for hostnamesin the current
domain and in parent domains; see hostname(7). Thisisused by the
standard host lookup routine gethostbyname(3). Thisoption isenabled
by default.
RES_NOALIASES Thisoption turnsoff the user level aliasing feature controlled by the
HOSTALIASES environment variable. Network daemonsshould set this
The res_init routine readsthe configuration file (if any; see resolver(5)) to get the default domain name, search list and the
Internet addressof the local name server(s). If no server isconfigured, the host running the resolver istried. The current
domain name isdefined by the hostname if not specified in the configuration file; it can be overridden by the environment
variable LOCALDOMAIN. Thisenvironment variable may contain several blank-separated tokensif you wish to override the
search list on a per-processbasis. Thisissimilar to the search command in the configuration file. Another environment
variable (RES_OPTIONS) can be set to override certain internal resolver optionsthat are otherwise set by changing fieldsin the
_res structure or are inherited from the configuration filesoptionscommand. The syntax of the RES_OPTIONS environment
variable isexplained in resolver(5). Initialization normally occurson the first call to one of the other resolver routines.
The res_query function providesan interface to the server query mechanism. It constructsa query, sendsit to the local
server, awaitsa response, and makespreliminary checkson the reply. The query requestsinformation of the specified type
and class for the specified fully-qualified domain name dname. The reply message isleft in the answer buffer with length
ansl en supplied by the caller.
The res_search routine makesa query and awaitsa response like res_query, but in addition, it implementsthe default and
search rulescontrolled by the RES_DEFNAMES and RES_DNSRCH options. It returnsthe first successful reply.
The remaining routinesare lower-level routinesused by res_query. The res_mkquery function constructsa standard query
message and placesit in buf. It returnsthe size of the query, or 1 if the query islarger than buflen. The query type op is
usually QUERY, but can be any of the query typesdefined in <arpa/nameser.h>. The domain name for the query isgiven by
dname. Newrr iscurrently unused but isintended for making update messages.
The res_send routine sendsa preformatted query and returnsan answer. It will call res_init if RES_INIT isnot set, send the
query to the local name server, and handle time-outsand retries. The length of the reply message isreturned, or 1 if there
were errors.
The dn_comp function compressesthe domain name exp_dn and storesit in comp_dn.The size of the compressed name is
returned or 1 if there were errors. The size of the array pointed to by comp_dn isgiven by length. The compression usesan
array of pointersdnptrs to previously-compressed namesin the current message. The first pointer pointsto the beginning of
the message and the list endswith NULL. The limit to the array isspecified by lastdnptr. A side effect of dn_comp isto update
the list of pointersfor labelsinserted into the message asthe name iscompressed. If dnptr isNULL, namesare not compressed.
If lastdnptr isNULL, the list of labelsisnot updated.
The dn_expand entry expandsthe compressed domain name comp_dn to a full domain name. The compressed name is
contained in a query or reply message; msg isa pointer to the beginning of the message. The uncompressed name isplaced in
the buffer indicated by exp_dn, which isof size length. The size of compressed name isreturned or 1 if there wasan error.
/etc/resolv.conf See resolver(5)
gethostbyname(3), named(8), resolver(5), hostname(7),
RFC1032, RFC1033, RFC1034, RFC1035, RFC974
SMM: 11 Name Server OperationsGuide for BIND
11 December 1995
rewinddirResetsdirectory stream
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
void rewinddir(DIR *dir);
The rewinddir() function resetsthe position of the directory stream dir to the beginning of the directory.
The readdir() function returnsno value.
opendir(3), readdir(3), closedir(3), seekdir(3), telldir(3), scandir(3)
11 June1995
rintRoundsto closest integer
#include <math.h>
double rint(double x);
The rint() function roundsx to an integer value according to the prevalent rounding mode. The default rounding mode is
to round to the nearest integer.
The rint() function returnsthe integer value asa floating-point number.
BSD 4.3
Part III: Library Functions
abs(3), ceil(3), fabs(3), floor(3), labs(3)
6 June1993
rquotaImplementsquotason remote machines
The rquota( ) protocol inquiresabout quotason remote machines. It isused in conjunction with NFS because NFS itself
doesnot implement quotas.
#include <rpcsvc/rquota.h>
The following XDR routinesare available in librpcsvc: xdr_getquota_arg:
quota(1), quotactl(2)
6 October 1987
scandir, alphasort
scandir, alphasortScan a directory for matching entries
#include <dirent.h>
int scandir(const char *di r , struct dirent ***namel i st ,
int (*sel ect )(const struct dirent *),
int (*compar )(const struct dirent **, const struct dirent **));
int alphasort(const struct dirent **a, const struct dirent **b);
The scandir() function scansthe directory di r , calling select() on each directory entry. Entriesfor which select() returns
non-zero are stored in stringsallocated via malloc(), sorted using qsort() with the comparison function compar(), and
collected in array namel i st that isallocated via malloc().If select isNULL, all entriesare selected.
The alphasort() function can be used asthe comparison function for the scandir() function to sort the directory entriesinto
alphabetical order. Itsparametersare the two directory entries, a and b, to compare.
The scandir() function returnsthe number of directory entriesselected or 1 if an error occurs.
The alphasort() function returnsan integer lessthan, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument isconsidered to be
respectively lessthan, equal to, or greater than the second.
ENOMEM Insufficient memory to complete the operation
BSD 4.3
/* print files in current directory in reverse order */
#include <dirent.h>
struct dirent **namel i st ;
int n;
n = scandir(., &namel i st , 0, al phasor t );
if (n < 0)
while(n) printf(%s\n, namel i st [n]->d_name);
opendir(3), readdir(3), closedir(3), rewinddir(3), telldir(3), seekdir(3)
GNU, 11 April 1996
scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vsscanf, vfscanf
scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vsscanf, vfscanfInput format conversion
#include <stdio.h>
int scanf( const char *f or mat , ...);
int fscanf( FILE *st r eam, const char *f or mat , ...);
int sscanf( const char *st r , const char *f or mat , ...);
#include <stdarg.h>
int vscanf( const char *f or mat ,valist ap);
int vsscanf( const char *st r , const char *f or mat ,va_ist ap);
int vfscanf( FILE *st r eam, const char *f or mat ,va_list ap);
The scanf family of functionsscansinput according to a format asdescribed below. Thisformat may contain conversion
specifiers; the resultsfrom such conversions, if any, are stored through the pointer arguments. The scanf function reads
input from the standard input stream stdin, fscanf readsinput from the stream pointer stream, and sscanf readsitsinput
from the character string pointed to by st r .
The vfscanf function isanalogousto vfprintf(3) and readsinput from the stream pointer stream using a variable argument
list of pointers(see stdarg(3)). The vscanf function scansa variable argument list from the standard input and the vsscanf
function scansit from a string; these are analogousto the vprintf and vsprintf functionsrespectively.
Each successive pointer argument must correspond properly with each successive conversion specifier. All conversionsare
introduced by the % (percent sign) character. The format string may also contain other characters. Whitespace (such as
blanks, tabs, or newlines) in the format string match any amount of whitespace, including none, in the input. Everything else
matchesonly itself. Scanning stopswhen an input character doesnot match such a format character. Scanning also stops
when an input conversion cannot be made.
scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vsscanf, vfscanf
Part III: Library Functions
Following the % character introducing a conversion, there may be a number of flag characters, asfollows:
* Suppressesassignment. The conversion that followsoccursasusual, but no pointer isused; the result of
the conversion issimply discarded.
a Indicatesthat the conversion will be s, malloc will be applied to the needed memory space for the string,
and the pointer to it will be assigned to the char pointer variable, which doesnot have to be initialized
before. Thisflag doesnot exist in ANSI C.
h Indicatesthat the conversion will be one of dioux or n and the next pointer isa pointer to a short int
(rather than int).
l Indicateseither that the conversion will be one of dioux or n and the next pointer isa pointer to a long
int (rather than int), or that the conversion will be one of efg and the next pointer isa pointer to
double (rather than float). Specifying two l flagsisequivalent to the L flag.
L Indicatesthat the conversion will be either efg and the next pointer isa pointer to long double or the
conversion will be dioux and the next pointer isa pointer to long long. (Note that long long isnot an
ANSI C type. Any program using thiswill not be portable to all architectures).
q Equivalent to L. Thisflag doesnot exist in ANSI C.
In addition to these flags, there may be an optional maximum field width, expressed asa decimal integer, between the % and
the conversion. If no width isgiven, a default of infinity isused (with one exception, below); otherwise, at most thismany
charactersare scanned in processing the conversion. Before conversion begins, most conversionsskip whitespace; this
whitespace isnot counted against the field width.
The following conversionsare available:
% Matchesa literal %. That is, %% in the format string matchesa single input % character. No conversion is
done, and assignment doesnot occur.
d Matchesan optionally signed decimal integer; the next pointer must be a pointer to int.
D Equivalent to ld; thisexistsonly for backwardscompatibility.
i Matchesan optionally signed integer; the next pointer must be a pointer to int. The integer isread in
base 16 if it beginswith 0x or 0X, in base 8 if it beginswith 0, and in base 10 otherwise. Only
charactersthat correspond to the base are used.
o Matchesan unsigned octal integer; the next pointer must be a pointer to unsigned int.
u Matchesan unsigned decimal integer; the next pointer must be a pointer to unsigned int.
x Matchesan unsigned hexadecimal integer; the next pointer must be a pointer to unsigned int.
X Equivalent to x.
f Matchesan optionally signed floating-point number; the next pointer must be a pointer to float.
e Equivalent to f.
g Equivalent to f.
E Equivalent to f.
s Matchesa sequence of nonwhitespace characters; the next pointer must be a pointer to char, and the
array must be large enough to accept all the sequence and the terminating NUL character. The input
string stopsat whitespace or at the maximum field width, whichever occursfirst.
c Matchesa sequence of width count characters(default 1); the next pointer must be a pointer to char,
and there must be enough room for all the characters(no terminating NUL isadded). The usual skip of
leading whitespace issuppressed. To skip whitespace first, use an explicit space in the format.
[ Matchesa nonempty sequence of charactersfrom the specified set of accepted characters; the next
pointer must be a pointer to char, and there must be enough room for all the charactersin the string,
plusa terminating NUL character. The usual skip of leading whitespace issuppressed. The string isto be
made up of charactersin (or not in) a particular set; the set isdefined by the charactersbetween the
open bracket [ character and a close bracket ] character. The set excludesthose charactersif the first
character after the open bracket isa circumflex (^). To include a close bracket in the set, make it the
first character after the open bracket or the circumflex; any other position will end the set. The hyphen
character (-) isalso special; when placed between two other characters, it addsall intervening
charactersto the set. To include a hyphen, make it the last character before the final close bracket. For
instance, []0-9-] meansthe set everything except close bracket, zero through nine, and hyphen.
The string endswith the appearance of a character not in (or, with a circumflex, in) the set or when
the field width runsout.
p Matchesa pointer value (asprinted by %p in printf(3); the next pointer must be a pointer to void.
n Nothing isexpected; instead, the number of charactersconsumed thusfar from the input isstored
through the next pointer, which must be a pointer to int. Thisisnot a conversion, although it can be
suppressed with the * flag.
These functionsreturn the number of input itemsassigned, which can be fewer than provided for, or even zero, in the event
of a matching failure. Zero indicatesthat, while there wasinput available, no conversionswere assigned; typically, thisisdue
to an invalid input character, such asan alphabetic character for a %d conversion. The value EOF isreturned if an input failure
occursbefore any conversion such asan end-of-file occurs. If an error or end-of-file occursafter conversion hasbegun, the
number of conversionswhich were successfully completed isreturned.
strtol(3), strtoul(3), strtod(3), getc(3), printf(3)
The functionsfscanf, scanf, and sscanf conform to ANSI C3.159-1989 (ANSI C).
The q flag isthe BSD 4.4 notation for long long, while ll or the usage of L in integer conversionsisthe GNU notation.
The Linux version of these functionsisbased on the GNU libio library. Take a look at the info documentation of GNU
libc (glibc-1.08) for a more concise description.
All functionsare fully ANSI C3.159-1989-conformant, but provide the additional flagsq and a aswell asan additional
behavior of the L and l flags. The latter may be considered to be a bug, asit changesthe behavior of flagsdefined in ANSI
Some combinationsof flagsdefined by ANSI C are not making sense in ANSI C (for example, %Ld). While they may have a
well-defined behavior on Linux, thisneed not to be so on other architectures. Therefore, it usually isbetter to use flagsthat
are not defined by ANSI C at all, that is, use q instead of L in combination with diouxX conversionsor ll.
The usage of q isnot the same ason BSD 4.4, asit may be used in float conversionsequivalently to L.
Linux man page, 1 November 1995
seekdirSetsthe position of the next readdir() call in the directory stream.
#include <dirent.h>
void seekdir(DIR *di r ,off_t of f set );
The seekdir() function setsthe location in the directory stream from which the next readdir() call will start. seekdir()
should be used with an of f set returned by telldir().
Part III: Library Functions
The seekdir() function returnsno value.
BSD 4.3
lseek(2), opendir(3), readdir(3), closedir(3), rewinddir(3), telldir(3), scandir(3)
31 March 1993
setbuf, setbuffer, setlinebuf, setvbuf
setbuf, setbuffer, setlinebuf, setvbufStream buffering operations
#include <stdio.h>
int setbuf( FILE *st r eam, char *buf );
int setbuffer( FILE *st r eam, char *buf , size_t si ze);
int setlinebuf( FILE *st r eam);
int setvbuf( FILE *st r eam, char *buf , i nt mode , size_t si ze);
The three typesof buffering available are unbuffered, block buffered, and line buffered. When an output stream isunbuf-
fered, information appearson the destination file or terminal assoon aswritten; when it isblock buffered, many characters
are saved up and written asa block; when it isline buffered, charactersare saved up until a newline isoutput or input isread
from any stream attached to a terminal device (typically stdin). The function fflush(3) may be used to force the block out
early. (See fclose(3).) Normally all filesare block buffered. When the first I/O operation occurson a file, malloc(3) iscalled,
and a buffer isobtained. If a stream refersto a terminal (asstdout normally does), it isline buffered. The standard error
stream stderr isalwaysunbuffered.
The setvbuf function may be used at any time on any open stream to change itsbuffer. The mode parameter must be one of
the following three macros:
_IONBF Unbuffered
_IOLBF Line buffered
_IOFBF Fully buffered
Except for unbuffered files, the buf argument should point to a buffer at least si ze byteslong; thisbuffer will be used instead
of the current buffer. If the argument buf isNULL, only the mode isaffected; a new buffer will be allocated on the next read or
write operation. The setvbuf function may be used at any time, but can only change the mode of a stream when it isnot
active; that is, before any I/O, or immediately after a call to fflush.
The other three callsare, in effect, simply aliasesfor callsto setvbuf. The setbuf function isexactly equivalent to the call:
setvbuf(st r eam, buf , buf ?_IOFBF :_IONBF, BUFSIZ);
The setbuffer function isthe same, except that the size of the buffer isup to the caller, rather than being determined by the
default BUFSIZ. The setlinebuf function isexactly equivalent to the call:
setvbuf(st r eam, (char *)NULL,_IOLBF, 0);
fopen(3), fclose(3), fread(3), malloc(3), puts(3), printf(3)
The setbuf and setvbuf functionsconform to ANSI C3.159-1989 (ANSI C).
The setbuffer and setlinebuf functionsare not portable to versionsof BSD before 4.2BSD, and may not be available under
Linux. On 4.2BSD and 4.3BSD systems, setbuf alwaysusesa suboptimal buffer size and should be avoided. You must make
sure that both buf and the space it pointsto still exist by the time stream isclosed, which also happensat program termina-
tion. For example, the following isillegal:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char buf[BUFSIZ];
setbuf(stdin, buf );
printf(Hello, world!\n);
return 0;
BSD man page, 29 November 1993
setenvChangesor addsan environment variable
#include <stdlib.h>
int setenv(const char *name, const char *value,int overwrite);
void unsetenv(const char *name);
The setenv() function addsthe variable name to the environment with the value value, if name doesnot already exist. If name
doesexist in the environment, then itsvalue ischanged to value if overwrite isnon-zero; if overwrite iszero, then the value
of name isnot changed.
The unsetenv() function deletesthe variable name from the environment.
The setenv() function returnszero on success, or 1 if there wasinsufficient space in the environment.
BSD 4.3
getenv(3), putenv(3)
BSD, 4 April 1993
Part III: Library Functions
setjmpSavesstack context for nonlocal goto
#include <setjmp.h>
int setjmp(jmp_buf env );
setjmp and longjmp(3) are useful for dealing with errorsand interruptsencountered in a low-level subroutine of a program.
setjmp() savesthe stack context/environment in env for later use by longjmp(). The stack context will be invalidated if the
function which called setjmp() returns.
It returnsthe value 0 if returning directly and non-zero when returning from longjmp() using the saved context.
POSIX doesnot specify if the signal context will be saved or not. If you want to save signal masks, use sigsetjmp(3). setjmp()
makesprogramshard to understand and maintain. If possible, an alternative should be used.
longjmp(3), sigsetjmp(2), siglongjmp(2)
25 November 1994
setlocaleSetsthe current locale
#include <locale.h>
char *setlocale(int cat egor y, const char * l ocal e);
The setlocale() function isused to set or query the programscurrent locale. If l ocal e isC or POSIX, the current locale is
set to the portable locale.
If l ocal e is, the locale isset to the default locale that isselected from the environment variable LANG.
On startup of the main program, the portable locale isselected asdefault.
The argument cat egor y determineswhich functionsare influenced by the new locale:
LC_ALL For all of the locale.
LC_COLLATE For the functionsstrcoll() and strxfrm().
LC_CTYPE For the character classification and conversion routines.
LC_MONETARY For localeconv().
LC_NUMERIC For the decimal character.
LC_TIME For strftime(). NULL if the request can not be honored. Thisstring may be
allocated in static storage.
A program may be made portable to all localesby calling setlocale(LC_ALL, ) after program initialization, by using the
valuesreturned from a localeconv() call for localedependent information and by using strcoll() or strxfrm() to compare
Linux supportsthe portable localesC and POSIX and also the European Latin-1 and Russian locales.
The printf() family of functionsmay or may not honor the current locale.
locale(1), localedef(1), strcoll(3), isalpha(3), localeconv(3), strftime(3), locale(7)
GNU, 18 April 1993
siginterruptAllowssignalsto interrupt system calls
#include <signal.h>
int siginterrupt(int sig,int flag);
The siginterrupt() function changesthe restart behavior when a system call isinterrupted by the signal sig.If the flag
argument isfalse (0), then systemscallswill be restarted if interrupted by the specified signal sig. Thisisthe default behavior
in Linux. However, when a new signal handler isspecified with the signal(2) function, the system call isinterrupted by
If the flag argument istrue (1) and no data hasbeen transferred, then a system call interrupted by the signal sig will return
1 and the global variable er r no will be set to EINTR.
If the flag argument istrue (1) and data transfer hasstarted, then the system call will be interrupted and will return the
actual amount of data transferred.
The siginterrupt() function returns0 on success, or 1 if the signal number sig isinvalid.
EINVAL The specified signal number isinvalid.
BSD 4.3
13 April 1993
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismemberPOSIX signal set operations
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember
Part III: Library Functions
#include <signal.h>
int sigemptyset(sigset_t *set );
int sigfillset(sigset_t *set );
int sigaddset(sigset_t *set ,int si gnum);
int sigdelset(sigset_t *set ,int si gnum);
int sigismember(const sigset_t *set,int si gnum);
The sigsetops(3) functionsallow the manipulation of POSIX signal sets.
sigemptyset initializesthe signal set given by set to empty, with all signalsexcluded from the set.
sigfillset initializesset to full, including all signals.
sigaddset and sigdelset add and delete, respectively, signal si gnum from set .
sigismember testswhether si gnum isa member of set .
sigemptyset, sigfullset, sigaddset, and sigdelset return 0 on successand -1 on error.
sigismember returns1 if signum isa member of set, 0 if signum isnot a member, and -1 on error.
EINVAL si g isnot a valid signal.
sigaction(2), sigpending(2), sigprocmask(2), sigsuspend(2)
Linux 1.0, 24 September 1994
sinSine function
#include <math.h>
double sin(double x);
The sin() function returnsthe sine of x, where x isgiven in radians.
The sin() function returnsa value between 1 and 1.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
acos(3), asin(3), atan(3), atan2(3), cos(3), tan(3)
8 June1993
sinhHyperbolic sine function
#include <math.h>
double sinh(double x);
The sinh() function returnsthe hyperbolic sine of x, which isdefined mathematically as[exp(x)exp(-x)] / 2.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
acosh(3), asinh(3), atanh(3), cosh(3), tanh(3)
13 June1993
sleepSleepsfor the specified number of seconds
#include <unistd.h>
unsigned int sleep(unsigned int seconds);
sleep() makesthe current processsleep until seconds secondshave elapsed or a signal arrivesthat isnot ignored.
The return value iszero if the requested time haselapsed, or the number of secondsleft to sleep.
sleep()may be implemented using SIGALRM; mixing callsto alarm() and sleep() isa bad idea.
Using longjmp() from a signal handler or modifying the handling of SIGALRM while sleeping will cause undefined results.
signal(2), alarm(2)
GNU, 7 April 1993
Part III: Library Functions
snprintf, vsnprintf
snprintf, vsnprintfFormatted output conversion
#include <stdio.h>
int snprintf ( char *st r , size_t n,
const char *f or mat , ... );
#include <stdarg.h>
int vsnprintf ( char *st r , size_t n,
const char *f or mat , va_list ap );
snprintf writesoutput to the string st r , under control of the f or mat string that specifieshow subsequent argumentsare
converted for output. It issimilar to sprintf(3), except that n specifiesthe maximum number of charactersto produce.
The trailing null character iscounted towardsthislimit, so you should allocate at least n charactersfor the string st r .
vsnprintf isthe equivalent of snprintf with the variable argument list specified directly asfor vprintf.
The return value isthe number of charactersstored, not including the terminating null. If thisvalue equalsn, then there was
not enough space in st r for all the output. You should try again with a bigger output string.
Here isa sample program that dynamically enlargesitsoutput buffer:
/* Construct a message describing the value of a
variable whose name is NAME and whose value is
char *
make_message (char *name, char *value)
/* Guess we need no more than 100 chars of space. */
int size = 100;
char *buffer = (char *) xmalloc (size);
while (1)
/* Try to print in the allocated space. */
int nchars = snprintf (buffer, size,
value of %s is %s, name, value);
/* If that worked, return the string. */
if (nchars < size)
return buffer;
/* Else try again with twice as much space. */
size *= 2;
buffer = (char *) xrealloc (size, buffer);
These are GNU extensions.
printf(3), sprintf(3), vsprintf(3), stdarg(3)
GNU, 16 September 1995
sqrtSquare root function
#include <math.h>
double sqrt(double x);
The sqrt() function returnsthe non-negative square root of x. It failsand setser r no to EDOM, if x isnegative.
EDOM x isnegative.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
21 June1993
stdargVariable argument lists
#include <stdarg.h>
void va_start( va_list ap, l ast );
type va_arg( va_list ap, t ype);
void va_end( va_list ap);
A function may be called with a varying number of argumentsof varying types. The include file stdarg.h declaresa type
va_list and definesthree macrosfor stepping through a list of argumentswhose number and typesare not known to the
called function.
The called function must declare an object of type va_list that isused by the macrosva_start, va_arg, and va_end.
The va_start macro initializesap for subsequent use by va_arg and va_end, and must be called first.
The parameter l ast isthe name of the last parameter before the variable argument list; that is, the last parameter of which
the calling function knowsthe type.
Because the addressof thisparameter isused in the va_start macro, it should not be declared asa register variable, a
function, or an array type.
The va_start macro returnsno value.
Part III: Library Functions
The va_arg macro expandsto an expression that hasthe type and value of the next argument in the call. The parameter ap is
the va_list ap initialized by va_start. Each call to va_arg modifiesap so that the next call returnsthe next argument. The
parameter type isa type name specified so that the type of a pointer to an object that hasthe specified type can be obtained
simply by adding a * to type.
If there isno next argument, or if type isnot compatible with the type of the actual next argument (aspromoted according
to the default argument promotions), random errorswill occur.
The first use of the va_arg macro after that of the va_start macro returnsthe argument after last. Successive invocations
return the valuesof the remaining arguments.
The va_end macro handlesa normal return from the function whose variable argument list wasinitialized by va_start.
The va_end macro returnsno value.
The function foo takesa string of format charactersand printsout the argument associated with each format character based
on the type.
void foo(char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
int d;
char c, *p, *s;
va_start(ap, fmt);
while (*fmt)
switch(*fmt++) {
case s: /* string */
s = va_arg(ap, char *);
printf(string %s\n, s);
case d: /* int */
d = va_arg(ap, int);
printf(int %d\n, d);
case c: /* char */
c = va_arg(ap, char);
printf(char %c\n, c);
The va_start, va_arg, and va_end macrosconform to ANSI C3.159-1989 (ANSI C).
These macrosare not compatible with the historic macrosthey replace. A backwards-compatible version can be found in the
include file varargs.h.
Unlike the varargs macros, the stdarg macrosdo not permit programmersto code a function with no fixed arguments. This
problem generateswork mainly when converting varargs code to stdarg code, but it also createsdifficultiesfor variadic
functionsthat wish to passall of their argumentson to a function that takesa va_list argument, such asvfprintf(3).
BSD man page, 29 November 1993
stdioStandard input/output library functions
#include <stdio.h>
FILE *stdin;
FILE *stdout;
FILE *stderr;
The standard I/O library providesa simple and efficient buffered stream I/O interface. Input and output ismapped into
logical data streamsand the physical I/O characteristicsare concealed. The functionsand macrosare listed in thissection;
more information isavailable from the individual man pages.
A stream isassociated with an external file (which may be a physical device) by opening a file, which may involve creating a
new file. Creating an existing file causesitsformer contentsto be discarded. If a file can support positioning requests(such as
a disk file, asopposed to a terminal), then a file position indicator associated with the stream ispositioned at the start of the
file (byte zero), unlessthe file isopened with append mode. If append mode isused, the position indicator will be placed the
end-of-file. The position indicator ismaintained by subsequent reads, writes, and positioning requests. All input occursasif
the characterswere read by successive callsto the fgetc(3) function; all output takesplace asif all characterswere read by
successive callsto the fputc(3) function.
A file isdisassociated from a stream by closing the file. Output streamsare flushed (any unwritten buffer contentsare
transferred to the host environment) before the stream isdisassociated from the file. The value of a pointer to a FILE object is
indeterminate after a file isclosed (garbage).
A file may be subsequently reopened, by the same or another program execution, and itscontentsreclaimed or modified (if it
can be repositioned at the start). If the main function returnsto itsoriginal caller, or the exit(3) function iscalled, all open
filesare closed (hence all output streamsare flushed) before program termination. Other methodsof program termination,
such asabort(3) do not bother about closing filesproperly.
At program startup, three text streamsare predefined and need not be opened explicitly: standard input (for reading
conventional input), standard output (for writing conventional input), and standard error (for writing diagnostic output).
These streamsare abbreviated stdin, stdout, and stderr. When opened, the standard error stream isnot fully buffered; the
standard input and output streamsare fully buffered if and only if the streamsdo not to refer to an interactive device.
Output streamsthat refer to terminal devicesare alwaysline buffered by default; pending output to such streamsiswritten
automatically whenever an input stream that refersto a terminal device isread. In caseswhere a large amount of computation
isdone after printing part of a line on an output terminal, it isnecessary to fflush(3) the standard output before going off
and computing so that the output will appear.
The stdio library isa part of the library libc and routinesare automatically loaded asneeded by the compilerscc(1) and
pc(1). The SYNOPSIS sectionsof the following manual pagesindicate which include filesare to be used, what the compiler
declaration for the function lookslike, and which external variablesare of interest.
The following are defined asmacros; these namesmay not be reused without first removing their current definitionswith
clearerr, feof, ferror, fileno, fropen, fwopen, getc, getchar, putc, putchar, stderr, stdin, stdout. Function versionsof the
macro functionsfeof, ferror, clearerr, fileno, getc, getchar, putc, and putchar exist and will be used if the macros
definitionsare explicitly removed.
open(2), close(2), read(2), write(2)
Part III: Library Functions
The standard buffered functionsdo not interact well with certain other library and system functions, especially vfork and
abort. Thismay not be the case under Linux.
The stdio library conformsto ANSI C3.159-1989 (ANSI C).
Function Description
clearerr Check and reset stream status
fclose Close a stream
fdopen Stream open functions
feof Check and reset stream status
ferror Check and reset stream status
fflush Flush a stream
fgetc Get next character or word from input stream
fgetline Get a line from a stream
fgetpos Reposition a stream
fgets Get a line from a stream
fileno Check and reset stream status
fopen Stream open functions
fprintf Formatted output conversion
fpurge Flush a stream
fputc Output a character or word to a stream
fputs Output a line to a stream
fread Binary stream input/output
freopen Stream open functions
fropen Open a stream
fscanf Input format conversion
fseek Reposition a stream
fsetpos Reposition a stream
ftell Reposition a stream
fwrite Binary stream input/output
getc Get next character or word from input stream
getchar Get next character or word from input stream
gets Get a line from a stream
getw Get next character or word from input stream
mktemp Make temporary filename (unique)
perror System error messages
printf Formatted output conversion
putc Output a character or word to a stream
putchar Output a character or word to a stream
puts Output a line to a stream
putw Output a character or word to a stream
remove Remove directory entry
rewind Reposition a stream
scanf Input format conversion
setbuf Stream buffering operations
setbuffer Stream buffering operations
setlinebuf Stream buffering operations
setvbuf Stream buffering operations
sprintf Formatted output conversion
sscanf Input format conversion
strerror System error messages
sys_errlist System error messages
sys_nerr System error messages
tempnam Temporary file routines
tmpfile Temporary file routines
tmpnam Temporary file routines
ungetc Un-get character from input stream
vfprintf Formatted output conversion
vfscanf Input format conversion
vprintf Formatted output conversion
vscanf Input format conversion
vsprintf Formatted output conversion
vsscanf Input format conversion
BSD man page, 29 November 1993
stpcpyCopiesa string returning a pointer to itsend
#include <string.h>
char *stpcpy(char *dest , const char *sr c);
The stpcpy() function copiesthe string pointed to by sr c (including the terminating \0 character) to the array pointed to by
dest . The stringsmay not overlap, and the destination string dest must be large enough to receive the copy.
stpcpy() returnsa pointer to the end of the string dest (that is, the addressof the terminating null character) rather than the
For example, thisprogram usesstpcpy to concatenate foo and bar to produce foobar, which it then prints:
#include <string.h>
main (void)
Part III: Library Functions
char *to = buffer;
to = stpcpy (to, foo);
to = stpcpy (to, bar);
printf (%s\n, buffer);
Thisfunction isnot part of the ANSI or POSIX standards, and isnot customary on UNIX systems, but isnot a GNU
invention either. Perhapsit comesfrom MS-DOS.
strcpy(3), bcopy(3), memccpy(3), memcpy(3), memmove(3)
GNU, 3 September 1995
strcasecmp, strncasecmp
strcasecmp, strncasecmpCompare two strings, ignoring case
#include <string.h>
int strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
int strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);
The strcasecmp() function comparesthe two stringss1 and s2, ignoring the case of the characters. It returnsan integer less
than, equal to, or greater than zero if s1 isfound, respectively, to be lessthan, to match, or be greater than s2.
The strncasecmp() function issimilar, except it only comparesthe first n charactersof s1.
The strcasecmp() and strncasecmp() functionsreturn an integer lessthan, equal to, or greater than zero if s1 (or the first n
bytesthereof ) isfound, respectively, to be lessthan, to match, or be greater than s2.
BSD 4.3
bcmp(3), memcmp(3), strcmp(3), strcoll(3), strncmp(3)
11 April 1993
strcat, strncat
strcat, strncatConcatenate two strings
#include <string.h>
char *strcat(char *dest , const char *sr c);
char *strncat(char *dest , const char *sr c, size_t n);
The strcat() function appendsthe sr c string to the dest string, overwriting the \0 character at the end of dest , and then
addsa terminating \0 character. The stringsmay not overlap, and the dest string must have enough space for the result.
The strncat() function issimilar, except that only the first n charactersof sr c are appended to dest .
The strcat() and strncat() functionsreturn a pointer to the resulting string dest .
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
bcopy(3), memccpy(3), memcpy(3), strcpy(3), strncpy(3)
GNU, 11 April 1993
strchr, strrchr
strchr, strrchrLocate character in string
#include <string.h>
char *strchr(const char *s,int c);
char *strrchr(const char *s,int c);
The strchr() function returnsa pointer to the first occurrence of the character c in the string s.
The strrchr() function returnsa pointer to the last occurrence of the character c in the string s.
The strchr() and strrchr() functionsreturn a pointer to the matched character or NULL if the character isnot found.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
index(3), memchr(3), rindex(3), strpbrk(3), strsep(3), strspn(3), strstr(3), strtok(3)
12 April 1993
strcmp, strncmp
strcmp, strncmpCompare two strings
#include <string.h>
int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);
strcmp, strncmp
Part III: Library Functions
The strcmp() function comparesthe two stringss1 and s2. It returnsan integer lessthan, equal to, or greater than zero if s1
isfound, respectively, to be lessthan, to match, or be greater than s2.
The strncmp() function issimilar, except it only comparesthe first n charactersof s1.
The strcmp() and strncmp() functionsreturn an integer lessthan, equal to, or greater than zero if s1 (or the first n bytes
thereof ) isfound, respectively, to be lessthan, to match, or be greater than s2.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
bcmp(3), memcmp(3), strcasecmp(3), strncasecmp(3), strcoll(3)
11 April 1993
strcollComparestwo stringsusing the current locale
#include <string.h>
int strcoll(const char *s1, const char *s2);
The strcoll() function comparesthe two stringss1 and s2. It returnsan integer lessthan, equal to, or greater than zero if s1
isfound, respectively, to be lessthan, to match, or be greater than s2. The comparison isbased on stringsinterpreted as
appropriate for the programscurrent locale for category LC_COLLATE. (See setlocale(3)).
The strcoll() function returnsan integer lessthan, equal to, or greater than zero if s1 isfound, respectively, to be lessthan,
to match, or be greater than s2, when both are interpreted asappropriate for the current locale.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
The Linux C Library currently hasnt implemented the complete POSIX-collating.
In the POSIX or C locales, strcoll() isequivalent to strcmp().
bcmp(3), memcmp(3), strcasecmp(3), strcmp(3), strxfrm(3), setlocale(3)
GNU, 12 April 1993
strcpy, strncpy
strcpy, strncpyCopy a string
#include <string.h>
char *strcpy(char *dest , const char *sr c);
char *strncpy(char *dest , const char *sr c, size_t n);
The strcpy() function copiesthe string pointed to be sr c (including the terminating \0 character) to the array pointed to by
dest . The stringsmay not overlap, and the destination string dest must be large enough to receive the copy.
The strncpy() function issimilar, except that not more than n bytesof sr c are copied. Thus, if there isno null byte among
the first n bytesof sr c, the result will not be null-terminated.
In the case where the length of sr c islessthan that of n, the remainder of dest will be padded with nulls.
The strcpy() and strncpy() functionsreturn a pointer to the destination string dest .
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
bcopy(3), memccpy(3), memcpy(3), memmove(3)
GNU, 11 April 1993
strdupDuplicatesa string
#include <string.h>
char *strdup(const char *s);
The strdup() function returnsa pointer to a new string that isa duplicate of the string s. Memory for the new string is
obtained with malloc(3), and can be freed with free(3).
The strdup() function returnsa pointer to the duplicated string, or NULL if insufficient memory wasavailable.
ENOMEM Insufficient memory available to allocate duplicate string
SVID 3, BSD 4.3
calloc(3), malloc(3), realloc(3), free(3)
GNU, 12 April 1993
Part III: Library Functions
strerrorReturnsstring describing error code
#include <string.h>
char *strerror(int er r num);
The strerror() function returnsa string describing the error code passed in the argument er r num. The string can only be
used until the next call to strerror().
The strerror() function returnsthe appropriate description string, or an unknown error message if the error code is
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
errno(3), perror(3), strsignal(3)
GNU, 13 April 1993
strfryRandomizesa string
#include <string.h>
char *strfry(char *st r i ng);
The strfry() function randomizesthe contentsof st r i ng by using rand(3) to randomly swap charactersin the string. The
result isan anagram of st r i ng.
The strfry() function returnsa pointer to the randomized string.
The strfry() function isunique to the Linux C Library and GNU C Library.
GNU, 12 April 1993
strftimeFormatsdate and time
#include <time.h>
size t strftime(char *s, size_t max, const char *f or mat ,
const struct tm *t m);
The strftime() function formatsthe broken-down time t m according to the format specification format and placesthe result
in the character array s of size max.
Ordinary charactersplaced in the format string are copied to s without conversion. Conversion specifiersare introduced by a
% character, and are replaced in s asfollows:
%a The abbreviated weekday name according to the current locale
%A The full weekday name according to the current locale
%b The abbreviated month name according to the current locale
%B The full month name according to the current locale
%c The preferred date and time representation for the current locale
%d The day of the month asa decimal number (range 01 to 31)
%H The hour asa decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23)
%I The hour asa decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12)
%j The day of the year asa decimal number (range 001 to 366)
%m The month asa decimal number (range 01 to 12)
%M The minute asa decimal number
%p Either a.m. or p.m. according to the given time value, or the corresponding stringsfor the current
%S The second asa decimal number
%U The week number of the current year asa decimal number, starting with the first Sunday asthe first
day of the first week
%W The week number of the current year asa decimal number, starting with the first Monday asthe first
day of the first week
%w The day of the week asa decimal, Sunday being 0
%x The preferred date representation for the current locale without the time
%X The preferred time representation for the current locale without the date
%y The year asa decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99)
%Y The year asa decimal number including the century
%Z The time zone or name or abbreviation
%% A literal % character
The broken-down time structure tm isdefined in <time.h> asfollows:
struct tm
int tm sec; /* seconds */
int tm min; /* minutes */
int tm hour; /* hours */
int tm mday; /* day of the month */
int tm mon; /* month */
int tm year; /* year */
int tm wday; /* day of the week */
int tm yday; /* day in the year */
int tm isdst; /* daylight saving time */
Part III: Library Functions
The membersof the tm structure are
tm_sec The number of secondsafter the minute, normally in the range 0 to 59, but can be up to
61 to allow for leap seconds.
tm_min The number of minutesafter the hour, in the range 0 to 59.
tm_hour The number of hourspast midnight, in the range 0 to 23.
tm_mday The day of the month, in the range 1 to 31.
tm_mon The number of monthssince January, in the range 0 to 11.
tm_year The number of yearssince 1900.
tm_wday The number of dayssince Sunday, in the range 0 to 6.
tm_yday The number of dayssince January 1, in the range 0 to 365.
tm_isdst A flag that indicateswhether daylight saving time isin effect at the time described. The
value ispositive if daylight saving time isin effect, zero if it isnot, and negative if the
information isnot available.
The strftime() function returnsthe number of charactersplaced in the array s, not including the terminating NULL character.
If the value equalsmax, it meansthat the array wastoo small.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
date(1), time(2), ctime(3), setlocale(3), sprintf(3)
The function supportsonly those localesspecified in locale(7)
GNU, 2 July1993
strcasecmp, strcat, strchr, strcmp, strcoll, strcpy, strcspn,
strdup, strfry, strlen, strncat, strncmp, strncpy, strncasecmp,
strpbrk, strrchr, strsep, strspn, strstr, strtok, strxfrm,
index, rindex
strcasecmp, strcat, strchr, strcmp, strcoll, strcpy, strcspn, strdup, strfry, strlen, strncat, strncmp, strncpy, strncasecmp,
strpbrk, strrchr, strsep, strspn, strstr, strtok, strxfrm, index, rindexString operations
#include <string.h>
int strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
char *strcat(char *dest, const char *sr c);
char *strchr(const char *s,int c);
int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
int strcoll(const char *s1, const char *s2);
char *strcpy(char *dest , const char *sr c);
size_t strcspn(const char *s, const char *r ej ect );
char *strdup(const char *s);
char *strfry(char *st r i ng);
size_t strlen(const char *s);
char *strncat(char *dest , const char *sr c, size_t n);
int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);
char *strncpy(char *dest , const char *sr c, size_t n);
int strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);
char *strpbrk(const char *s, const char *accept );
char *strrchr(const char *s,int c);
char *strsep(char **st r i ngp, const char *del i m);
size_t strspn(const char *s, const char *accept );
char *strstr(const char *hayst ack , const char *needl e);
char *strtok(char *s, const char *del i m);
size_t strxfrm(char *dest , const char *sr c , size_t n);
char *i ndex (const char*s,i nt c);
char *rindex(const char *s,int c);
The string functionsperform string operationson NULL-terminated strings. See the individual man pagesfor descriptionsof
each function.
index(3), rindex(3), strcasecmp(3), strcat(3), strchr(3), strcmp(3), strcoll(3), strcpy(3), strcspn(3), strdup(3), strfry(3),
strlen(3), strncat(3), strncmp(3), strncpy(3), strncasecmp(3), strpbrk(3), strrchr(3), strsep(3), strspn(3), strstr(3),
strtok(3), strxfrm(3)
9 April 1993
strlenCalculatesthe length of a string
#include <string.h>
size_t strlen(const char *s);
The strlen() function calculatesthe length of the string s, not including the terminating \0 character.
The strlen() function returnsthe number of charactersin s.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
12 April 1993
strpbrkSearchesa string for any of a set of characters
Part III: Library Functions
#include <string.h>
char *strpbrk(const char *s, const char *accept );
The strpbrk() function locatesthe first occurrence in the string s of any of the charactersin the string accept .
The strpbrk() function returnsa pointer to the character in s that matchesone of the charactersin accept .
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
index(3), memchr(3), rindex(3), strchr(3), strsep(3), strspn(3), strstr(3), strtok(3)
12 April 1993
strptimeConvertsa string representation of time to a time tm structure
#include <time.h>
char *strptime(char *buf , const char *f or mat , const struct tm *t m);
strptime() isthe complementary function to strftime() and convertsthe character string pointed to by buf to a time value,
which isstored in the tm structure pointed to by t m, using the format specified by f or mat . f or mat isa character string that
consistsof field descriptorsand text characters, reminiscent of scanf(3). Each field descriptor consistsof a % character
followed by another character that specifiesthe replacement for the field descriptor. All other charactersare copied from
f or mat into the result. The following field descriptorsare supported:
%% Same as%.
%a, %A Day of week, using localesweekday names; either the abbreviated or full name may be
%b, %B, %h Month, using localesmonth names; either the abbreviated or full name may be
%c Date and time as%x, %X.
%C Date and time, in localeslong-format date and time representation.
%d, %e Day of month (131; leading zeroesare permitted but not required).
%D Date as%m/%d/%y.
%H, %k Hour (023; leading zeroesare permitted but not required).
%I, %l Hour (012; leading zeroesare permitted but not required).
%j Day number of year (001366).
%m Month number (112; leading zeroesare permitted but not required).
%M Minute (059; leading zeroesare permitted but not required).
%p Localesequivalent of a.m. or p.m.
%r Time as%I:%M:%S %p.
%R Time as%H:%M.
%S Seconds(061; leading zeroesare permitted but not required; extra second allowed for
leap years).
%T Time as%H:%M:%S.
%w Weekday number (06) with Sunday asthe first day of the week.
%x Date, using localesdate format.
%X Time, using localestime format.
%y Year within century (099; leading zeroesare permitted but not required.
Unfortunately, thismakesthe assumption that we are stuck in the 20th century, as
1900 isautomatically added onto thisnumber for the tm year field.)
%Y Year, including century (for example, 1988).
Case isignored when matching itemssuch asmonth or weekday names.
The broken-down time structure tm isdefined in <time.h> asfollows:
struct tm
int tm_sec; /* seconds */
int tm_min; /* minutes */
int tm_hour; /* hours */
int tm_mday; /* day of the month */
int tm_mon; /* month */
int tm_year; /* year */
int tm_wday; /* day of the week */
int tm_yday; /* day in the year */
int tm_isdst; /* daylight saving time */
The strptime() function returnsa pointer to the character following the last character in the string pointed to by buf .
strftime(3), time(2), setlocale(3), scanf(3)
The return valuespoint to static data, whose contentsare overwritten by each call.
Thisfunction isonly available in librariesnewer than version 4.6.5.
The function supportsonly those localesspecified in locale(7).
GNU, 26 September 1994
strsepExtractstoken from string
#include <string.h>
char *strsep(char **st r i ngp, const char *del i m);
Part III: Library Functions
The strsep() function returnsthe next token from the string st r i ngp which isdelimited by del i m. The token isterminated
with a \0 character and st r i ngp isupdated to point past the token.
The strsep() function returnsa pointer to the token, or NULL if delim isnot found in st r i ngp.
BSD 4.3
index(3), memchr(3), rindex(3), strchr(3), strpbrk(3), strspn(3), strstr(3), strtok(3)
GNU, 12 April 1993
strsignalReturnsstring describing signal
#include <string.h>
char *strsignal(int si g);
extern const char * const sys_si gl i st []
The strsignal() function returnsa string describing the signal number passed in the argument si g. The string can only be
used until the next call to strsignal().
The array sys_si gl i st holdsthe signal description stringsindexed by signal number.
The strsignal() function returnsthe appropriate description string, or an unknown signal message if the signal number is
psignal(3), strerror(3)
GNU, 13 April 1993
strspn, strcspn
strspn, strcspnSearch a string for a set of characters
#include <string.h>
size t strspn(const char *s, const char *accept );
size t strcspn(const char *s, const char *r ej ect );
The strspn() function calculatesthe length of the initial segment of s, which consistsentirely of charactersin accept .
The strcspn() function calculatesthe length of the initial segment of s, which consistsentirely of charactersnot in r ej ect .
The strspn() function returnsthe number of charactersin the initial segment of s, which consist only of charactersfrom
accept .
The strcspn() function returnsthe number of charactersin the initial segment of s, which are not in the string r ej ect .
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
index(3), memchr(3), rindex(3), strchr(3), strpbrk(3), strsep(3), strstr(3), strtok(3)
12 April 1993
strstrLocatesa substring
#include <string.h>
char *strstr(const char *hayst ack , const char *needl e);
The strstr() function findsthe first occurrence of the substring needl e in the string hayst ack. The terminating \0 characters
are not compared.
The strstr() function returnsa pointer to the beginning of the substring, or NULL if the substring isnot found.
index(3), memchr(3), rindex(3), strchr(3), strpbrk(3), strsep(3), strspn(3), strtok(3)
GNU, 12 April 1993
strtodConvertsASCII string to double
#include <stdlib.h>
double strtod(const char *npt r , char **endpt r );
The strtod() function convertsthe initial portion of the string pointed to by npt r to double representation.
The expected form of the string isoptional leading whitespace aschecked by isspace(3), an optional plus(+) or minussign
(-) followed by a sequence of digitsoptionally containing a decimal point character, optionally followed by an exponent. An
exponent consistsof an E or e, followed by an optional plusor minussign, followed by a nonempty sequence of digits. If the
locale isnot C or POSIX, different formatsmay be used.
Part III: Library Functions
The strtod function returnsthe converted value, if any.
If endpt r isnot NULL, a pointer to the character after the last character used in the conversion isstored in the location
referenced by endpt r .
If no conversion isperformed, zero isreturned and the value of npt r isstored in the location referenced by endpt r .
If the correct value would cause overflow, plusor minusHUGE_VAL isreturned (according to the sign of the value), and ERANGE
isstored in er r no. If the correct value would cause underflow, zero isreturned and ERANGE isstored in er r no.
ERANGE Overflow or underflow occurred.
atof(3), atoi(3), atol(3), strtol(3), strtoul(3)
BSD man page, 4 March 1996
strtokExtractstoken from string
#include <string.h>
char *strtok(char *s, const char *del i m);
A token isa nonempty string of charactersnot occurring in the string del i m, followed by \0 or by a character occurring in
del i m.
The strtok() function can be used to parse the string s into tokens. The first call to strtok() should have s asitsfirst
argument. Subsequent callsshould have the first argument set to NULL. Each call returnsa pointer to the next token, or NULL
when no more tokensare found.
If a token endswith a delimiter, thisdelimiting character isoverwritten with a \0 and a pointer to the next character issaved
for the next call to strtok. The delimiter string del i m may be different for each call.
Thisfunction modifiesitsfirst argument. The identity of the delimiting character islost.
The strtok() function returnsa pointer to the next token, or NULL if there are no more tokens.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
index(3), memchr(3), rindex(3), strchr(3), strpbrk(3), strsep(3), strspn(3), strstr(3)
GNU, 10 February1996
strtolConvertsa string to a long integer
#include <stdlib.h>
long int strtol(const char *npt r , char **endpt r ,int base);
The strtol() function convertsthe string in npt r to a long integer value according to the given base, which must be between
2 and 36 inclusive, or be the special value 0.
The string must begin with an arbitrary amount of whitespace (asdetermined by isspace(3)) followed by a single optional +
or - sign. If base iszero or 16, the string may then include a 0x prefix, and the number will be read in base 16; otherwise, a
zero base istaken as10 (decimal) unlessthe next character is0, in which case it istaken as8 (octal).
The remainder of the string isconverted to a long int value in the obviousmanner, stopping at the first character that isnot
a valid digit in the given base. (In basesabove 10, the letter A in either upper- or lowercase represents10, B represents11, and
so forth, with Z representing 35.)
If endptr isnot NULL, strtol() storesthe addressof the first invalid character in *endptr. If there were no digitsat all, strtol()
storesthe original value of nptr in *endptr. (Thus, if *nptr isnot \0 but **endptr is\0 on return, the entire string isvalid.)
The strtol() function returnsthe result of the conversion, unlessthe value would underflow or overflow. If an underflow
occurs, strtol() returnsLONG_MIN. If an overflow occurs, strtol() returnsLONG_MAX. In both cases, er r no isset to ERANGE.
ERANGE The given string wasout of range; the value converted hasbeen clamped.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
atof(3), atoi(3), atol(3), strtod(3), strtoul(3)
Ignoresthe current locale.
GNU, 10 June1995
strtoulConvertsa string to an unsigned long integer.
#include <stdlib.h>
unsigned long int strtoul(const char *npt r , char **endpt r ,
int base);
Part III: Library Functions
The strtoul() function convertsthe string in npt r to an unsigned long integer value according to the given base, which must
be between 2 and 36 inclusive, or be the special value 0.
The string must begin with an arbitrary amount of whitespace (asdetermined by isspace(3)) followed by a single optional +
or - sign. If base iszero or 16, the string may then include a 0x prefix, and the number will be read in base 16; otherwise, a
zero base istaken as10 (decimal) unlessthe next character is0, in which case it istaken as8 (octal).
The remainder of the string isconverted to an unsigned long int value in the obviousmanner, stopping at the first character
that isnot a valid digit in the given base. (In basesabove 10, the letter A in either upper- or lowercase represents10, B
represents11, and so forth, with Z representing 35.)
If endptr isnot NULL, strtoul() storesthe addressof the first invalid character in *endptr. If there were no digitsat all,
strtoul() storesthe original value of nptr in *endptr. (Thus, if *nptr isnot \0 but **endptr is\0 on return, the entire string is
The strtoul() function returnseither the result of the conversion or, if there wasa leading minussign, the negation of the
result of the conversion, unlessthe original (non-negated) value would overflow; in the latter case, strtoul() returns
ULONG_MAX and setsthe global variable er r no to ERANGE.
ERANGE The given string wasout of range; the value converted hasbeen clamped.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
atof(3), atoi(3), atol(3), strtod(3), strtol(3)
strtoul ignoresthe current locale.
GNU, 29 March 1993
strxfrmString transformation
#include <string.h>
size t strxfrm(char *dest , const char *sr c , size_t n);
The strxfrm() function transformsthe sr c string into a form such that the result of strcmp() on two stringsthat have been
transformed with strxfrm() isthe same asthe result of strcoll() on the two stringsbefore their transformation. The first n
charactersof the transformed string are placed in dest . The transformation isbased on the programscurrent locale for
category LC_COLLATE. (See setlocale(3)).
The strxfrm() function returnsthe number of bytesrequired to store the transformed string in dest excluding the terminat-
ing \0 character. If the value returned isn or more, the contentsof dest are indeterminate.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
The Linux C Library currently hasnt implemented the complete POSIX-collating.
In the POSIX or C localesstrxfrm() isequivalent to copying the string with strncpy().
bcmp(3), memcmp(3), strcasecmp(3), strcmp(3), strcoll(3), setlocale(3)
GNU, 12 April 1993
swabSwapsadjacent bytes
#include <string.h>
void swab(const void *f r om, void*t o, size_t n);
The swab() function copiesn bytesfrom the array pointed to by from to the array pointed to by to, exchanging adjacent even
and odd bytes. Thisfunction isused to exchange data between machinesthat have different low/high byte ordering.
The swab() function returnsno value.
SVID 3, BSD 4.3
GNU, 13 April 1993
sysconfGetsconfiguration information at runtime
#include <unistd.h>
long sysconf(int name);
sysconf() providesa way for the application to determine valuesfor system limitsor optionsat runtime.
The equivalent macrosdefined in <unistd.h> can only give conservative values; if an application wantsto take advantage of
valuesthat may change, a call to sysconf() can be made, which may yield more liberal results.
For getting information about a particular file, see fpathconf() or pathconf().
The following valuesare supported for name. First, the POSIX.1_compatible values:
Part III: Library Functions
_SC_ARG_MAX The maximum length of the argumentsto the exec() family of
functions; the corresponding macro isARG_MAX.
_SC_CHILD_MAX The number of simultaneousprocessesper user ID; the corresponding
_SC_CLK_TCK The number of clock ticksper second; the corresponding macro is
_SC_STREAM_MAX The maximum number of streamsthat a processcan have open at any
time. The corresponding POSIX macro isSTREAM_MAX; the
corresponding standard C macro isFOPEN_MAX.
_SC_TZNAME_MAX The maximum number of bytesin a time zone name; the
corresponding macro isTZNAME_MAX.
_SC_OPEN_MAX The maximum number of filesthat a processcan have open at any
time; the corresponding macro is_POSIX_OPEN_MAX.
_SC_JOB_CONTROL Thisindicateswhether POSIXstyle job control issupported, the
corresponding macro is_POSIX_JOB_CONTROL.
_SC_SAVED_IDS Thisindicateswhether a processhasa saved set-user-ID and a saved
set-group-ID; the corresponding macro is_POSIX_SAVED_IDS.
_SC_VERSION Indicatesthe year and month the POSIX.1 standard wasapproved in
the format YYYYMML; the value 199009L indicatesthe most recent
revision, 1990.
Next, the POSIX.2 values:
_SC_BC_BASE_MAX Indicatesthe maximum obase value accepted by the bc(1) utility; the
corresponding macro isBC_BASE_MAX.
_SC_BC_DIM_MAX Indicatesthe maximum value of elementspermitted in an array by
bc(1); the corresponding macro isBC_DIM_MAX.
_SC_BC_SCALE_MAX Indicatesthe maximum scale value allowed by bc(1); the
corresponding macro isBC_SCALE_MAX.
_SC_BC_STRING_MAX Indicatesthe maximum length of a string accepted by bc(1); the
corresponding macro isBC_STRING_MAX.
_SC_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX Indicatesthe maximum numbersof weightsthat can be assigned to an
entry of the LC_COLLATE order keyword in the locale definition file; the
corresponding macro isCOLL_WEIGHTS_MAX.
_SC_EXPR_NEST_MAX Isthe maximum number of expressionsthat can be nested within
parenthesesby expr(1). The corresponding macro isEXPR_NEST_MAX.
_SC_LINE_MAX The maximum length of a utilitysinput line length, either from
standard input or from a file. Thisincludeslength for a trailing
newline. The corresponding macro isLINE_MAX.
_SC_RE_DUP_MAX The maximum number of repeated occurrencesof a regular
expression when the interval notation \{m,n\} isused. The value of
the corresponding macro isRE_DUP_MAX.
_SC_2_VERSION Indicatesthe version of the POSIX.2 standard in the format of
YYYYMML. The corresponding macro isPOSIX2_VERSION.
_SC_2_DEV Indicateswhether the POSIX.2 C language development facilitiesare
supported. The corresponding macro isPOSIX2_C_DEV.
_SC_2_FORT_DEV Indicateswhether the POSIX.2 FORTRAN development utilitiesare
supported. The corresponding macro isPOSIX2_FORT_RUN.
_SC_2_FORT_RUN Indicateswhether the POSIX.2 FORTRAN runtime utilitiesare
supported. The corresponding macro isPOSIX2_FORT_RUN.
POSIX2_LOCALEDEF Indicateswhether the POSIX.2 creation of locatesvia locale(1) is
supported. The corresponding macro isPOSIX2_LOCALEDEF.
_SC_2_SW_DEV Indicateswhether the POSIX.2 software development utilitiesoption
issupported. The corresponding macro isPOSIX2_SW_DEV.
The value returned isthe value of the system resource, 1 if a queried option isavailable, 0 if it isnot, or 1 on error. The
variable er r no isnot set.
POSIX.1, proposed POSIX.2
It isdifficult use ARG_MAX because it isnot specified how much of the argument space for exec() isconsumed by the users
environment variables.
Some returned valuesmay be huge; they are not suitable for allocating memory.
POSIX.2 isnot yet an approved standard; the information in thisman page issubject to change.
bc(1), expr(1), locale(1), fpathconf(3), pathconf(3)
GNU, 18 April 1993
closelog, openlog, syslog
closelog, openlog, syslogSend messagesto the system logger
#include <syslog.h>
void openlog( char *i dent ,int opt i on,int f aci l i t y);
void syslog( int pr i or i t y , char *f or mat , ...);
void closelog( void );
closelog() closesthe descriptor being used to write to the system logger. The use of closelog() isoptional.
openlog() opensa connection to the system logger for a program. The string pointed to by i dent isadded to each message,
and istypically set to the program name. Valuesfor opt i on and f aci l i t y are given in the next subsection. The use of
openlog() isoptional; it will automatically be called by syslog() if necessary, in which case i dent will default to NULL.
syslog() generatesa log message, which will be distributed by syslogd(8). pr i or i t y isa combination of the f aci l i t y and the
l evel , valuesfor which are given in the next subsection. The remaining argumentsare a f or mat , asin printf(3) and any
argumentsrequired by the f or mat , except that the two characters%m will be replaced by the error message string (strerror)
corresponding to the present value of er r no.
Thissection liststhe parametersused to set the valuesof opt i on, f aci l i t y, and pr i or i t y.
closelog, openlog, syslog
Part III: Library Functions
The option argument to openlog() isan OR of any of these:
LOG_CONS Write directly to system console if there isan error while sending to system logger
LOG_NDELAY Open the connection immediately (normally, the connection isopened when the
first message islogged)
LOG_PERROR Print to stderr aswell
LOG_PID Include PID with each message
The facility argument isused to specify what type of program islogging the message. Thisletsthe configuration file specify
that messagesfrom different facilitieswill be handled differently.
LOG_AUTH Security/authorization messages(DEPRECATED use LOG_AUTHPRIV
LOG_AUTHPRIV Security/authorization messages(private)
LOG_CRON Clock daemon (cron and at)
LOG_DAEMON Other system daemons
LOG_KERN Kernel messages
LOG_LOCAL0 through Reserved for local use
LOG_LPR Line printer subsystem
LOG_MAIL Mail subsystem
LOG_NEWS Usenet newssubsystem
LOG_SYSLOG Messagesgenerated internally by syslogd
LOG_USER (default) Generic user-level messages
LOG_UUCP UUCP subsystem
Thisdeterminesthe importance of the message. The levels, in order of decreasing importance, are
LOG_EMERG System isunusable
LOG_ALERT Action must be taken immediately
LOG_CRIT Critical conditions
LOG_ERR Error conditions
LOG_WARNING Warning conditions
LOG_NOTICE Normal, but significant, condition
LOG_INFO Informational message
LOG_DEBUG Debug-level message
A syslog function call appeared in BSD 4.2.
logger(1), syslog.conf(5), syslogd(8)
Linux, 15 February1994
systemExecutesa shell command
#include <stdlib.h>
int system (const char * st r i ng);
system() executesa command specified in string by calling /bin/sh -c st r i ng, and returnsafter the command hasbeen
completed. During execution of the command, SIGCHLD will be blocked, and SIGINT and SIGQUIT will be ignored.
The value returned is127 if the execve() call for /bin/sh fails, 1 if there wasanother error, and the return code of the
command otherwise.
If the value of string isNULL, system() returnsnon-zero if the shell isavailable, and zero if not.
system() doesnot affect the wait statusof any other children.
ANSI C, POSIX.1, proposed POSIX.2, BSD 4.3
Do not use system() from a program with suid or sgid privileges, because strange valuesfor some environment variables
might be used to subvert system integrity. Use the exec(2) family of functionsinstead, but not execlp(2) or execvp(2).
The check for the availability of /bin/sh isnot actually performed; it isalwaysassumed to be available.
It ispossible for the shell command to return 127, so that code isnot a sure indication that the execve() call failed; check
er r no to make sure.
sh(1), exec(2), signal(2)
GNU, 13 April 1993
tanTangent function
#include <math.h>
double tan(double x);
The tan() function returnsthe tangent of x, where x isgiven in radians.
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
Part III: Library Functions
acos(3), asin(3), atan(3), atan2(3), cos(3), sin(3)
8 June1993
tanhHyperbolic tangent function
#include <math.h>
double tanh(double x);
The tanh() function returnsthe hyperbolic tangent of x, which isdefined mathematically assinh(x) / cosh(x).
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
acosh(3), asinh(3), atanh(3), cosh(3), sinh(3)
13 June1993
telldirReturnscurrent location in directory stream
#include <dirent.h>
off t telldir(DIR *di r );
The telldir() function returnsthe current location associated with the directory stream di r .
The telldir() function returnsthe current location in the directory stream or 1 if an error occurs.
EBADF Invalid directory stream descriptor di r
BSD 4.3
opendir(3), readdir(3), closedir(3), rewinddir(3), seekdir(3), scandir(3)
31 March 1993
tempnamCreatesa name for a temporary file
#include <stdio.h>
char *tempnam(const char *di r , const char *pf x);
The tempnam() function generatesa unique temporary filename using up to five charactersof pf x, if it isnot NULL. The
directory to place the file issearched for in the following order:
1. The directory specified by the environment variable TMPDIR, if it iswritable
2. The directory specified by the argument di r , if it isnot NULL
3. The directory specified by P_tmpdir
4. The directory \tmp
The storage for the filename isallocated by malloc(), and so can be freed by the function free().
The tempnam() function returnsa pointer to the unique temporary filename, or NULL if a unique filename cannot be
EEXIST Unable to generate a unique filename
SVID 3, BSD 4.3
mktemp(3), mkstemp(3), tmpnam(3), tmpfile(3)
GNU, 3 April 1993
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush,
tcflow, cfmakeraw, cfgetospeed, cfgetispeed, cfsetispeed,
cfsetospeed, tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, cfmakeraw, cfgetospeed, cfgetispeed, cfsetispeed,
cfsetospeed, tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrpGet and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate, get and set terminal
foreground processgroup ID
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int tcgetattr ( int f d, struct termios *t er mi os_p );
int tcsetattr ( int f d,int optional_actions, struct termios *termios_p );
int tcsendbreak ( int f d,int dur at i on );
int tcdrain ( int f d );
int tcflush ( int f d,int queue_selector );
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, cfmakeraw, cfgetospeed, cfgetispeed,
cfsetispeed, cfsetospeed, tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp
Part III: Library Functions
int tcflow ( int f d,int act i on );
int cfmakeraw ( struct termios *t er mi os_p );
speed_t cfgetospeed ( struct termios *t er mi os_p );
int cfsetospeed ( struct termios *t er mi os_p, speed_t speed );
speed_t cfgetispeed ( struct termios *t er mi os_p );
int cfsetispeed ( struct termios *t er mi os_p, speed_t speed );
pid_t tcgetpgrp ( int f d );
int tcsetpgrp ( int f d, pid_t pgr pi d );
The termios functionsdescribe a general terminal interface that isprovided to control asynchronouscommunicationsports.
Many of the functionsdescribed here have a t er mi os_p argument that isa pointer to a termios structure. Thisstructure
containsthe following members:
tcflag_t c_iflag; /* input modes */
tcflag_t c_oflag; /* output modes */
tcflag_t c_cflag; /* control modes */
tcflag_t c_lflag;/*localmodes*/
cc_t c_cc[NCCS]; /* control chars */
The c_iflag flag constantsare
IGNBRK Ignore BREAK condition on input.
BRKINT If IGNBRK isnot set, generate SIGINT on BREAK condition, else read BREAK ascharacter \0.
IGNPAR Ignore framing errorsand parity errors.
PARMRK If IGNPAR isnot set, prefix a character with a parity error or framing error with \377 \0.
If neither IGNPAR nor PARMRK isset, read a character with a parity error or framing error
INPCK Enable input parity checking.
ISTRIP Strip off eighth bit.
INLCR Translate NL to CR on input.
IGNCR Ignore carriage return on input.
ICRNL Translate carriage return to newline on input (unlessIGNCR isset).
IUCLC Map uppercase charactersto lowercase on input.
IXON Enable XON/XOFF flow control on output.
IXANY Enable any character to restart output.
IXOFF Enable XON/XOFF flow control on input.
IMAXBEL Ring bell when input queue isfull.
The c_oflag flag constantsare
OPOST Enable implementation-defined output processing.
OLCUC Map lowercase charactersto uppercase on output.
ONLCR Map NL to CR-NL on output.
OCRNL Map CR to NL on output.
ONOCR Dont output CR at column 0.
ONLRET Dont output CR.
OFILL Send fill charactersfor a delay, rather than using a timed delay.
OFDEL Fill character isASCII DEL. If unset, fill character isASCII NUL.
NLDLY Newline delay mask. Valuesare NL0 and NL1.
CRDLY Carriage return delay mask. Valuesare CR0, CR1, CR2,or CR3.
TABDLY Horizontal tab delay mask. Valuesare TAB0, TAB1, TAB2, TAB3, or XTABS. A value of XTABS
expandstabsto spaces(with tab stopsevery eight columns).
BSDLY Backspace delay mask. Valuesare BS0 or BS1.
VTDLY Vertical tab delay mask. Valuesare VT0 or VT1.
FFDLY Form feed delay mask. Valuesare FF0 or FF1.
The c_cflag flag constantsare
CSIZE Character size mask. Valuesare CS5, CS6, CS7,or CS8.
CSTOPB Set two stop bits, rather than one.
CREAD Enable receiver.
PARENB Enable parity generation on output and parity checking for input.
PARODD Parity for input and output isodd.
HUPCL Lower modem control linesafter last processclosesthe device (hang up).
CLOCAL Ignore modem control lines.
CIBAUD Mask for input speeds(not used).
CRTSCTS Flow control.
The c_lflag flag constantsare
ISIG When any of the charactersINTR, QUIT, SUSP, or DSUSP are received, generate the
corresponding signal.
ICANON Enable canonical mode. Thisenablesthe special charactersEOF, EOL, EOL2, ERASE, KILL,
REPRINT, STATUS, and WERASE, and buffersby lines.
XCASE If ICANON isalso set, terminal isuppercase only. Input isconverted to lowercase, except
for characterspreceded by \. On output, uppercase charactersare preceded by \ and
lowercase charactersare converted to uppercase.
ECHO echo input characters.
ECHOE If ICANON isalso set, the ERASE character erasesthe preceding input character, and WERASE
erasesthe preceding word.
ECHOK If ICANON isalso set, the KILL character erasesthe current line.
ECHONL If ICANON isalso set, echo the NL character even if ECHO isnot set.
ECHOCTL If ECHO isalso set, ASCII control signalsother than TAB, NL, START, and STOP are echoed as
X, where X isthe character with ASCII code 0x10 greater than the control signal. For
example, character 0x28 (BS) isechoed asH.
ECHOPRT If ICANON and IECHO are also set, charactersare printed asthey are being erased.
ECHOKE If ICANON isalso set, KILL isechoed by erasing each character on the line, asspecified by
FLUSHO Output isbeing flushed. Thisflag istoggled by typing the DISCARD character.
NOFLSH Disable flushing the input and output queueswhen generating the SIGINT and SIGQUIT
signals, and flushing the input queue when generating the SIGSUSP signal.
TOSTOP Send the SIGTTOU signal to the processgroup of a background processthat triesto write
to itscontrolling terminal.
PENDIN All charactersin the input queue are reprinted when the next character isread. (bash
handlestypeahead thisway.)
IEXTEN Enable implementation-defined input processing.
tcgetattr() getsthe parametersassociated with the object referred by fd and storesthem in the termios structure referenced
by t er mi os_p. Thisfunction may be invoked from a background process; however, the terminal attributesmay be
subsequently changed by a foreground process.
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, cfmakeraw, cfgetospeed, cfgetispeed,
cfsetispeed, cfsetospeed, tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp
Part III: Library Functions
tcsetattr() setsthe parametersassociated with the terminal (unlesssupport isrequired from the underlying hardware that is
not available) from the termios structure referred to by t er mi os_p. optional_actions specifieswhen the changestake effect:
TCSANOW The change occursimmediately.
TCSADRAIN The change occursafter all output written to fd hasbeen transmitted. Thisfunction
should be used when changing parametersthat affect output.
TCSAFLUSH The change occursafter all output written to the object referred by fd hasbeen
transmitted, and all input that hasbeen received but not read will be discarded
before the change ismade.
tcsendbreak() transmitsa continuousstream of zero-valued bitsfor a specific duration, if the terminal isusing asynchronous
serial data transmission. If duration iszero, it transmitszero-valued bitsfor at least 0.25 seconds, and not more that 0.5
seconds. If duration isnot zero, it sendszero-valued bitsfor duration*N seconds, where N isat least 0.25, and not more than
If the terminal isnot using asynchronousserial data transmission, tcsendbreak() returnswithout taking any action.
tcdrain()waitsuntil all output written to the object referred to by fd hasbeen transmitted.
tcflush()discardsdata written to the object referred to by fd but not transmitted, or data received but not read, depending
on the value of queue_selector:
TCIFLUSH Flushesdata received but not read
TCOFLUSH Flushesdata written but not transmitted
TCIOFLUSH Flushesboth data received but not read, and data written but not transmitted
tcflow()suspendstransmission or reception of data on the object referred to by fd, depending on the value of action:
TCOOFF Suspendsoutput
TCOON Restartssuspended output
TCIOFF Transmitsa STOP character, which stopsthe terminal device from transmitting
data to the system
TCION Transmitsa START character, which startsthe terminal device transmitting data
to the system
The default on open of a terminal file isthat neither itsinput nor itsoutput issuspended.
The baud rate functionsare provided for getting and setting the valuesof the input and output baud ratesin the termios
structure. The new valuesdo not take effect until tcsetattr() issuccessfully called.
Setting the speed to B0 instructsthe modem to hang up. The actual bit rate corresponding to B38400 may be altered with
The input and output baud ratesare stored in the termios structure.
cfmakeraw setsthe terminal attributesasfollows:
termios_p->c_iflag &= (IGNBRK|BRKINT|PARMRK|ISTRIP
termios_p->c_oflag &= OPOST;
termios_p->c_lflag &= (ECHO|ECHONL|ICANON|ISIG|IEXTEN);
termios_p->c_cflag &= (CSIZE|PARENB) ;
termios_p->c_cflag |=CS8;
cfgetospeed() returnsthe output baud rate stored in the termios structure pointed to by termios_p.
cfsetospeed() setsthe output baud rate stored in the termios structure pointed to by termios_p to speed, which must be one
of these constants:
The zero baud rate, B0, isused to terminate the connection. If B0 isspecified, the modem control linesshall no longer be
asserted. Normally, thiswill disconnect the line. CBAUDEX isa mask for the speedsbeyond those defined in POSIX.1 (57600
and above). Thus, B57600 & CBAUDEX isnon-zero.
cfgetispeed() returnsthe input baud rate stored in the termios structure.
cfsetispeed() setsthe input baud rate stored in the termios structure to speed. If the input baud rate isset to zero, the input
baud rate will be equal to the output baud rate.
tcgetpgrp() returnsprocessgroup ID of foreground processing group, or -1 on error.
tcsetpgrp() setsprocessgroup ID to pgrpid. pgrpid must be the ID of a processgroup in the same session.
cfgetispeed() returnsthe input baud rate stored in the termios structure.
cfgetospeed() returnsthe output baud rate stored in the termios structure.
tcgetpgrp() returnsprocessgroup ID of foreground processing group, or -1 on error.
All other functionsreturn
0 On success
-1 On failure and set er r no to indicate the error
Linux, 2 September 1995
tmpfileCreatesa temporary file
#include <stdio.h>
FILE *tmpfile (void);
The tmpfile() function generatesa unique temporary filename using the path prefix P_tmpdir defined in <stdio.h>. The
temporary file isthen opened in binary read/write (w+b) mode. The file will be automatically deleted when it isclosed or the
program terminates.
Part III: Library Functions
The tmpfile() function returnsa stream descriptor, or NULL if a unique filename cannot be generated or the unique file
cannot be opened.
EACCES Search permission denied for directory in filespath prefix
EEXIST Unable to generate a unique filename
EMFILE Too many file descriptorsin use by process
ENFILE Too many filesopen in system
EROFS Read-only filesystem
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
mktemp(3), mkstemp(3), tmpnam(3), tempnam(3)
GNU, 3 April 1993
tmpnamCreatesa name for a temporary file
#include <stdio.h>
char *tmpnam(char *s);
The tmpnam() function generatesa unique temporary filename using the path prefix P_tmpdir defined in <stdio.h>. If the
argument s isNULL, tmpnam() returnsthe addressof an internal static area that holdsthe filename, which isoverwritten by
subsequent callsto tmpnam(). If s isnot NULL, the filename isreturned in s.
The tmpnam() function returnsa pointer to the unique temporary filename, or NULL if a unique name cannot be generated.
EEXIST Unable to generate a unique filename
SVID 3, POSIX, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899
mktemp(3), mkstemp(3), tempnam(3), tmpfile(3)
GNU, 3 April 1993
toasciiConvertscharacter to ASCII
#include <ctype.h>
int toascii (int c);
toascii() convertsc to a 7-bit unsigned char value that fitsinto the ASCII character set, by clearing the high-order bits.
The value returned isthat of the converted character.
Many people will be unhappy if you use thisfunction. Thisfunction will convert accented lettersinto random characters.
isascii(3), toupper(3), tolower(3)
GNU, 16 September 1995
toupper, tolower
toupper, tolowerConvert letter to uppercase or lowercase
#include <ctype.h>
int toupper (int c);
int tolower (int c);
toupper() convertsthe letter c to uppercase, if possible.
tolower() convertsthe letter c to lowercase, if possible.
The value returned isthat of the converted letter, or c if the conversion wasnot possible.
The detailsof what constitutesan uppercase or lowercase letter depend on the current locale. For example, the default locale
doesnot know about umlauts, so no conversion isdone for them.
In some non-English locales, there are lowercase letterswith no corresponding uppercase equivalent; the German sharp sis
one example.
toupper, tolower
Part III: Library Functions
isalpha(3), setlocale(3), locale(7)
GNU, 4 April 1993
tsearch, tfind, tdelete, twalk
tsearch, tfind, tdelete, twalkManage a binary tree
#include <search.h>
void *tsearch (const void *key,void **r oot p,
int (*compar )(const void *, const void *));
void *tfind (const void *key, const void **r oot p,
int (*compar )(const void *, const void *));
void *tdelete (const void *key,void**r oot p,
int (*compar )(const void *, const void *));
void twalk (const void *r oot ,void (*act i on)(const void*nodep,
const VISIT whi ch,
const int dept h));
tsearch, tfind, twalk, and tdelete manage a binary tree. They are generalized from Knuth (6.2.2) Algorithm T. The first
field in each node of the tree isa pointer to the corresponding data item. (The calling program must store the actual data.)
compar pointsto a comparison routine, which takespointersto two items. It should return an integer that isnegative, zero, or
positive, depending on whether the first item islessthan, equal to, or greater than the second.
tsearch searchesthe tree for an item. key pointsto the item to be searched for. r oot p pointsto a variable that pointsto the
root of the tree. If the tree isempty, then the variable that r oot p pointsto should be set to NULL. If the item isfound in the
tree, then tsearch returnsa pointer to it. If it isnot found, then tsearch addsit, and returnsa pointer to the newly added
tfind islike tsearch, except that if the item isnot found, then tfind returnsNULL.
tdelete deletesan item from the tree. Itsargumentsare the same asfor tsearch.
twalk performsdepth-first, left-to-right traversal of a binary tree. r oot pointsto the starting node for the traversal. If that
node isnot the root, then only part of the tree will be visited. twalk callsthe user function action each time a node isvisited
(that is, three timesfor an internal node, and once for a leaf). act i on, in turn, takesthree arguments. The first isa pointer to
the node being visited. The second isan integer that takeson the valuespreorder, postorder, and endorder depending on
whether thisisthe first, second, or third visit to the internal node, or leaf if it isthe single visit to a leaf node. (These symbols
are defined in <search.h>.) The third argument isthe depth of the node, with zero being the root.
tsearch returnsa pointer to a matching item in the tree, or to the newly added item, or NULL if there wasinsufficient memory
to add the item. tfind returnsa pointer to the item, or NULL if no match isfound. If there are multiple elementsthat match
the key, the element returned isunspecified.
tdelete returnsa pointer to the parent of the item deleted, or NULL if the item wasnot found.
tsearch, tfind, and tdelete also return NULL if r oot p wasNULL on entry.
twalk takesa pointer to the root, while the other functionstake a pointer to a variable that pointsto the root.
twalk usespostorder to mean after the left subtree, but before the right subtree. Some authoritieswould call thisinorder,
and reserve postorder to mean after both subtrees.
tdelete freesthe memory required for the node in the tree. The user isresponsible for freeing the memory for the
corresponding data.
The example program dependson the fact that twalk makesno further reference to a node after calling the user function
with argument endorder or leaf. Thisworkswith the GNU library implementation, but isnot in the SysV documentation.
The following program insertstwelve random numbersinto a binary tree, then printsthe numbersin order. The numbers
are removed from the tree and their storage freed during the traversal.
#include <search.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void *root=NULL;
void *xmalloc(unsigned n)
void *p;
p = malloc(n);
if(p) return p;
fprintf(stderr, insufficient memory\n);
int compare(const void *pa, const void *pb)
if(*(int *)pa < *(int *)pb) return -1;
if(*(int *)pa > *(int *)pb) return 1;
return 0;
void action(const void *nodep, const VISIT which, const int depth)
int *datap;
void *val;
case preorder:
case postorder:
datap = *(int **)nodep;
printf(%6d\n, *datap);
case endorder:
datap = *(int **)nodep;
(void)tdelete(datap, &root, compare);
case leaf:
datap = *(int **)nodep;
printf(%6d\n, *datap);
val = tdelete(datap, &root, compare);
tsearch, tfind, tdelete, twalk
Part III: Library Functions
int main()
int i, *ptr;
void *val;
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
ptr = (int *)xmalloc(sizeof(int));
*ptr = rand()&0xff;
val = tsearch((void *)ptr, &root, compare);
if(val == NULL) exit(1);
twalk(root, action);
return 0;
qsort(3), bsearch(3), hsearch(3), lsearch(3)
GNU, 24 September 1995
ttynameReturnsname of a terminal
#include <unistd.h>
char *ttyname ( int desc );
Returnsa pointer to the pathname of the terminal device that isopen on the file descriptor desc, or NULL on error (for
example, if desc isnot connected to a terminal).
isatty(3), fstat(3)
Linux, 20 April 1995
tzsetInitializestime conversion information
#include <time.h>
void tzset (void);
extern char *t zname[2];
The tzset() function initializesthe t zname variable from the TZ environment variable. Thisfunction isautomatically called
by the other time conversion functionsthat depend on the time zone.
If the TZ variable doesnot appear in the environment, the t zname variable isinitialized with the best approximation of local
wall clock time, asspecified by the tzfile(5)-format file /usr/lib/zoneinfo/localtime.
If the TZ variable doesappear in the environment but itsvalue isNULL or itsvalue cannot be interpreted using any of the
formatsspecified in the following paragraphs, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) isused.
The value of TZ can be one of three formats. The first format isused when there isno daylight saving time in the local time
st d offset
The st d string specifiesthe name of the time zone and must be three or more alphabetic characters. The offset string
immediately followsst d and specifiesthe time value to be added to the local time to get Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC). The offset ispositive if the local time zone iswest of the Prime Meridian and negative if it iseast. The hour must be
between 0 and 24, and the minutesand seconds0 and 59.
The second format isused when there isdaylight saving time:
st d offset dst [offset],start[/time],end[/time]
There are no spacesin the specification. The initial st d and offset specify the standard time zone, asdescribed. The dst
string and offset specify the name and offset for the corresponding daylight savingstime zone. If the offset isomitted, it
defaultsto one hour ahead of standard time.
The start field specifieswhen Daylight SavingsTime goesinto effect and the end field specifieswhen the change ismade
back to Standard Time. These fieldsmay have the following formats:
Jn Thisspecifiesthe Julian day with n between 1 and 365. February 29 isnever counted even in
leap years.
n Thisspecifiesthe Julian day with n between 1 and 365. February 29 iscounted in leap years.
Mm. w. d Thisspecifiesday d (0 <= d <= 6) of week w (1 <= w <=5) of month m (1 <= m <= 12). Week
1 isthe first week in which day d occursand week 5 isthe last week in which day d occurs.
Day 0 isa Sunday.
The time fieldsspecify when, in the local time currently in effect, the change to the other time occurs. If omitted, the default
The third format specifiesthat the time zone information should be read from a file:
If the file specification filespec isomitted, the time zone information isread from /usr/lib/zoneinfo/localtime, which isin
tzfile(5) format. If filespec isgiven, it specifiesan-other tzfile(5)-format file to read the time zone information from. If
filespec doesnot begin with a /, the file specification isrelative to the system time conversion information directory /usr/
/usr/lib/zoneinfo System time zone directory
/usr/lib/zoneinfo/localtime Local time zone file
/usr/lib/zoneinfo/posixrules Rulesfor POSIX-style TZs
Part III: Library Functions
date(1), gettimeofday(2), time(2), ctime(3), getenv(3), tzfile(5)
BSD, 2 July1993
noneUndocumented library functions
Undocumented library functions
Thisman page mentionsthose library functionsthat are implemented in the standard librariesbut not yet documented in
man pages.
If you have information about these functions, please look in the source code, write a man page (using a style similar to that
of the other Linux section 3 man pages), and send it to for inclusion in the next man page release.
des_setparity, dn_skipname, ecb_crypt, encrypt, endnetgrent, endrpcent, endutent, execlp, fcrypt, fp_nquery, fp_query,
fp_resstat, get_myaddress, getnetgrent, getnetname, getopt_long_only, getpublickey, getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber,
getrpcent, getrpcport, getsecretkey, getutid, getutline, h_errlist, host2netname, hostalias, inet_nsap_addr,
inet_nsap_ntoa_init_des, innetgr, key_decryptsession, key_encryptsession, key_gendes, key_setsecret, lfind, libc_nls_init,
lockf, lsearch, mcheck, memalign, mstats, mtrace, netname2host, netname2user, nlist, obstack_free, p_cdname, p_cdnname,
p_class, p_fqname, p_option, p_query, p_rr, p_time, p_type, passwd2des, pmap_getmaps, pmap_getport, pmap_rmtcall, pmap_set,
pmap_unset, putlong, putshort, pututline, rcmd, re_compile_fastmap, re_compile_pattern, re_match, re_match_2, re_rx_search,
re_search, re_search_2, re_set_registers, re_set_syntax, registerrpc, res_send_setqhook, res_send_setrhook, rexec,
rresvport, rtime, ruserok, ruserpass, setfileno, sethostfile, setkey, setlogmask, setnetgrent, setrpcent, setutent,
siglongjmp, snprintf, stpcpy, svc_exit, svc_getreq, svc_getreqset, svc_register, svc_run, svc_sendreply, svc_unregister,
svcerr_auth, svcerr_decode, svcerr_noproc, svcerr_noprog, svcerr_progvers, svcerr_systemerr, svcerr_weakauth,
svcfd_create, svcraw_create, svctcp_create, svcudp_bufcreate, svcudp_create, svcudp_enablecachesyscall, tdelete, tell,
tfind, timegm, tr_break, tsearch, twalk, tzsetwall, ufc_dofinalperm, ufc_doit, user2netname, utmpname, valloc, vsnprintf,
vsyslog, xdecrypt, xdr_accepted_reply, xdr_array, xdr_authdes_cred, xdr_authdes_verf, xdr_authunix_parms, xdr_bool,
xdr_bytes, xdr_callhdr, xdr_callmsg, xdr_char, xdr_cryptkeyarg, xdr_cryptkeyres, xdr_datum, xdr_des_block, xdr_domainname,
xdr_double, xdr_enum, xdr_float, xdr_free, xdr_getcredres, xdr_int, xdr_keybuf, xdr_keystatus, xdr_long, xdr_mapname,
xdr_netnamestr, xdr_netobj, xdr_opaque, xdr_opaque_auth, xdr_passwd, xdr_peername, xdr_pmap, xdr_pmaplist, xdr_pointer,
xdr_reference, xdr_rejected_reply, xdr_replymsg, xdr_rmtcall_args, xdr_rmtcallres, xdr_short, xdr_string, xdr_u_char,
xdr_u_int, xdr_u_long, xdr_u_short, xdr_union, xdr_unixcred, xdr_vector, xdr_void, xdr_wrapstring, xdr_yp_buf,
xdr_yp_inaddr, xdr_ypbind_binding, xdr_ypbind_resp, xdr_ypbind_resptype, xdr_ypbind_setdom, xdr_ypdelete_args,
xdr_ypmaplist, xdr_ypmaplist_str, xdr_yppasswd, xdr_ypreq_key, xdr_ypreq_nokey, xdr_ypresp_all, xdr_ypresp_all_seq,
xdr_ypresp_key_val, xdr_ypresp_maplist, xdr_ypresp_master, xdr_ypresp_order, xdr_ypresp_val, xdr_ypstat,
xdr_ypupdate_args, xdrmem_create, xdrrec_create, xdrrec_endofrecord, xdrrec_eof, xdrrec_skiprecord, xdrstdio_create,
xencrypt, xprt_register, xprt_unregister, yp_all, yp_bind, yp_first, yp_get_default_domain, yp_maplist, yp_master, yp_match,
yp_next, yp_order, yp_unbind, yp_update, yperr_string, ypprot_err
Linux 1.3.15, 25 August 1995
usleepSuspendsexecution for interval of microseconds
#include <unistd.h>
void usleep(unsigned long usec);
The usleep() function suspendsexecution of the calling processfor usec microseconds. The sleep may be lengthened slightly
by any system activity or by the time spent processing the call.
BSD 4.3
setitimer(2), getitimer(2), sleep(3), alarm(3), select(3)
4 July1993
wcstombsConvertsa wide character string to a multibyte character string
#include <stdlib.h>
size_t wcstombs(char *s, const wchar_t *pwcs , size_t n);
The wcstombs() function convertsa sequence of wide charactersfrom the array pwcs into a sequence of multibyte characters
and storesup to n bytesof multibyte charactersin the array s.
wcstombs() returnsthe number of bytesstored in s or 1 if s containsan invalid wide character.
SVID 3, ISO 9899
mblen(3), mbtowc(3), mbstowcs(3), wctomb(3)
GNU, 29 March 1993
wctombConvertsa wide character to a multibyte character
#include <stdlib.h>
int wctomb(char *s, wchar_t wchar );
Part III: Library Functions
The wctomb() function convertsa wide character wchar into a multibyte character and, if sisnot NULL, storesthe multibyte
character representation in s.
wctomb() returnsthe number of bytesin the multibyte character or 1 if the wide character isnot valid.
SVID 3, ISO 9899
mblen(3), mbstowcs(3), mbtowc(3), wcstombs(3)
GNU, 29 March 1993
Special Files
Part IV:
Part IV: Special Files
Thispart describesspecial files.
/dev/* Device files
Look at the header of the manual page for the author(s) and copyright conditions. Note that these can be different from page
to page.
Linux, 24 July1993
charsetsProgrammersview of character setsand internationalization
Linux isan international operating system. Several of itsutilitiesand device drivers(including the console driver) support
multilingual character setsincluding Latin-alphabet letterswith diacritical marks, accents, ligatures, and entire non-Latin
alphabetsincluding Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, and Hebrew.
Thismanual page presentsa programmers-eye view of different character-set standardsand how they fit together on Linux.
Standardsdiscussed include ASCII, ISO 8859, KOI8-R, Unicode, ISO 2022, and ISO 4873.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information) isthe original 7-bit character set, originally designed for American
English. It iscurrently described by the ECMA-6 standard.
An ASCII variant replacing the American crosshatch/octothorpe/hash pound symbol with the British pound-sterling symbol
isused in Great Britain; when needed, the American and British variantsmay be distinguished asU.S. ASCII and U.K.
AsLinux waswritten for hardware designed in the United States, it natively supportsU.S. ASCII.
ISO 8859
ISO 8859 isa seriesof 10 8-bit character sets, all of which have U.S. ASCII in their low (7-bit) half, invisible control
charactersin positions128 to 159, and 96 fixed-width graphicsin positions160-255.
Of these, the most important isISO 8859-1 (Latin-1). It isnatively supported in the Linux console driver, fairly well
supported in X11R6, and isthe base character set of HTML.
Console support for the other 8859 character setsisavailable under Linux through user-mode utilities(such assetfont(8))
that modify keyboard bindingsand the EGA graphicstable and employ the user mapping font table in the console driver.
Here are brief descriptionsof each set:
8859-1 (Latin-1) Latin-1 coversmost Western European languagessuch asAlbanian, Catalan, Danish,
Dutch, English, Faroese, Finnish, French, German, Galician, Irish, Icelandic, Italian,
Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. The lack of the ligaturesDutch ij,
French oe, and old-style German quotation marksistolerable.
8859-2 (Latin-2) Latin-2 supportsmost Latin-written Slavic and Central European languages: Czech,
German, Hungarian, Polish, Rumanian, Croatian, Slovak, and Slovene.
8859-3 (Latin-3) Latin-3 ispopular with authorsof Esperanto, Galician, Maltese, and Turkish.
8859-4 (Latin-4) Latin-4 introduced lettersfor Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian. It isessentially
obsolete; see 8859-10 (Latin-6).
8859-5 Cyrillic letterssupporting Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, and
Ukrainian. Ukrainiansread the letter ghewith downstroke asheh and would need a ghe
with upstroke to write a correct ghe. (See the discussion of KOI8-R in the next
8859-6 SupportsArabic. The 8859-6 glyph table isa fixed font of separate letter forms, but a
proper display engine should combine there pairwise into initial, medial, and final
8859-7 Supportsmodern Greek.
8859-8 SupportsHebrew.
8859-9 (Latin-5) Thisisa variant of Latin-1 that replacesrarely used Icelandic letterswith Turkish ones.
8859-10 (Latin-6) Latin-6 addsthe last Inuit (Greenlandic) and Sami (Lappish) lettersthat were missing in
Latin 4 to cover the entire Nordic area. RFC 1345 listed a preliminary and different
Latin 6. Skolt Sami still needsa few more accentsthan these.
KOI8-R isa non-ISO character set popular in Russia. The lower half isU.S. ASCII; the upper isa Cyrillic character set
somewhat better designed than ISO 8859-5.
Console support for KOI8-R isavailable under Linux through user-mode utilitiesthat modify keyboard bindingsand the
EGA graphicstable, and that employ the user mapping font table in the console driver.
Unicode (ISO 10646) isa standard that aimsto unambiguously represent every known glyph in every human language.
Unicodesnative encoding is32-bit (older versionsused 16 bits). Information on Unicode isavailable at http://www.
Linux representsUnicode using the 8-bit Unicode Transfer Format (UTF-8). UTF-8 isa variable length encoding of
Unicode. It uses1 byte to code 7 bits, 2 bytesfor 11 bits, 3 bytesfor 16 bits, 4 bytesfor 21 bits, 5 bytesfor 26 bits, and
6 bytesfor 31 bits.
Let 0, 1, x stand for a zero, one, or arbitrary bit. A byte 0xxxxxxx standsfor the Unicode 00000000 0xxxxxxx, which codesthe
same symbol asthe ASCII 0xxxxxxx. Thus, ASCII goesunchanged into UTF-8, and people using only ASCII do not notice
any changenot in code, and not in file size.
A byte 110xxxxx isthe start of a 2-byte code, and 110xxxxx 10yyyyyy isassembled into 00000xxx xxyyyyyy. A byte 1110xxxx is
the start of a 3-byte code, and 1110xxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz isassembled into xxxxyyyy yyzzzzzz. (When UTF-8 isused to code
the 31-bit ISO 10646, then thisprogression continuesup to 6-byte codes.)
For ISO-8859-1 usersthismeansthat the characterswith high bit set now are coded with two bytes. Thistendsto expand
ordinary text filesby one or two percent. There are no conversion problems, however, since the Unicode value of ISO-8859-
1 symbolsequalstheir ISO-8859-1 value (extended by eight leading zero bits). For Japanese users, thismeansthat the 16-bit
codesnow in common use will take three bytes, and extensive mapping tablesare required. Many Japanese therefore prefer
ISO 2022.
Note that UTF-8 isself-synchronizing: 10xxxxxx isa tail, any other byte isthe head of a code. Note that the only way ASCII
bytesoccur in a UTF-8 stream isasthemselves. In particular, there are no embedded NULsor /sthat form part of some larger
Because ASCII, and, in particular, NUL and /, are unchanged, the kernel doesnot notice that UTF-8 isbeing used. It doesnot
care at all what the bytesit ishandling stand for.
Rendering of Unicode data streamsistypically handled through subfont tablesthat map a subset of Unicode to glyphs.
Internally, the kernel usesUnicode to describe the subfont loaded in video RAM. Thismeansthat in UTF-8 mode one can
use a character set with 512 different symbols. Thisisnot enough for Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, but it isenough for
most other purposes.
Part IV: Special Files
ISO 2022 AND ISO 4873
The ISO 2022 and 4873 standardsdescribe a font-control model based on VT100 practice. Thismodel is(partially)
supported by the Linux kernel and by xterm(1). It ispopular in Japan and Korea.
There are four graphic character sets, called G0, G1, G2, and G3, and one of them isthe current character set for codeswith
high bit zero (initially G0), and one of them isthe current character set for codeswith high bit one (initially G1). Each
graphic character set has94 or 96 characters, and isessentially a 7-bit character set. It usescodeseither 0400177 (0410176)
or 02400377 (02410376). G0 alwayshassize 94 and usescodes0410176.
Switching between character setsisdone using the shift functionsN (SO or LS1), O (SI or LS0), ESC n (LS2), ESC o (LS3), ESC
N (SS2),
ESC O (SS3), ESC (LS1R), ESC } (LS2R), ESC | (LS3R). The function LSn makescharacter set Gn the current one for codeswith
high bit zero. The function LSnR makescharacter set Gn the current one for codeswith high bit one. The function SSn makes
character set Gn (n=2 or 3) the current one for the next character only (regardlessof the value of itshigh order bit).
A 94-character set isdesignated asGn character set by an escape sequence ESC ( xx (for G0), ESC ) xx (for G1), ESC * xx (for
G2), ESC + xx (for G3), where xx isa symbol or a pair of symbolsfound in the ISO 2375 International Register of Coded
Character Sets. For example, ESC ( @ selectsthe ISO 646 character set asG0, ESC ( A selectsthe U.K. standard character set
(with pound instead of number sign), ESC ( B selectsASCII (with dollar instead of currency sign), ESC ( M selectsa character
set for African languages, ESC ( ! A selectsthe Cuban character set, and so on.
A 96-character set isdesignated asGn character set by an escape sequence ESC - xx (for G1), ESC . xx (for G2) or ESC / xx
(for G3). For example, ESC - G selectsthe Hebrew alphabet asG1.
A multibyte character set isdesignated asGn character set by an escape sequence ESC $ xx or ESC $ ( xx (for G0), ESC $ )
xx (for G1), ESC $ * xx (for G2), ESC $ + xx (for G3). For example, ESC $ ( C selectsthe Korean character set for G0. The
Japanese character set selected by ESC $ B hasa more recent version selected by ESC & @ESC $ B.
ISO 4873 stipulatesa narrower use of character sets, where G0 isfixed (alwaysASCII), so that G1, G2, and G3 can only be
invoked for codeswith the high order bit set. In particular, N and O are not used anymore, ESC ( xx can be used only with
xx=B, and ESC ) xx, ESC * xx, ESC + xx are equivalent to ESC - xx, ESC . xx, and ESC / xx, respectively.
console(4), console_ioctl(4), console_codes(4)
Linux, 5 November 1996
consoleConsole terminal and virtual consoles
A Linux system hasup to 63 virtual consoles(character deviceswith major number 4 and minor number 1 to 63), usually
called /dev/ttyn with 1 n 63. The current console isalso addressed by /dev/console or /dev/tty0, the character device with
major number 4 and minor number 0. The device files/dev/* are usually created using the script MAKEDEV, or using mknod(1),
usually with mode 0622 and owner root.tty.
Before kernel version 1.1.54, the number of virtual consoleswascompiled into the kernel (in tty.h: #define NR_CONSOLES 8)
and could be changed by editing and recompiling because version 1.1.54 virtual consolesare created on-the-fly, assoon as
they are needed.
Common waysto start a processon a console are the following:
I Tell init(8) (in inittab(5)) to start a getty(8) on the console
I Ask open(1) to start a processon the console
I Start X; it will find the first unused console and display itsoutput there. (There isalso the ancient doshell(8).)
Common waysto switch consolesare the following:
I Use Alt+Fn or Ctrl+Alt+Fn to switch to console n; AltGr+Fn might bring you to console n+12 [here Alt and AltGr refer
to the left and right Alt keys, respectively]
I Use Alt+RightArrow or Alt+LeftArrow to cycle through the presently allocated consoles
I Use the program chvt(1). (The key mapping can be set by the user; see loadkeys(1); the preceding key combinationsare
according to the default settings.)
The command disalloc(8) will free the memory taken by the screen buffersfor consolesthat no longer have any associated
Consolescarry a lot of state. I hope to document that some other time. The most important fact isthat the consolessimulate
vt100 terminals. In particular, a console isreset to the initial state by printing the two charactersESC c. All escape sequences
can be found in console codes(4).
charsets(4), console_codes(4), console_ioctl(4), mknod(1), tty(4), ttys(4), getty(8), init(8), chvt(1), open(1), disalloc(8),
loadkeys(1), resizecons(8), setfont(8), mapscrn(8)
Linux, 31 October 1994
console_codesLinux console escape and control sequences
The Linux console implementsa large subset of the VT102 and ECMA-48/ISO 6429/ANSI X3.64 terminal controls, plus
certain private-mode sequencesfor changing the color palette, character-set mapping, and so on. In the following tabular
descriptions, the second column givesECMA-48 or DEC mnemonics(the latter if prefixed with DEC) for the given
function. Sequenceswithout a mnemonic are neither ECMA-48 nor VT102.
After all the normal output processing hasbeen done, and a stream of charactersarrivesat the console driver for actual
printing, the first thing that happensisa translation from the code used for processing to the code used for printing.
If the console isin UTF-8 mode, then the incoming bytesare first assembled into 16-bit Unicode codes. Otherwise, each
byte istransformed according to the current mapping table (which translatesit to a Unicode value). (See the Character Sets
subsection for discussion.)
In the normal case, the Unicode value isconverted to a font index, and thisisstored in video memory, so that the corre-
sponding glyph (asfound in video ROM) appearson the screen. Note that the use of Unicode (and the design of the PC
hardware) allowsthe use of 512 different glyphssimultaneously.
If the current Unicode value isa control character, or you are currently processing an escape sequence, the value will treated
specially. Instead of being turned into a font index and rendered asa glyph, it may trigger cursor movement or other control
functions. (See the Linux Console Controls subsection.)
It isgenerally not good practice to hardwire terminal controlsinto programs. Linux supportsa terminfo(5) database of
terminal capabilities. Rather than emitting console escape sequencesby hand, you will almost alwayswant to use a
terminfo-aware screen library or utility such asncurses(3), tput(1), or reset(1).
Part IV: Special Files
Thissection describesall the control charactersand escape sequencesthat invoke special functions(that is, anything other
than writing a glyph at the current cursor location) on the Linux console.
A character isa control character if (before transformation according to the mapping table) it hasone of the 14 codes00
(NUL), 07 (BEL), 08 (BS), 09 (HT), 0a (LF), 0b (VT), 0c (FF), 0d (CR), 0e (SO), 0f (SI), 18 (CAN), 1a (SUB), 1b (ESC), 7f (DEL). One can
set a display control charactersmode (see below), and allow 07, 09, 0b, 18, 1a, 7f to be displayed asglyphs. On the other
hand, in UTF-8 mode all codes001f are regarded ascontrol characters, regardlessof any display control charactersmode.
If you have a control character, it isacted upon immediately and then discarded (even in the middle of an escape sequence)
and the escape sequence continueswith the next character. (However, ESC startsa new escape sequence, possibly aborting a
previousunfinished one, and CAN and SUB abort any escape sequence.) The recognized control charactersare BEL, BS, HT, LF,
VT, FF, CR, SO, SI, CAN, SUB, ESC, DEL, CSI. They do what one would expect:
BEL (0x07, G) beeps.
BS (0x08, H) backspacesone column (but not past the beginning of the line).
HT (0x09, I) goesto the next tab stop or to the end of the line if there isno earlier tab stop.
LF (0x0A, J), VT (0x0B, K) and FF (0x0C, L) all give a linefeed.
CR (0x0D, M) givesa carriage return.
SO (0x0E, N) activatesthe G1 character set, and if LF/NL (new line mode) isset, also a carriage return.
SI (0x0F, O) activatesthe G0 character set.
CAN (0x18, X) and SUB (0x1A, Z) interrupt escape sequences.
ESC (0x1B, [) startsan escape sequence.
DEL (0x7F) isignored.
CSI (0x9B) isequivalent to ESC [.
ESC c RIS Reset.
ESC D IND Linefeed.
ESC E NEL Newline.
ESC H HTS Set tab stop at current column.
ESC M RI Reverse linefeed.
ESC Z DECID DEC private identification. The kernel returnsthe string
ESC [ ? 6 c, claiming that it isa VT102.
ESC 7 DECSC Save current state (cursor coordinates, attributes, character
ESC 8 DECRC Restore most recently saved state.
ESC [ CSI Control sequence introducer.
ESC % Start sequence selecting character set.
ESC % @ Select default (ISO 646 / ISO 8859-1).
ESC % G Select UTF-8.
ESC % 8 Select UTF-8 (obsolete).
ESC # 8 DECALN DEC screen alignment test: fill screen with Es.
ESC ( Start sequence defining G0 character set.
ESC ( B Select default (ISO 8859-1 mapping).
ESC ( 0 Select vt100 graphicsmapping.
ESC ( U Select null mappingstraight to character ROM.
ESC ( K Select user mapping, the map that isloaded by the utility
ESC ) Start sequence defining G1 (followed by one of B, 0, U, K, as
ESC > DECPNM Set numeric keypad mode.
ESC = DECPAM Set application keypad mode.
ESC ] OSC (Should be: Operating system command) ESC ] P nrrggbb:
set palette, with parameter given in 7 hexadecimal digits
after the final P :-(. Here n isthe color (016), and rrggbb
indicatesthe red/green/blue values(0255). ESC ] R: reset
CSI (or ESC [) isfollowed by a sequence of parameters, at most NPAR(16), that are decimal numbersseparated by semicolons.
An empty or absent parameter istaken to be 0. The sequence of parametersmay be preceded by a single question mark.
However, after CSI [ (or ESC [ [) a single character isread and thisentire sequence isignored. (The idea isto ignore an
echoed function key.)
The action of a CSI sequence isdetermined by itsfinal character.
Character Function Description
@ ICH Insert the indicated # of blank characters.
A CUU Move cursor up the indicated # of rows.
B CUD Move cursor down the indicated # of rows.
C CUF Move cursor right the indicated # of columns.
D CUB Move cursor left the indicated # of columns.
E CNL Move cursor down the indicated # of rows, to column 1.
F CPL Move cursor up the indicated # of rows, to column 1.
G CHA Move cursor to indicated column in current row.
H CUP Move cursor to the indicated row, column (origin at 1,1).
J ED Erase display (default: from cursor to end of display).
ESC [ 1 J: erase from start to cursor.
ESC [ 2 J: erase whole display.
K EL Erase line (default: from cursor to end of line).
ESC [ 1 K: erase from start of line to cursor.
ESC [ 2 K: erase whole line.
L IL Insert the indicated # of blank lines.
M DL Delete the indicated # of lines.
P DCH Delete the indicated # of characterson the current line.
X ECH Erase the indicated # of characterson the current line.
a HPR Move cursor right the indicated # of columns.
c DA Answer ESC [ ? 6 c: I am a VT102.
d VPA Move cursor to the indicated row, current column.
e VPR Move cursor down the indicated # of rows.
f HVP Move cursor to the indicated row, column.
Part IV: Special Files
g TBC Without parameter: clear tab stop at the current position.
ESC [ 3 g: delete all tab stops.
h SM Set mode.
l RM Reset mode.
m SGR Set attributes.
n DSR Statusreport.
q DECLL Set keyboard LEDs.
ESC [ 0 q: clear all LEDs
ESC [ 1 q: set Scroll Lock LED
ESC [ 2 q: set Num Lock LED
ESC [ 3 q: set CapsLock LED
r DECSTBM Set scrolling region; parametersare top and bottom row.
s ? Save cursor location.
u ? Restore cursor location.
HPA Move cursor to indicated column in current row.
The ECMA-48 SGR sequence ESC [ <parameters> m setsdisplay attributes. Several attributescan be set in the same
Parameter Result
0 Reset all attributesto their defaults.
1 Set bold.
2 Set half-bright (simulated with color on a color display).
4 Set underscore (simulated with color on a color display).
(The colorsused to simulate dim or underline are set using ESC ] ....)
5 Set blink.
7 Set reverse video.
10 Reset selected mapping, display control flag, and toggle meta flag.
11 Select null mapping, set display control flag, reset toggle meta flag.
12 Select null mapping, set display control flag, set toggle meta flag. (The toggle meta flag
causesthe high bit of a byte to be toggled before the mapping table translation isdone.)
21 Set normal intensity. (Thisisnot compatible with ECMA-48.)
22 Set normal intensity.
24 Underline off.
25 Blink off.
27 Reverse video off.
30 Set black foreground.
31 Set red foreground.
32 Set green foreground.
33 Set brown foreground.
34 Set blue foreground.
35 Set magenta foreground.
Character Function Description
36 Set cyan foreground.
37 Set white foreground.
38 Set underscore on, set default foreground color.
39 Set underscore off, set default foreground color.
40 Set black background.
41 Set red background.
42 Set green background.
43 Set brown background.
44 Set blue background.
45 Set magenta background.
46 Set cyan background.
47 Set white background.
49 Set default background color.
ESC [ 3 h DECCRM (default off): Display control chars.
ESC [ 4 h DECIM (default off): Set insert mode.
ESC [ 20 h LF/NL (default off): Automatically follow echo of LF, VT, or FF with CR.
ESC [ 5 n Device statusreport (DSR): Answer isESC [ 0 n (Terminal OK).
ESC [ 6 n Cursor position report (CPR): Answer isESC [ y ; x R, where x, y isthe cursor
These are not described in ECMA-48. The Set Mode sequencesare listed; the Reset Mode sequencesare obtained by
replacing the final h by l.
ESC [ ? 1 h DECCKM (default off): When set, the cursor keyssend an ESC O prefix, rather than
ESC [.
ESC [ ? 3 h DECCOLM (default off = 80 columns): 80/132 col mode switch. The driver sourcesnote
that thisalone doesnot suffice; some user-mode utility such asresizecons(8) hasto
change the hardware registerson the console video card.
ESC [ ? 5 h DECSCNM (default off): Set reverse-video mode.
ESC [ ? 6 h DECOM (default off): When set, cursor addressing isrelative to the upper left corner of
the scrolling region.
ESC [ ? 7 h DECAWM(default on): Set autowrap on. In thismode, a graphicscharacter emitted after
column 80 (or column 132 of DECCOLM ison) forcesa wrap to the beginning of the
following line first.
ESC [ ? 8 h DECARM (default on): Set keyboard autorepreat on.
ESC [ ? 9 h X10 Mouse Reporting (default off): Set reporting mode to 1 (or reset to 0).
(See Mouse Tracking.)
ESC [ ? 25 h DECCM (default on): Make cursor visible.
ESC [ ? 1000 h X11 Mouse Reporting (default off): Set reporting mode to 2 (or reset to 0).
(See Mouse Tracking.)
Parameter Result
Part IV: Special Files
The following sequencesare neither ECMA-48 nor native VT102. They are native to the Linux console driver. Colorsare in
SGR parameters: 0 = black, 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = brown, 4 = blue, 5 = magenta, 6 = cyan, 7 = white.
ESC [ 1 ; n ] Set color n asthe underline color
ESC [ 2 ; n ] Set color n asthe dim color
ESC [ 8 ] Make the current color pair the default attributes
ESC [ 9 ; n ] Set screen blank time-out to n minutes
ESC [ 10 ; n ] Set bell frequency in Hz
ESC [ 11 ; n ] Set bell duration in msec
ESC [ 12 ; n ] Bring specified console to the front
ESC [ 13 ] Unblank the screen
ESC [ 14 ] Set the VESA powerdown interval
The kernel knowsabout four translationsof bytesinto console-screen symbols. The four tablesare
I Latin1 to PC
I VT100 graphicsto PC
I PC to PC
I User-defined
There are two character sets, called G0 and G1, and one of them isthe current character set. (Initially G0.) Typing N causes
G1 to become current, O causesG0 to become current.
These variablesG0 and G1 point to a translation table, and can be changed by the user. Initially, they point at the first two
tables, Latin1 to PC and VT100 graphicsto PC, respectively. The sequencesESC ( B and ESC ( 0 and ESC ( U and ESC ( K
cause G0 to point at the first, second, third, and fourth translation tablesin the preceding list, respectively. The sequences ESC
) B and ESC ) 0 and ESC ) U and ESC ) K cause G1 to point at the first, second, third, and fourth translation tablesin the
preceding list, respectively.
The sequence ESC c causesa terminal reset, which iswhat you want if the screen isall garbled. The oft-advised echo VO
will only make G0 current, but there isno guarantee that G0 pointsat the first table. In some distributionsthere isa program
reset(1) that just doesecho [c. If your terminfo entry for the console iscorrect (and hasan entry rs1=c), then tput reset
will also work.
The user-defined mapping table can be set using mapscrn(8). The result of the mapping isthat if a symbol c isprinted, the
symbol s = map[c] issent to the video memory. The bitmap that correspondsto s isfound in the character ROM, and can be
changed using setfont(8).
The mouse tracking facility isintended to return xterm-compatible mouse statusreports. Because the console driver hasno
way to know the device or type of the mouse, these reportsare returned in the console input stream only when the virtual
terminal driver receivesa mouse update ioctl. These ioctlsmust be generated by a mouse-aware user-mode application such
asthe gpm(8) daemon.
Parametersfor all mouse tracking escape sequencesgenerated by xterm encode numeric parametersin a single character as
value+040. For example, ! is1. The screen coordinate system is1-based.
The X10 compatibility mode sendsan escape sequence on button pressencoding the location and the mouse button pressed.
It isenabled by sending ESC [ ? 9 h and disabled with ESC [ ? 9 l. On button press, xterm sendsESC [ M bxy (six charac-
ters). Here b isbutton 1, and x and y are the x and y coordinatesof the mouse when the button waspressed. Thisisthe same
code the kernel also produces.
Normal tracking mode (not implemented in Linux 2.0.24) sendsan escape sequence on both button pressand release.
Modifier information isalso sent. It isenabled by sending ESC [ ? 1000 h and disabled with ESC [ 1000 l. On button press
or release, xterm sendsESC [ M bxy. The low two bitsof b encode button information: 0=MB1 pressed, 1=MB2 pressed,
2=MB3 pressed, 3=release. The upper bitsencode what modifierswere down when the button waspressed and are added
together: 4=Shift, 8=Meta, 16=Control. Again, x and y are the x and y coordinatesof the mouse event. The upper-left corner
Many different terminal typesare described, like the Linux console, asbeing VT100-compatible. Here we discussdifferences
between the Linux console and the two most important others, the DEC VT102 and xterm(1).
The vt102 also recognized the following control characters:
NUL (0x00) wasignored.
ENQ (0x05) triggered an answerback message.
DC1 (0x11, Q, XON) resumed transmission.
DC3 (0x13, S, XOFF) caused vt100 to ignore (and stop transmitting) all codesexcept XOFF and XON.
VT100-like DC1/DC3 processing may be enabled by the tty driver.
The xterm program (in vt100 mode) recognizesthe control charactersBEL, BS, HT, LF, VT, FF, CR, SO, SI, ESC.
The following VT100 console sequencesare not implemented on the Linux console:
EscapeSequence Function Description
ESC N SS2 Single shift 2. (Select G2 character set for the next
character only.)
ESC O SS3 Single shift 3. (Select G3 character set for the next
character only.)
ESC P DCS Device control string (ended by ESC \).
ESC X SOS Start of string.
ESC PM Privacy message (ended by ESC\).
ESC \ ST String terminator.
ESC * ... Designate G2 character set.
ESC + ... Designate G3 character set.
The program xterm (in vt100 mode) recognizesESC c, ESC # 8, ESC >, ESC =, ESC D, ESC E, ESC H, ESC M, ESC N, ESC O, ESC P
... ESC ESC Z (it answersESC [ ? 1 ; 2 c, I am a vt100 with advanced video option) and ESC ... ESC with the same
meaningsasindicated above. It acceptsESC (, ESC ), ESC *, ESC + followed by 0, A, B for the DEC special character and line
drawing set, UK, and USASCII, respectively. It acceptsESC ] for the setting of certain resources:
ESC ] 0 ; txt BEL Set icon name and window title to txt.
ESC ]1 ; txt BEL Set icon name to txt.
ESC ] 2 ; txt BEL Set window title to txt.
ESC ] 4 6 ; name BEL Change log file to name (normally disabled by a compile-time option).
ESC ] 5 0 ; fn BEL Set font to fn.
It recognizesthe following with slightly modified meaning:
ESC 7 DECSC Save cursor
ESC 8 DECRC Restore cursor
Part IV: Special Files
It also recognizes
ESC F Cursor to lower-left corner of screen (if enabled by the
hpLowerleftBugCompat resource).
ESC l Memory lock (per HP terminals). Locksmemory above the
ESC m Memory unlock (per HP terminals).
ESC n LS2 Invoke the G2 character set.
ESC o LS3 Invoke the G3 character set.
ESC j LS3R Invoke the G3 character set asGR.
Hasno visible effect in xterm.
ESC g LS2R Invoke the G2 character set asGR.
Hasno visible effect in xterm.
ESC LS1R Invoke the G1 character set asGR.
Hasno visible effect in xterm.
It doesnot recognize ESC % ...
The xterm program (asof XFree86 3.1.2G) doesnot recognize the blink or invisible-mode SGRs. Stock X11R6 versionsdo
not recognize the color-setting SGRs. All other ECMA-48 CSI sequencesrecognized by Linux are also recognized by xterm,
and vice versa.
The xterm program will recognize all of the DEC Private Mode sequenceslisted earlier, but none of the Linux private-mode
sequences. For discussion of xtermsown private-mode sequences, refer to the XtermControl Sequencesdocument by Edward
Moy and Stephen Gildea, available with the X distribution.
In 2.0.23, CSI isbroken, and NUL isnot ignored inside escape sequences.
console(4), console_ioctl(4), charsets(4)
Linux, 31 October 1996
console ioctls
console ioctlsIoctlsfor console terminal and virtual consoles
The following Linux-peculiar ioctl() requestsare supported. Each requiresa third argument, assumed here to be argp.
If you use the following information, you are going to burn yourself. Ioctlsare undocumented Linux internals, liable to
be changed without warning. Use POSIX functions.
KDGETLED Get state of LEDs. argp pointsto a long int. The lower three bitsof *argp are set to
the state of the LEDs, asfollows:
LED_CAP 0x04 capslock LED
LEC_NUM 0x02 num lock LED
LED_SCR 0x01 scroll lock LED
KDSETLED Set the LEDs. The LEDsare set to correspond to the lower three bitsof argp.
However, if a higher order bit isset, the LEDsrevert to normal, displaying the state
of the keyboard functionsof capslock, num lock, and scroll lock.
Before 1.1.54, the LEDsjust reflected the state of the corresponding keyboard flags,
and KDGETLED/KDSETLED would also change the keyboard flags. Since 1.1.54 the LEDs
can be made to display arbitrary information, but by default they display the
keyboard flags. The following two ioctlsare used to accessthe keyboard flags.
KDGKBLED Get keyboard flagsCapsLock, NumLock, ScrollLock (not lights). argp pointsto a char
that isset to the flag state. The low order three bits(mask 0x7) get the current flag
state, and the low order bitsof the next nibble (mask 0x70) get the default flag state
(since 1.1.54).
KDSKBLED Set keyboard flagsCapsLock, NumLock, ScrollLock (not lights). argp hasthe desired
flag state. The low order three bits(mask 0x7) have the flag state, and the low order
bitsof the next nibble (mask 0x70) have the default flag state (since 1.1.54).
KDGKBTYPE Get keyboard type. Thisreturnsthe value KB 101, defined as0x02.
KDADDIO Add I/O port asvalid. Equivalent to ioperm(arg,1,1).
KDDELIO Delete I/O port asvalid. Equivalent to ioperm(arg,1,0).
KDENABIO Enable I/O to video board. Equivalent to ioperm(0x3b4, 0x3df-0x3b4+1, 1).
KDDISABIO Disable I/O to video board. Equivalent to ioperm(0x3b4, 0x3df-0x3b4+ 1, 0).
KDSETMODE Set text/graphicsmode. argp isone of these:
KD_TEXT 0x00
KDGETMODE Get text/graphicsmode. argp pointsto a long which isset to one of the above values.
KDMKTONE Generate tone of specified length. The lower 16 bitsof argp specify the period in
clock cycles, and the upper 16 bitsgive the duration in msec. If the duration iszero,
the sound isturned off. Control returnsimmediately. For example, argp = (125<<16)
+ 0x637 would specify the beep normally associated with a ctrl-G.
KIOCSOUND Start or stop sound generation. The lower 16 bitsof argp specify the period in clock
cycles(that is, argp = 1193180/frequency). argp = 0 turnssound off. In either case,
control returnsimmediately.
GIO_CMAP Get the current default color map from kernel. argp pointsto a 48-byte array.
(Since 1.3.3.)
PIO_CMAP Change the default text-mode color map. argp pointsto a 48-byte array that
contains, in order, the red, green, and blue valuesfor the 16 available screen colors: 0
isoff, and 255 isfull intensity. The default colorsare, in order: black, dark red, dark
green, brown, dark blue, dark purple, dark cyan, light grey, dark grey, bright red,
bright green, yellow, bright blue, bright purple, bright cyan, and white. (Since
GIO_FONT Gets256-character screen font in expanded form. argp pointsto an 8192-byte array.
Failswith error code EINVAL if the currently loaded font isa 512-character font, or if
the console isnot in text mode.
Part IV: Special Files
GIO_FONTX Getsscreen font and associated information. argp pointsto a struct consolefontdesc
(see PIO_FONTX). On call, the charcount field should be set to the maximum number
of charactersthat would fit in the buffer pointed to by chardata. On return, the
charcount and charheight are filled with the respective data for the currently loaded
font, and the chardata array containsthe font data if the initial value of charcount
indicated enough space wasavailable; otherwise the buffer isuntouched and errno is
set to ENOMEM. (Since 1.3.1.)
PIO_FONT Sets256-character screen font. Load font into the EGA/VGA character generator.
argp pointsto a 8192-byte map, with 32 bytesper character. Only first N of them are
used for an 8xN font (0 < N <= 32). Thiscall also invalidatesthe Unicode mapping.
PIO_FONTX Setsscreen font and associated rendering information. argp pointsto a
struct consolefontdesc {
u_short char count ; /* characters in font
(256 or 512) */
u_short char hei ght ; /* scan lines per
character (1-32) */
char *char dat a; /* font data in
expanded form */
If necessary, the screen will be appropriately resized, and SIGWINCH sent to the
appropriate processes. Thiscall also invalidatesthe Unicode mapping. (Since 1.3.1.)
PIO_FONTRESET Resetsthe screen font, size, and Unicode mapping to the bootup defaults. argp is
unused, but should be set to NULL to ensure compatibility with future versionsof
Linux. (Since 1.3.28.)
GIO_SCRNMAP Get screen mapping from kernel. argp pointsto an area of size E_TABSZ, which is
loaded with the font positionsused to display each character. Thiscall islikely to
return uselessinformation if the currently loaded font ismore than 256 characters.
GIO_UNISCRNMAP Get full Unicode screen mapping from kernel. argp pointsto an area of size
E_TABSZ*sizeof (unsigned short), which isloaded with the Unicodeseach character
represent. A special set of Unicodes, starting at U+F000, are used to represent direct
to font mappings. (Since 1.3.1.)
PIO_SCRNMAP Loadsthe user-definable (fourth) table in the kernel that mapsbytesinto console
screen symbols. argp pointsto an area of size E_TABSZ.
PIO_UNISCRNMAP Loadsthe user-definable (fourth) table in the kernel that mapsbytesinto Unicodes,
which are then translated into screen symbolsaccording to the currently loaded
Unicode-to-font map. Special Unicodesstarting at U+F000 can be used to map
directly to the font symbols. (Since 1.3.1.)
GIO_UNIMAP Get Unicode-to-font mapping from kernel. argp pointsto a
struct unimapdesc {
u_short entry_ct;
struct unipair *ent r i es ;
where ent r i es points to an array of
struct unipair {
u_short unicode;
u_short fontpos;
(Since 1.1.92.)
PIO_UNIMAP Put Unicode-to-font mapping in kernel. argp pointsto a struct unimapdesc.
(Since 1.1.92.)
PIO_UNIMAPCLR Clear table, possibly advise hash algorithm. argp pointsto a
struct unimapinit {
u short advised hashsize; /* 0 if no opinion */
u short advised hashstep; /* 0 if no opinion */
u short advised hashlevel; /* 0 if no opinion */
(Since 1.1.92.)
KDGKBMODE Getscurrent keyboard mode. argp pointsto a long, which isset to one of these:
K_RAW 0x00
K_XLATE 0x01
KDSKBMODE Setscurrent keyboard mode. argp isa long equal to one of the above values.
KDGKBMETA Getsmeta key handling mode. argp pointsto a long which isset to one of these:
K_METABIT 0x03 Set high order bit
K_ESCPREFIX 0x04 Escape prefix
KDSKBMETA Setsmeta key handling mode. argp isa long equal to one of the preceding values.
KDGKBENT Getsone entry in key translation table (keycode to action code). argp pointsto a
struct kbentry {
u_char kb_table;
u_char kb_index;
u_short kb_value;
with the first two membersfilled in: kb_table selectsthe key table (0 <= kb_table
<MAX_NR_KEYMAPS), and kb_index isthe keycode (0 <= kb index <NR_KEYS). kb_value is
set to the corresponding action code, or K_HOLE if there isno such key, or K_NOSUCHMAP
if kb_table isinvalid.
KDSKBENT Setsone entry in translation table. argp pointsto a struct kbentry.
KDGKBSENT Getsone function key string. argp pointsto a
struct kbsentry {
u_char kb_func;
u_char kb_string[512];
kb_string isset to the (NULL-terminated) string corresponding to the kb_functh
function key action code.
KDSKBSENT Setsone function key string entry. argp pointsto a struct kbsentry.
KDGKBDIACR Read kernel accent table. argp pointsto a
struct kbdiacrs {
unsigned int kb_cnt;
struct kbdiacr kbdiacr[256];
where kb_cnt isthe number of entriesin the array, each of which isa
struct kbdiacr { u_char diacr, base, result ;};
KDGETKEYCODE Read kernel keycode table entry (scan code to keycode). argp pointsto a
struct kbkeycode { unsigned int scancode, keycode; };
keycode isset to correspond to the given scancode.(89<=scancode <= 255 only.
For 1 <= scancode <= 88, keycode==scancode.) (Since 1.1.63.)
KDSETKEYCODE Write kernel keycode table entry. argp pointsto struct kbkeycode. (Since 1.1.63.)
Part IV: Special Files
KDSIGACCEPT The calling processindicatesitswillingnessto accept the signal argp when it is
generated by pressing an appropriate key combination. (1 <= argp <=NSIG).
(See spawn_console() in linux/drivers/char/keyboard.c.)
VT_OPENQRY Returnsthe first available (nonopened) console. argp pointsto an int that isset to
the number of the vt (1 <= *argp <=MAX_NR_CONSOLES).
VT_GETMODE Get mode of active vt. argp pointsto a
struct vt mode {
char mode;/*vtmode*/
char waitv; /* if set, hang on writes if not active */
short relsig; /* signal to raise on release req */
short acqsig; /* signal to raise on acquisition */
short frsig; /* unused (set to 0) */
mode isset to one of these values:
VT_AUTO Auto vt switching
VT_PROCESS Processcontrolsswitching
VT_ACKACQ Acknowledge switch
VT_SETMODE Set mode of active vt. argp pointsto a struct vt_mode.
VT_GETSTATE Get global vt state info. argp pointsto a
struct vt_stat {
ushort v_active; /* active vt */
ushort v_signal;/*signalto send*/
ushort v_state;/*vtbitmask*/
For each vt in use, the corresponding bit in the v state member isset. (Kernels1.0
through 1.1.92.)
VT_RELDISP Release a display.
VT_ACTIVATE Switch to vt argp (1 <= argp <=MAX_NR_CONSOLES).
VT_WAITACTIVE Wait until vt argp hasbeen activated.
VT_DISALLOCATE Deallocate the memory associated with vt argp. (Since 1.1.54.)
VT_RESIZE Set the kernelsidea of screensize. argp pointsto a
struct vt_sizes {
ushort v_rows;/*#rows*/
ushort v_cols;/*#columns */
ushort v_scrollsize; /* no longer used */
Note that thisdoesnot change the video mode. See resizecons(8). (Since 1.1.54.)
VT_RESIZEX Set the kernelsidea of variousscreen parameters. argp pointsto a
struct vt_consize {
ushort v_rows; /* number of rows*/
ushort v_cols; /* number of columns*/
ushort v_vlin; /* number of pixel rowson screen */
ushort v_clin; /* number of pixel rowsper character */
ushort v_vcol; /* number of pixel columnson screen */
ushort v_ccol; /* number of pixel columnsper character */
Any parameter may be set to zero, indicating no change, but if multiple parameters
are set, they must be self-consistent. Note that thisdoesnot change the video mode.
See resizecons(8). (Since 1.3.3.)
The action of the following ioctlsdependson the first byte in the struct pointed to by argp, referred to here asthe subcode.
These are legal only for the superuser or the owner of the current tty.
TIOCLINUX, subcode=0 Dump the screen. Disappeared in 1.1.92. (With kernel 1.1.92 or later, read from
/dev/vcsN or /dev/vcsaN instead.)
TIOCLINUX, subcode=1 Get task information. Disappeared in 1.1.92.
TIOCLINUX, subcode=2 Set selection. argp pointsto a
struct{fchar subcode; short xs, ys, xe, ye; short sel_mode; }
xs and ys are the starting column and row. xe and ye are the ending column and
row. (Upper-left corner isrow=column=1.) sel_mode is0 for character-by-character
selection, 1 for word-by-word selection, or 2 for line-by-line selection. The indicated
screen charactersare highlighted and saved in the static array sel buffer in devices/
TIOCLINUX, subcode=3 Paste selection. The charactersin the selection buffer are written to fd.
TIOCLINUX, subcode=4 Unblank the screen.
TIOCLINUX, subcode=5 Setscontentsof a 256-bit look up table defining charactersin a word, for word-
by-word selection. (Since 1.1.32.)
TIOCLINUX, subcode=6 argp pointsto a char that isset to the value of the kernel variable shift state. (Since
TIOCLINUX, subcode=7 argp pointsto a char that isset to the value of the kernel variable report mouse.
(Since 1.1.33.)
TIOCLINUX, subcode=8 Dump screen width and height, cursor position, and all the character-attribute pairs.
(Kernels1.1.67 through 1.1.91 only. With kernel 1.1.92 or later, read from /dev/
vcsa* instead.)
TIOCLINUX, subcode=9 Restore screen width and height, cursor position, and all the character-attribute
pairs. (Kernels1.1.67 through 1.1.91 only. With kernel 1.1.92 or later, write to
/dev/vcsa* instead.)
TIOCLINUX, subcode=10 Handlesthe power saving feature of the new generation of monitors. VESA screen
blanking mode isset to argp[1], which governswhat screen blanking does:
0 Screen blanking isdisabled.
1 The current video adapter register settingsare saved, then the
controller isprogrammed to turn off the vertical synchronization
pulses. Thisputsthe monitor into standby mode. If your monitor has
an Off_Mode timer, then it will eventually power down by itself.
2 The current settingsare saved, then both the vertical and horizontal
synchronization pulsesare turned off. Thisputsthe monitor into off
mode. If your monitor hasno Off_Mode timer, or if you want your
monitor to power down immediately when the blank timer timesout,
then you choose thisoption. (Caution: Powering down frequently
will damage the monitor.) (Since 1.1.76.)
-1 for error, and errno isset.
errno may take on these values:
EBADF File descriptor isinvalid.
ENOTTY File descriptor isnot associated with a character special device, or the specified
request doesnot apply to it.
Part IV: Special Files
EINVAL File descriptor or argp isinvalid.
EPERM Permission violation.
Do not regard thisman page asdocumentation of the Linux console ioctls. Thisisprovided for the curiousonly, asan
alternative to reading the source. Ioctlsare undocumented Linux internals, liable to be changed without warning. (And
indeed, thispage more or lessdescribesthe situation asof kernel version 1.1.94; there are many minor and not-so-minor
differenceswith earlier versions.)
Very often, ioctlsare introduced for communication between the kernel and one particular well-known program (fdisk,
hdparm, setserial, tunelp, loadkeys, selection, setfont, and so on), and their behavior will be changed when required by
thisparticular program.
Programsusing these ioctlswill not be portable to other versionsof UNIX, will not work on older versionsof Linux, and
will not work on future versionsof Linux.
Use POSIX functions.
kbd_mode(1), loadkeys(1), dumpkeys(1), mknod(1), setleds(1), setmetamode(1), ioperm(2), termios(2), execve(2), fcntl(2),
charsets(4), console(4), console_codes(4), mt(4), sd(4), tty(4), ttys(4), vcs(4), vcsa(4), mapscrn(8), setfont(8), resizecons(8),
/usr/include/linux/kd.h, /usr/include/linux/vt.h.
Linux, 18 September 1995
fdFloppy disk device
Floppy drivesare block deviceswith major number 2. Typically, they are owned by root.floppy (that is, user root, group
floppy) and have either mode 0660 (accesschecking via group membership) or mode 0666 (everybody hasaccess). The minor
numbersencode the device type, drive number, and controller number. For each device type (that is, combination of density
and track count), there isa base minor number. To thisbase number, add the drivesnumber on itscontroller and 128 if the
drive ison the secondary controller. In the following device tables, n representsthe drive number.
If you use formatswith more tracksthan supported by your drive, you may cause it mechanical damage. Trying once if
more tracksthan the usual 40/80 are supported should not damage it, but no warranty isgiven for that. Dont create
device entriesfor those formatsto prevent their usage if you are not sure.
Drive-independent device filesthat automatically detect the media format and capacity are
Name Baseminor #
fdn 0
5.25-inch double density device files:
Name Capac. Cyl. Sect. Heads Baseminor #
fdnd360 360K 40 9 2 4
5.25-inch high density device files:
Name Capac. Cyl. Sect. Heads Baseminor #
fdnh360 360K 40 9 2 20
fdnh410 410K 41 10 2 48
fdnh420 420K 42 10 2 64
fdnh720 720K 80 9 2 24
fdnh880 880K 80 11 2 80
fdnh1200 1200K 80 15 2 8
fdnh1440 1440K 80 18 2 40
fdnh1476 1476K 82 18 2 56
fdnh1494 1494K 83 18 2 72
fdnh1600 1600K 80 20 2 92
3.5-inch double density device files:
Name Capac. Cyl. Sect. Heads Baseminor #
fdnD360 360K 80 9 1 12
fdnD720 720K 80 9 2 16
fdnD800 800K 80 10 2 120
fdnD1040 1040K 80 13 2 84
fdnD1120 1120K 80 14 2 88
3.5-inch high density device files:
Name Capac. Cyl. Sect. Heads Baseminor #
fdnH360 360K 40 9 2 12
fdnH720 720K 80 9 2 16
fdnH820 820K 82 10 2 52
fdnH830 830K 83 10 2 68
fdnH1440 1440K 80 18 2 28
fdnH1600 1600K 80 20 2 124
fdnH1680 1680K 80 21 2 44
fdnH1722 1722K 82 21 2 60
fdnH1743 1743K 83 21 2 76
fdnH1760 1760K 80 22 2 96
fdnH1840 1840K 80 23 2 116
fdnH1920 1920K 80 24 2 100
Part IV: Special Files
3.5-inch extra density device files:
Name Capac. Cyl. Sect. Heads Baseminor #
fdnE2880 2880K 80 36 2 32
fdnCompaQ 2880K 80 36 2 36
fdnE3200 3200K 80 40 2 104
fdnE3520 3520K 80 44 2 108
fdnE3840 3840K 80 48 2 112
fd special filesaccessthe floppy disk drivesin raw mode. The following ioctl(2) callsare supported by fd devices:
FDCLRPRM clearsthe media information of a drive (geometry of disk in drive).
FDSETPRM setsthe media information of a drive. The media information will be lost when the media ischanged.
FDDEFPRM setsthe media information of a drive (geometry of disk in drive). The media information will not be lost when the
media ischanged. Thiswill disable autodetection. In order to re-enable autodetection, you have to issue an FDCLRPRM.
FDGETDRVTYP displaysthe type of a drive (name parameter). For formatsthat work in several drive types, FDGETDRVTYP returnsa
name that isappropriate for the oldest drive type that supportsthisformat.
FDFLUSH invalidatesthe buffer cache for the given drive.
FDFLUSH invalidatesthe buffer cache for the given drive.
FDSETMAXERRS setsthe error thresholdsfor reporting errors, aborting the operation, recalibrating, resetting, and reading sector
by sector.
FDSETMAXERRS getsthe current error thresholds.
FDGETDRVTYP getsthe internal name of the drive.
FDWERRORCLR clearsthe write error statistics.
FDWERRORGET readsthe write error statistics. These include the total number of write errors, the location and disk of the first
write error, and the location and disk of the last write error. Disksare identified by a generation number that isincremented
at (almost) each disk change.
FDTWADDLE switchesthe drive motor off for a few microseconds. Thismight be needed in order to accessa disk whose sectors
are too close together.
FDSETDRVPRM setsvariousdrive parameters.
FDGETDRVPRM readsthese parametersback.
FDGETDRVSTAT getsthe cached drive state (disk changed, write protected et al.)
FDPOLLDRVSTAT pollsthe drive and return itsstate.
FDGETFDCSTAT getsthe floppy controller state.
FDRESET resetsthe floppy controller under certain conditions.
FDRAWCMD sendsa raw command to the floppy controller.
For more precise information, consult also the <linux/fd.h> and <linux/fdreg.h> include files, aswell asthe manual page for
floppy control.
The variousformatsallow you to read and write many typesof disks. However, if a floppy isformatted with a too small
intersector gap, performance may drop, up to needing a few secondsto accessan entire track. To prevent this, use interleaved
formats. It isnot possible to read floppiesthat are formatted using GCR (group code recording), which isused by Apple II
and Macintosh computers(800K disks). Reading floppiesthat are hard sectored (one hole per sector, with the index hole
being a little skewed) isnot supported. Thisused to be common with older 8-inch floppies.
Alain Knaff (, David Niemi (, Bill Broadhurst (
floppycontrol(1), mknod(1), chown(1), getfdprm(1), superformat(1), mount(8), setfd-prm(8)
Linux, 29 January1995
hdMFM/IDE hard disk device
hd* are block devicesto accessMFM/IDE hard disk drivesin raw mode. The master drive on the primary IDE controller
(major device number 3) ishda; the slave drive ishdb. The master drive of the second controller (major device number 22) is
hdc and the slave hdd.
General IDE block device nameshave the form hdX , or hdXP, where X isa letter denoting the physical drive, and P isa
number denoting the partition on that physical drive. The first form, hdX, isused to addressthe whole drive. Partition
numbersare assigned in the order the partitionsare discovered, and only nonempty, nonextended partitionsget a number.
However, partition numbers14 are given to the four partitionsdescribed in the MBR (the primary partitions), regardlessof
whether they are unused or extended. Thus, the first logical partition will be hdX5. Both DOS-type partitioning and BSD-
disk label partitioning are supported. You can have at most 63 partitionson an IDE disk.
For example, /dev/hda refersto all of the first IDE drive in the system; and /dev/hdb3 refersto the third DOS primary
partition on the second one.
They are typically created by the following:
mknod -m 660 /dev/hda b 3 0
mknod -m 660 /dev/hda1 b 3 1
mknod -m 660 /dev/hda2 b 3 2
mknod -m 660 /dev/hda8 b 3 8
mknod -m 660 /dev/hdb b 3 64
mknod -m 660 /dev/hdb1 b 3 65
mknod -m 660 /dev/hdb2 b 3 66
mknod -m 660 /dev/hdb8 b 3 72
chown root.disk /dev/hd*
mknod(1), chown(1), mount(8), sd(4)
Linux, 17 December 1992
Part IV: Special Files
ispellFormat of ispell dictionariesand affix files
ispell(1) requirestwo filesto define the language that it isspell checking. The first file isa dictionary containing wordsfor
the language, and the second isan affix file that defineshe meaning of special flagsin the dictionary. The two filesare
combined by buildhash (see spell(1)) and written to a hash file that isnot described here.
A raw ispell dictionary (either the main dictionary or your own personal dictionary) containsa list of words, one per line.
Each word may optionally be followed by a slash (/) and one or more flags, which modify the root word asexplained later.
Depending on the optionswith which ispell wasbuilt, case may or may not be significant in either the root word or the
flags, independently. Specifically, if the compile-time option CAPITALIZATION isdefined, case issignificant in the root word; if
not, case isignored in the root word. If the compile-time option MASKBITS isset to a value of 32, case isignored in the flags;
otherwise, case issignificant in the flags. Contact your system administrator or ispell maintainer for more information (or
use the vv flag to find out). The dictionary should be sorted with the f flag of sort(1) before the hash file isbuilt; thisis
done automatically by unchlist(1), which isthe normal way of building dictionaries.
If the dictionary containswordsthat have string characters(see the affix file documentation, following), they must be
written in the format given by the defstringtype statement in the affix file. Thiswill be the case for most non-English
languages. Be careful to use thisformat, rather than that of your favorite formatter, when adding wordsto a dictionary. If
you add wordsto your personal dictionary during an ispell session, they will automatically be converted to the correct
format. Thisfeature can be used to convert an entire dictionary if necessary:
echo qqqqq > dummy.dict
buildhash dummy.dict affix-file dummy.hash
awk fprint *gENDfprint #g old-dict-file \
| ispell -a -T old-dict-string-type \
-d ./dummy.hash -p ./new-dict-file \
> /dev/null
rm dummy.*
The case of the root word controlsthe case of wordsaccepted by ispell, asfollows:
1. If the root word appearsonly in lowercase (for example, bob), it will be accepted in lowercase, capitalized, or all capitals.
2. If the root word appearscapitalized (for example, Robert), it will not be accepted in all lowercase, but will be accepted
capitalized or all in capitals.
3. If the root word appearsall in capitals(for example, UNIX), it will only be accepted all in capitals.
4. If the root word appearswith a funny capitalization (for example, ITCorp), a word will be accepted only if it follows
that capitalization, or if it appearsall in capitals.
5. More than one capitalization of a root word may appear in the dictionary. Flagsfrom different capitalizationsare
combined using OR.
Redundant capitalizations(for example, bob and Bob) will be combined by buildhash and by ispell (for personal dictionar-
ies), and can be removed from a raw dictionary by munchlist.
For example, the dictionary
will accept bob, Bob, BOB, Robert, ROBERT, UNIX, ITcorp, ITCorp, and ITCORP, and will reject all others. Some of the unacceptable
formsare bOb, robert, Unix, and ItCorp.
Asmentioned, root wordsin any dictionary may be extended by flags. Each flag isa single alphabetic character, which
representsa prefix or suffix that may be added to the root to form a new word. For example, in an English dictionary the D
flag can be added to bathe to make bathed. Because flagsare represented asa single bit in the hashed dictionary, thisresults
in significant space savings. The munchlist script will reduce an existing raw dictionary by adding flagswhen possible.
When a word isextended with an affix, the affix will be accepted only if it appearsin the same case asthe initial (prefix) or
final (suffix) letter of the word. Thus, for example, the entry UNIX/M in the main dictionary (M meansadd an apostrophe and
an sto make a possessive) would accept UNIXS but would reject UNIXs. If UNIXsislegal, it must appear asa separate
dictionary entry, and it will not be combined by munchlist. (In general, you dont need to worry about these things;
munchlist guaranteesthat itsoutput dictionary will accept the same set of wordsasitsinput, so all you have to do isadd
wordsto the dictionary and occasionally run munchlist to reduce itssize.)
Asmentioned, the affix definition file describesthe affixesassociated with particular flags. It also describesthe character set
used by the language.
Although the affix-definition grammar isdesigned for a line-oriented layout, it isactually a free-format grammar and can be
laid out weirdly if you want. Commentsare started by a pound (sharp) sign (#), and continue to the end of the line.
Backslashesare supported in the usual fashion (\nnn, plusspecials\n, \r, \t, \v, \f, \b, and the new hex format \xnn). Any
character with special meaning to the parser can be changed to an uninterpreted token by backslashing it; for example, you
can declare a flag named asterisk or colon with flag n*: or flag n::.
The grammar will be presented in a top-down fashion, with discussion of each element. An affix-definition file must contain
exactly one table:
t abl e :[header s ][pr ef i xes ][suf f i xes ]
At least one of prefixesand suffixesisrequired. They can appear in either order.
header s :[opt i ons ] char - set s
The headersdescribe optionsglobal to thisdictionary and language. These include the character setsto be used and the
formatter, and the defaultsfor certain ispell flags.
opt i ons : { f mt r - st mt | opt - st mt | f l ag- st mt | num- st mt }
The optionsstatementsdefine the defaultsfor certain ispell flagsand for the character setsused by the formatters.
f mt r - st mt : { nr of f - st mt | t ex- st mt }
A fmtr-stmt statement describescharactersthat have special meaning to a formatter. Normally, thisstatement isnot
necessary, but some languagesmay have preempted the usual defaultsfor use aslanguage-specific characters. In thiscase,
these statementsmay be used to redefine the special charactersexpected by the formatter.
nr of f - st mt : { nroffchars | troffchars } st r i ng
The nroffchars statement allowsredefinition of certain nroff control characters. The string given must be exactly five
characterslong, and must list substitutionsfor the left and right parentheses, the period, the backslash, and the asterisk. (The
right parenthesisisnot currently used, but isincluded for completeness.) For example, the statement:
nroffchars {}.\\*
would replace the left and right parentheseswith left and right curly bracesfor purposesof parsing nroff/troff strings, with
no effect on the others(admittedly a contrived example). Note that the backslash isescaped with a backslash.
t ex- st mt : { TeXchars | texchars } st r i ng
The TeXchars statement allowsredefinition of certain TeX/LaTeX control characters. The string given must be exactly
thirteen characterslong, and must list substitutionsfor the left and right parentheses, the left and right square brackets, the
left and right curly braces, the left and right angle brackets, the backslash, the dollar sign, the asterisk, the period or dot, and
the percent sign. For example, the statement:
texchars ()\[]<\><\>\\$*.%
Part IV: Special Files
would replace the functionsof the left and right curly braceswith the left and right angle bracketsfor purposesof parsing
TeX/LaTeX constructs, while retaining their functionsfor the tib bibliographic preprocessor. Note that the backslash, the
left square bracket, and the right angle bracket must be escaped with a backslash.
opt - st mt : { cmpnd- st mt | af f - st mt }
cmpnd- st mt : compoundwords compound- opt
af f - st mt : allaffixes on- or - of f
on- or - of f : { on | off }
compound- opt : { on- or - of f | controlled char act er }
An opt-stmt, used in the preceding code, controlscertain ispell defaultsthat are best made language-specific. The
allaffixes statement controlsthe default for the P and m optionsto ispell. If allaffixes isturned off (the default), ispell
will default to the behavior of the P flag: root/affix suggestionswill only be made if there are no near misses. If allaffixes
isturned on, ispell will default to the behavior of the m flag: root/affix suggestionswill alwaysbe made.
The compoundwords statement controlsthe default for the B and C optionsto ispell. If compoundwords isturned off (the
default), ispell will default to the behavior of the B flag: run-together wordswill be reported aserrors. If compoundwords is
turned on, ispell will default to the behavior of the C flag: run-together wordswill be considered ascompoundsif both are
in the dictionary. Thisisuseful for languagessuch asGerman and Norwegian, which form large numbersof compound
words. Finally, if compoundwords isset to controlled, only wordsmarked with the flag indicated by character (which should
not be otherwise used) will be allowed to participate in compound formation. Because thisoption requiresthe flagsto be
specified in the dictionary, it isnot available from the command line.
f l ag- st mt : flagmarker char act er
The flagmarker statement describesthe character that isused to separate affix flagsfrom the root word in a raw dictionary
file. Thismust be a character that isnot found in any word (including in string characters; see following). The default is/
because thischaracter isnot normally used to represent special charactersin any language.
num- st mt : compoundmin di gi t
The compoundmin statement controlsthe length of the two componentsof a compound word. Thisonly hasan effect if
compoundwords isturned on or if the C flag isgiven to ispell. In that case, only wordsat least aslong asthe given minimum
will be accepted ascomponentsof a compound. The default is3 characters.
char - set s : nor m- set s [ al t - set s ]
The character-set section describesthe charactersthat can be part of a word, and definestheir collating order. There must
alwaysbe a definition of normal character sets; in addition, there may be one or more partial definitionsof alternate sets
that are used with varioustext formatters.
nor m- set s :[def t ype ] charset-group
A normal character set may optionally begin with a definition of the file suffixesthat make use of thisset. Following this
are one or more character-set declarations.
def t ype : defstringtype name def or mat t er suf f i x *
The defstringtypedeclaration givesa list of file suffixesthat should make use of the default string charactersdefined aspart of
the base character set; it isonly necessary if string charactersare being defined. The name parameter isa string giving the
unique name associated with these suffixes; often it isa formatter name. If the formatter isa member of the troff family,
nroff should be used for the name associated with the most popular macro package; membersof the TeX family should use
tex. Other namesmay be chosen freely, but they should be kept simple, asthey are used in ispellsT switch to specify a
formatter type. The deformatter parameter specifiesthe deformatting style to use when processing fileswith the given
suffixes. Currently, thismust be either tex or nroff. The suffix parametersare a whitespace-separated list of stringswhich, if
present at the end of a filename, indicate that the associated set of string charactersshould be used by default for thisfile. For
example, the suffix list for the troff family typically includessuffixessuch, .me, .mm, and so on.
char set - gr oup : { char - st mt | st r i ng- st mt | dup- st mt }*
A char-stmt describessingle characters; a string-stmt describescharactersthat must appear together asa string, and which
usually represent a single character in the target language. Either may also describe conversion between uppercase and
lowercase. A dup-stmt isused to describe alternate formsof string characters, so that a single dictionary may be used with
several formatting programsthat use different conventionsfor representing non-ASCII characters.
char - st mt : wordchars char act er - r ange
| wordchars l ower case- r ange upper case- r ange
| boundarychars char act er - r ange
| boundarychars l ower case- r ange upper case- r ange
st r i ng- st mt : stringchar st r i ng
| stringchar l ower case- st r i ng upper cas e- st r i ng
Charactersdescribed with the boundarychars statement are considered part of a word only if they appear singly, embedded
between charactersdeclared with the wordchars or stringchar statements. For example, if the hyphen isa boundary character
(useful in French), the string foo-bar would be a single word, but -foo would be the same asfoo, and foobar would be two
wordsseparated by nonword characters.
If two rangesor stringsare given in a char-stmt or string-stmt, the first describescharactersthat are interpreted aslowercase
and the second describesuppercase. In the case of a stringchar statement, the two stringsmust be of the same length. Also,
in a stringchar statement, the actual stringsmay contain both uppercase and charactersthemselveswithout difficulty; for
instance, the statement:
stringchar \\*(sS \\*(Ss
islegal and will not interfere with (or be interfered with by) other declarationsof s and S aslowercase and uppercase,
A final note on string characters: some languagescollate certain special charactersasif they were strings. For example, the
German a-umlaut istraditionally sorted asif it were ae. ispell isnot capable of this; each character must be treated asan
individual entity. So in certain cases, ispell will sort a list of wordsinto a different order than the standard dictionary
order for the target language.
al t - set s : al t t ype [ al t - st mt *]
Because different formattersuse different notationsto represent non-ASCII characters, ispell must be aware of the represen-
tationsused by these formatters. These are declared asalternate setsof string characters.
al t t ype : altstringtype name suf f i x*
The altstringtype statement introduceseach set by declaring the associated formatter name and filename suffix list. This
name and list are interpreted exactly asin the defstringtype statement. Following thisheader are one or more alt-stmtsthat
declare the alternate string charactersused by thisformatter.
al t - st mt : altstringchar al t - st r i ng st d- st r i ng
The altstringchar statement describesalternate representationsfor string characters. For example, the mm macro package
of troff representsthe German a-umlaut asa\*:, while TeX usesthe sequence \a. If the troff versionsare declared asthe
standard versionsusing stringchar, the TeX versionsmay be declared asalternatesby using the statement:
altstringchar \\\a a\\*
When the altstringchar statement isused to specify alternate forms, all formsfor a particular formatter must be declared
together asa group. Also, each formatter or macro package must provide a complete set of characters, both uppercase and
lowercase, and the character sequencesused for each formatter must be completely distinct. Character sequencesthat
describe uppercase and lowercase versionsof the same printable character must also be the same length. It may be necessary
to define some new macrosfor a given formatter to satisfy these restrictions. (The current version of buildhash doesnot
enforce these restrictions, but failure to obey them may result in errorsbeing introduced into filesthat are processed with
An important minor point isthat ispell assumesthat all charactersdeclared aswordchars or boundarychars will occupy
exactly one position on the terminal screen.
Part IV: Special Files
A single character-set statement can declare either a single character or a contiguousrange of characters. A range isgiven asin
egrep and the shell: [a-z] meanslowercase alphabetics; [a-z] meansall but lowercase, and so on. All character-set state-
mentsare combined (unioned) to produce the final list of charactersthat may be part of a word. The collating order of the
charactersisdefined by the order of their declaration; if a range isused, the charactersare considered to have been declared in
ASCII order. Charactersthat have case are collated next to each other, with the uppercase character first.
The character-declaration statementshave a rather strange behavior caused by the need to match each lowercase character
with itsuppercase equivalent. In any given wordchars or boundarychars statement, the charactersin each range are first sorted
into ASCII collating sequence, then matched one-for-one with the other range. (The two rangesmust have the same number
of characters). Thus, for example, the two statements:
wordchars [aeiou] [AEIOU]
wordchars [aeiou] [UOIEA]
would produce exactly the same effect. To get the vowelsto match up wrong, you would have to use separate statements:
wordchars a U
wordchars e O
wordchars i I
wordchars o E
wordchars u A
which would cause uppercase eto be O, and lowercase 0 to be e. Thisshould normally be a problem only with languagesthat
have been forced to use a strange ASCII collating sequence. If your uppercase and lowercase lettersboth collate in the same
order, you shouldnt have to worry about thisfeature.
The prefixesand suffixessectionshave exactly the same syntax, except for the introductory keyword:
prefixes : prefixes flagdef*
suffixes : suffixes flagdef*
flagdef : flag [*j] char : repl *
A prefix or suffix table consistsof an introductory keyword and a list of flag definitions. Flagscan be defined more than once,
in which case the definitionsare combined. Each flag controlsone or more repls(replacements), which are conditionally
applied to the beginningsor endingsof variouswords.
Flagsare named by a single character char. Depending on a configuration option, thischaracter can be either any uppercase
letter (the default configuration) or any 7-bit ASCII character. Most languagesshould be able to get along with just 26 flags.
A flag character may be prefixed with one or more option characters. (If you wish to use one of the option charactersasa flag
character, simply enclose it in double quotes.)
The asterisk (*) option meansthat thisflag participatesin cross-product formation. Thisonly mattersif the file containsboth
prefix and suffix tables. If so, all prefixesand suffixesmarked with an asterisk will be applied in all cross-combinationsto the
root word. For example, consider the root fixwith prefixespreand in, and suffixesesand ed. If all flagscontrolling these
prefixesand suffixesare marked with an asterisk, then the single root fix would also generate prefix, prefixes, prefixed, infix,
infixes, infixed, fix, fixes, and fixed. Cross-product formation can produce a large number of wordsquickly, some of which
may be illegal, so watch out. If cross-productsproduce illegal words, munchlist will not produce those flag combinations, and
the flag will not be useful.
r epl : condi t i on* > [ - st r i p- st r i ng , ] append- st r i ng
The ~ option specifiesthat the associated flag isonly active when a compound word isbeing formed. Thisisuseful in a
language like German, in which the form of a word sometimeschangesinside a compound.
A repl isa conditional rule for modifying a root word. Up to eight conditionsmay be specified. If the conditionsare
satisfied, the ruleson the rightside of the repl are applied, asfollows:
1. If a strip-string isgiven, it isfirst stripped from the beginning or ending (asappropriate) of the root word.
2. The append-string isadded at that point.
For example, the condition . meansany word, and the condition Y meansany word ending in Y. The following (suffix)
. > MENT
Y > -Y,IES
would change induceto inducement and flyto flies. (If they were controlled by the same flag, they would also change flyto
flyment, which might not be what waswanted. munchlist can be used to protect against thissort of problem; see the
command sequence given in the next paragraph.)
No matter how much you might want it, the stringson the right must be stringsof specific characters, not ranges. The
reasonsare rooted deeply in the way ispell works, and it would be difficult or impossible to provide for more flexibility. For
example, you might want to write:
[EY] > -[EY],IES
Thiswill not work. Instead, you must use two separate rules:
E > -E,IES
Y > -Y,IES
The application of replscan be restricted to certain wordswith conditions:
condition : { . | character | range }
A condition isa restriction on the charactersthat adjoin, and/or are replaced by, the right-hand side of the repl. Up to
eight conditionsmay be given, which should be enough context for anyone. The right-hand side will be applied only
if the conditionsin the repl are satisfied. The conditionsalso implicitly define a length; rootsshorter than the number of
conditionswill not passthe test. (Asa special case, a condition of a single dot definesa length of zero, so that the rule applies
to all wordsindiscriminately.) Thislength isindependent of the separate test that insiststhat all flagsproduce an output
word length of at least four.
Conditionsthat are single charactersshould be separated by whitespace. For example, to specify wordsending in ED, write
E D> -ED,ING # As in covered > covering
If you write this:
the effect will be the same as
[ED] > -ED,ING
Asa final, minor but important point, it issometimesuseful to rebuild a dictionary file using an incompatible suffix file. For
example, suppose you expand the R flag to generate er and ers (thusmaking the Z flag somewhat obsolete). To build a
new dictionary newdict that using new affixeswill accept exactly the same list of wordsasthe old list olddict did using old
affixes, the c switch of munchlist isuseful, asin the following example:
$ munchlist -c oldaffixes -l newaffixes olddict > newdict
If you use thisprocedure, your new dictionary will alwaysaccept the same list the original did, even if you badly screwed up
the affix file. Thisisbecause munchlist comparesthe wordsgenerated by a flag with the original word list and refusesto use
any flagsthat generate illegal words. (Dont forget that the munchlist step takesa long time and eatsup temporary file space.)
Asan example of conditional suffixes, here isthe specification of the S flag from the English affix file:
flag *S:
[AEIOU]Y > -Y,IES # As in imply > implies
[AEIOU]Y > S # As in convey > conveys
[SXZH] > ES # As in fix > fixes
[SXZHY] > S #As in bat > bats
Part IV: Special Files
The first line appliesto wordsending in Y but not in vowel-Y. The second takescare of the vowel-Y words. The third then
handlesthose wordsthat end in a sibilant or near-sibilant, and the last picksup everything else.
Note that the conditionsare written very carefully so that they apply to disjoint setsof words. In particular, note that the
fourth line excludeswordsending in Y aswell asthe obviousSXZH. Otherwise, it would convert imply into implys.
Although the English affix file doesnot do so, you can also have a flag generate more than one variation on a root word. For
example, you could extend the English R flag asfollows:
flag *R:
E > R #As in skate > skater
E > RS # As in skate > skaters
[AEIOU]Y > -Y,IER # As in multiply > multiplier
[AEIOU]Y > -Y,IERS # As in multiply > multipliers
[AEIOU]Y > ER # As in convey > conveyer
[AEIOU]Y > ERS # As in convey > conveyers
[EY] > ER # As in build > builder
[EY] > ERS # As in build > builders
Thisflag would generate both skater and skaters from skate. Thiscapability can be very useful in languagesthat make
use of noun, verb, and adjective endings. For instance, one could define a single flag that generated all the German weak
verb endings.
lpLine printer devices.
#include <linux/lp.h>
lp[02] are character devicesfor the parallel line printers; they have major number 6 and minor number 02. The minor
numberscorrespond to the printer port base addresses0x03bc, 0x0378, and 0x0278. Usually, they have mode 220 and are
owned by root and group lp. You can use printer portseither with polling or with interrupts. Interruptsare recommended
when high traffic isexpected, such asfor laser printers. For usual dot matrix printers, polling will usually be enough. The
default ispolling.
The following ioctl(2) callsare supported:
int ioctl(int fd, LPTIME, int arg) Setsthe amount of time that the driver sleepsbefore rechecking the
printer when the printersbuffer appearsto be filled to arg. If you have a
fast printer, decrease thisnumber; if you have a slow printer, then
increase it. Thisisin hundredthsof a second; the default 2 is0.05
seconds. It only influencesthe polling driver.
int ioctl(int fd, LPCHAR, int arg) Setsthe maximum number of busy-wait iterationsthat the polling driver
doeswhile waiting for the printer to get ready for receiving a character to
arg. If printing istoo slow, increase thisnumber; if the system getstoo
slow, decrease thisnumber. The default is1000. It only influencesthe
polling driver.
int ioctl(int fd, LPABORT, int arg) If arg is0, the printer driver will retry on errors; otherwise, it will abort.
The default is0.
int ioctl(int fd, LPABORTOPEN, int arg) If arg is0, open(2) will be aborted on error; otherwise, the error will be
ignored. The default isto ignore it.
int ioctl(int fd, LPCAREFUL, int arg) If arg is0, then the out-of-paper, offline, and error signalsare required to
be false on all writes; otherwise, they are ignored. The default isto ignore
int ioctl(int fd, LPWAIT, int arg) Setsthe number of busy-wait iterationsto wait before strobing the printer
to accept a just-written character and the number of iterationsto wait
before turning the strobe off again to arg. The specification saysthistime
should be 0.5 microseconds, but experience hasshown the delay caused
by the code isalready enough. For that reason, the default value is0. This
isused for both the polling and the interrupt driver.
int ioctl(int fd, LPSETIRQ, int arg) Thisioctl() requiressuperuser privileges. It takesan int containing the
new IRQ asargument. Asa side effect, the printer isreset. When arg is0,
the polling driver will be used, which isalso default.
int ioctl(int fd, LPGETIRQ, int *arg) Storesthe currently used IRQ in arg.
int ioctl(int fd, LPGETSTATUS, int *arg) Storesthe value of the statusport in arg. The bitshave the following
LP_PBUSY Inverted busy input, active high
LP_PACK Unchanged acknowledge input, active low
LP_POUTPA Unchanged out-of-paper input, active high
LP_PSELECD Unchanged selected input, active high
LP_PERRORP Unchanged error input, active low
Refer to your printer manual for the meaning of the signals. Note that
undocumented bitscan also be set, depending on your printer.
int ioctl(int fd, LPRESET) Resetsthe printer. No argument isused.
The printer driver wasoriginally written by Jim Weigand and LinusTorvalds. It wasfurther improved by Michael K.
Johnson. The interrupt code waswritten by Nigel Gamble. Alan Cox modularized it. LPCAREFUL, LPABORT, LPGETSTATUS were
added by ChrisMetcalf.
mknod(1), chown(1), chmod(1), tunelp(8), lpcntl(8)
15 January1995
mem, kmem, port
mem, kmem, portSystem memory, kernel memory, and system ports
mem isa character device file that isan image of the main memory of the computer. It can be used, for example, to examine
(and even patch) the system.
mem, kmem, port
Part IV: Special Files
Byte addressesin mem are interpreted asphysical memory addresses. Referencesto non-existent locationscause errorsto be
Examining and patching islikely to lead to unexpected resultswhen read-only or write-only bitsare present.
It istypically created by
mknod -m 660 /dev/mem c 1 1
chown root.mem /dev/mem
The file kmem isthe same asmem, except that the kernel virtual memory rather than physical memory isaccessed.
It istypically created by
mknod -m 640 /dev/kmem c 1 2
chown root.mem /dev/kmem
port issimilar to mem, but the IO portsare accessed.
It istypically created by
mknod -m 660 /dev/port c 1 4
chown root.mem /dev/port
mknod(1), chown(1), ioperm(2)
Linux, 21 November 1992
mouseSerial mouse interface.
Serial mice are connected to a serial RS232/V24 dialout line; see cua(4) for a description.
The pinout of the usual 9 pin plug asused for serial mice is
Pin Name Used for
2 RX Data
3 TX -12 V, Imax = 10 mA
4 DTR +12 V, Imax = 10 mA
7 RTS +12 V, Imax = 10 mA
5 GND Ground
Thisisthe specification; in fact, 9 V sufficeswith most mice.
The mouse driver can recognize a mouse by dropping RTS to low. About 14mslater, the mouse will send 0x4D on the data
line. After a further 63ms, Microsoft-compatible mice will send 0x33. Other mice send different values.
The relative mouse movement issent asdx (positive meansright) and dy (positive meansdown). Variousmice can operate at
different speeds. To select speeds, cycle through the speeds9600, 4800, 2400, and 1200 bits/sec, each time writing the two
charactersfrom the table below and waiting 0.1 seconds. The following table showsavailable speedsand the stringsthat
select them:
Bits/sec String
9600 *q
4800 *p
2400 *o
1200 *n
The first byte of a data packet can be used to synchronization purposes.
The Microsoft protocol uses1 start bit, 7 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit at the speed of 1200 bits/sec. Data issent to
RxD in 3-byte packets. The dx and dy movementsare sent astwos-complement, lb (rb) isset when the left (right) button is
Byte d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 d0
1 1 lb rb dy7 dy6 dx7 dx7
2 0 dx5 dx4 dx3 dx2 dx1 dx0
3 0 dy5 dy4 dy3 dy2 dy1 dy0
Original Microsoft mice have only two buttons. However, there are some three-button mice that also use the Microsoft
protocol. Pressing the third button isreported by sending a packet with zero movement and no buttonspressed.
The MouseSystemsprotocol uses1 start bit, 8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop bitsat the speed of 1200 bits/sec. Data issent
to RxD in 5-byte packets. dx issent asthe sum of the two twos-complement values, dy issend asnegated sum of the two
twos-complement values. lb (mb, rb) iscleared when the left (middle, right) button ispressed:
Byte d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 d0
1 1 ? ? ? ? lb mb rb
2 0 dxa6 dxa5 dxa4 dxa3 dxa2 dxa1 dxa0
3 0 dxb6 dxb5 dxb4 dxb3 dxb2 dxb1 dxb0
4 0 dya6 dya5 dya4 dya3 dya2 dya1 dya0
5 0 dyb6 dyb5 dyb4 dyb3 dyb2 dyb1 dyb0
The Sun protocol uses1 start bit, 8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop bitsat the speed of 1200 bits/sec. Data issent to RxD in
3-byte packets. dx issent assingle twos-complement value, dy asnegated twos-complement value. lb (mb, rb) iscleared when
the left (middle, right) button ispressed:
Byte d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 d0
1 1 ? ? ? ? lb mb rb
2 0 dx6 dx5 dx4 dx3 dx2 dx1 dx0
3 0 dy6 dy5 dy4 dy3 dy2 dy1 dy0
Part IV: Special Files
The MM protocol uses1 start bit, 8 data bits, odd parity, and 1 stop bit at the speed of 1200 bits/sec. Data issent to RxD in
3-byte packets. dx and dy are sent assingle signed values, the sign bit indicating a negative value. lb (mb, rb) isset when the
left (middle, right) button ispressed:
Byte d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 d0
1 1 ? ? dxs dys lb mb rb
2 0 dx6 dx5 dx4 dx3 dx2 dx1 dx0
3 0 dy6 dy5 dy4 dy3 dy2 dy1 dy0
/dev/mouse a commonly used symlink pointing to a mouse device
cua(4), bm(4)
Linux, 10 February1996
null, zero
null, zeroData sink.
Data written on a null or zero special file isdiscarded.
Readsfrom the null special file alwaysreturn end of file, whereasreadsfrom zero alwaysreturn \0 characters.
null and zero are typically created by
mknod -m 666 /dev/null c 1 3
mknod -m 666 /dev/zero c 1 5
chown root.mem /dev/null /dev/zero
If these devicesare not writable and readable for all users, many programswill act strangely.
mknod(1), chown(1)
Linux, 21 November 1992
ramRam disk device.
ram isa block device to accessthe ram disk in raw mode.
It istypically created by
mknod -m 660 /dev/ram b 1 1
chown root.disk /dev/ram
mknod(1), chown(1), mount(8)
Linux, 21 November 1992
sdDriver for SCSI disk drives.
#include <linux/hdreg.h>
The block device name hasthe following form: sdlp, where l isa letter denoting the physical drive, and p isa number
denoting the partition on that physical drive. Often, the partition number, p, will be left off when the device correspondsto
the whole drive.
SCSI diskshave a major device number of 8 and a minor device number of the form (16 * drive_number) + partition_number,
where drive_number isthe number of the physical drive in order of detection and partition_number isasfollows:
Partition 0 The whole drive
Partitions1-4 The DOS primary partitions
Partitions5-8 The DOS extended (or logical) partitions
For example, /dev/sda will have major 8 and minor 0 and will refer to all the first SCSI drivesin the system; /dev/sdb3 will
have major 8 and minor 19 and will refer to the third DOS primary partition on the second SCSI drive in the system.
At thistime, only block devicesare provided. Raw deviceshave not yet been implemented.
The following ioctlsare provided:
HDIO_REQ Returnsthe BIOS disk parametersin the following structure:
struct hd geometry {
unsigned char heads;
unsigned char sectors;
unsigned short cylinders;
unsigned long start;
A pointer to thisstructure ispassed asthe ioctl(2) parameter.
The information returned in the parameter isthe disk geometry of the
drive asunderstood by DOS! Thisgeometry isnot the physical geometry
of the drive. It isused when constructing the drivespartition table,
Part IV: Special Files
however, and isneeded for convenient operation of fdisk(1), efdisk(1),
and lilo(1). If the geometry information isnot available, zero isreturned
for all the parameters.
BLKGETSIZE Returnsthe device size in sectors. The ioctl(2) parameter should be a
pointer to a long.
BLKRRPART Forcesa re-read of the SCSI disk partition tables. No parameter is
The scsi(4) ioctlsare also supported. If the ioctl(2) parameter is
required and it isNULL, then ioctl(2) will return -EINVAL.
/dev/sd[a-h]: The whole device
/dev/sd[a-h][0-8]: Individual block partitions
17 December 1992
stSCSI tape device.
#include <sys/mtio.h>
int ioctl(int f d, int r equest [, (void *)ar g3])
int ioctl(int f d, MTIOCTOP, (struct mtop *)mt _cmd)
int ioctl(int f d, MTIOCGET, (struct mtget *)mt _st at us)
int ioctl(int f d, MTIOCPOS, (struct mtpos *)mt _pos )
The st driver providesthe interface to a variety of SCSI tape devices. Currently, the driver takescontrol of all detected
devicesof type sequential-access. The st driver usesmajor device number 9.
Each device usestwo minor device numbers: a principal minor device number, n, assigned sequentially in order of detection,
and a no-rewind device number, (n + 128). Devicesopened using the principal device number are sent a REWIND command
when they are closed. Devicesopened using the no-rewind device number are not. Optionssuch asdensity or block size are
not coded in the minor device number. These optionsmust be set by explicit ioctl() callsand remain in effect when the
device isclosed and reopened.
Devicesare typically created by
mknod -m 660 /dev/st0 c 9 0
mknod -m 660 /dev/st1 c 9 1
mknod -m 660 /dev/nst0 c 9 128
mknod -m 660 /dev/nst1 c 9 129
There isno corresponding block device. The character device providesbuffering and read-ahead by default and supports
readsand writesof arbitrary size (limited by the driversinternal buffer size, which defaultsto 32768 bytesbut can be
changed either by using a kernel startup option or by changing a compile-time constant).
Device /dev/tape isusually created asa hard or soft link to the default tape device on the system.
The driver supportsthree ioctl requests. Requestsnot recognized by the st driver are passed to the scsi driver. The
definitionsbelow are from /usr/include/linux/mtio.h:
Thisrequest takesan argument of type (struct mtop *). Not all drivessupport all operations. The driver returnsan EIO
error if the drive rejectsan operation.
/* Structure for MTIOCTOP mag tape op command: */
struct mtop {
short mt_op; /* operations defined below */
int mt_count; /* how many of them */
Magnetic tape operations:
MTBSF Backward space over mt_count filemarks.
MTBSFM Backward space over mt_count filemarks. Reposition the tape to the EOT
side of the last filemark.
MTBSR Backward space over mt_count records(tape blocks).
MTBSS Backward space over mt_count setmarks.
MTEOM Go to the end of the recorded media (for appending files).
MTERASE Erase tape.
MTFSF Forward space over mt_count filemarks.
MTFSFM Forward space over mt_count filemarks. Reposition the tape to the BOT
side of the last filemark.
MTFSR Forward space over mt_count records(tape blocks).
MTFSS Forward space over mt_count setmarks.
MTNOP No op; flushesthe driversbuffer asa side effect. Should be used before
reading statuswith MTIOCGET.
MTOFFL Rewind and put the drive off line.
MTRESET Reset drive.
MTRETEN Retention tape.
MTREW Rewind.
MTSEEK Seek to the tape block number specified in mt_count. Thisoperation
requireseither a SCSI-2 drive that supportsthe LOCATE command (device-
specific address) or a Tandberg-compatible SCSI-1 drive (Tandberg,
Archive Viper, Wangtek,). The block number should be one that was
previously returned by MTIOCPOS because the number isdevice-specific.
MTSETBLK Set the drivesblock length to the value specified in mt_count. A block
length of zero setsthe drive to variable block size mode.
MTSETDENSITY Set the tape density to the code in mt_count. Some useful density
18 0x00 Implicit 0x11 QIC-525
0x04 QIC-11 0x12 QIC-1350
0x05 QIC-24 0x13 DDS
0x0F QIC-120 0x14 Exabyte EXB-8200
0x10 QIC-150 0x15 Exabyte EXB-8500
MTWEOF Write mt_count filemarks.
MTWSM Write mt_count setmarks.
Part IV: Special Files
MTSETDRVBUFFER Set variousdrive and driver optionsaccording to bitsencoded in
mt_count. These consist of the drivesbuffering mode, six Boolean driver
options, and the buffer write threshold. These parametersare initialized
only when the device isfirst detected. The settingspersist when the device
isclosed and reopened. A single operation can affect just the buffering
mode, just the Boolean options, or just the write threshold.
A value having zerosin the high-order 4 bitswill be used to set the drives
buffering mode. The buffering modesare:
0 The drive will not report GOOD statuson write commandsuntil
the data blocksare actually written to the medium.
1 The drive may report GOOD statuson write commandsassoon
asall the data hasbeen transferred to the drivesinternal
2 The drive may report GOOD statuson write commandsassoon
asall the data hasbeen transferred to the drivesinternal buffer
and all buffered data from different initiatorshasbeen
successfully written to the medium.
To control the write threshold, the value in mt_count must include the
constant MT_ST_WRITE_THRESHOLD logically ORed with a block count in the
low 28 bits. The block count refersto 1024-byte blocks, not the physical
block size on the tape. The threshold cannot exceed the driversinternal
buffer size (see the description).
To set and clear the Boolean options, the value in mt_count must include
the constant MT_ST_BOOLEANS logically ORed with whatever combination
of the following optionsisdesired. Any optionsnot specified are set false.
The Boolean optionsare
MT_ST_BUFFER_WRITES (Default: true) Buffer all write operations. If thisoption isfalse and the
drive usesa fixed block size, then all write operationsmust be for a
multiple of the block size. Thisoption must be set false to write reliable
multi-volume archives.
MT_ST_ASYNC_WRITES (Default: true) When thisoptionsistrue, write operationsreturn
immediately without waiting for the data to be transferred to the drive if
the data fitsinto the driversbuffer. The write threshold determineshow
full the buffer must be before a new SCSI write command isissued. Any
errorsreported by the drive will be held until the next operation. This
option must be set false to write reliable multi-volume archives.
MT_ST_READ_AHEAD (Default: true) Thisoption causesthe driver to provide read buffering
and read-ahead. If thisoption isfalse and the drive usesa fixed block size,
then all read operationsmust be for a multiple of the block size.
MT_ST_TWO_FM (Default: false) Thisoption modifiesthe driver behavior when a file is
closed. The normal action isto write a single filemark. If the option is
true, the driver will write two filemarksand backspace over the
second one.
Note that thisoption should not be set true for QIC tape drivesbecause
they are unable to overwrite a filemark. These drivesdetect the end of
recorded data by testing for blank tape rather than two consecutive
MT_ST_DEBUGGING (Default: false) Thisoption turnson variousdebugging messagesfrom
the driver (effective only if the driver wascompiled with DEBUG defined).
MT_ST_FAST_EOM (Default: false) Thisoption causesthe MTEOM operation to be sent directly
to the drive, potentially speeding up the operation but causing the driver
to lose track of the current file number normally returned by the MTIOCGET
request. If MT_ST_FAST_EOM isfalse, the driver will respond to an MTEOM
request by forward spacing over files.
struct mtop mt _cmd;
mt _cmd. mt _op = MTSETDRVBUFFER;
mt _cmd. mt _count =MT_ST_BOOLEANS |
ioctl(f d, MTIOCTOP, &mt _cmd);
Thisrequest takesan argument of type (struct mtget *). The driver returnsan EIO error if the drive rejectsan operation.
/* structure for MTIOCGET - mag tape get status command */
struct mtget {
long mt_type;
long mt_resid;
/* the following registers are device dependent */
long mt_dsreg;
long mt_gstat;
long mt_erreg;
/* The next two fields are not always used */
daddr_t mt_fileno;
daddr_t mt_blkno;
The header file definesmany valuesfor mt_type, but the current driver reportsonly the generic typesMT_ISSCSI1 (Generic
SCSI-1 tape) and MT_ISSCSI2 (Generic SCSI-2 tape).
mt_resid isalwayszero. (Not implemented for SCSI tape drives.)
mt_dsreg reportsthe drivescurrent settingsfor block size (in the low 24 bits) and density (in the high 8 bits). These fieldsare
mt_gstat reportsgeneric (device independent) statusinformation. The header file definesmacrosfor testing these statusbits:
GMT_EOF(x) The tape ispositioned just after a filemark (alwaysfalse after an MTSEEK
GMT_BOT(x) The tape ispositioned at the beginning of the first file (alwaysfalse after
an MTSEEK operation).
GMT_EOT(x) A tape operation hasreached the physical End of Tape.
GMT_SM(x) The tape iscurrently positioned at a setmark (alwaysfalse after an MTSEEK
GMT_EOD(x) The tape ispositioned at the end of recorded data.
GMT_WR_PROT(x) The drive iswrite-protected. For some drivesthiscan also mean that the
drive doesnot support writing on the current medium type.
GMT_ONLINE(x) The last open() found the drive with a tape in place and ready for
GMT_D_6250(x), GMT_D_1600(x), GMT_D_800(x) Thisgeneric statusinformation reportsthe current density setting for
9-track tape drivesonly.
GMT_DR_OPEN(x) The drive doesnot have a tape in place.
GMT_IM_REP_EN(x) Immediate report mode (not supported).
mt_erreg: The only field defined in mt_erreg isthe recovered error
count in the low 16 bits(asdefined by MT_ST_SOFTERR_SHIFT and
MT_ST_SOFTERR_MASK). Due to inconsistenciesin the way drivesreport
recovered errors, thiscount isoften not maintained.
Part IV: Special Files
mt_fileno reportsthe current file number (zero-based). Thisvalue isset to
-1 when the file number isunknown (such asafter MTBSS or MTSEEK).
mt_blkno reportsthe block number (zero-based) within the current file.
Thisvalue isset to -1 when the block number isunknown (such asafter
Thisrequest takesan argument of type (struct mtpos *) and reportsthe drivesnotion of the current tape block number,
which isnot the same asmt_blkno returned by MTIOCGET. Thisdrive must be a SCSI-2 drive that supportsthe READ POSITION
command (device-specific address) or a Tandberg-compatible SCSI-1 drive (Tandberg, Archive Viper, Wangtek,).
/* structure for MTIOCPOS - mag tape get position command */
struct mtpos {
long mt_blkno; /* current block number */
EIO The requested operation could not be completed.
ENOSPC A write operation could not be completed because the tape reached end-
EACCES An attempt wasmade to write or erase a write-protected tape. (Thiserror
isnot detected during open().)
ENXIO During opening, the tape device doesnot exist.
EBUSY The device isalready in use or the driver wasunable to allocate a buffer.
EOVERFLOW An attempt wasmade to read or write a variable-length block that is
larger than the driversinternal buffer.
EINVAL An ioctl() had an illegal argument, or a requested block size wasillegal.
ENOSYS Unknown ioctl().
Copyright 1995, Robert K. Nichols.
Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof thismanual, provided the copyright notice and this
permission notice are preserved on all copies. Additional permissionsare contained in the header of the source file.
Linux 1.1.86, 31 January1995
ttyControlling terminal.
The file /dev/tty isa character file with major number 5 and minor number 0, usually of mode 0666 and
root.tty. It isa synonym for the controlling terminal of a process, if any.
In addition to the ioctl() requestssupported by the device that tty refersto, the following ioctl() request issupported:
TIOCNOTTY Detach the current processfrom itscontrolling terminal and remove it
from itscurrent processgroup, without attaching it to a new process
group (that is, set itsprocessgroup ID to zero). Thisioctl() call only
workson file descriptorsconnected to /dev/tty; thisisused by daemon
processeswhen they are invoked by a user at a terminal. The process
attemptsto open /dev/tty; if the open succeeds, it detachesitself from the
terminal by using TIOCNOTTY, but if the open fails, it isobviously not
attached to a terminal and doesnot need to detach itself.
mknod(1), chown(1), getty(1), termios(2), console(4), ttys(4)
Linux, 21 January1992
ttysSerial terminal lines.
ttyS[0-3] are character devicesfor the serial terminal lines.
They are typically created by
mknod -m 660 /dev/ttyS0 c 4 64 # base address 0x03f8
mknod -m 660 /dev/ttyS1 c 4 65 # base address 0x02f8
mknod -m 660 /dev/ttyS2 c 4 66 # base address 0x03e8
mknod -m 660 /dev/ttyS3 c 4 67 # base address 0x02e8
chown root.tty /dev/ttyS[0-3]
mknod(1), chown(1), getty(1), tty(4)
Linux, 19 December 1992
vcs, vcsa
vcs, vcsaVirtual console memory.
/dev/vcs0 isa character device with major number 7 and minor number 0, usually of mode 0644 and owner root.tty.
It refersto the memory of the currently displayed virtual console terminal.
/dev/vcs[1-63] are character devicesfor virtual console terminals; they have major number 7 and minor number 1 to 63,
usually mode 0644 and owner root.tty. /dev/vcsa[0-63] are the same but include attributesand are prefixed with four bytes,
giving the screen dimensionsand cursor position: lines, columns, x, y.(x = y = 0 at the top-left corner of the screen.)
vcs, vcsa
Part IV: Special Files
These replace the screendump ioctlsof console(4), so the system administrator can control accessusing filesystem permis-
The devicesfor the first eight virtual consolesmay be created by
for x in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do
mknod -m 644 /dev/vcs$x c 7 $x;
mknod -m 644 /dev/vcsa$x c 7 $[$x+128];
chown root.tty /dev/vcs*
No ioctl() requestsare supported.
You can do a screendump on vt3 by switching to vt1 and typing cat /dev/vcs3 >foo.
Thisprogram displaysthe character and screen attributesunder the cursor of the second virtual console and then changesthe
background color there:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
void main()
{ int fd;
struct {char lines, cols, x, y;} scrn;
char ch, attrib;
fd = open(/dev/vcsa2, O_RDWR);
(void)read(fd, &scrn, 4);
(void)lseek(fd, 4 + 2*(scrn.y*scrn.cols + scrn.x), 0);
(void)read(fd, &ch, 1);
(void)read(fd, &attrib, 1);
printf(ch=%c attrib=0x%02x\n, ch, attrib);
attrib = 0x10;
(void)lseek(fd, -1, 1);
(void)write(fd, &attrib, 1);
AndriesBrouwer (
Introduced with version 1.1.92 of the Linux kernel.
console(4), tty(4), ttys(4), selection(1)
Linux, 19 February1995
File Formats
Part V:
Part V: FileFormats
introIntroduction to file formats.
Thischapter describesvariousfile formatsand protocols, and the used C structures, if any.
Look at the header of the manual page for the authorsand copyright conditions. Note that these can be different from page
to page!
Linux, 24 July1993
active, active.times
active, active.timesList of active Usenet newsgroups.
The file /news/lib/active liststhe newsgroupsthat the local site receives. Each newsgroup should be listed only once. Each
line specifiesone group; their order in the file doesnot matter. Within each newsgroup, articlesare assigned unique names,
which are monotonically increasing numbers.
If an article isposted to newsgroupsnot mentioned in thisfile, those newsgroupsare ignored. If no valid newsgroupsare
specified, the article isfiled into the newsgroup junk and only propagated to sitesthat receive the junk newsgroup.
Each line consistsof four fieldsspecified by a space:
name hi mar k l omar k f l ags
The first field isthe name of the newsgroup. Newsgroupsthat start with the three charactersto. are treated specially; see
innd(8). The second field isthe highest article number that hasbeen used in that newsgroup. The third field isthe lowest
article number in the group; thisnumber isnot guaranteed to be accurate and should only be taken asa hint. Note that
because of article cancellations, there may be gapsin the numbering sequence. If the lowest article number isgreater than the
highest article number, there are no articlesin the newsgroup. To make it possible to update an entry in-place without
rewriting the entire file, the second and third fieldsare padded with leading zerosto make them a fixed width.
The fourth field can contain one of the following flags:
y Local postingsare allowed
n No local postingsare allowed, only remote ones
m The group ismoderated and all postingsmust be approved
j Articlesin thisgroup are not kept but only passed on
x Articlescannot be posted to thisnewsgroup
=f oo. bar Articlesare locally filed into the f oo. bar group
If a newsgroup hasthe j flag, then no articleswill be filed into that newsgroup and local postingsto that group should not be
generated. If an article for such a newsgroup isreceived from a remote site, it will be filed into the junk newsgroup if it is
not cross-posted. Thisisdifferent from not having a newsgroup listed in the file because sitescan subscribe to j newsgroups
and the article will be propagated to them.
If the fourth field of a newsgroup startswith an equal sign, then the newsgroup isan alias. Articlescan be posted to the group
but will be treated asif they were posted to the group named after the equal sign. The second and third fieldsare ignored.
Note that the newsgroup header isnot modified (Aliasgroupsare typically used during a transition and are typically created
with ctlinnd(8)). An aliasnewsgroup should not point to another alias.
The file /news/lib/active.times providesa chronological record of when newsgroupsare created. Thisfile isnormally
updated by innd(8) whenever a ctlinnd newgroup command isdone. Each line consist of three fields:
name t i me cr eat or
The first field isthe name of the newsgroup. The second field isthe time it wascreated, expressed asthe number of seconds
since the epocha time_t; see gettimeofday(2). The third field isthe electronic mail addressof the person who created the
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
ctlinnd(8), innd(8)
adduser.confConfiguration file for adduser(8) and addgroup(8).
The file adduser.conf containsdefaultsfor the programsadduser(8) and addgroup(8). Each option takesthe form opt i on =
val ue.
The valid configuration optionsare
DSHELL The login shell to be used for all new users. Defaultsto /bin/bash.
DHOME The directory in which new home directoriesshould be created. Defaultsto /home.
SKEL The directory from which skeletal user configuration filesshould be copied. Defaultsto /
FIRST_UID Specifiesthe lowest valid UID for normal userson your system. IDsbelow FIRST_UID are
reserved for administrative and system accounts. Defaultsto 1000.
USERGROUPS The USERGROUPS variable can be either yes or no. If yes, each created user will be given their
own group to use asa default, and their setup will arrange to have them create filesgroup-
writable by default, thusallowing them to effectively use group-writeable filespace areas
(such as/usr/local). If no, each created user will be placed in the group whose GID is
USERS_GID, and they will create filesnot group-writeable by default.
USERS_GID If USERGROUPS isno, then USERS_GID isthe GID given to all newly created users. The default
value is100.
Debian GNU/Linux version 1.94
Part V: FileFormats
aliasesAliasesfile for sendmail.
Thisfile describesuser ID aliasesused by . The file residesin and isformatted asa seriesof linesof the form:
name: name_1, name_2, name_3, ...
The name isthe name to alias, and the name_n are the aliasesfor that name. Linesbeginning with whitespace are continuation
lines. Linesbeginning with # are comments.
Aliasing occursonly on local names. Loopscannot occur because no message will be sent to any person more than once.
After aliasing hasbeen done, local and valid recipientswho have a .forward file in their home directory have messages
forwarded to the list of usersdefined in that file.
Thisisonly the raw data file; the actual aliasing information isplaced into a binary format in the filesand using the program
newaliases(1). A newaliases command should be executed each time the aliasesfile ischanged for the change to take effect.
newaliases(1), dbm(3), sendmail(8), Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide, Sendmail: An Internetwork Mail
Because of restrictionsin dbm(3), a single aliascannot contain more than about 1000 bytesof information. You can get longer
aliasesby chainingthat is, making the last name in the aliasa dummy name that isa continuation alias.
The aliases file format appeared in BSD 4.0.
BSD 4, 10 May1991
cfingerdConfigurable finger daemon.
cfingerd [c|d|e|o|v]
c Check configuration
d Run asdaemon, not inetd
e Emulate local finger without inetd
o Turn off all finger queries
v Request version information
c checksyour installed configuration. Thismakessure there are no existing errorsin the current cfingerd.conf file.
d runscfingerd asa daemon. Dont run cfingerd thisway if youre using inetd.
e allowsyou to emulate a local finger on a user that existson your system. Thismakesit so that you can test cfingerd on
your system before installing it. Using the e directive isthe same asinstalling the software, typing finger user name@ and
getting the output. Using e user name doesthe same.
o turnsoff all finger queries. Thismakesit so that no one can finger your systemno matter what they try to do.
v requestscfingerd version information.
cfingerd isa totally new and totally configurable finger daemonone of the first. It utilizesthe finger port (port 79) to
provide useful information on each user on your system. However, cfingerd providesa unique twist.
cfingerd wasdesigned for the sole purpose of making output on finger queriesconfigurable. If you want to change any text
that isdisplayed during finger queries, you can configure the finger daemon to display just about anything you want.
cfingerd also takesinto account any security breachesand attemptsto close them. With .nofinger files, thisisdisplayed
instead of finger information, making it possible for usersto keep themselvesrelatively anonymousfrom outside users.
The answer issimple: security. Many sitesturn off finger for the reason that they dont want outside usersto see whoson
their system or get information about a specific user on their system. Thisseemed unfair to the rest of the usersout there, so
thisprogram wascreated. Those siteswere waiting for thistype of program. Many sitesthat originally had their finger turned
off turned them back on because of cfingerd.
Many sitescomplained that they wanted the capability to create a fake user or a user that doesnt exist but callsa prewritten
shell script. cfingerd takesthisinto account and providesthe best method possible for creating such scripts. (See
cfingerd.conf(5) for more information on the configuration file.)
cfingerd wastotally rewritten. Why isthis?The older version of cfingerd had quite a few bugs, and it didnt quite do all the
thingsthat cfingerd now does. Thisnew version wastotally revamped, and most of the bugsthat were in the older version of
cfingerd were removed in thisone. The code isalso more compact.
Header and footer displayswere a big part of the original release of cfingerd and shall continue to remain in all versions.
Headersand footersare only displaysat the beginning and ending of all finger displaysand are used asunique little
The last time displayed isalwaysa critical issue. Itscovered in cfingerd. cfingerd simply showshow many timesthisuser is
connected, what their idle time ison each tty theyre connected to, and whether they are accepting messages. If theyre not
accepting messages, a [MESG-N] display will be shown. Thisdisplay also showsthe last time mail wasread and whether this
user hasmail.
Stand-alone and inetd support iscompiled into the program, but only inetd support isgiven for the time being. The reason
isthat I have not yet added the option for stand-alone daemon mode.
.nofinger filesare used when a user wantsto remain anonymous. These filesshould be placed in their home directoriesand
can display anything they want. Theresjust a few restrictions. These .nofinger display filescannot be character devices,
directories, FIFOs, soft or hard links, or anything else of that caliber. They must only be normal files.
Fake userswere supported for the simple fact that many siteswant to create userswho dont exist and make them execute a
shell. If you want thisdone, install a fake user. Read cfingerd.conf(5) for more information on these useful options.
Service displayswere used to show what fake usersyou have installed on your system. These can be formatted however you
want and are explained in cfingerd.conf(5).
Searching for usernamesisa powerful feature that cfingerd takesfull advantage of. If you are looking for a specific username
on the system or dont know what their name is, simply use the search.username directive with cfingerd, and you can search
for a user on your system.
Searching for usernamesisnot case sensitive. If you are searching for a specific username or part of the usersname, chances
are that itll be displayed.
Part V: FileFormats
Theresalso an option to display your public PGP key if you have one. Thisisvery useful if you want to keep your mail or
other information secret to yourself and dont want big brother watching over your shoulder asyou talk among yourselves.
(Thanksto Andy Smith for thispatch.) The standard plan file is.plan, project is.project, and PGP info is.pgpkey.
Remember, any or all of these optionsstated can be turned on or off at will. If you want a specific option turned off, turn it
Any error messagesthat result are fairly easy to debug if you know what to look for.
Segmentation violationsdont alwaysoccur, but if they ever do, you can pretty easily figure out whatsgoing on. Unfortu-
nately, cfingerd doesnt have any compatibility with older cfingerd.conf files, so if you get a segmentation violation, this
means(usually) that your cfingerd.conf file needsto be replaced.
Time-outsusually mean that a script hastimed out or a connection to another site timed out.
Theresno real way to describe SYSLOG messagesbecause they can be changed asthe system administrator chooses. Although,
examplescan be given based on the standard configuration that wasdistributed.
If any IP addressescannot be matched to a hostname, SYSLOG will display IP: Hostname not matched.
If the renice fails(to make the program run at the highest priority), then SYSLOG will display Fatal - Nice died: (r eason).
If there isno buffer information iswaiting in the STDIN buffer, SYSLOG will display STDIN contains no data.
If a trusted host fingersyour site, a <- Trusted will appear.
If a rejected host fingersyour site, a <- Rejected will appear.
If root isfingered on your site, it will display Root.
If a service listing wasfingered on your site, SYSLOG will display Service listing.
If a user listing wasrequested, SYSLOG will display User listing.
If a fake user wasrequested, SYSLOG will display Fake user.
If whoisdata wasrequested, SYSLOG will display Whois request. (Note that whoiswasnot implemented in thisrelease because
it wasnt RFC compliant.)
Any extra information pertaining to the incoming finger isdisplayed in the syslogging area. (Itsalso recommended that you
reconfigure syslog.conf(5) to display to an unused VT.)
When data isforwarded to other sitesfor fingering, it showsthe output of the system that it forwarded the finger request to.
Thishasgot to change.
On ELF-specific systems, serviceslistsusually show a bit of garbage at the beginning of the finger display. Thisdoesnt
appear to be a problem on a.out systems, so if you have ELF, you might want to compile cfingerd asa.out if thisbecomesa
Any other optionsor improvementswill probably come from user suggestions.
Later planswill mean you can define your own display formatsfor the finger display. Thismeansthat you can redefine how
you want your finger display to look.
If you like the software and you want to learn more about it or want to see a feature added to it that isnt already here, write
Ive received callsat work pertaining to the software, and although I appreciate the fact that people like the software I wrote,
Id appreciate it if you leave me email and be considerate.
cfingerd isnow being maintained by Michael Jarvis. Any additionsafter cfingerd 1.2.3 should be directed toward Michael.
You can reach him at
If you want to see other projectsthat Bitgate Software iscurrently developing, check out the Web page at http:// Thiswill contain all the update information on the software that isbeing developed and that isalready
cfingerd.conf(5), finger(1), userlist(1), syslog.conf(5)
cfingerd 1.2.3, 24 May 1996
cfingerd.confConfigurable finger daemon configuration file.
cfingerd.conf isthe configuration file for cfingerd. Thishasbeen totally rewritten to support a more readable configuration
file. Thisversion of the new configuration file isnot compatible with the older versionsfrom 1.0.3 or earlier.
Each line in the configuration file issplit into three sections: FILES, CONFIG, and HOSTS. Each one of those sectionsissplit into
Subtext of each option iseither Boolean options, string options, or switchable options, all changeable by the system
Each section issplit into a seriesof sectionsthat resemblesC-type definition; itsnot exact but close enough to be familiar.
Theresonly one exception: These are not case sensitive. Any casing will do aslong asthe option islegal.
Thus, each option isformatted like this:
OPTION sub_option_name = {
(tab/space) string_option = string format,
(tab/space) boolean_option = [BOOL, BOOL],
(tab/space) +/internal_config_option
Thisshowsthat string optionsare stringsput into quotes, Boolean optionsare given asTRUE and FALSE, switchable options
are given with the + or directive, and hostnamesare used assubstringsso that wildcardsare not necessary.
You can add commentsusing the hash mark (#) at the beginning of the line. Please note that no commentsare allowed inside
of an OPTION.
Each option here isa string option. These are formatted asthe example shows.
PLAN isthe plan file that isused when displaying a plan. The standard here is.plan.
PROJECT isthe project file that isused when displaying a project description. The standard here is.project.
PGP_KEY isthe PrettyGoodPrivacy file that isshown when displaying a public or private key. The standard here is.pgpkey.
Part V: FileFormats
(The preceding three filesmust be world readable but should not be world writable. Thismakessure that cfingerd can read
the file once it becomesthe nobody UID/GID. Thisisgenerally a good idea for protection.)
NO_FINGER isthe file that isshown when a user wantsto remain anonymous. Thisisusually the case with root users(which
should be standard anyway). The standard here is.nofinger. Thisfile can only be a standard displayable file.
LOGFILE isthe file that isused to keep logsof everything that happensto both your system and the finger program. These logs
are kept asbackupsfor your finger file and can be used to guard against attacksagainst your system if a finger attack occurs.
Remember, the cfingerd.conf file isroot owned, so thisfile should be kept in a safe, hidden place.
HEADER_DISPLAY isthe file that isdisplayed at the top of each finger display. The standard here is/etc/cfingerd/
FOOTER_DISPLAY isthe file that isdisplayed at the end of each finger display. The standard here is/etc/cfingerd/
NO_USER_BANNER isthe file that isdisplayed if the user doesnt exist. The standard here is/etc/cfingerd/nouser_banner.txt.
NO_NAME_BANNER isthe file that isdisplayed if no name wasspecified in a finger display. Thisisused in conjunction with the
SYSTEM_LIST option (explained later). The standard here is/etc/cfingerd/noname_banner.txt.
REJECTED_BANNER isthe file that isdisplayed if a rejected host triesto finger your system for any reason. The standard here is/
Each option in thissection isBoolean. The way thisworksisasfollows: The first Boolean option isthe setting for a remote
host or a host that fingersyou from the outside. The second Boolean option isthe setting for the local host or trusted host.
Thisiswhat people from your own system will see.
Each option hasa or + option. Thisisfor useroverridable options, which will be in the next release of cfingerd. These will
allow usersto manipulate if thisinformation isdisplayed when that specific user isfingered.
HEADER_FILE displaysthe header file at the beginning of each finger query.
FOOTER_FILE displaysthe footer file at the end of each finger query.
LOGIN_ID displaysthe login ID of that particular user.
REAL_NAME displaysthe real name of that particular user.
DIRECTORY displaysthe usersdirectory.
SHELL displaysthe usersshell.
ROOM_NUMBER displaysthe usersroom number.
WORK_NUMBER displaysthe userswork phone number.
HOME_NUMBER displaysthe usershome phone number.
OTHER displaysthe usersother information.
LAST_TIME_ON displaysthe last time the user logged into the fingered system.
IF_ONLINE displayswhether the user iscurrently logged into the fingered system.
TIME_MAIL_READ displaysthe last time that the fingered user read mail.
DAY_MAIL_READ displaysthe last day that the fingered user read hisor her mail.
ORIGINATION displaysthe site from which the user logged in (if applicable).
PLAN displaysthe usersplan file.
PROJECT displaysthe usersproject file.
PGP displaysthe usersPrettyGoodPrivacy key file.
NO_NAME_BANNER displaysthe banner if no username wasgiven.
REJECTED_BANNER displaysthe rejected banner if the site fingering your system wasin the bannedsite listing.
SYSTEM_LIST displaysthe system list if one wasrequested.
NO_NAME displaysthe noname display file if no user wasselected.
Each item in thissection isa switchable option. Thismeansthat a + before the item isturned on and a before the item is
turned off.
ALLOW_MULTIPLE_FINGER_DISPLAY allowsyou to give a sorted output of all userson more than one specific system. Thisisuseful
when you have more than one ISP machine, located in different citiesor even states.
ALLOW_SEARCHABLE_FINGER allowsyou to let othersoutside your system (or within it) to search for a specific username by using
the search.user name directive.
ALLOW_NO_IP_MATCH_FINGER allowsyou to let sitesfinger your system if a hostname could not be matched to their IP address
ALLOW_USER_OVERRIDE will allow your usersto override specific optionsin the FINGER DISPLAY section that you enable.
ALLOW_USERLIST_ONLY will allow other sitesthat are fingering your system for a specific compiled user list to finger your system
and get a user listing of whosonline. Thiscould be a security risk, so you might want to turn thisoption off if you feel itsa
security risk.
ALLOW_FINGER_FORWARDING will allow other sitesto forward finger requeststo a different machine if the user could not be
located on the current machine. (In order to use thisoption, you must have the HOSTS finger forward option set and have
other sitesin there.)
ALLOW_STRICT_FORMATTING makesthe finger display remove all returnsbetween display options. Thismakesthe finger display
look horrible (aswith GNU Finger or the other generic fingers) and makesyour system look, well, generic.
ALLOW_VERBOSE_TIMESTAMPING makesthe timestamp that isdisplayed (at any place) very verbose. For instance, where it used to
On since Sat Aug 12 03:43PM(PDT)
would now be shown as
On since Sat Aug 12, 1995 03:43PM(PDT)
(Basically, ALLOW_VERBOSE_TIMESTAMPING just takesup more room on the display field.)
ALLOW_NONIDENT_ACCESS letsyou only allow connectionsfrom sitesthat run the ident daemon (or RFC 1413-compliant
program.) Thisisfor security sake and isa good measure against unknown userstrying to finger your system. If thisoption is
enabled, userswho do not have identd running on their system (such asWindowsusers) will be able to finger your system.
Systemsnot running identd will return unknown asthe user ID and will not be permitted to finger a user on your system.
ALLOW_FINGER_LOGGING enablescfingerd to use the LOGFILE file to store any logsof activity that happen to your system via
ALLOW_LINE_PARSING makescfingerd parse each line of every display file (including the plan, project, and pgp files) for any
cfingerd-specific $ commands. If any are found, cfingerd will parse these commandsand display correct information
accordingly. Otherwise, if thisisturned off, the display will appear without parsed commands.
ALLOW_EXECUTION will allow usersto execute scriptsin place of their .plan, .project, and .pgp files. Thisisused to display the
standard output of another program directly to the screen of the user. Keep in mind that thisisa huge security risk if you
choose to use it. Itsnormally suggested that thisoption remain off, but you can turn it on if necessary. Nevertheless, these
programsare called asnobody.nogroup.
Part V: FileFormats
ALLOW_FAKEUSER_FINGER turnson or off the fake user option in cfingerd. If you want fake usersto be defined and available to
be fingered, you will want to enable thisoption. Thiscan be a security risk in some instancesif you allow for searchable
fingersand your script callsan execute routine on that variable. Chancesare thatll never happen.
ALLOW_USERLOG will allow usersto keep track of who hasfingered them and at what time. A little file called .fingerlog will
appear in their directory, which they can examine to see who hasfingered them. If you dont care about this, you can disable
it. Otherwise, itsnot a bad idea. (It also logsroot fingersaswell.)
Thisisjust a seriesof hostnamesthat you want to finger when displaying your user-list display. If you have more than one
system that you want to show, simply put their hostname in thislist, separated on a line by itself.
For example, if I have a separate ISP system that Im running on the side, say, I would change my configuration
to say
CONFIG system_list_sites = {, l ocal host }
Remember, if you are listing only a couple of sites, list the sitesyou will want to have listed (in order) first. The ending entry
must be l ocal host or the finger listing will not include your site. If you include l ocal host anywhere else in the list, it will
stop once it hasreached the l ocal host entry, so remember to list it last!
I want to get a user listing from my own machine and from chatlink.comssystem. Thiswould be automatically formatted
nicely (sorted and parsed) and would display on the screen in sorted order. Thisprogram isusually used in tandem with the
supplied userlist(1) program.
If no system list sitesare specified, multiple system siteswill not be specified.
Thisisa listing of the sitesthat you allow to finger your system exclusively, giving them the same accessthat your local users
would get. In other words, they are treated asl ocal host users.
Each site that you list in thissection should be separated by using the , directive. You can include up to 80 sitesin this
Wildcardsare supported in thissection, and you can use them in the regex format aswell. Any wildcardswith *, ?, or any
other regex wildcard matching character will work. IP addresseswill also work. Hostnamesare compared case insensitive.
Thisisa listing of the sitesthat you do not allow to finger your system. These sitesdont get to finger anyone (or anything
for that matter) on your system, regardlessof what they try to do. In essence, finger iscut off to that particular system.
Each site that you list in thissection should be separated by using the , directive. You can include up to 80 sitesin this
Wildcardsare supported in thissection, and you can use them in the regex format aswell. Any wildcardswith *, ?, or any
other regex wildcard matching character will work. IP addresseswill also work. Hostnamesare compared case insensitive.
Thisisa listing of sitesthat are used to forward a finger query to when a finger request wasprocessed but that particular user
wasnot found on the associated system. It will step through thislisting, and it will search for the user in question. If the user
could not be found, then it will step through to the next host and the next, until it findsone.
Each site that you list in thissection should be separated by using the , directive. You can include up to 80 sitesin this
Wildcardsare supported in thissection, and you can use them in the regex format aswell. Any wildcardswith *, ?, or any
other regex wildcard matching character will work. Hostnamesare compared case insensitive.
If you do not specify any forwarding sitesin thissection, finger forwarding will be disabled for your system.
Each option in thissection isa string that can be changed to fit your needswhen displaying finger information. These strings
are limited to about 20 characterson the display. (If you use more than 20, the finger display will end up looking strange.)
USER_NAME isthe string that isdisplayed when the usersusername isshown.
REAL_NAME isthe string that isdisplayed when the usersreal name isshown.
DIRECTORY isthe string that isdisplayed when the usersdirectory isshown.
SHELL isthe string that isdisplayed when the usersshell isshown.
ROOM_NUMBER isthe string that isdisplayed when the usersroom number isshown.
WORK_NUMBER isthe string that isdisplayed when the userswork phone number isshown.
HOME_NUMBER isthe string that isdisplayed when the usershome phone number isshown.
OTHER isthe string that isdisplayed when the usersother display information isshow.
PLAN isthe string that isdisplayed when the usersplan isshown.
PROJECT isthe string that isdisplayed when the usersproject isshown.
PGPKEY isthe string that isdisplayed when the usersPGP key isshown.
NO_PLAN isthe string that isdisplayed when the user doesnt have a plan file to show you.
NO_PROJECT isthe string that isdisplayed when the user doesnt have a project file to show you.
NO_PGP isthe string that isdisplayed when the user doesnt have a PGP key file to show you.
WAIT isthe string that isshown when the system gathersinformation from other sitesfor a user listing.
These stringsare changeable and can be any length you want (within reason). These stringsare concatenated into the
syslogging display when the appropriate finger hasbeen issued. Thissection also includeserror messagesthat may occur.
NO_IP_HOST isshown when there isno hostname that matchesthe incoming IP address. Thisusually indicatesthat either the
site didnt register itsIP addresswith the InterNIC or it iscoming from a hacked site.
RENICE_FATAL isshown when the system failed to change the execution priority on the current processof cfingerd.
STDIN_EMPTY isshown when the input buffer on the cfingerd port isempty. (Thisshould never really happen; itshere for
TRUSTED_HOST isshown when a trusted host fingersyour system. If you do not specify a trusted host, cfingerd will insert
l ocal host into thisfield.
REJECTED_HOST isshown when a rejected host fingersyour system. If you do not specify a rejected host, cfingerd will insert into thisfield.
ROOT_FINGER isshown when a user fingersroot.
SERVICE_FINGER isshown when a user requestsfake user servicesfrom your system.
USER_LIST isshown when a user requestsa user listing from your system.
FAKE_USER isshown when a user fingersa fake user from your system.
WHOIS_USER isshown when a user fingersa user with a WHOIS query. (Thisoption isnot yet available.)
FINGER_DENY isshown when a user triesto finger with a forward request such asuser @host 1@host 2. Thisisnot supported
because it could result in finger loopsand a lot of traffic.
Thissection isused in changing the output that isgiven when a system crashes, or a signal iscaught, and reported to the
finger output.
Part V: FileFormats
The supported caught signalsare asfollows:
These are the programsthat are called when a specific action istake on the finger display.
FINGER isthe file that isused when a user listing isrequested from your machine. Thisisused in the standard user list and in
the sorted user list, so it iswise to use the standard here: /usr/sbin/userlist.
WHOIS isthe program that isused when a WHOIS request isdone on a specific user.
These are the everpopular fake usersthat you can create on your system. These usersare onesthat dont exist (and should
not exist, for that matter). These are, instead, treated asnormal scriptsthat can be called for your use.
The format isasfollowsfor fake users:
f ake_user name Scr i pt _name SEARCHBOOL scr i pt
f ake_user name isthe name of the fake user you want to request. Make sure that thisisa user that doesnot exist on your
system. Keep in mind that if you create a fake username and that user already exists, the fake username will be shown.
Scr i pt _name isthe standard name of your script. Thisisused in the display of your serviceslisting.
SEARCHBOOL specifieswhether parameterscan be sent to that specific fake user. If you decide to use the SEARCHBOOL option
(TRUE in thiscase), the passed variablesare
$1 First passed option
$2 Second passed option
$3 Third passed option
$4 Fourth passed option
(If more than four optionswere passed to this, the request will be ignored, and an error message will be returned to the user
who requested the finger request.)
scr i pt isthe location of your script. It should be chmod 700 and readable only by root.
If you do not specify any fake users, a fake user called None will be created. Thisisa fake user that doesnothing and calls/
dev/null for the script.
Thisisthe display that isgiven during a servicesfinger. It should be formatted the same way that you want it to display on
the screen.
When specifying the finger formatted options, you should specify them asC formatted stringsaswell, with the standard
options. Thisshould alwaysbe given last in the display.
An example of thisis
Welcome to this systems services!
User: Service name: Searchable:

%-8s %-20s %-s
Remember to keep the format string last or a SIGSEGV will result.
Thisspecifieswhere in the preceding display string that the information from a service listing isto appear. These numbers
can be anywhere between 1 and 3.
USER specifiesthe position of the username listing.
SERVICE specifiesthe position of the service fullname listing.
SEARCH specifiesthe position of the Boolean search display.
If you like thisprogram and have questionsor commentsabout the programsfunctionality or whathaveyou, write to
Asalways, I appreciate any suggestionsor bug reportsyou might have, so bring them on!
cfingerd(8), cfingerd.text(5), userlist(1), finger(1), regex(3), regexp(3)
16 May1996
cfingerd t ext r ul es
cfingerd offersdifferent commandsthat can be placed in text filesto display corresponding information. Each command
used with cfingerd in text filesbeginswith a dollar sign ($). Thisusually indicatesto cfingerd that when itsdisplaying a file,
it parsesthe command directly after that character.
If you want to display a raw $ sign, simply put two $ signstogether, or $$.
The following isa list of text commandsand what they do. Each of the text commandscan be in any text case; it doesnt
$CENTER Displaysthe entire contentsof the line. Thiscommand must start at the beginning of the
line. Thisisa very common command.
$DATE Displaysthe current system date in the format of MM/DD/YY.
$TIME Displaysthe current system time in the format HH:MM A/PM (time zone).
$IDENT Displaysthe identity of the current person fingering your system.
$COMPILE_DATETIME Displaysthe date and time of which the current issue of cfingerd wascompiled on your
$VERSION Displaysthe current version of cfingerd.
$EXEC Executesa file with x parametersafter it. The $EXEC command must be on a line by itself
in order to function properly. The command isexecuted asnobody.nogroup.
cfingerd(8), cfingerd.conf(5), finger(1), userlist(1), any of the included docswith the standard cfingerd distribution.
cfingerd 1.2.1, 6 Jan 1996
control.ctlSpecify handling of Usenet control messages.
Part V: FileFormats
The file /news/lib/control.ctl isused to determine what action istaken when a control message isreceived. It isread by the
parsecontrol script, which iscalled by all the control scripts. (For an explanation of how the control scriptsare invoked, see
The file consistsof a seriesof lines; blank linesand linesbeginning with a number sign (#) are ignored. All other linesconsist
of four fieldsseparated by a colon:
message:f r om:newsgr oups:act i on
The first field isthe name of the message for which thisline isvalid. It should be either the name of the control message, or
the word all to mean that it isvalid for all messages.
The second field isa shell-style pattern that matchesthe e-mail addressof the person posting the message. (The posters
addressisfirst converted to lowercase.) The matching isdone using the shellscase statement; see sh(1) for details.
If the control message isnewgroup or rmgroup, then the third field specifiesthe shell-style pattern that must match the group
being created or removed. If the control message isof a different type, then thisfield isignored.
The fourth field specifieswhat action to take if thisline isselected for the message. The following actionsare understood:
doit The action requested by the control message should be performed. In most cases, the control script
will also send mail to Usenet.
doifarg If the control message hasan argument, thisistreated asa doit action. If no argument wasgiven, it
istreated asa mail entry. Thisisused in a sendsys entriesscript so that a site can request itsown
newsfeeds(5) entry by posting a sendsys mysite article. On the other hand, sendsys bombs ask that
the newsfeedsfile be sent; if you use doifarg, such messageswill not be processed automatically.
doit=f i l e The action isperformed, but a log entry iswritten to the specified log file, f i l e. If f i l e isthe word
mail, then the record ismailed. A null string isequivalent to /dev/null. A pathname that startswith
a slash istaken asthe absolute filename to use asthe log. All other pathnamesare written to /var/
log/news/file.log. The log iswritten by writelog (see newslog(8)).
drop No action istaken; the message isignored.
log A one-line log notice issent to standard error. innd normally directsthisto the file /var/log/news/
log=f i l e A log entry iswritten to the specified log file, f i l e, which isinterpreted asdescribed previously.
mail A mail message issent to the newsadministrator.
Linesare matched in order; the last match found in the file isthe one that isused. For example, with the following three
A newgroup coming from tale at a UUNET machine will be honored if it isin the mainstream Usenet hierarchy. If kre
postsa newgroup message creating, then mail will be sent. All other newgroup messagesare ignored.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
innd(8), newsfeeds(5), scanlogs(8)
cvsConcurrent VersionsSystem support files.
cvs isa system for providing source control to hierarchical collectionsof source directories. Commandsand proceduresfor
using cvs are described in cvs(1). cvs managessource repositories, the directoriescontaining master copiesof the revision-
controlled files, by copying particular revisionsof the filesto (and modificationsback from) developers private working
directories. In termsof file structure, each individual source repository isan immediate subdirectory of $CVSROOT. The files
described here are supporting files; they do not have to exist for cvs to operate, but they allow you to make cvs operation
more flexible.
You can use the modules file to define symbolic namesfor collectionsof source maintained with cvs. If there isno modules
file, developersmust specify complete pathnames(absolute or relative to $CVSROOT) for the filesthey want to manage with cvs
commands. You can use the commitinfo file to define programsto execute whenever cvs commit isabout to execute. These
programsare used for precommit checking to verify that the modified, added, and removed filesare really ready to be
committed. Some usesfor thischeck might be to turn off a portion (or all) of the source repository from a particular person
or group or perhapsto verify that the changed filesconform to the sitesstandardsfor coding practice.
You can use the cvswrappers file to record cvs wrapper commandsto be used when checking filesinto and out of the
repository. Wrappersallow the file or directory to be processed on the way in and out of cvs. The intended usesare many;
one possible use isto reformat a C file before the file ischecked in so all the code in the repository looksthe same. You can
use the loginfo file to define programsto execute after any commit, which writesa log entry for changesin the repository.
These logging programsmight be used to append the log message to a file or send the log message through electronic mail to
a group of developers. You can also post the log message to a particular newsgroup.
You can use the taginfo file to define programsto execute after any tag or rtag operation. These programsmight be used to
append a message to a file listing the new tag name and the programmer who created it, to send mail to a group of develop-
ers, or to post a message to a particular newsgroup. You can use the rcsinfo file to define formsfor log messages. You can use
the editinfo file to define a program to execute for editing or validating cvs commit log entries. Thisismost useful when used
with a rcsinfo formsspecification because it can verify that the proper fieldsof the form were filled in by the user commit-
ting the change. You can use the cvsignore file to specify the default list of filesto ignore during update. You can use the
history file to record the cvscommandsthat affect the repository. The creation of thisfile enableshistory logging.
modules The modules file recordsyour definitionsof namesfor collectionsof source code.
cvs will use these definitionsif you use cvs to check in a file with the right
format to $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/modules,v. The modules file can contain blank lines
and comments(linesbeginning with #) aswell asmodule definitions. Long lines
can be continued on the next line by specifying a backslash (\) asthe last
character on the line. A module definition isa single line of the modules file in
either of two formats. In both cases, mname representsthe symbolic module name,
and the remainder of the line isitsdefinition.
mname a al i ases ...
Thisrepresentsthe simplest way of defining a module mname. The a flagsthe
definition asa simple alias: cvswill treat any use of mname (asa command
argument) asif the list of namesal i ases had been specified instead. al i ases may
Part V: FileFormats
contain either other module namesor paths. When you use pathsin al i ases,cvs
checkout createsall intermediate directoriesin the working directory, just asif the
path had been specified explicitly in the cvs arguments.
mname [ opt i ons ] di r [ f i l es ... ] [&modul e ...]
In the simplest case, thisform of module definition reducesto mname di r . This
definesall the filesin directory di r asmodule mname. di r isa relative path (from
$CVSROOT) to a directory of source in one of the source repositories. In thiscase,
on checkout, a single directory called mname iscreated asa working directory; no
intermediate directory levelsare used by default, even if di r wasa path involving
several directory levels. By explicitly specifying filesin the module definition after
di r , you can select particular filesfrom directory di r . The sample definition for
modulesisan example of a module defined with a single file from a particular
directory. Here isanother example:
m4test unsupported/gnu/m4 foreach.m4 forloop.m4
With thisdefinition, executing cvs checkout m4test will create a single working
directory m4test containing the two fileslisted, which both come from a
common directory several levelsdeep in the cvs source repository. A module
definition can refer to other modulesby including &modul e in itsdefinition. The
checkout command createsa subdirectory for each such module in your working
directory. New in cvs 1.3; avoid thisfeature if sharing module definitionswith
older versionsof cvs.
Finally, you can use one or more of the following optionsin module definitions:
d name namesthe working directory something other than the module name.
Thisoption isnew in cvs 1.3; avoid thisfeature if sharing module definitions
with older versionsof cvs. i pr og allowsyou to specify a program pr og to run
whenever filesin a module are committed. pr og runswith a single argument, the
full pathname of the affected directory in a source repository. The commitinfo,
loginfo, and editinfo filesprovide other waysto call a program on commit. o
pr og allowsyou to specify a program pr og to run whenever filesin a module are
checked out. pr og runswith a single argument, the module name. e pr og allows
you to specify a program pr og to run whenever filesin a module are exported.
pr og runswith a single argument, the module name. t pr og allowsyou to
specify a program pr og to run whenever filesin a module are tagged. pr og runs
with two arguments: the module name and the symbolic tag specified to rtag. u
pr og allowsyou to specify a program pr og to run whenever cvs update isexecuted
from the top-level directory of the checked-out module. pr og runswith a single
argument, the full path to the source repository for thismodule.
commitinfo, loginfo, rcsinfo, editinfo These filesall specify programsto call at different pointsin the cvs commit
process. They have a common structure. Each line isa pair of fields: a regular
expression, separated by whitespace from a filename or command-line template.
Whenever one of the regular expression matchesa directory name in the
repository, the rest of the line isused. If the line beginswith a # character, the
entire line isconsidered a comment and isignored. Whitespace between the
fieldsisalso ignored. For loginfo, the rest of the line isa command-line template
to execute. The templatescan include not only a program name, but also
whatever list of argumentsyou want. If you write %s somewhere on the argument
list, cvs supplies, at that point, the list of filesaffected by the commit. The first
entry in the list isthe relative path within the source repository where the change
isbeing made. The remaining argumentslist the filesthat are being modified,
added, or removed by thiscommit invocation. For taginfo, the rest of the line is
a command-line template to execute. The argumentspassed to the command are,
in order, the t agname, oper at i on (add for tag, mov for tag -F, and del for tag -d),
and r eposi t or y, and any remaining are pairsof filename revision. A nonzero exit
of the filter program will cause the tag to be aborted. For commitinfo, the rest of
the line isa command-line template to execute. The template can include not
only a program name but also whatever list of argumentsyou want. The full path
to the current source repository isappended to the template, followed by the
filenamesof any filesinvolved in the commit (added, removed, and modified
files). For rcsinfo, the rest of the line isthe full path to a file that should be
loaded into the log message template. For editinfo, the rest of the line isa
command-line template to execute. The template can include not only a
program name but also whatever list of argumentsyou want. The full path to the
current log message template file isappended to the template. You can use one of
two special stringsinstead of a regular expression: ALL specifiesa command-line
template that must alwaysbe executed, and DEFAULT specifiesa command-line
template to use if no regular expression isa match. The commitinfo file contains
commandsto execute before any other commit activity, to allow you to check
any conditionsthat must be satisfied before commit can proceed. The rest of the
commit will execute only if all selected commandsfrom thisfile exit with exit
status0. The rcsinfo file allowsyou to specify log templatesfor the commit
logging session; you can use thisto provide a form to edit when filling out the
commit log. The field after the regular expression, in thisfile, containsfilenames
(of filescontaining the logging forms) rather than command templates. The
editinfo file allowsyou to execute a script before the commit startsbut after the
log information isrecorded. These edit scriptscan verify information recorded
in the log file. If the edit script exitswith a nonzero exit status, the commit is
aborted. The loginfo file containscommandsto execute at the end of a commit.
The text specified asa commit log message ispiped through the command;
typical usesinclude sending mail, filing an article in a newsgroup, or appending
to a central file.
cvsignore, .cvsignore The default list of files(or sh(1) filename patterns) to ignore during cvs update.
At startup time, cvs loadsthe compiled default list of filename patterns(see
cvs(1)). Then the per-repository list included in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvsignore is
loaded, if it exists.
Then the per-user list isloaded from $HOME/.cvsignore. Finally, ascvs traverses
through your directories, it will load any per-directory .cvsignore fileswhenever
it findsone. These per-directory filesare only valid for exactly the directory that
containsthem, not for any subdirectories.
history Create thisfile in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT to enable history logging (see the description
of cvs history).

1992, CygnusSupport, Brian Berliner, and Jeff Polk.

Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof thismanual, provided the copyright notice and this
permission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Part V: FileFormats
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the preceding
conditionsfor modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free
Software Foundation instead of in the original English.
12 February1992
DEVINFODevice entry database.
DEVINFO isa text file that describesall the possible devicesfor a system. It isused by MAKEDEV(8) to create special file entriesin /
dev. It may be named either /dev/DEVINFO or /etc/devinfo. Information about custom local devices, if any, should be placed
in DEVINFO.local or /etc/devinfo.local, which hasthe same syntax.
The file format isfree-form. C, C++, and shell commentsare understood. There are basically four statements:
ignore { pr oc- devi ce... } Thiscausesthe specified namesto be ignored if found in /proc/devices.
batch { devi ce... } Thiscreatesa batcha collection of devicesthat will all be created when the batch is
invoked. For example, in the standard DEVINFO, generic isa batch.
block devi ce- spec Thisdefinesone or more block devices.
char devi ce- spec Thisdefinesone or more character devices.
Here isa sample devi ce- spec:
(std, 1) {
mem (kmem) : 1
null (public) : 3
core -> /proc/kcore
Thisexample definesa group of devicescalled std, with major number 1. Running will create all the devicesin the group;
running, for example, would make just the one device null.
It ispossible to specify, instead of just std, something like std=foo. In thiscase, the stuff on the right-hand side of the equals
sign specifiesa name from /proc/devices, and the major number will be retrieved from there if present. If an entry from /
proc/devices isspecified, the explicit major number may be omitted. In thiscase, if the number isnot found in /proc/
devices, attemptsto create the device will be rejected.
Inside the bracesisa list of specific devices. The name in parenthesisisthe class; thisissomething specified in MAKEDEV.cfg
that determinesthe ownership and permissionsof the special file created. In the preceding example, the device mem wasset to
have the classkmem, but null wasset to be public. Ordinarily, youd define public to be mode 666 but kmem to be mode 660
and owned by group kmem. The number after the colon isthe minor number for thisparticular device; for instance, 3 for
You may also specify a symbolic link with ->. For instance, core wasmade a link to /proc/kcore. Note that namesmay
contain any characters, but namesthat contain thingsother than alphanumerics, dash, and underscore should be put in
double quotes.
An entire range of devicescan be created. You may specify a range of numbersin brackets:
tty[1-8] (tty) : 1
Thiscreatestty1tty8 with minor device numbersstarting with 1. If you specify the range in hex (prefixed by 0x), the device
nameswill be created numbered in hex, asisnormal for ptys. The range may appear inside the name string, but there may
only be one range.
There isa special syntax for creating the entire banksof devicesfor a hard drive:
hd[a-d] 8/64
What thismeansisasfollows: Create hda, and eight partitionson hda (hda1 through hda8), starting with minor number 0.
Then create hdb, and eight partitions, starting with minor number 64. Then hdc, and so on, with minor number 64*2 =
128and so forth. These are automatically placed in the classdisk. The necessary groupsand batchesare created so you can
ask MAKEDEV to create hd or hda or hda1 and expect it to do the correct thing.
Note that simple arithmetic ispermitted for specifying the minor device number, asthisoften makesthingsmuch clearer
and lesslikely to be accidentally broken.
Version 1.4, January 1995
environUser environment.
extern char **envi r on;
An array of stringscalled the envi r onment ismade available by exec(2) when a processbegins. By convention, these strings
have the form name=val ue. Common examplesare
USER The name of the logged-in user (used by some BSD-derived programs).
LOGNAME The name of the logged-in user (used by some System-V derived programs).
HOME A userslogin directory, set by login(1) from the password file passwd(5).
LANG The name of a locale to use for locale categorieswhen not overridden by LC_ALL or more
specific environment variables.
PATH The sequence of directory prefixesthat sh(1) and many other programsapply in searching
for a file known by an incomplete pathname. The prefixesare separated by :.
SHELL The filename of the userslogin shell.
TERM The terminal type for which output isto be prepared.
Further namesmaybe placed in the environment by the export command and name=val ue in sh(1) or by the setenv command
if you use csh(1). Argumentsmay also be placed in the environment at the point of an exec(2).
It isrisky practice to set name=val ue pairsthat conflict with well-known shell variables. Setting these could cause surprising
behavior in subshellsor system(3) commands.
login(1), sh(1), bash(1), csh(1), tcsh(1), exec(2), system(3)
Linux, 21 October 1996
expire.ctlControl file for Usenet article expiration.
Part V: FileFormats
The file /news/lib/expire.ctl isthe default control file for the expire(8) program, which readsit at startup. Blank linesand
linesbeginning with a number sign (#) are ignored. All other linesshould be in one of two formats.
The first format specifieshow long to keep a record of fully expired articles. Thisisuseful when a newsfeed intermittently
offersolder newsthat isnot kept around very long. (The case of very old newsishandled by the c flag of innd(8).) There
should only be one line in thisformat, which lookslike this:
Where days isa floating-point number that specifiesthe upper limit to remember a Message-ID, even if the article has
already expired. (It doesnot affect article expirations.)
Most of the linesin the file will consist of five colon-separated fields, asfollows:
pat t er n:modf l ag:keep:def aul t :pur ge
The pat t er n field iscomma-separated set of single wildmat(3)-style patternsthat specify the newsgroupsto which the rest of
the line applies. Because the file isinterpreted in order, the most general patternsshould be specified first, and the most
specific patternsshould be specified last.
The modf l ag field can be used to further limit newsgroupsto which the line appliesand should be chosen from the following
M Only moderated groups
U Only unmoderated groups
A All groups
The next three fieldsare used to determine how long an article should be kept. Each field should be either a number of days
(fractionssuch as8.5 are allowed) or the word never. The most common use isto specify the default value for how long an
article should be kept. The first and third fieldskeep and pur gespecify the boundarieswithin which an Expiresheader
will be honored. They are ignored if an article hasno Expiresheader. The fieldsare specified in the file aslower-bound
default upper-bound, and they are explained in thisorder. Because most articlesdo not have explicit expiration dates,
however, the second field tendsto be the most important one.
The keep field specifieshow many daysan article should be kept before it will be removed. No article in the newsgroup will
be removed if it hasbeen filed for lessthan keep days, regardlessof any expiration date. If thisfield isthe word never, then an
article cannot have been kept for enough daysso it will never be expired.
The def aul t field specifieshow long to keep an article if no Expiresheader ispresent. If thisfield isthe word never, then
articleswithout explicit expiration dateswill never be expired.
The pur ge field specifiesthe upper bound on how long an article can be kept. No article will be kept longer than the number
of daysspecified by thisfield. All articleswill be removed after they have been kept for pur ge days. If purge isthe word never,
then the article will never be deleted.
It isoften useful to honor the expiration headersin articles, especially those in moderated groups. To do this, set keep to zero,
def aul t to whatever value you want, and pur ge to never. To ignore any Expiresheader, set all three fieldsto the same value.
There must be exactly one line with a pat t er n of * and a modf l ags of A; thismatchesall groupsand isused to set the
expiration default. It should be the first expiration line. For example:
## How long to keep expired history
## Most things stay for two weeks
## Believe expiration dates in moderated groups, up to six weeks
## Keep local stuff for a long time
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
expire(8), wildmat(3)
exportsNFS filesystemsbeing exported.
The file /etc/exports servesasthe accesscontrol list for filesystemsthat can be exported to NFS clients. It isused by both the
NFS mount daemon mountd(8) and the NFS file server daemon nfsd(8).
The file format issimilar to the SunOS exports file, except that several additional optionsare permitted. Each line containsa
mount point and a list of machine or netgroup namesallowed to mount the filesystem at that point. An optional parenthe-
sized list of mount parametersmay follow each machine name. Blank linesare ignored, and a # introducesa comment to the
end of the line.
secure Thisoption requiresthat requestsoriginate on an Internet port lessthan IPPORT_RESERVED
(1024). Thisoption ison by default. To turn it off, specify insecure.
ro Allow only read-only requestson thisNFS volume. The default isto allow write requestsas
well, which can also be made explicit by using the rw option.
link_relative Convert absolute symbolic links(where the link contentsstart with a slash) into relative
linksby prepending the necessary number of ../sto get from the directory containing the
link to the root on the server. Thishassubtle, perhapsquestionable, semanticswhen the file
hierarchy isnot mounted at itsroot.
link_absolute Leave all symbolic linksasthey are. Thisisthe default operation.
nfsd basesitsaccesscontrol to fileson the server machine on the UID and GID provided in each NFS RPC request. The
normal behavior a user would expect isthat she can accessher fileson the server just asshe would on a normal filesystem.
Thisrequiresthat the same UIDsand GIDsare used on the client and the server machine. Thisisnot alwaystrue, nor isit
Very often, it isnot desirable that the root user on a client machine isalso treated asroot when accessing fileson the NFS
server. To thisend, UID 0 isnormally mapped to a different ID: the so-called anonymousor nobody UID. Thismode of
operation (called root squashing) isthe default and can be turned off with no_root_squash.
By default, nfsd triesto obtain the anonymousUID and GID by looking up user nobody in the password file at startup
time. If it isnt found, a UID and GID of -2 (65534) isused. These valuescan also be overridden by the anonuid and anongid
In addition to this, nfsd letsyou specify arbitrary UIDsand GIDsthat should be mapped to user nobody aswell. Finally,
you can map all user requeststo the anonymousUID by specifying the all_squash option.
For the benefit of installationswhere UIDsdiffer between different machines, nfsd providesa way to dynamically map server
UIDsto client UIDsand vice versa. Thisisenabled with the map daemon option and usesthe UGID RPC protocol. For this
to work, you have to run the ugidd(8) mapping daemon on the client host.
Part V: FileFormats
Heresthe complete list of mapping options:
root_squash Map requestsfrom UID/GID 0 to the anonymousUID/GID. Note that thisdoesnot
apply to any other UIDsthat might be equally sensitive, such asuser bin.
no_root_squash Turn off root squashing. Thisoption ismainly useful for disklessclients.
squash_uids and squash_gids Thisoption specifiesa list of UIDsor GIDsthat should be subject to anonymousmapping.
A valid list of IDslookslike this:
Usually, your squash listswill look a lot simpler, such as
all_squash Map all UIDsand GIDsto the anonymoususer. Useful for NFS-exported public FTP
directories, newsspool directories, and so on. The opposite option isno_all_squash, which is
the default setting.
map_daemon Thisoption turnson dynamic UID/GID mapping. Each UID in an NFS request will be
translated to the equivalent server UID, and each UID in an NFS reply will be mapped the
other way round. Thisoption requiresthat rpc.ugidd(8) runson the client host. The default
setting ismap_identity, which leavesall UIDsuntouched. The normal squash optionsapply
regardlessof whether dynamic mapping isrequested.
anonuid and anongid These optionsexplicitly set the UID and GID of the anonymousaccount. Thisoption is
primarily useful for PC/NFS clients, where you might want all requestsappear to be from
one user. Asan example, consider the export entry for /home/joe in the section Example,
which mapsall requeststo UID 150 (which issupposedly that of user joe).
# sample /etc/exports file
/ master(rw) trusty(rw,no_root_squash)
/projects proj*.local.domain(rw)
/usr *.local.domain(ro) @trusted(rw)
/home/joe pc001(rw,all_squash,anonuid=150,anongid=100)
/pub (ro,insecure,all_squash)
The first line exportsthe entire filesystem to machinesmaster and trusty. In addition to write access, all UID squashing is
turned off for host trusty. The second and third entry show examplesfor wildcard hostnamesand netgroups(thisisthe
entry @trusted). The fourth line showsthe entry for the PC/NFS client discussed previously. The last line exportsthe public
FTP directory to every host in the world, executing all requestsunder the nobody account. The insecure option in thisentry
also allowsclientswith NFS implementationsthat dont use a reserved port for NFS.
Unlike other NFS server implementations, thisnfsd allowsyou to export both a directory and a subdirectory thereof to the
same host, for instance /usr and /usr/X11R6. In thiscase, the mount optionsof the most specific entry apply. For instance,
when a user on the client host accessesa file in /usr/X11R6, the mount optionsgiven in the /usr/X11R6 entry apply. Thisis
also true when the latter isa wildcard or netgroup entry.
/etc/exports Configuration file for nfsd(8)
/etc/passwd The password file
An error parsing the file isreported using syslogd(8) aslevel NOTICE from a DAEMON whenever nfsd(8) or mountd(8) isstarted.
Any unknown host isreported at that time, but often not all hostsare not yet known to named(8) at boot time, so ashostsare
found, they are reported with the same syslogd(8) parameters.
mountd(8), nfsd(8), nfs(5), passwd(5)
21 October 1996
filesystemsLinux filesystem types: minix, ext, ext2, xia, msdos, umsdos, vfat, proc, nfs, iso9660, hpfs, sysv, smb, ncpfs.
In the file /proc/filesystems, you can find which filesystemsyour kernel currently supports. (If you need a currently
unsupported one, insert the corresponding module or recompile the kernel.)
Following isa description of the variousfilesystems.
minix The filesystem used in the Minix operating system, the first to run under Linux. It hasa number
of shortcomings: a 64MB partition size limit, short filenames, a single time stamp, and so on. It
remainsuseful for floppiesand RAM disks.
ext An elaborate extension of the minix filesystem. It hasbeen completely superseded by the second
version of the extended filesystem (ext2) and will eventually be removed from the kernel.
ext2 The high performance disk filesystem used by Linux for fixed disksaswell asremovable media.
The second extended filesystem wasdesigned asan extension of the extended filesystem (ext).
ext2 offersthe best performance (in termsof speed and CPU usage) of the filesystemssupported
under Linux.
xiafs Designed and implemented to be a stable, safe filesystem by extending the Minix filesystem code.
It providesthe basic, most requested featureswithout undue complexity. The xia filesystem isno
longer actively developed or maintained. It isused infrequently.
msdos The filesystem used by DOS, Windows, and some OS/2 computers. msdos filenamescan be no
longer than an eight-character name followed by an optional period and three-character
umsdos An extended DOS filesystem used by Linux. It addscapability for long filenames, UID/GID,
POSIX permissions, and special files(devices, named pipes, and so on) under the DOS
filesystem, without sacrificing compatibility with DOS.
vfat Extended DOS filesystem used by Microsoft Windows95 and WindowsNT. vfat adds
capability for long filenamesunder the MS-DOS filesystem.
proc A pseudo-filesystem that isused asan interface to kernel data structuresrather than reading and
interpreting /dev/kmem. In particular, itsfilesdo not take disk space. See proc(5).
iso9660 A CD-ROM filesystem type conforming to the ISO 9660 standard.
High Sierra Linux supportsHigh Sierra, the precursor to the ISO 9660 standard for CD-ROM filesystems. It
isautomatically recognized within the iso9660 filesystem support under Linux.
Rock Ridge Linux also supportsthe System Use Sharing Protocol recordsspecified by the Rock Ridge
Interchange Protocol. They are used to further describe the filesin the iso9660 filesystem to a
UNIX host and providesinformation such aslong filenames, UID/GID, POSIX permissions,
and devices. It isautomatically recognized within the iso9660 filesystem support under Linux.
hpfs The High Performance Filesystem, used in OS/2. Thisfilesystem isread-only under Linux due to
the lack of available documentation.
sysv An implementation of the SystemV/Coherent filesystem for Linux. It implementsall Xenix FS,
SystemV/386 FS, and Coherent FS.
nfs The network filesystem used to accessdiskslocated on remote computers.
Part V: FileFormats
smb A network filesystem that supportsthe SMB protocol, used by Windowsfor Workgroups,
WindowsNT, and LAN Manager.
To use smb, you need a special mount program, which can be found in the ksmbfs package at
ncpfs A network filesystem that supportsthe NCP protocol, used by Novell NetWare.
To use ncpfs, you need special programsfound at
proc(5), fsck(8), mkfs(8), mount(8)
25 March 1996
fstabStatic information about the filesystems.
#include <fstab.h>
The file fstab containsdescriptive information about the variousfilesystems. fstab isonly read by programsand not written;
it isthe duty of the system administrator to properly create and maintain thisfile. Each filesystem isdescribed on a separate
line; fieldson each line are separated by tabsor spaces. The order of recordsin fstab isimportant because fsck(8), mount(8),
and umount(8) sequentially iterate through fstab doing their thing.
The first field (fs_spec) describesthe block special device or remote filesystem to be mounted.
The second field (fs_file) describesthe mount point for the filesystem. For swap partitions, thisfield should be specified as
The third field (fs_vfstype) describesthe type of the filesystem. The system currently supportsthree typesof filesystems:
minix A local filesystem, supporting filenamesof length 14 or 30 characters.
ext A local filesystem with longer filenamesand larger inodes. Thisfilesystem hasbeen replaced
by the ext2 filesystem and should no longer be used.
ext2 A local filesystem with longer filenames, larger inodes, and a lot of other features.
xiafs A local filesystem with longer filenames, larger inodes, and a lot of other features.
msdos A local filesystem for MS-DOS partitions.
hpfs A local filesystem for HPFS partitions.
iso9660 A local filesystem used for CD-ROM drives.
nfs A filesystem for mounting partitionsfrom remote systems.
swap A disk partition to be used for swapping.
If vfs_fstype isspecified asignore, the entry isignored. Thisisuseful to show disk partitionsthat are currently unused.
The fourth field (fs_mntops) describesthe mount optionsassociated with the filesystem.
It isformatted asa comma-separated list of options. It containsat least the type of mount plusany additional options
appropriate to the filesystem type. For documentation on the available optionsfor non-NFS file systems, see mount(8). For
documentation on all NFS-specific options, take a look at nfs(5). Common for all typesof filesystemsare the optionsnoauto
(do not mount when mount -a isgiven, such asat boot time) and user (allow a user to mount). For more details, see mount(8).
The fifth field (fs_freq) isused for these filesystemsby the dump(8) command to determine which filesystemsneed to be
dumped. If the fifth field isnot present, a value of zero isreturned and dump will assume that the filesystem doesnot need to
be dumped.
The sixth field (fs_passno) isused by the fsck(8) program to determine the order in which filesystem checksare done at
reboot time. The root filesystem should be specified with a fs_passno of 1, and other filesystemsshould have a fs_passno of 2.
Filesystemswithin a drive will be checked sequentially, but filesystemson different driveswill be checked at the same time to
utilize parallelism available in the hardware. If the sixth field isnot present or zero, a value of zero isreturned and fsck will
assume that the filesystem doesnot need to be checked.
The proper way to read recordsfrom fstab isto use the routine getmntent(3).
The documentation in mount(8) isoften more up-to-date.
getmntent(3), mount(8), swapon(8), nfs(5)
The fstab file format appeared in 4.0 BSD.
Linux 0.99, 27 November 1993
groff_fontFormat of groff device and font description files.
The groff_font format isroughly a superset of the ditroff font format. Unlike the ditroff font format, there isno associated
binary format. The font filesfor device name are stored in a directory devname. There are two typesof file: a device description
file called DESC and for each font F, a font file called F. These are text files; there isno associated binary format.
The DESC file can contain the following typesof lines:
res n There are n machine unitsper inch.
hor n The horizontal resolution isn machine units.
vert n The vertical resolution isn machine units.
sizescale n The scale factor for point sizes. By default, thishasa value of 1. One scaled point is
equal to one point/n. The argumentsto the unitwidth and sizes commandsare
given in scaled points.
unitwidth n Quantitiesin the font filesare given in machine unitsfor fontswhose point size isn
scaled points.
tcommand Thismeansthat the postprocessor can handle the t and u output commands.
sizes s1 s2 ... sn0 Thismeansthat the device hasfontsat s1, s2,sn scaled points. The list of sizes
must be terminated by a 0. Each si can also be a range of sizesmn. The list can
extend over more than one line.
styles S1 S2 ... Sm The first m font positionswill be associated with stylesS1Sm.
fonts n F1 F2 F3 ... Fn FontsF1Fn will be mounted in the font positionsm+1,,m+n where m isthe
number of styles. Thiscommand may extend over more than one line. A font name
of 0 will cause no font to be mounted on the corresponding font position.
Part V: FileFormats
family f am The default font family isf am.
charset Thisline and everything following in the file are ignored. It isallowed for the sake of
The res, unitwidth, fonts, and sizes linesare compulsory. Other commandsare ignored by troff but may be used by
postprocessorsto store arbitrary information about the device in the DESC file.
A font file hastwo sections. The first section isa sequence of lines, each containing a sequence of blank delimited words; the
first word in the line isa key, and subsequent wordsgive a value for that key.
name F The name of the font isF.
spacewidth n The normal width of a space isn.
slant n The charactersof the font have a slant of n degrees. (Positive meansforward.)
ligatures lig1 lig2 ... lign [0] Characterslig1, lig2,,lign are ligatures; possible ligaturesare ff, fi, fl, and ffl.
For backwardscompatibility, the list of ligaturesmay be terminated with a 0. The
list of ligaturesmay not extend over more than one line.
special The font isspecial; thismeansthat when a character isrequested that isnot present
in the current font, it will be searched for in any special fontsthat are mounted.
Other commandsare ignored by troff but may be used by postprocessorsto store arbitrary information about the font in the
font file.
The first section can contain comments, which start with the # character and extend to the end of a line.
The second section containsone or two subsections. It must contain a charset subsection and it may also contain a kernpairs
subsection. These subsectionscan appear in any order. Each subsection startswith a word on a line by itself.
The word charset startsthe charset subsection. The charset line isfollowed by a sequence of lines. Each line gives
information for one character. A line comprisesa number of fieldsseparated by blanksor tabs. The format is
name met r i cs t ype code comment
name identifiesthe character: if name isa single character c, it correspondsto the groff input character c; if it isof the form \c
where c isa single character, then it correspondsto the groff input character nc; otherwise, it correspondsto the groff input
character \[name] (if it isexactly two charactersxx, it can be entered as\(xx ). groff supportseight-bit characters; however,
some utilitieshave difficultieswith eight-bit characters. For thisreason, there isa convention that the name charn is
equivalent to the single character whose code isn. For example, char163 isequivalent to the character with code 163, which is
the poundssterling sign in ISO Latin-1. The name isspecial and indicatesthat the character isunnamed; such characters
can only be used by meansof the \N escape sequence in troff.
The t ype field givesthe character type:
1 The character hasan descender, such asp.
2 The character hasan ascender, such asb.
3 The character hasboth an ascender and a descender, such as(.
The code field givesthe code that the postprocessor usesto print the character. The character can also be input to groff using
thiscode by meansof the \N escape sequence. The code can be any integer. If it startswith a 0, it will be interpreted asoctal;
if it startswith 0x or 0X, it will be interpreted ashexadecimal.
Anything on the line after the code field will be ignored.
The met r i cs field hasthe form:
[,subscr i pt _cor r ect i on]]]]]
There must not be any spacesbetween these subfields. Missing subfieldsare assumed to be 0. The subfieldsare all decimal
integers. Because there isno associated binary format, these valuesare not required to fit into a variable of type char asthey
are in ditroff. The wi dt h subfieldsgivesthe width of the character. The hei ght subfield givesthe height of the character
(upwardsispositive); if a character doesnot extend above the baseline, it should be given a zero height, rather than a negative
height. The dept h subfield givesthe depth of the character, that is, the distance below the lowest point below the baseline to
which the character extends(downwardsispositive); if a character doesnot extend below above the baseline, it should be
given a zero depth, rather than a negative depth. The i t al i c_cor r ec t i on subfield givesthe amount of space that should be
added after the character when it isimmediately to be followed by a character from a roman font. The
l ef t _i t al i c_c or r ect i on subfield givesthe amount of space that should be added before the character when it isimmediately
to be preceded by a character from a roman font. The subscript_correction givesthe amount of space that should be added
after a character before adding a subscript. Thisshould be lessthan the i t al i c_cor r ec t i on.
A line in the charset section can also have the format
Thisindicatesthat name isjust another name for the character mentioned in the preceding line.
The word kernpairs startsthe kernpairs section. Thiscontainsa sequence of linesof the form:
c1 c2 n
Thismeansthat when character c1 appearsnext to character c2, the space between them should be increased by n. Most
entriesin kernpairs section will have a negative value for n.
/usr/lib/groff/font/dev name/DESC Device description file for device name.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devname/F Font file for font F of device name.
groff_out(5), gtroff(1)
Groff Version 1.09, 14 February1994
groff_outgroff intermediate output format.
Thismanual page describesthe format output by GNU troff. The output format used by GNU troff isvery similar to that
used by UNIX device-independent troff. Only the differencesare documented here.
The argument to the s command isin scaled points(unitsof points/n, where n isthe argument to the sizescale command in
the DESC file.) The argument to the x Height command isalso in scaled points.
The first three output commandsare guaranteed to be
x T device
x res n h v
x init
If the tcommand line ispresent in the DESC file, troff will use the following two commands:
txxx xxx isany sequence of charactersterminated by a space or a newline; the first
character should be printed at the current position, the current horizontal position
should be increased by the width of the first character, and so on for each character.
The width of the character isthat given in the font file, appropriately scaled for the
current point size and rounded so that it isa multiple of the horizontal resolution.
Special characterscannot be printed using thiscommand.
Part V: FileFormats
unxxx Thisissame asthe t command except that after printing each character, the current
horizontal position isincreased by the sum of the width of that character and n.
Note that single characterscan have the eighth bit set, ascan the namesof fontsand special characters.
The namesof charactersand fontscan be of arbitrary length; driversshould not assume that they will be only two characters
When a character isto be printed, that character will alwaysbe in the current font. Unlike device-independent troff, it isnot
necessary for driversto search special fontsto find a character.
The D drawing command hasbeen extended. These extensionswill not be used by GNU pic if the n option isgiven.
Df n\n Set the shade of gray to be used for filling solid objectsto n; n must be an integer
between 0 and 1000, where 0 correspondsto solid white and 1000 to solid black and
valuesin between correspond to intermediate shadesof gray. Thisappliesonly to
solid circles, solid ellipses, and solid polygons. By default, a level of 1000 will be
used. Whatever color a solid object has, it should completely obscure everything
beneath it. A value greater than 1000 or lessthan 0 can also be used: Thismeansfill
with the shade of gray that iscurrently being used for linesand text. Normally, this
will be black, but some driversmay provide a way of changing this.
DC d\n Draw a solid circle with a diameter of d with the leftmost point at the current
DE dx dy\n Draw a solid ellipse with a horizontal diameter of dx and a vertical diameter of dy
with the leftmost point at the current position.
Dp dx1 dy1 dx2 dy2 ... dxn dyn\n Draw a polygon with, for i = 1, ..., n+1, the i th vertex at the current position +

i 1

(dxj , dyj ). At the moment, GNU pic only usesthiscommand to generate
trianglesand rectangles.
DP dx1 dy1 dx2 dy2 ... dxn dyn\n Like Dp, but draw a solid rather than outlined polygon.
Dt n\n Set the current line thicknessto n machine units. Traditionally, UNIX troff drivers
use a line thicknessproportional to the current point size; driversshould continue to
do thisif no Dt command hasbeen given or if a Dt command hasbeen given with a
negative value of n. A zero value of n selectsthe smallest available line thickness.
A difficulty arisesin how the current position should be changed after the execution of these commands. Thisisnot of great
importance because the code generated by GNU pic doesnot depend on this. Given a drawing command of the form
\Dc x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xn yn
where c isnot one of c, e, l, a, or ~, UNIX troff will treat each of the xi asa horizontal quantity and each of the yi asa
vertical quantity and will assume that the width of the drawn object is
xi and that the height is
yi . (The
assumption about the height can be seen by examining the st and sb registersafter using such a D command in a \w escape
sequence.) Thisrule also holdsfor all the original drawing commandswith the exception of De. For the sake of compatibil-
ity, GNU troff also followsthisrule, even though it producesan ugly result in the case of the Df, Dt, and, to a lesser extent,
DE commands. Thusafter executing a D command of the form
Dc x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xn yn\n
the current position should be increased by (
xi ;
yi ).
A continuation convention permitsthe argument to the x X command to contain newlines: when outputting the argument
to the x X command, GNU troff will follow each newline in the argument with a + character (asusual, it will terminate the
entire argument with a newline); thusif the line after the line containing the x X command startswith +, then the newline
ending the line containing the x X command should be treated aspart of the argument to the x X command, the + should be
ignored, and the part of the line following the + should be treated like the part of the line following the x X command.
groff version 1.09, 14 February1994
groupUser group file.
/etc/group isan ASCII file that definesthe groupsto which usersbelong. There isone entry per line, and each line hasthe
gr oup_name:passwd:GI D:user _l i st
The field descriptionsare
gr oup_name The name of the group.
passwd The (encrypted) group password. If thisfield isempty, no password isneeded.
GI D The numerical group ID.
user _l i st All the group membersusernames, separated by commas.
login(1), newgrp(1), passwd(5)
Linux, 29 December 1992
historyRecord of current and recently expired Usenet articles.
The file /news/lib/history keepsa record of all articlescurrently stored in the newssystem, aswell asthose that have been
received but since expired.
The file consistsof text lines. Each line correspondsto one article. The file isnormally kept sorted in the order in which
articlesare received, although thisisnot a requirement. innd(8) appendsa new line each time it filesan article, and expire(8)
buildsa new version of the file by removing old articlesand purging old entries.
Each line consistsof two or three fieldsseparated by a tab, shown below as\t:
<MessageI D>\t dat e
<MessageI D>\t dat e \t f i l es
The MessageI D field isthe value of the articlesMessage-ID header, including the angle brackets.
The dat e field consistsof three subfieldsseparated by a tilde. All subfieldsare the text representation of the number of
secondssince the epocha time_t; see gettimeofday(2). The first subfield isthe articlesarrival date. If copiesof the article
are still present, then the second subfield iseither the value of the articlesExpiresheader or a hyphen if no expiration date
wasspecified. If an article hasbeen expired, the second subfield will be a hyphen. The third subfield isthe value of the
articlesDate header, recording when the article wasposted.
Part V: FileFormats
The f i l es field isa set of entriesseparated by one or more spaces. Each entry consistsof the name of the newsgroup, a slash,
and the article number. Thisfield isempty if the article hasbeen expired.
For example, an article cross-posted to comp.sources.unix and comp.sources.d that wasposted on February 10, 1991, (and
received three minuteslater) with an expiration date of May 5, 1991, could have a history line (broken into two linesfor
display) like the following:
<> \t 666162000673329600666162180
\t comp.sources.unix/1104 comp.sources.d/7056
In addition to the text file, there isa dbz(3z) database associated with the file that usesthe Message-ID field asa key to
determine the offset in the text file where the associated line begins. For historical reasons, the key includesthe trailing \0
byte (which isnot stored in the text file).
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
dbz(3z), expire(8), innd(8), news-recovery(8)
hosts.nntp, hosts.nntp.nolimit
hosts.nntp, hosts.nntp.nolimitList of hoststhat feed NNTP news.
The file /news/lib/hosts.nntp isread by innd(8) to get the list of hoststhat feed the local site Usenet newsusing the NNTP
protocol. The server readsthisfile at startup or when directed to by ctlinnd(8). When a hostsconnectsto the NNTP port of
the system on which innd isrunning, the server will do a check to see if their Internet addressisthe same asone of the hosts
named in thisfile. If the host isnot mentioned, then innd will spawn an nnrpd(8) to processthe connection, with the
accepted connection on standard input and standard output.
Commentsbegin with a number sign (#) and continue through the end of the line. Blank linesand commentsare also
ignored. All other linesshould consist of two or three fieldsseparated by a colon.
The first field should be either an Internet addressin dotted-quad format or an addressthat can be parsed by
gethostbyname(3). If a hostsentry hasmultiple addresses, all of them will be added to the accesslist. The second field, which
may be blank, isthe password the foreign host isrequired to use when first connecting. The third field, which may be
omitted, isa list of newsgroupsto which the host may post articles. Thislist isparsed asa newsfeeds(5) subscription list;
groupsnot in the list are ignored.
Because innd isusually started at system boot time, the local nameserver may not be fully operational when innd parsesthis
file. Asa work-around, a ctlinnd reload command can be performed after a delay of an hour or so. It isalso possible to
provide both a hostsname and itsdotted-quad addressin the file.
For example:
## FOO has a password, UUNET doesnt.
## UUNET cannot post to local groups.
## These are comment lines.!foo.*
If the file containspasswords, it should not be world-readable. The file /news/lib/hosts.nntp.nolimit, if it exists, isread
whenever the hosts.nntp file isread. It hasthe same format, although only the first field isused. Any host mentioned in this
file isnot subject to the incoming connectionslimit specified by inndsc flag. Thiscan be used to allow local hostsor time-
sensitive peersto connect regardlessof the local conditions.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
ctlinnd(8), innd(8), nnrpd(8)
hosts_accessFormat of host accesscontrol files.
Thismanual page describesa simple accesscontrol language that isbased on client (hostname/address, username) and server
(processname) patterns. Examplesare given at the end. The impatient reader can skip to the Examples section for a quick
In the following text, daemon isthe processname of a network daemon process, and client isthe name or addressof a host
requesting service. Network daemon processnamesare specified in the inetd configuration file.
The accesscontrol software consultstwo files. The search stopsat the first match:
Accesswill be granted when a (daemon,cl i ent ) pair matchesan entry in the /etc/hosts.allow file.
Otherwise, accesswill be denied when a (daemon,cl i ent ) pair matchesan entry in the /etc/hosts.deny file.
Otherwise, accesswill be granted.
A non-existing accesscontrol file istreated asif it were an empty file. Thus, accesscontrol can be turned off by providing no
accesscontrol files.
Each accesscontrol file consistsof zero or more linesof text. These linesare processed in order of appearance. The search
terminateswhen a match isfound.
A newline character isignored when it ispreceded by a backslash character.
Blank linesor linesthat begin with a # character are ignored.
All other linesshould satisfy the following format, thingsbetween [] being optional:
daemon_l i st : cl i ent _l i st [ : shel l _command ]
daemon_l i st isa list of one or more daemon processnames(argv[0] values) or wildcards.
cl i ent _l i st isa list of one or more hostnames, host addresses, patterns, or wildcardsthat will be matched against the remote
hostname or address.
List elementsshould be separated by blanksor commas.
With the exception of NIS (YP) netgroup lookups, all accesscontrol checksare case insensitive.
The accesscontrol language implementsthe following patterns:
A string that beginswith a . character: A client name or addressismatched if itslast componentsmatch the specified
pattern. For example, the pattern matchesthe hostname
A string that endswith a . character: A client name or addressismatched if itsfirst fieldsmatch the given string. For
example, the pattern 131.155. matchesthe addressof (almost) every host on the Eindhoven University network
Part V: FileFormats
A string that beginswith a @ character istreated asa netgroup name: Netgroupsare usually supported on systemswith NIS
(formerly YP) databases. A client hostname ismatched if it isa (host) member of the specified netgroup.
An expression of the form n.n.n.n/m.m.m.m isinterpreted asa net /mask pair. A client addressismatched if net isequal to the
bitwise AND of the addressand the mask. For example, the net /mask pattern matchesevery address
in the range through
The accesscontrol language supportsexplicit wildcards:
ALL If thistoken appearsin a daemon list, it matchesall network daemon processnames. If the ALL
token appearsin a client list, it matchesall client namesand addresses.
LOCAL Matchesany string that doesnot contain a dot character. Typical use isin client lists.
UNKNOWN Matchesany host whose name or addressare unknown. Should be used with care: Hostnames
may be unavailable due to temporary nameserver problems. A network addresswill be
unavailable when the software cannot figure out what type of network it istalking to.
KNOWN Matchesany host whose name and addressare known. Should be used with care: Hostnames
may be unavailable due to temporary nameserver problems. A network addresswill be
unavailable when the software cannot figure out what type of network it istalking to.
FAIL Like the ALL wildcard but causesthe software to pretend that the scan of the current access
control table fails. FAIL isbeing phased out; it will become an undocumented feature. The
EXCEPT operator isa much cleaner alternative.
EXCEPT Intended use isof the form: l i st _1 EXCEPT l i st _2; thisconstruct matchesanything that
matchesl i st _1 unlessit matchesl i st _2. Thisconstruct can be used in daemon listsand in
client lists. The EXCEPT operator can be nested: If the control language would permit the use
of parentheses, a EXCEPT b EXCEPT c would parse as(a EXCEPT (b EXCEPT c)).
If the first-matched accesscontrol rule containsa shell command, that command issubjected to the following substitutions:
%a Expandsto the remote host address.
%c Expandsto client information: user @host , user @addr ess, a hostname, or just an address,
depending on how much information isavailable.
%h Expandsto the remote hostname (or address, if the hostname isunavailable).
%d Expandsto the daemon processname (argv[0] value).
%p Expandsto the daemon processID.
%u Expandsto the remote username (or unknown).
%% Expandsto a single % character.
Charactersin % expansionsthat may confuse the shell are replaced by underscores. The result isexecuted by a /bin/sh child
processwith standard input, output, and error connected to /dev/null. Specify an & at the end of the command if you do not
want to wait until it hascompleted.
Shell commandsshould not rely on the PATH setting of the inetd. Instead, they should use absolute pathnames, or they
should begin with an explicit PATH=what ever statement.
When the client host supportsthe RFC 931 protocol or one of itsdescendants(TAP, IDENT) the wrapper programscan
retrieve additional information about the owner of a connection. When available, remote username information islogged
together with the client hostname and can be used to match patternslike
daemon_l i st : ... user _pat t er n@host _pat t er n ...
The daemon wrapperscan be configured at compile time to perform rule-driven username lookups(default) or to always
interrogate the client host. In the case of rule-driven username lookups, the preceding rule would cause username lookup
only when both the daemon_l i st and the host _pat t er n match.
A user pattern hasthe same syntax asa daemon processname, hostname, or host addresspattern, so the same wildcardsand
so on apply (but netgroup membership of usersisnot supported). One should not get carried away with username lookups,
The remote username information cannot be trusted when it isneeded mostthat is, when the remote system hasbeen
compromised. In general, ALL and (UN)KNOWN are the only username patternsthat make sense.
Username lookupsare possible only with TCP-based servicesand only when the client host runsa suitable daemon; in all
other casesthe result isunknown.
A well-known UNIX kernel bug may cause lossof service when username lookupsare blocked by a firewall. The wrapper
README document describesa procedure to find out if your kernel hasthisbug.
Username lookupscause noticeable delaysfor PC users. The default time-out for username lookupsisten seconds: too short
to cope with slow networksbut long enough to irritate PC users.
Selective username lookupscan alleviate the last problem. For example, a rule like
daemon_l i st : @pcnet gr oup ALL@ALL
would match membersof the pcnet gr oup without doing username lookupsbut would perform username lookupswith all
other systems.
The language isflexible enough that different typesof accesscontrol policy can be expressed with a minimum of fuss.
Although the language usestwo accesscontrol tables, the most common policiescan be implemented with one of the tables
being trivial or even empty.
When reading the following examples, it isimportant to realize that the allow table isscanned before the deny table, that the
search terminateswhen a match isfound, and that accessisgranted when no match isfound at all.
The examplesuse host and domain names. They can be improved by including addressor network/netmask information to
reduce the impact of temporary nameserver lookup failures.
In thiscase, accessisdenied by default. Only explicitly authorized hostsare permitted access.
The default policy (no access) isimplemented with a trivial deny file:
Thisdeniesall service to all hosts, unlessthey are permitted accessby entriesin the allow file.
The explicitly authorized hostsare listed in the allow file:
ALL: LOCAL @some_net gr oup
The first rule permitsaccessto all servicesfrom hostsin the local domain (no . in the hostname) and from membersof the
some_net gr oup netgroup. The second rule permitsaccessto all servicesfrom all hostsin the domain, with the
exception of
Here, accessisgranted by default; only explicitly specified hostsare refused service.
Part V: FileFormats
The default policy (accessgranted) makesthe allow file redundant so that it can be omitted. The explicitly non-authorized
hostsare listed in the deny file:
ALL:, .some.domain
ALL EXCEPT in.fingerd:, .other.domain
The first rule deniessome hostsall services; the second rule still permitsfinger requestsfrom other hosts.
The next example permitstftp requestsfrom hostsin the local domain. Requestsfrom any other hostsare denied. Instead of
the requested file, a finger probe issent to the offending host. The result ismailed to the superuser.
in.tftpd: LOCAL, .my.domain
in.tftpd: ALL: (/some/where/safe_finger -l @%h | \
/usr/ucb/mail -s %d-%h root) &
The safe_finger command comeswith the tcpd wrapper and should be installed in a suitable place. It limitspossible damage
from data sent by the remote finger server. It givesbetter protection than the standard finger command.
The expansion of the %h (remote host) and %d (service name) sequencesisdescribed in the section on shell commands.
Warning: Do not booby-trap your finger daemon, unlessyou are prepared for infinite finger loops.
On network firewall systems, thistrick can be carried even further. The typical network firewall only providesa limited set of
servicesto the outer world. All other servicescan be bugged just like the preceding tftp example. The result isan excellent
early-warning system.
An error isreported when a syntax error isfound in a host accesscontrol rule, when the length of an accesscontrol rule
exceedsthe capacity of an internal buffer, when an accesscontrol rule isnot terminated by a newline character, when the
result of %<char act er > expansion would overflow an internal buffer, and when a system call failsthat shouldnt. All problems
are reported via the syslog daemon.
/etc/hosts.allow, (daemon,cl i ent ) pairsthat are granted access.
/etc/hosts.deny, (daemon,cl i ent ) pairsthat are denied access.
tcpd(8), TCP/IP daemon wrapper program
If a nameserver lookup timesout, the hostname will not be available to the accesscontrol software, even though the host is
Domain nameserver lookupsare case insensitive; NIS (formerly YP) netgroup lookupsare case sensitive.
Wietse Venema (, Department of Mathematicsand Computing Science, Eindhoven University of
Technology, Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
hosts_optionsHost accesscontrol language extensions.
Thisdocument describesoptional extensionsto the language described in the hosts_access(5) document. The extensionsare
enabled at program build time by editing the makefile.
The extensible language usesthe following format:
daemon_l i st : cl i ent _l i st : opt i on : opt i on ...
The first two fieldsare described in the hosts_access(5) manual page. The remainder of the rulesisa list of zero or more
options. Any : characterswithin optionsshould be protected with a backslash.
An option isof the form keywor d or keywor d = val ue. Optionsare processed in the specified order. With some options, the
value issubjected to %<char act er > substitutions.
severity = Change the severity level at which the event will be logged. Facility names(such as
mail) are optional and are not supported on systemswith older syslog implementa-
tions. The severity option can be used to emphasize or to completely ignore specific
allow (deny) Grant (deny) service, even when the matched rule wasfound in the hosts.deny
(hosts.allow) file. These optionsmust appear at the end of a rule.
With the allow and deny keywords, it ispossible to keep all accesscontrol ruleswithin a single filefor example, in the
hosts.allow file:
ALL: .friendly.domain: allow
ALL: ALL: deny
Thispermitsaccessfrom specific hostsonly. On the other hand,
ALL: .trouble.makers: deny
ALL: ALL: allow
Thispermitsaccessfrom all hostsexcept a few troublemakers.
twist = shell_command Replace the current processby an instance of the
specified shell command, after performing the
%<char act er > expansionsdescribed in the
hosts_access(5) manual page. stdin, stdout, and
stderr are connected to the remote client process.
Thisoption must appear at the end of a rule.
in.ftpd : ... : twist = /bin/echo 421 Some bounce message sendsa customized bounce
message to the remote client instead of running the
real FTP daemon.
in.telnetd : ... : twist = PATH=/some/other; exec in.telnetd Runs/some/other/in.telnetd without polluting its
command-line array or itsprocessenvironment.
Warning: In case of UDP services, do not twist into
commandsthat use the standard I/O or the
read(2)/write(2) routinesto communicate with the
client process; UDP requiresother I/O primitives.
spawn = shell_command Execute the shell command in a child process, after
performing the %<char act er > expansionsdescribed
in the hosts_access(5) manual page. The command
Part V: FileFormats
isexecuted with stdin, stdout, and stderr
connected to the null device so that it wont mess
up the conversation with the remote host. Example:
spawn = (/some/where/safe_finger -l @%h | /usr/ucb/mail root) & Executes, in a background child process, the shell
command safe_finger -l @%h | mail root after
replacing %h by the name or addressof the remote
The example usesthe safe_finger command
instead of the regular finger command to limit
possible damage from data sent by the finger server.
The safe_finger command ispart of the daemon
wrapper package; it isa wrapper around the regular
finger command that filtersthe data sent by the
remote host.
umask = 022 Like the umask command that isbuilt into the shell.
An umask of 022 preventsthe creation of fileswith
group and world write permission. The umask
argument should be an octal number.
keepalive Causesthe server to periodically send a message to
the client. The connection isconsidered broken
when the client doesnot respond. The keepalive
option can be useful when usersturn off their
machine while it isstill connected to a server. The
keepalive option isnot useful for datagram (UDP)
linger = number _of _sec onds Specifieshow long the kernel will try to deliver not-
yet delivered data after the server processclosesa
nice = niceval
nice (no argument) Change the nice value of the process(default 10).
Specify a positive value to spend more CPU
resourceson other processes.
user = nobody Assume the privilegesof the nobody account. Thisis
useful with inetd implementationsthat run all
serviceswith root privilege. It isgood practice to
run servicessuch asfinger at a reduced privilege
group = tty Assume the privilegesof the tty group. Thisis
useful mostly in combination with the user option.
In order to switch both user and group IDs, switch
group ID before switching user ID.
setenv = name val ue Place a (name, val ue) pair into the processenviron-
ment. The val ue issubjected to %<char act er >
expansionsand may contain whitespace (but
leading and trailing blanksare stripped off).
Warning: Many network daemonsreset their
environment before spawning a login or shell
rfc931 = t i meout _i n_seconds
rfc931 (no argument) Look up the remote user name with the RFC 931
(ident and so on) protocol. Thisoption issilently
ignored in case of servicesbased on transportsother
than TCP. It requiresthat the client system runsan
RFC 931 (ident and so on) compliant daemon and
may cause noticeable delayswith connectionsfrom
non-UNIX hosts. The time-out period isoptional.
If no time-out isspecified, a default value istaken.
When a syntax error isfound in an accesscontrol rule, the error isreported to the syslog daemon; further optionswill be
ignored, and service isdenied.
hosts_access(5), the default accesscontrol language
Wietse Venema (, Department of Mathematicsand Computing Science, Eindhoven University of
Technology, Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
inittabFormat of the inittab file used by the SysV-compatible init process.
The inittab file describeswhich processesare started at bootup and during normal operation (such as/etc/rc, gettys). init
distinguishesmultiple run levels, of which each can have itsown set of processesthat are started. Valid r unl evel sare 06 and
A, B, and C for ondemand entries. An entry in the inittab file hasthe following format:
i d:r unl evel s:act i on:pr ocess
Linesbeginning with # are ignored.
i d A unique two-character-sequence which identifiesan entry in inittab.
Note: For gettys or other login processes, the i d field should be the tty suffix of the
corresponding tty, such as1 for tty1. Otherwise, the login accounting will not work
correctly. Thisisa bug in login and will be fixed.
r unl evel s Describesin which run levelsthe specified action should be taken.
act i on Describeswhich action should be taken.
pr ocess Specifiesthe processto be executed. If the processfield startswith a + character, init will
not do utmp and wtmp accounting for that process. Thisisneeded for gettys that insist on
doing their own utmp/wtmp housekeeping. Thisisalso a historic bug.
Valid actionsare
respawn The processwill be restarted whenever it terminates(such asgetty).
wait The processwill be started once when the specified run level isentered and init will wait
for itstermination.
once The processwill be executed once when the specified run level isentered.
boot The processwill be executed during system boot. The run level field isignored.
Part V: FileFormats
bootwait The processwill be executed during system boot while init waitsfor itstermination (such
as/etc/rc). The r unl evel field isignored.
off Thisdoesnothing.
ondemand A processmarked with ondemand will be executed whenever the specified ondemand run level
iscalled. However, no r unl evel change will occur.
initdefault An initdefault-entry specifiesthe run level that should be entered after system boot. If
none exists, init will ask for a r unl evel on the console.
sysinit The processwill be executed during system boot. It will be executed before any boot or
bootwait entries.
powerwait The processwill be executed when init receivesthe SIGPWR signal, indicating that there is
something wrong with the power. init will wait for the processto finish before continuing.
powerfail Aspowerwait but init will not wait for the processescompletion.
powerokwait The processwill be executed when init receivesthe SIGPWR signal, provided there isa file
called /etc/powerstatus containing the word OK. Thismeansthat the power hascome back
ctrlaltdel The processwill be executed when init receivesthe SIGINT signal. Thismeansthat someone
on the system console pressed the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination. Typically, one wantsto
execute some sort of shutdown either to get into singleuser level or to reboot the machine.
The r unl evel field may contain multiple charactersfor different run levels, such as123 if the processshould be started in run
levels1, 2 and 3. Ondemand entriesmay contain an A, B, or C. The r unl evel field of sysinit, boot, and bootwait entriesare
When the run level ischanged, any running processesthat are not specified for the new run level are killed, first with SIGTERM
and then with SIGKILL.
Thisisan example of an inittab that resemblesthe old Linux inittab:
# inittab for linux
1:1:respawn:/etc/getty 9600 tty1
2:1:respawn:/etc/getty 9600 tty2
3:1:respawn:/etc/getty 9600 tty3
4:1:respawn:/etc/getty 9600 tty4
Thisinittab file executes/etc/rc during boot and startsgettys on tty1tty4.
A more elaborate inittab with different run levels(see the commentsinside) is
#Level to run in
# level 1: getty on tty1
# level 2: getty on tty1-4
# level 3: tty1-4, dialin via modem(ttys2)
# level 4: tty1-4, ttyb
1:1234:respawn:/etc/getty 9600 tty1
2:234:respawn:/etc/getty 9600 tty2
3:234:respawn:/etc/getty 9600 tty3
4:234:respawn:/etc/getty 9600 tty4
s2:3:respawn:/etc/mgetty ttys2 19200
b:4:respawn:/etc/getty 19200L ttyb
ca::ctrlaltdel:/etc/shutdown -t3 -rf now
init waswritten by Miquel van Smoorenburg ( The manual page waswritten by Sebastian
Lederer ( and modified by Michael Haardt (u31b3hs@pool.informatik.rwth-
init(8), telinit(8)
13 May1993
inn.confConfiguration data for InterNetNewsprograms.
The file /news/lib/inn.conf isused to determine variousparameters. Blank linesand linesstarting with a number sign (#) are
ignored. All other linesspecify parametersthat may be read and should be of the following form:
name : [optional whitespace] val ue
Everything after the whitespace and up to the end of the line istaken asthe val ue; multi-word valuesshould not be put in
quotes. The case of namesissignificant; server isnot the same asServer or SERVER.
Some parametersspecified in the file may be overridden by environment variables, and some file parametersmay be used to
mask real data, such aswhen hiding a cluster of hostsbehind a single electronic mail hostname. The current set of parameters
fromhost Thisisthe name of the host to use when building the From header line. The default isthe
fully qualified domain name of the local host. The value of the FROMHOST environment
variable, if it exists, overridesthis.
moderatormailer Thisnamesthe default machine that containsforwarding aliasesfor all moderated groups. It
isonly used if the moderators(5) file doesnt exist or if the group isnot matched by that file.
The value isinterpreted asa pattern match; see moderators(5).
organization Thisspecifieswhat to put in the Organization header if it isblank. The value of the
ORGANIZATION environment variable, if it exists, overridesthis.
pathhost Thisspecifieshow to name the local site when building the Path header line. The default is
the fully qualified domain name of the local host.
server Thisspecifiesthe name of the NNTP server to which an article should be posted. The value
of the NNTPSERVER environment variable, if it exists, overridesthis.
domain Thisshould be the domain name of the local host. It should not have a leading period, and
it should not be a full host address. It isused only if the GetFQDN routine in libinn(3) cannot
get the fully qualified domain name by using either the gethostname(2) or gethostbyname(3)
calls. The check isvery simple; if either routine returnsa name with a period in it, then it is
assumed to have the full domain name.
Part V: FileFormats
Three parametersare used only by nnrpd when accepting postingsfrom clients:
mime-version If thisparameter ispresent, then nnrpd will add the necessary MIME (Multipurpose Internet
Mail Extensions) headersto all any articlesthat do not have a Mime-Version header. This
parameter specifiesthe MIME version and should normally be 1.0.
mime-contenttype If MIME headersare being added, thisparameter specifiesthe value of the Content-Type
header. The default value istext/plain; charset=US-ASCII.
mime-encoding If MIME headersare being added, thisparameter specifiesthe value of the Content-
Transfer-Encoding header. The default value is7bit.
Note that thisfile can be identical on all machinesin an organization.
organization: Foo, Incorporated
#pathhost: Use FQDN.
Thisfile isintended to be fairly static; any changesmade to it are typically not reflected until a program restarts.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
libinn(3), moderators(5)
innwatch.ctlControl Usenet supervision by innwatch.
The file /news/lib/innwatch.ctl isused to determine what actionsare taken during the periodic supervisionsby innwatch.
The file consistsof a seriesof lines; blank linesand linesbeginning with a number sign (#) are ignored. All other linesconsist
of seven fields, each preceded by a delimiting character:
The delimiter can be any one of several non-alphanumeric charactersthat doesnot appear elsewhere in the line; there isno
way to quote it to include it in any of the fields. Any of !, ,, :, @, ;, or ? isa good choice. Each line can have a different
delimiter; the first character on each line isthe delimiter for that line. Whitespace surrounding delimiters, except before the
first, isignored and doesnot form part of the fields; whitespace within fieldsispermitted. All delimitersmust be present.
The first field isa label for the control line. It isused asan internal state indicator and in ctlinnd messagesto control the
server. If omitted, the line number isused.
The second field specifieswhen thiscontrol line should be used. It consistsof a list of labelsand special indicatorsseparated
by whitespace. If the current state matchesagainst any of the labelsin thisfield, thisline will be used asdescribed below. The
valuesthat may be used are
Thisline matchesif the current state isthe same asthe label on thisline, or if the current state
isrun, the initial state. Thisisalso the default state if thisfield isempty.
+ Thisline matchesif the current state isrun.
* Thisline alwaysmatches.
label Thisline matchesif the current state isthe specified l abel .
label Thisline matchesif the current state isnot the specified l abel .
The third field specifiesa shell command that isinvoked if thisline matches. Do not use any shell filename expansion
characterssuch as*, ?, or [ (even quoted, theyre not likely to work asintended). If the command succeeds, asindicated by
itsexit status, it isexpected to have printed a single integer to standard output. Thisgivesthe value of thiscontrol line, to be
used below. If the command fails, the line isignored. The command isexecuted with itscurrent directory set to the
newsspool directory, /news/spool.
The fourth field specifiesthe operator to use to test the value returned above. It should be one of the two-letter numeric test
operatorsdefined in test(1) such aseq, lt, and the like. The leading dash () should not be included.
The fifth field specifiesa constant with which to compare the value using the operator just defined. Thisisdone by invoking
the command
test value -operator constant
The line issaid to succeed if it returnstrue.
The sixth field specifieswhat should be done if the line succeedsand in some casesif it fails. Any of the following wordsmay
be used:
throttle Causesinnwatch to throttle the server if thisline succeeds. It also setsthe state to the value of
the lineslabel. If the line failsand the state waspreviously equal to the label on thisline (that
is, thisline had previously succeeded), then a go command will be sent to the server, and
innwatch will return to the run state. The throttle isonly performed if the current state isrun
or a state other than the label of thisline, regardlessof whether the command succeeds.
pause Isidentical to throttle except that the server ispaused.
shutdown Sendsa shutdown command to the server. It isfor emergency use only.
flush Sendsa flush command to the server.
go Causesinnwatch to send a go command to the server and to set the state to run.
exit Causesinnwatch to exit.
skip The result of the control file isskipped for the current pass.
The last field specifiesthe reason that isused in those ctlinnd commandsthat require one. More strictly, it ispart of the
reason; innwatch appendssome information to it. In order to enable other sitesto recognize the state of the local innd server,
thisfield should usually be set to one of several standard values. Use No space if the server isrejecting articlesbecause of a
lack of filesystem resources. Use loadav if the server isrejecting articlesbecause of a lack of CPU resources.
Once innwatch hastaken some action asa consequence of itscontrol line, it skipsthe rest of the control file for thispass. If
the action wasto restart the server (that is, issue a go command), then the next passwill commence almost immediately so
that innwatch can discover any other condition that may mean that the server should be suspended again.
@@@df .|awk NR==2 {print $4}@lt@10000@throttle@No space
@@@df -i .|awk NR==2 {print $4}@lt@1000@throttle@No space (inodes)
The first line causesthe server to be throttled if the free space dropsbelow 10000 units(using whatever unitsdf uses) and
restarted again when free space increasesabove the threshold.
The second line doesthe same for inodes.
The next three linesact asa group and should appear in the following order. It iseasier to explain them, however, if they are
described from the last up.
Part V: FileFormats
!load!load hiload!loadavg!lt!5!go!
:hiload:+ load:loadavg:gt:8:throttle:loadav
The final line causesthe server to be paused if innwatch isin the run state and the load average risesto, or above, six. The
state isset to load when thishappens. The previousline causesthe server to be throttled when innwatch isin the run or load
state, and the load average risesabove eight. The state isset to hiload when thishappens. Note that innwatch can switch the
server from paused to throttled if the load average risesfrom below six to between six and seven and then to above eight. The
first line causesthe server to be sent a go command if innwatch isin the load or hiload state and the load average dropsbelow
Note that all three linesassume a mythical command loadavg that isassumed to print the current load average asan integer.
In more practical circumstances, a pipe of uptime into awk ismore likely to be useful.
Thisfile must be tailored for each individual site; the sample supplied istruly no more than a sample. The file should be
ordered so that the more common problemsare tested first.
The run state isnot actually identified by the label with that three letter name, and using it will not work asexpected.
Using an unusual character for the delimiter such as(, *, &, , and the like islikely to lead to obscure and hard-to-locate
Written by ( for InterNetNews.
innd(8), ctlinnd(8), news.daily(8)
ipcSystem V interprocesscommunication mechanisms.
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/ipc.h>
# include <sys/msg.h>
# include <sys/sem.h>
# include <sys/shm.h>
The manual page refersto the Linux implementation of the System V interprocesscommunication mechanisms: message
queues, semaphore sets, and shared memory segments. In the following, the word resource meansan instantiation of one
among such mechanisms.
For each resource, the system usesa common structure of type struct ipc_perm to store information needed in determining
permissionsto perform an ipc operation. The ipc_perm structure, defined by the <sys/ipc.h> system header file, includesthe
following members:
ushort cuid; /* creator user id */
ushort cgid; /* creator group id */
ushort uid; /* owner user id */
ushort gid; /* owner group id */
ushort mode; /* r/w permissions */
The mode member of the ipc_perm structure defines, with itslower nine bits, the accesspermissionsto the resource for a
processexecuting an ipc system call. The permissionsare interpreted asfollows:
0400 Read by user.
0200 Write by user.
0040 Read by group.
0020 Write by group.
0004 Read by others.
0002 Write by others.
Bits0100, 0010, and 0001 (the execute bits) are unused by the system. Furthermore write effectively meansalter for a
semaphore set.
The same system header file definesalso the following symbolic constants:
IPC_CREAT Create entry if key doesnt exists.
IPC_EXCL Fail if key exists.
IPC_NOWAIT Error if request must wait.
IPC_PRIVATE Private key.
IPC_RMID Remove resource.
IPC_SET Set resource options.
IPC_STAT Get resource options.
Note that IPC_PRIVATE isa key_t type, whereasall the otherssymbolic constantsare flag fieldsORable into an int type
A message queue isuniquely identified by a positive integer (itsmsqid) and hasan associated data structure of type struct
msquid_ds, defined in <sys/msg.h>, containing the following members:
struct ipc_perm msg_perm;
ushort msg_qnum; /* no of messages on queue */
ushort msg_qbytes; /* bytes max on a queue */
ushort msg_lspid; /* pid of last msgsnd call */
ushort msg_lrpid; /* pid of last msgrcv call */
time_t msg_stime; /* last msgsnd time */
time_t msg_rtime; /* last msgrcv time */
time_t msg_ctime; /* last change time */
msg_perm ipc_perm structure that specifiesthe accesspermissionson the message queue.
msg_qnum Number of messagescurrently on the message queue.
msg_qbytes Maximum number of bytesof message text allowed on the message queue.
msg_lspid ID of the processthat performed the last msgsnd system call.
msg_lrpid ID of the processthat performed the last msgrcv system call.
msg_stime Time of the last msgsnd system call.
msg_rtime Time of the last msgcv system call.
msg_ctime Time of the last system call that changed a member of the msqid_ds structure.
A semaphore set isuniquely identified by a positive integer (itssemid) and hasan associated data structure of type struct
semid_ds, defined in <sys/sem.h>, containing the following members:
struct ipc_perm sem_perm;
time_t sem_otime; /* last operation time */
Part V: FileFormats
time_t sem_ctime; /* last change time */
ushort sem_nsems; /* count of sems in set */
sem_perm ipc_perm structure that specifiesthe accesspermissionson the semaphore set.
sem_otime Time of last semop system call.
sem_ctime Time of last semctl system call that changed a member of the above structure or of one
semaphore belonging to the set.
sem_nsems Number of semaphoresin the set. Each semaphore of the set isreferenced by a non-negative
integer ranging from 0 to sem_nsems1.
A semaphore isa data structure of type struct sem containing the following members:
ushort semval; /* semaphore value */
short sempid; /* pid for last operation */
ushort semncnt; /* no. of awaiting semval to increase */
ushort semzcnt; /* no. of awaiting semval = 0 */
semval Semaphore value: a non-negative integer.
sempid ID of the last processthat performed a semaphore operation on thissemaphore.
semncnt Number of processessuspended awaiting for semval to increase.
semznt Number of processessuspended awaiting for semval to become zero.
A shared memory segment isuniquely identified by a positive integer (itsshmid) and hasan associated data structure of type
struct shmid_ds, defined in <sys/shm.h>, containing the following members:
struct ipc_perm shm_perm;
int shm_segsz; /* size of segment */
ushort shm_cpid; /* pid of creator */
ushort shm_lpid; /* pid, last operation */
short shm_nattch; /* no. of current attaches */
time_t shm_atime; /* time of last attach */
time_t shm_dtime; /* time of last detach */
time_t shm_ctime; /* time of last change */
shm_perm ipc_perm structure that specifiesthe accesspermissionson the shared memory segment.
shm_segsz Size in bytesof the shared memory segment.
shm_cpid ID of the processthat created the shared memory segment.
shm_lpid ID of the last processthat executed a shmat or shmdt system call.
shm_nattch Number of current alive attachesfor thisshared memory segment.
shm_atime Time of the last shmat system call.
shm_dtime Time of the last shmdt system call.
shm_ctime Time of the last shmctl system call that changed shmid_ds.
ftok(3), msgctl(2), msgget(2), msgrcv(2), msgsnd(2), semctl(2), semget(2), semop(2), shmat(2), shmctl(2), shmget(2), shmdt (2)
Linux 0.99.13, 1 November 1993
issueIssue identification file.
The file /etc/issue isa text file that containsa message or system identification to be printed before the login prompt. It
may contain various@char and \char sequencesif supported by getty(1).
getty(1), motd(5)
Linux, 24 July1993
lilo.confConfiguration file for LILO.
Thisfile, by default /etc/lilo.conf, isread by the boot loader installer LILO (see lilo(8)).
It might look asfollows:
boot = /dev/hda
delay = 40
vga = normal
root = /dev/hda1
image = /zImage-1.5.99
label = try
image = /zImage-1.0.9
label = 1.0.9
image = /tamu/vmlinuz
label = tamu
root = /dev/hdb2
vga = ask
other = /dev/hda3
label = dos
table = /dev/hda
Thisconfiguration file specifiesthat LILO usesthe Master Boot Record on /dev/hda. (For a discussion of the variouswaysto
use LILO and the interaction with other operating systems, see user.tex from the LILO documentation.)
When booting, the boot loader will wait 4 seconds(40 deciseconds) for you to pressShift. If you dont, then the first kernel
image mentioned (/zImage-1.5.99, which you probably installed just 5 minutesago) will be booted. If you do, the boot
loader will ask you which image to boot. In case you forgot the possible choices, pressTab (or ?if you have a U.S. keyboard),
and you will be presented with a menu. You now have the choice of booting thisbrand new kernel, an old trusted kernel, or
a kernel on another root file system (just in case you did something stupid on your usual root) or booting a different
operating system. There can be up to 16 imagesmentioned in lilo.conf.
Ascan be seen previously, a configuration file startswith a number of global options(the top six linesin the example),
followed by descriptionsof the optionsfor the variousimages. An option in an image description will override a global
Part V: FileFormats
There are many possible keywords. The description that followsisalmost literally from user.tex (just slightly abbreviated):
backup=backup- f i l e Copy the original boot sector to backup- f i l e (which may also be a device, such as/dev/null)
instead of /boot/boot.NNNN.
boot=boot - devi ce Setsthe name of the device (such asa hard disk partition) that containsthe boot sector. If
thiskeyword isomitted, the boot sector isread from (and possibly written to) the device
that iscurrently mounted asroot.
compact Triesto merge read requestsfor adjacent sectorsinto a single read request. Thisdrastically
reducesload time and keepsthe map smaller. Using compact isespecially recommended
when booting from a floppy disk.
default=name Usesthe specified image asthe default boot image. If default isomitted, the image
appearing first in the configuration file isused.
delay=t secs Specifiesthe number of tenthsof a second the boot loader should wait before booting the
first image. Thisisuseful on systemsthat immediately boot from the hard disk after
enabling the keyboard. The boot loader doesnt wait if delay isomitted or isset to zero.
disk=devi ce- name Definesnon-standard parametersfor the specified disk. See section Disk Geometry of
user.tex for details.
disktab=di skt ab- f i l e Specifiesthe name of the disk parameter table. The map installer looksfor /etc/disktab if
disktab isomitted. The use of disktabsisdiscouraged.
fix-table ThisallowsLILO to adjust 3-D addressesin partition tables. Each partition entry containsa
3-D (sector/head/cylinder) and a linear addressof the first and the last sector of the
partition. If a partition isnot track-aligned and if certain other operating systems(such as
PC/MS-DOS or OS/2) are using the same disk, they may change the 3-D address. LILO
can store itsboot sector only on partitionswhere both addresstypescorrespond. LILO
readjustsincorrect 3-D start addressesif fix-table isset.
Warning: Thisdoesnot guarantee that other operating systemsmay not attempt to reset the
addresslater. It isalso possible that thischange hasother, unexpected side effects. The
correct fix isto repartition the drive with a program that doesalign partitionsto tracks.
Also, with some disks(such assome large EIDE diskswith addresstranslation enabled),
under some circumstances, it may even be unavoidable to have conflicting partition table
force-backup=backup- f i l e Like backup but overwrite an old backup copy if it exists.
ignore-table TellsLILO to ignore corrupt partition tables.
install=boot - sect or Install the specified file asthe new boot sector. If install isomitted, /boot/boot.b isused as
the default.
linear Generate linear sector addressesinstead of sector/head/cylinder addresses. Linear addresses
are translated at runtime and do not depend on disk geometry. Note that boot disksmay
not be portable if linear isused because the BIOS service to determine the disk geometry
doesnot work reliably for floppy disks. When using linear with large disks, /sbin/lilo may
generate referencesto inaccessible disk areasbecause 3-D sector addressesare not known
before boot time.
lock Enablesautomatic recording of boot command linesasthe defaultsfor the following boots.
Thisway, LILO locks on a choice until it ismanually overridden.
map=map- f i l e Specifiesthe location of the map file. If map isomitted, the file /boot/map isused.
message=message- f i l e Specifiesa file containing a message that isdisplayed before the boot prompt. No message is
displayed while waiting for a shifting key after printing LILO . In the message, the FF
character (Ctrl+L) clearsthe local screen. The size of the message file islimited to 65,535
bytes. The map file hasto be rebuilt if the message file ischanged or moved.
nowarn Disableswarningsabout possible future dangers.
optional The per-image option optional appliesto all images.
password=passwor d The per-image option password=... appliesto all images.
prompt Forcesentering the boot prompt without expecting any prior key presses. Unattended
rebootsare impossible if prompt isset and timeout isnt.
restricted The per-image option restricted appliesto all images.
serial=par amet er s Enablescontrol from a serial line. The specified serial port isinitialized and the boot loader
isaccepting input from it and from the PCskeyboard. Sending a break on the serial line
correspondsto pressing a Shift key on the console in order to get the boot loaders
attention. All boot imagesshould be password-protected if the serial accessislesssecure
than accessto the console, such asif the line isconnected to a modem. The parameter string
hasthe following syntax:
<por t >[,<bps>[<par i t y >[<bi t s>]]]
<por t >: The number of the serial port, zero-based. 0 correspondsto COM1 alias/dev/ttyS0,
and so on. All four portscan be used (if present). <bps >: The baud rate of the serial port.
The following baud ratesare supported: 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600
bps. Default is2400 bps.
<par i t y >: The parity used on the serial line. The boot loader ignoresinput parity and strips
the eighth bit. The following (uppercase or lowercase) charactersare used to describe the
parity: n for no parity, e for even parity, and o for odd parity.
<bi t s>: The number of bitsin a character. Only 7 and 8 bitsare supported. Default is8 if
parity isnone and 7 if parity iseven or odd.
If serial isset, the value of delay isautomatically raised to 20. For example, serial=0,2400n8
initializesCOM1 with the default parameters.
timeout=t secs Setsa time-out (in tenthsof a second) for keyboard input. If no key ispressed for the
specified time, the first image isautomatically booted. Similarly, password input isaborted
if the user isidle for too long. The default time-out isinfinite.
verbose=l evel Turnson a lot of progressreporting. Higher numbersgive more verbose output. If v is
additionally specified on the LILO command line, the level isincreased accordingly. The
maximum verbosity level is5.
Additionally, the kernel configuration parametersappend, ramdisk, read-only, read-write, root, and vga can be set in the
global optionssection. They are used asdefaultsif they arent specified in the configuration sectionsof the respective kernel
A per-image section startswith either a line
image=pat hname
to indicate a file or device containing the boot image of a Linux kernel or a line
other=pat hname
to indicate an arbitrary system to boot.
In the former case, if an image line specifiesbooting from a device, then one hasto indicate the range of sectorsto be mapped
range=st ar t -end
In the latter case (booting another system), there are the three options:
loader=chai n- l oader Thisspecifiesthe chain loader that should be used. By default, /boot/chain.b isused. The
chain loader must be specified if booting from a device other than the first hard or floppy
Part V: FileFormats
table=devi ce Thisspecifiesthe device that containsthe partition table. The boot loader will not pass
partition information to the booted operating system if thisvariable isomitted. (Some
operating systemshave other meansto determine from which partition they have been
booted. For example, MS-DOS usually storesthe geometry of the boot disk or partition in
itsboot sector.) Note that /sbin/lilo must be rerun if a partition table mapped referenced
with table ismodified.
unsafe Do not accessthe boot sector at map creation time. Thisdisablessome sanity checks,
including a partition table check. If the boot sector ison a fixed-format floppy disk device,
using UNSAFE avoidsthe need to put a readable disk into the drive when running the map
installer. unsafe and table are mutually incompatible.
In both cases, the following optionsapply:
label=name The boot loader usesthe main file name (without itspath) of each image specification to
identify that image. A different name can be used by setting the variable label.
alias=name A second name for the same entry can be used by specifying an alias.
lock (See previousdescription.)
optional Omit the image if it isnot available at map creation time. Thisisuseful to specify test
kernelsthat are not alwayspresent.
password=passwor d Protect the image by a password.
restricted A password isonly required to boot the image if parametersare specified on the command
line (such assingle).
If the booted image isa Linux kernel, then one may passcommand-line parametersto thiskernel.
append=st r i ng Appendsthe optionsspecified to the parameter line passed to the kernel. Thisistypically
used to specify parametersof hardware that cant be entirely autodetected or for which
probing may be dangerous. Example: append = hd=64,32,202.
literal=st r i ng Like append but removesall other options(such assetting of the root device). Because vital
optionscan be removed unintentionally with literal, thisoption cannot be set in the
global optionssection.
ramdisk=si ze Thisspecifiesthe size of the optional RAM disk. A value of zero indicatesthat no RAM disk
should be created. If thisvariable isomitted, the RAM disk size configured into the boot
image isused.
read-only Thisspecifiesthat the root filesystem should be mounted read-only. Typically, the system
startup procedure remountsthe root filesystem read-write later (such asafter fscking it).
read-write Thisspecifiesthat the root filesystem should be mounted read-write.
root=r oot - devi ce Thisspecifiesthe device that should be mounted asroot. If the special name current isused,
the root device isset to the device on which the root filesystem iscurrently mounted. If the
root hasbeen changed with -r, the respective device isused. If the variable root isomitted,
the root device setting contained in the kernel image isused. (That isset at compile time
using the ROOT DEV variable in the kernel makefile and can later be changed with the rdev(8)
vga=mode Thisspecifiesthe VGA text mode that should be selected when booting. The following
valuesare recognized (case isignored):
normal: Select normal 80x25 text mode.
extended (or ext): Select 80x50 text mode.
ask: Stop and ask for user input (at boot time).
<number >: Use the corresponding text mode. A list of available modescan be obtained by
booting with vga=ask and pressing Enter.
If thisvariable isomitted, the VGA mode setting contained in the kernel image isused.
(That isset at compile time using the SVGA MODE variable in the kernel makefile and can later
be changed with the rdev(8) program.)
lilo(8), rdev(8). The LILO distribution comeswith very extensive documentation of which the preceding information isan
28 July1995
MAKEDEV.cfgConfiguration for MAKEDEV(8).
MAKEDEV.cfg isa text file that tellsMAKEDEV(8) what to do (and equally importantly, what not to do). Unlike DEVINFO(5), which
ismeant to be centrally maintained, it containsall local configuration for a particular site and all customization. There are
basically two kindsof declaration in thisfile: a class declaration and an omit declaration.
A classdeclaration hasthe form
class name : owner gr oup- owner per mi ss i ons
Thissaysthat any devicesplaced in the specified classby DEVINFO should be created with thisownership and these permis-
sions. A sample entry might be
class public: root system 0666
Thissaysthat devicesmarked public should be owned by root.system and have mode 666.
An omit declaration hasthe form
omit { devi ce... }
Thiscausesthe specified devicesto never be created, even if explicitly specified. Use caution when setting thisup. The intent
isto be able to run MAKEDEV update and not have it create all sortsof uselessdevicesyoud never use.
Version 1.4, January 1995
moderatorsMail addressesfor moderated Usenet newsgroups.
The GetModeratorAddress(3) routine readsthe file /news/lib/moderators to determine how to reach the moderator of a
newsgroup. Thisisused by inews(1) when an unapproved local posting ismade to a moderated newsgroup.
The file isread until a match isfound. Blank linesand linesstarting with a number sign (#) are ignored. All other lines
should consist of two fieldsseparated by a colon.
The first field isa wildmat(3)-style pattern. If it matchesthe name of the newsgroup, then the second field istaken to be a
format string for sprintf(3). Thisstring should have at most one %s parameter, which will be given the name of the
newsgroup with periodstransliterated to dashes.
Part V: FileFormats
Here isa sample file:
Using thisfile, postingsto the moderated newsgroup in the left column will be sent to the addressshown in the right
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
inews(1), inn.conf(5), libinn(3), wildmat(3)
/etc/modulesKernel modulesto load at boot time.
The /etc/modules file containsthe namesof kernel modulesthat are to be loaded at boot time, one per line. Comments
begin with a #, and everything on the line after them are ignored.
Debian GNU/Linux version 0.93
motdMessage of the day.
The contentsof /etc/motd are displayed by login(1) after a successful login but just before it executesthe login shell.
The motd standsfor message of the day, and thisfile hasbeen traditionally been used for exactly that. (It requiresmuch less
disk space than mail to all users.)
login(1) issue(5)
Linux, 29 December 1992
mtoolsTable of DOS devices.
/etc/mtools.conf and ~/.mtoolsrc are the configuration filesfor mtools. These configuration filesdescribe the following
Global configuration flagsand variables
Per-drive flagsand variables
Character translation tables
/etc/mtools.conf isthe system-wide configuration file, and ~/.mtoolsrc isthe usersprivate configuration file.
The configuration filesismade up of sections. Each section startswith a keyword identifying the section followed by a colon.
Then follow variable assignmentsand flags. Variable assignmentstake the following form:
name=val ue
Flagsare lone keywordswithout an equal sign and val ue following them. A section either endsat the end of the file or where
the next section begins.
Linesstarting with a hash (#) are comments. Newline charactersare equivalent to whitespace (except where ending a
comment). The configuration file iscase insensitive, except for itemsenclosed in quotes(such asfilenames).
For most platforms, mtools containsreasonable compiled-in defaults. You usually dont need to bother with the configura-
tion file, if all you want to do with mtools isaccessyour floppy drives. On the other hand, the configuration file isneeded if
you also want to use mtools to accessyour hard disk partitionsand dosemu image files.
Global variablesmay be set to 1 or to 0.
The following global flagsare recognized:
MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK If thisisset to 1, mtools skipsmost of itssanity checks. Thisisneeded to read some Atari
disksthat have been made with the earlier ROMsand that would not be recognized
MTOOLS_FAT_COMPATIBILITY If thisisset to 1, mtools skipsthe FAT size checks. Some diskshave a bigger FAT than they
really need. These are rejected if thisoption isnot set.
MTOOLS_LOWER_CASE If thisisset to 1, mtools displaysall-uppercase short filenamesaslowercase. Thishasbeen
done to allow a behavior that isconsistent with older versionsof mtools, which didnt know
about the case bits.
For example, inserting the following line into your configuration file instructsmtools to skip the sanity checks:
Global variablesmay also be set via the environment: export MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK=1.
Per-drive flagsand valuesmay be described in a drive section. A drive section startswith drive dr i vel et t er :.
Then follow variable-value pairsand flags.
The following variablesare available:
file The name of the file or device holding the disk image. Thisismandatory. The filename
should be enclosed in quotes.
Part V: FileFormats
use_xdf If thisisset to a nonzero value, mtools also triesto accessthisdisk asan Xdf disk. Xdf isa
high-capacity format used by OS/2. Thisisoff by default.
partition Tellsmtools to treat the drive asa partitioned device and to use the given partition. Only
primary partitionsare accessible using thismethod, and they are numbered from 1 to 4. For
logical partitions, use the more general offset variable. The partition variable isintended
for Syquests, ZIP drives, and DOSEMU hdimages. It isnot recommended for hard disksto
which direct accessto partitionsisavailable.
offset Describeswhere in the file the MS-DOSfilesystem starts. Thisisuseful for logical partitions
in DOSEMU hdimagesand for ATARI RAM disks. By default, thisiszero, meaning that
the filesystem startsright at the beginning of the device or file.
fat_bits The number of FAT bits. Thiscan be 12 or 16. Thisisvery rarely needed because it can
almost alwaysbe deduced from information in the boot sector. On the contrary, describing
the number of fat bitscan actually be harmful if you get it wrong. You should only use it if
mtools getsthe autodetected number of fat bitswrong or if you want to mformat a disk with
a weird number of fat bits.
Only the file option ismandatory. The other parametersmay be left out. In that case, a default value or an autodetected
value isused.
Geometry information describesthe physical characteristicsabout the disk. Itshasthree purposes:
mformat The geometry information iswritten into the boot sector of the newly made disk. However,
you may also describe the geometry information on the command line. See mformat(1) for
filtering On some Unices, device nodesonly support one physical geometry. The geometry is
compared to the actual geometry stored on the boot sector to make sure that thisdevice
node isable to correctly read the disk. If the geometry doesnt match, thisdrive entry fails,
and the next drive entry bearing the same drive letter istried. See the next section Supply-
ing Multiple Descriptionsfor a Drive for more detailson supplying several descriptionsfor
a drive letter.
If no geometry information issupplied in the configuration file, all disksare accepted. On
Linux (and on Sparc), there exist device nodeswith configurable geometry (/dev/fd0, /dev/
fd1 etc), so filtering isnot needed (and ignored) for disk drives. (mtools still doesdo
filtering on plain files(disk images) in Linux: Thisismainly intended for test purposes
because I dont have accessto a UNIX that would actually need filtering.)
initial geometry The geometry information (if available) isalso used to set the initial geometry on
configurable device nodes. Thisinitial geometry isused to read the boot sector, which
containsthe real geometry. If no geometry information issupplied in the configuration file,
no initial configuration isdone. On Linux, thisisnot really needed either because the
configurable devicesare able to autodetect the disk type accurately enough (for most
common formats) to read the boot sector.
Wrong geometry information may lead to very bizarre errors. Thatswhy I strongly recommend that you dont use geometry
configuration unlessyou really need it.
The following geometry related variablesare available:
cylinders The number of cylinders.
heads The number of heads(sides).
sectors The number of sectorsper track.
For example, the following drive section describesa 1.44M drive:
drive a:
tracks=80 heads=2 sectors=18
The following shorthand geometry descriptionsare available:
1.44M High density, 3 1/2 disk. Equivalent to fat_bits=12 tracks=80 heads=2 sectors=18.
1.2M High density, 5 1/4 disk. Equivalent to fat_bits=12 tracks=80 heads=2 sectors=15.
720K Double density, 3 1/2 disk. Equivalent to fat_bits=12 tracks=80 heads=2 sectors=9.
360K Double density, 5 1/4 disk. Equivalent to fat_bits=12 tracks=40 heads=2 sectors=9.
The shorthand format descriptionsmay be amended. For example, 360K sectors=8 describesa 320K disk and isequivalent to
fat_bits=12 tracks=40 heads=2 sectors=8.
Moreover, the following flagsare available:
sync All I/O operationsare done synchronously.
nodelay The device or file isopened with the O_NDELAY flag. Thisisneeded on some non-Linux
exclusive The device or file isopened with the O_EXCL flag. On Linux, thisensuresexclusive accessto
the floppy drive. On most other architecturesand for plain files, it hasno effect at all.
It ispossible to supply multiple descriptionsfor a drive. In that case, the descriptionsare tried in order until one isfound
that fits. Descriptionsmay fail for several reasons:
I The geometry isnot appropriate
I There isno disk in the drive
I Other problems
Multiple definitionsare useful when using physical devicesthat are only able to support one single disk geometry:
drive a: file=/dev/fd0H1440" 1.44m
drive a: file=/dev/fd0H720" 720k
Thisinstructsmtools to use /dev/fd0H1440 for 1.44M (high density) disksand /dev/fd0H720 for 720K (double density) disks.
On Linux, thisfeature isnot really needed because the /dev/fd0 device isable to handle any geometry.
You can also use multiple drive descriptionsto accessboth of your physical drivesthrough one drive letter:
drive z: file=/dev/fd0"
drive z: file=/dev/fd1"
With thisdescription, mdir z: accessesyour first physical drive if it containsa disk. If the first drive doesnt contain a disk,
mtools checksthe second drive.
When using multiple configuration files, drive descriptionsin the filesparsed last override descriptionsfor the same drive in
earlier files. In order to avoid this, use the drive+ or +drive keywordsinstead of drive. The first addsa description to the end
of the list (will be tried last), and the second addsit to the start of the list.
If you live in the USA, in Western Europe, or in Australia, you can skip thissection.
Part V: FileFormats
DOS usesa different character code mapping from UNIX. Seven-bit charactersstill have the same meaning; only characters
with the eight-bit set are affected. To make mattersworse, there are several translation tablesavailable depending on the
country where you are. The appearance of the charactersisdefined using code pages. These code pagesarent the same for all
countries. For instance, some code pagesdont contain upper -case accented characters. On the other hand, some code pages
contain charactersthat dont exist in UNIX, such ascertain line-drawing charactersor accented consonantsused by some
Eastern European countries. Thisaffectstwo thingsrelating to filenames:
Uppercase characters In short names, only uppercase charactersare allowed. Thisalso holdsfor accented
characters. For instance, in a code page that doesnt contain accented uppercase characters,
the accented lowercase charactersget transformed into their unaccented counterparts.
Long filenames Microsoft hasfinally come to their sensesand usesa more standard mapping for the long
filenames. They use Unicode, which isbasically a 32-bit version of ASCII. Itsfirst 256
charactersare identical to UNIX ASCII. Thus, the code page also affectsthe correspondence
between the codesused in long namesand those used in short names.
mtools considersthe filenamesentered on the command line ashaving the UNIX mapping and translatesthe charactersto
get short names. By default, code page 850 isused with the Swissuppercase/lowercase mapping. I chose thiscode page
because itsset of existing charactersmost closely matchesUNIXs. Moreover, thiscode page coversmost charactersin use in
the USA, Australia, and Western Europe. However, it isstill possible to chose a different mapping. There are two methods:
the country variable and explicit tables.
The COUNTRY variable isrecommended for people that also have accessto MS-DOSsystem filesand documentation. If you
dont have accessto these, Id suggest you use explicit tablesinstead.
Syntax: COUNTRY= count r y [,[ codepage ], count r y. sys ]
Thistellsmtools to use a UNIX-to-DOStranslation table that matchescodepage and an lowercase-to-uppercase table for
count r y and to use the count r y. sys file to get the lowercase-to-uppercase table. The country code ismost often the telephone
prefix of the country. Refer to the DOS help page on country for more details. The codepage and the count r y. sys parameters
are optional. Dont type in the square brackets; they are only there to indicate which parametersare optional. The
count r y. sys file issupplied with MS-DOS. In most cases, you dont need it because the most common translation tablesare
compiled into mtools. Dont worry if you run a UNIX-only box that lacksthisfile.
If codepage isnot given, a per-country default code page isused. If the count r y. sys parameter isnt given, compiled-in
defaultsare used for the lowercase-to-uppercase table. Thisisuseful for other Unicesthan Linux, which may have no
count r y. sys file available online.
The UNIX-to-DOS are not contained in the count r y. sys file, and thusmtools alwaysusescompiled-in defaultsfor those.
Thus, only a limited amount of code pagesare supported. If your preferred code page ismissing, or if you know the name of
the Windows95 file that containsthismapping, drop me a line at
The COUNTRY variable can also be set using the environment.
Translation tablesmay be described in linesin the configuration file. Two tablesare needed: first the DOS-to-UNIX table
and then the lowercase-to-uppercase table. A DOS-to-UNIX table startswith the tounix keyword, followed by a colon and
128 hexadecimal numbers. A lower-to-upper table startswith the fucase keyword, followed by a colon and 128 hexadecimal
The tablesonly show the translationsfor characterswhose codesisgreater than 128 because translation for lower codesis
trivial. Example:
0xc7 0xfc 0xe9 0xe2 0xe4 0xe0 0xe5 0xe7
0xea 0xeb 0xe8 0xef 0xee 0xec 0xc4 0xc5
0xc9 0xe6 0xc6 0xf4 0xf6 0xf2 0xfb 0xf9
0xff 0xd6 0xdc 0xf8 0xa3 0xd8 0xd7 0x5f
0xe1 0xed 0xf3 0xfa 0xf1 0xd1 0xaa 0xba
0xbf 0xae 0xac 0xbd 0xbc 0xa1 0xab 0xbb
0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0xc1 0xc2 0xc0
0xa9 0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0xa2 0xa5 0xac
0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0xe3 0xc3
0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0xa4
0xf0 0xd0 0xc9 0xcb 0xc8 0x69 0xcd 0xce
0xcf 0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0x5f 0x7c 0x49 0x5f
0xd3 0xdf 0xd4 0xd2 0xf5 0xd5 0xb5 0xfe
0xde 0xda 0xd9 0xfd 0xdd 0xde 0xaf 0xb4
0xad 0xb1 0x5f 0xbe 0xb6 0xa7 0xf7 0xb8
0xb0 0xa8 0xb7 0xb9 0xb3 0xb2 0x5f 0x5f
0x80 0x9a 0x90 0xb6 0x8e 0xb7 0x8f 0x80
0xd2 0xd3 0xd4 0xd8 0xd7 0xde 0x8e 0x8f
0x90 0x92 0x92 0xe2 0x99 0xe3 0xea 0xeb
0x59 0x99 0x9a 0x9d 0x9c 0x9d 0x9e 0x9f
0xb5 0xd6 0xe0 0xe9 0xa5 0xa5 0xa6 0xa7
0xa8 0xa9 0xaa 0xab 0xac 0xad 0xae 0xaf
0xb0 0xb1 0xb2 0xb3 0xb4 0xb5 0xb6 0xb7
0xb8 0xb9 0xba 0xbb 0xbc 0xbd 0xbe 0xbf
0xc0 0xc1 0xc2 0xc3 0xc4 0xc5 0xc7 0xc7
0xc8 0xc9 0xca 0xcb 0xcc 0xcd 0xce 0xcf
0xd1 0xd1 0xd2 0xd3 0xd4 0x49 0xd6 0xd7
0xd8 0xd9 0xda 0xdb 0xdc 0xdd 0xde 0xdf
0xe0 0xe1 0xe2 0xe3 0xe5 0xe5 0xe6 0xe8
0xe8 0xe9 0xea 0xeb 0xed 0xed 0xee 0xef
0xf0 0xf1 0xf2 0xf3 0xf4 0xf5 0xf6 0xf7
0xf8 0xf9 0xfa 0xfb 0xfc 0xfd 0xfe 0xff
The first table mapsDOS character codesto UNIX character codes. For example, the DOS character number 129 isa u with
two dotson top of it. To translate it into UNIX, we look at the character number 1 in the first table (1 = 129 - 128). Thisis
0xfc. (Beware; numbering startsat 0.) The second table mapslowercase DOS charactersto uppercase DOS characters. The
same lowercase u with dotsmapsto character 0x9a, which isan uppercase U with dotsin DOS.
If an existing MS-DOS name containsUnicode character greater than 256, these are translated to underscoresor to
charactersthat are close in visual appearance. For example, accented consonantsare translated into their unaccented
counterparts. Thistranslation isused for mdir and for the UNIX filenamesgenerated by mcopy. Linux doessupport Unicode
too, but unfortunately, too few applicationssupport it yet to bother with it in mtools. Most importantly, xterm cant display
Unicode yet. If there issufficient demand, I might include support for Unicode in the UNIX filenamesaswell.
Caution: When deleting fileswith mtools, the underscore matchesall charactersthat cant be represented in UNIX. Be
careful before mdel!
The configuration filesare parsed in the following order:
Compiled-in defaults
Part V: FileFormats
/etc/mtools. Thisisfor backwardscompatibility only and isonly parsed if mtools.conf doesnt exist.
Optionsdescribed in the later filesoverride those described in the earlier files. Drivesdefined in earlier filespersist if they are
not overridden in the later files. For instance, drivesA and B may be defined in /etc/mtools.conf and drivesC and D may be
defined in ~/.mtoolsrc. However, if ~/.mtoolsrc also definesdrive A, thisnew description would override the description of
drive A in /etc/mtools.conf instead of adding to it. If you want to add a new description to a drive already described in an
earlier file, you need to use either the +drive or drive+ keywords.
The syntax described herein isnew for version mtools 2.5.4. The old line-oriented syntax isstill supported. Each line
beginning with a single letter isconsidered to be a drive description using the old syntax. Old style and new style drive
sectionsmay be mixed within the same configuration file to make upgrading easier. Support for the old syntax will be phased
out eventually, and to discourage itsuse, I purposefully omit itsdescription here.
5 December 1995
newsfeedsDetermine where Usenet articlesget sent.
The file /news/lib/newsfeeds specifieshow incoming articlesshould be distributed to other sites. It isparsed by the
InterNetNewsserver innd(8) when it startsup or when directed to by ctlinnd(8).
The file isinterpreted asa set of linesaccording to the following rules. If a line endswith a backslash, then the backslash, the
newline, and any whitespace at the start of the next line isdeleted. Thisisrepeated until the entire logical line iscollected.
If the logical line isblank or startswith a number sign (#), it isignored.
All other linesare interpreted asfeed entries. An entry should consist of four colon-separated fields; two of the fieldsmay
have optional subfields, marked off by a slash. Fieldsor subfieldsthat take multiple parametersshould be separated by a
comma. Extra whitespace can cause problems. Except for the site names, case issignificant. The format of an entry is
si t ename[/exclude,excl ude,...]\
:pattern,pat t er n...[/distrib,di st r i b...]\
:flag,f l ag...\
Each field isdescribed below.
The si t ename isthe name of the site to which a newsarticle can be sent. It isused for writing log entriesand for determining
if an article should be forwarded to a site. If si t ename already appearsin the articlesPath header, then the article will not be
sent to the site. The name isusually whatever the remote site usesto identify itself in the Path line but can be almost any
word that makessense; special local entries(such asarchiversor gateways) should probably end with an exclamation point to
make sure that they do not have the same name asany real site. For example, gateway isan obviousname for the local entry
that forwardsarticlesout to a mailing list. If a site with the name gateway postsan article, when the local site receivesthe
article, it will see the name in the Path and not send the article to itsown gateway entry. If an entry hasan exclusion subfield,
then the article will not be sent to that site if any of the namesspecified asexcludesappear in the Path header. The same
sitename can be used more than once; the appropriate action will be taken for each site that should receive the article,
regardlessof the name, although thisisrecommended only for program feedsto avoid confusion. Case isnot significant in
site names.
The pat t er nsspecify which groupsto send to the site and are interpreted to build a subscription list for the site. The
default subscription isto get all groups. The patternsin the field are wildmat(3)-style patternsand are matched in order
against the list of newsgroupsthat the local site receives. If the first character of a pattern isan exclamation mark, then any
groupsmatching the pattern are removed from the subscription; otherwise, any matching groupsare added. For example, to
receive all comp groupsbut only comp.sources.unix within the sources newsgroups, the following set of patternscan be used:
There are three thingsto note about thisexample. The first isthat the trailing .* isrequired. The second isthat, again, the
result of the last match isthe most important. The third isthat comp.sources.* could be written ascomp.sources*, but this
would not have the same effect if there were a comp.sources-only group.
See innd(8) for detailson the propagation of control messages.
A subscription can be further modified by specifying distributions that the site should or should not receive. The default is
to send all articlesto all sitesthat subscribe to any of the groupswhere it hasbeen posted, but if an article hasa Distribution
header and any distribsare specified, then they are checked according to the following rules:
1. If the Distribution header matchesany of the valuesin the subfield, then the article issent.
2. If a distrib startswith an exclamation point and it matchesthe Distribution header, then the article isnot sent.
3. If Distribution header doesnot match any distrib in the sitesentry and no negationswere used, then the article isnot
4. If Distribution header doesnot match any distrib in the sitesentry and any distrib started with an exclamation point,
then the article issent.
If an article hasmore than one distribution specified, then each one isevaluated according to the preceding rules. If any of
the specified distributionsindicate that the article should be sent, it is. If none do, it isnot sent: The rulesare used asa
logical or. It isalmost definitely a mistake to have a single feed that specifiesdistributionsthat start with an exclamation
point along with some that dont.
Distributionsare text words, not patterns; it isusually a mistake to have entrieslike * or all there.
The f l ags parameter specifiesmiscellaneousparameters. They may be specified in any order; flagsthat take valuesshould
have the value immediately after the flag letter with no whitespace. The valid flagsare
< si ze An article will only be sent to the site if it islessthan si ze byteslong. The default isno
A checks An article will only be sent to the site if it meetsthe requirementsspecified in the checks,
which should be chosen from the following set:
d Distribution header required
p Do not check Path header before propagating.
B hi gh/l ow If a site isbeing fed by a file, channel, or exploder, the server will usually start trying to write
the information assoon aspossible. Providing a buffer may give better system performance
and help smooth out overall load if a large batch of newscomesin. The value of the thisflag
should be two numbersseparated by a slash. The first specifiesthe point at which the server
can start draining the feedsI/O buffer, and the second specifieswhen to stop writing and
begin buffering again; the unitsare bytes. The default isto do no buffering, sending output
assoon asit ispossible to do so.
F name Thisflag specifiesthe name of the file that should be used if it isnecessary to begin spooling
for the site. If name isnot an absolute pathname, it istaken to be relative to /news/spool/
out.going. Then, if the destination isa directory, the file to go in that directory will be used
Part V: FileFormats
G count If thisflag isspecified, an article will only be sent to the site if it isposted to no more than
count newsgroups.
H count If thisflag isspecified, an article will only be sent to the site if it hascount or fewer sitesin
itsPath line. Thisflag should only be used asa rough guide because of the loose interpreta-
tion of the Path header; some sitesput the postersname in the header, and some sitesthat
might logically be considered to be one hop become two because they put the posting
workstationsname in the header. The default value for count isone.
I si ze The flag specifiesthe size of the internal buffer for a file feed. If there are more file feeds
than allowed by the system, they will be buffered internally in least recently used order. If
the internal buffer growsbigger than si ze bytes, however, the data will be written out to the
appropriate file.
N modi f i er s The newsgroupsthat a site receivesare modified according to the modifiers, which should
be chosen from the following set:
m Only moderated groups
u Only unmoderated groups
S si ze If the amount of data queued for the site getsto be larger than si ze bytes, then the server
will switch to spooling, appending to a file specified by the F flag or /news/spool/out.going/
si t ename if the F flag isnot specified. Spooling usually happensonly for channel or exploder
T t ype Thisflag specifiesthe type of feed for the site. t ype should be a letter chosen from the
following set:
c Channel
f File
l Log entry only
m Funnel (multiple entriesfeed into one)
p Program
x Exploder. Each feed isdescribed in the section on feed types.
The default isTf.
W i t ems If a site isfed by file, channel, or exploder, thisflag controlswhat information iswritten. If
a site isfed by a program, only the asterisk (*) hasany effect. The itemsshould be chosen
from the following set:
b Size of the article in bytes.
f Articlesfull pathname.
g The newsgroup the article isin; if cross-posted, then the first of the groups
this site gets.
m ArticlesMessage-ID.
n Articlespathname relative to the spool directory.
p The site that fed the article to the server; from the Path header.
s The IP addressof the site that sent the article.
t Time article wasreceived assecondssince epoch.
* Namesof the appropriate funnel entries; or all sitesthat get the article.
D Value of the Distribution header; ? if none present.
H All headers.
N Value of the Newsgroupsheader.
O Overview data.
R Information needed for replication. More than one letter can be used; the
entrieswill be separated by a space and written in the order in which they are
specified. The default isWn.
The H and O itemsare intended for use by programsthat create newsoverview databases. If H
ispresent, then the all the articlesheadersare written followed by a blank line. An Xref
header (even if one doesnot appear in the filed article) and a Bytesheader, specifying the
articlessize, will also be part of the headers. If used, thisshould be the only item in the list;
if preceded by other items, however, a newline will be written before the headers. The O
generatesinput to the overchan(8) program. It, too, should be the only item in the list.
The asterisk hasspecial meaning. It expandsto a space-separated list of all sitesthat received
the current article. If the site isthe target of a funnel, however (that is, it isnamed by other
sitesthat have a Tm flag), then the asterisk expandsto the namesof the funnel feedsthat
received the article. If the site isfed by a program, then an asterisk in the param field will be
expanded into the list of funnel feedsthat received the article. A site fed by a program
cannot get the site list unlessit isthe target of other Tm feeds.
The interpretation of the par am field dependson the type of feed, and isexplained in more detail in the section on feed types.
It can be omitted.
The site named ME isspecial. There should only be one such entry, and it should be the first entry in the file. If the ME entry
hasa subscription list, then that list isautomatically prepended to the subscription list of all other entries. For example,
*,!control,!junk,!foo.* can be used to set up the initial subscription list for all feedsso that local postingsare not propa-
gated unlessfoo.* explicitly appearsin the sitessubscription list. Note that most subscriptionsshould have !junk,!control
in their pattern list; see the discussion of control messagesin innd(8). (Unlike other newssoftware, it doesnot affect what
groupsare received; that isdone by the active(5) file.)
If the ME entry hasa distribution subfield, then only articlesthat match the distribution list are accepted; all other articlesare
rejected. A commercial newsserver, for example, might have /!local to reject local postingsfrom other, misconfigured, sites.
innd providesfour basic typesof feeds: log, file, program, and channel. An exploder isa special type of channel. In addition,
several entriescan feed into the same feed; these are funnel feeds, which refer to an entry that isone of the other types. Note
that the term feed istechnically a misnomer because the server doesnot transfer articlesbut reportsthat an article should
be sent to the site.
The simplest feed isone that isfed by a log entry. Other than a mention in the newslogfile, no data isever written out. This
isequivalent to a Tf entry writing to /dev/null except that no file isopened.
A site fed by a file issimplest type of feed. When the site should receive an article, one line iswritten to the file named by the
par am field. If par am isnot an absolute pathname, it istaken to be relative to /news/spool/out.going. If empty, the filename
defaultsto /news/spool/out.going/si t ename. Thisname should be unique.
When a site fed by a file isflushed (see ctlinnd), the following stepsare performed. The script doing the flush should have
first renamed the file. The server triesto write out any buffered data and then closesthe file. The renamed file isnow
available for use. The server will then reopen the original file, which will now get created.
A site fed by a program hasa processspawned for every article that the site receives. The par am field must be a sprintf(3)
format string that may have a single %s parameter, which will be given a pathname for the article, relative to the newsspool
directory. The full pathname may be obtained by prefixing the %s in the par am field by the newsspool directory prefix.
Standard input will be set to the article or /dev/null if the article cannot be opened for some reason. Standard output and
error will be set to the error log. The processwill run with the user and group ID of the /news/lib/innd directory. innd will
try to avoid spawning a shell if the command hasno shell meta-characters; thisfeature can be defeated by appending a
semicolon to the end of the command. The full pathname of the program to be run must be specified; for security, PATH is
not searched.
If the entry isthe target of a funnel, and if the W* flag isused, then a single asterisk may be used in the par am field where it
will be replaced by the namesof the sitesthat fed into the funnel. If the entry isnot a funnel, or if the W* flag isnot used,
then the asterisk hasno special meaning.
Part V: FileFormats
Flushing a site fed by a program doesno action.
When a site isfed by a channel or exploder, the par am field namesthe processto start. Again, the full pathname of the process
must be given. When the site isto receive an article, the processreceivesa line on itsstandard input telling it about the
article. Standard output and error and the user and group ID of the all subprocessare set asfor a program feed. If the process
exits, it will be restarted. If the processcannot be started, the server will spool input to a file named /news/spool/out.going/
si t ename. It will then try to start the processsome time later.
When a site fed by a channel or exploder isflushed, the server closesdown itsend of the pipe. Any pending data that hasnot
been written will be spooled; see the description of the S flag. No signal issent; it isup to the program to notice EOF on its
standard input and exit. The server then startsa new process.
Explodersare a superset of channel feeds. In addition to channel behavior, exploderscan be sent command lines. These lines
start with an exclamation point, and their interpretation isup to the exploder. The following messagesare generated
automatically by the server:
newgroup gr oup
rmgroup gr oup
flush si t e
These messagesare sent when the ctlinnd command of the same name isreceived by the server. In addition, the send
command can be used to send an arbitrary command line to the exploder child-process. The primary exploder isbuffchan(8).
Funnel feedsprovide a way of merging several site entriesinto a single output stream. For a site feeding into a funnel, the
par am field namesthe actual entry that doesthe feeding.
For more detailson setting up different typesof newsfeeds, see the INN installation manual.
## Initial subscription list and our distributions.
## Feed all moderated source postings to an archiver
:Tp,Nm:/usr/local/bin/archive %s
## Watch for big postings
:exec awk $1 > 1000000 { print BIG, $2, $3 } >/dev/console
## A UUCP feed, where we try to keep the batching between 4 and 1K.
## Usenet as mail; note ! in funnel name to avoid Path conflicts.
## Cant use ! in fred since it would like look a UUCP address.
:W*,Tp:/usr/ucb/Mail -s News article *
## NNTP feeds fed off-line via nntpsend or equivalent.
## Real-time transmission.,usa,na,ne,ddn,gnu,inet\
:Tc,Wnm:/nntplink -i stdin
## Two sites feeding into a hypothetical NNTP fan-out program:\
## A UUCP site that wants comp.* and moderated soc groups
The last two setsof entriesshow how funnel feedscan be used. For example, the nntpfanout program would receive lineslike
the following on itsstandard input:
<> comp/sources/unix/888
<> ne/general/1003
Because the UUCP funnel isonly destined for one site, the asterisk isnot needed and entrieslike the following will be
written into the file:
<> comp/sources/unix/888
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
active(5), buffchan(8), ctlinnd(8), innd(8), wildmat(3)
newslogDescription of Usenet log files.
Most log filescreated by Usenet programsreside in the /var/log/news directory and have a .log extension. Several versions
are usually kept with an additional extension such as.1, .2, and so on; the higher the number, the older the log. The older
versionsare compressed.
The scanlogs script and related utilities(see newslog(8)) are responsible for rotating and compressing these files.
Some log filesalwayshave data, othersonly have data if there isa problem, and othersare only created if a particular
program isused or configuration parameter isset. The innstat script (see newslog(8)) monitorsthe size of all log files.
The following fileswill only accumulate data under the direction of control.ctl(5):
control.log, miscctl.log, newgroup.log, rmgroup.log, unwanted.log
In order to create these files, the message and action fieldsof control.ctl should be chosen from the following table:
Message Action Meaning
all log=miscctl Log all messagesby default
default log=miscctl Log unknown messages
newgroup doit=newgroup Create group and log message
newgroup log=newgroup Log message
Part V: FileFormats
rmgroup doit=rmgroup Remove group and log message
rmgroup log=rmgroup Log message
other doit=miscctl Log and processthe message
other log=miscctl Log message
Here, other refersto any other control message such as:
checkgroups ihave sendme sendsys senduuname version
The following isa list of log files.
control.log Thisfile maintainsa count of the number of newgroup and rmgroup control messagesseen for
each newsgroup. The count isof the number of control messageswith identical arguments,
regardlessof whether they were actually processed. All control arguments, including invalid
ones, are counted. Thisfile isupdated by tally.control, which isinvoked by scanlogs if
either the newgroup or rmgroup logsexist. Thisfile isnot rotated.
errlog Thisfile containsthe standard output and standard error of any program spawned by
innd(8). The most common programsare the control-message handlersfound in /news/bin/
control. Thisfile should be empty. Scanlogswill print the entire contentsof thislog file if it
expire.log By default, when news.daily isgoing to expire old newsarticles, it writesthe date to this
file, followed by any output from expire(8) and the ending date. All linesbut the first are
indented four spaces.
miscctl.log When control.ctl isconfigured asdescribed above, all control messagesexcept newgroup
and rmgroup are appended to thisfile by writelog. There will be a summary line describing
the message and the action taken, followed by the article indented by four spacesand a
blank line.
newgroup.log When control.ctl isconfigured asdescribed above, all newgroup messagesare appended to
thisfile using the same format asfor miscctl.log.
news Thisfile logsarticlesreceived by innd. scanlogs summarizesthe rejected articlesreported in
news.crit All critical error messagesissued by innd are appended to thisfile via syslog(3). Thislog file
should be empty. scanlogs will print the entire contentsof thislog file if it isnon-empty.
You should have the following line in your syslog.conf(5) file:
news.crit /var/log/news/news.crit
news.err All major error messagesissued by innd are appended to thisfile via syslog. Thislog file
should be empty. scanlogs will print the entire contentsof thislog file if it isnon-empty.
You should have the following line in your syslog.conf file:
news.err /var/log/news/news.err
news.notice All standard error messagesand statusmessagesissued by innd are appended to thisfile via
syslog. scanlogs usesthe awk(1) script innlog.awk to summarize thisfile. You should have
the following line in your syslog.conf file:
news.notice /var/log/news/news.notice
nntpsend.log The nntpsend(8) programsappendsall statusmessagesto thisfile.
rmgroup.log When control.ctl isconfigured asdescribed previously, all rmgroup messagesare appended
to thisfile using the same format asfor miscctl.log.
unwanted.log Thislog maintainsa count of the number of articlesthat were rejected because they were
posted to newsgroupsthat do not exist at the local site. Thisfile isupdated by
tally.unwanted and maintained in reverse numeric order (the most popular rejected group
first). Thisfile isnot rotated.
Message Action Meaning
Written by Landon Curt Noll ( and Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
control.ctl(5), ctlinnd(8), expire(8), innd(8), news.daily(8), nntpsend(8), newslog(8)
nfsNFS fstab format and options.
The fstab file containsinformation about which filesystemsto mount where and with what options. For NFS mounts, it
containsthe server name and exported server directory to mount from, the local directory that isthe mount point, and the
NFS-specific optionsthat control the way the filesystem ismounted. Here isan example from an /etc/fstab file from an
NFS mount.
server:/usr/local/pub /pub nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr
rsize=n The number of bytesNFS useswhen reading filesfrom an NFS server. The default value is
dependent on the kernel, currently 1024 bytes. (However, throughput isimproved greatly by
asking for rsize=8192.)
wsize=n The number of bytesNFS useswhen writing filesto an NFS server. The default value is
dependent on the kernel, currently 1024 bytes. (However, throughput isimproved greatly by
asking for wsize=8192.)
timeo=n The value in tenthsof a second before sending the first retransmission after an RPC time-
out. The default value is7 tenthsof a second. After the first time-out, the time-out is
doubled after each successive time-out until a maximum time-out of 60 secondsisreached
or the enough retransmissionshave occurred to cause a major time-out. Then, if the
filesystem ishard mounted, each new time-out cascade restartsat twice the initial value of
the previouscascade, again doubling at each retransmission. The maximum time-out is
always60 seconds. Better overall performance may be achieved by increasing the time-out
when mounting on a busy network, to a slow server, or through several routersor gateways.
retrans=n The number of minor time-outsand retransmissionsthat must occur before a major time-
out occurs. The default is3 time-outs. When a major time-out occurs, the file operation is
either aborted or a server not responding message isprinted on the console.
acregmin=n The minimum time in secondsthat attributesof a regular file should be cached before
requesting fresh information from a server. The default is3 seconds.
acregmax=n The maximum time in secondsthat attributesof a regular file can be cached before
requesting fresh information from a server. The default is60 seconds.
acdirmin=n The minimum time in secondsthat attributesof a directory should be cached before
requesting fresh information from a server. The default is30 seconds.
acdirmax=n The maximum time in secondsthat attributesof a directory can be cached before requesting
fresh information from a server. The default is60 seconds.
actimeo=n Using actimeo setsall of acregmin, acregmax, acdirmin, and acdirmax to the same value. There
isno default value.
Part V: FileFormats
retry=n The number of timesto retry a backgrounded NFS mount operation before giving up. The
default value is10000 times.
namlen=n When an NFS server doesnot support version 2 of the RPC mount protocol, thisoption
can be used to specify the maximum length of a filename that issupported on the remote
filesystem. Thisisused to support the POSIX pathconf functions. The default is255
port=n The numeric value of the port to connect to the NFS server on. If the port number is0 (the
default) then query the remote hostsport mapper for the port number to use. If the remote
hostsNFS daemon isnot registered with itsport mapper, the standard NFS port number
2049 isused instead.
mountport=n The numeric value of the mountd port.
mounthost=name The name of the host running mountd.
mountprog=n Use an alternate RPC program number to contact the mount daemon on the remote host.
Thisoption isuseful for hoststhat can run multiple NFS servers. The default value is
100005, which isthe standard RPC mount daemon program number.
mountvers=n Use an alternate RPC version number to contact the mount daemon on the remote host.
Thisoption isuseful for hoststhat can run multiple NFS servers. The default value is
version 1.
nfsprog=n Use an alternate RPC program number to contact the NFS daemon on the remote host.
Thisoption isuseful for hoststhat can run multiple NFS servers. The default value is
100003, which isthe standard RPC NFS daemon program number.
nfsvers=n Use an alternate RPC version number to contact the NFS daemon on the remote host. This
option isuseful for hoststhat can run multiple NFS servers. The default value isversion 2.
bg If the first NFS mount attempt timesout, continue trying the mount in the background.
The default isto not to background the mount on time-out but to fail.
fg If the first NFS mount attempt timesout, fail immediately. Thisisthe default.
soft If an NFS file operation hasa major time-out, then report an I/O error to the calling
program. The default isto continue retrying NFS file operationsindefinitely.
hard If an NFS file operation hasa major time-out, then report server not responding on the
console and continue retrying indefinitely. Thisisthe default.
intr If an NFS file operation hasa major time-out and it ishard mounted, then allow signalsto
interrupt the file operation and cause it to return EINTR to the calling program. The default
isto not allow file operationsto be interrupted.
posix Mount the NFS filesystem using POSIX semantics. Thisallowsan NFS filesystem to
properly support the POSIX pathconf command by querying the mount server for the
maximum length of a filename. To do this, the remote host must support version 2 of the
RPC mount protocol. Many NFS serverssupport only version 1.
nocto Suppressthe retrieval of new attributeswhen creating a file.
noac Disable all formsof attribute caching entirely. Thisextractsa server performance penalty,
but it allowstwo different NFS clientsto get reasonably good resultswhen both clientsare
actively writing to a common filesystem on the server.
tcp Mount the NFS filesystem using the TCP protocol instead of the default UDP protocol.
Many NFS seversonly support UDP.
udp Mount the NFS filesystem using the UDP protocol. Thisisthe default. All the non-value
optionshave corresponding nooption forms. For example, nointr meansdont allow file
operationsto be interrupted.
fstab(5), mount(8), umount(8), exports(5)
Rick Sladkey (
The bg, fg, retry, posix, and nocto optionsare parsed by mount but currently are silently ignored. The tcp and namlen
optionsare implemented but are not currently supported by the Linux kernel. The umount command should notify the server
when an NFS filesystem isunmounted.
Linux 0.99, 20 November 1993
nnrp.accessAccessfile for on-campusNNTP sites.
The file /news/lib/nnrp.access specifiesthe accesscontrol for those NNTP sitesthat are not handled by the main
InterNetNewsdaemon innd(8). The nnrpd(8) server readsit when first spawned by innd.
Commentsbegin with a number sign (#) and continue through the end of the line. Blank linesand commentsare ignored.
All other linesshould consist of five fieldsseparated by colons:
host s:per ms :user name:passwor d:pat t er ns
The first field isa wildmat(3)-style pattern specifying the namesor Internet addressof a set of hosts. Before a match is
checked, the clientshostname (or itsInternet addressif gethostbyaddr(3) fails) isconverted to lowercase. Each line is
matched in turn, and the last successful match istaken asthe correct one.
The second field isa set of lettersspecifying the permissionsgranted to the client. The per ms should be chosen from the
following set:
R The client can retrieve articles
P The client can post articles
The third and fourth fieldsspecify the user name and passwor d that the client must use to authenticate themselvesbefore the
server will accept any articles. Note that no authentication (other than a matching entry in thisfile) isrequired for
newsreading. If they are empty, then no password isrequired. Whitespace in these fieldswill result in the client being unable
to properly authenticate themselvesand may be used to disable access.
The fifth field isa set of patternsidentifying the newsgroupsthat the client isallowed to access. The pat t er ns are interpreted
in the same manner asthe newsfeeds(5) file. The default, however, deniesaccessto all groups.
The accessfile isnormally used to provide host-level accesscontrol for reading and posting articles. There are times, however,
when thisisnot sufficient and user-level accesscontrol isneeded. Whenever an NNTP authinfo command isused, the nnrpd
server rereadsthisfile and looksfor a matching username and password. If the local newsreadersare modified to send the
authinfo command, then all host entriescan have no accessand specific userscan be granted the appropriate read and post
access. For example:
## host:perm:user:pass:groups
## Default is no access.
:: -no- : -no- :!*
## FOO hosts have no password, can read anything. Post:::*
## A related workstation cant access FOO newsgroups.*,!foo.*
Part V: FileFormats
If the file containspasswords, it should not be world-readable.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
innd(8), newsfeeds(5), nnrpd(8), wildmat(3)
nntpsend.ctlList of sitesto feed via nntpsend.
The file /news/lib/nntpsend.ctl specifiesthe default list of sitesto be fed by nntpsend(8).
Commentsbegin with a number sign (#) and continue through the end of the line. Blank linesand commentsare ignored.
All other linesshould consist of four fieldsseparated by a colon.
The first field isthe name of the site asspecified in the newsfeeds(5) file.
The second field should be the hostname or IP addressof the remote site.
The third field, if non-empty, specifiesthe default tail truncation size of sitesbatchfile. Thisispassed to shrinkfile asthe s
flag. If thisfield isempty, no truncation isperformed.
The fourth field specifiessome default flagspassed to innxmit(8). The flag a isalwaysgiven to innxmit and need not appear
here. If no t t i meout flag isgiven in thisfield and on the nntpsend command line, t 180 will be given to innxmit.
Written by Landon Curt Noll ( for InterNetNews.
innxmit(8), newsfeeds(5), nntpsend(8), trunc(1)
nologinPrevent usual usersfrom logging into the system.
If the file /etc/nologin exists, login(1) will allow accessonly to root. Other userswill be shown the contentsof thisfile and
their loginsrefused.
login(1), shutdown(8)
Linux, 29 December 1992
overview.fmtFormat of newsoverview database.
The file /news/lib/overview.fmt specifiesthe organization of the newsoverview database. Blank linesand linesbeginning
with a number sign (#) are ignored. The order of linesin thisfile isimportant; it determinesthe order in which the fieldswill
appear in the database.
Most lineswill consist of an article header name, optionally followed by a colon. A trailing set of linescan have the word full
appear after the colon; thisindicatesthat the header should appear aswell asitsvalue.
If thisfile ischanged, it isusually necessary to rebuild the existing overview database using expireover(8) after removing all
existing overview files.
The default file, show here, iscompatible with Geoff Collyersnov package:
## Some newsreaders get better performance if Xref is present
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews. Intended to be compatible with the nov package written by
Geoff Collyer (
passwdPassword file.
passwd isan ASCII file that containsa list of the systemsusersand the passwordsthey must use for access. The password file
should have general read permission (many utilities, such asls(1), use it to map user IDsto usernames) but write accessonly
for the superuser.
In the good old days, there wasno great problem with thisgeneral read permission. Everybody could read the encrypted
passwords, but the hardware wastoo slow to crack a well-chosen password, and moreover, the basic assumption used to be
that of a friendly user community. These days, many people run some version of the shadow password suite, where /etc/
passwd has*sinstead of passwords, and the encrypted passwordsare in /etc/shadow, which isreadable by root only.
When you create a new login, leave the password field empty and use passwd(1) to fill it. A star (*) in the password field
meansthat thisuser cannot log in via login(1).
There isone entry per line, and each line hasthe format:
l ogi n_name:passwd:UI D:GI D:user _name:di r ect or y:shel l
The field descriptionsare
l ogi n_name The name of the user on the system.
passwor d The encrypted optional user password.
UI D The numerical user ID.
GI D The numerical group ID for thisuser.
user _name The (optional) comment field (often a full username).
di r ect or y The users$HOME directory.
shel l The program to run at login (if empty, use /bin/sh).
Part V: FileFormats
If your root file system ison /dev/ram, you must save a changed password file to your root filesystem floppy before you shut
down the system and check the accessrights. If you want to create user groups, their GIDsmust be equal and there must be
an entry in /etc/group, or no group will exist.
passwd(1), login(1), group(5), shadow(5)
Linux, 24 July1993
passwd.nntpPasswordsfor connecting to remote NNTP servers.
The file /news/lib/passwd.nntp containshost-name-password tripletsfor use when authenticating client programsto NNTP
servers. Thisfile isnormally interpreted by the NNTPsend-password routine in libinn(3). Blank linesand linesbeginning with
a number sign (#) are ignored. All other linesshould consist of three or fieldsseparated by colons:
host :name:passwor d
host :name:passwor d:st yl e
The first field isthe name of a host and ismatched in a case-insensitive manner. The second field isa username, and the
third isa password. The optional fourth field specifiesthe type of authentication to use. The default isauthinfo, which
meansthat NNTP authinfo commandsare used to authenticate to the remote host. If either the username or password are
empty, then the related command will not be sent. (The authinfo command isa common extension to RFC 977.) For
## UUNET needs a password, MIT doesnt.
Thisfile should not be world-readable.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
innd(8), libinn(3)
pbmPortable bitmap file format.
The portable bitmap format isa lowest common denominator monochrome file format. It wasoriginally designed to make it
reasonable to mail bitmapsbetween different typesof machinesusing the typical stupid network mailerswe have today. Now
it servesasthe common language of a large family of bitmap conversion filters. The definition isasfollows:
A magic number for identifying the file type. A pbm filesmagic number isthe two charactersP1.
Whitespace (blanks, Tabs, CRs, LFs).
A width, formatted asASCII charactersin decimal.
A height, again in ASCII decimal.
Width * height bits, each either 1 or 0, starting at the top-left corner of the bitmap, proceeding in normal English reading
The character 1 meansblack; 0 meanswhite.
Whitespace in the bitssection isignored.
Charactersfrom a # to the next end-of-line are ignored (comments).
No line should be longer than 70 characters.
Here isan example of a small bitmap in thisformat:
# feep.pbm
24 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Programsthat read thisformat should be aslenient aspossible, accepting anything that looksremotely like a bitmap.
There isalso a variant on the format, available by setting the RAWBITS option at compile time. Thisvariant isdifferent in the
following ways:
The magic number isP4 instead of P1.
The bitsare stored eight per byte, high bit first and low bit last.
No whitespace isallowed in the bitssection, and only a single character of whitespace (typically a newline) isallowed after
the height.
The filesare eight timessmaller and many timesfaster to read and write.
atktopbm(1), brushtopbm(1), cmuwmtopbm(1), g3topbm(1), gemtopbm(1), icontopbm(1), macptopbm(1), mgrtopbm(1), pi3topbm(1),
xbmtopbm(1), ybmtopbm(1), pbmto10x(1), pnmtoascii(1), pbmtoatk(1), pbmtobbnbg(1), pbmtocmuwm(1), pbmtoepson(1), pbmtog3(1),
pbmtogem(1), pbmtogo(1), pbmtoicon(1), pbmtolj(1), pbmtomacp(1), pbmtomgr(1), pbmtopi3(1), pbmtoplot(1), pbmtoptx(1),
pbmtox10bm(1), pbmtoxbm(1), pbmtoybm(1), pbmtozinc(1), pbmlife(1), pbmmake(1), pbmmask(1), pbmreduce(1), pbmtext(1),
pbmupc(1), pnm(5), pgm(5), ppm(5)
Copyright 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
27 September 1991
pgmPortable graymap file format.
Part V: FileFormats
The portable graymap format isa lowest common denominator grayscale file format. The definition isasfollows:
A magic number for identifying the file type. A pgm filesmagic number isthe two charactersP2.
Whitespace (blanks, Tabs, CRs, LFs).
A width, formatted asASCII charactersin decimal.
A height, again in ASCII decimal.
The maximum gray value, again in ASCII decimal.
Width * height gray values, each in ASCII decimal, between 0 and the specified maximum value, separated by whitespace,
starting at the top-left corner of the graymap, proceeding in normal English reading order. A value of 0 meansblack, and the
maximum value meanswhite.
Charactersfrom a # to the next end-of-line are ignored (comments).
No line should be longer than 70 characters.
Here isan example of a small graymap in thisformat:
# feep.pgm
24 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 3 3 3 3 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 11 11 1111 0 0 15 1515 15 0
0 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 150
0 3 3 3 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 11 11 110 0 0 15 15 15 150
0 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 11 11 1111 0 0 15 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Programsthat read thisformat should be aslenient aspossible, accepting anything that looksremotely like a graymap.
There isalso a variant on the format, available by setting the RAWBITS option at compile time. Thisvariant isdifferent in the
following ways:
The magic number isP5 instead of P2.
The gray valuesare stored asplain bytes, instead of ASCII decimal.
No whitespace isallowed in the grayssection, and only a single character of whitespace (typically a newline) isallowed after
the maxval.
The filesare smaller and many timesfaster to read and write.
Note that thisraw format can only be used for maxvalslessthan or equal to 255. If you use the pgm library and try to write a
file with a larger maxval, it will automatically fall back on the slower but more general plain format.
fitstopgm(1), fstopgm(1), hipstopgm(1), lispmtopgm(1), psidtopgm(1), rawtopgm(1), pgmbentley(1), pgmcrater(1), pgmedge(1),
pgmenhance(1), pgmhist(1), pgmnorm(1), pgmoil(1), pgmramp(1), pgmtexture(1), pgmtofits(1), pgmtofs(1), pgmtolispm(1),
pgmtopbm(1), pnm(5), pbm(5), ppm(5)
Copyright 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
12 November 1991
pnmPortable anymap file format.
The pnm programsoperate on portable bitmaps, graymaps, and pixmapsproduced by the pbm, pgm, and ppm segments. There is
no file format associated with pnm itself.
anytopnm(1), rasttopnm(1), tifftopnm(1), xwdtopnm(1), pnmtops(1), pnmtorast(1), pnmtotiff(1), pnmtoxwd(1), pnmarith(1),
pnmcat(1), pnmconvol(1), pnmcrop(1), pnmcut(1), pnmdepth(1), pnmenlarge(1), pnmfile(1), pnmflip(1), pnmgamma(1), pnmindex(1),
pnminvert(1), pnmmargin(1), pnmnoraw(1), pnmpaste(1), pnmrotate(1), pnmscale(1), pnmshear(1), pnmsmooth(1), pnmtile(1),
ppm(5), pgm(5), pbm(5)
Copyright 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
27 September 1991
ppmPortable pixmap file format.
The portable pixmap format isa lowest common denominator color image file format. The definition isasfollows:
A magic number for identifying the file type. A ppm filesmagic number isthe two charactersP3.
Whitespace (blanks, Tabs, CRs, LFs).
A width, formatted asASCII charactersin decimal.
A height, again in ASCII decimal.
The maximum color-component value, again in ASCII decimal.
Width * height pixels, each three ASCII decimal valuesbetween 0 and the specified maximum value, starting at the top-left
corner of the pixmap, proceeding in normal English reading order. The three valuesfor each pixel represent red, green, and
blue; a value of 0 meansthat color isoff, and the maximum value meansthat color ismaxed out.
Charactersfrom a # to the next end-of-line are ignored (comments).
No line should be longer than 70 characters.
Here isan example of a small pixmap in thisformat:
# feep.ppm
4 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 15
0 0 0 0 15 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 7 0 0 0
15 0 150 0 0 00 0 0 0 0
Programsthat read thisformat should be aslenient aspossible, accepting anything that looksremotely like a pixmap.
Part V: FileFormats
There isalso a variant on the format, available by setting the RAWBITS option at compile time. Thisvariant isdifferent in the
following ways:
The magic number isP6 instead of P3.
The pixel valuesare stored asplain bytes, instead of ASCII decimal.
Whitespace isnot allowed in the pixelsarea, and only a single character of whitespace (typically a newline) isallowed after
the maxval.
The filesare smaller and many timesfaster to read and write.
Note that thisraw format can only be used for maxvalslessthan or equal to 255. If you use the ppm library and try to write a
file with a larger maxval, it will automatically fall back on the slower but more general plain format.
giftoppm(1), gouldtoppm(1), ilbmtoppm(1), imgtoppm(1), mtvtoppm(1), pcxtoppm(1), pgmtoppm(1), pi1toppm(1), picttoppm(1),
pjtoppm(1), qrttoppm(1), rawtoppm(1), rgb3toppm(1), sldtoppm(1), spctoppm(1), sputoppm(1), tgatoppm(1), ximtoppm(1),
xpmtoppm(1), yuvtoppm(1), ppmtoacad(1), ppmtogif(1), ppmtoicr(1), ppmtoilbm(1), ppmtopcx(1), ppmtopgm(1), ppmtopi1(1),
ppmtopict(1), ppmtopj(1), ppmtopuzz(1), ppmtorgb3(1), ppmtosixel(1), ppmtotga(1), ppmtouil(1), ppmtoxpm(1), ppmtoyuv(1),
ppmdither(1), ppmforge(1), ppmhist(1), ppmmake(1), ppmpat(1), ppmquant(1), ppmquantall(1), ppmrelief(1), pnm(5), pgm(5), pbm(5)
Copyright 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
27 September 1991
/procProcessinformation pseudo-filesystem.
/proc isa pseudo-filesystem that isused asan interface to kernel data structuresrather than reading and interpreting /dev/
kmem. Most of it isread-only, but some filesallow kernel variablesto be changed.
The following outline givesa quick tour through the /proc hierarchy.
[number ] There isa numerical subdirectory for each running process; the subdirectory isnamed by the
processID. Each containsthe following pseudo-filesand directories.
cmdline Thisholdsthe complete command line for the process, unlessthe whole processhasbeen swapped
out or unlessthe processisa zombie. In either of these later cases, there isnothing in thisfile: That
is, a read on thisfile will return ashaving read 0 characters. Thisfile isnull-terminated but not
cwd Thisisa link current working directory of the process. To find out the cwd of process20, for
instance, you can do this: cd /proc/20/cwd; /bin/pwd. Note that the pwd command isoften a shell
built in and might not work properly in thiscontext.
environ Thisfile containsthe environment for the process. The entriesare separated by null characters, and
there may be a null character at the end. Thus, to print out the environment of process1, you
would do
(cat /proc/1/environ; echo) | tr \000 \n
For a reason why one should want to do this, see lilo(8).
exe A pointer to the binary that wasexecuted and appearsasa symbolic link. readlink(2) on the exe
special file returnsa string in the format:
[devi ce]:i node
For example, [0301]:1502 isinode 1502 on device major 03 (IDE, MFM, and so on drives), minor
01 (first partition on the first drive). Also, the symbolic link can be dereferenced normally;
attempting to open exe will open the executable. You can even type /proc/[number ]/exe to run
another copy of the same processas[number ].
find(1) with the -inum option can be used to locate the file.
fd Thisisa subdirectory containing one entry for each file that the processhasopen, named by itsfile
descriptor, and that isa symbolic link to the actual file (asthe exe entry does). Thus, 0 isstandard
input, 1 standard output, 2 standard error, and so on.
Programsthat will take a filename but will not take the standard input and that write to a file but
will not send their output to standard output can be effectively foiled thisway, assuming that -i is
the flag designating an input file and -o isthe flag designating an output file:
foobar -i /proc/self/fd/0 -o /proc/self/fd/1 ...
and you have a working filter. Note that thiswill not work for programsthat seek on their files
because the filesin the fd directory are not seekable.
/proc/self/fd/N isapproximately the same as/dev/fd/N in some UNIX and UNIX-like systems.
Most Linux MAKEDEV scriptssymbolically link /dev/fd to /proc/self/fd, in fact.
maps A file containing the currently mapped memory regionsand their accesspermissions.
The format is
addr ess per ms of f set dev i node
00000000-0002f000 r-x 00000400 03:03 1401
0002f000-00032000 rwx-p 0002f400 03:03 1401
00032000-0005b000 rwx-p 00000000 00:00 0
60000000-60098000 rwx-p 00000400 03:03 215
60098000-600c7000 rwx-p 00000000 00:00 0
bfffa000-c0000000 rwx-p 00000000 00:00 0
addr ess isthe addressspace in the processthat it occupies. per ms isa set of permissions: r = read, w
= write, x = execute, s = shared, p = private (copy on write).
of f set isthe offset into the file/what ever , dev isthe device (major: minor), and i node isthe inode
on that device. 0 indicatesthat no inode isassociated with the memory region, asthe case would be
with bss.
mem Thisisnot the same asthe mem (1,1) device, despite the fact that it hasthe same device numbers.
The /dev/mem device isthe physical memory before any addresstranslation isdone, but the mem file
here isthe memory of the processthat accessesit. Thiscannot be mmap(2)ed currently, and will not
be until a general mmap(2) isadded to the kernel. (Thismight have happened by the time you read
mmap Directory of mapsby mmap(2) that are symbolic linkssuch asexe, fd/*, and so on. Note that maps
includesa superset of thisinformation, so /proc/*/mmap should be considered obsolete.
0 isusually
/proc/*/mmap wasremoved in Linux kernel version 1.1.40. (It really wasobsolete!)
root UNIX and Linux support the idea of a per-processroot of the filesystem, set by the chroot(2)
system call. root pointsto the filesystem root and behavesasexe, fd/*, and so on do.
stat Statusinformation about the process. Thisisused by ps(1). The fields, in order, with their proper
scanf(3) format specifiers, are
pid %d The processID.
comm %s The filename of the executable in parentheses. Thisisvisible whether or not
the executable isswapped out.
Part V: FileFormats
state %c One character from the string RSDZT where R isrunning, S issleeping in an
interruptible wait, D issleeping in an uninterruptible wait or swapping, Z is
zombie, and T istraced or stopped (on a signal).
ppid %d The PID of the parent.
pgrp %d The processgroup ID of the process.
session %d The session ID of the process.
tty %d The tty the processuses.
tpgid %d The processgroup ID of the processthat currently ownsthe tty that the
processisconnected to.
flags %u The flagsof the process. Currently, every flag hasthe math bit set because
crt0.s checksfor math emulation, so thisisnot included in the output. This
isprobably a bug because not every processisa compiled C program. The
math bit should be a decimal 4, and the traced bit isdecimal 10.
minflt %u The number of minor faultsthe processhasmade, those that have not
required loading a memory page from disk.
cminflt %u The number of minor faultsthat the processand itschildren have made.
majflt %u The number of major faultsthe processhasmade, those that have required
loading a memory page from disk.
cmajflt %u The number of major faultsthat the processand itschildren have made.
utime %d The number of jiffiesthat thisprocesshasbeen scheduled in user mode.
stime %d The number of jiffiesthat thisprocesshasbeen scheduled in kernel mode.
cutime %d The number of jiffiesthat thisprocessand itschildren have been scheduled
in user mode.
cstime %d The number of jiffiesthat thisprocessand itschildren have been scheduled
in kernel mode.
counter %d The current maximum size in jiffiesof the processsnext timeslice, or what is
currently left of itscurrent timeslice if it isthe currently running process.
priority %d The standard nice value, plusfifteen. The value isnever negative in the
timeout %u The time in jiffiesof the processsnext time-out.
itrealvalue %u The time (in jiffies) before the next SIGALRM issent to the processdue to an
interval timer.
starttime %d Time the processstarted in jiffiesafter system boot.
vsize %u Virtual memory size.
rss %u Resident set size: Number of pagesthe processhasin real memory, minus3
for administrative purposes. Thisisjust the pagesthat count toward text,
data, or stack space. Thisdoesnot include pagesthat have not been demand-
loaded in or that are swapped out.
rlim %u Current limit in byteson the rss of the process(usually 2,147,483,647).
startcode %u The addressabove which program text can run.
endcode %u The addressbelow which program text can run.
startstack %u The addressof the start of the stack.
kstkesp %u The current value of esp (32-bit stack pointer), asfound in the kernel stack
page for the process.
kstkeip %u The current EIP (32-bit instruction pointer).
signal %d The bitmap of pending signals(usually 0).
blocked %d The bitmap of blocked signals(usually 0, 2 for shells).
sigignore %d The bitmap of ignored signals.
sigcatch %d The bitmap of catched signals.
wchan %u Thisisthe channel in which the processiswaiting. Thisisthe addressof a
system call and can be looked up in a name list if you need a textual name. (If
you have an up-to-date /etc/psdatabase, then try ps -l to see the WCHAN field
in action.)
cpuinfo Thisisa collection of CPU and system architecture dependent items; for each supported architec-
ture isa different list. The only two common entriesare cpu, which isthe CPU currently in use,
and BogoMIPS, a system constant that iscalculated during kernel initialization.
devices Text listing of major numbersand device groups. Thiscan be used by MAKEDEV scriptsfor consis-
tency with the kernel.
dma Thisisa list of the registered ISA DMA (direct memory access) channelsin use.
filesystems A text listing of the filesystemsthat were compiled into the kernel. Incidentally, thisisused by
mount(1) to cycle through different filesystemswhen none isspecified.
interrupts Thisisused to record the number of interruptsper each IRQ on (at least) the i386 architecture.
Very easy to read formatting done in ASCII.
ioports Thisisa list of currently registered input-output port regionsthat are in use.
kcore Thisfile representsthe physical memory of the system and isstored in the core file format. With
thispseudo-file and an unstripped kernel (/usr/src/linux/tools/zSystem) binary, GDB can be used
to examine the current state of any kernel data structures.
The total length of the file isthe size of physical memory (RAM) plus4KB.
kmsg Thisfile can be used instead of the syslog(2) system call to log kernel messages. A processmust
have superuser privilegesto read thisfile, and only one processshould read thisfile. Thisfile should
not be read if a syslog processisrunning that usesthe syslog(2) system call facility to log kernel
Information in thisfile isretrieved with the dmesg(8) program.
ksyms Thisholdsthe kernel exported symbol definitionsused by the modules(X) toolsto dynamically link
and bind loadable modules.
loadavg The load average numbersgive the number of jobsin the run queue averaged over 1, 5, and 15
minutes. They are the same asthe load average numbersgiven by uptime(1) and other programs.
malloc Thisfile isonly present if CONFIGDEBUGMALLOC wasdefined during compilation.
meminfo Thisisused by free(1) to report the amount of free and used memory (both physical and swap) on
the system aswell asthe shared memory and buffersused by the kernel.
It isin the same format asfree(1) except in bytesrather than KB.
modules A text list of the modulesthat have been loaded by the system.
net Variousnet pseudo-files, all of which give the statusof some part of the networking layer. These
filescontain ASCII structuresand are therefore readable with cat. However, the standard
netstat(8) suite providesmuch cleaner accessto these files.
arp Thisholdsan ASCII readable dump of the kernel ARP table used for addressresolutions. It will
show both dynamically learned and pre-programmed ARP entries. The format is
IP address HW type Flags HW address 0x1 0x6 00:20:8A:00:0C:5A 0x1 0x2 00:C0:EA:00:00:4E 0x3 0x2 GW4PTS
I P addr ess isthe IPv4 addressof the machine. The HWt ype isthe hardware type of the addressfrom
RFC 826. The flagsare the internal flagsof the ARP structure (asdefined in /usr/include/linux/
if_arp.h) and the HWaddr ess isthe physical layer mapping for that IP addressif it isknown.
Part V: FileFormats
dev The dev pseudo-file containsnetwork device statusinformation. Thisgivesthe number of received
and sent packets, the number of errorsand collisions, and other basic statistics. These are used by
the ifconfig(8) program to report device status. The format is
Inter-| Receive | Transmit
face |packets errs drop fifo frame|packets errs drop fifo colls carrier
lo: 0 0 0 0 0 2353 0 0 0 0 0
eth0: 644324 1 0 0 1 563770 0 0 0 581 0
ipx No information.
ipx_route No information.
rarp Thisfile usesthe same format asthe ARP file and containsthe current reverse mapping database
used to provide rarp(8) reverse addresslookup services. If rarp isnot configured into the kernel,
thisfile will not be present.
raw Holdsa dump of the RAW socket table. Much of the information isnot of use apart from
debugging. The sl value isthe kernel hash slot for the socket; the local_address isthe local address
and protocol number pair. St isthe internal statusof the socket. The tx_queue and rx_queue are the
outgoing and incoming data queue in termsof kernel memory usage. The tr, tm->when, and rexmits
fieldsare not used by RAW. The uid field holdsthe creator euid of the socket.
route No information but lookssimilar to route(8).
snmp Thisfile holdsthe ASCII data needed for the IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP management information
basesfor an snmp agent. Asof writing, the TCP mib isincomplete. It should be completed by 1.2.0.
tcp Holdsa dump of the TCP socket table. Much of the information isnot of use apart from
debugging. The sl value isthe kernel hash slot for the socket; the local_address isthe local address
and port number pair. The remote_address isthe remote addressand port number pair (if
connected). St isthe internal statusof the socket. The tx_queue and rx_queue are the outgoing and
incoming data queue in termsof kernel memory usage. The tr, tm->when, and rexmits fieldshold
internal information of the kernel socket state and are only useful for debugging. The uid field
holdsthe creator euid of the socket.
udp Holdsa dump of the UDP socket table. Much of the information isnot of use apart from
debugging. The sl value isthe kernel hash slot for the socket; the local_address isthe local address
and port number pair. The remote_address isthe remote addressand port number pair (if
connected). St isthe internal statusof the socket. The tx_queue and rx_queue are the outgoing and
incoming data queue in termsof kernel memory usage. The tr, tm->when, and rexmits fieldsare not
used by UDP. The uid field holdsthe creator euid of the socket. The format is
sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr rexmits tm->when uid
1: 01642C89:0201 0C642C89:03FF 01 00000000:00000001 01:000071BA 00000000 0
1: 00000000:0801 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 6F000100 0
1: 00000000:0201 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 0
unix Liststhe UNIX domain socketspresent within the system and their status. The format is
Num RefCount Protocol Flags Type St Path
0: 00000002 00000000 00000000 0001 03
1: 00000001 00000000 00010000 0001 01 /dev/printer
Num isthe kernel table slot number, RefCount isthe number of usersof the socket, Protocol is
currently always0, and Flags representsthe internal kernel flagsholding the statusof the socket.
Type iscurrently always1 (UNIX domain datagram socketsare not yet supported in the kernel). St
isthe internal state of the socket and Path isthe bound path (if any) of the socket.
pci Thisisa listing of all PCI devicesfound during kernel initialization and their configuration.
scsi A directory with the SCSI mid-level pseudo-file and variousSCSI low-level driver directories,
which contain a file for each SCSI host in thissystem, all of which give the statusof some part
of the SCSI IO subsystem. These filescontain ASCII structuresand are therefore readable with
You can also write to some of the filesto reconfigure the subsystem or switch certain featureson
or off.
scsi/scsi Thisisa listing of all SCSI devicesknown to the kernel. The listing issimilar to the one seen
during bootup. scsi currently supportsonly the single device command, which allowsroot to
add a hot-plugged device to the list of known devices.
An echo scsisingledevice1 0 5 0> /proc/scsi/scsi will cause host scsi1 to scan on SCSI
channel 0 for a device on ID 5 LUN 0. If there isalready a device known on thisaddressor the
addressisinvalid, an error will be returned.
drivername drivername can currently be NCR53c7xx, aha152x, aha1542, aha1740, aic7xxx, buslogic, eata_dma,
eata_pio, fdomain, in2000, pas16, qlogic, scsi_debug, seagate, t128, u15-24f, ultrastor, or
wd7000. These directoriesshow up for all driversthat registered at least one SCSI HBA. Every
directory containsone file per registered host. Every host-file isnamed after the number the
host got assigned during initialization.
Reading these fileswill usually show driver and host configuration, statistics, and so on.
Writing to these filesallowsdifferent thingson different hosts. For example, with the latency
and nolatency commands, root can switch on and off command latency measurement code in
the eata_dma driver. With the lockup and unlock commands, root can control buslockups
simulated by the scsi_debug driver.
self Thisdirectory refersto the processaccessing the /proc filesystem and isidentical to the /proc
directory named by the processID of the same process.
stat kernel/system statistics.
cpu 3357 0 4313 1362393 The number of jiffies(1/100thsof a second) that the system spent in user mode, user mode
with low priority (nice), system mode, and the idle task. The last value should be 100 timesthe
second entry in the uptime pseudo-file.
disk 0 0 0 0 The four disk entriesare not implemented at thistime. Im not even sure what thisshould be
because kernel statisticson other machinesusually track both transfer rate and I/Osper second
and thisonly allowsfor one field per drive.
page 5741 1808 The number of pagesthe system paged in and the number that were paged out (from disk).
swap 1 0 The number of swap pagesthat have been brought in and out.
intr 1462898 The number of interruptsreceived from the system boot.
ctxt 115315 The number of context switchesthat the system underwent.
btime 769041601 Boot time in secondssince the epoch (January 1, 1970).
sys Thisdirectory (present since 1.3.57) containsa number of filesand subdirectoriescorrespond-
ing to kernel variables. These variablescan be read and sometimesmodified using the proc
filesystem and using the sysctl(2) system call. Presently, there are subdirectorieskernel, net,
and vm that each contain more filesand subdirectories.
kernel Thiscontainsthe filesdomainname, file-max, file-nr, hostname, inode-max, inode-nr, osrelease,
ostype, panic, real-root-dev, securelevel, and version, with function fairly clear from the
The (read-only) file file-nr givesthe number of filespresently opened. The file file-max gives
the maximum number of open filesthe kernel iswilling to handle. If 1024 isnot enough for
you, try echo 4096 > /proc/sys/kernel/file-max.
Similarly, the filesinode-nr and inode-max indicate the present and the maximum number of
Part V: FileFormats
The filesostype, osrelease, and version give substringsof /proc/version.
The file panic givesr/w accessto the kernel variable panic_timeout. If thisiszero, the kernel will
loop on a panic; if nonzero, it indicatesthat the kernel should autoreboot after thisnumber of
The file securelevel seemsrather meaninglessat present; root isjust too powerful.
uptime Thisfile containstwo numbers: the uptime of the system (seconds) and the amount of time
spent in idle process(seconds).
version Thisstring identifiesthe kernel version that iscurrently running. For instance:
Linux version 1.0.9 (quinlan@phaze) #1 Sat May 14 01:51:54 EDT 1994
cat(1), find(1), free(1), mount(1), ps(1), tr(1), uptime(1), readlink(2), mmap(2), chroot(2), syslog(2), hier(7), arp(8),
dmesg(8), netstat(8), route(8), ifconfig(8), procinfo(8) and much more
Thisroughly conformsto a Linux 1.3.11 kernel. Please update thisasnecessary! Last updated for Linux 1.3.11.
Note that many strings(the environment and command line) are in the internal format, with subfieldsterminated by null
bytes, so you might find that thingsare more readable if you use od -c or tr \000 \n to read them.
Thismanual page isincomplete, possibly inaccurate, and isthe kind of thing that needsto be updated very often.
The /proc filesystem may introduce security holesinto processesrunning with chroot(2). For example, if /proc ismounted in
the chroot hierarchy, a chdir(2) to /proc/1/root will return to the original root of the filesystem. Thismay be considered a
feature instead of a bug because Linux doesnot yet support the fchroot(2) call.
22 July1996
protocolsThe protocolsdefinition file.
Thisfile isa plain ASCII file, describing the variousDARPA Internet protocolsthat are available from the TCP/IP
subsystem. It should be consulted instead of using the numbersin the ARPA include filesor, even worse, just guessing them.
These numberswill occur in the protocol field of any IP header.
Keep thisfile untouched because changeswould result in incorrect IP packages. Protocol numbersand namesare specified by
the DDN Network Information Center.
Each line isof the following format:
pr ot ocol number al i ases ...
The fieldsare delimited by spacesor tabs. Empty linesand linesstarting with a hash mark (#) are ignored. Remainder of lines
are also ignored from the occurrence of a hash mark.
The field descriptionsare
pr ot ocol The native name for the protocolfor example, ip, tcp, or udp.
number The official number for thisprotocol asit will appear within the IP header.
al i ases Optional aliasesfor the protocol.
Thisfile might be distributed over a network using a network-wide naming service such asYellow Pages/NIS or BIND/
/etc/protocols The protocolsdefinition file.
getprotoent(3), Guideto Yellow PagesService, Guideto BIND/Hesiod Service
Linux, 18 October 1995
rcsfileFormat of RCS file.
An RCSfilescontentsare described by the grammar below.
The text isfree format: space, backspace, tab, newline, vertical tab, form feed, and carriage return (collectively, whitespace)
have no significance except in strings. However, whitespace cannot appear within an ID, num, or sym, and an RCSfile must
end with a newline.
Stringsare enclosed by @. If a string containsa @, it must be doubled; otherwise, stringscan contain arbitrary binary data.
The meta syntax usesthe following conventions: | (bar) separatesalternatives; { and } enclose optional phrases. { and }*
enclose phrasesthat can be repeated zero or more times. { and {+ enclose phrasesthat must appear at least once and can be
repeated. Terminal symbolsare in boldface; non-terminal symbolsare in italics.
r cst ext ::= admi n {del t a}* desc {del t at ext }*
admi n ::= head {num};
{ br anch {num}; }
access {i d}*;
symbol s {sym : num}*;
l ocks {i d : num}*; {st r i ct ;}
{ comment {st r i ng}; }
{ expand {st r i ng}; }
{ newphr ase }*
del t a ::= num
dat e num;
aut hor i d;
st at e {i d};
br anches {num}*;
next {num};
{ new- phr ase }*
desc ::= desc st r i ng
del t at ext ::= num
l og st r i ng
{ newphr ase }*
t ext st r i ng
num ::= {di gi t | .}+
di gi t ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
i d ::= {num} i dchar {i dchar | num}*
sym ::= {di gi t }* i dchar {i dchar | di gi t }*
i dchar ::= any visible graphic character except speci al
speci al ::= $ | , | . | : | ; | @
st r i ng ::= @{any character, with @doubled}*@
Part V: FileFormats
newphr ase ::= i d wor d* ;
wor d ::= i d | num | st r i ng | :
Identifiersare case sensitive. Keywordsare in lowercase only. The setsof keywordsand identifierscan overlap. In most
environments, RCS usesthe ISO8859/1 encoding: visible graphic charactersare codes041176 and 240377, and
whitespace charactersare codes010015 and 040.
Dates, which appear after the date keyword, are of the form, where Y isthe year, mmthe month (0112),
dd the day (0131), hh the hour (0023), mmthe minute (0059), and ssthe second (0060). Y containsjust the last two
digitsof the year for yearsfrom 1900 through 1999, and all the digitsof yearsthereafter. Datesuse the Gregorian calendar;
timesuse UTC.
The newphrase productionsin the grammar are reserved for future extensionsto the format of RCS files. No newphrase will
begin with any keyword already in use.
The delta nodesform a tree. All nodeswhose numbersconsist of a single pair (such as2.3, 2.1, 1.3, and so on) are on the
trunk and are linked through the next field in order of decreasing numbers. The head field in the admin node pointsto the
head of that sequence (containsthe highest pair). The branch node in the admin node indicatesthe default branch (or
revision) for most RCS operations. If empty, the default branch isthe highest branch on the trunk.
All delta nodeswhose numbersconsist of 2n fields(n2) (such as3.1.1.1,, and so on) are linked asfollows. All nodes
whose first 2n1 number fieldsare identical are linked through the next field in order of increasing numbers. For each such
sequence, the delta node whose number isidentical to the first 2n2 number fieldsof the deltason that sequence iscalled
the branchpoint. The branches field of a node containsa list of the numbersof the first nodesof all sequencesfor which it is
a branchpoint. Thislist isordered in increasing numbers.
The following diagram showsan example of an RCS filesorganization.
v / \
-------- / \
/ \ / \ | | / \ / \
/ \ / \ | 2.1 | / \ / \
/ \ / \ | | / \ / \
/\ /\ | | /\ /\
--------- --------- --------- --------- -------------
| | | | |
| | v | |
/ \ | --------- / \ |
/ \ | \ 1.3 / / \ |
/ \ --------- \ / / \---------
/\ \ / /\
--------- \ / ---------
| | |
| v |
| --------- |
| \ 1.2 / |
--------------------------\ /---------
\ /
\ /
\ 1.1 /
\ /
\ /
\ /
Author: Walter F. Tichy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907. Manual Page Revision: 5.6; Release Date: 1995/
06/05. Copyright 1982, 1988, 1989, Walter F. Tichy. Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, Paul Eggert.
rcsintro(1), ci(1), co(1), ident(1), rcs(1), rcsclean(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsmerge(1), rlog(1), Walter F. Tichy, RCS, A System
for Version Control, SoftwarePractice& Experience, 15, 7 (July 1985), 637-654.
GNU, 5 June1995
resolverResolver configuration file.
The resolver isa set of routinesin the C library (resolv(3)) that providesaccessto the Internet Domain Name System. The
resolver configuration file containsinformation that isread by the resolver routinesthe first time they are invoked by a
process. The file isdesigned to be human readable and containsa list of keywordswith valuesthat provide varioustypesof
resolver information.
On a normally configured system, thisfile should not be necessary. The only nameserver to be queried will be on the local
machine, the domain name isdetermined from the host name, and the domain search path isconstructed from the domain
The different configuration optionsare
nameserver Internet address(in dot notation) of a nameserver that the resolver should query. Up to
MAXNS (currently 3) nameserversmay be listed, one per keyword. If there are multiple servers,
the resolver library queriesthem in the order listed. If no nameserver entriesare present, the
default isto use the nameserver on the local machine. (The algorithm used isto try a
nameserver, and if the query timesout, try the next until you run out of nameservers, and
then repeat trying all the nameserversuntil a maximum number of retriesare made.)
domain Local domain name. Most queriesfor nameswithin thisdomain can use short names
relative to the local domain. If no domain entry ispresent, the domain isdetermined from
the local hostname returned by gethostname(2); the domain part istaken to be everything
after the first .. Finally, if the hostname doesnot contain a domain part, the root domain is
search Search list for hostname lookup. The search list isnormally determined from the local
domain name; by default, it containsonly the local domain name. Thismay be changed by
listing the desired domain search path following the search keyword with spacesor tabs
separating the names. Most resolver querieswill be attempted using each component of the
search path in turn until a match isfound. Note that thisprocessmay be slow and will
generate a lot of network traffic if the serversfor the listed domainsare not local and that
querieswill time out if no server isavailable for one of the domains.
The search list iscurrently limited to six domainswith a total of 256 characters.
sortlist sortlist allowsaddressesreturned by gethostbyname to be sorted. A sort list isspecified by
IP addressnetmask pairs. The netmask isoptional and defaultsto the natural netmask of
the net. The IP addressand optional network pairsare separated by slashes. Up to 10 pairs
may be specified.
Part V: FileFormats
options options allowscertain internal resolver variablesto be modified. The syntax is
options opt i on ...
where opt i on isone of the following:
debug setsRESDEBUG in res.options.
ndots:n setsa threshold for the number of dotsthat must appear in a name given to
res_query (see resolver(3)) before an initial absolute query will be made. The default for n is
1, meaning that if there are any dotsin a name, the name will be tried first asan absolute
name before any search list elementsare appended to it.
The domain and search keywordsare mutually exclusive. If more than one instance of these keywordsispresent, the last
instance wins.
The search keyword of a systemsresolv.conf file can be overridden on a per-processbasisby setting the environment
variable LOCALDOMAIN to a space-separated list of search domains.
The options keyword of a systemsresolv.conf file can be amended on a per-processbasisby setting the environment
variable RES_OPTIONS to a space-separated list of resolver optionsasexplained previously.
The keyword and value must appear on a single line, and the keyword (such asnameserver) must start the line. The value
followsthe keyword, separated by whitespace.
gethostbyname(3), resolver(3), hostname(7), named(8), Name Server OperationsGuide for BIND
11 November 1993
securettyFile that liststtys from which root can log in.
/etc/securetty isused by login(1); the file containsthe device namesof tty lines(one per line, without leading /dev/) on
which root isallowed to log in.
Linux, 29 December 1992
servicesInternet network serviceslist.
services isa plain ASCII file providing a mapping between friendly textual namesfor Internet servicesand their underlying
assigned port numbersand protocol types. Every networking program should look into thisfile to get the port number (and
protocol) for itsservice. The C library routinesgetservent(3), getservbyname(3), getservbyport(3), setservent(3), and
endservent(3) support querying thisfile from programs.
Port numbersare assigned by the IANA (Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority), and their current policy isto assign both
TCP and UDP protocolswhen assigning a port number. Therefore, most entrieswill have two entries, even for TCP-only
Port numbersbelow 1024 (so-called low-numbered ports) can only be bound to by root (see bind(2), tcp(7), and udp(7).)
Thisisso that clientsconnecting to low-numbered portscan trust that the service running on the port isthe standard
implementation and not a rogue service run by a user of the machine. Well-known port numbersspecified by the IANA are
normally located in thisroot-only space.
The presence of an entry for a service in the services file doesnot necessarily mean that the service iscurrently running on
the machine. See inetd.conf(5) for the configuration of Internet servicesoffered. Note that not all networking servicesare
started by inetd(8) and so wont appear in inetd.conf(5). In particular, news(NNTP) and mail (SMTP) serversare often
initialized from the system boot scripts.
The location of the services file isdefined by PATH SERVICES in /usr/include/netdb.h. Thisisusually set to /etc/services.
Each line describesone service and isof the form:
ser vi ce- name por t /pr ot ocol [al i ases ...]
ser vi ce- name The friendly name the service isknown by and looked up under. It iscase sensitive. Often,
the client program isnamed after the ser vi ce- name.
por t The port number (in decimal) to use for thisservice.
pr ot ocol The type of protocol to be used. Thisfield should match an entry in the protocols(5) file.
Typical valuesinclude tcp and udp.
al i ases An optional space- or tab-separated list of other namesfor thisservice (see the Bugssection
below). Again, the namesare case sensitive.
Either spacesor tabsmay be used to separate the fields.
Commentsare started by the hash sign (#) and continue until the end of the line. Blank linesare skipped.
The ser vi ce- name should begin in the first column of the file because leading spacesare not stripped. ser vi ce- namescan be
any printable charactersexcluding space and tab; however, a conservative choice of charactersshould be used to minimize
inter-operability problems. For example, az, 09, and hyphen () would seem a sensible choice.
Linesnot matching thisformat should not be present in the file. (Currently, they are silently skipped by getservent(3),
getservbyname(3), and getservbyport(3). However, thisbehavior should not be relied on.)
Asa backwardscompatibility feature, the slash (/) between the port number and protocol name can in fact be either a slash
or a comma (,). Use of the comma in modern installationsisdepreciated.
Thisfile might be distributed over a network using a network-wide naming service such asYellow Pages/NIS or BIND/
A sample services file might look like this:
netstat 15/tcp
qotd 17/tcp quote
msp 18/tcp # message send protocol
msp 18/udp # message send protocol
chargen 19/tcp ttytst source
chargen 19/udp ttytst source
ftp 21/tcp
# 22 - unassigned
telnet 23/tcp
Part V: FileFormats
There isa maximum of 35 aliases, due to the way the getservent(3) code iswritten.
Lineslonger than BUFSIZ (currently 1024) characterswill be ignored by getservent(3), getservbyname(3), and
getservbyport(3). However, thiswill also cause the next line to be misparsed.
/etc/services The Internet network serviceslist
/usr/include/netdb.h Definition of _PATH_SERVICES
getservent(3), getservbyname(3), getservbyport(3), setservent(3), endservent(3), protocols(5), listen(2), inetd.conf(5),
inetd(8), Assigned NumbersRFC, most recently RFC 1700 (AKA STD0002), Guideto Yellow PagesService, Guideto
BIND/Hesiod Service.
Linux, 11 January1996
shellsPathnamesof valid login shells.
/etc/shells isa text file that containsthe full pathnamesof valid login shells. Thisfile isconsulted by chsh(1) and isavailable
to be queried by other programs.
/etc/shells may contain the following paths:
21 November 1993
syslog.confsyslogd(8) configuration file.
The syslog.conf file isthe configuration file for the syslogd(8) program. It consistsof lineswith two fields: the selector
field, which specifiesthe typesof messagesand prioritiesto which the line applies, and an action field, which specifiesthe
action to be taken if a message syslogd received matchesthe selection criteria. There cannot be any spacesin the action field.
The selector field isseparated from the action field by one or more tab or space characters. (Thisisa departure from the
standard BSD way of doing things; both tabsand spacescan be used to separate the selector from the action.)
The selector functionsare encoded asa facility, a period (.), and a level, with no intervening whitespace. Both the facility
and the level are case insensitive.
The facility describesthe part of the system generating the message and isone of the following keywords: auth, authpriv,
cron, daemon, kern, lpr, mail, mark, news, syslog, user, uucp, and local0 through local7. These keywords(with the exception
of mark) correspond to the similar Dv LOG_ valuesspecified to the openlog(3) and syslog(3) library routines.
The level describesthe severity of the message and isa keyword, optionally preceded by an equals(=), from the following
ordered list (higher to lower): emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, and debug. These keywordscorrespond to the
similar Dv LOG_ valuesspecified to the syslog library routine.
See syslog(3) for further descriptionsof both the facility and level keywordsand their significance.
If a received message matchesthe specified facility and isof the specified level (or a higher level if level wasspecified without
=), the action specified in the action field will be taken.
Multiple selectorsmay be specified for a single action by separating them with semicolon (;) characters. It isimportant to
note, however, that each selector can modify the onespreceding it.
Multiple facilitiesmay be specified for a single level by separating them with comma (,) characters.
An asterisk (*) can be used to specify all facilitiesor all levels.
The special facility mark receivesa message at priority info every 20 minutes(see syslogd(8)). Thisisnot enabled by a
facility field containing an asterisk.
The special level none disablesa particular facility.
The action field of each line specifiesthe action to be taken when the selector field selectsa message. There are four forms:
A pathname (beginning with a leading slash). Selected messagesare appended to the file.
A hostname (preceded by an at (@) sign). Selected messagesare forwarded to the syslogd program on the named host.
A comma-separated list of users. Selected messagesare written to those usersif they are logged in.
An asterisk. Selected messagesare written to all logged-in users.
Blank linesand lineswhose first non-blank character isa hash (#) character are ignored.
A configuration file might appear asfollows:
# Log all kernel messages, authentication messages of
# level notice or higher and anything of level err or
# higher to the console.
# Dont log private authentication messages!
*.err;kern.*;auth.notice;authpriv.none /dev/console
# Log anything (except mail) of level info or higher.
# Dont log private authentication messages!
*.info;mail.none;authpriv.none /var/log/messages
# Log debug messages only
*.=debug /var/log/debug
# The authpriv file has restricted access.
authpriv.* /var/log/secure
# Log all the mail messages in one place.
mail.* /var/log/maillog
# Everybody gets emergency messages, plus log them on another
# machine.
*.emerg *
Part V: FileFormats
# Root and Eric get alert and higher messages.
*.alert root,eric
# Save mail and news errors of level err and higher in a
# special file.
uucp,news.crit /var/log/spoolerr
/etc/syslog.conf The syslogd(8) configuration file.
The effectsof multiple selectorsare sometimesnot intuitive. For example mail.crit,*.err will select mail facility messagesat
the level of err or higher, not at the level of crit or higher.
syslog(3), syslogd(8)
10 May1991
termcapTerminal capability database.
The termcap database isan obsolete facility for describing the capabilitiesof character-cell terminalsand printers. It is
retained only for capability with old programs; new onesshould use the terminfo(5) database and associated libraries.
/etc/termcap isan ASCII file (the database master) that liststhe capabilitiesof many different typesof terminals. Programs
can read termcap to find the particular escape codesneeded to control the visual attributesof the terminal actually in use.
(Other aspectsof the terminal are handled by stty.) The termcap database isindexed on the TERM environment variable.
termcap entriesmust be defined on a single logical line, with \ used to suppressthe newline. Fieldsare separated by :. The
first field of each entry startsat the left-hand margin and containsa list of namesfor the terminal, separated by |.
The first subfield may (in BSD termcap entriesfrom versions4.3 and prior) contain a short name consisting of two
characters. Thisshort name may consist of capital or small letters. In 4.4 BSD termcap entries, thisfield isomitted.
The second subfield (first in the newer 4.4 BSD format) containsthe name used by the environment variable TERM. It should
be spelled in lowercase letters. Selectable hardware capabilitiesshould be marked by appending a hyphen and a suffix to this
name. Usual suffixesare w (more than 80 characterswide), am (automatic margins), nam (no automatic margins) and rv
(reverse video display). The third subfield containsa long and descriptive name for thistermcap entry.
Subsequent fieldscontain the terminal capabilities; any continued capability linesmust be indented one tab from the left
Although there isno defined order, it issuggested to write first Boolean, then numeric, and at last string capabilities, each
sorted alphabetically without looking at lower or upper spelling. Capabilitiesof similar functionscan be written in one line.
Head line: vt|vt101|DEC VT 101 terminal in 80 character mode:\
Head line: Vt|vt101-w|DEC VT 101 terminal in (wide) 132 character mode:\
Boolean: :bs:\
Numeric: :co#80:\
String: :sr=nE[H:\
Boolean Capabilities
5i Printer will not echo on screen
am Automatic marginswhich meansautomatic line wrap
bs Ctrl+H (8 dec.) performsa backspace
bw Backspace on left margin wrapsto previousline and right margin
da Display retained above screen
db Display retained below screen
eo A space erasesall charactersat cursor position
es Escape sequencesand special characterswork in statusline
gn Generic device
hc Thisisa hardcopy terminal
HC The cursor ishard to see when not on bottom line
hs Hasa statusline
hz Hazeltine bug; the terminal cannot print tilde characters
in Terminal insertsnulls, not spaces, to fill whitespace
km Terminal hasa meta key
mi Cursor movement worksin insert mode
ms Cursor movement worksin standout/underline mode
NP No pad character
NR ti doesnot reverse te
nx No padding; must use XON/XOFF
os Terminal can overstrike
ul Terminal underlines, although it cannot overstrike
xb Beehive glitch; F1 sendsEscape and F2 sendsC
xn Newline/wraparound glitch
xo Terminal usesXON/XOFF protocol
xs Text typed over standout text will be displayed in standout
xt Teleray glitch; destructive tabsand odd standout mode
co Number of columns
dB Delay in millisecondsfor backspace on hardcopy terminals
dC Delay in millisecondsfor carriage return on hardcopy terminals
dF Delay in millisecondsfor form feed on hardcopy terminals
dN Delay in millisecondsfor newline on hardcopy terminals
dT Delay in millisecondsfor tabulator stop on hardcopy terminals
dV Delay in millisecondsfor vertical tabulator stop on hardcopy terminals
it Difference between tab positions
lh Height of soft labels
lm Linesof memory
lw Width of soft labels
Part V: FileFormats
li Number of lines
Nl Number of soft labels
pb Lowest baud rate that needspadding
sg Standout glitch
ug Underline glitch
vt Virtual terminal number
ws Width of statusline if different from screen width
!1 Shifted save key
!2 Shifted suspend key
!3 Shifted undo key
#1 Shifted help key
#2 Shifted home key
#3 Shifted input key
#4 Shifted cursor left key
%0 Redo key
%1 Help key
%2 Mark key
%3 Message key
%4 Move key
%5 Next-object key
%6 Open key
%7 Optionskey
%8 Previous-object key
%9 Print key
%a Shifted message key
%b Shifted move key
%c Shifted next key
%d Shifted optionskey
%e Shifted previouskey
%f Shifted print key
%g Shifted redo key
%h Shifted replace key
%i Shifted cursor right key
%j Shifted resume key
&0 Shifted cancel key
&1 Reference key
&2 Refresh key
&3 Replace key
&4 Restart key
&5 Resume key
&6 Save key
&7 Suspend key
&8 Undo key
&9 Shifted begin key
*0 Shifted find key
*1 Shifted command key
*2 Shifted copy key
*3 Shifted create key
*4 Shifted delete character
*5 Shifted delete line
*6 Select key
*7 Shifted end key
*8 Shifted clear line key
*9 Shifted exit key
@0 Find key
@1 Begin key
@2 Cancel key
@3 Close key
@4 Command key
@5 Copy key
@6 Create key
@7 End key
@8 Enter/send key
@9 Exit key
al Insert one line
AL Insert %1 lines
ac Pairsof block graphic charactersto map alternate character set
ae End alternative character set
as Start alternative character set for block graphic characters
bc Backspace if not H
bl Audio bell
bt Move to previoustab stop
cb Clear from beginning of line to cursor
cc Dummy command character
cd Clear to end of screen
ce Clear to end of line
ch Move cursor horizontally only to column %1
cl Clear screen and cursor home
cm Cursor move to row %1 and column %2 (on screen)
CM Move cursor to row %1 and column %2 (in memory)
Part V: FileFormats
cr Carriage return
cs Scroll region from line %1 to %2
ct Clear tabs
cv Move cursor vertically only to line %1
dc Delete one character
DC Delete %1 characters
dl Delete one line
DL Delete %1 lines
dm Begin delete mode
do Cursor down one line
DO Cursor down #1 lines
ds Disable statusline
eA Enable alternate character set
ec Erase %1 charactersstarting at cursor
ed End delete mode
ei End insert mode
ff Formfeed character on hardcopy terminals
fs Return character to itsposition before going to statusline
F1 The string sent by function key f11
F2 The string sent by function key f12
F3 The string sent by function key f13

F9 The string sent by function key f19
FA The string sent by function key f20
FB The string sent by function key f21

FZ The string sent by function key f45
Fa The string sent by function key f46
Fb The string sent by function key f47

Fr The string sent by function key f63
hd Move cursor a half line down
ho Cursor home
hu Move cursor a half line up
i1 Initialization string 1 at login
i3 Initialization string 3 at login
is Initialization string 2 at login
ic Insert one character
IC Insert %1 characters
if Initialization file
im Begin insert mode
ip Insert pad time and needed special charactersafter insert
iP Initialization program
K1 Upper-left key on keypad
K2 Center key on keypad
K3 Upper-right key on keypad
K4 Bottom-left key on keypad
K5 Bottom-right key on keypad
k0 Function key 0
k1 Function key 1
k2 Function key 2
k3 Function key 3
k4 Function key 4
k5 Function key 5
k6 Function key 6
k7 Function key 7
k8 Function key 8
k9 Function key 9
k; Function key 10
ka Clear all tabskey
kA Insert line key
kb Backspace key
kB Back tab stop
kC Clear screen key
kd Cursor down key
kD Key for delete character under cursor
ke Turn keypad off
kE Key for clear to end of line
kF Key for scrolling forward/down
kh Cursor home key
kH Cursor down key
kI Insert character/insert mode key
kl Cursor left key
kL Key for delete line
kM Key for exit insert mode
kN Key for next page
kP Key for previouspage
kr Cursor right key
kR Key for scrolling backward/up
ks Turn keypad on
kS Clear to end of screen key
kt Clear thistab key
Part V: FileFormats
kT Set tab here key
ku Cursor up key
l0 Label of zeroth function key, if not f0
l1 Label of first function key, if not f1
l2 Label of first function key, if not f2

la Label of tenth function key, if not f10
le Cursor left one character
ll Move cursor to lower-left corner
LE Cursor left %1 characters
LF Turn soft labelsoff
LO Turn soft labelson
mb Start blinking
MC Clear soft margins
md Start bold mode
me End all modessuch asso, us, mb, md, and mr
mh Start half bright mode
mk Dark mode (Charactersinvisible)
ML Set left soft margin
mm Put terminal in meta mode
mo Put terminal out of meta mode
mp Turn on protected attribute
mr Start reverse mode
MR Set right soft margin
nd Cursor right one character
nw Carriage return command
pc Padding character
pf Turn printer off
pk Program key %1 to send string %2 asif typed by user
pl Program key %1 to execute string %2 in local mode
pn Program soft label %1 to show string %2
po Turn the printer on
pO Turn the printer on for %1 (<256) bytes
ps Print screen contentson printer
px Program key %1 to send string %2 to computer
r1 Reset string 1 to set terminal to sane modes
r2 Reset string 2 to set terminal to sane modes
r3 Reset string 3 to set terminal to sane modes
RA Disable automatic margins
rc Restore saved cursor position
rf Reset string file name
RF Request for input from terminal
RI Cursor right %1 characters
rp Repeat character %1 for %2 times
rP Padding after character sent in replace mode
rs Reset string
RX Turn off XON/XOFF flow control
sa Set %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6%7 %8 %9 attributes
SA Enable automatic margins
sc Save cursor position
se End standout mode
sf Normal scroll one line
SF Normal scroll %1 lines
so Start standout mode
sr Reverse scroll
SR Scroll back %1 lines
st Set tabulator stop in all rowsat current column
SX Turn on XON/XOFF flow control
ta Move to next hardware tab
tc Read in terminal description from another entry
te End program that usescursor motion
ti Begin program that usescursor motion
ts Move cursor to column %1 of statusline
uc Underline character under cursor and move cursor right
ue End underlining
up Cursor up one line
UP Cursor up %1 lines
us Start underlining
vb Visible bell
ve Normal cursor visible
vi Cursor invisible
vs Standout cursor
wi Set window from line %1 to %2 and column %3 to %4
XF XOFF character if not S
There are several waysof defining the control codesfor string capabilities:
Normal charactersexcept , \, and % represent themselves.
A x meansCtrl+x. Ctrl+A equals1 decimal. \x meansa special code. x can be one of the following characters:
E Escape (27).
n Linefeed (10).
r Carriage return (13).
t Tabulation (9).
Part V: FileFormats
b Backspace (8).
f Form feed (12).
0 Null character. A \xxx specifiesthe octal character xxx .
i Incrementsparametersby one.
r Single parameter capability.
+ Add value of next character to thisparameter and do binary output.
2 Do ASCII output of thisparameter with a field width of 2.
d Do ASCII output of thisparameter with a field width of 3.
% Print a %
If you use binary output, then you should avoid the null character because it terminatesthe string. You should reset tabulator
expansion if a tabulator can be the binary output of a parameter.
Warning: The preceding metacharactersfor parametersmay be wrong; they document Minix termcap, which may not be
compatible with Linux termcap.
The block graphic characterscan be specified by three string capabilities:
as Start the alternative charset.
ae End it.
ac Pairsof characters. The first character isthe name of the block graphic symbol and
the second character isitsdefinition.
The following namesare available:
+ Right arrow (>)
, Left arrow (<)
. Down arrow (v)
0 Full square (#)
I Latern (#)
- Upper arrow ()
a Chessboard (:)
f Degree ()
g Plus-minus(#)
h Square (#)
j Right bottom corner (+)
k Right upper corner (+)
l Left upper corner (+)
m Left bottom corner (+)
n Cross(+)
o Upper horizontal line (-)
q Middle horizontal line (-)
s Bottom horizontal line (_)
t Left tee (+)
u Right tee (+)
v Bottom tee (+)
w Normal tee (+)
x Vertical line (_)
Paragraph (???)
The valuesin parenthesesare suggested defaultsthat are used by curses if the capabilitiesare missing.
termcap(3), curses(3), terminfo(5)
ttytypeTerminal name and device list.
The /etc/ttytype file associatestermcap/terminfo terminal type nameswith tty lines. Each line consistsof a terminal type,
followed by whitespace, followed by a tty name (a device name without the /dev/ prefix).
Thisassociation isused by the program tset(1) to set the environment variable TERM to the default terminal name for the
userscurrent tty.
Thisfacility wasdesigned for a traditional time-sharing environment featuring character-cell terminalshardwired to a UNIX
minicomputer. It islittle used on modern workstation and personal UNIXes.
A typical /etc/ttytype is
con80x25 tty1
vt320 ttys0
/etc/ttytype The tty definitionsfile
getty(1), terminfo(5), termcap(5)
Linux, 24 July1993
tzfileTime zone information.
#include <tzfile.h>
The time zone information filesused by tzset(3) begin with bytesreserved for future use, followed by six four-byte valuesof
type long, written in a standard byte order (the high-order byte of the value iswritten first). These valuesare, in order
tzh_ttisgmtcnt The number of GMT/local indicatorsstored in the file.
tzh_ttisstdcnt The number of standard/wall indicatorsstored in the file.
tzh_leapcnt The number of leap secondsfor which data isstored in the file.
tzh_timecnt The number of transition times for which data isstored in the file.
tzh_typecnt The number of local time types for which data isstored in the file (must not be zero).
tzh_charcnt The number of charactersof time zone abbreviation strings stored in the file.
Part V: FileFormats
The preceding header isfollowed by tzh_timecnt four-byte valuesof type long, sorted in ascending order. These valuesare
written in standard byte order. Each isused asa transition time (asreturned by time(2)) at which the rulesfor computing
local time change. Next come tzh_timecnt one-byte valuesof type unsigned char; each one tellswhich of the different types
of local time typesdescribed in the file isassociated with the same-indexed transition time. These valuesserve asindices
into an array of ttinfo structuresthat appearsnext in the file; these structuresare defined asfollows:
struct ttinfo {
long tt_gmtoff;
int tt_isdst;
unsigned int tt_abbrind;
Each structure iswritten asa four-byte value for tt_gmtoff of type long, in a standard byte order, followed by a one-byte
value for tt_isdst and a one-byte value for tt_abbrind. In each structure, tt_gmtoff givesthe number of secondsto be added
to GMT, tt_isdst tellswhether tm_isdst should be set by localtime(3) and tt_abbrind servesasan index into the array of
time zone abbreviation charactersthat follow the ttinfo structuresin the file.
Then there are tzh_leapcnt pairsof four-byte values, written in standard byte order; the first value of each pair givesthe time
(asreturned by time(2)) at which a leap second occurs; the second givesthe total number of leap secondsto be applied after
the given time. The pairsof valuesare sorted in ascending order by time.
Then there are tzh_ttisstdcnt standard/wall indicators, each stored asa one-byte value; they tell whether the transition times
associated with local time typeswere specified asstandard time or wall clock time and are used when a time zone file isused
in handling POSIX-style time zone environment variables.
Finally, there are tzh_ttisgmtcnt GMT/local indicators, each stored asa one-byte value; they tell whether the transition times
associated with local time typeswere specified asGMT or local time and are used when a time zone file isused in handling
POSIX-style time zone environment variables.
Localtime usesthe first standard-time ttinfo structure in the file (or simply the first ttinfo structure in the absence of a
standard-time structure) if either tzh_timecnt iszero or the time argument islessthan the first transition time recorded in the
utmp, wtmp
utmp, wtmpLogin records.
#include <utmp.h>
The utmp file allowsyou to discover information about who iscurrently using the system. There may be more userscurrently
using the system because not all programsuse utmp logging.
Warning: utmp must not be writable because many system programsdepend on itsintegrity. You risk faked system log files
and modificationsof system filesif you leave utmp writable to any user.
The file isa sequence of entrieswith the following structure declared in the include file:
#define UT_UNKNOWN 0
#define RUN_LVL 1
#define BOOT_TIME 2
#define NEW_TIME 3
#define OLD_TIME 4
#define INIT_PROCESS 5
#define USER_PROCESS 7
#define DEAD_PROCESS 8
#define UT_LINESIZE 12
#define UT_NAMESIZE 8
#define UT_HOSTSIZE 16
struct utmp {
short ut_type; /* type of login */
pid_t ut_pid; /* pid of process */
char ut_line[UT_LINESIZE]; /* device name of tty /dev/ */
char ut_id[2]; /* init id or abbrev. ttyname */
time_t ut_time; /* login time */
char ut_user[UT_NAMESIZE]; /* user name */
char ut_host[UT_HOSTSIZE]; /* host name for remote login */
long ut_addr; /* IP addr of remote host */
Thisstructure givesthe name of the special file associated with the usersterminal, the userslogin name, and the time of
login in the form of time(2). String fieldsare terminated by \0 if they are shorter than the size of the field.
The first entriesever created result from init(8) processing inittab(5). Before an entry isprocessed, though, init(8) cleans
up utmp by setting ut_type to DEAD_PROCESS, clearing ut_user, ut_host and ut_time with null bytesfor each record that ut_type
isnot DEAD_PROCESS or RUN_LVL and where no processwith PID ut_pid exists. If no empty record with the needed ut_id can be
found, init createsa new one. It setsut_id from the inittab, ut_pid and ut_time to the current values, and ut_type to
getty(8) locatesthe entry by the PID, changesut_type to LOGIN_PROCESS, changesut_time, setsut_line and waitsfor
connection to be established. login(8), after a user hasbeen authenticated, changesut_type to USER_PROCESS, changesut_time,
and setsut_host and ut_addr. Depending on getty(8) and login(8), recordsmay be located by ut_line instead of the
preferable ut_pid.
When init(8) findsthat a processhasexited, it locatesitsutmp entry by ut_pid, setsut_type to DEAD_PROCESS, and clears
ut_user, ut_host, and ut_time with null bytes.
xterm(1) and other terminal emulatorsdirectly create a USER_PROCESS record and generate the ut_id by using the last two
lettersof /dev/ttyp%c or by using p%d for /dev/pts/%d.
If they find a DEAD_PROCESS for thisID, they recycle it; otherwise, they create a new entry. If they can, they will mark it as
DEAD_PROCESS on exiting and it isadvised that they null ut_line, ut_time, ut_user, and ut_host aswell.
xdm(8) should not create an utmp record because there isno assigned terminal. Letting it create one will result in trouble such
asfinger: cannot stat /dev/machine.dom. It should create wtmp entries, though, just like ftpd(8) does.
telnetd(8) setsup a LOGIN_PROCESS entry and leavesthe rest to login(8) asusual. After the Telnet session ends, telnetd(8)
cleansup utmp in the described way.
The wtmp file recordsall loginsand logouts. Itsformat isexactly like utmp except that a null username indicatesa logout on
the associated terminal. Furthermore, the terminal name ~ with username shutdown or reboot indicatesa system shutdown or
reboot and the pair of terminal names|/} logsthe old/new system time when date(1) changesit. wtmp ismaintained by
login(1) and init(1) and some variation of getty(1). Neither of these programscreatesthe file, so if it isremoved, record-
keeping isturned off.
utmp, wtmp
Part V: FileFormats
Linux utmp entriesconform neither to v7/BSD nor to SYSV: They are a mix of the two. v7/BSD hasfewer fields; most
importantly, it lacksut_type, which causesnative v7/BSD-like programsto display (for example) dead or login entries.
Further there isno configuration file that allocatesslotsto sessions. BSD doesso because it lacksut_id fields. In Linux (asin
SYSV), the ut_id field of a record will never change once it isset, which reservesthat slot without needing a configuration
file. Clearing ut_id may result in race conditionsleading to corrupted utmp entriesand potential security holes. Clearing the
previously mentioned fieldsby filling them with null bytesisnot required by SYSV semantics, but it allowsyou to run many
programsthat assume BSD semanticsand that do not modify utmp. Linux usesthe BSD conventionsfor line contents. SYSV
only usesthe type field to mark them and logsinformative messagessuch asnew time in the line field. SYSV hasone more
field to log the exit statusof dead processes. UT_UNKNOWN seemsto be a Linux invention. There isno type ACCOUNTING in Linux.
SYSV hasno ut_host or ut_addr fields. Unlike variousother systems, where utmp logging can be disabled by removing the
file, utmp must alwaysexist on Linux. If you want to disable who(1), then do not make utmp world readable.
The file format ismachine dependent, so it isrecommended that it be processed only on the machine architecture where it
got created.
ac(1), date(1), last(1), login(1), who(1), getutent(3), init(8)
20 July1996
uuencodeFormat of an encoded uuencode file.
Filesoutput by uuencode(1) consist of a header line, followed by a number of body lines, and a trailer line. The uudecode(1)
command will ignore any linespreceding the header or following the trailer. Linespreceding a header must not, of course,
look like a header.
The header line isdistinguished by having the first six charactersbegin. The word begin isfollowed by a mode (in octal) and
a string that namesthe remote file. A space separatesthe three itemsin the header line.
The body consistsof a number of lines, each at most 62 characterslong (including the trailing newline). These consist of a
character count, followed by encoded characters, followed by a newline. The character count isa single printing character
and representsan integer, the number of bytesthe rest of the line represents. Such integersare alwaysin the range from 0 to
63 and can be determined by subtracting the character space (octal 40) from the character.
Groupsof three bytesare stored in four characters, six bitsper character. All are offset by a space to make the characters
print. The last line may be shorter than the normal 45 bytes. If the size isnot a multiple of three, thisfact can be determined
by the value of the count on the last line. Extra garbage will be included to make the character count a multiple of four. The
body isterminated by a line with a count of zero. Thisline consistsof one ASCII space.
The trailer line consistsof end on a line by itself.
uuencode(1), uudecode(1), uusend(1), uucp(1), mail(1)
The uuencode file format appeared in BSD 4.0.
XF86ConfigConfiguration file for XFree86.
XFree86 usesa configuration file called XF86Config for itsinitial setup. Thisconfiguration file issearched for in the following
<XRoot >/lib/X11/ name
<XRoot >/lib/X11/XF86Config
<XRoot > refersto the root of the X11 install tree.
Thisfile iscomposed of a number of sections. Each section hasthe form:
Section Sect i onName
Sect i onEnt r y ...
The section namesare
Files File pathnames
ServerFlags Server flags
Keyboard Keyboard configuration
Pointer Pointer configuration
Monitor Monitor description
Device Graphicsdevice description
Screen Screen configuration
The Files section isused to specify the default font path and the path to the RGB database. These pathscan also be set from
the command line (see Xserver(1)). The entriesavailable for thissection are
FontPath pat h Setsthe search path for fonts. Thispath isa comma-separated list of directoriesthat the X
server searchesfor font databases. Multiple FontPath entriesmay be specified, and they will
be concatenated to build up the fontpath used by the server.
X11R6 allowsthe X server to request fontsfrom a font server. A font server isspecified by
placing a <t r ans>/<host name>:<por t _number > entry into the fontpath. For example, the
tellsthe X server to first try to locate the font in the local directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/
fonts/misc. If that fails, then request the font from the font server running on machine zok
listening for connectionson TCP port number 7100.
RGBPath pat h Setsthe path name for the RGB color database.
The ServerFlags section isused to specify some miscellaneousX server options. The entriesavailable for thissection are
NoTrapSignals Thispreventsthe X server from trapping a range of unexpected fatal signalsand exiting
cleanly. Instead, the X server will die and drop core where the fault occurred. The default
behavior isfor the X server exit cleanly but still drop a core file. In general, you never want
to use thisoption unlessyou are debugging an X server problem.
DontZap Thisdisallowsthe use of the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace sequence. Thissequence allowsyou to
terminate the X server. Setting DontZap allowsthiskey sequence to be passed to clients.
DontZoom Thisdisallowsthe use of the Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Plusand Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Minussequences.
These sequencesallow you to switch between video modes. Setting DontZoom allowsthese
key sequencesto be passed to clients.
Part V: FileFormats
The Keyboard section isused to specify the keyboard input device, parameters, and some default keyboard mapping options.
The entriesavailable for thissection are
Protocol kbd- pr ot ocol kbd- pr ot ocol may be either Standard or Xqueue. Xqueue isspecified when using the event
queue driver on SVR3 or SVR4.
AutoRepeat del ay r at e Changesthe behavior of the autorepeat of the keyboard. Thisdoesnot work on all
ServerNumLock Forcesthe X server to handle the numlock key internally. The X server sendsa different set
of keycodesfor the numpad when the numlock key isactive. Thisenablesapplicationsto
make use of the numpad.
LeftAlt mappi ng RightAlt mappi ng AltGr mappi ng
ScrollLock mappi ng RightCtl mappi ng
Allowsa default mapping to be set for the preceding keys(note that AltGr isa synonym for RightAlt). The valuesthat may be
specified for mappi ng are
The default mapping when none of these optionsare specified is
LeftAlt Meta
RightAlt Meta
ScrollLock Compose
RightCtl Control
XLeds l ed ... Makesl ed available for clientsinstead of using the traditional function (Scroll Lock, Caps
Lock, and Num Lock). l ed isa list of numbersin the range 1 to 3.
VTSysReq Enablesthe SYSV-style VT switch sequence for non-SYSV systemsthat support VT
switching. Thissequence isAlt-SysRq followed by a function key (Fn). Thispreventsthe X
server trapping the keysused for the default VT switch sequence.
VTInit command Runscommand after the VT used by the server hasbeen opened. The command string is
passed to /bin/sh -c and isrun with the real usersID with stdin and stdout set to the VT.
The purpose of thisoption isto allow system-dependent VT initialization commandsto be
run. One example isa command to disable the two-key VT switching sequence that isthe
default on some systems.
The Pointer section isused to specify the pointer device and parameters. The entriesavailable for thissection are
Protocol pr ot ocol - t ype Specifiesthe pointer device protocol type. The protocol typesavailable are
One should specify BusMouse for the Logitech busmouse. Also, many newer Logitech serial mice use either the Microsoft or
MouseMan protocol. Xqueue should be specified here if it wasused in the Keyboard section. OSMouse refersto the event-driver
mouse interface available on SCOsSVR3. Thismay optionally be followed by a number specifying the number of buttons
the mouse has.
Device poi nt er - dev Specifiesthe device the server should open for pointer input (such as/dev/tty00
or /dev/mouse). A device should not be specified when using the Xqueue or
OSMouse protocols.
BaudRate r at e Setsthe baud rate of the serial mouse to r at e. For mice that allow dynamic speed
adjustments(such asLogitech), the baud rate ischanged in the mouse.
Otherwise, the rate issimply set on the computersside to allow mice with non-
standard rates(the standard rate is1200).
Emulate3Buttons Enablesthe emulation of the third mouse button for mice that only have two
physical buttons. The third button isemulated by pressing both buttons
Emulate3Timeout t i meout Setsthe time (in milliseconds) that the server waitsbefore deciding if two
buttonswere pressed simultaneously when three-button emulation isenabled.
The default time-out is50ms.
ChordMiddle Handlesmice that send left+right eventswhen the middle button isused (such as
some Logitech Mouseman mice).
SampleRate r at e Setsthe number of motion/button-eventsthe mouse sendsper second. Thisis
currently only supported for some Logitech mice.
ClearDTR Thisoption clearsthe DTR line on the serial port used by the mouse. This
option isonly valid for a mouse using the MouseSystems protocol. Some dual-
protocol mice require DTR to be cleared to operate in MouseSystems mode. Note,
in versionsof XFree86 prior to 2.1, thisoption also cleared the RTS line. A
separate ClearRTS option hassince been added for mice that require this.
ClearRTS Thisoption clearsthe RTS line on the serial port used by the mouse. Thisoption
isonly valid for a mouse using the MouseSystems protocol. Some dual-protocol
mice require both DTR and RTS to be cleared to operate in MouseSystems mode.
Both the ClearDTR and ClearRTS optionsshould be used for such mice.
The Monitor sectionsare used to define the specificationsof a monitor and a list of video modessuitable for use with a
monitor. More than one Monitor section may be present in an XF86Config file. The entriesavailable for thissection are
Identifier I D st r i ng Thisspecifiesa string by which the monitor can be referred to in a later Screen
section. Each Monitor section should have a unique ID string.
VendorName vendor Thisoptional entry specifiesthe monitorsmanufacturer.
ModelName model Thisoptional entry specifiesthe monitorsmodel.
HorizSync hor i zsync- r ange Givesthe rangesof horizontal sync frequenciessupported by the monitor.
hor i zsync- r ange may be a comma-separated list of either discrete valuesor ranges
of values. A range of valuesistwo valuesseparated by a dash. By default, the
valuesare in unitsof kHz. They may be specified in MHz or Hz if MHz or Hz is
added to the end of the line. The data given here isused by the X server to
determine if video modesare within the specificationsof the monitor. This
information should be available in the monitorshandbook.
Part V: FileFormats
VertRefresh ver t r ef r esh- r ange Givesthe rangesof vertical refresh frequenciessupported by the monitor.
ver t r ef r esh- r ange may be a comma-separated list of either discrete values
or rangesof values. A range of valuesistwo valuesseparated by a dash. By
default, the valuesare in unitsof Hz. They may be specified in MHz or
kHz if MHz or kHz isadded to the end of the line. The data given here is
used by the X server to determine if video modesare within the
specificationsof the monitor. Thisinformation should be available in the
Gamma gamma- val ues Thisisan optional entry that can be used to specify the gamma
correction for the monitor. It may be specified aseither a single value or
asthree separate RGB values. Not all X serversare capable of using this
Mode name Indicatesthe start of a multi-line video mode description. The mode
description isterminated with an End-Mode line. The mode description
consistsof the following entries:
DotClock cl ock The dot clock rate to be used for the mode.
HTimings hdi sp hsyncst ar t hsyncend ht ot al Specifiesthe horizontal timingsfor the mode.
VTimings vdi sp vsyncst ar t vsyncend vt ot al Specifiesthe vertical timingsfor the mode.
Flags f l ag ... Specifiesan optional set of mode flags. Interlace indicatesthat the mode
isinterlaced. DoubleScan indicatesa mode where each scanline isdoubled.
+HSync and -HSync can be used to select the polarity of the HSync signal.
+VSync and -VSync can be used to select the polarity of the VSync signal.
Composite can be used to specify composite sync on hardware where thisis
supported. Additionally, on some hardware, +CSync and -CSync may be
used to select the composite sync polarity.
Modeline name mode- descr i pt i on A single line format for specifying video modes. The mode- descr i pt i on is
in four sections, the first three of which are mandatory. The first isthe
pixel clock. Thisisa single number specifying the pixel clock rate for the
mode. The second section isa list of four numbersspecifying the
horizontal timings. These numbersare the hdisp, hsyncstart, hsyncend,
htotal. The third section isa list of four numbersspecifying the vertical
timings. These numbersare vdisp, vsyncstart, vsyncend, vtotal. The final
section isa list of flagsspecifying other characteristicsof the mode.
Interlace indicatesthat the mode isinterlaced. DoubleScan indicatesa
mode where each scanline isdoubled. +HSync and HSync can be used to
select the polarity of the HSync signal. +VSync and VSync can be used to
select the polarity of the VSync signal. Composite can be used to specify
composite sync on hardware where thisissupported. Additionally, on
some hardware, +CSync and -CSync may be used to select the composite
sync polarity.
The Device sectionsare used to define a graphicsdevice (video board). More than one Device section may be present in an
XF86Config file. The entriesavailable for thissection are
Identifier I D st r i ng Thisspecifiesa string by which the graphicsdevice can be referred to in a
later Screen section. Each Device section should have a unique ID string.
VendorName vendor Thisoptional entry specifiesthe graphicsdevicesmanufacturer.
BoardName model Thisoptional entry specifiesthe name of the graphicsdevice.
Chipset chi pset - t ype Thisoptional entry specifiesthe chipset used on the graphicsboard. In
most cases, thisentry isnot required because the X serverswill probe the
hardware to determine the chipset type.
Ramdac r amdac- t ype Thisoptional entry specifiesthe type of RAMDAC used on the graphicsboard.
Thisisonly used by a few of the X servers, and in most cases, it isnot required
because the X serverswill probe the hardware to determine the RAMDAC type
where possible.
DacSpeed speed Thisoptional entry specifiesthe RAMDAC speed rating (which isusually
printed on the RAMDAC chip). The speed isin MHz. Thisisonly used by a
few of the X serversand only needsto be specified when the speed rating of the
RAMDAC isdifferent from the default built in to the X server.
Clocks cl ock ... Specifiesthe dotclocksthat are on your graphicsboard. The clocksare in MHz
and may be specified asa floating-point number. The value isstored internally to
the nearest kHz. The ordering of the clocksisimportant. It must match the
order in which they are selected on the graphicsboard. Multiple Clocks linesmay
be specified. For boardswith programmable clock chips, the ClockChip entry
should be used instead of this. A Clocks entry isnot mandatory for boardswith
non-programmable clock chipsbut ishighly recommended because it prevents
the clock probing phase during server startup. Thisclock probing phase can
cause problemsfor some monitors.
ClockChip cl ockchi p- t ype Thisoptional entry isused to specify the clock chip type on graphicsboardsthat
have a programmable clock generator. Only a few X serverssupport program-
mable clock chips. For details, see the appropriate X server manual page.
ClockProg command [t ext cl ock] Thisoptional entry runscommand to set the clock on the graphicsboard instead of
using the internal code. The command string must consist of the full pathname
(and no flags). When using thisoption, a Clocks entry isrequired to specify
which clock valuesare to be made available to the server (up to 128 clocksmay
be specified). The optional t ext cl ock value is to tell the server that command must
be run to restore the text-mode clock at server exit (or when VT switching).
t ext cl ock must match one of the valuesin the Clocks entry. Thisparameter is
required when the clock used for text mode isa programmable clock.
The command isrun with the real usersID with stdin and stdout set to the
graphicsconsole device. Two argumentsare passed to the command. The first is
the clock frequency in MHz asa floating-point number and the second isthe
index of the clock in the Clocks entry. The command should return an exit status
of 0 when successful and something in the range 1254 otherwise.
The command isrun when the initial graphicsmode isset and when changing
screen resolution with the hotkey sequences. If the program failsat initialization,
the server exits. If it failsduring a mode switch, the mode switch isaborted but
the server keepsrunning. It isassumed that if the command fails, the clock has
not been changed.
Option opt i onst r i ng Thisoptional entry allowsthe user to select certain optionsprovided by the
drivers. Multiple Option entriesmay be given. The supported valuesfor
opt i onst r i ng are given in the appropriate X server manual pages.
VideoRam mem Thisoptional entry specifiesthe amount of video RAM that isinstalled on the
graphicsboard. Thisismeasured in kilobytes. In most cases, thisisnot required
because the X server probesthe graphicsboard to determine thisquantity.
BIOSBase baseaddr ess Thisoptional entry specifiesthe base addressof the video BIOS for the VGA
board. Thisaddressisusually 0xC0000, which isthe default the X serversuse.
Some systems, particularly those with on-board VGA hardware, have the BIOS
located at an alternate address, usually 0xE0000. If your video BIOS isat an
addressother than 0xC0000, you must specify the base addressin the XF86Config
file. Note that some X serversdont accessthe BIOS at all and those that do only
use the BIOS when searching for information during the hardware probe phase.
Part V: FileFormats
MemBase baseaddr ess Thisoptional entry specifiesthe memory base addressof a graphicsboardslinear
frame buffer. Thisentry isonly used by a few X servers, and the interpretation of
thisbase addressmay be different for different X servers. Refer to the appropriate
X server manual page for details.
IOBase baseaddr ess Thisoptional entry specifiesthe IO base address. Thisentry isonly used for a
few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for details.
DACBase baseaddr ess Thisoptional entry specifiesthe DAC base address. Thisentry isonly used for a
few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for details.
POSBase baseaddr ess Thisoptional entry specifiesthe POS base address. Thisentry isonly used for a
few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for details.
COPBase baseaddr ess Thisoptional entry specifiesthe coprocessor base address. Thisentry isonly used
for a few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for details.
VGABase baseaddr ess Thisoptional entry specifiesthe VGA memory base address. Thisentry isonly
used for a few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for
Instance number Thisoptional entry specifiesthe instance (which indicatesif the chip is
integrated on the motherboard or on an expansion card). Thisentry isonly used
for a few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for details.
Speedup sel ect i on Thisoptional entry specifiesthe selection of speedupsto be enabled. Thisentry
isonly used for a few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for
S3MNAdjust MN Thisoptional entry isspecific to the S3 X server. For details, refer to the
XF86_S3(1) manual page.
S3MClk cl ock Thisoptional entry isspecific to the S3 X server. For details, refer to the
XF86_S3(1) manual page.
S3RefClock cl ock Thisoptional entry isspecific to the S3 X server. For details, refer to the
XF86_S3(1) manual page.
The Screen sectionsare used to specify which graphicsboardsand monitorsare used with a particular X server and the
configuration in which they are to be used. The entriesavailable for thissection are
Driver dr i ver - name Each Screen section must begin with a Driver entry, and the dr i ver - name given in
each Screen section must be unique. The dr i ver - name determineswhich X server
(or driver type within an X server when an X server supportsmore than one
head) readsand usesa particular Screen section. The driver namesavailable are
Accel isused by all the accelerated X servers(see XF86_Accel(1)). Mono isused by
the non-VGA mono driversin the 2-bit and 4-bit X servers(see XF86_Mono(1) and
XF86_VGA16(1)). VGA2 and VGA16 are used by the VGA driversin the 2-bit and 4-bit
X servers. SVGA isused by the XF86_SVGA X server.
Device devi ce- i d Specifieswhich graphicsdevice description isto be used.
Monitor moni t or - i d Specifieswhich monitor description isto be used.
ScreenNo scr num Thisoptional entry overridesthe default screen numbering in a multi-headed
configuration. The default numbering isdetermined by the ordering of the
Screen sectionsin the XF86Config file. To override this, all relevant Screen
sectionsmust have thisentry specified.
BlankTime t i me Setsthe inactivity time-out for the blanking phase of the screensaver. t i me isin
minutes, and the default is10. Thisisequivalent to the X servers-s flag, and the
value can be changed at runtime with xset(1).
SuspendTime t i me Setsthe inactivity time-out for the suspend phase of the screensaver. t i me isin
minutes, the default is15, and it can be changed at runtime with xvidtune(1). This
isonly suitable for VESA DPMS compatible monitorsand isonly supported
currently by some X servers. The power_saver Option must be set for thisto be
OffTime t i me Setsthe inactivity time-out for the off phase of the screensaver. t i me isin minutes,
the default is30, and it can be changed at runtime with xvidtune(1). Thisisonly
suitable for VESA DPMS compatible monitorsand isonly supported currently by
some X servers. The power_saver Option must be set for thisto be enabled.
SubSection Display Thisentry isa subsection that isused to specify some display specific parameters.
Thissubsection isterminated by an EndSubSection entry. For some X serversand
drivers(those requiring a list of video modes), thissubsection ismandatory. For X
serversthat support multiple display depths, more than one Display subsec-tion can
be present. When multiple Display subsectionsare present, each must have a unique
Depth entry. The entriesavailable for the Display subsection are
Depth bpp Thisentry ismandatory when more than one Display subsection ispresent in a
Screen section. When only one Display subsection ispresent, it specifiesthe default
depth where the X server will run. When more than one Display subsection is
present, the depth determineswhich getsused by the X server. The subsection used
isthe one matching the depth at which the X server isrun. Not all X servers(or
drivers) support more than one depth. Permitted valuesfor bpp are 8, 15, 16, 24, and
32. Not all X servers(or drivers) support all these values. bpp valuesof 24 and 32 are
treated equivalently by those X serversthat support them.
Weight RGB Thisoptional entry specifiesthe relative RGB weighting to be used for an X server
running at 16bpp. Thismay also be specified from the command line (see
XFree86(1)). Valuessupported by most 16bpp X serversare 555 and 565. For further
details, refer to the appropriate X server manual page.
Virtual xdi m ydi m Thisoptional entry specifiesthe virtual screen resolution to be used. xdi m must be a
multiple of either 8 or 16 for most color X serversand a multiple of 32 for the
monochrome X server. The given value isrounded down if thisisnot the case. For
most X servers, video modesthat are too large for the specified virtual size are
rejected. If thisentry isnot present, the virtual screen resolution isset to accommo-
date all the valid video modesgiven in the Modes entry. Some X serversdo not
support thisentry. Refer to the appropriate X server manual pagesfor details.
ViewPort x0 y0 Thisoptional entry setsthe upper-left corner of the initial display. Thisisonly
relevant when the virtual screen resolution isdifferent from the resolution of the
initial video mode. If thisentry isnot given, then the initial display iscentered in the
virtual display area.
Modes modename ... Thisentry ismandatory for most X servers, and it specifiesthe list of video modesto
use. The video mode namesmust correspond to those specified in the appropriate
Monitor section. Most X serversdelete modesfrom thislist that dont satisfy various
requirements. The first valid mode in thislist isthe default display mode for startup.
The list of valid modesisconverted internally into a circular list. It ispossible to
switch to the next mode with Ctrl+Alt+Keypad Plusand to the previousmode with
Ctrl+Alt+Keypad Minus.
InvertVCLK modename 0|1 Thisoptional entry isspecific to the S3 server only. It can be used to change the
default VCLK invert/non-invert state for individual modes. If modename is, the
setting appliesto all modesunlessoverridden by later entries.
Part V: FileFormats
EarlySC modename 0|1 Thisoptional entry isspecific to the S3 server only. It can be used to change the
default EarlySC setting for individual modes. Thissetting can affect screen wrapping.
If modename is, the setting appliesto all modesunlessoverridden by later entries.
BlankDelay modename val ue1 val ue2 Thisoptional entry isspecific to the S3 server only. It can be used to change the
default blank delay settingsfor individual modes. Thiscan affect screen wrapping.
val ue1 and val ue2 must be integersin the range 07. If modename is, the setting
appliesto all modesunlessoverridden by later entries.
Visual vi sual - name Thisoptional entry setsthe default root visual type. Thiscan also be specified from
the command line (see Xserver(1)). The visual typesavailable for 8bpp X serversare
(default isPseudoColor):
The visual type available for the 16bpp and 32bpp X serversisTrueColor.
The visual type available for the 1bpp X server isStaticGray.
The visual typesavailable for the 4bpp X server are (default isPseudoColor):
Option opt i onst r i ng Thisoptional entry allowsthe user to select certain optionsprovided by the drivers.
Multiple Option entriescan be given. The supported valuesfor opt i on- st r i ng are
given in the appropriate X server manual pages.
Black r ed gr een bl ue Thisoptional entry allowsthe black color to be specified. Thisisonly supported
with the VGA2 driver in the XF86_Mono server (for details, see XF86_Mono(1)).
White r ed gr een bl ue Thisoptional entry allowsthe white color to be specified. Thisisonly supported
with the VGA2 driver in the XF86_Mono server (for details, see XF86_Mono(1)).
For an example of an XF86Config file, see the file installed as<XRoot>/lib/X11/
<XRoot>/lib/X11/XF86Config. hostname <XRoot>/lib/X11/XF86Config
Note that <XRoot> refersto the root of the X11 install tree.
X(1), Xserver(1), XFree86(1), XF86_SVGA(1), XF86_VGA16(1), XF86_Mono(1), XF86_S3(1), XF86_8514(1), XF86_Mach8(1),
XF86_Mach32(1), XF86_P9000(1), XF86_AGX(1), XF86_W32(1)
Refer to the XFree86(1) manual page.
Part VI:
Part VI: Games
introIntroduction to games.
Thischapter describesall the gamesand funny little programsavailable on the system.
Look at the header of the manual page for the authorsand copyright conditions. Note that these can be different from page
to page!
Linux, 24 July1993
bannerPrint large banner on printer.
/usr/games/banner [ -wn ] message ...
banner printsa large, high-quality banner on the standard output. If the message isomitted, it promptsfor and readsone line
of itsstandard input. If -w isgiven, the output isscrunched down from a width of 132 to n, suitable for a narrow terminal. If
n isomitted, it defaultsto 80.
The output should be printed on a hard-copy device, up to 132 columnswide, with no breaksbetween the pages. The
volume isgreat enough that you might want a printer or a fast hard-copy terminal, but if you are patient, a decwriter or
other 300 baud terminal will do.
Several ASCII charactersare not defined, notably <, >, [, ], \, , _, {, }, |, and . Also, the characters, , and & are funny-
looking (but in a useful way).
The -w option isimplemented by skipping some rowsand columns. The smaller it gets, the grainier the output. Sometimesit
Mark Horton
6 June1993
ddateConvertsboring normal datesto fun Discordian dates.
ddate printsthe date in Discordian date format.
Druel the Chaotic, a.k.a. Jeremy Johnson ( Modificationsfor UNIX by Lee Harvey Oswald Smith,
K.S.C. Five tonsof flax.
55 Confusion 3160
Part VI: Games
Part VII:
Part VII: Miscellaneous
introIntroduction to miscellany section.
Thischapter describesmiscellaneousthingssuch asnroff macro packages, tables, C header files, the file hierarchy, general
concepts, and other thingsthat dont fit anywhere else.
Look at the header of the manual page for the authorsand copyright conditions. Note that these can be different from page
to page!
Linux, 23 April 1993
asciiThe ASCII character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
The following table containsthe 128 ASCII characters.
C program \X escapesare noted.
Oct Dec Hex Char Oct Dec Hex Char
000 0 00 NUL \0 100 64 40 @
001 1 01 SOH 101 65 41 A
002 2 02 STX 102 66 42 B
003 3 03 ETX 103 67 43 C
004 4 04 EOT 104 68 44 D
005 5 05 ENQ 105 69 45 E
006 6 06 ACK 106 70 46 F
007 7 07 BEL \a 107 71 47 G
010 8 08 BS \b 110 72 48 H
011 9 09 HT \t 111 73 49 I
012 10 0A LF \n 112 74 4A J
013 11 0B VT \v 113 75 4B K
014 12 0C FF \f 114 76 4C L
015 13 0D CR \r 115 77 4D M
016 14 0E SO 116 78 4E N
017 15 0F SI 117 79 4F O
020 16 10 DLE 120 80 50 P
021 17 11 DC1 121 81 51 Q
022 18 12 DC2 122 82 52 R
023 19 13 DC3 123 83 53 S
024 20 14 DC4 124 84 54 T
025 21 15 NAK 125 85 55 U
026 22 16 SYN 126 86 56 V
027 23 17 ETB 127 87 57 W
030 24 18 CAN 130 88 58 X
031 25 19 EM 131 89 59 Y
032 26 1A SUB 132 90 5A Z
033 27 1B ESC 133 91 5B [
034 28 1C FS 134 92 5C \\\
035 29 1D GS 135 93 5D ]
036 30 1E RS 136 94 5E
037 31 1F US 137 95 5F _
040 32 20 SPACE 140 96 60
041 33 21 ! 141 97 61 a
042 34 22 142 98 62 b
043 35 23 # 143 99 63 c
044 36 24 $ 144 100 64 d
045 37 25 % 145 101 65 e
046 38 26 & 146 102 66 f
047 39 27 147 103 67 g
050 40 28 ( 150 104 68 h
051 41 29 ) 151 105 69 i
052 42 2A * 152 106 6A j
053 43 2B + 153 107 6B k
054 44 2C , 154 108 6C l
055 45 2D 155 109 6D m
056 46 2E . 156 110 6E n
057 47 2F / 157 111 6F o
060 48 30 0 160 112 70 p
061 49 31 1 161 113 71 q
062 50 32 2 162 114 72 r
063 51 33 3 163 115 73 s
064 52 34 4 164 116 74 t
065 53 35 5 165 117 75 u
066 54 36 6 166 118 76 v
067 55 37 7 167 119 77 w
070 56 38 8 170 120 78 x
071 57 39 9 171 121 79 y
072 58 3A : 172 122 7A z
073 59 3B ; 173 123 7B {
074 60 3C < 174 124 7C |
075 61 3D = 175 125 7D }
076 62 3E > 176 126 7E
077 63 3F ? 177 127 7F DEL
Oct Dec Hex Char Oct Dec Hex Char
Part VII: Miscellaneous
An ascii manual page appeared in version 7 AT&T UNIX.
bootparamIntroduction to boot-time parametersof the Linux kernel.
The Linux kernel acceptscertain command-line optionsor boot-time parametersat the moment it isstarted. In general, this
isused to supply the kernel with information about hardware parametersthat the kernel would not be able to determine on
itsown, or to avoid or override the valuesthat the kernel would otherwise detect.
When the kernel isbooted directly by the BIOS (say, from a floppy to which you copied a kernel using cp zImage /dev/fd0),
you have no opportunity to specify any parameters. To take advantage of thispossibility, you have to use software that isable
to passparameters, such asLILO or loadlin. For a few parameters, one can also modify the kernel image itself, using rdev; see
rdev(8) for further details.
The LILO program (LInux LOader) written by Werner Almesberger isthe most commonly used. It hasthe ability to boot
variouskernelsand storesthe configuration information in a plain text file. (See lilo(8) and lilo.conf(5).) LILO can boot
DOS, OS/2, Linux, FreeBSD, and so on and isquite flexible.
The other commonly used Linux loader isloadlin, which isa DOS program that hasthe capability to launch a Linux kernel
from the DOSprompt (with boot args) assuming that certain resourcesare available. Thisisgood for people who want to
launch Linux from DOS.
It isalso very useful if you have certain hardware that relieson the supplied DOS driver to put the hardware into a known
state. A common example isSoundBlaster-compatible sound cardsthat require the DOS driver to twiddle a few mystical
registersto put the card into a SB-compatible mode. Booting DOS with the supplied driver and then loading Linux from the
DOS prompt with loadlin avoidsthe reset of the card that happensif one rebootsinstead.
Most of the boot argstake the form of
name[=val ue_1][,val ue_2]...[,val ue_11]
name isa unique keyword that isused to identify what part of the kernel the associated values(if any) are to be given to.
Multiple boot argsare just a space-separated list of the preceding format. Note the limit of 11 isreal because the present code
handlesonly 11 comma-separated parametersper keyword. (However, you can reuse the same keyword with up to an
additional 11 parametersin unusually complicated situations, assuming the setup function supportsit.)
Most of the sorting occursin linux/init/main.c. First, the kernel checksto see if the argument isany of the special
argumentsroot=, ro, rw, or debug. The meaning of these special argumentsisdescribed later in the document.
Then, it walksa list of setup functions(contained in the bootsetups array) to see if the specified argument string (such asfoo)
isassociated with a setup function (foo_setup()) for a particular device or part of the kernel. If you passed the kernel the line
foo=3,4,5,6, then the kernel searchesthe bootsetups array to see if foo isregistered. If it is, it callsthe setup function
associated with foo (foo_setup()) and handsit the arguments3, 4, 5, and 6 asgiven on the kernel command line.
Anything of the form foo=bar that isnot accepted asa setup function asdescribed isthen interpreted asan environment
variable to be set. A (useless?) example isto use TERM=vt100 asa boot argument.
Any remaining argumentsthat were not picked up by the kernel and were not interpreted asenvironment variablesare then
passed onto processone, which isusually the init program. The most common argument that ispassed to the init processis
the word single, which instructsinit to boot the computer in single-user mode and not launch all the usual daemons. Check
the manual page for the version of init installed on your system to see what argumentsit accepts.
Some i387 coprocessor chipshave bugsthat show up when used in 32-bit protected mode.
For example, some of the early ULSI-387 chipscause solid lockupswhile performing floating-point calculations. Using the
no387 boot arg causesLinux to ignore the mathscoprocessor even if you have one. Of course, you must then have your
kernel compiled with math emulation support!
Some of the early i486DX-100 chipshave a problem with the hlt instruction in that they cant reliably return to operating
mode after thisinstruction isused. Using the no-hlt instruction tellsLinux to just run an infinite loop when there is
nothing else to do and to not halt the CPU. Thisallowspeople with these broken chipsto use Linux.
Thisargument tellsthe kernel what device isto be used asthe root filesystem while booting. The default of thissetting is
determined at compile time and usually isthe value of the root device of the system that the kernel wasbuilt on. To override
thisvalue and select the second floppy drive asthe root device, one usesroot=/dev/fd1. (The root device can also be set
using rdev(8).)
The root device can be specified symbolically or numerically. A symbolic specification hasthe form /dev/XXYN, where XX
designatesthe device type (hd for ST-506-compatible hard disk with Y in a-h; sd for SCSI-compatible disk with Y in a-e; xd
for XT-compatible disk with Y either a or b; fd for floppy disk with Y the floppy drive numberfd0 isthe DOS A: drive and
fd1 isB:), Y isthe driver letter or number, and N isthe number of the partition on thisdevice (absent in the case of floppies).
Note that thishasnothing to do with the designation of these deviceson your filesystem. The /dev/ part ispurely conven-
The more awkward and lessportable numeric specification of the previouspossible root devicesin major/minor format is
also accepted. (For example, /dev/sda3 ismajor 8, minor 3, so you can use root=0x803 asan alternative.)
r o and r w
The ro option tellsthe kernel to mount the root filesystem asreadonly so that filesystem consistency check programs(fsck)
can do their work on a quiescent file system. No processescan write to fileson the filesystem in question until it isre-
mounted asread/write capable, such asby mount -w -n -o remount /. (See also mount(8).)
The rw option tellsthe kernel to mount the root filesystem read/write. Thisisthe default.
The choice between read-only and read/write can also be set usingrdev(8).
Kernel messagesare handed off to the kernel log daemon klogd so that they can be logged to disk. Messageswith a priority
above console_loglevel are also printed on the console. (For these levels, see <linux/kernel.h>.) By default, thisvariable isset
to log anything more important than debug messages. Thisboot argument causesthe kernel to also print the messagesof
DEBUG priority. The console log level can also be set at runtime via an option to klogd. See klogd(8).
r eser ve=. . .
Thisisused to protect I/O port regionsfrom probes. The form of the command is
reserve=i obase,ext ent [,i obase,ext ent ]...
Part VII: Miscellaneous
In some machines, it might be necessary to prevent device driversfrom checking for devices(auto-probing) in a specific
region. Thismay be because of hardware that reactsbadly to the probing, hardware that would be mistakenly identified, or
hardware you dont want the kernel to initialize.
The reserve boot-time argument specifiesan I/O port region that shouldnt be probed. A device driver doesnot probe a
reserved region unlessanother boot argument explicitly specifiesthat it do so.
For example, the boot line
reserve=0x300,32 blah=0x300
keepsall device driversexcept the driver for blah from probing 0x300-0x31f.
r amdi sk=. . .
Thisoption isobsolete since Linux 1.3.48 or so. It specifiesthe size in kilobytesof the optional RAM disk device. For
example, if one wantsto have a root filesystem on a 1.44MB floppy loaded into the RAM disk device, they use
Thisoption isset at compile time (default isno RAM disk), and can be modified using rdev(8).
mem=. . .
The BIOS call defined in the PC specification that returnsthe amount of installed memory wasonly designed to be able to
report up to 64MB. Linux usesthisBIOS call at boot to determine how much memory isinstalled. If you have more than
64MB of RAM installed, you can use thisboot arg to tell Linux how much memory you have. The value isin decimal or
hexadecimal (prefix 0x), and the suffixesK (times1024) or M (times1048576) can be used. The following quote from Linus
describesthe use of the mem= parameter:
The kernel will accept any mem=xx parameter you give it, and if it turnsout that you lied to it, it will crash horribly sooner or
later. The parameter indicatesthe highest addressable RAM address, so mem=0x1000000 meansyou have 16MB of memory,
for example. For a 96MB machine thiswould be mem=0x6000000.
NOTE: Some machinesmight use the top of memory for BIOS caching or whatever, so you might not actually have up to
the full 96MB addressable. The reverse isalso true: Some chipsetswill map the physical memory that iscovered by the BIOS
area into the area just past the top of memory, so the top-of-mem might actually be 96MB + 384KB, for example. If you tell
Linux that it hasmore memory than it actually doeshave, bad thingswill happen: maybe not at once, but surely eventually.
r eboot =war m
Since 2.0.22, a reboot isby default a cold reboot. Thiscommand-line option changesback to the old default, a warm reboot.
General notation for thissection:
iobasethe first I/O port that the SCSI host occupies. These are specified in hexadecimal notation and usually lie in the
range from 0x200 to 0x3ff.
irqthe hardware interrupt that the card isconfigured to use. Valid valuesare dependent on the card in question but are
usually 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 15. The other valuesare usually used for common peripheralssuch asIDE hard disks, floppies,
serial ports, and so on.
scsi-idthe ID that the host adapter usesto identify itself on the SCSI bus. Only some host adaptersallow you to change
thisvalue because most have it permanently specified internally. The usual default value is7, but the Seagate and Future
Domain TMC-950 boardsuse 6.
paritywhether the SCSI host adapter expectsthe attached devicesto supply a parity value with all information exchanges.
Specifying a 1 indicatesparity checking isenabled, and a 0 disablesparity checking. Again, not all adapterssupport selection
of parity behavior asa boot argument.
A SCSI device can have a number of subdevicescontained within itself. The most common example isone of the new SCSI
CD-ROMsthat handle more than one disk at a time. Each CD isaddressed asa Logical Unit Number (LUN) of that
particular device. Most devices, such ashard disksand tape drives, are only one device and are assigned to LUN 0.
Some poorly designed SCSI devicescannot handle being probed for LUNsnot equal to 0. Therefore, if the compile-time flag
CONFIG SCSI MULTI LUN isnot set, newer kernelsby default only probe LUN 0.
To specify the number of probed LUNsat boot, one entersmax scsi luns=n asa boot arg, where n isa number between 1
and 8. To avoid problemsasdescribed, one usesn=1 to avoid upsetting such broken devices.
Some boot-time configuration of the SCSI tape driver can be achieved with the following:
st=buf _si ze[,wr i t e_t hr eshol d[,max_buf s ]]
The first two numbersare specified in unitsof kilobytes. The default buf _si ze is32KB, and the maximum size that can be
specified isa ridiculous16384KB. The wr i t e_t hr eshol d isthe value at which the buffer iscommitted to tape with a default
value of 30KB. The maximum number of buffersvarieswith the number of drivesdetected and hasa default of two. A
sample usage is
Full detailscan be found in the file that isin the scsi directory of the kernel source tree.
The aha numbersrefer to cardsand the aic numbersrefer to the actual SCSI chip on these typesof cards, including the
SoundBlaster-16 SCSI.
The probe code for these SCSI hostslooksfor an installed BIOS, and if none ispresent, the probe will not find your card.
Then you must use a boot arg of the form:
aha152x=i obase[,i r q[,scsi - i d[,r econnect [,par i t y ]]]]
If the driver wascompiled with debugging enabled, a sixth value can be specified to set the debug level.
All the parametersare asdescribed at the top of thissection, and the reconnect value allowsdevice disconnect/reconnect if a
nonzero value isused. A sample usage isasfollows:
Note that the parametersmust be specified in order, meaning that if you want to specify a parity setting, then you must
specify an i obase, i r q, scsi - i d, and r econnect value aswell.
The aha1542 seriescardshave an i82077 floppy controller on board, whereasthe aha1540 seriescardsdo not. These are bus-
mastering cardsand have parametersto set the fairness that isused to share the buswith other devices. The boot arg looks
like the following:
aha1542=i obase[,buson,busof f [,dmaspeed]]
Valid i obase valuesare usually one of 0x130, 0x134, 0x230, 0x234, 0x330, or 0x334. Clone cardsmay permit other values.
The buson and busof f valuesrefer to the number of microsecondsthat the card dominatesthe ISA bus. The defaultsare 11us
on and 4us off so that other cards(such asan ISA LANCE Ethernet card) have a chance to get accessto the ISA bus.
The dmaspeed value refersto the rate (in MB/s) at which the DMA (Direct Memory Access) transfersproceed. The default is
5MB/s. Newer revision cardsallow you to select thisvalue aspart of the soft-configuration; older cardsuse jumpers. You can
use valuesup to 10MB/s, assuming that your motherboard iscapable of handling it. Experiment with caution if using values
over 5MB/s.
Part VII: Miscellaneous
These boardscan accept an argument of the form:
aic7xxx=ext ended,no_r eset
The extended value, if nonzero, indicatesthat extended translation for large disksisenabled. The no_r eset value, if nonzero,
tellsthe driver not to reset the SCSI buswhen setting up the host adapter at boot.
At present, the buslogic driver acceptsonly one parameter, the I/O base. It expectsthat to be one of the following valid
values: 0x130, 0x134, 0x230, 0x234, 0x330, or 0x334.
If your card isnot detected at boot time, you must use a boot arg of the form
tmc8xx=mem_base,i r q
The mem_base value isthe value of the memory-mapped I/O region that the card uses. Thisisusually one of the following
values: 0xc8000, 0xca000, 0xcc000, 0xce000, 0xdc000, or 0xde000.
The PAS16 usesan NC5380 SCSI chip, and newer modelssupport jumperlessconfiguration. The boot arg isof the form
pas16=i obase,i r q
The only difference isthat you can specify an IRQ value of 255, which tellsthe driver to work without using interrupts,
albeit at a performance loss. The i obase isusually 0x388.
If your card isnot detected at boot time, you must use a boot arg of the form
st0x=mem_base,i r q
The mem_base value isthe value of the memory-mapped I/O region that the card uses. Thisisusually one of the following
values: 0xc8000, 0xca000, 0xcc000, 0xce000, 0xdc000, or 0xde000.
These cardsare also based on the NCR5380 chip and accept the following options:
t128=mem_base,i r q
The valid valuesfor mem_base are asfollows: 0xcc000, 0xc8000, 0xdc000, and 0xd8000.
At present, the following SCSI cardsdo not make use of any boot-time parameters. In some cases, you can hard-wire values
by directly editing the driver itself, if required.
AlwaysIN2000, Adaptec aha1740, EATA-DMA, EATA-PIO, Future Domain 16xx, NCR5380 (generic), NCR53c7xx to
NCR53c8xx, Qlogic, Ultrastor (including u?4f), and Western Digital wd7000.
The IDE driver acceptsa number of parameters, which range from disk geometry specificationsto support for broken
controller chips. Drive specific optionsare specified by using hdX= with X in a-h.
Non-drivespecific optionsare specified with the prefix hd=. Note that using a drive-specific prefix for a non-drivespecific
option will still work, and the option will just be applied asexpected.
Also note that hd= can be used to refer to the next unspecified drive in the (a, , h) sequence. For the following discussions,
the hd= option will be cited for brevity. See the file README.ide in linux/drivers/block for more details.
THE hd=cyls,heads,sects[,wpcom[,irq]] OPTIONS
These optionsare used to specify the physical geometry of the disk. Only the first three valuesare required. The cylinder,
head, and sectorsvaluesare those used by fdisk. The write precompensation value isignored for IDE disks. The IRQ value
specified isthe IRQ used for the interface that the drive resideson and isnot really a drive-specific parameter.
THE hd=serialize OPTION
The dual IDE interface CMD-640 chip isbroken asdesigned such that when driveson the secondary interface are used at
the same time asdriveson the primary interface, it will corrupt your data. Using thisoption tellsthe driver to make sure that
both interfacesare never used at the same time.
THE hd=dtc2278 OPTION
Thisoption tellsthe driver that you have a DTC-2278D IDE interface. The driver then triesto do DTC-specific operations
to enable the second interface and to enable faster transfer modes.
THE hd=noprobe OPTION
Do not probe for thisdrive. The following line
hdb=noprobe hdb=1166,7,17
disablesthe probe but still specifiesthe drive geometry so that it isregistered asa valid block device and hence usable.
THE hd=nowerr OPTION
Some drivesapparently have the WRERR STAT bit stuck on permanently. Thisenablesa work-around for these broken devices.
THE hd=cdrom OPTION
Thistellsthe IDE driver that there isan ATAPI compatible CD-ROM attached in place of a normal IDE hard disk. In most
cases, the CD-ROM isidentified automatically, but if it isnt, then thismight help.
The standard disk driver can accept geometry argumentsfor the diskssimilar to the IDE driver. Note however that it only
expectsthree values(C/H/S); any more or any lessand it will silently ignore you. Also, it only acceptshd= asan argument; hda=
and so on are not valid here. The format isasfollows:
hd=cyl s ,heads,sect s
If there are two disksinstalled, the preceding line isrepeated with the geometry parametersof the second disk.
If you are unfortunate enough to be using one of these old 8-bit cardsthat move data at a whopping 125KB/s, then here is
the scoop. If the card isnot recognized, you must use a boot arg of the form
xd=t ype,i r q,i obase,dma_chan
The t ype value specifiesthe particular manufacturer of the card, and you use one of the following: 0=generic, 1=DTC, 2, 3,
4=Western Digital, 5, 6, 7=Seagate, or 8=OMTI. The only difference between multiple typesfrom the same manufacturer is
the BIOS string used for detection, which isnot used if the type isspecified.
The xd_setup() function doesno checking on the valuesand assumesthat you entered all four values. Dont disappoint it.
Here isa sample usage for a WD1002 controller with the BIOS disabled or removed, using the default XT controller
Part VII: Miscellaneous
The syntax for thistype of card is
aztcd=i obase[,magi c_number ]
If you set the magi c_number to 0x79, the driver will run anyway in the event of an unknown firmware version. All other values
are ignored.
ThisCD-ROM interface isfound on some of the Pro Audio Spectrum sound cardsand other Sony supplied interface cards.
The syntax isasfollows:
cdu31a=i obase,[i r q[,is_pas_car d]]
Specifying an IRQ value of 0 tellsthe driver that hardware interruptsarent supported (ason some PAS cards). If your card
supportsinterrupts, you should use them because they cut down on the CPU usage of the driver.
The i s_pas_car d should be entered asPAS if using a Pro Audio Spectrum card; otherwise, it should not be specified at all.
The syntax for thisCD-ROM interface is
sonycd535=i obase[,i r q]
A 0 can be used for the I/O base asa placeholder if you want to specify an IRQ value.
The syntax for thisCD-ROM interface is
gscd=i obase
The syntax for thisCD-ROM interface is
mcd=i obase,[i r q[,wai t _val ue]]
The wai t _val ue isused asan internal time-out value for people who are having problemswith their drive and may or may
not be implemented depending on a compile-time #define. The Mitsumi FX400 isan IDE/ATAPI CD-ROM player and
doesnot use the mcd driver.
At present, thisexperimental driver hasa setup function, but no parametersare implemented (asof 1.3.15). Thisisfor the
same hardware aspreviously described, but the driver hasextended features.
The syntax for thistype of card is
optcd=i obase
The syntax for thistype of card is
cm206=[i obase][,i r q]
The driver assumesnumbersbetween 3 and 11 are IRQ valuesand numbersbetween 0x300 and 0x370 are I/O ports, so you
can specify one, or both numbers, in any order. It also acceptscm206=auto to enable autoprobing.
The syntax for thistype of card is
sjcd=i obase[,i r q[,dma_channel ]]
The syntax for thistype of card is
sbpcd=i obase,t ype
t ype isone of the following (case-sensitive) strings: SoundBlaster, LaserMate, or SPEA. The I/O base isthat of the CD-ROM
interface and not that of the sound portion of the card.
Different driversuse different parameters, but they all at least share having an IRQ, an I/O port base value, and a name. In
itsmost generic form, it lookssomething like this:
ether=i r q,i obase[,par am_1[,par am_2,...par am_8]],name
The first non-numeric argument istaken asthe name. The par am_n values(if applicable) usually have different meaningsfor
each different card or driver. Typical par am_n valuesare used to specify thingssuch asshared memory address, interface
selection, DMA channel, and the like.
The most common use of thisparameter isto force probing for a second ethercard because the default isto only probe for
one. Thiscan be accomplished with a simple
Note that the valuesof 0 for the IRQ and I/O base in the example tell the driversto autoprobe.
The Ethernet How To hasextensive documentation on using multiple cardsand on the card-specific or driver-specific
implementation of the par am_n valueswhere used. Interested readersshould refer to the section in that document on their
particular card.
There are many floppy driver options, and they are all listed in README.fd in linux/drivers/block. Thisinformation istaken
directly from that file.
Setsthe bitmask of allowed drivesto mask. By default, only units0 and 1 of each floppy controller are allowed. Thisisdone
because certain non-standard hardware (ASUS PCI motherboards) messup the keyboard when accessing units2 or 3. This
option issomewhat obsolete because of the cmosoption.
floppy=all drives
Setsthe bitmask of allowed drivesto all drives. Use thisif you have more than two drivesconnected to a floppy controller.
Setsthe bitmask to allow only units0 and 1 (the default).
Tellsthe floppy driver that you have a well-behaved floppy controller. Thisallowsmore efficient and smoother operation but
may fail on certain controllers. Thiscan speed up certain operations.
Tellsthe floppy driver that your floppy controller should be used with caution.
Part VII: Miscellaneous
Tellsthe floppy driver that you have only one floppy controller (default).
floppy=two_fdc OR floppy=address,two_fdc
Tellsthe floppy driver that you have two floppy controllers. The second floppy controller isassumed to be at address. If
addressisnot given, 0x370 isassumed.
Tellsthe floppy driver that you have a Thinkpad. Thinkpadsuse an inverted convention for the disk change line.
Tellsthe floppy driver that you dont have a Thinkpad.
Setsthe cmos type of drive to type. Additionally, thisdrive isallowed in the bitmask. Thisisuseful if you have more than two
floppy drives(only two can be described in the physical cmos), or if your BIOS usesnon-standard cmos types. Setting the cmos
to 0 for the first two drives(default) makesthe floppy driver read the physical cmos for those drives.
Print a warning message when an unexpected interrupt isreceived (default behavior)
floppy=no unexpected_interrupts OR floppy=L40SX
Dont print a message when an unexpected interrupt isreceived. Thisisneeded on IBM L40SX laptopsin certain video
modes. (There seemsto be an interaction between video and floppy. The unexpected interruptsonly affect performance and
can safely be ignored.)
The sound driver can also accept boot argsto override the compiled in values. Thisisnot recommended because it israther
complex. It isdescribed in the Readme.Linux file in linux/drivers/sound. It acceptsa boot arg of the form
sound=devi ce1[,devi ce2[,devi ce3...[,devi ce11]]]
Each devi ceN value isof the format 0xTaaaI d and the bytesare used asfollows:
Tdevice type: 1=FM, 2=SB, 3=PAS, 4=GUS, 5=MPU401, 6=SB16, and 7=SB16-MPU401
aaaI/O addressin hex
I interrupt line in hex (10=a, 11=b, )
dDMA channel
Asyou can see, it getspretty messy, and you are better off to compile in your own personal valuesasrecommended. Using a
boot arg of sound=0 disablesthe sound driver entirely.
The busmouse driver only acceptsone parameter, the hardware IRQ value to be used.
LinusTorvalds(and many others)
klogd(8), lilo.conf(5), lilo(8), mount(8), rdev(8)
Thisman page wasderived from the Boot Parameter HOWTO (version 1.0.1) written by Paul Gortmaker. More informa-
tion can be found in this(or a more recent) HOWTO.
Linux 1.3.19, 15 August 1995
groff_metroff macrosfor formatting papers.
groff_me [ opt i ons ] f i l e ...
troff_me [ opt i ons ] f i l e ...
Thismanual page describesthe GNU version of the _me macros, which ispart of the groff document formatting system.
Thisversion can be used with both GNU troff and UNIX troff. Thispackage of troff macro definitionsprovidesa canned
formatting facility for technical papersin variousformats.
The macro requestsare defined asfollows. Many troff requestsare unsafe in conjunction with thispackage; however, these
requestscan be used with impunity after the first .pp:
.bp Begin new page
.br Break output line here
.sp n Insert n spacing lines
.ls n Line spacing; n=1 single, n=2 double space
.na No alignment of right margin
.ce n Center next n lines
.ul n Underline next n lines
Output of the pic, eqn, refer, and tbl preprocessorsisacceptable asinput.
groff(1), gtroff(1), _me Reference Manual, Eric P. Allman, Writing Paperswith Groff Using _me
Thislist isincomplete; see the _me Reference Manual for interesting details.
Request Initial Value CauseBreak Explanation
.(c - Yes Begin centered block.
.(d - No Begin delayed text.
.(f - No Begin footnote.
.(l - Yes Begin list.
.(q - Yes Begin major quote.
.(x x - No Begin indexed item in index x.
.(z - No Begin floating keep.
.)c - Yes End centered block.
.)d - Yes End delayed text.
.)f - Yes End footnote.
.)l - Yes End list.
.)q - Yes End major quote.
Part VII: Miscellaneous
.)x - Yes End index item.
.)z - Yes End floating keep.
.++ m H - No Define paper section.
m definesthe part of the paper and can be C
(chapter), A (appendix), P (preliminary, such as
abstract, table of contents, and so on), B (bibliogra-
phy), RC (chaptersrenumbered from page one each
chapter), or RA (appendix renumbered from page
.+c T - Yes Begin chapter (or appendix and so on asset by .++).
T isthe chapter title.
.1c 1 Yes One column format on a new page.
.2c 1 Yes Two column format. Equation number isy.
.EN - Yes Space after equation produced by eqn or neqn.
.EQ x y - Yes Precede equation; break out and add space.
The optional argument x may be I to indent
equation (default), L to left-adjust the equation, or C
to center the equation.
.GE - Yes End gremlin picture.
.GS - Yes Begin gremlin picture.
.PE - Yes End pic picture.
.PS - Yes Begin pic picture.
.TE - Yes End table.
.TH - Yes End heading section of table.
.TS x - Yes Begin table; if x isH, table hasrepeated heading.
.b x No No Print x in boldface; if no argument switch to
.ba +n 0 Yes Augmentsthe base indent by n.
Thisindent isused to set the indent on regular text
(like paragraphs).
.bc No Yes Begin new column.
.bi x No No Print x in bold italics(no fill only).
.bu - Yes Begin bulleted paragraph.
.bx x No No Print x in a box (no fill only).
.ef xyz No Set even footer to x y z.
.eh xyz No Set even header to x y z.
.fo xyz No Set footer to x y z.
.hx - No Suppressheadersand footerson next page.
.he xyz No Set header to x y z.
.hl - Yes Draw a horizontal line.
.i x No No Italicize x; if x ismissing, italic text follows.
.ip x y No Yes Start indented paragraph with hanging tag x.
Indentation isy ens(default is5).
Request Initial Value CauseBreak Explanation
.lp Yes Yes Start left-blocked paragraph.
.np 1 Yes Start numbered paragraph.
.of xyz No Set odd footer to x y z.
.oh xyz No Set odd header to x y z.
.pd - Yes Print delayed text.
.pp No Yes Begin paragraph. First line indented.
.r Yes No Roman text follows.
.re - No Reset tabsto default values.
.sh n x - Yes Section head follows; font isautomatically bold. n is
level of section. x istitle of section.
.sk No No Leave the next page blank. Only one page is
remembered ahead.
.sm x - No Set x in a smaller point size.
.sz +n 10p No Augment the point size by n points.
.tp No Yes Begin title page.
.u x - No Underline argument (even in troff) (nofill only).
.uh - Yes Like .sh but unnumbered.
.xp x - No Print index x.
Groff Version 1.09, 6 August 1992
groff_mmgroff mm macros.
groff_mgm [ opt i ons ... ] [f i l es ... ]
The groff mm macrosare intended to be compatible with the DWB mm macroswith the following limitations:
No letter macrosare implemented (yet).
No Bell Labslocalismsare implemented.
The macrosOK and PM are not implemented.
groff mm doesnot support cut marks.
mgm isintended to be international. Therefore, it ispossible to write short national macro-filesthat change all English text to
the preferred language. Use mgmse asan example.
groff mm hasseveral extensions:
1C [1] Begin one column processing. A 1 asargument disablesthe page break.
APP name t ext Begin an appendix with the name name. Automatic naming occursif name is. The
appendixesstartswith A if auto isused. A new page isejected, and a header isalso
produced if the number variable Aph isnon-zero. Thisisthe default. The appendix
alwaysappear in the list of contentswith the correct page number. The name
APPENDIX can be changed by setting the string App to the desired text.
Request Initial Value CauseBreak Explanation
Part VII: Miscellaneous
APPSK name pages t ext Same as.APP, but the page number isincremented with pages. Thisisused
when diagramsor other non-formatted documentsare included asappen-
B1 Begin box (asthe ms macro) Drawsa box around the text.
B2 End box. Finish the box.
BVL Start of broken variable-item list. Like VL but text beginsalwaysat the next
COVER [ar g] COVER beginsa coversheet definition. It isimportant that .COVER appears
before any normal text. .COVER usesar g to build the filename /usr/lib/groff/
tmac/mm/arg.cov. Therefore, it ispossible to create unlimited typesof
coversheets. ms.cov issupposed to look like the ms coversheet. .COVER requires
a .COVEND at the end of the cover definition. Alwaysuse thisorder of the cover
However, only .TL and .AU are required.
COVEND Thisfinishesthe cover description and printsthe cover page. It isdefined in
the cover file.
GETHN r ef name [var name] Includesthe header number where the corresponding SETR r ef name was
placed. Will be X.X.X. in pass1. See INITR. If var name isused, GETHN setsthe
string variable var name to the header number.
GETPN r ef name [var name] Includesthe page number where the corresponding SETR r ef name wasplaced.
Will be 9999 in pass1. See INITR. If var name isused, GETPN setsthe string
variable var name to the page number.
GETR r ef name CombinesGETHN and GETPN with the text chapter and , page. The string
Qr f containsthe text for reference: .ds Qr f See chapter \\*[Qr f h], page
\\*[Qr f p]. Qr f may be changed to support other languages. StringsQr f h and
Qr f p are set by GETR and contain the page and header number.
GETST r ef name [var name] Includesthe string saved with the second argument to .SETR. Will be dummy
string in pass1. If var name isused, GETST setsthe string variable var name to the
saved string. See INITR.
INITR f i l ename Initialize the reference macros. Referenceswill be written to f i l ename. tmp
and f i l ename.qrf. Requirestwo passeswith groff. The first looksfor
referencesand the second includesthem. INITR can be used several times, but
it isonly the first occurrence of INITR that isactive. See also SETR, GETPN, and
MC col umn- si ze [col umn- separ at i on] Begin multiple columns. Return to normal with 1C.
MT [ar g [addr essee]] Memorandum type. The ar g ispart of a filename in /usr/lib/groff/tmac/mm/
*.MT. Memorandum type 0 through 5 are supported, including st r i ng.
addr essee just setsa variable, used in the AT&T macros.
MOVE y- pos [x- pos[l i ne- l engt h]] Move to a position, page offset set to x- pos. If l i ne- l engt h isnot given, the
difference between the current and new page offset isused. Use PGFORM
without argumentsto return to normal.
MULB cw1 space1[cw2 space2 [cw3 ...]] Begin a special multi-column mode. Every columnswidth must
be specified. Also, the space between the columnsmust be
specified. The last column doesnot need any space definition.
MULB startsa diversion and MULE endsthe diversion and printsthe
columns. The unit for width and space isn, but MULB acceptsall
normal unit specificationssuch asc and i. MULB operatesin a
separate environment.
MULN Begin the next column. Thisisthe only way to switch columns.
MULE End the multi-column mode and print the columns.
PGFORM [l i nel engt h[pagel engt h[pageof f set [1]]]] Thismacro can be used for special formatting, such asPGFORM
l i nel engt h, pagel engt h and/or pageof f set . letterheads. Setscan be used without argumentsto reset
everything after a MOVE. A line break isdone unlessthe fourth
argument isgiven. Thiscan be used to avoid the page number
on the first page while setting new width and length.
PGNH No header isprinted on the next page. Used to get rid of the
header in lettersor other special texts. Thismacro must be used
before any text to inhibit the page header on the first page.
SETR r ef name [st r i ng] Remember the current header and page number asr ef name. Saves
st r i ng if st r i ng isdefined. st r i ng isretrieved with .GETST. See
TAB Reset tabsto every 5n. Usually used to reset any previoustab
VERBON [f l ag [poi nt si ze[f ont ]]] Begin verbatim output using Courier font. Usually for printing
programs. All charactershave equal width. The point size can be
changed with the second argument. By specifying the font
argument, it ispossible to use another font instead of Courier.
f l ag controlsseveral special features. It containsthe sum of all
wanted features:
Value Description
1 Disable the escape-character (n). Thisisusually
turned on during verbose output.
2 Add an empty line before the verbose text.
4 Add an empty line after the verbose text.
8 Print the verbose text with numbered lines. This
addsfour digit-sized spacesin the beginning of
each line. Finer control isavailable with the
string-variable Verbnm. It containsall arguments
to the troff-command .nm, usually 1.
16 Indent the verbose text with five ns. Thisis
controlled by the number-variable Verbin (in
VERBOFF End verbatim output.
New variablesin mgm:
App A string containing the word APPENDIX.
Aph Print an appendix page for every new appendix if thisnumber
variable isnonzero. No output will occur if Aph iszero, but there
Part VII: Miscellaneous
will alwaysbe an appendix entry in the list of contents.
Hps Number variable with the heading pre-space level. If the heading
level islessthan or equal to Hps, then two linesprecede the section
heading instead of one. Default isfirst level only. The real amount
of linesiscontrolled by the variablesHps1 and Hps2.
Hps1 Thisisthe number of linespreceding .H when the heading level is
greater than Hps. Value isin units, usually 0.5v.
Hps2 Thisisthe number of linespreceding .H when the heading level is
lessthan or equal to Hps. Value isin units, usually 1v.
Lifg String containing figure.
Litb String containing table.
Liex String containing exhibit.
Liec String containing equation.
Licon String containing contents.
Lsp The size of an empty line. Usually 0.5v, but it is1v if n isset
MO1 - MO12 Stringscontaining January to December.
Qrf String containing See chapter \\*[Qrfh], page \\n[Qrfp]..
Pgps Controlswhether header and footer point size should follow the
current setting or just change when the header and footer is
Value Description
0 Point size will only change to the current setting
when .PH, .PF, .OH, .EH, .OF, or .OE isexecuted.
1 Point size will change after every .S. Thisisthe
Sectf Flag controlling section figures. A nonzero value enablesthis. See
also register N.
Sectp Flag controlling section page numbers. A nonzero value enables
this. See also register N.
.mgm Always1.
A file called locale or lang_locale isread after the initiation of the global variables. It istherefore possible to localize the
macroswith a company name and so on.
The following standard macrosare implemented:
2C Begin two column processing.
AE Abstract end.
AF [name of f i r m] Authorsfirm.
AL [t ype[t ext - i ndent [1]]]] Start autoincrement list.
AS [ar g [i ndent ]] Abstract start. Indent isspecified in ens, but scaling isallowed.
AST [t i t l e] Abstract title. Default isABSTRACT.
AT t i t l e1 [t i t l e2 ...] Authorstitle.
AU name [i ni t i al s [l oc [dept
[ext [r oom [ar g [ar g
[arg]]]]]]]] Author information.
B [bol d- t ext [pr ev- f ont - t ex t [...]]] Begin boldface. No limit on the number of arguments.
BE End bottom block.
BI[bol d- t ext [i t al i c- t ext [bol d- t ext [...]]] Bold italic. No limit on the number of arguments.
BL [t ext - i ndent [1]] Start bullet list.
BR [bol d- t ext [r oman- t ext [bol d- t ext [...]]] Bold roman. No limit on the number of arguments.
BS Bottom block start.
DE Display end.
DF[f or mat [f i l l [r i ndent ]]] Begin floating display (no nesting allowed).
DL [t ext - i ndent [1]] Dash list start.
DS [f or mat [f i l l [r i ndent ]]] Static display start. Can now have unlimited nesting. Also, right-
adjusted text and block may be used (R or RB asformat).
EC [t i t l e [over r i de[f l ag [r ef name]]]] Equation title. If r ef name isused, then the equation number is
saved with .SETR and can be retrieved with .GETST r ef name.
EF [ar g] Even page footer.
EH [ar g] Even page header.
EN Equation end.
EQ [l abel ] Equation start.
EX [t i t l e [over r i de[f l ag [r ef name]]]] Exhibit title. If r ef name isused, then the exhibit number issaved
with .SETR and can be retrieved with .GETST r ef name.
FD [ar g [1]] Footnote default format.
FE Footnote end.
FG [t i t l e [over r i de[f l ag [r ef name]]]] Figure title. If r ef name isused, then the figure number issaved
with .SETR and can be retrieved with .GETST r ef name.
FS Footnote start. Footnotesin displaysisnow possible.
H l evel [headi ng- t ext [headi ng- suf f i x]] Numbered heading.
HC [hyphenat i on- c har act er ] Set hyphenation character.
HM [ar g1 [ar g2[... [ar g7]]]] Heading mark style.
HU headi ng- t ext Unnumbered header.
HX dl evel r l evel headi ng- t ext User-defined heading exit. Called just before printing the header.
HY dl evel r l evel headi ng- t ext User-defined heading exit. Called just before printing the header.
HZ dl evel r l evel headi ng- t ext User-defined heading exit. Called just after printing the header.
I [i t al i c- t ext .
[pr ev- f ont - t ex t
[i t al i c- t ext [...]]] Italic.
IB [i t al i c- t ext
[bol d- t ext
[i t al i c- t ext [...]]] Italic bold.
IR [i t al i c- t ext
[r oman- t ext
[i t al i c- t ext [...]]] Italic roman.
LB t ext - i ndent mar k- i ndent
pad t ype[mar k
[LI - space [LB- space]]] List begin macro.
LC [l i st l evel ] List statusclear.
LE List end.
LI [mar k [1]] List item.
ML mar k [t ext - i ndent ] Marked list start.
MT [ar g [addr essee]] Memorandum type. See above note about MT.
Part VII: Miscellaneous
ND new- dat e New date.
OF [ar g] Odd page footer.
OH [ar g] Odd page header.
OP Skip to odd page.
P [t ype] Begin new paragraph.
PE Picture end.
PF [ar g] Page footer.
PH [ar g] Page header.
PS Picture start (from pic).
PX Page header user-defined exit.
R Roman.
RB [r oman- t ext [bol d- t ext
[r oman- t ext [...]]] Roman-bold.
RD [pr ompt [di ver si on [st r i ng]]] Read to di ver si on and/or st r i ng.
RF Reference end.
RI [r oman- t ext
[i t al i c- t ext
[r oman- t ext [...]]] Roman italic.
RL [t ext - i ndent [1]] Reference list start.
RP [ar g [ar g]] Produce reference page.
RS [st r i ng- name] Reference start.
S [si ze [spaci ng]] Set point size and vertical spacing. If any argument equalsP, then the
previousvalue isused. A C meanscurrent value, and D meansdefault
value. If + or isused before the value, an increment or decrement of
the current value isdone.
SA [ar g] Set adjustment.
SK [pages ] Skip pages.
SM st r i ng1[st r i ng2 [st r i ng3]] Make a string smaller.
SP [l i nes ] Space vertically. l i nes can have any scaling factor, such as3i or 8v.
TB [t i t l e [over r i de[f l ag [r ef name]]]] Table title. If r ef name isused, then the table number issaved with
.SETR and can be retrieved with .GETST r ef name.
TC [sl evel [spaci ng
[t l evel [t ab [h1 [h2
[h3 [h4 [h5]]]]]]]]]
Table of contents. All textscan be redefined. new string variables
Lifg, Litb, Liex, Liec, and Licon contain Figure, TABLE, Exhibit,
Equation, and CONTENTS. These can be redefined to other
TE Table end.
TH [N] Table header.
TL Begin title of memorandum.
TM [num1 [num2 [...]]] Technical memorandum numbersused in .MT. Unlimited number of
argumentsmay be given.
TP Top of page user-defined macro. Note that header and footer is
printed in a separate environment. Line length ispreserved.
TS [H] Table start.
TX User-defined table of contentsexit.
TY User-defined table of contentsexit (no CONTENTS).
VL [t ext - i ndent [mar k- i ndent [1]]] Variable-item list start.
VM [t op [bot t om]] Vertical margin.
WC [f or mat ] Footnote and display width control.
Stringsused in mgm:
EM Em dash string.
HF Font list for headings, usually 2 2 2 2 2 2 2. Nonnumeric font
namesmay also be used.
HP Point size list for headings. Usually 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, which isthe
same as10 10 10 10 10 10 10.
Tm Contains\(tm, trademark.
Number variablesused in mgm:
Cl=2 Contentslevel [0:7]; contentssaved if heading level <=Cl.
Cp=0 Eject page between LIST OF XXXX if Cp == 0.
D=0 Debug flag, valuesgreater than 0 produce varying degree of debug. A
value of 1 givesinformation about the progressof formatting.
De=0 Eject after floating display isoutput [0:1].
Df=5 Floating keep output [0:5].
Ds=1 Space before and after display if == 1 [0:1].
Ej=0 Eject page.
Eq=0 Equation label adjust 0=left, 1=right.
Fs=1 Footnote spacing.
H1 - H7 Heading counters.
Hb=2 Heading break level [0:7].
Hc=0 Heading centering level [0:7].
Hi=1 Heading temporary indent [0:2]. 0 isno indent, left margin. 1 is
indent to right, like .P 1. 2 isindent to line up with text part of
preceding heading.
Hs=2 Heading space level [0:7]
Ht=0 Heading numbering type 0 ismultiple (1.1.1 ). 1 issingle.
Hu=2 Unnumbered heading level.
Hy=1 Hyphenation in body. 0 isno hyphenation. 1 ishyphenation 14 on.
Lf=1, Lt=1, Lx=1, Le=0 Enables(1) or disables(0) the printing of a list of figures, list of tables,
list of exhibits, and list of equations.
Li=6 List indent, used by .AL.
Ls=99 List space, if current list level isgreater than Ls, then no spacing
occursaround lists.
N=0 Numbering style [0:5]:
0 == (Default) Normal header for all pages.
1 == Header replacesfooter on first page; header isempty.
2 == Page header isremoved on the first page.
Part VII: Miscellaneous
3 == Section page numbering enabled.
4 == Page header isremoved on the first page.
5 == Section page and section figure numbering enabled. See also the
number register Sectf and Sectp.
Np=0 Numbered paragraphs. 0 isnot numbered. 1 isnumbered in first-level
Of=0 Format of figure, table, exhibit, and equation titles. 0 is. . 1 is-.
P Current page number, usually the same as% unlesssection-page
numbering isenabled.
Pi=5 Paragraph indent.
Ps=1 Paragraph spacing.
Pt=0 Paragraph type. 0 isleft-justified. 1 isindented .P. 2 isindented .P
except after .H, .DE, or .LE.
Si=5 Display indent.
Jorgen Hagg, Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden (
groff(1), gtroff(1), gtbl(1), gpic(1), geqn(1), mm(7), mgmse(7)
Groff Version 1.09, 14 February1994
groff_msgroff ms macros.
groff_mgs [ opt i ons ... ] [f i l es ... ]
Thismanual page describesthe GNU version of the ms macros, which ispart of the groff document formatting system. The
groff ms macrosare intended to be compatible with the documented behavior of the 4.3 BSD UNIX ms macros, subject to
the following limitations:
The internalsof groff ms are not similar to the internalsof UNIX ms, so documentsthat depend upon implementation
detailsof UNIX ms might not work with groff ms.
There isno support for typewriter-like devices.
Berkeley localisms, in particular the TM and CT macros, are not implemented.
groff ms doesnot provide cut marks.
Multiple line spacing isnot allowed. (Use a larger vertical spacing instead.)
groff ms doesnot work in compatibility mode (such aswith the -C option).
The error-handling policy of groff ms isto detect and report errors, rather than silently ignore them.
The groff ms macrosuse many featuresof GNU troff and therefore cannot be used with any other troff.
Bell Labslocalismsare not implemented in either the BSD ms macrosor in the groff ms macros.
Some UNIX ms documentation saysthat the CW and GW number registerscan be used to control the column width and gutter
width. Thisisnot the case. These number registersare not used in groff ms.
Macrosthat cause a reset set the indent. Macrosthat change the indent do not increment or decrement the indent, but rather
set it absolutely. Thiscan cause problemsfor documentsthat define additional macrosof their own. The solution isto not
use the in request but instead to use the RS and RE macros.
The number register GS isset to 1 by the groff ms macrosbut isnot used by the UNIX ms macros. It isintended that
documentsthat need to determine whether they are being formatted with UNIX ms or groff ms use thisnumber register.
Footnotesare implemented so that they can safely be used within keepsand displays. Automatically numbered footnotes
within floating keepsare not recommended. It issafe to have another \** between a \** and the corresponding .FS; it is
required only that each .FS occur after the corresponding \** and that the occurrencesof .FS are in the same order asthe
corresponding occurrencesof \**.
The strings\*{ and \*} can be used to begin and end a superscript.
Some UNIX V10 ms featuresare implemented. The B, I, and BI macroscan have an optional third argument that isprinted
in the current font before the first argument. There isa macro CW like B that changesto a constant-width font.
The following stringscan be redefined to adapt the groff ms macrosto languagesother than English:
String Default Value
TOC Table of Contents
MONTH1 January
MONTH2 February
MONTH3 March
MONTH4 April
MONTH8 August
MONTH9 September
MONTH10 October
MONTH11 November
MONTH12 December
The font family isreset from the string FAM; at initialization if thisstring isundefined, it isset to the current font family. The
point size, vertical spacing, and inter-paragraph spacing for footnotesare taken from the number registersFPS, FVS, and FPD;
at initialization, these are set to \n(PS-2, \n[FPS]+2, and \n(PD/2; however, if any of these registerswasdefined before
initialization, it isnot set. The hyphenation flags(asset by the .hy request) are set from the HY register; if thiswasnot defined
at initialization, it isset to 14.
Right-aligned displaysare available with .DS R and .RD.
The following conventionsare used for namesof macros, strings, and number registers. External namesavailable to
documentsthat use the groff ms macroscontain only uppercase lettersand digits. Internally, the macrosare divided into
Part VII: Miscellaneous
modules. Namesused only within one module are of the form modul e*name. Namesused outside the module in which they
are defined are of the form modul e@name. Namesassociated with a particular environment are of the form envi r onment :name;
these are used only within the par module, and name doesnot have a module prefix. Constructed namesused to implement
arraysare of the form ar r ay !i ndex. Thus, the groff ms macrosreserve the following names:
Namescontaining *
Namescontaining @
Namescontaining :
Namescontaining only uppercase lettersand digits
groff(1), gtroff(1), gtbl(1), gpic(1), geqn(1), ms(7)
Groff Version 1.09, 9 January1994
hierDescription of the filesystem hierarchy.
A typical Linux system has, among others, the following directories:
/ Thisisthe root directory. Thisiswhere the whole tree starts.
/bin Thisdirectory containsexecutable programsthat are needed in single-user mode and to
bring the system up or repair it.
/boot Containsstatic filesfor the boot loader. Thisdirectory only holdsthe filesthat are
needed during the boot process. The map installer and configuration filesshould go to /
sbin and /etc.
/dev Special or device filesthat refer to physical devices. See mknod(1).
/dos If both MSDOS and Linux are run on one computer, thisisa typical place to mount a
DOS filesystem.
/etc Containsconfiguration filesthat are local to the machine. Some larger software
packages, such asX11, can have their own subdirectoriesbelow /etc. Site-wide
configuration filesmay be placed here or in /usr/etc. Nevertheless, programsshould
alwayslook for these filesin /etc and you may have linksfor these filesto /usr/etc.
/etc/skel When a new user account iscreated, filesfrom thisdirectory are usually copied into the
usershome directory.
/etc/X11 Configuration filesfor the X11 window system.
/home On machineswith home directoriesfor users, these are usually beneath thisdirectory,
directly or not. The structure of thisdirectory dependson local administration
/lib Thisdirectory should hold those shared librariesthat are necessary to boot the system
and to run the commandsin the root filesystem.
/mnt Thisisa mount point for temporarily mounted filesystems.
/proc Thisisa mount point for the proc filesystem, which providesinformation about
running processesand the kernel. Thispseudo-filesystem isdescribed in more detail in
/sbin Like /bin, thisdirectory holdscommandsneeded to boot the system but usually not
executed by normal users.
/tmp Thisdirectory containstemporary filesthat may be deleted with no notice, such asby a
regular job or at system bootup.
/usr Thisdirectory isusually mounted from a separate partition. It should hold only
sharable, read-only data so that it can be mounted by variousmachinesrunning Linux.
/usr/X11R6 The X window system, version 11, release 6.
/usr/X11R6/bin Binariesthat belong to the X window system; often, there isa symbolic link from the
more traditional /usr/bin/X11 to here.
/usr/X11R6/lib Data filesassociated with the X window system.
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11 These contain miscellaneousfilesneeded to run X; Often, there isa symbolic link from
/usr/lib/X11 to thisdirectory.
/usr/X11R6/include/X11 Containsinclude filesneeded for compiling programsusing the X11 window system.
Often, there isa symbolic link from /usr/include/X11 to thisdirectory.
/usr/bin Thisisthe primary directory for executable programs. Most programsexecuted by
normal usersthat are not needed for booting or for repairing the system and that are not
installed locally should be placed in thisdirectory.
/usr/bin/X11 Thisisthe traditional place to look for X11 executables; on Linux, it usually isa
symbolic link to /usr/X11R6/bin.
/usr/dict Thisdirectory holdsfilescontaining word listsfor spell-checkers.
/usr/etc Site-wide configuration filesto be shared between several machinesmay be stored in this
directory. However, commandsshould alwaysreference those filesusing the /etc
directory. Linksfrom filesin /etc should point to the appropriate filesin /usr/etc.
/usr/include Include filesfor the C compiler.
/usr/include/X11 Include filesfor the C compiler and the X window system. Thisisusually a symbolic
link to /usr/X11R6/include/X11.
/usr/include/asm Include filesthat declare some assembler functions. Thisshould be a symbolic link to /
/usr/include/linux Thiscontainsinformation that may change from system release to system release and
should be a symbolic link to /usr/src/linux/include/linux to get at operating-system
specific information.
/usr/include/g++ Include filesto use with the GNU C++ compiler.
/usr/lib Object libraries, including dynamic libraries, plussome executablesthat usually are not
invoked directly. More complicated programsmay have whole subdirectoriesthere.
/usr/lib/X11 The usual place for data filesassociated with X programsand configuration filesfor the
X system itself. On Linux, it usually isa symbolic link to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11.
/usr/lib/gcc-lib Containsexecutablesand include filesfor the GNU C compiler, gcc(1).
/usr/lib/groff Filesfor the GNU groff document formatting system.
/usr/lib/uucp Filesfor uucp(1).
/usr/lib/zoneinfo Filesfor time zone information.
/usr/local Thisiswhere programsthat are local to the site typically go.
/usr/local/bin Binariesfor programslocal to the site go there.
/usr/local/doc Local documentation.
/usr/local/etc Configuration filesassociated with locally installed programsgo there.
/usr/local/lib Filesassociated with locally installed programsgo there.
/usr/local/info Info pagesassociated with locally installed programsgo there.
/usr/local/man Man pagesassociated with locally installed programsgo there.
/usr/local/sbin Locally installed programsfor system administration.
Part VII: Miscellaneous
/usr/local/src Source code for locally installed software.
/usr/man Man pagesgo in there into their subdirectories.
/usr/man/cat[1-9] These directoriescontain preformatted manual pagesaccording to their man page
/usr/man/l ocal e/man[1-9] These directoriescontain manual pagesthat are in source code form. Systemsthat use a
unique language and code set for all manual pagesmay omit the l ocal e substring.
/usr/sbin Thisdirectory containsprogram binariesfor system administration that are not essential
for the boot process, for mounting /usr, or for system repair.
/usr/src Source filesfor different partsof the system.
/usr/src/linux Thiscontainsthe sourcesfor the kernel of the operating system itself.
/usr/tmp An alternative place to store temporary files; Thisshould be a link to /var/tmp.
/var Thisdirectory containsfilesthat may change in size, such asspool and log files.
/var/adm Thisdirectory issuperseded by /var/log and should be a symbolic link to /var/log.
/var/lock Lock filesare placed in thisdirectory. The naming convention for device lock filesis
LCK..devi ce where devi ce isthe devicesname in the filesystem. The format used isthat
of HDU UUCP lock filesthat is, lock filescontain a PID asa 10-byte ASCII decimal
number, followed by a newline character.
/var/log Miscellaneouslog files.
/var/preserve Thisiswhere vi(1) savesedit sessionsso they can be restored later.
/var/run Runtime variable files, such asfilesholding processidentifiers(PIDs) and logged user
information (utmp). Filesin thisdirectory are usually cleared when the system boots.
/var/spool Spooled (or queued) filesfor variousprograms.
/var/spool/at Spooled jobsfor at(1).
/var/spool/cron Spooled jobsfor cron(1).
/var/spool/lpd Spooled filesfor printing.
/var/spool/mail Users mailboxes.
/var/spool/smail Spooled filesfor the smail(1) mail delivery program.
/var/spool/news Spool directory for the newssubsystem.
/var/spool/uucp Spooled filesfor uucp(1).
/var/tmp Like /tmp, thisdirectory holdstemporary filesstored for an unspecified duration.
The Linux filesystem standard, release 1.2.
Thislist isnot exhaustive; different systemsmay be configured differently.
find(1), ln(1), mount(1), proc(5), The Linux Filesystem Standard
Linux, 10 February1996
hostnameHostname resolution description.
Hostnamesare domains. A domain isa hierarchical, dot-separated list of subdomains. For example, the machine monet in the
Berkeley subdomain of the EDU subdomain of the Internet Domain Name System isrepresented asmonet.Berkeley.EDU (with
no trailing dot).
Hostnamesare often used with network client and server programs, which must generally translate the name to an address
for use. (Thistask isusually performed by the library routine gethostbyname(3).) The default method for resolving hostnames
by the Internet name resolver isto follow RFC 1535ssecurity recommendations. Actionscan be taken by the administrator
to override these recommendationsand to have the resolver behave the same asearlier, non-RFC 1535 resolvers.
The default method (using RFC 1535 guidelines) follows.
If the name consistsof a single component (that is, containsno dot) and if the environment variable HOSTALIASES isset to the
name of a file, that file issearched for a string matching the input hostname. The file should consist of linesmade up of two
stringsseparated by whitespace, the first of which isthe hostname aliasand the second of which isthe complete hostname to
be substituted for that alias. If a case-insensitive match isfound between the hostname to be resolved and the first field of a
line in the file, the substituted name islooked up with no further processing.
If there isat least one dot in the name, then the name isfirst tried asis. The number of dotsto cause thisaction is
configurable by setting the threshold using the ndots option in /etc/resolv.conf (default is1). If the name endswith a dot,
the trailing dot isremoved, and the remaining name islooked up (regardlessof the setting of the ndots option) and no
further processing isdone.
If the input name doesnot end with a trailing dot, it islooked up by searching through a list of domainsuntil a match is
found. If neither the search option in the /etc/resolv.conf file or the LOCALDOMAIN environment variable isused, then the
search list of domainscontainsonly the full domain specified by the domain option (in /etc/resolv.conf) or the domain
used in the local hostname (see hostname(1) and resolver(5)). For example, if the domain option isset to CS.Berkeley.EDU,
then only CS.Berkeley.EDU isin the search list and isthe only domain appended to the partial hostname. For example, a
setting of lithium makeslithium.CS.Berkeley.EDU the only name to be tried using the search list.
If the search option isused in /etc/resolv.conf or the environment variable, LOCALDOMAIN isset by the user, then the search
list includeswhat isset by these methods. For example, if the search option contained CS.Berkeley.EDU CChem.Berkeley.EDU
Berkeley.EDU, then the partial hostname (such aslithium) istried with each domain name appended (in the same order
specified). The resulting hostnamesthat are tried include
The environment variable LOCALDOMAIN overridesthe search and domain options, and if both search and domain optionsare
present in the resolver configuration file, then only the last one listed isused (see resolver(5)).
If the name wasnot previously tried asis (that is, it fell below the ndots threshold or did not contain a dot), then the name
asoriginally provided isattempted.
gethostbyname(3), resolver(5), mailaddr(7), named(8)
16 February1994
iso_8859_1The ISO 8859-1 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal.
The ISO 8859 standard includesseveral 8-bit extensionsto the ASCII character set (also known asISO 646-IRV). Especially
important isISO 8859-1, the Latin Alphabet No. 1, which hasbecome widely implemented and may already be seen asthe
Part VII: Miscellaneous
defactostandard ASCII replacement. ISO 8859-1 supportsthe following languages: Afrikaans, Basque, Catalan, Danish,
Dutch, English, Faeroes, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Scottish,
Spanish, and Swedish. Note that the ISO 8859-1 charactersare also the first 256 charactersof ISO 10646 (Unicode).
The full set of ISO 8859 alphabetsincludes
ISO 8859-1 West European languages(Latin-1)
ISO 8859-2 East European languages(Latin-2)
ISO 8859-3 Southeast European and miscellaneouslanguages(Latin-3)
ISO 8859-4 Scandinavian/Baltic languages(Latin-4)
ISO 8859-5 Latin/Cyrillic
ISO 8859-6 Latin/Arabic
ISO 8859-7 Latin/Greek
ISO 8859-8 Latin/Hebrew
ISO 8859-9 Latin-1 modification for Turkish (Latin-5)
ISO 8859-10 Lappish/Nordic/Eskimo languages(Latin-6)
The following table displaysthe charactersin ISO 8859 Latin-1, which are printable and unlisted in the ascii(7) manual
Oct Dec Hex Char Description
240 160 A0 No-break space
241 161 A1 Inverted exclamation mark
242 162 A2 Cent sign
243 163 A3 Pound sign
244 164 A4 $ Currency sign
245 165 A5 Yen sign
246 166 A6 | Broken bar
247 167 A7 Section sign
250 168 A8 Diaeresis
251 169 A9 Copyright sign
252 170 AA
Feminine ordinal indicator
253 171 AB << Left-pointing double angle quotation
254 172 AC Not sign
255 173 AD - Soft hyphen
256 174 AE Registered sign
257 175 AF Macron
260 176 B0 Degree sign
261 177 B1 Plus-minussign
262 178 B2
Superscript two
263 179 B3
Superscript three
264 180 B4 Acute accent
265 181 B5 Micro sign
266 182 B6 Pilcrow sign
267 183 B7 . Middle dot
270 184 B8 Cedilla
271 185 B9
Superscript one
272 186 BA
Masculine ordinal indicator
273 187 BB >> Right-pointing double angle
quotation mark
274 188 BC 1/4 Vulgar fraction one quarter
275 189 BD 1/2 Vulgar fraction one half
276 190 BE 3/4 Vulgar fraction three quarters
277 191 BF Inverted question mark
300 192 C0 Latin capital letter A with grave
301 193 C1 Latin capital letter A with acute
302 194 C2 Latin capital letter A with circumflex
303 195 C3 Latin capital letter A with tilde
304 196 C4 Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
305 197 C5 Latin capital letter A with ring above
306 198 C6 Latin capital ligature AE
307 199 C7 Latin capital letter C with cedilla
310 200 C8 Latin capital letter E with grave
311 201 C9 Latin capital letter E with acute
312 202 CA
E Latin capital letter E with circumflex
313 203 CB

E Latin capital letter E with diaeresis

314 204 CC Latin capital letter I with grave
315 205 CD Latin capital letter I with acute
316 206 CE Latin capital letter I with circumflex
317 207 CF Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
320 208 D0 D Latin capital letter eth
321 209 D1 Latin capital letter N with tilde
322 210 D2 O Latin capital letter O with grave
323 211 D3 Latin capital letter O with acute
324 212 D4 Latin capital letter O with circumflex
325 213 D5 Latin capital letter O with tilde
326 214 D6 Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
327 215 D7 Multiplication sign
330 216 D8 Latin capital letter O with stroke
331 217 D9 Latin capital letter U with grave
332 218 DA Latin capital letter U with acute
333 219 DB
U Latin capital letter U with circumflex
Oct Dec Hex Char Description
Part VII: Miscellaneous
334 220 DC Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
335 221 DD

Y Latin capital letter Y with acute
336 222 DE Latin capital letter thorn
337 223 DF Latin small letter sharp s
340 224 E0 Latin small letter a with grave
341 225 E1 Latin small letter a with acute
342 226 E2 Latin small letter a with circumflex
343 227 E3 Latin small letter a with tilde
344 228 E4 Latin small letter a with diaeresis
345 229 E5 Latin small letter a with ring above
346 230 E6 Latin small ligature ae
347 231 E7 Latin small letter c with cedilla
350 232 E8 Latin small letter e with grave
351 233 E9 Latin small letter e with acute
352 234 EA Latin small letter e with circumflex
353 235 EB Latin small letter e with diaeresis
354 236 EC Latin small letter i with grave
355 237 ED Latin small letter i with acute
356 238 EE Latin small letter i with circumflex
357 239 EF Latin small letter i with diaeresis
360 240 F0 Latin small letter eth
361 241 F1 Latin small letter n with tilde
362 242 F2 Latin small letter o with grave
363 243 F3 Latin small letter o with acute
364 244 F4 Latin small letter o with circumflex
365 245 F5 Latin small letter o with tilde
366 246 F6 Latin small letter o with diaeresis
367 247 F7 Division sign
370 248 F8 Latin small letter o with stroke
371 249 F9 Latin small letter u with grave
372 250 FA Latin small letter u with acute
373 251 FB Latin small letter u with circumflex
374 252 FC Latin small letter u with diaeresis
375 253 FD y Latin small letter y with acute
376 254 FE Latin small letter thorn
377 255 FF Latin small letter y with diaeresis
11 July1995
Oct Dec Hex Char Description
LocaleDescription of multi-language support.
#include <locale.h>
A locale isa set of language and cultural rules. These cover aspectssuch aslanguage for messages, different character sets,
lexigraphic conventions, and so on. A program needsto be able to determine itslocale and act accordingly to be portable to
different cultures.
The header <locale.h> declaresdata types, functionsand macrosthat are useful in thistask.
The functionsit declaresare setlocale() to set the current locale and localeconv() to get information about number
There are different categoriesfor local information a program might need; they are declared asmacros. Using them asthe
first argument to the setlocale() function, it ispossible to set one of these to the desired locale:
LC_COLLATE Thisisused to change the behavior of the functionsstrcoll() and strxfrm(), which
are used to compare stringsin the local alphabet. For example, the German sharp sis
sorted asss.
LC_TYPE Thischangesthe behavior of the character handling and classification functions,
such asisupper() and toupper() and the multibyte character functionssuch as
mblen() or wctomb().
LC_MONETARY Changesthe behavior of the information returned by localeconv(), which describes
the way numbersare usually printed, with detailssuch asdecimal point versus
decimal comma.
LC_MESSAGES Changesthe language messagesare displayed in.
LC_TIME Changesthe behavior of the strftime() function to display the current time in a
locally acceptable form; for example, most of Europe usesa 24hour clock versusthe
U.S. 12hour clock.
LC_ALL All of the above.
If the second argument to setlocale() isempty string for the default locale, it isdetermined using the following steps:
1. If there isa non-null environment variable LC_ALL, the value of LC_ALL isused.
2. If an environment variable with the same name asone of the preceding categoriesexistsand isnon-null, itsvalue isused
for that category.
3. If there isa non-null environment variable LANG, the value of LANG isused.
Valuesabout local numeric formatting are made available in a struct lconv returned by the localeconv() function, which has
the following declaration:
struct lconv
/* Numeric (non-monetary) information. */
char *decimal_point; /* Decimal point character. */
char *thousands_sep; /* Thousands separator. */
/* Each element is the number of digits in each group;
elements with higher indices are farther left.
An element with value CHAR_MAX means that no further grouping is done.
An element with value 0 means that the previous element is used for all
groups farther left. */
char *grouping;
/* Monetary information. */
Part VII: Miscellaneous
/* First three chars are a currency symbol from ISO 4217.
Fourth char is the separator. Fifth char is . */
char *int_curr_symbol;
char *currency_symbol; /* Local currency symbol. */
char *mon_decimal_point; /* Decimal point character. */
char *mon_thousands_sep; /* Thousands separator. */
char *mon_grouping; /* Like grouping element (above). */
char *positive_sign; /* Sign for positive values. */
char *negative_sign; /* Sign for negative values. */
char int_frac_digits; /* Intl fractional digits. */
char frac_digits; /* Local fractional digits. */
/* 1 if currency_symbol precedes a positive value, 0 if succeeds. */
/* 1 if a space separates currency_symbol from a positive value. */
/* 1 if currency_symbol precedes a negative value, 0 if succeeds. */
/* 1 if a space separates currency_symbol from a negative value. */
/* Positive and negative sign positions:
0 Parentheses surround the quantity and currency_symbol.
1 The sign string precedes the quantity and currency_symbol.
2 The sign string succeeds the quantity and currency_symbol.
3 The sign string immediately precedes the currency_symbol.
4 The sign string immediately succeeds the currency_symbol. */
At the moment, the only localessupported by Linux are the portable C, POSIX (identical to the C locale), ISO-8859-1
(European Latin-1), and KOI-8 (Russian) locales.
setlocale(3), localeconf(3), locale(1), localedef(1)
Linux, 24 April 1993
mailaddrMail addressing description.
Mail addressesare based on the ARPANET protocol listed at the end of thismanual page. These addressesare in the general
user @domai n
A domai n isa hierarchical dot separated list of subdomains. For example, the address
isusually interpreted from right to left. The message should go to the ARPA name tables(which do not correspond exactly
to the physical ARPANET) and then to the Berkeley gateway, after which it should go to the local host monet. When the
message reachesmonet, it isdelivered to the user eric.
Unlike some other formsof addressing, thisdoesnot imply any routing. Thus, although thisaddressisspecified asan ARPA
address, it might travel by an alternate route if that were more convenient or efficient. For example, at Berkeley, the
associated message would probably go directly to monet over the Ethernet rather than go via the Berkeley ARPANET
Under certain circumstances, it might not be necessary to type the entire domain name. In general, anything following the
first dot may be omitted if it isthe same asthe domain from which you are sending the message. For example, a user on could send to eric@monet without adding the because it isthe same on both sending and
receiving hosts.
Certain other abbreviationsmay be permitted asspecial cases. For example, at Berkeley, ARPANET hostsmay be referenced
without adding the aslong astheir namesdo not conflict with a local host name.
Certain old addressformatsare converted to the new format to provide compatibility with the previousmail system. In
user @host .ARPA
isallowed and
host :user
isconverted to
user @host
to be consistent with the rcp(1) command.
Also, the syntax
host !user
isconverted to
user @host .UUCP
Thisisusually converted back to the host !user form before being sent on for compatibility with older UUCP hosts.
The current implementation isnot able to route messagesautomatically through the UUCP network. Until that time, you
must explicitly tell the mail system which hoststo send your message through to get to your final destination.
Domain names(anything after the @ sign) may be given in any mixture of uppercase and lowercase with the exception of
UUCP hostnames. Most hostsaccept any combination of case in usernames, with the notable exception of MULTICS sites.
Under some circumstances, it might be necessary to route a message through several hoststo get it to the final destination.
Usually, thisrouting isdone automatically, but sometimesit isdesirable to route the message manually. Addressesthat show
these relaysare termed route-addrs. These use the syntax
<@host a,@host b:user @host c>
Thisspecifiesthat the message should be sent to host a, from there to host b, and finally to host c. Thispath isforced even if
there isa more efficient path to host c.
Route-addrsoccur frequently on return addressesbecause these are generally augmented by the software at each host. It is
generally possible to ignore all but the user @domai n part of the addressto determine the actual sender.
Part VII: Miscellaneous
Every site isrequired to have a user or user aliasdesignated postmaster to which problemswith the mail system may be
Some other networkscan be reached by giving the name of the network asthe last component of the domain. Thisisnot a
standard feature and might not be supported at all sites. For example, messagesto CSNET or BITNET sitescan often be
sent to user @host .CSNET or user @host .BITNET.
The RFC 822 group syntax (gr oup:user 1,user 2,user 3;) isnot supported except in the special case of group:; because of a
conflict with old berknet-style addresses.
Route-Addresssyntax isgrotty.
UUCP- and ARPANET-style addressesdo not coexist politely.
mail(1), sendmail(8); Crocker, D. H., Standard for the Format of Arpa Internet Text Messages, RFC822.
14 February1989
manMacrosto format man pages.
groff Tascii man f i l e ...
groff Tps man f i l e ...
man [sect i on] t i t l e
Thismanual page explainsthe groff macro package. Thismacro package should be used by developerswhen writing
or porting man pagesfor Linux. It isfairly compatible with other versionsof thismacro package, so porting man pages
should not be a major problem (exceptionsinclude the NET-2 BSD release, which usesa totally different macro package).
Note that NET-2 BSD man pagescan be used with groff simply by specifying the -mdoc option instead of the -man option.
Using the -mandoc option is, however, recommended because thisautomatically detectswhich macro package isin use.
The first command in a man page should be
.TH t i t l e sect i on dat e sour ce manual ,
t i t l e The title of the man page (such asMAN).
sect i on The section number the man page should be placed in (such as7).
dat e The date of the last revision; remember to change thisevery time a change ismade
to the man page because thisisthe most general way of doing version control.
sour ce The source of the command.
For binaries, use something such asGNU, NET-2, SLS Distribution, MCC
For system calls, use the version of the kernel that you are currently looking at:
Linux 0.99.11.
For library calls, use the source of the function: GNU, BSD 4.3, Linux DLL 4.4.1.
manual The title of the manual (such asLinux ProgrammersManual).
The manual sectionsare traditionally defined asfollows:
1 Commands Those commandsthat can be executed by the user from within a shell.
2 System calls Those functionsthat must be performed by the kernel.
3 Library calls Most of the libc functions, such assort(3).
4 Special files Filesfound in /dev.
5 File formatsand conventions The format for /etc/passwd and other human-readable files.
6 Games
7 Macro packagesand conventions A description of the standard file system layout, thisman page, and other things.
8 System management commands Commandssuch asmount(8), which only root can execute.
9 Kernel routines Thisisa non-standard manual section and isincluded because the source code to
the Linux kernel isfreely available under the GNU Public License and many
people are working on changesto the kernel.
Although there are many arbitrary conventionsfor man pagesin the UNIX world, the existence of several hundred Linux-
specific man pagesdefinesthe standards:
For functions, the argumentsare alwaysspecified using italics, even in the SYNOPSIS section, where the rest of the function is
specified in bold:
int myfunction(int ar gc, char **ar gv);
Filenamesare alwaysin italics(such as/usr/include/stdio.h), except in the SYNOPSIS section, where included filesare in bold
(such as#include <stdio.h>).
Special macros, which are usually in uppercase, are in bold (such asMAXINT).
When enumerating a list of error codes, the codesare in bold (thislist usually usesthe .TP macro).
Any reference to another man page (or to the subject of the current man page) isin bold. If the manual section number is
given, it isgiven in roman, without any spaces(such asman(7)).
The commandsto select the typeface are given below:
.B Bold
.BI Bold alternating with italics
.BR Bold alternating with Roman
.I Italics
.IB Italicsalternating with bold
.IR Italicsalternating with Roman
.RB Roman alternating with bold
.RI Roman alternating with italics
.SB Small alternating with bold
.SM Small
Traditionally, each command can have up to six arguments, but the GNU version seemsto remove thislimitation.
Argumentsare delimited by spaces. Double quotescan be used to specify an argument that containsspaces. All the
argumentswill be printed next to each other without intervening spaces, so that the .BR command can be used to specify a
word in bold followed by a mark of punctuation in Roman.
Part VII: Miscellaneous
Sectionsare started with .SH followed by the heading name. If the name containsspacesand appearson the same line as.SH,
then place the heading in double quotes. Traditional headingsinclude NAME, SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, OPTIONS, FILES, SEE ALSO,
DIAGNOSTICS, BUGS, and AUTHOR. The only required heading isNAME, which should be followed on the next line by a one line
description of the program:
chess \- the game of chess
It isextremely important that thisformat isfollowed and that there isa backslash before the single dash that followsthe
command name. Thissyntax isused by the makewhatis(8) program to create a database of short command descriptionsfor
the whatis(1) and apropos(1) commands.
Other macrosinclude the following:
.DT Default tabs.
.HP Begin hanging indent.
.IP Begin paragraph with hanging tag. Thisisthe same as.TP, except the tag isgiven on the
same line, not on the following line.
.LP Same as.PP.
.PD Set interparagraph distance to argument.
.PP Begin a new paragraph.
.RE End relative indent (indented paragraph).
.RS Start relative indent (indented paragraph).
.SS Subheading (like .SH but used for a subsection).
.TP Begin paragraph with hanging tag. The tag isgiven on the next line. Thiscommand is
similar to .IP.
groff(1), man(1), whatis(1), apropos(1), makewhatis(8)
Linux, 25 July1993
signalList of available signals.
Linux supportsthe signalslisted in thissection. Several signal numbersare architecture dependent. First are the signals
described in POSIX.1:
abort(3) alarm(1) Next variousother signals.
(Here, denotesthat a signal isabsent; there, where three valuesare given, the first one isusually valid for alpha and sparc,
the middle one for i386 and ppc, the last one for mips. Signal 29 isSIGINFO/SIGPWR on an alpha but SIGLOST on a sparc.)
The lettersin the Action column have the following meanings:
A Default action isto terminate the process.
B Default action isto ignore the signal.
C Default action isto dump core.
D Default action isto stop the process.
E Signal cannot be caught.
F Signal cannot be ignored.
G Not a POSIX.1 conformant signal.
SIGIO and SIGLOST have the same value. The latter iscommented out in the kernel source, but the build processof some
software still thinksthat Signal 29 isSIGLOST.
kill(1), kill(2), setitimer(2)
Linux 1.3.88, 14 April 1996
suffixesList of file suffixes.
It iscustomary to indicate the contentsof a file with the file suffix, which consistsof a period followed by one or more
letters. Many standard utilities, such ascompilers, use thisto recognize the type of file they are dealing with. The make(1)
utility isdriven by rulesbased on file suffixes.
Following isa list of suffixesthat are likely to be found on a Linux system:
Suffix FileType
,v Filesfor RCS (Revision Control System)
- Backup file
.C C++ source code
.F FORTRAN source with cpp(1) directives
.S Assembler source with cpp(1) directives
.Z File compressed using compress(1)
.[0-9]+pk TeX font files
.[1-9] Manual page for the corresponding section
.[1-9][a-z] Manual page for section plussubsection
.a Static object code library
.afm PostScript font metrics
.arc ARC archive
.arj ARJ archive
.asc PGP ASCII-armored data
Part VII: Miscellaneous
.awk AWK language program
.bak Backup file
.bm Bitmap source
.c C source
.cat Message catalog files
.cc C++ source
.cf Configuration file
.conf Configuration file
.config Configuration file
.cweb Donald KnuthsWEB for C
.dat Data file
.def Modula-2 source for definition modules
.def Other definition files
.diff ASCII File differences
.doc Documentation file
.dvi TeX device independent output
.el EMACS lisp source
.elc Compiled EMACS lisp
.eps Encapsulated PostScript
.f FORTRAN source
.fas Precompiled common lisp
.fi FORTRAN include files
.gif GraphicsInterchange Format
.gsf Ghostscript fonts
.gz File compressed using gzip(1)
.h C or C++ header files
.hlp Help file
.htm HTML file imported without renaming from a brain-damaged OS
.html HTML document used with the World Wide Web
.i C source after preprocessing
.idx Reference or datum-index file for hypertext or database system
.icon Bitmap source
.image Bitmap source
.in Configuration template, especially for GNU autoconf
.info Filesfor the EMACS info browser
.java A Java source file
.jpg JPEG compressed picture format
.l lex(1) or flex(1) files
.lib Common lisp library
.ln Filesfor use with lint(1)
.lsp Common lisp source
.m4 M4(1) source
.mac Macro filesfor variousprograms
Suffix FileType
.man Manual page (usually source rather than formatted)
.me nroff source using the me macro package
.mf Metafont (font generator for TeX) source
.mm Sourcesfor groff(1) in mm format
.mod Modula-2 source for implementation modules
.o Object file
.old Old or backup file
.orig Backup (original) version of a file from patch(1)
.out Output file, often an executable program (a.out)
.p Pascal source
.patch File differencesfrom patch(1)
.pcf X11 font files
.pfa PostScript font definition files, ASCII format
.pfb PostScript font definition files, binary format
.pgp PGP binary data
.pid File to store daemon PID (such
.png Portable Network Graphicsfile
.pl Perl script
.pr Bitmap source
.ps PostScript file
.r RATFOR source (obsolete)
.rej Patchesthat patch(1) couldnt apply
.rules Rulesfor something
.s Assembler source
.sa Stub librariesfor a.out shared libraries
.sc sc(1) spreadsheet commands
.sh sh(1) scripts
.shar Archive created by the shar(1) utility
.so DLL dynamic library
.sqml SQML schema or query program
.sty LaTeX style files
.sym Modula-2 compiled definition modules
.tar Archive created by the tar(1) utility
.tar.Z tar archive compressed with compress(1)
.tar.gz tar archive compressed with gzip(1)
.taz tar archive compressed with compress(1)
.tex TeX or LaTeX source
.texi Equivalent to .texinfo
.texinfo TeXinfo documentation source
.tfm TeX font metrics
.tgz tar archive compressed with gzip(1)
.tmpl Template files
Suffix FileType
Part VII: Miscellaneous
.txt Text file
.uue Binary file encoded with uuencode(1)
.web Donald KnuthsWEB
.y yacc(1) or bison(1) (parser generator) files
.z File compressed using pack(1) (or an old gzip(1))
.zoo ZOO archive
EMACS or patch backup file
rc Startup (run control) file, such as.newsrc
General UNIX conventions.
Thislist isnot exhaustive.
file(1), make(1)
Linux, 4 April 1996
tr2texConvert a document from troff to LaTeX
tr2tex [ -m ] f i l ename
tr2tex convertsa document typeset in troff to a LaTeX format. It isintended to do the first passof the conversion. The user
should then finish up the rest of the conversion and customize the converted manuscript to hisor her liking. It can also serve
asa tutor for those who want to convert from troff to LaTeX.
Most of the converted document will be in LaTeX, but some of it may be in plain TeX. It will also use some macrosin
troffms.sty or troffman.sty, which are included in the package and must be available to the document when processed with
If there ismore than one input file, they will all be converted into one LaTeX document.
tr2tex understandsmost of the -ms and -man macrosand eqn preprocessor symbols. It also understandsseveral plain troff
commands. Few tbl preprocessor commandsare understood to help convert very simple tables.
When converting manuals, use the -m flag.
If a troff command cannot be converted, the line that contain that command will be commented out.
Note that if you have eqn symbols, you must have the inline mathematicsdelimiter defined by delim in the file you are
converting. If it isdefined in another setup file, that setup file must be concatenated with the file to be converted; otherwise,
tr2tex regardsthe inline math asordinary text.
Suffix FileType
Many of these bugsare harmless. Most of them cause local errorsthat can be fixed in the converted manuscript.
I Some macrosand macro argumentsare not recognized.
I Commandsthat are not separated from their argument by a space are not properly parsed (such as.sp3i).
I When some operators(notably over, sub, and sup) are renamed (via define) and then they are encountered in the text,
tr2tex treatsthem asordinary macrosand doesnot apply their rules.
I rpile, lpile, and cpile are treated the same ascpile.
I rcol and lcol are treated the same asccol.
I Math-mode size, gsize, fat, and gfont are ignored.
I lineup and mark are ignored. The rulesare so different.
I Some troff commandsare translated to commandsthat require delimitersthat have to be explicitly put. Because they
are sometimesnot put in troff, they can create problems. Example: .nf isnot closed by .fi.
I When local motionsare converted to nraise or nlower, an nhbox isneeded, which must be put manually after the
I a sub i sub j isconverted to a_i_j, which TeX parsesasa_i{}_j} with a complaint that it isvague. a sub {i subj} is
parsed correctly and converted to a_{i_j}.
I Line spacing isnot changed within a paragraph in TeX (which isa bad practice anyway). TeX usesthe last line spacing
in effect in that paragraph.
Accessregistersvia the .nr command.
texmatch(9), trmatch(9)
Kamal Al-Yahya, Stanford University
1 January1987
UnicodeThe unified 16-bit super character set.
The international standard ISO 10646 definesthe Universal Character Set (UCS). UCScontainsall the charactersof all
other character-set standards. It also guaranteesround-trip compatibility; conversion tablescan be built such that no
information islost when a string isconverted from any other encoding to UCSand back.
UCS containsthe charactersrequired to represent almost all known languages. Thisincludesapart from the many languages
that use extensionsof the Latin script also the following scriptsand languages: Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Arabic, Armenian,
Gregorian, Japanese, Chinese, Hiragana, Katakana, Korean, Hangul, Devangari, Bengali, Gurmukhi, Gujarati, Oriya, Tamil,
Telugu, Kannada, Malayam, Thai, Lao, Bopomofo, and a number of others. Work isgoing on to include further scriptssuch
asTibetan, Khmer, Runic, Ethiopian, Hieroglyphics, variousIndo-European languages, and many others. For most of these
latter scripts, it wasnot yet clear how they can be encoded best when the standard waspublished in 1993. In addition to the
charactersrequired by these scripts, also a large number of graphical, typographical, mathematical, and scientific symbols
such asthose provided by TeX, PostScript, MS-DOS, Macintosh, Videotext, OCR, and many word processing systemshave
been included, aswell asspecial codesthat guarantee round-trip compatibility to all other existing character-set standards.
Part VII: Miscellaneous
The UCS standard (ISO 10646) describesa 31-bit character-set architecture; however, today only the first 65534 code
positions(0x0000 to 0xfffd), which are called the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP), have been assigned characters, and it is
expected that only very exotic characters(such asHieroglyphics) for special scientific purposeswill ever get a place outside
this16-bit BMP.
The UCS characters0x0000 to 0x007f are identical to those of the classic US-ASCII character set and the charactersin the
range 0x0000 to 0x00ff are identical to those in the ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 character set.
Some code pointsin UCS have been assigned to combining characters. These are similar to the non-spacing accent keyson a
typewriter. A combining character just addsan accent to the previouscharacter. The most important accented characters
have codesof their own in UCS; however, the combining character mechanism allowsyou to add accentsand other
diacritical marksto any character. The combining charactersalwaysfollow the character that they modify. For example, the
German character Umlaut-A (Latin capital letter A with diaeresis) can either be represented by the precomposed UCS code
0x00c4 or alternately asthe combination of a normal Latin capital letter A followed by a combining diaeresis: 0x0041
Asnot all systemsare expected to support advanced mechanismssuch ascombining characters, ISO 10646 specifiesthe
following three implementation levelsof UCS:
Level 1 Combining charactersand Hangul Jamo characters(a special, more complicated encoding
of the Korean script, where Hangul syllablesare coded astwo or three subcharacters) are not
Level 2 Like level 1, except in some scripts, some combining charactersare now allowed (such as
Hebrew, Arabic, Devangari, Bengali, Gurmukhi, Gujarati, Oriya, Tamil, Telugo, Kannada,
Malayalam, Thai, and Lao).
Level 3 All UCS charactersare supported.
The Unicode 1.1 standard published by the Unicode Consortium containsexactly the UCS Basic Multilingual Plane at
implementation Level 3, asdescribed in ISO 10646. Unicode 1.1 also addssome semantical definitionsfor some characters
to the definitionsof ISO 10646.
Under Linux, only the BMP at implementation Level 1 should be used at the moment to keep the implementation
complexity of combining characterslow. The higher implementation levelsare more suitable for special word processing
formatsbut not asa generic system character set. The C type wchar_t ison Linux an unsigned 16-bit integer type and its
valuesare interpreted asUCS Level 1 BMP codes.
The locale setting specifieswhether the system character encoding isUTF-8 or ISO 8859-1, for example. Library functions
such aswctomb, mbtowc, or wprintf can be used to transform the internal wchar_t charactersand stringsinto the system
character encoding and back.
In the BMP, the range 0xe000 to 0xf8ff will never be assigned any charactersby the standard and isreserved for private
usage. For the Linux community, thisprivate area issubdivided further into the range 0xe000 to 0xefff, which can be used
individually by any end user and the Linux zone in the range 0xf000 to 0xf8ff where extensionsare coordinated among all
Linux users. The registry of the charactersassigned to the Linux zone iscurrently maintained by H. Peter Anvin
(, Yggdrasil Computing, Inc. It containssome DEC VT100 graphicscharactersmissing in Unicode,
givesdirect accessto the charactersin the console font buffer, and containsthe charactersused by a few advanced scriptssuch
Information technologyUniversal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS). Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual
Plane. International Standard ISO 10646-1, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, 1993.
Thisisthe official specification of UCS. Pretty official, pretty thick, and pretty expensive. For ordering information, check
TheUnicodeStandardWorldwideCharacter EncodingVersion 1.0. The Unicode Consortium, Addison-Wesley, Reading,
MA, 1991.
There isalready Unicode 1.1.4 available. The changesto the 1.0 book are available from Unicode 2.0 will
be published again asa book in 1996.
S. Harbison, G. Steele. C, A ReferenceManual. Fourth edition, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1995,
ISBN 0-13-326224-3.
A good reference book about the C programming language. The fourth edition now coversalso the 1994 Amendment 1 to
the ISO C standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1990), which addsa large number of new C library functionsfor handling wide
character sets.
At the time when thisman page waswritten, the Linux libc support for UCS wasfar from complete.
MarkusKuhn (
Linux, 27 December 1995
UTF-8An ASCII-compatible multibyte Unicode encoding.
The Unicode character set occupiesa 16-bit code space. The most obviousUnicode encoding (known asUCS-2) consistsof
a sequence of 16-bit words. Such stringscan contain aspartsof many 16-bit charactersbytessuch as\0 or /, which have a
special meaning in filenamesand other C library function parameters. In addition, the majority of UNIX toolsexpects
ASCII filesand cant read 16-bit wordsascharacterswithout major modifications. For these reasons, UCS-2 isnot a suitable
external encoding of Unicode in filenames, text files, environment variables, and so on. The ISO 10646 Universal Character
Set (UCS), a superset of Unicode, occupieseven a 31-bit code space, and the obviousUCS-4 encoding for it (a sequence of
32-bit words) hasthe same problems.
The UTF-8 encoding of Unicode and UCS doesnot have these problemsand isthe way to go for using the Unicode
character set under UNIX-style operating systems.
The UTF-8 encoding hasthe following nice properties:
UCS characters0x00000000 to 0x0000007f (the classical U.S. ASCII characters) are encoded simply asbytes0x00 to 0x7f
(ASCII compatibility). Thismeansthat filesand stringsthat contain only 7-bit ASCII charactershave the same encoding
under both ASCII and UTF-8.
All UCS charactersgreater than 0x7f are encoded asa multibyte sequence consisting only of bytesin the range 0x80 to 0xfd,
so no ASCII byte can appear aspart of another character and there are no problemswith \0 or /.
Part VII: Miscellaneous
The lexicographic sorting order of UCS-4 stringsispreserved.
All possible 231 UCS codescan be encoded using UTF-8.
The bytes0xfe and 0xff are never used in the UTF-8 encoding.
The first byte of a multibyte sequence that representsa single non-ASCII UCS character isalwaysin the range 0xc0 to 0xfd
and indicateshow long thismultibyte sequence is. All further bytesin a multibyte sequence are in the range 0x80 to 0xbf.
Thisallowseasy resynchronization and makesthe encoding statelessand robust against missing bytes.
UTF-8encoded UCS charactersmay be up to six byteslong; however, Unicode characterscan only be up to three bytes
long. Because Linux usesonly the 16-bit Unicode subset of UCS, under Linux, UTF-8 multibyte sequencescan only be one,
two, or three byteslong.
The following byte sequencesare used to represent a character. The sequence to be used dependson the UCS code number
of the character:
0x00000000 - 0x0000007F: 0xxxxxxx
0x00000080 - 0x000007FF: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
0x00000800 - 0x0000FFFF: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
0x00010000 - 0x001FFFFF: 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
0x00200000 - 0x03FFFFFF: 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
0x04000000 - 0x7FFFFFFF: 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
The xxx-bit positionsare filled with the bitsof the character code number in binary representation. Only the shortest
possible multibyte sequence that can represent the code number of the character can be used.
The Unicode character 0xa9 = 1010 1001 (the copyright sign) isencoded in UTF-8 as
11000010 10101001 = 0xc2 0xa9
and character 0x2260 = 0010 0010 0110 0000 (the not equal symbol) isencoded as
11100010 10001001 10100000 = 0xe2 0x89 0xa0
ISO 10646, Unicode 1.1, XPG4, Plan 9.
MarkusKuhn (
and Privileged
Part VIII:
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
introIntroduction to administration and privileged commands.
Thischapter describescommandsthat either can be or are only used by the superuser, such asdaemonsand machine or
hardware-related commands.
Look at the header of the manual page for the authorsand copyright conditions. Note that these can be different from page
to page.
Linux, 24 July1993
adduser, addgroup
adduser, addgroupAdd a user or group to the system.
adduser [--syst em [--home di r ect or y] [--gr oup]] [--quiet]
[--f or ce- badname] [--hel p] [--ver si on] [--debug] user name
adduser [--qui et ] [--f or ce- badname] [--hel p] [--ver si on]
[--debug] user name gr oup
adduser [--gr oup] [--qui et ] [--f or ce- badname] [--hel p]
[--ver si on] [--debug] gr oup
adduser and addgroup add usersand groupsto the system according to information provided in the configuration file /etc/
adduser.conf. adduser and addgroup automatically determine the UID or GID and place the entity in the password or
group file asappropriate.
If necessary, adduser createsa home directory for the new user, copiesskeletal user filesto it from /etc/skel, and allows
the system administrator to set an initial password and finger information for the user.
Because it needsto be able to write to such filesas/etc/passwd, adduser can only be run asroot.
Generally, there are two typesof usersand groupson a system: those usersthat log into the system and those non-user
accountsand groupsthat exist for varioussystem tasksand projects. Henceforth, user will refer to the login type and system
user or group will refer to the type used for system maintenance and projects.
By default, each user in Debian GNU/Linux isgiven a corresponding group with the same name and ID, allowing people
easily to give accessto their home directoriesto others. Thisoption can be turned off in the configuration file, in which case
each user is, by default, added to a group called users.
Under Debian GNU/Linux, IDslessthan or equal to 100 are allocated by the base system maintainer for variouspurposes.
IDsfrom 101 to the value specified in the configuration file (1000, by default) are used for system usersand groups. IDs
greater than 1000 are reserved for usersand their corresponding groups.
When invoked with a single name, adduser createsa user with that name. When given two names, adduser assumesthat the
first name representsan existing user and that the second name representsan existing group. In thiscase, the user isadded to
the group.
--system Create a system user. Thisuser will be assigned the shell /bin/false and have an
asterisk in the password field. Unlessotherwise specified, the user will be placed
in the group nogroup. Skeletal configuration fileswill not be copied into the
usershome directory.
--home di r ect or y When used with --system, thisusesdi r ect or y asthe usershome directory,
rather than the default specified in the configuration file. If the directory does
not exist, it iscreated.
--group When combined with system, a group with the same name and ID asthe
system user iscreated. If not combined with --system, a group with the given
name iscreated. Thisisthe default action if the program isinvoked asaddgroup.
--quiet Suppressprogressmessages.
--force-badname By default, user and group namesare required to consist of a lowercase letter
followed by one or more lowercase lettersor numbers. Thisoption forces
adduser or addgroup to be more lenient.
--help Display brief instructions.
--version Display version and copyright information.
--debug Display a large quantity of debugging information.
Copyright(c) 1995, Ted Hajek, with a great deal borrowed from the original Debian adduser, copyright(c) 1994, Ian
Murdock. adduser isfree software; see the GNU General Public License version two or later for copying conditions. There is
no warranty.
Debian GNU/Linux version 1.94
agettyAlternative Linux getty.
agetty [-ihL] [-l l ogi n_pr ogr am] [-m] [-t t i meout ] por t baud_r at e,... [t er m]
agetty [-ihL] [-l l ogi n_pr ogr am] [-m] [-t t i meout ] baud_r at e,... por t [t er m]
agetty opensa tty port, promptsfor a login name, and invokesthe /bin/login command. It isusually invoked by init(8).
agetty hasseveral non-standard featuresthat are useful for hard-wired and for dial-in lines:
Adaptsthe tty settingsto parity bitsand to erase, kill, end-of-line, and uppercase characterswhen it readsa login name.
The program can handle 7-bit characterswith even, odd, none, or space parity and 8-bit characterswith no parity. The
following special charactersare recognized: @ and Control+U (kill); #, Del and Backspace (erase); carriage return and line
feed (end of line).
Optionally deducesthe baud rate from the CONNECT messagesproduced by Hayes-compatible modems.
Optionally doesnot hang up when it isgiven an already opened line (useful for call-back applications).
Optionally doesnot display the contentsof the /etc/issue file (System V only).
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Optionally invokesa non-standard login program instead of /bin/login.
Optionally turnson hardware flow control.
Optionally forcesthe line to be local with no need for carrier detect.
Thisprogram doesnot use the /etc/gettydefs (System V) or /etc/gettytab (SunOS 4) files.
port A path name relative to the /dev directory. If a isspecified, agetty
assumesthat itsstandard input isalready connected to a tty port and that
a connection to a remote user hasalready been established. Under System
V, a port argument should be preceded by a .
baud rate,... A comma-separated list of one or more baud rates. Each time agetty
receivesa break character, it advancesthrough the list, which istreated as
if it were circular. Baud ratesshould be specified in descending order, so
that the null character (Ctrl+@) can also be used for baud rate switching.
term The value to be used for the TERM environment variable. Thisoverrides
whatever init(8) may have set and isinherited by login and the shell.
-h Enable hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control. It isleft up to the application
to disable software (XON/XOFF) flow protocol where appropriate.
-i Do not display the contentsof /etc/issue before writing the login
prompt. Terminalsor communicationshardware might become confused
when receiving lotsof text at the wrong baud rate; dial-up scriptsmight
fail if the login prompt ispreceded by too much text.
-l l ogi n_pr ogr am Invoke the specified login program instead of /bin/login. Thisallows
the use of a non-standard login program (for example, one that asksfor a
dial-up password or that usesa different password file).
-m Try to extract the baud rate the connect statusmessage produced by some
Hayes-compatible modems. These statusmessagesare of the form:
<junk><speed><junk>. agetty assumesthat the modem emitsits
statusmessage at the same speed asspecified with (the first) baud rate
value on the command line.
Because the -m feature might fail on heavily loaded systems, you still
should enable break processing by enumerating all expected baud rateson
the command line.
-t t i meout Terminate if no username could be read within t i meout seconds. This
option should probably not be used with hard-wired lines.
-L Force the line to be a local line with no need for carrier detect. Thiscan
be useful when you have a locally attached terminal where the serial line
doesnot set the carrier detect signal.
Thissection showssample entriesfor the /etc/inittab file.
For a hard-wired line:
tty1:con80x60:/sbin/agetty 9600 tty1
For a dial-in line with a 9600/2400/1200 baud modem:
ttyS1:dumb:/sbin/agetty -mt60 ttyS1 9600,2400,1200
These examplesassume you use the simpleinit(8) init program for Linux. If you use a SysV-like init (does/etc/inittab
mention respawn?), refer to the appropriate manual page.
The /etc/issue file might contain certain escape codesto display the system name, date and time, and so on. All escape
codesconsist of a backslash (\) immediately followed by one of the following letters:
b Insert the baudrate of the current line.
d Insert the current date.
s Insert the system name, the name of the operating system.
l Insert the name of the current tty line.
m Insert the architecture identifier of the machine, such asi486.
n Insert the nodename of the machine, also known asthe hostname.
o Insert the domain name of the machine.
r Insert the release number of the OS, such as1.1.9.
t Insert the current time.
u Insert the number of current userslogged in.
U Insert the string 1 user or n users where n isthe number of current userslogged in.
v Insert the version of the OS, such asthe build date and so on.
For example, on my system, the following /etc/issue file
This is \n.\o (\s\m\r) \t
This is (Linux i386 1.1.9) 18:29:30
/var/run/utmp, the system statusfile
/etc/issue, printed before the login prompt (System V only)
/dev/console, problem reports(if syslog(3) isnot used)
/etc/inittab (Linux simpleinit(8) configuration file)
The baud-rate detection feature (the -m option) requiresthat agetty be scheduled soon enough after completion of a dial-in
call (within 30mswith modemsthat talk at 2400 baud). For robustness, alwaysuse the -m option in combination with a
multiple baud rate command-line argument so that break processing isenabled.
The text in the /etc/issue file and the login prompt are alwaysoutput with 7-bit charactersand space parity.
The baud-rate detection feature (the -m option) requiresthat the modem emitsitsstatusmessage after raising the DCD line.
Depending on how the program wasconfigured, all diagnosticsare written to the console device or reported via the
syslog(3) facility. Error messagesare produced if the port argument doesnot specify a terminal device, if there isno utmp
entry for the current process(System V only), and so on.
W.Z. Venema ( Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mathematicsand Computer
Science, Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Peter Orbaek (, Linux port.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Sat Nov 25 22:51:05 MET 1989
91/09/01 23:22:00
archiveUsenet article archiver.
archive [ -a ar chi ve ][-f ][-i i ndex ][-m ][-r ][i nput ]
archive makescopiesof filesspecified on itsstandard input. It isusually run either asa channel feed under innd(8) or by a
script before expire(8) isrun.
archive readsthe named input file or standard input if no file isgiven. The input istaken asa set of lines. Blank linesand
linesstarting with a number sign (#) are ignored. All other linesshould specify the name of a file to archive. If a filename is
not an absolute pathname, it istaken to be relative to /news/spool.
Filesare copied to a directory within the archive directory, /news/spool/news.archive. The default isto create a hierarchy
that mimicsthe input files; intermediate directoriesare created asneeded. For example, the input file comp/sources/unix/
2211 (article 2211 in the newsgroup comp.sources.unix) iscopied to /news/spool/news.archive/comp/sources/unix/
2211. If the f flag isused, then all directory namesare flattened out, replacing the slasheswith periods. In thiscase, the file
iscopied to /news/spool/news.archive/comp.sources.unix/2211.
If the i flag isused, then archive appendsone line to the specified index file for each article that it copies. Thisline
containsthe destination name and the Message-ID and Subject headers.
For example, a typical newsfeeds(5) entry to archive most source newsgroupsisasfollows:
:/archive f i \
Filesare copied by making a link. If that fails, a new file iscreated. If the m flag isused, then the file iscopied to the
destination, and the input file isreplaced with a symbolic link pointing to the new file. The m flag isignored.
By default, archive setsitsstandard error to /var/log/news/errlog. To suppressthisredirection, use the r flag.
If the input isexhausted, archive exitswith a zero status. If an I/O error occurs, it triesto spool itsinput, copying it to a file.
If there wasno input filename, the standard input iscopied to /news/spool/out.going/archive and the program exits. If
an input filename wasgiven, a temporary file named input.bch (if input isan absolute pathname) or /news/spool/
out.going/input.bch (if the filename doesnot begin with a slash) iscreated. Once the input iscopied, archive triesto
rename thistemporary file to be the name of the input file and then exits.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
arpManipulate the system ARP cache.
arp [-v] [-t t ype] -a [host name]
arp [-v] -d host name ...
arp [-v] [-t t ype] -s host name hw_addr
arp [-v] -f f i l ename
arp manipulatesthe kernelsARP cache in variousways. The primary optionsare clearing an addressmapping entry and
manually setting up one. For debugging purposes, the arp program also allowsa complete dump of the ARP cache.
-v Tell the user what isgoing on by being verbose.
-t t ype When setting or reading the ARP cache, thisoptional parameter tellsarp which class
of entriesit should check for. The default value of thisparameter isether (hardware
code 0x01 for IEEE 802.3 10MbpsEthernet). Other valuesmight include network
technologiessuch asARCnet (arcnet), PROnet (pronet), and AX.25 (ax25).
-a [host name] Showsthe entriesof the specified hosts. If the host name parameter isnot used, all
entriesare displayed.
-d host name Remove the entriesof the specified host. Thiscan be used if the indicated host is
brought down, for example.
-s host name hw_addr Manually create an ARP addressmapping entry for host host name with hardware
addressset to hw_addr . The format of the hardware addressisdependent on the
hardware class, but for most classes, you can assume that the usual presentation can
be used. For the Ethernet class, thisissix bytesin hexadecimal, separated by colons.
-f f i l ename Similar to the -s option, only thistime the addressinfo istaken from file f i l ename.
Thiscan be used if ARP entriesfor a lot of hostshave to be set up. The name of the
data file isoften /etc/ethers, but thisisnot official.
The format of the file issimple; it only containsASCII text lineswith a hostname
and a hardware addressseparated by whitespace.
In all placeswhere a hostname isexpected, you can also enter an IP addressin dotted-decimal notation.
Fred N. van Kempen (
09 June 1994
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
badblocksSearch a device for bad blocks.
badblocks [ -b bl ock- si ze ] [ -o out put _f i l e ] [ -v ][-w ] devi ce bl ocks- count
badblocks isused to search for bad blockson a device (usually a disk partition). device isthe special file corresponding to the
device (such as/dev/hdXX). blocks-count isthe number of blockson the device.
-b bl ock- si ze Specify the size of blocksin bytes.
-o out put _f i l e Write the list of bad blocksto the specified file. Without thisoption, badblocks
displaysthe list on itsstandard output.
-v Verbose mode.
-w Use write-mode test. With thisoption, badblocks scansfor bad blocksby writing
some patterns(0xaa, 0x55, 0xff, and 0x00) on every block of the device, reading
every block and comparing the contents.
Never use the -w option on a device containing an existing filesystem. Thisoption erasesdata!
badblocks waswritten by Remy Card (, the developer and maintainer of the ext2 fs.
I had no chance to make real testsof thisprogram because I use IDE drives, which remap bad blocks. I only made some tests
on floppies.
badblocks isavailable for anonymousFTP from and in /pub/linux/packages/ext2fs.
e2fsck(8), mke2fs(8)
Version 0.5b, November 1994
buffchanBuffered file-writing back end for InterNetNews.
buffchan [ -b ][-c l i nes ][-C seconds ][-d di r ect or y ]
[-f f i el ds ][-m map ][-p pi df i l e ][-l l i nes ][-L seconds ]
[-r ][-s f i l e_f or mat ][-u ]
buffchan readslinesfrom standard input and copiescertain fieldsin each line into filesnamed by other fieldswithin the
line. buffchan isintended to be called by innd(8) asan exploder feed.
buffchan input isinterpreted asa set of lines. Each line containsa fixed number of initial fields, followed by a variable
number of filename fields. All fieldsin a line are separated by whitespace. The default number of initial fieldsisone; the f
flag may be used to specify a different number of fields. See filechan(8) for an example.
After the initial fields, each remaining field namesa file to write. The -s flag may be used to specify a format string that maps
the field to a filename. Thisisa sprintf(3) format string, which should have a single %s parameter that isgiven the field.
The default value is/news/spool/out.going/%s. See the description of thisflag in filechan(8). The d flag may be used to
specify a directory the program should change to before starting. If thisflag isused, then the default for the s flag is
changed to be a simple %s.
Once buffchan opensa file, it keepsit open. The input must therefore never specify more filesthan the number of available
descriptorscan keep open. If the b flag isused, the program will allocate a buffer and attach it to the file using setbuf(3). If
the u flag isused, the program will request unbuffered output.
If the l flag isused with a number n, then buffchan will call fflush(3) after every n linesare written to a file. If the c flag
isused with a number n, then buffchan will close, and reopen, a file after every n linesare written to a file.
If the L flag isused with a number n, then all fileswill be flushed every n seconds. Similarly, the C flag may be used to
specify that all filesshould be closed and reopened every n seconds.
By default, the program setsitsstandard error to /var/log/news/errlog. To suppressthisredirection, use the r flag.
If the p flag isused, the program will write a line containing itsprocessID (in text) to the specified file.
buffchan can be invoked asan exploder feed (see newsfeeds(5)). Assuch, if a line startswith an exclamation point, it is
treated asa command. There are three commands:
flush The flush command closesand reopensall open files; flush xxx flushesonly the
specified site. These are analogousto the ctlinnd(8) flush command and can be
achieved by doing a send flush xxx command. Applicationscan tell that the flush
hascompleted by renaming the file before issuing the command; buffchan has
completed the command when the original filename reappears.
buffchan also changesthe accesspermissionsof the file from read-only for everyone
to read-write for owner and group asit flushesor closeseach output file. It changes
the modesback to read-only if it reopensthe same file.
drop The drop command issimilar to the flush command except that any filesare not
reopened. If given an argument, then the specified site isdropped; otherwise, all sites
are dropped. (Note that the site will be restarted if the input stream mentionsthe
site.) When a ctlinnd drop site command issent, innd will automatically forward
the command to buffchan if the site isa funnel that feedsinto thisexploder. To
drop all sites, use the ctlinnd send buffchan-site drop command.
readmap The map file (specified with the m flag) isreloaded.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
ctlinnd(8), filechan(8), innd(8), newsfeeds(5).
cfdiskCurses-based disk partition table manipulator for Linux.
cfdisk [ -avz ] [ -c cyl i nder s ][-h heads ][-s sect or s- per - t r ack ][-P opt ]
[devi ce ]
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
cfdisk isa curses-based program for partitioning a hard disk drive. The device can be any one of the following:
/dev/hda [default]
cfdisk first triesto read the geometry of the hard disk. If it fails, an error message isdisplayed and cfdisk exits. Thisshould
only happen when partitioning a SCSI drive on an adapter without a BIOS. To correct thisproblem, you can set the
cylinders, heads, and sectors-per-track on the command line. Next, cfdisk triesto read the current partition table from the
disk drive. If it isunable to figure out the partition table, an error isdisplayed and the program exits. Thismight also be
caused by incorrect geometry information and can be overridden on the command line. Another way around thisproblem is
with the -z option. Thiswill ignore the partition table on the disk.
The main display iscomposed of four sections, from top to bottom: the header, the partitions, the command line, and a
warning line. The header containsthe program name and version number followed by the disk drive and itsgeometry. The
partitionssection alwaysdisplaysthe current partition table. The command line isthe place where commandsand text are
entered. The available commandsare usually displayed in brackets. The warning line isusually empty except when there is
important information to be displayed. The current partition ishighlighted with reverse video (or an arrow if the -a option
isgiven). All partition-specific commandsapply to the current partition.
The format of the partition table in the partitionssection is, from left to right: Name, Flags, Partition Type, Filesystem
Type, and Size. The name isthe partition device name. The flagscan be Boot, which designatesa bootable partition or NC,
which standsfor Not Compatible with DOS or OS/2. DOS, OS/2, and possibly other operating systemsrequire the first
sector of the first partition on the disk and all logical partitionsto begin on the second head. Thiswastesthe second through
the last sector of the first track of the first head (the first sector istaken by the partition table itself). cfdisk allowsyou to
recover these lost sectorswith the maximize command (m). Note that fdisk(8) and some early versionsof DOS create all
partitionswith the number of sectorsalready maximized. For more information, see the maximize command later in this
chapter. The partition type can be Primary or Logical. For unallocated space on the drive, the partition type can also be
Pri/Log or empty (if the space isunusable). The filesystem type section displaysthe name of the filesystem used on the
partition, if known. If it isunknown, then Unknown and the hex value of the filesystem type are displayed. A special case
occurswhen there are sectionsof the disk drive that cannot be used (because all the primary partitionsare used). When this
isdetected, the filesystem type isdisplayed asUnusable. The size field displaysthe size of the partition in megabytes(by
default). It can also display the size in sectorsand cylinders(see the change unitscommand later in thischapter). If an
asterisks(*) appearsafter the size, thismeansthat the partition isnot aligned on cylinder boundaries.
The DOS 6.xFORMAT command looksfor some information in the first sector of the data area of the partition and treatsthis
information asmore reliable than the information in the partition table. DOS FORMAT expectsDOS FDISK to clear the first 512
bytesof the data area of a partition whenever a size change occurs. DOS FORMAT looksat thisextra information even if the /U
flag isgiven; we consider thisa bug in DOS FORMAT and DOS FDISK.
The bottom line isthat if you use cfdisk or fdisk to change the size of a DOS partition table entry and then you must also
use dd to zero the first 512 bytesof that partition before using DOS FORMAT to format the partition. For example, if you were
using cfdisk to make a DOS partition table entry for /dev/hda1, then (after exiting fdisk or cfdisk and rebooting Linux
so that the partition table information isvalid), you use the command dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda1 bs=512 count=1 to
zero the first 512 bytesof the partition.
Be extremely careful if you use the dd command because a small typo can make all of the data on your disk useless.
For best results, you should alwaysuse an OS-specific partition table program. For example, you should make DOS
partitionswith the DOS FDISK program and Linux partitionswith the Linux fdisk or Linux cfdisk program.
cfdisk commandscan be entered by pressing the desired key (pressing Enter after the command isnot necessary). Here isa
list of the available commands:
b Toggle bootable flag of the current partition. Thisallowsyou to select which primary partition is
bootable on the drive.
d Delete the current partition. Thiswill convert the current partition into free space and merge it
with any free space immediately surrounding the current partition. A partition already marked as
free space or marked asunusable cannot be deleted.
g Change the disk geometry (cylinders, heads, or sectors-per-track). Warning: Thisoption should
only be used by people who know what they are doing. A command-line option isalso available to
change the disk geometry. While at the change disk geometry command line, you can choose to
change cylinders(d), heads(h), and sectorsper track (s). The default value will be printed at the
prompt, which you can accept by simply pressing the Enter key or you can exit without changesby
pressing the Esc key. If you want to change the default value, simply enter the desired value and
pressEnter. The altered disk parameter valuesdo not take effect until you return to the main menu
(by pressing Enter or Esc at the change disk geometry command line. If you change the geometry
such that the disk appearslarger, the extra sectorsare added at the end of the disk asfree space. If
the disk appearssmaller, the partitionsthat are beyond the new last sector are deleted and the last
partition on the drive (or the free space at the end of the drive) ismade to end at the new last
h Print the help screen.
m Maximize disk usage of the current partition. Thiscommand will recover the the unused space
between the partition table and the beginning of the partition, at the cost of making the partition
incompatible with DOS, OS/2, and possibly other operating systems. Thisoption will toggle
between maximal disk usage and DOS, OS/2, and so on compatible disk usage. The default when
creating a partition isto create DOS, OS/2, and so on compatible partitions.
n Create new partitionsfrom free space. If the partition type isPrimary or Logical, a partition of
that type will be created, but if the partition type isPri/Log, you will be prompted for the type you
want to create. Be aware that there are only four slotsavailable for primary partitionsand because
there can be only one extended partition that containsall of the logical drives, all of the logical
drivesmust be contiguous(with no intervening primary partition). cfdisk next promptsyou for
the size of the partition you want to create. The default size, equal to the entire free space of the
current partition, isdisplayed in megabytes. You can either pressthe Enter key to accept the default
size or enter a different size at the prompt. cfdisk acceptssize entriesin megabytes(M) (default),
kilobytes(K), cylinders(d), and sectors(S) when you enter the number immediately followed by M,
K, C, or S. If the partition fillsthe free space available, the partition iscreated and you are returned
to the main command line. Otherwise, the partition can be created at the beginning or the end of
the free space, and cfdisk will ask you to choose where to place the partition. After the partition is
created, cfdisk automatically adjuststhe other partitionspartition typesif all of the primary
partitionsare used.
p Print the partition table to the screen or to a file. There are several different formatsfor the
partition that you can choose from:
r Raw data format (exactly what would be written to disk).
s Partition table in sector order format.
t Partition table in raw format. The raw data format will print the sectorsthat would be written to
disk if a write command isselected. First, the primary partition table isprinted, followed by the
partition tablesassociated with each logical partition. The data isprinted in hex byte-by-byte with
16 bytesper line. The partition table in sector order format will print the partition table ordered by
sector number. The fields, from left to right, are the number of the partition, the partition type, the
first sector, the last sector, the offset from the first sector of the partition to the start of the data, the
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
length of the partition, the filesystem type (with the hex value in parentheses), and the flags(with
the hex value in parentheses). In addition to the primary and logical partitions, free and unusable
space isprinted and the extended partition isprinted before the first logical partition.
If a partition doesnot start or end on a cylinder boundary or if the partition length isnot divisible
by the cylinder size, an asterisk (*) isprinted after the non-aligned sector number/count. This
usually indicatesthat a partition wascreated by an operating system that either doesnot align
partitionsto cylinder boundariesor that used different disk geometry information. If you know the
disk geometry of the other operating system, you can enter the geometry information with the
change geometry command (g).
For the first partition on the disk and for all logical partitions, if the offset from the beginning of
the partition isnot equal to the number of sectorsper track (that is, the data doesnot start on the
first head), a number sign (#) isprinted after the offset. For the remaining partitions, if the offset is
not zero, a number sign isprinted after the offset. Thiscorrespondsto the NC flag in the partitions
section of the main display.
The partition table in raw format will print the partition table ordered by partition number. It will
leave out all free and unusable space. The fields, from left to right, are the number of the partition,
the flags(in hex), the starting head, sector, and cylinder, the filesystem ID (in hex), the ending
head, sector, and cylinder, the starting sector in the partition, and the number of sectorsin the
partition. The information in thistable can be directly translated to the raw data format. The
partition table entriesonly have 10 bitsavailable to represent the starting and ending cylinders.
Thus, when the absolute starting (ending) sector number ison a cylinder greater than 1023, the
maximal valuesfor starting (ending) head, sector, and cylinder are printed. Thisisthe method used
by OS/2, and it fixesthe problemsassociated with OS/2sfdisk rewriting the partition table when
it isnot in thisformat. Because Linux and OS/2 use absolute sector counts, the valuesin the
starting and ending head, sector, and cylinder are not used.
q Quit program. Thiswill exit the program without writing any data to disk.
t Change the filesystem type. By default, new partitionsare created asLinux partitions, but because
cfdisk can create partitionsfor other operating systems, changing the partition type allowsyou to
enter the hex value of the filesystem you desire. A list of the known filesystem typesisdisplayed.
You can type the filesystem type at the prompt or accept the default filesystem type (Linux).
u Change unitsof the partition size display. It will rotate through megabytes, sectors, and cylinders.
W Write partition table to disk (you must enter an uppercase W). Because thismight destroy data on
the disk, you must either confirm or deny the write by entering yes or no. If you enter yes, cfdisk
will write the partition table to disk and the tell the kernel to re-read the partition table from the
disk. The re-reading of the partition table worksin most cases, but I have seen it fail. Dont panic.
It will be correct after you reboot the system. In all cases, I still recommend rebooting the system
just to be safe.
Up arrow, Down arrow Move cursor to the previousor next partition. If there are more partitionsthan can be displayed on
a screen, you can display the next (previous) set of partitionsby moving down (up) at the last (first)
partition displayed on the screen.
Ctrl+L Redrawsthe screen. In case something goeswrong and you cannot read anything, you can refresh
the screen from the main command line.
? Print the help screen.
All the commandscan be entered with either uppercase or lowercase letters(except for writes). When in a submenu or at a
prompt to enter a filename, you can hit the Esc key to return to the main command line.
-a Use an arrow cursor instead of reverse video for highlighting the current partition.
-v Print the version number and copyright.
-z Start with zeroed partition table. Thisoption isuseful when you want to repartition
your entire disk. Note that thisoption doesnot zero the partition table on the disk;
rather, it simply startsthe program without reading the existing partition table.
-c cyl i nder s
-h heads
-s sect or s- per - t r ack Override the number of cylinders, heads, and sectors-per-track read from the BIOS. If
your BIOS or adapter doesnot supply thisinformation or if it suppliesincorrect
information, use these optionsto set the disk geometry values.
-P opt Printsthe partition table in specified formats. opt can be one or more of r, s, or t. See
the print command for more information on the print formats.
The current version doesnot support multiple disks(future addition).
Kevin E. Martin (
TheBOGUS Linux Release, 3 June1995
chatAutomated conversational script with a modem.
chat [ opt i ons ] scr i pt
The chat program definesa conversational exchange between the computer and the modem. Itsprimary purpose isto
establish the connection between the Point-to-Point protocol daemon (pppd) and the remotespppd process.
-f <chat f i l e> Read the chat script from the chat file. The use of thisoption ismutually exclusive with
the chat script parameters. The user must have read accessto the file. Multiple linesare
permitted in the file. Space or horizontal tab charactersshould be used to separate the
-t <t i meout > Set the time-out for the expected string to be received. If the string isnot received
within the time limit, then the reply string isnot sent. An alternate reply may be sent or
the script will fail if there isno alternate reply string. A failed script will cause the chat
program to terminate with a nonzero error code.
-r <r epor t f i l e> Set the file for output of the report strings. If you use the keyword REPORT, the resulting
stringsare written to thisfile. If thisoption isnot used and you still use REPORT
keywords, the stderr file isused for the report strings.
-v Request that the chat script be executed in a verbose mode. The chat program will then
log all text received from the modem and the output stringsthat it sendsto the SYSLOG.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
-V Request that the chat script be executed in a stderr verbose mode. The chat program
will then log all text received from the modem and the output stringsthat it sendsto the
stderr device. Thisdevice isusually the local console at the station running the chat or
pppd program. Thisoption doesnot work properly if the stderr isredirected to the /
dev/null location because in that case pppd should run in the detached mode. In that
case, use the -v option to record the session on the SYSLOG device.
script If the script isnot specified in a file with the -f option, then the script isincluded as
parametersto the chat program.
The chat script definesthe communications.
A script consistsof one or more expect-send pairsof strings, separated by spaces, with an optional subexpect-subsend
string pair, separated by a dash asin the following example:
ogin:-BREAK-ogin: ppp ssword: hello2u2
Thisline indicatesthat the chat program should expect the string ogin:. If it failsto receive a login prompt within the time
interval allotted, it isto send a break sequence to the remote and then expect the string ogin:. If the first ogin: isreceived,
then the break sequence isnot generated.
Once it receivesthe login prompt, the chat program will send the string ppp and then expect the prompt ssword:. When it
receivesthe prompt for the password, it will send the password hello2u2.
A carriage return isusually sent following the reply string. It isnot expected in the expect string unlessit isspecifically
requested by using the nr character sequence.
The expect sequence should contain only what isneeded to identify the string. Because it isusually stored on a disk file, it
should not contain variable information. It isgenerally not acceptable to look for time strings, network identification strings,
or other variable piecesof data such asan expect string.
To help correct for charactersthat may be corrupted during the initial sequence, look for the string ogin: rather than
login:. It ispossible that the leading l character might be received in error and you might never find the string even though
it wassent by the system. For thisreason, scriptslook for ogin: rather than login: and ssword: rather than password:.
A very simple script might look like this:
ogin: ppp ssword: hello2u2
In other words, expect ....ogin:, send ppp, expect ...ssword:, send hello2u2.
In actual practice, simple scriptsare rare. At the vary least, you should include subexpect sequencesin case the original string
isnot received. For example, consider the following script:
ogin:ogin: ppp ssword: hello2u2
Thisisa better script than the simple one used earlier. Thislooksfor the same login: prompt; however, if one wasnot
received, a single return sequence issent and then it will look for login: again. Should line noise obscure the first login
prompt then sending the empty line will usually generate a login prompt again.
Many modemswill report the statusof the call asa string. These stringsmay be CONNECTED or NO CARRIER or BUSY. It is
often desirable to terminate the script if the modem failsto connect to the remote. The difficulty isthat a script doesnot
know exactly which modem string it might receive. On one attempt, it might receive BUSY, but the next time, it might
receive NO CARRIER.
These abort stringscan be specified in the script using the ABORT sequence. It iswritten in the script asin the following
Thissequence will expect nothing and then send the string ATZ. The expected response to thisisthe string OK. When it
receivesOK, the string ATDT5551212 dialsthe telephone. The expected string isCONNECT. If the string CONNECT isreceived, the
remainder of the script isexecuted. However, if the modem findsa busy telephone, it sendsthe string BUSY. Thiscausesthe
string to match the abort character sequence. The script then failsbecause it found a match to the abort string. If it received
the string NO CARRIER, it abortsfor the same reason. Either string may be received. Either string will terminate the chat
A report string issimilar to the ABORT string. The difference isthat the stringsand all charactersto the next control character
such asa carriage return, are written to the report file.
The report stringsmay be used to isolate the transmission rate of the modemsconnect string and return the value to the chat
user. The analysisof the report string logic occursin conjunction with the other string processing such aslooking for the
expect string. The use of the same string for a report and abort sequence isprobably not very useful; however, it ispossible.
The report stringsdo not change the completion code of the program.
These report stringsmay be specified in the script using the REPORT sequence. It iswritten in the script asin the following
Thissequence expectsnothing and then sendsthe string ATDT5551212 to dial the telephone. The expected string isCONNECT.
If the string CONNECT isreceived, the remainder of the script isexecuted. In addition, the program writesto the expect-file the
string CONNECT plusany charactersthat follow it such asthe connection rate.
The initial time-out value is45 seconds. Thismay be changed using the -t parameter.
To change the time-out value for the next expect string, the following example may be used:
ATZ OK ATDT5551212 CONNECT TIMEOUT 10 ogin:ogin: TIMEOUT 5 password:: hello2u2
Thischangesthe time-out to 10 secondswhen it expectsthe login: prompt. The time-out isthen changed to 5 seconds
when it looksfor the password prompt.
The time-out, once changed, remainsin effect until it ischanged again.
The special reply string of EOT indicatesthat the chat program should send an EOT character to the remote. Thisisusually the
End-of-file character sequence. A return character isnot sent following the EOT. The EOT sequence may be embedded into the
send string using the sequence ^D.
The special reply string of BREAK causesa break condition to be sent. The break isa special signal on the transmitter. The
normal processing on the receiver isto change the transmission rate. It may be used to cycle through the available transmis-
sion rateson the remote until you are able to receive a valid login prompt. The break sequence may be embedded into the
send string using the \K sequence.
The expect and reply stringsmay contain escape sequences. All the sequencesare legal in the reply string. Many are legal in
the expect. Those that are not valid in the expect sequence are so indicated.
Expectsor sendsa null string. If you send a null string, it will still send the return
character. Thissequence may either be a pair of apostrophe or quote characters.
\\b Representsa backspace character.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
\\c Suppressesthe newline at the end of the reply string. Thisisthe only method to send a
string without a trailing return character. It must be at the end of the send string. For
example, the sequence hello\c will simply send the charactersh, e, l, l, o. (Not valid in
\\d Delay for one second. The program usessleep(1), which will delay to a maximum of
one second. (Not valid in expect.)
\\K Insert a BREAK. (Not valid in expect.)
\\n Send a newline or linefeed character.
\\N Send a null character. The same sequence may be represented by \0. (Not valid in
\\p Pause for a fraction of a second. The delay isone tenth of a second. (Not valid in
\\q Suppresswriting the string to the SYSLOG file. The string ?????? iswritten to the log in
itsplace. (Not valid in expect.)
\\r Send or expect a carriage return.
\\s Representsa space character in the string. Thismay be used when it isnot desirable to
quote the stringsthat containsspaces. The sequence HI TIM and HI\sTIM are the same.
\\t Send or expect a tab character.
\\\\ Send or expect a backslash character.
\\ddd Collapse the octal digits(ddd) into a single ASCII character and send that character.
(Some charactersare not valid in expect.)
^C Substitute the sequence with the control character represented by C. For example, the
character DC1 (17) isshown asQ. (Some charactersare not valid in expect.)
The chat program will terminate with the following completion codes:
0 The normal termination of the program. Thisindicatesthat the script wasexecuted
without error to the normal conclusion.
1 One or more of the parametersare invalid or an expect string wastoo large for the
internal buffers. Thisindicatesthat the program asnot properly executed.
2 An error occurred during the execution of the program. Thismay be due to a read or
write operation failing for some reason or chat receiving a signal such asSIGINT.
3 A time-out event occurred when there wasan expect string without having a -subsend
string. Thismay mean that you did not program the script correctly for the condition or
that some unexpected event occurred and the expected string could not be found.
4 The first string marked asan ABORT condition occurred.
5 The second string marked asan ABORT condition occurred.
6 The third string marked asan ABORT condition occurred.
7 The fourth string marked asan ABORT condition occurred.
... The other termination codesare also stringsmarked asan ABORT condition.
Using the termination code, it ispossible to determine which event terminated the script. It ispossible to decide if the string
BUSY wasreceived from the modem asopposed to NO DIAL TONE. Although the first event may be retried, the second will
probably have little chance of succeeding during a retry.
Additional information about chat scriptsmay be found with UUCP documentation. The chat script wastaken from the
ideasproposed by the scriptsused by the uucico program.
uucico(1), uucp(1)
The chat program isin public domain. Thisisnot the GNU public license. If it breaks, then you get to keep both pieces.
Chat Version 1.9, 5 May1995
chrootChange root directory and execute a program there.
chroot directory program [ ar g ... ]
chroot changesthe root directory for a processto a new directory executesa program there.
Rick Sladkey (
Linux 0.99, 20 November 1993
clockManipulate the CMOS clock.
/sbin/clock [ -u ] -r
/sbin/clock [ -u ] -w
/sbin/clock [ -u ] -s
/sbin/clock [ -u ] -a
clock manipulatesthe CMOS clock in variousways, allowing it to be read or written and allowing synchronization between
the CMOS clock and the kernelsversion of the system time.
-u Indicatesthat the CMOS clock isset to Universal Time.
-r Read CMOS clock and print the result to stdout.
-w Write the system time into the CMOS clock.
-s Set the system time from the CMOS clock.
-a Set the system time from the CMOS clock, adjusting the time to correct for systematic
error and writing it back into the CMOS clock. Thisoption usesthe file /etc/adjtime
to determine how the clock changes. It containsthree numbers.
The first number isthe correction in secondsper day. (For example, if your clock runs5
secondsfast each day, the first number should read -5.0.)
The second number tellswhen clock waslast used in secondssince 1/1/1970.
The third number isthe remaining part of a second that wasleftover after the last
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
The following instructionsare from the source code:
1. Create a file /etc/adjtime containing asthe first and only line 0.0 0 0.0.
2. Run clock -au or clock -a, depending on whether your CMOS isin Universal or Local Time. Thisupdatesthe
second number.
3. Set your system time using the date command.
4. Update your CMOS time using clock -wu or clock -w.
5. Replace the first number in /etc/adjtime by your correction.
6. Put the command clock -au or clock -a in your /etc/rc.local or let cron(8) start it regularly.
V1.0 CharlesHedrick ( Apr 1992
V1.1 Modified for clock adjustments, Rob Hooft ( Nov 1992
V1.2 Patchesby Harald Koenig ( applied by
Rob Hooft (hooft@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE) Oct 1993
Linux 0.99, 24 December 1992
comsatBiff server
comsat isthe server processthat receivesreportsof incoming mail and notifiesusersif they requested thisservice. comsat
receivesmessageson a datagram port associated with the biff service specification (see services(5) and inetd(8)). The one-
line messagesare of the form
user @mai l box- of f s et
If the user specified islogged in to the system and the associated terminal hasthe owner execute bit turned on (by a biff y),
the offset isused asa seek offset into the appropriate mailbox file and the first 7 linesor 560 charactersof the message are
printed on the usersterminal. Linesthat appear to be part of the message header other than the From, To, Date, or Subject
linesare not included in the displayed message.
/var/run/utmp to find out whoslogged on and on what terminals
biff(1), inetd(8)
The message header filtering isprone to error. The density of the information presented isnear the theoretical minimum.
Usersshould be notified of mail that arriveson other machinesthan the one to which they are currently logged in.
The notification should appear in a separate window so it doesnot messup the screen.
The command appeared in BSD 4.2.
BSD 4.2, 16 March 1991
crondcron daemon (DillonsCron).
crond [-l#] [-d[#]] [-f] [-b] [-c di r ect or y]
crond isa background daemon that parsesindividual crontab filesand executescommandson behalf of the usersin
-ll ogl evel Set logging level; default is8.
-d[debugl evel ] Set debugging level; default is0. If no level isspecified with the -d option, the default is
1. Thisoption also setsthe logging level to 0 and causescrond to run in the foreground.
-f Run crond in the foreground.
-b Run crond in the background (the default unless-d isspecified).
-c di r ect or y Specify directory containing crontab files.
crond isresponsible for scanning the crontab filesand running their commandsat the appropriate time. The crontab
program communicateswith crond through the cron.update file, which residesin the crontabs directory, usually /var/
spool/cron/crontabs. Thisisaccomplished by appending the filename of the modified or deleted crontab file to
cron.update, which crond then picksup to resynchronize or remove itsinternal representation of the file.
crond hasa number of built-in limitationsto reduce the chance of it being ill-used. Potentially infinite loopsduring parsing
are dealt with via a failsafe counter, and user crontabs are generally limited to 256 crontab entries. crontab linesmay not
be longer than 1024 characters, including the newline.
Whenever crond must run a job, it first createsa daemon-owned temporary file O_EXCL and O_APPEND to store any output,
and then it fork()sand changesitsuser and group permissionsto match that of the user the job isbeing run for. Then, it
executes/bin/sh -c to run the job. The temporary file remainsunder the ownership of the daemon to prevent the user from
tampering with it. Upon job completion, crond verifiesthe securenessof the mail file and, if it hasbeen appended to, mails
to the file to user. The sendmail program isrun under the usersUID to prevent mail-related security holes. Unlike
crontab, the crond program doesnot leave an open descriptor to the file for the duration of the jobsexecution because this
might cause crond to run out of descriptors. When the crontab program allowsa user to edit hiscrontab, it copiesthe
crontab to a user-owned file before running the userspreferred editor. The suid crontab program keepsan open
descriptor to the file, which it later usesto copy the file back, thereby ensuring the user hasnot tampered with the file type.
crond alwayssynchronizesto the top of the minute, checking the current time against the list of possible jobs. The list is
stored such that the scan goesvery quickly, and crond can deal with several thousand entrieswithout taking any noticeable
amount of CPU.
Matthew Dillon (
1 May1994
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
ctlinndControl the InterNetNewsdaemon.
ctlinnd [ -h ][-s ][-t t i meout ] command [ ar gument ... ]
ctlinnd sendsa message to the control channel of innd(8), the InterNetNewsserver.
In the normal mode of behavior, the message issent to the server, which then performsthe requested action and sendsback a
reply with a text message and the exit code for ctlinnd. If the server successfully performed the command, ctlinnd will exit
with a statusof zero and print the reply on standard output. If the server could not perform the command (for example, it
wastold to remove a newsgroup that doesnot exist), it will direct ctlinnd to exit with a statusof one. The shutdown,
xabort, and xexec commandsdo not generate a reply; ctlinnd will alwaysexit silently with a statusof zero. If the s flag is
used, then no message will be printed if the command wassuccessful.
The t flag can be used to specify how long to wait for the reply from the server. The timeout value specifiesthe number of
secondsto wait. A value of zero waitsforever, and a value lessthan zero indicatesthat no reply isneeded. When waiting for a
reply, ctlinnd will try every two minutesto see if the server isstill running, so it isunlikely that t0 will hang. The default
To see a command summary, use the h flag. If a command isincluded when ctlinnd isinvoked with the h flag, then only
the usage for that command will be given.
If a large number of groupsare going to be created or deleted at once, it may be more efficient to pause or throttle the server
and edit the active file directly.
The complete list of commandsfollows. Note that all commandshave a fixed number of arguments. If a parameter can be an
empty string, then it isnecessary to specify it astwo adjacent quotes().
addhistMessage- I Dar r exp post pat hs Add an entry to the history database. Thisdirectsthe server to create a
history line for Message-ID. The angle bracketsare optional. ar r , exp, and
post specify when the article arrived, what itsexpiration date is, and when it
wasposted. All three valuesare a number indicating the number of seconds
since the epoch. If the article doesnot have an Expiresheader, then exp
should be zero. pat hs isthe pathname within the newsspool directory where
the article isfiled. If the article iscross-posted, then the namesshould be
separated by whitespace and the pat hs argument should be inside double
quotes. If the server ispaused or throttled, thiscommand causesit to briefly
open the history database.
allow r eason Remote connectionsare allowed. The reason must be the same text given
with an earlier reject command or an empty string.
begin si t e Begin feeding si t e. Thiswill cause the server to rescan the newsfeeds(5) file
to find the specified site and set up a newsfeed for it. If the site already exists,
a drop isdone first. Thiscommand isforwarded; see below.
cancel <Message- I D> Remove the article with the specified Message-ID from the local system. This
doesnot generate a cancel message. The angle bracketsare optional. If the
server ispaused or throttled, thiscommand causesit to briefly open the
history database.
changegroup gr oup r est The newsgroup group ischanged so that itsfourth field in the active file
becomesthe value specified by the rest parameter. Thismay be used to make
an existing group moderated or unmoderated, for example.
checkfile Check the syntax of the newsfeedsfile, and display a message if any errorsare
found. The detailsof the errorsare reported to syslog(3).
drop si t e Flush and drop si t e from the serverslist of active feeds. Thiscommand is
forwarded; see below.
flush si t e Flush the buffer for the specified si t e. The actionstaken depend on the type
of feed the site receives; see newsfeeds(5). Thisisuseful when the site isfed
by a file and batching isgoing to start. If site isan empty string, then all sites
are flushed and the active file and history databasesare also written out. This
command isforwarded; see below.
flushlogs Close the log and error log filesand rename them to have a .old extension.
The history database and active file are also written out.
go r eason Reopen the history database and start accepting articlesafter a pause or
throttle command. The r eason must either be an empty string or match the
text that wasgiven in the earlier pause or throttle command. If a reject
command wasdone, thiswill also do an allow command if the reason
matchesthe text that wasgiven in the reject. If a reserve command wasdone,
thiswill also clear the reservation if the reason matchesthe text that wasgiven
in the reserve. Note that if only the history database haschanged while the
server ispaused or throttled, it isnot necessary to send it a reload command
before sending it a go command. If the server throttled itself because it
accumulated too many I/O errors, thiscommand will reset the error count. If
the server wasnot started with the ny flag, then thiscommand also doesa
readerscommand with yes asthe flag and r eason asthe text.
hangup channel Close the socket on the specified incoming channel . Thisisuseful when an
incoming connection appearsto be hung.
help [command] Print a command summary for all commands, or just command if specified.
mode Print the serversoperating mode asa multiline summary of the parameters
and operating state.
name nnn Print the name of channel number nnn or of all channelsif it isan empty
newgroup gr oup r est cr eat or Create the specified newsgroup. The r est parameter should be the fourth
field asdescribed in active(5); if it isnot an equal sign, only the first letter is
used. The cr eat or should be the name of the person creating the group. If the
newsgroup already exists, thisisequivalent to the changegroup command.
Thisisthe only command that hasdefaults. The creator can be omitted and
will default to the empty string, and the r est parameter can be omitted and
will default to y. Thiscommand can be done while the server ispaused or
throttled; it will update itsinternal state when a go command issent. This
command updatesthe active.times (see active(5)) file.
param l et t er val ue Change the command-line parametersof the server. The combination of
defaultsmakesit possible to use the text of the Control header directly.
l et t er isthe innd command-line option to set, and val ue isthe new value.
For example, i 5 directsthe server to allow only five incoming connections.
To enable or disable the action of the n flag, use the letter y or n for the
val ue.
pause r eason Pause the server so that no incoming articlesare accepted. No existing
connectionsare closed, but the history database isclosed. Thiscommand
should be used for short-term locks, such aswhen replacing the history files.
If the server wasnot started with the ny flag, then thiscommand also doesa
readerscommand with no asthe flag and r eason asthe text.
readers f l ag t ext Allow or disallow newsreaders. If f l ag startswith the letter n, then
newsreading isdisallowed by causing the server to passthe text asthe value of
the nnrpd(8) r flag. If f l ag startswith the letter y and text iseither an empty
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
string, or the same string that wasused when newsreading wasdisallowed,
then newsreading will be allowed.
reject r eason Remote connections(those that would not be handed off to nnrpd) are
rejected, with r eason given asthe explanation.
reload what r eason The server updatesitsin-memory copiesof variousconfiguration files. what
identifieswhat should be reloaded. If it isan empty string or the word all,
then everything isreloaded; if it isthe word history, then the history
database isclosed and opened; if it isthe word hosts.nntp, then the
hosts.nntp(5) file isreloaded; if it isthe word active or newsfeeds, then
both the active and newsfeedsfilesare reloaded; if it isthe word
overview.fmt, then the overview.fmt(5) file isreloaded. The r eason is
reported to syslog. There isno way to reload the data inn.conf(5) file; the
server currently only usesthe pathhost parameter, so thisrestriction should
not be a problem.
renumber gr oup Scan the spool directory for the specified newsgroup and update the low-
water mark in the active file. If group isan empty string, then all newsgroups
are scanned.
reserve r eason The next pause or throttle command must use r eason asitstext. This
reservation iscleared by giving an empty string for the r eason. This
command isused by programssuch asexpire(8) that want to avoid running
into other instancesof each other.
rmgroup gr oup Remove the specified newsgroup. Thisisdone by editing the active file. The
spool directory isnot touched, and any articlesin the group will be expired
using the default expiration parameters. Unlike the newgroup command, this
command doesnot update the active.times file.
send f eed t ext ... The specified t ext issent asa control line to the exploder feed.
shutdown r eason The server isshut down, with the specified r eason recorded in the log and
sent to all open connections. It isa good idea to send a throttle command
signal si g si t e Signal si g issent to the specified si t e, which must be a channel or exploder
feed. si g can be a numeric signal number or the word hup, int, or term; case
isnot significant.
throttle r eason Input isthrottled so that all existing connectionsare closed and new
connectionsare rejected. The history database isclosed. Thisshould be used
for long-term locks, such aswhen expire isbeing run. If the server wasnot
started with the ny flag, then thiscommand also doesa readerscommand
with no asthe flag and r eason asthe text.
trace i t em f l ag Tracing isturned on or off for the specified item. f l ag should start with the
letter y or n to turn tracing on or off. If i t em startsasa number, then tracing
isset for the specified innd channel, which must be for an incoming NNTP
feed. If it startswith the letter I, then general innd tracing isturned on or off.
If it startswith the letter n, then future nnrpdswill or will not have the t
flag enabled, asappropriate.
xabort r eason The server logsthe specified r eason and then invokesthe abort(3) routine.
xexec pat h The server getsready to shut itself down, but instead of exiting, it executes
the specified pat h with all of itsoriginal arguments. If path isinnd, then /
news/bin/innd isinvoked; if it isinndstart, then /news/bin/inndstart is
invoked; if it isan empty string, it will invoke the appropriate program
depending on whether it wasstarted with the p flag; any other value isan
In addition to being acted upon within the server, certain commandscan be forwarded to the appropriate child process. If
the site receiving the command isan exploder (such asbuffchan(8)) or it isa funnel that feedsinto an exploder, then the
command can be forwarded. In thiscase, the server will send a command line to the exploder that consistsof the ctlinnd
command name. If the site funnelsinto an exploder that hasan asterisk (*) in itsW flag (see newsfeed(5)), then the site name
isappended to the command; otherwise, no argument isappended.
ctlinnd usesthe inndcomm(3) library and istherefore limited to server repliesno larger than 4KB.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
active(5), expire(8), innd(8), inndcomm(3), inn.conf(5), newsfeeds(5), overview.fmt(5)
ctrlaltdelSet the function of the Ctrl+Alt+Del combination.
ctrlaltdel hard|soft
Based on examination of the linux/kernel/sys.c code, it isclear that there are two supported functionsthat the
Ctrl+Alt+Del sequence can perform: a hard reset, which immediately rebootsthe computer without calling sync(2) and
without any other preparation, and a soft reset, which sendsthe SIGINT (interrupt) signal to the init process(thisisalways
the processwith PID 1). If thisoption isused, the init(8) program must support thisfeature. Because there are now several
init(8) programsin the Linux community, consult the documentation for the version that you are currently using.
ctrlaltdel isusually used in the /etc/rc.local file.
simpleinit(8), init(8)
Peter Orbaek (
Linux 0.99, 25 October 1993
cvsbugSend problem report (PR) about CVS to a central support site.
cvsbug [ si t e ][-f pr obl em- r epor t ][-t mai l - addr ess ][-P ][-L ]
[--r equest - i d ][-v ]
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
cvsbug isa tool used to submit problem reports(PRs) to a central support site. In most cases, the correct site will be the
default. Thisargument indicatesthe support site that isresponsible for the category of problem involved. Some sitesmay use
a local addressasa default. Site valuesare defined by using the aliases(5).
cvsbug invokesan editor on a problem report template (after trying to fill in some fieldswith reasonable default values).
When you exit the editor, cvsbug sendsthe completed form to the Problem Report Management System (GNATS) at a
central support site. At the support site, the PR isassigned a unique number and isstored in the GNATS database according
to itscategory and submitter ID. GNATS automatically replieswith an acknowledgment, citing the category and the PR
To ensure that a PR ishandled promptly, it should contain your (unique) submitter ID and one of the available categoriesto
identify the problem area. (Use cvsbug -L to see a list of categories.)
The cvsbug template at your site should already be customized with your submitter ID (running install-sid submitter-id
to accomplish thisispart of the installation proceduresfor cvsbug). If thishasnt been done, see your system administrator
for your submitter ID, or request one from your support site by invoking cvsbug -requestid. If your site doesnot
distinguish between different user sites, or if you are not affiliated with the support site, use net for thisfield.
The more precise your problem description and the more complete your information, the faster your support team can solve
your problems.
-f pr obl em- r epor t Specify a file (pr obl em- r epor t ) that already containsa complete problem report. cvsbug
sendsthe contentsof the file without invoking the editor. If the value for pr obl em- r epor t
is, then cvsbug readsfrom standard input.
-t mai l - addr ess Change mail addressat the support site for problem reports. The default mai l - addr ess is
the addressused for the default site. Use the site argument rather than thisoption in
nearly all cases.
-P Print the form specified by the environment variable PR FORM on standard output. If PR
FORM isnot set, print the standard blank PR template. No mail issent.
-L Print the list of available categories. No mail issent.
--request-id Sendsmail to the default support site, or si t e if specified, with a request for your
submitter ID. If you are not affiliated with si t e, use a submitter ID of net.
-v Display the cvsbug version number.
Note: Use cvsbug to submit problem reportsrather than mail them directly. Using both the template and cvsbug itself will
help ensure all necessary information will reach the support site.
The environment variable EDITOR specifiesthe editor to invoke on the template. The default isvi.
If the environment variable PR FORM isset, then itsvalue isused asthe filename of the template for your problem-report
editing session. You can use thisto start with a partially completed form (for example, a form with the identification fields
already completed).
Problem reportshave to be in a particular form so that a program can easily manage them. Please remember the following
Describe only one problem with each problem report.
For follow-up mail, use the same subject line asthe one in the automatic acknowledgment. It consistsof category, PR
number, and the original synopsisline. Thisallowsthe support site to relate several mail messagesto a particular PR and
to record them automatically.
Please try to be asaccurate aspossible in the subject or synopsisline.
The subject and the synopsisline are not confidential. Thisisbecause open-bugslistsare compiled from them. Avoid
putting confidential information there.
See the GNU Info file or the document ReportingProblemsWith cvsbug for detailed information on reporting
Submit small code sampleswith the PR. Contact the support site for instructionson submitting larger test casesand
problematic source code.
/tmp/p$$ copy of PR used in editing session
/tmp/pf$$ copy of empty PR form, for testing purposes
/tmp/pbad$$ file for rejected PRs
An EMACSuser interface for cvsbug with completion of field valuesispart of the cvsbug distribution (invoked with M-x
cvsbug). See the file or the ASCII file INSTALL in the top-level directory of the distribution for configuration
and installation information. The EMACS LISP template file and isinstalled ascvsbug.el.
See or INSTALL for installation instructions.
ReportingProblemsUsingcvsbug (also installed asthe GNU Info file
gnats(l), query-pr(1), edit-pr(1), gnats(8), queue-pr(8), at-pr(8), mkcat(8), mkdist(8)
Jeffrey Osier, Brendan Kehoe, Jason Merrill, Heinz G. Seidl (CygnusSupport).
Copyright(c) 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission isgranted to make and distribute verbatim copiesof
thismanual provided the copyright notice and thispermission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute modified versionsof thismanual under the conditionsfor verbatim copying,
provided that the entire resulting derived work isdistributed under the termsof a permission notice identical to thisone.
Permission isgranted to copy and distribute translationsof thismanual into another language, under the above conditions
for modified versions, except that thispermission notice may be included in translationsapproved by the Free Software
Foundation instead of in the original English.
xVERSIONx, February1993
cvtbatchConvert Usenet batch file to INN format.
cvtbatch [ -w i t ems ]
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
cvtbatch readsstandard input asa seriesof lines, convertseach line, and writesit to standard output. It isused to convert
simple batchfilesthat contain just the article name to INN batchfilesthat contain additional information about each article.
Each line istaken asthe pathname to a Usenet article. If it isnot an absolute pathname, it istaken relative to the spool
directory, /news/spool. (Only the first word of each line isparsed; anything following whitespace isignored.)
The w flag specifieshow each output line should be written. The items for thisflag should be chosen from the W flag items
asspecified in newsfeeds(5). They may be chosen from the following set:
b Size of article in bytes
f Full pathname of article
m Article Message-ID
n Relative pathname of article
If the input file consistsof a seriesof Message-IDs, then use grephistory(1) with the s flag piped into cvtbatch.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
grephistory(1) newsfeeds(5)
cytuneTune Cycladesdriver parameters.
cytune [-q [-i i nt er val ]] ([-s val ue]|[-S val ue])
[-g|G] ([-t t i meout ]|[-T t i meout ]) tty [tty ...]
cytune queriesand modifiesthe interruption threshold for the Cycladesdriver. Each serial line on a Cycladescard hasa 12-
byte FIFO for input (and another 12-byte FIFO for output). The threshold specifieshow many input charactersmust be
present in the FIFO before an interruption israised. When a Cycladestty isopened, thisthreshold isset to a default value
based on baud rate:
Baud Threshold
50-4800 10
9600 8
19200 4
38400 2
57600-150000 1
If the threshold isset too low, the large number of interruptionscan load the machine and decrease overall system through-
put. If the threshold isset too high, the FIFO buffer can overflow, and characterswill be lost. Slower machines, however,
may not be able to deal with the interrupt load and will require that the threshold be adjusted upwards.
If the Cycladesdriver wascompiled with ENABLE MONITORING defined, the cytune command can be used with the -q option
to report interruptsover the monitoring interval and characterstransferred over the monitoring interval. It will also report
the state of the FIFO. The maximum number of charactersin the FIFO when an interrupt occurred, the instantaneous
count of charactersin the FIFO, and how many charactersare now in the FIFO are reported. Thisoutput might look like
/dev/cubC0: 830 ints, 9130 chars; fifo: 11 threshold, 11 max, 11 now
166.259866 interrupts/second, 1828.858521 characters/second
Thisoutput indicatesthat for thismonitoring period, the interruptswere alwaysbeing handled within one character time
because max never rose above threshold. Thisisgood, and you can probably run thisway, provided that a large number of
samplescome out thisway. You will lose charactersif you overrun the FIFO because the Cycladeshardware doesnot seem to
support the RTS RS-232 signal line for hardware flow control from the DCE to the DTE.
cytune will in query mode produce a summary report when ended with a SIGINT or when the threshold or time-out is
There may be a responsivenessversusthroughput tradeoff. The Cycladescard, at the higher speeds, iscapable of putting a
very high interrupt load on the system. Thiswill reduce the amount of CPU time available for other taskson your system.
However, the time it takesto respond to a single character may be increased if you increase the threshold. Thismight be
noticed by monitoring ping(8) timeson a SLIP link controlled by a Cycladescard. If your SLIP link isgenerally used for
interactive work such astelnet(1), you might want to leave the threshold low so that charactersare responded to asquickly
aspossible. If your SLIP link isgenerally used for file transfer, WWW, and the like, setting the FIFO to a high value islikely
to reduce the load on your system while not significantly affecting throughput. Alternatively, see the -t or -T optionsto
adjust the time that the Cycladeswaitsbefore flushing itsbuffer. Unitsare 5ms.
If you are running a mouse on a Cycladesport, it islikely that you want to maintain the threshold and time-out at a low
-s val ue Set the current threshold to val ue characters. Note that if the tty isnot being held open
by another process, the threshold will be reset on the next open. Only valuesbetween 1
and 12, inclusive, are permitted.
-t val ue Set the current flush time-out to val ue units. Note that if the tty isnot being held open
by another process, the threshold will be reset on the next open. Only valuesbetween 0
and 255, inclusive, are permitted. Setting value to 0 forcesthe default, currently 0x20
(160ms) but soon to be 0x02 (10ms). Unitsare 5ms.
-g Get the current threshold and time-out.
-T val ue Set the default flush time-out to val ue units. When the tty isnext opened, thisvalue is
used instead of the default. If value is0, then the value defaultsto 0x20 (160ms), soon to
be 0x02 (10ms).
-G Get the default threshold and flush time-out values.
-q Gather statisticsabout the tty. The resultsare only valid if the Cycladesdriver hasbeen
compiled with ENABLE MONITORING defined. Thisisprobably not the default.
-i i nt er val Statisticswill be gathered every i nt er val seconds.
If you run two copiesof cytune at the same time to report statisticsabout the same port, the ints, chars, and max valueswill
be reset and not reported correctly. cytune(8) should prevent thisbut doesnot.
Nick Simicich (, with modificationsby Rik Faith (
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
4 March 1995
debugfsext2 filesystem debugger.
debugfs [[-w ]devi ce]
debugfs isa filesystem debugger. It can be used to examine and change the state of an ext2 filesystem. device isthe special
file corresponding to the device containing the ext2 filesystem (such as/dev/hdXX).
-w Specify that the filesystem should be open in read-write mode. Without thisoption,
the filesystem isopen in read-only mode.
debugfs isan interactive debugger. It understandsa number of commands:
cd f i l e
chroot f i l e
close Close the currently open filesystem.
clri f i l e Clear the contentsof the inode corresponding to f i l e.
expand_dir, f i l e Expand a directory.
find_free_block [goal ] Find the first free block, starting from goal , and allocate it.
find_free_inode [di r [mode]] Find a free inode and allocate it.
freeb bl ock Mark the block asnot allocated.
freei f i l e Free the inode corresponding to f i l e.
iname i node Print the filename corresponding to i node (currently not implemented).
initialize devi ce bl ocks i ze Create an ext2 file system on devi ce.
kill_file f i l e Remove a file and deallocate itsblocks.
ln sour ce_f i l e dest _f i l e Create a link.
ls [pat hname] Emulate the ls(1) command.
Modify_inode file Modify the contentsof the inode corresponding to f i l e.
mkdir f i l e Make a directory.
open [-w] devi ce Open a filesystem.
quit Quit debugfs.
rm f i l e Remove a file.
rmdir f i l e Remove a directory.
setb bl ock Mark the block asallocated.
seti f i l e Mark in use the inode corresponding to file
show_super_stats List the contentsof the super block.
stat f i l e Dump the contentsof the inode corresponding to f i l e.
testb bl ock Test if the block ismarked asallocated.
testi f i l e Test if the inode corresponding to f i l e ismarked asallocated.
unlink f i l e Remove a link.
debugfs waswritten by Theodore Tso (
dumpe2fs(8), e2fsck(8), mke2fs(8)
Version 0.5b, November 1994
dipDialup IP connection handler.
dip [-t]
dip [-ktv] [-m mt u] scr i pt f i l e
dip [-iv] [user _name]
dip handlesthe connectionsneeded for dialup IP links, such asSLIP or PPP. It can handle both incoming and outgoing
connections, using password security for incoming connections. The outgoing connectionsuse the systemsdial(3) library
if available.
The first possible use of dip isasa stand-alone program to set up an outgoing IP connection. Thiscan be done by invoking
dip with the -t option, which meansenter TEST mode and, more precisely, dump you in the COMMAND-MODE of the dip
program. You are reminded of thisby the DIP> prompt, or, if you also specified the -v debugging flag, the DIP [NNNN]>
prompt. The latter prompt also displaysthe current value of the global errlvl variable, which isused mostly when dip runs
in script mode. For the interactive mode, it can be used to determine if the result of the previouscommand wasokay.
The following isa sample taken from a live session:
DIP: Dialup IP Protocol Driver version 3.3.7 (12/13/93)
Written by Fred N. van Kempen, MicroWalt Corporation.
The most helpful command in thismode is, of course, the help command, which should produce an output similar to this:
DIP> help
DIP knows about the following commands:
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
databits default dial echo flush
get goto help if init
mode modem parity print port
reset send sleep speed stopbits
term wait
All commandsdisplay how they should be used when invoking them with no or invalid arguments. Just experiment a little to
get the feel of it, and have a look at the sample script files, which also use thiscommand language.
The second possible way of using dip isasa login shell for incoming IP connections, asin dialup SLIP and PPP connections.
To make integration into the existing UNIX system aseasy aspossible, dip can be installed assimply asusing it asa login
shell in the systemspassword file. A sample entry lookslike
suunet:ij/SMxiTlGVCo:1004:10:UUNET:/tmp:/usr/bin/dip -i
When user suunet logsin, the login(1) program setsthe home directory to /tmp and execute the dip program with the -i
option, which meansthat dip must run in input mode. dip then triesto locate the name of the logged-in user (the name
corresponding to itscurrent user ID, asreturned by the getuid(2) system call) in itsdatabase file. An optional single
argument to the dip program in thismode can be the username that must be used in thislookup, regardlessof the current
user ID.
dip now scansthe /etc/net/diphosts file for an entry for the given username. Thisfile containslinesof text (much like the
standard password file). The format lookslike
# diphosts This file describes a number of name to
# address mappings for the DIP program. It
# is used to determine which IP address to
# use for in incoming call of some user.
# Version: @(#)diphosts 1.00 12/10/92 FvK
# Author: Fred N. van Kempen,
# <>
# End of diphosts.
The first field of a line identifiesthe username, which you must match. The second field can contain an encrypted password.
If thisfield isnon-null, the dip program asksfor an external security password, which must match the password in thisfield.
The third field containsthe name (or raw IP address) of the host that isconnecting to the system with thislink. If a
hostname isgiven, the usual addressresolving processisstarted, using either a nameserver or a local hostsfile.
The fourth field can contain any text; it isnot (yet) used by the dip program. In future releases, thisinfo may be used in the
system log files. Finally, the fifth field of a line containsa mixture of comma-separated flags. Possible flagsare
SLIP to indicate you must use the SLIP protocol.
PPP to indicate you must use the PPP protocol.
number , which givesthe MTU parameter of thisconnection.
After finding the correct line, dip putsthe terminal line into RAW mode and asksthe system networking layer to allocate a
channel of the desired protocol. Finally, if the channel isactivated, it addsan entry to the systemsrouting table to make the
connection work.
dip now goesinto an endlessloop of sleeping, which continuesuntil the connection isphysically aborted (the line is
dropped). At that time, dip removesthe entry it made in the systemsrouting table and releasesthe protocol channel for
reuse. It then exits, making room for another session.
The last way of using dip isasa program that initiatesoutgoing connections. To make life easier for the people who have to
manage linksof thistype, dip usesa chat script to set up a link to a remote system. Thisgivesthe user an enormousamount
of flexibility when making the connection, which otherwise could require many command-line options. The pathname of
the script to be run isthen given asthe single argument to dip; the program will automatically check if the file hasa filename
ending in a .dip part. Thisisnot mandatoryjust a tool to group scriptstogether in a single directory. A script should look
something like this:
# sample.dip Dialup IP connection support program.
# This file (should show) shows how to use the DIP
# scripting commands to establish a link to a host.
# This host runs the 386bsd operating system, and
# thus can only be used for the static addresses.
# NOTE: We also need an examnple of a script used to
# connect to a dynamic SLIP server, like an Annex
# terminal server...
# Version: @(#)sample.dip 1.30 07/05/93
# Author: Fred N. van Kempen, <waltje@uWalt.NL.Mugnet.ORG>
# First of all, set up our name for this connection.
# I am called (==
get $local
# Next, set up the other sides name and address.
# My dialin machine is called (==
get $remote
# Set the desired serial port and speed.
port cua0
speed 38400
# Reset the modem and terminal line.
# This seems to cause trouble for some people!
# Prepare for dialing.
send ATQ0V1E1X1
wait OK 2
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
dial 555-1234567
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
wait CONNECT 60
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
# We are connected. Login to the system.
sleep 3
send \r\n\r\n
wait ogin: 10
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
send NO-WAY\n
wait ord: 5
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
send HA-HA\n
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
wait $ 30
if $errlvl != 0 goto error
# We are now logged in. Start the sliplogin program,
# as this is not automatically done for me.
send sliplogin\n
# Set up the SLIP operating parameters.
get $mtu 1500
# Set Destination net/address as type default (vice an address).
# This is used by the route command to set the kernel routing table.
# Some machines seem to require this be done for SLIP to work properly.
# Say hello and fire up!
print CONNECTED to $remote with address $rmtip
mode SLIP
goto exit
print SLIP to $remote failed.
Thisscript causesdip to dial up a host, log in, and get a SLIP interface channel going (in the same manner aswith incoming
connections). When all isset up, it simply goesinto the background and waitsfor a hangup (or just a lethal signal), at which
it hangsup and exits.
Fred N. van Kempen (, Paul Mossip (, Jeff Uphoff
(, Jim Seagrave (, Olaf Kirch (
Version 3.3.7, 13 December 1993
dmesgPrint or control the kernel ring buffer.
dmesg [ -c ] [ -n l evel ]
dmesg isused to examine or control the kernel ring buffer.
The program helpsusersto print their bootup messages. Instead of copying the messagesby hand, the user need only
dmesg > boot.messages
and mail the boot.messages file to whoever can debug their problem.
-c Clear the ring buffer contentsafter printing.
-n l evel Set the level at which logging of messagesisdone to the console. For example, -n 1
preventsall messages, except panic messages, from appearing on the console. All
levelsof messagesare still written to /proc/kmsg, so syslogd(8) can still be used to
control exactly where kernel messagesappear. When the -n option isused, dmesg
will not print or clear the kernel ring buffer.
When both optionsare used, only the last option on the command line will have an effect.
Theodore Tso (
Linux 0.99, 28 October 1993
dumpe2fsDump filesystem information.
dumpe2fs devi ce
dumpe2fs printsthe super block and blocksgroup information for the filesystem present on device.
dumpe2fs issimilar to Berkeleysdumpfs program for the BSD Fast File System.
You need to know the physical filesystem structure to understand the output.
dumpe2fs waswritten by Remy Card (, the developer and maintainer of the ext2 fs.
dumpe2fs isavailable for anonymousFTP from and in /pub/linux/packages/ext2fs.
e2fsck(8), mke2fs(8), tune2fs(8)
Version 0.5b, November 1994
e2fsckCheck a Linux second extended filesystem.
e2fsck [ -panyrdfvtFV ][-b super bl ock ][-B bl ocksi ze ]
[-l|-L bad_bl ocks_f i l e ] devi ce
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
e2fsck isused to check a Linux second extended file system.
devi ce The special file corresponding to the device (such as/dev/hdXX).
-a Thisoption doesthe same thing asthe -p option. It isprovided for backwards
compatibility only; it issuggested that people use -p option whenever possible.
-b super bl ock Instead of using the normal superblock, use the alternative superblock specified by
super bl ock.
-B bl ocksi ze Usually, e2fsck will search for the superblock at variousdifferent block sizesin an
attempt to find the appropriate block size. Thissearch can be fooled in some cases.
Thisoption forcese2fsck to only try locating the superblock at a particular
bl ocksi ze. If the superblock isnot found, e2fsck will terminate with a fatal error.
-d Print debugging output (uselessunlessyou are debugging e2fsck ).
-f Force checking even if the filesystem seemsclean.
-F Flush the filesystem devicesbuffer cachesbefore beginning. Only really useful for
doing e2fsck time trials.
-l f i l ename Add the blockslisted in the file specified by filename to the list of bad blocks.
-L f i l ename Set the bad blockslist to be the list of blocksspecified by f i l ename. (Thisoption is
the same asthe -l option except the bad blockslist iscleared before the blockslisted
in the file are added to the bad blockslist.)
-n Open the filesystem read-only, and assume an answer of no to all questions.
Allowse2fsck to be used non-interactively. (Note: if the -l or -L optionsare
specified in addition to the -n option, then the filesystem will be opened read-write
to permit the bad-blockslist to be updated. However, no other changeswill be made
to the filesystem.)
-p Automatically repair (preen) the filesystem without any questions.
-r Thisoption doesnothing at all; it isprovided only for backwardscompatibility.
-t Print timing statisticsfor e2fsck. If thisoption isused twice, additional timing
statisticsare printed on a pass-by-passbasis.
-v Verbose mode.
-V Print version information and exit.
-y Assume an answer of yes to all questions; allowse2fsck to be used non-
The exit code returned by e2fsck isthe sum of the following conditions:
0 No errors
1 Filesystem errorscorrected
2 Filesystem errorscorrected; system should be rebooted if filesystem wasmounted
4 Filesystem errorsleft uncorrected
8 Operational error
16 Usage or syntax error
128 Shared library error
Almost any piece of software will have bugs. If you manage to find a filesystem that causese2fsck to crash, or that e2fsck is
unable to repair, please report it to the author.
Please include asmuch information aspossible in your bug report. Ideally, include a complete transcript of the e2fsck run,
so I can see exactly what error messagesare displayed. If you have a writeable filesystem where the transcript can be stored,
the script(1) program isa handy way to save the output of e2fsck to a file.
It isalso useful to send the output of dumpe2fs(8). If a specific inode or inodesseemsto be giving e2fsck trouble, try
running the debugfs(8) command and send the output of the stat command run on the relevant inodes. If the inode isa
directory, the debugfs dump command will allow you to extract the contentsof the directory inode, which can sent to me
after being first run through uuencode(1).
Alwaysinclude the full version string that e2fsck displayswhen it isrun so I know which version you are running.
Thisversion of e2fsck iswritten by Theodore Tso (
mke2fs(8), tune2fs(8), dumpe2fs(8), debugfs(8)
Version 0.5b, November 1994
edquotaEdit user quotas.
/usr/etc/edquota [ -p pr ot o- user ][-ug ] name...
/usr/etc/edquota [ -ug ] -t
edquota isa quota editor. One or more usersor groupsmay be specified on the command line. For each user or group, a
temporary file iscreated with an ASCII representation of the current disk quotasfor that user or group and an editor isthen
invoked on the file. The quotasmay then be modified, new quotasadded, and so on. Upon leaving the editor, edquota reads
the temporary file and modifiesthe binary quota filesto reflect the changesmade.
The editor invoked isvi(1) unlessthe environment variable specifiesotherwise.
Only the superuser may edit quotas. (For quotasto be established on a filesystem, the root directory of the filesystem must
contain a file, owned by root, called quota.user or See quotaon(8) for details.)
-u Edit the userquota. Thisisthe default.
-g Edit the groupquota.
-p Duplicate the quotasof the prototypical user specified for each user specified. Thisis
the normal mechanism used to initialize quotasfor groupsof users.
-t Edit the soft time limitsfor each filesystem. If the time limitsare zero, the default
time limitsin <linux/quota.h> are used. Time unitsof sec(onds), min(utes),
hour(s), day(s), week(s), and month(s) are understood. Time limitsare printed in the
greatest possible time unit such that the value isgreater than or equal to one.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
quota.user or Quota file at the filesystem root
/etc/mtab Mounted filesystems
quota(1), vi(1), quotactl(2), quotacheck(8), quotaon(8), repquota(8)
The format of the temporary file isinscrutable.
8 June1993
expireUsenet article and history expiration program.
expire [ -d di r ][-f f i l e ][-g f i l e ][-h f i l e ]
[-i ][-l ][-n ][-p ][-q ][-r r eason ][-s ][-t ]
[-v l evel ][-w number ][-x ][-z f i l e ][expire.ctl]
expire scansthe history(5) text file /news/lib/history and usesthe information recorded in it to purge old newsarticles.
To specify an alternate history file, use the f flag. To specify an alternate input text history file, use the h flag. expire uses
the old dbz(3z) database to determine the size of the new one. To ignore the old database, use the i flag.
expire usually just unlinkseach file if it should be expired. If the l flag isused, then all articlesafter the first one are treated
asif they could be symbolic linksto the first one. In thiscase, the first article will not be removed aslong asany other cross-
postsof the article remain.
expire usually sendsa pause command to the local innd(8) daemon when it needsexclusive accessto the history file, using
the string Expiring asthe reason. To give a different reason, use the r flag. The processID will be appended to the reason.
When expire isfinished and the new history file isready, it sendsa go command. If innd isnot running, use the n flag and
expire will not send the pause or go commands. (For more detailson the commands, see ctlinnd(8).) Note that expire
only needsexclusive accessfor a very short timelong enough to see if any new articlesarrived since it first hit the end of the
file and to rename the new filesto the working files.
If the s flag isused, then expire will print a summary when it exits, showing the approximate number of kilobytesused by
all deleted articles.
If the t flag isused, then expire will generate a list of the filesthat should be removed on itsstandard output, and the new
history file will be left in history.n, history.n.dir, and history.n.pag. Thisflag isuseful for debugging when used with
the n and s flags. Note that if the f flag isused, then the name specified with that flag will be used instead of history.
If the x flag isused, then expire will not create any new history files. Thisismost useful when combined with the n, s,
and t flagsto see how different expiration policieswould change the amount of disk space used.
If the z flag isused, then articlesare not removed, but their namesare written to the specified file. See the description of
expirerm in news.daily(8).
expire makesitsdecisionson the time the article arrived, asfound in the history file. Thismeansarticlesare often kept a
little longer than with other expiration programsthat base their decisionson the articlesposting date. To use the articles
posting date, use the p flag. Use the w flag to warp time so that expire thinksit isrunning at some time other then the
current time. The value should be a signed floating-point number of the number of daysto use asthe offset.
If the d flag isused, then the new history file and database iscreated in the specified directory, dir. Thisisuseful when the
filesystem doesnot have sufficient space to hold both the old and new history files. When thisflag isused, expire leavesthe
server paused and createsa zero-length file named after the new history file, with an extension of .done to indicate that it has
successfully completed the expiration. The calling script should install the new history file and unpause the server. The r
flag should be used with thisflag.
If a filename isspecified, it istaken asthe control file and parsed according to the rulesin expire.ctl(5). A single dash ()
may be used to read the file from standard input. If no file isspecified, the file /news/lib/expire.ctl isread.
expire usually complainsabout articlesthat are posted to newsgroupsnot mentioned in the active file. To suppressthis
action, use the q flag.
The v flag isused to increase the verbosity of the program, generating messagesto standard output. The level should be a
number, where higher numbersresult in more output. Level one will print totalsof the variousactionsdone (not valid if a
new history file isnot written), level two will print report on each individual file, and level five resultsin more than one line
of output for every line processed. If the g flag isgiven, then a one-line summary equivalent to the output of v1 and
preceded by the current time will be appended to the specified file.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
ctlinnd(8), dbz(3z), expire.ctl(5), history(5), innd(8), inndcomm(3)
expireoverExpire entriesfrom the newsoverview database.
expireover [ -a ][-D over vi ewdi r ][-f f i l e ][-n ]
[-O over vi ew. f mt ][-s ][-v ][-z ][f i l e... ]
expireover expiresentriesfrom the newsoverview database. It readsa list of pathnames(relative to the spool directory, /
news/spool) from the specified filesor standard input if none are specified. (A filename of may be used to specify the
standard input.) It then removesany mention of those articlesfrom the appropriate overview database. If the z flag isused,
then the input isassumed to be sorted such that all entriesfor a newsgroup appear together so that it can be purged at once.
Thisflag can be useful when used with the sorted output of expire(8)sz flag.
If the s flag isused, then expireover will read the spool directory for all groupsmentioned in the active(5) file and
remove the overview entriesfor any articlesthat do not appear. To specify an alternate file, use the f flag; a name of is
taken to mean the standard input.
The a flag readsthe spool directory and addsany missing overview entries. It will create filesif necessary. Thiscan be used
to initialize a database or to sync up a overview database that may be lacking articlesdue to a crash. overchan should be
running, to ensure that any incoming articlesget included. Using thisflag impliesthe s flag; the f flag may be used to add
only a subset of the newsgroups.
To see a list of the entriesthat would be added or deleted, use the v flag. To perform no real updates, use the n flag.
The D flag can be used to specify where the databasesare stored. The default directory is/news/spool.
The O flag may be used to specify an alternate location for the overview.fmt(5) file; thisisusually only useful for debug-
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Written by Rob Robertson ( and Rich $alz ( with help from Dave
Laurence ( for InterNetNews.
expire(8), overview.fmt(5)
fastrmQuickly remove a set of files.
fastrm [ -d ][-e ][-uN ][-sM ][-cI ] base_di r ect or y
fastrm readsa list of files, one per line, from itsstandard input and removesthem. If a file isnot an absolute pathname, it is
taken relative to the directory specified on the command line. The base directory parameter must be a simple absolute
pathnamethat is, it must not contain any /./ or /../ references.
fastrm isdesigned to be faster than the typical | xargs rm pipeline. For example, fastrm will usually chdir(2) into a
directory before removing filesfrom it. If the input issorted, thismeansthat most filesto be removed will be simple names.
fastrm assumesthat itsinput isvalid and that it issafe to just do an unlink(2) call for each item to be removed. Asa safety
measure, if fastrm isrun by root, it will first stat(2) the item to make sure that it isnot a directory before unlinking it.
If the d flag isused, then no filesare removed. Instead, a list of the filesto be removed, in debug form, isprinted on the
standard output. Each line containseither the current directory of fastrm at the time it would do the unlink and then the
pathname it would passto unlink(2) astwo fieldsseparated by white space and a / or the absolute pathname (a single field)
of filesit would unlink using the absolute pathname.
If the e flag isused, fastrm will treat an empty input file (stdin) asan error. Thisismost useful when fastrm islast in a
pipeline after a preceding sort(1) because if the sort fails, there will usually be no output to become input of fastrm.
If the u flag isused, then fastrm makesfurther assumptionsabout itswork environmentin particular, that there are no
symbolic linksin the target tree. Thisflag also suggeststhat it isprobably faster to reference the path ../../../ rather than
start from the root and come down (note that thisprobably isnt true on systemsthat have a namei cache, which usually
holdseverything except ..). The optional N isan integer that specifiesthe maximum number of .. segmentsto usepaths
that would use more than thisuse the absolute pathname (from the root) instead. If the u flag isgiven without a value, u1
If the s flag isused, then fastrm will perform the unlinksfrom one directorythat is, when a group of filesin one
directory appear in the input consecutivelyin the order that the filesappear in the directory from which they are to be
removed. The intent of thisflag isthat on systemsthat have a per-processdirectory cache, finding filesin the directory
should be faster. It can have smaller benefitson other systems. The optional M isan integer that specifiesthe number of files
that must be going to be removed from one directory before the fileswill be ordered. If the s flag isgiven without a value,
s5 isassumed. When the directory reordering isin use, fastrm will avoid attempting to unlink filesthat it cant see in the
directory, which can speed it appreciably when many of the filenameshave already been removed.
The c flag may be given to instruct fastrm when it should chdir(2). If the number of filesto be unlinked from a directory
isat least I, then fastrm will chdir and unlink the filesfrom in the directory. Otherwise, it will build a path relative to its
current directory. If c isgiven without the optional integer I, then c1 isassumed, which will cause fastrm to alwaysuse
chdir. If c isnot used at all, then c3 isassumed. Use c0 to prevent fastrm from ever using chdir(2).
There are also a and r options, which do nothing at all except allow you to say fastrm usa, fastrm ussr, or fastrm
user. These happen to often be convenient setsof optionsto use.
fastrm exitswith a statusof 0 if there were no problemsor 1 if something went wrong. Attempting to remove a file that does
not exist isnot considered a problem. If the program exitswith a nonzero status, it isprobably a good idea to feed the list of
filesinto an xargs rm pipeline.
fdformatLow-level formatsa floppy disk.
fdformat [ -n ] devi ce
fdformat doesa low-level format on a floppy disk. device isusually one of the following (for floppy devices, the major is2,
and the minor isshown for informational purposesonly):
/dev/fd0d360 (minor = 4)
/dev/fd0h1200 (minor = 8)
/dev/fd0D360 (minor = 12)
/dev/fd0H360 (minor = 12)
/dev/fd0D720 (minor = 16)
/dev/fd0H720 (minor = 16)
/dev/fd0h360 (minor = 20)
/dev/fd0h720 (minor = 24)
/dev/fd0H1440 (minor = 28)
/dev/fd1d360 (minor = 5)
/dev/fd1h1200 (minor = 9)
/dev/fd1D360 (minor = 13)
/dev/fd1H360 (minor = 13)
/dev/fd1D720 (minor = 17)
/dev/fd1H720 (minor = 17)
/dev/fd1h360 (minor = 21)
/dev/fd1h720 (minor = 25)
/dev/fd1H1440 (minor = 29)
The generic floppy devices, /dev/fd0 and /dev/fd1, will fail to work with fdformat when a non-standard format isbeing
used or if the format hasnot been autodetected earlier. In thiscase, use setfdprm(8) to load the disk parameters.
-n No verify. Thisoption will disable the verification that isperformed after the format.
fd(4), setfdprm(8), mkfs(8), emkfs(8)
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Werner Almesberger (
Linux 0.99, 1 February1993
fdiskPartition table manipulator for Linux.
fdisk [ -l ] [ -v ] [ -s par t i t i on] [ devi ce ]
fdisk isa menu-driven program for manipulation of the hard disk partition table. The device isusually one of the following:
The partition isa device name followed by a partition number. For example, /dev/hda1 isthe first partition on the first hard
disk in the system.
If possible, fdisk will obtain the disk geometry automatically. Thisisnot necessarily the physical disk geometry but isthe
disk geometry that MS-DOSusesfor the partition table. If fdisk warnsyou that you need to set the disk geometry, please
believe thisstatement and set the geometry. Thisshould only be necessary with certain SCSI host adapters(the driversfor
which are rapidly being modified to provide geometry information automatically).
Whenever a partition table isprinted, a consistency check isperformed on the partition table entries. Thischeck verifiesthat
the physical and logical start and end pointsare identical and that the partition startsand endson a cylinder boundary
(except for the first partition).
Old versionsof fdisk (all versionsprior to 1.1r including 0.93) incorrectly mapped the cylinder/head/sector specification
onto absolute sectors. Thismight result in the first partition on a drive failing the consistency check. If you use LILO to
boot, thissituation can be ignored. However, there are reportsthat the OS/2 boot manager will not boot a partition with
inconsistent data.
Some versionsof MS-DOS create a first partition that doesnot begin on a cylinder boundary but on sector 2 of the first
cylinder. Partitionsbeginning in cylinder 1 cannot begin on a cylinder boundary, but thisisunlikely to cause difficulty
unlessyou have OS/2 on your machine.
In version 1.1r, a BLKRRPART ioctl() isperformed before exiting when the partition table isupdated. Thisisprimarily to
ensure that removable SCSI diskshave their partition table information updated. If the kernel doesnot update itspartition
table information, fdisk warnsyou to reboot. If you do not reboot your system after receiving such a warning, you might
lose or corrupt the data on the disk. SometimesBLKRRPART failssilently; when installing Linux, you should alwaysreboot
after editing the partition table.
The DOS 6.xFORMAT command looksfor some information in the first sector of the data area of the partition and treatsthis
information asmore reliable than the information in the partition table. DOS FORMAT expectsDOS FDISK to clear the first
512 bytesof the data area of a partition whenever a size change occurs. DOS FORMAT will look at thisextra information even if
the /U flag isgiven
We consider thisa bug in DOS FORMAT and DOS FDISK.
The bottom line isthat if you use cfdisk or fdisk to change the size of a DOS partition table entry, then you must also use
dd to zero the first 512 bytesof that partition before using DOS FORMAT to format the partition. For example, if you were
using cfdisk to make a DOS partition table entry for /dev/hda1, then (after exiting fdisk or cfdisk and rebooting Linux
so that the partition table information isvalid) you would use the command dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda1 bs=512
count=1 to zero the first 512 bytesof the partition.
Be extremely careful if you use the dd command because a small typo can make all of the data on your disk useless.
For best results, you should alwaysuse an OS-specific partition table program. For example, you should make DOS
partitionswith the DOS FDISK program and Linux partitionswith the Linux fdisk or Linux cfdisk program.
-v Printsversion number of fdisk program.
-l Liststhe partition tablesfor /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, /
dev/sdd, /dev/sde, /dev/sdf, /dev/sdg, and /dev/sdh and then exits.
-s par t i t i on If the par t i t i on isnot a DOS partition (the partition ID isgreater than 10), then the
size of that partition isprinted on the standard output. Thisvalue isusually used as
an argument to the mkfs(8) program to specify the size of the partition that will be
Although thisman page (written by ispoor, there isexcellent documentation in the README.fdisk file
(written by that should alwaysbe with the fdisk distribution. If you cannot find thisfile in the util-
linux-* directory or with the fdisk.c source file, then you should write to the distributor of your version of fdisk and
complain that you do not have all of the available documentation.
A.V. LeBlanc ( v1.0r: SCSI and extfs support added by Rik Faith ( v1.1r: Bug
fixesand enhancementsby Rik Faith (, with special thanksto Michael Bischoff (i1041905@ws.rz.tu- or v1.3: Latest enhancementsand bug fixesby A.V. LeBlanc, including the addition
of the -s option. v2.0: Diskslarger than 2GB are now fully supported, thanksto Remy Cardsllseek support.
Linux 1.0, 3 June1995
filechanFile-writing back end for InterNetNews.
filechan [ -d di r ect or y ][-f f i el ds ][-m mapf i l e ][-p pi df i l e ]
filechan readslinesfrom standard input and copiescertain fieldsin each line into filesnamed by other fieldswithin the
line. filechan isintended to be called by innd(8) asa channel feed. (It isnot a full exploder and doesnot accept commands;
see newsfeeds(5) for a description of the difference and buffchan(8) for an exploder program.)
filechan input isinterpreted asa set of lines. Each line containsa fixed number of initial fields, followed by a variable
number of filename fields. All fieldsin a line are separated by whitespace. The default number of initial fieldsisone; the f
flag may be used to specify a different number of fields.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
For each line of input, filechan writesthe initial fields, separated by whitespace and followed by a newline, to each of the
filesnamed in the filename fields. When writing to a file, filechan opensit in append mode and triesto lock it and change
the ownership to the user and group who ownsthe directory where the file isbeing written.
By default, filechan writesitsargumentsinto the directory /news/spool/out.going. The d flag may be used to specify a
directory the program should change to before starting.
If the p flag isused, the program will write a line containing itsprocessID (in text) to the specified file.
If filechan isinvoked with f 2 and given the following input:
news/software/b/132 <>foo uunet
news/software/b/133 <> uunet munnari
comp/sources/unix/2002 <>foo uunet munnari
Then the file foo will have these lines:
news/software/b/132 <>
comp/sources/unix/2002 <>
The file munnari will have these lines:
news/software/b/133 <>
comp/sources/unix/2002 <>
The file uunet will have these lines:
news/software/b/132 <>
news/software/b/133 <>
comp/sources/unix/2002 <>
Because the time window in which a file isopen isvery small, complicated flushing and locking protocolsare not needed; a
mv(1) followed by a sleep(1) for a couple of secondsissufficient.
A map file may be specified by using the m flag. Blank linesand linesstarting with a number sign (#) are ignored. All other
linesshould have two hostnamesseparated by a colon. The first field isthe name that may appear in the input stream; the
second field namesthe file to be used when the name in the first field appears. For example, the following map file may be
used to map the short namesto the full domain names:
# This is a comment
Written by Robert Elz (; flagsadded by Rich $alz (
buffchan(8), innd(8), newsfeeds(5)
fsckCheck and repair a Linux filesystem.
fsck [ -AVRTN ][-s ][-t f st ype ][f s- opt i ons ] f i l esys [ ... ]
fsck isused to check and optionally repair a Linux filesystem. filesys iseither the device name (such as/dev/hda1 or /dev/
sdb2) or the mount point (such as/, /usr, or /home) for the filesystem. If thisfsck hasseveral filesystemson different
physical disk drivesto check, thisfsck will try to run them in parallel. Thisreducesthe total amount time it takesto check
all of the filesystemsbecause fsck takesadvantage of the parallelism of multiple disk spindles.
The exit code returned by fsck isthe sum of the following conditions:
0 No errors
1 Filesystem errorscorrected
2 System should be rebooted
4 Filesystem errorsleft uncorrected
8 Operational error
16 Usage or syntax error
128 Shared library error
The exit code returned when all filesystemsare checked using the -A option isthe bitwise OR of the exit codesfor each file
system that ischecked.
In actuality, fsck issimply a front end for the variousfilesystem checkers(fsck.fstype) available under Linux. The
filesystem-specific checker issearched for in /sbin first, then in /etc/fs and /etc, and finally in the directorieslisted in the
PATH environment variable. Please see the filesystem-specific checker manual pagesfor further details.
-A Walk through the /etc/fstab file and try to check all filesystemsin one run. This
option istypically used from the /etc/rc system initialization file, instead of
multiple commandsfor checking a single file system.
-R When checking all filesystemswith the -A flag, skip the root file system (in case its
already mounted read-write).
-T Dont show the title on startup.
-N Dont execute; just show what would be done.
-s Serialize fsck operations. Thisisa good idea if you checking multiple filesystemsin
and the checkersare in an interactive mode. (Note: e2fsck runsin an interactive
mode by default. To make e2fsck run in a non-interactive mode, you must either
specify the -p or -a option, if you want errorsto be corrected automatically, or the -
n option if you do not.)
-V Produce verbose output, including all filesystem-specific commandsthat are
-tfstype Specifiesthe type of filesystem to be checked. When the -A flag isspecified, only
filesystemsthat match fstype are checked. If fstype isprefixed with no, only
filesystemswhose filesystem do not match fstype are checked.
Usually, the filesystem type isdeduced by searching for f i l esys in the /etc/fstab
file and using the corresponding entry. If the type can not be deduced, fsck will use
the type specified by the -t option if it specifiesa unique filesystem type. If thistype
isnot available, the the default filesystem type (currently ext2) isused.
fs-options Any optionsthat are not understood by fsck, or that follow the - option are treated
asfilesystem-specific optionsto be passed to the filesystem-specific checker.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Currently, standardized filesystem-specific optionsare somewhat in flux. Although not guaranteed, the following optionsare
supported by most filesystem checkers:
-a Automatically repair the filesystem without any questions. (Use thisoption with caution.) Note
that e2fsck supports-a for backwardscompatibility only. Thisoption ismapped to e2fscks-p
option, which issafe to use, unlike the -a option that most filesystem checkerssupport.
-r Interactively repair the filesystem (ask for confirmations). Note: It isgenerally a bad idea to use
thisoption if multiple fscksare run in parallel. Also note that thisise2fsck default behavior; it
supportsthisoption for backwardscompatibility reasonsonly.
Theodore Tso (
The manual page wasshamelessly adapted from David Engel and Fred van Kempensgeneric fsck front-end program, which
in turn wasshamelessly adapted from Remy Cardsversion for the ext2 filesystem.
fstab(5), mkfs(8), fsck.minix(8), fsck.ext2(8) or e2fsck(8), fsck.xiafs(8)
Version 0.5b, November 1994
fsck.minixA filesystem consistency checker for Linux.
fsck.minix [ -larvsmf ] devi ce
fsck.minix performsa consistency check for the Linux MINIX filesystem. The current version supportsthe 14 character and
30 character filename options.
The program assumesthe filesystem isquiescent. fsck.minix should not be used on a mounted device unlessyou can be sure
nobody iswriting to it (and remember that the kernel can write to it when it searchesfor files).
The device will usually have the following form:
If the filesystem waschanged (that is, repaired), then fsck.minix will print File system has changed and will sync(2) three
timesbefore exiting. Because Linux doesnot currently have raw devices, there isno need to reboot at thistime (versusa
system that doeshave raw devices).
fsck.minix should not be used on a mounted filesystem. Using fsck.minix on a mounted filesystem isvery dangerousdue to
the possibility that deleted filesare still in use and can seriously damage a perfectly good filesystem! If you absolutely have to
run fsck.minix on a mounted filesystem (that is, the root filesystem), make sure nothing iswriting to the disk and that no
filesare zombies waiting for deletion.
-l Listsall filenames.
-r Performsinteractive repairs.
-a Performsautomatic repairs(thisoption implies-r) and servesto answer all of the questionsasked with the
default. Note that thiscan be extremely dangerousin the case of extensive filesystem damage.
-v Verbose.
-s Outputssuper-block information.
-m ActivatesMINIX-like mode not cleared warnings.
-f Force filesystem check even if the filesystem wasmarked asvalid. (Thismarking isdone by the kernel
when the filesystem isunmounted.)
fsck(8), fsck.ext(8), fsck.ext2(8), fsck.xiafs(8), mkfs(8), mkfs.minix(8), mkfs.ext(8), mkfs.ext2(8), mkfs.xiafs(8), reboot(8)
There are numerousdiagnostic messages. The onesmentioned here are the most commonly seen in normal usage.
If the device doesnot exist, fsck.minix will print Unable to read super block. If the device existsbut isnot a MINIX
filesystem, fsck.minix will print Bad magic number in super-block.
The exit code returned by fsck.minix isthe sum of the following:
0 No errors.
3 Filesystem errorscorrected; system should be rebooted if filesystem wasmounted.
4 Filesystem errorsleft uncorrected.
8 Operational error.
16 Usage or syntax error.
In point of fact, only 0, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 16 can ever be returned.
LinusTorvalds( Error code valuesby Rik Faith ( Added support for filesystem
valid flag: Dr. Wettstein ( Check to prevent fsck of mounted filesystem added by Daniel
Quinlan (
Linux 0.99, 10 January1994
ftpdDARPA Internet File Transfer Protocol server.
ftpd [-d] [-l] [-t t i meout ] [-T maxt i meout ]
ftpd isthe DARPA Internet File Transfer Protocol server process. The server usesthe TCP protocol and listensat the port
specified in the FTP service specification; see services(5).
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Available options:
-d Debugging information iswritten to the syslog.
-l Each FTP 1 session islogged in the syslog.
-t The inactivity timeout period isset to timeout seconds. (The default is15 minutes.)
-T A client can also request a different timeout period; the maximum period allowed can be set to timeout
secondswith the -T option. The default limit is2 hours.
The FTP server currently supportsthe following FTP requests; case isnot distinguished.
Request Description
ABOR Abort previouscommand
ACCT Specify account (ignored)
ALLO Allocate storage (vacuously)
APPE Append to a file
CDUP Change to parent of current working directory
CWD Change working directory
DELE Delete a file
HELP Give help information
LIST Give list filesin a directory ( ls -lgA )
MKD Make a directory
MDTM Show last modification time of file
MODE Specify data transfer mode
NLST Give name list of filesin directory
NOOP Do nothing
PASS Specify password
PASV Prepare for server-to-server transfer
PORT Specify data connection port
PWD Print the current working directory
QUIT Terminate session
REST Restart incomplete transfer
RETR Retrieve a file
RMD Remove a directory
RNFR Specify rename-from filename
RNTO Specify rename-to filename
SITE Nonstandard commands(see next section)
SIZE Return size of file
STAT Return statusof server
STOR Store a file
STOU Store a file with a unique name
STRU Specify data transfer structure
SYST show operating system type of server system
TYPE specify data transfer type
USER specify username
XCUP change to parent of current working directory (deprecated)
XCWD change working directory (deprecated)
XMKD make a directory (deprecated)
XPWD print the current working directory (deprecated)
XRMD remove a directory (deprecated)
The following non-standard or UNIX-specific commandsare supported by the SITE request:
Request Description Example
UMASK Change umask SITE UMASK 002
IDLE Set idle timer SITE IDLE 60
CHMOD Change mode of a file SITE CHMOD 755
HELP Give help information SITE HELP
The remaining FTP requestsspecified in Internet RFC 959 are recognized but not implemented. MDTM and SIZE are not
specified in RFC 959 but will appear in the next updated FTP RFC.
The FTP server will abort an active file transfer only when the ABOR command ispreceded by a Telnet Interrupt Process
(IP) signal and a Telnet Synch signal in the command Telnet stream, asdescribed in Internet RFC 959. If a STAT
command isreceived during a data transfer, preceded by a Telnet IP and Synch, transfer statuswill be returned.
ftpd interpretsfilenamesaccording to the globbing conventionsused by csh(1). Thisallowsusersto utilize the
metacharactersLi &*?[].
ftpd authenticatesusersaccording to four rules:
The username must be in the password database and not have a null password. In thiscase, a password must be provided
by the client before any file operationsmay be performed.
The username must not appear in the file (see ftpusers(5)).
The user must have a standard shell returned by getusershell(3).
If the username isanonymousor FTP, an anonymousFTP account must be present in the password file (user FTP). In
thiscase, the user isallowed to log in by specifying any password. (By convention, thisisgiven asthe client hostsname.)
In the last case, ftpd takesspecial measuresto restrict the clientsaccessprivileges. The server performsa chroot(2) command
to the home directory of the FTP user. So that system security isnot breached, it isrecommended that the FTP subtree be
constructed with care; the following rulesare recommended:
ftp Make the home directory owned by root and unwritable by anyone.
ftp/bin Make thisdirectory owned by root and unwritable by anyone. The program ls(1) must be present to
support the list command. Thisprogram should have mode 111.
ftp/etc Make thisdirectory owned by root and unwritable by anyone. The filespasswd(5) and group(5) must be
present for the ls command to be able to produce owner namesrather than numbers. The password field
in passwd isnot used and should not contain real encrypted passwords. These filesshould be mode 444 and
owned by root. Dont use the systems/etc/passwd file asthe password file or the systems/etc/group file
asthe group file in the
ftp/etc directory.
ftp/pub Make thisdirectory mode 755 and owned by root. Create a subdirectory in
ftp/pub with the appropriate
mode (777 or 733) if you want to allow normal usersto upload files.
ftp(1), getusershell(3), ftpusers(5), syslogd(8)
The anonymousaccount isinherently dangerousand should avoided when possible.
Request Description
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
The server must run asthe super-user to create socketswith privileged port numbers. It maintainsan effective user ID of the
logged-in user, reverting to the super-user only when binding addressesto sockets. The possible security holeshave been
extensively scrutinized but are possibly incomplete.
The command appeared in BSD 4.2.
BSD 4.2, 16 March 1991
ifconfigConfigure a network interface.
ifconfig [i nt er f ace]
ifconfig i nt er f ace [aftype] opt i ons | addr ess ...
ifconfig isused to set up (and maintain thereafter) the kernel-resident network interfaces. It isused at boot time to configure
most of them to a running state. After that, it isusually only needed when debugging or when system tuning isneeded.
If no argumentsare given, ifconfig just displaysthe statusof the currently defined interfaces. If the single interface argument
isgiven, it displaysthe statusof the given interface only. Otherwise, it assumesthat thingshave to be set up.
If the first argument after the interface name isrecognized asthe name of a supported addressfamily, that addressfamily is
used for decoding and displaying all protocol addresses. Currently supported addressfamiliesinclude inet (TCP/IP, default)
and ax25 (AMPR Packet Radio.)
interface The name of the NET interface. Thisusually isa name such aswd0, sl3, or something like that:
a device driver name followed by a unit number.
up Thisflag causesthe interface to be activated. It isimplicitly specified if the interface isgiven a
new address(see below).
down Thisflag causesthe driver for thisinterface to be shut down and isuseful when thingsstart
going wrong.
[-]arp Enable or disable the use of the ARP protocol on thisinterface. If the minus() sign ispresent,
the flag isturned OFF.
[-]trailers Enable or disable the use of trailerson Ethernet frames. Thisisnot used in the current
implementation of NET.
[-]allmulti Enable or disable the promiscuous mode of the interface. Thismeansthat all incoming frames
get sent to the network layer of the system kernel, allowing for networking monitoring.
metric N Thisparameter setsthe interface metric. It isnot used at present, but we implement it for the
mtu N Thisparameter setsthe Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) of an interface. For Ethernet, thisisa
number in the range of 1000-2000 (default is1500). For SLIP, use something between 200 and
4096. Note that the current implementation doesnot handle IP fragmentation yet, so youd
better make the MTU large enough!
dstaddr addr Set the other ends IP addressin case of a point-to-point link, such asPPP. Thiskeyword is
obsoleted by the new pointopoint keyword.
netmask addr Set the IP network mask for thisinterface. Thisvalue defaultsto the usual classA, B, or C
network mask (asdeducted from the interface IP address), but it can be set to any value for the
use of subnetting.
[-]broadcast [addr] If the addressargument isalso given, set the protocol broadcast addressfor thisinterface.
Otherwise, it only setsthe IFF_BROADCAST flag of the interface. If the keyword waspreceded by a
minus(-) sign, then the flag iscleared instead.
[-]pointopoint [addr] Thiskeyword enablesthe point-to-point mode of an interface, meaning that it isa direct link
between two machineswith nobody else listening on it. (At least we hope that thisisthe case,
grin :-).)
If the addressargument isalso given, set the protocol addressof the other side of the link, just
like the obsolete dstaddr keyword does. Otherwise, it only setsthe IFF_POINTOPOINT flag of the
interface. If the keyword waspreceded by a minus(-) sign, then the flag iscleared instead.
hw Set the hardware addressof thisinterface if the device driver supportsthisoperation. The
keyword must be followed by the name of the hardware classand the printable ASCII
equivalent of the hardware address. Hardware classescurrently supported include ether
(Ethernet), ax25 (AMPR AX.25), and ppp, although the latter isnot really supported yet.
address The hostname or IP address(a hostname will be resolved into an IP address) of that interface.
Thisparameter isrequired, although the syntax doesnt currently require it.
None so far, although the syntax checking could be better.
Fred N. van Kempen (
6 October 1993
inetdInternet superserver.
inetd [-d] [conf i gur at i on f i l e]
inetd should be run at boot time by /etc/rc.local (see rc(8)). It then listensfor connectionson certain Internet sockets.
When a connection isfound on one of itssockets, it decideswhat service the socket correspondsto and invokesa program to
service the request. After the program isfinished, it continuesto listen on the socket (except in some cases, which are
described later). Essentially, inetd allowsrunning one daemon to invoke several others, reducing load on the system.
The option available for inetd:
-d Turnson debugging.
Upon execution, inetd readsitsconfiguration information from a configuration file, which, by default, is/etc/inetd.conf.
There must be an entry for each field of the configuration file, with entriesfor each field separated by a tab or a space.
Commentsare denoted by a # at the beginning of a line. There must be an entry for each field. The fieldsof the configura-
tion file are asfollows:
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
service name
socket type
server program
server program arguments
To specify an Sun-RPC based service, the entry would contain these fields:
service name/version
socket type
server program
server program arguments
The service-name entry isthe name of a valid service in the file /etc/services . For internal services, the service name must
be the official name of the service (that is, the first entry in /etc/services). When used to specify a Sun-RPC based service,
thisfield isa valid RPC service name in the file /etc/rpc. The part on the right of the / isthe RPC version number. Thiscan
simply be a single numeric argument or a range of versions. A range isbounded by the low version to the high version
- rusers/1-3.
The socket type should be one of stream, dgram, raw, rdm, or seqpacket, depending on whether the socket isa stream,
datagram, raw, reliably delivered message, or sequenced packet socket.
The protocol must be a valid protocol asgiven in /etc/protocols. Examplesmight be tcp or udp. Rpc-based servicesare
specified with the rpc/tcp or rpc/udp service type.
The wait/nowait entry isapplicable to datagram socketsonly. (Other socketsshould have a nowait entry in thisspace.) If a
datagram server connectsto itspeer, freeing the socket so inetd can receive further messageson the socket, it issaid to be a
multithreaded server and should use the nowait entry. For datagram serversthat processall incoming datagramson a socket
and eventually time out, the server issaid to be single-threaded and should use a wait entry. Comsat(8), biff(1), and talkd(8)
are examplesof the latter type of datagram server. Tftpd(8) isan exception; it isa datagram server that establishespseudo-
It must be listed aswait in order to avoid a race; the server readsthe first packet, createsa new socket, and then forksand
exitsto allow inetd to check for new service requeststo spawn new servers. The optional max suffix (separated from wait or
nowait by a dot) specifiesthe maximum number of server instancesthat may be spawned from inetd within an interval of 60
seconds. When omitted, max defaultsto 40.
The user entry should contain the username of the user aswhom the server should run. Thisallowsfor serversto be given
lesspermission than root. An optional group name can be specified by appending a dot to the username followed by the
group name. Thisallowsfor serversto run with a different (primary) group ID than specified in the password file. If a group
isspecified and the user isnot root, the supplementary groupsassociated with that user will still be set.
The server-program entry should contain the pathname of the program that isto be executed by inetd when a request is
found on itssocket. If inetd providesthisservice internally, thisentry should be internal.
The server program argumentsshould appear just asargumentsnormally do, starting with argv[0], which isthe name of the
program. If the service isprovided internally, the word internal should take the place of thisentry.
inetd providesseveral trivial servicesinternally by use of routineswithin itself. These servicesare echo, discard, chargen
(character generator), daytime (human readable time), and time (machine readable time in the form of the number of seconds
since midnight, January 1, 1900). All of these servicesare TCP based. For detailsof these services, consult the appropriate
RFC from the Network Information Center.
inetd rereadsitsconfiguration file when it receivesa hangup signal, SIGHUP. Servicesmay be added, deleted, or modified
when the configuration file isreread. inetd createsa file /etc/inetd.pi d that containsitsprocessidentifier.
comsat(8), fingerd(8), ftpd(8), rexecd(8), rlogind(8), rshd(8), telnetd(8), tftpd(8)
The command appeared in BSD 4.3. Support for Sun-RPC based servicesismodeled after that provided by Sun-OS 4.1.
BSD 4.3, 16 March 1991
init, telinit
init, telinitProcesscontrol initialization.
/sbin/init [ -t sec ][0123456SsQq ]
/sbin/telinit [ -t sec ][0123456sSQqabc ]
init isthe father of all processes. Itsprimary role isto create processesfrom a script stored in the file /etc/inittab (see
inittab(5)). Thisfile usually hasentriesthat cause init to spawn gettys on each line that userscan log in. It also controls
autonomousprocessesrequired by any particular system.
A run level isa software configuration of the system that allowsonly a selected group of processesto exist. The processes
spawned by init for each of these run levelsare defined in the /etc/inittab file. init can be in one of eight run levels, 06 and
S or s. The run level ischanged by having a privileged user run /sbin/telinit, which sendsappropriate signalsto init, telling
it which run level to change to.
After init isinvoked asthe last step of the kernel booting, it looksfor the file /etc/inittab to see if there isan entry of the
type initdefault (see inittab(5)). initdefault determinesthe initial run level of the system. If there isno such entry or no
/etc/inittab at all, a run level must be entered at the system console.
Run level S or s bringsthe system to single-user mode and doesnot require an /etc/initttab file. In single-user mode,
/bin/sh isinvoked on /dev/console.
/dev/console need not necessarily be the physical system console. When init istold to enter single-user mode or run level 1
(either directly, by init S, or by telling shutdown to enter maintenance mode), it will link the terminal line the command
wasexecuted from to /dev/console. The device /dev/systty iscalled the physical system console and the device /dev/console
iscalled the logical system console. If the logical system console isnot the physical system console, pressing the combination
Ctrl+Alt+Del on the physical system console will force a relink of /dev/console to /dev/systty. A terminal line can only
become the logical console if itslisted in the file /etc/securetty. All thisisin preparation of the day that the Linux kernel
will support serial consoles.
Beware: If you want to run X or anything else that isaware of Virtual Consoles, the logical system console (/dev/console)
needsto be the same asthe physical system console (/dev/systty).
When entering single-user mode, init readsthe consolesioctl(2) statesfrom /etc/ If thisfile doesnot exist, init
initializesthe line at 9600 baud and with CLOCAL settings. When init leavessingle-user mode, it storesthe consolesioctl
settingsin thisfile so it can re-use them for the next single-user session. If the logical system console ischanged to another
terminal line, the settingsof the line from which the init or telinit command wasgiven are stored in /etc/ too,
so that the terminal line will be initialized correctly in single-user mode.
init, telinit
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
When entering a multi-user mode the first time, init performsthe boot and bootwait entriesto allow filesystemsto be
mounted before userscan log in. Then all entriesmatching the run level are processed.
Each time a child terminates, init recordsthe fact and the reason it died in /etc/utmp and /var/adm/wtmp if these filesexist.
After it hasspawned all the processesspecified, init waitsfor one of itsdescendant processesto die, a powerfail signal, or a
signal by /sbin/telinit to change the systemsrun level. When one of these three conditionsoccurs, it re-examinesthe
/etc/inittab file. New entriescan be added to thisfile at any time. However, init still waitsfor one of the three conditions
to occur. To provide for an instantaneousresponse, the Q or q command can wake up init to re-examine the /etc/inittab
If init isnot in single-user mode and receivesa powerfail signal, special powerfail entriesare invoked.
When init isrequested to change the run level, it sendsthe warning signal SIGTERM to all processesthat are undefined in the
new run level. It then waits20 secondsbefore forcibly terminating these processesvia the kill signal SIGKILL.
Note that init assumesthat all these processes(and their descendants) remain in the same processgroup that init originally
created for them. If any processchangesitsprocessgroup affiliation, it will not receive these signals. Such processesneed to
be terminated separately.
/sbin/telinit islinked to /sbin/init. It takesa one-character argument and signalsinit to perform the appropriate action.
The following argumentsserve asdirectivesto /sbin/telinit:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 Tell /sbin/init to switch to the specified run level.
a, b, c Tell /sbin/init to processonly those /etc/inittab file entrieshaving run level a, b, or c.
Q or q Tell /sbin/init to re-examine the /etc/inittab file.
S or s Tell /sbin/init to switch to single-user mode.
/sbin/telinit can also tell init how much time it should wait between sending processesthe TERM and the KILL signal; the
default is20 seconds, but it can be changed by the -t sec option.
/sbin/telinit can be invoked only by userswith appropriate privileges.
Run levels0, 1, and 6 are reserved. Run level 0 isused to halt the system, run level 6 isused to reboot the system, and run
level 1 isused to get the system down into single-user mode. Run level S isnot really meant to be used directly but should be
used by scriptsthat are executed when entering run level 1. For more information on this, see the man pagesfor shutdown(1)
and inittab(5).
init iscompatible with the System V init. The scriptsthat are used with it, however, are mostly modeled after the BSD
startup scripts. There are startup scriptsavailable that let Linux boot more like a System V system, but most people find
them too complex.
init assumesthat processesand descendantsof processesremain in the same processgroup that wasoriginally created for
them. If the processeschange their group, init cant kill them and you might end up with two processesreading from one
terminal line.
If /sbin/init findsthat it iscontinuously respawning an entry more than ten timesin two minutes, it will assume that there
isan error in the command string, generate an error message on the system console, and refuse to respawn thisentry until
either five minuteshaselapsed or it receivesa signal. Thispreventsit from eating up system resourceswhen someone makesa
typographical error in the /etc/inittab file or the program for the entry isremoved.
Miquel van Smoorenburg (; initial manual page by Michael Haardt
getty(1), login(1), sh(1), who(1), shutdown(1), kill(2), inittab(5), utmp(5)
19 January1994
innd, inndstart
innd, inndstartInterNetNewsdaemon.
innd [ -a ][-c days ][-d ][-f ][-i count ][-o count ][-l si ze ]
[-m mode ][-n f l ag ] [ -p por t ][-r ][-s ][-S host ][-t t i meout ][-u ][-x ]
inndstart [ f l ags ]
innd, the InterNetNewsdaemon, handlesall incoming NNTP feeds. It readsthe active(5), newsfeeds(5), and hosts.nntp(5)
filesinto memory. It then opensthe NNTP port to receive articlesfrom remote sites, a UNIX-domain stream socket to
receive articlesfrom local processessuch asnnrpd(8) and rnews(1), and a UNIX-domain datagram socket for use by
ctlinnd(8) to direct the server to perform certain actions. It also opensthe history(5) database and two log filesto replace its
standard output and standard error. If the p flag isused, then the NNTP port isassumed to be open on the specified
descriptor. (If thisflag isused, then innd assumesit isrunning with the proper permissionsand it doesnot call chown(2) on
any filesor directoriesit creates.)
Once the filesand socketshave been opened, innd waitsfor connectionsand data to be ready on itsportsby using select(2)
and non-blocking I/O. If no data isavailable, then it flushesitsin-core data structures. The default number of secondsto
time out before flushing is300. Thistimeout may be changed by using the t flag.
To limit the number of incoming NNTP connections, use the i flag. A value of 0 suppressesthischeck.
To limit the number of filesthat are kept open for outgoing file feeds, use the o flag. The default isthe number of available
descriptorsminussome reserved for internal use.
To limit the size of an article, use the l flag. If thisflag isused, then any article bigger than si ze bytesisrejected. The
default isno checking, which can also be obtained by using a value of 0.
innd rejectsarticlesthat are too old. Although thisbehavior can be controlled by the history database, occasionally a site
dumpsa batch of very old newsback onto the network. Use the c flag to specify a cutoff. For example, c21 rejectsany
articlesthat were posted more than 21 daysago. A value of 0 suppressesthischeck.
innd usually putsitself into the background, setsitsstandard output and error to log files, and disassociatesitself from the
terminal. Using the d flag instructsthe server to not do this, whereasusing the f flag just leavesthe server running the
foreground. The logsare usually buffered; use the u flag to have them unbuffered.
To start the server in a paused or throttled state (see ctlinnd(8)) use the m flag to set the initial running mode. The
argument should start with a single letter g, p, or t to emulate the go, pause, or throttle commands.
innd, inndstart
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
If the r flag isused, the server renumbersthe active file asif a renumber command were sent.
If the s flag isused, then innd doesnot do any work but instead just checksthe syntax of the news-feedsfile. It exitswith an
error statusif there are any errors; the actual errorsare reported in syslog(3).
If innd getsan NOSPC error (see intro(2)) while trying to write the active file, an article file, or the history database, it sends
itself a throttle command. Thisalso happensif it getstoo many I/O errorswhile writing to any files.
Any subprocessesspawned by the server get a nice(2) value of 10.
The n flag specifieswhether pausing or throttling the server should also disable future news-reading processes. A value of y
makesnewsreadersact asthe server, a value of n allowsnewsreading even when the server isnot running.
If the S flag isused, then innd runsin slave mode. When running asa slave, the server only acceptsarticlesfrom the
specified host, which must use the xreplic protocol extension. Note that either the host must appear in the hosts.nntp file or
the server must be started with the a flag.
By default, if a host isnot mentioned in the hosts.nntp file, then the connection ishanded off to nnrpd. If the a flag isused,
then any host can connect and transfer articles.
If the x flag isused, then a Xref header isadded to all articleseven if they are not cross-posted.
inndstart isa small front-end program that opensthe NNTP port, setsitsuser ID and group ID to the newsmaintainer,
and then executesinnd with the p flag and a minimal secure environment. Thisisa small, easily understood front-end
program that can be used if a site doesnot want to run innd with root privileges.
Arriving articlesthat have a Control header or have a Subject header that startswith the five characterscmsg are called control
messages. Except for the cancel message, these messagesare implemented by external programsin the /news/bin/control
directory. (Cancel messagesupdate the history database, so they must be handled internally; the cost of synching, locking,
and then unlocking istoo high, given the number of cancel messagesthat are received.)
When a control message arrives, the first word of the text isconverted to lowercase and used asthe name of the program to
execute; if the named program doesnot exist, then a program named default isexecuted.
All control programsare invoked with four parameters. The first isthe addressof the person who posted the message; thisis
taken from the Sender header. If that header isempty, then it istaken from the From header. The second parameter isthe
addressto send repliesto; thisistaken from the Reply-To header. If that header isempty, then the postersaddressisused.
The third parameter isa name under which the article isfiled, relative to the newsspool directory. The fourth parameter is
the host that sent the article, asspecified on the Path line.
The distribution of control message isalso different from those of standard articles.
Control messagesare usually filed in the newsgroup named control. They can be filed in subgroups, however, based on the
control message command. For example, a newgroup message isfiled in control.newgroup if that group exists, otherwise it will
be filed in control.
Sitesmay explicitly have the control newsgroup in their subscription list, although it isusually best to exclude it. If a
control message isposted to a group whose name endswith the four characters.ctl, then the suffix isstripped off and what
isleft isused asthe group name. For example, a cancel message posted to news.admin.ctl will be sent to all sitesthat
subscribe to control or news.admin. newgroup and rmgroup messagesreceive additional special treatment. If the message is
approved and posted to the name of the group being created or removed, then the message issent to all siteswhose
subscription patternswould cause them to receive articlesposted in that group.
If an article isposted to a newsgroup that startswith the three lettersto., it getsspecial treatment if the newsgroup doesnot
exist in the active file. The article isfiled into the newsgroup to and it issent to the first site named after the prefix. For
example, a posting to to.uunet isfiled in to and sent to the site uunet.
innd implementsthe NNTP commandsdefined in RFC 977 with the following differences:
I The list may be followed by an optional active, active.times, or newsgroups argument. Thiscommon extension isnot
fully supported; see nnrpd(8).
I The authinfo user and authinfo pass commandsare implemented. These are based on the reference UNIX implemen-
tation; no other documentation isavailable.
I A new command, mode reader, isprovided. Thiscommand causesthe server to passthe connection on to nnrpd. The
command mode query isintended for future use and iscurrently treated the same way.
I A new command, xreplic[,], isprovided. Thisissimilar to the ihave command (the
same reply codesare used) except for the data that followsthe command word. The data consistsof entriesseparated by
a single comma. Each entry consistsof a newsgroup name, a colon, and an article number. Once processed, the article is
filed in the newsgroup and article numbersspecified in the command.
I A new command, xpath messageid, isprovided. The server respondswith a 223 response and a space-separated list of
filenameswhere the article wasfiled.
I The only other commandsimplemented are head, help, ihave, quit, and stat.
innd modifiesasfew article headersaspossible, although it could be better in thisarea.
The following headers, if present, are removed:
Empty headersand headersthat consist of nothing but whitespace are also dropped.
The local sitesname and an exclamation point are prepended to the Path header.
The Xref header isremoved. If the article iscross-posted, a new header isgenerated.
The Linesheader isadded if it ismissing.
innd doesnot rewrite incorrect headers. For example, it doesnot replace an incorrect Linesheader but rejectsthe article.
innd reportsall incoming articlesin itslog file. Thisisa text file with a variable number of space-separated fieldsin one of the
following formats:
mon dd hh:mm:ss.mmm + feed <Message-ID>site...
mon dd hh:mm:ss.mmm j feed <Message-ID> site...
mon dd hh:mm:ss.mmm c feed <Message-ID> site...
mon dd hh:mm:ss.mmm - feed <Message-ID> reason...
The first three fieldsare the date and time to millisecond resolution. The fifth field isthe site that sent the article (based on
the Path header), and the sixth field isthe articlesMessage-ID; they will contain a question mark if the information isnot
The fourth field indicateswhether the article wasaccepted. If it isa plussign, the article wasaccepted. If it isthe letter j, the
article wasaccepted, but all of newsgroupshave a j in their active field, so the article wasfiled into the junk newsgroup. If
the fourth field isthe letter c, a cancel message wasaccepted before the original article arrived. In all three cases, the article
hasbeen accepted and the site... field containsthe space-separated list of sitesto which the article issent.
If the fourth field isa minussign, the article wasrejected. The reasonsfor rejection include
%s header too long
%s wantsto cancel <%s> by %s
Article exceedslocal limit of %s bytes
Article posted in the future%s
innd, inndstart
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Bad %s header
Cant write history
Duplicate %s header
EOF in headers
Linecount %s != %s +- %s
Missing %s header
No body
No colon-space in %s header
No space
Space before colon in %s header
Too old%s
Unapproved for %s
Unwanted newsgroup %s
Unwanted distribution %s
Whitespace in Newsgroups header%s
Where %s, above, isreplaced by more specific information.
Note that if an article isaccepted and none of the newsgroupsare valid, it islogged with both two lines, a j line and a minus
sign line.
innd also makesextensive reportsthrough syslog. The first word of the log message isthe name of the site if the entry issite-
specific (such asa connected message). The first word isME if the message relatesto the server itself, such aswhen a read error
If the second word isthe four letterscant, an error isbeing reported. In thiscase, the next two wordsgenerally name the
system call or library routine that failed and the object upon which the action wasperformed. The rest of the line might
contain other information.
In other cases, the second word attemptsto summarize what change hasbeen made, and the rest of the line givesmore
specific information. The word internal generally indicatesan internal logic error.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
active(5), ctlinnd(8), dbz(3z), history(5), hosts.nntp(5), inn.conf(5), newsfeeds(5), nnrpd(8), rnews(1), syslog(8)
innxmitSend Usenet articlesto a remote NNTP server.
innxmit [ -A al t _spool ][-a ][-d ][-M ][-r ][-t t i meout ]
[-T timeout ][-p ][-S ] host file
innxmit connectsto the NNTP server at the specified host and sendsit the articlesspecified in the batchfile named file. It is
usually invoked by a script run out of cron(8) that usesshlock(1) to lock the hostname, followed by actlinnd(8) command to
flush the batchfile.
innxmit usually blocksuntil the connection ismade. To specify a timeout on how long to try to make the connection, use the
t flag. To specify the total amount of time that should be allowed for article transfers, use the T flag. The default isto wait
until an I/O error occursor all the articleshave been transferred. If the T flag isused, the time ischecked just before an
article isstarted; it doesnot abort a transfer that isin progress. Both valuesare measured in seconds.
If the file isnot an absolute pathname, it istaken relative to the /news/spool/out.going directory. It isusually written by
specifying the Wnm flagsin the newsfeeds(5) file. Each line in the batchfile should be in one of the following formats:
f i l ename Message- I D
f i l ename
The filename field namesthe article to be sent. If it isnot an absolute pathname, it istaken relative to the newsspool
directory, /news/spool. If the Message-ID field isnot specified, it isobtained by scanning the article. The filename and
Message-Id fieldsare separated by a space.
If a communication error such asa write(2) failure occurs, innxmit stopssending and rewritesthe batchfile to contain the
current article and any other unsent articles.
If the remote server sendsan unexpected reply code, innxmit requeuesthe article and proceeds. Use the r flag if the article
should not be requeued.
Upon exit, innxmit reportstransfer and CPU usage statisticsvia syslog(3). If the v flag isused, they are also printed on the
standard output. If all articleswere sent successfully, innxmit removesthe batchfile; otherwise, it rewritesit to contain the list
of unsent articles. If no articleswere sent or rejected, the file isleft untouched. Thiscan cause the batchfile to grow
excessively large if many articleshave been expired and there are communication problems. To alwaysrewrite the batchfile,
use the a flag. If the p flag isgiven, then no connection ismade and the batchfile ispurged of entriesthat refer to filesthat
no longer exist. Thisimpliesthe a flag.
If the S flag isgiven, then innxmit offersarticlesto the specified host using the xreplic protocol extension described in
innd(8). To use thisflag, the input file must contain the history data (commasare transliterated to spacesby the server). For
thisflag to be used, the input must contain the necessary history entries. Thisisusually done by setting up a WnR entry in the
newsfeeds file.
Use the d flag to print debugging information on standard error. Thisshowsthe protocol transactionsbetween innxmit and
the NNTP server on the remote host.
If the M flag isused, innxmit scansan articlesheadersbefore sending it. If the article appearsto be a MIME article that isnot
in seven-bit format, the article issent in quoted-printable form.
The A flag may be used to specify an alternate spool directory to use if the article isnot found; thisisusually an NFS-
mounted spool directory of a master server with longer expiration times.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
ctlinnd(8), innd(8), newsfeeds(5), shlock(1)
ipcrmRemove ipc facilities.
ipcrm [ shm | msg | sem ] i d
ipcrm removesthe resource specified by i d.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Krishna Balasubramanian (
Linux 0.99, 9 October 1993
ipcsProvide information on ipc facilities.
ipcs [ asmq ] [ tclup ]
ipcs [ -smq ] -i i d
ipcs h
ipcs providesinformation on the ipc facilitiesfor which the calling processhasread access.
The -i option allowsa specific resource i d to be specified. Only information on thisi d isprinted.
Resourcesmay be specified asfollows:
-m Shared memory segments
-q Message queues
-s Semaphore arrays
-a All (thisisthe default)
The output format may be specified asfollows:
-t Time
-p PID
-c Creator
-l Limits
-u Summary
Krishna Balasubramanian (
Linux 0.99, 9 October 1993
kbdrateReset the keyboard repeat rate and delay time.
kbdrate [ -s ] [ -r r at e ][-d del ay ]
kbdrate isused to change the IBM keyboard repeat rate and delay time. The delay isthe amount of time that a key must be
pressed before it startsto repeat. Using kbdrate without any optionsresetsthe rate to 10.9 charactersper second (cps) and
the delay to 250 milliseconds(ms). These are the IBM defaults.
-s Silent. No messagesare printed.
-r r at e Change the keyboard repeat rate to r at e cps. The allowable range isfrom 2.0 to 30.0 cps. Only certain
specific valuesare possible, and the program selectsthe nearest possible value to the one specified. The
possible valuesare given, in charactersper second, asfollows: 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7, 3.0, 3.3, 3.7, 4.0, 4.3,
4.6, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.7, 7.5, 8.0, 8.6, 9.2, 10.0, 10.9, 12.0, 13.3, 15.0, 16.0, 17.1, 18.5, 20.0, 21.8, 24.0,
26.7, 30.0.
-d del ay Change the delay to del ay milliseconds. The allowable range isfrom 250 to 1000 ms, but the only possible
values(based on hardware restrictions) are 250 ms, 500 ms, 750 ms, and 1000 ms.
Not all keyboardssupport all rates.
Not all keyboardshave the ratesmapped in the same way.
Setting the repeat rate on the Gateway AnyKey keyboard doesnot work. If someone with a Gateway figuresout how to
program the keyboard, please send mail to
Rik Faith (
Linux 1.1.19, 22 June1994
klogdKernel log daemon.
klogd c [n] d f [f name] os
klogd isa system daemon that interceptsand logsLinux kernel messages.
-c Setsthe default log level of console messagesto [n].
-d Enablesdebugging mode. Thiswill generate a lot of output to stderr.
-f Logsmessagesto the specified filename rather than to the syslog facility.
-o Execute in oneshot mode. Thiscausesklogd to read and log all the messagesthat are found in the kernel
message buffers. After a single read and log cycle, the daemon exits.
-s Force klogd to use the system call interface to the kernel message buffers.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
The functionality of klogd hasbeen typically incorporated into other versionsof syslogd, but thisseemsto be a poor place
for it. In the modern Linux kernel, a number of kernel messaging issuessuch assourcing and prioritization must be
addressed. Incorporating kernel logging into a separate processappearsto offer a cleaner separation of services.
In Linux, there are two potential sourcesof kernel log information: the /proc filesystem and the syscall (sys_syslog)
interface, although ultimately they are one and the same. klogd isdesigned to choose whichever source of information isthe
most appropriate. It doesthisby first checking for the presence of a mounted /proc filesystem. If thisisfound, the
/proc/kmsg file isused asthe source of kernel log information. If the proc filesystem isnot mounted, klogd usesa system call
to obtain kernel messages. The command-line switch (s) can be used to force klogd to use the system call interface asits
messaging source.
If kernel messagesare directed through the syslogd daemon, the klogd daemon, asof version 1.1, hasthe ability to properly
prioritize kernel messages. Prioritization of the kernel messageswasadded at approximately the pl13 level of the kernel. The
raw kernel messagesare of the form:
<[07]>Somet hi ng sai d by t he ker nel .
The priority of the kernel message isencoded asa single numeric digit enclosed inside the <> pair. The definitionsof these
valuesisgiven in the kernel include file kernel.h. When a message isreceived from the kernel, the klogd daemon readsthis
priority level and assignsthe appropriate priority level to the syslog message. If file output (f) isused, the prioritization
sequence isleft prepended to the kernel message.
The klogd daemon also allowsthe ability to alter the presentation of kernel messagesto the system console. Consequent with
the prioritization of kernel messageswasthe inclusion of default messaging levelsfor the kernel. In a stock kernel, the default
console log level isset to 7. Any messageswith a priority level numerically lower than 7 (higher priority) appear on the
Messagesof priority level 7 are considered to be debug messagesand do not appear on the console. Many administrators,
particularly in a multiuser environment, prefer that all kernel messagesbe handled by klogd and either directed to a file or
to the syslogd daemon. Thispreventsnuisance messagessuch asline printer out of paper or disk change detected from
cluttering the console.
By default, the klogd daemon executesa system call to inhibit all kernel messages(except for panics) from being displayed on
the console. The c switch can be used to alter thisbehavior. The argument given to the c switch specifiesthe priority level
of messagesthat are directed to the console. Note that messagesof a priority value lower than the indicated number are
directed to the console.
For example, to have the kernel display all messageswith a priority level of 3 (KERN ERR) or more severe, the following
command isexecuted:
klogd c 4
The definitionsof the numeric valuesfor kernel messagesare given in the file kernel.h, which can be found in the
/usr/include/linux directory if the kernel sourcesare installed. These valuesparallel the syslog priority values, which are
defined in the file syslog.h, found in the /usr/include/sys subdirectory.
The klogd daemon can also be used in a oneshot mode for reading the kernel message buffers. One-shot mode isselected by
specifying the o switch on the command line. Output isdirected to either the syslogd daemon or to an alternate file
specified by the -f switch.
For example, to read all the kernel messagesafter a system boot and record them in a file called krnl.msg, the following
command isgiven:
klogd -o -f ./krnl.msg
The klogd daemon respondsto six signals: SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGKILL, SIGTERM, SIGTSTP, and SIGCONT. The SIGINT, SIGKILL,
SIGTERM, and SIGHUP signalscause the daemon to close itskernel log sourcesand terminate gracefully.
The SIGTSTP and SIGCONT signalsare used to start and stop kernel logging. Upon receipt of a SIGTSTP signal, the daemon closes
itslog sourcesand spinsin an idle loop. Subsequent receipt of a SIGCONT signal causesthe daemon to go through its
initialization sequence and rechoose an input source. Using SIGSTOP and SIGCONT in combination, the kernel log input can be
rechosen without stopping and restarting the daemon. For example, if the /proc filesystem isto be unmounted, the following
command sequence should be used:
# kill -TSTP pid
# umount /proc
# kill -CONT pid
Notationswill be made in the system logswith LOG INFO priority documenting the start/stop of logging.
Probably numerous. Well-formed context diffsappreciated.
Dr. Greg Wettstein (, Enjellic SystemsDevelopment, Oncology Research Division
Computing Facility, Roger MarisCancer Center, Fargo, ND 58122.
Version 1.1, 28 January1994
lpcLine printer control program.
lpc [command [argument ...]]
lpc isused by the system administrator to control the operation of the line printer system. For each line printer configured in
/etc/printcap, lpc may be used to
I Disable or enable a printer
I Disable or enable a printersspooling queue
I Rearrange the order of jobsin a spooling queue
I Find the statusof printersand their associated spooling queuesand printer daemons
Without any arguments, lpc promptsfor commandsfrom the standard input. If argumentsare supplied, lpc interpretsthe
first argument asa command and the remaining argumentsasparametersto the command. The standard input may be
redirected, causing lpc to read commandsfrom file. Commandsmay be abbreviated; the following isthe list of recognized
? [ command ... ]help [ command ... ] Print a short description of each command specified in the argument
list or, if no argumentsare given, a list of the recognized commands.
Ic abort No all - pr i nt er Terminate an active spooling daemon on the local host immediately
and then disable printing (preventing new daemonsfrom being
started by lpr) for the specified printers.
clean No all - pr i nt er Remove any temporary files, data files, and control filesthat cannot
be printed (that is, they do not form a complete printer job) from the
specified printer queueson the local machine.
disable No all - pr i nt er Turn the specified printer queuesoff. Thispreventsnew printer jobs
from being entered into the queue by lpr.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Ic down No all - pr i nt er mess age ... Turn the specified printer queue off, disable printing, and put message
in the printer statusfile. The message doesnt need to be quoted; the
remaining argumentsare treated like echo(1). Thisisusually used to
take a printer down and let othersknow why lpq(1) indicatesthe
printer isdown and print the statusmessage.
enable No all -- pr i nt er Enable spooling on the local queue for the listed printers. Thisallows
lpr(1) to put new jobsin the spool queue.
exit, quit Exit from lpc.
restart all - pr i nt er Attempt to start a new printer daemon. Thisisuseful when some
abnormal condition causesthe daemon to die unexpectedly leaving
jobsin the queue. lpq reportsthat there isno daemon present when
thiscondition occurs. If the user isthe super-user, try to abort the
current daemon first (that is, kill and restart a stuck daemon).
start all - pr i nt er Enable printing and start a spooling daemon for the listed printers.
status No all - pr i nt er Display the statusof daemonsand queueson the local machine.
stop all - pr i nt er Stop a spooling daemon after the current job completesand disable
topq pr i nt er [ j obnum ... ] [ user ... ] Place the jobsin the order listed at the top of the printer queue.
up all - pr i nt er Enable everything and start a new printer daemon. Undoesthe effects
of down.
/etc/printcap printer description file
/var/spool/* spool directories
/var/spool/*/lock lock file for queue control
lpd(8), lpr(1), lpq(1), lprm(1), printcap(5)
?Ambiguous command Abbreviation matchesmore than one command.
?Invalid command No match wasfound.
?Privileged command Command can be executed by root only.
The lpc command appeared in BSD 4.2.
BSD 4.2, 16 March 1991
lpdLine printer spooler daemon.
lpd [-l] [por t #]
lpd isthe line printer daemon (spool area handler) and isusually invoked at boot time from the rc(8) file. It makesa single
passthrough the printcap(5) file to find out about the existing printersand printsany filesleft after a crash. It then usesthe
system callslisten(2) and accept(2) to receive requeststo print filesin the queue, transfer filesto the spooling area, display
the queue, or remove jobsfrom the queue. In each case, it forksa child to handle the request so the parent can continue to
listen for more requests.
Available options:
-l The -l flag causeslpd to log valid requestsreceived from the network. Thiscan be useful for
debugging purposes.
por t # The Internet port number used to rendezvouswith other processesisusually obtained with
getservbyname(3) but can be changed with the por t # argument.
Accesscontrol isprovided by two means. First, all requestsmust come from one of the machineslisted in the file /etc/
hosts.equiv or /etc/hosts.lpd. Second, if the rs capability isspecified in the printcap entry for the printer being accessed,
lpr requestsare only honored for those userswith accountson the machine with the printer.
The file minfree in each spool directory containsthe number of disk blocksto leave free so that the line printer queue wont
completely fill the disk. The minfree file can be edited with your favorite text editor.
The daemon beginsprocessing filesafter it hassuccessfully set the lock for exclusive access(described later) and scansthe
spool directory for filesbeginning with cf. Linesin each cf file specify filesto be printed or non-printing actionsto be
performed. Each such line beginswith a key character to specify what to do with the remainder of the line:
J Job name. String to be used for the job name on the burst page.
C Classification. String to be used for the classification line on the burst page.
L Literal. The line containsidentification info from the password file and causesthe banner page
to be printed.
T Title. String to be used asthe title for pr(1).
H Host name. Name of the machine where lpr wasinvoked.
P Person. Login name of the person who invoked lpr. Thisisused to verify ownership by lprm.
M Send mail to the specified user when the current print job completes.
f Formatted file. Name of a file to print which isalready formatted.
l Like f but passescontrol charactersand doesnot make page breaks.
p Name of a file to print using pr(1) asa filter.
t Troff file. The file containstroff(1) output (cat phototypesetter commands).
n Ditroff file. The file containsdevice independent troff output.
r DVI file. The file containsTex l output DVI format from Standford.
g Graph file. The file containsdata produced by plot(3).
c Cifplot file. The file containsdata produced by cifplot.
v The file containsa raster image.
r The file containstext data with FORTRAN carriage control characters.
1 Troff font R. Name of the font file to use instead of the default.
2 Troff font I. Name of the font file to use instead of the default.
3 Troff font B. Name of the font file to use instead of the default.
4 Troff font S. Name of the font file to use instead of the default.
W Width. Changesthe page width (in characters) used by pr(1) and the text filters.
I Indent. The number of charactersto indent the output by (in ASCII).
U Unlink. Name of file to remove upon completion of printing.
N Filename. The name of the file that isbeing printed or a blank for the standard input (when lpr
isinvoked in a pipeline).
If a file cannot be opened, a message islogged via syslog(3) using the LOG LPR facility. lpd triesup to 20 timesto reopen a file
it expectsto be there, after which it skipsthe file to be printed.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
lpd usesflock(2) to provide exclusive accessto the lock file and to prevent multiple daemonsfrom becoming active
simultaneously. If the daemon should be killed or die unexpectedly, the lock file need not be removed. The lock file iskept
in a readable ASCII form and containstwo lines. The first isthe processID of the daemon and the second isthe control
filename of the current job being printed. The second line isupdated to reflect the current statusof lpd for the programs
lpq(1) and lprm(1).
/etc/printcap Printer description file
/var/spool/* Spool directories
/var/spool/*/minfree Minimum free space to leave
/dev/lp* Line printer devices
/dev/printer Socket for local requests
/etc/hosts.equiv Listsmachine namesallowed printer access
/etc/hosts.lpd Listsmachine namesallowed printer accessbut not under same administrative control
lpc(8), pac(1), lpr(1), lpq(1), lprm(1), syslog(3), printcap(5)
4.2 BSD Line Printer Spooler Manual
An lpd daemon appeared in Version 6, AT&T UNIX.
BSD 4.2, 16 March 1991
MAKEDEVCreatesand maintainsfilesystem device entries.
MAKEDEV [ -vcdnhV ] devi ce or devi ce- gr oup names
MAKEDEV isused to maintain the special filesystem entriesfound in /dev. It creates, or optionally removes, one or more device
entries. The namesand device numbersare defined in the devinfo file (q.v.); site-specific configuration isfound in the file
MAKEDEV.cfg. MAKEDEV itself hasno knowledge of device information.
-v Verbose mode; print out exactly whatsbeing done.
-c Create; create the specified devices(default).
-d Delete; remove the specified devicesinstead of creating them.
-n Do nothing; only print what would be done. Implies-v aswell.
-h Print a usage message.
-V Print the version string.
The following targetsare special:
update Run MAKEDEV in update mode. Thisreadsthe list of devicescurrently available from
/proc/devices and updatesall entriesin /dev to match the device numbersfound there.
local Run MAKEDEV to create local devices. Thisoption isobsolete and just printsa warning message.
Use devinfo.local and makedev.cfg to achieve the same results.
/etc/devinfo Device information
/usr/local/etc/devinfo.local Local device information
/etc/devinfo.local Alternate location for local device information
/etc/makedev.cfg Configuration file
MAKEDEV.cache Cached data for update
/proc/devices The kernelslist of current devices
David A. Holland ( Based on the older MAKEDEV shell script written by Nick Holloway. Addi-
tional ideaswere contributed by Rik Faith.
The LALR(1) parser generator used to build makedev.c from makedev.syn isa commercial product. You wont be able to do a
complete rebuild unlessyou have it.
devinfo(5), makedev.cfg(5)
Version 1.5, March 1995
cd dev; ./MAKEDEV -V
cd dev; ./MAKEDEV [ -n ] [ -v ] update
cd dev; ./MAKEDEV [ -n ] [ -v ] [ -d ] devi ce ...
MAKEDEV isa script that createsthe devicesin /dev used to interface with driversin the kernel.
Note that programsgiving the error ENOENT: No such file or directory usually meansthat the device file ismissing, whereas
ENODEV: No such device usually meansthe kernel doesnot have the driver configured or loaded.
-V Print out version (actually RCS version information) and exit.
-n Do not actually update the devices; just print the actionsthat would be performed.
-d Delete the devices. The main use for thisflag isby MAKEDEV itself.
-v Be verbose. Print out the actionsasthey are performed. Thisisthe same output asproduced by -n.
Because there iscurrently no standardization in what namesare used for system usersand groups, it ispossible that you
might need to modify MAKEDEV to reflect your sitessettings. Near the top of the file isa mapping from device type to user,
group, and permissions. (For example, all CD-ROM devicesare set from the $cdrom variable.) If you want to change the
defaults, thisisthe section to edit.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
General Options
update Thisonly workson kernelsthat have /proc/interrupts (introduced during 1.1.x). Thisfile is
scanned to see what devicesare currently configured into the kernel, and thisiscompared with
the previoussettingsstored in the file called DEVICES. Devicesthat are new since then or have a
different major number are created, and those that are no longer configured are deleted.
generic Create a generic subset of devices. Thisisthe standard devices, plusfloppy drives, varioushard
drives, pseudo-terminals, console devices, basic serial devices, busmice, and printer ports.
%std Standard devices. These are mem, accessto physical memory; kmem, accessto kernel virtual
memory; null, null device (infinite sink); port, accessto I/O ports; zero, null byte source
(infinite source); core, symlink to /proc/kcore (for kernel debugging); full, alwaysreturns
ENOSPACE on write; ram, ramdisk; tty, to accessthe controlling tty of a process.
local Thissimply runsMAKEDEV.local. Thisisa script that can create any local devices.
Virtual Terminals
console Thiscreatesthe devicesassociated with the console. Thisisthe virtual terminalsttyx, where x
can be from 0 though 63. The device tty0 isthe currently active vt and isalso known asconsole.
For each vt, there are two devices, vcsx and vcsax, which are used to generate screen-dumpsof
the vt (the vcsx isjust the text and vcsax includesthe attributes).
Serial Devices
ttyS{0..63} Serial portsand corresponding dial-out device. For device ttySx, there isalso the device cuax,
which isused to dial out with. Thiscan avoid the need for cooperative locksin simple
cyclades Dial-in and dial-out devicesfor the cycladesintelligent I/O serial card. The dial in device is
ttyCx and the corresponding dial-out device iscubx. By default, devicesfor 7 linesare created,
but thiscan be changed to 15 by removing the comment.
Pseudo Terminals
pty[p-s] Each possible argument will create a bank of 16 master and slave pairs. The current kernel (1.2)
islimited to 64 such pairs. The master pseudo-terminalsare pty[p-s][0-9a-f] and the slavesare
Parallel Ports
lp Standard parallel ports. The devicesare created lp0, lp1, and lp2. These correspond to portsat
0x3bc, 0x378, and 0x278. Hence, on some machines, the first printer port may actually be lp1.
par Alternative to lp. Portsare named parx instead of lpx.
busmice The variousbusmice devices. Thiscreatesthe following devices: logimouse (Logitech bus
mouse), psmouse (PS/2-style mouse), msmouse (Microsoft Inport busmouse), atimouse (ATI XL
busmouse) and jmouse (J-mouse).
Joystick Devices
js Joystick. Createsjs0 and js1.
Disk Devices
fd[0-7] Floppy disk devices. The device fdx isthe device that autodetectsthe format, and the additional
devicesare fixed format (whose size isindicated in the name). The other devicesare named as
fdxLn. The single letter L identifiesthe type of floppy disk (d = 5.25" DD, h = 5.25" HD,
D =3.5" DD, H = 3.5" HD, E = 3.5" ED). The number n representsthe capacity of that format
in KB. Thusthe standard formatsare fdx d360, fdxh1200, fdxD720, fdxH1440, and fdxE2880.
For more information, see Alain Knaffsfdutils pack-age.
Devicesfd0* through fd3* are floppy diskson the first controller, and devicesfd4* through fd7*
are floppy diskson the second controller.
hd[a-d] AT hard disks. The device hdx providesaccessto the whole disk, with the partitionsbeing
hdx[0-20]. The four primary partitionsare hdx1 through hdx4, with the logical partitionsbeing
numbered from hdx5 though hdx20. (A primary partition can be made into an extended
partition, which can hold four logical partitions). By default, only the devicesfor four logical
partitionsare made. The otherscan be made by uncommenting them.
Driveshda and hdb are the two on the first controller. If using the new IDE driver (rather than
the old HD driver), then hdc and hdd are the two driveson the secondary controller. These
devicescan also be used to accessIDE CD-ROMsif using the new IDE driver.
xd[a-d] XT hard disks. Partitionsare the same asIDE disks.
sd[a-h] SCSI hard disks. The partitionsare similar to the IDE disks, but there isa limit of 11 logical
partitions(sdx 5 through sdx15). Thisisto allow 8 SCSI disks.
loop Loopback disk devices. These allow you to use a regular file asa block device. Thismeansthat
imagesof filesystemscan be mounted and used asnormal. Thiscreates8 devicesloop0 through
st[0-7] SCSI tapes. Thiscreatesthe rewinding tape device stx and the non-rewinding tape device nstx.
qic QIC-80 tapes. The devicescreated are rmt8, rmt16, tape-d, and tape-reset.
ftape Floppy driver tapes(QIC-117). There are four methodsof accessdepending on the floppy tape
drive. For each of the accessmethods0, 1, 2, and 3, the devicesrftx (rewinding) and nrftx
(non-rewinding) are created. For compatibility, devicesftape and nftape are symlinksto rft0
and nrft0.
CD-ROM Devices
scd[0-7] SCSI CD players.
sonycd Sony CDU-31A CD player.
mcd Mitsumi CD player.
cdu535 Sony CDU-535 CD player.
lmscd LMS/PhilipsCD player.
sbpcd{,1,2,3} SoundBlaster CD player. The kernel iscapable of supporting 16 CD-ROMs, each of which is
accessed assbpcd[0-9a-f]. These are assigned in groupsof four to each controller. sbpcd isa
symlink to sbpcd0.
logiscan Logitech ScanMan32 and ScanMan 256.
m105scan Mustek M105 Handscanner.
ac4096 A4Tek Color Handscanner.
audio Thiscreatesthe audio devicesused by the sound driver. These include mixer, sequencer, dsp,
and audio.
pcaudio Devicesfor the PC Speaker sound driver. These are pcmixer, pxsp, and pcaudio.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
sg Generic SCSI devices. The devicescreated aresg0 through sg7. These allow arbitrary commands
to be sent to any SCSI device. Thisallowsfor querying information about the device or
controlling SCSI devicesthat are not one of disk, tape, or CD-ROM (for example, a scanner or
writable CD-ROM).
fd To allow an arbitrary program to be fed input from file descriptor x, use /dev/fd/x asthe
filename. Thisalso createsBR/dev/stdin, BR/dev/stdout, and BR/dev/stderr. (Note that these are
just symlinksinto /proc/self/fd.)
ibcs2 Devices(and symlinks) needed by the IBCS2 emulation.
apm Devicesfor power management.
dcf Driver for DCF-77 radio clock.
helloworld Kernel modulesdemonstration device. See the modulessource.
Network devices Linux used to have devicesin /dev for controlling network devices, but that isno longer the
case. To see what network devicesare known by the kernel, look at /proc/net/dev.
Linux Allocated Devices, maintained by H. Peter Anvin (
Nick Holloway
Linux, 14 August 1994
mke2fsCreate a Linux second extended filesystem.
mke2fs [ -c | -l f i l ename ] [ -b bl ock- si ze ] [ -f f r agment - si ze ]
[ -i byt es- per - i node ] [ -m r eser ved- bl oc ks- per cent age ] [ -q ][-v ][-S ]
devi ce [ bl ocks- count ]
mke2fs isused to create a Linux second extended filesystem on a device (usually a disk partition). devi ce isthe special file
corresponding to the device (such as/dev/hdXX). bl ocks- count isthe number of blockson the device. If omitted, mke2fs
automatically figuresthe filesystem size.
-b bl ock- si ze Specify the size of blocksin bytes.
-c Check the device for bad blocksbefore creating the filesystem using a fast read-only
-f f r agment - si ze Specify the size of fragmentsin bytes.
-i byt es- per - i node Specify the bytes/inode ratio. mke2fs createsan inode for every byt es- per - i node bytes
of space on the disk. Thisvalue defaultsto 4096 bytes. byt es- per - i node must be at
least 1024.
-l f i l ename Read the bad blockslist from f i l ename.
-m r eser ved- bl ocks- per cent age Specify the percentage of reserved blocksfor the super-user. Thisvalue defaultsto 5
-q Quiet execution. Useful if mke2fs isrun in a script.
-v Verbose execution.
-S Write superblock and group descriptorsonly. Thisisuseful if all the superblock and
backup superblocksare corrupted and a last-ditch recovery method isdesired. It
causesmke2fs to reinitialize the superblock and group descriptorswhile not touching
the inode table and the block and inode bitmaps. The e2fsck program should be run
immediately after thisoption isused, and there isno guarantee that any data will be
Thisversion of mke2fs hasbeen written by Theodore Tso (
mke2fs acceptsthe -f option but currently ignoresit because the second extended filesystem doesnot support fragmentsyet.
There may be some other bugs. Please report them to the author.
mke2fs isavailable for anonymousFTP from and in /pub/linux/packages/ext2fs.
badblocks(8), dumpe2fs(8), e2fsck(8), tune2fs(8)
Version 0.5b, November 1994
mkfsBuild a Linux filesystem.
mkfs [ -V ][-t f st ype ][fs-opt i ons ] f i l esys [ bl ocks ]
mkfs isused to build a Linux filesystem on a device, usually a hard disk partition. f i l esys iseither the device name (such as/
dev/hda1, /dev/sdb2) or the mount point (such as/, /usr, /home) for the filesystem. bl ocks isthe number of blocksto be used
for the filesystem.
The exit code returned by mkfs is0 on successand 1 on failure.
In actuality, mkfs issimply a front end for the variousfilesystem builders(mkfs.fstype) available under Linux. The filesystem-
specific builder issearched for in /etc/fs first, then in /etc, and finally in the directorieslisted in the PATH environment
variable. Please see the filesystem-specific builder manual pagesfor further details.
-V Produce verbose output, including all filesystem-specific commandsthat are executed.
Specifying thisoption more than once inhibitsexecution of any filesystem-specific commands.
Thisisreally only useful for testing.
-tfstype Specifiesthe type of filesystem to be built. If not specified, the type isdeduced by searching for
f i l esys in /etc/fstab and using the corresponding entry. If the type cannot be deduced, the
default filesystem type (currently minix) isused.
fs-options Filesystem-specific optionsto be passed to the real filesystem builder. Although not guaranteed,
the following optionsare supported by most filesystem builders.
-c Check the device for bad blocksbefore building the filesystem.
-lf i l ename Read the bad blockslist from f i l ename.
-v Produce verbose output.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
All generic optionsmust precede and not be combined with filesystem-specific options. Some filesystem-specific programsdo
not support the -v (verbose) option nor return meaningful exit codes. Also, some filesystem-specific programsdo not
automatically detect the device size and require the blocksparameter to be specified.
David Engel (, Fred N. van Kempen (, and Ron Sommeling (
The manual page wasshamelessly adapted from Remy Cardsversion for the ext2 filesystem.
fsck(8), mkfs.minix(8), mkfs.ext(8), mkfs.ext2(8), mkfs.xiafs(8)
Version 1.9, June1995
mkfsMake a Linux MINIX filesystem.
mkfs [ -c ] [ -nnamel engt h ] [ i i nodecount ] devi ce si ze- i n- bl ocks
mkfs [ -l f i l ename ] devi ce si ze- i n- bl ocks
mkfs createsa Linux MINIX filesystem on a device (usually a disk partition).
The device isusually of the following form:
The si ze- i n- bl ock s parameter isthe desired size of the filesystem in blocks. Thisinformation can be determined from the
fdisk(8) program. Only block countsstrictly greater than 10 and strictly lessthan 65,536 are allowed.
-c Check the device for bad blocksbefore creating the filesystem. If any are found, the count is
-nnamel engt h Specify the maximum length of filenames. No space isallowed between the -n and the
namel engt h. Currently, the only allowable valuesare 14 and 30. 30 isthe default.
-i i nodecount Specify the number of inodesfor the filesystem.
-l f i l ename Read the bad blockslist from f i l ename. The file hasone bad block number per line. The count
of bad blocksread isprinted.
The exit code returned by mkfs.minix isone of the following:
0 No errors
8 Operational error
16 Usage or syntax error
fsck(8), mkefs(8), efsck(8), reboot(8)
LinusTorvalds( Error code valuesby Rik Faith ( Inode request feature by Scott
Heavner ( Support for the filesystem valid flag by Dr. Wettstein (
Check to prevent mkfs of mounted filesystem and boot sector clearing by Daniel Quinlan (
Linux 0.99, 10 January1994
mklost+foundCreate a lost+found directory on a mounted Linux second extended filesystem.
mklost+found isused to create a lost+found directory in the current working directory on a Linux second extended filesystem.
mklost+found pre-allocatesdisk blocksto the directory to make it usable by e2fsck.
There are none.
mklost+found waswritten by Remy Card (, the developer and maintainer of the ext2 fs.
There are none. :-)
mklost+found isavailable for anonymousFTP from and in /pub/linux/packages/ext2fs.
e2fsck(8), mke2fs(8)
Version 0.5b, November 1994
mkswapSet up a Linux swap area.
mkswap [ -c ] devi ce [si ze- i n- bl ock s]
mkswap setsup a Linux swap area on a device or in a file.
The device isusually of the following form:
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
The si ze- i n- bl ock s parameter isthe desired size of the filesystem in blocks. Thisinformation isdetermined automatically by
mkswap if it isomitted. Block countsare rounded down so that the total size isan integer multiple of the machinespage size.
Only block countsin the range MINCOUNT..MAXCOUNT are allowed. If the block count exceedsthe MAXCOUNT, it istruncated to
that value and a warning message isissued.
The MINCOUNT and MAXCOUNT valuesfor a swap area are
MINCOUNT = 10 * PAGE_SIZE / 1024
For example, on a machine with 4KB pages(such asx86), we get
MINCOUNT = 10 * 4096 / 1024 = 40
MAXCOUNT = (4096 - 10) * 8 * 4096 / 1024 = 130752
Aseach block is1KB, the swap area in thisexample could have a size that isanywhere in the range from 40KB to
If you dont know the page size that your machine uses, you may be able to look it up with cat /proc/cpuinfo.
The reason for the limit on MAXCOUNT isthat a single page isused to hold the swap bitmap at the start of the swap area, where
each bit representsa single page. The reason for the -10, isthat the signature isSWAP-SPACE 10 characters.
To set up a swap file, it isnecessary to create that file before running mkswap. A sequence of commandssimilar to the
following isreasonable for thispurpose:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=8192
# mkswap swapfile 8192
# sync
# swapon swapfile
Note that a swap file must not contain any holes(so using cp(1) to create the file isnot acceptable).
-c Check the device for bad blocksbefore creating the filesystem. If any are found, the count
isprinted. Thisoption ismeant to be used for swap partitionsonly and should not be
used for regular files! To make sure that regular filesdo not contain bad blocks, the
partition that containsthe regular file should have been created with mkfs -c.
fsck(8), mkfs(8), fdisk(8)
Linux 1.0, 8 February1995
mount, umount
mount, umountMount and dismount filesystems.
mount [-afrwuvn] [-t vf st ype]
mount [-frwuvn] [-o r emount [,...]] speci al | node
mount [-frwun] [-t vf st ype] [-o opt i ons ] speci al | node
umount [-an] [-t vf st ype]
umount speci al | node
The mount command callsthe mount(2) system call to prepare and graft a special device onto the filesystem tree at the point
node. If either speci al or node are not provided, the appropriate information istaken from the fstab(5) file. The special
keyword none can be used instead of a path or node specification. Thisisuseful when mounting the proc filesystem.
The system maintainsa list of currently mounted filesystems. If no argumentsare given to mount, thislist isprinted.
Optionsavailable for the mount command:
-f Causeseverything to be done except for the actual system call; if itsnot obvious, this
fakes mounting the filesystem. Thisoption isuseful in conjunction with the -v flag to
determine what the mount command istrying to do.
-o Optionsare specified with a -o flag followed by a comma-separated string of options.
Note that many of these optionsare only useful when they appear in the /etc/fstab file.
The following optionsapply to any filesystem that isbeing mounted:
async All I/O to the filesystem should be done asynchronously.
auto Can be mounted with the -a option.
defaults Use default options: rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async.
dev Interpret character or block special deviceson the filesystem.
exec Permit execution of binaries.
noauto Can only be mounted explicitly (that is, the -a option doesnot cause the filesystem to
be mounted).
nodev Do not interpret character or block special deviceson the filesystem. Thisoption is
useful for a server that hasfilesystemscontaining special devicesfor architecturesother
than itsown.
noexec Do not allow execution of any binarieson the mounted filesystem. Thisoption isuseful
for a server that hasfilesystemscontaining binariesfor architecturesother than itsown.
nosuid Do not allow set-user-identifier or set-group-identifier bitsto take effect.
nouser Forbid an ordinary (that is, non-root) user to mount the filesystem.
remount Attempt to remount an already-mounted filesystem. Thisiscommonly used to change
the mount flagsfor a filesystem, especially to make a read-only filesystem writable.
ro Mount the filesystem read-only.
rw Mount the filesystem read-write.
suid Allow set-user-identifier or set-group-identifier bitsto take effect.
sync All I/O to the filesystem should be done synchronously.
user Allow an ordinary user to mount the filesystem. Ordinary usersalwayshave the
following optionsactivated: noexec, nosuid, and nodev (unlessoverridden by the super-
user by using, for example, the following option line: user,exec,dev,suid.
The following optionsapply only to certain filesystems:
case=val ue For the hpfs filesystem, specify case aslower or asis.
check=val ue Tellsthe ext2 filesystem kernel code to do some more checkswhile the filesystem is
mounted. Currently (0.99.15), the following valuescan be specified with thisoption:
none No extra check isperformed by the kernel code.
normal The inodesand blocksbitmapsare checked when the filesystem ismounted (thisisthe
strict In addition to the normal checks, block deallocation checksthat the block to free isin
the data zone.
check=val ue For the msdos filesystem, three different levelsof specificity can be chosen:
mount, unmount
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
relaxed Uppercase and lowercase are accepted and equivalent, long name partsare truncated (for
example, verlongname.foobar, leading and embedded spacesare
accepted in each name part (name and extension).
normal Like relaxed but many special characters(*, ?, <, spaces, and so on) are rejected. Thisis
the default.
strict Like normal, but namesmay not contain long partsand special charactersthat are
sometimesused on Linux but are not accepted by MS-DOS are rejected (+, =, spaces,
and so on).
conv=val ue For the msdos, hpfs, and iso9660 filesystems, specify file conversion asbinary, text, or
auto. The iso9660 filesystem also allowsvalue to be mtext.
The msdos filesystem can perform CRLF<>NL (MS-DOS text format to UNIX text
format) conversion in the kernel. The following conversion modesare available:
binary No translation isperformed. Thisisthe default.
text CRLF<>NL translation isperformed on all files.
auto CRLF<>NL translation isperformed on all filesthat dont have a well-known binary
extension. The list of known extensionscan be found at the beginning of
fs/msdos/misc.c (asof 09913r, the list isexe, com, bin, app, sys, drv, ovl, ovr, obj, lib,
dll, pif, arc, zip, lha, lzh, zoo, tar, z, arj, tz, taz, tzp, tpz, gif, bmp, tif, gl, jpg, pcx,
tfm, vf, gf, pk, pxl, and dvi).
Programsthat do computed lseeks wont like in-kernel text conversion.
For filesystemsmounted in binary mode, a conversion tool (fromdos/todos) isavailable.
block=val ue For the iso9660 filesystem, set the block size.
bsdgroups See grpid.
cruft For the iso9660 filesystem, set the cruft flag to y. Thisoption isavailable because there
are buggy premastering programsout there that leave junk in the top byte of the file
size. Thisoption clearsthe top byte but restrictsfilesto 16MB maximum in the process.
debug For the msdos filesystem, turn on the debug flag. A version string and a list of filesystem
parametersisprinted. (These data are also printed if the parametersappear to be
debug For the ext2fs filesystem, cause the kernel code to display the filesystem parameters
when the filesystem ismounted.
errors=val ue For the ext2fs filesystem, specify the error behavior:
continue No special action istaken on errors(except marking the filesystem aserroneous). Thisis
the default.
remount, ro The filesystem isremounted read only, and subsequent writesare refused.
panic When an error isdetected, the system panics.
fat=val ue For the msdos filesystem, specify either a 12-bit fat or a 16-bit fat. Thisoverridesthe
automatic FAT type detection routine. Use with caution!
gid=val ue For the msdos and hpfs filesystems, give every file a gid equal to val ue.
B grpid Causesthe ext2fs to use the BSD behavior when creating files: Filesare created with the
group ID of their parent directory.
map=val ue For the iso9660 filesystem, specify mapping asoff or normal. In general, non-Rock
Ridge discshave all the filenamesin uppercase, and all the filenameshave a ;1
appended. The map option stripsthe ;1 and makesthe name lowercase. (See also
nocheck For the ext2fs, turnsoff checking (see check=none).
nogrpid Causesthe ext2fs to use the System V behavior when creating files. Filesare created
with the group ID of the creating process, unlessthe setgid bit isset on the parent
directory. Thisisthe default for all Linux filesystems.
norock Normal iso9600 filenamesappear in a 8.3 format (that is, DOS-like restrictionson
filename length), and in addition, all charactersare in uppercase. Also there isno field
for file ownership, protection, number of links, provision for block/character devices,
and so on.
Rock Ridge isan extension to iso9660 that providesall of these UNIX-like features.
Basically, there are extensionsto each directory record that supply all of the additional
information, and when Rock Ridge isin use, the filesystem isindistinguishable from a
normal UNIX filesystem (except that it isread only, of course).
The norock switch disablesthe use of Rock Ridge extensions, even if available. (See also
quiet For the msdos filesystem, turn on the quiet flag. Attemptsto chown or chmod filesdo not
yield errors, although they fail. Use with caution!
sb=val ue For the ext2 filesystem, use an alternate superblock located at block val ue. val ue is
numbered in 1024-byte blocks. An ext2 filesystem usually hasbackupsof the superblock
at blocks1, 8193, 16385, and so on.
sysvgroups See nogrpid.
uid=val ue For the msdos and hpfs filesystems, give every file a uid equal to val ue.
umask=val ue For the msdos and hpfs filesystems, give every file a umask of val ue. The radix defaultsto
The full set of optionsapplied isdetermined by first extracting the optionsfor the filesystem from the fstab table, then
applying any optionsspecified by the -o argument, and finally applying the -r or -w option.
If the msdos filesystem detectsan inconsistency, it reportsan error and setsthe filesystem to read only. The filesystem can be
made writable again by remounting it.
-r The filesystem object isto be mounted read only.
-t vf st ype The argument following the -t isused to indicate the filesystem type. The filesystem
typesthat are currently supported are listed in linux/fs/filesystems.c: minux, ext, ext2,
xiafs, msdos, hpfs, proc, nfs, iso9660, sysv, xenix, coherent. Note that that last three are
equivalent and that xenix and coherent will be removed at some point in the future; use
sysv instead.
The type minix isthe default. If no -t option isgiven, or if the auto type isspecified, the
superblock isprobed for the filesystem type (minix, ext, ext2, and xia are supported). If
thisprobe failsand /proc/filesystems exists, then all the filesystemslisted are tried,
except for those labeled nodev (such asproc and nfs).
Note that the auto type may be useful for user-mounted floppies. For example, the mount
command mountsall filesystemsexcept those of type msdos and ext:
mount -a -t nomsdos,ext
-v Verbose mode.
-w The filesystem object isto be read and write.
-n Mount without writing in /etc/mtab.
umount removesthe speci al device grafted at point node from the filesystem tree.
Optionsfor the umount command:
-a All of the filesystemsdescribed in /etc/mtab are unmounted.
-t vf st ype Isused to indicate the actionsshould only be taken on filesystemsof the specified type.
More than one type may be specified in a comma-separated list. The list of filesystem
typescan be prefixed with no to specify the filesystem typeson which no action should
be taken. (See example for the mount command.)
mount, unmount
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
/etc/fstab Filesystem table
Lock file
/etc/mtab.tmp Temporary file
mount(2), umount(2), fstab(5), swapon(8)
It ispossible for a corrupted filesystem to cause a crash.
Some Linux filesystemsdont support -o synchronous(the ext2fs doessupport synchronousupdates(a la BSD) when
mounted with the sync option).
The -o remount may not be able to change mount parameters(all ext2fs parameters, except sb, are changeable with a
remount, for example, but you cant change gid or umask for the dosfs).
A mount command appeared in Version 6, AT&T UNIX.
The Linux mount command hasa long and continuing history. The following major releasesare noted with the name of the
primary modifier:
0.97.3: Doug Quale (
0.98.5: H.J. Lu (
0.99.2: Rick Sladkey (
0.99.6: Rick Sladkey (
0.99.10: Stephen Tweedie (
0.99.14: Rick Sladkey (
(Filesystem-specific information added to man page on 27 November 1993 by Rik Faith with a lot of information and text
from the following filesystem authors: Werner Almesberger, Eric Youngdale, and Remy Card.)
Linux 1.1, 8 February1995
mountdNFS mount daemon.
/usr/etc/rpc.mountd [\-f\--exports-file\][\-dhnprv\]
[\--debug\][\--exports-file=file\] [\--help\]
The mountd program isan NFS mount daemon.
-f or --exports-file Thisoption specifiesthe exportsfile, listing the clientsthat thisserver isprepared to
serve and parametersto apply to each such mount (see exports(5)). By default, exports
are read from /etc/exports.
-d or --debug Log each transaction verbosely to the syslog.
-h or --help Provide a short help summary.
-n or --allow-non-root Allow incoming mount requeststo be honored even if they do not originate from
reserved IP ports. Some older NFS client implementationsrequire this. Some newer
NFS client implementationsdont believe in reserved port checking.
-p or --promiscuous Put the server into promiscuousmode where it will serve any host on the network.
-r or --re-export Allow imported NFS filesystemsto be exported. Thiscan be used to turn a machine
into an NFS multiplier. Caution should be used when reexporting loopback NFS
mountsbecause reentering the mount point resultsin deadlock between the NFS client
and the NFS server.
-v or --version Report the current version number of the program.
exports(5), nfsd(8), ugidd(8C)
The current implementation (still) doesnot keep track of remote mounts.
13 October 1993
named-xferAncillary agent for inbound zone transfers.
named-xfer -z zone_t o_t r ans f er -f db_f i l e -s ser i al _no [ -d debugl evel ]
[-l debug_l og_f i l e ][-t t r ace_f i l e ][-p por t # ][-S ] nameser ver
named-xfer isan ancillary program executed by named(8) to perform an inbound zone transfer. It israrely executed directly
and only by system administratorswho are trying to debug a zone transfer problem. See RFCs1033, 1034, and 1035 for
more information on the Internet name-domain system.
-z Specifiesthe name of the zone to be transferred.
-f Specifiesthe name of the file into which the zone should be dumped when it isreceived
from the primary server.
-s Specifiesthe serial number of the current copy of thiszone. If the SOA RR you get from
the primary server doesnot have a serial number higher than this, the transfer isaborted.
-d Print debugging information. A number after the d determinesthe level of messages
-l Specifiesa log file for debugging messages. The default issystem-dependent but is
usually in /var/tmp or /usr/tmp. Note that thisonly appliesif -d isalso specified.
-t Specifiesa trace file that containsa protocol trace of the zone transfer. Thisisprobably
only of interest to people debugging the nameserver itself.
-p Use a different port number. The default isthe standard port number asreturned by
getservbyname(3) for service domain.
-S Perform a restricted transfer of only the SOA, NS records, and glue A recordsfor the
zone. The SOA record isnot loaded by named but isused to determine when to verify
the NS records. See the stubs directive in named(8) for more information.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Additional argumentsare taken asnameserver addressesin so-called dotted-quad syntax only; no hostnamesare allowed
here. At least one addressmust be specified. Any additional addressesare tried in order if the first one failsto transfer
named(8), resolver(3), resolver(5), hostname(7), RFC 882, RFC 883, RFC 973, RFC 974, RFC 1033, RFC 1034, RFC
1035, RFC 1123, NameServer OperationsGuidefor BIND
26 June1993
namedInternet domain nameserver.
named [ -d debugl evel ][-p por t #[/l ocal por t #]][{b} boot f i l e ][-q ][-r ]
named isthe Internet domain nameserver. See RFCs1033, 1034, and 1035 for more information on the Internet name-
domain system. Without any arguments, named readsthe default boot file /etc/named.boot, readsany initial data, and listens
for queries.
-d Print debugging information. A number after the d determinesthe level of messages
-p Use nonstandard port numbers. The default isthe standard port number asreturned by
getservbyname(3) for service domain. The argument can specify two port numbers
separated by a slash (/), in which case the first port isthat used when contacting remote
serversand the second one isthe service port bound by the local instance of named. This
isused mostly for debugging purposes.
-b Use an alternate boot file. Thisisoptional and allowsyou to specify a file with a leading
-q Trace all incoming queriesif named hasbeen compiled with QRYLOG defined. Note that
thisoption isdeprecated in favor of the boot file directive options query-log.
-r Turnsrecursion off in the server. Answerscan come only from local (primary or
secondary) zones. Thiscan be used on root servers. Note that thisoption isdeprecated
in favor of the boot file directive options no-recursion.
Any additional argument istaken asthe name of the boot file. If multiple boot filesare specified, only the last isused.
The boot file containsinformation about where the nameserver isto get itsinitial data. Linesin the boot file cannot be
continued on subsequent lines. The following isa small example:
; boot file for name server
directory /usr/local/adm/named
; type domain source host/file backup file
cache . root.cache
primary Berkeley.EDU
primary 32.128.IN-ADDR.ARPA ucbhosts.rev
secondary CC.Berkeley.EDU
secondary 6.32.128.IN-ADDR.ARPA cc.rev.bak
primary 0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA localhost.rev
limit transfers-in 10
limit datasize 64M
options forward-only query-log fake-iquery
The directory line causesthe server to change itsworking directory to the directory specified. Thiscan be important for the
correct processing of $INCLUDE filesin primary zone files.
The cache line specifiesthat data in root.cache isto be placed in the backup cache.
Itsmain use isto specify data such aslocationsof root domain servers. Thiscache isnot used during normal operation, but is
used ashints to find the current root servers. The file root.cache isin the same format There can be
more than one cache file specified. The root.cache file should be retrieved periodically from FTP.RS.INTERNIC.NET because it
containsa list of root servers, and thislist changesperiodically.
The first sample primary line statesthat the file containsauthoritative data for the Berkeley.EDU zone. The
file containsdata in the master file format described in RFC 883. All domain namesare relative to the
origin, in thiscase, Berkeley.EDU (see below for a more detailed description). The second primary line statesthat the file
ucbhosts.rev containsauthoritative data for the domain 32.128.IN-ADDR.ARPA, which isused to translate addressesin network
128.32 to hostnames. Each master file should begin with an SOA record for the zone (see below).
The first sample secondary line specifiesthat all authoritative data under CC.Berkeley.EDU isto be transferred from the
nameserver at If the transfer fails, it tries128.32.137.3 and continuestrying the addresses, up to ten, listed on
thisline. The secondary copy isalso authoritative for the specified domain. The first non-dotted-quad addresson thisline is
taken asa filename in which to back up the transferred zone. The nameserver loadsthe zone from thisbackup file if it exists
when it boots, providing a complete copy even if the master serversare unreachable. Whenever a new copy of the domain is
received by automatic zone transfer from one of the master servers, thisfile isupdated. If no filename isgiven, a temporary
file isused and deleted after each successful zone transfer. Thisisnot recommended because it isa needlesswaste of
bandwidth. The second sample secondary line statesthat the address-to-hostname mapping for the subnet 128.32.136 should
be obtained from the same list of master serversasthe previouszone.
The forwarders line specifiesthe addressesof sitewide serversthat will accept recursive queriesfrom other servers. If the boot
file specifiesone or more forwarders, then the server sendsall queriesfor data not in the cache to the forwardersfirst. Each
forwarder isasked in turn until an answer isreturned or the list isexhausted. If no answer isforthcoming from a forwarder,
the server continuesasit would have without the forwarders line unlessit isin forward-only mode. The forwarding facility is
useful to cause a large sitewide cache to be generated on a master and to reduce traffic over linksto outside servers. It can also
be used to allow serversto run that do not have direct accessto the Internet but want to look up exterior namesanyway.
The slave line (deprecated) isallowed for backward compatibility. Itsmeaning isidentical to options forward-only.
The sortlist line can be used to indicate networksthat are to be preferred over other networks. Queriesfor host addresses
from hostson the same network asthe server receive responseswith local network addresseslisted first, then addresseson the
sort list, and then other addresses.
The xfrnets directive (not shown) can be used to implement primitive accesscontrol. If thisdirective isgiven, your
nameserver only answerszone transfer requestsfrom hoststhat are on networkslisted in your xfrnets directives. This
directive may also be given astcplist for compatibility with older, interim servers.
The include directive (not shown) can be used to processthe contentsof some other file asthough they appeared in place of
the include directive. Thisisuseful if you have a lot of zonesor if you have logical groupingsof zonesthat are maintained by
different people. The include directive takesone argument, the name of the file whose contentsare to be included. No
quotesare necessary around the filename.
The bogusns directive (not shown) tellsBIND that no queriesare to be sent to the specified nameserver addresses(which are
specified asdotted quads, not asdomain names). Thisisuseful when you know that some popular server hasbad data in a
zone or cache, and you want to avoid contamination while the problem isbeing fixed.
The limit directive can be used to change BINDsinternal limits, some of which (datasize, for example) are implemented
by the system and others(such astransfers-in) by BIND itself. The number following the limit name can be scaled by
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
postfixing a k, m, or g for kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytesrespectively. datasizesargument setsthe processdata size
enforced by the kernel. Note that not all systemsprovide a call to implement this; on such systems, the use of the datasize
parameter of limit resultsin a warning message. transfers-insargument isthe number of named-xfer subprocessesthat
BIND will spawn at any one time. transfers-per-nssargument isthe maximum number of zone transfersto be simulta-
neously initiated to any given remote nameserver.
The options directive introducesa Boolean specifier that changesthe behavior of BIND. More than one option can be
specified in a single directive. The currently defined optionsare asfollows: no-recursion, which causesBIND to answer with
a referral rather than actual data whenever it receivesa query for a name it isnot authoritative for. Dont set thison a server
that islisted in any hostsresolv.conf file. no-fetch-glue keepsBIND from fetching missing glue when constructing the
additional data section of a response; thiscan be used in conjunction with no-recursion to prevent BINDscache from ever
growing in size or becoming corrupted. query-log causesall queriesto be logged via syslog(3). Thisisa lot of data; dont
turn it on lightly. forward-only causesthe server to query only itsforwarders. Thisoption isusually used on a machine that
wantsto run a server but for physical or administrative reasonscannot be given accessto the Internet. fake-iquery tells
BIND to send back a uselessand bogusreply to inverse queries rather than respond with an error. Thisishelpful if you
have a lot of microcomputersor SunOS hostsor both.
The max-fetch directive (not shown) isallowed for backward compatibility; itsmeaning isidentical to limit transfers-in.
The master file consistsof control information and a list of resource recordsfor objectsin the zone of the forms:
$INCLUDE <f i l ename><opt _domai n>
$ORIGIN <domai n>
<domai n><opt _t t l > <opt _cl ass><t ype><r esour ce_r ecor d_dat a>
domai n is. for root, @ for the current origin, or a standard domain name. If domai n isa standard domain name that doesnot
end with ., the current origin isappended to the domain. Domain namesending with . are unmodified. The opt _domai n
field isused to define an origin for the data in an included file. It isequivalent to placing a $ORIGIN statement before the first
line of the included file. The field isoptional. Neither the opt _domai n field nor $ORIGIN statementsin the included file modify
the current origin for thisfile. The opt _t t l field isan optional integer number for the time-to-live field. It defaultsto 0,
meaning the minimum value specified in the SOA record for the zone. The opt _cl ass field isthe object addresstype;
currently only one type issupported, I N, for objectsconnected to the DARPA Internet. The type field containsone of the
following tokens; the data expected in the r esour ce_r ecor d_dat a field isin parentheses:
A A host address(dotted quad).
NS An authoritative nameserver (domain).
MX A mail exchanger (domain), preceded by a preference value (0..32767) with lower
numeric valuesrepresenting higher logical preferences.
CNAME The canonical name for an alias(domain).
SOA Marksthe start of a zone of authority (domain of originating host, domain addressof
maintainer, a serial number and the following parametersin seconds: refresh, retry,
expire, and minimum TTL (see RFC 883)).
NULL A null resource record (no format or data).
RP A responsible person for some domain name (mailbox, TXT-referral).
PTR A domain name pointer (domain).
HINFO Host information (cpu_type, OS_type).
Resource recordsusually end at the end of a line but may be continued acrosslinesbetween opening and closing parentheses.
Commentsare introduced by semicolonsand continue to the end of the line.
Note that there are other resource record types, not shown here. You should consult the BIND OperationsGUIDe (BOG)
for the complete list. Some resource record typesmay have been standardized in newer RFCsbut not yet implemented in
thisversion of BIND.
Each master zone file should begin with an SOA record for the zone. A sample SOA record follows:
@ IN SOA ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU. rwh.ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU. (
1989020501 ; serial
10800 ; refresh
3600 ; retry
3600000 ; expire
86400 ) ; minimum
The SOA specifiesa serial number, which should be changed each time the master file ischanged. Note that the serial
number can be given asa dotted number, but thisisa very unwise thing to do because the translation to normal integersis
via concatenation rather than multiplication and addition. You can spell out the year, month, day of month, and 0..99
version number and still fit inside the unsigned 32-bit size of thisfield. Itstrue that we will have to rethink thisstrategy in
the year 4294, but were not worried about it. Secondary serverscheck the serial number at intervalsspecified by the refresh
time in seconds; if the serial number changes, a zone transfer isdone to load the new data. If a master server cannot be
contacted when a refresh isdue, the retry time specifiesthe interval at which refreshesshould be attempted. If a master server
cannot be contacted within the interval given by the expire time, all data from the zone isdiscarded by secondary servers.
The minimum value isthe time-to-live (TTL) used by recordsin the file with no explicit time-to-live value.
The boot file directivesdomain and suffixes have been obsoleted by a more useful resolver-based implementation of suffixing
for partially qualified domain names. The prior mechanismscould fail under a number of situations, especially when then
local nameserver did not have complete information.
The following signalshave the specified effect when sent to the server processusing the kill(1) command:
SIGHUP Causesserver to read named.boot and reload the database. If the server isbuilt with the
FORCED RELOAD compile-time option, then SIGHUP also causesthe server to check the serial
number on all secondary zones. Usually, the serial numbersare only checked at the
SOA-specified intervals.
SIGINT Dumpsthe current database and cache to /var/tmp/named_dump.db.
SIGIOT Dumpsstatisticsdata into /var/tmp/named.stats if the server iscompiled with -DSTATS.
Statisticsdata isappended to the file. Some systemsuse SIGABRT rather than SIGIOT for
SIGSYS Dumpsthe profiling data in /var/tmp if the server iscompiled with profiling (the server
forks, changesdirectories, and exits).
SIGTERM Dumpsthe primary and secondary database files. Used to save modified data on
shutdown if the server iscompiled with dynamic updating enabled.
SIGUSR1 Turnson debugging; each SIGUSR1 incrementsdebug level (SIGEMT on older systems
without SIGUSR1).
SIGUSR2 Turnsoff debugging completely (SIGFPE on older systemswithout SIGUSR2).
SIGWINCH Toggleslogging of all incoming queriesvia syslog(3) (requiresserver to have been built
with the QRYLOG option).
/etc/named.boot Nameserver configuration boot file
/etc/ The processID (on older systems)
/var/run/ The processID (on newer systems)
/var/tmp/named_dump.db Dump of the nameserver database
/var/tmp/ Debug output
/var/tmp/named.stats Nameserver statisticsdata
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
kill(1), gethostbyname(3), signal(2), resolver(3), resolver(5), hostname(7), RFC 882, RFC 883, RFC 973, RFC 974, RFC
1033, RFC 1034, RFC 1035, RFC 1123, NameServer OperationsGUIDefor BIND
20 June1995
named.reloadCause the nameserver to synchronize itsdatabase.
Thiscommand sendsa SIGHUP to the running nameserver. Thissignal isdocumented in named(8).
It doesnot check to see if the nameserver isactually running and could use a stale pid cache file, which may result in the
death of an unrelated process.
named(8), named.restart(8)
26 June1993
named.restartStop and restart the nameserver.
Thiscommand sendsa SIGKILL to the running nameserver and then startsa new one.
It doesnot check to see if the nameserver isactually running and could use a stale pid cache file, which may result in the
death of an unrelated process.
It doesnot wait after killing the old server before starting a new one. Because the server could take some time to die and the
new one experiencesa fatal error if the old one isnt gone by the time it starts, you can be left in a situation where you have
no nameserver at all.
named(8), named.reload(8)
26 June1993
ndcName daemon control interface.
ndc di r ect i ve [ ... ]
Thiscommand allowsthe nameserver administrator to send varioussignalsto the nameserver or to restart it. Zero or more
directivesmay be given from the following list:
status Displaysthe current statusof named asshown by ps(1).
dumpdb Causesnamed to dump itsdatabase and cache to /var/tmp/named_dump.db (usesthe INT
reload Causesnamed to check the serial numbersof all primary and secondary zonesand to
reload those that have changed (usesthe HUP signal.)
stats Causesnamed to dump itsstatisticsto /var/tmp/named.stats (usesthe IOT or ABRT signal.)
trace Causesnamed to increment itstracing level by one. Whenever the tracing level is
nonzero, trace information iswritten to /var/tmp/ Higher tracing levelsresult
in more detailed information (usesthe USR1 signal).
notrace Causesnamed to set itstracing level to zero, closing /var/tmp/ if it isopen
(usesthe USR2 signal).
querylog Causesnamed to toggle the query logging feature, which resultsin a syslog(3) of each
incoming query (usesthe WINCH signal). Note that query logging consumesquite a lot of
log file space. Thisdirective may also be given asqrylog.
start Causesnamed to be started aslong asit isnt already running.
stop Causesnamed to be stopped if it isrunning.
restart Causesnamed to be killed and restarted.
Argumentsto named are not preserved by restart or known by start. Some mechanism for controlling the parametersand
environment should exist.
Implemented asa sh(1) script.
Paul Vixie (Internet Software Consortium)
named(8), named.reload(8), named.restart(8)
27 November 1994
netstatDisplay active network connections
netstat [[-a | [-t | -u | -w]] [-n | -o] | -x] [-c]
netstat -r [-c] [-n]
netstat -v
netstat displaysthe statusof network connectionson either TCP, UDP, or RAW socketsto the system. By default, netstat
only displaysstatuson those TCP socketsthat are not in the LISTEN state (that is, connectionsto active processes). To obtain
information about the kernel routing table, netstat may be invoked with the option -r. A listing of internal UNIX
connectionscan be obtained by invoking netstat with the option -x.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
netstatsdisplay includesthe following information for each socket:
Proto The protocol (either TCP or UDP) used by the socket.
Recv-Q The count of bytesnot copied by the user program connected to thissocket.
Send-Q The count of bytesnot acknowledged by the remote host.
Local Address The local address(local hostname) and port number of the socket. Unlessthe -n switch
isgiven, the socket addressisresolved to itscanonical hostname, and the port number is
translated into the corresponding service name.
Foreign Address The remote address(remote hostname) and port number of the socket. Aswith the local
address:port, the -n switch turnsoff hostname and service name resolution.
(State) The state of the socket. Because there are no statesin RAW and usually no statesused in
UDP, thisrow may be left blank. Usually, thiscan be one of several values:
ESTABLISHED The socket hasan established connection.
SYN SENT The socket isactively attempting to establish a connection.
SYN RECV The connection isbeing initialized.
FIN WAIT1 The socket isclosed, and the connection isshutting down.
FIN WAIT2 Connection isclosed, and the socket iswaiting for a shutdown from the remote end.
TIME WAIT The socket iswaiting after close for remote shutdown re-transmission.
CLOSED The socket isnot being used.
CLOSE WAIT The remote end hasshut down, waiting for the socket to close.
LAST ACK The remote end shut down, and the socket isclosed. Waiting for acknowledgment.
LISTEN The socket islistening for incoming connections.
UNKNOWN The state of the socket isunknown.
If netstat isinvoked with the option -o, additional information isdisplayed after the state info. Thisinformation isshown
like this: keyword (time/backoff) and an optional asterisk. The keyword showsthe state of the timer belonging to the socket,
the time displayed (in seconds) ishow long it will take the timer to expire, the backoff value indicatesthe current retry count
for data transmission, and the asterisk indicatesthat thistimer isin the expiration queue. The latter might be removed in
future but ishelpful for debugging the TCP-Code for now.
Invoked with the option -x, netstat displaysa list of all active UNIX internal communication sockets.
netstatsdisplay includesthe following information for each socket:
Proto The protocol (usually UNIX) used by the socket.
RefCnt The reference count (attached processesvia thissocket).
Flags The only known flag to me isSO ACCEPTON (displayed asACC); otherwise, left blank.
SO ACCEPTON isused on unconnected socketsif their corresponding processesare waiting
for a connect request.
Type There are several typesof socket access:
SOCK DGRAM The socket isused in Datagram (connectionless) mode.
SOCK STREAM Thisisa stream (connection) socket.
SOCK RAW The socket isused asa raw socket.
SOCK RDM Thisone servesreliably delivered messages.
SOCK SEQPACKET Thisisa sequential packet socket.
SOCK PACKET Thissocket type isused asa Linux-specific way to get packetsat the dev (kernel) level. It
isassumed to be used to write thingssuch asRARP (Reverse AddressResolution
Protocol) and similar thingson the user level.
UNKNOWN Who ever knows, what future will bring; just fill in here. :-)
State Thisfield will contain one of the following keywords:
FREE The socket isnot allocated.
LISTENING The socket islistening for a connection request.
UNCONNECTED The socket isnot connected to another one.
CONNECTING The socket isabout to establish a connection.
CONNECTED The socket isconnected.
DISCONNECTING The socket isdisconnecting.
UNKNOWN Thisstate should never happen.
Path Thisdisplaysthe pathname that the corresponding processesattached to the socket.
The network routing table (invoked with netstat -r) showsup the following information:
Destination net/address The destination addressof a resolved host or hand-entered network isdisplayed. Unless
the option -n isgiven, the hostsor netsare resolved. An entry named default showsup
the default route for the kernel.
Gateway address If there isno asterisk (*) displayed, any data isrouted to the dedicated gateway.
Flags Possible routing flagsare
U Thisroute isusable.
G Destination isa gateway.
H Destination isa host entry.
N Destination isa Net entry.
R Route will be reinstated after timeout.
D Thisone iscreated dynamically (by redirection).
M Thisone ismodified dynamically (by redirection).
RefCnt Reference count for thisroute.
Use How many timesthisroute wasused yet.
Iface Thisisthe name of the interface where thisroute belongs.
-a Display information about all Internet sockets, such asTCP, UDP, and RAW,
including those socketsthat are listening only.
-c Generate a continuouslisting of network status: network statusisdisplayed every second
until the program isinterrupted.
-n Causesnetstat not to resolve hostnamesand service nameswhen displaying remote and
local addressand port information.
-o Display timer states, expiration times, and backoff state.
-r Display kernel routing table.
-t Display information about TCP socketsonly, including those that are listening.
-u Display information about UDP socketsonly.
-v Print version information.
-w Display information about raw sockets.
-x Display information about UNIX domain sockets.
/proc/net/tcp TCP socket information
/proc/net/udp UDP socket information
/proc/net/raw RAW socket information
/proc/net/unix UNIX domain socket information
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
/proc/net/route Kernel routing information
/etc/services The servicestranslation
None reported yet (5/20/93).
The netstat user interface waswritten by Fred Baumgarten ( The man page isbasically
by Matt Welsh (
CohesiveSystems, 20 May1993
makeactive, makehistory, newsrequeue
makeactive, makehistory, newsrequeueToolsto recover Usenet databases
makeactive [ -m ][-o ]
makehistory [ -b ][-f f i l ename ][-i ][-n ][-o ][-r ][-s si ze ]
[-T t mpdi r ][-u [ -v]]
newsrequeue [ -a act i ve ][-h hi st or y ][-d days ][-l ][-n newsf eeds ][i nput ]
makeactive invokesfind(1) to get a list of all directoriesin the newsspool tree, /news/spool. It discardsdirectoriesnamed
lost+found aswell asthose that have a period in them. It scansall other directoriesfor all-numeric filenamesand determines
the highest and lowest number. The programsoutput isa set of active(5) file lines. Because there isno way to know if a
group ismoderated or disabled, the fourth field of all entriesisy. Also, mid-level directoriesthat arent newsgroupsare also
created asnewsgroupswith no entries. (For example, there isa comp.sources.unix group, but no comp.sources.)
If the o flag isused, makeactive readsan existing active file for the list of group namesand just renumber all groups. It
preservesthe fourth field of the active file if one ispresent. Thisisanalogousto the ctlinnd(8) renumber command, except
that innd(8) should be throttled or not running. Do not use thisflag with output redirected to the standard active file!
If the m flag isgiven, then makeactive attemptsto adjust the highest and lowest article numberswherever possible. If articles
are found in a newsgroup, the numbersreflect what wasfound. If no articlesare found in a newsgroup, the high number
from the old file iskept, and the low number isset to one more than the high number. Thisflag may only be used if the o
flag isused.
makeactive exitswith nonzero statusif any problemsoccur. A typical way to use the program iswith the following /bin/sh
ctlinnd throttle Rebuilding active file
if [ -f /var/lib/news/active ] ; then
if makeactive -o >${TEMP} ; then
mv ${TEMP} /var/lib/news/active
if makeactive >${TEMP} ; then
# Edit to restore moderated
# and aliased groups.
mv ${TEMP} /var/lib/news/active
ctlinnd reload active New active file
makehistory rebuildsthe history(5) text file and the associated dbz(3) database. The default name of the text file is
/news/lib/history; to specify a different name, use the f flag. makehistory scansthe active(5) file to determine which
newsgroup directorieswithin the spool directory, /news/spool, should be scanned. (If a group isremoved, but itsspool
directory still exists, makehistory ignoresit.) The program readseach file found and writesa history line for it. If the b flag
isused, then makehistory removesany articlesthat do not have valid Message-ID headersin them.
After the text file iswritten, makehistory buildsthe dbz database. If the f flag isused, then the database filesare named
file.dir and file.pag. If the f flag isnot used, then a temporary link to the name history.n ismade and the database files
are written ashistory.n.pag and history.n.dir. If the o flag isused, then the link isnot made and any existing history files
are overwritten. If the old database exists, makehistory usesit to determine the size of the new database. To ignore the old
database, use the i flag. Using the o flag impliesthe i flag. The program also ignoresany old database if the s flag isused
to specify the approximate number of entriesin the new database. Accurately specifying the size isan optimization that
createsa more efficient database. (The size should be the estimated eventual size of the file, typically the size of the old file.)
For more information, see the discussion of dbzfresh and dbzsize in dbz(3).
If the u flag isgiven, then makehistory assumesthat innd isrunning. It pausesthe server while scanning and then sends
addhist commands(see ctlinnd(8)) to the server for any article that isnot found in the dbz database. The command
makehistory bu isuseful after a system crash to delete any mangled articlesand bring the article database back into a more
consistent state. If the v flag isused with the u flag, then makehistory putsa copy of all added lineson itsstandard output.
To scan the spool directory without rebuilding the dbz files, use the n flag. If used with -u, the server isnot paused while
scanning. To just build the dbz filesfrom an existing text file, use the r flag. The i or s flagscan be useful if there are no
valid dbz filesto use. A typical way to use thisprogram iswith the following /bin/sh commands:
ctlinnd throttle Rebuilding history file
cd /news/lib
if makehistory n f history.n ; then
echo Error creating history file!
exit 1
# The following line can be used to retain expired history.
# It is not necessary for the history file to be sorted.
# awk NF==2 { print; } <history >>history.n
# View history file for mistakes.
if makehistory r s wc l <history f history.n; then
mv history.n history
mv history.n.dir history.dir
mv history.n.pag history.pag
ctlinnd go
makehistory needsto create a temporary file that containsone line for each article it finds, which can become very large. This
file iscreated in the /tmp directory. The TMPDIR environment variable may be used to specify a different directory. Alterna-
tively, the T flag may be used to specify a temporary directory. In addition, the sort(1) that isinvoked during the build
writeslarge temporary files(often to /var/tmp, but see your system man pages). If the T flag isused, then the flag and its
value are passed to sort. On most systems, thischangesthe temporary directory that sort uses. If used, thisflag and itsvalue
are passed on to the sort(1) command that isinvoked during the build.
makehistory doesnot handle symbolic links. If the newsspool area issplit acrossmultiple partitions, the following commands
should probably be run before the database isregenerated:
cd /news/spool
find . -type l -name [1-9]* -print | xargs -t rm
Make sure to run the command on all the appropriate partitions!
makeactive, makehistory, newsrequeue
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
newsrequeue can be used to rewrite batchfilesafter a system crash. It operatesin two modes. In the first mode, it first reads
the act i ve and newsf eeds(5) filesto determine where the different newsgroupsare to be distributed. To specify alternate
locationsfor these files, use the a or n flags. It then opensthe hi st or y database. To specify a different file, use the h flag.
Once the filesare opened, newsrequeue readsfrom the specified i nput file or standard input if no file isspecified. Each line
should have a single Message-ID, surrounded in angle brackets; any other text on the line isignored. For example, the
hi st or y file (or a trailing subset of it) isacceptable input to the program operating in thismode. If the d flag isused, then
only articlesthat were received within the specified number of daysare processed.
newsrequeue usesthe first two fieldsof the newsfeed entrythe sitename and the excludes field and the patterns and
distribs field. It ignoresall flagsin the third field except for the N field and also ignoresthe fourth field altogether.
The second mode isused if the l flag isused. In thismode, it readsfrom the specified i nput file or standard input if no file
isspecified. Each line should look like an innd log entry. It parsesentriesfor accepted articles, looksup the Message-ID in
the history database to get the filename, and then scansthe list of sites.
In either mode, the output of newsrequeue consistsof one line for each article that should be forwarded. Each such line
containsthe Message-ID, the filename, and the list of sitesthat should receive the article. The output issuitable for piping
into filechan(8).
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
active(5), ctlinnd(8), dbz(3), filechan(8), history(5), innd(8), newsfeeds(5)
news.dailyDo regular Usenet system administration
news.daily [ keywor d... ]
innwatch [ -t sl eept i me ][-f cont r ol f i l e ][-l l ogf i l e ]
expirerm f i l e
inncheck [ -v ][-pedant i c ][-per ms [ -f i x ]][-noper ms ][f i l e... ]
news.daily performsa number of important Usenet administrative functions. Thisincludesproducing a statusreport,
removing old newsarticles, processing log files, rotating the archived log files, renumbering the active file, removing any old
socket filesfound in the firewall directory, and collecting the output. Thisprogram should be run under the news
administratorsID, not asroot.
By default, news.daily performsall itsfunctionsand mailsthe output to the newsadministrator, usenet. By specifying
keywordson the command line, it ispossible to modify the functionsperformed, aswell aschange the argumentsgiven to
expire(8) and expireover(8).
news.daily should be run once a day, typically out of cron(8). It may be run more often, but such invocationsshould at least
use the norotate keyword to prevent the log filesfrom being processed and rotated too fast.
The shlock(1) program isused to prevent simultaneousexecutions.
The following keywordsmay be used:
delayrm Thisusesthe z flag when invoking expire and expireover. The namesof articlesto be
removed are written to a temporary file and then removed after expiration by calling
nostat Thiskeyword disablesthe statusreport generated by innstat (see newslog(8)). Without
thiskeyword, the statusreport isthe first function performed, just prior to obtaining the
news.daily lock.
noexpire By default, expire isinvoked to remove old newsarticles. Using thiskeyword disables
noexplog expire usually appendsinformation to /var/log/news/expire.log (see newslog(5)). Using
thiskeyword causesthe expire output to be handled aspart of news.dailysoutput. It
hasno effect if the noexpire keyword isused.
flags=expire\args By default, expire isinvoked with the an argument of v1. Using thiskeyword changes
the argumentsto those specified. Be careful to use quotesif multiple argumentsare
needed. Thiskeyword hasno effect if the noexpire keyword isused.
nologs After expiration, scanlogs(8) isinvoked to processthe log files. Using thiskeyword
disablesall log processing functions.
norotate By default, log processing includesrotating and cleaning out log files. Using this
keyword disablesthe rotating and cleaning aspect of the log processing. The log filesare
only scanned for information and no contentsare altered. Thiskeyword hasno effect if
the nologs keyword isused.
norenumber Thiskeyword disablesthe ctlinnd(8) renumber operation. Usually, the low watermark
for all newsgroups(see active(5)) isreset.
norm By default, any socket ctlinnd socket that hasnot been modified for two daysis
removed. Using thiskeyword disablesthisfunction.
nomail news.daily usually sendsa mail message containing the resultsto the administrator.
Using thiskeyword causesthismessage to be sent to stdout and stderr instead. Usually,
all utilitiesinvoked by the script have their stdout and stderr redirected into a file. If the
file isempty, no message issent.
expireover The expireover program iscalled after expiration to purge the overview databases.
expireoverflags=expireovernargs If the expireover keyword isused, thiskeyword may be used to specify the flagsto be
passed to expireover. If the delayrm keyword isused, then the default value isz and the
list of deleted files; otherwise, the default value iss.
/full/path The program specified by the given path isexecuted just before any expiration isdone.
A typical use isto specify an alternate expiration program and use the noexpire keyword.
Multiple programsmay be specified; they are invoked in order.
The norotate keyword ispassed on to scanlogs if it isinvoked. expirerm isa script that removesa list of files. The specified
file liststhe files. It issorted and then fed into a pipeline responsible for doing the removal, usually fastrm(8). If there seemed
to be a problem removing the files, then mail issent to the newsadministrator. If there were no problems, then file is
renamed to /var/log/news/expire.list where it iskept (for safety) until the next daysexpiration.
innwatch isa script that can be started at newsboot time. It periodicallyevery sl eept i me seconds examinesthe load
average and the number of free blocksand inodeson the spool partition, asdescribed by itscontrol file, innwatch.ctl(5). If
the load getstoo high or the disk getstoo full, it throttlesthe server. When the condition restores, it unblocksthe server. In
addition, on each passthrough the loop, it checksthe specified log file to see if it hasbeen modified and sendsmail to the
newsadministrator if so. It isusually a good idea to set thisto the syslog(3) file that receivescritical newsmessages. Upon
receipt of an interrupt signal, innwatch reportsitsstatusin the file /news/lib/innwatch.status.
inncheck isa perl(1) script that verifiesthe syntax and permissionsof all InterNetNewsconfiguration files. If no filesare
specified, it checksall files. A filename may be followed by an equal sign and a path to indicate the pathname to use for the
file. For example, newsfeeds=/tmp/nf checksthe syntax of a new newsfeeds(5) without requiring it to be installed. If the v
flag isused, it printsstatusinformation asit checkseach file. If the pedantic flag isused, it checksthe filesfor omissionsthat
are not strictly errorsbut might indicate a configuration error.
If any file isspecified, only the permissionson those filesare checked. The noperms flag suppressesthischeck. If the perms
flag isused, the script verifiesthe ownership and permissionsof all files. The fix flag can also be used so that the output can
be executed asa shell script.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
news.daily and thismanual page were written by Landon Curt Noll ( and Rich $alz (
inncheck waswritten by Brendan Kehoe ( and Rich.
innwatch waswritten by Mike Cooper ( and (
active(5), ctlinnd(8), expire(8), fastrm(8), newslog(5), newslog(8), innwatch.ctl(5), shlock(1)
newslogMaintenance of Usenet log files
scanlogs [ norotate ][nonn ]
writelog name text...
scanlogs summarizesthe information recorded in the INN log files(see newslog(5)). By default, it also rotatesand cleansout
the logs. It isusually invoked by the news.daily(8) script.
The following keywordsare accepted:
norotate Using thiskeyword disablesthe rotating and cleaning aspect of the log processing:
The logsfilesare only scanned for information and no contentsare altered.
nonn Usually, the nn log file isscanned and rotated. Using thiskeyword disablesthis
If scanlogs isinvoked more than once a day, the norotate keyword should be used to prevent premature log cleaning.
The writelog script isused to write a log entry or send it asmail. The name parameter specifiesthe name of the log file where
the entry should be written. If it isthe word mail, then the entry ismailed to the newsadministrator, Usenet. The data that
iswritten or sent consistsof the text given on the command line, followed by standard input indented by four spaces.
shlock(1) isused to avoid simultaneousupdatesto a single log file.
The innstat script printsa snapshot of the INN system. It displaysthe operating mode of the server, aswell asdisk usage and
the statusof all log and lock files.
The rest of the scriptsdescribed here are usually invoked by scanlogs. They parse log filesthat are described in newslog(5)
and the serversarticle log file described in innd(8).
tally.unwanted script parsesthe article log file to update the cumulative list of articlesposted to unwanted newsgroups,
tally.control readsitsstandard input, which should be the newgroup.log and rmgroup.log log files. It updatesthe cumulative
list of newsgroup creationsand deletions, control.log.
innlog.awk isan awk(1) script that summarizesthe activity that innd and nnrpd(8) report to syslog.
Written by Landon Curt Noll ( and Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
innd(8) newslog(5), news.daily(8), nnrpd(8)
nfsdNFS service daemon.
/usr/etc/rpc.nfsd [\-f\exports-file\][\-dhnprv\]
[\--debug\][\--exports-file=f i l e\] [\--help\]
The nfsd program isan NFS service daemon that handlesclient filesystem requests. Unlike nfsd on some other systems, nfsd
operatesasa normal user-level process. The server also differsfrom other NFS server implementationsin that it mountsan
entire file hierarchy not limited by the boundariesof physical filesystems. The implementation allowsthe clientsread-only or
read-write accessto the file hierarchy of the server machine.
The mountd program startsan ancillary user-level mount daemon.
-f or --exports-file Thisoption specifiesthe exportsfile, listing the clientsthat thisserver isprepared to
serve and parametersto apply to each such mount (see exports(5)). By default, exports
are read from /etc/exports.
-d or --debug Log each transaction verbosely to the syslog.
-h or --help Provide a short help summary.
-n or --allow-non-root Allow incoming NFS requeststo be honored even if they do not originate from reserved
IP ports. Some older NFS client implementationsrequire this. Some newer NFS client
implementationsdont believe in reserved port checking.
-p or --promiscuous Put the server into promiscuousmode where it servesany host on the network.
-r or --re-export Allow imported NFS filesystemsto be exported. Thiscan be used to turn a machine
into an NFS multiplier. Caution should be used when re-exporting loopback NFS
mountsbecause re-entering the mount point resultsin deadlock between the NFS client
and the NFS server.
-v or --version Report the current version number of the program.
exports(5), mountd(8), ugidd(8C)
Mark Shand wrote the original unfsd. Don Becker extended unfsd to support authentication and allow read-write accessand
called it hnfs. Rick Sladkey added host matching, showmount -e support, mountd authentication, inetd support, and all the
portability and configuration code.
13 October 1993
nnrpdNNTP server for on-campushosts.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
nnrpd [ -r r eason ][-s t i t l e paddi ng ][-S host ][-t ]
nnrpd isan NNTP server for newsreaders. It acceptscommandson itsstandard input and respondson itsstandard output.
It isusually invoked by innd(8) with those descriptorsattached to a remote client connection.
If the r flag isused, then nnrpd rejectsthe incoming connection giving reason asthe text. Thisflag isused by innd when it is
paused or throttled.
Unlike innd, nnrpd supportsall NNTP commandsfor user-oriented reading and posting.
nnrpd usesthe nnrp.access(5) file to control who isauthorized to accessthe Usenet database. It also rejectsconnectionsif the
load average isgreater than 16.
Aseach command isreceived, nnrpd triesto change itsargv array so that ps(1) printsthe command being executed. To get a
full display, the s flag may be used with a long string asitsargument, which isoverwritten when the program changesits
On exit, nnrpd reportsusage statisticsthrough syslog(3).
If the t flag isused, all client commandsand initial responsesare traced by reporting them in syslog. Thisflag isset by innd
under the control of the ctlinnd(8) trace command and istoggled upon receipt of a SIGHUP; see signal(2).
If the S flag isused, all postingsare forwarded to the specified host, which should be the master NNTP server. Thisflag is
set by innd if it isstarted with the S flag.
nnrpd can accept multimedia postingsthat follow the MIME standard aslong assuch postingsare also acceptable asSMTP
messages. See the discussion of the MIME headersin inn.conf(5).
nnrpd implementsthe NNTP commandsdefined in RFC 977 with the following differences:
I The ihave command isnot implemented. Usersshould be using the post command to post articles.
I The slave command isnot implemented. Thiscommand hasnever been fully defined.
I The list command may be followed by the optional word active.times, distributions, distrib.pats, newsgroups, or
overview.fmt to get a list of when newsgroupswhere created, a list of valid distributions, a file specifying default
distribution patterns, a one-per-line description of the current set of newsgroups, or a listing of the overview.fmt(5) file.
The command list active isequivalent to the list command. Thisisa common extension.
I The xhdr, authinfo user, and authinfo pass commandsare implemented. These are based on the reference UNIX
implementation; no other documentation isavailable.
I A new command, xpat header range|MessageID pat [morepat...], isprovided. The first argument isthe case-insensitive
name of the header to be searched. The second argument iseither an article range or a single Message-ID asspecified in
RFC 977. The third argument isa wildmat(3)-style pattern; if there are additional arguments, they are joined together
separated by a single space to form the complete pattern. Thiscommand issimilar to the xhdr command. It returnsa 221
response code, followed by the text response of all article numbersthat match the pattern.
I The listgroup group command isprovided. Thisisa comment extension. It isequivalent to the group command, except
that the reply isa multi-line response containing the list of all article numbersin the group.
I The xgtitle [group] command isprovided. Thisextension isused by ANU-News. It returnsa 282 reply code, followed
by a one-line description of all newsgroupsthat match the pattern. The default isthe current group.
I The xover [range] command isprovided. It returnsa 224 reply code, followed by the overview data for the specified
range; the default isto return the data for the current article.
I The xpath MessageID command isprovided; see innd(8).
I The date command isprovided; thisisbased on the draft NNTP protocol revision. It returnsa one-line response code
of 111 followed by the GMT date and time on the server in the form YYYYMMDDhhmms s.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews. Overview support added by Rob Robertston
( and Rich in January 1993.
ctlinnd(8), innd(8), inn.conf(5), nnrp.access(5), signal(2), wildmat(3)
nntpsendSend Usenet articlesto remote site.
nntpsend [ -d ][-p ][-r ][-S ][-s si ze ][-t t i meout ]
[-T t i mel i mi t ][si t ename f qdn ] ...
nntpsend isa front end that invokesinnxmit(1) to send Usenet articlesto a remote NNTP site.
The sitesto be fed may be specified by giving si t ename f qdn pairson the command line. If no such pairsare given, nntpsend
defaultsto the information given in the nntpsend.ctl(5) config file.
The si t ename should be the name of the site asspecified in the newsfeeds(5) file. The f qdn should be the hostname
or IP addressof the remote site. An innxmit islaunched for siteswith queued news. All innxmit processesare
spawned in the background and the script waitsfor them all to finish before returning. Output issent to the file
/var/log/news/nntpsend.log. To avoid overwhelming the local system, nntpsend waitsfive secondsbefore spawning
each child. The flag a isalwaysgiven asa flag to innxmit.
nntpsend expectsthat the batchfile for a site isnamed /news/spool/out.going/si t ename. To prevent batchfile corruption,
shlock(1) isused to lock these files.
The p, r, S, -t, and -T flagsare passed on to the child innxmit program. Note that if the p flag isused then no connection
ismade and no articlesare fed to the remote site. It isuseful to have cron(8) invoke nntpsend with thisflag in case a site
cannot be reached for an extended period of time.
If the s flag isused, then shrinkfile(1) isinvoked to perform a tail truncation on the batchfile and the flag ispassed to it.
When si t ename f qdn pairsare given on the command line, any flagsgiven on the command completely describe how innxmit
and shrinkfile operate. When no such pairsare given on the command line, then the information found in nntpsend.ctl
becomesthe default flagsfor that site. Any flagsgiven on the command line override the default flagsfor the site.
For example, with the following control file: -t60 -t300
The command
will result in the following:
Sitename Truncation Innxmit flags
nsavax (none) -a -S -t60
group70 (none) -a -t180
walldrug 1m -a -T1800 -t300
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
The command
nntpsend -d -T1200
will result in the following:
Sitename Truncation Innxmit flags
nsavax (none) -a -d -S -T1200 -t60
group70 (none) -a -d -T1200 -t180
walldrug 1m -a -d -T1200 -t300
The command
nntpsend -s 5m -T1200 nsavax group70
will result in the following:
Sitename Truncation Innxmit flags
nsavax 5m -a -T1200 -t180
group70 5m -a -T1200 -t180
Remember that a isalwaysgiven, and t defaultsto 180.
Written by Landon Curt Noll ( and Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
innxmit(1), newsfeeds(5), nntpsend.ctl(5), shrinkfile(1)
nslookupQuery Internet nameserversinteractively.
nslookup [ -opt i on ... ] [ host - t o- f i nd | [ser ver ]]
nslookup isa program to query Internet domain nameservers. nslookup hastwo modes: interactive and non-interactive.
Interactive mode allowsthe user to query nameserversfor information about varioushostsand domainsor to print a list of
hostsin a domain. Non-interactive mode isused to print just the name and requested information for a host or domain.
Interactive mode isentered in the following cases:
I When no argumentsare given (the default nameserver isused)
I When the first argument isa hyphen () and the second argument isthe hostname or Internet addressof a nameserver
Non-interactive mode isused when the name or Internet addressof the host to be looked up isgiven asthe first argument.
The optional second argument specifiesthe host name or addressof a nameserver.
The optionslisted under the set command can be specified in the .nslookuprc file in the usershome directory if they are
listed one per line. Optionscan also be specified on the command line if they precede the argumentsand are prefixed with a
hyphen. For example, to change the default query type to host information, and the initial timeout to 10 seconds, type:
nslookup query=hinfo timeout=10
Commandsmay be interrupted at any time by typing Ctrl+C. To exit, type Ctrl+D (EOF) or type exit. The command-line
length must be lessthan 256 characters. To treat a built-in command asa hostname, precede it with an escape character (n).
Note that an unrecognized command isinterpreted asa hostname.
host [ser ver ] Look up information for host using the current default server or using ser ver if
specified. If host isan Internet addressand the query type isA or PTR, the name of the
host isreturned. If host isa name and doesnot have a trailing period, the default
domain name isappended to the name. (Thisbehavior dependson the state of the
set options domain, srchlist, defname, and search). To look up a host not in the current
domain, append a period to the name.
server domai n, lserver domai n Change the default server to domai n. lserver usesthe initial server to look up informa-
tion about domai n, whereasserver usesthe current default server. If an authoritative
answer cant be found, the namesof serversthat might have the answer are returned.
root Changesthe default server to the server for the root of the domain name space.
Currently, the host isused. (Thiscommand isa synonym for lserver The name of the root server can be changed with the set root
finger [name][> f i l ename], Connectswith the finger server on the current host. The current host isdefined when
finger [name][>> f i l ename] a previouslookup for a host wassuccessful and returned addressinformation (see the
set query-type= A command). name isoptional. > and >> can be used to redirect output
in the usual manner.
ls [opt i on] domai n [> f i l ename], List the information available for domain, optionally creating or appending to
ls [opt i on] domai n [>> f i l ename] f i l ename. Thedefault output containshostnamesand their Internet addresses. opt i on
can be one of the following:
-t quer yt ype Listsall recordsof the specified type (see
-a Listsaliasesof hostsin the domain. Synonym for
-d Listsall recordsfor the domain. Synonym for
-t ANY.
-h ListsCPU and operating system information for
the domain. Synonym for -t HINFO.
-s Listswell-known servicesof hostsin the domain.
Synonym for -t WKS. When output isdirected to a
file, hash marksare printed for every 50 records
received from the server.
view f i l ename Sortsand liststhe output of previousls commands
with more(1).
help, ? Printsa brief summary of commands.
exit Exitsthe program.
set keywor d[=val ue] Thiscommand isused to change state information
that affectsthe lookups. Valid keywordsare:
all Printsthe current valuesof the frequently used
optionsto set. Information about the current
default server and host isalso printed.
class=val ue Change the query classto one of the following:
IN The Internet class.
CHAOS The Chaosclass.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
HESIOD The MIT Athena Hesiod class.
ANY Wildcard (any of the above).
The classspecifiesthe protocol group of the information. (Default = IN, abbreviation =
[no]debug Turn debugging mode on. A lot more information isprinted about the packet sent to
the server and the resulting answer. (Default = nodebug, abbreviation = [no]deb.)
[no]d2 Turn exhaustive debugging mode on. Essentially, all fieldsof every packet are printed.
(Default = nod2.)
domain=name Change the default domain name to name. The default domain name isappended to a
lookup request depending on the state of the defname and search options. The domain
search list containsthe parentsof the default domain if it hasat least two componentsin
itsname. For example, if the default domain isCC.Berkeley.EDU, the search list is
CC.Berkeley.EDU and Berkeley.EDU. Use the set srchlist command to specify a different
list. Use the set all command to display the list. (Default = value from hostname,
/etc/resolv.conf, or LOCALDO-MAIN, abbreviation = do.)
srchlist=name1/name2/... Change the default domain name to name1 and the domain search list to name1, name2,
and so on. A maximum of six namesseparated by slashes(/) can be specified. For
example, set srchlist=lcs.MIT.EDU/ai.MIT.EDU/MIT.EDU setsthe domain to lcs.MIT.EDU
and the search list to the three names. Thiscommand overridesthe default domain
name and search list of the set domain command. Use the set all command to display
the list. (Default = value based on hostname, /etc/resolv.conf, or LOCAL-DOMAIN,
abbreviation = srchl.)
[no]defname If set, append the default domain name to a single-component lookup request (that is,
one that doesnot contain a period). (Default = defname, abbreviation = [no]def.)
[no]search If the lookup request containsat least one period but doesnt end with a trailing period,
append the domain namesin the domain search list to the request until an answer is
received. (Default = search, abbreviation = [no]sea.)
port=val ue Change the default TCP/UDP nameserver port to val ue. (Default = 53, abbreviation =
querytype=val ue, type=val ue Change the type of information query to one of the following:
A The hostsInternet address.
CNAME The canonical name for an alias.
HINFO The host CPU and operating system type.
MINFO The mailbox or mail list information.
MX The mail exchanger.
NS The nameserver for the named zone.
PTR The host name if the query isan Internet address; otherwise, the pointer
to other information.
SOA The domainsstart-of-authority information.
TXT The text information.
UINFO The user information.
WKS The supported well-known services.
Other types(ANY, AXFR, MB, MD, MF, NULL) are described in the RFC-1035 document.
(Default = A, abbreviations= q, ty.)
[no]recurse Tell the nameserver to query other serversif it doesnot have the information. (Default =
recurse, abbreviation = [no]rec.)
retry=number Set the number of retriesto number . When a reply to a request isnot received within a
certain amount of time (changed with set timeout), the timeout period isdoubled and
the request isresent. The retry value controlshow many timesa request isresent before
giving up. (Default = 4, abbreviation = ret.)
root=host Change the name of the root server to host . Thisaffectsthe root command. (Default =, abbreviation = ro.)
timeout=number Change the initial timeout interval for waiting for a reply to number seconds. Each retry
doublesthe timeout period. (Default = 5 seconds, abbreviation = ti.)
[no]vc Alwaysuse a virtual circuit when sending requeststo the server. (Default = novc,
abbreviation = [no]v.)
[no]ignoretc Ignore packet truncation errors. (Default = noignoretc, abbreviation = [no]ig.)
If the lookup request wasnot successful, an error message isprinted. Possible errorsare
Timed out The server did not respond to a request after a certain amount of time (changed with
set timeout=val ue) and a certain number of retries(changed with set retry=val ue).
No response from server No nameserver isrunning on the server machine.
No records The server doesnot have resource recordsof the current query type for the host,
although the hostname isvalid. The query type isspecified with the set querytype
Non-existent domain The host or domain name doesnot exist.
Connection refused, The connection to the name or finger server could not be made at the current time.
Network is unreachable Thiserror commonly occurswith ls and finger requests.
Server failure The nameserver found an internal inconsistency in itsdatabase and could not return a
valid answer.
Refused The nameserver refused to service the request.
Format error The nameserver found that the request packet wasnot in the proper format. It may
indicate an error in nslookup.
/Etc/Resolv.Conf Initial domain name and nameserver addresses.
$HOME/.nslookuprc Usersinitial options.
/usr/share/misc/ Summary of commands.
HOSTALIASES File containing host aliases.
LOCALDOMAIN Overridesdefault domain.
resolver(3), resolver(5), named(8), RFC 1034 Domain Names Conceptsand Facilities, RFC 1035 Domain Names
Implementation and Specification
Andrew Cherenson
24 June1990
overchanUpdate the newsoverview database.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
overchan [ -D di r ][-c ][f i l e... ]
overchan readsarticle data from filesor standard input if none are specified. (A single dash in the file list meansto read
standard input.) It usesthisinformation to update the newsoverview database. overchan isdesigned to be used by
InterNetNewsor the C Newsmkov packagesto update the database asthe articlescome in. The database for each newsgroup
isstored in a file named .overview in a newsgroup directory within the overview database tree.
overchan locksthe database file (by locking an auxiliary file) before appending the new data. To purge data after articleshave
been expired, see expireover(8).
By default, overchan processesitsinput asan INN overview stream written asa WO entry in the newsfeeds(5) file:
Thisdata consistsof a line of text separated into two partsby a tab. The first part isa list of all relative pathnameswhere the
article hasbeen written with a single space between entries. The second part isthe data to be written into the overview file,
except that the initial article number isomitted.
To processthe output of the mkov(8) program, use the c flag. Thisformat isdescribed in the nov distribution.
The D flag can be used to specify where the databasesare stored. The default directory is/news/spool.
Written by Rob Robertson ( and Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
newsfeeds(5), newsoverview(5), newsoverview(8)
pacPrinter/plotter accounting information.
pac [-P pr i nt er ] [-c] [-m] [-p pr i ce] [-s] [-r] [name ...]
pac readsthe printer/plotter accounting files, accumulating the number of pages(the usual case) or feet (for raster devices) of
paper consumed by each user and printing how much each user consumed in pagesor feet and dollars.
Optionsand operandsavailable:
-P pr i nt er Accounting isdone for the named printer. Usually, accounting isdone for the default
printer (site dependent), or the value of the environment variable PRINTER isused.
-c Flag causesthe output to be sorted by cost; usually, the output issorted alphabetically
by name.
-m Flag causesthe hostname to be ignored in the accounting file. Thisallowsfor a user on
multiple machinesto have all hisprinting chargesgrouped together.
-p pr i ce The value price isused for the cost in dollarsinstead of the default value of 0.02 or the
price specified in /etc/printcap.
-r Reverse the sorting order.
-s Accounting information issummarized on the summary accounting file; thissummari-
zation isnecessary because on a busy system, the accounting file can grow by several
linesper day.
names Statisticsare only printed for usersnamed; usually, statisticsare printed for every user
who hasused any paper.
/var/account/?acct Raw accounting files
/var/account/?_sum Summary accounting files
/etc/printcap Printer capability database
The relationship between the computed price and reality isasyet unknown.
The pac command appeared in BSD 4.0.
BSD 4.2, 16 March 1991
pcnfsd(PC)NFS authentication and print request server
Thisprogram isfreely redistributable.
pcnfsd isan RPC server that supportsONC clientson PC (DOS, OS/2, Macintosh, and other) systems. Thispage describes
version 2 of the pcnfsd server.
rpc.pcnfsd may be started from /etc/rc.local or by the inetd(8) superdaemon. It readsthe configuration file
/etc/pcnfsd.conf if present and then servicesRPC requestsdirected to program number 150001. Thisrelease of the pcnfsd
daemon supportsboth version 1 and version 2 of the pcnfsd protocol. Consult the rpcgen source file pcnfsd.x for detailsof
the protocols.
The requestsserviced by pcnfsd fall into three categories: authentication, printing, and other. Only the authentication and
printing serviceshave administrative significance.
When pcnfsd receivesa PCNFSD AUTH or PCNFSD2 AUTH request, it logsin the user by validating the username and password
and returning the corresponding UID, GIDs, home directory, and umask. If pcnfsd wasbuilt with the WTMP compile-time
option, it also appendsa record to the wtmp(5) database. If you do not want to record PC loginsin thisway, you should add a
line of the form
wtmp off
to the /etc/pcnfsd.conf file.
By default, pcnfsd only allowsauthentication or print requestsfor userswith UIDsin the range 101 to 60002. (This
correspondsin SVR4 to the range for non-system accounts.) To override this, you may add a line of the form
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
uidrange r ange[,r ange]...
to the /etc/pcnfsd.conf file. Here, each r ange isof the form ui d or ui d-ui d, indicating an inclusive range.
pcnfsd supportsa printing model based on the use of NFS to transfer the actual print data from the client to the server. The
client system issuesa PCNFSD_PR_INIT or PCN-FSD2_PR_INIT request, and the server returnsthe path to a spool directory that the
client may use and which isexported by NFS. pcnfsd createsa subdirectory for each of itsclients: The parent directory is
usually /usr/spool/pcnfs and the subdirectory isthe hostname of the client system. If you want to use a different parent
directory, you should add a line of the form
spooldir pat h
to the /etc/pcnfsd.conf file.
Once a client hasmounted the spool directory using NFS and hastransferred print data to a file in thisdirectory, it issuesa
PCNFSD_PR_START or PCNFSD2_PR_START request. pcnfsd handlesthis, and most other print-related requests, by constructing a
command based on the printing servicesof the server operating system and executing the command using the identity of the
PC user. Because thisinvolvesset-user-ID privileges, pcnfsd must be run asroot.
Every print request from the client includesthe name of the printer that isto be used. In Linux, thisname correspondsto a
printer definition in the /etc/printcap(5) database. If you want to define a non-standard way of processing print data, you
should define a new printer and arrange for the client to print to thisprinter. There are two waysof setting up a new printer.
The first involvesthe addition of an entry to /etc/printcap(5) and the creation of filtersto perform the required processing.
Thisisoutside the scope of thisdiscussion. In addition, pcnfsd includesa mechanism by which you can define virtual
printersknown only to pcnfsd clients. Each printer isdefined by a line in the /etc/pcnfsd.conf file of the following form:
printer name al i as- f or command
name isthe name of the printer you want to define. al i as- f or isthe name of a real printer that correspondsto thisprinter.
For example, a request to display the queue for name istranslated into the corresponding request for the printer al i as- f or . If
you have defined a printer in such a way that there isno real printer to which it corresponds, use a single - for thisfield.
(See the definition of the printer test for an example.) command isa command that will be executed whenever a file isprinted
on name. Thiscommand isexecuted by the shell at /bin/sh using the -c option. For complex operations, you should
construct an executable shell program and invoke that in command.
Consider the following sample /etc/pcnfsd.conf file:
printer rotated lw /usr/local/bin/enscript -2r $FILE
printer test - /usr/bin/cp $FILE/usr/tmp/$HOST$USER
If a client system printsa job on the printer rotated, the utility enscript isinvoked to pre-processthe file $FILE. In thiscase,
the -2r option causesthe file to be printed in two-column rotated format on the default PostScript printer. If the client
requestsa list of the print queue for the printer rotated, the pcnfsd daemon translatesthisinto a request for a listing for the
printer lw.
The printer test isused only for testing. Any file sent to thisprinter iscopied into /usr/tmp. Any request to list the queue,
check the status, and so on of printer test isrejected because the al i as- f or isspecified as-.
pcnfsd detectswhen printersare added or deleted and rebuildsitslist of valid printers. To do this, it checksthe modification
time of /etc/printcap. However, it doesnot monitor the file /etc/pcnfsd.conf for updates; if you change thisfile, it isstill
necessary to kill and restart pcnfsd so the changescan take effect.
lpr(1), lprm(1), lpc(8), lpq(1)
25 June1995
plipconfigFine-tune PLIP device parameters.
plipconfig i nt er f ace
plipconfig i nt er f ace [nibble NN] [trigger NN] [unit NN]
plipconfig isused to improve PLIP performance by changing the default timing parametersused by the PLIP protocol.
Resultsare dependent on the parallel port hardware, cable, and the CPU speed of each machine on each end of the PLIP
If the single i nt er f ace argument isgiven, plipconfig displaysthe statusof the given interface only. Otherwise, it triesto set
the options.
nibble NN Setsthe nibble wait value in microseconds. Default is3000.
trigger NN Setsthe trigger wait value in microseconds. Default is500.
unit NN Setsthe number of unitsof delay. Default is1.
In some cases, PLIP speed can be improved by lowering the default values. Valuesthat are too low might cause excessuse of
CPU, poor interrupt response time resulting in serial portsdropping characters, or in dropping PLIP packets. Changing the
plip MTU can also affect PLIP speed.
None so far.
John Paul Morrison (,
1 July1994
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
pingSend ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packetsto network hosts.
/etc/ping [ -r ][-v ] host [ packet si ze ][count ]
The DARPA Internet isa large and complex aggregation of network hardware, connected together by gateways. Tracking a
single-point hardware or software failure can often be difficult. Ping utilizesthe ICMP protocolsmandatory ECHO_REQUEST
datagram to elicit an ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE from a host or gateway. ECHO_REQUEST datagrams(pings) have an IP and ICMP
header, followed by a struct timeval and then an arbitrary number of pad bytesused to fill out the packet. Default
datagram length is64 bytes, but thismay be changed using the command-line option. Other optionsare
-r Bypassthe normal routing tablesand send directly to a host on an attached network. If
the host isnot on a directly attached network, an error isreturned. Thisoption can be
used to ping a local host through an interface that hasno route through it (for example,
after the interface wasdropped by routed(8C)).
-v Verbose output. ICMP packetsother than ECHO_RESPONSE that are received are listed.
When using ping for fault isolation, it should first be run on the local host to verify that the local network interface isup and
running. Then, hostsand gatewaysfurther away should be pinged. Ping sendsone datagram per second and printsone line
of output for every ECHO_RESPONSE returned. No output isproduced if there isno response. If an optional count isgiven, only
that number of requestsissent. Round-trip timesand packet-lossstatisticsare computed. When all responseshave been
received or the program timesout (with a count specified), or if the program isterminated with a SIGINT, a brief summary is
Thisprogram isintended for use in network testing, measurement, and management. It should be used primarily for manual
fault isolation. Because of the load it could impose on the network, it isunwise to use ping during normal operationsor from
automated scripts.
Mike Muuss
netstat(1), ifconfig(8)
19 September 1988
portmapDARPA port to RPC program number mapper.
portmap [-d]
portmap isa server that convertsRPC program numbersinto DARPA protocol port numbers. It must be running in order to
make RPC calls.
When an RPC server isstarted, it tellsportmap what port number it islistening to and what RPC program numbersit is
prepared to serve. When a client wantsto make an RPC call to a given program number, it first contactsportmap on the
server machine to determine the port number where RPC packetsshould be sent.
portmap must be started before any RPC serversare invoked.
Usually, portmap forksand dissociatesitself from the terminal like any other daemon. Portmap then logserrorsusing
Option available:
-d (debug) preventsportmap from running asa daemon and causeserrorsand debugging information to be printed to the
standard error output.
inetd.conf(5), rpcinfo(8), inetd(8)
If portmap crashes, all serversmust be restarted.
The portmap command appeared in BSD 4.3.
BSD 4.3, 16 March 1991
powerdMonitor a serial line connected to a UPS.
/etc/powerd ser i al - devi ce
powerd isa daemon processthat sitsin the background and monitorsthe state of the DCD line of the serial device. It is
meant that thisline isconnected to a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) so that it knowsabout the state of the UPS. As
soon aspowerd sensesthat the power isfailing (it seesthat DCD goeslow) it notifiesinit(8) and init executesthe powerwait
and powerfail entries. If powerd sensesthat the power hasbeen restored, it notifiesinit again and init executesthe
powerokwait entries.
ser i al - devi ce Some serial port that isnot being used by some other device and doesnot
share an interrupt with any other serial port.
powerd regularly checksthe DSR line to see if itshigh. DSR should be directly connected to DTR and powerd keepsthat line
high, so if DSR islow, something iswrong with the connection. powerd notifiesyou about thisfact every two minutes. When
it seesthat the connection isrestored, it will say so.
Itspretty simple to connect your UPS to the Linux machine. The stepsare easy:
1. Make sure you have an UPS with a simple relaisoutput: it should close itsconnections(make) if the power isgone, and
it should open itsconnections(break) if the power isgood.
2. Buy a serial plug. Connect the DTR line to the DSR line directly. Connect the DTR line and the DCD line with a 10
kilo ohm resistor. Connect the relais-output of the UPS to GROUND and the DCD line. If you dont know what pins
DSR, DTR, DCD and GROUND are, you can alwaysask at the store where you bought the plug.
3. Youre all set.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Well, itsnot a real bug but powerd should be able to do a broadcast or something on the Ethernet in case more Linux-boxes
are connected to the same UPSand only one of them isconnected to the UPSstatusline.
shutdown(8), init(8), inittab(5)
Miquel van Smoorenburg (
14 February1994
pppdPoint-to-Point Protocol daemon.
pppd [ t t y_name ][speed ][opt i ons ]
The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) providesa method for transmitting datagramsover serial point-to-point links. PPP is
composed of three parts: a method for encapsulating datagramsover serial links, an extensible Link Control Protocol (LCP),
and a family of Network Control Protocols(NCP) for establishing and configuring different network-layer protocols.
The encapsulation scheme isprovided by driver code in the kernel. pppd providesthe basic LCP, authentication support, and
an NCP for establishing and configuring the Internet Protocol (IP) (called the IP Control Protocol, IPCP).
t t y_name Communicate over the named device. The string /dev/ isprepended if necessary. If no
device name isgiven, or if the name of the controlling terminal isgiven, pppd usesthe
controlling terminal and doesnot fork to put itself in the background.
speed Set the baud rate to speed (a decimal number). On systemssuch as4.4BSD and
NetBSD, any speed can be specified. Other systems(such asSunOS) allow only a
limited set of speeds.
asyncmap map Set the async character map to map. Thismap describeswhich control characterscannot
be successfully received over the serial line. pppd asksthe peer to send these charactersas
a 2-byte escape sequence. The argument isa 32-bit hex number with each bit represent-
ing a character to escape. Bit 0 (00000001) representsthe character 0x00; bit 31 (80000000)
representsthe character 0x1f or . If multiple asyncmap optionsare given, the valuesare
ORed together. If no asyncmap option isgiven, no async character map isnegotiated for
the receive direction; the peer should then escape all control characters.
auth Require the peer to authenticate itself before allowing network packetsto be sent or
connect p Use the executable or shell command specified by p to set up the serial line. Thisscript
typically usesthe chat(8) program to dial the modem and start the remote PPP session.
crtscts Use hardware flow control (that is, RTS/CTS) to control the flow of data on the serial
port. If neither the crtscts nor the -crtscts option isgiven, the hardware flow control
setting for the serial port isleft unchanged.
defaultroute Add a default route to the system routing tables, using the peer asthe gateway, when
IPCP negotiation issuccessfully completed. Thisentry isremoved when the PPP
connection isbroken.
disconnect p Run the executable or shell command specified by p after pppd hasterminated the link.
Thisscript could, for example, issue commandsto the modem to cause it to hang up if
hardware modem control signalswere not available.
escape xx ,yy,... Specifiesthat certain charactersshould be escaped on transmission (regardlessof whether
the peer requeststhem to be escaped with itsasync control character map). The
charactersto be escaped are specified asa list of hex numbersseparated by commas.
Note that almost any character can be specified for the escape option, unlike the
asyncmap option, which only allowscontrol charactersto be specified. The characters
that cannot be escaped are those with hex values0x20 - 0x3f or 0x5e.
file f Read optionsfrom file f (the format isdescribed later).
lock Specifiesthat pppd should create a UUCP-style lock file for the serial device to ensure
exclusive accessto the device.
mru n Set the MRU (Maximum Receive Unit) value to n for negotiation. pppd asksthe peer to
send packetsof no more than n bytes. The minimum MRU value is128. The default
MRU value is1500. A value of 296 isrecommended for slow links(40 bytesfor TCP/IP
header plus256 bytesof data).
mtu n Set the MTU (Maximum Transmit Unit) value to n. Unlessthe peer requestsa smaller
value via MRU negotiation, pppd requeststhat the kernel networking code send data
packetsof no more than n bytesthrough the PPP network interface.
netmask n Set the interface netmask to n, a 32-bit netmask in decimal dot notation (such as If thisoption isgiven, the value specified isORed with the default
netmask. The default netmask ischosen based on the negotiated remote IP address; it is
the appropriate network mask for the classof the remote IP addressORed with the
netmasksfor any nonpoint-to-point network interfacesin the system that are on the
same network.
passive Enablesthe passive option in the LCP. With thisoption, pppd attemptsto initiate a
connection; if no reply isreceived from the peer, pppd then waitspassively for a valid
LCP packet from the peer (instead of exiting asit doeswithout thisoption).
silent With thisoption, pppd doesnot transmit LCP packetsto initiate a connection until a
valid LCP packet isreceived from the peer (asfor the passive option with ancient
versionsof pppd).
l ocal I P addr ess:r emot e I P addr ess Set the local and/or remote interface IP addresses. Either one may be
omitted. The IP addressescan be specified with a host name or in decimal
dot notation (such as150.234.56.78). The default local addressisthe
(first) IP addressof the system (unlessthe noipdefault option isgiven).
The remote addressisobtained from the peer if not specified in any
option. Thus, in simple cases, thisoption isnot required. If a local and/or
remote IP addressisspecified with thisoption, pppd doesnot accept a
different value from the peer in the IPCP negotiation, unlessthe
ipcp-accept-local and/or ipcp-accept-remote optionsare given.
-ac Disable Address/Control compression negotiation (use default, address/
control field compression disabled).
-all Dont request or allow negotiation of any optionsfor LCP and IPCP (use
default values).
-am Disable asyncmap negotiation (use the default asyncmap; that is, escape all
control characters).
-as n Same asasyncmap n.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
bsdcomp nr ,nt Request that the peer compresspacketsthat it sends, using the
BSD-Compressscheme, with a maximum code size of nr bitsand agree to
compresspacketssent to the peer with a maximum code size of nt bits. If
nt isnot specified, it defaultsto the value given for nr . Valuesin the range
9 to 15 may be used for nr and nt ; larger valuesgive better compression
but consume more kernel memory for compression dictionaries.
Alternatively, a value of 0 for nr or nt disablescompression in the
corresponding direction.
-bsdcomp Disablescompression; pppd doesnot request or agree to compresspackets
using the BSD-Compressscheme.
+chap Require the peer to authenticate itself using CHAP (Cryptographic
Handshake Authentication Protocol) authentication.
-chap Dont agree to authenticate using CHAP.
chap-interval n If thisoption isgiven, pppd rechallengesthe peer every n seconds.
chap-max-challenge n Set the maximum number of CHAP challenge transmissionsto u (default
chap-restart n Set the CHAP restart interval (retransmission timeout for challenges) to n
seconds(default is3).
-crtscts Disable hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) on the serial port. If neither
the crtscts nor the -crtscts option isgiven, the hardware flow control
setting for the serial port isleft unchanged.
-d Increase debugging level (same asthe debug option).
debug Increase debugging level (same as-d). If thisoption isgiven, pppd logsthe
contentsof all control packetssent or received in a readable form. The
packetsare logged through syslog with facility daemon and level debug.
Thisinformation can be directed to a file by setting up /etc/syslog.conf
appropriately (see syslog.conf(5)).
-defaultroute Disable the defaultroute option. The system administrator who wantsto
prevent usersfrom creating default routeswith pppd can do so by placing
thisoption in the /etc/ppp/options file.
-detach Dont fork to become a background process(otherwise, pppd will do so if
a serial device other than itscontrolling terminal isspecified).
dns-addr n Thisoption setsthe IP addressor addressesfor the Domain Name Server.
It isused by Microsoft Windowsclients. The primary DNSaddressis
specified by the first instance of the dns-addr option. The secondary is
specified by the second instance.
domain d Append the domain name d to the local hostname for authentication
purposes. For example, if gethost-name() returnsthe name porsche, but
the fully qualified domain name isporsche.Quotron.COM, you use the
domain option to set the domain name to Quotron.COM.
-ip Disable IP addressnegotiation. If thisoption isused, the remote IP
addressmust be specified with an option on the command line or in an
+ip-protocol Enable the IPCP and IP protocols. Thisisthe default condition. This
option isonly needed if the default setting is-ip-protocol.
-ip-protocol Disable the IPCP and IP protocols. Thisshould only be used if you know
you are using a client that only understandsIPX and you dont want to
confuse the client with the IPCP protocol.
+ipx-protocol Enable the IPXCP and IPX protocols. Thisisthe default condition if
your kernel supportsIPX. Thisoption isonly needed if the default setting
is-ipx-protocol. If your kernel doesnot support IPX, thisoption hasno
-ipx-protocol Disable the IPXCP and IPX protocols. Thisshould only be used if you
know you are using a client that only understandsIP and you dont want
to confuse the client with the IPXCP protocol.
ipcp-accept-local With thisoption, pppd acceptsthe peersidea of a local IP address, even if
the local IP addresswasspecified in an option.
ipcp-accept-remote With thisoption, pppd acceptsthe peersidea of its(remote) IP address,
even if the remote IP addresswasspecified in an option.
ipcp-max-configure n Set the maximum number of IPCP configure-request transmissionsto n
(default is10).
ipcp-max-failure n Set the maximum number of IPCP configure-NAKsreturned before
starting to send configure-Rejectsinstead to n (default is10).
ipcp-max-terminate n Set the maximum number of IPCP terminate-request transmissionsto n
(default is3).
ipcp-restart n Set the IPCP restart interval (retransmission timeout) to n seconds
(default is3).
ipparam st r i ng Providesan extra parameter to the ip-up and ip-down scripts. If this
option isgiven, the st r i ng supplied isgiven asthe sixth parameter to
those scripts.
ipx-network n Set the IPX network number in the IPXCP configure request frame to n.
There isno valid default. If thisoption isnot specified, the network
number isobtained from the peer. If the peer doesnot have the network
number, the IPX protocol isnot started. Thisisa hexadecimal number
and isentered without any leading sequence such as0x. It isrelated to the
ipxcp-accept-network option.
ipx-node n:m Set the IPX node numbers. The two node numbersare separated from
each other with a colon character. The first number n isthe local node
number. The second number m isthe peersnode number. Each node
number isa hexadecimal number to the maximum of ten significant
digits. The node numberson the ipx-network must be unique. There is
no valid default. If thisoption isnot specified, the node number is
obtained from the peer. Thisoption isa related to the ipxcp-accept-local
and ipxcp-accept-remote options.
ipx-router-name st r i ng Set the name of the router. Thisisa string and issent to the peer as
information data.
ipx-routing n Set the routing protocol to be received by thisoption. More than one
instance of ipx-routing may be specified. The none option (0) may be
specified asthe only instance of ipx-routing. The valuesare 0 for none, 2
for RIP/SAP, and 4 for NLSP.
ipxcp-accept-local Accept the peersNAK for the node number specified in the ipx-node
option. If a node number wasspecified and it isnonzero, the default isto
insist that the value be used. If you include thisoption, you permit the
peer to override the entry of the node number.
ipxcp-accept-network Accept the peersNAK for the network number specified in the ipx-
network option. If a network number wasspecified and it isnonzero, the
default isto insist that the value be used. If you include thisoption, you
permit the peer to override the entry of the node number.
ipxcp-accept-remote Use the peersnetwork number specified in the configure request frame.
If a node number wasspecified for the peer and thisoption wasnot
specified, the peer isforced to use the value that you specified.
ipxcp-max-configure n Set the maximum number of IPXCP configure request framesthat the
system sendsto n. The default is10.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
ipxcp-max-failure n Set the maximum number of IPXCP NAK framesthat the local system
sendsbefore it rejectsthe options. The default value is3.
ipxcp-max-terminate n Set the maximum number of IPXCP terminate request framesbefore the
local system considersthat the peer isnot listening to them. The default
value is3.
kdebug n Enable debugging code in the kernel-level PPP driver. The argument n is
a number that isthe sum of the following values: 1 to enable general
debug messages, 2 to request that the contentsof received packetsbe
printed, and 4 to request that the contentsof transmitted packetsbe
lcp-echo-failure n If thisoption isgiven, pppd presumesthe peer isdead if n LCP echo-
requestsare sent without receiving a valid LCP echo-reply. If this
happens, pppd terminatesthe connection. Use of thisoption requiresa
nonzero value for the lcp-echo-interval parameter. Thisoption can be
used to enable pppd to terminate after the physical connection hasbeen
broken (for example, the modem hashung up) in situationswhere no
hardware modem control linesare available.
lcp-echo-interval n If thisoption isgiven, pppd sendsan LCP echo-request frame to the peer
every n seconds. Under Linux, the echo-request issent when no packets
are received from the peer for n seconds. Usually, the peer should respond
to the echo-request by sending an echo-reply. Thisoption can be used
with the lcp-echo-failure option to detect that the peer isno longer
lcp-max-configure n Set the maximum number of LCP configure-request transmissionsto n
(default is10).
lcp-max-failure n Set the maximum number of LCP configure-NAKsreturned before
starting to send configure-Rejectsinstead to n (default is10).
lcp-max-terminate n Set the maximum number of LCP terminate-request transmissionsto n
(default is3).
lcp-restart n Set the LCP restart interval (retransmission timeout) to n seconds(default
local Dont use the modem control lines. With thisoption, pppd ignoresthe
state of the CD (Carrier Detect) signal from the modem and doesnot
change the state of the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal.
login Use the system password database for authenticating the peer using PAP,
and record the user in the system wtmp file.
modem Use the modem control lines. Thisoption isthe default. With this
option, pppd waitsfor the CD (Carrier Detect) signal from the modem to
be asserted when opening the serial device (unlessa connect script is
specified), and it dropsthe DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal briefly
when the connection isterminated and before executing the connect
script. On Ultrix, thisoption implieshardware flow control, asfor the
crtscts option.
-mn Disable magic number negotiation. With thisoption, pppd cannot detect
a looped-back line.
-mru Disable MRU (MaximumReceive Unit) negotiation. With thisoption,
pppd usesthe default MRU value of 1500 bytes.
name n Set the name of the local system for authentication purposesto n.
noipdefault Disablesthe default behavior when no local IP addressisspecified, which
isto determine (if possible) the local IP addressfrom the hostname. With
thisoption, the peer must supply the local IP addressduring IPCP
negotiation (unlessit specified explicitly on the command line or in an
-p Same asthe passive option.
+pap Require the peer to authenticate itself using PAP.
-pap Dont agree to authenticate using PAP.
papcrypt Indicatesthat all secretsin the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file, which are used
for checking the identity of the peer, are encrypted, and thuspppd should
not accept a password (before encryption) that isidentical to the secret
from the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file.
pap-max-authreq n Set the maximum number of PAP authenticate-request transmissionsto n
(default is10).
pap-restart n Set the PAP restart interval (retransmission timeout) to n seconds(default
pap-timeout n Set the maximum time that pppd waitsfor the peer to authenticate itself
with PAP to n seconds(0 meansno limit).
-pc Disable protocol field compression negotiation (use default, protocol field
compression disabled).
persist Do not exit after a connection isterminated; instead, try to reopen the
pred1comp Attempt to request that the peer send the local system frames, which have
been compressed by the Predictor-1 compression. The compression
protocolsmust be loaded or thisoption isignored.
-pred1comp Do not accept Predictor-1 compression, even if the peer wantsto send
thistype of compression and support hasbeen defined in the kernel.
proxyarp Add an entry to thissystemsARP (AddressResolution Protocol) table
with the IP addressof the peer and the Ethernet addressof thissystem.
-proxyarp Disable the proxyarp option. The system administrator who wantsto
prevent usersfrom creating proxy ARP entrieswith pppd can do so by
placing thisoption in the /etc/ppp/options file.
remotename n Set the assumed name of the remote system for authentication purposes
to n.
+ua p Agree to authenticate using PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) if
requested by the peer and use the data in file p for the user and password
to send to the peer. The file containsthe remote username, followed by a
newline, followed by the remote password, followed by a newline. This
option isobsolescent.
usehostname Enforce the use of the hostname asthe name of the local system for
authentication purposes(overridesthe name option).
user u Set the username to use for authenticating thismachine with the peer
using PAP to u.
-vj Disable negotiation of Van Jacobson-style TCP/IP header compression
(use default, no compression).
-vjccomp Disable the connection-ID compression option in Van Jacobson style
TCP/IP header compression. With thisoption, pppd doesnot omit the
connection-ID byte from Van Jacobson compressed TCP/IP headersor
ask the peer to do so.
vj-max-slots n Setsthe number of connection slotsto be used by the Van Jacobson
TCP/IP header compression and decompression code to n, which must be
between 2 and 16 (inclusive).
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
xonxoff Use software flow control (XON/XOFF) to control the flow of data on
the serial port. Thisoption isonly implemented on Linux systemsat
Optionscan be taken from filesaswell asthe command line. pppd readsoptionsfrom the files/etc/ppp/options and
before looking at the command line. An optionsfile isparsed into a seriesof words, delimited by whitespace. Whitespace can
be included in a word by enclosing the word in quotes(). A backslash (\) quotesthe following character. A hash (#) startsa
comment, which continuesuntil the end of the line.
pppd providessystem administratorswith sufficient accesscontrol so that PPP accessto a server machine can be provided to
legitimate userswithout fear of compromising the security of the server or the network itson. In part, thisisprovided by the
/etc/ppp/options file, where the administrator can place optionsto require authentication whenever pppd isrun, and in part
by the PAP and CHAP secretsfiles, where the administrator can restrict the set of IP addressesthat individual userscan use.
The default behavior of pppd isto agree to authenticate if requested and to not require authentication from the peer.
However, pppd doesnot agree to authenticate itself with a particular protocol if it hasno secretsthat can be used to do so.
Authentication isbased on secrets, which are selected from secretsfiles(/etc/ppp/pap-secrets for PAP,
/etc/ppp/chap-secrets for CHAP). Both secretsfileshave the same format, and both can store secretsfor several combina-
tionsof server (authenticating peer) and client (peer being authenticated). Note that pppd can be both a server and client and
that different protocolscan be used in the two directionsif desired.
A secretsfile isparsed into wordsasfor an optionsfile. A secret isspecified by a line containing at least three words, in the
order client name, server name, and secret. Any following wordson the same line are taken to be a list of acceptable IP
addressesfor that client. If there are only three wordson the line, it isassumed that any IP addressisokay; to disallow all IP
addresses, use -. If the secret startswith an @, what followsisassumed to be the name of a file from which to read the secret.
A * asthe client or server name matchesany name. When selecting a secret, pppd takesthe best matchthat is, the match
with the fewest wildcards.
A secretsfile containsboth secretsfor use in authenticating other hostsand secretsthat you use for authenticating yourself to
others. Which secret to use ischosen based on the namesof the host (the local name) and itspeer (the remote name). The
local name isset asfollows:
If the usehostname option isgiven, The local name isthe hostname of thismachine (with the domain
appended, if given).
If the name option isgiven Use the argument of the first name option seen.
If the local IP addressisspecified with a Use that name. Otherwise, use the hostname of thismachine (with the
hostname domain appended, if given).
When authenticating yourself using PAP, there isalso a username, which isthe local name by default, but can be set with the
user option or the +ua option.
The remote name isset asfollows:
If the remotename option isgiven Use the argument of the last remote-name option seen.
If the remote IP addressisspecified with a Use that host name. Otherwise, the remote name isthe null
hostname string .
Secretsare selected from the PAP secretsfile asfollows:
I For authenticating the peer, look for a secret with client == username specified in the PAP authenticate-request and
server == local name.
I For authenticating yourself to the peer, look for a secret with client == your username and server == remote name.
When authenticating the peer with PAP, a secret of matchesany password supplied by the peer. If the password doesnt
match the secret, the password isencrypted using crypt( ) and checked against the secret again; thussecretsfor authenticat-
ing the peer can be stored in encrypted form. If the papcrypt option isgiven, the first (unencrypted) comparison isomitted
for better security.
If the login option wasspecified, the username and password are also checked against the system password database. Thus,
the system administrator can set up the pap-secrets file to allow PPP accessonly to certain usersand to restrict the set of IP
addressesthat each user can use. Typically, when using the login option, the secret in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets is to avoid the
need to have the same secret in two places.
Secretsare selected from the CHAP secretsfile asfollows:
I For authenticating the peer, look for a secret with client == name specified in the CHAP-Response message and server
== local name.
I For authenticating yourself to the peer, look for a secret with client == local name and server == name specified in the
CHAP-Challenge message.
Authentication must be satisfactorily completed before IPCP (or any other Network Control Protocol) can be started. If
authentication fails, pppd terminatesthe link (by closing LCP). If IPCP negotiatesan unacceptable IP addressfor the remote
host, IPCP isclosed. IP packetscan only be sent or received when IPCP isopen.
In some cases, it isdesirable to allow some hoststhat cant authenticate themselvesto connect and use one of a restricted set
of IP addresses, even when the local host generally requiresauthentication. If the peer refusesto authenticate itself when
requested, pppd takesthat asequivalent to authenticating with PAP using the empty string for the username and password.
Thus, by adding a line to the pap-secrets file, which specifiesthe empty string for the client and password, it ispossible to
allow restricted accessto hoststhat refuse to authenticate themselves.
When IPCP negotiation iscompleted successfully, pppd informsthe kernel of the local and remote IP addressesfor the PPP
interface. Thisissufficient to create a host route to the remote end of the link, which enablesthe peersto exchange IP
packets. Communication with other machinesgenerally requiresfurther modification to routing tablesand/or ARP (Address
Resolution Protocol) tables. In some cases, thisisdone automatically through the actionsof the routed or gated daemons,
but in most cases, some further intervention isrequired.
Sometimesit isdesirable to add a default route through the remote host, asin the case of a machine whose only connection
to the Internet isthrough the PPP interface. The defaultroute option causespppd to create such a default route when IPCP
comesup and delete it when the link isterminated.
In some cases, it isdesirable to use proxy ARPfor example, on a server machine connected to a LANto allow other hosts
to communicate with the remote host. The proxyarp option causespppd to look for a network interface on the same subnet as
the remote host (an interface supporting broadcast and ARP, which isup and not a point-to-point or loopback interface). If
found, pppd createsa permanent, published ARP entry with the IP addressof the remote host and the hardware addressof
the network interface found.
In the simplest case, you can connect the serial portsof two machinesand issue a command like
pppd /dev/ttya 9600 passive
to each machine, assuming there isno getty running on the serial ports. If one machine hasa getty running, you can use
kermit or tip on the other machine to log in to the first machine and issue a command like
pppd passive
Then exit from the communicationsprogram (making sure the connection isnt dropped) and issue a command like
pppd /dev/ttya 9600
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
The processof logging in to the other machine and starting pppd can be automated by using the connect option to run chat:
pppd /dev/ttya 38400 connect chat login: username
Password: pass-word % exec pppd passive
(Note, however, that running chat like thisleavesthe password visible in the parameter list of pppd and chat.)
If your serial connection isany more complicated than a piece of wire, you might need to arrange for some control characters
to be escaped. In particular, it isoften useful to escape XON (^Q) and XOFF (^S), using asyncmap a0000. If the path
includesa telnet, you probably should escape ] aswell (asyncmap 200a0000). If the path includesan rlogin, you need to use
the escape ff option on the end that isrunning the rlogin client because many rlogin implementationsare not transparent;
they remove the sequence (0xff, 0xff, 0x73, 0x73, followed by any 8 bytes) from the stream.
Messagesare sent to the syslog daemon using the facility LOG_DAEMON. (Thiscan be overridden by recompiling pppd with the
macro LOG_PPP defined asthe desired facility.) To see the error and debug messages, you need to edit your /etc/syslog.conf
file to direct the messagesto the desired output device or file.
The debug option causesthe contentsof all control packetssent or received to be loggedthat is, all LCP, PAP, CHAP, or
IPCP packets. Thiscan be useful if the PPP negotiation doesnot succeed. If debugging isenabled at compile time, the debug
option also causesother debugging messagesto be logged.
Debugging can also be enabled or disabled by sending a SIGUSR1 to the pppd process. Thissignal actsasa toggle.
/var/run/ (BSD or Linux) Process-ID for pppd processon PPP interface unit n.
/etc/ppp/ (others)
/etc/ppp/ip-up A program or script that isexecuted when the link isavailable for sending and
receiving IP packets(that is, IPCP hascome up). It isexecuted with the
parametersi nt er f ace- name t t y- devi ce speed l ocal - I P- addr ess r emot e- I P-
and with itsstandard input, output and error streamsredirected to /dev/null.
Thisprogram or script isexecuted with the same real and effective user-ID as
pppdthat is, at least the effective user-ID and possibly the real user-ID will be
root. Thisisso that it can be used to manipulate routes, run privileged daemons
(such assend-mail), and so on. Be careful that the contentsof the /etc/ppp/ip-up
and /etc/ppp/ip-down scriptsdo not compromise your systemssecurity.
/etc/ppp/ip-down A program or script that isexecuted when the link isno longer available for
sending and receiving IP packets. Thisscript can be used for undoing the effects
of the /etc/ppp/ip-up script. It isinvoked with the same parametersasthe ip-up
script, and the same security considerationsapply because it isexecuted with the
same effective and real user-IDsaspppd.
/etc/ppp/ipx-up A program or script that isexecuted when the link isavailable for sending and
receiving IPX packets(that is, IPXCP hascome up). It isexecuted with the
parametersi nt er f ace- name t t y- devi ce speed net wor k- number l ocal - I PX- node-
addr ess r emot e- I PX- node- addr ess l ocal - I PX- r out i ng- pr ot ocol r emot e- I PX-
r out i ng- pr ot ocol l ocal - I PX- r out er - name r emot e- I PX- r out er - name i ppar am pppd-
pi d and with itsstandard input, output, and error streamsredirected to
The l ocal - I PX- r out i ng-protocol and r emot e- I PX- r out i ng- pr ot oc ol field may be
one of the following:
addr ess
NONE to indicate that there isno routing protocol. RIP to indicate that RIP/SAP
should be used. NLSP to indicate that Novell NLSP should be used. RIP NLSP to
indicate that both RIP/SAP and NLSP should be used.
Thisprogram or script isexecuted with the same real and effective user-ID as
pppdthat is, at least the effective user-ID and possibly the real user-ID will be
root. Thisisso that it can be used to manipulate routes, run privileged daemons
(such asripd), and so on. Be careful that the contentsof the /etc/ppp/ipx-up and
/etc/ppp/ipx-down scriptsdo not compromise your systemssecurity.
/etc/ppp/ipx-down A program or script that isexecuted when the link isno longer available for
sending and receiving IPX packets. Thisscript can be used for undoing the
effectsof the /etc/ppp/ipx-up script. It isinvoked with the same parametersas
the ipx-up script, and the same security considerationsapply because it is
executed with the same effective and real user-IDsaspppd.
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets Usernames, passwords, and IP addressesfor PAP authentication.
/etc/ppp/chap-secrets Names, secrets, and IP addressesfor CHAP authentication.
/etc/ppp/options System default optionsfor pppd, read before user default optionsor command-
line options.
/.ppprc User default options, read before command-line options.
/etc/ppp/options.ttyname System default optionsfor the serial port being used, read after command-line
RFC 1144 Jacobson, V. Compressing TCP/IP headersfor low-speed serial links. February
RFC 1321 Rivest, R. The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm. April 1992.
RFC 1332 McGregor, G. PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP). May 1992.
RFC 1334 Lloyd, B.; Simpson, W.A. PPP authentication protocols. 1992 October.
RFC 1548 Simpson, W.A. The PointtoPoint Protocol (PPP). December 1993.
RFC 1549 Simpson, W.A. PPP in HDLC Framing. December 1993.
The following signalshave the specified effect when sent to the pppd process:
SIGINT, SIGTERM These signalscause pppd to terminate the link (by closing LCP), restore the serial
device settings, and exit.
SIGHUP Thissignal causespppd to terminate the link, restore the serial device settings, and
close the serial device. If the persist option hasbeen specified, pppd triesto
reopen the serial device and start another connection. Otherwise, pppd exits.
SIGUSR2 Thissignal causespppd to renegotiate compression. Thiscan be useful to re-
enable compression after it hasbeen disabled asa result of a fatal decompression
error. With the BSD Compressscheme, fatal decompression errorsgenerally
indicate a bug in one or another implementation.
Drew Perkins, Brad Clements, Karl Fox, Greg Christy, Brad Parker, and Paul Mackerras(
pppstatsPrint PPP statistics.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
pppstats [ -v ][-r ][-c ][-i secs ][uni t # ]
pppstats printsPPP-related statistics.
The -v flag causespppstats to display additional statistics, such asthe number of packetstossed (that is, which the VJ TCP
header decompression code rejected).
The -r flag causespppstats to display the overall packet compression rate. The rate value isbetween 0 and 1, with 0 meaning
that the data isincompressible.
The -c flag isused to specify an alternate display mode that showspacket compression statistics: the number of packetsand
bytesuncompressed (that is, before compression or after decompression), compressed, and incompressible (packetsthat did
not shrink on compression and were transmitted uncompressed), and the recent compression rate. Thisrate reflectsthe
recent performance of the compression code rather than the overall rate the code compression wasenabled.
The -i flag isused to specify the interval between printouts. The default is5 seconds.
uni t # specifieswhich interface to use for gathering statistics.
2 May1995
prunehistoryRemove filenamesfrom Usenet history file.
prunehistory [ -f f i l ename ][-p ][i nput ]
prunehistory modifiesthe history(5) text file to remove a set of filenamesfrom it. The filenamesare removed by overwriting
them with spacesso that the size and position of any following entriesdo not change.
prunehistory readsthe named input file or standard input if no file isgiven. The input istaken asa set of lines. Blank lines
and linesstarting with a number sign (#) are ignored. All other linesshould consist of a Message-ID followed by zero or more
filenames. prunehistory usually complainsabout linesthat do not follow thisformat. If the p flag isused, then the program
silently printsany invalid lineson itsstandard output. (Blank linesand comment linesare also passed through.) Thiscan be
useful when prunehistory isused asa filter for other programssuch asreap.
The Message-ID isused asthe dbz(3) key to get an offset into the text file. If no filenamesare mentioned on the input line,
then all filenamesin the text are removed. If any filenamesare mentioned, they are converted into the history file notation. If
they appear in the line for the specified Message-ID, they are removed.
The default name of the history file is/news/lib/history; to specify a different name, use the f flag.
Because innd(8) only appendsto the text file, prunehistory doesnot need to have any interaction with it.
It isa good idea to delete purged entriesand rebuild the dbz database every so often by using a script such asthe following:
ctlinnd throttle Rebuilding history database
cd /news/lib
awk NF > 2 {
printf %s\t%s\t%s,$1,$2,$3;
for (i = 4; i <= NF; i++)
printf %s, $i;
print \n;
} <history >history.n
if makehistory r f history.n ; then
mv history.n history
mv history.n.pag history.pag
mv history.n.dir history.dir
echo Problem rebuilding history; old file not replaced
ctlinnd go Rebuilding history database
Note that thiskeepsno record of expired articles.
Written by Rich $alz ( for InterNetNews.
dbz(3), history(5), innd(8)
quotacheckScan a filesystem for disk usages.
quotacheck [-g] [-u] [-v] -a
quotacheck [-g] [-u] [-v] f i l esys ...
quotacheck performsa filesystem scan for usage of filesand directories, used by either user or group. The output isthe quota
file for the corresponding filesystem. By default, the namesfor these filesare
A user scan quota.user
A group scan
The resulting file consistsof a struct dqblk for each possible ID up to the highest existing UID or GID and containsthe
valuesfor the disk file and block usage and possibly excesstime for these values. (For definitionsof struct dqblk, see
quotacheck should be run each time the system bootsand mountsnon-valid filesystems. Thisismost likely to happen after a
system crash.
The speed of the scan decreaseswith the amount of directoriesincreasing. The time needed doubleswhen disk usage is
doubled aswell. A 100MB partition used for 94 percent isscanned in one minute; the same partition used for 50 percent is
done in 25 seconds.
-v Thisway, the program will give some useful information about what it isdoing, plus
some fancy stuff.
-d Thismeansdebug. It will result in a lot of information that can be used in debugging
the program. The output isvery verbose and the scan will not be fast.
-u Thisflag tellsthe program to scan the disk and to count the filesand directoriesused by
a certain UID. Thisisthe default action.
-g Thisflag forcesthe program to count the filesand directoriesused by a certain GID.
checkquota should only be run assuperuser. Non-privileged usersare presumably not allowed to read all the directorieson
the given filesystem.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
quota(1), quotactl(2), fstab(5), quotaon(8), quotaoff(8), edquota(8), repquota(8), fsck(8), efsck(8), e2fsck(8), xfsck(8)
Edvard Tuinder (,, Marco van Wieringen (,
21 August 1993
quotaon, quotaoff
quotaon, quotaoffTurn filesystem quotason and off.
/usr/etc/quotaon [ -vug ] f i l esyst em...
/usr/etc/quotaon [ -avug ]
/usr/etc/quotaoff [ -vug ] f i l esyst em...
/usr/etc/quotaoff [ -avug ]
quotaon announcesto the system that disk quotasshould be enabled on one or more filesystems. The filesystem quota files
must be present in the root directory of the specified filesystem and be named quota.user for user quota or for
group quota.
quotaoff announcesto the system that filesystemsspecified should have any disk quotasturned off.
-a All filesystemsin /etc/fstab marked read-write with quotaswill have their quotas
turned on. Thisisusually used at boot time to enable quotas.
-v Display a message for each filesystem where quotasare turned on.
-u Manipulate user quotas. Thisisthe default.
-g Manipulate group quotas.
-a Force all filesystemsin /etc/fstab to have their quotasdisabled.
-v Display a message for each filesystem affected.
-u Manipulate user quotas. Thisisthe default.
-g Manipulate group quotas.
quota.user User quota file at the filesystem root Group quota file at the filesystem root
/etc/fstab Default filesystems
quotactl(2), fstab(5)
8 June1993
rarpManipulate the system RARP table.
rarp [-v] [-t t ype] -a [host name]
rarp [-v] -d host name ...
rarp [-v] [-t t ype] -s host name hw_addr
rarp manipulatesthe kernelsRARP table in variousways. The primary optionsare clearing an addressmapping entry and
manually setting up one. For debugging purposes, the rarp program also allowsa complete dump of the RARP table.
-v Tell the user what isgoing on by being verbose.
-t t ype When setting or reading the RARP table, thisoptional parameter tellsrarp which class
of entriesit should check for. The default value of thisparameter isether (hardware
code 0x01 for IEEE 802.3 10MbpsEthernet). Other valuesmight include network
technologiessuch asAX.25 (ax25).
-a [host name] Showsthe entriesof the specified hosts. If the host name parameter isnot used, all entries
are displayed.
-d host name Remove the entriesof the specified host. Thiscan be used if the indicated host is
brought down, for example.
-s host name hw_addr Create an RARP addressmapping entry for host host name with hardware addressset to
hw_addr class, but for most classes, you can assume that the usual presentation can be
used. For the Ethernet class, thisis6 bytesin hexadecimal, separated by colons.
RossD. Martin (, Fred N. van Kempen (
11 June1994
rdevQuery/set image root device, swap device, RAM disk size, or video mode.
rdev [ -rsvh ] [ -o of f set ][i mage [ val ue [ of f set ]]]
rdev [ -o of f set ][i mage [ r oot _devi ce [ of f set ]]]
swapdev [ -o of f set ][i mage [ swap_devi ce [ of f set ]]]
ramsize [ -o of f set ][i mage [ si ze [ of f set ]]]
vidmode [ -o of f set ][i mage [ mode [ of f set ]]]
rootflags [ -o of f set ][i mage [ f l ags [ of f set ]]]
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
With no arguments, rdev outputsan /etc/mtab line for the current root filesystem. With no arguments, swapdev, ramsize,
vidmode, and rootflags print usage information.
In a bootable image for the Linux kernel, there are several pairsof bytesthat specify the root device, the video mode, the size
of the RAM disk, and the swap device. These pairsof bytes, by default, begin at offset 504 (decimal) in the kernel image:
498 Root flags
(500 and 502 Reserved)
504 RAM Disk Size
506 VGA Mode
508 Root Device
(510 Boot Signature)
rdev changesthese values.
Typical valuesfor the image parameter, which isa bootable Linux kernel image, are asfollows:
When using the rdev or swapdev commands, the root device or swap device parameter are asfollows:
For the ramsize command, the size parameter specifiesthe size of the RAM disk in kilobytes.
For the rootflags command, the f l ags parameter containsextra information used when mounting root. Currently, the only
effect of these flagsisto force the kernel to mount the root filesystem in read-only mode if f l ags isnonzero.
For the vidmode command, the mode parameter specifiesthe video mode:
-3 Prompt
-2 Extended VGA
-1 Normal VGA
0 Asif 0 waspressed at the prompt
1 Asif 1 waspressed at the prompt
2 Asif 2 waspressed at the prompt
n Asif n waspressed at the prompt
If the value isnot specified, the image isexamined to determine the current settings.
-s Causesrdev to act like swapdev.
-r Causesrdev to act like ramsize.
-R Causesrdev to act like rootflags.
-v Causesrdev to act like vidmode.
-h Provideshelp.
For historical reasons, there are two methodsfor specifying alternative valuesfor the offset.
The user interface iscumbersome, non-intuitive, and should probably be rewritten from scratch, allowing multiple kernel
image parametersto be changed or examined with a single command.
If LILO isused, rdev isno longer needed for setting the root device and the VGA mode because the parametersthat rdev
modifiescan be set from the LILO prompt during a boot. However, rdev isstill needed at thistime for setting the RAM disk
size. Usersare encouraged to find the LILO documentation for more information and to use LILO when booting their
Originally by Werner Almesberger ( Modified by Peter MacDonald
(pmacdona@sanjuan.UVic.CA). rootflags support added by Stephen Tweedie (
Linux 0.99, 20 November 1993
reniceAlter priority of running processes.
renice pr i or i t y [[-p] pi d ...] [[ -g] pgr p ...] [[-u] user ...]
renice altersthe scheduling priority of one or more running processes. The following who parametersare interpreted as
processIDs, processgroup IDs, or user names. reniceing a processgroup causesall processesin the processgroup to have
their scheduling priority altered. reniceing a user causesall processesowned by the user to have their scheduling priority
altered. By default, the processesto be affected are specified by their processIDs.
Optionssupported by renice:
-g Force who parametersto be interpreted asprocessgroup IDs.
-u Force the who parametersto be interpreted asusernames.
-p Reset the who interpretation to be (the default) processIDs.
The following example changesthe priority of processIDs987 and 32 and all processesowned by usersdaemon and root:
renice +1 987 -u daemon root -p 32
Usersother than the superuser can only alter the priority of processesthey own and can only monotonically increase their
nice value within the range 0 to PRIO_MAX (20). (Thispreventsoverriding administrative fiats.) The superuser can alter the
priority of any processand set the priority to any value in the range PRIO_MIN (20) to PRIO_MAX. Useful prioritiesare: 20 (the
affected processesrun only when nothing else in the system wantsto), 0 (the base scheduling priority), and anything
negative (to make thingsgo very fast).
/etc/passwd to map usernamesto user IDs
getpriority(2), setpriority(2)
Non-superuserscannot increase scheduling prioritiesof their own processes, even if they were the onesthat decreased the
prioritiesin the first place.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
The renice command appeared in BSD 4.0.
BSD 4, 9 June1993
repquotaSummarize quotasfor a filesystem.
/usr/etc/repquota [ -vug ] f i l esyst em...
/usr/etc/repquota [ -avug ]
repquota printsa summary of the disk usage and quotasfor the specified filesystems. For each user, the current number of
filesand amount of space (in kilobytes) isprinted, along with any quotascreated with edquota(8).
-a Report on all filesystemsindicated in /etc/fstab to be read-write with quotas.
-v Report all quotaseven if there isno usage.
-g Report quotasfor groups.
-u Report quotasfor users. Thisisthe default.
Only the superuser can view quotasthat are not their own.
quotas Quota file at the filesystem root
/etc/fstab Default filesystems
quota(1), quotactl(2), edquota(8), quotacheck(8), quotaon(8)
8 June1993
rexecdRemote execution server.
rexecd isthe server for the rexec(3) routine. The server providesremote execution facilitieswith authentication based on
usernamesand passwords.
rexecd listensfor service requestsat the port indicated in the exec service specification; see services(5). When a service
request isreceived, the following protocol isinitiated:
1. The server readscharactersfrom the socket up to a null \0 byte. The resultant string isinterpreted asan ASCII number,
base 10.
2. If the number received in Step 1 isnonzero, it isinterpreted asthe port number of a secondary stream to be used for the
stderr. A second connection isthen created to the specified port on the clientsmachine.
3. A null-terminated username of at most 16 charactersisretrieved on the initial socket.
4. A null-terminated, unencrypted password of at most 16 charactersisretrieved on the initial socket.
5. A null-terminated command to be passed to a shell isretrieved on the initial socket. The length of the command is
limited by the upper bound on the size of the systemsargument list.
6. rexecd then validatesthe user asisdone at login time and, if the authentication wassuccessful, changesto the users
home directory and establishesthe user and group protectionsof the user. If any of these stepsfail, the connection is
aborted with a diagnostic message returned.
7. A null byte isreturned on the initial socket and the command line ispassed to the normal login shell of the user. The
shell inheritsthe network connectionsestablished by rexecd.
Except for the last one listed, all diagnostic messagesare returned on the initial socket, after which any network connections
are closed. An error isindicated by a leading byte with a value of 1 (0 isreturned in Step 7 upon successful completion of all
the stepsprior to the command execution).
username too long The name islonger than 16 characters.
password too long The password islonger than 16 characters.
command too long The command line passed exceedsthe size of the argument list (asconfigured into the
Login incorrect. No password file entry for the username existed or the wrong password wassupplied.
No remote directory. The chdir command to the home directory failed.
Try again. A fork by the server failed.
<shel l name>: ... The userslogin shell could not be started. Thismessage isreturned on the connection
associated with the stderr and isnot preceded by a flag byte.
A facility to allow all data and password exchangesto be encrypted should be present.
The rexecd command appeared in BSD 4.2.
BSD 4.2, 16 March 1991
rlogindRemote login server.
rlogind [-aln]
rlogind isthe server for the rlogin(1) program. The server providesa remote login facility with authentication based on
privileged port numbersfrom trusted hosts.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Optionssupported by rlogind:
-a Ask hostname for verification.
-l Prevent any authentication based on the users.rhosts file unlessthe user islogging in
asthe superuser.
-n Disable keep-alive messages.
rlogind listensfor service requestsat the port indicated in the login service specification; see services(5). When a service
request isreceived, the following protocol isinitiated:
1. The server checksthe clientssource port. If the port isnot in the range 512-1023, the server abortsthe connection.
2. The server checksthe clientssource addressand requeststhe corresponding hostname (see gethostbyaddr(3), hosts(5),
and named(8)). If the hostname cannot be determined, the dot-notation representation of the host addressisused. If the
hostname isin the same domain asthe server (according to the last two componentsof the domain name), or if the -a
option isgiven, the addressesfor the hostname are requested, verifying that the name and addresscorrespond. Normal
authentication isbypassed if the addressverification fails.
Once the source port and addresshave been checked, rlogind proceedswith the authentication processdescribed in rshd(8).
It then allocatesa pseudo terminal (see pty(4)) and manipulatesfile descriptorsso that the slave half of the pseudo terminal
becomesthe stdin, stdout, and stderr for a login process. The login processisan instance of the login(1) program, invoked
with the -f option if authentication hassucceeded. If automatic authentication fails, the user isprompted to log in asif on a
standard terminal line.
The parent of the login processmanipulatesthe master side of the pseudo terminal, operating asan intermediary between the
login processand the client instance of the rlogin program. In normal operation, the packet protocol described in pty(4) is
invoked to provide
Q type facilitiesand propagate interrupt signalsto the remote programs. The login processpropagates
the client terminalsbaud rate and terminal type, asfound in the environment variable, TERM; see environ(7). The screen or
window size of the terminal isrequested from the client, and window size changesfrom the client are propagated to the
pseudo terminal.
Transport-level keep-alive messagesare enabled unlessthe -n option ispresent. The use of keep-alive messagesallowssessions
to be timed out if the client crashesor becomesunreachable.
All initial diagnostic messagesare indicated by a leading byte with a value of 1, after which any network connectionsare
closed. If there are no errorsbefore login isinvoked, a null byte isreturned asin indication of success.
Try again. A fork by the server failed.
login(1), ruserok(3), rshd(8)
The authentication procedure used here assumesthe integrity of each client machine and the connecting medium. Thisis
insecure but isuseful in an open environment.
A facility to allow all data exchangesto be encrypted should be present.
A more extensible protocol should be used.
The rlogind command appeared in BSD 4.2.
BSD 4.2, 16 March 1991
routeShow/manipulate the IP routing table.
route [ -vn ]
route [ -v ] add [ -net | -host ] XXXX [gw GGGG] [metric MMMM] [netmask NNNN]
[mss NNNN] [window NNNN] [dev DDDD]
route [ -v ] del XXXX
route manipulatesthe kernelsIP routing table. Itsprimary use isto set up static routesto specific hostsor networksvia an
interface after it hasbeen configured with the ifconfig(8) program. Thisversion of route isintended solely for use with
kernel versions0.99pl14n and newer kernels.
(none) Printsout the kernel routing table, listing destination address, gateway, netmask for
route (Genmask), flags(U = Up, H = Host, G = Gateway, D = dynamic, M = Modified),
Metric (currently not supported), Ref, Use, and Iface (which device the route mapsto).
-n Same aspreviousbut showsnumerical addressesinstead of trying to determine symbolic
host names.
-v A flag for verbose (not actually used).
del XXXX Deletesthe route associated with the destination addressXXXX.
add[-net | -host ] XXXX [gw GGGG] Addsa route to the IP addressXXXX. The route isa network route if the -net modifier is
[metric MMMM] [netmask NNNN] used or XXXX isfound in /etc/networks by the getnetbyname() library function and no
[dev DDDD] -host modifier isused.
The gw GGGG argument meansthat any IP packetssent to thisaddresswill be routed
through the specified gateway. Note: The specified gateway must be reachable first. This
usually meansthat you have to set up a static route to the gateway beforehand.
The metric MMMM modifier isnot yet implemented (and with the -v option will actually
print a warning).
The netmask NNNN modifier specifiesthe netmask of the route to be added. Thisonly
makessense for a network route and when the addressXXXX actually makessense with
the specified netmask. If no netmask isgiven, route guessesit instead, so for most
normal setups, you wont need to specify a netmask.
The mss NNNN modifier specifiesthe TCP mss for the route to be added. Thisisusually
used only for fine optimization of routing setups.
The window NNNN modifier specifiesthe TCP window for the route to be added. Thisis
typically only used on AX.25 networksand with driversunable to handle back-to-back
framessuch asthe 3c501 or DE600.
The dev DDDD modifier forcesthe route to be associated with the specified device because
the kernel will otherwise try to determine the device on itsown (by checking already
existing routesand device specificationsand where the route isadded to). In most
normal networks, you wont need this.
If dev DDDD isthe last option on the command line, the word dev may be omitted
because itsthe default. Otherwise, the order of the route modifiers(metric, netmask, gw,
and dev) doesnt matter.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
route add -net Addsthe normal loopback entry, using netmask (ClassA net determined from
the destination address) and associated with the lo device (assuming thisdevice was
previously set up correctly with ifconfig(8)).
route add -net Addsa route to the network 192.56.76.x via eth0. The ClassC netmask modifier isnot
netmask dev eth0 really necessary here because 192.* isa ClassC IP address. The word dev can be omitted
route add default gw mango-gw Addsa default route (which will be used if no other route matches). All packetsusing
thisroute will be gatewayed through mango-gw. The device that will actually be used for
that route dependson how you can reach mango-gw; the static route to mango-gw will have
to be set up before.
route add ipx4 sl0 route add -net Thiscommand sequence addsthe route to the ipx4 host via the SLIP interface netmask (assuming that ipx4 isthe SLIP host) and then addsthe net to be gatewayed
gw ipx4 through that host.
route for Linux wasoriginally written by Fred N. van Kempen ( and then modified by Johannes
Stille and LinusTorvaldsfor pl15. Alan Cox added the mss and window optionsfor Linux 1.1.22.
14 June1994
routedNetwork routing daemon.
routed [-d] [-g] [-q] [-s] [-t] [l ogf i l e]
routed isinvoked at boot time to manage the network routing tables. The routing daemon usesa variant of the Xerox NS
Routing Information Protocol in maintaining up-to-date kernel routing table entries. It used a generalized protocol capable
of use with multiple addresstypesbut iscurrently used only for Internet routing within a cluster of networks.
In normal operation, routed listenson the udp(4) socket for the route(8) service (see services(5)) for routing information
packets. If the host isan internetwork router, it periodically suppliescopiesof itsrouting tablesto any directly connected
hostsand networks.
When routed isstarted, it usesthe SIOCGIFCONF ioctl(2) to find those directly connected interfacesconfigured into the system
and marked up (the software loopback interface isignored). If multiple interfacesare present, it isassumed that the host
will forward packetsbetween networks. routed then transmitsa request packet on each interface (using a broadcast packet if
the interface supportsit) and entersa loop, listening for request and response packetsfrom other hosts.
When a request packet isreceived, routed formulatesa reply based on the information maintained in itsinternal tables. The
response packet generated containsa list of known routes, each marked with a hop count metric (a count of 16, or greater,
isconsidered infinite). The metric associated with each route returned providesa metric relative to the sender.
Response packetsreceived by routed are used to update the routing tablesif one of the following conditionsissatisfied:
No routing table entry existsfor the destination network or host, and the metric indicatesthe destination isreachable
(the hop count isnot infinite).
The source host of the packet isthe same asthe router in the existing routing table entry. That is, updated information is
being received from the very internetwork router through which packetsfor the destination are being routed.
The existing entry in the routing table hasnot been updated for some time (defined to be 90 seconds) and the route isat
least ascost effective asthe current route.
The new route describesa shorter route to the destination than the one currently stored in the routing tables; the metric
of the new route iscompared against the one stored in the table to decide this.
When an update isapplied, routed recordsthe change in itsinternal tablesand updatesthe kernel routing table. The change
isreflected in the next response packet sent.
In addition to processing incoming packets, routed also periodically checksthe routing table entries. If an entry hasnot been
updated for three minutes, the entrysmetric isset to infinity and marked for deletion. Deletionsare delayed an additional
60 secondsto ensure the invalidation ispropagated throughout the local Internet.
Hostsacting asinternetwork routersgratuitously supply their routing tablesevery 30 secondsto all directly connected hosts
and networks. The response issent to the broadcast addresson netscapable of that function, to the destination addresson
point-to-point links, and to the routersown addresson other networks. The normal routing tablesare bypassed when
sending gratuitousresponses. The reception of responseson each network isused to determine that the network and
interface are functioning correctly. If no response isreceived on an interface, another route may be chosen to route around
the interface, or the route may be dropped if no alternative isavailable.
Optionssupported by routed:
-d Enable additional debugging information to be logged, such asbad packetsreceived.
-g Thisflag isused on internetwork routersto offer a route to the default destination.
Thisistypically used on a gateway to the Internet or on a gateway that usesanother
routing protocol whose routesare not reported to other local routers.
-s Supplying thisoption forcesrouted to supply routing information whether it isacting as
an internetwork router or not. Thisisthe default if multiple network interfacesare
present or if a point-to-point link isin use.
-q Thisisthe opposite of the -s option.
-t If the -t option isspecified, all packetssent or received are printed on the standard
output. In addition, routed will not divorce itself from the controlling terminal so that
interruptsfrom the keyboard will kill the process.
Any other argument supplied isinterpreted asthe name of file in which routedsactionsshould be logged. Thislog contains
information about any changesto the routing tablesand, if not tracing all packets, a history of recent messagessent and
received that are related to the changed route.
In addition to the facilitiesdescribed previously, routed supportsthe notion of distant passive and active gateways. When
routed isstarted, it readsthe file to find gatewaysthat might not be located using only information from the SIOGIFCONFioctl
(2). Gatewaysspecified in thismanner should be marked passive if they are not expected to exchange routing information,
whereasgatewaysmarked active should be willing to exchange routing information (that is, they should have a routed process
running on the machine). Routesthrough passive gatewaysare installed in the kernelsrouting tablesonce upon startup.
Such routesare not included in any routing information transmitted. Active gatewaysare treated equally to network
interfaces. Routing information isdistributed to the gateway, and if no routing information isreceived for a period of the
time, the associated route isdeleted. Gatewaysmarked external are also passive but are not placed in the kernel routing table
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
nor are they included in routing updates. The function of external entriesisto inform routed that another routing process
will install such a route and that alternate routesto that destination should not be installed. Such entriesare only required
when both routersmight learn of routesto the same destination.
The /etc/gateways iscomprised of a seriesof lines, each in the following format:
<net|host> name1 gat eway name2 metric val ue <passive|active|external>
The net or host keyword indicatesif the route isto a network or specific host.
name1 isthe name of the destination network or host. Thiscan be a symbolic name located in or known to the name server if
started after named(8) or an Internet addressspecified in dot notation; see inet(3).
name2 isthe name or addressof the gateway to which messagesshould be forwarded.
val ue isa metric indicating the hop count to the destination host or network.
One of the keywordspassive, active, or external indicatesif the gateway should be treated aspassive or active (asdescribed
previously) or whether the gateway isexternal to the scope of the routed protocol.
Internetwork routersthat are directly attached to the ARPAnet or Milnet should use the Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) to
gather routing information rather than use a static routing table of passive gateways. EGP isrequired in order to provide
routesfor local networksto the rest of the Internet system. Sitesneeding assistance with such configurationsshould contact
the Computer SystemsResearch Group at Berkeley.
/etc/gateways for distant gateways
udp(4), icmp(4), XNSrouted(8), htable(8)
Internet Transport Protocols, XSIS 028112, Xerox System Integration Standard
The kernelsrouting tablesmay not correspond to those of routed when redirectschange or add routes. routed should note
any redirectsreceived by reading the ICMP packetsreceived via a raw socket.
routed should incorporate other routing protocols, such asXerox NS, XNSrouted(8), and EGP . Using separate processesfor
each requiresconfiguration optionsto avoid redundant or competing routes.
routed should listen to intelligent interfaces, such asan IMP, to gather more information. It doesnot alwaysdetect
unidirectional failuresin network interfaces(such aswhen the output side fails).
The routed command appeared in BSD 4.2.
BSD 4.2, 16 March 1991
rpc.rusersdLogged-in usersserver.
rpc.rusersd isa server that returnsinformation about userscurrently logged in to the system.
The currently logged-in usersare queried using the rusers(1) command. The rpc.rusersd daemon isusually invoked by
rpc.rusersd usesan RPC protocol defined in /usr/include/rpcsvc.
rusers(1), who(1), w(1), inetd(8)
BSD 4.3, 7 June1993
rpc.rwalldWrite messagesto userscurrently logged in to the server.
rpc.rwalld isa server that will send a message to userscurrently logged in to the system. Thisserver invokesthe wall(1)
command to actually write the messagesto the system.
Messagesare sent to thisserver by the rwall(1) command. The rpc.rwalld daemon isusually invoked by inetd(8).
rpc.rwalld usesan RPC protocol defined in /usr/include/rpcsvc/rwall.x.
rwall(1), wall(1), inetd(8)
BSD 4.3, 7 June1993
rpcinfoReport RPC information.
rpcinfo -p [host ]
rpcinfo [-n por t num] -u host pr ogr am [ver si on]
rpcinfo [-n por t num] -t host pr ogr am [ver si on]
rpcinfo -b pr ogr am ver s i on
rpcinfo -d pr ogr am ver s i on
rpcinfo makesan RPC call to an RPC server and reportswhat it finds.
-p Probe the port mapper on host and print a list of all registered RPC programs. If host is
not specified, it defaultsto the value returned by hostname(1).
-u Make an RPC call to procedure 0 of pr ogr am on the specified host using UDP and
report whether a response wasreceived.
-t Make an RPC call to procedure 0 of pr ogr am on the specified host using TCP and report
whether a response wasreceived.
-n Use por t num asthe port number for the -t and -u optionsinstead of the port number
given by the port mapper.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
-b Make an RPC broadcast to procedure 0 of the specified pr ogr am and ver si on using UDP
and report all hoststhat respond.
-d Delete registration for the RPC service of the specified pr ogr am and ver si on. Thisoption
can be exercised only by the superuser.
The program argument can be either a name or a number. If a version isspecified, rpcinfo attemptsto call that version of the
specified program. Otherwise, rpcinfo attemptsto find all the registered version numbersfor the specified program by calling
version 0 (which ispresumed not to exist; if it doesexist, rpcinfo attemptsto obtain thisinformation by calling an extremely
high version number instead) and attemptsto call each registered version. Note that the version number isrequired for -b
and -d options.
To show all the RPC servicesregistered on the local machine, use
rpcinfo -p
To show all of the RPC servicesregistered on the machine named klaxon, use
rpcinfo -p klaxon
To show all machineson the local net that are running the Yellow Pagesservice, use
rpcinfo -b ypserv ver si on -- uniq
ver si on isthe current Yellow Pagesversion obtained from the resultsof the -p switch above.
To delete the registration for version 1 of the walld service, use
rpcinfo -d walld 1
rpc(5), portmap(8), RPC ProgrammingGuide
In releasesprior to SunOS 3.0, the Network File System (NFS) did not register itself with the port mapper; rpcinfo cannot
be used to make RPC callsto the NFS server on hostsrunning such releases.
17 December 1987
rquotad, rpc.rquotad
rquotad, rpc.rquotadRemote quota server.
rquotad isan rpc(3N) server that returnsquotasfor a user of a local filesystem that ismounted by a remote machine over the
NFS. The resultsare used by quota(1) to display user quotasfor remote filesystems. The rquotad daemon isusually started at
boot time from the script.
quotas Quota file at the filesystem root
quota(1), rpc(3N), nfs(4P), services(5) inetd(8C)
17 December 1987
rshdRemote shell server.
rshd [-alnL]
The rshd server isthe server for the rcmd(3) routine and, consequently, for the rsh(1) program. The server providesremote
execution facilitieswith authentication based on privileged port numbersfrom trusted hosts.
The rshd server listensfor service requestsat the port indicated in the cmd service specification; see services(5). When a
service request isreceived, the following protocol isinitiated:
1. The server checksthe clientssource port. If the port isnot in the range 512-1023, the server abortsthe connection.
2. The server readscharactersfrom the socket up to a null (\0) byte. The resultant string isinterpreted asan ASCII
number, base 10.
3. If the number received in Step 2 isnonzero, it isinterpreted asthe port number of a secondary stream to be used for the
stderr. A second connection isthen created to the specified port on the clientsmachine. The source port of thissecond
connection isalso in the range 512-1023.
4. The server checksthe clientssource addressand requeststhe corresponding hostname (see gethostbyaddr(3), hosts(5),
and named(8)). If the hostname cannot be determined, the dot-notation representation of the host addressisused. If the
hostname isin the same domain asthe server (according to the last two componentsof the domain name), or if the -a
option isgiven, the addressesfor the hostname are requested, verifying that the name and addresscorrespond. If address
verification fails, the connection isaborted with the message, Host address mismatch.
5. A null-terminated username of at most 16 charactersisretrieved on the initial socket. Thisusername isinterpreted as
the user identity on the clientsmachine.
6. A null-terminated username of at most 16 charactersisretrieved on the initial socket. Thisusername isinterpreted asa
user identity to use on the serversmachine.
7. A null-terminated command to be passed to a shell isretrieved on the initial socket. The length of the command is
limited by the upper bound on the size of the systemsargument list.
8. rshd then validatesthe user using ruserok(3), which usesthe file and the file found in the usershome directory. The -l
option preventsruserok(3) from doing any validation based on the users.rhosts file, unlessthe user isthe superuser.
9. A null byte isreturned on the initial socket and the command line ispassed to the normal login shell of the user. The
shell inheritsthe network connectionsestablished by rshd.
Transport-level keep-alive messagesare enabled unlessthe -n option ispresent. The use of keep-alive messagesallowssessions
to be timed out if the client crashesor becomesunreachable.
The -L option causesall successful accessesto be logged to syslogd(8) messagesand all failed accessesto be
logged asauth.notice.
Except for the last one listed, all diagnostic messagesare returned on the initial socket, after which any network connections
are closed. An error isindicated by a leading byte with a value of 1 (0 isreturned in Step 9 upon successful completion of all
the stepsprior to the execution of the login shell).
Locuser too long. The name of the user on the clientsmachine islonger than 16 characters.
Ruser too long. The name of the user on the remote machine islonger than 16 characters.
Command too long. The command line passed exceedsthe size of the argument list (asconfigured into the
Login incorrect. No password file entry for the username existed.
Remote directory. The chdir command to the home directory failed.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Permission denied. The authentication procedure described previously failed.
Cant make pipe. The pipe needed for the stderr wasnt created.
Cant fork; try again. A fork by the server failed.
<shel l name>: ... The userslogin shell could not be started. Thismessage isreturned on the connection
associated with the stderr and isnot preceded by a flag byte.
rsh(1), rcmd(3), ruserok(3)
The authentication procedure used here assumesthe integrity of each client machine and the connecting medium. Thisis
insecure but isuseful in an open environment.
A facility to allow all data exchangesto be encrypted should be present.
A more extensible protocol (such asTelnet) should be used.
BSD 4.2, 30 April 1991
rwhodSystem statusserver.
rwhod isthe server that maintainsthe database used by the rwho(1) and ruptime(1) programs. Itsoperation ispredicated on
the ability to broadcast messageson a network.
rwhod operatesasboth a producer and consumer of statusinformation. Asa producer of information, it periodically queries
the state of the system and constructsstatusmessagesthat are broadcast on a network. Asa consumer of information, it
listensfor other rwhod servers statusmessages, validating them and then recording them in a collection of fileslocated in the
The server transmitsand receivesmessagesat the port indicated in the rwho service specification; see services(5). The
messagessent and received are of the form:
struct outmp {
char out_line[8]; /* tty name */
char out_name[8]; /* user id */
long out_time; /* time on */
struct whod {
char wd_vers;
char wd_type;
char wd_fill[2];
int wd_sendtime;
int wd_recvtime;
char wd_hostname[32];
int wd_loadav[3];
int wd_boottime;
struct whoent {
struct outmp we_utmp;
int we_idle;
} wd_we[1024 / sizeof (struct whoent)];
All fieldsare converted to network byte order prior to transmission. The load averagesare ascalculated by the w(1) program
and represent load averagesover the 5-, 10-, and 15-minute intervalsprior to a serverstransmission; they are multiplied by
100 for representation in an integer. The hostname included isthat returned by the gethostname(2) system call, with any
trailing domain name omitted. The array at the end of the message containsinformation about the userslogged in to the
sending machine. Thisinformation includesthe contentsof the utmp(5) entry for each non-idle terminal line and a value
indicating the time in secondssince a character waslast received on the terminal line.
Messagesreceived by the rwho server are discarded unlessthey originated at an rwho serversport. In addition, if the hosts
name, asspecified in the message, containsany unprintable ASCII characters, the message isdiscarded. Valid messages
received by rwhod are placed in filesnamed in the directory. These filescontain only the most recent message, in the format
described previously.
Statusmessagesare generated approximately once every three minutes. rwhod performsan nlist(3) every 30 minutesto guard
against the possibility that thisfile isnot the system image currently operating.
rwho(1), ruptime(1)
There should be a way to relay statusinformation between networks. Statusinformation should be sent only upon request
rather than continuously. People often interpret the server dying or network communication failuresasa machine going
The rwhod command appeared in BSD 4.2.
BSD 4.2, 16 March 1991
sendmailSend mail over the Internet.
sendmail [f l ags] [addr ess ...]
mailq [-v]
sendmail sendsa message to one or more recipients, routing the message over whatever networksare necessary. sendmail does
internetwork forwarding asnecessary to deliver the message to the correct place.
sendmail isnot intended asa user interface routine. Other programsprovide user-friendly front ends. sendmail isused only to
deliver preformatted messages.
With no flags, sendmail readsitsstandard input up to an end-of-file or a line consisting only of a single dot and sendsa copy
of the message found there to all the addresseslisted. It determinesthe networksto use based on the syntax and contentsof
the addresses.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Local addressesare looked up in a file and aliased appropriately. Aliasing can be prevented by preceding the addresswith a
backslash. Usually, the sender isnot included in any aliasexpansions; for example, if john sendsto group and group includes
john in the expansion, then the letter will not be delivered to john.
-ba Go into ARPANET mode. All input linesmust end with a CR-LF, and all messageswill
be generated with a CR-LF at the end. Also, the From: and Sender: fieldsare examined
for the name of the sender.
-bd Run asa daemon. ThisrequiresBerkeley IPC. sendmail will fork and run in the
background, listening on socket 25 for incoming SMTP connections. Thisisusually run
from /etc/rc.
-bi Initialize the aliasdatabase.
-bm Deliver mail in the usual way (default).
-bp Print a listing of the queue.
-bs Use the SMTP protocol asdescribed in RFC 821 on standard input and output. This
flag impliesall the operationsof the -ba flag that are compatible with SMTP.
-bb Read batched SMTP (BSMTP) commandsfrom standard input.
-bt Run in addresstest mode. Thismode readsaddressesand showsthe stepsin parsing; it is
used for debugging configuration tables.
-bv Verify namesonly; do not try to collect or deliver a message. Verify mode isusually used
for validating usersor mailing lists.
-bz Create the configuration freeze file.
-C f i l e Use alternate configuration file. sendmail refusesto run asroot if an alternate configura-
tion file isspecified. The frozen configuration file isbypassed.
-d X Set debugging value to X.
-F f ul l name Set the full name of the sender.
-f name Setsthe name of the from person (the sender of the mail). -f can only be used by
trusted users(usually root, daemon, and network) or if the person you are trying to
become isthe same asthe person you are.
-h N Set the hop count to N. The hop count isincremented every time the mail isprocessed.
When it reachesa limit, the mail isreturned with an error message, the victim of an
aliasing loop. If not specified, Received: linesin the message are counted.
-n Dont do aliasing.
-o x val ue Set option x to the specified val ue. Optionsare described later in thissection.
-q t i me Processed saved messagesin the queue at given intervals. If t i me isomitted, processthe
queue once. t i me isgiven asa tagged number, with s being seconds, m being minutes, h
being hours, d being days, and w being weeks. For example, -q1h30m or -q90m both set the
time-out to 1 hour, 30 minutes. If t i me isspecified, sendmail runsin background. This
option can be used safely with -bd.
-M i dent Processthe queued message with the queue ID i dent .
-R addr Processthe queued messagesthat have the string addr in one of the recipient addresses.
-S addr Processthe queued messagesthat have the string addr in the sender address.
-r name An alternate and obsolete form of the -f flag.
-t Read message for recipients. To:, Cc:, and Bcc: linesare scanned for recipient addresses.
The Bcc: line isdeleted before transmission. Any addressesin the argument list are
suppressed; that is, they do not receive copieseven if listed in the message header.
-v Go into verbose mode. Aliasexpansionsare announced and so on.
There are also a number of processing optionsthat can be set. Usually, these will only be used by a system administrator.
Optionscan be set either on the command line using the -o flag or in the configuration file. These are described in detail in
the Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide. The optionsare
A file Use alternate aliasfile.
c On mailersthat are considered expensive to connect to, dont initiate immediate
connection. Thisrequiresqueuing.
d x Set the delivery mode to x. Delivery modesare i for interactive (synchronous) delivery,
b for background (asynchronous) delivery, and q for queue only (actual delivery isdone
the next time the queue isrun).
D Try to automatically rebuild the aliasdatabase if necessary.
e x Set error processing to mode x. Valid modesare m to mail back the error message, w to
write back the error message (or mail it back if the sender isnot logged in), p to print
the errorson the terminal (default), q to throw away error messages(only exit statusis
returned), and e to do special processing for the BerkNet. If the text of the message is
not mailed back by modesm or w and if the sender islocal to thismachine, a copy of the
message isappended to the file in the sendershome directory.
F mode The mode to use when creating temporary files.
f Save UNIXstyle From: linesat the front of messages.
g N The default group ID to use when calling mailers.
H f i l e The SMTP help file.
i Do not take dotson a line by themselvesasa message terminator.
k N Checkpoint the queue file after every N successful deliveries(default is10). Thisavoids
excessive duplicate deliverieswhen sending to long mailing listsinterrupted by system
L n The log level.
m Send also to me (the sender) if I am in an aliasexpansion.
o If set, thismessage may have old style headers. If not set, thismessage isguaranteed to
have new style headers(commasinstead of spacesbetween addresses). If set, an adaptive
algorithm isused that will correctly determine the header format in most cases.
Q queuedi r Select the directory in which to queue messages.
r t i meout The time-out on reads; if none isset, sendmail will wait forever for a mailer. Thisoption
violatesthe word (if not the intent) of the SMTP specification, so the t i meout should
probably be fairly large.
S f i l e Save statisticsin the named file.
s Alwaysinstantiate the queue file, even under circumstanceswhere it isnot strictly
necessary. Thisprovidessafety against system crashesduring delivery.
T t i me Set the time-out on undelivered messagesin the queue to the specified time. After
delivery hasfailed (for example, because of a host being down) for thisamount of time,
failed messageswill be returned to the sender. The default isthree days.
t st z, dt z Set the name of the time zone.
U user dat abase If set, a user database isconsulted to get forwarding information. You can consider this
an adjunct to the aliasing mechanism, except that the database isintended to be
distributed; aliasesare local to a particular host. Thismight not be available if your
sendmail doesnot have the USERDB option compiled in.
u N Set the default user ID for mailers.
w If not set, name server lookupswill use a query type of ANY to find typesCNAME, A, and MX
and will cause all existing recordsto be cached by the local server. If there is(or might
be) a wildcard MX in the local domain or itsparentsthat are searched, you must set this
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
option, which usesa query type of CNAME only; otherwise, it causesall fully qualified
namesto match asnamesin the local domain.
In aliases, the first character of a name can be a vertical bar to cause interpretation of the rest of the name asa command to
pipe the mail to. It might be necessary to quote the name to keep sendmail from suppressing the blanksbetween arguments.
For example, a common aliasis
msgs: |/usr/bin/msgs -s
Aliasescan also have the syntax to ask sendmail to read the named file for a list of recipients. For example, an aliassuch as
poets: :include:/usr/local/lib/poets.list
would read for the list of addressesmaking up the group.
sendmail returnsan exit statusdescribing what it did. The codesare defined in sysexits.h:
EX_OK Successful completion on all addresses.
EX_NOUSER Username not recognized.
EX_UNAVAILABLE Catchall meaning necessary resourceswere not available.
EX_SYNTAX Syntax error in address.
EX_SOFTWARE Internal software error, including bad arguments.
EX_OSERR Temporary operating system error, such ascannot fork.
EX_NOHOST Hostname not recognized.
EX_TEMPFAIL Message could not be sent immediately but wasqueued.
If invoked asnewaliases, sendmail rebuildsthe aliasdatabase. If invoked asmailq, sendmail printsthe contentsof the mail
queue. If invoked assmtpd, sendmail forksand runsasa daemon. If invoked asbsmtp, sendmail processesbatched SMTP on
standard input. If invoked asrunq, sendmail runsthrough the mail queue and makeswhat deliveriesare possible.
Except for the file /etc/ itself, the following pathnamesare all specified in /etc/ Thus, these values
are only approximations.
/etc/aliases raw data for aliasnames
/etc/aliases.dir database of aliasnames
/etc/ configuration file
/etc/sendmail.fc frozen configuration
/etc/sendmail.hf help file
/var/log/ collected statistics
/var/spool/mqueue/* temp files
binmail(1), mail(1), rmail(1), syslog(3), aliases(5), mailaddr(7), rc(8); DARPA Internet Request for CommentsRFC 819,
RFC 821, RFC 822; Sendmail: An Internetwork Mail Router, SMM and No.16, Sendmail Installation and Operation
Guide, SMM and No.7.
The sendmail command appeared in BSD 4.2.
BSD 4, 5 August 1991
setfdprmSetsuser-provided floppy disk parameters.
setfdprm [ -p ] devi ce name
setfdprm [ -p ] devi ce si ze s ect or s heads t r acks st r et ch gap r at e spec1 f mt _gap
setfdprm [ -c ] devi ce
setfdprm [ -y ] devi ce
setfdprm [ -n ] devi ce
setfdprm isa utility that can be used to load disk parametersinto the auto-detecting floppy devices, to clear old parameter
sets, and to disable or enable diagnostic messages.
Without any options, setfdprm loadsthe device (usually /dev/fd0 or /dev/fd1) with a new parameter set with the name entry
found in /etc/fdprm (usually named 360/360 and so on). These parametersstay in effect until the media ischanged.
-p devi ce name Permanently loadsa new parameter set for the specified auto-configuring floppy device
for the configuration with name in /etc/fdprm. Alternatively, the parameterscan be given
directly from the command line.
-c devi ce Clearsthe parameter set of the specified auto-configuring floppy device.
-y devi ce Enablesformat detection messagesfor the specified auto-configuring floppy device.
-n devi ce Disablesformat detection messagesfor the specified auto-configuring floppy device.
Thisdocumentation isgrossly incomplete.
Werner Almesberger (
Linux 0.99, 20 November 1993
setserialGet/set Linux serial port information.
setserial [ -abqvVW ] devi ce [ par amet er 1 [ ar g ] ] ...
setserial -g [ -abv ] devi ce1 ...
setserial isa program designed to set or report the configuration information associated with a serial port. Thisinformation
includeswhat I/O port and IRQ a particular serial port isusing, whether the break key should be interpreted asthe Secure
Attention Key, and so on.
During the normal bootup process, only COM ports1-4 are initialized, using the default I/O portsand IRQ values, as
listed. To initialize any additional serial ports, or to change the COM 1-4 portsto a nonstandard configuration, the
setserial program should be used. Typically, it iscalled from an rc.serial script, which isusually run out of /etc/rc.local.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
The device argument or argumentsspecify the serial device that should be configured or interrogated. It will usually have the
following form: /dev/cua[0-3].
If no parametersare specified, setserial printsthe port type (such as8250, 16450, 16550, 16550A), the hardware I/O port,
the hardware IRQ line, itsbaud base, and some of itsoperational flags.
If the -g option isgiven, the argumentsto setserial are interpreted asa list of devicesfor which the characteristicsof those
devicesshould be printed.
Without the -g option, the first argument to setserial isinterpreted asthe device to be modified or characteristicsto be
printed, and any additional argumentsare interpreted asparametersthat should be assigned to that serial device.
For the most part, superuser privilege isrequired to set the configuration parametersof a serial port. A few serial port
parameterscan be set by normal users, however, and these are noted asexceptionsin thismanual page.
setserial acceptsthe following options:
-a When reporting the configuration of a serial device, print all available information.
-b When reporting the configuration of a serial device, print a summary of the devices
configuration, which might be suitable for printing during the bootup processduring
the /etc/rc script.
-q Be quiet. setserial will print fewer linesof output.
-v Be verbose. setserial will print additional statusoutput.
-V Display version and exit.
-W Do wild interrupt initialization and exit.
The following parameterscan be assigned to a serial port.
All argument valuesare assumed to be in decimal unlesspreceded by 0x.
port por t _number The port option setsthe I/O port asdescribed previously.
irq i r q_number The irq option setsthe hardware IRQ asdescribed previously.
uart uar t _t ype Thisoption isused to set the UART type. The permitted typesare none, 8250, 16450,
16550, and 16550A. Because the 8250 and 16450 UARTsdo not have FIFOs, and
because the original 16550 have bugsthat make the FIFOsunusable, the FIFO will only
be used on chipsidentified as16550A UARTs. Setting the UART type to 8250, 16450,
or 16550 will enable the serial port without trying to use the FIFO. Using the UART
type none will disable the port. Some internal modemsare billed ashaving a 16550A
UART with a 1KB buffer. Thisisa lie. They do not really have a 16550A-compatible
UART; instead, what they have isa 16450-compatible UART with a 1KB receive buffer
to prevent receiver overruns. Thisisimportant because they do not have a transmit
FIFO. Hence, they are not compatible with a 16550A UART, and the autocon-
figuration processwill correctly identify them as16450s. If you attempt to override this
using the uart parameter, you see dropped charactersduring file transmissions. These
UARTsusually have other problems: The skip test parameter also often must be
autoconfig When thisparameter isgiven, setserial asksthe kernel to attempt to automatically
configure the serial port. The I/O port must be correctly set; the kernel will attempt to
determine the UART type, and if the auto_irq parameter isset, Linux will attempt to
automatically determine the IRQ. The autoconfigure parameter should be given after
the port, auto_irq, and skip_test parametershave been specified.
auto_irq During autoconfiguration, try to determine the IRQ. Thisfeature isnot guaranteed to
alwaysproduce the correct result; some hardware configurationswill fool the Linux
kernel. It isgenerally safer not to use the auto_irq feature but rather to specify the IRQ
to be used explicitly, using the irq parameter.
^auto_irq During autoconfiguration, do not try to determine the IRQ.
skip_test During autoconfiguration, skip the UART test. Some internal modemsdo not have
National Semiconductor compatible UARTsbut have cheap imitationsinstead. Some of
these cheesy imitation UARTsdo not fully support the loopback detection mode, which
isused by the kernel to make sure there really isa UART at a particular addressbefore
attempting to configure it. For certain internal modems, you will need to specify this
parameter so Linux can initialize the UART correctly.
^skip_test During autoconfiguration, do not skip the UART test.
baud_base baud_base Thisoption setsthe base baud rate, which isthe clock frequency divided by 16. Usually,
thisvalue is115200, which isalso the fastest baud rate, which the UART can support.
spd_hi Use 57.6KB when the application requests38.4KB. Thisparameter can be specified by
a non-privileged user.
spd_vhi Use 115KB when the application requests38.4KB. Thisparameter can be specified by a
non-privileged user.
spd_cust Use the custom divisor to set the speed when the application requests38.4KB. In this
case, the baud rate isthe baud_base divided by the divisor. Thisparameter can be
specified by a non-privileged user.
spd_normal Use 38.4KB when the application requests38.4KB. Thisparameter can be specified by
a non-privileged user.
divisor di vi sor Thisoption setsthe custom divisor. Thisdivisor will be used when the spd_cust option
isselected and the serial port isset to 38.4KB by the application. Thisparameter can be
specified by a non-privileged user.
sak Set the break key at the Secure Attention Key.
^sak Disable the Secure Attention Key.
fourport Configure the port asan AST Fourport card.
^fourport Disable AST Fourport configuration.
close_delay del ay Specify the amount of time, in hundredthsof a second, that DTR should remain low on
a serial line after the callout device isclosed before the blocked dial-in device raisesDTR
again. The default value of thisoption is50, or a half-second delay.
Session_lockout Lock out callout port (/dev/cuaXX) accessesacrossdifferent sessions. That is, once a
processhasopened a port, do not allow a processwith a different session ID to open
that port until the first processhasclosed it.
^session_lockout Do not lock out callout port accessesacrossdifferent sessions.
pgrp_lockout Lock out callout port (/dev/cuaXX) accessesacrossdifferent processgroups. That is, once
a processhasopened a port, do not allow a processin a different processgroup to open
that port until the first processhasclosed it.
^pgrp_lockout Do not lock out callout port accessesacrossdifferent processgroups.
hup_notify Notify a processblocked on opening a dial-in line when a processhasfinished using a
callout line (either by closing it or by the serial line being hung up) by returning EAGAIN
to the open.
The application of thisparameter isfor gettysthat are blocked on a serial portsdial-in
line. Thisallowsthe getty to reset the modem (which may have had itsconfiguration
modified by the application using the callout device) before blocking on the open again.
^hup_notify Do not notify a processblocked on opening a dial-in line when the callout device is
hung up.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
split_termios Treat the termiossettingsused by the callout device and the termiossettingsused by the
dial-in devicesasseparate.
^split_termios Use the same termiosstructure to store both the dial-in and callout ports. Thisisthe
default option.
callout_nohup If thisparticular serial port isopened asa callout device, do not hang up the tty when
carrier detect isdropped.
^callout_nohup Do not skip hanging up the tty when a serial port isopened asa callout device. Of
course, the HUPCL termiosflag must be enabled if the hangup isto occur.
It isimportant to note that setserial merely tellsthe Linux kernel where it should expect to find the I/O port and IRQ lines
of a particular serial port. It doesnot configure the hardware, the actual serial board, to use a particular I/O port. To do that,
you need to physically program the serial board, usually by setting some jumpersor by switching some DIP switches.
Thissection providessome pointersin helping you decide how you want to configure your serial ports.
The standard MS-DOS port associationsare
/dev/ttyS0 (COM1), port 0x3f8 IRQ 4
/dev/ttyS1 (COM2), port 0x2f8 IRQ 3
/dev/ttyS2 (COM3), port 0x3e8 IRQ 4
/dev/ttyS3 (COM4), port 0x2e8 IRQ 3
Due to the limitationsin the design of the AT/ISA busarchitecture, an IRQ line usually cannot be shared between two or
more serial ports. If you attempt to do this, one or both serial portswill become unreliable if you try to use both simulta-
neously. Thislimitation can be overcome by special multiport serial port boards, which are designed to share multiple serial
portsover a single IRQ line. Multiport serial cardssupported by Linux include the AST FourPort, the Accent Async board,
the Usenet Serial II board, the Bocaboard BB-1004, BB-1008, and BB-2016 boards, and the HUB-6 serial board.
The selection of an alternative IRQ line isdifficult because most of them are already used. The following table liststhe
standard MS-DOS assignmentsof available IRQ lines:
Most people find that IRQ 5 isa good choice, assuming that there isonly one parallel port active in the computer. Another
good choice isIRQ 2 (a.k.a. IRQ 9), although thisIRQ issometimesused by network cards, and very rarely will VGA cards
be configured to use IRQ 2 asa vertical retrace interrupt. If your VGA card isconfigured thisway, try to disable it so you
can reclaim that IRQ line for some other card. Itsnot necessary for Linux and most other operating systems.
The only other available IRQ linesare 3, 4, and 7, and these are probably used by the other serial and parallel ports. (If your
serial card hasa 16-bit card edge connector and supportshigher interrupt numbers, then IRQ 10, 11, 12, and 15 are also
On AT classmachines, IRQ 2 isseen asIRQ 9, and Linux will interpret it in thismanner.
IRQsother than 2 (9), 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, and 15 should not be used because they are assigned to other hardware and
cannot, in general, be changed. Here are the standard assignments:
IRQ 0 Timer channel 0
IRQ 1 Keyboard
IRQ 2 Cascade for controller 2
IRQ 3 Serial port 2
IRQ 4 Serial port 1
IRQ 5 Parallel port 2 (Reserved in PS/2)
IRQ 6 Floppy diskette
IRQ 7 Parallel port 1
IRQ 8 Real-time clock
IRQ 9 Redirected to IRQ2
IRQ 10 Reserved
IRQ 11 Reserved
IRQ 12 Reserved (Auxiliary device in PS/2)
IRQ 13 Math coprocessor
IRQ 14 Hard disk controller
IRQ 15 Reserved
Using an invalid port can lock up your machine.
tty(4), ttys(4), kernel/chr_drv/serial.c
The original version of setserial waswritten by Rick Sladkey ( and wasmodified by Michael K. Johnson
Thisversion hassince been rewritten from scratch by Theodore Tso ( on 1/1/93. Any bugsor problemsare
solely hisresponsibility.
setserial 2.10, 27 August 1994
setsidRun a program in a new session.
setsid pr ogr am [ ar g ... ]
setsid runsa program in a new session.
Rick Sladkey (
Linux 0.99, 20 November 1993
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
showmountShow mount information for an NFS server.
/usr/etc/showmount [\-adehv\][\--all\][\--directories\]
[\--exports\][\--help\] [\--version\][\host \]
showmount queriesthe mount daemon on a remote host for information about the state of the NFS server on that machine.
With no options, showmount liststhe set of clientswho are mounting from that host. The output from showmount isdesigned
to appear asthough it were processed through sort -u.
-a or --all List both the client hostname and mounted directory in host :di r format.
-d or --directories List only the directoriesmounted by some client.
-e or --exports Show the NFS serversexport list.
-h or --help Provide a short help summary.
-v or --version Report the current version number of the program.
--no-headers Suppressthe descriptive headingsfrom the output.
rpc.mountd(8), rpc.nfsd(8)
The completenessand accuracy of the information that showmount displaysvariesaccording to the NFS serversimplementa-
tion. Because showmount sortsand uniquesthe output, it isimpossible to determine from the output whether a client is
mounting the same directory more than once.
Rick Sladkey (
6 October 1993
shutdownClose down the system.
shutdown [ -h | -r ] [ -fqs ] [ now | hh: ss | +mi ns ]
reboot [ -h | -r ] [ -fqs ] [ now | hh: ss | +mi ns ]
fastboot [ -h | -r ] [ -fqs ] [ now | hh: ss | +mi ns ]
halt [ -h | -r ] [ -fqs ] [ now | hh: ss | +mi ns ]
fasthalt [ -h | -r ] [ -fqs ] [ now | hh: ss | +mi ns ]
In general, shutdown preparesthe system for a power down or reboot. An absolute or delta time can be given, and periodic
messageswill be sent to all userswarning of the shutdown.
halt isthe same asshutdown -h -q now.
fasthalt isthe same asshutdown -h -q -f now.
reboot isthe same asshutdown -r -q now.
fastboot isthe same asshutdown -r -q -f now.
The default delta time, if none isspecified, istwo minutes.
Five minutesbefore shutdown (or immediately, if shutdown islessthan five minutesaway), the /etc/nologin file iscreated
with a message stating that the system isgoing down and that loginsare no longer permitted. The login(1) program will not
allow non-superusersto log in during thisperiod. A message will be sent to all usersat thistime.
When the shutdown time arrives, shutdown notifiesall users, tellsinit(8) not to spawn more getty(8)s, writesthe shutdown
time into the /var/log/wtmp file, killsall other processeson the system, sync(2)s, unmountsall the disks, sync(2)sagain, waits
for a second, and then either terminatesor rebootsthe system.
-h Halt the system. Do not reboot. Thisoption isused when powering down the system.
-r Reboot the system.
-f Fast. When the system isrebooted, the filesystemswill not be checked. Thisisarranged
by creating /fastboot, which /etc/rc must detect (and delete).
-q Quiet. Thisusesa default broadcast message and doesnot prompt the user for one.
-s Reboot in single-user mode. Thisisarranged by creating /etc/singleboot, which
simpleinit(8) detects(and deletes).
umount(8), login(1), reboot(2), simpleinit(8), init(8)
Unlike the BSD shutdown, usersare notified of shutdown only once or twice, instead of many times, and at shorter and
shorter intervalsasapocalypse approaches.
AUTHOR Modified by
Linux 0.99, 20 November 1993
simpleinitProcesscontrol initialization.
init [ single ]
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
init isinvoked asthe last step in the Linux boot sequence. If the single option isused, or if the file /etc/singleboot exists,
then single-user mode will be entered, by starting /bin/sh. If the file /etc/securesingle exists, then the root password will be
required to start single-user mode. If the root password doesnot exist, or if /etc/passwd doesnot exist, the checking of the
password will be skipped.
If the file /etc/TZ exists, then the contentsof that file will be read and used to set the TZ environment variable for each
processstarted by simpleinit. Thisfeature isonly available if itsconfigured at compile time. Itsnot usually needed.
After single-user mode isterminated, the /etc/rc file isexecuted, and the information in /etc/inittab will be used to start
While init isrunning, several signalsare trapped with special action taken. Because init hasPID 1, sending signalsto the
init processiseasy with the kill(1) command.
If init catchesa SIGHUP (hangup) signal, the /etc/inittab will be read again. If init catchesa SIGTSTP (terminal stop) signal,
no more processeswill be spawned. Thisisa toggle, which isreset if init catchesanother SIGTSTP signal.
If init catchesa SIGINT (interrupt) signal, init will sync a few timesand try to start reboot. Failing this, init will execute the
system reboot(2) call. Under Linux, it ispossible to configure the Ctrl+Alt+Del sequence to send a signal to init instead of
rebooting the system.
THE inittab FILE
Because of the number of init programsthat are appearing in the Linux community, the documentation for the
/etc/inittab file, which isusually found with the inittab(5) man page, ispresented here:
The format is
An example follows:
tty1:console:/sbin/getty 9600 tty1
tty2:console:/sbin/getty 9600 tty2
tty3:console:/sbin/getty 9600 tty3
tty4:console:/sbin/getty 9600 tty4
# tty5:console:/sbin/getty 9600 tty5
# ttyS1:dumb:/sbin/getty 9600 ttyS1
# ttyS2:dumb:/sbin/getty -m -t60 2400 ttyS2
Linesbeginning with the # character are treated ascomments. Please see documentation for the getty(8) command that you
are using because there are several of these in the Linux community at thistime.
inittab(5), ctrlaltdel(8) reboot(8), termcap(5), getty(8), agetty(8), shutdown(8)
Thisprogram iscalled simpleinit to distinguish it from the System V compatible versionsof init that are starting to appear
in the Linux community. simpleinit should be linked to, or made identical with, init for correct functionality.
Peter Orbaek (, version 1.20, with patchesfor single-user mode by Werner Almesberger.
Linux 0.99, 20 November 1993
slattachAttach a network interface to a serial line.
slattach [-v] [-p pr ot o] [-s speed] [tty]
slattach isa little program that can be used to put a normal terminal (serial) line into one of several network modes,
thusallowing you to use it for point-to-point linksto other computers.
[-v] Enable debugging output. Useful when determining why a given setup doesnt work.
[-p pr ot o] Set a specific kind of protocol to use on the line. The default isset to cslip, compressed
SLIP. Other possible valuesare slip (normal SLIP), ppp (Point-to-Point Protocol), and
kiss (AX.25 TNC protocol).
[-s speed] Set a specific line speed other than the default.
If no argumentsare given, the current terminal line (usually the login device) isused.
Otherwise, an attempt ismade to claim the indicated terminal port, lock it, and open it.
None so far.
Fred N. van Kempen (
20 September 1993
sliploginAttach a serial line network interface.
sliplogin [l ogi nname]
sliplogin isused to turn the terminal line on standard input into a serial line IP SLIP link to a remote host. To do this, the
program searchesthe file for an entry matching l ogi nname (which defaultsto the current login name if omitted). If a
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
matching entry isfound, the line isconfigured appropriately for slip (8-bit transparent I/O) and converted to slip line
discipline. Then a shell script isinvoked to initialize the slip interface with the appropriate local and remote IP address,
netmask, and so on.
The usual initialization script is/etc/slip/slip.lgin, but if particular hostsneed special initialization, the file
/etc/slip/slip.login.loginname will be executed instead if it exists. The script isinvoked with the parameters
slipunit The unit number of the slip interface assigned to thisline, such as0 for sl0.
speed The speed of the line.
args The argumentsfrom the entry, in order starting with l ogi nname.
Only the superuser can attach a network interface. The interface isautomatically detached when the other end hangsup or
the sliplogin processdies. If the kernel slip module hasbeen configured for it, all routesthrough that interface will also
disappear at the same time. If there isother processing a site wantsdone upon hangup, the file /etc/slip/slip.logout or
/etc/slip/slip.logout.loginname isexecuted if it exists. It isgiven the same argumentsasthe login script.
FORMAT OF /etc/slip.hosts
Comments(linesstarting with a #) and blank linesare ignored. Other linesmust start with a l ogi nname, but the remaining
argumentscan be whatever isappropriate for the file that will be executed for that name. Argumentsare separated by
whitespace and follow normal sh(1) quoting conventions(however, l ogi nname cannot be quoted). Usually, lineshave the
form l ogi nname l ocal - addr ess r emot e- addr es s net mask opt - ar gs. l ocal - addr ess and r emot e- addr es s are the IP hostnamesor
addressesof the local and remote endsof the slip line, and net mask isthe appropriate IP netmask. These argumentsare passed
directly to ifconfig(8). opt - ar gs are optional argumentsused to configure the line.
The normal use of sliplogin isto create a entry for each legal, remote slip site with sliplogin asthe shell for that entry,
such as
Sfoo:ikhuy6:2010:1:slip line to foo:/tmp:/usr/sbin/sliplogin.
(Our convention isto name the account used by remote host hostname asShostname.) Then an entry isadded that lookslike
Sfoo host name foo net mask
host name will be evaluated by sh to the local hostname and net mask isthe local host IP netmask.
Note that sliplogin must be setuid to root, and although itsnot a security hole, moral defectivescan use it to place terminal
linesin an unusable state or deny accessto legitimate usersof a remote slip line. To prevent this, a site can create a group, say
slip, that only the slip login accountsare put in and then make sure that /sbin/sliplogin isin group slip and mode 4550
(setuid root, only group slip can execute binary).
sliplogin logsvariousinformation to the system log daemon, syslogd(8), with a facility code of daemon. The messagesare
listed here, grouped by severity level.
Error Severity
ioctl (TCGETS): r eason A TCGETS ioctl to get the line parametersfailed.
ioctl (TCSETS): r eason A TCSETS ioctl to set the line parametersfailed.
/etc/slip.hosts: r eason The file could not be opened.
access denied for user No entry for user wasfound in /etc/slip/slip.hosts
attaching slip unit uni t f or Unit wassuccessfully attached.
l ogi nname SLI P uni t
slattach(8), syslogd(8)
The sliplogin command iscurrently in beta test.
5 August 1991
swapon, swapoff
swapon, swapoffEnable/disable devicesand filesfor paging and swapping.
/sbin/swapon a
/sbin/swapon speci al f i l e ...
/sbin/swapoff a
/sbin/swapoff speci al f i l e ...
swapon isused to specify deviceson which paging and swapping are to take place. Callsto swapon usually occur in the system
multiuser initialization file /etc/rc making all swap devicesavailable, so that the paging and swapping activity isinterleaved
acrossseveral devicesand files.
Usually, the first form isused:
-a All devicesmarked assw swap devicesin /etc/fstab are made available.
swapoff disablesswapping on the specified devicesand filesor on all swap entriesin /etc/fstab when the -a flag isgiven.
swapon(2), swapoff(2), fstab(5), init(8), mkswap(8), rc(8), mount(8)
/dev/hd[ab]? Standard paging devices
/dev/sd[ab]? Standard (SCSI) paging devices
/etc/fstab ASCII filesystem description table
The swapon command appeared in 4.0 BSD.
See the Linux mount(8) man page for a complete author list. Primary contributorsinclude Doug Quale, H.J. Lu, Rick
Sladkey, and Stephen Tweedie.
Linux 0.99, 27 November 1993
syncFlush Linux filesystem buffers.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
sync executessync(2), which flushesthe filesystem buffersto disk. sync should be called before the processor ishalted in an
unusual manner (before causing a kernel panic when debugging new kernel code). In general, the processor should be halted
using the reboot(8) or halt(8) commands, which attempt to put the system in a quiescent state before calling sync(2).
From Linus: Note that sync isonly guaranteed to schedule the dirty blocksfor writing: It can actually take a short time
before all the blocksare finally written. If you are doing the sync with the expectation of killing the machine soon after,
please take thisinto account and sleep for a few seconds. (The reboot(8) command takesthese precautions.)
sync(2), update(8), reboot(8), halt(8)
Linux 0.99, 20 November 1993
sysklogdLinux system logging utilities.
sysklogd providestwo system utilities, which provide support for system logging and kernel message trapping. Support of
both inetd and UNIX domain socketsenablesthisutility package to support both local and remote logging.
System logging isprovided by a version of syslogd derived from the stock BSD sources. Support for kernel logging is
provided by the klogd utility, which allowskernel logging to be conducted in either a stand-alone fashion or asa client of
Although the syslogd sourceshave been heavily modified, a couple of notesare in order. First of all, there hasbeen a
systematic attempt to ensure that syslogd followsstandard BSD behavior asitsdefault. The second important concept to
note isthat thisversion of syslogd interactstransparently with the version of syslog found in the standard libraries. If a
binary linked to the standard shared librariesfailsto function correctly, we want an example of the anomalousbehavior.
syslogd usesa slightly different syntax for itsconfiguration file from that of the original BSD sources. Originally, all messages
of a specific priority and above were forwarded to the log file.
For example, the following line caused all output from the daemon facilitiesto go into /usr/adm/daemons:
# Sample syslog.conf
daemon.debug /usr/adm/daemons
Under the new scheme, thisbehavior remainsthe same. The difference isthe addition of two new wildcard specifiers:
the asterisk (*) and the equalssign (=). The * specifiesthat all messagesfor the indicated facility are to be directed to the
destination. Note that thisbehavior isdegenerate with specifying a priority level of debug. Usershave indicated that the
asterisk notation ismore intuitive.
The = wildcard isused to restrict logging to the specified priority class. Thisallows, for example, routing only debug messages
to a particular logging source.
For example, the following line in syslog.conf directsdebug messagesfrom all sourcesto the /usr/adm/debug file:
# Sample syslog.conf
daemon.=debug /usr/adm/debug
Thismay take some acclimatization for those individualsused to the pure BSD behavior, but testershave indicated that this
syntax issomewhat more flexible than the BSD behavior. Note that these changesshould not affect standard syslog.conf
files. You must specifically modify the configuration filesto obtain the enhanced behavior.
These modificationsprovide network support to the syslogd facility. Network support meansthat messagescan be forwarded
from one node running syslogd to another node running syslogd where they will be actually logged to a disk file.
The strategy isto have syslogd listen on a UNIX domain socket for locally generated log messages. Thisbehavior will allow
syslogd to interoperate with the syslog found in the standard C library. At the same time, syslogd listenson the standard
syslog port for messagesforwarded from other hosts. To have thiswork correctly, the servicesfiles(typically found in
/usr/etc/inet) must have the following entry:
syslog 514/udp
To cause messagesto be forwarded to another host, replace the normal file line in the syslog.conf file with the name of the
host to which the messagesisto be sent prepended with an @.
For example, to forward all messagesto a remote host, use the following syslog.conf entry:
# Sample syslogd configuration file to
# messages to a remote host forward all.
.* @hostname
To forward all kernel messagesto a remote host, the configuration file is
# Sample configuration file to forward all kernel
# messages to a remote host.
kern.* @hostname
Thisversion of syslogd hassupport for logging output to named pipes(FIFOs). A FIFO or named pipe can be used asa
destination for log messagesby prepending a | to the name of the file. Thisishandy for debugging. Note that the FIFO must
be created with the mkfifo command before syslogd isstarted.
The following configuration file routesdebug messagesfrom the kernel to a FIFO:
# Sample configuration to route kernel debugging
# messages ONLY to /usr/adm/debug which is a
# named pipe.
kern.=debug |/usr/adm/debug
There isprobably one important consideration when installing thisversion of syslogd. Thisversion of syslogd isdependent
on proper formatting of messagesby the syslog function. The functioning of the syslog function in the shared libraries
changed somewhere in the region of[2-4].n. The specific change wasto null-terminate the message before
transmitting it to the /dev/log socket. Proper functioning of thisversion of syslogd isdependent on null-termination of the
Thisproblem will typically manifest itself if old statically linked binariesare being used on the system. Binariesusing old
versionsof the syslog function will cause empty linesto be logged, followed by the message with the first character in the
message removed. Relinking these binariesto newer versionsof the shared librarieswill correct thisproblem.
There isthe potential for the syslogd daemon to be used asa conduit for a denial of service attack. Thanksgo to John
Morrison ( for alerting me to thispotential. A rogue programmer could very easily flood the
syslogd daemon with syslog messagesresulting in the log filesconsuming all the remaining space on the filesystem.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
Activating logging over the inet domain socketswill of course expose a system to risksoutside of programsor individualson
the local machine.
Version 1.2 of the utility set will addressthisproblem. In the meantime, there are a number of methodsfor protecting a
1. Logging can be directed to an isolated or non-root filesystem, which, if filled, will not impair the machine.
2. The ext2 filesystem can be used, which can be configured to limit a certain percentage of a filesystem to usage by root
only. Note that thiswill require syslogd to be run asa non-root process. Also note that thiswill prevent usage of remote
logging because syslogd will be unable to bind to the 514/UDP socket.
3. Disabling inet domain socketswill limit risk to the local machine.
4. Use Step 3 and if the problem persistsand isnot secondary to a rogue program or daemon, get a 3.5 foot (approximately
1 meter) length of sucker rod and have a chat with the user in question. A sucker rod is3/4-, 7/8-, or 1-inch hardened
steel rod, male threaded on each end. Itsprimary use in the oil industry in Western North Dakota and other locationsis
to pump-suck oil from oil wells. Secondary usesare for the construction of cattle feed lotsand for dealing with the
occasional recalcitrant or belligerent individual.
Primarily, security concernswill be addressed in version 1.2.
Dr. Greg Wettstein (
Enjellic SystemsDevelopment
Oncology Research Division Computing Facility
Roger MarisCancer Center
Fargo, ND
Stephen Tweedie
Department of Computer Science
Edinburgh University, Scotland
Juha Virtanen
Shane Alderton
Version 1.1, 28 January1994
syslogdLog systemsmessages.
syslogd [-f conf i g_f i l e] [-m mar k_i nt er val ] [-p l og_socket ]
syslogd readsand logsmessagesto the system console, log files, and other machinesor usersasspecified by itsconfiguration
file. The optionsare asfollows:
-f Specify the pathname of an alternate configuration file; the default is/etc/syslog.conf.
-m Select the number of minutesbetween mark messages; the default is20 minutes.
-p Specify the pathname of an alternate log socket; the default is/dev/log.
syslogd readsitsconfiguration file when it startsup and whenever it receivesa hangup signal. For information on the format
of the configuration file, see syslog.conf(5).
syslogd readsmessagesfrom the UNIX domain socket /dev/log, from an Internet domain socket specified in /etc/services,
and from the special device /dev/klog (to read kernel messages).
syslogd createsthe file /var/run/ and storesitsprocessID there. Thiscan be used to kill or reconfigure syslogd.
The message sent to syslogd should consist of a single line. The message can contain a priority code, which should be a
preceding decimal number in angle braces, such as<5>. Thispriority code should map into the prioritiesdefined in the
include file <sys/syslog.h>.
/etc/syslog.conf The configuration file
/var/run/ The processID of current syslogd
/dev/log Name of the UNIX domain datagram log socket
/dev/klog The kernel log device
logger(1), syslog(3), services(5), syslog.conf(5)
The syslogd command appeared in BSD 4.3.
BSD 4.2, 16 March 1991
talkdRemote user communication server.
talkd isthe server that notifiesa user that someone else wantsto initiate a conversation. It actsa repository of invitations,
responding to requestsby clientswho want to rendezvousto hold a conversation. In normal operation, a client, the caller,
initiatesa rendezvousby sending a CTL MSG to the server of type LOOK UP (see protocols/talkd.h). Thiscausesthe server to
search itsinvitation tablesto check if an invitation currently existsfor the caller (to speak to the callee specified in the
message). If the lookup fails, the caller then sendsan ANNOUNCE message, causing the server to broadcast an announcement on
the calleeslogin portsrequesting contact. When the callee responds, the local server usesthe recorded invitation to respond
with the appropriate rendezvousaddressand the caller and callee client programsestablish a stream connection through
which the conversation takesplace.
talk(1), write(1)
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
The talkd command appeared in BSD 4.3.
BSD 4.3, 16 March 1991
telnetdDARPA Telnet protocol server.
/etc/telnetd [-debug [por t ]] [-l][-D opt i ons ][-D r epor t ]
[-D exer ci se][-D net dat a] [-D pt ydat a]
telnetd isa server that supportsthe DARPA standard Telnet virtual terminal protocol. telnetd isinvoked by the Internet
server (see inetd(8)), usually for requeststo connect to the Telnet port asindicated by the /etc/services file (see
services(5)). If desired the -debug can be used, to start up telnetd manually, instead of through inetd(8). If started up this
way, por t may be specified to run telnetd on an alternate TCP port number.
The -D option can be used for debugging purposes. ThisallowsTelnet to print debugging information to the connection,
allowing the user to see what telnetd isdoing. There are several modifiers: opt i ons printsinformation about the negotiation
of Telnet options, r epor t printsthe optionsinformation, plussome additional information about what processing isgoing
on, net dat a displaysthe data stream received by telnetd, pt ydat a displaysdata written to the pty, and exercise hasnot been
implemented yet.
telnetd operatesby allocating a pseudo-terminal device (see pty(4)) for a client) and then creating a login processthat hasthe
slave side of the pseudo-terminal asstdin, stdout, and stderr. telnetd manipulatesthe master side of the pseudo-terminal,
implementing the Telnet protocol and passing charactersbetween the remote client and the login process.
When a Telnet session isstarted, telnetd sendsTelnet optionsto the client side, indicating a willingnessto do a remote echo
of characters, to suppress go ahead, to do remote flow control, and to receive terminal type information, terminal speed
information, and window size information from the remote client. If the remote client iswilling, the remote terminal type is
propagated in the environment of the created login process. The pseudo-terminal allocated to the client isconfigured to
operate in cooked mode and with XTABS and CRMOD enabled (see tty(4)).
telnetd iswilling to do echo, binary, suppress go ahead, and timing mark. telnetd iswilling to have the remote client
do linemode, binary, terminal type, terminal speed, window size, toggle flow control, environment, X display location, and
suppress go ahead.
If the file /etc/ ispresent, telnetd will show itscontentsbefore the login prompt of a Telnet session (see
Some Telnet commandsare only partially implemented.
Because of bugsin the original 4.2 BSD telnet(1), telnetd performssome dubiousprotocol exchangesto try to discover if
the remote client is, in fact, a 4.2 BSD telnet(1).
Binary mode hasno common interpretation except between similar operating systems(UNIX, in thiscase).
The terminal type name received from the remote client isconverted to lowercase. telnetd never sendsTelnet go ahead
20 April 1991
tftpdDARPA Trivial File Transfer Protocol server.
tftpd [di r ect or y ...]
tftpd isa server that supportsthe DARPA Trivial File Transfer Protocol. The TFTP server operatesat the port indicated in
the tftp service description; see services(5). The server isusually started by inetd(8).
The use of tftp(1) doesnot require an account or password on the remote system. Due to the lack of authentication
information, tftpd will allow only publicly readable filesto be accessed. Filesmay be written only if they already exist and are
publicly writable. Note that thisextendsthe concept of public to include all userson all hoststhat can be reached through
the network; thismay not be appropriate on all systems, and itsimplicationsshould be considered before enabling the tftp
service. The server should have the user ID with the lowest possible privilege.
tftp(1), inetd(8)
The tftpd command appeared in BSD 4.2.
BSD 4.2, 13 May1991
timedTime server daemon.
timed [-M] [-t] [-d] [-i net wor k] [-n net wor k ] [-F host 1 host 2 ...]
timed isa time server daemon and isusually invoked at boot time from the rc(8) file. It synchronizesthe hoststime with the
time of other machinesin a local area network running timed(8). These time serverswill slow down the clocksof some
machinesand speed up the clocksof othersto bring them to the average network time. The average network time is
computed from measurementsof clock differencesusing the ICMP timestamp request message.
The service provided by timed isbased on a master-slave scheme. When timed(8) isstarted on a machine, it asksthe master
for the network time and setsthe hostsclock to that time. After that, it acceptssynchronization messagesperiodically sent by
the master and callsadjtime(2) to perform the needed correctionson the hostsclock.
It also communicateswith date(1) to set the date globally and with timedc(8), a timed control program. If the machine
running the master crashes, then the slaveselect a new master from among slavesrunning with the -M flag. A timed running
without the -M or -F flagsremainsa slave. The -t flag enablestimed to trace the messagesit receivesin the file
/var/log/timed.log. Tracing can be turned on or off by the program timedc(8). The -d flag isfor debugging the daemon.
It causesthe program to not put itself into the background. Usually, timed checksfor a master time server on each network
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
to which it isconnected, except asmodified by the options. It requestssynchronization service from the first master server
located. If permitted by the -M flag, it providessynchronization service on any attached networkson which no current master
server isdetected. Such a server propagatesthe time computed by the top-level master. The -n flag, followed by the name of
a network that the host isconnected to (see networks(5)), overridesthe default choice of the network addressesmade by the
program. Each time the -n flag appears, that network name isadded to a list of valid networks. All other networksare
ignored. The -i flag, followed by the name of a network to which the host isconnected (see networks(5)), overridesthe
default choice of the network addressesmade by the program. Each time the -i flag appears, that network name isadded to a
list of networksto ignore. All other networksare used by the time daemon. The -n and -i flagsare meaninglessif used
timed checksfor a master time server on each network to which it isconnected, except asmodified by the -n and -i options.
If it findsmasterson more than one network, it choosesone network on which to be a slave and then periodically checks
the other networksto see if the mastersthere have disappeared.
One way to synchronize a group of machinesisto use an NTP daemon to synchronize the clock of one machine to a distant
standard or a radio receiver and -F hostname to tell itstimed daemon to trust only itself.
Messagesprinted by the kernel on the system console occur with interruptsdisabled. Thismeansthat the clock stopswhile
they are printing. A machine with many disk or network hardware problemsand consequent messagescannot keep good
time by itself. Each message typically causesthe clock to lose a dozen milliseconds. A time daemon can correct the result.
Messagesin the system log about machinesthat failed to respond usually indicate machinesthat crashed or were turned off.
Complaintsabout machinesthat failed to respond to initial time settingsare often associated with multi-homed machines
that looked for time masterson more than one network and eventually chose to become a slave on the other network.
If two or more time daemons, whether timed, NTP, try to adjust the same clock, temporal chaoswill result. If both thisand
another time daemon are run on the same machine, ensure that the -F flag isused, so that timed never attemptsto adjust the
local clock.
The protocol isbased on UDP/IP broadcasts. All machineswithin the range of a broadcast that are using the TSP protocol
must cooperate. There cannot be more than a single administrative domain using the -F flag among all machinesreached by
a broadcast packet. Failure to follow thisrule isusually indicated by complaintsconcerning untrusted machinesin the
system log.
/var/log/timed.log tracing file for timed
/var/log/timed.masterlog log file for master timed
date(1), adjtime(2), gettimeofday(2), icmp(4), timedc(8), TSP: The Time Synchronization Protocol for UNIX 4.3 BSD,
R. Gusella, S. Zatti.
The timed daemon appeared in BSD 4.3.
BSD 4.3, 11 May1993
timedcTimed control program.
timedc [command] [ar gument ...]
timedc isused to control the operation of the timed(8) program. It may be used to
Measure the differencesbetween machines clocks
Find the location where the master time server isrunning
Enable or disable tracing of messagesreceived by timed
Perform variousdebugging actions
Without any arguments, timedc will prompt for commandsfrom the standard input. If argumentsare supplied, timedc
interpretsthe first argument asa command and the remaining argumentsasparametersto the command. The standard input
may be redirected, causing timedc to read commandsfrom a file. Commandsmay be abbreviated; recognized commandsare
? [command ...]
help [command ...] Print a short description of each command specified in the argument list or, if no
argumentsare given, a list of the recognized commands.
clockdiff host ... Compute the differencesbetween the clock of the host machine and the clocksof the
machinesgiven asarguments.
msite [host ...] Show the master time server for specified hosts.
trace {on | off} Enable or disable the tracing of incoming messagesto timed in the file.
election host Asksthe daemon on the target host to reset itselection timersand to ensure that a
time master hasbeen elected.
quit Exit from timedc
Other commandsmay be included for use in testing and debugging timed; the help command and the program source may
be consulted for details.
/var/log/timed.log tracing file for timed
/var/log/timed.masterlog log file for master timed
date(1), adjtime(2), icmp(4), timed(8), TSP: The Time Synchronization Protocol for UNIX 4.3 BSD, R. Gusella, S. Zatti.
?Ambiguous command Abbreviation matchesmore than one command
?Invalid command No match found
?Privileged command Command can be executed by root only
The timedc command appeared in BSD 4.3.
BSD 4.3, 11 May1993
traceroutePrint the route that packetstake to the network host.
traceroute [-m max_t t l ] [-n] [-p por t ] [-q nquer i es ]
[-r] [-s sr c_addr ] [-t t os] [-w wai t t i me] host [packet si ze]
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
The Internet isa large and complex aggregation of network hardware, connected together by gateways. Tracking the route
onespacketsfollow (or finding the miscreant gateway thatsdiscarding your packets) can be difficult. traceroute utilizesthe
IP protocol time-to-live field and attemptsto elicit an ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED response from each gateway along the path to
some host.
The only mandatory parameter isthe destination hostname or IP number. The default probe datagram length is38 bytes,
but thiscan be increased by specifying a packet size (in bytes) after the destination hostname.
Other optionsare
-m maxt t l Set the max time-to-live (max number of hops) used in outgoing probe packets. The
default is30 hops(the same default used for TCP connections).
-n Print hop addressesnumerically rather than symbolically and numerically (savesa
nameserver address-to-name lookup for each gateway found on the path).
-p por t Set the base UDP port number used in probes(default is33434). traceroute hopesthat
nothing islistening on UDP portsbase to base + nhops-1 at the destination host (so an
ICMP PORT_UNREACHABLE message will be returned to terminate the route tracing). If
something islistening on a port in the default range, thisoption can be used to pick an
unused port range.
-q nquer i es Set the number of probesper ttl to nquer i es (default isthree probes).
-r Bypassthe normal routing tablesand send directly to a host on an attached network. If
the host isnot on a directly attached network, an error isreturned. Thisoption can be
used to ping a local host through an interface that hasno route through it (for example,
after the interface wasdropped by routed(8)).
-s sr c_addr Use the following IP address(which must be given asan IP number, not a hostname) as
the source addressin outgoing probe packets. On hostswith more than one IP address,
thisoption can be used to force the source addressto be something other than the IP
addressof the interface the probe packet issent on. If the IP addressisnot one of this
machinesinterface addresses, an error isreturned and nothing issent.
-t t os Set the type-of-service in probe packetsto the following value (default zero). The value
must be a decimal integer in the range 0 to 255. Thisoption can be used to see if
different typesof service result in different paths. (If you are not running a BSD 4.3
tahoe or later system, thismay be academic because the normal network servicessuch as
Telnet and FTP dont let you control the TOS). Not all valuesof TOS are legal or
meaningful; see the IP spec for definitions. Useful valuesare probably (low delay) and
(high throughput).
-v Verbose output. Received ICMP packetsother than TIME_EXCEEDED and UNREACHABLEsare
-w Set the time (in seconds) to wait for a response to a probe (default is3 seconds).
Thisprogram attemptsto trace the route an IP packet would follow to some Internet host by launching UDP probe packets
with a small ttl (time to live) and then listening for an ICMP time exceeded reply from a gateway. We start our probes
with a ttl of one and increase by one until we get an ICMP port unreachable (which meanswe got to host) or hit a max
(which defaultsto 30 hopsand can be changed with the -m flag). Three probes(changed with the -q flag) are sent at each ttl
setting and a line isprinted showing the ttl, addressof the gateway, and round-trip time of each probe. If the probe answers
come from different gateways, the addressof each responding system will be printed. If there isno response within a three
second time-out interval (changed with the -w flag), a * isprinted for that probe.
We dont want the destination host to processthe UDP probe packets, so the destination port isset to an unlikely value (if
some clod on the destination isusing that value, it can be changed with the -p flag).
A sample use and output might be
[yak 71]% traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max,
56 byte packet
1 ( 19 ms 19 ms 0 ms
2 lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 39 ms 19 ms
3 lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 39 ms 19 ms
4 ccngw-ner-cc.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 40 ms 39 ms
5 ccn-nerif22.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 39 ms 39 ms
6 ( 40 ms 59 ms 59 ms
7 ( 59 ms 59 ms 59 ms
8 ( 99 ms 99 ms 80 ms
9 ( 139 ms 239 ms 319 ms
10 ( 220 ms 199 ms 199 ms
11 ( 239 ms 239 ms 239 ms
Note that Lines2 and 3 are the same. Thisisdue to a buggy kernel on the second hop systemlbl-csam.arpathat
forwardspacketswith a zero ttl (a bug in the distributed version of 4.3 BSD). Note that you have to guesswhat path the
packetsare taking cross-country because the NSFNet (129.140) doesnt supply address-to-name translationsfor itsNSSs.
A more interesting example is
[yak 72]% traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max
1 ( 0 ms 0 ms 0 ms
2 lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU ( 19 ms 19 ms 19 ms
3 lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 19 ms 19 ms
4 ccngw-ner-cc.Berkeley.EDU ( 19 ms 39 ms 39 ms
5 ccn-nerif22.Berkeley.EDU ( 20 ms 39 ms 39 ms
6 ( 59 ms 119 ms 39 ms
7 ( 59 ms 59 ms 39 ms
8 ( 80 ms 79 ms 99 ms
9 ( 139 ms 139 ms 159 ms
10 ( 199 ms 180 ms 300 ms
11 ( 300 ms 239 ms 239 ms
12 * * *
13 ( 259 ms 499 ms 279 ms
14 * * *
15 * * *
16 * * *
17 * * *
18 ALLSPICE.LCS.MIT.EDU ( 339 ms 279 ms 279 ms
Note that the gateways12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 hop away. Either dont send ICMP time exceeded messagesor send them
with a ttl too small to reach us. Lines1417 are running the MIT C Gateway code that doesnt send time exceededs. God
only knowswhatsgoing on with 12.
The silent gateway 12 may be the result of a bug in the 4.[23] BSD network code (and itsderivatives): 4.x (x <= 3) sendsan
unreachable message using whatever ttl remainsin the original datagram. Because for gatewaysthe remaining ttl iszero, the
ICMP time exceeded isguaranteed to not make it back to us. The behavior of thisbug isslightly more interesting when it
appearson the destination system:
1 ( 0 ms 0 ms 0 ms
2 lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 19 ms 39 ms
3 lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU ( 19 ms 39 ms 19 ms
4 ccngw-ner-cc.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 40 ms 19 ms
5 ccn-nerif35.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 39 ms 39 ms
6 csgw.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 59 ms 39 ms
7 ***
8 ***
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
9 ***
10 * * *
11 * * *
12 * * *
13 rip.Berkeley.EDU ( 59 ms ! 39 ms ! 39 ms
Notice that there are 12 gateways (13 isthe final destination) and exactly the last half of them are missing. Whatsreally
happening isthat rip (a Sun-3 running Sun OS3.5) isusing the ttl from our arriving datagram asthe ttl in itsICMP reply.
The reply will time out on the return path (with no notice sent to anyone because ICMPsarent sent for ICMPs) until we
probe with a ttl thatsat least twice the path length. That is, rip isreally only seven hopsaway. A reply that returnswith a
ttl of 1 isa clue thisproblem exists. traceroute printsa ! after the time if the ttl islessthan or equal to 1. Because vendors
ship a lot of obsolete (DEC Ultrix, Sun 3.x) or non-standard HPUX software, expect to see thisproblem frequently or take
care picking the target host of your probes. Other possible annotationsafter the time are !H, !N, !P (got a host, network, or
protocol unreachable), !S, or !F (source route failed or fragmentation neededneither of these should ever occur and the
associated gateway isbusted if you see one). If almost all the probesresult in some kind of unreachable, traceroute will give
up and exit.
Thisprogram isintended for use in network testing, measurement, and management. It should be used primarily for manual
fault isolation. Because of the load it could impose on the network, it isunwise to use traceroute during normal operations
or from automated scripts.
Implemented by Van Jacobson from a suggestion by Steve Deering. Debugged by a cast of thousandswith particularly
cogent suggestionsor fixesfrom C. Philip Wood, Tim Seaver, and Ken Adelman.
netstat(1), ping(8)
BSD 4.3, 6 June1993
tune2fsAdjust tunable filesystem parameterson second extended filesystems.
tune2fs [ -l ][-c max- mount - count s ][-e er r or s- behavi or ]
[-i i nt er val - bet ween- checks ][ -m r eser ved- bl oc ks- per cent age ]
[-r r eser ved- bl oc ks- count ][-u user ][-g gr oup ]device
tune2fs adjuststunable filesystem parameterson a Linux second extended filesystem.
Never use tune2fs on a read/write mounted filesystem to change parameters!
-c max- mount - count s Adjust the maximal mountscount between two filesystem checks.
-e er r or s- behavi or Change the behavior of the kernel code when errorsare detected. er r or s- behavi or can
be one of the following:
continue Continue normal execution.
remount-ro Remount the filesystem read-only.
panic Causesa kernel panic.
-g gr oup Set the user group that can benefit from the reserved blocks. gr oup can be a numerical
GID or a group name.
-i i nt er val - bet ween- checks[d|m|w] Adjust the maximal time between two filesystem checks. No postfix or d resultsin days,
m in months, and w in weeks. A value of 0 will disable the time-dependent checking.
-l List the contentsof the filesystem superblock.
-m r eser ved- bl oc ks- per cent age Adjust the reserved blockspercentage on the given device.
-r r eser ved- bl oc ks- count Adjust the reserved blockscount on the given device.
-u user Set the user who can benefit from the reserved blocks. user can be a numerical UID or a
We didnt find any bugs. Perhapsthere are bugs, but itsunlikely.
Use thisutility at your own risk. Youre modifying filesystems.
tune2fs waswritten by Remy Card (, the developer and maintainer of the ext2 filesystem. tune2fs
usesthe ext2fs library written by Theodore Tso ( Thismanual page waswritten by Christian Kuhtz
(chk@data-hh.Hanse.DE). Time-dependent checking wasadded by Uwe Ohse (
tune2fs isavailable for anonymousFTP from and in /pub/linux/packages/ext2fs.
dumpe2fs(8), e2fsck(8), mke2fs(8)
Version 0.5b, November 1994
tunelpSet variousparametersfor the lp device.
tunelp devi ce [-i I RQ | -t TI ME | -c CHARS
| -w WAI T | -a [on|off] | -o [on|off] | -C [on|off]
| -r | -s | -q [on|off] ]
tunelp setsseveral parametersfor the /dev/lp? devices, for better performance (or for any performance at all, if your printer
wont work without it). Without parameters, tunelp tellswhether the device isusing interrupts, and if so, which one.
With parameters, tunelp setsthe device characteristicsaccordingly. The parametersare asfollows:
-i <I RQ> The IRQ to use for the parallel port in question. If thisisset to something nonzero, -t
and -c have no effect. If your port doesnot use interrupts, thisoption will make
printing stop. tunelp -i 0 restoresnon-interrupt driven (polling) action, and your
printer should work again. If your parallel port doessupport interrupts, interrupt-driven
printing should be somewhat faster and efficient and will probably be desirable.
-t <TI ME> The amount of time in jiffiesthat the driver waitsif the printer doesnt take a character
for the number of triesdictated by the -c parameter. 10 isthe default value. If you want
the fastest possible printing and dont care about system load, you can set thisto 0. If
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
you dont care how fast your printer goesor are printing text on a slow printer with a
buffer, then 500 (5 seconds) should be fine and will give you very low system load. This
value generally should be lower for printing graphicsthan text, by a factor of approxi-
mately 10, for best performance.
-c <CHARS> The number of timesto try to output a character to the printer before sleeping for
-t <TI ME>. It isthe number of timesaround a loop that triesto send a character to the
printer. 120 appearsto be a good value for most printers. 250 isthe default because there
are some printersthat require a wait thislong, but feel free to change this. If you have a
very fast printer like an HP Laserjet 4, a value of 10 might make more sense. If you have
a really old printer, you can increase this.
Setting -t <TI ME> to 0 isequivalent to setting -c <CHARS> to infinity.
-w <WAI T> The busy loop counter for the strobe signal. Although most printersappear to be able to
deal with an extremely short strobe, some printersdemand a longer one. Increasing this
from the default 0 might make it possible to print with those printers. Thiscan also
make it possible to use longer cables.
-a [on|off] Thisiswhether to abort on printer error; the default isnot to. If you are sitting at your
computer, you probably want to be able to see an error and fix it and have the printer go
on printing. On the other hand, if you arent, you might rather that your printer spooler
find out that the printer isnt ready, quit trying, and send you mail about it. The choice
-o [on|off] Thisoption ismuch like -a. It makesany open() of thisdevice check to see that the
device isonline and not reporting any out-of-paper or other errors. Thisisthe correct
setting for most versionsof lpd.
-C [on|off] Thisoption addsextra (careful) error checking. When thisoption ison, the printer
driver will ensure that the printer isonline and not reporting any out-of-paper or other
errorsbefore sending data. Thisisparticularly useful for printersthat usually appear to
accept data when turned off.
-s Thisoption returnsthe current printer status, both asa decimal number from 0 to 255
and asa list of active flags. When thisoption isspecified, -q off, turning off the display
of the current IRQ, isimplied.
-o, -C, and -s all require a Linux kernel version of 1.1.76 or later.
-r Thisoption resetsthe port. It requiresa Linux kernel version of 1.1.80 or later.
-q [on|off] Thisoption setsprinting the display of the current IRQ setting.
CohesiveSystems, 26 August 1992
update_stateUpdate system state.
update_state updatesa bunch of system states. It takesa long time to execute and would be suitable for execution in a cron
Currently, update_state performsthe following functions: updatesthe locate database (in /usr/lib/locate), updatesthe
whatis database(in /usr/man, /usr/local/man, /usr/X386/man, and /usr/interviews/man), and updatesthe TeX ls-R cache file
(in /usr/lib/texmf).
The script expectsthingsto be where the FSSTND saysthey are. For example, if you have makewhatis(8) in /usr/lib, where
it istraditionally, then you lose, because it should be in /usr/bin.
cron(8), find(1), locate(1)
Rik Faith (
Linux 1.0 8, July1994
uucicoUUCP file transfer daemon.
uucico [ opt i ons ]
The uucico daemon processesfile transfer requestsqueued by uucp(1) and uux(1). It isstarted when uucp or uux isrun (unless
they are given the -r option). It isalso typically started periodically using entriesin the crontab tables.
When invoked with -r1, --master, -s, --system, or -S, the daemon will place a call to a remote system, running in master
mode. Otherwise, the daemon will start in slave mode, accepting a call from a remote system. Typically, a special login name
will be set up for UUCP, which automatically invokesuucico when a call ismade.
When uucico terminates, it invokesthe uuxqt(8) daemon, unlessthe -q or --nouuxqt option isgiven; uuxqt(8) executesany
work orderscreated by uux(1) on a remote system and any work orderscreated locally that have received remote filesfor
which they were waiting.
If a call fails, uucico will usually refuse to retry the call until a certain (configurable) amount of time haspassed. Thismay be
overridden by the -f, -force, or -S option.
The -l, --prompt, -e, or --loop optionsmay be used to force uucico to produce itsown promptsof login: and Password:.
When another daemon callsin, it will see these promptsand log in asusual. The login name and password are usually
checked against a separate list kept specially for uucico rather than the /etc/passwd file; it ispossible on some systemsto
direct uucico to use the /etc/passwd file. The -l or -prompt option will prompt once and then exit; in thismode, the UUCP
administrator or the superuser may use the -u or -login option to force a login name, in which case uucico will not prompt
for one. The -e or -loop option will prompt again after the first session isover; in thismode, uucico will permanently control
a port.
If uucico receivesa SIGQUIT, SIGTERM, or SIGPIPE signal, it will cleanly abort any current conversation with a remote system
and exit. If it receivesa SIGHUP signal, it will abort any current conversation, but will continue to place callsto (if invoked
with -r1 or --master) and accept callsfrom (if invoked with -e or --loop) other systems. If it receivesa SIGINT signal, it will
finish the current conversation but will not place or accept any more calls.
The following optionsmay be given to uucico:
-r1, ---master Start in master mode (call out to a system); implied by -s, --system, or -S. If no system
isspecified, call any system for which work iswaiting to be done.
-r0, ---slave Start in slave mode. Thisisthe default.
-s syst em, ---system syst em Call the named system.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
-S syst em Call the named system, ignoring any required wait. Thisisequivalent to -s syst em f.
-f, ---force Ignore any required wait for any systemsto be called.
-l, ---prompt Prompt for login name and password using login: and Password:. Thisallowsuucico to
be easily run from inetd(8). The login name and password are checked against the
UUCP password file, which probably hasno connection to the file /etc/passwd. The
--login option may be used to force a login name, in which case uucico will only
prompt for a password.
-p por t , ---port por t Specify a port to call out on or to listen to.
-e, ---loop Enter endlessloop of login/password promptsand slave mode daemon execution. The
program will not stop by itself; you must use kill(1) to shut it down.
-w, ---wait After calling out (to a particular system when -s, --system, or -S isspecified or to all
systemsthat have work when just -r1 or --master isspecified), begin an endlessloop as
with --loop.
-q, ---nouuxqt Do not start the uuxqt(8) daemon when finished.
-c, ---quiet If no callsare permitted at thistime, then dont make the call, but also do not put an
error message in the log file and do not update the system status(asreported by
uustat(1)). Thiscan be convenient for automated polling scripts, which may want to
simply attempt to call every system rather than worry about which particular systems
may be called at the moment. Thisoption also suppressesthe log message indicating
that there isno work to be done.
-C, ---ifwork Only call the system named by -s, --system, or -S if there iswork for that system.
-D, ---nodetach Do not detach from the controlling terminal. Normally, uucico detachesfrom the
terminal before each call out to another system and before invoking uuxqt. Thisoption
-u name, ---login name Set the login name to use instead of that of the invoking user. Thisoption may only be
used by the UUCP administrator or the superuser. If used with --prompt, thiswill cause
uucico to prompt only for the password, not the login name.
-z, ---try-next If a call failsafter the remote system isreached, try the next alternate rather than simply
-i t ype, ---stdin t ype Set the type of port to use when using standard input. The only support port type is
TLI, and thisisonly available on machinesthat support the TLI networking interface.
Specifying -iTLI causesuucico to use TLI callsto perform I/O.
-x t ype, X t ype, ---debug t ype Turn on particular debugging types. The following typesare recognized: abnormal, chat,
handshake, uucp-proto, proto, port, config, spooldir, execute, incoming, outgoing.
Multiple typesmay be given, separated by commas, and the --debug option may appear
multiple times. A number may also be given, which will turn on that many typesfrom
the foregoing list; for example, --debug 2 isequivalent to --debug abnormal,chat.
The debugging output issent to the debugging file, usually one of /usr/spool/uucp/
/usr/spool/uucp/DEBUG, or /usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/audit.local.
-I f i l e, ---config f i l e Set configuration file to use. Thisoption may not be available, depending on how
uucico wascompiled.
-v, ---version Report version information and exit.
--help Print a help message and exit.
-u l ogi n Thisoption isignored. It isonly included because some versionsof uucpd invoke uucico
with it.
The filenamesmay be changed at compilation time or by the configuration file, so these are only approximations:
/usr/lib/uucp/config Configuration file.
/usr/lib/uucp/passwd Default UUCP password file.
/usr/spool/uucp UUCP spool directory.
/usr/spool/uucp/Log UUCP log file.
/usr/spool/uucppublic Default UUCP public directory.
/usr/spool/uucp/Debug Debugging file.
kill(1), uucp(1), uux(1), uustat(1), uuxqt(8)
Ian Lance Taylor (
Taylor UUCP 1.05
vmstatReport virtual memory statistics.
vmstat [ -n ] [ del ay [ count ] ]
vmstat reportsinformation about processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, and CPU activity.
The first report produced givesaveragessince the last reboot. Additional reportsgive information on a sampling period of
length delay. The processand memory reportsare instantaneousin either case.
The -n switch causesthe header to be displayed only once rather than periodically.
del ay isthe delay between updatesin seconds. If no delay isspecified, only one report isprinted with the average valuessince
count isthe number of updates. If no count isspecified and del ay isdefined, count defaultsto infinity.
r The number of processeswaiting for runtime.
b The number of processesin uninterruptible sleep.
w The number of processesswapped out but otherwise runnable.
Thisfield iscalculated, but Linux never desperation swaps.
swpd The amount of virtual memory used (KB).
free The amount of idle memory (KB).
buff The amount of memory used asbuffers(KB).
si Amount of memory swapped in from disk (KB/s).
so Amount of memory swapped to disk (KB/s).
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
bi Blockssent to a block device (blocks/s).
bo Blocksreceived from a block device (blocks/s).
in The number of interruptsper second, including the clock.
cs The number of context switchesper second.
CPU (Thesearepercentagesof total CPU time.)
us User time.
sy System time.
id Idle time.
vmstat doesnot require special permissions.
These reportsare intended to help identify system bottlenecks. Linux vmstat doesnot count itself asa running process.
All Linux blocksare currently 1KB, except for CD-ROM blocks, which are 2KB.
ps(1), top(1), free(1)
vmstat doesnot tabulate the block IO per device or count the number of system calls.
Written by Henry Ware (
Throatwobbler Ginkgo Labs, 27 July1994
vipwEdit the password file.
vipw editsthe password file after setting the appropriate locksand doesany necessary processing after the password file is
unlocked. If the password file isalready locked for editing by another user, vipw will ask you to try again later. The default
editor for vipw isvi(1).
If the following environment variable exists, it will be utilized by vipw:
EDITOR The editor specified by the string. EDITOR will be invoked instead of the default editor
passwd(1), vi(1), passwd(5)
The vipw command appeared in BSD 4.0.
BSD 4, 16 March 1991
zdumpTime zone dumper.
zdump [ -v ][-c cut of f year ] [ zonename ... ]
zdump printsthe current time in each zonename named on the command line.
These optionsare available:
-v For each zonename on the command line, print the current time, the time at the lowest
possible time value, the time one day after the lowest possible time value, the timesboth
one second before and exactly at each detected time discontinuity, the time at one day
lessthan the highest possible time value, and the time at the highest possible time value.
Each line endswith isdst=1 if the given time isDaylight Saving Time or isdst=0
-c cut of f year Cut off the verbose output near the start of the given year.
newctime(3), tzfile(5), zic(8)
zicTime zone compiler.
zic [ -v ][-d di r ect or y ][-l l ocal t i me ][-p posi xr ul es ]
[-L l eapsecondf i l ename ][-s ] [ -y command ][f i l ename ... ]
zic readstext from the filesnamed on the command line and createsthe time conversion information filesspecified in this
input. If a filename is, the standard input isread.
These optionsare available:
-d di r ect or y Create time conversion information filesin the named directory rather than in the
standard directory named below.
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
-l t i mezone Use the given time zone aslocal time. zic will act asif the input contained a link line of
the form.
Link t i mezone l ocal t i me.
-p t i mezone Use the given time zonesruleswhen handling POSIX-format time zone environment
variables. zic will act asif the input contained a link line of the form.
Link t i mezone posi xr ul es.
-L l eapsecondf i l ename Read leap second information from the file with the given name. If thisoption isnot
used, no leap second information appearsin output files.
-v Complain if a year that appearsin a data file isoutside the range of yearsrepresentable
by time(2) values.
-s Limit time valuesstored in output filesto valuesthat are the same whether theyre taken
to be signed or unsigned. You can use thisoption to generate SVVS-compatible files.
-y command Use the given command rather than yearistype when checking year types.
Input linesare made up of fields. Fieldsare separated from one another by any number of whitespace characters. Leading
and trailing whitespace on input linesisignored. An unquoted sharp character (#) in the input introducesa comment that
extendsto the end of the line the sharp character appearson. Whitespace charactersand sharp charactersmay be enclosed in
double quotes() if theyre to be used aspart of a field. Any line that isblank (after comment stripping) isignored. Non-
blank linesare expected to be of one of three types: rule lines, zone lines, and link lines.
A rule line hasthe form
For example:
Rule US 1967 1973 Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
The fieldsthat make up a rule line are
NAME Givesthe (arbitrary) name of the set of rulesthisrule ispart of.
FROM Givesthe first year in which the rule applies. Any integer year can be supplied; the
Gregorian calendar isassumed. The word minimum (or an abbreviation) meansthe
minimum year representable asan integer. The word maximum (or an abbreviation) means
the maximum year representable asan integer. Rulescan describe timesthat are not
representable astime values, with the unrepresentable timesignored; thisallowsrulesto
be portable among hostswith differing time value types.
TO Givesthe final year in which the rule applies. In addition to minimum and maximum,
the word only (or an abbreviation) may be used to repeat the value of the FROM field.
TYPE Givesthe type of year in which the rule applies. If TYPE is, the rule appliesin all years
between FROM and TO inclusive. If TYPE issomething else, then zic executesthe command
yearistype year t ype
to check the type of a year. An exit statusof zero istaken to mean that the year isof the
given type; an exit statusof one istaken to mean that the year isnot of the given type.
I N Namesthe month in which the rule takeseffect. Month namesmay be abbreviated.
ON Givesthe day on which the rule takeseffect. Recognized formsinclude
5 The fifth of the month
lastSun The last Sunday in the month
lastMon The last Monday in the month
Sun>=8 First Sunday on or after the eighth
Sun<=25 Last Sunday on or before the 25th
Namesof daysof the week may be abbreviated or spelled out in full.
Note that there must be no spaceswithin the ON field.
AT Givesthe time of day at which the rule takeseffect. Recognized formsinclude
2 Time in hours
2:00 Time in hoursand minutes
15:00 24-hour format time (for timesafter noon)
1:28:14 Time in hours, minutes, and seconds
Any of these formsmay be followed by the letter w if the given time islocal wall clock
time, s if the given time islocal standard time, or u (or g or z) if the given time is
universal time; in the absence of an indicator, wall clock time isassumed.
SAVE Givesthe amount of time to be added to local standard time when the rule isin effect.
Thisfield hasthe same format asthe AT field (although, of course, the w and s suffixes
are not used).
LETTER/ S Givesthe variable part (for example, the S or D in EST or EDT) of time-zone abbrevia-
tionsto be used when thisrule isin effect. If thisfield is, the variable part isnull.
A zone line hasthe form
For example:
Zone Australia/Adelaide 9:30 Aus CST 1971 Oct 31 2:00
The fieldsthat make up a zone line are
NAME The name of the time zone. Thisisthe name used in creating the time conversion
information file for the zone.
GMTOFF The amount of time to add to GMT to get standard time in thiszone. Thisfield hasthe
same format asthe AT and SAVE fieldsof rule lines; begin the field with a minussign if
time must be subtracted from GMT.
RULES/ SAVE The name of the rulesthat apply in the time zone or, alternately, an amount of time to
add to local standard time. If thisfield is, standard time alwaysappliesin the time
FORMAT The format for time zone abbreviationsin thistime zone. The pair of characters%s is
used to show where the variable part of the time-zone abbreviation goes. Alternately, a
slash (/) separatesstandard and daylight abbreviations.
UNTI L The time at which the GMT offset or the ruleschange for a location. It isspecified asa
year, a month, a day, and a time of day. If thisisspecified, the time-zone information is
generated from the given GMT offset and rule change until the time specified.
The next line must be a continuation line; thishasthe same form asa zone line except
that the string Zone and the name are omitted because the continuation line will place
information starting at the time specified asthe UNTI L field in the previousline in the file
used by the previousline. Continuation linesmay contain an UNTI L field, just aszone
linesdo, indicating that the next line isa further continuation.
A link line hasthe form
For example:
Link US/Eastern EST5EDT
The LI NK- FROM field should appear asthe NAME field in some zone line; the LI NK- TO field isused asan alternate name for that
Except for continuation lines, linesmay appear in any order in the input.
Linesin the file that describe leap secondshave the following form:
Part VIII: Administration and Privileged Commands
For example:
Leap 1974 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S
The YEAR, MONTH, DAY, and HH: MM: SS fieldstell when the leap second happened. The CORR field should be + if a second was
added or if a second wasskipped. The R/ S field should be (an abbreviation of) Stationary if the leap second time given by
the other fieldsshould be interpreted asGMT or (an abbreviation of) Rolling if the leap second time given by the other
fieldsshould be interpreted aslocal wall clock time.
For areaswith more than two typesof local time, you may need to use local standard time in the AT field of the earliest
transition timesrule to ensure that the earliest transition time recorded in the compiled file iscorrect.
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo standard directory used for created files.
newctime(3), tzfile(5), zdump(8)
Kernel Reference
Part IX:
Part IX: Kernel ReferenceGuide
add_timer, del_timer, init_timer
add_timer, del_timer, init_timerManage event timers.
#include <asm/param.h>
#include <linux/timer.h>
extern void add_timer(struct timer_list * t i mer );
extern int del_timer(struct timer_list * t i mer );
extern inline void init_timer(struct timer_list * t i mer );
add_timer schedulesan event, adding it to a linked list of eventsmaintained by the kernel. del_timer deletesa scheduled
event. t i mer pointsto a
struct timer_list {
struct timer_list *next ;
struct timer_list *pr ev;
unsigned long expi r es ;
unsigned long dat a;
void (*f unct i on)(unsigned l ong);
init_timer setsnext and pr ev to NULL. Thisisrequired for the argument of add_timer. expi r es isthe desired duration of the
timer in jiffies, where there are HZ (typically 100) jiffiesper second. When the timer expires, f unct i on iscalled with dat a as
itsargument. It isthe responsibility of function to delete the event. If the same function ismanaging several timers, the
argument can be used to distinguish which one expired.
del_timer returnszero on errorif next or pr ev are not NULL, but the timer wasnot found. del_timer also setsexpi r es to the
time remaining before the timer expiresand setsnext and pr ev to NULL. Thus, calling del_timer followed immediately by
add_timer isa no-op provided a kernel tick doesnot occur between the two calls.
Linux 1.2.8, 31 May1995
adjust_clockAdjustsstartup time counter to tick in GMT.
void adjust_clock();
Thisroutine adjuststhe startup time by adding the time zone information to it. The goal isto get the startup time ticking in
GMT time.
Thisroutine iscalled from settimeofday(2) when the time-zone information isfirst set.
Theodore Tso (
Linux 0.99.10, 7 July1993
ctrl_alt_delRoutesthe keyboard interrupt Ctrl+Alt+Del key sequence.
void ctrl_alt_del(void);
Thissimple routine teststhe variable C_A_D for a true/false condition. If it istrue, a hard reset isdone by the system.
Otherwise, a signal SIGINT issent to the processwith the processID 1, usually a program called init.
Thisroutine isin interrupt mode. It cannot sync() your system. Data lossmay occur. It isrecommended that you configure
your system to send a signal to init, where you can control the shutdown.
The default of thisfunction isto do hard resetsimmediately.
reboot(2), reset_hard_now(9), sync(2)
Linux 0.99.10, 6 July1993
file_tableDetailed description of the table and table entry.
From #include <linux/fs.h>
struct file {
mode_t f_mode;
dev_t f_rdev; /* needed for /dev/tty */
off_t f_pos;
unsigned short f_flags;
unsigned short f_count;
unsigned short f_reada;
struct file *f_next, *f_prev;
struct inode *f_inode;
Part IX: Kernel ReferenceGuide
struct file_operations *f_op;
From linux/fs/file_table.c
struct file *first_file;
int nr_files = 0;
The file table isfundamentally important to any UNIX system. It iswhere all open files(Linux includesclosed filesaswell)
are stored and managed by the kernel. For Linux, you can hardly do anything without referencing it in some way.
Linux storesitsfile table asa double circular linked list. The root pointer to the head of thislist isfirst_file. Also, a count
of how many entriesare in the file table ismaintained, called nr_files. Under thisscheme, the file table for Linux could be
aslarge asmemory could hold. Unfortunately, thiswould be unmanageable in most cases. Your computer would be in the
kernel most of the time when processesare more important. To keep thisfrom happening, nr_files istested against NR_FILE
to limit the number of file table entries.
The file table isorganized asa double circular linked list. Imagine a circle of people with everyone facing the same direction.
Each person isfacing so that one arm isin the circle and the other arm isoutside the circle. Now, if each person put hisor
her right hand on the shoulder of the person in front of him or her and if each person touched the person behind him or her
with hisor her left hand. You have formed two circlesof arms, one inside and the other outside. The right armsrepresent
pointersto the next entry (or person). The left armsrepresent pointersto the previousentry (or person).
At first glance, a table entry looksquite simple. An entry containshow a file wasopened, what tty device, a reference count,
pointersto other entries, pointer to v-node (the vfs i-node) filesystem-specific i-node information, and so on.
f_mode After ANDing with O ACCMODE, thisiswhat bits0 and 1 mean:
00 No permissionsneeded
01 Read-permission
10 Write-permission
11 Read-write
f_rdev It isused only with tty lines. It containsthe major and minor numbersof the tty device.
f_pos The current position in a file, if meaningful.
f_flags Storage for the flagsfrom open() and fcntl()
f_count Reference counter
f_reada Thisisa Boolean variable where True meansthat an actual read isneeded.
f_next, f_prev Pointersto other entries
f_inode Pointer to v-node and filesystem-specific i-node information
f_op Pointer to a filesoperations
insert_file_free(9), remove_file_free(9), put_last_free(9) grow_files(9), file_table_init(9), get_empty_filp(9)
Linux 0.99.10, 11 July1993
file_table_initInitializesthe file table in the kernel.
linux/fs/file_table.c unsigned long file_table_init(
unsigned long st ar t , unsigned long end);
Thisroutine iscalled from kernel_start() in linux/init/main.c. It setsfirst_file, a struct file pointer, to NULL. Thisisthe
head of the linked list of open filesmaintained in the kernel, the infamousfile table in all UNIXs.
Returnsst ar t .
Because thisispart of the kernelsstartup routine, it hasthe option to allocate memory, in kernel space, for itself. It doesnot
need to do thisand returnsthe new start of memory for the next initializing section. In thiscase, st ar t isreturned unmodi-
Linux 0.99.10, 9 July1993
filesystemsDetailsthe table of configured filesystems.
From #include <linux/fs.h>
struct f i l e syst em t ype {
struct super _bl ock *(*read_super) (struct super _bl ock *, void *, i nt );
char *name;
i nt r equi r es dev;
Thissource code makesa data structure call file_systems[], which containsall the configured filesystemsfor the kernel. It is
used primarily in linux/fs/super.c for many of the mounting of filesystemsfunctions.
Thisfirst member, in struct f i l e_syst em_t ype, isa function pointer to a routine that will read in the super _bl ock. A
super _bl ock generically meansan i-node or special place on the device where information about the overall filesystem is
The name isjust the string representation of the name of a specific filesystem, such asext2 or minix.
The final member, i nt _r equi r es_dev, isa Boolean value. If it isTrue, then the filesystem requiresa block device. For False, it
isunclear what happens, but an unnamed device isused, such asproc and nfs.
Part IX: Kernel ReferenceGuide
Linux 0.99.10, 12 July1993
get_empty_filpFetchesan unreferenced entry from the file table.
linux/fs/file table.c
struct file *get_empty_filp(void);
Thisroutine will seek out an entry that isnot being referenced by any processes. If none are found, then it will add new
entriesto the file table, minimum of NR_FILE entries.
Due to grow_files(), a whole page of entriesiscreated at one time. Thismay make more than NR_FILE entries. Also when an
unreferenced entry isfound, it ismoved to the end of the file table. Thisheuristic isused to speed up finding unreferenced
NULLNo entrieswere found and the file table isfull.
Returnsa pointer to the entry in the file table.
Linux 0.99.10, 12 July1993
grow_filesAddsentriesto the file table.
linux/fs/file table.c
void grow_files(void);
Thisfunction addsentriesto the file table. First, it allocatesa page of memory. It fillsthe entire page with entries, adding
each to the file table.
insert_file_free(9), remove_file_free(9), put_last_free(9)
Linux 0.99.10, 12 July1993
in_group_pSearchesgroup IDsfor a match.
int in_group_p(gid_t gr p);
Searchessupplementary group IDsand the effective group ID for a match with gr p.
ReturnsTrue (1) if found; otherwise, false (0).
getgroups(2), getgid(2), getregid(2), setgid(2), setregid(2), setgroups(2)
Linux 0.99.10, 7 July1993
insert_file_freeAddsa file entry into the file table.
static void insert_file_free(struct file *f i l e);
Thisnightmare of pointersaddsf i l e into the file table with the root pointer at f i l e. Thisisa building block of the file table
file_table_init(9), remove_file_free(9), put_last_free(9)
See file_table(9) for detailson the file table structure.
Linux 0.99.10
insert_ file_ free
Part IX: Kernel ReferenceGuide
kernel_mktimeConvert startup struct mktime into the number of secondssince 00:00:00 January 1, 1970.
long kernel_mktime(struct mktime * t i me);
Thisroutine iscalled from time_init(void), linux/init/main.c. kernel_mktime() convertsstruct mktime (initialized from
CMOS) into an encoded long.
First an array, month[12], iscreated, holding how many secondshave passed to reach a peculiar month for a leap year. Next,
it subtracts70 from the current year, making 1970 the beginning year. It ismath magic after thispoint; please look yourself.
If you know why it doesthis, then send e-mail (see nroff source).
Returnsthe encoded time in a long.
linux/kernel/mktime.c home of routine
Thisroutine iscalled only during startup of the kernel.
Historically, the value (encoded long) countsthe number of secondssince the Epoch, which occurred at 00:00:00 January 1,
1970, and iscalled Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). In older manuals, thisevent iscalled Greenwich Mean Time
kernel_mktime() doesnt check to see if the year isgreater than 1969. Be sure your CMOSisset correctly. It iscustomary to
set on-board clocksto GMT and let processeswho ask for the time to convert it to local time, if necessary.
For kernel use only.
Linux 0.99.10, 5 July1993
proc_selSelect a processby a criterion.
#include <linux/resource.h>
static int proc_sel(struct task_struct *p, int whi ch, int who);
Comparesa task p to supplied information or the current task in some aspect of priority. If who iszero, the comparison istask
p and the current task. Otherwise, who and *p are the supplied information for the comparison.
Valid valuesof whi ch:
PRIO_PROCESS ComparesprocessID numbers. There isan exception here. If who isnot zero and task p is
the current task, then True isalwaysreturned.
PRIO_PGRP Comparesprocessgroup leader numbers.
PRIO_USER Comparesuser ID numbers.
Returnstruth values(0, 1).
sys_setpriority(2), sys_getpriority(2)
Linux 0.99.10, 7 July1993
put_file_lastMovesa file to the end of the file table.
linux/fs/file table.c
static void put_last_free(struct file *f i l e);
Thisfunction will remove f i l e from the file table and insert it again at the end. You can accessby
insert_file_free(9), remove_file_free(9)
Linux 0.99.10, 11 July1993
remove_file_freeRemove a file table entry from the linked list.
linux/fs/file table.c
static void remove_file_free(struct file *f i l e);
remove_file_ free
Part IX: Kernel ReferenceGuide
Thisroutine removesthe file from the table. Thisisused mostly for moving a file to the end of the list.
insert_file_free(9), put_file_last(9)
* (asterisk), bash special
parameters, 15
@ (at sign), bash special
parameters, 15
\ (backslash), bash escape
character, 14
$ (dollar sign)
bash special parameters, 15
expansion, 19
ftp command, 148
! (exclamation point)
bash special parameters, 15
ftp command, 148
! command (telnet), 512
>(greater than sign),
redirection operator, 21
- (hyphen), bash special
parameters, 15
<(less than sign), redirection
operator, 21
| (pipeline), bash, 12
#(pound sign)
bash comments, 14
bash special parameters, 15
? (question mark)
bash special parameters, 15
ftp command, 152
? command
telnet, 512
xauth, 591
_ (underscore), bash special
parameters, 15
/ directory, 1236
0, bash special parameter, 15
8859-1 character set, 1064
8859-2 character set, 1064
8859-3 character set, 1064
8859-4 character set, 1064
8859-5 character set, 1065
8859-6 character set, 1065
8859-7 character set, 1065
8859-8 character set, 1065
8859-9 character set, 1065
8859-10 character set, 1065
Abekas YUV bytes, converting
to portablepixmaps, 731
abort( ) function, 892
abs( ) function, 892-893
absolutevalues, 892-893
floating-point numbers, 919
long integers, 960-961
accept, 740-741
access, 741-742
errors, 741
restrictions, 741
return value, 741
access control
files, changing permissions,
hosts_access, 1133-1136
diagnostics, 1136
files, 1133, 1136
operators, 1134
patterns, 1133-1134
rules, 1133
shell commands, 1134
wildcards, 1134
language extensions,
memory, 804-805
NNTP sites, 1167-1168
account (ftp command), 148
acct, 742
acos( ) function, 893
acosh( ) function, 893-894
active, 1104-1105
active.times, 1104-1105
add (cvs command), 96
ADD_ADDRESS environ-
ment variable, 529
add_timer, 1424
addftinfo, 2
addgroup, 1258-1259
addmntent( ) function,
Internet, manipulating,
mail addressing, 1244-1246
abbreviations, 1245
casesensitivity, 1245
compatibility, 1245
postmasters, 1246
routing, 1245
physical, accessing, 818
sed, 476
virtual memory, remapping,
adduser, 1258-1259
adduser.conf, 1105
adjtimex, 742-743
adjust_clock, 1424-1425
admin (cvs command), 96
advisory locks, open files
(applying/removing), 757
afmtodit, 2-4
files, 3
options, 3
running, 3
agetty, 1259-1262
arguments, 1260
bugs, 1261
diagnostics, 1261
files, 1261
issue escapes, 1261
options, 1260
alarm, 744
alarm clock, setting, 744
alias (shell command), 35
aliases, 23-24, 1106
bugs, 1106
printing, 35
removing names, 45
alloca function, 894
bugs, 894
return values, 894
allocating memory, 894, 976
variable(bash), 17
allow-send-events( ) action
(xterm), 714
I * (asterisk), bash special parameters
alphasort( ) function,
American Standard Codefor
Information, see ASCII
Andrew Toolkit raster objects,
converting to portable
bitmaps, 10
ANSI C, converting to
Kernighan & Ritchie, 4
ansi2knr, 4
antialiasing portableanymaps,
anytopnm, 4
append (ftp command), 148
application resources,
printing, 5
applications (client), listing,
appres, 5
ar, 5-7
copying, 7
modifiers, 7
options, 6-7
arc cosines, 893
arc sines, 894-895
arc tangents, 896
two variables, 896-897
arch, 8
archive, 1262-1263
creating, 5-7
extracting from, 5-7
indexes (generating),
modifying, 5-7
shell, creating, 484-487
concatenating, 37
outputting, 36-37
reading from standard input,
bash, 34
let command, 39
expansion, bash, 20
awk, 168-169
sin( ), 1020-1021
sinh( ), 1021
sqrt( ), 1023
tan( ), 1047-1048
tanh( ), 1048
performing on portable
anymaps, 382-383
arp, 1263
ARP cache, manipulating,
awk, 164
linear searches, 975-976
searching sorted, 900-901
sorting, 1000
articles (news), see tin
as, 8-9
ASCII (American Standard
Codefor Information), 1064
character set, 1214-1216
graphics, converting to
portable graymap, 10
ascii (ftp command), 148
ascii manual page, 1214-1216
asciitopgm, 10
asctime, 984-986
asctime( ) function, 910
asin( ) function, 894-895
errors, 895
return value, 895
asinh( ) function, 895
assemblers, as, 8-9
assert( ) function, 895-896
asterisk (*), bash special
parameters, 15
at sign (@), bash special
parameters, 15
atan( ) function, 896
atan2( ) function, 896-897
atanh( ) function, 897
Atari compressed Spectrum
files, converting to portable
pixmaps, 494
Atari Degas PI1 files,
converting to portable
pixmaps, 378
Atari Degas PI3 files,
converting to portable
bitmaps, 379
Atari uncompressed Spectrum
files, converting to portable
pixmaps, 495-496
atexit( ) function, 897-898
errors, 898
return value, 898
atktopbm, 10
atobm, 49-57
options, 50
atof( ) function, 898
atoi( ) function, 898-899
atol( ) function, 899
attributes, file, 59
cidentd, 69-70
Kerberos authentication,
pcnfsd, 1355-1356
pppd, 1366-1367
authority files (X), xauth
utility, 587-592
AutoCAD slidefiles, convert-
ing to portablepixmaps,
ment variable, 529
environment variable, 530
actions, 165-166
arithmetic functions,
control statements, 167
fields, 163
functions, 170
GNU extensions, 171
historical features supported
by gawk, 172
I/O statements, 167
operators, 166-167
patterns, 165-166
printf statement, 167-168
awk I
program execution, 162-163
regular expressions, 166
sprintf( ) function, 167-168
string constants, 169-170
string functions, 169
time functions, 169
variables, 163-165
arrays, 164
built-in, 163-164
typingand conversion,
backslashes (\), bash escape
character, 14
badblocks, 1264
banner, 1210
aliases, 23-24
arguments, 11
arithmetic evaluation, 34
blanks, 12
bugs, 46
command execution, 25
comments, 14
compound commands, 13
case, 13
list, 13
while, 13
control operators, 12
environments, 25-26
escape character, 14
exit status, 26
expansion, 18-21
arithmetic, 20
brace, 19
command substitution, 20
history, 33-34
parameter, 19-20
pathname, 21
processsubstitution, 20
quoteremoval, 21
tilde, 19
word splitting, 21
files, 46
functions, 23
history list, 32-33
invocation, 45-46
job control, 24-25
lists, 12-13
meta characters, 12
names, 12
options, 11
parameters, 14-15
positional, 14
special, 14-15
pipelines (|), 12
prompting, 26
quoting, 14
readline, 27-32
commands, 29-32
customizing, 27
denotingkeystrokes, 27
macro definitions, 28
parser directives, 28-29
variables, 28
redirection, 21-23
here-documents, 22-23
input, 22
openingfiledescriptors, 23
operators, 21
output, 22
standard error output, 22
standard output, 22
reserved words, 12
shell variables, 15-18
null_glob_expansion, 17
auto_resume, 18
BASH, 15
cdable_vars, 18
ENV, 16
EUID, 15
glob_dot_filenames, 17
histchars, 17-18
historycontrol, 17
HOME, 16
IFS, 16
MAIL, 16
noclobber, 18
nolinks, 18
notify, 17
PATH, 16
PPID, 15
PS1, 16
PS2, 16
PS3, 17
PS4, 17
PWD, 15
UID, 15
signals, 25
simple commands, 12
words, 12
I awk
BASH variable(bash), 15
(bash), 15
bcmp( ) function, 899-901
bcopy( ) function, 900-901
BDF fonts, generating,
bdflush, 744-745
errors, 745
return value, 745
bdftopcf, 47
beforelight, 47-48
bell (ftp command), 148
bell( ) action (xterm), 713
Bennet Yeefacefiles, see face
Bentleyizing portable
graymaps, 369
Bessel functions, 959-960
j0( ), 959
j1( ), 959
jn( ), 959
y0( ), 959
y1( ), 959
yn( ), 959
bg (shell command), 35
bibliographic databases, 219
fields, 219
inverted indexes, 209-210
searching, 210, 292-293
biff, 48
biff server, 1274-1275
/bin directory, 1236
binary (ftp command), 148
binary dates/times, converting
to ASCII, 909-911
binary files, encoding/
decoding, 565-566
binary streams, input/output
(getting), 926-927
binary trees
deleting items, 1056
searching, 1056
traversing, 1056
bind, 35, 745-746
errors, 745-746
return value, 745
binding names to sockets,
bioradtopgm, 48-49
bugs, 49
options, 49
bit sets, finding first in words,
Bitmap Distribution Format
fonts, converting to Portable
Complied Format, 47
bitmap widget, 56-57
bitmaps, 49-57
CMU, converting to
portable, 71
color, 56
conversion, 49
cutting and pasting, 54
display, 50
drawing commands, 51-53
Edit menu commands,
editing images, 50-51
File menu commands, 53
options, 49-50
Universal Product Code,
creating, 368
widgets, 54-56
blanks (bash), 12
block buffered streams, 1016
block special files, creating,
BMP files, converting to
portablepixmaps, 57
bmptoppm, 57
bmtoa, 49-57
/boot directory, 1236
(kernel), see bootparam
bootparam, 1216-1224
Adaptec configurations,
argument list, 1216-1217
BusLogic configuration,
busmouse driver parameters,
CD-ROM parameters,
debug argument, 1217
Ethernet device parameters,
floppy disk driver param-
eters, 1223-1224
future domain configura-
tion, 1220
hard disk parameters,
mem= argument, 1218
no-hlt argument, 1217
no387 argument, 1217
Pro Audio configuration,
ramdisk= argument, 1218
reboot=warm argument,
reserve= argument,
ro argument, 1217
root= argument, 1217
rw argument, 1217
SCSI device arguments,
SCSI tape configuration,
Seagate ST-0x configuration,
sound driver parameters,
Trantor T128 configuration,
Bourneshell, see sh
Bourne-again shell, see bash
braceexpansion, 19
break (shell command), 35
brk, 746
browsers, lynx, 306-309
commands, 308-309
options, 306-308
brushtopbm, 57
bsearch( ) function, 900-901
bsearch( ) function I
buffchan, 1264-1265
drop command, 1265
flush command, 1265
readmap command, 1265
buffer-dirty-flush daemon,
buffering streams, 1016-1017
cache, committing to disk,
filesystem, flushing,
flushing from files to disk,
kernel log, 873
kernel message ring, reading/
clearing, 872-874
multiple, reading/writing
data, 1003-1004
BUG_ADDRESS environ-
ment variable, 529
buildhash, 274, 279
files, 281
builtin (shell command), 35
busmousedrivers, boot-time
parameters, 1224
bye(ftp command), 148
comparing, 899-900
copying, 900
operations, 901
writing zeros to, 902
counting (in files), 70
swapping adjacent, 1043
bzero( ) function, 901-902
converting ANSI to
Kernighan & Ritchie, 4
functions, displaying
headers, 455-456
preprocessors, 81-84
imake, 264-267
options, 82-84
string table source files/
headers, 314-315
C++compiler, see g++
cacheflush, 746-747
bugs, 747
errors, 747
return value, 747
caches (ARP), manipulating,
CAcloseroutine, 964
cal, 58
calendar sheets, see gcal
CAlistopen routine, 964
calling up systems, 88-90
calloc( ) function, 976
canonicalized absolute
pathnames, 1004-1005
CAopen routine, 964
bash command, 13
ftp command, 148
cat, 58-59
catclose( ) function, 903-904
catgets( ) function, 902-903
catopen( ) function, 903-904
cccp, 81-84
copying, 84
options, 82-84
ftp command, 148
shell command, 35-36
CD-ROMs, boot-time
parameters, 1222-1223
cdable_vars variable(bash),
CDPATH variable(bash), 16
cdtin, 516
cdup (ftp command), 148
ceil( ) function, 904
cfdisk, 1265-1269
bugs, 1269
commands, 1267-1268
options, 1268-1269
cfgetispeed( ) function, 877,
cfgetospeed( ) function, 877,
cfingerd, 1106-1109
bugs, 1108
error messages, 1108
features, 1107-1108
options, 1106-1107
SYSLOG messages, 1108
text commands, 1115
cfingerd.conf, 1109-1115
display files section,
finger display configure
section, 1110-1111
finger fake users files section,
finger programs files section,
finger strings configure
section, 1113
forwarded host section,
internal config configure
section, 1111-1112
internal strings configure
section, 1113
rejected host section, 1112
services header configure
section, 1114
services positions configure
section, 1114-1115
signal strings configure
section, 1113-1114
system list sites configure
section, 1112
trusted host section, 1112
cfmakeraw( ) function, 1052
cfsetispeed( ) function, 877,
cfsetospeed( ) function, 877,
character sets, 1064-1066
ASCII, 1064, 1214-1216
ISO 2022, 1066
ISO 4873, 1066
ISO 8859, 1064-1065
ISO 8859-1, 1239-1242
alphabets, 1240
characters, 1240-1242
I buffchan
KOI8-R, 1065
Unicode, 1065, 1253-1255
implementation levels,
character special files,
creating, 325
classifying, 957-958
to ASCII, 1055
wideto multibyte,
locating in strings, 953,
multibyte, converting to
wide characters, 978
outputting, 997-999
returning number of bytes
in, 977
searching stringsfor sets,
chat, 727-730, 1269-1273
abort strings, 1270-1271
Boolean options, 729
daemons, 727
escape menu, 728
escape sequences,
options, 1269-1270
readdressing, 729
report strings, 1271
runtime options, 728-729
script, 1270
startup file, 729
termination codes, 1272
time-out value, 1271
username field, 727
X11 interface, 730
chattr, 59-60
chdir, 747-748
checkout (cvs command),
checksums, computing on
files, 501
chfn, 60
chgrp, 61
child processes, creating, 751,
chkdupexe, 61
chmod, 61-62, 148, 748-749
errors, 749
operators, 62
options, 62
return value, 748
specifying mode, 748
chooser (xdm), 607
chown, 62-63, 749-750
errors, 749-750
options, 63
chroot, 750-751, 1273
errors, 750-751
return value, 750
chsh, 63
ci, 64-69
controlling file access, 67
diagnostics, 68
environment, 68
file modes, 67
options, 65-66
setuid privileges, 67-68
specifying files, 66-67
temporary files, 67
cidentd, 69-70
cksum, 70
clear, 70-71
clear-saved-lines( ) action
(xterm), 715
clearerr function, 919-920
clearing terminal screen,
clientlib, 904-905
listing running applications,
Remote Start, seerstart
X, killing, 666-667
clipboards, X client, 595-597
buttons, 596
sending/retrieving contents,
clock, 344, 1273-1274
colors, 344
options, 1273
xclock, 593-595
clock( ) function, 905
alarm, setting, 744
CMOS, 1273-1274
kernel, adjusting, 742-743
clone, 751
close, 752
ftp command, 148
telnet command, 508
closedir( ) function, 905-906
closelog( ) function,
CloseOnExec routine, 965
CMOS clock, 1273-1274
CMU bitmaps, converting to
portable, 71
cmuwmtopbm, 71
co, 71-75
diagnostics, 75
environment, 75
file modes, 75
keyword substitution, 74-75
limitations, 75
options, 72-74
col, 76
colcrt, 77
color, bitmap application, 56
colrm, 77-78
column, 78
formatting lists into, 78
removing from files, 77-78
comm, 78-79
options, 79
command (shell command),
parsing, 937-940
variable(bash), 17
bitmap application
drawing, 51-53
Edit menu, 53-54
Filemenu, 53
commands I
building/executing from
standard input, 586-587
cu, 88-89
cvs, 91-104
editres, 121-122
execution, bash, 25
exit status, 26
ftp, 148-152
gpic, 212-213
history lists, displaying, 39
info, 269-270
ispell, 274-275
locating source/binary and
manuals files, 575-576
lpc, 1317-1318
lynx, 308-309
more, 328
nslookup, 1351-1353
options, parsing, 207-208
RCS, 447-449
readline library, 29-32
redirection, 21-23
here-documents, 22-23
input, 22
openingfiledescriptors, 23
operators, 21
output, 22
standard error output, 22
standard output, 22
remote execution, 569-571
sed, 478-479
grouping, 478
syntax, 476
shell (built-in), 35-45
enabling/disabling, 37
help information, 38
telnet, 508-512
tftp, 514
timedc, 1409
articleviewer, 522-524
editing, 519
global optionsmenu, 524-
group index, 521-522
newsgroup selection,
spool directoryselection,
thread listing, 522
top, 534-535
xauth, 588, 591
zmore, 733-734
comment-begin variable
(readline), 28
bash, 14
sed, 477
commit (cvs command),
files, 78-79
compressed, 731-732
strings, 1029-1030
ignoringcase, 1028
usingcurrent locale, 1030
g++, 155-160, 174-201
bugs, 160
copying, 160, 201
filenamesuffixes, 174-175
files, 159-160, 200
options, 155-159,
pragmas, 159, 200
gcc, 174-201
assemblingoutput, 8-9
bugs, 201
copying, 201
filenamesuffixes, 174-175
files, 200
options, 175-178
pragmas, 200
rpcgen, 464-466
compiling, makeutility
(recompiling programs),
variable(readline), 28
compound commands (bash),
compressed files
comparing, 731-732
executablefiles, 252-253
searching for regular
expressions, 733
viewing text, 733-734
comsat, 1274-1275
files, 58-59
compressed, 251
portable anymaps, 383
strings, 1028-1029
Concurrent Versions System,
see cvs
conditional expressions,
evaluating, 43
configurablefinger daemon,
configuration file,
finger displayconfigure
section, 1110-1111
finger fakeusersfiles
section, 1114
finger programsfiles
section, 1114
finger stringsconfigure
section, 1113
forwarded host section,
internal configconfigure
section, 1111-1112
internal stringsconfigure
section, 1113
rejected host section, 1112
servicesheader configure
section, 1114
section, 1114-1115
signal stringsconfigure
section, 1113-1114
systemlist sitesconfigure
section, 1112
trusted host section, 1112
I commands
error messages, 1108
features, 1107-1108
SYSLOG messages, 1108
configuration information,
getting at runtime,
network interfaces,
rstartd, 469
keywords, 470
serial ports, 1394-1395
SF86_SVGA servers,
SF86_VGA16 servers, 631
system logging file,
tinrc, 525-526
XF86_Accel servers,
XF86_Mono servers, 624
XFree86, 636
xfs, 642
xinetd, 656-660
confstr( ) function, 906-907
connect, 752-753
dialup IP, handler,
displaying active, 1339-1342
routinginformation, 1341
socket information,
displaying active routing
information, 1341
full-duplex, shutting down,
accepting, 740-741
initiating, 752-753
listeningfor, 792-793
console, 1066-1067
console_codes, 1067-1074
character sets, 1072
control characters, 1068
CSI sequences, 1069-1070,
display attributes,
ESC sequences, 1068-1069,
mode switches, 1071
mouse tracking, 1072-1073
private CSI sequences, 1072
Set/Reset Mode sequences,
status report commands,
console_ioctls, 1074-1080
control-character handling,
properties, 1067
sequences, 1067-1074
character sets, 1072
control characters, 1068
CSI, 1069-1070, 1074
ESC, 1068-1069,
modeswitches, 1071
privateCSI, 1072
Set/Reset Mode, 1071
statusreport commands,
starting processes on, 1066
switching, 1067
virtual, 1066
memory, 1101-1102
continue(shell command), 36
control messages, 1310
control operators (bash), 12
control statements, awk, 167
control.ctl, 1115-1116
controlling terminal, getting
name, 909
convdate, 79
conversational exchanges,
abort strings, 1270-1271
chat script, 1270
escape sequences,
report strings, 1271
termination codes, 1272
time-out value, 1271
convert-meta variable
(readline), 28
Abekas YUV bytes to
portable pixmaps, 731
Andrew Toolkit raster
objects to portable
bitmaps, 10
ANSI C to Kernighan &
Ritchie C, 4
ASCII graphics to portable
graymap, 10
Atari files
compressed Spectrumfiles
to portablepixmaps, 494
DegasPI1 filesto portable
pixmaps, 378
DegasPI3 filesto portable
bitmaps, 379
uncompressed Spectrum
filesto portablepixmaps,
AutoCAD slide files to
portable pixmaps, 490-491
Bennet Yee face files to
portable bitmaps, 726
Biorad confocal files to
portable graymaps, 48-49
bitmap files, 49
CMU to portable, 71
to portablepixmaps, 57
to ASCII, 1055
wideto multibyte,
dates/times, 79
to ASCII, 984-986
to Discordian format,
documents, troff to LaTeX,
doodle brush files to
portable bitmaps, 57
FITS files to portable
anymaps, 142-143
converting I
Bitmap Distribution
Format to Portable
Compiled Format, 47
packed format to portable
bitmaps, 381
GEM IMG files to portable
bitmaps, 201
GIF files to portable
anymaps, 208-209
Gould scanner files to
portable pixmaps, 211
groff output to TeX dvi
format, 227-228
Group 3 fax files to portable
bitmaps, 160-161
HIPS files to portable
graymaps, 256
HP PaintJet files to portable
pixmaps, 381
ILBM files to portable
pixmaps, 263-264
image file to portable
anymap, 4
Img-whatnot files to
portable pixmaps, 267
to lowercase, 1055-1056
to uppercase, 1055-1056
Lisp machine bitmap files to
portable graymaps, 292
Macintosh PICT files to
portable pixmaps, 379-380
MacPaint files to portable
bitmaps, 309-310
MGR bitmaps to portable
bitmaps, 322-323
multibyte characters to wide
characters, 978
multibyte strings to wide
character, 977-978
object code into NLM
outfiles, 338-339
PCX files to portable
pixmaps, 368-369
Photo-CD files to portable
pixmaps, 260-261
portable anymaps
to DDIF format, 396
to FITS format, 396-397
to PostScript, 397
to SGI imagefile,
to Solitaireformat, 399
to Sun raster files, 398
to TIFF files, 399-400
into X11 window dumps,
portable bitmaps
to Andrew Toolkit raster
objects, 358
to ASCII graphics, 357
to Atari DegasPI3 files,
to Bennet Yeeface files,
to BitGraph graphics, 358
to CMU window manager
bitmaps, 358-359
to compressed GraphOn
graphics, 360-361
to DEC LN03+Sixel
output, 362
to encapsulated PostScript-
stylebitmaps, 359
to Epson printer graphics,
to GEM IMG files, 360
to Gemini 10x graphics,
to Group 3 fax files, 360
to HP LaserJet format,
to MacPaint files, 363
to MGR bitmap, 363
to packed format fonts,
to portablegraymaps, 364
to PostScript, 362
to Printronix printer
graphics, 366
to Sun icons, 361
to UNIX plot files,
to X10 bitmaps, 366
to X11 bitmaps, 367
to Zinc bitmaps, 367-368
portable graymaps
to Lisp machineformat,
to portablebitmaps, 377
to portablepixmaps, 378
to Usenix FaceSaver
format, 376
portable pixmaps
to AbekasYUV files, 428
to Atari DegasPI1 files,
to AutoCAD, 414-416
to BMP files, 416
to DEC sixel format,
to GIF files, 416-417
to HP PaintJet files, 423
to HP PaintJet XL PCL
files, 424
to ILBM files, 418-419
to Macintosh PICT files,
to Mitsubishi S340-10
files, 420-421
to MotifUIL icon files,
to NCSA ICR format,
to PCX files, 421
to portablegraymaps,
to red/blue3D glasses,
to threeportablegraymaps,
to threeraw YUV files,
to TrueVision Targa files,
to X11 pixmaps, 427-428
to X11 puzzlefiles,
PostScript files to portable
anymaps, 434-435
I converting
PostScript image data to
portable graymap,
QRT ray tracer output to
portable pixmaps, 436-437
raw grayscale bytes to
portable graymaps, 439
raw RGB bytes to portable
pixmaps, 439-440
ray tracer output to portable
pixmaps, 333
SGI image files to portable
anymaps, 483-484
Solitaire files to portable
anymaps, 488-489
spaces to tabs, 559
SPOT satellite images to
portable graymaps, 495
ASCII to double,
to longintegers, 1041
to unsigned longintegers,
widecharacter to
Sun icons to portable
bitmaps, 262
Sun raster files to portable
anymaps, 438
tabs to spaces, 137
TIFF files to portable
anymaps, 515-516
to ASCII, 984-986
to tmstructure, 1036-
TrueVision Targa files to
portable pixmaps, 515
Usenet batch files to INN
format, 1281-1282
Usenix FaceSaver files to
portable graymaps, 147
X11 or X10 bitmaps to
portable, 592
X11 pixmaps to portable,
X11/X10 window dump
files to portable anymaps,
Xconfig file format to
XF86Config, 454
XIM files to portable
pixmaps, 654
XV thumbnail pictures to
portable pixmaps, 720
YUV files to portable
pixmaps, 730-731
convolution kernels, generat-
ing, 372-373
cookies, generating, 317
ar utility, 7
as, 9
byte strings, 900
files, 80-81
convertingwhile, 108-109
install, 272-273
MS-DOS to/fromUNIX,
MS-DOS files to UNIX,
number signs, 907
strings, 1030-1031
stpcpy( ) function,
copysign( ) function, 907
cos( ) function, 907
cosh( ) function, 908
cosines, 907
cp, 80-81
cpp, 81-84
copying, 84
options, 82-84
CPU, listing most intensive
processes, 533-535
cr (ftp command), 148
creat, 815-816
create_module, 800-802
crond, 1275
crontab, 84-85
crypt function, 908-909
csplit, 85-86
ctags, 87-88, 135-137
bugs, 88
copying, 136-137
files, 87
options, 87, 136
ctermid( ) function, 909
ctime, 909-910, 984-986
ctlinnd, 1276-1279
bugs, 1279
commands, 1276-1278
Ctrl+Alt+Del combination,
setting function, 1279
ctrl_alt_del, 1425
ctrlaltdel, 1279
cu, 88-90
bugs, 90
commands, 88-89
options, 89-90
cuserid( ) function, 934-935
bugs, 935
errors, 934
files, 935
cut, 90-91
cut buffers, copying selections
into, 598-599
cvs, 91-106, 1116-1120
commands, 91-104
add, 96
admin, 96
checkout, 96-97
commit, 96-98
diff, 98
export, 98
history, 99
import, 100
log, 100
rdiff, 101
release, 101
remove, 101-102
rtag, 102
status, 102
tag, 102-103
update, 103-104
cvs I
environment variables,
_ROOT, 105
CVS_RSH, 106
files, 104-105, 1117-1119
options, 92-104
checkout command, 97
commit command, 97
historycommand, 99
import command, 100
rdiff command, 101
sending problem reports,
fillingout reports,
startup file, 93
support files, 1116-1120
_ROOT environment
variable, 105
CVS_RSH environment
variable, 106
CVS_SERVER environment
variable, 106
cvsbug, 1279-1281
EMACS interface, 1281
environment, 1280
files, 1281
filling out reports,
options, 1280
CVSEDITOR environment
variable, 105
CVSREAD environment
variable, 105
CVSROOT environment
variable, 105
CVSWRAPPERS environment
variable, 106
cvtbatch, 1281-1282
Cyclades drivers, tuning,
cytune, 1282-1284
bugs, 1283
options, 1283
buffer-dirty-flush, 744-745
configurable finger daemon,
configuration file,
error messages, 1108
features, 1107-1108
SYSLOG messages, 1108
cron, 1275
InterNetNews, 1309-1312
control messages, 1310
controling, 1276-1279
kernel log, 1315-1317
line printer spooler,
network routing, 1380-1382
NFS mount, 1332-1333
NFS service, 1347
powerd, 1359-1360
pppd, 1360-1369
time server, 1407-1408
UUCP file transfer,
FTP server, 1301-1304
port numbers, converting
PRC program numbers to,
Telnet server, 1406-1407
TFTP server, 1407
data buffers, flushing from
files to disk, 756-757
data cache, flushing contents,
data segments, changing, 746
bibliographic, 219
fields, 219
inverted indexes, 209-210
searching, 210, 292-293
filename, updating, 561-562
files, searching for patterns,
news overview
format, 1168-1169
updating, 1353-1354
ps, updating, 436
rebuilding for mail aliases
file, 336
RGB colorname,
uncompiling, 488
terminal capability,
boolean capabilities, 1189
numeric capabilities,
Usenet, recovering, 1342-
date, 106-108
arguments, 106-107
files, 108
options, 108
converting, 79
to ASCII, 909-911,
to Discordian format,
stringsto numbers,
formatting, strftime( )
function, 1032-1034
returning current, 928-929
setting, 107-108
showing, 106-107
dd, 108-109
ddate, 1210-1211
DDcheck routine, 965
I cvs
DDend routine, 965
DDstart routine, 965
debug (ftp command), 149
debugfs, 1284-1285
commands, 1284-1285
options, 1284
declare(shell command), 36
del_timer, 1424
delete_module, 800-802
delete(ftp command), 148
binary tree items, 1056
directories, 829-830
MS-DOS directory trees,
MS-DOS files, 318-319
depmod, 109-112
configuration, 110-111
files, 111
strategy, 111
descriptor tables, size
(getting), 760-761
descriptors, testing, 958-959
/dev directory, 1236
bad blocks (searching for),
controlling, 774-788
ioctl calls(list of),
creating, 815-816,
describing all, 1120-1121
disk, ram, 1094-1095
DOS (table of), 1152-1158
Ethernet, boot-time
parameters, 1223
floppy disk, 1080-1083
configuration, 1080-1082
hard disk, 1083
line printer (ioctl( ) calls),
lp, parameters (setting),
opening, 815-816
PLIP, tuning parameters,
SCSI tape, drivers,
setup, 849
enabling/disabling, 1401
starting/stopping, 866-867
terminal (list of), 1197
DEVINFO, 1120-1121
df, 112-113
dialup IP connection handler,
dialin mode, 1286-1287
dialout mode, 1287-1288
dictionaries, compressing/
uncompressing, 496
diff (cvs command), 98
difftime, 911, 984-986
dig, 113-117
bugs, 117
environment, 117
files, 117
options, 114-115
dip, 1285-1288
command mode, 1285-1286
dialin mode, 1286-1287
dialout mode, 1287-1288
files, 1288
dir, 303-304
bugs, 304
ftp command, 149
options, 303-304
/, 1236
adding to stack, 40
alphabetizing entries,
/bin, 1236
/boot, 1236
changing, 35-36, 747-748
closing, 905-906
creating, 323
mkdir, 794-795
mknod, 795-796
deleting, 829-830
/dev, 1236
displaying list of, 36
/dos, 1236
/etc, 1236
/etc/skel, 1236
/etc/X11, 1236
files (searching for), 137-142
getting current, 931
getting entries, 759
format, 931-932
hierarchies, creating, 323
/home, 1236
/lib, 1236
listing contents, 303-304
/mnt, 1236
changing, 316-317
displaying, 319
opening, opendir, 989
printing pathnames, 40
/proc, 1236
promoting, 39-40
RCS, creating, 447-449
entries, 823
readdir( ) function,
removing, 462
root, changing, 750-751,
/sbin, 1237
scanning for matching
entries, 1012-1013
stream, resetting, 1011
/tmp, 1237
trees, walking through, 930
/usr, 1237
/usr/X11R6, 1237
/usr/X11R6/bin, 1237
/usr/X11R6/lib, 1237
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11, 1237
directory stream, current
location (returning), 1048
directory trees
MS-DOS, deleting, 319
shadow directories
(creating), 294
directory trees I
dirs (shell command), 36
disconnect (ftp command),
Discordian dates (converting
to), 1210-1211
adding MS-DOS filesystems
to, 321-322
devices, ram, 1094-1095
displaying usage/limits, 437
formatting, 1295-1296
markingbad blocks, 316
settingparameters, 1391
MS-DOS, mounting,
quotas, manipulating,
SCSI, drivers, 1095-1096
summarizing free space,
summarizing usage, 120-121
Xdf, 332
display argument command
(telnet), 508
ment variable, 529
div( ) function, 911
dividing integers, 911
floating-point remainders,
913, 923
returning quotient and
remainder, 961
dmesg, 1288-1289
dn_comp, 1008-1011
dn_expand, 1008-1011
dnsdomainname, 259-260
dnsquery, 117-119
bugs, 119
diagnostics, 118
files, 118
options, 117-118
converting, troff to LaTeX,
formatting, gtroff, 237-248
dollar signs ($)
bash special parameters, 15
expansion, 19
ftp command, 148
domain names
current host, 119
displaying, 259-260
getting/setting, 760
querying servers, 117-119
sending query packets to
servers, 113-117
servers, resolver routines,
domain servers, looking up
hostnames with, 257-258
domainname, 119
domains, nameserver,
querying, 1350-1353
doodlebrush files, converting
to portablebitmaps, 57
DOS devices, tableof,
/dos directory, 1236
drand48( ) functions, 912
drawing bitmaps (commands),
drem( ) function, 913
busmouse, boot-time
parameters, 1224
Cyclades, tuning,
floppy disk, boot-time
parameters, 1223-1224
SCSI disks, 1095-1096
SCSI tape devices,
ioctl( ) calls, 1097-1100
sound, boot-time param-
eters, 1224
dsplit, 119-120
du, 120-121
dumpe2fs, 1289
dumping files, 345-346
dup, 753-754
dup2, 753-754
duplicateexecutables, finding,
duplicating strings, 1031
notification, 48
sending, 1387-1390
aliases, 1390
e2fsck, 1289-1291
bugs, 1291
exit code, 1290
options, 1290
echo (shell command), 36-37
sending, 1358
ecvt( ) function, 913-914
Edit menu commands, bitmap
application, 53-54
editing bitmaps, 49-51
(readline), 28
emacs, 130-133
bugs, 133
distributing, 133
files, 132-133
manuals, 132
mousebutton bindings,
options, 130
X Window System,
stream-oriented, seesed
editres, 121-126
beginning sessions, 121
blocking requests, 124
commands, 121-122
environment, 126
files, 126
options, 121
resource box, 123-124
resources, 124-125
widgets, 125-126
window, 121
I dirs(shell command)
edquota, 1291-1292
egrep, 224-226
bugs, 226
diagnostics, 226
options, 224-225
regular expressions, 225-226
$elseparser directive
(readline), 29
elvis, 126-128
bugs, 128
environment, 127-128
files, 127
options, 127
ref interaction, 455
tag files, 135-137
elvprsv, 128-129
elvrec, 129-130
emacs, 130-133
bugs, 133
distributing, 133
files, 132-133
function key/mouse support,
manuals, 132
mouse button bindings, 132
options, 130
tag files, 135-137
using emacstool with, 135
X Window System, 131-132
EMACS user interface,
cvsbug, 1281
emacstool, 134-135
bugs, 135
environment variables, 135
files, 135
options, 134
using with emacs, 135
enable(shell command), 37
encoded files, uuencode
format, 1200
crypt function, 908-909
memory areas, 980-981
endgrent( ) function, 932-933
$endif parser directive
(readline), 29
endmntent( ) function,
endnetent subroutine,
endprotoent( ) function,
endpwent( ) function, 943
endservent( ) function, 946
endusershell( ) function,
endutent( ) function, 947
ENV variable(bash), 16
environ, 1121
environ command (telnet),
environment variables
adding/changing, 996-997,
bash, 25-26
ci, 68
co, 75
cvs, 105-106
CVS_RSH, 106
cvsbug, 1280
dig, 117
editres, 126
elvis, 127-128
emacstool, 135
fsinfo, 145
fslsfonts, 146
fstobdf, 146
ftp, 154
gawk, 172
getopt( ) function, 939
getting, 932
groff, 229
gtroff, 248
gzip, 251
imake, 267
info, 270
ld, 291
lkbib, 293
locate, 295
lpq, 299
lpr, 300
lprm, 302
more, 328
nslookup, 1353
rcs, 443
rcsclean, 444
rcsdiff, 445
rcsmerge, 450
ref, 455
rlog, 459
rlogin, 461
script, 475
startx, 497
tcal, 506
telnet, 512
tin, 528-530
TINRC, 528
tset, 541
twm, 557
TZ, 987
ul, 559
xauth, 589, 592
xclipboard, 597
xclock, 595
xcmsdb, 593
environment variables I
xconsole, 598
xdm, 608
XFree86, 637
xhost, 644
xinit, 666
xlogo, 668
xlsatoms, 669
xlsclients, 669
xlsfonts, 671
xmodmap, 675
xprop, 680
xrdb, 684
xrefresh, 685
xstdcmap, 700
xterm, 717
xwd, 722
xwininfo, 724
xwud, 726
eqn, see geqn
equation formatting, 202-206
erand48( ) functions, 912
erf( ) function, 914
erfc( ) function, 914
errno, 916-917
error functions, 914
access, 741
adjtimex, 743
bdflush, 745
bind, 745-746
cacheflush, 747
chdir/fchdir, 747-748
chmod, 749
chown, 749-750
chroot, 750-751
clone, 751
close, 752
codes, describing (returning
strings), 1032
creat, 816
dup/dup2, 753
execve, 754
fchmod, 749
fchown, 749-750
fcntl, 756
fdatasync, 757
fork/vfork, 758
fsync, 759
getdents, 759
getdomainname, 760
getgroups, 762
gethostname, 763
getitimer, 764
getpeername, 765
getpriority, 766-767
getrlimit, 768
getsid, 768
getsockname, 769
getsockopt, 771
gettimeofday, 773
idle, 774
ioctl, 774
iopl, 789
kill, 790
killpg, 791
link, 791-792
listen, 792
llseek, 793
lseek, 794
mkdir, 795
mknod, 796
mlockall, 798
mmap, 799
modify_ldt, 800
mount, 803
mprotect, 804
mremap, 806
msgctl, 807
msgget, 808
msgop, 810
munlock, 812
munmap, 799
mysnc, 811
nanosleep, 813
nice, 814
open, 816
pause, 817
personality, 818
return value, 797
returning number, 916-917
setdomainname, 760
setgroups, 762
sethostname, 763
setitimer, 764
setpriority, 766-767
setrlimit, 768
setsockopt, 771
settimeofday, 773
symbolic error names,
unmount, 803
escapecharacter, bash, 14
etags, 135-137
copying, 136-137
options, 136
/etc directory, 1236
/etc/modules file, 1152
/etc/skel directory, 1236
/etc/X11 directory, 1236
Ethernet devices, boot-time
parameters, 1223
Euclidean distance(finding),
EUID variable(bash), 15
eval (shell command), 37
event timers, managing, 1424
ex, see elvis
exclamation points (!)
bash special parameters, 15
ftp command, 148
exec (shell command), 37
execl function, 914-916
execlefunction, 914-916
execlp function, 914-916
exect function, 914-916
executablefiles, compressing/
expanding, 252-253
executables, duplicate
(finding), 61
executing programs, 754-755
pausing, 813-814
suspending, 1061
execv function, 914-916
execve, 754-755
execvp function, 914-916
exit, 739-740, 917
shell command, 37
xauth, 591
exit status (commands), 26
exp( ) function, 918
I environment variables
expand, 137
(readline), 28
expanding files, see compress-
ing/expanding files
expansion, 18-21
arithmetic, 20
brace, 19
command substitution, 20
history, 33-34
event designators, 33
modifiers, 34
word designators, 33
parameter, 19-20
pathname, 21
process substitution, 20
quote removal, 21
tilde, 19
word splitting, 21
expire, 1292-1293
expire.ctl, 1121-1123
expireover, 1293-1294
expm1( ) function, 918
exponents, 918
cvs command, 98
shell command, 37
exported kernel symbols,
displaying, 284-285
exports, 1123-1125
files, 1124
options, 1123
user ID mapping,
conditional, evaluating, 43
find, 138
gawk, 166
gpic, 213-214
grep, 225-226
label, grefer, 223-224
numeric, gtroff, 239
regular, sed, 476-477
ext filesystem, 1125
ext2 filesystem, 1125
extracting from archives, 5-7
fabs( ) function, 919
facefiles, converting to
portablebitmaps, 726
fastrm, 1294-1295
fc (shell command), 37-38
FCEDIT variable(bash), 17
fchdir, 747-748
fchmod, 748-749
fchown, 749-750
fclosefunction, 919
fcntl, 755-756
fcvt( ) function, 913-914
fd, 1080-1083
configuration, 1080-1082
ioctl( ) calls supported, 1082
FD_CLR macro, 836
FD_ISSET macro, 836
FD_SET macro, 836
FD_ZERO macro, 836
fdatasync, 756-757
fdformat, 1295-1296
fdisk, 1296-1297
fdopen function, 924-925
feof function, 919-920
ferror function, 919-920
fflush function, 920-921
ffs( ) function, 921
fg (shell command), 38
fgetc( ) function, 945
fgetgrent( ) function, 921-922
fgetpos function, 927-928
fgetpwent( ) function,
fgets( ) function, 945
fgrep, 224-226
bugs, 226
diagnostics, 226
options, 224-225
regular expressions, 225-226
fields, awk, 163
FIFOs (named pipes), 1403
creating, 323-325, 982-983
system logging, 1403
FIGNORE variable(bash), 17
duplicating, 23
manipulating sets, 836
opening, 23
reading from, 822
writing to, 889-890
Filemenu commands, bitmap
application, 53
adding entries, 1428-1429
description, 1425-1426
initializing, 1427
moving files to end, 1431
removing files, 1431-1432
structure, 1426
table entries, 1426
unreferenced entries,
fetching, 1428
file-creation mask, setting, 45
file_table, 1425-1426
table entries, 1426
table structure, 1426
file_table_init, 1427
filechan, 1297-1298
filenamedatabases, updating,
matching, 924
temporary, creating,
fileno function, 919-920
aborting transfer, 152
access permissions,
changing, 61-62
agetty, 1261
compressed Spectrum,
convertingto portable
pixmaps, 494
DegasPI1, convertingto
portablepixmaps, 378
DegasPI3, convertingto
portablebitmaps, 379
uncompressed Spectrum,
convertingto portable
pixmaps, 495-496
files I
attributes, 59
changing(second extended
filesystem), 59-60
authority (X), xauth file
utility, 587-592
AutoCAD slide, converting
to portable pixmaps,
bash, 46
locatingfor commands,
Biorad confocal, converting
to portable graymaps,
bitmap, converting, 49
to portablepixmaps, 57
block special, creating, 325
character special, creating,
comparing, 78-79
comparing, 731-732
searchingfor regular
expressions, 733
viewingtext, 733-734
concatenation, 251
executablefiles, 252-253
computing checksums, 501
concatenating, 58-59
configuration values, getting,
copying, 80-81
between machines,
convertingwhile, 108-109
install, 272-273
counting bytes/words/lines,
70, 574
creating, 815-816
masks, 880
cuserid( ) function, 935
cutting sections from, 90-91
cvs, 104-105, 1117-1119
startup, 93
cvsbug, 1281
database, searching for
patterns, 295
date, 108
closing, 752
duplicating, 753-754
manipulating, 755-756
domainname, 119
doodle brush, converting to
portable bitmaps, 57
dumping, 345-346
/etc/modules, 1152
executing, 914-916
exports, 1124
face, converting to portable
bitmaps, 726
filesystem description,
accessing, 935-936
filters, hexdump, 254-256
FITS, converting to portable
anymaps, 142-143
font, 1128
information, 2
creating, 3
groff (creatingfor), 513
formats, converting Xconfig
to XF86Config, 454
free, 144
gcc/g++, 159-160, 200
GEM IMG, converting to
portable bitmaps, 201
GIF, converting to portable
anymaps, 208-209
Gould scanner, converting
to portable pixmaps, 211
group, getting entries,
921-922, 932-934
group ownership, changing,
gtroff, 248
gzip, forcing .gz extension,
HIPS, converting to
portable graymaps, 256
HP PaintJet, converting to
portable pixmaps, 381
httpd, 261
identifying processes, 154-
identifying RCS keyword
strings in, 262-263
ifconfig, 1305
ILBM, converting to
portable pixmaps, 263-264
image, converting to
portable anymap, 4
imake, 266
Img-whatnot, converting to
portable pixmaps, 267
joining fields, 282-283
linking, 293-294, 791-792
Lisp machine bitmap,
converting to portable
graymaps, 292
listing attributes, 304-305
location, changing, 828-829
lock, creating for shell
scripts, 487
login, 297
login record, 1198-1200
Macintosh PICT, convert-
ing to portable pixmaps,
MacPaint, converting to
portable bitmaps, 309-310
makefiles, creating
dependencies in, 312-314
man, 1248
manual page, locating for
commands, 575-576
lines, 347
three-way, 320
mesg, 321
modprobe, 111
mount, 1332
I files
317-318, 329
deleting, 318-319
moving, 327
renaming, 329-330
mtools, testing, 330
named, 1337
changing, 828-829
historyfile, 226-227
namingconventions, 153
.netrc, 153-154
NLM outfiles, converting
object code into, 338-339
nontext, printing strings
from, 498
numbering lines, 337-338
from, 342-343
listingsection and total
sizes, 489-490
offsets, repositioning,
opening, 815-816
removing), 757
endsof, 504
headers, 253-254
ownership, changing, 62-63,
password, editing,
PCX, converting to portable
pixmaps, 368-369
changing, 748-749
checking, 741-742
settingmodes, 272-273
Photo-CD, converting to
portable pixmaps, 260-261
portable anymap
format, 1173
reading, 971
writing, 971-972
portable bitmap
format, 1170-1171
reading, 968
writing, 968-969
portable graymap
format, 1171-1172
reading, 970
writing, 970
portable pixmap
format, 1173-1174
reading, 974
writing, 974
PostScript, converting to
portable anymaps, 434-
preserving after crashes,
printer/plotter accounting,
reading, 1354-1355
printing, in reverse, 503-504
protocol definition, 1180-
cleaning, 443-445
controllingaccess, 67
format, 1181-1183
modes, 67
organization (diagram),
retrievingrevisions, 71-75
specifying, 66-67
storingrevisions, 64-69
temporaryfiles, 67
recovering after crashes,
refs, generating, 87-88
remote distribution,
removing, 461-462
columns, 77-78
setsof, 1294-1295
renaming, 334-335
resolver configuration,
reversing lines, 457
searching for (in directories),
SF86Config, generating,
SGI image, converting to
portable anymaps,
shar, unpacking, 560-561
shrinking, 488
Solitaire, converting to
portable anymaps,
sorted, removing duplicate
lines, 560
source, locating for
commands, 575-576
spell-checking utilities, 281
splitting, 85-86, 119-120,
status, getting, 863-864
string table C source files/
headers, 314-315
substituting definitions into,
suffixes, list of, 1249-1252
Sun raster, converting to
portable anymaps, 438
files I
enabling/disabling, 1401
starting/stopping, 866-867
symbolic links, 867-869
in-coredata, 756-757
in-corestate, 758-759
with memorymaps, 811
emacs, 135-137
vi, 135-137
tags, generating, 87-88
creating, 983, 1053-1054
naming, 1049, 1054
convertingfor printing,
creatinggcal resourcefiles
from, 558
sorting, 492-493
TIFF, converting to portable
anymaps, 515-516
time zone information,
timestamps (changing), 536
transfer parameters, 153
TrueVision Targa, convert-
ing to portable pixmaps,
truncating, 879-880
copyingbetween systems,
copyingto MS-DOS, 335
restoringfilenames, 324-
Usenix FaceSaver, convert-
ing to portable graymaps,
user group, 1131
UUCP transfer requests,
processing, 1415-1417
uuencode, format, 1200
XFree86, 638-639,
Filessection, 1201
Keyboard section, 1202
Monitor sections,
Pointer section,
Screen sections,
ServerFlagssection, 1201
XIM, converting to portable
pixmaps, 654
YUV, converting to portable
pixmaps, 730-731
Z, recompressing to GZ,
Zeiss confocal, converting to
portable anymaps, 732
filesystem checks
group identity (setting),
user identity (setting), 844
filesystem description file,
accessing, 935-936
filesystems, 1125-1126
buffers, flushing, 1401-1402
building, 1325-1326
checking, 1298-1300
debugger, 1284-1285
commands, 1284-1285
options, 1284
deleting names from, 1008
device entries, maintaining,
dumping information, 1289
ext, 1125
ext2, 1125
hierarchy, description of,
High Sierra, 1125
hpfs, 1125
iso9660, 1125
MINIX, 1125
creating, 1326-1327
802-804, 1328-1332
msdos, 1125
names, deleting, 882
ncpfs, 1126
nfs, 1125
export list, 1123-1125
proc, 1125
summarizing, 1376
repairing, 1298-1299
Rock Ridge, 1125
root, mounting, 849
scanning, 1371-1372
second extended
checking, 1289-1291
creating, 1324-1325
lost+found directory, 1327
(adjusting), 1412-1413
setup, 849
smb, 1126
static information,
statistics, getting, 883-884,
sysv, 1125
table of, 1427-1428
type information, getting,
umsdos, 1125
vfat, 1125
xiafs, 1125
filesystems command,
Laplacian relief, running on
portable pixmaps, 413
more, 327-328
commands, 328
environment, 328
options, 327-328
nonlinear (pnmnlfilt),
nroff output, 77
reverse line feeds, 76
I files
find, 137-142
actions, 140-142
expressions, 138
numeric arguments,
operators, 142
options, 138
findaffix, 274, 280
bugs, 282
files, 281
finger daemons, configurable,
configuration file,
error messages, 1108
features, 1107-1108
SYSLOG messages, 1108
finger information, changing,
finite( ) function, 959
first in - first out scheduling,
FITS files, converting to
portableanymaps, 142-143
fitstopnm, 142-143
floating-point numbers
absolute value, 919
to fractional/integral
components, 927
to strings, 913-914,
extracting integral and
fractional values, 984
multiplying, by integral
powers of 2, 961
flock, 757
floor( ) function, 923
floppy disks
devices, 1080-1083
configuration, 1080-1082
drivers, boot-time
parameters, 1223-1224
formatting, 1295-1296
marking bad blocks, 316
parameters, setting, 1391
fmod( ) function, 923
fmt, 143
fnmatch() function, 924
fold, 143-144
font files
adding font-metric
information, 2
creating, 3
font formats
Bitmap Distribution to
PortableCompiled, 47
packed format to portable
bitmaps, 381
PostScript PFB format to
ASCII, 369
groff_font, 1127-1129
DESC file, 1127-1128
font servers (X)
displaying information
about, 145
generating BDF fonts,
listing fonts, 145-146
files, 1128
creatingfor groff, 513
grops styles, 231-232
man pages, 1247
displayingall characters
in, 633-636
listing, 670-671
X font server, 641-643, 689
configuration, 642
naming, 643
fopen function, 924-925
errors, 925
mode argument sequences,
return values, 925
fork, 758
form (ftp command), 149
dates, strftime( ) function,
documents, gtroff, 237-248
equations, 202-206
floppy disks, 1295-1296
input, 1013-1015
conversions, 1014-1015
flags, 1014
line lengths, 143
man pages, 1246-1248
fonts, 1247
macros, 1248
preamble, 1246-1247
sections, 1247-1248
output, 992-996,
conversion specifiers, 994
examples, 995
flags, 993-994
technical papers
times, strftime( ) function,
troff tables, 236-237
fpathconf( ) function,
fprintf function, 992-996
fpurgefunction, 920-921
fputc( ) function, 997-999
fputs( ) function, 997-999
fractal forgeries, 404-407
fread function, 926-927
free, 144
free( ) function, 976
freopen function, 924-925
frexp( ) function, 927
fscanf function, 1013-1015
fsck, 1298-1300
fsck.minix, 1300-1301
fseek function, 927-928
fsetpos function, 927-928
fsinfo, 145
fslsfonts, 145-146
fstab, 1126-1127
file format/options,
fstab I
fstat, 863-864
fstatfs, 865-866
fstobdf, 146-147
fstopgm, 147
fsync, 758-759
ftell function, 927-928
ftimefunction, 928-929
ftok function, 929-930
FTP (File Transfer
Protocol), DARPA server,
ftp, 147-154
aborting transfer, 152
bugs, 154
commands, 148-152
!, 148
$, 148
?, 152
account, 148
append, 148
ascii, 148
bell, 148
binary, 148
bye, 148
case, 148
cd, 148
cdup, 148
chmod, 148
close, 148
cr, 148
debug, 149
delete, 148
dir, 149
disconnect, 149
form, 149
get, 149
glob, 149
hash, 149
help, 149
idle, 149
lcd, 149
ls, 149
macdef, 149
mdelete, 149
mdir, 150
mget, 150
mkdir, 150
mls, 150
mode, 150
modtime, 150
mput, 150
newer, 150
nlist, 150
nmap, 150
ntrans, 150-151
open, 151
prompt, 151
proxyftp, 151
put, 151
pwd, 151
quit, 151
quote, 151
recv, 151
reget, 151
remotehelp, 151
remotestatus, 151
rename, 151
reset, 151
restart, 151
rmdir, 152
runique, 152
send, 152
sendport, 152
site, 152
size, 152
status, 152
struct, 152
system, 152
trace, 152
type, 152
umask, 152
user, 152
verbose, 152
environment variables, 154
file naming conventions,
file transfer parameters, 153
.netrc file, 153-154
options, 147-148
tenex, sendport, 152
ftpd, 1301-1304
bugs, 1303
FTP requests supported,
options, 1302
ftruncate, 879-880
ftw( ) function, 930
full-duplex connections,
shutting down, 855
function bindings, displaying,
calling at termination,
897-898, 988
headers, displaying, 455-456
library, undocumented,
portable pixmap programs,
color names, 974
memorymanagement, 973
readingfiles, 974
writingfiles, 974
fuser, 154-155
fwritefunction, 926-927
g++, 155-160, 174-201
bugs, 160
copying, 160, 201
filename suffixes, 174-175
files, 159-160, 200
options, 155-159, 175-178
assembler, 181
codegeneration, 198-199
debugging, 186-187
directory, 182-183
language, 178-180
linker, 181-182
optimization, 188-190
preprocessor, 180-181
target, 190-191
warning, 183-186
pragmas, 159, 200
g3topbm, 160-161
games, 1210
gawk, 161-173
actions, 165-166
arithmetic functions,
I fstat
bugs, 172
reporting, 172-173
control statements, 167
environment variables, 172
fields, 163
functions, 170
GNU extensions, 171
historical awk features
supported, 172
I/O statements, 167
operators, 166-167
options, 161-162
patterns, 165-166
POSIX compatibility, 171
printf statement, 167-168
program execution, 162-163
regular expressions, 166
special filenames, 168
sprintf( ) function, 167-168
string constants, 169-170
string functions, 169
time functions, 169
variables, 163-165
arrays, 164
built-in, 163-164
typingand conversion,
version information, 172
gcal, 173-174
running one day ahead, 506
resource files, creating from
text files, 558
gcc, 174-201
assembling output, 8-9
bugs, 201
copying, 201
filename suffixes, 174-175
files, 200
options, 175-178
assembler, 181
codegeneration, 198-199
debugging, 186-187
directory, 182-183
language, 178-180
linker, 181-182
optimization, 188-190
preprocessor, 180-181
target, 190-191
warning, 183-186
pragmas, 200
gcvt( ) function, 930-931
GEM IMG files, converting to
portablebitmaps, 201
gemtopbm, 201
GenerateMessageID routine,
geqn, 202-206
automatic spacing, 203
bugs, 206
customization, 204-205
equation components,
files, 206
fonts, 206
macros, 206
new primitives, 203-204
options, 202
get (ftp command), 149
get_current_dir_name( )
function, 931
get_empty_filp, 1428
get_kernel_syms, 800-802
getc( ) function, 945
getchar( ) function, 945
GetConfigValueroutine, 965
getcwd( ) function, 931
getdents, 759
getdirentries function,
getdomainname, 760
getdtablesize, 760-761
getegid, 761
getenv( ) function, 932
geteuid, 773
GetFQDN routine, 965
getgid, 761
getgrent( ) function, 932-933
getgrgid( ) function, 933-934
getgrnam( ) function, 933-934
getgroups, 761-762
gethostid, 762-763
gethostname, 763
getitimer, 763-764
getlist, 206-207
getlogin( ) function, 934-935
getmntent( ) function,
routine, 965
getnetbyaddr subroutine,
getnetent subroutine, 936-937
getopt, 207-208
getopt( ) function, 937-940
environment variables, 939
getopt_long( ) example,
return value, 939
getopt_long( ) function,
getopt_long_only( ) function,
getopts (shell command), 38
getpagesize, 765
getpass function, 940-941
getpeername, 765
getpgid, 845-846
getpgrp, 845-846
getpid, 766
getppid, 766
getpriority, 766-767
getprotobyname( ) function,
getprotobynumber( )
function, 941-942
getprotoent( ) function,
getpw( ) function, 942-943
getpwent( ) function, 943
getpwnam( ) function, 944
getpwuid( ) function, 944
getrlimit, 767-768
getrusage, 767-768
getrusage I
gets( ) function, 945
getservbyname( ) function,
getservbyport( ) function, 946
getservent( ) function, 946
getsid, 768
getsockname, 769
getsockopt, 769-772
bugs, 772
errors, 771
options recognized, 770-771
SO_TYPE, 771
return value, 771
GetTimeInfo routine, 965
gettimeofday, 772-773
getuid, 773
getusershell( ) function,
getutent( ) function, 947
getutid( ) function, 947
getutline( ) function, 948
getw function, 948
getwd( ) function, 931
GIF files, converting to
portableanymaps, 208-209
giftopnm, 208-209
giles, gpic, 215
gindxbib, 209-210
glob (ftp command), 149
glob( ) function, 949-950
glob_dot_filenames variable
(bash), 17
globfree( ) function, 949-950
glookbib, 210
gmtime, 984-986
gmtime( ) function, 909-910
gnroff, 210-211
GNU linker, 287-291
copying, 291
environment, 291
options, 288-291
GNU ar, see ar
GNU as, see as
GNU Bourne-again shell, see
Gould scanner files, convert-
ing to portablepixmaps, 211
gouldtoppm, 211
gpic, 211-215
bugs, 215
commands, 212-213
expressions, 213-214
file, 215
mode, 212
options, 211-212
versus pic, 212-215
gprof, 216-217
graph profiledata, displaying,
graphics (ASCII), converting
to portablegraymap, 10
system load average, 533
topological sorts, 542
grayscaleramps, generating,
greater than signs (>),
redirection operator, 21
grefer, 217-224
bibliographic databases, 219
bugs, 224
citations, 219-220
commands, 220-222
files, 224
label expressions, 223-224
macro interface, 224
options, 218-219
grep, 224-226
bugs, 226
diagnostics, 226
options, 224-225
regular expressions, 225-226
grodvi, 227-228
groff, 228-230
availability, 230
bugs, 230
creating font files for, 513
environment, 229
files, 229
guessing options, 230
interpreting .so requests,
options, 229
output, converting to TeX
dvi format, 227-228
PostScript driver, 230-235
preprocessing references,
typewriter device driver, 235
groff_font format, 1127-1129
DESC file, 1127-1128
groff_me, 1225-1227
groff_mm, 1227-1234
extensions, 1227-1229
number variables,
strings, 1233
variables, 1229-1230
groff_ms, 1234-1236
groff_out, 1129-1131
grog, 230
grops, 230-235
files, 234
font styles, 231-232
options, 231
X commands, 232-233
grotty, 235-236
group, 1131
Group 3 fax files, converting
to portablebitmaps,
group access lists
getting/setting, 761-762
initializing, 955
I gets( ) function
group fileentries, getting,
921-922, 932-934
group identity, setting, 845
group IDs
getting/setting, 761,
real and effective, setting,
group ownership (files),
changing, 61
adding to system,
logging into, 336-337
process, sending signalsto,
grow_files, 1428-1429
grttoppm, 436-437
gsoelim, 236
gtbl, 236-237
gtroff, 237-248
environment, 248
escape sequences, 239-240
files, 248
fractional point sizes, 238-
incompatibilities, 247-248
long names, 238
numeric expressions, 239
options, 238
requests, 241-244
extended, 244
number registers, 245-246
warnings, 246-247
gunzip, 248-249
gzexe, 252-253
gzip, 248-252
bugs, 252
diagnostics, 251-252
environment, 251
options, 249-250
gzip files, forcing .gz exten-
sion, 732-733
handling signals, 857-858
hard disks
boot-time parameters,
devices, 1083
partition tables, manipulat-
ing, 1296-1297
hard drives, partitioning,
hard-reset( ) action (xterm),
hardware, video (identifying),
ftp command, 149
shell command, 38
hash tables
creating, 951
freeing memory, 951
searching, 951
hasmntopt( ) function,
hcreate( ) function, 951-952
hd, 1083
hdestroy( ) function, 951
head, 253-254
HeaderCleanFrom routine,
HeaderFind routine, 964
headers function, displaying,
ftp command, 149
shell command, 38
xauth command, 591
here-documents, 22-23
hexdump, 254-256
hier, 1236-1238
directories, 1236-1238
/, 1236
/bin, 1236
/boot, 1236
/dev, 1236
/dos, 1236
/etc, 1236
/etc/skel, 1236
/etc/X11, 1236
/home, 1236
/lib, 1236
/mnt, 1236
/proc, 1236
/sbin, 1237
/tmp, 1237
/usr, 1237
/usr/X11R6, 1237
/usr/X11R6/bin, 1237
/usr/X11R6/lib, 1237
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11, 1237
directory (creating), 323
filesystem, description of,
High Sierra filesystem, 1125
HIPS files, converting to
portablegraymaps, 256
hipstopgm, 256
histchars variable(bash),
HISTCMD variable(bash),
HISTFILE variable(bash), 17
(bash), 17
drawing for PGM or PPM
files, 388
portable pixmaps, printing,
history, 1131-1132
control variable (bash), 17
cvs command, 99
shell command, 39
history expansion (bash),
event designators, 33
modifiers, 34
word designators, 33
history lists (bash), 32-33
displaying, 39
HISTSIZE variable(bash), 17
HISTSIZE variable(bash) I
HOME variable(bash), 16
/homedirectory, 1236
variable(readline), 28
host, 257-258
bugs, 258
customizing, 258
options, 257-258
host byteorder, converting
between network byteorder,
host IDs, printing, 258-259
hostid, 258-259
hostname, 259-260,
variable(bash), 18
displaying, 259-260
looking up, 257-258
resolving, 1238-1239
identifiers, getting/setting,
names, getting/setting, 763
sending messages to users
on, 473
hosts.nntp, 1132-1133
hosts_access, 1133-1136
access control files, 1133
access control rules, 1133
bugs, 1136
diagnostics, 1136
files, 1136
operators, 1134
patterns, 1133-1134
remote username lookup,
shell commands, 1134
wildcards, 1134
hosts_access( ) function,
hosts_ctl( ) function, 950-951
hosts_options, 1137-1139
diagnostics, 1139
options, 1137
HOSTTYPE variable(bash),
HP PaintJet files, converting
to portablepixmaps, 381
hpcdtoppm, 260-261
hpfs filesystem, 1125
hsearch( ) function, 951-952
htonl( ) function, 901-902
htons( ) function, 901-902
httpd, 261
hyperbolic cosines, 908
hyphens (-), bash special
parameters, 15
hypot( ) function, 953
awk statement, 167
port permissions, setting,
ports, functions, 816
privilege level, changing,
standard I/O library,
ICCcancel routine, 956
ICCcloseroutine, 956
ICCcommand routine, 956
ICCopen routine, 956
ICCpauseroutine, 956
ICCreserveroutine, 956
ICCsettimeout routine, 956
icombine, 274, 281
files, 281
icontopbm, 262
ident, 262-263
idle, 774
errors, 774
ftp command, 149
return value, 774
IDs (group), searching for
matches, 1429
$if parser directive(readline),
ifconfig, 1304-1305
IFS variable(bash), 16
ignore( ) action (xterm), 713
IGNOREEOF variable(bash),
ijoin, 274, 281
files, 281
ILBM files, converting to
portablepixmaps, 263-264
ilbmtoppm, 263-264
imagefiles, converting to
portableanymap, 4
imageparameter, values, 1374
imake, 264-267
environment variables, 267
files, 266
input, 266
options, 265
X Window System, 266
Imakefiles, creating Makefiles
from, 672
Img-whatnot file, converting
to portablepixmaps, 267
imgtoppm, 267
import (cvs command), 100
in_group_p, 1429
inb, 816
inb_p, 816
inbound zonetransfers,
index( ) function, 953
indexes, archives (generating
for), 437-438
inet_addr( ) function, 954
inet_aton( ) function, 954
inet_lnaof( ) function, 954
inet_makeaddr( ) function,
inet_netof( ) function, 954
inet_network( ) function, 954
inet_ntoa( ) function, 954
inetd, 1305-1307
inews, 267-269
returning value for, 954-955
testing for, 959
infnan( ) function, 954-955
I HOME variable(bash)
info, 269-270
commands, 269-270
environment, 270
options, 269
info command (xauth), 591
init, 1307-1309
diagnostics, 1309
files, 1308
run levels, 1308
init_module, 800-802
init_timer, 1424
initgroups( ) function, 955
terminals, 539-542
X sessions, 496-497
initstate( ) function,
inittab, 1139-1141
inittab file, 1398
inl, 816
inl_p, 816
inn.conf, 1141-1142
innconfval, 270-271
innd, 1309-1312
control messages, 1310
header modifications, 1311
logging, 1311-1312
protocol differences,
inndcomm routines, 956
inndstart, 1309-1312
INNVersion routine, 966
innwatch.ctl, 1142-1144
innxmit, 1312-1313
formatting, 1013-1015
conversions, 1014-1015
flags, 1014
reading, 27-32
denotingkeystrokes, 27
macro definitions, 28
redirecting, 22
input lines, wrapping, 143-
input, see elvis
INPUTRC variable (bash), 17
insb, 816
insert( ) action (xterm), 713
insert-eight-bit( ) action
(xterm), 713
insert-selection( ) action
(xterm), 713
insert-seven-bit( ) action
(xterm), 713
insert_file_free, 1429
insl, 816
insmod, 271-272
insque( ) function, 957
install, 272-273
loadable modules, 271-272
rstartd, 469
spottopgm, 495
sysklogd, 1403
installit, 273-274
insw, 816
absolute values, 892-893
converting, between host
and network byte order,
dividing, 911
floating-point remainders,
913, 923
returningquotient and
remainder, 961
long, labs, 960-961
rounding, 904
downward, 923
to, 1011-1012
interactiveshells, 45
name daemon control,
attachingto serial line,
configuring, 1304-1305
serial mouse, 1092-1094
Microsoft protocol, 1093
MM protocol, 1094
Sun protocol, 1093
interned atoms, listing,
addresses, manipulating,
extended Internet services
daemon, 655-664
inetd superserver,
services, listing, 1184-1186
buffered file-writing, 1264-
configuration data,
daemon, 1309-1312
control messages, 1310
controlling, 1276-1279
file-writing, 1297-1298
InterNetNews library
clientlib, 904-905
INND communication
routines, 956
libinn routines, 962-966
CAclose, 964
CAlistopen, 964
CAopen, 964
CloseOnExec, 965
DDcheck, 965
DDend, 965
DDstart, 965
GetConfigValue, 965
GetFileConfigValue, 965
GetFQDN, 965
GetResourceUsage, 965
GetTimeInfo, 965
HeaderFind, 964
INNVersion, 966
InterNetNewslibrary I
LockFile, 965
NNTPcheckarticle, 965
NNTPconnect, 965
NNTPlocalopen, 965
NNTPremoteopen, 965
NNTPsendarticle, 966
NNTPsendpassword, 966
Radix32, 966
ReadInDescriptor, 966
ReadInFile, 966
SetNonBlocking, 965
Quick I/O, 998
interrupt key sequence,
routing, 1425
interval timers
getting/setting value,
value definitions, 764
inversehyperbolic cosines,
inversehyperbolic sines, 895
inversehyperbolic tangents,
inverted indexes, biblio-
graphic databases, 209-210
invocation, bash, 45-46
inw, 816
inw_p, 816
ioctl, 774-788
arguments, 787-788
consoles, 1074-1080
fd devicesupport, 1082
list of, 775-786
lp, 1090-1091
sd, 1095-1096
st, 1097-1100
duplicates, 788
errors, 774
return value, 774
ioperm, 788
iopl, 788-789
errors, 789
return value, 789
dialup connections, handler,
routing table (manipulat-
ing), 1379-1380
ipc, 789, 1144-1146
message queues, 1145
resource access permissions,
semaphore sets, 1145-1146
shared memory segments,
ipc facilities
getting information on,
removing, 1313-1314
IPC system calls, 789
ipcrm, 1313-1314
ipcrs, 1314
isalnum( ) function, 958
isalpha( ) function, 958
isascii( ) function, 958
isatty function, 958-959
isblank( ) function, 958
iscntrl( ) function, 958
isdigit( ) function, 958
isgraph( ) function, 958
isinf( ) function, 959
islower( ) function, 958
isnan( ) function, 959
ISO character sets
2022, 1066
4873, 1066
8859, 1064-1065
8859-1, 1239-1242
alphabets, 1240
characters, 1240-1242
iso9660 filesystem, 1125
ispell, 274-279, 1084-1090
affix file, 1084-1085
alternate string characters,
bugs, 282
capitalization rules, 279
character-set section, 1086
commands, 274-275
flags, 1088
headers, 1085
options, 275-279
options statements,
prefix/suffix tables, 1088
root words
case, 1084
extending, 1085
modifying, 1088-1089
isprint( ) function, 958
ispunct( ) function, 958
isspace( ) function, 958
issue, 1146-1147
isupper( ) function, 958
isxdigit( ) function, 958
ITIMER_PROF interval
timer, 764
ITIMER_REAL interval
timer, 764
timer, 764
j0( ) function, 959
j1( ) function, 959
jn( ) function, 959
job control, 24-25
jobs, displaying, 39
jobs (shell command), 39
join, 282-283
jrand48( ) functions, 912
kbdrate, 1314-1315
Kerberos authentication, 461
boot-time parameters,
Adaptec configurations,
argument list, 1216-1217
BusLogic configuration,
busmousedrivers, 1224
cardsnot accepting, 1220
I InterNetNewslibrary
CD-ROMs, 1222-1223
debugargument, 1217
Ethernet devices, 1223
floppydisk drivers,
futuredomain configura-
tion, 1220
hard disks, 1220-1221
mem=argument, 1218
no-hlt argument, 1217
no387 argument, 1217
Pro Audio configuration,
ramdisk=argument, 1218
ro argument, 1217
root=argument, 1217
rw argument, 1217
SCSI devicearguments,
SCSI tapeconfiguration,
configuration, 1220
sound drivers, 1224
Trantor T128
configuration, 1220
exported symbols, display-
ing, 284-285
log buffer, 873
message ring buffer, reading/
clearing, 872-874
modules, loading at boot
time, 1152
name, getting, 880-881
ring buffer, controlling,
kernel clock, adjusting,
kernel log daemon,
kernel logging, 1402
kernel_mktime, 1430
key bindings, displaying, 35
key combinations,
Ctrl+Alt+Del (setting
function), 1279
key sequences (interrupt),
routing, 1425
keyboard repeat rate,
resetting, 1314-1315
keymap variable(readline), 28
keymap( ) action (xterm), 713
keymaps (X), modifying,
keywords, RCS, identifying in
files, 262-263
kill, 283-284, 790
bugs, 790
errors, 790
options, 283
return value, 790
shell command, 39
killall, 284
killing client connections (X
servers), 666-667
killpg, 790-791, 960
klogd, 1315-1317
files, 1317
options, 1315
signal handling, 1316-1317
kmem, 1091-1092
KOI8-R character set, 1065
ksyms, 284-285
labs( ) function, 960-961
Laplacian relief filters,
running on portable
pixmaps, 413
last, 285-286
Latin-1 character set, 1064
Latin-2 character set, 1064
Latin-3 character set, 1064
Latin-4 character set, 1064
Latin-5 character set, 1065
Latin-6 character set, 1065
lbxproxy, 286-287
network connections, 286
options, 286
lcd (ftp command), 149
lcong48( ) functions, 912
ld, 287-291
copying, 291
environment, 291
options, 288-291
ldexp( ) function, 961
ldiv( ) function, 961
less than signs (<), redirection
operator, 21
let (shell command), 39
letters, converting
to lowercase, 1055-1056
to uppercase, 1055-1056
lfind( ) function, 975-976
lgamma( ) function, 962
/lib directory, 1236
libinn routines, 962-966
CAclose, 964
CAlistopen, 964
CAopen, 964
CloseOnExec, 965
DDcheck, 965
DDend, 965
DDstart, 965
GetConfigValue, 965
GetFileConfigValue, 965
GetFQDN, 965
GetModeratorAddress, 965
GetResourceUsage, 965
GetTimeInfo, 965
HeaderFind, 964
INNVersion, 966
LockFile, 965
NNTPcheckarticle, 965
NNTPconnect, 965
NNTPlocalopen, 965
NNTPremoteopen, 965
NNTPsendarticle, 966
NNTPsendpassword, 966
Radix32, 966
ReadInDescriptor, 966
ReadInFile, 966
SetNonBlocking, 965
libpbm routines, 966-969
constants, 968
endian i/o, 967
errors, 967
libpbmroutines I
file management, 967
initialization, 968
keyword matching, 967
memory management, 968
messages, 967
reading files, 968
types, 968
writing files, 968-969
libpgm routines, 969-970
constants, 969
initialization, 969
memory management, 969
reading files, 970
types, 969
writing files, 970
libpnm routines, 970-972
constants, 970
format promotion, 972
initialization, 971
memory management, 971
reading files, 971
types, 970
writing files, 971-972
XEL manipulation, 972
XEL manipulations, 971
libppm, 973-974
color names, 974
memory management, 973
reading files, 974
writing files, 974
shared, selecting, 883
standard I/O, 1025-1027
library functions, undocu-
mented, 1060
LILO, 1216
configuration file,
global options, 1148-1149
kernel options, 1150-1151
linebuffered streams, 1016
control program, 1317-1318
devices, 1090-1091
ioctl( ) calls, 1090-1091
spooler daemon, 1318-1320
linear searches, arrays,
LINENO variable(bash), 15
link, 791-792
linkers, ld (GNU linker),
copying, 291
environment, 291
options, 288-291
linking files, 293-294, 791-
Lisp Machinebitmap files,
converting to portable
graymaps, 292
lispmtopgm, 292
bash command, 13
xauth command, 591
listen, 792-793
bash, 12-13
columnating, 78
variable argument (declar-
ing), 1023-1024
lkbib, 292-293
llseek, 793
ln, 293-294
lndir, 294
installing, 271-272
support, 800-802
unloading, 462-463
viewing, 305
loadlin program, 1216
local (shell command), 39
local descriptor table, reading/
writing, 800
local variables, creating, 39
locale, 1243-1244
setting, 1018-1019
localeconv, 974-975
localtime, 909-910, 984-986
locate, 295
lock files, creating for shell
scripts, 487
LockFileroutine, 965
locking memory
mlock, 796-797
mlockall, 797-798
locks (advisory), applying/
removing open files, 757
log (cvs command), 100
log( ) function, 918
log10( ) function, 918
log1p( ) function, 918
logarithms, 918
1 plus argument, 918
base-10, 918
logger, 295-296
innd, 1311-1312
kernel, 1402
system, 1402-1404
configuration file,
FIFOs, 1403
messages, 1404-1405
remote, 1403
Usenet, log file
maintenance, 1346-1347
login, 296-297
login shells, 45
changing, 63
exiting, 39
changing groups, 336-337
displaying last, 285-286
login command, 296-297
login record files,
preventing, 1168
remote, 460-461
root, tty lines (listing), 1184
shells, pathnames, 1186
logout (shell command), 39
makingentries, 295-296
xinetd, 661-663
I libpbmroutines
long integers, absolutevalues,
longjmp( ) function, 975
look, 297-298
exiting, 35
resuming, 36
lowercase, converting letters
to, 1055-1056
lp, 1090-1091
lp devices, setting parameters,
lpc, 1317-1318
commands, 1317-1318
diagnostics, 1318
lpd, 1318-1320
key characters, 1319
options, 1319
lpq, 298-299
bugs, 299
diagnostics, 299
environment, 299
options, 298-299
lpr, 299-301
bugs, 301
diagnostics, 301
environment, 300
options, 299-300
lprm, 301-302
bugs, 302
diagnostics, 302
environment, 302
options, 301
lptest, 302
lrand48( ) functions, 912
ls, 303-304
ls (ftp command), 149
lsattr, 304-305
lsearch( ) function, 975-976
lseek, 793-794
lsmod, 305
lstat, 863-864
lynx, 306-309
commands, 308-309
options, 306-308
macdef (ftp command), 149
Macintosh PICT files,
converting to portable
pixmaps, 379-380
MacPaint files, converting to
portablebitmaps, 309-310
macptopbm, 309-310
magic cookies, generating,
mail addressing, 1244-1246
abbreviations, 1245
case sensitivity, 1245
compatibility, 1245
postmasters, 1246
routing, 1245
mail, see e-mail
MAIL variable(bash), 16
(bash), 16
mailaddr, 1244-1246
abbreviations, 1245
bugs, 1246
case sensitivity, 1245
compatibility, 1245
postmasters, 1246
routing, 1245
MAILCHECK variable(bash),
MAILER environment
variable, 529
MAILPATH variable(bash),
make, 310-312
imake preprocessor, 264-267
options, 311
makeactive, 1342-1344
makedepend, 312-314
algorithm, 313
bugs, 314
options, 312-313
MAKEDEV, 1320-1324
files, 1321
options, 1321-1324
MAKEDEV.cfg, 1151
creating dependencies in,
creating from Imakefiles,
makehistory, 1342-1344
makestrs, 314-315
bugs, 315
directives, 315
options, 314
syntax, 314-315
malloc( ) function, 976
man, 1246-1248
man pages, formatting,
fonts, 1247
macros, 1248
preamble, 1246-1247
sections, 1247-1248
mapping files to memory,
mark-modified-lines variable
(readline), 28
mask bitmaps, creating from
regular, 353-354
masks, file-creation, 880
setting, 45
mattrib, 315-316, 330
mbadblocks, 316, 330
mblen, 977
mbstowcs( ) function,
mbtowc( ) function, 978
mcd, 316-317, 330
mcookie, 317
mcopy, 317-318, 330
MD5 messagedigests,
generating/checking, 318
md5sum, 318
mdel, 318-319, 330
mdelete(ftp command), 149
mdeltree, 319
mdir, 150, 319, 330
mem, 1091-1092
memccpy( ) function, 901,
memchr( ) function, 901, 979
memchr( ) function I
memcmp( ) function, 901,
memcpy( ) function, 901, 980
memfrob( ) function, 901,
memmem( ) function, 901,
memmove( ) function, 901,
access, controlling, 804-805
allocating, 894, 976
displaying amount, 144
freeing, 976
kernel, 1091-1092
mlock, 796-797
mlockall, 797-798
mapping/unmapping files
to, 799-800
reallocating, 976
scanning for characters, 979
allocating, 851-853
controlling, 849-851
operations, 853-854
system, 1091-1092
munlock, 811-812
munlockall, 812-813
reports, 1417-1418
virtual console, 1101-1102
memory areas
comparing, 979-980
copying, 978-981
encrypting, 980-981
filling with constant bytes,
locating substrings in, 981
memset( ) function, 901, 982
merge, 320
mergecommand (xauth), 591
merging files, three-way, 320
mesg, 321
getting messages from,
opening/closing, 903-904
retrieving, 807-808
control, 1310
control operations, 806-807
displaying, 321
log (RCS files), printing,
message of the day file, 1152
receiving, from sockets,
sending/receiving, 808-811
fromsockets, 842-843
to systemlogger,
to users, 473, 576-577
signal, printing, 996
system console, monitoring
with X, 597-598
system error, printing,
systems, logging, 1404-1405
Usenet control, handling,
writing to users, 574, 1383
meta characters (bash), 12
meta-flag variable(readline),
mformat, 321-322, 330
bugs, 322
options, 321-322
mget (ftp command), 150
MGR bitmaps, converting to
portablebitmaps, 322-323
mgrtopbm, 322-323
MINIX filesystems, 1125
consistency checker,
creating, 1326-1327
mkdir, 150, 323, 794-795
bugs, 795
errors, 795
options, 323
return value, 795
mkdirhier, 323
mke2fs, 1324-1325
mkfifo, 323-324, 982-983
errors, 982-983
options, 324
mkfs, 1325-1327
mklost+found, 1327
mkmanifest, 324-325
mknod, 325, 795-796
bugs, 796
errors, 796
options, 325
return value, 796
mkstemp( ) function, 983
mkswap, 1327-1328
mktemp( ) function, 983-984
mktime, 910, 984-986
mlabel, 325-326, 330
mlock, 796-797
mlockall, 797-798
mls (ftp command), 150
mmap, 799-800
mmd, 326, 330
mmount, 326-327, 330
mmove, 327, 330
/mnt directory, 1236
mode(ftp command), 150
modecommand (telnet), 508
modeparameter, values, 1374
modems, conversational
exchanges, 1269-1273
abort strings, 1270-1271
chat script, 1270
escape sequences,
report strings, 1271
termination codes, 1272
time-out value, 1271
moderators, 1151-1152
modf( ) function, 984
modify_ldt, 800
modprobe, 109-112
configuration, 110-111
files, 111
strategy, 111
I memcmp( ) function
modtime(ftp command), 150
kernel, loading at boot time,
support, 800-802
unloading, 462-463
viewing, 305
more, 327-328
motd, 1152
mount, 802-804, 1328-1332
bugs, 1332
errors, 803
files, 1332
options, 1329-1331
return value, 803
mountd, 1332-1333
mounting MS-DOS disks,
mouse, 1092-1094
Microsoft protocol, 1093
MM protocol, 1094
MouseSystems protocol,
Sun protocol, 1093
mprotect, 804-805
mput (ftp command), 150
mrand48( ) functions, 912
mrd, 329-330
mread, 329
mremap, 805-806
mren, 329-330
changing, 316-317
displaying, 319
trees, deleting, 319
disks, mounting, 326-327
317-318, 329
deleting, 318-319
moving, 327
renaming, 329-330
filesystems, adding to disks,
floppies, marking bad
blocks, 316
creating, 326
moving, 327
removing, 329
renaming, 329-330
volume labels, creating,
msdos filesystem, 1125
msgctl, 806-807
msgget, 807-808
msgop, 808-811
msync, 811
mtest, 330
mtools, 330-333, 1152-1158
bugs, 333
case sensitivity of VFAT,
character translation tables,
configuration files, testing,
default values, 1153
drive geometry
configuration, 1154-1155
exit codes, 333
general purpose drive
variables, 1153-1154
global variables, 1153
long filenames, 331
mattrib, 330
mbadblocks, 330
mcd, 330
mcopy, 330
mdel, 330
mdir, 330
mformat, 330
mlabel, 330
mmd, 330
mmount, 330
mmove, 330
mrd, 330
mren, 330
mtest, 330
mtype, 330
multiple descriptions, 1155
name clashes, 332
open flags, 1155
parsing order of files,
per-drive flags/variables,
working directory, 331
Xdf disks, 332
MTV ray tracers, converting
output to portablepixmaps,
mtvtoppm, 333
mtype, 330, 333-334
(description), 1243-1244
converting to wide
characters, 978
multibytestrings, converting
to widecharacter, 977-978
multiplebuffers, reading/
writing data, 1003-1004
multiuser chat program,
Boolean options, 729
daemons, 727
escape menu, 728
readdressing, 729
runtime options, 728-729
startup file, 729
username field, 727
X11 interface, 730
munchlist, 274, 279
bugs, 282
files, 281
options, 279-280
munlock, 811-812
munlockall, 812-813
munmap, 799-800
mv, 334-335
mwrite, 335
mysnc, 811
mysnc I
named, 1334-1338
boot file, 1334-1336
files, 1337
master file, 1336
options, 1334
signals, 1337
SOA record, 1336-1337
named pipes, see FIFOs
named-xfer, 1333-1334
named.reload, 1338
named.restart, 1338
namei, 335-336
options, 336
output, 335
bash, 12
peer, getting, 765
socket, getting, 769
nameserver (Internet
domains), 1334-1338
boot file, 1334-1336
control interface, 1338-1339
master file, 1336
querying, 1350-1353
signals, 1337
SOA record, 1336-1337
stopping/restarting, 1338
synchronizing database,
font servers, 643
temporary files, 1049, 1054
xhost, 644
NaN (not-a-number) results
returning value for, 954-955
testing for, 959
nanosleep, 813-814
ncpfs filesystem, 1126
ndc, 1338-1339
Netnews reader, see tin
.netrc file, 153-154
netstat, 1339-1342
files, 1341
routing information, 1341
socket information,
network byteorder, convert-
ing between host byteorder,
network entries, getting,
displaying active
connections, 1339-1342
routinginformation, 1341
socket information,
attachingto serial line,
configuring, 1304-1305
routing daemon, 1380-1382
newaliases, 336
newer (ftp command), 150
newgrp, 336-337
Netnews, seetin
news software information
newsgroups, 530
overview database
format, 1168-1169
updating, 1353-1354
receiving from UUCP
connections, 463-464
news.daily, 1344-1346
keywords, 1344-1345
newsfeeds, 1158-1163
Distribution headers, 1159
entries, 1158-1159
examples, 1162-1163
feed types, 1161-1162
flags, 1159-1161
ME entry, 1161
news software information,
Usenet, listing active, 1104-
newslog, 1163-1165,
files, 1164
keywords, 1346
message/action fields,
newsrequeue, 1342-1344
mount daemon, 1332-1333
servers, authentication/print
request, 1355-1357
service daemon, 1347
nfs, 1165-1167
nfs filesystem, 1125
export list, 1123-1125
NFS servers, mount
information, 1396
nfsd, 1347
nice, 814
nl, 337-338
nlist (ftp command), 150
NLM outfiles, converting
object codeinto, 338-339
nlmconv, 338-339
nm, 339-340
nmap (ftp command), 150
nnrp.access, 1167-1168
nnrpd, 1347-1349
news, host list, 1132-1133
servers, 1347-1349
gettinglistsfrom, 206-207
passwords, 1170
retrievingUsenet articles
from, 340-341
sites, access control,
NNTPconnect routine, 965
nntpget, 340-341
NNTPlocalopen routine, 965
NNTPremoteopen routine,
nntpsend, 1349-1350
nntpsend.ctl, 1168
NNTPsendarticleroutine, 966
NNTPsendpassword routine,
NNTPSERVER environment
variable, 529
I named
variable(bash), 18
noclobber variable(bash), 18
nolinks variable (bash), 18
nologin, 1168
none, 881
none(undocumented library
functions), 1060
not-a-number (NaN) results
returning value for, 954-955
testing for, 959
notify variable(bash), 17
nrand48( ) functions, 912
emulating, 210-211
output, filtering, 77
nslookup, 1350-1353
arguments, 1350
commands, 1351-1353
diagnostics, 1353
environment, 1353
files, 1353
ntohl( ) function, 901-902
ntohs( ) function, 901-902
ntrans (ftp command),
null, 1094
absolutevalue, 919
convertingto fractional/
integral components,
convertingto strings,
913-914, 930-931
pseudo-random, generating,
random, generating,
rounding, 1011-1012
signs, copying, 907
square roots, 1023
numeric expressions, gtroff,
objcopy, 341-342
objdump, 342-343
object files
discarding symbols from,
displaying information from,
listing section and total sizes,
listing symbols from,
oclock, 344
od, 345-346
offlineprinting, 299-301
oldfstat, 814
oldlstat, 814
oldolduname, 814
OLDPWD variable(bash), 15
oldstat, 814
olduname, 814
on_exit( ) function, 988
open, 815-816
bugs, 816
errors, 816
flags, 815
ftp command, 151
modes, 815
return value, 816
open host command (telnet),
opendir, 989
openlog( ) function,
facility argument, 1046
option argument, 1046
awk, 166-167
find, 142
redirection, 21
OPTARG variable(bash), 16
OPTERR variable(bash), 17
OPTIND variable(bash), 16
ment variable, 529
OSTYPE variable (bash), 16
outb, 816
outb_p, 816
outl, 816
outl_p, 816
formatting, 992-996,
conversion specifiers, 994
examples, 995
flags, 993-994
redirecting, 22
output-meta variable
(readline), 28
outsb, 816
outsl, 816
outsw, 816
outw, 816
outw_p, 816
overchan, 1353-1354
overview.fmt, 1168-1169
ownership (file), changing,
62-63, 749-750
pac, 1354-1355
packed format fonts, convert-
ing to portablebitmaps, 381
sending, 1358
route, printing, 1409-1412
pagesize, system (getting),
disabling, 796-797
callingprocess, 797-798
reenabling, 811-813
papers, formatting
groff_me macros,
groff_mm macros,
groff_ms macros,
papers, formatting I
paragraphs, formatting line
length, 143
parameter command substitu-
tion (bash), 20
parameter expansion (bash),
bash, 14-15
positional, 14
special, 14-15
boot-time (kernel),
Adaptec configurations,
argument list, 1216-1217
BusLogic configuration,
busmousedrivers, 1224
cardsnot accepting, 1220
CD-ROMs, 1222-1223
debugargument, 1217
Ethernet devices, 1223
floppydisk drives,
configuration, 1220
hard disks, 1220-1221
mem=argument, 1218
no-hlt argument, 1217
no387 argument, 1217
Pro Audio configuration,
ramdisk=argument, 1218
ro argument, 1217
root=argument, 1217
rw argument, 1217
SCSI devicearguments,
SCSI tapeconfiguration,
configuration, 1220
sound drivers, 1224
Trantor T128
configuration, 1220
floppy disk, setting, 1391
parsing, 38
renaming, 42
serial ports, 1392-1394
parsedate, 989-990
parser directives, readline,
$else, 29
$endif, 29
$if, 28-29
command options, 207-208
command-line options,
positional parameters, 38
partition tables, manipulat-
ing, 1296-1297
DOS 6.x, 1296-1297
partitioning disk drives,
passwd, 346-347, 1169-1170
bugs, 347
files, 347
passwd.nntp, 1170
password files, editing,
changing, 346-347
encryption, 908-909
file entries, writing, 997
getting, 940-941
getting file entry, 943-944
password file, 1169-1170
reconstructing line entry,
paste, 347
PATH variable(bash), 16
pathconf( ) function, 925-926
options returned, 926
return value, 926
pathnameexpansion (bash),
canonicalized absolute,
following to terminal point,
matching, 924, 949-950
printing lines matching,
searching database files for,
pause, 817
pausing execution, 813-814
pbm, 1170-1171
PBM images, displaying on
4425 terminals, 357
pbmclean, 348
pbmfilters, 348-352
pbmlife, 352-353
pbmmake, 353
pbmmask, 353-354
PBMPlus package, programs,
pbmpscale, 354
pbmreduce, 355
pbmtext, 355-356
pbmto10x, 356
pbmto4425, 357
pbmtoascii, 357
pbmtoatk, 358
pbmtobg, 358
pbmtocmuwm, 358-359
pbmtoepsi, 359
pbmtoepson, 359
pbmtog3, 360
pbmtogem, 360
pbmtogo, 360-361
pbmtoicon, 361
pbmtolj, 361-362
pbmtoln03, 362
pbmtolps, 362
pbmtomacp, 363
pbmtomgr, 363
pbmtopgm, 364
pbmtopi3, 364
pbmtopk, 364-365
I paragraphs, formattinglinelength
pbmtoplot, 365-366
pbmtoptx, 366
pbmtox10bm, 366
pbmtoxbm, 367
pbmtoybm, 367
pbmtozinc, 367-368
pbmupc, 368
pclose( ), 991-992
pcnfsd, 1355-1357
authentication, 1355-1356
file, 1357
printing, 1356
reconfiguration, 1357
PCX files, converting to
portablepixmaps, 368-369
pcxtoppm, 368-369
peers, getting names, 765
changing, 748-749
setting, 272-273
port input/output, setting,
perror, 990-991
personality, 817-818
pfbtops, 369
pgm, 1171-1172
pgmbentley, 369
pgmcrater, 370-371
pgmedge, 371
pgmenhance, 371-372
pgmhist, 372
pgmkernel, 372-373
pgmnoise, 373
pgmnorm, 373-374
pgmoil, 374
pgmramp, 374-375
pgmtexture, 375-376
pgmtofs, 376
pgmtolispm, 376-377
pgmtopbm, 377
pgmtoppm, 378
Photo-CD files, converting to
portablepixmaps, 260-261
phys, 818
physical addresses, accessing,
pi3topbm, 379
pic, versus gpic, 212-215
commands, 212-213
expressions, 213-214
mode, 212
picttoppm, 379-380
bugs, 379
fontdir file format, 380
ping, 1358
pipe, 818-819
pipelines (|), bash, 12
pipes, creating, 818-819
pjtoppm, 381
pktopbm, 381
PLIP devices, tuning
parameters, 1357
plipconfig, 1357
pnm, 1173
pnmalias, 381-382
pnmarith, 382-383
pnmcat, 383
pnmcomp, 383-384
pnmconvol, 384
pnmcrop, 385
pnmcut, 385
pnmdepth, 385-386
pnmenlarge, 386
pnmfile, 386-387
pnmflip, 387
pnmgamma, 387
pnmhistmap, 388
pnmindex, 388-389
pnminvert, 389
pnmmargin, 389-390
pnmnlfilt, 390-391
alpha-trimmed mean filter,
bugs, 391
combining modes, 391
edge enhancement, 391
optimal estimation
smoothing, 390
pnmnoraw, 391-392
pnmpad, 392
pnmpaste, 392-393
pnmrotate, 393
pnmscale, 393-394
pnmshear, 394-395
pnmsmooth, 395
pnmtile, 395
pnmtoddif, 396
pnmtofits, 396-397
pnmtoiff, 399-400
pnmtops, 397
pnmtorast, 398
pnmtosgi, 398-399
pnmtosir, 399
pnmtoxwd, 400
popd (shell command), 39-40
popen( ) function, 991-992
popup-menu( ) action
(xterm), 713
port, 1091-1092
antialiasing, 381-382
bordering, 389-392
changing maxval, 385-386
compositing, 383-384
concatenating, 383
to DDIF format, 396
to FITS format, 396-397
to PostScript, 397
to red/blue3D glasses,
to SGI imagefile,
to Solitaireformat, 399
to Sun raster files, 398
to TIFF files, 399, 400
to X11 window dumps,
convolving, 384
creating index of, 388, 389
cropping, 385
cutting rectangles from, 385
describing, 386, 387
drawing histograms from,
enlarging, 386
file format, 1173
flipping, 387
gamma correction, 387
portableanymaps I
inverting, 389
pasting rectangles into, 392,
performing arithmetic on,
382, 383
plain format, 391, 392
constants, 970
format promotion, 972
functionssupporting, 970,
971, 972
initialization, 971
memorymanagement, 971
readingfiles, 971
types, 970
writingfiles, 971, 972
XEL manipulations,
replicating into specified
size, 395
rotating, 393
scaling, 393, 394
shearing, 394, 395
smoothing, 395
applying Rules of Life to,
352, 353
to Andrew Toolkit raster
objects, 358
to ASCII graphics, 357
to Atari DegasPI3 files,
to Bennet Yeeface files,
to BitGraph graphics, 358
to CMU window manager
bitmaps, 358-359
to compressed GraphOn
graphics, 360-361
to DEC LN03+Sixel
output, 362
to encapsulated PostScript-
stylebitmaps, 359
to Epson printer graphics,
to GEM IMG files, 360
to Gemini 10x graphics,
to Group 3 fax files, 360
to HP LaserJet format,
to MacPaint files, 363
to MGR bitmap, 363
to packed format fonts,
to portablegraymaps, 364
to PostScript, 362
to Printronix printer
graphics, 366
to Sun icons, 361
to UNIX plot files,
to X10 bitmaps, 366
to X11 bitmaps, 367
to Zinc bitmaps, 367-368
creating with specified size,
enlarging, 354
file format, 1170-1171
flipping pixels in, 348
constants, 968
endian i/o, 967
errors, 967
filemanagement, 967
initialization, 968
keyword matching, 967
memorymanagement, 968
messages, 967
readingfiles, 968
types, 968
writingfiles, 968-969
reducing, 355
Bentleyizing, 369
calculating textural features
on, 375-376
combining three into a
portable pixmap, 457-458
to Lisp machineformat,
to portablebitmaps, 377
to portablepixmaps, 378
to Usenix FaceSaver
format, 376
creating from white noise,
enhancing edges, 371-372
file format, 1171-1172
mimicking cratered terrain,
normalizing contrast,
outlining edges, 371
performing oil transfers on,
printing histogram of values,
constants, 969
initialization, 969
memorymanagement, 969
readingfiles, 970
types, 969
writingfiles, 970
blending together, 408-409
brightening, 404
changing pixel color,
changing saturation and
value, 401
to AbekasYUV files, 428
to Atari DegasPI1 files,
to AutoCAD, 414-416
to BMP files, 416
to DEC sixel format,
to GIF files, 416-417
to HP PaintJet files, 423
I portableanymaps
to HP PaintJet XL PCL
files, 424
to ILBM files, 418-419
to Macintosh PICT files,
to Mitsubishi S340-10
files, 420-421
to MotifUIL icon files,
to NCSA ICR format,
to PCX files, 421
to portablegraymaps,
to threeportablegraymaps,
to threeraw YUV files,
to TrueVision Targa files,
to X11 pixmaps, 427-428
to X11 puzzlefiles,
creating, 408
patterns, 410-411
specifyingcolor, 408
creating from three portable
graymaps, 457-458
to black, 402
everyother row, 409-410
displacing pixels, 414
dithering, 403
extracting color from,
file format, 1173-1174
reading, 974
writing, 974
fractal forgeries, 404-407
grayscale assignments
(performing), 402-403
histograms (printing), 408
Laplacian relief filters
(running on), 413
normalizing contrast, 409
programs, functions
supporting, 973-974
quantizing colors, 411
multiplefiles, 412
shifting lines, 413-414
portmap, 1358-1359
input/output functions, 816
input/output permissions,
setting, 788
configuring, 1394-1395
parameters, 1392-1394
tion, 1391-1395
system, 1091-1092
positional parameters
bash, 14
parsing, 38
renaming, 42
gawk compatibility, 171
regex functions, 1005-1007
compiling, 1005-1006
error reporting, 1006
matching, 1006
pattern buffer freeing,
signal set operations,
bounding box, extracting,
files, converting to portable
anymaps, 434-435
format to ASCII, 369
format to ASCII, 369
image data, converting into
portable graymap,
pound sign (#)
bash comments, 14
bash special parameters, 15
pow( ) function, 918
powerd, 1359-1360
powers (raising numbers to),
PPID variable(bash), 15
ppm, 1173-1174
ppm3d, 400-401
ppmbrighten, 401
ppmchange, 401-402
ppmdim, 402
ppmdist, 402-403
ppmdither, 403
ppmflash, 404
ppmforge, 404-407
bugs, 407
options, 405-407
ppmhist, 408
ppmmake, 408
ppmmix, 408-409
ppmnorm, 409
ppmntsc, 409-410
ppmpat, 410-411
ppmquant, 411-412
ppmquantall, 412
ppmqvga, 412-413
ppmrelief, 413
ppmshift, 413-414
ppmspread, 414
ppmtoacad, 414-416
ppmtobmp, 416
ppmtogif, 416-417
ppmtoicr, 417-418
ppmtoilbm, 418-419
ppmtomap, 419-420
ppmtomitsu, 420-421
ppmtopcx, 421
ppmtopgm, 421-422
ppmtopi1, 422
ppmtopict, 422-423
ppmtopj, 423
ppmtopjxl, 424
ppmtopuzz, 424-425
ppmtorgb3, 425
ppmtosixel, 425-426
ppmtotga, 426
ppmtouil, 427
ppmtoxpm, 427-428
ppmtoxpm I
ppmtoyuv, 428
ppmtoyuvsplit, 428-429
daemon, 1360-1369
statistics, printing,
pppd, 1360-1369
authentication, 1366-1367
diagnostics, 1368
examples, 1367-1368
files, 1366-1369
options, 1360-1366
routing, 1367
signals, 1369
pppstats, 1369-1370
pr, 429-430
preprocessor, 81-84
preprocessors, imake, 264-267
printf function, 992-996
bugs, 995-996
printf statement, awk,
aliases, 35
application resources, 5
banners, 1210
converting text files for,
files, in reverse, 503-504
histograms of portable
pixmaps, 408
host IDs, 258-259
lines matching a pattern,
log messages (RCS files),
machine architecture, 8
offline, 299-301
packet route, 1409-1412
pcnfsd, 1356
PPP statistics, 1369-1370
printer/plotter accounting
files (reading), 1354-1355
removing jobs from queue,
ripple test pattern, 302
signal messages, 996
spool queue examination,
system activity summary,
system error messages,
time zones, 1419
user/system times, 43
seealsoline printer
priority values, getting range,
I/O, changing level,
setuid (RCS files), 67-68
/proc, 1174-1180, 1236
bugs, 1180
hierarchy outline, 1174-
proc filesystem, 1125
proc_sel, 1430-1431
process control, initialization,
1307-1309, 1397-1399
process groups, sending
signals to, 790-791, 960
process substitution (bash),
0, making idle, 774
accounting, switching on/
off, 742
child, creating, 751, 758
closing, pclose( ) function,
displaying tree of, 435-436
execution, suspending, 1061
execution domain, setting,
group identity, setting, 845
group IDs
getting/setting, 845-846
real and effective(setting),
IDs(getting), 761
identifying, 154-155
IDs, getting, 766
listing most CPU-intensive,
opening, popen( ) function,
parents, IDs (getting), 766
priorities, altering,
priority, changing, 814
reporting status, 430-433
SCHED_RR interval,
getting, 831
scheduling priorities,
getting/setting, 766-767
selecting, by criteria,
sending signals to, 790
raisefunction, 1000
starting, on consoles, 1066
terminating, 283-284,
byname, 284
times, getting, 878-879
tracing, 820
user IDs
getting, 773
real and effective(setting),
setting, 848-849
waiting for termination,
yielding processor, 835
processor, time used (deter-
mining), 905
profil, 819
profiling, 819
executing, 754-755
portable anymap
constants, 970
format promotion, 972
initialization, 971
memorymanagement, 971
readingfiles, 971
I ppmtoyuv
types, 970
writingfiles, 971-972
XEL manipulations,
portable bitmap, functions
supporting, 966-969
portable graymap
constants, 969
initialization, 969
memorymanagement, 969
readingfiles, 970
types, 969
writingfiles, 970
recompiling, make utility,
running, in new session,
abort( ) function, 892
assert( ) function,
exit( ) function, 917
promoting directories, 39-40
prompt (ftp command), 151
variable(bash), 17
prompting (bash), 26
properties, consoles, 1067
protocols definition file,
RPC, rpcgen compiler,
Telnet, interface, 507-512
XIE, testing, 645-654
proxy ftp (ftp command), 151
proxy servers, LBX, 286-287
PRT ray tracers, converting
output to portablepixmaps,
prunehistory, 1370-1371
ps, 430-433
bugs, 433
field descriptions, 432
options, 430-431
sort keys, 431-432
updating, 432, 436
PS1 variable(bash), 16
PS2 variable(bash), 16
PS3 variable(bash), 17
PS4 variable(bash), 17
psbb, 433
pseudo-filesystems, /proc,
bugs, 1180
hierarchy outline,
pseudo-random numbers,
generating, 912-913
psidtopgm, 433-434
pstopnm, 434-435
pstree, 435-436
psupdate, 436
ptrace, 820
pushd (shell command), 40
put (ftp command), 151
put_file_last, 1431
putc( ) function, 997-999
putchar( ) function, 997-999
putenv, 996-997
errors, 996
putpwent( ) function, 997
errors, 997
puts( ) function, 997-999
pututline( ) function, 948
putw function, 948
pwd (ftp command), 151
pwd (shell command), 40
PWD variable(bash), 15
qio, 998
QRT ray tracer, converting
output to portablepixmaps,
qsort, 1000
quantizing colors (pixmaps),
8-plane quantization,
multiple files, 412
question marks (?)
bash special parameters, 15
ftp command, 152
queues, inserting/removing
items, 957
quit command
ftp command, 151
telnet, 508
xauth, 591
quit( ) action (xterm), 714
quota, 437
quotacheck, 1371-1372
quotactl, 821-822
quotaoff, 1372-1373
quotaon, 1372-1373
disk, manipulating, 821-822
remote machines, 1012
quote(ftp command), 151
quoting (bash), 14
Radix32 routine, 966
raisefunction, 1000
ram, 1094-1095
rand( ) function, 1001
random numbers, generating,
RANDOM variable(bash), 15
random( ) function,
randomizing strings, 1032
ranlib, 437-438
rarp, 1373
RARP table, manipulating,
rasttopnm, 438
raw grayscalebytes, convert-
ing to portablegraymaps,
raw RGB bytes, converting to
portablepixmaps, 439-440
rawtopgm, 439
rawtoppm, 439-440
rawtoppm I
ray tracers
converting output to
portable pixmaps, 333
QRT, converting output to
portable pixmaps, 436-437
rcp, 440-441
RCS (Revision Control
System), 447-449
automatic identification,
commands, 447-449
directories, creating,
cleaning, 443-445
functions, 447
revisions, merging, 449-451
rcs, 441-443
bugs, 443
compatibility, 443
diagnostics, 443
environment, 443
files, 443
options, 441-443
RCS files
controlling access, 67
format, 1181-1183
modes, 67
organization (diagram),
printing log messages,
retrieving revisions, 71-75
specifying, 66-67
storing revisions, 64-69
setuid privileges, 67-68
temporary files, 67
RCS keyword strings,
identifying, 262-263
RCSBIN environment
variable, 105
rcsclean, 443-445
rcsdiff, 445-446
rcsfile, 1181-1183
organization (diagram),
rcsfreeze, 446-447
rcsintro, 447-449
automatic identification,
RCS functions, 447
rcsmerge, 449-451
rdev, 1373-1375
rdiff (cvs command), 101
rdist, 451-454
bugs, 454
diagnostics, 454
files, 453
options, 451-452
re_comp function, 1005
re_exec function, 1005
read (shell command), 40
read( ), filedescriptors, 822
readdir, 823
readdir( ) calls, setting
position, 1015-1016
readdir( ) function,
ReadInDescriptor routine,
ReadInFileroutine, 966
readlinelibrary, 27-32
commands, 29-32
controlling key bindings, 27
customizing, 27
denoting keystrokes, 27
macro definitions, 28
parser directives, 28-29
$else, 29
$endif, 29
$if, 28-29
variables, 28
bell-style, 28
comment-begin, 28
convert-meta, 28
editing-mode, 28
expand-tilde, 28
horizontal-scroll-mode, 28
keymap, 28
mark-modified-lines, 28
meta-flag, 28
output-meta, 28
show-all-if-ambiguous, 28
readlink, 823-824
readonly (shell command), 40
readv, 824-825
readv( ) function, 1003-1004
realloc( ) function, 976-977
realpath, 1004-1005
reboot, 825-826
recompiling programs, make
utility, 310-312
recompressing Z files,
reconfig, 454
recv, 151, 826-828
recvfrom, 826-828
recvmsg, 826-828
redirection, 21-23
duplicating file descriptors,
here-documents, 22-23
input, 22
opening file descriptors, 23
operators, 21
output, 22
redraw( ) action (xterm), 714
ref, 455-456
elvis interaction, 455
environment, 455
files, 455
options, 455
search method, 455
refreshing screen (X), 684-685
refs files, generating, 87-88
regcomp function, 1005-1007
regerror function, 1005-1007
reget (ftp command), 151
regex functions, 1005
POSIX, 1005-1007
compiling, 1005-1006
error reporting, 1006
matching, 1006
pattern buffer freeing,
I ray tracers
regexec function, 1005-1007
regfreefunction, 1005-1007
regular expressions
grep, 225-226
sed, 476-477
release(cvs command), 101
remoteexecution server,
remotefilecopying, 440-441
remotelogging, 1403
remotelogin server,
remotelogins, 460-461
Kerberos authentication,
remotemachines, starting X
programs on, 676
remotequota server, 1384
remoteshell, 466-467
remoteshell server,
RemoteStart client, see rstart
RemoteStart rsh helper, see
remotestatus, displaying, 472
remotesystems, command
execution, 569-571
remoteuser communication
server, 1405-1406
remotehelp (ftp command),
remotestatus (ftp command),
remove, 1008
cvs command, 101-102
xauth command, 591
remove_file_free, 1431-1432
remque( ) function, 957
rename, 828-829
rename(ftp command), 151
renice, 1375-1376
REPLY variable(bash), 15
REPLYTO environment
variable, 529
repquota, 1376
res_init, 1008-1011
res_mkquery, 1008-1011
res_query, 1008-1011
res_search, 1008-1011
res_send, 1008-1011
reserved words (bash), 12
reset, 456, 539-542
compatibility, 542
options, 540
setting environment, 540
terminal type mapping,
reset (ftp command), 151
resize, 456-457
resolver, 1183-1184
resolver routines, 1008-1011
resolving hostnames,
resourceeditor, see editres
limits, getting/setting,
usage, getting, 767-768
restart (ftp command), 151
return (shell command), 40
return value, errors, 797
rev, 457
reverselinefeeds, filtering, 76
Revision Control System, see
rewind function, 927-928
rewinddir( ) function, 1011
rexecd, 1376-1377
bugs, 1377
diagnostics, 1377
protocol, 1376-1377
RGB colornamedatabases,
uncompiling, 488
rgb3toppm, 457-458
rindex( ) function, 953
rint( ) function, 1011-1012
rippletest pattern (printing),
rlog, 458-460
rlogin, 460-461
rlogind, 1377-1378
rm, 461-462
rmdir, 462, 829-830
bugs, 830
errors, 829
options, 462
rmdir (ftp command), 152
rmmod, 462-463
rnews, 463-464
Rock Ridgefilesystem, 1125
root logins, tty lines (listing),
root directories
changing, 750-751, 1273
root filesystem, mounting,
root window(X), setting
parameters, 693-694
round-robin scheduling, 834
rounding integers, 904
rounding numbers,
route, 1379-1380
routed, 1380-1382
bugs, 1382
files, 1382
gateways, 1381-1382
options, 1381
request packets, 1381
response packets, 1381
starting, 1380
ICCcancel, 956
ICCclose, 956
ICCcommand, 956
ICCgo, 956
ICCopen, 956
ICCpause, 956
ICCreserve, 956
ICCsettimeout, 956
libinn library, 962-966
CAclose, 964
CAlistopen, 964
CAopen, 964
CloseOnExec, 965
DDcheck, 965
DDend, 965
DDstart, 965
GetConfigValue, 965
routines I
GetFileConfigValue, 965
GetFQDN, 965
GetResourceUsage, 965
GetTimeInfo, 965
HeaderFind, 964
INNVersion, 966
LockFile, 965
NNTPcheckarticle, 965
NNTPconnect, 965
NNTPlocalopen, 965
NNTPremoteopen, 965
NNTPsendarticle, 966
NNTPsendpassword, 966
Radix32, 966
ReadInDescriptor, 966
ReadInFile, 966
SetNonBlocking, 965
libpbm, 966-969
constants, 968
endian i/o, 967
errors, 967
filemanagement, 967
initialization, 968
keyword matching, 967
memorymanagement, 968
messages, 967
readingfiles, 968
types, 968
writingfiles, 968-969
libpgm, 969-970
constants, 969
initialization, 969
memorymanagement, 969
readingfiles, 970
types, 969
writingfiles, 970
libpnm, 970-972
constants, 970
format promotion, 972
initialization, 971
memorymanagement, 971
readingfiles, 971
types, 970
writingfiles, 971-972
XEL manipulation, 972
XEL manipulations, 971
routing, pppd, 1367
program numbers,
converting to DARPA port
numbers, 1358-1359
protocol compiler, seerpcgen
services, reporting informa-
tion, 1383-1384
rpc.rquotad, 1384
rpc.rusersd, 1382-1383
rpc.rwalld, 1383
rpcgen, 464-466
options, 465-466
preprocessor symbols, 465
rpcinfo, 1383-1384
rquota( ) protocol, 1012
rquotad, 1384
rsh, 466-467
rshd, 1385-1386
rstart, 467-468
rstartd, 468-471
configuring, 469
keywords, 470
installing, 469
options, 469
rtag (cvs command), 102
runique(ftp command), 152
rup, 472
rusers, 472-473
rwall, 473
rwho, 474
rwhod, 1386-1387
saving stack context, 1018
/sbin directory, 1237
sbrk, 746
scandir( ) function,
scanf functions, 1013-1015
bugs, 1015
conversions, 1014-1015
flags, 1014
return values, 1015
sched_getparam, 832
sched_getscheduler, 833-835
errors, 834
policies, 833
SCHED_FIFO, 833-834
response time, 834
sched_rr_get_interval, 831
sched_setparam, 832
sched_setscheduler, 833-835
errors, 834
policies, 833
SCHED_FIFO, 833-834
response time, 834
sched_yield, 835
algorithm, getting/setting,
parameters, getting/setting,
policies, 833
first in - first out,
round-robin, 834
time-sharing, 834
getting/setting, 766-767
valueranges, 830-831
yielding processor, 835
screen, clearing, 70-71
screen savers, beforelight,
script, 474-475
scripts, chat, 1270
scroll-back( ) action (xterm),
scroll-forw( ) action (xterm),
SCSI drivers
disk drives, 1095-1096
tape devices, 1096-1100
sd, 1095-1096
I routines
binary trees, 1056
strings, for character sets,
second extended filesystems
creating, 1324-1325
lost+found directory, 1327
tunable parameters
(adjusting), 1412-1413
SECONDS variable(bash), 15
secure( ) action (xterm), 713
securetty, 1184
sysklogd, 1403-1404
X server, 688-689
xterm, 712
sed, 475-480
addresses, 476
bugs, 480
commands, 478-479
grouping, 478
syntax, 476
comments, 477
diagnostics, 479-480
options, 475
regular expressions, 476-477
replacement pattern
symbols, 477
search pattern symbols,
seed48( ) functions, 912
seekdir( ) function,
select, 835-837
select-cursor-end action
(xterm), 714
select-cursor-start( ) action
(xterm), 714
select-end( ) action (xterm),
select-extend( ) action
(xterm), 714
select-start( ) action (xterm),
selections, copying into cut
buffers, 598-599
control operations, 837-839
IPC_SET, 838
identifiers (getting),
operations, 840-842
semctl, 837-839
errors, 838-839
operations, 837-838
IPC_SET, 838
semget, 839-840
semop, 840-842
send, 842-843
ftp command, 152
send arguments command
(telnet), 508-509
send-signal( ) action (xterm),
sendmail, 1387-1390
aliases, 1390
exit status codes, 1390
files, 1390
flags, 1388
options, 1389-1390
sendmsg, 842-843
sendport (ftp command), 152
sendto, 842-843
serial lines
monitoring, 1359-1360
network interfaces,
attaching, 1399-1401
serial mouseinterface,
Microsoft protocol, 1093
MM protocol, 1094
MouseSystems protocol,
Sun protocol, 1093
serial ports
configuring, 1394-1395
parameters, 1392-1394
setting/getting information,
serial terminal lines, 1101
biff, 1274-1275
controlling with xdm,
DARPA FTP, 1301-1304
DARPA Telnet protocol,
lookingup hostnames
with, 257-258
resolver routines,
font (X)
about, 145
generatingBDF fonts,
listingfonts, 145-146
interned atoms, listing,
Internet, xinetd (starting
with), 655-664
Internet domain nameserver,
boot file, 1334-1336
control interface,
master file, 1336
querying, 1350-1353
signals, 1337
servers I
SOA record, 1336-1337
stopping/restarting, 1338
Internet superserver,
LBX proxy server, 286-287
logged-in users, 1382-1383
news, sending Usenet
articles to, 267-269
request, 1355-1357
mount information, 1396
NNTP, 1347-1349
gettinglistsfrom, 206-207
passwords, 1170
retrievingUsenet articles
from, 340-341
portmap, 1358-1359
remote execution,
remote login, 1377-1378
remote quota, 1384
remote shell, 1385-1386
remote user communication,
specifying, xdm, 607-608
system status, 1386-1387
X Window System
accesscontrol program,
displayserver, 685-690
fileutility, 587-592
font server, 641-643
information utility, 614
killingclients, 666-667
starting, 664-666
virtual framebuffer,
program, 585-586
performancetest program,
XF86_8514, 615
XF86_Accel, 614-623
configuration, 615-616
files, 622
options, 616
setup, 616-622
XF86_AGX, 615
XF86_Mach32, 615
XF86_Mach64, 615
XF86_Mach8, 615
XF86_Mono, 624-627
configuration, 624
files, 626
setup, 624-626
XF86_P9000, 615
XF86_S3, 615
XF86_SVGA, 627-631
configuration, 627-628
files, 630-631
options, 628
setup, 628-630
XF86_VGA16, 631-633
configuration, 631
files, 633
options, 632
setup, 632
XF86_W32, 615
XFree86, 636-641
configuration, 636
environment variables,
files, 638-639
keycombinations, 638
network connections,
options, 637-638
setup, 638
services, 1184-1186
bugs, 1186
files, 1186
Internet, listing, 1184-1186
NFS, daemon, 1347
RPC, reporting information,
Session Manager Proxy, see
creating, setsid, 848
IDs, getting, 768
typescripts, creating,
X Session Manager, 694-698
default startup applica-
tions, 695
options, 695-698
proxy, 698
remoteapplications, 698
Session menu, 695-696
environment variable,
starting, 695
tester, 698-699
.xsession file, 695
xdm, 600
sessreg, 480-481
shell command, 40-42
telnet command, 509-510
set-allow132( ) action (xterm),
set-altscreen( ) action (xterm),
set-appcursor( ) action
(xterm), 715
set-appkeypad( ) action
(xterm), 715
set-autolinefeed( ) action
(xterm), 715
set-autowrap( ) action
(xterm), 715
set-cursesemul( ) action
(xterm), 715
set-jumpscroll( ) action
(xterm), 715
set-marginbell( ) action
(xterm), 715
set-reverse-video( ) action
(xterm), 715
set-reversewrap( ) action
(xterm), 715
set-scroll-on-key( ) action
(xterm), 715
I servers
set-scroll-on-tty-output( )
action (xterm), 715
set-scrollbar( ) action (xterm),
set-tek-text( ) action (xterm),
set-terminal-type( ) action
(xterm), 715
set-visibility( ) action (xterm),
set-visual-bell( ) action
(xterm), 715
set-vt-font( ) action (xterm),
setbuf function, 1016-1017
setbuffer function, 1016-1017
setdomainname, 760
setegid, 846-847
setenv( ) function, 1017
seteuid, 847-848
setfdprm, 1391
setfsgid, 843-844
setfsuid, 844
setgid, 845
setgrent( ) function, 932-933
setgroups, 761-762
sethostid, 762-763
sethostname, 763
setitimer, 763-764
bugs, 764
defining values, 764
errors, 764
return value, 764
timer types, 764
setjmp( ) function, 1018
setlinebuf function,
setlocale( ) function,
setmntent( ) function,
SetNonBlocking routine, 965
setpgid, 845-846
setpgrp, 845-846
setpriority, 766-767
setprotoent( ) function,
setpwent( ) function, 943
setregid, 846-847
setreuid, 847-848
setrlimit, 767-768
setserial, 1391-1395
configuration consider-
ations, 1394-1395
files, 1395
options, 1392
parameters, 1392-1394
setservent( ) function, 946
setsid, 848, 1395
errors, 848
setsockopt, 769-772
bugs, 772
errors, 771
options recognized, 770-771
SO_TYPE, 771
return value, 771
setstate( ) function,
setterm, 482-483
settimeofday, 772-773
setuid, 848-849
setup, 849
setusershell( ) function,
setutent( ) function, 947
setvbuf function, 1016-1017
SGI imagefiles, converting to
portableanymaps, 483-484
sgitopnm, 483-484
sh, expansion, 19
shadowdirectories (creating),
shar, 484-487
files, unpacking, 560-561
options, 484-486
shared libraries, selecting, 883
shared memory
allocating, 851-853
controlling, 849-851
commands, 850
systemcalls, 851
operations, 853-854
shell variables (bash), 15-18
auto_resume, 18
BASH, 15
cdable_vars, 18
ENV, 16
EUID, 15
glob_dot_filenames, 17
histchars, 17-18
history control, 17
HOME, 16
IFS, 16
MAIL, 16
no_exit_on_failed_exec, 18
noclobber, 18
shell variables(bash) I
nolinks, 18
notify, 17
PATH, 16
PPID, 15
PS1, 16
PS2, 16
PS3, 17
PS4, 17
PWD, 15
UID, 15
archives, creating, 484-487
Bourne-again, 11-46
aliases, 23-24
arguments, 11
arithmetic evaluation, 34
blanks, 12
bugs, 46
command execution, 25
comments, 14
compound commands, 13
control operators, 12
environments, 25-26
escapecharacter, 14
exit status, 26
expansion, 18-21
files, 46
functions, 23
historylist, 32-33
invocation, 45-46
job control, 24-25
lists, 12-13
meta characters, 12
names, 12
options, 11
parameters, 14-15
pipelines(|), 12
prompting, 26
quoting, 14
readline, 27-32
redirection, 21-23
reserved words, 12
shell variables, 15-18
signals, 25
simplecommands, 12
words, 12
built-in commands, 35-45
alias, 35
bg, 35
bind, 35
break, 35
builtin, 35
cd, 35-36
command, 36
continue, 36
declare, 36
dirs, 36
echo, 36-37
enabling/disabling, 37
eval, 37
exec, 37
exit, 37
export, 37
fc, 37-38
fg, 38
getopts, 38
hash, 38
help, 38
history, 39
jobs, 39
kill, 39
let, 39
local, 39
logout, 39
popd, 39-40
pushd, 40
pwd, 40
read, 40
readonly, 40
return, 40
set, 40-42
shift, 42
suspend, 42-43
test expr, 43
times, 43
trap, 43-44
type, 44
ulimit, 44-45
umask, 45
unalias, 45
unset, 45
wait, 45
commands, executing, 1047
exiting, 37
interactive, 45
login, 45
changing, 63
exiting, 39
pathnames, 1186
remote, 466-467
server, 1385-1386
suspending execution, 42-43
user, getting, 946-947
shells file, 1186
shift (shell command), 42
shlock, 487
SHLVL variable (bash), 15
shmctl, 849-851
commands, 850
errors, 851
system calls, 851
shmget, 851-853
bugs, 853
errors, 852
system calls, 852
shmop, 853-854
variable(readline), 28
showmount, 1396
showrgb, 488
shrinkfile, 488
shutdown, 855, 1396-1397
bugs, 1397
errors, 855
files, 1397
options, 1397
sigaction, 855-857
sigaddset, 1019-1020
sigblock, 858
I shell variables(bash)
sigdelset, 1019-1020
sigemptyset, 1019-1020
sigfillset, 1019-1020
siggetmask, 858
siginterrupt( ) function, 1019
sigismember, 1019-1020
sigmask, 858
signal, 857-858, 1248-1249
bugs, 1249
signal messages, printing,
available (list of), 1248-1249
bash, 25
changinglist of, 856
releasing, 858-859
changing process action,
describing with strings, 1038
handling, 857-858
interrupting system calls,
manipulating, 858
replacing, 856
pending, examining, 856
POSIX signal set operations,
sending to processes, raise
function, 1000
waiting for, 817
signatures, tin, 528
sigpause, 858-859
sigpending, 855-857
sigprocmask, 855-857
sigreturn, 859
sigsetmask, 858
sigsuspend, 855-857
sigvec, 860
simplecommands (bash), 12
simpleinit, 1397-1399
bugs, 1399
files, 1398
sin( ) function, 1020-1021
sinh( ) function, 1021
sirtopnm, 488-489
site(ftp command), 152
size, 489-490
copying, 489-490
ftp command, 152
options, 489
slattach, 1399
slc command (telnet), 510
sldtoppm, 490-491
sleep( ) function, 1021
sliplogin, 1399-1401
diagnostics, 1400
/etc/slip.hosts format, 1400
example, 1400
parameters, 1400
smb filesystem, 1126
smproxy, 491-492
snprintf function, 992-996
SOCK_DGRAM sockets,
SOCK_RAW sockets, 861
SOCK_RDM sockets, 861
SOCK_STREAM sockets,
socket, 860-861
errors, 861
socket types, 860
socketcall, 862
socketpair, 862-863
accepting, 740-741
initiating, 752-753
listeningfor, 792-793
creating, 860-861
binding, 745-746
getting, 769
options, 770-771
getting/setting, 769-772
SO_TYPE, 771
pairs, creating, 862-863
peers, getting names, 765
receiving messages from,
sending messages from,
system calls, 862
types, 860
soft-reset( ) action (xterm),
Solitairefiles, converting to
portableanymaps, 488-489
sort, 492-493
sorted arrays, searching,
sorted files, removing
duplicatelines, 560
sorted word lists, compress-
ing/uncompressing, 496
sorting arrays, 1000
sound drivers, boot-time
parameters, 1224
sourcecommand (xauth), 591
sourcecommand (xauth) I
spaces, converting to tabs, 559
spctoppm, 494
special parameters, bash,
! (exclamation points), 15
# (pound signs), 15
$ (dollar signs), 15
* (asterisks), 15
- (hyphens), 15
?(question marks), 15
@(at signs), 15
_ (underscores), 15
0, 15
spell-checking, 274, 280
buildhash, 279
findaffix, 280
icombine, 281
ijoin, 281
ispell, 274-279
ispell dictionaries,
affix file, 1084-1085
character-set section, 1086
flags, 1088
headers, 1085
prefix/suffix tables, 1088
root words, 1084-1085
munchlist, 279-280
tryaffix, 281
split, 494-495
splitting files, 85-86, 119-120
spool queue
examining, 298-299
removing jobs from,
SPOT satelliteimages,
converting to portable
graymaps, 495
spottopgm, 495
sprintf function, 992-996
sprintf( ) function, awk,
sputoppm, 495-496
sq, 496
sqrt( ) function, 1023
squareroots (returning), 1023
srand( ) function, 1001
srand48( ) functions, 912
srandom( ) function,
sscanf function, 1013-1015
st, 1096-1100
ioctl( ) calls, 1097-1100
return values, 1100
stack, saving context, 1018
standard colormap utility (X),
standard error output,
redirecting, 22
standard output, redirecting,
start-cursor-extend( ) action
(xterm), 714
start-extend( ) action (xterm),
startup time
adjusting to GMT, 1424-
converting, 1430
startx, 496-497
stat, 863-864
statements, awk, 167-168
states (system), updating,
statfs, 865-866
cvs, 102
ftp, 152
telnet command, 512
stdarg, 1023-1024
stdio library, 1025-1027
bugs, 1026
functions, 1026-1027
stime, 866
stpcpy( ) function, 1027-1028
strcasecmp( ), 1028
strcat( ) function, 1028-1029
strchr( ) function, 1029
strcmp( ) function, 1029-1030
strcoll( ) function, 1030
strcpy( ) function, 1030-1031
strcspn( ) function,
strdup( ) function, 1031
stream-oriented editor, see sed
binary, input/output
(getting), 926-927
block buffered, 1016
buffering operations,
checking/resetting status,
closing, 919
current location (return-
ing), 1048
resetting, 1011
flushing, 920-921
line buffered, 1016
opening, 924-925
repositioning, 927-928
unbuffered, 1016
strerror( ) function, 1032
strfry( ), 1032
strftime( ) function,
conversion specifiers, 1033
tm structure members, 1034
string constants, awk,
string functions, awk, 169
string variables, configura-
tion-dependent, 906-907
string( ) action (xterm), 714
strings, 498
copying, 900
operations, 901
writingzerosto, 902
comparing, 1029-1030
byte, 899-900
ignoringcase, 1028
usingcurrent locale, 1030
concatenating, 1028-1029
to doubles, 898,
to integers, 898-899
I spaces, convertingto tabs
to longintegers, 899,
to multibytecharacter
to tmstructure,
to unsigned longintegers,
to widecharacter (from
multibyte), 977-978
copying, 498, 1030-1031
stpcpy( ) function,
describing signalswith, 1038
duplicating, 1031
extracting tokens from,
length (calculating), 1035
locating characters in, 953,
options, 498
outputting, 997-999
randomizing, 1032
searching, for character sets,
string operation functions,
transformation, 1042-1043
strip, 499
strlen( ) function, 1035
strncasecmp( ), 1028
strncat( ) function, 1028-1029
strncmp( ) function,
strncpy( ) function,
strpbrk( ) function,
strptime( ) function,
bugs, 1037
field descriptors, 1036-1037
strrchr( ) function, 1029
strsep( ) function, 1037-1038
strsignal( ) function, 1038
strspn( ) function, 1038-1039
strstr( ) function, 1039
strtod( ) function, 1039-1040
strtok( ) function, 1040
strtol( ) function, 1041
strtoul( ) function, 1041-1042
struct (ftp command), 152
strxfrm( ) function,
subdirectories, MS-DOS
creating, 326
moving, 327
removing, 329
renaming, 329-330
endnetent, 936-937
getnetbyaddr, 936-937
getnetbyname, 936-937
getnetent, 936-937
subst, 500-501
locating, 1039
locating in memory areas,
suffixes, 1249-1252
sum, 501
Sun icons, converting to
portablebitmaps, 262
Sun raster files, converting to
portableanymaps, 438
SuperProbe, 501-503
bugs, 503
options, 502
running, 502-503
suspend (shell command),
suspending execution, 1061
swab( ) function, 1043
swap area, setting up,
swap deviceparameter, values,
swapoff, 866-867, 1401
errors, 867
files, 1401
priority, 867
swapon, 866-867, 1401
errors, 867
files, 1401
priority, 867
enabling/disabling, 1401
starting/stopping, 866-867
priority, 867
swapping bytes, 1043
symbolic links, 867-869
reading values, 823-824
symlink, 867-869
sync, 869, 1401-1402
synchronizing files with
memory maps, 811
multiplexing, 835-837
syscall macros, 738
syscall( ) macros, 738
sysconf( ) function,
sysctl, 869-871
sysfs, 871
sysinfo, 871-872
sysklogd, 1402-1404
configuration file, 1402-
FIFOs, 1403
files, 1404
installing, 1403
remote logging, 1403
security, 1403-1404
syslog, 872-874
syslog( ) function, 1045-1046
syslog.conf, 1186-1188
action field, 1186-1187
examples, 1187-1188
facility keyword, 1187
level keyword, 1187
selector field, 1186-1187
syslogd, 1404-1405
configuration file, 1186-
action field, 1186-1187
examples, 1187-1188
facilitykeyword, 1187
level keyword, 1187
selector field, 1186-1187
syslogd I
files, 1405
options, 1405
configuration, getting
information at runtime,
displaying information
about, 562
load average, graphing, 533
page size, getting, 765
parameters, reading/writing,
printing activity summary,
shutting down, 1396-1397
state, updating, 1414-1415
status server, 1386-1387
system (ftp command), 152
system calls, 738-739
calling directly, 738
interrupting with signals,
IPC, 789
obsolete, 814
prototypes, 738
socket, 862
syscall macros, 738
undocumented, 881
unimplemented, 881-882
system logging, 1402-1404
configuration file,
FIFOs, 1403
making log entries, 295-296
messages, 1404-1405
remote, 1403
sending messages to,
System V interprocess
communication, 1144-1146
message queues, 1145
resource access permissions,
semaphore sets, 1145-1146
shared memory segments,
System V IPC keys, convert-
ing pathnames/project
identifiers to, 929-930
system( ) function, 1047
sysv filesystem, 1125
Tab Window Manager, see
descriptor, size (getting),
description, 1425-1426
initializing, 1427
movingfilesto end, 1431
removingfiles, 1431-1432
structure, 1426
tableentries, 1426
unreferenced entries
(fetching), 1428
creating, 951
freeingmemory, 951
searching, 951
IP routing (manipulating),
local descriptor, reading/
writing, 800
RARP, manipulating, 1373
troff, formatting, 236-237
tabs, converting to spaces, 137
tac, 503-504
tag (cvs command), 102-103
tag files
emacs, 135-137
generating, 87-88
vi, 135-137
tail, 504
talk, 505
talkd, 1405-1406
tan( ) function, 1047-1048
tanh( ) function, 1048
tcal, 506
tcdrain( ), 876, 1052
tcflow( ), 876, 1052
tcflush( ), 876, 1052
tcgetattr( ), 876, 1051
tcgetpgrp( ), 877, 1053
tcsendbreak( ), 876, 1052
tcsetattr( ), 876, 1052
tcsetpgrp( ), 877, 1053
tdelete, 1056-1058
tek-copy( ) action (xterm),
tek-page( ) action (xterm),
tek-reset( ) action (xterm),
telinit, 1307-1309
diagnostics, 1309
files, 1308
run levels, 1308
telldir( ) function, 1048
telnet, 507-512
commands, 508-512
!, 512
?, 512
close, 508
displayargument, 508
environ, 511
mode, 508
open host, 508
quit, 508
send arguments, 508-509
set, 509-510
slc, 510
status, 512
toggle, 511-512
unset, 509-510
z, 512
environment, 512
files, 512
options, 507
Telnet protocol
DARPA server, 1406-1407
interface, seetelnet
telnetd, 1406-1407
tempnam( ) function, 1049
temporary filenames, creating,
I syslogd
temporary files
creating, 983, 1053-1054
naming, 1049, 1054
tenex (ftp command), 152
termcap, 1188-1197
Boolean capabilities, 1189
numeric capabilities,
string capabilities,
control codes, 1195-1196
attributes, 1049-1053
getting, 876
setting, 482-483, 876
baud rate, 1049-1053
capability database,
Boolean capabilities, 1189
numeric capabilities,
controlling terminal,
creating typescript of
sessions, 474-475
displaying last login,
foreground processes, group
ID, 1049-1053
initializing, 539-542
line control, 1049-1053
name and device list, 1197
names (returning), 1058
resetting, 456
serial lines, 1101
termios functions, 874-878
type mapping, 540-541
type, setting in shell
environment, 540
virtual hangups, 885
window size, setting,
terminating processes,
terminating programs
abort( ) function, 892
assert( ) function, 895-896
termios functions, 874
flag constants, 874-876
termios structure
c_cflag flag constants, 1051
c_iflag flag constants, 1050
c_lflag flag constants, 1051
c_oflag flag constants,
test expr (shell command), 43
compressed, viewing,
filters, more, 327-328
formatting line lengths, 143
rendering to bitmaps,
sorting, 492-493
editors, elvis, 126-128
convertingfor printing,
creatinggcal resourcefiles
from, 558
tfind, 1056-1058
tfmtodit, 513
TFTP (Trivial FileTransfer
Protocol), 1407
DARPA server, 1407
tftp, 514-515
TFTP (Trivial FileTransfer
Protocol), 514
tftpd, 1407
tgatoppm, 515
ment variable, 529
ment variable, 529
TIFF files, converting to
portableanymaps, 515-516
tifftopnm, 515-516
tildeexpansion (bash), 19
calculating differences, 911
getting/setting, 772-773
in seconds, 878
returning current, 928-929
setting, 866
adjustingto GMT,
converting, 1430
timefunctions, 878
awk, 169
timeserver daemon,
compiling, 1419-1422
printing, 1419
time-sharing scheduling, 834
timed, 1407-1409
control program, 1408-1409
files, 1408
timedc, 1408-1409
timers (event), managing,
binary, converting to ASCII,
to ASCII, 984-986
information, 986-988,
stringsto numbers,
to tmstructure,
formatting, strftime( )
function, 1032-1034
process, getting, 878-879
time zone information files,
user/system, printing, 43
times (shell command), 43
times function, 878-879
timestamps, changing, 536
tin, 516-533
automatic mailing, 528
crossposting, 527
tin I
mailing, 527
piping, 527
posting, 527
printing, 527
saving, 527-528
tagging/untagging, 528
bugs, 531
articleviewer, 522-524
editing, 519
global optionsmenu, 524-
group index, 521-522
newsgroup selection,
spool directoryselection,
thread listing, 522
environment variables,
TINRC, 528
files, 531
group attributes, 526
index files, 517-518
moving between levels, 519
news administration, 518
options, 516-517
screen format, 518-519
signatures, 528
starting, 518
tinrc configurable variables,
xterm buttons, 530-531
environment variable, 528
environment variable, 529
TIN_LIBDIR environment
variable, 529
environment variable, 529
tinrc configurablevariables,
TINRC environment variable,
tload, 533
TMOUT variable(bash), 17
/tmp directory, 1237
tmpfile( ) function,
tmpnam( ) function, 1054
toascii( ) function, 1055
togglecommand (telnet),
tokens, extracting from
strings, 1037-1040
tolower( ) function,
top, 533-535
bugs, 535
commands, 534-535
field descriptions, 534
options, 534
topological sorting (graphs),
touch, 536
toupper( ) function,
tr, 536-539
character classes, 537-538
escape characters, 537
ranges, 537
repeated characters, 537
specifying character sets, 537
squeezing/deleting, 538-539
translating, 538
warning messages, 539
tr2tex, 1252-1253
trace(ftp command), 152
traceroute, 1409-1412
examples, 1411
options, 1410
transforming strings,
translating/deleting charac-
ters, 536-539
trap (shell command), 43-44
Trivial File Transfer Protocol,
see TFTP
compiling pictures for,
converting to LaTeX,
formatting tables, 236-237
output format, 1129-1131
TrueVision Targa files,
converting to portable
pixmaps, 515
truncate, 879-880
tryaffix, 274, 281
files, 281
tsearch, 1056-1058
tset, 539-542
compatibility, 542
environment, 541
files, 541
options, 540
setting environment, 540
terminal type mapping,
tsort, 542
tty, 1100-1101
ttyname, 1058
ttys, 1101
ttytype, 1197
tune2fs, 1412-1413
tunelp, 1413-1414
twalk, 1056-1058
I tin
twm, 542-557
bindings, 552-553
bugs, 557
customizing, 543-544
environment, 557
files, 557
functions, 554-556
!, 554
f.autoraise, 554
f.backiconmgr, 554
f.beep, 554
f.bottomzoom, 554
f.circledown, 554
f.circleup, 554
f.colormap, 554
f.deiconify, 554
f.delete, 554
f.deltastop, 554
f.destroy, 554
f.downiconmgr, 554
f.exec, 554
f.focus, 554
f.forcemove, 555
f.forwiconmgr, 555
f.fullzoom, 555
f.function, 555
f.hbzoom, 555
f.hideiconmgr, 555
f.horizoom, 555
f.htzoom, 555
f.hzoom, 555
f.iconify, 555
f.identify, 555
f.lefticonmgr, 555
f.leftzoom, 555
f.lower, 555, 555
f.move, 555
f.nexticonmgr, 555
f.nop, 555
f.previconmgr, 555
f.priority, 555
f.quit, 555
f.raise, 555
f.raiselower, 555
f.refresh, 555
f.resize, 555
f.restart, 555
f.righticonmgr, 555
f.rightzoom, 556
f.saveyourself, 556
f.showiconmgr, 556
f.sorticonmgr, 556
f.title, 556
f.topzoom, 556
f.unfocus, 556
f.upiconmgr, 556
f.vlzoom, 556
f.vrzoom, 556
f.warpring, 556
f.warpto, 556
f.warptoiconmgr, 556
f.warptoscreen, 556
f.winrefresh, 556
f.zoom, 556
icons, 557
menus, 556-557
options, 543
starting, 543
startup files, 543-544
variables, 544-552
AutoRaise, 544
BorderColor, 545
BorderWidth, 545
ButtonIndent, 545
ClientBorderWidth, 545
Color, 545-546
Cursors, 546
DecorateTransients, 546
DefaultBackground, 546
DefaultForeground, 547
DefaultFunction, 552
DontMoveOff, 547
DontSqueezeTitle, 547
ForceIcons, 547
FramePadding, 547
Grayscale, 547
IconBackground, 547
IconBorderColor, 547
IconBorderWidth, 547
IconDirectory, 547
IconFont, 547
IconForeground, 547
IconManagerFont, 548
IconManagers, 548
IconManagerShow, 548
IconRegion, 548
Icons, 548-549
MakeTitle, 549
MaxWindowSize, 549
MenuBackground, 549
MenuFont, 549
MenuForeground, 549
MenuShadowColor, 549
Monochrome, 549
MoveDelta, 549
NoBackingStore, 549
NoCaseSensitive, 549
NoDefaults, 549
NoGrabServer, 549
NoHighlight, 550
NoIconManagers, 550
NoMenuShadows, 550
twm I
NoRaiseOnDeiconify, 550
NoRaiseOnMove, 550
NoRaiseOnResize, 550
NoRaiseOnWarp, 550
NoSaveUnders, 550
NoStackMode, 550
NoTitle, 550
NoTitleFocus, 550
NoTitleHighlight, 550
OpaqueMove, 550
Pixmaps, 550
Priority, 550
RandomPlacement, 550
ResizeFont, 551
RestartPreviousState, 551
SaveColor, 551
ShowIconManager, 551
SortIconManager, 551
SqueezeTitle, 551
StartIconified, 551
TitleBackground, 551
TitleFont, 552
TitleForeground, 552
TitlePadding, 552
UnknownIcon, 552
UsePPosition, 552
WarpCursor, 552
WarpUnmapped, 552
WindowFunction, 552
WindowRing, 552
XorValue, 552
Zoom, 552
windows, 543
creating, 543
resizing, 543
txt2gcal, 558
ftp command, 152
shell command, 44
TZ environment variable, 987
tzfile, 1197-1198
tzset, 986-988
files, 988
TZ environment variable,
tzset( ) function, 1058-1060
UID variable(bash), 15
ul, 558-559
ulimit (shell command),
umask, 880
ftp command, 152
shell command, 45
umsdos filesystem, 1125
unalias (shell command), 45
uname, 880-881
unbuffered streams, 1016
underlining, 558-559
underscores (_), bash special
parameters, 15
undocumented system calls,
unexpand, 559
ungetc( ) function, 945
Unicode, 1065, 1253-1255
ASCII-compatible encoding,
combining characters, 1254
implementation levels, 1254
Web site, 1065
unimplemented system calls,
uniq, 560
Universal Product Code
bitmaps, creating, 368
copying MS-DOS files to/
from, 317-318
filenames, restoring,
files, copying
between systems, 563-565
to MS-DOS, 335
unlink, 882
unlocking memory
munlock, 811-812
munlockall, 812-813
unmapping files to memory,
unmount, 802-804,
bugs, 1332
errors, 803
files, 1332
options, 1331
return value, 803
shell command, 45
telnet command, 509-510
unshar, 560-561
unsq, 496
update(cvs command),
update_state, 1414-1415
updatedb, 561-562
uppercase, converting letters
to, 1055-1056
uptime, 562
uselib, 883
administration, 1344-1346
archiver, 1262-1263
expiring, 1121-1123
libinn routines, 962-966
purging, 1292-1293
record of, 1131-1132
retrievingfro NNTP
server, 340-341
sendingto remoteNNTP
server, 1312-1313
sendingto remotesite,
batch files, converting to
INN, 1281-1282
control messages, handling,
databases, recovering,
history file
I twm
innwatch supervision,
log files, 1163-1165
list of, 1164
maintenance, 1346-1347
message/action fields,
moderated newsgroups, mail
addresses, 1151-1152
newsgroups, listing active,
sending articles to servers,
Usenix FaceSaver files,
converting to portable
graymaps, 147
user (ftp command), 152
user group file, 1131
user IDs (processes), setting,
real and effective, 847-848
userlist, 563
getting, 934-935
remote lookup, 1134-1135
adding to system,
displaying last login,
file permissions, checking,
IDs, getting, 773
listing, 563
logins, preventing, 1168
outputting logged in
on local machines, 474
on networks, 472-473
preference utility (X),
printing activity summary
(w), 573
quotas, editing, 1291-1292
sending messages to, 473,
shells, getting, 946-947
switching between, 296
talking to online, 505
writing messages to, 574,
usleep( ) function, 1061
/usr directory, 1237
/usr/X11R6 directory, 1237
/usr/X11R6/bin directory,
/usr/X11R6/lib directory,
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11 directory,
directory, 1237
ustat, 883-884
UTF-8, 1255-1256
examples, 1256
properties, 1255-1256
utime, 884-885
utimes, 884-885
utmp, 1198-1200
utmp fileentries, accessing,
utmp/wtmp entries, manag-
ing, 480-481
utmpname( ) function, 947
uucico, 1415-1417
files, 1416-1417
options, 1415-1416
uucp, 563-565
bugs, 565
execution daemon, 572
files, 564-565
options, 564
remote command execution,
status inquiry, 566-569
connections, receiving news,
file transfer requests,
processing, 1415-1417
uudecode, 565-566
uuencode, 565-566, 1200
uustat, 566-569
examples, 568-569
files, 569
options, 567-568
uux, 569-571
bugs, 571
examples, 571
files, 571
options, 570-571
restrictions, 571
uuxqt, 572
variableargument lists
(declaring), 1023-1024
awk, 163-165
arrays, 164
built-in, 163-164
typingand conversion,
bash, 15-18
_expansion, 17
auto_resume, 18
BASH, 15
cdable_vars, 18
ENV, 16
EUID, 15
glob_dot_filenames, 17
histchars, 17-18
HOME, 16
IFS, 16
MAIL, 16
variables I
noclobber, 18
nolinks, 18
notify, 17
PATH, 16
PPID, 15-17
PS1, 16
PS2, 16
PS3, 17
PS4, 17
PWD, 15
UID, 15
declaring, 36
local, creating, 39
readline, 28
bell-style, 28
comment-begin, 28
convert-meta, 28
editing-mode, 28
expand-tilde, 28
horizontal-scroll-mode, 28
keymap, 28
mark-modified-lines, 28
meta-flag, 28
output-meta, 28
show-all-if-ambiguous, 28
string, configuration-
dependent, 906-907
vcs, 1101-1102
vcsa, 1101-1102
vectors, reading/writing,
verbose(ftp command), 152
vfat filesystem, 1125
case sensitivity (mtools and),
vfork, 758
vfprintf function, 992-996
vfscanf function, 1013-1015
vhangup, 885
vi, see elvis
video hardware, identifying,
video modetuner (XFree86),
buttons, 719
moving display, 719
options, 720
vidr, 303-304
view, see elvis
vipw, 1418-1419
virtual 8086 mode, entering,
virtual consoles, 1066
memory, 1101-1102
virtual framebuffer X server,
virtual memory
addresses, remapping,
reports, 1417-1418
VISUAL environment
variable, 529
visual-bell( ) action (xterm),
vm86, 885-886
vmstat, 1417-1418
volumelabels (MS-DOS),
creating, 325-326
vprintf function, 992-996
vscanf function, 1013-1015
vsnprintf function, 992-996
vsprintf function, 992-996
vsscanf function, 1013-1015
w, 573
wait, 886-888
errors, 887
shell command, 45
status macros, 887
wait3, 888-889
wait4, 888-889
waitpid, 886-888
wall, 574
wc, 574
wcstomb( ) function,
wcstombs( ) function, 1061
Web sites, Unicode, 1065
whereis, 575-576
while(bash command), 13
widecharacter strings,
converting to multibyte
character strings, 1061
widecharacters, converting to
bitmap application, 54-57
editres, 125-126
xclipboard, 596
xclock, 595
xconsole, 598
xcutsel, 599
xdm authentication widget,
actionssupported, 610
resources, 609-610
xfd, 634-635
xlogo, 668
xmag, 671
windows, X
dumping utility, 721-722
information utility, 722-724
word splitting (bash), 21
bash, 12
finding first bit set, 921
input/output, 948
I variables
wrapping input lines, 143-144
write, 576-577, 889-890
errors, 889-890
writev, 824-825, 1003-1004
bugs, 1004
errors, 825, 1004
wtmp, 1198-1200
X Color Management System,
DeviceColor Characteriza-
tion utility, 592-593
X commands, grops, 232-233
X font servers
displaying information
about, 145
generating BDF fonts,
listing fonts, 145-146
X sessions, initializing,
X Window System
clipboard client, 595-597
clock, 593-595
Display Manager, 599-614
authentication widget,
chooser, 607
configuration file, 606
controlling, 613
environment variables,
files, 613
limitations, 613
local server specification,
options, 600-601
reset program, 612
resources, 601-606
resourcesfile, 608
server control, 612-613
session program, 611-612
sessions, 600
setup program, 608-609
startup program, 610-611
XDMCP serviceaccess
control, 606-607
emacs, 131-132
displayingall characters
in, 633-636
listing, 670-671
image displayer, 725-726
environment, 726
options, 725-726
imake, 266
initializer, 664-666
keymaps, modifying,
LBX proxy server, 286-287
logo, 667-668
magnifying screen, 671-672
monitoring system console
messages, 597-598
property displayer, 677-681
constructingformats, 679
examples, 680
format characters, 679
selectingwindows, 678
remote program starts, 676
resource database utility,
filesymbols, 681-682
options, 682-684
root window parameters
(setting), 693-694
screen, refreshing, 684-685
server information utility,
accesscontrol program,
displayserver, 685-690
font server, 641-643
killingclients, 666-667
virtual framebuffer,
XFree86, 636-641
Session Manager, 694-698
default startup applica-
tions, 695
options, 695-698
proxy, 698
remoteapplications, 698
Session menu, 695-696
environment variable,
startingsessions, 695
tester, 698-699
.xsession file, 695
standard colormap utility,
Tab Window Manager,
bindings, 552-553
bugs, 557
customizing, 543-544
functions, 554-556
icons, 557
menus, 556-557
options, 543
starting, 543
startup files, 543-544
variables, 544-552
windows, 543
terminal emulator, 700-717
actions, 713-716
character classes, 712-713
emulations, 700
environment, 717
features, 700-701
menus, 711-712
options, 701-705
pointer usage, 710-711
resources, 705-710
security, 712
user preference utility,
window dumping utility,
window information utility,
X10 bitmaps, converting to
portable, 592
X11 bitmaps, converting to
portable, 592
X11 bitmaps, convertingto portable I
X11 pixmaps, converting to
portable, 677
X11 server
performance comparison
program, 585-586
performance test program,
X11/X10 window dump files,
converting to portable
anymaps, 722
x11perf, 577-585
options, 578-585
x11perfcomp, 585-586
xargs, 586-587
xauth, 587-592
bugs, 592
commands, 588, 591
?, 591
exit, 591
help, 591
info, 591
list, 591
merge, 591
quit, 591
remove, 591
source, 591
display names, 591
environment, 589
environment variables, 592
example, 591
files, 589, 592
generating magic cookies
for, 317
options, 587-588
xbmtopbm, 592
xclipboard, 595-597
buttons, 596
environment, 597
files, 597
options, 596
sending/retrieving contents,
widgets, 596
xclock, 593-595
bugs, 595
defaults, 594-595
environment, 595
files, 595
options, 594
widgets, 595
xcmsdb, 592-593
xconsole, 597-598
xcutsel, 598-599
Xdf disks, 332
xdm, 599-614
authentication widget,
actionssupported, 610
resources, 609-610
chooser, 607
configuration file, 606
controlling, 613
environment variables, 608
files, 613
limitations, 613
local server specification,
options, 600-601
reset program, 612
resources, 601-606
DisplayManager., 604
authComplain, 605
authFile, 605
authName, 605
authorize, 605
chooser, 603
cpp, 603
failsafeClient, 605
grabServer, 605
grabTimeout, 605
openDelay, 604
openRepeat, 604
openTimeout, 604
pingInterval, 604
pingTimeout, 604
reset, 604
resetForAuth, 606
resetSignal, 605
resources, 603
session, 603
setup, 603
startup, 603
systemPath, 604-605
systemShell, 605
terminateServer, 604
termSignal, 605
userAuthDir, 606
userPath, 604
xrdb, 603
I X11 pixmaps, convertingto portable
Domainname, 602
resources file, 608
server control, 612-613
session program, 611-612
sessions, 600
setup program, 608-609
startup program, 610-611
XDMCP service access
control, 606-607
XDMCP service, access
control, 606-607
xdpyinfo, 614
XF86_8514 server, 615
XF86_Accel, 614-623
bugs, 623
configuration, 615-616
files, 622
options, 616
setup, 616-622
XF86_AGX server, 615
XF86_Mach32 server, 615
XF86_Mach64 server, 615
XF86_Mach8 server, 615
XF86_Mono, 624-627
configuration, 624
files, 626
options, 624
setup, 624-626
XF86_P9000 server, 615
XF86_S3 server, 615
XF86_SVGA, 627-631
configuration, 627-628
files, 630-631
options, 628
setup, 628-630
XF86_VGA16, 631-633
configuration, 631
files, 633
options, 632
setup, 632
XF86_W32 server, 615
XF86Config, 1201-1208
Device sections, 1204-1206
Files section, 1201
Keyboard section, 1202
Monitor sections,
Pointer section, 1202-1203
Screen sections, 1206-1208
ServerFlags section, 1201
xf86config, 633
xfd, 633-636
resources, 635
bugs, 636
fontgrid resources, 635
options, 634
widgets, 634-635
XFree86, 636-641
configuration, 636
configuration file,
Devicesections, 1204-
Filessection, 1201
Keyboard section, 1202
Monitor sections,
Pointer section,
Screen sections,
ServerFlagssection, 1201
environment variables, 637
key combinations, 638
network connections,
options, 637-638
setup, 638
video mode tuner, 719-720
buttons, 719
movingdisplay, 719
options, 720
xfs, 641-643
bugs, 643
configuration, 642
naming, 643
options, 641
signals, 641
xhost, 643-645
bugs, 644
diagnostics, 644
environment, 644
files, 644
names, 644
options, 643-644
xiafs filesystem, 1125
XIE protocol, testing,
xieperf, 645-654
bugs, 654
options, 646-654
XIM files, converting to
portablepixmaps, 654
ximtoppm, 654
xinetd, 655-664
bugs, 664
configuration file, 656-660
editing signal responses,
files, 663
internal services, 660
log format, 661-663
options, 655-656
xinit, 664-666
environment variables, 666
examples, 665-666
files, 666
xkill, 666-667
xlogo, 667-668
environment variables, 668
resources, 668
widgets, 668
xlogo I
xlsatoms, 668-669
xlsclients, 669-670
xlsfonts, 670-671
xmag, 671-672
xmkmf, 672
xmodmap, 672-676
bugs, 675
environment, 675
examples, 674-675
expression grammar,
options, 673
xon, 676
xpmtoppm, 677
xprop, 677-681
constructing formats, 679
environment, 680
examples, 680
format characters, 679
options, 677-678
selecting windows, 678
xrdb, 681-684
bugs, 684
environment, 684
file symbols, 681-682
options, 682-684
xrefresh, 684-685
arguments, 684-685
bugs, 685
defaults, 685
environment, 685
Xresources file, 608
Xserver, 685-690
file utility, 587-592
files, 690
fonts, 689
options, 686-687
network connections, 688
XDMCP, 688
security, 688-689
signals, 689
starting, 685
xset, 690-693
xsetroot, 693-694
xsm, 694-698
default startup applications,
options, 695-698
proxy, 698
remote applications, 698
Session menu, 695-696
SM_SAVE_DIR environ-
ment variable, 695
starting sessions, 695
tester, 698-699
.xsession file, 695
xsmclient, 698-699
xstdcmap, 699-700
xterm, 700-717
actions, 713-716
allow-send-events( ), 714
bell( ), 713
clear-saved-lines( ), 715
hard-reset( ), 715
ignore( ), 713
insert( ), 713
insert-eight-bit( ), 713
insert-selection( ), 713
insert-seven-bit( ), 713
keymap( ), 713
popup-menu( ), 713
quit( ), 714
redraw( ), 714
scroll-back( ), 714
scroll-forw( ), 714
secure( ), 713
select-cursor-end, 714
select-cursor-start( ), 714
select-end( ), 714
select-extend( ), 714
select-start( ), 714
send-signal( ), 714
set-allow132( ), 715
set-altscreen( ), 715
set-appcursor( ), 715
set-appkeypad( ), 715
set-autolinefeed( ), 715
set-autowrap( ), 715
set-cursesemul( ), 715
set-jumpscroll( ), 715
set-marginbell( ), 715
set-reverse-video( ), 715
set-reversewrap( ), 715
set-scroll-on-key( ), 715
set-scroll-on-tty-output( ),
set-scrollbar( ), 715
set-tek-text( ), 715
set-terminal-type( ), 715
set-visibility( ), 715
set-visual-bell( ), 715
set-vt-font( ), 714
soft-reset( ), 715
start-cursor-extend( ), 714
start-extend( ), 714
string( ), 714
tek-copy( ), 716
tek-page( ), 715
tek-reset( ), 716
visual-bell( ), 716
bugs, 717
character classes, 712-713
emulations, 700
environment, 717
features, 700-701
menus, 711-712
options, 701-705
pointer usage, 710-711
resources, 705-710
fontMenu entries, 710
mainMenu entries, 709
tekMenu entries, 710
vtMenu entries, 709-710
security, 712
XV thumbnail pictures,
converting to portable
pixmaps, 720
Xvfb, 717-718
xvidtune, 719-720
xvminitoppm, 720
I xlsatoms
xwd, 721-722
xwdtopnm, 722
xwininfo, 722-724
xwud, 725-726
y0( ) function, 959
y1( ) function, 959
ybmtopbm, 726
yn( ) function, 959
ytalk, 727-730
Boolean options, 729
daemons, 727
escape menu, 728
files, 730
readdressing, 729
runtime options, 728-729
startup file, 729
username field, 727
X11 interface, 730
YUV bytes, converting to
portablepixmaps, 731
YUV files, converting to
portablepixmaps, 730-731
yuvplittoppm, 730-731
yuvtoppm, 731
z command (telnet), 512
Z files, recompressing to GZ,
zcat, 248-249
zcatgzip, 248-249
zcmp, 731-732
zdiff, 731-732
zdump, 1419
Zeiss confocal files, converting
to portableanymaps, 732
zeisstopnm, 732
zero, 1094
zforce, 732-733
zgrep, 733
zic, 1419-1422
files, 1422
link lines, 1421-1422
options, 1419-1420
rule lines, 1420-1421
zone lines, 1421
zmore, 733-734
znew, 734-735
znew I

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