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5th Grade Homework for the

Week of May 19 22
Due on Thursday at 7:30am
Minutes: Mon __ Tues__ Wed__
Your only reading work this week is to
READ! Did you notice that you need to
read at least 75 minutes this week? If you
read each night, thats 25 minutes a night.
You have until next Tuesday, May 27 at
3:30pm to meet your Reading Counts goal
(300 points).
If you turned in an application for a talent show
act, you will try out on Wednesday. Make sure you
have practiced and that you are prepared. You will
need to bring any necessary music, costumes,
props, and/or equipment to school on Wednesday.
Remember: your act needs to be two minutes or

You will need to plan, draft,
edit, and revise a piece about
D.A.R.E. for Officer Wright and
Officer Murdoch. They will
announce the top pieces at our
last D.A.R.E. class next Monday.

You will be answering the
What did you learn in D.A.R.E.?

Use the attached pages to
make your plan and write your
draft. After you draft your
piece, use the attached editing/
revising checklist to make your
piece even better. You may
hand write or type your final
copy that is due on Thursday.

!You may bring your D.A.R.E.
book home to help you as you
Parent Signature:
Name: _______
This Weeks Events:
!Science Fair 2:30 3:15 pm on Monday (19
! Testing/Rotation Day on Tuesday (20
! Talent Show Try-Outs on Wednesday (21
! Field Day at MPHS/Middle School Orientation at EGMS on Thursday (22
What did you learn in D.A.R.E.?
T: ________________
A: ________________
P: ________________
P: ________________
What Why
Now, write your draft on the next few pages. You do not need to use all of the lines. If
you need additional paper, you may use loose-leaf.

Remember to include:
an introduction with a main idea sentences (including your three big whats)
your personal writing targets from throughout the year
a conclusion with a summary and reflection
Now, use the checklists below to edit and revise your
piece to make it even better!
EDITING (checking for grammar, punctuation, and spelling)

capital letters to start each sentence

capitalized proper nouns (no stray capitals!)

appropriate punctuation at the end of each sentence

complete sentences with a subject and predicate (which needs a VERB!)

no run on sentences

spelling words/high frequency words spelled correctly

paragraphs indented

perspective remains consistent (no YOUs)

appropriate article (a or an): ! comes before a word that starts with a
consonant. An goes with a word that starts with a vowel.

REVISING (making your writing better and more interesting)

Do your sentences start with the same word every time? Change them up to make it
more interesting.

Does my topic sentence mention the three big whats in my writing?

Do you repeat the same word a lot? Use some synonyms.

Did you use words like cool or amazing? Instead of those words, describe what
makes it cool or amazing?

Check for your personal targets.
Now, publish your edited and revised piece on
a piece of loose-leaf or type it.

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