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1. How did corn contribute to the alcoholic republic in the U.S. of the early 1800s?

Corn Whiskey was a cheap product and was widespread across the United States. Americans
began to drinking it before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

2. Three of every five Americans are overweight; one of every five is obese.

3. The Journal of the American Medical Association predicts that a child born in 2000
has a one in three chance of developing diabetes.

4. How many people worldwide are suffering from over nutrition? How many are
suffering from malnutrition?
One billion people are affected to over nutrition and 800 million are affected to malnutrition.

5. What are some of the plausible explanations for humanitys expanding waistline?
A change in lifestyle, affluence, technology and clever marketing

6. Since 1977, an Americans average daily intake of calories has jumped by 10%.

7. What accounts for most of the surplus calories we are growing and eating?
Corn accounts for a lot of surplus calories that we eat
8. How many pounds of high-fructose corn syrup do we process per year?
17.5 billion pounds
9. How many pounds of sugars (all types) does the average person eat per year?
An average person eats 158 pounds of sugars

10. Why does Coca Cola and Pepsi use HFCS?
The reason why they use HFCS is because its cheaper than sugar
11. Explain how marketing executives have tricked consumers into eating and drinking
Companies has supersized and made the servings cheap so its more affordable

12. Researchers have found that people presented with larger portions will eat up to
30% more than they would otherwise.

13. Why has natural selection predisposed to the taste of sugar and fat?
The sugars and fats offer the most energy per bite

14. How does Type-II Diabetes occur?
When the body's mechanism for managing glucose simply wears out from overuse
15. While the surgeon general is raising alarms over the epidemic of obesity, the
president is: signing farm bills designed to keep the river of cheap corn flowing

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