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Lesson Planning Form for Differentiating Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Joy Oh
Date 4/12/14 Subject/ Topic/ Theme 1
grade health: nutrition
I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson
This is an introduction to nutrition and health
!o" does this lesson tie in to a unit #lan (! applicable"#
This is the !irst lesson o! the $utrition and %ealth unit plan topic"
What are $our objectives for this lesson (&s many as needed"# Indicate connections to a##licable national or state standards.
! an objecti'e applies to only certain students (rite the name(s# o! the student(s# to (hom it applies"
1# )lassi!y !oods according to the !ood groups
2# Describe the bene!its o! eating healthy snac*s
+# Describe the health bene!its o! drin*ing (ater, compared to other be'erages
-.)/S 1
grade health education standards
II. %efore $ou start
Prere&uisite 'no"ledge and s'ills.
)formative and summative*
0ormati'e: teacher (ill go around and monitor the students1 learning during acti'ities and
Summati'e: plate project
Identif$ those students
)individuals or grou#s* in $our
class "ho "ill need s#ecial
attention and describe the level of
su##ort $ou #lan on giving them.
+efer bac' to the surve$ $ou did
of $our class.
Students (ith special needs (ill be gi'en additional help they need"
,aterials-"hat materials )boo's.
handouts. etc* do $ou need for this
lesson and do $ou have them
2aper plate
)ut out pictures o! 'arious types o! !ood
0ood pyramid
/at healthy song (Dance !or the 0ood -roups#
Do $ou need to set u# $our
classroom in an$ s#ecial "a$ for
this lesson If so. describe it.
III. /he Plan
/he descri#tion of )scri#t for* the lesson. "herein $ou describe teacher activities and student
Teacher as*s: 3ho li*es to eat pop tarts4 3ho li*es to eat stra(berries4
Teacher opens up by as*ing students (hat they li*e to eat and i! their !ood plates are 5color!ul6"
Students (ill respond appropriately
17 minutes
Teacher demonstrates the song (lets them listen to it# and then ha'e the students stand up and dance along"
Teacher (ill lead the motions !or a couple o! times and then students do it (repeat song about + times#
Teacher (ill introduce the acti'ity (de'eloping your o(n !ood plate#
Teacher hands out paper plates and hands out some cut8out pictures o! !ood to each group" Students (ill
paste the pictures on the plate (used as assessments#
27 minutes
Closure Teacher (ill collect the plates and as*: (hat did (e learn today4 3hat is an e9ample o! healthy eating4
: minutes
1our reflection on the lesson including ideas for im#rovement for ne2t time3

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