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Mktg 485 Prof. Richard Yalch
Spring 2004
Phone: 543-144
!ho"e 425-22-0252#
M$ 10:30-12:20 !%al"er 311# e-"ail: r&alch'(.)a*hington.ed(
+ffice ,o(r*:M$ 12:30-1:00
+ffice: 20-
(Best) Roger Best, Market-Based Management. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 200. rd edition.
(C!C) "a#id Cra#ins, C$arles !a%& and 'ictoria Crittenden, Strategic Marketing Management Cases. Boston:
(c)raw-Hill *rwin, 2002.

Date A!"#$e#t
%-&' ( I#t)*+,-t!*#
"escri+tion of co,rse - assign%ents
% -%( & Ma).et O)!e#tat!*#
*%+ortance of ac$ie#ing c,sto%er satisfaction to %a.i%i/e c,sto%er retention. 0inancial
i%+lications of c,sto%er ac1,isition #ers,s retention.
BE23 - C$a+ter 4 (!ong-ter% C,sto%er 'al,e Calc,lations).
C!C 5 Enter+rise Case
/ - 0 % Ma).et P1a##!#"
*ntrod,ces t$e +rocesses ,sed to de#elo+ a %ar6eting +lan.
BE23 - C$a+ter 47 (B,ilding a (ar6eting Plan).
/ - 2 / P)*3!t I$4a-t *3 Ma).et-Bae+ Ma#a"e$e#t
"isc,sses t$e relations$i+ &etween %ar6eting acti#ities and a fir%8s financial +erfor%ance.
*ntrod,ces #ario,s %etrics ,sed to assess %ar6eting +erfor%ance.
BE23 - C$a+ter 49 (Profit *%+act of (ar6et-Based (anage%ent).
/ - 5(& 0 Ma).et-Bae+ Pe)3*)$a#-e
Calc,lating internal #ers,s e.ternal +erfor%ance %eas,res. "e#elo+ing growt$ strategies.
BE23 5 C$a+ter 2 ((ar6et-Based Perfor%ance)
C!C 5 Bear Cree6 )olf Range Case
Mktg 485 page 2 Spring 2004
/ - (/ 6 Ma).et De3!#!t!*#7 P*te#t!a1 a#+ De$a#+
(et$ods for defining a %ar6et and calc,lating %ar6et and s$are +otential
BE23, c$. ((ar6et "efinition, Potential and "e%and)
C!C 5 Roller&lades Case
/ - (' 2 C,t*$e) A#a18!
Cost-Benefit a++roac$ to creating c,sto%er #al,e. *ncl,des an introd,ction to tradeoff anal:sis.
BE23, c$.7 (C,sto%er ;nal:sis and 'al,e Creation)
C!C, Boston Red 2o. Case
2+ea6er: 2+orts (ar6eting
Date A!"#$e#t
/ - &( 9 Ma).et Se"$e#tat!*# St)ate"!e
;lternati#e %et$ods for seg%enting a %ar6et. <a:s to deter%ine t$e +rofita&ilit: of a seg%ent
and de#elo+ an a++ro+riate strateg: for a seg%ent &ased on its +rofita&ilit:.
BE23, c$. = ((ar6et 2eg%entation and 2eg%entation 2trategies)
C!C, >,a6er ?ats 5 2na++le ;c1,isition
/ &6 ' C*$4et!t!:e A#a18!
@nderstand $ow one8s relati#e +osition in a %ar6et infl,ences one8s strateg:.
BE23, c$. 9 (Co%+etitor ;nal:sis and Co%+etiti#e Positioning)
ABo. Case (Brenda Ng, (icrosoft Cons,%er *nsig$ts)
/ - &9 (; M!+te)$ E<a$!#at!*#
0 - % (( P)*+,-t P*!t!*#!#" = St)ate"!e
*ntrod,ces t$e conce+ts of +rod,ct differentiation and +rod,ct line +ositioning.
BE23, c$. B(Prod,ct Positioning and Prod,ct 2trategies)
C!C, Ci%a (o,ntaineering Case
0 - 0 (& Ma).et-Bae+ P)!-!#" a#+ P)!-!#" St)ate"!e
(ar6et-Based #ers,s cost-&ased +ricing. Effects of +ricing on contri&,tion %argins. Price
elasticit: considerations. Pricing as a strategic factor.
BE23, c$. C ((ar6et-Based Pricing and Pricing 2trategies)
D+ac6etE, Bog,s Basin Case
0 - (; (% Ma).et!#" C>a##e1
"irect #ers,s indirect %et$ods to deli#er +rod,cts to t$e c,sto%ers. "e#elo+ing altern&ati#e
c$annels to a#oid or t$wart co%+etitors.
BE23, c$. F ((ar6eting C$annels and 2ales 2:ste%s)
C!C, Gonar6 3ele#ision
0 - (& (/ Sa1e S8te$
2election and %anage%ent of an international sales force.
BE23, c$. F (++. 20B-240)
Mktg 485 page 3 Spring 2004
C!C, C,tco Case DC,tco re+resesentati#eE
0 - (2 (0 Ma).et!#" C*$$,#!-at!*#
*ntrod,ces a $ierarc$ical #iew of t$e role of %ar6eting co%%,nications in s,++orting strategic
BE23, c$. 40 ((ar6eting Co%%,nications and C,sto%er Res+onse)
Date A!"#$e#t
0 - (' (6 P*)t3*1!* A#a18!
!oo6s at t$e fir%8s +rod,ct-%ar6ets to identif: attracti#e and ,nattracti#e seg%ents. "escri&es
$ow to assess attracti#eness
BE23, c$. 44 (Portfolio ;nal:sis and 2trategic (ar6et Plans)
0 - &/ (2 O33e#!:e St)ate"!e
!oo6s at wa:s to grow +rod,ct-%ar6ets. Considers offensi#e strategies as a++ro+riate wa:s for
c$allengers and flan6ers to i%+ro#e t$eir co%+etiti#e +ositions.
BE23, C$. 42 (?ffensi#e 2trategic (ar6et Plan)
C!C, 2$orin-R:, Case
0 - &6 (9 De3e#!:e St)ate"!e
0oc,ses on %ar6et leaders and nic$ers. Considers w$: and $ow t$e: need to defend t$eir +osition.
BE23, C$. 4 ("efensi#e 2trategic (ar6et Plan)
C!C, *ntel case
0 - %( (' Me$*)!a1 Da8 H*1!+a8
6 - & &; Re:!e?
6 - 2 9:%; @INAL EXAM C*:e) $ate)!a1 3)*$ M!+te)$
*ndi#id,al Cases - ;ssign%ents................................. 0H
)ro,+ Presentation - Re+ort...................................... 0H
E.a%inations .............................................................. 70H

Mktg 485 page 4 Spring 2004
St,+e#t A*).
G)*,4 P)ee#tat!*#
"e+ending on class si/e, t$e class will &e di#ided into gro,+s of -= st,dents. Eac$ gro,+
will &e res+onsi&le for for%erl: +resenting 4-2 cases to t$e class. *n addition, t$e gro,+s will
$and in a written anal:sis of t$e case.
I#+!:!+,a1 Cae
Eac$ st,dent is e.+ected to +re+are an a&&re#iated anal:sis of se#eral cases wit$ a list of
iss,es and reco%%endations. 3$e: will &e on call to +resent t$eir anal:sis to t$e class as well as
co%%ent on t$e gro,+ +resentation.
3$e e.a%s will test t$e %aterial +resented in t$e Best te.t &oo6.

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