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Goal 3: Monarchies

and Empires
What were the significant events,
people, and conditions in the
growth of monarchical and
imperial systems of Government?
Goodbye to Ancient
Hello Middle Ages!
► The “Fall of Rome” by the
5th Century AD ushered in
a new era and economic
system in Europe known
as Feudalism.
► This period from the 5th -
16th Century is known as
the Middle Ages,
Medieval Period, or the
Dark Ages.
Monarchies Grow in Europe
► During this period, monarchies develop
more definite territories in Europe and
slowly these kingdoms look more and
more like modern nation-states.
► Nation-states: an independent
geopolitical unit of people having a
common culture and identity (from pg.
687 of your textbook)
Map of Europe in 1500
Looking East to Asia…
► As monarchies grew in
Europe, dynasties and
empires flourished in
Asia between the 13th
and 19th centuries.
► We will look at the
following: Ming and
Manchu Dynasties,
Mongol Empire,
Ottoman Empire, and
the Mughal Empire.
Age of Colonialism
► Europeans begin
exploration in the
15th century which
leads to conquest.
► Opens the period of
Colonialism when
European countries
take over whole
sections of the globe
establishing colonies.
“Glory, God, and Gold”
► Colonies are supposed to provide wealth for the home country either
through discovery of gold or agriculture.
► Indigenous people suffer greatly at the hands of Europeans and in some
places nearly 100% of the native populations are killed.
New System of Trade Develops
Between Europe, Africa and
The Ugly Side of Colonialism
► The slave trade
becomes a global
system and cheap
labor source for
American colonies.
► Native populations
are murdered,
enslaved, displaced,
and exposed to
disease by
Europeans. Millions

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